Version of Mcdonald'S Big Mac Sauce ("Special Sauce") : Top Secret Recipes
Version of Mcdonald'S Big Mac Sauce ("Special Sauce") : Top Secret Recipes
Version of Mcdonald'S Big Mac Sauce ("Special Sauce") : Top Secret Recipes
by Todd Wilbur
If you like Big Macs, i 's probably because of !a as y "secre " spread !a is plopped on o bo ! decks of !e "orld's #os popular double$decker !a#burger% So "!a 's so special abou !is sauce& 'f er all, i 's basically (us !ousand island dressing, rig! & )re y #uc!% Bu !is sauce !as a bi #ore s"ee pickle relis! in i !an a ypical !ousand island salad sla !er% 'lso, I found !a !is clone co#es close o !e original "i ! !e inclusion of *renc! dressing% I 's an i#por an ingredien $$ ke c!up (us "on' do i % T!a , along "i ! a s"ee + sour flavor !a co#es fro# vinegar and sugar, #akes !is sauce go "ell on any of your !o#e burger crea ions, "!e !er !ey're Big Mac clones or no % T!is is !e closes "special sauce" clone you'll find%%%any"!ere% ,-. cup #ayonnaise . ablespoons *renc! dressing / easpoons s"ee pickle relis! , ablespoon finely #inced "!i e onion , easpoon "!i e vinegar , easpoon sugar ,-0 easpoon sal ,% 1o#bine all of !e ingredien s in a s#all bo"l% S ir "ell% .% )lace sauce in a covered con ainer and refrigera e for several !ours, or overnig! , so !a !e flavors blend% S ir !e sauce a couple of i#es as i c!ills%