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EPC 2903 Interview Questions Including PDP Goal

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Ha mda Sa gha yier Echtibi H00272763

12B4EC E01

EPC 2903 Interview questions including PDP goal

1. What is something you did this year
that went better than you thought it

I thi nk that the di ffe re nti ati on goe s be tte r

thi s ye ar that I thought that woul d be . I
focuse d to make and apply different activities
to conve ni e nce for al l l e ve l s. My MST l i ke
what I di d and she gave me good comments
on thi s part.

2. What has caused you the most stress The spe ci al ne e d stude nts. I have one ADD
this year?
and one ADHD. Fi rst, I had a di fficulty to deal
wi th the m. The n, whe n I appl i e d my MST
strate gi e s, whi ch he l p me to manage the m
duri ng the l e sson .

3. What is one way that you grew

professionally this year?

I thi nk that I i mprove my cl assroom

manage me nt by usi ng the reward system and
havi ng the smooth transi ti ons.

4. Explain how you differentiated

activities and supported students
this semester?

Thi s se me ste r, I made sure to organi ze my

strate gy to he l p di ffe re nt l e ve l s in the class.
For di ffe re nti ati on, i n e ach l e sson I did high,
me di um and l ow to support stude nts
l e arni ng and acade mi c de ve l opme nts. For
e xampl e , for the l ow l evel I did with them the
craft work, me di um thi nki ng acti vity and for
the hi gh l e ve l chal l e nge s acti vi ti e s.

5. Which student in your class do you

think showed the most
improvement? Why do you think this
student did so well?

Hi nd was the most one that showe d

i mprove me nts. In the be gi nni ng, she wasnt
l i ke to parti ci pate i n the cl assroom. She
pre fe r to si t i n the tabl e s i nste ad of mat i n
ci rcl e morni ng. Howe ve r, wi th e ncouraging,
gi vi ng he r work to do and art acti vi ti e s that
she l i ke , the n she showe d i mprove me nt i n
parti ci pati ng.

6. Who was your most challenging

student? Why?

The ADHD stude nt was the most challenging

stude nts be cause I took l ong ti me to engage
hi m wi th my l e ssons and knowing how to deal
wi th hi m.

7. Describe the behavior management

strategies you used this year and
their effectiveness.

I use d to appl y the star re ward to prai se my

stude nts and that was e ffe cti ve to manage

Ha mda Sa gha yier Echtibi H00272763

12B4EC E01

stude nts be havi or. Al so, I use d to posi tive

re i nforce me nt by sayi ng the e ncouragi ng
words. The usi ng of the punishment chair also
to manage the be havi ors. It was e ffe cti ve
be cause stude nts dont like to sit in this chair.

8. What was the biggest mistake you

made this year? How can you avoid
making the same mistake in the

I thi nk that the ti me manage me nt was the

bi gge st mi stake that I made this year. For the
future , I wi l l try to focus i n my pl anning and
te achi ng l e ssons. I wi l l make the acti vi ti e s
l i ttl e bi t e asy.

9. Describe the progress that you made

towards your PDP goal and show
evidence to support this.

One of my PDP goal for thi s se me ste r was

maki ng the re ward syste m more effective to
manage the stude nts be havi or. Wi th
appl yi ng that I obse rve d that stude nts
be havi or duri ng my TP i mprove d and
de ve l ope d i n posi ti ve way.

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