Student Perception Survey
Student Perception Survey
Student Perception Survey
SY 2015-2016
Teachers Name: __Ms. Tajalle_________ Room #: __2__
Grade: _Kinder__
Directions: Please circle the correct symbol that tells how you feel about each statement.
1. My teacher prepares fun activities that help
me learn better.
2. My teacher explains directions step by step.
3. The work I do in class makes me think.
4. I like to ask questions during lessons.
5. My teacher encourages me to participate in
class discussions.
6. My teacher encourages me to participate
when I work with other students in a group.
7. My teacher makes me feel that I can learn
8. My teacher helps me when I have a hard
time learning something.
9. I learn important things during lessons that
will help me when I grow up.
10. My teacher treats me with respect.
11. I know the classroom and school rules and
my teacher shows me how to be a responsible
12. My teacher is fair when I do not follow the
classroom rules.
13. My teacher teaches me to get along with
my classmates.
14. I like learning new things in kindergarten.
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