Sample Paper
Sample Paper
Sample Paper
Thank you for downloading sample questions of IIT-JEE / AIEEE Chemistry Rank Booster. This
sample consists of 50 questions at randomly chosen from 1000 questions in the Rank Booster.
The questions included in IIT Chemistry Rank Booster has originated from a large number of
questions which were created by our team and which were rigorously scrutinised, edited and
pretested to ensure their relevance to the IIT JEE and AIEEE chemistry preparation. Over a
period of last 6 months our contributors submitted hundreds of IIT JEE level questions, of which
our editors selected 1000 questions to be included in this book. Thus only the best of the original
questions are included in the IIT Chemistry Rank Booster. This ensures that you preparation
time spend on these questions is rightly utilised and will help you boost you rank at IIT JEE
and AIEEE exam.
Preparation of IIT Chemistry, involves mastering the key concepts in physical chemistry and
ability to apply the concepts in numerical settings, understanding reaction mechanism in
Organic chemistry and understating key properties of Inorganic compounds. This requires
systematic preparation and systematic testing of understanding and skills learned over the
variety of subject matter. It is very important that you test your concepts with real IIT JEE level
questions. Many coaching and teachers in India do provide some good pre-test material but lack
to provide comprehensive and right material for IIT Chemistry preparation. It is important
that questions you practice are at IIT JEE level and not too hard or easy from the IIT
Chemistry level. With this view we have prepared IIT Chemistry Rank Booster and we are
sure you will enjoy this.
1. X, Y and Z are three different compounds from the list below. X and Y react
together to form an ester. X and Z also react to give the same ester as X and Y
but much less readily. X reacts with sodium to produce hydrogen and a white
Compound Y could be
A. propanoyl chloride
B. propanoic acid
C. propan-1-ol
D. propanal
E. ethyl cyanide (cyanoethane)
2. Which of the following would NOT take place if butan-1-ol were under test?
A. The formation of a yellow derivative on the addition of
2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine solution
B. The formation of a green colour when warmed with a little acidified
potassium dichromate(VI) (K2Cr2O7) solution
C. The production of a sweet smelling compound when heated with a mixture
of ethanoic acid (acetic acid) and concentrated sulphuric acid
D. The evolution of hydrogen when sodium is added to it
E. The formation of 1-bromobutane when reacted with sodium bromide and
concentrated sulphuric acid
is a
A. polyester D. detergent
B. rubber E. protein
C. natural oil or fat
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4. Of the compounds listed below, the one most likely to have the highest boiling point
A. CH3Cl
B. CH2Cl 2
C. CHCl 3
D. CCl 4
E. C2 H5Cl
5. Four chemically similar substances all of which contained at least one carbon and
one halogen atom were found to be extremely stable towards oxidation,
decomposition, and attack by acid and alkali. The most likely general formula
amongst those listed in A–E is
A. Cn H2n+l Cl
B. Cn H2n+l I
C. Cn F2n+2
D. C6 H5CH2 X
H2 O
B. C2 H5 Ι + ΝaOH → C2 H5OH+NaI
C. C4 H9 Ι + ΚOH → C4 H8 + KI + H2O
D. C3 H7 Br + ΚCN → C3 H7CN + KBr
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CH3 C CH3 CH3 C CH3 + Br
CH3 CH3 +
B. CH2 + H+ C CH3
9. Ozone is a form of oxygen in which the molecules are triatomic. Ozone reacts with
compounds containing carbon-to-carbon double bonds thus:
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Would be expected to
11. Which is the order of INCREASING acid strength of the compounds below?
13. The diagram represents the electronic structure of the sulphur hexafluoride
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What volume of 02 (g), measured at s.t.p., can be obtained from the catalytic
decomposition of 1.0 dm3 of 0.50 mol dm-3 H202 ?
A 0.5 dm3 B 5.6 dm3 C 11.2 dm3 D 5.6/34 dm3 E 11.2/34 dm3
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16. The reagents sodium dichromate, sulphuric acid and ethanol are used in the
preparation of both acetaldehyde and acetic acid. In the preparation of
B. acetic acid, the three reactants, when mixed, are heated under reflux so that
they are in prolonged contact
C. acetaldehyde, a mixture of C2 H5OH and Na2Cr2O7 solution is dropped into
B. form isomers if n ≥ 4
C. are gases at room temperature (25°C) if n <5
D. are also known as paraffins (Given: the word paraffin is derived from the
Latin words “parum” = little, and “affinis” = activity)
E. cannot undergo pyrolysis or “cracking” (thermal decomposition), if n<10
19. Beryllium
IIT Chemistry – The Rank BOOSTER - Ultimate Revision Kit – IIT-CHEMISTRY.COM
C. forms a chloride which, in the solid state, consists of beryllium atoms linked by
chlorine atoms
Statement Type
Compounds containing both an amine group and a carboxyl group, such as glycine,
NH2CH2COOH , are the building blocks from which proteins are made
Amino-acids are soluble in water and have high melting points indicating that they
are actually salts and their formulae should be written.
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Where X and Y are atoms or groups of atoms, can exist in only one form
Geometric isomers can only occur when each carbon atom at the end of a double
bond has two different substituents.
Maleic acid
maleic acid and fumaric acid have atoms arranged differently in space and may be
called “space isomers” or stereoisomers
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Nitric oxide is able to replace a cyanide ion in the hexacyanoferrate (III) ion to form
[Fe(CN)5NO]2 − .
The molecule of nitric oxide contains an odd electron which it can donate to the ion
and then it can further donate a lone pair of electrons to the metal.
In the contact process for the manufacture of sulphuric acid, the reactants must be
highly compressed to obtain a profitable yield.
reactants form 2 volumes of product in the gaseous state, at the same temperature
and pressure.
The complex Cd(CN)4 2− is less stable than the complex Cu(CN)43− and
consequently there are sufficient Cd 2+ ions to exceed the solubility product of CdS,
but not enough Cu+ ions to reach the solubility product of Cu2S
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Cu+ CN −
K1 =
Cu(CN 4 )3−
=5.0 × 10 −28
Cd 2+ CN −
K2 =
Cd(CN 4 )2−
=1.4 × 10−17 )
Matrix Type
Select the formula which most closely fits the description of each compound given
Column 1 Column 2
A. CH3CH =CHCHO 27. A colourless liquid which initially forms an
immiscible layer with sodium hydroxide solu-
tion but, after refluxing for several hours, two
organic products, a solid and a liquid, can be
B. CH3CH2CO2CH2CH3 28. An optically active substance.
C. CH3CHOHCO2H 29. A colourless liquid which decolorizes acidified
potassium manganate(VII) (KMnO4) solution
and forms a crystalline precipitate with 2,4-dini-
D. CH3COCH2CO2H 30. A liquid which reacts with metallic sodium
evolving hydrogen and decolorizes both bromine
water and acidified potassium manganate(VII)
(KMnO4) solution in the cold
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Column 1 Column 2
A. Co(NO2 )63− 31. On exposure to air, solid salts containing this complex
ion, evolve a gas and absorb water vapour
Paragraph Type
A series of experimental runs was carried out. In these exactly 10 cm3 of 5 X 10-3 M
sodium thiosulphate together with exactly 3 drops of a starch solution were placed
in a conical flask and 20 cm3 each of the (NH4)2S208 solution and KI solution were
poured into this together. The flask was swirled and a stop clock started. The time
taken for the solution to darken was noted.
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37. The experiment was carried out by visual inspection. Which of the following
methods could also be used?
A. Polarimetry
B. Colorimetry
C. Dilatometry
D. Titration with standard hydrochloric acid solution
E. Titration with standard iodine solution
39. A rate equation which would be consistent with the given data would be
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The expected time, in seconds, for the appearance of the dark colour would be
A. 36 D. 87
B. 47 E. 105
C. 71
Paragraph Type
II. After a few minutes the mixture was transferred to a distillation flask and
a solution of potassium iodide added. A vigorous reaction took place. When
the reaction subsided, the flask was gently heated until a dark crude oil of
iodobenzene separated out. The iodobenzene was separated from the
aqueous layer, washed twice with water and once with an aqueous
solution of sodium thiosulphate
III. The washed iodobenzene was mixed with water and steam distilled.
IV. The iodobenzene was separated from the aqueous layer and dried.
41. The most probable reason for keeping the temperature below 10 °C in
operation I was to prevent
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42. The most likely reason for washing with sodium thiosulphate would be to
A. iodine D. nitrous acid
B. sodium nitrite E. aniline
C. potassium iodide
D. None of these
C. 75 per cent
44. Diazonium salts are useful in the synthesis of aromatic compounds. Another
compound usually prepared from a diazonium salt is
45. When aqueous ammonia is added to silver chloride, the salt dissolves. Which of the
following help to explain this observation?
A The ionic product [Ag+ (aq)] [Cl- (aq)] in the solution is less than the solubility
product of silver chloride.
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C. Ammonium ions and chloride ions have great affinity for each other.
D. None of the above
what is the value of ∆H 298
A -561 kJ mol-1
B -124kJmol-1
C +124kJmol"1
D +289kJmol-1
E +561kJmol"1
48. A solution containing one of the following metal ions gave a white precipitate when
aqueous sodium carbonate was added. After being filtered off, washed and dried, the
precipitate did not give carbon dioxide when treated with acid. Which metal ion was
present initially?
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49. The relative reactivity of propene (propylene) and ethanol (acetaldehyde) towards
attack by cyanide ion can be explained in terms of the general principle that
A nucleophiles attack a C=0 carbon atom more readily than a C=C carbon
B electrophiles attack a C=0 carbon atom more readily than a C=C carbon
C both nucleophiles and electrophiles attack a C=0 carbon atom more readily
than a C=C carbon atom.
D nucleophiles attack a C=C carbon atom more readily than a C=0 carbon
E electrophiles attack a C=C carbon atom more readily than a C=0 carbon
50. A substance X , C2H2C120, reacts with cold water to give an acid C2H3C102, and this
is converted slowly by hot water into another acid C2H403. What is X ?
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