Royal Parchment Scroll
Royal Parchment Scroll
Royal Parchment Scroll
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The text is primarily of historical significance. Along with The Holy Piby, the Royal
Parchment Scroll is today recognized as one of the root documents of Rastafarian
thought. It is a rambling, surrealistic stream-of-consciousness polemic against the
White colonial power structure, a 'found' palimpsest of Afrocentric thought, brimming
with rage and energy.
It is very difficult to obtain copies of this text today. The Royal Parchment Scroll was
used in the 1930s as the basis for The Promised Key by Leonard Percival Howell.
Ethiopia's Preface
Chapter 38. His And Her Majesty King Melchiszedek's Affidavit – page 49
Chapter 39. New Testament Port – page 50
Chapter 40. The Ethiopian People's Ordination – page 51
Chapter 41. No. 1. The Bible Editor – page 52
Chapter 42. The Head Biblical Interpreter, of Creation – page 53
Chapter 43. The Man Before Adam Was – page 54
Chapter 44. My Royal Mother – page 55
Chapter 45. The Founder's Support Funds – page 56
Chapter 46. Registered Library – page 57
Chapter 47. The African Question – page 58
Chapter 47 a. Atlas Surveyor – page 59
Chapter 48. The Map-Making and Bible Atlas Surveyor – page 60
Chapter 48 a. Owner of the Zodiac – page 61
Chapter 49. Psalm 50 by the Monarch Pettersburgh – page 62
Chapter 50. The Theological Lawgiver of Creation – page 63
My dear inhabitants of this world, we are the foundation stones of the resurrection of
the Kingdom of Ethiopia.
Our prayers and labour for your resurrection is past finding out. No Library in this
world is able to contain the work of our hands for you.
As for this generation of the 20th Century, you have no knowledge how worlds are
In my Encyclopedia I will explain to you all, how worlds are being built and what
triggers Kingdoms are set on.
Speaking for the Universe, and the Womanhood of Man, I the Ethiopian woman, is
the Crown woman of the world.
Without any apology, to any mortal that was ever created by King Alpha and Omega.
Kingston, Jamaica
Rev Fitz Balintine Pettersburgh, King of Kings, Creator of Theocracy, and Biblical
Sovreign. The Crown Head of Holy Time, A.B.C.--S.J.W.
The preface of this Rule Book, is the Finger Post, into the Kingdom of Ethiopia.
Our philosopher is the Angle Saxon Philosopher's (Successor), a wide awake Universal
Master Mind.
A man of greater learning is not found on the face of the Globe. A swifter thinker is God
Almighty. A better Christian Soul and King Alpha and Omega. Women must be proud of
good men, when they are right on the job.
Men must be proud of us Women when we can deliver able Sons and Daughters to the Four
Poles of the Globe.
And make the Nations Hearts rejoice with raging joy. We give God the Glory.
Queen Omega, COPYRIGHT.
His & Her Dynasty Queen Lula may Fitz Balintine Pettersburgh, S.J.W., A B.C. Ph.D., L.L.
ROYAL AIR MOUNT. I am going to teach the Princess to fly around the poles.
CLERGYMEN.--Bible Owner, Lexium, and Money Mint. My Perfect Air Mount is Black
Supremacy, The
We are King Alpha and Queen Omega, THE PAYMASTERS of the World.
Chapter 1.
Now, this is the morning of our resurrection therefore, we the Royal Tree, are very
busy, cleaning up our Ancient and Modern Royal right away from Pole to Pole.
And the preparing of Guests for the coronation.
THE CROWN MISTRESS.--I Mrs. Indiana Coombs, being the Crown Mrs. of our
Ethiopian Repository, for the Tropic of Cancer, I move the Crownship of the world
right at this yard limit of time.
And present this generation of the 20th century my supreme Book of Royal Rules
from the Ethiopian Western Repository.
Owing to the Universal Rend of our Ancient and Modern Kingdoms, we are at this
junction of our history scattered over the Globe into little Sectional groups commonly
called Bands.
All our local bands throughout the globe, are bent towards this Royal Repository.
THE ROYAL AUTHORITY.--This Official Bill of Royal Authority, is to admit all Bands,
Missions, Camps, Denominations, into this Supreme Royal Repository.
THE BALMING MISTRESS.--I being the Balming Mistress of many worlds I charge
the Power-House right now.
The Records of the Kingdom are with us, unto this day.
Chapter 2
The Supreme Band, is officially called the Royal Angel Band. The Royal Angel Band is the
Crown Band of the world.
THE SEAL OF THE BAND.--The seal of the Royal Angel Band, is the SAMARITAN Woman
that needed the pity of Jesus (the well of Samaria) The Order and degree of this Fighting
Line is after the Baptism of Jesus, into the Kingdom, by John the Baptist in the Royal River
THE SUPREME SIGNAL.--The Supreme Signal is the Official Signal of the (Holy Dove), as
she moved from the Mercy Seat and Rested upon King Jesus Head at His Baptism in the
Great River Jordan.
see Matthew's 3:13.
THE WELL OF SAMARIA.--the Woman at first refused to obey the request of Our Lord
because she was spiritually blind.
But when the Great physician opened up her eyes and HEALED her of her infirmities,
concerning her many husbands in the City of Samaria, she found out that her five husbands
were the five false teachers or denominations throughout the State or Country of Samaria.
Then she cried aloud unto the inhabitants of the city and said "Come see a man that told me
all ever I did, and is not a Native of Samaria but an Hebrew, is not this man the very Christ"?
OUR CITIES OF TO-DAY.--Our cities of to-day are inhabited with the self same
qualities of people, as it was in the case of Jesus and the woman of Samaria.
Chapter 3
THE MISERY OF THE LAND IS HEALED BY FASTING. We pick you up from out of the
midst of the raging misery of the land and HIDE you from the raging Wolves of the land into
our Balm Yard.
What is a Balm yard? A balm yard is a Holy place that is wholly consecrated to God Almighty
for the cleansing and healing of the Nations. Where the Holy Spirit of God ALONE is
ALLOWED to do the Royal Work of Healing.
Second an admission fee must be paid in advance, from one dollar up. According to the
power and DURATION of the MISERABLE infirmities whereof one is afflicted.
Sometimes I have to perform special medical attention.
Chapter 4
The (Encircling) "Staff Officers" are men and women of high spiritual ranks.
A Membership of six (Encircling), "Stax Officials" are sufficient for any one band of one
hundred members.
One circle, only needs one (Encircling) Staff Officer on the parade.
Along with the ORDAINED Circle Mother or Father by law, as many is are in the Banquet
Bands are not runned by Ministers. They are runned by the Priesthood, not after the Order of
Aaron but strictly after the Royal Order of Melchisedec THE KING OF SALEM.
REVIVALISTS are not common people, if some individuals of the lower order in the dung
heap happen to get into the fold by mistake he or she will soon go out and hang him or
The reason why, Revivalists World has not been lightened up with RADIANCE before now,
we were waiting for the Delegates of The Resurrection of the Kingdom of Ethiopia.
Chapter 5
The Book's cover is Limped. The compound impression is the Heart's Block
impression. The name of the Book is: Ethiopia's Bible-Text and Rule Book, No. l. (a).
Black Supremacy, by His Majesty The King of Kings. (b). Special Notice
I am His and Her Majesty King Alpha and Queen Omega, Our Work is strictly
d. His and Her Triumphant Dynasty, Queen Lula May Fitz Balintine Pettersburgh,
Owner of Black Supremacy, K.A.Q.O.K.O.K.A.B.C.S.J.W.
Chapter 6
A Balm yard is not a Hospital
Peoples that is guilty of Obeah must not visit a Balm Yard Nor in the Assembly of
Black Supremacy.
No admittance for Alligators, Snakes, PUSS, Crabs, Flies, Ants, Rats, and Mice, and
LODESTONES, and Pins and Needles.
Jan-Crows, The Ravens, and Candles, and Fast Cups, and Rum Bottles, and Grave
Yards are not REQUIRED.
People's Clothes, a beast HAIR, and FOWLS and Grave Dirt not wanted.
Eleven, the Woman's Baby will strive in HER BELLY, AND YOUR snake and Lizard
will not be able to hurt HER.
This poison is for ALL Bad Spirits, it is No. 666 it is good for the Pope of Rome and
The Monarch of Hell's Bottom.
Chapter 7
SCIENCE, MY Dear Obeah King, your Black and white heart Obeah factory, is
Take, this RANKIN Dose of Fatal deadly poison and leave for God Sake; do it
quickly. (Supreme Law), K.A.Q.O.K.O.K.
You will not Bline, give big foot or sore, or turn any child ACROSS the Woman's
Belly, and Kill her Baby when it is born, or any time after. You will not be there to
GRUDGE or OBEAH or rob the people. Nor breed up the Young girls, and treat them
like dogs.
Every good looking man's Wife you see, you want to cohabit with her, you rotten
GUT SNAKE.Anywhere a man put a Business, you go there to Kill and Drive Him
away, you DEAD COLD HORSE.
Chapter 8
We fully appreciate the Baptism of Black Supremacy, Our Triumph over white
Supremacy, Our SLAVE MASTER.
His and Her Majesty KING ALPHA and QUEEN OMEGA The King of Kings, KNEW
The Perfect Value of Holy Baptism UNDER Water, and they taught us how to
appreciate The Power of Holy Baptism.
Now Ethiopia and Africa and Egypt and Vast Creation of Black Supremacy will plant
their seeds on the Soil of Black Supremacy.
And we have no Pardon to beg white supremacy, no favors to ask her, for she is an
From B.C. 4004 to A.D. Second Score, she faked all Christianity.
Every Black Man and Woman is Black Supremacy, and must Rush his and her
His and Her Biblical Sovereign Queen Lula May Fitz Balintine Pettersburgh, King of
Chapter 9
According to the Ancient order, His Majesty King Milchispdec and Her Majesty
Queen BEULAH--That is to-day, Queen Lula May Fitz Balintine Pettersburgh
Equinoctial Equinox.
The owner of The Land of Corn and Wine. Sacred Songs and Solos, No. 277. The
Monarch Songs Book of the World.
Having on the Heart, and my Egyptian Crown and Royal Wrap SAME way A. Al.
So Ethiopia must find The Virgin Mary and Joseph and Jesus Christ and John The
Baptist, my wife and Children, of my own Bodily Loins.
They are all Black Peoples, I, Myself, is His Majesty King Melchisedec, The Said
Alpha and Omega, The King of Kings.
Like as unto Lady Beulah in the Nile, and Lawyer Jesus in the Jordan, is King Alpha
and Queen Omega. RIVER BAPTISM, means the Control of The City, as a City,
must be Built on a RIVER, Like Egypt The NILE RIVER.
Chapter 10
In Countries where it is sometimes COLD, peoples must not be foolish, Jesus Christ
WALKED over Sixty Miles to River Jordan to John The Baptist.
When The Ethiopian EUNOCH The BANK MASTER, got to The River, He ASKED
"Philip" to Baptize Him. Dump up those Hell-Holes in Churches Called Pools, and
Baptize in the River or The Ocean. The Church Triumphant Black Supremacy.
Chapter 11
Affidavit, Our Live Eternal Creator, Creator and Almighty God, Crown Arch-Creator
of Life.
His and Her Arch-Supremacy of Holy Time, Lover's Firmament and Penetrating,
Renovator, Controller, Head and Pillow-Monarch-Groom and Lion-Hearted Virgin
The Lion and His Lioness, The Greatest Majestic Tri-Virgin Queen Lula May Fitz
Balintine Pettersburgh Equinoctial-Equinoxes.
Head and Pillow Copyright, I can't hurt her, and she cannot hurt me, for we are The
Equinoctial-Equinoxes, the Biblical Equator.
Our Professions are, We are The Owner of Communication and Money Mint, Owner
of The Human Race, and Operator of Dynasties and Bible House, and Dictionaries.
Mediator, and Crown Head of the Church Triumphant and Black Supremacy.
Chapter 12
This Triumphant Ceremony, is the Perfect Copy of His and Her Arch Majesty King
Alpha and Queen Omega. The Perfect owner of Black Supremacy and Matrimony.
ETHIOPIA'S PERFECT WEDLOCK. His and Her Dynasty, Queen Lula May Fitz
Balintine Pettersburgh King of Kings, is the Copyright and FOUNDER of the
Ethiopian Virgin Dynasty, YOUR WEDLOCK.
She cannot hurt him, and He cannot hurt her. She can have him, and He can have
her on the Train of Time, for they are HEAD and Pillow, heart and SOUL Companion
for life.
The Church Triumphant, and Black Supremacy, has nothing at all to do with white
supremacy, and the church militant, MARRIED IS EASED talk.
Adam, The Leper, and Abraham the Lunatic, are the Directors of the Marriage
Proclamation of the Church Militant and White Supremacy. RICHER for POORER,
BETTER FOR WORST, UNTIL DEATH. That is white supremacy is marriage
Solemnization. Adam The Leper, and Abraham The Indomitable.
Chapter 13
"The Monarch Finger" on your (Right Limb is, Holy Union's finger).
Both (male and Female), will stand facing Each other at the Matrimonial Tribunal,
and The Marriage officer will (Read) to them My (Perfect Crown Document).
And say to my Guest, According to The Perfect Copy, of His and Her Arch Majesty
King Alpha.
You are now equal, HEAD and Pillow-Heart and SOUL Life-HOLD COMPANION.
She cannot hurt you, and you cannot hurt her, she cannot leave you on Earth, and
you cannot get to Heaven without her.
A Royal Child Christmas Gift. (9.O.C.NIGHT) FROM THE CIRCLE THRONE THE
Chapter 14
Blessed are they that SEARCHETH the DEEP THINGS ON THE TREE OF LIFE for
my Wisdom is DEEP and is past finding Out.
To Over Come White Bondage and filth and Black Hypocrisy, amongst your Own
Black Skin, you HAVE TO FAST HARD.
For the white man is very filthy, and The Black man is an Hypocrite.
An Hypocrite means a crook, a filthy man is that class of White Folks that cuts with
the Crook.
Ye are the light and Salt of this and Other Worlds. Always have a BASIN of FINE OR
COARSE SALT on your Fast TABLE as long as God is your RULER.
When you break your fast do not THROW the WATER over your heads, the trouble
will fall on you.
When you are all ready, with your Cup in your hand, the ELDER WILL ASK "IS IT
Every body shall say together, "all is well with me". Then the Elder shall ask again,
"who will bear a true witness for the: Tree of Life"?
All shall say "by the Living God I will, God Helping Me, for Life". And The Leader,
Shall say follow me with your Cup of Troubles, to the BURRYING PLACE of sin and
Then Every Body walk quietly and RESPECTFULLY throw away the Water.
Then come in and wash your hands and face in a Basin of SALT AND WATER.
Then brake your real fast and be happy, feeling SATISFIED and REVIVED and
House to House Fasting is very Powerful, it lifts the Work and REMOVES Devils
from the Homes of those in DISTRESS.
Chapter 15
And His-Majesty King Noah The Owner of Mt. Newark, New Jersey. And Ellen Park
Johnson,, the Mrs. of New Orleans. And Mt. Africa, The World's Capital, the New
Bible land, The Triumphant Lot is my own lot until This Day.
Slave Traders, CALLED the WORLD'S CAPITAL, Jamaica, British West Indies.
His Majesty King Joseph is Owner of the Great Sea, and Lady Pettersburgh, The
Atlantic Ocean until This Day. Canada and the furious Mississippi I have no intention
to give away. Neither my PEACEFUL Pacific OCEAN PLAINS as long as God
Almighty Lives.
Great ARTIC and Atlantic swellings belongs to LAWYER JESUS. KING ALPHA AND
QUEEN OMEGA Copyright of Holy Time, January 8th 1926.
Chapter 16
Before the Adamic DEADLY DISEASES poisoned The Human family with FALLEN
There has been only one PERFECT language on the FACE of the Globe.
Therefore, the Angle-Militant fallen Angles' tongues, are not appreciated by His
Majesty the Monarch of Life.
And have killed the Mortal SUPREME Monarch. Heaven is no GUESSOR, long
before this World was, Heaven has BEEN running co-trillions of CENTURIES ago.
Ethiopia's Repository will Change and qualify the fallen Angels Deadly POISONOUS
INDOMITABLE Lying tongues.
STUPIDITY is the most they get out of the Various tongues spoken by the Majority.
Ninety five out of every HUNDRED do not know what they do or say. And Ghost can
fool them at any corner. (Ruth and Lillian) said they knew what they are talking
Chapter 17
Professor Rogers The House of Athlyi.
One fallen Angel, told Professor Rogers, that his name is (Douglas). And Poor
Rogers did not know, he was "The Principal of Hell". Judge Lucifer The Devil is no
Common Theologian.
He has got PASTOR RUSSEL and Judge Rutherford Dead. FOOLED with His
The Pilot Marcus Garvey. The fallen Angel, whose name is Lady Astonishment.
She told Pilot Garvey, That her Big Universal Name is The Universal Negro
Improvement Association and African Communities League.
Special Notice.
I am ready to tell you, That Lady Creation Vast is BLACK SUPREMACY. His and
Her Majesty King Alpha and Queen Omega, are Black Dignitary. By Lady
Pettersburgh Equinoctial-Equinox Founder of Mortal Speech.
Speak with MORTALS, not Angels, King Alpha and Queen Omega K.O.K.
Chapter 18
The Rain-Bow will not speak in this Port, She has Her CHAMBERLOIN. His Tri-
Divinity and Her Tri-Virginity, K.A.Q.O.
Wherever a King is, there must be a VIRGIN QUEEN. Kings are not allowed to
MARRY any one but a VIRGIN QUEEN in Order of Perfect Dynasty, a PERFECT
Chapter 19
And take off the Black Man and his Posterities from off The Angle-Militant SLAVE-
TRAIN at Nationality.
And Planted the Church Triumphant, The Black Supremacy on The Triumphant Soil
of the
The same Country, That The Anarchy called, Jamaica, British West Indies.
Black Supremacy's Greatest Men and Women are Sub-Ways and AIR-MASTERS of
every SHADE.
They Sleep in BED and Eat WITH you, and you do not KNOW what TRIGGER your
LIFE and destiny is ON.
His and Her Majesty King Alpha and Queen Omega and Lady Pettersburgh, King of
Chapter 20
And Jesus Christ wore the Supreme Swaddling, Both loins and head.
First on Our heads The Royal Wrap, (12 yards) King of Kings.
The MONARCH'S GIRDLE, the first to the Skin, Through the Rectum on both legs,
closely fitted and all around the waist. Both MALE and FEMALE for life, DAY AND
Ethiopia must do the Same for life, and Safe-Guard your Dynasty, and Black
Supremacy, The Church Triumphant, K.A.Q.O.K.O.K.
I AND MY CREATOR ARE ONE in PURPOSE, as MY Boy Jesus said he and I are
one, the True Vine, and I the Husband-MAN His Tri-Divinity and Queen Lula
Pettersburgh, Her Tri-Virginity My Head and Pillow companion, K.A.Q.O.K.O.K.
This is Officially called the MONARCH CROWN WRAP. Place of Writing, from the
THRONE World's Capital The Bible House in The Furnace ROOM.
Chapter 21
Just give him Ethiopia's Balm Yard No. 666 instantly, K.A.Q.O.
A Load-Stone God, left me standing, outside the boor, just after he draw out the last
10 in my pocket with his Load-Stone.
No Pardon for you Rev. Load Stone Jesus at the Cross. Get off this Train and Wash
They uses Load-Stone into The Militant Bible House, for that is a House of Science,
The Chief Obeah Shop on Militant Precipice.
You said you deal with puss, for puss has nine lives, but I am the Keeper of The
Tree of Life.
His and Her Monarch King Alpha and Queen Omega. King of Kings.
Chapter 22
Make your INDIVIDUAL way Straight, when you are at THE head of AFFAIRS with
But your Due-bill is SURE for every minute of your life. I am His and Her Majesty
King Alpha and Queen Omega The Pay Master for the Terrestrial Bar.
I am Building a World's Super Capital for The Church Triumphant, The Black
Supremacy at the World's Dam-Head.
King Alpha and Queen Omega, The First and The Last.
Chapter 23
May Be, you might find a Royal Lover for your Own Heart in This Banquet, at this
At the Banquet in Egypt, King Solomon, The Black Man, made love, with King
Pharaoh The Black man's virgin princess.
Chapter 24
Black Supremacy has taken Charge of white supremacy, K.A.Q.O. Instead of Our
Saying, Civilization, hereafter we (all) shall say Black Supremacy.
Just take this Drench of INDOMITABLE Fury and Move for the Church Triumphant
right from the Bridge.
Black Supremacy will promote the Mortals of every SHADE according to YOUR
power to go.
The Black MUSEUM will open Day and Night for Life.
You may go to SCHOOL UNTIL YOU DIE, if you are not an enemy to Black
Supremacy and The Church Triumphant.
Men and Women can Marry Right in School if you are of a RESPECTABLE
Always give an intelligent reply to every person that Approach, or write you on any
Always ask for the full value, INSIDE NATURE, of any Written Subject.
Just what a people are, that is just the State of your Government.
Do not follow Court House and Doctors, they will fake you to Death.
Do not WATCH and PEEP your WIFE or HUSBAND, you are only digging a grave
for your self.
Do not try to let your Wife, or Husband, or Family feel small, because you got more
College filth in your HEAD.
Hold Them up, they are the cause of you being what you are.
His Majesty King Alpha and, Queen Omega and Lady Pettersburgh. THE
Chapter 25
The Perfect Husband and Wife Theocracy, His and Her Biblical Equinox. Her
Monarch, Queen Lula May Fitz Balintine Pettersburgh, The Crown Head of Holy
Time and Pay Master of Holy Theocracy, The Owner of Money Mint, and Keeper of
The perfect Tree of Life.
The Right Master of Terrestrial Bequest, King Alpha and Queen Omega.
The Royal Copy Queen Lula May Fitz Balintine Pettersburgh, K.A.Q.O.K.O.K.C.L.C.
Surveyor, and Patten Master of BEQUEST, Ph.D.L.L.D.A.B.C.S.J.W. Post Graduate,
World's Capital, new Bible land, The Triumphant Lot The Isles of Spring,
Chapter 26
The Root and Foundation of World's Buildings is by Communication.
January 10, 1926, A.D. 2000, His Monarch, Victor, Communication is Lady
Pettersburgh's First born.
I am The Monarch of Creation, Your Perfect Father, I am writing to you today before
you are being CONCEIVED in The WORLD in your Mother's Belly.
And Seal Her Married Diploma behind her Back, because she is Queen Omega and
I am His Majesty King Alpha the King of Kings.
Chapter 27
And up to the Hour, January 12, your Birth Day, I have not had a line from her, for
the Anarchy, The Angle-Militant Supremacy, at Nationality will not allow her to
Communicate with me.
For they was ruling the Port of Communication, and they will not allow her to CROSS
The Angle-Militant Gulf.
Plant that as you go, from Generation to Generation, as Long as God Lives.
And She and I, are The Keepers of The Tree of Life and Creation's Wisdom and
Power House, and Money Mint is ours, for life.
That is why they tries to Kill you in your Mother's Belly. Have nothing to do with the
Anarchy: Do not allow Black Supremacy to Marry any one from white supremacy. for
there is a Rock BOTTOM OFFENCE, CALLED SLAVERY in the Heart of White
Folks that will come up in one NIGHT.
He will put you and his own WIFE to sleep in his bed, and let you cohabit with her all
you want just to get you in.
Emily MCGHIE (said), white Peoples Mind is the Snake's Mind. Before I trust a White
Person, I trust a Snake.
They take your LIFE with their PRIVATE INTO YOUR PRIVATE. (Last Warning)
Chapter 28
His Holiness Pope Rodgers, The House of Athlyi, The Athlican's Piby, a good little
MESSENGER. Lady G.J. Garrison and Professor W.D. Davis, Met me at The World's
Capital With the "Little Piby". Rev. and Mrs. Charles Goodridge is gone with the Message.
Rev. W.R. Carter and His Sister ADDE is also on the ROUTE. Professor John Wilson Bell.
Doctor of Angle-Militant-Theology, was Master of Ceremony at No. 7 Bond Street, Kingston
Jamaica, A.D. (1924). I was Ordained by Him for MILITANT BATTLE-FIELD.
I promoted Doctor Bell to the Rank of Kings for the Mistake he made.
Chapter 29
Legislators said one Man CANNOT serve two Masters. Adam-Abraham The lepor
are Ministers and Lawyers Boss.
For all they teach and Preach about is Adam and Eve and Abraham The Lepor.
For they do not see not (even) one Book in The Bible, written by Adam and Eve, or
the Book of Abraham, or Book of Isaac According to the (CLEARNESS) of This
case, there is nobody name Adam and Eve, and Abraham The Lepor, if you want to
get away with RED HOT MURDER.
If you ever touch the Slave papers they catch you as sure as God Lives.
Chapter 30
Ministers says they can't work with Adam and Eve, and work for His and Her Majesty
King Alpha and Queen Omega the same time.
Abraham the Historian SAID DISPISE the both of them and follow him.
The Judge said, LEAVE The Alpha and Omega out because they are Black and,
Chapter 31
Lady Pettersburgh's infant's Triumphant Diploma. By His and Her Majesty King
Alpha and Queen Omega, for Black Supremacy.
Name of Monarch.
Chapter 32
We have given Our Blood, Souls, Bodies, and Spirits to REDEEM Adam-Abraham-Angle-
Saxon the white man from his DREADFUL downfall and Leprosy, but from 4004 B.C. to A.D.
SECOND SCORE at his astonishing stop.
We have given him access to the Tree of Life, we gave him the Garden of Eden, we gave
him Egypt, Palestine, Africa.
We gave him The Life, Soul, and Body of Jesus Christ, at the Request of the Lepor,
Ciaphas, their Chief Priest. We gave them Daniel and The Body of the Black Virgin, The
Mother of Jesus, and they took Joseph also.
Chapter 33
His and Her Creative and Majestic Arch-Sovereigns King Alpha and Queen Omega,
Pay Master of Creation. Revelation 22.
Chap 12-13 Verses. This Lesson, and these Lessons, are written by my own hand
from my Circle Throne, at the Judgment Pole, December 12th 1925 A.D. 2000.
Special Explanation. His Majesty King Alpha and Queen Omega are not Our Creator
They are Our Creator's PAY MASTER and BOOK-KEEPER on the Train of Holy
Time, and Keeper of the Most Holy Tree of Life.
Our Live Creator is, the Creator of Life, and Master of all. S.S.S.S.S.
Our Eternal Creator, is Creator and Owner of The Perfect Tree of Life.
The Tri-Divinity, and Her Tri-Virginity King Alpha and Queen Omega, are Man and
Wife, (commonly) called "Alpha and Omega" we are Black Peoples.
God called the First Man Alpha, and the Second Alphabet, And told us that we are
Now Our First Names Alpha, and Her Alphabet, or Alpha and Omega is (Victory).
"Our Last Names, are on Our pay-roll." Revelation 22.C. 12-13 Verses.
Queen Lula May Fitz Balintine Pettersburgh, Owner of Money Mint and Bible House
and The Human Family.
The Black Peoples Triumphant Baptist Assembly. No. 1. S.S.S.S. (Certified Married
Chapter 34
His and Her Black Supremacy, Queen Lula May Fitz Balintine Pettersburgh, Arch
Bishop and Supreme Judge (Virginity and Divinity of Holy Time".
The Crown Head of Most Holy Time and Keeper of the Tree of Life and Perfect
Majestic Matrimonial Sovereignty.
Chapter 35
Why: Yes indeed--GROSS Beauty is The QUEEN IN HELL; and the Royal Lepor.
s.s.s.s. I am his and her Arch sovereign of Most Holy Time, His and Her Perfect
Virginity, King Alpha and Queen Omega, His and Her Dynasty Queen Lula May Fitz
Balintine Pettersburgh, Owner of Creation.
We are Black Supreme Crown Head of Most Holy Time, The Pay Master and Keeper
of The Perfect Tree of Life.
We are Creators of Creation. Dynasties and Kingdoms, Holy Genealogy and Holy
Theocracy, and Celestial and Terrestrial Mediator if you wish to know Our
Chapter 36
His Majesty and His Wife, Queen "Bulah" May Fitz Balintine Pettersburgh. King of
Please "Madam", your Vehement Venerable Pay Mrs., "My friend Omega," of Old
Alpha the Lion of Creation.
Please hand me, the "Pay Roll" and The Militant Balance Sheet.
And your "Majesty" will mount my Exceeding Great Circle Throne, and throw Old
Theocracy above the wheel of Holy Time, right into Holy Eternity, to the Lion of
Alpha and Omega. King Affidavit "O.F." "O.F." of Forevermore."
The Militant Pay Cheque is, King Alpha and His Wife's Eternal come Back.
Chapter 37
Adam-Abraham-Angle-Saxon, the Indomitable Lepor and his Harlot, Eve and Sarai,
and Keturah was driven out of my (Virtuous) Dynasty by myself, since B.C. 4004, for
fornication and THEFT.
My SACRED Chronicle, dated B.C. 4004 and my Great Chronological Fifty Horse
Power-Printing Press. I am that said Man that Adam-Abraham and his boy CAIN &
ABLE CUT to pieces and took My Royal Printing Fifty Horse Rower Press, and
pattern it and call it The Chronicle Printing Press.
For up to October 17, 1925, I requested the General Register Office in Spanish
Town, Kingston, Jamaica, for Adam-Abraham-Angle-Saxon "Certified Marriage
Officer's Diploma" (This World's Strongest Document).
Reply, October 21st, 1925 (Letter Number 7477). Sir you requested me to send you
(Certified Marriage Officer's Diploma.)
To The Rev. Fitz Balintine Pettersburgh, Ph.D,.L.L.D., October 21, 1925. A.D., Post
The Slave Owners Children, they has a little SLIP OF PAPER into the Office of Slave
City Official TROUSERS Pockets in the FARMS.
That is all we think of their Official Names and Denominations, O.K. Notice.
Supreme Action. His and Her Triumphant Dynasty, His and Her Monarch Black
Supremacy, Crown Marriage Dynasty, of Lady Creation, King Alpha and Queen
Chapter 38
We are Black Peoples, if you please; we are only called the Exodus, if you please;
(The Book of Exodus) is mine, if you PLEASE.
Notice if you see Moses and Aaron and Abraham, gave any (Strong) report of me in
their fake Bible, if you please.
I, Personally, am His Majesty King Alpha, the King of Kings, if you please; the
World's PAY MASTER, if you please.
I am only an Eternal Government Employee, I got REWARD for Her Majesty Queen
Omega, Wife of His Majesty King Alpha, the King of Kings, for Her Tri-Virginity,
Creation's Womb-Carrier.
January 3rd (5.O.C.P.M.) His work of Six thousand years, from B.C. 4004 to
The Old Testament has no Book in Abraham's name, not even one like (Obadiah).
The Man with the one (tallent). Obadiah was a SLAVE in King Ahab's House, yet he
could make the efforts to write one called the Book of Obadiah.
Chapter 39
Father, most sacred and Ever Living God, Heaven and Earth's Creator.
And there's is no "Book" in the Bible for the Anglo-Saxon Creation, Most Living and
Eternal and Ever Living Sovereign, Owner of Life.
I am your Eternal Pay Master on the Train of Holy Time YOUR JOINT AIR and
Keeper of The Tree of Life, Your FRIEND.
His Majesty King Alpha and Queen Omega, His and Her Dynasty of Melchiszedek,
of Her Monarch Queen Lula May Fitz Balintine Pettersburgh, King of Kings.
The Book of His and Her Biblical Sovereign Queen Lula May Fitz Pettersburgh Pay
Master pf Holy Time.
Chapter 40
The Ethiopian is the CROWN HEAD of this Earth Field since Heaven and Earth has been
BUILT by the Living God.
Thank and Praise the Ever Living God, as long as Eternal Ages Roll.
We are your Parents, His and Her Triumphant Dynasty, King Alpha and Queen Omega, the
Keepers of The TREE OF LIFE.
We are not any family at all to Adam and Eve and Abraham and Isaac, and the Anglo-Saxon
For that is exactly how His Majesty King Noah the Black Monarch was DROWN at
Antediluvia by Adam-Abraham, THE ANARCHY.
Judge Samson lost his TRIBUNAL and his life by marrying the Philistine white woman. See
Judges 14, 15 & 16 Chapters.
See the Philistines Judges plotting out RIDDLES with the woman how to get him.
Chapter 41
His & Her Holy Theocracy, His & Her Psalmist, The Head of the World.
His Tri-Divinity & Her Tri-Virginity Queen Lula May Fitz Balintine Pettersburgh of
Holy Theocracy.
The Owner of the Psalms, is The Blessed Virgin Mary of Alpha and Omega and MY
JOHN THE LAWGIVER & His Brother Prince Emanuel the World's Swiftest
Clergyman if you please my LOVE. PSALMS NO. 2. MY DEAR MONARCH, My
Love, will you Darling, be
Chapter 42
The (interpretation) these unfortunate ones, are the Outcome of the "Advance-Rate"
on the Anglo-Saxon Slave Train.
In those Days, THE BLACK MEN had no opportunity to (RATE) that is to Lie with
white women.
Therefore, while the BLACK MEN'S BLOOD was BURNING UP IN THEIR bodies for
the Sexual support of their OWN WOMEN, the White Slave Masters TOOK away all
the BEST BLACK WOMEN, and COMMITTED Boisterous Fornication with them.
That is how the 3rd Class peoples come in to the human Veins.
IN THOSE DAYS this Act was called THE Advance-Rate of white supremacy.
It is the UNIVERSAL SPIRIT OF ABUSE that manifest ITSELF that the Common-
Class Black MEN are NOW Raping the common-Class white women.
Both rapers, Mob-Lynchers, and Klu-Kluk-Klangs are to be SHOT down from off the
Face of GOD Almighty's Beautiful Earth.
His & Her Biblical Copyright, His & Her Majesty Queen Lula May Fitz Balintine
Pettersburgh, Head Biblical Interpreter of Creation.
Chapter 43
Race & Nations, Languages & Tongues & other peoples, will come and go, from off
the FACE of this EARTH BUT His Majesty King Alpha and His Wife Queen Omega,
We be here always if you please.
Alpha & Omega, The Black man & his wife, was here on Earth before Adam and Eve
& ABARAHAM & Anglo-Saxon if you please.
And we, that is Our SEEDS will be here, in gross PROSPERITY as SOON AS THE
We are His & Her Register General of Black Supremacy if you please.
Chapter 44
My Mother Mrs. Ellen (Park) Johnson of Pettersburgh, is my Virgin Mother; "this is
to-day ........
She is that Royal Woman, that Landed me, The Monarch of Creation, on the SOIL of
the Worlds Capital, Mt. Africa The Isles of Radiant Spring, the Triumphant Lot the
New BIBLE Land.
Gross CREDIT IS DUE to the Black Peoples for such an indomitable Supreme drive.
Run to the Head of the World and STOP THE GIRL that can do IT right, and drench
HER from the Eternal Power-House of Human Gravity.
I GUARANTEE This WORLD, that My Wife, Lady Pettersburgh, will Land greater
Men and Women than My Mother.
Because she has gotten a FIERCER DRENCH and a Rapider POWER on the Wheel
of Time.
HIS & HER COPYRIGHT MOTHER-HOOD the Monarch Fitz Balintine Pettersburgh
King of Kings.
Chapter 45
His & Her Terrestrial Bequest Queen Lula May Fitz Balintine Pettersburgh, Owner of
the Holy Terrestrial Bar (Wills) & all Legal Bequests. A.B.C.K.A.D.O.K.O.K.S.G.C.,
Ph.D.,L.L.D.,S.J.W.C.D. P.M.O.H.T. K.O.T.T.L. Phol.C.L.C.
The Registered General Law Courts of Black Supremacy. The Church Triumphant,
K.A.Q.O.K.O.K.A.B.C.,S.J.W.,Ph.D.,L.L.D., S.G.C.P.G.P.--M.O.H.T. Copyright,
Lawgiver, Clergyman.
By His & Her Arch Monarch of Holy Time, Queen Lula May Fitz Balintine
Pettersburgh Equinoctial Equinox, S.J.W., K.A.Q.O.K.O.K.A.B.C. HEAD OF THIS
Chapter 46
Librarian's Register General Office of Black Supremacy, A.B.C.S.J.W.
Our Creative Sovereign of Mortal Libraries of Holy Time, The Lion & His Lioness of
Alpha and
The Denouncement of the Militant Bible-Lands and Militant Dynasty. Any one found
with any History, Record, or Books, or Bible from ADAM to Anglo-Saxon is guilty of
Leze-Majesty, and is DEALT WITH AS SUCH. By the Dread order of the Church
The Register General Office, of The Triumphant Dynasty Great Black Supremacy.
By His & Her copyright Queen Lula May Fitz Balintine Pettersburgh Owner of the
Triumphant Dynasty & Great Black Supremacy. K.A.Q.O.K., O.K.C.L.C.
Chapter 47
She is that Rich National Woman that has Charmed the Men of Nations to Lie With
That is just how all Nations manage to SOKE through the AFRICAN WOMANHOOD
of Prosperity.
She had too much Sympathy for the perishing Nations, whose Lives are Riotously
Lived until this day.
Nations. SO THEY WENT INTO HER AND ROBBED her Lands, Money, and took
her seeds, to be slaves.
That to-day she and her children have no Power in Her own Land, nor ABROAD.
Get out a New Dictionary & a New Bible & a New Board of Education, & a New
Money Mint.
Signed by His & Her Majesty Queen Lula May Fitz Balintine Pettersburgh HEAD OF
Chapter 47 a.
Owing to the long Delay, of my BIBLE ATLAS SURVAYOR, and other
DIFFICULTIES with the Engraving Department on this side of the Globe!!!
Those you will get in One Full volume, as soon as Our Survayor & Atlas Engravers,
can get through their work.
Has the Royal Honour to be, your Biblical Architect. His & Her ARCHITECT Queen
Lula May Fitz Balintine Pettersburgh, A.B.C., S.J.W.K.O.K.A.Q.O. ATLAS
P.S.--The entire Bible Scroll of Black Supremacy The Church Triumphant--and all
the ROYAL DOCUMENTS Along with 76 chapters of The New Canon was destroyed
and his Wife.
It is impossible for such a man to ESCAPE punishment because his acts are
Chapter 48
The ENGRAVING Department, and The Atlas & Map-Making Philosopher, had much
diffuculties with the Militant Power in the New Bible Land.
They were all, being Stung with the Sting of Death & SHAME and were not ABLE to
A great deal of Money has been lost, by TRUSTING it into the Hands of dishonest
Educated Men of ALL SHADES of Learning, are WANTED with money and without
Chapter 48 a.
His & Her Monarch of Renown Queen Lula May Fitz Balintine Pettersburgh King of
Kings, Equinoctial Equinox, Head of This World, Owner of the Zodiac,
K.A.Q.,O.K.O.K.,Ph.D., L.L.D., A.B.C.S.J.W.P.M.H.T.K.O.T T.O.L. P.C.C.L.
Astrologers are all guilty of the Crime of Genealogical, Sexual, Mortal Suicide. They
have read the Signs of The Zodiac to suite white supremacy, the Grand Whore of
this World.
We The Head of This Earth and Other Worlds, are not (responsible) for Astrological
Stupidity and White Rulers ignorance.
Chapter 49
Deeper and Sounder than the Anglo-Saxon (Slave) Manuscript at the Monistry of St.
Augustine at English Canterbury, since A.D. 1000.
I am the Supreme Judge of Holy Time, Angle-Militant Crime Against the TRUE and
Most Holy Creator, is Eternal Leze Majesty.
I am YOUR Vehement Venerable Psalmist and Bible Editor of the 'TREE of Life,
Chapter 50
I am the Man before Adam and Eve and Abraham the Anglo-Saxon.
I am His Arch Sovereign of Most Holy Time, King Alpha, the King of Kings.
My wife, your Arch Sovereign Queen Omega, Her Tri-Virginity and Myself His Tri-
FROM THE NEW TESTAMENT CODE, The Revelation of John the Divine.
We came down on the Anglo-Saxon Slave Train, in order that we could get to have
crossed the Militant Gulf at the Gate-way of Nationality.
Now nations time is up, for National Rulership, they must give way to the POWER
His and Her Arch-Groom and Bride Queen Lula May Fitz Balintine Pettersburgh:
Biblical-Arch-Sovereign, Equinoctial Equinox, Owner of the Zodiac and
Black Supremacy Perfect Parchment Scroll, Holy Theocracy Most Dread Copy
number 5 K.A.Q.O.K.O.K.
This Powerful Canon is the Narrative of His and Her Dynasty Queen Lula May Fitz
Balintine Pettersburgh, A,.B.C.S.J.W. KING OF KINGS.
The Bible Owner is THE Black Man.
The Bible's Supreme Name is Holy Theocracy and Lady Diety, Creation's
Pen and Power Master and Founder of Holy p. 84 Communication and Owner of the
Human Family.
The Monarch Finger on the Right Limb, is Holy Union's Perfect finger.
The Twelve months of the year are my (12) Degrees, "Celestial Diploma."
I am The Holy Bible's Owner, therefore, I have taken away the Adamic, imperfect
(version) that is (dated) B.C. 4004 and closed A.D. 96.
And give to Creation, my perfect Husband and Wife's Theocracy (dated) A.D. 1925
AND 26.
Clear God the Father's Perfect Reputation and The Tree of Life.
Equinoctial Equinox.
To Her Arch Majesty, the Lioness, Her Ethiopian Tri-Virginity, of Alpha and Omega
My Equator.
Now my Dear Honourable Virgin, Your Arch Majesty, Mrs. Lula May Fitz Balintine
Pettersburgh Equinoctial Equinox.
Now Sweet Heart, my dear wonder, just take this Drench of Perfect Wonders and
Live with me for Life.
Now Dear Heart, before we take charge of the Guest Chamber of Creation, we have
to clear God the Father's Perfect Reputation and the Tree of Life.
We being the Keeper of the TREE of Life, we are requested to call up the Mental
Power House of this world, and have THEIR BEST Physician to (Loose) YOUR
Virgin matrix and give us a crown Diploma of our Dignity.
December 27 1925 A.D. From the Judgment Throne by the King of Kings.
The Chief Virgin of the Tree of Life, By Order of the Copyright of Creation.
To Creation Vast the Medical Board of creation.
His and Her Majesty King Alpha and Queen Omega Medical Practitioners, s.s.s.s.,
December 27 1925, 9 O.C. A.M. A.D. 2000. World's Capital.
Perfect law.--the Holy Physician. My Dear Perfect Physician, you are (Requested) by
His and
Her Ethiopian Triumphant Dynasty (To Loose) the Virgin Matri Her Tri-Virginity Her
p. 86 Ethiopian Triumphant Dynasty, Queen Lula May Fitz Balintine Pettersburgh
before she enter Her Husband's Guest Chamber.
The Copyright Department of Holy Time and give to the Perfect Bar of Holy
Theocracy this World's Medical Affidavit.
The most Holy Ground of Perfect Living Truth, also His Tri-Divinity.
By His and Her Dynasty, the Tri-Monarch, Lady, Lula May Fitz Balintine
Pettersburgh, copyright Philosopher, Physician, Clergyman and Lawgiver. S.S.S.S.
His and Her Arch-Sovereign King Alpha and Queen Omega Supreme Crown
Crown DOCUMENT. The Royal name of this ETHIOPIAN DYNASTY is called "Black
Supremacy" Denouncement. The Angle Saxon Slave Dynasty is called white
Denounce him.
Official Order. By the Sacred Order of His Majesty, Our Live Creator the Living God,
Heaven and Earth Superior.
Black. Supremacy starts December 23, 7 O.C.P.M. A.D. 1925. We Cross white
supremacy that Sacred Hour for Eternal Life.
And take off the Black man from off the p. 87 Anglo-Saxon Slave Train that Hour.
Christianity and Civilisation is now Black Supremacy.