Period/Lesson: 6 + 7 Topic: Logo Design Length: 1.5 hours What do the learners already know, do and value? Students have been in the process of designing logos for a fictional business/brand.
Where do learners need and want to be? It is important for students to be able to recognise what makes a good logo and revise their own logos to come up with a final concept.
Curriculum Outcomes and Essential Learnings:
ACARA10.2 Manipulate materials, techniques, technologies and processes and apply view points to develop and represent their own artistic intentions.
ACARA 10.3 Develop and refine use of visual conventions, perceptual and practical skills and selected techniques, technologies and processes to represent ideas and subject matter.
Lesson Outcomes: Students will be able to (know cognitive processes AND do demonstrate):
Students will be able to identify good logo design and apply this knowledge to their project on logo design. They will also be aware of how logos are applied to a variety of application such as: business cards, billboards, packaging, digitally and through other product design.
Assessment of the outcomes: (How will I assess that students have achieved/demonstrated the outcomes?)
The bigger picture will be their final logo designs. Students will be assessed through anecdotal notes taken during the lesson on how well they are progressing in designing their logo.
INTRODUCTORY PHASE: Time: Teacher direction/ activity / instruction: Student activity / what students are doing: Check for understanding / key questions / manage the learning: Resources:
10 mins
Demonstrate the process of developing a professional logo and how it evolves from an idea / sketch to a finished product.
Demonstrating how logos are applied in a range of applications such as; packaging, signage, printed matter, digitally etc.
Show examples of good logo design.
Students are listening and asking various questions on logos.
Q: Name 4 x logos which you feel are the most famous logos in the world?
Q: Name your favourite logo?
Q: What do you think makes a good logo?
Paper to draw on
BODY OF LESSON: Time: Teacher direction/ activity / instruction: Student activity / what students are doing: Check for understanding / key questions / manage the learning: Resources:
30 mins
Students continue working on refining their logo concepts to develop one single design which is to be handed in as their final logo along with their back up work / planning and development folio.
Students are able to come up and see me individually to seek advice on their concepts. I will give each student feedback focusing on positive reinforcement to maintain their interest and to keep them generating ideas.
Students should be focusing on refining their concepts into one final logo with the guidance
Paper to draw on CONSOLIDATION: Time: Teacher direction/ activity / instruction: Student activity / what students are doing: Check for understanding / key questions / manage the learning: Resources:
Bring students back together to discuss what they learnt during the lesson and reiterate the discussion points on the handout as to what constitutes a good logo/ branding
Listening and sharing their ideas and thoughts on the lesson and what they gained from learning about good logos.
Follow up on any questions that students may have
Finish / summing up / link to the next lesson:
Students will finalise their final design in the subsequent lesson
Evaluation: Student: Outcomes met / engaged / on task / learning
SAMPLE JOURNAL - Science of Happiness Practices of College English Instructors and The Development of NeuroELT Aligned Pedagogical Model by ALVIN S. SICAT