It included a central processing uni t (CPU) chip the 4004, a supporting read-only memory (ROM) chip for the custom app lications programs, a random-access memory (RAM) chip for processing data, and a shift-register chip for the input/output (I/O) port. Intel delivered the four c hips and Busicom went on to sell some 100,000 calculators. * 4-bit microprocessor * 740 KHz * 4 KB program memory * 640 bytes data memory * 3-level deep stack * No interrupts
intel 8008The Intel 8008 was an early byte-oriented microprocessor designed and manufactur ed by Intel and introduced in April 1972. It was an 8-bit CPU with an external 1 4-bit address bus that could address 16KB of memory. * 8-bit microprocessor * 16 KB memory * Interupts
TMS 1000Texas Instruments TMS1000 family of 4-bit microcontrollers was introduced in 197 4. The TMS 1000 microcontrollers had very simple design - only 2 4-bit general r egisters, 43 instructions (expanded to 54 instructions in TMS1100/TMS1300), 1-le vel deep stack, shift-register program counter and no interrupts.
intel 4040The Intel 4040 microprocessor was the successor to the Intel 4004. It was introd uced in 1974. The 4040 employed a 10 m silicon-gate enhancement load PMOS technol ogy, was made up of 3,000 transistors[2] and could execute approximately 60,000 instructions per second. * 4-bit microprocessor * 740 KHz * 2 x 4 KB program memory * 640 bytes data memory * 7-level deep stack * No interrupts * 4004 object-code compatible 24-pin DIP
RCA 1802The RCA 1802 which is actually the one-chip implementation of the earlier two-chip RCA 1801 has a static CMOS design with no minimum clock frequency, so that it can be run at very low speeds and low power. It has an 8-bit parallel bus with a bi directional data bus and a multiplexed address bus (i.e., the high order byte of the 16-bit address and the low order byte of the address take turns in using th e 8-bit physical address bus lines, by accessing the bus lines in different cloc k cycles).
motorola 6800The 6800 is an 8-bit microprocessor produced by Motorola and released shortly af ter the Intel 8080 in late 1974.The 6800 is a standard "8-bit" 2's complement mi croprocessor, like the Intel 8080. It supports 8-bit bytes, 16-bit addresses and 64 KB of memory. Like the 8080, code can be placed in ROM. This is an important feature compared to some of the minicomputers of the time, especially the PDP-8 , which used a linked-list embedded in the code for subroutine linkage. The 6800 had a 16-bit stack pointer, so the stack can be located anywhere and ca n grow to any length up to the size of the memory. Compare this with the 6502 wh ich had only an 8-bit stack pointer and which mapped the stack into the second p age (addresses 256 - 511).
intel 8080The Intel 8080 was an early microprocessor designed and manufactured by Intel. T he 8-bit microprocessor was released in April 1974 running at 2 MHz (at up to 50 0,000 instructions per second), and is sometimes considered to be the first trul y usable microprocessor.
Signetics 2650The Signetics 2650, was a very early (1975) 8-bit microprocessor.The chip contai ned 7 8-bit general purpose registers, although only 4 were visible at any time. It was limited to a 15-bit address space (thereby addressing a maximum of 32KB of memory), since the upper bit of a 16-bit memory reference was reserved to ind icate that the indirect memory addressing mode was to be used (a minicomputer-li
ke feature).
fairchild f8Fairchild F8 or 3850 is a multi-chip microcontroller. The F8 is based on the 385 0 chip - this chip integrates 8-bit ALU, 64-bytes scratchpad RAM and two 8-bit I /O ports. The 3850 does not decode instructions - 3851 or 3856 program storage u nit (PSU) chips, dynamic memory interface (DMI) chip, 3853 static memory interfa ce (SMI) chip or 3861/3871 parallel I/O (PIO) chips are used for this task. If n ecessary, multiple PSU, DMI, SMI and PIO chips can be used together with one 385 0 ALU chip. The PSU chips include the following on-chip features: * * * * * ROM: 1 KB for the 3851 and 2 KB for the 3856 Memory addressing logic Two 8-bit I/O ports Interrupt logic Timer
texas instruments tms9900Introduced in 1976 and based on the Texas Instruments 990 minicomputer CPU, the TMS9900 was one of the first true 16-bit microprocessors (the first were probabl y National Semiconductor IMP-16 or AMD-2901 bit slice processors in 16 bit confi guration). It was designed as a single chip version of the TI 990 minicomputer s eries, much like the Intersil 6100 was a single chip PDP-8, and the Fairchild 94 40 and Data General mN601 were both one chip versions of Data General's Nova. Un like the IMS 6100, however, the TMS 9900 had a mature, well thought out design. It had a 15-bit address bus, a 16-bit data bus, and three internal 16-bit regist ers (PC, WP, and ST). One unique feature, though, was that all general purpose u ser registers were actually kept in external memory. A single workspace register (WP) pointed to the 16 register set (each register being 16 bits wide) in RAM, so when a subroutine was entered or an interrupt was processed, only the single workspace register had to be changed - unlike some CPUs which required dozens or more register saves before acknowledging a context switch. This was feasible at the time because RAM was often faster than the CPUs. A few modern designs, such as the INMOS Transputers, use this same design using caches or rotating buffers, for the same reason of improved context switches. Other ch ips of the time, such as the 65xx series had a similar philosophy, using index r egisters, but the TMS 9900 went the farthest in this direction.
zilog z80The Zilog Z80 is an 8-bit microprocessor designed and sold by Zilog from July 19 76 onwards. It was widely used both in desktop and embedded computer designs as well as for military purposes. The Z80 and its derivatives and clones make up on e of the most commonly used CPU families of all time, and, along with the MOS Te
chnology 6502 family, dominated the 8-bit microcomputer market from the late 197 0s to the mid-1980s.
intel 8085The Intel 8085 is an 8-bit microprocessor introduced by Intel in 1977. It was bi nary-compatible with the more-famous Intel 8080 but required less supporting har dware, thus allowing simpler and less expensive microcomputer systems to be buil t. For the extensive use of 8085 in various applications, the microprocessor is pro vided with an instruction set which consists of various instructions such as MOV , ADD, SUB, JMP etc. These instructions are written in the form of a program whi ch is used to perform various operations such as branching, addition, subtractio n, bitwise logical and bit shift operations. More complex operations and other a rithmetic operations must be implemented in software. For example, multiplicatio n is implemented using a multiplication algorithm.
mostek3870Mostek was an integrated circuit manufacturer, founded in 1969 by ex-employees o f Texas Instruments.It have 8-bit microcomputer on a single MOS integrated circu it; N-Channel ion injection silicon-gate technology; the 3870 can execute the F8 instruction set of more than 70 commands, allowing expansion into multi-chip co nfigurations with software compatibility. The device features 2048 bytes of ROM, 64 bytes of scratchpad RAM, a programmable binary timer and interrupt, 32 bits of TTL compatible I/O and a single +5 V power supply requirement. The 3870 has 2048bytes of mask programmable ROM; the 38E70 has 2048 bytes of UV erasable PROM
Intel 8086In the 80386 microprocessor and later, virtual 8086 mode (also called virtual re al mode, V86-mode or VM86) allows the execution of real mode applications that a re incapable of running directly in protected mode while the processor is runnin g a protected mode operating system. VM86 mode uses a segmentation scheme identical to that of real mode (for compati bility reasons) which creates 20-bit linear addresses in the same manner as 20-b it physical addresses are created in real mode, but are subject to protected mod e's memory paging mechanism. -Memory addressing -Interrupts-When interrupts (both hardware, software and iret instruction) occur , the processor switches off the VM86 mode and returns to work in full protected mode to handle the interrupt. And before servicing the interrupt, the DS, ES, F
S, and GS registers are pushed on the new stack and zeroed. -64-bit support
motorola 6809-???????? OS-9 is a family of real-time, process-based, multitasking, multi-user, Unix-lik e operating systems, developed in the 1980s, originally by Microware Systems Cor poration for the Motorola 6809 microprocessor.
zilogz8000The Z8000 is a 16-bit microprocessor introduced by Zilog in 1979.Although fundam entally a 16-bit architecture, some versions had 7-bit, segment registers that e xtended the address space to 8 megabytes. The register set consisted of sixteen 16-bit registers, and there were instructi ons that could use them as 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit registers. The regi ster set was completely orthogonal, with register 15 conventionally designated a s stack pointer, and register 14 for stack segment. There was both a user mode and a supervisor mode.