Rubric Pie Chart
Rubric Pie Chart
Rubric Pie Chart
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Pie Chart
Student Name:
Data in the table is well organized, accurate, and easy to read.
Data in the table is organized, accurate, and easy to read.
Data in the table is Data in the table is accurate and easy to not accurate and/or read. cannot be read.
All units are described (in a key or with labels) and are appropriately sized for the data set. Graph fits the data well and makes it easy to interpret.
Most units are described (in a key or with labels) and are appropriately sized for the data set. Graph is adequate and does not distort the data, but interpretation of the data is somewhat difficult.
All units are described (in a key or with labels) but are not appropriately sized for the data set. Graph distorts the data somewhat and interpretation of the data is somewhat difficult.
Units are neither described NOR appropriately sized for the data set.
Accuracy of Plot
All points are plotted All points are plotted correctly and are correctly and are easy to see. A ruler easy to see. is used to neatly connect the points or make the bars, if not using a computerized graphing program. Exceptionally we" designed, neat, and attractive. Colors that go well together are used to make the graph more readable. A ruler and graph paper (or graphing computer program) are used. Neat and relatively attractive. A ruler and graph paper (or graphing computer program) are used to make the graph more readable.
Lines are neatly drawn but the graph appears quite plain.
Appears messy and \"thrown together\" in a hurry. Lines are visibly crooked.
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