Foamed Asphalt Mix
Foamed Asphalt Mix
Foamed Asphalt Mix
Foamed asphalt mix refers to a mixture of pavement construction aggregates and foamed bitumen
Steam foaming system Process of injecting steam into hot bitumen Convenient for asphalt plants where steam is readily available Impractical for in-situ foaming operations, as it requires special equipments as steam boilers etc. Cold foaming system Patented by Mobil Oil Corporation, Australia Addition of cold water into hot bitumen Practical and economical
The moment a cold water droplet (at ambient temperature) makes contact with the following chain of events occur: The bitumen exchanges energy with the surface of the water droplet, heating it to a temp. of 100C and cooling the bitumen This transferred exceeds the latent energy of steam resulting in explosive expansion and generation of steam, in the expansion chamber Encapsulated steam from the nozzle expands until a thin film of bitumen holds it intact through surface tension Surface tension of bitumen film counteracts the everdiminishing steam pressure, until a stable equilibrium is reached Due to low thermal conductivity of bitumen, bubble remain stable over a measurable time
An important consideration during the mixing stage of foamed asphalt production Maximised expansion ratios and half lives promote binder dispersion within the mix Bitumen, irrespective of grade or origin, can be foamed with an appropriate combination of nozzle type, water, air and bitumen injection pressure (Castedo Franco & Wood, 1983) According to Abel (1978) Bitumen with silicones have reduced foaming abilities Bitumen with lower viscosity foams more readily and has higher foam ratios and half lives than bitumen with higher viscosity Anti-stripping agents intensifies the foaming ability of bitumen Above 149C, acceptable foaming is achieved Half-life and expansion ratio of the foam produced is affected by the volume of the foam, quantity of water used and temperature at which the foam is produced (Brennen et al, 1983) Cohesion and compressive strength are significantly greater for high expansion (15:1) foamed bitumen (Bowering & Martin, 1976) Certain surface active additives produce highly expanded and stable foamed bitumen with ER>15 and 1/2>60 sec and resulted in improved aggregate coating (Maccarrone, 1994)
No appreciable differences between the measured properties of foamed asphalt mixes with different grades of bitumen (Lee, 1981) Load-rate and temperature dependent behaviour are indicative of visco-elastic binder activity Needs further investigation
Optimum bitumen cannot be clearly determined Upper range of binder content is governed by the loss in stability of the mix and lower range by the water susceptibility Mix stability is governed by the (binder content):(fines content) i.e. the viscosity of the binder-fines mortar
Wide range of aggregates may be used with foamed bitumen Certain soils may require limetreatment and grading adjustments Fines content of the aggregate should be above 5% (Ruckel et al, 1982) Resultant filler (mix of bitumen and fines) acts as a mortar between the coarse aggregate and increase the strength of the mix Excess bitumen tends to act as a lubricant, resulting in loss of strength and stability
Moisture softens and breakdowns agglomerations in the aggregates to aid bitumen dispersion Insufficient water reduces the workability of the mix & results in inadequate dispersion of the binder Excess water lengthens the curing time, reduces the strength and density of the compacted mix OMC depends on the optimisation of the mix properties (strength, density, water absorption & swelling) OMC lies at the fluff point of the aggregate i.e., the MC at which the aggregates have maximum loose bulk volume (Mobil Oil, Australia) Best compactive moisture condition occurs when the total fluid content (moisture + bitumen) OMC (Castedo Franco & Wood, 1983) Higher the bitumen content, lower the compaction moisture content
Curing is the process whereby the foamed asphalt gradually gain strength over time accompanied by a reduction in MC MC during curing period affects the ultimate strength of the mix (Ruckel et al, 1982) Curing of foamed asphalt mixes in the field occurs over several months, hence an accelerated laboratory curing procedure is required to correlate the field behaviour Lab tests required 3-days oven curing at 60C, resulting in moisture content stabilisation at about (0-4)%, which represents the driest state achievable in the field Represents the in-service state approximately a year after construction
Optimum mixing temperature of the aggregates lies in the range of (13-23)C, depending on the type of aggregate Temperature below this range result in poor quality mixes (Bowering & Martin, 1976)
Most common method to select the design binder content is to optimise the Marshall stability & minimise the loss in stability under soaked moisture condition The different engineering properties which affect the foamed asphalt mix design are :: MOISTURE SUSCEPTIBILITY TEMPERATURE SUSCEPTIBLITY UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TENSILE STRENGTH STIFFNESS RESILIENT MODULUS ABRASION RESISTANCE DENSITY AND VOLUMETRICS FATIGUE RESISTANCE
Strength characteristics of foamed asphalt are highly moisture dependant, due to relatively low binder and high cement contents Additives such as lime, cement etc reduce the moisture susceptibility of the mix (Castedo Franco et al, 1983) Higher bitumen content reduce moisture susceptibility as higher densities are achievable, leading to lower permeabilities, lower void contents, and increased coating of the moisture sensitive fines with binder
Both the tensile strength and modulus decrease with the temperature Coarse aggregates are not affected by higher temperatures Stability and viscosity of the bitumen fines decrease with increasing temperatures, resulting in loss of strength
Lack resistance to abrasion and ravelling Not suitable for friction / wearing courses applications
Governs structural capacity of foamed asphalt pavement layers Mechanical characteristics of foamed bitumen fall between a cemented and a granular structure Controversy exist over the fatigue properties of foamed asphalt Fatigue property will be inferior to to that HMA (Bissada, 1987) Fatigue property will be superior to that of HMA (Little et al, 1983) Fatigue property is similar to those of HMA (Macarrone et al, 1993) Needs further investigation
Additives may be used to catalyse the foaming, but has a significant cost implication
Aggregates are characterised by the grading and the PI Grading is adjusted, if required, by adding fine or coarse materials so that the conforms to the standard grading envelope Materials with PI>12 should be treated with lime to reduce the PI Addition of 1-2% of cement to the mix aids bitumen adhesion (Lewis, 1998) The oven dried aggregate are riffled into 5 batches of 10kg each
Appropriate range of foamed bitumen contents is selected for the trial mixes using the Table (Ruckel et al , 1982) Five batches of trial mixes are prepared at binder contents differing by 1%
A crucial mix design parameter Recommended MC for mixing and compaction is the greater of (OMC BC) & the fluff point of the aggregate
Cost Relatively more expensive as compared to other forms of stabilisation Sealing Work Seal design requires special attention due to the pertinent stripping problems Bitumen Temperature The process requires hot bitumen (180C) for the successful foaming action, thus initiating a risk of burning Grading Very sensitive to the grading of the host material, requires imported material to mix with the existing material to achieve the grading requirement Purpose built foamed bitumen stabilising equipment is required
RELATIVE COST OF STABILISTAION (KENDALL ET AL, 2000) TREATMENT 2-3% LIME / FLYASH (200 mm) BITUMEN 2% EMULSION / CEMENT 2% (200mm) Ad BASE 4 / CEMENT (175 mm) FOAMED BITUMEN (250 mm) COST ($/m2) $6 - $9 $12 - $14 $12 - $14 $13 - $15
Laboratory unit for producing foamed bitumen, capable of varying different parameters such as for example the bitumen temperature, water content or air pressure during the injection process. Series of measurements designed to determine the foamed bitumen properties can be easily carried out with the aid of this system.
Foamed asphalt mixes is gaining popularity owing to their good performance, ease of construction and compatibility with a wide range of aggregate types Mix design can be accomplished by simple test procedures and by adhering to certain restrictions with respect to the materials used The mix design is carried out to optimize the mix strength characteristics at the worst-case operating environment i.e., under soaked condition Simple tests such as ITS & Marshall Test can be conveniently used to determine the optimum binder content Other tests such as Resilient Modulus, Dynamic Creep & Mix Volumetrics can be conducted to ensure the adequate performance of the selected optimum mix More development and research is still required
Muthen K.M :: Foamed Asphalt Mixes Mix Design Procedure :: Contract Report CR-98/077 ; June 1999 ; CSIR Transportek ; Jenkins K.J.,Van de Ven MFC., De Groot JLA :: Characterisation of Foamed Bitumen :: 7th Conference on Asphalt Pavements for Southern Africa ; Mr. Nicol Van der Walt et al :: The Use of Foamed Bitumen in Full-depth in-place Recycling of Pavement Layers illustrating the basic concept of water saturation in the foam process :: 7th Conference on Asphalt Pavements for Southern Africa ; Kendall M., Ramanujam J. et al :: Foamed Bitumen Stabilisation :: Southern Region Symposium, 1999 ;