c7 Soln Manual
c7 Soln Manual
c7 Soln Manual
1 No solution provided
a. What are common forms of energy? Which of these are relevant to uid mechanics? Mechanical Energy = Energy that matter has because of its motion (i.e. kinetic energy) or its position.(potential energy associated with a spring; gravitational potential energy). Highly relevant to uid mechanics. Examples of KE include. KE in a river that is owing. KE in air that is being used to drive a wind turbine. KE in the moving air in the throat of a venturi. Elastic potential energy associated with compression of a gas. Elastic potential energy associated with compression of water during water hammer. Gravitational potential energy associated with water stored behind a dam. Gravitational potential energy associated with water in a stand pipe. Gravitational potential energy associated with water stored in a water tower for a municipal water supply. Other forms of energy include electrical energy, nuclear energy, thermal energy, and chemical energy. Each of these forms of energy can be related to uid mechanics.
b. What is work? Give three examples that are relevant to uid mechanics. In mechanics, work is done when a force acts on a body as the body moves through a distance. Often, the magnitude of work is force multiplied by the distance moved (W = F d). When water in a river tumbles a rock, the water is exerting a force on the rock because the rock is moving through a distance. When the heart contracts, the walls of the heart exert a force on the blood within the chambers of the heart, thereby doing work (force of wall x displacement of wall). When water ows through a turbine in a dam, the water exerts a force on the turbine blade and the turbine blade rotates in response to this force.
c. Common units of power: horsepower and watts. d. Dierences between power and energy power is a rate (amount per time) whereas energy in an amount. 3
dierent primary dimensions: power (ML2 /T 3 ) and Energy (ML2 /T 2 ). dierent units: power has units of horsepower, watts, etc.; energy has units of Joules, ft-lbf, Btu, cal, etc.
Problem 7.4 Apply the grid method to each situation described below. Note: Unit cancellations are not shown in this solution. a) Situation: A pump operates for 6 hours. Cost = C = $0.15/ kW h. P = 1 hp, t = 6 h. Find: Amount of energy used (joules). Cost of this energy ($s). Solution: 1 hp 1.0 6h 1.0 745.7 W 1.0 hp J W s 3600 s h
E = P t =
Cost = $0.67
kW h 3.6 106 J
b) Situation: A motor is turning the shaft of a centrifugal pump. T = 100 lbf in, = 850 rpm. P = T . Find: Power in watts. P = T 100 lbf in 850 rev 2 rad 1.0 min 1.0 m 4.448 N W s = 1.0 min 1.0 rev 60 s 39.37 in lbf J P = 1010 W c) Situation: A turbine produces power. P = 7500 ft lbf/ s. Find: Covert the power to watts and hp. 5
P =
7.5: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water is being sprayed out a spray bottle. Find: Estimate the power (watts) required. PLAN 1. Acquire data from a spray bottle. 2. Find power using P = W/t, where W is the amount of work in the time interval t. SOLUTION 1. Data: Ten sprays took approximately 15 seconds. Deecting the trigger involves a motion of x = 1.0 in = 0.0254 m. The force to deect the trigger was about F = 3 lb which is about 15 N. 2. Power: W F (Nx) P = = = t t = 0.25 W (estimate) (15 N) (10 sprays) (0.0254 m/spray) 15 s W s N m
7.6: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A water pik is producing a high-speed jet. d = 3 mm, V2 = 25 m/ s.
Find: Minimum electrical power (watts). Assumptions: Neglect energy losses in the mechanical systeme.g. motor, gears, and pump. Neglect all energy losses associated with viscosity. Neglect potential energy changes because these are very small. Properties: Water (10 C) , Table A.5: = 1000 kg/ m3 . PLAN Balance electrical power with the rate at which water carries kinetic energy out of the nozzle. SOLUTION Amount of kinetic energy that leaves the nozzle Each interval of time 2 V2 m 2 = t where m is the mass that has owed out of the nozzle for each interval of time (t) . Since the mass per time is mass ow rate: (m/t = m = A2 V2 ) Power = Power = mV22 2 A2 V23 = 2
Exit area
A2 =
REVIEW Based on Ohms law, the current on a U.S. household circuit is about: I = P/V = 55.2 W/115 V = 0.48 A.
7.7: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A small wind turbine is being developed. D = 1.25 m, V = 15 mph = 6.71 m/ s. Turbine eciency: =20%.
Find: Power (watts) produced by the turbine. Properties: Air (10 C, 0.9 bar = 90 kPa), R = 287 J/ kg K. PLAN Find the density of air using the idea gas law. Then, nd the kinetic energy of the wind and use 20% of this value to nd the power that is produced. SOLUTION Ideal gas law = = p RT
90, 000 Pa (287 J/ kg K) (10 + 273) K = 1.108 kg/ m3 Kinetic energy of the wind Rate of KE = Amount of kinetic energy Interval of time mV 2 /2 = t
where m is the mass of air that ows through a section of area A = D2 /4 for each unit of time (t) . Since the mass for each interval of time is mass ow rate:
(m/t = m = AV ) Rate of KE mV 2 2 AV 3 = 2 =
The area is (1.108 kg/ m3 ) (1.25 m)2 /4 (6.71 m/ s)3 Rate of KE = 2 Rate of KE = 205 W Since the output power is 20% of the input kinetic energy: P = (0.2) (205 W) P = 41.0 W REVIEW The amount of energy in the wind is diuse (i.e. spread out). For this situation, the wind turbine provides enough power for approximately one 40 watt light bulb.
7.9: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: This is a linear velocity distribution in a rectangular channel.
Find: Kinetic energy correction factor: SOLUTION V = Vmax /2 and V = Vmax y/d Kinetic energy correction factor 1 = d Vmax y 3 dy 0 [(Vmax /2) d] Z 3 1 d 2y dy = d 0 d =2 Z
7.10: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Velocity distributions (a) through (d) are shown in the sketch.
Find: Indicate whether is less than, equal to, or less than unity. SOLUTION a) b) c) d) = 1.0 > 1.0 > 1.0 > 1.0
7.11: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: There is a linear velocity distribution in a round pipe.
Find: Kinetic energy correction factor: SOLUTION Kinetic energy correction factor 1 = A Flow rate equation V V Z 3 V dA V A
= Vm (
Q =
= =
V (2rdr)
Z0 r0
Integrating yields
Q = 2Vm [(r2 /2) (r3 /(3r0 ))]r0 0 2 Q = 2Vm [(1/6)r0 ] Q = (1/3)Vm A Thus V = Kinetic energy correction factor Z r 3 1 r0 Vm (1 r0 ) 2rdr = A 0 ( 1 Vm ) 3 Z 54 r0 r = (1 ( ))3 rdr 2 r0 0 r0 = 2.7 Q Vm = A 3
7.12: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: There is a linear velocity distribution in a round pipe.
Find: Kinetic energy correction factor: SOLUTION Flow rate equation V = kr Z r0 V (2rdr) Q = 0 Z r0 2kr2 dr =
7.13: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: The velocity distribution in a pipe with turbulent ow is given by n V y = Vmax r0 Find: Derive a formula for as a function of n. Find for n = 1/7. SOLUTION Flow rate equation V = Vmax Q = y r0 n r0 r r0 n n r = 1 r0
n r Vmax 1 2rdr = r0 0 n Z r0 r = 2Vmax 1 rdr r0 0 Upon integration Q= Then V = Q/A = 2Vmax = 1 n+1 1 n+2
2 2Vmax r0
V dA
1 n+1
1 n+2
2Vmax (n + 1)(n + 2)
Vmax 1 h
r r0
2Vmax (n+1)(n+2)
n 3 i
1 4
[(n+2)(n+1)]3 (3n+2)(3n+1)
7.14: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: The velocity distribution in a rectangular channel with turbulent ow is given by V /Vmax = (y/d)n Find: Derive a formula for the kinetic energy correction factor. Find for n = 1/7. SOLUTION Solve for q rst in terms of umax and d Z d Z d Z y n Vmax d n q= V dy = Vmax dy = n y dy d d 0 0 0 Integrating: n+1 d Vmax y q = n d n+1 0 n+1 n Vmax d d = n+1 Vmax d = n+1 Then
q Vmax V = = d n+1 Z 3 V dA V A n #3 Z " Vmax y 1 d d dy = d 0 Vmax /(n + 1) Z (n + 1)3 d 3n = y dy d3n+1 0 (n + 1)3 d3n+1 = d3n+1 3n + 1 a=
(n+1)3 3n+1
7.15: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Turbulent ow in a circular pipe. r = 3.5 cm. Find: Kinetic energy correction factor: . SOLUTION Kinetic energy correction factor 1 = A Z 3 V dA V A
Results. The mean velocity is 24.32 m/s and the kinetic energy correction factor is 1.19.
a. What is the conceptual meaning of the rst law of thermodynamics for a system? The law can be written for energy (amount) with units such as joule, cal, or BTU. rate of energy (amount/time) with units such as watts, J/s, or BTU/s. Meaning (rate form): dE QW = dt net rate of energy net rate of work net rate of change in energy entering system done by system of matter in system = at time t at time t during time t
Q W = E net change in energy net amount of energy net amount of work of matter in system done by system entering system = during time t during time t during time t b. What is ow work? How is the equation for ow work derived? Flow work is work done by forces associated with pressure. Eq. for ow work is derived by using the denition of work: W = F d. c. What is shaft work? How is shaft work dierent than ow work? Shaft work is any work that is not ow work. Shaft work diers from ow work by the physical origin of the work: ow work is done by a force associated with pressure. shaft work is done by any other force.
a. What is head? How is head related to energy? To power? Head is a way of characterizing energy or power or work. Head is the ratio of (energy of a uid particle)/(weight of a uid particle) at a point in a uid ow. example: KE of a uid particle divided by its weight gives "velocity head": velocity head = (mV 2 /2) / (mg) = V 2 /(2g) Head is related to power by
P = mgh
b. What is head of a turbine? Head of a turbine is a way of describing the work (or power) that is done on the turbine blades by a owing uid: Pturbine = Wturbine = mght t
c. How is head of a pump related to power? To energy? Ppump = d. What is head loss? Conversion of mechanical energy in a owing uid to thermal energy via the action of viscous stresses. Mechanical energy is generally useful. The thermal energy that is generated is generally not useful because it cannot be recovered and used productively. The thermal energy usually heats the uid. This is analogous to frictional heating. Wpump = mghp t
Problem 7.18 Answer the questions below. a. What are the ve main terms in the energy equation (7.29)? What does each term mean? See the text and gure that follow Eq. (7.29). b. How are terms in the energy equation related to energy? To power? Each term in the energy equation is a "head term" with units of length. To relate head, power, energy, and work use: P = W E = = mgh t t
c. What assumptions are required to use Eq. (7.29)? The ow is steady. The control volume has one inlet port and one exit port. The uid density is the same at all spatial locations. How is the energy equation similar to the Bernoulli equation? List three similarities. How is the energy equation dierent from the Bernoulli equation? List three dierences. Similarities: Both equations involve head terms. Both equations are applied from a "location 1" to a "location 2." There are some similar terms (all terms in the Bernoulli equation appear in the energy equation). Dierences: The energy equation applies to viscous or inviscid ow whereas the Bernoulli equation applies only to inviscid ow. The energy equation includes terms for work of a pump and turbine; these terms do not appear in the Bernoulli equation. The energy equation includes head loss, whereas the Bernoulli equation lacks any term to account for energy loss.
Problem 7.19 Situation: Flow in a pipe. Find: Prove that uid in a constant diameter pipe will ow from a location with high piezometric head to a location with low piezometric head. Assumptions: No pumps or turbines in the pipeline. Steady ow. SOLUTION The energy equation (7.29). V2 V2 p1 p2 + 1 1 + z1 + hp = + 2 2 + z2 + ht + hL 2g 2g Term-by-term analysis: In a constant diameter pipe, KE terms cancel out. No machines means that hp = ht = 0. Energy equation (simplied form): p1 p2 = + z1 + z2 + hL h1 = h2 + hL Since section 1 is upstream of section 2, and head loss is always positive, we conclude that h1 > h2 . This means that uid ows from high to low piezometric head.
7.20: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water ows in a vertical pipe. L = 10 m, pA = 10 kPa. pB = 98.1 kPa.
Find: Direction of ow in a pipe: (a) Upward. (b) Downward. (c) No ow. PLAN 1. Calculate the piezometric head h at A and B., 2. To determine ow direction, compare the piezometric head values. Whichever location has the larger value of h is upstream. If the h values are the same, there is no ow. SOLUTION 1. Piezometric head: hA hB pA 10000 kPa + zA = + 10 m = 11.02 m = 9810 N/ m3 pB 98100 kPa + 0 = 10 m = + zB = 9810 N/ m3
7.21: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water owing from a tank into a pipe connected to a nozzle. = 1.0, DB = 40 cm. D0 = 20 cm, z0 = 0 m. zB = 3.5 m, zr = 5 m.
Find: (a) Discharge in pipe (m3 /s). (b) Pressure at point B (kPa). Assumptions: = 9810 N/ m3 . PLAN 1. Find velocity at nozzle by applying the energy equation. 2. Find discharge by applying Q = Ao Vo 3. Find the pressure by applying the energy equation. SOLUTION 1. Energy equation (point 1 on reservoir surface, point 2 at outlet) preser. Vr2 poutlet V02 + + zr = + + z0 2g 2g V2 0+0+5 = 0+ 0 2g V0 = 9.90 m/s 2. Flow rate equation Q = V0 A0 = 9.90 m/ s ( ) (0.20 m)2 4 Q = 0.311 m3 /s
3. Energy equation (point 1 on reservoir surface, point 2 at B) 0+0+5= where VB = Q 0.311 m3 / s = = 2.48 m/s VB (/4) (0.4 m)2
2 pB VB + + 3.5 2g
2 VB = 0.312 m 2g
7.22: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water drains from a tank into a pipe. x = 10 ft, y = 4 ft.
Find: Pressure at point A (psf). Velocity at exit (ft/s). Assumptions: 2 = 1 PLAN To nd pressure at point A, apply the energy equation between point A and the pipe exit. Then, then apply energy equation between top of tank and the exit. SOLUTION Energy equation (point A to pipe exit). p2 V2 V2 pA + zA + A A + hp = + z2 + 2 2 + ht + hL 2g 2g Term by term analysis: VA = V2 (continuity); p2 = 0-gage; (zA zB ) = y; hp = 0, ht = 0, hL = 0. Thus pA = y = 62.4 lbf/ ft3 4 ft pA = 250 psf Energy equation (1= top of tank; 2 = pipe exit) V2 V2 p1 p2 + z1 + 1 1 + hp = + z2 + 2 2 + ht + hL 2g 2g z1 = V22 + z2 2g 29
7.23: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water drains from a tank into a pipe. x = 10 m, y = 4 m.
Find: Pressure at point A (kPa). Velocity at exit (m/s). Assumptions: 1 = 1. PLAN 1. Find pressure at point A by applying the energy equation between point A and the pipe exit. 2. Find velocity at the exit by applying the energy equation between top of tank and the exit. SOLUTION 1. Energy equation (section A to exit plane): V2 V2 pA p2 + zA + A A + hp = + z2 + 2 2 + ht + hL 2g 2g Term by term analysis: VA = V2 (continuity); p2 = 0-gage; (zA zB ) = y; hp = 0, ht = 0, hL = 0. Thus pA = y pA = 9810 N/ m3 (1.5 m) pA = 14.7 kPa
2. Energy equation (top of tank to exit plane): V2 V2 p2 p1 + 1 1 + z1 + hp = + 2 2 + z2 + ht + hL 2g 2g 2 V z1 = 2 + z2 2g p V2 = 2g(z1 z2 ) p 2 9.81 m/ s2 11.5 m = V2 = 15.0 m/ s
7.24: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water is pushed out a nozzle by a pump. Q = 0.1 m3 / s, D2 = 30 cm. Dn = 10 cm, zn = 7 m. z1 = 1 m, z2 = 2 m.
Find: Pressure head at point 2. SOLUTION Flow rate equation to nd Vn (velocity at nozzle) Vn = Q 0.10 m3 / s = = 12.73 m/s An (/4) (0.10 m)2
2 Vn = 8.26 m 2g
V2 =
p2 + 0.102 + 2 = 0 + 8.26 + 7
= 13.2 m
7.25: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Oil moves through a narrowing section of pipe. DA = 20 cm, DB = 12 cm. L = 1 m, Q = 0.06 m3 / s.
Find: Pressure dierence between A and B. Properties: S = 0.90. SOLUTION Flow rate equation VA = Q A1 = 1.910m/s 2 20 = VA 12 = 5.31 m/s
Energy equation
2 2 pA pB = 1 + (/2)(VB VA ) 900 kg/ m3 3 pA pB = (1) 9810 N/ m (0.9) + ((5.31 m/ s)2 (1.91 m/ s)2 ) 2
pA pB = 19.9 kPa
7.26: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Gasoline ows in a pipe that narrows into a smaller pipe. Q = 5 ft3 / s, p1 = 18 psig. hL = 6 ft, z = 12 ft. A1 = 0.8 ft2 , A2 = 0.2 ft2 .
Find: Pressure at section 2 (psig). Properties: S = 0.90. Water, Table A.5: = 62.4 lbf/ ft3 . PLAN Apply ow rate equation and then the energy equation. SOLUTION Flow rate equation: V1 = V12 2g V2 V22 2g Energy equation: p1 V12 p2 V22 + + z1 = + + z2 + 6 2g 2g 18 lbf/ in2 144 in2 / ft2 p2 + 0.6066 ft + 12 ft = + 9.705 ft + 0 ft + 6 ft 3 0.8 62.4 lbf/ ft 0.8 62.4 lbf/ ft3 p2 = 2437 psfg 35 Q 5 = 6.25 ft/ s = A1 0.8 (6.25 ft/ s)2 = = 0.6066 ft 2(32.2 ft/ s2 ) Q 5 = 25 ft/ s = = A2 0.2 (25 ft/ s)2 = = 9.705 ft 2(32.2 ft/ s2 )
p2 = 16.9 psig
7.27: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water ows from a pressurized tank, through a valve and out a pipe. p1 = 100 kPa, z1 = 8 m. p2 = 0 kPa, z2 = 0 m. 2 hL = KL V , V2 = 10 m/ s. 2g
Find: The minor loss coecient (KL ) . Assumptions: Steady ow. Outlet ow is turbulent so that 2 = 1.0. V1 0. Properties: Water (15 C), Table A.5: = 9800 N/ m3 . PLAN Apply the energy equation and then solve the resulting equation to nd the minor loss coecient. SOLUTION Energy equation (section 1 on water surface in tank; section 2 at pipe outlet) V2 V2 p1 p2 + 1 1 + z1 + hp = + 2 2 + z2 + ht + hL 2g 2g Term by term analysis: At the inlet. p1 = 100 kPa, V1 0, z1 = 8 m At the exit , p2 = 0 kPa, V2 = 10 m/ s, 2 = 1.0. Pumps and turbines. hp = ht = 0 Head loss. hL = KL V 2g
Eq. (1) simplies to p1 V2 V2 + z1 = 2 2 + KL 2 2g 2g 2 (100, 000 Pa) (10 m/ s)2 (10 m/ s) + 8m = + KL (9800 N/ m3 ) 2 (9.81 m/ s2 ) 2 (9.81 m/ s2 ) 18.2 m = (5.097 m) + KL (5.097 m) Thus KL = 2.57 REVIEW
1. The minor loss coecient (KL = 2.57) is typical of a valve (this information is presented in Chapter 10). p1 2. The head at the inlet + z1 = 22.2 m represents available energy. Most of 2 V2 this energy goes to head loss KL 2g = 17.1 m . The remainder is carried as 2 V2 kinetic energy out of the pipe 2 2g = 5.1 m .
7.28: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water ows from a pressurized tank, through a valve and out a pipe. Q = 0.1 ft3 / s, z = 10 ft. p2 = 0 psig, D = 1 in. 2 hL = KL V . 2g
Find: Pressure in tank (psig). PLAN Apply the energy equation and then solve the resulting equation to give pressure in the tank. SOLUTION Energy equation (from the water surface in the tank to the outlet) p1 V12 p2 V22 + + z1 = + + z2 + hL 2g 2g p1 6V22 V22 = + hL z1 = 10 2g 2g Q 0.1 ft3 / s = V2 = 2 = 18.33 ft/s A2 (/4) 1 ft
p1 6 (18.33 ft/ s)2 10 ft = 21.3 ft = 64.4 ft2 / s2 p1 = 62.4 lbf/ ft3 21.3 ft = 1329 psfg p1 = 9.23 psig
7.29: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water ows from an open tank, through a valve and out a pipe. A = 9 cm2 , z = 11 m. p1 = p2 = 0 kPa. 2 hL = 5 V . 2g Find: Discharge in pipe. Assumptions: = 1. PLAN Apply the energy equation from the water surface in the reservoir (pt. 1) to the outlet end of the pipe (pt. 2). SOLUTION Energy equation: p1 V12 p2 V22 + + z1 = + + z2 + hL 2g 2g Term by term analysis: p1 = 0; z2 = 0; The energy equation becomes. z1 = p2 = 0 V1 ' 0
V22 + hL 2g V2 V2 V2 11 m = 2 + 5 2 = 6 2 2g 2g 2g 2g (11) V22 = 6 s 2 9.81 m/ s2 V2 = (11 m) 6 V2 = 5.998 m/s Flow rate equation Q = V2 A2 104 m2 2 = (5.998 m/ s) 9 cm cm2 m3 = 5. 398 2 103 s Q = 5.40 103 m3 / s 40
7.30: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A microchannel is designed to transfer uid in a MEMS application. D = 200 m, L = 5 cm. Q = 0.1 L/ s. hL = 32LV . D2
Find: Pressure in syringe pump (Pa). Assumptions: = 2. Properties: Table A.4: = 799 kg/ m3 . PLAN Apply the energy equation and the ow rate equation. SOLUTION Energy equation (locate section 1 inside the pumping chamber; section 2 at the outlet of the channel) p1 V2 = hL + 2 2g 32LV V2 = +2 D2 2g
Flow rate The cross-sectional area of the channel is 3.14108 m2 . A ow rate of 0.1 l/s is 107 l/s or 1010 m3 /s. The ow velocity is Q A
= =
p1 (0.318 102 ) 32 1.2 103 0.05 0.318 102 +2 = 7, 850 4 (104 )2 2 9.81 = 0.0194 m The pressure is p1 = 799 kg/m3 9.81 m/s2 0.0194 m p1 = 152 Pa
7.31: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water ows out of a re nozzle. V = 40 m/ s, z = 50 m. Ae /Ahose = 1/4. 2 hL = 10 V . 2g Find: Pressure at hydrant. Assumptions: Hydrant supply pipe is much larger than the rehose. Properties: Water, Table A.5, = 9810 N/ m3 . PLAN Apply the energy equation. SOLUTION Energy equation p1 V2 + z1 = 2 + z2 + hL 2g where the kinetic energy of the uid feeding the hydrant is neglected. Because of the contraction at the exit, the outlet velocity is 4 times the velocity in the pipe, so the energy equation becomes p1 V2 V2 = 2 + z2 z1 + 10 2g 16 2g 1.625 2 V + 50 p1 = 2g 1.625 2 = (40 m/ s) + 50 m 9810 N/ m3 2 9.81 m/ s2 = 1. 791 106 Pa p1 = 1790 kPa
7.32: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water ows out of a syphon. L1 = L2 = 3 ft. Q = 2.8 ft3 / s, D = 8 in.
Energy equation (from reservoir surface to C) pc Vc2 p1 V12 + + z1 = + + zc + hL 2g 2g (8.02 ft/ s)2 0 + 0 + 3 ft = 0 + + 0 + hL 64.4 ft2 / s2 hL = 2.00 ft Energy equation (from reservoir surface to B).
2 pB VB + + 6 ft + (3/4) 2 ft ; VB = VC = 8.02 ft/s 0 + 0 + 3 ft = 2g
pB = 3 1 6 1.5 = 5.5 ft pB = 5.5 ft 62.4 lbf/ ft3 = 343 psfg pB = 2.38 psig
7.33: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A siphon transports water from one reservoir to another. zA = 30 m, zB = 32 m. zC = 27 m, zD = 26 m. D = 25 cm. 2 Vp h p ip e = 2g .
Find: Discharge. Pressure at point B. Assumptions: = 2. PLAN Apply the energy equation from A to C, then from A to B. SOLUTION Head loss h p ip e = Vp2 2g Vp2 2g
0 + 0 + 30 m = 0 + 0 + 27 m + 2 Vp = 5.42 m/s
Vp2 2g
Flow rate equation Q = Vp Ap = 5.42 m/ s (/4) (0.25 m)2 Q = 0.266 m3 /s Energy equation (from A to B) 30 m = Vp2 pB Vp2 + + 32 m + 0.75 2g 2g
7.34: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A siphon transports water from one reservoir to another. pv = 1.23 kPa, patm = 100 kPa. Q = 8 104 m3 / s, A = 104 m2 . hL,AB = 1.8V 2 /2g.
Find: Depth of water in upper reservoir for incipient cavitation. PLAN Apply the energy equation from point A to point B. SOLUTION Flow rate equation V Q A 8 104 m3 /s = 1 104 m2 = 8 m/ s =
Calculations V2 (8 m/ s)2 = = 3.262 m 2g 2 9.81 m/ s2 V2 hL,AB = 1.8 = 5.872 m 2g Energy equation (from A to B; let z = 0 at bottom of reservoir)
2 2 pB VB pA VA + + zA = + + zB + hL 2g 2g 100000 Pa 1230 Pa + 0 + zA = + 3.262 m + 10 m + 5.872 m 3 9810 N/ m 9810 N/ m3
zA = depth = 9.07 m
7.35: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A reservoir discharges water into a pipe with a machine. d = 6 in, D = 12 in. z1 = 6 ft, z2 = 12 ft. Q = 10 ft3 / s.
Find: Is the machine a pump or a turbine? Pressures at points A and B (psig). Assumptions: Machine is a pump. = 1.0. PLAN Apply the energy equation between the top of the tank and the exit, then between point B and the exit, nally between point A and the exit. SOLUTION Energy equation V22 z1 + hp = + z2 2g Assuming the machine is a pump. If the machine is a turbine, then hp will be negative. The velocity at the exit is V2 = Q 10 ft3 / s = = 50.93 ft/s A2 (0.5 ft)2 4
Solving for hp and taking the pipe exit as zero elevation we have (50.93 ft/ s)2 (6 + 12) ft = 22.3 ft hp = 2 32.2 ft/ s2 Therefore the machine is a pump. 50
Applying the energy equation between point B and the exit gives pB + zB = z2 Solving for pB we have pB = (z2 zB ) pB = 6 ft 62.4 lbf/ ft3 = 374 psfg pB = 2.6 psig 2 Velocity at A VA = 6 12 50.93 ft/ s = 12.73 ft/s
Applying the energy equation between point A and the exit gives V2 pA V2 + zA + A = 2 2g 2g so 2 V22 VA = zA 2g 2g ! (50.93 ft/ s)2 (12.73 ft/ s)2 18 = 62.4 lbf/ ft3 2 32.2 ft/ s2 = 1233 psfg pA = 8.56 psig
7.36: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water ows through a pipe with a venturi meter. D = 30 cm, d = 15 cm. patm = 100 kPa, H = 5 m.
Find: Maximum allowable discharge before cavitation. Assumptions: = 1.0. Properties: Water (10 C) , Table A.5: pv = 2340 Pa, abs. SOLUTION Energy equation (locate 1 on the surface of the tank; 2 at the throat of the venturi) p1 V12 p2 V22 + + z1 = + + z2 2g 2g p2,vapor V22 0+0+5 = + +0 2g p2,vapor = 2340 100, 000 = 97, 660 Pa gage Then 97660 Pa V22 = 5m + = 14.97 m 2g 9790 N/ m3 V2 = 17.1 m/s Flow rate equation Q = V2 A2 = 17.1 m/ s /4 (0.15 m)2 Q = 0.302 m3 /s
7.37: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A reservoir discharges to a pipe with a venturi meter before draining to atmosphere. D = 40 cm, d = 25 cm. patm = 100 kPa, hL = 0.9V22 /2g.
Find: Head at incipient cavitation ( m). Discharge at incipient cavitation ( m3 / s). Assumptions: = 1.0. Properties: From Table A.5 pv = 2340 Pa, abs. PLAN First apply the energy equation from the Venturi section to the end of the pipe. Then apply the energy equation from reservoir water surface to outlet: SOLUTION Energy equation from Venturi section to end of pipe: p1 V12 p2 V22 + + z1 = + + z2 + hL 2g 2g pvapor V12 V2 V2 + = 0 + 2 + 0.9 2 2g 2g 2g pvapor = 2, 340 Pa abs. = 97, 660 Pa gage Continuity principle V1 A1 = V2 A2 V2 A2 V1 = A1 = 2.56V2 Then V12 V2 = 6.55 2 2g 2g
Q = V2 A2 = 6.49 m/ s /4 (0.4 m)2 Q = 0.815 m3 /s Energy equation from reservoir water surface to outlet: V22 + hL 2g V2 H = 1.9 2 2g z1 = H = 4.08 m
7.38: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A pump lls a tank with water from a river. Dtank = 5 m, Dpipe = 5 cm. hL = 10V22 /2g, hp = 20 4 104 Q2 .
Find: Time required to ll tank to depth of 10 m. Assumptions: = 1.0. SOLUTION Energy equation (locate 1 on the surface of the river, locate 2 on the surface of the water in the tank). p1 V12 p2 V22 + + z1 = + + z2 + hL 2g 2g but p1 = p2 = 0, z1 = 0, V1 = 0, V2 ' 0. The energy equation reduces to 0 + 0 + 0 + hp = 0 + 0 + (2 m + h) + hL where h =depth of water in the tank 20 (4)(104 )Q2 = h + 2 + V2 V2 + 10 2g 2g
where V 2 /2g is the head loss due to the abrupt expansion. Then 18 = (4)(104 )Q2 + 11 V2 +h 2g
V 11
V2 = 2g 18 = Q2 = Q =
But Q = AT dh/dt where AT = tank area, so (18 h)0.5 dh (18 h)0.5 = = dt (430)(/4)(5)2 8, 443 = dt/8, 443 t + const. 8, 443
2(18 h)0.5 =
But t = 0 when h = 0 so const. = 2(18)0.5 . Then t = (180.5 (18 h)0.5 )(16, 886) For h = 10 m t = (180.5 80.5 )(16, 886) = 23, 880 s t = 6.63 h
Find: Pressure drop (Pa). Pumping power (W). Properties: Water (15 C), Table A.5: = 9800 N/ m3 . PLAN 1. Find pressure drop using the energy equation. 2. Find power using the power equation. SOLUTION 1. Energy equation: p1 V2 V2 p2 + 1 1 + z1 + hp = + 2 2 + z2 + ht + hL 2g 2g let p = p1 p2 KE terms cancel. Elevation terms cancel. hp = ht = 0 p = hL = 9800 N/ m3 (2 m) p = 19.6 kPa 2. Power equation: Wp = Qhp = mghp The head of the pump must equal the head loss. 57
REVIEW The pump would need to supply about 0.9 hp to the water.
7.40: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A fan is moving air through a hair dryer. p = 6 mm-H20 = 58.8 Pa, V = 10 m/ s. D = 0.044 m, = 60%.
Find: Electrical power (watts) to operate the fan. Assumptions: Air is at a constant temperature. Constant diameter: D1 = D2 = 0.044 m. Properties: Air (60 C), Table A.3, = 10.4 N/ m3 . PLAN 1. Find head loss using the energy equation. 2. Find power supplied to the air using the power equation. 3. Find electrical power using the eciency equation. SOLUTION 1. Energy equation: V2 V2 p2 p1 + 1 1 + z1 + hp = + 2 2 + z2 + ht + hL 2g 2g locate section 1 just downstream of fan (p1 = 58.8 Pa); section 2 at exit plane (p2 = 0) . KE terms cancel. Elevation terms cancel. hp = ht = 0. hL = 58.8 Pa p1 = = 5.65 m 10.4 N/ m3
2. Power equation: Wp = Qhp = mghp Assume that head supplied by the fan equals the head loss. Q = V A = (10 m/ s) (/4) (0.044 m)2 = 0.0152 m3 / s. Wfan = QhL 10.4 N 0.0152 m3 / s (5.65 m) = m3 = 0.893 W 3. Eciency equation: Pelectrical = Pfan 0.893 W = 0.6
Pelectrical = 1.49 W REVIEW The electrical power to operate the fan ( 1.5 W) is small compared to the electrical power to heat the air.
7.41: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A pump supplies energy to a owing uid Q = 5 ft3 / s, = 1.0. DA = 1.0 ft, pA = 5 psig. DB = 0.5 ft, pB = 90 psig.
Find: Horsepower delivered by pump ( hp). PLAN Apply the ow rate equation, then the energy equation from A to B. Then apply the power equation. SOLUTION Flow rate equation: VA
2 VA 2g
2 VB 2g
Q 5 ft3 / s = = = 6.366 ft/ s AA (/4) (1 ft)2 (6.366 ft/ s)2 = = 0.6293 ft 2 (32.2 ft/ s2 ) Q 5 ft3 / s = = = 25.47 ft/s AB (/4) (0.5 ft)2 (25.47 ft/ s)2 = = 10.07 ft 2 (32.2 ft/ s2 )
Energy equation:
2 2 pB VB pA VA + + zA + hp = + + zB 2g 2g 144 144 5 + (0.6293) + 0 + hp = 90 + 10.07 + 0 62.4 62.4 hp = 205.6 ft
Power equation:
Qhp 550 5 ft3 / s 62.4 lbf/ ft3 205.6 ft = 550 P = 117 hp P (hp) =
7.42: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A pump moves water from a tank through a pipe. Q = 8 m3 / s, hL = 7V 2 /2g. D = 1 m.
Find: Power supplied to ow ( MW). Assumptions: = 1.0. PLAN Find power using the power equation. The steps are 1. Find velocity in the pipe using the ow rate equation. 2. Find head of the pump using the energy equation. 3. Calculate power. SOLUTION 1. Flow rate equation V = = Q A
8 /4 (1 m)2 = 10.2 m/s 2. Energy equation (locate 1 on the reservoir surface; locate 2 at the out of the pipe). p1 V2 V2 p2 + 1 1 + z1 + hp = + 2 2 + z2 + ht + hL 2g 2g 2 V V2 0 + 0 + 40 + hp = 0 + + 20 + 7 2g 2g 2 2 V (10.2 m/ s) = = 5.30 m 2g 2 9.81 m/ s2 40 + hp = hp V2 V2 + 20 + 7 2g 2g = 8 5.30 + 20 40 = 22.4 m 63
7.43: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: An engineer is estimating the power that can be produced by a small stream. Q = 1.4 cfs, T = 40 F, H =34 ft.
Find: Estimate the maximum power that can be generated ( kW) if: hL = 0 ft, t = 100%, g = 100%. hL = 5.5 ft, t = 70%, g = 90%. PLAN To nd the head of the turbine (h ), apply the energy equation from the t upper water surface (section 1) to the lower water surface (section 2). To calculation power, use P = (mght ), where accounts for the combined eciency of the turbine and generator. SOLUTION Energy equation p1 p2 V2 V2 + 1 1 + z1 = + 2 2 + z2 + ht + hL 2g 2g Term by term analysis p1 = 0; p2 = 0; z1 z2 = H Eq. (1) becomes H = ht + hL ht = H hL Flow rate mg = Q = 62.4 lbf/ ft3 1.4 ft3 / s = 87.4 lbf/ s 65 V1 0 V2 0 (1)
Power (case a) P = = = = Power (case b). P = mg (H hL ) = (0.7)(0.9) (87.4 lbf/ s) (34 ft 5.5 ft) (1.356 J/ ft lbf) = 2.128 kW mght mgH (87.4 lbf/ s) (34 ft) (1.356 J/ ft lbf) 4.02 kW
REVIEW 1. In the ideal case (case a), all of the elevation head is used to make power. When typical head losses and machine eciencies are accounted for, the power production is cut by nearly 50%. 2. From Ohms law, a power of 2.13 kW will produce a current of about 17.5 amps at a voltage of 120V. Thus, the turbine will provide enough power for about 1 typical household circuit. It is unlikely the turbine system will be practical (too expensive and not enough power for a homeowner).
7.44: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A pump draws water out of a tank and moves this water to a higher elevation. DA = 8 in, DC = 4 in. VC = 12 ft/ s, P = 25 hp. 2 = 60%, hL = 2VC /2g.
Find: Height (h)above water surface. Assumptions: = 1.0. PLAN Apply the energy equation from the reservoir water surface to the outlet. SOLUTION Energy equation p1 V2 V2 p2 + 1 1 + z1 + hp = + 2 2 + z2 + hL 2g 2g 2 V2 V 0 + 0 + 0 + hp = 0 + c + h + 2 c 2g 2g 2 V hp = h + 3 c 2g Velocity head (12 ft/ s)2 Vc2 = = 2.236 ft 2g 64.4 ft/ s2 Flow rate equation Q = VC AC ! (4/12 ft)2 12 ft = s 4 = 1.047 ft3 / s 67 (2)
Power equation P ( hp) = hp Qhp 550 P (550) = Q 25 hp (550) 0.6 = 1.047 ft3 / s 62.4 lbf/ ft3 = 126.3 ft
Substitute Eqs. (2) and (3) into Eq. (1) Vc2 2g 126.3 ft = h + (3 2. 236) ft h = 119.6 ft hp = h + 3 h = 120 ft
7.45: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A pump draws water out of a tank and moves this water to a higher elevation. DA = 20 cm, DC = 10 cm. VC = 3 m/ s, P = 35 kW. 2 = 60%, hL = 2VC /2g.
Find: Height h in meters. Assumptions: = 1.0. Properties: Water (20 C), Table A.5: = 9790 N/ m3 . SOLUTION Energy equation: pC pA V2 V2 + A A + zA + hp = + C C + zC + hL 2g 2g 2 V2 V 0 + 0 + 0 + hp = 0 + c + h + 2 c 2g 2g 2 V hp = h + 3 c 2g Velocity head: Vc2 (3 m/ s)2 = = 0.4587 m 2g 2 (9.81 m/ s2 ) Flow rate equation: Q = VC AC = (3 m/ s) !
(0.1 m)2 4
= 0.02356 m3 / s 69
P = hp Eq. (1):
h = hp 3
h = 89.7 m
7.46: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A subsonic wind tunnel is being designed. A = 4 m2 , V = 60 m/ s. 2 VT hL = 0.025 2g .
Find: Power required ( kW). Assumptions: = 1.0. Properties: = 1.2 kg/ m3 . PLAN To nd power, apply the power equation. The steps are 1. Find the head of the pump by applying the energy equation and the continuity equation together. 2. Calculate power. SOLUTION 1. Finding head of the pump Energy equation p2 V22 p1 V12 + + z1 + hp = + + z2 + hL 2g 2g V2 V2 0 + 0 + 0 + hp = 0 + 2 + 0 + 0.025 T 2g 2g Continuity principle VT AT = V2 A2 VT AT V2 = A2 = VT 0.4 V22 V2 = 0.16 T 2g 2g
Combining previous two equations hp = VT2 (0.185) 2g (60 m/ s)2 (0.185) = 2 9.81 m/ s2 = 33.95 m
hp 2. Power equation
7.47: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A pumping system delivers water. zA = 110 ft, zB = 200 ft. zC = 110 ft, zD = 90 ft. A = 0.1 ft2 .
0 + 0 + 110 + hp = 0 + 0 + 200; hp = 90 ft Qhp P (hp) = 550 Q = Vj Aj = 0.10 Vj p Vj = 2g (200 110) ft = 76.13 ft/s Q = 7.613 ft3 /s Power equation P = Qhp 7.613 ft3 / s 62.4 lbf/ ft3 90 ft P = 550 P = 77.7 hp
Find: Power delivered by pump ( kW). PLAN Apply the energy equation from the reservoir water surface to point B. Then apply the power equation. SOLUTION Energy equation
2 pB VB p V2 + + z + hp = + + zB 2g 2g 0 + 0 + 40 + hp = 0 + 0 + 65; hp = 25 m
Flow rate equation Q = Vj Aj = 25 104 m2 Vj p where Vj = 2g (65 35) = 24.3 m/s Q = 25 104 24.3 = 0.0607 m3 /s Power equation P = Qhp P = 0.0607 m3 / s 9, 810 N/ m3 25 m P = 14.9 kW
7.49: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A pumping system pumps oil. L = 1 mi, D = 1 ft. Q = 3500 gpm, z = 200 ft. p = 60 psi. Find: Power required for pump ( hp). Properties: = 0.53 lbf/ ft3 . SOLUTION Energy equation hp = z2 z1 + hL Expressing this equation in terms of pressure hp = z2 z1 + ploss Thus pressure rise across the pump is hp = 53 lbf/ft3 200 ft +60 144 lbf/ft2 = 19, 240 psf Flow rate equation Q = V A Q = 3500 gpm 0.002228 Power equation W = Qhp = 7.80 cfs 19, 240 psf 550
W = 273 hp
7.50: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water is pumped from a reservoir through a pipe. 2 V2 Q = 0.35 m3 / s, hL = 2 2g . z1 = 6 m, z2 = 10 m. D1 = 40 cm, D2 = 10 cm. p2 = 100 kPa.
Find: Power (kW) that the pump must supply. Assumptions: = 1.0. Properties: Water (10 C), Table A.5: = 9810 N/ m3 . PLAN Apply the ow rate equation, then the energy equation from reservoir surface to the 10 m elevation. Then apply the power equation. SOLUTION Flow rate equation: V = = Q A
V22 = 1.250 m 2g
Energy equation (locate 1 on the reservoir surface; locate 2 at the pressure gage) 0 + 0 + 6 m + hp = hp Power equation: P = Qhp = 0.35 m3 / s 9810 N/ m3 (17.94 m) P = 61.6 kW 100000 Pa + 1.25 m + 10 m + 2.0 (1.25 m) 9810 N/ m3 = 17.94 m
7.51: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Oil is pumped through a pipe attached to a manometer lled with mercury. Q = 6 ft3 / s, h = 46 in. D1 = 12 in, D2 = 6 in.
Find: Horsepower pump supplies ( hp). Assumptions: = 1.0. Properties: Table A.5: Smercury = 13.55. Soil = 0.88 PLAN Apply the ow rate equation, then the energy equation. equation. SOLUTION Flow rate equation Q 6 ft3 / s = = 7.64 ft/ s A12 (/4) (1 ft)2 2 V12 /2g = 0.906 ft V6 = 4V12 = 30.56 ft/s V62 /2g = 14.50 ft V12 = Then apply the power
Energy equation (13.55 0.88) 46 ft p12 p6 12 = + z6 + z12 0.88 2 p12 V12 V2 p6 + z12 + + hp = + z6 + 6 2g 2g 13.55 1 3.833 ft + 14.50 ft 0.906 ft hp = 0.88 hp = 68.8 ft Power equation P (hp) = Qhp /550 6 ft3 / s 0.88 62.4 lbf/ ft3 68.8 ft P = 550 P = 41.2 hp
7.52: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Q = 500 cfs, = 90%. 2 hL = 1.5 V , D = 7 ft. 2g z1 = 35 ft, z2 = 0 ft.
Find: Power output from turbine. Assumptions: = 1.0. PLAN Apply the energy equation from the upstream water surface to the downstream water surface. Then apply the power equation. SOLUTION Energy equation: p1 V12 p2 V22 + + z1 = + + z2 + hL + ht 2g 2g V2 + ht 0 + 0 + 35 = 0 + 0 + 0 + 1.5 2g 500 ft3 / s Q = V = = 12.99 ft/s A (/4) (7 ft)2 V2 = 2.621 ft 2g ht = 35 ft 1.5 (2.621 ft) = 31.07 ft Power equation: P (hp) = Qht 550 (500 ft3 / s)(62.4 lbf/ ft3 )(31.07 ft 0.9) = 550 P = 1590 hp = 1.18 MW
7.53: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A hydraulic power system consists of a dam with an inlet connected to a turbine. H = 15 m, V2 = 5 m/ s. Q = 1 m3 / s.
Find: Power produced by turbine ( kW). Assumptions: All head loss is expansion loss. 100% eciency. PLAN Apply the energy equation from the upstream water surface to the downstream water surface. Then apply the power equation. SOLUTION Energy equation p2 V22 p1 V12 + + z1 = + + z2 + hL + ht 2g 2g V2 0 + 0 + 15 m = 0 + 0 + 0 + ht + 2 2g (5 m/ s)2 ht = 15 m 2 9.81 m/ s2 = 13.73 m Power equation P = Qht = (1 m3 /s)(9810 N/m3 )(13.73 m) P = 135 kW
7.54: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A pump transfers SAE-30 oil between two tanks. Dtank = 12 m, Dpipe = 20 cm. 2 hL = 20 V , hp = 60 m. 2g zA = 20 m, zB = 1 m.
Find: Time required to transfer oil ( h). PLAN Apply the energy equation between the top of the uid in tank A to that in tank B. SOLUTION Energy equation hp + zA = zB + hL or V2 V2 hp + zA = zB + 20 + 2g 2g Solve for velocity V2 = V2 V 2g (hp + zA zB ) 21 2 9.81 (60 + zA zB ) = 21 = 0.966 6 (60 + zA zB )1/2
The sum of the elevations of the liquid surfaces in the two tanks is zA + zB = 21 So the energy equation becomes
V = 0.9666(81 2zB )1/2 Continuity equation Apipe (0.2 m)2 dzB = V =V dt Atank (12 m)2 = 2.778 104 V = 2.778 104 0.9666(81 2zB )1/2 = 2.685 104 (81 2zB )1/2 Separate variables dzB = 2.685 104 dt 1/2 (81 2zB )
t Z dzB = 2.685 104 dt 1/2 (81 2zB ) 1 0 20 ft 81 2zB 1 ft = 2.685 104 t p p 81 2 (20) + 81 2 (1) = 2.685 104 t 2. 485 1 = 2.685 104 t t = 9256 s 20 Z ft
t = 9260 s = 2.57 h
7.55: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A pump is used to pressurize a tank. Dtank = 2 m, Dpipe = 4 cm. 2 hL = 10 V , hp = 50 m. 2g zA = 20 m, zB = 1 m. 3 pT = 4zt p0 , p0 = 0 kPa gage = 100 kPa.
Find: Write a computer program to show how the pressure varies with time. Time to pressurize tank to 300 kPa ( s) . PLAN Apply the energy equation between the water surface at the intake and the water surface inside the tank. SOLUTION Energy equation p2 + z2 + hL Expressing the head loss in terms of the velocity allows one to solve for the velocity in the form hp + z1 = V2 = Substituting in values 3 1/2 ) 4 zt The equation for the water surface elevation in the tank is V = 1.401(46 zt 10.19 zt = V Ap V t = t At 2500 2g pt (hp + z1 zt ) 10
A computer program can be written taking time intervals and nding the uid level and pressure in the tank at each time step. The time to reach a pressure of 300 kPa abs in the tank is 698 seconds or 11.6 minutes. A plot of how the pressure varies with time is provided.
350 300
Pressure (kPa)
Time (sec)
7.56: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A pipe discharges water into a reservoir. Q = 10 cfs, D = 12 in.
Find: Head loss at pipe outlet ( ft). PLAN Apply the ow rate equation, then the sudden expansion head loss equation. SOLUTION Flow rate equation V = = Q A
7.57: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A pipe discharges water into a reservoir. Q = 0.5 m3 / s, D = 50 cm.
Find: Head loss at pipe outlet ( m). PLAN Apply the ow rate equation, then the sudden expansion head loss equation. SOLUTION Flow rate equation V = = Q A
hL = 0.330 m
7.58: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water ows through a sudden expansion. D8 = 8 cm, V8 = 2 m/ s. D15 = 15 cm. Find: Head loss caused by the sudden expansion ( m). PLAN Apply the continuity principle, then the sudden expansion head loss equation. SOLUTION Continuity principle: V8 A8 = V15 A15 2 V8 A8 8 V15 = =2 = 0.569 m/s A15 15 Sudden expansion head loss: hL = hL (V8 V15 )2 (2g) (2 m/ s 0.569 m/ s)2 = (2 9.81 m/ s2 ) hL = 0.104 m
7.59: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water ows through a sudden expansion. D6 = 6 in = 0.5 ft. D12 = 12 in = 1 ft. Q = 5 cfs. Find: Head loss PLAN Apply the ow rate equation, then the sudden expansion head loss equation. SOLUTION Flow rate equation V6 = V12 Q 5 = = 25.46 ft/s; A6 (/4) (0.5 ft)2 1 = V6 = 6.37 ft/s 4
Sudden expansion head loss equation hL = (V6 V12 )2 2g (25.46 ft/ s 6.37 ft/ s)2 = 2 32.2 ft/ s2 hL = 5.66 ft
7.60: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Two tanks are connected by a pipe with a sudden expansion. z = 10 m, A1 = 8 cm2 . A2 = 25 cm2 .
Find: Discharge between two tanks ( m3 / s) PLAN Apply the energy equation from water surface in A to water surface in B. SOLUTION Energy equation (top of reservoir A to top of reservoir B)
2 2 pA VA pB VB + + zA = + + zB + hL 2g 2g 0 + 0 + 10 m = 0 + 0 + 0 + hL
Let the pipe from A be called pipe 1. Let the pipe into B be called pipe 2 Then (V1 V2 )2 V22 hL = + 2g 2g Continuity principle: V1 A1 = V2 A2 (25 cm2 ) V2 A2 = 3.125V2 V1 = = V2 A1 (8 cm2 ) Combine Eq. (1), (2), and (3): 10 m = V2 Flow rate equation: Q = V2 A2
7.61: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A horizontal pipe with an abrupt expansion. D40 = 40 cm, D60 = cm. Q = 1.0 m3 / s, p1 = 70 kPa gage. Find: Horizontal force required to hold transition in place ( kN). Head loss ( m). Assumptions: = 1.0. Properties: Water, = 1000 kg/ m3 . PLAN Apply the ow rate equation, the sudden expansion head loss equation, the energy equation, and the momentum principle. SOLUTION Flow rate equation V40 = Q 1.0 m3 / s = = 7.96 m/s A40 (/4) (0.40 m)2
Energy equation
2 2 p40 V40 p60 V60 + = + + hL 2g 2g p60 = 70, 000 Pa + 9810 N/ m3 (3.23 0.639 0.996) m = 85, 647 Pa
Momentum principle 91
Fx p 1 A1 p 2 A2
Substituting values
Fx = mo Vx,o mi Vx,i
70, 000 Pa /4 (0.4 m)2 85, 647 Pa /4 (0.6 m)2 + Fx = 1000 kg/ m3 1.0 m3 / s (3.54 m/ s 7.96 m/ s) The result is Fx = 8796 + 24, 216 4, 420 = 11, 000 N Fx = 11.0 kN
7.62: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water ows in a horizontal pipe before discharging to atmosphere. A = 9 in2 , V = 15 ft/ s. hL = 3 ft.
Find: Force on pipe joint. Assumptions: = 1.0. Properties: = 62.4 lbf/ ft3 . PLAN Apply the momentum principle, then the energy equation. SOLUTION
Fj p1A1 Vx p2=0
Fj + p1 A1 = Vx2 A + Vx2 A Fj = p1 A1 Energy equation p1 V12 p2 V22 + + z1 = + + z2 + hL 2g 2g p1 p2 = hL p1 = (3) = 187.2 psfg Fj = 187.2 lbf/ ft2 ( 9 in2 ) 144 in2 / ft2 Fj = 11.7 lbf
7.63: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: An abrupt expansion dissipates high energy ow. D1 = 5 ft, p1 = 5 psig. V = 25 ft/ s, D2 = 10 ft.
Find: (a) Horsepower lost ( hp). (b) Pressure at section 2 (psig). (c) Force needed to hold expansion ( lbf). Assumptions: = 1.0. Properties: Water, = 62.4 lbf/ ft3 . PLAN Find the head loss by applying the sudden expansion head loss equation, rst solving for V2 by applying the continuity principle. Then apply the power equation, the energy equation, and nally the momentum principle. SOLUTION Continuity equation V2 = V1 1 = 25 ft/ s 4 = 6.25 ft/s Sudden expansion head loss equation hL = (V1 V2 )2 /(2g) (25 ft/ s 6.25 ft/ s)2 hL = 64.4 ft/ s2 = 5.46 ft a) Power equation P (hp) = Qh/550 Q = V A = 25 ft/ s(/4) (5 ft)2 = 490.9 ft3 /s P = (490.9 ft3 / s)(62.4 lbf/ ft3 )(5.46)/550 P = 304 hp 94 A1 A2
b) Energy equation p1 V12 + + z1 2g (5 144) lbf/ ft2 (25 ft/ s)2 + 64.4 ft/ s2 62.4 lbf/ ft3 p2 / p2 = = = = = p2 V22 + + z2 + hL 2g p2 (6.25 ft/ s)2 + + 5.46 ft 64.4 ft/ s2 15.18 ft 15.18 ft 62.4 lbf/ ft3 947 psfg
p2 = 6.58 psig c) Momentum equation m = 1.94 slug/ ft3 (/4) (5 ft)2 25 ft/ s = 952.3 kg/s X Fx = mo Vx,o mi Vx,i p1 A1 p2 A2 + Fx = m(V2 V1 ) (5 lbf/ in2 )(144 in2 / ft2 )(/4) (5 ft)2 (6.58 lbf/ in2 )(144 in2 / ft2 )(/4) (10 ft)2 + Fx = 952.3 kg/ s (6.25 ft/ s 25 ft/ s) Fx = 42,400 lbf
7.64: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Rough aluminum pipe discharges water. L = 50 ft, D = 6 in. W = (1.5 lbf) L, Q = 6 cfs. hL = 10 ft.
Find: Longitudinal force transmitted through pipe wall ( lbf). Properties: Water, = 62.4 lbf/ ft3 . PLAN Apply the energy equation, then the momentum principle. SOLUTION
1 c.s.
Fwall = 1.5L + A1 L p1 A1 = 75 lbf + (/4) (0.5 ft)2 (62.4 lbf/ ft3 50 ft 2, 496 lbf/ ft3 ) = 75 lbf + 122.5 lbf Fwall = 198 lbf acting upward
7.65: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water ows in a bend. Q = 5 m3 / s, p = 650 kPa. hL = 10 m, D = 80 cm. d = 50 cm.
Find: Pressure at outlet of bend ( kPa). Force on anchor block in the x-direction ( kN). Assumptions: = 1.0. PLAN Apply the energy equation, then the momentum principle. SOLUTION Energy equation
2 2 p50 V50 p80 V80 + + z50 = + + z80 + hL 2g 2g where p50 = 650, 000 Pa and z50 = z80 Flow rate equation
Q 5 m3 / s = = 9.947 m/s A80 (/4) (0.8 m)2 2 V80 /2g = 5.04 m V80 = Continuity equation V50 = V80 (8/5)2 = 25.46 m/s 2 V50 = 33.04 m 2g hL = 10 m
Then p80 650, 000 Pa = + 33.04 5.04 10 p80 = 650, 000 Pa + 9, 810 N/ m3 (33.04 5.04 10) m = 826, 600 Pa p80 = 827 kPa Momentum principle X Fx = mVo mVi = Q(V80,x V50,x )
p80 A80 + p50 A50 cos 60 + Fx = 1, 000 kg/ m3 5 m3 / s(9.947 m/ s 0.5 m 25.46 m/ s) Fx = 415, 494 63, 814 113, 385 = 592, 693 N Fx = -593 kN
7.66: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Fluid in a pipe ows around an accelerated disk. U = 10 m/ s, D = 5 cm. d = 4 cm.
Find: Develop an expression for the force required to hold the disk in place in terms of U, D, d, and . Force required under given conditions ( N). Assumptions: = 1.0. Properties: = 1.2 kg/ m3 . PLAN Apply the energy equation from section (1) to section (2), and apply the momentum principle. SOLUTION Control volume
F disk on fluid
Energy equation
2 U1 U 2 = p2 + 2 2 2 2 2 U1 U2 p1 p2 = 2 2
p1 +
D4 1 (D2 d2 )2
p1 A p2 A + Fdisk on uid = Q(U2 U1 ) Fuid on disk = Fd = Q(U1 U2 ) + (p1 p2 )A Eliminate p1 p2 by Eq. (2), and U2 by Eq. (1): 2 U D4 U1 D2 Fd = U A U1 + 1 A (D2 d2 ) 2 (D2 d2 )2 Fd =
U 2 D2 8
Fx = mo Uo mi Ui = Q(U2x U1x )
When U = 10 m/s, D = 5 cm, d = 4 cm and = 1.2 kg/m3 1 1.2 kg/ m3 (10 m/ s)2 (0.05 m)2 Fd = 8 ((0.05 m/0.04 m)2 1)2 Fd = 0.372 N
Problem 7.68 Answer the following questions. a. What are three important reasons that engineers use the HGL and EGL? Identify where head loss is occurring. Identify potential sites of cavitation. Visualize how the energy equation is being satised. b. What factors inuence the magnitude of the HGL? What factors inuence the magnitude of the EGL? Since the HGL = (p/) + z, the factors are: Pressure head (p/), which is inuenced by the pressure and the specic weight of the uid. Elevation head (z) . Since the EGL = (p/) + z + (V 2 /(2g)), the factors are: Pressure head and elevation head (as described above). Velocity head (V 2 /(2g)) , which is inuenced by the ow rate and pipe section area. c. How are the EGL and HGL related to the piezometer? To the stagnation tube? When liquid ows in a pipe, the HGL is coincident with the water level in a piezometer that is tapped into the pipe. When liquid ows in a pipe, the EGL is coincident with the water level in a stagnation tube that is tapped into the pipe. d. How is the EGL related to the energy equation? The EGL involves three of the terms that appear in the energy equation. The terms represent transport of energy across the control surface (PE + KE) plus ow work at the control surface. e. How can you use an EGL or an HGL to determine the direction of ow? In a pipe of constant diameter, the ow goes from locations of high EGL & HGL to locations of low HGL & EGL. In a pipe of variable diameter, ow goes from locations of high EGL to locations of low EGL. 103
7.69: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A piping system with a black box shows a large EGL change at the box.
Find: What the black box could be. SOLUTION Because the EGL slopes downward to the left, the ow is from right to left. In the black box is a device that removes energy from the owing uid because the EGL drop. Thus, there could either be a turbine, an abrupt expansion or a partially closed valve. b, c, d. 7.70: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A constant diameter pipe is shown with an HGL.
Find: Whether this system is possible, and if so under what conditions. SOLUTION Possible if the uid is being accelerated to the left.
7.71: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Two tanks are connected by a pipe with a machine.
Find: (a) Direction of ow. (b) What kind of machine is at point A. (c) Compare the diameter of pipe sections. (d) Sketch the EGL. (e) If there is a vacuum at anywhere, if so where it is. SOLUTION (a) Flow is from right to left. (b) Machine is a pump. (c) Pipe CA is smaller because of steeper HGL (d)
7.72: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: An HGL and EGL are shown for a ow system.
Find: (a) Direction of ow. (b) Whether there is a reservoir. (c) Whether the diameter at E is uniform or variable. (d) Whether there is a pump. (e) Sketch a physical set up that could exist between C and D. (f) Whether there is anything else revealed by the sketch. SOLUTION (a) Flow is from A to E because EGL slopes downward in that direction. (b) Yes, at D, because EGL and HGL are coincident there. (c) Uniform diameter because V 2 /2g is constant (EGL and HGL uniformly spaced). (d) No, because EGL is always dropping (no energy added). (e)
7.73: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Two tanks are connected by a uniformly tapered pipe.
7.74: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A system with an HGL and EGL is described in the problem statement.
Find: (a) Which line is HGL and which is EGL. (b) If pipes are the same size and which is smallest. (c) If and where pipe pressure falls below zero. (d) Point of max pressure. (e) Point of minimum pressure. (f) What is at point E. (g) Air pressure in the tank above or below atmospheric. (h) What is at point B. SOLUTION (a) Solid line is EGL, dashed line is HGL. (b) No; AB is smallest. (c) From B to C. (d) pmax is at the bottom of the tank. (e) pmin is at the bend C. (f) A nozzle. (g) above atmospheric pressure. (h) abrupt expansion.
7.75: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water ows from a tank through a pipe system before discharging through a nozzle. z1 = 100 m, z2 = 30 m. L1 = 100 m, L2 = 400 m. D1 = D2 = 60 cm, Djet = 30 cm.
Find: (a) Discharge. (b) Draw HGL and EGL. (c) location of maximum pressure. (d) location of minimum pressure. (e) values for maximum and minimum pressure. SOLUTION Energy equation (locate 1 on the reservoir water surface; locate 2 at outlet of the nozzle). p2 V22 p1 V12 + + z1 = + + z2 + hL 2g 2g 2 Vp L V22 + 30 + 0.014 0 + 0 + 100 = 0 + 2g D 2g 2 2 500 V2 V 100 = 0 + 2 + 30 + 0.014 2g 0.6 2g Continuity equation V2 A2 = Vp Ap Ap V2 = Vp AL V2 = 4Vp
Then Vp2 (16 + 11.67) = 70 m 2g Vp = 7.045 m/s Vp2 = 2.53 m 2g Flow rate equation Q = Vp Ap = 7.045 m/ s (/4) (0.60 m)2 Q = 1.99 m3 /s
100 m Vp2 pmin Vp2 + + 100 + 0.014 pmin : 100 = 2g 0.6 m 2g pmin + 100 + 3.33 2.53 100 = pmin = -82.6 kPa, gage pmin = 40.5 m 2.53 m pmax = 373 kPa
7.76: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: A reservoir discharges into a pipe. Find: Draw the HGL and EGL. SOLUTION
37.2 m 80 m 42.6 m
2000 m
7.77: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water discharges through a turbine. Q = 1000 cfs, = 85%. hL = 4 ft, H = 100 ft.
Find: Power generated by turbine ( hp). Sketch the EGL and HGL. PLAN Apply the energy equation from the upper water surface to the lower water surface. Then apply the power equation. SOLUTION Energy equation X p2 V22 p1 V12 + + z1 = + + z2 + hL + ht 2g 2g 0 + 0 + 100 ft = 0 + 0 + 4 ft + ht ht = 96 ft Power equation P = (Qht )(e.) 1, 000 ft3 / s 62.4 lbf/ ft3 96 ft 0.85 Qht = P (hp) = 550 550 P = 9260 hp
T urbine
7.78: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water discharges from a reservoir through a pipe and out a nozzle. L 2 hL = 0.025 D V , D = 1 ft. 2g L = 1000 ft, Djet = 6 in. z1 = 100 ft, z2 = 60 ft.
Find: (a) Discharge (cfs) . (b) Draw the HGL and EGL. Assumptions: = 1.0. PLAN Apply the energy equation from the reservoir surface to the exit plane of the jet. SOLUTION Energy equation. Let the velocity in the 6 inch pipe be V6 . Let the velocity in the 12 inch pipe be V12 . p1 V12 p2 V62 + + z1 = + + z2 + hL 2g 2g 2 V62 1000 V12 0 + 0 + 100 = 0 + + 60 + 0.025 2g 1 2g Continuity principle V6 A6 = V12 A12 A12 V6 = V12 A6 122 V6 = V12 2 = 4V12 6 2 V62 V12 = 16 2g 2g
Substituting into energy equation 2 V12 (16 + 25) 40 ft = 2g 40 ft 2 2 32.2 ft/ s2 V12 = 41 V12 = 7.927 ft/s Flow rate equation Q = V12 A12 = (7.927 ft/ s)(/4) (1 ft)2 Q = 6.23 ft3 /s
7.79: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water moves between two reservoirs through a contracting pipe. L 2 hL = 0.02 D V . 2g Dd = 15 cm, Ld = 100 m. Lu = 100 m, Du = 30 cm. z1 = 100 m, z2 = 60 m. Find: Discharge of water in system ( m3 / s) . PLAN Apply energy equation from upper to lower reservoir. SOLUTION Energy equation X p1 V12 p2 V22 + + z1 = + + z2 + hL 2g 2g X 0 + 0 + 100 m = 0 + 0 + 70 m + hL X hL = 30 m V2 hL = .02 (L/D)( ) 2g 2 2 Vu 100 m Vd 200 + 0.02 + 1.0 30 = 0.02 0.3 2g 0.15 m 2g Flow rate equation Q Q = Au (/4) (0.3 m)2 Q Q = Vd = Ad (/4) (0.15 m)2 Vu = Substituting Eq. (2) and Eq. (3) into (1) and solving for Q yields: Q = 0.110 m3 / s
(2) (3)
7.80: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water is pumped from a lower reservoir to an upper one. z1 = 90 ft, z2 = 140 ft. L1 = 1000 ft, L2 = 2000 ft. D1 = 8 in, D2 = 8 in. L 2 Q = 3 cfs, hL = 0.018 D V . 2g
Find: (a) Power supplied to the pump ( hp). (b) Sketch the HGL and EGL. Properties: Water (68 F), Table A.5: = 62.4 lbf/ ft3 . PLAN Apply the ow rate equation to nd the velocity. Then calculate head loss. Next apply the energy equation from water surface to water surface to nd the head the pump provides. Finally, apply the power equation. SOLUTION Flow rate equation V = = Q A
Head loss hL 2 L V2 V = 0.018 + D 2g 2g (8.594 ft/ s)2 3000 ft (8.594 ft/ s)2 + = 0.018 8/12 ft 2 (32.2 ft/ s2 ) 2 (32.2 ft/ s2 ) = 94. 04 ft 116
Energy equation p1 V2 V2 p2 + 1 1 + z1 + hp = + 2 2 + z2 + hL 2g 2g 0 + 0 + 90 + hp = 0 + 0 + 140 + 94.04 hp = 144.0 ft Power equation P = Qhp = 3.0 ft3 / s 62.4 lbf/ ft3 144 ft ft lbf ft lbf = 26957 s 550 hp s P = 49.0 hp
7.81: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water ows between two reservoirs. D = 1 m, L = 300 m. H = 16 m, h = 2 m. L 2 hL = 0.01 D V . 2g
Find: (a) Discharge in pipe ( m3 / s). (b) Pressure halfway between two reservoirs ( kPa). PLAN To nd the discharge, apply the energy equation from water surface A to water surface in B. To nd the pressure at location P, apply the energy equation from water surface A to location P . SOLUTION Energy equation V2 V2 p2 p1 + 1 1 + z1 + hp = + 2 2 + z2 + hL 2g 2g 300 Vp2 Vp2 0 + 0 + H = 0 + 0 + 0 + 0.01 + 1 2g 2g 2 16 = 4Vp /2g Vp = 4 2 9.81 = 8.86 m/s Flow rate equation Q = VA = 8.86 (/4) 12 Q = 6.96 m3 /s Energy equation between the water surface in A and point P :
150 m 1m
Vp2 2g
7.82: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Two reservoirs are connected by a pipe with an abrupt expansion. L 2 hL = 0.02 D V , Q = 16 ft3 / s. 2g
Find: Elevation in left reservoir. Assumptions: = 1.0. PLAN Apply the energy equation from the left reservoir to the right reservoir. SOLUTION Energy equation
2 2 pL VL pR VR + + zL = + + zR + hL 2g 2g 200 V12 0 + 0 + zL = 0 + 0 + 110 + 0.02 1.128 2g 2 300 V2 (V1 V2 )2 V22 +0.02 + + 1.596 2g 2g 2g
Substituting into the energy equation (16 ft/ s 8 ft/ s)2 200 0.02 300 (8 ft/ s)2 2 2 (16) + (8) + ( )+ zL = 110 + 2 32.2 1.238 1.596 64.4 ft/ s2 64.4 ft/ s2 = 110 + 16.58 + 0.99 + 0.99 120
zL = 129 ft
7.83: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water is pumped from a lower to an upper reservoir. L1 = 100 m, L2 = 1000 m. D1 = 1 m, D2 = 50 cm. = 74%, Q = 3 m3 / s. z1 = 150 m, z2 = 250 m.
Find: (a) Pump power ( MW). (b) Sketch the HGL and EGL. Assumptions: = 1.0. PLAN Apply the energy equation from the upper reservoir surface to the lower reservoir surface. SOLUTION Energy equation p1 V12 p2 V22 + + z1 + hp = + + z2 + hL 2g 2g 2 X V2 L V + 0 + 0 + 150 + hp = 0 + 0 + 250 + 0.018 D 2g 2g Q 3 m3 / s = = 3.82 m/s A1 (/4) (1 m)2
V1 =
Substituting into the energy equation 100 m 1000 m 0.744 m + 11.9 m + 11.9 m hp = 250 m 150 m + 0.018 1m 5 cm = 541.6 m Power equation P = Qhp 3 m3 / s 9, 810 N/ m3 541.6 m = 0.74 P = 21.5 MW
11.9 m
hp=535 m
0.794 m
7.84: PROBLEM DEFINITION Situation: Water ows out of a reservoir into a pipe that discharges to atmosphere. L 2 hL = 0.018 D V , z1 = 200 m. 2g z2 = 185 m, zpipe = 200 m. D = 30 cm, L = 200 m. Find: (a) Water discharge in pipe ( m3 / s) . (b) Pressure at highest point in pipe ( kPa). Assumptions: = 1.0. PLAN First apply energy equation from reservoir water surface to end of pipe to nd the V to calculate the ow rate. Then to solve for the pressure midway along pipe, apply the energy equation to the midpoint: SOLUTION Energy equation p1 V12 p2 V22 + + z1 = + + z2 + hL 2g 2g V2 V2 + 185 + 0.02(200/0.30) 0 + 0 + 200 = 0 + 2g 2g 2 V 14.33 = 15 2g V2 = 1.047 2g V = 4.53 m/s Flow rate equation Q = VA = 4.53 m/ s (/4) (0.30 m)2 Q = 0.320 m3 /s
pm = 78.7 kPa