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Heat Transfer From Extended Surfaces

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Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2003) 131–138

DOI 10.1007/s00231-002-0338-3

Heat transfer from extended surfaces subject to variable

heat transfer coefficient
Esmail M.A. Mokheimer

Abstract The present article investigates the effect of lo- into one fluid, the total surface for heat transfer is thereby
cally variable heat transfer coefficient on the performance increased. The use of fins in one side of a wall separating
of extended surfaces (fins) subject to natural convection. two heat-exchanging fluids is exploited most if the fins are
Fins of different profiles have been investigated. The fin attached to or made an integral part of that face on which
profiles presently considered are namely; straight and pin the thermal resistivity is greatest. In such a case the fin
fin with rectangular (constant diameter), convex parabolic, serve the purpose of artificially increasing the surface
triangular (conical) and concave parabolic profiles and transmittance. Thus, fins find numerous applications in
radial fins with constant profile with different radius ra- electrical apparatus in which generated heat must be effi-
tios. The local heat transfer coefficient was considered as ciently dissipated, in specialized installations of single and
function of the local temperature and has been obtained double-pipe heat exchangers, on cylinders of air cooled
using the available correlations of natural convection for internal-combustion engines. Recently, finned surfaces are
each pertinent extended surface considered. The perfor- widely used in compact heat exchangers that are used in
mance of the fin has been expressed in terms of the fin many applications such as air conditioners, aircrafts,
efficiency. Comparisons between the present results for all chemical processing plants, etc… Finned surfaces are also
fins considered and the results obtained for the corre- used in cooling electronic components.
sponding fins subject to constant heat transfer coefficient The general disposition of fins on the base surface is
along the fin are presented. Comparisons, i.e. showed an usually either longitudinal (straight fins) or circumfer-
excellent agreement with the experimental results available ential (radial fins). Fins may also be disposed in the form
in the literature. Results show that there is a considerable of continuous spiral on the base surface or in the form of
deviation between the fin efficiency calculated based on individual rods known as pin-fins or spines. The cross-
constant heat transfer coefficient and that calculated based section shape of the extended surface in a plane normal to
on variable heat transfer coefficient and this deviation the base surface is to be referred to as the profile of the fin
increases with the dimensionless parameter m. or spine. Different fin profiles considered in the present
study are shown in Fig. 1.
1 Disposition of fins on the base surface results in increase
Introduction of the total surface area of heat transfer. It might be expected
Extended surface is used specially to enhance the heat that the rate of heat transfer per unit of the base surface area
transfer rate between a solid and an adjoining fluid. Such would increase in direct proportion. However, the average
an extended surface is termed a fin. In a conventional heat surface temperature of this strips (fins), by virtue of tem-
exchanger heat is transferred from one fluid to another perature gradient through them, tends to decrease ap-
through a metallic wall. The rate of heat transfer is directly proaching the temperature of the surrounding fluid. So, the
proportional to the extent of the wall surface, the heat effective temperature difference is decreased and the net
transfer coefficient and to the temperature difference be- increase of heat transfer would not be in direct proportion to
tween one fluid and the adjacent surface. If thin strips the increase of the surface area and may be considerably less
(fins) of metals are attached to the basic surface, extending than that would be anticipated on the basis of the increase of
surface area alone. The ratio of the actual heat transfer from
the fin surface to that would transfer if the whole fin surface
Received: 5 February 2001
Published online: 10 September 2002 were at the same temperature as the base is commonly called
Springer-Verlag 2002 as the fin efficiency.
Parsons and Harper [1], derived an equation for the ef-
Esmail M.A. Mokheimer ficiency of straight fins of constant thickness in their in-
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department,
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, vestigation of airplane-engine radiators. Harper and Brown
P. O. Box: 279, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia [2], in connection with air-cooled aircraft engines, in-
E-mail: esmailm@kfupm.edu.sa vestigated straight fins of constant thickness, wedge-shaped
On Leave from Ain Shams University straight fins and annular fins of constant thickness; equa-
tions for the fin efficiency of each type were presented and
The author would like to extend his thanks to King Fahd University
of Petroleum and Minerals for the support of this article. The the errors involved in certain of the assumptions were
author also would like to offer his sincere thanks to Prof. evaluated. Schmidt [3] studied the same three types of fin
H. Z. Barakat due to his valuable discussions during this work. from the material economy point of view. He stated that the

Fig. 1a–c. (a) Straight fin profiles and coordinates, (b) Pin fin
(spines) profiles and coordinates, (c) Coordinates of Annular fin with
rectangular profile

least metal is required for given conditions if the tempera- discussed straight fins of constant thickness, annular fins
ture gradient is linear, and showed how the thickness of each of constant thickness and annular fins of constant cross-
type of fin must be varied to produce this result. Finding, in sectional area, presenting equations for fin efficiency of
general, that the calculated profiles were impractical to each. In the latter two cases, the solutions were given in the
manufacture, Schmidt proceeded to show the optimum di- form of infinite series.
mensions for straight and annular fins of constant thickness Avrami and Little [7] derived equations for the tem-
and for wedge-shaped straight fins under given operating perature gradient in thick-bar fins and showed under what
conditions. The temperature gradient in conical and cy- conditions fins might act as insulators on the basic surface.
lindrical spines was determined by Focke [4]. In this work, Approximate equations were also given including, as a
Focke, like Schmidt, showed how the spine thickness must special case, that of Harper and Brown. A rather unusual
be varied in order to keep the material requirement to a application of Harper and Brown’s equation was made by
minimum; he, too, found that the result impractical and Gardner [8], in considering the ligaments between holes in
went to determine the optimum cylindrical- and conical- heat-exchanger tube sheets as fins and thereby estimating
spine dimensions. the temperature distribution in tube sheets. Gardner [9]
Murray [5] presented equations for the temperature derived general equations for the temperature gradient
gradient and the effectiveness of annular fins with constant and fin efficiency in any extended surface to which a set of
thickness with a symmetrical temperature distribution idealized assumptions are applicable. In this regard,
around the base of the fin. Carrier and Anderson [6] Gardner [9] presented analytical solutions for fin efficiency
for straight fins and spines with different profiles and experimentally by Welling and Wooldridge [20].
annular fins of rectangular and constant heat flow area The variation of this ratio with fin temperature was
profiles subject to constant heat transfer coefficient. also presented. The effect of fin parameters on the
Assuming that the heat transfer coefficient is a power radiation and free convection heat transfer from a
function of the temperature difference of a straight fin of a finned horizontal cylindrical heater has been studied
rectangular profile and that of the ambient, Unal [10] experimentally by Karaback [21]. The fins used were
obtained a closed form solution for the one dimensional circular fins. The experimental set-up was capable of
temperature distribution for different values of the analyzing the effect of fin diameter and spacing on heat
exponent in the power function. An exact solution for the transfer.
rate of heat transfer from a rectangular fin governed by From the thorough literature survey summarized
a power law-type temperature dependence heat transfer above, the author found that there is no theoretical or
coefficient has been obtained by Sen and Trinh [11]. experimental work in the literature reported the effect of
Rong-Hua Yeh [12] presented the optimum dimensions temperature-dependent heat transfer coefficient on the fin
and heat transfer characteristics of spines with different efficiency of horizontal fins with different profiles subject
profiles. In this study, the temperature-dependent heat to natural convection except the work presented by Rong-
transfer coefficient is assumed to be a power-law type. Hua Yeh [12] and Laor and Kalman [13]. No attention has
Rong-Hua Yeh [12] did not present the fin efficiency of been given in the literature to the effect of local variations
spines subject to temperature dependent heat transfer of the heat transfer coefficient on the upper and lower
coefficient. Performance and optimum dimensions of surfaces of horizontal straight fins with different profiles
longitudinal and annular fins and spines with a tempera- subject to natural convection. The aim of the present ar-
ture dependent heat transfer coefficient have been ticle is to present a numerical study for the effect of
presented by Laor and Kalman [13]. In this work, Laor temperature-dependent free convection heat transfer
and Kalman considered the heat transfer coefficient as a coefficient on the fin efficiency for different types of hor-
power function of temperature and used exponent values izontal fins. This type of study would be of direct use by
in the power function that represent different heat transfer the heat-transfer equipment designers and rating en-
mechanisms such as free convection, fully developed gineers.
boiling and radiation.
Few studies presented experimental investigation on
free convection heat transfer from rectangular fin arrays. 2
Starner and McManus [14] presented average heat transfer Mathematical model and assumptions
coefficient for four fin arrays positioned with vertical, 45 In some situations, the heat-transfer coefficient un-
degree, and horizontal base while dissipating heat to room doubtedly does vary from point to point on the fin. For
air. Average heat transfer coefficients were found to be example; for free convection, the heat transfer coefficient
strongly affected by the fin array positioning. Average heat is proportional to the temperature difference between the
transfer coefficients have been also presented by Harahap surface and the adjacent fluid raised to the power of (1/4).
and Mcmanus [15] for fin array positioned with their base This proportionality index ranges between 1/7 to 3 for the
oriented horizontally. Jones and Smith [16] reported cases having fully developed boiling and equals to 3 for
experimental average heat transfer coefficients for free radiation [22]. The main objective of this paper is to study
convection cooling of arrays of isothermal fins on hor- the effect of the local heat-transfer coefficient along the fin
izontal surfaces and introduced a simplified correlation. on the fin performance represented by the fin efficiency for
They also suggested an optimum arrangement for straight fins and spines with different profiles (e.g., con-
maximum heat transfer and a preliminary design method stant, convex parabolic, conical, and concave parabolic
including weight consideration. Sobhan et al. [17] profiles, i.e., variable cross section area) as well as radial
presented an experimental study for free convection heat fins of constant thickness for cases with temperature de-
transfer from fins and fin arrays attached to a heated pendent heat transfer coefficient specially if the natural
horizontal base. Local values of heat flux, temperature, convection is the dominant mode of heat transfer in the
heat transfer coefficient, local and overall Nusselt numbers fluid surrounding the fin.
have been obtained for three cases namely, an isothermal The fin profile is defined according to the variation of
vertical flat plate, a single fin attached to a heated the fin thickness along its extended length. The general
horizontal base and a fin array. Correlation was presented equation of the fin profiles studied during the present
relating the overall Nusselt number with the relevant article are;
non-dimensional parameters in these cases. Yüncü and Straight fins: The thickness may vary thus
Anbar [18] and Güvence and Yüncü [19] presented  x12n
experimental investigation on performance of fin arrays y ¼ yb 1 
in free convection on horizontal and vertical base, L
respectively. These studies reported that for a given base- Spines: The circular section diameter may vary thus
to-ambient temperature difference, the convection heat 
transfer rate from fin array takes a maximum value as x12n
y ¼ yb 1 
a function of fin spacing and fin height. Optimization L
of the ratio of the fin height to the distance between Annular (radial) fins: The thickness of the radial fins
fins in an array of rectangular vertical fins was obtained considered in this study will be constant.
The general partial differential equation governing the bolic profile has been obtained via numerical meshes of 5,
steady heat transfer from all fins can be written as: 10, 15 and 20 grid points. The numerical solution for this
  case showed independence on the grid size for mesh with
d dh
ks Ax  Px h x h ¼ 0 grid points of 15 and above. The difference between the fin
dx dx efficiency that is obtained numerically via a grid of 15
Where: ks is the fin material thermal conductivity which is points with respect to that obtained via a grid of 20 points
assumed constant, Ax is the cross-section area perpendi- was 0.015%. So, a grid of 15 points has been adopted
cular to the heat flow, Px is the perimeter of that section through out the work. Moreover, the present numerical
and hx is the local convection heat transfer coefficient. The scheme, the solution algorithm and the solution computer
Nu k
heat transfer coefficient, hx ¼ Dxx f Where; kf is the ambi- code have been first bench-marked via providing the nu-
134 ent fluid thermal conductivity, Dx is the local characteristic merical solution for simple cases that have readily avail-
length and Nux is the local Nusselt number which can be able closed form analytical solution. These cases are
calculated based on the empirical natural convection namely; straight fins, spines and cylindrical fins with
equations for plates and cylinders, for straight fins and constant profiles with constant heat transfer coefficient
spines, respectively [23]. along the fin surface. The numerical solution and the
analytical solution for the aforesaid cases were almost ty-
Straight fins: pical. Such a comparison was a validation for the finite
Upper surface Nux ¼ 0:54 Rax 1=4 difference scheme, the solution algorithm and the com-
puter code used during the present study.
Lower surface Nux ¼ 0:27 Ra1=4 x Moreover, the present work has been also validated via a
comparison with experimental work of the research group
8 92 lead by professor Yüncü. In their investigation on fin per-
< 1=6 >
= formance of rectangular fins on horizontal base in free
0:387 Rax convection, Yüncü and Anbar [18] reported the heat
Nux ¼ 0:6 þ h i8=27 >
: 9=16 ; transfer rates from a horizontal flat plate as function of the
1 þ ð0:559=PrÞ
surface and ambient temperature difference. They pre-
gbhD 3 sented these heat transfer rates as the limiting values of heat
Where: Rax ¼ ma x Where Dx is the local surface area over transfer rates from vertical fin arrays on horizontal base
the perimeter for the straight fins and the local diameter when the fin heights become very small. Yüncü and Anbar
for the spines. The fin profile exponent n and the form of [18] reported the heat transfer rates from a horizontal flat
the partial differential equation for each type of fin studied plate with dimensions of 0.25 · 0.10 m with the surface and
will be summarized in the following table 1. ambient temperature difference ranges between 20 to 130
These equations will be solved for thermal boundary C. An intermediate temperature difference within this
conditions of having the base kept at constant and uniform range, namely 90 C, has been selected for comparison. The
temperature and the fin tip is kept thermally insulated. The heat transfer rate from such a plate with temperature dif-
above nonlinear ordinary differential equations have been ference of 90 C was found to be 14.23 W as experimentally
converted to algebraic equations using the finite difference reported by Yüncü and Anbar [18]. This is equivalent to
techniques. The final finite difference form of the gov- 569.231 W/m2 of the plate surface area. A special run of the
erning equation is summarized in the following table. presently developed computer code has been carried out to
3 calculate the heat transfer rate from a horizontal rectangular
Results and discussions fin of the same dimensions mentioned above with a base-to-
The finite difference equations presented have been tested ambient temperature difference of 90 C. The present code
for the effect of mesh size on the accuracy of the solution. calculate the actual heat transfer rate based on variable
The numerical solution for a pin fin with concave para- temperature along the fin and accordingly a variable

Table 1. Governing equations of

all types of fin considered Profile n Governing Equation

Straight Fins
Constant thickness 1/2 d2 h
dX 2  ðhukyþh
lÞ 2
L h¼0
1=2 dh ðhu þhl Þ 2
ð1  XÞ1=2 dX
d h 1
Convex parabolic 1/3 2  2 ð1  XÞ dX  kyb L h ¼ 0
d h dh ðhu þhl Þ 2
Triangular 0 ð1  XÞ dX 2  dX  kyb L h ¼ 0
Concave parabolic ±¥ 2 d2 h
ð1  XÞ dX2  2ð1  XÞ dX dh
lÞ 2
L h¼0
d2 h
Constant diameter 1/2  4h
dX 2
X 2
kyb L h ¼ 0
Convex parabolic 0 ð1  XÞ dX2  ð1  XÞ1=2 dX
1=2 d2 h dh
 4hX 2
kyb L h ¼ 0
2 4hXu 2
d h dh
Conical –1 ð1  XÞ dX 2  2 dX  ky L h ¼ 0
2 d2 h
Concave parabolic ±¥ ð1  XÞ dX2  4ð1  XÞ dX dh
 4h 2
kyb L h ¼ 0

Constant thickness – d2 h
dX 2  X1 dX
lÞ 2
L h¼0
temperature-dependent natural convection heat transfer in calculating the heat transfer by free convection from the
coefficient. It also calculates the maximum possible heat plate during the experiment. It is worth mentioning here
transfer rate from the fin if it were kept at the maximum that the heat transfer by free convection from the plate was
possible surface to ambient temperature as that of the base calculated as reported by Yüncü and Anbar [18] by sub-
while the heat transfer coefficient varies as function of the tracting the estimated heat transfer by radiation from the
local temperature as well as if it is taken constant as that of measured total heat transfer from the plate. The radiation
the base. The actual heat transfer per unit surface area of the heat transfer from the plate was estimated using a relation
horizontal rectangular (0.25 · 0.10 m) fin with base tem- that includes an experimentally evaluated parameters. It is
perature of 90 C as calculated from the present code was worth mentioning also that, according to Yüncü and Anbar
515.049 W/m2 which is less than the experimental value [18], the deviation between their experimentally obtained
reported by Yüncü and Anbar [18] by 9.52%. This is at- Nusselt number for the free convection from a horizontal
tributed to the fact that during the experiment, the flat plate and that obtained from McAdams correlation [24] was
horizontal plate was kept isothermal at a constant tem- 9%. So, a deviation of 4.77% between the experimentally
perature. Accordingly, this isothermal plate would have a obtained heat transfer rate and that obtained numerically
uniform natural convection heat transfer coefficient along from the present code for the same operating conditions is
its surface. So, for the sake of comparison, the author found within the numerical and experimental errors. This com-
that the maximum possible heat transfer rate from the fin is parison reveals an excellent agreement between the present
the most appropriate value to be compared with the only theoretical results obtained numerically via the presently
available experimental results mentioned above. This developed code and the pertinent experimental results re-
maximum possible heat transfer from the fin is obtained if ported by Yüncü and Anbar [18].
its surface acquires the maximum possible temperature and After the validation of the numerical model and the
is subjected to the maximum possible heat transfer coeffi- computer code as summarized above, the code has been
cient as that of the base. This maximum possible heat used to solve the heat transfer governing equation for the
transfer from the (0.25 · 0.10 m) fin with base to ambient three considered types of fins subject to variable heat
temperature difference of 90 C has been calculated by the transfer coefficient that varies as a function of the local
present code and was found to be 542.07 W/m2 of the fin temperature along the fin surface. The program is used to
surface area. This is less than the experimental value re- solve the finite difference equations for all cases under
ported by Yüncü and Anbar [18] by 4.77%. This deviation study that are summarized in table 2 to get the temperature
might be attributed to the difference between the heat distribution along the fin. To solve these equations, one
transfer coefficient calculated by the code as function of needs to evaluate the local values of the dimensionless
temperature using the correlation given by [23] and pre- parameter m which is function of the local heat transfer
sented earlier in this article and that calculated and used by coefficient which is in turn is a function of the local tem-
Yüncü and Anbar [18]. It is worth mentioning that the perature. Hence, the solution had to be of iterative nature.
maximum heat transfer coefficient used for this particular So, a special computer code has been designed and devel-
run calculated from the correlation [23] base on a based oped to solve the governing equations iteratively and obtain
temperature to ambient temperature of 90 C was 6.02 (W/ the local temperature distribution along the fin. This tem-
m2 Æ K) while the heat transfer coefficient during the ex- perature distribution is then used to calculate the actual
perimental work as reported by Yüncü and Anbar [18] local heat transfer rate along the fin. This local heat transfer
ranged between 5.889 and 7.361 (W/m2 Æ K). This also might is numerically integrated to calculate the overall actual heat
be attributed to measurement accuracy and approximations transfer rate through the whole fin surface. The maximum

Table 2. Finite difference re-

presentation of the governing Profile m Finite Difference Form
equations for all types of fin
considered Straight Fins qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ðhu þhl Þ hi1 þhiþ1
Constant thickness L kyb hi ¼ 2þm 2 ðDXÞ2
(Rectangular) qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð1Xi Þ1=2 DX
ðhu þhl Þ ð1Xi Þ1=2 ðhiþ1 þhi1 Þ ðhiþ1 hi1 Þ
Convex parabolic L hi ¼ 1=2
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2ð1Xi Þ þm2 ðDXÞ2
ðhu þhl Þ ð1Xi Þðhiþ1 þhi1 ÞDX2 ðhiþ1 hi1 Þ
Triangular L kyb hi ¼ 2ð1Xi Þþm2 ðDXÞ2
ðhu þhl Þ ð1Xi Þ2 ðhiþ1 þhi1 Þð1Xi ÞDXðhiþ1 hi1 Þ
Concave parabolic L kyb hi ¼ 2ð1Xi Þ2 þm2 ðDXÞ2

Spines qffiffiffiffiffi
4h hi1 þhiþ1
Constant diameter L hi ¼ 2þm 2 ðDXÞ2
ffiffiffiffiffib ð1Xi Þ1=2 DX
4h ð1Xi Þ1=2 ðhiþ1 þhi1 Þ ðhiþ1 hi1 Þ
Convex parabolic L kyb hi ¼ 1=2 2
qffiffiffiffiffi 2ð1Xi Þ þm ðDXÞ
Conical L 4h
kyb hi ¼ ð1Xi Þðh2ð1X
iþ1 þhi1 ÞDXðhiþ1 hi1 Þ
Þþm2 ðDXÞ2
qffiffiffiffiffi 2

Concave parabolic L 4h
kyb hi ¼ ð1Xi Þ ðhiþ12ð1X
þhi1 Þ2ð1Xi ÞDXðhiþ1 hi1 Þ
Þ2 þm2 ðDXÞ2
Subject to boundary conditions: Annular qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi DX
at X = 0, h = 0 and at X = 1, ðhu þhl Þ ðhiþ1 þhi1 Þ2X ðhiþ1 hi1 Þ
dh Constant thickness L hi ¼ i

dX ¼ 0
kyb 2þm2 ðDXÞ2

Fig. 2. Comparison of straight fin efficiencies for different profiles,

(1) Rectangular profile, ———— its analytical solution, (2) Convex Fig. 3. Comparison of pin fin efficiency for different profiles;
parabolic profile, (3) Triangular profile, (4) Concave parabolic profile (1) Constant diameter profile, ———— its analytical solution, (2)
Convex parabolic profile, (3) Conical profile, (4) Concave parabolic

possible heat transfer rate is also calculated locally based on

the local heat transfer while the temperature was considered
as if it were constant as that of the base. This local max-
imum possible heat transfer rate is integrated numerically
to calculate the total maximum possible heat transfer rate
through the fin. The ratio of the total actual heat transfer
rate and the total maximum possible heat transfer rate was
used during the present study as the fin efficiency, as used
by Gardner [9] and all heat transfer textbooks. The fin ef-
ficiency is then plotted against the dimensionless parameter
m that is given in table 2 and averaged along the fin.
Results obtained for fins subject to variable heat
transfer coefficient are presented in Fig. 2 for straight fin
with different profile, Fig. 3 for spines with different pro-
files and Fig. 4 for radial fins with rectangular profile for
different radius ratio. In all of these three figures (Figs. 2,
3, 4), the available analytical solution has been plotted as
dotted lines to illustrate the deviation between the fin ef-
ficiency based on the constant heat transfer coefficient and
that is based on the variable heat transfer coefficient as a
function of the local temperature along the fin.
Moreover the fin efficiency calculated using constant
heat transfer coefficient along the fin (as given by Gardener
[9] and most of the heat transfer textbooks) have been Fig. 4. Comparison of radial fin efficiencies with rectangular profile
for different radius ratio, ———— analytical solution for ro/ri = 1
compared with the efficiency calculated through the present
work based on the variable heat transfer coefficient along the
fin as function of the temperature, for selected values of the based on variable heat transfer coefficient as function of
dimensionless parameter m, is summarized in tables (3, 4, the local temperature along the fin would result in a
5) for straight fins, spines with different fin profiles and considerable reduction of the fin material since the surface
radial fins with rectangular profile and different radius ratio. area required would be reduced. This can be simply shown
These results show that the assumption of constant heat by using the equation of heat transfer from fins;
transfer coefficient along the fin in heat transfer situations qf ¼ gf Ahhb
that is dominated by natural convection mode, would lead
to a real underestimation of the fin efficiency. Thus, the It is clear from this equation that the fin surface area re-
use of the fin efficiency predicted by the present study quired to transfer a specific amount of heat under certain
Table 3. Comparison of the fin
efficiency for straight fins Profile n Gardener [9] Present Difference %

m =1
Rectangular 1/2 0.762 0.7790 2.18
Convex Parabolic 1/3 0.700 0.7540 7.162
Triangular 0 0.735 0.7235 –1.548
Concave Parabolic ±¥ 0.618 0.6537 5.492
Rectangular 1/2 0.484 0.5190 6.743
Convex Parabolic 1/3 0.458 0.4970 7.868
Triangular 0 0.432 0.4750 9.136
Concave Parabolic ±¥ 0.389 0.4430 12.099
m=3 137
Rectangular 1/2 0.332 0.3786 12.414
Convex Parabolic 1/3 0.316 0.3673 14.040
Triangular 0 0.300 0.3580 16.201
Concave Parabolic ±¥ 0.279 0.3468 6.788
Rectangular 1/2 0.250 0.3050 18.090
Convex Parabolic 1/3 0.242 0.2999 19.273
Triangular 0 0.232 0.2961 21.816
Concave Parabolic ±¥ 0.219 0.2943 25.609
Rectangular 1/2 0.200 0.2622 31.1
Convex Parabolic 1/3 0.189 0.2608 27.47
Triangular 0 – 0.2606 –
Concave Parabolic ±¥ 0.179 0.2629 31.95

Table 4. Comparison of the fin

efficiency for pin fins Profile n Gardener [9] Present Difference %

m =1
Constant diameter 1/2 0.6280 0.6573 4.4576
Convex Parabolic 0 0.7180 0.7340 2.1798
Conical –1 0.7780 0.7780 0
Concave Parabolic ±¥ 0.8421 0.8540 1.3946
m =2
Constant diameter 1/2 0.3510 0.4059 13.378
Convex Parabolic 0 0.4536 0.5007 9.4060
Conical –1 0.5288 0.5542 4.5830
Concave Parabolic ±¥ 0.6368 0.6699 4.9410
Constant diameter 1/2 0.2356 0.3006 21.623
Convex Parabolic 0 0.320 0.3811 16.032
Conical –1 0.389 0.4290 9.3240
Concave Parabolic ±¥ 0.500 0.5461 8.4460
Constant diameter 1/2 0.1770 0.2538 30.2600
Convex Parabolic 0 0.2470 0.3187 22.4976
Conical –1 – 0.3587 –
Concave Parabolic ±¥ 0.4105 0.4642 11.5683
Constant diameter 1/2 0.1420 0.2302 38.3145
Convex Parabolic 0 0.2000 0.2847 29.7506
Conical –1 – 0.3172 –
Concave Parabolic ±¥ 0.3470 0.4111 15.5923

operating conditions is inversely proportional to the fin The results show also that the deviation between the fin
efficiency. So, if the designer used the above equation to efficiency calculated based on constant heat transfer
estimate the area of a fin subject to variable heat transfer coefficient and that calculated based on variable heat
coefficient would obtain less values for the area if he used the transfer coefficient increases with the increase of the di-
fin efficiency calculated in the present paper based on mensionless parameter m. This deviation reaches, at m =
variable heat transfer coefficient than that he would obtain if 5, a value of 32% for straight fins, 38% for spines with
he used the fin efficiency given in heat transfer text books constant profile and 39% for radial fins with rectangular
that is calculated based on constant heat transfer coefficient. profile and radius ratio of 4.
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5. Murray, W. M., Heat Dissipation Through an annular Disk or Fin
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ASME, Vol. 60, 1938, p. A-78
Radius Ratio m =1 6. Carrier, W. H. and Anderson, S. W., The Resistance to Heat Flow
1 0.7615 0.7792 2.274 through Finned Tubing, Heating, Piping and air conditioning,
2 0.6920 0.7243 4.460 Vol. 10, 1944, pp. 304–320
3 0.6420 0.6883 6.731 7. Avrami Melvin and Little, J. B., Diffusion of Heat Through a
4 0.6105 0.6622 7.802 Rectangular Bar and the cooling and insulating Effect of Fins, I.
m =2 The Steady State, Journal of applied Physics, Vol. 13, 1942,
1 0.4820 0.5190 7.130 pp. 225–264
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