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Delhi Public School Secunderabad: Formative Assessment-1 (A)

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DATE : 19-04-2012 TIME : 40 Min
SYABUS : !"YSICS : Kin#$%&i'( CASS : I)
C"EMISTRY: M%&&#* In O+* S+**,+n-in.(
BIOO/Y :Ti((+#(

!"YSICS (5M)
1. a.What doe the !o"e o# $e!oc%t&'t%(e )ra"h re"reent * +M
,%$e an e-a("!e o# an ob.ect (o$%n) under un%#or( (ot%on.
b.An ob.ect tra$e! 1/( %n 0 econd and ne-t 1/( %n + econd. Ca!cu!ate the a$era)e "eed o#
the ob.ect.
+. An ath!ete co("!ete one round o# a c%rcu!ar trac1 o# d%a(eter 02 ( %n +3. Ca!cu!ate the d%tance
co$ered and d%"!ace(ent at the end o# 43. 1M
4. 56o )ra"h #or (ot%on o# ob.ect (o$%n) a!on) a tra%)ht !%ne are ho6n. State ho6 the "eed %
chan)%n) 6%th t%(e %n both the cae. 1M

0. E-a(%ne the data )%$en be!o6 #or (ot%on o# t6o d%##erent ob.ect A and B care#u!!& and tate
6h%ch (ot%on o# the ob.ect % non un%#or( and )%$e reaon. 1M
Ti$# Di(&%n'# &*%0#11#- 23
O24#'& A in $
Di(&%n'# &*%0#11#- 23
O24#'& B in $
2743 a.( 13 1+
2708 a.( +3 12
13733 a.( 43 +4
13718 a.( 03 48
13743 a.( 83 49
13708 a.( /3 01
11733 a.( 93 00
1. We can ea%!& (o$e our hand %n a%r but not throu)h an& o!%d (ater%a!. :ut%#& the tate(ent
b& )%$%n) t6o reaon.
+. What are (eta!!o%d * P%c1 u" one (eta!!o%d #ro( the #o!!o6%n) ; Su!"hur< Sod%u(< S%!%con<
Se!en%u(. 1M
4. D%##erent%ate %n one 6ord each #or the #o!!o6%n) "ro"ert%e %n the three tate o# (atter.
a. Co("re%b%!%t& b. D%##u%on 1M
0. ,%$e reaon7 +M
a. Su)ar cr&ta! d%o!$e %n 6ater but the 6ater !e$e! re(a%n a(e %n the conta%ner.
b. 5he (e!! o# %ncene t%c1 !%t %n one corner o# the roo( can be (e!t %n the other corner.
1. Na(e the t%ue .
a. 5%ue 6h%ch "ro$%de ten%!e tren)th 6%th #!e-%b%!%t& %n "!ant.
b. 5%ue #ound %n a=uat%c "!ant to )%$e buo&anc& to "!ant. 1M
+. ,%$e one e-a("!e o# "rotect%$e t%ue %n "!ant. Ho6 % the tructure o# the ce!! "reent %n the
t%ue he!"#u! %n "er#or(%n) %t #unct%on * 1M
4. ,%$e one "o%nt o# d%##erence bet6een the + t&"e o# $acu!ar t%ue #ound %n a "!ant. 1M
0. Dra6 a neat !abe!ed d%a)ra( ho6%n) the !ocat%on o# d%##erent t&"e o# (er%te( #ound %n a
"!ant. +M

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