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2325A Ashish Dutt Sharma Probems & Solutions of Engg Maths Vol - I
2366 Indian Standard Institute of New Delhi Indian Standard - Recommendations for Basic Rquirements of School Bldgs
2367 Indian Standard Institute of New Delhi Indian Standard School Furniture Class Room Chairs & Tasks
2368 Indian Standard Institute of New Delhi Indian Standards Recommendation - Prime Elements in Design of School Library
2375 M Saidani Da Neltracot Connection Design & Detaning Engg Basis Documents
2379 Edith Thmory History of Fine Arts in India and West Part - 1
2380 Edith Thmory History of Fine Arts in India and West Part - 2
2382 BC Chattopadhyay Reading Material on City & Metropolitan Planning & Develop
2405 Manas Mohan Ghosh & Alok Baishya Typical Design of Bus Stand and Bus Terminus
2408 U N Centre for Human Settlements Global Strategy for Shelter to the year 2600
2415 Cliff Moughtin Rafael Cuesta etc Urban Design - Methods and Techniques
2418 R M Lawson K F Chung etc Building Deisgn using cold formed steel section
2420 Henri T De Hahn Resourcd Book for History of Arch. 18th & 19th Century
2443 H De Chiara etc Time Saver Standards for Building Types Part -1
2444 H De Chiara etc Time Saver Standards for Building Types Part -2
2445 H De Chiara etc Time Saver Standards for Building Types Part -3
2446 Kunwar Narayan & Deepak Gahlot Glass Training Mnual Vol -1
2448 Arjit Guha & Datta Design Guoide Book for use of Plain Profiled Sheets
Accession Number Author Title
2455 Live Better with Mud & Thatch Imroved Rural Houses
2457 Indian Society of Earthquake Engg - Rorkee Recent Earthquakes of Chamoli & Bhuj Part 1
2458 Indian Society of Earthquake Engg - Rorkee Recent Earthquakes of Chamoli & Bhuj Part 2
2459 Indian Society of Earthquake Engg - Rorkee A mannual of Earthquake Resistant non-Engg Construction
2460 Indian Society of Earthquake Engg - Rorkee A mannual of Earthquake Resistant non-Engg Construction
2461 Thomas Madigan Drafting workbook Architectural Drawing & Light Construction
2462 Vittorio Magnogo Museums for a New Millenium Concept Projects Bldgs
2463 Edward J Muller & others Architectural Drawing and Light Construction
2469 Central Building Research Inst. Roorkee Building Research notes on Building construction (services)
2470 Central Building Research Inst. Roorkee Building Research notes on Building construction (services)
2471 Central Building Research Inst. Roorkee Building Research notes on Building construction (services)
2472 Central Building Research Inst. Roorkee Building Research notes on Building construction
2473 Central Building Research Inst. Roorkee Building Research notes on Building construction
2474 Central Building Research Inst. Roorkee Building Research notes on Building construction
2475 Central Building Research Inst. Roorkee Building Research notes on Building construction Materials
2476 Central Building Research Inst. Roorkee Building Research notes on Building construction Materials
2477 Central Building Research Inst. Roorkee Building Research notes on Building construction Materials
2481 PVR Iyer, TR Rao & others BIOMASS : Thermo Chemical Characterisation
2493 Susan Berry Steye Bradley Best plants for your garden
2500 Tony Russel & Cetherine Culer Tress - An Illustratical Identifier & Encyclopedia
2501 Jane Bland Willam Davidson The New Houseplant Survival Manual
2508 Image Pub The Master Architect Services III Chen Shimin
Accession Number Author Title
2509 Image Pub The Master Architect Services : Johnson Fain Partners
2510 Image Pub The Master Architect Series III : R M Klimant & Frances Hallband
2513 Image Pub The Master Architect Series III : T R Hamzah & Yeang
2519 Image Pub The Master Architect Series III : Alfredo De Vido
2520 Colin St. John Wilson The other Tradition of Modern Architecture
2547 Tom Jones, Willam Pettus Etc. Good Neighbors : Affordable Family Housing
2562 Lillian Too Complete Illistrated Guide to FENG SHUI for Gardens
2564 Richard Craze Vaastu The Indian Spiritual Alternative to feng shui
2571 Tulika Architecture Research Cell - Rajrewal Humane Habitate at Low Cost
2573 Moore Ruble Yudell OSCAR Riera Ojeda Campus and Community
2577 Edited by Martin Frishman Hasan Uddin Khan The Mosque History
2598 Donald Watson Michael J Crosbie Time Saver Standards for Architecture Design
2612 John Litter Randeall Thomas Design with energy : The conservation and use of energy buildings
2615 Alan Phillips The Best in Scince, Office and Busineess Park Design
2618 Theodor Hugues Klam Greirichs Building with Forge Clay Blocks
2620 Ronald Green RIBA AADIP The Architect's Guide to Running A Job
2643 Dr P N Modi Sewage Treatment & Disposal and Waste Water Engg.
Accession Number Author Title
2645 Iqbal Khan Naveel Ahsan Text Book of Solid Wastes Management
2664 Jyotindra Jain Arun Rewal Library for the Indian Parliament : Rajrewal
2672 J C Pant Project Management CPM PERT GERT and Linear Programming
2677 Review of Building codes & preparation of Commentry & Hand Book Seismic Codes
Accession Number Author Title
2678 Bureau of Indian Standards Earthquake - Indian Standard Code 4326 - 1993 (Reaffimed 1998)
2679 Bureau of Indian Standards Criteria for Earthquake Resistent Design of Structure - code 1893
2680 Indian Institute of Tech., Kanpur Review of Building codes & preparation of Hand Book Seismic Codes
2683 Central Building Research Inst. Roorkee Educational & Healin Case Buildings
2684 Central Building Research Inst. Roorkee Educational & Healin Case Buildings
2685 Central Building Research Inst. Roorkee Educational & Healin Case Buildings
Design Procedures to CE C3 concise Eurocode 3 for the design of steel buildings in the united
2688 N R Baldoo, AW Morrow, FS Naji
2708 Fred A Stit, Van Notrand Reinhold Production Systems for Architecture and Designers
2710 Debashis Datta Design Guide Book of Light and Temporary Steel Structure
2715 Rvu Choon Soo P A - 18 B monthly Journal of Pro Architect March 2000
2716 Choi Kwan Young P A - 19 B monthly Journal of Pro Architect June 2000
2717 Gewers Kuhn & Kuhn P A - 23 B monthly Journal of Pro Architect May 2001
2719 David King The Complete Work of Robert and James Adam
2726 Mavis Batey & David Lambert The English Garden Tour
2739 Geraint John Kit Compbell ICE Rinks & Swimming Pool Vol - III
2740 Richard Meier Harold M Williams Marking Architecture the Getty Center
2745 Christy Casamassmt Bar Excellence Design for Pub & Clubs
Accession Number Author Title
2746 John Marris Dixon Urban Spaces No. 3 - The Design of Public Spaces
2753 Mark Wigley Constant's New Banulone - The Hyper - Architecture of Desire
2756 Edgar Braot Joan Kahr Edgar Brandf Master of Art Deco Iron Work
2784 Akiko Busch Roof TopArchitecture - The Art of going through Roof
2785 Pankaj Rakesh & Karoki Lewis Shekhawati - Rajasthan's Painted Homes
2787 Angi and Alan Pinder Beazley's Design & Detail of the Space between Buildings
2804 Haig Belk Tract Landscape Architects, Urban Designers, Town Planners
2809 Marta Rajals Del Alamo Design for Fun : Play Ground
2815 Henry J Cowaa Peter R Smith Dictionary of Architectural and Building Technology
2817 Jayanta Kr. Saha Guide Book on Fire Protection of Steel Structures
2820 Andres Duany, Elizabeth Plater The Rise of Sprawi Suburban and the Decline of Nation - The American Dream
2822 Gullenno Jullian D Fuente Atedier rue de Sevres 35 - An Exibhition of Project Sketches and Notes from Le Carbusier
2836 Robert Ivy Architectural Record - Oct. 2002 & Aprial 1992
2837 Premendra Raj Mehta Architecture Time Space & People July to Dec 2002
2838 Anil Nagrajh Architecture Time Space & People Jan to June 2002
2839 Ar. Jagdip Desai Journal of the Indian Institute of Architecture July to Dec. 2004
2840 Ar. Jagdip Desai Journal of the Indian Institute of Architecture Feb to June 2004
2841 Suneet Paul Architecture + Design Sept-Oct 2000 & May June 2003
2845 Rajul Shah Indian Architecture & Builder Sept, Nov. 87, June 88-90 & July 94
2846 Sarita Vijayan Indian Architecture & Builder Sept. Sept - Oct 2002
2847 Sarita Vijayan Indian Architecture & Builder June - Aug 2003
Accession Number Author Title
2848 Sarita Vijayan Indian Architecture & Builder Jan - March 2004
2849 K B Kukerja, Kaushal Kishan, Ravi Chawla Material Testing Laboratery Manual
2850 K B Kukerja, Kaushal Kishan, Ravi Chawla Material Testing Laboratery Manual
Journal of the Indian Institute of Architecture Sept 96, May - June 97, Jan,Feb, July, Aug & Dec
2853 Vasant B Ranade
2854 Vasant B Ranade Journal of Indian Institute of Architects Jan-Feb 1998, July-April 1998, Jan-June 1999 & Sept 2000
2857 Sheila Shahani Inside - Outside Feb 2002 & May 2002
2865 Kamal Khokhani Construction Journal of India July-Aug & Oct - Dec. 2004
2873 Arvind Krishon, Nick Baker etc Climate Responsive Architecture Part - I 2004
2874 Arvind Krishon, Nick Baker etc Climate Responsive Architecture Part - II 2004
2875 Arvind Krishon, Nick Baker etc Climate Responsive Architecture Part - I 2004
2876 Arvind Krishon, Nick Baker etc Climate Responsive Architecture Part - II 2004
2887 National International Centre for Earthquake Engg. Guide lines for Earthquake Resistant Non - Engineered Construction
2888 Ministry of Human Resource Development National Programme on Earthquake Engg. Education
2889 Jerzy Kozolowskj Threshold Approach in Urban Regional and Environmental Planning
2890 G.Chakraberty & T.K. Bandhyopadhyay Design of Pressed Steel and Profil Steel Water Tanks
2891 Nirmita Mehrotra & Panicker National Conference on Disaster & Technology
2894 National International Centre for Earthquake Engg. Guide lines for Earthquake Resistant Non - Engineered Construction
2899 Commercial Law Publishers India Pvt. Ltd. Manual on Labour and Industial Law
2900 Ministry of Public Works Transport & Tourism Urban and Land Planning in France
2998 Fredrick S Merritl Jonathan T. Ricklts Building, Design And Construction Hand Book
2999 Kenneth M Leet Dionsio Bernal Reinforced Concrete Design
3000 Editor M.S Garrison The Graphic Standard Guide to Architecture Finishes
3001 Brenda Grant - Hoys Kimberlya Mikyla Color in Small Spaces
3002 Edited by Friederike Schneider Floor Plan Manual -Housing
3003 Edited by Friederike Schneider International Year Book -Award Winning Architecture 1998-99
3004 Joseph Rosa Next Generation Architecture
3005 Darell Wayne Fields Architecture In Black
3006 Michal J . Crosbil Architecture for Science
3007 Francisco Asensio Cerver Architecture Promenade
3008 Alan Bal Four Zheng Shiling World Cities
3009 Helmut Jann Architecture & Engineering
3010 Chris A Bel Architecture & Identity
3011 Michale J. Crosbie Generating context
3012 Edited by Gordon Grice The Art of Architectural Illustrations
3013 Edited by David Norman Foster Works-I
3014 Mehr Dad Shokoohy Muslim Architecture of South India
3015 Edtior, Christian Schiltion In Detail Interous & Spaces
3016 Anita Ruiolds Child Care Design Guide
3017 Matthew Carnona Housing Design Quality
3018 Arian Mostaedi Exhibition Stands
3019 Bill Addis Creativity & Innovation
3020 Ed.Christian Schittich In Detail High-Density Housing -Concept.
3021 Elizabeth Wilhide Sir Edwin Lutyens-Designing
3022 Alejandro Barhamon Offices For Small Spaces
3023 Clare Melhwish Morden Howe-2
3024 A.K. Coomara Swamy Sambolism of Indian Architecture
3025 R. Nath Elements of Indian Art & Architecture
3026 Robert Ivy Architecture Record -Sep.& Oct.2005
3027 Sarita Vijayan Indian Architect & Builder
3028 Wolf Gang Shcueller The Vertical Building Structure
3029 Barry The Construction of Building
3030 Barry The Construction of Building
3031 Barry The Construction of Building
3032 Barry The Construction of Building
3033 W.B.Mckay Building Construction Metric Vol.1
3034 W.B.Mckay Building Construction Metric Vol.2
3035 W.B.Mckay Building Construction Metric Vol.3
3036 W.B.Mckay Building Construction Metric Vol.4
3037 Donald Watson Alan Plattus Time Save Standers for Urban Design
3038 Donald Watson Alan Plattus Time Save Standers for Urban Design
3039 Saha,Jayant K. Guide Book On Proper Usage Of Steel Rein for Cement Bars for Durable Const.Prac.
3040 Edition C.P. Kukreja Architecture + Design
3041 H.K. Verma Interiors Today
3042 H.K. Verma Interiors Today
3043 Chief Editor O.P. Datta Civil Engineering & Construction Review
3044 Chief Editor O.P. Datta Civil Engineering & Construction Review
3045 Chief Editor O.P. Datta Civil Engineering & Construction Review
3046 Chief Editor O.P. Datta Civil Engineering & Construction Review
3047 Editor Kamal Khokhani Construction Journal Of India
3048 Editor Harold Lewis Journal of the Town Planning Institute
3049 Robert Ivy Architecture Record -Sep.& Oct.2005
3050 Abhay Sardesaj Art India
3051 Amand Evans Home & Gardens
Accession Number Author Title
3159 An Ambiguous
3160 India's Political
3161 Bureau of Indian Standards I.S. Code-Protection of Buildings & Allied Strectures Against Lighting2309
3162 Bureau of Indian Standards I.S. Code-Protection of Practicen For Earthing is 3043-1987
3163 Bureau of Indian Standards I.S. Code-Guide for Preparation of Diagrams Chart & Tables For Electrotechnology
3164 Bureau of Indian Standards I.S. Code-8270
3165 Bureau of Indian Standards I.S. Code-8270
3166 Bureau of Indian Standards I.S. Code-8270
3167 Editor Anil Agrawal Down to Earth Survival Primer
3168 Ernst & Peter Neufert Architects Data Part-II (Xerox)
3169 Priyaleen Singh Historic Gurdendns-Conservation Briefs
3170 Raj Gurmeet S Desharkar Paromita What are LIME Mortars Conservation Briefs
3171 Mao-lin Chiu Ed Insights of Degital Cities Cadd Talks-4
3172 Mao-lin Chiu Ed Insights of Degital Cities Cadd Talks-4
3173 Mao-lin Chiu Ed Insights of Degital Cities Cadd Talks-4
3174 Mao-lin Chiu Ed Insights of Smarts Environments
3175 Mao-lin Chiu Ed Insights of Smarts Environments
3176 Mao-lin Chiu Ed Insights of Smarts Environments
3177 Chakraborti G. Design Handbook for Cold formed Steel Sections PT.-I
3178 Stead Man Plip Hodwnson Simon Nuclear Desistar & the built envirnment
3179 Dowrick Devid J. Earth quake Resisitant Design for Engg. & Architects
3180 Bolt Burce A. Earth quakes
3181 Wood Lebbeys Earth quakes
3182 Lagorio Henry J. Earth quakes in Architects Guide to Nonstructural Sesmic Hazards
3183 Bureau of Indian Standards National Buildings Code of India-2005
3184 N Krishna Raju Pre-Stressed Concrete
3185 Peter Forbes & Associates TEN Houses
3186 Arian Mostaedi Sustainable Architecture Hi-Tech Housing
3187 Elizabeth Gill Lui Building Deplomacy-The Architecture of American Emmbasy
3189 Arian Mostaedi Residenses for the elderly
3190 Arian Mostaedi Now Coastal Houses
3191 Arian Mostaedi New Apartment Buildings
3192 Carle Brota Rehabili Tateu Buildings
3193 Carles Broto Commercial Spaces
3194 Arian Mostaedi Apartment Buildings
3195 Carles Broto Residential Architecture
3196 Carles Broto Houses
3197 Marco Bussagli Under Standing Architecture
3198 Abha Narain Lambah ThroughThe Looking Glass
3199 Editor- Sarah Noal Sproting Space
3200 Anja Llorella New Hotels-2
3201 Alan Philips The best in Industrial Architecture
3202 Stephen Verderber Bens Refuerzo Innovations in Hospice Architecture
3203 Michael Wood How to Keep A Sketch Book
3204 Tracy Graivier Bell Crazy Mosaic
3205 Arian Mostaedi The International House
3206 Derek Fell Encyclopedia of Garden Design & Structure
3207 Peter Robinson Complete Guide to Water Gardening
3208 Liz Dobbs & Sarah woods The essential Book of Garden design Techniques
3209 Edited by Fiona Gruber The Mster Landscape Architect Series-JJR- creativitiy
3210 Michell Beazley The Minmalist Garden
3211 Dr. Michael J. Hurdzen Golf Course Architecture
3212 Alessandra Laboutr Louis I. Kahn
Accession Number Author Title
3213 Beth Bunlop & Denis Hector Twentith Century Houses Klw, Alvar Alto Charles & Ray
3214 Beth Bunlop & Denis Hector Twantith Century Classics
3215 Rechard Weston Materials, Form & Architecture
3216 Yatin Pandya Concepts of Space in Traditional Indian Architecture
3217 Samuel E. French Fundamental of Structural Analysis
3218 Gwathmey Slegel TEN Houses
3219 Miller & Hull Partnership TEN Houses
3220 Enrique Browne TEN Houses
3221 Eduardo Souto Moura TEN Houses
3222 Wheller Kearns Architects TEN Houses
3223 Alfredo De Vido TEN Houses
3224 Christian De Groote TEN Houses
3225 James Grayson The Smart House
3226 Lionel Jyanetti Paul Follolt Bamboo in Construction
3227 Compiled by Oscar Riera Ojeda Jose Paulo Dos Santos
3228 Compiled by Oscar Riera Ojeda Adrian Luchini
3229 Susan Bryant Caron Hill side Landscaping
3230 Barbara J. Braasch Complete Home Storage
3231 DEREC Phillips The Lit Environment
3232 Brian Rechards Future Transport in Cities
3233 Edited by James Grayson Trulove TEN Landscapes
3234 Oscar Riera Ojeda Lorean O' Herlihy
3235 Edited by John Misgrove Sir Benester Flecher's - A History of Architecture - Pt.I
3236 Edited by John Misgrove Sir Benester Flecher's - A History of Architecture - Pt.II
3237 Edited by John Misgrove Sir Benester Flecher's - A History of Architecture - Pt.III
3238 Edited by John Misgrove Sir Benester Flecher's - A History of Architecture - Pt.IV
3239 Edited by John Misgrove Sir Benester Flecher's - A History of Architecture - Pt.I
3240 Edited by John Misgrove Sir Benester Flecher's - A History of Architecture - Pt.II
3241 Edited by John Misgrove Sir Benester Flecher's - A History of Architecture - Pt.III
3242 Edited by John Misgrove Sir Benester Flecher's - A History of Architecture - Pt.IV
3243 Joseph De Chiara Lee Koppelman Time Saver Standards, Interior Design and Space Planning _ Pt-I
3244 Joseph De Chiara Lee Koppelman Time Saver Standards, Interior Design and Space Planning _ Pt-II
3245 Joseph De Chiara Time Saver Standards, Interior Design and Space Planning _ Pt-III
3246 Joseph De Chiara Time Saver Standards, Interior Design and Space Planning _ Pt-I
3247 Joseph De Chiara Time Saver Standards, Interior Design and Space Planning _ Pt-II
3248 Joseph De chiara Time Saver Standards, Interior Design and Space Planning _ Pt-III
3249 R.L.Bawa, Boniface G. Fernandes Design for Living - Guide for Planning of Residential Neighbour
3250 National Institute of Urban Affairs Jawaharlal Nehru on building a New India
3251 Enjoy Austria with Cox and Kings
3252 Nilanjan Basu Alok Arnab Basu Design of a typical steel - concrete composite shopping mall
3253 Charles W. Harris Time Saver Standards for Landscape Arch. Design Pt._I
3254 Charles W. Harris Time Saver Standards for Landscape Arch. Design Pt._II
3255 Charles W. Harris Time Saver Standards for Landscape Arch. Design Pt._I
3256 Charles W. Harris Time Saver Standards for Landscape Arch. Design Pt._II
3257 Charles W. Harris History of European Architecture
3258 Planning Commission Urban Improvements Astrategy for Urban Works
3259 Govt. of Maharashtra Maharashtra Act No. XXX III of 19.66 Regional & townplanning Act 1988
3260 Govt. of Maharashtra Development Control Rules
3261 Francis D.K.Ching Building Construction Illustrated
3262 Francis D.K.Ching Building Construction Illustrated
3263 Chhatarsingh etc. Trees of Chandigarh
3264 Chhatarsingh etc. Trees of Chandigarh
3265 A.C.Dutta A class book of botany
3266 Francis D.K.Ching Architecture form space & order
Accession Number Author Title
3321 Bureau of Indian Standards Summaries of Indian Standards for Building Materials
3322 M. Pratap rao Urban Planning Theory & Practice
3323 M. Pratap rao Urban Planning Theory & Practice
3324 Bureau of Indian Standards Plain and Reinforced Concrete - IS 456 Code of Practice
3325 Bureau of Indian Standards Standard sand for testing cement specification IS650
3326 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-516 - Methods of Tests for Strength of Concrete
3327 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-1199 - Methods of Sampling and Analysis of Concrete
3328 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-1786 - Specifications for High Strength Deformed Steel Bars & Wires
3329 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-2720 - Methods of Test for Soils Pt.-I
3330 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-2720 - Methods of Test for Soils Pt.-II
3331 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-2720 - Methods of Test for Soils Pt.-III(1)
3332 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-2720 - Methods of Test for Soils Pt.-III(2)
3333 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-2720 - Methods of Test for Soils Pt.-IV
3334 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-2720 - Methods of Test for Soils Pt.-V
3335 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-2720 - Methods of Test for Soils
3336 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-2720 - Methods of Test for Soils Pt.-VII
3337 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-2720 - Methods of Test for Soils Pt.-VIII
3338 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-2720 - Methods of Test for Soils Pt.-IX
3339 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-2720 - Methods of Test for Soils Pt.-X
3340 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-2720 - Methods of Test for Soils Pt.-XI
3341 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-2720 - Methods of Test for Soils Pt.-XII
3342 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-2720 - Methods of Test for Soils Pt.-XIII
3343 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-2720 - Methods of Test for Soils Pt.-XIV
3344 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-2720 - Methods of Test for Soils Pt.-XV
3345 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-2720 - Methods of Test for Soils Pt.-XVI
3346 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-2386 - Methods of Test for Aggregates for Concrete Pt.-I
3347 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-2386 - Methods of Test for Aggregates for Concrete Pt.-II
3348 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-2386 - Methods of Test for Aggregates for Concrete Pt.-III
3349 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-2386 - Methods of Test for Aggregates for Concrete Pt.-IV
3350 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-2386 - Methods of Test for Aggregates for Concrete Pt.-V
3351 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-2386 - Methods of Test for Aggregates for Concrete Pt.-VI
3352 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-10505 - Code of Practice for Calculation of Floors & Roofs with Precast Concrete
3353 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-8009 - Code of Practice for calculation of settlements of foundation
3354 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-4031 Method of Physical Tests for Hydraulic Cement Pt. I
3355 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-4031 Method of Physical Tests for Hydraulic Cement Pt. II
3356 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-4031 Method of Physical Tests for Hydraulic Cement Pt. III
3357 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-4031 Method of Physical Tests for Hydraulic Cement Pt. IV
3358 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-4031 Method of Physical Tests for Hydraulic Cement Pt. V
3359 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-4031 Method of Physical Tests for Hydraulic Cement Pt. VI
3360 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-4031 Method of Physical Tests for Hydraulic Cement Pt. VII
3361 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-4031 Method of Physical Tests for Hydraulic Cement Pt. VIII
3362 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-4031 Method of Physical Tests for Hydraulic Cement Pt. IX
3363 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-4031 Method of Physical Tests for Hydraulic Cement Pt. X
3364 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-4031 Method of Physical Tests for Hydraulic Cement Pt. XI
3365 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-4031 Method of Physical Tests for Hydraulic Cement Pt. XII
3366 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-4031 Method of Physical Tests for Hydraulic Cement Pt. XIII
3367 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-4031 Method of Physical Tests for Hydraulic Cement Pt. XIV
3368 Bureau of Indian Standards IS-4031 Method of Physical Tests for Hydraulic Cement Pt. XV
3369 Satish Grover Budhist and Hindu Architecture in India
3370 Satish Grover Budhist and Hindu Architecture in India
3371 Dhdeacon, DC Iles Aj Taylor Burability of Steel Bridges - A Survey of the Performance of Protective Coatings
3372 Bhaskar Dainik Jweles in the Crown - Success Stories of Business Tycoons of Raj.
3373 ICR Education Society Architecture Tutorials
3374 INSDAG - P.R.Salter Wind Moment Design of Low Rise Frames
Accession Number Author Title
3381 HCPDM, EPC, EPCDPM Paritosh - Ahmedabad People and Projects - Nov. 2005
3382 ICR Education Society Architecture Tutorials - Section B (Building Services) Part-II
3383 ICR Education Society Architecture Tutorials - Section B (Building Services) Part-I
3384 Ashish Dutt Sharma Solved Papers B.E. I Year
3385 Data Pro I.Tech Master-Pro - Autocad (Level-I)
3386 Chandra Bhushan The Romance of Construction Vol.II
3387 ICR Education Society Architecture Tutorials Section `C'
3388 Charles Jeneks The Language of Post Modern Architecture
3389 Vikram Bhatt & Peter Scriver After the Masters
3390 Ilay Cooper Barry Dawson Traditional Buildings of India
3391 William J.R. Crutis Modern Architecture Since 1900
3392 B.L.Gupta, Amit Gupta Construction Management - Machinary and Accounts
3393 R. Suresh Soil and Water Conservation Engineering
3394 Charles W. Harris Nicholas T.Dines T.S.S. for Landscape Architecture
3395 Govt. of India Census Deptt. Census of India Raj. MP. Chhatisgarh
3396 John L. Motlock Introduction to Landscape Deisgn
3397 Sir Gordon Manzie Defects in Buildings
3398 AE.J.Morris Precast Concrete In Architecture
3399 Gautam Bhatia Laurie Baker
3400 L. Hilberseimer Contemporary Architecture - Its Roots and Trends
3401 Gideon Golaney New Town Planning - Principles and Practice
3402 Lecorbusier Peter De Francia & Anna Bos Modular-2 (Let the user speak next)
3403 Geoffrey K. Payne Low Income Housing in the Developing World
3404 Francis D.K.Ching A Visual Dictionary of Architecture
3405 Francis D.K.Ching A Visual Dictionary of Architecture
3406 A.K.Samanta Improved Bullock Carts
3407 Energy & Resource Institute Sustainable Building Design Manual
3408 Energy & Resource Institute Sustainable Building Design Manual
3409 TERI - Pradeep Kumar Managing Energy Efficiency In Hotels & Commercial Buildings
3410 Tom Heath Method in Architecture
3411 Henri Stierlin Encyclopaedia of World Architecture
3412 Christian Ndrerg Schilz Intentions in Architecture
3413 Edmund N. Bacon Design of Cities
3414 Paul Zucker Town and Square
3415 William T. Perks IRA Miles Robinson Urban and Regional Planning in Afedral State
3416 Le Corbusier The Modulor
3417 Ernest Burdon Design Presentation - Technique for Marketing
3418 Mario Salvadori Structure in Architecture
3419 Lewis Mumford The city in History
3420 Bernard M. F. Eilden Conservation of Historic Building
3421 Rick Schwolsky James Williams The Builder's Guide to Solar Construction
3422 Achyut P. Kanvinde & H. James Miller Campuc Design in India
3423 Indian Standards Institution New Delhi Summaries of Indian Standards for Building Materials
3424 Arvid Bengtsson Environmental Planning for Children's Play
3425 CVR Murty Andrew W. Charleson Earthquake Design Concepts
3426 Eugene P. Odum Gary W. Borrett Fundamentals of Ecology
Accession Number Author Title
3510 Dr. Agadhana Salpekar, Dr. Kadambari Sharma State of India's Environment
3512 Dr. Agadhana Salpekar, Dr. Kadambari Sharma Population And Community Ecology
3513 Dr. Agadhana Salpekar, Dr. Kadambari Sharma Natural Resources Conservation
3514 Dr. Agadhana Salpekar, Dr. Kadambari Sharma Environmental Protection and Law
3515 Dr. Agadhana Salpekar, Dr. Kadambari Sharma Environmental Impact Assement
3516 Dr.Agadhana Salpekar,Dr.kadambariSharma pollution monitering and control
3517 Dr.Agadhana Salpekar,Dr.kadambariSharma Research Methodologyand system
3518 Dr.Agadhana Salpekar,Dr.kadambariSharma Global environmental issues
3519 Prathima Manohar Architect HafeezContractor Selected works 1982-2006
3520 Mike E. Milles Marc A.Gavie Berens Weiss Real Estate Developments Principals & Proecss-1(x-rox)
3521 Mike E. Milles Marc A.Gavie Berens Weiss Real Estate Developments Principals & Proecss-2(x-rox)
3522 Cepric B Finch Dr .D.k sharma A Prectical guide to hospital planning and management(x-rox)
3523 Christine esteve Fading away 01 The Havelys of Shekhawati
3524 do
3525 do
3526 Sheela Sohani[editor] INSIDE OUTSIDE JAN 07
Accession Number Author Title
3527 do do Feb 07
3530 Smt.M.M. Design process
3531 Dr.RB.Shiv gunde leadership Development reading material Niasa
3532 SUneet Paul A+D Sept.06 Oct 06
3533 Tata Tisco Towers
3534 Editeor Nimisha Sinha Vivid Spaces
3535 Malcom Holzman STONE WORK[designing with stone]
3536 Dan Cruickshank Architecture-150 Master pieces of Western Architecture
3537 Laura Hourston Museum Builders II
3538 Curtis W.Fentress Civic Builders
3539 Willium H. Grover The Enthusiasms of Centrebrook
3540 Christine Nicki-Weller The New Hospital
3541 Branco Mitrovic Learning From Palladio
3542 Los Angeles Brenda Levin -Levin and Associats
3543 Stve Womersley Urban Design Group / Inc.
3544 Paul Cattermole Building for Tomorrow
3545 Adited Renee Otmr Richard Dattner and partner Architects
3546 Edited Kate Ryan Architect 49
3547 David Brownlee Louis I. Kahn
3548 Conway Lloyd Morgon Jean nouvel - The elements of Architecture
3549 Irina Sakellaidow Mario Botta - Architectural Poitics
3550 Edited Francesco Sevan Holl
3553 Edited by Jan Birksted LANDSCAPE OF MEMORY 7 EXPERIENCE
3554 Lloyd E. Giluck Leading Residential; Landscape Professional
3555 Tony Chapman The Sterling Prize
3557 Richard Koshalek Arata Isozaki - Four decades of architecture
3558 Buzzyudell and John Ruble Moore Ruble Yudell - Making Place
3559 Woodside House, Winkfield The BDA Guide to Successful Brick work
3560 Suneet Paul Architecture + Design
3561 Paolo Porttoghesi Aldo Rossi The Sketch Books 1990-97
3562 Re Somol Peter Eisenman - Diagram Diaries
3563 Paco Asenssio Small Pools
3564 Fredrick Bradlely Fine Marble in Architecture with c d
3565 Editor Chen Ciliang The Interior Color Design
3566 Joseph De Chiara Julius Panero Time Saver Standards for Interior Design & Space Planning
3567 RAMSEY /SLEEPER Architectural Graphic Standards
3568 Joseph De Chiara Michaell J. Crosbie
3569 S.C. Rangwala Town Planning
3570 S.N.Sen Acoustics Waves and Oscillations
3571 Arijit Guha Design of Steel-Concrete Composite Box Girder Bridge
3572 R.M.Lawson Design of haunched composite beams in buildings
3573 R.G. Ogden Curtainwall connections to steel frames
3574 Robert Ivy Architectural Record--Apr, May,June 2007
3575 Michael J Crosbie Multi-family Housing -The of sharing
3576 Berkus.Barry A House design
3577 Boschetti Joe Details in Architecture- 4
3578 Sha Ros Buam Innteriors by Design
3579 A I A (America) Design for Aging Review
3580 Lawson R.M.C.Gibbons Moment in connections in composite construction : Interim guidance for end-plate connection
Accession Number Author Title
3581 Ryan P.Otlet M. Golen R.G. Steel Supported glazing systems interfaces
3582 James Van Sweden Gardening with water
3583 Alejandro Barhamon Landscape Design water
3584 Smen Bell Elements of Visual Design in the Landscape
3585 Jeong . Ji Seong Indoor Landscape
3586 John Hix The Glass House
3588 Tony Chapman Architecture 06 The Guide to the Riba
3589 Peter Szalapaj Contemporary Architecture &the digital Design Process
3590 Kester Rattenbury Architects Today
3591 Neil Parkyn Super Structures
3592 Tay Khen Soon Line Edge & Shade
3593 Jenny Gibbs A Handbook for Interior Designers
3594 Robert Kronen Burg Flexible Architecture that responds to change
3595 Brent Richards New glass Architecture
3596 Emma O" Kelly Corinna Dean Conversions
3597 Colin porteous solar Architecture in cool climates
3598 Georges Binder Tall buildings in Europe
3599 (ASSO)Sarah Stein Portraits of the new Architecture
3600 Daryl Jackson Architecture port folio
3601 Siman unwin An Architecture note book
3602 Jonathan Hill Immaterial Architecture
3603 Andew Moor Colkours of Architectecture
3604 Martha Gill Colour harmony for innteriors
3605 Derek Thomas Architecture and the urban Environment
3606 Day Chritopher Consensus Design
3607 Jacobo Krauel Urban Elements
3608 Hugh Pearman Airports- A Century of Architecture
3609 Sarah Noal Educatational Spaces-Vol. 3
3610 Joe Boschetti Social space vol -2
3611 Will Jones New transport Architecture
3612 Denis Bedeau Khans,Fondouks and Caravnseraics
3613 Vijaya Rathore Jewels in the crown
3614 Christine Steve Fading away 01 The Havelys of Shekhawati
3615 Christine Steve Ecole d'architecture Langodo
3616 Paul Finch Architectural Review Jan-Apr,06
3617 Paul Finch Architectural Review Sept-Dec,06
3618 Dr.Arup Saha Chaudhri Future Trends in Analysis and Design of steel feramed buildings in India
3619 Editor O P D A T A Civil Engg & Const Review
3620 Editor O P D A T A Civil Engg & Const Review
3621 Editor O P D A T A Civil Engg & Const Review
3622 Editor O P D A T A Civil Engg & Const Review
3623 Editor Sudhir Sarur Archi Design Persepective Dec,05 Jan,Mar,Apr,Aug, Sept 2006
3624 Editor Sudhir Sarur Archi Design Perspective Oct,03 Maar,Apr,05 Sept, Oct,2005
3625 H K VERMA Interiors Today JAN-JUNE2007
3626 Council of Architecture, New Delhi Handbook of Professional Documents 2005
3627 Dainik Bhaskar Path Finder
3628 Pydi Lakshman Rao Hitesh Kumar Guide for Design of steel sheet piles & bearing piles
3629 Abhai Sardesai ART INDIA Quarter I & II 2006
3630 Abhai Sardesai ART INDIA Quarter III & IV 2005
3631 Abhai Sardesai ART INDIA Quarter III & IV 2006
3632 Pratapaditya Pal MARG Quarter ending Sept & December 2005
3633 Pratapaditya Pal MARG quarter endingSept and Dec,2006
3634 Pratapaditya Pal MARG Quarter ending March and June 2006
Accession Number Author Title
3635 Sarita Vijayan Indian Architects & Builder Feb and March 2007
3636 Sarita Vijayan Indian Architects & Builder Mya,June & July 2007
3637 Suneet Paul Architectural Design May,June 2006
3638 Suneet Paul Architectural Design July and August 2007
3640 Sylvia Khan Index Furniture Journal quarter ending March andd June 2004
3639 Sheila sahani INSIDE OUTSAIDE JULY-AUG007
3641 Sylvia Khan Index Furniture Journal July - Sept06 and Oct- Dec 2006
3642 Brijendra Dua Jopurnal of Landscape winter06 Spring 07 Monsoon 07
3643 Avdesh Mishra KALA DIRGHA Oct03, Apr,04
3644 Vijay Shri Krishan Sohani Architecture Time Space & People
3645 Charles W. Harris Nicholas T.Dines Time Saver Standards Landacape II
3646 Prthma Manohar Architect HafeezContractor
3647 Charles W. Harris Nicholas T.Dines Time Saver Standards Landscape -I
3648 Charles W. Harris Nicholas T.Dines Time Saver Standards Landscape -I
3649 Charles W. Harris Nicholas T.Dines Time Saver Standards Landscape -I
3650 Editor O.P.Datta Civil Engg & Const Review April-June 2006
3651 Editor O.P.Datta Civil Engg & Const Review May-Aug.2003
3652 Editor O.R.Datta Civil Engg. & Const. Review July-Sept.2007
3653 Laura viscusi Architetural Record
3654 Prathima Manohar Architect Hafeez Contracter
3655 Dr.Arup Saha Chaudhri Fundals of MRF,EVF,CBF& UBF Systems in Steel Frames Build.
3656 Rajsthan Housing Board Jaipur Lab. Manual of Quality control for Fiekd Divisons
3657 Winzer & Kelly An introduction to leed the green building rating system
3658 Ar.Ramanathan Haius petzold Protection of Histrical Buildings
3659 Editer K.K. Bhatnagar Shater vol. 2-4 oct. 2000(1999-01)
3660 Editor K.K. Bhtnagar Shater vol. 6-7 (2003-04)
3661 Editor Brijender S. Dua Journal of Landscape Summer 05, sum.06 , winter05, spring 06
3662 Editer J.William Thomson Landscape Architecture Nov06 -Dec06
3663 Editor J.William Thomson Landscape Architecture Jan- Feb. 07
3664 Nasa information & documentation HUDCO Ttophy 2006
3665 madras Craft Foundation Traditional And Venacular Architecture
3666 J.William Thompson Landscape ArchitectureJuly -07, Aug.08
3667 O.P. Datta Civil Engineering &Con. Review Sept. to Dec.2004
3668 Sarita Vijayan Indian architecture & Builsers April May 06
3669 Sarita Vijayan Indian Architecture & Builders Nov. 06 dec.06
3670 Peter Davey Architectural Review Mar Apr July 2005
3671 Peter Davey Architectural Review June,July,Aug, Sept 2007
3672 Graham Meltzer Ph.D Sustainable Community Learning from the co Housing Model
3673 Editor Deependra Prashad New Architecture and Urbanism
3674 MINJIA Yang Power for sustainable development creativity
3675 Dr. Jyoti hosagrahar, Unesco Indian Heritage Passport Programm on the Hoyasala Trail in Karnataka
3676 Adrian Davies A Beginner's Guide to Digital Photography
Editors Vijan paransape K.K. Chakravarthy giani
3677 Traditional water management systems of India
lal badam
3678 Subhadh Parihar Land Trasport in Mugal India
3679 D.P. Agarwal The Indus Civilization
3680 United nations Environments prog. Eco- Housing Guidelines for tropical regions
3681 INSDAG. J.K.Saha Steel Buyers' Manual
3682 Joseph De Chiara Michaell J. Crosbie Time Saver Standards for Building types Pt.-1
3683 Joseph De Chiara Michaell J. Crosbie Time Saver Standards for Builkding Types Pt. -II
3684 Joseph De Chiara Michaell J. Crosbie Time Saver Standards for Building Types pt. III
3685 Sangeet Sharma, Purnimaa Sharma Step by Step-Hospital Designing and Planning
3686 Sangeet Sharma Architectural Aesthetics
3687 Paul Zelanski Mary Rai Fisher The Art of Seeing
Accession Number Author Title
3767 Editor Usha Bhatia The Eye's delight The 18 century pahari paintings of nainsukh
3844 D V D Le Corbusier
3845 D V D Maya Lin -A strong cleavision
3846 D V D Morphosos- Relvtudns
3847 D V D My Architect: A Sons Journey
3848 D V D Filip Johnson Diary of an fcentric Architect
3849 D V D Regular or super
3850 D V D Sir. John Soane-An Eng. Arch.
3851 D V D Sketches of Frank Gery by SydneyFeleak
3852 D V D Two Sculpturs
3853 D V D VCL Research House
3854 D V D Zaha Hadid
3855 D V D 2006 AIALos Angeles Design Awards
3856 Central Building The climate data handbook
3857 Reseach Institute The climate data handbook
3858 Roorkege The climate data handbook
3859 R. K. Rajput Strength of Materials Mechanics& Solid
3860 P. Dayaratnam Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structrure
3861 G.M. Newman,C.G.J.T.Robison,Baileg Fire Safe Design -A New Approach to multistoreys steel-Framed Buildings
3862 A.S.Malik C.M. King Late P. R. Salter design of single-span steel portal frames to B.C. 5950-1.2000
3863 LiatMargolis &Alexander Robinson Living Systems- Innovative MaterialsLandscape
3864 Editor. Kyuko Tsuru. Elemennts & total concept of Urban Tree design
3865 Francis D.K.Ching Mark M. Jarjombek A Global history of Architecture
3866 Adary Hardy The Temple Arch. Of India
3867 Mark Pasnik, Oscar Rierc Ojeda Materials architecture in Details
3868 Franco Bertoni Minimalist Architecture
3869 Lorraine Farrelly The fundamentals of Architecture
3870 Aaron betsky Zaha Hadid - The complete Buillding & Projects
3871 Wolf Gang Korn The Traditional Architecture of the Kathmandu Valley
3872 Frank .Snyder Building Details with DVD
3873 John Coles and Naomi House The Fundamental of Interior Archite4cture
3874 O Howarsd Walker Theory of Moulding
3876 John M. Johansen Nano architecture A Newe Space of architecture
3877 Peter F. Smith Sustainability at the cutting edge
3878 ashutosh Joshi Town Planning Regenration of cities
3879 christian Schitich In Detail Semi Datached and terraced house
3880 C.N. Mndham Roof Construction and loft conversion
3881 C. Schittich G. Staib D.B. Alkow, M. Schuler Glass Construction Mannual
3882 T. Herzog, R. Krippner W. Lang Façade Construction Mannual
3883 Ramesh Iyenger Locator 2007
3884 Ramesh Iyenger Locator 2007
3885 Ramesh Iyenger Locator 2008
3886 Willium Wilson Atkin Architectural Presentation Techniques
3887 B.G. Brown,C.M. KingJ.W. Rekham,A. Wag Design of multistorey Braced Frames
3888 A.G.J..Way G.H.Couchman Acoustic Detailing for multistkorey Residential Buildings
3889 Ramesh Iyenger Loxcator 2008
3890 Linda Groat David Wang Architectural Research Methods
3891 R.Nalth History of Mughal Architecture
3892 R.Nalth Mosque architecture
3893 Mr. Anjun SaleemMr.Azhar Peracha Temple of Koh-E-Jud & thar
3894 R. Nath Chittorgarh Kirti Stamha of Maharana kumbha (1440-60AD)
3895 Peter Buchanan Renzon Piano Building Workshop vol-III
3896 10 Architects (selected) 10 X10-2 100 Architects 10 Critics
3897 Philip Jodidio 100 Contemporary Architects A-1 vol.-1
Accession Number Author Title
3927 Hardo Barun Detter Gramling Adesign mannual -Research and Technology Buildings
3928 Sunil Sethi Indian Interiors
3929 Brooker + Stone Form +Structure
3930 Steve Curwell, Bob Fox, Morris Hazardous Building Materials
3931 Dominique Gauzin muliar Sustainable Living
3932 Edwin Heathcote bank buildings
3933 Leo Nard J. hopper Landscape Architecture grafic Standards
3934 Malissa Jones Interiors for undes 5S
3935 Christina M. Scalise Interior planning and Design with CD
3936 Edited by Joserh Boschetti Details in Design
3937 Stephen Crafti Making the most small spaces
3938 Bethan Ryder New restaurant Design
3939 Editted by robyw Beaver NEO - Architecture
3940 T.k. B T I . Japani Architecture
3941 CHOI,YEON MI Appartments and Stores
3942 BEATRICE,CHOI Omni Culture [Museum]