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KMT and Boyles Law

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Review: True or False
1. Gases are incompressible False
2. Gases fill any container that they
occupy TRUE
3. Different gases mix completely TRUE
4. Gases expand in the heat TRUE
5. Gases do not settle in their container
Characteristics of gases:
1. Gases are compressible
2. Gases fill any container that they
3. Different gases mix completely
4. Gases expand in the heat
5. Gases do not settle in their container
Principal Properties of
1.Gases are compressible
According to the Kinetic Molecular Theory
(KMT), gases consist of tiny, discrete
molecules, each of which has a mass. In gases,
these molecules are relatively far apart with
empty spaces between them. This is why gases
can be compressed.
Principal Properties of
2. Gases fill any container that they occupy

3. Different gases mix completely

Gas molecules are in constant, rapid, random

motion. They move in straight lines until they collide
with other molecules, or with the walls of the
This movement explains the filling of containers by
gases and the mixing of gases.
Principal Properties of
4. Gases expand in the heat
The speed of the moving molecules is the result of the kinetic
energy or energy in motion they possess.

Kinetic energy increases by heating the gas and decreases by

cooling it.

The Kinetic molecular theory suggests that the collisions of

the gas molecules with other molecules or with the walls of
the container are perfectly elastic, which means collisions
take place without loss of energy.
Principal Properties of
5. Gases
do not settle in their
Because of these collisions, loss of kinetic
energy would result and the gas would
settle in the container. However, the concept
of elastic collisions explains the fact that
gases do not settle.
Gas Pressure is increased by the
a. Forcing more gas into the container, thereby increasing
the number of collisions per unit time

b. Decreasing the volume of the gas, thus shortening the

average distance between the molecules and eventually
increasing the number of collisions per unit time

c. Heating the gas in a closed container, thereby increasing

the speed of the molecules and the number of collisions
per unit of time
The KMT was primarily the work
of three outstanding scientists:
Rudolf Clausius (1822-1888),
James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879),
and Ludwig Boltzman (1844-1906)
The Postulates:
1. A gas consists of very small
particles, each of which has a mass.
2. The distances separating gas
particles are relatively large.
3. Gas particles are in constant, rapid,
random motion.
The Postulates:
4. Collisions of gas particles with each other or
with the walls of the container are perfectly
elastic. This means no energy is lost as friction
when molecules collide.
5. The average kinetic energy of gas particles
depends only on the temperature of the gas.
Gases have higher kinetic energy at a higher
temperature and lower kinetic energy at a lower
The Postulates:
6. Gas particles exert no force on one
another, in other words, the attractive
forces between gas particles are so
weak, that the model assumes them
to be zero.
The Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) of gases is a
fundamental concept in the field of thermodynamics and
is observed in various real-world situations. Here are
some examples:

Gas Diffusion: According to KMT, gas

particles move randomly in all directions
and at different speeds. This property is
responsible for gas diffusion, which is the
mixing of gases due to the random motion
of gas particles. Gas diffusion is observed in
everyday life, such as the smell of cooking
food spreading throughout a house.
The Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) of gases is a
fundamental concept in the field of thermodynamics and
is observed in various real-world situations. Here are
some examples:

Gas Pressure: KMT explains that gas

particles collide with each other and the
walls of their container, creating a force
known as gas pressure. This pressure is
observed in various situations, such as
the pressure in a tire or the pressure in
a gas cylinder.
The Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) of gases is a
fundamental concept in the field of thermodynamics and
is observed in various real-world situations. Here are
some examples:

Gas Expansion and Contraction: KMT

predicts that gases expand and contract
in response to changes in temperature
and pressure. This property is observed
in various situations, such as the
expansion of a balloon when heated or
the contraction of a gas when it is cooled.
The Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) of gases is a
fundamental concept in the field of thermodynamics and
is observed in various real-world situations. Here are
some examples:

Ideal Gas Behavior: The KMT assumes that gases

behave as ideal gases under certain conditions.
Ideal gases follow the gas laws, which describe the
relationships between pressure, volume,
temperature, and number of gas molecules. The
gas laws are used to calculate and predict the
behavior of real gases in various situations, such as
in the design of gas storage tanks and gas
The warm temperature we are
experiencing is from the heat
trapped by greenhouse gases
(carbon dioxide, methane, and
water vapor to name a few).
The basketball is filled with
air. So, it bounces while you
are dribbling it. The same is
true with the other kinds of
When you open a can or bottle
of soft drinks, it fizzes because
of the escaping dissolved
carbon dioxide due to a change
of pressure. When the wind
blows, it exerts pressure too.
Wrap-up Activity Part
Summarize the
postulates of KMT
True or False
1. A gas consists of a collection of small particles
traveling in random motion.
2. The gas molecules occupy negligible volume. TRUE
3. Collisions between molecules are perfectly elastic
(that is, no energy is gained nor lost during the
4. There are negligible, attractive, or repulsive
forces between molecules.
5. The average kinetic energy of a molecule is
constant. FALSE because the average kinetic energy of gas
molecules is directly proportional to the temperature of the
In the gas laws, the desired unit for temperature (T) is
Kelvin (K). The use of Kelvin in the gas laws is important
because it allows for direct proportionality between
temperature and other variables, such as pressure (P),
volume (V), and the number of moles (n), as described by
the ideal gas law (PV = nRT).
The Kelvin scale is preferred over Celsius (°C) because it
is an absolute scale and avoids negative temperatures,
which can cause inconsistencies in calculations. Therefore,
to ensure accurate and consistent calculations in the gas
laws, temperature should be expressed in Kelvin.
UNITS to Measure Pressure
Pressure- as the force exerted per unit of area.

Atmosphere (atm) 1 atm = 760 mmHg =

Millimeter of Mercury (mmHg) 760 torr = 101325
Torr (torr) Pa (=105 Pa) = 101.3
Pascal (Pa) kPa = 14.7 psi
Kilopascal (kPa)
Pounds per square inch (psi)
Activity on Unit
What is the pressure in the atmosphere of
a gas that has a pressure of 500 torr?
Activity on Unit
What is the pressure in atmosphere of a gas that has a
pressure of 500 torr?

The unit equation: 1 atm =760 torr can be used as a

conversion factor.


500 torr x = 0.658 atm or 6.58 x 10 -1

Practice Problems
1. A sample of hydrogen gas has a pressure of 0.95 atm.
Give the pressure of hydrogen in torr.

2. The pressure of a gas is measured as 700.00 mmHg.

Express this pressure in atmospheres.

+ -F
Boyle’s Law: Pressure and

Robert Boyle, an Irish

scientist, discovered the
relationship between
volume and pressure
Robert Boyle
He used a J-shaped tube apparatus, which is
closed on one end. In his experiment, he trapped
air in the tube with liquid mercury. He measured
the volume of the trapped air and the difference
in the heights of the mercury columns in the two
arms of the tube. As he poured successive
amounts of mercury into the open end of the
tube, he found out that the volume of the trapped
air decreased. He proposed Boyle’s Law.
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

Activity: Pressure-Volume
Pressure Volume
Pressure x Volume
(atm) (L)
1 12 1 x 12 = 12
2 6 ?
3 4 ?
4 3 ?
5 2.4 ?
6 2 ?
Example of Pressure-Volume
Pressure (atm) Volume (L) Pressure x
1 12 1 x 12 = 12
2 6 2 x 6 = 12
3 4 3 x 4 = 12
4 3 4 x 3 = 12
5 2.4 5 x 2.4 = 12
6 2 6 x 2 = 12
A sample volume-
pressure curve
12 12 12 12 12 12

6 6
4 4
3 3
2 2

1 2 3 4

Pressure (atm) Volume (L) Pressure x Volume

Boyle’s Law: Pressure and
Pressure (kPa) Volume (mL)
10 1000
20 500
30 333
40 250
50 200
Which graph represents
the idea of Boyle’s law?
Which graph represents
the idea of Boyle’s law?

All of these graphs represent the idea of Boyle’s

Law which states that the volume of the gas is
inversely proportional to its pressure at
constant temperature and amount of gas.
Boyle’s Law: Pressure and
The law states that the volume
V of a sample of gas changes
inversely with the pressure P of
the gas as long as the
temperature T and the amount
of gas n remain constant
1. Complete the information for the P and
V of a gas at constant temperature.
Volume Pressure
a. increase ________
b. _________ increases
1. Complete the information for the P and
V of a gas at a constant temperature.
Volume Pressure
a. increase decrease
b. decrease increases
a. Volume and pressure are inversely related. When the
volume of a gas increases, the pressure decreases.
b. If the pressure of the gas increases, the volume of
the gas decreases
2. If the pressure of a gas increases,
what happens to its volume if no
changes occur in the temperature or
in the amount of the gas?
2. If the pressure of a gas
increases, the volume decreases
if no changes occur in the
temperature or the amount of
the gas.
Boyle’s Law
In mathematical terms, the
initial pressure P1 multiplied
by the initial volume V1 of a
gas gives a constant value, k.

In symbols, P1V1 = k
Boyle’s Law
It also follows that if we have
final pressure, P2 multiplied by
the final volume, V2 of a gas will
still give a constant value, k.

That is, P2V2 = k

Combining initial and final conditions
which are both equal to constant k, then
Boyle’s Law can be expressed as, P1V1 =
P1 – initial pressure
P2 – final pressure
V1 – initial volume
V2 – final volume
Practice Exercise:
A sample of oxygen gas (O2) has a volume of 10.0L and a
pressure of 1.0 atm. What is the new pressure if the
volume is decreased to 3.0 L?
Step 1. Identify the given in the problem.
Initial Final Change
Condition Condition
V1 = 10.0L V2 = 3.0 L V decreases

P1 = 1.0 atm P2 = ? P must

Step 2: Derive the formula for P2 from the formula
P1V1 = P2V2

That will be P2 =
Step 3. Substitute the known values then solve the
P2 == 3.3 atm
Conclusion: The pressure of the oxygen gas
increases from 1.0 atm to 3.3 atm. This is the
change expected since the volume has decreased.
Practice Problems
1. Imagine that a gas is inside a cylinder with a
movable piston. If the volume of the gas is 3.0
L when the pressure is 760 torr, what is the
volume if the pressure is increased to 1140
torr while the temperature is held constant?
2. Suppose that an 8.0 L tank contains oxygen at
a pressure of 44 atm. What pressure does this
amount of oxygen exert in a 55L tank at the
same temperature?
Applications of Boyle’s
1. Automobile engine- During the compression
stroke inside the cylinder of an automobile engine,
the upward motion of the piston reduces the
volume of the gas and the pressure increases.
When the compressed gas is ignited and explodes,
the resulting high pressure pushes the piston
down. As the piston moves down, the volume of
the gas increases and the pressure decreases. It is
this downward motion of the piston that provides
power to the wheels of a car.
Applications of Boyle’s
2. Medical respirators- Boyle’s law is the
principle behind the operation of the iron lung
used in hospitals to aid in the breathing of
patients. A slight increase in the volume of the
iron lung reduces the pressure. As a
consequence, the air in the patient’s lungs
pushes out against this lower pressure. The
patient is thus made to exhale. When the
volume of the iron lung decreases, the pressure
increases , forcing air into the patient’s lungs.
Applications of Boyle’s
3. Syringe - Boyle’s law also permits
injections through a syringe. When
the plunger is drawn back, the
increase in volume inside the syringe
creates a low-pressure (vacuum) that
draws the liquid from the vial into the
Direction: Fill in the table with the
needed information.
Quiz #1
Which among the units of
measurements below can be the
correct unit of volume?
A.0F, OC, and K
B.atm, mmHg, Pa, and torr
C.L, mL, m3, and cm3
D.Kg, g, and moles
Quiz #1
In the case of soda bottles or cans, all of us apply Boyle’s Law but
unintentionally. Note that when you open the bottle of soda
quickly, the gas rushes from everywhere in the form of foam,
causing a mess. So, what is the cause of this mess?
A. This mess occurs because the soda bottle is pumped by
passing the water on carbon dioxide.
B. This mess occurs because the soda is pumped into the soda
bottle by passing carbon dioxide into the water.
C. When you open the bottle, you are reducing the pressure on
the gas, and the volume of the gas expands.
D. When you open the bottle, you are increasing the pressure
on the gas, and the volume of the gas expands.
Quiz #1
The graph of Boyle's law is known as a pressure-volume
graph. Which of the following DOES NOT represent
Boyle’s Law?
Quiz #1
Problem: At C and 5 atm, a given sample of a gas
occupies 75 L. The gas is compressed to a final
volume of 30 L at C . What is the final pressure?
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