Chem Coursework
Chem Coursework
Chem Coursework
We use copper electrodes when we use a solution that contains copper ions for
example copper sulphate solution. We also use it because they are active electrodes.
This means that these electrodes take part in the actual electrolysis process as well, by
collecting pure copper at the cathode.
The anode is the positive electrode, where anions are attracted as they have a negative
charge; and we know that opposite charges attract. Cathode is the negative electrode,
which attract positive charged electrons that are called cations.
Oxidation is the loss of electrons which occurs at the anode, and reduction is the gain
of electrons which happens at the cathode.
Faraday’s Law
From this, I can see that Faraday is saying that the amount of electricity used,
produces an equal amount of substance (mass). The mass gained at the cathode is
made up for the loss of mass at the anode. In other terms, loss of mass at anode is
EQUAL to the gain of mass at cathode.
Chemistry Coursework
weight between the cathode from start to end; hence I predict that the graph will be
symmetrical. This diagram shows that this is what I predict of what the experiment
will look like:-
Table of Results
Mass of Anode Mass of Cathode
Concentratio (grams) Difference (grams) Difference
n (molars) (grams) (grams)
Start End Start End
0.2 5.001 4.884 -0.117 5.016 5.075 0.059
4.986 4.907 -0.079 4.997 5.094 0.097
0.2 Average 4.994 4.896 -0.098 5.007 5.085 0.078
0.4 4.996 4.826 -0.170 5.014 5.153 0.139
4.988 4.837 -0.151 4.988 5.155 0.167
0.4 Average 4.992 4.832 -0.161 5.001 5.154 0.153
0.6 5.016 4.795 -0.221 4.988 5.207 0.219
4.999 4.786 -0.213 4.999 5.220 0.221
0.6 Average 5.008 4.791 -0.217 4.994 5.214 0.220
0.8 4.982 4.750 -0.232 5.001 5.258 0.257
5.000 4.738 -0.262 4.992 5.265 0.273
0.8 Average 4.991 4.744 -0.247 4.997 5.262 0.265
1.0 4.988 4.687 -0.301 4.990 5.323 0.333
4.977 4.705 -0.272 5.004 5.312 0.308
1.0 Average 4.983 4.696 -0.287 4.997 5.318 0.321
The difference values between the start and end of the anode is the mass LOST, which
explains why there is a negative sign on each of the values.
Chemistry Coursework
Table of average of Results
Mass of Anode Mass of Cathode
Concentration (grams) Difference (grams) Difference
(molars) (grams) (grams)
Start End Start End
0.2 Average 4.994 4.896 -0.098 5.007 5.085 0.078
0.4 Average 4.992 4.832 -0.161 5.001 5.154 0.153
0.6 Average 5.008 4.791 -0.217 4.994 5.214 0.220
0.8 Average 4.991 4.744 -0.247 4.997 5.262 0.265
1.0 average 4.983 4.696 -0.287 4.997 5.318 0.321
I recorded my results on a table and then illustrated it on a graph. The first table
shows the changes in the mass of the anode and cathode including the two repeats of
the experiment with the average underneath through five different concentrations.
The second table shows all the averages in one go, where I produced a graph
illustrating all the averages.
Overall, the graph shows that as the concentration increases the mass at the cathode
increases, and the anode decreases in mass.
You can see this from the table containing all the average by comparing the figures:
The mass of the anode starts from -0.098 and difference increases up to -0.287,
showing that more and more of the anode is disappearing. As for the cathode, the
difference values starts from 0.078 and finishes at 0.321 at the end of concentration
one, illustrating that the cathode is increasing in size.
I also believe that my graph supports Faraday’s Law (see background research).
Despite the fact that the difference values are not the same as it should be (according
to Faraday’s Law) however, they are very close. You can see this because I have
noticed the shape of the graph, it looks symmetrical, as I had predicted in my
hypothesis. It is not EXACTLY symmetrical, but close, I believe that with better
equipment, more time and more accuracy my difference values could have been the
same, providing excellent evidence in supporting Faraday’s Law.
At the cathode
The positive ions are pulled towards the negative cathode and vice versa. There is
competition between the copper ions and the hydrogen ions. Hydrogen will stay in the
solution. The copper ions are reduced from the positive electrode (anode) and are
deposited at the negative electrode (cathode) forming pure copper metal. Here you
Chemistry Coursework
will see a pink layer. At the cathode, each copper ion requires two electrons for
discharge and become a neutral atom/copper ion.
At the anode
Since we have used active electrodes (see background research for more
information), meaning they are made of copper. It is easier for the copper at the anode
to dissolve leaving its electrons behind on the anode. You see, each copper atom
gives up two electrons to become a copper ion/ neutral atom.
Cu - 2e Cu2+
Copper is deposited at the cathode and is dissolved at the anode. As a result, the
concentration of copper ions in solution remains constant. That is why the colour does
not change any different form blue. This can also be used as a method of
‘purification’ of copper seeing that only pure copper is deposited at the cathode.
The Copper Sulphate solution is blue because of the copper ions. The concentration
of the solution (Copper Sulphate) did not change because as the concentration
increased, more copper ions are present; therefore none of the copper ions are being
displaced, or taken over.
A redox reaction is both reduction and oxidation that has taken place.
The loss of electrons, but also gain of oxygen is oxidation. The gain of electrons, but
also loss of oxygen is reduction.
As you can see, both reduction and oxidation has occurred, hence a redox reaction.
Instead of two separate half equations, showing separately the reduction and
oxidation process, it can be expressed by a redox equilibrium:-
Cu2+ + 2e Cu
All redox equilibriums are expressed as reductions going from left to right, and
oxidation is shown from right to left.
Chemistry Coursework
♦ The more time there is available, at the cathode more copper is deposited- the
rate of reaction is affected.
♦ The higher the temperature is, the faster the reaction as the ions gain more
energy and therefore moves faster, consequently increasing the rate of reaction.
♦ The bigger the copper electrodes are then this slows down the reaction, as
more electricity is needed to deposit the copper ions.
♦ The more concentrated the Copper Sulphate solution, the higher the rate of
reaction because more ions are present which can carry more of the copper towards
the cathode.
♦ The shorter the distance between the electrodes, the less distance the copper
ions have to travel and therefore it will increase the rate of reaction.
♦ Shape of electrode- the more rounded the electrodes are, the easier it is for
copper ions to move away from the anode and towards the cathode, thus will increase
rate of reaction.
The experiment went quite well, even thought it was rather tiring seeing that you
really had to be quick and make sure you do not waste time. You had to be on alert
and make sure everything was precise.
Even though the difference values were not the same, I think it was highly unlikely I
could have achieved those results with the lack of accurate equipments. I believe my
results were reasonably reliable, not only because it produced an excellent graph as
close to even help support Faraday’s Law but also because I repeated the experiment
and in turn producing averages. I also went up
Here I have produced a table showing how small the variation is between the
difference of the anode and cathode:-
As you can see form the table above, the difference between the gain and loss is very
small but there nonetheless. This would provide an explanation as to why they are not
exactly symmetrical on the graph or the exact same distance apart from the x-axis.
I did have a few anomalies that are illustrated on the graph. Above, on the table, the
values coloured in red are the anomalies circled on the graph. I drew a line of best fit
Chemistry Coursework
on both curves where the points on both the anode and cathode of concentration 0.4
and 0.6 are slightly far off, from the line of best fit.
These could have occurred due to some of the difficulties I cam across during the
experiment such as:
If I were to repeat this experiment but test out a different factor, I would choose to
investigate the how the size of current affects the rate of electrolysis while the
concentration and the rest of the variables are kept the same.
Chemistry Coursework