Mathvocabulary
Mathvocabulary
Mathvocabulary
Meaning
two
around
hundred
kill
ten
separate
equal
carry,
bear
break
perform
billion
side
step,
stage
half
six
seven
join
side
thousand
measure
small
thousand
one
number
nine
eight
five
many
first
place,
put
four
five
six
seven
same
ball,
sphere
touch
three
one
turn
Example
biweekly
circumference
centimeter
homicide
decade
divide
equivalent,
equate
transfer
fraction
function
gigabyte
polygon
gradual,
gradient
hemisphere
hexagon
heptagon
junction
lateral
kilogram
metric
microscopic
millisecond
monocycle
numeral
nonagon
octagon
pentagon
polygon
primary
deposit,
position
quadrilateral
pentagon
sextuplet
septennial
similar
sphere,
hemisphere
tangent
triangle
unilateral
invert,
reverse
Addition
Sum
Together
Total
Addition
All
Together
More
than
Added
to
Add
Altogether
And
Both
How
many
How
much
In
all
Increased
by
Plus
Multiplication
By
(dimension)
Double
Each
group
Multiplied
by
Of
Product
of
Times
triple
In
all
Product
Times
Total
Subtraction
Are
not
Less
than
Change
Remain
Decreased
by
Subtract
Difference
Take
away
Fewer
Taller/shorter
Have
left
Greater
than
How
many
did
How
many
less
not
have
Reduced
by
How
many
more
How
much
more
Division
As
much
Per
Cut
up
Average
Divided
by
Each
Each
group
has
Divide
equally
Half
(or
other
Out
of
fractions)
Ratio
of
How
many
of
Percent
each
Distribute
Parts
Quotient
of
Separated
Share
something
equally
Split