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Chapter 11 - Gases

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Chapter 10.

1 & 11 - Gases
Sec. 10.1 Kinetic-Molecular Theory of Matter Kinetic-Molecular Theory is based on the idea that particles are always in motion. Ideal Gases hypothetical gas that reacts perfectly to all of the following: 1. Gases consist of large numbers of tiny particles that are far apart relative to their size. They are mostly empty space, with a volume 1000 times that of a corresponding liquid or solid. 2. Collisions between particles and between particles and the container are elastic. Elastic collisions are those in which there is no net loss of total kinetic energy. 3. Gas particles are in continuous, rapid, random motion. They have kinetic energy, the energy of motion. 4. There are no forces of attraction between particles. 5. The temperature of a gas depends on the average kinetic energy of the particles. KE = mv2 m = mass, the same for all particles v = velocity of the particles Nature of Gases 1. Expansion gases completely fill their container 2. Fluidity particles glide easily past each other, and are called fluids 3. Low density about 1/1000 that of the corresponding solid or liquid 4. Compressibility particles can be pushed together easily 5. Diffusion spreading of gas particles in a large container 6. Effusion the passing of particles through a tiny opening Real gas does not completely follow the 5 assumptions above Sec. 11.1 Gases and Pressure Pressure and Force Pressure is the force exerted on a unit area of a surface. Collisions between particles of a gas cause an outward pressure. The unit of force is the Newton (N), the force needed to increase the speed of one kilogram by one meter per second for each second that the force is applied. A mass of 51Kg exerts a force of 500 N (51 Kg x 9.8 m/s2) The pressure depends on how much area this force is on. See figure 1. Air pressure at sea level = the mass of air (1.03 Kg) on 1 square centimeter, or 10.1 N/cm2 Measuring Pressure. Units, and Standard Temperature and Pressure

A barometer measures air pressure. Air can support a column of Hg 760 mm high. See Fig. 3 One atmosphere of pressure = 760 mm of Hg One Pascal is the force of one Newton acting on an area of one square meter. This is often expressed as kilopascals, or kPa. One atmosphere is 1.01325 x 105 Pa, or 101,325 kPa. See Table 1. To compare gases, we need a standard set of measurements. We use standards of 1 atmosphere and 00 C. This is abbreviated STP. Sec. 11.2 Gas Laws Boyles Law says that the volume of gas varies inversely with the pressure at constant temperature. PxV=k P1 V1 = P 2 V 2 Charless Law says the volume of a fixed mass of gas varies directly with the Kelvin temperature. V = kT V1 / T1 = V2 / T2 Gay-Lussacs Law says that the pressure of a fixed mass of gas varies directly with the Kelvin temperature. P = kT P1 / T1 = P2 / T2 Combined Gas Law unites the above laws into one expression. PV / T = k P1 V1 / T1 = P2 V2 / T2 Sec. 11.3 Gas Volume and the Ideal Gas Law The ideal gas law relates pressure, temperature, volume, and number of moles, equal to a constant. PV = nRT This becomes Boyles, Charless, Gay-Lussacs or Avogadros law when the proper terms are held constant. Sec. 11.4 Diffusion and Effusion

The rate of effusion and diffusion varies according to the velocity of the gas molecules. Grahams Law states that the rate of effusion or diffusion depends inversely on the square root of the mass of the molecule. This means that a smaller molecule will spread quicker than a larger molecule. Rate = k mass

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