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Biology Summaries: CO Methane

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Summary of Human and Ecosystem

CO2 and methane are greenhouse gases, trapping outgoing long
wavelength radiation in the atmosphere and warming the Earth. Increased
concentrations of these gases are causing global warming.

SO2 is produced when coal and other fossil fuels burn.

SO2 and nitrogen oxides dissolves and react in water droplets in

the atmosphere, and fall to the ground as acid rain. This leaches
aluminium ions from soils, and kills plants and aquatic organisms.

Fall-out from accidents at nuclear reactions emits ionising

radiation, which damages DNA and can cause mutations, cancer and
radiation burns.

Deforestation reduces the amount of CO2 that is taken out of the

atmosphere for photosynthesis, and so may increase global
warming. Combustion of the felled trees releases CO2 into the
atmosphere. Deforestation also destroys habitats for animals,
possibly leading to their extinction. It increases soil erosion and

Water pollution by fertilisers or raw sewage can cause

eutrophication, in which large populations of aerobic bacteria form,
reducing the amount of dissolved O2 in the water and making it
impossible for most animals to live there. Other chemical wastes,
such as heavy metals, can also cause water pollution.

Summary of Ecosystem

Energy enters ecosystems in sunlight. Producers (photosynthetic plants)

capture some of this energy and transfer it to organic substances such as
carbohydrates. Consumers (animals and fungi) gets their energy by
eating producers or other consumers.
Things to remember:

Food chains and food webs show how energy flows through an
ecosystem. The level at which an organism feeds in a food chain is
its trophic level.

Energy is lost as it passed along food chains.

The energy losses in food chains limit the length of the chain, so
few food chains have more than five trophic levels.

It would be more energy-efficient for humans to harvest and eat

plant crops, rather than feeding the crops to animals and then
eating those.

Pyramids of numbers and pyramids of biomass are ways of

showing the relative numbers or biomass at different trophic level in
a food chain.

The carbon cycle shows how CO2 from the air is used in
photosynthesis to make organic compounds in plants, which are
then eaten by animals. Decomposers obtain their carbon by
feeding on dead plants or animals, or on their waste materials.
Respiration by all organisms returns CO2 to the air.

Nitrogen gas is very inert, and must be fixed (to produce

ammonium ions or nitrate ions) before it can be used by living
organisms. Some plants have nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their
roots, and other nitrogen-fixing bacteria live freely in the soil. Plants
absorb ammonium or nitrate ions and use them to make proteins,
which can then be eaten by animals. Decomposers and nitrifying
bacteria convert proteins to ammonia and nitrates, which can be
re-used by plants. Denitrifying bacteria convert nitrates to nitrogen
gas which is returned to the air.

The size of a population of organisms is affected by

environmental factors such as food supply, predation and

When a resource is in limited supply, the growth of a population

often shows a lag phase, exponential phase, stationary phase
and death phase.

Age pyramids show the structure of a population at one moment in

time, and can be used to predict how the population is likely to
change in the future. The global human population is increasing,
but there is hope that by the end of this century the growth will
have slowed significantly.

Summary of


Chromosomes are
long thread of DNA made
up of strings of genes. In a diploid cell, each of a pair of homologous
chromosomes carries the same genes in the same position. A diploid cell
therefore has 2 copies of each gene.
Things to remember:

Gametes have only one set of chromosomes, and so they have only
one copy of each gene.

Different forms of a particular gene are called alleles. They may be

dominant of recessive. The genotype of an organism tells us the
alleles of genes that it carries. If the 2 alleles of a gene are the same
in the organism, then it is homozygous. If they are different, it is

If 2 heterozygous organisms breed together, we expect a 3:1

ratio of offspring showing the dominant characteristic to offspring
showing the recessive characteristic. If one parent is heterozygous
and the other is homozygous recessive, we expect to see a 1:1
ratio in the offspring.

Variations is caused by genes and environment. Continuous

variation, such as human height, has no distinct categories and is
usually caused by both genes and environment. Discontinuous
variation, such as human blood groups, involves a small number of
discrete categories and is caused by genes alone.

New alleles of genes, or changes in categories chromosomes, can

be caused by mutation. Most mutations are harmful. Ionising
radiation and certain chemicals increase the risk of mutation

In a population of organisms, those with the characteristics best

adapted to the environment are most likely to survive and
reproduce. This is called natural selection.

It the environment changes, or if a new advantageous allele

appears, natural selection can lead to change over many
generations. This is called evolution.

Sickle cells anaemia is caused by recessive allele of the gene for

haemoglobin. People who are homozygous recessive often die
before they can reproduce. People who are homozygous dominant
have a greater chance of getting malaria if they live in places
where this disease is present. People who are heterozygous have a
selective advantage, because they are less likely to get malaria.
Natural selection therefore maintains this allele in the population in
parts of the world where people may be killed by malaria.

Human select plants and animals with desirable characteristics and

breed from them. Over many generations, this produces new strain
of plants or animals with features thats we require. This is called
artificial selection.

Genetic engineering involves taking a gene from one species and

inserting it into another. This has been done with the human insulin
gene, to give bacteria that produce insulin for harvest an sale, for
use by people with diabetes.

Key definitions

A thread of DNA, made up of genes.

An alternative form of a gene. Pairs of alleles occupy the
same relative positions on chromosome pairs.
A section of DNA, which codes for the formation of a
protein controlling a specific characteristic of the organism.
A nucleus containing a single set of unpaired
chromosomes, e.g. in sperm and ova (eggs). In humans,


the haploid number is 23.

A nucleus containing pairs of chromosomes, e.g. in somatic
(body) cells, In humans the diploid number is 46.
The genetic make-up of an organism, e.g. Tt, where T and t
are alleles of a gene.
The characteristics visible in an organism, controlled by the
genotype, e.g. a tall plant or a dwarf plant.
Having a pair of identical alleles controlling the same
characteristics, e.g. TT, where T=tall. The organism will be
pure-breeding for that characteristics.
Having a pair of dissimilar alleles for a characteristic, e.g.
A gene, e.g. T, that always shows in the phenotype of an
organism whether the organism is heterozygous (Tt) or
homozygous (TT).
A gene, e.g. t, that only has an effect on the phenotype
when the organism is homozygous (tt)

Summary of Reproduction

Reproduction is the biological process by which new "offspring"

individual organisms are produced from their "parents". It is a
fundamental feature of all known life.
Two types of reproduction: sexual and asexual.

Asexual reproduction
It involves cell division by mitosis, producing a group of genetically
identical individuals called a clone. Bacteria, fungi and potatoes can
reproduce asexually.

Sexual reproduction
Sexual reproduction involves the production of genetically different
gametes by meiosis. A male gamete fertilises a female gamete,
producing a zygote which is genetically different from its parents.

In humans

The male gametes are sperms, they are made in the testes.
During sexual intercourse, semen containing sperms passes out to
the penis and into a womans vagina.

The female gametes are eggs and are made in the ovaries. After
sexual intercourse, sperm swim through the cervix and uterus into
the oviducts, where they may meet an egg. One sperm may
fertilise the egg to produce a zygote.

The zygote travels to the uterus and implants into the lining,
growing into an embryo attached t the uterus wall via an umbilical
cord and placenta. The placenta brings the growing embryo blood
very close to the mothers blood, so thats nutrients and waist
products can diffuse between them.

The growing embryo is protected by amniotic fluid produced by

the amnion.

After birth, a young mammal is fed on milk from its mother. This
provides it with exactly the correct balance of nutrients, as well as
antibodies which protect it from infectious diseases.

An egg is releases from an ovary about one a moth. If it is not

fertilised, the thick lining of the uterus breaks down, in

The menstrual cycle is controlled by the hormones oestrogen,

progesterone, FSH and LH.

Birth control helps a couple t avoid having unwanted children.

There are natural, surgical, mechanical and chemical methods.

Hormones can be used to increase fertility.

Gonorrhoea and HIV/AIDS are infectious diseases that can be

transmitted by sexual contact.

In plants

The flowers are the reproductive organs. Male gametes are make
inside pollen grains, produced by anthers. Female gametes are
make inside ovules produced by ovaries.

The movement of pollen from an anther to a stigma is called

pollination, and may be brought about by insects of the wind.

After landing on a suitable stigma, a pollen grain germinates and

the gametes travel down the style to the ovules. Here, fertilisation
takes place and a zygote is produced. The zygote develops into an
embryo, and the ovule develops into a seed. The ovary develops
into the fruit, containing the seeds which contain the embryos.

Fruits are adapted to disperse seeds, using animals or the wind.

Seeds require certain condition before they will germinate.

Summary of homeostasis, excretion and drugs

Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant internal environment. It is

achieved using negative feedback.

Organisms that can control their internal body temperature are

called homeotherms. Mammals and birds are homeotherms. All
other animals are poikilotherms, meaning that they have only
limited ways of controlling their temperature.

The control of body temperature in humans involves the

hypothalamus, the skin and muscles. When the body becomes
too hot, sweating and vasodilatation increase the rate of heat
loss from the skin. When the body becomes too cold, shivering
increases heat production, and vasoconstriction reduces the rate
of heat loss from the skin.

The pancreas, working in conjunction with the liver, controls blood

glucose concentration. When this rises too high, the pancreas
secretes insulin which causes the liver to remove glucose from the
blood and convert it to glycogen. When blood glucose
concentration falls to low, the pancreas secretes glucagon which
causes the liver to convert glycogen to glucose.

Excretion is the removal from the body of waste products of

metabolism. The main excretory products of mammals are CO2,
urea, salts and excess H2O.

Mammals excrete CO2 from the lungs and urea from their kidneys.

Urea is produced in the liver from excess amino acids. It is

transported in solution in blood plasma to the kidneys, where it is
excreted in urine.

Urine is made in the nephrons of each kidney. First, blood is

filtered. Then any substances to be retained in the blood are
reabsorbed. The fluid that is left in the nephron flows into the
ureters and then to the bladder, before leaving the body as urine
through the urethra.

A drug is a substance that effects chemical reactions in the body.

Many drugs are used in medicine. For example, antibiotics are
used to kill bacteria that are causing disease in the body.

Heroin is a depressant that is often addictive. Use of heroin often

leads to crime and misery. People who inject heroin run a high risk of
infection with HIV.

Alcohol is also a depressant. Drinking alcohol lengthens reaction

time, reduced self-control and may cause aggression. Some people
become addicted to alcohol. Over time, the liver is damaged by
excessive alcohol intake.

Summary of coordination and response

All organisms are able to sense changes in their environment, called

stimuli, and respond to them. The part of the body that senses the
stimulus is a receptor, and the part that responds is an effector.

The human nervous system contains specialized cells called

neurons. The brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous
system (CNS), which coordinates responses to stimuli.

Reflex actions are fast, automatic responses to a stimulus. They

involve a series of neurons making up a reflex arc. A sensory
neurone takes the impulse to the CNS and a motor neurone takes it
from the CNS to an effector.

Receptors are generally found within sense organs.

The receptors in the eye are rod and cone cells, found in the
retina. Rods respond to dim light and cones to bright light. Cones
give colour vision.

The cornea and lens focus light rays onto the fovea, the part of the
eye where cone cells are most densely packed.

The shape of the lens is changed by the contraction or relaxation of

the ciliary muscle. When focusing on a distance subject, the
muscle relaxes so that the suspensory ligament are pulled taut and
the lens is pulled into a thin shape. When focusing on a near object,
the muscle contracts and the lens falls into its natural, more
rounded shape.

Muscles can pull when they contracts, but they cannot push. A pair
of muscles is therefore needed to pull in different directions, e.g. at
the elbow joint. They are antagonistic muscles.

Hormones are chemicals made in endocrine glands and carried in

the blood plasma. Adrenaline is secreted by the adrenal glands,
and bring about changes that supply the muscles with extra
glucose. This gives the energy for contraction for fight or flight.

Plant response to some stimuli by growing towards or away from

them. These responses are tropism.

Auxins are mostly made in the tips of the shoots and roots, and can
diffuse to other parts of the shoots or roots. It collects in the shady
side of the shoot, making the side grow faster so the shoot bends
towards the light. Auxins are used as selective weed killers.

Summary of Respiration

Respiration is a series of metabolic reactions that takes place in every

living cell. The purpose of respiration is to release energy from glucose,
so that the cell can make use of the energy.

In aerobic respiration, the glucose is combined with O2, forming CO2

and H2O.

In anaerobic respiration, the glucose is broken down without being

combined with O2. In plants and fungi, this produces alcohol and

In animals (including human) it produces lactic acid.

Muscles respire aerobically when they are working so fast that they
cannot be supplied with O2 quickly enough. The lactic acid that is
made is transported to the liver, and later is broken down by

combining it with O2. This extra O2 is breathed in after the exercise

has stopped, and it is known as the oxygen debt.

All gas exchange surfaces need to be thin, have a large surface

area, be kept moist, and have a good supply of O2. In larger animals,
a transport system is needed to carry away the CO2 and bring O2.

The air we breath in travels down the trachea and bronchi,

through the bronchioles and into the alveoli.

Some of these tubes are lined with goblet cells which make mucus,
and ciliated cells. The mucus traps dirt, bacteria and other particles
and the cilia sweep the mucus up and away from the lungs.

Air is drawn into the lungs by the contraction of the external

intercostal muscles and the muscles in the diaphragm. These
muscle contractions increase the volume of the thorax,
which decreases the pressure. Air flows
down the pressure gradient and into the lungs.

Tobacco smoke contains many different substances that harm

health. Nicotine is an addictive stimulant, and its intake increases
the risk of developing heart diseases. Tar causes lungs and other
cancers. CO2 reduces the ability of red blood cells to transport O2.
Smoke particles irritate the lungs and can contribute to the
development of emphysema.

Summary of human transport


have a double

circulatory system, in which blood is moved through vessels by the

regular contraction and relaxation of cardiac muscles in the wall or
the heart.

Blood enters the atria of the heart, flows through open vales into the
ventricles, and is then forced out into the arteries during systole.

The ventricles have thicker walls than the atria, and the left
ventricle has a thicker wall than the right ventricle, to allow them to
produce a greater force when the muscles contract, necessary so
that they can push the blood further.

In coronary heart disease, the coronary arteries become blocked, so

oxygen is not delivered to the heart muscles and they stop
contracting. Smoking, stress and a diet high in saturated fats
increase the risk.

Arteries are thick-walled, elastic vessels that carry pulsing, highpressure blood away from the heart. They split into capillaries,
which are tiny vessels with walls only one cell thick. Capillaries take
blood close to every cell to the body, so that the cells are supplied
with oxygen and nutrients and have their waste products removed.
Capillaries join up to form veins. Veins are thin-walled vessels with
valves, which carry low-pressure blood back to the heart.

Blood contains red cells, white cells and platelets floating in plasma.
Plasma transports many different substances in solution. Red cells
contain the iron-containing protein haemoglobin, which transports
oxygen. White cells fight against bacteria and viruses. Platelets help
the blood to clot.

Fluid leaks out of capillaries to fill the spaces between all the body
cells, where it is called tissue fluid. It is collected into lymph vessels
which carry it back to the bloodstream.

Summary of plant transport

In plants, xylem vessels transport water and mineral ions from the roots
upwards to the leaves. Phloem tubes transport sucrose and other
organic nutrients, from the leaves where they are made to all parts of the
plant. This is called translocation.

Xylem vessels are made of dead, empty cells with strong lignin in
their walls. As well as transporting water, they help to support the

Water is drawn up xylem vessels by the evaporation of water from

the leaves, called transpiration. Transpiration happens fastest
when it is hot, dry, windy and sunny.

Water enters root hairs by osmosis, and then moves across the
cortex of the root into the xylem.

Root hairs take up mineral ions by active transport, using energy

supplied by respiration to move them against their concentration

Phloem is made of living cells with sieve plates at their ends. A

companion cell is associated with each phloem sieve tube element.

Systemic pesticides are translocated in phloem.

Sucrose is translocated from sources to sinks. Different parts of a

plant may become sources and sinks in different seasons.

Summary of animal nutrition

suitable proportions of each group of nutrients carbohydrates, fats,
proteins, minerals, vitamins, water and fibre and the correct amount of

Eating food containing more energy than you can use up causes
weight increase, which can lead to obesity. Children who do not get
enough food may suffer from energy protein malnutrition, in which
they do not grow properly and have little energy.

Digestion is the breakdown of large molecules of food into small

ones, so that they can be absorbed through the wall of the
alimentary canal.

Mechanical digestion breaks down large pieces of food to small

ones. It is done by the teeth, the muscles in the wall of the
alimentary canal and bile salts. Chemical digestion breaks down
large molecules to small ones. It is done by enzymes.

Mammals have four types of teeth incisors, canines, premolars and

molars each with their own functions.

Digestion begins in the mouth, as teeth grind food into smaller

pieces, and amylase digests starch to maltose.

Protein digestion begins in the stomach, where pepsin digests

proteins to polypeptides. Rennin is present in young mammals, and
clots milk protein. Hydrochloric acid kills bacteria and provides a low
pH for the action of pepsin.

Pancreatic juice flows into the duodenum. It contains enzymes that

digest starch, proteins and lipids, and also sodium hydrogen
carbonate to partly neutralise the acidity of food coming from the

Bile also flows into the duodenum. It contains bile salts, which
emulsify fats, making it easier for lipase to digest them.

The lining of the small intestine is covered with villi, giving it a very
large surface area, which helps to speed up absorption. Cells on the
surface of the villi make enzymes, which complete the digestion of
food. The villi contain blood capillaries to absorb glucose, amino
acids, water, vitamins
and minerals, and
lacteals to absorb fatty
acids and glycerol.

The absorbed nutrients

are carried to the
liver in the hepatic portal vein. Some are used in the liver, some are
stored, and some are sent on in the blood to be delivered to cells all
over the body.

The colon absorbs more water from the food. In the rectum, the
undigested food is formed into faeces, which are eventually egested
through the anus.

Summary of plant nutrition

Photosynthesis takes place in chloroplasts in the leaves of plants.

The word equation for photosynthesis is:

The balanced equation is:

Chlorophyll traps energy from light. In photosynthesis, this energy is

converted to chemical energy in carbohydrates.

Photosynthesis takes place in the cells of the mesophyll layer,

especially the palisade mesophyll. Leaves are thin and have a large
surface area, to speed up the supply of carbon dioxide to the
palisade cells and to maximise the amount of sunlight that hits the
leaf and can be absorbed by chlorophyll. Stomata and air spaces

allow carbon dioxide to diffuse quickly from the air to the

chloroplasts. Xylem vessels bring water, and phloem tubes take
away the products of photosynthesis.

Some of the glucose that is made is used in respiration, to provide

energy to the plant cells. Some is stored as starch. Some is used to
make cellulose for cell walls. Some is transported around the plant
in the form of sucrose, in the phloem tubes. Some is combined with
nitrate or ammonium ions to make proteins. Some is used to make
other substances such as fats. With the addition of magnesium ions,
chlorophyll can be made.

When testing a leaf for starch, it must first be boiled to break down
cell membranes and allow iodine solution to make contact with any
starch inside the cells. Hot alcohol will remove chlorophyll from the
leaf, making it easier to see any colour changes.

Plants need light and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.

If either light or carbon dioxide are in short supply, they limit the
rate of photosynthesis and are said to be limiting factors. The rate
of photosynthesis is also affected by temperature.

Summary of Enzymes
Enzymes are specialized protein molecules facilitating most of the
bodys metabolic processes such as, supplying energy, digesting
foods, purifying your blood, ridding the body of waste products. Enzymes
are vital to our health and change the rate at which chemical
reactions happen, but without any external energy source added or by
being changed themselves.

Things to remember:

Enzymes are proteins that work as biological catalysts.

Enzymes are named according to the substrate on which they act.

Proteases act on proteins, carbohydrases on carbohydrates and
lipases on fats (lipids). The substance that is produced by the
reaction is called the product.

An enzyme molecule has a depression called its active site, which

is exactly the right shape for the substrate to fit into. The enzyme
can be thought of as a lock, and the substrate as the key.

Reactions catalysed by enzymes work faster at higher

temperatures, up to an optimum that differs for different enzymes.
Above the optimum temperature, reaction rate rapidly decreases.

At low temperatures, molecules have low kinetic energy, so

collisions between enzyme and substrate molecules are infrequent.
As temperature rises they collide more frequently, increasing
reaction rate.

Above the optimum temperature, the vibrations within the

enzyme molecule are so great that it begins to lose its shape. The
enzyme is said to be denatured. The substrate no longer fits into
the active site and the reaction stops.

Reactions catalysed by enzymes work fastest at a particular pH. The

optimum pH for most enzymes is around pH7 (neutral), but some
have an optimum pH much higher or lower than this.

Extremes of pH cause enzyme molecules to lose their shape, so

they no longer bind with their substrate.

Amylase is found in seeds. When the seed begins to germinate,

the amylase is activated and catalyses the breakdown of insoluble
starch to soluble maltose in the seed. The maltose is used by the
growing embryo as an energy source and to make cellulose for
new cell walls.

Biological washing powders contain enzymes, often obtained from

microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi. The enzymes break
down proteins or fats on the fabric, forming water-soluble
ssubstances that can be washed away.

Pectinase is used to break down cell walls in fruits, making it

easier to extract juice from them.

The antibiotic penicillin is made by cultivating the fungus

Penicillium in a fermenter. The fermenter is kept at the correct pH
and temperature for the enzymes of the fungus to work well.

Summary of Cells


Cells are the smallest units of living things. They are too small to
be seen with the naked eye, so we need to use microscopes to
see their structures.

Cells have a cell membrane, cytoplasm and a nucleus. Plant cells

also have a cell wall, and oft en have chloroplasts and a
large vacuole containing cell sap.

The cell membrane is partially permeable, and it controls what

enters and leaves the cell.

The cytoplasm is a jelly-like solution of many different substances

in water. It is the site of many different metabolic reactions.

The nucleus contains the chromosomes, which are made of DNA.

This is the genetic information and it controls the activities of the

The cell wall of a plant cell is made of criss-crossing fibres

of cellulose. It is fully permeable. It helps to support the cell,
and prevents the cell bursting if it absorbs a lot of water.

The vacuole of a plant cell contains cell sap, which is a solution

of sugars and other substances in water.

Chloroplasts contain the green pigment chlorophyll, which

absorbs sunlight for photosynthesis. There may be starch
grains inside the chloroplasts, which are the form in which plants
store the food that they make in photosynthesis.

A tissue is a group of similar cells which work together to carry

out a particular function. Tissues are grouped into organs, and
organs are grouped into organ systems.

Movement in and out of cells

Particles in gases, liquids and solutions are in constant random

motion. As a result of this, there is a net movement from where they
are in a high concentration to where they are in a low
concentration. This is diffusion.

Diffusion is important to cells. For example, oxygen enters a

respiring cell by diffusion, and carbon dioxide diffuses out of it.

Water molecules are small and can diffuse through a partially

permeable membrane. Larger molecules dissolved in the water
cannot do this. The diffusion of water through a partially permeable
membrane is called osmosis.

Osmosis is important to cells. In a dilute solution, water passes

into a cell through its partially permeable cell membrane. The cell
gets bigger. Animal cells may burst, but plant cells do not
because of their strong cell wall.

In a concentrated solution, water passes out of a cell by osmosis

through its partially permeable membrane. The cell shrinks. Plant
cells may become plasmolysed that is, the cell membrane pulls
away from the cell wall.

A solution containing a lot of water is said to have a high water

potential. A solution containing only a little water has a low water
potential. Water moves by osmosis down a water potential
gradient, from a high water potential to a low water potential.

Cells can use energy to move substances up their concentration

gradient, from a low concentration to a high concentration. This is
called active transport. It uses energy that the cells release by

Summary of Classification of Living things

All living things have 7 characteristics: Nutrition, Respiration,

Growth, Excretion, Movement, Reproduction and Sensitivity.

Living organisms are classified into groups according to how

closely related they are. Each species of organism is given a unique
two-word Latin name called a binomial. The first word of the
binomial is the genus and the second word is the species.

Vertebrates are classified into 5 classes: fish, amphibians,

reptiles, birds and mammals. They each have their own
distinctive set of features. E.g. amphibians have a smooth skin, fish
and reptiles have scales, birds have feathers and scales, and
mammals have hair.

Arthropods are invertebrates with joined legs and segmented

bodies. They can be further classified
into insects, arachnids, crustaceans and myriapods.

Annelids are worm with segmented bodies but no legs.

Nematodes are worms with unsegmented bodies.

Molluscs have unsegmented bodies, and often have a shell.

Bacteria are single-celled organisms whose cells do not have


Fungi include moulds, mushrooms and toadstools. They have cells

with cell walls but do not photosynthesise.

Viruses are not generally considered to be alive at all. They are

not made of cells and cannot carry out any of the characteristics of
living things on their own.

Flowering plants can be classified in to monocotyledonous

plants and dicotyledonous plants. Monocots have seeds with one
cotyledon, and their leaves often have parallel veins. Dicots have
seeds with two cotyledons, and their leaves generally have
branching veins.

A dichotomous key is a set of paired contrasting descriptions

which lead you through to the identification of an unknown

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