Feasibility Study of Economics and Performance of Solar Photovoltaics in Nitro, West Virginia
Feasibility Study of Economics and Performance of Solar Photovoltaics in Nitro, West Virginia
Feasibility Study of Economics and Performance of Solar Photovoltaics in Nitro, West Virginia
and Performance of Solar August 2010
Photovoltaics in Nitro,
West Virginia
A Study Prepared in Partnership with the
Environmental Protection Agency for the
RE-Powering America’s Land Initiative:
Siting Renewable Energy on Potentially
Contaminated Land and Mine Sites
Lars Lisell and Gail Mosey
Feasibility Study of Economics Technical Report
and Performance of Solar August 2010
Photovoltaics in Nitro,
West Virginia
A Study Prepared in Partnership with the
Environmental Protection Agency for the
RE-Powering America’s Land Initiative:
Siting Renewable Energy on Potentially
Contaminated Land and Mine Sites
Lars Lisell and Gail Mosey
Prepared under Task No. WFD3.1000
This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States government.
Neither the United States government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any
warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or
usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not
infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by
trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement,
recommendation, or favoring by the United States government or any agency thereof. The views and
opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States
government or any agency thereof.
Printed on paper containing at least 50% wastepaper, including 20% postconsumer waste
Executive Summary
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in accordance with the RE-Powering
America’s Land initiative, selected the Nitro, West Virginia area for a feasibility study of
renewables on several brownfield sites. Citizens of Nitro, city planners, and site managers are
interested in redevelopment uses for brownfields in Nitro, and the site is particularly well suited
for solar photovoltaic (PV) installation. The purpose of this report is to assess the sites
designated by the City of Nitro for possible solar PV installation and to estimate the cost,
performance and site impacts of three different PV options: crystalline silicon (fixed-tilt),
crystalline silicon (single-axis tracking), and thin film (fixed-tilt). Each option represents a
standalone system that can be sized to use an entire available site area. In addition, the report
outlines financing options that could assist in the implementation of a system.
Eight sites in or near Nitro were considered, all of which were found suitable for PV systems.
The economics of the potential systems were analyzed using an electric rate of $0.08/kWh, as
well as incentives that are offered by the State of West Virginia and by the serving utility,
American Electric Power (AEP). Currently, no incentives are offered for commercial size solar
power systems in West Virginia, or by AEP. Table ES-1 summarizes the system performance
and economics of a potential system that would use all available areas that were surveyed in
Nitro. It should be noted that not all sites would need to be developed; beginning with a smaller
demonstration system and increasing capacity as funds become available may make more sense.
Calculations for this analysis assume the 30% federal tax credit incentive would be captured for
the system.
If the electrical rate increases 43% over the next three years as anticipated, the cost of electricity
would increase from $0.08/kWh to $0.123/kWh. A rate increase of this magnitude would greatly
improve the economics of a solar PV generation plant. Table ES-1 also summarizes the system
economics with the anticipated rate increase information and job creation estimates if the Nitro
location were used for PV.
Table ES-1. PV System Performance and Economics by System Type, including Job Creation Estimatesa
Annual Cost Savings Payback Period
($/year) (years)
Array PV Annual With With Rate Annual System With With Rate Jobs b Jobs c
Tilt System Output Incentive Increase O&M Cost with Incentive Increase Created Sustained
(Deg) Size (kWh/year) ($/year) Incentives
(kW) ($)
Crystalline Silicon (Fixed-Tilt)
38.4 27,600 31,408,800 $2,512,700 $3,862,654 $234,600 $96,600,000 42 27 1050 3
Crystalline Silicon (Single-Axis Tracking)
0 22,600 29,380,000 $2,350,400 $3,613,152 $474,600 $94,920,000 51 30 1031 5
Thin Film (Fixed-Tilt)
38.4 11,550 13,143,900 $1,051,510 $1,616,437 $86,394 $35,574,000 37 23 387 1
Data assume a maximum usable area of 6,957,397 ft2.
Job-years created as a result of project capital investment including direct, indirect and induced jobs.
Jobs (direct, indirect and induced) sustained as a result of operations and maintenance (O&M) of the system.
Table of Contents
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................ vi
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................................. vii
2 PV Systems ........................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Types of PV Systems ...........................................................................................................3
2.2 PV System Components ......................................................................................................4
2.3 PV Size and Performance ....................................................................................................5
3 PV Site Locations ................................................................................................................................. 6
3.1 Capped Landfill ...................................................................................................................6
3.2 Partially Capped North Site .................................................................................................7
3.3 Large Uncapped Field of Slabs ............................................................................................9
3.4 Temporarily Capped Landfill ............................................................................................11
3.5 Temporarily Capped Small Parcel .....................................................................................13
3.6 Temporarily Capped Small Landfill ..................................................................................15
3.7 Partially Demolished Site ..................................................................................................17
3.8 AC&S Chemical Site .........................................................................................................19
3.9 Total Site Summary ...........................................................................................................21
4 Economics and Performance of Grid-Tied PV................................................................................. 22
4.1 Assumptions and Input Data for Analysis .........................................................................22
4.2 Incentives and Financing Opportunities ............................................................................23
4.3 Job Creation .......................................................................................................................24
5 Potential Rate Increases .................................................................................................................... 26
List of Figures
Figure 1. Major components of grid-connected photovoltaic system............................................. 2
Figure 2. Kanawha River capped landfill: Recommended PV system placement ......................... 6
Figure 3. Partially capped north site: Recommended PV system placement ................................. 8
Figure 4. Partially capped north site: Ground view of recommended PV array site ...................... 9
Figure 5. Large uncapped field of slabs: Recommended PV system placement .......................... 10
Figure 6. Large uncapped field of slabs: Ground view of recommended PV array site ............... 11
Figure 7. Temporarily capped landfill: Recommended PV system placement ............................ 12
Figure 8. Temporarily capped landfill: Ground view of recommended PV array site ................. 13
Figure 9. Temporarily capped small parcel: Recommended PV system placement..................... 14
Figure 10. Temporarily capped small parcel: Ground view of recommended PV array site ....... 15
Figure 11. Temporarily capped small landfill: Recommended PV system placement ................. 16
Figure 12. Temporarily capped small landfill: Ground view of recommended PV array site...... 17
Figure 13. Partially demolished site: Recommended PV system placement ................................ 18
Figure 14. Partially demolished site: Ground view of recommended PV array site..................... 19
Figure 15. AC&S Chemical Site: Recommended PV system placement ..................................... 20
Figure 16. AC&S Chemical Site: Ground view of recommended PV array site .......................... 21
Figure 17. Average installation cost for grid-tied U.S. PV systems, 2008 ................................... 22
List of Tables
Table ES-1. PV System Performance and Economics by System Type, including Job
Creation ...................................................................................................................... iv
Table 1. Energy Density by Panel and System ................................................................................3
Table 2. Capped Landfill System Options .......................................................................................7
Table 3. Partially Capped North Site System Options .....................................................................8
Table 4. Large Uncapped Field of Slabs System Options .............................................................10
Table 5. Temporarily Capped Landfill System Options ................................................................12
Table 6. Temporarily Capped Small Parcel System Options ........................................................14
Table 7. Temporarily Capped Small Landfill System Options......................................................16
Table 8. Partially Demolished Site System Options ......................................................................18
Table 9. AC&S Chemical System Options ....................................................................................20
Table 10. PV System Performance and Economics by System Type............................................21
Table 11. Estimated Job Creation by PV System Type .................................................................25
Table 12. PV System Performance and Economics with Anticipated Rate Increase ....................26
Table 13. Hypothetical Rate Increase Scenarios............................................................................26
Table A-1. Assumptions for Calculations ......................................................................................28
Table A-2. Other Assumptions, including Assumptions for Costs and System Types .................29
Table B-1. Brownfield Redevelopment and Renewable Energy Incentives and Financing
Tools ............................................................................................................................30
Table B-2. Renewable Energy Development Incentives and Financing Tools Applicable to
Photovoltaics ................................................................................................................30
Table B-3. State Rebates for Commercial-Sector PV Projects ......................................................31
Table B-4. State Tax Credits for Commercial-Sector PV Projects ................................................35
Table B-5. U.S. Department of Energy Brightfields Program Grantsa .........................................41
Table B-6. State Policy and Incentive Comparisons: Massachusetts, North Carolina, and
Colorado .......................................................................................................................43
Table B-7. Key Policy Comparison for Subject States ..................................................................45
1 Study Location
The City of Nitro, West Virginia—the former site of multiple chemical manufacturing facilities
is located outside of Charleston on the Kanawha River, with river access, rail access, and utility
service to all parts of the sites identified for the solar feasibility study. Most of the chemical
manufacturing companies have left the area, vacating facilities and leaving behind
“brownfields.” 1 Several studies are in progress to determine the extent of contamination and
redevelopment potential of the brownfield sites. Some of them have been cleared of buildings
and equipment, while others still have a significant amount of deserted on-site infrastructure.
Several owners of the sites have been identified, and they hold liability for site cleanup. These
companies have been cooperative with clean up and redevelopment efforts in varying degrees,
depending on the contamination level of the site, the cost of contamination mitigation, and the
proposed reuse of the site. The sites visited by the NREL assessment team on December 12,
2009 have been designated as brownfield sites by the EPA. The eight sites identified during the
site visit as areas of interest for the feasibility study are discussed below in Section 3. Some of
these sites are scheduled to be permanently capped, although the timeline for capping is
According to the EPA Web site, brownfields are “real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which
may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.” For
more information, see http://www.epa.gov/brownfields/.
2 PV Systems
Solar photovoltaics (PV) are semiconductor devices that convert sunlight directly into electricity.
They do so without any moving parts and without generating any noise or pollution. They must
be mounted in an unshaded location; rooftops, carports and ground-mounted arrays are common
mounting locations. PV systems work very well in Nitro, West Virginia, where the average
global horizontal annual solar resource is 4.35-4.9 kWh/m2/day. This number, however, is not
the amount of energy that can be produced by a PV panel. The amount of energy produced by a
panel depends on the several factors. These factors include the type of collector, the tilt and
azimuth of the collector, the temperature, the level of sunlight and weather conditions. An
inverter is required to convert the direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) of the desired
voltage compatible with building and utility power systems. The balance of the system consists
of conductors/conduit, switches, disconnects and fuses. Grid-connected PV systems feed power
into the facility’s electrical system and do not include batteries.
Figure 1 shows the major components of a grid-connected PV system and illustrates how these
components are interconnected in a grid-connected PV system.
If a site is found to have good solar access for a PV system, the next step is to determine the size
of that system, which highly depends on the average energy use of the on-site facilities.
Providing more power than a site would use is generally not advisable due to the economics of
most net-metering agreements. In the case of the assessed sites, all of the electricity generated at
the site would be sold to the serving utility, American Electric Power (AEP), because there is no
electrical load. The system size would thus be determined by the amount of electricity the
electric company would be willing to purchase, or by how much land area is available. For the
purposes of this report, the NREL assessment team assumed AEP would purchase any electricity
that the site can generate. The systems will be broken down by site so the system size can be
adjusted based on what the utility requests.
Single-Axis Tracking
Fixed-Tilt Energy Density
System Type Energy Density
(DC-Watts/Sq. Ft)
(DC-Watts/ Ft.2)
Crystalline Silicon 4 3.3
Thin Film 1.7 1.4
Hybrid HE* 4.8 3.9
* Because hybrid high efficiency (HE) panels do not represent a significant portion of
the commercial market, they were not included in the analysis. Installing panel types
that do not hold a significant portion of the commercial market would not be feasible for
a large-scale solar generation plant.
For the purposes of this analysis, all fixed-tilt systems were assumed to be mounted at latitude
with a tilt of 38.4 degrees. To get the most out of the available ground area, considering whether
a site layout can be improved to better incorporate a solar energy system is important. If unused
structures, fences, or electrical poles can be removed, the unshaded area can be increased to
incorporate more PV panels. When considering a ground-mounted system, an electrical tie in
location should be identified to determine how the energy would be fed back into the grid. For
this report, only fixed-tilt ground-mounted systems and single-axis tracking systems were
Fixed-tilt systems are installed at a specified tilt and are fixed at that tilt for the life of the system.
Single-axis tracking systems have a fixed tilt on one axis, and a variable tilt on the other axis.
The system is designed to follow the sun in its path through the sky. This allows the solar
radiation to strike the panel at an optimum angle for a larger part of the day than can be achieved
with a fixed-tilt system. A single-axis tracking system can collect nearly 30% more electricity
per capacity than can a fixed-tilt tracking system. The drawbacks include increased operations
and maintenance costs, less capacity per unit area (DC-Watt/ft2), and greater installed cost
Roof-mounted Systems
In many cases, a roof is the best location for a PV system. Roof-mounted PV systems are usually
more expensive than ground-mounted systems, but a roof is a convenient location because it is
out of the way and is usually unshaded. Large areas with minimal rooftop equipment are
preferred, but equipment can sometimes be worked around if necessary. If a building has a
sloped roof, a typical flush-mounted crystalline silicon panel can achieve power densities on the
order of 11 DC-Watt/ft2. For buildings with flat roofs, rack-mounted systems can achieve power
densities on the order of 8 DC-Watt/ft2 with a crystalline silicon panel.
Typically, PV systems are installed on roofs that either are less than 5 years old or have over 30
years of life left. Because no roof area is available on the sites studied no roof-mounted analysis
was conducted.
ASTM Standard E1038, 2005, "Standard Test Method for Determining Resistance of Photovoltaic Modules to Hail
by Impact with Propelled Ice Balls ," ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2005, DOI: 10.1520/E1038-05.
Go Solar California, a joint effort of the California Energy Commission and the California Public Utilities
Commission, provides consumer information for solar energy systems. See http://www.gosolarcalifornia.org/
PV arrays provide direct current power at a voltage that depends on the configuration of the
array. This power is converted to alternating current at the required voltage and number of
phases by the inverter. Inverters enable the operation of commonly used equipment such as
appliances, computers, office equipment and motors. Current inverter technology provides true
sine wave power at a quality often better than that of the serving utility. The locations of both the
inverter and the balance of the system equipment are important. Inverters are available that
include most or all of the control systems required for operation, including some metering and
data-logging capability. Inverters must provide several operational and safety functions for
interconnection with the utility system. The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc
(IEEE) maintains standard “P929 Recommended Practice for Utility Interface of Photovoltaic
(PV) Systems,”4 which allows manufacturers to write “Utility-Interactive” on the listing label if
an inverter meets the requirements of frequency and voltage limits, power quality, and non-
islanding inverter testing. Underwriters Laboratory maintains “UL Standard 1741, Standard for
Static Inverters and Charge Controllers for Use in Photovoltaic Power Systems,”5 which
incorporates the testing required by IEEE 929 and includes design (type) testing and production
testing. A large choice of inverter manufacturers is available.6
ANSI/IEEE Std 929-1988 IEEE Recommended Practice for Utility Interface of Residential and Intermediate
Photovoltaic (PV) Systems (http://standards.ieee.org/reading/ieee/std_public/description/powergen/929-
Inverters, Converters, Controllers and Interconnection System Equipment for Use With Distributed Energy
Resources: UL 1741 (http://ulstandardsinfonet.ul.com/scopes/1741.html)
Go Solar California approves inverters.
3 PV Site Locations
This section summarizes the findings of the NREL solar assessment site visit on December 12,
2009. All proposed system locations are shaded in blue in the figures.
Table 2. Capped Landfill System Options
Potential System Annual Energy Annual Cost Annual System
System Type
Size (kW) Output (kWh) Savings ($) O&M ($) Cost ($)
Crystalline Silicon— 3,600 4,096,800 327,744 30,600 12,600,000
Crystalline Silicon— 3,000 3,900,000 312,000 63,000 12,600,000
Single-Axis Tracking
Thin Film Fixed-Tilt 1,500 1,707,000 136,560 11,220 4,620,000
Figure 3. Partially capped north site: Recommended PV system placement
Base image courtesy of Google Earth
Figure 4. Partially capped north site: Ground view of recommended PV array site
Aspect: Looking Northwest
Credit: Lars Lisell, NREL
Figure 5. Large uncapped field of slabs: Recommended PV system placement
Base image courtesy of Google Earth
Figure 6. Large uncapped field of slabs: Ground view of recommended PV array site
Aspect: Looking West
Credit: Lars Lisell, NREL
FMC Corporation is the successor to Avtex Fibers, which operated a landfill at the site.
Figure 7. Temporarily capped landfill: Recommended PV system placement
Base image courtesy of Google Earth
Figure 8. Temporarily capped landfill: Ground view of recommended PV array site
Aspect: Looking West
Credit: Lars Lisell, NREL
Figure 9. Temporarily capped small parcel: Recommended PV system placement
Base image courtesy of Google Earth
Figure 10. Temporarily capped small parcel: Ground view of recommended PV array site
Aspect: Looking South
Credit: Lars Lisell, NREL
Figure 11. Temporarily capped small landfill: Recommended PV system placement
Base image courtesy of Google Earth
Figure 12. Temporarily capped small landfill: Ground view of recommended PV array site
Aspect: Looking South
Credit: Lars Lisell, NREL
Figure 13. Partially demolished site: Recommended PV system placement
Base image courtesy of Google Earth
Figure 14. Partially demolished site: Ground view of recommended PV array site
Aspect: Looking Southwest
Credit: Lars Lisell, NREL
Figure 15. AC&S Chemical Site: Recommended PV system placement
Base image courtesy of Google Earth
Figure 16. AC&S Chemical Site: Ground view of recommended PV array site
Aspect: Looking Northeast
Credit: Lars Lisell, NREL
4 Economics and Performance
4.1 Assumptions and Input Data for Analysis
For this analysis, the following input data were used. The installed cost of fixed-tilt, roof-
mounted system was assumed to be $6/W. The installed cost of fixed-tilt, ground-mounted
systems was assumed to be $5/W. These prices include the PV array and the balance–of-system
components for each system, including the inverter and electrical equipment, and installation.
The economics of grid-tied PV depend on incentives, the cost of electricity, and the solar
resource, including panel tilt and orientation. For this analysis, the cost of electricity was
assumed to be $0.08/kWh.
A system DC to AC conversion of 77% was assumed. This includes losses in the inverter, wire
losses, PV module losses, and losses due to temperature effects, for example. Figure 17
summarizes average system installation costs for grid-tied PV systems in the United States in
2008; however, the costs have dropped significantly since 2008. PVWATTSTM was used to
calculate energy performance.
Figure 17. Average installation cost for grid-tied U.S. PV systems, 20089
For this analysis, it is assumed that federal incentives are received. Identifying and leveraging
state incentives and grants is an important part of making PV systems cost effective. A private,
tax-paying entity that owns PV systems a can qualify for a 30% federal business energy
investment tax credit (ITC) and accelerated depreciation on the PV system, which are worth
about 15%. The total potential tax benefits to the tax-paying entity are about 45% of the system
cost. Alternatively, the tax-paying entity can opt to receive a cash payment of up to 30% of
eligible project costs from the U.S. Department of Treasury Section 1603 program10 once the
eligible system is in service. The American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) of 2009
allows for this cash payment in lieu of the ITC. To receive the payment from Treasury,
construction of the property must begin no later than December 31, 2010. Because the federal
Wiser, R. ; Barbose, G.; Peterman, C.; Darghouth, N. (2009 October). Tracking the Sun II: The Installed Cost of
Photovoltaics in the U.S. from 1998-2008. LBNL-2674E. Berkeley, CA. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
This program was codified in Section 1603 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
government does not pay taxes, private ownership of the PV system would be required to capture
tax incentives or Section 1603 grant payments11.
Renewable energy systems, including commercial solar PV, are subject to interconnection rules
promulgated at the state level. No interconnection rules were found on the DSIRE Web site. The
utility should be contacted directly to determine what requirements are in place. West Virginia
recently released a renewable portfolio standard (RPS). It sets the goal of 25% of total electricity
generation from alternative sources and renewable energy by 2025. This standard does not have
a set-aside for solar energy.
West Virginia has a net-metering policy for residential and commercial systems up to 25 kW in
capacity that generate electricity using photovoltaics (PV), wind, biomass, landfill gas,
hydropower or fuel cells. Net excess generation will be carried over to a customer-generator's
next bill, for up to 12 months, as a kilowatt-hour (kWh) credit (DSIRE).
Currently, no incentives are offered by the state of West Virginia or by the serving utility, AEP.
Incentives greatly affect the economics of a system, and the lack of incentives in West Virginia
will have a large impact on the feasibility of a system at the sites in Nitro. The 30% tax credit
federal incentive can be captured if the system is owned by a tax-paying entity.
The system facilitator could potentially pursue an agreement with AEP that would negotiate both
a higher price for the electricity produced by the potential system and the potential to sell
renewable energy credits (RECs). Any power that is produced by a solar PV system will help the
state reach its renewable portfolio standard and would be a major opportunity for AEP to
accelerate the diversification of their energy mix with clean energy. Electricity consumers in the
United States are willing to pay a premium for certified clean energy,12 and AEP could start a
voluntary green power-purchase pilot program with energy from the sites in Nitro.13
Technical assistance to support project development is available. Through the U.S. Department
of Energy (DOE), the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) has funded
West Virginia University and other organizations to advance the use of West Virginia’s wind and
renewable resources. The activity provides technical assistance to commercial power developers,
technology projects involving liquid fuels developed from biomass, and information to the public
on renewable energy applications. The DOE Office of EERE can assist commercial wind and
Transmission & Distribution World. (2009 April 14). “NREL Highlights Utility Green Power Leaders.”
http://tdworld.com/customer_service/doe-nrel-utility-green-power-0409/. Accessed July 20, 2100.
An example of such a program is Xcel Energy’s Windsource program. For more information, see http://www
.xcelenergy.com/Colorado/Company/Environment/Renewable%20Energy/Pages/Wind_Power.aspx. For detailed
information about federal, state, and local incentives in West Virginia, see http://www.dsireusa.org/incentives/
solar developers by providing detailed renewable resource maps, interfacing with West Virginia
utilities and contacting local economic developers.
There are several options for financing a solar PV system. However, obtaining investment from
landowners with little on-site presence—such as is the case with the sites in Nitro—can be
difficult. A potential alternative financing option is the third-party ownership, power-purchase
agreement (PPA). The agreement works by having a solar contractor install, finance, and operate
the system, while the utility company purchase the electricity generated by the system. The
system is financed by the solar contractor, and the payments are paid by the electricity and RECs
that are sold to the utility. In this configuration, the land on which the PV solar system is located
would need to be leased to the owner of the system for the duration of the contract.
Alternatively, the West Virginia Economic Development Authority (WVEDA) has a direct loan
program that could be leveraged. Under this program, loans are set between $50 thousand and
$10 million. Financial assistance is available to program participants for financing fixed assets
for business classifications that are targeted by the West Virginia Development Office and which
meet WVEDA’s job creation criteria; this includes any renewable energy project. Other gap
financing tools that may be available include tax increment financing (TIF) and revolving loan
fund (RLF) grants from the EPA.14 Connecticut, Iowa, Michigan, and Wisconsin have been
leaders in structuring state-facilitated TIF financing as an effective and efficient means to
enhance brownfield programs and to obtain successful cleanup and redevelopment results.
Municipalities are good candidates for TIF because it is an incentive they can implement under
their own control. A full list of incentives can be found in Appendix B.
For more information, see http://epa.gov/brownfields/rlflst.htm.
Table 11. Estimated Job Creation by PV System Type
Jobs Createda Jobs Sustainedb
System Type
(job years) (number of jobs)
Crystalline Silicon (Fixed-Tilt) 1050 3
Crystalline Silicon (Single-Axis Tracking) 1031 5
Thin Film (Fixed-Tilt) 387 1
Job-years created as a result of project capital investment including direct, indirect and induced jobs.
Jobs (direct, indirect and induced) sustained as a result of operations and maintenance (O&M) of the
5 Potential Rate Increases
The economics of a potential PV system in the Nitro area depend greatly on the cost of
electricity. Currently, AEP is on track to raise electric rates by 43%15 over the next three years.
This would increase the cost of electricity from $0.086/kWh to $0.123/kWh. A rate increase of
this magnitude would greatly improve the economics of a solar PV generation plant. See Table
12 for a summary of the system economics with the anticipated rate increase information.
Table 12. PV System Performance and Economics with Anticipated Rate Increasea
System Payback
Annual Annual Cost Cost with Period with
Array Tilt PV System Output Savings Annual O&M Incentives Incentive
(Deg) Size (kW) (kWh/year) ($/year) ($/year) ($) (years)
Crystalline Silicon (Fixed-Tilt)
38.4 27,600 31,408,800 $3,862,654 $234,600 $96,600,000 27
Crystalline Silicon (Single-Axis Tracking)
0 22,600 29,380,000 $3,613,152 $474,600 $94,920,000 30
Thin Film (Fixed-Tilt)
38.4 11,550 13,143,900 $1,616,437 $86,394 $35,574,000 23
Data assume a maximum usable area of 6,957,397 ft2.
It is uncertain how the rates will increase in the years following the near-term jump. Using the
Solar Advisor Model that was developed at NREL,16 several rate increase scenarios were
modeled to determine the economic repercussions relating to the system feasibility. The thin-film
system was modeled with 5%, 10%, and 20% rate escalation rates over the system life. The
results of the analysis can be found below in Table 13. The rates reflected in the table are percent
rate increases above inflation. The first two rate increase scenarios—5% and 10%—could
happen given passage of legislation limiting greenhouse gas emissions. The third rate increase
scenario is less likely but not impossible.
Rate Increase (%/yr) Payback Period (yrs) Net Present Value ($)
5% 24.6 $-16,254,848
10% 16.5 $3,649,294
20% 11.1 $176,205,055
AllBusiness.com. (2009 March 13). “AEP Asks State for 43 Percent Rate Increase” http://www.allbusiness.com/
energy-utilities/utilities-industry-electric-power/12275763-1.html. Accessed July 20, 2010.
The Solar Advisor Model combines a detailed performance model with several types of financing for most solar
technologies. For more information, see https://www.nrel.gov/analysis/sam/.
6 Conclusions and Recommendations
The sites considered in this report are all feasible areas in which to implement solar PV system
systems. Using obtainable and accessible land that is unavailable for other purposes allows for
re-use of land that would not otherwise contribute to productivity for Nitro. Installing a solar
generation plant and the associated facilities on brownfields relieves “greenfields” of land use
impacts. Developing solar facilities on brownfields can provide an economically viable reuse
option for sites with significant cleanup costs or for sites where local economic conditions
prohibit traditional reuse of the site, as is the case with Nitro. The site has existing transmission
capacity, roads, industrial zoning, and all other critical infrastructure in place for PV systems.
It is recommended that the party ultimately responsible for facilitating the implementation of PV
systems contact AEP and attempt to set up an agreement in which AEP would purchase the
electricity generated at sites studied. According to the site production calculations, the most cost
effective system in terms of return on investment is the fixed-tilt, thin-film technology. The
lower cost of the system combined with the ample land available makes a thin-film system a
good fit for these sites. Thin-film technology is a proven technology that can be successfully
implemented with a ballasted-style mounting system. Crystalline silicon system styles—both
fixed-tilt tracking and single-axis tracking systems—could also be implemented, but the
increased cost of the crystalline silicon panels may extend the payback period.
For this feasibility study, system calculations and sizes were based on site acreage; however,
actual system installation should be based on the availability of funds or on the amount of power
that can be sold. Installing a small demonstration system and adding capacity as funding
becomes available might be a good option. When the system goes out to bid, a design-build
contract should be issued that requests the best performance (kWh/yr) at the best price and which
allows vendors to optimize system configuration, including slope. A third-party ownership PPA
provides the most feasible way for a system to be financed on these sites. All payback
calculations assumed that the 30% federal tax credit would be captured for the systems.
In the coming years, increasing electrical rates and increased necessity for clean power will
continue to improve the feasibility of implementing solar PV systems at these sites.
Appendix A. Assumptions for Calculations*
Table A-1. Assumptions for Calculations
Array Tilt Max Usable Rounded PV Annual Output Annual Cost Annual O&M System Cost with Payback Period
Location (Deg) Area (ft^2) System Size (kW) (kWh/year) Savings ($/year) ($/year) Incentives ($) (years)
Crystalline Silicon (Fixed-Tilt)
Capped Landfill 38.4 920,147 3,600 4,096,800 327,744 30,600 12,600,000 42
Temporarily Capped Landfill 38.4 933,978 3,700 4,210,600 336,848 31,450 12,950,000 42
AC&S Chemical 38.4 87,120 350 398,300 31,864 2,975 1,225,000 42
Partially Demolished Site 38.4 503,771 2,000 2,276,000 182,080 17,000 7,000,000 42
Large Uncapped Field of Slabs 38.4 2,803,086 11,200 12,745,600 1,019,648 95,200 39,200,000 42
Temporarily Capped Small Parcel 38.4 117,612 450 512,100 40,968 3,825 1,575,000 42
Temporarily Capped Small Landfill 38.4 407,722 1,600 1,820,800 145,664 13,600 5,600,000 42
Partially Capped North Site 38.4 1,183,961 4,700 5,348,600 427,888 39,950 16,450,000 42
All Site Total 38.4 6,957,397 27,600 31,408,800 2,512,700 234,600 96,600,000 42
*These calculations assume that the 30% federal tax credit is secured
Table A-2. Other Assumptions, including Assumptions for Costs and System Types
Cost Assumptions
Variable Quantity of Variable Unit of Variable
Cost of Site Electricity 0.08 $/kWh
Annual O&M (fixed) 0.17% % of installed cost
Annual O&M (tracking) 0.35% % of installed cost
System Assumptions Annual energy Installed Cost Energy Density
System Type (kWh/kW) ($/W) (W/ft.2)
Ground fixed 1138 $5.00 4.0
Ground Single-Axis tracking 1300 $6.00 3.3
Thin Film Fixed 1138 $4.40 1.7
Other Assumptions 1 acre 43,560 sq ft.
1 MW 1,000,000 W
Ground utilization 90% of available area
Incentives Federal Tax Credit
Appendix B. Renewable Energy Incentives*
Table B-1. Brownfield Redevelopment and Renewable Energy Incentives and Financing Tools
Incentive (I),
Finance Tool
Agency Incentive Name (FT) Public Private Funding Range
HUD Brownfield Economic Development Initiative X $17.5 million appropriated in FY10.
(BEDI) Competitive Grant Program Award cap TBD as of 2/27/10
HUD Up to 5 times public entity’s latest
Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program FT X Xb
approved CDBG amount
Must be used in conjunction with Section 108 loan guarantee commitment.
Through re-loan from public entity
Table B-2. Renewable Energy Development Incentives and Financing Tools Applicable to Photovoltaics
Incentive (I),
Finance Tool
Agency Incentive Name (FT) Public Private Funding Range
DOE Loan Guarantee Program FT X X Not specified
Renewable Energy Production Incentive
DOE I X 2.1 cents per kilowatt
Community Development Block Grants
HUD I X Based on community needs formula
1603 Renewable Energy Grant Program 30% of the cost basis of the
Treasury I X
*option to ITC renewable energy project
Business Energy Investment Tax Credit
Treasury I X 30% of project expenditures
(ITC) *option to 1603
Treasury Clean Renewable Energy Bonds (CREB) FT X Varies
Modified Accelerated Cost-Recovery
Treasury FT X Various depreciation deductions
System (MACRS)
Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds
Treasury FT X Varies
Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) 25% of project cost. Payment range
Grants $2.5K-$500K
Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Up to 75% of project costs. Max
Loan Guarantees $25M/Min $5K
* Sources: Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy and Efficiency 2009; and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Table B-3. State Rebates for Commercial-Sector PV Projects
The programs included here are ongoing rebate and grant programs administered by state agencies or by third-party organizations on
behalf of state governments. In addition to the programs highlighted above, about 75 utilities in the United States offer PV rebates. In
some states, such as Colorado and Arizona, solar rebates are available nearly statewide from utilities that must comply with state
renewable portfolio standards, but these are not shown in the table. Finally, programs that are purely performance-based, such as the
state of Washington's production incentive and California's feed-in tariff, are not included in this table.
State Program Name Incentive Amount REC Ownership Funding Source
additional rebates are available. benefits fund)
Residential and commercial: 30%;
Non-profit and Public: 50%
Maine Solar and Wind Energy $2/W AC Remains with Funded by assessment of up to
Rebate Program customer/producer 0.005 cents/kWh on transmission
and distribution utilities; Plus
$500,000 per fiscal year (FY2009-
10 and FY2010-11) for two years
using American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009
(Recovery Act) funding.
Maryland Mid-Size Solar Energy $500/kW for first 20 kW DC; Remains with project Recovery Act
Grant Program $250/kW for next 30 kW; $150/kW owner
for next 50 kW
Maryland Solar Energy Grant $1.25/W DC for first 2 kW; $0.75/W Remains with project General Revenue Funds
Program for next 6 kW; $0.25/W for next 12 owner (appropriated annually); FY 2009
kW funds supplemented with RGGI
Massachusetts CEC - Commonwealth $1/W DC base; $0.10/W DC adder Remains with project Massachusetts Renewable
Solar II Rebates for MA components; $1.00/W DC owner Energy Trust
adder for moderate home value or
for moderate income
Massachusetts CEC - Commonwealth $1.50/W (DC) for first 25 kW; Remains with project The American Recovery and
Solar Stimulus $1.00/W (DC) for > 25 kW to 100w owner Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
kW; $0.50/W (DC) for > 100 kW to
200 kW
Nevada NV Energy – Renewable (2010-2011 program year) NV Energy Rate-payer funded
Generations Rebate Residential and small business:
Program $2.30/W AC; Public
Facilities/Schools: $5.00/W AC
New Jersey New Jersey Customer- Standard residential: $1.55/W DC; Remains with project New Jersey Societal Benefits
Sited Renewable Energy Residential w/energy efficiency: owner Charge (public benefits fund)
Rebates $1.75/W DC; Residential New
Construction: varies by efficiency,
$1.00 - 1.75/W DC; Standard non-
residential: $0.90/W DC; Non-
State Program Name Incentive Amount REC Ownership Funding Source
residential w/efficiency: $1.00/W DC
New Jersey Renewable Energy Varies by equipment type, sector, Not applicable New Jersey Societal Benefits
Manufacturing Incentives and system size; Ranges from $0.05 Charge (public benefits fund)
(for End-Use PV - $0.55/W DC.
New York NYSERDA - PV Incentive Residential (first 5 kW): $1.75/W DC; First 3 years: RPS surcharge
Program Non-Residential (first 50 kW): NYSERDA, thereafter
$1.75/W DC; Non-profit, customer/generator
government, schools: (first 25 kW):
$1.75/W DC; Bonus incentive:
$0.50/W for Energy Star Homes and
BIPV systems
Ohio ODOD - Advanced $3.50 per DC watt, may be reduced Not specified Ohio Advanced Energy Fund
Energy Program Grants - by shading
Renewable Energy
Oregon Energy Trust - Solar Residential: $1.50/W DC for Pacific Residential: RECs for Energy Trust of Oregon (public
Electric Buy-Down Power; $1.75/W DC for PGE; first 5 yrs. owned by benefits fund)
Program Residential, Third Party: $1/W DC for customer/producer;
Pacific Power; $1.25/W DC for PGE; Non-residential: RECs
Commercial: $1/W - $0.50/W for for first 5 yrs. owned by
Pacific Power; $1.25/W - $0.75/W for consumer/producer,
PGE; nonprofit/government: $1.25/W Energy Trust owns
- $0.75/W for Pacific Power; $1.50/W RECs for years 6-20
- $1/W for PGE
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Sunshine Residential: $2.25/W DC; Not specified, but net Pennsylvania Energy
Solar Rebate Program Commercial: $1.25/W DC for first 10 metering customers Independence Fund (state bonds)
kW, $1.00/W DC for next 90 kW, generally retain title to
$0.75/W DC for next 100 kW; Low- RECs
Income: 35% of installed costs
Puerto Rico Puerto Rico - State Solar PV: Residential and Not addressed The American Recovery and
Energy Program - Sun Commercial $4/watt (DC) Solar PV: Reinvestment Act State Energy
Energy Rebate Program Governmental $8/watt (DC) Program funds
Tennessee Tennessee Clean Energy 40% of installed cost Not specified State of Tennessee Economic
Technology Grant and Community Development
State Program Name Incentive Amount REC Ownership Funding Source
Energy Division
Vermont Vermont Small-Scale Individuals/Businesses: $1.75/watt Not addressed Utility settlement funds and the
Renewable Energy DC; Multi-family, low-income: Vermont Clean Energy
Incentive Program $3.50/W DC Development Fund
Wisconsin Focus on Energy - Residential/Business: $1.00/kWh/1- Not addressed Focus on Energy Program
Renewable Energy Cash- yr.; non-profit/government:
Back Rewards $1.50/kWh/1-yr.; (Estimated 1-yr.
production using PV Watts).
Efficiency First participants: add
Source: Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy and Efficiency 2010
Please note: The information provided in this table presents an overview of state incentives, but it should not be used as the only source of
information when making purchasing decisions, investment decisions, tax decisions or other binding agreements. For more information about
individual programs listed above, visit the DSIRE Web site at http://www.dsireusa.org/.
Table B-4. State Tax Credits for Commercial-Sector PV Projects
Incentive Third-Party Owner Non-Profit/Government
State Program Name Eligible Recipients Amount Eligible Eligible
Arizona Non-Residential Any non-residential installation is 10% Yes Yes
Solar & Wind eligible, including those for non-
Tax Credit profits and governments.
(Corporate) Individuals, corporations and S
corporations and partnerships may
claim the credit. Third party
financiers/installers/mfrs. of eligible
system may claim the credit.
Florida Renewable A non-residential taxpayer with $0.01/kWh Not specified Not specified
Energy facility placed in service or
Production Tax expanded after May 1, 2006. The
Credit credit is for electricity produced and
sold by the taxpayer to an unrelated
party during a given tax year.
Florida corporate income taxpayers
who own an interest in a general
partnership, limited partnership,
limited liability company, trust or
other artificial entity that owns a
Florida renewable energy facility
can apply for this credit.
Georgia Clean Energy Any GA taxpayer who has 35% Yes Not specified
Tax Credit constructed, purchased, or leased
(Corporate) renewable energy property and
placed it in service.
Hawaii Solar and Wind Hawaii taxpayer that files a 35% Yes Yes
Energy Credit corporate net income tax return or
(Corporate) franchise tax return; Credit may be
claimed for every eligible renewable
energy technology system that is
installed and placed in service.
Third-party taxpaying entities may
claim the credit if they install and
own a system on a commercial
taxpayer’s building or on a non-profit
Incentive Third-Party Owner Non-Profit/Government
State Program Name Eligible Recipients Amount Eligible Eligible
or government building. Multiple
owners of a single system may take
a single tax credit. The credit is
apportioned between the owners in
proportion to their contribution to the
system's cost.
Iowa Renewable Producers or purchasers of $0.015/kWh for Yes, credits may be Schools and cooperative
Energy renewable energy from qualified 10 years after claimed by system owner associations are eligible
Production Tax facilities; Installations must be at energy or by purchaser of owners. Credits may be
Credits least 51% owned by a state resident production electricity. System owners transferred or sold one
(Corporate) or other qualifying owner, and begins. must meet certain eligibility time.
placed in service on or after July 1, criteria.
2005 and before January 1, 2012.
Electricity must be sold to an
unrelated person to qualify for the
tax credit.
Kentucky Renewable Any installation on a dwelling unit or $3.00/watt (DC) Not specified Not specified
Energy Tax on property that is owned and used
Credit by the taxpayer as commercial
(Corporate) property
Kentucky Tax Credit for Companies that build or renovate 100% Kentucky Not specified Not specified
Renewable facilities that utilize renewable income tax or
Energy energy limited liability
Facilities entity tax
Louisiana Tax Credit for A taxpayer who purchases and 50% No No
Solar and Wind installs an eligible system or who
Energy purchases a new home with such a
Systems on system already in place
Maryland Clean Energy All individuals and corporations that $0.0085/kWh Not specified No
Production Tax sell electricity produced by a for 5 years after
Credit qualified facility to an unrelated facility is placed
(Corporate) person; Net metering arrangements in service.
Incentive Third-Party Owner Non-Profit/Government
State Program Name Eligible Recipients Amount Eligible Eligible
Montana Alternative A corporation, partnership, or small 35% No No
Energy business corporation that makes a
Investment Tax minimum investment of $5,000
New Advanced Any taxpayer 6% No. No.
Mexico Energy Tax
New Renewable A taxpayer who holds title to a Varies annually Not specified Not specified
Mexico Energy qualified energy generator that first over 10 years;
Production Tax produced electricity on or before $0.027/kWh
Credit January 1, 2018; or a taxpayer who average
(Corporate) leases property upon which a
qualified energy generator operates
from a county or municipality under
authority of an industrial revenue
bond and if the qualified energy
generator first produced electricity
on or before January 1, 2018.
New Solar Market Residents and non-corporate 10% of No No
Mexico Development businesses, including agricultural purchase and
Tax Credit enterprises installation
North Renewable Any NC taxpayer who has 35% Yes. For leasing, a No
Carolina Energy Tax constructed, purchased, or leased (distributed 7% taxpayer may take credit
Credit renewable energy property and per year for 5 for property that the
(Corporate) placed it in service. years for non- taxpayer leases if written
residential verification is received
installations) from the owner that states
that owner will not take
credit for renewable
energy installation.
North Renewable Corporate taxpayers filing a North 15% A pass-through entity that No
Dakota Energy Tax Dakota income tax return. System (distributed 3% installs the system at a
Credit must be installed on a building or on per year for 5 property it owns or leases
Incentive Third-Party Owner Non-Profit/Government
State Program Name Eligible Recipients Amount Eligible Eligible
property owned or leased by the years) is considered the taxpayer.
taxpayer in North Dakota. The credit amount allowed
is determined at the pass-
through entity level and
must be passed through
proportionally to corporate
partners, shareholders or
Oklahoma Zero-Emission Any non-residential taxpayer who $0.0050/kWh Yes Yes, nontaxable entities,
Facilities sells electricity to an unrelated for first 10 years including agencies of the
Production Tax person; Any nontaxable entities, of operation State of Oklahoma or
Credit including agencies of the State of political subdivisions
Oklahoma, may transfer their credit thereof, can take
to a taxpayer. advantage of the tax credit
by transferring it to a
taxable entity.
Oregon Business Trade, business or rental property 50% Yes A project owner can be a
Energy Tax owners who pay taxes for a (distributed non-profit, tribe or public
Credit business site in Oregon are eligible 10% per year entity that partners with a
for the tax credit. The business, its for 5 years) business or resident to
partners or its shareholders may take advantage of the
use the credit. A project owner also pass-through option. The
can be an Oregon non-profit pass-through option allows
organization, tribe or public entity a project owner to transfer
that partners with an Oregon the 35 percent Business
business or resident who has an Energy Tax Credit project
Oregon tax liability. This can be eligibility to a pass-through
done using the pass-through option. partner for a lump-sum
cash payment. The pass-
through option rate for five-
year Business Energy Tax
Credits effective October
1, 2003 is 25.5 percent.
The pass-through option
rate for one-year Business
Energy Tax Credits (those
with eligible costs of
Incentive Third-Party Owner Non-Profit/Government
State Program Name Eligible Recipients Amount Eligible Eligible
$20,000 or less) effective
October 1, 2003 is 30.5
Puerto Puerto Rico - Any Puerto Rican taxpayer who has 75% during FY Not specified Potentially; the tax credit
Rico Solar Tax acquired, assembled, and installed 2007-08 and may be transferred, sold or
Credit eligible solar electric equipment. 2008-09; 50% otherwise given to "any
(Corporate) during FY 2009- other person."
10 and FY
2010-11; 25%
starting FY
Rhode Residential Rhode Island taxpayer who (1) 25% Yes. Credit is available to No
Island Renewable owns, rents, or is the contract buyer RI taxpayers who are the
Energy Tax of the dwelling(s) served by the contract buyers of eligible
Credit system; The dwelling or dwellings systems and pay all or part
(Corporate) must be in the main or secondary of the cost of the system.
residence of the person who applies
for the tax credit, or of a tenant; or
(2) owns, or is the contract buyer of
the system and pays all or part of
the cost of the system; or (3) is the
contractor that owns the dwelling for
speculative sale in which the system
is installed
South Solar Energy Taxpayers who purchase and install 25% for 2010; No No
Carolina and Small an eligible system in or on a facility was 30% in
Hydropower owned by the taxpayer 2009
Tax Credit
Utah Renewable Any company that owns a qualified Residential: No No
Energy system 25%;
Systems Tax Commercial:
Credit 10%
Vermont Business Tax Corporations that pay corporate 30% of Not specified No
Credit for Solar income tax in Vermont that do not expenditures
Incentive Third-Party Owner Non-Profit/Government
State Program Name Eligible Recipients Amount Eligible Eligible
(Corporate) receive grants/funding from CEDF. (for systems
placed into
service on or
Source: Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy and Efficiency 2010b
Please note: The information provided in this table presents an overview of state incentives, but it should not be used as the only source of
information when making purchasing decisions, investment decisions, tax decisions or other binding agreements. For more information about
individual programs listed above, visit the DSIRE Web site at http://www.dsireusa.org/.
Table B-5. U.S. Department of Energy Brightfields Program Grantsa
Award Award Project Project Description Project Status
Year Amount
2000 $30,000 Brockton, MA: “This project involved attracting a photovoltaic system manufacturer to a 425-kW facility
Brownfields to Brockton Brownfield and building a solar array on a second site. commercially operation
Brightfields Project Anticipation: This array will bring into productive use up to 27 acres of since September 27,
idle property and the array could also generate up to 6 MW of electricity. 2006. Expanded by 35
To create sufficient local demand to attract the manufacturer, other kW to 460 kW in July
potential sites for photovoltaic applications will be surveyed.” 2007; Grid-connected
selling 100% of output
into New England Power
$50,000 Atlantic City, NJ: “Involves the construction of a solar powered bed and breakfast on an Project canceled
Cityscape Solar- urban Brownfield site in Atlantic City, New Jersey as part of an overall
Powered Bed and neighborhood redevelopment plan with a sustainability theme. The
Breakfast on and project will showcase the use of photovoltaics in supplying renewable
Urban Brownfield. energy and also contain sustainable features such as recycled building
materials and Energy Star appliances, and will be located in the
"Cityscape Neighborhood," an area designed to promote renewable
energy, sustainable building materials, and concepts of New Urbanism.”
$50,000 Hanford, WA: “This project will ultimately be the largest photovoltaic installation of its 38.7-kW system installed
Brightfield Project kind, and will bring the Brightfield concept to one of the worst Super in May 2002
Fund sites in the nation. The funding provided will cover a portion of the
pilot phase of the project, involving 40kW. Later phases will use a
wind/solar green energy blending strategy to finance development up to
1MW or larger. This solar array will act as a nucleation site around which
Energy Northwest intends to grow a renewable energy industrial park.”
2004 $65,400 Cedar Rapids, IA: “The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) will partner with the 7.2 kW installed
Bohemian City of Cedar Rapids, the Iowa Renewable Energy Association, Alliant
Commercial Historic Energy, and Thorland Company to install a 7200-Watt solar array in
District Solar Cedar Rapids on a multiuse converted former warehouse building in a
Development designated Brownfields redevelopment area.”The IDNR has established
Program partnerships with the City of Cedar Rapids, Alliant Energy, the Iowa
Renewable Energy Association, and the building owner to increase the
economic and environmental viability of a redeveloped Brownfield area
and expand the value and viability of solar projects.”
$59,400 Brockton, MA: Solar “The City of Brockton will build New England's largest solar array at a 425-kW facility
Energy Park: remediated 27-acre Brownfield site in fall 2004. The 500-kilowatt (kW) commercially operational
Deploying a Solar solar photovoltaic (PV) array — or "Brightfield" — will be installed in an since September 27,
Array on a Brownfield urban park setting with interpretive displays. The Brightfield could 2006. Expanded by 35
include as many as 6,720 solar panels connected in strings that span kW to 460 kW in July
the site. The Brightfield will grow incrementally to 1 MW with expansions 2007. Grid-connected
financed through positive annual cash flow generated by the sale of selling 100% of output
renewable energy certificates (RECs) and electricity.” into New England Power
$125,000 Raleigh, NC: “Carolina Green Energy, LLC proposes to partner with the North 75.6-kW PV generation
Brightfield Technology Carolina Solar Center to design and install a 30-kW grid-tied project operational since
Demonstration at photovoltaic (PV) system. As part of its continued efforts to bolster October 2007
NCSU support for renewable energy, the Solar Center will incorporate the
"Brownfield to Brightfield" project at Lot 86 into its ongoing education
and outreach programs.”
Source: U.S. Department of Energy State Energy Program 2006
According to EPA, the term brightfields refers to “the conversion of contaminated sites into usable land by bringing pollution-free solar energy and
high-tech solar manufacturing jobs to these sites, including the placement of photovoltaic arrays that can reduce cleanup costs, building integrated
solar energy systems as part of redevelopment, and solar manufacturing plants on brownfields.” For more information, see http://epa.gov/
Table B-6. State Policy and Incentive Comparisons: Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Colorado
Incentive Specifics Sector
New Generation Energy - Community
Solar Lending Program $5,000 - $100,000 Private
Massachusetts DOER - Solar
Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) $300 - $600 (per MWh) Both
Mass Energy Consumers Alliance -
Renewable Energy Certificate Incentive Both
Renewable Energy Property Tax
Exemption 100% exemption for 20 years Private
$5,500 (per host customer), up to
CEC - Commonwealth Solar II Rebates $250,000 per parent company Both
$162,500 per project (up to $1 million
for any host customer entity, or parent
CEC - Commonwealth Solar Stimulus company/organization) Both
Policy Specifics Sector
Massachusetts - Net Metering Both
Renewable Energy Trust Fund Public Benefit Fund Private
In-state PV: Mandated Target of 400
Renewable Portfolio Standard MW
Incentive Specifics Sector
Renewable Energy Tax Credit
(Corporate) 35% / $2.5 million per installation Private
Local Option - Revolving Loan Program
for Renewable Energy and Energy
Efficiency Interest rate can be no more than 8% Private
Local Option - Clean Energy Financing Debt repaid via property assessment Private
Renewable Energy Tax Credit
(Personal) 35% / $2.5 million per installation Private
Payments contingent on program
NC GreenPower Production Incentive success Both
Progress Energy Carolinas - SunSense
Commercial PV Incentive Program $0.18/kWh for 20 years Both
$1000 plus $0.12/kWh above the retail
rate for solar and $0.03/kWh above the
retail rate for all other eligible
TVA - Generation Partners Program renewables Private
Property Tax Abatement for Solar
Electric Systems 80% of appraised value Both
North Carolina Green Business Fund Grant varies Both
Energy Improvement Loan Program State Loan Program $500,000
(EILP) maximum Both
Policy Specifics Sector
North Carolina - Net Metering
Renewable Energy and Energy
Efficiency Portfolio Standard Solar: 0.2% by 2018
Incentive Specifics Sector
Boulder County - ClimateSmart Loan
Program Commercial: $3,000 - $210,000 Private
Local Option - Improvement Districts for
Energy Efficiency and Renewable
Energy Improvements Debt repaid via property assessment Both
Renewable Energy Property Tax
Assessment Varies Private
Boulder - Solar Sales and Use Tax 15% refund on sales and use tax for the
Rebate solar installation Private
Local Option - Sales and Use Tax
Exemption for Renewable Energy
Systems Varies Private
Sales and Use Tax Exemption for
Renewable Energy Equipment 100% Both
New Energy Economic Development
Grant Program Competitive grant, Recovery Act funded Private
$2/W DC with a maximum rebate of
$200,000; REC payments will step
down over time as certain MW levels
are reached for each system
Xcel Energy - Solar*Rewards Program classification. Private
Policy Specifics Sector
Colorado - Net Metering Private
Allows retail customers the choice of
Mandatory Green Power Option for supporting emerging renewable
Large Municipal Utilities technologies Both
Boulder - Climate Action Plan Fund Public Benefits Fund Private
Solar-electric (IOUs only): 4% of annual
requirement (0.8% of sales in 2020);
half of solar-electric requirement must
be located on-site at customers'
Renewable Energy Standard facilities
Solar, Wind and Energy-Efficiency
Access Laws
Source: Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy and Efficiency 2009
Table B-7. Key Policy Comparison for Subject States
RPS Colorado Massachusetts North Carolina
Policy In Place Yes Yes Yes
Effective Date 12/1/04 4/1/02 2/29/08
Targets 20% by 2020; Solar- 15% by 2020 and an 12.5% of 2020 retail
electric: 4% of additional 1% each year electricity sales by 2021
annual requirement thereafter; in-state PV with .2% from solar
mandated target of
PBF Colorado Massachusetts North Carolina
Policy In Place City of Boulder Only Yes No
Effective Date 4/1/07 3/1/98 N/A
Charge Maximum tax rates $0.0005 per kilowatt-hour N/A
for electricity (0.5 mill/kWh) in 2003
customers: and in each following
Residential: year
NET METERING Colorado Massachusetts North Carolina
Policy In Place Yes Yes Yes
Effective Date 7/2/06 1982 10/20/05
System Capacity 120% of the 2 MW for "Class III" 1 MW
customer's average systems; 1 MW for "Class
annual consumption II" systems; 60 kW for
"Class I" systems
REC Ownership Customer owns Customer owns RECs Utility owns RECs
RECs (must be (unless customer
relinquished to utility chooses to net meter
for 20 years in under an unfavorable
exchange for demand tariff)
TAX INCENTIVES Colorado Massachusetts North Carolina
APPLICABLE TO PV Property-Amount Property-100% Corporate 35%
varies depending on exemption for 20 years Property – 85% of
rate set annually by appraised value
the Division of
Property Taxation
Effective Date 2001 1984 Corporate 1/1/09
Property 7/1/08
Source: Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy and Efficiency 2010c
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August 2010 Technical Report
Feasibility Study of Economics and Performance of Solar DE-AC36-08-GO28308
Photovoltaics in Nitro, West Virginia: A Study Prepared in
Partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency for the RE-
Powering America’s Land Initiative: Siting Renewable Energy on
Potentially Contaminated Land and Mine Sites 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER