A Review of Operational Water Consumption and Withdrawal Factors For Electricity Generating Technologies
A Review of Operational Water Consumption and Withdrawal Factors For Electricity Generating Technologies
A Review of Operational Water Consumption and Withdrawal Factors For Electricity Generating Technologies
NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.
A Review of Operational Water Consumption and Withdrawal Factors for Electricity Generating Technologies
Jordan Macknick, Robin Newmark, Garvin Heath, and KC Hallett
Prepared under Task No. DOCC.1005
NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory 1617 Cole Boulevard Golden, Colorado 80401 303-275-3000 www.nrel.gov
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This work was funded by the U.S. Department of Energys (DOEs) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) and Office of Policy and International Affairs (PI). The authors wish to thank Allan Hoffman and Diana Bauer for their support of this work. We are also indebted to the following individuals for their thoughtful comments, input, and review of the document in its various stages: Kristen Averyt, Western Water Assessment (WWA) and the University of Colorado; Stacy Tellinghuisen, Western Resource Advocates; Timothy Diehl, U.S. Geological Survey; and Lynn Billman, Elaine Hale, Margaret Mann, Walter Short, and Daniel Steinberg, NREL. In addition, we would like to thank the participants in the Water for Energy Workshop who provided valuable input, particularly Christina Alvord and Brad Udall, WWA and University of Colorado; Mike Hightower and Vince Tidwell, Sandia National Laboratories; Curt Brown, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation; Margot Gerritsen, Stanford University; Eric Fournier, UC Santa Barbara; Alex Schroeder, Western Governors Association; Ashlynn Stillwell, University of Texas Austin; Steve Clemmer and John Rogers, Union of Concerned Scientists; Andrew Wolfsberg, Los Alamos National Laboratory; and Larry Flowers, NREL. We also wish to thank Mary Lukkonen of NREL for her editorial support.
Executive Summary
This report provides estimates of operational water withdrawal and water consumption factors for electricity generating technologies in the United States. Estimates of water factors were collected from published primary literature and were not modified except for unit conversions. The presented water factors may be useful in modeling and policy analyses where reliable power plant level data are not available. Major findings of the report include: The power sector withdraws more water than any other sector in the United States and is heavily dependent on available water resources. Changes in water resources may impact the reliability of power generation. Water withdrawal and consumption factors vary greatly across and within fuel technologies. Water factors show greater agreement when organized according to cooling technologies as opposed to fuel technologies. Once-through cooling technologies withdraw 10 to 100 times more water per unit of electric generation than recirculating cooling technologies; recirculating cooling technologies consume at least twice as much water as once-through cooling technologies. A transition to a less carbon-intensive electricity sector could result in either an increase or decrease in water use, depending on the choice of technologies and cooling systems employed. Concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies and coal facilities with carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) capabilities have the highest water consumption values when using a recirculating cooling system. Non-thermal renewables, such as photovoltaics (PV) and wind, have the lowest water consumption factors. Federal datasets on water use in power plants have numerous gaps and methodological inconsistencies. Federal agencies are currently coordinating to improve these data. Water use factors discussed here are good proxies for use in modeling and policy analyses, at least until power plant level data improve. Impacts of the power sector on freshwater availability can be reduced by utilizing dry cooling or by using non-freshwater sources for cooling. However, these alternatives are limited by locally available resources and may have cost and performance penalties.
Improved power plant data and further studies into the water requirements of energy technologies in different climatic regions would facilitate greater resolution in analyses of water impacts of future energy and economic scenarios. This report provides the foundation for conducting water use impact assessments of the power sector while also identifying gaps in data that could guide future research.
Table of Contents
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................ vi List of Tables .............................................................................................................................................. vi 1 2 3 4 5 6 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1 Scope and Methods .............................................................................................................................. 2 Data Availability and Gaps .................................................................................................................. 5 Results: Water Consumption and Withdrawal Factors .................................................................... 6 Discussion........................................................................................................................................... 15 Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 17
References ................................................................................................................................................. 18
List of Figures
Figure 1. Operational water consumption factors for electricity generating technologies ............. 7 Figure 2. Operational water consumption factors for geothermal technologies ............................. 8 Figure 3. Operational water withdrawals for electricity generating technologies .......................... 9 Figure 4. Operational water withdrawal factors for recirculating cooling technologies ...............10
List of Tables
Table 1. Water Consumption Factors for Renewable Technologies (gal/MWh) ......................... 12 Table 2. Water Consumption Factors for Non-renewable Technologies (gal/MWh) .................. 13 Table 3. Water Withdrawal Factors for Electricity Generating Technologies (gal/MWh) .......... 14
1 Introduction
Thermoelectric power use has a significant impact on water resources and the power sector is highly dependent on these water resources; the United States Geological Survey (USGS) estimated on a national level that 41% of all freshwater withdrawals in the United States in 2005 were for thermoelectric power operations, primarily for cooling needs [1]. The power sector is thus highly vulnerable to changes in water resources, especially those that may result from potential climatic changes [2-5]. Increasingly, state agencies in California and New York have taken policy actions to address the impacts of power plants water use and the environmental impacts of their cooling systems [6, 7]. Furthermore, the 2007 drought in the Southeast exposed many thermal generators, including Browns Ferry nuclear plant, to water-related shut downs and curtailments due to unlawfully high discharge temperature and shallow or exposed cooling water inlet locations [8]. Effective integrated energy and water policy planning will require identifying the individual and cumulative impacts that power plant configurations have on water resources and the vulnerabilities of specific power plants to changes in water resources. Various studies have attempted to consolidate published estimates of water use impacts of electricity generating technologies, resulting in a wide range of technologies and values based on different primary sources of literature [9-14]. The goal of this work is to consolidate the various primary literature estimates of water use during the generation of electricity by conventional and renewable electricity generating technologies in the United States to more completely convey the variability and uncertainty associated with water use in electricity generating technologies. Individual water use factors, reported in terms of the volume of water used per unit of electrical output (gallons per megawatt-hour), are technology and cooling system specific. These water use factors can be incorporated into energy-economic models to estimate generation-related water use under different projected electricity portfolio scenarios.
may lower local water tables [19, 21]. Hydroelectric facilities using reservoirs have evaporative losses resulting from the dammed water [22, 23]. Nuclear, natural gas, and coal facilities use water for cooling and for steam cycle processes. Coal facilities may also use water for FGD. Fossil technologies employing carbon capture and storage capabilities will require additional process water requirements [12]. Estimates of water consumption and withdrawal are displayed irrespective of geographic location, as many published data do not specify the location or climatic conditions of the plant. The location of a plant, and its corresponding climatic conditions, can affect its overall efficiency and thus its water use rate [24-27]. Similar fossil plants utilizing cooling towers may have water consumption and withdrawal factors that differ by more than 16%, depending on the location in the United States [28]. Similarly, water consumption factors of CSP plants utilizing cooling towers may differ by as much as 20% [15]. Inter-annual variations in water intensity are also not considered for this review. Withdrawal and consumption factors are often reported in terms of annual averages, yet water intensity of facilities may change by as much as 16% as a result of diurnal and seasonal variations in temperatures, wind speeds, and humidity levels [28]. Other factors that may influence water use intensities of power plants that are not considered here include the age of the plant, the thermal efficiency of the plant, the age of the cooling system, and the water source [26, 27]. Certain aggregations of fuel technology types and cooling system types were made to facilitate analyses. Nuclear technologies include pressurized water reactors and boiling water reactors. Coal technologies make no distinction between wet, dry, and no FGD. For recirculating cooling technologies, no distinction is made between natural draft and mechanical draft cooling tower systems. All pond-cooled systems are treated identically. Pond-cooled systems can be operated in manners that resemble both recirculating systems and once-through systems as well as in hybrids of these technologies [29]. Different configurations and operating practices of pondcooled systems can lead to widely different reported water withdrawal and consumption values. No distinction is made between water types, which may include freshwater (surface and groundwater), saline water, or municipal waste water. In 2005, 71% of thermoelectric water withdrawals were from freshwater sources [1]. Saline withdrawals are primarily concentrated in California, Florida, and the coastal Northeast, with the rest of the country relying on freshwater. Data sources include published academic literature, state and federal government agency reports, non-governmental organizations reports, and industry submissions to government agencies for permitting procedures. Estimates of national average water use intensity for particular technologies, estimates of existing plant operational water use, and estimates derived from laboratory experiments were considered equally. Certain sources report ranges of water consumption and withdrawal factors in place of specific values. If traceable individual case studies form the basis for the range given, the individual values are included as independent estimates within the set of estimates that are statistically analyzed. If a range is given and the underlying data points are not given, then the midpoint of that range is used for calculating an average value, and the high and low extremes are used for determining extreme ranges. This method of addressing ranges may lead to a bias toward data sources reporting explicit cases and may also underestimate actual water use at facilities, as it was observed that the midpoint of the range of extremes are in general less than values reported from individual facilities. This review did not alter (except for unit conversion) or audit for accuracy the estimates of water use 3
published. Because estimates are used as published, considerable methodological inconsistency is inherent, limiting comparability. We report minimum, maximum, and median values for fuel technology and cooling system combinations in tables and additionally show 25th and 75th percentile data in figures. Due to the wide range of values reported from a small number of sources, median values may differ significantly from mean values. Upon request, raw data are available from the authors.
Figure 1. Operational water consumption factors for electricity generating technologies IGCC: Integrated gasification combined cycle. CCS: Carbon capture and sequestration. CSP: Concentrating solar power. Whisker ends represent maxima and minima. Upper and lower ends of boxes represent 75th and 25th percentile, respectively. Horizontal lines in boxes represent medians.
Figure 2. Operational water consumption factors for geothermal technologies EGS: Enhanced geothermal systems. Whisker ends represent maxima and minima. Upper and lower ends of boxes represent 75th and 25th percentile, respectively. Horizontal lines in boxes represent medians.
Figure 3. Operational water withdrawals for electricity generating technologies IGCC: Integrated gasification combined cycle. CCS: carbon capture and storage. Whisker ends represent maxima and minima. Upper and lower ends of boxes represent 75th and 25th percentile, respectively. Horizontal lines in boxes represent medians. Recirculating cooling withdrawal values are also shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Operational water withdrawal factors for recirculating cooling technologies IGCC: Integrated gasification combined cycle. CCS: carbon capture and storage. Whisker ends represent maxima and minima. Upper and lower ends of boxes represent 75th and 25th percentile, respectively. Horizontal lines in boxes represent medians.
Water consumption factors for renewable (Table 1) and non-renewable (Table 2) electricity generating technologies vary substantially within and across technology categories. The highest water consumption factors for all technologies result from the use of evaporative cooling towers. With the exception of hydropower, pulverized coal with carbon capture and CSP technologies utilizing a cooling tower represent the upper bound of water consumption, at approximately 1,000 gal/MWh of electricity production. The lowest operational water consumption factors result from wind energy, PV, and CSP Stirling solar technologies and natural gas combined cycle facilities that employ dry cooling technologies. Water withdrawal factors for electricity generating technologies show a similar variability within and across technology categories (Table 3). The highest water withdrawal values result from nuclear technologies, whereas the smallest withdrawal values are for non-thermal renewable technologies. Consistent with literature, withdrawal factors for CSP, wind, geothermal, and PV systems are assumed to be equivalent to consumption factors.
Table 1. Water Consumption Factors for Renewable Technologies (gal/MWh) Fuel Type PV Wind Cooling N/A N/A Tower CSP Dry Hybrid N/A Tower Biopower Once-through Pond Dry Technology Utility Scale PV Wind Turbine Trough Power Tower Fresnel Trough Power Tower Trough Power Tower Stirling Steam Biogas Steam Steam Biogas Dry Steam Flash (freshwater) Flash (geothermal fluid) Binary Geothermal1 Dry EGS Flash Binary EGS Hybrid Hydropower N/A Binary EGS Aggregated in-stream and reservoir Median 26 0 865 786 1,000 78 26 338 170 5 553 235 300 390 35 1,796 10 2,583 3,600 4,784 0 135 850 221 1,406 4,491 Min 0 0 725 740 1,000 43 26 105 90 4 480 235 300 300 35 1,796 5 2,067 1,700 2,885 0 0 300 74 813 1,425 Max 33 1 1,057 860 1,000 79 26 345 250 6 965 235 300 480 35 1,796 19 3,100 3,963 5,147 0 270 1,778 368 1,999 18,000 n 3 2 17 4 1 10 1 3 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 4 1 2 2 1 2 3 Sources [10, 34, 35] [11, 36] [10, 34, 37-46] [34, 39-41] [47] [38, 42-44] [48] [42, 47] [47] [34, 49] [49-51] [52] [50] [50] [51] [10] [19, 20, 49] [53] [10, 54, 55] [10, 51, 54, 55] [51] [19, 51] [19, 51] [56] [51, 56] [22, 23]
Most geothermal facilities can use geothermal fluids or freshwater for cooling.
Table 2. Water Consumption Factors for Non-renewable Technologies (gal/MWh) Fuel Type Nuclear Cooling Tower Oncethrough Pond Tower Natural Gas Oncethrough Pond Dry Inlet Technology Generic Generic Generic Combined Cycle Steam Combined Cycle with CCS Combined Cycle Steam Combined Cycle Combined Cycle Steam Generic Subcritical Supercritical Tower IGCC Subcritical with CCS Supercritical with CCS Coal Oncethrough IGCC with CCS Generic Subcritical Supercritical Generic Pond Subcritical Supercritical Median 672 269 610 198 826 378 100 240 240 2 340 687 471 493 372 942 846 540 250 113 103 545 779 42 Min 581 100 560 130 662 378 20 95 240 0 80 480 394 458 318 942 846 522 100 71 64 300 737 4 Max 845 400 720 300 1,170 378 100 291 240 4 600 1,100 664 594 439 942 846 558 317 138 124 700 804 64 n 6 4 2 5 4 1 3 2 1 2 1 5 6 6 7 1 1 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 Sources [10, 14, 27, 50, 57] [27, 50, 57, 58] [27, 50] [13, 34, 50, 57, 59] [10, 14, 49, 60] [59] [50, 57, 60] [10, 49] [57] [50, 57] [49] [10, 14, 27, 50, 58] [13, 57, 59, 61] [13, 57, 59, 61] [13, 59] [59] [59] [59] [10, 27, 50, 58] [57] [57] [27, 50] [57] [57]
Table 3. Water Withdrawal Factors for Electricity Generating Technologies (gal/MWh) Fuel Type Nuclear Cooling Tower Once-through Pond Tower Natural Gas Technology Generic Generic Generic Combined Cycle Steam Combined Cycle with CCS Combined Cycle Steam Combined Cycle Combined Cycle Steam Generic Subcritical Supercritical Tower IGCC Subcritical with CCS Supercritical with CCS Coal Once-through IGCC with CCS Generic Subcritical Supercritical Generic Pond Tower Biopower Once-through Pond Subcritical Supercritical Steam Steam Steam Median 1,101 44,350 7,050 253 1,203 496 11,380 35,000 5,950 2 425 1,005 531 609 390 1,277 1,123 586 36,350 27,088 22,590 12,225 17,914 15,046 878 35,000 450 Min 800 25,000 500 150 950 487 7,500 10,000 5,950 0 100 500 463 582 358 1,224 1,098 479 20,000 27,046 22,551 300 17,859 14,996 500 20,000 300 Max 2,600 60,000 13,000 283 1,460 506 20,000 60,000 5,950 4 750 1,200 678 669 605 1,329 1,148 678 50,000 27,113 22,611 24,000 17,927 15,057 1,460 50,000 600 n 3 4 2 6 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 4 7 7 11 2 2 6 4 3 3 2 3 3 2 1 1 Sources [27, 50, 57] [27, 50, 57, 58] [27, 50] [12, 13, 50, 57, 59] [49, 60] [12, 59] [50, 57] [49] [57] [50, 57] [49] [27, 35, 50, 58] [12, 13, 57, 59, 61] [12, 13, 57, 59, 61] [12, 13, 35, 59] [12, 59] [12, 59] [12, 59] [11, 27, 50, 58] [57] [57] [27, 50] [57] [57] [49] [50] [50]
5 Discussion
Despite methodological differences in data, general trends can be observed and broad conclusions can be drawn from the breadth of data collected. A transition to a less carbonintensive electricity sector could result in either an increase or decrease in water consumption per unit of electricity generated, depending on the choice of technologies and cooling systems employed. Non-thermal renewable technologies, such as wind and PV systems, consume minimal amounts of water per unit of generation. However, the highest water consumption factors considered in this study, excluding geothermal and hydroelectric facilities, which can have high water intensities but also have important caveats, are low-carbon emitting technologies that utilize cooling towers: pulverized coal with carbon capture technologies and CSP systems. Decisions affecting the power sectors impact on the climate may need to include water considerations to avoid negative unintended environmental consequences on water resources. This can be addressed by integrated energy and water policy planning, as the availability of water in certain jurisdictions may limit the penetration of these technologies and cooling system configurations. Freshwater use impacts can be reduced by utilizing dry cooling or by using non-freshwater sources as a cooling medium. Initial work suggests that the performance penalty for CSP facilities switching from wet cooling to dry cooling results in an annual reduction in output of 2%5% and an increase in the levelized cost of producing energy of 3%8%, depending on local climatic conditions [15]. Using national averages, the annual performance penalty for switching from wet cooling to dry cooling for nuclear plants is 6.8%, combined cycle plants 1.7%, and other fossil plants (including coal and natural gas steam plants) 6.9% [62]. Further efforts are needed to evaluate performance and cost penalties associated with utilizing dry or hybrid cooling systems for fossil fuel facilities using carbon capture technologies. Utilizing reclaimed water, such as municipal wastewater, is another approach that could lessen the impact of the power sector on freshwater resources and wastewater treatment facilities. The legal and physical availability of municipal wastewater, especially in rural areas, may be a limiting factor to its widespread usage, and the cost and performance penalties of utilizing such sources must be investigated further [63]. The choice of cooling system may play an important role in the development of our future electricity mix. Differences between cooling systems can have substantial environmental impacts on local water resources [64-66]. Employing wet cooling technologies (i.e., once-through and cooling tower technologies) imposes an inherent tradeoff between relatively high water consumption and relatively high water withdrawals, which has important implications for regional cooling system policies and regulations. A reduction in withdrawals (but a corresponding increase in consumption) may benefit a watershed that has an abundance of water but may lead to concerns in an area that is already lacking water. A shift away from, for example, once-through cooling systems in coastal areas that withdraw saline water, to inland recirculating systems such as cooling towers that primarily consume freshwater, will impact watersheds and water availability differently depending on local conditions. The use of alternative cooling technologies may serve as an energy security benefit for utilities and communities, given uncertainties in future scenarios of water availability and expected vulnerabilities for power plants [4, 5]. Reduced levels in bodies of water, or substantial increases in the temperature of these bodies of water, may require thermal power plants to run at lower 15
capacities or to shut down completely, as was seen in France in 2003 [67]. Utilizing dry cooling or non-freshwater sources avoids some of the risks associated with these drought and climate change scenarios. Accurate estimates of water use in individual power plants, and the effect of this water use on a regional scale, will be elusive until more studies are conducted for the variety of technologies and cooling systems currently in operation along with those expected to be developed and deployed. Furthermore, calibration of these values on national and regional scales will remain challenging until methods for collecting and evaluating data by federal agencies has improved. Nonetheless, certain conclusions regarding the overall impact power plants have on water resources can be drawn on regional levels from existing water use data. Further studies with consistent boundary conditions and methods are necessary to develop water consumption and withdrawal estimates for certain technologies and cooling systems to fully understand reasons for variations in data that are not attributable to climatic factors or technology vintages. To better understand how cooling system and technology system decisions will be made in the future, analyses using energy-economic models will require improved data on water availability and regional water use factors. Existing data collected from federal agencies are currently inconsistent and incomplete [30]. However, in 2009, the U.S. Government Accountability Office released a report calling for improvements in federal agency water data collection in power plants; EIA is currently working with the USGS and other federal agencies to improve the scope and quality of its data collection [30]. Such efforts should improve the availability of power plant specific data and the ability to calibrate model estimates.
6 Summary
We reviewed primary literature for data on water withdrawal and consumption factors for electricity generation in the United States and have consolidated them in this study. These detailed water consumption and withdrawal factors can be utilized in energy-economic and transmission planning models to better understand the regional and national impacts on water resources for various electricity future scenarios and can inform policy analysis at a national and local level. Improved power plant data gathered on a regional level and further studies into the water requirements of existing and emerging technologies (such as carbon capture technologies) are necessary to assess the water impacts of a developing decarbonizing economy in more detail.
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March 2011
Technical Report
A Review of Operational Water Consumption and Withdrawal Factors for Electricity Generating Technologies
NREL/TP-6A20-50900 DOCC.1005
National Technical Information Service U.S. Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161
Various studies have attempted to consolidate published estimates of water use impacts of electricity generating technologies, resulting in a wide range of technologies and values based on different primary sources of literature. The goal of this work is to consolidate the various primary literature estimates of water use during the generation of electricity by conventional and renewable electricity generating technologies in the United States to more completely convey the variability and uncertainty associated with water use in electricity generating technologies. water consumption; water withdrawal; electricity generating technologies; geothermal; thermoelectric power; cooling systems; energy-economic model
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