St. Joseph's August 12, 2012 Bulletin
St. Joseph's August 12, 2012 Bulletin
St. Joseph's August 12, 2012 Bulletin
Mailing Address: PO Box 948 Arma, KS 66712
Weekly Bulletin
Notes from the Pastor: Its a sad week in Girard: two deaths in a week just in case you happen to know any of them , both parishioners of Saint Michael Helen OToole 89 years old, died of Alzheimers and was buried last Wednesday, then Jeanene and Jeremy Walsh lost their 7 and a half month old baby in the womb Monday morning. She received a conditional baptism with the name Lucy and was buried in the Garden of Memory Saturday afternoon. Though it is sad, Jeremy and Jeanenes story is spiritually inspiring. At the early stage of her pregnancy Jeanene was told by her doctor that that the babys condition is not good, that the baby may not survive, and that if she will go on with her pregnancy it may even endanger her life. She has two very young children Isabella and Elijah, and if she dies because of being pregnant with a baby that may not survive, she will be leaving her two other young kids without a mother. In other words, she was given the option of terminating the pregnancy. But Jeremy and Jeanene, worried but courageous, strongly stood by their faith and Catholic conviction and take the risk to keep the baby, until, risking her life, the sad thing happened. I asked Jeanene the permission to write her story here in the bulletin. Theirs is an example of Christian courage and complete submission to Gods will. This is one concrete example that I am sure will be a source of inspiration to all of us. May God bless their family always! On a happier note, our Bishop will be visiting Girard and Arma, the weekend of September 8 and 9. He is coming to thank us for our participation of the Together Vision, to rally us to celebrate with the entire Diocese of Wichita (to which we are a part of) the following: our Dioceses 125th Year Founding Anniversary, the 100th anniversary of the completion of the cathedral, and the Year of Faith starting October 12, 2012. I am asking all of you again to show your support of unity to our Diocese and our bishop by coming to the 8AM mass on September 9 th and joining us for breakfast right after the mass. For this reason, we will cancel the 4PM mass on September 8 to give chance to all to be together on September 9th. I hope and pray for your understanding and cooperation. Speaking of unity I hope you have read and reflected the draft of our Mission Statement . I am expecting to see in the collection basket some of your comments this weekend. If you have not yet done so, please submit your comment next weekend. Again, this is OUR Mission Statement, Next Sunday(8/19/2012) 8:00 AM Joseph Polhlopek Bill Harman & Dave Petrey Tracey Bogina Marcel Normand Scott & Susie Aldrighetti not mine, not theirs, OURS! For those who might have missed reading it last weekend, I am posting it again below. God bless you all! Fr. Roger From last weeks bulletin: It drew from the participants their thoughts and ideas, focused mainly on four aspects in drafting the mission statement: 1) Identity what are the identifying elements of the parish, location, unique character, and history; 2)Purpose the core values, beliefs, and the reason for the parishs existence; 3)Function-what the parish does in the broadest sense and to whom it is directed; and 4) Future areas of challenge and elements that need strengthening. Considering these four aspects and patiently and prayerfully going through the tedious process of respectful exchange of ideas in a number of group discussions, the participants came up with the following draft as our mission statement: 1) The faith-filled parishioners of Saint Joseph Catholic Church of Arma, 2) built in the trinity of Jesus Christ, value tradition and prayer 3) We are committed to strong leadership, responsive community service, and forming caring, welcoming, intimate relationships with our fellow brothers and sisters 4) We seek to become a more diverse, vibrant, active church family.
Next Saturday (8/18/2012) Altar Servers: Ushers E. M. E. Lectors: Gift Bearers 4:00 PM Volunteer Pat Westhoff & Aaron Kreutzer Sharon Giacometti Joe Broyles Mike & Virginia Buche
Our Weekend at Midwest Catholic Conference Last weekend, Helen and I were among many who attended the Midwest Catholic Family Conference held each year in Wichita in August. The headquarters was Century II Convention Center. The programs featured all weekend were chaired by outstanding Catholic speakers from all over the nation. Some were of the clergy and others were laypeople who clearly and intelligently addressed the teachings of the Church in light of the emerging social issues today. Ill touch on some of the talks in weeks to come.
The Assumption of Mary Mary lived many years on earth after the Ascension of Jesus. On the Cross, one of Jesus last thoughts was of her. He gave His Mother St. Ann Altar Society Knights of Columbus to St. John, His beloved apostle. St. John took Mary into his own Next meeting, Sept. 5th 1st Tuesday of Month, 7pm home at Ephesus, where St. John was Bishop. Here, she spent much St. Michael Parish Hall of her time in prayer, besides the domestic duties of the household. She received Holy Communion each day from the hands of St. John. Parish Pastoral Council Officers: Mary increased the intensity of her love for her Son each moment of Chair Pat Westhoff her life. Members at Large Emil Pronier, Betty Rons & Dustin Ashmore Time passed and Mary grew older. When she fell asleep in the Secretary Karen Pryer Lord, John placed her body in a tomb, yet when he returned three Worship Committee: days later, it was gone. She had been assumed body, soul, and diviniChair Karen Pryer Lectors Marcel Normand ty into Heaven, according to teachings of the Church. She was taken E.M.Es Joann Black Music Jan Harman up into Heaven and re-united with Her Son. The Assumption is not Ushers/Greeters Bill Harman Sacristan Larry Pronier mentioned in the Bible, yet it doesnt mean it is untrue because we Altar Society: Judy Smerchek believe that God revealed Himself to us through Scripture and tradition. For example, the Trinity is not mentioned in the Bible, but it Parish Finance Council: doesnt diminish the Churchs teachings of the three persons in one Chair Fred Bogina God because, while not explicitly mentioned, it is taught in a variety Members Bill Harman, Judy Wingebach, Linda Broyles of Biblical passages. Devotion to Mary in Her Assumption is ancient in the Church. As early as 500, the Eastern Church celebrated on August 15, the Feast of Marys Dormition, her falling asleep in the Lord. By the 8th Important Dates century, the Feast was celebrated throughout the Western Church. ++September 9 Bishop Jackels will be visiting our parish and will Then on November 1, 1950, Pope Pius XII formally defined the doccelebrate the weekend masses with us; for this reason I am sorry to trine of the Assumption like this: We proclaim and declare it to be a tell you that we have to cancel our 4PM mass on September 8. The dogma revealed by God that the Immaculate Mother of God, Mary reason for this is again like last time will be to gather most of our ever Virgin, when the course of her earthly life was finished, was parishioners in one mass to celebrate it with our bishop. So please taken up body and soul into the glory of heaven. plan on coming! Breakfast with our bishop and for all will be served As Jesus didnt abandon us by ascending to Heaven, but continualat the hall. Mass in Girard will be at 10:30 AM with Bishop Jackels; installation of our catechists within the mass; Parish Picnic follows at ly sends His Holy Spirit to sustain His Church, so Mary, in the Assumption, has not been separated from us, but instead, remains a sign the hall and church ground food, band, and games! Please plan of sure hope that each one of us is called to share, as she has, in the ahead and unite with one another! You are all invited. ++September 12 - CCD Classes starts! Please enroll your kids to our fullness of Christs glory. Articles by Marcel Normand CCD at Saint Michael!
Homecoming Breakfast-St. Joseph Parish Council of Arma will sponsor a Homecoming Breakfast during the Arma Homecoming Celebration on Sunday, August 19th from 9am to 11am in the parish hall. Menu consists of scrambled eggs, biscuits & gravy, sausage, hash browns, cinnamon rolls, juice and coffee. The donation is Adults: $5, Children (4-12): $3, Children (3 -under): Free. Carry-outs will be available.