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Analogies of Transport Properties

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Chau (UCSD, 1999)

Analogies of transport properties Behind the development of the Reynolds and Chilton-Colburn analogies is the appreciation that there are certain similarities among the transport of momentum, mass, and energy. Transport phenomena is the integrated study of these three physical propertiesthey intertwine under many circumstances. Generally, since concentration and temperature are scalar quantities, analogies between mass and heat transport are more valid than those with momentum. Nevertheless, with proper definitions, the transports of these quantities all depend on transport coefficients with the units of [length2/time]kinematic viscosity, diffusivity, and thermal diffusivity. This is why kinematic viscosity is also called momentum diffusivity. The flux laws of these quantitiesNewton's law of viscosity, Fick's law, and Fourier's lawall share the same linear constitutive equation. Certainly, we may also identify similar features in their conservation equations. The idea is that, say, when we solve a diffusion problem, we may want to find the solution of a similar heat conduction problem. The main motivation underlying the establishment of transport analogies, however, is that we can take experimental measurements or correlations in one system, and apply it to another. For example, we can apply heat transfer data to a mass transport problem where experimentation with mass transport may be difficult. This is particularly important with turbulent flow. (You'd see more advanced analogies in a graduate level course.) For now, keep the following table handy. Table 1. Analogous quantities in transport phenomena Momentum Transport quantity per volume Transport coefficient Diffusivity [cm2.s1] Flux law ux Mass CA Energy CpT


DAB [cm2.s1] DAB

k [cal.cm1s1K1] = k/Cp

= / xz = d (u x) dz Re = UL

J z = D AB d C A dz Sc = D

q z = d (C pT) dz = C p Pr = k L Nu h = h C p Pe = RePr = UL Nu h h St = RePr = C U


Dimensionless transport groups Other dimensionless groups used in transport correlations


k L Nu m = Dc AB UL Pe = ReSc = D Nu m k c St = ReSc = U


For turbulent transport: Reynolds analogy (Sc = Pr = 1) Chilton-Colburn j-factor

f 2 f 2

kc U k c 2/3 Nu m U Sc = Re Sc 1/3

h C p U Nu h 2/3 h C p U Pr = Re Pr 1/3

Note: The cgs unit of viscosity is the same as a poise. Strictly speaking, the Fick's law should be defined on the basis on a mole fraction gradient. Num is the same as the Sherwoord number (Sh). Also, we may find the Lewis number defined as Le = Pr/Sc = DAB/.

P.C. Chau (UCSD, 1999)

Reynolds Analogy Here are the derivation steps to clarify Section 6.2. From fluid dynamics (AMES 103A), the friction factor is defined as
f= 1 w 2 U 2

Free-stream velocity, U

Turbulent flow


Uniform laminar boundry layer Representation of the uniform boundary layer model.

We consider flow over a flat plate. If we assume a simple shear flow in a uniform laminar boundary layer, we can approximate the wall stress as w U


where U is the free-stream velocity and is fictitious uniform boundary layer thickness. So,
U U = 1 = 1 2 w U f 2 U f 2


and dividing by the length of the flat plate, L:

= 1 , L 1 UL f 1 Re L f 2 2

where Re L = UL


Next, we define the Sherwood number

Sh L = kL D AB


is based on the film model and some which is based on the length scale L. The average mass transfer coefficient k concentration boundary layer thickness c:
k= D AB c D AB L = L =L c D AB c c


Sh L =


Finally, we know from scaling analysis that when Sc = 1, = c, and thus the Sherwood number can be evaluated as 1 kL = L = 2 UL f D AB If we equate the very first and last terms,
1f = k U 2


since /DAB = 1. This is the Reynolds analogy which relates the friction factor to the mass transfer coefficient.

If we invoke Blasius formula for turbulent flow, the friction factor is f = 0.0791 Re1/4, and we have the functional dependence /L ~ Re3/4.

P.C. Chau (UCSD, 1999)

Chilton-Colburn Analogy We now take Sc 1, and use Eq. (7). Thus we need to say something about the ratio /c. From a proper scaling or from a boundary layer analysis, we should find that /c ~ Sc1/3. We use this relation in (7), and further substitute for /L by Eq. (4), and we have
Sh L = 1 Re L f Sc 1/3 2

and rearrangement gives

1 f = Sh L = j D 2 Re LSc 1/3


which is the Chilton-Colburn analogy, and the mass transfer term on the RHS is also called the j-factor, jD. Note that we can also write
D AB Sh L = kL 1/3 UL D AB Re LSc

= k U D AB



where we can further define St = k/U as the Stanton number.

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