The Syntax Arabic
The Syntax Arabic
The Syntax Arabic
reaorrem 0rasrv Farsv
0asaore, .L.
Georgetown University Press, Washington, D.C.
2000 by Georgetown University Press. All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
1 b 7! b 4 2 1 2000
This volume is printed on acid-free offset book paper.
The Semitic Translator font used toprint this work is available from
Linguist's Software, Inc. , P.O. Box 580, Edmonds, W A 98020-0580;
telephone 206-775- 1 1 30.
The manuscript was prepared with Nisus Writer software, developed by
Nisus Software, Inc. , P.O. Box 1 300, Solana Beach, CA 92075.
Geoffrey Khan's "Hierarchies of Individuation" (able 1 - 1 ) first appeared
in his article "Object Markers and Agreement Pronouns in Semitic
Languages, " published in the Bulletin of the School of Oriental and
African Studies 47 ( 1 984): 470; permission to reprint it here was kindly
given by Oxford University Press.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Brustad, Kristen.
The syntax of spoken Arabic: a comparative study of Moroccan,
Egyptian, Syrian, and Kuwaiti dialects / Kristen E. Brustad
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-87840-789-8 (pbk: alk. paper)
1. Arabic language--Dialects--Syntax. 2. Arabic language--Dialects-
Grammar. I. Title.
PJ6723 .B78 2000
This book represents a substantial reworking of the doctoral
dissertation I presented to the Department of Near Easter Languages
and Civilizations of Harvard University in 1 991 . After spending 1 991 -
1996 working on other projects, I began the process of revision i n the
summer of 1 996, supported in part by a semester teaching leave in
1 997 and two summer research grants in 1 997 and 1 999 from Emory
University. I am grateful to the Department of Middle Easter Studies
at Emory for providing a very supportive academic home, to John
Samples, Gail Grella, and Deborah Weiner of Georgetown University
Press for their patient support of this project, and to two anonymous
readers who provided valuable feedback on the draft manuscript. I am
indebted to the friends and colleagues who have contributed so much
to this work over the years, reading, discussing, advising, and especially
correcting, and I take full responsibility for the remaining errors.
The original research upon which this study is based was supported
by a Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research grant for travel to
Germany, Morocco, Egypt, Syria, and Kuwait in 1988-89, and greatly
facilitated by the Commissions .for Educational and Cultural Exchange
in Morocco and Egypt, and the United States Information Service offces
in Syria and Kuwait. In Kuwait, Dr. Kazem Behbehani, director of the
Research Department of the University of Kuwait, arranged affliation
and living quarters at the University, and Mr. Ali al-Rumi, director of
the Kuwaiti Folklore Center, put his resources and staff at my disposal.
In Germany, Professor Otto Jastrow took time to meet with me and
offer the wisdom of his experience in feldwork methodology.
Field research would not have been possible without the generosity
and warm hospitality of which Arab culture is deservedly proud. I will
always be grateful to the many people who opened their doors and
their lives to me during my fieldwork, taking time to give interviews
and facilitate contacts with others: in Morocco, the Jebaris, Sidi Belkziz,
Said Hamzaoui and his family, and Sarah Chayes and her friends; in
Egypt, Zeinab Ibrahim and her family, Zeinab Taha and her family,
and Lisa White and Muhammad al-Qawasmi; in Syria, Wajd and Samar
vi Acknowledgments
and their friends, the Rabbats, and Dr. Jim Nesby; and in Kuwait, 'Ali
al-Rayyis, and especially Mariam al-'Agrouga and her family.
Four people deserve special thanks for suffering through the
original dissertation above and beyond the call of duty. Hulya Canbakal
spent many late nights on campus keeping me company and feeding
me. Michael Cooperson's reading and comments helped me sharpen
vague ideas, and reassured me that I had something to say. John Eisele
suffered through illegible rough drafts in record time, while somehow
teaching me how to present linguistic arguments. Most importantly,
my advisor, Professor Wolfhart Heinrichs, had the confidence in me to
approve the project, the patience to wait while I struggled to produce,
and the beneficence to extend unwavering support.
I have been privileged to study and work with many of the best
people in the field. My teachers and mentors at the American University
in Cairo and Harvard University managed to give me a first-rate education
despite less-than-full cooperation on my part at times, and my colleagues
at the Middlebury College School of Arabic 1983- 1987 and 1991 - 1 998
not only created the cross-dialectal language experience that inspired
this work, but also gave freely of their time and insights.
Irrepayable debt is due: John Swanson, who set me on the
academic path in the first place with a big push; my RRAALL cohorts,
constant sources of inspiration, moral support, and references; Abbas
el-Tonsi, who first taught me to pay attention to nuances of language
structure and meaning; Ahmed Jebari, who .taught me Moroccan without
teachingthe mark of a truly gifted teacher; Nuha Khoury and Nasser
Rabbat, who accepted me as a speaker of Levantine Arabic long before
I (more or less) became one; Ahmed Jebari , Nadia EI-Cheikh,
Mohammad Abd ai-Karim Taha, and Driss Cherkaoui, who out of
friendship spent hours on end helping me puzzle through analysis
problems and rough spots on some very poor quality tapes with the
kind of dedication to the task that cannot be hired at any price; my
parents, who let me get on a plane to Cairo twenty years ago; Danny
AI-Batal, who graciously accepted apologies for missed dinners, trips
to the park, soccer and basketball games; and Mahmoud, for all of the
above, and then some.
Notes on Transcription and Glosses ............................ .......... xiii
Introduction e=============================== 1
1.0 Introduction ................................................................... 18
l.1 Definite and Indefinite Markers ..................................... 18
l.2 Defmiteness, Indefiniteness, and Specifcation . ===.o 21
l.3 Definiteness and Individuation ......................... ............ 25
1.4 Indefinite-Specific Marking ................................. ......... 26
l.4.1 Indefinite-Specific Article fi/ . =.............................. 26
1.4.2 Nunation as Indefinite-Specific Marking .... . .= 27
l.5 Definiteness and First Mention: New Topic ..=.== 31
l.6 Defmite Marking in Moroccan .=... ........... ........ ............. 36
1.7 Summary ........................................................................ 42
2.0 Introduction .=........................ ......................... ... ....... ..... 44
2.1 The Dual ................... ........................................... ... ....... 45
2.1.1 Non-specific Dual .................................................. 45
2.1.2 Dual in Moroccan ......... ......................... ... ........... ..... 46
2.1.3 Periphrastic Duals ................................................... 47
2.l.4 Dual as New-Topic Marker ...................................... 49
2.1.5 Pseudo-Duals ........................................................... 51
2.1.6 Adverbial Dual..... =. .... ..... ...... ...... ............................ 52
2.2 Agreement Patters of Plural Nouns == ......... ........ ........... 52
2.3 Agreement Neutralization ............................................. 62
2.3.1 Neutralized Adjectival Agreement . a=.==..=..= 62
2.3.2 Verb-Subject Number Agreement ==....==..=..= 67
2.4 Genitive and Possessive Constructions =.===.=...... 70
2.4.1 Hag's Study =..... ........................ ... .......... ............ 72
2.4.2 Formal Motivations for the Use of the Genitive
Exponents .===== .... ..... ... ........... ........... .... ................. 74
2.4.3 Pragmatic Functions ................................................. 76
2.4.4 Exponents and Individuation ................... ................ 80
2.4.5 Sociolinguistic Motivations ..................................... 83
2.4.6 Moroccan! dyal/ ..................................... ;................. 85
2.5 Summary =.=.=....... ... ...... ... .... ..... ...... ... ... ....... ... ... ...... ...... 87
viii Contents
RELATIVE CLAUSES +.+.+.+++++++++.+++++++++.+.++++.++++++.++++++++++++++.+++.+ 89
3.0 Introduction +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.++++.++..+++++++++.++.++++++++++++ 89
3. 1 Relativization of Indefinite-Specific Nouns with /ilIi/ +. 91
3.2 Non-attributive Relative Clauses +++.++++++++..++.+++.++++++++++.++. 99
3.3 Aleppan Relative Pronoun /ill ++++++.+++++++++.+++++++++++++++++++..++ 101
3.4 Relativizing Non-specific Temporal Nouns ++++++.+.+.+.+++++ 102
3.5 /ilIi/ as Complementizer .+.+++++++++++++4+++++++.+.+++.+.+.+++++.+++++++. 104
3.6 Moroccan Word-Order Relatives ..++++++++++++++.+++++++++++++++++ 106
3.7 Moroccan Relative Pronoun /d/ +++++++++.+++++++++++.++++.+++++.+.++ 109
3.8 Summary ++++++++.++++++++++++++++++++++++++.+.++..+.++++++++++++++.+++++++++++. 1 10
+ DEMONSTRATIVE ARTICLES AND PRONOUNS ++++.+++++++++++++++++++ 1 12
4.0 Introduction .+++++++++++++++++++++++.+.++++.+++++++++.++++.++++.++++++++++++.+.+ 1 12
4. 1 Proximal and Distal Demonstrative Forms +.++++++++.++++.+++. 113
4.2 Unstressed Anaphoric Demonstrative Articles +.++++++.++++. 115
4.2. 1 Syntactic Functions of Demonstrative Articles +++.++. 1 17
4.2.2 Discourse Functions of the Demonstrative Article .. 1 19
4.3 Unstressed Distal Demonstratives ................................. 125
4.3. 1 Ungendered Moroccan /dlk/ and /dak/ .................... 125
4.3.2 Non-specific Temporal Demonstrative /dlk/ ........... 127
4.4 Demonstrative Pronouns in Post-Nominal Position +++++++ 128
4.4. 1 Post-Nominal Demonstratives ................................. 129
4.4.2 "Double" Demonstrative Constructions ++++++++.+.++++++.+ 131
4.5 Discourse Functions of Distal Demonstratives .............. 134
4.6 Summary ...................................................................... 139
b CATEGORIZING VERBS ++++.+++.+++++++++++++++++.++++++++.++.+4+++++.++.++++++ 141
5.0 Introduction .................................................................. 141
5. 1 Overview of Verb Forms ............................................... 142
5.2 Auxiliaries and Other Categories ................................... 143
5.2. 1 Verbs of Motion ++.++++++++++++++++.+++.++.++++++.+.+++++++++++++++++++ 147
5.2.2 Temporal Verbs ........................................................ 148
5.3 Pseudo-Verbs ................................................................. 151
5.3. 1 Characteristics of Pseudo-Verbs ++++++++++.+++++++++++++++++ 153
5.3.2 Pronouns as Copulas ................................................ 157
5.3.3 Pseudo-Verbs in Rural Northwester Syria ............. 158
5.3.4 Loss of Verbal Status ............................................... 159
5.4 The Participle ++++.+++.+.++++++++++++++++++++++++.++.+..+.++++.+++++++++++++++ 162
5.5 Summary +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 164
Contents i
b ASPECT 165
6.0 Introduction ++++..+.o..+.+.4++.+...+++.e..+ 165
6.1 Lexical Aspect ++.+++++.++++++4+++.+++++.+..+. 166
6.2 Fonnal Aspect .+..+.+++e+++............................ ............ 172
6.3 Translation and Speaker Point of View ......... . ... . . .. . ... . .. 176
6.4 Perfect Aspect . .............................................................. 179
6.4.1 Perfect Aspect and the Participle .+..e...+.++e+.... 182
6.4.2 Participles of Motion +.+..++++++++..++.+ 185
6.5 Aspect in Narative Contexts ..+++++..++++++.++. 186
6.5.1 Foregrounding and Backgrounding +++.+++.+. 187
6.5.2 Aspect and Narrative Contour ...+.+.....+..+.o.. 192
6.5.3 aealy,allo(asaeawith Participle ..++++ 199
6.5.4 aealywith the Imperfective ++++.+++++.+ 20
6.6 Summary +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 201
TENSE AND TIME REFERENCE .+...+. .................. .......... 203
7.0 Introduction ..++++.+.++............................. ....... ............ 203
7.1 Relative Time Reference in Arabic +.+.+++4.. 204
7.1.1 Adverbs and Relative Time Reference .++....+ 205
7.1.2 Relative Time Reference in Complement Clauses . . 207
7.1.3 Discourse Shif of Time Reference: Tense
Neutalization .++.+++++++e+++++.. 210
7.1.4 Kuwaiti lean!: Historical Present? ++.++.+ 213
7.2 Temporal Verbs .++..++++++++++++++.+++.++. 214
7.2.1 Temporal Verbs in Compound Verb Phrases o+. 215
7.2.2 Topicalization of Temporal Verbs .++++++..+. 217
7.2.3 Iostart,oeg|a. Stative and Non-stative ..++... 221
7.2.4 noloager. Ima bqasl, Ima ba'a(s)/, Ima 'adl .e 223
7.3 The Participle and Time Reference ++..+.++.+.+ 225
7.4 Summary +.. ....... ....................... ................... ........... ...... 229
MOOD 231
8.0 Introduction .+++. ..... .................. ......... ............... .......... 231
8.1 Marked and Unmarked Imperfectives ....+.++++. 233
8.2 Unmarked Imperfective: Subjunctive +++ ...................... 236
8.3 Marked Fons of the Imperfective ..+.+..e+....+ 241
8.3.1 Future and Intentive Moods ++.+.+.++....++++ 241
8.3.2 Indicative Mood .++...+++...+.+..+.+.+++++ 246
8.4 The Multiple Meanings of Syrian m-/............................ 248
8.5 Kuwaiti /ean/: Modal Auxiliary? .. ........................ a...... 253
8.6 Commissive Mood: Marked Use of the Perfective ....... 255
8.7 Conditional and Hypothetical Moods ... ........................ 256
8.7.1 Conditional Particles in the Dialects ........................ 256
8.7.2 Hypothetical and Counterfactual /..... e.. e............ 260 /as Frozen Hypothetical Marker .................. 260 /with Perfective as Counterfactual Mood .. 262
8.7.3 Habitual and Non-hypothetical Conditionals ........... 264 /)ila/, a![when ................................................. 264 I-mal -ever ........... ............................................... 265
8.7.4 Aspect and Mood in Conditional Sentences .e.......... 266
8.8 Summary ........e.............................................................. 276
Y NEGATION ......... e....... e... e................................................. . 277
9.0 Introduction..................................................................... 277
9.1 Overview of Negation in the Dialects ............................ 277
9.2 Three Strategies of Negation .....................e.................... 281
9.3 Verbal Negation.............. .....................a. ......................... 284
9.3.1 Negation of Pseudo-verbs ........................................ 288
9.3.2 Negation of Participles ............................................. 289
9.3.3 Verbal Negation of Predicates in Moroccan ........... 291
9.3.4 Negation of the Imperative: The Prohibitive ........... 294
9.3.5 The Negative Copula ..e................e .................... e...... 296
9.4 Predicate Negation ....+......... ......................................... 301
9.5 Categorical Negation....................................................... 306
9.5.1 Categorical Negation of the Verb Phrase .... ........ ..... 307
9.5.2 Categorical Negation of Single Sentence Elements 309
9.5.3 Categorical Negation of Coordinated Structures ...... 309
9.6 Summary .............................. 4... ....... e............................. 313
1 SENTENCE TyPOLOGy ....................................................... 315
10.0 Introduction .................................................................. 315
10.1 Sentence Typology ..............................e ......................... 316
10.1.1 Structural Evidence for the Primacy ofVSO ......... 319
10.1.2 Typological Frequency and Discourse Type .......... 320
10.2 Topic- and Subject-Prominent Sentence Strctures ....e 329
10.2.1 Spoken Arabic as a Topic-Prominent Language .... 330
10.2.2 Temporal Frame as Topic ....................................... 337
10.2.3 Topical Circumstantial Clauses (/Ial/).................... 339
Contents xi
10.3 Variation in Word Order: Information packagig .. 342
10.3.1 Right-Dislocated Subjects: New Inforation . 343
10.3.2 Pronoun Subject Position ........ 344
10.3.3 Object-Initial Sentences ............ 348 Topic-prominent OV: Object as Topic ... 349 Subject-Prominent OV: Contrastive Function 349
10.3.4 Predicate-Subject Inversion . 352
10.4 Syrian Object-Marker !la-I: Resumptive Topic .. 353
10.5 The Ethical Dative: Point of View and Empathy ........ 359
10.6 Summary ...... 361
Conclusions ......e...e 363
Appendix 1: Informants ... 376
Appendix 2: Texts
Morocco ...... 377
Egypt 388
Syria .....e..e...e...e. 395
Kuwait ........ 409
References ... 421
Subject Index .......... ............... ................. .............. ........ 433
Author Index ............................... 441
Table 1-1 Khan's Hierarchies of Individuation 22
Table 1-2 Features Mfecting Individuation .... 24
Table 2-1 Genitive Exponents .... 72
Table 4-1 Proximal Demonstrative Pronouns . 114
Table 4-2 Distal Demonstrative Pronouns .... 114
Table 4-3 Unstressed Demonstrative Articles ... 115
Table 5-1 Time Reference with .. 150
Table 6-1 Classifcation of Lexical Aspect .... 168
Table 6-2 Lexical Aspect and the Participle......................... 171
Table 6-3 Narrative Contour Verbs .4e... 193
Table 7-1 Temporal Verbs ...... 215
Table 8-1 Moods in the Dialects .e.... 232
Table 8-2 Imperfective Markers ..... 234
Table 8-3 Indicative Markers .e.. .............. 246
Table 8-4 Meanings of Syrian /-I ....e.. 250
Table 8-5 Conditional Particles .e... 257
Table 9-1 Particles of Negation .. 282
Table 9-2 The Negative Copula ..... 296
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
The Individuation Continuum .+..+.++.+.+.+..++++++.+.++.. 25
Relativization of Temporal Nouns ............ .......... 104
Continuum of Hypotheticality +.++.+++++++++.+++++..+..+++ 267
Individuation and the Syntax of Spoken Arabic ++ 364
Since the object of this study is the syntactic structure of the
language, the transcription is more phonemic than phonetic. Hence
epenthetic vowels are not marked, and short, unstressed vowels are
often transcribed as schwas. Arabic /wa (ju/, /w-/, /wif) and is usually
transcribed here as /w/. Non-phonemic emphatic notation (such as /rf)
is omitted; emphatic I/ is marked only in the word /alJah/ God. When
citing examples from other works, I have adapted the original notation
to the system used here. Te quality of /a/ and /a/ varies a great deal
across rgions; this variation is not refected in the transcription, except
for deflection of final /a/ to /e/ in Syrian. Initial glottal stop [ is
marked where clearly pronounced. I have added the often silent /I of
Syrian feminine pronoun /al within brackets for morphological clarity.
Final vowel length is rarely phonemic in Arabic, and final vowels
are transcribed without length except in three cases: (a) following
Cowell ( 1 964), on negating particles /mM and /la/, to distinguish them
from nominalizer /ma/ and conditional /la/; (b) on /fthere is, in which
the length of B/is phonemic (contrasting with m}in); and (c) in cases
in which the affixing of an object pronoun to a verb ending in a vowel
is realized 8the lengthening of that vowel (e.g., jafuj the saw followed
by /ul him becomes jaff they saw him).
Vowel length in Moroccan is rarely phonemic. Harrell notes that
vowels are either "short, unstable" or "relatively long, stable" ( 1 962: 10);
he does not mark vowel length, but rather vowel quality. Caubet
( 1993), on the other hand, marks vowel length. Following the suggestion
of an anonymous reader of the manuscript, and with the help of Dr.
Driss Cherkaoui, I have marked approximate vowel length here.
Moroccan labialized consonants are transcribed with superscript as
in: xW, bW, and mW (on labialization in Moroccan, see Harell 1 962:9-10).
mthe followig chart, alterate fors separated by a slash rprsent
regional or register variants. A bar undereath a letter signals an
interdental sound, a dot indicates a velarized (emphatic) sound. Symbols
leI and Ijl represent affricates, j/ and /zl fricatives, [is the glottal
stop, and I and findicate voiceless and voiced pharyngal fricatives.
xiv Notes on Transcription and Glosses
blan0at0 alecl ltanSctQlon honemcltanSlletalon
Ata0c % b H % b H
b b b b
C < C C C
tis tis
f g f/j y/j
^ ^ ^ ^
x x x X
a a a a a d d d d
J a
a J d d/z d/z
; ; ; ; ;
r r r r
; ; ; ; ;
z z z z
b b b b
A a a a a
v v L L L
& X & & &
( ( ( ( (
c c c c c
8 8 8 8
= = = = f f f f
J J/4 J J
4/ J
q/g q/' q/' q/glj
m m m m
m k k k k/
n n n n
. . . . . h h h h
3 3 3 3 3
' ' ' ( (
Notes on Transcription and Glosses
Abbreviations and Symbols
sentence complementizer
a a a
Q u Q
negative particle
object marker
genitive exponent
relative pronoun
interogative particle
3 third person
judged ungrammatical by inforants
indicates alteration of speakers within texts
Data Tag Abbreviations
CA Classical Arabic L Lebanese
E Egyptian M Moroccan
G Gulf Arabic N Najdi
J Jordanian P Palestinian
K Kuwaiti S Syrian
Numbers (Ml , K2, etc.) refer to speaker codes (see Appendix 1).
xvi Notes on Transcription and Glosses
Arabic Script
The use of the Arabic script in transcribing the data is meant to
serve two purposes: (a) to make the material accessible to Arabic
speakers not trained in or comfortable with reading phonetic script, and
(b) to highlight the close relationship among the varieties and registers
of Arabic by rendering transparent the correspondence between spoken
and fonnal registers and varieties. Hence I have adhered closely to
conventions of fonnal Arabic orthography, which do not necessarily
reflect the phonetic or phonemic values of the utterances. Short vowels
are marked only as necessary as a pronunciation aid.
In cases of regular phonetic/phonemic shifts, such as /q/ to [in
the urban dialects of Egypt and the Levant, fonnal orthography has
been maintained. In other cases, multiple reflexes of a single phoneme
coexist within a single dialect (e.g. , It I and lsi for standard ( in
Egyptian and Syrian). Moroccan pronunciation of Iq/ varies regionally
and lexically. Kuwaiti reflexes of Iql as Ig/ and Ij/, as /1 and Ic/,
and Ijl as Ijl and Iyl appear to be in a state of flux. In these cases, the
Arabic symbols used reflect phonetic realization. I have borrowed
letters for the sounds Ig/ ()and Icl (g)from the Persian script.
Morphological Glosses
Due to spatial constraints and the length of many of the examples,
the morphological translation does not line up vertically with transcribed
Arabic. However, care has been taken to correlate the two transcription
layers so that each Arabic word or phrase corresponds to a morphological
grouping linked by hyphens, and an exact one-to-one correspondence
has been maintained. Morphological glosses for texts over four lines
in length have been omitted except where necessary to show grammatical
structure. Glosses I have added to examples cited from other works are
in brackets n.
Morphemic boundaries have not been marked except for the
definite article (lil-I), because rules for pronouncing lil-I when prefixed
to certain consonants can sometimes make its presence opaque. Indirect
objects with preposition /li-/ are transcribed as suffixed to the verb
phrase when pronounced as part of the verb phrase (as indicated by
Noles on Transcription and Glosses xvii
stress patters). Where gender and agreement are not relevant to the
discussion, he and she refer to human gender, it to non-human singular
entities. Where gender or number agreement is at issue, I have used
morphological notation 3ms or 3/s. Non-finite subordinate verbs are
translated as non-fnite: he-go rather than he-goes. (Kuwaiti does not
make this distinction.) In dialects that use the pair of negative enclitics
/ma - U, neg has been marked only once. Following the convention of
Arabists, verbs cited out of context are given in dictionary form, third
person masculine perfective, and translated as infmitives.
Dialectology has been an important part of linguistic research for
over one hundred years. During this time, it has developed schools
and methods from quantitative to soiolinguistic, and explored theoretical
questions on the mechanisms of language change and the nature of
linguistic variability. Studies involving Arabic dialects have contributed
to sociolinguistic gender theory (e. g. , Haeri 1 996), code-switching and
formal syntax (e.g., Eid 1983, 1991 , 1 996), and general linguistic theory
(e.g., Ferguson's [ 1 959b] seminal article "Diglossia," which generated
an entire field of linguistic inquiry).
Arabists are fortunate to count among their ranks such energetic
dialectologists as Behnstedt, Fischer, ]astrow, and Woidich, whose
extensive studies of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Syria, and Yemen (among
others), have exponentially increased our phonological, morphological,
and lexical knowledge of many areas. However, the picture remains
far from complete. In addition to vast geographic and social territory
that has yet to be canvassed, little attention has been paid to comparative
syntactic data, and even a comparative morphological study is lacking
(though enough published material for such a study exists). It is true
that the large geographic area and range of variation among Arabic
dialects render comparative studies difficult. But Arabic dialectology
has much to offer linguistic theory precisely for those reasons. The
wealth of information that may be collected and studied over such a
large area, a good amount of historical evidence that can be brought to
bear, as well as increasingly detailed studies on social history, all make
Arabic a powerful case for testing, proving, and even generating theory.
Arabic dialectology can also contribute to our understanding of
formal Arabic
Mitchell and EI-Hassan claim that modality, mood and
For an historical overview of the field, see Walters ( 1 988).
Arabists use a number of terms to describe the language they study. Classical
Arabic and Old Arabic refer to early historical periods, Classical to the formal,
standardized variety and Old Arabic to non-standard registers (see e. g. Fischer
1 995). (By "standardized" I mean following a set of largel y prescriptive
rules. ) Middle Arabic refers to non-standard registers that begin to emerge
early in medieval texts (see Blau 1 965, 1966-67; Hopkins 1 984). Modern
Standard Arabic refers to the modem standardized register, and dialects to
2 Introduction
aspect must b studied in "the mother-tongue end of the stylistic spectrum
of conversation" (1994:2). I would argue that the study of all syntactic
forms should take place there, since subconscious syntactic processing
is formed through the acquisition of the native tongue, and for Arabic
speakers, this tongue is their dialect.
An unfortunate recent trend in certain areas of Arabic linguistics
has been the continual narrowing of the scope of analysis. During the
Arabic Linguistics Symposium at Emory University in 1 997, one
presenter disclaimed the validity of his analysis for any Moroccan
dialects other than "his own." While sociolinguistic questions demand
a narrow focus and detailed observation, the field is equally in need of
structural and comparative studies based on a broad spectrum of data.
Previous Studies in Arabic Dialect Syntax
The four dialect regions included in the present study are among
the best-documented with both grammars and published texts. Of these,
the best analyses of structure, and those that pay most attention to
semantics and pragmatics, are Cowell's Reference Grammar ofSyrian
Arabic ( 1 964) and Harrell's Short Reference Grammar of Moroccan
Arabic ( 1 962), both of which are mainly descriptive in approach, yet
attempt to discover semantic and pragmatic explanations of syntactic
structures. Each has many important observations about the dialect it
treats. Caubet's ( 1 993) detailed grammar of Moroccan, with particular
attention to Fez and the surrounding region, is particularly welcome
addition. Caubet takes a functional approach to the syntax of Moroccan,
parallel in many ways to the approach used here. Her analyses, as well
as inclusion of the texts from which she drew her examples, make her
study a valuable contribution to the field.
Egypt is also well-represented in the literature. The teaching
grammars of Mitchell ( 1 956) and el-Tonsi ( 1 982) provide information
on the speech of the Cairo, and Khalafallah ( 1 969) treats the Arabic
spoken in Upper Egypt. Behnstedt and Woidich's ( 1 985, 1 988, 1 994)
spoken varieties and registers. Educated Spoken Arabic refers to a formal
register of spoken Arabic that combines both spoken and formal features. l
take these labels to represent points along a linguistic continuum of varieties
(e. g. , dialects and historical periods) and registers (from formal or written to
informal or spoken), terms l will use here.
Previous Studies in Arabic Dialect Synta 3
mul ti-volume study of Egyptian Arabic offers an excellent range of
text data covering almost all of Egypt, and focusing on rural dialects.
Woidich has published extensively on Egyptian ( 1 968, 1 975, 1 980a,b),
and Eisele ( 1 988, 1 990a,b), Eid ( 1 983), and others have contributed
studies on particular aspects of syntax.
The Syrian area is rich in dialect variation, much of which is
well-documented in work of Behnstedt ( 1 989, 1 990), Cantineau ( 1 946),
Cowell ( 1 964), Grotzfeld ( 1 965), and Lewin ( 1 966). Less is available
on the rral dialects of the northwester and coastal regions, but Feghali's
( 1 928) study of the syntax of Lebanese includes interesting data taken
from rural speech.
While descriptions of the Gulf dialects as a group are continually
expanding, the pool of data remains small, and few recorded texts from
this region have been published. Qafisheh ( 1 975) and Holes ( 1 990)
provide a good deal of infonation on Gulf Arabic, but contain no
texts, and Holes' grammar follows the fonn of a reply to general cross
linguistic questionnaire rather than a study of problems particular to
Arabic. AI-Ma<tOq's ( 1 986) study of the dialect of the Kuwaiti <Ajman
tribe is based on data including poetry and proverbs, rendering it less
than ideal for syntactic study, and al-Najjar's ( 1 984) dissertation on
aspect in Kuwaiti is based on composed sentences.
Although Ingham's ( 1 994) study of Najdi Arabic falls outside the
geographic bounds of this study, three factors have motivated attention
to his work here: first, the Kuwaiti dialect is Najdi in origin (the ruling
elite of Kuwait migrated from the Najd over two hundred years ago;
'Abo IIakima 1 984:22). Second, his study fills a number of gaps left
by previously published grammars, particularly in the realm of syntax.
Information provided by Ingham for Najdi has been an important
supplement to the rather scarce data available on Kuwaiti syntax. Finally,
Ingham's analyses of certain aspects of nominal and verbal syntax have
been quite helpful in fonulating some of the cross-dialect analyses
offered here.
Previous comparative studies of syntactic aspcts of spoken Arabic
have focused on discrete aspects of the language, and in some cases the
analysis remains highly dependent on Classical Arabic structure (e. g. ,
Rosenhouse 1 978). Two studies use published data to provide a
4 Introduction
comparison of one particular construction in every recorded Arabic
dialect: Haming ( 1 980) compares genitive constructions and the genitive
construct (Arabic /i<afal), and Retso ( 1 983) compares passive verb
morphology. Mitchell and EI-Hassan's ( 1 994) study of mood and aspect
in the educated spoken Arabic of Egypt and the Levant provides a
wealth of data on the verbal system across several registers of Arabic.
Much of the work on the syntax of individual dialects takes as its
theoretical framework generative grammar, based largely on artificially
generated sentences devoid of context.
This approach has not been
adopted here, for reasons explained below.
Scope and Aims of the Present Study
Following dialectology in general, Arabic dialect studies have
focused on and recorded in some detail the phonological, morphological,
and lexical characteristics of individual dialects across most of the
Arab world, thus laying the groundwork for comparative studies on
those levels. Also following the trends of dialectology in general,
syntax has received considerably less attention than phonology and the
lexicon. I have chosen to focus on syntax precisely because it remains
one of the least-studied areas of spoken Arabic.
Mitchell and EI-Hassan, directors of the Leeds project on Educated
Spoken Arabic in Egypt and the Levant, note that U[r]egional differences
are lexical (and phonological) before they are grammatical" ( 1 994:2).
The present study bears out that observation to a great extent, even on
a broader (though more shallow) scale. Nevertheless, such regional
differences can potentially provide insight into the synchronic range of
variation in spoken Arabic and point to areas of possible diachronic
Anecdotal evidence lends some support to the view that syntax
constitutes a more stable facet of language than either phonology or the
lexicon. At the University of Damascus, I met a fourth-year student
from an 'Alawite region near Lattakia living in Damascus to attend
school. This speaker easily adjusted her phonology and lexicon to
Examples include Ennaji ( 1 985), and many articles in the series Perspectives
on Arabic Linguistics (John Benjamins Publishing Co., 1 990-), which publishes
papers from the annual Symposia on Arabic Linguistics in the United States.
Scope and Aims of the Study 5
Damascene norms, substituting [for her native /q/, for example, but
on two occasions, I noticed her use of a particular syntactic construction
not usually heard in Damascene speech: a syntactically embedded
perfective verb. I the first example cited below, the speaker employs
perfective /r--t/ I went rather than te expected (according to urban
norms) non-fnite, unmarked imprfective for /rO/ !go. mte second,
she uses perfective /kammalt/ I finished in place of the unmarked
imperfective /kammilha/ I fnish it. Both sentences contain Damascene
[rather than 'Alawite /q/ on /'alb/ heart and /,idirt/ I was able.
m"rmi," ra 'ad 'iii 'alb r-t
became-it "Rimi" neg remained to-me heart went-I
"Rim;" came on, and !no longer had the heart to go [out}
SI ,
ra 'idirt kammalt[hla
not was-able-I fmished-I-it
I wasn't able to fnish it
What is important about this example is that it demonstates the relative
ease with which she accomplished phonological and lexical substitution,
as opposed to the more diffcult syntactic substitution. The speaker has
substituted [for /q/, and the verb /,idir/ to be able to for her native /f-/
to be able to (lit., to be "in" someone to [do something)), but has failed
to make the corresponding syntactic modification involving shifting
from using the prective with /f-/ to the warked imprfective rquired
by /'idir/. If it is true that syntactic change tends to proceed more
slowly than phonological and lexical change, then evidence of syntactic
variation in the dialects may provide an additional perspective for
diachronic studies.
This project aims to compare the syntax of geographically diverse
varieties of spoken Arabic. Time constraints limited the scope to four
dialect regions, and Morocco, Egypt, Syria, and Kuwait, were chosen
as representative of four distinct dialect groupS.
The study takes as a
Fischer and Jastrow's Handbuch der arabischen Dialekte (1980) outlines
the major groupings of Arabic dialects according to phonological and
morphological features.
6 Introduction
second goal contributing to the theoretical base of Arabic linguistics
through the application of functional approaches to syntax. Pragmatics,
discourse analysis, and functional typology all yield important theoretical
tools that have yet to be exploited in the study of Arabic dialects. At
the same time, this study aims to bring a more nuanced description of
spoken Arabic syntax to typologists who have, for the most part, had to
rely on grammars of formal Arabic and the impressions of native speakers
for information. For example, in his cross-linguistic study on tense,
Comrie assumes that the dialects agree with Modem Standard as against
Classical Arabic, citing personal communication with an Egyptian
col league and his own work on Maltese for dialects ( 1 985: 63). Finally,
as a perpetual student of Arabic, I hope to provide fellow students with
a description of the structure of spoken Arabic that will aid them in
acquiring fluency in the language as well as the ability to move from
dialect to dialect.
This book is thus addressed to Arabists, students of Arabic, and
general linguists. With the goal of rendering the analysis accessible to
all these audiences, I have attempted to keep technical vocabulary to a
minimum. A basic knowledge of either Arabic or linguistics has been
assumed; where the syntax of spoken Arabic differs significantly from
that of the formal register, references have also been provided to the
grammars of Wright ( 1 898), which, over one hundred years after
publication, remains one of the most comprehensive descriptions of
Classical Arabic available in English, and to Cantarino's ( 1 975) syntax
of modem formal Arabic.
Approaches to the Study of Syntax
The primary objective of this study is to compare and contrast
syntactic features in Moroccan, Egyptian, Syrian, and Kuwaiti Arabic.
The question implicitly asked by such a study, to what extent does the
syntax of these dialects differ, is not easily answered, for it depends not
only on what one is looking for, or the particular features being compared,
but also on how one goes about looking for it, that is, the kind of
linguistic analysis applied. In the course of examining the data corpus,
the need arose for an analytic framework capable of explaining the
kinds of language variation found in spoken Arabic. Thus it became
Approaches to the Study of Syntax 7
necessary to expand the primary goal of the study to include the outline
such a famework.
Te two main methodological approaches to the study of syntax
contrast in methodology and approach. Formal syntax concers itself
solely with language form, and seeks to construct a universal grammar
hard-wired into the human brain. Te various schools of functional
syntax, on the other hand, accord attention to language meaning. I
have chosen a functional famework, combining typological, discourse
based, and pragmatic approaches. Tese approaches seek principles
and strategies of information packaging that appear to be common to
human language in general or to a large number of language families
across the globe. Discourse and pragmatic studies also provide the
tools necessary to address questions of the meaings underlying language
One of the assumptions underlying this study is that syntactic
variation is not random or "fee," but that it ocurs according to semantic,
pragmatic, or sociolinguistic principles, and that the search for these
principles constitutes an important goal of syntactic description. Te
documentation of linguistic variation is necessary for obvious reasons,
but an equally important goal is to explain the variation in meaning as
well, to the extent possible. It follows from the assumption of the
non-randomness of variation that the speaker has some degree of control
over the structures she or he uses. Accordingly, I attempt here to
identify the syntactic areas in which the speaker faces choices of
"information packaging." I choosing one form over another, speakers
present information in a certain way for a particular reason. I exploring
these choices, I have found it helpful to include consideration of data
that at first appear to be performance errors, mistakes or "slips of the
tongue" on the part of the speaker. Formal approaches to syntax dismiss
them as human imperfection, mere imprfect renderings of the (implied)
perfect system. In some cases, however, these erors open a window to
underlying pragmatic choices the speaker is making.
Why should a study of spoken Arabic syntax involve pragmatics?
Giv6n claims that "there are reasons to believe that every language has
a wide range of discourse registers, from the loose-informal-pragmatic
to the tight-formal-syntactic" (1979a:21O). Giv6n labls the two extmes
8 Introduction
of this continuum the pragmatic mode and the syntactic mode. (Giv6n
does not formulate this view in terms of a continuum; in fact, he uses
the word "dichotomy" [ 1979a: 98], but his "range of discourse registers"
reflects an underlying structural continuum.) Grammars of formal Arabic
provide information on Giv6n's "tight-formal-syntactic" end of the
spectrum; here I investigate the opposite end. Since spoken Arabic
corresponds to the loose-informal-pragmatic end of the spectrum, i t
follows that pragmatic principles may be better equipped to explain the
kind of variation found in the dialects.
One problem with the view that the grammar of a language consists
of sets of rules is that a speaker's grammar is never complete, but
always evolving. Rules of grammar can never be exhaustively
documented, because they vary over time and in different sociolinguistic
contexts. Therefore, it is important to explore the kinds of pragmatic
principles that account for the existence and use of variant syntactic
forms. Harris' ( 1984) study of Irish English syntax lends frther support
to the choice of functional approach. Harris has shown that non-standard
language varieties cannot always be analyzed successfully as surface
structure variants of an underlying grammar, and that "account may
have to be taken not only of possible syntactic constraints at the level
of clause structure, but also of much wider semantic, discourse and
ultimately pragmatic considerations" (Harris 1 984: 3 1 6).
Much cross-linguistic work in the area of functional approaches
to grammar (e.g., Hoppr and Thompson 1 980, Li 1 977, Li and Tompson
1 976, 1 98 1 , Timbrlake 1 977, and Wald 1 983), and many of the concepts
developed by these linguists, are quite applicable to the study of spoken
Arabic. In searching for a way to efficiently describe and explain the
syntactic variation of Arabic as it is used by native speakers, the
methodology that I have adopted is simply to synthesize those concepts
that are able to most effciently account for the actual data.
I also assume, following Palmer, that "even at the formal level,
grammaticalisation is a matter of degree, of 'more or less' rather than
Harris' analysis of Irish equivalents to Standard English perfect verbs
concludes that Irish English uses five forms to cover the semantic range of the
one Standard English form, and proposes four semantic categories that detail
the specific differences.
Approaches to the Study of Syntax 9
'yes or no'" ( 1 986:4-5). What I understand him to mean is that syntax
often involves soft choices rather than hard rules; that is, the speaker's
own interal grammar is not strctured entirely in categories, but includes
continua as well, and this grammar allows him or her a great degree of
control in how he or she presents information to his or her interlocutor.
While sociolinguistic studies have for years recognized the centrality
of speaker control to the use of language, this point of view has received
less attention in syntactic studies of spoken Arabic (Belnap 1 99 1 being
one notable exception). Holes ( 1 983) and Haeri ( 1 996) show that the
speaker controls phonological variables in a communicative way; this
view of speaker control can and should be extended to the syntactic
level as wel l .
Pragmatic principles of information packaging are more or less
available to the speakers in the same way that formal rules are. The
sociolinguistic model for communicative comptence in code switching
can be used to describ spakers' comptence in syntactic form-switching
according to a pragmatic competence. In code-switching, speakers
negotiate their identities and relationships to the social contexts of
speech events. mchoosing among syntactic variants, speakers negotiate
the mapping of a linguistic system of representation onto the real world,
in which things are rarely black and white.
This approach also provides a useful model for linguistic change
on the syntactic level, since the reinterpretation of the pragmatics of
choice may be responsible for change in the choice of form.
Grammaticalization studies have shown that diachronic syntactic change
can take place through shift in pragmatic meaning (Traugott and Konig
1 991 ). For diachronic reconstruction, tracing change in function is as
important as tracing change in form.
This view find itself at odds with formal approaches to syntax.
In their introduction to generative syntax, Green and Morgan stress that
[tJhe essence of . formal synta ... is that principles of syntax
have to do just with matters of linguistic form, and are indepndent
(in the mind, hence also in the correct theory) of matters of
meaning or communicative function ( 1 96:5).
Formal syntax lacks the tools to address the kinds of questions asked
here, questions about the variation in meaning and fnction that I assume
1 0 Introduction
to underlie variation in fonn. Moreover, the highly specialized technical
tenninology of fonal syntax renders it difficult for the lay reader to
understand. The vast differences that separate the aims of generative
syntax from the aims of this study preclude reference to generative and
post-generative syntactic theory here.
While this presentation assumes a basic knowledge of Arabic
structure on the part of non-linguist readers, formal Arabic syntax is
not taken as framework for analysis for several reasons. First, most
grammars of fonnal Arabic do not provide an appropriate model for a
functional study of the syntax of spoken Arabic, because they focus on
the desinential inflection system.
Second, the goal here is to describe
the syntactic patters found in the dialects without reference to a
prescriptive non. A number of Arabists have assumed that the dialects
have descended from or developed out of Classical Arabic (e. g. , Blau
1 965, 1 966-67, Blanc 1 970, Haring 1 980), but I agree with Fischer
( 1 995) that the moder dialects represent descendents of older dialects.
It follows from this assumption that any attempt to reconstruct a history
of spoken Arabic should begin with as thorough as possible a description
of the present. Occasional reference is made to Classical Arabic syntax
only to point out previously unnoted points of comparison with spoken
Shortcomings of this Approach
Among the problems of balancing cross-l inguistic theory with a
description of Arabic is that attempting to give the two somewhat equal
weight has led to the inevitable result that neither area is satisfactorily
addressed. This study may with fairess be accused of downplaying
the range of syntactic variety in spoken Arabic. The attempt to create a
framework for a comparative functional study has imposed a somewhat
greater degree of attention to shared patters than to individual cases of
variation. In seeking solutions to certain syntactic problems, I have at
times taken the liberty of using evidence from one or two dialects to
generalize to all dialects, and then sought supporting evidence in the
But see Moutaouakil ( 1 989) for a functional analysis of modern formal
Approaches to the Study of Syntax 1 1
others where possible. While I have tried to avoid the trap of theory
dictating results, it has been helpful to propose some generalizations
where they seem warranted.
The practical goal of this study is to present a comparative overview
that accounts for a range of actual data, even if that overview emerges
at the expense of a more detailed inventory of forms. Here economy
takes precedence over exhaustive description, in the hope that a "lowest
common denominator" framework can be established within which to
explore, in future research, a more detailed inventory. This approach
differs from that of studies of particular dialects or regions, which aim
to document and describe the complete range data found. Perhaps a
combination of approaches will lead us eventually to the best possible
The quality, quantity, and range of data presented here falls far
short of ideal for proving the analyses proposed. Only as this study
progressed did certain gaps in the data become clear, and temporal and
spatial constraints have ended the search at this point. In a number of
instances, the analyses are qualified with calls for further research and
more contextualized data.
The arguments presented here tend, at times, to be somewhat
circular: in certain cases, analyses are proposed and then used to
support each other. Many of them cannot be proved at this point.
However, most of them find precedence in hypotheses generated and
substantiated by typological and cross-linguistic analyses. In other
cases they represent guesses, presented here as hypotheses with a plea
for further testing and revisionor discarding. If they prove to be
wrong, then they will have contributed in their own way to our
understanding of Arabic.
Shortcomings notwithstanding, I hope that the present study can
provide a basis for further work, both in expanding the scope of the
picture with more data from more dialects, and in providing a theoretical
framework within which to ask more sophisticated and detailed questions.
Finally, it is necessary to stress that this study includes, but does
not represent, varieties of Arabic spoken wi th the borders of four
geopolitical entities. Obviously, no linguistic map would match these
boundaries, and terms such as "Moroccan dialect" and Syrian dialect"
|z Introduction
do not in any sense reflect an actual linguistic situation. As Penny
the term dialect implies discontinui ty, a sharp or sudden
transition in features that does not reflect the gradual, continuous nature
of linguistic variation. The word "dialect" appears here merely as a
convenient label for a heterogeneous group of varieties of Arabic.
The Data
This study is data-driven: the collection and examination of the
basic corpus of data preceded decisions on theoretical approach. I
began by taking notes on features and structures that emerged as
unexpected, contrasting across dialects, or in need of description, and
then I went in search of theory that seemed to describe or explain the
phenomena that caught my attention.
The analyses offered herein are based on data col lected from
three sources: (a) tape-recorded data I collected from informants in
Morocco, Syria, Kuwait, and Egypt; (b) commercial tape recordings of
plays and interviews from these countries; and (c) published texts and
studies. I have sought and used elicited data only as a last resort, in the
final stages of documentation. Circumstances have imposed several
limitations on the study. The data I collected are scattered at best, and
do not fully represent any of these dialect regions. I had only three
months of fieldwork in each country, scarcely time to carry out extensive
interviewing. The quantity of my Egyptian and Kuwaiti data ended up
being rather less than that of Moroccan and Syrian data. While informant
data includes a range of sociolinguistic backgrounds (see Appendix 1),
the amount of data collected from speakers with at least a high-school
education outweighs that collected from lesser- or uneducated ones.
The study reflects a marked urban bias, and few rural and no bedouin
dialects are represented.
The body of data I collected consists of recordings and field
notes I wrote down while observing spontaneous conversations. The
recordings consist of both semi-formal interviews and free conversations;
topic choice was left to circumstance. Whenever possible, I left the
Ralph Penny, Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London,
public lecture "What is the History of the Spanish Language a History on, "
Emory University, Atlanta, April 20, 1 999.
Contents o/the Study 1 3
interviewing and conversing t o native speakers, with the ai m of
minimizing interference from my non-native speech patters, especially
in Morocco and Kuwai t . Many of the Moroccan interviews and
conversations were recorded with the help of Ahmed Jebari , and the
folktales from a rural region near Meknas were collected through the
auspices of an American friend who had lived in the community for
over a year and spoke the local dialect fluently. Much of my Kuwaiti
data comes from two long formal interviews conducted by Kuwaiti
folklorist Mariam al-'Agrouga, to which I was merely an observer.
Appendix 2 contains excerpts from representative texts from each region.
When I have needed additional information or assistance i n
puzzling out pragmatics, I have used Lebanese, Gulf, and Najdi grammars
and data as supplements to the grammars of the dialects examined
here. Justification for including information from these neighboring
regions is three-fold. First, national boundaries do not represent linguistic
ones, and shifts in speech patters take place gradually. Second, the
supplementary material I have used comes from dialects or communities
closely related to those under study here: Lebanon and Syria have only
recently been separated politically, and Kuwaitis originally came from
the Najd. Third, the point of limiting the study to these particular
dialect areas was simply that I could not hope to examine all features in
all dialects at this point. During later stages of this project, personal
circumstances have gi ven me full-time access to a linguistically
sophisticated Beiruti informant; where I have sought his judgements I
refer to Lebanese rather than Syrian.
Contents of the Study
Reference grammars are available for all the dialects investigated
here; thus, this book is not meant to be a description or inventory of the
grammar(s) of these dialects. It also falls short of a complete inventory
of syntactic structures, and it does not claim to include the full range of
variation within each dialect region. The syntactic features for this
study have been chosen either for their theoretical or comparative interest,
or because the data I have collected is not satisfactorily documented or
explained by the existing grammars.
1 4 Introduction
The ten chapters that comprise this study fall into three broad
categories: nominal syntax, verbal syntax, and sentence typology.
Nominal Syntax
Nominal syntax in Arabic presents a number of features of interest
to Arabists, language typologists, discourse analysts, and dialectologists.
These features include definiteness, relativization, demonstratives,
number agreement, and genitive and possessive constructions. Spoken
and written registers of Arabic all share basic morphological and syntactic
properties: the definite article I-I/, the obligatory agreement of the
noun and modifying adjectives in defini teness, the construct or liQafa/,
also called the genitive construct, and relative clause structure. Most
forms of spoken Arabic share the relative pronoun lilIi! and a number
agreement system that allows feminine singular verb and adjective
agreement with plural nouns, and each dialect has one or more genitive
exponents that coexist wi th the genitive construct. It seems that the
dialects share the same basic properties of nominal syntax. However,
each of these syntactic structures has a particular question or questions
associated with it, due to the fact that previous analyses cannot account
for certain data, and because the tendency to rely on morphological
markers to describe syntactic behavior results in an incomplete picture,
especi al l y of spoken Arabic. It is argued here that, in order to
satisfactori l y explain the problematic data, account must be taken of
the pragmatic and discourse roles that nouns play. The picture that
emerges within this kind of framework supports the hypothesis that the
native speaker's interal i zed grammar consists not only of rules and
categories but also of principles and continua that the speaker util izes
to express subtleties of meaning.
The first four chapters of the book explore various aspects of
nominal syntax. Chapter 1 examines the various definite and indefinite
articles that modify nouns, and shows that the traditional treatment of
articles as ei ther definite or indefinite cannot satisfactori l y account for
their meaning and distribution in the dialects. As an al ternative, a
continuum of defini teness and a hierarchy of individuation are adopted
to account for the use of articles across dialects. Chapter 2 uses the
hierarchy of individuation to account for certain patters of number
Contents a/the Study 15
agreement of plural nouns in the dialects, and look briefly at the
pragmatics of possessive constructions, contrasting the constrct (Jic;afa/)
and the functions of the genitive exponents or possessi ve adjectives
that express the periphrastic genitive (ldyal/, /hitac/, /tabac/, and /mal/).
Chapter 3 explores the structures and strategies of relativization across
the four dialect areas. Finally, Chapter 4 examines syntactic and discourse
roles of commonly ocurring demonstrative articles and pronouns.
Verbal Syntax
Any discussion of the verbal system of a language must take into
account a number of morphosyntactic categories and semantic properties
that most human languages share, such as tense, aspect, and mood.
However, these categories overlap and interact in ways that are not yet
fully understood, and differ in their realization in each language so
widely that they defy universal definition and description. Mood and
aspect are used in different senses and are grammaticalized in some
cases and lexicalized in others, and tense, a morphological category,
intersects with time reference without overlapping entirely. Moreover,
aspect, mood and time reference are all features that operate at the
sentence level as well as the verb phrase level, interacting with each
other and with other sentential elements such as objects and adverbs, as
well as the speech context.
The meanings of the verbal forms in Arabic, whether Classical
or modem, formal or spoken, have long been the subject of debate
among Arabists and linguists.
The questions most frequently addressed
include: ( 1 ) Do the Arabic perfective and imperfective verb forms
represent aspectual or temporal forms? and (2) What is the temporal
and/or aspectual nature of the participle? Previous scholarship on tense
and aspect in Arabic has been summarized by Eisele, who classifies the
li terature in two camps: ( 1 ) the 'aspectualists, ' who claim that the
perfective and imperfective are aspectual in nature and not temporal,
and (2) the 'tense-aspectualists, ' who contend (often vaguely) that these
verb forms combine both temporal and aspectual natures ( 1988: 8-3
Participants i n t he tense-aspect debate incl ude Comrie ( 1 976, 1 985),
Kurylowicz ( 1 973), McCarus ( 1 976), Fleisch ( 1 974), and especially Eisele
( 1 988), who reviews this scholarship in detail.
1 6 Introduction
Ei sele ci tes a lack of attention paid by aspectuali sts to the role of tense
in the dialects; other literature tends to dismiss the role of aspect in the
verbal system of spoken Arabic (e. g. , Comrie 1 985: 63). However,
both views seem to be based largely on intuition, since no comparative
studies have yet been undertaken. While most previous studies are
concered with the theoretical meanings of verb forms at the sentence
level , the focus here i s on the use of verb forms in larger di scourse
contexts taken from natural data.
Studies of tense and aspect in Arabic have received so many
di fferent definitions and treatments that it is difficult to find consensus
even on terminology. While 1 have tried to avoid adding to the confusion,
i t has been necessary to use terminology that reflects the analysis proposed
here, even when that terminology differs from that of other studies. In
analyzing the verb system, I have substi tuted pel/ective and imperfective
for the traditional terms peiect and imperfect, because I use the term
pel/eel to refer to an aspect that l argue i s expressed by the participle.
Chapters 5 through 8 treat various aspects of verbal syntax. It i s
here that the four dialects show at once the greatest si mi larity and the
greatest variation. Chapter 5 presents an overview of verb categories,
with particular attention to pseudo-verbs and other types of verbs whose
syntactic behavior and function set them apart from "typical" verbs.
Chapter 6 deals wi th the aspectual nature of the morphological forms
of the Arabic verb, joining the chorus of voices that agree with Mitchell
and El-Hassan, among others, that "Arabic has two tenses, which refer
only tenuously to temporal di stinctions" ( 1 994: 1 3). Here evidence i s
presented that aspect plays a greater role than t i me reference i n
determi ning the choice of verb form used, particularly in narrative
contexts. l also argue for the aspectual, atemporal nature of the participle,
and that participles function in the same manner across all four dialect
regions. Chapter 7 explores the nature of tense and time reference in
spoken Arabic as seen i n data from the four dialects, and points to the
i mportance of "relative tense" to time reference in spoken Arabic. A
group of verbs called "temporal verbs" is examined here as well.
Temporal verbs form a functionall y distinct group in that their main
role i s to set the temporal frame of reference for the event or proposition,
and they also share certain syntactic behavior patters across dialects.
Contents of the Study 17
Chapter 8 contrasts the morphological mood markers of the dialects,
and examines the interaction of moo and aspct in conditional sentences.
Sentence Typology
The last two chapters explore aspects of sentence-level syntax
and the inforation packaging strategies that appear to gover negation
and word order. Chapter 9 examines patters of negation across dialects,
with particular attention to the pragmatics of negative sentences. The
dialects are shown to share three main negating strategies, as well as a
"negative copula." Negation is unusual among the syntactic structures
examined here in that it provides the only case of a single syntactic
isogloss separating geographic regions. Hence negation provides
evidence of contact and borrowing in a way few other syntactic features
do. Chapter 1 0 discusses word-order typology in the dialects. The
order of the constituent parts of a clause or sentence is one of the most
basic components of syntax, and has been a major concer of linguists
regardless of their methodological frameworks. The goal of some
approaches is to formulate grammar rules in terms of changes in word
order, a practice which is best suited to languages that have a fairly
fixed word order, such as English, in which "many syntactic processes
can be describd in terms of changes in linear order" (Comrie 1 98 1 : 21 9).
However, such an approach is less suited to languages with more flexible
order, such as Arabic. A number of previous studies of spoken Arabic
have concluded that the order of sentence elements is "variable.
word order of main sentence constituents plays little part in syntactic
processes in Arabic; minimally constrained in Classical Arabic, it retains
the same fexibility in the modem dialects. Chapter 1 0 analyzes word
order patters according to theories of information structure, and
demonstrate some of the ways in which pragmatic considerations
infuence the variable order of sentential elements that i s characteristic
of all forms of Arabic.
See e. g. Grand'Henry ( 1976:85) and Rosenhouse ( 1984:49). Caubet's ( 1 993)
Moroccan grammar provides a welcome exception to this trend, offering a
detailed functional analysis of word order variation in Moroccan.
1.0 Introduction
It is increasingly recognized that, in natural language, many
grammatical features such as definiteness, number and animacy interact
with each other, and behave more like continua than like strictly delimited
categories (Comrie 1 98 1 , Giv6n 1 979a, Croft 1 990). In Arabic, nouns
are said to be either defnite or indefinite, but this dichotomy imperfectly
represents the real world, in which entities can be more or less definite
and specific. Natural language data from spoken Arabic in all four
dialect areas contain entities that are neither wholly definite nor wholly
indefinite, but rather lie somewhere in between, in an area that may be
called ' indefinite-specific. ' In this chapter, I will argue that speakers of
Arabic exercise a degree of control in manipulating the rules of syntax
to try to approximate these shades of meaning. This control allows
speakers the fexibility they need to more closely describe the continuum
of definiteness that the natural world presents.
1. 1 Definite and Indefnite Markers
Defi ni teness in Arabic seems, at first glance, to be quite
straightforward. Prescriptive and descriptive grammars alike describe
the system of definiteness and indefiniteness as dichotomous: nouns
are either definite or indefinite, and proper nouns are definite whether
or not they are marked by the definite article. Nouns can be made
definite with the addition of the definite article /(i)l-/, or by the
specification of a noun by the addition of another substantive to it to
form a possessive construct Ui<afa/). In all of the dialects examined
here, the definite article is /{i)l-/ or a phonetically determined variant.
The following examples demonstrate:
Indefnite Nouns
zahum <if
came-he-to-them guest
A guest visited them
Definite Nouns
,| ,
f d-dar
in the-house
in the house
1. 1 Defnite and Indefnite Markers
fustin yigannin
dress it-make-crazy
a stunning dress
taxdi a)fe?
you-take piece
Will you take a piece?
u~ O
xo makin
good place
a goodp/ace
| _
fi I-bet
in the-house
in the house
rt 'a l-ma'am
went-he into the-restaurant
He went into the restaurant.
'a l-balr
on the-sea
on the beach
In addition to the definite article, several of these dialects make
use of other articles. Moroccan and Syrian employ the partie Ie fi/
some, and all four dialects permit limited use of the article /walid/
(Moroccan /wald I-I one (f /waldal.
In Moroccan, Harrell ( 1962) notes two "indefinite" articles: a
"concretizing" article /wald 1-/ one, and a "potential" article fi/ some
( 1962: 147, 1 89). Examples of these articles from my data include:
MI j| |q
kayn wald I-lab
there-is one thing
there is something
Ml0 <
q e
kaybqa kayqul i klma qbia
indie-he-keeps indic-he-says some word ugly
he keeps saing a/some bad word
Syrian Arabic shares with Moroccan the article /i/, although
Cowell classifies Syrian fi/ as a partitive noun rather than an article
( 1964: 467). Syrian speakers also use /walid/ (f /walde/ (Grotzfeld
1 965:76), primarily with human nouns. Examples of both /i/ and
/wiid/ from my data include:
The Definiteness Continuum
lazim ni'mil-Iu si muqaddime
must we-make for-him some introduction
We must give him some sort of preparation
>: ,gQ|
. ,
f wa!tid badwi rat 'a l-ma'am
there-is one bedouin went-he into the-restaurant
There was a [certain] bedouin who went into the restaurant
Egyptian Arabic allows the use of /wa!tid/ with human nouns
only (example from Woidich 1 980b: 32-3; translation mine):
_ =| }_=
kin f wa!tid !tinab
was-it there-is one wood-gatherer
There was a [certain} wood-gatherer
Holes notes the use of /wa!tid/ in Gulf Arabic preceding a noun
to mean a certain ( 1 990: 1 14). My Kuwaiti data contain several examples
in which /wa!tid/ modifies human nouns, including:
,| _ J| _
ra!at !agg wa!tid mawwa'
went-she to one religious-man
She went to a learned religious man
While the grammars of these dialects 'vary widely in their treatment
of }uand /wa!tid/, the recurrence of these articles across dialects invites
comparative study of them. What is the motivation for marking nouns
i these ways? What pragmatic role(s) do they play? Harrell's descriptive
names, "concretizing" and "potential, " allude to the fact that /wil)d 1-/
and lsi! fulfill particular discourse functions, which may now be further
specified and defined in light of developments in discourse theory in
the years since Harrell wrote.
The traditional definite/indefinite dichotomy does not leave room
to account for the function of these articles. Why do the dialects need
"indefinite" articles such as li! and /wa!id/ if the unmodified noun is
also indefinite? The contexts of the sentences cited above show that
1 .2 Defniteness, Indefniteness, and Specication 21
the "indefnite" articles !W and /waid/ are in fact not wholly indefmite.
Why are they used in some cases and not in others? Why does /wa1id/
modify only human nouns? Answers to these questions may be found
in typological and pragmatic approaches to syntax.
1. 2 Definiteness, Indefniteness, and Specifcation
Chafe gives a good description of 'defnite' status: "I think you
know and can identify the thing I have in mind" ( 1 976:39). In other
words, in order for a nominal phrase to assume defmite status in discourse,
it must meet one of several conditions: (a) it must have been previously
mentioned in t!le discourse; or (b) it must be a member of a universal
set of entities, such as the sun, that can be assumed to be known and
identifiable without further specification, or (c) the speaker must have
good reason to think that the entity is retrievable by the listener through
knowledge shared by the interlocutors (Chafe 1 976)
Pragmatically, a
definite noun usually represents given information, or information that
has already been established in the discourse or can be assumed by the
speaker to be present or active in the mind of his or her interlocutor.
An indefinite noun, then, does not meet any of the above conditions,
and represents an unknown, iretrievable entity.
However, not all indefinite nouns are created equal. Medieval
Arab grammarians called the grammatical specifcation of nouns !tax'I'/
speciing. Wright notes that /tax'I'! includes modification of an
indefinite noun by adjectival phrases and annexation ( l 898ii: 1 98). A
Lebanese encyclopedia on Arabic grammar defines it thus:
,. , ..J JJ .J'J _ = = 1 |
! .: , Uwt
"i ~ ~
j! L.i ' ~ ! . " Jj! ' >
. L
. '
Specification is the lessening of the commonality that occurs i n
indefinite entities, and [this] may occur through modification or
the genitive (lierMa{, such as: He is a man of learning, as the
addition of 'man' to 'learning' has lessened the indefiniteness of
[the former], because if we say, He is a man, [the statement] is
general, but if we say, He is a man of learing, we will have
eliminated from it some of that generality (al-Tunji and al-'Asmar
1993: 156).
:: The Definiteness Continuum
The principle of partial specification of nouns is thus not new to the
description of Arabic. Nor is it new to language typology. Croft calls
it referentiality, and formalizes this definiteness hierarchy ( 1 990: 1 1 6):
Hierarchy of definiteness
referential indefinite
nonreferential indefinite
Croft's term referential indefinite describes al-TOnji and al-Asmar's
phrase a man of learning, and his nonreferential indefinite describes
their nonspecific noun a man.
Khan's work on Semitic provides a good model to use in the
analysis of nominal syntax in spoken Arabic. Khan ( 1 984) has adapted
the work of Chafe ( 1976), Timberlake ( 1977), Hopper and Thompson
( 1 980), and others to show that one or more of the features listed in
Table 1 - 1 may operate to attract object marking and agreement pronouns
in Semitic, such that the more individuated the noun, the greater the
tendency of these markers to occur. He groups these qualities together
under a rubric he calls individuation or salience, which he illustrates as
follows ( 1 984:470):
Table 1- 1: Khan's Hierarchies of Individuation
1 . Definite
3. Specific
4. Concrete
5. Qualified
6. Proper
7. | person > :
> 3
> Human
8. Textually prominent
> Indefinite
> Refexive component
>" Generic
> Abstract
> Unqualified
> Common
> Inanimate
> Incidental
The notion of individuation provides great explanatory power for
the syntactic behavior of nouns in spoken Arabic. However, I will
modify Khan's framework slightly to include those features that most
influence the syntactic behavior of nouns in spoken Arabic. Refexivity,
while relevant to the individuation of nouns, is often expressed in
Arabic through verb morphology. And since abstract nouns in Arabic
1.2 Defniteness, Indefniteness, and Speciication 23
normally take the definite article, concreteness appears to have less
cental a role than spcifcation and qualification in the syntactic marking
of nouns. Parallel to Khan's textal prominence is physical prominence:
nouns tend to be marked as more salient when they are present in the
immediate environment (see further 4.2). Three other modifications
ar inspired by and adapted from the work of Cowell and Janda.
First, I will add to the list the feature quantifcation. Cowell
contrasts agreement patters of nouns denoting "collectivity or
generality" with those denoting "heterogeneity or particularity"
( 1 964:423). Belnap's study of number agreement in Cairene Arabic
lends further support to this analysis ( 1 991 :68-72). Quantification
involving numbers ten and lower also appears to have some relevance
to the marking of new discourse topics (see 1 .5).
Cowell also contasts concepts of identifcation and classifcation,
which play a role in the expression of possessive constructions.
Identificatory annexion refers t o the assigning of an entity t o a specific
possessor, while classificatory annexion assigns an entity to a set or
group ( 1 964:458). This notion of a proper identification contrasted to
a generic one parallels Khan's hierarhy of specificity vs. genericness,
and Khan's ters specifc and generic mdefned her to include Cowell's
Finally, I will add to Khan's animacy hierarchy the concept of
agency, defned here as the degre to which an individual or entity has
the ability to act independently. Agency may be viewed as a kind of
sociolinguistic parallel to textual prominence. The concept finds
precedence in the work of linguists who have argued for the role of
social status and power in language variation and change, among them
Janda, who argues for the centrality of a feature she calls "virility" to
salience in Slavic languages, which helps explain both synchronic
patters and diachronic changes in Slavic case and number agreement.
While virility represents an appealing concept in the age of feminist
theory, the concept of agency applies more generally. Factors that
contribute to agency include animacy and social status; thus for humans,
Laura A. Janda, UNC Chapel Hil l , public lecture at Emory University,
1 0/1 6/1997, "Virility in Slavic: A Conspiracy of Factors Over Time and
Space;" see also Janda 1 999.
24 The Definiteness Continuum
gender and age play a role as wel l . Children have less agency than
adults, animals have less agency than humans, and inanimate objects
are unlikely to be perceived as having agency at all. I wi l l argue here
and in Chapter 2 that agency provides a possible explanation for certain
patters of definite marking and agreement in some dialects.
The major objection to hierarchies of individuation or salience
lies in their vagueness. The features that comprise such hierarchies
need detailed investigation and definition involving a large corpus of
naturally occurring data. Pending such a study, attention will focus
here on those features which seem to have the greatest relevance to or
explanatory power for the syntax of spoken Arabic. The list in Table
1 -2, revised from Khan's (Table 1 - 1), includes syntactic, semantic,
pragmatic, and sociolinguistic features, covering a range of levels that
interact in the production of language. These features appear to play a
role in pushing a noun toward higher or lower individuation, affecting
the speaker's choice of syntactic marking of nouns in spoken Arabic
when a choice of marking presents itself.
Table 1-2: Features Afecting Individuation
1 . Agency: includes humanness/animacy, social status or power,
perhaps gender and age groups as well.
2. Definiteness: syntactic marking or semantic status (e.g., proper
3. Specificity vs. genericness: the extent to which a speaker has
a specific entity in mind.
4. Textual or physical prominence: the extent to which a noun
plays a role important to the discourse, or is physically present
and prominent.
5. Qualification: modification of a noun with adjectives and other
6. Quantification vs. collectivity: the extent to which a noun is
specifically quantified, especially with numbers from 2- 10.
Taken as a group, it is clear that these features affect the syntactic
behavior of nouns, but in a way that is not (yet) possible to describe
formally. It is more convenient to formalize them using a continuum,
which has the additional advantage of priVileging speaker control in
determining the marking of a given noun. In Figure 1, the features on
the right tend to reflect (or, from the speaker's point of view, attract)
higher individuation or salience, the ones on the left, less:
1 .3 Defniteness and Individuation
Figure 1 : The Individuation Continuum
- definite
- speciic
- prominence
- qua|iied
Partly individuated mdividu8ted-
The importance of this continuum lies less in predicting the
marking on the noun itself than in explaining the syntactic behavior of
the noun in the larger sentential context, as I will show. In other
words, the higher the individuation of a noun in the mind of the spaker,
the more that noun will attract certain kinds of syntactic marking.
1.3 Defnitenes and Individuation
The correspondence between individuation and definiteness in
Arabic is not direct, because syntactic rules also afect defmite marking.
For example, abstract and generic nouns in Arabic are marked with the
definite article. Thus an unspecified noun referring to any member of
the class may be marked with /(i)l-/, while a specified human noun
may not be marked defnite. In the following introduction to a joke,
the unnamed but somewhat specified bedouin is marked indefmite with
the indefmite article /waid/, while the generic restaurant and waiter
are both marked defmite?
S2 u_ . d u _ ,u _
f walid badwi, tt 'a I-ma'am. qal-lu la-l-garson, intini bUa
there-is one-ms bedouin-ms, entered-he into the restaurant. said-he
to-him to-the-waiter, give-me ice-cram
There's this bedouin who went into a restaurant. He said to the
waiter, give me ice cream.
Grammar views definiteness as a dichotomy: nouns are either
definite or not. But the real world that a speaker kows and desires to
represent is far from black and white: some nouns may be somewhat
defined or specified but not entirely, either from the point of view of
he joke is cited in full, and its nominal markings further discussed, i 1 .5.
26 The Definiteness Continuum
the speaker or in the assumptions the speaker makes about the listener's
knowledge. Definiteness is a grammatical category in which the speaker
has a degree of control, and speakers of Arabic need to represent a
range of undefmed, partially defined, and fully defined entities. Definite
and indefinite represent the black and white ends of a definiteness
continuum, while the grey area of partially defined or specified entities
falls in between. I will call this range indefinite-specific, after Wald
( 1 983).
It includes nouns that are syntactically indefinite, but carry a
degree of specifc reference that may b reflected i a number of possible
syntactic constructions. In other words, an indefinite noun that carries
a degree of individuation or specificity may attract a degree of definite
or specifying syntactic marking. Or, as described from a different
perspective, a speaker may be influenced by these features to mark a
noun in a certain way. The rest of the chapter will explore the use of
definite and indefinite markers in the dialects, and show how spoken
Arabic uses various combinations of syntactic markings to indicate a
range of indefinite-specific status.
1 .4 Indefinite-Specific Marking
The semantic range from highly individuated (e. g. definite,
specific, or animate) nouns to non-individuated (e. g. indefinite, non
specific, or inanimate) nouns includes varying degrees of definiteness
and specificity. The more specific the reference of the noun, the greater
the probability that the noun will be syntactically marked with some
kind of article or specifying construction. This section will examine
two kinds of indefinite-specific marking, the article Iil in Moroccan
and Syrian, and the indefinite suffix I-in/, found in some Gulf regions.
1.4. 1 Indefinite-Specifc Article iii
Both Syrian and Moroccan speakers often identify a noun in the
indefinite-specific range with the referential indefinite article /il some
(kind of). In the following sentence, /i/ lends a degree of specificity to
the noun /muqaddimel introduction.
Wald uses the term 'indefinite specific' to explain the use of this in spoken
English in sentences such as I saw this guy . . .
1.4 Indefnite-Specic Marking
` --
Uizim na'mil-Iu i muqaddime la-Iatta ra yinidim
necessary we-make-for-him some introduction so-that neg he-be
We must arrange some kind of preparation for him so that he
won't be shocked
Analogous Moroccan examples include the following i kalma qbial
some nasty word, lsi masa'il qbIlal some nasty things, and lsi nas
<IIn/ some guests:
U .( .
. .
w ana 'ndi si nas <IIn
and I at-me some people guests
While I had some guests
Here, as in the Syrian example, the article i/ indicates the partial
specificity of the nouns it modifies. It is worth noting that all of the
nouns in the Moroccan examples are modified, reflecting the relevance
of qualification to the individuation of a noun. The Moroccan data
thus provide evidence of correspondence among qualification,
specificity, and syntactic marking on nouns. All these examples
demonstrate that speakers use i/ to indicate that they have a particular
type of entity in mind.
1.4.2 Nunation as Indefnite-Specifc Marking
I formal Arabic, nunation or ltanwil refers to the endings I-un/,
I-anI, and I-inl that function as indefinite case markers on nouns and
adjectives. Nunation thus represents part of the case-marking system
of foral Arbic. However, spoken Arabic has no case-marking system.
m a number of dialects, nunation in the form of I-anI (/tanwin fatlal
occurs in certain fixed adverbial expressions, such as /'abadanl ever, at
28 The Definiteness Continuum
all, and /dayman/ always. Adverbial I-anI is of higher productivity in
the educated registers of spoken Arabic.
Another type of nunation, usually realized as /-in/ and occurring
on indefinite nouns in a number of bedouin dialects, especially in their
poetic register, are considered to be vestiges of the case-marking system
of formal Arabic. Yet this suffix provides no case information. Holes
mentions "the vestige of' a suffix Joint, found in "the speech of some
less educated Gulf speakers, and in dialect poetry, " which marks
indefinite nouns only when occurring in "Noun Attributive Adjective"
phrases ( 1 990: 1 15). In his study of Najdi Arabic, Ingham includes the
indefinite marker I-in/ as part of noun phrase structure ( 1 994:47):
indefinite (marked)
'house' or 'a house'
'a (particular) house'
'the house'
' my/your house etc.'
This schema suggests that /-in/ functions as M indefinite-specific marker,
and Ingham's description of the usage patters of this ending further
confirms this analysis ( 1 994: 49; IND indefinite):
(i) where a nominal follows another nominal as in bet-in kibir
(house-IND large) 'a large house;' (ii) where a modifying
prepositional phrase fol lows a nominal as in wabd-in min ar-rabu'
(one-IND from the group) 'one of the group' (Le. one of my
friends) . . . (iii) where a noun is followed by a modifying clause
as in kalmit-in gal-o-hi-Ii (word-IND said-they-it-to-me) 'a word
which they said to me.'
Nunation in Najdi Arabic occurs on indefinite nouns modified by
an adjective or relative clause, in other words, on specied indefinite
nouns. The fact that this ending occurs on indefinite nouns that are
modified in some way is significant, for it indicates that such a noun is
not purely indefinite, but has a degree of specificity. Urban Kuwaiti
seems to have lost the ending except in highly formalized contexts
such as poetry; most published material on this phenomenon does not
distinguish between poetic use of /-in/,which belongs to a special artistic
register, and examples taken from naturally-occurring speech. Al
Ma<lUq's study of the tribal dialect of the <Ajman in Kuwait reports
1t occurs on plural nouns as well: /mgaddm-in-in/ submitted-p-indef (Ingham
1 994: 167).
1. 4 Indefinite-Specic Marking 29
similar use of /-in/, but her examples too are taken largely from proverbs
and poetry, rather than extemporaneous speech ( 1986: 1 90-91 ).
Tis function of nunation appears to b quite old. Evidence for
the use of nunation with /-an/ as an indefinite-specific marker may be
found in early Spanish Arabic texts. Corriente reports that this kind of
nunation has "the function of linking constituents," these constituents
being an indefinite noun with a following adjective or relative clause
( 1 977: 1 21 -2). Corriente's examples clearly show contexts in which an
indefmite noun is qualified or partly specifed, resulting in an indefinite
specific noun phrase marked with /-an!. These phrases include ( 1 21 -2):
kalban abyac
a white dog
bi-xiiran yattaqad mi!1 aI-ni
with a mind as bright as fre
<ala qalban katir
with an unfaithul heart
Shumaker's ( 1981) study of the indefmite suffix /-an! in Galland's
fourteenth or fifteenth century manuscript of Al Layla wa Layla (The
Thousand and One Nights, ed. Mahdi 1 984) establishes patters of
/-an/ as a syntactic marker of textually prominent entities that appear to
correspond to indefinite-specific patters. Her conclusions suggest that
/-an! fnctions in the text as a type of indefnite-spcifc article. Examples
from the text support this analysis; in the following passages, indefinite
nouns that are specified with adjectival or relative phrases end in /-an/.
From the "Story of the Porter and the Three Girls" (Aabic text from
Mahdi 1984i: 1 26; transcription and translation mine):
,ll _ 1 _l =_ l
rid waqafat <alayhi imra'at-an multaffa 'Izar muili muaccar
bi-Qarir . . .
when stood-she over-him woman-n wrapped in shawl Mosuli
fringed with-silk]
When suddenly there stood before him a woman wrapped in a
Mosuli shawl fringed with silk
Te suffix I-ani on limra'at-anl woman is marked in the Arabic text,
and the noun is partly specifed by the following phrase. Another part
of the story contains an instance of nunation marking an indefinite
noun modified by a relative clause (Mahdi 1 984i: 1 38):
The Definiteness Continuum
1_|_JJ L_1
[fa-qal ja'far ya 'amir al-muminin, haw lay nas-an qad daxala
fhim as-sukr wa li ya'lamun man naJtnu
so-said-he Ja'far, O Caliph, those are people-an perf entered-it
in-them the-drunkenness and neg they-know who we]
Jatar said, Caliph, those are people in whom drunkenness has
set, and they do not know who we are
It may be argued that these examples belong to an artistic register and
do not necessarily reflect everyday speech. At the very least, though,
these texts provide evidence for the indefinite-specific function of
nunation as part of some register of Arabic in the medieval period.
Evidence thus exists supporting the use of Itanwin/ as an indefmite
specific marker in a number of geographic locations from an early
period, and surviving until today in parts of the Peninsula, perhaps also
in Levantine ladanl someone, anyone, which may be a reflex of this
indefinite-specific nunation.
Egyptian dialects do not appear to have any articles that specify
or individuate an indefinite noun. In order to express the notion of
specificity when referring to an indefinite noun, Egyptian speakers
commonly employ the adverb /kidal thus, so as a modifier:
E2 u u u |
q q
uft Jiga kida
saw-I thing like-this
I saw something . o . or I saw this thing . . .
I n addition, Egyptians use several nouns that function i n similar
fashion, that is, to lend certain kinds of specificity to an indefinite
noun, and thus can be identified as specialized indefinite-specific
markers, since they have more specialized meanings than does Ii/.
The meanings of these articles involve plurality or intensification: I'Bit
some or a bunch of, in a series, something in certain idiomatic phrases,
and littitl what a . ! (Badawi and Hinds 1 986:25, 1 90). Clearly, I'BiI
is related to lif. Badawi and Hinds give three contexts for this article;
the first is of interest here ( 1 986:25):
1. 5 Defniteness and First Mention: New Topic
E . .
,_| __| | Q .
'andu mimma gami'u 'ii gibna w-'Hi zatOn wi-'ii sardin . . .
[at-him of-what all-it 'Hcheese and-'ii olives and-'ii sardines]
he has something ofeverthing-cheese, olives, sardines . . .
In such cases, /'Bi/ intensifies the following noun, and i n doing so
specifies it; however, /)ii/ is not regularly used to specify indefinite
nouns, but only in contexts where quantity or variety is stressed.
Other intensifiers are more commonly used in Egypt, among
them /ittit/, literally a piece of While this particle is mainly understood
as an intensifier expressing astonishment or admiration, part of its
function i s specification:
E3 _
O ._
la'ena far 'add kida-ho, Iittit fr kida-ho
found-we mouse size like-this, piece-of mouse like this
We found a mouse this big, what a mouse this big!
1. 5 Defniteness and First Mention: New Topic
On the continuum of definiteness, near the indefinite-specific
range, there appears to be an area reserved for the first mention in
discourse of 'textually prominent' entities (one of Khan's features, see
Table 1 - 1 ) . The first mention of a nominal entity in discourse may be
indefinite, indefinite-specific, or, in some cases (and in Moroccan in
particular), definite in marking. Not all first-mention nouns are of
equal importance to the discourse; some nouns play a more prominent
role than others. Discourse analysts distinguish between figure and
ground, or central and marginal entities (and events) in discourse
respectively (Hopper and Thompson 1 980). P entity that plays an
important role in a text is likely to be marked in a way that reflects that
status, whereas an entity that is part of the background is Jess likely to
be so marked.
In the following joke, the specifed and textually prominent figure
bedouin is marked with 'indefnite' article /waid/, while the inanimate,
unspecified, even generic nouns /l-ma'am/ restaurant and /l-garson/
waiter are marked with the definite article, and inanimate /bf?a/ ice
cream has no article in its first occurrence:
32 The Definiteness Continuum
S2 . 4_ | .
L . | gQ
>. '
J~> ~-
.L .L... _
O .
f waJid badwi fat 'a l-mat'am. qal-Iu la-I-garson, intIni bUa.
zab-Iu aJn bia ar yaklu bi-I-x;b;z. balla ig-garson yit<aJJak
'aleh. qal-Iu l-badawi 'alwM tit<aJJak? 'ala tabIxak l-msagga' ?!
there-is one-ms bedouin-ms entered-he into the restaurant. said-he
to-him to-the-waiter, give-me ice-cream. brought-he to-him plate
of-ice-cream began-he he-eat-it with-the-bread. he-started the
waiter he-laughs at-him. said-he-to-him the-bedouin on-what you
laugh? at cooking-your the-cold?!
There's this bedouin who went into a restaurant. He said to the
waiter, give me ice cream. He brought him a plate of ice cream,
he began to eat it with bread. The waiter started laughing at
him. He said, what are you laughing at? Your ice-cold cooking?!
The speaker telling this joke introduces its subject, /badwi/ (a) bedouin,
wi th the indefinite /waJid/ one, for two reasons: first, because the
bedouin's existence is previously unknown, and second, because he
plays a key role in the joke and therefore specific referentiality must be
established. On the other hand, /il-mat'am/ the restaurant and /il-garson/
the waiter are marked definite at their first mention, the former due to
its generic status and the latter because any restaurant may be presumed
to have a waiter working in it. Were the speaker to have said /rat 'a
mat'am/ he went into a restaurant, it might imply that the restaurant
had some importance to the story, in which case further specification
would be expected. In contrast, ice cream, which also has some textual
prominence, is less individuated because it is inanimate, and so its first
mention is indefinite but not marked with an indefinite-specific article.
These 'textually prominent' entities fall in the indefinite-specific
range, but represent a special case within it. Such entities may be
called "new topics," making the article /waJid/ a "new topic" article.
Evidence from Syrian suggests that /waJid/ modifies only human
nouns. Egyptian data exhibit a similar patter, with the usage of /wa}id/
have adapted the term 'new topic' from Wald ( 1 983).
J .5 Defniteness and First Mention: New Topic
also syntactically restricted to human nouns:
e: . . ,.,il
kan waJda sitt
was-it there-is one woman
There was a/this woman . . .
In this Kuwaiti example (repeated from 1 . 1 . 1 above), /walid/ also
modifies a human noun, /mawwa'/ leared religious man.
, .
ral,at Iagg walid mawwa'
went-she to one religious-man
She went to a leared religious man
Evidence thus suggests that "new topic" status as marked
syntactically by the article /walid/ is restricted in Egyptian, Syrian, and
Kuwaiti dialects to textually prominent, highly individuated, and
specifically human, nouns.
In contrast to the restricted use of /walid/ in the other dialects,
the Moroccan article /wald 1-/ is not restricted to human or even
animate nouns, but extends to inanimates as well:
Ml O u . u | Q I
, M
kayo wald n-nu' axUf d 1-lUt
there-is-ms one the-kind other gen the-fish
There's this other kind offsh . . .
In Moroccan, Iwaldl is obligatorily followed by the definite
article II-I: Iwald I-I, and it is used with a much broader range of
entities, not only human but also inanimate entities if they are textuall y
prominent. The following Moroccan passage introduces two characters
in similar fashion, and a third differently (all marked in boldface):
MI l
s,1_| L. |_| a| |JL.
| | L ,_L u
_ |_
Ia:It-Ik, hada walad ar-razl ra 'ndu I-wlad, 'ndu gir I-mra
w martu 'ammrha ra wldat. naQt wOldat walad I-bant
told-story-I-to-you, this one man neg-at-him the-children, at-him
only the-wife and wife-his life-her neg bore-children-she. arose
she bore-she one girl
34 The Definiteness Continuum
I tell you a story, this is a man who doesn't have children. He
has only the wie, and his wie never bore children. Then she
had a daughter.
This story opens with the introduction of a main character identified by
the article Iwi}d I-I a. The next characters introduced are II-wlidl
children, marked definite because of their high animacy, except that
their existence is negated, and so they do not constitute a topic. The
wife /I-mral is not marked as a new topic, however, presumably because
her existence may be inferred, as most men are married, and she thus
constitutes a retrievable entity that does not need o be singled out for
introduction. The next topic introduced is II-bntl girl, marked with
Iwild I-I as a new topic and important to the story. The function of
IwaQd I-I as a new topic marker is substantiated by the fact that the
man and the girl are the only two characters who reappear in the story.
Two entities are introduced in the next passage. The first, Iwld
I-malikl {aJ king's son is human, and also has an important role to play
in the story, and so the speaker takes care to establish textual prominence
for him by marking the phrase with Iwa}d/. The second identity,
rsr'dm/ window is neither animate nor topical, and thus is not marked
by the new-topic article.
MI l
L= u
- | _ =| .. >i _=
niQ a-lalla watad wald I-malik -- w-rah (ndha arZam f-}il
a. l1at m -srZm
arose-he Olady one son of-the-king - and see-now at-her window
like like-this. leaned-out-she from the-window
So, my lady, this prince up and -- She had a window like that.
She leaned out of the window
In the third passage, the repetition of /mra xWra/ another wie
with the addition of the 'new-topic' article /wild I-I may be due to the
necessity of marking this second wife as a significant character in the
story. After omitting the article in her first mention of the woman, the
speaker may have subconsciously felt that the character needed more
of an introduction:
1.5 Defniteness and First Mention: New Topic
r i _ ,_ __ g
na tzwwez mra x
ra tzwwez wald l-mra x
arose-he married-he woman other maried-he one the-woman other
He up and married another woman, married this other woman
Further evidence that /walid/ functions as a new topic marker
lies in the use of /i/ without /wald/ in both Moroccan and Syrian.
While partially individuated, textually prominent persons may be
introduced with !i wal(i)d/ someone, speakers of both dialects can use
/i/ to mean someone when the reference is non-individuated, non
specifc, not textually prominent, and of low social status. Pexample
from Caubet's Morocan texts ( 1993ii:7):
. .
i kaykmi s-sbsi, i kaybddl zwanat, i . . .
some indic-he-smokes the-hashish-pip, some indic-he-exchanges
joints, some . . .
Someone is smoking the hashish pipe, someone is exchanging
joints, someone . . .
From my Syrian data:
J |
* .
. . . 'ilIa ya'ni 'alam 'aswa' min[h]a b-ktIr ktir ya'ni e 'ilon mai
ktir maral minan yiqbalu yaxdu ya'ni ha l -bint
. . . except that-is world worse than-her by-a-Iot a-lot that-is thing
to-them past alot sordid in-order-to they-accept they-take that-is
this the-girl
. . . except for people who are much worse than her, that is, people
who have a ver sordid past, to accept to marr the girl
The marking of an indefinite noun with the new-topic article
/walid (1-)/ appears to be motivated by the high degree of textual
prominence played by that noun. The derivation of the article itself,
/walid/ one, frther suppors the notion that quantification, individuation,
and textual prominence are all related to each other as well as to the
syntactic marking of nouns.
36 The Defniteness Continuum
1.6 Defnite Marking in Moroccan
Moroccan speech in particular is characterized by the occurrence
of unexpectedly "definite" nouns that fulfil l none of the conditions
specified by Chafe (see 1 .2). First-mention nouns are normally indefinite
in Arabi c, as in most languages that mark definiteness. But in the
following passage (repeated from above), even though children is
semantically indefinite, since the man in question has none, and his
wife is introduced for the first time, both /1-wUid/ the children and
/I-mra/ the wie both have definite marking in this passage:
Ml l 1 ;1 . , J'I uJ
1 .1 .I J I JL . m[
itazit-Ik, hada wai;d ;r-raz;l ma'andu l-wlad, 'andu gi[r] l-mra
told-I-to-you this one the-man neg at-him the-children, at-him
only the-wife
I'll tell you a stor, this is a man who has no children. He has
only a wie
The next passage contains the first mention of /bit! room in the story;
therefore, it would be expected to be indefinite. On the other hand, the
noun /bItt has highly individuated reference in this case, which ' attracts'
the definite article here.
Ml l L.. 44J I 4 )J vLJ cUc O
aha malik s;lan w naQ dar-Iha I-bit dyalha b
father-hers king sultan and arose-he made-he for-her the-suite
gen-hers by-herself
Her father [was] a king, a sultan, and he up and made her a
suite of her own
Similarly, /l-w;ld/ the son in the following refers to a nonexistent
child. The importance and (future) agency of the desired son attract
definite marking to a noun that should otherwise be indefinite:
Ml l ...I LI
JI vL . .I uL
ra 'ndhM l-w;ld. naQ gal-Iha 'ana x;ni l-w;ld
neg-at-her the-son arose-he said-he to-her I needed-for-me the-son
She didn't have [aJ son. He up and told her, I need [aJ son
See Caubet ( 1 983) for a more detailed, formalized approach to definiteness
in Moroccan Arabic.
1.6 Defnite Marking in Moroccan 37
There is no previous mention of /mr/ bull in the passage from
which the next example is taken, nor does it appear to have specific or
generic reference, and yet it is marked definite. In this case, either
animacy has influenced the 'indefiniteness' of the noun and pushed it
towards the definite end of the continuum, or the speaker assumes that
a slaughtered bull is an expected and retrievable part of celebrating a
son's birth:
Ml l
' o>
dbJ t-tir, (ra" (la n-nas
slaughtered-he the-bull, invited-he the-people
He slaughtered a bull, invited people
Finally, even though the rference of /-Jit fsh in the following sentence
is semantically indefinite, generic, and nonspecific, it carries definite
marking. What attracts definite marking here may be the textual
importance of fsh to the passage on the depressed fishing economy of
Larache from which this sentence is taken:
MlO -.,' &L _
mai tif b-(ink tqil rab kayn I-Jit
fut you-see with-eye-your you-say see-here there-is the-fish
You'll see with your own eyes and say there are fsh
The examples just cited may be contasted to the following passage,
in which an indefinite noun does occur. Her tre indefinite nouns are
not marked with the so-called "indefnite" articles: /hIM/ a place is
without marking, due to its indefnite, unspecifc, and inanimate status
in the story; in other words, it is not individuated.
Ml l . ' ,'.
4 u |__m|,,
w-n-nhar IIi wldat mm
k hrbu (liha xllawha b-I-kr w xwaw
blM w (ammru blM
and-day that bore-she mother-your deserted-they on-her left-they
her with-the-belly and emptied-they place and settled-they place
The dy that your mother gave birth they deserted her. They lef
her pregnant and moved to another town.
38 The Definiteness Continuum
Of the four dialects, Morocan speech is clearly the most influenced
by the specificity and animacy factors, both of which may trigger the
use of definite marking. m the following, all animate nouns are marked
with either the definite article or a possessive pronoun, even though not
all are semantically definite and specific:
MI l __ a
=| =| _j =l|=
'ndk sb'a d xwaUitk w tzuwwz bb
ak 'la mm Y'Ia l-wld, bas
twld I-wld
at-you seven gen sisters-your and married-he father-your on
mother-your for the-son in-order-to she-bear the-son
You have seven sisters, and your father took a second wie for
fa] son, for her to bear fa] son
Kuwaiti speech contains instances of this phenomenon as well.
In these examples, /waladha/ her son has specific reference, at least in
the mind of the speaker, as does /I-'ahal/ the people in the second.
K3 L Oi_ O
'indha waladha abi
at-her son-her officer
She has fa] son, an oficer
K4 _1 | _ || O
haga ugulkum 'intu ya l-'ahal
this business-your-p you-p O-the-people
This is your doing, people
The difference between specific and non-specific reference is
demonstrated by the following passage. The woman in this passage
replies twice to the slave's question, saying at first /wbdt bnt/ I had a
girl, and the second time, /wldt l-wld/, literally I had the son.
M! l q q
_m _q _. O | =| ;
| qa_. | , q__
q | _c.
. 'ndu bba mhir
..Er hat einen berihmten Vater
[He has afamousfather]
i _
|. .
ra 'ndi xay ra 'ndi 'ammi ra 'ndi ta i wal);d mM ynub 'liyya
neg at-me brother-my neg at-me uncle-my neg at-me even any
one will act-on-behalf of-me
I don't have a brother, Idon't have an uncle, Idon't have anyone
who would act on my behal
J.6 Defnite Marking in Moroccan 41
Moroccan speakers thus consistently avoid using tenns for male
relatives in the indefinite. Diem's concept of inalienability, applied to
the individuation continuum, explains this patter. I tum, it is worth
noting that these persons have a high degree of agency, which also may
operate to attract spcific, defnite marking. The individuation hierarchy
explains why certain kinds of nouns cannot remain "unassigned" or
unspecified. The higher the individuation of a given noun or noun
phrase, the more likely it is to receive definite syntactic marking. In
the case of Moroccan, certain nouns with high animacy indicating
close familial relations seem to take definite marking even in contexts
low in definiteness.
The continuum of individuation also explains another feature
paicular to Morocan speech. mmost varieties of Arabic, both members
of a defmite noun-adjective phrase must agree in defmiteness, such that
both will carry the defnite article, as the following Egyptian and Syrian
examples show:
El c
it-tayer iI-mav
the-outft the-mauve
the mauve outit
S2 (JI 1
iI-muztama< s-siri
the-society the-Syrian
Syrian societ
However, my Morocan data include examples of asymmetrically
defnite constructions such as the following:
Ml O ( .:.61 =
e . .
. . . kaytba<u f I-Qanut 'ari
... indic-they-are-sold in-the-store modem
e e they are sold in a moder store
The phrase /l-Qanut <ari/ althe moder store consists of a defnite
noun (l1-Qanit/) modified by an indefinite adjective (I<ari/), a
construction not pennitted under the syntactic rules of Arabic. If it
were an isolated occurrence, it could be dismissed as a perfonnance
error; however, several such examples ocur in my data. Moreover,
Harrell notes the occurrence of asymmetrically defnite noun-adjective
phrases in Moroccan, and notes that the adjective tends to remain
unmarked unless the reference is quite specifc ( 1 962: 1 66). In fact,
42 The Definiteness Continuum
specificity may not be the only factor involved. The following example
contains a noun-adjective phrase in which the noun is specified, but the
adjective is indefinite:
Ml ( l-J L
';ndha duqha xa
at-her taste-her special
She has her own taste or She has a special taste of her own
The asymmetric defniteness of the phrase /duqha xa/ her own special
taste may be explained by the low animacy and high abstractness of
the noun /duq/ taste, rendering the noun relatively low in individuation,
and attracting the indefmite form of the adjective. A Morocan inforant
confirms that the adjective is marked definite only in highly individuated
contexts, such as the following:
: g 'I )JI L
';ndha d-dar l-mxayy;ra f -ar;'
at-her the-house the-choice in the-street
She has the best house on the street (elicited)
These Moroccan examples show that indefinite marking can
interact with definite marking when the noun in question is not highly
individuated. The reverse can also happen: at times definite marking
can interact with indefinite to give higher specificity or individuation
to an otherwise indefinite noun. Chapter 3 will show that this latter
phenomenon occurs as well in relative clause structures in all four
1 .7 Summary
The data cited in this chapter show clearly the inadequacy of
traditional categories of definite and indefinite, and suggest that definite
and indefmite marking represent two ends of a continuum of defniteness,
which includes an indefinite-specific range that may be expressed
syntactically by one of several strategies.
The articles ji/ and /waltid/ do not mark true indefinite nouns,
but rather nouns that lie somewhere between definite and indefinite, in
an indefinite-specific range. This range is represented in the syntax of
1. 7 Summary 43
all four dialects, in Moroccan and Syrian by the article /Si/, in all four
dialects by the article /walid (1-)/, which functions as a "new-topic"
article, and in Syrian, Egyptian and Kuwaiti by the interaction of the
semantics with other defmite and indefmite markers, such as the use of
defnite relative pronouns with morphologically indefnite nouns.
The geographical distribution of indefnite articles in Moroccan
and Syrian, both of which share /Si/, the related Egyptian article /'ii/,
and the apparent indefinite-specific function of the sufx I-in! in the
Arabian Peninsula-ven though it is disappearing in urban dialects-are
facts that invite further diachronic research. The fact that Moroccan
and Syrian dialects share the article /Si! and Tunisian and Iraqi share a
similar aricle /fard/ suggests that these articles have fulflled this fnction
for a very long time. Likewise, evidence that nunation plays a role as
specifying marker in Andalusian texts, a medieval Thousand and One
Nights manuscript, and the bedouin dialects of the Gulf, suggests that
this function has long been part of spoken Arabic. The absence in
Egyptian and urban Kuwaiti of an indefmite-specifc article suggests
that these dialects may have undergone a linguistic levelling process
which reduced the number of syntactic markers of definiteness and
Overall, Moroccan and Syrian dialects show greater richness and
variation in nominal syntactic marking, leading to speCUlation of a
degree of cross-dialect hierarchy in which Moroccan shows highest
defnite and indefnite-specifc marking, while Egyptian shows the least.
The fact that Cairene Arabic falls on the lower end of the spectrum of
dialects in the range of specifying articles is paralleled also by its
relative paucity of demonstrative fors, as Chapter 4 will show.
0ther dialects appear to have indefinite-specific articles as well: Tunisian
and Iraqi appear to share a specifying article /fard/ CM (see Marais 1977 for
a description of Tunisian and Erwin 1 963 for Iraqi).
2.0 Introduction
This chapter examines patters of plural number agreement and
genitive (possessive) modification of nouns in the four dialect regions.
Each of these structures has two possible syntactic manifestations in
spoken Arabic: plural nouns may be modified with either plural or
feminine singular forms, and possessive relationships may be expressed
using either the construct (/icafa!)
or a periphrastic genitive with a
genitive particle or exponent. Patters of feminine singular agreement
with plural nouns occur in all four dialects, and are difficult, if not
impossible, to explain in purely formal terms. I will argue that the
continuum of individuation ( 1 . 2) helps explain the choice of one
agreement form over another. Haring's ( 1 980) study of genitive
constructions in spoken Arabic proposes certain "stylistic" motivations
for the choice of the periphrastic genitive over the construct; her
conclusions are reexamined here within the framework of individuation.
Chapter 1 proposed that speakers use definite and indefinite
markings to indicate the degree of individuation of a noun such that the
higher the degree of individuation of the noun, the more likely the
speaker to assign to it a specifying or definite article. The following
features were shown to affect the individuation of nouns (repeated
from section 1 .2):
1 . Agency/Animacy
2. Definiteness
3. Specificity
4. Textual prominence
5. Qualification or modification
6. Quantification
These features also play a role in the syntactic realization of agreement
phenomena and genitive/possessive constructions in the dialects.
The construct consists of two consecutive nouns, the second of which
"possesses" (literally or figuratively) the first. In general, the construct in
spoken Arabic follows the same rules that govern it in formal Arabic, except
that the former has no case markings.
2. 1 The Dual 45
The discussion of number agreement begins with a brief overview
of the dual in spoken Arabic. While the dual i foral Arabic constitutes
mor a morphological than a syntactic categor, its counterart in spoken
Arabic carries syntactic implications and is of comparative interest.
2. 1 The Dual
Two major articles by Blanc and Ferguson stress that the dual is
not a productive category in spoken Arabic.
While the dual suffix
I-enl (Moroccan I-ayn/ is productive in many areas as a nominal ending,
no dual adjectival or verbal markings exist. Ferguson ( 1959b) identifes
the absence of dual agreement as one case of grammatical consistency
among the dialects which is not found in Classical Arabic. He finds
that the dual is least productive i Morocan and South Arabian dialects,
and most productive in the Syro-Mesopotamian area.
Blanc's ( 1 970) seminal study of the dual in spoken Arabic
concludes that Arabic dialects share a two-part dual system, comprised
of dual and pseudo-dual. Blanc distinguishes regular, productive duals
from a non-productive, frozen pseudo-dual category consisting mainly
of words referring to paired parts of the body (e. g. , Syrian /'izren/
legs). These pseudo-duals function semantically and syntactically as
plurals, and in a number of dialects, no alterate plural forms for such
words exist. Blanc concludes that the dual is not a concord category in
spoken Arabic; rather dual nouns function syntacticall y like other
enumerated nouns, and generally take plural agreement.
2. 1. 1 Non-specific Dual
Cowell's Syrian grammar claims that the dual is "used to specify
exactly two of whatever the noun base designates" ( 1964: 367, emphasis
By contrast, the dual in formal Arabic carries ful l inflection in nouns,
adjectives, relative and demonstrative pronouns, and verb conjugations.
Exceptions noted by Blanc for Syrian and Moroccan, in which dual nouns
can be modified by feminine adjectives or verbs, may be explained using the
individuation hierarchy. All examples cited contain temporal nouns, such as
day, month, or year. These nouns consistently occur i n syntactic constructions
low in individuation, such as non-resumptive relative clauses (see 3.4) Sections
2.2 and 2.3 show that feminine or collective agreement is consistent with
speaker's perceptions of such nouns as not highly individuated.
46 Number, Agreement, and Possession
in original). This assertion is refuted by examples from various dialects
in which the dual represents a small but inexact quantity, translatable
as a couple of or several. Expressions such as /yomen/ a couple of
days or several days and /kilamten/ (Egyptian /kilmiten/) a couple of
words or a few words are common in both Syria and Egypt. Feghali
confirms that the dual in Lebanese usually expresses "une quantite
indeterminee" ( 1 928: 1 41 ).
This dual clearly falls in the non-specific range in the Syrian
region, where it is often modified by the indefinite-specific article /i/:
L L|_L
. | g_ _
min bayIit la-trablus, badha si sa'ten swa'a
from Beirut to-Tripoli, wants-she si hours-2 driving
From Beirut to Tripoli it's about a two-hour drive
In the central dialects, then, one function of the dual suffix /-en/
is to indicate a non-specific paucal plural, a couple of or several.
Moroccans, on the other hand, use the periphrastic dual, rather than the
dual suffix /-ayn/, for such expressions. A Moroccan informant gives
two possibilities for a couple of steps, meaning a short distance (both
M3 :u g
two steps
,| | ,
zzd al-xatwat
two gen the-steps
Of all four dialects, Moroccan has the most restricted use of dual
suffixes. Section 2. 1 . 2 will discuss several features of the Moroccan
dual that set it apart from the dual as used in other dialects.
2. 1.2 Dual in Moroccan
Moroccan distinguishes phonetically between dual forms such as
/'amayn/ two years and what are in other dialects pseudo-duals, namely
parts of the body, which in Moroccan take the suffix /-in/: as in
/yaddin/ hands and /rajlln/ legs (Harrell 1 962: 1 05, Blanc 1 970:48). In
Moroccan speech, the suffix /-ayn/ (also pronounced as /-ayn/) is
restricted to a finite set of nouns involving a few numerals, physical
measures, time, and money, such as /'amayn/ two years, /'alfayn/ two
2. 1 The Dual 47
thousand, and Iyumaynl two days (see Harrell 1 962: 1 00- 1 ; see also
Lerchundi 1 900 for a simi lar, century-old description of norther
Moroccan). These forms are frozen, containing unusual layl diphthong
that occurs only in certain contexts in Moroccan (Harrell 1 962: 1 4) ;
hence the normal Moroccan reflex of the diphthong layl is ](rather
than leI as found in other dialects), as in /bit! room for /baytl (or /bet!).
Educated Moroccan i nformants reject forms such as /kHibaynl as not
Moroccan. The Moroccan I-aynl suffix i s thus not productive, as
contrasted to the easter I-en/, which may be attached to many types of
nouns. Finally, whereas the pseudo-dual forms in other dialects may
be paired with plural forms wi th which they closely correspond in
usage (Blanc 1 970: 46), the Moroccan "pseudo-dual" I-inl is the only
possible non-singular form for parts of the body.
Blanc uses these facts to support the distinction he makes between
what he calls the "true" dual and the pseudo-dual. As Blanc notes,
pseudo-dual constitutes a limited class shared by most, if not all, dialect
regions ( 1 970: 43). But while the "true" dual in other dialects is a
productive category, the only productive dual in Moroccan is the
periphrastic construction IzOz dl two of followed by a plural: IzOz d
l-ktubl two books (Harrell 1 962:206; my informants give /ktObal for
Moroccan is the only dialect among the four whose only productive
dual is periphrastic, but forms of periphrastic dual are found in all
regions. The following section examines the forms and functions of
these non-suffixed duals.
2. 1.3 Periphrastic Duals
In addition to the Moroccan periphrastic dual Izoz d-I two of with
a fol lowing plural, two other dialects contain periphrastic dual
constructions as well: Kuwaiti and a rural dialect in souther Syria.
Holes notes that some Gulf speakers use a periphrastic dual form of the
construction plural noun numeral two, as in /kutub i!nen/ two books,
which alterates with /kitaben/ two books ( 1 990: 1 49). One example of
this periphrastic dual occurs in my Kuwaiti data, from the oldest and
least educated speaker:
48 Number, Agreement, and Possession
K3 _:u . | tt|
t .
_ t
rayyal 'inda mara farlm !inten, wafda f: ilwa bass hu ma yfibbha,
haglc mi filwa, bass yf:ibbha
man at-him wife wives two, one pretty but he neg he-loves-her,
that-one neg pretty but he-loves-her
A man is married, has two wives, one is pretty, but he doesn't
love her, the other one isn't pretty, but he loves her
The fact that this example is used by an elderly uneducated speaker
suggests that this periphrastic dual is not a recent development. The
same form of periphrastic dual was used twice in conversation by an
educated female speaker originally from I:Iiran, a souther Syrian area
whose dialect has a number of bedouin features (Cantineau 1946).
S |
, and
rjal i!nen niswan !inten
men two (m) women two (0
Two men Two women
My Kuwaiti and rural Syrian examples of the periphrastic dual contain
only human nouns.
It seems significant that Moroccan and Gulf dialects and a rural
Syrian dialect all share the feature of periphrastic dual, since one would
expect these regions to be more conservative linguistically than the
central regions.
Egyptian and Syrian speakers also make use of a periphrastic
dual for certain classes of words. They have the option of using a
periphrastic dual of the form numeral two + plural noun with human
nouns. The following Egyptian example is also acceptable in Syrian:
E =
itnen :ubba
two oficers (Wise 1972: 1 2)
0n the other hand, Ingham's description of Najdi syntax lists only a regular
dual, and does not mention periphrastic dual forms. Ingham also notes feminine
singular adjectival agreement with dual nouns (betenin zenah/ two good houses,
1 994: 63), a construction rejected by informants from the four dialects areas
examined here.
2. 1 The Dual 49
This periphrastic dual is obligatory in certain cases, as the dual suffix
I-enl cannot be affixed to certain classes of words:
Tus in Lebanon,
one can only say two Lebanese using the periphrastic dual (below left),
not the dual suffix (below right):
' -
. .
itnen libnaniyye
two Lebanese-p
The dual of other word classes may be expressed with either the
periphrastic dual or the dual suffix. Both of the following forms are
L .t.1 | &,L...1
itnen 'asatze
two teachers
two teachers
However, my Lebanese informant confirms that periphrastic litnen
two does not modify inanimates, or even animals: the form IQmarenl
means two asses of the animal kingdom, while litnen lamlrl refers to
the human variety.
Periphrastic dual constructions in which the numeral two either
precedes or follows a human noun thus occur in all regions. This use
of the numeral two parallels syntactically and functionally the use of
the numeral Iwalidl one as a "new topic" marker (see 1 .5). That is,
like new topic article Iwalidl one, new topic two functions in part to
indicate the relatively high individuation (animacy, specificity, and/or
textual prominence) of the entities it introduces. Further evidence
supporting this analysis follows.
2. 1. 4 Dual as New-Topic Marker
Blanc notes that the dual may -be used to introduce two figures
into a story, wheras mention of them afer that is usually plural ( 1 970:4,
his sources: Spitta 1 883, Blau 1 960, and his own data). Cowell remarks
that "[i]f the number happens to be two but is beside the point, or to be
taken for granted, then the plural is used ( 1 964:367, emphasis in original).
Blanc remarks only that U[i]n all dialects, there are nouns that do not admit
the dual at all" (1970:43). P inventory of morphological and lexical restictions
on the use of the dual suffix is a subject suitable for a morphological study.
Number, Agreement, and Possession
The fact that dual marking often occurs on the first mention of nouns
suggests its use is pragmatically marked, and not simply a case of free
variation. Nouns marked with the dual suffix usually represent new
topics; that is, they represent the first mention of textual ly prominent
entities. Cowell notes that the dual is used in contrast to the singular,
not the plural, and that expression of a quantity of two in definite
possessed form uses the definite plural followed by the number to
( 1 964: 367):
k;tbi t-tnen
books-my the-two
my to book
Further evidence that the dual ending represents a new-topic marker
lies in speakers' avoidance of pronoun suffixes on dual nouns, with the
exception of body parts. Holes points out that Gulf speakers refrain
from using pronoun suffixes on dual nouns but not on human plural
nouns ending in I-inl ( 1 990: 1 50), suggesting that the restriction on
affixing pronoun suffixes to dual nouns has more to do with pragmatic
factors than with rules of formal Arabic.
If the dual suffix reflects a
kind of salience marking similar to the marking of new topics with the
article Iwa}id/ one, then it is more likely to ocur in the more individuating
syntactic construction containing a genitive exponent than in construct
genitives (see 2.4).
Moroccan speakers do not appear to make use of this kind of
dual, and I have no evidence for its existence in Kuwait either. Both
dialects use the periphrastic dual described in 2. 1 . 3. The lack of this
dual in the two peripheral, conservative dialects suggests that it has not
always been a feature of spoken Arabic.
Language typology and the hierarchy of number marking posits
that dual is marked relative to plural. As Croft notes: "Most commonly,
the dual is marked with respect to distributional behavior. Frequently,
dual forms are found only with personal and demonstrative pronouns"
Rules for adding pronoun suffi xes in formal Arabic dictate that the /n/ in
both dual and sound masculine plural suffixes be dropped. In spoken Arabic,
the /n/ may be retained, but the resulting construction is usually avoided.
2. 1 The Dual 51
( 1 990: 1 00). Taken together with this general linguistic patter,
synchronic evidence from these dialects suggests that it is not so much
a matter of spoken Arabic losing a productive dual with fll agreement
complement as of not having it in the first place. A future diachronic
study of the dual in spoken Arabic might explore the possibility that
the dual ending I-en! as a new-topic salience marker represents a point
of contact between formal and spoken Arabic, and a window on the
role of pragmatics in the proess of syntactic borrowing.
2. 1. 5 Pseudo-duals
As Blanc notes, pseudo-duals of parts of the body actually
constitute a form of plural in Syrian and Egyptian. In fact, Cowell
points out that a separate, "true" dual form also exists for such words
in Syrian, formed by inserting a I-t-I before the dual sufx /-en/. Cowell
gives the following examples ( 1964:367):
'zrteno 'ilten tenten
his two legs two hand two eyes
This "new dual" ending must have developd sometime after the original
dual ending (Blanc's pseudo-dual) was reinterpreted as a plural. This
development, the apparent result of speakers' "need" to express the
quantity "exactly two" specifically for parts of the body, suggests that
the historical development of the pseudo-dual has been divorced from
that of the "true" dual. While Syrian I-t-I distinguishes /'iden! hands
from /'i(d)ten/ two hands, it cannot be used to differentiate between
/yomenl a couple of days and /yomten/ two days. The fact that a
particular dual ending exists for a specific semantic field does not
necessarily mean that it extends to others, and any history of the dual
in spoken Arabic must be category-specific, taking into account the
fact that different kinds of dual exhibit different behavior. For example,
Blanc points out that only pseudo-dual forms admit pronoun suffixes
with the elision of the Inl from I-en/ (as in formal Arabic), such as in
Egyptian /riglayyal my legs ( 1970:48). His "true" duals rarely admit
such suffxes, except in foral registers of Arabic. Tis patter suggests
that the pseudo-dual may be older than the "true" dual in spoken Arabic.
52 Number, Agreement, and Possession
Egyptian speakers have at their disposal plural fons that alterate
with pseudo-dual fonns, such as I'inen in-nasi, pseudo-dual, and I'uyun
in-nasi, plural, both meaning people's eyes. It should not be assumed,
as Blanc does, that at most "perhaps a shade of stylistic difference"
( 1970:46, n. 15) lies between them, because "stylistic difference" often
points to an underlying pragmatic principle, perhaps a difference in
degree of individuation. However, a larger corpus of contextualized
examples needs to be examined before conclusions can be drawn.
2. 1.6 Adverbial Dual
Another kind of dual, the adverbial, may not be dual in origin. A
small , closed class of adverbial expressions found mostly in the Levant
end in the suffix I-en/:
5 |
bon appetit
Blanc claims that I'ahlen! welcom, Ialltenl bon appetit and ImarQ;btenl
welcome are duals; however, it seems more likely that the first two are
actually cases of I'imalal defection, or pronunciation of the vowel lal
as a more fronted vowel, deflected towards Iii, known to occur in the
Levant. At some later point I-enl (or a stressed, lengthened I-en!) was
then reanalyzed as a dual ending, and ImarQ;btenl was then foned by
analogy. The vowel shift of I'imalal may also be responsible for the
suffix I-enl in /ba'denl after that, the origin of which would in that case
be /ba'd 'ani after (with following verb), found in Syria and Egypt.
2. 2 Agreement Patterns of Plural Nouns
The Arabic plural has a number of subcategories
Morphologically, Arabic distinguishes sound and broken plurals, and
collective and distributive ones. Semantically, human nouns constitute
a group distinct from inanimate ones. However, agreement patters in
spoken Arabic follow none of these delineations.
Agreement patters of plural nouns in spoken Arabic seem at
first to be fraught with difficulties; complicated sets of rules are found
For an overview of plurals in educated spoken Arabic, see Sallam ( 1 979).
2.2 Agreement Patterns of Plural Nouns 53
in the grammars of several Arabic dialects. Holes notes for educated
Gulf Arabic, which includes Kuwaiti, four "systems" of number/gender
agreement, divided along gender ad animacy lines ( 1990: 1 55-7). Three
of these 'systems' are found in Kuwait: ( 1 ) in the first, all plural nouns
take masculine plural agreement; (2) the second system distinguishes
between human and non-human, and all non-human nouns take feminine
singular agreement; and (3) a third system combines rles from ( 1 ) and
(2) and allows either masculine plural or feminine singular agreement
with non-human nouns.
However, Holes admits that it is common for
speakers to freely alterate between systems, a fact which would seem
to preclude calling them systems.
Holes' analysis might stand as an example of interdialectic contact
in the Gulf, except that dialects in other regions show similar overlapping
agreement patters. Adjectives and verbs modifying plural nouns
alterate between feminine singular and plural marking.
Tu examples
like the following occur in all dialect regions. In the first sentence, the
plural subject /nas/ people takes deflected agreement (feminine singular)
on the verb Ibitfakkir/ she thinks, whereas the second sentence contains
the same subject with a plural verb, Ibisafru/ they travel:
,,g~ ~
ba'rif nas bisafru kill sine
I-know people indic-they-travel every year
I know people who go abroad ever year
f ya'ni nas bitfakkir 'innu agle 'adi ya'ni
there-is that-is people indic-3fs-thinks comp-3ms thing (0 normal
(m) that-is that-is
There are people who think that it is a normal thing, that is
Holes ( 1 990) does not include data on collective nouns, non-human animate
nouns, or verbal agreement.
Q |
itarena wayyit malabis kwayyisin
bought-we some clothes nice-p
We bought some nice clothes
2. 2 Agreement Patterns of Plural Nouns 55
In the following two Moroccan passages (both taken from the
same speaker and text), the same noun is given two different agreements,
one feminine singular and one plural. m the first, the speaker treats the
noun In-nasi people as an unspecifed, unqualified, homogenous, generic
group. Te convergence of these features, all of them non-individuating,
serves to push the noun to the non-individuated end of the individuation
continuum. The low individuation of In-nasi people is manifested in
the feminine singular form of the verb Ima katfhmsl they don't
understand, and the pronoun /hal on /ba'<hal each other. Te second
statement contains a different kind of reference to In-nasi people. In
this case, a more specific group of people is named, and the noun is
qualified by Iwlad I-bladl sons of the town. This higher degree of
specificity is reflected in the plural agreement shown on the verb phrase
Ima bqaws kaymslwl they no longer go.
Ml O | VLI . . . p|_Y |
n-nas ra bqats n-ni' d I-Jtiram . . . n-nas ra katfhrs ba'<ha
the-people neg remained-3fs the-type gen the-respect . . . the-people
neg indic-3fs-understand each-other-f
People no longer [have] respect . . . people don't understand each
Ml O
I I,_" ' J L JI J'
katsif bzzaf d n-nas wlad I-blad ra bqaws kaymslw l-bJar
indic-you-see a-lot gen the-people sons of-the-town neg rerained
they indic-they-go the-sea
You see many people, town natives, no longer go to the beach
The feminine singular agreement on the reflexive pronoun /ba'<ha/
each other in the former sentence is worth noting, since reflexivity is
one of the features Khan classifies as non-individuating ( 1 984:470).
However, not all reflexive nouns are entirely non-individuated, as the
following Syrian example shows (Cowell 1 964:425):
S | cI"'L
ha I-'alwin ra binasbu ba'<on
[this the-colors neg indic-they-are-appropriate-for each-other]
These colors don't go together
56 Number, Agreement, and Possession
Cowell argues that the reflexivity here adds to the individuation of
these colors; however, the speaker's reference to certain specific colors
suggests that individuation is a proprty of the colors themselves. Cowell
himself observes that the same idea may be expressed by a feminine
reflexive verb, Ima bt;tnasabl they [3fsJ don't match.
The principle of individuation affects agreement patters in the
opposite manner as well, in that some morphologically "singular" nouns
that refer to a collective group may take plural agreement. In the
following two Syrian passages about premarital dating, the speaker
comments that some people accept it and some do not. mboth instances,
she uses masculine nouns, I' alaml (eople, literally world) and IW
(literally, thing) with plural agreement. In each case, it is not the
lexical item itself that determines the agreement, but its referent, a
group of people:
S2 . + |
f 'alam hek wi f 'alam heke, makkal ya'ni, 'alam byiqbalu . .
there-is world l i ke-that and there-is world like-that mixed-ms
that-is world they-accept
There are people like this and people like
hat, it's mixed, that is,
people who accept . . .
| ..< <
| : [
' ~*
'illa ya'ni 'alam 'aswa' min[h]a bi-ktir ktir ya'ni e 'ilon maQi ktir
maraQ minan yiqbalu yaxdu ya'ni ha l-bin;t
except that-is world worse than-her by-a-Iot a-lot that-is thing
to-them past very sordid in-order-to they-accept they-take that-is
this the-girl
except for people who are much worse than her, that is, people
who have a ver sordid past, to accept to marr the girl
Yet another example from the same interview shows I;l-'alaml people
as subject of two feminine verbs, Itatawwaretl developed and Ima 'adet!
is no longer_ In this case, people is a collective whole, referring to
people in general:
2. 2 Agreement Patters of Plural Nouns
u c,a
la'innu tfawwaret il-'alam, ra cadet mitil 'awwel
because-3ms developed-3fs the-world neg remained-3fs like first
Because people developed, they're no longer like they were before
Viewing the grammatical feature of plural agreement as a
continuum allows a principled account of the variation that occurs, and
reflects the speaker's control over this feature. At one end of the
continuum lies collectivity, which corresponds to feminine singular
agreement, and at the other, individuation, which corresponds to plural
agreement. The choice of agreement depends on the features that
influence individuation, especially specificity and agency. This
continuum allows for the prediction that many plural nouns will not be
limited to one agreement patter: /nas/ people may be more or less
individuated and thus may show either feminine singular or masculine
plural agreement.
This view of number agreement also predicts that dual nouns
take plural agreement rather than singular: by nature, a dual noun
indicates some degree of individuation, and hence usually does not
provide collective reference. Similarly, in the dialects that have an
overlap of plural and pseudo-dual fons, the patters of usage may be
influenced by the degree of individuation of the noun phrase; in other
words, the choice an Egyptian speaker makes between /'enen in-nasi
the eyes (pseudo-dual) of the people and ruyin in-nasi the eyes (plural)
of the people may be based on the degree to which lin-nasi the people
is individuated.
In the most extensive study of agreement patters in Arabic to
date, Belnap investigates agreement patters in Cairene Arabic,
concluding that a number of factors combine to affect agreement, among
them animacy ( 1 991 :61), salience (85), distance from the head noun to
the modifier (85), and sentence typology (89). His study confins that
pragmatic ("functional and psychological") factors subsume fonal and
positional principles (99). Belnap also concludes that it is the speaker
who really controls agreement patters, not the head noun ( 1 43).
The following Egyptian example, from Belnap's data, provides
another case in which the speaker controls agreement patters, and
58 Number. Agreement. and Possession
suggests that individuation plays a central role in the selection of
agreement. This speaker uses a feminine adjective, I'ayyanal sick, and
a plural verb, /biyi"udul they stay, to modify the same noun within the
same sentence (Belnap 1 991 : 61 ):
, ' ,
_| _
kull in-nas 'ayyana bi-s-sukkar wi-biyi"udu Ii-wal)duhum
all the-people sick-f with-the-sugar and-they-sit by-themselves
All the people are sick with diabetes and live by themselves
Why does this speaker use a feminine adjective and a plural verb to
describe the same group of people? In the first clause, people are
viewed and treated as a homogenous group, whereas in the second, the
adverbial phrase lli-walduhuml by themselves adds individuation, since
every single person lives alone. A similar example shows the agreement
shifting from feminine singular /hal to plural /huml when the speaker
moves from talking about /Siwayyit l)agatl some things as a homogenous
group to separating and ranking them (example from Belnap 1 991 : 86;
translation mine):
E L | :' ,
. t _a' _. . . qL
o '+
l-)adiqa btJi l la-'and ba'Qon w bi'aydu 'ala ba'Qon
[the-friends indic-3fs-goes to-at each-other and indic-they-wish
happy-holidays for each-other]
Friends go to each other's [houses] and wish each other happy
Unfortunately, the Kuwaiti texts I collected have no examples that
contrast deflected and plural agreement.
The speaker's perception of the individuation of a noun thus
affects his or her choice of agreement. If a noun is highly individuated,
animate, specific, textually prominent, or quantified, the speaker tends
to choose plural agreement; conversely, if the noun is collective, non
specific, collective, and less prominent, the agreement will tend to be
feminine singular. It makes sense to call these agreement patters
individuated and collective: individuated agreement referring to the
use of plural verbs, adjectives, and pronouns, and collective agreement
to feminine singular modification. These terms reflect the pragmatic
choice made by the speaker in representing the nature of the entity she
or he is describing.
One corollary of the theory that individuation underlies agreement
patters is that modified plurals will be more likely to take plural
agreement than unmodified ones. P unmodifed plural noun is less
likely to b individuated, and thus mor likely to b tated 8 a collective,
taking a feminine singular verb or predicate, whereas adjectival
modification automatically makes the noun more specified and thus
more individuated. Examination of agreement data in the dialects yields
several indications that agreement patters of verb and subject differ
from those of adjectives.
In Moroccan, Harrell notes that inanimate nouns only rarely, "in
isolated idioms and stereotyped phrases, " take feminine singular
agreement (1962: 158). My Moroccan corpus contains one instance in
which a plural noun takes a feminine adjective, and here, the noun in
question, /masa'il/ things, belongs to the formal register of Arabic,
which probably explains the feminine singular adjective /qbil.a/ ugly:
Ml O
Number. Agreement. and Possession
U~ J
'agna 'agniya' 'amerka (am trUQ tiskun bi-ha l-mant'a.
richest of-the-rich-p of-America prog 3fs-goes 3fs-lives in-this
The richest of the rich of America are going to live in this area
Cowell lists a number of examples containing subjects Inasl people,
I'ahl/ people, folks, and plurals ending in the feminine leI (a Syrian
variant of la/) such as Isaggilel workers, and I'asatzel professors
( 1964:424). All but one of Cowell's examples contain deflected verb
subj ect agreement, but not noun-adjective agreement. The exception
contains two types of agreement with the noun, the plural pronoun
I-honl them and the feminine adjective Ikbirel large ( 1964:423):
2.2 Agreement Patters of Plural Nouns
" " U;uU
ciyalu mg mitrbbiyin
children-his neg raised-properly-p
His children haven't been raised properly [aren't well behaved]
E4 _ | _L| L
q O
J l
mitl iz-zibdiyye -ini moen ra rannetiha bitrinn
like the-bowl the-china from-where nom rang-you-3fs indic-3fs
Like a china bowl, wherever you tap it, it rings
The next two examples, from Syria and Kuwait, show the masculine
adjective /'adi/ normal modifying feminine nouns of low individuation:
S2 .
bikOn 'andu agle 'adi
indic-it-is at-him thing normal
It is for him a normal thing
.uc ,_c|
fa-<allet n: sa'a ba'den ar:t is-salfa 'adi
so-remained-I half hour then became-3fs the-talk (0 normal-ms
So I remained hal an our, then conversation became normal
Individuation thus seems to affect the neutralized agreement
patters of certain adjectives. Most of Sallam's examples consist of
words for nationality, educational classes, such as class or course
curriculum, and the like; in other words, they provide classificatory
description (membership in a class) rather than the identification of a
specific or particular item ( 1 .2). Classificatory adjectives are more
likely to show neutralized agreement. Sallam's data and Belnap's
elicitation tasks both center on indefinite nouns, and thus do not provide
adequate samplings covering the entire individuation continuum. Indirect
64 Number, Agreement, and Possession
evidence supporting this analysis lies in the parallel of neutralized
agreement in Egyptian to the relative frequency of feminine singular
agreement with plural nouns, as compared to other dialect regions (2.2).
To really test this theory, however, a ful l range of both definite and
indefinite data is needed.
Sallam's Egyptian data present a particular problem: while (a),
(b), and (c) below are attested, his informants reject (d) as ungrammatical
( 1979:25-8; all these nouns are feminine, all the adjectives masculine):
(a) _ta
(b) _ t
warda baladi
'asida 'arabi
a home-grown rose a
Arabic poem
_| j|
il-Iahga I-mari
the Egyptian dialect
..warda mari Egyptian rose
This patter can be explained using the individuation hierarchies. The
masculine adjective /mari/ Egyptian can modify the defmite but abstract
feminine noun /il-Iahga/ dialect, but not the indefinite but otherwise
individuated /warda/ rose, flower. The fact that /warda/ one rose can
be modified by masculine /baladi/ native, unsophisticated is a function
of the adjective /baladi/. Like other adjectives that tend to take neutralized
agreement, viz. , /tani/ other, another, /'adi/ usual, normal, and /kUrt
many (Belnap 1 99 1 : 93), /baladi/ describes something completely
unremarkable, and in that sense, unindividuated.
1 1
An unexpected use of the infrequently used plural adjective /kutar/
many, usually neutralized as /kUrt (masculine singular form), not only
supports this analysis, but also provides a sociolinguistic motivation
for some of these agreement patters. Belnap cites a rare instance of
plural agreement /kutar/ many with both the plural /wuzara/ ministers
and the (often) collective /nas/ people ( 1 991 : 93):
Sallam's observation that Ibaladi/ occurs in the feminine in the phrase /magalis
baladiyya/ local councils ( 1 979:27) is explained by the fact that Ibaladi/ in this
latter case has a different meaning, referring to the local township (the phrase
does 00 mean native or unsophisticated councils). I suspect that the adjective
/mari/ Egyptian functions in a way opposite that of Ialadi/, at least to some
extent. For most Egyptian speakers, /mari/ carries a highly positive identity
connotation, and in this sense should tend to show patters of high individuation.
A sociolinguistic investigation of this topic might produce interesting results.
2.3 Agreement Neutralization 65
E |_Lg c- J| . . . _ gL cL
y| | _
' = ~
mat-3ms minha 'arbae ubyan
died-he from-her four boys
Four boys of hers died
Normally, verbal idioms whose subjects exprss periods of time exhibit
masculine singular agreement regardless of the subject's number and
gender. In examples such as the following, the low individuation of
the time period may affect the degree to which verb and subject agree:
En ..W L JL
ba'a-li saea mistanniki
became-3ms-for-me hour (f having-been-waiting-f-for-you
I have been waiting for you for an hour
68 Number, Agreement, and Possession
S4 d _L |
t. d _L |
'issa ra ar lak jim'a, 'ar tiyyam ra ar-Iak
yet neg became-3ms for-you week ten days neg became-3ms
You haven't even [been married] a week yet, not even ten days
Another example, from Behnstedt and Woidich's rural Egyptian Delta
texts, introduces a stolen water buffalo. In the first sentence, indefinite
feminine /gamOsa/ (a) water bufalo is preceded by a masculine singular
verb, /insara'/ it was stolen, while in the second, the now defined
/ig-gamOsa/ the water bufalo is preceded by a feminine singular verb
/insara'it/ it was stolen (Behnstedt and Woidich 1 987 : 26, translation
_ =
,= ='
fi-marra min i1-'ayyam waQid 'indine, insara' minnu gamOsa min
betu. fa-Iamma nsara'it ig-gamOsa wu xaragit . . .
there-is once among the-days one-m at-us, was-stolen-3ms from
him water-buffalo from house-hi s. so-when was-stolen-3fs the
water-buffalo and got-away-3fs . . .
There [was] one day a man among us who had a water bufalo
stolen/rom his house. So when the water bufalo was stolen and
got out . . .
While verb-subject neutralization patters i n spoken Arabic often
parallel formal Arabic rules, these formal rules themselves reflect the
same pragmatic principles that other agreement patters do. One patter
that emerges from the examples of verb-subject neutralization cited
here is that the subject is often indefinite, non-specific, or non-human.
mother words, these subjects are of low individuation. Another possible
explanation for the agreement neutralization is that the indefinite subjects
in some of these cases represent new topics; as such, they carry the
pragmatic fous of te sentence. The verb, on the other hand, is thematic.
Perhaps the neutralization of thematic sentence elements, such as
sentence- or clause-initial verbs, lends greater prominence to the new
2.3 Agreement Neutralization 69
Moroccan does not seem to show the same degree of agreement
neutralization as do other dialects. Harrell and Caubet do not mention
variation in verb-subject agreement in their grammars of Moroccan,
and examples I found of verb-subject word order show plural agreement
even with indefnite nouns, such as the following with plural /zaw/ they
came preceding /drari/ kids (Caubet 1993ii:273, translation mine):
M _ , c
zaw drari ysuwwlu <lik
came-they kids they-ask about-you
[Some J kids came asking for you
A Moroccan informant confirms this general patter, and finds the
singular verb /Z unacceptable here, but provides the following minimal
pair contrasting a plural verb (right) with a neutrlized verb (left):
, .= .{.
mat-Iha rb<a d l-wlad matu-lha rb<a d l-wlad
died-3ms-of-hers 4 gen the-kids died-p-of-hers 4 gen the-kids
She had four kid die Four of her kids died
The translations given for each sentence reflect my informant's
explanation of the difference in terms of focus between them: in the
example on the right, the focus is on the children who died, whereas
the neutralized example on the left focuses on the woman herself. His
intuition can be rephrased using the individuation hierarchy. In the
example on the right, the children who died are more individuated, and
hence plural agreement is used. By contrast, in the sentence on the
left, the children have lower textual prominence, and hence less
individuation, which helps to explain the neutralized agreement.
Moroccan speakers thus tend to favor plural agreement for both
adjectives and verbs. If substantiated by further research, the lower
frequency of collective and neutralized agreement variation I perceive
in Moroccan would provide an interesting parallel to the Moroccan
tendency to mark individuation, espcially i human nouns ( 1 .6).
A Moroccan informant finds this example unusual, preferring fi drmil some
kids to the unmarked Idrmil kids cited by Caubt. His intuition confirms the
Moroccan tendency to favor marking individuation in human nouns noted i n
1 . 6.
70 Number. Agreement. and Possession
2.4 Genitive and Possessive Constructions
Spoken Arabic makes use of two constructions to express
possessive and genitive relationships: the construct phrase (Arabic
/iQafal) that links two nouns together to specify a genitive or possessive
relationship between them, and the so-called "analytic" genitive, which
makes use of a genitive exponent to express that relationship. Haring's
1 980 study of these two constructions includes all documented forms
of spoken Arabic and is far more detailed and comprehensive than is
possible here. Her use of the terms synthetic and analytic, respectively,
to refer to them, and her characterization of the genitive exponent as a
"dialectal innovation" ( 1 980: 10) refect a widely shared view that spoken
Arabic has long been in the process of shifting from a synthetic language
to an analytic one whose syntactic relationships are expressed through
strings of discrete morphemes.
Overlooked in this analysis is that Arabic has, throughout its
documented history, had a number of alterative constructions to the
iQlfa. As Haring mentions, a number of "analytic" annexation particles
are well-documented for Classical Arabic, most common of them /li-/
for, belonging to and /min/ of The dialects also make use of these
prepositions as genitive markers. Cowell includes among his examples
two pairs of synonyms, on the left the construct phrase and on the right
its near equivalent with an exponent ( 1964: 460)
|_ uu
ha -a'fet 1-'arQ ha -a'fe R1-arQ
that piece of land that piece of land
S _
|q L
mat minha 'arba' ubyan
died-he from-her four boys
Four boys of hers died
The use of /Ii-I i n formal Arabic i s of particular comparative
interest here. While it is grammatically possible to translate The Yemeni
Language Center using a construct phrase, (a), the preferred rendering
uses the preposition /Ii-I, (b):
CA ,m j.
markaz al-Iugat al-yamani
center (of the-languages
al-markaz al-yamani Ii-I-Iugat
the-center the-Yemeni
The preferred title, (b), places a contrastive focus on Language not
conveyed by (a), and for this reason, presumably, is favored, since the
title refers to the Yemeni Language Center, as opposed to the Yemeni
Cultural Center, the Yemeni Trade Center, or any other center in Yemen.
By contrast, (a) places a focus on Yemeni, and might refer to a Yemeni
Language Center as opposed to an Egyptian or Saudi Language Center.
This function of /Ii-I parallels one of the functions of the dialect
exponents. Cowell provides examples from Syrian, including the
following minimal pair, of which (a) is preferred over (b) ( 1964:460):
(a) (b)
S l
I-fars ' z-Mid taba, OI-bet
fars 'I-bet 'z-zdid
the furiture the-new gen the-house furiture of-the-house the-new
the new furniture of the house the new furniture of the house
I will show that constrctions ivolving the exponents often convey
specifc pragmatic information that the construct phrase does not. The
choice a speaker makes between the two constructions is govered by
general principles shared to some extent by most dialect regions, even
though the frequency of the exponents varies considerably.
Table 2- 1 lists the most common genitive exponents in the four
72 Number, Agreement, and Possession
Table 2-1: Genitive Exponents
Genitive Exponents
Masculine Feminine Plural
Morocan dyal l d -
. -.-
Egyptian bitl' bitl' it bim`
Syrian taba' -
Kuwaiti mll (mllat) (mllot)
Gender and number agreement is obligatory only in Egypt. Syrian
grammars give no feminine form corresponding to Itaba'l; Cowell
gives two optional plural forms, /taba'atl and Itaba'Ul/ ( 1964:489).
Kuwaiti masculine Imall often modifies feminine and plural nouns.
2.4. 1 Harning's Study
Haming's ( 1980) comparative study of the construct and genitive
exponents covers all documented Arabic-speaking regions, and explores
the relative frequency of the genitive exponents and factors that motivate
their use in Arabic dialects. Haming classifies the genitive exponents
in six groups, mainly according to frequency, geography, and type of
society (rural, bedouin, and urban), ranging from Group I, in which the
exponents are limited to fixed expressions, to Group VI, in which the
exponent is more productive than the construct ( 1 980: 1 58-60). She
notes two "major dividing line(s)," one separating wester North Africa
from the rest of the region, and the other separating urban, rural, and
bedouin societies ( 1 60-61).
The four dialects studied here represent three of Haring's six
groups, ranging from the highest frequency count of Morocan (Haring's
Group VI) to the second lowest frequency of Kuwaiti and Syrian (Group
II). In the middle range stands Egyptian (Group IV).
For the Persian Gulf dialects, Haring lists both /mal/ and /Dagg/
O geni tiNe exponents; according to my data, only the former fulfills
that role in Kuwaiti. Johnstone ( 1 967 :90) confirms that Kuwaiti /Dagg/
2.4 Genitive and Possessive Constructions 73
functions as an indirect object marker that may be used predicatively,
and has the same meaning as /-I to, for. From my data:
K4 |
_ q|
ahab ummha lagg nfra
gold of-mother-her for Nura
Her mother's gold is for/belongs to Nura
Te following typical examples show that /agg usually (but not always)
precedes nouns, whereas /-I normally ocurs with pronoun objects
KI | g _|
w agil Iagg mlammad abal iI-xer
and I-say to Mohammed moring of-the-good
I say to Mohammed, 'Good morning'
K2 d _|1.1
'ana agfl lak
I I-say to-you
I'll tell you
Haing observes that naratives tend to contain a higher prcentage
of exponents than dialogues, and proposes discourse motivation for the
selection of that particular constrction in certain narrative contexts
( 1 980: 36-38). However, not all narrative contexts are naturally
conducive to the appearance of exponents. Te absence of exponents
from one of my Kuwaiti narrative texts is to be explained by its topic
of arranging marriages, since genitive exponents tend not to b used to
modify familial and marital relationships (for exceptions in Egyptian,
see 2.4.5). Most of the examples of genitive exponents in my Kuwaiti
data come from an interview with an elderly, illiterate woman, rather
than the interviews with the younger, more educated speakers.
Te aim of this brief overview of genitive constructions in the
dialects is to investigate possible formal and pragmatic constraints or
factors motivating the choice of construction. Haring's study makes
several important observations about what she calls "stylistic" factors,
which may be more precisely described as pragmatic and discourse
functions. She notes, for example, that certain climactic passages in
narratives tend to contain exponent phrases that give more weight to
74 Number, Agreement, and Possession
the passage, and that in parallel genitive constructions, the longer,
weightier exponent phrases tend to occur at the end of the list, as a
signal of closure ( 1980:37, 91 , 1 43).
Rather than viewing the choice between the construct and the
exponent phrase as a choice between "two parallel genitive systems"
signalling "a dynamic process of language development" (Haring
1 980: 1), the exponent is better viewed as belonging to the same system
as the constrct, just as /li-I and other prepositions have always provided
alteratives to the construct in formal Arabic. The speaker chooses
between a costruct and an exponent on the basis of formal, semantic,
and pragmatic considerations that will now be examined.
2.4.2 Formal Motivations for the Use of the Genitive Exponent
In a study of the genitive construction in North African dialects,
Mars: ais ( 1 977) points out that the morphological form and weight of
the phrase play a role in the choice between the construct and an
exponent. He attributes the use of the latter to a multi-term noun
phrase, suffixed or otherwise modified nouns, or to a phrase in which
direct annexation would "disfigure" the syllabic structure ( 1977: 1 7 1 ) .
Haring lists similar motivations for the use of exponents i n Kuwaiti
( 1980:35-6), Egyptian (90), and Syrian (52).
Borrowed words of foreign origin and words ending in a long
vowel in general cannot take pronoun suffixes and do not readily fit
into Arabic morphosyntactic patters; therefore, they tend to occur
with a possessive exponent rather than in a construct (see el-Tonsi
1 982i : 16). Duals (excluding the pseudo-dual parts of the body) also
tend not to be used in construct phrases (Haring 1 980:61 ; el-Tonsi
1 982i: 1 6; Marsais 1 977: 1 7 1 ) , perhaps because of the morphological
awkwardness of adding a suffix to the dual suffix I-en/. Pragmatics
might play a role here as well, because the dual ending often indicates
a degree of individuation, a factor that tends to favor the use of the
genitive exponent.
The main formal motivations for the choice of the exponent
include: multi-ter annexation (three or more nouns), the presence of
modifying adjectives, and parallel phrases with more than one head
2.4 Genitive and Possessive Constructions
noun. Of the following Egyptian pair, el-Tonsi gives strong preference
to (a) over (b) ( 1982i : 1 9):
c g
mal'ab it-tinis bita' in-nadi
court the-tennis gen the-club
The tennis court of the club
mal'ab tinis in-nadi
court tennis the-club
The tennis court of the club
Cowell gives two possible Syrian variants formy uncle's gasoline station,
both of which contain exponents ( 1 964:461). The variant on the right
carries an emphasis on gasoline, while the one on the left highlights my
uncle as possessor. In each case, the exponent focuses attention on a
particular piece of infonation:
I | M
ml)anet 'ammi taba' l-banzin
[station uncle-my gen the-gas]
my uncle's gasoline station my uncle's gasoline station
The following Kuwaiti sentence contains a complex phrase consisting
of three nouns, one of which is a possessive pronoun: Irab'l fiends,
/hal her, and lil-madrasel the school. It is syntactically impossible to
append a noun after a possessive pronoun, so this speaker has little
choice but to use the exponent Imal/:
,+l =+w<,l
= ,
rabi'ha mal il-madrasa yiyunha w yat 'ummha w tradathum
friends-her gen the-school they-come-to-her and came-she mother
her and threw-out-them
Her friends from school would visit her and her mother came
and threw them out
These structural factors parallel the pragmatics of infonnation
packaging. mthe following section, I will show that the use of exponents
allows a focus on the possessor not present in the construct phrase.
Another possible motivation for avoiding multi-ten constructs may lie
in the ambiguity of the multiple relationships. In processing two
possessive relationships at the same time, it may help the listener to
know which one carries particular weight or focus. Hence, structural
and pragmatic considerations seem to be at least partly related.
76 Number, Agreement, and Possession
2.4.3 Pragmatic Functions
Haming notes for individual dialect areas "stylistic factors" that
influence the choice of genitive construction, including the introduction
of a new theme and contrast ( 1 980: 37-8, 63-4, 91 -2). This observation
may be more precisely phrased ill pragmatic terms: the genitive exponents
fulfi ll specific pragmatic functions that the construct phrase does not.
First, the exponent places a focus on the possessing noun (in linear
terms, the second noun) not conveyed by the construct phrase. In
addition, the exponent lends a possessive phrase greater textual
prominence, signalling a relatively high degree of indi viduation,
contrastive focus, or the first mention of an entity in discourse. These
features naturally overlap; thus it is not surprising to find more than
one at work in many cases.
The exponent is likely to occur in genitive phrases that are specified
or individuated. Cowell points out that Syrian /taba'/ generally indicates
identificatory annexion, and only rarely classificatory ( 1 964:461 ). It is
often used to express professional relationships, such as his oficer in
the following:
S2 |
i<-<abit taba'u
the-officer gen-his
his oficer
In the following passage, the Egyptian speaker describes how an
insect crawled into her ear. The insect is highly individuated, textually
prominent and has the power to cause the speaker pain, all factors
which help attract the use of the genitive exponent /bita'/ in the phrase
/l-miswar bita'ha/ its journey
.Lu_ Lu | ia
| | _
hiyya daxalit, daxalit li-ladd 'and iHabla mis 'arfa t'addi, fa-'a'da
tixabba fi ablit widni 'asan ti'addi tikammil ba'a l-miswar bita'ha
As Diem ( 1 986) has shown, the concept of alienability helps explain why
genitive exponents are not generally used to express relationships involving
family and parts of the body, which are inalienable relationships.
2.4 Genitive and Possessive Constructions 77
it entered-3fs, entered-3fs to-extent at the-drum neg knowing
it-pass so-siUing-f it-bang in drum of-ear-my in-order-to it-pass
it-complete that-is the-jouey gen-its
[The insect] entered, entered as far as the [ear]drum, not being
able to pass, so it keeps on banging my eardrum in order to pass,
to finish its jourey
The exponent can also add contrastive focus to a genitive phrase,
usually to the possessor. mthis Moroccan example, the girl's possession
of the room is singled out and contrasted in the absolute, her ver own
Ml l U_ q;l q _ l;_L_. _um U
bbwaha malik salan w nac dar-iha I-bit dyalha bW-uIdha
father-her king sultan and got-up-he made-he for-her the-room
gen-her by-self-her
Her father was a king, a sultan, and he up and made for her her
ver own room (suite)
The next passage contains both constructs and exponents, first the
construct, /waldha/ her son, then the exponent, /l-wald dyalha/ her son
(in boldface). After the first mention of the son, in construct, the
narrator explicitly contrasts the identity of the man's two wives. The
second mention of the son contains the exponent /dyaiha/ her [own] in
reference to the man's first wife, highlighting the focus on her identity
as possessor, while simultaneously emphasizing the horror of her deed:
Ml l
_ l;L |q_g 9 |_l . l
l JL
u| l _l
=|l |_l
l _
gat-Iu 'a r-razal l-mra klat waldha - hadi c-crra - zuz d 1_'yalat
mzawwaz r-razI, I-mra I-xwra ga[llt-Iu I-mra klat I-wald dyalha
said-she to-him Othe-husband, the-wife ate-she son-her--this the
second-wife--two gen the-women having married the-husband the
woman other said-she to-him the-woman ate-she the-son gen-hers
'he occurrence of /d/ in /101 d 1-'ylH two wives is not a true possessive,
but marks the specification of a quantity, in this case two. Moroccan /d/
fulfills this syntactic role for quantities between two and ten.
Number, Agreement, and Possession
She said to him,
Husband, the woman ate her son-this is the
second wie {talking)-two women the guy married, the other wife
told him, the woman ate her own son.
Kuwaiti /mal/ often occurs in phrases contrasting with other named
or implied entities. In the first example, the speaker uses /mal/ to
contrast the forgetfulness of old age with that other kind. In the second,
she contrasts love in the old days with love in the post-oil era:
=| .
| ' .> Y
la -- haga nisyan mal kubur, mi nisyan mal gak
no--this forgetfulness gen old-age, neg forgetfulness gen that
Nothis is forgetfulness of old age, not that other kind of
. _
| . | _,_ . _l
ubb 'awwal . . . mi mal I-In, al-In yibbha w yri, flis, wayid
love of-old-days . . . neg gen now, now he-loves-her and he-goes,
money, much money
Love in the old days . . . not (like love) of today, these days he
loves her and leaves (her), money, lots ofmoney
Similarly, here one particular house of this member of the ruling family
is contrasted to his other houses:
k- .,_
_q |
bet amad l-yabir mal id-dlra
house Ahmed al-labir gen- the-old-city
Ahmed AI-laber's house (the one) ofthe old city
Nouns that play a role as discourse topic, that is, figure importantly
in a narrative, often attract special syntactic marking ( 1 . 5, 2. 1 ). Genitive
phrases with exponents often play a role as discourse topic. In the
following, the hair of a lion will play a discourse role in the story,
hence its first mention is marked with /mal/:
k: _c
'J +>
sikirtert[h]a la-mart ra'is ij-jam'a da"it talifon
secretary-her obj-wife of-president of-the-university called-she
The secretar of the president of the universit's wie called
Although the primary function of /la-/ involves marking a resumptive
topic, it often occurs in genitive constructions, where it fulfills a role
similar to that of genitive /taba'/ in that both particles allow the spaker
to order and rank the relationships among multiple ters in a way that
aids the listener to keep track of them. In Egyptian, the only acceptable
way to express this idea would contain genitive /hita'/ (or feminine
- | -,'
is-sikritera bta'it mirat ra'is ig-gam'a
the secretary gen wife of-president of-the-university
The secretar of the wie of the president of the universit
Number, Agreement, and Possession
Egyptian /bita'/ shares with Syrian /taba'/ syntactic restrictions
and most semantic and pragmatic functions, the main exception being
the greater Egyptian use of /bita'/ in defining social relationships, as
contrasted to Syrian /taba'/ (see 2. 4. 5). From this perspective, the
discrepancy Haming finds between the frequency of the exponents in
these two urban areas is unexpected. However, the availability of /la-/
to Syrian speakers as an infonnation packaging device helps to explain
both the lower frequency of /taba'/ and why Syrian speakers tend not to
use it as often in describing social relationships.
2.4.4 Exponents and Individuation
The genitive exponents tend to reflect a high degree of spcifcation
or individuation as contrasted with the construct phrase. Syrian and
Egyptian exponents seem to be limited to this pragmatic function for
the most part. Morocan and Kuwaiti, on the other hand, allow exponents
to classify (rather than individuate) nouns. In syntactic terms, the
exponents in Moroccan and Kuwaiti are more frequently used to modify
indefinite nouns and/or nonspecific possessors than their Egyptian and
Syrian counterparts.
Haming notes "qualification" as a common semantic characteristic
of exponent phrases, but she does not make the distinction that Cowell
does between classification and identification. Thus her examples of
"qualification" include the use of exponents to individuate, such as
Egyptian /il-kitab bita' is-silr/ the book of magic, which clearly refers
to a specific book (87) and Moroccan /l-ma d[] l-bakor/ Ie jus des
figue-feurs [sap of unripe figs 1 ( 1 36), a classificatory identification.
It is important to make this distinction between classification
(generic identity, low individuation) and identification (specific identity,
high individuation), because it corresponds to a difference in the usage
of the exponents in the dialects. Moroccan and Kuwaiti speakers use
their exponents to classify and individuate, while Egyptian and Syrian
speakers generally use the exponent to individuate but not to classify
(except in certain idiomatic expressions noted below).
The following examples from Moroccan and Kuwaiti data show
the exponents qualifying or classifying, but not individuating the nouns
2.4 Genitive and Possessive Constructions 8 1
they modify. The nouns that constitute the first tenns of these genitive
phrases are all indefinite, and the possessors are generic rather than
specifc. Te genitive phrase as a whole is thus low in individuation:
' .
' .
=< = _
zayy ra 'ult li-l)a<ritik da 'isma wi naib wi laga bita'it rabbina
as nom said-I to-presence-your this fate and lot and thing gen
Like I told you, Ma'am, this is/ate, and something of God's
Syrian and Egyptian infonants reject constructions with non-
spcifc possessors as weak. Grma of both dialects confnn: Cowell
remarks that it is rare for Syrian /taba'/ to annex an indefinite possessor
( 1 964:489); for Egyptian, el-Tonsi specifes a limited set of idiomatic,
82 Number, Agreement, and Possession
predicated contexts in which /hita'/ can annex an indefinite noun
( 1 982i: 20).
One of the few instances in which Egyptian and Syrian exponents
/hita'/ and /taba'/ annexes an indefinite possessor is a shared idiomatic
expression meaning someone who likes (a meaning I have not found
for Moroccan /dyal/ or Kuwaiti /mal/):
E _'
| ,
da ragH bita' niswan
that man gen women
yg_ LI
ana mi bita' kalam
I neg gen talk
He likes women/is a ladies man
huwwe taba' niswan
he gen women
He likes women/is a ladies man
I'm not all talk [and no action]
L L|
| _L_1 |
Itatta l->ashum malot :l-jam'iyya Iawwal-hum b-isma
even the-stocks gen the-association changed-he-them in-name-his
Perhaps derived from lf yad/ in the hand of
2.4 Genitive and Possessive Constructions 83
Even the shares of the association he transferred them to his
xallaaw il-jam'a mal bagdad, yaw
finished-they the-university gen Baghdad, came-they
They fnished [at} the Universit of Baghdd, they came back
Cowell's examples include plural forms /taba'at/ and taba'OI/. In the
following, the contrasting agreement on /taba'/, frst singular then plural,
may reflect the relative importance of the pictures to each speaker.
Te first speaker lays no claim to them, and uses neutralized agreement;
the second, on the other hand, owns the pictures, and in claiming
possession, perhaps emphasizes their uniqueness or importance to him
or her by using the plural /taba'Oll (example from Cowell 1 964:489):
iQ-Qabi taba'on
the officer gen-theirs
Their commanding oficer
In the opposite direction socially, I have heard i Lebanon both /an''tna/
and /'-an'a ta'itna/ for our maid (Cowell confirms the use of both
constructions in Syrian, 1 964:460).
My Kuwaiti corpus contains one example of /mal! modifying a
human, the guard of the lion:
For a sociolinguistic study of social hierarchy in Egypt, see Parkinson ( 1 985).
1 8
However, lis-sitt bita<til i s necessi tated by the use of Isittil to mean my
2.4 Genitive an Possessive Constructions
kil yom titiri fxUg laIam w tril ta(tiha li-I-laris mala
every day she-buys thighs meat and she-goes she-gives to-the
guard gen-3ms
Ever day she would buy legs of meat and go give them to its
(the lion's) guard
Te same speaker uses a constrct to express her driver:
al-lin 1-(ayUz drewilha wajif
we the-old-woman driver-her standing
Now, the old woman, her driver is standing by
However, the context here is that of a general statement, rather than a
specific driver of a specific woman. The exponent tends to b used in
cases which indicate a degree of specificity of either party, or both.
At the other end of the continuum, Moroccan speakers can use
/dyal/ to refer to any human relationship, even immediate family:
l-wld dyalha
the-son gen-hers
the son ofhers, her son
2.4.6 Moroccan/ dyall
Of all the exponents in the four dialect regions, Morocan /dyal/
(variant /d/) shows the highest frequency.
Haming concludes that the
exponent phrase is more productive than the constrct, except in limited
contexts of intimate relationships ( 1980: 1 60; see Harell 1962: 1 94-201
for a list of "limited" contexts in which the constrct is normally used).
Tis high frequency is due at least in part to the wider range of syntactic
roles that Moroccan /dyal/ plays compared to its counterparts.
Haming and Fischer and lastow, among others, claim that the particle
/dyaJ/ is "always" (Haming 1 980: 1 15) or "usually" (Fischer and lastrow
1980:93) used with pronoun suffixes. Not only is that notion dismissed by
several informants, but my data contain numerous counter-examples to such
86 Number, Agreement, and Possession
Moroccan /dyal/ occurs in various semantic and syntactic contexts
in which other exponents are rarely, if ever, used. One of these contexts
is quantification with numbers from two to ten, which may not be
expressed with the construct in other dialects.
' . .
x;msa d drah;m
five gen dirhams
five dirhams
Moroccan speakers also use /dyal/ in expressions meaning a lot of and
how much of
d;ww;zna l-iyyam, bnzaf dyal -qa
passed-we the-days, a lot gen the-toiling
We passed the dys, {doing] a lot of hard work.
M2 | .u_q.jjLl _q._ | _
'iwa, Qal dyal l-msayl w Qal dyal hada --
yes how-much gen the-problems and how-much gen this
So many problems and so much of this --
In most dialects, the genitive exponent may not modify an inalienable
noun, but Moroccan /dyal/ often does:
Ml d q..|
l-w;dnin dyalk
the-ears gen-yours
the ears of yours, your ears
q._,' = ., L
ra tat f I-bal dyali
neg came-3fs in the-mind gen-mine
It never entered my mind
Tese examples show that Moroccan /dyal/ functions as a genitive
case-marking particle that marks not only possession, but also
Harning notes that a (century-old) text from the southwestern Moroccan
dialect of Houwara uses /nta'/ as the normal genitive exponent (as does the
entire region), but contains /d/ in the quantifying phrase /sb'a d-I-U1ad/ seven
sons ( 1 980: 1 3 1 ).
2.5 Summary 87
quantification, which the exponents of the other dialects may not do.
Te higher fequency of Morocan /dyal/ is thus partly explained by its
greater functional capacity.
Chapter 1 demonstrated that animacy and specification seem to
affect definite marking in Moroccan nominal phrases in such a way
that Moroccan speakers tend to prefer definite marking on animate and
specifed nouns. It seems possible that the high frequency of /dyal/
relative to exponents of other dialects may be partly related to the
relatively wider use of the definite article in Moroccan speech, since
/dyal/ allows the defnite article to b retained on one or both nouns in
a genitive phrase.
2.5 Summary
This chapter has explored the influence of individuation on two
types of noun modifcation, number agreement and possession. The
discussion of number ageement included an exploration of the category
of dual in spoken Arabic.
Examination of various phenomena of dual numbr and agreement
led to several conclusions and a hypothesis concering its historical
development. Building on Blanc's distinction btween dual and pseudo
dual ( 1 970), I proposed further distinctions between productive and
non-productive, and specific and non-specific duals. The category of
dual consists of several different kinds of dual: frozen fons, most of
which refer to body parts, a non-specific dual meaning a couple of and
a "new topic" dual that has specific pragmatic fnctions and is limited
to individuated nouns. The productivity of the dual suffix /-en/ on
nouns appars to be limited, either to certain classes of words in some
cases, or to pragmatic functions in others. Periphrastic dual fons
appear to be the nonn i n Morocco and Kuwait; and the dual suffx
/-ayn/ is not a productive fonn in Moroco. This evidence led to a call
for a reevaluation of the history of the dual in spoken Arabic, one that
takes into account category-specifc developments.
Number agreement patters in the dialects were shown to be
affected by the hierarchy of individuation. Te ageement of adjectives,
verbs and pronouns tends to be plural if the noun is highly individuated,
88 Number, Agreement, and Possession
i.e., is specific, definite, and/or high in textual or social prominence, an
agreement patter called here individuated plural agreement. By contrast,
plural nouns that reflect collective, abstract, non-specific, and/or
inanimate entities of low textual prominence tend to attract feminine
singular or deflected verb and pronoun agreement (adjectival agreement
less so, because adjectives tend to specify, giving the nouns they modify
greater individuation). This latter agreement patter is desi gnated as
collective plural agreement.
Similarly, the individuation of a possessive phrase, and particularly
the possessor, influences the choice of genitive construction, such that
the more individuated the phrase as a whole, or one of its members, the
more likely the speaker to express that relationship using a genitive
exponent. Formal and sociolinguistic motivating factors for the use of
the exponent were also noted.
Within this general shared framework, slight variations occur.
Moroccan speakers seem to have a greater tendency to use plural
agreement patters than speakers of other dialects. This tendency
provides an interesting parallel to the high frequency of the genitive
exponent /dyal/ in Moroccan, and also the greater use of definite and
specifying articles in Moroccan noted in Chapter 1 .
A distinction i s found between the two central dialects on the
one hand and the two peripheral dialects on the other in the use of the
genitive exponent (as opposed to the construct). Moroccan and Kuwaiti
speakers can use genitive exponents to indicate classificatory as well as
individuated identity, while Egyptians and Syrians tend to restrict the
use of the exponents to individuated phrases. The fact that the Moroccan
exponent /dyal/ has a much higher frequency than Kuwaiti /mal/ is
probably due in part to the Moroccan tendency to mark individuation
in nouns and to its wider syntactic range (/dyal/ also quantifes nouns
btween two and ten in number). Even so, this parallel btween Morocan
and Kuwaiti in the use of genitive exponents bears watching for future
3.0 Introduction
Ferguson ( 1 959: 630) includes the definite relative pronoun JilIi/
as one of fifteen features common to most modem Arabic dialects.
Grammars of the dialects concur: Mitchell ( 1 956: 57) notes that the
definite relative pronoun for Egyptian is /ilIi/; Cowell ( 1964:494) lists
for Syrian /halli/ and /yalli/ as variants of /illi/;
Johnstone ( 1 967) gives
lIi! for Kuwaiti; and Harrll (1962: 164) notes /lli/ and /a/ for Morocan.
These grammars specify that /ilIi! only relativizes a defnite head noun,
and that no relative pronoun is used if the head noun is indefnite.
In his Moroccan grammar, Harrell claims that /lli/ in definite
relative clauses "indicates specifically that the subordinate clause is a
restrictive adjectival modifier" of the head noun ( 1 962: 1 64). This
claim is not made for any other dialect, and it is refted for Moroccan
by this counter-example from my data in which /lli/ modifies the already
restricted /I-walida/, [my] mother:
M2 ,_,c _ ta|_|_d
kant xarfa l-walida iii fat 'ndi hiyya w 'ammti
was-she going-out the-mother reI came-she at-me she and aunt-my
My mother, who had come to my house, she and my aunt, was
going out
This example shows that /ilIi! can modify both restricted and non
restricted nouns in Moroccan, as it can in the other three dialect regions.
Relativization in formal Arabic utilizes a set of definite relative pronouns
infected for gender and number (see Cantarino 1975iii: 162), which contast
with the invariant pronoun lillil used in spoken Arabic.
It is not clear whether Iyalli/, /hallil and lilli! are free variations or reflect
some nuance of meaning. Some of Cowell's examples suggest that Iyallil
tends to be restrictive, whereas /hallil appears to be parallel to anaphoric
demonstrative /hal in that the reference is to an established or otherwise
identifiable referent, and is thus non-restrictive (Cowell 1964:495-8; see also
4.2). Cowell has few examples of lilli/, whereas my norther Syrian texts
contain only lilIi/; this discrepancy may reflect regional differences. Cowell
prefers to call these particles attibutives, since in his view tey do not corspnd
to the English relative pronouns (1964:495).
90 Relative Clauses
Relativization in spoken Arabic thus seems at first glance to be
almost uniform and highly analogous to the rules of literary Arabic in
its distinction between definite and indefinite head nouns and clauses,
the existence of a definite relative pronoun and the absence of an
indefinite one, and the lack of distinction between restrictive and non
restrictive clauses. Formal Arabic and most of the dialects make use of
what Keenan and Comrie ( 1 977) call case-marking relativizing strategy;
in Arabic relative clauses, a resumptive pronoun normally marks the
syntactic position of the relativized noun.
However, relativization in the four dialect regions turs out to be
more complicated, and more interesting, than this simplified picture
suggests. Relative clauses in spoken Arabic include a variety of
structures. First, the pronoun lillil can relativize not only definite
nouns, but also indefinite nouns, in all four dialect regions. Second,
while lillil clauses normally leave a resumptive pronoun in the position
of the relativized noun, the resumptive pronoun in the direct object
position is optional in many varieties of Arabic.
Among the four
regions examined here, Moroccan speakers in particular regularly omit
the resumptive pronoun in direct object position, whereas Egyptian and
Syrian speakers regularly reject its omission. My Aleppan data contain
lillil clauses in which the head noun of the relative clause stands in
construct (li<afal) with lillil, rather than the more usual noun-modifier
construction in which the head noun is marked definite. At the same
time, the function of lillil extends beyond relative clauses. Several
dialects use lillil as nominalizer andlor sentential complementizer in
certain contexts that will be explored here.
Relativization with particles other than lillil, while limited
geographically, is of comparative interest. While non-attributive relative
clauses headed by lillil are found in all areas, non-specifc, non-attributive
relative pronouns Imal and Iminl appear only in certain areas: Imal
Keenan and Comrie ( 1 977) differentiate between word order relatives and
case-marking relatives. The former is exemplified by English, in which the
relativized position is moved to the head of the clause, while Arabic typifies
the latter, leaving a resumptive pronoun as a "case-marker" of the relativized
noun. In the case of relativized subjects, the pronoun is normally expressed as
a verbal prefix, suffix, or circumfi x, according to verb morphology.
For Classical Arabic examples, see Wright ( l 898ii: 320).
3. 1 Relativization of Indefnite-Specic Nouns with /illi/ 91
something, anything occurs only in my Moroccan data and Iminl
someone, anyone only in Syrian.
Te existence of non-spcifc rlative
pronouns provides an important parallel to the existence of an indefnite
specifc article {il in these two dialects ( 1 .4). Moroccan speakers also
have at their disposal an additional relativizing stategy in which oblique
objects may be relativized with pronoun lia! in a word-order type
relative clause. The final section documents examples of a relative
pronoun Idl and variants in the speech of an elderly woman originally
from rural norther Morocco.
How do speakers of these dialects manage this range of relative
structures? A comparison of the contexts and types of nouns that
appear in these various clauses reveals that the degree of individuation
of the head noun affects the strategy used to relativize it. The more
individuated the noun, the greater the tendency to use the standard lilli!
clause with resumptive pronoun. Temporal nouns, lower on the scale
of individuation, have greater tendency to be relativized without
resumptive pronouns. The use of lilIiI as nominalizer or sentential
complementizer ofen occurs when a highly individuated noun appears
anywhere in the preceding clause, suggesting that high individuation
affects not only the noun phrase but also the sentence as a whole.
Tis chapter will examine these relative stcturs and other clauses
involving lillil in the four dialect areas.
3. 1 Relativization of Indefnite-Specifc Nouns with filIiI
Te grammars of Cowell 1964 (Syrian), Harell 1962 (Moroccan),
Mitchell 1956 (Egyptian) and Holes 1990 (Gulf all state that, in the
construction of relative clauses, definite head nouns require the relative
pronoun lillil, whereas indefinite head nouns do not admit it. Examples
of definite relative clauses from each
dialect region:
ese two pronouns are reflexes of fonal Arabic relatives /mat and /man/.
Wright defines these relative pronouns as "either definite or indefinite"
(1898ii: 319), but a better description according to the analysis propsed here
would be "partly specified."
Cf. Hopper and Thompson's ( 1980) theory of tansitivity, which argues for
a symbiotic relationship among various sentence constituents such that features
of "high transitivity," e.g., nominal salience, agency, perfective verbal aspect,
tend to co-occur in highly tansitive clauses.
Relative Clauses
Ml O g L|_'
|lli ra kayn ':mdu qima
the-fish rei neg there-is at-it value
The fish that has no value
E3 | _
ig-gU i l l i alic ig-gidid
the-generation rei coming-up the new
The new generation that's growing up
| ,_
| , td
} | t|
il-layat il 'it[h]a bi-'amerka lJayat dalas w daynasti
the-life rei lived-I-it in-America life of-Dallas and Dynasty
The lie [ lived in America [was} the lie of"Dallas" and "Dynast"
O_cl |
silliti mi hagi lli 'abi 'asafir wiyyaha
group-my neg this rei I-want I-travel with-her
This is not my group [offriends} that [ want to travel with
Examples of indefinite relative clauses include:
MI O | | | g, .
_ ,u
'awd tani kayn rnza kaylb:sha r-raz:l
then second there-is turban indic-he-wears-it the-man
Moreover, there is a turban that the man wears
cayza gihaz yitsaggil 'aleh lJagat
wants-f machine be-recorded on-it things
She wants a machine that things can be recorded on
j . | |
bgIt tumubii IIi tmi mnyan
wanted-I car reI it-goes good
I want a car that will run good (elicited)
In the following Egyptian sentence, the indefinite noun /tamsiliyya/
serial is modified by a clause headed by the defmite relative /(i)lli/:
E __|
|u___ |z _ Q
H walde yalli b;tzakkar[h]a [ra ';sm[h]a
[there-is one rei indic-I-remember-it in-it name-its]
There's one I remember that has her name in it
The inability of the definite/indefinite marking dichotomy to
predict the occurrence/absence of the relative pronoun /illi/ shows that
specificity is a feature that can extend beyond the noun to the noun
phrase as a whole, affecting the interaction of nouns with modifiers. m
the next example from Kuwait, the speaker uses the definite /illi/ to
relativize the indefinite noun /bnayyal girl. The speaker combines
Similarly, Feghali's study of Lebanese syntax concludes that fellif can be
used with indefinite as wel l as definite nouns and gives several examples
resembling those cited here ( 1 928: 31 1 ).
3. 1 Relativization of 1ndefinite-Specic Nouns with lillil 95
these two markings, one indefinite and the other definite, to indicate
the existence of some particular girl.
K2 L L
L * _
x x
ufi 10 -- kil ra yikun rayyal illi y1ibb ii-mara ufi binti ra
yihimma la 1aCi hala wala yihimma 1ai 'alad
see-f if -- ever nom it-b man reI he-loves the-wife see-f daughter
my neg it-concers-him talk of-family-his nor it-concers-him
talk of-anyone
Look, i -- whenever there is a man who loves [his] wie, see, my
dughter, neither the words of his family nor anyone else's word
concer him
Similarly, the following Syrian example contains the indefinite human
noun /nas/ people relativized with /yalli/ (Cowell 1964:499):
S . c_s_ a
& _
" 'andi adi' 'amerkani iii 'za Mid 'al- 'blM
*here-is at-me friend American rei came-he new to-the-country
" have an American friend who has just recently come to this
The best explanation for these seemingly paradoxical data appears to
lie in the pragmatic role of the noun itself. In this sentence, the noun
/adi' 'amerkani/ an Americanfriend represents M entity being introduced
for the first time. The speaker needs to establish both the new identity
and the topical role of the person, and therefore must mark the noun as
indefinite. Pragmatic and discourse roles thus also play a role in
determining the use of definite and indefinite markings in relative clauses.
Relativization also provides further evidence that nouns marked
with new-topic article /walid/ (Moroccan /wald 1-/; see 1 .5) fall within
the indefinite range of the definiteness continuum. In all dialects,
nouns marked with this article are modified as indefinite nouns (Harrell
specifies this rule for Moroccan, 1 962: 1 65). In the following, /wald
r-rzl/ one foot heads an indefinite relative clause /fh buzllOm/ it has
3. 1 Reiativization of Indefnite-Specic Nouns with lillil 97
arthritis. Here, the absence of te defnite Illi/ "balances" the specifing
article Iwald l/ sc that the combination of syntactic markings does not
overly "weight" the noun with defniteness.
l al_Oa
,_i u
qal liyya 'azi dlak-Iu walad r-dal Jaak h buzallum
said-he to-me come rub for-him one the-foot may-it-avoid-you
in-it arthritis
He told me, come and massage for him a leg that hadmay you
be spared-arthritis
In contrast, Moroccan nouns with indefnite-specifIc article i/
are commonly relativized with /Ilil (Harell 1 962: 1 65). Harrell cites an
example containing i tumubIl/ a car ( 1962: 1 65):
M ' L
> Q
. .
bgU si tumubIl lli tami mazyan
[wanted-I si car reI it-goes good]
I want a car that will run good
More difficult to explain is the following Kuwaiti example, in
which clearly non-specifc lay by/ anything is modifed using /illi/:
ay say 'indie muskila umm aJmad iQna Ja]rin. 'ay say illi tabIn
any thing at-you problem Umm Ahmed we present. any thing reI
Any kind of problem you have, Umm Ahmed, we're here. Any
thing that you want
The probable explanation for the use of defnite /illi/ here is that the
speaker wishes to give prominence to lay by/ anything, to stress that
every single request will b granted.
Speakers from Egypt, Syria, and Kuwait thus make use of a
combination of defnite and indefInite markings to indicate a higher
degree of specifIcity or individuation in head nouns of relative clauses.
However, pragmatic and discourse factors seem to mitigate against the
widespread use of this combination.
Classical Arabic grammars stipulate that relative clauses that
modify a definite head noun must be headed by a definite relative
98 Relative Clauses
particle, yet Wright cites the following Classical examples which violate
this rule ( 1 898ii : 3 1 8) :
. I . .
ra yanbagi li-r-rajuli yubihuka
that which beseems the man who is like thee
| u l |
. J
ka-ma!ali l-1imari yal;milu 'asJaran
like the ass which carries books
.L.. __ l
ka-I-jamn yuca'u Hr-ramadi
like the coal which is put among the ashes
The grammaticality of these sentences rests on an interpretation of
each head noun as indicating "not a particular individual (animate or
inanimate), but any individual bearing the name" (Wright 1 898ii : 31 8).
Thus these definite nouns are somehow "less definite" than others, or
more properly less individuated, and the syntax of the relative clause
that modifies these nouns reflects that status.
The mirrored relationship between the dialect examples on one
hand and Wright's Classical data on the other is worth noting: in the
dialects, the noun is indefinite and the descriptive clause carries defmite
marking, whereas in Classical Arabic, the noun carries definite marking
while the absence of the relative pronoun indicates the non-specific of
the referent. Both varieties of Arabic use similar strategies in combining
definite and indefinite markings to weight partly definite, partly specific
nouns in relative clauses, except that Classical Arabic marks definite
non-specific while the dialects, in general, mark indefinite-specific.
In either case, the specificity of the head noun affects the syntax
of the entire clause. The use of the definite relative pronoun lillil in
relativizing an indefinite head noun cannot be predicted or explained
0f the three examples Wright defines as relative clauses, native speakers of
Arabic prefer to analyze the second and third as circumstantial clauses. However,
the first example is difficult to dismiss.
There appears to exist a certain paral l el between Classical Arabic and
Moroccan in that Moroccan speakers tend to use the definite article to mark
non-specific nouns (see 1 .6).
3.2 Non-attributive Relative Clauses 9
by purely fonal rles, nor can it be judged grammatically "corect" or
"incorect;" rather, the combination of defnite and indefmite marking
rprsents a middle range of a continuum of spcifcity, and demonsttes
one way in which speakers control the syntactic rles of the language
to represent the world as they see it.
3.2 Non-attributive Relative Clauses
Two types of non-attributive relative clauses are found among
the four dialects. The first type, which uses the relative pronoun /illi/
without a head noun or referent, is found across all four dialect regions.
IIi y<awnk ra kayo w IIi ylnn Hkra kayo
reI he-help-you neg there-is and reI he-sympathize with-you neg
There's nobody to help you, nobod to take pit on you
El ,
illi kunt ba'isu
reI was-I indic-I-try-on-it
The one I was tring on
S2 t
illi mayyte 'immu yqaddim xawe
reI having-died-f mother-his he-advance step
[Anyone] whose mother has died, [must] step forward
2 .
' _' O' _'
tgOI mxlla iHanawiyya, w illi tgOI mxlla il-jam<a . . .
reI she-says having-finished the-high-school and reI she-says
having-fnished the-university ...
[There is someone] who says [my son] has fnished high school
and someone who says he has fnished college . . .
The second type of non-attributive relative clause employs non
attributive, non-specific relative pronouns /ma/ what or /min/ who(m).
Some Moroccan speakers use /I/ as a non-attibutive relative pronoun i n
indirect object position only (see 3.6).
Relative Imal commonly occurs in Moroccan speech:
) )
| c_d c
ra kayn ra ytdar
not there-is what he-be-done
There's nothing to do
Relative Clauses
M9 u ,c
, u
Hah ya'ik Qzza f qbr n-nabi w ya'ik ra tmnniti 'nd Jlih
God he-give-you pilgrimage in grave of-the-prophet and he
give-you what wanted-you at God
God grant you a pilgrimage to the Prophet's grave and give you
what you want from God
No examples of non-specific relative Imal occur in my Kuwaiti
data, but Holes reports that Imal is used in this manner in educated
Gulf Arabic, citing this example ( 1990:24):
G L m I c
ra gal lik gala
[what told-he to-you wrong]
What he told you was wrong
Relative Imal does not appear to be a regular feature of Egyptian or
Syrian speech, but Syrian speakers do make use of Iminl anyone as a
non-specific, non-attributive relative pronoun. Cowell notes that this
use of Iminl is limited to object position within the main sentence
( 1964:568); his example parallels the following one from my data:
ra biddon min yxub-Ion
neg want-they who they-arrange-marriage-for-them
They don't need anyone to arrange their marriage
It is worth noting that the usage of Moroccan Imal what and
Syrian Iminl who as non-specific relatives parallel the existence in both
While Egyptian, Syrian, and Kuwaiti speakers use Imal as a nominalizer,
Moroccan speakers normall y use /llil in this fashion:
m I
j _ _ . . .
. . . b-Ial lli gulti nti '8r;ww;llia 'rosa
. . . . like reI said-you you just having-taken-her bride
like you'd think he'd just taken her as a bride
3.3 Aleppan Relative Pronoun /iI/ 101
dialects of indefnite-specific article /Si/, suggesting that, in general,
these two dialects incorporate into their syntax more structures that
indicate a range of spcifcity or individuation in nouns tha do Egyptian
and Kuwaiti. While all four dialects employ various strategies to
individuate or spcify indefmite nouns, te number and kds of sttegies
available differ. Moroccan in particular tends to mark partly definite,
partly specifc nouns with specifying or defmite articles.
3.3 Aleppan Relative Pronoun Iill
In addition to lilIil, an abbreviated version, Ii II, is found in the
norther Syrian city of Aleppo. This /ill might at frst seem to be a
variant of lilIi! (Ferguson 1 959 implies so, and lall is attested as a
variant of lallaiI in Classical Arabic, Wright 1 898i:269); however, the
syntactic structure of the lill relative clause differs from that of lilIi/:
/ill in fact nominalizes the relative clause so that the relative pronoun
lies in construct with the head noun.
The following passage contains two examples of the lill
construction, which together exhibit two syntactic features which
distinguish the lill relative from the lilIi! construction: (a) the absence
of the definite article on the head nouns, Imanti't-I area and /betl house,
and (b) the pronunciation of the feminine It I in Imanfi't-I.
features clearly indicate that the head noun and the relative pronoun are
in a genitive or construct state.
LiI ,l
@ c.i
sLai Jl _
'axadna bet kUr kwayyis manWt il 'axadna f[h]a kUr kwayyse w
ganiyye ktlr w bet il 'axadna ktIr kwayyis
took-we house very nice area reI took-we in-it very nice and rich
very and house reI took-we-it very nice
We took a ver nice house, the area in which we lived was ver
nice and ver rich and the house we took [was] ver nice
Relative /ill as nominalizer occurs in many other areas of the
Levant as well, but in a more limited environment. Whereas Aleppan
he feminine It I on nouns is only pronounced when the noun is in constuct
state with a following noun, pronoun, or nominal clause.
102 Relative Clauses
speaker S5 nominalizes a range of nouns in this way, examples from
other parts of the Levant mainly contain temporal nouns lsDcal hour,
time or Iwa'tl time, as in the following example from a norther Syrian
<}.. =J
waqt il bimft biir byacmalU malak
time rei indic-he-dies indic-he-becomes indic-they-make-him
When he dies he becomes [such that] they make him out to be an
I his grammar of Lebanese, Feghali cites a number of similar examples
of this construction with IsDCt ii-I the time that (1 928:308).
These constructions containing IsDCt ii-I and Iwa't ii-I differ from
those in the S5 passage cited above in one important respect: while the
nouns !etl house and Imani't-I area in the S5 example are specifc,
the nouns Isacal hour, time and Iwa't/ time are non-specific. Evidence
from all four dialects suggests that the relativization of non-specific
temporal nouns constitutes a special case of relativization that is the
topic of the following section.
.+ Relativizing Non-specifc Temporal Nouns
Data from the dialects show a range of constructions in which
temporal nouns may b relativized. At one end of this rge lie norative
defnite relative clauses containing lillil and resumptive pronouns, and
at the other end a found nomialized clauses that rsemble the constct
like clause headed by lill. This latter use of lillil in temporal clauses
does not follow norative relative patters, in that lillil her functions
as a nominalizer to adverbial phrases whose head noun refers to time,
such as dy, hour, and so forth. These clauses are not true relative
clauses, since their head nouns are indefnite, and they function in the
sentence as adverbial clauses. Pragmatically, these clauses often tend
to be sentence-initial and thus thematic. In addition, the nouns used in
this constrction are low in specifcity.
Moroccan, Syrian, and Kuwaiti speakers all use lillil in temporal
clauses without resumptive pronouns. These Moroccan and Syrian
3.4 Relativizing Non-specic Temporal Nouns 1 03
sentences contain examples of temporal /illi/ with an indefinite head
noun, the /illi/ clause being appended to it in constrct state:
Ml l .v|L | l qd
nhlr IIi kbrat gal-lha 'a bnti rani ra cndi l-wUid
day rei grew-up-she said-he-to-her L daughter-my see-me neg
at-me the-children
When she grew up, he told her, My dughter, I do not have
[other] children
= '
wa't iIIi bitjawwazu bi'il-Iak lr ixtilart macha
time rei indic-they-marry indic-he-says-to-you became-it
differences with-her
When they get married, he tells you, [there have] occurred
disagreements with her
In the following Kuwaiti example, /illi/ modifies defmite /ha s-sinin/
these years, but no resumptive pronoun ocurs wdthe rlative clause:
zen yacni inti ha s-sinin ilIi mlrasti cidi ifti innhu?
good that-is you this the-years rei practiced-you like-this saw-you
Oky, these years that you've practiced, what have you seen?
This temporal /illi/ syntactically parallels the Egyptian use of
/ma/ as a temporal nominalizer, seen in the following:
E1 l L LjL
. . .
wi lamma manl afitu yom ra gibtu, igganninit
and when Manal saw-she-it day that got-I-it, went-crazy-she
And when Manal saw it the dy I got it she went craz [over it]
This parallel suggests that /illi/, when in genitive construct with a
following non-spcifc temporal noun such 8/saca/, acts as a nominalizer
and not as a relative, which explains the absence of resumptive pronouns
in these cases. Temporal nouns of low individuation seem to attract
nominalization rather than relativization.
It is thus diffcult to draw a well-defined boundary separating
relative clauses from nominalized ones, at least in the case of temporal
1 0 Relative Clauses
nouns. Rather, the modification of temporal nouns is probably best
viewed as lying along a continuum of specificity. The lower the
individuation of the noun, and the less salient the clause as a whole, the
more likely it is to be nominalized and/or not contain a resumptive
pronoun. Figure 2 diagrams the range of specificity of temporal nouns
and the syntactic structures that relativize them.
Figure 2: Relativization of Temporal Nouns
Nominalized with lilIil
or Ima/ in constrct
Relativized with lilli!
and full resumption
Syntactically, there appears to be a gradual transition from relative
clauses to nominalized clauses, particularly with non-specific temporal
nouns in Moroccan and Syrian. Nouns with low specificity, especially
those that appear in adverbial clauses, tend to take attributive clauses
that are restrictive, so identified by the fact that they stand in construct
with the following relative or nominalizing pronoun.
3.5 liIIil as Complementizer
In addition to its use as a relative pronoun and a temporal
nominalizer, lillil functions in certain contexts as a kind of conjunction
or sentence complementizer. The limited yet strikingly parallel contexts
in which lilli! occurs in Morocco, Egypt, and Syria are worth noting.
Mitchell and EI-Hassan note that lillil fnctions as complementizer
for a "limited group of verbs (or verbal expressions)" in Levantine
educated spoken Arabic ( 1994: 1 1 3). Among their examples ( 1 14):
,_t , . l
nbasatna ktir illi (or 'inn il}na) ufnak
[were-happy-we very reI (or comp we) saw-we-you]
We were ver happy that we saw you
| | c|
'ana 'ukar illi 'addimt-ak lu
[I I-he-thanked rei introduced-I-you to-him]
I should be thanked, since [that] I introduced you to him
E u
| _
il-Ia" <alayya 'illi awi<tak
[the-right on-me rei obeyed-I-you]
it's my fault for obeying [that I obeyed] you
I elicited a number of similar examples from a Moroccan informant
native of Meknas, including:
M3 mL
frl:na iii fak
hecame-happy-we rei saw-we-you
We were happy that we saw you or We're happy to see you
M3 c
ar-li IIi ra zIti
flew-it to-me neg came-you
I was upset [I lost it] that you didn't come
While Badawi and Hinds define this filii! as seeing that, since,it
may not be freely used in any context with this meaning. Native
informants reject sentences like:
M ..L c c
| c , L
. ra qdma nziw iii Ziwna yaf
. neg were-able-we we-come ri came-he-to-us guests
. We weren't able to come seeing that we had guests
E ||
. nimt kwayyis illi itlassan ig-gaww
. slept-I good rei improved-it the-weather
. I slept well seeing that the weather has improved
1 06
Relative Clauses
' ~
..ti'ibt illi tagalt kUr i i-yom rei worked-I much today
I got tired since I worked a lot today
What the previously cited examples all have in commonand
what is missing from the ungrammatical examplesis not syntactic but
semantic: an emotional reaction, such as happiness, anger, relief, or
resentment. The "relativized" lillil clause is linked to that emotional
state in that it contains the underlying reason or cause of that state,
The lillil clause thus becomes a relative clause modifying an underlying
or understood reason or cause for the emotional state.
Speakers from all dialect areas report common usage of the
construction lil-lamdu Ii-I-Iah illil Thank God that, as in the Egyptian
' = w
'Q |
il-Qamdu Ii-I-Iah illi gat 'ala 'add kida
the-praise to-God reI came-it on extent of-that
Thank God it wasn't worse
In this case, it may be the highly individuated status of the noun God
that attracts the relative pronoun lillil,
3.6 Moroccan Word-Order Relatives: lmSland Interrogatives
The relative clauses examined so far have all used a case-coding
relativization strategy in which the syntactic role of the relativized
noun is marked by a position-marking resumptive pronoun in the relative
clause (Keenan and Comrie 1 977). However, Moroccan Arabic has a
second kind of relative clause which operates with a word-order
relativization strategy, using a different relative pronoun, /fa/, and
having no resumptive pronoun within the body of the clause,
1 3
kind of clause relativizes oblique objects of low individuation whose
sentential role is generally locative or temporal. Harrell notes the
It was noted previously that Moroccan relative clauses with /lIil also do not
normally code the direct object position with resumptive pronouns, Whether
this point of simi larity between the two constructions bears theoretical
implications is left to future research.
3.6 Moroccan Word-Order Relatives 1 07
relative I-aN, used in combination with prepositions If I and (less
commonly) /I "in those cases where a human being is not referred to"
( 1962: 1 64; /a1 does not occur in my data).
I the following three
examples, Ifa! relativizes the nouns IW'qtl time, 11Ilai night, and
Imaganatl watches. In the first, /-w'qt/ the time is clearly not highly
specified or textually prominent. m the second, /-lila! the night refers
to a particular night, but the exact identity of that night seems less
important here than what happened at the time. I the third, /-maganat/
the watches are generic rather than specifc.
MI l e . 8 M L _l ;_U |
l-w'qt M8 dar't mCaya bgIt nol'd
the-time rei did-it with-me wanted-I I-give-birth
When [labor] started with me [and] I was about to give birth . . .
M7 t | _| _UUl
Cqalti I-lIla Mskunna cnd s-si !-!Ilali?
remembered-you the-night rei wer-we at m.Jilali?
Do you remember the night when we were at Mr. Jilali's?
M6 | _UL|
;. U| _; |
ra magana dyal l-ma, crafti dUk I-maganat f tayhabtu -- smiyytu
bought-he watch gen the-water found-out-you those the-watches
rei indic-they-go-down -- name-its
He bought a water-proof watch, you know, those watches with
which they go down [in] -- what's its name
Tese examples suggest that relativization with If1 tends to modify
nouns low in specifcation or individuation.
In the following, Ift1 stands as a non-specific, in this case
non-attributive relative pronoun:
MI l al |;
uvOcv4 LL
ra ab't m'skIa la ra t'kul la f tg'mm't d'k l-w'ld
neg found-she poor neg what she-eat neg rei she-wrap that the-boy
She found, poor thing, neither a thing to eat nor a thing in which
to wrap the boy
Marais cites a construction combining the two pronouns that my Moroccan
informants found strange: /l-(lm Ili S mit! "['annie ou je suis parti" [lit. ,
the year that in which [ lef] ( 1977:205).
1 08
Relative Clauses
Norther Moroccan speakers I interviewed did not use this relative
pronoun, but the data I collected contains several examples of a similar
constrction using the interrogative particle /fn/ where:
_| C au
Ua | |
kayzi wad xir 'awd tani skran w yzi w ytkbb-Iu cia l-blaa
fin gals hiwa w l-mra dyalu w wlldu
indie-he-comes one other then again drunk and he-come and
he-throw-up on the-place where sitting he and the-wife of-his
and children-his
Then again another one comes along drunk and comes and throws
up on the place where he's sitting, he and his wie and children
The same construction also occurs in the speech of a woman from the
Middle Atlas region:
Ml l a_aG.
L_| a| |_a|
L | ,
| aL|
a gidi nmsiw l-blad lli ra t(rfhas, gadi ttb(i gi[r] dik r-rmad
w n-nxxwala tta l-dlk l-blaa fn gadi nnu
we will we-go the-place rei neg you-know-it fut you-follow only
that the-ashes and the-chaff until to-that the-place where will
We are going to the place you don't know, you will follow just
these ashes and chaf until that place where we will alight
There appears to be some overlap in function between /Ilil as a
nominalizer for non-specific temporal nouns and Ifasl as a relativizing
particle for non-specific nouns or nouns of low individuation. As with
temporal relative/nominalizer /Ilil, relative clauses with lIas/ and /finl
contain no resumptive pronouns. This overlap may reflect regional
variation, or perhaps constitutes evidence of a shifting paradigm in
whieh different relativization strategies stand in competition.
Relativization wi th lIasl parallels relativization wi th Illil in
Moroccan in a lower degree of resumptive marking as compared to
relative clauses in other dialects. Resumptive pronouns in Moroccan
/lli/ clauses are only required when the relativized noun is a genitive or
3. 7 Moroccan Relative Pronoun ld 1 0
the object of a preposition, and the occurence of a resumptive pronoun
in direct object position in Moroccan is unusual (Harrell 1 962: 164).
However, the immediately preceding example contains a resumptive
pronoun in direct object position: /l-bHid Ili ra ta'rfha/ the place you
don't know [it}. The following is more typical; here /l-basfiyyat/ the
pills is relativized fom direct object psition with no rsumptive pronoun
in the relative clause itself:
M9 _
,_ @q L .n,
'a sidi Qmd dik l-basiyyat lli 'itini dik n-nhar!
L Mr. Ahmed those the-pills reI you-gave-me that the-day!
Mr. Ahmed, those pills that you gave me the other dy!
A Morocan informant I questioned about this variation i the ocurnce
of the resumptive pronoun in direct object position offered the
observation that resumptive pronouns tend to be used in negative
constrctions, such as /l-blad iii ra ta'rfthM/ the place you don't know
[it). The use of the resumptive pronoun in such cases may lend a kind
of emphatic or categorical negation to the clause by specifying the
negated object: the place you don't know at all.
3.7 Moroccan Relative Pronoun
A relative particle unrelated to the /iIli/ pronouns exists in the
mountains of norther Morocco, among speakers known as /bala/
mountain Arabs. ` The following examples are all taken from an
interview with one speaker, an elderly, uneducated woman:
M9 z _
, _ ..
bnadm IIi mzyan, kulla tqil mzyan w bnadm dnnu qbiQ "'
person reI good, always you-say good and person ri-he bad o o
The one who is good, always you say [he's] good, and the one
who is bad . . .
See also Fischer and lastow (1980:258), who note variants of this pronoun
/iddi/, /di/, and /d/ among the /'bi la/.
1 10 Relative Clauses
M9 ..
_iU Ju
qal-lu ' a wlIdi ntina lsn mn hadm d l)zzu
said-he-to-him O son-my you better than those rei they-made
He told him, Son, you are better than those that made the pilgrimage
In the first and second examples, the particle Idnnul modifies singular,
highly individuated nouns, while i the third, Idl modifes a less specified
plural. In the second sentence, Idnnul in the second clause mirrors
/lIil in the first, which also regularly occurs in this woman's speech,
and which is used by the community in which she has lived for years.
The third example contains the basic relative particle is Id/, which is
for most Moroccan speakers a variant of the genitive Idyal/. This
speaker uses Idyal/ overwhelmingly, if not exclusively, in genitive
constructions. She also uses in the following sentence the interrogative
particle f1 as a non-attributive relative pronoun:
M9 | . i . q
ra-Iha, ' a l-l)bib, kayxha
bought-he-for-her the-dear what indic-it-is-necessary-for-her
He bought/or her, my dear, what she needed
These data indicate that this dialect also shows a range of relative
constructions parallel to the urban dialects. However, the speaker I
recorded has lived for a long time in the town of Larache, and her
speech is mixed. Relativization strategies in this dialect area warrant
further investigation.
3.8 Summary
While definite relative pronoun lillil is found in all dialect regions,
several alternative constructions coexist with it in certain areas.
Moreover, the use of lillil itself does not quite follow the rules given
for it in the dialect grammars.
Relative clauses whose head nouns are morphologically indefinite
reflect a semantic continuum that ranges from indefinite, non-specific
to indefnite-specific. Aindefinite, non-specific head noun is followed
by an indefinite relative clause. A indefinite but specific noun, on the
other hand, may be joined to its attributive clause by the (otherwise
3. 8 Summar 1 1 1
definite) particle /illi/. The use of defnite relative /ilIi! to partly defme
or specify indefinite nouns is a regular, if not common, feature of
spoken Arabic. While the dialects normally follow foral varieties of
Arabic in distinguishing between definite and indefinite head nouns,
the definite pronoun /ilIi! can mark a relative clause describing an
indefnite-spcific head noun.
Data from spoken Arabic point to links between relativization
and other syntactic constctions. Norter Syrian spaker ca rlativize
using /iI! in a clause in which the head noun stands in construct with .
the following clause, and the mountain Arabs of norther Morocco use
variants of /d/ in both rlatives and genitives. Relativization also overlaps
with nominalization in temporal clauses, as speakers from Morocco,
Syria, and Kuwait sometimes use /illi/ to "relativize" temporal nouns
in constctions where the head noun is marked indefmite, but is moifed
by an /illi/ clauses that stands in constrct with it. /ilIi! in these clauses
parallels the Egyptian nominalizer /mal.
Moroccan dialects show additional relativization strategies not
found elsewhere in my data pool. The relative pronoun /f/ may be
used to relativize non-human nouns that appar to b of low spcifcation
and less individuation. At the same time, Moroccan speakers normally
do not use resumptive pronouns to mark relativized direct objects,
except in negated clauses.
I addition to clarifying aspects of the usage of indefnite articles,
patters of number agreement, and genitive exponents (Chapters 1 and
2), the continuum of individuation also helps explain certain patters of
relativization in the dialects. A relatively high degree of individuation
of an indefinite noun, or low individuation of a definite one, may be
reflected in a mix of definite and indefinite syntactic markers, or the
use of nominalized as opposed to relativized temporal nouns. Moroccan
and Syrian speakers both use non-attributive, non-specific relative
pronouns, Morrocan /ma for inanimates and Syrians /mi/ for humans.
strategies that parallel their use of indefmite-specific articles to indicate
a middle range on the individuation continuum. Relativization thus
provides frther evidence that, to varying extents, speakers of all dialects
use of a range of strategies to represent the continuum of individuation
and specifcation that exists in the natural world.
4.0 Introduction
This chapter will explore the main syntactic and discourse functions
of demonstrative articles and pronouns in the four dialects. The primary
aim will be to look for pragmatic patters of demonstrative syntax
across dialectrnot an easy task, given the number of forms and their
distribution, some marked for gender, some not, some pre-nominal,
some post-nominal. Nonetheless, evidence suggests that most of these
dialects share demonstrative patters and functions. `
Moroccan, Syrian, and Kuwaiti dialects are characterized by
considerable flexibility and variety of demonstrative forms and syntax,
especially in comparison to Egyptian.
In the former group,
demonstratives may precede or follow the noun, whereas in Egyptian,
the syntax of demonstrative-noun phrases is fixed and homogenous:
demonstratives must follow the nouns they modify. The range of
demonstrative patters in Moroccan, Syrian, and Kuwaiti parallels a
range of pragmatic fnctions as well, and these functions will be explored
in this chapter.
In Arabic, nominal, pronominal , and adjectival forms normally
show gender distinction, so it may be surprising to find a lack of
gender distinction in some of the forms examined here.
Three of the
four dialect areas (the exception being Egyptian) have genderless
unstressed demonstratives. The syntactic and pragmatic functions of
these pronouns will be explored here.
This discussion is limited to the most commonly occurring demonstratives.
For an exhaustive catalogue of demonstrative forms in spoken Arabic, see
Fischer ( 1 959). The analysis here relies chiefly on my own data because
context has been crucial in trying to determine discourse functions of the
various demonstrative pronouns.
Demonstratives in spoken Arabic show greater syntactic flexibility than do
demonstratives in formal Arabic, which precede the noun except in genitive
Rosenhouse attempts to explain away Fischer's citation of ungendered
demonstrative forms in the an(a) (Yemen) dialect (Rosenhouse 1 984b:254,
citing Fischer 1 959: 71 ).
1 1 2
4. 1 Proximal and Distal Demonstrative Forms 1 1 3
The basic function of demonstratives is to manage discourse
Demonstratives identify, recall, highlight, and contrast entities
that play important roles in discourse. I spoken Arabic, demonstrtives
perform these functions with anaphoric, deictic, topic recall,
specifcation, and contrastive reference. All non-deictic demonstratives
are anaphoric, but a distinction must be made between those pronouns
that are only anaphoric, and not contrastive, and those that involve at
least some degree of contrast.
It is important to distinguish between unstressed and stressed
demonstrative forms (except in Egyptian, which apparently lacks an
unstressed form). The unstressed forms serve only to signal anaphoric
reference, either to an entity that has already been mentioned, or to an
entity that the speaker presumes is shared with or identifiable by the
interlocutor, or physically present. The "stressed" forms and functions
of demonstratives likewise show similar patters across dialects. It is
well-known that the proximal and distal forms of demonstrtives fnction
deictically to refer to near and far objects in both time and space; in
addition, these two sets of forms can indicate "discourse distance: "
that is, when used to recall a topic previously mentioned in the discourse,
the form of the demonstrative helps to signal the degree of proximity in
a figurative sense, that is, the degree of "retrievability" of the topic.
Finally, it is primarily the distal forms that m used to signal contrastive
reference, perhaps because through distancing two entities from each
other, their separate identities are more clearly highlighted.
4. 1 Proximal and Distal Demonstrative Forms
Grammars of the dialects subdivide demonstrative pronouns into
two sets, proximal and distal, referring either to temporal or locative
distance. With the exception of Egyptian, the forms of these pronouns
are relatively homogenous. Common forms of the proximal set are
summarized in Table 4- 1 , and the distal set in Table 4-2.
"Discourse topic" is used here in a non-technical sense, to refer to any entity
that plays an important role in the discourse.
Lord and Dahlgren's ( 1 997) study of anaphora in newspaper articles was
helpful in formulating this analysis.
1 14 Demonstrative Articles and Pronouns
Table 4-1 : Proximal Demonstrative Pronouns
Proximal Demonstrative Pronouns
masculine feminine plural
Morocan hida hidi hidu
Egyptian d di dol
Syrian hid(a) hiy(ye) hadol(e)
Kuwaiti hida hidi (ha)dela
Parentheses indicate an optional segment of the pronoun. More
complete lists of demonstrative forms may be found in Fischer
( 1 959), Harrell ( 1 962), Cowell ( 1 964), Fischer and Jastrow
( 1 980), and Holes ( 1 990). Egyptian in particular has a large
number of alternative forms to the ones given here (see Badawi
and Hinds 1 986:273).
Table 4-2: Distal Demonstrative Pronouns
Distal Demonstrative Pronouns
masculine feminine plural
Morocan (hi)ik (hi)dik (hi)uk
Egyptian dik, dukha dik, dikha dukhum
Syrian hadik hadik hadolik
Kuwaiti (ha)dik (ha)diC (ha)dela
A cursory glance at Tables 4- 1 and 4-2 reveals similar proximal
and distal forms in all dialects except Egyptian, in which the absence
of the morpheme /hal from all demonstrative forms is immediately
4.2 Unstressed Demonstrative Articles 1 1 5
4.2 Unstressed Anaphoric Demonstrative Articles Ihal and Ihadl
In addition to the fonns given in Tables 4- 1 and 4-2, Moroccan,
Syrian, and Kuwaiti Arabic share a kind of short, ungendered, pre
nominal, unstressed demonstrative that can only occur prefixed to a
following noun. I will call these fons demonstrative articles, adapting
the tenn from Harrell ( 1 962: 147) with a modified defnition. Harrell
uses the tenn for all fonns that are used with the defmite article and
precede the noun they modify, gendered and ungendered, short and
long fonns ( 1 962: 147-48, 1 90). It is necessary to maintain a distinction
between fonns that only occur prefixed to a following noun, and those
that can occur independently, a distinction that happens to parallel the
absence or presence of gender marking as well. Table 4-3 lists the
fons of the demonstrative article.
Table 4-3: Unstresed Demonstrative Articles
The Demonstrative Article
Morc ha
Harrell describes the function of Moroccan /ad/ as having
"generalized demonstrative meaning" with "none of the implications of
distinguishing between near and far as do the English demonstratives
this and that" ( 1 962: 147, emphasis mine). The lack of ability of /ad/
to distinguish between objects suggests that its function is anaphoric.
Similarly, Cowell, analyzing examples of Syrian /al from his corpus,
concludes that /al may be used in either an anaphoric or a "deictic"
( 1964:556). By the latter he means present in the immediate
Cowell uses deictic as "presentational," refering to an entity in the immediate
speech context, and calls maa "demonstrative prefx" (1964:556).
1 1 6 Demonstrative Articles and Pronouns
environment, as is clear from the example he gives, in which /a l-binaye
l-l)amral that red building stands clearly in view of the interlocutors
( 1 964: 556):
S U| __ | _| U L
wen f ma(am mnil) hon? --- ayef ha l-binaye l-l)amra? waraha
[where there-is restaurant good here? having-seen this the-building
the-red? '" behind-it]
Where is there a good restaurant around here? --- Do you see
that red building? Behind it.
Cowell's analysis can be simplified by noting that this particular kind
of deictic function falls within discourse ana ph ora, for entities within
the physical view of the speakers belong to the current discourse registry
because they are known and therefore retrievable.
Both /hal and /hadl share certain grammatical characteristics and
pragmatic functions. They are numberless and genderless, and do not
show agreement with the noun they modify. They are sometimes
called 'unstressed' demonstratives, reflecting the fact that they are never
used to specify or contrast
Rather, they are only used to mention
entities whose unique identity is already known to both speaker and
listener. They belong to a class of demonstratives Croft ( 1 990) calls
the "anaphoric demonstrative."
Croft defines the difference between anaphoric demonstratives,
deictic demonstratives, and definite articles ( 1 990: 21 9):
[A] naphoric demonstratives differ from "true" (deictic)
demonstratives in that they may refer to an object previously
mentioned in the discourse, but they differ from "true" definite
articles in that they are not used to refer to uniquely identifiable
objects not previously referred to (as in I found a jar and unscrewed
the lid).
This general definition of anaphoric demonstratives helps us to identify
the function of /hal and /hadl by contrasting their function to that of the
Compare to Wald's discussion of "unstressed that" in English, where "that"
marks the first mention of an entity that is presumed to be shared knowledge.
Wald's example: "My sister works in--you know that deer?" ( 1 983: 1 1 3).
The unstressed demonstrative pronoun /hal has been noted by Rosenhouse,
who claims it is used "more or less as a definite article" -an inexact description
( 1 984: 25 1 ).
4.2 Unstressed Demonstrative Articles 1 17
proximal and distal forms (which also have anaphoric functions, as I
will show), but it needs to be slightly modified to ft Arabic.
As Croft notes, in languages that have both anaphoric
demonstratives and definite articles, the former "competes with" the
latter ( 1 990: 219). However, unlike English that, and like the Arabic
definite article, Arabic /al and /hadl may refer to uniquely identifable
objects not directly referred to in the discourse, but which exist in the
permanent registry,
or can b implied or "retrieved" from the context
or the registry of topics already established in the current discourse . .
These anaphoric demonstratives serve to "retrieve" or recall the noun
from that permanent registry. Another distinction between the definite
article and the anaphoric demonstratives lies in the specificity of the
modified noun. The definite article in Arabic can modify generic and
abstract nouns, whereas the anaphoric demonstratives always refer to
specific entities, which also have a degree of textual prominence.
Like definite marking and number agreement, the use of the
anaphoric demonstrative is subject to a degree of speaker control . The
choice between the anaphoric demonstrative and the definite article
depends on the speaker's choice of representation of the textual
prominence of the noun. Nouns modifed by te anaphoric demonstrative
are more individuated, and play a more important role in the discourse,
than nouns modified only by the definite article.
4.2.1 Syntactic Functions of Demonstrative Articles
Of all demonstrative forms, only the anaphoric demonstrative
article has syntactic license to modify any definite noun regardless of
number, gender, or genitive status.
Te following two Moroccan sentences pair /adl with a masculine
singular, Il-insanl person, and a human plural, In-nasi people:
M9 ma _,,u. u
d-dar d had l-'insan IIi z-zar dyalk
the-house gen this he-person reI the neighbor gen-yours
the house of that person who is your neighbor
'he "permanent registry" refers to unique objects known to everyone, such
as the sun (see Chafe 1976).
1 1 8 Demonstrative Articles and Pronouns
M2 _c _ ._c .o
had n-nas d zman
this the-people gen old
those people of long ago
Next follow analogous examples from Syrian and Kuwaiti, in which
/hal modifies masculine, feminine, and plural nouns:
biriQu b-ha l-(atme w b-ha I-Hl
indic-they-go in this the-darkness ((and in-that-the-night (m)
They go in that darkness and that night . . .
K4 _c _o
ha s-snin illi marasti
this the-years which practiced-you
in all these years you've practiced . . .
Harrell and Cowell note that the demonstrative article can precede
genitive constructions (not pennitted in fonnal Arabic). The following
Moroccan examples contain /hadl modifying possessed nouns:
had aQbi
[this friend-my]
thisfriend of mine (Harrell 1962: 1 91)
M9 __ , .o
ha l-fmzan l-)ahwe
[this the-cup of-the-coffee]
this cup of cofee
4.2 Unstressed Demonstrative Articles
My Kuwaiti data contains a parallel example:
' >~r
' >^r
kil yom titiri fxug lalam wi tita(Iha li-l-laris mala. titiri kil
yom ha l-fxug il-Ialam
every day she-buys legs of-meat and she-goes she-gives-them
to-the-guard gen-it. she-buys every day this the-legs of-the meat
120 Demonstrative Articles and Pronouns
Ever day she buys legs of meat and goes and gives them to the
guard of [the lion). She buys ever day these legs ofmeat
The interview from which the following question is taken centers
around the experience of a Kuwaiti professional matchmaker. After a
discussion of the matchmaker's years of experience, the interviewer
frames the following question with /ha s-sinin/ these years, referring to
and summarizing this experience:
'inti ha s-sinin illi marasti cigi sifti sinhu, ymilin Qagg ay naw'iyya
mn I-banat?
you this the-years which practiced-you like-this saw-you what
they-incline to which type of the-girls
In all these years you've practiced like this, you have noticed
what? They are inclined toward which kind of girls?
The previous example contrasts with the following, in which the
elderly Kuwaiti speaker tells her life story, including all of the places
she has l i ved. Among them she mentions this house, using /haga
I-bet/, because it is only one among a set of possible referents:
K3 |
_ ;o__
min nizalna I-QIn haga I-bet tadrin cam? xamsa w 'isrIn sina
from moved-in-we now this the-house you-know how-many? five
and twenty year
Do you know how long now since we moved into this house? 25
Si mi larl y, in the next passage, the function of the deictic
demonstrative /hagi! this in /hagi I-mara/ this woman contrasts with
that of the anaphoric /hal in /ha s-say/ this thing. The fact that /I-mara/
is further modified with a relative clause tells us that she is not uniquely
identifiable, whereas /ha s-say/ has only one referent, and it is the
discourse topic here: the protocol of matchmaking.
;o_c _.
4. 2 Unstressed Demonstrative Articles 1 21
K2 'ana ya'ni min marast wiyya hagi I-mara illi tixaib ya'ni w ana
'ala ha -ay 'ala l-makif
I that-is from practiced-I with this the-woman who she-aranges
marriages that-is and I on this the-thing on the-exposed
/, since / began practicing with this woman who arranges
marriages, I've been [ding it] this way, out in the open.
In the lion-taming Kuwaiti parable from which the next example
is taken, anaphoric /hal modifies the one and only lion, /a s-sibi'l that
lion. Moreover, the syntactic position of that lion indicates that it
fnctions as the topic of the sentence, which i UDreflects its imprance
to the narrative:
K3 ' _l
ya'ni ha sibi' Ion gdartey taxdin minoa Ion?
that-is this the-lion how were-able-you you-take from-it how?
That lion, how did you take [a hair] from it, how?
The next speaker is a Moroccan woman recalling the harsh
treatment she received at the hands of her mother-in-law. In mid
sentence, she extends her complaint to the entire older generation,
already identified and known by extension from the mother-in-law,
with /ad n-nasl those people:
M2 _|
qxgQ _| _
|. _
' ,
| .u
_| x
ha 'gizti tnuwwat galt daba w hadi if a 'at I-ummha wlla
maxxrat wlla a dart wlla - had n-nas d zman kanu u'iba bzzaf
here mother-in-Iaw-my caught-on-she said-she now and this-one
look what gave-she to-mother-her or what stole-she or what did-she
or -- this the-people gen the-time were-they diffculty
Here my mother-in-law has caught on. She said, Now look what
this one has given to her mother or what she has stolen or what
she has done or -- Those people of those dys, they were a great
dif cUlt
In the following two passages, elderly Moroccan and Syrian
speakers compare the past and the present. When these speakers shift
the topic to the present generation, they introduce the latter with the
1 22
Demonstrative Articles and Pronouns
anaphoric articles /hadl and /hal, respectively, which serve here to
indicate both temporal "presence" of this generation and its role as a
new topic of conversation.
I ;L. |L L
laya kunna tanxiu mn xyaina. had z-zil 'a sidi lli al' ra xayif
ra -- ra walu
we were-we indic-we-fear from shadow-our. this the-generation
L sir which coming-up neg fearing neg -- neg nothing
We used to be afraid of our shadow. This generation, sir, that is
emerging, is not afraid or anything
| _- ;
- s| ;
_O O _ _
l l
ra birOQu ra bizu ya'ni 'aktar 'awqaton bi-I-bet w ra H, ra Hla
ha Hal'a wala ha l-fawte
neg indic-they-go neg indic-they-come that-is most times-their
in-the-house and neg there-is neg there-is neg this the-going-out
nor this the-entering
They don't go out or in, that is, most of their time is at home, and
there isn't -- there is neither this going out nor that going in
4.2 Unstressed Demonstrative Articles 1 23
Another Syrian passage from the same text contains two
anaphorically modifed nouns whose previous mention is indirect. From
the phrase Imin i-b11 from the early morning, the listener can infer
the state of darkness and night mentioned directly afterwards. In this
case, the use of /hal to modify /I-(atmel the darkness and /I-Iell the
night heightens the semantic impact of these nouns by bringing them
into the immediate environment: because /al carries the implication
of physical presence, the spaker can use it to sU on physical sensations
associated with the nouns.
S2 |.|
|| t | _
| | ||_
kanu kill sabt li-middit sine yiIilu yalu baxxir D -bl,
biIi lu b-ha I-(atme w b-ha I-leI yIi lu yalu baxxir w am( w
yibku w kaza (a I-mayyit
were-they every Saturday for-period of-year they-go they-light
incense from the-moring, indic-they-go in this the-darkness and
in-this the-night they-go tey-light incense and candles and they
cry and so-forth over the-deceased
They would go ever Saturdy for a whole year to light incense
in the early morning, they go in that drkness and in that night,
they would go and light incense and candles and cr and so forth
over the deceased
In the next Moroccan example, the identity of the house is not in
question, since the character has only one house. Rather, the meaning
of the anaphoric article here is subverted and sarcastic: the boy has
taken the sheep to the wrong house, and the man who sent him uses
/hadl to let him know that he has confused its unique identity with that
of another house:
_. .ou
bqat gadya, yaHah yaHah . . . lua qarrbat ldahum, tab'a gi[r] dik
Hrlq, t-ta'lima dyal Hrlq. w;lat blal w;lat l-had-I-qbur
kept-she going-f come-on come-on . . . until neared-she next-to
them following-f only that [the-road] the-marking gen the-road,
arrived-she as-if arrived-she to-that-the-graves
She kept on going and going . . . until she got close to where they
were, following just the marking on the road, {until] she arrived,
as i she had come up to where those graves are
Also within the realm of the immediate physical environment is
the current time frame, regardless of whether the speaker specifies it as
hour, day, week, month, or year. The demonstrative article is normally
used in such cases, indicating the immediate temporal environment that
is the only possible referent:
Ml O
= u| ,O x| u| O'
'ana l-'am l-axur mit i x;msa w had l-'am mIt i tmanya
I the-year the-other went -I some 5 and this the-year went -I some 8
Last year I went about 5 {times] and this year I went about 8
In all of its functions, then, the demonstrative article serves to
indicate the established identity of a noun, its presence in or importance
to the speech context itself, whether physical, temporal, or topical.
One final observation may be made concering unstressed /hal.
This pronoun also occurs in Morocan and Kuwaiti speech as M adverbial
demonstrative, as these two examples show:
_ ;_
Oq,| ,|
x;lla d-dar dyalu ha ryn w 'ah l-wald z-zara ha rayn
left-he the-house of-his this where and gave-he-it to-one the
neighbor this where
He passed his house here and gave it to a neighbor here
4.3 Unstressed Distal Demonstratives
.. >
|| gaQ|
JJah dik -i lli 'h
God that the-thing which gave-he-him
That's what God gave him
1 26 Demonstrative Articles and Pronouns
' '.
_ ;
mUl dik l-lawli daba iii ra
owner of-that the-sheep now which bought-he
The owner of that sheep that he bought, now
Ml O l =
j=;' | =
dlk [l-lOt] lli kaykun fih -raw ra kan kay(ih qlma
that [fish] which in-it-m rag-things neg was indic-he-gives-it value
That [fish] that has rag-like[ fns], [no one] valued it
Moroccan speakers commonly use Idikl as an unstressed
demonstrative. In the following sentence, the use of Ifinl to relativize
Idik l-blaal shows that the demonstrative phrase is non-specific:
Ml l y'J
gidi ttb(i gi[r] dik r-rmad w n-n'1xwala l)Ua l-dik l-blaa fin
gidi nlnu
fut you-follow only that the-ashes and the-chaff until to-that the
place where fut we-alight
You will just follow those ashes and chaf until [you get to] the
place where we will alight
The absence of examples in which Idik/ modifies masculine human
nouns supports the interpretation of its function as modifying nouns of
low individuation.
Caubet's data from Fez and the surrounding region contain several
examples in which masculine Idak/ modifies feminine and plural nouns.
In the following sentence, Idak/ modifies feminine Il-bhzal the dialect
(Caubet 1993ii:6):
M . . . ]l m|; |_
. . .u. L
l-fransawiyyin, hada . . . kayhdr dak l-lhza . . .
the-French-p, this . . indic-they-speak that the-dialect
The French, that [is] .. they speak that dialect . . .
In the next example, masculine Idak/ modifies plural /l-iyyam/ the days
(Caubet 1983: 309, translation mine):
4.3 Unstressed Distal Demonstratives
M _g. u
dak I-iyyam m Mm, kunt mric
that-m the-days rei passed-they, was-I ill
Those past dys, was ill
1 27
Both masculine Idak/ and feminine Idik m thus attested as non
gendered forms, perhaps regional variants of non-stressed, non
spcifying demonstrative forms.
4.3.2 Non-specific Temporal Demonstrative
Moroccan Idlk/ commonly occurs with non-specific temporal
nouns, such as Isa(al time and Inharl dy. These two Moroccan
passages both contain Idlk/ modifying a temporal noun, the first
masculine, loharl dy, and the second feminine, Isa(a/ hour.
MI l
_q| . ,_ i ..| _i
'a sIdi lmad, dlk I-basiyyat iii (itIni dIk n-ohar!
L Mr. Ahmed those the-pills which you-gave-me that the-day!
Mr. Ahmed, those pills that you gave me the other dy!
, . _ c .
dIk s-sa(a iii zadt
that the-hour which was-bor-she
That time that she was bor
The fact that these nouns lack specifc reference suggests that
Idlk/ is non-specifying. Rather, Idlk/ here indicates temporal distance.
Moreover, this non-gendered use of Idik/ is not limited to Moroccan,
but is also attested in mEgyptian. Syrian, ad Kuwaiti spech. Badawi
and Hdrpor lolk in-naharl the other d fom mEgypt ( 1986:274):
E _q.
kunt (andu dIk in-nahar
[was-I at-him that the-day]
was at his place just the other dy
Caubet also gives several examples. including /dik l-(ar [the other year]
( 1 993ii:3 1 7).
1 28 Demonstrative Articles and Pronouns
In Kuwaiti, the regular feminine distal form, /QIc/, ends in /e/,
but in
these two expressions, an otherwise unattested /Qlk/ is used:
K3 L. =' \
il-flus Qlk is-sa'a ra mg
the-money that the-hour neg-there-is
At that time there was no money
K4 . a .|
dlk i l-yom gilt l:agg 'ahmad
that the-day said-I to Ahmad .. .
The other day I told Ahmad .. .
My Syrian data yields only /hadak/, a long form marked for gender:
hadak il-yom
the other day
However, Cowell reports that the feminine /hadIk/ is commonly used
with masculine /yom/ day (Cowell 1 964: 557):
hadlk l-yom
That day
In all attested cases, the use of /dIk/ as an ungendered form is
limited to non-specific temporal expressions day and time (fyom/, Inhar/,
Isa'a/). While these are clearly idiomatic expressions, the degree of
similarity from Morocco to Kuwait is striking. Data cited in Chapter 3
shows that non-spcifc temporal nouns across dialects may be relativized
in a kind of genitive relative clause not used with other nouns; here is a
second instance in which the non-specific nature of temporal nouns
appears to affect their syntactic behavior.
4.4 Demonstrative Pronouns in Post-Nominal Position
While demonstratives obligatorily occur in post-nominal position
in Egyptian, the other dialects exhibit both pre- and post-nominal
demonstrative constructions. Post-nominal placement of full
I l
For the shift of / to /c/ in Gulf dialects, see Holes ( 1 991 ).
4.4 Post-Nominal Demonstratives 1 29
demonstrative forms in Moroccan, Syrian, and Kuwaiti is obligatory
when the modifed noun occurs i genitive constrctions. This discussion
is concered only with situations in which the post-nominal placement
is optional.
Harrell ( 1 962) does not mention post-nominal demonstrative
constrctions in his Moroccan grammar, but several examples occur in
my data. For Syrian, Ambros remarks that demonstratives "may be
placed before or after the head noun" ( 1 977:73). Holes noles that
demonstratives in Gulf Arabic may follow the noun phrase ( 1990:62).
In this section, I will examine possible pragmatic motivation for
placement of the demonstrative pronoun after the noun.
Post-nominal demonstratives occur in two types of constrctions,
which appear to have distinguishable pragmatic functions. In the first
type, the noun is followed by a demonstrative pronoun, proximal or
distal. mthe second, the noun is preceded by the anaphoric demonstrative
aricle (/had/ or /hal) and followed by a proximal demonstative, resulting
in a "double-demonstrative" construction. Te nature of the reference
in both of these constructions appears to be highly individuated, but
not contrastive, suggesting that the degree of individuation plays a role
in the choice of word order in demonstrative phrases.
4.4. 1 Post-Nominal Demonstratives
Both proximal and distal demonstrative forms occur post
nominally in all dialects. Obligatory and unmarked in Egyptian, this
construction seems to represent marked usage in Moroccan and Syrian,
judging by the lower frequency of its occurrence in those dialects. For
Syrian, Cowell notes that "[l]ess commonly, the demonstrative follows
a single noun" (1964:558). The examples he gives are without context,
and I have not yet found examples in my data pool. On the other hand,
I have found a relatively high frequency of this construction in Kuwaiti
data, where it may be less marked than in Moroccan and Syrian.
The post-nominal position does not seem to be deictic, nor does
it manage discourse topics, that is, contrast or distinguish among a
Por Najdi Arabic, Ingham lists both pre- and post-nominal constructions as
equally possible ( 1 994:55-56).
1 30 Demonstrative Articles and Pronouns
number of possible referents. Since post-nominal position is normally
adjectival, its meaning might be expected to be descriptive rather than
i dentificatory. In general, examples I have found in Moroccan and
Kuwaiti data share two characteristics: the references are clearly
anaphoric, to previously mentioned nouns, and the discourse contexts
in which they occur contain no other topics which might compete for
attention. The post-nominal demonstrative does not seem to contrast
the modified noun with another possible referent, but rather to reinvoke
a previous discourse topic, uniquely identifiable but not current or
physically present. Its function thus differs slightly from that of the
demonstrative article /a(d)/, which establishes coreference with a current
discourse topic or an entity in the immediate environment.
The Moroccan speaker of the following statement has been talking
about her special healing powers. After mentioning a particular man
whose arthritis she healed, she reinvokes the topic of her healing gifts
with the reference /s-si hada/ that thing:
M9 .u_
m o
tirkin g-yux haela?
share-you the-sheikhs those?
You would share [the wealth on those sheikhs?!
t_)u| U|_ _| |
zen umm aimad yaCni lon tigdrin matlan tiraiin l-il-walad?
hal tOarm-lah I-bint aw tigilin-la waJJa I-bint hii iilwa w zena
w ii
okay Umm Ahmed that-is how you-can for-example you-explain
to-the-boy? ques you-describe-to-him the-girl or you-say-to-him
by-God the-girl this pretty and good and thus
OK, Umm Ahmed, how can you, let's say, explain to the boy?
Do you describe the girl to him or do you say to him, Really, this
girl is prett and good and so forth
Te post-nominal demonstrative thus fnctions to aler the listener
to recall a previously mentioned topic.
4.4.2 "Double" Demonstrative Constructions
The second type of post-nominal construction combines the pre
nominal anaphoric demonstrative article with a post-nominal prximal
demonstrative pronoun, resulting in a "double" demonstrative. The
combination of /al or /ad and the proximal demonstrative gives this
construction both anaphoric reference and heightened specificity or
immediacy, similar in force to the English adjective particular. It
seems to have an effect somewhat like a "zoom-in" camera shot in the
way it focuses attention on the noun it modifes. This constrction also
appears to add cohesion to the discourse, signalling either the closure
of a particular topic, or a heightened focus on the topic at hand. Cowell,
analyzing his Syrian data, gives the basic meaning of this construction
as contrastive, but the examples cited here will show that spcificity is
a more exact description, since any contast with another pssible referent
1 32
Demonstrative Articles and Pronouns
is indirect at best. Cowell too notes the cohesive role played by this
construction in one of his examples ( 1 964: 558).
The first example is taken from a narrative about the invasion of
the Moroccan resort town of Larache by rude tourists. After discussing
the problem at some length, the speaker summarizes his analysis with
the phrase /had I-qa<iyya hadi/ this particular problem:
. _cy | j| . uu| . . .gj
.9 |
,|, 1jq, _ | |._| . _ | ,_L
_aO4_=J 1 | a O_' O j.| , _L
.|_L| aO .
l:a matalan, 'am mai b-Qal mzwwz . . . 1-'a'i1a, iii kayqUl I-'insan,
ra bqaw kayhawwdu (a'i1at, I-(azr, Qtta I-'azara dyal wlad I-blad
ra bqaw kayhawwdu, qlal, ha nta katlaQc had I-qaciyya hadi ,
katuf had n-nas bzzaf
We, too, for example, the bachelor is not like the married man ' "
the family, what one calls [the family] , families no longer go [to
the beach], the bachelor, even bachelors native to the town no
longer go, ver few. You yoursel notice this partcular problem,
you see those people a lot
In the following two Syrian examples, /ha l-mata hay! this
dressing-woman and /ha -abi hada! this boy signal anaphoric reference
to the immediate topic. Neither reference is contrastive, rather, the use
of this construction adds cohesion to the narratives by signalling the
immediacy of the current discourse topic.
g aM, L - jL. L.L| s i|
. . . _j| aOO. ,
H waled 'a!a istazu wara'a, 'al-lu ra btiftal)ha la-latta tizi la-tmut.
ha -abi hada call magul heki . . .
there-is one gave-he-him paper, said-he-to-him neg fut-you-open
it until you-come to-you-die. thi s the-boy this remained-he
preoccupied thus
There was a [boy], his teacher gave him a piece of paper. He
said to him, You will not open it until you are about to die. This
boy remained preoccupied like that . . .
4.4 Post-Nominal Demonstratives 1 33
54 qb |
UUU. . . UU| Q |
yzlbi-l[h]a I-maa . . . ha I-mata hayy mara kanit titigil bi
they-bring to-her the-dressing-woman . . . this the-dressing-woman
this woman was-she she-work in-the-bath
They would bring her the dressing woman . . . this dressing woman
is a woman who used to work in the bath
This construction is often used to modify temporal expressions .
of present time, not to contrast the present with another time, but to
heighten the immediacy of the prsent. m the next set of examples, the
double demonstrative phrases highlight the specifcity and immediacy
of this year, this moment, and these dys:
IJ >>.=
c .= O.
m 3_ I
ra nigdar nrdd (ale bi-ha d-dglga hagi
negwe-can we-answer for-you at-this the-minute this
We can't answer you this ver minute
== ,
yabun ;1-Oca ha I-iyyam hagi killa yabUn 1-blc
they-want the-white-f this the-days these all-it they-want the
They want the fair-skinned [girl], these dys, they always want
fair-skinned [girls]
1 34 Demonstrative Articles and Pronouns
This double-demonstrative construction focuses attention on a
discourse topic to heighten its immediacy, or to add cohesion to the
discourse by further highlighting the relevance of the noun to its context.
4.5 Discourse Functions of Distal Demonstratives
The choice between the proximal and distal forms of the
demonstrative pronoun in any given context is a relative one involving
the speaker's perception of distance. Moreover, this distance may be
physical, temporal, or what will be called here "discourse distance: "
that i s, the relative accessibility of the topic in question within the
context of the discourse itself. The choice between proximal and distal
forms often reflects the speaker's judgement about the relative presence
or distance of the noun in question in the mind of the audience, and the
relative ease or difficulty of recalling or retrieving it.
Speakers tend to use proximal demonstrative forms to indicate
topics close at hand. In the following Kuwaiti passage, the speaker
uses /higa/ twice, in each case to refer to the immediately preceding
referent because it represents the closer and more easily retrieved topic:
K2 . | |u| _. y| _qLL
_ O| | L| i$
q q @ . .
_ |,|
__| |L a uL|
u| _| | L
| . |O
si'it Yr.ddin 'alayy ya'ni f nafs il-kalam, ygil waHa umm alad,
'jibatni b-bnayya w ifi radd l-bnayya ba'd nu, w sa'lt Ii
waHa, ygil inaHa yir xer. haga iii ygul-li nir xer, a'rf inna
ra yabi l-bnayya, 'eh, w illi ygul-li waHa si'li l-bnayya ifi c
galit 'anni rlyha fni, haga a'r.f inna hu ya'ni la xlir b-I-bnayya
Sometimes they answer me in the same words, [one) says, well,
Umm Ahmad, [ liked the girl, see what the response ofthe girl is,
then, and sometimes he says, hopefully things will work out for
the best. That one who says may things work out for the best, [
know that he doesn't want the girl, and the one who tells you,
Well, ask the girl, see what she said about me, what her opinion
of me is, this one, [ know he is interested in the girl.
4.5 Discourse Functions of Distal Demonstratives 1 35
Distal demonstrative fors, by contrast, refer to relatively difcult
to retrieve topics, distat in time, space, or discourse. Tey often mark
topic switches in discourse. Distal demonstratives also sere to contast
possible referents, by putting distance between them. When contrasting
between two possible referents, most speakers choose the distal for to
refer to both. Examples from Moroccan, Syrian, and Kuwaiti provide
representative contexts in which distal demonstratives fulfill these
I the first Morocan example, the stressed distal pronoun !adIk
signals both that {-Ura/ the knie is not physically present, and that it
is, in contrast to all other possible knives, the specific one the speaker
M9 q_u
. |
| u
_ 4 u| i . L| aU
qalt-Iu 'a sidi, 'ndi gi[r] -Ura d l-'id, ra nlbM na'iha. qal-Iha
hAdik bgit ana, 'la bM ndbal
said-she to-him L sir at-me only the-knife gen the-feast neg I-like
I-give-it. said-he-to-her that wanted-I I, give-here-it so-that -
She said, O sir, I have only the knie of the feast, I wouldn't like
to give it [to you]. He said, that one I want, give it here so I can
Te following excerpt from a joke reprsents an instance in which
/adik/ is used to signal to the listener within the joke itself to retrieve
the topic, /d-dar/ the house from a distance. The house has been a
previous topic of conversation but is not immediately under discussion;
it is retrievable but relatively distant.
M6 L_ |
uu| _ 1| u| aU q _
gal-lih, ki zatk hAdik d-dar? gal-lib aHah Y'ammrha dar za'ma
said-he to-him how came-it-to-you that the-house? said-he to-him
God he-make-it-fourish house that-is
He said, How d you like that house? He said, It's a great house
In the next example, /hadik/ is used three times, each time to
contrast and put "distance" between the two wives:
1 36 Demonstrative Articles and Pronouns
Ml l * i
,;L U|
| aL ;1| ; U aL
;UU| cdt1_ aL <Q
hadik candha sbca d I-wiad hadik ddaha Cad bM twId . . . na<t
hadik mUlat sb'a kant }amIa gadi twld
that at-her seven gen the-children that took-he-her then so-as-to
she-give-birth . . . got-up-she that the-woman owner-of seven was
she pregnant will she-give-birth even she
That one had seven children, the other one he married too to
bear [him] children . That woman, the one who had seven
[children], was pregnant and was about to give birth
The next Moroccan passage contains a number of distal
demonstratives, and illustrates how the speaker manipulates these forms
on several different levels. Of particular note here is the shift among
stressed and unstressed distal forms: the stressed forms recall discourse
topics to the center of attention, helping to anchor them in the narrative,
while the unstressed forms are used once the topic has been sufficiently
established and anchored, usually by the second or third mention of the
L.~ ]_| L|
;t;v | qd _Q| i| _
_| _
_;_. ; t;L| . _
_/ | t__| ,
| - a9 | .u |_| . . . ;| g
. .
| ;. _1| }| . t ~ | _|
_ | t__,| , . _1 | _1 | t__;1 | . _1 |
_ a_
' _ | aO aLx| ga g
| | . ~
wa}d n-nhar kant 'ndn l-'ustada dyal l-luga I-faransiyya -
mai magribiyya, 'ustada yhUdiyya hiyya, yhudiyya, w t'arfi
mukil qa<iyyt I-crab mCa l-yhUd . . . 'iwa, hadik "usUida -- 1-
muhimm, f d-dawra l-'Ula kunna tanqraw -- kunt mumtaza, tanaxud
n-nuqat 1-'uwwlIn, dayman tat'tlni n-nuqta l-I-uwla, d-dawra
I-'Ula kunt PUla, f d-dawra t-tanya wqa' mukil m'a dik I-'ustada.
hidak I-mukil huwwa ';mnani 'uwwl mrra tanri zllaba -
t'aqli 'a uxti--dik z-bllaba 11i kunti r-Ii?
4.5 Discourse Functions of Distal Demonstratives 1 37
One dy we had raj French teacher, she wasn't Moroccan, she
was a Jewish teacher, she was Jewish, and you know the problem
of the Arab-Israeli cause. Anyway, that teacher *- the point is,
in the frst term we were studying, I was excellent, I always got
the highest marks, she always gave me the highest mark, the frst
term I was the frst. In the second term I had a problem with that
teacher. That problem was that for the frst time I bought a
jellaba--remember, sister, thatjellba that you had bought me?
The next speaker, from Syria, uses /adIk/ to signal the temporal
distance of /marra/ time, and the necessity for the speaker to retrieve it
from that (relatively) long ago time:
S2 _| aL
| '-|-"
hlzim ni'mil-Iu i muqaddime la-latta ra yin:dim mitil hadik
must we-make for-him some introduction for-so-that neg he
gets-shocked like that the-time
We must give him some sort ot preparation so that he won't go
into shock like that last time
A female speaker from Aleppo uses both proximal and distal
demonstrative fonns in the following passage, proximal /adol(e)/, and
distal /hadolik/. Te pattered distribution of these two fons reveals
that the proximal fon is non-contrastive and refers to the immediate
topic at hand, while the distal fon marks contrastive reference:
S5 . - . _i,_ . _.u _ _| I L U_a
| i _@u . . . Lib|
u|_ Q_d| |_
a 3, j_,u. _
dawle Hinye 'akid B-sar' 'an ii-garb. hadolik, ii-garb, ba?:nn
'agna . . . w aktar :s-s:kkan fiha mn id-duwal :s-skandinaviyye .
had oleg finlanda, in-norwe!, hadol 'arqa duwal il-'alam.
country second sure the-east from the-west. those, the-west,
indic-I-think richer . . . and most of-the-residents in-it from the
countries the-Scandinavian =+. those, Finland, Norway, those most
advanced of-countries of-the-world
1 38 Demonstrative Articles and Pronouns
{It's] another countr, certainly, the east {of the US] from the
west. Those {people], the west, I think, are richer . . . Most of the
residents there are from the Scandinavian countries . . Those
(countries], Finland, Norway, those are the most advanced
countries in the world
The final Kuwaiti example shows stressed distal !hagic/ indicating
both contrast and distance. The story revolves around two characters;
proximal !hagi/ indicates the central character, the jealous first wife,
while the distal form refers to the mentally "farther" or lesser topic of
the second wife. The post-nominal position of !hagi/ indicates that,
despite the presence of two women, the central character is clear in the
mind of the speaker, and she expects it to be clear to the listener as
wel l . The main character then later uses !hagic/ to refer to her co-wife
in a distancing and disparaging gesture:
j -,-
Ll_ .
O || cL . . t
=q -
,' =l
= _
= Ol-
I .
L u
rayyal 'inda mara Jarim tinten waJtda Jtilwa bass hu ra yJtibbha,
ha{i mi lilwa, bass yJtibbha. nzen. gamat ii-mara ha{i can
tgil 'ana le Jtilwa 'ana, ra yJtibbni w hay l-kariha yJtibbha?
'ana ariJ Jagg l-mawwa' 'asawwi-Ia ay 'alaan yl)ibbni. raJat
l)agg waJid mawwa' ya'ni galit-Ia rayli 'inda mara w ana ra
yl)ibbni w ha{i karma w yl)ibbha
A man is married, has two wives, one is prett but he doesn't
love her, the other one is not pretty but he loves her. OK. This
woman, she would say, Why, I am pretty, doesn't he love me
whereas this ugly one, he loves? I am going to the sheikh to get
a spell put on him so he will love me. She went to one sheikh
and told him, My husband has a (second) wife, he doesn't love
me and that one is ugly but he loves her.
My Egyptian data contain no distal pronouns, but Badawi and
Hinds give the following example, which shows clearly the contrastive
4.6 Summary
function of the distal fonns ( 1986:274):
E ,_ _| ,
il-fustan da 'alla min dukha
the-dress this prettier than that
This dress is prettier than that other one
1 39
Badawi and Hinds cite a number of variant demonstrative fonns in
Egyptian, and Belnap notes that soiolinguistic interviews he conducted
in Cairo showed "considerable social evaluation of the distant deixis
demonstratives" (1991 : 155). Tese fons, and their discourse fnctions,
deserve an in-depth study in their own right.
4.6 Summary
Moroccan, Syrian, and Kuwaiti dialects distinguish between
unstressed, anaphoric demonstratives and deictic demonstratives. Tese
dialects share an unstressed anaphoric demonstrative article (Syrian
and Kuwaiti /hal, Moroccan /had!), a genderless, numberless
demonstrative whose function is to modify a textually prominent, highly
individuated noun. Deictic demonstratives consist of proximal and
distal fonns, and Moroccan speakers have both stressed and unstressed
distal fons at their disposal. While proximal fons tend to b used to
establish the coreference of entities in discourse, distal fons are more
likely to have contrastive reference.
Unstressed demonstratives that modify non-specified temporal
nouns do not always agree in gender with the noun they modify. A
feminine fon, Idik/, ocurs in rural speech across dialects in certain
fixed expressions involving temporal nouns of low specificity. Tis
non-specific feminine marking may be parallel to the feminine singular
agreement used with collective plurals, both representing a kind of
neuter gender.
Proximal and distal demonstrative fonns, too, have discourse
functions in addition to their deictic meaning. Te foner tend to
modify discourse topics close at hand, while the latter indicate the
relative "mental" distance of a topic and signal the need for the listener
to retrieve it from (relatively) far away.
1 40 Demonstrative Articles and Pronouns
Speakers from all four regions employ demonstrative constructions
in which the demonstrative pronoun follows the noun (this position is
obligatory in Egyptian). Post-nominal demonstratives in the other
dialects are not contrastive, but rather add physical or temporal
immediacy to the noun or cohe'ion to the discourse.
The absence of an anaphoric demonstrative article in Egyptian
seems to parallel the absence of an indefinite-specific article ( 1 .4), and
perhaps also the higher frequency of neutralized adjectival agreement
in this dialect (2. 3). Perhaps additional synchronic and diachronic
research will reveal whether or not this patter has resulted from syntactic
levelling involving several different types of nominal marking.
5.0 Introduction
This chapter provides a brief overview of the category "verb" in
spoken Arabic. The boundaries that separate linguistic categories are
not absolute, and for some lexical items, membership in one category
does not preclude membership in another as well . The category of
verb itself overlaps with pseudo-verbal elements that may indicate verbal
meanings without containing all the nonal morphological traits of
verbs, such as voice, subject marking, and tense fons.
Descriptions of the dialects often cite certain verbs that perfon
auxiliary functions or show modified syntactic behavior, such as a
partial loss of agreement. As Eisele ( 1992) shows, while a fixed category
of auxiliary verbs in English can be defmed in tens of syntactic bhavior
no such syntactic tests exist for "auxiliary" in Egyptian Arabic.
Eisele thus finds no sntactic justification for the category of auxiliary
in Egyptian Arabic, although he proposes a lexical subclass of auxiliaries
based on patters of sentence complementizers, embedding, and subject
coreference ( 1 992: 1 60ff. ). Eisele's analysis will be modified here,
with particular attention to different types of embedding that occur in
compound verb phrases.
The chapter begins with a brief overview of verbs in spoken
Arabic. It will then propose three categories of verbs that can be
shown to exhibit special patters of syntactic behavior and/or function:
verbs of motion (also called translocative verbs), temporal verbs, and
pseudo-verbs. Following Eisele, "category" is understood here to be
"fuzzy," that is, consisting of core and peripheral members, with the
core members providing the basis for the syntactic and functional
definition of the category ( 1992: 1 60).
Eisele cites a number of syntactic characteristics that have been shown to
define English auxiliaries, among them subject-auxiliary inversion in yes-no
questions (Have you seen?), negative contraction (wouldn't), and "do-support"
(do cannot negate auxiliaries) ( 1 92: 1 48).
142 Categorizing Verbs
5. 1 Overview of Verb Forms
The two basic morphological stems of spoken Arabic are called
here the pelfective (lfa'al/, also called suffix-stem and perfect tense)
and the imperfective (lyif'al/, also called prefix-stem and imperfect
tense). The more commonly used terms for these two forms are 'perfect'
and ' imperfect,' respectively; however, the term 'perfect' is used here
and in general to designate a specific formal aspect, to which the Arabic
/al-ma<i/ does not correspond. The terms perfective and imperfective
more clearly describe the aspectual nature of the Arabic morphological
stems, and the use of these terms in Slavic for a similar aspectual
distinction makes them preferable to any other. Following Eisele ( 1 988),
the term tense is defined here to refer only to a morphological verb
stem; calling the two morphological verb forms "tenses" does not imply
that their basic meaning is one of time reference.
For Moroccan, Egyptian, and Syrian dialects, a further distinction
must be made between marked and unmarked forms of the imperfective.
This distinction is largely modal , rather than aspectual : one of the
primary fnctions of the unmarked imperfective is to indicate subjunctive
mood, while marked forms of the imperfective represent indicative,
future, and, in the easter dialects, progressive and/or intentive moods.
Kuwait i , on the other hand, makes no morphosyntactic distinction
between subjunctive and indicative, and this lack of distinction has
implications for the modal system of this dialect. These topics will be
explored in Chapter 8.
The active (and to a slightly lesser extent, passive) participle
presents an interesting nexus linking verb and non-verb. Participles in
spoken Arabic have nominal, adjectival, and verbal meanings and
functions. When used verbally, participles are tenseless (see Chapter
7) , but carry aspect (discussed in Chapter 6), and show certain syntactic
behavior patters of verbs, such as negation (Chapter 9).
The perfective stem of the Arabic verb describes a completed
event, and relative past time reference. Its aspectual meaning has been
described as "realized" (Mi tchell and EI-Hassan 1 994) and "complete"
(Eisele 1 990a). The perfective also functions as the prescribed norm in
formal Arabic for expressing the protasis in most conditional sentences;
5. 2 Auiliaries and Other Categories 1 43
however, most forms of spoken Arabic allow both the prfective and
the imperfective stems in conditional sentences. This prceived move
away from the perfective as the conditional mood has led some to
speculate that modem spoken Arabic is moving away fom an aspectual
distinction towards a tense-based one (e.g., Holes 1995: 1 77). Chapter
8 will argue that the variation of tense forms used i conditional sentences
refects not temporal location but rather a combination of aspectual and
modal distinctions.
The verb system of spoken Arabic also includes lexical items
that are capable of carrying verbal meaning and sharing some of the
syntactic fnctions of verbs. These latter are called here pseudo-verbs,
after Qafisheh ( 1 975); their main syntactic characteristics are outlined
in this chapter.
Finally, the imperative stem of the verb dos not difer signifcantly
from one variety of Arabic to another, except in its phonological
realizations. Prohibitives in all four dialects are formed using the
unmarked imperfective with negating particles /ma! or D0 The
imperative and prohibitive are not of syntactic contrastive interest and
thus will not be treated in this study.
5.2 Auxiliaries and Other Categories
The problem with defining auxiliary verbs across languages lies
partly in the fact that auxiliary is by nature a category that arises out of
diachronic developments in a particular language's verbal system (Givan
1979a:221 -2). "Auxiliary" in English includes both temporal and modal
verbs, and their Arabic lexical counterparts have been described as
auxiliary as well. Thus Harrell calls a number of different Moroccan
verbs and particles auxiliaries: /bga/ to want, !kan! to be, /x'/ must,
future marker /gadi/, and others ( 1962": 1 78-85). Mitchell and EI-Hassan
join Harrell in naming these kinds of verbs auxiliaries, classifying them
as auxiliaries of aspect (according to their defnition of aspect, 1 994:36).
However, taken together, the members of these "auxiliary" categories
have little in common in either syntactic behavior or fnction. Harrell's
grouping appears to consist of lexical items that are derived from verbs
but lack a full conjugation. Ay cross-dialect analysis of verbal syntax
1 44 Categorizing Verbs
must begin wi th a description of the syntactic functions of different
types of verbs before any kind of classification can be made.
The task of describing the verbal syntax of spoken Arabic may
be streamlined by distinguishing among several types of verbs and
verb-related particles. A number of verbs having to do with the temporal
location and/or contour of events, such as onset, cessation, and
continuation, share certain characteristics of behavior, including frequent
use in compound verb phrases (phrases consisting of two or more verbs
that belong to the same clause)
These kinds of verbs may be grouped
into two "fuzzy" categories: one consisting mostly of translocatives, or
verbs of motion, whose core members perform special functions in
narrative contexts, and one consisting of verbs whose primary function
is to establish time reference, which I will call temporal verbs. In
addition to their special narrative functions, the syntactic behavior of
temporal verbs and verbs of motion in compound verb phrases sets
them apart from other verbs.
Eisele tests for a lexical class of auxiliary, including /U.n/ to be
and "aspectualizers" (some of which are designated here as temporal
verbs), using four subcategorizing and selectional features. He identifies
four characteristics shared by the core members of his auxiliary class:
( 1 ) they may not take a sentence complementizer (linn-/ that); (2) they
exhibit obligatory subject coreferentiality among members of the verb
phrase; (3) they admi t both modal and non-modal embedding (i.e. ,
unmarked and marked imperfectives); and (4) they do not allow
embedded verbs to carry deictic time reference ( 1 992: 1 60- 1 ) . This
discussion will focus on the nature of verbal embedding, thus excluding
by definition verbs that take sentential complements. Of interest here,
then, are claims (2), (3), and (4).
As Eisele ( 1 992) points out, asyndetic coordination is a regular feature of
spoken Arabic clauses and sentences, because complementizers can often be
omitted (unlike formal Arabic, in which a subordinate relationship is normalJy
signalled by the use of complementizers). However, the relationship of sentential
complements (clauses that complement verbs such as to thi1lk, to understa1ld,
to say, and so forth) to main verbs does not concern us here, because the
sentential complement constitutes a separate, finite clause that can be
distinguished semanticalJy and that has no syntactic restrictions on the type of
verb that may occur in it. (The temporal relationship between main clauses
and sentence complements is treated in 7. 1 )
5. 2 Auiliaries and Other Categories 1 45
Eisele cites obligatory subject coreferentiality for /ant to be and
other "aspectualizers" and modal verbs in Egyptian. However, while it
is normal for /kfm/ to exhibit coreferentiality with subordinated verbs,
this feature is not obligatory, as the following example shows. m this
sentence, the feminine gender of the masculine /kant was-3ms is not
coreferent with either the feminine subject /sakta 'albiyya/ heart attack
or the feminine verb /tatgi-li/fut-3fs-come to me:
E3 L I
bgiti ndir lk?
what wanted-you I-do for-you ?
What do you want me to do for you?
is problem is investigated in 1 0.2. 2, where an analysis is offered that
and Iarl in such cases are topicalized.
1 46
ra )idirti axaHa il-maawir
neg was-able-I I-finish the-errands
I wasn't able to finish the errands
ra lazim nxabbru faz'atan
neg must we-inform-him suddenly
We mustn't tell him suddenly
Categorizing Verbs
Temporal embedding, on the other hand, is a regular feature of
time reference in Arabic. This point will be argued in more detail in
Chapter 7, but briefly, time reference in a main clause, or the head verb
of a main clause, is normally relative to the moment of speech, and the
time reference of any subordinate verb or clause is relative to that of
the main clause, where perfective signals relative past and imperfective,
relative non-past (see 7. 1 for discussion and examples).
Modal and non-modal embedding may be contrasted in the
following Egyptian minimal pair cited by Eisele ( 1 992: 1 53). Both
verbs Irahl he went and lyiruQI he go are temporally embedded by the
pseudo-verb Ilaziml it is necessary. the imperfective lyitiQI he go
signals concurrence with Ilazim/, while the perfective IraQI signals
relative past, he must have gone, the act of going having taken place
prior to the time indicated by Ilazim/. However, only the verb lyiruQI
he go on the right is modally embedded, signalling deontic modality.
On the left, IraQI he went is not modally embedded, being a finite form
with epistemic, not deontic meaning. (The clausal boundary may be
reconstructed semantically: it must be [the case] that he went).
E,S _
lazim raQ lazim yirUQ
it-is-necessary went-he
he must have gone
it-is-necessary he-go
he must go
The relationship between two or more verbs in any given sentence
is thus indicated in part by the type of embedding involved: given a
compound verb phrase, the second may be modally and temporally
embedded by the first, or temporally embedded, or, in one exceptional
5. 2 Auiliaries and Other Categories 1 47
case, not embedded at all. Of the two fzzy categories examined here,
temporal verbs embed other verbs temporally but not modally, while
certain verbs of motion, such as /ral/ (Moroccan /ma/) to go, and
/'am/ (Moroccan /nacJ/, Kuwaiti /gam/) to get up, begin, do not embed
following verbs either modally or temporally, as the following section
will show.
5. 2. 1 Verbs or Motion
Certain core members of the category verbs of motion (also called
translocative verbs) exhibit special syntactic characteristics. Some
grammars call these verbs auxiliaries, referring perhaps to the absence
of temporal embedding exhibited by some of these verbs in narative
contexts. Harell lists /ma/ to go and /Za/ to come as the most common
"auxiliary verbs of motion" in Moroccan ( 1 962: 1 82). Mitchell and
El-Hassan specify fam/, to get up /ral/ to go, /iza/ to come, and /rizi(/
to return as punctual auxiliaries common in Egypt and the Levant
( 1994:76-7).
Across the four dialect regions, the most commonly occurring
verbs of motion in narratives are verbs meaning to go, to come, to get
up, and to sit. Te actions of getting up and sitting are usually meant
figuratively, not literally, referring to the onset or finality of an action.
The following examples represent typical usages of these verbs, highly
parallel across dialects:
M9 J.I I 4I.
mb ra-lha l-mskn l-(tir
went-he bought-he for-her the-dear the-incense
He went and bought her, the dear soul, the incense
Ml l L| | q _ _
nac gal-liha 'ana l-w.ld
arose-he said-he to-her I necessary-for-me the-son
He up and said to her I need [a] son
El .I 4
ralit gabit iI-mav
went-she got-she the-mauve
She went and got the mauve [outt]
148 Categorizing Verbs
S4 o
_ <U
'ammu mariyye, w 'amit raJit xabit-Iu bint 'axO[h]a
mother-hi s Egyptian, and got-up-she went-she arranged
engagement-she for-him daughter of-her-brother
His mother is Egyptian, and she (up and) went and got him
engaged to her niece
K3 o_
raJtaw caggabOha
went-they made-a-liar-they-her
They (went and) made her out to be a liar
K 1
~J +
ga'adt sribt
sat-down-I drank-I
I (sat down and) drank
These verbs, M InaQI to get up, and Imsal to go, E IraJt1 to go; S
faml to get up and IraJt1 to go; and K IraJt1 to go and Iga'adl to sit, all
occur in compound verb phrases without embedding the following verb
either temporally or modally. In each case, the two verbs are not
sequential but simultaneous: that i s, the people whose actions are
described above did not first get up or sit and then perform the other
actions. It may be argued that the two verbs in these cases actually
constitute two separate main clauses, and that the conjunction and is
merely omitted. However, native speakers I consulted find the addition
of Iwal and to these sentences to be either questionable, unacceptable,
or different in meaning.
Another reason for viewing verbs of motion as a distinct group is
that their participles give a progressive aspectual meaning not assoiated
with other participles (see further 6.4). The special functions involving
the sequencing and aspectual contouring of events in narrative contexts
are examined in more detail in section 6. 5.
5. 2. 2 Temporal Verbs
Temporal verbs include the copula /kanl to be, verbs meaning to
become, to begin, signalling entry into a state or onset of habitual
action, verbs meaning to continue, indicating continuation of a habit or
5. 2 Auiliaries and Other Categories 149
state, and the verbal expression to no longer [do], signalling loss of
state or cessation of habitual activity. Several dialect g desigate
some of these verbs as either "auxiliary verbs" or "aspectualizers"
(Harell 1962: 1 79- 1 85; aI-Najjar 1 984; Mitchell and EI-Hassan 1 994:36).
Badawi and Hinds call some of the Egyptian variants "preverbs" (see
e. g. 1986:59, 91 ). None of these terms elucidates the function of these
verbs, which is not to lend a formal aspectual character to the verb
phrase, but rather to set the time frame for other actions and states.
Temporal verbs differ from other verbs in that they embed other yerbs
temporally but not modally.
As the archetypal temporal verb, /kant differs from all other
verbs in spoken Arabic as the only verb that can embed all three verb
forms, perfective, imperfective, and participle,
in compound verb
phrases. The meanings and functions of the verb /kant are almost
identical across dialects, and it has unique semantic and syntactic status
as a verb that marks only the time frame of an action relative to the
moment of speaking, not aspect.
The foration of various tenses with
/kant embedding perfectives, imperfectives, and participles is detailed
in Table 5- 1 .
Temporal verbs embed other verbs temporally but not modally.
Unlike other verbs, temporal verbs can embed participles (a non-finite
verb form). Examples from Moroccan, Egyptian, and Levantine:
Mi l Jl
bqat gadya
remained-she going-f
She kept going
I | ' |
Qallena wa'fn sa'a
remained-we standing-p hour
We remained standing there for an hour
~~ U
fiQil 'a'id
remained-he sitting
He kept sitting
'he acceptability and meaning of participles in temporal phrases is affected
by the aspectual nature of the verb from which the participle is derived (see
In addition, /kanl functions in conditional clauses as a marker of conditional
mood (8.7).
1 50
Categorizing Verbs
Table 5-1 : Time Reference with Ikanl
Time Reference with Ikanl
Moroccan Egyptian Syrian Kuwaiti
past state
kan galas kin 'a'id kin 'a'id kin ga'id
he was he was he was he was
was doing
sitting sitting sitting sitting
pluperfect kan fa kan ga kin 'ifa an ya
had done he had come he had come he had come he had come
kin yadrus
past kan kayqra kan bi yidris he used kan yadris
progressive he wast he wast to study he wast
wast used to be used to be kan 'am yidrus used to be
used to be studying studying he was studying
future in
kan gadi kan kan rab kan rab
relation to
yal'ab ba-yil'ab yil'ab yil'ab
he was going he was going he was going he was going
to play to play to play to play
going to
future gadi ykOn baykOn bikOn/rab ykOn biykOn ga'id
progressive kayqra biyidris 'am yarus yadris
will be he will be he will be he will be he will be
doing studying studying studying studying
future gadi ykOn baykOn bikOn/rab ykin biykOn
prfect wsal wisH wasil wusal
will have he wil/ have he wil/ have he will
have he will
done arrived arrived arrived arrived
Forms given here are adapted from a number of sources: my data, Harrel1
( 1 962: 1 79-80), Cowe11 ( 1 964: 340-2), Johnstone ( 1 967: 1 43), Qafisheh
( 1 975: 224ff), el-Tonsi ( 1 982), AI-Najjar ( 1 984: 21 2-3), and Eisele ( 1 988,
1 990b). AI-Najjar restricts the use of the future progressive to sentences with
no overt subject ( 1 984: 1 30- 1 ); he gives only participle forms for the future
perfect. My Kuwaiti corpus contains few examples of compound tenses.
Moroccan speakers nonnally use marked imperfective with all
temporal verbs (presumably the reason Harrell designates them as
auxiliaries, 1 962: 1 79ff). In this example, /tayx;mm;m/ he t hinks
represents an indicative mood:
5.3 Pseu-verbs
M6 _
bqa tayxmmm mea rasu
remained-he indie-he-thinks with self-his
He thought to himselfor awhile
1 51
I Syrian. temporal verbs embed either a marked or an unmarked
imperfective. In the first of the following two examples. the verb
embedded by Iarl to become is unmarked. while in the second the
embdded verb is marked with the progressive particle Imma/ (a variant
of lear/:
_ _a_t
Un biygazzi bilad 'afiqya kullu min il-luQum di
was-he indic-he-feeds countries of-Africa all-of-it fom the-meats
He used to feed the whole of the African countries fom that meat
Temporal verbs are describd in more detail in 7. 2.
5.3 Pseudo-Verbs
A number of expressions belonging to the verb phrase but are
not fully veral themselves have been lablled auxiliary verbs. modals,
preverbal elements (Eisele 1988. Ingham 1 994). and pseudo-verbs
(Qafsheh 1 975). I adopt here the term pseudo-verb. since it best
describes the partially verbal syntactic nature of these expressions.
152 Categorizing Verbs
Pseudo-verbs function as main verbs in a sentence: they are negated as
, and many can modally embed other verbs. Predictably, the
membership of many lexical items in the pseudo-verbs class is not
stable, for several reasons. Some lexical items have both verbal and
non-verbal meanings. In addition, some verbs and verb-like elements
are undergoing processes of evolution by which they are gaining or
losing verbal characteristics. These changes are neither unidirectional
nor recent; nor are they limited to urban, high-contact areas.
Most if not all varieties of spoken Arabic contain lexical items
that do not belong to the morphological category of verb but do occupy
a slot within the verb phrase and often share certain features of verbal
syntax. In the following sentences, prepositions are used to establish
existence or possession. The prepositions [}there is and /'and/ (/' indl
at take the sentence-initial verb position, and are negated with standard
verbal negation, in Egyptian /ma - '/, Syrian and Kuwaiti /ma/.
E A ' L
ra Ds mu'kila
neg there-is problem
There's no problem
S2 U 4 L
-l s
la 'abuyi ra lu 'alaqa
no father-my neg-to-him relationship
No, my father has nothing to do with it
K2 tas L
ra 'inda sahada
neg at-him degree
He does not have a degree
K4 b
'ana ba'd ra-Ii Ita
I then neg-to-me luck
I, now, l have no luck
Word order typology is discussed in Chapter 10, where it is contended that
VSO is a normal sentence typology for spoken Arabic. Chapter 9 describes
the system of negation in spoken Arabic and the distinction between verbal
and predicated negation forms.
5. 3 Pseudo-Verbs 1 53
Membership in the pseudo-verb category is not lexically but
semantically determined, and lexical items whose semantic domains
incorporate a range of verbal and non-verbal meaning do not always
function as pseudo-verbs. For example, the Syrian preposition Pil-/ to
have or belong(ing) to may be verbal or locative. Both of the following
sentences contain /'ilak/ belonging to you, but the underlying strctures
of the sentences differ. Te frst example shows a mor verbal strctur
and meaning, marked by word order and the verbal negative particle
/ma/, while in the second filak/ is clearly predicated, and negated with
the predicating negative particle /mf/.
S 1
ra 'ilak ;g;l 'andi
neg to-you business at-me
You d not have a job with me
S3 q_ Vll
il-kas mi 'ilak
the-glass neg to-you
The glass is not yours
The "fuzzy category" of pseudo-verbs is useful in describing the
syntactic behavior of certain lexical items in certain semantic and
syntactic contexts. The constellation of features shared by pseudo-verbs
include verbal negation, the ability to subordinate, semantically and (in
most cases) syntactically, and the ability to take pronoun subjects and
logical objects. A number of lexical items can be seen to behave
sometimes, but not always, as pseudo-verbs.
5.3. 1 Characteristics of Pseudo-Verbs
In general, most pseudo-verbs consist of either prepositions that
give locative or possessive meaning, or of nominally derived fors
that give modal meaning (particularly obligatory mood). Pseudo-verbs
are characterized by one or more semantic or syntactic features. A
pseudo-verb can be a nominal or prepositional phrase that is used
semantically to convey a verbal meaning, often but not necessarily
possessive or existential in nature. This typ of pseudo-verb may take
its logical subject in the form of a pronoun object. Modal pseudo-verbs
1 54 Categorizing Verbs
that take a verbal complement normally subordinate the verb
syntactically, requiring the verb to be subjunctive. Pseudo-verbs are
usually negated with verbal negation (see 9. 3). Finally, a few pseudo
verbs appear to have developed in an opposite direction: rather than
arising out of non-verbal elements that took on verbal function and
(subsequently) verbal structure, these pseudo-verbs appear to be the
result of partial loss of verbal status.
The semantic feature is an essential part of the definition, because,
as seen above, many lexical items that often function as pseudo-verbs
have other, non-verbal roles as well. On the other hand, the expression
of logical subject as object is not limited to pseudo-verbs, since some
verbs, such as I'azabl to please, have the same construction.
The best syntactic test for determining whether a particular word
may belong to this category is negation: many lexical items that function
as pseudo-verbs are negated in the same way as verbs
In the following
examples from Morocco and Egypt, possessive pseudo-verbs I'[a]ndl
and lIiI take the verbal negation patter of Ima - /:
M6 ,. L
| | . |
lli 'ndu l-wraq w lli ra (ndu
which at-him the-papers and which neg at-him
{He] who has {his] papers and he who doesn't have {them]
ra li nifs
neg at-me appetite
I don't feel like it
The main exception to this rule of thumb is found in Cairo,
where pseudo-verbs derived from participles are normally negated with
the predicate negating particle Imi1 rather than the verbal negative
particle Ima - I (negating particles are discussed in Chapter 9):
miS 'ayza titla' Uini
neg wanting-f she-goes-out second
It doesn't want to come out again
Behnstedt and Woidich find negation with /ma - / to be common in many
parts of Egypt ( 1 985).
5.3 Pseudo-Verbs 1 55
Te characteristics that make up the loose category of pseudo-verbs
are thus better envisioned as syntactic norms rather than hard and fast
rules, since particular lexical items may be "more" or "less" pseudo
verbal in nature. I Syrian Arabic, /bad/yet functions as a pseudo-verb
meaning to still [be} :
ba(dni b-I-bet
still-me in-the-house
I'm still at home
The verbal nature of this expression appears in the use of the direct
object pronoun /ni/ me as an object of /ba(d/. However, /ba(d/ may be
"less verbal" than many other pseudo-verbs in that it cannot be negated;
Syrian speakers reject sentences such as */ma ba(dni bi-l-bet I am not
still at home.
A number of pseudo-verbs expressing necessity or obligation (E,
S, K /lazim/, M /x/ must), ability (E, S /f/ able), desire (S /bidd/, K
/wudd/, E fayiz want, E /fs/ appetite), and so forth, bhave syntactically
like main verbs in that they subordinate their verbal complement. This
subordination can be demonstrated in Moroccan, Egyptian, and Syrian,
because subordinate verbs in these cases must b unmarked imprfectve.
(Kuwaiti, on the other hand, does not morphosyntactically mark
subordination.) The following contain subordinating pseudo-verbs:
M3 L|
xna ntyybu I-(a
necessary-for-us we-cook the-dinner
We must cook dinner
E2 _
u| .
daxalit li-Jadd (and it-tabla mi'(arfa t<addi
entered-it to-until at the-drm neg kowing-Chow] it-cross
[The insect) went in as far as the eardrum, not being able to
7he pseudo-verb /baed/ [to be] still [doing] is also common in the Najd
(Ingham 1 994: 1 07-8), but does not occur in my Kuwaiti data. Tis meaning
is verbal in most vaieties of Arabic (compare to formal Arabic /ma zala/ to
remain, to not cease).
1 56 Categorizing Verbs
qal 'innu ra lazim nxabbru faz'atan
said-he that-it neg must we-inform-him suddenly
He said, We mustn't inform him too suddenly
Some Syrian preposi tional pseudo-verbs, such as /'and/ at
(possession) and /f-/ can, be able, have adopted accusative marking
for their objects (which represent in some cases the logical subject). In
the following, /fi-/ takes the accusative first-person singular pronoun
obejct /ni/ (first-person singular is the only pronoun whose accusative
form, /ni/, differs from its genitive, Ii/).
ra fini rOI) ma'ik
neg in-me I-go with-you
I'm not able to go with you
Second, certain Syrian pseudo-verbs can take grammatically marked
direct objects, because pronoun direct objects are clearly indicated by
the accusative marker / ya-/:
Sn _ _
'andi yahon
at-me object-them
I have them
In addition to the more common pseudo-verbs cited above, these
four dialects appear to share a pseudo-verb /'umr-/ (Moroccan
/'am(m);r-/) meaning never. The following constructions demonstrate
the optional use of this particle as a pseudo-verb (it may also be used
ra 'amm;mi kan;xd;m
neg life-me indic-I-work
I never work (Harrell 1962: 1 53)
E5 ;
ra 'umr 'amalt kida
neg life-mine did-I like-that
I never did that (elicited)
5.3 Pseudo-Verbs
| _L g
kint gir ra 'umri itna'aar sine
was-I young neg age-my twelve year
I was young, my age wasn't even twelve
_O_L. e e _
gilt-Ia ' ke . . . ra 'umri sawwaha wiyyay
said-I-to-him o.k. neg life-my he-did-it with-me
I told him, O.K e e e never in my lie did he do this to me
1 57
Most interesting about this pseudo-verb in particular is its semantic
resemblance to temporal verbs, which delineate the time frame of an
action. To never [do} bears semantic affnity with to no longer [do},
and this affnity may have helped to attract verbal syntactic behavior to
the noun /'umr/.
5.3.2 Pronouns as Copulas
Subject pronouns that "separate" subjects and predicates in
copulative sentences optionally occur in all dialects. Khan explains the
tendency for this kind of topic-comment constrction to ocur in certain
environments in Semitic by noting that these pronouns, which he calls
agreement pronouns, appear in equational sentences whose predicate is
highly individuated (1988:50). Cowell identifes this stcture as marked,
calling it "extraposition;" among the examples he cites is the following,
containing subject pronoun /iyye/ it as copula ( 1 964:434):
S x|s | _;,|
ahamm i bi-kll doktOIi hiyye l-'tri la
[most-important thing in-each doctorate it the-dissertation]
The most important thing in ever doctorate is the dissertation
Of interest here is that this "agreement pronoun" has become in some
dialects a full-fledged, pseudo-verb copula.
This kind of copula
development is noted as a regular cross-linguistic phenomenon by Li
and Tompson ( 1977).
Moroccan speakers can use masculine and feminine third person
pronouns in equational sentences whose subject is first person. This
See also Eid ( 1991 , 1 992) on agreement patters in Egyptian copulas.
1 58 Categorizing Verbs
copula shows gender agreement only, either masculine /huwwa/ or
feminine /hiyya/, and appears only with highly individuated predicates.
_L| _;O j |
'ana huwwa hadik n-nas?
I he those the-people?
Am I those people?
Ml l
| _|
tatgil-Iu 'ana hiyya mmwk
indic-she-says-to-him I she mother-your
She tells him, I am your mother
Eid ci tes simi lar Egyptian examples that show third person
masculine pronoun /huwwa/ as a non-gendered copula ( 1992: 1 22):
E | |
ana huwwa inta
I am you (m)
inti huwwa inti
You () are you (
ana huwwa il-mudir
I am the director (m)
I have not found examples of this construction in Kuwaiti, and
attempts to elicit sentences similar to the examples above from Lebanese
and Syrian speakers have proven unsuccessful. Evidence suggests,
then, that the pronoun has developed into a copula only in the wester
dialect regions. However, all four dialects make use of a negative
copula, consisting of a verbally negated pronoun; this copula will be
surveyed in section 9. 3. 5.
5.3.3 Pseudo-Verbs in Rural Northwestern Syria
It was noted above that pseudo-verbs normally subordinate a
verbal complement so that the subordinate verb must be non-finite.
However, evidence from a female 'Alawite speaker from a northwester
village near Lattakia shows the use of certain pseudo-verbs meaning be
able to and have with finite verbal complements, including perfective
verbs. The following two examples show pseudo-verbs /fit be possible
for and /'il-/ belonging to playing an ambiguous role in the grammar of
the verb phrase. In the first, /f-/ be possible for is negated as a verb
with /ma/, but followed by the perfective /rlt/ I went, rather than the
expected subjunctive /ril/ I go. Similarly, in the second example, /'ili/
5. 3 Pseudo-Verbs 1 59
I had occupies a verbal position following Ima 'ad! no longer (lit., it
did not come back, yet the semantically subordinate verb l;t/ I went
is also perfective. In the third sentence, lf-I carries the futur particle
IratI norally restricted to verbs:
J =
ra fni rtt
neg possible for-me went-I
I wasn't able to go
ar nmi, ra 'ad 'iIi 'alb rtt
became-it "Rimi," no longer to-me heart went-I
[The program] "Rimi" came on, I no longer had the heart to go
ra rat fni
neg fut possible for-me
I won't be able to
These constrctions do not occur in the other varieties of spoken
Arabic examined here. L the one hand, lf-I able is more verbal than
its counterpart in other dialects, taking verbal future marking, and on
the other hand, it is less verbal, in that it does not subordinate a verbal
complement. Does this ambiguity mean that lfl in this dialect is less
developed, or developing in a different fashion, than it is in urban
dialects of the region? Or do these examples result from dialect
switching, since the spaker in question is also a student at the Univerity
of Damascus, and her speech shows adaptation to the norms of this
prestige dialect in a numbr of ways (for example. she norally changes
her native Iql for the more prestigious urban //? More research into
these kinds of construction is needed.
5.3.4 Loss of Verbal Status
The process by which certain non-verbal lexical items acquire
features of verbal behavior is mirrored by a process of verbs losing
verbal characteristics. This process is evident in the dialects as well.
Of the impersonal Moroccan verb Ix1 it is necessar. Harrell
remarks that the marked imperfective /kayx1 is "sometimes" used.
1 60 Categorizing Verbs
but that H[tJhis distinction is not made absolutely consistently by all
speakers" ( 1962: 1 85). In my data, /kayx'1 occurs only in the north:
_} ;.
kayx'u tkun I-playa dyalu kullha
indic-it-is-necessary-for-him it-be the-beach gen-his all-of-it
He wants the beach to be all his
Some verbs have undergone partial agreement loss in another
way: certain functions of the verb lose markings. This phenomenon is
evident in Kuwaiti lean/, derived from /kanl to be. The latter retains
full conjugation as a verb, but appears in the frozen form leanl without
subject marking when it marks mood (see Chapter 8).
K3 L.J. __ | |
| ,
'ana 10 'a'arf 'aktib w agra ean yir musalsil mami milIa
I if I-know I-write and I-read would he-become serial not-there-is
I, if I knew how to write and read, there would be a serial like no
Other verbs that have lost or are in the process of losing verbal
features include Moroccan I'adl then, again and Syrian Ima 'adl no
longer. The particle I'adl, originally a verb, to return, has become in
many areas a frozen particle whose discourse function l ies in signaling
a subsequent event in a logical chronology. Examples include:
MI l
. =
ra bga YS'mmiha ta bbrat w 'ad s'mmat rasha
neg wanted-he he-name-her until grew-up-she and again named
she self-her
He didn't want to name her until she grew up, then she named
MI l
| +
u +u+v+ u +u
hadik ''ndha s'b'a d-I-wlad w hadik 'ddaha 'ad ba t'wl'd l-w'ld
that-one at-her seven gen the-children and that-one took-he-her
again in-order she-bear the-son
That one had seven children [girls J and the other one he married
then to bear [him aJ son
5.3 Pseudo-Verbs 1 61
Nor i s this process limited to the urban dialects: the Gulf and
Najdi dialects show traces of this process too. The presence of such
particles in Najdi indicates that this kind of development is neither new
nor tied to the spread of Arabic outside the Peninsula. I Najdi, the
frozen particle I'adl means still, anymore, the antonym of Ima 'adl no
longer, no more, as Ingham's examples show (1994: 107-8):
_ wa=
'ad-ik bduwi
You are still a bedouin
| _ s| a L Q
axiran irt ra 'ad algah ' a t-tilifon
Finally I became unable to get him on the telephone
This process is more or less complete in some cases: what
presumably began as time frame and narative contour verbs, Moroccan
I'ad! then, again, Egyptian ltannl kept on, then, and Kuwaiti leanl would
are now frozen particles (see 6. 5.2, 8.5).
In other cases, this process seems still to be underway. Syrian
Ima 'ad! no longer shows subject agreement much of the time, especially
with first and second person subjects, but is beginning to lose agreement
in some cases, especially with third-person subjects. I the following,
Ima 'adl lacks number agreement with the plural subject they that is
marked on the subordinated verbs Iyisma'ul they listen to and IY''alu/
they tur on:
_| |) L .a
ra 'ad yisma'u musiqa, ra 'ad y'alu t-tilvizyon
no longer-ms they-listen music, no longer-ms they-tur-on the
The no longer listen to music, they no longer tur on the television
Clearly, processes of grammaticization, Bybee, Perkins, and
Pagliuca's ( 1 994) designation for the diachronic development of
grammatical morphemes, show a number of parallels across dialect
regions. A comparative study of the evolution of verbal morphemes
across all dialect regions, especially in light of grammaticization theory,
would make an important contribution to the feld.
1 62
Categorizing Verbs
5.4 The Participle
The Arabic participle presents several problems to the would-be
1 O
The classification and description of the active and passive
participles in formal Arabic describe a form more nominal than verbal,
reflecting the more common nominal and adjectival usages of the
participle in formal Arabic. In spoken Arabic, however, the participle
maintains a primarily verbal function (see further 6.4 and 7.3). Participles
can be used to refer to actions and events that have taken place, are
taking place, or will take place in the future. At times the participle
seems to describe a completed event, at others 8 state, and at other
times a continuous activity. The reason for this ambiguity lies in part
in the attempt to include time reference in the definition of the participle,
and in part in the conflation of formal aspect with lexical aspect, problems
to which I will retur in Chapters 6 and 7. The participle is included in
this survey of categories that are verbal in nature, without being full
fledged verbs.
The verbal features of the participle have been well documented
by Mitchell ( 1 952), Harrell ( 1 962), Cowell ( 1 964), Wild ( 1 964), and
Eisele ( 1 988). The most obvious characteristic that participles share
with verbs is that active participles can take both direct and indirect
objects, as the following examples show:
MI l
dik lli mrbbyah
this which having-raised-him
The one who had raised him
fissa gayba n-naharda
just having-brought-f-it today
/('ve) just got(ten) it today
Participle here refers to the active and passive forms /ism fi' il/ and /ism
maf'il/ and their derived forms. I will avoid here the question of the relationship
of the /fa'ian/ form to /f'il/ and its derivations. It appears that /fa'ian/ is most
productive in Syrian (see Grotzfeld 1965:30); my data contain very few examples
of it, and these are purely stative, e. g. /kant nafsiytha ta'bana/ her emotional
state was tired (Kuwaiti). This form is of limited productivity in the western
dialects, and does not occur at all in my Moroccan data.
5.4 The Participle
l l l
U .
illi ba'itton li-j-jlIi n
which having-sent-fs to-the-neighbors
The ones she had sent to the neighbors
il->umm daggat-li tilifon
the-mother having-called-me telephone
The mother has called me
1 63
The examples cited above raise a point of comparative interest
involving the morphosyntactic behavior of feminine pariciples. Within
the four dialect groups treated here, an east-west isogloss exists for the
pronunciation of the feminine suffix /-a[tl/ when direct and indirect
pronoun objects are suffixed to it (as in S5 and K2 above). In the
wester dialects, the /-t/ is not pronounced, and the /-a/ is lengthened,
whereas in Syrian and Kuwaiti the /-t is pronounced, as if the participle
were a noun in construct. It is not an absolute east-west isogloss, since
Mitchell's ( 1 952) description of Liby
shows the /-t/ pronounced as in
the easter dialects. Te pronunciation of /-t may b historically related
to the /tanwln/ suffx /-in! on participles in Peninsular bedouin dialects
(see Ingham 1 994: 49); in any case, it deserves frther study.
Participles carry gender inflection for subject, but not person . .
P exception t o this rule i s found i n the Syrian area, where active
participles whose subject is second-prson feminine have developed an
ending that looks ver much like a prfective veral sufx. Te following
example shows a feminine singular participle, ayfa/ having seen, with
the genitive pronunciation /-t/, and the addition of the feminine second
person verbal suffix /-i/:
So i Y L
ayftI la-'aJmad?
having-seen-you-f-him obj-Amed?
Have you ( seen Ahmed?
The motivation for this development seems to lie in the quasi-verbal
nature of the participle, and i paicula an aspctual assoiation btween
it and the perfective, an association discussed fer in Chapter 6
1 64
Categorizing Verbs
Variations in the negation patters of participles show that the
participle sometimes functions as a verb, and at other times takes its
syntactic position within the predicate (see Chapter 9). Chapter 7 will
show that the participle may be used in past, present, and future time
frames, a fact which prevents its formal association with any particular
tense or time reference.
5.5 Summary
The category of verbs in spoken Arabic contains both core and
peripheral members. The latter group includes members called here
pseudo-verbs, defined not lexically but syntactically, as non-verbal
expressions that show certain aspects of verbal behavior, such as negation
patters and syntactic objects, which often represent logical subjects.
Two other subcategories of verbs were also proposed: verbs of motion
and temporal verbs. Verbs of motion exhibit unique syntactic behavior
in their occurrence in non-embedding compound verb phrases. While
other types of verbs embed temporally and modally, the core group of
motion verbs do neither, and some verbs of motion have special narative
functions (see Chapter 7). Temporal verbs, which function to delineate
the time frame of an event, also consist of core and peripheral members.
Temporal verbs embed other verbs temporally but not modally. The
quintessential temporal verb, !a/ to be, embeds a fll range of perfective,
i mperfective, and participle forms, something no other Arabic verb can
do. Other members of this class may embed participles; the extent to
which they embed indicative imperfectives varies from dialect to dialect,
being most common in Morocco and least common in Egypt. (Kuwaiti
has no distinct indicative forms.) Chapter 7 contains further discussion
on the syntactic behavior of temporal verbs.
6.0 Introduction
Comrie defines aspect as consisting of "difernt ways of viewing
the interal temporal constituency of a situation" ( 1 976:3). For example,
events and actions may be represented as punctual, i.e. , having no
interal dimension, or as durative, i.e., action-as-process.
( 1 976) discussion includes three main cross-linguistic aspectual
distinctions: perfective, imperfective, and perfect. I will argue here
that these three cross-linguistic categories are realized in Arabic as the
morhological fors of the verb, prfective, imprfective and participle.
Te primary aim of this chapter is to provide a basic description of the
aspectual meanings of these Arabic forms with particular attention to
narative contexts.
A important step in describing the nature of verbal aspect in
Arabic has been Eisele's recognition of the distinction between two
different types of aspect, 'formal' and 'lexical' ( 1990a: 1 90; cf. Comrie
1976:6, n. 4). Formal aspect refers to the way in which the action in
question is represented: as a complete, punctual event, as a duration or
process, or as a resultant state. Lexical aspect (also called aktionsart,
tpe of action), on the other hand, refers to a semantic feature inherent
Mitchell and El-Hassan define aspect as "first and foremost a matter of
duration, of progress from one loation in time or space to another" ( 1994:74).
Their study of aspect in the educated spoken Arabic of Egypt and the Levant
concers itself with interrelationships among aspect, tense, and moality, and
explores a number of fine distinctions in meaning. This discussion treats
these three verbal categories as distinct fom one another.
Arabic has both active and passive participle forms (/ism fiill and lism
maf!, and both forms can give verbal, nominal, and adjectival meanings.
The term participle as used throughout this chapter refers to participles with
verbal meaning. Active participles occur more commonly than passive ones,
and most of the examples in this chapter happen to he active, but passive
participles can also carry perfect aspect, as the passive participle Imaltit
having been put demonstates here:
le :Nal:n mi maltit b:-l-bani d1
why the-dish neg having-hen-put in-the-refigerator1
Why hasn't the dish been put in the refigerator?
1 65
1 66 Aspect
in an individual verb, such as punctuality or duration, telic or atelic
meaning, or stative or dynamic (Comrie 1 976). Lexical aspect is not
itself a syntactic category, but it does have implications for syntax in
that interpretations of contextualized meanings of the imperfective and
the participle depend in part on the lexical nature of the verb.
6. 1 Lexical Aspect
A number of studies have investigated lexical aspect in various
registers of Arabic, and examined the ways in which different
interpretations of surface meaning are explained or predicted by the
semantic nature of the individual verb. McCars (1 976, Syrian), el-Tonsi
( 1 982, Egyptian), Eisele ( 1 990b, Egyptian), Ingham ( 1 994, Najdi) and
aI-Najjar ( 1 984, Kuwaiti) have proposed classifications of verbs
according to their lexical aspect. These classifications range in
complexity from Ingham's bifurcation of aktionsart into state/motion
and action ( 1994:89-90), to McCarus' rather elaborate system based on
analyses of aspect in English.
Harrell classifies Moroccan verbs in four categories: durative,
punctual, state/motion, and a fourh unnamed category whose description
matches that of inceptive verbs ( 1 962: 176- 1 77) . These verbs refer
either to an immediate activity or a necessary resultant of that
activity, e.g. rkeb 'to mount' or 'to ride' (mounting bing a necessary
prerequisite to riding), Ibes 'to put on' (clothing) or 'to wear'
(putting something on being a necessary prerequisite to wearing
it ( 1 962: 1 77).
McCarus ( 1976) compares lexical aspect in formal Arabic, Syrian,
and English, and proposes a semantic categorization of lexical aspect
based on the meanings of the participle and the imperfective. He
distinguishes among a number of aktionsart categories, including state,
movement, accompl i shment, achievement, developmental, and
Eisele ( 1 990b) demonstrates the ways in which lexical aspect
interacts with formal aspect in Cairene Arabic, affecting the semantic
interpretation of a given verb in its active participle and marked
i mperfective forms.
6.1 Lexical Aspect
AI-Najjar's study of aspect in Kuwaiti confates lexical and foral
aspect. His primary aim is to describe the roles and meanings of
certain verbs he calls "aspectual markers" (1984: 1 1). Ingham's approach
to aspect in Najdi more closely conforms to the goal here, which is a
simplified description of verbal behavior. Ingham describes Najdi as
"exhibit[ing] an Aktionsart category dividing verbs into two classes ( 1 )
Action and (2) State/Motion verbs" (1 994: 87). He recognizes that
verbs of all types can have mUltiple interpretations, telic and atelic,
inceptive and non-inceptive, and that this multivalence of verbs makes
their categorization problematic (1994: 91).3
Most of these studies classify the possible lexical aspect or
aktionsart readings given by the various verb stems. Depending on
whether the verb is stative, motion, inceptive, or act, the marked
imperfective allows habitual, progressive, and/or gnomic meanings,
and the participle allows perfect, "present state" (called here resultant
state), present progressive, or simple future interpretations. A
comparative analysis of Egyptian and Syrian studies, combined with
extrapolations from Moroccan and Kwaiti data, reveals similar patters
of lexical aspect form and meaning throughout all four dialect regions.
Table 6- 1 summarizes the results of this analysis in chart for.
Even in the brief summary presented in Table 6- 1 , the semantic
classification of verbs looks rather complex, and there remains a good
deal of overlap among the various categories The main shortcoming of
this kind of approach lies in the attempt to classify verbs lexically in
these categories. Many Arabic verbs contain within their semantic
fields more than one lexical aspect, and may thus belong to more than
one semantic category.
Ingham's distinction between telic and atelic verbsr, more
precisely, verb meanings-roves central to understanding verbal
semantics. Ingham defines telic verbs as verbs whose action "leads up
to a definite conclusion, as in to build a house or to write a letter"
Ingham's discussion of aspect in Najdi, and his insights on the telic/atelic
distinction were crucial in the formulation of the analysis presented here (see
also Comrie 1976:44-48).
Sample verbs are given in English due to the practical difficulty of including
transcriptions from four different dialects.
1 68
( 1 994:89). Atelic verbs, by contrast, describe an action with no definite
conclusion, such as to work or to read. A telic/atelic classification of
verb meanings simplifies the classification of lexical aspect, particularly
of the participle.
Table 6- 1 : Classification of Lexical Aspect
Lexical Aspect in the Dialects
Verb Type Perfective
entry into habitual
progressive or
a state or gnomic
resultant state sensory,
understood, (general
psychological has understood.
to understand
came to statement)
understand understands
progressive or
motion completion habitual resultant state
to leave left leaves is leaving.
has left
(no change completion habitual progressive
or event) waited waits waiting
to wait for
durative or
onset of action
resultant state
wore (once).
or progressive
to wear,
put on
having put all
put on is putting on
act completion or progressive resultant state
to read read reads, having read
is readillg
Eisele reports two different aspectual readings for the participle
/m'aggara/ having rented in the following sentence ( l 990b: 21O):
6. 1 Lexical Aspect
E _Y ,. _LL
huda lissa m'aggara aa fi darb il-'almar
[Huda just/still having-rented apartment i Darb al-Ahmar]
Huda has just rented an apartment in Darb al-Ahmar or
Hud is still renting an apartment in Darb al-Ahmar
1 69
The two readings of this sentence reflect two different lexical aspects
of the verb /aggar/ to rent: telic to make a rental agreement, and atelic
to be or begin renting (a place). The combination of telic with the
action nature of the verb results i a perfect reading of the participle in
the former, and the atelic, stative character of the verb in the second
gives a progressive reading. Mitchell gives a similar example containing
the participle /m'addi/ having crossed, crossing ( 1 978: 249):
E gLi
uftu mi'addi i-Uri'
[saw-I-him having-crossed the-street]
I saw him crossing the street or I saw he had crossed the street
The motion verb /'adda/ to cross may b atelic, signalling the entry into
the state of motion but not its completion, or it may signify the act of
crossing the street in its entirety, a telic act. These mUltiple readings
suggest that it may not be desirable-r possible-o assign a given
lexical item to just one aktionsart class.
The semantic analysis of verbs can be simplified by allowing
verbs membership in more than one category, depending on context.
Many verbs in Arabic have both telic and atelic meanings that are
realized by both form and context, such that /naml can mean either to
fall asleep or to sleep, /qa'ad/ to sit down or to be sitting, /daras/ to
study or to stud something, /'irif/ to know or to fnd out, depending on
the context and the morphological form used. The verb /gakar/ to
study, review [a lesson] can be either telic or atelic, and hence punctual
or durative, in some dialects. Ingham admits only an ateIic meaning
for Najdi, and thus cannot give a reading for the active participle
( 1994: 91). mEgyptian, however, telic use of this verb is common, and
gives rise to a perfect interpretation of the participle: /'ana mizakir
id-dars/ I have studied the lesson.
1 70 Aspect
A general reluctance to designate a reading of resultant state for
verbs of motion seems to be based mainly on the usage of the verb
/ra'r/ to go, which cannot give a resultant meaning in some dialects.
However, other verbs of motion commonly give resultant state meanings,
among them /za/ to come, arrive and /misi/ to leave:
E c.
ba'dni jaye huwwa lissa masi
just-me having-arrived he just having-gone
I have just arrived He has just left
The verb /labb/ has both a stative, atelic meaning, to love, and
an inceptive, telic meaning, to fall in love with. The speaker's choice
to use the participle /'abbe/ having fallen in love with rather than the
imperfective /bit'ibb/ she loves in the following sentence stresses the
telic meaning, that she has fallen in love or had a love affair. The telic
meaning emphasizes the completion of the act, and implies that the girl
in question has stepped over the line of acceptable social behavior:
S2 4 .:I _u4
hayy kanit 'abbe flan hayy kanit tila' ma'u hayy kanit titmassa
this was-she having-fallen-in-Iove-with so-and-so this was-she
she-go-out with-him this was-she she-go-walking with-him
This [girl] was in love with so-and so, she would go out with
him, she would go out walking with him
These semantic categories, then, can best be viewed as categories
of verb meanings, and not categories of verbs. The complexities of
lexical aspect analysis can be reduced by classifying meanings rather
than verbs. Since verbs can have both telic and atelic, or inceptive and
non-inceptive meanings, depending on context and lexical item; these
features provide the key to a simplified classification. The analysis
proposed here will focus on the participle because it represents the
most problematic of all verb stems.
Both the completion of an action and entry into a state share telic
meaning, and both are commonly expressed with the perfective and the
participle. Using Ingham's bifurcation of verbs into action and
6. 1 Lexical Aspect 1 71
state/motion categories, two patters emerge. ( 1 ) Participles of action
verbs can only give perfect meaning when they are telic. (In fact,
participles of atelic action verbs are rarely, if ever, used in spoken
Arabic.) In the following sentence, fari/ gives a telic meaning, to read
[and finish reading] something; it cannot give the reading I am still
reading this book.
lissa 'ari k-kitab da
just having-read the-book that
I've just read this book
(2) Participles of stative and motion verbs are used both in telic and
atelic meanings. A atelic lexical aspect gives rise to interpretations of
stative or progressive aktionsart, such as fa'da/ sitting in the following
Egyptian sentence (el-Tonsi 1 982:41):
E t cL Lu .
inti 'acda hina nu- saca?
you sitting here half hour
Will you be sitting here for (another) hal an hour?
Telic lexical aspct, on the other hand, gives rise to a perfect or resultant
state reading:
L ' ,a
. Lo
bacdni 'acid! 1 M beddik yani 'ur?
just-me having-sat! why want-you me I-get-up?
I've just sat down! Why do you want me to get up? (elicited)
Table 6-2: Lexical Aspect and the Participle
Lexical Aspect and the Participle
Telic Atelic
State/Motion resultant state progressive
Action resultant state
1 72 Aspect
The aspectual reading of the participle can thus be linked directly
to the context-specific meaning of its verb. If the meaning is telic, the
participle will give a resultant state (perfect aspect) reading. If the
meaning is atelic, the participle may be used only to express a progressive
reading for states and verbs of 'lotion. These findings, summarized in
Table 6-2, have obvious implications for the aspectual nature of the
participle, which will be explored in section 6.4.
6.2 Formal Aspect
Formal aspect refers to the way in which a verbal form describes
the contour of a particular action as an event, process, or state. As
such, formal aspect cannot always be judged according to grammatical
correctness; rather, the speaker chooses to describe an action as, for
example, a process that extends over time, as a completed event viewed
in its entirety, or as a resultant state. The remainder of this chapter will
be concered with the roles that formal aspect plays in the verbal
system of spoken Arabic, with particular attention to narrative contexts.
The three main categories of aspect discussed by Comrie ( 1 976)
are perfective, imperfective, and perfect.
These three categories map
onto the Arabic system quite neatly, finding expression in the
imperfective, perfective and participle, respectively. Though these three
Arabic verb stems may not correspond exactly with perfective and
imperfective aspects in other languages, they do conform closely to the
defining characteristics of these aspects as listed by Comrie ( 1976: 1 8-21 ,
24-26). The perfective aspect presents the action as a completed,
indivisible whole, and contrasts to the imperfective, which describes
the act!on interally, as a non-complete process, which may be iterative,
habitual, or progressive. The perfect describes an action as a state that
bears relevance to the moment of speaking.
Several dialect grammars have approximated this analysis without
committing to this terminology and framework. For Moroccan, Harrell
describes perfective and perfect without using the terms, and he calls
the imperfective "durative" ( 1 962: 1 73). For Egyptian, Eisele prefers
not to equate Arabic tense forms with Slavic aspect, but sees an aspectual
See also Li, Thompson, and Thompson ( 1 982: 19) and references therein.
6.2 Formal Aspect 1 73
correspondence between the English 'event' or simple tense forms (e. g. ,
go, went) and the Arabic perfective on one hand, and between the
English 'process' or compound forms (e.g. , was going, am oing) and
the Arabic imperfective ( 1990a: 1 91 ) . AI-Najar ( 1984:6) uses the ters
perfective, imperfective, and perfect as I do here, although his study of
aspect in Kuwaiti focuses on lexical aspect. Ingham also uses the
terms perfective and imperfective ( 1 994: 87), and describes the participle
as a perfect in the cases noted above ( 1 994:89).
It is important to distinguish clearly between the perfect and .
perfective aspects. The overlap in terminology is unfortunate, but
commonly occurs, and is unavoidable at present, since it would be
even more confusing to invent new terms for old concepts (see further
Comrie 1976: 1 2 and Lyons 1977: 714- 1 5). Comrie uses the term perfect
to designate "a past situation which has present relevance; " the prfective,
on the other hand, "denotes a situation viewed in its entirety, without
regard to interal temporal constituency" ( 1 976: 1 2).
These aspects are familiar from other languages. Slavic in
particular grammaticalizes perfective and imperfective aspect in a more
elaborate system than Arabic, and English has a perfect which is similar
to the Arabic. However, these three aspects are not necessarily
grammaticalized in exactly the same way in all languages. It need not
be claimed that Arabic perfective and imperfective are equivalent to
Slavic, nor that the Arabic perfect matches the English perfect, for
these terms to be used. It must only be shown that the meanings of
these Arabic forms conform to general linguistic definitions of these
Slavic languages have a highly developed aspectual system, with
separate verb stems for the perfective in various tenses, so that a future
event can be described as perfective, as a complete, punctual event.
Arabic does not have separate tenses, and so the expression of a present
or future event as perfective, as a punctual whole, is much less common
than the expression of a past event as such (although punctuality may
be implied by the participle, see 6.4). Arabic may have a less elaborate
aspectual system than Slavic, but this does not mean that Arabic verbs
are less aspectual. While the meaning of the Slavic perfective is highly
punctual, that of the Arabic perfective appears to be more focused on
1 74 Aspect
the completed nature of the event. Mitchell and EI-Hassan seem to
concur: "The difference between that which has been realized (fulfilled,
accomplished, brought about) and that which has not is at the root of
Arabic distinctions of tense and mood" ( 1 994:8). Cross-linguistically,
perfective aspect consists of a constellation of features, and its realization
in a given language may favor one particular feature over others. In
Arabic, the "completed" feature of the perfective plays a primary role.
In addition, the 'perfectiveness' of the perfective may vary
somewhat among different varieties of spoken Arabic. Mitchell contrasts
the following two Jordanian examples, the first judged by his informants
to be ungrammatical and the second acceptable ( 1 978: 237):
J L | ,l
..qara't il-kitab 'iddit sa'at
..[read-past-I the-book several hours]
[I read the book for several hours]
J L |.:i .
qara't fi il-kitab 'iddit sa'at
[read-past-I in the-book several hours]
read (in) the bookfor several hours
In the second example, the aspectual nature of the perfective /qara't/ I
read is altered by the preposition /fit, which permits an atelic
interpretation of the action that correlates with the adverb /'iddit sa'at/
(for) several hours. This use of /fit as an aspectual "durative" particle
is common in Morocco, Egypt, and the Levant. However, a sentence
based on Mitchell' s Jordanian example and translated into Moroccan
was rejected by Moroccan informants, who corrected the sentence to:
Ml q| | | | _|_ a]y
tlata d sway;' w ana kanqra f wa\;d l-ktab
three gen hours and I indic-read-I in one the-book
I've (I had) been reading a bookfor three hours (elicited)
This judgement suggests that some educated Moroccan speakers, in
contrast to educated Jordanian speakers, have difficulty associating the
perfective with a duration of time. The educated register of Mitchell's
Jordanian speaker, indicated by the glottal stop in /qara't/ read (which
6.2 Forml Aspect 1 75
in a less formal register would be faret! ,may also play a role in usage
here. In any case, a blanket statement on the use of the perfective in
spoken Arabic is not yet warranted, and more research is needed both
into regional and social variation.
At the other end of the dialect spectrm lie the following examples,
taken from an interiew with an elderly Kuwaiti woman. I this passage,
she reports a conversation with a male relative, speaking in his voice.
Noteworthy here is the use of perfectives /rlt/ I went and /agget/ she
called juxtaposed with imperfectives /arfl/ I go and /ma a'yi/ I am not
aware in the same narrative context, even though both verbs clearly
refer to the same temporal frame. These perfectives indicate recurring
events, but describe the events as punctual ones ftting within a larger
series of events.
q| =
| <_x |] | _
_ | | | |+
| _
. _l.
| _
qL q| ci ._,-. 'J __
'adatha mahi zena. )ana arul B-sugl. la rlt is-sugl, agget
ummha 'aleha talifon w ra a'i )illa wen raylin, il-ma'ra, w yom
rayl).in ra adri wen yigUlun w la tlaccet, haddat )ummha lisanha
habits-her neg good. I I-go the-job. when went-I the-job, called-she
mother-her at-her telephone and neg I-aware except where going-p,
the-exhibition, and day going-p neg I-know where they-say and
if spoke-you, loosed-she mother-her on-you
Her habits are not good, I go to work. When I go to work, her
mother calls her-on the phone-nd before I am aware of it where
are they of ttto the exhibition, and another day I don't know
where they say they're going, af i you say anything, her mother
lets her tongue loose on you.
Similarly, the following passage about how Kuwaiti society used to
deal with infertility "in the old days" contains perfectives /yat/ she
came and /tzawwjaw/ they got married, contrasting with imperfective
/yanrUn/ they wait :
See also Mitchell and EI-Hassan ( 1 994) for a detailed comparison of aspctual
usages in the educated spken Aabic of the Levant.
ofi ya'ni \lin 'awwal la yat it-mara la tzawwjaw, 'ugub iz-zawaj
yanurOn 'aleha ahr, ahren
you-see that-is when old-days if came-she the-woman when they
got married, after the-marriage they-wait for-her month month-2
You see, in the old days, when the woman came when they got
married, they would wait a month or two
The perfective moves the narrative forward, and serves to foreground
the events it represents, in contrast to the use of the imperfective to
provide background descriptions. Foregrounding and backgrounding
will be explored further in section 6. 5. 1 .
6.3 Translation and Speaker Point of View
Anderson's study of aspect as a cross-linguistic category rests on
the premise that "[a] grammatical category, such as the ' [p]erfect, ' will
not have exactly the same range of uses in one language as it does in
another" ( 1 982:227).
In trying to determine the aspectual meanings of
verb forms, it is important to allow for two kinds of variables: problems
that arise in translating across languages, and the degree of control
maintained by speakers in representing actions and events. For the
first, if a certain aspectual distinction is made by one language but not
another, translations that maintain the original distinction may be difficult
to find. In the case of speaker control, two speakers may report the
same event or elicit the same information using different aspectual
forms, depending on the way she or he chooses to represent that event
or question. The following, while not the only means of asking, represent
common variants for Do you remember? in each dialect:
E5 u
S3 q Kl
'qlti? fakir? bttzakkar? tidbrin?
remembered- having- indic-you- you-f-recall
you remembered remember
Anderson proposes a schema for the mapping of uses of the perfect in a
variety of languages; unfortunately, his discussion of (formal) Arabic focuses
on what is called here the perfective, not the participle.
6.3 Translation and Speaker Point a/View 177
Do these different verb stems mean that the aspectual systems of the
dialects differ? Not necessarily. Lexical aspect, formal aspect, and
speaker attitude all affect the formation of these questions. As the
Moroccan version suggests, the perfective in Moroccan sometimes has
a performative function, at least in certain common expressions, such
as the generalized use of the perfective /bgit! I want and !x-! must, it
is necessar. By contrast, in using the imperfective, the Syrian and
Kuwait questions stress the act of remembering as a process. The
Egyptian participle contains an implied perfective event as we1l3 but
adds to it a relevant resultant state. Moreover, the use of the participle
in this case goes beyond a request for information to a social interaction:
by phrasing the request in terms of a resultant, relevant state, the speaker
adds connotations of shared experience, relevant to the present moment,
and hence a reinforcing of social or emotional ties. The use of different
verb stems in these questions may tell us as much about speaker attitudes
as about the nature of verbal aspect in these dialects.
Lexically stative verbs, such as to know, interact with aspect in a
way that defies translation. The context of the following Kuwaiti
example clarifies the reason for the speaker's choice of the participle
!'rnif! having learned. A interviewer has asked the speaker about her
opinion of marriage at a young age. In her reply, the speaker stresses
that a man should have already come to understand the responsibilities
of marriage. The use of the participle !'arif! having leared adds this
dimension of completed comprehension, while the imperfective would
stress comprehension as an ongoing process.
K2 . L. .,
. tl ,
ba'rif kif kill walid bifakkir
indic-I-know how each one indic-he-thinks
I know how each one thinks
b yI __|,
ba'rif 'asami kill it-tlamiz
indic-I-know names of-all of-the-students
I know the names of all the students
c u,_.
manni 'arif 'aHah wen Iaini
neg-I having leared God where having-put-me
I don't know where God has put me [what's going on with mel
d _,_c
'ana 'arif u 'am bilki
I having-leared what prog indic-I-say
know what I'm saying
Is it possible to determine the motivation behind the choice of verb
forms in these contexts? Eisele ( 1 990a: 204) claims that, in certain
contexts, the perfective and the perfect can "imply" events and states
not primari ly grammaticalized by the verb form; if this is so, then the
i mperfective should have similar capability. A possible motivation for
the use of the imperfective in examples (a) and (b) is to imply the
underlying process of learing a certain body of knowledge, here the
6.4 Perfect Aspect
1 79
way certain people think and the names of the students. Examples (c)
and (d), on the other hand, contain no body of knowledge to be leared
through a process. Rather, the participle indicates a completed knowing,
or not knowing, as a resultant state that has special relevance to the
speech act (see 6.4).
The use of the participle in these and other contexts conforms to
Li, Thompson, and Thompson's ( 1982) pragmatics of perfect aspct in
Chinese. I will cite their fndings here not to propose that the Arabic
perfect is equivalent to the Chinese, but to offer a cross-linguistic '
perspective on the functions of perfect aspect.
6.4 Perfect Aspect
Li , Thompson, and Thompson ( 1982) examine the discourse
properties of the Mandarin Chinese perfect. They see the same two
essential, defining properties of the perfect in Chinese that the Arabic
participle has: stativity, and relevance to reference time. Te pragmatic
functions of the perfect in Chinese include (adapted fom 1 982:28-37):
1. to indicate change of state, or change of perception on the part
of the speaker;
2. to correct a wrong assumption;
to report progress so far; update, relevance;
4. to signal what happns next, in a narrative sequence;
5. to close a statement, marking 'speaker contribution.'
Of special interest here are functions ( 1 ) and (2), because they explain
the use of the participle in examples (c) and (d) above.
Example (c)
represents a loss of perception on the part of the speaker, which falls
under the rubric of a change in perception. From the point of view of
the speaker, example (d) corrects the erroneous assumption on the part
of the interlocutor that the speaker does not know what he is talking
about. The use of the participle in these particular contexts thus seems
to follow certain aspectual principles.
The lack of an equivalent distinction in English between participle
/'ana (irif/ I know and imperfective /ha'rif/ I know does not preclude a
difference in perspective expressed in the Arabic. Just as speakers
Other functions also prove relevant to the Arabic perfect, in particular (4)
"what happens next," which will be discussed frther in section 6. 5. 3.
1 80 Aspect
control the degree to which they specify or individuate nouns (see 1 . 3),
they also retain a degree of control in choosing the aspectual
representation of an event.
Eisele 1 990a and Mitchell and EI-Hassan 1 994 are reluctant to
assign a direct relationship between perfect aspect and the participle in
part because the English perfect is often used to translate the Arabic
perfective. However, the use of one fonn to translate another form
from another language does not necessarily establish a grammatical
equivalence between the two fonns. m a number of European languages,
the semantic field of the perfect has been gradually expanding at the
expense of the simple past (Comrie 1976: 1 1 ). Conversely, the English
perfect has syntactic restrictions that the Arabic perfect does not. As
Comrie notes, in English, the specific time reference of the prior event
may not be expressed. "[Olne cannot say I have got up at five o'clock
this morning" (Comrie 1976:54). In several dialects of spoken Arabic,
on the other hand, such a sentence is perfectly acceptable, as these
elicited sentences show:
M ' u - - I I
| , __ | ,|
| __
_|L |
'umm la-bnayya tira' tgul-li ya umm aad, ati ta'nma? )agul-la
la waHa, )ana ra a'rfa, il-umm daggat-li telifan tgUI )abI txatbi
lagg wildi
mother of-the-girl she-returs she-says to-me L Umm Ahmad
you you-kow-him? I-say to-her by-God I neg I-know-him, the
mother having-called-me telephone she-says I-want-you you
arrange-marriage for son-my
The girl's mother comes back to me saying, Umm Ahmad, do you
know him? I tell her, I don't know him, the mother has called me
saying, I want you to arrange a marriage for my son
On the other hand, as Eisele notes, the Arabic perfective may
often be rendered more idiomatically into English using the English
present perfect, especially in the case of inchoative verbs ( 1990a:202):
xala, zihi)t
finished, I-became-bored
Enough alread, I've become annoyed (I'm annoyed)
Here again, the difference lies in idiomatic expression. English does
not generally accord grammatical attention to the punctual entry into a
state, especially if that state is still on-going and relevant. Arabic
speakers, on the other hand, can choose to represent either the entry
into the state as a punctual event, or the state resulting from that event.
Eisele notes that the Arabic prfective "asserts" the event and "implies"
the resulting state ( 1990a:204); this implication is not grammatical but
contextual and translational.
1 82
6.4.1 Perfect Aspect and the Participle
The meaning and function of the active participle in spoken Arabic
has been under investigation for some time. Johnstone ( 1 967: 1 42)
notes of Easter Arabian dialects that "the syntax of these dialects does
not differ greatly from that of literary Arabic . . . except in the extended
use of the active participle. " Johnstone undoubtedly refers to the
widespread use in spoken Arabic of participles with verbal force, as
opposed to participial forms serving as adjectives, impersonal predicates
or frozen forms (such as /lazim/ must, it is necessar), a di stinction
maintained here as well.
But if it is correct to assign perfect aspect to the participle, as is
claimed here, then its near absence from written genres with a verbal
meaning does not result from difference in syntax between written and
spoken Arabic so much as in differences in discourse type and context.
Written language is often distanced from the force of relevance to the
speech act. It may be precisely the relevance aspect of the participle
that precludes its extensive use in most written contexts, especially
expository writing. The perfect aspect would therefore be a feature of
language more naturally associated with spoken, not written, language.
The aspectual nature of the participle in a number of dialects has
been analyzed by Wild ( 1 964), Woidich ( 1 975), Mitchell ( 1 978), el-Tonsi
( 1 982), AI-Najjar ( 1 984), Eisele ( 1 988, 1 990a), and Ingham ( 1 994).
Some of these analyses have attempted to codify the use of the active
participle with various time references; all have investigated the nuances
of its aspectual meanings.
Terms like 'resultative' and 'stative' are often used to describe the
participle. Mitchell ( 1 978:230), AI-Najjar ( 1 984), and Holes ( 1 990)
hint at a relationship between perfect aspect and the active participle,
but stop short of associating the two. Ingham recognizes the perfect
Li, Thompson and Thompson's research on Chinese supports this theory:
they find that the Chinese perfect is "very rare in expository and scientific
writing and practically non-existent in news-reporting, speeches, lectures . . .
[and descriptive writing]" ( 1 982:26). Only i n narratives i s the Chinese perfect
likely to occur. In Classical Arabic, then, one would expect to find participles
with perfect aspect in literary anecdotes and narratives. It is my impression
that this is precisely the context in which this use of the participle most
frequently occurs; however, this speculation awaits further research.
6.4 Perect Aspect 1 83
nature of participles in Najdi Arabic: "it [is] possible to iterpret the
[a]ctive pariciple as meaning having begun to e . . or having perormed
the initial action which results in the state of . . " ( 1 994:91). However,
he too is reluctant to assign perfect aspect to the participle because of
the progressive reading of participles of certain state and motion verbs.
Eisele ( 1990a) labels the participle as "stative. " While the
participle clearly represents a state, stativity is not in and of itself the
defining characteristic of the participle. First, as noted above, the ter
'stative' is also used to denote one type of lexical aspect. Verbs of
epistemic kowledge in most languages are stative: to know, to perceive,
and to believe all refer to states of kowledge rather than acts. Thus
'stativity' is not limited to the participle, but is also a lexical quality
inherent in certain types of verbs. Secondly, copulative sentences,
including those containing a null-copula, may also b said to represent
a state, whether permanent or not. Finally, it is not the stative quality
of participles alone that lends them their aspectual nature. Rather, it is
the resultative and relevance features that allow participles to be
associated with the perfect aspect. Stativity is therefore a necessary
but not sufcient quality of the perfect aspect.
The following examples demonstrate the importance of the
resultative (relevance to speech act) character of te participle. In each
case, the partciple denotes a state rsultig fom a pror act ad cocurnt
and relevant to the speech context. (The question of time reference
will b taken up in Chapter 7. )
The female character in this story is able to recognize her son
years later because the angels had marked him when he was bor with
certain birthmarks, and the resultant state is crucial to her recognition:
Ml l , _,4
t__ _
ma r-razl !tmaq, 'Iwa l-!awli m:sri b 'alf w z-zyada
went-he the-man went-mad-he, wel l, the-sheep having-been
bought with thousand and more
The man went craz-the sheep had been bought for upwards of a
Recording a list of chores with her friend, the scribe notes that she has
already written this one, correcting her friend's assumption that this
chore is not yet on the list:
--- wi lazim tialla!i l-faramil
--- 'ana katba di
--- and must you-repair the-brakes --- I having-written this
--- And you have to fix the brakes. --- I've written that down.
The next speaker has just been asked if she has a prospective husband
in mind. Her reply stresses that, as far as she knows now, her decision
has been made:
S2 L L
!aliyyan muxtartu
currently having-chosen-him
As ofnow, I've chosen him
This Kuwaiti woman proudly describes putting the finishing touches
on her new chalet using perfective verbs. Her friend then asks if the
electricity has been connected yet, so that it is ready to be inhabited:
K4 , ,_ t,,q -
--- sawwet-Ie l-q:nafit, xaHathum --- il-kahraba wala?
--- made-I-for-it the-sofas, finished-I-them --- the-electricity
- I got the sofas for it, I finished them. --- Has electricity
These participles all fit the defmition of perfect aspect: the resultant
state of a prior action that has special relevance to the speech act.
6.4 Perect Aspect 1 85
6.4.2 Participles of Motion
The biggest problem presented by the participle as a grammatical
form is that a small category dominated by participles of motion
seem to behave in an altogether different manner than the participles
cited above. Rather than indicating the resultant state of a prior act,
these paricular motion participles often indicate a progressive act. Hence
E, S /masi/ can mean both going and having left, and E, S, K /nazil/
either going down/out or having gone. The participle /wail/, on the
other hand, can only mean having arrived in all four dialects.
In Egyptian, /rayit/ means only going, not having gone. Kuwaiti
speakers, however, use this participle in both meanings. mthe following
passage, the speaker recounts his last birthday party, listing the
preparations undertaken by his friends. Past time reference is established
by contextual framing. The participle of motion /raytin/ having gone
is clearly parallel in aspect to /msawwin/ having made, /Sarin/ having
bought, and /yaybin/ having brought.
L; . uc . L; p
| ' [ : | _ l
_ _
fa yom (id miladna msawwin-lina tafla, 'id miUtdna 'mawiyya
benna w bena isbi', raytin sarin keka w yaybin l-masIib
so day feast birth-our having-made-p for-us party, anniversary-our
I with-him between-us and between-him week having-gone-p
having-bought-p cake and having-brought-p the-drink
So the dy ofour birthday they had arranged for us a part, our
birthday, mine and his, between [me] and him is a week, they
had gone and bought us a cake and brought the drinks
AI-Najjar notes, but does not explain, the use of /rayit/ going and other
participles of motion with both progressive and perfect meanings
( 1984: 145).
The existence of what appear to be two contradictory usages of
the same form has motivated various analyses of the participle along
Mitchell and EI-Hassan ( 1 994) point out that translocation is a more
appropriate ter for this category of verbs, since it is verbs expressing movement
from one location to another that exhibit this behavior. I will use motion in
the sense of translocation.
1 86 Aspect
semantic lines, as seen in section 6. 1 . Eisele's solution to this problem
is to call the perfect usage "non-characteristic" with respect to aspect
( 1 990a: 204). A alterate explanation is offered here, one that views
this as an historical problem, resulting in the development of a secondary,
stative meaning.
As any dictionary of Arabic shows, many Arabic verbs have a
range of meanings both telic and atelic. The problem of the motion
class participles is resolved by viewing the range of telic and atelic
meanings inherent in each verb. The verb /miW can mean, in different
contexts, to walk, to go, and to set out to go somewhere, leave. If
/mii/ is understood to mean to set out to go rather than the process of
going. the semantic extension of /maW from perfect having set out to
progressive in a state of going is not problematic, but well within the
normal parameter of perfect meaning. Verbs meaning to go can carry
both telic (to go somewhere) and ate lie (to set out) meanings; it is the
atelic meaning of these verbs that gives rise to the interpretation of the
participle as motion in progress.
The overwhelming preponderance of evidence from a number of
dialects thus confirms that the basic aspectual nature of the participle is
perfect. The question of time reference, however, is a different one
entirely, and will be examined in Chapter 7.
6.5 Aspect in Narrative Contexts
This overview of aspect in spoken Arabic will conclude with a
brief look at aspect in narratives across dialects. Narratives provide a
range of meanings of forms and structures. While ostensibly about
another time and place. narratives are often present in a way that
emphasizes the relevance to the moment of speaking: to be as close as
possible to the audience, the narrative context is brought into the here
and now. Narrative uses of verb forms are strikingly similar across
dialects, and reflect the centrality of aspect to the verbal system of
The use of the so-called "historical present," the progressive present
that relates past events, is a wel l-known cross-linguistic phenomenon
also common in Arabic. The following Kuwaiti narrative shifts abruptly
6.5 Use of Aspect in Narrative Contexts 1 87
from perfective to imprfective at a moment of tension, when the narator
discovers that his friend is no longer speaking to him. Perfective verbs
/ga'adt/ I got up, and /ala' raQ/ he lef [and] went, move the plot
forward, while the imperfective forms, fagul! I say, and /ma YQacini/
he doesn't speak to me, as a kind of historical present, heighten the
immediacy of these actions:
KI .
C' ~ c
!ani yom ga'adt :-bQ w-agul Qagg M abaQ il-xer, ra yiQaclni,
ala' raQ id-dawam
second day got-up-I the morg and I-say to M. morg the-good
neg he-speaks-to-me left-he want-he the-work
The next dy I got up in the morning and I say good morning to
M. and he doesn't talk to me! He lef and went to work.
However, the historical present does not by itself explain non-past
usage of imperfective forms in spoken Arabic. The historical present
in English often consists of event forms, like a recent television
commercial for a kind of toothpaste, in which the speaker relates a past
event using present forms: My dad picks me up at the airport, and
right there on the highway he starts examining my teeth! As Eisele
notes, the English event form is parallel to the Arabic prfective ( 1990a),
so the use of present tense event fors in English narratives cannot be
equated with the use of the imprfective in Arabic which, while conveying
the narrative immediacy of a relative non-past occurrence, describes
the event in a different fashion. Aother unexplained feature of Arabic
narratives is that many of them combine perfective and imperfective
forms, both describing past events. Clearly, aspect is involved in the
choice of forms in narative. The next four sections describe different
strategies Arabic speakers use in narration.
6.5.1 Foregrounding and Backgrounding
Hopper has identified what he calls "a universal of narrative
discourse," a phenomenon he calls fore grounding and backgrounding
( 1979: 21 3). These terms refer to the "parts of the narrative which
relate events belonging to the skeletal structure of the discourse," and
1 88 Aspect
the "supportive material which does not itself narrate the main events"
( 1 979:21 3). This discourse universal is realized with different strategies
across languages, but a number of core syntactic and semantic phenomena
can be identified, including aspect. Several languages studied by Hopper
use "event" forms to move the narrative along, and "process" forms to
describe the interal content of supporting or descriptive material. Arabic
follows this patter as well: the perfective and the imperfective verb
stems are used to narrate and describe, respectively. The perfective
relates the event or action as a completed whole, while the imperfective
provides a picture of event as process, and opens it up for interal
1 1
A typical narrative, the fol lowing text contains both perfective
and imperfective forms. The choice between them is motivated by
status of the events themselves within the narrative: the former represent
actions that move the plot forward, the latter descriptive or scene-setting
material. Background is given using imperfective forms /t'ul-lu/ she
says to him and /tUf she looks, in both cases preceded by the participle
of motion /gayya/ coming. The plot of the narrative moves forward
through the perfective verb forms, /'al-Iaha/ he told her, /mii/, he left,
and /la'it/ she found.
E6 . q jc . t_| uU j.
. i
g ) '
U - g > m . .
hiyya gayya t'ul-Iu 'aI-aHa tkUn i l-'ahwa 'agabit-ak 'al- Iaha
kwayyisa. ba'd ra mm gayya tuf fi l-fingan la'it il-'ahwa zayy
ra hiyya
she coming she-say-to-him upon-God it-be the-coffee pleased-it
you. said-he-to-her good. after left-he coming she-look in the-cup
found-she the-coffee like it
She comes and tells him, I hope [to God} you liked the cofee.
He told her, [it was} good. After he left, she's coming to look at
the cofee cup, she found the cofee as it [was before}.
Hopper's analysis suggests that he would see the historical development of
the Arabic perfective and imperfective as, in part, a natural consequence of
this discourse universal. Arabic features such as word order and the suffixed
and prefixed forms of the verb stems seem to fit his framework.
6.5 Use of Aspect in Narrative Contexts 1 89
The next passage, from Morocco, shows similar use of the verb forms.
The only event that belongs to the plot here is the king's setting up a
private room for his only daughter, /dar-Iha/ he made for her. The
background description of the room itself is carried out using imprfective
verb forms, /ma txra'g/, she doesn't go out, /ma tdxal/, she doesn't
come in, /makatnOQ/ she doesn't get up.
Ml l L . L|
q__L_ _Qm U[
u _
. L _ _
aha malik saltan w naQ dar-Iha I-bIt dyalha b
-uldha b-l
xaddama, ra txra'g ra tdxag. ra katnuQ man d-dar, ga' ra
katxraz barra
father-her king sultan and got-up-he made-he-for-her the-room
gen-hers by-self-her with-the-servants, neg she-go-out neg she
go-in. neg indic-she-gets-up from the-house, at-all neg she-go-out
Her father [was] a king, and he up and made her her own room
all by hersel, with servants, she wouldn't go out or in. She
doesn't leave the house, doesn't go out at all.
This next excerpt shows more of the story's plot, and most of the
verbs are perfective. The imperfective verb, /tatbat/ she spends the
night stands out as a description tangential to the main plot events:
Ml l
L =|_
, | _ . _| .
& L, L.
|, l,
_L 3 |_
,| g
'am ba'il-lik, hOle ykUnu 'am bimau klabon, ykinu 'am bitmau
bi--ari', yidi"u I-bab 'aIeyy w y'ili-li 'andik mani' nirab 'ahwe?
prog indic-I-say-to-you those they-be prog indic-they-walk dogs
their, they-be prog indic-they-walk in-the-street they-knock the
door at-me
I'm telling you, they would be walking their dogs, they would be
strolling in the street, they'd knock at my door and say to me, Do
you have any objection to us having a cup of cofee?
However, foregrounding and backgrounding do not explain all of
the verb fonn usages in narrative texts. Two other patters of usage
1 92
may be detected in spoken Arabic narratives. One is the use of certain
verbs, mainly verbs of motion, to give narrative texts aspectual contour,
and the other involves the use of imperfective and participle forms in
special constructions to highlight sudden events. Both of these
constructions contour the sequencing of events, indicating a sudden or
important event. The use of the participle in these contexts bears
striking parallel to Li, Thompson and Thompson's fnction of the perfect
in Chinese to signal the next event in a narrative (see 6.4).
6.5.2 Aspect and Narrative Contour
Discourse fore grounding and backgrounding help explain the
choice of aspectual forms in narrative. In addition, a group of verbs
consisting of certain verbs of motion seem to play a role in highlighting
narrative events. AI -Najjar 1 984 examines some of these verbs at
length in his study of aspect in Kuwaiti. He calls these verbs "aspectual,"
and so they are, but theirs is lexical aspect. Since they seem as a group
to mark the twists and turs of narrative events, I will tentatively call
their function "narrative contour." Some of these verbs seem to allow
verb phrases to combine two lexical aspect s, punctual and
stative/progressive, for certain narrative purposes.
Speakers use this tool in two ways. Some of these verbs control
the narrative "dimension" of actions, to add some highlight to a
backgrounded action or event, or to add a stative or progressive dimension
to a foregrounded event. Another function is to give contour to the
narrative as a whole, by drawing the attention of the listener to the next
in a series of foregrounded events.
1 2
The most commonly occurring
"conturing" verbs in my data are listed in Table 6-3. This partial
listing should suffice to give a general idea of this proposed group,
which contains striking semantic parallels across dialects. Even where
individual lexical items differ, their semantic fields correspond (e.g., to
get up, Moroccan /nac/ and Egyptian and Syrian /'am/).
Syntactically, these verbs exhibit unique behavior in that they
may be fol lowed by non-embedded (modally or temporally) verbs in
Palva ( 1 991 ) and Caubet ( 1 995) have studied uses of the verb /'a/ to come
in Jordanian and Moroccan dialect narratives respectively, analyzing the
narrative functions of this particular verb.
6.5 Use of Aspect in Narrative Contexts 1 93
asyndetic construction. Mitchell and El-Hassan dismiss this feature as
simple coordination ( 1994: 1 13); while this may be tre, the fact remains
that no other verbs may be coordinated asyndetically in this manner.
Table 6-3: Narrative Contour Verbs
Narrative Contour Verbs
Mo Egyptian Syrian Kuwaiti
next ma
next ga 1
get up:
new or
na! 'lm 'lm glm
sit down.
ba 'a'ad 'a'a ga'ad
t:mm L tamm tamm
'aw; rigi'
previous 'a
Verbs meaning to go combine the idea of physical motion, the
act of going somewhere, with the end result, expressed by the following
(often) perfective verb. The asyndetic coordination in this case allows
the different lexical aspects to color or contour each other so that the
motion and the end result are conveyed together as a whole, seen from
both perspectives at once.
gadi n;mi nzib gir l-garru w nzi
fut I-go I-bring only the-cigarettes and I-come
I'm just going to go and get cigarettes and come back
4 c
ma ra-Iha mskin l-'ur
went-he bought-he-for-her dear the-incense
He went and bought her, the dear, incense
El .1
ralit gabit iI-mav
went-she got-she the-mauve
She went and got the mauve
K3 o_
ral)aw caggabUha
went-they made-a-liar-they-her
They went and made her out to be a liar
The verb to come is used similarly in the dialects, and differs from to
go in physical or psychological perspective, depending on where the
speaker locates himself or herself with respect to the actions involved.
Subsequent actions in narrative, and particularly sudden or
surprising ones, are often introduced by verbs whose lexical meaning is
to get up, stand up: Moroccan /nag/, Egyptian and Syrian /'am/, and
Kuwaiti /gam/, as these examples show:
l 3
M l _c. u,_oL.
| a_ | _| . | _' =|
_ g_c 'l g J
wal);d r-razl 'ndu l-mra tat;wl;d gi[r] l-bnat, ra 'ndhM l-w;ld.
nag gal-liha 'ana x;ni l-w;ld. nag thww;z mra xWra
one the-man at-him the-wife indic-she-bears only the-girls neg
at-her the-son. got-up-he said-he-to-her I necessary-for-me the
son. got-up-he married-he wife another
his narrative use of /gam/ in Kuwaiti differs slightly from another use of
this verb as a temporal verb, discussed in Chapter 7. In the latter, /gam/
indicates the onset of an action or a change of state, and is followed by an
imperfective. In narrative usage, /gam/ signals subsequent action and may be
followed by a perfective verb, or a participle in some dialects.
6.5 Use of Aspect in Narrative Contexts 195
[There was] a man who had a wie who bore only dughters, she
had no son. He told her, I need [a] son. He up and married
another woman.
S4 O _U, _
'ammu mariyye, w 'am it raQit xabit-Iu bint axf[h]a
mother-his Egyptian, and got-up-she went-she aranged-marriage
she-for-him daughter of-her-brother
His mother is Egyptian, and she up (and) went (and) got him
engaged to her niece
K3 _ ,&aucU
gamat su'ad galat a(atI la-mya w arba'I
got-up-she Su'ad said-she I-give-you the-hundred and forty
SuCid up and said, I'll give you the hundred and/ort
Tese verbs also function as verbs of beginning (see frther7.2).
Verbs meaning to sit down combine with following imperfectives
(of action verbs only, not stative or motion verbs) to lend continuous or
progressive aktionsart to an action. In Kuwaiti, the participle of this
verb fnctions as a progressive mark
r for imperfective verbs (8.3.3).
The verb /tamm/ to complete ocurs in all dialect regions. Harrll
notes that /tamm/ (originally, to complete) in Moroccan is used with
participles of motion ( 1 962: 1 84).
If his definition is expanded to
include stative participles, it can apply to Egyptian and Syrian as well.
Harrell does not give a meaning for /tamml, noting that it adds "tense"
to the following participle. His description can b refmed: as a narrative
contour verb, /tamm/ allows the combination of completed or punctual
aspect and the continuous aktionsart of the following participle to give
both a sense of the duration of a state or transloation and its completion
up to a certain (often implied) point in time, as these examples show:
M7 _
tammit fy
continued-I coming-ms
I continued walking (coming)
1 4
Harrell's counterexample of /tamm/ followed by a perfective is arguably a
misinterpretation: reading /tamm mhuwwed/ for Harrell's /tamm huwwed/ he
went down ( 1962: 184), all attested examples contain participles.
1 96
E5 l _.-,
tammet rayiQ
remained-I going-ms
I kept going
a '
_ _~
ar rimi, ra 'ad 'iii 'alb riQ;t - ra 'am bimi - min y6m[h]a
tammet 'a'de
became-it Rimi, neg remained-it to-me heart went-I - neg prog
I-walk - from day-it continued-I sitting
"Rimi" came on, I no longer had the heart to go'm not
walkingfrom that day, I've remained sitting
The Egyptian pseudo-verb /tann/ probably derives from this verb.
Badawi and Hinds note that /tann/ signals "the continuousness or
habitualness of an action or state" or "the immediate succession of one
action or state to another" ( 1986: 1 39), and give its truncated conjugation
forms which show a partial loss of subject agreement and acquisition
of the logical subject as an object. Their examples include the following
pair, both of which show the combination of continuousness with the
perfectivity of completion. Here, the implied end or completion points
are not temoral but physical: the interior of a structure and the arrival
at the company, respectively.
E _l ;
tanni daxil
further and further in I went
4 l_
_Ll l _L
s.fu g-gumal wi tann-u-hum tayrin 'a s-sirka
they saw the newspaper and rushed straight ofto the company
Kuwaiti /tamm/ seems to focus on the second meaning that Badawi
and Hinds give for /tann/, the immediate succession of events (a function
that all narrative contour verbs share, but in different senses). In my
Kuwaiti data, /tamm/ occurs only in the speech of one elderly woman,
who uses it with a fol lowing perfective, as if to signal a logically
subsequent event, or movement forward chronologically and logically.
mthe first example, the speaker has been describing a series of meetings
6.5 Use of Aspect in Narrative Contexts
1 97
with an acquaintance of hers. After he got married:
l -
tammet gattet sina ba'd, 'ilIa mlagmi: hah, slonic umm mammad
remained-I covered-I year then suddenly meeting-me hey, how
you Umm Mammad?
I passed another year, there he is meeting me, [saying] Hey, how
are you Umm Muhammad?
In the next passage, part of a Kuwaiti "Romeo and Juliette" story, the
parents have prevented the girl and her beloved from marrying. -The
next event is:
K3 _u&.. |
;I-bint tibba, tammat laat maria
the-girl she-loves-him, completed-she fell-she sick
The girl is in love with him, she fell sick
Verbs meaning to retur, resume signal either a narative retur
to or the resumption of a previously mentioned action, with the effect
of bringing a section of narrative "full circle. " The frst example
shows the use of Moroccan /'awed/ to retur to indicate the close of a
circular series of events (example from Harre11 1962: 1 84-5):
M l. L=
^^ '
g '
| i | |
O @ Q> ; J .
LU i U
. .|
c | | .cuc
Y )
J ; @
. J >; m J
- uc_o
L c J . _
_ig) .
'ajjaritna I-bet la'inna 'an ari' 'amid killiyit iI-camara 'ajjaritna
yya. w man baed ra ba'atit risale la-kill ij-jiran 'am tiral-lon
minon nil)na w 'eu waa'na 'eu ugl jozi w 'eu nilna bi-l
wal)id . . . ya'ni katibt-alon tafail 'anna awile ' aria la'inni
tarkit-alna risale bi-l-bet mian ni'ra m ba'itton li-j-jiran. ba'a
min wa't il walna, -- mO ba'te li-j-jiran ha r-risale? -- w wifa'u
innu t'ajjira I-bet, Cadit ajaritna I-bet
She rented us the house (because) through the Dean of the School
of Architecture she rented it to us. Ater she sent a letter to all
the neighbors explaining to them who we were and what our
situation was and what my husband's job was and what we were,
each and every one . . . She had written to them in great detail,
because she left us a letter in the house so that we could read
what she sent to the neighbors. So as soon as we arrivedadn't
she sent that letter to the neighbors ?-nd they approved her
renting us the house, she {went back and] rented us the house.
The next passage shows Syrian /birfa'u/ (lit., they return) used in the
same way. Here, the family of a young person who gets married
without their blessing will eventually go back and make up.
` L | | . | . '
3 J @
biddon yiz'alu fatra, 'iza zi'lu biddon yiru gaban Cannon la'ann
binton 'aw ibn on ra fi[h]on yitxallu Cannon ya'ni. 'eh. birfa'u
byitrau mitil ra kanu
want-they they-get-angry period, if got-angry-they want-they they
acquiesce in-spite of-them because daughter-their or son-their
neg able-they they-abandon them that-is. yeah. indic-they-retum
indic-they-reconcile-with-each-other like were-they
6.5 Use of Aspect in Narrative Contexts 1 9
They will get angr for a while, i the get angr the will acquiesce
in spite of themselves because [it's} their dughter or son, and
they can't abandon them. They go back and all make up with
each other just like they were before.
The striking parallels in meanings and functions of these verbs
across dialects suggest that verbal narrative devices in spoken Arabic
warant frther comparative attention.
6.5.3 Suddenly, all of a suden with Participle
Most of these dialects (I lack evidence for Moroccan) make use
of participles in narrative in similar ways, prceded by a verb of motion
and indicating a next event. This usage of the perfect aspect coincides
with the description of one the functions of the Chinese perfect by Li,
Thompson, and Thompson: to signal "what happens next, this has just
happened/is about to happen" ( 1982: 36). This function explains the
use of the aspectual nature of the participle to highlight sudden or
important plot events.
Egyptian favors the verbs /ral to go and ramI to get up with the
participle. In this passage, from a film plot narrative, the villain ram
laiV up and put his briefcase, a act intended to confuse the heroine:
E6 1. 1 U6 e,| ' bL L
tani yom geh -ubl, ra kanit hiyya f-l-maktab. 'am lai laha
second day came-he the-moring neg was-she she in the-offce.
got-up-he having put for-her briefcase
The next dy he came in the moring, she wasn't in the ofce. He
(up and) put a briefcase for her [to fnd}
The next passage shows the function of /ral/ with a following participle
to indicate subsequent action. When the captain of the ship tells the
mate to stop /wa"af/ the ship, the narrator says, /rulna mu'a"afin/
[and so} we went and stopped (Behnstedt 1 980:42, translation mine):
L |U| ._ -_u
'al: wa"af il-flUka! rlna muwa"arm
said-he: stop the-boat! went-we having-stopped-p
He said, Stop the boat! So we went and stopped
20 Aspect
Several examples of /yi'Um/ wi th participle occur in my Syrian data,
among them:
Sl _ L j. )__)__. _| __
Qamal Qalu w raQ. w min ware la-ware, w kill ra af aQib
il-maQall il-wara'a y'Um ka'ru
carried-he self-his and went-he. and from shop to-shop, and all
that saw-he owner of-the-store the-paper he-get-up having-thrown
He picked himsel up and left. Andfrom shop to shop [he went],
ever time the store owner saw the paper he would up and throw
him out
Kuwaiti narratives often contain /illa/ or/willa/ suddenly followed by a
'` ~
tammet ganet sina ba'd 'illa mlagini, hah lonic?
continued-I covered-I year after suddenly having-met-me well
I then passed a year after that, suddenly he is meeting me:hey,
how are you?
Kl - C c
' ,
waqt l-magrb willa 'ana mista'
time of-the-sunset suddenly I angry
When it got to be evening, now I'm angr
6.5.4 Suddenly with the Imperfective
Finally, the two peripheral dialects use the imperfective in ways
that do not seem to b paralleled in the central dialects. Harrell identifies
a Moroccan construction he calls a circumstantial clause (!Qal/) as a
commonly used narrative technique. Structurally, this construction
does resemble the circumstantial clause, in that it consists of /w/ followed
by a pronoun and an unmarked imperfective; however, the meaning of
this construction differs, as it does not denote an event simultaneous to
0main verb, but rather a sequential action. Harrell notes that this
6.6 Summary 201
constrction "carries the implication of thereupon oforthwith, sudenly"
( 1 962: 1 75). The following passage contains an example, /w huwwa
Y'rzac/ sudenly he returs
dazt wal'd s-simana gl's IIha w-huwwa Y'rZa(
passed-it one the-week sat-he in-it and-he he-ret
A week passed during which he stayed, and sudenly he returs
This unusual use of the imperfective may function as a kind of historical
Similarly, in Kuwaiti narratives, the modal /an/ had, would
precedes an imperfective to indicate a foregrounded action, sometimes
sudden. This device occurs frequently in the narratives of a young
male speaker:
Kl . |s| .
L| J.t g_
_q , t
yom kamil w ana (ala lirg't acabi, waqt '1-mag'rb willa 'ana
mista'. marra walda an yd'gg (alay rUid
day whole and I on buring of-nerves-my, time of-the-sunset
then I angry. time one an he-rings on-me Rashid
My nerves were on edge [the] entire day. When it got to be
evening, now I'm angr. All at once Rashid called/calls me
In other cases, this use of /an/ with an imperfective looks very much
like a kind of historical present, and it will be revisited in that context
in section 7. 1 .
6.6 Summary
This discussion of aspect in spoken Arabic has distinguished
between lexical aspect, which refers to semantic features inherent to
the meaning(s) of a particular verb, and formal aspect, which is viewed
here as being grammaticalized in Arabic in the morphological forms
perfective, imperfective, and participle.
Previous studies of lexical aspct have classifed verbs i a numbr
of categories according to the meanings of the morphological forms,
resulting in a complex representation of the interaction of formal and
lexical aspectual meaning. The aspectual meanings of the participle
present a special problem in Aabic, since some participles carry perfect
aspect (a relevant, resultant state) while others give a stative or progressive
aktionsart, resembling an imperfective aspect. This problem is solved
by distinguishing between telic and atelic lexical meanings, resulting in
a simplifed prediction of participial meaning. Telic verbs have perfect
aspect, and atelic verbs of motion and stative verbs give rise to progressive
interpretation. Atelic action verbs cannot be used in participial form.
Formal aspect, following Comrie ( 1 976) and others, is defined as
a way of describing the interal constituency of an action or event.
Te three verb stems, perfective, imperfective, and pariciple, correspond
to the three major cross-linguistic types of formal aspect in language:
perfective, imperfective, and perfect. The usage of the participle across
dialect regions corresponds closely to descriptions of perfect aspect in
other languages, among them Chinese. Functions of the perfect in both
Arabic and Chinese include indicating a change of perception, correcting
a wrong assumption, and signalling sudden or important events in a
narrative (Li, Thompson, and Thompson 1982).
I have argued here for the primacy of aspect to the verbal system
of spoken Arabic, especially in the choice of verb forms in narrative
contexts. As a means of representation, aspect is controlled by the
speaker, who chooses aspectual representation according to his or her
perspective of an action or event. In narrative contexts, Arabic speakers
consistently choose aspectual representation over exteral (deictic)
temporal representation.
A certain core group of verbs of motion, parallel across dialects,
plays important roles in narrative texts, signalling subsequent or
immediately successive. action, the ordering of events, the beginning
and final actions in a logical series, and the combination of lexical
aspects in a single action. Speakers of all dialect regions employ
narrative contour verbs in strikingly similar fashion to give aspectual
depth to narratives.
These conclusions are not meant to deny a role for time reference
in the verb system of spoken Arabic, the topic of the next chapter.
7.0 Introduction
After years of debate over the temporal or aspectual nature of
Arabic verbs, the trend in most recent studies has been to view the
verbal system of spoken Arabic as combining aspect and time reference
(Eisele 1988, Ingham 1994). Chapter 6 presented evidence supporting
the centrality of aspect to the verbal system of spoken Arabic . If the
morphological forms of the verb are aspectual and temporal, as has
been argued, what role does time reference play? This chapter will
examine mechanisms through which time reference is established in
the four dialects.
Following Eisele, a distinction will be made here between the
terms tense and time reference ( 1988:49). Tense refers to morphological
verb forms, and time reference to the role of these forms (and other
sentence elements) in establishing the loation in time of actions, events
and states with respect to the reference time. In other words, the
Arabic perfective and imperfective represent morphological categories
that interact with other grammatical features to produce time reference.
Time rference is understood in this study to be a featur of the sentence
as a whole, and even beyond the bounds of the sentence, of the discourse
Time reference may be determined by a number of different
sentential and contextual means, including verbs, clausal structure,
discourse context, and, in some dialects, certain non-deictic adverbs.
Most previous studies of Arabic verbal systems have aimed to
establish the basic or context-independent meaning of verb forms, as
opposed to context-specific meaning. Full investigation has yet to be
made of the use and meaning of verbs in narrative and conversational
contexts. The goal her is to describ naturally ocurring spech patters,
with particular attention to narrative contexts.
Eisele's study of tense, aspect and time reference in Cairene
Arabic ( 1 988, 1990a) represents the first serious attempt to define the
The term 'discourse unit' has yet to be defined in terms of length or
composition, but it has been shown to exist by studies of definiteness and
referentiality (see e.g. Wald 1983, Khan 1988).
204 Tense alld Time Reference
relationship between tense and aspect in spoken Egyptian Arabic. His
analysis of the context-independent meaning of the verb forms in
Egyptian Arabic forms concludes that tense forms in Cairene Arabic
have "two primary meanings . . . time reference and aspect" ( 1 990a: 1 90).
Eisele characterizes the verbal system of Cairene as a past/non-past
dichotomy of the morphological tenses, a framework taken as the point
of departure here. However, this chapter will expand his context
independent framework to include context-dependent tense as well.
It is maintained here that Comrie' s ( 1 976: 80) assessment of
Classical Arabic, that the perfective and imperfective represent relative
past and relative non-past respectively, holds true for the dialects as
well. Two mechanisms can shift relative time reference from the moment
of speaking to another point, past or future: embedding, which shifts
the reference point to the main clause, and tense neutralization, a discourse
mechanism. These two mechanisms allow aspect to play a greater role
than time reference in the choice of verb form in many contexts. In
addition, a special class of verbs called here temporal verbs has as its
primary function the establishment of time reference. Finally, it will
be argued that some of the confusion over the interpretation of the
meaning of the participle arises from the attempt to associate time
reference with it. As Holes notes, the participle is a tense less form that
does not signal any particular time reference ( 1 990: 1 89).
7.1 Relative Time Reference in Arabic
The Arabic tense system is inherently tied to context. Cowell
( 1 964: 340) and Mitchell and EI-Hassan ( 1 994: 65) define main clause
time reference as being relative to the moment of speaking. In fact, it
can be argued that this "default" reference of the moment of speech is
grammaticalized in Arabic, because time reference is not marked in
copulative to be (also called equational) sentences unless it is past or
future. In the following sentences, the absence of a tensed form indicates
that the time reference is understood to be the moment of speech.
hidi nukta 'Iih huwwa
this joke about-him he
This is a joke about him
7.1 Relative Time Reference 205
< . m_;_| _i
la' mg 'adim li'inn iI-model biui'u Jilw 'awi
no neg old because the-style of-it pretty very
No it {the dress] is not old because its stle is ver prett
Jayaton ger i
life-their another thing
Their lie is something else!
" -
, _
, p
'ism aHa 'alekum -- 'intu zenin w hiya zena
name-of-God upon-you -- you good and she good
God protect you--you are good and she is good
Te perfective and imperfective also locate an action relative to
the moment of speech, as past and non-past, respectively. However,
this point of reference may be overridden or shifted by grammatical
processes or discourse contexts. Tese processes and contexts are the
subject of the following sections.
7. 1. 1 Adverbs and Relative Time Reference
In the easter dialects, the temporal reference point may be shifted
from the moment of speech to a past or future point by means of
adverbs. Evidence from Kuwaiti in particular indicates that non-deictic
adverbs can collocate with imperfective verb forms to establish past
time reference. In the first example, the adverb /'awwal/ in the old
days shifts the reference point of the verb /'axaf/ I (was] afraid.
gal-Ii rUJi, 'uhuwa arraJ-Ii ya'ni , 'awwal 'axaf inn 'arUi w 'ayi
said-he-to-me gof he permitted-he-me that-i s first I-am-afraid
comp I-go and I-come
He told me, Go, he gave me permission, that is. Before. I {used
to be] afraid to come and go
Both grammars of Gulf Arabic agree on thi s point, and give
supporting examples. Johnstone notes that "the imprfect[ive] indicates
an incomplete act in the present or future, less frequently incomplete
event in the past" ( 1 967: 143). His example:
206 Tense and Time Reference
yriJ:tUn il-kwet
[they-go the-Kuwait]
They used to go, would go to Kuwait
Holes is even more explicit ( 1 990:26-7):
It is frequently the case, in certain types of discourse, that an
adverbial clause of time is used to set a 'past' time frame for the
main clause . . . In such cases, the main clause verbs do not need
to be marked for past time.
Holes identifies this mechanism as narrative-specific; however, the
narrative context may be quite limited in scope, since time reference is
easily "retrieved" by native speakers from a number of dialects. Egyptian
and Syrian speakers easi ly accept a past time reference for sentences
like the immediately preceding Kuwaiti one. A Syrian informant judged
the following elicited sentence acceptable:
c _c
V -
taawwar . . . 'innu(h) il-mudarris byraJt id-dars imbariJt 'uw bya'ti
Hullab imtiJtan fi gyabi
[ imagine . . . comp the-teacher indic-he-explains the-lesson
yesterday and indic-he-gives the-students exam in absence-my]
Imagine . . . that the teacher explained the lesson yesterday and
gave the students an exam in my absence
Moroccan informants, by contrast, categorically reject sentences like:
M o . _,. L u,,
..f-I-qdlm 'bad Hah nMtln, kaymIw . . servants of-God active, indic-they-go + . .
..In the old days, people {are} active, they go . . .
7.1 Relative Time Reference 207
However, my Moroccan corpus includes a number of examples
of imperfective verbs referring to past events, including imperfective
/tat:bqa/ she remains in the following, taken from a passage in which
the speaker recalls problems with her mother-in-law as a young bride:
. . . . . . . . g _
iftakartu I)ayrul)
thought-I-him going
I thought he was going to go
M =-
| tr|
kant xarza l-walida lli fat l-'ndi
was-she going-out the-mother rel came-she at-me
My mother, who had come to my house, was going out
The Egyptian speaker here uses a perfective /iStareti/ you bought in a
relative clause that is subordinate to the main verb, /ragga'ti/ you returned:
El : : | q|
. .
= . .J ;
ragga'ti l-fustan illi staretI min san miSel?
retured-you the-dress which bought-you-it from St. Michel?
Did you take back the dress you had bought from St. Michel?
The next example shows the participle, /ba' itton/ she having sent them,
in a relative clause giving a past perfect reading, even though the
participle has no time reference of its own (see further 7. 3):
7. 1 Relative Tme Reference 209
' _
. .
,' | |
U . O
katibt-:lon tafiil 'anna wile 'ar<a la'inn tarkit-:lna risale bi-l-bt
mgan ni'ra lli ba'itton li-j-jlran
having-written-she to-them details about-us long wi de because
left-she for-us letter in-the-house in-order we-read reI she-having
sent -them to-the-neighbors
She had written to them extensive details about us, [we knew]
because she left a letter in the house [we rented fom her] so that
we could read [the letters] she had sent to the neighbors
In the following Kuwaiti example, the time reference of imperfective
/'abi/ I want[ ed] is concurrent with the main verb /g:nni/ he dropped
me of
K3 _|
ganni i I-mekan illi 'abi
dropped-he-me the-place reI I-want
He dropped me of at the place I wanted
Equational sentences that are subordinate to a main cl ause are
understood to be concurrent with the time frame of that main clause.
Circumstantial clauses (Arabic /I all) , which describe the state or
circumstance of a sentence agent or topic, are by definition concurrent
with the main cl ause they hel p modify. Typical examples of
circumstantial clauses, marked and subordinated by /w(i)/ and, when,
W: humma mayln, nisi anitu ma'aha
and they leaving-mp, forgot-he bag-his with-her
When they were leaving, heforgot his briefcase at her place
Q | o | Ll
O~ - Q
lalala snln w ana arkaq ra' ha I-mara bidin ay ya'ni
three years and I I-run with this the-woman without thing that-is
Three years I have been running around with this woman without
21 0 Tense and Time Reference
Other subordinate clauses, too, contain imperfective verbs whose
time reference is present relative to the main clause. The following
Syrian example shows an adverbial clause with imperfective /iJki/ [
talk referring to a past recurring event:
_ ' _ ' l = |l _ i'
t'allamt il-Iuga min jiranna, 'add ra aJtki ma'on w a<arr aJki
ma'on t'allamt minnon il-Iuga
leamed-I the-language from neighbors-our, amount that I-talk
with-them and I-be-forced I-talk with-them leamed-I from-them
[ learned the language from our neighbors, so much [ talked with
them and was forced to talk with them [ learned the language
from them
7. 1.3 Discourse Shift of Time Reference: Tense Neutralization
It was noted in 7. 1 . 1 that Holes correlates the syntactic shift of
time reference associated with non-deictic adverbs wi th narrative
contexts. Even a sentence-length narrative frame suffices to allow
shifts in time reference. Moreover, narrative contexts allow relative
past time reference even without adverbs. Comrie calls this process
tense neutralization ( 1 985: 1 03- 1 04). Tense neutralization, which occurs
in narrative sequencing, provides for one verb to establish a past time
reference for subsequent non-past verbs, when the discourse proceeds
as an uninterrupted sequence (similar to English speakers' use of the
'historical present'). This discourse mechanism for shifting time reference
depenqs in part on the assumption of a "natural" interpretation of events
as being sequential and chronological , and allows aspect to play a
primary role in the choice of verb form.
The following examples show that time reference may be
established outside the sentence, either by other sentences which are
marked for past time, or by the context of the discourse itself. In the
fol lowing Moroccan passage, the speaker establishes the time frame
initially, with the perfective verb /dwwnna/ we passed, and once
having done so, does not need to repeat the past time reference; the
remainder of the clauses contain imperfectives or the zero-copula:
7. 1 Relative Time Reference 2 1 1
|U o_ .| 11 |
Ol _. .|
' o.
g-_|__[ g _|__[ [ q__|_
. .
-~, g| _
dwwzna I . iyyam, bzzif dyal . qa w I-wlidat f Qhama tanqaw
bihum w iii Y'awnk ra kayn w iii YQnn U ra kayn w iii -
kullha magul w kullha mtun w ntiyya tat -- smu w <-(fin w
-qa, HQin tangarbluh
| |_,|_
Lq | g_
- _,
._.|_ U
' .
.. .
wa't il-malik feal kan mamnu' id-dabQ barra I-magzar -- wi
tidbaQi mB Qa-taxdi -- il-magzar yidbaQ-lik, Qa-taxdi taxdi.
i<-<aQiyya iii bitsibiha sibiha fi-I . magzar. kan biygazzi bilad
'afriqya kullu min il-luQum di, wi btitna<<af wi btittallig
time of-the-king Faisal was-it forbidden the-slaughtering outside
the-slaughterhouse -- and you-slaughter neg ft-you-take -- the
slaughterhouse it-slaughter-for-you, fut-you-take, you-take. the
sacrifice rei indic-you-Ieave-it leave-f-it in-the-slaughterhouse.
was-he indic-he-feeds countries of-Africa all-it from the-meats
these, and indic-they-are-c1eaned and indic-they-are-frozen
21 2
Tense and Time Reference
The days of King Faisal it was forbidden to slaughter outside the
slaughterhouse- - if you slaughter you wouldn't take- - the
slaughterhouse would slaughter for you, [what] you want to take,
take. The sacrifice that you [want to] leave, leave in the
slaughterhouse. He used to feed the whole ofthe African countries
from that meat, it would be cleaned andfrozen
Finally, a Syrian speaker talks about a period of time she spent in the
United States. She establishes past time reference with /inbasa;t/ I
enjoyed mysel, then describes her activities using the imperfective:
S5 b . ___.__O_
' cC!
'" cC!
.... . _. _
l-ma'sar illi 'asartu killu min ha l -mustawa, ktir kwayyis, ktir
;nbasa;t . . . killon yi'zmGni nrGt sopping. wa't illi yi'zmGni mGt
sopping, essu n'a44i n-nhar min i-ubut la-I-masa, ktir mn;nb;si
the-group rei lived-among-it all-of-it from this the-level, very
good very enjoyed-self-I . . . al l-them they-i nvite-me we-go
shopping time rei they-invite-me we-go shopping, what we-spend
the-day from the-moring until-the-evening very enjoyed-self-I
The group of people I lived among was all of this level--ver
good, I enjoyed mysel a lot . . . All of them would invite me to go
shopping. When they'd invite me to go shopping we'd spend the
whole day from morning until evening, we'd have a great time.
In the final example, from Kuwait, the adverb /'awwal/ in the old days
establishes past time reference:
| j || -=+ ' ,l s
, =
raylin hnak, 'ugub ra rulna can agUl Iagg Nura hah Nura, ra
tyawwizin Nada?
going-pi there, after nom went-we, can I-say to Nura, hey, Nura,
neg you-marry-off Nada?
We're going there, after we went, I say to Nura, Hey, Nura,
aren't you going to marr ofNad?
l -
tammet ganet sina ba'd 'ilia mlagini, hah sloni imm Mlammad
sloni slon bnayyti. can yigUl tallagtba. 1M? gal 'indi ba'd walad
finished-I covered-I year after suddenly having-met-me, hey how
you Umm Mlammad how-you how-girl-your. can he-say
divorced-I-her. Why? said-he at-me yet child
/ passed a year after that then sudenly he meets me, [saying]
'Hey Umm Muhammad how are you? How's your daughter?'
He says, '/ divorced [my wie]. ' ' Why?' He said, 'An / even
have a child by her.'
K3 ;o . L _ ... .
_ _ & }
;oU .
. .
= L.
. L| .
214 Tense and Time Reference
K3 rayyal cinda mara Iarim !inten wal:da Iilwa bass hu ra yl:ibbha
hagie mi Iilwa, bass yl:ibbha. nzen. gam at ii-mara hagi an
tgil 'ana 1M Iilwa 'ana, ra ylibbni w hay l-kariha ylibbha
man at-him woman women two, one-f pretty-f but he neg he
loves-her, that-f neg pretty-f but he-loves-her. good. got-up-she
the-woman this an she-say I why pretty-f I, neg he-loves-me
and this the-ugly-f he-loves-her
A man is married, has two wives, one is pretty but he doesn't
love her, the other one isn't pretty but he loves her. This woman
up and says I, why, I'm pretty, he doesn't love me and that ugly
one he loves her?
Functioning like the colloquial American English expression I
go, this /ean/ often precedes the verb /gal! to say, ostensibly to alert the
listener to ensuing direct speech central to the narrative. Unlike the
conditional use of /ean/ (see 8.7), the mood here is not counterfactual
but factual. Clauses introduced with /ean/ seem to play a key role in
Kuwaiti narratives, much like clauses using the historical present in
English. If indeed these uses of /ean/ indicate the development of a
narrative historical present marker, it represents a unique development
among these dialects, and bears watching for future developments.
7. 2 Temporal Verbs
Chapter 5 proposed a category of temporal verbs, motivated by
their semantic function, to mark onset, durtion, cessation, or continuity
of an action or state, and their behavior as temporal but not modal
embedders. Table 7- 1 includes a list of common temporal verbs.
Some of the verbs included in this group, such as /na/ and /gam/
to get up, begin, and /'acad, ga'ad/ to sit, continue, also function as
narrative contour verbs, verbs that combine time reference with lexical
and formal aspect to give an interal contour to narrative actions or
events (6.5. 2). Temporal verbs combine time reference and lexical
aspect, and the two groups show a degree of overlap. However, temporal
verbs are not limited to narrative contexts. And while translocative
verbs occur asyndetically conjoined to following verbs or participles in
narrative contexts without subordinating them, temporal verbs as a
7.2 Temporal Verbs 21 5
group show more complex relationships to the verbs whose time fame
they provide. I will examine here certain syntactic characteristics
particular to temporal verbs, with the caveat that some of these
characteristics pertain only to cor members of this set.
Table 7-1 : Temporal Verbs
Temporal Verbs
bgin continue,
enter into no
(state or
verbs) doing
m nad
ma bqM ba
wlla b
Egyptian b'a
ma ba'M
ibtada 'a'
ra 'ad
. (
alla) ma ba'a
gam gam
ra 'ad ga'ad
Kuwaiti Iirl occurs in my data with non-verbal predicats only, such
Iir-li maakil/ I've started to have problems.
7. 2. 1 Temporal Verbs in Compound Verb Phrases
Chapter 5 argued that temporal verbs constitute a unique class of
verbs because they embed other verbs temporally but not modally.
Here the dialects will b compared according to the syntactic rstrictions
on embedding by temporal verbs in Moroccan, Egyptian, and Syrian
(Kuwaiti dos not mark syntactic embedding).
Moroccan speakers allow a following indicative with all tempral
verbs. Harrell's examples include ( 1962: 1 81 -2):
21 6
bda kay<im
[ began-he indic-he-swims]
he began/has begun to swim
Tense and Time Reference
bqat ka-t<ayenhom
[kept-she indic-she-awaits- them]
she kept waiting for them
Other examples from my data pool:
Ml O
, |_
halla' ayrin l-banat mma yannu, ra <ad mma yhimmon
now having-become-p the-girls prog they-ignore no-longer prog
. .
Now, girls have started to ignore [societ], they no longer care
However, the unmarked imperfective more commonly marks a
past habitual action embedded by /kan!. Cowell ( 1 964:336) and Mitchell
and EI-Hassan ( 1 994:98) note that the b-imperfective following /kant is
generally reserved for use in conditional environments (see also 8.4).
The following example shows /kan/ with an unmarked imperfective
signalling past habitual action:
7.2 Temporal Verbs 21 7
S2 _ q_ c
_ z
bi-I-awwal kinu ysOfu toen masyln ra' ba'<on ya latlf zarime
at-the-frst were-they they-see two walking with each-other-them
LMerciful crime
At first they would see a couple walking together, my God, what
a crime
Egyptian shows more restricted use of marked imperfective forms
in temporal compound phrases than do Moroccan and Syrian. Cairene
speakers allow indicative forms only with /kan/:
l1 J _1
Un biygazzi bilM 'afriqya kullu min il-IuQOm di
was-heindic-he-feeds countries of-Africa all-it from the-meats this
He used to feed the whole ofthe Afican countries from that meat
Other temporal verbs normally embed unmarked imperfectives or, in
the case of stative verbs, participles:
En J
, l
ra ba'its 'a'zif 'od
no longer-I I-play oud
I no longer play the oud (lute)
Lu L tiU
C | _uu0u
| 4 uq
ha l-maa hay mara kanit titigil bi-I-Iammam . . . kanit 'awwal
yjibu-I[h]a yah a tl)anni-l[h]a ijre[h]a
that-the-dressing-woman this woman was-she she-work in-the
bathhouse . . . was-she first they-bring for-her her she-puts-henna
for-her legs-her
This "dressing woman" [was] a woman who used to work in the
bathhouse. In the old days they used to bring her to her [the
bride] to henna her legs/or her
In order to make syntactic sense of this sentence, it is necessary
to posit a sentence category that fncan occupy. Tis position cannot
be called auxiliary, because of the discrepancy between the subjects of
/kant and the subjects of the main verbs in the example cited above.
The syntactic role of /kant in such sentences may be better analyzed as
thematic or topical. The facts that support this analysis include: (a) in
these sentences, /kant always occupies sentence-initial position, and (b)
the subject pronoun of /kant in such cases is not coreferent with the
main-clause subject. All four dialects all exhibit this use of /kant.
In this Kuwaiti sentence, the relationship of /kant to the rest of
the sentence is difficult to explain structurally, since /kan 'anal it was I
is ungrammatical. Here, /kan 'awwal/ it was in the old days sets the
temporal frame for the rest of the passage:
K3 _ '' =' _' ' _| l'' ' _l_
kan 'awwal hni 'ana lli 'abax 'ana lli 'arabbi l-'yal w ana lli
'asawwi kil ay
was-it first here I which I-cook I which I-raise the-kids and I
which I-do every thing
It was in the old days here I who cooked, I who raised the kids
and I who did everthing
While it could be argued that the entire sentence is the syntactic subject
of /Un/, this analysis does not satisfactorily explain other examples.
7.2 Temporal Verbs 219
The subject of /kr/ it was in the next sentence is not coreferent with
either the subject of /tatgi-li/ going to come to me, or any other sentence
constituent. Here /kan/ can only be understood as establishing past
time reference outside the clausal boundaries of the rest of the sentence.
kan ra tafkir mitil halla'
was-it neg there-is thinking like now
There wasn't [the same] thinking as nowadys
This sentence does not represent an isolated instance of such a
construction, for Woidich lists similar Egyptian examples ( 1 968:41).
Often /kan/ will frame an embedded negative verb phrase to give a
habitual reading, which may be related to the topical position of /kanJ,
In the following passage, the second occurrence of /kin/ it was
does not agree with the embedded verb /aysyybuh/ they throw it out.
The most likely referent is te discourse topic, /l-lut/ the fsh.
; =5 ==|
. | ,|
u. .I=
_ iq
halla' waqt bitkin mit(allme w kaza w arit (and[h]a mantiz w
_otila( btitigil ar ya(ni bitlaqi ger mazal innu tlaqi arIk l)ayat[h]a
il-munasib i l-kwayyis
now time indic-she-is educated-f and so-forth and became-she
at-her been-produced and indic-she-goes-out indic-she-works
became-it that-is indic-she-finds other area that-it she-find partner
of-life-her the-appropriate the-good
Now, when she is educated and so forth and she has come to be
productive and she goes out and works, she has come to find
other areal s J in which to find her life partner
7.2 Temporal Verbs
o) - <~
waqt il bimot, biIr by'mlu malak
time reI indic-he-dies, indic-he-bomes indic-they-make-him agel
When he dies, (he becomes) they make him out to be an angel
Kuwaiti /gam/ to begin, a semantic equivalent to Syrian /ar/, can
be topicalized as well. In most Arabic dialects (as in formal Arabic),
questions are formed by fronting the interrogative particle. Thus in the
following, interrogative f*/ what precedes the verb /tsawwi/ she does.
However, the sentence-initial /gamat/ she began falls outside these
normal syntactic parameters, preceding the interrogative:
v~ "
gamat tsawwi, kil yom titiri fxug lalam
began-she what she-dos, every day she-buys legs of-meat
She began to do what? every day she [would] buy legs of meat
Numerous cases exist in which n, Syrian /ar/, and Kuwaiti
/gam/ exhibit an unusual relationship to the sentence they modify. It
will be argued in Chapter 10 that the sentence position these verbs
occupy may be defined as a topic position. Other temporal verbs,
meaning to start/begin and to cease/no longer [do] show interesting
cross-dialectal parallels, as the next sections demonstrate.
7.2.3 To start, begin: Stative and Non-stative
Most dialects have two sets of verbs that indicate the onset or
inception of a state or action with a following imperfective, one group
whose literal meaning is to become, and another whose meaning is to
begin. Te former set tends to place semantic focus on the change of
state or habit, including motion, while the latter signals the onset of an
activity. The following pairs demonstate the use of these verbs.
The first Moroccan example shows /da'/ to become with a verb
of motion, emphasizing the state of rushing about, while the second
contains /nac}/ to begin, indicating what the woman started doing next:
W rz'at tatsbq
and became-she indic-she-rushes
She started rushing about
222 Tense and Time Reference
Mi l | | .
naQt tatsra}l dik l-mra
got-up-she she-shepherds that woman
That woman began to shepherd [animals}
Examples contrasting Egyptian /ba'a/ to become and /ibtada/ to
begin include the following. m the first, /ba'et/ I became signals entry
into a state of confinement, while in the second, /ibtadat/ it began
indicates the onset of melting (Badawi and Hinds 1 986:91 , 59):
|_ | _ ||
baed ig-gawaz ba'et 'amna'-ha min il-xurug
[after the-marriage became-I I-forbid-her from the-going-out]
After we got married I did not allow her to go out
E g1 | |
'g-ams ibtadit tisayya} il-'asfalt
[the-sun began-it it-melt the-asphalt]
The sun began to melt the asphalt
The Syrian ice-cream joke (cited in full in 1 .5) contains both /ar/ to
become and /balla/ to begin. The former emphasizes a change of
expected state, namely, the unexpectedness of eating ice cream with
bread, while the latter notes the ensuing action of the waiter:
;~3 ,
zab-Iu a}n bl:a ar yaklu bi-I-xubz. balla ig-garson yit<a}}ak
brought-he to-him plate of-ice-cream started-he he-eat-it with
the-bread. began-he the-waiter he-laugh at-him
[The waiter) brought him a plate of ice cream, he started eating
it with bread. The waiter began to laugh at him
My Kuwaiti corpus includes only /gam/ to get up, begin for both
changes of state and the onset of activity (but see AI-Najjar for composed
sentences containing /bida/ to begin, 1 984: 30-32). From my data:
K3 | ,,
lakin 'ana dani wayya l-xraf. gimt ansa
but I entered-it-me a-bit the-senility. began-I I-forget
But senilit has set in me a bit. I have started to forget
7.2 Temporal Verbs
, |_ | Ju| |
bass il-waqt il-Iali haga al-II gamu yqarriIin 'uhuma
but the-time the-prsent this now got-up-they they-decide they
But at this present time, now, they started deciding themselves
7.2.4 No longer: Ima bqa, Ima ba'a()/, Ima cad
Two verbs designate cessation of a prvious progressive or habitual
action: Ima bqa1 and Ima ba)a/ in Morcco and Egypt (with Ima ba'al
occurring also in Aleppo and Beirut), and Ima (adl in Syria and Kuait.
ra bqaw kaymiw
neg remained-they-neg indic-they-go
They no longer go
ra (ad <andon agle ger xala mat
neg remained at-them occupation except fnish died-he
They no longer have any concer save "that's it, he's dead"
The following Moroccan conversation shows perfective Ima bqina1 we
no longer remained used in a description of habitual annual events.
The use of the perfective rather than the imperfective may be due to the
focus on the cessation of the habit.
Ml ,9 L__ cu ~ s u_ L.
, .
J O . m O m
~-~ w f ram <an kif katdiri m<ah? --- f ram<an 'a wlidi ra bqina
fih . . . sublan }Jah l-<a<im nqaylu aymin w Itta l-magrb w
nrbu hadik z-zlafa d l-Ira
--- and in Ramadan how indic-you-do with-it? --- in Ramadan
L son-my neg remained-we in-it .. praise of-God the-great we
spend-afteroon fasting and til the sunset and we-drink that the
bowl gen the-Harira
--- And in Ramadan what do you do about it [your tobacco
habit]? --- In Ramadan, my son, we no longer do it . . . Praise
God Almighty, we spend the afteroon fasting until sunset, and
we drink that bowl ofHarira soup
224 Tense and Time Refere1lce
More importantly, the easter dialects in particular show that Ima
'adl is losing its status as independent' verb, perhaps on its way to
becoming a frozen particle. In third-person contexts, Ima 'adl no longer
shows agreement with plural subjects, as may be seen in the following,
in which Ima 'adl i s dependent on lyiSa"lul they turn on for subject
S2 a'
_| _| a
l , ,
= '
l_ , a |o
ya'ni nas bitfakkir 'innu sagle 'adi ya'ni ab'an la'annu tawwaret
. .
il -calam ra cadet mitil 'awwal
there-is that-is people indic-3fs-thinks that-it thing usual that-is
of-course because-it developed-3fs the world neg remained-3fs
like first
There are people who think that it's a normal thing, of course,
because people have changed, they're no longer like before
My Aleppan data show Ima ba'al in place of Ima 'ad/. However,
unlike the wester usage, in which Ima ba'al is fully conjugated, Aleppan
7.3 The Participle and Time Reference 225
(and Beiruti) /ma ba'a/ usually occurs as a fixed form that does not
show subject agreement (similar to its Damascene counterpart /ma 'ad!).
In the following example, /ma ba'a/ does not agree in gender with the
following feminine verb /btifri'/ it makes a dif erence:
S5 . 1
ra ba'a btifri' ma'i ya'ni inni 'axud kaman masalan kirs tani
neg remained-3ms 3fs-differentiates with-me that-is comp-I I-take
course for-example another
It no longer made a dif erence for me to take another course
7.3 The Participle and Time Reference
Analyses of the role of the active participle in the verbal system
of spoken Arabic have been troubled by meanings that appear at first to
be contradictory: the participle is used in sentences that have past,
present, present perfect and future time reference. Harrel l says of the
active participle in Moroccan that it "functions as a verb in the sense
that it takes objects and indicates various degrees of time and manner
of verbal action" ( 1 962: 1 73, emphasis mine).
In all four dialects investigated here, the active participle is
commonly used in past, present and future time contexts. As Eisele
notes for Egyptian, logical analysis of the time reference of the participle
shows that the participle has no time rference, and that the time rference
is supplied by the context, as is the case with non-present uses of the
imperfective verb ( 1990a:206). The time reference of the resultant
state expressed by the participle may be indicated in several ways.
The fact that the participle itself has no time reference of its own
is demonstrated by the fact that adverbs of all different time frames
correlate with it. Eisele has determined that the collocation of various
time adverbials with the participle in Cairene Arabic may be explained
by the association of the adverbials with the underlying (perfective)
event implied by the participle ( 1990a:204-6). Te same analysis applies
to the other dialects as well, for all of them allow reference to be made
to the implied event underlying the participle. I the following sentences,
adverbs lal hadi/ for a long time, /imba yesterdy, and /min zaman!
for a long time all correlate with the perfective events assumed and
subsumed by the participles:
226 Tense and Time Reference
c| L
huma waxdinha 1al hadi
they having-taken-mp-it how-long this
They've had it for long time
, - |
lissa ayr imbari1
just having-seen-f-him yesterday
I've just seen him yesterday
Q w _ - '
.. -
--- su'ad lonha? --- b-il-mustafa
--- fiha baed? --- wi! mnayyminha min zaman
--- SU'ad how-she? --- in-the-hospital
--- what in-her then? --- wel l ! having-put-in-bed-her
from (long)-time
--- How is Suad? --- In the hospital.
--- What's wrong with her then? --- Oh! They've had her in bed
for a long time
Moreover, when the resultative state of the participle is not relevant
to the moment of speech, past time reference must be specified by
/kan/, as these examples show:
M2 g
Q qI
M2 kant xarja l-walida lli zat 'ndi
was-she leaving-fs the-mother who came-she at-me
My mother, who had come to visit me, was leaving
a Lu|
waHahi ra kunt mitawwara di
by-God neg was-I having-imagined-f this
By God, I had never imagined this
In contexts whose past time reference has been established, the
participle can even express pluperfect time reference. The immediately
preceding Egyptian example is translated had never imagined (rather
than didn't imagine) according to its context, the narration of a past
event. My corpus contains many examples of pluperfect time reference:
7.3 The Participle and Time Reference 227
MI l
. _
dxal l-<nd dik mmwu iii mrbbyah
entered-he into that mother-his who having-raised-f-him
He went into her house, the mother who had raised him
_. -
'axadt[h]a mbari} -- ar-li !im<a ayifh]a
took-I-it yesterday -- became-it to-me week having-seen-it
Itook it yesterdy -- I had seen it a week ago
L. . g
L. _| . .
'ana lamuni . . . killa b-bet ummi, arya bet M, arta 'ummi
I wronged-they-me all-of-it in-house-of-mother-my having
bought-f house of-M., having-bought-f-it mother-my
They wronged me. All ofit was at my mother's house. (She) had
bought the house of M. , my mother had bought it
Te problem of future time reference may be solved in the same
way, if, instead of restricting the ' present relevance' of the perfect to a
'past event,' the perfect is defined as having present relevance to an
event past or future. Since the participle itself carries no specific time
reference, the event implied by the participle may be either past or
future, correlating respectively with past or fture adverbs and other
time referents. In the following examples, the adverbs /bukra/ and
/gdda/ tomorrow refer to the future time of the perfective event of
setting off or leaving, and obviously not to the duration of the trip.
E5 .c,
humma mayin bukra
they having-left tomorrow
They're leaving tomorrow
Ml L. O| |
gdda 'ana msafr
tomorrow I travelling
Tomorrow, I'm leaving
Both of these examples may also be translated as . . . will have lef. In
all dialects, certain participles of motion commonly refer to future
actions such as leaving, coming, and going.
228 Tense and Time Reference
The use of non-motion participles to refer to the future appears
to be limited to contexts of swearing an oath, and in particular negative
oaths, as the fol lowing examples suggest. These participial oaths
emphasize that the event to which they refer will not take place under
any circumstance, stron
ly negating any possible resultant state from
such an occurrence. It is in part the speech act itself, the act of swearing,
that gives rise to the future interpretation of these sentences.
Ml ,.
ra wakls
not having-eaten-ms
I am not eating! or I will not eat!
M7 ,.. ,au_ .
W IUa ana m:m had l-kntsi ra nazilS !
and-even I from this the-carriage not going-down!
I too am not getting/will not get out of this carriage!
E5 ,..
waHahi mana waki I !
by-God not-I having eaten
By God, I will not eat!
waHa manni tabxit-Iak si I-yom
by-God neg-I having-cooked-for-you thing the-day
By God, I'm not cooking you anything today! (elicited)
. ._q
can tgul-Ii 'ana bat:ggie? manI taggitic bass eigi jiddam cammie
would she-say-to-me I fut-I-beat-you? not-I having-beaten-f-you
just like-that in-front-of uncle-your
She told me, will I beat you? I won't beat you, just in font of
your uncle
The next Kuwaiti example confirms that participles of motion can be
used in oaths as well:
This function of the participle in spoken Arabic paral lels the use of the
perfective in Classical Arabic to deny the occurrence of an event in the future
(see Wright 1 898ii:2).
7.4 Summary
K4 | a i L . L | L _ . . L_L
f ale . . . naJa tyinna .. ma-Iad daxla gabilkum
having-bought-mp chalet ... God-willing you-core-us .. not-one
having-entered-ms-it before-you
We've bought a chalet . . . hope you'll come visit us . . . no one
[will] enter it before you
The participle thus constitutes an aspectual verb form that
represents a resultant state of a perfective action or event. As Eisele
( 1990a) suggests, the implied event can be a past or a future one, and
thus the resultant state can refer to past, present, or future time relative
to the moment of speaking. This time reference, however, is established
through the use of adverbs or contextual meaning.
7.4 Summary
While Chapter 6 described the aspectual content of the Arabic
morphological verb forms, the perfective, the imperfective, and the
participle (perfect), this chapter has explored their role in establishing
time reference. Comrie's ( 1 976) assessment of Classical Arabic verb
forms as representing relative past and relative non-past applies equally
to the verb system of spoken Arabic. The relative nature of time
reference in Arabic manifests itself in a number of ways.
Time reference in Arabic is inherently relative to the moment of
utterance, so much so that "present tense" requires no verb form at all.
Verbless copulative ("equational") sentences rely on the moment of
speech to temporally frame their propositions.
However, while the most basic reference point for time reference
is the moment of speech, that point may be fairly easil y shifted by
means of temporal sentence elements, such as adverbs, or by the larger
discourse context. Two mechanisms play a role in shifting relative
time reference from the moment of speaking to another point, past or
future: syntactic embedding, which shifts the temporal reference point
to the main clause, and tense neutralization, a discourse mechanism by
which a single past time reference may set the narrative frame for an
entire passage. These two mechanisms allow aspect to play a greater
role than time reference in the choice of verb form in many contexts.
230 Tense and Time Reference
A special class of verbs called here temporal verbs maintain as
their primary function the establishment of time reference, especially
of non-punctual events and states. These verbs embed other verbs
temporally, but not modally (see also 5.2.2). Temporal verbs exhibit
striking parallels across all four dialect regions. Finally, the participle
itself carries no tense or time reference; rather, its time reference is
established through relative tense, speech contexts (especially swearing
oaths), adverbs, and temporal verbs.
8.0 Introduction
Palmer defines modality as "the grammaticalization of speakers'
(subjective) attitudes and opinions" ( 1 986: 1 6), in other words, the
speaker's characterization of the event as possible, desirable, necessary,
and so forth.
However, while modality refers to a feature often.
marked on the verb, it "does not relate semantically to the verb alone
or primarily, but to the whole sentence" (Palmer 1 986:2). I Arabic, as
i other languages, mood can b expressed through a number of diferent
means, lexical, morphological, and syntactic. Mitchell and EI-Hassan
( 1994) note a number of sentence elements other than the verb that
affect the interpretation of modality in educated spoken Arabic. Tey
provide an extensive study of mood in the educated spoken Arabic of
Egypt and the Levant, in which they explore the full range of means
through which modality is expressed. What follows here falls far short
of such an enterprise; I aim to compare the basic grammatical functions
of the imperfective with its various markers across dialect regions.
Excluded from this discussion are lexical mood markers such as /Uzim/
must, /yimkin/ may, and so on, which Mitchell and EI-Hassan examine
at length. Tese lexical items contribute to the mood of a sentence by
indicating the specific attitude of the speaker, that is, whether he or she
presents the event as possible, desirable, necessary, and so forth. What
is of concer here is the modal contribution of the morphological form
of the verb itself, to the extent that it can be disengaged from lexical
mood markers and other sentence elements.
Mood in formal Arabic consists of three forms of the imperfective, called
indicative, SUbjunctive, and jussive. In general, the unmarked imperfective in
spken Arabic combines the functions of the Classical subjunctive and jussive
forms (Mitchell and EI-Hassan use the term jussive for the unmarked
imperfective in their study of mood in educated spoken Arabic, 1994: 1 2- 1 3).
Cowell calls the subjunctive and jussive of Classical Arabic "not full-fedged
grammatical categories, but only automatic syntactic alterates" ( 1 964:343).
That is, in formal Arabic, the choice of mood is often determined by one of
several negative, conditional, or nominalizing particles, and not by speaker
attitude. Hence, the analysis presented here is an attempt to classify moods of
spoken Arabic without reference to formal Arabic.
232 Mood
The number and type of moods that are expressed morphologically
(marked on the verb itself) vary from dialect to dialect in the four areas
under study here. The imperative has its own morphological inflectional
stem, consistent in all dialects. Moroccan, Egyptian, and Syrian all
distinguish between the indicative mood, which represents an actual
event, and the subjunctive, which indicates a potential event. Kuwaiti
makes no such grammatical distinction, although it does have a particle
leanl that can indicate non-actuality when used with the imperfective
(see 8. 5). Table 8- 1 summarizes these and other moods, using
terminology adapted from Palmer ( 1 986) and Mitchell and EI-Hassan
( 1 994).
Table 8-1: Moods in the Dialects
Moods in the Dialects
Mood Meaning
actual ity marked
M, E, S
duration imperfective
possibility unmarked
M, E, S
desirability imperfective
Intentive intention/will
S, K
Future futurity
M, E, S, K
Imprative command imperative ster M, E, S, K
Conditional, hypothetical ity / /kan/
M, E, S, K
Hypothetical counterfactual or perfective
Commissive oath
perfective, perfect
M, E, S, K
Also included here is a brief discussion of the marked forms of
the imperfective that indicate future time reference. Grammarians of
Levantine Arabic in particular decline to classify these markers as
8. 1 Marked and Unmarked lmperectives 233
future because of the tense implications of that term (see Cowel l
1964:322; Mitchell and El-Hassan 1 994: 1 3). But according to Lyons,
"[fJuturity is never a purely temporal concept" ( 1 977: 677), and Bybee,
Perkins, and Pagliuca note that, cross-linguistically, "future is less a
temporal category and more a category resembling agent-oriented and
epistemic modality, with important temporal implications" ( 1994:280).
Palmer cites a number of languages in which the future has a modal
sense, and modals are used to indicate future events ( 1 986: 21 7-8)
will thus use the term fture to refer to a grammatical mood rather than
a morphological tense, since Arabic marks the fture in the same way
it marks other moods.
Mitchell and El-Hassan classify the mood of the perfective as
indicative ( 1 994: 14), and its unmarked usage is so, but the perfective
also has a non-indicative marked use in oaths (in modal terms,
commissives, Palmer 1986: 1 15) and conditionals, which will be examined
in the final sections of this chapter.
8.1 Marked and Unmarked Imperfectives
Moroccan, Egyptian, and Syrian speakers distinguish between
marked and unmarked imperfective forms (Table 8-2 lists the main
imperfective markers found in the four dialect areas). Marked forms of
the imperfective represent indicative and future moods. The
morphologically unmarked form of the imperfective serves as a
subjunctive mood, with non-indicative, potential, hortative, or optative
meaning, and also fnctions as a subrdinate, non-fnite verb. I addition,
the subjunctive in Moroccan and Egyptian can express polite questions,
possibility, and desirability, similar to English modals would, should,
could, and might. The marked imperfective, or indicative, contrasts
with the unmarked imperfective, or subjunctive, in both syntactic
distribution and modal function.
Syntactically, the unmarked imperfective functions as a non-finite
verb in subordinate clauses in all three dialects; the marked imprfective
may not assume this function. The following pairs of Moroccan and
Egyptian examples contrast grammatical sentences with embedded
0ne such future modal is the imperfective inflection of the energetic mood
of Classical Arabic, which generally rfers to future actions (Wright 1898ii:2).
234 Mood
unmarked imperfectives on the left and ungrammatical sentences with
embedded marked imperfectives on the right (examples elicited):
Ml i
_ Lcy
_ _ g
btibb masalan nitna mafmu'a nila' nishar nfOt w nidrs masalan
sawa w nitmaa sawa w mOt 'a l-ma'had sawa
indic-l-like for-example we group we-go-out we-stay-up we-enter
and we-study for-example together and we-walk together and
we-go to the-institute together
I'd Iike, for instance, for us as a group to go out at night, come
back and study together, go for walks together, go to school
The modal distinction grammaticalized by the marked/indicative
and unmarked/subjunctive forms of the imperfective aspect corresponds
to the distinction between actual and potential. Mitchell and EI-Hassan
note that "the subjunctive indicates unrealized verbal action" ( 1994:29).
I prefer the term potentialit: the subjunctive represents a potential
event without referenceor speaker commitment-to actualization. The
following minimal pairs demonstrate the actual and potential modal
distinction as grammaticalized by unmarked and marked forms of the
imperfective in Egyptian. Column (a) contains unmarked imperfectives,
column (b) marked counterparts:
(a) (b)
tHrabi ay?
you-drink-f tea
Would you like to drink some tea?
lazim tubux
must she-cook
She has to cook
bitirabi ay?
indic-you-drink-f tea
Do you drink tea?
lazim bitubux
must indic-she cooks
She must be cooking
Each of the dialects marks the imperfective with different modal
prefixes, and it is here that these dialects show the greatest individuality.
However, differences in the prefixes themselves do not always parallel
differences in usage. Egyptian and Moroccan dialects share the same
basic system of marked and unmarked imperfectives, even though the
prefixes they use derive from different lexical sources. And Egyptian
and Syrian share the indicative marker /b(i)-/, but while a number of its
functions overlap, others differ. Syrian stands out among these three
dialects in having the most complex system of imperfective markers.
The discussion will begin with a comparison of the unmarked
imperfective in Moroccan, Egyptian, and Syrian dialects, followed by a
comparison of the marked forms, with special attention to Syrian /b-/.
8.2 Unmarked Imperfective: Subjunctive
In addition to i ts grammatical role as a non-finite, embedded
verb form, the SUbjunctive may express hortative and optative moods,
or it may function as a kind of potential deontic mood,
that i s, it
suggests the possibility, necessity, or desirabil i t/of performing an
action. In Moroccan and Egyptian, the subjunctive plays a number of
roles as a main clause verb, appearing in main clauses expressing event
as-potentiality, and reflecting a non-assertive stance on the part of the
speaker. It often expresses a degree of politeness in social interaction.
Contrast the subjunctive in the Moroccan and Egyptian version with
the indicative in the Syrian version of Would you [like toJ drink some
M C|
tS;rbi 'atay?
you-drink tea
E 1 L
tiSrabi say?
you-drink tea
5 L
btisr;bi say?
b-you-drink tea
Mitchell and El-Hassan point out that Egyptians, in contrast to
Levantine speakers, typically omit /bi-/ from the imperfective of certain
verbs of knowing, remembering, liking, and other "mental" verbs
Deontic is used here, following Palmer ( 1 986:96), to refer to moos involving
human will, such as obligation, permission, and necessity.
Mitchel l and El-Hassan propose the term desiderative for these exhortatory
meanings ( 1 994:29), but desiderative is used by other linguists to mean an
unrealizable wish: would that (Palmer 1 986: 1 0).
8.2 Unmarked Imperective: Subjunctive 237
( 1 994:22-3). Presumably, the polite speaker does not want to commit
too much to the truth of opinions or presume to know the mind of
another person. In the following, the absence of /bi-/ may reflect the
speaker's doubt that her listener knows her:
=. ,
'alit-Iu, 'inta Ja<ritak ti'rafni?
said-she-to-him, you sir you-know-me?
She said to him, you, sir, Do you know me?
Syrian speakers, in contrast, tend to use /b-/ imperfectives with
verbs of thinking and knowing (example from Cowell 1 964:483; see
also Mitchell and EI-Hassan 1994:23):
S =
_| I dJ .
'uww;l m;rra tanri zlllba -- ta'q;li 'uxti, dik ;z-zlllba lli rti-li
first time indic-I-buy dress--you-remember sister-my, that the
dress reI bought-you for-us
[It was J the frst time I bought a jel/aba [tpe ofdress J-remember,
sister, that jel/aba you bought me?
Mitchell and EI-Hassan claim that subjunctive "refers to a formal
subjoining of sentence elements" ( 1 994: 1 3), and this appears to be true
in general for some of the Levantine dialects. According to Mitchell
and EI-Hassan as well as Beiruti informants, Levantine speakers use
the indicative marker /b-/ in polite requests, for possibility, or a deontic
modal meaning might, could, would ( 1994:20ft.
Cowell, on the other
Mitchell and EI-Hassan note the fol lowing exception i n their data from
Lebanon ( 1 94:32):
L d | l.{
kammil hadisi 'aw biktifi 'inni smi';t sotik?
peech-my or fut-I-be-satisfi
d comp-I heard-I voice-your?]
Shall I fnish what I have to say or shall I be satisfed with having
heard your voice?
238 Mood
hand, grants a wider range of meaning to the Syrian subjunctive, admitting
to it suggestivity (1964: 344):
iJ J.I
'a'mel 'ahwe, wlla ay?
[I-make coffee, or tea?]
Shall I make cofee, or tea?
This use of the unmarked imperfective is rejected by my Beiruti
informants, who insist on the /b-/ imperfective here. The conflicting
data and judgements of various Syro-Levantine grammars and speakers
remain unsolvable at this juncture, and suggest dialect variation and
possibly syntactic change in progress. The wider modal range of Syrian
/b-/ as compared to Egyptian /bi-/ invites further analysis; this topic
will be revisited in 8. 4.
In all three dialects, the definiteness or individuation of a verb's
subject or topic may affect its modal marking. Cowell observes that
the subjunctive often appears in clauses modifying an indefinite head
noun (1 964: 356; cf. Mitchell and EI-Hassan 1994:42). In such cases,
the non-specific reference of the indefinite noun may "attract" the
sUbjunctive as an expression of lack of speaker commitment to an
actual event or state of affairs. In the following, the Syrian speaker
mentions /bint/ a girl who /ma tkOn/ might not be (subjunctive) a
virgin, a potential rather than an actual case:
S2 .
_a a
mustaJtIl honi 'an[d]na waJtid yiqbal 'innu yaxud bint ra tkOn
impossible here at-us one he-accept that-he he-take girl neg she-be
It's impossible here for anyone to agree to marry a girl who
isn't/might not be a virgin
Moroccan data also suggest a tendency for unindividuated nouns
to occur with subjunctive verbs. One of Harrell's Moroccan texts contains
two examples parallel in structure, but containing different moods. m
the first, a negated subjunctive /ma t'a!bk-i/ you might not like
modifies a partly specified /i Ja!a/ something. In the second, indicative
/kat'arfu/ you know modifies lsi Jtadd/ someone, an indefinite-specific
8.2 Unmarked Imperective: Subjunctive 239
human, which is of higher individuation than fi Iafa/, and hence may
attract the indicative marking on the verb ( 1962:224; tanslations mine):
M c|c__ _.u
gadi tuf i Iaza lli ra t(azbek-i
[fut you-see some thing reI neg it-please-you]
You will see something that you might not like
M s__.uoL_,cj l
(rf bin mat i Iadd kararfu w gadi yzIk xbaru
[know comp died-he some one indic-you-know-him and-fut it
come-to-you news-his]
Know that someone you know died and you will get news of this
Another factor may also affect the speaker's choice of verb mood here:
the negated verb in the first example, /ma t(dbk-W you might not
like. Since a negated verb does not represent an expected action, there
is little need for speaker commitment to the actuality of the event. I
fact, the use of indicative forms in negative clauses should reflect a
strong speaker commitment to the non-actualit of the event or state.
Section 6. 5 has shown that speakers of all four dialects often
choose the imperfective to represent non-punctual past events i n
narrative. While this usage of the imperfective usually entails indicative
forms, the subjunctive is occasionally used. In describing habitual
events, speakers may use the unmarked imperfective to give a non
indicative reading. m the next example, an elderly Moroccan speaker
addicted to sniffing tobacco uses unmarked imperfective forms /nbqa/
I remain, /nib/ I fnd, /nlibb/ I want, and /nqul/ I say, to describe
events that occur repeatedly, whenever she tries to give up the habit:
l' "
_ Ll jsi a| _
, ___ =
_4 g
laqat laqa walda 'ah Ial ana nbqa yumayn w tlt iyyam mlli
nib d-danya tdur biyya w nlibb nlqi l-fatna f d-dar nqul l-ibni
na( na( naffal
stuck-it sticking one, oh how-much I I-remain two-days and three
days when I-find the-world it-spin with-me and I-want I-stir-up
the-trouble in the-house I-say to-son-my go-back go-back sniff
[The tobacco habit] has stuck, stuck completely. How often I
[might] stay [without it] two, three days, when Irll] find the
world spinning and go looking for trouble at home, 1['11] tell my
son, go back [to snif ing], go back, snif
In the next Syrian passage, an Aleppan speaker describes her experience
with her American neighbors while living in the U. S. for a year. Here,
the unmarked imperfectives /ykOnu/ they would be, /ydi"u/ they would
knock, and /y'OIO-li/ they say to me give modal, past habitual readings:
S5 |
_.y __
<am ba'il-lik, hole ykOnu <am bimassu klabon, ykonu <am bitmassu
bi-s-sari<, ydi"u l-bab <aleyy w y'UlO-li <andik manic nisrab 'ahwe?
prog indic-I-say-to-you, those they-be prog indic-they walk dogs
their, they-be prog they-go-walking in-the-street, they-knock the
door on-me they-say-to-me at-you objection we-drink coffee?
I'm telling you, they would be walking their dogs, they would be
strolling in the street, they'd knock on my door and say to me, Do
you mind i we have some cofee?
One usage of the unmarked imperfective seems to be distinctively
Moroccan. Harrell observes that Moroccan speakers use the unmarked
imperfective as an immediate future, as well as a future in the apodosis
of conditional clauses ( 1 962: 173-5). His observation is bor out in the
following excerpt from a Moroccan folktale, in which the highlighted
unmarked imperfective /ndirha/ I do it clearly refers to a future action:
Mi l _O . gL
s_,,,. _ | ,O
g O_i cgO.Cu|
hadik shiha l-bhiha lli dartha b-r-rzal qbl la ydirOha biha. hay
hay hay waHah ta ndirha biha 'ana, ndirha biha 'ana!
that Shiha Bhiha reI did-she-it to-the-men before nom they-do-it
to-her. ho ho ho by-God until I-do-it to-her I I-do-it to-her I!
That is Shiha Bhiha who does it to men before they can do it to
her. Ho ho ho, [ust wait] 'til l do it to her, I [will] do it to her!
Here, as well as in some of Harrell's examples, there seems to be more
intentional commitment to acts expressed with an unmarked imperfective.
8.3 Marked Forms of the Imperfective 241
Perhaps the omission of an indicative or future marker represents a
deontic expression of speaker intention, as contrasted to an epistemic
expression of the speaker's commitment to the actuality of the event.
8.3 Marked Forms of the Imperfective
This section will briefly treat the moods of the various marked
imperfectives. The main focus here will b on Syrian, since it has the
most complex system of imperfective marking, with particular attention
paid to the functions of Syrian verbal prefx /b-/. Kuwaiti, on the ?ther
hand, will receive less attention, because its modal system does not
make extensive use of verbal prefixes.
8.3. 1 Future and Intentive Moos
Table 8-2 (section 8. 1 ) reveals a partial overlap across adjacent
dialect areas in the case of particles /b(i)-/ and frat. Syrian and Kuwaiti
share the particle /b(i)-/ as an intentive future, while Egyptian, Syrian,
and urban Kuwaiti share the paricle frat (Egyptian /a-/. Te existence
in Syrian and Kuwaiti of two future particles, /b-/ and /ral/, necessitates
a distinction between future and intentive moods. The wester dialects,
on the other hand, have only one future marker each, with regional
The most common future particle in Moroccan is /(di)/, my
data include regional variants /(a-/ and /ma/ in the area surrounding
Tangiers and Tetouan.
| ., __ _
(a-nqUl-lk, I-playa mzyana w (ayyana
what fut I-say to-you, the-beach good and bad
What shall I tell you, the beach is good and bad
o m
biydi il-(irin
will-enter-he the-twentieth
He's going to be twenty
o>~~-' +' .
raJaw l-maJtkama biytaallagOn
went-they the-court will-they-get-divorced
They went to the court wanting to get divorced
A young Kuwaiti male, on the other hand, uses both /-/ and
/raJt/, the former in contexts reflecting a degree of personal will or
intention, and the second as a future marker: In the first of the two
8.3 Marked Forms of the Imperfective 243
examples taken from his narrative about a trip to Morocco, the speaker
uses /b-/ to indicate the intention of his frends for the group to go to
" u _ . I
4 __. J. _
riJ il-magrib, tajriba raJ tkOn, 10 is-ax illi wayyak mO zen, 10
ra ta'arfa <idil raJ ta'arfa bi-s-safar
go Morocco, experience fut it-be, if the-person with-you neg
good, if neg you-know-him well, fut you-know-him in-the
Go to Morocco, it will be an experience, i the person you're with
isn't good, i you don't know him well, you will get to know him
in traveling
The intentive nature of Kuwaiti /b-/ is not limited to human will. In
the following, the subject of /biir/ will happen is /mayib/ catastrophes,
as if problems will single out the speaker:
Kl !4 L. . JJ
hai 'awwal muiba <ayal biir-li maayib bi-l-magrib
this first catastrophe then b-3fs-happen-to-me catastrophes in
This is the frst catastrophe, then [more J catastrophes will happen
to me in Morocco!
Syrian speakers also have at their disposal the same two
functionally distinct particles that refer to future events, /b-/ and /raI/.
Cowell names /raJ1 a "particle of anticipation, " and classifies the future
meaning of /b-/, which he describes as ei ther "annunciatory" or
"dispositional, " as a subcategory of the indicative ( 1 964: 322-27).
Mitchell and EI-Hassan subsume under "nonpast tense" both the
"intentive" mood marked by a/ and the "indicative" marked by /b-/
( 1 994: 1 4), and note that, H[iJn the Levant especially, b-nonpast is often
of straightforward future reference" ( 1 994: 1 3). Both of these studies
thus include the future meaning of /b-/ as a subclass of the indicative
mood. I will argue that a distinction should be maintained between the
two meanings , and suggest separate origins for intentive /b-/ and
indicative /b-/ in 8. 4.
Both /b-/ and /rat/ indicate future actions and events in Syrian,
but each one has a distinct modal implication. The following four
examples all occur in the Syrian play Wadi al-Misk:
`' c
su rat tsammi l-mawlUd?
what fut you-name the-newbor
What are you going to name the baby?
l.l _
'imta rat tzld Ina l-ma'i?
when fut you-increase-for-us the-salary
When are you going to increase our salar?
. q| ,
bala ra tQayy<i wa'tik, hali, b-t*-lik ya b-ar'i
without that you-waste-f time-your, give, will-I-put-for-you obj-it
Don't waste your time, I'll drop it offor you on my way
| | u
ha I-marra nsaHa ra binsa
this the-time God-willing neg will-I-forget
This time, hopefully, I won't forget
Two significant differences in context emerge between the first two
sentences, which contain /rat/, and the latter two, with /b-/. First, /rat/
is used with questions that specifically ask about future events: naming
a child and seeking a pay raise, while /b-/ appears in statements about
intended actions on the part of the speaker. (The fact that the /b-/
future often occurs on first-person verbs lends further support to the
intentive reading of this particle.) Second, the first two examples with
/rat/ consist of questions seeking information. In the judgement of a
8.3 Marked Forms o/the Imperective 245
Lebanese infonnant, Ib-/ cannot be used to seek factual infonation,
such as what or where, about a fture event; he rejects the following as
L d. ,_@, "
..u bitzlb ma(ak?
..what int-you-bring with-you
..What will you bring with you?
However, Ib-/ may be used in infonational questions if the question
focuses on the addressee's intention:
u| L Q |
imta btzld Ina l-ma(a?
when int-you-increase for-us the-salary
When do you plan to raise our salar? (elicited)
The Levantine modal use of Ib-/ in polite questions- usage not
shared by Egyptian speakersfurther supports its interpretation as an
intentive particle expressing will:
btirab ay?
int-you-drink tea?
Would you like to drink some tea? (elicited)
Another special use of Syrian Ib-/ combines it with a negative
particle to express a commissive mood, a commitment on the part of
the speaker that an event will not, or must not happen, In this case Ib-/
gives a future modal meaning to the verb, The following two passages,
taken from the same text, show modal future uses of Ib-/ in /ma btiftaha/
you must not open it and /ma biIr/, which commonly carries the meaning
it must not be, [one] must not . . .
St _qiq
ucc u
walla ya mama (atani 'istazi wara'a w 'aI-ii ra btifta1[h]a la-1atta
By-God L mother gave-he teacher-my paper and-said-he-to-me
neg b-you-open-it to-until you-die
Well, Mama, my teacher gave me a piece o/paper and told me,
You must not open it until you die
_O L .ux| ` U LL L
ya baba (aani il'istaz wara'a w 'al1i ra biir guf[h]a
said-he-to-him L Papa gave-he-me the-teacher paper and said
he-to-me neg b-it-happen you-see-it
Papa, the teacher gave me a piece of paper and told me it must
not happen that 1 see it (I must not see it)
This and other meanings of Syrian /b-I will be discussed further in 8. 4.
8.3.2 Indicative Mood
The indicative mood represents action as realized process,
depending on the lexical aspect of the verb, habitual, progressive, or
stative. Table 8-3 lists the indicative prefixes in the dialects.
Table 83: Indicative Markers
Indicative Markers
Dialect Progressive Durative
ka- / ta-
E ('ammal) bi-
S ' b-
K ga'id (ga'da, ga'din)
Moroccan Ika-I and Ita-I, Egyptian Ibi-I, and Syrian Ib-I
(disregarding its intentive meaning) all share the meaning of action-as
state-of being, or a combined habitual/stative aktionsart.
Harrell calls
Moroccan /kal the durative, a term that neatly combines the habitual
and the stative meanings, leaving the interpretation of specific examples
to the lexical aspect of the verb and other sentential and discourse
factors (section 6. 1 shows that stative and progressive readings depend
Comrie defines habituality to include non-iterative acts, such as used to
believe ( 1 976: 27, but see Mitchell and EI-Hassan for arguments against this
analysis, 1 994: 1 0- 1 ).
8.3 Marked Forms o/the Imperective 247
in large part on the lexical aspect of the verb). Examples from my
Moroccan and Egyptian data include:
Ml l _| L| _
ra tatxrf[] D d-dar
neg indic-she-Ieaves from the-house
She doesn't go out ofthe house
El aqi| j I
'al 'amm almad byi4rab 'Ud
since uncle Ahmed indic-he-plays lute
You see , Uncle Ahmad plays the lute
The western dialects, Moroccan and Egyptian, do not
grammatically distnguish between indicative and progressive moods,
using their indicative markers for both. Syrian and Kuwaiti, on the
other hand, mark progressivity with other particles.
The progressive prefix in urban Syria is I'am/, followed by the
imperfective with or without the /b-I prefx:
'am ba'il-lik!
prog indic-I-say to-you!
I'm telling you!
Some norther Syrian speakers use Immal as a variant of I'aml
(presumably reflexes of /ammal!, intact in Egyptian as an intensifer):
S2 Q Jl
|Lq| L
halla' ayrin iI-banat mma ytannu, ra 'ad mma yhimmon
now having-become-p the-girls prog they-ignore, neg remained-it
prog it-concems-them
Nowadays girls have come to ignore [social pressure}, it no
longer matters to them
Egyptian spakers have at their disposal an intnsifing progssive
/ammal! (Badawi and Hinds 1986:62):
E L _Q
E cammal yakul
continuous he-eat
He keeps on eating
248 Mood
Kuwaiti speakers, who have no indicative marker, use /ga'id/ (f
/ga'da/, p /ga'dinl) to mark the progressive. From my Kuwaiti data:
Kl q
maryam ga'da tafri beytha ha l-ayyam
Maryam prog-f she-furishes house-her this the-days
Maram is furnishing her house these days
Syrian and Kuwaiti thus grammaticalize the progressive, while
Moroccan and Egyptian do not.
8.4 The Multiple Meanings of Syrian /b-/
Syrian /b-/ presents a puzzle. Although lexically identical to the
Egyptian fbi-I, its syntactic range is broader than its Egyptian counterpart.
Syrian /b-/ occurs in a number of contexts wi th different meanings,
summarized in Table 8-4. Most of these functions have already been
discussed in 8. 3, except for the use of /b-/ as a modal future.
Unlike indicative prefixes Egyptian /bi-/ and Moroccan /ka-/,
Syrian /b-/ may occur in embedded deontic clauses. While epistemic
embedded clauses normally contain verbs with indicative prefixes in
Moroccan, Egyptian, and Syrian, deontic clauses cannot embed indicative
verb forms in Moroccan and Egyptian. The following sentences contain
ic clauses with indicative verb forms (in boldface):
M3 | .o |
katcnn b1Ii kayCarfu had -i?
indic-you-think comp indic-they-know this the-thing?
Do you think they know that? (elicited)
E3 |
Q ,
'arif 'inn ana baxaf mi -urar i-ugayyar
knowing-m comp I indic-am-afraid from the-roach the-little
{He] knows I'm afraid ofthe little cockroach
8.4 The Multiple Meanings of Syrian Ib-I
5 , -.
b:m;nn 'enno byaCref 1-aye?
[indic-you-think comp-he indic-he knows the-story?]
Do you suppose he knows the stor? (Cowell 1964:347)
However, only Syrian allows a /b-/-imperfective (or, in the case
of Moroccan, Ia-/-imperfective) to b embedded in deontic subordinate
clauses (example from Cowell 1 964:347):
nfroQ 'enno ra byCzi
[we-suppose comp-he neg b-he-come]
Let's suppose he doesn't come . . .
Comparison of the /b-/ markers in the two preceding Syrian
examples reveals that the first, /bya'ref/ he knows is durative (in this
case, stative), while the second, /ma byzi/ he's not going to come is
intentive future with respect to the main verb, /nfroQ/ let's suppose.
Cowell gives a similar minimal pair ( 1964:347):
(a) (b)
' =
wa'adni 'enno yrZa(
[promised-he-me comp-he
He promised me to come back
wa'adni 'enno bYrZa'
[promised-he-me comp-he
He promised me that he would
come back
The Egyptian /bi-/ imperfective corresponding to (b) above i s
. wa'adni innu biyirga'
. promised-he-me comp-he indic-he-returs
He promised me that he is coming back
However, Egyptian speakers do use future /ta-/ in this kind of context:
wa(adni innu layirga'
promised-he-me comp-he fut-he-retur
He promised me that he is coming back (elicited)
Table 8-4: Meanings of Syrian Ib-I
Meanings of Syrian /b-/
Syntactic Role Mood Example
bi(fa kill yom
main clause habitual ,
He sees her ever day
I congratulate you
following indicative:
ibni 1ar
temporal verbs in stative,
byisbai} la-i}alu
compound phrases change of state
My son has started
to swim by himsel
bukra byit1ali}u
future future, Tomorrow they'll make up
marker intentive inalla mbinsa
y I won't forget
nafr< >enno mbyafi
modal future Let's suppose
he won't come
btgrab 1ay?
polite questions modal future Would you {like toJ
drink some tea?
law kant b-miallak.
kant bab>a bal-bet
I I were in your shoes,
modal future
I'd stay home.C
clauses 'iza btastannani i yomen
yamkan 'atla' ma'ak
,.c .
law k:mt -m1allak, kant bab)a bal-bet
if was-I in-place-your, was-I b-I-remain in-the-house
IfI were in your shoes, I'd stay home
Here too, Syrian /b-/ corresponds to Egyptian use of /ta/:
|.c, G c . . .
law kunt makanak, kunt Ia"ud fi I-bet
if was-I in-place-your, was-I fut-I-remain in-the-house
IfI were in your shoes, I'd stay home (elicited)
Another distinctively Syrian use of /b-/ (as contrasted with
Egyptian /bi-I) is its cooccurrence with temporal verbs. When /b-/
occurs in a verb phrase headed by temporal verbs (7.2), it adds a stative
dimension to the verb phrase. Cowell's data include two contrasting
examples of verbs embedded by IQall/ to continue, remain, the first
with /b-/ and the second without ( 1 964:356, 453):
ibni ar byisbaQ la-Qalu
son-my began-he b-he-swims for-self-his
My son has begun to swim by himsel
nizil 'a l-birke w ar yisbaQ
went-in-he to the-pool and began-he-he-swim
He went into the pool and started swimming (elicited)
The following examples from a Moroccan interview show a similar
distinction. The verb fbqa/ (indicative /kaybqa/) to remain, keep on is
followed in the first example by indicative /kayh;wwdu/ they go down
and in the second by unmarked imperfective /yqUl! he say:
Ml O g# | ,_
ra bqaws kayh;wwdu 'a'ilat
neg remained-they indic-they-go-down families
Families no longer go down [to the beach]
L = = I | ,
'umt ani bini<rab bi'eni
[got-up-I indic-I-strike with-eye-my]
I started staring
mthe first of the pair, the unmarked imprfective /yi'Ul/ he says rpresents
a non-stative action, whereas the fbi-i-imperfective in the second
constitutes a stative action. Non-Cairene /bi-/ thus appears to join
Syrian /b-/ and Moroccan /ka-/ in adding a stative or change-of-state
meaning not found in the unmarked imperfective.
Syrian /b-/ thus has two loci of meaning: future (intentive and
modal) and durative (habitual/stative). The overlapping of /b-/ particles
across several dialect areas and semantic fields suggests the possibility
of two different origins. The future intentive meaning corresponds
closely to Kuwaiti /b-/, whereas the durative and habitual meanings of
/b-/ correlate with Egyptian fbi-I. It may be that Syrian /b-/ actuall y
consists of two separate morphemes, each with its own origin, and that
the phonological overlap of these two particles was, originally, mere
8.5 Kuwaiti Ianl: Modal Auxiliary?
Kuwaiti /ean/ plays several roles in the mood system of this
dialect. It combines with the perfective to produce a pluperfect, such
as lean tNbt/ I had gotten tired (speaker Kl ). At other times it occurs
in narrative contexts indicating a kind of historical present (see 7. 1 .4).
Elsewhere, /ean/ occurs in counterfactual conditional sentences (see
8. 8).
This section briefly discusses the function of /ean/ as a modal
auxiliary (approximately, would).
Ingham's description of /tan/ in Najdi suggests that this particle originated
as a conditional marker ( 1 994: 1 39).
Holes notes that Gulf speakers sometimes use the invariable /yikOn/ (3ms
imperfective of to be) as a "periphrastic subjunctive" ( 1 99: 1 89). My Kuwaiti
corpus does not have /yikOn/, but contains /kOn/ in what I interpret to be a
In the following, the particle /an/ in the phrase /an ta'ini/
would you give me clearly lends a modal meaning to the sentence,
similar to the subjunctive of Egyptian and Moroccan (see 8.2):
_ `-- ,y g ,
w ;j
| |
. . . banati kilhum 'aini yahum. gilt-Iaha, 'ubuy an ta'ini ga;r
'andi w ayi 'askin 'ana w rayli baed?
girls-your all-them imper-give-me obj-them said-I to-her dear-my
would you-give-me palace at-you and I-come I-live I and husband
my then?
[She said,] "All your girls. give them to me. " I told her. "Dear.
would you give me a palace there for me to come live with my
husband as well?"
In his grammar of Gulf Arabic, Qafsheh translates /an/ as would and
provides several examples similar to the ones cited here ( 1975:226).
However, /an/ has a narrower semantic range than, and is
syntactically different from, the subjunctive in other dialects, which
may express optative and hortative moods. polite questions. and
Of note here is that while other dialects mark the indicative form
of the imprfective. Kuwaiti appears to b doing the opposite: developing
a marked form for the subjunctive. In this respect the Kuwaiti verb
system is closer to that of English. since the modal /an/ functions
similarly to the English modal verb "would." Superficially. Kuwaiti
verbs bear certain affinities to Classical Arabic verbs: they lack
SUbjunctive sense:
K3 t A,, _ .. y_,. _ _
> _ _.
o huwa ta'hln. o wiyya 'a\ad ayir kalam, ay, K0 intey bta'tlna
bira \ilwa, wayba \ilwa. nafs \ilwa
if he tired, if there-is with anyone having-happened talk, thing, K0 you
fut-you-give-him countenance sweet, meal tasty, disposition pleasant
If he is tired, i there has happened with anyone an argument [or}
something, you shcuM give him a sweet countenance, a tasty meal, a
pleasant disposition
Johnstone notes that the imperfective is most common in optative sentences
( 1 967: 1 42).
8.6 Commissive Mood: Marked Use of Perfective 255
imperfective modal prefixes, and the imperfective third-person plural
and second-person feminine singular retain final InOnI, for example:
lygUlin/ they say, /li txallinl don't let. However, with an imperfective
system that does not distinguish inflectionally between actual and
possible, Kuwaiti may be innovating in a slightly different fashion by
developing a modal particle, Iin/. Structurally, then, i t is the Kuwaiti
indicative and modal system that stands unique among the four dialects.
8.6 Commisive Mood: Marked Use of the Perfective
While the perfective nonally represents a completed action, in
certain marked, negated contexts it can represent an action that has
technically not yet taken place, and the speaker, by using the perfective.
indicates a commitment on his or her part that it never will. Palmer
calls this the commissive mood ( 1 986: 1 1 5). This mood is more
commonly expressed with the imperfective, except in negative oaths,
in which the perfect or (in rare cases) the perfective may occur. In
negative oaths, the action expressed by a perfective verb is not actually
realized, as both speaker and audience undoubtedly know. However,
what gives the oath its semantic and pragmatic force is precisely the
tension between the realized and the unrealized: by expressing te
event using a fonn nonnally reserved for realized actions, the urgency
of the oath is clearly communicated. The following two examples
contain commissive perfectives Imi 'idtil you no longer and /al/ (he)
ate respectively.
S2 |L Q L
mi 'idti tiskani ma'na!
neg retured-you you-live with-us!
You won't live with us any more!
Mitchell and EI-Hassan note the following as "expostulatory usage of
women" in Egypt ( 1 994: 31):
E !J Lul L|
inaJJa ra Iaddl kal!
May nobody ever eat, then
This usage appears to be limited to the speech of women (the Syrian
speaker is a young woman from a village in norther Syria) and may
be dying out. I have found no examples of this use of the perfective in
Moroccan or Kuwaiti.
t o
8.7 Conditional and Hypothetical Moods
This section explores the use of two different verb stems, the
perfective and the imperfective, in the expression of conditional modality
in the dialects. The primary concer here is with the conditional clause,
or protasis; rather than the apodosis, except insofar as the latter helps
us determine the modal nature of the former. While the unmarked
mood of the perfective is indicative, in marked usage the perfective has
a hypothetical mood.
Because formal Arabic stipulates the use of the perfective to
indicate conditional mood with particles /'ig'/ and /law/,
most varieties of spoken Arabic permit the use of the imperfective or
zero verb wi th conditional particles, it has been assumed that the
perfective and imperfective have become more temporal and less
aspectual, since these conditional sentences often refer to a non-past
event (Holes 1995 : 177). However, close examination of conditional
data reveals that speakers of most dialects choose between perfective
and imperfective forms on the basis of modal and aspectual meanings,
not temporal considerations.
8. 7. 1 Conditional Particles in the Dialects
Formal Arabic rules for the conditional dictate that the mood of
the conditional as realis or irrealis is signalled through the choice of
particle, /'iga/ for realis, /'in/ for hypothetical , and /law/ for irrealis.
, ,,
'ila hiyya waldat l-wald xalliha w ii 'ndi
if she bore-she the-son leave-her and come to-me
Ifshegave birth to a male child, leave her and come back to me
258 Mood
Particles /kun/ i (variant /kunrahl) and /likan! i only function as irrealis
conditional markers (Harell 1 962: 1 68-9, see 8. 7. 2. 2 for examples).
Caubet also lists the expression /'ika . . . 'ika/ (heading both clauses)
1 2
with irrealis meaning ( 1993: 206, translation mine):
M ! lL. 4. l.i Li .:4 l.i
'ika zat 'amina, 'ika mina l-l-blar m(aha!
if came-she Amina, if went-we to-the-sea with-her
Ifonly Amina had come, we would have gone to the sea with her!
In Cairene, /law/ appears to be synonymous with /'iza/. EI-Tonsi
notes that conditional particles must be followed by a perfective verb,
except in non-verbal sentences (including sentences whose predicate
consists of a participle), or in "clauses that express an offer or proposal,
i. e. , what is in English would/could," in which the unmarked imperfective
is often used ( 1 982ii: 80- 1 ) . The imperfective examples el-Tonsi gives
all contain stative verbs, such as following /ti'dar/ you can and /til:ibb/
you like:
E ; Jil l jl
'iza ti'dar tigi 'ahlan wa sahlan
[if you-can you-come welcome]
Ifyou can come, you're welcome {tol
E ; "
law tilibb tigi 'ahlan wa sahlan
[if you-like you-come welcome]
Ifyou'd like to come, you're welcome {to]
However, in the following, /bitlibbaha/ you love her must be preceded
by perfective /kunt/ you were, suggesting that the verb /yil:ibb/ may
appear in the imperfective in conditionals when it means to like or to
want, but not when it means to be in love with (example from el-Tonsi
1 982i i : 82):
E l
I I jl
'iza kunt bitlibbaha 'itgawwizha
[if were-you indic-you-Iove-her marry-her]
Ifyou really love her, marr her
'`tMoroccan informant from Meknas prefers /'Okan/ to /Oka/.
8. 7 Conditional and Hypothetical Moods 259
For Syrian, clauses with /'iza/ allow the use of imperfectives
marked with either /b-/ or /'ar (on the use of Syrian /b-/ in conditional
sentences see Cowell 1 964: 336; this is intentive future /b-/, as shown
in 8.4). Among Cowell's examples ( 1 964:332):
S g|:
naHa ra f mane' 'andak 'iza bIil halla'
[God-willing neg ther-is objection at-you if b-I-go now
I hope you dn't mind i I go now
According to Cowell, Syrian speakers generally reserve /law/ for use in
irrealis conditionals, which generally take prfective verbs (1964:335).
Kuwaiti spakers use both /10/ i even i ad /a i when. However,
while /la/ normally occurs with a perfective verb,
/10/ ofen occurs
with imperfective verbs or zero-verb, in contexts that m hypothetical
but not necessarily irrealis:4 Even the elderly Kuwaiti speaker K3,
who regularly uses the perfective with /la/ meaning when, uses /10/
with the imperfective. In the following sentence, the conditional clause
headed by /10/ contains the imperfective /nigdar/ we are able in a
hypothetical (not irrealis) mood, while the result clause contains the
perfective /ganena/ we could manage, do:
10 nigdar nsawwi ay ganena b-Iia
if we-are-able we-do thing managed-we with-selves-our
II we are able to do something, we could d with just ourselves
A young male Kuwaiti likewise uses /10/ with zero-verb or imprfective
verbs in stative conditionals, often meaning even i as in the following:
. ..|
. . . |
| |;| L|
| . . . L
| J| C| . L
'ana 'iza itfawwazat waQid gani . . . bQibb ykOn 'andi 'arba' wlad,
binten w abben 'amma 'iza kan ya'ni iaitu wasa . . . bQibb ya'ni
'innu walden
I if married-l one rich . . . b-I-like be at-me four kids girls-two and
boys-two, as-for if was-it that-is circumstance-his middle . . .
b-l-like that-is comp kids-two
IfI marr a rich man . . . I'd like to have 4 kids,2 girls and 2 boys,
but ihis circumstances are modest . . . I'd like to [have] 2 kid
Ingham remarks that /kant, lin-kant, Iant and lin-a all represent
hypothetical conditional particles in Najdi ( 1994: 1 39). Some of his
examples contain pronoun suffixes marking the logical subjects of the
sentences, indicating that these particles have become pseudo-verbs
(see 5.3). In the following, lin-kan-kum/ i you are contains the sufixed
object pronoun /kuml you, which is the logical subject of the clause
( 1994: 1 52):
= ;4;'
in-kan-kum walm-In rakkab-t-kum bi-s-sayyarah u riQ-t-ib-kum
w in-kan ra wallam-tum riQ-t u xalle-t-kum
if-kan-you ready-p put-I-you-p in-the-car and went-I-with-you-p
and if-kan neg make ready-you-p went-I and left-I-you -p
Ifyou are ready I will put you in the car and take you with me
and i you are not ready I will go on and leave you
This fozen fonn of /ant as a hypothetical marker may b more common
in the Najd than in Syria, however, since some of my Syran and
Lebanese ifonants fnd Cowell's thiry-odd-year-old examples strange.
It is worth investigating the current use of frozen /kant in urban Syrian
to compare with Cowell's examples.
In 7. 2. 2, it was argued that /kant sometimes occupies a topical
sentence position. The analysis of hypothetical /kant as a topic is also
262 Mood
supported by Haiman ( 1 985: 34), who believes that "the protasis of a
conditional functions more like a topic or background state of affairs
against which the apodosis is evaluated" (cited in Croft 1 990: 167).
These frozen fonns of /ant may have developed through this process:
the topical use of /kan! in conditionals probably helped give rise to the
frozen fon some Syrian and Gulf speakers use. Ikan
with Perfective as Counterfactual (lrrealis) Mod
The verb /kant to be is frequently associated with counterfactual
or irrealis mood, whether in direct or indirect conditional contexts.
Examples from the four dialects show /kant (or Kuwaiti derivative
lean/) in indirect (implied) unreal conditional contexts. From Moroccan
(Harrell 1 962: 1 85):
kan xkum ta'tiwhum-li
[was-it necessary-for-you you-give-them to-me]
You all should have given them to me
From Egyptian (el-Tonsi 1 982ii:25):
kunt 'alibb agi lakin maladdi 'azamni
was-I I-like I-come but no-one invited-he-me
I would have liked to come but no one invited me
My Syrian corpus includes a number of examples, among them:
L __l_ cL
ra labb[h]a kint min 'awwal ra labbet[h]a
neg having-fallen-in-Iove-with-her were-you from first neg fell
You're not in love with her, you should have not fallen in love
with her in the first place
From my Kuwaiti data:
Kl L L_ _
ean ima aY'in
would became-we lost-p
We would have gotten lost
8. 7 Conditional and Hypothetical Moods 263
Several dialects have conditional particles that are derived from
this association btween /kanJ and the irrealis mood.
Moroccan speakers use /fn/ or /unrih/ (/rfollowed by a
perfective to represent irrealis or counterfactual mood in direct and
indirect conditional contexts:
M3 s l
> u>
kin fiti kunrah tfyykna
kin came-you kunra had-fun-we
Ifyou had come we would have had fun (elicited)
Harrell's examples include ( 1962: 169):
M I '''. &
kGn gir qultiha mn qbayla w hnnitna
[kun only said-you-it from a-little-before and blessed-you-us]
you should have just said it a while ago and lef us in peace
Feghali notes that Lebanese use /kf/ (derived from Iykf/, the
imperfective of /f) in the same sense ( 1928:25; translation mine):
" of
law kun eftu kent hrebt
[if kun saw-I-him was-I fled-I]
IfI had seen him, I would have fled
. .
. ; u
law kGn febtuh ma(kon kan rebeJ-lkon mile
[if kun brought-you-him with-you kan owed-he-you favor]
Ifyou had brought him with you, he would have owed you a favor
Kuwaiti Icanl, derived from /kan/, marks counterfactual mood in
the apodosis of conditionals:
10 'ihiya mwalat-la can ya
if she having-brought-news-to-him can came-he
Ifshe had told him, he would have come
K3 L _
| l _l | l
'ana 1 0 'a(arf 'aktib w agra can yiir musalsil H mi milia
I if I-know I-write and I-read can he-become serial neg-there-is
26 Mood
I, i I knew how to write and read, there would become a serial
like no other
Finally, the imperative mood in Egyptian may be embedded by
/kanl to give a counterfactual reading:
kunt ta'ala
were-you imper-come
You should have come
8.7.3 Habitual and Non-hypothetical Conditionals: Perfective
Ingham calls the use of Najdi I'ila! i, when "habitual" ( 1 994: 138).
Moroccan and Kuwaiti speakers use I'ital (Moroccan I'ita/) to mean
when, nonnally followed by the perfective. Another type of habitual
conditional involves the use of the particle I-mal with interrogatives in
expressions meaning whenever, wherever, and whatever. Tese "habitual
conditionals" nonally take perfective verbs; however, they are not
true conditionals but show the aspectual use of the perfective as a point
in time.
lalq lla
If when
The Moroccan and Kuwaiti conditional particle /"ilal (and Kuwaiti
variant Ila!) may be used to mean when without a hypothetical sense.
All my examples contain perfective verbs:
,~Y| ~
bet 'ita ar :-:l:a yisawwOn cay
house T if became-it the-mid-moming they-make tea
The T's, when it becomes mid-morning, they have tea
Moroccan speakers also use /'i1a! in this sense. Harrell cites the following
example ( 1 962: 1 72):
' , = Y|
'l\a za razl:k f:-l-lil, x:llih I:tta yn':s
[if came-he husband-your in-the-night, let-him until he-sleep]
When your husband comes home tonight, leave him alone until
he goes to sleep
8. 7 Conditional and Hypothetical Moods 265
Speakers of the central dialects, on the other hand, do not appear to use
the corresponding conditional particle fiza! in this manner. I-mal -ever
All four dialects share a construction that is a kind of habitual
conditional: the particle I-mal suffixed to an interogative particle to
give the meaning -ever. This constrction utilizes I-ra! as a conditional
marker and is normally followed by a perfective in Moroccan and
Syrian (for Syrian, see Cowell 1964:338).
M9 cu
law u ra camalt
if what ever did-I
Whatever I d . . .
u} c=
= =
kill ra fa waJid yxtb[h]a, bizu: hayy kanit Jabbe m
every ever came-he one he-ask-to-marry-her, indic-they-come:
this was-she loving so-and-so
Ever time someone comes to askfor her hand, the come: [saing]
she was in love with so-and-so
= ~
taxud JayaJJa min ra qaddm la[ha]
she-take whatever who ever prsented-he to-her
She'll marr anyone who asksfor her hand
In Egyptian, the habitual conditional with a perfective occurs
most commonly with the particle Imahma! no matter how much.
mahma 'amalt mi Jaysamili
however-much did-I neg fut-he-forgive-me
No matter what I do he'll never forgive me (elicited)
he first syllable of Imahmal , Imah/, is presumably a Classical variant of
interrogative Ima! (see Wright 1898i:274).
266 Mood
Kuwaiti speakers use I-mal conditionals with perfective and
imperfective verbs. An elderly, uneducated Kuwaiti speaker uses an
imperfective here:
al-l:in ta'aley, wen ra tdiin wen ra tIilin
now come-f, where ever you-enter where ever you-go
Nowadays come [look], wherever you come and go [you see it]
8.7.4 Aspect and Mood in Conditional Sentences
Both aspect and mood appear to play a role in the choice of verb
form in conditionals from all four dialects. Ingham's analysis of
conditional sentences i Najdi makes a useful distinction between stative,
punctual, and habitual conditionals ( 1 994: 1 33-); his analysis of Najdi
Arabic serves as a useful comparative framework. The aspectual nature
of the event is reflected by the choice of verb stem: the perfective
often represents a punctual action, whereas the imperfective or a zero
verb marks a continuous or stative action or event.
At the same time, degree of hypotheticality plays an important
role in determining verb stem. Cowell emphasizes the hypothetical
nature of the use of the perfective with I>izal ( 1 964: 33 1 -33), and the
higher expectation created by the absence of the perfective. Non
perfective predicates often signal generalities, or that the speaker expects
the condition to be fulfilled (see Cowell 1 964: 333). The more
hypothetical the situation, the higher the tendency of the speaker to
choose . a perfective verb form, while zero-verb or the imperfective
normally indicate a "non-hypothetical" conditional mood
The perfective is the true conditional mode, in the sense that
there exists M equal possibility of the event happning and not happning,
so it remains neutral or unmarked in this context. The use of the
imperfective indicates a higher degree of speaker expectation or
commitment to the possibility of it happening, and is marked in this
context. The range of conditional choices the speaker makes may be
represented as a continuum of hypotheticality, shown in Figure 3.
"he term "non-hypothetical conditional" is borrowed from Haiman, who
uses it to designate a conditional whose protasis is factual ( 1 985: 33-4, cited in
Croft 1 990: 1 67).
8. 7 Conditional and Hypothetical Moods
Figure 3 Continuum of Hypotheticality
/kan/ with
Punctual hypothetical:
Stative hypothetical:
imperfective or
The speaker chooses from among zero-verbs, imperfectives, and
perfectives according to the degree of hypotheticality and the aspect of
the action. Non-hypothetical factive conditionals, or conditionals with
a degree of expectation, tend to be stative and tend not to contain
perfective verbs, except if the aspect is punctual. Less factive, more
hypothetical clauses tend to be punctual and tend to contain perfective
verb forms. Counterfactual conditionals usually contain, in addition to
a perfective verb form, a reflex of /kant as well. It is as if the temporal
distance signalled by /kan/ in these counterfactual conditionals indicated
a kind of "hypthetical" distance, or spaker distance from a commitment
to the trth of the conditional.
The following Syrian passage contains a two-part conditional
with two different morphological forms: imperfective /mma Yiibbu/
they are in love and perfective /sim'u/ they heard. Both are govered
by the particle /'iza/; the difference cannot then b temporal and must
be modal or aspectual. The progressive indicative /mma Yiibbu/ gives
the imperfective aspect of an action that takes place over a long period
of time. By contrast, the perfective /sim'u/ they heard, gives a perfective
aspect: a one-time, non-durative, completed event. The choice of verb
form here is not temporal but aspectual.
sz ,u| L |_ |L | | )| .
t u .c
m m
halla' 'anna bi-Q-(e'a -- 'iza tnen mma Yiibbu ba'Qon w sim'u
kaman il-'alam f[h]on, ya lafif! agle kbire
now at-us in-the-village, if two prog they-love each-other and
heard-they also the-world about-them LGod! thing big
Now in our village. i two [young people] are in love. and everybod
hears about them, God! [ it's] a big deal
The next example is taken from a Kuwaiti folklorist's interview
of an elderly woman about life i the old days. Te use of the imprective
/tl)am1/ she gets pregnant here has nothing to do with time reference,
marked past by the context; rather, the imperfective here signals a
factive modality:
K4 _ L ;
'iga 'ihiya ra tl)am1 yigulUn ' anha?
if she neg she-gets-pregnant what they-say about-her?
If she wouldn't get pregnant what would they say about her?
By contrast, in the next example, the speaker uses a perfective verb in
reference to the present. The aspect is punctual, hence the choice of
the perfective:
! U
w -ala, yahla! 'allmuha! la ra allit I-yom talli bacir
and the-praying, kid! teach-p-her! if neg prayed-she today, she
pray tomorrow
As for praying, she's a kid! teach her! Ifshe doesn't pray today,
she'll pray tomorrow
If hypotheticality is signalled by the use of the perfective, then
conditional sentences that set up an either/or choice with equal
probabilities should normally contain a perfective verb. In the next
example, whether the matchmaker gets the entire fee or not is contingent
upon whether she works by herself or with another matchmaker. Both
equally likely possibilities are marked with the perfective /kant:
K2 . :
: i |
l : :
~ ~
p = S|
O |4| __
O | 4|
sa'at ya'unni miten, min ahl i1-walad miten min ahl i1-bint miten,
sa'at ya'unni min ahl il -- ya'ni mya w xamsin mya w xamsin,
'ida kan bi-riQi haga zen, w ida kan ma'i wal)da la', 'agsimhum
I-miten Qaggi w miten Iaggha
times they-give-me 200, from family of-the-boy 200 from family
of-the-girl 200, times they-give-me from family of-the -- that-is
10 and 50 and 1 00 and 50, if was-it by-self-my this good, and if
was-it with-me one-f no, I-split-them to-2o for-me and 20 for-her
8. 7 Conditional and Hypothetical Moods 269
Sometimes they give me 200 [dinars], from thefamily ofthe boy
200 [and] from the family of the girl 200, sometimes they give
me from the family ofthe -- that is, 150, 150 i it [is] by mysel
that's good, and i there [is] a woman with me no, I split them, to
200 for me and 200 for her.
The next passage, from Syria, contains a double conditional
showing a modal difference. Both clauses in the following are stative;
the first, fiza lilwe/ i she is prett, contains no verb, and the second,
fiza ml Unit mit(allme/ i she [was] not educated, contains the-verb
/kanit/ she was. The meaning of the first clause would not change very
much with the omission of /'iza/, and is thus marked by the speaker as
being factive through the absence of /kan/, while the second, the "true"
conditional, is clearly hypothetical, and contains /kln/:
4 +
y| y |.L
| | .L
_a L ,d L | )| | rt | )| :|
,. .
-adaqa 'ila 'titIha 'tmha ra tqil 'atit
the-alms if gave-you-it gave-you-it neg you-say gave-I
Alms, if you give them, you give them, you don't say 'I gave'
El O| __
| ;
'iza gat muna xalliha trt tigib il-fustan
if she-came Muna have-her she-go she-bring the-dress
IfMuna comes, have her go and get the dress
' =
L. | ;|
'iga ra iftha min bi'id, ra adri 'anha barra
if neg saw-I-her from far neg I-know about-her outside
IfI don't see her from a distance, I don't know anything about
her [behavior] outside the house
In contrast, Egyptian, Syrian, and Kuwaiti speakers often express
stative conditionals with zero-verb, as the following examples
demonstrate. In the first, from Kuwait, the second conditional /10 fl i
there is has a past time reference, even though the clause does not
contain a perfective but rather the tenseless participle Iayirl having
- =l ~
10 'uhu ta'ban 10 f wiyya 'aad ayir kalam, ay
if he tired if there-is with one having-occurred words, something
Ifhe's tired, i there has occurred an argument with someone or
Te zero-verb in the next example hints at what this matchmaker knows,
tht many prospective grooms like the matches she picks for them.
Hence she uses the zero-verb rather than lkanl in the conditional clause:
K2 s ,
| _ s .
_,| U_ | ;
'iga huwwa l a xatir fiha, 'adigg-luhum teHfan, ha? raykum fi
if he to-him fancy for-her, I-call to-them telephone, [asking] hmm?
what do you think about the boy?
Ifhe has a fancy for her I call them, and [say] hmm, what's your
opinion ofthe boy?
8. 7 Conditional and Hypothetical Moods 271
Te next speaker relates a frequently ocurring event, her neighbors
dropping in on her. Te "condition" here, that she is not busy, is both
habitual and expcted:
S5 , L ,
,L ;
| _.|
| )| . s . _| _ _|
< _
| )| . . " tu" LL| ___
| _
_| ,_ . _| Ou u|,
g_| | )| Q
| L L| _y
_ | . ' _
'ana 'agil-la ra 'a'arf 'an l:-bnayya --- laUa 10 t'arfn? --- laUa
10 'a'arf ya'ni mO laUa 10 'a'arf la, ya'ni 'ia ya'ni ir-Ii 'adxul
daxlati wa al'ati 'aleha w ga'da ma'ahum la, 'araI-la, 'agul-la
waJJa I-bnayya bet 'awadim w xo 'ins ana w 'ajla w bnayya arifa
. . . 'ia mi daxla ma'aha ya'ni, ma!alan ' inti CatetIni raqam
it-tilifon gilti-li waHah bint fIan 'ana ra a'arf 'anha 'ay ay, bass
'ia a'arf 'anha 'ay ay la, 'agOI illi rabbi yis'alni 'anna
272 Mood
I I-say-to-hir neg I-know about the-girl -- even if you-know?
--- even if I-know that-is neg even if I-know no, that-is if that-is
she-is-related-to-me I-enter entries-my and exits-my on-her and
sitting with-them no, I-explain-to-him, I-say-to-him by-God the
girl house of-good-people and good person and sensible and girl
honorable + + if neg having-entered with-her that-is, for-example
you gave-you-me number of-the-telephone said-you-to-me by
God daughter of-so-and-so I neg I-know about-her thing, but if
I-know about-her any thing no, I-say reI lord-my he-asks-me
I tell him I don't know about the girl. -- Even ifyou know?
Even if I know-l mean, not even if I know, no, i she is a
relative of mine and I interact with her, come and go at her
house, and sit with them, no, I explain to him, I say, the girl is
from a goodfamily, she is a nice girl, level-headed, and honorable
. . . IfI don't have any interaction with her, that is for example
[i you give me the telephone number and tell me, [she's] the
daughter of so-and-so, I don't know anything about her, but i I
know anything about her no, I say what God will ask me about
(what I will be responsible to Godfor).
Moroccan presents an exception to this patter, not allowing
zero-verb conditional clauses. All of Harrell's conditional examples
contain /kn/( 1 962: 170-7 1 ) as do Caubet's ( 1993:205), and mine:
t 1
| L
- j l l [ -__l
|_ |
=_= =|
{= =
x ,==
= |
= _
. _ 4 L l l . g=
4 |
= ',) )
_' =
w +
= | | x | |
, ,
w 'a l-ah;l tazhiz il-'arls w l-'aris biqaddim g;rft in-nom w I-bet
ab'an. 'amma ra byaxdu min l-'aris ayy e' 'ilia 'iza huwwe
beddu yqaddim-l[h]a la-lalu dahab 'aw e, ra byiftirQu 'an[d]na
'innu lazim tlabbis[h]a lazim ra tlabbis[h]a, mitil ba'Q[h]a 'andon
'iza ma'u bilabbs[h]a, ' iza D8 ma'u mi miSkel. ya'ni ra zal
hiyye muxtartu w 'aziba w bitlibbu w bilibb[h]a ra f miSkil
'and il-'ah;l ya'ni, "alta law i'taru I-'ah;l, 'iza bedda gaban
'annon btaxdu la'inna bitJtibbu
and on-the-family trousseau of-the-bride and the-groom indie
he-presents room of-the-sleeping and the-house of-course. as-for
neg indie-they-take from the-groom any thing except if he he
wants he-present-to-her for-self-him gold or thing, neg indie
they-assume at-us comp must you-dress-her must neg you-dress
her, like each-other at-them if neg with-him neg problem. that-is
neg it-ceased she having-chosen-him and pleasing-her and indie
she-loves-him and indie-he-Ioves-her neg there-is problem at the
family that-is even if they-objected the-family if she-wants
despite them indie-she-takes-him because-she indie-she-Ioves-him
The family {of the bride] is responsible for the bride's trousseau,
and the groom gives the bedroom and the house, of course. But
they don't take anything {else] from the groom except ihe wants
to give her {something] himsel, gold or something, they don't
assume in our custom that (you) must give her {gold] to wear or
not, it's all the same to them, if he has {the means], he gives her
{gold] to wear, i he doesn't have {the means] it's not a problem.
As long as she has chosen him and is happy with him and she
loves him and he loves her, there's no problem with the family.
Even ifthey object, i she wants [to marr him], she does, in
spite of them, because she loves him.
Later in the same conversation, this speaker discusses her thoughts
on premarital sexual relations. Here she uses /'iza/ twiee, once with
/kant and once with the perfective lQallit/ she remained, in contrast to
the previous passage whieh contained only zero-verbs with /'iza/. In
this case, not only does /kant give a higher degree of hypotheticality,
but it may also signal the speaker's own "distance" from the ideas she
is expressing. While the speaker admits of the possibility of girls
8. 7 Conditional and Hypothetical Moods 275
having pre-marital relations, she implies that this is not a nonal course
of events, and hints at her own ambiguous position vis-a-vis this bhavior.
S2 | dr .| _ | )| _
L Q d l )|
_ e . .
tl _
Lau Q u l
,t.|_| | )| _L e
u L L
halla' ya'ni ar wayy il-'alam it'awwdu 'innu yifu tnen mMyin
ra' ba'<on heki. bass kaman 'iza l-waJde aUet w hek ya'ni
kanit wayy faltane b-'alaqta kaman ktir byizbili[h]a
now that-is became-it a-bit the-people got-accustomed-they comp
they-see two walking with each-other thus but comp also if the
one-f went-too-far-she and thus that-is was-she a-bit loose-f
in-relationships-her also a-lot they-shun-her
Nowadays, everone has somewhat gotten used to seeing two
[youths] walking together in that way, but still, i a girl goes too
far and stuf and [i she's a bit too loose in her relationships,
they shun her a lot
276 Mood
8. 8 Summary
Of all the syntactic features examined in this study, modality
shows the greatest range of variation from dialect to dialect. While
Moroccan and Egyptian show essentially the same modal system, their
indicative prefixes differ. Egyptian and Syrian appear to share the
indicative marker /b(i)-/, but the range of meaning of Syrian /b-/ only
partially overlaps wi th i ts Egyptian counterpart. Evidence suggests
that Syrian /b-/ may have two sources: intentive /b-/, found in the
Gulf, which AI -Najjar claims derives from the verb /'abi/ I want
( 1 984: 87-90), and another source, perhaps preposition /b-/, giving an
indicative (continuous or habitual) meaning.
While Moroccan, Egyptian, and Syrian speakers have developed
indicative markers, Kuwaiti seems to be headed in another direction by
developing a non-indicative marker, /ean/, which has several functions,
including a modal would an irrealis conditional, and a narrative device
that may signal non-progressive or non-present action. More research,
and more contextualized data, are needed in this area.
In general, the use of the morphological tense forms in conditional
sentences is not subject to temporal considerations, but rather reflects
aspectual and modal factors. Speakers normally choose a perfective
verb or /kan/ in punctual conditionals, a choice which contrasts with
their consistent use of imperfective and zero-verbs in stative conditionals.
These patterns show clearly the primacy of aspecnot tense-o the
choice of verb form in conditional sentences. Finally, the association
of /kan/ with counterfactual mood remains consistent across dialects.
9.0 Introduction
Of all the syntactic features examined in this study, only one
major feature emerges as an isogloss separating easter and wester
dialect areas: the use of /-/ as a negative enclitic. The wester
dialects, Moroccan and Egyptian, combine variants of /ma/ with /-M,
while Kuwaiti and urban Syrian dialects use /mat and particles derived
from it. Of course, the isogloss that separates east and west is difficult
to locate and is surely not a continuous line: features do not disappear
abruptly but rather fade out gradually, and the history and soio-sectarian
diversity of the Levant have contributed to a rich pattering of dialects
in the region, some of which use /-/ in negation (Cowell 1 964: 383,
Feghali 1928: 220-21). Despite this surface-strcture variation, however,
all four dialects exhibit striking parallels in negative strategies and
structures on the whole. Studying cross-dialectal patters of negation
can thus serve both to elucidate historical developments in spoken
Arabic, and to demonstrate the importance of looking beyond surface
structure to underlying strategies and pragmatic principles in studying
the syntax of spoken language.
9. 1 Overview of Negation in the Dialects
Grammars of the dialects vary in their treatment of negation, but
all of them present negation in lists of particles and their possible uses.
I will frst present a brief overview of the most comprehensive treatments
of negation in each dialect, then attempt to find parallels and pragmatic
functions that can explain negation in the dialects with more precision
and economy.
Harrell's Reference Grammar of Moroccan Arabic lists a "Basic
Procedure" in which the split particle /ma - / is used, a separate category
of "Negative Imperative" in which the same construction forms the
prohibitive, "Additional Negative Forms," in which the /-/ is omitted,
a separate category of "Categorical Negative" in which the /-I is also
dropped, and under "Non-Verbal Negation," he notes that "[nlouns and
adjectives are also sometimes prefixed with Imal and suffixed with
lsi/" ( 1 962: 1 52-55). The presentation is a bit confusing, since a total of
seven separate categories are given to detail three syntactic structures,
and it appears that nouns and adjectives can be negated exactly as
verbs. However, Harrell's analysis attempts to ascertain the various
syntactic strategies that Moroccan Arabic uses, and his construction of
'categorical negation' as a distinct negating strategy with its own syntactic
marking stands out as a significant contribution to the description of
negation in Moroccan. In fact, this pragmatic function exists in all four
dialects, as will be shown in 9.5.
Woidich ( 1 968) examines in great detail every possible negative
construction in Egyptian Arabic, resulting in a complete inventory of
negation in Egyptian Arabic. His presentation is quite detailed, but no
overall picture of negating strategies emerges.
Cowell classifies negation in Syrian Arabic according to four
negative particles: Imal, Imu/, /la/, and the "negative copula" ( 1 964: 383-
88). Cowell' s streamlined approach describes the basic syntactic
strategies in this dialect, making it useful for comparative studies.
Cowell' s distinction of the 'negative copula' as a separate syntactic
category also has comparative value, and is adopted here as a subcategory
of verbal negation.
Holes ( 1 990) divides negation in Gulf Arabic into two categories,
"sentence negation" and "constituent negation. " Under the former, he
lists Ima/ for perfective and imperfective verbs, /la/ for imperatives,
and /la .. wila/ for coordinated clauses; under the latter, he includes
Imul and its variants.
Holes also illustrates another unnamed negative
re in which /ma/ is prefixed to personal pronouns ( 1 990:244).
He makes several important observations on the pragmatic aspects of
the various syntactic structures, most notably his distinction between
sentence negation and constituent negation, and his analysis of /mu/ as
the negation of a negative sentence proposition (such as, It's not that I
don't want to 1 990:72). Johnstone's cursory treatment of Kuwaiti records
Holes lists /mfb/ as the primary negative particle for this category ( 1 990:73);
according to my data this i s not commonly used i n Kuwait, where /mul is
preferred. The particle Imu/ has a feminine variant Imi/ which also does not
occur in my data (Holes 1 990:73-4).
9.1 Overview of Negation in the Dialects 279
"negation of adjectives and participles" by /mu/ and negation of "other
nominal constructions" by /mat; he also lists "negated forms of the
personal pronouns" ( 1 967: 148).
What can b concluded from a preliminary comparison of these
analyses? Features that appear to be common to two or more dialects
include the fact that most of the'se dialects discriminate between a
loosely 'verbal' category and a corresponding 'non-verbal' one that
negates predicated structures. Moroccan and Egyptian dialects negate
verbs with /ma - '/, urban Syrian and Kuwaiti with /mat. Sentence
predicates are negated in the wester dialects with /mi'/ or /maW while
the easter dialects normally use /mu/ or a variant tereof. Examples
from each of the dialect regions illustrate these patters. Te first two
sentences exemplify verbal negation i the wester dialects:
ui i ,|
ra bga' ydIr-lha s-smiyya dIk s-sa'a 11i zidt
neg he-wanted-neg make-for-her the name that the-hour that she
He didn't want to give her a name at the time she was born
ci | _ |,,_| L
ra uft ii-mOdel da 'ab1 kida
neg saw-I the-style that before thus
I didn't see that stle before
Te following sentences illustrate predicate negation in these dialects,
with /ma'i/ in Moroccan, and /mW in Egyptian:
_| L| ,
1atifa mMi f-d-dar
Latifa neg in-the-house
Latia's not home
,_ '
la' mi 'adim
no neg old
No, [it's] not old
Te next Syrian passage contains both verbal negation, /ma btufruq/ it
makes no dif erence, and non-verbal negation, /mu m'allme/ not educated:
U i } i
l . J _ l|
t.|,| I
L .
= =
'amma min qabal xala l)i lwe ya latif! mU'allme mi mU'allme
mitil ba'<[h]a. 'eh. halla' kaman mitil ba'<[h]a ya'ni wal)id bil)ibb
wal)de w law kanit l)abbe mi l)abbe kaman ra btufruq ma'u.
as-for from before that's-it pretty O-God! having-been educated
neg having-been educated like each-other. yeah. now also like
each-other i t-mean one indic-he-Ioves one-f even if was-she
having-loved neg having-loved also neg indic-it-differs with-him
Before, that [was] it, [i she's] prett, wow! educated, not educated,
it's all the same [to him]. Now too it's all the same, that is, [i
someone is in love with a [girl], whether she has had love afairs
or not, also it makes no difference to him.
Likewise, this Kuwaiti sentence includes verbal negation Ima yil)ibbhal
he doesn't love her, and non-verbal negation Imi l)ilwa/ not pretty:
) . L _t_t| .
mi tisallimi?
neg you-say-hello-f
Shouldn't you say hello?
| u| _ L
rna katnO<s mn d-dar
El O
neg indic-she-gets-up from the-house
She doesn't leave the house
| c
ra srMi kblr gI[r] gIr
neg bought-he big only small
He didn't buy a big one, only a small one
' _c
ra biyi'gibOs il-'agab
neg indic-it-please-him-neg the-wonder
Nothing pleases him
ra rafa'ts >Idi
neg raised-I hand-my
I didn't raise my hand
56 L o
la ra bIIa>
no neg will-I-catch-up
No, I won't have time
'aI-Ion ra Iabbet[h]a
said-he-to-them neg loved-I-her
He told them, I didn't fall in love with her
KI |.| c__
kil >arba' w xamls w yim'a ra astatilha
every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday neg I-consider-heavy-it
Every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, I don't consider it too
9.3 Verbal Negation
a_ L |L
ra xallaw ay ra xai
neg left-they thing neg took-they-it
They didn't leave anything they didn't take
All the examples cited above represent unmarked patters of
negation. The main exception to this rule is found in urban Egypt,
where the future /Ia- imperfective/ is obligatorily negated with /mi/,
which normally fnctions as the particle of predicate negation?
El ,
mi layib'a l.ilw 'alayya
neg will-it-become pretty on-me
It won't look good on me
Dialects in souther Egypt and Morocco negate the future with /ma -
/. From an Egyptian movie:
E |_ L
ra la ngum
neg fut we-say!
We won't tell!
mnorther Morocco, negative /mal and future /ma/ collapse into /m/:
Ml m | a| c|
ma nakum w-ida zit n-'ndk
neg-will-I-eat and-if came-I to-at-you
I won't eat [even] i I come over
Syrian and Kuwaiti speakers negate future imperfectives with /ma
ra la-yzid ktir
[it] isn't going to ad much (CoweU 1 964:384)
ra bityi
neg will-she-comes
She won't come
his exception may be part of a larger historical process that negation in
Egyptian appears to be undergoing. in which the syntactic environments of
/mW appear to b expanding at the expense of /ma oee '/.
286 Negation
In the case of complex verb phrases, or verb phrases that consist
of more than one constituent, such as compound verbs, the first linear
element normally constitutes the focus of syntactically and semantically
unmarked negation. In the wester dialects, Imal and I-I enclose the
focused element:
u c .
, | dc.
'abbahatna w zdudna kanu ra yufu 1-'aIis la-lelt l-'irs
fathers-our and grandfathers-our were-they neg they-see the-bride
until-night of-the-wedding
Qur fathers and grandfathers used not to see the bride until the
wedding night
The syntactic flexibility of the wester dialects permits other
elements to be targeted when they constitute the semantic focus of
negation. In the fol lowing minimal pair, the first sentence was uttered
during a conversation about the next day's activities. Since it was a
normal work day, the speaker's statement can be seen as a negation of
a natural presupposition that he was physically going to work, hence
the focus of negation on going.
9.3 Verbal Negation
ra mam nxdm gdda
neg going-m I-work tomorrow
I'm not going to work tomorrow
Later, I elicited the next sentence as a syntactically viable alterative,
but with a focus on not working.
mM n;xd;m gdda
neg-will I-work tomorrow
I'm not working tomorrow (elicited)
In Moroccan, indirect and oblique objects may fall inside or
outside the focus. The following minimal pair shows that indirect
objects with the preposition /Ii/ to may fall inside or outside the scope
of negation:
M5 _qL
ra tgilha liyya
neg you-say-it to-me
Don't tell it to me!
Ml qL
ra tqUlha-li
neg you-say-it-to-me
Don't tell me it! or Don't tell it to me!
Te next examples show prepositional phrases with /li/ and /f/ contained
within the scope of the negating particle:
M2 {c L
bnat I-yum ra ymk;n-lihum ydiru i Jaza w yxafu
girls of-today neg possible for-them they-do some thing and they
Girls of today, they can't do something and be afraid
Ml l _,[ )
b-aI1 ra tuf-fha
on-condition neg you-look at-her
On condition you don't look at her
Egyptian allows this type of variation as well. Here the preposition fbi/
and its object fall within the scope of /ra - /:
__LgI >"
ira' ra t}iss bi
struggle neg you-feel it
A struggle you don't feel
College cafeteria food elicited the following comment from an Egyptian
colleague containing the prepositional phrase /luI to it:
c . x '
il-'akl da ra yitganna-li
the-food that neg it-be-sung to-it
That food shouldn't be serenaded!
9.3. 1 Negation of Pseudo-verbs
Cowell li sts as possible foci of Syrian /ra/ "verbs and other
verb-like expressions" ( 1 964: 384). This description applies to all four
dialects, and the "other verb-like expressions" consist of pseudo-verbs,
which are negated like verbs in all dialects, with /ra - / or /rf:
Ml O .sc,
l-}tat ra kayni bnzaf
the-fish neg there-is a-lot
Fish, there isn't a lot
E2 _ c
ra li Qadd
neg at-him one
He doesn't have anyone
,.1 c
ra f razil ya'ni
neg there-is room it-mean
There's no way
Kl L
ra 'alek
neg on-you
Don't worry about it
9.3 Verbal Negation 289
Pseudo-verbs consisting of nominal and prepositional phrases
are thus normally n'gated as verbs. The following section will examine
another class of "verb-like expressions" that can at times function as
pseudo-verbs: participles
9.3.2 Negation of Participles
Negation patters involving participles reflect the partially verbal
nature of this syntactic category. Participles are commonly predicated,
and in such cases are negated with predicate negation. The following
Moroccan, Egyptian, and Syrian examples contain participles /Sarfa/
having grown old, /(arfa/ having found out, knowing and !abbe/ having
fallen in love with negated with predicate negatives /maW, /mis/, and
/mu/ respectively:
M9 .|G
masi sarfa bzzaf
neg old a-lot
She isn't ver old
El G
miS 'arfa
neg knowing (having-found-out)
I don't know
S2 46 .. 46 Qp _
walid bilibb walde w law kanit Iabbe mi I)abbe
one-m indic-he-Ioves one-f and if was-she having-loved neg having
A boy loves a girl, even i she's been in love or not been in love
(or whatnot)
In this Kuwaiti passage, negation of the verbal phrase /ma tiStgl/
doesn't work contrasts with the predicated participle /mi mitlajjba/ not
K2 .
__. _
. . . .
~ [ [ ~ j j
Por a discussion of the verbal characteristics of participles, see 6.4 and 7. 3.
K2 tis'alni , 'ihiya tis'alni, tigul-li ya'ni nabi-Ia cigi, tadris, nabi-la
mxalla d-d;rasa, nabi-Ia walda tgt;g;l w;lla ra tgt;g;l,
mitlajjba w;lla mU mitlajjba
she-asks-me she she-asks-me it-means we-want for-him such she
studies we-want for-him having-finished studying we-want for
him one she-works or neg she-works veiled or neg veiled
She asks me, she [the mother] asks me, she says, you know, we
want [to find] for him such-and-such, [a girl] who studies, we
want [to find] him a girl who has finished her studies, we want a
girl who works or doesn't work, veiled or not veiled
In the examples cited above, the participles all designate states.
In other cases, participles carry more verbal meaning, often representing
perfect aspect (see 6.4), and sometimes (in the case of active participles)
taking syntactic objects. Hence it is not surprising that participles
occasionally become more "verb-like, " and that, in such cases, they
may be negated with /ma/ in Syrian and Kuwaiti or /ma - / in Morocco
and much of rural Egypt.
The following examples contain participles
with verbal meaning and verbal negation:
M7 . __L
.u_ c ,
w ltta ana mn had l-kUti ra naz;m
and-even I from this the-carriage neg going-down!
I too am not getting out of this carriage!
L }
_ < cL
ra labb[h]a, kint min 'awwal ra l:abbet[h]a
neg having-loved-her, were-you from first neg loved-you-her
You don't love her, you shouldfrom the start not have loved her
Kt . ,,_.dL
ra gadir marra walda
neg being-able time one
I couldn't all of a sudden
In this Syrian passage, the passive participle /ma()UI/ reasonable is
negated with verbal /ma/ because it functions here as a pseudo-verb,
Woidich' s Egyptian examples containing /bayin/ seeming and /fa<i l/
remaining negated with /ma - / are to be explained thus as well ( 1 968:32).
9.3 Verbal Negation 291
syntactically embedding the non-finite verb /abruk/ I sit:
S5 Y
,Q L.v
ra muwzUd
neg present-
{He's] not here
Caubet designates this type of negation as marked, citing the
following as a "polemic response" ( 1 993ii:70, translation mine):
M !
L .
xtk qbil)a ! --- la, ra qbil)a !
--- sister-your malicious! --- neg, neg malicious
--- Your sister is malicious! --- No, not at all malicious!
This kind of negation thus appears to be marked in Moroccan.
Similar examples from rral Egypt, however, do not appar to be marked.
Behnstedt and Woidich's glossary contains a number of examples in
which non-verbal entities are negated with /ma - / in rural Egypt,
among them the following pair, the first from the Fayyum, and the
second from the Delta ( 1994: 100, 444; translations mine).
'alaan ma-lagM tixuu
so-that neg-thing it-enter-it
So that nothing can enter it
wu nzibulu baga kmawi ra kmawi
[and we-bring-for-it chemicals neg chemicals]
. . . and so we get for it chemical fertilizer and whatnot (lit. , and
not chemical fertilizer)
9.3 Verbal Negation 293
In the other dialects, verbal negation of a nominal predicate
represents marked usage. m the next two Cairene examples, the use of
/ma - / to negate nominal prdicates marks the denial of a presuppsition.
In the frst sentence, the speaker has been called by the name Sayyid,
but denies that this is his name. In the second, the speaker has been
misunderstood, and seeks to correct the misunderstanding.
| c
ma-smI sayyid!
neg-name-my Sayyid!
My name is not Sayyid!
z_| L.
ra 'adi 'a'il kida
neg intention-my I-say like-that
I don't mean to say that
Cowell gives several analogous Syrian examples, among them
the following, in which verbal /ma/ negates the pronoun /huwwe/ he.
Cowell's translation clearly indicates that this speaker i s denying the
presupposition that /huwwe/ he is responsible (Cowell 1 96:385):
S ,' __|_ c
ra huwwe l-mas'UI 'an l-Iades
[neg he the-responsible for the-accident]
He's not the one responsible for the accident
My Kuwaiti corpus contains a single example of verbal /ma/
negating a nominal form, but I believe it is more accurately analyzed as
the result of the interrogative /le/ attracting /ma/ to a pre-verbal
interrogative position:
K2 L.
,| c |
'ia ya'ni walid walad dagga-li telifan w gal-Ii 'abi 'aikk , le
ra umma w le ra 'uxta daggat-li teIifan w gilt-Ii
if it-mean one boy called-he-to-me telephone and said-he-to-me
I-want I-doubt in-him, why neg mother-his and why neg sister-his
called-she-to-me telephone and said-she-to-me
Devin Stewart provided this example fom an Egyptian film.
If a boy calls me up and says to me, I want [you to find me a
wie] I have doubts about him, why didn't his mother or why
didn't his sister call me and tell me?
There is thus no evidence for marked verbal negation in Kuwaiti (with
the exception of the negative copula; see 9. 3. 5).
9.3.4 Negation of the Imperative: The Prohibitive
The prohibitive constitutes a special case of verbal negation, in
that some dialects use a different negating particle with this mood than
they do with the indicative and subjunctive moods. The Moroccan and
Egyptian dialects employ /ma - / to indicate the prohibitive, while
Syrian and Kuwaiti nonnally use // rather than /ma/. However, there
is a great deal of geographical overlap in the use of these two particles:
while /ma/ is found across North Africa and into Syria, /la/ is used in
the prohibitive everywhere except Cairo, including the Egyptian Delta,
and seems to be the only particle used in Kuwait:
ra t'oIi 'an baladna kwayyse
neg you-say about town-our good
Don't say that our town is nice
9.3 Verbal Negation 295
A colleague reports that /la - I is normally used in villages in the
Egyptian Delta:
la tikI
neg you-complain
Don't complain
Cairene speakers, on the other hand, use Ima - I exclusively:
* .
ra tidfa'i 'aktar min miten
neg you-pay more than two-hundred
Don't pay more than two hundred
The coexistence of /lat and Imal as prohibitive particles should
signal a distinction in pragmatic function, and indeed, Harrell found in
his study of Moroccan that /lat carries a "morally admonishing" sense
( 1 962: 1 53). His analysis is supported by my data: the same speaker
uttered the following pair of sentences, the first to a group of peers, the
second to her husband. If it can b assumed that one takes more care
to be polite with friends than with relatives, then her use of the /lat
form with her husband and Imal with her peers suggests that /la - I
carries less imprative force than Ima - /:
sIru la tQaQkU <liyya
go-p neg you-laugh-neg at-me
Go on, you shouldn't make fun ofme!
ra taQlak 'liyya
neg you-laugh at-me
Don't make fun ofme!
Lack of sufficient contextualized examples makes it difficult to
detennine whether the same distinction holds tre in other dialects that
share both particles. The pattering of Imal and /lal across dialects
indicates that further research into the prohibitive might yield insight
into linguistic variation and the processes of change.
Dwight Reynolds gave me this example fom his fieldwork in the Delta.
296 Negation
9.3.5 The Negative Copula
All four dialects have a special negated copula form consisting
of a personal pronoun combined with Ima - I or Ima/. Cowell calls
this form in Syrian the "negative copula" ( 1 964: 387), this term fits
analogous copulas in the other three dialects as well. I include in this
category a parallel form consisting of the impersonal pronoun, /lad(d)(a)1
Oh6, negated with the verbal particle to give the meaning hO Oh6.
Table 9-2 lists the forms of the negative copula.
Table 9-2: The Negative Copula
The Negative Copula
Moroccan Egyptian Syrian Kuwaiti
I s mang mang
I p maM maa
2ms mantM manta
manak mint
malak mant
2fs manti manti
2p mantuma mantO
mankon mintu
malkon mantu
3ms mahuwwa mahuwwa
3fs mahyya mahiyyM
3p mahumM mahumma
L one (;tta wa:) maaddi maada ma()ad
Moroccan forms are taken from Harren ( 1 962: 1 55-56), Syrian from Cowen
( 1 964: 387-88), and Kuwaiti adapted from Johnstone ( 1 967: 1 48; cf. Holes
1 990:244), with several additional forms taken from my data. Cowen also
notes the existence of a third Syrian stem, /mann-/ that shares the pronoun
suffixes of /man-/ and /mal-/; I have found this latter set common in Beirut.
9.3 Verbal Negation 297
In Moroccan, Egyptian, and Kuwaiti dialects, the negative copula
shares not only syntactic, but also pragmatic characteristics.
Syntactically, this form is marked by the use of verbal negation to
negate a nominal form. Pragmatically, the contradictory force of the
negative copula, which negates verbless sentences, stands in marked
comparison to the neutral constructions in which a copulative sentence
with a pronoun subject is negated with /mi, mai/ or /mf/. Contextualized
examples illustrate that the negative copula in these three dialects marks
the negation of a presupposition on the part of the interlocutor.
The context of the following Kuwaiti example is that a group of
people are going downstairs, but the speaker has decided not to join
them. His use of /mani/ I am not negates the presupposition that he
will join the group. The second example is analogous, for the speaker
does (or did) have a family, but it is not the people to whom she is
speaking. However, she has been living with them, so they have assumed
the role of her family; here, they are attempting to discipline her and
she resists by negating their assumption that they have a right to do so.
'ana mani nazil, ra 'indi banron
I neg-me descending, neg at-me pants
I am not going down, I don't have pants
K3 _
'intu mantu hali
you-p neg-you family-my
You are not my family!
The speaker later mimics the petty way in which people argue about
social status. The negative copula /mantu/ you are not represents the
attempt of one party to deny the other the very status the forer claims:
!inna 'ailin 'intu mantu 'ailin
we of-noble-origin you neg-you of-noble origin
We are ofnoble origin, you are not o/noble origin
The Egyptian speaker of the following excerpt wars against taking her
husband seriously, lest the other listeners believe what he tells them:
298 Negation
. |_c9 _
huwwa sa'at biyikkallim kalam ya'ni mahuwwM ha'i'a guwwa
he hours indic-he-speaks speech it-mean neg-it truth inside-him
Sometimes he just talks, it's not what he really feels inside
The next Egyptian speaker vigorously denies the claim made by one of
her interlocutors that the /'umra/ minor pilgrimage is an obligation for
E8 L.'
u .|
il-'umra mahiyya fan, il-'umra sunna
the-umra neg-she obligation, the-umra practice-of-the-Prophet
The (umra (minor pilgrimage) is not an obligation. the (umra is
sunna (imitating the practice of the Prophet)
Each of the next two Moroccan sentences represents the speaker's denial
of a presupposition. The first, taken from the lyrics of a popular song,
signals the speaker's feelings of alienation. The second carries the
implication . a so stop treating us as iwe were!'
M . ' l.
mang mn[h]na
neg-me from-here
I am not from here (Moroccan popular song)
M qp d
,' L
ra na drari galsin m'ak
[neg-we children sitting with-you]
We aren't children sitting with you (Harrell 1 962: 1 55)
The pragmatic function shared by the negative copulas of all
these dialects, then, seems to lie in contradicting a presupposition, by
targeting the subject pronoun and emphatically negating the applicability
of the predicate to the subject. In this sense it actually represents a
marked usage of verbal negation. parallel to other instances of marked
negation noted above (9.3.4).
Syrian dialects, however, present a more complex case. Analysis
of the forms in Table 9-2 reveals that the Syrian negative copula has
developed into a pseudo-verb, because its semantic subject is expressed
in the form of an object pronoun, whereas the other dialects all exhibit
9.3 Verbal Negation 299
the standard negative particles affixed to independent personal pronouns.
This syntactic development parallels an apparent difference in pragmatic
function. While the negative copula represents a pragmatically marked
form in Moroccan, Egyptian, and Kuwaiti, the Syrian negative copula
seems not to be pragmatically marked. A Damascene informant
emphasizes that, of ImOI and the negative copula, ImOI represents the
more "emphatic" or marked form. In my Syrian data, the use of ImOI
seems to be restricted to negating "subjectless" sentences, such as the
first example below, or sentential subjects, as in the second example, in'
which /lada yfakkir fi[h]al for anyone to think of her functions as the
subject of Imo mumkinl not possible (mirrored in the English translation
with the "dummy" subject it:
S2 J..
| )|
'iza ra ma'u mO mBbl
if neg with-him mO problem
Ifhe doesn't have [money],[ it's] not a problem
| ,
'inta malak 'add 'imm il-yusur w bint[h]a
you neg-you equal-to Umm al-Yusur and daughter-her
You're not up to the level ofUmm al-Yusur and her daughter
The patter that emerges in Syrian, then, is that sentences with pronoun
subjects or topics are negated with the negative copula, while topicless
sentences are negated with Imol (see also 9.4).
In addition to the Syrian negative copulas listed in Table 9-2,
Cowell remarks that /mahu/ and /mahi/ are variants of the third person
singular negative copula used in "some areas" ( 1 964: 388). In my data,
these variants occur in the speech of an Aleppan informant:
L | t
manra ina'iyye fi[h]a I-baing, ma'amil ii-baing, manra ktir ktir
ganiyye, w ma[h]i manra siya/iyye
region industrial in-it the-Boeing factories of-the-Boeing region
very very rich and not-3fs region tourist
[It's an] industrial region, it has Boeing, the Boeing factories,
[it's] a very ver rich region, it's not a tourist area
The impersonal negative copula is unmarked in all dialects, in
the sense that there is no alterative word for no one. However, the
meaning of no one itself is marked in a certain way: it is an example
of categorical negation, which is a related form of marked negation
(see 9. 5) Typical examples of the impersonal negative copula from
Egyptian and Kuwaiti include:
ma/add;s biyitdaxxal fiha
g-one indic-he-interferes in-it
Nobody interferes in it
K2 _ i|
ma//ad yadri 'anha
neg-one he-knows about-her
Nobody knows about her
The one syntactic characteristic common to all of the data given
in this section is that verbal negation particles /ma/ and /ma - s/ negate
verbs and pseudo-verbs, but do not normally negate predicated structures.
It may be concluded that, in general, verbal negation is the least marked
9.4 Predicate Negation 301
negation strategy in these dialects. Its basic function is to negate a
particular sentence element, rather than a predicate taken as a whole
proposition, and as such may be contrasted with predicate negation,
which is a strategy that negates an entire predicate as a single, embedded
9.4 Predicate Negation
The common particles of predicate negation are ImU/, in Syri.
and Kuwait, with variants Imahul (feminine Imahi/); ImB/, in Egypt,
and Imail in Morocco. These particles negate predicated sentence
constituents, including participles:
mMi arfa bzzif
neg old a-lot
She isn't ver old
mis <ayza tila< tani
neg wanting-s she-core-out again
It doesn't want to come back out
mU mum kin baqa Iadd yfakkir f[h]a
neg possible remained-it one he-think about-her
It's no longer possible that anyone will still think [to marr] her
' _
3= =
'ana mU makil say Ul i-uhr
I neg having-eaten thing throughout the-afteroon
I hadn't eaten anything all afternoon
The subjects and verbs of the negated predicates may be elided, as in
the following Moroccan and Syrian passages:
Ml O < c 'L L |
- v
ra kayhammUs tbqa I-playa nqiyya 'aw mMi nqiyya
neg indic-it-concers-him it-remains the-beach clean or neg clean
It doesn't matter to him for the beach to remain clean or not
| _m L
'ana 'ilt-llik t'addmi 'izaze mu 'izin
I said-I-to-you you-apply-for vacation neg permission
! told you to request vacation time, not time of
In marked predicated environments, this construction negates
arguments that are predicated, whether they are verbal or nominal
complements. The syntactic and semantic scope of the negation must
be the entire predicate, and not just the verbal argument. The following
examples are taken from contexts that are clearly predicated
In the next Moroccan example, the comment ImMi Y:ddi mzyanl
it's not that my hand is good is made in response to the compliment
Iyddk mzyanl your hand is good. The thus speaker negates the entire
proposition, as a predication.
,__c4 c _
qal-Ii yddk mzyan qult-Iu mMi Y:ddi mzyan, rabbi w z-zdUd
said-he-to-me hand-your good said-I-to-him neg hand-my good
Lord-my and the-ancestors
He told me, your hand is good. ! told him, it's not that my hand is
good, God and the ancestors [made it sol
A female Egyptian colleague uttered this remark in a casual conversation:
mis bar'u
neg indic-I-dance
! don't dance
Taking' advantage of her linguistic training. I discussed with her possible
motivations given the context. We concluded that Imis b-I usually
indicates a kind of categorical negation. a marked (but not emphatic)
form of verbal negation. A similar example was heard from a teenage
girl denying that she drinks (unhealthy) soft drinks:
E ,g c
'ana mis basrab k6k
I neg indic-I-drink Coke
! don't drink Coke
9.4 Predicate Negation 303
Another speaker uses this construction to deny an assumption expressed
by her interlocutor that she is refusing his request:
* v)
'ana mi ba'Ul la'
I neg indic-I-say no
I'm not saying no
EI-Tonsi observes that female spakers tend to use this constction
more than males, and that its occurrence is on the rise (personal
communication). If /mi b-/ continues to spread, it may eventually lose
its categorical status, perhaps the path that the Cairene future took from
/ma la - / to the now obligatory /mi la-/.
The easter dialects also use predicate negation as a marked
form of negation with verbs. In the following Syrian passage, the use
of /mO/ to negate the verb !byizi/ it comes about reflects its semantic
predication, which is paraphrased in the English translation:
S2 .
xal balak 'ala Mammad -- mO yiyini !
imper-keep attention-your to M - neg he-comes-to-me!
Pay attention to M -- [it better not happen that] he show up!
Predicate negation is also used interrogatively to signal that the
speaker presupposes and expects a positive answer to his or her question.
In this case, the question is marked by a fronted particle of predicate
negation, whether the question itself has an underlying verbal or
predicated structure. In using predicate negation to frame a question,
the speaker signals his or her own presupposition and requests
confration or denial of that assumption. Te following pair of Egyptian
questions contrasts marked and unmarked uses of verbal negation. The
first question clearly signals that the speaker had assumed her addressee
had bought a suit and requests confirmation. Syntactically, it contrasts
with the second question, in which normal (pragmatically unmarked)
verbal /ra . . . / negation is used:
El u,
mB gi bti badla?
neg got-you suit
Didn't you get a suit?
E2 " L.
ra gibtiha Ie?
neg got-you-it why
Why didn't you bring it?
In the next example, the Moroccan speaker signals that he had assumed
his addressee was at home and seeks confirmation or explanation:
u| .
mMi kunti f d-dar?
neg were-you in the-house?
Weren't you in the house?
Similarly, this Syrian speaker signals his assumption that his friend had
finished what he was doing:
So s
mO xalla?
neg finished-he?
Didn't hefnish?
In all of the previous examples, the negated constituents function
syntactically and pragmatically as single pieces of information, and as
such, are negated as predicates. There are other syntactic consequences
as well. When the verb contained in this proposition is imperfective,
this type of negation has the effect of further embedding it, giving it a
subjunctive meaning. In the Kuwaiti example above, /mO yiyini/ may
be loosely translated it had better not be the case that he come to me,
reflecting the semantically subjunctive status of the verb /yiyini/ he
come to me, as well as the pragmatically predicated status of the negated
9.4 Predicate Negation 305
clause. (Since Kuwaiti dos not distinguish btween main ad embdded
imperfective fons, syntactic embedding is not marked in this dialect.)
Similarly, the embedded Imu tgulInl it's not (that) you'd say in the
following sentence contrasts with its corresponding verbal negation,
Ima tgulin/ you don't sa/are not saying:
. ` L| |
'ilna waJJa alena ya'ni, mu tgulin jaxx killi, bass IiI;w
we by-God chalet-our it-means, neg you-say lavish very, bu
Well, our chalet, that is, not that you would say ver lavish, but
it's prett
In Moroccan, Egyptian, and Syrian, syntactic embedding is
grammatically marked through the use of the unmarked imperfective.
Therefore, the embedded status of predicate-negated verbal clauses is
clear. Examples from each of these dialects illustrate this point. In the
first, the unmarked imperfective /yiktib/ to write is syntactically,
pragmatically, and semantically embedded:
' . .
_ .cL L|
+ ` J |
'ija 'am bilkI-lna hOni w ';lna naxdu 'a ex yiktib-Iu, ya'ni t-tawf',
mu yiktib-Iu i ya'ni
came-he prog indic-he-tells-us here and said-we we-take-him to
sheikh he-write-for-him, it-means the-success neg he-write-for
him thing it-mean
He came and was telling us here, we thought to take him to a
sheikh to write something for him, that is, [for] reconciliation,
not [for the Sheikh] to write him something [bad]
In the next sentence as well, predicate negation particle Imai/ it's not
embeds the verb Mufl you see, which then assumes a subjunctive
| ===
x;k t;hdar 'la kull i had I-lazat, mai tuf zuz
must-you you-talk about each thing this the-things, neg you-see 2
You must talk about all these things, [you mustn't] see [only] two
306 Negation
The fol lowing two sentences show a clear pragmatic and syntactic
contrast. On the left is a prohibitive with normal verbal negation; on
the right, an embedded subjunctive carrying the force of an imperative
or reprimand to a small child:
En __ c
ra trul
neg you-go
Don't go
mi tisallimi?
neg you-say-hello-f
Shouldn't you say hello?
Predicate negation, then, represents an unmarked strategy for
negating non-verbal predicates (with the possible exception of
Moroccan). As a marked strategy, predicate negation negates a verbal
argument as a whole, embedding it within a new overarching predicate
9.5 Categorical Negation
As noted above, the normal patters of negation in the wester
dialects include the enclitic /-/, as either /mai/, /mi/, or /ma - /.
While the first two are morphologically fixed, the third, /ma - /, is not,
for in a number of cases /-/ is omitted. Harrell identifies this omission
in Moroccan Arabic as the 'categorical negative,' since the negated
complement "refers to a whole category rather than to some specific
item or member of a category" ( 1 962: 1 54). Harrell identifies both the
syntactic and semantic features that identify this category in Moroccan,
but he unnecessarily excludes some negative constructions that share
these features. Egyptian Arabic, too, shares the omission of /-/ in
cases where the negation is absolute or unqualified, and all four dialects
the syntactic structures /wala/ none, not any, and /la . . . wala/
neither . . . nor. With modification of Harrell's definition of "categorical"
negation from negation of a "whole category" to absolute, unqualified
negation, a coherent syntactic and pragmatic description of all these
structures emerges. I will show that categorical or absolute negation
exists at three levels in spoken Arabic: the verb phrase, a single sentence
element, usually a noun phrase, and coordinated structures, by which I
mean a list of entities that constitute a set (Le. , this, that, and the
9.5 Categorical Negation 307
9.5. 1 Categorical Negation of the Verb Phrase
Categorical verbal negation is syntactically marked only in dialects
whose unmarked verbal particle is /ma - /. I Moroccan and Egyptian,
this type of categorical negation is distinguished by the absence of the
negative particle /-/. In Moroccan speech, / may be omitted from
any verb phrase. Normally, /kayn/ there is is negated as /ma kayn/
there isn't, but here /-/ is omitted, signalling a categorical negation of
the existence of help or sympathy.
M2 &I L _. &I L U_
lli Y'awnk ra kayn w lli y:l::nn fk ra kayn
reI he-help-you neg there-is and rI he-take-pity in-you neg there-is
There's nobody to help you, nobody to take pit on you
In Egyptian, the use of categorical negation in verb phrases is
more limited than in Moroccan. It occurs mainly in oaths and certain
fixed expressions, such as /cumr .. mal never and /waHahi/ by God!
| | L.
cumr ra Iass innu huwwa 'agnabi
life-his neg felt-he comp he foreign
Never has he/elt that he was/oreign
E3 a .cu|
b waJJahi ra kunt mitawwara di
well by-God neg was-I having-imagined this
Well, by God I never imagined this
Nouns functioning as pseudo-verbs may also be negated in this way:
L. _u
tris ra zayyu tris
knight neg like-him knight
A knight like no other knight
| ,=
ilia ra Iadd ga za
Would you believe it-ot a single person came to visit us!
(Badawi and Hinds 1986:33)
Michael Coperson supplied this example, fom the film "al-Aragoz."
308 Negation
Moroccan particles /<amm(: r-/ ever, /ga</ at all, /(!::t)ta/ any,
/(!::t)ta !aza/ anything, /(!::t)ta wa!::d/ anyone, and /gir/ only, /ma/
anything, and /walu/ nothing, all function in negative sentences as
particles of categorical negation, semantically and syntactically. Harrell
specifies that they may not occur with /-/ ( 1 962: 1 53-54). Examples
from my data include:
ra <ndi xay ra <ndi <ammi ra <ndi ta i wa!::d ma ynfb <Hyya
neg at-me brother-my neg at-me uncle-my neg at-me even some
one will he-act for-me
I don't have a brother, I don't have an uncle, I don't have anyone
who would act on my behal
MI O .
c< c
ra <nd:k ra tSff
Ml l
Ml l
neg at-you what you-see
There's nothing for you to see
ga' ra tatxr:z b:rra
at-all neg indic-she-goes-out outside
She never goes outside
| U
=\ Uj ).I .. J.I J .l j
1)a ab:t walu gi[r] l-lyf f d-dar bW-u!:dha, na< saddha l-wza'
neg found-she nothing only the-walls in the-house by-herself rose
she grabbed-it-her the-pain
She didn't find anything but the walls in the house, [she was] by
hersel, [labor] pain overcame her
Syrian and Kuwaiti, on the other hand, lack I-sf, and hence verbal
negation has no marked categorical form. However, these dialects
share with Moroccan and Kuwaiti the two other types of categorical
negation, discussed in the next two sections.
9.5 Categorical Negation 30
9.5.2 Categorical Negation of Single Sentence Elements
The particle /wala/ not a, none, at all, common to Egyptian,
Syrian, and Kuwaiti speech, signals categorical negation in a number
of environments.
"U '" L
ra uft; wala latta kitab
neg saw-I not-a even book
I didn't see a single book
_ u'"
wala ka'inni waxda laga!
at-all as-if-I having-taken thing!
As i I took nothing at all!
. . . 4 .
ra f w-la nitfet xib;z bil-bet
[neg there-is not-a scrap of-bread in-the-house]
There's not even a piece of bread in the house (Cowell 196:391 )
wala 'umri tlaet
neg life-my talked-I
Never did I say a word
L 4
6 . - | _
rab ltta i laza ra kayna
see-here even some thing neg there-is
Really, there is not a thing at all (to it)
9.5.3 Categorical Negation of Coordinated Structures
A third type of categorical negation, called here "categorical
negation of coordinated structures," is recorded, but not identifed as
such, in the grammars of Moroccan (Harrell 1 962: 1 56), Egyptian
(Mitchell 1 956:46), Syrian (Cowell 1 964:390), and Kuwaiti (Holes
1 990:72). Coordinated structures may consist of lists of nouns or
parallel clauses, which are negated with the conjunctions /li . . . walal or
Ila . . . lal neither . . . nor. The following Egyptian example, typical of
this construction in all four dialects, contains two verbs in parallel
constrction, coordinated by /la . . . wala/. The two phrases, la'dar 'aUf
farxa btindibiII I can watch a chicken being slaughtered and la'dar
'aif damml I can look at blood, are meant to be taken as a complete,
closed set of acts that is "categorically" negated:
_|_ _
c|_|_ _._
huwwa mMi mn I-(ray w mMi mn l-qar, huwwa mn anza
he neg from Larache and neg from Alcazr, he from Tangiers
He's not from Larache and he's not from Alcazr, he's from Tangiers
In the next passage, the speaker lists several activities that a family in
mouring refrains from doing. It is not an exhaustive listing, but a
partial, illustrative, list, as signalled by the use of Imal rather than lli . . .
9.5 Categorical Negation
3 1 1
= __ 4
| |
' ,
. . . _
; L. _ |
'ahlu ra 'ad yil<aru 'afral} ra 'ad yalu t-tilvizyon ra 'ad
yisma'u musiqa ra 'ad yitla'u mawir
family-his neg he-remained they-attend weddings neg he-remained
they-tur-on the-television neg he-remained they-listen-to music
neg he-remained they-go-out outings
His relatives no longer go to weddings, no longer turn on th ,
television, no longer listen to music, no longer go out . . .
A parallel example ocurs in my Kuwaiti data:
ra yilbisfn mlawwan, ra yrulfn 'azayim, ra ysawwfn afral
neg they-wear colored, neg they-go invitations, neg they-hold
They don't wear colored (clothes), they don't accept social
invitations, they dn't hold wedings . . .
These unmarked negated strctures coordinated by Iwl and stand
in contrast to categorical negation with /la .. , walal, which signals a
closed set of acts or entities that is completely negated or denied. Te
speaker in the next example does not want anyone to know he is
having an alcoholic drink, and so requests that it b served without any
of the typical decorations associated with such drinks:
|aO Y
Y a
L c
mannu al;bi w-Ianni al;bu
[neg-he friend-my nor-I friend-his]
He is not my friend, neither am I his friend
K3 t. 'J i.l .
' , J,I J
killa wal;id, lani b-zayda wala b-naqa
all-of-it one, neg-me having-increased nor having-lost
It's all the same, I've neither gained nor lost
Negative listing and categorical negation of coordinated structures
thus contrast semantically in that categorical negation is exhaustive,
including all possible members of an implied closed set, while unmarked
verbal or predicate negation contains illustrative examples of an open
ended set.
9.6 Summary 31 3
9.6 Summary
Analysis of negation patters in the four dialect regions has
revealed that all of them utilize three basic strtegies of negation: verbal,
predicate, and categorical negation, each of which shas certain syntactic
and pragmatic features. The two most basic negating strategies, verbal
and predicate negation, have both unmarked and marked usages.
Egyptian and Syrian make use of marked verbal negation in which
verbal particles negate predicate structures. Kuwaiti seems to restrict
marked verbal negation to the negative copula, a special form of verbai
negation that is marked in all dialects except Syrian.
Some languages have a special negative for that performs the
function of denying a presupposition or a proposition (Chinese is one,
Li and Thompson 1981). In the case of Arabic, it appears that the two
basic unmarked negation strategies, verbal and predicative, share that
function in the following manner: each is used as the marked form of
negation for the other category. Thus, negation of verbs with the
predicate negative /mu/, /mB/, or /mai/ constitutes marked negation,
the negation of the verb phrase as a predicated proposition. Likewise,
negation of a predicate with verbal negation, /ma or /m! - /, constitutes
marked negation, lending verbal force to pariciples and nominal phrases
functioning as pseudo-verbs.
The two dialects that use /-/ exhibit an interesting syntactic
divergence: while Morocan allows a wide rge of sentence compnents
to be contained within the particles /ma/ and /-/, Egyptian exhibits the
opposite trend: /mB! is becoming increasingly inseparable into its
component parts. The increasing frequency noted by el-Tonsi of the
construction /mi indicative imperfective/ suggests that it may
eventually replace the normative /ma indicative imprfective /, in
the same way, probably, that /mi fture/ replaced /m! fture /
(a constrction still prevalent in souther Egyptian dialects, see Behnstedt
and Woidich 1 985, 1 994). Further evidence of this trend is found in
Behnstedt's and Woidich's isogloss of the negaton of the active participle
with /mB! as opposed to /ma - / in souther Egypt; the former is used
from Cairo to al-Minya, and the latter south of al-Minya ( 1985: 1 1 1).
Morover, while pariciples rtain their verbal characteristics in Egyptian,
31 4 Negation
they never seem to be negated verbally in Cairene Arabic, nor is the
future. In a number of constructions, then, Cairene speakers favor
predicate negation over verbal negation, a phenomenon which points to
a process of historical change.
Within the broad framework proposed here, much work remains
to be done. The Syrian region in particular needs further syntactic and
pragmatic study, having a number of regional variants that it has not
been possible to examine in depth here. The complex patters of
negation in all areas bear watching for future developments.
10.0 Introduction
Variations in Arabic word order are often attributed to a rather
vague "emphasis." Thus Wright says of the difference between /zaydun
mata/ Zayd died and /mata zaydun/ died Zyd, that the former implies
or expresses a contrast between /zayd/ and another (unnamed) person,
whereas in the latter the "logical emphasis rests almost solely on the
verb" ( 1 898ii: 255). Two problems undermine this analysis: in
constructions of the former type, Zyd is not necessarily contrastive,
and the ter "logical emphasis" is too vague. A clearer explanation of
the types of contrast and emphasis signalled by changes in word order
will be sought here. As Ingham notes, "the term 'emphatic' is much
abused in linguistics as a blanket term for undetermined distinctions"
( 1994: 148).
In 7.2.2, it was proposed that /kant and other temporal verbs
sometimes occupies a sentence position called topic, which will be
defined here in greater detail. The analysis of negation in Chapter 9
distinguished between predicate-complement and verbal negation,
reflecting an underlying pragmatic distinction in argument structure.
Here I will argue for a parallel distinction in sentence typology, and
propose that sentence structure in spoken Arabic is best analyzed as
being of two distinct, equally basic types: topic-prominent and subject
prominent, each type having its own discourse function.
Te ter topic is used here, following the literatur, in two difernt
senses. At the sentence level, topic is used in a technical sense to refer
to a particular pragmatic fnction in a paricular typ of sentence stcture,
the topic-comment sentence, in which the topic position is syntactically
defined as sentence-initial (see further 1 0.2). At the discourse level,
topic refers in a non-technical sense to any one of a number of subjects
under discussion in any given conversation. Here I use topic to mean
sentence topic in the technical sense, while discourse topic will refer to
the non-technical meaning of a subject under discussion.
P important and welcome exception to this tend is Caubt's ( 193) detailed
functional approach to sentence typology in Morocan Arabic.
31 6
Sentence Typology
10. 1 Sentence Typology
Language typology, being concered with universal laws and
patters, bgan with the study of the relative order of sentence constituents
verb (V), subject (S), and object (O), arranged into permutations of
SVO, VSO and others
Even though typologists themselves war that
not all languages can be classified according to this system (Comrie
1 98 1 : 32, 82), this taxonomy has been adopted by some Arabists as a
construct within which Arabic may be situated. Grand'Henry ( 1976:85)
and Rosenhouse ( 1984a:49), among others, have remarked that i general,
both SVO and VSO are found in the dialects. Verb-initial sentences
from my data include:
Mi i u| |a
ma dak l-'abd 'ndha
went-he that the-slave to-her
The slave went to her
. ' _'
kan 'adit 'imam rakib fi Hayyara huwwa w yusra
was-he Adil Imam riding in the-plane he and Y ousra
Adel /mam was riding in a plane, he and Yousra
! . I ' - ' \ ,c
af[h]a alib l-malall, ya 'ibn il-kalb!
saw-he-it owner of-the-shop, Lson of-the-dog!
The shop owner saw it (and said), You s. o. b. !
J |
yig'd il-walad, tidg l-bnayya
sits-he the-boy, enters-she the-girl
The boy sits, the girl enters
Subject-initial sentences include:
M! 0 | ' j=' _'
s-si 'abd l-l}afi4 kayqil-li mi I-bl}ar
Mister Abdelhafd indic-he-says-to-me go the-sea
Abd al-Hafd says to me, go to the beach
Led by Greenberg et al. ( 1 978); see also Croft ( 1 990).
10. 1 Sentence Typology 31 7
' 1u
m .4
fa-I-'ambUba fcyit
and-the tank emptied-she
So the gas tank ran out
ij-jar ra bya(rif i (an jam 'abadan
the-neighbor neg indic-he-kows thing about neighbor-his at-all
(A) neighbor doesn't know anything about his neighbor at all
| , __| _L j_| ,| ,
add wald d-drr mfhUl ra (ndO l-wrqa d l-huwwiyya
grabbed-he one the-boy unknown neg at-him the-paper of the
He grabbed one unknown kid who didn't have his identit card
q jU a| . cU
'alit-Iu, 'inta Jactak ti(rafi? 'al-Iaha 'aywa
said-she-to-him, you sir you-kow-me? said-he-to-her yes
She said to him, you, sir, Do you know me? He told her, yes
S4 _
__| _L
jabit[h]a min mar min hnik la-hOn, w barkit ma(on hone xamsta(
mmla-ar l-(rs
brought-she-her from Egypt from there to here and stayed-she
with-them here 15 days until-became-it the-wedding
She brought her from Egypt, fom there to here, and she stayed
with them here for two week until the weding took place
3 1 8 Sentence Typology
K2 L L| g . . L qL
<| -
=| l
kan f walid matit 'immu. --- mat 'abu 'awwal i. --- 'eh. kan
f walid mat 'abu
was there-is one-m died-she mother-his. --- died-he father-his
first thing. --- yeah. was there-is one-m died-he father-his
There was a [guy] whose mother died. --- His father died frst.
--- Yeah. There was a guy whose father died
When a relative clause contains SVO order, it is usually possible
to point to a pragmatic motivation. In the following Egyptian passage,
the occurrence of the pronoun /hiyyal it in the second relative clause
parallels the use of the defnite relative pronoun lillil in the first, and
Sentence Typology
may be motivated by the speaker's desire to mark the specificity of the
indefinite noun /tamsiliyya/ seria
| | Q
| 'G
L _O| x| _=|,-
5 L |=
# +
. . . x| L__
[I-playa] tbddlt, 'la lasab n-nas ra bqati n-nO' d l-ltiram, ra
bqaw n-nO' dyal - n-nO' dyal - wald nO' l-nsizam, n-nas ra
katfahm ba'cha, ra katfm ay . . . l-axur kayakul hna, l-axur
kayakul l-kuwwar, l-axur kaysyyb z-zbl hna, l-axur kayn'as
bW-uldu '"
[The beach] changed, on account ofthe people are no longer the
type that have respect, are no longer the type -- the tpe -- the
tpe that gets along, people don't understand each other, don't
understand at all . . . one eats here, the other eats watermelon, the
other throws garbage here, the other sleeps by himsel . . .
The following Egyptian passage shows a clear jump from
transactional narative to interactional language within the narrative.
Te fIrSt four main clause verbs, Amhe was, Amuthey were, /al-Iaha!
he said to her, and I'alit-Iul she said to him, are all clause-initial, and
no independent pronoun subject appears either bfore or after the verb.
However, as soon as the narrator bgins to quote the actors, subject-initial
word order predominates. The shift from VS to SV order ocurs at the
exact points at which the transactional (here, narrative) nature of the
passage gives way to an interal, interactional dialogue (SV in bold).
322 Sentence Typology
4 ,=
[ ,
u _,| u . L| _ u
| ql _ . .
kan 'adil 'imam rakib fi-Hayyara huwwa w yusra. kanu nazlin,
fa-'al-Iaha Qamd-illa laos-salama. 'alit-Iu, 'inta tafritak ti'rafni?
'al-Iaha 'aywa, mi 'inti kunti fi-I-ma'had?
Adel Imam was riding in {a] plane, he and Yousra. They were
exiting, and he said, Welcome home. She said to him, You, sir,
do you know me? He told her, Yes, weren't you at the Institute?
The next narrative passage begins with two SVO sentences, as
the Syrian speaker introduces the characters, /rfi'u/ {her husband's]
friend, /'-mmu/ his mother, and /hint 'axiha/ her niece. Once these
characters are identified and established as discourse topics, the focus
shifts to the actions of the characters and VS word order predominates:
< l
gj. | .
_ | a
_ _ _ L . O|
| , U=
| c
_|__- ~ ~
_ l | . | _ ja| L ,
[ \
- | L a| &
|| |
:| | aO[\)| 4 |L
|aO ]L
g L . 4 |L .
r || . | L . | sL | .
( t) | w jr)| -|
4 q | r 1Ls L | QO
=-J (~ ~
. | |
| | L| __ L| | || _
| [1) . t| | j-j L|QL
| |
, QU | w
kan waIid mat 'abu. ( 1 ) huwwe bi-z-ze, fa-fabO-lu la-<-<abit
taba'u, qalO-lu 'innu (2) hida mat bayyu, ya'ni 'innu xabbru.
ratu xabbrO, qalO-lu toni, mat bayyak. tfifa' hida w wuqaC
bi-l-'ar< w miri<. il-muhimm callO w kaza, ba'd fatra, matit
'immu. ifu la-'and i<-<abit, xabbrO 'innu (3) la-toni matit 'immu.
(4) hada u biddu ya'mul? xafktI w qal 'innu ra lazim nxabbru
fd'atan w kaza lazim nicmil-Iu i muqaddime la-tatta ra
yinidim mitil hadik iI-marra w yumra. ba'den ratu fammcu
l-'asakir killayaton w afO[h]on: ista'id! istaril! w kaza. qal
i<-<abit taba'on (5) illi mayyte 'immu yqaddim xatwe. (6) illi
mayyte 'immu qaddam xatwe. ba'den qal-Iu, (7) toni, qaddim
xatwe! 'innu matit 'immu. qal la-toni qaddim xatwe!
324 Sentence Typology
There was a guy whose father died. (1) He was in the army, so
they brought {the news] to his oficer, and told him (2) that
{guy's] father died; meaning, give him the news. They went and
told him, they said, Tony, your father died. He got a shock and
fell to the ground and got sick. Anyway, they treated him and so
forth. After a while, his mother died. They came to the oficer
and told him that (3) Tony's mother died. (4) What should that
{oficer] do? He became ver afraid, and said, we mustn't tell
him suddenly so that he won't go into shock like that last time
and get sick. Then they went and gathered all the soldiers and
lined them up: "Attention! At ease!" and so forth. Their ofcer
said, (5) "{Anyone] whose mother has died, {must] step forward,"
(6) {The ones] whose mother had died steppedforward. Then he
said, (7) "Tony, step forward!," {meaning] that his mother had
died. He told Tony, step forward!
The next passage constitutes part of a narration of matchmaking
procedure in Kuwait. VS order predominates throughout this description
of a typical visit to a prospective bride's house. Word order shifts from
VS to SV just four times, when the central discourse topic shifts among
the various characters involved (SV clauses are highlighted in boldface).
K2 ._L
| U| L| __
| . |
C| . |
| . O,_| | | . |
L|. q. Q___|
,u | u| a
_|| . L.
| ,| . |
.| =Q L| 1
W # M =
c| . L
| a _
Q ~
. Q
U| . }| | Q | u|
~ ;+ ;+"
L| _L' u| u| cc. L9l g . .
|U _|.
10.1 Sentence Typology 325
tgul-li inaJJa, wa'dihum ay yom niyi w m ma'a w nif l
bnayya. adigg Iagg ahal l-bnayya w agil tara I-yom biyu -
binyikum inaJJa, U a w uxta w l-walad ma'ana. yig<oo il-walad,
tidi l-bnayya, ya umma yayba 'air, ya umma band, ya umma
ya'ni ay ay, ay, tidxal l-bnayya w yif. huwa giCid, 'ina
agul-Ia hadi I-bnayya, tara ita, yuta, inaHa. 'ida ya'ni f,
is'alha, tabiha, ra tabiha, is'alha ya'ni 'ala -e IIi tabi, yis'alha.
la-bnayya tabcan tistali, mi ikil ya'ni, waIda ba'd tiyi tarka
idi, tistIi. yis'alha, wen titglin, nnu darsa. >amma 'ina'
agul-Iha ba'd inti si'li. tis)ala. f ya'ni banat yigOiyis'lin,
f banat yistIin, ra yis'lin. tis'ala. ga'Ona, w sa)alha w sa'lta,
salam, mac s-salama, tala'na, talacna. 'ina fabcan 'ina 'as'al
il-walad bi-s-sayyara, 'agul-Ia ha, 'jibtak l-bnayya wlidi wlla
ra 'jibtak?
[The boy's mother] says, oky, make an appointment with them
which day we'll come and we'll go with you and see the girl. I
call the girl's family and say, Look, tod they're coming -- we'll
come, God willing, his mother and his sister and the boy with us.
The boy sits, the girl comes in bringing either juice or a sod, or
anything,tea, the girl enters and he sees. He's sitng, Itel him
this is the girl, look at her, he sees her, oky, i there is, II say]
ask her, [see i you] want her or don't want her, ask her what
you want, he asks her. The girl, ofcourse, is shy, it's not nice,
after all, for a girl to come running, she's shy. He asks her,
Where do you work? What have you studied? As for me, Itell
her, now you ask. She asks. There are girls who are able to ask,
there are girls who are shy, they don't ask. She asks him. We
sit, he ask her, she ask him, good-bye, good-bye, we go out. I,
ofcourse, I ask the boy in the car, I say, Did you like the girl,
my son, or didn't you like her?
Te next Kuwaiti text contains several dialogue passages. Here,
too, VS and SV word order alterates with the genre of language use.
VS passages, most of them narrative, are numbered ( 1 ) in the text,
whereas SV passages, descriptive and interactional, are numbered (2).
326 Sentence Typology
. _t .
= ' ,' ==( \ j ,
, g+=
,,' =' |
= ,
= =' -, ' (
g .| J| _
( \ j
,= ,~ ='
4 _
(\jU .:L .
' J
( \ j
g_ _
j _
| _
[ \)==
| . |
- --
1 | 3| ; . @a
| J
= w|
( \ j
\ =\
, '_,,[ =~
( \ j
' " |
<J_ = = u|
(2) rayyal 'inda mara Qarim !inten waQda tUlwa bass hu ra YQibbha,
haIc mO Qilwa, bass yl)ibbha. nzen. ( 1) gam at ii-mara hai can
tgOI, (2) 'ana 1M Qilwa 'ana, ra YQibbni w hay I-kanha yQibbha.
'ana ariQ Qagg I;-mawwa' 'asawwI-ia ay 'alaan yQibbni.
( 1 ) raQat Qagg waQid mawwa' ya'ni, galat-Ia (2) rayli 'inda mara
w ana ra YQibbni w haIc karlha w YQibbha, (1) w abik tisawwi-Ii
by 'aan yQibbni. yigul-Iaha, riQI yibI-Ii a'ar mal sibi'. nzen,
(2) sibi' wen fi? gOli mi!il bi-I-Qadiqa mal - Qadiqat Qaywanat.
( 1 ) raQat hinak. zen. wen tigdar 'ala s-sibi' taxi minna -a'ar?
gamat tsawwi, kil yom titiri fxO laQam w tril) ta'iha Ii-I-I)a
mala, tBtiri kil yom ha-I-fxO il-IaQam ta'I I-I)aris w titgarrab
wayya kil yom tigarrab wayya, kiI yom tigarrab. xaat bh;r
ahren, wen - kil yom titgarrab. len twiUifat wiyya s-sibi'. gam
is-sibi' yakil w yitmassaQ 'aleha. ak I-yom waHah ista' addat
10. 1 Sentence Typology 327
Ianat-laha maga f mixbaha. yat Iagg il-Iaris, Iagg is-sibic.
(2) hu gamma yakil, w yitmassaI caleha 6i, ( 1 ) gi gi
-bCar Iuni bi-mixbiic rUli Iagg l-miawwac. galat-la ka yibt
lak. gal lon yibtey? yacni (2) ha sibic ( 1 ) lon gdartey tixin
minoa lon? galt waJJa sawwet halket halket w xat minna.
(2) A man is married, has two wives, one is pretty but he desn't
love her, the other one isn't prett but he loves her. ( 1 ) This
woman up and says, (2) why, [i I am prett, doesn't he love me,
and that ugly one, he loves her? I'm going to the religious
master to do something to him so that he'll love me. (1 ) She went
to such a man and said to him, (2) My husband has [another]
wie and he doesn't love me, and that one is ugly, but he loves
her. ( 1) I want you to do something for me so that he will love
me. He tells her, Go get me a hair from a lion. Well, (2) where
is there a lion? Say in the garden of -- in a zoo. ( 1) She went
there. Well, where can she get [close enough] to the lion to get
the hair from him? She up and what did she do? Ever dy she
would buy legs of meat, and she'd go give them to the guard of
[the lion]. She would buy ever dy those legs of meat and give
it to the guard and get a little closer, ever dy she'd get a little
closer, ever dy she'd get closer, She took a month, two months,
eventually, ever dy she'd get closer, until she became on fiendly
terms with the lion. The lion started eating and rubbing against
her. One day by God she got ready, she put a scissors in her
pocket. She came to the guard, to the lion. (2) [The lion] closed
his eyes, eating and rubbing against her so, ( 1) Cut! Cut the
Put it in your pocket! Go to the religious master! She told
him, here it is, I brought [it] to you. He said, how did you get
[it] ? (2) That's a lion, (1 ) how did you get [the hair] from it,
how? She said, well, I did such and such and took [it] from him.
While these few examples hardly suffce to constitute proof, a
consistent patter has begun to emerge. The plot-focused parts of
narratives usually center on one or two discourse topics which vary
little from sentence to sentence. Moreover, other discourse topics which
On the use of the imperative in bedouin narrative style, see PaIva (1977).
328 Sentence Typology
are introduced into the narrative must usually be introduced as new
entities or information, and marked as such (see section 1 . 5). On the
other hand, in conversational or interactional discourse, the change of
speaker ofen necessitates a change of discourse topic, since each speaker
tends to talk about himself or herself, or the conversation moves from
one discourse topic to another. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect
different patters and frequencies of word order to emerge in narrative
texts and conversational texts. The assumption that dialects have
normalized SVO order may be based largely on transactional,
conversational texts in which it is natural that the topic of discourse
would shift frequently.
It is worth noting that Khan's study of Classical Arabic syntax
supports this analysis. His count of SV in narrative and expository
texts reveals a significant difference in frequency: 45 clauses out of
550 lines of an expository text constitute SV structure, whereas an
equivalent length of narrative text contains no SV clauses at all (1988:30).
If both VSO and SVO represent basic typologies, each one
unmarked in its own context, is one context less marked than another?
Longacre argues that "[i]f storyline clauses in narrative discourse in a
given language are VSO, then that language should be classified as a
VSO language" (1 995: 333). Whether or not he is right, VSO typology
can be shown to be prominent in spoken Arabic narratives, and remains
a basic word order of the language.
Structural typology cannot take the analysis beyond this point.
Functional typology, on the other hand, investigates not only the syntactic
roles or constituents, such as subject, object, and verb, but also semantic
and pragmatic roles. Semantic roles are identified by the "logical" role
of the .ntity in the action, such as agent, patient, and receiver. Pragmatic
roles involve the stat
s of the information carried by a sentence
Khan also remarks that VSO sentences in Classical Arabic are usually headed
by a perfective verb, and further, that SV sentences tend to be descriptive
( 1 988: 30). The same is true for the dialects, as our examples have shown.
This tendency reflects a universal pattern that Hopper and Thompson ( 1 980)
call "transitivity," by which they mean the degree of "effectiveness" of verbal
action as expressed not only in the verb, but in the entire clause. High
transitivity is associated with punctual. telic verbs. object marking, and other
features, all of which tend to co-occur in fore grounded clauses in discourse.
10. 2 Topic- and Subject-Prominent Sentence Structures 329
constituent as perceived by the spaker and presented to the interlocutor,
and it is at this level that explanation will be sought for the variations
in spoken Arabic word order.
10.2 Topic-Prominent and Subject-Prominent Sentence Structures
Li and Thompson challenge the "assumption . . . that the basic
sentence strcture should be universally described in terms of subject,
object, and verb" ( 1 976: 461). They argue that in some languages, "the
notion of topic may be as basic as that of subject" ( 1976:459): and'
propose a typology that classifies languages into topic-prominent,
subject-prominent, both topic- and subject-prominent, and neither topic
nor SUbject-prminent. According to their theory, then, some languages
may incorporate both topic-prominent and subject-prominent strctures.
There is considerable evidence that spoken Arabic is one of these
Both traditional and moder analyses of Classical Arabic support
a distinction between topic-oriented and event-oriented typologies.
Traditional Arabic grammatical terminology separates SV and VS orders,
called /al-jumla al-ismiyya/ noun-initial sentences and /al-jumla al
fi'liyya/ verb-initial sentences, respectively. m sentences headed by
nouns (not necessarily subjects), 'new information' is called /xabar/,
usually translated as predicate, but etymologically meaning a piece of
information, news (the subject her bing called /al-mubtda>/ the primar
or basic [partf.
The Arabic term /xabar/ describes the predicate of
noun-initial sentences only, whereas the terminology used for verb-initial
sentences derives from the Arabic word for verb, /al-fi'l/ the action.
Arabic terminology thus distinguishes between topic-prominent, given
new information packaging,
and event-prominent, or verb-initial
packaging. VSO word order, as seen by Arab grammarians, does not
follow the same information packaging principles as noun-initial
1Te tenn /mubtada'/ starting point echoes a metaphor used by psycholinguists
Gersbacher and Hargreaves for the process of cognitive processing: first,
"laying a foundation," then "mapping" information onto it (cited by Payne
1 95:450).
8Given-new, also called theme-rheme, refers to the linear order of presentation
of information in a sentence. Given (old, known, or shared) infonnation
leads, and new infonnation follows (Chafe 1 976).
Sentence Typology
sentences. Moreover, Khan points to a syntactic and distributional
congruence between SV word order and topic-prominent infonnation
packaging in Classical Arabic texts ( 1988:29-30). He lists a number of
specific discourse functions of SV word order in Classical Arabic,
which show a high degree of correspondence to Li and Thompson's
topic-prominent functions (Khan 1988: 32-40; see further 10.2. 1).
It is well-known that topic-comment structure commonly occurs
in spoken Arabic. However, discussions of topic-comment structure
(e.g., Harrell 1962: 1 60-61 , Cowell 1964:429) tend to focus on sentences
with fronted or dislocated nouns, such as Ahmad, I know (him). The
view taken here holds all SV sentences, not merely those with explicit
topics distinct from subjects, to be topic-prominent.
Li and Thompson's approach to sentence typology thus provides
a powerful theory of sentence typology in Arabic, one that coincides
with analyses of other varieties of the language, and helps to account
for the motivations behind the patters of both noun-initial and verb
initial typologies in different environments.
10.2.1 Spoken Arabic as a Topic-Prominent Language
Li and Thompson list a number of characteristics which, taken
together, tend to characterize topic-prominent languages ( 1 976:461-64).
These characteristics include: ( 1 ) the topic is syntactically distinct
from the subject, and the verb agrees with the subject but not the topic;
(2) sentence construction with dummy subjects tend not to occur in
topic-prominent languages; and (3) topic-prominent languages tend to
make limited and/or specialized use of passive constructions. Examples
from the dialects will show that spoken Arabic shares these properties
with other topic-prominent languages (but in the case of the passive,
only partly so).'
The topic position in Arabic is sentence-initial, as it is in other
topic-prominent languages. Since subjects may also b sentence-initial,
However, Li and Thompson also list other properties which are not shared
by Arabic, among them that topic-prominent languages tend to be verb-final
( 1 976:490). The fact that Arabic shares some properties but not others, and .
some properties to a greater extent than others, may perhaps be explained by
the fact that Arabic incorporates both topic-prominent and subject-prominent
10. 2 Topic- an Subject-Prominent Sentence Structures 331
a noun in that position sometimes fulfills two roles at once, that of
grammatical subject, and that of pragmatic topic. However, many
sentences contain sentence-initial topics that do not fill the syntactic
role of subject.
The following examples contain sentence-initial nouns that are
topics, but not subjects. In the first, the topic, /martu/ his wie, cannot
be the subject of the main verb, /h:rbu/ they fed.
MI l
' .
martu, mnin dxal -h:r dyalha, h:rbu (alma
wife-his, when entered-it the-month gen-hers, fled-they from-her
His wie, when her month (to give birth) came, they deserted her
In the next passage, the two topics, /I-(a'ila/ the family and /I-(azri/ the
young single man, are singular, whereas the subjects, /(a'ilat/ families
and /I-(zira/ (the) young single men, are plural:
MI D __| =| ,
}| | | _| u=|
|,qL. ,| ,v_,
l-(a'ila, lli kayqul l-'insan, ra bqaw kayhawwdu (a'ilat, l-(azri,
Itta l-(azira dyal wlad l-blad ra bqaw kayhawwdu
the-family, nlindic-he-says the-person, neg remained-they indic
they-descend families the-bachelor even the-bachelors gen sons
of-the-town neg remained-they indic-they-descend
The family, what one calls {the familyJ, families no longer go,
the young single man, even local young single men no longer go
The speaker in the following passage is a female addressing a
group of women and pointing to her husband, the only male present.
The masculine gender of /(arif/ he knows clearly does not agree with
the sentence-initial pronoun pana/ I. The only plausible grammatical
analysis, then, is that Pana/ Irepresents the sentence topic, whereas the
unexpressed subject of the main clause, he, is indicated by the masculine
singular gender of /(arif/ he knows.
| _L| g ,q c| | ,_. l
'ana, (arif 'inn ana baxaf mi -urar i-ugayyar
I knowing-m comp I indic-am-afraid of the-roach the-little
Me, he knows I'm afraid o/the little cockroach
332 Sentence Typology
The underlying structure of the next sentence is equational, the subject
being /aktar
the most common thing, and the predicate /kibbe/ kibba.
While /nitna/ we is coreferent with the verb /mna'mlu/ we make it, its
relationship to the main clause cannot be subject because of the
intervening /'aktar sit most [common] thing, but can only be a topic
nitna 'aktar si mna'mlu ya'ni kibbe maqliyye
we most thing prog-we-do-it it-means kibbe fried
We, the thing we make most, that is, isfried kibbe
The fronted topic in the following, /killuhum/ all of them, does not
represent the subject of the sentence, which is an omitted /'ana/ I.
Kl .
tab 'ana kNfi riglayya min taJt 'en samaka wis' kida
well I was-it in legs-my from below plantar's wart wideness of-so
Well, I, there was in my feet on the bottom a plantar's wart this big
Te topic of the next sentence is /ita/ you, while the subject is /is-saIme/
the ship:
si I O_ .1. I J.. -.l
'inta bizuz tigra' is-safne bi-wuzud waQid mitlak 'a ha-s-safne
you you indic-it-is-possible-for it-sink the-ship with-existence of
one like-you on this-the-ship
You, the ship might sink with the presence of one like you on this
The topic of the following, lQinna/ we, has no syntactic relationship to
the rest of the sentence:
K3 . l.1 '
..1 .
| _| J.I
'awwal Jinna, w 'alayya! , ii-mara iswat i1-ge4 w iswat I-ta.
first we, and upon-me! , the-woman clothing of-the-summer and
clothing of-the-winter. only
In the old days, we, I swear! the woman [had} the summer outit
and the winter outt. That's all.
The dialects share with other topic-prominent languages the
absence of dummy subject constrctions (Li and Thompson 1 976:467).
Dummy subjects function as place-holders for an empty syntactic subject
position, such as English It in sentences like It's snowing. Spoken
Arabic does not require a dummy subject, as the following examples
<he Egyptian pronoun /huwwa/ he, it in sentences such as /huwwa I-'ustaz
ra gM.?/ Didn't the teacher come? is not a true dummy pronoun but rather
functions as an interrogative particle that signals a presuppsition on the part
of the speaker. For a discussion of the functions of this pronoun, see Eid
( 1 992).
334 Sentence Typology
Ml O . u__
masi mzyan txr:z hayda f:-l-lil
neg good you-go-out thus in the-night
It's not good to go out like that at night
>; ' ..
a'b innaha tisib 'umar wi tinzil
difficult that-she she-leave and she-go-down
It is dif icult for her to leave Omar and go out
S2 _
[ _a3
mustal)Il honi 'an[d]na wal)id yiqbal innu yaxud bin:t ra tkun
impossible here at-us one he-accept that-he he-take girl neg she-be
It is impossible here in our countr for one to accept to marry a
girl who is not a virgin
K2 _L_ . _
mu sikil ya'ni walda ba'd tiyi t:rka cigi
neg form it-mean one-f as well she-comes she-runs like-that
It's not right, that is, [that] a girl after all come running like that
Lastly, Li and Thompson note that topic-prominent languages
often do not have a passive voice, or have passives with special meanings
( 1 976:467), While the passive voice occurs in spoken Arabic, in many
cases, speakers prefer a topicalized construction using a dummy subject
they, as }n this sentence:
' ;,
^J >
i1-'aris 'ideh bil:su-lu yahon al:s bi-I-l)ione, i1-'arus birsimu-I[h]a
yahon ras:m
the-groom hands-his they-blot for-him obj-them blotting with
henna, the-bride they-draw for-her obj-them drawing
The groom, his hands, they blot henna on them for him, the
bride, they draw designs on hers
Often, the Arabic imperfective passive carries a gerundive meaning
loosely rendered by -able, as these examples show:
10.2 Topic- an Subject-Prominent Sentence Structures
Ml _'C
' .O
had r-rbi' ra kaytnkl
this the-grass neg indic-it-is-edible
This grass (green stuf) is inedible
' +
is-sinr da ra byitnam 'ale
the-bed that neg indic-it-can-be-slept on-it
This bed cannot be slept in
! " L
il-'akl da ra yitganna-lf
the-food this neg it-is-sung to-it
This food should not be sung to!
S I |u
ha Ha's ra binili' f
this the-weather neg be-gone-out in-it
(This weather) can't be gone out in
ha I-bet ra yinnam fh
[this-the-house neg it-is-slept in-it]
This house can't be slept in (Holes 1 990: 1 82)
1 1
Ingham recognizes the similarity of Arabic sentence patters to
Li and Thompson's description of topic-prominent languages, but stops
short of recognizing Arabic as a topic-prominent language because of
Li and Thompson's claim that the topic is not syntactically related to
the rest of the sentence (Ingham 1 994:36). However, Li and Tompson's
analysis is based largely on Chinese, the structure of which differs
from that of Arabic in important ways, including the fact that Chinese
is a low anaphoric language that makes limited use of referent pronouns
(Li 1 997). Arabic, on the other hand, is a high anaphoric language that
requires a high degree of reference among various sentences parts
signalled by referent or resumptive pronouns. To my knowledge, it has
not been established that topic-prominent sentence structure requires a
Since Holes does not state the country of origin of his examples, this example
may not be specifically Kuwaiti.
Sentence Typology
low degree of anaphoric reference, or that a language with a high
frequency of anaphoric pronouns cannot be a topic-prominent language.
Even so, it is not difficult to find examples of topic-prominent sentences
in which the topic has no direct syntactic relationship with the rest of
the sentence. In addition to the Moroccan and Kuwaiti examples cited
above, Cowell's Syrian examples include ( 1 964:429):
S __ .aL,
ha-l-beQa d-dazzlne b-xamsln (;r
these-the-eggs the-dozen for-50 piastre
These eggs are 50 piastres a dozen
S _l __:,I | q | _u
ana, 1-3mgamarat kanet ben ';mr '-abaa" w; l-';srin
I the-adventures were-they between life of-the 17 and the-20
[For] me, the age of adventures was between 1 7 and20
A final piece of evidence supporting the analysis of SV sentences
as topic-prominent is found in a situation in which a Kuwaiti speaker
catches herself and "corrects" a misstep. The speaker describes here
how she goes about making contact between the two families when
trying to arrange a marriage. Several people are involved: the prospective
bride and groom and both of their mothers, in addition to the matchmaker
herself. The speaker first structures the sentence VSO, then changes
her mind about the information packaging, ostensibly because the number
of participants involved may cause confusion about the narrative. The
speaker "corrects" the original VS word order, /tirja' tigul-li umm 1;
bnayya/ to SV /umm l;-bnayya tirja' tigul-li/ the girl's mother comes
back and says to me, clarifying the topic of the sentence:
o~ o
_| |_|
. Q
_ |_
| L|
|p| _ _ |
| | , _
c |
ngUl l)agg ahl ;l-bint il-walad cigi, cigi, wild flan b;n flan, yitigil
cigi, yiSti gil cigi, tgUl insaHa 'umm al)mad. na'Iha w ngul-lha.
tgUl -- tirja( tgul-Ii ' umm l<-bnayya -- ' umm l<-bnayya tirja(
tgul-Ii ya umm al)mad, 'inti ta'rfina?
10. 2 Topic- and Subject-Prominent Sentence Structures 337
we-say to the-family of-the-girl the-boy such such, son of-so
and-so son of-so-and-so, he-works thus, she-says alright Umm
Ahmad. we-give-her and we-tell-her. she-says she-returns she
says-to-me mother of-the-girl -- mother of-the-girl she-returns
she-says-to-me, LUmm Ahmad you you-know-him?
We say to the girl'sfamily, The boy is such-and-such, son of-so
and-so son ofso-and-so, he work such-and-such. She says alright,
Umm Ahmad. We give her [the information] and tell her. She
says, the girl's mother comes back and tell me, the girl's moter
comes back and tells me, Umm Ahmad, do you know him?
Spoken Arabic thus shares several features with the topic-
prominent languages Li and Thompson describe. Te following sections
explore the functions of sentence topic as Chafe ( 1 976) defines it.
10.2.2 Temporal Frame as Topic
The sentence position of topic is difficult to define beyond a
rather vague "what the sentence is about,"
but Chafe identifies the
function of the topic as establishing "a spatial, temporal, or individual
framework within which the main predication holds" ( 1 976: 50-5 1 ,
emphasis mine). Many examples cited in the previous section contain
topics that establish an individual framework for their sentences. This
section will explore Chafe's concept of temporal framework as it is
syntactically realized in spoken Arabic.
In 7.2. 2, I argued that temporal verbs, especially /kfm/ to be, can
be topicaiized, on the basis that they sometimes lie outside the main
clause, showing no direct syntactic relationship to it. Examples cited
therein contain the verbs /kan/ to be and Syrian /,ar/ to become with
subject agreement differing from that of the main verb. Moreover,
temporal frames as sentence topics are not limited to infonnal registers
of Arabic. Khan's study of extraposition in Classical Aabic contains a
number of examples similar to the ones cited in 7.2.2, such as the
following, in which the temporal verbs /kanat/ was and /'a'baltu/ I
became in the morning precede the perfective particle /qad/, which
heads the verb phrase it modifies (Khan 1988:9):
See Tomlin (195) for criticism of the vagueness of the term topic.
338 Sentence Typology
kanat il-yahudu qad 'a'jabahum 'ig kana yualli qibala bayti 1 -
The Jewshe pleased them, since he prayed towards the temple
(in Jerusalem)
ct uL"&m01
'aba\tu qad \allat yamini
In the morning my oath was discharged
It is interesting to note that these Classical examples, and several
additional ones from the Syrian region in particular, contain topics that
combine both a temporal frame and an individual one. Of Khan's
examples, the topic in the first consists of the phrase /kanat il-yahid/
the Jews were, and in the second, /'aba\ltu/ I became in the morning.
Parallel examples from Syrian include the following pair. In the
frrst example, the use of feminine /arit/ she became rather than masculine
/ar/ is unusual in two respects. First, this syntactic structure, in which
the syntactic subject is indefinite and sentence-final, normally attracts a
masculine verb. Second, the syntactic subject of the clause is masculine
singular, /mantiZ/ that which is produced. What motivates the speaker
to use /arit/ rather than /ar/? I believe it is to give the sentence a
topical frame with both temporal and individual referents: the change
in circumstances signalled by the verb it became, and the generc educated
young woman, she.
S2 gIL5,
| l l:. _
kunt lazim a[fu
was-I necessary I-see"him
I had to see him (elicited)
These examples, and those cited in 7.2.2, show that temporal
verbs can function to set a topic frame for sentences in two ways,
either as a temporal frame alone, or, when conjugated for person, as a
temporal and individual topic frame.
10.2.3 Topical Circumstantial Clauses (/.311)
Using Chafe's definition of topic as a "spatial, temporal, or
individual framework within which the predication holds" (1976:50-51),
I have claimed that topic in Arabic includes nouns and temporal verbs.
Adverbs, too, ofen occur sentence-initial position, in which case their
function in providing a frame for the sentence fits in with Chafe's
definition of the function of sentence topic. Te orering of information
in a sentence such that topical elements are sentence-initial, and new
information sentence-final, can apply not only to the main clause
constituents subject, verb, and object, but also to adverbial clauses,
340 Sentence Typology
including the large and heterogeneous Arabic class called circumstantial
clauses (/al-jumla al-JIaliyya/).
As defined in formal Arabic, circumstantial clauses "describe the
state or condition" of a main sentence subject or object (Wright II: 330).
Circumstantial clauses may be syndetic, signalled by /wa/ (literally
and, or asyndetic.
1 3
In discussing circumstantial clauses in Syrian,
Cowell places more emphasis on the temporal nature of these clauses
than on their descriptive nature ( 1 964: 531 ). Rosenhouse notes that
circumstantial clauses in the dialects (unlike in formal Arabic) may
precede the main clause. She attributes this difference to a vaguely
defined semantic shift: in the dialects, "there is a heavier stress put on
the subordinate part, so that it becomes as important (psychologically)
as the main clause" and is "more deeply connected" to the sentence
( 1 978:229). A more precise linguistic description for the sentence-initial
position of these clauses is "frame-setting," or topicality. When
circumstantial clauses occur in sentence-initial position, they function
to give a temporal and descriptive frame within which the action of the
main verb takes place.
The following Egyptian example demonstrates this point. The
clause /w' humma mas yin/ while they were leaving, provides the
situational frame within which the focused event, forgetting the bag,
takes place.
E6 O |, b|
'ah, W' humma mas yin nisi santitu m'aha
Oh, and they leaving forgot-he bag-his with-her
Oh yeah, when they were leaving he forgot his briefcase with her
Two examples from Morocco contrast the topicality of the
circumstantial clause in sentence-initial position with the focus of new
information of the sentence-final position. The first example sets up
the frame, /w }Ina !al'in/ as we were going up, for the important event,
seeing Khadija. In the second, the temporal frame is provided by the
adverb /yumayn/ two days, while the circumstantial clause provides
new information, that he was angry.
1 3
For an extensive description of circumstantial clause structures in Egyptian
Arabic, see Woidich ( 1 991 ).
10.2 Topic- an Subject-Prominent Sentence Structures
Ml Qi U i
w Ja al'in f l-<aqba afna xadlZa
and we going-up in the-hill saw-J Khadija
As we were going up the hill we saw Khadija
i |
'int w-rayil xidni
[you and coming take-me]
Pick me up on your way (Cowell I 964: 532)
. . _u u._G
'ana w-jaye w-Iamilha b-idri, 'am 'aI-ii
[I and coming and carrying-it on-chest-my, got-up-he and said
While I was coming and carring it on my chest, he up and told
me e . + (Grotzfeld 1 965: 101, translation mine)
This patter does not seem to occur regularly in other dialects,
although a sentence-final circumstantial clause with subject fronting
/na wu gayyarI when we were young occurs in a text from Upper
Egypt (Behnstedt and W oidich 1 988iii:264, translation mine):
E _, i | _
342 Sentence Typology
E zaman badri kunna 'anisirgu minnlhum i z-zabadi Ia wu
time early were-we indic-we-steal from-them the-yoghurt we and
In early times, we would steal their yoghurt, when we were young
10. 3 Variation in Word Order: Information Packaging
The previous sections have demonstrated that both VS and SV
typologies are well established in the dialects. However, these two
word orders do not account for all sentence typologies found in spoken
Arabic. Even a relatively small body of data is sufficient to show that
almost any basic constituent may begin an Arabic sentence, even, at
times, an indefinite predicate. Tese non-VS, non-SV types of sentences
represent marked forms of topic-prominent or subject-prominent
Discourse theory on information packaging helps explain the range
of word order typologies i spoken Arabic, because it proposes principles
that speakers use to present information in a way accessible to their
interlocutors. Chafe summarizes "packaging phenomena" that affect
way nouns are presented in discourse ( 1 976:28):
(a) the noun may be either given or new; (b) it may be afocus of
contrast (c) it may be definite or indefnite; (d) it may be the
subject of its sentence; (e) it may be the topic of its sentence; and
(0 it may represent the individual whose point of view the speaker
is taking, or with whom the speaker empathizes.
The remainder of this chapter will explore the ways in which these
features affect sentence structure in spoken Arabic. I will add to the
ones Chafe lists a function that may be syntactically expressed in Syrian
dialects, one that I will call resumptive topic. By resumptive topic, I
mean a topic that the speaker assumes is known to the interlocutor, but
that the former believes needs to be recalled or resumed. A resumptive
topic is not new, but is often in some sense unexpected, hence its
position is sentence-final (also called "right-dislocated").
It was noted previously that topics must b chosen from information
that is given, that is, entities that can be assumed by the speaker to be
known to his or her interlocutor, whether because they belong to the
10.3 Variation in Word Order: Information Packging 343
prmanent registry (meaning that they m universally kown), or bcause
they are present in the conversational registry (meaning that they have
ben mentioned or alluded to in the conversation at hand, Chafe 1976:26).
One of the main organizing principles of information packaging is that
new inforaton tends to follow old information. Tus new inforation,
expressed by an indefinite noun or predicate, tends to gravitate toward
the end of a sentence or clause. Foral Arabic syntax adhers closely
to this discourse principle: the normal word order for a copulative
sentence with an indefinite subject (/mubtada'/) is predicate-subject
(/xabar muqaddam/), indicating a strong propnsity against an indefnite
noun assuming a place at the head of a sentence.
It is important to distinguish Chafe's "focus of contrast" from
another kind of focus, focus of new information. Nouns that represent
focus of contrast do not constitute new information, since only kown
entities can be contrasted. Moreover, unlike new information, which
occupies sentence-final position, the focus of contrast does not have
one definable sentence position, because it occupies a marked position
with respect to its normal, unmarked one. I will show that, in YSO
typology, the unmarked position of object is post-verbal, wheras objects
that are contrastive may occupy pre-verbal position (OYS). Subjects
that are contrastive, on the other hand, can occupy clause-fmal position
The following sections investigate the information packaging
strategies of various marked word orders and nominal marking that
occur in spoken Arabic. Te discussion will begin with subject-initial
structures, then tum to object-initial sentences, and finally, consider
two object marking strategies that flfll specifc pragmatic roles.
10.3.1 Ri
ht-Dislocated Subjects: New Information
Among the common word order typologies in Arabic is the right
dislocation (moving to the end of the sentence) of indefnite subjects,
resulting in YOS word order. Tese indefmite subjects cannot fnction
as topics, because their sentence-fmal position sigals that they contain
new information. I the following Egyptian and Kuwaiti examples, the
indefnite subjects lie as close as possible to the end of their sentences,
allowing the indefnite subjects to b foused as new information:
ga-Ii s-sa'a talata waga' f widni fai'
Sentence Typology
came-it-to-me the-hour three pain in ear-my horrible
At three o'clock I got this horrible pain in my ear
j i| 9|c
9| g_
q jl
'agil-Iha ya'ni yom il-fani biyyic b-s-sa'a l-fliniyya biyyic wa\id
I-say-to-her it-mean day the-such-and-such fut-he-come-to-you
at the-hour the-such-and-such fut-he-come-to-you one he-ask
I tell her that is the day such-and-such will come to you at the
hour such-and-such will come one [who will] ask
10.3.2 Pronoun Subject Position
In spoken Arabic, the pronoun subject of a verb is obligatorily
marked on the verb as a prefix, suffix, or circumfix, indicating gender
and/or number. An independent pronominal subject may be optionally
expressed as an additional subject marker in verbal sentences. The
position of this independent pronoun subject vis-a-vis the verb is also
variable, since it may precede the verb or follow it. The various
combinations of these two options result in three possible cases: (a) no
independent pronoun appears, (b) an independent pronoun precedes the
verb, and (c) an independent pronoun follows the verb. These three
cases all have quite specific pragmatic functions.
No independent pronoun subject is expressed in cases where the
discourse topic remains stable. The following exchange is taken from
a conversation about a /tayyer/ womans suit that speaker E1 had bought
and then taken to the cleaner. There are a number of places in which
subject pronoun /huwwa/ he, referring to the suit, could be inserted
in this conversation. The fact that this subject pronoun does not occur
in this passage reflects the fact that the discourse topic has not changed,
and in the absence of a change of topic, no pronoun is necessary.
El - |
l | _ - _.
| _ =
m _a|
| _j,_al
10.3 Variation in Word Order: Information Packaging
El --- fa-gibtu, bass min - yihar min it-taCli' 'aw 'eh -
--- ra kan makwi? --- makwi wi kull laga, bass aklu kida f -
--- 'adIm? --- la' mi 'adIm Ii'inn ii-model bitaCu liIw 'awi, ya'ni
ra uft ii-model da 'abl kida
--- so-got-I-it, but from - it-appears from the-hanging or what -
--- neg was-it ironed? --- ironed and every thing, but form-its
like-that in-it -
--- old? --- no neg old because the-style gen-it pretty very
it-means neg saw-I the-style that before this
--- So I got it, but from - it seems fom hanging or whatever -
--- Wasn't {it] ironed? --- {It was] ironed and everthing, but it
looked like it had -
--- {Was it] old? --- No (it was] not old because its style is
ver pretty, that is, I hadn't see that stle before that
Similarly, the next Moroccan example contains only two subject
pronouns, and both occur at the point of topic switches, marked as ( 1)
and (2) in the text. ( 1 ) /huwwa/ he ocurs when the topic changes from
the husband, the subject of the verb /ift/ he sent, to /l-'abd/ the slave;
(2) /iyya/ she appears at the topic switch from the slave (him) to the
wie (her). In contrast, the second mention of the wife has no pronoun,
because she remains the discourse topic.
M| i
='u _jj j
331' j \ j | ==
_i |+'u+| ' "
ift l-'abd (1) huwwa l-uwwl gal-Iu sIr 'Ila (2) hiyya wldat
l-wld xllIha w Ui 'ndi. wldat l-bnt, dbaQha w dbal) l-bnt
w a1i
sent-he the-slave (1) he the-first said-he-to-him go if (2) she
bore-she the-son leave-her and come-ms to-me. bore-she the-girl
slay-her and slay the-girl and come
He sent the slave ( 1 ) first, he told him, go, i(2) she bore {a]
son, leave her and come back. (If she bore {aJ pirl, slay her,
slay the girl, and come
When an independent subject pronoun occurs, it may precede or
follow the verb, and the speaker's choice of sentence position reflects
the pragmatic role of the pronoun in the information structure of the
346 Sentence Typology
sentence. A pre-verbal independent pronoun subject fulfills a different
pragmatic role than a post-verbal subject. In the former case, the
underlying SV sentence typology is topic-prominent, and the pronoun
fulfills the role of topic. In the latter case, the VOS typology represents
a marked form of subject-prominent or VSO typology, and the pronoun
usually acts as a focus of contrast, such as a contrast in expectations, or
the sudden, unexpected (re)appearance of a known entity.
Examples from all four dialects document the focus of contrast
signalled by VOS typology with pronoun subject. In the first passage,
the post-verbal pronoun subject signals a contrast between the older
generation, whose marriages were arranged, and the young generation
nowadays, who arrange their marriages /hinnin/ they (themselves).
S4 _
c _c
c,i , ,
J '3)
= Qq
-3| |
geh tani yom, geh i-ub\, ra kanit hiyya fi I-bet
came-he second day, came-he the-moring, neg was-she she in
He came the next day, came in the morning, she was not at home
10. 3 Variation in Word Order: Information Packaging 347
In the next passage, a Kuwaiti interviewer asks the matchmaker
if she and her partner (the referents of plural you in the translation) set
the fee for their services, or if they have a sliding scale according to the
customer's means. In her reply, the matchmaker first specifes a sliding
scale, then stipulates that the customersot she and her parter-decide
how much they will pay. The post-verbal repetition of the subject
/uhumal they functions to contrast the customers with the matchmakers:
K4 _ 1
_| ___y_ | ._-
| |_=|_
|_ =l _
___| | | \
--- nzen, al-Iin, hal ma!alan mqarrrn s ki!ir is-si(r wlla Iasab
kiIl walid w maddita?
--- kill walid w maddita, (ala Iasab kill walid w maddita. bass
il-wagt il-Iali baga I-Iin gamu yqarriti n 'uhuma
--- okay now ques for-example having-decided-p what amount
the-price or according-to each one and material-wort?
--- each one and material-worth, according-to each one and
material-worth. but the-time the-present this, now got-up-they
they-decide they
--- Oky, now, have [you] decided how much the price is, or is it
according to each one and his material worth?
--- Each one and his material worth, according to each one and
his material worth. But at the present time now [the customers]
have started to decide themselves
In the next example, the post-verbal /'ana/ I singles out the
Moroccan speaker, creating a contrastive distance between him and a
situation he wants nothing to do with:
M7 L|
w-as bgiti ndic lk 'ana?
and-what wanted-you I-do for-you I?
What do you want me to do for you?
Another form of contrastive focus is the indication of
unexpectedness or surprise. The immediately preceding Moroccan
Sentence Typology
example hints at unexpectedness as well as contrastive distance, giving
a sense of astonishment: You want me to do something? This kind of
focus of contrast indicates surprise on the part of the speaker. The
post-verbal pronoun in the following Syrian example likewise indicates
both a contrast between I'anal I and I'intul you, and astonishment on
the part of the speaker at her neighbors' unexpected visit:
S5 |. | _. | u| L|_
! "l
tawwari, 'ana [a]kUn barke i-ubul, yinda" i I -bab, halla' slon
jitu 'intu?!
imagine-f, I i-be sitting-f the-moring, it-be-knocked the-door,
now how came-you-p you-p?!
Imagine, I would be sitting in the morning, there would be a
knock at the door, now, how did ]ou get here?!
It may therefore be claimed that the occurrence and position of
independently-expressed pronoun subjects is variable in spoken Arabic,
according to the informational role played by the subject: a pre-verbal
pronoun subject serves mainly as a sentence topic, which I argue is
grammaticalized in Arabic, while a post-verbal pronoun subject supplies
either contrastive or unexpected reference.
10.3.3 Object-Initial Sentences
Object-initial sentences consist of two types, one a marked form
of topic-prominent sentence structure, and the other a marked form of
subject-prominent structure. These two types differ syntactically in
that the topic-prominent type contains a place-holding or resumptive
pJonon that marks the orginal post-verbal position of the object. The
fronted object in this case functions like other topics, to set the frame
for the rest of the sentence. By contrast, sentence-initial objects in the
latter type leave behind no trace pronoun. This difference in syntactic
structure seems to parallel a difference in pragmatic function: while
objects that have resumptive pronouns are topical. objects without
resumptive pronouns are highly contrastive. Examples of both types
are examined in the next two sections.
10.3 Variation in Word Order: Information Packging 349
10.3.3. 1 Topic-prominent OV: Object as Topic
A large percentage of object-initial sentences show topic-comment
strcture; that is, the object is fronted, or moved to the sentence-initial
position, and a resumptive pronoun marks its original place in the
sentence. Te sentence-initial position of the object in this case marks
the syntactic object as taking the role of sentential topic. Tese examples
contain objects as topics, all of them functioning as the frame for the
rest of the sentence:
HJin tangarblih
the-flour indic-we-sift-it
The four, we sit
. . O
iI-fustan gibtu
the-dress got-I-it
The dress, I got
+ ~
= _
wiak ra bifu nihPiyyan
face-your neg indic-I-see-it at-all
Your face I don't (want to) see (it) at all
_| q _L
al-'ashum maim l:-jam'iyya Jawwalhum b-isma
the-stocks gen the-association transfered-them in-name-his
The stocks of the association he transferred in his name Subject-Prominent OV: Contrastive Function
In contrast to the preceding topic-prominent, object-initial
sentences, the following sentences are subject-prominent, object-initial.
They show object extraposition or fronting, not topicalization, as
demonstrated by the absence of a resumptive pronoun marking the
object position after the verb. They also exhibit a clear contrastive
function not present in topic-prominent sentences.
In the first Moroccan example, the man has just asked for a
knife, and is told that the only one available is the one used for feast
slaughtering. His reply emphasizes that this specifically is the one he
350 Sentence Typology
wants, contrasting it to other possible members of the set of knives.
The placement of !hadik! that one indicates that it is singled out for
contrast, and this interpretation is bore out by an informant's paraphrase
of the sentence by means of a relative clause: !hadik m bgitl that's the
one I want (and not any other).
. O|
i |
q ,
qal-Iha, hadik bgit ana, 'araha ba ndbaQ
said-he to-her, that-one want-I I, give-here-it so-that I-slaughter
He said to her, that one I want, give it here so I can slaughter
In the next passage, the object /101 d l-'yalat/ two wives precedes its
verb, /dda/ he took, and contrasts with the one wife /l-mra/ the man
had previously:
Ml l
| a
J| Oc
D |
| -
_| =|
| | |
| | | =|
v| a
waQd r-ra11 'ndu l-mra tatwld gi[r] I-bnat, ra 'ndhM l-wld.
na gal-liha 'ana xni l-wld. na t1ww1 mra xWra, t1uww1
waQd l-mra xWra, w zOz d l-'yalat dda
one the-man at-him the-wife indic-she-bears only the-girls, neg
at-her the-son. got-up-he said-he-to-her I necessary-far-me the
son. got-up-he married-he wife other, married-he one the-wife
other, and two gen the-wives took-he
[There was] a man who had a wife who [kept] having only girls;
she had no son. He up and told her, I need a son. He up and
married another woman, and two wives he took.
In the Syrian play "Wadi al-Misk," a female character becomes
gry 'at her boss (who is also her father) for rejecting her request for
time off. He told her to apply for /'izaze/ vacation time, and she wants
/'izin/ [special] permission [to miss work]. Here, /'izin/ permission
contrasts tacitly with /'izaze/ vacation time in the context of the play:
S6 U L
V ~
'izin ra bta(tini
permission neg indic-you-give-me
Permission you won't give me
10.3 Variation in Word Order: Information Packging 351
Cowell calls this construction object-verb inversion, remarking that it
occurs in "certain kinds of exclamations with the elative" ( 1 964:439).
His examples contain superlative noun phrases, which in these cases
represent objects contrasted in the absolute to everything else:
S .L |
'a<zab i 'aJJa ra xala'
[more-marvelous thing God neg created]
A more marvelous thing God has never created!
! L
_ I
'aznan mn hek (mri ra bf!
[crazier than such life-my neg saw-I]
Crazier than that I've never seen!
Te next passage, from Kuwait, mentions two groups of girls, one with
fair complexions and one with dark complexions. I the second sentence,
the speaker singles out dark complexioned girls as being less desirable
as brides, fronting the object /is-sumur/ drk-skinned ones:
c..I . ..I
ha l-iyyam hagi killa yabOO il-bi, ra yabOO is-sumur, is-sumur
lel ra yabun
this-the-days these always-it they-want the-white-p neg they-want
the-dark-p . the-dark-p very neg they-want
These days, they always want light-skinned [girls), they don't
want dark-skinned ones. Ver drk-skinned they don't want
Tis kind of variation in word order frther supports the distiction
between topic-prominent and sUbject-prominent sentence structures,
because object-fronting and subject extraposition perform different
pragmatic functions. When the syntactic object is fronted without a
resumptive pronoun, its function is contrastive, whereas a fronted object
in topic-comment structure plays the role of non-contrastive sentence
topic. Similarly, pre-verbal pronoun subjects are topical, while post
verbal pronoun subjects are contrastive. For both subjects and objects,
then, a reversal from unmarked to marked word order parallels a shift
in function.
Sentence Typology
10.3.4 Predicate-Subject Inversion
Predicate-subject inversion fal l s under the rubric of topic
prominent typology. This inversion can be either marked or unmarked,
depending in part on the relative "weight" of the constituents. Inversion
is common when the sentence consists of a short predicate and a sentential
subject, and follows Hawkins' ( 1 994) "heaviness principle: " that longer
or morphologically 'heavier' constituents tend to follow shorter or
morphologically 'lighter' ones. At the same time, fronted predicates do
not represent new infonation, but rather topics, or frames within which
the subject clauses are to be assessed. Moroccan, Egyptian, and Syrian
examples of predicate fronting include:
Ml O _l , | U
mMi mzyan txrz bayda f-l-Iil
neg good she-leave like-that in the-night
It's not good to go out like that at night
: :
a'b innaha tisib 'umar wi tinzil
hard comp-she she-leave Omar and she-go-out
It is difcult for her to leave Omar and go out
waHa zakiyye ha-I-bnt
[by-God intelligent that-the-girl]
That girl is certainly intelligent
a$ |
a$ ,|
kan katb-Ii (nwino hOn b-wanon huwwe
[was-hehaving-written-for-meaddress-his here in-Washington he]
He'd written me his adress here in Washington
This particular resumptive function of inverted predicate-subject
word order, well-documented for Syrian, parallels in function another
"resumptive topic" constrction involving the Syrian object-marker /la-I,
examined in the next section.
10.4 Syrian Object-Marker /Ia-/: Resumptive Topi
Of the four dialect areas under investigation here, the Syrian
region is distinguished by use of the preposition /la-I to mark certain
right-dislocated objects (objects shifted to sentence-fmal position). Tis
construction contains a resumptive or place-holding pronoun marking
the syntactic position from which the marked object has been disloated.
As a preposition, /la-/ has another meaning, to, direction toward. Here I
concered only with /la-/ as an object-marker.
354 Sentence Typology
In such clauses, the verb phrase contains an object pronoun, which is
then followed by a coreferent full noun object complement marked
with Ila-I. In the bedouin joke (excerpt repeated here from 1 . 5), the
verb I'fil he said is followed first by a pronoun object Ilul to him, then
followed by the same object component, expressed this time as a full
noun marked with /la-I, /la-l-garsonl to the waiter. The waiter here is a
known entity, because his existence can be inferd from that of /l-marar
the restaurant. Hence he does not represent a new topic, but rather one
that is recalled into active registry. In addition, Ila-I assigns the waiter
discourse topic (but not sentence topic) status, and alerts the listener to
the fact that the waiter plays an important role in the joke.
> '
- +.+.
.> ~+.-+
| __| .
J_| _gQ . q
f marra z-zbse w t-tUme mayin ra' ba'Qon. qalit-l[h]a z-zbse
la-HUme, rUi ya latif u ritik al'a, rUi rUi ra biddi imi
ma'ik. qalit-Iha it-tOme ba'den, )asan mU kill waid za daqq-lIi
'a tizi brU ma'u!
there-is time the-watermelon and the-garlic walking with each
other, said-she-to-her the-watermelon la-the-garlic, go O God
what odor-your coming-out, go-f go-f neg desire-my I-walk with
you. said-she-to-her the-garlic then, better neg every one came-he
knocked-he on ass-my indic-I-go with-him!
One time the watermelon and the garlic were walking together,
the watermelon said to the garlic, go away, you stink, go, go, I
don't want to walk with you. The garlic then said to her, [that's]
better--[at least] not everone who comes and knocks on my ass
I go of with!
The emotional content noted by Levin in his study of Palestinian
Aabic can be seen as a natural consequence of the recall. Levin points
out that teachers use this construction to reprimand students who have
apparently not done their homework. By "recalling" the book, the
teacher signals that the student has forgotten about the book-or perhaps,
sarcastically, that he or she has pretended to forget about it-as his
example shows (1 987:35; translation mine):
t: .
| _ t_ u c u
_| _
mian hek Iattena-I[h]a sikirtera xfiyye bd[h]a txabbr[h]a xilal
yomen mian ta<rif tilki <arabi mian taxd[h]a <a z-ziyara, ya<ni,
<a I-<azime lli <amilt-lna yaha la-mart ra'is i-jamCa
because-of thus put-we-for-her secretary private desire-her she
tell-her during days-two in-order she-know she-speak Arabic in
order she-take-her to the-visit it-mean to the-party rei having
arranged-for-us obj-it la-wife of-president of- the-university
Sentence Typology
For that reason we arranged a private secretar who will call
her in the next two days so that she can talk to her in Arabic so
that she can take her to visit, fhft$,to the party that the president
ofthe Universit's wie is having for us
The second unusual case contains an OVS structure with a clause
initial /la-/ phrase, /la-toni/ Tony:
S2 | |
' -
| . |'
u la-'and iQ-Qabit xabbru 'innu la-toni matit 'immu
came-they to-at the-officer informed-they-him comp la-Tony died
she mother-his
They came to the oficer and informed him that Tony's mother
had died
The importance of this particular example lies in the sentence-initial
position of /la-toni/ Tony'S. /Normally, la-/ occurs in or near sentence
fnal position (hence Cowell's identifcation of it as an inverted comment
topic construction). A Lebanese informant finds this sentence unusual
because of the fronted position of /la-toni/, preferring instead /matit
'immu la-toni/ Tony's mother died. If indeed it constitutes a performance
error, what prompted the shift in the normal word order?
The answer may lie in conflicting information packaging needs
on two different narrative levels. First, the speaker is telling the joke to
an audience, and she must package the information in a way accessible
to them. Tony is the main topic in this joke, and as such, the speaker
wants to organize the sentence around him. On the other hand, the
narrative logic wi thin the joke has a different organizing imperative
involving the speakers within the text. These speakers (they in the
t(xt) eed to package Tony as a resumptive topic for the officer in
charge, because Tony is an entity in the officer's permanent registry,
but in need of recall. The two packaging imperatives clashed, resulting
in the unusual word order of a fronted /la-/ phrase.
In addition to its object-marking function, then, /la-/ acts as an
information packaging device that recal l s or reinvokes a highly
individuated entity from either the permanent or the conversational
registry into discourse topic. Syrian Aabic thus stands unique among
these dialects in possessing a syntactic means to mark resumptive topics.
10.5 The Ethical Dative: Point of View and Empathy 359
10.5 The Ethical Dative: Point of View and Empathy
The final pragmatic consideration Chafe lists as relevant to the
packaging of nouns is that of point of view or empathy (cited in 10.3).
All four dialect areas under investigation her make use of a syntactic
feature, called the "ethical dative, " whose function it is to highlight a
certain point of view, indicate the speaker's empathy, or elicit empathy
on the part of the hearer. Mitchell and El-Hassan, in their study of
educated spoken Arabic of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, note the
widespread use of this constction in Egypt ad the Levat (1994: 107-9}.
Te term ethical dtive is commonly used to refer to prepositional
phrases headed by /l(i)-I that are not complements, but rather indicate
some sort of involvement of the marked person(s). Cowell's defmition
of it as indicating "an assumed relevance or interest of the statement"
to involved parties explains one aspect of this function (Cowell
1964:483). A more precise statement of the function of this dative
replaces "assumed" with "invoked," because the speaker controls and
exploits this device. Rather than indicating "assumed relevance or
interest," the ethical dative reflects the speaker's attempt to invoke the
relevance of the statement by indicating a particular point of view and
eliciting the listener's empathy.
Examples of this construction in all
four dialects demonstrate its function (dative constructions in boldface).
The frst example, fom Moroco, contains the speaker's exprssion
of empathy for the victim and his invoking of the listener's empathy as
well. Here /luI for him obviously does not imply that the victim's face
was broken at his request or for his benefit, but that it happened to the
victim. Te use of /la-/ here invokes the victim's point of view, and by
extension, the listener's empathy:
Ml _ 4 . | aU
ff hida, mharras-lu wzhu
see that, having-been-broken-for-him face-his
Look at that one, hisface has been broken/or him
Te next example, from Egypt, shows the speaker using an ethical
dative to solicit the listeners' emotional involvement in the drama of
This analysis of the ethical dative was inspired in part by the work of Kuno
( 1 976) on ways in which empathy affects syntax in English and Japanese.
360 Sentence Typology
the events he describes. By including the listener in his own action of
watching his brother, /la'et-Iak/ I foundfor you, the speaker invites the
listener to share his point of view:
L9 . |_ L_x ' _|._ |
fa-Iaet lak 'axuya maQmud da 'awwal il-'ahli ra Qan gon biyi'fiz
fi s-sa'f w nisi nafsu w yiliff fi -ala
so-found-I for-you brother-my Mahmoud that first the-Ahli nom
put-he goal indic-he-jumps in the-roof and forgot-he self-his and
he-run-around in the-room
So I foundfor you my brother Mahmoud, as soon as the Ahli
team scored a goal, he jumps to the ceiling and forgot himsel
and is running around the room
In this Syrian passage, the speaker uses the ethical dative to solicit
agreement with the speaker's point of view in condemning modem (as
opposed to traditional) marriage:
y |
| L
> '+
enitive exponent
mdicative mood
Nouns that are more individuated tend to be marked with the definite
article, a definite relative pronoun if modified by a relative clause, and
modified with a genitive exponent (within the bounds of other constraints,
such as inalienable possession, 2.4). Moroccan speakers tend to use
the definite article to mark even a partial degree of indi viduation in
nouns, in contrast to the behavior of speakers from other areas ( 1 .6).
At the opposite end of the continuum, unindi viduated nouns tend to be
indefinite, and if modified by a genitive, it tends to be expressed as a
construct phrase. Cross-dialect variation is evident in the choice of the
genitive exponent to express partly or unindividuated nouns: while
Moroccan and Kuwaiti speakers make this choice regularly, Egyptian
and Syrian speakers tend to use the genitive exponent to modify specified
or individuated nouns only (2.4). Partly individuated nouns take a
Conclusions 365
wide range of markings, and it is in this middle range that speakers
exercise the greatest control over syntactic structure. Syntactic markers
that signal partial specification or individuation include the indefinite
specific article il in Moroccan and Syrian ( 1 .4), and the "new-topic"
article IwaJid/, i all four dialects ( 1.5). Evidence suggests that Egyptian,
Syrian, and Kuwaiti speakers use the dual suffix I-enl as a kind of
new-topic article as well, since it tends to occur only with nouns that
have some degree of individuation (2. 1 ).
In modifying plural nouns, speakers from all regions choose
between collective (feminine) and individuated (plural) agreement
marking to highlight the degree of individuation of the noun (2.2).
Unindividuated nouns tend to take neutralized agreement in Egyptian;
that is, in noun-adjective phrases containing relational (/nisbal) and
classificational adjectives, the adjective ofen shows masculine singular
agreement regardless of the gender of the noun (2. 3). Agreement
neutralization occurs in limited environments in the Syrian and Kuwaiti
regions; no evidence of agreement neutralization has been found in
Moroccan data.
The motivation behind unexpected patters in the relativization
of indefinite nouns also seems to lie with the individuation continuum.
The definite relative pronoun lillil normally modifies definite nouns
only; its occurrence in indefinite relative clauses poses a problem for
the description of spoken Arabic syntax. This problem is solved by the
individuation continuum: while indefinite, non-specifc head nouns are
modified by indefinite relative clauses with no relative pronoun, an
indefinite but specific noun may b modifed by a "defnite" lillil clause.
Speakers from all four dialect regions can use the definite relative
pronoun lillil to partly defne or specify indefinite nouns (3. 1).
Several pieces of evidence indicate that temporal nouns such as
day, hour, and time tend to have a naturally low individuation in all
dialects. These temporal nouns regularly occur in two low-individuated
constructions across dialects. First, they may be modified with a non
gendered demonstrative pronoun, Idik/. Expressions such as Idik in
naharl the other day are attested in all four areas, except for urban
Egypt and Syria (4.3). Second, all dialects share a relative construction
in which these temporal nouns are nominalized rather than relativized,
as demonstrated either by the absence of resumptive reference within
the lillil clause in Moroccan, Syrian, and Kuwaiti , or the use of
nominalizer Ima! instead of the relative pronoun lillil (3.4).
Nominal marking phenomena in the dialects thus indicate that
speaker control plays an important role in the syntactic realization of
noun modification. Within this framework, however, variation can be
seen among the dialects. Greater syntactic attention is accorded to
marking individuation in Syria and Morocco: while Moroccan and
Syrian speakers have at their disposal an indefinite-specific article, f,
Egyptian and Kuwaiti speakers have no such article. Moroccan and
Syrian speakers also make use of indefinite-specific relative pronouns,
Imal in Moroccan and Iminl in Syrian.
Of particular note is the absence in Egyptian speech of several
kinds of individuating nominal marking. All dialects except Egyptian
have non-gendered, unstressed demonstrative articles that play a role in
the marking of discourse topics and other salient entities (4.2). Egyptian
speakers lack both an anaphoric demonstrative article and an indefinite
specific article. Moreover, Egyptians tend to favor agreement
neutralization of adjectives (masculine singular adjective forms) when
modifying unindividuated noun phrases. Perhaps additional synchronic
and diachronic research will shed light on whether or not these patters
result from syntactic levelling involving several different types of
nominal marking.
The Verb System
The analysis of aspect in the dialects has distinguished between
and lexical aspect. Lexical aspect a property not of verb itself
but of verbal meaning, since many Arabic verbs have a range of meanings,
e. g. , Inaml to sleep or go to sleep or IraQI (M Imal to set out to go or to
go (rom one point to another) (6. 1). It is helpful to distinguish between
telic and ate1ic meanings, especially in predicting the meaning of the
active participle: telic verbal meanings result in a perfect reading for
the participle, while atelic verbs of state and motion result in a stative,
progressive reading. I have argued here that the three verb stems,
perfective, imperfective, and participle, correspond to the three major
types of formal aspect in language: perfective, imperfective, and perfect
Conclusions 367
(6.2). Evidence from all four dialect areas attests to the primacy of
aspect to the verb system of spoken Arabic, especially in the choice of
verb forms in narrative contexts (6.5). Moreover, the narrative use of
certain translocative verbs, called here narrative contour verbs, show
surprising parallels across the four dialect regions (6.5).
The most basic meaning of the participle in spoken Arabic is a
resultant state, which coresponds to cross-linguistic defnitions of perfect
aspect. The progressive state meaning often given by participles of
motion can be shown to derive from the resultant one (6.4). The
participle carries no tense or time reference; rather, its time reference is
established through context, adverbs, and temporal verbs (7.3).
Te dialects also share strategies of time reference and narrative
temporal framing. Time reference in the dialects may be established in
a number of ways. The most basic reference point is the moment of
speech, but that point may be fairly easily shifted both grammatically,
through the use of adverbs and temporal subordination, and contextually,
through tense neutralization (7. 1). In all dialects, a group of verbs
called her temporal verbs, whose cor member is the verb A}to be,
takes as its primary function establishing time reference, especially of
non-punctual events and states (7.3).
The choice of verb form in conditional clauses ranges from
perfective to imperfective or zero-verb (representing the present tense
of to be) in copulative sentences. The use of imperfective and zero-verb
in conditional clauses is not primarily related to time reference, but to
aspect and mood. Aspectually, perfective verbs tend to occur in non
stative conditionals, in which the event is one-time or action viewed as
a (to-be-) completed whole. Imperfective and zero-verb, on the other
hand, occur in stative conditionals. Modally, the use of perfective verb
forms in conditional sentences indicates a relatively high degree of
hypotheticality of the condition itself. However, some cross-dialect
variation can be discered in the use of non-perfective verb forms.
While Moroccan speakers appear to maintain the use of perfective
verbs in most, if not all conditional clauses, Egyptian speakers use
zero-verb and certain stative imperfectives in stative conditionals, and
Syrian and Kuwaiti speakers make regular use of imperfective verbs
and null copula or zero-verb in stative and low-hypothetical conditionals
368 Conclusions
or conditional sentences in which the expectation of fulfillment is
relatively high (8. 7). While unmarked use of the perfective indicates a
realized, factual mood, in conditional contexts, the perfective fulfills
the opposite function, indicating counterfactual, irrealis mood. It is the
markedness of the usage that makes this role reversal work: the marked
usage is the exact opposite of the unmarked.
The same kind of reversal of markedness holds true for negation
patters as well. All dialects have three basic strategies of negation:
verbal (9. 3), predicate (9.4), and a marked "categorical negation," which
indicates the categorical or absolute negation of an entity or set (9. 5).
The two basic unmarked negation strategies, verbal and predicate, also
function as the marked form of negation for the other category. Thus,
negation of verbs with the predicate negative Moroccan Imai/, Egyptian
Imi/, or Syrian and Kuwaiti Imu/, constitutes marked negation, the
negation of a predicated proposition or presupposition. Likewise, the
negation of a predicate with verbal negation, Moroccan and Egyptian
Ima - I and Syrian and Kuwaiti Ima/, constitutes marked negation,
lending verbal force to a participle or a nominal phrase functioning as a
pseudo-verb. Both unmarked and marked negation patters show strong
parallels across the dialects.
Sentence Typology
A number of dialect studies assume that the unmarked word
order in spoken Arabic is SVO. I have argued here that these dialects,
like formal registers of Arabic, make use of both SVO and VSO sentence
typologies in a principled manner, and that word order in Arabic is
properly treated as being of two different typological types, topic
ptominent (SVO) and SUbject-prominent (V SO). These typologies,
recognized by the Arab grammarians, do not merely represent a
convenient way to notate surface structures, but rather reflect two
different information packaging options: one based on topic-prominent
information found in contexts demanding the management of multiple
discourse topics, and another in which the narration of ordered events
is the primary organizing principle ( 1 0.2). Other variations in word
order common in spoken Arabic, such as OVS, fronting, and predicate
subject inversion, have been shown to follow similar patters across
Conclusions 369
dialects, and constitute information packaging devices that signal
functions of new information, contrastive subject, object, and topic,
and resumptive topic (10.3, 10.4).
Cases ofIndividual Dialect Variation
Only in a few cases does the syntax of one dialect follow a
unique patter not found in the others.
In the area of sentence typology, Syrian grammaticalizes a
resumptive topic function that does not seem to be marked in other
dialects. The objectlresumptive topic marker Ila-I marks highly
individuated direct and oblique objects ( 1 0.4). The marking of
individuation in this case parallels other cases in which Syrian speakers
accord syntactic attention to individuated nouns, the indefnite-specific
article and the anaphoric demonstrative article.
In addition to the regular lillil clause, Moroccan dialects show
relativization strategies not found elsewher. A relative pronoun lf1
may be used to relativize non-human nouns of low individuation (3.6).
At the same time, Moroccan speakers generally do not use resumptive
pronouns to mark the syntactic position of the relativized noun with
lilIi! (except in negative sentences). Taken together, these two stategies
suggest that Moroccan may b shifting fom a relativizing strategy that
relies heavily on case-marking to one in which case marking plays a
less signifcant role. The one area in which a large number of
divergent developments emerge is verbal morphosyntax. Moroccan
and Egyptian dialects exhibit parallel imperfective categories and
functions, even though their lexical markers diverge. However, the
mood systems of Syrian and Kuwaiti dialects depart substantially both
from each other and from the wester dialects. Syrian in particular
makes use of a greater number of mood markers than any of the other
three dialects, while Kuwaiti has fewer modal categories. The Syrian
verbal prefix /-I fulfills two functions, one a fture intentive modal
marker and the other a stative indicative one. The former is shared
with Kuwaiti future intentive /-I, while the latter parallels indicative
Egyptian /i-I, suggesting the possibility of cross-dialect contact and
borrowing (8.4).
370 Conclusions
Very few syntactic isoglosses emerge from this comparative study.
In contrast, several features occur in geographically broken patters,
such as the indefinite-specific article Ii/, found in Morocco and Syria,
but not in Egypt or Kuwait,
and the anaphoric demonstrative article
/hal (M
/had/) in Morocco, Syria, and Kuwait, but not Egypt (4.2).
Te single syntactic isogloss separating easter and wester dialect
regions that emerges from this study is the use of the negative enclitic
I-/. The wester dialects, Moroccan and Egyptian, negate with I-/,
whereas the easter dialects, Syrian and Kuwaiti, do not.
The rather transparent origin of the negative enclitic I-I is assumed
to be the word lay)/, thing (pronounced in most varieties of spoken
Arabic as Iel or i/): in parts of Morocco and Egypt, and in certain
contexts, the negative clitic I-I retains the pronunciation I-il and
sometimes Iayl (Harrell 1 962: 1 52). The origin of this negation patter
can be reconstructed along the following lines:
. |
ra atrif ay)
not know-I (a) thing
I do not know at all
Originally, then, Ima - I must have been an emphatic form, motivated
by the pragmatic function "categorical negation" that I have argued is
part of the negative repertoire of Arabic speakers. The hypothetical
example above must then have shifted semantically from I don't know
at all to I don't know, and the previous unmarked form, without I-/,
became marked as categorical. The shift of a given form from emphatic
Since it is not found in Egypt, the indefinite-specific article Ii/ in Morocco
and Syria must either have developed independently, or be of common origin,
that is, be traceable to dialects of Old (pre-Classical) Arabic. Other patterns
of nominal marking common to all four areas, such as the "new topic" article
/waJtid/ one, demonstrative articles. the non-gendered use of demonstrative
pronouns in modifying nouns of Uw individuation. also suggest a common
origin for the dialects. These and many other features explored in this study
support the notion that the modern dialects have descended from older dialects,
and not from what we know as Classical Arabic. The range and detail of
parallel syntactic structures and strategies described here have obvious negative
implications for the l ikel ihood of pidginization as proposed by Versteegh
( 1 984).
Conclusions 371
or marked to non-emphatic or unmarked is a well-attested process of
historical change.
Te distribution of /-/ suggests that it spread by means of dialect
contact and borrowing throughout the region that it now occupies. The
fact that negative /-/ is not found in the urban dialects of greater Syria
indicates that the spread of /-/ occurred before the prolonged and
intense political ties btween Syria and Egypt beginning in the Ayyfbid
period. The fact that Shi(ite and Druze dialects of the Levant also use
/-/ suggests that this particle was already in use at the time of their"
migration from Fatimid Egypt. It thus seems probable that the use of
/-/ as a negative particle spread throughout the Fatimid Caliphate during
the tenth century, and continued to spread thereafer throughout North
Africa and followed emigrants from there to the rural and mountain
regions of greater Syria.
Te history of /-/ before the tenth century is probably untrceable;
however, it may be concluded with some degree of certainty that this
feature had already undergone some development before it began to
spread. If verbal negation with /-/ originated as an emphatic or
categorical negation strategy, coexisting with non-emphatic negation
without /-/, then at some point, this pragmatic distribution must have
reversed itself, and /-/ gradually lost its emphatic status. Because /-/
fulfills the same functions in both Morocco and Egypt, it is unlikely
that this rversal took place independently across such a large geographic
area. It seems more likely that /-/ had already lost its emphatic status
at the time when it spread throughout Fatimid North Africa.
It is also worth noting that Moroccan retains greater usage of the
(now marked) form of negation without /-/, and that Cairene Arabic
restricts the contexts in which the marked for of negation occurs.
Suggestions for Further Stud
All of the features examined here merit further attention, both to
expand the framework to encompass data from other dialects and to
test the analyses proposed. I addition, several features may be singled
out as deserving of more intensive study than has been possible here.
In the area of defnite and indefinite marking, more synchronic
research is needed in the dialect areas that retain the nunation or /tanwin/
suffix I-inl to substantiate the hypothesis that this suffix fulfills a
pragmatic function of marking indefinite-specific nouns.
This study has suggested that further sociolinguistic attention to
agreement patters may uncover a role for agreement in signaling social
status. Speakers' use of collective and individuated plurals for humans
may, at times, reflect their perception of the social prominence of
various social groups, and by extension, their own relative status.
The development of mood markers for the indicative mood is
widespread among the dialects, but is not necessarily an inevitable path
of development. Kuwaiti may be developing in a different direction,
increasingly marking non-indicative moods with the frozen particle
leanl (8. 5). Cross-dialect research into dialects that mark subjunctive
or non-indicative moods is needed to establish both synchronic systems
and diachronic patters of development of modal marking in spoken
The two typological features of word order and negation appear
to be parallel in structure. The principled use of verbal and predicate
negation strategies may mirror the pattering of VSO and SVO word
order and topic-prominent and subject-prominent typologies. Within
this general framework, Cairene Arabic appears to be in the process of
losing its verbal negation strategy. Compared to rural Egyptian and
Moroccan patters, in which verbal negation with Ima - I retains a role
in negating non-topical structures, the Cairene use of Ima - I is restricted,
and is losing ground to predicate negation with ImW. Both the proesses
of change and possible implications for underlying VSO sentence
typology in Cairene should be explored further.
i nal l y, during my research, I made note of several
morphosyntactic structures that seem to exhibit distribution patters
following an approximate (but not always absolute) east-west division.
Further research into the distribution of these features may be worth
Pronunciation patters of the feminine active participle followed
by a pronoun object differ in the easter and wester regions examined
m Syrian and Kuwait, feminine I-t/ is pronounced on the participle
' +-
kan yrajji'[h]a bi-Ialha araf
was-he he-retur-her in-condition-her more-noble
He should have retured her as she was,[it would've been] nobler
pronunciation of feminine It I on the participle in Libyan follows easter, not
wester, patters (see examples in Mitchell 1 952) .
Cowell's extensive list of I'afal/ words suggests that this morphological
patter may be more productive in the easter dialects than the wester ones
( 1 96:31 1 - 1 2).
K4 _
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( 1 ) . . . w ana 'ndi i nas ciIan bgit nJH lihum dak l-gtar dyal s-sffa ba
yakluh. (2) 'iwa xft tani mn 'guzti ba txam wlla tgUl liya i Jala.
(3) xwit hadik -- dak s-stiyyl kullahuwa f hadak - l-'ida -- iii wllat
b-Jal l-'ida, (4) xWitha f s-stiyyl w 'awd iftt rit smida xWra, w 'awd
awbt sffa x
ra w JHit s-sffa hiyya hadik w sku. (5) kant xarZa
l-walida iii lat 'ndi hiyya w 'ammti w x
t ba tlqa 'guzti hadak -i
txam ' liyya wlla i knt tanxaf mnha bnzaf. . (6) gult l-l-walida ha
l-'ar, tHah 'ila ra had s-stiyyl ddih 'liyya ufi fn tdirih wlla fn
tlJtih wlla fn e e . (7) ha 'guzti tnuwwat, galt dab a w hadi Uf a 'tat
l-ummha wlIa mxxrat wlIa dart wlIa .. (8) had n-nas d zmln
kanu u'uba bzzaf, tkrfna. (9) sbJat tat'ayymi tatgUl-lik 'twa haka
w yaklu n-nas, yaklu w yrbu w Jit ykunu xarZIn t'ta lihum l-msayl
ydduha ta hiyya. ( 10) ya lalla n'li -itan, rah JUa i Jala ra kayna.
( 1 1 ) 'twa, w tatbqa tatxam w tatbqa tat w Jna tansa'du l-'iyyam.
he recording begins here, in the middle of a narrative about how the
speaker's mother-in-law made her early married l ife difficult. This portion
recounts an incident in which the speaker ruined the sweet couscous she was
making for guests and tried to cover up the waste for fear of being chastised.
Moroccan Texts 379
( 1 ) when I had some guests to whom I wanted to serve that platter of
sweet couscous to eat. (2) Well, I got scared again of my mother-in-law
that she would pick a figh
with me or say something to me. (3) I
emptied that other -- that pail all of it in that -- mush -- what had
become like mush, (4) I emptied it in the pail and then sent and bought
more semolina and then made another sweet coucous and served the
sweet couscous, this other one, and said nothing. (5) My mother, who
had come over, she and my aunt, was on her way out, and I was afraid
that my mother-in-law wouldfnd that thing [and} pick afght wiJh m-'
or something, I was ver afraid ofher. (6) I told my mother, here's a
scandal, for God's sake, this pail, take it from me, see where you can
put it or throw it out or where . . (7) Here my mother-in-law has
suspected (something), she said, Now, this one, see what she gave to
her mother or what she stole or what she did or . . . (8) Those people of
old were a great difculty. We had a rough time of it. (9) She began
to criticize me, she says, well, so that's it, people eat, they eat and
drink and when they are on their way out, stuf is given them and they
take it too. ( 10) Madam, curse the devil, look, there is nothing at all
[going on}. ( 1 1 ) Well, she kept on picking fghts and kept on -- and we
would get through the dys.
Text C: Part One of a Morocan Folktale (MI l)
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Moroccan Texts 381
(I) Jazit-Ik c ia waJd r-raz1 cndu I-mra tatwld gi[r] I-bnat, ra
cndha l-wld. (2) na gal liha, 'ana xni l-wld. (3) na tfwwf
mra xWra, tzwwf waJd I-mra xWra w zuz d I-cyalat dda. (4) hadik
cndha sbca d I-wlad, hidik ddaha cad bd twld. (5) nat hidik
mflat sbca kant Jamla, gadi twld ta hiyya. (6) mnin dxal -har
dyalha hrbu cliha, (7) ga[l]t lu wa nu 'a r-rifl, I-mra gldi twld
tini bnt xWra, daba nu nxwiw cliha hna w nxlliwha tdbbr rasha.
(8) nu nxwiw I-blad w nmiw I-wid I-blld x
ra w nxlliwha boa
f d-dar bW-uJdha. (9) nau bnatha galu-la mmwi Catya-[l]na I-brt
b--har, gaC ra tatuf fna. (10) gal-lha Ctmi 'a bnti gadi nmi nddi
gWffa d r-nad, (1 1) waJda thzz gWffa d nxxwala f arhum mnm
yhzzu r-rJil w ttbChum 'mmhum b-I-imara f t-trq. ( 1 2) Jna gadi
nmiw I-blad lli ra tcrIIha, gadi ttbCi gi[r] dik r-nnad w n-nxxwala
Jtta I-dik I-blaa fn gadi nJnu w tbCina. ( 1 3) I-bnat maw mCa
bWahum, hzzu r-rJil dyalhum, maw f I-lil. ( 14) -bi nat mskna
ra abt walu gi[r] I-Jyut f d-dar bW-u1dha. ( 15) na ddha I-wz<,
bqat gadya yaJJab yaJJah yaJJab yaJJah Jtta qrbat Jdabum, tibCa gi[r]
dik Hriq -- t-tClima dyal Hriq. ( 1 6) wlat b-Jal lli wlat I-had
I-qbur, zaha I-wfc tmma. ( 17) tmma nCsat mskina w wldat.
( 1 8) xrzu-liha I-Jturiyyat w I-malaykat w wlldiha. ( 1 9) galu-Iha wa
Cyyti Jasanati ya razaqati 'ila Catya i f-d-dnya i adaqa gldi tfi-Ik
daba. (20) ra abt mskina la ra takul la fU tgmmt dak
I-wld, w zad-lha l-wld. (21) 'iwa frJat mlli zad-lha l-wld, w zat
cl t-triq qriba tw1 l-r-razl fayn ma. (22) qriba tw1 lih, w
wldat f Hriq, b-Jal lli zat I-had l-qbur hidu Jdakum, w wldat.
(23) gal-Ik maw n-nas galu 'a fian, waJd I-mra hikifM hakifi
hikifi raha wldat f l-qbfr. (24) ma I-cabd dyalu tswwq w daz
cliha, rih wldat w wldat l-wld. (25) gal-Iu kifi, gal-Iu wldat
l-wld . (26) gal-Iu [i]la wldat l-wld nddha. (27) gal-Ik ma da
'a lalla tfna, I-qftan b-z-fllaba b--rbn, tkita kimla w fraJ w
dda I-gyyata w Hb1 w mb I-cndha. (28) ift baCda I-cabd huwwa
l-uww1 gal-Iu sir, 'ila hiyya wldat l-wld, xlliha w ii cndi.
(29) wldat I-bnt, db1ha w dbJ I-bnt w afi. (30) ma dik I-Cabd
cndha, gal-Iha, gal-Ik sidi nu wldti? ga[l]t-Iu, wldt bnt. (31) gal
Iha guli-Ii 'a wldti, rab 'ila wldti I-bnt ga ndbJk w ndb1ha.
(32) ta iftu zayd liha b-I-mus ga[l]t-Iu hda, wldt l-wld, I-cazri iii
382 Appendix 2
wldt. (33) ra 'a lalla rkb w rb 'ndu, gal-Iu rah wldat l-wld.
(34) zab-lha t-tki, zab-lha l -gyyata, zab Hbbala. (35) zabu gsslU-Iha
w lbbsuha w lbbsu w hzzu dak l-wld w ddaha l-d-dar, ga[l]t-Iu
l-mra, hiyya m ra nufSi fiha. (36) na<u bnatha frl)anin w tayxdmu
w dbl)u w Y'r< 'la n-nas, w l-gyut w Hbl b-l)al m gulti nti 'ad
mrwwl)ha 'rosa, frl)an b-dak l-wld.
(1) 1 tell you a stor about a man whose wie bears only girls, she has
no son. (2) He up and said to her, 1 need a son. (3) He up and
married another woman, he married one other woman; two wives he
took. (4) That one had seven children, the other one he married then
so she could have {a son}. (5) That one who had seven was pregnant,
was going to give birth, she too. (6) When her month arrived, they
deserted her, (7) {the other wie} said, get up, man, the woman is going
to have another girl again, now let's leave her here and let her take
care of hersel. (8) Get up and let's leave this place and go to another
place and leave her here in the house by hersel. (9) Her daughters up
and said to her, Mother, the girl [the second wife} ignores us, she
doesn't pay attention to us at all. (10) {The father} said, Give me, my
daughter, I am going to walk and take a basket of ashes, ( 11) one
{daughter} will carry a basket of chaf on their backs when they set
out, and their mother {can} follow them by the signs on the road.
(12) {They told the mother} We are going to leave and go to the place
that you don't know; you will follow only these ashes and chaf until
that place where we will alight, and you follow us. (13) The girls left
with their father, they set of, leaving at night. (14) In the morning, she
got up, poor thing, didn't find a thing in the house except the walls,
{she was} all alone. (15) Her labor pains took hold, {but} she kept
going, kept going, kept going, until she got close to them, Joliowing
only that road -- that marking on the road. (16) She arrived {to a
place near them}, as i she arrived at that cemetery over there, the
labor pains set in there. (1 7) There she lay down and gave birth.
(18) The houris (beautiful spirits) and the angels came to her and
helped her give birth. (19) They told her, Call out
my good deed(s),
my reward( s),' i you have given anything, any alms in this lie it will
come back to you now. (20) She didn't find anything, poor dear,
Moroccan Texts 383
neither to eat nor to wrap the child in, and the child was bor to her.
(21) Well, she was overjoyed when the son was bor to her, and she
came on the road near to where her husband went. (22) She was close
to reaching him, and gave birth on the road, as i she had come to
that cemeter there by your house, and gave birth. (23) They say
that people went and told him, So-and-so, a woman of such-and-such
description gave birth in that cemeter. (24) His slave went shopping,
and passed by her. She had given birth, and she had borne a son.
(25) He said, How? [The slave] said, She had a son. (26) He said, If
she had a son I'll take her back. (27) They say that he went and took,
dear lady, fine clothing, the cafan, with the dress and the shoes, a
whole ensemble, and was so happy, and took the futists and the drums
and went to where she , was. (28) But he sent the slave frst, he told
him, go, i she bore [a] son leave her and come to me. (29) [If she
had a dughter, slay her and slay the girl and come. (30) That slave
went to her, and told her, my master asks what you bore? She told
him, I bore a girl. (31) He said, tell me what you bore, look, i you had
[a] girl, I will slay you and slay her. (32) Until she saw him heading
toward her with the knie, [then] she said calm down, I bore [a] son,
[a] young man is what I had. (33) He went, dear lady, and got on [his
riding beast] and went to [his master], he told him, she bore [a] son.
(34) He brought her the ensemble, he brought her the futists, he brought
the drummers. (35) They brought and washed her and dressed her and
dressed and carried the boy and took her to the house [because] the
[other] wie said to him, Her I do not want to see. (36) Her dughters
were very happy, they [were] serving [the guests], they slaughtered,
[the father] invites people, and the futes and the drums, it was as i
you'd say he had just taken her as a bride, [so] happy with that son.
Text D: About the Larache Beach (MI0)
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Moroccan Texts
(1) I-playa, f Hlaqiqa, (anqul-lk, I-playa rzyana w (ayyana. (2) rzyana
b-n-nisba - rzyan& - tboodl;t, (Ia Jasab n-nas ra bai n-nu( d I-;Jtiram,
ra bqaw n-nu( dyal - n-nu( dyal - waJd nut I-;nsizar, (3) n-nas ra
katf;h;r ba(<ha, ra katfh;r ay w kat - (4) l-axur kayakul hna,
I-axur kayakul I-kuwwar, I-axur kays;yy;b z-zb;1 hna, I-axur kayn(as
bW-uJdu, (5) x;u ystag;ll, x;u ygl;s f dik I-blaa bW-uIdu, x;u
y(ur bW -uJdu, x;u kada ra - (6) y;(ni li'anna kayx;u - ytr;nna
I-playa tkUn kullha dyalu, f;rti, kayx;u tkun I-playa dyalu kullha.
(7) (awd tani Jtta dIk I-Jayawiyya dyal I->insan IIi kayzi t;rra J-bJat
ra bqati kirra kant. (8) w daba katUf b;zzaf d n-nas wlad l-blM
ra bqaw kayrIw l-bJar nihlPiyyan, wlad I-blad. (9) gI[r] I-b;rrani
huwwa iii kayri, w;ld I-blad ra bqa kay;ri l-bJar. ( 1 0) daba
I-b;rrani kayku[nJ-Iu -- w;ld l-blM kullu kay;ri q;nd xur - b-Jal
ratalan i blaa beida (Ia l-bJar d I-(ray . . . ( 1 1) rIyari? la, I-r;s'ala
hadIk riyari J:al qrIba, la, ki-b-Jal daba ratalan q;ddar I-Jabs, fin
rIrU, fn I-ra Mid, fn katib I-ru<a( bW -uJd;k t;rra, ra kayni
n-nas b;zzaf. ( 12) w tani (awd tani t;rra f I-playa kay;wqa( b;zzaf
dyal l-J:azat iii katr;ss katqis -axiyya d i->insan, ( 13) b-Jal ratalan
I-'insan kayrab I-xr;r kaybqa y -- kaybqa yqUl i k;lra qbia kayqUl
i rasa'il qbiJa IIi kat - ( 14) kaykun I-'insan gals r(a -- huwwa w
I-rra dyalu, kaysra( dik -i, kaytgaddoo. ( 15) kaytgaddoo w kaynfaZ;r
w kay<;rr -- w kayla( b-z-z;rba bd yri b-Jalu, ra ybqa yzi I-dik
I-blaa. (16) (awd tani r;lli katzihur y;bgiw yg;lsu f i qahwa yrayy;J
fha i W;yy; w yrab i 'atay w;lla qahwa w;lla ra 'aw runa<a,
kayzi waJ;d xur (awd tani skran, w yzi w ytk;bb-Iu (Ia I-blaa fn gals
huwwa w I-mra dyalu w wladu. (17) kaydir, kaynu< ytxa;r r(ah,
kayziw l-bUlis kayziw hada w - aq q, ha hiyya ra bqati, (awd tani
kaytalJu. ( 1 8) 'iwa ratalan s-siyyd kayn(as, huwwa w I-mra dyalu
galsin f l-bJar hakka kayzi waJ;d xur s;lgu kayzi kayt;kka (Iibur w
kay<Jak (Iibur w kays;yyib (Iibur r-rarla kada - ( 1 9) y;(ni b;zzaf
d I-Jazat lli katx;lli I-'insan dira ra y;bqa yh;ww;d 1 -I-bJar.
(20) Ina ratalan, (azri rl b-Jal rZ;ww;z. (21) I-(a'ila . . . ra bqaw
kayh;wwdu (a'ilat, I-(azri, Jtta I-(zara dyal wlad I-blad ra bqaw
kayh;wwdu, qlal, (22) w ;nta katHiJ;< had I-qa<iyya hadi, katuf had
n-nas b;zzaf.
Appendix 2
(1) The beach, really, what am I going to tell you, the beach is good
and bad. (2) Good, because -- [it's] good, [but] it changed, on account
that people are no longer the type that [have] respect, they no longer
the type of -- the type of -- a type of harmony, (3) people don't
understand each other, they don't understand at all, and they -- (4) The
other [person] eats over here, the other one eats watermelon, the
other one throws trash here, the other one is lying down by himsel,
(5) He has to take over [the space], he has to sit in that place by
himsel, he has to swim by himsel, he has to do this and that, not
(6) That is, because he has to -- he wishes the beach were all his, you
understand? He has to have the beach to himsel, all of it. (7) Then
again even that liveliness of the person who comes there to the seashore
is no longer as it was. (8) Now you see a lot of people native of the
town no longer go to the seashore at aLL, the natives of the town.
(9) Only the outsider is the one who goes; the native of the town no
longer goes to the seashore. (10) Now the outsider has -- the native of
the town all go to another spot -- like for instance some place far from
the shore of Larache (1 1) Miami? No, the thing is, that [spot],
Miami, is a nearby situation, no, like now for instance in front of the
prison, where Msitro is, where l-Ma Jdid is, where you find [a] spot by
yoursel there, there aren't a lot of people. (12) And then again there
at the beach there happen a lot of things that infringe, that touch the
personal space of the person. (13) Like for instance [a] person drinks
wine, he keeps on -- he keeps on saying a nasty word, he says some bad
things that -- (14) [A] person is sitting with -- he and his wie, he
hears tliat stuf, he gets upset. (15) He gets upset and he explodes and
he is fo!ced to -- and he gets up in a hurr to leave, to no longer come
to this place. (16) Then again when it occurs to them that they'd like to
sit in a cafe and [so that he can] relax awhile and drink tea or cofee
or water or a soft drink, another one comes along then drunk, and
comes and throws up on the place where he is sitting he and his wie
and kids. (17) What does he do, he gets up to fght with him, the police
come and [people] come and -- rap! rap! here the [fight] is no longer,
then they smooth things over. (18) Or for instance, [a] man lies on
[the beach], he and his wie are sitting on the shore like so, another
guy, a jerk comes along and "leans on" them [bothers them], teases
Moroccan Texts 387
them, throws sand on them and so on (19) [There are] many things
which make [a] person constantly no longer want to go to the shore e . .
(20) We, for instance, a young single guy i s not like a married man.
(21 ) The family . . . families no longer go down [to the beach], the
young single guy, even the young single men native to the town no
longer go down, rarely. (22) And you notice this problem, you see
these people a lot.
Text A: A Pain in the Ear (E8, E2)
(i) E8
Egyptian Texts
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( 1 ) ab 'ana a'ul-luku 'ala Qaga ba'a! (2) f yom sUsu s-sana 11i latit 'abl
ra tsafir yirkin ra yigI ahr kan xarasaar 'aw 'aar tiyyar, 'amit
ta'bana -ubQ 'awi , (3) bit'ul ga-li s-sa'a tatiua waga' fi widni faI' ,
(4) wi 'a'adit kitIr , bita' sa'ten, wi ba'den 'a s-sa'a xarsa zayy ra t'uli
i stakamia, 'aw hiyya ti'bit fa-'enha giflit. (5) fi sitta w nu wi nizlit
rahit i:ugl. (6) la'etha rag'a ri -ugl badri wi 'alit-li 'ana ta'bana
'a\i hanrUQ li-d-duktUr. (7) fi'lan ruQna d-duktUr. (8) fa-ruQna, wi
bit'ul-Iu widni Qaal kaza kaza. (9) fa-biyuf widnaha kida, la'ena raQ
gayib bin kida wi raQ ridaxxalha guwwa widnaha wi raQ rialla' wi
Qai fi 'una, la'et Qaara! ( 10) ya'ni hiyya zayy id-dibbana kida, ra
ben id-dibbana wi d-dUda. ( 1 1 ) wi laha zayy del ya'ni , kanit lissa
Qayya tawwari di illi daxalit f widnaha wi hiyya nayra. ( 1 2) del
rufayya' kida. ( 1 3) fa-bi>ul-laha, 'eh da, 'inti kunti 'a'da taQt bgara
walla Qaga?!
Appendi 2 389
(1) Well, I'll tell you about something! (2) One day Susu, last year
before she left maybe less than a month, it was fi fteen or ten ds, she
woke up in the morning feeling ver poorly, (3) saying, I got at three
o'clock a horrible pain in my ear , (4) and she sat up for a long time,
around two hours, and then about fve o'clock as iyou'd say [the pain]
settled down a bit, or she got tired and her eyes closed. (5) [She got
up] at si o'clock and went to work. (6) I found her coming backfrom
work early, and she said, I'm feeling ver poorly, we're going to the
doctor. (7) Indeed, we went to the doctor. (8) So we went, and she
tells him, my ear, such and such happened. (9) So he examines her ear
a bit, [sudenly] we found him bringing a tweezer, and he went and
pulled out and put in a piece ofcotton, I found an insect! (10) I mean,
it [was] somewhat like afly, between afy and a worm. (11 ) And it has
something like a tail, it was still alive, imagine, this is what went in her
ear while she was sleeping. (12) A skinny little tail. (13) So he says to
her, What's this? Were you sitting under a tree or something?!
(ii) E2
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(1) )inta 'arif ba)a, mahi daxalit wi -- mahu l-)alam illi a1Jani.
(2) hiyya gat wi miyit wi daxalit f widni w ana nayma, fa-)ana Jet 'a
l-)alam. (3) hiyya daxalit daxalit li-Jadd 'and it-tabla, mi 'arfa t'addi
f-)a'da tixbat f tablit widni 'aan ti'addi tikammil ba)a l-miwar bita'ha.
(4) mi 'ayza titla' tani !
(1 ) You know, [the insect] entered and -- it was the pain that woke me.
(2) It came, kept going, and entered my ear while I was asleep, and I
awoke from the pain. (3) It entered, entered until the [ear] drum, [it]
couldn't pass and so it was sitting [there] hitting at my eardrum in
order to pass andfnish its journey. It [didn't] want to come back out!
390 Egyptian Texts
Text B: On the Expression "Is it necessary tonight, Mayor?" (E4)
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( 1 ) ya'ni huwwa ra fihim 'aan ra sim'O 'abl kida lakin 'ana a'ul-Iak
!aga. (2) f mawqif masalan -- 'ana fahim ya'ni 'inta tu'ud 'eh.
(3) masalan f tamsiliyya i lli kinu biygibOha f t-tilivizyon illi hiyya
bit'OI !abakit ya 'umda? ii-lela?! (4) 'inta 'lrif !abakit ya 'umda leh?
(5) ba'ul-Iak f laf: f gumla bit>Ol !)abakit ya 'umda, ii-lela? (6) huwwa
kan -- huwwa miggawwiz itnen. (7) 'aan ya'ni 'ana fihim iI-ma'na illi
'inta bit'olu. (8) miggawwiz itnen. fa kull wa!da ya'ni lamma yim!
ma'a t-tanya urritha ya'ni tiz'al. (9) fa-hiyya l-wa!)da minhum
lamma yiril) yinam maCa mratu t-tanya tril) mixabbata 'aleh, wi ta'ala
mg ' arif 'eh I)aal 'eh, -- 'ana ra uftO bass s[i]mi't. ( 1 0) bit'ul-Iu
yi'ul-Iaha !abakit? ii-lela? ti'ul-Iu 'aywa, ta'ala. ( 1 1 ) hiyya lelitha, lelt
it-tanya, 'inta fihim? ( 1 2) ya'ni yinam maCa t-tanya, wi hiyya 'ayza
ii-lela. ( 1 3) yi'ul-Iaha !abakit ii-lela?! ii-lela ya 'umda.
Appendi 2 391
(1) He didn't understand because he hadn't heard it before, but I'll tell
you something. (2) There is a situation -- I understand what you
mean. (3) For instance there is this serial that they used to show on
that says "ls it really necessar, Mayor? Tonight?!" (4) Do you
know "ls it really necessar, Mayor, tonight?!" why? (5) I'm telling
you, there is an expression, there is a sentence that says "ls it really
necessar, Mayor, tonight?" (6) He was -- he [was} married to two
[women}. (7) Because I mean I understand the meaning you are saing.
(8) {He was} married to two {women}. And each one, when he would
go sleep with the other one, the other wie, her co-wie, that is, would
get angr. (9) So each one ofthem, when he would go and sleep with
his other wie, would go and knock on his {door} and {say} "Come
here," I don't know what, [something} happened -- I didn't see it, but I
heard [about it}. (10) She says to him -- he says to her, "ls it really
necessar? Tonight?" She says to him, "Yes, come. " (II) It is her
night, the night ofthe other [wie], do you understand? (12) He sleeps
with the other one, and she wants him {that} night. (13) He tells her,
"Is it really necessar tonight?" Tonight, Mayor.
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( 1 ) kan 'adil 'imam rakib f yyira huwwa w yusra, kanu nazlIn fa-'al-Iaha
Qamdilla 'a s-saHima. (2) 'alit-Iu 'inta Qacritak ti'rafni? (3) 'al-Iaha
'aywa, mH 'inti kunti fi ma'had il-buQus kaza w kaza, fa-'eh - 'alit-Iu
'inta tayyib 'es ' arrafak? (4) 'al-Iaha ba'rab li-I-xawaga mis 'arif zak
walla zim. (5) fa-'alit-Iu 'a, da m 'amit ma'aya ktab, 'amal ma'aya kUib
wi kida huwwat. (6) fa-'eh, 'a, wi hum ra masyin, nisi santitu ma'aha.
(7) fa-'eh, ra kanits ti'raf 'inwanu, fa-hiyya fi yom 'eh - salitha 'andaha
'awwal ra rawwaQu. (8) fa-yom Ia'it 'uHa guwwa d-dulab ba'd il
(9) 'amit 'eh, gayya wi QaHa s-santa, san tit 'ummu, makanha wi 'afla ' a
l-'una d-dulab. ( 10) fa-'amit 'eh, I-'una diyyat ixtafit hiyya wi s-santa.
( 1 1 ) wi ba'd kida huwwat gayya tdawwar 'a s-santa rna la'ithas, wi mis
Appendi 2 393
'arfa wi zi'lit wi kida ho. ( 1 2) fa-yom kan 'adil 'imam biydayi'ha
fa-'eh, ga-Iha -ugl wi kida huwwa, 'alit-Iu f mawqif Jaal mi 'adra
'a'll li-Ja<ritak. ( 1 3) 'al-Iaha 'eh huwwa? 'alit-Iu -ana Ui Ja<ritak
sibtaha-li <acit. ( 14) 'al-Iaha -- fa-kan -- hiyya biY'ul-Iaha 'inni fha
'awra' muhimma wi kida bass hiyya ra kan lra. ( 15) fa-'eh, 'alit-Iu,
'alit-Iu 'inn B-bna lli Ja<ritak 'ult-ili fha 'awra' muhimma <acit.
(16) 'al-Iaha i-araJa kunt bakdib 'aleki la'inn ra kan lra 'awra'
tihimmini wi kida huwwat. ( 17) 'alit-Iu 'ummal kln fha 'eh?
( 1 8) 'al-Iaha
an fha wayyit 'awra' kida 'an milk 'ummi wi Jagat
'adiyya. ( 19) fa-'alit-Iu 'ana 'asfa giddan wi kida huwwat. (20) geh
tani yom geh i-ubJ ra kanit hiyya fi I-maktab. (21) 'l Jai-Iaha
ana, nafs B-anta il-mutabqa li-Ui kanit fi d-dulab. (22) gat sa' alit
is-sikirtera 'alit-Iaha mIn illi gab B-bnta di hina? . . o (23) 'alit-Iaha
il-'ustaz fahmi fa-kida, fa-geh huwwa ba'd wayya fa-'eh, 'alit-Iu 'inta
izzay Ja<ritak 'idirt tigIb B-ana di? (24) 'al-Iaha di mi i-anta
it-tanya, di anta zayyaha. (25) bass 'eh, 'ana tartha min nafs ir-ragil
illi 'ana taret minnu. (26) fa-'eh, gat is-sikirtera 'alit-Iu tBrab 'eh?
'al-laha 'ahwa mabut. (27) fa-'amalit-Iu I-'ahwa, gayy yirabha, 'a'ad
yirab 'adi w kida huwwat. (28) f I-'axir, ba'd ra xallau kalam 'an
Jikayit i-anta wi kida ho, hiyya gayya t'ul-Iu 'al aHa tkin il-'ahwa
'agabitak. 'al-laha kwayyisa. (29) ba'd ra mBi gayya tUf f I-fmgan
la'it il-'ahwa zayy ra hiyya. (30) bass huwwa f'lan kan biyirab bass
il-'ahwa 'eh, ya'ni hiyya ra kanit 'arfa 'eh illi ragga'ha.
(1) Adel lmam was riding in an airplane, he and Yousra, they were
deplaning, and he said, welcome home (thank Godfor your safe arrival).
(2) She said, Do you know me, sir? (3) He said, yes, didn't you use to
work in the Research Institute Such-and-Such? So -- she said to him,
but how do you know? (4) He told her, I am a relative of Mister I
don't know who, Jack or Jim. (5) So she told him, Yeah, that's who did
a book with me, he did a book with me and stuf (6) So, oh yeah,
when they were leaving, he forgot his briefcase, [leaving it] with her.
(7) So, she didn't know his address, so she one day -- she took the
briefcase with her when they went home. (8) One dy she found a cat
inside the closet after the - (9) She up and comes and puts the
briefcase, his mother's briefcase, in its place and she shuts the cat in
394 Egyptian Texts
the closet. (10) Then the cat up and disappeared, it and the briefcase.
(11) After that she comes looking for the briefcase [but] didn't find it,
and she doesn't know [where it is], and she's upset and so on. (12) So
one day Adel lmam was annoying her, so then he came to her place of
work and so on. She told him, there is a situation that happened that I
can't tell you about. (13) He said, what is it? She told him, the
briefcase that you leftfor me got lost. (14) He told her -- it was -- she,
he tells (told) her that there are important papers and stuf but there
really weren't. (15) So she told him, she told him that the briefcase
that you told me had important papers in it got lost. (16) He told her,
in all honesty, I was lying to you because it didn't have any papers that
were important to me, and so forth. (1 7) She said to him, But then
what was in it? (18) He told her, It had some papers about my
mother's inheritance and ordinary stuf (19) So she told him, I'm ver
sorry, and so forth. (20) He came the next day, came in the morning,
she wasn't in the ofice. (21) He up and put a briefcase for her [to
find] , just like the briefcase that had been in the closet. (22) She came
and asked the secretary, Who brought that briefcase here? (23) [The
secretary] told her, Mr. Fahmi. Then he came after a while and she
asked him, how were you able to bring this briefcase? (24) He said,
this isn't the other briefcase, this is a briefcase just like it. (25) But I
bought it from the same guy I bought [the other one] from. (26) Then
the secretary came and asked him, what would you like to drink? He
said, cofee with medium sugar. (27) So she made him the cofee, he
comes to drink it, he keeps drinking it, normal, and so on. (28) Finally,
after they finished talking about the problem of the briefcase and stuf,
she co"es and tells him, hope you liked the cofee. He said, it [was]
go'd . (29) After he left, she comes looking at the cup, and found the
cofee just as it was [originally]. (30) But he was really drinking, but
the cofee, that is, she didn't know what returned it [to its original
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( 1 ) ba'da ixalait ktir ra' mart ra'Is il-jam'a honlki. (2) ra'Ist ij-jam'a
'amlit-lna 'azlme mn awwal ra jIt kaman, (3) w 'azamitni 'ale(h]a w
ba'ati-li sikirtera xOiyye mian ti\ki ma'i 'arabi ttarjim-li bi-l-'arabi
Syrian Texts 397
la'inni 'ana wa't r:Qt ra ba'rif 'inglizi 'abadan 'abadan -- 'ana lugti
it-'aliyye ferensi -- (4) w ba'atu -- da"f-Ii talifon 'at niJa - bi-I-'awwal
ba'atf-li I-kart, ba'd yomen tlate d'M talifon (5) 'al sikirer[h]a la-mar
ra'is ij-jam'a da"it talifon 'al niQne -- Qakit ra' mQammad la'inni 'ana
ra ba'rif 'inglizi -- (6) Qakit ma'a waQde, 'alit 'azamna I-madam.
(7) 'al-I[h]a w::lna I-kar:t. (8) 'alit-Iu bass niQna mna'rif[h]a 'innu
ra bta'rif 'inglizi, (9) mian hek Qattena-l[h]a sikirtera Xfiyye
b:d[h]a txabbr[h]a xiHil yomen miUn ta'rif tiQki 'arabi mian taxd[h]a
'a z-zyara, ya'ni, 'a I-'azime iii 'amilt-:Ina yaha la-mart ra'is ij-jam'a:
(10) w r:Qna honik killon niswan dakatra w min kill duwal il-'aIem,
ya'ni frensawiyyin . . . w Qyat 'aHah, 'ana ktir ktir inbasat:t wa't r:Qt
la-hniki. ( 1 1) eh. ya'ni, la'inn il-Qayat it 'it[h]a, jiranna y'Ulf-lna 'intu
'ayin -- ya'ni regan ma[h]u 'ayi mitilkon, w Qyat 'aHah 'am ba'il-lik.
(12) 'inbasatna kUr, 'axadna bet ktir kwayyis. ( 1 3) manti't il 'axadna
f[h]a ktir kwayyse w ganiyye ktir w bet it 'axadna ktir kwayyis, 'awwalan
ra bet l:-I-'ijar. ( 14) il-mant'a killa honik ra bi'ajjr la-Qada 'abadan
'abadan, 'abadan 'abadan. ( 15) w 'iza b:ddu Qada m:n benaton, ya'ni
muglaqa ta'riban, ra byidxil-l[h]a 'illa 'aQab il-mant'a bi-z-zat, f
bi-I-madxal hada f Qaras. (16) ya'ni ma[h]u min ra kan byidxul ha
I-man'a, ra f 'ajanib 'abadan 'abadan. ( 17) ya'ni niJa lamma 'ajjaritna
I-bet, 'ajaritna I-bt la'inn: 'an tari' 'amid it -- killiyyit iI-'amara 'ajjaritna
yya. ( 1 8) w m:n ba'd ra ba'atit risale la-kill ij-jiran 'am tgraQ-Ion
minon niQna w 'eu waQ:'na 'eu ugl jozi w 'eu niQna bi-I-waQid,
'am ba'il-lik, I-mara kaza, il-wlad, rana l-kbire 'am tidrus 'amara l-'agar
dina bi-I-'air -- ( 1 9) ya'ni katibt-:Ion taIil 'anna awile 'arQa la' inn
tarkit-:lna risale bi-I-bet mgan ni'ra lli ba'itton li-j-jiran. (20) ba'a min
wa't il w:lna, -- mf ba'te li-j-jiran ha r-risale? -- w wafa'u 'innu
t'ajjima I-bet, 'adit 'ajjaritna I-bet -- killon aru ydi"u talifonat ysallmu
'alena, w ba'da 'iju irbu 'ahwe 'an[d]na. (21 ) w waQde min benaton
c:mlit Cazime ca-l-- sahra, ya'ni, I-mas a ba'd I-caa s-sa'a tmanye, ':mlit
sabra la-kill ij-jrran carrafiton 'alena. (22) w ba'a kill waQid yi'zimna
w niQna bi-l -- bacda 'azamnahon w 'iju la-'an[d]na w ar ktir f ya'ni
(23) tawwari, 'ana 'akfn barke i-ubuQ, yinda" iI-bab, halla' 16n jitu
'intu? (24) ydi"u l-bab y'Ulf-1i 'e cam bitsawi, 'iza ra candik i bid[d]na
nidxul nirab finjan 'ahwe 'andik. (25) 'am ba'il-lik -- ba'd[h]a hinnin,
398 Appendi 2
'ilt-ilon -- 'al 'e[h]i fikrtik 'an 'arerka? 'ilt-Iu waHa ktir ktir itgayyarit
fikrti 'an 'arerka min wa't illi kint 'ana bi-suriya w wa't il jit Ia-'arerka.
(26) 'al Ion tgayyarit? ' ilt-Iu niQa rna'rif inn ij-jar ra bya'rif jaru,
'ana hon Ia'et ger i. (27) 'al la, ra tiftrQi hay 'arerka. niQna hone
man'a ger 'arerka. (28) 'al rabua fikrtik 'inti. tla'i Ia-barrat ha-I
manra, bitla'i nafs i-i, ij-jar ra bya'rif i 'an jaru 'abadan 'abadan.
(29) 'am ba'il-lik, hOle ykunu 'am birau klabon, ykunu 'am bitmau
bi--ari', ydi"u I-bab 'aleyy w y'ulU-li 'andik mani' nirab 'ahwe? 'a' ii-Ion
Ia yih! (30) t'allart iI-Iuga, ta'allart il-Iuga min jiranna, 'add ra aQki
ra'on w aQarr aQki ra'on ta'allart rinnon il-Iuga. (3 1 ) bass daxalt
'ana kurs lug a bi-j-jar'a, 'aritt bi-l-'awwal, la' inn ra ba'rif wala kilme,
ya'ni ra ranul ' abruk ritl ij-jidban. (32) la'in[n] ktir a'b 'iza waQid
ra bya'rif Iuga. (33) 'rilt kurs luga 'ana bi-l-'awwal, ba'd[h]a la'et
Qali 'add ra 'am banzil w baruQ w baji ma'on ar 'andi pratik ktir
kwayyis. (34) ya'ni ra ba'a btifri' ra'i ya'ni 'inni 'axud kaman rasalan
kurs tani. (35) 'inbasat, ktir inbasat. 'ilt-i1on ya'ni 'ana l-Qa'''a ya'ni
I-Qayat it ,gt[h]a honike Qayat dalas w daynasti ya'ni.
( 1) What's more, 1 mixed [socialized] a lot with the wie ofthe president
of the universit there. (2) The [wie of the] president ofthe universit
arranged for us a luncheon when 1 first arrived too, (3) and she
invited me to it and sent me a private secretar to speak with me in
Arabic to translate for me in Arabic because when 1 went 1 didn't know
English at all -- my original [foreign] language is French -- (4) and
they sent -- they called me on the phone and said we -- first they had
sent the-card, two or three days later they called. (5) The secretar of
the university president's wie telephoned saying we -- she talked with
Muhanmad because 1 didn't know English - (6) A woman talked with
him who said, we have invited [your] wie. (7) He said, we received
the card. (8) She said, but we know she doesn't know English. (9) For
that reason we have assigned for her a private secretar who will call
within a couple of days because she can speak Arabic in order to take
her to the visit, that is, to the luncheon that the wie ofthe president of
the university has arranged for us. (10) We went, and there all of
them were wives of doctors andfrom all the countries ofthe world, you
know, French . . . 1 swear to God, 1 had a ver ver good time when 1
Syrian Texts 39
went there. (11) Yeah, because the lie I lived, I mean, my neighbors
used to tell me, you are living -- Reagan isn't living like you are, I
swear to God, I'm telling you. (12) We had a ver nice time, we got a
ver nice house. (13) The area where we took the house was ver nice
and ver rich, and the house that we got was ver nice: frst ofall, it
wasn't a rental house. (14) [lnJ the whole region over there they don't
rent to anyone at all, at all, ever, ever. (15) And i someone wants [to
rent, it must beJ someone from among them, that is, [it'sJ practically
closed ofno one enters it except for the people who live in the area in
particular, there is -- in that entrance there is a securit guard. (16) I
mean, not just anyone can enter that area; there are no foreigners at
all at all. (1 7) I mean, we, when she rented us the house, she rented us
the house because -- by way ofthe dean of the School of Architecture
she rented it to us. (18) After she sent a letter to all the neighbors
explaining to them who we were and what we were, one by one, I'm
telling you, the wie is such-and-such, Rana the oldest is studying
architecture, the youngest, Dina, is in the tenth [gradeJ, (19) that is,
she had written all sorts ofdetails about us, [we knowJ because she left
a [copy of the letter in the house so that we could read what she had
sent to the neighbors. (20) So, from the time we arrived, -- hadn't she
sent the neighbors that letter? and they agreed that she could rent us
the house, she then rented us the house -- all of them started calling
on the telephone to say hello to us, and then they came and had cofee
at our house. (21) One of them had a party, in the evening, after
supper, at eight o'clock, she had a part for all the neighbors and
introduced them to us. (22) They started, you know, ever one [startedJ
inviting us while we were -- after that we invited them and they came to
our house and there started to be a lot of you know -- (23) Imagine, I
would be sitting in the morning, there would be a knock [atJ the door,
now, how did you get here? (24) They would knock at the door and
say to me, What are you doing? Ifyou dn't have anything [aren't
busyJ, we'd like to come in and have a cup of cofee [withJ you.
(25) I'm telling you -- Then they, I told them -- [OneJ said, What is
your opinion about America? I told him, well, my opinion about America
has changed a lot from the time that I was in Syria [toJ the time I came
Appenix 2
to America. (26) He said, How has it changed? / told him, We know
that [a] neighbor desn't know his neighbor, [but] / found here something
else. (27) He said, no, don't suppose that this is America. We here are
an area other than America. (28) He said, your idea is correct. Go
outside of this area and you find the same thing, a neighbor doesn't
know a thing about his neighbor at all at all. (29) I'm telling you,
those [people] would be walking their dogs, they would be taking a
stroll in the road, they would knock at the door and say, Do you have
any objection i we [come in] to drink some cofee? I'd say to them,
Why, no! (30) / learned the language, / learned the language from my
neighbors, (rom] the amount that / would talk with them and be forced
to talk with them / learned the language from them. (31) But I took a
language course at the university, I did [that] first, because / didn't
know a single word, it wasn't reasonable to stay like idiots. (32) I
mean, it's very dificult If one doesn't know a language. (33) I took a
language course first, after that I found myselfrom the amount that I
was going out and coming and going with them I got ver good practice.
(34) I mean, it was no longer important to me to take another course.
(35) I had a ver good time, a very good time. I told them, really, the
life l ied in America is the lie of "Dallas" and "Dynasty. "
Text B. Modem Marriage (S4, husband speaks first)
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Syrian exIs 4l
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(1) ya'ni 'adiU iI->awwaliyye - >abbahatna w jdfdna - Unu ra yifu
1-'arOs la-Ielt I-'ars. (2) halla> ha-j-jil ha-I-rawjid b[y]uxbu ba'on
hinnin, ra bad[d]on mIn yuxub-Ion ya<ni. (3) w biifu ba<on w
bi<Mru ba<on, la baddu yit<ab iI-abb w la badda tit<ab iI->irr. (4) w
birtif>u ra< ba<on. eh. (5) tgayyar ya<ni d-daa I-awwaliyye tgayyarit.
--- (6) w y>ili ya<ni >inn ir-rijjal ra ya<ni yif iI-<ars w la tifu, y<Iu
402 Appendix 2
aktar min halla'. (7) kan ra fi, kan ra fi tafkir ritil halla'. --
(8) ya'ni halla' byuxabu w btuxabi bitrO} w btiji w ba'den byaxd[h]a
jiri'ten tlate ahr, y'il-Iak 'ana }abbet[h]a 'ana ra }abbetha. (9) bass
'awwali ra yUf iI-'arOs w ra'san tla'i-lik tir il-rufahare w tjion wlad
w hayy w ra yir 'abadan ali' xillfat. ( 1 0) halla' bitGfi-lik bya'rfu
ba'Qon bi'Mru ba'Qon sine w sinten w ba'den wa't illi biljawwazu,
bi'iI-lak ar ixlillfat ra'ha, w z'ilt rinnu w zi' il rinni , ra lrahamna
ra' ba'Qna. . . . --- ( 1 1 ) b[y]ufru il-}tubb ra' ba'Qon, bikrahu ba'Qon,
ya'ni ykGnu ragbanin b-ba'Qon, bass yitjawwazu bi"adu, bi'Gdu bikrahu
ba'Qon, eh, hek biir. ( 1 2) . . . hada rf'u mitzawwej , 'ammu rariyye, w
'amit ra}til xabil-Iu bint aXG[h]a. ( 1 3) jabita min maar min hanik
la-han, w barkit ra'on hane xamsta' nhar la-ar I-'ars. ( 1 4) min ba'd
ra axad[h]a, 'al ra ba'a b}ibb[h]a, 'al ra ba'a bad[d]i idxul 'a I-bet.
( 1 5) 'ija 'am bi}tki-Ina hani w 'ilna naxdu 'a ex yiktib-Iu, ya'ni t-tawfi',
rG yiktib-Iu i ya'ni. ( 1 6) ra abar 'ale[h]a, all a'ha w rajja'ha 'ala
balad[h]a. ( 1 7) ba'at[h]a ' a raar. ( 1 8) lak, e, 'issa ra
ar-Iak j im'a, 'ar tiyyam ra ar-Iak . . . --- ( 1 9) barkit - 'ijit ma'u min
maar la han, barkit xamsta' nhar ben ra ar l-'ars. --- (20) bint
xalu hiyye. ( 21 ) xamsta' nhar la-wa't ra ya'ni ta yaxdG-I[h]a
graQ w hek, ba'den sawu I-'ars. (22) barak ma'ha tlat tiyyam, nhar
it-tlat tiyyar 'and I-masa 'ai-Ion ra }tabbel[h]a, baddi a'if[h]a. (23) lak
ya 'ibni jibna-Iak bint xaIak w lbahdilna ra' xalak, w hayy, 'ai-Ion . . .
(24) xajle ya' ni. (25) xilal xamsta' nhar kanit f maar.
(26) 'aa'-I[h]a w ba'at-I [h]a, alla'[h]a w ba'at[h]a. -- (27) 'aIn 'aal,
kan yrajji'[h]a bi-}talha araf. -- (28) ra iabb[h]a kint min 'awwal
ra i)aboet[h]a, min 'awwal mG 'ala - w barkit xamsta' nhar 'andu min
dun m yitjawwaz[h]a. (29) w ai-gada b-gada w al-fur b-furu w
iI" aa b-'aa w ta'a flan w ta'a ' illan. (30) w ba'den wa't illi axad[h]a
tlat tiyyar 'ai-Ion ra i)abbet[h]a.
( 1) The customs of the old [generations J --our fathers and forefathers-
they used not to see the bride until the night of the wedding. (2) Now,
this present generation arrange their own marriages, they don't want
anyone to arrange for them, that is. (3) And they see each other and
get to know each other, neither the father need wear himsel out nor
the mother need wear hersel out. (4) And they form their own friendships.
Syrian Texts 403
Yeah. (5) It changed, that is, the old patter changed. (6) And
they say, you know, that the man wouldn't see the bride nor she see him
but they [the marriages] would survive longer than nowadys.
(7) There didn't used to be, didn't used to be thinking like there is
today. (8) That is, now they get engaged and you get [them]
engaged and [the bride-to-be] comes and goes and then he marries
her, two weeks, three, a month, he tells you I love her, I don't love her.
(9) But in the old days he wouldn't see the bride and right away you
find there would come to be mutual understanding and they'd have
children and all that and there wouldn't be--there wouldn't at all arise
disagreements. (10) Now you see that they know each other, they
interact with each other for a year or two years and then when they get
married, [they] tell you, Disagreements with her have arisen, and I'm
mad at him, and he's mad at me, we couldn't get along. . . .
(11) Love with each other falls apart, they hate each other; that is,
they would desire each other but as soon as they get married, they stay
[together awhile, then] they turn around and hate each other, yeah,
that's what happens. (12) . . . This one, his friend [was] married, his
mother is Egyptian, and she went and got him engaged to her brother's
daughter. (13) She brought her from Egypt, from there to here, and
she stayed with them fiteen days (two weeks) until the wedding took
place. (14) After he married her, he said, I don't love her any more, he
said, I don't want to go back in the house. (15) He came and talked to
us here, and we thought to take him to a shakh to write him something-
that is, to make the marriage work, not something [bad]. (16) He
didn't give her a chance, he divorced her and sent her back to her
country. --- (1 7) He sent her [back] to Egypt. --- (18) Look here,
now it hasn't even been a week, you haven't even been [married] ten
days . . . --- (19) She stayed - she came with him fom Egypt to here,
she stayed fiteen days until the wedding took place. (20) His
cousin, she is. (21) Fiteen days until, that is, so that they could
buy her things and so forth, then they had the weding. (22) He stayed
with her three dys, on the evening ofthe third dy he told them I don't
love her, I want to get rid ofher. (23) Look here, son, we brought you
your cousin, do you want to shame us before your uncle, and such, he
404 Appendix 2
told them . . . (24) [It's) an embarrassment, that is.
(25) Within ffteen days she was in Egypt. (26) He bought her a ticket
and sent [it) to her, he divorced he and sent her [back).
(27) [He is) poorly bred (doesn't know how to behave properly), he
should have sent her back as she was [before marrying her, it would
have been) more noble. (28) You aren't in love with her, you should
have not loved her from the beginning, from the beginning, not [after)
- and she stayed two weeks at his house without him marring her ? ? ?
(29) And [her) lunch is his lunch (they have lunch together), [her)
breakast is his breakast, [her) dinner is his dinner, and come one,
come all [to the wedding). (30) And then when he married her three
days and he told them, I didn't love her.
Text C: Love in a Conservative Society (S2)
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(1) halla' mitil (an[d]oa oilna i-Iubb bi-<-(Wa ktir -- ya(ni kan bi-l-bidAye
bi-l-'awwal agle kbire w hek, (2) halla' lyrn iI-banat mma Yfannu
ml (ld mma yhimmoo ya(oi. (3) bi-l-'awwal kaou yufu toeo mMyin
Appendix 2
ra' ba'<on, ya latif, zarIme. (4) halla' bitlaqi ha-z-zil Hali' 'innu
B-ara, yaJJa -- biddon yitla'u, 'ahli mi mikle xallIni Iibb w ;nbiit w
hayy mitil ba'<[h]a. (5) halla' 'an[d]na bi-<-<e'a, 'iza tnen mma ylibbu
ba'<on w sim'u kaman il-'alam fion, ya laIf! agle kbIre (6) 'innu kill
ra za walid y;x;b[h]a bizu, bizu: hayy Unit Itabbe flan hay kanit
tila' ma'u, hayy kanit titmaa ma'u hayy kanit, hayy kanit laqIra hayy
Unit kaza -- (7) ya'ni ra bixallu masalan bilawlu b-atta l-wasa'il illi
bikinu sam'In minan y'anlu 'innu l-'ans -- 'eh, la taxid[h]a kaza Unit
Iabbe kanit -- (8) halla' ya'ni ar wayy l-'alam it'awwdu 'innu yifu
tnen mayIn ra' ba'<on heki. (9) bass kaman 'iza il-walde bHit w hek
ya'ni kanit wayy faltane b-'alaqt[h]a kaman ktIr byizbili[h]a. ( 1 0) w
halla' ktIr ra 'ad 'innu -abab ra 'ad yihtammu masalan 'innu mas alan
yaxdu walde 'iza Itilwe ktIr w kaza, 'iza ra kanit mit'allme mustalIl
yfakkir fi[h]a 'ilia ya'ni walid ktIr tafih. ( 1 1 ) ya'ni ra btaxud illi
btithI b-bal[h]a, ya'ni. ( 1 2) 'amma halla', waqt bitkin mit'allme
w kaza w arit 'and[h]a mantUz w btitla' btBti gil , ar ya'ni bitlaqi
ger mazal 'innu tlaqi arIk Iayat[h]a il-munasib il-kwayyis w hek.
( 1 3) 'amma min qab;l xala, Itilwe - ya latIf! mu'allme mi mu'allme,
mitil ba'<[h]a. 'eh. ( 1 4) halla' kaman mitil ba'<[h]a ya'ni, walid bilibb
walde w law kanit Iabbe mi Iabbe, kaman ra btufruq ma'u, ya'ni 'iza
kan 'and[h]a kaman 'alaqa ra' geru mitil ba'<[h]a ma'u. ( 1 5) ya'ni
min<all bi-<-<e'a la-halla' 'innu ra fi kaman ha 1-- -ziyade ya'ni, ha
l-'alaqat I-maf<ila w hek. ( 1 6) bit<all il-walde mitlaffa ya'ni, 'innu
ra yisma'u kUr - ya'ni nisbe kbIre mn il-'alam. ( 1 7) la'annu bi<all
il-walde 'il[h]a 'aduwwIn[h]a w 'il[h]a mulibbIn[h]a w kaza la'ann
bi'aHlu 'mustaqbal[h]a, 'eh, Iabbit w I:tabbit w xabbit w daft;r[h]a
q w kaza. ( 1 8) ya'ni min ha l-Itaki hada, ra bixalli, ya'ni
bilawlu b-atta l-wasa'il 'innu yib';di. ( 1 9) ab'an illi bikrahi[h]a.
'amma IIi bilibbi[h]a, 'eh kwayyse, w 'eh w kill il-'alam bitlibb w kill
il-'alam bt;'aq w kill il-'alam -- (20) ya'ni ra 'ad fi mBkle.
(21 ) 'ana min in-no' ya'ni bfakkir ('innu) bi-l-muztama' la'innu 'ana mn
il-muztama', 'iza ra fakkart bi-I-muztama' ma'nata mani mn ;l
muztama'. (22) ya'ni l-walid byimi wayy wayy, mi bizi <arbe
wal)de masalan, (23) ha I-muztama' muta'aib mutal)ajjib kaza, byizi
marra wal)de bitl)ibbi btiUa'i bitfiti bitnami ra' il bitl)ibbL (24) hay
s-se birfu<u l-muztama', w xaa nil)na 'anna bilad ya'ni baladna
Syrian Texts
ruta(aiba biqulu (an[h]a 'islari w rulafica. (25) ya(ni ra btisrai
bi-ha -e w xaa la-halla' f ralallat rasalan ruta(aibin bi-akl,
rustalil 'innu -abb yill ra( l-bint. (26) bi-l-bet rasalan f honi
bi--ar ralallat rustalil tidxili (a I-bet qabl rib( sa(a la-Iatta yuf
"tsattaru ya Ianr w cQabcbu" w kaza la-Iatta yilsun 'innu rasalan
il-walid yidxul (a I-bet. (27) w 'iza - rustaiil ybayynu (ron mas alan
(a l-(alar: hada u?! (28) byiqbal il->ab rasalan 'aw il-ruftara( 'innu
walde hel tila( w tfit w tki n 'ila (alaqat ktIr ra( i-abab w tilki ra(
-abab w b-nafs il-waqt bya(rfu 'innu (and[h]a (aiaqa finsiyye?!
(29) b(an hayy rHkle kbIre w rustalil 'innu Iadi yfakkir fia ya(ni
(1) [For] us, love in the village [is] ver -- it was at frst in the past a
big deal and stuf (2) Now, girls have begun to pay no mind, they no
longer care, that is. (3) In the past [people] would see a couple
walking together: God! what a crime. (4) Now you fnd [with] this
rising generation, that the smart girl [says] go for it -- they want to go
out: my family is not a problem, let me love and have a good time and
stuf, it's okay. (5) Now, in our village, i a couple are in love and
everone hears about them, God! it's a big deal. (6) Ever time
someone comes to askfor her hand the come [saying], this girl was in
love with so and so, she used to go out with him, she used to walk
around with him, she was despicable, she was such and such
(7) They don't let for example -- they tr in all sorts of ways, the ones
who have heard [something], so as to prevent the [prospective] groom
-- don't marr her, she was involved with someone, she was -- (8) Now
everone has gotten somewhat used to seeing a couple walking together
like that. (9) But as well, i a girl crosses the line and stuf that is, i
she is a bit loose in her relationships, they also shun her quite a bit.
(10) Now often it is no longer the case that the guys no longer care for
example that they marr a girl i she is ver prett and so forth, i she
is not educated, no way will he think about [marring] her, except
someone who's quite inane, that is. (11) That is, she won't marr the
man she really wants. (12) As for now when she is educated and so
forth and has become productive and goes out and works, she has
started fnding other ways to meet [a] good, appropriate lie-partner.
(13) As for before, that's it -- i she's prett - wow! educated, uneducated,
Appendix 2
it's all the same. (14) Now, too, it's all the same, that is, a boy loves a
girl, even i she has had a love afair and whatnot, also, it doesn't make
any dif erence to him, and also i she had a relationship with someone
else it's okay with him. (15) We remain in the village until today
[suchJ that there is not this increase, that is, these explicit relationships
and the like, (16) a girl still behaves with reserve, that is, [soJ they
don't hear a lot [about what she doesJ -- that is, a substantial number
of people, (1 7) because one still has her enemies and her friends, and
so forth, because they ruin her future, for sure, [sayingJ she has had
love relationships and she has messed things up and her record is
blotted (torn) and so forth. (18) You know, stuf like that, they don't
leave him alone, that is, they tr by ever means to get him away [from
her]. (19) Of course, those who dislike her [do thatJ. Asfor those who
like her, [they say, she'sJ good, sure, everone falls in love, everone
gets infatuated, everone e . . (20) That is to say, there's no longer a
problem . . . (21) 1 am the type that thinks about society because 1 am
of the society, i I don't think abut society that means I'm not of the
society. (22) I mean, one has to go slowly, not come all at once for
example - (23) This society is morally strict, veiled, [andJ so forth, it
comes about all at once [thatJ you love and you go out and come in
and sleep with the one you 10ve[?J (24) This thing society rejects,
especially [sinceJ we have a country, that is our countr is morally
strict, they say about it Islamic and conservative. (25) That is, it
doesn't permit this thing and especially until now there are places in
Damascus for instance [they areJ so strict, it's impossible for a guy to
talk to u girl. (26) In the house, for example, there are areas here in
Damasus [where it'sJ impossible for you to enter the house for a
quarter ofan hour so that they can see [the women are hiddenJ "cover
up, women and get out ofthe way!" and so forth, so that one is able for
instance to enter the house. (27) And i -- it's impossible for them to
show their hair for example to people: "What is this?!" (28) Does the
father accept, or societ, that a girl can come and go and have lots of
relationships with guys and talk with guys and at the same time they
know that she has a sexual relationship?! (29) Of course, this is a big
problem, and it's impossible for anyone to think about [marringJ her,
that is.
Text A: On Matchmaking (K2, Interviewer K4)
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Kuwaiti Texts 41 1
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(1) Ufi umm almad, bnis'lie ilna 'an lon t'allamti l-xtba.
(2) tfali s'ili. --- (3) lOn t'allamtiha, mn minna 'axagtiha, lon
ktasabtiha? --- (4) waHa ktasabtha min walda txatb, xaUlba txatb,
snln w ana 'arUl w ayi m'aha, 'allmatni l-xtba lon. --- (5) lon
tarIgtha? --- (6) targtha 'inna 'U l-walad, 'uxt l-walad tdigg-lie
telifon tgul-lie waHah ya umm fian, nabi I}agg wlidna bnayya. (7) tguf-
lha inaHa. tis'alni, 'ihiya tis'alni, tigul-li ya'ni nabI-la eigi, tadris,
nabI-la mxalla d-drasa, nabi-Ia walda tBtg1 wlla ra titgl,
mitl}ajjba wlla mU mitlajjba. (8) 'agul-Iha 'atini inu yBtigil wildie,
yitigil wlla ra yBtigil. tigul-li yBtigil. (9) 'agul-Iha inu ahadta,
'as'alha inu ahadta, tgUl waHah - illi tgUI mxlla iHanawiyya, w illi
tgUl mxlla il-jam'a, w illi tgUl mxlla min barra, w illi tgUI ra 'inda
ahada. (10) il-muhimm, ngul-Iha inana, 'ala Halab illi tabina.
( 1 1 ) ndawwir-Ia bnayya. naxg 'isma l-kamil, 'ism il-walad il-kamil,
w ugla, il-ma'IUmat illi 'indna killaha, ndigg Iagg ahl l-bnayya,
rddi 'alay ba'd !ala! tayyam w ardd 'alec. ( 12) ndawwir-Ia bnayya lli
tnasib-Ia. ( 13) ngUI l}agg ahl l-bint il-walad eigi, eigi - min - wild fian
bn flan, yBtigil Cigi, yBtigil eigi, tgUI inana 'umm almad, na'tiha w
ngul-Iha. ( 1 4) tgUl - tirja' tgul-li 'umm l-bnayya, 'umm l-bnayya
tirja' tgul-li ya umm almad, 'inti ta'rfna? ( 1 5) 'agul-Iha Ii waHa, 'ana
ra a'rfa, il-'umm daggat-li telifon tgul 'abie txatbi Iagg wildi, ikil ra
'inti ra a'rfie, 'ana ra a'rfa, ra a'rf 'anhum 'ay ay. ( 1 6) Iamma
ayiba lukum, ts'IUn - 'ihiya tis'l - ts'IUn 'anna w yis'al 'ankum.
( 17) daggena Iagg umm il-waIad, gilna-Iha Igena-lie bnayya, bint fan,
mn binta? ts'alni nafs illi s'lta. ( 1 8) ts'alni , bint fian bn fian,
'agul-Iha, w taxg 'ismha ik-kamil tgUl lagg waladha. ( 1 9) tgUI umm
al}mad, la', xal 'ana arUl 'aUfa 'awwal. (20) 'ana ra 'ara, 'agul-Iha
la', 'awwal xalli I-walad iyyi yUf l-bnayya w ytali'ha bidUn 'inti, ya'ni
'inti ma'a w uxta ra yxalif, bass il-walad lazim yiyi wiyyakum.
(21 ) ra 'ara axalliha tiyi b-rUl}ha. (22) il-muhimm, yiyi - tgul-li
inana, wa'dihum 'ay yom niyi w nrUl ma'ae w nUf l-bnayya.
(23) 'adigg Iagg ahal l-bnayya w agUI tara I-yom biyu - binyIkum
412 Kuwaiti Texts
inaJJa, 'umma w 'uxta w l-walad ma'ana. (24) yig'd il-walad, tidi
l-bnayya, ya 'umma yayba 'aIr, ya 'umma barid, ya 'umma ya'ni 'ay
ay, cay, tidxal l-bnayya w yuf. (25) huwwa ga'id, 'ana agul-la hagi
I-bnayya, tara ufha, yufha, inaHa. (26) 'iga ya'ni fi, 'is'alha, tabIha,
ra tabIha, 'is'alha ya'ni 'ala -e iii tabi, ys'alha. (27) l-bnayya
tab'an tistl}i, mu ikil ya'ni, wal}da baed tiyi trkac cigi, tistl}i.
(28) yis'alha, wen tiStglIn, nnu darsa. (29) 'amma 'ana agul-lha baed
'inti si'li. tis'la. (30) f banat ya'ni yigdrUn yis'lUn, f banat yistl}un,
ra yis'lin. (3 1 ) tis'la, ga'oona, w s'alha w s'lta, salam, ra' s-salama,
tala'na, tala'na. (32) 'ana tab'an 'ana 'as'al il-walad bi-s-sayyara, 'agUl
la ha, 'jibtak l-bnayya wlIdi wlla ra 'jibtak? (33) sa'at yrddun
'alayy ya'ni fi nafs il-kalam, ygUl waHa 'umm al}mad, 'jibatni l-bnayya
w ufi radd l-bnayya baed nu, w sa'at la waHa, ygUI inaHa yIr xer.
(34) haga lli ygul-lic yIr xer, 'a'rf 'inna ra yabi I-bnayya, 'eh, w illi
ygul-lic waHa si'li l-bnayya Ufi 'e galit Ianni rayha fini , haga a'rf
'innahu ya'ni la xatir b-I-bnayya, 'amma ha l-bnayya lha - 'ilha ray.
(35) il-muhimm, yigttunni fi beti w arja' w adigg luhum telifon, b-nafs
il-wagt 'adigg lagg ahl I-bint telifon 'iga huwwa la xatir fiha, 'adigg
luhum telifon, hah? raykum fi l-walad? (36) galat il-'umm tab'an
ya'ni 1-l}In ra nigdar nrdd 'alec bi-had d-digIga hagi, l}atta 10 I-bnayya
laha xatir, ra nigdar nrdd 'alec. (37) bri-Ina yomen !ala!a 'il}na
nrdd 'alec il-jawab. (38) 'abir yomen !ala!a, ham tdigg-li telifon
il-umm w tgul-li waHa I-bnayya 'ajabha l-walad w inaHa s-su'al, nabi
nis'al 'anna w haga w yis'lun 'anna. . . . --- (39) bass 'awwal ygUlin
bi-I-xtbat il-'awwaliyya mu cigi? -- (40) al-l}In 'il}na xtbatna 1-IIn
haga Ci4i. --- (41 ) 'awwal ygul-lic ya'ni timdalha, tilgenha ya'ni mu
l}ilwa tU jamiia w tl}uttha bi-s-sma li'anna 'awwal ra Un yUfha mu
cigi? - - (42) 'eh, ra kan yufa, 'awwal ra kan yufha, 'ora, 'amya,
Qola, 'arya, 'uhuwa w la<ca, yiyIbUnha mkamkama, mkamkama fi
'baytha, mall}ad yadri 'anha ini 'ihiya. bass al-QIn la', kill i 'a
--- (1) Look, Umm Ahmed, we want to ask you about how you learned
(2) Please go ahead and ask. - (3) How did
you learn it, from whom did you take it, how did you acquire it?
(4) Well, [ learned itfrom a woman who makes matches, a professional
Kuwaiti Texts 41 3
matchmaker who makes matches, for years I used to come and go with
her. She taught me how matchmaking is [done}. --- (5) How is the
way [to do it}? --- (6) The way to d it is that the boy's mother, the
boy's sister calls you on the phone and sas, Umm So-and-So, we want
for our son a wie (girl). (7) You tell her, Okay, God willing. She asks
me, she asks me, she says, We want for him such and such, (a girl who
is) studying, we want for him someone who has fnished her studies, we
want for him a girl who work, or doesn't work, veiled or not veiled.
(8) I tell her, Give me (inormation on) what his job is, I tell (ask) her
(i he works or doesn't work, she tells me he works. (9) I say, What
degree does he hold? I ask her what his degree is, she says, well -
[there is one} who says he has fnished secondar school, [one} who
says he has finished universit, [one} who says he has graduated from
a school abroad, and [one} who says he has no degree. (10) Anyway,
the important thing is, we tell her, Okay, God willing, whatever request
you want. (11) We lookfor a girlfor him. We take hisfll name, the
full name ofthe boy and his job, the information that we have, all of it,
about him, we call the girl's family, [saying}, Get back in touch with
me in three days and I'll give you an answer. (12) We look for a girl
who is suitable for him. (13) We say to the girl's family, The boy is
such and such, from - the son of so-and-so son ofso-and-so, he works
as such and such, she says, Okay, Umm Ahmed. We give her (the
information) and tell her (all that). (14) She says, she comes back and
tells us, the mother ofthe girl comes back and tells me, Umm Ahmed,
do you know him? (15) I tell her, No, I don't know him. The mother
has called me on the phone saying, I want you to find a bride for my
son; the same way I don't know you, I don't know him, I dn't know a
thing about them. (16) When I bring him to [meet} you, you can
inquire - [the girl's mother} inquires - you can inquire about him and
he can inquire about you. (17) We have called the mother of the boy
and told her we have found for you a girl, daughter of so-and-so,
Daughter of whom? She asks me the same [things} that I had asked
[the girl's family}. (18) She asks me, Daughter of so-and-so son of
so-and-so, I tell her, and she takes [the girl's} full name to tell her son.
(19) She says, Umm Ahmed, no, let me go and see her frst. (20) I
refuse, I tell her, No, frst let the boy come and see the girl and take a
41 4
Kuwaiti Texts
look at her without - You, that is, you [can come] with him and his
sister, that's okay, but the boy must come with you. (21) I refuse to let
her come alone. (22) Anyway, he comes - She tells me, Okay, make a
date [for] which day we will come, and I'll go with you and we'll see
the girl. (23) I call the girl's family and say, Look, today they're
coming - we're coming, God willing, his mother and his sister and the
boy with us. (24) The boy sits, the girl comes in, either bringing juice
or bringing a cold drink, or anything, tea, the girl enters and he sees
[her]. (25) He is sitting [there], I tell him, This is the girl, go ahead,
take a look at her. He looks at her, okay. (26) If, that is, there is
[positive reaction, I say], Ask her, i you want her or whatnot, ask her
about the thing you want. He asks. (27) The girl, ofcourse, is shy, it's
not seemly, that is, [for] a girl after all to come running like that, she's
shy. (28) He asks her, Where do you work, what have you studied.
(29) Asfor me, I tell her, Then you ask. She asks. (30) There are girls,
that is, who can ask, and there are girls who are too shy and don't ask.
(31) She asks, we sit, he asks her and she asks him, good-bye, good-bye,
we leave, that's that. (32) I, of course, I ask the boy in the car, I say,
Hmm? Did you like the girl, son, or didn't you like her? (33) Sometimes
they answer me in the same words, saying, Well, Umm Ahmed, I liked
the girl, see what the girl's reply is, and sometimes by God he says,
Hopefully it will work out for the best. (34) The one that tells you
hopefully it will work out for the best, I know that he doesn't want the
girl, and the one who tells you, Well, ask the girl, see what she said
about me, what her opinion ofme is, that one, I know that he likes the
girl; as for the girl, she has an opinion [too}. (35) Anyway, the
importqnt thing is, they drop me of at my house, and I go back and
cu"/l them, at the same time I call the girl, i he likes her, I call them
and [ask], What is your opinion of the boy? (36) The mother of the
girl says, Of course, now, we can't answer you right this ver minute,
even i the girl likes the boy, we can't answer you. (37) Be patient with
us two or three days and we'll give you an answer. (38) I give them
two or three days, again the mother calls me and says, Well, the girl
likes the boy, and now [it's time] to ask [about him], we want to ask
about him and all that, and they ask about him. . . --- (39) But in
the old days they say with the old matches it [wasn't] like that.
Kuwaiti Texts 41 5
(40) Now, us, our matchmaking now, this is the way it is. (41) In
the old days [they} tell you she [the matchmaker} would praise her,
you would fnd her [to be} not prett, not beautiul, and she would
raise her up to the sk (exaggerate in praising her) because in the old
days [the groom} didn't used to see her, isn't that right? --- (42) Yeah,
he didn't used to see her, in the old dys he didn't used to see her,
cross-eyed, blind, lame, [it was up to} him and his luck, they would
bring her wrapped up, wrapped up in her abaa (cloak), no one knew
anything about her, what she [was}. But now no, everthing is (ut in
the open.
Text B: In te Old Days (K3)
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41 6 Kuwaiti Texts
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( 1 ) , 'aku I-}in }abibti , ra tadrin inti binti, 'aku nas aI-}in ger I-awwal.
I-awwal iI-mara tabir. (2) ta'rfn 1M tabir? 'awwal tabir la allagha
tgarbal wiyya 'yalha, hah, 'in mat rayiIha tigarbal. (3) mu miliI aI-}in,
i l-bint titig;I , iI-mara tgtig;I, milil ra r-rayyal ydaxxiI ma'a, 'ihi
tdaxxiI ma'a. ra tabir 'al - haga. (4) }inna zaman 'awwal 'ayuz
marbU I-mafatil: b-mixba, t;kk. il-'ayayiz yik'awwal 'ala I-canna
w y;brun, hah, 'awwal ger. (5) 'awwal I-mara ciswit I;-ge w ciswit
I;-ta. bass. (6) . . . aI-}In ta'aley wen ra tdgin wen ra tru\in, gic
al-'ayuz . . . : 'ah! yigarbal ra\l is-sikkar gal cigi wi HabIb ilani gal cigi
w ga (7) w wayy w gllt ra ifti I-cabra, a\art it-tufI\ ha I-kubur 'a
b - b - b - b - w I-gee cig - d - d - d - d - bass bal w tiikkey w marae.
(8) haga \inna I-'ayayiz. w i-abab, wi! ra ifti 'alal bet flan? wi!
waHa biysawwi 'a\san minni . (9) ra ifti ga - ha I-model? waHah
xagtha b-tis'in . . . al-}in mOdel w 'alal, wi I-'ayayiz 'ala t-tiikkey w
I-bal wi I-'ak;l. ( 1 0) 'awwal \inna - w 'alayya! I-mara ciswat I-ge w
ciswat I;-ta. bass. tabir I-'ayuz 'awwal. . . . ( 1 1 ) al-}in I-'ayuz,
drewilha wajif, drewilha wajif w haga, hiya min tiba\, il-yom cay
ie-e;\a hni, w bacir cay - . ( 1 2) 'awwal la, I-'ayuz . .. trabbi ha
I-yahil w tmahda w tgassla, 'itbabih, hah, w iI-canna tibax, txom,
tgassiI, tsawwi. ( 1 3) al-\in 'ayuz tyawwid il-yahiI? ra tyawwida,
waHa ra tiawwar - drewilha wajif. ( 1 4) al-\in 'ihi taxig mn i-u'un
my;t dinar, ufha hindiyya, filipiniyya, sayig lalala. ( 1 5) 'ihi taxig mn
g-_u'un, hah, 1M? flana 'indaha, 'ana basawwi mililha, flana sawwat
cigi w flan sawwa cigi. ( 1 6) I-'uxu yi\asid i I-xu w il-'ux;t t\lasid
il-'uxt, al-Qin in-nas kil waQid yali' iHani.
(1) No, there are now my dear, you don't know, you are {like} my
daughter, there are people now not like the old days. In the old days.
the woman would endure. (2) Do you know why she would endure? In
the old days she would endure lest {her husband} divorce her, she
would founder with her kids. Ifher husband died she would founder.
K uwaiti Texts 417
(3) Not like now, the girl works, the woman works, just like the man
brings home a salar, she brings home a salar. She doesn't put up
with - that. (4) We in the time ofthe old dys the mother-in-law, the
keys [were] tied in [her] breast pocket, she would close [the door].
The mothers-in-law would lock the dughters-in-law in in the old days,
and they would endure, hmm, in the old dys, it was dif erent. (5) In
the old dys, the woman had only the [one] outt for the summer and
the [one] outit for the winter. That's all. (6) . . Now, come [look],
wherever you come, wherever you go, that old woman . . . : Oh! [God]
blast, the diabetes has gone [up], [the doctor] said this and the second
doctor said that, and so forth. (7) And then [the old woman} says,
Didn't you see the Chabra Market? The box of apples is this big blah
blah blah and the summer is such blah blah blah - just worries and
complaints and illness. (8) That's us the old women. And the young
people, Oh! Didn't you see the furniture in so-and-so's house? Oh!
By God he wants to do better than me. (9) Didn't you see that - that
stle [furniture]? Well, I got it for ninety [dinars] . . . Nowadays
[everthing is about] styles and furiture, and the old women are into
complaining and worries andfood. (10) In the old dys, we - I swear!
- the woman [had one] clothing outit for the summer and one outt
for the winter. That's all. The old woman used to endure. (11) Now,
the old woman, her driver is standing by, her driver is standing by and
all that, from the time she wakes up, tody [she has] midmorning tea
here, tomorrow tea [there] - (12) In the old dys no, the mother-in-law
(old woman) . . . she raises that child, she cradles him, she washes him,
she codles him, hah, and the dughter-in-law cook, cleans the house,
washes, does [housework]. (13) Nowadys does an old woman hold
the child? She doesn't hold him. By God she can't imagine [doing
anything hersel - her driver is standing by. (I4 ) Now, she takes from
the [Bureau ofSocial] Afairs 100 dinars, see her, an Indian, a Filipino,
a driver, three [servants]. (15) She takes from the [Bureau ofSocial]
Afairs, hah, why? So-and-so has, I want to do like her, so-and-so did
thus and so-and-so did thus. (16) The brother envies the brother and
the sister envies the sister, nowadys, people, everone looks to the
other [to see what they are doing].
41 8
Kuwaiti Texts
Text C: A Romeo and Juliet Story (K3)
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( 1 ) ifi. bnayya wiyya walad, yidiin fi bagdad, (2) ha mi b'id haga
min 'indic al-l:in yumkn xamsa w !ala!in sana, (3) l-bnayya masiliyya
wa, hah, ha l-bayy hala min ahal i z-z[u]ber. ysamminhum -
ya'ni nas ayybin. (4) hagela yidirsin i I-bint. i I-bint tlibb
iI-walad i l -walad ylibb i I-bint. zen. (5) yaw, xallaaw. xallaaw
il-jam'a mal bagdad, yaw. (6) hagi l-bint f l-bara, il-walad bn iz-zuber.
(7) w il-walad tamm -- masi}tiyyin, ra yixallu -- yiifna yilbb binthum,
binthum tlibba, yiril wi yiyi 'aleha, galu 16n? (8) galu yaHa xalna
Kuwaiti Texts
nitzawwaj. zen. (9) yaw, ya l-walad xatabha min abuha. abuha
wafag, gal 'iIa hiya tabbik w tlibbak ra yxalif. nzen. ( 1 0) hal iI-walad
ra ricaw, masIliyya! lon taxid masIliyya?! ra ricaw. la, ra
taxidha. zen. ( 1 1 ) hadela galaw, bass ra dam halak mu racIn ba'd
'inta la tyi-Ina. ba'd lon tyi-Ina? 'awwal tyi w tri 'alena le bint -
iI-bint tabblk w inta tabbiha btitzawwajun. ( 1 2) aI-IIn halak mu racin
titzawwaj bintna Ion tiyi-lna, ra yir. yawwidaw iI-walad. ( 13) iI-bint
tlibba tammat tal}at marica. ( 14) il-walad yiyi ytuf, kil yom yiril w
yiyi 'ala I-bab w tikka. ( 1 5) yigul 'asani arakum walla m man yaqum'
mi!iI yigul ( 16) 'amurru 'ala I-'abwab --- ( 17) 'ami 'ala
I-abwab min geri I}ajatan 'asani arakum wella 'ara man yarakum.
I-bint marica bi-l-bet. zen. ( 1 8) yom walid ba'd iI-walad 'ala I-'ada
tayif, Jiga I-jinaza, 'illa I-bint! min ki!ir ra tlibb il-walad matat 'ale.
( 1 9) iI-walad ba'd gum, g:tt rila wiyyaha, mawwat rila. gal bass
xala. (20) galu h ugulkum 'intu ya f->ahal laram. xasaru waladkum.
hada I-I}abb 'awwal.
(1) See [now]. A girl and a boy, they go to Baghdd. (2) This [was]
not long ago, from where you are now perhaps 35 years ago. (3) The
girl is Christian, and huh, that boy, his family isfom al-Zubayr [tribe].
Their name is - --- In other words, good people. --- (4) Those
[people] [used to let] girls study. The girl loves the boy, the boy loves
the girl. Okay. (5) They came, they finished. They finished the
Universit of Baghdd, they came [back). (6) This girl is in Basra, the
boy is of the al-Zubayr. (7) The boy kept -- [the girl's family were]
Christian, they wouldn't let -- they see him in love with their dughter,
their daughter loves him, he comes and goes [visiting] her, they said,
How [can we allow this]? (8) [The boy and girl] said, Let us get
married. Fine. (9) They came [to do this], the boy came and askedfor
her handfrom her father. Her father agreed; he said, If she wants you
and loves you that's all right. (10) The boy's family did not approve,
[She's] a Christian! How can you marr a Christian?! The did not
The speaker quotes here with less than perfect accuracy a line of Classical
Arabic poetry. Dwight Reynolds reports that the line comes from a song
performed by simsimiyya musicians in Port Sa'Id, Egypt, and attributed to
Shaykh ]uyim, whose zawiya lies in the MuqaHam Hills outside Cairo.
420 Kuwaiti Texts
approve. No, don't marry her. Okay. (11) Those people [the girl's
family], what did they say, That's it, as long as your family hasn't
approved of your marrying our daughter, how can you come to our
house [to see her] ? (12) Now, your family has not approved your
marring our daughter how can you come to our [house}, it's not done.
They prevented the boy [from seeing the girl). (13) [But} the girl loves
him: she went and fell ill. ( 14) The boy comes wandering, every day
he goes and passes by the door, they close it [in his face}. (15) Like
they say, "Perhaps I might see you or see someone who sees you."
(16) "I pass by the gates" (1 7) "I pass by the gates without
purpose, [hoping] perhaps I might see you or see someone who sees
you. " (18) One dy, again, as was his habit, the boy [was} wandering
around, he found the funeral - it was the girl! She loved the boy so
much, she died over him. (19) The boy then, get up! He did away
with himsel along with her, killed himsel. He said, that's it, it's all
over. (20) They said, This is your doing, you, family [of the boy], for
shame. You lost your son. That is love in the old days.
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