Ecorr 174
Ecorr 174
Ecorr 174
Pv x dL
Where :
L = Depth from ground level to top of dense alluvial sand or top of
in-situ CDV or CDG. The depth stated on the Drawings has been
taken from the existing ground investigation results and is given
without warranty. The Contractor must satisfy himself of the
validity of this information.
Perimeter = Perimeter of the pile, e.g. x diameter for circular
sections or 2 x (breadth + depth) for rectangular and H sections.
Pv = Effective vertical pressure (total pressure minus the
hydrostatic pressure) taking the water table at the level stated on the
dL = Elemental length.
(ii) The above formula is provided as a minimum assessment. If this
formula is not considered adequate, submit an alternative method of
calculating the negative skin friction for approval.
(iii) For piles claimed to be non-negative friction (NF) pipe piles, the
Contractor may adopt such methods of calculation in assessing the
magnitude of the NSF approved when the system was registered by
the Development Bureau.
(iv) A pile group reduction factor of 0.85 may be applied to the
evaluation of NSF under a pile group condition as defined in
Clause 5.07.
tubular piles
5.16 (i) The piles must be of proprietary type manufactured and handled in
accordance with the approved manufacturer's compliance standards.
Stack piles neatly and securely off the ground.
(ii) Submit to the SO manufacturer's certificates for each batch of piles
delivered to the Site stating, (a) that the piles have been manufactured
in accordance with the manufacturer's compliance standards
approved by the Development Bureau, (b) that the piles are
satisfactory for the purpose intended and, (c) the mix proportion and
admixtures used in the concrete, and (d) the results of all cube and
core tests.
(iii) Carry out splicing to increase the pile length by welding the jointing
plates of the lower and upper segments in accordance with the
manufacturer's details. The welded joints shall be constructed,
inspected and tested as described in Clause 5.18 (v).
(iv) Do not use a hammer of weight less than 50% of the weight of the pile
during the final set. For set calculation in accordance with Clause 5.14
(iii), the temporary compression of the pile and hammer cushions (Cc)
shall be taken as not less than 7.5 mm. If specified, carry out Dynamic
Pile Testing or use other approved means to demonstrate at
construction stage that the maximum tensile stress solely arising from
pile driving does not exceed 12 MPa.
(v) (a) When precast prestressed tubular piles are proposed, the SO
will order at least one pile of each serial size from each batch,
to be subjected to the following destructive tests:
(i) Taking Test Cores
3 sets of 3 cores (total 9 numbers) of 76 mm nominal
diameter shall be taken, normal to the length of the pile,
from 3 transverse sections of a sample pile selected by the
(ii) Assessment of Core Strength
The compressive strength of the cores shall be adjusted for
length/diameter ratio and direction of drilling (D = 2.3, to
be considered as equivalent to cores drilled vertically) and
converted to estimated in-situ cube strength in accordance
with CS1.
The cores shall not be deemed to comply with the
Specification if either:
(a) the average strength of each set of 3 cores is less than
85% of the strength specified by the manufacturer, or
(b) the strength of any individual core is less than 75% of
the strength specified by the manufacturer.
(b) Unless otherwise specified, a batch of piles shall be 100
lengths or less of piles manufactured by the same
manufacturer, covered by the same manufacturer's certificate
delivered to the Site. Stock each batch of piles neatly as a
group on the Site and each pile of a batch shall be identified
with unique marking for approval.
(c) In the event that the coring test results fail to comply with
Clause 5.16 (v)(a)(ii) above, all piles of the same concreting
date will be deemed to be unacceptable and shall be removed
from the Site. Consequent to the failure of a coring test, two
additional destructive tests shall be carried out to piles of
different casting dates selected by the SO.
(d) Supply sample piles for testing, arrange for all coring to be
carried out by an approved specialist core drill contractor, and
provide all necessary facilities and attendance. Grind the two
ends of each core for compressive test smooth and truly
perpendicular to the axis and deliver cores to the Public
Works Laboratories (PWL) for testing. Prepare and submit
test records to the SO and remove the cored piles off the Site
on completion of the tests.
(e) Do not use a pile from any batch until sample piles from such
batch have passed the destructive test.
(vi) Finish off the pile heads, cast concrete plugs and provide dowel bars
in accordance with details shown at Annex "A".
Large diameter
bored piles
5.19 (i) Large diameter bored piles are those of a diameter exceeding
600 mm formed by boring, chiselling or grabbing, plus filling with
Provide reinforcement and adequate ties in accordance with details
shown at Annex "D".
(ii) Site borings to pre-determine the level of oversite bedrock shall be
carried out by an independent Ground Investigation Contractor from
Group I and Group II of the List of Approved Suppliers of Materials
and Specialist Contractors for Public Works Ground Investigation
Field Work Category. One drill hole shall be sunk at each bored pile
position. For this purpose, at least 5 m of continuous rock core
samples of N size (61 mm diameter) shall be taken for inspection.
Two copies of the drill hole logs have to be submitted to the SO.
(iii) Found pile on bedrock with a minimum embedment depth of 600
(iv) Bedrock is defined as rock mass of at least 5 m thick and being Grade
III/IV or better rock (as defined in GEOGUIDE 3, Guide to Rock
and Soil Descriptions prepared by Geotechnical Engineering Office
and published by GIS, Hong Kong).
For design purposes, the maximum bearing pressure of piles on
bedrock shall not exceed the following:
(a) 3 MPa for Grade III/ IV or better rock with core recovery
greater than 75%
(b) 5 MPa for Grade III or better rock with core recovery greater
than 85%
(c) 7.5 MPa for Grade II or better rock with core recovery greater
than 95%
(v) Do not use piles with enlarged bases unless specified otherwise.
Where so permitted, the size of the enlarged base shall not exceed 1.5
times the shaft diameter with a gradient not exceeding 30 degree
from vertical, and the enlarged base shall only be formed by
under-reaming with reverse circulation drill. The relevant technique
shall have been approved by the Development Bureau.
(vi) The requirements of Clause 5.17 (ii) apply equally to large diameter
bored piles.
(vii) Where the water level is higher than the bedrock level, carry out
concreting with a tremie pipe. Clean the pile base by air lift before
commencing concreting. Ensure the tremie pipe always penetrates
well below the top level of the concrete being poured.
(viii) Supply concrete in sufficient quantities to ensure that concreting of
each pile proceeds without interruption. The concrete shall have a
minimum cement content of 400 kg/m
and a minimum slump of 150
(ix) Where the water level is higher than the bedrock level, the concrete
used shall have grade strength 25% higher than the design grade
(x) Where a pile is founded on a stratum which deviates from the
predicted depth by more than 4 m, carry out additional borings to
satisfy the SO that the pile is acceptable.
(xi) When defects such as voids, unbound sediment or segregation of
concrete are observed at the base of the pile, the Contractor shall
carry out remedial works to rectify such defects.
The Contractor shall first submit a method statement for approval.
Remedial works shall, inter alia, consist of further drilling to
determine the extent of the defects, cleaning by high pressure jetting
and subsequent pressure grouting. After completion, the Contractor
shall carry out verification coring to prove all defects are properly
filled with grout.
(xii) Where steep bedrock profile is identified, the founding levels of
adjacent piles shall not differ by more than the clear distance
between the pile bases unless the stability of rock under the piles are
checked by recognized engineering principles, taking into account
the existence of any adverse joints.
Tolerances in
setting out of
5.22 (i) Carefully set out the position of piles as specified.
(ii) Construct piles to the following maximum permitted tolerances on
plan measured at cut off level in any direction from the actual
geometric centre of the pile to the specified designated position:
(a) Precast concrete piles )
Precast prestressed tubular piles )
Percussion cast in-situ concrete piles )
Steel H piles ) 75 mm
Non-percussion cast in-situ concrete piles )
Large diameter bored piles )
Hand-dug caissons )
(b) Mini piles ) 15 mm
(iii) Construct piles to the following maximum permitted tolerances from
the vertical or any specified batter:
(a) Precast concrete piles )
Precast prestressed tubular piles )
Percussion cast in-situ concrete piles ) 1 in 75
Steel 'H' piles )
Non-percussion cast in-situ concrete piles )
(b) Large diameter bored piles )
Hand-dug caissons ) 1 in 75
(c) Mini piles ) 1 in 100
(iv) Finish tops of piles to within a tolerance of zero to - 25 mm from the
cut-off levels specified in Clause 5.24 (i).
(v) Carry out a survey and record the location of the centres of piles prior
to completion of the Works. Submit proposals for remedial works, if
necessary, to the SO for agreement within 10 days after the completion
of the said survey. Provide the SO with three complete sets of prints
and one set of negatives of the agreed remedial works drawings within
three days after receiving the SO's approval.
Amendments to Section 6
periods before
6.12 Minimum periods for retaining formwork and falsework in position before
striking shall be in accordance with Table 6.1, unless otherwise consented
by the SO.
Striking time
Type of formwork
without PFA
with PFA
Vertical formwork to columns,
beams and walls (unloaded)
24 hrs
30 hrs
Soffit formwork to slabs
(props left under)
4 days
4 days
Props to slabs (unloaded)
10 days 10 days
Soffit formwork to beams
(props left under)
7 days
7 days
Props to beams (unloaded)
16 days 16 days
Props to cantilevers 28 days 28 days
Inclined formwork to top surface 12 hrs 12 hrs
(i) These periods are for Portland Cement, at 15C temperature.
Increase these periods for lower temperatures as instructed by the SO.
(ii) Where the props shall be left in place whilst the soffit formwork to
slabs and beams shall be removed, such props shall either be
designed to remain in position throughout the striking process
without having to be temporarily removed or alternatively, if agreed
by the SO, be so designed that a few can be removed at a time and
replaced immediately.
(iii) Do not place construction loads on any unshored portion of the
structure under construction. The number of floors requiring
propping shall be as instructed by the SO according to the design
loads of such floors.
Liquid retaining
6.42.2 For liquid retaining structures, PFA shall be used and shall constitute 25%
of the total cementitious content in the designed mix concrete and shall
satisfy the following requirements:
(i) Maximum Water/Cement ratio to be 0.45.
(ii) Minimum cementitious content to be 325 kg/m
Maximum cementitious content to be 440 kg/m
(iv) Slump shall be greater than 75 mm.
Trial mixes 6.43 Trial mixes are not required for designed mix of concrete of grade below
Grade 20 or for standard mix concrete.
Concrete shall come from a supplier registered under QSPSC. Where a
designed mix is used, trial mixes may be required to be carried out to
determine the suitability of the proposed mix proportions for production of
concrete of the required quality, at the intended workability for compaction
of the concrete in the position, shape and location specified. Prepare trial
mixes on receipt of provisional approval of the mix design and complete at
least 35 days before commencement of concreting. Carry out trial mixes in
accordance with the following table:
No previous cube strength
records submitted or the
records submitted in
accordance with Clause 6.42.1
found unsatisfactory
Previous cube strength records found satisfactory
Same mix
Different plant
< Grade 40 Grade 40 Same mix
Same plant
Same plant
< Grade 40 Grade 40
Yes No No Yes No No
Plant trial No
Yes No No No Yes
The size of test cubes shall be 100 mm for concrete with maximum aggregate
size not exceeding 20 mm and shall be 150 mm for maximum aggregate size
exceeding 20 mm.
criteria of
laboratory trials
6.43.4 (i) The average of the six slump values shall be within 20mm or 25%,
whichever is the greater, of the designed slump value. The average
of the six flow values shall be within +/- 50mm of the designed flow
(ii) The results of compressive strength tests at 28 days of the test cubes
on Laboratory Mix Trial concrete shall comply with the following
Standard deviation of
test data of the
proposed plant
The average of the 18
test cubes exceed
Grade strength by at
least (MPa)
Individual test cube
shall exceed the Grade
strength by at least
Not exceeds
5.5 MPa for
100 mm cube
10 3
Not exceeds
5.0 MPa for
150 mm cube
8 2
5.5 MPa for
100 mm cube
14 7
5.0 MPa for
150 mm cube
12 6
When the mix has been approved, do not make variations in the proportions
and sources of materials or in the type, size and grading of aggregates
without the consent of the SO, who may require further trial mixes to be
The SO may also require practical tests to be made on site by filling trial
moulds or by pumping to confirm the suitability of the mix for the Works. In
such tests, the type of plant used for mixing, transporting and placing, the
method of compaction used, the formwork face to the mould and the size and
disposition of reinforcement shall be similar in all respects to those intended
for use in the Works.
Test cores 6.57 Where specified or when ordered by the SO, take core samples from the
finished concrete work for visual examination and compressive strength
tests. The number and locations of the cores shall be as stated in the contract
or as instructed by the SO. The diameter of cores shall be 100 mm and 150
mm for concretes with 20 mm and 40 mm aggregates respectively.
If concrete represented by test cubes in any concreting day fails to meet the
standard of acceptance specified in Clause 6.55, the SO may order the taking
of twelve or any other number of core samples from the finished concrete
work of the same concreting day for test at the Contractor's expense. The
location of these cores shall be decided by the SO.
Complete all coring within 7 working days of the date the instruction is
given by the SO.
All cores shall be drilled and tested in accordance with CS1.
Make good core holes to the approval of the SO with cement mortar or
concrete of similar strength to that of the parent concrete.
The concrete represented by a set of twelve cores shall be deemed not
complying with the specification if:
(i) The extent of voids in the cores exceed 1.5% in accordance with BS
1881: Part 120: 1983; or
(ii) The average estimated in-situ cube strength converted in accordance
with CS1 from the compressive strength of the concrete cores, less
than 85% of the specified grade strength of the concrete from which
the cores are taken; or
(iii) Any individual core has an estimated in-situ cube strength less than
75% of the specified grade strength.
Cores shall not be tested for strength at ages less than 28 days and no
adjustment shall be made to the measured strength in respect of the age of
the core when tested.
Materials 6.61 Water stops shall be an approved proprietary make with prefabricated angle
and intersection pieces.
Impregnated fibreboard joint filler for roads, pavings etc. shall be an
approved proprietary make.
Inorganic joint fillers, bond breakers and back-up material shall be an
approved proprietary make in either sheet form, strip or cord sections.
Sealants shall be approved proprietary make.
Hot applied joint sealants for concrete pavements shall be to BS 2499, Grade
Cold poured joint sealants for concrete pavements shall be to BS 5212.
Two-part polysulphide-based sealants shall be to BS 4254.
One-part gun-grade polysulphide-based sealants shall be to BS 5215.
Mechanical expansion joints shall be obtained from one of the specialists
included in the DEVB List for Expansion Joints in Highway Structures.
6.64 Where watertight construction is specified, such as basements, lift and
escalator pits etc., ensure that the work is free from leaks. Use only
formwork ties which do not leave holes through the concrete.
The blinding layer shall form a clean and dry base for the main structural
slab. There shall be no loss of cement paste to, or gain of water from, the
If waterproof membrane sheets shall be applied, exercise special care to
prepare the surface for the application in strict accordance with the
manufacturers' instructions and to avoid damage to the membrane after
application. The installation shall be under the supervision of a competent
representative from the membrane manufacturer. The strength properties of
the sheeting material shall not be less than 110 kN/m
in lap shear and 3.3
in lap peel under Site conditions. Construction details such as
corners and joints shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's drawings or
Provide water stops as described in Clauses 6.61 and 6.62 for all
construction joints. Carefully plan the positions of the construction joints
according to daily concreting progress and keep to a minimum. If
ready-mixed concrete is used, it shall be supplied to the site at regular
intervals. The joint between the base slab and the walls shall be minimum
250 mm above the top of the base slab.
Ensure that ground water levels are maintained below the blinding level so
that the cast concrete will not be subjected to water pressure until it has
attained sufficient strength.
Carry out remedial work required to eliminate any leaks and damp patches
that occur, and obtain approval of method to be used.
Amendments to Section 9
Bricks 9.02 Clay bricks to be well burnt, hard, sound, square, clean and approved. Bricks
with high sulphate content should be rejected. Bricks for fair faced works to
be "selected", being picked for evenness, texture, sharpness of arrises and
uniformity of colour. Any cracked bricks should be rejected.
Brick size to comply with BS EN 771-1. Actual size to be 215 x 102.5 x 65
mm. Nominal size to be 225 x 112.5 x 75 mm.
bricks &
9.04 Engineering bricks and loadbearing bricks to be BS EN 771-1.
High density (HD): 70 N/mm
and low density (LD) 50 N/mm
, having
absorption limits 4.5% and 7% respectively.
Wall ties 9.14
Ties for cavity walls to be formed 20x3.2 mm galvanized steel flats and to be
vertical twist type to BS EN 845-1, except that the overall length of the ties
shall be minimum 100 mm longer than the width of the specified cavity.
Ties between ends of walls and concrete to be one of the following:
(a) 6 mm diameter steel rods 350 mm long, painted with 2 coats of
bituminous paint.
(b) 20x3 mm galvanized steel flats 350 mm long, fanged at both ends.
Strips of approved brickwork reinforcement 350 mm long of the
following widths:
(i) For 100-105 mm walls, 60 mm
(ii) For 200-225 mm walls, 110 mm
Where strips are to be fixed by shot firing, the length may be reduced subject
to approval.
Ties for walls built against face of concrete to be formed from 20x3 mm
galvanized steel flats 150 mm long, fanged at both ends.
Lime 9.18 Lime to be hydrated lime to BS EN 459-1, delivered in sealed bags bearing
the manufacturers name or brand.
Plasticiser 9.20 Plasticiser to be an approved proprietary brand to BS EN 934-3.
Proportion 9.22 Mix constituents to the following proportions:
(a) Cement mortar cement and sand 1:3.
(b) Cement/lime mortar cement, lime putty and sand 1:1:6 for external
walls and 1:2:9 for internal walls.
(c) Firebrick mortar to be:
(i) An approved proprietary brand of fire cement, used neat, or
(ii) High alumina cement to BS EN 14647 and fine crushed
firebrick 1:2.
Proportions given are for dry sand. Allow for bulking.
Where plasticisers are used, they shall be used strictly in accordance with the
manufacturers recommendations and the proportions of the mortar mix
adjusted accordingly.
Amendments to Section 10
Stone 10.01 Stone, generally, shall be imported or local granite, of consistent colour, free
from defects and ferrous materials that will adversely affect strength or
appearance and comply BS 5390.
Upon the SOs instruction, the test method for determination of flexural
strength of stone shall be to BS EN 12372: 2006
10.06 Build masonry to the tolerances as follows:
TABLE 10.1
Tolerance (+ or - mm)
Thickness of bed joints
Position on plan
Level of bed joints (in any 5000 mm)
Straightness (in any 5000 mm)
Verticality (in any 3000 mm)
5 - 15
5 - 10
Walling built
concrete, etc.
10.22 Wall ties in masonry which is to face an existing or newly constructed wall
shall be fixed at a rate of 5 per square meter. Ties shall be fixed 100 mm into
the wall and 75 mm into masonry.
Wall ties shall be fixed between the ends of walls and concrete to brickwork
at centers of at least 450 mm vertically and shall project 250 mm into the
Upon the SOs instruction, the performance requirement testing on structural
fixings in concrete and masonry should be to BS 5080 Part 1: 1993 and Part
2: 1986.
10.23 Two copies of the Methods of Cleaning Instruction/Guideline shall be
submitted to the SO, within 3 months after completion of the masonry
works, for comment and approval
Maintenance cleaning of stones shall be done by means of:
(a) washing;
(b) abrasive blasting;
(c) mechanical; or
(d) chemical.
Limestone should be cleaned by water and occasionally by steam, with or
without mechanical aids.
Before starting a maintenance cleaning works, reference should be made to
BS 6270: Part I.
Amendment to Section 13
ceiling systems
13.23 The suspended ceiling system shall be an approved proprietary system
meeting the requirements of BS EN 13964 and of one of the classes of
exposure to be determined by conditions set out in Table 13.1.
TABLE 13.1
Classes of exposure
Class Conditions
A Building components generally exposed to varying relative humidity up to
70 % and varying temperature up to 25 C but without corrosive pollutants.
B Building components frequently exposed to varying relative humidity up to
90 % and varying temperature up to 30 C but without corrosive pollutants.
C Building components exposed to an atmosphere with a level of humidity
higher than 90 % and accompanied by a risk of condensation.
D More severe than the above.
The suspension system shall be manufactured from one of the following
(i) Galvanised mild steel.
(ii) Aluminium.
(iii) A combination of galvanised mild steel and aluminium.
Metal framing components, suspensions and connecting elements shall be
protected against corrosion according to Table 13.2.
TABLE 13.2
Classes of corrosion protection of metal substructure components
and membrane components
Profiles, suspensions
, connecting elements
and membranes Class according
to Table 13.1 Components made of steel Components made from aluminium
A Products with a continuously hot-dip metal coating
Z100, ZA095 or AZ100 according to prEN 10327
b c
Products with electroplated zinc coating flat ZE25/25
according to EN 10152
Continuously organic coated (coil-coated) products of
corrosion protection (interior) category CPI2 for the
exposed side according to EN 10169-3
(e.g. coating
system ZE15/15-HDP25-2T-CPI2).
No additional corrosion protection
B Products with a continuously hot-dip metal coating
Z100, ZA095 or AZ100 according to prEN 10327
b c
Products with electroplated zinc coating flat according
to EN 10152 with or without an additional organic
as follows
: ZE25/25 + 40 m per face
ZE50/50 + 20 m per face
or ZE100/100 without
Continuously organic coated (coil-coated) products of
corrosion protection (interior) category CPI2 for the
exposed side according to EN 10169-3
(e.g. coating
system ZE15/15-HDP25-2T-CPI2).
No additional corrosion protection
coil coating according to EN
1396:1996: corrosion index 2a
C Products with a continuously hot-dip metal coating
Z100, ZA095 or AZ100 according to prEN 10327
b c
with an additional organic coating
of 20 m per face.
Products with electroplated zinc coating flat according
to EN 10152
with an additional organic coating
: ZE25/25 + 60 m per face
, ZE100/100 + 40
m per face.
(15 m < s < 25 m)
coil coating according to EN
1396:1996: corrosion index 2a
D Special measures depending on use and corrosion
action. Minimum corrosion protection according to
Class C. Additional measures as required.
(s > 25 m)
coil coating according to EN
1396:1996: corrosion index 2b
a Round steel wires used as suspensions or part of a suspension shall meet the requirements of EN 10244-2
(Zinc or Zinc alloy coating on steel wire).
b prEN 10327 replaces EN 10142 (Zinc), EN 10214 (Zinc Aluminium) and EN 10215 (Aluminium Zinc).
c Any equivalent corrosion protection leading to a similar level of protection is permitted.
d Coating of exposed parts with zinc compatible organic coating according to EN ISO 12944-3 applied by a
post-painting process or equivalent coil coating according to EN 10169-3.
e Applies only to membrane components.
f Applies only to capping material for substructure components.
The substructure (suspension system) shall be classified in accordance with
its deflection limits as given in Table 13.3. See para. 4.32 of BS EN 13964
for testing criteria and methodology.
TABLE 13.3
Class of deflection
Maximum deflection in mm
1 L
/ 500 and not greater than 4.0
2 L
/ 300
3 No limit
A The maximum deflection is the accumulative value of the deflection of the substructure component and the
deflection of the membrane component
B L is the span in mm between the suspension components or the suspension points
Aluminium sections shall be anodised where exposed. The panel grid shall
be constructed of exposed tee or concealed 'T', 'Z' or other approved
sections. Hangers shall be steel wires not less than 2 mm diameter, or straps,
rods or combination of sections designed to facilitate the adjustment of grid
levels, support the weight of the ceiling and all fittings and attachments.
Fixing to soffits shall be by means of approved sockets, anchors or other
fixing devices cast into the slab or approved proprietary plugs or
The system shall be so designed to facilitate the removal of at least 10% of
the tiles without disturbing the remainder.
Provide matching edge trim to the perimeter of suspended ceilings.
Submit samples of the panel grid complete with acoustic ceiling tiles for
Amendment to Section 18
18.60 Floor screeds generally shall be in accordance with to BS 8204:Pt. 4 and BS
8000:Pt 11.1 and wall screeds to BS 5385:Pt 1 & BS 8000:Pt 11.1
Amendment to Section 20
Installation of
safety glazing
20.17.01 Provide tempered and/or laminated glass at the following locations:
a) Doors.
b) Fixed and operable glazing with a vertical edge within 300 mm of a
door in the closed position and with the bottom edge less than 1500 mm
above the walking surface.
c) Fixed glazing with area exceeding one square meter, and with the
lowest edge less than 450 mm above a walking surface, which is within
900 mm of such glazing; tempered and/or laminated glass is not
required if there is a horizontal member with minimum 40 mm width
located between 600 and 900 mm above the walking surface.
d) Any additional locations required by relevant Ordinances, Regulations
and Practice Notes.
Amendments to Section 24
car-parks and
paved areas
24.01 The clauses under this sub-heading relate to pedestrian ways, cycle paths,
playgrounds and other pedestrian paved areas and also include work in
small areas, additional areas and the reinstatement and maintenance of
existing surfaces. Where Works of a more major nature are required and
for the construction of footways, cycle tracks and paved areas, such work
will be specified in accordance with Section 11 on Miscellaneous
Roadworks in the General Specification for Civil Engineering Works
(2006 Edition), issued by Civil Engineering and Development Department
and any relevant mandatory particular specification clauses in the Civil
Engineering Manual.
Generally unless otherwise specified in Drawings or otherwise approved by
the SO, the construction of road, car-parks and paved areas shall complies
with the requirement in Highways Department Standard Drawings (Drawing
No. H1101 H1134).
For all the clauses and sub-clauses in Section 24 of the General Specification
for Buildings (2007 Edition), the General Specification for Civil
Engineering Works (2006 Edition) shall include the current amendments of
the Specification published before the date of the first tender invitation for
the Contract.
Insitu concrete
24.02 Insitu concrete paving, channels and kerbs shall be constructed in
accordance with Structural Concrete Work - Section 6 or if so specified in
accordance with Concrete for Minor or Non-structural Works - Section 8.
Where the works involved are of a major nature or involves the
construction of footways, cycle tracks and paved areas, such works need
to comply with Part 6 of Section 11 on Miscellaneous Roadworks in the
General Specification for Civil Engineering Works (2006 Edition), issued
by Civil Engineering and Development Department.
Construction of typical concrete pavement construction shall be in
accordance with Highways Department Standard Drawing No. 1102A,
unless otherwise specified in Drawings or approved by the SO.
Precast concrete
24.03 Precast concrete paving shall be as Clauses 6.42.3, 18.98 and 18.112. The
materials used for precast concrete paving and the construction of precast
concrete paving shall complies with Part 7 of Section 11 on Miscellaneous
Roadworks in the General Specification for Civil Engineering Works
(2006 Edition), issued by Civil Engineering and Development
Construction of typical construction details for precast concrete unit
paving shall be in accordance with Highways Department Standard
Drawing No. 1103C, unless otherwise specified in Drawings or approved
by the SO.
For concrete paving blocks in landscape hard work, they shall be in
accordance with Highways Department Standard Drawings No. H5101
and H5102 for concrete paving blocks type A and B, unless otherwise
specified in Drawings or approved by the SO.
24.04 Bituminous materials for roadworks shall be in accordance, with
'Carriageways - Section 9: Sub-base Material and Bituminous Material' of
the General Specification for Civil Engineering Works (2006 Edition),
issued by the Civil Engineering and Development Department of the
Hong Kong Government.
Bituminous materials for footways, cycle tracks and paved areas shall be
laid and compacted with steel-wheeled and pneumatic-typed rollers and to
be in strict accordance with Clause 11.58 of the General Specification of
Civil Engineering Works (2006 Edition), issued by Civil Engineering and
Development Department.
Construction of typical bituminous pavement construction shall be in
accordance with Highways Department Standard Drawings H1101, unless
otherwise specified in the Drawings or approved by the SO.
Cable ducts 24.30 Construct cable ducts generally in accordance with Section 5 on Drainage
Works in the General Specification for Civil Engineering Works (2006
Edition), as issued by the Civil Engineering and Development Department.
Space pipes which form multiple cable ducts 100 mm (minimum) apart.
Leave in position one 6 mm diameter nylon draw cord in each length of duct.
- END -
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Current - The document is the current one available.
Withdrawn - The document is no longer "current", it has been
Revised - This standard has been revised.
Superseded or s/s - This standard has been withdrawn and replaced
by one or more other standards.
Partially Replaced - This standard has been partially replaced by
one or more other standards.
Confirmed - This standard has been reviewed and confirmed as
being current.
Obsolescent - This standard should not be used for new activity,
but remains current, usually because of legislative issues.
BS 4: N/A Structural Steel Sections 15.04
BS 4: 1980 Pt. 1 2005 Current Hot rolled sections 15.04
BS 12:1989 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 197-1 : 2000 (2004 Current) Ordinary and rapid-hardening Portland cement 3.27
BS EN 197-1 : 2000 2004 Current Cement. Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for
common cements
BS 12:1989 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 197-1 : 2000 (2004 Current) Ordinary and rapid-hardening Portland cement 3.34
BS 12:1989 Ditto Ditto 6.27
BS 12:1989 Ditto Ditto 8.03
BS 12:1989 Ditto Ditto 18.01
BS 18:1987 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 10002-1 : 1990 (2001 Current) Method for tensile testing of metals (including aerospace materials) 5.15
BS EN 10002-1 : 2001 Current Tensile testing of metallic materials. Method of test at ambient
BS 21: 1985 Current, Amd 6633 : 1990 Pipe threads for tubes and fittings 19.50
BS 21: 1985 Ditto Ditto 19.51
BS 63: 1987(1994) Pt. 2 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 13043 : 2002 (Current, Corr 15334 : 2004) Single-sized aggregate for surface dressing 24.08
BS EN 13043 : 2002 Current, Corr 15334 : 2004 Aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface treatments for roads,
airfields and other trafficked areas
BS 65: 1991 Current, Confirmed 2003, Amd 8622 : 1995 Vitrified Clay Pipes, Fittings and Ducts, Also Flexible Mechanical
Joints for Use Solely with Surface Water Pipes and Fittings
BS EN 295 BS EN 295-1 : 1991, BS EN 295-2 : 1991, BS EN 295-3 : 1991, BS EN
295-4 : 1995, BS EN 295-5 : 1994, BS EN 295-6 : 1996, BS EN 295-7 :
1996, BS EN 295-10 : 2005
Specification for vitrified clay pipes, fittings and ducts, also flexible
mechanical joints for use solely with surface water pipes and fittings
BS EN 295-1 : 1991 Current, Amd 10621 : 1999 Vitrified Clay Pipes and Fittings and Pipe Joints for Drains and
Sewers - Part 1
BS EN 295-2 : 1991 Current, Amd 10620 : 1999 Vitrified Clay Pipes and Fittings and Pipe Joints for Drains and
Sewers - Part 2: Quality Control and Sampling
BS EN 295-3 : 1991 Current, Amd 10357 : 1999 Vitrified Clay Pipes and Fittings and Pipe Joints for Drains and
Sewers Part 3: Test Methods
BS EN 295-4 : 1995 Current Vitrified Clay Pipes and Fittings and Pipe Joints for Drains and
Sewers Part 4: Requirements for Special Fittings, Adaptors and
Compatible Accessories
BS EN 295-5 : 1994 Current, Amd 10481 : 1999 Vitrified clay pipes and fittings and pipe joints for drains and sewers
Part 5: Requirements for perforated vitrified clay pipes and fittings
BS EN 295-6 : 1996 Current, Amd 15279 : 2004 Vitrified clay pipes and fittings and pipe joints for drains and sewers
Part 6: Requirements for vitrified clay manholes
BS EN 295-7 : 1996 Current Vitrified Clay Pipes and Fittings and Pipe Joints for Drains and
Sewers Part 7: Requirements for Vitrified Clay Pipes and Joints for
Pipe Jacking
BS EN 295-10 : 2005 Current Vitrified clay pipes and fittings and pipe joints for drains and sewers
Part 10: Performance requirements
BS 143 : 1986 BS 143 & 1256 : 2000, Current Threaded Pipe Fittings in Malleable Cast Iron and Cast Copper Alloy 19.33
BS 143 : 1986 Ditto Ditto 19.46
BS 143 Ditto Ditto 19.46
BS 143 Ditto Ditto 19.46
BS 143 & 1256: 1986 2000 Current Threaded Pipe Fittings in Malleable Cast Iron and Cast Copper Alloy 19.46
BS 245: 1976(1992) Current, Confirmed 2000 Mineral Solvents (White Spirit and Related Hydrocarbon Solvents)
for Paints and Other Purposes
BS 405: 1987 Current, Amd 6600 : 1991 Expanded metal (steel) for general purposes 17.03
BS 410 : 1986 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 410 Pt 1-2 : 2000 (Current) Sieves for testing the size distribution of granular products in the
particle size range from 125 mm to 32 m. Aperture sizes for wire
cloth and perforated plate (including 7 non ISO sizes for round holes)
in test sieves. Lists tolerances and gives relevant definitions and an
outline of inspection procedures.
BS 410-1 : 2000 Current Test sieves. Technical requirements and testing. Test sieves of metal
wire cloth
BS 410-2 : 2000 Current Test sieves. Technical requirements and testing. Test sieves of
perforated metal plate
BS 416: 1990 Pt. 1-2 Pt. 1 Current, Pt. 2 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 877 : 1999 (Current) Cast iron spigot and socket soil, waste and ventilating pipes (sand
cast and spun) and fittings
BS EN 877 : 1999 Current Cast iron pipes and fittings, their joints and accessories for the
evacuation of water from buildings. Requirements, test methods and
quality assurance
BS 416: 1990 Ditto Ditto 19.26
BS 416: 1990 Ditto Ditto 19.32
BS 416: 1990 Ditto Ditto 19.81
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 417: 1987 Pt. 2 Current, Confirmed 2000 Galvanized mild steel cisterns and covers, tanks and cylinders 19.48
BS 434: 1984 Pt. 2 Current, Confirmed 1997, Amd 4757 : 1984 Bitumen road emulsions 24.05
BS 437: 1978 Current, Amd 5877 : 1988 Cast iron spigot and socket drain pipes and fittings 23.05
BS 437 Ditto Specification for cast iron spigot and socket drain pipes and fittings 23.05
BS 437 Ditto Specification for cast iron spigot and socket drain pipes and fittings 23.05
BS EN 438 BS EN 438-1 : 2005, BS EN 438-2 : 2005, BS EN 438-3 : 2005, BS EN
438-4 : 2005, BS EN 438-5 : 2005, BS EN 438-6 : 2005, BS EN 438-7 :
Laminated plastic sheet 13.21
BS EN 438-1 : 2005 Current High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) Sheets based on
thermosetting resins (Usually called Laminates) Part 1: Introduction
and general information
BS EN 438-2 : 2005 Current High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) Sheets based on
thermosetting resins (Usually called Laminates) Part 2: Determination
of properties
BS EN 438-3 : 2005 Current High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) Sheets based on
thermosetting resins (Usually called laminates) Part 3: Classification
and specifications for laminates less than 2 mm thick intended for
bonding to supporting substrates
BS EN 438-4 : 2005 Current High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) Sheets based on
thermosetting resins (Usually called Laminates) Part 4: Classification
and specifications for Compact laminates of thickness 2 mm and
BS EN 438-5 : 2005 Current High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) Sheets based on
thermosetting resins (Usually called Laminates) Part 5: Classification
and specifications for flooring grade laminates less than 2 mm thick
intended for bonding to supporting substrates
BS EN 438-6 : 2005 Current High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) Sheets based on
thermosetting resins (Usually called Laminates) Part 6: Classification
and specifications for Exterior-grade Compact laminates of thickness
2 mm and greater
BS EN 438-7 : 2005 Current High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) Sheets based on
thermosetting resins (Usually called Laminates) Part 7: Compact
laminate and HPL composite panels for internal and external wall and
ceiling finishes
BS 443: 1982(1990) Withdrawn, Amd 6158 : 1989, s/s by BS EN 10244-2 : 2001 (Current) Testing zinc coatings on steel wire and quality requirements 18.28
BS EN 10244-2 : 2001 Current, Corr 13233 : 2001 Steel wire and wire products. Non-ferrous metallic coatings on steel
wire. Zinc or zinc alloy coatings
BS 460: 1964(1981) 2002 Current, Amd 15095 : 2004 Cast iron rainwater goods 19.26
BS 473 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 490 : 1994 & BS EN 491 : 1994 Concrete roofing tiles and fittings 18.92
BS EN 490 : 1994 2005 Current Concrete roofing tiles and fittings for roof covering and wall cladding
Product specifications
BS EN 491 : 1994 2005 Current, Corr 15834 : 2005 Concrete roofing tiles and fittings for roof covering and wall cladding
Test methods
BS 476: ---- Pt. 3-4, 6-
8, 10-13,
15, 20-24,
Ditto Fire test on building materials & structure 13.60
BS 476: 1975 Pt. 3 2004 Current, Amd 16169 : 2006 Classification and method of test for external fire exposure to roofs 12.89
BS 476: 1970(1984) Pt. 4 Current, Confirmed 1984, Amd 4390 : 1983 Non-combustibility test for materials 12.89
BS 476: 1989 Pt. 6 Current Method of test for fire propagation for products 18.153
BS 476: 1987(1993) Pt. 7 1997 Current Method of Test to Determine the Classification of the Surface Spread
of Flame of Products
BS 476: 1987(1993) Pt. 7 Ditto Ditto 18.153
BS 476: 1987(1993) Pt. 7 Ditto Ditto 21.14
BS 476: 1972 Pt. 8 Withdrawn, Amd 4822 : 1985 Test methods and criteria for the fire resistance of elements of
building construction
BS 476: 1972 Pt. 8 Ditto Ditto 17.43
BS 476: 1983(1989) Pt. 10 Current, Confirmed 1989 Guide to the principles and application of fire testing 17.43
BS 476: 1982(1988) Pt. 11 Current, Confirmed 1988 Method for assessing the heat emission from building materials 17.43
BS 476: 1991 Pt. 12 Current Method of test for ignitability of products by direct flame
BS 476: 1987 Pt. 13 Current, Amd 5774 : 1988 Method of measuring the ignitability of products subjected to thermal
BS 476: 1993 Pt. 15 Current Method for measuring the rate of heat release of products 17.43
BS 476: 1987 Pt. 20 Current, Amd 6487 : 1990 Methods for determination of the fire resistance of elements of
BS 476: 1987 Pt. 20 Ditto Ditto 13.62
BS 476: 1987 Pt. 21 Current Methods for determination of the fire resistance of non-loadbearing
elements of construction
BS 476: 1987 Pt. 21 Ditto Ditto 13.62
BS 476: 1987 Pt. 22 Current Guide to full scale fire tests within buildings 13.61
BS 476: 1987 Pt. 22 Ditto Ditto 13.62
BS 476: 1987 Pt. 22 Ditto Ditto 14.27
BS 476: 1987 Pt. 22 Ditto Ditto 14.29
BS 476: 1987 Pt. 23 Current, Amd 9458 : 1998 Methods for determination of the contribution of components to the
fire resistance of a structure
BS 476: 1987 Pt. 23 Ditto Ditto 13.62
BS 476: 1987 Pt. 24 Current Method for determination of the fire resistance of ventilation ducts 13.62
BS 476-31.1 : 1983 Current, Amd 8366 : 1994 Methods for Measuring Smoke Penetration Through Doorsets and
Shutter Assemblies Section 31.1: Method of Measurement Under
Ambient Temperature Conditions
BS 476: 1989 Pt. 32 Current Guide to full scale fire tests within buildings 13.62
BS 476: 1993 Pt. 33 Current Full-scale room test for surface products 13.62
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 476 :Part 8 Part 8 Ditto Test Methods and Criteria for the Fire Resistance of Elements of
Building Construction
BS 476 Parts 20 Ditto Method for determination of the fire resistance of elements of
construction (general principles)
BS 476 Parts 21 Ditto Methods for determination of the fire resistance of loadbearing
elements of construction
BS 476 Parts 22 Ditto Methods for determination of the fire resistance of non-loadbearing
elements of construction
BS 476 Parts 23 Ditto Methods for determination of the contribution of components to the
fire resistance of a structure
BS 497: 1976 Pt. 1 Withdrawn, Amd 6643 : 1990, s/s by BS EN 124 : 1994 (Current) Manhole covers, road gully gratings & frames 23.13
BS EN 124 : 1994 Current, Amd 8587 : 1995 Gully tops and manhole tops for vehicular and pedestrian areas.
Design requirements, type testing, marking, quality control
BS 499: ----- BS 499 Pt 1, Current, Confirmed 2001, Amd 9227 : 1996, Pt 1
Supplement : 1992, Current, Pt 2C : 1999, Current; Pt 2 Amd 7439 :
1992, withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 22553 : 1995 (Current) & BS EN 24063
: 1992 (Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN ISO 4063 : 2000 (Current))
Welding terms and symbols 16.09
BS EN 22553 : 1995 Current Welded, brazed and soldered joints. Symbolic representation on
BS EN 24063 : 1992 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN ISO 4063 : 2000 (Current) Welding, brazing, soldering and braze welding of metals.
Nomenclature of processes and reference numbers for symbolic
representation on drawings
BS EN ISO 4063 : 2000 Current Welding and allied processes. Nomenclature of processes and
reference numbers
BS 499: ----- Ditto Ditto 16.39
BS 544: 1969(1994) Current, Confirmed 2000, Amd 7899 : 1993 Linseed oil putty for use in wooden frames 20.16
BS 550: See BS 473 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 490 : 1994 & BS EN 491 : 1994 Concrete roofing tiles 18.92
BS EN 490 : 1994 2005 Current Concrete roofing tiles and fittings for roof covering and wall cladding
Product specifications
BS EN 491 : 1994 2005 Current, Corr 15834 : 2005 Concrete roofing tiles and fittings for roof covering and wall cladding
Test methods
BS 554: 1952 BS 501 & 554 : 1952, Withdrawn, Amd PD 1774 : 1954 Reports of volume and standard temperature of volumetric glassware 21.32
BS 639: 1986 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 499 : 1995 (Withdrawn) Specification for covered carbon and carbon manganese steel
electrodes for manual metal-arc welding
BS EN 499 : 1995 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN ISO 2560 : 2006 (Current) Welding consumables. Covered electrodes for manual metal arc
welding of non alloy and fine grain steels. Classification
BS EN ISO 2560 : 2006 Current Welding consumables - Covered electrodes for manual metal arc
welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels - Classification
BS 729: 1971(1986) Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN ISO 1461 : 1999 (Current) Hot dip galvanized coatings on iron and steel articles 15.39
BS EN ISO 1461 : 1999 Current Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings on Fabricated Iron and Steel Articles -
Specifications and Test Methods
BS 729: 1971(1986) Ditto Ditto 16.17
BS 729: 1971(1986) Ditto Ditto 16.30
BS 729: 1971(1986) Ditto Ditto 17.20
BS 729: 1971(1986) Ditto Ditto 17.22
BS 729: 1971(1986) Ditto Ditto 23.13
BS 729 Ditto Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings on Iron and Steel Articles 17.21
BS 729 Ditto Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings on Iron and Steel Articles 17.21
BS 743: 1970 Current Amd 6579 : 1991, Partially s/s by BS 6398:1983, BS 6515:1984
and BS 8215:1991 (All Current)
Materials for damp proof courses 9.13
BS 6398:1983 Current Specification for bitumen damp-proof courses for masonry
BS 6515:1984 Current, Amd 6515 : 1986, Confirmed 1996 Specification for polyethylene damp-proof courses for masonry
BS 8215:1991 Current Code of practice for design and installation of damp-proof courses in
masonry construction
BS 747: 1994 2000 Current Reinforced Bitumen Sheets for Roofing - Specification 12.08
BS 747: 1994 Ditto Ditto 12.54
BS 882 : 1992 Withdrawn, Amd 13579 : 2002, s/s by BS EN 12620 : 2002 (Current) Aggregates from Natural Sources for Concrete
BS EN 12620 : 2002 Current, Corr 15333 : 2004 Aggregates for concrete
BS EN 1097-3:1998 Current Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates.
Determination of loose bulk density and voids
BS 812:1975 Pt. 3 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 812 Pt 110 - 114 (All Current) Testing aggregates. Methods for determination of mechanical
BS 812:1990 Pt. 100 Remains Current, Amd 8771 : 1995, s/s by BS EN 932-5:2000 Testing aggregates. General requirements for apparatus and
BS EN 932-5:2000 Current Tests for general properties of aggregates. Common equipment and
BS EN 932-6 : 1999 Current Tests for General Properties of Aggregates - Part 6: Definitions of
Repeatability and Reproducibility
BS EN 932-1 : 1997 Current Tests for general properties of aggregates. Methods for sampling
BS EN 1097-5 : 1999 Current Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates.
Determination of the water content by drying in a ventilated oven
BS EN 1097-2 : 1998 Current Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates. Methods
for the determination of resistance to fragmentation
BS 812:1989 Pt. 114 Current, Confirmed 2000, s/s by BS EN 1097-8:2000 (Current) Testing aggregates. Method for determination of the polished-stone
BS EN 1097-8 : 2000 Current Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates.
Determination of the polished stone value
BS EN 1744-1 : 1998 Current Tests for Chemical Properties of Aggregates - Part 1: Chemical
BS EN 1367-4 : 1998 Current Tests for thermal and weathering properties of aggregates.
Determination of drying shrinkage
BS 812:1989 Pt. 121 Current, Confirmed 2000, s/s by BS EN 1367-2 : 1998 (Current) Methods for determination of soundness 6.33
BS EN 1367-2 : 1998 Current Tests for Thermal and Weathering Properties of Aggregates - Part 2:
Magnesium Sulfate Test
BS 812:1989 Pt. 124 Current Testing aggregates. Method for determination of frost-heave
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 864: 1983 Pt. 2 Remains Current, Amd 7067 : 1992, s/s by BS EN 1254-1, -2 : 1998
(Current, Under Review)
Capillary and compression tube fittings of copper and copper alloy 19.47
BS EN 1254-1 : 1998 Current, Corr 10099 : 1998 Copper and copper alloys. Plumbing fittings. Fittings with ends for
capillary soldering or capillary brazing to copper tubes
BS EN 1254-2 : 1998 Current Copper and copper alloys. Plumbing fittings. Fittings with
compression ends for use with copper tubes
BS 864: 1983 Pt. 2 Ditto Ditto 19.54
BS 864 Part 2 Ditto Specification for capillary and compression fittings for copper tubes 19.46
BS 879: ----- Withdrawn, s/s by BS 879 Pt 1 (Current, Confrimed 1991, Amd 5526 :
Water well casing 24.24
BS 879 : 1985 Pt 1 Current, Confrimed 1991, Amd 5526 : 1987 Water well casing. Specification for steel tubes for casing
BS 882: 1983 Withdrawn, Amd 13579 : 2002, s/s by BS EN 12620 : 2002 (Current) Aggregates from natural sources for concrete 6.33
BS EN 12620 : 2002 Current, Corr 15333 : 2004 Aggregates for concrete
BS 882: 1983 Ditto Ditto 6.42
BS 882: 1983 Ditto Ditto 18.69
BS 890: 1972 1995 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 459-1 : 2001 Building limes 3.27
BS EN 459-1 : 2001 Current, Corr 14099 : 2002 Building lime Part 1: Definitions, specifications and conformity
BS 890: 1972 Ditto Ditto 9.18
BS 4550-3.1:1978 Current Methods of testing cement. Physical tests. Introduction
BS 4550-3.4:1978 Remains Current, Amd 5704 : 1998, s/s by BS EN 196-1 : 1995 and
partially replaced by BS 1881-131 : 1998
Methods of testing cement. Physical tests. Strength tests
BS EN 196-1 : 1995 2005 Current Methods of testing cement Part 1: Determination of strength
BS 1881-131 : 1998 Current, Amd 10470 : 1999 Testing Concrete Part 131: Methods for Testing Cement in a
Reference Concrete
BS 4550-3.8:1978 Current Methods of testing cement. Physical tests. Test for heat of hydration
BS 4550-6:1978 Current Methods of testing cement. Standard sand for mortar cubes
BS 4550:Part 1:1978 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 196-7:1992 -Current Methods of testing cement. Sampling
BS EN 196-7:1992 Current Methods of testing cement. Methods of taking and preparing samples
of cement
BS 4550:Part 3:Section
Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 196-6:1992 -Current Methods of testing cement. Physical tests. Density test
BS 4550:Part 3:Section
Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 196-6:1992 -Current Methods of testing cement. Physical tests. Fineness test
BS EN 196-6:1992 Current Methods of testing cement. Determination of fineness
BS 4550:Part 3:Section
Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 196-3:1995 -Current Methods of testing cement. Physical tests. Determination of standard
BS 4550:Part 3:Section
Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 196-3:1995 -Current Methods of testing cement. Physical tests. Test for setting times
BS 4550:Part 3:Section
Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 196-3:1995 -Current Methods of testing cement. Physical tests. Soundness test
BS EN 196-3:1995 2005 Current Methods of testing cement. Determination of setting time and
BS 952: ---- Pt 1 : 1995 Current, Pt 2 : 1980 Current Glass for glazing 16.13
BS 952: ---- Ditto Ditto 16.13
BS 952: ---- Ditto Ditto 20.01
BS 952: ---- Ditto Ditto 22.09
BS 970: ---- N/A Wrought steels for mechanical and allied engineering purposes 19.50
BS 970: 1970(1992) Pt. 4 Withdrawn, Amd 4326 : 1983, s/s by BS 970 Pt 1 : 1996 & BS EN 10090
: 1998
Valve steels 19.50
BS 970 Pt 1 : 1996 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 10083-1 : 1991, BS EN 10084 : 1998, BS EN
10085 : 2001, BS EN 10087 : 1999, BS EN 10095 : 1999, BS EN
10250-4 : 2000, PD 970 : 2001
Specification for wrought steels for mechanical and allied engineering
purposes. General inspection and testing procedures and specific
requirements for carbon, carbon manganese, alloy and stainless steels
BS EN 10083-1 : 1991 Current, Corr 15802 : 2006 Specification for Quenched and Tempered Steels - Part 1: Technical
Delivery Conditions for Special Steels
BS EN 10084 : 1998 Current, Corr 15801 : 2006 Case Hardening Steels - Technical Delivery Conditions
BS EN 10085 : 2001 Current Nitriding Steel - Technical Delivery Conditions
BS EN 10087 : 1999 Current, Confirmed 2005, Corr 15803 : 2006 Free cutting steels Technical delivery conditions for semi-finished
products, hot-rolled bars and rods
BS EN 10095 : 1999 Current, Confirmed 2004 Heat Resisting Steels and Nickel Alloys
BS EN 10250-4 : 2000 Current, Confirmed 2005 Open die steel forgings for general engineering purposes - Part 4:
Stainless steels
PD 970 : 2001 2005 Current, Corr 15637 : 2005 Wrought steels for mechanical and allied engineering purposes
Requirements for carbon, carbon manganese and alloy hot worked or
cold finished steels
BS EN 10090 : 1998 Current, Confirmed 2004 Valve steels and alloys for internal combustion engines
BS 970: 1970(1987) Pt. 4 Ditto Ditto 19.50
BS 1004 See below Zinc alloys for die casting and zinc alloy die castings 17.33(l)(ii)(a)
BS 1004:1972(1985) Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 12844 : 1999 & BS EN 1774 : 1998 (All
Zinc alloys for die casting and zinc alloy die castings 17.34
BS EN 12844 : 1999 Current Zinc and zinc alloys. Castings. Specifications
BS EN 1774 : 1998 Current, Corr 10047 : 1998 Zinc and zinc alloys. Alloys for foundry purposes. Ingot and liquid
BS 1004: 1972 Ditto Specification for zinc alloys for die casting and zinc alloy die castings 17.34
BS 1010: ---- Pt. 2 Current, Obsolescent, Ed 1973, Amd 4590 : 1984 Draw-off taps and stopvalves for water services (screw-down pattern) 19.49
BS 1014:1975(1986) Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 12878 : 1999 (Current) Pigments for Portland cement and Portland cement products 6.36
BS EN 12878 : 1999 2005 Current Pigments for the colouring of building materials based on cement
and/or lime. Specifications and methods of test
BS 1070: 1993 Current, Confirmed 2000 Black paint (tar-based) 21.18
BS 1088:1966(1988) BS 1088 & 4079 : 1966, Withdrawn, Confirmed 1988, Amd 3153 : 1980,
s/s by BS 1088-1 : 2003 and BS 1088-2 : 2003
Plywood for marine craft 13.13
BS 1088-1 : 2003 Current Marine plywood Part 1: Requirements
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 1088-2 : 2003 Current Marine plywood Part 2: Determination of bonding quality using the
knife test
BS 1139-1:1982 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 1139: Sections 1.1 1990 (Withdrawn and s/s by BS
EN 39:2001 (Curretn)) & 1.2: 1990 (Current)
Metal Scaffolding Part 1: Tubes for Use in Scaffolding 1.39.2(xii)
BS EN 39 :2001 Current Loose Steel Tubes for Tube and Coupler Scaffolds - Technical
Delivery Conditions
BS 1139-2 :1982 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 1139: Sections 2.1 1991 (Withdrawn and s/s by BS
EN 74-1 (Current)) & 2.2: 1991 (Current)
Metal Scaffolding Part 2: Couplers and Fittings for Use in Tubular
BS EN 74-1 :2006 Current Couplers, spigot pins and baseplates for use in falsework and
scaffolds Part 1: Couplers for tubes Requirements and test procedures
BS 1139-3 :1994 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1004:2004 (Current) Scaffolding Part 3: Specification for Prefabricated Mobile Access and
Working Towers
BS EN 1004 :2004 Current Mobile access and working towers made of prefabricated elements
Materials, dimensions, design loads, safety and performance
BS 1139-4 :1982 Current Metal Scaffolding Part 4: Prefabricated Steel Splitheads and Trestles
BS 1139-5 :1990 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 12810-1 (Current) Metal Scaffolding Part 5: Specification for Materials, Dimension,
Design Loads and Safety Requirements for Service and Working
Scaffolds Made of Prefabricated Elements
BS EN 12810-1 :2004 Current Faade scaffolds made of prefabricated components Part 1: Products
BS 1139-6 :2005 Current Metal scaffolding Part 6: Specification for prefabricated tower
scaffolds outside the scope of BS EN 1004, but utilizing components
from such systems
BS 1139 SEC 1.1 :1990 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 39: 2001 (Current) Metal Scaffolding Part 1: Tubes for Use in Scaffolding Section 1.1:
Steel Tube
BS 1139 SEC 1.2 :1990 Current Metal Scaffolding Part 1: Tubes Section 1.2: Aluminium Tube
BS 1139 SEC 2.1 :1991 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 74-1 :2006 (Current) Metal Scaffolding Part 2: Couplers Section 2.1 Specification for Steel
Couplers, Loose Spigots and BasePlates for Use in Working
Scaffolds and Falsework Made of Steel Tubes
BS 1139 SEC 2.2 :1991 Current Metal Scaffolding Part 1: Tubes for Use In Scaffolding Section 2.2:
Steel and Aluminium Couplers, Fittings and Accessories for Use in
Tubular Scaffolding
BS 1142: 1989 Withdrawn, Amd 7776 : 1993, s/s by BS EN 120:1992 (Current),
BS EN 310:1993 (Current), BS EN 316:1999 (Current), BS EN
317:1993 (Current), BS EN 318:2002 (Current), BS EN 319:1993
(Current), BS EN 320:1993 (Current), BS EN 321:2002 (Current), BS
EN 322:1993 (Current), BS EN 323:1993 (Current), BS EN 324-1:1993
(Current), BS EN 324-2:1993 (Current), BS EN 325:1993 (Current),
BS EN 382-1:1993 (Current) and Parts 1 to 5 of BS EN 622 (Current)
Fibre building boards 13.15
BS EN 120:1992 Current, Amd 9388 : 1997, Confirmed 2002 Wood based panels. Determination of formaldehyde content.
Extraction method called the perforator method
BS EN 310:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of modulus of elasticity in
bending and of bending strength
BS EN 316:1999 Current Wood fibreboards. Definition, classification and symbols
BS EN 317:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Particleboards and fibreboards. Determination of swelling in
thickness after immersion in water
BS EN 318:2002 Current Wood based panels. Determination of dimensional changes
associated with changes in relative humidity
BS EN 319:1993 Current Particleboards and fibreboards. Determination of tensile strength
perpendicular to the plane of the board
BS EN 320:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Fibreboards. Determination of resistance to axial withdrawal of
BS EN 321:2002 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of moisture resistance under
cyclic test conditions
BS EN 322:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of moisture content
BS EN 323:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of density
BS EN 324-1:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of dimensions of boards.
Determination of thickness, width and length
BS EN 324-2:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of dimensions of boards.
Determination of squareness and edge straightness
BS EN 325:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of dimensions of test pieces
BS EN 382-1:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Fibreboards. Determination of surface absorption. Fireboards.
Determination of surface absorption. Test method for dry process
BS EN 622 Part 1 : 1997 2003 Current Fibreboards. Specifications. General requirements
BS EN 622 Part 2 : 1997 Current Fibreboards. Specifications. Requirements for hardboards
BS EN 622 Part 3 : 1997 2004 Current Fibreboards. Specifications. Requirements for medium boards
BS EN 622 Part 4 : 1997 Current Fibreboards. Specifications. Requirements for softboards
BS EN 622 Part 5 : 1997 Current Fibreboards. Specifications. Requirements for dry process boards
BS 1142: 1989 Ditto Ditto 13.16
BS 1142: 1989 Ditto Ditto 13.17
BS 1142: 1989 Ditto Accoustic Tiles 13.22
BS 1142: 1989 Ditto Insulating board (softboard) 22.13
BS 1161:1977(1991) Current, Confirmed 1991, Amd 4357 : 1983 Aluminium alloy sections 17.07
BS 1178: 1982 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 12588 : 1999 (Current) Milled lead sheet for building purposes 12.01
BS EN 12588 : 1999 Current Lead and lead alloys. Rolled lead sheet for building purposes
BS 1186: 1988 Pt. 1 1991 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 942 : 1996 (Current) Timber 13.01
BS EN 942 : 1996 Current Timber in joinery. General classification of timber quality
BS 1186: 1988 Pt. 2 Current, Amd 9385 : 1997 Workmanship in joinery 13.31
BS 1188: 1974 Current, Confirmed 2000, Amd 4914 : 1989 Ceramic wash basins and pedestals 19.76
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 1194 : 1969 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 5911-114 : 1992 (Withdrawn) Concrete porous pipes for under-drainage 23.09
BS 5911-114 : 1992 Withdrawn Precast Concrete Pipes, Fittings and Ancillary Products Part 114:
Specification for Porous Pipes
BS 1196: 1989 Current, Confirmed 2003 Clayware field drain pipes 23.09
BS 1197: 1973 Pt. 2 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1980 Concrete flooring tiles and fittings 18.88
BS 1200: 1976 BS 1199 & 1200 : 1976, Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 13139 : 2002 Building sands from natural source 3.34
BS EN 13139 : 2002 Current, Corr 15335 : 2004 Aggregates for mortar
BS 1202: 1974 Pt. 1 2002 Current Steel nails 13.24
BS 1202: 1974 Pt. 1 Ditto Ditto 18.32
BS 1203:1979(1991) 2001 Current Synthetic resin adhesives (phenolic and aminoplastic) for plywood 13.12
BS 1204: 1979 Pt. 1 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 1204 : 1993, BS EN 301 : 1992, BS EN 302-1 :
1992, BS EN 302-2 : 1992, BS EN 302-3 : 1992, BS EN 302-4 : 1992
Gap-filling adhesives 13.29
BS 1204 : 1979 Pt. 2 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 1204 : 1993, BS EN 301 : 1992, BS EN 302-1 :
1992, BS EN 302-2 : 1992, BS EN 302-3 : 1992, BS EN 302-4 : 1992
Close-contact adhesives 13.29
BS 1204 : 1993 Withdrawn and follows BS EN 12765 : 2001 Specification for type MR phenolic and aminoplastic synthetic resin
adhesives for wood
BS EN 12765 : 2001 Current Classification of Thermosetting Wood Adhesives for Non-Structural
BS EN 301 : 1992 Current Adhesives, Phenolic and Aminoplastic, for Load- Bearing Timber
Structures: Classification and Performance Requirements
BS EN 302-1 : 1992 2004 Current Adhesives for load-bearing timber structures Test methods Part 1:
Determination of bond strength in longitudinal tensile shear strength
BS EN 302-2 : 1992 2004 Current Adhesives for load-bearing timber structures Test methods Part 2:
Determination of resistance to delamination
BS EN 302-3 : 1992 2004 Current, Amd 15973 : 2006 Adhesives for load-bearing timber structures Test methods Part 3:
Determination of the effect of acid damage to wood fibres by
temperature and humidity cycling on the transverse tensile strength
BS EN 302-4 : 1992 2004 Current Adhesive for load-bearing timber structures Test methods Part 4:
Determination of the effects of wood shrinkage on the shear strength
BS 1210: 1963 Current, Obsolescent, Confirmed 1998, Amd 1462 : 1974 Wood screws 13.25
BS 1210: 1963 Ditto Ditto 14.26
BS 1212: 1990 Pt. 3 Current Diaphragm type (plastics body) for cold water services 19.52
BS 1224: 1970 Withdrawn, Amd 963 : 1972, s/s by BS EN 12540 : 2000 (Current) Electroplated coatings of nickel and chromium 14.26
BS EN 12540 : 2000 Current Corrosion protection of metals. Electrodeposited coatings of nickel,
nickel plus chromium, copper plus nickel and copper plus nickel plus
BS 1224: 1970 Ditto Ditto 17.24
BS 1230: ----- Pt 1 only Gypsum plasterboard 22.07
BS 1230:1985(1994) Pt. 1 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1994, s/s by BS EN 520 : 2004 (Current) Gypsum Plasterboard Part 1: Plasterboard Excluding Materials
Submitted to Secondary Operations
BS EN 520 : 2004 Current, Corr 16421 : 2006 Gypsum plasterboards Definitions, requirements and test methods
BS EN 845-1 : 2003 Current, Corr 14736 : 2003 Specification for ancillary components for masonry Part 1: Ties,
tension straps, hangers and brackets
BS EN 459-1 : 2001 Current Building lime Part 1: Definitions, specifications and conformity 9.18
BS 1244: 1988 Pt. 2 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 13310 : 2003 (Current) Metal sinks for domestic purposes 19.77
BS EN 13310 : 2003 Current Kitchen sinks Functional requirements and test methods
BS 1247: ----- 1975 Withdrawn, Amd 3152 : 1980, s/s by BS 1247 Pt 1-2 : 1990
Manhole steps 23.13
BS 1247 Pt 1 : 1990 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 13101 : 2002 Manhole steps. Specification for galvanized ferrous or stainless steel
manhole steps
BS 1247 Pt 2 : 1990 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 13101 : 2002 Manhole steps. Specification for plastics encapsulated manhole steps
BS EN 13101 : 2002 Current Steps for underground man entry chambers Requirements, marking,
testing and evaluation of conformity
BS 1254: 1981 Current, Confirmed 2000 WC seats (plastics) 19.78
BS 1256:see BS 143 BS 143 & 1256 : 2000 (Current) Malleable cast iron and alloy 19.33
BS 1256 see BS 143 Ditto Ditto 19.46
BS 1256:- Ditto Specification for malleable cast iron and cast copper alloy threaded
pipe fittings
BS 1256 Ditto Specification for malleable cast iron and cast copper alloy threaded
pipe fittings
BS 1256 Ditto Specification for malleable cast iron and cast copper alloy threaded
pipe fittings
BS 1295: 1987 Withdrawn Tests for use in the training of welders 15.23
BS 1295: 1987 Ditto Code of practice for training in arc welding skills 15.23
BS 1336:1971(1988) Current, Confirmed 2002 Knotting 21.31
BS 1369 : 1947 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 1369-1 : 1987 Metal lathing (steel) for plastering 12.59
BS 1369-1 : 1987 Current, Confirmed 1994 Expanded metal and ribbed lathing 18.24
BS 1377: 1975 (as
modified by GEO Report
no. 36)
Withdrawn, s/s by BS 1377-1 : 1990, BS 1377-2 : 1990, BS 1377-3 :
1990, BS 1377-4 : 1990, BS 1377-5 : 1990, BS 1377-6 : 1990, BS
1377-7 : 1990, BS 1377-8 : 1990, BS 1377-9 : 1990
Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes 3.01, 3.21,
5.26, 25.02(a),
BS 1377-1 : 1990 Current, Amd 8258 : 1995, Confirmed 2003 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes. General
requirements and sample preparation
BS 1377-2 : 1990 Current, Amd 9027 : 1996, Confirmed 2003 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes. Classification
BS 1377-3 : 1990 Current, Amd 9028 : 1996, Confirmed 2003 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes. Chemical and
electro-chemical tests
BS 1377-4 : 1990 Current, Amd 13925 : 2002 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes. Compaction-
related tests
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 1377-5 : 1990 Current, Amd 8260 : 1994, Confirmed 2003 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes.
Compressibility, permeability and durability tests
BS 1377-6 : 1990 Current, Amd 8261 : 1994, Confirmed 2003 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes. Consolidation
and permeability tests in hydraulic cells and with pore pressure
BS 1377-7 : 1990 Current, Amd 8262 : 1994, Confirmed 2003 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes. Shear
strength tests (total stress)
BS 1377-8 : 1990 Current, Amd 8263 : 1995, Confirmed 2003 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes. Shear
strength tests (effective stress)
BS 1377-9 : 1990 Current, Amd 8264 : 1995, Confirmed 2003 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes. In-situ tests
BS 1377 Pt. 2 1990 Current, Amd 9027 : 1996, Confirmed 2003 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes. Classification
BS 1387:1985(1990) Withdrawn, Confirmed 1990, Amd 5830 : 1989, s/s by BS EN 10255 :
Steel tubes and tubulars 17.04
BS EN 10255 : 2004 Current Non-alloy steel tubes suitable for welding and threading Technical
delivery conditions
BS 1387:1985(1990) Ditto Ditto 19.33
BS 1387:1985(1990) Ditto Ditto 19.46
BS 1387 Ditto Specification for screwed and socketed steel tubes and tubulars and
for plain end steel tubes suitable for welding or for screwing to BS 21
pipe threads
BS 1387 Ditto Specification for screwed and socketed steel tubes and tubulars and
for plain end steel tubes suitable for welding or for screwing to BS 21
pipe threads
BS 1390: 1990 Current, Amd 6634 : 1990 Sheet steel baths for domestic purposes 19.73
BS 1400: 1985 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1982 : 1999 (Current) Copper alloy ingots 19.50
BS EN 1982 : 1999 Current Copper and copper alloys. Ingots and castings
BS 1449: 1983 Pt. 2 Withdrawn, Amd 9648 : 1997, s/s by BS EN 10029 : 1991, BS EN 10048
: 1997, BS EN 10051 : 1992, BS EN 10258 : 1997, BS EN 10095 : 1999,
BS EN 10259 : 1997 (All Current)
Stainless and heat resisting steel plate, sheet and strip 14.26
BS EN 10029 : 1991 Current Specification for tolerances on dimensions, shape and mass for hot
rolled steel plates 3 mm thick or above
BS EN 10048 : 1997 Current, Confirmed 2005 Hot rolled narrow steel strip. Tolerances on dimensions and shape
BS EN 10051 : 1992 Current, Amd 9872 : 1998 Specification for continuously hot-rolled uncoated plate, sheet and
strip of non-alloy and alloy steels. Tolerances on dimensions and
BS EN 10258 : 1997 Current, Amd 9862 : 1998, Confirmed 2004 Cold-rolled stainless steel narrow strip and cut lengths. Tolerances on
dimensions and shape
BS EN 10095 : 1999 Current, Confirmed 2004 Heat resisting steels and nickel alloys
BS EN 10259 : 1997 Current, Amd 9863 : 1998, Confirmed 2004 Cold-rolled stainless and heat resisting steel wide strip and
plate/sheet. Tolerances on dimensions and shape
BS 1449: 1983 Pt. 2 Ditto Ditto 16.11
BS 1449: 1983 Pt. 2 Ditto Ditto 17.09
BS 1452: 1990 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1561 : 1997 (Current) Flake graphite iron castings 17.06
BS EN 1561 : 1997 Current Founding. Grey cast irons
BS 1452: 1990 Ditto Ditto 19.50
BS 1452 Ditto Flake Graphite Cast Iron 17.06
BS 1470: 1987 Withdrawn, Amd 6032 : 1989, s/s by BS EN 485-1 : 1994, BS EN 485-2 :
1995, BS EN 485-3 : 1994, BS EN 485-4 : 1994, BS EN 515 : 1993, BS
EN 573-1 : 1995, BS EN 573-2 : 1995, BS EN 573-3 : 1995, BS EN 573-
4 : 1995
Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering
purposes - plate, sheet and strip
BS EN 485-1 : 1994 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate. Technical
conditions for inspection and delivery
BS EN 485-2 : 1995 2004 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate. Mechanical
BS EN 485-3 : 1994 2003 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate. Tolerances
on shape and dimensions for hot-rolled products
BS EN 485-4 : 1994 Current, Confrimed 2003 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate. Tolerances
on shape and dimensions for cold-rolled products
BS EN 515 : 1993 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Wrought products. Temper
BS EN 573-1 : 1995 2004 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of
wrought products. Numerical designation system
BS EN 573-2 : 1995 Current, Confirmed 2003 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of
wrought products. Chemical symbol based designation system
BS EN 573-3 : 1995 2003 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of
wrought products. Chemical composition
BS EN 573-4 : 1995 2004 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of
wrought products. Forms of products
BS 1470: 1987 Ditto Ditto 17.07
BS 1470: 1987 Ditto Ditto 17.34
BS 1470 Ditto Wrought Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys for General Engineering
purposes; plate, sheet and strip
17.33 (b)
BS 1471: 1972 Withdrawn, Amd 8424 : 1995, s/s by BS EN 515 : 1993, BS EN 573-3 :
1995, BS EN 573-4 : 1995, BS EN 754-1 : 1997, BS EN 754-2 : 1997,
BS EN 754-7 : 1998, BS EN 754-8 : 1998
Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering
purposes - drawn tube
BS EN 515 : 1993 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Wrought products. Temper
BS EN 573-3 : 1995 2003 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of
wrought products. Chemical composition
BS EN 573-4 : 1995 2004 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of
wrought products. Forms of products
BS EN 754-1 : 1997 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube.
Technical conditions for inspection and delivery
BS EN 754-2 : 1997 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube.
Mechanical properties
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS EN 754-7 : 1998 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube.
Seamless tubes, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 754-8 : 1998 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube.
Porthole tubes, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS 1473: 1972 Current, Amd 4477 : 1984, Confirmed 2002 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering
purposes - rivet, bolt and screw stock
BS 1474: 1987 Withdrawn, Amd 8775 : 1995, s/s by BS EN 12020-1 : 2001, BS EN
12020-2 : 2001, BS EN 515 : 1993, BS EN 573-3 : 1995, BS EN 573-4 :
1995, BS EN 755-1 : 1997, BS EN 755-2 : 1997, BS EN 755-3 : 1996, BS
EN 755-4 : 1996, BS EN 755-5 : 1996, BS EN 755-6 : 1996, BS EN 755-
7 : 1998, BS EN 755-8 : 1998, BS EN 755-9 : 2001
Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering
purposes - bars
BS EN 12020-1 : 2001 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded precision profiles in
alloys EN AW-6060 and EN AW-6063. Technical conditions for
inspection and delivery
BS EN 12020-2 : 2001 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded precision profiles in
alloys EN AW-6060 and EN AW-6063. Tolerances on dimensions
and form
BS EN 515 : 1993 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Wrought products. Temper
BS EN 573-3 : 1995 2003 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of
wrought products. Chemical composition
BS EN 573-4 : 1995 2004 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of
wrought products. Forms of products
BS EN 755-1 : 1997 Current, Confirmed 2003 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded rod/bar, tube and
profiles. Technical conditions for inspection and delivery
BS EN 755-2 : 1997 Current, Corr 10035 : 1998 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded rod/bar, tube and
profiles. Mechanical properties
BS EN 755-3 : 1996 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded rod/bar, tube and
profiles. Round bars, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 755-4 : 1996 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded rod/bar, tube and
profiles. Square bars, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 755-5 : 1996 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded rod/bar, tube and
profiles. Rectangular bars, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 755-6 : 1996 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded rod/bar, tube and
profiles. Hexagonal bars, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 755-7 : 1998 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded rod/bar, tube and
profiles. Seamless tubes, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 755-8 : 1998 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded rod/bar, tube and
profiles. Porthole tubes, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 755-9 : 2001 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded rod/bar, tube and
profiles. Profiles, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS 1474: 1987 Ditto Ditto 17.34
BS 1474: 1987 Ditto Ditto 22.06
BS 1474 Ditto Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for
general engineering purposes: bars, extruded round tubes and
17.33 (b)
BS 1485:1983(1989) Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 10223-2 : 1998 Zinc coated hexagonal steel wire netting 18.26
BS EN 10223-2 : 1998 Current, Amd 15204 : 2004 Steel wire and wire products for fences. Hexagonal steel wire netting
for agricultural, insulation and fencing purposes
BS 1485:1983(1989) Ditto Ditto 24.34
BS 1494 1951 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 1494 Pt 1 : 1964 (Current) & Pt 2 : 1967
(Withdrawn, Hardcopy only)
Specification for fixing accessories for building purposes
BS 1494 Pt 1 : 1964 Current, PD 6192 : 1967 Specification for fixing accessories for building purposes. Fixings for
sheet, roof and wall coverings
BS 1494 Pt 2 : 1967 Withdrawn, Hardcopy only Specification for fixing accessories for building purposes. Sundry
BS 1494: 1964 Pt. 1 Current, PD 6192 : 1967 Fixing for sheet, roof and wall coverings 12.75
BS 1521:1972(1994) Current, Amd 3519 : 1981 Waterproofing building papers 6.69
BS 1579: 1960 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 912 : 2000 (Current) Connectors for timber 14.08
BS EN 912 : 2000 Current, Corr 13088 : 2001 Timber fasteners. Specifications for connections for timber
BS 1615:1987(1994) Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 12373-1 : 2001 (Current) Anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium 14.26
BS EN 12373-1 : 2001 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Anodizing. Method for specifying
decorative and protective anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium
BS 1615:1987(1994) Ditto Ditto 17.23
BS 1615:1987(1994) Ditto Ditto 17.34
BS 1639:1964(1989) Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN ISO 7438 : 2000 (Current) Methods for bend testing of metals 15.26
BS EN ISO 7438 : 2000 2005 Current Metallic materials. Bend test
BS 1706: 1990 Withdrawn, Amd 6731 : 1991, s/s by BS EN 12329 : 2000 & BS EN
12330 : 2000 (All Current)
Methods for specifying electroplated coatings of zinc and cadmium
on iron and steel
BS EN 12329 : 2000 Current Corrosion protection of metals. Electrodeposited coatings of zinc
with supplementary treatment on iron or steel
BS EN 12330 : 2000 Current Corrosion protection of metals. Electrodeposited coatings of cadmium
on iron or steel
BS 1706: 1990 Ditto Ditto 17.22
BS 1711 : 1975 Current, Confirmed 2003 Solid rubber flooring 18.12
BS 1723: ---- 1963 Withdrawn, PD 6264 : 1967, s/s by BS 1723 Pt 1 : 1986 Brazing 17.19
BS 1723 Pt 1 : 1986 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 14324 : 2004 (Current) Brazing. Specification for brazing
BS EN 14324 : 2004 Current Brazing Guidance on the application of brazed joints
BS 1758:1966 Withdrawn Specification for fireclay refractories (bricks and shapes) 9.05
BS 1876: 1990 Current, Confirmed 2000 Automatic flushing cisterns for urinals 19.79
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 1902: ---- BS 1902-2.2 : 1974,-2.3:Addendum No. 1 : 1976,-3.0 : 1988,-3.1 : 1981,-
3.2 : 1981,-3.3 : 1981,-3.5 : 1981,-3.10 : 1981,-3.11 : 1983,-3.13 : 1996,
3.14 : 1996,-3.16 : 1990,-3.17:1990,-3.19 : 1996,-4.0 : 1985,-4.6 : 1985,-
5.0 : 1992,-5.3 : 1990,-5.4 : 1989,-5.5 : 1991,-5.8 : 1992,-5.11 : 1986,-
5.13 : 1984,-5.14 : 1992,-6 : 1986,-7.0 : 1987,-7.1 : 1987,-7.2 : 1987,-7.3 :
1987,-7.4 : 1987,-7.5 : 1987,-7.6 : 1987,-9.1 : 1987,-9.2 : 1987,-9.3 :
1998,-10.1 : 1993,-10.2 : 1994,-11 : 1991 Current
Methods of testing refractory materials 9.05
BS 1902-2.2 : 1974 Current, Amd 4960 : 1986, Confirmed 2005 Methods of testing refractory materials. Chemical analysis (wet
methods). Chemical analysis of chrome-bearing materials
BS 1902-2.3:Addendum
No. 1 : 1976
Current, Confirmed 2005 Methods of testing refractory materials. Chemical analysis (wet
methods). Determination of boron in magnesites
BS 1902-3.0 : 1988 Current, Confirmed 1993 Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural
properties. Introduction
BS 1902-3.1 : 1981 Current, Confirmed 2005 Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural
properties. Guidance on sampling
BS 1902-3.2 : 1981 Current, Confirmed 2005 Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural
properties. Measurement of dimensions of specimens for testing
(methods 1902-302)
BS 1902-3.3 : 1981 Current, Confirmed 2005 Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural
properties. Sieve analysis (methods 1902-303)
BS 1902-3.5 : 1981 Current, Confirmed 1998 Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural
properties. Determination of powder density (method 1902-305)
BS 1902-3.10 : 1981 Current, Confirmed 1988 Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural
properties. Determination of resistance to carbon monoxide (method
BS 1902-3.11 : 1983 Current, Confirmed 2005 Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural
properties. Measurement of dimensions and shape of refractory bricks
and blocks (methods 1902-311)
BS 1902-3.13 : 1996 Current, Confirmed 2005 Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural
properties. Measurement of dimensions and external defects of
refractory bricks. Corner and edge defects and other surface
BS 1902-3.14 : 1996 Current, Confirmed 2005 Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural
properties. Determination of hydration tendency
BS 1902-3.16 : 1990 Current, Confirmed 2005 Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural
properties. Determination of pore size distribution (method 1902-
BS 1902-3.17:1990 Current, Confirmed 2005 Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural
properties. Determination of volume and bulk density of dense shaped
products (methods 1902-317)
BS 1902-3.19 : 1996 Current, Confirmed 2005 Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural
properties. Measurement of dimensions and external defects of
refractory bricks. Dimensions and conformity to drawings
BS 1902-4.0 : 1985 Current, Confirmed 1993 Methods of testing refractory materials. Properties measured under an
applied stress. Introduction
BS 1902-4.6 : 1985 Current, Confirmed 1996 Methods of testing refractory materials. Properties measured under an
applied stress. Determination of resistance to abrasion at ambient
temperature (abradability index at ambient temperature) (method
BS 1902-5.0 : 1992 Current, Confirmed 1998 Methods of testing refractory materials. Refractory and thermal
properties. Introduction
BS 1902-5.3 : 1990 Current, Confirmed 1996 Methods of testing refractory materials. Refractory and thermal
properties. Determination of thermal expansion (horizontal method to
1100C) (method 1902-503)
BS 1902-5.4 : 1989 Current, Confirmed 1996 Methods of testing refractory materials. Refractory and thermal
properties. Determination of thermal expansion (for large test pieces)
(method 1902-504)
BS 1902-5.5 : 1991 Current, Confirmed 1996 Methods of testing refractory materials. Refractory and thermal
properties. Determination of thermal conductivity (panel/calorimeter
method) (method 1902-505)
BS 1902-5.8 : 1992 Current Methods of testing refractory materials. Refractory and thermal
properties. Determination of thermal conductivity (split column
method) (method 1902-508)
BS 1902-5.11 : 1986 Current, Confirmed 1995 Methods of testing refractory materials. Refractory and thermal
properties. Determination of thermal spalling resistance by the prism
test (method 1902-511)
BS 1902-5.13 : 1984 Current, Confirmed 1995 Methods of testing refractory materials. Refractory and thermal
properties. Determination of resistance to attack by slag (method
BS 1902-5.14 : 1992 Current, Confirmed 1998 Methods of testing refractory materials. Refractory and thermal
properties. Determination of thermal expansion (temperatures up to
1500C) (methods 1902-5.14)
BS 1902-6 : 1986 Current, Confirmed 1995 Methods of testing refractory materials. Ceramic fibre products
BS 1902-7.0 : 1987 Current, Confirmed 1995 Methods of testing refractory materials. Unshaped refractories used in
monolithic construction. Introduction and definitions
BS 1902-7.1 : 1987 Current, Confirmed 1995 Methods of testing refractory materials. Unshaped refractories used in
monolithic construction. Guidance on sampling (of unshaped
BS 1902-7.2 : 1987 Current, Confirmed 1995 Methods of testing refractory materials. Unshaped refractories used in
monolithic construction. Testing of material as supplied and received
(method 1902-702)
BS 1902-7.3 : 1987 Current, Confirmed 1995 Methods of testing refractory materials. Unshaped refractories used in
monolithic construction. Preparation of test pieces from dense
castables by vibration (method 1902-703)
BS 1902-7.4 : 1987 Current, Confirmed 1995 Methods of testing refractory materials. Unshaped refractories used in
monolithic construction. Preparation of test pieces from insulating
castables (method 1902-704)
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 1902-7.5 : 1987 Current, Confirmed 1995 Methods of testing refractory materials. Unshaped refractories used in
monolithic construction. Preparation of test pieces from mouldables
and ramming mixes (method 1902-705)
BS 1902-7.6 : 1987 Current, Confirmed 1995 Methods of testing refractory materials. Unshaped refractories used in
monolithic construction. Testing of materials as preformed test pieces
BS 1902-9.1 : 1987 Current, Confirmed 1996 Methods of testing refractory materials. Chemical analysis by
instrumental methods. Analysis of alumino-silicate refractories by X-
ray fluorescence
BS 1902-9.2 : 1987 Current, Amd 6576 : 1991, Confirmed 1996 Methods of testing refractory materials. Chemical analysis by
instrumental methods. Analysis of silica refractories by X-ray
BS 1902-9.3 : 1998 Current, Confirmed 2005 Methods of testing refractory materials. Chemical analysis by
instrumental methods. Determination of chromium (VI)
BS 1902-10.1 : 1993 Current Methods of testing refractory materials. Investment casting shell
mould systems. Determination of resistance to deformation at
elevated temperatures
BS 1902-10.2 : 1994 Current, Corr 14426 : 2003 Methods of testing refractory materials. Investment casting shell
mould systems. Determination of permeability and standard air flow
capacity at elevated temperatures
BS 1902-11 : 1991 Current, Confirmed 1996 Methods of testing refractory materials. Refractory mortars and
BS 1911: 1990 Current, Confirmed 2005 Hard soap 22.07
BS 1911: 1990 Ditto Ditto 18.29
BS 1968: 1953 Current, Confirmed 2000, PD 4667 : 1962 Floats for ballvalves (copper) 19.52
BS 1982: ---- 1968 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 1982 Pt 0-3 : 1990 (Current) Fungal resistance of panel products 18.155
BS 1982 Pt 0 : 1990 Current, Confirmed 2002 Fungal resistance of panel products made of or containing materials
of organic origin. Guide to methods for determination
BS 1982 Pt 1 : 1990 Current, Amd 7780 : 1993, Confirmed 2002 Fungal resistance of panel products made of or containing materials
of organic origin. Method for determination of resistance to wood-
rotting Basidiomycetes
BS 1982 Pt 2 : 1990 Current, Confirmed 2002 Fungal resistance of panel products made of or containing materials
of organic origin. Method for determination of resistance to cellulose-
decomposing microfungi
BS 1982 Pt 3 : 1990 Current, Confirmed 2002 Fungal resistance of panel products made of or containing materials
of organic origin. Methods for determination of resistance to mould
or mildew
BS 2456: 1990 Current, Amd 13175 : 2001 Floats (plastics) for ballvalves for hot and cold water 19.52
BS 2499: 1973 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 2499 Pt 1 : 1993, Pt 2 : 1992 & Pt 3 : 1993
Hot applied joint sealants for concrete pavements 6.61
BS 2499 Pt 1 : 1993 Withdrawn, Amd 8666 : 1995, s/s by EN 14188-1 : 2004 Hot-applied joint sealant systems for concrete pavements.
Specification for joint sealants
EN 14188-1 : 2004 Current Joint fillers and sealants Part 1: Specifications for hot applied sealants
BS 2499 Pt 2 : 1992 Current, Amd 8667 : 1995 Hot-applied joint sealant systems for concrete pavements. Code of
practice for the application and use of joint sealants
BS 2499 Pt 3 : 1993 Current, Amd 8668 : 1995 Hot-applied joint sealant systems for concrete pavements. Methods of
BS 2523:1966(1983) Current, Confirmed 2000, Amd 3941 : 1982, Partially s/s by BS 5082 :
1993 & BS 5358 : 1993 (All Withdrawn, s/s by BS 7956:2000 -Current)
Lead-based priming paints 21.02
BS 7956:2000 Current Specification for primers for woodwork
BS 2569 Pt. 1 1964 Withdrawn, Amd 55 : 1968, s/s by BS EN 22063 : 1994 (Current) Protection of Iron and Steel by Aluminium and Zinc Against
Atmospheric Corrosion
BS EN 22063 : 1994 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN ISO 2063 : 2005 Metallic and other inorganic coatings. Thermal spraying. Zinc,
aluminium and their alloys
BS EN ISO 2063 : 2005 Current Thermal spraying Metallic and other inorganic coatings Zinc,
aluminium and their alloys
BS 2870: 1980 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1172 : 1997, BS EN 1652 : 1998, BS EN 1653
: 1998 & BS EN 1654 : 1998 (All Current)
Rolled copper and copper alloys: sheet, strip and foil 12.02
BS EN 1172 : 1997 Current Copper and copper alloys. Sheet and strip for building purposes
BS EN 1652 : 1998 Current, Corr 10198 : 1998 Copper and copper alloys. Plate, sheet, strip and circles for general
BS EN 1653 : 1998 Current, Amd 12044 : 2001 Copper and copper alloys. Plate, sheet and circles for boilers, pressure
vessels and hot water storage units
BS EN 1654 : 1998 Current, Corr 14412 : 2003 Copper and copper alloys. Strip for springs and connectors
BS 2871: 1971 Pt. 1 Withdrawn, Amd 2203 : 1996, s/s by BS EN 1057 : 1996 (Current) Copper and copper alloys, Tubes 19.47
BS EN 1057 : 1996 2006 Current Copper and copper alloys. Seamless, round copper tubes for water
and gas in sanitary and heating applications
BS 2874: 1986 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 12163 : 1998, BS EN 12164 : 1998 & BS EN
12167 : 1998 (All Current)
Copper and copper alloys. Rods and sections (other than forging
BS EN 12163 : 1998 Current Copper and copper alloys. Rod for general purposes
BS EN 12164 : 1998 Current, Amd 11036 : 2001 Copper and copper alloys. Rod for free machining purposes
BS EN 12167 : 1998 Current Copper and copper alloys. Profiles and rectangular bar for general
BS 2874: 1986 Ditto Ditto 19.50
BS 2874: 1986 Ditto Specification for copper and alloy rods and sections (other than forgin
BS 2874 Ditto Copper and Copper Alloy Rods and Sections (Other Than Forging
BS 2989 : 1992 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1998, s/s by BS EN 10143 : 1993 Continuously Hot-Dip Zinc Coated and Iron-Zinc Alloy Coated Steel
Flat Products: Tolerances on Dimensions and Shape
BS 2989 Ditto Ditto 22.86
BS 2994:1976(1987) Withdrawn, Confirmed 1987, s/s by BS EN 10162 : 2003 Cold rolled steel sections 15.05
BS EN 10162 : 2003 Current Cold rolled steel sections - Technical delivery conditions -
Dimensional and cross-sectional tolerances
BS 2994:1976(1987) Ditto Ditto 22.06
BS 2994:1976(1987) Ditto Ditto 22.36
BS 2994:1976(1987) Ditto Ditto 22.39
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 3019: 1984 Pt. 1 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1011-4 : 2000 (Current) Wrought aluminium, aluminium alloys and magnesium alloys 17.18
BS EN 1011-4 : 2000 Current, Amd 14928 : 2004 Welding. Recommendations for welding of metallic materials. Arc
welding of aluminium and aluminium alloys
BS 3056: ---- 1973 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 3056 Pt 1 : 1985 (Current) Size of refractory bricks 9.05
BS 3056 Pt 1 : 1985 Current, Confirmed 2006 Sizes of refractory bricks. Specification for multi-purpose bricks
BS 3083: 1988 Current, Amd 8761 : 1995, Confirmed 2002 Hot-dip zinc coated corrugated steel sheets or general purposes 12.72
BS 3100: 1991 Withdrawn, Confirmed 2001, Amd 6914 : 1992 Steel castings for general engineering purposes 19.50
BS EN 10293 : 2005 Current Steel castings for general engineering uses
BS 3111: 1979 Pt. 2 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 10263-1 : 2001 & BS EN 10263-5 : 2001 (All
Stainless steel 16.18
BS EN 10263-1 : 2001 Current, Corr 14066 : 2002 Steel rod, bars and wire for cold heading and cold extrusion. General
technical delivery conditions
BS EN 10263-5 : 2001 Current, Corr 13453 : 2001 Steel rod, bars and wire for cold heading and cold extrusion.
Technical delivery conditions for stainless steels
BS 3111 Pt.2 Ditto Requirements for a range of austenitic and martensitic stainless steels
used for fasteners. Includes two copper containing types to which
new type numbers have been allocated.
BS 3111 Pt.2 Ditto Requirements for a range of austenitic and martensitic stainless steels
used for fasteners. Includes two copper containing types to which
new type numbers have been allocated.
BS 3111 Pt.2 Ditto Requirements for a range of austenitic and martensitic stainless steels
used for fasteners. Includes two copper containing types to which
new type numbers have been allocated.
BS 3148: 1980 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1008 : 2002 (Current) Methods of tests for water for making concrete 1.36
BS 3148: 1980 Ditto 6.35
BS 3189: 1991 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 12476 : 2000 (Current) Phosphate treatment of iron and steel 14.26
BS EN 12476 : 2000 Current Phosphate conversion coatings of metals. Method of specifying
BS 3260:1969(1991) Withdrawn, Amd 4459 : 1983, s/s by BS EN 654 : 1997 (Current) Semi-flexible PVC (vinyl) floor tiles 18.115
BS EN 654 : 1997 Current, Amd 14724 : 2004 Resilient floor coverings. Semi-flexible polyvinyl chloride tiles.
BS 3261: ---- BS 3261 Pt 1 : 1973, Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 649 : 1997 (Current) Unbacked flexible PVC flooring 18.116
BS EN 649 : 1997 Current, Amd 14726 : 2003 Resilient floor coverings. Homogeneous and heterogeneous polyvinyl
chloride floor coverings. Specification
BS 3261: ---- Ditto Ditto 18.117
BS 3261: ---- Ditto Ditto 18.118
BS 3262: ---- 1976 Withdrawn, Amd 4754 : 1985, s/s by BS 3262 Pt 1 : 1989, Pt 2 :
1999, Pt 3 : 1989
Hot - applied thermoplastic road marking materials 21.21
BS 3262 Pt 1 : 1989 Withdrawn, Amd 8783 : 1995 Hot-applied thermoplastic road marking materials. Specification for
constituent materials and mixtures
BS 3262 Pt 2 : 1999 Withdrawn, Amd 10431 : 1999 Hot-applied thermoplastic road marking materials. Specification for
road performance
BS 3262 Pt 3 : 1989 Current, Amd 10205 : 1998, Confirmed 1995 Hot-applied thermoplastic road marking materials. Specification for
application of material to road surfaces
BS 3262: ---- Ditto Ditto 21.72
BS 3262: 1989 Pt. 1 Withdrawn, Amd 8783 : 1995 Constituent materials and mixtures 21.21
BS 3262: 1989 Pt. 1 Ditto Ditto 21.73
BS 3262: 1989 Pt. 2 Withdrawn, Amd 10431 : 1999 Road performance 21.21
BS 3262 :1987 Ditto 21.21(a)(i)
BS 3262 :1987 Ditto 21.21(b)
BS 3262 :1989 Ditto Hot-applied thermoplastic road marking materials 21.21(a)(i)
BS 3262 :1989 Ditto Hot-applied thermoplastic road marking materials 21.21(b)
BS 3262 Pt. 1 1987 Withdrawn, s/s by Pt 1 : 1989 (Withdrawn) Hot-Applied Thermoplastic Road Marking Materials 21.21(a)(i)
BS 3262 Pt. 1 1987 Ditto Hot-Applied Thermoplastic Road Marking Materials 21.21(b)
BS 3262 Pt. 1 1987 Ditto Hot-Applied Thermoplastic Road Marking Materials 21.72(a)
BS 3262 Pt. 1 1987 Ditto Hot-Applied Thermoplastic Road Marking Materials 21.75
BS 3262 Pt. 1 1989 Ditto Specification for constituent materials and mixtures 21.21(a)(i)
BS 3262 Pt. 1 1989 Ditto Specification for constituent materials and mixtures 21.21(b)
BS 3262 Pt. 1 1989 Ditto Specification for constituent materials and mixtures 21.72(a)
BS 3262 Pt. 1 1989 Ditto Specification for constituent materials and mixtures 21.75
BS 3262 Pt. 2 1987 Withdrawn, s/s by Pt 2 : 1989 (Withdrawn, s/s by Pt 2 : 1999
Hot-Applied Thermoplastic Road Marking Materials 21.21(a)(ii)
BS 3262 Pt. 2 1987 Ditto Hot-Applied Thermoplastic Road Marking Materials 21.21(b)
BS 3262 Pt. 2 1989 Ditto Hot-Applied Thermoplastic Road Marking Materials 21.21(a)(ii)
BS 3262 Pt. 2 1989 Ditto Hot-Applied Thermoplastic Road Marking Materials 21.21(b)
BS 3262 Pt. 3 1987 Withdrawn, s/s by Pt 3 : 1989 (Current) 1987 Hot-Applied Thermoplastic Road Marking Materials 21.72(b)
BS 3262 Pt. 3 1989 Withdrawn, Amd 10205 : 1998 Specification for application of material to road surfaces 21.72(b)
BS 3262 Pt.3 1987 Ditto 1987 Hot-Applied Thermoplastic Road Marking Materials 21.74
BS 3262 Pt.3 1989 Ditto Specification for application of material to road surfaces 21.74
BS 3380: 1982 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 274-1 : 2002, BS EN 274-2 : 2002, BS EN 274-
3 : 2002
Wastes and bath overflows 19.73
BS EN 274-1 : 2002 Current, Corr 14959 : 2004 Waste Fitting for Sanitary Appliances Part 1: Requirements
BS EN 274-2 : 2002 Current, Corr 14957 : 2004 Waste fittings for sanitary appliances Part 2: Test methods
BS EN 274-3 : 2002 Current, Corr 14958 : 2004 Waste Fitting for Sanitary Appliances Part 3: Quality Control
BS 3380: 1982 Ditto 19.73
BS 3382: 1982 Pt. 1-7 N/A Electroplated coatings on threaded components 12.75
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 3382 :1961 Parts 1 and
Current, AMD 8232 :1994, Confirmed 2004 Specification for electroplated coatings on threaded components.
Cadmium on steel components. Zinc on steel components
BS 3382 :1965 Parts 3 and
Current, AMD 8908 : 1995, Confirmed 2004 Specification for electroplated coatings on threaded components.
Nickel or nickel plus chromium on steel components. Nickel or nickel
plus chromium on copper and copper alloy (including brass)
BS 3382 :1967 Parts 5 and
Current, Confirmed 2004 Specification for electroplated coatings on threaded components. Tin
on copper and copper alloy (including brass) components. Silver on
copper and copper alloy (including brass) components
BS 3382 :1966 Pt. 7 Current, PD 6231 : 1967, Confirmed 2004 Specification for electroplated coatings on threaded components.
Thicker platings for threaded components
BS 3415: 1986 Current Venetian Blinds 22.35
BS 3415: 1986 Ditto Venetian Blinds 22.38
BS 3416: 1991 Current, Confirmed 2000, Amd 7288 : 1992 Black bitumen coating solutions for cold application 21.19
BS 3451:1973(1981) Withdrawn, Confirmed 1981, Amd 9377 : 1997, s/s by BS EN 895:1995,
BS EN 910:1996, BS EN 1320:1997, BS EN 1321:1997
Venetian blinds 16.39
BS EN 895:1995 Current, Confirmed 2005 Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials. Transverse tensile
BS EN 910:1996 Current Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials. Bend tests
BS EN 1320:1997 Current Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials. Fracture tests
BS EN 1321:1997 Current, Corr 14972 : 2004 Destructive test on welds in metallic materials. Macroscopic and
microscopic examination of welds
BS 3505 : 1986 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1998, Amd 6130 : 1988, s/s by parts 1 to 5 of BS
EN 1452 : 2000 (All Current)
Specification for unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pressure
pipes for cold potable water
BS EN 1452-1 : 2000 Current, Corr 11007 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U). General
BS EN 1452-2 : 2000 Current, Corr 10999 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U). Pipes
BS EN 1452-3 : 2000 Current, Corr 12006 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U). Fittings
BS EN 1452-4 : 2000 Current, Corr 12007 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U). Valves and ancillary equipment
BS EN 1452-5 : 2000 Current, Corr 12008 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U). Fitness for purpose of the system
BS 3532: 1990 Current, Confirmed 1995, Amd 7344 : 1992 Method of specifying unsaturated polyester resin system 12.89
BS 3571: 1985 Pt. 1 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1011-4 : 2000 (Current) Aluminium and aluminium alloys 16.39
BS EN 1011-4 : 2000 Current, Amd 14928 : 2004 Welding. Recommendations for welding of metallic materials. Arc
welding of aluminium and aluminium alloys
BS 3571: 1985 Pt. 1 Ditto Ditto 17.18
BS 3601:1987(1993) Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 10216-1 : 2002, BS EN 10217-1 : 2002 Steel pipes and tubes for pressure purposes 24.24
BS EN 10216-1 : 2002 Current, Amd 15150 : 2004 Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes Technical delivery
conditions Part 1: Non-alloy steel tubes with specified room
temperature properties
BS EN 10217-1 : 2002 Current, Amd 15473 : 2006 Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes Technical delivery
conditions Part 1: Non-alloy steel tubes with specified room
temperature properties
BS 3621: 1980 2004 Current Thief resistant locks 14.30
BS 3690: 1989 Pt. 1 Current, Amd 7316 : 1992, Obsolescent, Partially s/s by BS EN
12591:2000 (Current)
Bitumens for building and civil engineering 12.11
BS EN 12591:2000 Current Bitumen and bituminous binders. Specifications for paving grade
BS 3690: 1989 Pt. 2 Current, Confirmed 1997 Ditto 12.55
BS 3690: 1990 Pt. 3 Current Ditto 12.55
BS 3692: 1967 2001 Current, Corr 13183 : 2001 ISO metric precision hexagon bolts, screws and nuts 15.08
BS 3797: 1990 Current, Confirmed 1996, Amd 6796 : 1991, Partially s/s by BS EN 1744-
1:1998 (Current)
Lightweight aggregates for concrete 18.57
BS EN 1744-1:1998 Current Tests for chemical properties of aggregates. Chemical analysis
BS 3882 Current 15.10.1994 Top soil - AMD 9938; April 1998 25.02(b),
BS 3892 N/A Pulverized-fuel ash
BS 3892: 1982 Pt. 1 1997 Current Specification for pulverized-fuel ash for use with Portland cement 6.28
BS 3892: 1982 Pt. 2 1996 Current Specification for pulverized-fuel ash for use in grouts and for
miscellaneous uses in concrete
BS EN 771-1:2003 Current Specification for masonry units Part 1: Clay masonry units 9.02, 9.04
BS EN 772-3:1998 Current Methods of test for masonry units. Determination of net volume and
percentage of voids of clay masonry units by hydrostatic weighing
BS EN 772-7:1998 Current Methods of test for masonry units. Determination of water absorption
of clay masonry damp proof course units by boiling in water
BS 3921: 1985 Ditto 9.04
BS 3923 N/A Methods for ultrasonic examination of welds
BS 3923: 1986 Pt. 1 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1714 : 1998 (Current) Methods for manual examination of fusion Welds in ferritic steels 15.35
BS EN 1714 : 1998 Current, Confirmed 2003, Amd 14941 : 2004 Non destructive examination of welded joints. Ultrasonic
examination of welded joints
BS 3923: 1972 Pt. 2 Current Automatic examination of fusion welded butt joints in ferritic steels 15.35
BS 3943:1979(1988) Current, Confirmed 1988, s/s by BS EN 274-1 : 2002, BS EN 274-2 :
2002 and BS EN 274-3 : 2002
Plastics waste traps 19.81
BS EN 274-1 : 2002 Current, Corr 14959 : 2004 Waste Fitting for Sanitary Appliances Part 1: Requirements
BS EN 274-2 : 2002 Current, Corr 14957 : 2004 Waste fittings for sanitary appliances Part 2: Test methods
BS EN 274-3 : 2002 Current, Corr 14958 : 2004 Waste Fitting for Sanitary Appliances Part 3: Quality Control
BS 3987: 1991 Current, Confirmed 1997, Amd 10944 : 2001 Anodic oxide coatings on wrought aluminium for external
architectural applications
BS 3987: 1991 Ditto Ditto 16.31
BS 3987: 1991 Ditto Ditto 16.33
BS 3987: 1991 Ditto Ditto 17.23
BS 3987: 1991 Ditto Ditto 17.34
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 3998: 1989 Current, Amd 6549 : 1990 Recommendations for tree work 2.10, 25.69.4,
25.81, 25.83,
25.85, 25.88
BS 4027: 1980 1996 Current Sulphate-resisting Portland cement 6.27
BS 4043 1989 Current Recommendations for transplanting root-balled trees 2.10, 25.69.14
BS 4074: 1982(1991) 2000 Current Specification for metal props and struts 6.04
BS 4079:1966(1988) Withdrawn, s/s by BS 1088-1 : 2003, BS 1088-2 : 2003 Plywood for marine craft 13.13
BS 1088-1 : 2003 Current Marine plywood Part 1: Requirements
BS 1088-2 : 2003 Current Marine plywood Part 2: Determination of bonding quality using the
knife test
BS 4102: 1990 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 4102 : 1998 (Current) Specification for steel wire for general fencing purposes 24.33
BS 4102 : 1998 Current Specification for steel wire for general fencing purposes
BS 4127 1994 Withdrawn, s/s BS EN 10312 : 2002 Specification for light gauge stainless steel tubes, primarily for water
BS EN 10312 : 2002 Current Welded stainless steel tubes for the conveyance of aqueous liquids
including water for human consumption Technical delivery
BS 4131: 1973 Withdrawn, s/s by by BS EN 13748-1 : 2004, BS EN 13748-2 : 2004 Terrazzo tiles 18.90
BS EN 13748-1 : 2004 Current, Amd 15767 : 2005 Terrazzo tiles Part 1: Terrazzo tiles for internal use
BS EN 13748-2 : 2004 Current Terrazzo tiles Part 2: Terrazzo tiles for external use
BS 4134: 1990 Current, Confirmed 2005 Method for Designation of ticket numbers of industrial sewing
BS 4154: ---- Pt. 1-2 N/A Corrugated plastics translucent sheets made from thermo setting
polyester resin
BS 4154-1:1985 Pt.1 Current, Confirmed 1994 Corrugated plastics translucent sheets made from thermo setting
polyester resin (glass fibre reinforced). Specification for material and
performance requirements
BS 4154-2:1985 Pt.2 Current, Confirmed 1994 Corrugated plastics translucent sheets made from thermo setting
polyester resin (glass fibre reinforced). Specification for profiles and
BS 4164: 1987 2002 Current Specification for Coal-tar based hot-applied coating materials for
protecting iron and steel, including a suitable primer
BS 4164 Ditto Specification for coal-tar-based hot-applied coating materials for
protecting iron and steel, including a suitable primer
BS 4190: 1967 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 4190:2001 (Current) ISO metric black hexagon bolts, screws and nuts 15.07
BS 4190:2001 Current ISO metric black hexagon bolts, screws and nuts. Specification
BS 4203: ---- Pt. 1-2 N/A Extruded rigid PVC corrugated sheeting 12.92
BS 4203-1:1980 Current, Confirmed 1994 Extruded rigid PVC corrugated sheeting. Specification for
performance requirements
BS 4203-2:1980 Current, Confirmed 1994 Extruded rigid PVC corrugated sheeting. Specification for profiles
and dimensions
BS 4254:1983(1991) Current, Obsolescent, Amd 5023 : 1985, Confirmed 1991 Two-part polysulphide-based sealants 6.61
BS 4306:1981(1988) Withdrawn, s/s by BS 2000:Part 367:1995 (same as BS EN ISO 4259 :
1996, Current)
Method for determination and application of precision data in relation
to methods of test for petroleum products
BS 2000 PART 367 :
1996 Current, Confirmed 2004 Petroleum products. Determination and application of precision data
in relation to methods of test
BS EN ISO 4259 : 1996 Current, Confirmed 2004 Petroleum products. Determination and application of precision data
in relation to methods of test
BS 4320: 1968 Current, Confirmed 1998 Specification for Metal washers for general engineering purposes 16.18
BS 4320 Ditto Specification for metal washers for general engineering purposes.
Metric series
BS 4320 Ditto Specification for metal washers for general engineering purposes.
Metric series
BS 4345 : 1968 Current, Confirmed 2002 Slotted angles 17.05
BS 4346 N/A Specification for joints and fittings for use with unplasticizes PVC
pressure pipes
BS 4346 : 1969 Pt. 1 1998 Withdrawn, s/s by parts 1 to 5 of BS EN 1452 : 2000 (Current) Injection moulded PVC fittings for solvent welding for use with
pressure pipes
BS 4346 : 1970 Pt. 2 1998 Withdrawn, s/s by parts 1 to 5 of BS EN 1452 : 2000 (Current) Mechanical joints and fittings of PVC 19.48
BS EN 1452-1 : 2000 Current, Corr 12004 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U). General
BS EN 1452-2 : 2000 Current, Corr 12005 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U). Pipes
BS EN 1452-3 : 2000 Current, Corr 12006 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U). Fittings
BS EN 1452-4 : 2000 Current, Corr 12007 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U). Valves and ancillary equipment
BS EN 1452-5 : 2000 Current, Corr 12008 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U). Fitness for purpose of the system
BS 4360: 1986 1990 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 7613 : 1994 (Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN
10137 Pt 1-3), BS 7668 : 1994, BS EN 10029 : 1991, Parts 1 to 3 of BS
EN 10113 : 1993, BS EN 10155 : 1993, BS EN 10210-1 : 1994
Weldable structural steels 5.18
BS 7613:1994 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 10137-1 : 1996, BS EN 10137-2 : 1996 and BS
EN 10137-3 : 1996
Specification for hot rolled quenched and tempered weldable
structural steel plates
BS EN 10137-1 : 1996 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 10025-1 : 2004, BS EN 10025-6 : 2004 Plates and wide flats made of high yield strength structural steels in
the quenched and tempered or precipitation hardened conditions.
General delivery conditions
BS EN 10137-2 : 1996 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 10025-1 : 2004, BS EN 10025-6 : 2004 Plates and wide flats made of high yield strength structural steels in
the quenched and tempered or precipitation hardened conditions.
Delivery conditions for quenched and tempered steels
BS EN 10025-1 : 2004 Current Hot rolled products of structural steels Part 1: General technical
delivery conditions
BS EN 10025-6 : 2004 Current Hot rolled products of structural steels Part 6: Technical delivery
conditions for flat products of high yield strength structural steels in
the quenched and tempered condition
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS EN 10137-3 : 1996 Withdrawn Plates and wide flats made of high yield strength structural steels in
the quenched and tempered or precipitation hardened conditions.
Delivery conditions for precipitation hardened steels
BS 7668:1994 2004 Current Specification for weldable structural steels. Hot finished structural
hollow sections in weather resistant steels
BS EN 10029 :1991 Current Specification for tolerances on dimensions, shape and mass for hot
rolled steel plates 3 mm thick or above
BS EN 10113 Part
Current Hot-rolled products in weldable fine grain structural steels. General
delivery conditions
BS EN 10113 Part
Current, Corr 10056 : 1998 Hot-rolled products in weldable fine grain structural steels. Delivery
conditions for normalized/normalized rolled steels
BS EN 10113 Part
Current Hot-rolled products in weldable fine grain structural steels. Delivery
conditions for thermomechanical rolled steels
BS EN 10155:1993 Current Structural steels with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance.
Technical delivery conditions
BS EN 10210-1:1994 Current Hot finished structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain
structural steels. Technical delivery requirements
BS 4360: 1986 Ditto Ditto 15.03
BS 4360: 1986 Ditto Ditto 15.04
BS 4386:Part 3 N/A 19.46
BS 4395 N/A High strength friction grip bolts and associated nuts and washers for
structural engineering
BS 4395: 1969 Pt. 1 Current, Confirmed 2004 High strength friction grip bolts and associated nuts and washers for
structural engineering. General Grade
BS 4428 Current 1.1.1989 Code of practice for general landscape operations (excluding
hard surfaces) (AMD 6784) September 30, 1991-Amd 1
BS 4447:1973(1990) Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 13391 : 2004 Performance for the performance of prestressing anchorages for post-
tensioned construction
BS EN 13391 : 2004 Current Mechanical tests for post-tensioning systems
BS 4447:1973(1990) Ditto Ditto 7.23
BS 4449 : 1998 2005 Current Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Weldable reinforcing steel -
Bar, coil and decoiled product - Specification
BS 4464 : 1969 Current, Confirmed 2004 Spring washers for general engineering and automobile purposes
(metric series)
BS 4464 : 1969 Ditto Ditto 16.18
BS 4464 : 1969 Ditto Ditto 16.18(iii)
BS 4466: 1989 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 8666 : 2000 and BS EN ISO 4066 : 2000 Scheduling, Dimensioning, Bending and Cutting of Steel
Reinforcement for Concrete
BS 8666 : 2000 2005 Current Specification for scheduling, dimensioning, bending and cutting of
steel reinforcement for concrete
BS EN ISO 4066 : 2000 Current, Corr 11097 : 2000 Construction drawings. Bar scheduling
BS 4466:1989 Ditto Specification for scheduling, dimensioning, bending and cutting of
steel reinforcement for concrete
BS 4479 : 1969 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 4479-1 : 1990, BS 4479-2 : 1990, BS 4479-3 :
1990, BS 4479-4 : 1990, BS 4479-5 : 1990, BS 4479-6 : 1990, BS
4479-7 : 1990, BS 4479-8 : 1990, BS 4479-9 : 1990
Recommendations for the design of metal articles that are to be
BS 4479-1 : 1990 Current, Confirmed 1997 Design of Articles That Are to Be Coated Part 1: General
BS 4479-2 : 1990 Current, Confirmed 1998 Design of Articles That Are to Be Coated Part 2: Recommendations
for Electroplated and Autocatalytic Coatings
BS 4479-3 : 1990 Current, Confirmed 1997 Design of Articles That Are to Be Coated Part 3: Recommendations
for Conversion Coatings
BS 4479-4 : 1990 Current, Confirmed 1997 Design of Articles That Are to Be Coated Part 4: Recommendations
for Paint Coatings and Varnish Coatings
BS 4479-5 : 1990 Current, Confirmed 1997 Design of Articles That Are to Be Coated Part 5: Recommendations
for Anodic Oxidation Coatings
BS 4479-6 : 1990 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN ISO 14713 : 1999 Design of Articles That Are to Be Coated Part 6: Recommendations
for Hot-Dip Metal Coatings
BS EN ISO 14713 : 1999 Current Protection Against Corrosion of Iron and Steel in Structures - Zinc
and Aluminium Coatings - Guidelines
BS 4479-7 : 1990 Current, Confirmed 1997 Design of Articles That Are to Be Coated Part 7: Recommendations
for Thermally Sprayed Coatings
BS 4479-8 : 1990 Current, Amd 10352 : 2000 Design of Articles That Are to Be Coated Part 8: Recommendations
for Vitreous Enamel Coatings
BS 4479-9 : 1990 Current, Confirmed 1997 Design of Articles That Are to Be Coated Part 9: Recommendations
for Low Pressure and Vacuum Deposited Coatings
BS 4483: 1985 2005 Current Steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete 6.14
BS 4486: 1980 Current Hot rolled high tensile alloy steel bars for the prestressing of concrete 7.09
BS 4504 contains BS 4504 PART 1 : 1969, BS 4504 PART 2 : 1974, BS 4504
SEC 3.1 : 1989, BS 4504 SEC 3.2 : 1989, BS 4504 SEC 3.3 : 1989
19.51, 19.60
BS 4504 PART 1 : 1969 Withdrawn, Amd 6017 : 1989, s/s by Flanges and Bolting for Pipes, Valves and Fittings Metric Series Part
1: Ferrous
BS 4504 PART 2 : 1974 Withdrawn Circular Flanges for Pipes, Valves and Fittings (PN Designated) Part
2: Copper Alloy and Composite Flanges
BS 4504 SEC 3.1 : 1989 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1092-1 : 2002 (Current) and BS EN 1515-1 :
2000 (Current)
Circular flanges for pipes, valves and fittings
BS EN 1092-1 : 2002 Current, Corr 13960 : 2002 Flanges and their joints. Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and
accessories, PN designated. Steel flanges
BS EN 1515-1 : 2000 Current Flanges and their joints. Bolting. Selection of bolting
BS 4504 SEC 3.2 : 1989 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1092-2 : 1997 (Current) Ditto
BS EN 1092-2 : 1997 Current Flanges and their joints. Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and
accessories, PN designated. Cast iron flanges
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 4504 SEC 3.3 : 1989 Withdrawn, Amd 6274 : 1989, s/s by BS EN 1092-3 : 2003 (Current) Ditto, Specifications for copper alloy and composite flanges
BS EN 1092-3 : 2003 Current, Corr 15319 : 2004 Flanges and their joints Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and
accessories, PN designated Part 3: Copper alloy flanges
BS 4514: 1983 2001 Current Unplasticized PVC Soil and Ventilating Pipes of 82.4 mm Minimum
Mean Outside Diameter, and Fittings and Accessories of 82.4 mm and
of Other Sizes - Specification
BS 4514 Ditto Specification for uplasticized PVC soil and ventilating pipes, fittings
and accessories
BS 4516 Pt.1 to Pt.2 Withdrawan; for Pt.2, see IEC 60317-17 (not equivalent) Specification for enamelled copper conductors 19.34
BS 4550 Pt 2 1970, Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 196-2 : 1995, BS EN 196-21 : 1992, BS
EN 196-5 : 1995 (All Current)
General scheme for analysis, insoluble residue, total silica,
ammonium hydroxide group, total calcium oxide, alumina, iron oxide,
magnesia, sulphuric anhydride, sulphur present as sulphide, total
sulphur, loss-on-ignition. Minor constituents and free lime,
pozzolanicity, propylene glycol.
BS EN 196-2 : 1995 2005 Current Methods of testing cement. Chemical analysis of cement
BS EN 196-21 : 1992 Current Methods of testing cement. Determination of the chloride, carbon
dioxide and alkali content of cement
BS EN 196-5 : 1995 2005 Current Methods of testing cement. Pozzolanicity test for pozzolanic cements
BS 4576:1989 Pt.1 Current, Amd 6350 : 1991, Confirmed 1998, Partially s/s by BS EN
607:1996, BS EN 1462:1997, BS EN 12200-1:2000
Unplasticized PVC rainwater goods 19.27
BS EN 607:1996 2005 Current Eaves gutters and fittings made of PVC-U. Definitions, requirements
and testing
BS EN 1462:1997 2005 Current Brackets for eaves gutters. Requirements and testing
BS EN 12200-1:2000 Current Plastics rainwater piping systems for above ground external use.
Unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). Specifications for pipes,
fittings and the system
BS 4604 N/A Specification for the use of high strength friction grip bolts in
structural steel work- Metric series
BS 4604: 1970 Pt. 1 Current High strength friction grip bolts in structural steel work - general
BS 4620:1970(1988) Current, Obsolescent Rivets for general engineering purposes 15.06
BS 4622:1970(1983) Current, Obsolescent Grey iron pipes and fittings 23.06
BS 4622 Ditto Specification for grey iron pipes and fittings 23.06
BS 4652 : 1971 1995 Current, Amd 10074 : 1998, Confirmed 2000 Zinc-Rich Priming Paint (Organic Media) 15.39
BS 4652:1971(1979) Ditto Ditto 17.21
BS 4652:1971(1979) Ditto Ditto 17.28
BS 4652:1971(1979) Ditto Ditto 21.02
BS 4660: 1989 2000 Current, Amd 13946 : 2002, partially s/s by BS EN 13598-1 : 2003
Unplasticized PVC underground drain pipe and fittings 23.08
BS EN 13598-1 : 2003 Current Thermoplastics ancillary fittings of nominal sizes 110 and 160 for
below ground gravity drainage and sewerage
BS 4756 : 1971 1988 Current Ready-Mixed Aluminium Priming Paints for Woodwork 21.02
BS 4772: 1988 withdrawn, superseded by BS EN 545:1995, BS EN 598:1995, BS EN
969:1996 (All Current)
Ductile iron pipes and fittings 19.45
BS EN 545:1995 2002 Current Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for water
pipelines. Requirements and test methods
BS EN 598:1995 Current Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for sewerage
applications. Requirements and test methods
BS EN 969:1996 Current, Amd 10946 : 2000 Specification for ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their
joints for gas pipelines. Requirements and test methods
BS 4772: 1988 Ditto Ditto 23.07
BS 4800 : 1989 Current, Confirmed 2000 Schedule of Paint colours for building purposes 21.75
BS 4842 : 1984 Current, Amd 7181 : 1992, Confirmed 2000 Liquid organic coatings for application to aluminium alloy extrusions,
sheet and performed sections for external architectural purposes
BS 4842 : 1984 Ditto Ditto 16.32
BS 4842 : 1984 Ditto Ditto 16.33
BS 4842 : 1984 Ditto Ditto 16.63
BS 4848 PART 2 : 1991 Withdrawn, Amd 7449 : 1993, s/s by BS EN 10210-2 : 1997 (Current) Hot-Rolled Structural Steel Sections Part 2: Specification for Hot-
Finished Hollow Sections
BS EN 10210-2 : 1997 2006 Current Hot finished structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain
structural steels. Tolerances, dimensions and sectional properties
BS 4848 PART 4 : 1972 Pt. 4 Withdrawn, Amd 7562 : 1993, s/s by BS EN 10056-1 : 1999 (Current) Hot rolled structural steel sections. Equal and unequal angles 15.04
BS EN 10056-1 : 1999 Current Specification for structural steel equal and unequal angles.
BS 4868 : 1972 Current Specification for Profiled aluminium sheet for building 12.84
BS 4872: ---- Pt. 1-2 Current Approval testing of welders when welding procedure approval is not
BS 4872: 1982 Pt. 1 Current, Confirmed 1999 Specification for approval testing of welders when welding procedure
approval is not required. Fusion welding of steel
BS 4872: 1976 Pt. 2 Current, Confirmed 1999 Specification for approval testing of welders when welding procedure
approval is not required. TIG or MIG welding of aluminium and its
BS 4873: 1986 2004 Current Aluminium alloy windows 16.23
BS 4873: 1986 Ditto Ditto 16.66
BS EN 934-3 : 2004 Current, Corr 15955 : 2006 Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout Part 3: Admixtures for
masonry mortar Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and
BS 4951: 1973 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1906 : 2002 (Current) Specifications for Builder's hardware: lock and latch furniture (doors) 14.31
BS EN 1906 : 2002 Current Building Hardware - Lever Handles and Knob Furniture -
Requirements and Test Methods
BS 4951: 1973 Ditto Ditto 14.32
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 4962: 1989 Current, Amd 9131 : 1996, Confirmed 1998 Plastics pipes for use as light sub-soil drains 23.09
BS 4987 : 1973 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 4987-1 and BS 4987-2 Coated macadam for roads and other paved areas 24.07
BS 4987-1 : 2005 Current, Corr 1620 : 2005 Coated macadam for roads and other paved areas. Specifications for
transport, laying, and compaction
BS 4987-2 : 2003 Current, Amd 15606 : 2005 Coated macadam for roads and other paved areas. Specifications for
constituent materials and for mixtures
BS 5053 : 1985 Withdrawn, s/s by by BS EN 919 : 1995 Methods of test cordage and webbing slings and for fibre cores for
wire rope
BS EN 919 : 1995 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN ISO 2307 : 2005 (Current) Fibre ropes for general service. Determination of certain physical and
mechanical properties
BS EN ISO 2307 : 2005 Current Fibre ropes - Determination of certain physical and mechanical
BS 5053: 1985 Ditto Ditto 22.47
BS 5053: 1985 Ditto Ditto 22.48
BS 5075: ---- Pt. 1-3 N/A Concrete admixture 6.36
BS 5075: 1982 Pt. 1 withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 480 Pt 1-2, 4-6, 8, 10-12 and BS EN 934 Pt 2 &
Pt 6 (All Current)
Accelerating - retarding and water reducing 8.06
BS 5075: 1982 Pt. 2 withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 480 Pt 1-2, 4-6, 8, 10-12 and BS EN 934 Pt 2 &
Pt 6 (All Current)
Concrete admixtures. Specification for air-entraining admixtures 8.06
BS 5075: 1985 Pt. 3 withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 480 Pt 1-2, 4-6, 8, 10-12 and BS EN 934 Pt 2 &
Pt 6 (All Current)
Superplasticising admixtures 8.06
BS EN 480 Pt 1 : 1998 Current Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Test methods. Reference
concrete and reference mortar for testing
BS EN 480 Pt 2 : 1997 Current Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Test methods.
Determination of setting time
BS EN 480 Pt 4 : 1997 2005 Current Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Test methods.
Determination of bleeding of concrete
BS EN 480 Pt 5 : 1997 2005 Current Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Test methods.
Determination of capillary absorption
BS EN 480 Pt 6 : 1997 2005 Current Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Test methods. Infrared
BS EN 480 Pt 8 : 1997 Current Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Test methods.
Determination of the conventional dry material content
BS EN 480 Pt 10 : 1997 Current Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Test methods.
Determination of water soluble chloride content
BS EN 480 Pt 11 : 1999 2005 Current Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Test methods.
Determination of air void characteristics in hardened concrete
BS EN 480 Pt 12 : 1998 2005 Current Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Test methods.
Determination of the alkali content of admixtures
BS EN 934 Pt 2 : 2001 Current, Amd 15448 : 2004 Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Concrete admixtures.
Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling
BS EN 934 Pt 6 : 2001 Current, Amd 16058 : 2006 Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Sampling, conformity
control and evaluation of conformity
BS 5080 Pt. 1: 1993 Current Structural Fixings in Concrete and Masonry Part 1: Method of Test
for Tensile Loading
BS 5080 Pt. 2: 1986 Current Methods of Test for Structural Fixings in Concrete and Masonry Part
2: Method for Determination of Resistance to Loading in Shear
BS 5085:1976(1991) Pt. 2 withdrawn, superseded by BS EN 651:1997 (Current) Cellular PVC backed flexible PVC flooring 18.118
BS EN 651:1997 Current, Amd 14725 : 2004 Resilient floor coverings. Polyvinyl chloride floor coverings with
foam layer. Specification
BS 5135: 1984 withdrawn, superseded by BS EN 1011-1:1998, BS EN 1011-2:2001
Metal-arc welding of carbon and carbon manganese steels 15.22
BS EN 1011-1:1998 Current, Amd 14925 : 2004 Welding. Recommendations for welding of metallic materials.
General guidance for arc welding
BS EN 1011-2:2001 Current, Amd 14926 : 2004 Welding. Recommendations for welding of metallic materials. Arc
welding of ferritic steels
BS 5135: 1984 Ditto Ditto 15.28
BS 5135: 1984 Ditto Ditto 16.39
BS 5135: 1984 Ditto Ditto
BS 5135 Ditto Specification for arc welding of carbon and carbon manganese steels
BS 5150: 1990 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1171 : 2002 (Current) Cast iron wedge and double disk gate valves for general purposes 19.50
BS EN 1171 : 2002 Current, Corr 14500 : 2003 Industrial valves Cast iron gate valves
BS 5153:1974(1991) Withdrawn, superseded by BS EN 12334 : 2001 (Current) Cast iron check valves for general purposes 19.50
BS EN 12334 : 2001 Current, Amd 15228 : 2004 Industrial valves. Cast iron check valves
BS 5154 : 1991 Current Copper alloy globe, globe stop and check and gate valves for general
BS 5163:1986(1991) Withdrawn, Amd 6057 : 1989, s/s by BS EN 1074-1 : 2000, BS EN 1074-
2 : 2000, BS 5163-1 : 2004 and BS 5163-2 : 2004
Specifications for predominantly key-operated Cast iron gate valves
for waterworks purposes
BS EN 1074-1 : 2000 Current, Amd 15230 : 2004 Valves for Water Supply - Fitness for Purpose Requirements and
Appropriate Verification Tests - Part 1: General Requirements
BS EN 1074-2 : 2000 Current, Amd 15231 : 2004 Valves for water supply Fitness for purpose requirements and
appropriate verification tests Part 2: Isolating valves
BS 5163-1 : 2004 Current Valves for waterworks purposes Part 1: Predominantly key-operated
cast iron gate valves Code of practice
BS 5163-2 : 2004 Current Valves for waterworks purposes Part 2: Stem caps for use on isolating
valves and associated water control apparatus Specification
BS 5212 Pt. 1-3 Current Cold applied joint sealants for concrete pavements
BS 5212: 1990 Pt. 1 Current Specification for joint sealants 6.61
BS 5212: 1990 Pt. 2 Current Code of Practice for the application and use of joint sealants
BS 5212: 1990 Pt. 3 Current Methods of test
BS 5215: 1986 Withdrawn, revised as Pt 1-3 above One part gun-grade polysulphide-based sealants 17.37
BS 5215: 1986 Ditto Ditto 17.37
BS 5236 INAC-WDRN (Inactive / Withdrawn) 1.1.1975 Recommendations for the cultivation and planting of trees in the
advanced nursery stock category
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 5255: 1989 Current, partially s/s by BS EN 1329-1:2000, BS EN 1455-1:2000, BS
EN 1519-1:2000, BS EN 1565-1:2000, BS EN 1566-1:2000 (All Current)
Plastics waste pipe and fittings 19.34
BS EN 1329-1:2000 Current Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high
temperature) within the building structure. Unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U). Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
BS EN 1455-1:2000 Current, Corr 13818 : 2002 Plastics piping systems for soil and waste (low and high temperature)
within the building structure. Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS).
Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
BS EN 1519-1:2000 Current, Corr 13817 : 2002 Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high
temperature) within the building structure. Polyethylene (PE).
Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
BS EN 1565-1:2000 Current, Corr 13816 : 2002 Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high
temperature) within the building structure. Styrene copolymer blends
(SAN + PVC). Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
BS EN 1566-1:2000 Current, Corr 13815 : 2002 Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high
temperature) within the building structure. Chlorinated poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-C). Specification for pipes, fittings and the system
BS 5262: 1991 Current Code of practice for external rendered finishes 18.39
BS 5270: 1989 Pt. 1 Current, Confirmed 1997 Bonding agents for use will gypsum plasters and cement 18.49
BS 5284: 1993 Current Sampling and testing mastic asphalt and pitchmastic used in building 11.05
BS 5284: 1993 Ditto Ditto 12.53
BS 5289: 1976 Withdrawn, superseded by BS EN 970:1997 (Current) Code of practice. Visual inspection of fusion welded joints 12.53
BS EN 970:1997 Current, Confirmed 2003 Non-destructive examination of fusion welds. Visual examination
BS 5325: 1983 2001 Current Installation of Textile Floor Coverings - Code of Practice 18.143
BS 5328 Pt. 1-4 N/A Concrete
BS 5328: 1991 Pt. 1 Withdrawn, superseded by BS 5328-1:1997 (Withdrawn, s/s by BS 8500
Pt 1-2:2002, BS EN 206-1:2000)
Guide to specifying concrete 6.44
BS 5328-1:1997 Current, s/s by BS 8500 Pt 1-2:2002, BS EN 206-1:2000 Concrete. Guide to specifying concrete
BS 5328: 1991 Pt. 2 Withdrawn, superseded by BS 5328-2:1997 (Withdrawn, s/s by BS 8500
Pt 1-2:2002, BS EN 206-1:2000)
Methods for specifying concrete, including ready-mixed concrete 6.44
BS 5328-2:1997 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 8500 Pt 1-2:2002, BS EN 206-1:2000 Concrete. Methods for specifying concrete mixes
BS 5328: 1990 Pt. 3 Withdrawn, superseded by BS 8500-1:2002, BS 8500-2:2002, BS EN
Procedures to be used in producing and transporting concrete 6.44
BS 5328: 1990 Pt. 4 Withdrawn, superseded by BS 8500-1:2002, BS 8500-2:2002, BS EN
Concrete. Specification for the procedures to be used in sampling,
testing and assessing compliance of concrete
BS 8500 Pt 1:2002 Current, Amd 14639 : 2003 Concrete. Complementary British Standard to BS EN 206-1. Method
of specifying and guidance for the specifier
BS 8500 Pt 2:2002 Current, Amd, 14640 : 2003 Concrete. Complementary British Standard to BS EN 206-1.
Specification for constituent materials and concrete
BS EN 206-1 : 2000 2001 Current, Amd 15406 :2004 Concrete. Specification, performance, production and conformity
BS 5531: 1988 Current Code of practice for safety in erecting structural frames 15.18
BS 5368 : 1978 Pt. 4 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1994 Method of testing windows - Form of test report 16.78
BS 5385: 1989 Pt. 3 Current, Amd 10823 : 2001 External ceramic wall tiling and mosaics but for ceramic floor tiling
Wall and floor tiling. Code of practice for the design and installation
of ceramics floor tiles and mosaics
BS 5385: 1994 Pt. 5 Current Ditto but for terrazzo bile Code of practice for the design and
installation of terrazzo tile and slab, natural stone and composition
block floorings
BS 5390:1976(1984) Withdrawn, s/s by BS 5628-3 : 2001 (Current) Code of practice for stone masonry 10.01
BS 5628-3:2001 2005 Current Code of practice for use of masonry. Materials and components,
design and workmanship
BS 5412: ---- 1996 Current Performance of draw-off taps with metal bodies for water services 19.73
BS 5412: ---- Ditto Ditto 19.73
BS 5422: 1990 2001 Current, Corr 13982 : 2002 Method for Specifying Thermal Insulating Materials for Pipes, Tanks,
Vessels, Ductwork and Equipment Operating within the Temperature
Range -40 Degrees C to +700 Degrees C
BS 5427: 1976 Withdrawn, superseded by BS 5427-1:1996 (Current) Code of practice for performance and loading criteria for profiled
sheeting in building
BS 5427-1:1996 Current Code of practice for the use of profiled sheet for roof and wall
cladding on buildings. Design
BS 5481 : 1977 Remains Current, Confirmed 1998, s/s by BS EN 1401-1:1998 Unplasticized PVC and fittings for gravity sewers 23.08
BS EN 1401-1 : 1998 Current, Amd 13794 : 2002 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and
sewerage. Unplasticized poly(vinylchloride) (PVC-U). Specifications
for pipes, fittings and the system
BS 5492: 1990 Current Code of practice for internal plastering 9.19
BS 5492: 1990 Ditto Ditto 18.39
BS 5499: 1990 Pt. 1 2002 Current Graphical Symbols and Signs - Safety Signs, Including Fire Safety
Signs - Part 1: Specification for Geometric Shapes, Colours and
BS 5499: 1986 Pt. 2 Current, Confirmed 1995 Fire Safety Signs, Notices and Graphic Symbols Part 2: Self-
Luminous Fire Safety Signs
BS 5503: 1990 Pt. 3 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 997 : 2003 Vitreous China Washdown WC Pans with Horizontal Outlet Part 3:
WC Pans with Horizontal Outlet for Use with 7.5L Maximum Flush
Capacity Cisterns
BS 5504: 1990 Pt. 4 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 997 : 2003 Wall hung WC pans for use with 7.5 L max. flush capacity cisterns 19.78
BS EN 997 : 2003 Current, Corr 14805 : 2003 WC pans and WC suites with integral trap
BS 5520: 1977 Current Vitreous china bowl urinals. Rimless type 19.79
BS 5531: 1988 Current Code of practice for safety in erecting structural frames 15.18
BS 5572: 1994 Withdrawn, superseded by BS EN 12056-2:2000 (Current) Code of practice for sanitary pipework 19.36
BS EN 12056-2:2000 Current Gravity drainage systems inside buildings. Sanitary pipework, layout
and calculation
BS 5573: 1978 Withdrawn, superseded by BS 8008:1996 (Current) Code of practice for safety precautions in the construction of large
dia. boreholes for piling and other purposes
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 8008:1996 Current, Confirmed 2003 Safety precautions and procedures for the construction and descent of
machine-bored shafts for piling and other purposes
BS 5588: 1983 Pt. 3 Withdrawn, superseded by BS 5588-11:1997 Fire precaution in the design construction and use of office buildings 18.153
BS 5588-11:1997 Current, Amd 14995 : 2004 Fire precautions in the design, construction and use of buildings.
Code of practice for shops, offices, industrial, storage and other
similar buildings
BS 5606: 1990 Current, Confirmed 1998, Amd 9975 : 1998 Guide to Accuracy in building 1.65
BS 5655-6 : 1990 2002 Current Lifts and Service Lifts - Part 6: Code of Practice for Selection and
Installation of New Lifts
BS 5627: 1984 Current, Confirmed 2000 Plastics connectors for use with horizontal outlet vitreous china WC
BS 5627: 1984 Ditto Ditto 19.89
BS 5628-1 : 1978 2005 Current Code of Practice for use of masonry. Structural use of unreinforced
BS 5628-1 : 1978 Ditto Ditto 9.24
BS 5669 : 1979 Withdrawn s/s by BS 5669:Part 1:1989, BS 5669:Part 2:1989, BS
5669:Part 5:1989
Wood chipboard and methods of test for particle board 22.07
BS 5669: 1989 Pt. 1 withdrawn, superseded by BS EN 1087-1:1995, BS EN 1128:1996, BS
EN 120:1992, BS EN 309:1992, BS EN 310:1993, BS EN 311:2002, BS
EN 312-1:1997, BS EN 312-2:1997, BS EN 312-3:1997, BS EN 312-
4:1997, BS EN 312-6:1997, BS EN 317:1993, BS EN 319:1993, BS EN
322:1993, BS EN 323:1993, BS EN 324-1:1993, BS EN 324-2:1993, BS
EN 325:1993, BS EN 326-1:1994, BS EN 633:1994, BS EN 634-1:1995
(All Current)
Methods of sampling, conditioning and test 13.17
BS EN 1087-1:1995 Current, Confirmed 2002 Particle boards. Determination of moisture resistance. Particle boards.
Determination of moisture resistance. Boil test
BS EN 1128:1996 Current, Confirmed 2002 Cement-bonded particleboards. Determination of hard body impact
BS EN 120:1992 Current, Confirmed 2002, Amd 9388 : 1997 Wood based panels. Determination of formaldehyde content.
Extraction method called the perforator method
BS EN 309:1992 2005 Current Particleboards Definition and classification
BS EN 310:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of modulus of elasticity in
bending and of bending strength
BS EN 311:2002 Current Wood-based panels. Surface soundness. Test method
BS EN 312-1:1997 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 312 : 2003 (Current) Particleboards. Specifications. Particleboards. Specifications. General
requirements for all board types
BS EN 312-2:1997 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 312 : 2003 (Current) Particleboards. Specifications. Requirements for general purpose
boards for use in dry conditions
BS EN 312-3:1997 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 312 : 2003 (Current) Particleboards. Specifications. Requirements for boards for interior
fitments (including furniture) for use in dry conditions
BS EN 312-4:1997 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 312 : 2003 (Current) Particleboards. Specifications. Requirements for load-bearing boards
for use in dry conditions
BS EN 312-6:1997 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 312 : 2003 (Current) Particleboards. Specifications. Requirements for heavy duty load-
bearing boards for use in dry conditions
BS EN 312 : 2003 Current Particleboards Specifications
BS EN 317:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Particleboards and fibreboards. Determination of swelling in
thickness after immersion in water
BS EN 319:1993 Current Particleboards and fibreboards. Determination of tensile strength
perpendicular to the plane of the board
BS EN 322:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of moisture content
BS EN 323:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of density
BS EN 324-1:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of dimensions of boards.
Determination of thickness, width and length
BS EN 324-2:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of dimensions of boards.
Determination of squareness and edge straightness
BS EN 325:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of dimensions of test pieces
BS EN 326-1:1994 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Sampling, cutting and inspection. Sampling and
cutting of test pieces and expression of test results
BS EN 633:1994 Current, Confirmed 2002 Cement-bonded particleboards. Definition and classification
BS EN 634-1:1995 Current, Confirmed 2002 Cement-bonded particle boards. Specification. General requirements
BS 5669: 1989 Pt. 2 withdrawn, superseded by BS EN 312-5:1997, BS EN 312-7:1997 (All
Wood chipboard 13.17
BS EN 312-5:1997 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 312 : 2003 (Current) Particleboards. Specifications. Requirements for load-bearing boards
for use in humid conditions
BS EN 312-7:1997 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 312 : 2003 (Current) Particleboards. Specifications. Requirements for heavy-duty load-
bearing boards for use in humid conditions
BS EN 312 : 2003 Current Particleboards Specifications
BS 5713:1979(1994) Current, Obsolescent Hermetically sealed flat double glazing units 16.09
BS 5669 : 1989 Pt. 5 1993 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 7916 : 1998 Particleboard Part 5: Code of Practice for the Selection and
Application of Particleboards for Specific Purposes
BS 7916 : 1998 Withdrawn Code of Practice for the Selection and Application of Particleboard,
Oriented Strand Board (OSB), Cement Bonded Particleboard and
Wood Fibreboards for Specific Purposes
BS 5725: 1981 Pt. 1 Withdrawn, superseded by BS EN 1125:1997 (Current) Panic bolts and panic latches mechanically operated by horizontal
BS EN 1125:1997 Current, Corr 13993 : 2002 Building hardware. Panic exit devices operated by a horizontal bar.
Requirements and test methods
BS 5808: 1991 Current, Confirmed 1996, Amd 15385 : 2005 Underlays for textile floor coverings 18.139
BS 5837:1991 2005 Current, Corr 15988 : 2005 Guide for trees in relation to construction 2.10, 25.69.4,
BS 5872: 1980 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1995, s/s by BS EN 12209 : 2003 Locks and latches for doors in buildings 14.30
BS EN 12209 : 2003 Current Building hardware Locks and latches Mechanically operated locks,
latches and locking plates Requirements and test methods
BS 5872: 1980 Ditto Ditto 14.31
BS 5872: 1980 Ditto Ditto 14.33
BS 5889: 1989 Current, Obsolescent Silicone based building sealants 16.34
BS 5889: 1989 Ditto Ditto 16.40
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 5889: 1989 Ditto Ditto 19.82
BS 5896: 1980 Current High tensile steel wire and stand for prestressing concrete 7.09
BS 5911: 1988 Pt. 100 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1916 : 2002 and BS 5911-1 : 2002 Precast concrete pipe, fittings and ancillary products. Specifications
for unreinforced and reinforced pipes and fittings with flexible joint
BS EN 1916 : 2002 Current, Corr 15288 : 2004 Concrete pipes and fittings, unreinforced, steel fibre and reinforced
BS 5911-1 : 2002 Current Concrete pipes and ancillary concrete products Part 1: Specification
for unreinforced and reinforced concrete pipes (including jacking
pipes) and fittings with flexible joints (complementary to BS EN
BS 5950: ---- Contains part 1-9 of BS 5950 Structural use of steel work in building 15.01
BS 5950-1 : 1985 2000 Current, Corr 13199 : 2001 Structural use of steelwork in building Part 1: Code of practice for
design Rolled and welded sections
BS 5950-2 : 1985 2001 Current Structural Use of Steelwork in Building - Part 2: Specification for
Materials, Fabrication and Erection -Rolled and Welded Sections
BS 5950 SEC 3.1 : 1990 Current Structural Use of Steelwork in Building Part 3: Design in Composite
Construction Section 3.1: Code of Practice for Design of Simple and
Continuous Composite Beams
BS 5950 PART 4 : 1982 1994 Current Code of practice for design of composite slabs with profiled steel
BS 5950-5 : 1987 1998 Current Structural Use of Steelwork in Building - Part 5: Code of Practice for
Design of Cold Formed Thin Gauge Sections
BS 5950 PART 6 : 1995 Current, Corr 10475 : 1999 Structural Use of Steelwork in Building Part 6: Code of Practice for
Design of Light Gauge Profiled Steel Sheeting
BS 5950 PART 7 : 1992 Current, Obsolescent Structural Use of Steelwork in Building Part 7: Specification for
Materials and Workmanship: Cold Formed Sections
BS 5950-8 : 1990 2003 Current Structural use of steelwork in building Part 8: Code of practice for
fire resistant design
BS 5950 PART 9 : 1994 Current, Amd 9326 : 1997 Structural Use of Steelwork in Building Part 9: Code of Practice for
Stressed Skin Design
BS 5972: 1980 Current, Amd 4486 : 1984 Photoelectric control units for road lighting 14.30
BS 5973 : 1993 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 12811-1:2003 Code of Practice for Access and Working Scaffolds and Special
Scaffold Structures in Steel (R)
BS EN 12811-1 : 2004 Current Temporary works equipment Part 1: Scaffolds Performance
requirements and general design
BS 5975:1982 1996 Current, Amd 15090 : 2004 Code of practice for falsework 1.39.2(xi), 6.01
BS 6072: 1981 Current, Obsolescent, s/s by BS EN ISO 9934-1:2001 (Current) Method for magnetic particle flaw detection 9.06
BS EN ISO 9934-1:2001 Current, Amd 14960 : 2004 Non-destructive testing. Magnetic particle testing. General principles 9.06
BS 6073: 1981 Pt. 1 Withdrawn, Amd 14523 : 2003, s/s by BS EN 772-2 : 1998, BS EN 771-3
: 2003
Precast concrete masonry units 9.06
BS EN 772-2 : 1998 Current Methods of test for masonry units. Determination of percentage area
of voids in aggregate concrete masonry units (by paper indentation)
BS EN 771-3 : 2003 Current Specification for masonry units Part 3: Aggregate concrete masonry
units (Dense and light-weight aggregates)
BS 6087: 1990 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 877 : 1999 (Current) Flexible joints for cast iron drainpipes etc. 19.32
BS EN 877 : 1999 Current Cast iron pipes and fittings, their joints and accessories for the
evacuation of water from buildings. Requirements, test methods and
quality assurance
BS 6087:1990 Ditto Ditto 23.05
BS 6087 Ditto Flexible Joints for Grey or Ductile Cast Iron Drainpipes and Fittings
(BS 437) and for Discharge and Ventilating Pipes and Fittings (BS
BS 6087 Ditto Flexible Joints for Grey or Ductile Cast Iron Drainpipes and Fittings
(BS 437) and for Discharge and Ventilating Pipes and Fittings (BS
BS 6088 : 1981 Current, Obsolescent, Amd 5600 : 1987, Confirmed 1993, partially s/s by
BS EN 1423 : 1998 (Current)
Solid glass beads for use with road marking compounds 21.71
BS EN 1423 : 1998 Current, Amd 15312 : 2004 Road marking materials. Drop on materials. Glass beads, antiskid
aggregates and mixtures of the two
BS 6089: 1981 Current Guide to assessment of concrete strength in existing structure 5.16
BS 6089: 1981 Ditto Ditto 5.29
BS 6089: 1981 Ditto Ditto 6.57
BS 6105: 1981 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN ISO 3506 Pt 1-2 : 1998 (All Current) Corrosion - resistant stainless steel fasteners 16.18
BS EN ISO 3506 Pt 1 :
Current Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless-steel fasteners.
Bolts, screws and studs
BS EN ISO 3506 Pt 2 :
Current Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless-steel fasteners.
BS 6105 Ditto Corrosion resistant stainless steel fasteners 16.18(iii)
BS 6105 Ditto Corrosion resistant stainless steel fasteners 17.09
BS 6187: 1982 2000 Current Code of practice for demolition 2.01
BS 6213 : 1982 2000 Current Guide to the selection of constructional sealants 6.61
BS 6262: 1982 Current, Amd 8279 : 1994, Partially s/s by part 1-4 and 6-7 of BS 6262 Code of practice for glazing for buildings 16.16
BS 6262-1 : 2005 Current Glazing for buildings Part 1: General methodology for the selection of
BS 6262-2 : 2005 Current Glazing for buildings. Code of practice for energy, light and sound
BS 6262-3 : 2005 Current Glazing for buildings - Part 3: Code of practice for fire, security and
wind loading
BS 6262-4 : 1994 2005 Current Glazing for buildings. Safety related to human impact
BS 6262-6 : 2005 Current Glazing for buildings Part 6: Code of practice for special applications
BS 6262-7 : 2005 Current Glazing for buildings. Code of practice for the provision of
BS 6262:1982 Ditto Ditto 16.34
BS 6262: 1982 Ditto Ditto 16.44
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 6262: 1982 Ditto Ditto 20.17
BS 6262: 1982 Ditto Ditto 20.24
BS 6266: 1992 2002 Current Code of practice for fire protection for electronic data processing
BS 6323:1982(1990) Pt. 1 Current, Amd 6020 : 1989, Confirmed 1990 Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for Automobile, Mechanical and
General Engineering Purposes Part 1: General Requirements
BS 6323:1982(1990) Pt. 8 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 10296-2 : 2005 Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for Automobile, Mechanical and
General Engineering Purposes Part 8: Specific Requirements for
Longitudinally Welded Stainless Steel Tubes
BS EN 10296-2 : 2005 Current Welded circular steel tubes for mechanical and general engineering
purposes Technical delivery conditions Part 2: Stainless steel
BS 6340: 1985 Pt. 8 Current Prefabricated shower trays made from glazed ceramic 19.74
BS 6363: 1983 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 10219-2 : 1997 (Current) Specification for welded cold formed steel structural hollow sections
BS EN 10219-2 : 1997 Current Cold formed welded structural sections of non-alloy and fine grain
steels. Tolerances, dimensions and sectional properties
BS 6375: ---- Contains part 1 and 2 of BS 6375 Performance of windows 16.23
BS 6375: ---- Ditto Ditto 16.66
BS 6375-1 : 1983 2004 Current Performance of windows and doors Part 1: Classification for
weathertightness and guidance on selection and specification
BS 6375-2 : 1987 Current, Amd 9115 : 1996, Confirmed 1995, Partially s/s by BS EN
12046-1 : 2003
Performance of Windows - Part 2: Specification for Operation and
Strength Characteristics
BS EN 12046-1 : 2003 Current Operating forces Test method Part 1: Windows
BS 6431: ---- Contains BS 6431-1:1983, BS 6431-2:1984, BS 6431-3.1:1986, BS 6431-
3. 2:1986, BS 6431-4.1:1986, BS 6431-4.2:1986, BS 6431-5:1986, BS
6431-6:1984, BS 6431-7:1986, BS 6431-8:1986 and BS 6431-9:1984 (All
withdrawn and s/s by BS EN 14411 : 2003), and BS 6431 Parts 10 to 23
(All withdrawn and s/s by BS EN ISO 10545 series)
Ceramic floor and wall tiles 18.89
BS 6431 Pt 1:1983 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 14411 : 2003 Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Specification for classification and
marking, including definitions and characteristics
BS 6431 Pt 2:1984 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 14411 : 2003 Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Specification for extruded ceramic tiles
with a low water absorption (E <= 3%). Group A1
BS 6431 Pt 3.1:1986 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 14411 : 2003 Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Extruded ceramic tiles with a water
absorption of 3%< E <=6% Group A11a. Specification for general
BS 6431 Pt 3.2:1986 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 14411 : 2003 Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Extruded ceramic tiles with a water
absorption of 3%< E <=6% Group A11a. Specification for specific
products (terre cuite, cotto, baldosin catalan)
BS 6431 Pt 4.1:1986 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 14411 : 2003 Specification for general products
BS 6431 Pt 4.2:1986 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 14411 : 2003 Specification for specific products (terre cuite, cotto, baldosin
BS 6431 Pt 5:1986 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 14411 : 2003 Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Specification for extruded ceramic tiles
with a water absorption of E > 10%. Group A111
BS 6431 Pt 6:1984 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 14411 : 2003 Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Specification for dust-pressed ceramic
tiles with a low water absorption (E <= 3%). Group B1
BS 6431 Pt 7:1986 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 14411 : 2003 Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Ceramic floor and wall tiles
BS 6431 Pt 8:1986 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 14411 : 2003 Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Ceramic floor and wall tiles
BS 6431 Pt 9:1984 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 14411 : 2003 Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Specification for dust-pressed ceramic
tiles with a water absorption of E>10%. Group B111
BS EN 14411 : 2003 Current Ceramic tiles Definitions, classification, characteristics and marking
BS 6431 Pt 10:1984 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7099 : 1992, s/s by BS EN ISO
10545-2:1997 -Current
Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of dimensions
and surface quality
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Determination of dimensions and surface quality
BS 6431 Pt 11:1983 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7100 : 1992s/s by BS EN ISO 10545-
3:1997 -Current
Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of water
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Determination of water absorption, apparent porosity,
apparent relative density and bulk density
BS 6431 Pt 12:1983 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7101 : 1992, s/s by BS EN ISO
10545-4:1997 -Current
Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of modulus of
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Determination of modulus of rupture and breaking
BS 6431 Pt 13:1986 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7102 : 1992 Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of scratch
hardness of surface according to Mohs
BS 6431 Pt 14:1983 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7103 : 1992, s/s by BS EN ISO
10545-6:1997 -Current
Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of resistance
to deep abrasion. Unglazed tiles
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Determination of resistance to deep abrasion for
unglazed tiles
BS 6431 Pt 15:1983 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7104 : 1992, s/s by BS EN ISO
10545-8:1996 -Current
Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of linear
thermal expansion
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Determination of linear thermal expansion
BS 6431 Pt 16:1983 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7105 : 1992, s/s by BS EN ISO
10545-9:1996 -Current
Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of resistance
to thermal shock
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Determination of resistance to thermal shock
BS 6431 Pt 17:1983 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7106 : 1992, partially s/s by BS EN
ISO 10545-11:1996 -Current
Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of crazing
reistance. Glazed tiles
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Determination of crazing resistance for glazed tiles
BS 6431 Pt 18:1983 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7107 : 1992, s/s by BS EN ISO
10545-13:1997 -Current
Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of chemical
resistance. Unglazed tiles
BS 6431 Pt 19:1984 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7108 : 1992, Partially s/s by BS EN
ISO 10545-13:1997 and BS EN ISO 10545-14:1997 -All Current
Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of chemical
resistance. Glazed tiles
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Determination of chemical resistance
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Determination of resistance to stains
BS 6431 Pt 20:1984 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7109 : 1992, partially s/s by BS EN
ISO 10545-7:1999 -Current
Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of resistance
to surface abrasion. Glazed tiles
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Determination of resistance to surface abrasion for
glazed tiles
BS 6431 Pt 21:1984 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7110 : 1992, s/s by BS EN ISO
10545-10:1997 -Current
Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of moisture
expansion using boiling water. Unglazed tiles
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Determination of moisture expansion
BS 6431 Pt 22:1986 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7111 : 1992, s/s by BS EN ISO
10545-12:1997 -Current
Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of frost
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Determination of frost resistance
BS 6431 Pt 23:1986 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7112 : 1992, s/s by BS EN ISO
10545-1:1997 -Current
Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Specification for sampling and basis for
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Sampling and basis for acceptance
BS 6431: ---- Ditto Ditto 18.94
BS 6452 : 1984 Pt. 1 Current, Confirmed 1994 Beads for internal plastering and dry lining, galvanized steel 18.53
BS 6459: 1984 Pt. 1 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1154 : 1997 (Current) Door closers. Specification for mechanical performance of crank and
rack and pinion overhead closers
BS EN 1154 : 1997 Current, Corr 14399 : 2003 Building hardware. Controlled door closing devices. Requirements
and test methods
BS 6496 : 1984 Current, Amd 7182 : 1992, Confirmed 2000 Powder organic coatings 16.29
BS 6496 : 1984 Ditto Ditto 16.32
BS 6496 : 1984 Ditto Ditto 16.33
BS 6496 : 1984 Ditto Ditto 16.63
BS 6510: 1984 2005 Current Steel-framed windows and glazed doors 17.32
BS 6566: ---- Pt. 1-8 N/A Plywood 13.12
BS 6566 Pt. 1 :
Withdrawn Plywood. Specification for construction of panels and characteristics
of plies including marking
BS 6566 Pt. 2 :
Withdrawn Plywood. Glossary of terms 13.12
BS 6566 Pt. 3 :
Withdrawn Plywood. Specification for acceptance levels for post-manufacture
batch testing including sampling
BS 6566 Pt. 4 :
Withdrawn Plywood. Specification for tolerances on the dimensions of plywood
BS 6566 Pt. 5 :
Withdrawn Plywood. Specification for moisture content 13.12
BS 6566 Pt. 6 :
Withdrawn Plywood. Specification for limits of defects for the classification of
plywood by appearance
BS 6566 Pt. 7 :
Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 636 Pt. 1-3 : 1997 and DD ENV 1099 : 1998 Plywood. Specification for classification of resistance to fungal decay
and wood borer attack
BS EN 636 Pt. 1 : 1997 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 636 : 2003 Plywood. Specifications. Requirements for plywood for use in dry
BS EN 636 Pt. 2 : 1997 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 636 : 2003 Plywood. Specifications. Requirements for plywood for use in humid
BS EN 636 Pt. 3 : 1997 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 636 : 2003 Plywood. Specifications. Requirements for plywood for use in
exterior conditions
DD ENV 1099 : 1998 Current, Amd 10424 : 1999
BS EN 636 : 2003 Current Plywood Specifications
BS 6566 Pt. 8 :
Withdrawn Plywood. Specification for bond performance of veneer plywood 13.12
BS 6566: ---- Pt. 1-8 Ditto Ditto 22.07
BS 6577: 1985 Withdrawn Mastic asphalt for building 11.03
BS 6588: 1985 1996, Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 197-1 : 2000 (Current) Portland pulverized - fuel ash cement 6.29
BS EN 197-1 : 2000 2004 Current, Amd 15209 : 2004 Cement. Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for
common cements
BS 6651: 1992 1999 Current, Amd 15518 : 2005 Code of practice for protection of structures against lightning 16.71
BS 6681: 1986 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1562 : 1997 (Current) Malleable cast iron 23.13
BS EN 1562 : 1997 Current Founding. Malleable cast irons
BS 6700: 1987 1997 Current, Partially s/s BS EN 806-2 : 2005, BS EN 806-3 : 2006 Services supplying water 19.56
BS EN 806-2 : 2005 Current Specification for installations inside buildings conveying water for
human consumption - Part 2: Design
BS EN 806-3 : 2006 Current Specifications for installations inside buildings conveying water for
human consumption Part 3: Pipe sizing Simplified method
BS 6700: 1987 Ditto Ditto 19.67
BS 6717: 1993 Pt. 1 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 6717 : 2001 Precast concrete paving blocks 18.98
BS 6717 : 2001 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1338 : 2003 Precast, unreinforced concrete paving blocks. Requirements and test
BS EN 1338 : 2003 Current, Amd 16470 : 2006 Concrete paving blocks Requirements and test methods
BS 6717: 1989 Pt. 3 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 7533-3 : 1997 (Current) Code of practice for laying 18.98
BS 7533-3 : 1997 Current Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers.
Code of practice for laying precast concrete paving blocks and clay
pavers for flexible pavements
BS 6826: 1987 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 12104 : 2000 (Current) Linoleum and cork carpet sheet and tiles 18.119
BS EN 12104 : 2000 Current Resilient floor coverings. Cork floor tiles. Specification
BS 6900:1987(1992) Withdrawn, s/s by BS ISO 150 : 2006 Specification for raw, refined and boiled linseed oils for paints and
BS ISO 150 : 2006 Current Raw, refined and boiled linseed oil for paints and varnishes
Specifications and methods of test
BS 6925: 1988 Current, Amd 9582 : 1997 Mastic asphalt for building 11.03
BS 6925: 1988 Ditto Ditto 12.52
BS 6925: 1988 Ditto Ditto 12.53
BS 7331: 1990 Withdrawn, Amd 8537 : 1995 Direct surface wood chipboard based on thermosetting resins 13.17
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 7352: 1990 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1935 : 2002 (Current) Metal hinges 14.27
BS EN 1935 : 2002 2004 Current, Amd 15315 : 2004 Building hardware. Single-axis hinges. Requirements and test
BS 7357: 1990 Current 7.5 L W.C. flushing cistern 19.78
BS 7475: 1991 Amd 7642 : 1993, Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1011-3 : 2000 (Current) Fusion welding of ansteritic stainless steel 17.18
BS EN 1011-3 : 2000 Current, Amd 14927 : 2004 Welding. Recommendations for welding of metallic materials. Arc
welding of stainless steels
BS 7475: 1991 Ditto Fusion welding of ansteritic stainless steel 17.19
BS 7491: 1991 Pt. 1 Amd 7382 : 1992, Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 13280 : 2001 (Current) One-piece cisterns of capacity up to 500 L 19.49
BS EN 13280 : 2001 Current Specification for glass fibre reinforced cisterns of one-piece and
sectional construction, for the storage, above ground, of cold water
BS 7671: 1992 2001 Current Regulations for electrical installations 17.41
BS 7786: 1995 Current Specification for unsintered PTEE tape, General requirements 19.08
BS 8000: 1989 Pt. 4 Current Code of practice for waterproofing 11.07
BS 8000: 1989 Pt. 11.1 Current, Amd 8623 : 1995, Confirmed 1995 Wall and floor tiling - design and installation for ceramic wall-tiling 18.6
BS 8004: 1986 Current, Confirmed 2003 Code of practice for foundation
BS 8004: 1986 Ditto Ditto 6.49
BS 8102: 1990 Current Code of Practice for protection of structures against water from the
BS 8102: 1990 Ditto Ditto 11.07
BS 8110: ---- Contains part 1 to 3 of BS 8110 Structural use of concrete 5.02
BS 8110: ---- Contains part 1 to 3 of BS 8110 Ditto 6.26
BS 8110: 1985 Pt. 1 1997 Current, Amd 16016 : 2005 Structural use of concrete Part 1: Code of practice for design and
BS 8110: 1985 Pt. 2 Current, Amd 16017 : 2005 Structural Use of Concrete - Part 2: Code of Practice for Special
BS 8110: 1985 Pt. 3 Current, Amd 5918 : 1989 Structural Use of Concrete Part 3: Design Charts for Singly
Reinforced Beams, Doubly Reinforced Beams and Rectangular
BS 8110:1985 Contains part 1 to 3 of BS 8110 Structural use of concrete 5.25(iv)(a)
BS 8110:1985 Contains part 1 to 3 of BS 8110 Structural use of concrete 5.25(ii)(a)
BS 8118 PART 1 : 1991 Current, Amd 10485 : 1999 Structural Use of Aluminium Part 1: Code of Practice for Design 16.34(i)
BS 8118 PART 2 : 1991 Current, Amd 10486 : 1999 Structural Use of Aluminium Part 2: Specification for Materials,
Workmanship and Protection
BS 8200: 1985 Current, Obsolescent Code of practice for design of non-loading bearing external vertical
enclosure of buildings
BS 8204: Pt. 4: 2004 Current Screeds, bases and in situ floorings Part 4: Cementitious terrazzo
wearing surfaces Code of practice
BS 8212: 1995 Current Code of practice for dry lining and partitioning using gypsum
BS EN 124: 1994 Current, Amd 8587 : 1995 Gully tops and manhole tops for vehicular and pedestrian areas.
Design requirements, type testing, marking, quality control
BS EN 287-1: 1992 2004 Current, Amd 15598 : 2005 Fusion welding of steel 15.23
BS EN 288-3: 1992 Current, Corr 10026 : 1998 Welding procedures tests for the are welding of steels 15.26
BS EN 295: ---- Contain part 1-7 and 10 of BS EN 295 Vitrified clay pipes and fittings and pipe joints for drains and sewers 23.04
BS EN 295-1 : 1991 Current, Amd 10621 : 1999 Requirements
BS EN 295-2 : 1991 Current, Amd 10620 : 1999 Quality control and sampling
BS EN 295-3 : 1991 Current, Amd 10357 : 1999 Test methods
BS EN 295-4 : 1995 Current Requirements for special fittings, adaptors and compatible
BS EN 295-5 : 1994 Current, Amd 10481 : 1999 Requirements for perforated vitrifled clay pipes and fittings
BS EN 295-6 : 1996 Current, Amd 15279 : 2004 Requirements for vitrified clay manholes
BS EN 295-7 : 1996 Current Requirements for Vitrified Clay Pipes and Joints for Pipe Jacking
BS EN 295-10 : 2005 Current Performance requirements
BS EN 485 Contains part 1-4 of BS EN 485 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate. 17.07
BS EN 485-1 : 1994 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate. Technical
conditions for inspection and delivery
BS EN 485-2 : 1995 2004 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate. Mechanical
BS EN 485-3 : 1994 2003 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate. Tolerances
on shape and dimensions for hot-rolled products
BS EN 485-4 : 1994 Current, Confirmed 2003 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate. Tolerances
on shape and dimensions for cold-rolled products
BS EN 490 : 1994 2005 Current Concrete roofing tiles and fittings for roof covering and wall cladding
Product specifications
BS EN 491 : 1994 2005 Current Concrete roofing tiles and fittings for roof covering and wall cladding
Test methods
BS EN 515 : 1993 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Wrought products. Temper
BS EN 515 : 1993 Ditto Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Wrought products. Temper
BS EN 545: 1995 2002 Current Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for water
pipelines. Requirements and test methods
BS EN 573 Contains part 1-4 of BS EN 573 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of
wrought products.
BS EN 573-1 : 1995 2004 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of
wrought products. Numerical designation system
BS EN 573-2 : 1995 Current, Confirmed 2003 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of
wrought products. Chemical symbol based designation system
BS EN 573-3 : 1995 2003 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of
wrought products. Chemical composition
BS EN 573-4 : 1995 2004 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of
wrought products. Forms of products
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS EN 573 Ditto Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of
wrought products.
BS EN 598 : 1995 Current Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for sewerage
applications. Requirements and test methods
BS EN 598 (replacing BS
Ditto Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for sewerage
applications. Requirements and test methods
BS EN 598 (replacing BS
Ditto Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for sewerage
applications. Requirements and test methods
BS EN 598 (replacing BS
Ditto Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for sewerage
applications. Requirements and test methods.
BS EN 598 (replacing BS
Ditto Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for sewerage
applications. Requirements and test methods.
BS EN 754 Contains part 1-8 of BS EN 754 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube 17.07
BS EN 754-1 : 1997 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube.
Technical conditions for inspection and delivery
BS EN 754-2 : 1997 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube.
Mechanical properties
BS EN 754-3 : 1996 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube.
Round bars, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 754-4 : 1996 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube.
Square bars, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 754-5 : 1996 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube.
Rectangular bars, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 754-6 : 1996 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube.
Hexagonal bars, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 754-7 : 1998 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube.
Seamless tubes, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 754-8 : 1998 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube.
Porthole tubes, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 1561 : 1997 Current Founding. Gery cast irons 17.06
BS EN 1774 : 1998 Current, Corr 10047 : 1998 Zinc and zinc alloys. Alloys for foundry purposes. Ingot and liquid 17.33(l)(ii)(a)
BS 4164 : 1987 2002 Current Specification for coal-tar-based hot-applied coating materials for
protecting iron and steel, including a suitable primer
BS EN 10143 : 1998 2006 Current Continuously hot-dip metal coated steel sheet and strip. Tolerances
on dimensions and shape
BS EN 12163 : 1998 Current Copper and copper alloys. Rod for general purposes 17.08
BS EN 12164 : 1998 Current, Amd 11036 : 2001 Copper and copper alloys. Rod for free machining purposes 17.08
BS EN 12167 Current Copper and copper alloys. Profiles and rectangular bar for general
BS EN 12372: 2006 Current Natural stone test methods - Determination of flextural strength under
concentrated load
BS EN 13964: 2004 Current Suspended ceilings requirements and test methods 13.23
BS EN 14647: 2006 Current Calcium aluminate cement - Composition, specifications and
conformity criteria
BS EN 22063 :Pt. 1 BS EN 22063 : 1994 (Withdrawn) Metallic and other inorganic coatings. Thermal spraying. Zinc,
aluminium and their alloys
BS EN ISO 2063 : 2005 Current Thermal spraying Metallic and other inorganic coatings Zinc,
aluminium and their alloys
BS EN ISO 3506 Contains part 1-4 of BS EN ISO 3506 Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless-steel fasteners 16.18(iii)
BS EN ISO 3506-1 :
Current Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless-steel fasteners.
Bolts, screws and studs
BS EN ISO 3506-2 :
Current Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless-steel fasteners.
BS EN ISO 3506-3 :
Current Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless-steel fasteners.
Set screws and similar fasteners not under tensile stress
BS EN ISO 3506-4 :
Current, Amd 14636 : 2003 Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless-steel fasteners
Part 4: Tapping screws
CP 118 : 1969 Current, Obsolescent, s/s by BS 8118-1:1991, BS 8118-2:1991 Structural use of aluminium 16.34(i)
CS 1: 1990 Not Applicable Testing Concrete 5.29
CS1 Not Applicable 6.55
CS1 Not Applicable 6.57(i)
CS 2: 1995 Not Applicable Carbon Steel Bars for the Reinforcement of Concrete 6.14, 6.17
CS 2: 1995 Not Applicable Carbon Steel Bars for the Reinforcement of Concrete 6.15
CS 2: 1995 Not Applicable Carbon Steel Bars for the Reinforcement of Concrete 6.17
CS 2: 1995 Not Applicable 5.25(iv)
Code of Practice for
Current : 2004 Code of Practice for Foundations issued by Buildings Department of
the Government of the HKSAR
Code of Practice for Fire
Resisting Construction
Current : 1996 Code of Practice for Fire Resisting Construction issued by Buildings
Department of the Government of the HKSAR
Code of Practice for
Overall Thermal Transfer
Value in Buildings 1995
Current : 1995 Code of Practice for Overall Thermal Transfer Value in Buildings
issued by Buildings Department of the Government of the HKSAR
Code of Practice for
Structural Use of
Concrete 2004
Current : 2004 Code of Practice for Structural Use of Concrete 2004 issued by
Buildings Department of the Government of the HKSAR
6.24, 6.26, 7.01
Code of Practice for
Structural Use of Steel
Current : 2005 Code of Practice for Structural Use of Steel 2005 issued by Buildings
Department of the Government of the HKSAR
5.18(v), 15.32,
15.58, 15.59
Code of Practice on Wind
Effects in Hong Kong
Current : 2004 Code of Practice on Wind Effects in Hong Kong 2004 issued by
Buildings Department of the Government of the HKSAR
General Specification for
Civil Engineeing Works
Current : 2006 General Specification for Civil Engineering Works issued by Civil
Engineeing and Development Department of the Government of the
24.01, 24.02,
24.03, 24.04,
24.06, 24.30
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
GEOSPEC 3 Current : 2001 Model Specification for Soil Testing issued by Geotechnical
Engineering Office of the Government of the HKSAR
3.01, 3.21,
GEOGUIDE 3 Current : 1988 Guide to Rock and Soil Descriptions issued by Geotechnical
Engineering Office of the Government of the HKSAR
ISO 3633 : 1991
(replacing BS 4514)
2002 Current Plastics Piping Systems for Soil and Waste Discharge (Low and High
Temperature) Inside Buildings - Unplasticized Poly(Vinyl Chloride)
BS 4514 : 1983 2001 Current Unplasticized PVC soil and ventilating pipes of 82.4 mm minimum
mean outside diameter, and fittings and accessories of 82.4 mm and
of other sizes. Specification
(SIN ISO 3633) Not Applicable Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) pipes and fittings for soil
and waste discharge (low and high temperature) systems inside
ISO 3633 (replacing BS
Ditto Ditto 19.34
BS 4514 : 1983 2001 Current Unplasticized PVC soil and ventilating pipes of 82.4 mm minimum
mean outside diameter, and fittings and accessories of 82.4 mm and
of other sizes. Specification
ISO 4422, part 1 and 2
(replacing BS 3505)
1996 Current 19.48
BS 3505 : 1986 Current, s/s by BS EN 1452 Pt. 1-5 : 2000 (All Current) Specification for unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pressure
pipes for cold potable water
BS EN 1452 Pt. 1 : 2000 Current, Corr 12004 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U). General
BS EN 1452 Pt. 2 : 2000 Current, Corr 12005 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U). Pipes
BS EN 1452 Pt. 3 : 2000 Current, Corr 12006 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U). Fittings
BS EN 1452 Pt. 4 : 2000 Current, Corr 12007 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U). Valves and ancillary equipment
BS EN 1452 Pt. 5 : 2000 Current, Corr 12008 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U). Fitness for purpose of the system
ISO 4422, Part 3
(replacing BS 4346:Pt. 1
and Pt. 2)
Current Pipes and Fittings Made of Unplasticized Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC-
U) for Water Supply - Specifications - Part 3: Fittings and Joints-First
BS 4346 Pt. 1 Current, s/s by BS EN 1452 Pt. 1-5 : 2000 (All Current) Joints and fittings for use with unplasticized PVC pressure pipes.
Injection moulded unplasticized PVC fittings for solvent welding for
use with pressure pipes, including potable water supply
BS 4346 Pt. 2 Current, s/s by BS EN 1452 Pt. 1-5 : 2000 (All Current) Joints and fittings for use with unplasticized PVC pressure pipes.
Mechanical joints and fittings, principally of unplasticized PVC
BS 4346 Pt. 3 Current, partially s/s by BS EN 1452 Pt. 1-5 : 2000 (All Current) Joints and fittings for use with unplasticized PVC pressure pipes.
Specification for solvent cement
BS EN 1452 Pt. 1 : 2000 Current, Corr 12004 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U). General
BS EN 1452 Pt. 2 : 2000 Current, Corr 12005 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U). Pipes
BS EN 1452 Pt. 3 : 2000 Current, Corr 12006 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U). Fittings
BS EN 1452 Pt. 4 : 2000 Current, Corr 12007 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U). Valves and ancillary equipment
BS EN 1452 Pt. 5 : 2000 Current, Corr 12008 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U). Fitness for purpose of the system
ISO 4435 (replacing BS
2003 Current Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and
sewerage Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U)
BS 4576 : 1989 Pt. 1 Current, Confirmed 1998, Partially s/s by BS EN 607 : 1996, BS EN 1462
: 1997, BS EN 12200-1 : 2000
Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) rainwater goods and
accessories. Half-round gutters and pipes of circular cross-section
BS EN 607 : 1996 2005 Current Eaves gutters and fittings made of PVC-U. Definitions, requirements
and testing
BS EN 1462 : 1997 2005 Current Brackets for eaves gutters. Requirements and testing
BS EN 12200-1 : 2000 Current Plastics rainwater piping systems for above ground external use.
Unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). Specifications for pipes,
fittings and the system
ISO 4435 (replacing BS
Ditto Ditto 23.08
BS 4660 : 2000 Current, Corr 13946 : 2002, Partially s/s by BS EN 13598-1 : 2003 Thermoplastics ancillary fittings of nominal sizes 110 and 160 for
below ground gravity drainage and sewerage
BS EN 13598-1 : 2003 Current underground drainage and sewerage Unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) Part 1:
Specifications for ancillary fittings including shallow inspection
ISO 4435 (replacing BS
Ditto Ditto 23.08
BS 5481 : 1977 Current, s/s by BS EN 1401-1 : 1998 (Current) Specification for unplasticized PVC pipe and fittings for gravity
BS EN 1401-1 : 1998 Current, Amd 13794 : 2002 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and
sewerage. Unplasticized poly(vinylchloride) (PVC-U). Specifications
for pipes, fittings and the system
ISO 6594 standard (BS
EN 877).
N/A 23.05
BS EN 877 : 1999 Current Cast iron pipes and fittings, their joints and accessories for the
evacuation of water from buildings. Requirements, test methods and
quality assurance
ISO 6594 : 1983 2006 Current Cast iron drainage pipes and fittings Spigot series
EN ISO 10319 Current 1.1.1996 Geotextiles - wide-width tensile test (ISO 10319 : 1993) Table 25.1,
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
EN ISO 11058 Current 15.5.1999 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - determination of
water permeability characteristics normal to the plane, without
Table 25.1
EN ISO 12236 Current 31.10.2006 Geosynthetics static puncuture test (CBR test) Table 25.1,
EN ISO 12956 Current 15.5.1999 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - determination of
the characteristic opening size-: 1989
Table 25.1
Index 3 - List of Standards for Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15 & 25
Standards with edition
appropriate for use
Description Clause No.
APHA 4500-C1-B, 18th Edition
Chloride, Argentometric method 6.35
APHA 4500-SO42-C, 18th Edition
Sulphate, gravimetric method with ignition of residue 6.35
BS 812: ----- Testing aggregates 6.33
BS 812: ----- Ditto 6.34
BS 812: ----- Ditto 8.04
BS 812: ----- Ditto 25.11(a)
BS 812: Part 1:1975 Methods for determination of particle size and shape 9.17
BS 812: Part 2:1975 Methods for determination of physical properties 6.33
BS 812: Part 2:1975 Ditto 6.42.3
BS 812: Part 2:1975 Ditto 8.04
BS 812: Part 4: 1976 Method for sampling and testing of mineral aggregates, sands and
BS 812: Part 101:1984 Guide to sampling and testing aggregates 6.33
BS 812: Part 102:1989 Methods for sampling 6.33
BS 812: Part 103 Methods for determination of particle size distribution 6.33
BS 812: Section 103.1:1985 Sieve Test 6.33
BS 812: Section 103.1:1985 Ditto 6.42.3
BS 812: Section 103.2:1989 Sedimentation Test 6.33
BS 812: Part 104:1994 Testing aggregates. Method for qualitative and quantitative
petrographic examination of aggregates
BS 812: Part 105 Methods for determination of particle shape 6.33
BS 812: Section 105.1:1989 Flakiness Index 6.33
BS 812: Section 105.1:1989 Ditto 6.42.3
BS 812: Section 105.2:1990 Elongation index of coarse aggregate 6.33
BS 812: Part 106: 1985 Testing aggregates. Method for determination of shell content in
coarse aggregate
BS 812: Part 109:1990 Testing aggregates. Methods for determination of moisture content 6.33
BS 812: Part 110:1990 Methods for determination of aggregate crushing value ACV 6.33
BS 812: Part 111:1990 Methods for determination of ten percent value TFV 6.33
BS 812: Part 111:1990 Ditto 6.42.3
BS 812: Part 112:1990 Methods for determination of aggregate impact value AIV 6.33
BS 812: Part 113:1990 Methods for determination of aggregate abrasion value AAV 6.33
BS 812:Part 117:1988 Methods for determination of water soluble chloride salts 6.33
BS 812: Part 118:1988 Methods for determination of sulphate content 6.33
BS 812: Part 118:1988 Methods for determination of sulphate content 6.42.3
BS 812: Part 119:1985 Methods for determination of acid soluble material content of fine
Index 3 - List of Standards for Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15 & 25
Standards with edition
appropriate for use
Description Clause No.
BS 812:Part 120:1989 Methods for testing and classifying drying shrinkage of aggregates in
BS 812: Part 121:1989 Methods for determination of soundness 6.33
BS 812: Part 123:1999 Testing aggregates. Method for determination of alkali-silica
reactivity. Concrete prism method
BS 882: 1992 Aggregates from natural sources for concrete 6.33
BS 882: 1992 Ditto 6.41
BS 882: 1992 Ditto 6.42.3
BS 1014: 1975 Pigments for Portland cement and Portland cement products 6.36
BS 1521: 1972 Waterproofing building papers 6.69
BS 1881: Part 124: 1988 Method of testing concrete (analysis of hardened concrete) 6.47.3
BS 2499: 1973 Hot applied joint sealants for concrete pavements 6.61
BS 2499: 1973 Ditto 6.62
BS 3148: 1980 Methods of tests for water for making concrete 1.36
BS 3148: 1980 Ditto 6.35
BS 3892: Part 1:1982 Specification for pulverized-fuel ash for use with Portland cement 6.28
BS 3900: Part C5: 1992 Method of test for paints (Determination of film thickness) 6.25.10
BS 4027: 1980 Sulphate-resisting Portland cement 6.27
BS 4074: 1982 Specification for metal props and struts 6.04
BS 4254: 1983 Two-part polysulphide-based sealants 6.61
BS 4254: 1983 Ditto 6.62
BS 4447: 1973(1990) The performance of prestressing anchorages for post-tensioned
BS 4447: 1973 Ditto 7.23
BS 4466: 1989 Bending dimensions and scheduling of reinforcement for concrete 6.19
BS 4483: 1985 Steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete 6.14
BS 4486: 1980 Hot rolled high tensile alloy steel bars for the prestressing of concrete 7.09
BS 4550: Part 2: 1970 Method of testing cement (chemical tests) 6.47.3
BS 5075: Part 1:1982 Specification for accelerating admixtures, retarding admixtures and
water reducing admixtures
BS 5075: Part 1:1982 Ditto 8.06
BS 5075: Part 2:1982 Concrete admixtures. Specification for air-entraining admixtures 8.06
BS 5075: Part 3:1985 Superplasticising admixtures 6.36
BS 5075: Part 3:1985 Superplasticising admixtures 8.06
BS 5212 Cold applied joint sealants for concrete pavements 6.61
BS 5212 Ditto 6.62
Index 3 - List of Standards for Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15 & 25
Standards with edition
appropriate for use
Description Clause No.
BS 5212: Part 1:1990 Specification for joint sealants 6.61
BS 5212: Part 2:1990 Code of Practice for the application and use of joint sealants 6.61
BS 5212: Part 3:1990 Methods of test 6.61
BS 5215: 1986 Specification for one-part gun grade polysulphide-based sealant 6.61
BS 5215: 1986 Ditto 6.62
BS 5328: Part 1:1991 Guide to specifying concrete 6.44
BS 5328: Part 2:1991 Methods for specifying concrete, including ready-mixed concrete 6.44
BS 5328: Part 3:1990 Procedures to be used in producing and transporting concrete 6.44
BS 5328: Part 4:1990 Specification for the procedures to be used in sampling, testing and
assessing compliance of concrete
BS 5896: 1980 High tensile steel wire and stand for prestressing concrete 7.09
BS 5975: 1982 Code of practice for falsework 1.39.2(xi)
BS 5975: 1982 Ditto 6.01
BS 5975: 1982 Ditto 6.02
BS 6213:1982 Guide to the selection of constructional sealants 6.62
BS 7295: Part 1: 1990 Fusion bonded epoxy coated steel bars for reinforcement of concrete
(specification for coated bars)
BS 7295: Part 1:1990 Ditto 6.25.10
BS 7295: Part 1: 1990 Ditto 6.25.11
BS 7295: Part 2: 1990 Fusion bonded epoxy coated steel bars for reinforcement of concrete
(specification for coatings)
BS 7295: Part 2: 1990 Ditto 6.25.4
BS 8004: 1986 Code of practice for foundation 6.49
BS 8008:1996 Guide to safety precautions and procedures for the construction and
descent of machine-bored shafts for piling and other purposes
BS 8666: 2005 Scheduling, dimensioning, bending & cutting of steel reinforcement
for concrete
BS EN 196-3: 1995 Method of testing cement (determination of setting time and
BSEN 197-1: 2000 Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common
BSEN 197-1: 2000 Ditto 6.29
BSEN 197-1: 2000 Ditto 6.42.3
BSEN 197-1: 2000 Ditto 8.03
BS EN 1008: 2002 Mixing water for concrete (specification for sampling, testing and
assessing the suitability of water)
Code of Practice for the
Structural Use of Concrete
Code of Practice for the structural use of concrete 5.02
Index 3 - List of Standards for Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15 & 25
Standards with edition
appropriate for use
Description Clause No.
Code of Practice for the
Structural Use of Concrete
Ditto 5.25
Code of Practice for the
Structural Use of Concrete
Ditto 6.24
Code of Practice for the
Structural Use of Concrete
Ditto 6.26
Code of Practice for the
Structural Use of Concrete
Ditto 7.01
Code of Practice for the
Structural Use of Steel 2005
Code of practice for the structural use of steel 1.39.2
Code of Practice for the
Structural Use of Steel 2005
Ditto 5.18
Code of Practice for the
Structural Use of Steel 2005
Ditto 15.32
Code of Practice for the
Structural Use of Steel 2005
Ditto 15.58
Code of Practice for the
Structural Use of Steel 2005
Ditto 15.59
Code of Practice for Fire
Resisting Construction 1996
Code of practice for fire resisting construction 15.66
CS 1: 1990 Testing Concrete 6.43.1
CS 1: 1990 Ditto 6.43.3
CS 1: 1990 Ditto 6.46
CS 1: 1990 Ditto 6.54
CS 1: 1990 Ditto 6.55
CS 1: 1990 Ditto 6.56
CS 1: 1990 Ditto 6.57
CS 1: 1990 Ditto 8.16
CS 2: 1995 Carbon Steel Bars for the Reinforcement of Concrete 6.14
CS 2: 1995 Ditto 6.15
CS 2: 1995 Ditto 6.17
CS 2: 1995 Ditto 6.25.4
Major Changes from GS 2007 (September, 2007) to Corrigendum No. GS 2007 01 (January, 2008)
Clause No.
Sub-heading of Clause Major Changes
Section 1 Preliminaries
1.02 Abbreviations Replace "ETWB" with "DEVB". Replace Environment, Transport and Works
Bureau with Development Bureau.
1.06 British Standards
European Standards
and Codes of Practice
Replace Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 15 with Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15 and 25.
Replace Environment, Transport and Works Bureau Library with
Development Bureau Library.
1.20 Trees and shrubs Replace 28 days after commencement of the Contract with 28 days after
commencement of the Works.
1.49 Specialist work Replace ETWB with DEVB.
1.50 Specialist materials Replace ETWB with DEVB.
Section 2 - Demolition, Site Clearance & Alterations
2.03 Asbestos containing
Replace Before any demolition or alteration work commences in a site where
the presence of asbestos-containing material is suspected, a registered asbestos
consultant shall be appointed to with Before any demolition or alteration
work commences in a site where the presence of asbestos-containing material is
suspected, a registered asbestos consultant shall be appointed to
Section 3 Excavation and Earthwork
3.03 Record survey Replace ETWB with DEVB.
Section 5 Piling Work
5.01(ii)(k) General Replace Environment, Transport and Works Bureau with Development
& (iv)
Loading capacity of
Original sub-clause (iv) is revised and incorporated into the new sub-clause (iii).
Sub-clause (iv) is no longer necessary.
5.06(iii) Negative skin friction Replace Environment, Transport and Works Bureau with Development
5.16(ii) Precast prestressed
tubular piles
Replace Environment, Transport and Works Bureau with Development
5.19(v) Large diameter bored
Replace Environment, Transport and Works Bureau with Development
5.22(iii)(b) Tolerances in setting
out of piles
Replace 1 in 300 with 1 in 75.
Section 6 Structural Concrete Work
6.12 Minimum periods
before striking
Add , unless otherwise consented by the SO. at the end of the first paragraph.
6.42.2 Liquid retaining
Replace For liquid retaining structure, the PFA content shall constitute up to
25% of the total cementitious content with For liquid retaining structure,
PFA shall be used and shall constitute 25% of the total cementitious content .
6.43 Trial mixes The second paragraph and the table below it are revised. The original third
paragraph is deleted.
6.43.4(ii) Compliance criteria
of laboratory trials
The headings of the table in sub-clause(ii) are revised.
6.57(i) Test cores Replace The cores exhibit honeycombing which means interconnected voids
arising from, for example, inadequate compaction or lack of mortar; or with
The extent of voids in the cores exceed 1.5% in accordance with BS1881: Part
120: 1983; or.
6.61 Materials Replace ETWB with DEVB.
6.64 Watertight
Replace Where watertight basement construction with Where watertight
basement construction .
Section 9 Brickwork and Blockwork
9.02 Bricks Replace BS 3921 with BS EN 771-1.
9.04 Engineering bricks &
loadbearing bricks
Replace BS 3921 with BS EN 771-1 and revise brick classes.
9.14 Wall ties Replace BS 1243 with BS EN 845-1.
9.18 Lime Replace BS 890 with BS EN 459-1.
9.20 Plasticiser Replace BS 4887 with BS EN 934-3.
9.22(c)(ii) Proportion Replace BS 915 with BS EN 14647.
Section 10 Masonry
10.01 Stone Add second paragraph of Upon the SOs instruction, the test method for
determination of flexural strength of stone shall be to BS EN 12372: 2006.
10.06 Tolerances In Table 10.1, revise the thickness of bed joints for ashlar walling to 5 10.
10.22 Walling built against
concrete, etc.
Add third paragraph of Upon the SOs instruction, the performance requirement
testing on structural fixings in concrete and masonry should be to BS 5080 Part
1: 1993 and Part 2: 1986.
10.23 Maintenance cleaning Replace Maintenance Manual with Methods of Cleaning
Section 13 Carpentry and Joinery
13.23 Proprietary
suspended ceiling
Tables 13.1, 13.2 and 13.3 are added.
Section 18 Finishes
18.60 Screeds Replace CP 204: Pt. 2 with BS 8204:Pt. 4 and BS 8000:Pt 11.19 with BS
8000:Pt. 11.1.
Section 20 Glazing
20.17.01(d) Installation of safety
Replace Hong Kong regulations with relevant Ordinances, Regulations and
Practice Notes.
Section 24 External Works
24.01 Roads, car-parks and
paved areas generally
Replace the General Specification for Civil Engineering Services Works
(2006 Edition) or the latest version at the time of the Contract, with the
General Specification for Civil Engineering Services Works (2006 Edition) or
the latest version at the time of the Contract, . Add third paragraph of For
all the clauses and sub-clauses in Section 24 of the General Specification for
Buildings (2007 Edition), the General Specification for Civil Engineering Works
(2006 Edition) shall include the current amendments of the Specification
published before the date of the first tender invitation for the Contract.
24.02 Insitu concrete
Replace the General Specification for Civil Engineering Services Works
(2006 Edition) or the latest version at the time of the Contract, with the
General Specification for Civil Engineering Services Works (2006 Edition) or
the latest version at the time of the Contract, .
24.03 Precast concrete
Replace the General Specification for Civil Engineering Works (2006
Edition) or the latest version at the time of the Contract, with the General
Specification for Civil Engineering Works (2006 Edition) or the latest version at
the time of the Contract, .
24.04 Bituminous products
Replace the General Specification for Civil Engineering Works (2006
Edition) or the latest version at the time of the Contract, with the General
Specification for Civil Engineering Works (2006 Edition) or the latest version at
the time of the Contract, .
24.30 Cable ducts Replace the General Specification for Civil Engineering Services Works
(2006 Edition) or the latest version at the time of the Contract, with the
General Specification for Civil Engineering Services Works (2006 Edition) or
the latest version at the time of the Contract, .
Index 1 List of British Standards, European Standards, International Standards, Codes of Practice,
Construction Standards and other relevant Standards referred to within this General Specification
Updated in accordance with the above amendments on the above clauses.
Index 3 List of Standards for Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15 & 25
Updated in accordance with the above amendments on the above clauses.
Corrigendum No. GS 2007-02
(Effective from 1 April 2011)
The following clauses and indexes are amended in the above edition of General Specification for Building.
Amendments to Section 1
Standards and
Codes of
1.06 "British Standards", "European Standards" and "Codes of Practice" shall be
deemed to include all amendments, revisions and standards superseding the
standards listed herein, which are listed in the British Standards Institution
Catalogue current at the date of tender unless otherwise specified. In the
case of Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15 and 25, the stated BS Number in Index 3 is
to take preference over any later amendment, revision or superseded
standard. In other Sections, due to the complexity of the new BSEN and ISO
standards, the previous BS number has, in many cases, been retained in the
GS clause. The status of this standard, whether current, withdrawn or
superseded has been documented in the Index 1 List of Standards
Referred. Equivalent International Standards may be used if approved by the
SO. Copies of these documents are available from the British Standards
Institution. The Contractor shall provide copies on site of all materials
standards and/or works codes of practice that are required in the Contract.
The British Standards are also available for inspection at the following
locations in Hong Kong:
Main Library, University of Hong Kong
Development Bureau Library, Murray Building
Amendments to Section 2
Codes of Practice
& Practice Notes
2.01 Comply with all relevant legislation, Codes of Practice and Practice Notes.
Particular attention is drawn to the following:
(i) Code of Practice for Demolition of Buildings issued by Building
(ii) Code of Practice for Site Supervision and Technical Memorandum
for Supervision Plan issued by Buildings Department
(iii) Guidelines for Selective Demolition and On Site Sorting issued by
Civil Engineering and Development Department
(iv) Building (Demolition Works) Regulations
(v) Building (Administration) Regulations
(vi) Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations
(vii) Noise Control Ordinance
(viii) Air Pollution Control Ordinance
(ix) Water Pollution Control Ordinance
(x) The Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance
(xi) The Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Lifting Appliances and
Lifting Gear) Regulations
(xii) The Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Noise at Work)
(xiii) The Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Safety Officers and
Safety Supervisors) Regulations
(xiv) Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulations
(xv) Noise Control (Construction Work) Regulations
(xvi) The prevailing Buildings Department Practice Notes for Authorised
Persons and Registered Structural Engineers
(xvii) The prevailing Buildings Department Practice Notes for Registered
for Demolition
2.02 The demolition works shall be carried out by a Registered Specialist Contractor
for Demolition (RSC) on the Specialist Contractors list maintained by the
Buildings Department.
2.03 The Contractor shall appoint a Registered Structural Engineer (RSE) registered
under the Buildings Ordinance for the preparation and endorsement of the
method statements, with drawings and design calculations, Site Safety
Supervision Plan (SSSP) for the Contractor's Stream and any other submissions
as required by SO. The duties and roles of the RSE should include but not
limited to:
(i) Take up the full design responsibility for method statements and all
related drawings and calculations.
(ii) Assume the role of Contractors Representative and grade T5 of TCP
in the Contractors Stream under Site Safety Supervision Plan
(iii) Check that assumptions made in the design of temporary works and
method statements are validated on Site.
(iv) Prepare a risk assessment report with the Safety Officer including an
inspection schedule for all staff such as RSE, site engineer, Safety
Officer, site agent, site supervisor/foreman on all critical activities in
demolition works.
(v) Pay regular site visits for proper control of the works and submit
reports after each visit to certify the work is safe.
(vi) Carry out inspections on other activities which, in his/her professional
judgement, are critical and require close supervision.
(vii) Should there be any formation and/or alteration to any slopes and/or
retaining walls as a result of the demolition works in the vicinity of
the work sites which require geotechnical submissions under current
statutory requirements, the RSE shall be responsible to arrange a
Registered Professional Engineer (Geotechnical) (RPE(G)) for all
necessary geotechnical submissions to Geotechnical Engineering
Office (GEO) as stipulated in ETWB Technical Circular and other
relevant authorities for comments and approval prior to demolition of
any structure in the vicinity of the affected slopes and/or retaining
walls. All geotechnical submissions shall be prepared by a Registered
Professional Engineer (Geotechnical) (RPE(G)) who shall be under
direct supervision of the RSE. The RPE(G) shall also be required to
update the slope registrations and Maintenance Manuals to all
affected slopes and/or retaining walls with GEO where necessary.
The RSE shall ensure that all geotechnical submissions and site
supervisions are made in accordance with all current statutory
requirements of GEO and are acceptable to the relevant checking
divisions of GEO.
Submission of
2.04 Submission of documents for SO approval shall be two months before
commencement of demolition works or other specified period. The documents
shall include, inter alia, the following:
(i) Demolition Plans and Method Statements.
(ii) Project Safety Plan and the associated Risk Assessment Report.
(iii) Site Safety Supervision Plan.
(iv) Environmental Management Plan.
(v) Details of hoardings, covered walkways, catch platforms, catchfans
and all necessary precautionary measures in accordance with the
Code of Practice for Demolition of Buildings issued by the Buildings
(vi) Mechanical plant & equipment list.
(vii) Details of supervisory staff.
All the above plans and reports shall be prepared in accordance with the
requirements of the Code of Practice for Demolition of Buildings. Items (i) to
(v) shall be prepared and certified by the RSE.
Pay particular attention to detailed proposals for the demolition of the specific
items including but not limited to:
(i) Cantilevered canopies and balconies
(ii) External wall, parapet and features
(iii) Scaffolding systems with more than 1.5m projection
(iv) Any other structure as stated in the drawings or directed by SO
Demolition Plan
and Method
2.05 Prepare a Demolition Plan in accordance with the requirements of the Buildings
Ordinance, Building (Administration) Regulations, Code of Practice for
Demolition of Buildings and the relevant Practice Notes issued by the Buildings
Department, and shall include a comprehensive Method Statement prepared and
certified by the RSE. The comprehensive Method Statement of the demolition
work shall include but not limited to the following details:
(i) A scaled plan showing the locations of the structures to be demolished
and their distances to the adjacent buildings, structures, streets and
significant street furniture. The plan should also show the location of
the site video cameras as stipulated in item 2.20. The plan should be
fully dimensioned with levels and provide sections where
appropriate. If possible, site photographs should be included as much
as possible.
(ii) An appraisal of the structures to be demolished including an
assessment on the structural condition of the part of the structures that
are relevant to the demolition works, site condition and adjacent
properties. Any potential hazard that may be associated with the
proposed demolition works should be included.
(iii) A description of the proposed methods used to demolish the different
parts of the structure. This should include descriptions of the
equipment used, the schedule, sequence and proposed procedures for
the demolition. Detailed instructions for demolishing special features
and critical areas that may affect the safety of the public and on-site
personnel should be included. Specific precautionary steps for
identifying these features should also be included. The use of
graphics could be particularly useful to convey the message.
(iv) A method statement includes specification and details for
precautionary measures, which are essential to safety. The type of
precautionary features should meet the requirement of the demolition
method selected and the site conditions. These features should
include scaffolds, catch platform, temporary supporting systems to
the part of the structure to be demolished and bracing for weakened
structural elements.
(v) A proposed plan for conveyance of debris, on-site management and
off-site transportation of the debris. Anticipated traffic condition
should also be discussed to allow better planning for off-site
transportation. On-site storage of debris shall be specified.
(vi) A method statement includes detailed plan for removal and disposal
of on-site hazardous materials, if any, and disposal in compliance
with the environmental protection regulations.
(vii) Access route for handling emergency situations, such as accident
should be provided.
(viii) Inspection and maintenance frequency for the precautionary
measures and on site equipment should be included.
(ix) A method statement should also include the storage and handling of
flammable materials that would be used in the demolition process.
(x) A suggested scheme of on site supervision and technical support for
ensuring all works are carried out safely.
(xi) Means to reduce dust, noise and vibration impacts.
(xii) Detailed design for temporary supporting systems to support
machines working on the building and protection of any structure that
may be affected by the demolition.
(xiii) Periodic inspection schedule on adjacent structures that would
potentially be affected by the demolition to evaluate their structural
(xiv) If the project required temporary closure of traffic, a traffic plan with
detailed locations of the temporary traffic sign.
2.06 Employ such number of technically competent persons (TCP) for the demolition
works as required, comprising not less than one person of each grade of TCP
from T1 to T5 inclusive whereas the T1 and T3 grade TCP must be in full time,
to carry out full time site supervision. The TCP should have obtained the
required qualification (a relevant certificate, diploma, degree or registered
professional engineer) and experience in the structural, civil or building
discipline and have at least the number of years of relevant site experience in
accordance with the Technical Memorandum for Supervision Plans and Code of
Practice for Site Safety Supervision issued by the Buildings Department.
The TCP(s) shall prepare daily site supervision reports to be endorsed by the
Contractors Site Agent.
Site Engineer 2.07 Employ a site engineer, who shall be a Registered Professional Engineer in the
structural, civil or building discipline with the relevant experience. Submit the
particulars of the site engineer, including name, qualification and previous
experience, to the SO for approval within 7 days after commencement of the
The site engineer shall conduct site supervision, oversee the entire process of the
demolition works and prepare site supervision reports at each of the following
stages. Such report should be submitted to the SO after completion of each stage
of demolition works and before the commencement of the next stage of
demolition works. These stages shall include:
(i) when all site preparation works, including hoardings, covered
walkway, scaffolding, catch fans, protective wire netting, dust
screens, catch platforms, safety barriers have been erected; and
(ii) when all temporary works for demolition of a particular structure
have been erected prior to actual demolition; and
(iii) at any stages identified by the SO as critical stage from the
Demolition Plan submitted by the Contractor.
Electrical Worker
2.08 Appoint a relevant registered electrical worker of appropriate trade to certify that
the structures have been appropriately electrically disconnected from all
electricity supplies and the supply companys incoming supply connected to the
structures has been de-energized. The appointed Registered Electrical Worker
shall supervise and certify all electrical works meet the relevant regulations
during the contract.
Plant and
2.09 Operator of powered mechanical plant or equipment used in demolition work
shall have at least 3 years experience in operating the particular plant or
equipment; and shall have completed a training course in Demolition of
Building Course for Plant Operators organised by the Construction Industry
Council Training Academy and obtained the relevant certificate or other
equivalent training and certificate issued by a recognised examining body; and
operate under the immediate supervision of a TCP of the demolition works.
Submit the personal particulars, qualifications and experience of the operators of
powered mechanical plant or equipment proposed to be used in the demolition
works in accordance with Regulation 31 of the Building (Administration)
Regulations, to the SO before the commencement of the demolition works. The
Contractor shall notify the SO within 7 days of any change in the appointment of
the operator and provide personal particulars, qualifications and experience of
the new operator.
2.10 Employ workmen who shall be registered demolition workers or registered
worker of appropriate trades and under supervision of a TCP. These demolition
workers shall have attended the Safety Training Course for Construction
Workers of Specified Trades (the "Silver Card" course) organized by CICTA for
demolition works, and possessed the relevant valid silver card issued by CICTA.
All workers involved in the demolition works should also have received other
relevant safety trainings such as proper procedure for the use of PPE, working at
height safety etc.
Video Recording
2.11 When specified, provide and maintain two color video cameras for each building
with resolution not less than 704 x 480 and with appropriate view angle
coverage, light sensitivity and automatic focus & aperture, TV monitors and
video recording systems, and with all necessary accessories including the
recording media for transmitting and recording, to capture the entire demolition
process. The video recording systems and video records shall be kept in a
secured place to be agreed with the SO. The video signals from the cameras
shall also be real-time connected or transmitted to the site office of the SO and be
viewed and inspected by the SO with a TV monitor, equipped with switching
system to each camera. The video cameras shall be installed at strategic
locations as directed by the SO and be securely protected so that the entire
demolition process including the movement of debris and the overall sequence
of demolition can be captured. The video records shall be kept for inspection for
at least 14 days. Post sufficient notices at conspicuous positions to notify the
affected persons including the workers, the staff and the general public about the
purpose of video recording system in accordance with Data Protection Principles
set out in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.
Noise Level
2.12 The noise level generated from the work site and measured at the nearby noise
sensitive receivers shall not exceed the limits as specified.
Provide all necessary equipment and labours to monitor and to record the noise
levels measured at the nearby premises and any other locations to be agreed by
the SO at least twice daily and any other time when required by the SO. The
monitoring records of the noise measurements shall be kept on site for SO
Water Pollution
2.13 Provide, operate and maintain all necessary water pollution control system on
site and plan the works such that discharge and deposit of effluents generated
from the demolition operations shall be controlled as specified.
Air Pollution
2.14 Provide, operate and maintain all necessary air pollution control system on site
and plan the works to minimize generation of dust and to minimize the spread of
dust to beyond the site.
Coordination with
2.15 Adopt demolition operation that produces the least loud noise or dust nuisance to
occupants of the surrounding buildings. Co-ordinate with the management of the
neighbouring premises and all other concerned parties with report to the SO, and
schedule the works to suit those hours that will cause the least disturbance.
Protection to
adjacent buildings
and structures
2.16 Provide adequate support and protection to adjacent buildings and structures,
pedestrian subways, building services installations including all underground
cables and pipe works within or in the vicinity of the site.
Any area, if unduly damaged, shall be restored and made good to its original
conditions at the expense of the Contractor.
Top Down Method 2.17 Top down method shall be adopted unless specified otherwise.
Concrete Crusher
2.18 Hydraulic Concrete Crusher shall be used for demolition of reinforced concrete
structures unless otherwise approved by SO.
Concrete Breaker 2.19 Unless specified otherwise, the use of percussive type of concrete breaker is
allowed during part of the demolition process. Submit proposal on limiting the
noise generation for SOs approval. Subject to EPD approval on noise permit,
the time allowed for using any percussive type of concrete breaker shall be
agreed by the SO.
Saw Cut Method 2.20 To isolate the vibration and noise generated during demolition being transmitted
to the adjacent premises adjacent to the site, the Contractor can use Saw-Cut
method or other approved methods to separate the structures to be demolished
from the structures to be retained before demolition. Submit method statement
for forming such separation joints, including temporary support and shoring, for
SO approval.
Removal of
Demolition Waste
2.21 Except otherwise directed, all salvage materials become the property of the
Contractor and shall be removed from the Site expeditiously as the works
proceed. The storage, segregation and disposal of demolition waste shall be in
accordance with the guidelines stipulated in the Guidelines for Selective
Demolition and On-Site Sorting and the contract requirements. The handling
of demolition waste shall follow in the Environmental Management Plan
prepared by the Contractor.
A complete record is required to be kept on site and regularly updated on the
disposal, reuse and recycling of all demolition waste with respect to their dates
of disposal and the quantities involved.
All hazardous waste discovered shall be handled by licensed contractor
registered in EPD listing and approved by the SO.
Management Plan
2.22 Environmental Management Plan shall, in conjunction with the Demolition
Plan, provide all necessary details including but not limited to the following:
(i) Method of handling demolished building debris.
(ii) Routing and movement of debris from each floor to on grade
holding area prior to leaving the site.
(iii) Means of transportation of debris off the site.
(iv) Time and frequency of debris disposal off site.
(v) Record scheme on the tonnage of each truck load, truck licence
plate, drivers name, trip tickets and location of dump site.
Disposal of C&D
2.23 Disposal of C&D materials shall comply with the Particular Specification on
Environmental Management and the Waste Disposal (Charges for Disposal of
Construction Waste) Regulation currently enforced.
Certification 2.24 Upon completion of the demolition works, the Contractor shall certify the
completion of the demolition works in accordance with the Buildings Ordinance,
Regulations and the Demolition Plan. The certification shall be endorsed by the
As-built Records 2.25 Provide a complete list of as-built drawings with drawing number/reference and
brief description for computer diskettes. The drawings shall show the final
boundary of the site with chain-link fence, ground features, levels and as-built
external storm water drains, where the surface water is connected to the storm
water drainage system outside the site.
Survey 2.26 Carry out detailed survey including existing services, drainage systems and
building services installations.
Building Services
and Drainage
2.27 The Contractor shall ensure that existing water supplies, drainage and building
services provisions of adjacent buildings and areas will not be affected.
Report to the SO for directions upon discovery of any previously hidden or
unidentified services/cables. Any unknown cables/pipes so discovered shall be
carefully exposed by hand tools or as directed by the SO.
Provide all temporary water supplies and drainage connections to any adjacent
buildings affected prior to disconnecting the existing supplies in the buildings.
Coordinate all utility companies and organizations such as power supply
companies, telecommunications network services operators, town gas supply
company, liquefied petroleum gas supply company and Water Supplies
Department and other parties appointed by the SO to carry out disconnection,
diversion, relocation or removal of their equipment and installations.
2.28 Seal all abandoned sewer and drainage connections of the existing manholes and
associated underground drain pipes as directed by the SO.
Remove all glazed sashes and doors from the relevant parts of the structures.
Remove all hazardous materials including asbestos.
Displace the trapped gas within all town gas systems and liquefied petroleum gas
systems and certify that they are free of combustible gas in accordance with the
Regulation and requirements specified by the authorities.
2.29 The necessary precautionary measures shall comply with the requirements in
Clause 2.01 including but not limited to the following:
(i) Erection of hoarding, covered walkway and catch platform including
temporary lighting according to drawings.
(ii) Design and erection of scaffoldings, screen covers and catchfans.
(iii) Design and erection of temporary supports to the elements of
structure to be demolished, in particular, the cantilevered canopies
and covered walkway and the external parapet wall and features and
other elements as specified by SO.
(iv) Protection of adjacent properties, structures and services.
(v) Use of tarpaulin material as specified by SO.
(vi) Provide precautionary measures for disused manholes and
underground voids.
Certification of
2.30 Upon completion of the precautionary works, including hoarding, covered
walkway, scaffolding, catch fans, protective wire nettings, dust screens, catch
platform, safety barrier, and the like, the Contractor shall certify the completion
of the precautionary works in accordance with the provisions of the Buildings
Ordinance, Regulations and Demolition Plan. The certification shall be
endorsed by the RSE.
2.31 After completion of demolition, reinstate the site to the conditions as shown in
drawings. Unless specified otherwise, the following precautionary measures
shall be adopted:
(i) The site shall be leveled and cleared of any debris. Adequate
drainage shall be provided.
(ii) If the new development is not immediately commenced, the site
shall be completely enclosed as shown in drawings.
(iii) Provide supports to adjacent building structures, weather-proofing
and stabilization of exposed party walls shall be completed. A final
inspection by RSE on the supports of adjacent structures shall be
conducted to ensure satisfactory and safe conditions. If temporary
shoring remains on site, inspection and maintenance shall be
continued until the temporary shoring is removed or replaced by
permanent supports.
(iv) Any excavation shall be braced and stabilized.
(v) For sloping sites, and/or sites with retaining wall supporting
ground, the following additional precautionary measures shall be
(a) The ground surface shall be sealed up to prevent water
(b) Any unstable structures and ground shall be stabilized.
Hoarding and
Covered Walkway
2.32 Provide and maintain the hoardings and covered walkways as shown on the
Safety Protection 2.33 Provide and erect necessary and sufficient safety protection such as scaffolding,
catch fans, protective wire netting, dust screens, catch platforms, safety barriers,
additional hoardings and covered walkways etc. for the safety and convenience
of traffic, passers-by, users of adjacent premises, or workmen employed on the
Works. All safety protection shall be erected prior to the commencement of the
demolition operation and shall be maintained in good conditions until the
completion of the demolition work.
Fire or Explosion 2.34 Take precautions to prevent fire or explosion caused by gas, vapour, electricity
or any other source. Take appropriate precautions when removing tanks or pipes
which may have contained flammable liquids or gases.
Disused drain 2.35 Take care to allow disused drains to vent built-up gas before allowing workmen
to carry out works below ground level.
2.36 Provide vent pipes to underground tanks to vent built-up gases and vapours.
2.37 The Contractor shall comply with the requirements in Clauses 25.69 to 25.69.14
on tree preservation and protection to ensure that the demolition, site clearance
and alteration works will not damage the preserved trees.
Precautions prior
to demolition, site
clearance and
2.38 The Contractor shall commence demolition, site clearance and alteration works
only after the Contractors compliance with the requirements stipulated to be
completed prior to commencing site clearance, demolition, construction of
permanent or temporary works, and any other site operations which may affect
the trees. These requirements include but are not limited to:
(i) Installation of tree identification labeling or marking system
pursuant to Clause,
(ii) Agreement of the SO to the limits of site clearance pursuant to
(iii) Erection of temporary protective fencing pursuant to Clause
25.69.3(c), and
(iv) Erection of temporary protective armouring and application of
temporary protective mulching pursuant to Clause 25.69.3(h).
during demolition,
site clearance and
2.39 During demolition, site clearance and alteration works, the Contractor shall
comply with the requirements on the restrictive use of the preserved trees and
their Tree Protection Zones (TPZs) and the control measures for works within
the TPZs. These requirements include but are not limited to:
(i) Restrictive use of the preserved trees and their TPZs pursuant to
Clauses, (c), (d) and (f), and
(ii) Control measures for changes in ground levels, excavation including
trenching, and drilling within the TPZs pursuant to Clauses 25.69.4
to 25.69.8.
Clearing weeds
2.40 When instructed by the SO, the Contractor shall identify any Mikania micrantha
as well as any other unwanted plants specified as noxious weeds by the SO and
remove these plants from the Site as part of the site clearance work. The
Contractor shall comply with the requirements in Clause 25.95(b) when clearing
these unwanted plants.
Clearing Mikania
2.41 When clearing Mikania micrantha, the Contractor shall follow the technical
guidance in the latest version of Nature Conservation Practice Note No. 01
Clearing Mikania promulgated by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation
2.42 Before any demolition or alteration work commences, a registered asbestos
consultant shall be appointed to conduct a thorough investigation of the building
for the presence of asbestos containing material at the premises and submit an
Asbestos Investigation Report and, if asbestos containing material is found, an
Asbestos Abatement Plan to the Environmental Protection Department at least
28 days before the asbestos abatement work commences.
When appropriate, a registered asbestos laboratory shall be appointed to carry
out sampling, measurement or analysis of any suspected asbestos containing
Asbestos removal work shall be carried out by a registered asbestos contractor
under the supervision of a registered asbestos consultant in compliance with
relevant legislation and codes of practice.
If during the course of the general demolition work, hidden suspected asbestos
containing material is found, stop work immediately and report to the SO.
2.43 The removal of asbestos-containing materials shall be carried out by an
approved registered asbestos contractor prior to commencement of general
demolition works to avoid contamination of debris arising from the demolition.
Sampling and
2.44 Bulk samples of suspected asbestos-containing materials shall be taken on the
advice and under the supervision of a registered asbestos consultant and
analysed by an approved laboratory to verify the presence of asbestos, and to
determine the content and the type of asbestos.
Full depth of the insulation material from its outer surface to the base structure
shall be taken for sampling.
When specified, two additional side by side quality control samples shall be
taken and analysed by another approved laboratory.
abatement plan
and method
2.45 Where an asbestos abatement plan has been prepared as per Clause 2.42, the
registered asbestos consultant appointed shall supervise the implementation of
the plan. Where the submission of an asbestos abatement plan is not required, the
Contractor shall submit, before commencement of the removal work, a detailed
method statement to the SO for approval, which shall include a detailed work
programme, sketches showing the containments, air locks, air movers and
scaffolding as required. Contingency measures of safety and escape access shall
be maintained in case of an emergency (fire, accident, etc.).
Glove bag
2.46 The use of glove bag method for the removal of asbestos-containing materials
shall be approved by the SO.
Supervisor 2.47 A full time Registered Asbestos Supervisor shall be stationed at the work site.
Warning signs 2.48 Proper and publicly visible warning signs in compliance with relevant
legislation and code of practice shall be provided.
Floor tile adhesive
2.49 The floor tile adhesive remover used in the asbestos vinyl floor removal works
shall be the type of low volatile organic compound (VOC) content and shall
comply with the following requirements:
- biobased
- VOC content of less than 5%
Mastic removers made from petroleum-based chemistry are prohibited. The tile
adhesive remover shall be acceptable by Environmental Protection Department
of proven safe formula in accordance with Code of Practice on Asbestos Control.
The application of the tile adhesive remover shall strictly follow the
manufacturer's instructions and recommendations.
After removal of tile adhesive, the surface shall be cleaned with an approved
degreaser. Only those degreasers recommended by the manufacturer of the tile
adhesive remover shall be used for removing the residue remaining on the floor
substrate, before laying the new floor tiles.
Minimisation of
fibre release
2.50 No power tools shall be used directly on asbestos containing materials.
Asbestos material shall be wetted prior to stripping/removal and shall be
mist-sprayed with amended water during stripping.
Asbestos waste shall be collected in approved waste containers as soon as it is
Debris/dust generated shall be removed with high efficiency particulate absolute
vacuum cleaner which shall be positioned next to the source of fibre generation.
When entering or leaving the contaminated work area, a strict changing and
decontamination routine must be followed by all personnel.
Waste disposal 2.51 Asbestos-containing waste generated from the removal work shall be properly
disposed of in accordance with the requirements of the "Code of Practice on
Handling, Transportation and Disposal of Asbestos Wastes" published by the
Environmental Protection Department.
Notification shall be given to the Environmental Protection Department at least
ten days before the scheduled disposal of asbestos waste and a duly stamped trip
ticket shall be submitted to the SO for confirmation of disposal.
Water contaminated with asbestos shall be filtered first before being discharged
into soil drains.
Air monitoring 2.52 Asbestos removal shall be closely monitored by air sampling and an analysis of
the air-borne fibres in conjunction with the removal work undertaken by an
approved laboratory.
A reading of less than 0.01 fibre/ml will be required in the penultimate and final
clearance air sample analysis.
Storage of waste 2.53 Double-bagged asbestos waste shall be numbered with a waterproof ink pen and
stored either in a designated weatherproof holding area within the Site or in a
secured lockable area outside the contaminated works area, with either location
to be agreed on site.
Ordinances and
Codes of
2.54 Comply with all relevant legislation and Codes of Practice in connection with
asbestos removal works. Particular attention shall be drawn to the following:
(i) Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Asbestos) Regulations.
(ii) Air Pollution Control Ordinance.
(iii) Air Pollution Control (Asbestos) (Administration) Regulations
(iv) Code of Practice on Handling, Transportation and Disposal of
Asbestos Waste, Environmental Protection Department,
Hong Kong.
(v) Code of Practice on Asbestos Work using Full Containment or
Mini containment methods, Environmental Protection
Department, Hong Kong.
(vi) Code of Practice on Safe Handling of Low Risk
Asbestos-Containing Material, Environmental Protection
Department, Hong Kong.
(vii) Code of Practice on Asbestos Work using Glove Bag Method,
Environmental Protection Department, Hong Kong.
(viii) Code of Practice - Safety and Health at Work with Asbestos,
Labour Department, Hong Kong.
(ix) The prevailing Codes of Practice on asbestos control issued by
Environmental Bureau.
Amendments to Section 3
Earthwork 3.05 (v) Material handling and storage areas shall be levelled and well
drained. Stockpiles of material shall be sprayed with water or a dust
suppression chemical to minimize dust generation.
Blasting 3.15 Blasting operations and the supply, transportation, storage, use and disposal
of explosives shall be in accordance with conditions and restrictions
imposed by the Mines Division of Civil Engineering and Development
Department. The Contractor shall make all arrangements with, and obtain
all licences and permits from, the Commissioner of Mines in connection
with blasting operations.
Preparation of
natural ground
3.16 Clear natural ground over which filling shall be placed of all soft spots, loose
boulders, grass, top soil, bushes, trees, roots and other vegetation or rubbish.
Do not place filling material until water-courses have been diverted or
underdrained. Do not place fill on sloping ground until benches or trenches
as described in Clause 3.17 have been completed.
Filling 3.17 (iv) Fill material shall be deposited in layers of a thickness appropriate to
the compaction method to be used. In deposition of fill material,
ensure that a good bond is achieved between layers of fill, and unless
otherwise directed by the SO, no material shall be placed on
previously compacted layers unless the surface has been scarified or
otherwise broken up and, if necessary, watered.
(v) Blind the top surface of hardcore with fine graded filling material.
(viii) Obtain approval from the SO before commencing filling and before
any fill layer is covered.
(xii) Adopt one of the following procedures when material placed and
compacted, or awaiting compaction, reaches a condition which, in the
opinion of the SO, does not comply with the GS or has been damaged
either by weather or in any other way:
(a) Remove the material from Site, replacing it with equivalent
suitable material.
(b) Remove the material to stockpile until it is in a suitable
condition for reuse.
(c) Make good the material by mechanical or chemical means.
(d) Cease work on the material until it is in a suitable physical
condition for reuse.
Obtain approval from the SO before any of these options are adopted.
Remove, and adopt option (a) or (b) above for any material not
complying with the GS that has been overlaid by more recently
placed material.
Compaction by
3.19 (iv) Carry out insitu field density tests to determine the relative
compaction in accordance with Clause 3.21 after compaction. Test
each layer and obtain approval from the SO prior to placing of the
next layer.
(vi) Unless otherwise specified filling material shall be compacted to
obtain the following relative compaction (RC):
(a) Fill within the 1.5 metres thick top surface zone of the
platforms and fill within the 2.5 metres thick top surface zone
of the peripheral slopes measured at right angles to the batter -
RC of at least 95%.
Compaction by
3.20 Adoption of the method specification for controlling compaction to be
carried out only under exceptional circumstances and with approval of the
Test for
determining the
degree of
compaction of
3.21 (iii) Determine the in-situ field density and moisture content in
accordance with Geospec 3 as directed by the SO to determine the
relative compaction achieved.
compacted fill Test each layer and obtain approval from the SO before the next layer
is placed. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, the number of tests
required shall be as stated in Table 3.4. Keep records identifying the
soil type and location in the Works and showing the following
information for each series of tests:
(iv) Determine moisture content in accordance with moisture content
tests under Geospec 3 by means of a drying oven.
Amendments to Section 5
Percussion piles 5.14 (ii) The design final penetration shall generally not be taken as less than
2.5 mm per blow. The set penetration of at least 10 blows shall be
recorded on the Site during set. Where it is evident from ground
investigation records that piles are founded on rock, or it can be
demonstrated with PDA analysis that the driving stress at final set is
greater than 0.7 f
for steel H-piles, the design final penetration may
be taken as not less than 1.0 mm per blow. The pile shall not be
considered to have attained the theoretical safe loading capacity
should the penetration of any blow recorded be in excess of the
design final penetration.
(iii) If the Hiley Formula is used to calculate the loading capacity of a
pile, the temporary compression of the pile and hammer cushions
( C
) shall be taken as not less than 7.5 mm when the thickness of the
hard wood packings at the pile head is 50 mm or less and the plastic
hammer cushion is 200 mm thick or less (refer to Clause 5.18 for
steel H pile).
(iv) The efficiency of the hammer ( E
) and the coefficient of restitution
of the hammer cushion (e) shall be determined from/ verified by
CAPWAP analysis of trial piles (at least 5 piles for each hammer
pile size drop height combination). The combination of E
and e
shall be so chosen such that when these values are substituted into the
Hiley Formula, the average of the predicted bearing capacity of the
trial piles is not higher than 85% of the average CAPWAP capacity.
(v) If reasonable values of design final set (not less than 2.5 mm or 1.0
mm per blow as the case may be) cannot be obtained from the Hiley
Formula with E
and e so chosen, all the piles falling into this
category shall be subject to Dynamic Pile Test and CAPWAP
analysis. The pile with the lowest CAPWAP capacity or any other
pile selected by the SO for each batch of piles proposed by the
Contractor for phased completion shall be load tested for acceptance.
All the cost incurred from the Dynamic Pile Tests, CAPWAP
analyses and static load tests shall be borne by the Contractor.
Steel 'H' piles 5.18 (iii) For every one hundred segments or part thereof of each section of
same thickness from the same cast, one segment shall be selected at
random on site by the SO for testing. Provide two test specimens
taken at both ends of each of the chosen segment. For the purpose of
this clause, same thickness means similar sections with a variation
in thickness not exceeding + 5 mm, and segment means every
length of pile as rolled.
Prepare the test specimens to BS EN 10002-1 as directed and
appropriately mark and deliver them to the Public Works
Laboratories (PWL), as directed by the SO.
(iv) The energy of the hammer should be so chosen such that the pile will
not be damaged during driving. As a minimum requirement, the
Contractor shall demonstrate with PDA analysis that driving stresses
would not exceed 0.9 f
(v) Carry out splicing to increase the length of steel H piles in
accordance with the details shown at Annex B. Unless agreed by
the SO, the minimum length of each steel H-pile section shall be 10
m except the uppermost section. Construct joints to maintain the true
alignment of the pile section. Welds shall be subject to the following
a) All welds shall be visually inspected to BS EN 970.
b) 10% of the welded joints shall be subject to ultrasonic
examination to BS EN 1714 Level 2B and magnetic particle
inspection to BS EN 1290.
There is no limit on hold time for the examination, except that the
initial 2 butt welded joints shall be examined by non-destructive tests
after 40 hours. Joints to be tested shall be selected by the SO. The
standard of acceptance for welds shall be in accordance with Table
14.3b in the Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005
issued by the Buildings Department. Submit test reports to the SO in
the quantity and format requested.
(viii) If Hiley Formula is used to calculate the loading capacity of steel H
pile, the temporary compression of the hammer cushion ( C
) shall be
taken as not less than 5 mm when plastic cushion of 200 mm
thickness or less is used.
Large diameter
bored piles
5.19 (i) Large diameter bored piles are those of a diameter exceeding
750 mm formed by boring, chiselling or grabbing, plus filling with
(iv) Bedrock is defined as rock mass of at least 5 m thick and being Grade
III/IV or better rock (as defined in GEOGUIDE 3, Guide to Rock
and Soil Descriptions prepared by Geotechnical Engineering Office
and published by GIS, Hong Kong).
For design purposes, the maximum bearing pressure of piles on
bedrock shall not exceed the following:
(a) 3 MPa for Grade III/ IV or better rock with total core
recovery greater than 75%
(b) 5 MPa for Grade III or better rock with total core recovery
greater than 85%
(c) 7.5 MPa for Grade II or better rock with total core recovery
greater than 95%
Cutting off pile
5.24 (v) Allow a minimum of seven days between the completion of casting
an in-situ concrete pile and the cutting off of the pile head.
Note: (a) For large diameter bored piles and caissons, cast
concrete at least 0.75 m above the cut off level such that
surface laitance may be removed at completion of
concreting leaving sound concrete at cut off level.
(b) For other cast in-situ piles, the height of concrete cast
above the cut off level should be sufficient for
maintaining the pressure head as required by the system.
Pile caps tie
beams and
dowel bars
5.25 (e) Steel bars shall be hot rolled plain round bars (denoted by R)
or deformed high yield bars (denoted by T) to Hong Kong
SAR Construction Standard CS 2:1995. All reinforcement
shall be cut or bent to comply with BS 8666: 2005 unless
otherwise specified.
Report sheets 5.27
Type of piles
(iv) Large diameter
bored pile
(d) Graphical plot for theoretical and actual volume of
concrete cast against concrete top level, particularly at
withdrawal of casing segments;
Loading tests 5.28 (iv) D = The least lateral dimension of steel 'H'
pile section in mm (for driven steel 'H' pile )
Failure of
loading test or
coring test
5.30 When a pile fails a loading or coring test, install additional pile(s) such that
the revised piling layout is sufficient to sustain the loadings as given in the
loading schedule. For driven steel H-piles, the Contractor may choose to
retain the pile as a working pile and redrive it to a deeper level to attain a
bearing capacity complying with the contract requirements. However, PDA
test and CAPWAP analysis shall be carried out to test the pile for integrity
and determine pile capacity. The cost of PDA test and CAPWAP analysis
shall be borne by the Contractor. The SO may carry out other test(s) as he
deems appropriate.
Preparation for
piles for Sonic
5.35 (vii) Notwithstanding Clause 5.35 (i), for barrettes and large diameter
bored piles with diameter up to 2500 mm, one of the mild steel tubes
shall be replaced with a larger tube of 100 to 150 mm internal
diameter. For large diameter bored piles exceeding 2500 mm
diameter, two numbers of the mild steel tubes shall be replaced with
a larger tube of 100 to 150 mm internal diameter. Size of tube shall
be big enough to obtain a core of N size. The bottom of the larger
steel tube should be fitted with a mild steel cap, at about 700 mm
above the founding level of the pile. Toe coring to obtain a core of N
size to examine the interface between pile and bedrock without
coring through the entire length of pile shall be carried out. One
number of toe coring shall be carried out for each barrette and large
diameter bored pile with diameter up to 2500 mm and two numbers
of toe coring shall be carried out for each large diameter bored pile
with diameter exceeding 2500 mm. The toe coring length shall be
more than 1400 mm of which at least 700 mm shall be into bedrock.
Number of Piles requiring Non-Destructive Integrity Test
Type of
Steel H-piles,
Precast Concrete Piles,
Cast in-situ Concrete Piles
Pile Test
Not less than 30 nos. or
15% whichever is the
All piles
Amendments to Section 6
6.01 (i) Falsework is defined as any temporary structure used to support a
permanent structure during erection until the permanent structure is
self-supporting. No tropical hardwood propping shall be used to
support formwork for concrete work unless otherwise agreed by the
6.02 (ii) When specified, submit the design of falsework (including supports
and foundations) and provide certification by an independent
professional engineer, at various stages, for the adequacy of the
design as well as its proper execution. The independent professional
engineer shall be a member of the Hong Kong Institution of
Engineers (Structural or Civil Engineering Discipline) or equivalent.
periods before
6.12 (i) These periods are for Portland cement, at 15C temperature. Increase
these periods for lower temperatures as instructed by the SO.
Steel reinforcement shall be plain round steel or deformed high yield steel
bars to CS2 or steel fabric to BS 4483. Cold reduced steel wire used for the
manufacture of steel fabric shall be to BS 4482.
Test certificate 6.15 Obtain steel reinforcement from suppliers who shall be able to produce
certificates for each batch of steel reinforcement supplied to site. The
certificates to be submitted to the SO for steel bars shall be in accordance
with the class of reinforcement delivered to the Site, all as detailed in CS2.
The certificates to be submitted for each batch of fabric reinforcement
delivered to the Site shall come from a manufacturer with a third party
certification by a certification body, accredited by the Hong Kong
Accreditation Service or its Mutual Recognition Arrangement/Arrangement
partners, to ISO 9001. The certificate shall show the manufacturers name,
the date and place of manufacture and that the reinforcement complies with
the requirements of BS 4483 and including details of:
(i) the bond classification;
(ii) the cast analysis;
(iii) the carbon equivalent value;
(iv) the results of the tensile and rebend tests, including the effective
cross-sectional area for tensile tests;
(v) the results of the bond performance tests; and
(vi) the results of the weld tests.
A batch of fabric reinforcement is any quantity of fabric reinforcement of the
same type, size and grade, produced by the same manufacturer, covered by
the same mill and test certificates and delivered to the Site at any one time.
Test specimens 6.17 (i) Provide and cut test specimens from each batch of steel reinforcement
as directed by the SO. All test specimens shall be appropriately
marked and delivered to the Public Works Laboratories (PWL) for
testing. No claim in respect of steel suffering from damage or rod
lengths being reduced due to the taking of testing specimens will be
(ii) Alternatively the Contractor may deliver test specimens to the
independent laboratories approved by the SO.
(iii) Test certificates shall be sent to the SO directly from these
independent laboratories.
(iv) Allow sufficient time for the testing of specimens. Do not use steel
reinforcement until the relevant test specimens have successfully
passed all tests. Remove unsatisfactory material off the Site when
instructed by the SO.
(v) For steel bars, tensile, bend and rebend tests shall be carried out on
test specimens as required by CS2.
(vi) For fabric reinforcement, provide samples from each batch as
Sampling rate of fabric reinforcement
Size of batch No. of samples per batch
0 50 tonnes 1
Each additional 50 tonnes or part of
50 tonnes
(vii) Each sample shall comprise three 1.2 m long x 1.2 m wide test
specimens taken from different sheets in the batch. Each test
specimen shall contain at least three wires in each direction.
(viii) Each sample of fabric reinforcement shall be tested to determine the
yield stress, tensile strength, elongation, weld shear strength, rebend
performance, unit mass and pitch dimension.
(ix) The method of testing shall be in accordance with the following:
Cold reduced steel wire : BS 4482
Steel fabric : BS 4483
(x) The number of tests on each sample of fabric reinforcement shall be
as follows:
Type and number of tests
Tensile Rebend Unit
Steel fabric
- fabric sheet - - 3 1 -
- longitudinal
3 1 - - 1
- transverse
3 1 - - 1
(xi) A batch of fabric reinforcement is considered as not complying with
the specified requirements for characteristic strength if the yield
stress in any tensile test carried out on any sample taken from the
batch is less than 93% of the specified characteristic strength. The
non-complying batch of fabric reinforcement shall be removed from
the Site.
(xii) If the yield stress of fabric reinforcement in any tensile test is less
than the specified characteristic strength but equal to or greater than
93% of the specified characteristic strength, additional samples shall
be provided from the same batch and additional tests for yield stress
shall be carried out. The number of additional samples shall be as
stated in Clause 6.17(vi).
(xiii) If the result of any test for yield stress, tensile strength, elongation,
weld shear strength, rebend, unit mass or pitch dimension does not
comply with the specified requirements for the property, additional
samples shall be provided from the same batch and additional tests
for the property shall be carried out. The number of additional
samples shall be as stated in Clause 6.17(vi).
(xiv) Each additional sample shall comprise six 1.2 m long x 1.2 m wide
test specimens taken from different sheets in the batch. Each test
specimen shall contain at least three wires in each direction. The
number of tests shall be as follows:
Type and number of tests
Tensile Rebend Unit
Steel fabric
- fabric sheet - - 6 2 -
- longitudinal
6 2 - - 2
- transverse
6 2 - - 2
(xv) The batch of fabric reinforcement is considered as not complying
with the specified requirements for any particular property if the
result of any additional test does not comply with the specified
requirements for that property.
6.17.4 Submit for approval by the SO during commencement of contract a stock
management system to preclude unauthorized use of steel reinforcement
prior to receipt of test results as well as swapping of reinforcement of
different testing status. The followings shall be included:
(i) Provide identification marks to different reinforcement batches
arriving on the Site which are uniquely traceable to the record of each
(ii) The record of a batch of reinforcement shall include date of arrival to
the Site, quantities delivered, bar size, bar mark, delivery note,
weighting certificate, mill certificate, QA Stockist Certificate or
suppliers certificate, and steel reinforcement classification number
stated in the QA Stockist certificate.
removal of
6.17.5 Remove non-compliant reinforcement bars from the Site as soon as possible
under the supervision of the SO.
Cutting and
6.19 Cut and bend bars to BS 8666 unless otherwise specified. Bend bars cold
and do not rebend without prior approval. Do not cut or bend bars for use in
foundations until the size and depth of the foundation have been approved
and the bottom of the foundation has been blinded.
Chairs 6.21 Provide sufficient steel chairs to support top reinforcement in slabs and rafts,
vertical wall reinforcement and the like in position. Where high tensile steel
wire chairs supporting top reinforcements in slabs are to rest on formwork,
they shall have plastic covered feet. The plastic cover shall have a minimum
thickness of 1.5 mm and a length not less than 25 mm.
6.24 Reinforcement connectors shall be of a proprietary type approved by the SO
and shall be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions
and Code of Practice for Structural Use of Concrete 2004 issued by the
Buildings Department unless otherwise specified.
Document and
test results to be
supplied by the
6.25.4 (b) Mill sheets of steel reinforcement bars complying with CS2.
(ii) The particulars, including certificates and test results in (i) above,
shall be submitted to the SO for approval at least 14 days before the
first delivery of epoxy coated reinforcement to the Site. Certificates
shall be submitted for each batch of epoxy coated reinforcement.
adhesion &
6.25.12 If one test specimen fails to meet the coating thickness, coating adhesion or
coating continuity requirements, retests of specimens of the same batch are
permitted, and two further specimens from the same batch shall be subjected
to the test or tests in which the original specimen failed. If both additional
specimens pass the retest, the batch from which they were taken shall be
deemed to comply with the specification. If either or both of them fails in the
retests, the batch shall be deemed not to comply with the specification, and
this batch shall be rejected and removed from the Site.
Generally 6.26 The use of concrete for reinforced concrete structures shall be to the Code of
Practice for Structural Use of Concrete 2004 issued by the Buildings
Department unless otherwise specified.
Cement 6.27 Portland cement shall be to BS EN 197-1 (Type CEM I). Strength Class of
cement used in structural concrete shall be 52.5 N, unless otherwise
approved by the SO. Sulphate-resisting Portland cement shall be to
BS 4027. High alumina cement shall not be used in structural concrete.
PFA 6.28 Pulverized-fuel ash (PFA) shall conform to BS 3892: Part 1 with the
following modifications:
(i) Use Portland cement CEM I (strength class 52.5 N) to BS EN 197-1
to determine water requirement, strength factor at 28 days, soundness
and initial setting time.
(ii) The criteria for water requirement and strength factor at 28 days shall
not apply, but the values as determined shall be stated in the
certificates for submission.
(iii) PFA shall contain up to 10% total lime content or high lime PFA
shall contain up to 20% total lime content and with soundness value
not more than 10 mm.
PFAC 6.29 Portland-fly ash cement (PFAC) shall be to BS EN 197-1 (Type CEM
II/A-V and CEM II/B-V). Strength Class of cement used in structural
concrete shall be 42.5 N or higher, unless otherwise approved by the SO.
CSF 6.29.1 Condensed Silica Fume (CSF) shall be to CSA-A23.5-M86 (Canadian
Standard) or BS EN 13263.
GGBS 6.29.2 Ground Granulated Blastfurnace Slag (GGBS) shall be to BS 6699 or BS
EN 15167-1.
Use of PFA,
6.30 The use of PFA, PFAC, CSF and GGBS shall be subject to the approval of
the SO. PFA can only be used in combination with Portland cement. Triple
blending of cement, PFA and GGBS shall not be allowed unless approved by
the SO. PFA, CSF and GGBS can only be used in designed mixes only.
If CSF, PFA or GGBS is incorporated in the concrete as separate materials,
the following requirements shall be complied with unless
specified/approved otherwise by the SO:
(a) The proportion of PFA replacement shall not exceed 35% of the total
cementitious content.
(b) The proportion of CSF replacement shall not exceed 10% of the total
cementitious content.
(c) The proportion of GGBS replacement shall not exceed 40% of the
total cementitious content and the use shall be subject to the approval
by the SO of the Contactors proposal on concrete curing method and
formwork striking times. GGBS shall not be used together with
6.31 Cementitious content is the combined mass of cement, CSF and either PFA
or GGBS per cubic metre of compacted concrete. For CSF, the dry mass
shall be used..
Aggregates 6.33 Coarse aggregate for concrete shall consist of clean, hard, durable crushed
rock to BS 882. The grading shall lie within the limits given for the
appropriate nominal size in Table 6.3 unless otherwise agreed by the SO.
Fine aggregate shall consist of crushed rock as for coarse aggregate or clean
sand. The grading shall lie within the limits of one of the grading C, M or F
of Table 6.4, or for crushed stone fines only, the limits as shown in Table 6.5.
Natural sand shall not be used in production of concrete unless otherwise
agreed by the SO.
The flakiness index when determined to BS 812 shall not exceed 40 for
aggregate of 40 mm size or larger, or 35 for sizes of 10 to 28 mm.
Aggregates shall be inert to alkali-silica reaction (ASR) unless a control
framework installed to guard against occurrence of ASR in concrete
Water 6.35 Water for concreting shall be clean and uncontaminated potable water from
Government main supply or any other approved source. If taken from a
source other than Government main supply, it shall be tested in accordance
with BS 3148 when required by the SO.
Wash water from concrete mixer washing operations (recycled water) may
be used for mixing concrete of grade strength not exceeding 35 MPa
provided that :
(i) The density of the combined water comprising tap water and
recycled water does not exceed 1030 kg/m
(ii) The 28 days strength of test cubes with combined water shall not fall
below 90% of control test cubes made with tap water.
(iii) The chemical limits of the combined water shall not exceed those in
Table 6.15.
(iv) Tests shall be conducted in accordance with Table 6.15.
Delivery and
storage of
6.38 Store cement in bags in a dry, weatherproof store with a raised floor. Keep
each consignment separate, and identify and use it in the order of delivery.
Store bulk cement in dry, weatherproof silos and store cement from different
sources in separate silos. Do not use cement from different sources in the
same pour and only use in the same structure with the SOs prior approval.
Remove from the Site immediately any cement which does not comply with
the specification or which has become adversely affected by dampness or
other agency.
Deliver coarse aggregate to the Site in separate sizes unless otherwise agreed
by the SO. Coarse aggregate shall be in 2 sizes when the maximum size is
20 mm and 3 sizes when the maximum size is 40 mm or more for designed
Remove from the Site immediately any aggregates failing to meet the
requirements of the specification.
Generally 6.40 The nominal designed slump value for designed mix for reinforced concrete
shall not be less than 75 mm unless the contractor can demonstrate that
proper compaction can be achieved with a lower slump which shall in no
case be less than 50 mm. The free water cement ratio shall comply with
Table 6.8 unless otherwise stated in the contract.
The quality and strength of concrete shall be determined by tests on samples
taken on the Site and tested at the Public Works Laboratories (PWL) as
directed by the SO.
Standard mixes 6.41 If it is not proposed to use designed mixes, the standard mix proportions
shown in Tables 6.6 and 6.7 shall be used.
Standard mix concrete
Mass of total aggregate to be used with 100 kg of PC
or 110 kg of PFAC
Nominal maximum
aggregate size
Range of measured
slump value (mm)
85 - 170
75 - 150
65 - 130
Mass of total
aggregate (kg)
Submission 6.42.1 (iii) Source of PFA, CSF and GGBS.
(xv) A certificate not older than 6 months for CSF and GGBS showing
that they comply with the requirements stated in the Contract.
Liquid retaining
6.42.2 For liquid retaining structures, PFA shall be used and shall constitute 25%
or above of the total cementitious content in the designed mix concrete and
shall satisfy the following requirements:
20% recycled
6.42.3 When specified, concrete with 20% recycled coarse aggregates shall be used
in designed mix concrete of 25 to 35 MPa grade strength except in water
retaining structures, subject to the following :
(i) Either Type CEM I of Portland cement to BS EN 197-1 or Type
CEM I Portland cement in combination with PFA can be used in
accordance with Clause 6.30.
Trial mixes 6.43 Trial mixes are not required for designed mix of concrete of grade below
Grade 20 or for standard mix concrete.
Concrete shall come from a supplier registered under the QSPSC. Where a
designed mix is used, trial mixes may be required to be carried out to
determine the suitability of the proposed mix proportions for production of
concrete of the required quality, at the intended workability for compaction
of the concrete in the position, shape and location specified. Prepare trial
mixes on receipt of provisional approval of the mix design and complete at
least 35 days before commencement of concreting. Carry out trial mixes in
accordance with the following table:
No previous cube strength
records submitted or the
records submitted in
accordance with Clause 6.42.1
found unsatisfactory
Previous cube strength records found satisfactory
< Grade 40 > Grade 40 Same mix
Same plant
Same plant
Same mix
Different plant
< Grade 40 > Grade 40
Mix Trials
Yes No No Yes No No
Plant Trials No
Yes No No No Yes
Plant Trials 6.43.1 Plant Trials shall be made using the plant proposed and the mix designs and
constituents provisionally approved by the SO. The volume of each batch
shall be at least 60% of the nominal volume of the mixer's discharge.
criteria of Plant
6.43.2 (i) The average of the nine measured slump values shall be within
20mm or 25%, whichever is the greater, of the designed slump
value. The average of the nine measured flow values shall be within
50mm of the designed flow value.
(ii) The range of the three measured slump values for each batch of
concrete shall not exceed 20% of the average of the three measured
slump values for that batch. For flow table tests, the range of the
three measured flow values for each batch of concrete shall be within
(iii) The average compressive strength at 28 days of the 18 test cubes
shall exceed the Grade strength by at least 12 MPa for 100 mm test
cubes or 10 MPa for 150 mm test cubes. The compressive strength of
each individual test cube shall exceed the Grade strength by at least 5
MPa for 100 mm test cubes or 4 MPa for 150 mm test cubes.
Laboratory Mix
6.43.3 Laboratory Mix Trials shall be made in the suppliers laboratory using the
mix designs and constituents provisionally approved by the SO.
criteria of
Laboratory Mix
6.43.4 (i) The average of the six measured slump values shall be within
20mm or 25%, whichever is the greater, of the designed slump
value. The average of the six measured flow values shall be within
50mm of the designed flow value.
(ii) The results of compressive strength tests at 28 days of the test cubes
on Laboratory Mix Trial concrete shall comply with the following
Standard deviation of
test data of the
proposed plant
The average of the 18
test cubes shall exceed
the Grade strength by
at least (MPa)
Individual test cube
shall exceed the Grade
strength by at least
Does not exceed
5.5 MPa for
100 mm test cubes
10 3
Does not exceed
5.0 MPa for
150 mm test cubes
8 2
5.5 MPa for
100 mm test cubes
14 7
5.0 MPa for
150 mm test cubes
12 6
concrete mix
6.43.5 When the mix has been approved, do not make variations in the proportions
and sources of materials or in the type, size and grading of aggregates
without the consent of the SO, who may require further trial mixes to be
The SO may also require practical tests to be made on the Site by filling trial
moulds or by pumping to confirm the suitability of the mix for the Works. In
such tests, the type of plant used for mixing, transporting and placing, the
method of compaction used, the formwork face to the mould and the size and
disposition of reinforcement shall be similar in all respects to those intended
for use in the Works.
Chloride content 6.45 The total chloride content of the concrete shall not exceed the limits shown
in Table 6.9 expressed as a percentage relationship between chloride ion and
mass of cementitious material in the mix.
Chloride content
Type of concrete
Maximum total chloride
content %
Prestressed concrete
Steam cured structural concrete
Reinforced concrete made with sulphate
resisting Portland cement
Reinforced concrete
Concrete with embedded metal
Ready-mixes 6.44 When truck-mixed concrete is used, add water under supervision either on
the Site or at the batching plant as agreed by the SO. Do not add water in
6.47 No-fines concrete shall be composed of Portland cement and 20 mm - 10
mm aggregate of which not more than 15% shall be retained on a 20 mm BS
sieve, and not more than 10% shall pass a 10 mm BS sieve. The
aggregate/cement ratio shall lie within the range 10 to 15 by weight and the
cement content shall be such that each particle of aggregate is coated with
cement paste but there is no continuous matrix. The free water/cement ratio
shall be 0.45 by weight unless agreed otherwise by the SO.
Measures to
control ASR in
6.47.1 (i) Measures to prevent the occurrence of alkali-silica reaction (ASR) in
concrete structures shall be the control of reactive alkali content of
the concrete using the framework as depicted in Section H.2 of
Appendix H of GEO Report No. 167 entitled The 2004 Review on
Prevention of Alkali Silica Reaction in Concrete (available for
downloading from CEDD website). Alternative measures may be
submitted to the SO for approval. The SO is not obliged to accept
any alternative measures, especially if a measure could limit the
performance or use of the structure, or necessitate follow-up actions
such as monitoring.
(ii) The reactive alkali content of concrete expressed as the equivalent
oxide (Na
O) content per cubic metre of concrete shall be obtained in
accordance with Clauses 6.47.2 and 6.47.3.
(iii) Unless otherwise specified, all structures shall be classified as Class
2 in accordance with Section H.2.1 of Appendix H of GEO Report
No. 167
sodium oxide
O) content
6.47.2 (i) The equivalent sodium oxide (Na
O) content of the concrete shall be
calculated from the following expression:
Equivalent Na
O = A + B + C
A is the sum of the acid-soluble alkalis
(expressed as equivalent Na
O) of cement, admixtures and water.
B is equal to 1/6 the total alkalis of PFA or GGBS
(expressed as equivalent Na
C is equal to 0.76 times the chloride ion (Cl) of the aggregate.
(ii) The acid-soluble alkali content of the cement shall be determined in
accordance with BS EN 196-21 and shall be taken as the average of
the latest 25 daily determinations of equivalent sodium oxide plus
twice the standard deviation of the results.
(iii) The acid-soluble alkali content of admixtures shall be determined in
accordance with BS 1881: Part 124.
(iv) The acid-soluble alkali content of water shall be determined in
accordance with BS EN 1008.
(v) The total alkali content of the PFA or GGBS shall be determined in
accordance with BS EN 196-21 and shall be taken as the average of
25 weekly determinations plus twice the standard deviation of the
(vi) The equivalent sodium oxide content of the coarse and fine
aggregates shall be calculated from the quantity of chloride ion
present which shall be measured in accordance with BS 812: Part
Submission 6.47.3 (i) The following particulars of the proposed concrete mix shall be
submitted to the SO:
(a) HOKLAS endorsed test certificates not older than 6 months
giving the results of tests required in Clauses 6.47.2 (ii) to
(b) Calculation of the reactive alkali of the proposed mix.
(c) A system to control the active alkali content in the concrete
and evidence that the control system is covered by the
QSPSC certification of the concrete production plant.
(ii) Within five working days of any instance of the active alkali content
in the concrete supplied having been found to have exceeded, the
calculation shall be submitted to the SO together with supporting
HOKLAS endorsed test certificates.
(iii) The HOKLAS endorsed test certificates giving the results of tests
required in Clauses 6.47.2 (ii) to (vi) shall be submitted at quarterly
intervals unless agreed otherwise by the SO. The certificates shall be
accompanied by any necessary calculations to demonstrate that the
mix continues to comply with the limit on reactive alkali content.
Mixing 6.48 Concrete shall come from a supplier registered under the QSPSC. Mixing
and transporting concrete shall be in accordance with their quality control
and placing
6.49 Compact concrete in its final position within 2 hours of the introduction of
cement to the mix, and within 30 minutes of discharge from the agitator.
Concrete, which in the opinion of the SO, is no longer sufficiently workable
shall be rejected.
Compaction 6.50 Compact concrete so as to produce a dense homogeneous mass. Unless
otherwise agreed by the SO, compact concrete with vibrators. Provide
adequate number and types of vibrating equipment to compact the concrete
fully at the rate at which it is placed. Provide a sufficient number of vibrators
in serviceable condition on the Site to ensure that reserves are always
immediately available in the event of breakdowns.
Concrete cubes 6.55 (ii) (b) The strength requirement shall be satisfied if the average strength
determined from any group of four consecutive test results, and the
individual test results comply with the strength determined from
limits given in Columns A and B of Table 6.12 respectively.
Where there are less than four test results available the average of
the first two or first three consecutive test results shall be treated in
the same manner as groups of four consecutive test results.
Table 6.12
Strength compliance requirements for designed mixes
Column A
Average of any 4
consecutive test
results shall
exceed the
specified grade
strength by
Column B
Any individual test
result shall not be
less than the
specified grade
strength by more
100 mm
150 mm
100 mm
150 mm
20 D and
7 MPa
5 MPa
2 MPa
3 MPa
5 MPa 3 MPa 2 MPa 3 MPa
Below 20 D
3 MPa
2 MPa
2 MPa
2 MPa
(iii) (a) Where there is sufficient previous production data using similar
materials from the same plant under similar supervision to
establish that the standard deviation of at least 40 test results is less
than 5.5 MPa for 100 mm test cubes or 5 MPa for 150mm test
cubes; or
(b) Where the calculated standard deviation of a set of 40 consecutive
test results does not exceed 5.5 MPa for 100 mm test cubes or 5
MPa for 150 mm test cubes.
(iv) If the calculated standard deviation exceeds 5.5 MPa and does not
exceed 8.5 MPa for 100 mm test cubes, or exceeds 5 MPa and does
not exceed 8 MPa for 150 mm test cubes, compliance requirement
C1 shall apply to subsequent test results.
(v) If the calculated standard deviation exceeds 8.5 MPa for 100 mm
test cubes or 8 MPa for 150 mm test cubes, no further concrete shall
be placed in the permanent works until an investigation of the
materials, mix design, methods of production, sampling and testing
has been carried out and measures have been taken which in the
opinion of the SO will result in restoring a satisfactory standard of
quality control.
(vi) If the compliance requirements are changed from C1 to C2 or from
C2 to C1, the new compliance requirements shall apply from the 35th
day after making the last pair of test cubes in the set of 40 on which
the decision to change was based. For the purpose of calculating the
average of any 4 consecutive test results, test results immediately
before and immediately after the change shall be treated separately.
(vii) For concrete of grade below 20D, adopt compliance requirement C3
of Table 6.12.
(viii) If the average strength determined from any group of four
consecutive test results, or the first two or first three consecutive test
results if applicable, fails to meet the requirement of Column A in
Table 6.12, then all the concrete in all the batches represented by the
samples shall be deemed not to comply with the strength
requirements. For the purposes of this clause the batches of concrete
represented by a group of two, three of four consecutive test results
shall include the batches from which the first and last samples in the
group were taken together with all the intervening batches. Provided
that when there is a period exceeding two weeks between any two
consecutive test results in a group, the SO may direct that the test
results immediately before and immediately after the intervening
period shall be treated separately.
(ix) If any individual test result fails to meet the requirement of Column
B in Table 6.12, then that result may be considered to represent only
the particular batch of concrete from which the sample was taken,
provided that the averages of any 4 consecutive results, in which the
failed individual test result lies, satisfy the requirements of Column
A in Table 6.12.
(x) If designed mix concrete is considered as not complying with the
specified requirements for compressive strength, the SO may instruct
that tests as stated in Clauses 6.57 and 6.59 be carried out on concrete
cores or on samples taken from the hardened concrete.
Workability 6.56 Where a batch shall be sampled to determine the workability of the concrete,
take samples in accordance with CS1. In all cases the sample shall be
re-mixed, divided into two specimens and each specimen tested for slump or
flow value in accordance with CS1. Unless otherwise specified, adopt the
testing method for workability as below:
Normal Workability
(designed slump value
from 20 mm to 175 mm)
High Workability
(designed flow value
from 340 mm to 600 mm)
Slump Test
Flow Table Test
(i) Standard mixes:
The average of the two measured slump values shall be within the
appropriate range of measured slump value specified in Table 6.6.
The SO may reject any concrete for which the average measured
slump falls outside the specified range.
(ii) Designed mixes:
The average of the two measured slump values shall correspond to
that of the accepted trial mix and fall within the limit of 25 mm or
33% of the designed slump value, whichever is the greater. The
average of the two measured flow values shall correspond to that of
the accepted trial mix and fall within the limit of 50 mm of the
designed flow value. The SO may reject any concrete for which the
average measured slump or flow value falls outside this limit.
Concrete that fails to comply with the specified requirements for workability
as specified in Clause 6.56(i) or 6.56(ii) shall not be placed in the permanent
Test cores 6.57 (i) The concrete core exhibits honeycombing which means
interconnected voids arising from, for example, inadequate
compaction or lack of mortar; or
Subject to the approval of the SO, the number of cores taken may be less
than 12. If the number of cores taken is less than 12, the acceptance criteria
stated in Clauses 6.57(ii) and 6.57(iii) above are not applicable. Instead the
Contractor shall propose a set of statistically equivalent acceptance criteria
to the SO for agreement before the core testing.
Failures 6.60 If any part of the finished concrete fails to comply with the standards of
acceptance specified in Clauses 6.55(i) to (ix), 6.57 or 6.59, the SO may
instruct the Contractor to take any one of the following steps or a
combination thereof as the SO considers appropriate:
(iii) Carry out, at the Contractor's expense, other tests as directed by the
(iv) Replace any Site concrete condemned as a result of failing to comply
with the standards of acceptance specified and meet all costs arising
from such replacement. Submit for approval the method statement
for replacing the condemned concrete before the replacement is
carried out. In certain cases, the SO may require the method
statement to be prepared and the remedial work to be supervised by a
Registered Structural Engineer.
Materials 6.61 Mechanical expansion joints shall be obtained from one of the specialists
included in the Development Bureau List for Supply and Installation of
Expansion Joints for Highway Structures.
6.64 If waterproof membrane sheets shall be applied, exercise special care to
prepare the surface for the application in strict accordance with the
manufacturers' instructions and to avoid damage to the membrane after
application. The installation shall be under the supervision of a competent
representative from the membrane manufacturer. The strength properties of
the sheeting material shall not be less than 110 kN/m
in lap shear and 3.3
in lap peel under site conditions. Construction details such as corners
and joints shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's drawings or
Provide water stops as described in Clauses 6.61 and 6.62 for all
construction joints. Carefully plan the positions of the construction joints
according to daily concreting progress and keep to a minimum. If
ready-mixed concrete is used, it shall be supplied to the Site at regular
intervals. The joint between the base slab and the walls shall be minimum
250 mm above the top of the base slab.
Applied surface
TABLE 6.15
Chemical Limits for Combined Water (Recycled water and tap water) for each batching plant
Description Limits Test method Test frequency
Physical test
(a) Density test for recycled water
(b) Initial setting time of cement
with recycled water (time of set,
deviation from control, h:min)
s 1030 kg/m
From 1:00 earlier to
1:30 later
Note 1
BS EN 196-3: 1995
At least once per day
Once every 3 months for the first
year and thereafter at half-yearly
Amendments to Section 8
Aggregate 8.04 Provide coarse aggregate of 20 mm nominal maximum size with grading
within limits as defined in the GS and fine aggregate with grading lying
within the limits of Grading C or M of Table 6.4 or for crushed stone fines in
accordance with Table 6.5. Natural sand shall not be used in production of
concrete unless otherwise agreed by the SO.
Transport and
8.12 Compact concrete in its final position within 2 hours of the introduction of
cement to the mix, and within 30 minutes of discharge from the mixer.
Concrete, which in the opinion of the SO, is no longer sufficiently workable
shall be rejected.
Acceptance 8.16 Where tests are required, compressive strength testing shall be in accordance
with CS1 and the acceptance criteria shall be as for standard mixes in Clause
6.55 (i). Slump testing shall be as Clause 6.56 and the average of the two
measured slump values shall be within the range 75 - 135 mm.
Prescribed mix
concrete with
100% recycled
8.22 When specified, concrete with 100% recycled coarse aggregates shall be
applicable to prescribed mix concrete of 20 MPa grade strength and shall be
used only in benches, stools, planter walls, concrete mass walls and other
minor concrete structures, in compliance with Section 8 and subject to the
followings which shall take precedence in case of discrepancies:
Amendment to Section 11
Mastic asphalt 11.03 Mastic asphalt for tanking shall comply with type T1097 to BS 6925 (lime
stone aggregate) . All mastic asphalt blocks delivered to site must bear
legible markings of:
(c) the type of number, e.g. T1097 to BS 6925.
TABLE 11.1
Composition by analysis of mastic asphalt: type T1097
% by mass of mastic asphalt
Grading of mineral aggregate using BS
410 test sieves
Retained on 3.35 mm mesh
0 2
Passing 3.35 mm mesh, retained on 600
m mesh
4 17
Passing 600 m mesh, retained on 212 m
Passing 212 m mesh, retained on 75 m
Passing 75 m mesh
TABLE 11.2
Hardness number at 25C
Remelted on site/laboratory
not less than 40
At the time of laying
not less than 40
preparation for
sheet membrane
11.08.01 Surfaces to which tanking is to be applied shall be level and free from
irregularities such as ridges, dips, fins and concrete or mortar droppings. The
horizontal surfaces of the concrete shall be given a wood-floated finish and
be laid flat and true to allow the specified thickness of the sheet membrane to
be applied uniformly. Where vertical concrete is very smooth and in order to
provide a satisfactory key for the sheet membrane, the Contractor shall
remove the surface laitance by wire brushing and apply an approved
proprietary high bond primer. Do not use excessive mould oil in the vertical
Amendment to Section 12
Lead 12.01 Sheet lead shall be to BS EN 12588, 1.8 mm thick Code No. 4, Colour Blue.
Copper 12.02 Sheet copper shall be to BS EN 1172, CW024A.
Aluminium 12.03 Sheet aluminium shall be to BS EN 485, BS EN 515, BS EN 573,
Lead 12.04 Fix sheet lead shall be in accordance with BS 6915.
Bitumen felt 12.08 Bitumen felt shall be in accordance with BS EN 13707, and shall be as
Generally 12.14 Lay bitumen felt roofing generally in accordance with BS 8217.
Gauge 12.42 Lay plain tiles to a gauge exceeding 75 mm and not exceeding 115 mm.
Restriction 12.50 Mastic asphalt roofing shall not be used for new works.
Sand finishing 12.56 Sand finishing shall be fine, clean and the particles of which must pass a 600
m mesh BS sieve and be retained on a 300 m mesh BS sieve.
Reinforcement 12.59 Reinforcement shall be bitumen coated "plain expanded" metal lathing to BS
EN 13658 and not less than 10 mm short way of mesh and not lighter than
0.46 mm thickness.
Code of practice 12.60 Lay mastic asphalt roofing in accordance with BS EN 8217.
12.75 Hook bolts and nuts, drive screws, washers, self-tapping screws, roofing
bolts, nuts and clips, roofing screws and sheeting clips shall be galvanised
steel to BS 1494: Pt. 1 or electro-plated to BS 7371 and of the sizes and
finishes specified.
Amendment to Section 13
Generally 13.01 Timber generally shall be to BS EN 942: 2007. 1 and to be of mature growth,
properly seasoned and sawn square. Timber shall be free from wood wasp
holes, large loose or dead knots, splits or other defects that will reduce its
strength. Pin holes and worm holes may be permitted to a slight extent in a
small number of pieces, subject to the acceptance of the SO, provided that
there is no active infestation of the materials, that the strength of the member
is not impaired and that they do not appear on the finished faces of joinery
Doors and
window frames
13.64 Construct doors and window frames with properly framed joints and fix
using cramps or bolts as Clauses 14.108, 14.109, 14.116 and 14.117and
secure the bottom of door frames with dowels as Clauses 14.107 and 14.115.
Amendment to Section 15
15.01 The use of structural steelwork shall be to the Code of Practice for the
Structural Use of Steel 2005 including its latest amendments and revisions
issued by the Buildings Department except otherwise stated.
Dimensions and
tolerances of
hot-rolled or
sections and
15.03 Dimensions and tolerances shall comply with the standards shown in Table
Table 15.1
Section Dimensions Tolerances
Plates (reversing mill) - BS EN 10029
Plates (cut from coil) - BS EN 10051
High strength
friction grip
bolts nuts and
15.07 High strength friction grip bolts and associated nuts and washers shall be to
BS 4395 :Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 or BS EN 14399-1 unless specified otherwise.
Drill anchor
15.08 Unless specified otherwise, all drill anchor bolts for external environment
shall be in Grade A4 stainless steel to BS EN ISO 3506, and electroplated
anchors and hot-dip galvanized anchors shall not be allowed.
Shear studs 15.10 Proprietary shear studs for composite construction shall be the headed type
and shall be in accordance with BS EN ISO 13918 with the following
minimum properties after being formed:
Testing of
sections and
15.17 Prepare the test specimens to BS EN 10002-1 as directed and appropriately
mark and deliver them to Public Works Laboratories, as directed by the SO.
Unless specified otherwise, the test specimens shall be subjected to tensile
test in accordance with BS EN 10002-1.
15.18 Any material, which is specified or proposed by the Contractor to have
enhanced through thickness properties, shall comply with the requirements
of BS EN 10164. The Contractor shall, not less than three weeks prior to
ordering the steel, submit a report to the SO which documents the strategy
that will be adopted (in terms of material selection, weld procedure,
procedure trials, weld sequence, shrinkage control and inspection regime) to
ensure that the above criteria are satisfied.
If valid test reports issued by the manufacturer are not available, carry out
the following additional tests by Public Works Laboratories or an approved
independent HOKLAS accredited laboratory:
(a) ultrasonic grading to BS 5996, Grade L4; and
(b) through-thickness tensile tests to BS EN 10164.
15.19.4 Deliver samples to the laboratory under the escort of the SO.
Testing of bolts,
nuts and
15.20 Provide test specimens and carry out testing of bolts and associated nuts and
washers in accordance with the relevant BS in the Public Works
Laboratories when so directed by the SO. Rate of sampling shall be as Table
15.4 unless specified otherwise. Submit test results as soon as they are
available. Unless specified otherwise, test specimens for bolts shall be
subjected to tests to BS EN ISO 898-1 to determine their tensile strength and
for nuts shall be subjected to tests in Annex A of BS 4190.
Failure of tests 15.21 Should the result of any test on steel sections or plates specified in Clauses
15.17 and 15.18 fail to comply with the relevant BS EN, two further test
specimens may be taken from the same batch of steel for re-test. Provided
the results of these further tests both comply with the relevant BS EN/BS,
the batch of steel represented by the specimens shall be deemed to comply
with the GS. If the result of either of these additional tests does not comply
with the relevant BS EN/BS, the batch of steel represented by the specimens
shall be deemed not to comply with the GS.
Should the result of any test on bolts or nuts specified in Clause 15.20 fail to
comply with relevant BS, two further test specimens may be taken
respectively from the same batch of bolts or nuts for re-test. Provided the
results of these further tests both comply with the relevant BS, the batch of
bolts or nuts represented by the specimens shall be deemed to comply with
the GS. If the result of either of these additional tests does not comply with
relevant BS, the batch of bolts or nuts represented by the specimens shall be
deemed not to comply with the GS.
and storage
15.28 Take precautions to minimize exposure of steelwork to atmospheric or
chemical pollution before and after fabrication. Prior to fabrication, steel
shall not be more heavily pitted or rusted than Grade C of Swedish
Standard SIS 055900.
Cutting, sawing,
drilling and
forming holes
15.29 (a) Cutting, sawing and drilling
Cut members to size. Guide and control flame cutting, plasma cutting
or laser cutting by machine. Use hand-held cutting only where it is
impracticable to use machine cutting. Finish cut edges as follows :
(i) Remove burrs, sharp arrisses and slag from edges of all cut
(ii) Dress machine sheared or cropped edges to a neat finish, free
from distortion.
Grind stiffeners, plates and the like to fit the profile of the parent
member with diagonal cuts to clear the root radius.
Machine stanchion splices and butt joints of compression members
true and square.
(b) Forming holes
(i) Drill round holes for fasteners or pins. Form slotted holes by
drilling two holes and complete by cutting. Dress holes as
required to remove burrs and protruding edges. Holes or slotted
holes can be plasma cut only after satisfactory demonstration
and to the approval of the SO that the tolerances and distortion
control that stated in Clause 15.32 can be met.
(ii) Punching full size shall not be permitted for steel grade with
design yield strength greater than 460MPa. Punching full size
shall only be permitted when all the following conditions are
(I) The tolerance on distortion of the punched hole does not
exceed that stated in Clause 15.32.
(II) The holes are free from burrs that should prevent solid
seating of the parts when being tightened.
(III) The thickness is less than 25 mm for steel not higher than
Grade S355 and not greater than 10 mm for higher grade
(IV) The thickness is also not greater than the diameter of the
hole being punched.
(V) In spliced connections, the holes in mating surfaces shall
be punched in one direction in all members.
(iii) Punching and reaming
If the conditions stated in (b)(ii) above are not satisfied,
punching may be used provided that the holes are punched at
least 2 mm less in diameter than the required size and the hole
is reamed to the full diameter.
(iv) Drifting
Drifting of holes to align the components shall only be permitted
with the approval by the SO, but must not cause any damage or
distortion to the final assembly.
(v) Holes in hollow sections
Seal bolt holes or other holes in hollow sections to prevent the
ingress of moisture unless approved otherwise by the SO. Show the
proposed method on the Fabrication Shop Drawings.
Installation and
testing of drill
anchor bolts
15.31 All drill anchor bolts shall be coordinated such that they do not clash with
any reinforcing steel bars of the concrete structure. Any deviation from the
specified positions shall be reported to the SO before installation.
Installation of drill anchor bolts shall strictly follow the manufacturers
specifications. Any installation procedures or details that deviate from the
manufacturers specifications shall be appended by a written statement from
the manufacturer to confirm strength of the anchors.
Where specified, carry out loading test of drill anchor bolts in accordance
with BS 5080: Pt. 1 and 2 at a sampling rate of at least 1% of the anchors or
5 numbers, whichever is more, of each type and size of the anchors installed.
Each sample anchor shall be tested for tensile load by pull-out test and/or
shear load by shear load test, as appropriate, to not less than 1.5 times the
recommended working load of the anchor as specified by the manufacturer
and with a minimum holding time of 60 minutes under maximum test load.
The sample anchor shall not show any signs of separation, plastic
deformation or deleterious effect, and shall have at least 80% recovery of the
total deformation upon removal of the test load. If the loading test of any
sample anchor fails, the failure mode shall be recorded and the cause shall be
determined and reported to the SO. Propose remedial measures, including
justification calculations for any alternate design and method statement, for
agreement with the SO prior to carrying out any remedial works. The
sample anchor shall not be used for permanent work unless agreed by the
Generally 15.33 Unless approved otherwise by the SO, erect fabricated steelwork only after
all welded joints and specified protective coatings have been inspected,
tested where required, and approved.
Bolts and nuts 15.39 (a) Length of bolts and threads
For Grade 4.6 and 8.8 bolts, the length of bolts shall be chosen such that,
after tightening, at least one clear thread shall show above the nut. For
Grade 10.9 bolts, at least five clear threads shall remain.
At the same time, except for high strength friction grip bolts, bolt length
shall be chosen such that, after tightening, at least one complete thread
in addition to the thread run-out shall remain clear between the nut and
the unthreaded shank of the bolt, and for Grade 10.9 bolts used other
than in shear, at least 5mm shall remain.
For general grade (Grade 8.8) high strength friction grip bolts, at least
three clear threads shall remain. For higher grade (Grade 10.9) high
strength friction grip bolts, at least five clear threads shall remain.
High strength
friction grip
15.42 (a) Preparation of surfaces
Clean the interface of members to be jointed with high strength friction
grip bolts to the specified surface preparation and leave unpainted.
Protect the surface before and after bolt assembly from weather so that
the slip factor is not adversely affected. Prepare sample surface
preparation for the prior approval of the SO.
(b) Slip factor
The slip factor shall be in accordance with BS EN 1993-1-8. Remove all
mill-scale from the faying surfaces of friction grip bolted
connections. The faying surfaces of friction grip joints are to be free
of distortion, deformities or contaminants. Use masking to keep the
surfaces free of protective treatments. Where specified or when slip
factor greater than 0.2 is proposed, carry out tests in accordance with
BS EN 1090-2 or BS 4604 to determine the slip factor.
(c) Tightening
Use high strength friction grip bolts in accordance with BS EN 1090-2.
Plate washers shall be used for connections with long slotted and
oversized holes. Tightening may be by one of the following methods :
(i) The torque-control method using a calibrated power-operated or a
hand-operated torque wrench to the minimum preloading force in
Table 15.5:
Table 15.5
Minimum preloading force
Nominal size and
thread diameter
Minimum preloading force
General Grade
(Grade 8.8)
Higher Grade
(Grade 10.9)
M 12
M 16
M 20
M 22
M 24
M 27
M 30
M 36
Calibrate the wrench regularly in accordance with BS 4604:Pt. 1 as
follows :
(a) at the commencement of each new working day or shift,
(b) with each change of bolts diameter, and
(c) with each change of bolts grip length in excess of 1/5th of the
length used in the calibration of the wrench.
Preparation of
15.46 Submit preliminary Welding Procedure Specification (pWPS) which shall
be prepared in accordance with BS EN ISO 15609-1 and certified by a
qualified welding inspector for the approval of the SO. The approved pWPS
shall be qualified in accordance Clause 15.47 prior to commencing
production welding. More than one qualified Welding Procedure
Specification (WPS) may be needed to cover the scope of the actual
production, and each WPS shall at least address :
(i) Welding process,
(iv) Welding current, arc voltage and travel speed/ wire feed speed,
testing of
15.47 Carry out qualification testing of approved pWPS by Welding Procedure test
to BS EN ISO 15607 and BS EN ISO 15614-1 strictly in accordance with
the approved pWPS and using representative samples of the materials. The
qualification testing including welding and testing shall be examined by an
HOLAS accredited independent firm approved by the SO. Allow for the
SOs inspection of the qualification testing.
Subject to the approval of the SO, qualification testing of pWPS need not be
carried out if the same procedures have been tested and approved by an
HOKLAS accredited firm acceptable to the SO.
Strictly follow the qualified WPS for the works. Carry out further
qualification tests if either the material or procedure changes.
Based on the qualified WPS, prepare appropriate work instructions for all
sizes of butt welds and fillet weld where leg length equals to or exceeds
10mm. Submit the work instructions for SOs approval prior to the
commencement of welding. Work instructions shall include cross-reference
to the qualified WPS upon which they are based, and shall indicate clearly all
essential information including their acceptable range for the specific weld
Preparation of
joints for
15.51 Prepare fusion surfaces to BS EN ISO 9692-1 and qualified WPS. Surfaces
must be dry, clean and free from paint or metal coating. Warm the surfaces if
required to remove condensation. Weld runs that were not performed on the
same day shall have the inter-pass surface treated and properly dressed to the
approval of the SO. The first three runs of a welded joint shall be completed
within one day.
Tack welds 15.53 (a) Tack welds shall be made using the same procedures as for the root
runs of main welds. The length of the tack shall be the lesser of 4 times
the thickness of the thicker part being joined and at least 50 mm long,
unless demonstrated by a weld procedure qualification.
Butt welds 15.54 Butt welds shall be full penetration welds between prepared fusion faces,
unless specified otherwise. Partial penetration butt weld shall be subject to
the approval of the SO but the bevel depth shall at least be 70% thickness of
the jointing plates. Carry out back chipping, grinding or gouging of the
deposited weld as required to obviate imperfections in the root run. Grind
butt welds flush without loss of parent metal.
15.56 Do not weld temporary attachments to principal joints. Obtain approval of
the position of welds for temporary attachments and time slot for removal,
and shall be made in accordance with the requirements for a permanent
Remove temporary attachments by flame cut or gouged at a point not closer
than 3 mm from the surface of the parent material. If affected area deeper
than 3mm, remedial proposal shall be submitted to the SO for approval and
the repaired surface shall be subject to both magnetic particle inspection and
ultrasonic examination. Ground flush the residual material and visually
inspect the affected area. When the base material thickness exceeds 20mm
(or carbon equivalent > 0.43%), it shall also in any case be checked by
magnetic particle inspection. The standard of acceptance for welds shall be
in accordance Clause 15.58. Do not remove attachments by hammering.
Shear stud
15.57 (a) Method
Weld shear studs by automatic stud welding gun strictly in accordance
with the manufacturer's recommendations for materials, procedures
and equipment unless approved otherwise. Provide adequate earth
return connections local to area being stud welded. The local area
around where the stud is to be welded shall be free of standing water
before commencement of weldin
(b) Trial Welding
The bend test shall be made by striking the head of the stud with a 6 kg
hammer until it is displaced laterally a distance of about one quarter of
the height of the stud. Studs subjected to the bend test shall not be
(c) Test and Inspection
Where bend testing reveals an unsatisfactory stud weld, test an
additional stud on each side of the defective stud. Replace defective
stud with new stud in an adjacent location, and retest the replacement
stud. The defective stud need not be removed.
Acceptance of
15.58 Employ an approved independent HOKLAS accredited testing firm to carry
out and interpret the inspection and testing of welds, and provide any
necessary labour and attendance. Submit evidence proving that operators
carrying out the inspection and testing have been trained and assessed for
competence in the inspection and testing of welds. In addition, submit
certificates of competence from a recognised authority for operators carrying
out ultrasonic examination.
The independent testing firm shall submit test reports directly to the SO in
sealed envelopes within 3 days of the completion of the testing. Tests
revealing discontinuity shall be reported separately from the subsequent
repair and re-test.
15.59 Erect steelwork within the permitted deviations stated in Clauses 15.10 to
15.12 in the Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005 issued
by the Buildings Department. Make all necessary allowances and
adjustments to achieve this accuracy.
Buttering shall not be used for closing up the construction
deviation/tolerance unless approved otherwise by the SO. WPS for
buttering, if adopted, shall be submitted and qualified in accordance with
Clause 15.46. The buttering thickness shall not exceed 20mm and the
buttered surface shall be properly dressed for subsequent welding, if needed.
Preparation and
painting of new
15.61 (iii) Blast-clean steel so that the prepared surface is not inferior to Swedish
Standard SIS 055900 Sa 2.5. Clean the blasted surface by vacuum
and do not touch the surface by hand or contaminate it in any other
way. Apply the protective coating within 4 hours to the cleaned
surface. Submit a sample of blast cleaned steel not less than
150 x 150 x 6 mm adequately protected in sealed clean polythene
wrapping for approval before any work is carried out. This approved
sample shall be retained for comparison with the subsequent prepared
steelwork. Painting shall be as Table 15.7 Type C or Type D as
specified in the Contract.
Hot dip
15.63 (a) the use of at least one coat of zinc rich primer to BS 4652. Thoroughly
clean all areas affected by welding with abrasives or mechanical driven
tools before applying the zinc rich paint; or
(b) if specified, by blast cleaning to not inferior to Swedish Standard
SIS 055900 Sa 2.5 and followed by one coat of 2-packed epoxy based
zinc rich primer to BS 4652.
For galvanized or zinc rich primer coated surface, submit method statement
on checking and removal of zinc salt for the SOs approval prior to
application of painting.
Painting to
15.64 At the time of welding, there is to be no paint, other than suitable
prefabrication primer, within 50 mm of the weld. As soon as possible after
joints have been completed and approved, the parent and the joint material,
exposed parts of bolts, nuts and washers and weld affected areas shall be
brought up to the same standard of preparation and painting as the adjoining
Paint 15.65
TABLE 15.7
Surface Protection to Structural Steel
Details of Painting System
As Clause
15.61 (iii)
Type C Primer :
Undercoat :
coat :
2-pack epoxy based zinc rich primer, applied in 1 coat, to
BS 4652 (except that the content of zinc metal in the dry
film shall not be less than 80% (by weight) of the cured
paint film)
dry film thickness = 60 m
2-pack epoxy based micaceous iron oxide paint
dry film thickness = 100 m
2-pack recoatable polyurethane coats finishing coat,
applied in 2 coats
dry film thickness = 100 m
Minimum overall dry film thickness = 260 m
As Clause
15.61 (iii)
Type D Primer :
Undercoat :
coat :
2-pack epoxy based zinc rich primer, applied in 1 coat, to
BS 4652 (except that the content of zinc metal in the dry
film shall not be less than 80% (by weight) of the cured
paint film)
dry film thickness = 60 m
2-pack epoxy based micaceous iron oxide paint
dry film thickness = 100 m
2-pack epoxy based finishing coat
dry film thickness =100 m
Minimum overall dry film thickness = 260 m
Type E
Generally 15.66 Fire protection system shall comply with the requirements of the Code of
Practice for Fire Resisting Construction 1996 including its latest
amendments and revisions issued by the Buildings Department and shall
provide the structural steelworks with the required fire resistance period
(FRP) as specified in the Contract or as required by the Code of Practice for
Fire Resisting Construction. In case that specified proprietary products are
used, they shall still comply with the requirements in Clauses 15.66 15.72.
Sprayed mineral
(c) For interior area with high humidity e.g. toilet, bathroom, changing
rooms, similar areas, or where specified, the steel shall receive the
following corrosion protection:
(d) Dry density and cohesion/adhesion properties of sprayed material:
For mechanical rooms, plant rooms, areas subject to vibration, or
specified areas:
Dry density of the sprayed material shall not be less than 640 kg/m
The cohesion/adhesion of the sprayed material shall have a minimum
0.35 MPa onto primed steelwork under site tests in accordance with
ASTM E736.
coating system
15.70 (c) Primer: 2-pack epoxy based zinc rich primer, applied in 1 coat, to
BS 4652 (except that the content of zinc metal in the dry
film shall not be less than 80% (by weight) of the cured
paint film) with dry film thickness = 60 m
(d) For specified area or external steelworks, all steelworks including
fasteners and welded connections shall be hot-dip galvanized to
BS EN ISO 1461. Before application of the intumescent coating, the
galvanized steelworks shall be treated with etchant such as T-Wash
followed by a compatible primer recommended by the fire protection
manufacturer as follows:
Proprietary fire
protection board
15.71 (e) Hot-dipped galvanized to BS EN ISO 1461; or
Primer: 2-pack epoxy based zinc rich primer, applied in 1 coat, to
BS 4652 (except that the content of zinc metal in the dry
film shall not be less than 80% (by weight) of the cured
paint film) with dry film thickness = 60 m
Amendment to Section 16
Scope of the
16.01 The Works comprise the design, fabrication, transportation, assembly and
installation of the curtain walls as specified. Provide full-scale testing to
show compliance. Testing must conform to PNAP 106 as a minimum. Other
testing as specified herein must conform to relevant recognised International
Standards. (e.g. ASTM, AMMA, BS, JIS or AS/NZS to demonstrate the
acceptability of the curtain wall system.)
Codes and
16.05 (vi) Buildings Department: Practice Notes 106 for Authorized Persons
and Registered Structural Engineers, Current Edition.
Provision of
drawings and
16.09 (iv) (f) Prior to construction, provide sealant manufacturer's test
reports confirming sealant adhesion, compatibility and
absence of staining for all relevant substrates and sealant
manufacturer's print review report stating that the sealant
manufacturer has reviewed all the shop drawings and
accepted the glazing details, conditions and glazing
materials for the satisfactory performance of the sealant.
This includes all materials that are designed to or may
come into contact with sealants.
(g) Prior to construction, provide certification that, as a
minimum, insulating glass conforms to BS EN 1279.
Steel 16.11 (i) Stainless steel shall be to BS 1449:Pt. 2 grading not inferior to 304
S15 with minimum thickness of 1mm and with all exposed edges
rolled round. Manufacturer's test certificates shall be provided with
each consignment to the Site to show that the material has been
tested and found to comply with the relevant requirements of BS
1449:Pt. 2. Alternatively, stainless steel shall be to BS EN 10088
of corresponding grading with properties not inferior to 304 S15.
Anchors in
concrete and
16.17 (i) Anchors embedded in concrete and masonry that are not
manufactured from stainless steel shall be hot dip galvanized rolled
steel, or hot dip galvanized cold formed steel to BS EN ISO 1461.
Galvanize steel parts of anchors. After field welding, remove weld
slag and touch up affected area as specified in Clause 15.63.
Fastener 16.18 (ii) Stainless steel fasteners shall be to BS EN ISO 3506. Fasteners
outboard of or within a glazing pocket, gutter, flashed cavity or
other potentially wet location (after completion of construction)
shall be of grade preferably A4. Fasteners inboard of potentially
wet locations shall be of grade not inferior to A2.
(iii) Stainless steel washers shall comply with BS 4320 and BS 4464 as
far as sizes and tolerances are concerned.
16.30 Protective treatment to concealed steel parts of the curtain wall system such
as fixings, connectors, etc., shall be hot dip galvanizing to BS EN ISO
Anodic coating to
aluminium and
testing of same
16.31 Samples of finished aluminium from production lots shall be tested in
accordance with AAMA 611 and BS EN 12373 and the requirements of the
European Qualanod Quality Organisation.
Welding 16.39 Welding of steel shall be in accordance with BS EN 1011-1.
Welding of aluminium shall be to BS EN 1011-4 .
Design pressures
and loads
16.46 (iii) Unless agreed to the contrary, minimum design pressure loads shall
outward (negative) wind pressure 2.82kPa.
inward (positive) wind pressure 2.01kPa.
(iv) When protective barrier is not provided separately, horizontal
imposed loads specified in Table 3 of Regulation 17(3) of the
Building (Construction) Regulations shall also be catered for in the
Floor sag and
other movements
16.55 Unless other specified, the minimum design differential movements shall
(i) Lateral movement is 1/500 per increment of height.
(ii) Vertical shortening of column/wall under load is 2 mm per storey.
(iii) Vertical deflection of supporting beam/slab is L/350 or 20 mm
whichever is the lesser. (Where L is the span, or length in the case
of a cantilever.)
(iv) Thermal movements are movements arising from temperature
variations stipulated in GS 16.56.
The Contractor shall satisfy himself that the above design differential
movements provide sufficient factor of safety in his design. Should he
consider that these design differential movements do not provide an
adequate factor of safety in his design, he shall submit alternative design
differential movements with adequate justification for the approval of the
16.71 The design shall provide an efficient continuous electrical conductivity both
with negligible resistance vertically and horizontally along the entire surface
of the metal framework of the curtain wall in compliance with the IEC
62305. Carry out continuity tests by a qualified electrical engineer and
submit test records to the SO for approval. If deemed necessary by the SO
incorporate additional conductors wiring connections etc. in the curtain wall.
Laboratory tests
of stone
16.77 (vii) At least 20 specimens each, representing at least 5 different quarry
blocks shall be tested per ASTM C 880. Separate sets of 20 or
more specimens shall be required for each outdoor finish for
ASTM C 880 tests. Each group of 20 or more specimens shall
consist of 4 subgroups of 5 or more specimens, representing all
possible combinations of quarry block, wet or dry conditioning,
and loading parallel or perpendicular to rift. Each specimen shall
be identified by quarry block, wet or dry conditioning and loading
(viii) Bending strength used to compute allowable stress shall be the
smallest of the average values computed for each subgroup of 5 or
more specimens tested per ASTM C 880.
(xi) (a) ASTM C 880; total of (20) specimens, (4) specimens taken
from each of (5) quarry blocks.
(b) Separate sets of (20) or more specimens shall be required for
each outdoor finish for ASTM C 880 tests.
(e) ASTM C 97 (density); total of (6) specimens, (3) specimens
taken from each of (2) quarry blocks.
Amendment to Section 17
Steel tubing 17.04 Steel tubing shall be to BS EN 10255 "medium" grade and galvanized.
Cast iron 17.06 Cast iron shall be grey cast iron to BS EN 1561 Grade 150.
Stainless steel 17.09 Stainless steel tubes for structural and general engineering purposes shall be
to BS 6323:Part 1 & BS EN 10296-2, composition and finish shall be as
Amendment to Section 18
Cement 18.01 Ordinary Portland Cement shall be to BS EN 197-1 : 2000.
Steel lathing 18.24 Steel lathing shall be to BS EN 13658-1: 2005 & BS EN 13658-2: 2005 from
an approved manufacturer:
Wire netting 18.26 Wire netting shall be to BS EN 10223-2: 1998, of 0.9 mm galvanised wire
and 50 mm mesh.
Tying wire 18.28 Tying wire shall be 1.25 mm annealed steel wire, galvanised to BS EN
10244-2: 2009 .
Gypsum plasters 18.29 Gypsum plaster shall be Retarded hemihydrate gypsum plaster to BS EN
13279-2: 2004 & BS EN 13279-1: 2008, Class B of the following types:
Plasterboard 18.31 Plasterboard shall be to BS EN 520: 2004 + A1: 2009, "gypsum lath" or
"gypsum baseboard" with square edges.
Nails for
18.32 Nails for "lath" or "baseboard" shall be 30 x 2.6 mm plasterboard galvanised
steel nails, jagged shank type to BS 1202-1: 2002.
Generally 18.39 Plastering and rendering generally shall be in accordance with PD CEN/TR
15123: 2005, BS EN 13914-2: 2005 & BS 8481: 2006 and BS EN 13914-1:
2005 respectively.
18.42 Plasterboard fixing generally shall be to BS 8212:1995.
Gypsum plaster
18.49 Where specified, bonding agents for use with gypsum plaster shall be as BS
5270: 1989 Pt. 1.
Metal beads 18.53 Metal beads for internal plastering and dry lining, shall be to BS EN
13658-1: 2005. Metal beads for external rendering shall be to BS EN
13658-2: 2005.
Aggregate for
18.57 (i) 5 mm exfoliated vermiculite to BS EN 13055-1: 2002.
18.60 Floor screeds generally shall be in accordance with to BS 8204:Pt. 4 and BS
8000:Pt 11.1 and wall screeds to BS 5385:Pt 1 & BS 8000:Pt 11.1
Stone aggregate 18.69 Stone aggregate shall be crushed grey granite or white stone to BS EN
12620: 2002 +A1: 2008, graded from 10 to 3 mm and free from dust.
Concrete floor
18.88 Plain concrete or granolithic concrete floor tiles shall be of the required
colour and surface finish.
Terrazzo floor
18.90 Terrazzo floor tiles shall be to BS EN 13748-1: 2004 & BS EN 13748-2:
2004 and of the required colour and surface finish.
roofing tiles
18.92 Concrete roofing tiles and fitting shall be to BS EN 490: 2004 + A1: 2006
and BS EN 491: 2004.
Precast concrete
paving blocks
18.98 Precast concrete paving blocks shall be to BS 7533-3:2005 + A1:2009 & BS
EN 1338: 2003 and of the size, colour and surface textured specified.
PVC tiles
18.115 Semi-flexible PVC tiles shall be to BS EN 654: 1997, size 225 x 225 or 300
x 300 and 2.5 mm thick.
Vinyl tiles 18.116 Unbacked flexible PVC (vinyl) tiles shall be to BS EN 649: 1997:Type B,
size 225 x 225 or 300 x 300 and 2 mm thick.
flexible PVC
vinyl sheet
18.117 Unbacked flexible PVC (vinyl) sheet shall be to BS EN 649: 1997:Type A,
2.0 mm thick to floors and 1.2 mm thick to walls.
Foam backed
vinyl sheet
18.118 Foam backed PVC (vinyl) sheet shall be to BS EN 651: 1997 and 3 mm
thick overall. The wearing layer shall be PVC (vinyl) sheet to BS EN 649:
1997:Type A 1.5 mm thick.
Linoleum 18.119 Linoleum tiles and sheet shall be to BS EN 12104: 2000 and shall be 3.2 mm
or 4.5 mm thick.
Rubber tiles and
18.120 Solid rubber tiles and sheet shall be to 4 mm thick.
Amendment to Section 19
Ductile iron
19.45 Ductile iron pipes and fittings shall be to BS EN 545, metallic zinc coated.
Flushing valve 19.53.1 The volume of water per flushing cycle for water closet fitment shall be
not more than 7.5 litres. In the case of urinals, the discharge volume shall
be not more than 4.5 litres for every basin or stall, or for every metre of a
trough urinal.
The flow rate of the flush water shall be adjustable.
Taps 19.77 Taps shall be:
(a) Sensor tap shall be conform BS EN 816: 1996. Operating pressure
between 0.3 10 bar. Flow rate not more than 6 litre per min. Max.
water temp. 80 degree aerator. Self cleaning. Turn-off control pre-set
0 3sec.
W.C.s 19.81 W.C. pans shall be vitreous china washdown with horizontal outlet to BS
5503: Pt 3 or BS 5504: Pt 4, white plastic single ring seat and cover with
plastic fixing bolts all to BS 1254 and flushing cistern to BS 7357,
complete with flushing apparatus, discharge pipe, ball valve and overflow,
of one of the following types as specified:
Urinals 19.82 Urinals shall be vitreous china bowl type to BS 5520 with 50 mm diameter
of waste outlet, complete with vitreous china automatic flushing cistern to
BS 1876, chromium plated flush pipes and spreaders to suit the number of
Sensor valve shall be conform to BS EN 12164s CW602N. Operating
pressure shall be 0.3 10 bar rinse. Time-off control approx. 9 sec. and
remote adjust from 7 -22 sec. Dry battery shall be 6V Lithium 2 CR5. A/C
operate shall be 220-230/50z; voltage 6V.
Sensor fittings shall be suitable for use in salt water application.
Amendment to Section 20
Glass generally 20.01. Glass generally shall be in accordance to BS 952 or ASTM C 1036.
Tempered &
20.01.01 Tempered and laminated glass shall conform to the relevant safety class
requirements of BS 6262 and shall be determined by testing to BS 6206
although tests in accordance with ANSI Z97.1 are acceptable.
Criteria for
20.01.09 Performance requirements for glass shall be as follows:
(i) For the purpose of glass selection, design wind pressure shall be
assumed to have three second duration. Minimum roof live load
shall be assumed to have one week duration.
(iv) In addition, the allowable tensile stress of fully toughened glass
(tempered glass) for use with unfactored loads shall not exceed the
(a) 50 N/mm
for unfactored wind loads.
(b) 35 N/mm
for medium and long-term unfactored loads.
20.01.11 (i) Sponge gaskets shall be extruded black neoprene with a hardness of
40 +5/-4 durometer Shore A and conforming to ASTM C 509.
Design sponge gaskets to provide 20% to 35% compression.
Sponge gaskets are only to be used as gap fillers and must not be
used where the performance relies on compression resistance.
Float glass 20.02 Unless otherwise specified glass shall be considered as clear float annealed
glass of a minimum Q3 quality in accordance with ASTM C 1036.
Mirror glass 20.06 Mirror glass shall be selected float suitable for silvering and a minimum Q2
quality in accordance with ASTM C1036.
20.07 (i) Heat strengthened glass shall be glass that has been heat treated to
give increased strength, in accordance with the requirements of
ASTM C 1048, to approximately twice the strength and impact
resistance of untreated float glass.
(iii) Glass with a surface compression in excess of 45 MPa is to be
subjected to heat soak testing in accordance with the relevant
procedures set out in BS EN 14179 Part 1. Submit the compliance
certificate for the glass delivered to site. The compliance certificate
should include the following information:
a) identification of the batch;
b) quantity and configuration of thermocouples used to measure
the glass surface temperatures in the oven;
c) graphs of the heat soak process cycle associated with each of
the thermocouples indicating the glass surface temperatures at
representative glass locations and time duration of the heating
phase, holding phase and cooling phase of the process;
d) name of the glass manufacturer;
e) location of the oven;
f) calibration report of the oven;
g) date of carrying out the heat soaking process;
h) quantity and size of glass subject to the heat soaking process
and records of breakages of panels in the tests; and
i) minimum dimension of glass separation in the oven.
Fully tempered
20.08 (i) Fully tempered glass shall be glass that has been heat treated to give
increased strength, in accordance with the requirements of ASTM
C 1048, to approximately four times the strength and impact
resistance of untreated float glass.
(iii) It must also be noted that heat soak testing in accordance with PNAP
106, which is based upon the methodology of BS EN 14179, must
be undertaken for glass supplied as fully tempered. Therefore, it is
to be subjected to heat soak testing in accordance with the relevant
procedures set out in BS EN 14179 Part 1. Submit the compliance
certificate for the glass delivered to site. The compliance
certificate should include the information as mentioned in Clause
Tinted glass 20.09 Tinted glass shall be body tinted of the colour and intensity specified.
This type of glass is to be considered as a heat absorbing glass when used
externally and is to have a heat treatment that conforms to the heat
strengthened category of ASTM C 1048 as a minimum.
safety and
security glass
20.11 (v) When laminated glass is used in a sloped condition, that is at angle
from the vertical in excess of 10 degrees, and heat treated glass is
required for thermal or strength reasons, the inner lite is to heat
strengthened and not fully tempered.
Amendments to Section 21
Type and
number of coats
TABLE 21.2
Surface Protection to Structural Steel
Details of Painting System
As Clause
15.61 (iii)
Type C Primer :
Undercoat :
coat :
2-pack epoxy based zinc rich primer, applied in 1 coat, to
BS 4652 (except that the content of zinc metal in the dry
film shall not be less than 80% (by weight) of the cured
paint film)
dry film thickness = 60 m
2-pack epoxy based micaceous iron oxide paint
dry film thickness = 100 m
2-pack recoatable polyurethane coats finishing coat,
applied in 2 coats
dry film thickness = 100 m
Minimum overall dry film thickness = 260 m
As Clause
15.61 (iii)
Type D Primer :
Undercoat :
coat :
2-pack epoxy based zinc rich primer, applied in 1 coat, to
BS 4652 (except that the content of zinc metal in the dry
film shall not be less than 80% (by weight) of the cured
paint film)
dry film thickness = 60 m
2-pack epoxy based micaceous iron oxide paint
dry film thickness = 100 m
2-pack epoxy based finishing coat
dry film thickness =100 m
Minimum overall dry film thickness = 260 m
Type E
Volatile Organic
21.90 The Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) content, in grams per litre, of all
regulated paint stated in the Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap 311) shall
not exceed the prescribed limit specified in the Air Pollution Control
Ordinance (Cap 311):
The testing of the VOC content of paint shall be determined in accordance
to the Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap 311).
Emulsion paint 21.91 The quality tests for emulsion paint shall be as follows:
Test Items Test Method Acceptance Standards
examination of
Surface skin - No surface skin
Consistency - No gelling
Colour separation
into layers
BS EN ISO 1513:
- No colour separation
Visible impurities - No visible impurities
Sediment - No hard settling
Drying times Hard drying (min) BS EN ISO 9117-1:
< = 1 hour
Fineness of grind (m) BS EN ISO
BS3900:C6: 2000
< = 50 m
Hiding power (contrast ratio %) BS EN ISO 2814:
2006; BS3900:D4:
> = 75%
Specular gloss 85 BS EN ISO 2813:
< = 20
Viscosity (procedure B) ASTM:D562:81 65 - 85 KU
Scrub resistance (cycle) ASTM:D2486 - 96 > = 400 cycles
Synthetic paint 21.92 The quality tests for synthetic paint shall be as follows:
Test Items Test Method Acceptance
examination of
Surface skin - No surface skin
Consistency - No gelling
Colour separation
into layers
BS EN ISO 1513:
- No colour
Settling - No hard settling
Extraneous matter - No extraneous
Viscosity (Flow Cup No.6) (sec) BS EN ISO
2431:: 1996;
BS 3900:A6:1996
45 to 60 sec
Drying times Surface drying
9117-3: 2010
< = 4
Hard drying (hour) BS EN ISO
9117-1: 2009
< = 18
Fineness of grind (m) BS EN ISO
BS3900:C6: 2000
< = 25 m
Hiding power (contrast ratio %) BS EN ISO 2814:
BS3900:D4: 2006
> = 85%
Specular gloss 60 BS EN ISO 2813:
> 80
Bend test BS EN ISO
BS 3900:E1:2002
No coating crack at
3 mm mandrel
Scratch test (g) BS EN ISO 1518:
BS 3900:E2:2007
> = 600
acrylic paint
21.93 The quality tests for multi-layer acrylic paint shall be as follows:
Test Items Test Method Acceptance
9. Determination of
Resistance to humid
containing sulphur
3231: 1998;
BS 3900:F8:199
No blistering,
loss of adhesion,
rust staining,
change of colour,
and other signs
of deterioration.
The amount of sulphur
dioxide to be used in
testing is one litre. The
test cycle to be 12 cycles
Amendments to Section 23
Concrete pipes 23.03 Precast concrete pipes and fittings shall be to BS 5911-1or BS EN 1916 with
flexible joints of spigot and socket or rebated type. Concrete pipes to have
wall thickness and strength not less than those stated in Table 23.1.
Clayware pipes 23.04 Clayware pipes and fittings shall be vitrified clayware to relevant parts of BS
EN 295, extra strength with o ring flexible spigot and socket joints.
Cast iron pipes 23.05 Cast iron pipes and fittings shall be to BS 437, with flexible joints to BS
EN 877. Coupling jointed cast iron pipes (Hubless Cast Iron Pipe System)
shall be to ISO 6594 standard (BS EN 877).
Plastic pipes 23.08 Plastic pipes and fittings for underground gravity sewer and storm water
shall be unplasticised P.V.C. to BS EN 13598-1 for 110 and 160 mm
diameter pipes, and to BS EN 1401-1 for 200 to 630 mm diameter pipes.
Interchangeability shall not be allowed between different plastic pipe
manufacturers products.
Cast iron
drainage goods
23.13 Certain standard manhole covers and frames may be supplied by the
Employer as specified. Any other covers and frames shall be to BS EN 124
with coating to BS 4164 or BS 3416 of the type and grade specified.
Manhole steps shall be to BS EN 13101 of malleable iron to BS EN 1562
hot dip galvanized in accordance with BS EN ISO 1461. Minimum zinc
coating thickness shall be 610 g/m
Smoke testing 23.46 All pipelines exceeding 300 mm diameter shall be air tested and/or water
tested to BS EN 752 as appropriate.
Amendments to Section 25
Topsoil 25.02 (a) (v) maximum stone content % (m/m) as tested under BS 1377-2: 1990
Stone size in any direction: > 2 mm 30
> 20 mm 10
> 25 mm 0
If used in playing field or planting areas within and/or in close
proximity to recreational activities areas (such as children
playground and fitness station), the top 150mm shall be free from
stones exceeding 20 mm and not sharp-edged in any direction.
Fabricated Soil
(b) Fabricated Soil Mix shall consist of friable, completely decomposed
granite (or volcanics) and manufactured soil conditioner in the
proportions of 3:1 by volume. The mix shall be mixed evenly and
shall be free from grass or weed growth, sticky clay, salt, chemical
contamination, and any other deleterious materials and stones as
Clause 25.02(a)(v) , and possess the following characteristics as
tested under BS 3882:2007 and BS 1377-2:1990:
Test for
soil conditioner
(d) Certification: prior to first use and for every 300 m
delivered to Site,
produce certificates of analysis of the soil conditioner from an
approved laboratory within 14 calendar days of taking the samples.
Tests shall be carried out according to BS 3882:2007 and BS
1377:1990. Test report shall be in the format as per the typical
declaration of analysis under BS3882:2007. Each certificate shall
state the results of test for the following properties stipulated for
compliance in Clause 25.02(c):
Test for Topsoil
(j) Certification: prior to first use of any Topsoil from each approved
source and for every 300 m
delivered to Site, produce certificates of
analysis of Topsoil from an approved laboratory within 14 calendar
days of taking the samples. Tests shall be carried out according to BS
3882:2007 and BS 1377:1990. Each certificate shall state the results
of test for the properties stipulated for compliance in Clauses
Test for
Fabricated Soil
(k) Certification: after mixing operation but prior to first use in any
planting and/or grassing works and for every 300 m
of the mix,
produce certificates of analysis of Fabricated Soil Mix from an
approved laboratory within 14 calendar days of taking the samples.
Tests shall be carried out according to BS 3882:2007 and BS
1377:1990. Each certificate shall state the results of test for the
following properties stipulated for compliance in Clause 25.02(b):
(ix) stone content % (m/m) as tested under BS 1377-2:1990;
Grading 25.05 (b) Grade existing subsoil to final formation levels in workmanship all in
accordance with BS 4428:1989:
Forming and
handling soil
25.09 (e) For stripping and storage of Topsoil and all other soiling materials,
soil heaps shall be formed and handled in workmanship in
accordance with BS 4428:1989.
25.11 (a) Drainage aggregates, if so instructed by the SO, shall be subjected to
sieve analyses to BS 812-103.1:1985.
Exercise care
Repair for
damage (b) repair any damage to the trees in accordance with the requirements
stipulated in Clauses to,
from changes
in ground
25.69.4 (b) (i) construct a retaining wall in accordance with BS 3998:1989 and
BS 5837:2005, or to the approval of SO, to accommodate the
reduction in the existing ground level around the tree,
(c) (i) construct a dry well and soil aeration system in accordance with BS
3998:1989 and BS 5837:2005, or to the approval of SO, to
accommodate minor to moderate rise of up to 300 mm in the
existing ground level around the tree,
(c) (ii) construct a dry well and soil aeration system in accordance with BS
3998:1989 and BS 5837:2005, or to the approval of SO, to
accommodate major rise of more than 300 mm in the existing
ground level around the tree,
Protection from
25.69.5 (d) excavate the trench on the paved side of the tree if one exists, or
tunnel the service in the manner and as shown in BS 5837:2005
close to the tree trunk on one side:
Standards of
25.69.11 (b) all pruning work shall be carried out in accordance with good
horticultural practice and the recommendations of BS 3998:1989,
(f) large branches shall be removed in stages beginning with the
removal of the main weight of the branch from perimeter of
crown in towards the trunk and with the final cut of the last
branch segment made in a way as described in Clause
25.69.11(e) and the recommendations of BS 3998:1989, without
leaving a stub and damaging the bark,
Other references
arboricultural /
tree work
25.69.14 The Contractors attention is also drawn to the latest editions of the
following British Standards and British Standard Code of Practice for
general reference:
BS 3998:1989 Recommendations for Tree Work
BS 4043:1989 Recommendations for Transplanting Root-Balled Trees
BS 4428:1989 Code of Practice for General Landscape Operations
(Excluding Hard Surfaces)
BS 4043:1989 Recommendations for the Cultivation and Planting of
Trees in the Extra Large Nursery Stock Category
BS 5837:2005 Trees in relation to Construction - Recommendations
Protectant for
tree wounds
25.81 Preparation works shall be one of the types selected from Table 1 of
Appendix C to BS 3998:1989 as recommended by the manufacturer for
intended use.
Standard of tree
surgery works
25.82 Carry out works in accordance with BS 3998:1989, Recommendations for
Tree Work.
Limb reduction 25.83 (c) Cut all limbs sloping away from the main trunk at an angle of
approximately 60 from the horizontal on a line above the branch
bark ridge and the branch collar without leaving a stub in accordance
with BS 3998:1989 figure 1.
25.85 Application of sealant to wound is generally not required, unless as
instructed by SO after inspection. All materials and workmanship shall be
in accordance with BS 3998:1989.
Cavity treatment 25.86 Assessment of the cavity to be conducted by specialist contractor as
required under Clause 25.25 (b), and to submit mitigation proposal for the
approval by SO. Both tree and cavity condition to be regularly monitored
and reported to SO throughout construction period. All required
arboricultural/tree works to be in accordance with BS 3998:1989 and other
relevant British Standards listed in Clause 25.69.14,
Tools and
25.88 Use the type of tools and equipment recommended by and in accordance
with BS 3998:1989.
New Section 26
(a) Install means of access consisting of scaffolding constructed of sound
bamboo or other materials agreed by the SO to enable the SO and the
staff of the SO to examine slope treatment works. The Contractor shall
not use the scaffolding for carrying his own site operations without the
permission of the SO. The scaffolding shall allow access to within 0.8m
of the slope face. Scaffolding members shall provide hand and foot
holds for climbing at centres not exceeding 0.5m vertically and 0.8m
(b) Install a system of safety ropes on the scaffolding. Safety ropes shall be
12mm diameter and shall have a breaking force of at least 18 kN. The
system of safety ropes shall consist of :
(i) vertical ropes at not more than 3m centres horizontally securely
anchored to the crest of the slope, and
(ii) horizontal ropes at not more than 3m centres vertically.
Construct the system of safety ropes in such a manner that the ropes are
tied at not more than 3m spacings in both directions to form a net.
(c) The scaffolding shall conform to the relevant safety requirements in the
Code of Practice for Bamboo Scaffolding Safety and the Code of
Practice for Metal Scaffolding Safety issued by the Labour
Department. The scaffolding structure at every grid shall be sufficiently
strong for safely supporting at least a person and equipment weighing
120 kg. Construct the scaffolding in such a way that makes it possible
for a person to climb on the outside face of the grid without having to
climb across any over-hanging portion or member.
(d) Provide a suitable fall-arresting system approved by the SO at every
area where the slope inspection process may be involved. The
fall-arresting system shall normally be vertical independent lifelines
securely tied to stout steel pegs, tree trunks or other suitable anchorages
(except the scaffolding members) at a horizontal interval of maximum
4m. Each lifeline shall be a fibre rope with a minimum diameter of 15.9
mm complying with the American National Standard, ANSI A10.14, or
other relevant international safety standards.
(e) Make available to the SO two set of full body safety harnesses with
suitable fall arresters for attaching to the lifelines. All the provided
fall-arresting systems and equipment shall meet the relevant
requirements in the Guidance Notes on Classification and Use of
Safety Belts and their Anchorage System issued by the Labour
Department. In addition, appoint a Competent Person according to the
Guidance Notes to check the provided safety equipment and
anchorage system prior to their being used each time. Appoint a
Competent Person to provide necessary training to every concerned
person to ensure the proper use of the safety equipment.
(f) Allow in the programme sufficient time for the SO to inspect the rock
slope in details, to check the stability, to design rock slope stabilisation
work, and to determine the extent of the works required. The
Contractor shall not be entitled for any claim in respect of the time
required by the SO to inspect design and instruct the rock slope
stabilisation works.
(g) Where the slope stabilisation works include the removal of rock or
other material, the SO may wish to carry out a reinspection of the area
of the slope from which rock or other material has been removed. If
required, re-erect or repair the inspection scaffolding to allow the
reinspection to take place. As a result of this inspection, the SO may
order to carry out further stabilisation works. Make due allowance in
the programme for the time required to re-erect or repair the inspection
scaffolding and to carry out further works directed by SO. The
Contractor shall not be entitled for any claim in respect of the time
required by the SO to carry out such re-inspection, design and ordering
of such further rock slope stabilisation works.
(h) Obtain the permission of the SO before inspection scaffolding is
Particular of
26.02 Submit particulars of the proposed means of access for slope treatment
works, including access structures and reinstatement, to the SO for approval
at least 14 days before the slope treatment works start.
Protection fences
and barriers
26.03 (a) Construct protection fences and barriers for slope treatment works as
stated in the Contract before slope treatment work starts.
(b) Repair damage to protection fences and barriers immediately. Obtain
the permission of the SO before protection fences and barriers are
Preparation for
slope treatment
26.04 (a) Clear vegetation and remove existing impermeable surfaces and
topsoil from existing soil slopes before slope treatment works start.
(b) Trim and scarify surface of slopes before slope treatment works start.
On completion of trimming and scarifying, remove all loose materials
from the surface of slopes by means of water jet coupled to
compressed air for rock slopes and air jet for soil slopes.
(c) Clean rock faces and joints, and the surface and joints of retaining
walls of moss, vegetation and loose material, immediately before
slope treatment works start, and remove surplus water by an air jet.
Divert water flowing from or across the rock face by relief drains or
by other methods agreed by the SO before the application of
impermeable surfaces.
(d) Where rock slope works are included in the Contract, allow sufficient
time in the programme for the SO to inspect the rock slope, to check
the stability, to design slope treatment works and to determine the
extent of the works required, taking into account of any specified time
stated in the Contract that the SO may require for the inspection and
design of slope treatment works.
stripping of slope
26.05 Where ordered by the SO, carry out preliminary stripping of topsoil and
existing chunam, sprayed concrete and other impermeable surfaces as a
separate operation for inspection by the SO prior to any further slope
treatment works which may be required. Provide effective temporary
measures to guard against rainfall and surface water damaging exposed
surfaces until the permanent surface protective works are completed.
Scaling and
trimming of rock
26.06 (a) Carry out scaling and trimming of rock slopes in such a manner that
soil and rock is removed from the slope face without affecting the
stability and integrity of the slope. Take measures to prevent
uncontrolled falls of debris arising from scaling and trimming works.
Remove all material removed or excavated by scaling and trimming
and loose fragments of soil and rock from the slope. Clean rock faces
using a water jet coupled to compressed air after scaling and trimming
is complete.
(b) Carry out rock scaling only on areas as directed by the SO. Rock
scaling shall include the removal of all loose blocks of any size using
hand tools, or boulders not exceeding 0.2 m
in volume using
powered mechanical equipment.
Rock splitting 26.07 Carry out rock splitting using percussive hammers, drills, hydraulic splitters,
chemical expanding agents, hand-tools or other methods agreed by the SO.
Removal of
26.08 Take down boulders which are to be removed from slopes by means of line
drilling, expansive grouts, rock breakers or other methods agreed by the SO.
Sealing and
infilling of rock
26.09 (a) Seal joints in rock faces with Grade 20/20 concrete, cement mortar or
masonry as stated in the Contract. Bed rock for masonry infilling in
cement mortar. Install relief drains instructed by the SO before rock
joints are sealed or infilled.
(b) The extent of rock joints and depth of materials in rock joints to be
excavated prior to sealing and infilling shall be as directed by the SO.
26.10 (a) Concrete for buttresses shall be Grade 20/20 unless otherwise stated
in the Contract.
(b) Drainage which is required behind buttresses shall consist of relief
drains connected to 50mm diameter PVC outlet pipes laid at a
gradient of at least 1 in 50. Fix the PVC pipes securely to the
formwork before concreting starts.
Fixing protective
mesh for slopes
26.11 Orient, lace, suspend down and fix protective mesh for slopes onto the slope
face with dowels at intervals not exceeding 3 m in accordance with the
details as shown on the Standard Drawing in Appendix 1. Position the last
column or row of dowels fixing the sides and base of the protective mesh not
more than 300 mm from the respective edges of the mesh. Avoid laps in
vertical mesh sheets as far as possible. Where necessary, laps between
vertical sheets shall be at least 300mm minimum and the lapping sheets shall
be laced in the same way as adjacent vertical sheets as shown on the
Standard Drawing in Appendix 1.
Protective mesh for slopes shall be PVC coated galvanized steel wire woven
into a double twist hexagonal mesh. Each hexagon shall be 80 mm60 mm.
The steel wire shall be at least 2.2 mm diameter and the PVC coating shall be
at least 0.4 mm thick. PVC coating on steel wire shall comply with BS 4102
or equivalent. The colour of PVC coating is to be approved by the SO. Wire
for protective mesh shall comply with BS 1052. Galvanized coating on wires
shall comply with BS EN 10244-2. The tolerance on the opening of mesh
shall comply with BS EN 10223-2. Tying wire for protective mesh shall be
2.2 mm diameter PVC coated galvanized soft annealed steel wire. Bolts for
fastening protective mesh to rock or structure shall be galvanized mild steel
hooks. Hooks, fixing pins, steel plates and washers for fixing the protective
mesh to slope face shall be galvanized to BS EN ISO 1461.
Glossary of terms 26.12 The term sprayed concrete refers to the concrete produced by the
projection of a wetted aggregate/cement mixture onto an area by means of
air pressure applied through a continuously feeding pressure vessel. The
following definitions cover the meaning of certain words and terms
commonly used in this type of work:
(i) Blow pipe: air jet operated by nozzlemans helper in sprayed
concrete gunning to keep rebound or other loose material out of the
(ii) Ground wire: small gauge high-strength steel wire used to establish line
and grade for sprayed concrete.
(iii) Nozzle: attachment at end of sprayed concrete material hose from
which material is jetted at high velocity.
(iv) Nozzleman: workman on sprayed concrete crew who manipulates
the nozzle, controls consistency and makes final disposition of the
(v) Overspray: the aggregate and cement or wet sprayed concrete
carried by the escaping air perpendicular to the nozzle stream and
parallel to the surface of application, 360 degree around the point of
application. The material is deposited not at the point of application.
(vi) Rebound: aggregate and cement or wet sprayed concrete which
bounces away from a surface against which sprayed concrete is
being projected.
(vii) Sand pocket: a porous area low in cement content.
Preparation of
slope surface
26.13 (a) Remove weak material along joints or seams in slope surfaces to
which sprayed concrete will be applied to a depth equal to the width
of the weak zone. Construct tree rings for all existing trees within the
slope surfaces to which sprayed concrete will be applied in
accordance with Standard Drawing in Appendix 2. The space
between tree ring and tree trunk at ground level shall be at least
200mm. Before sprayed concrete is applied, protect all tree trunks,
tubular railings, utility pipes, structures and other facilities and street
furniture etc. with approved means to prevent from being
contaminated by sprayed concrete particles. The Contractor shall be
responsible for cleaning and making good all contaminated surfaces
to the satisfaction of the SO.
(b) When the soil surface temperature exceeds 25C or the moisture
content is less than 10%, water the surface to be sprayed using sprays
unless otherwise instructed by the SO. Do not use hoses without
sprays. Carry out spraying of water onto the slope surface not more
than 1 hour before spraying of concrete starts.
Nozzlemen and
equipment for
spraying concrete
26.14 (a) Apply sprayed concrete using the dry process in which water and
admixtures are added at the nozzle. Alternatively, apply sprayed
concrete using the wet process in which wet ready-mixed concrete is
supplied to the nozzle.
(b) Equipment for the dry-mix process shall be capable of projecting a
mixture of cement, fine and coarse aggregate and water at high
velocity on to the surface of the slope to produce a dense homogenous
cover. The equipment shall be fitted with weight-batching facilities.
(c) Equipment for the wet-mix process shall be capable of projecting a
mixture of wet ready-mixed concrete at high velocity onto the surface
of the slope to produce a dense homogenous cover.
(d) Only employ skilled operators experienced in the use of sprayed
concrete. The nozzlemen must have adequate experience of work of a
similar nature to that required in the Contract. Submit details of the
experience of the proposed nozzlemen to the SO for approval at least
14 days prior to the commencement of spraying.
Trial panel 26.15 (a) Construct a trial panel at least 50mm thick and at least 3m3m for
sprayed concrete on the surface to be treated. Estimate the average
percentage rebound for each trial panel and use it in the calculations
of the cement content of the applied concrete.
(b) Where required by the SO, construct trial panels for different type of
spraying equipment and different nozzlemen. Make test panel to
establish the suitability of the sprayed concrete mix, spraying
equipment and nozzlemen and test it as stated in Clauses 26.24 to
26.28 in connection with every trial panel.
26.16 Fix securely fabric reinforcement for sprayed concrete to the slope by steel
nails or anchor bolts and lay it without sharp bends or creases. Place the
fabric reinforcement centrally in the sprayed concrete and support it clear of
the ground and away from all surface irregularities with adequate number of
cover blocks in accordance with the specified concrete cover. Fix cover
blocks on top of the fabric reinforcement immediately above the cover
blocks on the lower side to assist nozzlemen to ascertain the thickness of
sprayed concrete and cover on top of the fabric reinforcement during
spraying. The minimum cover shall be 30mm. Laps between adjacent
sheets of fabric reinforcement shall be at least 150mm or 40 times the
diameter of the lapping wires whichever is greater.
Weepholes and
expansion joints
in sprayed
26.17 (a) Construct 50mm diameter weepholes in accordance with the
(i) on soil surfaces, at 1.5m staggered centres in each direction, and
(ii) on rock faces, on rock joints and at locations/spacings as directed
by the SO.
(b) Extend and construct all weepholes to the full thickness of the sprayed
concrete with an outward inclination of 1 in 10.
(c) Construct expansion joints on soil slopes in sprayed concrete in line
with the expansion joints of adjacent U-channels, berm slabs and
concrete structures etc. or at 15m intervals maximum without
adjacent U-channels, berm slabs and concrete structures. The lines of
joints between panels shall be straight and continuous and shall form
a regular pattern approved by the SO.
(d) Construction joints in sprayed concrete shall comply with the
requirements specified in Clause 6.51.
26.18 (a) Measure the surface temperature and moisture content of the soil, and
submit the results to the SO, immediately before sprayed concrete is
(b) For the dry-mix process, the aggregates for sprayed concrete shall be
kept dry before mixing. Natural sand shall not be used unless with the
prior agreement of the SO. The water shall be added at the nozzle at
the instant of application. The air and water supply, the rate of
application and all other factors affecting the quality of the work shall
be adjusted to produce dense concrete with no sloughing.
For the wet-mix process, the ready-mixed concrete shall comply with
Clause 6.44 unless otherwise approved by the SO.
For both the dry-mix process and the wet-mix process, rebound
material shall not be reused and shall be removed within 8 hours after
(c) Apply sprayed concrete in layers not exceeding 50mm thick to the
total thickness stated in the Contract. The maximum panel dimension
shall not exceed 15m.
(d) Apply sprayed concrete perpendicular to the surface to be sprayed,
and do not position the nozzle further than 1.5 metres from the surface
during spraying.
Colour pigment
in sprayed
26.19 (a) Where ordered, mix colour pigment approved by the SO thoroughly
with the sprayed concrete mix, and apply a layer of 25mm thick of the
coloured sprayed concrete to form the total thickness stated in the
(b) Submit details of the colour pigments (e.g. specification and colour
samples etc.) and the method statement for the approval of the SO
prior to application. The pigment shall comply with ASTM C979
and the sprayed concrete with pigment shall have the characterization
of light fast, lime proof, weather resistance and durability like
concrete. Colour to be employed shall be directed by the SO.
Curing sprayed
26.20 Cure sprayed concrete for at least 4 days after application by one of the
methods as stated in Clause 6.52.
Inspection of
sprayed concrete
26.21 Sound completed areas of sprayed concrete using a wooden mallet. Cores of
75mm diameter shall be taken from the completed area of sprayed concrete
at the rate of 1 no. per every 150m
of sprayed surface or part thereof at
locations determined by the SO for checking the quality and thickness of the
sprayed concrete as well as cover to reinforcement. Whenever any defect is
found, carry out further investigation to locate the extent of the defect. Areas
which in the opinion of the SO are substandard or hollow shall be removed
and resprayed at the Contractors own expense. The Contractor shall be
responsible to patch up the core holes with cement mortar of colour matched
with the adjacent surfaces.
Submission of
26.22 (a) Submit the following particulars of the proposed materials and
methods of construction to the SO:
(i) type and performance of mixing and spraying plant,
(ii) details of water sprays and associated pumps for surface
(iii) method of curing,
(iv) details of trial panels and test panels,
(v) methods of measuring surface temperature and moisture
content of the soil,
(vi) methods of achieving the specified thickness of sprayed
concrete and the specified cover to reinforcement and
methods of measuring the thickness and cover after spraying,
(vii) method of fixing of reinforcement,
(viii) details of materials and mix design,
(ix) details of dry mix process and/or wet mix process for
applying sprayed concrete,
(x) name and details of the experience of the nozzlemen who will
be employed on the Works,
(xi) details of working platform,
(xii) method of forming expansion joints, and
(xiii) sequence of spraying on sloping surfaces.
(b) Submit the particulars to the SO for approval at least 14 days before
sprayed concrete is used.
Records of
sprayed concrete
26.23 Keep records of sprayed concrete operations on the Site, and submit them
daily to the SO. The records shall contain details of the quantities of all
materials used at each location.
Test panels
26.24 (a) Determine the strength of sprayed concrete from concrete cores cut
from a test panel constructed at the same time as sprayed concrete is
(b) Construct one test panel for each application in a day or as directed by
the SO.
(c) The test panel shall be 250mm thick and shall be at least 1m1m. The
mould shall be securely fixed in position at the same height and
inclination as the surface being sprayed. Construct the panel by
spraying concrete into the mould at the same time as the concrete to
be tested is applied. Cure the test panel by the same method as the
sprayed concrete.
Concrete cores
from test panels
26.25 (a) Provide three concrete cores from each test panel. Do not take cores
within 125mm from the edges of the panel.
(b) Concrete cores shall be 100mm diameter and shall be the full depth of
the test panel.
(c) The method of taking concrete cores shall be in accordance with CS1.
Testing of
concrete cores
26.26 (a) Test each concrete cores to determine the compressive strength.
(b) The method of preparing and testing the cores to determine the
compressive strength shall be in accordance with CS1. Test three
concrete cores at 28 days.
26.27 The results of tests for compressive strength of concrete cores shall be
interpreted in accordance with CS1. Adjustment to the measured strength in
respect of the age of the core when tested shall not be made unless permitted
by the SO. The minimum compressive strength of concrete cores, converted
to estimated in-situ cube strength in accordance with CS1, shall be 20 MPa
at 28 days.
Non-compliance 26.28 If the result of any test for compressive strength from sprayed concrete does
not comply with the specified requirements for the property, submit
particulars of proposed changes to the materials, mix design, methods of
production or methods of construction to the SO. Further trial mixes shall be
made, and further trial panels shall be constructed unless otherwise
permitted by the SO.
Rock dowels 26.29 Rock dowels shall comply with CS2 and shall be galvanized to BS EN ISO
1461. Rock dowels shall have non-corrodible centralizers capable of
ensuring an even annulus of grout around the steel bar to the approval of the
SO. A typical layout of rock dowels is as shown in Appendix 3.
Grout for rock
26.30 (a) Grout for rock dowels shall be as stated in Clauses 26.47-26.57.
Drilling and
preparation of
rock dowel holes
26.31 (a) The drilling of rock dowels shall be as stated in Clause 26.58.
(b) The diameter of the hole shall be at least:
(i) 20mm larger than the diameter of the rock dowel bar, or
(ii) 20mm larger than the outer diameter of the connectors, if
used, or
(iii) 50mm,
whichever is the largest.
(c) Prior to installation of rock dowels, flush the hole with clear water
until the return runs clear. On completion of flushing, use
compressed air to blow out any standing water from the hole.
Grouting for rock
26.32 (a) Grouting for rock dowels shall be as stated in Clauses 26.47-26.57,
except as in (b) and (c) of this Clause.
(b) Rock dowels shall be grouted over the complete length of the drillhole
in which the dowel is installed. Centralizers shall be fitted to rock
dowels before grouting to ensure an even annulus of grout. No
jacking or hammering of the dowels shall be carried out during the
whole process of insertion of dowels into drillholes. Rock dowels
shall be grouted immediately after insertion into the drillholes, and
shall be over their whole length in one single operation. Grout shall
be introduced at the lower end of drillholes with downward
inclinations, and displace all air and water through the top of the
(c) If considered necessary by the SO, the drillhole shall be grouted as in
(b) above, but with the rock dowels to be pushed into the hole only
after it has been completely filled with the grout and also when no
grout leakage can be observed.
Records of rock
26.33 Keep records of installation of rock dowels on the Site, and submit a copy to
the SO within 7 days after each installation operation. The records shall
contain details of the location, length, inclination and level of each rock
dowel installed.
Material 26.34 (a) Soil nail bars shall be of high yield deformed bars and comply with
CS2. All steel components for soil nails shall be galvanized to BS EN
ISO 1461.
(b) Steel reinforcement for soil nail heads shall be of grade 460 deformed
high yield bars to CS2.
(c) Nuts shall be of Grade 4 steel and comply with BS 4190.
(d) Reinforcemnt connectors shall comply with Clause 6.24.
(e) Bearing plates shall be of Grade S275 steel plate and comply with BS
EN 10025. Steel plates for pull-out and performance tests shall be
square with length not less than 300mm and ratio of length to
thickness not larger than 10. Holes in steel plates for soil nail heads
shall be drilled perpendicular to the face of the steel plate and centre
of the hole shall be at a position of within 2mm from the centroid of
the plate. The clearance between the steel bar and the hole of the steel
plate shall not be more than 2mm.
(f) Concrete for soil nail heads shall be grade 30/20 or 30 MPa sprayed
concrete and shall comply with Clauses 26.47-57 and Clauses
26.12-28 respectively.
(g) Soil nails shall have non-corrodible centralizers capable of ensuring
an even annulus of grout around the steel bar. The nominal diameter
of the centralizers shall not differ from the specified diameter of the
drillhole by more than 10 mm. Wires and ties for fixing and anchoring
packers, centralizers and grout pipes etc. shall be made of
non-corrodible materials. Determine the spacing of the centralizers
and the suitability of the method of fixing the centralizers, grout pipes
and corrugated sheathing where required by carrying out trials on site
until no damage, deformation and displacement of the centralizers,
grout pipes and corrugated sheathing are observed on completion of
assembling all components, during inserting and withdrawing the soil
nails. Once approval is given, no change to the type, method and
arrangement of fixing of the centralizers, grout pipe and corrugated
sheathing shall be made without the prior approval of the SO.
(h) For soil nails using threaded type reinforcement connectors but
without galvanized coating on either the threads inside the connectors
or the threads at the ends of reinforcement bars, use heat-shrinkable
sleeve of a proprietary type as approved by the SO as an alternative to
galvanization as a corrosion protection measure to the connections.
Clean thoroughly any rust on the threads of reinforcement bars and
connectors before being connected together.
(i) A typical layout and design of soil nails is as shown in Appendix 4.
26.35 All steel components for soil nails shall be hot dip galvanized in BS EN ISO
Grout for soil
26.36 Grout for soil nails shall comply with Clauses 26.47-26.57 except that the
water cement ratio shall not exceed 0.45 and PFA shall not be used unless
agreed by the SO.
Drilling and
preparation of
soil nail holes
26.37 (a) The drilling and preparation of soil nail holes shall be as stated in
Clause 26.58.
(b) The minimum hole diameter shall be 100mm.
(c) For installation of soil nails on masonry walls, ensure that the
masonry wall is not to be damaged during the whole process of soil
nail installation operation, and submit the proposal to the SO for
approval before carrying out such work.
(d) Clear drillholes of all debris and standing water immediately before
grouting. Before the soil nails are installed, furnish the SO with all
necessary equipment and assistance to check the inclination, bearing,
cleanliness and length of all drillholes.
Submission on
soil nails
26.38 (a) Submit the following particulars of materials and methods of
construction for soil nails to the SO for approval at least 28 days
before start of pull-out test :-
(i) details and samples of soil nail bars, coupling sleeves, nuts,
washers, plates, connectors, centralizers, grout pipes,
corrugated sheathing, and packers for isolating the bond
(ii) details of galvanizer to be employed for galvanizing the steel
(iii) details of working platform,
(iv) method of drilling and details of drilling equipment,
(v) method of grouting and details of grouting equipment,
(vi) details of equipment for testing soil nails, including test and
calibration certificates,
(vii) details of testing assembly including details of datum for
deformation measurement and bearing pad,
(viii) details of heat-shrinkable sleeve for protecting the
connections between reinforcement bars if galvanized
coating to either the threads inside connectors or at the ends
of reinforcement bars is not applied, together with details of
the heat application equipment for shrinking the sleeves, and
(ix) method of repairing damaged heat shrinkable sleeves during
heat application or other installation process of soil nails.
(b) Test and calibrate all equipment for testing soil nails by approved
laboratories not more than 3 months prior to the date of carrying out
the tests. Submit test and calibration certificates to the SO at least 7
days before the test.
Pull-out test
26.39 Install and test soil nails for pull-out tests prior to the installation of
permanent soil nails. The number of pull-out tests shall be as shown on the
drawings or as instructed by the SO. Soil nails subjected to pull-out tests
shall not form part of the permanent works, and their locations shall be
indicated on site. The testing arrangement shall be as shown in Sheet 2 of
Appendix 5, and further details of the testing arrangement including the
set-up and support for the testing apparatus shall be submitted for the SOs
approval. The apparatus for measuring loads and deformations shall have an
accuracy of 2 kN and 0.05 mm respectively. The apparatus for measuring
deformation shall be capable of measuring a displacement of up to 50mm.
The apparatus shall be tested and calibrated by approved laboratories not
more than 6 months prior to the date of carrying out the tests. Submit test and
calibration certificates to the SO at least one week before the test. Set up the
loading apparatus in such a way that no loading, other than the pull-out load,
acts on the steel bar at the nail head. The reaction of the pull-out load from
the loading apparatus shall act on a sufficiently sized rigid bearing plate
placed against a temporary cut face at normal to the alignment of the steel
bar to ensure adequate load spreading and to avoid eccentric loading.
Position monitoring instruments carefully, and support them independently
to record the extension of the soil nail steel bar and any movement of the
steel bearing plate. The following procedure shall be adopted:
(a) Soil nail shall be grouted over the length as specified in the drawings
or as directed by the SO. Isolate the length to be grouted by means of
an approved packer that can prevent grout from leaking through to the
free-length section during grouting and that can ensure that the
proposed bonded section is effectively grouted to the required length
as shown in the drawings. The size of the packer shall be compatible
with the diameter of the drillhole. The entire free length of the steel
bar shall be properly debonded or capped to ensure that the test load
can be directly transferred to the bonded zone in case of grout leak
through the packer. Do not carry out the pull-out test until the grout
has reached a cube strength of 21 MPa.
(b) The maximum test load shall be either 90% of the yield load of the
steel bar of the test soil nail (T
) or the ultimate soil/grout bond load
)unless directed otherwise by the SO.
(c) Load the test nail in stages: from the initial load (T
) via two
intermediate test loads (T
and T
) to the maximum test load. T
and T
are the loads that result in the bonded zone tested to the
design working bond strength and 2 times the working bond strength
respectively. An initial load (T
) equal to 5% of T
or T
, whichever
is smaller shall be applied. All loadings including T
, T
, T
shall be specified in the drawings or as directed by the SO.
(d) During the first two loading cycles, maintain the intermediate loads,
and T
for 60 minutes for deformation measurement. After the
measurement has been completed, the load shall be reduced to T
the residual deformation shall be recorded. In the last cycle, the test
load shall be increased gradually from T
straight to maximum test
load and then maintained for deformation measurement. The
measurement at each of the cycles shall be taken at time intervals of 1,
3, 6, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 minutes. The test nail shall be
considered to be able to sustain the test load if the difference of nail
movements at 6 and 60 minutes does not exceed 2mm or 0.1% of the
grouted length of the test nail. In this case, the test shall proceed to the
next loading cycle or be terminated if the test nail is subject to T
. If
the deformation in the last 10 minutes is larger than 0.05mm, the load
shall be held longer as directed by the SO.
(e) If the nail fails to sustain the test load T
, T
or T
, terminate the
test and record the nail movement against residual load with time. The
measurements shall be taken at time intervals of 1, 3, 6, 10 and every
10 minutes thereafter over a period for at least two hours. Where
required the measurements shall be continued and at intervals as
directed by the SO.
(f) Throughout the test, the soil nail movement as well as the movement
of the bearing plate versus the applied load shall be measured,
recorded and plotted on a graph along with all other relevant
information in the format as shown respectively in sheet 2 and 3 of
Appendix 5, unless otherwise approved by the SO.
(g) Where required, pull out the whole soil nail from the drillhole for the
SOs inspection. The drillhole so left shall then be filled by grouting.
Where the steel bar remains in-situ after the pull-out test, the bar shall
be cut-off flush with the finished ground and the remaining part of the
drillhole grouted.
Submission on
pull-out test
26.40 (a) Provide drilling records of holes selected for pull-out tests to the SO
within 24 hours after drilling.
(b) Submit results of pull-out tests to the SO within 3 days of completion
of the test.
Permanent soil
nail installation
and grouting
26.41 (a) During the whole process of soil nail installation, do not carry out
jacking or hammering of the soil nail bars. Soil nails shall be grouted
immediately over their whole length in one single operation after
insertion into the drillholes. Soil nails which are not immediately
grouted after insertion and are left overnight in the drillhole shall be
withdrawn from the drillhole and the drillhole shall be checked for
cleanliness before re-insertion.
(b) Secure soil nails in position by non-corrodible centralizers to ensure
an even annulus of grouting to be applied around the steel bar.
(c) Wires and ties for fixing and anchoring packers, centralizers and
grout pipes etc. shall be made of non-corrodible materials. The
method of fixing and spacing of the centralizers shall be determined
by carrying out trials on site until no deformation of the centralizers is
observed on completion of assembling all components forming the
soil nails. Once approval is given, no change to the type, method of
fixing and spacing of the centralizers shall be made without the prior
consent of the SO.
(d) Grouting for soil nail holes shall be as stated in Clauses 26.47-26.57,
except as stated in (a), (b) and (c) above.
Performance test 26.42 Carry out performance tests on selected permanent soil nails as directed by
the SO. Each group of soil nails of the same type and those grouted in one
day shall be tested. The number of performance tests to be carried out shall
be 6% of the total number of permanent soil nails (in any case at least one) in
the group. The apparatus for measuring loads and deformation shall have an
accuracy of + 2 kN and + 0.05 mm respectively. Test and calibrate the
apparatus by approved laboratories not more than 3 months prior to the date
of carrying out of the tests. The following procedure for performance tests
shall be adopted:
(a) Do not carry out the performance test until the grout has reached a
cube strength of 21 MPa.
(b) The test load (T
) shall be as given by the SO, but in any event it shall
be not less than 1.5 times the working load as specified in the
drawings, and not greater than 80% of the yield stress of the steel bar
forming the soil nail.
(c) Apply an initial load (T
) equal to 20% of T
(d) Then load the soil nail up to T
, and take measurements of the
deformation with the load held constant at 2 minute intervals for at
least 20 minutes until the deformation in the last 10 minutes is less
than 0.05mm, or for a longer period as required by the SO.
(e) Reduce the load to T
and the extension recorded. Then unload the
soil nail as well as that of the bearing plate.
(f) Throughout the test, the deformation of the soil nail as well as that of
the bearing plate versus the applied load shall be measured and
recorded in a format as shown on Sheet 4 of Appendix 5, unless
otherwise approved by the SO. Submit the results to the SO within 3
days after completion of the test.
(g) A soil nail shall be considered as failed if before the maximum
allowable test load as specified in Clause 26.42(b) above is reached,
(i) it is pulled out, or
(ii) the soil nail head movement has exceeded e
in which
| |
e T e T
f p performance b p
pull out
( ) /
( ) T
p performance
= Test load in performance test
( ) T
p pull out
= Test load in pull-out test
( ) e
b pull out
= Maximum soil nail head movement in
pull-out test under test load
( ) T
p pull out
Report the failure to the SO.
(h) For any one failure of performance test, select two additional soil
nails from the group and carry out further performance tests. If either
one of these 2 additional soil nails also fails to reach the test load
specified in Clause 26.42(b) above, the particular group of soil nails
shall be considered as not complying with the specified requirements.
Submission on
performance test
26.43 Submit results of performance tests to the SO within 3 days of completion of
the test.
Non-compliance 26.44 Submit remedial proposal for replacement soil nail installation for those
group of soil nails which have failed the performance test.
Soil nail heads 26.45 Construct soil nail heads in accordance with the details as shown on the
Standard Drawings in Appendix 4 as specified.
Records of soil
26.46 Keep records of installation of soil nails, and submit a copy to the SO within
7 days after each installation operation. The general soil nail data, drilling
and grouting records, pull out test record tests and plottings and performance
test records shall be recorded and presented in a format as shown in Sheets 1
to 4 of Appendix 5, unless otherwise approved by the SO.
Grout material 26.47 (a) Cement grout for the drillholes shall consist of cement, sand and
water. Obtain prior approval from the SO if admixtures are to be
(b) Sand for grout shall be clean dry crushed natural stone complying
with BS 1200, and shall have a particle size distribution such that
100% passes a 2 mm BS test sieve and not more than 30% passes a 0.2
mm BS test sieve. Natural sand shall not be used unless with the prior
agreement of the SO.
(c) Water for grout shall be clean fresh water having a temperature not
exceeding 30C or less than 5C.
(d) Cement grout shall have a minimum cube strength of 30 MPa at 28
days. The water cement ratio shall not exceed 0.45.
(e) The amount of bleeding of grout shall not exceed 0.5% by volume 3
hours after mixing or 1.0% maximum when measured at 23 + 1.7C in
a covered glass or metal cylinder of 100 mm internal diameter and
with a grout depth of approximately 100 mm. In addition, the water
shall be reabsorbed by the grout within 24 hours.
(f) The flow cone efflux time of grout shall not be less than 15 seconds.
Mixing grout 26.48 (a) Mix grout material by weight batching. The mix proportions may be
adjusted if approved by the SO depending on the results of the trial
grouting, water tests in the hole or the results of previously grouted
(b) The time during which the grout is mixed in high speed mixers shall
be suitable for the type of mixer used. Grout shall be continuously
agitated in a holding tank after mixing and shall be screened before
being circulated in the grout lines. Circulate mixed grout
continuously in such a manner that grout which is not taken in a hole
can be returned to the holding tank.
(c) Grout to which a retarding agent has not been added, and which is not
used within 30 minutes after mixing, shall not be used for grouting.
Pressure grouting 26.49 (a) Unless otherwise permitted by the SO, holes in rock should be
grouted in grouting stages not exceeding 3 m. Grouting may be
carried out in either an upstage or a downstage sequence.
(b) Ground other than rock shall be grouted in such a manner that grout
can be injected at various points along the grout hole in a multi-stage
operation. The grouting method shall employ perforated pipes with
rubber sleeve valves unless otherwise permitted by the SO.
(c) Grouting pressures shall initially be 100 kPa per 4 metres depth of
hole and shall not exceed the overburden pressure unless permitted by
the SO.
(d) Holes shall be grouted in a continuous operation at the grouting stages
and pressures as approved. Unless otherwise permitted by the SO,
grouting shall be carried out by injecting the grout under pressure into
each grouting stage of the hole until the grouting stage refuses to take
further grout.
(e) If in the opinion of the SO grouting of any hole or grouting stage has
not been completed due to excessive grout take, low pressures,
excessive leakage or other causes, the hole shall be redrilled or
flushed out with water and re-injected with grout.
Loss or leakage of
26.50 (a) If during the grouting of any drill hole, grout is found to flow from
adjacent grout holes in quantities which in the opinion of the SO are
sufficient to interfere seriously with the grouting operation or to cause
appreciable loss of grout, cap the holes temporarily. If in the opinion
of the SO capping is not essential, leave ungrouted holes open to
allow air and water to escape.
(b) If during the grouting of any hole grout is found to flow from joints in
the geological formation at the Site or any other location, the leaks
shall be plugged or caulked in a manner agreed by the SO.
(c) Inform the SO immediately, if during the grouting of any hole the
grout take increases suddenly by a significant amount.
Standpipes and
26.51 (a) Unless otherwise permitted by the SO, grout holes shall be capped
after drilling and before grouting. Capping shall be by a suitably
sealed grout connection, standpipe, packer or other methods agreed
by the SO. The cap shall seal the hole to prevent contamination or
clogging of the hole until grouting operations start.
(b) Install standpipes, where required, in holes after drilling. Seal the
pipe into the hole using cement grout consisting of OPC and water in
the proportions 1:1 by volume.
(c) Standpipes for grouting shall be standard black metal pipe complying
with BS 1387.
(d) With permission from the SO, non-metallic grout pipe may be used
for grouting rock dowels, rock bolts and soil nails when pressure
grouting is not normally required.
Submission on
record of
26.52 Submit a record of grouting for each hole to the SO within 24 hours after
completion of grouting of the hole. The record shall contain the following
(i) hole location and reference number,
(ii) depth of hole,
(iii) collar level and hole inclination,
(iv) type of grout and grout mix proportions,
(v) volume of grout injected,
(vi) grouting stage numbers and lengths,
(vii) grouting pressures,
(viii) details of grout injections,
(ix) times and details of any interruptions, leakages and equipment
Requirement for
26.53 Carry out the following tests for each batch of grout upon instruction from
the SO:
(i) grout-flow cone efflux time
(ii) crushing strength
(iii) bleeding of grout
A batch of grout for geotechnical works is any quantity of grout used for
grouting geotechnical works in one continuous operation in one day.
Grout flow cone
efflux time
26.54 Provide one sample of grout from each batch of grout to determine the flow
cone efflux time. The method of testing shall be in accordance with ASTM
strength of grout
26.55 (a) Provide one sample of grout from each batch of grout to determine the
crushing strength of the grout. Provide samples not more than one
hour after the grout has been mixed, and protect them from moisture
content changes before test cubes are made.
(b) Make nine 100 mm test cubes from each sample of grout taken as
stated in Clause 26.54. Three test cubes shall be tested to determine
the crushing strength at 3 days, three test cubes shall be tested to
determine the crushing strength at 7 days, and three test cubes shall be
tested to determine the crushing strength at 28 days.
(c) The method of making, curing and testing the test cubes shall be as
stated CS 1.
Bleeding of grout 26.56 (a) Complete bleeding test immediately prior to each application of grout
for geotechnical works in a day or as directed by the SO. One sample
of grout shall be provided from each batch of grout to determine the
amount of bleeding of the grout.
(b) Test grout for geotechnical works for bleeding in accordance with
ASTM C940-98a.
(c) Provide samples not more than 30 minutes after the grout has been
mixed, and protect them from moisture content changes before the
tests for amount of bleeding are carried out.
(d) Each sample of grout taken as stated in (a) and (b) above shall be
divided into three specimens. Each specimen shall be tested to
determine the amount of bleeding.
(e) Place a portion of each specimen in a covered cylinder with a
diameter of 100 + 10 mm, to a depth of 100 + 5 mm and the amount
of bleeding measured by a scale fixed to the outside of the cylinder.
Non-compliance 26.57 If the result of any test for grout does not comply with the specified
requirements as stipulated in Clause 26.47, submit particulars of proposed
changes to the materials, grout mix or methods of production to the SO.
Further grouting trials shall be carried out unless otherwise permitted by the
Drilling and
26.58 (a) Carry out drilling for holes using rotary or percussive-rotary drill with
air or water as the flushing medium. Water flush shall not be allowed
in case of soil nail holes unless otherwise permitted by the SO. The
set-up of drilling plant and ancillary equipment shall be in such a
manner that water, dust, fumes and noise generated in the course of
drilling and grouting operation shall be sufficiently diverted,
controlled, suppressed and muffled.
(b) Use casings to prevent collapsing of the drillhole and to permit
unobstructed insertion of the bar or grout pipe, unless otherwise
permitted by the SO. Remove these casings immediately before or
simultaneously with the grouting in such a manner that the grout hole
will not collapse and the injection of grout will not be hindered.
(c) Reflush drillholes which have been drilled more than one day before
grouting of the hole starts with compressed air immediately before
grouting commences.
The permitted deviation of drillholes shall be + 2
to the
vertical and horizontal alignment as specified by the SO.
Deviation from straight shall not exceed 20 mm in any 3m
length of drillhole. Maintain a positive gradient throughout
the complete length of the hole, and measure the inclination
of holes by a method agreed by the SO.
(iii) Temporarily plug drillholes or protect them to prevent entry
of deleterious material after drilling.
(j) Keep records of drillholes for raking drains on the Site, and submit a
drillhole log for each drillhole to the SO before installation of the
raking drain starts. The drillhole log shall contain the following
(i) drain reference number,
(ii) location, inclination, bearings, diameter and length of hole,
(iii) details of drilling progress,
(iv) details of water seepage related to drilling progress, and
(v) description of the materials encountered in the drillhole
related to drilling progress.
Painting to
sprayed concrete
26.65 (a) Where ordered, paint the sprayed concrete with two coats of
water-based paint for external use approved by the SO. The
components of paint shall not be toxic or hazardous to health.
(b) Submit details of the paint products (e.g. specification and colour
samples etc.) and method statement for the approval of SO prior to
painting. The colour of the paint shall be Antique to BS 5252F and
of the colour code as directed by the SO.
(c) Do not store paint and associated materials in a dry weatherproof
store. Maintain the store in a cool, well ventilated condition. Tins of
paint and associated materials shall be labelled to show their intended
use, and shall be protected from exposure to conditions which may
adversely affect the material. Store paint and associated materials in
accordance with the manufacturers recommendations, and do not use
them after the recommended shelf life has been exceeded.
(d) Prepare the surface of the sprayed concrete prior to applying the paint.
The surface to be painted shall be clean, free of contaminants, such as
oils, grease, release agents, mortar splashes etc.. Remove all debris
and loose materials from the surface. Do not carry out painting in
direct strong sunlight, hot windy conditions or in an environment with
excessive dust.
(e) Mix paint in accordance with the manufacturers instruction prior to
application. Apply each coat of the paint to the surface using an
airless spray at 12m
/litre or equivalent to obtain a uniform finish or
as recommended by the manufacturer. Allow sufficient time gap
between the application of the first and second coat of paint as
recommended by the manufacturer. Protect each coat of paint from
rain for the first 24 hours after application.
stairways on
26.66 (a) Typical details of concrete maintenance stairways on slopes up to 40
are as shown in Standard Drawings in Appendix 9.
(b) Typical details of staircase for slopes steeper than 40 are as shown in
the Standard Drawing in Appendix 9.
26.67 Submit as-built topographical survey, site formation layout, details
drawings and design calculation to the SO, and they shall cover the
(a) the extent of man-made slopes, if any (including cut and fill slopes) is
to be marked on the as-built drawings. The legend for cut slopes
shall be different from that of the fill slopes;
(b) the contour lines shall terminate at the boundaries of the cut/fill
slopes and there shall not be any contour lines within the cut/fill
(c) any surface protection such as hydroseeding, sprayed concrete,
chunam, etc. and surface drainage system shall be marked clearly on
the as-built drawings;
(d) any installation such as soil nails, dowel bars, horizontal drains, etc.
shall also be marked on the as-built drawings. The respective
grouting and testing records shall also be submitted. The elevation of
the respective slopes shall be shown;
(e) any retaining walls layout and details; and
(f) any other geotechnical features.
APPENDIX 2 Sheet 1 of 1
APPENDIX 3 Sheet 1 of 1
APPENDIX 4 Sheet 1 of 3
APPENDIX 4 Sheet 2 of 3
APPENDIX 4 Sheet 3 of 3
APPENDIX 5 Sheet 2 of 4
Soil Nails Installation: Pull Out Test Records
Contract No. .
Works order No. .
Contractor .
. .
Slope details
Slope No. . Cross-section .
Slope angle, o
Slope top mPD
Bottom mPD
Soil nail hole details (Soil nail No. ) Bar details
Head E
Co-ordinates N
R.L. mPD
Hole diameter mm
Total length, L m
Inclination, i .
Length, L m
Diameter, d mm
Steel grade
Loading sequence (Tp = 90% steel bar yield load or the ultimate soil / grout bond load or as directed by SO)
Seating Load, Ta =
Cycle 1, TDL1 =
Cycle 2, TDL2 =
Test Load, Tp =
Load Bearing plate movement Nail head movement
Gauge kN Gauge 1 Gauge 2
Gauge 1 Gauge 2
Tested by Date / / Checked by Date / / .
(Signature, Name & Post) (Signature, Name & Post) (geotspec.ap5)
APPENDIX 6 Sheet 1 of 1
APPENDIX 7 Sheet 1 of 1
APPENDIX 8 Sheet 1 of 2
APPENDIX 8 Sheet 2 of 2
APPENDIX 9 Sheet 1 of 4
APPENDIX 9 Sheet 2 of 4
APPENDIX 9 Sheet 3 of 4
APPENDIX 9 Sheet 4 of 4
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Current - The document is the current one available.
Withdrawn - The document is no longer "current", it has been withdrawn.
Revised - This standard has been revised.
Superseded or s/s - This standard has been withdrawn and replaced by one or
more other standards. Partially Replaced - This standard has been partially replaced by one or more
other standards.
Confirmed - This standard has been reviewed and confirmed as being current.
Obsolescent - This standard should not be used for new activity, but remains
current, usually because of legislative issues.
BS 4: N/A Structural Steel Sections 15.04
BS 4: 1980 Pt. 1 2005 Current Hot rolled sections 15.04
BS 12:1989 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 197-1 : 2000 (2004 Current) Ordinary and rapid-hardening Portland cement 3.27
BS EN 179 BS EN 179 : 2008, Current 14.04
BS EN 197-1 : 2000 2004 Current Cement. Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common cements
BS 12:1989 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 197-1 : 2000 (2004 Current) Ordinary and rapid-hardening Portland cement 3.34
BS 12:1989 Ditto Ditto 6.27
BS 12:1989 Ditto Ditto 8.03
BS 12:1989 Ditto Ditto 18.01
BS 18:1987 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 10002-1 : 1990 (2001 Current) Method for tensile testing of metals (including aerospace materials) 5.15
BS EN 10002-1 : 2001 Current Tensile testing of metallic materials. Method of test at ambient temperature
BS 21: 1985 Current, Amd 6633 : 1990 Pipe threads for tubes and fittings 19.50
BS 21: 1985 BS EN 10226-1 : 2004 Pipe threads for tubes and fittings 19.50
BS 21: 1985 Ditto Ditto 19.51
BS 63: 1987(1994) Pt. 2 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 13043 : 2002 (Current, Corr 15334 : 2004) Single-sized aggregate for surface dressing 24.08
BS EN 13043 : 2002 Current, Corr 15334 : 2004 Aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface treatments for roads, airfields and other trafficked
BS 65: 1991 Current, Confirmed 2003, Amd 8622 : 1995 Vitrified Clay Pipes, Fittings and Ducts, Also Flexible Mechanical Joints for Use Solely with
Surface Water Pipes and Fittings
BS EN 295 BS EN 295-1 : 1991, BS EN 295-2 : 1991, BS EN 295-3 : 1991, BS EN 295-4 : 1995, BS
EN 295-5 : 1994, BS EN 295-6 : 1996, BS EN 295-7 : 1996, BS EN 295-10 : 2005
Specification for vitrified clay pipes, fittings and ducts, also flexible mechanical joints for use
solely with surface water pipes and fittings
BS EN 295-1 : 1991 Current, Amd 10621 : 1999 Vitrified Clay Pipes and Fittings and Pipe Joints for Drains and Sewers - Part 1
BS EN 295-2 : 1991 Current, Amd 10620 : 1999 Vitrified Clay Pipes and Fittings and Pipe Joints for Drains and Sewers - Part 2: Quality Control
and Sampling
BS EN 295-3 : 1991 Current, Amd 10357 : 1999 Vitrified Clay Pipes and Fittings and Pipe Joints for Drains and Sewers Part 3: Test Methods
BS EN 295-4 : 1995 Current Vitrified Clay Pipes and Fittings and Pipe Joints for Drains and Sewers Part 4: Requirements for
Special Fittings, Adaptors and Compatible Accessories
BS EN 295-5 : 1994 Current, Amd 10481 : 1999 Vitrified clay pipes and fittings and pipe joints for drains and sewers Part 5: Requirements for
perforated vitrified clay pipes and fittings
BS EN 295-6 : 1996 Current, Amd 15279 : 2004 Vitrified clay pipes and fittings and pipe joints for drains and sewers Part 6: Requirements for
vitrified clay manholes
BS EN 295-7 : 1996 Current Vitrified Clay Pipes and Fittings and Pipe Joints for Drains and Sewers Part 7: Requirements for
Vitrified Clay Pipes and Joints for Pipe Jacking
BS EN 295-10 : 2005 Current Vitrified clay pipes and fittings and pipe joints for drains and sewers Part 10: Performance
BS 143 : 1986 BS 143 & 1256 : 2000, Current Threaded Pipe Fittings in Malleable Cast Iron and Cast Copper Alloy 19.33
BS 143 : 1986 Ditto Ditto 19.46
BS 143 Ditto Ditto 19.46
BS 143 Ditto Ditto 19.46
BS 143 & 1256: 1986 BS 143 & 1256 : 2000, Current Threaded Pipe Fittings in Malleable Cast Iron and Cast Copper Alloy 19.46
BS 245: 1976(1992) Current, Confirmed 2000 Mineral Solvents (White Spirit and Related Hydrocarbon Solvents) for Paints and Other Purposes 21.33
BS 405: 1987 Current, Amd 6660 : 1991 Expanded metal (steel) for general purposes 17.03
BS 410 : 1986 BS 410 Pt 1-2 : 2000, Current Sieves for testing the size distribution of granular products in the particle size range from 125 mm
to 32 m. Aperture sizes for wire cloth and perforated plate (including 7 non ISO sizes for round
holes) in test sieves. Lists tolerances and gives relevant definitions and an outline of inspection
BS 410-1 : 2000 Current Test sieves. Technical requirements and testing. Test sieves of metal wire cloth
BS 410-2 : 2000 Current Test sieves. Technical requirements and testing. Test sieves of perforated metal plate
BS 416: 1990 Pt. 1-2 Pt. 1 Current, Pt. 2 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 877 : 1999 (Current) Cast iron spigot and socket soil, waste and ventilating pipes (sand cast and spun) and fittings 19.26
BS 416: 1990 Pt. 1-2 Pt. 1 Current, Pt. 2 BS EN 877 : 1999 + A1 : 2006, Current Cast iron spigot and socket soil, waste and ventilating pipes (sand cast and spun) and fittings 19.26
BS EN 877 : 1999 Current Cast iron pipes and fittings, their joints and accessories for the evacuation of water from buildings.
Requirements, test methods and quality assurance
BS 416: 1990 Ditto Ditto 19.26
BS 416: 1990 Ditto Ditto 19.32
BS 416: 1990 Ditto Ditto 19.81
BS 417: 1987 Pt. 2 Current, Confirmed 2000 Galvanized mild steel cisterns and covers, tanks and cylinders 19.49
BS 434: 1984 Pt. 2 Current, Confirmed 1997, Amd 4757 : 1984 Bitumen road emulsions 24.05
BS 434: 1984 Pt. 2 2006, Current Bitumen road emulsions 24.05
BS 437: 1978 Current, Amd 5877 : 1988 Cast iron spigot and socket drain pipes and fittings 23.05
BS 437: 1978 BS 437 : 2008, Current Cast iron spigot and socket drain pipes and fittings 23.05
BS 437 Ditto Specification for cast iron spigot and socket drain pipes and fittings 23.05
BS 437 Ditto Specification for cast iron spigot and socket drain pipes and fittings 23.05
BS EN 438 BS EN 438-1 : 2005, BS EN 438-2 : 2005, BS EN 438-3 : 2005, BS EN 438-4 : 2005, BS
EN 438-5 : 2005, BS EN 438-6 : 2005, BS EN 438-7 : 2005
Laminated plastic sheet 13.21
BS EN 438-1 : 2005 Current High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) Sheets based on thermosetting resins (Usually called
Laminates) Part 1: Introduction and general information
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS EN 438-2 : 2005 Current High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) Sheets based on thermosetting resins (Usually called
Laminates) Part 2: Determination of properties
BS EN 438-3 : 2005 Current High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) Sheets based on thermosetting resins (Usually called
laminates) Part 3: Classification and specifications for laminates less than 2 mm thick intended for
bonding to supporting substrates
BS EN 438-4 : 2005 Current High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) Sheets based on thermosetting resins (Usually called
Laminates) Part 4: Classification and specifications for Compact laminates of thickness 2 mm and
BS EN 438-5 : 2005 Current High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) Sheets based on thermosetting resins (Usually called
Laminates) Part 5: Classification and specifications for flooring grade laminates less than 2 mm
thick intended for bonding to supporting substrates
BS EN 438-6 : 2005 Current High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) Sheets based on thermosetting resins (Usually called
Laminates) Part 6: Classification and specifications for Exterior-grade Compact laminates of
thickness 2 mm and greater
BS EN 438-7 : 2005 Current High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) Sheets based on thermosetting resins (Usually called
Laminates) Part 7: Compact laminate and HPL composite panels for internal and external wall and
ceiling finishes
BS EN 438-8 : 2009 Current Ditto
BS EN 438-9 : 2010 Current Ditto
BS 443: 1982(1990) Withdrawn, Amd 6158 : 1989, s/s by BS EN 10244-2 : 2001 (Current) Testing zinc coatings on steel wire and quality requirements 18.28
BS EN 10244-2 : 2001 Current, Corr 13233 : 2001 Steel wire and wire products. Non-ferrous metallic coatings on steel wire. Zinc or zinc alloy
BS EN 10244-2 : 2001 2009, Current Steel wire and wire products. Non-ferrous metallic coatings on steel wire. Zinc or zinc alloy
BS 460: 1964(1981) 2002 Current, Amd 15095 : 2004 Cast iron rainwater goods 19.26
BS 460: 1981 2002 + Addendam a2 : 2007, Current Cast iron rainwater goods 19.26
BS 473 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 490 : 1994 & BS EN 491 : 1994 Concrete roofing tiles and fittings 18.92
BS EN 490 : 1994 2005 Current Concrete roofing tiles and fittings for roof covering and wall cladding Product specifications
BS EN 491 : 1994 2005 Current, Corr 15834 : 2005 Concrete roofing tiles and fittings for roof covering and wall cladding Test methods
BS 476: ---- Pt. 3-4, 6-
8, 10-13,
15, 20-24,
Ditto Fire test on building materials & structure 13.60, 14.32,
BS 476: 1975 Pt. 3 2004 Current, Amd 16169 : 2006 Classification and method of test for external fire exposure to roofs 12.89
BS 476: 1970(1984) Pt. 4 Current, Confirmed 1984, Amd 4390 : 1983 Non-combustibility test for materials 12.89
BS 476: 1989 Pt. 6 BS 476-6: 1989 + A1: 2009, Current Method of test for fire propagation for products 18.153
BS 476: 1987(1993) Pt. 7 1997 Current Method of Test to Determine the Classification of the Surface Spread of Flame of Products 12.89
BS 476: 1987(1993) Pt. 7 Ditto Ditto 18.153
BS 476: 1987(1993) Pt. 7 Ditto Ditto 21.14
BS 476:Pt 7:1997 Pt. 7 Current Ditto 21.14
BS 476: 1972 Pt. 8 Superseded, Withdrawn, Amended by: AMD4822 Replaced by: BS 476-20:1987, BS 476-
21:1987, BS 476-22:1987, BS 476-23:1987
Test methods and criteria for the fire resistance of elements of building construction 16.70
BS 476: 1972 Pt. 8 Ditto Ditto 17.43
BS 476: 1983(1989) Pt. 10 2009, Current Guide to the principles and application of fire testing 17.43
BS 476: 1982(1988) Pt. 11 1982, Current Method for assessing the heat emission from building materials 17.43
BS 476: 1991 Pt. 12 Current Method of test for ignitability of products by direct flame impingement 17.43
BS 476: 1987 Pt. 13 Current, Amd 5774 : 1988 Method of measuring the ignitability of products subjected to thermal irradiance 17.43
BS 476: 1993 Pt. 15 Current Method for measuring the rate of heat release of products 17.43
BS 476: 1987 Pt. 20 Current, Amd 6487 : 1990 Methods for determination of the fire resistance of elements of construction 13.61
BS 476: 1987 Pt. 20 Ditto Ditto 13.62
BS 476: 1987 Pt. 21 Current Methods for determination of the fire resistance of non-loadbearing elements of construction 13.61
BS 476: 1987 Pt. 21 Ditto Ditto 13.62
BS 476: 1987 Pt. 22 Current Guide to full scale fire tests within buildings 13.61, 14.32,
14.45, 14.04
BS 476: 1987 Pt. 22 Ditto Ditto 13.62
BS 476: 1987 Pt. 22 Ditto Ditto 14.27
BS 476: 1987 Pt. 22 Ditto Ditto 14.29
BS 476: 1987 Pt. 23 Current, Amd 9458 : 1998 Methods for determination of the contribution of components to the fire resistance of a structure 13.61
BS 476: 1987 Pt. 23 Ditto Ditto 13.62
BS 476: 1987 Pt. 24 Current, BS 476-24 : 1987, ISO 6944 : 1985 Method for determination of the fire resistance of ventilation ducts 13.62
BS 476-31.1 : 1983 Current, Amd 8366 : 1994 Methods for Measuring Smoke Penetration Through Doorsets and Shutter Assemblies Section
31.1: Method of Measurement Under Ambient Temperature Conditions
BS 476: 1983 Pt. 31 Current 13.62
BS 476: 1989 Pt. 32 Current Guide to full scale fire tests within buildings 13.62
BS 476: 1993 Pt. 33 Current Full-scale room test for surface products 13.62
BS 476 :Part 8 Part 8 Ditto Test Methods and Criteria for the Fire Resistance of Elements of Building Construction 17.42
BS 476 Parts 20 Ditto Method for determination of the fire resistance of elements of construction (general principles) 17.42
BS 476 Parts 21 Ditto Methods for determination of the fire resistance of loadbearing elements of construction 17.42
BS 476 Parts 22 Ditto Methods for determination of the fire resistance of non-loadbearing elements of construction 17.42
BS 476 Parts 23 Ditto Methods for determination of the contribution of components to the fire resistance of a structure 17.42
BS 497: 1976 Pt. 1 Withdrawn, Amd 6643 : 1990, s/s by BS EN 124 : 1994 (Current) Manhole covers, road gully gratings & frames 23.13
BS EN 124 : 1994 Current, Amd 8587 : 1995 Gully tops and manhole tops for vehicular and pedestrian areas. Design requirements, type testing,
marking, quality control
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 499: ----- BS 499 Pt 1 : 2009, Current, Pt 2C : 1999, Current; Pt 2 Amd 7439 : 1992, withdrawn, s/s
by BS EN 22553 : 1995 (Current) & BS EN 24063 : 1992 (Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN ISO
4063 : 2000 (Current))
Welding terms and symbols 16.09(i)(m)
BS EN 22553 : 1995 Current Welded, brazed and soldered joints. Symbolic representation on drawings
BS EN 24063 : 1992 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN ISO 4063 : 2000 (Current) Welding, brazing, soldering and braze welding of metals. Nomenclature of processes and reference
numbers for symbolic representation on drawings
BS EN ISO 4063 : 2000 Current Welding and allied processes. Nomenclature of processes and reference numbers
BS 544: 1969(1994) Current, Confirmed 2000, Amd 7899 : 1993 Linseed oil putty for use in wooden frames 20.16
BS 550: See BS 473 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 490 : 1994 & BS EN 491 : 1994 Concrete roofing tiles 18.92
BS EN 490 : 1994 2005 Current Concrete roofing tiles and fittings for roof covering and wall cladding Product specifications
BS EN 491 : 1994 2005 Current, Corr 15834 : 2005 Concrete roofing tiles and fittings for roof covering and wall cladding Test methods
BS 554: 1952 BS 501 & 554 : 1952, Withdrawn, Amd PD 1774 : 1954 Reports of volume and standard temperature of volumetric glassware 21.32
BS 639: 1986 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 499 : 1995 (Withdrawn) Specification for covered carbon and carbon manganese steel electrodes for manual metal-arc
BS EN 499 : 1995 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN ISO 2560 : 2006 (Current) Welding consumables. Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of non alloy and fine grain
steels. Classification
BS EN ISO 2560 : 2006 Current Welding consumables - Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine
grain steels - Classification
BS 729: 1971(1986) Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN ISO 1461 : 1999 Hot dip galvanized coatings on iron and steel articles 15.39, 14.18
BS EN ISO 1461 : 2009 Current Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings on Fabricated Iron and Steel Articles - Specifications and Test
14.18, 14.04,
16.17(i), 16.30
BS 729: 1971(1986) Ditto Ditto 17.20
BS 729: 1971(1986) Ditto Ditto 17.22
BS 729: 1971(1986) Ditto Ditto 23.13
BS 729 Ditto Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings on Iron and Steel Articles 17.21
BS 729 Ditto Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings on Iron and Steel Articles 17.21
BS 743: 1970 Current Amd 6579 : 1991, Partially s/s by BS 6398:1983, BS 6515:1984 and BS
8215:1991 (All Current)
Materials for damp proof courses 9.13
BS 743: 1970 BS 6398:1983, BS 6515:1984 and BS 8215:1991, Current Materials for damp proof courses 9.13
BS 6398:1983 Current Specification for bitumen damp-proof courses for masonry
BS 6515:1984 Current, Amd 6515 : 1986, Confirmed 1996 Specification for polyethylene damp-proof courses for masonry
BS 8215:1991 Current Code of practice for design and installation of damp-proof courses in masonry construction
BS 747: 1994 BS EN 13707 : 2004 + A2 : 2009, Current Reinforced Bitumen Sheets for Roofing - Specification 12.08
BS 747: 1994 Ditto Ditto 12.54
BS 812: ----- See below Testing aggregates 6.33, 25.11(a)
BS 812: ----- See below Ditto 6.34
BS 812: ----- See below Ditto 8.04
BS 812: 1975 Pt. 1 Withdrawn, Amd 6587 : 1991, s/s by BS 812:Part 105:Section 105.1:1985, BS 812-
101:1984, BS 812-102:1989, BS 812-105.2:1990, BS 812-106:1985, Replaced by Parts
and Sections of the new edition and by BS 882:1992
Methods for determination of particle size and shape 9.17
BS 812 Pt. 1 Superseded, Withdrawn, Replaced by BS 812-103.1:1985 Methods for determination of particle size and shape 25.11(a)
BS 812: 1975 Pt. 2 Current, Partially replaced, Replaced by: BS EN 1097-3:1998 Testing aggregates. Methods for determination of density 6.75
BS 812: 1989 Pt. 102 Replaced by BS EN 932-1:1997 but remains current until related standards are available. Testing aggregates. Methods for sampling 6.75
BS 812: 1985 Pt. 103.1 Current, Superseded, Replaced by BS EN 933-1:1997 but remains current Testing aggregates. Method for determination of particle size distribution. Sieve tests 6.75
BS 812: 1989 Pt. 105.1 Current, Superseded, Replaced by BS EN 933-3:1997 but remains current. Testing aggregates. Methods for determination of particle shape. Flakiness index 6.75
BS 812: 1990 Pt. 111 Confirmed, Current, Partially replaced, Replaced by: BS EN 1097-2:1998 Testing aggregates. Methods for determination of ten per cent fines value (TFV) 6.75
BS 812: 1988 Pt. 117 Current, Superseded, Replaced by BS EN 1744-1:1998 but remains current. Testing aggregates. Method for determination of water-soluble chloride salts 6.47.2(vi)
BS 812: 1988 Pt. 118 Current, Superseded, Replaced by: BS EN 1744-1:1998 Testing aggregates. Methods for determination of sulphate content 6.75
BS EN 12620 : 2002 Current, Corr 15333 : 2004 Aggregates for concrete
BS EN 12620 2002 + A1: 2008, Current Aggregates for concrete 18.69
BS 812: 1975 Pt. 2 1995, Current, Amd 10379 : 1999, Partially s/s by BS EN 1097-3:1998 (Current) Methods for determination of physical properties 8.04
BS EN 1097-3:1998 Current Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates. Determination of loose bulk density
and voids
BS 812:1975 Pt. 3 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 812 Pt 110 - 114 (All Current) Testing aggregates. Methods for determination of mechanical properties
BS 812:1976 Pt. 4 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 812 Pt 117:1988 (Current, Confirmed 2000) Testing aggregates. Methods for determination of mechanical properties
BS 812 Part 2 to 4 Revised, Withdrawn, Replaced by BS 812-103.1:1985 25.11(a)
BS 812:1990 Pt. 100 Remains Current, Amd 8771 : 1995, s/s by BS EN 932-5:2000 Testing aggregates. General requirements for apparatus and calibration
BS EN 932-5:2000 Current Tests for general properties of aggregates. Common equipment and calibration
BS 812:1984 Pt. 101 Remains Current, s/s by BS EN 932-6:1999 (Current) Guide to sampling and testing aggregates 6.33
BS EN 932-6 : 1999 Current Tests for General Properties of Aggregates - Part 6: Definitions of Repeatability and
BS 812:1989 Pt. 102 Remains Current, s/s by BS EN 932-1 : 1997 (Current) Methods for sampling 6.33
BS EN 932-1 : 1997 Current Tests for general properties of aggregates. Methods for sampling
BS 812: Pt. 103,
Current Methods for determination of particle size distribution 6.33
BS 812:1985 Section
Current, Confirmed 2000, Amd 6003, 1989 Sieve Test 6.33
BS 812:1989 Section
Current, Confirmed 2000 Sedimentation Test 6.33
BS 812:1994 Pt. 104 Current, Confirmed 2000 Testing aggregates. Method for qualitative and quantitative petrographic examination of
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 812: Pt. 105,
Current Methods for determination of particle shape 6.33
BS 812:1989 Section
Current, Confirmed 2000 Flakiness Index 6.33
BS 812:1990 Section
Current, Confirmed 2000 Elongation index of coarse aggregate 6.33
BS 812:1985 Pt. 106 Current, Confirmed 2000 Testing aggregates. Method for determination of shell content in coarse aggregate
BS 812:1990 Pt. 109 Current, Confirmed 2000, Partially s/s by BS EN 1097-5 : 1999 (Current) Testing aggregates. Methods for determination of moisture content
BS EN 1097-5 : 1999 Current Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates. Determination of the water content by
drying in a ventilated oven
BS 812:1990 Pt. 110 Current, Confirmed 2000, Partially s/s by BS EN 1097-2 : 1998 (Current) Methods for determination of aggregate crushing value ACV 6.33
BS 812:1990 Pt. 111 Current, Confirmed 2000, Partially s/s by BS EN 1097-2 : 1998 (Current) Methods for determination of ten percent value TFV 6.33
BS 812:1990 Pt. 112 Current, Confirmed 1995, Partially s/s by BS EN 1097-2 : 1998 (Current) Methods for determination of aggregate impact value AIV 6.33
BS EN 1097-2 : 1998 Current Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates. Methods for the determination of
resistance to fragmentation
BS 812:1990 Pt. 113 Current, Confirmed 1995, s/s by BS EN 1097-8 : 2000 (Current) Methods for determination of aggregate abrasion value AAV 6.33
BS 812:1989 Pt. 114 Current, Confirmed 2000, s/s by BS EN 1097-8:2000 (Current) Testing aggregates. Method for determination of the polished-stone value
BS EN 1097-8 : 2000 Current Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates. Determination of the polished stone
BS 812:1988 Pt. 117 Current, Confirmed 2000, s/s by BS EN 1744-1 : 1998 (Current) Methods for determination of water soluble chloride salts 6.33
BS EN 1744-1 : 1998 Current Tests for Chemical Properties of Aggregates - Part 1: Chemical Analysis
BS 812:1988 Pt. 118 Current, Confirmed 2000, s/s by BS EN 1744-1 : 1998 (Current) Methods for determination of sulphate content 6.33
BS 812:1985 Pt. 119 Current, Confirmed 2000, s/s by BS EN 1744-1 : 1998 (Current) Methods for determination of acid soluble material content of fine aggregate 6.33
BS 812:1989 Pt. 120 Current, Amd 8773 : 1995, s/s by BS EN 1367-4 : 1998 (Current) Methods for testing and classifying drying shrinkage of aggregates in concrete 6.33
BS EN 1366 : 2004 Pt. 3 BS EN 1366 : 2009, Current Tests for thermal and weathering properties of aggregates. Determination of drying shrinkage
BS EN 1367-4 : 1998 Current Tests for thermal and weathering properties of aggregates. Determination of drying shrinkage
BS 812:1989 Pt. 121 Current, Confirmed 2000, s/s by BS EN 1367-2 : 1998 (Current) Methods for determination of soundness 6.33
BS EN 1367-2 : 1998 Current Tests for Thermal and Weathering Properties of Aggregates - Part 2: Magnesium Sulfate Test
BS 812:1999 Pt. 123 Current, Corr 10613 : 1999 Testing aggregates. Method for determination of alkali-silica reactivity. Concrete prism method
BS 812:1989 Pt. 124 Current Testing aggregates. Method for determination of frost-heave
BS 864: 1983 Pt. 2 Remains Current, Amd 7067 : 1992, s/s by BS EN 1254-1, -2 : 1998 (Current, Under
Capillary and compression tube fittings of copper and copper alloy 19.47
BS 864: 1983 Pt. 2 BS EN 1254-1 : 1998, BS EN 1254-2 : 1998, Current Capillary and compression tube fittings of copper and copper alloy 19.47
BS EN 1254-1 : 1998 Current, Corr 10099 : 1998 Copper and copper alloys. Plumbing fittings. Fittings with ends for capillary soldering or capillary
brazing to copper tubes
BS EN 1254-2 : 1998 Current Copper and copper alloys. Plumbing fittings. Fittings with compression ends for use with copper
BS 864: 1983 Pt. 2 Ditto Ditto 19.54
BS 864 Part 2 Ditto Specification for capillary and compression fittings for copper tubes 19.46
BS 879: ----- Withdrawn, s/s by BS 879 Pt 1 (Current, Confrimed 1991, Amd 5526 : 1987) Water well casing 24.24
BS 879 : 1985 Pt 1 Current, Confrimed 1991, Amd 5526 : 1987 Water well casing. Specification for steel tubes for casing
BS 882: 1983 Withdrawn, Amd 13579 : 2002, s/s by BS EN 12620 : 2002 (Current) Aggregates from natural sources for concrete 6.33
BS EN 12620 : 2002 Current, Corr 15333 : 2004 Aggregates for concrete
BS EN 12620 : 2002 BS EN 12620: 2002 + A1: 2008 Aggregates for concrete 18.69
BS 882: 1983 Ditto Ditto 6.42
BS 882: 1983 Ditto Ditto 18.69
BS 890: 1972 1995 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 459-1 : 2001 Building limes 3.27
BS EN 459-1 : 2001 Current, Corr 14099 : 2002 Building lime Part 1: Definitions, specifications and conformity criteria
BS EN 459-1 BS EN 459-1 : 2001, Current Building limes 9.18
BS 913: 1973 Superseded, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS 144:Part 1:1990, BS 144: Part 2:1990 Specification for wood preservation by means of pressure creosoting 13.30.1(iv)
BS 144-1:1990 Pt.1 2000, Current Ditto
BS 144-2:1990 Pt.2 1999, Current Ditto
BS 915: ---- Pt. 2 :
Current, Confirmed 1983, Amd 8341 : 1995, Partially s/s by BS 4550-3.1:1978 (Current),
BS 4550-3.4:1978 (Current), BS 4550-3.8:1978 (Current), BS 4550-6:1978 (Current), BS
4550:Part 1:1978 (Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 196-7:1992 -Current), BS 4550:Part 3:Section
3.2:1978 (Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 196-6:1992 -Current), BS 4550:Part 3:Section
3.3:1978 (Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 196-6:1992 -Current), BS 4550:Part 3:Section
3.5:1978 (Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 196-3:1995 -Current), BS 4550:Part 3:Section
3.6:1978 (Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 196-3:1995 -Current), BS 4550:Part 3:Section
3.7:1978 (Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 196-3:1995 -Current)
High alumina cement
BS EN 14647 BS EN 14647 : 2006, Current Mix constituents proportion 9.22(c)(ii)
BS 4550-3.1:1978 Current Methods of testing cement. Physical tests. Introduction
BS 4550-3.4:1978 Remains Current, Amd 5704 : 1998, s/s by BS EN 196-1 : 1995 and partially replaced by
BS 1881-131 : 1998
Methods of testing cement. Physical tests. Strength tests
BS EN 196-1 : 1995 2005 Current Methods of testing cement Part 1: Determination of strength
BS 1881-124: 1988 Current Testing concrete. Methods for analysis of hardened concrete 6.47.2(iii)
BS 1881-131 : 1998 Current, Amd 10470 : 1999 Testing Concrete Part 131: Methods for Testing Cement in a Reference Concrete
BS 4550-3.8:1978 Current Methods of testing cement. Physical tests. Test for heat of hydration
BS 4550-6:1978 Current Methods of testing cement. Standard sand for mortar cubes
BS 4550:Part 1:1978 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 196-7:1992 -Current Methods of testing cement. Sampling
BS EN 196-7:1992 Current Methods of testing cement. Methods of taking and preparing samples of cement
BS 4550:Part 3:Section
Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 196-6:1992 -Current Methods of testing cement. Physical tests. Density test
BS 4550:Part 3:Section
Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 196-6:1992 -Current Methods of testing cement. Physical tests. Fineness test
BS EN 196-6:1992 Current Methods of testing cement. Determination of fineness
BS 4550:Part 3:Section
Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 196-3:1995 -Current Methods of testing cement. Physical tests. Determination of standard consistence
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 4550:Part 3:Section
Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 196-3:1995 -Current Methods of testing cement. Physical tests. Test for setting times
BS 4550:Part 3:Section
Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 196-3:1995 -Current Methods of testing cement. Physical tests. Soundness test
BS EN 196-3:1995 2005 Current Methods of testing cement. Determination of setting time and soundness
BS 952: ---- Ditto Ditto 20.01
BS 952: ---- Ditto Ditto 22.09
BS 970: ---- N/A Wrought steels for mechanical and allied engineering purposes 19.50
` Pt. 4 Withdrawn, Amd 4326 : 1983, s/s by BS 970 Pt 1 : 1996 & BS EN 10090 : 1998 Valve steels 19.50
BS 970 Pt 1 : 1996 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 10083-1 : 1991, BS EN 10084 : 1998, BS EN 10085 : 2001,
BS EN 10087 : 1999, BS EN 10095 : 1999, BS EN 10250-4 : 2000, PD 970 : 2001
Specification for wrought steels for mechanical and allied engineering purposes. General inspection
and testing procedures and specific requirements for carbon, carbon manganese, alloy and stainless
BS EN 10083-1 : 1991 Current, Corr 15802 : 2006 Specification for Quenched and Tempered Steels - Part 1: Technical Delivery Conditions for
Special Steels
BS EN 10084 : 1998 Current, Corr 15801 : 2006 Case Hardening Steels - Technical Delivery Conditions
BS EN 10085 : 2001 Current Nitriding Steel - Technical Delivery Conditions
BS EN 10087 : 1999 Current, Confirmed 2005, Corr 15803 : 2006 Free cutting steels Technical delivery conditions for semi-finished products, hot-rolled bars and
BS EN 10095 : 1999 Current, Confirmed 2004 Heat Resisting Steels and Nickel Alloys
BS EN 10250-4 : 2000 Current, Confirmed 2005 Open die steel forgings for general engineering purposes - Part 4: Stainless steels
PD 970 : 2001 2005 Current, Corr 15637 : 2005 Wrought steels for mechanical and allied engineering purposes Requirements for carbon, carbon
manganese and alloy hot worked or cold finished steels
BS EN 10090 : 1998 Current, Confirmed 2004 Valve steels and alloys for internal combustion engines
BS 970: 1970(1987) Pt. 4 Ditto Ditto 19.50
BS 1004 See below Zinc alloys for die casting and zinc alloy die castings 17.33(l)(ii)(a)
BS 1004:1972(1985) Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 12844 : 1999 & BS EN 1774 : 1998 (All Current) Zinc alloys for die casting and zinc alloy die castings 17.34
BS EN 12844 : 1999 Current Zinc and zinc alloys. Castings. Specifications
BS EN 1774 : 1998 Current, Corr 10047 : 1998 Zinc and zinc alloys. Alloys for foundry purposes. Ingot and liquid
BS 1004: 1972 Ditto Specification for zinc alloys for die casting and zinc alloy die castings 17.34
BS 1010: ---- Pt. 2 Current, Obsolescent, Ed 1973, Amd 4590 : 1984 Draw-off taps and stopvalves for water services (screw-down pattern)
BS 1010 Pt. 2 1973,Current Draw-off taps and stopvalves for water services (screw-down pattern)
BS 1014:1975(1986) Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 12878 : 1999 (Current) Pigments for Portland cement and Portland cement products 6.36
BS EN 12878 : 1999 2005 Current Pigments for the colouring of building materials based on cement and/or lime. Specifications and
methods of test
BS 1070: 1993 Current, Confirmed 2000 Black paint (tar-based) 21.18
BS 1088:1966(1988) BS 1088 & 4079 : 1966, Withdrawn, Confirmed 1988, Amd 3153 : 1980, s/s by BS 1088-1
: 2003 and BS 1088-2 : 2003
Plywood for marine craft 13.13
BS 1088-1 : 2003 Current Marine plywood Part 1: Requirements
BS 1088-2 : 2003 Current Marine plywood Part 2: Determination of bonding quality using the knife test
BS 1139-1:1982 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 1139: Sections 1.1 1990 (Withdrawn and s/s by BS EN 39:2001
(Curretn)) & 1.2: 1990 (Current)
Metal Scaffolding Part 1: Tubes for Use in Scaffolding 1.39.2(xii)
BS EN 39 :2001 Current Loose Steel Tubes for Tube and Coupler Scaffolds - Technical Delivery Conditions
BS 1139-2 :1982 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 1139: Sections 2.1 1991 (Withdrawn and s/s by BS EN 74-1
(Current)) & 2.2: 1991 (Current)
Metal Scaffolding Part 2: Couplers and Fittings for Use in Tubular Scaffolding
BS EN 74-1 :2006 Current Couplers, spigot pins and baseplates for use in falsework and scaffolds Part 1: Couplers for tubes
Requirements and test procedures
BS 1139-3 :1994 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1004:2004 (Current) Scaffolding Part 3: Specification for Prefabricated Mobile Access and Working Towers
BS EN 1004 :2004 Current Mobile access and working towers made of prefabricated elements Materials, dimensions, design
loads, safety and performance requirements
BS 1139-4 :1982 Current Metal Scaffolding Part 4: Prefabricated Steel Splitheads and Trestles
BS 1139-5 :1990 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 12810-1 (Current) Metal Scaffolding Part 5: Specification for Materials, Dimension, Design Loads and Safety
Requirements for Service and Working Scaffolds Made of Prefabricated Elements
BS EN 12810-1 :2004 Current Faade scaffolds made of prefabricated components Part 1: Products specifications
BS 1139-6 :2005 Current Metal scaffolding Part 6: Specification for prefabricated tower scaffolds outside the scope of BS
EN 1004, but utilizing components from such systems
BS 1139 SEC 1.1 :1990 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 39: 2001 (Current) Metal Scaffolding Part 1: Tubes for Use in Scaffolding Section 1.1: Steel Tube
BS 1139 SEC 1.2 :1990 Current Metal Scaffolding Part 1: Tubes Section 1.2: Aluminium Tube
BS 1139 SEC 2.1 :1991 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 74-1 :2006 (Current) Metal Scaffolding Part 2: Couplers Section 2.1 Specification for Steel Couplers, Loose Spigots and
BasePlates for Use in Working Scaffolds and Falsework Made of Steel Tubes
BS 1139 SEC 2.2 :1991 Current Metal Scaffolding Part 1: Tubes for Use In Scaffolding Section 2.2: Steel and Aluminium
Couplers, Fittings and Accessories for Use in Tubular Scaffolding
BS 1142: 1989 BS EN 120:1992, Current, BS EN 310:1993, Current, BS EN 316:2009, Current, BS EN
317:1993, Current, BS EN 318:2002, Current, BS EN 319:1993, Current, BS EN
320:1993, Current, BS EN 321:2002, Current, BS EN 322:1993, Current, BS EN
323:1993, Current, BS EN 324-1:1993, Current, BS EN 324-2:1993, Current, BS EN
325:1993, Current, BS EN 382-1:1993, Current, BS EN 622-1:2003, Current, BS EN 622-
2:2004, Current, BS EN 622-3:2004, Current, BS EN 622-4:2009, Current & 622-5:2009,
Fibre building boards 13.15, 13.16,
13.17, 13.22
BS EN 120:1992 Current, Amd 9388 : 1997, Confirmed 2002 Wood based panels. Determination of formaldehyde content. Extraction method called the
perforator method
BS EN 310:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of modulus of elasticity in bending and of bending strength
BS EN 316:1999 2009, Current Wood fibreboards. Definition, classification and symbols
BS EN 317:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Particleboards and fibreboards. Determination of swelling in thickness after immersion in water
BS EN 318:2002 Current Wood based panels. Determination of dimensional changes associated with changes in relative
BS EN 319:1993 Current Particleboards and fibreboards. Determination of tensile strength perpendicular to the plane of the
BS EN 320:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Fibreboards. Determination of resistance to axial withdrawal of screws
BS EN 321:2002 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of moisture resistance under cyclic test conditions
BS EN 322:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of moisture content
BS EN 323:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of density
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS EN 324-1:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of dimensions of boards. Determination of thickness, width and
BS EN 324-2:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of dimensions of boards. Determination of squareness and edge
BS EN 325:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of dimensions of test pieces
BS EN 382-1:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Fibreboards. Determination of surface absorption. Fireboards. Determination of surface absorption.
Test method for dry process fibreboards
BS EN 622 Part 1 : 1997 2003 Current Fibreboards. Specifications. General requirements
BS EN 622 Part 2 : 1997 2004 Current Fibreboards. Specifications. Requirements for hardboards
BS EN 622 Part 3 : 1997 2004 Current Fibreboards. Specifications. Requirements for medium boards
BS EN 622 Part 4 : 1997 2009, Current Fibreboards. Specifications. Requirements for softboards
BS EN 622 Part 5 : 1997 2009, Current Fibreboards. Specifications. Requirements for dry process boards (MDF)
BS 1142: 1989 Ditto Ditto 13.16
BS 1142: 1989 Ditto Ditto 13.17
BS 1142: 1989 Ditto Accoustic Tiles 13.22
BS 1142: 1989 Ditto Insulating board (softboard) 22.13
BS 1161:1977(1991) Current, Confirmed 1991, Amd 4357 : 1983 Aluminium alloy sections 17.07
BS 1178: 1982 BS EN 12588 : 2006, Current Milled lead sheet for building purposes 12.01
BS EN 12588 : 1999 Current Lead and lead alloys. Rolled lead sheet for building purposes
BS 1186: 1988 Pt. 1 BS EN 942 : 2007, Current Timber 13.01
BS EN 942 : 1996 Current Timber in joinery. General classification of timber quality
BS 1186: 1988 Pt. 2 Current, Amd 9385 : 1997 Workmanship in joinery 13.31
BS 1188: 1974 Current, Confirmed 2000, Amd 4914 : 1989 Ceramic wash basins and pedestals 19.78
BS 3402: 1969 Current Ceramic wash basins and pedestals 19.78
BS 1194 : 1969 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 5911-114 : 1992 (Withdrawn) Concrete porous pipes for under-drainage 23.09
BS 5911-114 : 1992 Withdrawn Precast Concrete Pipes, Fittings and Ancillary Products Part 114: Specification for Porous Pipes
BS 1196: 1989 2003, Current Clayware field drain pipes 23.09
BS 1197: 1973 Pt. 2 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1980 Concrete flooring tiles and fittings 18.88
BS 1200: 1976 BS 1199 & 1200 : 1976, Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 13139 : 2002 Building sands from natural source 3.34
BS 1199&1200: 1976 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1199 : 1998 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Disodium hydrogen
BS EN 1199 : 1998 BS EN 1199 : 2005, Current Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Disodium hydrogen
BS EN 13139 : 2002 Current, Corr 15335 : 2004 Aggregates for mortar
BS 1202: 1974 Pt. 1 Revised, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS 1202-1 Specification for nails. Specifications for nails. Steel nails 13.24
BS 1202-1 2002, Current Ditto 18.32
BS 1203:1979(1991) 2001 Current Synthetic resin adhesives (phenolic and aminoplastic) for plywood 13.12
BS 1204: 1979 Pt. 1 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 1204 : 1993, BS EN 301 : 1992, BS EN 302-1 : 1992, BS EN 302-
2 : 1992, BS EN 302-3 : 1992, BS EN 302-4 : 1992
Gap-filling adhesives 13.29
BS 1204 : 1979 Pt. 2 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 1204 : 1993, BS EN 301 : 1992, BS EN 302-1 : 1992, BS EN 302-
2 : 1992, BS EN 302-3 : 1992, BS EN 302-4 : 1992
Close-contact adhesives 13.29
BS 1204 : 1993 Withdrawn and follows BS EN 12765 : 2001 Specification for type MR phenolic and aminoplastic synthetic resin adhesives for wood
BS EN 12765 : 2001 Current Classification of Thermosetting Wood Adhesives for Non-Structural Applications
BS EN 301 : 1992 Current Adhesives, Phenolic and Aminoplastic, for Load- Bearing Timber Structures: Classification and
Performance Requirements
BS EN 302-1 : 1992 2004 Current Adhesives for load-bearing timber structures Test methods Part 1: Determination of bond strength
in longitudinal tensile shear strength
BS EN 302-2 : 1992 2004 Current Adhesives for load-bearing timber structures Test methods Part 2: Determination of resistance to
BS EN 302-3 : 1992 2004 Current, Amd 15973 : 2006 Adhesives for load-bearing timber structures Test methods Part 3: Determination of the effect of
acid damage to wood fibres by temperature and humidity cycling on the transverse tensile strength
BS EN 302-4 : 1992 2004 Current Adhesive for load-bearing timber structures Test methods Part 4: Determination of the effects of
wood shrinkage on the shear strength
BS 1210: 1963 Current, Obsolescent, Confirmed 1998, Amd 1462 : 1974 Wood screws 13.25
BS 1210: 1963 Ditto Ditto 14.26
BS 1212: 1990 Pt. 1 Current Diaphragm type (plastics body) for cold water services 19.52
BS 1224: 1970 Withdrawn, Amd 963 : 1972, s/s by BS EN 12540 : 2000 (Current) Electroplated coatings of nickel and chromium 14.15
BS EN 12540 : 2000 Superseded, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS EN ISO 1456:2009 Corrosion protection of metals. Electrodeposited coatings of nickel, nickel plus chromium, copper
plus nickel and copper plus nickel plus chromium
BS 1224: 1970 Ditto Ditto 17.24
BS 1230: ----- Pt 1 only Gypsum plasterboard 22.07
BS 1230:1985(1994) Pt. 1 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1994, s/s by BS EN 520 Gypsum Plasterboard Part 1: Plasterboard Excluding Materials Submitted to Secondary Operations 18.31
BS EN 520 BS EN 520 : 2004 + A1 : 2009, Current Gypsum plasterboards Definitions, requirements and test methods
BS EN 845-1 BS EN 845-1 : 2003 + A1 : 2008, Current Metal ties for cavity wall construction 9.14
BS EN 845-1 : 2003 Current, Corr 14736 : 2003 Specification for ancillary components for masonry Part 1: Ties, tension straps, hangers and
BS 1244: 1988 Pt. 2 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 13310 : 2003 (Current) Metal sinks for domestic purposes 19.79
BS EN 13310 : 2003 Current Kitchen sinks Functional requirements and test methods
BS 1247: ----- 1975 Withdrawn, Amd 3152 : 1980, s/s by BS 1247 Pt 1-2 : 1990 (Current) Manhole steps 23.13
BS 1247 Pt 1 : 1990 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 13101 : 2002 Manhole steps. Specification for galvanized ferrous or stainless steel manhole steps
BS 1247 Pt 2 : 1990 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 13101 : 2002 Manhole steps. Specification for plastics encapsulated manhole steps
BS EN 13101 : 2002 Current Steps for underground man entry chambers Requirements, marking, testing and evaluation of
BS 1254: 1981 Current, Confirmed 2000 WC seats (plastics)
BS 1256:see BS 143 BS 143 & 1256 : 2000 (Current) Malleable cast iron and alloy 19.33
BS 1256 see BS 143 Ditto Ditto 19.46
BS 1256:- Ditto Specification for malleable cast iron and cast copper alloy threaded pipe fittings 19.46
BS 1256 Ditto Specification for malleable cast iron and cast copper alloy threaded pipe fittings 19.46
BS 1256 Ditto Specification for malleable cast iron and cast copper alloy threaded pipe fittings 19.46
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 1282: 1975 1999, Current Wood preservatives. Guidance on choice, use and application 13.30.1(ii)
BS 1295: 1987 Withdrawn Tests for use in the training of welders 15.23
BS 1295: 1987 Ditto Code of practice for training in arc welding skills 15.23
BS 1336:1971(1988) Current, Confirmed 2002 Knotting 21.31
BS 1369 : 1997 Confirmed, Current Founding. Magnetic particle inspection 12.59
BS 1369-1 : 1987 Superseded, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS EN 13658-1:2005, BS EN 13658-2:2005 Steel lathing for internal plastering and external rendering. Specification for expanded metal and
ribbed lathing
BS 1377: 1975 (as
modified by GEO Report
no. 36)
Withdrawn, s/s by BS 1377-1 : 1990, BS 1377-2 : 1990, BS 1377-3 : 1990, BS 1377-4 :
1990, BS 1377-5 : 1990, BS 1377-6 : 1990, BS 1377-7 : 1990, BS 1377-8 : 1990, BS
1377-9 : 1990
Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes 3.01, 3.21,
5.26, 25.02(a),
BS 1377-1 : 1990 Current, Amd 8258 : 1995, Confirmed 2010 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes. General requirements and sample
25.02(d), (j) &
BS 1377-2 : 1990 Current, Amd 9027 : 1996, Confirmed 2010 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes. Classification tests 25.02(a)(v), (b)
& (k)(ix)
BS 1377-3 : 1990 Current, Amd 9028 : 1996, Confirmed 2010 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes. Chemical and electro-chemical tests 25.02(d), (j) &
BS 1377-4 : 1990 Current, Amd: 8259:1995, Amd 13925 : 2002, Confirmed 2010 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes. Compaction-related tests 25.02(d), (j) &
BS 1377-5 : 1990 Current, Amd 8260 : 1994, Confirmed 2010 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes. Compressibility, permeability and
durability tests
25.02(d), (j) &
BS 1377-6 : 1990 Current, Amd 8261 : 1994, Confirmed 2010 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes. Consolidation and permeability tests in
hydraulic cells and with pore pressure measurement
25.02(d), (j) &
BS 1377-7 : 1990 Current, Amd 8262 : 1994, Confirmed 2010 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes. Shear strength tests (total stress) 25.02(d), (j) &
BS 1377-8 : 1990 Current, Amd 8263 : 1995, Confirmed 2010 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes. Shear strength tests (effective stress) 25.02(d), (j) &
BS 1377-9 : 1990 Current, Amd 8264 : 1995, Amd 17229:2007, Confirmed 2010 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes. In-situ tests 25.02(d), (j) &
BS 1377 Pt. 2 1990 Current, Amd 9027 : 1996, Confirmed 2003 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes. Classification tests 23.42
BS 1387:1985(1990) BS EN 10255 : 2004 Steel tubes and tubulars 17.04
BS EN 10255 : 2004 Current Non-alloy steel tubes suitable for welding and threading Technical delivery conditions
BS 1387:1985(1990) Ditto Ditto 19.33
BS 1387:1985(1990) Ditto Ditto 19.46
BS 1387 Ditto Specification for screwed and socketed steel tubes and tubulars and for plain end steel tubes
suitable for welding or for screwing to BS 21 pipe threads
BS 1387 Ditto Specification for screwed and socketed steel tubes and tubulars and for plain end steel tubes
suitable for welding or for screwing to BS 21 pipe threads
BS 1390: 1990 Current, Amd 6634 : 1990 Sheet steel baths for domestic purposes 19.74
BS 1400: 1985 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1982 : 1999 (Current) Copper alloy ingots 19.50
BS EN 1982 : 1999 Current Copper and copper alloys. Ingots and castings
BS 1449: 1983 Pt. 2 Superseded, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS EN 10029:1991, BS EN 10259:1997, BS EN
10258:1997, BS EN 10048:1997, BS EN 10095:1999, BS EN 10051:1991+A1:1997
Stainless and heat resisting steel plate, sheet and strip 14.26, 16.11,
BS EN 10024 : 1995 Current Hot rolled taper I sections. Tolerances on shape and dimensions. 15.03
BS EN 10029 : 1991 Current Specification for tolerances on dimensions, shape and mass for hot rolled steel plates 3 mm thick or
BS EN 10034 : 1993 Current Structural steel I and H sections. Tolerances on shape and dimensions. 15.03
BS EN 10051 BS EN 10051 : 1991+ A1: 1997, Current Continuously hot rolled uncoated plate, sheet and strip of non-alloy and alloy steels. Tolerances on
shape and dimensions.
BS EN 10055 : 1996 Current Hot rolled steel equal flange tees with radiused root and toes. Tolerances on shape and dimensions. 15.03
BS EN 10279 : 2000 Current Hot rolled steel channels. Tolerances on shape, dimension and mass 15.03
BS EN 10048 : 1997 Current, Confirmed 2005 Hot rolled narrow steel strip. Tolerances on dimensions and shape
BS EN 10051 BS EN 10051: 1991+ A1: 1997, Current Continuously hot-rolled uncoated plate, sheet and strip of non-alloy and alloy steels. Tolerances on
dimensions and shape
BS EN 10258 : 1997 Current, Amd 9862 : 1998, Confirmed 2004 Cold-rolled stainless steel narrow strip and cut lengths. Tolerances on dimensions and shape
BS EN 10095 : 1999 Current, Confirmed 2004 Heat resisting steels and nickel alloys
BS EN 10259 : 1997 Current, Amd 9863 : 1998, Confirmed 2004 Cold-rolled stainless and heat resisting steel wide strip and plate/sheet. Tolerances on dimensions
and shape
BS EN 10088
BS EN 10088-1:2005 Current 16.11(i)
BS EN 10088-2:2005 Current 16.11(i)
BS EN 10088-3:2005 Current 16.11(i)
BS EN 10088-4:2009 Current 16.11(i)
BS EN 10088-5:2009 Current 16.11(i)
BS 1452: 1990 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1561 : 1997 (Current) Flake graphite iron castings 17.06
BS EN 1561 : 1997 Current Founding. Grey cast irons
BS 1452: 1990 Ditto Ditto 19.50
BS 1452 Ditto Flake Graphite Cast Iron 17.06
BS 1470: 1987 Superseded, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS EN 515:1993, BS EN 485-3:1994, BS EN 573-
4:1995, BS EN 573-2:1995, BS EN 485-2:1995, Parts 1 to 4 of BS EN 485 BS EN
515:1993 and Parts 1 to 4 of BS EN 573: 1995
Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering purposes: plate,
sheet and strip
12.03, 14.04,
BS EN 485-1 : 1994 BS EN 485-1:2008+A1:2009 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate. Technical conditions for inspection and
BS EN 485-2 : 1995 2008, Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate. Technical conditions for inspection and
BS EN 485-3 : 1994 2003 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate. Tolerances on shape and dimensions for
hot-rolled products
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS EN 485-4 : 1994 Current, Confrimed 2003 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate. Tolerances on shape and dimensions for
cold-rolled products
BS EN 515 : 1993 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Wrought products. Temper designations
BS EN 573 Revised, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS EN 573-1 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of wrought products. Numerical
designation system
BS EN 573-1 : 1995 2004 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of wrought products. Numerical
designation system
BS EN 573-2 : 1995 Current, Confirmed 2003 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of wrought products. Chemical
symbol based designation system
BS EN 573-3 : 1995 2003 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of wrought products. Chemical
BS EN 573-4 : 1995 2004 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of wrought products. Forms of
BS 1470: 1987 Ditto Ditto 17.07
BS 1470: 1987 Ditto Ditto 17.34
BS 1470 Ditto Wrought Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys for General Engineering purposes; plate, sheet and
17.33 (b)
BS 1471: 1972 Withdrawn, Amd 8424 : 1995, s/s by BS EN 515 : 1993, BS EN 573-3 : 1995, BS EN 573-
4 : 1995, BS EN 754-1 : 1997, BS EN 754-2 : 1997, BS EN 754-7 : 1998, BS EN 754-8
: 1998
Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering purposes - drawn tube 17.07
BS EN 515 : 1993 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Wrought products. Temper designations
BS EN 573-3 : 1995 2003 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of wrought products. Chemical
BS EN 573-4 : 1995 2004 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of wrought products. Forms of
BS EN 754 Revised, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS EN 754-1 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube. Technical conditions for
inspection and delivery
BS EN 754-1 : 1997 2008, Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube. Technical conditions for
inspection and delivery
BS EN 754-2 : 1997 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube. Mechanical properties
BS EN 754-7 : 1998 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube. Seamless tubes, tolerances on
dimensions and form
BS EN 754-8 : 1998 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube. Porthole tubes, tolerances on
dimensions and form
BS 1473: 1972 Current, Amd 4477 : 1984, Confirmed 2002 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering purposes - rivet, bolt and screw
BS 1474: 1987 BS EN 12020-1 : 2008, BS EN 12020-2 : 2008, BS EN 515 : 1993, BS EN 573-3 : 2009,
BS EN 755-1 : 2008, BS EN 755-2 : 2008, BS EN 755-3 : 2008, BS EN 755-4 : 2008, BS
EN 755-5 : 2008, BS EN 755-6 : 2008, BS EN 755-7 : 2008, BS EN 755-8 : 2008, BS EN
755-9 : 2008
Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering purposes - bars 17.07
BS EN 12020-1 : 2008 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded precision profiles in alloys EN AW-6060 and EN AW-
6063. Technical conditions for inspection and delivery
BS EN 12020-2 : 2008 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded precision profiles in alloys EN AW-6060 and EN AW-
6063. Tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 515 : 1993 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Wrought products. Temper designations
BS EN 573-3 : 2009 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of wrought products. Chemical
BS EN 573-4 : 1995 Replaced by BS EN 573-3:2009 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of wrought products. Forms of
BS EN 755-1 : 2008 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles. Technical conditions for
inspection and delivery
BS EN 755-2 : 2008 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles. Mechanical properties
BS EN 755-3 : 2008 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles. Round bars, tolerances on
dimensions and form
BS EN 755-4 : 2008 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles. Square bars, tolerances on
dimensions and form
BS EN 755-5 : 2008 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles. Rectangular bars, tolerances
on dimensions and form
BS EN 755-6 : 2008 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles. Hexagonal bars, tolerances
on dimensions and form
BS EN 755-7 : 2008 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles. Seamless tubes, tolerances
on dimensions and form
BS EN 755-8 : 2008 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles. Porthole tubes, tolerances
on dimensions and form
BS EN 755-9 : 2008 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles. Profiles, tolerances on
dimensions and form
BS 1474: 1987 Ditto Ditto 22.06
BS 1474 Ditto Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering purposes: bars,
extruded round tubes and sections
17.33 (b)
BS 1485:1983(1989) Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 10223-2 : 1998 Zinc coated hexagonal steel wire netting 18.26
BS EN 10223-2 : 1998 Current, Amd 15204 : 2004 Steel wire and wire products for fences. Hexagonal steel wire netting for agricultural, insulation and
fencing purposes
BS 1485:1983(1989) Ditto Ditto 24.34
BS 1494 1951 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 1494 Pt 1 : 1964 (Current) & Pt 2 : 1967 (Withdrawn,
Hardcopy only)
Specification for fixing accessories for building purposes 13.25
BS 1494 Pt 1 : 1964 Current, PD 6192 : 1967 Specification for fixing accessories for building purposes. Fixings for sheet, roof and wall
BS 1494 Pt 2 : 1967 Withdrawn, Hardcopy only Specification for fixing accessories for building purposes. Sundry fixings
BS 1494: 1964 Pt. 1 Current, PD 6192 : 1967 Fixing for sheet, roof and wall coverings 12.75
BS 1521:1972(1994) Current, Amd 3519 : 1981 Waterproofing building papers 6.69
BS 1579: 1960 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 912 : 2000 (Current) Connectors for timber 14.08
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS EN 912 : 2000 Current, Corr 13088 : 2001 Timber fasteners. Specifications for connections for timber
BS 1615:1987(1994) Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 12373-1 : 2001 (Current) Anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium 14.26
BS EN 12373-1 : 2001 Superseded, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS EN ISO 7599:2010 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Anodizing. Method for specifying decorative and protective
anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium
16.29(i), 16.31,
BS 1615:1987(1994) Ditto Ditto 17.23
BS 1615:1987(1994) Ditto Ditto 17.34
BS 1639:1964(1989) Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN ISO 7438 : 2000 (Current) Methods for bend testing of metals 15.26
BS EN ISO 7438 : 2000 2005 Current Metallic materials. Bend test
BS 1706: 1990 Withdrawn, Amd 6731 : 1991, s/s by BS EN 12329 : 2000 & BS EN 12330 : 2000 (All
Methods for specifying electroplated coatings of zinc and cadmium on iron and steel 14.26, 14.04
BS EN 12329 : 2000 Current, Replaced by BS EN ISO 2081 : 2008 Corrosion protection of metals. Electrodeposited coatings of zinc with supplementary treatment on
iron or steel
14.15, 14.18
BS EN 12330 : 2000 Current Corrosion protection of metals. Electrodeposited coatings of cadmium on iron or steel
BS 1706: 1990 Ditto Ditto 17.22
BS 1711 : 1975 Current, Confirmed 2003, (Withdrawn) Solid rubber flooring 18.120
BS 1723: ---- 1963 Withdrawn, PD 6264 : 1967, s/s by BS 1723 Pt 1 : 1986 Brazing 17.19
BS 1723 Pt 1 : 1986 BS EN 14324 : 2004, Current Brazing. Specification for brazing
BS EN 14324 : 2004 Current Brazing Guidance on the application of brazed joints
BS 1758:1966 Withdrawn Specification for fireclay refractories (bricks and shapes) 9.05
BS 1876: 1990 Current, Confirmed 2000 Automatic flushing cisterns for urinals
BS 1902: ---- BS 1902-2.2 : 1974,-2.3:Addendum No. 1 : 1976,-3.0 : 1988,-3.1 : 1981,-3.2 : 1981,-3.3 :
1981,-3.5 : 1981,-3.10 : 1981,-3.11 : 1983,-3.13 : 1996, 3.14 : 1996,-3.16 : 1990,-
3.17:1990,-3.19 : 1996,-4.0 : 1985,-4.6 : 1985,-5.0 : 1992,-5.3 : 1990,-5.4 : 1989,-5.5 :
1991,-5.8 : 1992,-5.11 : 1986,-5.13 : 1984,-5.14 : 1992,-6 : 1986,-7.0 : 1987,-7.1 : 1987,-
7.2 : 1987,-7.3 : 1987,-7.4 : 1987,-7.5 : 1987,-7.6 : 1987,-9.1 : 1987,-9.2 : 1987,-9.3 :
1998,-10.1 : 1993,-10.2 : 1994,-11 : 1991 Current
Methods of testing refractory materials 9.05
BS 1902-2.2 : 1974 Current, Amd 4960 : 1986, Confirmed 2005 Methods of testing refractory materials. Chemical analysis (wet methods). Chemical analysis of
chrome-bearing materials
BS 1902-2.3:Addendum
No. 1 : 1976
Current, Confirmed 2005 Methods of testing refractory materials. Chemical analysis (wet methods). Determination of boron
in magnesites
BS 1902-3.0 : 1988 Current, Confirmed 1993 Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural properties. Introduction
BS 1902-3.1 : 1981 Current, Confirmed 2005 Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural properties. Guidance on sampling
BS 1902-3.2 : 1981 Current, Confirmed 2005 Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural properties. Measurement of
dimensions of specimens for testing (methods 1902-302)
BS 1902-3.3 : 1981 Current, Confirmed 2005 Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural properties. Sieve analysis (methods
BS 1902-3.5 : 1981 Current, Confirmed 1998 Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural properties. Determination of powder
density (method 1902-305)
BS 1902-3.10 : 1981 Current, Confirmed 1988 Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural properties. Determination of
resistance to carbon monoxide (method 1902-310)
BS 1902-3.11 : 1983 Current, Confirmed 2005 Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural properties. Measurement of
dimensions and shape of refractory bricks and blocks (methods 1902-311)
BS 1902-3.13 : 1996 Current, Confirmed 2005 Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural properties. Measurement of
dimensions and external defects of refractory bricks. Corner and edge defects and other surface
BS 1902-3.14 : 1996 Current, Confirmed 2005 Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural properties. Determination of
hydration tendency
BS 1902-3.16 : 1990 Current, Confirmed 2005 Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural properties. Determination of pore size
distribution (method 1902-316)
BS 1902-3.17:1990 Current, Confirmed 2005 Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural properties. Determination of volume
and bulk density of dense shaped products (methods 1902-317)
BS 1902-3.19 : 1996 Current, Confirmed 2005 Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural properties. Measurement of
dimensions and external defects of refractory bricks. Dimensions and conformity to drawings
BS 1902-4.0 : 1985 Current, Confirmed 1993 Methods of testing refractory materials. Properties measured under an applied stress. Introduction
BS 1902-4.6 : 1985 Current, Confirmed 1996 Methods of testing refractory materials. Properties measured under an applied stress.
Determination of resistance to abrasion at ambient temperature (abradability index at ambient
temperature) (method 1902-406)
BS 1902-5.0 : 1992 Current, Confirmed 1998 Methods of testing refractory materials. Refractory and thermal properties. Introduction
BS 1902-5.3 : 1990 Current, Confirmed 1996 Methods of testing refractory materials. Refractory and thermal properties. Determination of
thermal expansion (horizontal method to 1100C) (method 1902-503)
BS 1902-5.4 : 1989 Current, Confirmed 1996 Methods of testing refractory materials. Refractory and thermal properties. Determination of
thermal expansion (for large test pieces) (method 1902-504)
BS 1902-5.5 : 1991 Current, Confirmed 1996 Methods of testing refractory materials. Refractory and thermal properties. Determination of
thermal conductivity (panel/calorimeter method) (method 1902-505)
BS 1902-5.8 : 1992 Current Methods of testing refractory materials. Refractory and thermal properties. Determination of
thermal conductivity (split column method) (method 1902-508)
BS 1902-5.11 : 1986 Current, Confirmed 1995 Methods of testing refractory materials. Refractory and thermal properties. Determination of
thermal spalling resistance by the prism test (method 1902-511)
BS 1902-5.13 : 1984 Current, Confirmed 1995 Methods of testing refractory materials. Refractory and thermal properties. Determination of
resistance to attack by slag (method 1902-513)
BS 1902-5.14 : 1992 Current, Confirmed 1998 Methods of testing refractory materials. Refractory and thermal properties. Determination of
thermal expansion (temperatures up to 1500C) (methods 1902-5.14)
BS 1902-6 : 1986 Current, Confirmed 1995 Methods of testing refractory materials. Ceramic fibre products
BS 1902-7.0 : 1987 Current, Confirmed 1995 Methods of testing refractory materials. Unshaped refractories used in monolithic construction.
Introduction and definitions
BS 1902-7.1 : 1987 Current, Confirmed 1995 Methods of testing refractory materials. Unshaped refractories used in monolithic construction.
Guidance on sampling (of unshaped refractories)
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 1902-7.2 : 1987 Current, Confirmed 1995 Methods of testing refractory materials. Unshaped refractories used in monolithic construction.
Testing of material as supplied and received (method 1902-702)
BS 1902-7.3 : 1987 Current, Confirmed 1995 Methods of testing refractory materials. Unshaped refractories used in monolithic construction.
Preparation of test pieces from dense castables by vibration (method 1902-703)
BS 1902-7.4 : 1987 Current, Confirmed 1995 Methods of testing refractory materials. Unshaped refractories used in monolithic construction.
Preparation of test pieces from insulating castables (method 1902-704)
BS 1902-7.5 : 1987 Current, Confirmed 1995 Methods of testing refractory materials. Unshaped refractories used in monolithic construction.
Preparation of test pieces from mouldables and ramming mixes (method 1902-705)
BS 1902-7.6 : 1987 Current, Confirmed 1995 Methods of testing refractory materials. Unshaped refractories used in monolithic construction.
Testing of materials as preformed test pieces
BS 1902-9.1 : 1987 Current, Confirmed 1996 Methods of testing refractory materials. Chemical analysis by instrumental methods. Analysis of
alumino-silicate refractories by X-ray fluorescence
BS 1902-9.2 : 1987 Current, Amd 6576 : 1991, Confirmed 1996 Methods of testing refractory materials. Chemical analysis by instrumental methods. Analysis of
silica refractories by X-ray fluorescence
BS 1902-9.3 : 1998 Current, Confirmed 2005 Methods of testing refractory materials. Chemical analysis by instrumental methods. Determination
of chromium (VI)
BS 1902-10.1 : 1993 Current Methods of testing refractory materials. Investment casting shell mould systems. Determination of
resistance to deformation at elevated temperatures
BS 1902-10.2 : 1994 Current, Corr 14426 : 2003 Methods of testing refractory materials. Investment casting shell mould systems. Determination of
permeability and standard air flow capacity at elevated temperatures
BS 1902-11 : 1991 Current, Confirmed 1996 Methods of testing refractory materials. Refractory mortars and putties
BS 1911: 1990 Pt.1& Pt.2 BS EN 13279-2: 2004 & BS EN 13279-1: 2008 Hard soap 22.07
BS 1191: 1990 Pt. 1 Ditto Gypsum plaster 18.29
BS 1968: 1953 Current, Confirmed 2000, PD 4667 : 1962 Floats for ballvalves (copper) 19.52
BS 1982: ---- 1968 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 1982 Pt 0-3 : 1990 (Current) Fungal resistance of panel products 18.155
BS 1982 Pt 0 : 1990 Current, Confirmed 2002 Fungal resistance of panel products made of or containing materials of organic origin. Guide to
methods for determination
BS 1982 Pt 1 : 1990 Current, Amd 7780 : 1993, Confirmed 2002 Fungal resistance of panel products made of or containing materials of organic origin. Method for
determination of resistance to wood-rotting Basidiomycetes
BS 1982 Pt 2 : 1990 Current, Confirmed 2002 Fungal resistance of panel products made of or containing materials of organic origin. Method for
determination of resistance to cellulose-decomposing microfungi
BS 1982 Pt 3 : 1990 Current, Confirmed 2002 Fungal resistance of panel products made of or containing materials of organic origin. Methods for
determination of resistance to mould or mildew
BS 2456: 1990 Current, Amd 13175 : 2001 Floats (plastics) for ballvalves for hot and cold water 19.52
BS 2499: 1973 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 2499 Pt 1 : 1993, Pt 2 : 1992 & Pt 3 : 1993 (Current) Hot applied joint sealants for concrete pavements 6.61
BS 2499 Pt 1 : 1993 Withdrawn, Amd 8666 : 1995, s/s by EN 14188-1 : 2004 Hot-applied joint sealant systems for concrete pavements. Specification for joint sealants
EN 14188-1 : 2004 Current Joint fillers and sealants Part 1: Specifications for hot applied sealants
BS 2499 Pt 2 : 1992 Current, Amd 8667 : 1995 Hot-applied joint sealant systems for concrete pavements. Code of practice for the application and
use of joint sealants
BS 2499 Pt 3 : 1993 Current, Amd 8668 : 1995 Hot-applied joint sealant systems for concrete pavements. Methods of test
BS 2523:1966(1983) Current, Confirmed 2000, Amd 3941 : 1982, Partially s/s by BS 5082 : 1993 & BS 5358 :
1993 (All Withdrawn, s/s by BS 7956:2000 -Current)
Lead-based priming paints 21.02
BS 7956:2000 Current Specification for primers for woodwork
BS 2569 Pt. 1 1964 Withdrawn, Amd 55 : 1968, s/s by BS EN 22063 : 1994 (Current) Protection of Iron and Steel by Aluminium and Zinc Against Atmospheric Corrosion 17.21(c)
BS EN 22063 : 1994 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN ISO 2063 : 2005 Metallic and other inorganic coatings. Thermal spraying. Zinc, aluminium and their alloys
BS EN ISO 2063 : 2005 Current Thermal spraying Metallic and other inorganic coatings Zinc, aluminium and their alloys
BS 2870: 1980 Superseded, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS EN 1172:1997, BS EN 1652:1998, BS EN
1653:1998, BS EN 1654:1998
Specification for rolled copper and copper alloys: sheet, strip and foil 12.02, 14.14
BS EN 1172 : 1997 Current Copper and copper alloys. Sheet and strip for building purposes
BS EN 1652 : 1998 Current, Corr 10198 : 1998 Copper and copper alloys. Plate, sheet, strip and circles for general purposes
BS EN 1653 : 1998 Current, Amd 12044 : 2001 Copper and copper alloys. Plate, sheet and circles for boilers, pressure vessels and hot water
storage units
BS EN 1654 : 1998 Current, Corr 14412 : 2003 Copper and copper alloys. Strip for springs and connectors
BS 2871: 1971 Pt. 1 Withdrawn, Amd 2203 : 1996, s/s by BS EN 1057 : 1996 (Current) Copper and copper alloys, Tubes 19.47
BS 2871: 1971 Pt. 1 BS EN 1057 : 2006 + A1 : 2010, Current Copper and copper alloys, Tubes 19.47
BS EN 1057 : 1996 2006 Current Copper and copper alloys. Seamless, round copper tubes for water and gas in sanitary and heating
BS 2874: 1986 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 12163 : 1998, BS EN 12164 : 1998 & BS EN 12167 : 1998 (All
Copper and copper alloys. Rods and sections (other than forging stock) 17.08
BS EN 12163 : 1998 Current Copper and copper alloys. Rod for general purposes
BS EN 12164 : 1998 Current, Amd 11036 : 2001 Copper and copper alloys. Rod for free machining purposes
BS EN 12167 : 1998 Current Copper and copper alloys. Profiles and rectangular bar for general purposes
BS 2874: 1986 Ditto Ditto 19.50
BS 2874: 1986 Ditto Specification for copper and alloy rods and sections (other than forgin stock) 17.08
BS 2874 Ditto Copper and Copper Alloy Rods and Sections (Other Than Forging Stock) 17.08
BS EN 10143: 1993 2006, Current Continuously Hot-Dip Zinc Coated and Iron-Zinc Alloy Coated Steel Flat Products: Tolerances on
Dimensions and Shape
BS 2989 Ditto Ditto 22.86
BS 2911 BS EN 13724 : 2002, Current Letter plates 14.04
BS 2994:1976(1987) BS EN 10162 : 2003, Current Cold rolled steel sections 15.05
BS EN 10162 : 2003 Current Cold rolled steel sections - Technical delivery conditions - Dimensional and cross-sectional
BS 2994:1976(1987) Ditto Ditto 22.06
BS 2994:1976(1987) Ditto Ditto 22.36
BS 2994:1976(1987) Ditto Ditto 22.39
BS 3019: 1984 Pt. 1 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1011-4 : 2000 (Current) Wrought aluminium, aluminium alloys and magnesium alloys 17.18
BS EN 1011-4 : 2000 Current, Amd 14928 : 2004 Welding. Recommendations for welding of metallic materials. Arc welding of aluminium and
aluminium alloys
BS 3056: ---- 1973 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 3056 Pt 1 : 1985 (Current) Size of refractory bricks 9.05
BS 3056 Pt 1 : 1985 Current, Confirmed 2006 Sizes of refractory bricks. Specification for multi-purpose bricks
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 3083: 1988 Current Hot-dip zinc coated corrugated steel sheets or general purposes 12.72
BS 3100: 1991 Withdrawn, Confirmed 2001, Amd 6914 : 1992 Steel castings for general engineering purposes 19.50
BS EN 10293 : 2005 Current Steel castings for general engineering uses
BS 3111 Pt.2 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 10263-1 : 2001 & BS EN 10263-5 : 2001 (All Current) Requirements for a range of austenitic and martensitic stainless steels used for fasteners. Includes
two copper containing types to which new type numbers have been allocated.
BS 3148: 1980 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1008 : 2002 (Current) Methods of tests for water for making concrete 1.36
BS EN 1008 2002, Current Mixing water for concrete. Specification for sampling, testing and assessing the suitability of
water, including water recovered from processes in the concrete industry, as mixing water for
6.35, 6.47.2(iv)
BS 3189: 1991 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 12476 : 2000 (Current) Phosphate treatment of iron and steel 14.26
BS EN 12476 : 2000 Current Phosphate conversion coatings of metals. Method of specifying requirements
BS 3260:1969(1991) Withdrawn, Amd 4459 : 1983, s/s by BS EN 654 : 1997 (Current) Semi-flexible PVC (vinyl) floor tiles 18.115
BS EN 654 : 1997 Current, Amd 14724 : 2004 Resilient floor coverings. Semi-flexible polyvinyl chloride tiles. Specification
BS 3261: ---- BS 3261 Pt 1 : 1973, Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 649 : 1997 (Current) Unbacked flexible PVC flooring 18.116
BS EN 649 : 1997 Current, Amd 14726 : 2003 Resilient floor coverings. Homogeneous and heterogeneous polyvinyl chloride floor coverings.
BS 3261: ---- Ditto Ditto 18.117
BS 3261: ---- Ditto Ditto 18.118
BS 3262: ---- 1976 Withdrawn, Amd 4754 : 1985, s/s by BS 3262 Pt 1 : 1989, Pt 2 : 1999, Pt 3 : 1989 Hot - applied thermoplastic road marking materials 21.21
BS 3262 Pt 1 : 1989 Withdrawn, Amd 8783 : 1995 Hot-applied thermoplastic road marking materials. Specification for constituent materials and
BS 3262 Pt 2 : 1999 Withdrawn, Amd 10431 : 1999 Hot-applied thermoplastic road marking materials. Specification for road performance
BS 3262 Pt 3 : 1989 Amd 10205 : 1998, Confirmed 1995 Hot-applied thermoplastic road marking materials. Specification for application of material to road
BS 3262: Pt 3 : 1989 Confirmed, Current, Amended by: AMD 8785 21.72(b), 21.74
BS 3262: ---- Ditto Ditto 21.72
BS 3262: 1989 Pt. 1 Withdrawn, Amd 8783 : 1995 Constituent materials and mixtures 21.21
BS 3262: 1989 Pt. 1 Ditto Ditto 21.73
BS 3262: 1989 Pt. 2 Withdrawn, Amd 10431 : 1999 Road performance 21.21
BS 3262 :1987 Ditto 21.21(a)(i)
BS 3262 :1987 Ditto 21.21(b)
BS 3262 :1989 Ditto Hot-applied thermoplastic road marking materials 21.21(a)(i)
BS 3262 :1989 Ditto Hot-applied thermoplastic road marking materials 21.21(b)
BS 3262 Pt. 1 1987 Withdrawn, s/s by Pt 1 : 1989 (Withdrawn) Hot-Applied Thermoplastic Road Marking Materials 21.21(a)(i)
BS 3262 Pt. 1 1987 Ditto Hot-Applied Thermoplastic Road Marking Materials 21.21(b)
BS 3262 Pt. 1 1987 Ditto Hot-Applied Thermoplastic Road Marking Materials 21.72(a)
BS 3262 Pt. 1 1987 Ditto Hot-Applied Thermoplastic Road Marking Materials 21.75
BS 3262 Pt. 1 1989 Ditto Specification for constituent materials and mixtures 21.21(a)(i)
BS 3262 Pt. 1 1989 Ditto Specification for constituent materials and mixtures 21.21(b)
BS 3262 Pt. 1 1989 Ditto Specification for constituent materials and mixtures 21.72(a)
BS 3262 Pt. 1 1989 Ditto Specification for constituent materials and mixtures 21.75
BS 3262 Pt. 2 1987 Withdrawn, s/s by Pt 2 : 1989 (Withdrawn, s/s by Pt 2 : 1999 (Withdrawn)) Hot-Applied Thermoplastic Road Marking Materials 21.21(a)(ii)
BS 3262 Pt. 2 1987 Ditto Hot-Applied Thermoplastic Road Marking Materials 21.21(b)
BS 3262 Pt. 2 1989 Ditto Hot-Applied Thermoplastic Road Marking Materials 21.21(a)(ii)
BS 3262 Pt. 2 1989 Ditto Hot-Applied Thermoplastic Road Marking Materials 21.21(b)
BS 3262 Pt. 3 1987 Withdrawn, s/s by Pt 3 : 1989 (Current) 1987 Hot-Applied Thermoplastic Road Marking Materials 21.72(b)
BS 3262 Pt. 3 1989 Withdrawn, Amd 10205 : 1998 Specification for application of material to road surfaces 21.72(b)
BS 3262 Pt.3 1987 Ditto 1987 Hot-Applied Thermoplastic Road Marking Materials 21.74
BS 3262 Pt.3 1989 Ditto Specification for application of material to road surfaces 21.74
BS 3380: 1982 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 274-1 : 2002, BS EN 274-2 : 2002, BS EN 274-3 : 2002 Wastes and bath overflows 19.73
BS EN 274-1 : 2002 Current, Corr 14959 : 2004 Waste Fitting for Sanitary Appliances Part 1: Requirements
BS EN 274-2 : 2002 Current, Corr 14957 : 2004 Waste fittings for sanitary appliances Part 2: Test methods
BS EN 274-3 : 2002 Current, Corr 14958 : 2004 Waste Fitting for Sanitary Appliances Part 3: Quality Control
BS 3380: 1982 Ditto 19.73
BS 3382: 1982 Pt. 1-7 BS 7371-12 : 2008, Current Electroplated coatings on threaded components 12.75
BS 7371-12 2008, Current Coatings on metal fasteners. Requirements for imperial fasteners
CP 143 Pt. 11 BS 6915, Current Fix steel sheeting 12.04
CP 143 Pt. 12 CP 143-12 : 1970, Current Fix steel sheeting 12.76
BS 3382 :1961 Parts 1 and
Current, AMD 8232 :1994, Confirmed 2004 Specification for electroplated coatings on threaded components. Cadmium on steel components.
Zinc on steel components
BS 3382 :1965 Parts 3 and
Current, AMD 8908 : 1995, Confirmed 2004 Specification for electroplated coatings on threaded components. Nickel or nickel plus chromium
on steel components. Nickel or nickel plus chromium on copper and copper alloy (including brass)
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 3382 :1967 Parts 5 and
Current, Confirmed 2004 Specification for electroplated coatings on threaded components. Tin on copper and copper alloy
(including brass) components. Silver on copper and copper alloy (including brass) components
BS 3382 :1966 Pt. 7 Current, PD 6231 : 1967, Confirmed 2004 Specification for electroplated coatings on threaded components. Thicker platings for threaded
BS 3415: 1986 Current Venetian Blinds 22.35
BS 3415: 1986 Ditto Venetian Blinds 22.38
BS 3416: 1991 Current, Confirmed 2000, Amd 7288 : 1992 Black bitumen coating solutions for cold application 21.19
BS EN ISO 1513: 2010 21.91
BS 3451:1973(1981) Withdrawn, Confirmed 1981, Amd 9377 : 1997, s/s by BS EN 895:1995, BS EN 910:1996,
BS EN 1320:1997, BS EN 1321:1997
Methods of testing fusion welds in aluminium and aluminium alloys 16.39
BS EN 895:1995 Current, Confirmed 2005 Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials. Transverse tensile test
BS EN 910:1996 Current Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials. Bend tests
BS EN 1320:1997 Current Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials. Fracture tests
BS EN 1321:1997 Current, Corr 14972 : 2004 Destructive test on welds in metallic materials. Macroscopic and microscopic examination of welds
BS 3505 : 1986 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1998, Amd 6130 : 1988, s/s by parts 1 to 5 of BS EN 1452 : 2000
(All Current)
Specification for unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pressure pipes for cold potable water 19.48
BS EN 1452-1 : 2000 Current, Corr 11007 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). General
BS EN 1452-2 : 2000 Current, Corr 10999 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). Pipes
BS EN 1452-3 : 2000 Current, Corr 12006 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). Fittings
BS EN 1452-4 : 2000 Current, Corr 12007 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). Valves and
ancillary equipment
BS EN 1452-5 : 2000 Current, Corr 12008 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). Fitness for
purpose of the system
BS 3532: 1990 Current, Confirmed 1995, Amd 7344 : 1992 Method of specifying unsaturated polyester resin system 12.89
BS 3532: 1990 BS 3532-2 : 1990, Current Method of specifying unsaturated polyester resin system 12.89
BS 3535: 1962 Revised, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS 3535-1:1990, EN 60742:1989, BS 3535-2:1990 Specification for safety isolating transformers for industrial and domestic purposes 14.51
BS 3535-1:1990,
EN 60742:1989
Superseded, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS EN 61558-1:1998, BS EN 61558-2-23:2001,
IEC 61558-2-23:2000
Isolating transformers and safety isolating transformers. General requirements
BS 3535-2:1990 Ditto Isolating transformers and safety isolating transformers. Specification for transformers for reduced
system voltage
BS EN 1011-4 : 2000 Current, Amd 14928 : 2004 Welding. Recommendations for welding of metallic materials. Arc welding of aluminium and
aluminium alloys
BS 3571: 1985 Pt. 1 Ditto Ditto 17.18
BS 3601:1987(1993) Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 10216-1 : 2002, BS EN 10217-1 : 2002 Steel pipes and tubes for pressure purposes 24.24
BS EN 10216-1 : 2002 Current, Amd 15150 : 2004 Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes Technical delivery conditions Part 1: Non-alloy steel
tubes with specified room temperature properties
BS EN 10217-1 : 2002 Current, Amd 15473 : 2006 Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes Technical delivery conditions Part 1: Non-alloy steel
tubes with specified room temperature properties
BS 3621: 1980 BS 3621 : 2007 + A1 : 2009, Current Thief resistant locks 14.04, 14.61
BS 3690: 1989 BS 3690-1 : 1989 + A2 : 2008, BS 3690-3 : 1990, Current Bitumens for building and civil engineering 12.11
CP 144 Pt. 3 BS 8217 : 1994, Current Lay bitumen felt roofing 12.14
CP 144 Pt. 4 BS 8217 : 1994, Current Lay mastic asphalt roofing 12.60
BS EN 12591:2000 Current Bitumen and bituminous binders. Specifications for paving grade bitumens
BS 3690: 1989 Pt. 2 Current, Confirmed 1997 Ditto 12.55
BS 3690: 1990 Pt. 3 Current Ditto 12.55
BS 3692: 1967 2001 Current, Corr 13183 : 2001 ISO metric precision hexagon bolts, screws and nuts 15.08
BS 3797: 1990 Current, Confirmed 1996, Amd 6796 : 1991, Partially s/s by BS EN 1744-1:1998 (Current) Lightweight aggregates for concrete 18.57
BS 3797: 1990 BS EN 13055-1: 2002 (Current) Lightweight aggregates for concrete 18.57
BS EN 13055-1 2002, Current Lightweight aggregates. Lightweight aggregates for concrete, mortar and grout 18.57
BS EN 1744-1:1998 Current Tests for chemical properties of aggregates. Chemical analysis
BS 3882 BS 3882:2007, Current, Corr. No. 1:2007 Top soil - AMD 9938; April 1998 25.02(b),
BS 3827 Has 4 parts and all replaced by BS 6100-1.3.6 : 1991 Glossary of terms 14.04
BS 3827 BS 6100-6 : 2008, Current Glossary of terms 14.04
BS 3892: 1982 Pt. 1 1997 Current Specification for pulverized-fuel ash for use with Portland cement 6.28
BS 3892: 1982 Pt. 2 1996 Current Specification for pulverized-fuel ash for use in grouts and for miscellaneous uses in concrete 6.28
BS EN 771-1 BS EN 771-1 : 2003, Current Clay bricks and blocks 9.02
BS EN 771-1 Current Methods of test for masonry units. Determination of net volume and percentage of voids of clay
masonry units by hydrostatic weighing
BS EN 771-1 Current Methods of test for masonry units. Determination of water absorption of clay masonry damp proof
course units by boiling in water
BS EN 771-1 Ditto 9.04
BS 3900: 1994 Pt. C2 Superseded, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS EN ISO 9117-3 Paints and varnishes. Surface-drying test. Ballotini method 21.91
BS EN ISO 9117-3 2010, Current Paints and varnishes. Drying tests. Surface-drying test using ballotini
BS 3900: 1990 Pt. C3 Revised,Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS EN ISO 9117-1 Methods of test for paints. Hard-drying time 21.91
BS EN ISO 9117-1 2009, Current Paints and varnishes. Drying tests. Determination of through-dry state and through-dry time
BS 3900: 1992, ISO
Pt. C5 Revised,Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS EN ISO 2808:2001, BS 3900-C5:1997 Methods of test for paints. Determination of film thickness 6.25.10(ii)
BS 3900: 2000 Pt. C6 Revised,Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS EN ISO 1524 Paints, varnishes and printing inks. Determination of fineness of grind 21.91
BS EN ISO 1524 2002, Current Ditto
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 3900: 1974 Pt. D4 Revised,Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS EN ISO 2814 Paints and varnishes. Comparison of contrast ratio (hiding power) of paints of the same type and
BS EN ISO 2814 2006, Current Ditto
BS 3900: 1980 Pt. D5 Revised,Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS EN ISO 2813 Methods of test for paints. Optical tests on paint films. Measurement of specular gloss of non-
metallic paint films at 20, 60 and 85
BS EN ISO 2813 2000, Current Ditto
BS 3900: 2002 Pt. E1 Revised,Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS EN ISO 1519 Paints and varnishes. Bend test (cylindrical mandrel) 21.91
BS EN ISO 1519 2002, Current Ditto
BS 3900: 1992 Pt. E2 Revised, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS EN ISO 1518 Methods of test for paints. Methods of test for paints. Scratch test 21.91
BS EN ISO 1518 2001, Current Ditto
BS 3900: 1983 Pt. A2 Revised, Withdrawn, Replaced by BS EN ISO 1513 Paints and varnishes. Examination and preparation of samples for testing 21.91
BS EN ISO 1513:1980. 2010, Current Ditto
BS 3900: 1996 Pt. A6 Revised, Withdrawn, Replaced by BS EN ISO 2431 Paints and varnishes. Determination of flow time by use of flow cups 21.91
BS 3900:A2:1983 Revised, Withdrawn, Replaced by BS EN ISO 1513:2010 21.91, 21.92
BS 3900:C3:1990 Revised, Withdrawn, Replaced by BS EN ISO 9117-1:2009 21.91, 21.92
BS 3900:C6:1983 Revised, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS EN ISO 1524:2002; BS3900:C6:2000 Amended by:
WD/AMD 6910
21.91, 21.92
BS 3900:D4:1974 Superseded, Withdrawn, Replaced by BS EN ISO 2814:2006; BS 3900:D4:2006 21.91, 21.92
BS 3900:D5:1980 Revised, Withdrawn, Replaced by BS EN ISO 2813:2000 21.91, 21.92
BS 3900:A6:1996 Current, Work in hand, BS EN ISO 2413:1996; BS3900:A6:1996 Amended by:
BS 3900:C2:1994 Superseded, Withdrawn, Replaced by BS EN ISO 9117-3:2010 21.92
BS 3900:E1:1995 Revised, Withdrawn, Replaced by BS EN ISO 1519:2002; BS 3900:E1:2002 21.92
BS 3900:E2:1992 Current, Confirmed, Renumbered as BS EN ISO 1518:2001 21.92
BS 3900:F8:1976 Revised, Withdrawn, Replaced by BS EN ISO 3231:1998; BS3900:F8:1993 Amended by:
AMD 9930(R)
BS 3900:G6:1989 Current, Confirmed, BS 3900:G6:1989 21.93
BS EN ISO 2431 1996, Current Ditto
BS 3923 N/A Methods for ultrasonic examination of welds
BS 3923: 1986 Pt. 1 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1714 : 1998 (Current) Methods for manual examination of fusion Welds in ferritic steels 15.35
BS EN 1714 : 1998 Current, Confirmed 2003, Amd 14941 : 2004 Non destructive examination of welded joints. Ultrasonic examination of welded joints
BS 3923: 1972 Pt. 2 Current Automatic examination of fusion welded butt joints in ferritic steels 15.35
BS 3943:1979(1988) Current, Confirmed 1988, s/s by BS EN 274-1 : 2002, BS EN 274-2 : 2002 and BS EN
274-3 : 2002
Plastics waste traps 19.86
BS EN 274-1 : 2002 Current, Corr 14959 : 2004 Waste Fitting for Sanitary Appliances Part 1: Requirements
BS EN 274-2 : 2002 Current, Corr 14957 : 2004 Waste fittings for sanitary appliances Part 2: Test methods
BS EN 274-3 : 2002 Current, Corr 14958 : 2004 Waste Fitting for Sanitary Appliances Part 3: Quality Control
BS 3987: 1991 Current, Confirmed 1997, Amd 10944 : 2001 Anodic oxide coatings on wrought aluminium for external architectural applications 16.29
BS 3987: 1991 Ditto Ditto 17.23
BS 3987: 1991 Ditto Ditto 17.34
BS 3998: 1989 Current, Work in hand, Amd 6549 : 1990 Recommendations for tree work 2.10, 25.69.4,
25.81, 25.82,
25.83, 25.85,
25.86, 25.88
BS 4027: 1980 1996 Current Sulphate-resisting Portland cement 6.27
BS 1052: 1980 Current Specification for mild steel wire for general engineering purposes 26.11
BS 534: 1990 Superseded, s/s by BS EN 10224 : 2002, BS EN 10311 : 2005 but remains current Specification for steel pipes, joints and specials for water and sewage 26.62(a)(i)
BS 2760: 1973 Withdrawn Specification for pitch-impregnated fibre pipes and fittings for below and above ground drainage 26.62(a)(i)
BS 3506: 1969 Current Specification for unplasticized PVC pipe for industrial uses 26.62(a)(i)
BS 5252F: 1976 Current Colour matching fan 26.65
BS 4043 BS 4043:1989 Current, Confirmed 2007 Recommendations for transplanting root-balled trees 2.10, 25.69.14
BS 4072: 1987 Pt.1& 2 1999, Current, Obsolescent Copper/chromium/arsenic preparations for wood preservation 13.01.1(iv)
BS 4074: 1982(1991) 2000 Current Specification for metal props and struts 6.04
BS 4079:1966(1988) Withdrawn, s/s by BS 1088-1 : 2003, BS 1088-2 : 2003 Plywood for marine craft 13.13
BS 1088-1 : 2003 Current Marine plywood Part 1: Requirements
BS 1088-2 : 2003 Current Marine plywood Part 2: Determination of bonding quality using the knife test
BS 4102: 1990 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 4102 : 1998 (Current) Specification for steel wire for general fencing purposes 24.33
BS 4102 : 1998 Current Specification for steel wire for general fencing purposes
BS 4127 1994 Withdrawn, s/s BS EN 10312 : 2002 Specification for light gauge stainless steel tubes, primarily for water applications 19.46
BS EN 10312 : 2002 Current Welded stainless steel tubes for the conveyance of aqueous liquids including water for human
consumption Technical delivery conditions
BS 4131: 1973 Withdrawn, s/s by by BS EN 13748-1 : 2004, BS EN 13748-2 : 2004 Terrazzo tiles 18.90
BS EN 13748-1 : 2004 Current, Amd 15767 : 2005 Terrazzo tiles Part 1: Terrazzo tiles for internal use
BS EN 13748-2 : 2004 Current Terrazzo tiles Part 2: Terrazzo tiles for external use
BS 4134: 1990 Current, Confirmed 2005 Method for Designation of ticket numbers of industrial sewing threads 23.13
BS 4154 BS 4154 : 1985, Current Corrugated plastics translucent sheets made from thermo setting polyester resin 12.89
BS 4154-1:1985 Pt.1 Current, Confirmed 1994 Corrugated plastics translucent sheets made from thermo setting polyester resin (glass fibre
reinforced). Specification for material and performance requirements
BS 4154-2:1985 Pt.2 Current, Confirmed 1994 Corrugated plastics translucent sheets made from thermo setting polyester resin (glass fibre
reinforced). Specification for profiles and dimensions
BS 4164: 1987 2002 Current Specification for Coal-tar based hot-applied coating materials for protecting iron and steel,
including a suitable primer
BS 4164 BS 3416 : 1991 Current, Confirmed 2008, Amd. 7288 : 1992 Specification for bitumen based coatings for cold application for use in contact with potable water 23.13
BS 4164 Ditto Specification for coal-tar-based hot-applied coating materials for protecting iron and steel,
including a suitable primer
BS 4190: 1967 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 4190:2001 (Current) ISO metric black hexagon bolts, screws and nuts
BS 4190:2001 Current ISO metric black hexagon bolts, screws and nuts. Specification
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 4203: ---- Pt. 1-2 N/A Extruded rigid PVC corrugated sheeting 12.92
BS 4203-1:1980 Current, Confirmed 1994 Extruded rigid PVC corrugated sheeting. Specification for performance requirements
BS 4203-2:1980 Current, Confirmed 1994 Extruded rigid PVC corrugated sheeting. Specification for profiles and dimensions
BS 4254:1983(1991) Current, Obsolescent, Amd 5023 : 1985, Confirmed 1991 Two-part polysulphide-based sealants 6.61
BS 4255-1:1986 Confirmed, Current BS 4255-1:1986 Rubber used in preformed gaskets for weather exclusion from buildings. Specification for non-
cellular gaskets
BS 4306:1981(1988) Withdrawn, s/s by BS 2000:Part 367:1995 (same as BS EN ISO 4259 : 1996, Current) Method for determination and application of precision data in relation to methods of test for
petroleum products
BS 2000 PART 367 :
1996 Current, Confirmed 2004 Petroleum products. Determination and application of precision data in relation to methods of test
BS EN ISO 4259 : 1996 Current, Confirmed 2004 Petroleum products. Determination and application of precision data in relation to methods of test
BS 4320: 1968 Current, Confirmed 1998 Specification for Metal washers for general engineering purposes 16.18
BS 4320 Ditto Specification for metal washers for general engineering purposes. Metric series 16.18(iii)
BS 4345 : 1968 Current, 2002 (Amd 666 & Amd 4979) Slotted angles 17.05
BS 1561 : 1966 Current Specification for silver anodes and silver salts for electroplating 17.06
BS 4346 N/A Specification for joints and fittings for use with unplasticizes PVC pressure pipes
BS 4346 : 1969 Pt. 1 1998 Withdrawn, s/s by parts 1 to 5 of BS EN 1452 : 2000 (Current) Injection moulded PVC fittings for solvent welding for use with pressure pipes 19.48
BS 4346 : 1970 Pt. 2 1998 Withdrawn, s/s by parts 1 to 5 of BS EN 1452 : 2000 (Current) Mechanical joints and fittings of PVC 19.48
BS EN 1452-1 : 2000 Current, Corr 12004 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). General
BS EN 1452-2 : 2000 Current, Corr 12005 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). Pipes
BS EN 1452-3 : 2000 Current, Corr 12006 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). Fittings
BS EN 1452-4 : 2000 Current, Corr 12007 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). Valves and
ancillary equipment
BS EN 1452-5 : 2000 Current, Corr 12008 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). Fitness for
purpose of the system
BS 4360: 1986 Revised, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS EN 10025, BS 4360: 1990 Weldable structural steels 5.18
BS 4360: 1990 Superseded, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS EN 10029:1991, BS 7668:1994, BS EN 10113-
1:1993, BS EN 10113-3:1993, BS EN 10210-1:1994, BS EN 10113-2:1993
Specification for weldable structural steels 5.18
BS 7613:1994 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 10137-1 : 1996, BS EN 10137-2 : 1996 and BS EN 10137-3 :
Specification for hot rolled quenched and tempered weldable structural steel plates
BS 7176:1995 BS 7176 : 2007, Current Screen fabric 22.29
BS 7036:1988 Revised, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS 7036-1:1996, BS 7036-2:1996, BS 7036-3:1996, BS
7036-4:1996, BS 7036-5:1996
Code of practice for provision and installation of safety devices for automatic power operated
pedestrian door systems
BS EN 10137-1 : 1996 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 10025-1 : 2004, BS EN 10025-6 : 2004 Plates and wide flats made of high yield strength structural steels in the quenched and tempered or
precipitation hardened conditions. General delivery conditions
BS EN 10137-2 : 1996 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 10025-1 : 2004, BS EN 10025-6 : 2004 Plates and wide flats made of high yield strength structural steels in the quenched and tempered or
precipitation hardened conditions. Delivery conditions for quenched and tempered steels
BS EN 10025: 1993 Revised, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS EN 10025-1, BS EN 10025-2 Hot rolled products of non-alloy structural steels. Technical delivery conditions 26.34(e)
BS EN 10025-1 : 2004 Current Ditto
BS EN 10025-2 : 2004 Current Hot rolled products of structural steels. Technical delivery conditions for non-alloy structural steels
BS EN 10025-6 : 2004 Current Hot rolled products of structural steels Part 6: Technical delivery conditions for flat products of
high yield strength structural steels in the quenched and tempered condition
BS EN 10137-3 : 1996 Withdrawn Plates and wide flats made of high yield strength structural steels in the quenched and tempered or
precipitation hardened conditions. Delivery conditions for precipitation hardened steels
BS 7668:1994 2004 Current Specification for weldable structural steels. Hot finished structural hollow sections in weather
resistant steels
BS EN 10029 :1991 Current Specification for tolerances on dimensions, shape and mass for hot rolled steel plates 3 mm thick or
BS EN 10113 Part
Current Hot-rolled products in weldable fine grain structural steels. General delivery conditions
BS EN 10113 Part
Current, Corr 10056 : 1998 Hot-rolled products in weldable fine grain structural steels. Delivery conditions for
normalized/normalized rolled steels
BS EN 10113 Part
Current Hot-rolled products in weldable fine grain structural steels. Delivery conditions for
thermomechanical rolled steels
BS EN 10155:1993 Current Structural steels with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance. Technical delivery conditions
BS EN 10210-1: 1994 Current Hot finished structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain structural steels. Technical
delivery requirements
BS EN 10210-2: 1997 2006, Current Hot finished structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain steels. Tolerances, dimensions
and sectional properties
BS 4360: 1986 Ditto Ditto 15.03
BS 4360: 1986 Ditto Ditto 15.04
BS 4386:Part 3 N/A 19.46
BS 4395 N/A High strength friction grip bolts and associated nuts and washers for structural engineering
BS 4395: 1969 Pt. 1 Current, Confirmed 2004 High strength friction grip bolts and associated nuts and washers for structural engineering.
General Grade
BS 7419: 1991 Current Specification for holding down bolts 15.09
BS EN ISO 13918: 2008 Current Welding. Studs and ceramic ferrules for the stud welding 15.10
BS 4428 BS 4428:1989 Current, Amd 6784:1991, Confirmed 2001 Code of practice for general landscape operations (excluding hard surfaces) (AMD 6784)
September 30, 1991-Amd 1
BS 4447:1973(1990) Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 13391 : 2004 Performance for the performance of prestressing anchorages for post-tensioned construction 7.22
BS EN 13391 : 2004 Current Mechanical tests for post-tensioning systems
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS EN 14179-1 Current, BS EN 14179-1:2005 Glass in building. Heat-soaked thermally-toughened soda lime silicate safety glass. Definition and
BS 4447:1973(1990) Ditto Ditto 7.23
BS 4449 : 1998 2005 Current Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Weldable reinforcing steel - Bar, coil and decoiled product
- Specification
BS EN 14399-1 : 2005 Current High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading. General requirements 15.07
BS 4464 : 1969 Current, Confirmed 2004 Amended by: AMD4308 Spring washers for general engineering and automobile purposes (metric series) 15.07
BS 4464 : 1969 Ditto Ditto 16.18(iii)
BS 4466: 1989 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 8666 : 2000 and BS EN ISO 4066 : 2000 Scheduling, Dimensioning, Bending and Cutting of Steel Reinforcement for Concrete 6.19
BS 7295: 1990 Pt. 1& 2 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 7295-1 :1990, BS 7295-2: 199O Fusion bonded epoxy coated carbon steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete. Specification for
BS 7295-1 :1990 Superseded, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS ISO 14654:1999 Ditto 6.25.1
BS 7295-2 :1990 Superseded, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS ISO 14656:1999 Ditto 6.25.1
BS 8666 : 2000 2005 Current Scheduling, dimensioning, bending and cutting of steel reinforcement for concrete. Specification
BS EN ISO 4066 : 2000 Current, Corr 11097 : 2000 Construction drawings. Bar scheduling
BS 4466:1989 Ditto Specification for scheduling, dimensioning, bending and cutting of steel reinforcement for concrete 5.25(iv)
BS 4479 : 1969 BS 4479-1 : 1990, BS 4479-2 : 1990, BS 4479-3 : 1990, BS 4479-4 : 1990, BS 4479-5 :
1990, BS EN ISO 14713 : 1999, BS 4479-7 : 1990, BS 4479-8 : 1990, BS 4479-9 : 1990
Recommendations for the design of metal articles that are to be coated 17.20
BS 4479 : 1969 BS 4479-1 : 1990, BS 4479-2 : 1990, BS 4479-3 : 1990, BS 4479-4 : 1990, BS 4479-5 :
1990, BS EN ISO 14713 : 1999, BS 4479-7 : 1990, BS 4479-8 : 1990, BS 4479-9 : 1990
Recommendations for the design of metal articles that are to be coated 17.20
BS 4479-1 : 1990 Current, Confirmed 1997 Design of Articles That Are to Be Coated Part 1: General Recommendations
BS 4479-2 : 1990 Current, Confirmed 1998 Design of Articles That Are to Be Coated Part 2: Recommendations for Electroplated and
Autocatalytic Coatings
BS 4479-3 : 1990 Current, Confirmed 1997 Design of Articles That Are to Be Coated Part 3: Recommendations for Conversion Coatings
BS 4479-4 : 1990 Current, Confirmed 1997 Design of Articles That Are to Be Coated Part 4: Recommendations for Paint Coatings and
Varnish Coatings
BS 4479-5 : 1990 Current, Confirmed 1997 Design of Articles That Are to Be Coated Part 5: Recommendations for Anodic Oxidation
BS 4479-6 : 1990 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN ISO 14713 : 1999 Design of Articles That Are to Be Coated Part 6: Recommendations for Hot-Dip Metal Coatings
BS EN ISO 14713 1999, Current Protection Against Corrosion of Iron and Steel in Structures - Zinc and Aluminium Coatings -
BS 4479-7 : 1990 Current, Confirmed 1997 Design of Articles That Are to Be Coated Part 7: Recommendations for Thermally Sprayed
BS 4479-8 : 1990 Current, Amd 10352 : 2000 Design of Articles That Are to Be Coated Part 8: Recommendations for Vitreous Enamel Coatings
BS 4479-9 : 1990 Current, Confirmed 1997 Design of Articles That Are to Be Coated Part 9: Recommendations for Low Pressure and Vacuum
Deposited Coatings
BS 4482: 1985 2005 Current Steel wire for the reinforcement of concrete products. Specification 6.14
BS 4483: 1985 2005 Current Steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete 6.14
BS 4486: 1980 Current Hot rolled high tensile alloy steel bars for the prestressing of concrete 7.09
BS 4504 contains BS 4504 PART 1 : 1969, BS 4504 PART 2 : 1974, BS 4504 SEC 3.1 : 1989, BS
4504 SEC 3.2 : 1989, BS 4504 SEC 3.3 : 1989
19.51, 19.60
BS 4504 PART 1 : 1969 Withdrawn, Amd 6017 : 1989, s/s by Flanges and Bolting for Pipes, Valves and Fittings Metric Series Part 1: Ferrous
BS 4504 PART 2 : 1974 Withdrawn Circular Flanges for Pipes, Valves and Fittings (PN Designated) Part 2: Copper Alloy and
Composite Flanges
BS 4504 SEC 3.1 : 1989 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1092-1 : 2002 (Current) and BS EN 1515-1 : 2000 (Current) Circular flanges for pipes, valves and fittings
BS EN 1092-1 : 2002 Current, Corr 13960 : 2002 Flanges and their joints. Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PN designated.
Steel flanges
BS EN 1515-1 : 2000 Current Flanges and their joints. Bolting. Selection of bolting
BS 4504 SEC 3.2 : 1989 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1092-2 : 1997 (Current) Ditto
BS EN 1092-2 : 1997 Current Flanges and their joints. Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PN designated.
Cast iron flanges
BS 4504 SEC 3.3 : 1989 Withdrawn, Amd 6274 : 1989, s/s by BS EN 1092-3 : 2003 (Current) Ditto, Specifications for copper alloy and composite flanges
BS EN 1092-3 : 2003 Current, Corr 15319 : 2004 Flanges and their joints Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PN designated
Part 3: Copper alloy flanges
BS 4514: 1983 BS 4514: 2001 Current Unplasticized PVC Soil and Ventilating Pipes of 82.4 mm Minimum Mean Outside Diameter, and
Fittings and Accessories of 82.4 mm and of Other Sizes - Specification
BS 4514 Ditto Specification for uplasticized PVC soil and ventilating pipes, fittings and accessories 19.34
BS 4516 Pt.1 to
Withdrawan; for Pt.2, see IEC 60317-17 (not equivalent) Specification for enamelled copper conductors 19.34
BS 4550 Pt 2 1970, Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 196-2 : 1995, BS EN 196-21 : 1992, BS EN 196-5 : 1995
(All Current)
General scheme for analysis, insoluble residue, total silica, ammonium hydroxide group, total
calcium oxide, alumina, iron oxide, magnesia, sulphuric anhydride, sulphur present as sulphide,
total sulphur, loss-on-ignition. Minor constituents and free lime, pozzolanicity, propylene glycol.
BS EN 196-2 : 1995 2005 Current Methods of testing cement. Chemical analysis of cement
BS EN 196-21 : 1992 Current Methods of testing cement. Determination of the chloride, carbon dioxide and alkali content of
BS EN 196-5 : 1995 2005 Current Methods of testing cement. Pozzolanicity test for pozzolanic cements
BS 4576:1989 Pt.1 Current, Amd 6350 : 1991, Confirmed 1998, Partially s/s by BS EN 607:1996, BS EN
1462:1997, BS EN 12200-1:2000
Unplasticized PVC rainwater goods 19.27
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS EN 607:1996 2005 Current Eaves gutters and fittings made of PVC-U. Definitions, requirements and testing
BS EN 1462:1997 2005 Current Brackets for eaves gutters. Requirements and testing
BS EN 12200-1:2000 Current Plastics rainwater piping systems for above ground external use. Unplasticized poly (vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U). Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
BS 4604 N/A Specification for the use of high strength friction grip bolts in structural steel work- Metric series
BS 4604: 1970 Pt. 1 Current High strength friction grip bolts in structural steel work - general grade 15.20
BS EN ISO 898-1: 2009 Current Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel. Bolts, screws and studs
with specified property classes. Coarse thread and fine pitch thread
BS 4620:1970(1988) Current, Obsolescent Rivets for general engineering purposes 15.06
BS 4622:1970(1983) Current, Obsolescent Grey iron pipes and fittings 23.06
BS 4622 Ditto Specification for grey iron pipes and fittings 23.06
BS 4652 : 1971 1995, Current, Amd 10074 : 1998, Confirmed 2000 Zinc-Rich Priming Paint (Organic Media) 15.39
BS 4652:1995 Confirmed, Current 21.02(b), 21.70
BS EN 1993-1-8 : 2005 Current UK National Annex to Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures. Design of joints 15.42(b)
BS EN 1090-2 : 2008 Current Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures. Technical requirements for the execution of
steel structures
BS EN ISO 15609-1 :
Current Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials. Welding procedure
specification. Arc welding
BS EN ISO 15607 : 2003 Current Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials. General rules 15.47
BS EN ISO 15614-1 BS EN ISO 15614-1:2004+A1:2008, Current Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials. Welding procedure
test. Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys
BS EN 440 : 1995 Superseded, Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN ISO 14341: 2008 Welding consumables. Wire electrodes and deposites for gas shielded metal arc welding of non
alloy and fine grain steels. Classification
BS EN 756 : 2004 Current Welding consumables. Solid wires, solid wire-flux and tubular cored electrode-flux combination
for submerged arc welding of non alloy and fine grain steels. Classification
BS EN 758 : 1997 Superseded, Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN ISO 17632: 2008 Welding consumables. Tubular cored electrodes for metal arc welding with and without a gas shield
of non-alloy and fine grain steels. Classification
BS EN ISO 9692-1 :
Current Welding and allied processes. Recommendations for joint preparation. Manual metal-arc welding,
gas-shielded metal-arc welding, gas welding, TIG welding and beam welding of steels
BS 4652:1971(1979) Ditto Ditto 17.21
BS 4652:1971(1979) Ditto Ditto 17.28
BS 4652:1971(1979) Ditto Ditto 21.02
BS 4660: 1989 2000 Current, Amd 13946 : 2002, partially s/s by BS EN 13598-1 : 2003 (Current) Unplasticized PVC underground drain pipe and fittings 23.08
BS EN 13598-1 : 2003 Current Thermoplastics ancillary fittings of nominal sizes 110 and 160 for below ground gravity drainage
and sewerage
BS 4756 : 1971 1988 Current Ready-Mixed Aluminium Priming Paints for Woodwork 21.02
BS 4756:1998 Confirmed, Current 21.02(a)
BS 4772: 1988 withdrawn, superseded by BS EN 545:1995, BS EN 598:1995, BS EN 969:1996 (All
Ductile iron pipes and fittings 19.45
BS EN 598:1995 Current Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for sewerage applications. Requirements
and test methods
BS EN 969:1996 Current, Amd 10946 : 2000 Specification for ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for gas pipelines.
Requirements and test methods
BS 4772: 1988 Ditto Ditto 23.07
BS 4800 : 1989 Current, Confirmed 2000 Schedule of Paint colours for building purposes 21.75
BS 4800: 1989 Current, BS 4800:1989 21.42(m),
BS 4842 : 1984 Current, Amd 7181 : 1992, Confirmed 2000 Liquid organic coatings for application to aluminium alloy extrusions, sheet and performed
sections for external architectural purposes
BS 4842 : 1984 Ditto Ditto 16.63
BS 4848 PART 2 : 1991 Withdrawn, Amd 7449 : 1993, s/s by BS EN 10210-2 : 1997 (Current) Hot-Rolled Structural Steel Sections Part 2: Specification for Hot-Finished Hollow Sections 15.04
BS EN 10210-2 : 1997 2006 Current Hot finished structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain structural steels. Tolerances,
dimensions and sectional properties
BS 4848 PART 4 : 1972 Pt. 4 Withdrawn, Amd 7562 : 1993, s/s by BS EN 10056-1 : 1999 (Current) Hot rolled structural steel sections. Equal and unequal angles 15.04
BS EN 10056-1 : 1999 Current Specification for structural steel equal and unequal angles. Dimensions
BS EN 10056-2 : 1993 Current Specification for structural steel equal and unequal angles. Tolerances on shape and dimensions
BS 4868 : 1972 Current Specification for Profiled aluminium sheet for building 12.84
BS 4872: ---- Pt. 1-2 Current Approval testing of welders when welding procedure approval is not required
BS 4872: 1982 Pt. 1 Current, Confirmed 1999 Specification for approval testing of welders when welding procedure approval is not required.
Fusion welding of steel
BS 4872: 1976 Pt. 2 Current, Confirmed 1999 Specification for approval testing of welders when welding procedure approval is not required. TIG
or MIG welding of aluminium and its alloys
BS 4873:2009 Current Aluminium alloy windows and doorsets. Specification 16.23, 16.66(i)
BS 4887: ---- Pt. 1-2 N/A Mortar admixtures
BS 4887: 1986 Pt.1 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 934-3 : 2004 (Current) Mortar admixtures. Specifications for air-entraining (plasticizing) admixtures.
BS 4887:1987 Pt.2 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 934-3 : 2004 (Current) Mortar admixtures. Specifications for set retarding admixtures.
BS EN 934-3 BS EN 934-3 : 2009, Current Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout Part 3: Admixtures for masonry mortar Definitions,
requirements, conformity, marking and labelling
BS 4951: 1973 BS EN 1906 : 2002, Current Specifications for Builder's hardware: lock and latch furniture (doors) 14.31& 14.04
BS EN 1906 : 2002 Current Building Hardware - Lever Handles and Knob Furniture - Requirements and Test Methods
BS EN 1906 : 2002 2010, Current Building Hardware - Lever Handles and Knob Furniture - Requirements and Test Methods 14.04, 14.73
BS 4951: 1973 Ditto Ditto 14.32
BS 4962: 1989 Current, Amd 9131 : 1996, Confirmed 1998 Plastics pipes for use as light sub-soil drains 23.09
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 4987 : 1973 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 4987-1 and BS 4987-2 Coated macadam for roads and other paved areas 24.07
BS 4987-1 : 2005 Current, Corr 1620 : 2005 Coated macadam for roads and other paved areas. Specifications for transport, laying, and
BS 4987-1 : 2005 BS EN 13108-1 : 2006, Current Coated macadam for roads and other paved areas. Specifications for transport, laying, and
BS 4987-2 : 2003 Current, Amd 15606 : 2005 Coated macadam for roads and other paved areas. Specifications for constituent materials and for
BS 4987-2 : 2003 BS EN 13108-2 : 2006, Current Coated macadam for roads and other paved areas. Specifications for constituent materials and for
BS 5053 : 1985 Withdrawn, s/s by by BS EN 919 : 1995 Methods of test cordage and webbing slings and for fibre cores for wire rope 22.46
BS EN 919 : 1995 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN ISO 2307 : 2005 (Current) Fibre ropes for general service. Determination of certain physical and mechanical properties
BS EN ISO 2307 : 2005 Current Fibre ropes - Determination of certain physical and mechanical properties
BS 5053: 1985 Ditto Ditto 22.47
BS 5053: 1985 Ditto Ditto 22.48
BS 5075: ---- Pt. 1-3 N/A Concrete admixture 6.36
BS 5075: 1982 Pt. 1 withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 480 Pt 1-2, 4-6, 8, 10-12 and BS EN 934 Pt 2 & Pt 6 (All
Accelerating - retarding and water reducing 8.06
BS 5075: 1982 Pt. 2 withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 480 Pt 1-2, 4-6, 8, 10-12 and BS EN 934 Pt 2 & Pt 6 (All
Concrete admixtures. Specification for air-entraining admixtures 8.06
BS 5075: 1985 Pt. 3 withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 480 Pt 1-2, 4-6, 8, 10-12 and BS EN 934 Pt 2 & Pt 6 (All
Superplasticising admixtures 8.06
BS EN 480 Pt 1 : 1998 Current Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Test methods. Reference concrete and reference mortar
for testing
BS EN 480 Pt 2 : 1997 Current Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Test methods. Determination of setting time
BS EN 480 Pt 4 : 1997 2005 Current Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Test methods. Determination of bleeding of concrete
BS EN 480 Pt 5 : 1997 2005 Current Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Test methods. Determination of capillary absorption
BS EN 480 Pt 6 : 1997 2005 Current Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Test methods. Infrared analysis
BS EN 480 Pt 8 : 1997 Current Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Test methods. Determination of the conventional dry
material content
BS EN 480 Pt 10 : 1997 Current Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Test methods. Determination of water soluble chloride
BS EN 480 Pt 11 : 1999 2005 Current Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Test methods. Determination of air void characteristics
in hardened concrete
BS EN 480 Pt 12 : 1998 2005 Current Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Test methods. Determination of the alkali content of
BS EN 934 Pt 2 : 2001 Current, Amd 15448 : 2004 Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Concrete admixtures. Definitions, requirements,
conformity, marking and labelling
BS EN 934 Pt 6 : 2001 Current, Amd 16058 : 2006 Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Sampling, conformity control and evaluation of
BS 5085:1976(1991) Pt. 2 withdrawn, superseded by BS EN 651:1997 (Current) Cellular PVC backed flexible PVC flooring 18.118
BS EN 651:1997 Current, Amd 14725 : 2004 Resilient floor coverings. Polyvinyl chloride floor coverings with foam layer. Specification
BS 5135: 1984 withdrawn, superseded by BS EN 1011-1:1998, BS EN 1011-2:2001 (Current) Metal-arc welding of carbon and carbon manganese steels 15.22
BS EN 1011-1:1998 Amd 14925 : 2004 Welding. Recommendations for welding of metallic materials. General guidance for arc welding
BS EN 1011-1 Current, BS EN 1011-1:2009 Welding. Recommendations for welding of metallic materials. General guidance for arc welding 16.39
BS EN 1011-4 Current, BS EN 1011-4:2000 Amended by: AMD14928 Welding. Recommendations for welding of metallic materials. Arc welding of aluminium and
aluminium alloys
BS 5150: 1990 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1171 : 2002 (Current) Cast iron wedge and double disk gate valves for general purposes 19.50
BS EN 1171 : 2002 Current, Corr 14500 : 2003 Industrial valves Cast iron gate valves
BS 5153:1974(1991) Withdrawn, superseded by BS EN 12334 : 2001 (Current) Cast iron check valves for general purposes 19.50
BS EN 12334 : 2001 Current, Amd 15228 : 2004 Industrial valves. Cast iron check valves
BS 5154 : 1991 BS EN 12288 : 2003,Current Copper alloy globe, globe stop and check and gate valves for general purposes 19.50
BS 5154 : 1991 Current Copper alloy globe, globe stop and check and gate valves for general purposes 19.50
BS 5163:1986(1991) Withdrawn, Amd 6057 : 1989, s/s by BS EN 1074-1 : 2000, BS EN 1074-2 : 2000, BS
5163-1 : 2004 and BS 5163-2 : 2004
Specifications for predominantly key-operated Cast iron gate valves for waterworks purposes 19.50
BS EN 1074-1 : 2000 Current, Amd 15230 : 2004 Valves for Water Supply - Fitness for Purpose Requirements and Appropriate Verification Tests -
Part 1: General Requirements
BS EN 1074-2 : 2000 Current, Amd 15231 : 2004 Valves for water supply Fitness for purpose requirements and appropriate verification tests Part 2:
Isolating valves
BS 5163-1 : 2004 Current Valves for waterworks purposes Part 1: Predominantly key-operated cast iron gate valves Code of
BS 5163-2 : 2004 Current Valves for waterworks purposes Part 2: Stem caps for use on isolating valves and associated water
control apparatus Specification
BS 5212 Pt. 1-3 Current Cold applied joint sealants for concrete pavements
BS 5212: 1990 Pt. 1 Current Specification for joint sealants 6.61
BS 5212: 1990 Pt. 2 Current Code of Practice for the application and use of joint sealants
BS 5212: 1990 Pt. 3 Current Methods of test
BS 5215: 1986 Withdrawn, revised as Pt 1-3 above One part gun-grade polysulphide-based sealants 17.37
BS 5215: 1986 Ditto Ditto 17.37
BS 5236 Superseded, Withdrawn, Replaced by BS 4043:1989 Current, Confirmed 2007 Recommendations for the cultivation and planting of trees in the advanced nursery stock category 25.69.14
BS 5255: 1989 Current, partially s/s by BS EN 1329-1:2000, BS EN 1455-1:2000, BS EN 1519-1:2000,
BS EN 1565-1:2000, BS EN 1566-1:2000 (All Current)
Plastics waste pipe and fittings 19.34
BS EN 1329-1:2000 Current Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building
structure. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). Specifications for pipes, fittings and the
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS EN 1455-1:2000 Current, Corr 13818 : 2002 Plastics piping systems for soil and waste (low and high temperature) within the building structure.
Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS). Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
BS EN 1519-1:2000 Current, Corr 13817 : 2002 Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building
structure. Polyethylene (PE). Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
BS EN 1565-1:2000 Current, Corr 13816 : 2002 Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building
structure. Styrene copolymer blends (SAN + PVC). Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
BS EN 1566-1:2000 Current, Corr 13815 : 2002 Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building
structure. Chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-C). Specification for pipes, fittings and the
BS 5262: 1991 BS EN 13914-1 Code of practice for external rendered finishes 18.39
BS EN 13914-1 2005, Current Design, preparation and application of external rendering and internal plastering. External
BS EN 13964 2004+A1:2006, Current Suspended ceilings. Requirements and test methods 13.22, 13.23,
BS 5270: 1989 Pt. 1 Current, Confirmed 1997 Bonding agents for use will gypsum plasters and cement 18.49
BS 5284: 1993 Current Sampling and testing mastic asphalt and pitchmastic used in building 11.05
BS 5284: 1993 Ditto Ditto 12.53
BS 5289: 1976 Withdrawn, superseded by BS EN 970:1997 (Current) Code of practice. Visual inspection of fusion welded joints 12.53
BS EN 970:1997 Current, Confirmed 2003 Non-destructive examination of fusion welds. Visual examination
BS 5325: 1983 BS 5325: 2001 Current Installation of Textile Floor Coverings - Code of Practice 18.143
BS 5328 Pt. 1-4 N/A Concrete
BS 5328: 1991 Pt. 1 Withdrawn, superseded by BS 5328-1:1997 (Withdrawn, s/s by BS 8500 Pt 1-2:2002, BS
EN 206-1:2000)
Guide to specifying concrete 6.44
BS 5328-1:1997 Current, s/s by BS 8500 Pt 1-2:2002, BS EN 206-1:2000 Concrete. Guide to specifying concrete
BS 5328: 1991 Pt. 2 Withdrawn, superseded by BS 5328-2:1997 (Withdrawn, s/s by BS 8500 Pt 1-2:2002, BS
EN 206-1:2000)
Methods for specifying concrete, including ready-mixed concrete 6.44
BS 5328-2:1997 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 8500 Pt 1-2:2002, BS EN 206-1:2000 Concrete. Methods for specifying concrete mixes
BS 5328: 1990 Pt. 3 Withdrawn, superseded by BS 8500-1:2002, BS 8500-2:2002, BS EN 206-1:2000 Procedures to be used in producing and transporting concrete 6.44
BS 5328: 1990 Pt. 4 Withdrawn, superseded by BS 8500-1:2002, BS 8500-2:2002, BS EN 206-1:2000 Concrete. Specification for the procedures to be used in sampling, testing and assessing compliance
of concrete
BS 8500 Pt 1:2002 Current, Amd 14639 : 2003 Concrete. Complementary British Standard to BS EN 206-1. Method of specifying and guidance
for the specifier
BS 8500 Pt 2:2002 Current, Amd, 14640 : 2003 Concrete. Complementary British Standard to BS EN 206-1. Specification for constituent materials
and concrete
BS EN 206-1 : 2000 2001 Current, Amd 15406 :2004 Concrete. Specification, performance, production and conformity
BS 5531: 1988 Current Code of practice for safety in erecting structural frames 15.18
BS 5996: 1993 Current Specification for acceptance levels for internal imperfactions in steel plate, strip and wide flats
based on outrasonic testing
BS EN 10164: 2004 Current Steel products with improved deformation properties perpendicular to the surface of the product.
Technical delivery condition
BS 5368 : 1978 Pt. 4 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1994 Method of testing windows - Form of test report 16.78
BS 5385-3: 1982 Superseded, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS 5499-5:2002 Safety signs and colours. Specification for additional signs to those given in BS 5378:Part 1 14.04
BS 5385: 1990 Pt. 1 Revised, withdrawn, Replaced by: BS 5385-1:1995 Wall and floor tiling. Code of practice for the design and installation of internal ceramic wall tiling
and mosaics in normal conditions
BS 5385-1:1995 2009, Current Wall and floor tiling. Code of practice for the design and installation of internal ceramic wall tiling
and mosaics in normal conditions
BS 5385: 1989 Pt. 3 Current, Amd 10823 : 2001 External ceramic wall tiling and mosaics but for ceramic floor tiling Wall and floor tiling. Code of
practice for the design and installation of ceramics floor tiles and mosaics
BS 5385: 1994 Pt. 5 Current Ditto but for terrazzo bile Code of practice for the design and installation of terrazzo tile and slab,
natural stone and composition block floorings
BS 5378 Pt. 1 Superseded, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS 5499-5:2002 Safety signs and colours. Specification for colour and design
BS 5390:1976(1984) Withdrawn, s/s by BS 5628-3 : 2001 (Current) Code of practice for stone masonry 10.01
BS 5390 BS EN 1996-1-2 : 2005, BS EN 1996-2 : 2006, BS EN 1996-3 : 2006, Current Code of practice for stone masonry 10.01
BS EN 12372 : 2006 Current Code of practice for use of masonry 10.01
BS 1243 BS EN 845-1 : 2003 + A1 : 2008, Current Wall ties 10.05
BS 5080 : 1993 Pt. 1 Current Walling built against concrete, etc. 10.22
BS 8220-3 2004, Current Guide for security of buildings against crime. Storage, industrial and distribution premises 14.04
BS 1634 BS EN 1634-1: 2008, BS EN 1634-2: 2008, BS EN 1634-3: 2004, Current Fire resistance and smoke control tests for door, shutter and, openable window assemblies and
elements of building hardware. Fire resistance tests for doors, shutters and openable windows
14.04, 14.32,
BS 5080 : 1986 Pt. 2 Current Walling built against concrete, etc. 10.22
BS 5599:1993 Superseded, Withdrawn Amended by: AMD 10943 Replaced by: BS ISO 10074:2010 Specification for hard anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium and its alloys for engineering
BS 6270 Pt. 1 BS 8221-1 : 2000, BS 8221-2 : 2000, Current Maintenance cleaning 10.23
BS 5628-3:2001 2005 Current Code of practice for use of masonry. Materials and components, design and workmanship
BS 5628-3:2005 BS EN 1996-1-2 : 2005, BS EN 1996-2 : 2006, BS EN 1996-3 : 2006, Current Code of practice for use of masonry. Materials and components, design and workmanship 9.01
BS 5412: ---- 1996 Current Performance of draw-off taps with metal bodies for water services 19.73
BS 5412 BS EN 200 : 2008, Current Performance of draw-off taps with metal bodies for water services 19.73
BS 5422: 1990 2001 Current, Corr 13982 : 2002 Method for Specifying Thermal Insulating Materials for Pipes, Tanks, Vessels, Ductwork and
Equipment Operating within the Temperature Range -40 Degrees C to +700 Degrees C
BS 5422: 1990 2009, Current Method for Specifying Thermal Insulating Materials for Pipes, Tanks, Vessels, Ductwork and
Equipment Operating within the Temperature Range -40 Degrees C to +700 Degrees C
BS 5427: 1976 BS 5427-1:1996 Current Code of practice for performance and loading criteria for profiled sheeting in building 12.73
BS 5427-1:1996 Current Code of practice for the use of profiled sheet for roof and wall cladding on buildings. Design
BS 5481 : 1977 Remains Current, Confirmed 1998, s/s by BS EN 1401-1:1998 Unplasticized PVC and fittings for gravity sewers 23.08
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS EN 1401-1 : 1998 Current, Amd 13794 : 2002 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Unplasticized
poly(vinylchloride) (PVC-U). Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
BS 5492: 1990 Current Code of practice for internal plastering 9.19
BS 5492: 1990 PD CEN/TR 15123: 2005, BS EN 13914-2: 2005 & BS 8481: 2006, Current Code of practice for internal plastering 9.19
BS 5499: 1990 Pt. 1 2002 Current Graphical Symbols and Signs - Safety Signs, Including Fire Safety Signs - Part 1: Specification for
Geometric Shapes, Colours and Layouts
14.04, 14.35,
BS 5499-5 2002, Current Ditto
BS 5499: 1986 Pt. 2 Current, Confirmed 1995 Fire Safety Signs, Notices and Graphic Symbols Part 2: Self-Luminous Fire Safety Signs 14.04, 14.35,
BS 5503: 1990 Pt. 3 BS EN 997 : 2003, Current Vitreous China Washdown WC Pans with Horizontal Outlet Part 3: WC Pans with Horizontal
Outlet for Use with 7.5L Maximum Flush Capacity Cisterns
BS 5504: 1990 Pt. 4 Ditto Wall hung WC pans for use with 7.5 L max. flush capacity cisterns 19.81
BS EN 997 : 2003 Current, Corr 14805 : 2003 WC pans and WC suites with integral trap
BS 5520: 1977 Current Vitreous china bowl urinals. Rimless type
BS 5531: 1988 Current Code of practice for safety in erecting structural frames 15.18
BS 5572: 1994 Withdrawn, superseded by BS EN 12056-2:2000 (Current) Code of practice for sanitary pipework 19.36
BS EN 12056-2:2000 Current Gravity drainage systems inside buildings. Sanitary pipework, layout and calculation
BS 5573: 1978 Withdrawn, superseded by BS 8008:1996 (Current) Code of practice for safety precautions in the construction of large dia. boreholes for piling and
other purposes
BS 8008:1996 Current, Confirmed 2003 Safety precautions and procedures for the construction and descent of machine-bored shafts for
piling and other purposes
BS 5588: 1983 Pt. 3 Withdrawn, superseded by BS 5588-11:1997 Fire precaution in the design construction and use of office buildings 18.153
BS 5588-11:1997 Current, Amd 14995 : 2004 Fire precautions in the design, construction and use of buildings. Code of practice for shops,
offices, industrial, storage and other similar buildings
BS 5606: 1990 Current, Confirmed 1998, Amd 9975 : 1998 Guide to Accuracy in building 1.65
BS 5655-6 : 1990 2002 Current Lifts and Service Lifts - Part 6: Code of Practice for Selection and Installation of New Lifts 1.65
BS 5627: 1984 Current, Confirmed 2000 Plastics connectors for use with horizontal outlet vitreous china WC pans 19.34
BS 5627: 1984 Ditto Ditto 19.89
BS 5628-3 : 2005 2005 Current, BS EN 1996-1-2 : 2005, BS EN 1996-2 : 2006 & BS EN 1996-3 : 2006,
Code of Practice for use of masonry. Structural use of unreinforced masonry 9.01
BS 5628 : 1978 Pt.1 Ditto Ditto 9.24
BS 5669 : 1979 Withdrawn s/s by BS 5669:Part 1:1989, BS 5669:Part 2:1989, BS 5669:Part 5:1989 Wood chipboard and methods of test for particle board 22.07
BS 5669: 1989 Pt. 1 withdrawn, superseded by BS EN 1087-1:1995, BS EN 1128:1996, BS EN 120:1992, BS
EN 309:1992, (BS EN 309:2005), BS EN 310:1993, BS EN 311:2002, BS EN 312-1:1997,
BS EN 312-2:1997, BS EN 312-3:1997, BS EN 312-4:1997, BS EN 312-6:1997, BS EN
317:1993, BS EN 319:1993, BS EN 322:1993, BS EN 323:1993, BS EN 324-1:1993, BS
EN 324-2:1993, BS EN 325:1993, BS EN 326-1:1994, BS EN 633:1994, BS EN 634-
1:1995 (All Current)
Methods of sampling, conditioning and test 13.17
BS EN 1087-1:1995 Current, Confirmed 2002 Particle boards. Determination of moisture resistance. Particle boards. Determination of moisture
resistance. Boil test
BS EN 1128:1996 Current, Confirmed 2002 Cement-bonded particleboards. Determination of hard body impact resistance
BS EN 120:1992 Current, Confirmed 2002, Amd 9388 : 1997 Wood based panels. Determination of formaldehyde content. Extraction method called the
perforator method
BS EN 309:1992 2005 Current Particleboards Definition and classification
BS EN 310:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of modulus of elasticity in bending and of bending strength
BS EN 311:2002 Current Wood-based panels. Surface soundness. Test method
BS EN 312-1:1997 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 312 : 2003 (Current) Particleboards. Specifications. Particleboards. Specifications. General requirements for all board
BS EN 312-2:1997 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 312 : 2003 (Current) Particleboards. Specifications. Requirements for general purpose boards for use in dry conditions
BS EN 312-3:1997 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 312 : 2003 (Current) Particleboards. Specifications. Requirements for boards for interior fitments (including furniture)
for use in dry conditions
BS EN 312-4:1997 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 312 : 2003 (Current) Particleboards. Specifications. Requirements for load-bearing boards for use in dry conditions
BS EN 312-6:1997 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 312 : 2003 (Current) Particleboards. Specifications. Requirements for heavy duty load-bearing boards for use in dry
BS EN 312 : 2003 Current Particleboards Specifications
BS EN 317:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Particleboards and fibreboards. Determination of swelling in thickness after immersion in water
BS EN 319:1993 Current Particleboards and fibreboards. Determination of tensile strength perpendicular to the plane of the
BS EN 322:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of moisture content
BS EN 323:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of density
BS EN 324-1:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of dimensions of boards. Determination of thickness, width and
BS EN 324-2:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of dimensions of boards. Determination of squareness and edge
BS EN 325:1993 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of dimensions of test pieces
BS EN 326-1:1994 Current, Confirmed 2002 Wood-based panels. Sampling, cutting and inspection. Sampling and cutting of test pieces and
expression of test results
BS EN 633:1994 Current, Confirmed 2002 Cement-bonded particleboards. Definition and classification
BS EN 634-1:1995 Current, Confirmed 2002 Cement-bonded particle boards. Specification. General requirements
BS 5669: 1989 Pt. 2 withdrawn, superseded by BS EN 312-5:1997, BS EN 312-7:1997 (All Current) Wood chipboard 13.17
BS EN 312-5:1997 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 312 : 2003 (Current) Particleboards. Specifications. Requirements for load-bearing boards for use in humid conditions
BS EN 312-7:1997 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 312 : 2003 (Current) Particleboards. Specifications. Requirements for heavy-duty load-bearing boards for use in humid
BS EN 312 : 2003 Current Particleboards Specifications
BS EN 1279-1:2004 Current Glass in building. Insulating glass units. Generalities, dimensional tolerances and rules for the
system description
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS EN 1279-2:2002 Current Glass in building. Insulating glass units. Long term test method and requirements for moisture
BS EN 1279-3:2002 Current Glass in building. Insulating glass units. Long term test method and requirements for gas leakage
rate and for gas concentration tolerances
BS EN 1279-4:2002 Current Glass in building. Insulating glass units. Methods of test for the physical attributes of edge seals 16.09(iv)(g)
BS EN 1279-
Current, Amended by: Amendment May 2009 Glass in building. Insulating glass units. Evaluation of conformity 16.09(iv)(g)
BS EN 1279-6:2002 Current Glass in building. Insulating glass units. Factory production control and periodic tests 16.09(iv)(g)
BS 5669 : 1989 Pt. 5 1993 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 7916 : 1998 Particleboard Part 5: Code of Practice for the Selection and Application of Particleboards for
Specific Purposes
BS 7916 : 1998 Withdrawn Code of Practice for the Selection and Application of Particleboard, Oriented Strand Board (OSB),
Cement Bonded Particleboard and Wood Fibreboards for Specific Purposes
BS 5725: 1981 Pt. 1 BS EN 1125: 2008, Current Emergency exit devices. Specification for panic bolts and panic latches mechanically operated by a
horizontal push-bar
BS 5725: 1981 Current, Corr 13993 : 2002 Building hardware. Panic exit devices operated by a horizontal bar. Requirements and test methods
BS EN 1125:1997 Current, Confirmed 1996, Amd 15385 : 2005 Building hardware. Panic exit devices operated by a horizontal bar, for use on escape routes.
Requirements and test methods
BS EN 1125:1997 2008, Current Ditto
BS 5808: 1991 Partically Replaced by BS EN 14499: 2004 Underlays for textile floor coverings 18.139
BS 5837:1991 2005 Current, Corr 15988 : 2005 Guide for trees in relation to construction 2.10, 25.69.4,
BS 5872: 1980 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1995, s/s by BS EN 12209 : 2003 Locks and latches for doors in buildings 14.30
BS EN 12209 : 2003 Current Building hardware Locks and latches Mechanically operated locks, latches and locking plates
Requirements and test methods
BS 5889 BS EN ISO 11600 : 2003 Silicone sealants 19.87
BS 5889:1989 Superseded, Withdrawn, Replaced by BS EN ISO 11600 : 2003 16.34(v), 16.40
BS 5896 Current High tensile steel wire and stand for prestressing concrete 7.09
BS 5911: 1988 Pt. 100 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1916 : 2002 and BS 5911-1 : 2002 Precast concrete pipe, fittings and ancillary products. Specifications for unreinforced and reinforced
pipes and fittings with flexible joint
BS EN 1916 : 2002 Current, Corr 15288 : 2004 Concrete pipes and fittings, unreinforced, steel fibre and reinforced
BS 5911-1 : 2002 Current Concrete pipes and ancillary concrete products Part 1: Specification for unreinforced and reinforced
concrete pipes (including jacking pipes) and fittings with flexible joints (complementary to BS EN
BS 5950: ---- Contains part 1-9 of BS 5950 Structural use of steel work in building 15.01
BS 5950-1 : 1985 2000 Current, Corr 13199 : 2001 Structural use of steelwork in building Part 1: Code of practice for design Rolled and welded
BS 5950-2 : 1985 2001 Current Structural Use of Steelwork in Building - Part 2: Specification for Materials, Fabrication and
Erection -Rolled and Welded Sections
BS 5950 SEC 3.1 : 1990 Current Structural Use of Steelwork in Building Part 3: Design in Composite Construction Section 3.1:
Code of Practice for Design of Simple and Continuous Composite Beams
BS 5950 PART 4 : 1982 1994 Current Code of practice for design of composite slabs with profiled steel sheeting
BS 5950-5 : 1987 1998 Current Structural Use of Steelwork in Building - Part 5: Code of Practice for Design of Cold Formed Thin
Gauge Sections
BS 5950 PART 6 : 1995 Current, Corr 10475 : 1999 Structural Use of Steelwork in Building Part 6: Code of Practice for Design of Light Gauge
Profiled Steel Sheeting
BS 5950 PART 7 : 1992 Current, Obsolescent Structural Use of Steelwork in Building Part 7: Specification for Materials and Workmanship: Cold
Formed Sections
BS 5950-8 : 1990 2003 Current Structural use of steelwork in building Part 8: Code of practice for fire resistant design
BS 5950 PART 9 : 1994 Current, Amd 9326 : 1997 Structural Use of Steelwork in Building Part 9: Code of Practice for Stressed Skin Design
BS 5972: 1980 Current, Amd 4486 : 1984 Photoelectric control units for road lighting 14.30
BS 5973 : 1993 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 12811-1:2003 Code of Practice for Access and Working Scaffolds and Special Scaffold Structures in Steel (R) 1.39.2(x)
BS EN 12811-1 : 2004 Current Temporary works equipment Part 1: Scaffolds Performance requirements and general design
BS 5975:1982 1996 Current, Amd 15090 : 2004 Code of practice for falsework 1.39.2(xi), 6.01
BS 6072:1981 Current, Obsolescent, s/s by BS EN ISO 9934-1:2001 (Current) Method for magnetic particle flaw detection 9.06
BS EN ISO 9934-1 Current, Amd 14960 : 2004 Non-destructive testing. Magnetic particle testing. General principles 9.06
BS 6073 Pt. 1 BS EN 772-2 : 1998, BS EN 771-3 : 2003, Current Precast concrete masonry units 9.06
BS EN 1051-1 : 2003 Current Precast concrete masonry units 9.08
BS EN 772-2 : 1998 Current Method of test for masonry units. Determination of percentage area of voids in aggregate concrete
masonry units (by paper indentation)
BS EN 771-3 : 2003 Current Specification for masonry units Part 3: Aggregate concrete masonry units (Dense and light-weight
BS 6087: 1990 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 877 : 1999 (Current) Flexible joints for cast iron drainpipes etc. 19.32
BS EN 877 : 1999 Current Cast iron pipes and fittings, their joints and accessories for the evacuation of water from buildings.
Requirements, test methods and quality assurance
BS 6087:1990 Ditto Ditto 23.05
BS 6087 Ditto Flexible Joints for Grey or Ductile Cast Iron Drainpipes and Fittings (BS 437) and for Discharge
and Ventilating Pipes and Fittings (BS 416)
BS 6087 Ditto Flexible Joints for Grey or Ductile Cast Iron Drainpipes and Fittings (BS 437) and for Discharge
and Ventilating Pipes and Fittings (BS 416)
BS 6088 : 1981 Current, Obsolescent, Amd 5600 : 1987, Confirmed 1993, partially s/s by BS EN 1423 :
1998 (Current)
Solid glass beads for use with road marking compounds 21.71
B EN 1423:1998 Current, Amd 15312 : 2004 Road marking materials. Drop on materials. Glass beads, antiskid aggregates and mixtures of the
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 6088: 1981 Current, Obsolescent, Partially replaced, BS6088:1981 Amended by: AMD4047,
AMD4872, AMD5600 Replaced by: BS EN 1423:1998, Partially replaced by BS EN
BS 6089: 1981 Current Guide to assessment of concrete strength in existing concrete 5.16
BS 6089: 1981 Ditto Ditto 5.29
BS EN ISO 3506-1:2009 Current Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners. Bolts, screws and studs 16.18(ii)
BS EN ISO 3506-2:2009 Current Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners. Nuts 16.18(ii)
BS EN ISO 3506-3:2009 Current Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners. Set screws and similar
fasteners not under tensile stress
BS EN ISO 3506-4:2009 Current Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners. Tapping screws 16.18(ii)
BS 6105 Ditto Corrosion resistant stainless steel fasteners 17.09
BS 5442: 1979 Pt. 3 BS 5442-3:1979, Withdrawn Classification of adhesives for construction. Adhesives for metal 17.12
BS 6150 Current BS 6150:2006 21.42
BS 6213 : 1982 2000 Current Guide to the selection of constructional sealants 6.62
BS 6206:1981 Current, Amended by: AMD8693. Partially replaced by BS EN 12600:2002 Specification for impact performance requirements for flat safety glass and safety plastics for use
in buildings
20.01.01, 20.11
BS 6262: 1982 Current, Amd 8279 : 1994, Partially s/s by part 1-4 and 6-7 of BS 6262 Code of practice for glazing for buildings 16.34, 20.17
BS 6262-1 : 2005 Current Glazing for buildings Part 1: General methodology for the selection of glazing
BS 6262-2 : 2005 Current Glazing for buildings. Code of practice for energy, light and sound
BS 6262-3 : 2005 Current Glazing for buildings - Part 3: Code of practice for fire, security and wind loading
BS 6262-4 : 1994 2005 Current Glazing for buildings. Safety related to human impact
BS 6262-4:2005 Current BS 6262-4:2005 Glazing for buildings Part 6: Code of practice for special applications 20.01.01,
BS 6262-6 : 2005 Current Glazing for buildings Part 6: Code of practice for special applications
BS 6262-7 : 2005 Current Glazing for buildings. Code of practice for the provision of information
BS 6266: 1992 2002 Current Code of practice for fire protection for electronic data processing installations 18.153
BS 6323:1982 Pt. 1 Current, Amd 6020 : 1989, Confirmed 1990 Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for Automobile, Mechanical and General Engineering Purposes
Part 1: General Requirements
BS 6323-8:1982 Pt. 8 Superseded, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS EN 10296-2 Specification for seamless and welded steel tubes for automobile, mechanical and general
engineering purposes. Specific requirements for longitudinally welded stainless steel tubes
BS 6340: 1985 Pt. 8 Current Prefabricated shower trays made from glazed ceramic 19.75
BS 6340 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 10219-2 : 1997 (Current) Specification for welded cold formed steel structural hollow sections
BS EN 10219-2:1997 Current Cold formed welded structural sections of non-alloy and fine grain steels. Tolerances, dimensions
and sectional properties
BS 6375-1:2009 Current Performance of windows and doors. Classification for additional performance characteristics and
guidance on selection and specification
BS 6375-2:2009 Current Performance of windows and doors. Classification for operation and strength characteristics and
guidance on selection and specification
BS 6431: ---- Contains BS 6431-1:1983, BS 6431-2:1984, BS 6431-3.1:1986, BS 6431-3. 2:1986, BS
6431-4.1:1986, BS 6431-4.2:1986, BS 6431-5:1986, BS 6431-6:1984, BS 6431-7:1986,
BS 6431-8:1986 and BS 6431-9:1984 (All withdrawn and s/s by BS EN 14411 : 2003), and
BS 6431 Parts 10 to 23 (All withdrawn and s/s by BS EN ISO 10545 series)
Ceramic floor and wall tiles 18.89
BS 6431 Pt 1:1983 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 14411 : 2003 Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Specification for classification and marking, including definitions and
BS 6431 Pt 2:1984 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 14411 : 2003 Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Specification for extruded ceramic tiles with a low water absorption
(E <= 3%). Group A1
BS 6431 Pt 3.1:1986 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 14411 : 2003 Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Extruded ceramic tiles with a water absorption of 3%< E <=6%
Group A11a. Specification for general products
BS 6431 Pt 3.2:1986 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 14411 : 2003 Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Extruded ceramic tiles with a water absorption of 3%< E <=6%
Group A11a. Specification for specific products (terre cuite, cotto, baldosin catalan)
BS 6431 Pt 4.1:1986 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 14411 : 2003 Specification for general products
BS 6431 Pt 4.2:1986 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 14411 : 2003 Specification for specific products (terre cuite, cotto, baldosin catalan)
BS 6431 Pt 5:1986 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 14411 : 2003 Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Specification for extruded ceramic tiles with a water absorption of E
> 10%. Group A111
BS 6431 Pt 6:1984 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 14411 : 2003 Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Specification for dust-pressed ceramic tiles with a low water
absorption (E <= 3%). Group B1
BS 6431 Pt 7:1986 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 14411 : 2003 Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Ceramic floor and wall tiles
BS 6431 Pt 8:1986 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 14411 : 2003 Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Ceramic floor and wall tiles
BS 6431 Pt 9:1984 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 14411 : 2003 Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Specification for dust-pressed ceramic tiles with a water absorption of
E>10%. Group B111
BS EN 14411 : 2003 Current Ceramic tiles Definitions, classification, characteristics and marking
BS 6431 Pt 10:1984 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7099 : 1992, s/s by BS EN ISO 10545-2:1997 -Current Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of dimensions and surface quality
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Determination of dimensions and surface quality
BS 6431 Pt 11:1983 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7100 : 1992s/s by BS EN ISO 10545-3:1997 -Current Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of water absorption
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Determination of water absorption, apparent porosity, apparent relative density and
bulk density
BS 6431 Pt 12:1983 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7101 : 1992, s/s by BS EN ISO 10545-4:1997 -Current Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of modulus of rupture
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Determination of modulus of rupture and breaking strength
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS 6431 Pt 13:1986 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7102 : 1992 Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of scratch hardness of surface according to
BS 6431 Pt 14:1983 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7103 : 1992, s/s by BS EN ISO 10545-6:1997 -Current Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of resistance to deep abrasion. Unglazed
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Determination of resistance to deep abrasion for unglazed tiles
BS 6431 Pt 15:1983 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7104 : 1992, s/s by BS EN ISO 10545-8:1996 -Current Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of linear thermal expansion
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Determination of linear thermal expansion
BS 6431 Pt 16:1983 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7105 : 1992, s/s by BS EN ISO 10545-9:1996 -Current Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of resistance to thermal shock
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Determination of resistance to thermal shock
BS 6431 Pt 17:1983 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7106 : 1992, partially s/s by BS EN ISO 10545-
11:1996 -Current
Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of crazing reistance. Glazed tiles
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Determination of crazing resistance for glazed tiles
BS 6431 Pt 18:1983 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7107 : 1992, s/s by BS EN ISO 10545-13:1997 -
Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of chemical resistance. Unglazed tiles
BS 6431 Pt 19:1984 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7108 : 1992, Partially s/s by BS EN ISO 10545-
13:1997 and BS EN ISO 10545-14:1997 -All Current
Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of chemical resistance. Glazed tiles
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Determination of chemical resistance
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Determination of resistance to stains
BS 6431 Pt 20:1984 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7109 : 1992, partially s/s by BS EN ISO 10545-7:1999
Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of resistance to surface abrasion. Glazed
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Determination of resistance to surface abrasion for glazed tiles
BS 6431 Pt 21:1984 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7110 : 1992, s/s by BS EN ISO 10545-10:1997 -
Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of moisture expansion using boiling water.
Unglazed tiles
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Determination of moisture expansion
BS 6431 Pt 22:1986 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7111 : 1992, s/s by BS EN ISO 10545-12:1997 -
Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of frost resistance
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Determination of frost resistance
BS 6431 Pt 23:1986 Withdrawn, Confirmed 1996, Amd 7112 : 1992, s/s by BS EN ISO 10545-1:1997 -Current Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Specification for sampling and basis for acceptance
BS EN ISO 10545-
Current Ceramic tiles. Sampling and basis for acceptance
BS 6431: ---- Ditto Ditto 18.94
BS EN 1154:1997 1997, Current Door closers. Specification for mechanical performance of crank and rack and pinion overhead
BS EN 1155 1997, Current Electrically powered door holder 14.04
BS EN 1158 1997, Current Door co-ordinators 14.04
BS EN 1303 2005, Current Cylinders for locks 14.04, 14.66,
14.69 & 14.70
BS EN 1527 1998, Current Sliding door gear 14.04, 14.92
BS EN 1634-1 2008, Current Fire testing 14.04, 14.06,
14.32 & 14.45
BS EN 1670 2007, Current Corrosion resistance 14.04, 14.33
& 14.85
BS EN 12051 2000, Current Door and window bolts 14.04, 14.87
BS EN 12320 2001, Current Padlocks and padlock fittings 14.04, 14.71
BS EN 12365 BS EN 12365-1: 2003, BS EN 12365-2: 2003, BS EN 12365-3: 2003, BS EN 12365-4:
2003, Current
Building hardware. Gasket and weatherstripping for doors, windows, shutters and curtain walling.
Performance requirements and classification
BS EN 13724 2002, Current Letter plates 14.04
BS 5839 Pt. 3 BS 5839-3 : 1988 Fire detectors and automatic release mechanisms 14.04
BS EN 1154:1997 Current, Corr 14399 : 2003 Building hardware. Controlled door closing devices. Requirements and test methods
BS 6496 : 1984 Current, Amd 7182 : 1992, Confirmed 2000 Powder organic coatings 16.32
BS 6496 : 1984 Ditto Ditto 16.63
BS 6496 : 1984 2005 Current Steel-framed windows and glazed doors 17.32
BS 6496 : 1984 2005 Current, Confirmed 2010 Ditto 14.04
BS 6510: 1984 2005 Current Steel-framed windows and glazed doors 17.32
BS 6566: ---- Pt. 1-8 Plywood 13.12
BS 6566: ---- Pt. 1 :
Withdrawn Plywood. Specification for construction of panels and characteristics of plies including marking 13.12
BS 6566 Pt. 2 :
Withdrawn Plywood. Glossary of terms 13.12
BS 6566 Pt. 3 :
Withdrawn Plywood. Specification for acceptance levels for post-manufacture batch testing including sampling 13.12
BS 6566 Pt. 4 :
Withdrawn Plywood. Specification for tolerances on the dimensions of plywood panels 13.12
BS 6566 Pt. 5 :
Withdrawn Plywood. Specification for moisture content 13.12
BS 6566 Pt. 6 :
Withdrawn Plywood. Specification for limits of defects for the classification of plywood by appearance 13.12
BS 6566: 1985 Pt. 7 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 636 Pt. 1-3 : 1997 and DD ENV 1099 : 1998 Plywood. Specification for classification of resistance to fungal decay and wood borer attack 13.12
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS EN 636 Pt. 1 : 1997 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 636 : 2003 Plywood. Specifications. Requirements for plywood for use in dry conditions
BS EN 636 Pt. 2 : 1997 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 636 : 2003 Plywood. Specifications. Requirements for plywood for use in humid conditions
BS EN 636 Pt. 3 : 1997 Current, Amd 10424 : 1999 Plywood. Specifications. Requirements for plywood for use in exterior conditions
BS EN 636 : 2003 Pt. 8 :
Withdrawn Plywood. Specification for bond performance of veneer plywood 13.12
BS 6566 Pt. 1-8 Ditto Ditto 22.07
BS 6925 BS 6925 : 1988, Current Mastic asphalt for building 11.03
BS 6577 Withdrawn Mastic asphalt for building 11.03
BS EN 197-1 2000, Current Portland pulverized - fuel ash cement 6.29 & 18.01
BS 6588: 1985 2004 Current, Amd 15209 : 2004 Cement. Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common cements
BS 6651: 1992 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1562 : 1997 (Current) Malleable cast iron 23.13
BS 6681: 1986 Current Founding. Malleable cast irons
BS EN 1562 : 1997 1997 Current, Partially s/s BS EN 806-2 : 2005, BS EN 806-3 : 2006 Services supplying water
BS 6699: 1992 Superseded, Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 15167-1: 2006 & BS EN 15167-2: 2006 Specification for ground granulated blastfurnace slag for use with Portland cement 6.29.2
BS EN 15167-1: 2006 AMD 16763 is a Corrigendum. Ditto 6.29.2
BS EN 15167-2: 2006 AMD 16764 is a Corrigendum. Ditto 6.29.2
BS 6700: 1987 BS 6700 : 2006 + A1 : 2009, Current Specification for installations inside buildings conveying water for human consumption - Part 2:
BS EN 806-2 : 2005 Current Specifications for installations inside buildings conveying water for human consumption Part 3:
Pipe sizing Simplified method
BS EN 806-3 : 2006 Ditto Ditto 19.67
BS EN 816 : 1996 BS EN 816 : 1997, Current Sensor tap 19.77
BS EN 8217 : 1996 12.60
BS 6717: 1993 Pt. 1 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 6717 : 2001 Precast concrete paving blocks 18.98
BS 6717 : 2001 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1338 : 2003 Precast, unreinforced concrete paving blocks. Requirements and test methods
BS EN 1338 : 2003 Current, Amd 16470 : 2006 Concrete paving blocks Requirements and test methods
BS 6717: 1989 Pt. 3 Withdrawn, s/s by BS 7533-3 : 1997 (Current) Code of practice for laying 18.98
BS 7533-3 : 1997 BS 7533-3: 2005 + A1: 2009, Current Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers. Code of practice for laying
precast concrete paving blocks and clay pavers for flexible pavements
BS EN 12004:2001 2007, Current Adhesives for tiles. Requirements, evaluation of conformity, classification and designation 18.99
BS 6826: 1987 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 12104 : 2000 (Current) Linoleum and cork carpet sheet and tiles 18.119
BS EN 12104 : 2000 Current Resilient floor coverings. Cork floor tiles. Specification
BS 6900:1987(1992) Withdrawn, s/s by BS ISO 150 : 2006 Specification for raw, refined and boiled linseed oils for paints and varnishes 21.34
BS ISO 150:2006 Current Raw, refined and boiled linseed oil for paints and varnishes Specifications and methods of test
BS 6900:1987 Superseded, Withdrawn, Replaced by: BS EN ISO 150:2007 21.34
BS 6925: 1988 Current, Amd 9582:1997 Mastic asphalt for building 11.03, 12.52
BS 6925: 1988 Ditto Ditto 12.53
BS 7331: 1990 Withdrawn, Amd 8537 : 1995 Direct surface wood chipboard based on thermosetting resins 13.17
BS 7352:1990 Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1935 : 2002 (Current) Metal hinges 14.27
BS EN 1935 2004 Current, Amd 15315 : 2004 Building hardware. Single-axis hinges. Requirements and test methods
BS 7357: 1990 Current 7.5 L W.C. flushing cistern 19.81
BS 7475: 1991 Amd 7642 : 1993, Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 1011-3 : 2000 (Current) Fusion welding of ansteritic stainless steel 19.18
BS EN 1011-3 : 2000 Current, Amd 14927 : 2004 Welding. Recommendations for welding of metallic materials. Arc welding of stainless steels
BS 7475: 1991 Ditto Fusion welding of ansteritic stainless steel 17.19
BS 7491: 1991 Pt. 1 Amd 7382 : 1992, Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN 13280 : 2001 (Current) One-piece cisterns of capacity up to 500 L 19.49
BS EN 13263 BS EN 13263-2: 2005 + A1: 2009, Current Silica fume for concrete. Conformity evaluation 6.29.1
BS EN 13280 : 2001 Current Specification for glass fibre reinforced cisterns of one-piece and sectional construction, for the
storage, above ground of cold water
BS 7671: 1992 2001 Current Regulations for electrical installations 17.41
BS 7786 BS 7786: 2006, Current Specification for unsintered PTEE tape, General requirements 19.08
BS 8000: 1989 Pt. 4 Current Code of practice for waterproofing 11.07
BS 8000: 1989 Pt. 11.1 Current, Amd 8623 : 1995, Confirmed 1995 Wall and floor tiling - design and installation for ceramic wall-tiling 18.102, 18.60
BS 8000: Pt 12:1989 Confirmed, Current, BS 8000:Pt 12:1989 21.42
BS 8004: 1986 Pt. 4 BS 8000-4 : 1989, Current Code of practice for foundation 6.49
BS 8004: 1986 Current, Confirmed 2003 Ditto
BS 8102: 1990 Current Code of Practice for protection of structures against water from the ground 11.01
BS 8110: ---- Contains part 1 to 3 of BS 8110 Structural use of concrete 5.02
Contains part 1 to 3 of BS 8110 Ditto 6.26
BS 8110: ---- Pt. 1 1997 Current, Amd 16016 : 2005 Structural use of concrete Part 1: Code of practice for design and construction 7.01
BS 8110: 1985 Pt. 2 Current, Amd 16017 : 2005 Structural Use of Concrete - Part 2: Code of Practice for Special Circumstances
BS 8110: 1985 Pt. 3 Current, Amd 5918 : 1989 Structural Use of Concrete Part 3: Design Charts for Singly Reinforced Beams, Doubly Reinforced
Beams and Rectangular Columns
BS 8110: 1985 Contains part 1 to 3 of BS 8110 Structural use of concrete 5.25(iv)(a)
BS 8110:1985 Contains part 1 to 3 of BS 8110 Structural use of concrete 5.25(ii)(a)
BS 8118-1:1991 Superseded, Withdrawn, Amended by: AMD 10485 Replaced by: BS EN 1999-1-3:2007,
BS EN 1999-1-4:2007, BS EN 1999-1-1:2007+A1:2009
Structural use of aluminium. Code of practice for design 16.34(i)
BS 8118-2:1991 Superseded, Withdrawn, Amended by: AMD10486 Replaced by: BS EN 1999-1-1:2007
Structural use of aluminium. Specification for materials, workmanship and protection 16.34(i)
BS 8200: 1985 Current, Obsolescent Code of practice for design of non-loadbearing external vertical enclosures of buildings 16.34
BS 8204: 1993 Pt. 4 BS 8204-4: 2004, Current Screeds, bases and in situ floorings. Cementitious terrazo wearing surfaces. Code of practice 18.60
BS 8212: 1995 Current Code of practice for dry lining and partitioning using gypsum plasterboard 18.42
BS 8301: 1985 Current, BS EN 752 Smoke testing 23.46
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS EN 124: 1994 Current, Amd 8587: 1995 Gully tops and manhole tops for vehicular and pedestrian areas. Design requirements, type testing,
marking, quality control
BS EN 287-1: 1992 2004 Current, Amd 15598 : 2005 Fusion welding of steel
BS EN 288-3: 1992 Current, Corr 10026 : 1998 Welding procedures tests for the are welding of steels 15.26
BS EN 295: ---- Contain part 1-7 and 10 of BS EN 295 Vitrified clay pipes and fittings and pipe joints for drains and sewers 23.04
BS EN 295-1 : 1991 Current, Amd 10621 : 1999 Requirements
BS EN 295-2 : 1991 Current, Amd 10620 : 1999 Quality control and sampling
BS EN 295-3 : 1991 Current, Amd 10357 : 1999 Test methods
BS EN 295-4 : 1995 Current Requirements for special fittings, adaptors and compatible accessories
BS EN 295-5 : 1994 Current, Amd 10481 : 1999 Requirements for perforated vitrifled clay pipes and fittings
BS EN 295-6 : 1996 Current, Amd 15279 : 2004 Requirements for vitrified clay manholes
BS EN 295-7 : 1996 Current Requirements for Vitrified Clay Pipes and Joints for Pipe Jacking
BS EN 295-10 : 2005 Current Performance requirements
BS EN 485 Contains part 1-4 of BS EN 485 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate. 17.07
BS EN 485-1 : 1994 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate. Technical conditions for inspection and
BS EN 485-2 : 1995 2004 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate. Mechanical properties 17.33(b)
BS EN 485-3 : 1994 2003 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate. Tolerances on shape and dimensions for
hot-rolled products
BS EN 485-4 : 1994 Current, Confirmed 2003 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate. Tolerances on shape and dimensions for
cold-rolled products
BS EN 490 : 1994 2005 Current Concrete roofing tiles and fittings for roof covering and wall cladding Product specifications 18.92
BS EN 491 : 1994 2005 Current Concrete roofing tiles and fittings for roof covering and wall cladding Test methods 18.92
BS EN 490 : 1994 BS EN 491 : 2004 Concrete roofing tiles and fittings for roof covering and wall cladding Product specifications 18.92
BS EN 491 : 1994 BS EN 490: 2004 + A1: 2006 Concrete roofing tiles and fittings for roof covering and wall cladding Test methods 18.92
BS EN 515 : 1993 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Wrought products. Temper designations 17.07
BS EN 515 : 1993 Ditto Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Wrought products. Temper designations 17.33(b)
BS EN 545: 1995 2010 Current Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for water pipelines. Requirements and test
BS EN 573 Contains part 1-4 of BS EN 573 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of wrought products. 17.07
BS EN 573-1 : 1995 2004 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of wrought products. Numerical
designation system
BS EN 573-2 : 1995 Current, Confirmed 2003 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of wrought products. Chemical
symbol based designation system
BS EN 573-3 : 1995 2003 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of wrought products. Chemical
BS EN 573-4 : 1995 2004 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of wrought products. Forms of
BS EN 573 Ditto Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and form of wrought products. 17.33(b)
BS EN 598 : 1995 2007+A1:2009 Current Ductile iron pipes, fittings and accessories and their joints for sewerage applications. Requirements
and test methods
BS EN 598 (replacing BS
BS EN 598 : 2007 + A1 : 2009 Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for sewerage applications. Requirements
and test methods
BS EN 598 (replacing BS
Ditto Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for sewerage applications. Requirements
and test methods
BS EN 598 (replacing BS
Ditto Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for sewerage applications. Requirements
and test methods.
BS EN 598 (replacing BS
Ditto Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for sewerage applications. Requirements
and test methods.
BS EN 754 Contains part 1-8 of BS EN 754 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube 17.07
BS EN 754-1 : 1997 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube. Technical conditions for
inspection and delivery
BS EN 754-2 : 1997 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube. Mechanical properties 17.07
BS EN 754-3 : 1996 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube. Round bars, tolerances on
dimensions and form
BS EN 754-4 : 1996 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube. Square bars, tolerances on
dimensions and form
BS EN 754-5 : 1996 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube. Rectangular bars, tolerances on
dimensions and form
BS EN 754-6 : 1996 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube. Hexagonal bars, tolerances on
dimensions and form
BS EN 754-7 : 1998 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube. Seamless tubes, tolerances on
dimensions and form
BS EN 754-8 : 1998 Current Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube. Porthole tubes, tolerances on
dimensions and form
BS EN 1561 : 1997 Current Founding. Gery cast irons
BS EN 1561 : 1997 Current Founding. Gery cast irons 17.06
BS EN 1774 : 1998 Current, Corr 10047 : 1998 Zinc and zinc alloys. Alloys for foundry purposes. Ingot and liquid 17.33(l)(ii)(a)
BS 4164 2002 Current Specification for coal-tar-based hot-applied coating materials for protecting iron and steel,
including a suitable primer
BS 4164 : 1987 BS 3416:1991 Current, Confirmed 2008, Amd. 7288 : 1992 Specification for (black bitumen coating solution for cold application) for protecting iron and steel,
including a suitable primer
BS EN 10143 : 1998 2006 Current Continuously hot-dip metal coated steel sheet and strip. Tolerances on dimensions and shape 23.13
BS EN 12163 : 1998 Current Copper and copper alloys. Rod for general purposes 17.08
BS EN 12164 : 1998 Current, Amd 11036 : 2001 Copper and copper alloys. Rod for free machining purposes 17.08
BS EN 12167 Current Copper and copper alloys. Profiles and rectangular bar for general purposes 17.08
BS EN 12372: 2006 Current Natural stone test methods. Determination of flexural strength under concentrated load 10.01
BS EN 13964: 2004 Current Suspended ceilings. Requirements and test methods 13.23
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS EN 14647: 2006 Current Calcium aluminate cement. Composition, specifications and conformity criteria 9.22(c)(ii)
BS EN 22063 :Pt. 1 BS EN 22063 : 1994 (Withdrawn) Metallic and other inorganic coatings. Thermal spraying. Zinc, aluminium and their alloys 17.21(c)
CS 1: 1990 Not Applicable Testing Concrete 5.29
CS1 Not Applicable 6.55
CS1 Not Applicable 6.57(i)
CS 2: 1995 Not Applicable Carbon Steel Bars for the Reinforcement of Concrete 6.14, 6.17
CS 2: 1995 Not Applicable Carbon Steel Bars for the Reinforcement of Concrete 6.15
CS 2: 1995 Not Applicable Carbon Steel Bars for the Reinforcement of Concrete 6.17
CS 2: 1995 Not Applicable 5.25(iv)
Code of Practice for
Current : 2004 Code of Practice for Foundations issued by Buildings Department of the Government of the
Code of Practice for Fire
Resisting Construction
Current : 1996 Code of Practice for Fire Resisting Construction issued by Buildings Department of the
Government of the HKSAR
Code of Practice for
Overall Thermal Transfer
Value in Buildings 1995
Current : 1995 Code of Practice for Overall Thermal Transfer Value in Buildings issued by Buildings Department
of the Government of the HKSAR
Code of Practice for
Structural Use of
Concrete 2004
Current : 2004 Code of Practice for Structural Use of Concrete 2004 issued by Buildings Department of the
Government of the HKSAR
6.24, 6.26, 7.01
Code of Practice for
Structural Use of Steel
Current : BS 6510 : 2005 Code of Practice for Structural Use of Steel 2005 issued by Buildings Department of the
Government of the HKSAR
5.18(v), 15.32,
15.58, 15.59
BS EN 1290: 1998 Superseded, Withdrawn, s/s by BS EN ISO 17638: 2009 Non-destructive examination of welds. Magnetic particle examination of welds 15.58
BS EN 571 BS EN 571-1: 1997, Current Non-destructive testing. Penetrant testing. General principles 15.58
BS 8202: 1987 Pt. 1 BS 8202-1: 1995, Current Coatings for fire protection of building elements. Code of practice for the selection and installation
of sprayed mineral coatings
Code of Practice on Wind
Effects in Hong Kong
Current : 2004 Code of Practice on Wind Effects in Hong Kong 2004 issued by Buildings Department of the
Government of the HKSAR
General Specification for
Civil Engineering Works
Current:2006 General Specification for Civil Engineering Works issued by Civil Engineering and Development
Department for the Government of the HKSAR
21.01, 24.02,
24.03, 24.04,
24.06, 24.30
GEOSPEC 3 Current : 2001 Model Specification for Soil Testing issued by Geotechnical Engineering Office of the Government
of the HKSAR
3.01, 3.21,
GEOGUIDE 3 Current : 1988 Guide to Rock and Soil Descriptions issued by Geotechnical Engineering Office of the Government
of the HKSAR
BS 8008: 1996 BS 8008: 1996+A1:2008 Confirmed, Current, Project Underway Safety precautions and procedures for the construction and descent of machine-bored shafts for
piling and other purposes
ISO 3633: 1991
(replacing BS 4514)
2002 Current Plastics Piping Systems for Soil and Waster Discharge (Low and High Temperature) Inside
Buildings - Unplasticized Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC-U)
BS 4514 : 1983 2001 Current Unplasticized PVC soil and ventilating pipes of 82.4 mm minimum mean outside diameter, and
fittings and accessories of 82.4 mm and of other sizes. Specification
(SIN ISO 3633) Not Applicable Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) pipes and fittings for soil and waste discharge (low
and high temperature) systems inside buildings.
ISO 3633 (replacing BS
Ditto Ditto 19.34
BS 4514 : 1983 2001 Current Unplasticized PVC soil and ventilating pipes of 82.4 mm minimum mean outside diameter, and
fittings and accessories of 82.4 mm and of other sizes. Specification
ISO 4422, part 1 and 2
(replacing BS 3505)
1996 Current 19.48
BS 3505 : 1986 Current, s/s by BS EN 1452 Pt. 1-5 : 2000 (All Current) Specification for unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pressure pipes for cold potable water
BS EN 1452 Pt. 1 : 2000 Current, Corr 12004 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). General
BS EN 1452 Pt. 2 : 2000 Current, Corr 12005 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). Pipes
BS EN 1452 Pt. 3 : 2000 Current, Corr 12006 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). Fittings
BS EN 1452 Pt. 4 : 2000 Current, Corr 12007 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). Valves and
ancillary equipment
BS EN 1452 Pt. 5 : 2000 Current, Corr 12008 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). Fitness for
purpose of the system
ISO 4422, Part 3
(replacing BS 4346:Pt. 1
and Pt. 2)
Current Pipes and Fittings Made of Unplasticized Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC-U) for Water Supply -
Specifications - Part 3: Fittings and Joints-First Edition
BS 4346 Pt. 1 Current, s/s by BS EN 1452 Pt. 1-5 : 2000 (All Current) Joints and fittings for use with unplasticized PVC pressure pipes. Injection moulded unplasticized
PVC fittings for solvent welding for use with pressure pipes, including potable water supply
BS 4346 Pt. 2 Current, s/s by BS EN 1452 Pt. 1-5 : 2000 (All Current) Joints and fittings for use with unplasticized PVC pressure pipes. Mechanical joints and fittings,
principally of unplasticized PVC
BS 4346 Pt. 3 Current, partially s/s by BS EN 1452 Pt. 1-5 : 2000 (All Current) Joints and fittings for use with unplasticized PVC pressure pipes. Specification for solvent cement
BS EN 1452 Pt. 1 : 2000 Current, Corr 12004 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). General
BS EN 1452 Pt. 2 : 2000 Current, Corr 12005 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). Pipes
BS EN 1452 Pt. 3 : 2000 Current, Corr 12006 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). Fittings
Standard with
edition appropriate
for current use
Part Status of Standards Description Clause No.
Index 1 - List of Standards Referred
BS EN 1452 Pt. 4 : 2000 Current, Corr 12007 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). Valves and
ancillary equipment
BS EN 1452 Pt. 5 : 2000 Current, Corr 12008 : 2000 Plastics piping systems for water supply. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). Fitness for
purpose of the system
ISO 4435 (replacing BS
2003 Current Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage Unplasticized
poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U)
BS 4576 : 1989 Pt. 1 Current, Confirmed 1998, Partially s/s by BS EN 607 : 1996, BS EN 1462 : 1997, BS EN
12200-1 : 2000
Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) rainwater goods and accessories. Half-round gutters and
pipes of circular cross-section
BS EN 607 : 1996 2005 Current Eaves gutters and fittings made of PVC-U. Definitions, requirements and testing
BS EN 1462 : 1997 2005 Current Brackets for eaves gutters. Requirements and testing
BS EN 12200-1 : 2000 Current Plastics rainwater piping systems for above ground external use. Unplasticized poly (vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U). Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
ISO 4435 (replacing BS
Ditto Ditto 23.08
BS 4660 : 2000 Current, Corr 13946 : 2002, Partially s/s by BS EN 13598-1 : 2003 Thermoplastics ancillary fittings of nominal sizes 110 and 160 for below ground gravity drainage
and sewerage
BS EN 13598-1 : 2003 Current underground drainage and sewerage Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene
(PP) and polyethylene (PE) Part 1: Specifications for ancillary fittings including shallow inspection
ISO 4435 (replacing BS
Ditto Ditto 23.08
BS 5481 : 1977 Current, s/s by BS EN 1401-1 : 1998 (Current) Specification for unplasticized PVC pipe and fittings for gravity sewers
BS EN 1401-1 : 1998 Current, Amd 13794 : 2002 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Unplasticized
poly(vinylchloride) (PVC-U). Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
ISO 6594 standard (BS
EN 877).
N/A 23.05
BS EN 877 : 1999 Current Cast iron pipes and fittings, their joints and accessories for the evacuation of water from buildings.
Requirements, test methods and quality assurance
ISO 6594 : 1983 2006 Current Cast iron drainage pipes and fittings Spigot series
BS EN ISO 10319 Current 1.1.1996 Geotextiles - wide-width tensile test (ISO 10319 : 1993) Table 25.1,
BS EN ISO 11058 Current 15.5.1999 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - determination of water permeability characteristics
normal to the plane, without load
Table 25.1
BS EN ISO 12236 Current 31.10.2006 Geosynthetics static puncuture test (CBR test) Table 25.1,
BS EN ISO 12956: 1999 Current 15.5.1999 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - determination of the characteristic opening size-: 1989 Table 25.1
Index 2 Subjects and Clause Numbers
Clause No.
Clause No.
Abbreviations 1.02
Acceptance 8.16
Acceptance of welds 15.58
Access and roads 1.25
Access covers and frames 19.67
Access doors in pipes 19.37
Accessories 12.74
Accommodation for building services items 22.04
Accommodation for building services items 22.25
Accommodation for workmen 1.30
Accuracy 9.34
Accuracy for wall and ceiling finishes 18.19
Accuracy of erected steelwork, Permitted deviations 15.59
Accuracy, workmanship in external works 24.19
Acoustic spray plaster 18.56
Acoustic; Pre-mixed Plaster & Mortar 18.35
Additional damage 25.87
Additional Requirements in Testing 16.64
Additional test specimens for epoxy coating tests for
each batch
Adhesive 12.108
Adhesive 13.29
Adhesive 18.121
Adhesive 18.141
Adhesive 18.99
Adhesive for metal 17.12
Adjoining properties 1.23
Admixture, hardening 18.72
Admixture, water-proofing and non-shrink 17.36
Admixtures 8.06
Admixtures and additives 6.36
Admixtures and additives 18.06
Advertising 1.14
Aeration 25.99
After planting 25.29(d)
Age of concrete 7.58
Aggregate 6.33
Aggregate 8.04
Aggregate for light-weight screeds 18.57
Aggregate, grading of 6.34
Aggregate, marble 18.70
Air entraining agent for light-weight screeds 18.58
Air monitoring 2.52
Air Pollution Control 2.14
Alginate 25.02(g)
Alteration and resiting 22.21
Alternative protective measures 25.69.3(e)
Aluminium 12.03
Aluminium 12.06
Aluminium 16.12
Aluminium alloy 17.07
Aluminium finish at structural silicone 16.33
Aluminium windows and doors 17.33
Anchorages 7.22
Anchoring 25.72.4
Anchors in concrete and masonry 16.17
Anchors in stone
Angles 12.65
Anodic coating to aluminium and testing of same 16.31
Anodizer 16.31
Anti-mould liquid 21.05
Anti-mould liquid 21.57
Applicability 1.01
Application in general 21.53
Application in general 22.05
Application of liquid membrane 11.12.02
Application of sealant and gaskets 16.40
Application of soil binders and dye 25.53(e)
Applications of specification 1.03
Applied fixture 20.01.14
Approval 1.08
Approval of stone 10.02
Approval testing of welding procedures 15.47
Approved brands and specialist contractors 18.113
Approved brands and specialist contractors 18.126
Aquatic plants 25.61(a)
Arboricultural work 25.69(i)
Architraves 13.66
Arrises 18.52
Artificial plants 25.66
Artificial plants upkeep 25.103
Asbestos abatement plan and method statement 2.45
Asbestos containing materials 2.42
Asbestos removal 2.43
As-built Records upon completion of demolition 2.25
Asphalt, (cold asphalt), external works 24.21
Asphalt, (fine cold) 24.07
Assessment of results 7.63
Attendance on materials supplied by the employer 1.44
Attendance on sub-contractors and specialists 1.42
Back coating 18.132
Backfilling 5.26
Backfilling 23.52
Backfilling 25.29(b)
Backfilling behind retaining walls 3.25
Backfilling trenches 23.42
Backing materials 18.131
Ball valves 19.52
Ball valves for flushing cisterns 19.53
Ballast 25.61(d)
Ballast in pots 25.62(b)
Balloon gratings 19.35
Bamboo stakes 25.24(b)
Bamboos 25.34(e)
Batch mixing 8.10
Baths 19.74
Bedding 12.43
Bedding & tooling 20.25
Bedding and pointing 13.65
Bedding, subsoil drain 23.33
Before planting 25.28(c)
Bending pipes 19.12
Bimonthly report
Bitumen felt 12.08
Bitumen primer 12.09
Bituminous base and wearing courses 24.06
Index 2 Subjects and Clause Numbers
Clause No.
Clause No.
Bituminous emulsion 12.25
Bituminous emulsion, application of 12.28
Bituminous products generally 24.04
Black bitumen coating solution 21.19
Black bitumen coating solution 21.63
Black enamel 21.27
Blasting 3.15
Bleeding of grout for grouting for geotechnical works 26.56
Blinds, vertical 22.49
Blockboard 13.14
Bolts and nuts 15.39
Boltwork 22.53
Boltwork 22.59
Boltwork 22.65
Bonding 9.37
Bonding agent 18.07
Bonding compound 12.10
Bonding compound 12.16
Boulder placing, large size 25.08(b)
Boulder placing, small and medium size 25.08(a)
Boulders 25.04(a)
Brackets 22.37
Brass rods and sections 17.08
Brazing 17.19
Bricks 9.02
Bricks, engineering & loadbearing 9.04
Bricks, facing 9.03
Bricks, fire 9.05
Brickwork & blockwork, generally 9.01
British Standards, European Standards and Codes of
Broadcast sowing 25.53(a)
Bubbles 12.109
Building in 9.42
Bulbs 25.56(a)
Burning off 4.15
Butt welds 15.54
Cable ducts, external services 24.30
Caissons, hand-dug 5.21
Cambers 6.07
Care for existing building services and drainage system 2.27
Carpentry & joinery, generally 13.01
Carpentry & Joinery, samples 13.04
Carpentry & Joinery, workmanship generally 13.31.1
Carpet grippers 18.140
Carpet tiles 18.138
Carpet, installations of 18.146
Cast iron 17.06
Cast iron drainage goods 23.13
Cast iron pipes 19.32
Cast iron pipes 23.05
Cast iron pipes and gutters 19.29
Cast iron rainwater goods 19.26
Castings 17.28
Cavity treatment 25.86
Cavity walling 9.36
Cellulose lacquer 21.67
Cement 6.27
Cement 8.03
Cement 9.15
Cement 18.01
Cement and sand finish 18.78
Cement render 18.45
Cementitious content 6.31
Ceramic floor tiles and floor quarries 18.89
Certificates of seed 25.40(b)
Certification 14.05
Certification of completion of demolition 2.24
Certification of Precautionary Measures 2.30
Chairs 6.21
Chairs, supports and spacers 6.25.2
Chemical cleaning and sealing of stonework 21.77
Chipping finish 12.57
Chloride content 6.45
Choice of material 1.52
Chrome Free Chromate Conversion 16.32
Chromium plating 17.23
Cisterns, etc. 19.49
Classification 18.128
Clayware pipes 23.04
Clean out pipes 23.43
Cleaning 16.81
Cleaning 18.164
Cleaning "Shanghai " plaster 21.78
Cleaning ducts 7.42
Cleaning existing soil and subsoil 25.05(c)
Cleaning glazed and mosaic wall tiling and flooring 21.82
Cleaning glazed sanitary fittings 21.84
Cleaning off, external works 24.23
Cleaning out 19.71
Cleaning out 23.57
Cleaning synthetic paint and varnish work 21.83
Cleaning terrazzo and rubbed granolithic work 21.79
Cleaning thermoplastic, vinyl, cork & similar flooring 21.80
Cleaning water tanks 21.85
Cleaning, Glazing 20.34
Cleanliness 1.60
Cleanliness 6.10
Cleanliness 6.16
Cleanliness 18.11
Cleanliness 21.44.
Clearing ground 25.05(a)
Clearing Mikania micrantha 2.41
Clearing weeds generally 2.40
Climbers 25.34(d)
Closure panels and sills 16.67
Coat, Polyester powder coat 16.32
Coat, PVDF powder coat 16.32
Coating applicator 16.32
Coating supplier, organic 16.32
Coating, organic finish to aluminum 16.32
Coating, pesticidal 21.29
Coating, pesticidal 21.61
Code of practice 12.60
Codes and standards, Curtain Walls 16.05
Index 2 Subjects and Clause Numbers
Clause No.
Clause No.
Cold impregnation 16.31
Cold-formed hollow sections 15.05
Cold-formed open sections and profiled steel sheets 15.04
Colour fastness 18.134
Colour mixing of facing bricks 9.30
Colour pigment in sprayed concrete 26.19
Coloured finish 18.82
Compaction 6.50
Compaction by method specification 3.20
Compaction by performance specification 3.19
Compaction of compacted fill, test for determining the
degree of
Compaction plant, external works 24.14
Compaction, external works 24.15
Compartments 22.71
Compatibility 12.102
Compatibility 12.88
Compatibility 14.10
Compatibility & adhesion testing 16.33
Complete stripping of existing decoration 21.48
Complete stripping of existing decoration 21.50
Complete tree protection before any site activity start 25.69.3(h)
Completion 17.31
Completion of Establishment Works except grass cover 25.105(a)
Compliance criteria for concrete cores from test panels
for sprayed concrete
Compliance criteria of grass cover before the end of
Establishment Works period
Compliance criteria: epoxy coatings to reinforcement 6.25.11
Compliance tests and surveys on site, conducting of 1.67
Compliance with standards 1.48
Composite & Honeycomb Panels 16.24
Comprehensive Inspection and Testing (CIT) Plan 16.09
Concealed pipes & ducts 21.74
Concrete and cementitious surfaces 21.47
Concrete bedding haunching and surrounds 23.32
Concrete blinding 6.70
Concrete blinding 8.20
Concrete Breaker 2.19
Concrete bricks and blocks 9.06
Concrete buttresses 26.10
Concrete cores from test panels for sprayed concrete 26.25
Concrete cover 6.25
Concrete cubes 6.55
Concrete curing compound 6.37
Concrete flat roof 12.32
Concrete hollow block 9.07
Concrete hollow blocks for slabs 6.67
Concrete pipes 23.03
Concrete strength and transfer 7.35
Concrete strength and transfer 7.54
Concrete work 23.11
Concrete work 23.48
Concrete, generally 6.26
Concrete, prescribed mix with 100% recycled coarse
Concrete, prestressed 7.04
Concrete, ready-mixed 8.11
Concrete, transport and placing 8.12
Concrete, transporting and placing 6.49
Condensation gutters 16.58
Conifers 25.32(g)
Connecting copper / plastic pipes to steel / GRP cisterns 19.64
Connecting steel pipes to steel or GRP cisterns 19.63
Connections 19.91
Connections to cisterns and tanks 19.62
Connections to concrete tanks 19.65
Connections to government sewers 23.56
Construction 22.78
Construction drainage 23.26
Construction joints 6.51
Construction joints 8.14
Construction of the system 22.01
Contact between dissimilar metals 19.23
Contact of aluminium and concrete etc. 17.25
Contact of dissimilar metals 12.07
Contact of dissimilar metals 17.26
Containerized plants 25.27
Containerized root ball 25.73.5
Containers 25.15
Contaminated ground 25.05(d)
Contractors responsibility to record existing trees
Contractor's design responsibility 16.06
Contractor's submission before commencement of
works for sheet piling
Contractor's submission with tender for sheet piling 4.02
Contractor's supply 14.02
Control action 22.46
Control of pest and disease for preserved trees 25.69.12
Control of pests, fungal infestation and disease 25.25.1
Co-ordination of services 1.43
Coordination with neighbour 2.15
Copings 16.26
Copper 12.02
Copper 12.05
Copper pipes 19.47
Cores, extractable 7.20
Corms 25.56(b)
Cornices 18.54
Corrosion protection 16.37
Corrugated sheets 12.72
Cover spacers 6.22
Creation of contamination 18.159
Criteria: limit on reactive alkali 6.47.2
Crown cleaning 25.74.6
Crushing strength of grout for grouting for geotechnical
Cubicle systems generally 22.77
Cultivating on slopes 25.47(c)
Cultivation 25.06
Cultivation for hydroseeding 25.47(b)
Cultivation for turfing and sprigging 25.47(a)
Curing of concrete 6.52
Curing of floor finishes, etc. 18.21
Curing sprayed concrete 26.20
Curtain rail 14.112
Curtain rail 14.120
Curtain track 14.111
Index 2 Subjects and Clause Numbers
Clause No.
Clause No.
Curtain track 14.119
Curtain wall, abbreviations 16.04
Curtain wall, general 16.10
Curtain wall, general 16.29
Curtain wall, general 16.34
Curving, straightening, heating, shaping and forming 15.31
Cutting 7.14
Cutting 19.10
Cutting and bending 6.19
Cutting back bark 25.84
Cutting, sawing and drilling 15.29
Damage to existing services 4.05
Damaged plants due to vandalism or typhoon 25.90(b)
Damaged tiles 18.123
Damp proof course 9.13
Damp proof course 9.40
Damp proof course 10.04
Debonded tendon 7.50
Decomposed granite (DG) 25.01(d)
Deep bore wells, abandoned bore holes 24.29
Deep bore wells, drilling 24.26
Deep bore wells, lining 24.28
Deep bore wells, testing 24.27
Deep bore wells, well casing 24.24
Deep bore wells, well screen 24.25
Defects 7.16
Definitions 3.01
Definitions on trees 25.69(a)
Delivery and storage 8.07
Delivery and storage of materials 6.38
Demolition Plan and Method Statement 2.05
Demolition Workers 2.10
Deposition and compaction of soil-cement fill 3.29
Design 11.01
Design and manufacture of rolling shutters 17.43
Design of articles to be coated 17.20
Design pressures and loads 16.46
Design submission 5.02
Design submission 6.02
Designed mixes 6.42
Detail drawings 17.44
Deviation from specified tolerances 7.30
Diameter at Breast Height 25.69(c)
Diesel hammers, use of 5.12
Dimensional requirements 18.150
Dimensions 9.32
Dimensions 13.33
Dimensions and tolerances of hot-rolled or hot-finished
sections and plates
Direct planting in receptor site 25.74
Disposal of C&D Materials 2.23
Disposal of material 23.22
Dissimilar backgrounds 18.14
Distortion control 15.50
Disused drain 2.35
Dividing strip 18.73
Dividing strip 18.84
Document & test results to be supplied by the 6.25.4
Door 22.08
Door 22.51
Door 22.57
Door 22.63
Door & frames general 13.51
Door closers, overhead 14.28
Door fittings 22.73
Door fittings 22.79
Door frame 22.16
Door frame 22.52
Door frame 22.58
Door frame 22.64
Door lock 22.76
Door with board finish 13.52
Doors and window frames 13.64
Doors, acoustic 13.63
Doors, cupboard 13.57
Doors, flush 13.56
Doors, framed, ledged and braced 13.54
Doors, openings in flush doors 13.58
Doors, panelled 13.55
Doors, pass 22.85
Dowels for fixing door frames 14.107
Dragon pots 25.63(b)
Drainage 1.26
Drainage aggregate 25.11(a)
Drainage layer 25.63(c)
Drainage, general 23.01
Drainage, general 23.17
Drainage, general 23.19
Drainage, general 23.27
Drainage, general 23.55
Drawers 13.67
Draw-in pits, external services 24.31
Drawings 17.34
Draw-off taps and valves 19.50
Dressing compound 12.11
Dressing compound 12.55
Drill anchor bolts 15.08
Drilling and casings for geotechnical works 26.58
Drilling and preparation of rock dowel holes 26.31
Drilling and preparation of soil nail holes 26.37
Dripline 25.69(f)
Drop pipes 23.50
Dry season watering 25.74.3(b)
Dry weather 9.27
Drying out of wall and ceiling finishes 18.20
Drying the works 1.62
Dubbing out 18.40
Duct friction 7.37
Ductile iron pipes 19.45
Ductile iron pipes 23.07
Ducts free from laitance 7.34
Ducts, generally 7.18
Durability 18.160
Dye, soil binding agent 25.42
Index 2 Subjects and Clause Numbers
Clause No.
Clause No.
Dyeing 18.133
Early loading 6.53
Earthing and bonding 19.13
Earthwork 3.05
Eaves 12.47
Edge clearances 20.22
Edge cover 20.23
Edge quality 20.01.02
Electrical requirements 18.154
Embankments 3.23
Environmental Management Plan 2.22
Environmentally friendly carpets 18.138.1
Equivalent sodium oxide (Na2O) content 6.47.3
Equivalent standards and imperial sizes 1.12
Erection 16.43
Erection, generally 15.33
Erosion control mats 26.63
Establishment works 25.89
Etching 16.32
Excavation, bulk 23.25
Excavation, generally 3.08
Excess excavation 23.24
Exercise care
Existing features 1.21
Existing felt roofs 12.33
Existing membrane 12.105
Existing services 1.22
Existing soil on site 25.01(b)
Existing subsoil on site 25.01(c)
Expanded metal lathing 17.03
Expansion joints 12.69
Expansion joints 18.105
Explosive protection 22.55
Explosive protection 22.61
Explosive protection 22.67
Exposed aggregate rendering or "Shanghai" plaster 18.55
External facing tiles 18.172
External facing tiles 18.183
External facing tiles 18.95
External glazing generally 20.19
External render 18.46
External wall tiles, fixing 18.108
Fabricated Soil Mix 25.02(b)
Fabricating generally 17.15
Fabrication shop drawings, Submission 15.22
Faced work 9.29
Failure 6.60
Failure 8.17
Failure of loading test or coring test 5.30
Failure of tests 15.21
Fair-faced finish 6.72
Falsework 6.08
Fasteners 16.18
Fasteners in glazing pocket 20.17.05
Fasteners, criteria for 16.48
Fencing generally, workmanship for external works 24.37
Fencing wire, external works 24.33
Fencing wire, workmanship for external works 24.38
Fertilizer 25.29(c)
Fertilizer generally 25.03(a)
Fertilizing 25.98(e)
Fertilizing ground cover, large and small shrubs,
bamboos and climbers
Fertilizing indoor plants 25.67(d)
Fillet welds 15.55
Filling 3.17
Filling existing watercourses 3.24
Filling of foundation pits and trenches 3.22
Filter drainage pipe 26.62
Filter layer 25.11(c)
Filter layer application 25.12(a)
Finishes 14.15
Finishes 22.19
Finishes for concrete 8.21
Finishes to accessible roofs (frequent foot traffic) 12.111
Finishes to aluminium 17.22
Finishes to edge of stairs 18.86
Finishes to non accessible roofs (maintenance traffic) 12.110
Finishes, accessories 18.149
Finishes, generally 18.148
Finishes, generally 18.39
Finishes, generally 18.75
Finishing coat 21.56
Finishing of joints 9.39
Finishing to steel 17.21
Finishings 12.70
Finishings & colours, generally 22.13
Fire and safety requirements 18.153
Fire cement 18.37
Fire or Explosion 2.34
Fire precautions 1.15
Fire protection 22.56
Fire protection 22.62
Fire protection 22.68
Fire Protection for structural steel, generally 15.66
Fire protection system 15.67
Fire rated glass 20.05
Fire resistance 16.70
Fire Resisting Timber Door 13.60
Firming up 25.96
Firming, securing and wound treatment
First cut 25.49(b)
Fittings to drawers and cupboards 14.100
Fit-up with ordinary bolt assemblies 15.41
Fixing 13.39
Fixing 22.15
Fixing accessories 12.80
Fixing baths 19.95
Fixing battens 13.47
Fixing bolts 14.109
Fixing bolts 14.117
Fixing brackets 22.43
Fixing cramps 14.108
Fixing cramps 14.116
Fixing devices 6.10
Fixing external wall tiles 18.108
Index 2 Subjects and Clause Numbers
Clause No.
Clause No.
Fixing generally 19.88
Fixing gutters generally 19.28
Fixing metal windows and doors 17.36
Fixing of cubicle systems 22.80
Fixing of reinforcement 6.20
Fixing pipes 19.11
Fixing pipes 19.58
Fixing plastic sheet 13.43
Fixing protective mesh for slopes 26.11
Fixing reinforcement for sprayed concrete 26.16
Fixing sheeting 12.79
Fixing slats 22.44
Fixing urinals 19.94
Fixing w.c. pans 19.93
Fixing wash basins 19.92
Fixing, steel lathing 18.41
Fixings 12.75
Fixings 12.86
Fixings 12.90
Fixings 12.93
Fixings 12.97
Fixings generally 17.10
Fixings, explosive cartridge 13.27
Flashing, concealed and exposed 16.27
Flashings, raking out and pointing 9.44
Flatness 20.01.04
Floor and roof screeds, bay sizes 18.65
Floor and wall tiling generally 18.102
Floor sag and other movements 16.55
Floor seal 21.41
Floor springs 14.41
Floor tile adhesive remover 2.49
Floor tiles, concrete 18.88
Floor tiles, laying 18.103
Floor tiles, non-slip homogenous 18.166
Floor tiles, non-slip homogenous 18.177
Floor tiles, terrazzo 18.90
Flooring 13.08
Flooring, boarded or strip 13.46
Flooring, laying 18.77
Flooring, parquet 13.50
Flushing valve 19.53.1
Flushing valve, fixing of 19.61.1
Foam backed carpet 18.137
Foam backed vinyl sheet 18.118
Follow up fertilizer 25.50
Followers, energy reduction factor for 5.13
Form of contract 1.04
Forming and handling soil heaps 25.09(e)
Forming Holes 15.30
Forming to re-grade 25.05(e)
Formwork 6.04
Formwork 6.10
Formwork 8.01
Formwork ties 6.04
Formwork ties and components 6.10
Formwork, joints in 6.10
Formwork, left-in 6.10
Formwork, sloping 6.10
Formwork, storage of 6.05
Foundation pits and trenches 3.13
Frames and gratings 23.51
Framework 22.06
Framing members, criteria for anchors at glass / stone 16.47
Free of moisture 12.106
Fungi, mould and insects 18.155
Galvanized coating for steel reinforcement for soil nails 26.35
Galvanized steel sheet and coil 17.02
Galvanized steel tubing 17.27
Gasket disengagement not permitted 16.60
Gaskets at structured silicone 20.01.12
Gauge 12.42
Gauge boxes 9.21
General 7.01
General attendance 1.41
General protection and cleaning 21.43
Generally 6.07
Generally 18.56.1
Geotextile filter 26.61
Germination 25.40(d)
Glass 16.13
Glass bite 20.17.03
Glass block panels 9.45
Glass blocks 9.08
Glass fibre 13.18
Glass fibre membrane 12.26
Glass fibre membrane, laying 12.31
Glass fibre slab, semi-rigid resin bonded 13.19
Glass for glazed panel 22.09
Glass generally 20.01
Glass orientation 20.20
Glass replacement 16.59
Glass stops and application of sealant 20.17.06
Glass, coated 20.10
Glass, criteria for 20.01.09
Glass, float 20.02
Glass, fully tempered 20.08
Glass, insulating 20.01.03
Glass, laminated 20.01.01
Glass, mirror 20.06
Glass, spandrel 20.01.09
Glass, tempered & laminated 20.01.01
Glass, thickness & weight of sealant 20.01.13
Glass, vision 20.01.07
Glazed ceramic wall tiles 18.167
Glazed ceramic wall tiles 18.178
Glazed ceramic wall tiles 18.94
Glazed panels 22.17
Glazing 16.44
Glazing aluminium windows 20.31
Glazing beads 13.59
Glazing compounds 20.16
Glazing materials 20.01.11
Glazing materials, plastic 20.12
Index 2 Subjects and Clause Numbers
Clause No.
Clause No.
Glazing with beads 20.28
Glazing with putty 20.26
Glazing, external generally 20.19
Glazing, generally 20.17
Glove bag
Government of Hong Kong 1.04.1
Grading 25.05(b)
Granolithic finish 18.79
Granular bedding 23.10
Granular bedding 23.30
Granular filter 26.60
Grass cutting 25.98(c)
Gravel 25.11(e)
Great Lake Rock 25.04(c)
Ground cover 25.34(a)
Ground investigation 3.02
Ground investigation, preliminary 5.09
Grout 18.101
Grout flow cone efflux time for grouting for
geotechnical works
Grout for rock dowels 26.30
Grout for soil nails 26.36
Grout material for geotechnical works 26.47
Grout vents 7.21
Grout, mix proportions of 7.07
Grout, proprietary 18.107
Grout, proprietary 18.108
Grout, trial mixes of 7.08
Grouting 7.44
Grouting equipment 7.41
Grouting for rock dowels 26.32
Grouting, generally 7.40
Growing medium 25.61(b)
Guying 25.30(b)
Guying stakes 25.24(e)
Guys 25.24(d)
Gypsum plaster generally 18.49
Gypsum plaster on plasterboard 18.51
Gypsum plaster on steel lathing 18.50
Gypsum plaster, delivery and storage of 18.30
Gypsum plasters 18.29
Hand laying and consolidation, external works 24.16
Handling 9.10
Handling and storage 18.56.7
Handling and storage of plasterboard 18.34
Handling and storage of sprigs and turves 25.46(f)
Handling, transportation and storage 15.28
Hanging components 22.28
Hard and soft spots 23.21
Hardboard 13.15
Hardwood 13.06
Hardwood, restrictions on the use of 1.66
Headrail 22.36
Headrail 22.42
Health and safety 21.87
Heat strengthened glass 20.07
Heating 12.61
Heavy standard trees 25.32(e)
Herbaceous plants 25.57
Hessian fabric 22.11
High quality finishes 18.38
High quality finishes 21.86
High strength friction grip bolts 15.42
High strength friction grip bolts nuts and washers 15.07
Hinges and pivots 14.20
Hoarding and Covered Walkway 2.32
Hoardings and gantries 1.33
Holding down bolt covers 15.26
Holding down bolts 15.09
Holes and chases 9.43
Holes and chases, forming 6.10
Holes sizes 15.25
Holes, inserts or fixings 6.06
Honeycomb & composite panels, criteria for 16.68
Hot dip galvanizing 15.63
Hydraulic Concrete Crusher 2.18
Hydroseeding 25.44
Hydroseeding cover 25.45(g)
Hydroseeding mix 25.53(d)
Hydroseeding seed mix 25.45(c)
Hydroseeding solution 25.45(d)
Hydrothermal Process 16.31
Hydrothermal requirements 18.152
Identification 25.70
Identification of pipelines 21.76
Identity label
Immediate maintenance 25.74.2
Imported soil generally 25.01(a)
Indoor plants 25.64
Indoor plants cleaning 25.102
Infilling between battens 13.48
Insect and disease control 25.51
Insitu concrete paving 24.02
In-situ concrete slabs to roads, car parks and paved
In-situ slabs to roads, car parks and paved areas 8.18
Inspection 12.116
Inspection of formwork prior to fixing of reinforcement 6.06
Inspection of sprayed concrete 26.21
Inspection scaffolding 26.01
Installation 22.70
Installation generally 18.143
Installation of heat treated glass 20.17.02
Installation of Safety Glazing 20.17.01
Insulating board 13.16
Insulating materials 19.56
Insulating roofing tiles 18.93
Insulation 12.113
Insulation 19.68
Insulation under cavity floor where required 18.162
Interior trim, criteria for 16.61
Internal lime plaster on lathing 18.48
Internal lime plaster on solid backgrounds 18.47
Internally fittings & fixtures, generally 22.23
Internally fittings & fixtures, generally 22.35
Internally fittings & fixtures, generally 22.50
Index 2 Subjects and Clause Numbers
Clause No.
Clause No.
Internally fittings & fixtures, generally 22.69
Intumescent coating system 15.70
Ironmongery 16.82
Ironmongery schedule 14.09
Isolating membrane 12.54
Isolating membrane 12.62
Jacks 7.24
Joinery with clear finish 13.37
Joinery, framed generally 13.34
Joint reinforcement 18.33
Jointing cast iron pipes 19.38
Jointing copper pipes 19.40
Jointing material 19.08
Jointing material 19.16
Jointing material 19.55
Jointing pipes 19.60
Jointing plastic pipes 19.41
Jointing ring 23.16
Jointing steel pipes 19.39
Jointing, external works 24.18
Joints 7.17
Joints 9.33
Joints in curtain wall 16.36
Joints in plasterboard 18.43
Joints, framed 13.35
Joints, movement 12.81
Junctions 23.40
Justification of proposed tolerances 7.29
Keys 14.13
Knotting 21.31
Known Licensed Source 13.01.3
Labels 16.80
Laboratory mix trials 6.43.3
Laboratory tests by approved laboratory 18.175
Laboratory tests by approved laboratory 21.94
Laboratory trials, compliance criteria of 6.43.4
Ladder tape/cord 22.48
Ladder tapes/cords 22.40
Laminated plastic sheet 13.21
Laminated safety & security glass 20.11
Landscape Softworks 25.25(b)
Laps 12.15
Laps 12.78
Laps 12.95
Large palms 25.32(h)
Large shrubs 25.34(c)
Laying 12.19
Laying 12.64
Laying 18.124
Laying and jointing 10.10
Laying and jointing ashlar walling 10.18
Laying floor and roof screeds 18.64
Laying of proprietary sheet membrane 11.12.01
Laying sprigs 25.54(a)
Laying turves 25.55(a)
Lead 12.01
Lead 12.04
Ledged and braced doors 13.53
Levels of existing drains 23.18
Lifts, temporary passenger 1.38
Light standard trees 25.32(c)
Lighting and power 1.37
Lightning protection 16.71
Lightweight aggregate 25.11(b)
Lightweight screeds 18.66
Lightweight Soil Mix 25.02(f)
Limb reduction 25.83
Lime 9.18
Lime 18.04
Lime putty 9.19
Lime putty 18.05
Limestone 25.19
Limewash 21.07
Lining and levelling 15.36
Lining panels 22.07
Linoleum 18.119
Linseed oil 21.34
Linseed oil 21.65
Lintels 6.68
Lintels 9.46
Liquid applied membrane 11.04.02
Liquid retaining structures 6.42.2
Loading test, generally 7.56
Loadings for design and construction 6.03
Location 25.67(c)
Location of setting blocks 20.17.04
Locking 22.54
Locking 22.60
Locking 22.66
Locks 14.56
Loss or leakage of grout for geotechnical works 26.50
Louvre blades 20.32
Louvre frames, fixing adjustable steel 17.40
Louvres 16.25
Louvres and frames, adjustable and fixed steel 17.37
Machine laying, external works 24.13
Machinery and pipework 21.75
Machining note 15.27
Maintenance access 16.84
Maintenance cleaning 10.23
Maintenance during root pruning period 25.72.7
Maintenance manual 12.118
Maintenance manual 16.83
Maintenance operations 25.92
Maintenance stairways on slope 26.66
Maintenance, jack 7.25
Maintenance/ replacement standby materials 16.28
Make good disturbed areas 22.22
Making good 20.35
Manufactured soil conditioner 25.02(c)
Manufacturers Inspection 15.72
Manufacturer's certificates 15.13
Manufacturer's instructions 14.11
Manufacturer's recommendations 1.07
Index 2 Subjects and Clause Numbers
Clause No.
Clause No.
Manufacturer's recommendations 1.47
Manufacturer's test certificates 7.10
Manufacturer's test certificates 7.23
Manufacturer's tests of sealants 16.76
Marine plywood 13.13
Marking 7.55
Marking 19.09
Marking 23.02
Marking materials for roads, and car parks 21.21
Marking paint for ballcourts, playgrounds etc. 21.20
Markings 15.14
Masonry nails 13.26
Mastic asphalt 11.03
Mastic asphalt 12.52
Mastic asphalt roofing 12.51
Mastic asphalt, laying of 11.10
Mastic asphalt, remelting on site 11.09
Mastic asphalt, sampling during laying 11.11
Material 1.45
Material 7.05
Material and construction 22.72
Materials 6.61
Materials and finishes 14.14
Materials for grouting of base plates 15.15
Materials for soil nails 26.34
Measurement 7.61
Measurement equipment and test certificate 7.26
Measures to control AAR in concrete 6.47.1
Mechanical application 18.12
Mechanical properties and chemical composition 15.02
Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) 13.17.1
Metal beads 18.25
Metal beads 18.53
Metal dowels 14.115
Metal insert channels for concrete 17.11
Metal stakes 25.24(a)
Metal to metal contact 16.38
Method statement 15.34
Method statement 25.70.2
Minimisation of fibre release 2.50
Mix proportions 1.55
Mixes 8.09
Mixes for screeds 18.61
Mixes, generally 6.40
Mixes, ready 6.44
Mixes, standard 6.41
Mixes, trial 6.43
Mixing 6.48
Mixing 7.43
Mixing 9.23
Mixing 18.56.6
Mixing grout for geotechnical works 26.48
Mixing rendering 18.08
Mixing soil-cement 3.28
Mock up sample, masonry 10.07
Mock-up, samples and building, requirements
application to
Mock-ups erection and tests application to 16.72
Module 22.03
Module 22.24
Moisture Content 13.03
Moisture test 12.114
Mortar 10.03
Mortar 12.38
Mortar 23.12
Mosaic tiles 18.96
Mosaic tiles, fixing 18.109
Mosaic tiles, glass 18.169
Mosaic tiles, glass 18.180
Mosaic wall tiles, unglazed vitreous 18.168
Mosaic wall tiles, unglazed vitreous 18.179
Mosquito gauze 13.31
Mulch 25.20(a)
Mulch 25.74.4
Mulch for hydroseeding 25.41
Mulching 25.100
Mulching 25.29(e)
Mulching to ground cover 25.39(a)
Mulching to shrubs, climbers, bamboos and palms 25.39(b)
Nailing 13.40
Nails 12.13
Nails 12.39
Nails 13.24
Nails for plaster-board 18.32
Natural bedding 23.31
Natural ground, preparation of 3.16
Negative skin friction 5.06
Nickel fluoride immersion process 16.31
No-fines concrete 6.47
Noise Level Control 2.12
Non compliance 18.176
Non-availability of specified materials 15.12
Non-compliance 21.95
Non-compliance for concrete cores from test panels for
sprayed concrete
Non-compliance for Performance test for soil nails 26.44
Non-compliance for tests on grout for geotechnical
Non-compliance thickness, adhesion & continuity 6.25.12
Non-self-clinging climbers against structures 25.38(b)
Non-self-clinging climbers on pergolas 25.38(c)
Non-shrink Admixture 17.36
Non-slip strip 18.74
Non-slip strip 18.85
Not used 13.61
Notch planting 25.29(f)
Notch planting on slopes 25.29(g)
Noxious weeds 25.14(b)
Nozzlemen and equipment for spraying concrete 26.14
Nuisance 1.17
Nullahs 3.14
Obstructions 3.09
Odour 18.157
Office for SO 1.31
Old and Valuable Tree 25.69(b)
Operable windows 16.23
Operating windows, criteria for 16.66
Index 2 Subjects and Clause Numbers
Clause No.
Clause No.
Ordinary bolts, nuts and washers 15.06
Origin 17.39
Other references on arboricultural/tree work 25.69.14
Other requirements 25.52
Other tests 6.59
Outlets 12.23
Overflow pipes 19.66
Overloading, protection from 1.61
P.V.C. or acrylic sheet 13.20
Packing 14.12
Packings and clearance 15.24
Packings and grouting 15.37
Paint 15.65
Paint, anti-mould acrylic emulsion 21.10
Paint, black bitumastic 21.18
Paint, cement 21.12
Paint, cement 21.59
Paint, chalkboard 21.38
Paint, chemical resisting 21.26
Paint, cold cure epoxy 21.16
Paint, emulsion 21.08
Paint, emulsion 21.91
Paint, emulsion 21.96
Paint, external textured 21.13
Paint, external textured 21.60
Paint, fluorescent 21.22
Paint, heat resisting 21.25
Paint, metallic 21.24
Paint, multi-colour 21.11
Paint, multi-layer acrylic 21.93
Paint, multi-layer acrylic 21.98
Paint, non-toxic 21.28
Paint, polyurethane 21.17
Paint, PVF2 16.32
Paint, reflecting 21.23
Paint, reflective 12.58
Paint, synthetic 21.15
Paint, synthetic 21.92
Paint, synthetic 21.97
Paint, textured emulsion 21.09
Painted finishes, criteria for 16.63
Painting in general 15.60
Painting in general 21.42
Painting to joints 15.64
Painting to sprayed concrete 26.65
Painting, generally 21.01
Paints, fire retardant 21.14
Panel connector 22.31
Panels 22.82
Panels frames and posts 22.26
Panic exit devices 14.80
Parasitic plants 25.14(a)
Parquet flooring 13.10
Particular of access 26.02
Particulars of hydroseeding 25.45(a)
Partitions 22.02
Partitions, folding, generally 22.81
Patching up 25.53(f)
Pea gravel 25.11(d)
Performance test for soil nails 26.42
Permanent soil nail installation and grouting 26.41
Permitted deviations 15.32
PFA 6.28
PFA and PPFAC, use of 6.30
Photographic record
Physical properties 18.135
Pile caps, tie beams and dowel bars 5.25
Pile group reduction factor 5.07
Pile heads, cutting off 5.24
Pile yarn 18.130
Piles, inspection of 5.31
Piles, investigation for position of 5.10
Piles, large diameter bored 5.19
Piles, loading capacity of 5.04
Piles, minimum length of 5.11
Piles, minimum spacing/nos. of 5.08
Piles, non-percussion cast in-situ concrete 5.20
Piles, percussion 5.14
Piles, percussion cast in-situ concrete 5.17
Piles, precast concrete 5.15
Piles, precast prestressed tubular 5.16
Piles, preparation for dynamic testing 5.37
Piles, preparation for integrity testing 5.36
Piles, preparation for non-destructive integrity testing
in general
Piles, preparation for sonic logging 5.35
Piles, report sheets 5.27
Piles, settlement characteristics of 5.05
Piles, steel 'H' 5.18
Piles, tolerances in setting out of 5.22
Piling, generally 5.01
Pinboards 22.13
Pine bark mulch 25.20(b)
Pipe brackets 19.05
Pipe handling 23.14
Pipe stacking 23.15
Pipe through roof 12.24
Pipes and fittings, grey iron and ductile iron 23.38
Pipes in chases 19.22
Pipes on flat roofs 19.59
Pipes through basement wall 19.19
Pipes through basement walls with ground water
Pipes through fire rated walls and floors 19.18
Pipes through flat roofs 19.21
Pipes through foundations 23.41
Pipes through roofs 12.68
Pipes through roofs 18.68
Pipes through walls and floors 19.17
Pipes under road, etc. 19.70
Pipes, grey iron 23.06
Pipes, inspecting 23.34
Pipes, jointing concrete and clayware 23.36
Pipes, jointing of cast iron 23.37
Pipes, jointing of plastic 23.39
Index 2 Subjects and Clause Numbers
Clause No.
Clause No.
Pipes, laying 23.29
Pipes, plastic 23.08
Pipes, stainless steel 19.46
Pipes, subsoil drain 23.09
Pipes, unplasticised PVC 19.48
Pipes, unplasticised PVC 23.08
Pit planting of large shrubs, bamboos, small palms and
Pit planting of light standard, standard, heavy standard,
semi-mature trees, conifers, palms
Pit planting of seedlings, small shrubs, whips, climbers
and herbaceous plants
Pit safety 25.29(l)
Pitching 4.11
Placing artificial plants 25.68
Planning for transplanting 25.71(c)
Plant and Equipment Operator 2.09
Plant boxes 25.67(a)
Plant habit 25.13(b)
Plant labels 25.21
Plant name 25.13(c)
Plant trial, compliance criteria 6.43.2
Plant trials 6.43.1
Planting 25.29(a)
Planting and maintenance of transplanted semi-mature
Planting bulbs corms, and tubers 25.58
Planting ground cover, small shrubs, climbers and
herbaceous plants
Planting herbaceous plants 25.59
Planting in plastics mesh containers 25.62(c)
Planting in pots 25.62(a)
Planting large shrubs, and bamboos 25.37
Planting season 25.25(a)
Plants 25.13(a)
Plasterboard 18.31
Plasterboard, fixing 18.42
Plastic beads 18.25
Plastic film 20.01.06
Plastic glazing 20.01.12
Plastic mesh containers 25.60(b)
Plastic pipes 19.34
Plastic pipes 19.48
Plastic pipes and fittings 19.04
Plastic pipes and gutters 19.30
Plastic rainwater goods 19.27
Plastic sheets 20.33
Plasticiser 9.20
Plugs 13.28
Plugs 19.07
Plumbing, general 19.36
Plumbing, general 19.73
Plumbing, generally 19.01
Plumbing, generally 19.02
Plumbing, generally 19.43
Plumbing, generally 19.44
Plumbing, generally 19.57
Plywood 13.12
Pointing ashlar walling 10.19
Pointing rubble walling 10.16
Polish 18.122
Polish 18.125
Polishing 25.67(e)
Polyvinylidine DiFluoride (PVDF) 16.32
Post-Demolition Precautions 2.31
Posts and gates, steel fence 24.36
Posts, precast concrete fence 24.35
Pots 25.63(a)
Pots for aquatic plants 25.60(a)
Potting mediun 25.65
PPFAC 6.29
Precast concrete pacing 24.03
Precast concrete paving 18.112
Precast concrete paving blocks 18.98
Precast prestressed elements 7.57
Precautionary Measures for demolition 2.29
Precautions during demolition, site clearance and
Precautions in carrying out excavation 25.69.6
Precautions prior to demolition, site clearance and
Precautions to avoid root damage 25.69.8
Preliminary stripping of slope 26.05
Preliminary Works for demolition 2.28
Premixed plaster application, cement based 18.56.13
Premixed plaster application, gypsum based 18.56.14
Premixed plaster, cement based 18.56.3
Premixed plaster, gypsum based 18.56.4
Premixed plaster, type of 18.56.2
Preparation and painting of new surfaces 15.61
Preparation before site clearance commences
Preparation for road marking materials 21.69
Preparation for slope treatment works 26.04
Preparation of background 18.13
Preparation of base 12.17
Preparation of base 12.27
Preparation of base for monolithic finish 18.17
Preparation of existing decorated surfaces 21.49
Preparation of hardened or existing concrete 18.16
Preparation of joints 15.38
Preparation of joints for welding 15.51
Preparation of new surfaces 21.46
Preparation of slope surface for sprayed concrete 26.13
Preparation of stone for ashlar walling 10.17
Preparation of stone for rubble stone walling 10.09
Preparation of surfaces, workmanship for external
Preparation of surrounds 20.18
Preparation of tree/shrub seed 25.53(c)
Preparation of work 18.163
Preparatory work in general 21.45
Preparing sheets 12.77
Pre-planting fertilizer 25.03(b)
Pre-seeding fertilizer 25.40(g)
Preserved tree 25.69(h)
Pressure gauges 7.27
Pressure grouting for geotechnical works 26.49
Pressure reducing valves 19.51
Pretensioning proposal 7.52
Index 2 Subjects and Clause Numbers
Clause No.
Clause No.
Pre-Transplant preparation 25.72
Pre-transplant preparation for trees of semi-mature size
and above
Prime coat 12.30
Primer, rust inhibiting 17.41
Priming in general 21.54
Priming paints for structural steel 21.03
Priming paints in general 21.02
Prior approval
Profile of ducts 7.31
Profiled aluminium sheets 12.84
Profiled aluminium sheets, accessories for 12.85
Profiled compressed particle sheets and accessories 12.96
Profiled glass-fibre reinforced plastic sheets 12.89
Profiled sheets 12.73
Profiled unreinforced rigid PVC sheets 12.92
Programme 25.72.2
Programme for the Works 16.08
Programme for transplanting semi-mature trees and
Programme for transplanting shrubs 25.75(b)
Programme for transplanting trees 25.71(b)
Programming 25.69.1
Programming hydroseeding 25.53(b)
Properties 7.06
Proportion 9.22
Proprietary brand name materials or products 1.09
Proprietary fire protection board 15.71
Proprietary flexible sheet membrane 11.04.01
Props 6.09
Props & bracings 6.04
Protectant for tree wounds 25.81
Protection 7.47
Protection 16.79
Protection 17.24
Protection 18.23
Protection 25.73.4
Protection and cleaning 18.147
Protection during transit 25.28(a)
Protection during transit 25.73.6
Protection fences and barriers 26.03
Protection from changes in ground levels 25.69.4
Protection from drilling 25.69.7
Protection from excavation including trenching 25.69.5
Protection from increased exposure
Protection from instability 25.69.9
Protection from physical damage and soil compaction
by construction activities
Protection of completed works 18.165
Protection of existing roof 12.107
Protection of existing work 18.10
Protection of filter layer 25.12(b)
Protection of hydroseeding 25.53(g)
Protection of immediately finished concrete 8.15
Protection of liquid applied membrane 11.13.02
Protection of newly erected stone work 10.21
Protection of prepared ground 25.07
Protection of proprietary sheet membrane 11.13.01
Protection of putty 20.27
Protection of underground pipes 19.69
Protection to adjacent buildings and structures 2.16
Protective fencing 25.104
Protective fencing for planting works 25.22
Protective finishes 18.161
Protective layer 25.45(f)
Protective treatments 16.30
Prototypes 13.38
Prototypes 17.14
Provision of drawings and calculations 5.03
Provisions of drawings & calculations 16.09
Pruning during Establishment Works period 25.98(a)
Pruning method 25.98(b)
Pruning of preserved trees 25.69.10
Pull-out test for soil nails 26.39
Purity 25.40(e)
PVC tiles, semi-flexible 18.115
PVC vinyl sheet, unbacked flexible 18.117
Quality 18.127
Quality generally 1.46
Quick release fertilizer 25.18(b)
Rail, bottom 22.39
Rail, bottom 22.45
Rails, wall mounted 22.30
Rainwater outlets 12.67
Raking drains 26.64
Random rubble 10.11
Rate of fertilizer 25.33(c)
Rebates, glazing beads and putty 21.68
Recesses 7.46
Record 7.39
Record drawings 19.25
Record drawings 23.58
Record drawings, external services 24.32
Record on transplanting 25.71(d)
Record survey 3.03
Record survey and drawings 5.03
Records 7.45
Records 12.115
Records of rock dowels 26.33
Records of soil nails 26.46
Records of sprayed concrete 26.23
Redecoration of existing painted surfaces 15.62
Reflectorization of road marking materials 21.71
Registered Asbestos Supervisor 2.47
Registered Electrical Worker 2.08
Registered Structural Engineer 2.03
Regrading 25.47(d)
Regular control of pests, fungal infestation and disease 25.101
Regulating course, external works 24.12
Regulations 1.11
Regulations, Ordinances and Codes of Practice
Regulations, Ordinances, Codes of Practice & Practice
Notes (Demolition)
Regulations, Ordinances, etc. 3.30
Regulations, Ordinances, etc. 6.76
Regulations, Ordinances, etc. 8.23
Index 2 Subjects and Clause Numbers
Clause No.
Clause No.
Reinforcement 8.02
Reinforcement 12.59
Reinforcement 12.63
Reinforcement connectors 6.24
Reinforcement, brickwork & blockwork 9.12
Reinforcement, cutting and bending 6.25.7
Reinforcement, epoxy coatings to 6.25.1
Reinforcement, handling of 6.25.5
Reinforcement, storage of 6.25.6
Reinforcement, welding of 6.23
Related work 16.03
Release agents 6.04
Release agents and surface retarders, storage of 6.05
Release agents, use of 6.10
Release bond agent 18.142
Relief drains 26.59
Removal of boulders 26.08
Removal of Demolition Waste 2.21
Removal of excavated material 3.10
Removal of protective measures 25.69.3(i)
Removal of temporary protective fencing 25.69.3(d)
Render stops 16.41
Repair for damage
Repair of damage to and replacement of preserved trees
and other affected plants
Repair works
Repairs to epoxy coatings on site 6.25.8
Replacement 25.71(f)
Replacement 25.75(d)
Replacement of damaged glass 20.17.07
Replacement planting 25.90(a)
Replacement planting due to parasitic plants 25.93
Replacement planting of damaged trees/plants
Replanting from holding nursery to receptor site 25.74.1
Report on occurrence of damage to preserved trees
Report on tree problems
Requirement for tests for grouting for geotechnical
Requirements in respect of tree felling
Requirements in respect of tree transplanting
Requirements on removal of the damaged trees/plants
Resin for MDF panels 13.29
Resistance to wear 18.136
Restricted access within Tree Protection Zone
Restriction 12.50
Restrictions on crown pruning 25.72.1
Restrictive uses
Retaining walls, mass concrete 6.65
Re-tempering 18.56.11
Re-use steel sheet pile from other site 4.17
Ridges and hips 12.45
Ripping 25.05(f)
Road formation, generally 3.26
Roads, car-parks and paved areas generally 24.01
Roads, maintenance of 1.19
Rock crushing plants 3.06
Rock dowels 26.29
Rock splitting 26.07
Roller shutters and doors 17.41
Rolling 25.49(a)
Roof tiles, concrete 18.92
Roof tiles, laying 18.104
Roof vent 12.112
Roofing system 12.100
Roofing, abutments, etc. 12.48
Roofing, generally 12.103
Roofing, generally 12.14
Roofing, generally 12.76
Roofing, generally 12.87
Roofing, generally 12.91
Roofing, generally 12.94
Roofing, generally 12.98
Roofing, generally 12.99
Root ball preparation 25.72.5
Root barriers 25.24(g)
Root pruning and undercutting 25.26
Root pruning in stages 25.77.1
Root pruning in stages 25.72.6
Root pruning period 25.72.3
Rootballs 25.16
Rough board finish 6.73
Rubber tiles and sheet 18.120
Running bonded joints 13.36
Safety 1.16
Safety 22.75
Safety precautions 7.03
Safety Protection 2.33
Sample for turfing and sprigging 25.46(g)
Sample of materials 1.53
Samples of face brickwork and blockwork 9.26
Samples of finished work 1.54
Samples of hydroseeding materials 25.45(h)
Samples of materials 25.40(c)
Samples, adjustable louvres 17.38
Samples, aluminium windows and doors 17.35
Samples, brick and block 9.09
Samples, carpet and underlay 18.129
Samples, demountable partition 22.34
Samples, finishes 18.09
Samples, finishes for concrete 6.71
Samples, flexible tiles and sheet finishes 18.114
Samples, glass 20.13
Samples, ironmongery 14.08
Samples, metalwork 17.13
Samples, rigid tiles 18.87
Samples, roofing 12.101
Samples, venetian blinds 22.41
Sampling and analysis of asbestos containing materials 2.44
Sampling of fresh concrete 6.54
Sand 9.17
Sand 18.03
Sand 25.02(e)
Sand finishing 12.56
Saw Cut Method 2.20
Scaffolding etc. 1.34
Index 2 Subjects and Clause Numbers
Clause No.
Clause No.
Scaffolding, codes & standards 1.39.2
Scaffolding, construction 1.39.5
Scaffolding, design requirements 1.39.4
Scaffolding, generally 1.39.1
Scaffolding, management 1.39.6
Scaffolding, submissions 1.39.3
Scaffolding, technical requirements for safety in
bamboo scaffolding
Scaffolding, technical requirements for safety in metal
Scaling and trimming of rock slopes 26.06
Scarifying 25.05(g)
Scope of the works 16.0l
Scope of work 25.80
Screeds generally 18.60
Screen fabric 22.29
Screen panels 22.27
Screens 1.32
Screwing 13.41
Screws 13.25
Seal, horizontal generally 22.84
Sealants 16.21
Sealers 21.04
Sealing 20.29
Sealing and infilling of rock joints 26.09
Sealing ducts 7.32
Sealing flooring 21.81
Sealing movement joints 18.22
Sealing off 19.15
Seals, vertical 22.83
Seaming and jointing carpet 18.145
Securing 25.33(d)
Securing stakes and ties 25.97
Security before delivery for grinding preparation 15.19.2
Security before delivery to laboratory 15.19.3
Security delivery 15.19.4
Security sampling 15.19.1
Security stock management 15.19.5
Security at completion 1.64
Security locks 14.61
Security-before delivery 6.17.2
Security-before delivery 6.58.2
Security-delivery 6.17.3
Security-delivery 6.58.3
Security-removal of non-compliant re-bars 6.17.5
Security-sampling 6.17.1
Security-sampling 6.58.1
Security-stock management 6.17.4
Seed 25.40(a)
Seedling trees 25.32(a)
Self-clinging climbers against structures 25.38(a)
Semi-mature trees 25.32(f)
Sequence of installation 16.42
Sequence of work 25.69.3(c)
Sequence of work
Serpentine boulders 25.04(b)
Setting and location blocks 20.24
Setting blocks 20.15
Setting out 12.18
Setting out 16.35
Settlement, ground and monitoring system 4.06
Shear studs 15.10
Sheathing 7.19
Sheet glass 20.03
Sheet pile record 4.16
Sheet pile, driving 4.12
Sheet pile, extraction 4.14
Sheet pile, lateral support 4.07
Sheet pile, marking 4.08
Sheet pile, obstructions 4.13
Sheet pile, welding and splicing 4.09
Sheets to curved roofs 12.83
Shims 16.19
Shower fittings 19.76
Shower trays 19.75
Shutter, fire resisting 17.42
Signboards 1.35
Silicone sealant 19.87
Single source 1.51
Site accommodation for contractor 1.28
Site Engineer 2.07
Site investigation, preliminary 4.04
Site meetings 1.40
Site supervisory staff and preservation and protection of
existing trees
Size of trees 25.13(d)
Skirting 12.66
Skirting 22.33
Skirting, homogenous coved tile 18.170
Skirting, homogenous coved tile 18.181
Skirtings 12.21
Skirtings 22.12
Skirtings 22.18
Skylights, criteria for 16.69
Slag 15.52
Slats 22.38
Slow release fertilizer 25.18(a)
Slurry 18.100
Small palms and cycas 25.32(i)
Small shrubs 25.34(b)
Smoke and intrumescent seals 13.62
Smoke testing 23.46
Snap-on components, criteria for 16.62
Softwood 13.05
Soil nail heads 26.45
Soil stabilizer 25.02(h)
Soil-cement 3.27
Soiling for indoor plants 25.67(b)
Solar protection 12.71
Sound insulation 22.20
Source 14.01
Source in Progress to Creditable Certification 13.01.2
Sowing / hydroseeding acceptance 25.53(h)
Spatterdash 18.15
Spatterdash 18.56.10
Special tiles 12.40
Index 2 Subjects and Clause Numbers
Clause No.
Clause No.
Special tiles 12.49
Specialist Contractor
for Demolition
Specialist materials 1.50
Specialist work 1.49
Specification by name 14.03
Specified 1.10
Sprayed concrete 26.12
Sprayed mineral coating 15.69
Spraying concrete 26.18
Spreading and filling up soiling materials 25.10(a)
Sprig species 25.46(b)
Sprigging acceptance 25.54(b)
Sprigs 25.46(a)
Square rubble brought up to courses 10.13
Square rubble exceeding 300 mm thick 10.15
Square uncoursed rubble 10.12
Squared coursed rubble 10.14
Stain 21.35
Stainless steel 17.09
Stainless steel sinks 19.79
Staking 25.30(a)
Staking for whips 25.29(j)
Standard of tree surgery works 25.82
Standard trees 25.32(d)
Standards and ISO Certification 18.56.5
Standards of pruning 25.69.11
Standards of transplanting 25.71(e)
Standards of transplanting shrubs 25.75(c)
Standpipes and capping for grouting for geotechnical
Staples 18.27
Steel 16.11
Steel 17.01
Steel angle, slotted 17.05
Steel angle, slotted 17.29
Steel lathing 18.24
Steel mesh 17.03
Steel mesh, fixing 17.30
Steel pipes 19.33
Steel pipes 19.46
Steel reinforcement 6.14
Steel sheet pile sections 4.01
Steel sheets, colour coated 12.82
Steel tubing 17.04
Steel windows and doors 17.32
Step irons and ladders 23.49
Stockpile areas 25.09(a)
Stockpile maintenance 25.09(d)
Stockpile reclamation 25.09(c)
Stockpile stability 25.09(b)
Stone 16.14
Stone aggregate 18.69
Stone chippings 12.12
Stone chippings 18.36
Stone chips 25.02(i)
Stone cleaner 21.40
Stone fabrication 16.45
Stone paving slabs, fixing 18.110
Stone slabs 18.97
Stone wall slabs, fixing 18.111
Stone, criteria for 16.52
Stone, generally 10.01
Stop valves 19.61
Stopping 21.32
Storage 6.18
Storage 7.49
Storage 13.02
Storage 19.03
Storage 19.85
Storage glass 20.14
Storage of asbestos waste 2.53
Storage of grass seed 25.40(f)
Storage of plant material on site 25.28(b)
Storage of welding consumables 15.49
Storage sheds 1.29
Storing 9.11
Straightness 7.13
Stressing 7.36
Striking 6.11
Striking, minimum periods before 6.12
Structural concrete work,generally 6.01
Structural requirements 18.151
Structural silicone 20.17.08
Structural silicone adhesion 16.33
Structural silicone, criteria for 16.50
Structural steelwork, generally 15.01
Stud shear connectors 15.57
Studdings 22.14
Sub-contractor 11.02
Submission 6.42.1
Submission 6.47.4
Submission before hydroseeding starts 25.45(b)
Submission of Documents 2.04
Submission of particulars for sprayed concrete 26.22
Submission on performance test record for soil nails 26.43
Submission on pull-out test record for soil nails 26.40
Submission on record of grouting for geotechnical
Submission on soil nails 26.38
Submittals 15.68
Subsequent cuts 25.49(c)
Substitution 25.17
Substrate preparation 18.56.9
Supervising officer 1.05
Supervision 7.02
Supervision 18.56.12
Supply, delivery, storage and laying of road marking
Support legs 22.32
Support to excavations 23.23
Supports 25.61(c)
Supports for non-self-clinging climbers 25.35
Surface channel movement joints 23.54
Surface condition 7.12
Surface dressing 12.20
Surface dressing 24.08
Surface dressing existing areas, external works 24.22
Index 2 Subjects and Clause Numbers
Clause No.
Clause No.
Surface finish 12.35
Surface finish 18.18
Surface finishes for screeds 18.67
Surface finishes on flooring 18.80
Surface finishes on granolithic 18.81
Surface hardener 18.71
Surface preparation for liquid membrane 11.08.02
Surface preparation for sheet membrane 11.08.01
Surface retarders 6.04
Surface retarders and release agents 6.06
Surface treatments, applied 6.75
Surfaces containing asbestos 21.51
Surfaces of cutting 3.12
Surfaces preparation 12.104
Survey for demolition 2.26
Suspended ceiling systems, proprietary 13.23
Suspended ceilings 13.45
Suspension system 22.86
Tack coat (External Work) 24.05
Tack coat, workmanship for external works 24.11
Tack welds 15.53
Tapes & Gaskets 20.30
Taps 19.77
Taps and valves, stamping of 19.54
Teak 13.07
Technically Competent Persons 2.06
Temperature 7.53
Temperature, workmanship for external work 24.09
Temporary attachments 15.56
Temporary bracings or restraints 15.35
Temporary protective fencing 25.69.3(b)
Temporary protective hessian armouring 25.69.3(f)
Temporary protective mulching 25.69.3(g)
Temporary sealing 23.35
Temporary works for earthworks 3.04
Temporary works, location of 1.24
Temporary works, maintenance of 1.39
Tender submission 4.02
Tender submission 16.07
Tendon 7.09
Tendons, extension of 7.38
Tendons, handling and storage of 7.48
Tendons, placing of 7.33
Tensioning 7.51
Terrazzo 18.83
Test cert. / routine testing of road marking mtls. 21.73
Test certificate 6.15
Test cores 6.57
Test cube security cages 1.57
Test for Fabricated Soil Mix 25.02(k)
Test for manufactured soil conditioner 25.02(d)
Test for Topsoil 25.02(j)
Test loads 7.59
Test panels for sprayed concrete 26.24
Test records 7.62
Test reports 16.78
Test specimens 6.17
Test specimens 7.11
Test, cyclic, Buildings Department, criteria for 16.49
Test, flooding 12.117
Testing 19.31
Testing 19.42
Testing 19.72
Testing and test record 6.58
Testing arrangement 7.60
Testing generally 23.44
Testing laboratory 6.25.14
Testing of bolts, nuts and washers 15.20
Testing of concrete cores from test panels for sprayed
Testing of epoxy coating 6.25.10
Testing of granular bedding material 23.47
Testing of mastic asphalt 11.05
Testing of materials 6.39
Testing of materials 8.08
Testing of Materials, generally 15.16
Testing of membrane 11.06
Testing of sections and plates 15.17
Testing, non-destructive integrity 5.32
Tests 1.56
Tests, field, on actual buildings 16.74
Tests, laboratory on full scale mock-ups 16.73
Tests, laboratory, stone 16.77
Tests, laboratory, structural silicone assembly 16.75
Tests, pile, coring 5.29
Tests, pile, loading 5.28
Thermal insulation and fire-safing insulation 16.22
Thermal movement 19.14
Thermal movement, criteria for 16.56
Thickness 18.76
Thickness of floor screeds 18.63
Thickness of road marking materials 21.72
Thickness of wall render 18.62
Thin bed method, external facing tiles 18.108
Thin bed method, floor tiles 18.103
Thin bed method, mosaic tiles 18.109
Thin bed method, wall tiles 18.107
Thinning 25.98(d)
Through thickness properties 15.18
Ties 25.24(c)
Ties to concrete 9.38
Tile adhesive, proprietary 18.107
Tile adhesive, proprietary 18.99
Tile adhesives 18.173
Tile adhesives 18.184
Tile grouting 18.174
Tile grouting 18.185
Tile, "Canton" 18.91
Tiles 12.36
Tiles, acoustic 13.22
Tiles, acoustic 13.44
Tiles, approval of 12.37
Tiling, type of 12.41
Tilt control 22.47
Timber 13.32
Index 2 Subjects and Clause Numbers
Clause No.
Clause No.
Timber connectors 14.114
Timber for External Use 13.01.1
Time required for testing of epoxy coated reinforcement 6.25.13
Timing 23.28
Timing 25.73
Tinted glass 20.09
Tolerance for excavation 3.11
Tolerance for filling 3.18
Tolerance of substrate 18.56.8
Tolerances 1.65
Tolerances 4.10
Tolerances 9.35
Tolerances, generally 7.28
Tolerances, masonry workmanship 10.06
Tools and equipment 25.88
Top Down Method 2.17
Top-dressing 25.43
Top-dressing 25.55(b)
Topsoil 3.07
Topsoil 25.02(a)
Towel rail 14.121
Toxicity 18.156
Track and tie-back, criteria for 16.53
Traffic control 1.18
Traffic on floor tiling, etc. 18.106
Translucent & obscured glass 20.04
Translucent rolled glass 20.20
Transplanting semi-mature trees and above 25.76
Transplanting shrubs, climbers, groundcovers and
Transplanting trees, palms and conifers 25.71(a)
Transportation, storage and handling 10.20
Traps 19.86
Tree crown spread 25.69(d)
Tree height 25.69(e)
Tree lifting and protection 25.78
Tree pit bases 25.33(a)
Tree Protection Zone 25.69(g)
Tree schedule
Tree survey plan
Tree survey record
Tree/shrub species for hydroseeding 25.45(e)
Trees and shrubs 1.20
Trees in paved areas 25.33(b)
Trench widths 23.20
Trial panel for sprayed concrete 26.15
Tripod staking 25.33(e)
Trunk Protection 25.24(f)
Tubers 25.56(c)
Turf 25.46(c)
Turf maintenance 25.55(c)
Turf sample 25.46(d)
Turf species 25.46(e)
Turnbuckles and other elements 15.11
Twenty percent recycled coarse aggregates 6.42.3
Tying wire 6.25.3
Tying wire 18.28
Type and number of coats 21.70
Types of walling, masonry 10.08
Undercoating 21.55
Undercoats generally 18.44
Underground voids 2.36
Undergrowth within Tree Protection Zone
Underlays 6.69
Underlays 8.19
Underlays 18.139
Underlays, laying 18.144
Uniformity 9.31
Unsound surfaces and substrates 21.52
Unsuitable and surplus soiling material 25.10(b)
Uplifting 25.73.3
Urinals 19.82
Use during construction, external works 24.20
Use of chemicals 25.31
Use of mortars 9.25
Use of the Site 1.13
Valleys 12.46
Vapour barrier 18.59
Varnish 21.36
Ventilation 22.74
Verges 12.22
Verges 12.44
Vermin 18.158
Vibration, effect on adjacent structures and services 5.23
Video Recording System 2.11
Vinyl tiles 18.116
Void formers 6.04
Volatile Organic Compound content 21.90
W.C.s 19.81
Wall ties 9.14
Wall ties 10.05
Wall tiles, fixing 18.107
Wall tiles, homogenous 18.171
Wall tiles, homogenous 18.182
Walling built against concrete, etc. 10.22
Warning signs 2.48
Warranty 12.119
Wash basins 19.78
Wash coat 12.29
Washable matt-finished vinyl cloth 22.10
Washers 15.40
Waste disposal 2.51
Waste outlets 19.89
Watchmen 1.27
Water 1.36
Water 6.35
Water 8.05
Water 9.16
Water 18.02
Water 25.91
Water bar 14.110
Water bar 14.118
Water leakage control 16.57
Water Pollution Control 2.13
Water repellant liquid 21.06
Water repellant liquid 21.58
Index 2 Subjects and Clause Numbers
Clause No.
Clause No.
Water tanks 6.63
Water testing 23.45
Water tightness 23.53
Water, removal of 1.59
Water/cement ratio, free 6.32
Watering 25.48
Watering 25.73.1
Watering 25.94(a)
Watering Time 25.94(b)
Watering upon transplanting 25.74.3(a)
Waterproof joints of steel sheet roofing 12.83.1
Waterproofing 17.36
Waterproofing joints of steel sheet roofing 12.34
Watertight construction 6.64
Wax polish 21.37
Wax polish 21.66
Weather boarding 13.11
Weather seals, criteria for 16.54
Weather, protection from 1.58
Wedging and pinning 9.41
Weeding 25.95
Weeding to rootball 25.74.5
Weep hole filters 16.20
Weepholes and expansion joints in sprayed concrete 26.17
Welders and testing of welders 15.44
Welding 7.15
Welding 15.23
Welding 15.43
Welding 16.39
Welding consumables 15.48
Welding generally 17.16
Welding of aluminium alloy 17.17
Welding of stainless steel 17.18
Welding procedures 15.46
Welding record 15.45
Wet weather 9.28
Wet weather, external works 24.17
Whips 25.32(b)
White spirit 21.33
Wire mesh cages 25.60(c)
Wire netting 18.26
Wired glass, alignment of 20.21
Wood block flooring 13.09
Wood block flooring 13.49
Wood chipboard 13.17
Wood preservative 13.30
Wood preservative 13.42
Wood preservative 21.30
Wood preservative 21.62
Wood preservative to external timber 13.30.1
Wood preservatives 6.04
Wood screws 19.06
Work at completion 1.63
Work below ground 6.06
Workability 6.46
Workability 6.56
Worked surface finishes 6.74
Workmanship 6.62
Workmanship 11.07
Workmanship on transplanting shrubs 25.75.1
Workmanship on tree felling 25.70.1
Works included 16.02
Wound sealant 25.23
Wound treatment 25.85
Wrapping of root ball 25.73.2
Writing 21.69
Yellow Soap Stone 25.04(e)
Ying Rock 25.04(d)
Index 3 - List of Standards for Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15 & 25
Standards with edition
appropriate for use
Description Clause No.
APHA 4500-C1-B, 18th Edition
Chloride, Argentometric method 6.35
APHA 4500-SO42-C, 18th Edition
Sulphate, gravimetric method with ignition of residue 6.35
BS 812: ----- Testing aggregates 6.33
BS 812: ----- Ditto 6.34
BS 812: ----- Ditto 8.04
BS 812: ----- Ditto 25.11(a)
BS 812: Part 2:1975 Methods for determination of physical properties 6.33
BS 812: Part 2:1975 Ditto 6.42.3
BS 812: Part 2:1975 Ditto 8.04
BS 812: Part 4: 1976 Method for sampling and testing of mineral aggregates, sands and
BS 812: Part 101:1984 Guide to sampling and testing aggregates 6.33
BS 812: Part 102:1989 Methods for sampling 6.33
BS 812: Part 103 Methods for determination of particle size distribution 6.33
BS 812: Section 103.1:1985 Sieve Test 6.33
BS 812: Section 103.1:1985 Ditto 6.42.3
BS 812: Section 103.2:1989 Sedimentation Test 6.33
BS 812: Part 104:1994 Testing aggregates. Method for qualitative and quantitative
petrographic examination of aggregates
BS 812: Part 105 Methods for determination of particle shape 6.33
BS 812: Section 105.1:1989 Flakiness Index 6.33
BS 812: Section 105.1:1989 Ditto 6.42.3
BS 812: Section 105.2:1990 Elongation index of coarse aggregate 6.33
BS 812: Part 106: 1985 Testing aggregates. Method for determination of shell content in
coarse aggregate
BS 812: Part 109:1990 Testing aggregates. Methods for determination of moisture content 6.33
BS 812: Part 110:1990 Methods for determination of aggregate crushing value ACV 6.33
BS 812: Part 111:1990 Methods for determination of ten percent value TFV 6.33
BS 812: Part 111:1990 Ditto 6.42.3
BS 812: Part 112:1990 Methods for determination of aggregate impact value AIV 6.33
BS 812: Part 113:1990 Methods for determination of aggregate abrasion value AAV 6.33
BS 812:Part 117:1988 Methods for determination of water soluble chloride salts 6.33
BS 812: Part 118:1988 Methods for determination of sulphate content 6.33
BS 812: Part 118:1988 Methods for determination of sulphate content 6.42.3
BS 812: Part 119:1985 Methods for determination of acid soluble material content of fine
Index 3 - List of Standards for Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15 & 25
Standards with edition
appropriate for use
Description Clause No.
BS 812:Part 120:1989 Methods for testing and classifying drying shrinkage of aggregates in
BS 812: Part 121:1989 Methods for determination of soundness 6.33
BS 812: Part 123:1999 Testing aggregates. Method for determination of alkali-silica
reactivity. Concrete prism method
BS 882: 1992 Aggregates from natural sources for concrete 6.33
BS 882: 1992 Ditto 6.41
BS 882: 1992 Ditto 6.42.3
BS 1014: 1975 Pigments for Portland cement and Portland cement products 6.36
BS 1521: 1972 Waterproofing building papers 6.69
BS 1881: Part 124: 1988 Method of testing concrete (analysis of hardened concrete) 6.47.2
BS 2499: 1973 Hot applied joint sealants for concrete pavements 6.61
BS 2499: 1973 Ditto 6.62
BS 3148: 1980 Methods of tests for water for making concrete 1.36
BS 3148: 1980 Ditto 6.35
BS 3892: Part 1:1982 Specification for pulverized-fuel ash for use with Portland cement 6.28
BS 3900: Part C5: 1992 Method of test for paints (Determination of film thickness) 6.25.10
BS 4027: 1980 Sulphate-resisting Portland cement 6.27
BS 4074: 1982 Specification for metal props and struts 6.04
BS 4254: 1983 Two-part polysulphide-based sealants 6.61
BS 4254: 1983 Ditto 6.62
BS 4447: 1973(1990) The performance of prestressing anchorages for post-tensioned
BS 4447: 1973 Ditto 7.23
BS 4466: 1989 Bending dimensions and scheduling of reinforcement for concrete 6.19
BS 4483: 1985 Steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete 6.14
BS 4486: 1980 Hot rolled high tensile alloy steel bars for the prestressing of concrete 7.09
BS 4550: Part 2: 1970 Method of testing cement (chemical tests) 6.47.2
BS 5075: Part 1:1982 Specification for accelerating admixtures, retarding admixtures and
water reducing admixtures
BS 5075: Part 1:1982 Ditto 8.06
BS 5075: Part 2:1982 Concrete admixtures. Specification for air-entraining admixtures 8.06
BS 5075: Part 3:1985 Superplasticising admixtures 6.36
BS 5075: Part 3:1985 Superplasticising admixtures 8.06
BS 5212 Cold applied joint sealants for concrete pavements 6.61
BS 5212 Ditto 6.62
Index 3 - List of Standards for Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15 & 25
Standards with edition
appropriate for use
Description Clause No.
BS 5212: Part 1:1990 Specification for joint sealants 6.61
BS 5212: Part 2:1990 Code of Practice for the application and use of joint sealants 6.61
BS 5212: Part 3:1990 Methods of test 6.61
BS 5215: 1986 Specification for one-part gun grade polysulphide-based sealant 6.61
BS 5215: 1986 Ditto 6.62
BS 5328: Part 1:1991 Guide to specifying concrete 6.44
BS 5328: Part 2:1991 Methods for specifying concrete, including ready-mixed concrete 6.44
BS 5328: Part 3:1990 Procedures to be used in producing and transporting concrete 6.44
BS 5328: Part 4:1990 Specification for the procedures to be used in sampling, testing and
assessing compliance of concrete
BS 5896: 1980 High tensile steel wire and stand for prestressing concrete 7.09
BS 5975: 1982 Code of practice for falsework 1.39.2(xi)
BS 5975: 1982 Ditto 6.01
BS 5975: 1982 Ditto 6.02
BS 6213:1982 Guide to the selection of constructional sealants 6.62
BS 7295: Part 1: 1990 Fusion bonded epoxy coated steel bars for reinforcement of concrete
(specification for coated bars)
BS 7295: Part 1:1990 Ditto 6.25.10
BS 7295: Part 1: 1990 Ditto 6.25.11
BS 7295: Part 2: 1990 Fusion bonded epoxy coated steel bars for reinforcement of concrete
(specification for coatings)
BS 7295: Part 2: 1990 Ditto 6.25.4
BS 8004: 1986 Code of practice for foundation 6.49
BS 8008:1996 Guide to safety precautions and procedures for the construction and
descent of machine-bored shafts for piling and other purposes
BS 8666: 2005 Scheduling, dimensioning, bending & cutting of steel reinforcement
for concrete
BS EN 196-3: 1995 Method of testing cement (determination of setting time and
BSEN 197-1: 2000 Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common
BSEN 197-1: 2000 Ditto 6.29
BSEN 197-1: 2000 Ditto 6.42.3
BSEN 197-1: 2000 Ditto 8.03
BS EN 1008: 2002 Mixing water for concrete (specification for sampling, testing and
assessing the suitability of water)
Code of Practice for the
Structural Use of Concrete
Code of Practice for the structural use of concrete 5.02
Index 3 - List of Standards for Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15 & 25
Standards with edition
appropriate for use
Description Clause No.
Code of Practice for the
Structural Use of Concrete
Ditto 5.25
Code of Practice for the
Structural Use of Concrete
Ditto 6.24
Code of Practice for the
Structural Use of Concrete
Ditto 6.26
Code of Practice for the
Structural Use of Concrete
Ditto 7.01
Code of Practice for the
Structural Use of Steel 2005
Code of practice for the structural use of steel 1.39.2
Code of Practice for the
Structural Use of Steel 2005
Ditto 5.18
Code of Practice for the
Structural Use of Steel 2005
Ditto 15.32
Code of Practice for the
Structural Use of Steel 2005
Ditto 15.58
Code of Practice for the
Structural Use of Steel 2005
Ditto 15.59
Code of Practice for Fire
Resisting Construction 1996
Code of practice for fire resisting construction 15.66
CS 1: 1990 Testing Concrete 6.43.1
CS 1: 1990 Ditto 6.43.3
CS 1: 1990 Ditto 6.46
CS 1: 1990 Ditto 6.54
CS 1: 1990 Ditto 6.55
CS 1: 1990 Ditto 6.56
CS 1: 1990 Ditto 6.57
CS 1: 1990 Ditto 8.16
CS 2: 1995 Carbon Steel Bars for the Reinforcement of Concrete 6.14
CS 2: 1995 Ditto 6.15
CS 2: 1995 Ditto 6.17
CS 2: 1995 Ditto 6.25.4
- 1 -
Major Changes from GS 2007 Corrigendum No. GS2007-01 (January, 2008) to Corrigendum No. GS 2007-02 (April, 2011)
Clause No.
Sub-heading of Clause Major Changes
Section 1 - Preliminaries
British Standards
Standards and
Codes of Practice
Replace "In the case of Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15 and 25, the stated BS
Number in Index 3 is to take preference over any later amendment, revision or
superseded standard. with "In the case of Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15 and 25,
the stated BS Number in Index 3 is to take preference over any later
amendment, revision or superseded standard.
Section 2 - Demolition, Site Clearance & Alterations
2.01 Regulations,
Ordinances, Codes
of Practice &
Practice Notes
Add sub-clauses:
(i) Code of Practice for Demolition of Buildings issued by Building
(ii) Code of Practice for Site Supervision and Technical Memorandum for
Supervision Plan issued by Buildings Department
(iii) Guidelines for Selective Demolition and On Site Sorting issued by Civil
Engineering and Development Department
(v) Building (Administration) Regulations
(ix) Water Pollution Control Ordinance
(xv) Noise Control (Construction Work) Regulations
Delete original sub-clauses:
(v) Building Planning Regulations
(xi) The British Standard Code of Practice for Demolition: BS 6187.
Replace sub-clause (viii) Air Pollution Control (Amendment) Ordinance
with Air Pollution Control (Amendment) Ordinance
2.02 2.41 Clauses 2.02 to Clauses 2.41 have been substantially revised to bring the
requirements on demolition, site clearance and alteration up to date to comply
with the latest ordinances, regulations, standards and codes and practices
2.42 Asbestos
Original Clause 2.03 is relocated to Clauses 2.42.
2.43 Asbestos
Original Clause 2.30 is relocated to Clauses 2.43.
Replace from the demolitions. with from the demolitions.
2.44 Sampling and
Original Clause 2.31 is relocated to Clauses 2.44.
Replace Bulk samples of suspected asbestos-containing materials shall be
taken and with Bulk samples of suspected asbestos-containing materials
shall be taken on the advice and under the supervision of a registered asbestos
consultant and .
2.45 Asbestos
abatement plan
and method
Original Clause 2.32 is relocated to Clause 2.45 .
Replace Clause 2.03 with Clause 2.42.
2.46 Glove bag Original Clause 2.33 is relocated to Clause 2.46.
- 2 -
2.47 Supervisor Original Clause 2.34 is relocated to Clause 2.47
Replace A full time site supervisor, experienced and competent in asbestos
work, shall be stationed at the work site. with A full time Registered
Asbestos Supervisor site supervisor, experienced and competent in asbestos
work, shall be stationed at the work site.
2.48 Warning signs Original Clause 2.35 is relocated to Clause 2.48.
Replace Proper and publicly visible warning signs shall be provided. with
Proper and publicly visible warning signs in compliance with relevant legislation
and code of practice shall be provided. to read, "Danger Asbestos, No
Unauthorized Entry", in block capital letters and Chinese characters
2.49 Floor tile adhesive
Original Clause 2.36 is relocated to Clauses 2.49.
Replace Not used. with
The floor tile adhesive remover used in the asbestos vinyl floor removal
works shall be the type of low volatile organic compound (VOC) content and
shall comply with the following requirements:
- biobased
- VOC content of less than 5%
Mastic removers made from petroleum-based chemistry are prohibited.
The tile adhesive remover shall be acceptable by Environmental Protection
Department of proven safe formula in accordance with Code of Practice on
Asbestos Control.
The application of the tile adhesive remover shall strictly follow the
manufacturer's instructions and recommendations.
After removal of tile adhesive, the surface shall be cleaned with an approved
degreaser. Only those degreasers recommended by the manufacturer of the tile
adhesive remover shall be used for removing the residue remaining on the
floor substrate, before laying the new floor tiles..
2.50 Minimisation of
fibre release
Original Clause 2.37 is relocated to Clause 2.50
2.51 Waste disposal Original Clause 2.39 is relocated to Clause 2.51
2.52 Air monitoring Original Clause 2.40 is relocated to Clause 2.52.
Replace A reading of 0.01 fibre/ml or less will be required in the penultimate
and final air sample analysis. with A reading of less than 0.01 fibre/ml or
less will be required in the penultimate and final clearance air sample
2.53 Storage of waste Original Clause 2.41 is relocated to Clause 2.53.
2.54 Regulations,
Ordinances and
Codes of Practice
Original Clause 2.42 is relocated to Clause 2.54.
The original sub-clause (iii), (v) and (ix) are deleted, and
Add sub-clause (ix) The prevailing Codes of Practice on asbestos control
issued by Environment Bureau. . , and
- 3 -
Replace sub-clause (iv) Code of Practice on Handling, Transportation and
Disposal of Asbestos Waste, Environmental Protection Department, 1993.
with Code of Practice on Handling, Transportation and Disposal of
Asbestos Waste, Environmental Protection Department, Hong Kong 1993.
Section 3 Excavation and Earthwork
3.05 Earthwork Insert sub-clause (v) Material handling and storage areas shall be levelled and
well drained. Stockpiles of material shall be sprayed with water or a dust
suppression chemical to minimize dust generation. .
3.15 Blasting Replace Civil Engineering Development Department with Civil
Engineering and Development Department.
3.16 Surface
preparation for fill
Replace Clear natural ground over which filling shall be placed of all loose
boulders, grass, top soil, bushes, trees, roots and with Clear natural
ground over which filling shall be placed of all soft spots, loose boulders,
grass, top soil, bushes, trees, roots and .
3.17 Filling Insert sub-clause (iv) Fill material shall be deposited in layers of a thickness
appropriate to the compaction method to be used. In deposition of fill
material, ensure that a good bond is achieved between layers of fill, and unless
otherwise directed by the SO, no material shall be placed on previously
compacted layers unless the surface has been scarified or otherwise broken up
and, if necessary, watered. , and
insert sub-clause (v) Blind the top surface of hardcore with fine graded filling
material. .
Replace sub-clause (viii) Obtain approval before commencing filling and
before any fill layer is covered. with Obtain approval from the SO before
commencing filling and before any fill layer is covered.
Replace sub-clause (xii) Obtain approval before any of these options are
adopted. with Obtain approval from the SO before any of these options are
3.19 Compaction by
Replace sub-clause (iv) Test each layer and obtain approval prior to
placing of the next layer. with Test each layer and obtain approval from
the SO prior to placing of the next layer.
Replace sub-clause (vi) (a) and within the 2.5 metres thick top surface
zone with and fill within the 2.5 metres thick top surface zone .
3.20 Compaction by
Add of the SO to the end of the first paragraph.
3.21 Test for
determining the
degree of
compaction of
compacted fill
Replace sub-clause (iii) Test each layer and obtain approval before the next
layer is placed. with Test each layer and obtain approval from the SO
before the next layer is placed.
Replace sub-clause (iv) Determine moisture content in accordance with
moisture content tests under Geospec 3 by means of a drying oven. To
expedite results, moisture contents for field density tests may be determined by
use of a "Speedy" moisture tester which, however, shall not be used until it has
been calibrated against moisture content tests carried out in a drying oven.
Submit a calibration chart for approval before the "Speedy" moisture tester is
used. with Determine moisture content in accordance with moisture content
- 4 -
tests under Geospec 3 by means of a drying oven. To expedite results,
moisture contents for field density tests may be determined by use of a
"Speedy" moisture tester which, however, shall not be used until it has been
calibrated against moisture content tests carried out in a drying oven. Submit a
calibration chart for approval before the "Speedy" moisture tester is used.
Section 5 Piling Work
5.14 Percussion piles Replace sub-clause (ii) 0.65 fy with 0.7 f
Replace sub-clause (iii) (Cc) with ( C
Replace sub-clause (iv) The efficiency of the hammer (E
Eh) and the
coefficient of restitution of the hammer cushion (e) shall be determined from/
verified by CAPWAP analysis of trial piles (at least 5 piles for each hammer).
The combination of Eh and e shall be with The efficiency of the hammer
Eh) and the coefficient of restitution of the hammer cushion (e) shall be
determined from/ verified by CAPWAP analysis of trial piles (at least 5 piles
for each hammer pile size drop height combination). The combination of
Eh and e shall be .
Replace sub-clause (v) cannot be obtained from the Hiley Formula
with Eh and e so chosen, all the piles falling into this category shall be
subject to CAPWAP analysis, the cost of which shall be borne by the
Contractor. The pile with the lowest CAPWAP capacity shall be load tested
for acceptance. with cannot be obtained from the Hiley Formula
with E
Eh and e so chosen, all the piles falling into this category shall
be subject to Dynamic Pile Test and CAPWAP analysis. the cost of which
shall be borne by the Contractor. The pile with the lowest CAPWAP capacity
or any other pile selected by the SO for each batch of piles proposed by the
Contractor for phased completion shall be load tested for acceptance. All the
cost incurred from the Dynamic Pile Tests, CAPWAP analyses and static load
tests shall be borne by the Contractor..
5.18 Steel 'H' piles Replace sub-clause (iii) Provide one test specimen for every one hundred
segments or part thereof of each section of same thickness from the same cast.
For the purpose of this clause, same thickness means similar sections with a
variation in thickness not exceeding + 5 mm, and segment means every
length of pile as rolled. Test specimen shall be taken from sections selected at
random on site by the SO. with For every one hundred segments or part
thereof of each section of same thickness from the same cast, one segment
shall be selected at random on site by the SO for testing. Provide two one test
specimens taken at both ends of each of the chosen segment. for every one
hundred segments or part thereof of each section of same thickness from the
same cast. For the purpose of this clause, same thickness means similar
sections with a variation in thickness not exceeding + 5 mm, and segment
means every length of pile as rolled. Test specimen shall be taken from
sections selected at random on site by the SO. .
Replace sub-clause (iv) 0.8 fy with 0.9 f
Replace sub-clause (v) Carry out splicing to increase the length of steel H
piles in accordance with the details shown at Annex B. Construct joints to
maintain the true alignment of the pile section. Welds shall be subject to the
following examination: with Carry out splicing to increase the length of
steel H piles in accordance with the details shown at Annex B. Unless
agreed by the SO, the minimum length of each steel H-pile section shall be 10
m except the uppermost section. Construct joints to maintain the true
- 5 -
alignment of the pile section. Welds shall be subject to the following
examination: .
Replace sub-clause (viii) (Cc) with ( C
5.19 Large diameter
bored piles
Replace sub-clause (i) 600 mm with 750 mm.
Replace sub-clause (iv)
(a) 3 MPa for Grade III/ IV or better rock with core recovery
greater than 75%
(b) 5 MPa for Grade III or better rock with core recovery greater
than 85%
(c) 7.5 MPa for Grade II or better rock with core recovery greater
than 95% with
(a) 3 MPa for Grade III/ IV or better rock with total core recovery
greater than 75%
(b) 5 MPa for Grade III or better rock with total core recovery
greater than 85%
(c) 7.5 MPa for Grade II or better rock with total core recovery
greater than 95%
Cutting off pile
Replace sub-clause (v) 0.7 m with 0.75 m.
5.25 Pile caps tie beams
and dowel bars
Add to the end of sub-clause (ii) (e) unless otherwise specified.
5.27 Report sheets Replace sub-clause Type of Piles (iv) Non-percussion cast in-situ concrete
pile, and Large diameter bored pile with Non-percussion cast in-situ
concrete pile, and Large diameter bored pile, and replace (iv) (d) volume
of concrete cast; with Graphical plot for theoretical and actual volume of
concrete cast against concrete top level, particularly at withdrawal of casing
5.28 Loading tests Replace sub-clause (iv) D = The least lateral dimension of steel 'H' pile
section in mm (for steel 'H' pile or rock-socketed steel-H pile) with D =
The least lateral dimension of steel 'H' pile section in mm (for driven steel 'H'
pile or rock-socketed steel-H pile) .
5.30 Failure of loading
test or coring test
Add For driven steel H-piles, the Contractor may choose to retain the pile as
a working pile and redrive it to a deeper level to attain a bearing capacity
complying with the contract requirements. However, PDA test and CAPWAP
analysis shall be carried out to test the pile for integrity and determine pile
capacity. The cost of PDA test and CAPWAP analysis shall be borne by the
Contractor. The SO may carry out other test(s) as he deems appropriate. at
the end of the first paragraph.
Preparation for
piles for Sonic
Replace sub-clause (vii) Notwithstanding Clause 5.35 (i), one of the mild
steel tubes shall be replaced with a larger tube of 100 to 150 mm internal
diameter. Size of tube shall be big enough to obtain a core of N size to
examine the interface between pile and bedrock without coring through the
entire length of pile. The bottom of the larger steel tube should be fitted with a
mild steel cap, at about 700 mm above the founding level of the pile. with
Notwithstanding Clause 5.35 (i), for barrettes and large diameter bored piles
with diameter up to 2500 mm, one of the mild steel tubes shall be replaced
with a larger tube of 100 to 150 mm internal diameter. For large diameter
bored piles exceeding 2500 mm diameter, two numbers of the mild steel tubes
shall be replaced with a larger tube of 100 to 150 mm internal diameter. Size
of tube shall be big enough to obtain a core of N size. to examine the interface
between pile and bedrock without coring through the entire length of pile.The
bottom of the larger steel tube should be fitted with a mild steel cap, at about
- 6 -
700 mm above the founding level of the pile. and
add Toe coring to obtain a core of N size to examine the interface between
pile and bedrock without coring through the entire length of pile shall be
carried out. One number of toe coring shall be carried out for each barrette and
large diameter bored pile with diameter up to 2500 mm and two numbers of
toe coring shall be carried out for each large diameter bored pile with diameter
exceeding 2500 mm. The toe coring length shall be more than 1400 mm of
which at least 700 mm shall be into bedrock. to the end of the paragraph.
The table of ANNEX F are revised
Section 6 Structural Concrete Work
6.01 Generally
Add to the end of sub-clause (i) No tropical hardwood propping shall be
used to support formwork for concrete work unless otherwise agreed by the
SO. .
6.02 Design submission Replace sub-clause (ii) and provide certification by an independent
professional structural or civil engineer, at various stages, with and
provide certification by an independent professional structural or civil
engineer, at various stages,, and
add to the end of sub-clause (ii) The independent professional engineer shall
be a member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (Structural or Civil
Engineering Discipline) or equivalent. .
6.12 Minimum periods
before striking
Replace sub-clause (i) Portland Cement with Portland cement.
6.14 Steel reinforcement Replace Steel reinforcement shall be plain round steel or deformed high yield
steel bars to CS2 or hard drawn steel wire fabric to BS 4483. with Steel
reinforcement shall be plain round steel or deformed high yield steel bars to
CS2 or hard drawn steel wire fabric to BS 4483. , and
add to the end of the clause Cold reduced steel wire used for the manufacture
of steel fabric shall be to BS 4482. .
6.15 Test certificate Replace Obtain steel reinforcement from suppliers who shall be able to
produce certificates for each consignment of steel reinforcement supplied to
site. The certificates to be submitted shall be in accordance with the class of
reinforcement delivered to site, all as detailed in CS2. with
Obtain steel reinforcement from suppliers who shall be able to produce
certificates for each batch consignment of steel reinforcement supplied to site.
The certificates to be submitted to the SO for steel bars shall be in accordance
with the class of reinforcement delivered to the Site site, all as detailed in
CS2. , and
add to the end of the clause The certificates to be submitted for each batch of
fabric reinforcement delivered to the Site shall come from a manufacturer with
a third party certification by a certification body, accredited by the Hong Kong
Accreditation Service or its Mutual Recognition Arrangement/Arrangement
partners, to ISO 9001. The certificate shall show the manufacturers name, the
date and place of manufacture and that the reinforcement complies with the
requirements of BS 4483 and including details of:
(i) the bond classification;
(ii) the cast analysis;
(iii) the carbon equivalent value;
(iv) the results of the tensile and rebend tests, including the effective cross-
sectional area for tensile tests;
- 7 -
(v) the results of the bond performance tests; and
(vi) the results of the weld tests.
A batch of fabric reinforcement is any quantity of fabric reinforcement of the
same type, size and grade, produced by the same manufacturer, covered by the
same mill and test certificates and delivered to the Site at any one time.
6.17 Test specimens
Original clause is sub-divided into sub-clauses (i) to (iv) and sub-clauses (v) to
(xv) are added.
Replace new sub-clause (i) Provide and cut test specimens from each
consignment as directed by the SO for tensile tests, bend tests and rebend tests
as required by CS2, appropriately marked and with Provide and cut test
specimens from each batch of steel reinforcement consignment as directed by
the SO for tensile tests, bend tests and rebend tests as required by CS2, All test
specimens shall be appropriately marked and
Replace new sub-clause (iv) Removed unsatisfactory material off site
when instructed by the SO. with Removed unsatisfactory material off the
Site when instructed by the SO.
6.17.4 Security
stock management
Replace in sub-clauses (i) and (ii) Site with the Site.
6.17.5 Security removal
of non-compliant re-
Replace Site with the Site.
6.19 Cutting and bending Replace Cut and bend bars to BS 4466. with Cut and bend bars to BS
8666 unless otherwise specified BS 4466. .
6.21 Chairs Replace Provide sufficient steel chairs to support top reinforcement in slab
and rafts, with Provide sufficient steel chairs to support top reinforcement in
slabs and rafts,.
6.24 Reinforcement
Add at the end of the paragraph unless otherwise specified.
6.25.4 Document and test
results to be
supplied by the
Replace sub-clauses (i) (b) CS2: 1995 with CS2.
Replace sub-clauses (ii) The particulars, including certificates and test results
in (1) above, with The particulars, including certificates and test results
in (i) (1) above, .
6.25.12 Non-compliance
thickness, adhesion
& continuity
Replace site with the Site.
6.26 Generally Replace The use of concrete for reinforced concrete structures shall be to
Code of Practice for Structural Use of Concrete 2004 issued by the
Buildings Department. with The use of concrete for reinforced concrete
structures shall be to the Code of Practice for Structural Use of Concrete
2004 issued by the Buildings Department unless otherwise specified..
6.27 Cement Replace Portland Cement with Portland cement.
6.28 PFA Replace Pulverized-fuel ash (PFA) shall conform to BS 3892:Pt. 1 except that
the criterion for maximum water requirement shall not apply. with
Pulverized-fuel ash (PFA) shall conform to BS 3892: Part 1 with the following
modifications:BS 3892:Pt. 1 except that the criterion for maximum water
- 8 -
requirement shall not apply.
(i) Use Portland cement CEM I (strength class 52.5 N) to BS EN 197-1 to
determine water requirement, strength factor at 28 days, soundness and
initial setting time.
(ii) The criteria for water requirement and strength factor at 28 days shall
not apply, but the values as determined shall be stated in the certificates
for submission.
(iii) PFA shall contain up to 10% total lime content or high lime PFA shall
contain up to 20% total lime content and with soundness value not
more than 10 mm. .
6.29 PFAC Replace Portland-fly ash cement (PFAC) shall be BS EN 197-1 with
Portland-fly ash cement (PFAC) shall be to BS EN 197-1 .
6.29.1 CSF New sub-clause
6.29.2 GGBS New sub-clause
6.30 Replace Use of
with Use of PFA,
and GGBS
Replace The use of PFA and PFAC shall be subject to the approval of the SO.
PFA can only be used in combination with Portland Cement, and in designed
mixes only. with The use of PFA, andPFAC, CSF and GGBS shall be
subject to the approval of the SO. PFA can only be used in combination with
Portland cement. Triple blending of cement, PFA and GGBS shall not be
allowed unless approved by the SO. PFA, CSF and GGBS can only be used
and in designed mixes only. , and
insert If CSF, PFA or GGBS is incorporated in the concrete as separate
materials, the following requirements shall be complied with unless
specified/approved otherwise by the SO:
(a) The proportion of PFA replacement shall not exceed 35% of the total
cementitious content.
(b) The proportion of CSF replacement shall not exceed 10% of the total
cementitious content.
(c) The proportion of GGBS replacement shall not exceed 40% of the total
cementitious content and the use shall be subject to the approval by the
SO of the Contactors proposal on concrete curing method and
formwork striking times. GGBS shall not be used together with
PFA. .
6.31 Cementitious
Replace The cementitious content is the mass of Portland Cement (PC) per
cubic metre of compacted concrete. If PC is used in combination with PFA,
the cementitious content is the combined mass of PC and PFA or 1.33 times
the mass of PC whichever is the less. with
The cementitiousCementitious content is the combined mass of cement,
Portland Cement (PC) CSF and either PFA or GGBS per cubic metre of
compacted concrete. For CSF, the dry mass shall be used. If PC is used in
combination with PFA, the cementitious content is the combined mass of PC
and PFA or 1.33 times the mass of PC whichever is the less. .
6.33 Aggregates Add at the end of the 2
paragraph Natural sand shall not be used in
production of concrete unless otherwise agreed by the SO..
Add at the end of the Clause Aggregates shall be inert to alkali-silica reaction
(ASR) unless a control framework installed to guard against occurrence of
ASR in concrete structures..
- 9 -
6.35 Water Replace mixer with concrete mixer.
6.38 Delivery and
storage of materials
Replace Do not use cement from different sources in the same pour and
only use in the same structure with approval. with Do not use cement
from different sources in the same pour and only use in the same structure with
the SOs prior approval. .
Replace site with the Site.
Replace when the maximum sizes is 40 mm of more for designed mixes.
with when the maximum sizes is 40 mm or of more for designed mixes..
6.40 Generally Replace The nominal design slump value for designed mix with The
nominal designed slump value for designed mix .
Replace site with the Site.
6.41 Standard mixes In TABLE 6.6 Slump value (mm) is replaced by Range of measured
slump value (mm) .
6.42.1 Submission Replace sub-clause (iii) Source of PFA with Source of PFA, CSF and
GGBS. , and add sub-clause (xv).
6.42.2 Liquid retaining
Replace For liquid retaining structures, PFA shall be used and shall constitute
25% of the total cementitious content in the designed mix concrete and shall
satisfy the following requirements: with
For liquid retaining structures, PFA shall be used and shall constitute 25% or
above of the total cementitious content in the designed mix concrete and shall
satisfy the following requirements: .
6.42.3 20% recycled
coarse aggregates
Replace When specified, concrete with 20% recycled coarse aggregates shall
be used in designed mix concrete with When specified, concrete with
20% recycled coarse aggregates shall be used in on designed mix concrete .
Replace sub-clause (i) Either type CEM I of Portland Cement to BS EN 197-
1 or Type CEM I Portland Cement in combination with PFA can be used in
accordance with Clause 6.30. with Either Type type CEM I of Portland
cement Cement to BS EN 197-1 or Type CEM I Portland cement Cement in
combination with PFA can be used in accordance with Clause 6.30.
6.43 Trial mixes Replace Concrete shall come from a supplier registered under QSPSC.
with Concrete shall come from a supplier registered under the QSPSC. .
The trial mixes table are revised
6.43.1 Replace Plant
trials with
Plant Trials
Replace Plant trial shall be made using the plant proposed in accordance with
Clause 6.42. with Plant Trails trial shall be made using the plant proposed
in accordance with Clause 6.42 and the mix designs and constituents
provisionally approved by the SO. .
6.43.2 Replace
criteria of plant
criteria of Plant
Replace sub-clause (i) The average of the nine slump values shall be within
20mm or 25%, whichever is the greater, of the designed slump value. The
average of the nine flow values shall be within +/- 50mm of the designed flow
value. with The average of the nine measured slump values shall be within
20mm or 25%, whichever is the greater, of the designed slump value. The
average of the nine measured flow values shall be within +/- 50mm of the
designed flow value. .
Replace sub-clause (ii) The range of the three slump values for each batch of
- 10 -
concrete shall not exceed 20% of the average of the three slump values for that
batch. For flow table tests, the range of the three flow values for each batch of
concrete shall be within 70mm. with The range of the three measured slump
values for each batch of concrete shall not exceed 20% of the average of the
three measured slump values for that batch. For flow table tests, the range of
the three measured flow values for each batch of concrete shall be within
70mm. .
Replace sub-clause (iii) The average compressive strength at 28 days of the
18 test cubes shall exceed the Grade strength by at least 12 or 10 MPa for 100
and 150 mm test cubes respectively, and the compressive strength of each
individual test cube shall exceed the Grade strength by at least 5 or 4 MPa for
100 and 150 mm test cubes respectively. with The average compressive
strength at 28 days of the 18 test cubes shall exceed the Grade strength by at
least 12 MPa for 100 mm test cubes or 10 MPa for 100 and 150 mm test
cubes. respectively, and the The compressive strength of each individual test
cube shall exceed the Grade strength by at least 5 MPa for 100 mm test cubes
or 4 MPa for 100 and 150 mm test cubes respectively. .
6.43.3 Replace Laboratory
mix trials with
Laboratory Mix
Trials mix trials
Replace Laboratory Mix Trials shall be made in the suppliers laboratory
using the mix designs and constituents submitted to the SO. with
Laboratory Mix Trials shall be made in the suppliers laboratory using the mix
designs and constituents provisionally approved by submitted to the SO ..
6.43.4 Replace Compliance
criteria of laboratory
Compliance criteria
of Laboratory Mix
Trials laboratory
Replace sub-clause (i) The average of the six slump values shall be within
20mm or 25%, whichever is the greater, of the designed slump value. The
average of the six flow values shall be within +/- 50mm of the designed flow
value. with The average of the six measured slump values shall be within
20mm or 25%, whichever is the greater, of the designed slump value. The
average of the six measured flow values shall be within +/- 50mm of the
designed flow value.
Some wordings in the table below sub-clause (ii) are revised
The original last two paragraphs are incorporated into the new clause 6.43.5
6.43.5 Approved concrete
New clause heading added.
Replace site with the Site.
6.44 Ready-mixes Replace site with the Site.
6.45 Chloride content
In Table 6.9 Chloride content , replace Portland Cement with Portland
6.47 No-fines concrete Replace Portland Cement with Portland cement.
6.47.1 Replace Measures to
control AAR in
concrete with
Measures to control
The original sub-clause is replaced by the following :
(i) Measures to prevent the occurrence of alkali-silica reaction (ASR) in
concrete structures shall be the control of reactive alkali content of
the concrete using the framework as depicted in Section H.2 of
- 11 -
Appendix H of GEO Report No. 167 entitled The 2004 Review on
Prevention of Alkali Silica Reaction in Concrete (available for
downloading from CEDD website). Alternative measures may be
submitted to the SO for approval. The SO is not obliged to accept
any alternative measures, especially if a measure could limit the
performance or use of the structure, or necessitate follow-up actions
such as monitoring.
(ii) The reactive alkali content of concrete expressed as the equivalent
oxide (Na
O) content per cubic metre of concrete shall be obtained in
accordance with Clauses 6.47.2 and 6.47.3.
(iii) Unless otherwise specified, all structures shall be classified as Class 2
in accordance with Section H.2.1 of Appendix H of GEO Report No.
6.47.2 Criteria: Limit on
reactive alkali
The original clause is deleted.
6.47.3 with
Replace Equivalent
Sodium oxide (Na
content with
Equivalent sodium
Sodium oxide (Na
Replace sub-clause (i) B is equal to 1/6 the total alkalis of PFA with
B is equal to 1/6 the total alkalis of PFA or GGBS
Replace sub-clause (ii) BS 4550: Part 2: 1970 (excluding amendment
AMD 7285, July 1992) with BS EN 196-21 BS 4550: Part 2: 1970
(excluding amendment AMD 7285, July 1992)
Replace sub-clause (iii) BS 1881: Part 124: 1988 with BS 1881: Part 124
Replace sub-clause (iv) APHA (17ed. 1989) Sections 3500-K and 3500-Na
with BS EN 1008
Replace sub-clause (v) The total alkali content of the pulverised-fuel ash shall
be with The total alkali content of the PFA or GGBS pulverised-fuel ash
shall be . and
Replace BS 4550: Part 2: 1970 (excluding amendment AMD7285, July
1992) with BS EN 196-21
Replace sub-clause (vi) BS 812: Part 4: 1976 with BS 812: Part 117.
6.47.4 with
Submission Replace sub-clause (i) (a) Clauses 6.47.3 (ii) to (iv). with Clauses 6.47.2
(ii) to (vi)., and
Sub-clause (i) (c) is added.
The original paragraph in sub-clause (ii) are deleted and replaced by Within
five working days of any instance of the active alkali content in the concrete
supplied having been found to have exceeded, the calculation shall be
submitted to the SO together with supporting HOKLAS endorsed test
Sub-clause (iii) is added.
6.48 Mixing Replace Concrete shall come from a supplier registered under QSPSC. with
Concrete shall come from a supplier registered under the QSPSC.
6.49 Transporting and
Replace Compact concrete in its final position within 30 minutes of discharge
from the mixer unless it is carried in continuously operating purpose-made
- 12 -
agitators when the applicable time shall be within 2 hours of the introduction
of cement to the mix and within 30 minutes of discharge from the agitator.
Concrete, which in the opinion of the SO, is no longer sufficiently workable
will be rejected. with
Compact concrete in its final position within 30 minutes of discharge from
the mixer unless it is carried in continuously operating purpose-made agitators
when the applicable time shall be within 2 hours of the introduction of
cement to the mix and within 30 minutes of discharge from the agitator.
Concrete, which in the opinion of the SO, is no longer sufficiently workable
shall will be rejected..
6.50 Compaction Replace Site with the Site.
6.55 Concrete cubes Replace Sub-clause (ii) (b) and the individual test results comply with the
strength determined from limits given in Columns A and B and compliance
requirement C1 of Table 6.12 respectively. with and the individual test
results comply with the strength determined from limits given in Columns A
and B and compliance requirement C1 of Table 6.12 respectively..
Table 6.12 is revised
Replace sub-clause (iii) (a) the standard deviation of 40 test results is less
than 5.5 MPa and 5 MPa for 100 mm and 150mm cubes respectively; or
with the standard deviation of at least 40 test results is less than 5.5 MPa
for 100 mm test cubes or and 5 MPa for 100 mm and 150mm test cubes
respectively; or .
Replace sub-clause (iii) (b) For 100 mm cubes, if the standard deviation of a
set of 40 consecutive test results does not exceed 5.5 MPa, compliance criteria
C2 shall apply to subsequent test results. If the standard deviation exceeds 5.5
MPa and does not exceed 8.5 MPa, compliance criteria C1 shall apply to
subsequent test results. with
For 100 mm cubes, if the Where the calculated standard deviation of a set of
40 consecutive test results does not exceed 5.5 MPa, for 100 mm test cubes or
5 MPa for 150 mm test cubes . compliance criteria C2 shall apply to
subsequent test results. If the standard deviation exceeds 5.5 MPa and does
not exceed 8.5 MPa, compliance criteria C1 shall apply to subsequent test
Sub-clause (iii) (c) is deleted.
Sub-clause (iv) is added.
Original sub-clause (iv) is renamed to (v) and replace For 100 mm and
150mm cubes, if the standard deviation exceeds 8.5 MPa or 8 MPa
respectively, no further concrete shall be placed in the permanent work until an
investigation of the materials, with
For 100 mm and 150mm cubes, if the If the calculated standard deviation
exceeds 8.5 MPa for 100 mm test cubes or 8 MPa for 150 mm test cubes
respectively, no further concrete shall be placed in the permanent works until
an investigation of the materials, .
Sub-clause (vii) is added.
Original sub-clause (viii) is renumbered as (x) and replace Clauses 6.57 to
6.59 with Clauses 6.57 and 6.59.
6.56 Workability Add to the end of first paragraph : Unless otherwise specified, adopt the
testing method for workability as below:
Normal Workability High Workability
- 13 -
(designed slump value
from 20 mm to 175 mm)
(designed flow value
from 340 mm to 600 mm)
Slump Test
Flow Table Test
Replace sub-clause (i) The average of the two slump values shall be within
the appropriate range specified in Table 6.6. with The average of the two
measured slump values shall be within the appropriate range of measured
slump value specified in Table 6.6. .
Replace sub-clause (ii) The average of the two slump values shall correspond
to that of the accepted trial mix within the limit of 25 mm or 33% of the
accepted value, whichever is the greater. The average of the two flow values
shall correspond to that of the accepted trial mix within the limit of 50 mm
of the accepted value. with The average of the two measured slump
values shall correspond to that of the accepted trial mix and fall within the
limit of 25 mm or 33% of the designed slump accepted value, whichever is
the greater. The average of the two measured flow values shall correspond to
that of the accepted trial mix and fall within the limit of 50 mm of the
designed flow accepted value. , and
the second paragraph is added.
6.57 Test cores Replace sub-clause (i) with The concrete core exhibits honeycombing which
means interconnected voids arising from, for example, inadequate compaction
or lack of mortar; or , and
the second paragraph is added.
6.60 Failures Replace to comply with the standards of acceptance specified in Clauses
6.55, 6.57 or 6.59, with to comply with the standards of acceptance
specified in Clauses 6.55(i) to (ix), 6.56, 6.57 or 6.59, .
Replace sub-clause (iii) with Carry out, at the Contractor's expense, other
tests as directed by the SO. .
Replace sub-clause (iv) qualified structural engineer with Registered
Structural Engineer .
6.61 Materials Replace in the DEVB List for Expansion Joints in Highway Structures.
with in the Development Bureau List for Supply and Installation of
Expansion Joints for Highway Structures..
6.64 Watertight
Replace in third paragraph under Site conditions with under site Site
Replace in 4th paragraph to the site with to the Site site .
6.75 Applied surface
Replace Table 6.15 Physical test (b) Initial setting time of cement with recycled
water (time of set, deviation from control, h:min) Compressive strength with Initial setting
time of cement with recycled water (time of set, deviation from control, h:min) Compressive
strength .
Section 8 Concrete for Minor and Non-structural Work
8.04 Aggregate
Replace Provide coarse aggregate of 20 mm nominal maximum size and fine
aggregate with grading lying within the limits of Grading C and M of
- 14 -
Table 6.4 or for crushed stone fines in accordance with Table 6.5. with
Provide coarse aggregate of 20 mm nominal maximum size with grading
within limits as defined in the GS and fine aggregate with grading lying within
the limits of Grading C or and M of Table 6.4 or for crushed stone fines in
accordance with Table 6.5. Natural sand shall not be used in production of
concrete unless otherwise agreed by the SO..
8.12 Transport and
Replace Compact concrete in its final position within 30 minutes of discharge
from the mixer. with Compact concrete in its final position within 2
hours of the introduction of cement to the mix, and within 30 minutes of
discharge from the mixer. .
8.16 Acceptance Replace Slump testing shall be as Clause 6.56 and the slump shall be
within the range 75 - 135 mm with Slump testing shall be as Clause 6.56
and the average of the two measured slump values shall be within the range 75
- 135 mm.
8.22 Prescribed mix
concrete with 100%
recycled coarse
Replace to be used only in benches, with and shall to be used only
in benches, .
Section 11 Tanking
11.03 Mastic asphalt Replace Mastic asphalt for tanking shall comply with type T1097 to BS 6925
(lime stone aggregate) or type T418 to BS 6577 (natural rock asphalt
aggregate).All mastic asphalt blocks delivered to site must bear legible
markings of: with Mastic asphalt for tanking shall comply with type T1097
to BS 6925 (lime stone aggregate) or type T418to BS 6577 (natural rock
asphalt aggregate). All mastic asphalt blocks delivered to site must bear legible
markings of:
Replace sub-clause (c) BS 6925:1985. with BS 6925.
11.05 Testing of mastic
In Table 11.1 and Table 11.2, Composition by analysis of mastic asphalt:
type T1418 is deleted.
11.08.01 Surface preparation
for sheet membrane
Replace be laid flat and true to allow the specified thickness of mastic
asphalt to be applied uniformly. Where vertical concrete is very smooth and in
order to provide a satisfactory key for the mastic asphalt, ... with be laid
flat and true to allow the specified thickness of the sheet membrane mastic
asphalt to be applied uniformly. Where vertical concrete is very smooth and in
order to provide a satisfactory key for the sheet membrane mastic asphalt ...
Section 12 Roofing
12.01 Lead Replace BS 1178 with BS EN 12588.
12.02 Copper Replace BS 2870 with BS EN 1172, CW024A.
12.03 Aluminium Replace BS 1470, 0.9mm thick grade S199.99.
with BS EN 485, BS EN 515, BS EN 573, AW-1199..
12.04 Lead Replace CP 143 : Pt 11 with BS 6915..
12.08 Bitumen felt Replace BS 747 with BS EN 13707.
12.14 Generally Replace CP 144 : Pt 3 with BS 8217..
- 15 -
12.42 Gauge Replace Lay Plain tiles to a gauge exceeding 75 mm and not exceeding 115
mm. with Lay Plain plain tiles to a gauge exceeding 75 mm and not
exceeding 115 mm..
12.50 Restriction Replace Mastic asphalt (rock asphalt) roofing shall not be used for new
works. with Mastic asphalt (rock asphalt) roofing shall not be used for new
12.56 Sand finishing Replace the particles of which must mostly pass a 600 m mesh BS
sieve ... with the particles of which must mostly pass a 600 m mesh BS
12.59 Reinforcement Replace BS 1369 with BS EN 13658.
12.60 Code of practice
Replace CP 144 : Pt 4 with BS 8217.
12.75 Fixings Replace BS 3382 with BS 7371.
Section 13 Carpentry and Joinery
13.01 Generally Replace BS 1186:Pt. 1 with BS EN 942: 2007.
13.64 Doors and window
Replace Construct doors and window frames with properly framed joints and
fix using cramps or bolts as Clause 14.02 and secure the bottom of door frames
with dowels as Clause 14.01 with Construct doors and window frames with
properly framed joints and fix using cramps or bolts as Clauses14.108, 14.109,
14.116 and 14.117 Clause 14.02 and secure the bottom of door frames with
dowels as Clauses 14.107 and 14.115 Clause 14.01.
Section 15 Structural Steel Work
15.01 Generally
Replace The use of structural steelwork shall be to BS 5950. with . The
use of structural steelwork shall be to BS 5950 the Code of Practice for the
Structural Use of Steel 2005 including its latest amendments and revisions
issued by the Buildings Department except otherwise stated.
15.03 Dimensions and
tolerances of hot-
rolled or hot-finished
sections and plates
In Table 15.1
Replace BS EN 10229 with BS EN 10029, and
Replace BS EN 10251 with BS EN 10051.
15.07 High strength
friction grip bolts
nuts and washers
Replace High strength friction grip bolts and associated nuts and washers
shall be to BS 4395 :Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 unless otherwise specified. with High
strength friction grip bolts and associated nuts and washers shall be to BS
4395 :Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 or BS EN 14399-1 unless otherwise specified
otherwise. .
15.08 Drill anchor bolts Replace All drill anchor bolts for external environment shall be in Grade A4
stainless steel to BS EN ISO 3506. with Unless specified otherwise, all drill
anchor bolts for external environment shall be in Grade A4 stainless steel to
BS EN ISO 3506, and electroplated anchors and hot-dip galvanized anchors
shall not be allowed. .
- 16 -
15.10 Shear studs Replace Proprietary shear studs for composite construction shall be the
headed type with the following minimum properties after being formed:
with Proprietary shear studs for composite construction shall be the headed
type and shall be in accordance with BS EN ISO 13918 with the following
minimum properties after being formed: .
15.17 Testing of sections
and plates
Add Unless specified otherwise, the test specimens shall be subjected to
tensile test in accordance with BS EN 10002-1. at the end of second
15.18 Through thickness
Except first paragraph, the whole Clause replaced by Any material, which is
specified or proposed by the Contractor to have enhanced through thickness
properties, shall comply with the requirements of BS EN 10164. The
Contractor shall, not less than three weeks prior to ordering the steel, submit a
report to the SO which documents the strategy that will be adopted (in terms of
material selection, weld procedure, procedure trials, weld sequence, shrinkage
control and inspection regime) to ensure that the above criteria are satisfied.
If valid test reports issued by the manufacturer are not available, carry out the
following additional tests by Public Works Laboratories or an approved
independent HOKLAS accredited laboratory:
(a) ultrasonic grading to BS 5996, Grade L4; and
(b) through-thickness tensile tests to BS EN 10164.
15.19.4 Security delivery
Replace Deliver samples to the testing laboratory under the escort of the SO.
with Deliver samples to the testing laboratory under the escort of the SO.
15.20 Testing of bolts,
nuts and washers
Replace with the relevant BS in an approved testing laboratory when so
directed by the SO. Rate of sampling shall be as Table 15.4 unless otherwise
specified. with with the relevant BS in the Public Works Laboratories an
approved testing laboratory when so directed by the SO. Rate of sampling
shall be as Table 15.4 unless otherwise specified otherwise and
Add Unless specified otherwise, test specimens for bolts shall be subjected
to tests to BS EN ISO 898-1 to determine their tensile strength and for nuts
shall be subjected to tests in Annex A of BS 4190. at the end of the
15.21 Failure of tests Add to the Clause Should the result of any test on steel sections or plates
specified in Clauses 15.17 and 15.18 fail to comply with the relevant BS EN,
two further test specimens may be taken from the same batch of steel for re-
test. Provided the results of these further tests both comply with the relevant
BS EN/BS, the batch of steel represented by the specimens shall be deemed to
comply with the GS. If the result of either of these additional tests does not
comply with the relevant BS EN/BS, the batch of steel represented by the
specimens shall be deemed not to comply with the GS.
Should the result of any test on bolts or nuts specified in Clause 15.20 fail to
comply with relevant BS, two further test specimens may be taken respectively
from the same batch of bolts or nuts for re-test. Provided the results of these
further tests both comply with the relevant BS, the batch of bolts or nuts
represented by the specimens shall be deemed to comply with the GS. If the
result of either of these additional tests does not comply with relevant BS, the
batch of bolts or nuts represented by the specimens shall be deemed not to
comply with the GS.
15.28 Handling,
and storage
Add Prior to fabrication, steel shall not be more heavily pitted or rusted than
Grade C of Swedish Standard SIS 055900 at the end of second paragraph.
- 17 -
15.29 Replace Cutting,
sawing and drilling
with Cutting,
sawing, drilling and
forming holes
Original Clause 15.29 and Clause 15.30 was combined and revised.
15.31 Installation and
testing of drill
anchor bolts
New Clause added.
15.33 Generally Replace Erect fabricated steelwork only after all welded joints and specified
protective coatings have been inspected, tested where required, and approved.
with Unless approved otherwise by the SO, erect fabricated steelwork only
after all welded joints and specified protective coatings have been inspected,
tested where required, and approved..
15.39 Bolts and nuts Replace sub-clause (a) The length of bolts shall be chosen such that, after
tightening, at least one clear thread shall show above the nut. with For
Grade 4.6 and 8.8 bolts, the length of bolts shall be chosen such that, after
tightening, at least one clear thread shall show above the nut. For Grade 10.9
bolts, at least five clear threads shall remain. .
Add and for Grade 10.9 bolts used other than in shear, at least 5mm shall
remain. at the end of second paragraph..
Replace general grade with general grade (Grade 8.8). &
Replace higher grade with higher grade (Grade 10.9).
15.42 High strength
friction grip bolts
Replace sub-clause (a) Clean the interface of members Shall be jointed with
high strength friction grip bolts with Clean the interface of members to
shall be jointed with high strength friction grip bolts .
Add Prepare sample surface preparation for the prior approval of the SO. at
the end of the paragraph.
Replace sub-clause (b) with The slip factor shall be in accordance with BS
EN 1993-1-8. Remove all mill-scale from the faying surfaces of friction grip
bolted connections. The faying surfaces of friction grip joints are to be free of
distortion, deformities or contaminants. Use masking to keep the surfaces
free of protective treatments. Where specified or when slip factor greater than
0.2 is proposed, carry out tests in accordance with BS EN 1090-2 or BS 4604
to determine the slip factor. .
Replace sub-clause (c) Use high strength friction grip bolts in accordance
with BS 4604: Pt. 1 or 2. For general grade bolt, tighten the bolts and nuts by
one of the following methods: with Use high strength friction grip bolts
in accordance with BS EN 1090-2. Plate washers shall be used for connections
with long slotted and oversized holes. BS 4604: Pt. 1 or 2. For general grade
bolt, tighten the bolts and nuts Tightening may be by one of the following
methods :
Replace sub-clause (c)(i) The torque-control method using a calibrated
power-operated or a hand-operated torque wrench to the proof loads in Table
15.5: with the torque-control method using a calibrated power-operated
or a hand-operated torque wrench to the minimum preloading force proof
loads in Table 15.5: . & Table 15.5 is replaced accordingly.
Replace Calibrate the wrench regularly as follows: with Calibrate the
wrench regularly in accordance with BS 4604:Pt. 1 as follows : .
Replace sub-clause (c)(i)(c) With each change of bolts grip length in excess
- 18 -
of 1/5th of the length used in the calibration of the wrench in accordance with
BS 4604:Pt. 1 with With each change of bolts grip length in excess of 1/5th
of the length used in the calibration of the wrench in accordance with BS
4604:Pt. 1.
15.46 Replace Welding
procedures with
Preparation of
welding procedure
Replace Submit welding procedures which shall be prepared in accordance
with BS EN 288-2 and certified by a qualified welding inspector. Obtain
approval of the proposed welding procedures prior to commencing welding
including: with Submit preliminary Welding Procedure Specification
(pWPS) welding procedures which shall be prepared in accordance with BS
EN ISO 15609-1 BS EN 288-2 and certified by a qualified welding inspector
for the approval of the SO. The approved pWPS shall be qualified in
accordance Clause 15.47 Obtain approval of the proposed welding procedures
prior to commencing production welding. including More than one qualified
Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) may be needed to cover the scope of
the actual production, and each WPS shall at least address : .
Replace sub-clause (i) Welding process or processes when more than one is
used in making a complete joint, with Welding process or processes when
more than one is used in making a complete joint, .
Replace sub-clause (iv) Welding current, arc voltage and welding speed,
with Welding current, arc voltage and travel speed/ wire feed speed, welding
speed .
15.47 Replace Approval
testing of welding
procedures with
Qualification testing
of welding
Replace the Clause with Carry out qualification testing of approved pWPS
by Welding Procedure test to BS EN ISO 15607 and BS EN ISO 15614-1
strictly in accordance with the approved pWPS and using representative
samples of the materials. The qualification testing including welding and
testing shall be examined by an HOLAS accredited independent firm approved
by the SO. Allow for the SOs inspection of the qualification testing.
Subject to the approval of the SO, qualification testing of pWPS need not be
carried out if the same procedures have been tested and approved by an
HOKLAS accredited firm acceptable to the SO.
Strictly follow the qualified WPS for the works. Carry out further
qualification tests if either the material or procedure changes.
Based on the qualified WPS, prepare appropriate work instructions for all sizes
of butt welds and fillet weld where leg length equals to or exceeds 10mm.
Submit the work instructions for SOs approval prior to the commencement of
welding. Work instructions shall include cross-reference to the qualified WPS
upon which they are based, and shall indicate clearly all essential information
including their acceptable range for the specific weld size. .
15.51 Preparation of
joints for welding
Replace Prepare fusion surfaces to BS EN ISO 9692-1 and approved welding
procedures. with Prepare fusion surfaces to BS EN ISO 9692-1 and
qualified WPS approved welding procedures. .
Add Weld runs that were not performed on the same day shall have the inter-
pass surface treated and properly dressed to the approval of the SO. The first
three runs of a welded joint shall be completed within one day. at the end of
the paragraph.
15.53 Tack welds Replace The length of the tack shall be the lesser of 4 times the thickness of
the thicker part being joined and at least 50 mm long, with The length of the
tack shall be the lesser of 4 times the thickness of the thicker part being joined
and at least 50 mm long, or 50 mm.
15.54 Butt welds Replace otherwise specified with specified otherwise.
- 19 -
Add Partial penetration butt weld shall be subject to the approval of the SO
but the bevel depth shall at least be 70% thickness of the jointing plates. after
the first sentence.
15.56 Temporary
Replace Obtain approval of the position of welds for temporary
attachments, with Obtain approval of the position of welds for
temporary attachments and time slot for removal, .
Replace the second paragraph with Remove temporary attachments by flame
cut or gouged at a point not closer than 3 mm from the surface of the parent
material. If affected area deeper than 3mm, remedial proposal shall be
submitted to the SO for approval and the repaired surface shall be subject to
both magnetic particle inspection and ultrasonic examination. Ground flush
the residual material and visually inspect the affected area. When the base
material thickness exceeds 20mm (or carbon equivalent > 0.43%), it shall also
in any case be checked by magnetic particle inspection. The standard of
acceptance for welds shall be in accordance Clause 15.58. Do not remove
attachments by hammering..
15.57 Replace Stud shear
connectors with
Shear stud
Replace sub-clause (a) Weld stud shear connectors by automatic stud welding
gun with Weld shear studs stud shear connectors by automatic stud
welding gun .
Add The local area around where the stud is to be welded shall be free of
standing water before commencement of welding. at the end of the
Add to sub-clause (b) Studs subjected to the bend test shall not be
straightened. at the end of the second paragraph.
Add to sub-clause (c) Replace defective stud with new stud in an adjacent
location, and retest the replacement stud. The defective stud need not be
removed. at the end of the last paragraph.
15.58 Acceptance of welds Replace Employ an approved independent testing firm to carry out with
Employ an approved independent HOKLAS accredited testing firm to carry
out .
Replace The independent testing firm shall submit test reports directly to the
SO in sealed envelopes within 3 days of the completion of the testing.
with The independent testing firm shall submit test reports directly to the SO
in sealed envelopes within 3 days of the completion of the testing. Tests
revealing discontinuity shall be reported separately from the subsequent repair
and re-test..
15.59 Permitted deviations Add Buttering shall not be used for closing up the construction
deviation/tolerance unless approved otherwise by the SO. WPS for buttering,
if adopted, shall be submitted and qualified in accordance with Clause 15.46.
The buttering thickness shall not exceed 20mm and the buttered surface shall
be properly dressed for subsequent welding, if needed..
15.61 Preparation and
painting of new
Replace sub-clause (iii) Table 15.7 Type C, Type D or Type E with
Table 15.7 Type C or Type D.
15.63 Hot dip galvanizing
Replace sub-clause (a) the use of at least two coats of zinc rich paint to BS
4652. with the use of at least one coat two coats of zinc rich primer
paint to BS 4652. .
Replace sub-clause (b) followed by 2-packed epoxy based zinc rich primer to
- 20 -
BS 4652. with followed by one coat of 2-packed epoxy based zinc rich
primer to BS 4652..
Add For galvanized or zinc rich primer coated surface, submit method
statement on checking and removal of zinc salt for the SOs approval prior to
application of painting. at the end of the Clause.
15.64 Painting to joints Add At the time of welding, there is to be no paint, other than suitable
prefabrication primer, within 50 mm of the weld. at the beginning of the
15.65 Paint The following clauses in Table 15.7 were revised :
Details of Painting System
As Clause
15.61 (iii)
Type C Replace Primer : 2-pack Epoxy based zinc rich primer to BS 4652 dry film
thickness = 80 m with 2-pack Epoxy based zinc rich primer to BS 4652
dry film thickness = 80 m Primer : 2-pack epoxy based zinc rich primer,
applied in 1 coat, to BS 4652 (except that the content of zinc metal in the dry
film shall not be less than 80% (by weight) of the cured paint film)
dry film thickness = 60 m 80 m
Replace Minimum overall dry film thickness = 260 m with Minimum
overall dry film thickness = 260 m 280 m.
As Clause
15.61 (iii)
Type D Replace Primer : 2-pack Epoxy based zinc rich primer to BS 4652 dry film
thickness = 80 m with 2-pack Epoxy based zinc rich primer to BS 4652
dry film thickness = 80 m Primer : 2-pack epoxy based zinc rich primer,
applied in 1 coat, to BS 4652 (except that the content of zinc metal in the dry
film shall not be less than 80% (by weight) of the cured paint film)
dry film thickness = 60 m 80 m
Replace Minimum overall dry film thickness = 260 m with Minimum
overall dry film thickness = 260 m 280 m.
15.66 Generally Replace Code of Practice for Fire Resisting Construction issued by the
Buildings Department and with Code of Practice for Fire Resisting
Construction 1996 including its latest amendments and revisions issued by
the Buildings Department and
Replace as specified in the Contract or as required by the Code of
Practice. with as specified in the Contract or as required by the Code
of Practice for Fire Resisting Construction. .
Sprayed mineral
Replace sub-clause (c) For interior area with high humidity or where
specified, the steel shall receive the following corrosion protection : with
For interior area with high humidity e.g. toilet, bathroom, changing rooms,
similar areas, or where specified, the steel shall receive the following corrosion
protection :
Replace sub-clause (d) For mechanical rooms or specified areas : with
For mechanical rooms, plant rooms, areas subject to vibration, or specified
15.70 Intumescent coating
Replace sub-clause (c) Primer: 2-pack epoxy based zinc rich primer, dry
film thickness = 80 m with Primer: 2-pack epoxy based zinc rich
- 21 -
primer, applied in 1 coat, to BS 4652 (except that the content of zinc metal in
the dry film shall not be less than 80% (by weight) of the cured paint film)
with dry film thickness = 60 m dry film thickness = 80 m.
Replace sub-clause (d) EN ISO 1461 with BS EN ISO 1461.
15.71 Proprietary fire
protection board
Replace sub-clause (e) EN ISO 1461 with BS EN ISO 1461. and
Replace Primer: 2-pack epoxy based zinc rich primer, dry film thickness =
80 m with Primer: 2-pack epoxy based zinc rich primer, applied in 1 coat,
to BS 4652 (except that the content of zinc metal in the dry film shall not be
less than 80% (by weight) of the cured paint film) with dry film thickness =
60 m dry film thickness = 80 m.
Section 16 Curtain Walls
16.01 Scope of the Works Replace (e.g. ASTM, AMMA, BS, JIS or AS NZS to demonstrate the
acceptability of the curtain wall system.) with (e.g. ASTM, AMMA, BS,
JIS or AS/NZS to demonstrate the acceptability of the curtain wall system.).
16.05 Codes of standard Replace sub-clause (vi) Buildings Department: Practice Notes 106 and 239
for Authorized Persons and Registered Structural Engineers, Current Edition.
with Buildings Department: Practice Notes 106 for Authorized Persons and
Registered Structural Engineers, Current Edition..
16.09 Provision of
drawings and
Add to sub-clause (iv) (f) and sealant manufacturer's print review report
stating that the sealant manufacturer has reviewed all the shop drawings and
accepted the glazing details, conditions and glazing materials for the
satisfactory performance of the sealant. .
Replace sub-clause (iv) (g) BS 5713 with BS EN 1279.
16.11 Steel Add to end of sub-clause (i) Alternatively, stainless steel shall be to BS EN
10088 of corresponding grading with properties not inferior to 304 S15.
16.17 Anchors in concrete
and masonry
Replace sub-clause (i) BS 729 with BS EN ISO 1461.
16.18 Fastener Replace sub-clause (ii) Fasteners outboard of or within a glazing pocket,
gutter, flashed cavity or other potentially wet location (after completion of
construction) shall be 300 series stainless steel preferably type 316. Fasteners
inboard of potentially wet locations shall be 300 series stainless steel type 302
or 304 or 316. with Stainless steel fasteners shall be to BS EN ISO 3506.
Fasteners outboard of or within a glazing pocket, gutter, flashed cavity or other
potentially wet location (after completion of construction) shall be of grade
preferably A4300 series stainless steel preferably type 316. Fasteners inboard
of potentially wet locations shall be of grade not inferior to A2300 series
stainless steel type 302 or 304 or 316. .
First sentence of sub-clause (iii) is deleted.
16.30 Protective
Replace BS 729 with BS EN ISO 1461.
16.31 Anodic coating to
aluminium and
testing of same
Replace BS 12373 with BS EN 12373.
16.39 Welding Replace BS 499 and BS 5135 with BS EN 1011-1.
- 22 -
Replace BS 3571: Pt. 1 with BS EN 1011-4.
Last sentence Welding of aluminium shall be to BS 3571:Pt. 1 is deleted.
16.46 Design pressures
and loads
Replace sub-clause (iii) outward (negative) wind pressure 3.1 kPa. with
outward (negative) wind pressure 2.82kPa. and inward (positive) wind
pressure 2.2kPa. with inward (positive) wind pressure 2.01kPa.
Sub-clause (iv) is added.
16.55 Floor sag and other
Add to the end :
Unless other specified, the minimum design differential movements shall be:-
(i) Lateral movement is 1/500 per increment of height.
(ii) Vertical shortening of column/wall under load is 2 mm per storey.
(iii) Vertical deflection of supporting beam/slab is L/350 or 20 mm
whichever is the lesser. (Where L is the span, or length in the case of
a cantilever.)
(iv) Thermal movements are movements arising from temperature
variations stipulated in GS 16.56.
The Contractor shall satisfy himself that the above design differential
movements provide sufficient factor of safety in his design. Should he
consider that these design differential movements do not provide an adequate
factor of safety in his design, he shall submit alternative design differential
movements with adequate justification for the approval of the SO.
16.71 Lightning
Replace BS 6651 with IEC 62305.
16.77 Laboratory tests of
Replace sub-clause (vii) C880. with ASTM C 880. .
Replace sub-clause (viii) C880. with ASTM C 880.
Replace sub-clause (xi) (a) C 880; with ASTM C 880;
(b) C 880 tests. with ASTM C 880 tests.
(c) C 97 (density) with ASTM C 97 (density)
Section 17 Metalwork
17.04 Steel tubing Replace BS 1387 with BS EN 10255
17.06 Cast iron Replace BS 1561 with BS EN 1561
17.09 Stainless steel Replace BS 6323:Part 1 & Part 8 with BS 6323:Part 1 & BS EN 10296-2
Section 18 Finishes
18.01 Cement Replace BS EN 197-1 : 2007 with BS EN 197-1 : 2000.
18.24 Steel lathing Replace BS 1369 : Part 1 with BS EN 13658-1: 2005 & BS EN 13658-2:
2005 .
- 23 -
18.26 Wire netting Replace BS 1485 with BS EN 10223-2: 1998.
18.28 Tying wire Replace BS 443 with BS EN 10244-2: 2009.
18.29 Gypsum plasters Replace BS 1191:Pt. 1 with BS EN 13279-2: 2004 & BS EN 13279-1:
2008 .
18.31 Plasterboard Replace BS 1230:Pt. 1 with BS EN 520: 2004 + A1: 2009.
18.32 Nails for
Replace BS 1202:Pt. 1 with BS 1202-1: 2002.
18.39 Generally Replace with BS 5492 and BS 5262 respectively. with with PD
CEN/TR 15123: 2005, BS EN 13914-2: 2005 & BS 8481: 2006 and BS EN
13914-1: 2005 respectively..
18.42 Fixing plasterboard Replace BS 8212 with BS 8212:1995.
18.49 Gypsum plaster
Replace BS 5270:Pt. 1 with BS 5270: 1989 Pt. 1.
18.53 Metal beads Replace Metal beads for internal plastering and dry lining shall be to
BS 6452:Pt. 1. with Metal beads for internal plastering and dry lining, shall
be to BS EN 13658-1: 2005 BS 6452:Pt. 1. and add Metal beads for
external rendering shall be to BS EN 13658-2: 2005. at the end.
18.57 Aggregate for light-
weight screeds
Replace sub-clause (i) BS 3797 with BS EN 13055-1: 2002.
18.60 Screeds generally Replace with to CP 204:Pt. 2 and BS 8000:Pt 11.19 and wall screeds to
BS 5385:Pt 1 & BS 8000:Pt with with to BS 8204:Pt. 4CP 204:Pt. 2 and
BS 8000:Pt 11.19 and wall screeds to BS 5385:Pt 1 & BS 8000:Pt.
18.69 Stone aggregate Replace BS 882 with BS EN 12620: 2002 +A1: 2008.
18.88 Concrete floor tiles Delete to BS 1197:Pt. 2,
18.90 Terrazzo floor tiles Replace BS 4131 with BS EN 13748-1: 2004 & BS EN 13748-2: 2004 ..
18.92 Concrete roofing
Replace BS EN 490 with BS EN 490: 2004 + A1: 2006 and BS EN 491
with BS EN 491: 2004.
18.98 Precast concrete
paving blocks
Replace BS 6717:Pts. 1 & 3 with BS 7533-3:2005 + A1:2009 & BS EN
1338: 2003.
18.115 Semi-flexible PVC
Replace BS 3260 with BS EN 654: 1997.
18.116 Vinyl tiles Replace BS 3261 with BS EN 649: 1997.
18.117 Unbacked flexible
PVC vinyl sheet
Replace BS 3261 with BS EN 649: 1997.
18.118 Foam backed vinyl
Replace BS 5085:Part 2 with BS EN 651: 1997 and BS 3261:Type A
with BS EN 649: 1997:Type A.
18.119 Linoleum Replace BS 6826 with BS EN 12104: 2000.
18.120 Rubber tiles and Delete BS 1711
- 24 -
Section 19 Plumbing
19.45 Ductile iron pipes
Replace BS EN 598 (replacing BS 4772) with BS EN 545.
19.53.1 Flushing valve Replace water closet fitment shall be ranging from 7.5 litres to 15 litres. In
the case of urinals, the discharge volume shall be not less than 4.5 litres for
every basin or stall, with water closet fitment shall be not more than 7.5
litres. ranging from 7.5 litres to 15 litres In the case of urinals, the discharge
volume shall be not more than 4.5 litresnot less than 4.5 litres for every basin
or stall,
Replace The flow rate of the flush water shall be adjustable. The flush
valve to maintain a minimum of 1.5 litres/second flow rate. with The flow
rate of the flush water shall be adjustable. The flush valve to maintain a
minimum of 1.5 litres/second flow rate..
19.77 Taps Replace sub-clause (a) Flow rate 2 - 6 litre per min. Max. water temp. 80
degree aerator. with Flow rate not more than 2 - 6 litre per min. Max.
water temp. 80 degree aerator. .
19.81 W.C.s
Replace flushing cistern to BS 7357, complete with 7.5 litres max. capacity
flushing apparatus, discharge pipe, with flushing cistern to BS 7357,
complete with 7.5 litres max. capacity flushing apparatus, discharge pipe, .
19.82 Urinals Replace chromium plated flush pipes and spreaders to suit the number
of appliances in the range as follows:
(a) 4.5 litres to serve single bowl.
(b) 9 litres to serve 2 bowls.
(c) 13.5 litres to serve 3 bowls.
Sensor valve shall be conformed to BS EN 12164sCW602N. Operating
with chromium plated flush pipes and spreaders to suit the number of
appliances. in the range as follows:
(a) 4.5 litres to serve single bowl.
(b) 9 litres to serve 2 bowls.
(d) 13.5 litres to serve 3 bowls.
Sensor valve shall be conformed to BS EN 12164sCW602N. Operating .
Section 20 Glazing
20.01. Glass generally Replace Glass generally shall be in accordance to BS 952 and ASTM C
1036. with Glass generally shall be in accordance to BS 952 or and
ASTM C 1036..
20.01.01 Tempered &
laminated glass
Replace ANSI Z97.1-1984 with ANSI Z97.1.
20.01.09 Criteria for glass Replace sub-clause (i) design wind pressure shall be assumed to have one
minute duration. with design wind pressure shall be assumed to have
three second one minute duration. .
Add Sub-clause (iv) In addition, the allowable tensile stress of fully
toughened glass (tempered glass) for use with unfactored loads shall not
- 25 -
exceed the following:
(a) 50 N/mm
for unfactored wind loads.
(b) 35 N/mm
for medium and long-term unfactored loads. .
20.01.11 Glazing materials Replace Sub-clause (i) and must not be used where there performance
relies on compression resistance. with and must not be used where there
performance relies on compression resistance..
20.02 Float glass Replace Unless otherwise specified glass shall be considered as clear float
annealed glass of a minimum q3 quality in accordance with ASTM C 1036.
with Unless otherwise specified glass shall be considered as clear float
annealed glass of a minimum Q3q3 quality in accordance with ASTM C
20.05 Fire rated glass Replace Sub-clause (iii) Non insulating fire rated glass, other than wired
soda lime glass should be bora silicate glass. with Non-insulating Non
insulating fire rated glass, other than wired soda lime glass should be bora
silicate glass..
20.06 Mirror glass Replace Mirror glass shall be selected float suitable for silvering and a
minimum q2 quality in accordance with ASTM C1036. with Mirror glass
shall be selected float suitable for silvering and a minimum Q2q2 quality in
accordance with ASTM C1036..
20.07 Heat
Replace Sub-clause (i) ASTM C 1046, with ASTM C
1048,1046 .
Replace Sub-clause (iii) Glass with a surface compression in excess of 45
MPa is to be subjected to heat soak testing in accordance with the relevant
procedures set out in EN 14179 Part 1, including certification confirming
calibration of the heat soak test oven. with Glass with a surface
compression in excess of 45 MPa is to be subjected to heat soak testing in
accordance with the relevant procedures set out in BS EN 14179 Part 1.
including certification confirming calibration of the heat soak test oven.
Submit the compliance certificate for the glass delivered to site. The
compliance certificate should include the following information:
a) identification of the batch;
b) quantity and configuration of thermocouples used to measure the
glass surface temperatures in the oven;
c) graphs of the heat soak process cycle associated with each of the
thermocouples indicating the glass surface temperatures at
representative glass locations and time duration of the heating
phase, holding phase and cooling phase of the process;
d) name of the glass manufacturer;
e) location of the oven;
f) calibration report of the oven;
g) date of carrying out the heat soaking process;
h) quantity and size of glass subject to the heat soaking process and
records of breakages of panels in the tests; and
i) minimum dimension of glass separation in the oven. .
20.08 Fully tempered
Replace Sub-clause (i) ASTM C 1046, with ASTM C
1048,1046 .
Replace Sub-clause (iii) EN 14179 with BS EN 14179 . and
EN 14179 Part 1 with BS EN 14179 Part 1 .
Replace Sub-clause (iii) including certification confirming calibration of
the heat soak test oven. with including certification confirming calibration
- 26 -
of the heat soak test oven. Submit the compliance certificate for the glass
delivered to site. The compliance certificate should include the information as
mentioned in Clause 20.07(iii). .
20.09 Tinted glass Replace ASTM C 1046 with ASTM C 1048.
20.10 Coated glass Replace Sub-clause (i) (a) A metallic mirror-like reflective coating with
aA metallic mirror-like reflective coating. .
20.11 Laminated safety
and security glass
Replace Sub-clause (v) When laminated glass is used I n a sloped
condition, with When laminated glass is used in I n a sloped
condition, .
20.16 Glazing
Replace Sub-clause
(a) Silicone Gunnable neutral cure silicone one part weather type sealant if
glass is retained mechanically. with Silicone gunnable Gunnable neutral
cure silicone one part weather type sealant if glass is retained
mechanically. , and
(b) Polysulphide Is permitted only if the glass is positively retained on all
edges. with Polysulphide isIs permitted only if the glass is positively
retained on all edges. , and
(c) Putty Is permitted for glazing into wooden frames only. with
Putty isIs permitted for glazing into wooden frames only.
20.30 Tapes and gaskets Replace Refer to Section 16 Curtainwall in regard to the use of preformed
tapes, with Refer to Section 16 Curtain Walls Curtainwall in regard to
the use of preformed tapes,.
Section 21 Painting
21.70 Type and number
of coats
The following clauses in the Table 21.2 were revised :
As Clause
15.61 (iii)
Type C Replace Primer : 2-pack Epoxy based zinc rich primer to BS 4652 dry film
thickness = 80 m with 2-pack Epoxy based zinc rich primer to BS 4652
dry film thickness = 80 m Primer : 2-pack epoxy based zinc rich primer,
applied in 1 coat, to BS 4652 (except that the content of zinc metal in the dry
film shall not be less than 80% (by weight) of the cured paint film)
dry film thickness = 60 m 80 m
Replace Minimum overall dry film thickness = 260 m with Minimum
overall dry film thickness = 260 m 280 m.
As Clause
15.61 (iii)
Type D Replace Primer : 2-pack Epoxy based zinc rich primer to BS 4652 dry film
thickness = 80 m with 2-pack Epoxy based zinc rich primer to BS 4652
dry film thickness = 80 m Primer : 2-pack epoxy based zinc rich primer,
applied in 1 coat, to BS 4652 (except that the content of zinc metal in the dry
film shall not be less than 80% (by weight) of the cured paint film)
dry film thickness = 60 m 80 m
Replace Minimum overall dry film thickness = 260 m with Minimum
overall dry film thickness = 260 m 280 m.
- 27 -
21.90 Volatile Organic
Compound content
Replace the whole GS with The Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) content,
in grams per litre, of all paint applied on surfaces of building fabrics, building
elements and any installations/equipment inside semi-enclosed / enclosed
areas of the building shall not exceed the standard below or exceed the current
standard in the Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap 311):
The testing of the VOC content of paint shall be determined in accordance to
the Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap 311).
21.91 Emulsion paint Replace BS 3900:A2:1983 with BS EN ISO 1513: 2010 , and
BS 3900:C3:1990 with BS EN ISO 9117-1: 2009 , and
BS 3900:C6:1983with BS EN ISO 1524:2002; BS3900:C6:
2000 ,and
BS 3900:D4:1974 with BS EN ISO 2814: 2006; BS3900:D4:
2006 , and
BS 3900:D5:1980 with BS EN ISO 2813: 2000
21.92 Synthetic paint Replace BS 3900:A2:1983 with BS EN ISO 1513: 2010, and
Add BS EN ISO 2431: 1996; to Viscosity Test Items , and
Replace BS 3900:C2:1994 with BS EN ISO 9117-3: 2010 and
BS 3900:C3:1990 with BS EN ISO 9117-1: 2009 and
BS 3900:C6:1983 with BS EN ISO 1524: 2002; BS3900:C6: 2000
BS 3900:D4:1974 with BS EN ISO 2814: 2006; BS3900:D4: 2006
BS 3900:D5:1997 with BS EN ISO 2813: 2000 and
BS 3900:E1:1995 with BS 3900:E1:2002 and
Add BS EN ISO 1519:2002 to Bend test Test Items , and
Replace BS 3900:E2:1992 with BS 3900:E2:2007 , and
Add BS EN ISO 1518: 2001 to Scratch test (g) Test Items .
21.93 Multi-layer acrylic
Replace BS 3900:F8:1976 with BS 3900:F8:1993, and
Add BS EN ISO 3231: 1998 to 9. Determination of Resistance to humid
atmospheres containing sulphur dioxide Test Items .
Section 23 Drainage
23.03 Concrete pipes Replace BS 5911: Pt. 100 with BS 5911-1or BS EN 1916
23.04 Clayware pipes Replace Clayware pipes and fittings shall be vitrified clayware to BS EN 295,
extra strength with o ring flexible spigot and socket joints. with Clayware
pipes and fittings shall be vitrified clayware to relevant parts of BS EN 295,
extra strength with o ring flexible spigot and socket joints.
23.05 Cast iron pipes
Replace BS EN 887 with BS EN 877.
23.08 Plastic pipes Replace ISO 4435 (replacing BS 4660) with BS EN 13598-1, and
ISO 4435 (replacing BS 5481) with BS EN 1401-1
23.13 Cast iron drainage
Replace BS 4164 with BS 4164 or BS 3416
Replace BS 1247: Pt.1 with BS EN 13101, and
BS 6681 with BS EN 1562, and
BS 729 with BS EN ISO 1461
23.46 Smoke testing Replace All pipelines exceeding 300 mm diameter shall be tested by smoke
test to BS 8301: 1985 or air test to BS 8301: 1985 with All pipelines
- 28 -
exceeding 300 mm diameter shall be air tested and/or water tested by smoke
test to BS EN 752 as appropriate. BS 8301: 1985 or air test to BS 8301: 1985.
Section 25 Landscape Work
25.02 Topsoil Replace Sub-clause (a) (v) BS 1377-2: I with BS 1377-2:1990 I.
Fabricated Soil Mix Replace Sub-clause (b) BS 3882 and BS 1377-2 with BS 3882:2007 and
BS 1377-2:1990.
Test for
manufactured soil
Replace Sub-clause (d) BS 3882 with BS 3882:2007, and
BS 1377 with BS 1377:1990.
Test for Topsoil
Replace Sub-clause (j) BS 3882 and BS 1377 with BS 3882:2007 and BS
1377:1990 .
Test for Fabricated
Soil Mix
Replace Sub-clause (k) BS 3882 and BS 1377 with BS 3882:2007 and BS
Replace Sub-clause (k) (ix) BS 1377-2 with BS 1377-2:1990.
25.05 Grading Replace Sub-clause (b) BS 4428 with BS 4428:1989.
25.09 Forming and
handling soil heaps
Replace Sub-clause (e) BS 4428 with BS 4428:1989.
25.11 Drainage aggregate
Replace Sub-clause (a) BS 812 with BS 812-103.1:1985. Exercise care
Repair for damage
Replace Sub-clause (b) Clauses to with
Clauses to
25.69.4 Protection from
changes in
ground levels
Replace Sub-clause (b) (i) BS 3998 and BS 5837 with
BS 3998:1989 and BS 5837:2005.
Replace Sub-clause (c) (i) BS 3998 and BS 5837 with
BS 3998:1989 and BS 5837:2005.
Replace Sub-clause(c) (ii) BS 3998 and BS 5837 with
BS 3998:1989 and BS 5837:2005.
25.69.5 Protection from
including trenching
Replace Sub-clause (d) BS 5837 with BS 5837:2005.
25.69.11 Standards of
Replace Sub-clause (b) BS 3998 with BS 3998:1989.
Replace Sub-clause (f) BS 3998 with BS 3998:1989.
25.69.14 Other references on
arboricultural / tree
Replace BS 3998 with BS 3998:1989 , and
BS 4043 with BS 4043:1989 , and
BS 4428 with BS 4428:1989 , and
BS 5236 with BS 4043:1989 , and
BS 5837 with BS 5837:2005
25.81 Protectant for tree
Replace BS 3998 with BS 3998:1989.
25.82 Standard of tree
surgery works
Replace BS 3998 with BS 3998:1989.
- 29 -
25.83 Limb reduction
Replace Sub-clause (c) BS 3998 with BS 3998:1989.
25.85 Wound treatment Replace BS 3998 with BS 3998:1989.
25.86 Cavity treatment Replace BS 3998 with BS 3998:1989.
25.88 Tools and
Replace BS 3998 with BS 3998:1989.
A new Section 26 Geotechnical Works on Soil and Rock Slopes is added.
Index 1 List of British Standards, European Standards, International Standards, Codes of Practice,
Construction Standards and other relevant Standards referred to within this General Specification
Updated in accordance with the above amendments on the above clauses.
Index 2 Subjects and Clause Numbers
Updated in accordance with the above amendments on the above clauses.
Index 3 List of Standards for Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15 & 25
Updated in accordance with the above amendments on the above clauses.