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R: Creating Graphical User Interfaces (Guis) Using The TCLTK

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R: Creating Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) using the tcltk

Introduction to Tcl

Adrian Waddell
University of Waterloo Departement of Statistics and Actuarial Science

September 8, 2010

About these Slides

These slides were written on behalf of the Departement of Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University of Waterloo, Canada. At the time of writing, the current software versions are GNU Emacs 23.1.1 Eclipse SDK Version: 3.5.2 R version 2.11.1 ESS 5.11 You nd an R source code le for these slides and more slides on our homepage.

About Tcl and Tk

Tcl (Tool Command Language) is a scripting language created by John Ousterhout at University of California around 1991. John Ousterhout also developed Tk, a platform independent graphical user interface (GUI) library, as an Tcl extension. Tk gained popularity because many other programming languages such as Perl, Python, Ruby, Common Lisp and for us of particular interest R provide libraries to write Tk GUIs. Peter Dalgaard, at University of Copenhagen, announced his tcltk package in 2001. Subsequently he announced some changes in the Rnews 2002, Vol. 3. However, he never wrote a complete documentation to his tcltk package. (I speculate that writing the documentation would have been more time intensive than writing the source code). The absence of a complete tcltk library documentation makes the rst steps into GUI creation with Tk in R a bit tough. We try to ease the initial learning curve with these slides.

Tk and R
Fortunately some understanding of Tcl and its naive Tk extension will be sucient to make use of the tcltk package. This further allows you to make use of the excellent www.tcl.tk web page to get full Tcl/Tk documentation and plenty of examples. The syntax of Tcl diers from that of R quite a lot. The tcltk library provides a whole set of Tk wrapper functions such that the user can integrate GUIs easily in R style into its R source code. Knowing Tcl and native Tk will however help to customize some GUIs for ones own special needs, as they open the door to the complete Tcl/Tk command set. If you want an overview or a rst impression of Tks capability, browse through this web page with examples, maintained by Philippe Grosjean, and also run some of the demos in R:
> library(tcltk) > demo(package = "tcltk") > demo(tkcanvas)

What you will learn from these Slides

As already mentioned, we will rst go over some of the Tcl basics. We than cover the conceptual part of the Tk library, such as its syntax and some geometry managers. However individual widgets (graphical user interface elements) such as for example listboxes, scrollbars or sliders wont be discussed in detail because it would be too much to cover in these slides. You eventually will need to get a good book about Tcl and Tk if you plan to frequently design GUIs. An excellent book is the following:
Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk Brent B. Welch (Prentice Hall PTR)
A copy of an early draft can be downloaded for free from here. However getting a current edition (4th at this time) is highly recommended.

Brent B. Welch kindly gave me the permission to adapt some of his examples (the pack geometry manager) directly for these slides. More advanced Tk programmers might want to take a look at this book.

Hello World in Tcl

Tcl commands, the equivalent of functions in R, get invoked as follows
commandName arg1 arg2 arg3 ...

The Tcl equivalent to the R prompt > is the Tcl shell (tclsh) promt %. R comes with Tcl/Tk by default and provides with the .Tcl function a basic interface between R and Tcl.
> library(tcltk) > .Tcl(puts stdout "Hello World.")

This code example invokes the command puts with the arguments stdout and the character string "Hello World.". Using the Tcl shell instead you can get the same output with the following code:
% puts stdout "Hello World."

Hence, in what follows, all the pure Tcl code can be executed in R by wrapping a .Tcl( and ) around it. You can check which Tcl version your R connects to by entering to R
> .Tcl(puts stdout $tcl_version)

Comments and Multiple Commands

Separation of commands and adding comments are done in Tcl the same way as in R with the only dierence that Tcl expects a comment to be at the beginning of a command. Hence, command separations are done with ;
puts stdout "Hello"; puts stdout "World"

and comments are either at the beginning of a new line or after a ;

# In the end, there are some similarities between R and Tcl set stdout "BUT" ;# but there are also many differences

In fact,
puts stdout Hello

would have also worked, as Hello appears to the Tcl interpreter as a single argument. However
puts stdout Hello World

Does not work because the Tcl things that Hello World are two arguments (separated by a white-space).

Variables and Math

The set command assigns a value to a variable
set x 2

The variable x can subsequently be accessed with $x, for example

puts stdout "Variable x is $x." set y $x ;# or

In the Tcl world, accessing is called variable substitution. Variables are deleted with the unset command
unset x

You can also do math with the variable x and y

expr $x+5*$y

note that the math syntaxt is the same as used in C

set x [expr pow($y,2)]

is used for a nested command. The previous example was an example of a command substitution.

More on Math in Tcl

The precision of math operations is by default set to 12 signicant digits. You can change this by creating the variable tcl_precision:
set tcl_precision 5

When calling the expr command: put its argument into curly braces {} in order for expr to make all the substitutions in the expression. For example for
expr $x+5*$y

the Tcl interpreter will rst substitute $x+5*$y and pass the string! to the expr command, which in turn has to converse it back to numeric values. Better is to give the unsubstituted string $x+5*$y directly to expr, and let expr do the substitutions. Doing so results in a gain of speed and precision. You can prevent the Tcl interpreter substitutions by putting the arguments in curly braces {}, for example
expr {$x+5*$y}

would be the best way to perform the computation of $x+5*$y.

As we saw in some previous examples, we can either use double quotes to group words into one argument,
set x "Farewell, fair cruelty."

or curly braces, with the only dierence that curly braces dont allow for substitution, try
puts stdout {He said \"$x\"}

puts stdout "He said \"$x\""

where the backslash substitution in the last code snippet works in the tclsh but not as an .Tcl argument, use
puts stdout "He said \$x\\"

instead. Hence, using braces allows you to induce a substitution at a later time
set y {He said \"$x\"} puts stdout [subst $y]

Tcl procedures are the equivalent of R functions. The proc command is used to dene procedures
proc procname arglist body

Note that, as opposed in R, procedure names do not conict with variable names.
proc bmi {height weight} { set bmi [expr $weight/pow($height,2)] return $bmi }

and you can call it with

bmi 1.82 75

As R functions do, Tcl procedures return their last expression evaluated. The curly braces dont perform any dierent in the procedure syntax: they group arguments (space) or commands (new lines) and delay the substitution until the procedure is called.

Within Tcl, the basic philosophy is that everything is a string. [...]. Other data structures (such as proc, dict, list, handle) are built on top of this fundamental assumption. [see wiki.tcl.tk] The Tcl string command provides a collection of string operations. Its rst argument determines the operation to perform [tcl.tk man] A few examples are:
string length {Hello World!} set col [string range {green world} 0 4] string equal green $col set x 5.4 string is integer $x

The append command is to faster than double quotes:

set x "$x years of work" append x " was waisted" ;# is really the same as

Lists are like vectors in R one dimensional arrays. Lists are created with the list command
set names [list Jeff Bob Lea Tiffany]

Here some basic list manipulations, read the online manual on lists, join and split for more information.
lindex $names 2 lrange $names [list 1 3] lset names 1 Bobby llength $names lappend names Paul ;# access third element ;# access 2nd to 4th element ;# replace element ;# length of the list ;# append one element ;# combine two lists ;# search for ff

concat $names [list Emilio Berta] lsearch -all -inline $names *ff*

where the asterisk (*) in the last example stands for any string.

A Tcl array is similar to the list data structure in R. Indices of arrays are keys (strings). See the tcl manual and wiki entry. The basic syntax is
set array("key") "your string" set $array("key") ;# define an array element ;# access an element

To avoid possible errors, do not use space characters in the key, as parentheses do not group. Arrays are one dimensional, but nothing stops you from using 1,1 and 1,2 etc. as the key string.

Control Flow Statements

Tcl provides looping commands for, foreach and while conditional commands if and switch Follow the links to get the documentation and some examples for each of them. To compare strings in a conditional statement, you may use eq and ne instead of the string equal command
if{[string equal $str1 $str2]} { ... }

is the same as
if{$str1 eq $str2} { ... }

Note: You can control loop execution with the break and continue commands. The break command causes immediate exit from a loop, while the continue command causes the loop to continue with the next iteration. [Brent Welch]

Scoping and Namespaces

In Tcl, procedures do not see variables dened outside the procedure. You can, however, access them with the global and upvar commands. Apart from calling procedures, it is possible to create namespaces with the namespace command. Like the string command, namespace provides a collection of operations, dened by its rst argument. Similar as in R, procedures can be accessed via the double colon ::. From the online documentation:
namespace eval counter { namespace export bump variable num 0 variable proc bump {} { variable num incr num } } ;# export procedure ;# create and initialize num

;# num = num + 1

So, you can increment num in the counter namespace with

counter::bump ;# increment num

A single event loop permeates everything in Tcl/Tk programs that deal with I/O. When things happen on les, sockets, the GUI, timers or other input sources, events re and Tcl callbacks are invoked, simple as that. [tcl.tk] Callbacks can be triggered by button clicks in GUIs, keyboard input or after a certain time delay, to name a few. Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) work with event binding. We will discuss them in the appropriate Tk section. The after command is used to delay the execution of a command to sometime in the future. The vwait command enters the event loop until a predened variable gets modied. Idle events are processed when Tcl has nothing to do. They are registered with the after idle command.

More on the Tcl/Tk API for R

So far, we have used the .Tcl function in R to interact with the Tcl interpreter. There are some other low-level Tcl/Tk interface functions in R, see the R documentation with
> ?TclInterface

A more native feel to invoke Tcl procedures in R gives the tcl function. For example
> bar <- "x" > tcl("set", bar, 1:5)

assigns the Tcl variable x the list (vector) 1 2 3 4 5. Note how R converts its data structure here a vector to a Tcl list.

Tcl variables in R
You can of course access every Tcl variable in R via the .Tcl or tcl function. It is, however, possible to create an R variable which links to a Tcl variable
> x <- tclVar("3")


This creates the R variable x which links to a global Tcl variable called where the number gets for every new R/Tcl variable incremented
> .Tcl(set Rtcl1)

You can access the information from within R with

> tclvalue(x)

or change it with
> tclvalue(x) <- "3.26456"

Remember, every Tcl variable holds a string as its base type! Hence if you need to use a Tcl variable holding a integer within an R routine, use
> as.numeric(tclvalue(x))

Whenever you want to invoke an R function from Tcl, you need to get the hex-address of the R function. Say your function of interest is
foo <- function(a,b) { cat(paste("you entered: a=",a," and b=",b,\n, sep=)) }

You can get the Tcl command to invoke the function as follows
> .Tcl.callback(foo) [1] "R_call 0x22b88a0 %a %b"

> .Tcl(R_call 0x22b88a0 3 4) you entered: a=3 and b=4 <Tcl>

As to my knowledge, you can not use returned values in Tcl.

Tck/Tk Packages and Source les

Sometimes it is easier, and/or faster, to write your program completely in native Tcl code rather than using the wrapper functions provided by the tcltk package. If you want the Tcl program to work within R, you can write an interface with the commands presented in this chapter and load the Tcl procedures in R as follows:
> .Tcl(source myTclSourceFile.tcl)

You can load Tcl packages either with the tclRequire function form within R or with the Tcl command
% package require Img

if you were to load the Img package. Emacs allows you to execute Tcl code interactively line by line. Another good tool which supports command completions with the TAB key is a program (tk extension) called tkcon.

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