Neyyar DST
Neyyar DST
Neyyar DST
)( "#") P&o*ect Title + ,eo-en.i&on/ental App&ai!al of Neyya& and A&0.i11a&a 2a/ 3it' !pecial Refe&ence to 4ate& S0pply Sc'e/e! in T'i&0.anant'ap0&a/ 2i!t&ict5 6e&ala State + + + 79 /ont'! + "75 9:5"##;+ + + + En.i&on/ental Scienti!t +
"#%) B&oad S0b*ect "#7) S0b A&ea "#8) 20&ation in /ont'! "#:) Total co!t "#9) FE Co/ponent "#<) P&o*ect Cate=o&y 111. Principal Inv. ""%) 2e!i=nation ""7) 2epa&t/ent ""8) In!tit0te Na/e "":) Add&e!! ""9) 2ate of Bi&t'+ Se> (M;F) ""<) Telep'one Fa> ,&a/ e-/ail
+ + +
118. Co-Investigator ""$) 2e!i=nation "%#) 2epa&t/ent+ "%") In!tit0te Na/e+ "%%) Add&e!!+ "%7) 2ate of Bi&t'+ Se> (M;F) "%8) Telep'one Fa> ,&a/ e-/ail
+ + + + + +
125. Co-Investigator "%9) 2e!i=nation "%<) 2epa&t/ent "%?) In!tit0te Na/e+ "%$) Add&e!! "7#) 2ate of Bi&t'+ Se> (M;F) "7") Telep'one Fa> ,&a/ e-/ail
: + + +@ + +
191. Project summary (ma imum 15! "or#s$ T'i&0.anant'ap0&a/ 3ate& !0pply !c'e/e i! one of t'e ea&lie!t 3ate& !0pply !c'e/e! of t'e State 3'ic' 3a! co//i!!ioned in "$77) T'e 6a&a/ana Ri.e& p&o.ide! !o0&ce) A !to&a=e &e!e&.oi& ac&o!! t'e &i.e& at A&0.i11a&a !0pplie! 3ate& to t'e !c'e/e) T'i! 3a! de!i=ned to !e&.e a pop0lation of "5 7:5###) Since t'en5 t'e &eA0i&e/ent! 'a.e been inc&ea!ed /anifold a! t'e 0&ban li/it! 'a.e been e>tended =&eatly and t'e pop0lation 'a! =one 0p /0c' abo.e t'e anticipated fi=0&e!) Bence5 an a0=/entation !c'e/e fo& !e&.in= an 0lti/ate pop0lation of 9)8 la1'! 'a! been ta1en 0p by t'e ,o.e&n/ent) T'e 0lti/ate de/and of 3ate& 3a! $# MC2 and i! to be !0pplied f&o/ t'e A&0.i11a&a da/) T'i! !c'e/e &ecei.e! 3ate& f&o/ an a&ea of %8% 1/ %) Acco&din= to t'e inc&ea!e in need!5 an a0=/entation !c'e/e 3a! co//i!!ioned at Peppa&a 3'ic' i! abo0t "9 1/ 0p!t&ea/ of t'e e>i!tin= A&0.i11a&a da/ in "$$%) T'i! !c'e/e i/po0nd! and a0=/ent! 3ate& f&o/ a catc'/ent! a&ea of ?9 1/ % )F&o/ "$$< on3a&d! a /ini 'ydal p&o*ect of 7 M4 i! al!o &0nnin= alon= 3it' t'i! a0=/entation !c'e/e by t'e 0!a=e of tail 3ate&) Fo&t0nately5 t'e State i! ble!!ed 3it' a copio0! &ainfallD b0t $#E of t'i! occ0&! d0&in= t'e lo3 &ainy !ea!on! 3'ic' a&e !p&ead o.e& a pe&iod of abo0t !i> /ont'!) 2o/inant po&tion of t'e 3ate& =ained by p&ecipitation i! 3a!'ed in to t'e lo3 lyin= a&ea! o& !ea d0e to p'y!io=&ap'y of t'e te&&ain5 !teepne!! and !'o&tne!! of t'e &i.e& c'annel!) 20&in= !0//e& /ont'!5 t'e flo3 in t'e &i.e&! d3indle! and a! /o!t of t'e &i.e&! *oin t'e la1e! o& la=oon! 3'ic' a&e connected to t'e !ea5 conta/ination of t'e &i.e& 3ate& by !aline 3ate& int&0!ion /a1e! it 0n!0itable fo& d&in1in= and ot'e& p0&po!e!) Bence adeA0ate A0antity of 3ate& 'a! nece!!a&ily to be !to&ed a! &e!e&.e) ) T'e &eA0i&e/ent! fo& do/e!tic 3ate& !0pply 'a.e to be /et f&o/ t'e yield a.ailable in t'e &i.e& ba!in! 3'et'e& it i! f&o/ t'e !0&face flo3 o& f&o/ =&o0nd 3ate& &e!o0&ce!) Fo& en!0&in= t'e !0pply of 3ate& fo& t'i! p0&po!e5 it i! t'e&efo&e nece!!a&y to ea&/a&1 t'e !0fficient A0antitie!
f&o/ t'e yield a.ailable in eac' &i.e& ba!in fo& t'e anticipated de/and! of t'e pop0lation in t'e ba!in) Fo& calc0latin= t'e &eA0i&e/ent of 3ate& fo& do/e!tic !0pply5 t'e pe&!pecti.e pop0lation in t'e yea& %#:" 'a! been ta1en into acco0nt) 192. %ey "or#s (ma imum &$ 21!. Intro#uction (un#er t'e (ollo"ing 'ea#s$ T'e State 6e&ala 'a! all t'e c'a&acte&i!tic! of a di!tinct =eo=&ap'ic 0nit 3it'in t'e Indian !0bcontinent T'e State co/p&i!e! a na&&o3 !t&ip of land 3it' an a&ea of 7?5?97 1/ %5 e>tendin= bet3een No&t' latit0de! ?F "<G 7#H and "%F %<G 8#H and Ea!t lon=it0de! <8F :"G :<H and <<F %8G 8<H) T'e 4e!te&n ,'at!5 3it' t'e /a=nificent a&&ay of !1y-!ca&pin= pea1! on t'e ea!t5 and t'e Ca1!'ad3eep Sea 3a!'in= it! !'o&e on t'e 3e!t a&e t'e nat0&al bo0nda&ie! of t'e State5 p&o.idin= it di!tincti.e p'y!ical feat0&e!) T'e State i! ble!!ed 3it' 88 &i.e&! in 3'ic' 8" a&e flo3in= to3a&d! 3e!t) T'e !t&ea/! o&i=inatin= f&o/ t'e 4e!te&n ,'at! a&e !'o&t and !3ift-flo3in=5 !'o3in= .a&io0! !ta=e! of =&adation) Re*0.enation of t'e catc'/ent! a&ea i! clo!ely lin1ed 3it' t'e 4e!t Coa!t fa0ltin= and late& ad*0!t/ent!) T'e fi.e /a*o& &i.e&!5 na/ely Pe&iya& (%87 1/)5 B'a&at'ap0I'a (%#$ 1/)5 Pa/ba ("<9 1/)5 C'aliya& ("9$ 1/) and C'ala110dy ("7# 1/) to=et'e& d&ain abo0t 8#E of t'e =eo=&ap'ical a&ea of t'e State)
211. )rigin o( t'e proposal T'e &i.e& ba!in! !elected fo& !t0dy a&e located in t'e So0t'e&n po&tion of t'e State 6e&ala) T'e!e ad*acent ba!in! a&e /o&e o& le!! confined to t'e T'i&0.anant'ap0&a/ 2i!t&ict5 t'e capital di!t&ict of 6e&ala) T'e Neyya& &i.e& ba!in5 t'e So0t'e&n /o!t ba!in of 6e&ala5 !'o3! an inte&-!tate &elation!'ip 3it' t'e nei='bo&in= Ta/il Nad0) It boa&de&! 3it' t'e 6a&a/ana &i.e& ba!in in t'e No&t') T'e Neyya& &i.e& ba!in 'a! an a&ea of 8$< 1/ %) T'e !i>t' o&de& &i.e& o&i=inate! f&o/ A=a!t'ya Bill!) F&o/ t'e&e it flo3! &apidly alon= fallin= te&&ain in t'e 'i='e& &eac'e! and t'&o0=' al/o!t flat co0nt&y in t'e tail end) It flo3! in a !o0t'3e!te&ly di&ection in t'e /o0ntaino0! &e=ion and t'en ta1e! a 3e!te&ly co0&!e 0p to Otta!e1'a&a/an=ala/ 3'e&e it a=ain t0&n! 3e!t and f&o/ Jalappalli1ona/ t&ace! a !o0t'-3e!te&ly co0&!e till it e/ptie! into t'e Ca1!'ad3eep Sea) T'e len=t' of Neyya& i! :9 1/) T'e i/po&tant t&ib0ta&ie! a&e 6alla& and 6a&a.ali A&) T'e&e i! a da/ in Neyya& &i.e& at C'e/apila/ood0 fo& i&&i=ational p0&po!e)
6a&a/ana &i.e& ba!in i! bo0nded by t'e Ja/anap0&a/ &i.e& ba!in on t'e No&t' and by t'e Neyya& ba!in on t'e So0t') T'e ba!in 'a! an a&ea of <#7 1/ %) T'e catc'/ent! a&ea lie! enti&ely 3it'in t'e State) T'e !i>t' o&de& 6a&a/ana Ri.e& 'a! it! o&i=in f&o/ C'e//0n*i Mottai and A=a!t'ya Bill! and flo3! a !o0t'e&ly di&ection of flo3 and fall! into t'e Ca1!'ad3eep Sea nea& Pac'alloo& in T'i&0.anant'ap0&a/ di!t&ict) T'e &i.e& i! fo&/ed by t'e confl0ence of t'e 6a.i A&5 t'e Attai A&5 t'e Jaiyapadi A& and t'e Todai A& )T'e len=t' of t'e &i.e& i! 9? 1/) T'e&e a&e t3o &e!e&.oi&! fo& do/e!tic 3ate& !0pply at Peppa&a and A&0.i11a&a in 6a&a/ana Ri.e&) T'e fo&/e& i! an a0=/entation !c'e/e fo& t'e latte&) O3in= to non-a.ailability of p&otected 3ate& !0pply5 people in t'e State e.en in !o/e of t'e 0&ban a&ea! 3e&e con!t&ained to 0!e t'e &a3 3ate& a.ailable f&o/ !0&face and !0b-!0&face !o0&ce! fo& d&in1in= and do/e!tic p0&po!e!) In t'e 0pland &e=ion!5 t'e condition! a&e fa& f&o/ !ati!facto&y) People 'a.e to depend .e&y often on deep 3ell! 3'ic' =et d&ied 0p d0&in= t'e !0//e& /ont'!) T'e!e facto&! 'a.e pa.ed t'e 3ay fo& t'e e!tabli!'/ent of 3ate& !0pply !c'e/e in /any to3n and .illa=e! !e&.in= la1'! of people) T'e 0lti/ate ai/ of t'e ,o.e&n/ent i! to p&o.ide d&in1in= 3ate& !0pply to all t'e 0&ban and &0&al pop0lation of t'e Sate on a !0!tained ba!i! ta1in= into con!ide&ation t'e p&o!pecti.e pop0lation fo& t'e co/in= yea&!) Neyya& I&&i=ation P&o*ect5 t'e only one co//i!!ioned /a*o& p&o*ect in t'e ba!in5 'a! planned to i&&i=ate ":5:%# 'a of land! to t'e ba!in) Of t'i! a&ea5 7<?# Ba a&e in Ta/il Nad0 (6anya10/a&i 2i!t&ict) and t'e &e!t i! in 6e&ala5 o0t of 3'ic' 788# 'a a&e 3etland!) T'e p&o*ect &ecei.e! 3ate& f&o/ an a&ea of "8# 1/ %) T'e Neyya& i&&i=ation p&o*ect con!i!t! /ainly of a !t&ai='t =&a.ity /a!on&y da/ ac&o!! t'e Neyya& Ri.e& at C'e/apila/ood0 and a di!t&ib0tion !y!te/ con!i!tin= of t'e left ban1 and &i='t ban1 canal! 3it' a n0/be& of b&anc' canal! and di!t&ib0ta&ie!) T'e p&o*ect 3a! co//i!!ioned in "$:<) On t'e 0p!t&ea/ !ide of t'e e>i!tin= Neyya& &e!e&.oi&5 t'e&e i! a !ite p&opo!ed fo& con!t&0ction of a da/) T'e Uppe& Neyya& P&o*ect a! t'i! !c'e/e i! called can not only a0=/ent t'e e>i!tin= Neyya& i&&i=ation p&o*ect b0t al!o benefit an additional a&ea of abo0t 7### 'a of land! no3 not co.e&ed by t'e e>i!tin= p&o*ect) B0t t'i! i! !till in t'e d&a3in= boa&d of State I&&i=ation 2epa&t/ent) No /a*o& i&&i=ation o& 'ydal 3o&1! e>i!t in t'e ba!in and t'e&e a&e al!o no /a*o& 3o&1! 0nde& e>ec0tion in t'e 6a&a/ana Ri.e& )T'e i&&i=ation facilitie! a&e p&o.ided by a fe3 n0/be& of /ino& i&&i=ation !c'e/e! 3'ic' benefit abo0t ?:# 'a of land! fo& t3o c&op!) T3o /ain da/! a&e con!t&0cted5 one i! at A&0.i11a&a and ot'e& i! at Peppa&a5 !it0ated in t'e 0p!t&ea/ of A&0.i11a&a &e!e&.oi&5 fo& /eetin= t'e do/e!tic 3ate& !0pply t'&o0='o0t t'e T'i&0.anant'ap0&a/ city)
212. *e(inition o( t'e pro+lem 21,. )+jective En.i&on/ental de=&adation 3ill ce&tainly affect t'e e>i!tence of t'e!e &e!e&.oi&!) E>ce!!i.e !oil e&o!ion d0e to ant'&opo=enic acti.itie! and nat0&al defo&e!tation 3ill &e!0lt t'e e>ce!!i.e !iltation 3it'in t'e &e!e&.oi&) It 3ill e.ent0ally &ed0ce t'e life a! 3ell a! t'e capacity of t'i! &e!e&.oi&) Un!cientific and e>ce!!i.e land 0!e p&actice! li1e plantation! 3it'in t'e catc'/ent! 3ill ce&tainly affect t'e A0ality of 3ate& 3it'in t'e &e!e&.oi& and finally t'e p0blic 'ealt') In o&de& to /ini/iIe t'e!e ad.e&!e effect! ce&tain /ana=e/ent /ea!0&e! li1e Catc'/ent A&ea T&eat/ent (CAT) !'o0ld be p&acticed) T'e!e /ana=e/ent /ea!0&e! can be effecti.ely i/ple/ented alon= t'e do3n!t&ea/ po&tion! al!o to en!0&e t'e acti.ene!! of t'e &i.e&) T'e !t0dy i! ai/ed to A) Co/pile and e.al0ate t'e en.i&on/ental data of t'e !t0dy a&ea!) T'e!e 3ill be co/pa&ed 3it' a.ailable data &elated to p&e-da/ !it0ation and t'e&eby p&edict t'e t&end of e.ol0tion in /ain en.i&on/ental do/ain!) B) St0dy i! de!i=ned to identify en.i&on/entally 'ot!pot! and !0==e!tion of /iti=ati.e /ea!0&e! to /ini/iIe t'e de=&ee of i/pact on t'e en.i&on/ental do/ain!) C) Identification of c&itical !lope!5 !oil e&o!ion p&one a&ea! !'o0ld be done) 2) C'an=e! in &i.e& a! 3ell a! land /o&p'olo=y d0e to ant'&opo=enic a! 3ell a! nat0&al acti.itie! 0p to " 1/ do3n!t&ea/ !t&etc' 3ill be ca&ef0lly e.al0ated) E) St&ai='tenin= a /eande& at Olat'anni in t'e do3n!t&ea/ po&tion of Neyya& &e!e&.oi& i! a notable ant'&opo=enic acti.ity 3it'in t'e Neyya& ba!in and e>ce!!i.e clay and !and /inin= alon= t'e &e!e&.oi& a! 3ell a! do3n!t&ea/ of bot' Neyya& and A&0.i11a&a need !pecial attention5
22!. -evie" o( status o( -esearc' an# *evelopment in t'e su+ject 221. International status T'e f&e!'3ate& la1e! a&e t'e /i&&o&! of nationG! ci.iliIation and c0lt0&e and act a! an inte=&al pa&t of t'e !ocio-econo/ic f&a/e of t'e 'o!tin= &e=ion by playin= .ital &ole! in t'e 'yd&olo=ical5 biolo=ical and bio=eoc'e/ical a!pect! of t'e en.i&on/ent (4etIel5 "$<:))Ca1e! 'a.e !e&.ed /an1ind !ince 'i!to&ical ti/e! a! a=&ic0lt0&e 'ad it! be=innin= in t'e floodplain! of Nile5 Ind0! and ot'e& &i.e&!) Ma*o& a&c'eolo=ical !ite! of '0/an ci.iliIation &e.eal! ea&ly !ettlin= of '0/an bein=! alon= floodplain!) Mo!t &i.e&! in Af&ica flo3 into la1e! 3'ic' 'a.e o&i=inated
/illion! of yea&! a=o) Ca1e Tan=aniya1a5 Ca1e ,eo&=e and =&eat n0/be& of deep la&=e la1e! a&e 0nde& t'&eat d0e to ant'&opo=enic infl0ence!) Ca1e Bai1al5 A&al Sea and t'e =&eat la1e! of U)S)A a&e no e>ception! (2ina& et al)5 "$$:)) Sand /inin= and ot'e& ant'&opo=enic acti.itie! of f&e!' 3ate& la1e! &e!o0&ce! ca0!e! decline of it ca&&yin= capacity) O.e& =&aIin= by do/e!tic ani/al! i! co//on and /o!t affect 3etland! ad.e&!ely) Cand 0!e p&actice! !0c' a! a=&ic0lt0&e5 /inin=5 etc &e=0lation of 3ate& flo3!5 and di!po!al of do/e!tic !e3a=e and ind0!t&ial effl0ent! de=&ade and &ed0ce t'e 3etland! (Ca&pente& and Ba&pe&5 "$?$)) E>otic !pecie! (e=)5 3ate& 'yacint'5 !al.inia5 ipo/oea5 =&a!! ca&p and =a/b0!ia) a&e al!o a /a*o& t'&eat to 3etland! d0e to t'e inp0t of e>ce!! n0t&ient! in to t'e la1e !y!te/! (2i>on and Fallon5 "$?$)) T'e&efo&e /ana=e/ent &eA0i&e! a p&ope& a!!e!!/ent of f0nction! and .al0e! of t'e f&e!'3ate&5 to=et'e& 3it' an 0nde&!tandin= of t&aditional /ana=e/ent p&actice! and acti.e pa&ticipation of all !ta1e'olde&! and co//0nitie!) 4ate& and aA0atic &e!o0&ce! a&e c&itical to t'e !0& of '0/an1ind) 4etland to=et'e& 3it' t'ei& a!!ociated aA0atic eco!y!te/ need! 0&=ent attention fo& p&e.entin= t'ei& f0&t'e& de=&adation and lo!! of .al0able biodi.e&!ity (B&oo1! et al)5 "$$$)) 4ate& &e!o0&ce! /ana=e/ent 'a! beco/e a /a*o& p&oble/ to be tac1led on an e/e&=ency ba!i!5 !ince it i! an e!!ential in=&edient fo& '0/an !0& Fo& cent0&ie!5 '0/an !ocietie! 'a.e e>ploited t'e nat0&al benefit! p&o.ided by la1e! 3it'o0t /0c' 0nde&!tandin= on 'o3 t'e!e eco!y!te/! f0nction and /aintain it! .itality) Today5 3it' e.e& inc&ea!in= de/and! bein= /ade on la1e! and &i.e&! by an e>ponentially inc&ea!in= '0/an pop0lation5 a ba!ic ecolo=ical 0nde&!tandin= of t'e !t&0ct0&e and dyna/ic! of t'e!e aA0atic !y!te/! i! e!!ential fo& fo&/0latin= /ana=e/ent !t&ate=ie! and policy deci!ion! (,&e=o&y and 4allin=5 "$<7D S'a&/a and 2i>on5 "$$:)) 222. .ational /tatus T'e !t0dy of f&e!'3ate& la1e! on t'e Indian !0bcontinent 'a! in &ecent yea&! beco/e inc&ea!in=ly /o&e i/po&tant) Only d0&in= &ecent decade! an e/p'a!i! on e>ploitation and /odification fo& =&eate& econo/ic &et0&n! 'a! ca0!ed /0c' da/a=e to /any of t'e Indian la1e! (e)=) 6olle&0 la1e5 2al la1e5 B0!!ain!a=a& la1e5 Udaip0& la1e5 Nainital la1e5 B'o* la1e5 Ba&i1e la1e5 Co1ta1 la1e5 Je/banad0 la1e etc)))T'e /a*o& i!!0e! a&e 5enc&oac'/ent5 inc&ea!ed !ilt load ca0!in= t'e !'&in1in= of 3ate& body5 t'&eatened by a=&ic0lt0&al c'e/ical!5 to>ic effl0ent!5 in!ecticide and pe!ticide &e!id0e!5 do/e!tic !e3a=e!5 &ed0ction in 3ate&fo3l and =&o3t' of 3ate& 'yacint'5 decline in fi!' p&od0ction5 'ea.y /etal acc0/0lation and !o on (Unni5%##%)) Mana=e/ent and con!e&.ation of t'e la1e! all o.e& t'e 3o&ld i! 0t/o!t i/po&tant o3in= to /eet t'e need! of f0t0&e =ene&ation! to 0!e and en*oy fo& all t'ei& need!;benefit! (B'at5 "$?$))Fo& t'i!5
t'e&e !'o0ld be adeA0ate data of t'e 3ate& body i! needed 3'ic' incl0de bot' 3ate& and !edi/ent A0ality !ince t'e!e pa&a/ete&! !'ed li='t on to t'e en.i&on/ental poll0tion and it! i/pact on t'e eco!y!te/ (Ra*o&a5 "$??)) A! an open =eo/o&p'olo=ic !y!te/5 a la1e p&o.ide! a 0niA0e oppo&t0nity to !t0dy+ ") t'e inte&&elation!'ip bet3een landfo&/! and p&oce!!e!5 %) t'e /0lti.a&iate c'a&acte& of /any =eo=&ap'ic p'eno/ena5 and 7) t'e total p'y!ical en.i&on/ent in t'e conte>t of /anG! ad*0!t/ent 3it' t'e en.i&on/ent d0e to t'e biop'y!ical inte&lin1a=e and t'ei& &elation fo& econo/ic acti.itie!5 t'e plannin= fo& @S2G !'o0ld be inte=&ated 0!in= t'e la1e ba!in a! a plannin= 0nit (60/a&an5 "$$8D Sin='5"$$9D Ra*o&a5"$$?)) 22,. Importance o( t'e propose# project in t'e conte t o( current status T'i&0.anant'ap0&a/ 3ate& !0pply !c'e/e i! one of t'e ea&lie!t 3ate& !0pply !c'e/e! of t'e State 3'ic' 3a! co//i!!ioned in "$77) T'e 6a&a/ana Ri.e& p&o.ide! !o0&ce) A !to&a=e &e!e&.oi& ac&o!! t'e &i.e& at A&0.i11a&a !0pplie! 3ate& to t'e !c'e/e) T'i! 3a! de!i=ned to !e&.e a pop0lation of "5 7:5###) Since t'en5 t'e &eA0i&e/ent! 'a.e been inc&ea!ed /anifold a! t'e 0&ban li/it! 'a.e been e>tended =&eatly and t'e pop0lation 'a! =one 0p /0c' abo.e t'e anticipated fi=0&e!) Bence5 an a0=/entation !c'e/e fo& !e&.in= an 0lti/ate pop0lation of 9)8 la1'! 'a! been ta1en 0p by t'e ,o.e&n/ent) T'e 0lti/ate de/and of 3ate& 3a! $# MC2 and i! to be !0pplied f&o/ t'e A&0.i11a&a da/) T'i! !c'e/e &ecei.e! 3ate& f&o/ an a&ea of %8% 1/ %) Acco&din= to t'e inc&ea!e in need!5 an a0=/entation !c'e/e 3a! co//i!!ioned at Peppa&a 3'ic' i! abo0t "9 1/ 0p!t&ea/ of t'e e>i!tin= A&0.i11a&a da/ in "$$%) T'i! !c'e/e i/po0nd! and a0=/ent! 3ate& f&o/ a catc'/ent! a&ea of ?9 1/ % )F&o/ "$$< on3a&d! a /ini 'ydal p&o*ect of 7 M4 i! al!o &0nnin= alon= 3it' t'i! a0=/entation !c'e/e by t'e 0!a=e of tail 3ate&) Fo&t0nately5 t'e State i! ble!!ed 3it' a copio0! &ainfallD b0t $#E of t'i! occ0&! d0&in= t'e lo3 &ainy !ea!on! 3'ic' a&e !p&ead o.e& a pe&iod of abo0t !i> /ont'!) 2o/inant po&tion of t'e 3ate& =ained by p&ecipitation i! 3a!'ed in to t'e lo3 lyin= a&ea! o& !ea d0e to p'y!io=&ap'y of t'e te&&ain5 !teepne!! and !'o&tne!! of t'e &i.e& c'annel! 20&in= !0//e& /ont'!5 t'e flo3 in t'e &i.e&! d3indle! and a! /o!t of t'e &i.e&! *oin t'e la1e! o& la=oon! 3'ic' a&e connected to t'e !ea5 conta/ination of t'e &i.e& 3ate& by !aline 3ate& int&0!ion /a1e! it 0n!0itable fo& d&in1in= and ot'e& p0&po!e!) Bence adeA0ate A0antity of 3ate& 'a! nece!!a&ily to be !to&ed a! &e!e&.e) ) T'e &eA0i&e/ent! fo& do/e!tic 3ate& !0pply 'a.e to be /et f&o/ t'e yield a.ailable in t'e &i.e& ba!in! 3'et'e& it i! f&o/ t'e !0&face flo3 o& f&o/ =&o0nd 3ate& &e!o0&ce!) Fo& en!0&in= t'e !0pply of 3ate& fo& t'i! p0&po!e5 it i! t'e&efo&e nece!!a&y to ea&/a&1 t'e !0fficient A0antitie! f&o/ t'e yield a.ailable in eac' &i.e& ba!in fo& t'e anticipated de/and! of t'e pop0lation in t'e
ba!in) Fo& calc0latin= t'e &eA0i&e/ent of 3ate& fo& do/e!tic !0pply5 t'e pe&!pecti.e pop0lation in t'e yea& %#:" 'a! been ta1en into acco0nt) 220. -evie" o( e pertise availa+le "it' propose# investigating group1institution in t'e su+ject o( t'e project 225. Patent #etails (#omestic an# international$ 2,!. 2or3 plan 4irst 5ear 6$ 4iel# survey (sample collection an# sample preparation$ ") P&eli/ina&y field !t0die! of t'e a&ea (to acA0aint t'e .a&io0! en.i&on/ental condition!)) It i! decided to collect t'e &ele.ant a.ailable !econda&y info&/ation &eA0i&ed fo& t'i! !t0dy f&o/ t'e enti&e la1e ba!in!5 incl0din= t'e local bodie! !0&&o0ndin= t'e la1e!5 local &e!o0&ce! 0!e&! etc) %) Collection of !edi/ent! f&o/ la1ebed! and collection of !0&face 3ate&5 botto/ 3ate& !a/ple! and inte&!titial !a/ple!) Ut/o!t ca&e 3o0ld be e>e&ci!ed d0&in= t'e collection and p&e!e&.ation of !a/ple! a! 3ell a! t'e doc0/entation of p&eli/ina&y info&/ation) T'e !a/plin= i! to be ca&&ied o0t d0&in= p&e/on!oon5 /on!oon and po!t /on!oon !ea!on! of t'e fi&!t yea& of t'e p&o*ect pe&iod) 7$ 8a+oratory investigations:") T'e analytical pa&t! incl0din= t'e dete&/ination of .a&io0! p'y!ico-c'e/ical! c'a&acte&i!tic! !t0die! of !a/ple! incl0din= t'at of !0&face 3ate&5 botto/ 3ate& and inte&!titial 3ate& ('yd&oc'e/i!t&y)) Mic&obiolo=ical analy!i! fo& t'e dete&/ination of total colifo&/! i! al!o to be ca&&ied o0t) T'e 'ea.y /etal concent&ation 3ill be dete&/ined 0!in= AAS) Analy!i! of t'e !edi/ent !a/ple! fo& dete&/inin= t'e te>t0&al facie! a! 3ell a! n0t&ient !tat0! al!o to be done) %) T'e pe!ticide concent&ation in t'e la1e 3ate&! dete&/ined t'o0=' =a! c'&o/ato=&ap'ic analy!i! (Fo& t'e!e % lite&! of eac' 3ate& !a/ple! !'o0ld 'a.e to !ent to an ad.anced c'e/ical labo&ato&y 3'ic' i! ' t'e ,C facilitie!)) 7) ,eoc'e/ical !t0die!5 co/p&i!in= t'e e!ti/ation of .a&io0! pa&a/ete&! li1e C-o&=5 Ca5 M=5 and Na content in t'e la1e !edi/ent!) Al!o t'e 'ea.y /etal concent&ation !t0die! of t'e !edi/ent !a/ple! 0!in= Ato/ic Ab!o&ption Spect&op'oto/ete&) Sedi/entolo=ical !t0die! incl0din= =&an0lo/et&ic analy!i!) T'i! i! to be contin0ed in t'e !econd yea& too) T'e .a&io0! /et'od! e/ployed in t'e analy!i! of !a/ple i! =i.en in Table " and Table %) /econ# 5ear ") Analy!i! of t'e !oil;!edi/ent! !a/ple! fo& dete&/inin= t'e te>t0&al facie! a! 3ell a! n0t&ient !tat0!)
%) It i! decided to collect t'e &ele.ant a.ailable !econda&y info&/ation &eA0i&ed fo& t'i! !t0dy f&o/ t'e enti&e la1e ba!in5 incl0din= t'e local bodie! a&o0nd t'e la1e and local &e!ident!) 7) Co/p0tation of &e!0lt!) Ad.anced !tatically co/p0tational tec'niA0e! (co&&elation5 &e=&e!!ion5 cl0!te& analy!i!5 facto& analy!i!5 conta/ination facto&5 en&ic'/ent facto&5 poll0tion load inde>5 =eoacc0/0lation inde>5 etc)) a&e to be 0!ed fo& d&a3in= &eA0i&ed info&/ation) 9'ir# 5ear ") T'e/atic /ap! !0c' a! =eolo=y5 =eo/o&p'olo=y 5&elief5 te&&ain !y!te/5 !lope5 d&aina=e net3o&15 !oil c'a&acte&i!tic! of t'e catc'/ent! li1e !oil type!5 !0&face !oil te>t0&e5 !oil dept'5 !oil a.ailable 3ate& 'oldin= capacity5 !oil d&aina=e5 land capability5 land i&&i=ability5 land 0!e;land co.e&5 'yd&o=eolo=y5 bat'y/et&y etc) 3ill be p&epa&ed on ,IS platfo&/) S0&.ey of India topo!'eet!5 Ci!! III FCC =eocoded and pan =eocoded i/a=e! of IRS I-C and I-2 p&od0ct! can be 0!ed fo& t'e p&epa&ation of .a&io0! t'e/atic /ap!) Field c'ec1! 3ill be done to .e&ify t'e .alidity of t'e &e/otely !en!ed data) %) Inte=&ation of .a&io0! t'e/atic /ap! and data table!) Ba!ed on t'i!5 t'e final &epo&t 3ill be p&epa&ed5 p&o*ectin= t'e c'an=e! in t'e !cena&io5 a! t'e .a&io0! acti.itie! incl0din= bot' ant'&opo=enic and fo&/0lated fo& t'e !0!tainable de.elop/ent of t'e Jellayani f&e!'3ate& 3etland !y!te/ of 6e&ala !tate) 2,1. :et'o#ology 2iffe&ent /et'od! !'o0ld be 0!ed to ca&&yo0t t'e !t0dy in a !y!te/atic /anne&) T'e en.i&on/ental 'ot !pot!5 endan=e&ed ite/! and i/po&tant ob*ect! 3ill be ca&ef0lly /apped by 0!in= ,PS (,lobal Po!itionin= Sy!te/) !oil and 3ate& at diffe&ent place! 3ill be analy!ed fo& =ettin= t'e c'e/i!t&y) T'e &e!e&.oi& botto/ !'o0ld be /apped to =et an idea abo0t t'e life of t'e &e!e&.oi&!) Int&od0ction of USCE (Uni.e&!al Soil Co!! EA0ation) and SKI LSilt Kield Inde> /et'od! !'o0ld be done to A0antify and A0alify t'e !oil e&o!ion f&o/ t'e catc'/ent!) E>ten!i.e field !0&.ey 3ill be cond0cted to c&o!! c'ec1 t'e detail! 3'ic' a&e obtained f&o/ t'e ba!e /ap! !0c' a! topo=&ap'ic /ap!) Map! of diffe&ent pe&iod! 3ill be 0!ed to find o0t t'e t&end of e.ol0tion) 2iffe&ent pe&iod! of !atellite i/a=e&ie! 3ill be 0!ed to identify t'e .e=etation c'a&acte&i!tic! p&e!ent in t'e!e a&ea!) All t'e data a&e analyIed t'&o0=' ,eo=&ap'ical Info&/ation 3ill be p&e!ented in Ceopold EIA /at&i>) 2,2. )rganisation o( "or3 elements
4irst year:
P&eli/ina&y field !t0die!5 collection of !edi/ent! f&o/ la1ebed! and collection of !0&face 3ate&5 botto/ 3ate& !a/ple! and inte&!titial !a/ple!)
/econ# year:
Analy!i! of t'e !oil;!edi/ent!) Seconda&y info&/ation f&o/ t'e enti&e la1e ba!in5 local bodie! a&o0nd t'e la1e and local &e!ident!) Co/p0tation of &e!0lt! fo& d&a3in= &eA0i&ed info&/ation)
9'ir# year:
Inte=&ation of .a&io0! t'e/atic /ap! and data table! fo& t'e !0!tainable de.elop/ent of t'e Jellayani f&e!'3ate& 3etland !y!te/ of 6e&ala !tate)
2,,. 9ime sc'e#ule o( activities giving milestones (also appen# to +ar #iagram an# mar3 it as /ection 01!$ Timeline with Years (Y) and Quarters (Q) Duration = 3 years Y = year, Q = Quarter (3 months )
2or3 plan K" M" K" M% K" M7 K" M8
K" M"
K" M%
K" M7
K" M8
9'ir# year:
Inte=&ation of .a&io0! t'e/atic /ap! and data table! fo& t'e !0!tainable de.elop/ent of t'e Jellayani f&e!'3ate& 3etland !y!te/ of 6e&ala !tate)
K" M"
K" M%
K" M7
K" M8
2,0. /uggeste# plan o( action (or utili<ation o( researc' outcome e pecte# (rom t'e project.
Item n
Rescurrin 1.!alaries"#a es 2. $onsuma%les 3. Tra&el '. (t)er costs E*uipment Grand total (A+B) Total ,E$ 85#?5### %5:#5### "5:#5### "5##5### 85:#5### 85#?5### "5##5### "5##5### "5##5### :#5### 85#?5### "5##5### :#5### :#5### "%5%85### 85:#5### 75##5### %5:#5### :5##5###
LFEC- Fo&ei=n E>c'an=e Co/ponent Fo&ei=n E>c'an=e co/ponent (in USN) eA0i.alent of &0pee a/o0nt at t'e p&e.ailin= &ate! /ay be f0&ni!'ed) N)B) Ent&ie! 'e&e !'o0ld /atc' 3it' t'o!e =i.en in !ection 7"# to 7:#D J0!tification fo& eac' ite/ i! to be =i.en in Section follo3in= it t'at i! !ection 7""5 7%"5 77"5 78" and 7:") ,1!. 7=*>?9 4)- /686-I?/126>?/
L/)/)+/an /ont'! to be =i.en 3it'in b&ac1et! befo&e t'e b0d=et a/o0nt ,11. Austi(ication (or t'e manpo"er reBuirement. ,2!. 7=*>?9 4)- C)./=:678? :69?-I68/ 7=*>?9 Item (I. -=P??/$ 9otal C5@!!!1 12@5!!1 25@!!!
LFla/e p'oto/ete& 2i=ital P' /ete& L2i=ital 4ei='in= balance L BO2 inc0bato& Spect&o p'oto/ete& Bot ai& o.en! Cent&if0=e M0lti pa&a/ete& Bot Plate
2- 1
"75### 7#5###
B-,--9otal 7 4
LM+ M0antity o& n0/be&5 LL B0d=et5 LLLF+ Fo&ei=n E>c'an=e Co/ponent in USN ,21. Austi(ication (or costly consuma+le (i( not provi#e# (or in /ection 2,1 i.e. :et'o#ology$ ,,!. 7=*>?9 4)- 9-6D?8 7=*>?9 Tra&el ((nl1 inland tra&el) 1/9 5ear 1@5!@!!! 2.* 5ear 1@!!@!!! ,-* 5ear 5!@!!! (I. -=P??/$ 9otal ,@!!@!!!
,,1. Austi(ication (or intensive travel@ i( any: ..6 ,0!. 7=*>?9 4)- )9E?- C)/9/1C).9I.>?.CI?/ 1/9 5ear 1@!!@!!! 7=*>?9 2.* 5ear 1@!!@!!! ,-* 5ear 5!@!!! I. -=P??/ 9otal 2@5!@!!!
,01. Austi(ication (or speci(ic costs un#er ot'er costs@ i( any: ..6 ,5!. 7=*>?9 4)- ?F=IP:?.9
LFla/e p'oto/ete& CC)7<?;Elico L2i=ital P' /ete&) pB Te!te&7# L2i=ital 4ei='in= balance) BC-%%#B ;S'i/adI0 L BO2 Inc0bato&) BO2")O$E "##";Cabline LSpect&op'oto/ete& SC)"<<;Elico LBot ai& o.en Bo)"; Cabline LCent&if0=e)AAC")$9#%; Re/i) LM0lti pa&a/ete& )PCSTe!te& 7: LBot Plate
LMa=netic Sti&&e& GPe&!onal co/p0te& (CC2) 4it' P&inte& 2i=ital Ca/e&a Sony"#> optical Ioo/in= Mic&opipette! Eppendo&f
2 ,
0 5
C 8 9 1! 11 12 1,
G inclu#es transport@ insurance an# installation c'arges. ,51. Austi(ication (or t'e propose# eBuipment.
01!. 9ime /c'e#ule o( 6ctivities t'roug' 76- *iagram Timeline with Years (Y) and Quarters (Q) Duration = 3 years Y = year, Q = Quarter (3 months )
2or3 plan K" M" K" M% K" M7 K" M8
K" M"
K" M%
K" M7
K" M8
9'ir# year:
Inte=&ation of .a&io0! t'e/atic /ap! and data table! fo& t'e !0!tainable de.elop/ent of t'e Jellayani f&e!'3ate& 3etland !y!te/ of 6e&ala !tate)
K" M"
K" M%
K" M7
K" M8
02!. 8ist o( (acilities +eing e ten#e# +y parent institution(s$ (or t'e project implementation. 6$ In(rastructural 4acilities: /r..o 1 2 , 0 5 & C 8 9 1! 11 12 In(rastructural 4acility 2or3s'op 4acility 2ater H ?lectricity 8a+oratory /pace1 4urniture n Po"er >enerator n 6C -oom or 6C n 9elecommunication inclu#ing e-mail H 4a 9ransportation n 6#ministrative1 /ecretarial support n In(ormation (acilities li3e Internet1li+rary Computational (acilities n 6nimal1 >lass Eouse n 6ny ot'er special (acility +eing provi#e# 5es1.o1 .ot reBuire# 4ull or s'aring +asis Ke! Ke! Ke! NO Non AC Ke! Ke! Ke! Ke! Ke! No No
B) EA0ip/ent a.ailable 3it' t'e In!tit0te; ,&o0p; 2epa&t/ent; Ot'e& In!tit0te! fo& t'e p&o*ect+ 0,!. *etaile# 7io-#ata o( t'e Investigator(s$1Co-Investigator(s$ 05!. *etails o( -esearc' Projects +eing implemente#1 complete#1 su+mitte# +y t'e Investigator(s$1Co-Investigators inclu#ing Investigator(s$ .ame H Institute Project 9itle Project /tatus: Complete#-#uration@ perio# ((rom.... to.....$@ (un#ing agency an# total
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