Tutorial 3
Tutorial 3
Tutorial 3
Tutorial Sheet-3
1. Write and briefly explain Maxwells electromagnetic equations.
2. Discuss the significance of Displacement current.
3. Starting from Maxwells equations establish equation of continuity.
4. Starting from Maxwells third and fourth equations respectively, show that div B = 0
and div D = .
5. Determine the emf developed about the path r = 0.5 m, z = 0, and at t = 0, if B =
0.1x sin 377 t.
6. Derive Maxwells fourth equation.
7. Establish Coulombs law from Maxwells equations.
Tutorial Sheet-2
9. Briefly discuss the radiation mechanism in antenna.
10. Given A = x2 y i + (x-y) k ; B = zxi ; s = x y2 z3.
Find (i) Curl A,
(ii) Div B,
(iii) Grad s
11. Prove that curl grad s and div curl F are identically zero.
12. A vector field is given by A = yz i + xz j + xy k. Show that the vector is both
irrotational and solenoidal.
13. What is the need of higher frequency carrier wave in communication?
14. Transform vector B = y ax - x ay + z az into cylindrical and spherical polar
15. Transform vector A = 2 cos ar + sin a into Cartesian coordinates.