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Unit-V Verilog Hardware Description Language

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• Overview of digital design with Verilog HDL
• Hierarchical modeling concepts
• Modules and port definitions
• Gate level modeling
• Data flow modeling
• Behavioral modeling
• Tasks & functions
• Test bench
Overview of digital design with
Verilog HDL
Evolution of Computer Aided Digital Design
Digital ckt Designed with vacuum tube & transistors

IC Logic gates are placed on a single chip

SSI Gate count was very small(<10)

MSI Hundreds of gates on a single chip(10-100)

LSI Thousands of gates on a single chip

VLSI More than 1,00,000 transistors

Emergence of HDLs
• For a long time, programming languages such as
FORTRAN, Pascal & C were being used to
describe computer programs that were
sequential in nature.
• Similarly, in the digital design field, designers felt
the need for std. language to describe digital
ckts. (HDLs)
• Allowed the designers to model the concurrency
of processes found in hardware elements.
Hardware Design Languages

 Currently, almost all integrated circuits are designed with

using HDL

 Two widely used hardware description languages

— Verilog HDL

 HDL languages can describe circuits from two perspectives

— function
— structure
Hardware Design Languages
• Hardware Description Language (HDL) is a
language used to describe a digital system.
• Digital system can be described at several
• Switch level: wires, resistors and transistors
• Gate level: logical gates and flip flops
• Register Transfer Level (RTL): registers and
the transfers of information between registers.
Verilog HDL vs. VHDL
• “V” is short for Very High Speed Integrated Circuits.
• Designed for and sponsored by US Department of Defense.
• Designed by committee (1981-1985).
• Syntax based on ADA programming language.
• Was made an IEEE Standard in 1987.
Verilog HDL
• Was introduced in 1985 by Gateway Design System Corporation, now a
part of Cadence Design Systems, Inc.'s Systems Division.
• Was made an IEEE Standard in 1995
• Syntax based on C programming language.


Describe abstractly the

functionality, interface
& overall architecture
of the digital ckt to be


Used to analyze design

in terms of functions,
compliance to standards
& other high level


Describe dataflow that

will implement the
desired digital ckts, then
design process is done
with EDA tool.


RTL description  gate

level net list


Description of the ckt in

terms of gates &
connection b/w them.

Hierarchical modeling concepts
Design Methodologies
• Two basic types of design methodologies
– Top-down design
– Bottom-up design

Top-down design Bottom-up design

Example: 4-bit Ripple Carry Adder
Level of abstraction

Behavioral or algorithmic

Dataflow level

Gate level or structural

Switch level
Behavioral or algorithmic level
• This is the highest level of abstraction
provided by verilog HDL.
• Module can be implemented in terms of the
desired design algorithm without concern for
h/w implementation details.
• Very similar to C programming.
Dataflow level
• Module is designed by specifying the dataflow.
• The designer is aware of how data flows b/w
hardware reg’s & how data is processed in
Gate level or structural
• Module is implemented in terms of logic gates
and interconnections b/w those gates.
• Similar to describing a design in terms of a
gate level logic diagram.
Modules and port definitions
Definition of Module
• Modules are the basic
building blocks in Verilog.
• Interface: port and
parameter declaration
• Body: Internal part of
• Add-ons (optional)
A simple Verilog Example

 Verilog Code  Circuit

// A simple example comment line c
module and2 (a, b ,c); module name
port list

input a, b;
port declarations
output c;

assign c = a & b; body

endmodule end module

Port declaration
 Verilog Code  Circuit

module MAT (enable, data, all_zero, result, status);

input enable; // scalar input all_zero
input [3:0] data; // vector input enable
MAT result[2:0]
output all_zero; // scalar output data[3:0] status[1:0]
output [3:0] result; // vector output
Inout [1:0] status // bi-directional port
…… LSB

 To make code easy to read, use self-explanatory port names

 For the purpose of conciseness, use short port names
 In vector port declaration, MSB can be smaller index.
e.g. output [0:3] result (result[0] is the MSB)
The Module Interface
• Port List

• Port Declaration
• The process of creating objects from a module
template is called instantiation.
• The objects are called instances.
Components of simulation
• Design block
• Stimulus block
One language, Many Coding Style
One language, Many Coding Style
One language, Many Coding Style (contd.)
Behavioral style: Verilog Code
Dataflow style: Verilog Code
Structural style: Verilog Code
Basic concepts
Module name Module ports
module Add_half ( sum, c_out, a, b );
input a, b;
Declaration of port
outputsum, c_out; modes
wire c_out_bar; Declaration of internal

xor (sum, a, b); Instantiation of primitive

nand (c_out_bar, a, b);
not (c_out, c_out_bar); b sum
endmodule c_out_bar
Verilog keywords
1.Lexical conventions
• Basic lexical conventions used by verilog HDL
are similar to C.
• Contains a stream of tokens.
• Tokens:
identifiers & keywords
• Verilog HDL- case sensitive language
• All keywords are in lowercase.
• Blank spaces \b
• Tabs \t
• New line \n

• Whitespace is not ignored in strings.

One line comment (// ………….)
Block Comment (/*…………….*/)
• 3 types: unary, binary, & ternary
Number specification
• Numbers are specified using the following form
<size><base format><number>
• Size: a decimal number specifies the size of the
number in bits.
• Base format: is the character ’ followed by one of
the following characters
– b for binary,d for decimal,o(octal),h(hex).
• Number: set of digits to represent the number.
• Sized numbers:

• Unsized numbers:

• X or Z values:

• Underscore & question mark:

• Example :
x = 347 // decimal number
x = 4’b101 // 4- bit binary number 0101
x = 6’o12 // 6-bit octal number
x = 16’h87f7 // 16-bit hex number h87f7
x = 2’b101010
x = 2’d83
• String in double quotes
“ this is an introduction”
Integer constants
 Un-sized integer example

— 12 // decimal number 12
— `h12 // hex number 12 (18 decimal number)
—`o12 // octal number 12 (10 decimal number)
—`b1001 // binary number 1001 (9 decimal number)

 Sized integer example

— 8`d12 // decimal number 12 taking 8 bits

— 8`h12 // hex number 12 taking 8 bits
—8`b10010011 //
—8`b1 // binary number 00000001
Note Verilog uses left padding
Integer constants
 Negative numbers
— Negative numbers are represented in 2’s complement form
— - 8`d12 // stored as 11110100

 Use of ?, X, Z, _ characters
— 8`h1? // 0001ZZZZ
— 2`b1? // 1Z
— 4`b10XX // 10XX
— 4`b100Z // 100Z
— 8`b1010_0011 // 10100011
• Sequence of characters that are enclosed by
double qoutes.
• Identifiers are names given to objects so that they can
be referenced in the design.
• --made up of a space-free sequence of uppercase and
lowercase letters from alphabet, digits (0,1,….9),
underscore (_), and the $ symbol.
• Verilog is a case sensitive language.
– c_out_bar and C_OUT_BAR are two different identifiers.
• The name of a variable may not begin with a digit or $,
and may be up to 1,024 characters long.
– e.g. clock_, state_3
2.Data Types
• Value set: verilog supports 4 values & 8
strengths to model the functionality of real
• Four signal values:
Strength levels
Available signal values

 Four signal values

—1 True
—0 False
—X Unknown
—Z High impedance
 Logic operations on four-value signals

Truth table
AND 1 0 X Z
b c 1 1 0 X X
0 0 0 0 0
X X 0 X X
Z X 0 X X
Signal Classification
 Each signal in Verilog belongs to either a net or a register

 A net represents a physical wire. Its signal value is

determined by its driver. If it is not driven by any driver,
its value is high impedance (Z).

 A register is like a variable in programming languages.

It keeps its value until a new value is assigned to it.

 Unlike registers, nets do not have storage capacity.

Class of Signals
• Nets: physical
between hardware

• Registers: Store
value even if
Net declaration
Nets: Represents connections b/w h/w elements.
 A net declaration starts with keyword wire
…… addr
wire r_w; // scalar signal


wire [7:0] data; // vector signal data

wire [9:0] addr; // vector signal


— Selecting a single bit or a portion of vector signals

 data[2]single bit
 data [5:3] 3 bits

 Other keywords that can be used to declare nets are:

tri, wand, triand, wor, trior, supply0, supply1, tri0,
tri1, trireg
Nets v.s. Ports

 Nets are internal signals that cannot be accessed by outside environment

 Ports are external signals to interface with outside environment

— input ports can be read but cannot be written

— output ports can be written but cannot be read
— inout ports can be read and written
module pc (clk, rst, status, i_o);
input clk, rst; clk
output [3:0] status; addr[9:0]
inout [7:0] i_o; rst


wire r_w; data[7:0]
wire [7:0] data; status[3:0]
wire [9:0] addr; r_w
…… i_o[7:0]
Register declaration
 A register declaration starts with keyword reg
reg done; // scalar signal
reg [7:0] count; // vector signal
 Registers can be used to describe the behavior of sequential circuits

 Registers can also be used to implemented registered output ports

module pc (clk, rst, status, i_o);

input clk, rst;
output [3:0] status;
reg [3:0] status;
inout [7:0] i_o;
Defining memory
 A memory component can be defined using reg variables

 Example:

reg [7:0] myMem [3:0]; // It defines a memory with 4 locations and each
// location contains an 8-bit data

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Using parameters
 The use of parameters make code easy to read and modify

 Example:

parameter bussize = 8;
reg [bussize-1 : 0] databus1;
reg [bussize-1 : 0] databus2;
• Strings: strings can be stored in reg.
3.System Tasks & Compiler
System Tasks
• Verilog provides std. system tasks to do certain
routine operations.
• Syntax: $<keyword>
• Operations: displaying on the screen,
monitoring values of nets, stopping, &
Display information
• Usage: $display(p1,p2,p3,……,pn)
– p1, ,p2,p3,……,pn can be quoted strings or
variables or expressions.

– $display without any arguments produces a

String format specifications
$display task
Monitoring information
• Syntax: $monitor
Stopping & finishing
• Syntax: $stop, $finish
Compiler directives
• Syntax: `<keyword>
• `define(in verilog) ≈ #define(in C)
• `include(in verilog) ≈ # include(in C)
Predefined gate primitives
 Verilog offers predefined gate primitives

— Multiple-input gates: and, nand, or, xor, xor, xnor

e.g. a
b d
and (d, a, b, c)

— Multiple-output gates: buf, not

buf (a, b) b a

not (a, b, c) c
Predefined gate primitives
— tri-state gates: bufif1, bufif0, notif1, notif0

e.g. c
bufif1 (a, b, c) b a

notif0 (a, b, c) a

— Verilog also offers two other gates (pull gates)

Arithmetic operators
 Available operators: +, -, *, /, % (modulo)

 Arithmetic operators treat register operands as unsigned values

— Example:

integer A; reg [7:0] A;

A = -12; A = -12;
A/4 -3 A/4 61
Relation and equality operators
 Available relational operators: <, <=, >, >=

— If any bit of an operand is X or Z, the result will be X

 Available equality operators: ===, !==, ==, !=

— ===, !== : case equality (inequality). X and Z values are considered

in comparison
— ==, != : logic equality (inequality). If any bit of an operand is
X or Z, the result will be X

Left Op. Right Op. === !== == !=
0110 0110 1 0 1 0
0110 0XX0 0 1 X X
0XX0 0XX0 1 0 X X
Logic operators
 Logic operators:
— && (logic and), || (logic or), ! (logic not)
Operand A Operand B A&B A|B !A !B
1010 00 0 1 0 1
1010 011 1 1 0 0

 Bit-wise logic operators:

— & (and), | (or), ~ (not), ^ (xor), ~^ (xnor)
Operand A Operand B A&B A|B ~A A^B A~^B
1010 0011 0010 1011 0101 1001 0110

 Reducation operators:
— & (and), ~& (nand), | (or), ~| (nor), ^ (xor), ~^ (xnor)
Operand A &A ~&A |A ~|A ^A ~^A
1010 0 1 1 0 0 1
Shifter operators
 << : shift left

reg [3:0] A;
1 1 0 1 A << 2 0 1 0 0

— zeros are moved in from the right end

 >> : shift right

reg [3:0] A;
1 1 0 1 A >> 2 0 0 1 1
Concatenation operators
 Example

reg [7:0] A, B, Data;

reg c;
A = 10101101; B= 00110011;
c = 0;
Data = {A[3:0], B[7:6], c, c}; // Data = 11010000

Data 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0

c c
A[3:0] B[7:6]

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