Two Stories
Two Stories
Two Stories
In t his a c t iv it y, the participants will identify
cultural and lifestyle similarities and differences in the
ways communities around the world meet their needs.
time required: 20-30 minutes
INT E ND E D F O R G R A D E S 2 - 5
Mat er ial s
Activity Steps
1 Ask the participants to locate the United States and India on the world map (or globe). Then
encourage them to share anything they know about India.
2 Inform the participants that they will be reading a story about a boy named Paritosh from
a village in India. Tell them the title, show items from the story, and ask them to predict what the
story is about. Accept responses without comment.
Distribute copies of “The Gifting Goat” story to each participant. Ask them to read the story
alone, in pairs, or out loud with you. If the story is read aloud, pause at unfamiliar vocabulary and
allow the participants to ask questions.
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A f t e r t he s t o ry has been read, engage the participants in a large-group discussion using
the following questions:
» How did the story and photos compare with your predictions? Did anything
surprise you?
» What kinds of gifts do you get?
» Would you enjoy receiving a goat as a gift? Why or why not?
» Why did Paritosh’s family receive a goat?
» How did the goat make life easier for Paritosh and his family?
» How will the goat help other people in Paritosh’s community?
» What other types of animals would be useful?
» Why is the story called “The Gifting Goat”?
5 A s k t he pa rt i c i pa nt s to locate the continent of Asia and the country of Laos on the map
(or globe). Then encourage them to share anything they know about Laos. Emphasize the distance
between Laos and the United States.
E xp l a i n that they will be reading a story about a boy called Hhamphouy, who lives in a village
in Laos. Tell them the title, show items from the story and ask them to predict what the story is
about. Accept all responses without comment.
Di s t r i but e c o p i es of the “Pigs and Pineapples” story to the participants. Ask them to read
the story alone, in pairs, or out loud with you. If the story is read aloud, pause at unfamiliar vo-
cabulary and allow students to ask questions.
» What other things have made life easier for Hhamphouy and his family?
young people would give.
INV ITE t h e gr o ups to present their questions and answers to the larger group.
11 C o n c l ud e b y i nv it ing the participants to join you in prayer. Pray for Hhamphouy and
his family. Pray for Paritosh and her family. Pray for all families in need.
Copyright © 2009 by World Vision Inc., Mail Stop 321, P.O. Box 9716, Federal Way, WA 98063-9716, All rights reserved.
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Resource 1 | The Gifting Goat
Hello! My name is Paritosh and I am 10-years-old. I live in Sohail village in the Indian state of
West Bengal, on the border of a country called Bangladesh.
I like my village, but it is very poor. I live with my parents and my little sister. We live in a simple
hut with broken fences and broken mud walls. My parents don’t earn very much money, not
enough to fix the broken walls. My father says that buying food for the family and sending my
sister and me to school are more important than fixing a wall right now. But I know it’s hard for
my parents. Sometimes I notice that they don’t eat just so there will be enough money to pay our
school fees. That makes me sad.
Our village is so poor and there are so few jobs here that some of my friends’ fathers have gone to
bigger towns and cities looking for work. I’m glad my father hasn’t had to leave. He has been able
to stay with us because our family is doing better now, thanks to some help from World Vision.
I am a member of a children’s club in my village. This is a very important club. Sometimes the
adults in our village have meetings, and they ask the children in the club about things that concern
us, such as going to school. Because I am a member of the children’s club, my family was selected
to receive a gift from the development workers.
Can you guess what we were given? A goat! That’s right—a goat! My sister and I were so happy.
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From the moment we received our goat, we took good care of her. She soon became pregnant and,
after a few months, gave birth to a little kid, right behind the mud walls of our home. I remember
every moment of its birth as if it was yesterday. I don’t have a name for my little black-colored kid,
but I know he understands me. I love communicating with animals.
Over the next few years our goat will have more babies and, when they get bigger, my father will
sell them. The money he makes from selling goats will help pay for our food and pay for me to go
to high school. This will make life much easier for all of us.
I am looking forward to going to high school. Not many people in my village have gone to high
school, but my parents and I know how important it is for me to get an education. Then I’ll be
able to get a good job and help support my family.
I almost forgot to tell you something important. In order for my family to receive our goat, we had
to promise to give her first-born female kid to another family who doesn’t have a goat and who
needs some help, just like my family needed help before we got our goat. My mother said, “This
is a noble idea, a great help to other families in the village.” My mother is very kind. I know she is
more than happy to share what she has with another family. So am I. That’s one of the reasons I’m
glad we received a goat as a gift. Now we can help other people in our village.
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Resource 2 | Pigs and Pineapples
For many years, we did not have any animals or many things to grow in our field. My parents
didn’t have much work to do and couldn’t earn any money. Life was very hard. Since then, our
life has improved a lot. World Vision gave us pigs, chicken, fish, and pineapple seeds. In the begin-
ning of the project, we received two pigs. Soon, we had 10 pigs! My parents sold five of our pigs
to buy a motorbike so we could take our crops to the market more easily.
Life is easier now that we also have a new water supply system. I used to walk 20 minutes to get to
the mountain spring, but now I just walk a few feet from my house to the water tap to get water for
our family. Soon, our fish will be big enough for my parents to sell. Next year, if we need school sup-
plies, my parents will have the money to buy what my brother and I need to keep going to school.
Right now I am in the second grade and my favorite subject is mathematics. Phout is also in
second grade. We hope to be the first in our family to complete primary school. I want to finish
primary school and continue to high school. If I complete high school, one day I can find a good
job. I want to be a policeman so I can protect people and help our country.
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Every morning I wake up at 4 a.m. After I get dressed, I make a fire so my mom can steam rice. I
also fetch water from the water tap. Then I wash dishes and help clean the house. Once the house
is clean, I walk a few minutes down the mountain to feed our pigs, chicken, and fish. Then I go
back to the house, wash my face, and get ready for school.
My parents are both farmers, so they go to the field every day. They grow pineapples, corn,
ginger, and rice. When my older brother, Phout, and I go to school, my parents take my younger
siblings to the field with them.
When school finishes at 4 p.m., I go to our family’s field to work. Our field is on a hillside close to
my house. I bring water to my parents and join my siblings to help clear weeds from the land. To-
day, my parents are growing lots of pineapples on the hill. I work for about two hours before my
family goes home for dinner. On my way back to the house, I feed the pigs and fish again. After
dinner, I do my homework and then go play with my friends or watch TV. I go to bed around 8
p.m. everyday.
On weekends, I go to the field with my family for the whole day. Usually, we leave the house
around 7 a.m. and come home at 5:30 p.m., so I don’t have much free time. When I do, I like to
play football with my friends.
These days my parents have a lot of things to do to help them earn money, so they can buy the
things my family needs, especially food and clothes. Even though I am very busy and tired at the
end of each day, I know that life is better than it was before.
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About World Vision
W o rld Vis i o n i s a Christian relief, development, and advocacy organization dedicated to helping
children and their families break free from poverty. Our work is motivated by our faith in Jesus Christ. We
see a world where each child experiences “fullness of life” as described in John 10:10. And we know this can
be achieved only by addressing the problems of poverty and injustice in a holistic way. That’s how World
Vision is unique: We bring nearly 60 years of experience in three key areas needed to help children and
families thrive: emergency relief, long-term development, and advocacy. And we bring all of our skills across
many areas of expertise to each community we work in, enabling us to care for children’s physical, social,
emotional, and spiritual well-being.
W o rld Vis i o n R es o u r c e s educates Christians about global poverty, inspires them to social justice,
and equips them with innovative resources to make a difference in the world.
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