Media PDF
Media PDF
Media PDF
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ADDITIONAL SUBJECTS Code MT101 MT102 MT103 MT104 MT105 MT106 MT107 MT108 MT201 MT202 MT203 MT204 MT205 MT206 MT207 MT208 MT209 MT210 MT211 MT212 MT213 MT214 MT215 MT216 MT217 Subject Name Introduction to Media Engineering Graphics Electronics I Basics of Multimedia Media Practical I Media Practical II Applied Physics Basic Electrical Engineering Video Production Video Production Lab Script writing Introduction of Multi Media Radio Production Television Production I Post Production (Sound) Lab I Television Production II Post Production (Multimedia ) Lab I Post Production (Video Editing ) Lab I Media Laws and Ethics Media Management Video Codes and Standards Post Production (Video Editing ) Lab II Basics of Photography Advanced Photography Media Research Credit 3:0:0 2:0:2 3:0:0 2:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 3:0:0 3:0:0 4:0:0 0:0:2 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 0:0:2 4:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0
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Credits 3:0:0
Unit I: Nature and Characteristics of Communication Communication: definition, nature and scope - Human needs of communication - Functions of communications - Types of communication: intrapersonal - interpersonal, group and mass communication - Indian concept of communication Unit II: Process of Communication Elements and process of communication - Communication flows: one-step, two-step, and multi-steps - Barriers in communication - Verbal and non-verbal communication Unit III: Introduction to Media Characteristics of media - Print, electronic, new media and traditional media
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Unit IV: Media Ethics Concept of ethics and importance of professional ethics - Ethics and law - Ethics and various pressure Unit V: Advertising and Public Relations Concept and definition of public relations - Public relations: tools and technique - Public relations organizations - Concept and definition of advertising - Classifications of advertising Text Books: 1. Keval J. Kumar - Mass Communication in India Jaico,Mumbai. 2. Denis McQuonil - Mass Communication Theory : An Introduction, Sage Delhi.
References: 1. Philip Lesley - Handbook of PR and Communication, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai. 2. Chunawala and Sethia, Advertising Principles and Practice, Himalaya, New Delhi.
Unit I Graphics input-output devices: Direct input devices-cursor devices direct screen interactionlogical input function-cathode ray tubes-Line drawing displays-raster scan displays-hard copy devices. Unit II Two Dimensional graphics 2D transformations 2D algorithms-line drawing algorithmsline covering- line clipping and polygan clipping. Raster graphics Scan conversion of polygons region filling algorithms. Unit III Curves and surfaces: parametric representation of curves- curves-B-spline curves-parametric representation of surfaces-planes-curved surfaces-ruled surfaces surfaces.
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Unit IV Three dimensional graphics: 3D transformations-normal oblique central projections 3D algorithms-hidden lines and hidden surfaces removal. Animation Graphics : Simple animation usage of GETIMAGE() and PUTIMAGE ( ) functuions-usage of buffering techniques manipulation of color lookup table-tweening. Unit V Computer Graphics realism: tiling the plane-recursively defined curves-Koch curves-C curves& Dragons space tiling curves-Fractals and grafatals turtic graphics ray tracing. Graphics standards: the GKS international standards GXD standard for Micro computers.
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Marks 50+50
Text Books: 1. John R. Rankin- Computer Graphics software construction Prentice Hall of Australia Pvt, Ltd., 1989. 2. William M. Newmann, Robert P. Sproull, Principle of Interactive Computer Graphics, McGraw Hill International Book Company, 1989. Reference Books : 1. F.S. Hill, JR., Computer Graphics Maxwell Macmillan International Editions, 1990 2. James Alan Farrel, From PIXELS to ANIMATION: An Introduction to Graphics Programming, AP Professional, 1994 3. Rod Salmman, Mel Slater, Computer Graphics: Systems and concepts Addision Wesley Publishing Company 1987 4. Roy. A Plastock, Gordon Kalley, Theory and Problems of computer Graphics, Schaums outline series, Mc graw hill International editions, 1986.
UNIT I : Semiconductor Diodes and Applications: Semiconductor materials- Energy levels- P and N type materials- Diode equationequalent circuitdiode capacitanc4s and reverse time- Zener diodes-Light emitting diodes. Rectifier circuits- clipper -clampers- Voltage multipliers. UNIT II: Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT): Transistor construction and operation-PNP and NPN- CE, CB CC configurations. DC biasing of BJT- Bias stabilization modelling BJT-Hybrid equivalent circuit. UNIT III : Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET) and MOSFET: Construction and characteristics-Current equation-Enhancement MOSFET- P and N Channel MOSFET- Biasing JFET and MOSFET.
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UNIT IV : BJT and FET Small Signal Analysis: Transistor as amplifier-Common emitter-Common base and common collector amplifiers-Equivalent circuits and analysis- Source follower-Common Source- Common gate configurations- equivalent circuit and analysis-Low frequency and high frequency response-Miller effect-Multistage frequency effects. UNIT V : Compound Configurations: Cascade-cascode and Darlington ConnectionsSource and Current Mirror Circuits-Differential amplifier.
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Marks : 40 + 40
Text Book: 1. Boylestad and Nashelsty, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Prentice-Hall of India, 2003.
Reference Books: 1. Malvino,Electronic Principles,Tata McGraw Hill,1999. 2. Sedra and Smith,Microelectronic Circuits,Oxford University Press, 2004. 3. Jager and Blalock,Micrelectronic Circuit Design,Tata Mc-Graw-Hill,2006.
Marks 40+60
UNIT I: Evolution of Multimedia Structure and components of Multimedia multimedia platforms - Applications of Multimedia in Education, Communication, Medication, Business, Entertainment Video Conferencing, Web Streaming, Video Streaming, Internet Telephony Virtual Reality Artificial intelligence UNIT II: Introduction to authoring authoring approaches (programming, screen based, information centered) features of authoring systems cross platform systems cost technical support ease of interface design. UNIT III: Content planning Prototyping programming testing evaluation - delivery modes and techniques.
UNIT IV: Image processing special effects 2D & 3D animation compositing rendering and editing cell & computer animation model building key frame animation dynamic particles character animation modeling and animation techniques. UNIT V: Video basics - Working with video - Video Formats - Video hardware - encoding decoding video editing non-linear editing Audio basics working with audio audio formats audio hardware & software. Adobe Premiere tools & features recording audio & video types of audio & video time line project planning trimming motion effects digital composting.
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Text Books: 1. The Ultimate Multimedia Handbook, Tata Mc Graw Hill 2. Multimedia at Work, Tata Mc Graw Hill 3. Adobe Photoshop Unleashed, Tata Mc Graw Hill References: 1. Teach yourself Corel Draw, Sams Publishing 2. Flash Mx for Dummies, Pustak Mahal
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MT105 MEDIA PRACTICAL-I Credits 0:0:2 Marks 50+50 12 Experiments will be notified by HOD from time to time
UNIT I : Optics Propagation of light Doppler Effect- Linear Polarization- Circular and Elliptical Polarization Reflection and Refraction- Fresnels equation- Total Internal Reflection Evanescent wave in Total internal reflection Phase changes in Total Internal Reflection Coherence and Interference Michelson Interferometer Theory of Partial Coherence Fabrey Perrot instrument Multilayer film Fresnel and Fraunhofer Diffraction Diffraction pattern due to narrow slit, circular aperture and straight edge- Scattering of light UNIT II : Ray Optics Reflection and Refraction at a spherical surface Thin lens formula Lenses Ray Equation Lens aberrations - Resolving Power of Optical instruments Rayleighs criterion of resolution Resolving power of Telescope, Microscope, Prism ,Grating. UNIT III : Laser and Fibre-Optics Interaction of light with matter Principle of Laser Operation of Laser- population inversion Nd-YAG laser Dye Laser - He-Ne Laser Semiconductor Laser Fiber Optics Propagation of light in a cladded fibre Types of Fibre optic cables principles of Coupling Fibre optic cables Reconstruction of wavefront by diffraction -Holography UNIT IV : Acoustics: Introduction Sound Wave motion Types of wave motion Characteristics of wave motion Relation between frequency and wavelength Relation between wavelength and velocity Group velocity Phase velocity - Reflection of sound waves Defects due to reflected sound Absorption of sound Sabines formula Reverberation theory Eyrings equation Acoustical materials.- Acoustic design of a Hall Common acoustical defects UNIT V: Ultrasonics Introduction - Generation of ultrasonic waves Properties of ultrasonic waves Detection of Ultrasonic waves Absorption and dispersion of Ultrasonic waves - Determination of wavelength and velocity Applications.Books for study :
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Marks : 40 + 40
Text books: 1. Introduction to Optics by Frank.L.Pedrotti, Leno Mathew Pedrotti Reference books: 1. Engineering Physics by R.K.Gaur and S.L.Gupta, Dhanpat Rai Publications (2001) 2. Physics I by V.Rajendran and A Marikani , Tata McGraw Hill ( 2004)
Unit I : Basic Quantities and D.C. Circuits : Electrical quantities-Electric current, Electric potential, Electric power, Electrical Energy, Resistance, Temperature Co-efficient of Resistance, Lumped circuits-Ohms Law, Kirchoffs laws-Independent and dependent sources-Voltage division and current division-Simple resistive circuits-Source transformation.
Unit II : A.C. Circuits Generation of alternating E.M.F-Equation of alternating voltage-Alternating quantity (Current or voltage)-Cycle Time period-Frequency-Maximum value- Average value-R.M.S. value-Form factor and peak factor-Phase and phase difference-VI relationships of R,L & CPhasor-Sinusoidal steacty state response-Concepts of impedance and admittance-Analysis of simple circuits-Power and power factor-Resonance in AC series and parallel circuits. Unit III : D.C Machines & Transformer, DC Generators: Principle of D.C Generator, Parts of DC generators-EMF equation-Types of generators-Characteristics of generator-Applications. DC Motors : Principle of DC motors, Parts of DC motor-Back EMF-Type of motorsCharacteristics of motor-Applications. Transformers : Principle-Constructional details-Parts-Types (Core & Shell)-E.M.F. equation-Applications. Unit IV : Generation, Transmission and Distribution Generation of Electrical Energy-Thermal power generating station-Hydro power generating station-Nuclear power generating station-Transmission of Electrical energy-Classification of Transmission lines-Conductors-Insulator-Underground cables-Classification of cablesLaying of underground cables-Distribution of electrical energy-AC distribution system-DC distribution system-Over head distribution system-Under ground distribution system. Unit V : Measuring Instruments and Wiring Circuits Basic principle of indicating instruments-Moving iron and moving coil instrumentVoltmeters and ammeters-Dynamo type watt meter-Induction type energy meter. Wiring Circuits : Wiring material & accessories-Rating of wiring materials,Type of wiringStair case wiring-Fluorescent lamp wiring-Simple domestic wiring layout-Basic principle of earthing.
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Text Book: 1. T. Thyagarajan, K.P. Sendur Chelvi and T.R. Rangaswamy, Engineering Basics 3rd Edition, New Age International Publishers,2001 Reference 1. T. Thyagarajan, Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Scitech Publications (Ind) Pvt. Ltd., Fourth Edition August 2006 nd 2. Paranjothi S.R., Electric Circuit Analysis New Age International Ltd., Delhi, 2 Edition, 2000 MT201 VIDEO PRODUCTION Credits 4:0:0
Unit I: Introduction to TV technology Picture formation-T.V Scanning : Horizontal & Vertical- Frame & field rate -Resolution video bandwidth, sync. blanking signals, colour burst, sensitivity, linearity etc.-Television standards: NTSC, PAL, SECAM. Unit II: Principle of Video Camera Primary & secondary colours- Photo conduction, photo voltaic, photo emissive effectWorking principle of video camera- CCD cameras: Three CCD, single CCD colour cameraV arious sizes of pickup devices Unit III: Components and Controls of Video Camera. Parts of a video camera-Different controls on video camera-Power switch, preheat, genlock, white balance, gain, iris, pedestal etc.-Zoom control: servo, manual, remote, zoom extendersFocus control : auto, manual , remote, back focus, macro focus.-Camera view finders (B/W and colour). Its indicators and control. Unit IV: Balancing of Colours of a video camera. Colour temperature-White balance: Process and need.-Camera filters-Camera control unit (CCU)-Waveform monitor for output level of video-Vectorscope Unit V: Video camera lenses. Perspective-Types and use-normal lens, telephoto lens, wide-angle lens. Zoom lens-Tripod, types of tripod heads, dolly, trolley & other accessories-Different types of camera angles and use-Camera movements types & use - Different Types of Television Cameras-NG camera - EFP camera - Studio cameras - Special cameras: underwater camera, Endoscopic camera, Aerial photography camera, remote control camera, high-speed video cameras - Types of microphones used on video camera - Types of audio & video connectors. Text Book: 1. Peter ward Studio and outside broadcast Camera 2. BernardWilkie Creating special effects for TV & Video References: 1. Roy Thomson Grammar of the shot 2. Der Lyur & Graham Basics of Video Production
Department of Media Technology AN-222
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MT 202 VIDEO PRODUCTION LAB Credits 0:0:2 Marks 50+50 12 Experiments will be notified by HOD from time to time
Unit I: What you need to become a good script writer the proposal outline questions to ask before writing the script Visual treatment- subject factor the film treatment thinking through the treatment the sequence outline types of sequence the shooting script Unit II: How shots are related writing narration the feature preparing the presentation the character full length - the story treatment. Unit III: The art of confrontation confrontation dynamics secondary function the step outline dialogue devices the master scene script format adaptation and its problems surviving story conferences Unit IV: The scriptwriter as business person - What to know about lessons from the pros the other side the story board judging screen time terminology used Unit V: story outline proposal outline script discussion characterization story treatment master scene script project presentation. Text Book: 1. Dwight V Swain Film Scriptwriting Focal Press publishers 2. Steve Katz Film Directing Shot Focal Press publishers
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References: 1. Steven Katz Film Directing: Cinematic Motion Focal Press publishers 2. Antony Friedman Writing for media Focal press
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Credits 2:0:0
UNIT I: Evolution of Multimedia Structure and components of Multimedia multimedia platforms - Applications of Multimedia in Education, Communication, Medication, Business,
Department of Media Technology AN-223
Entertainment Video Conferencing, Web Streaming, Video Streaming, Internet Telephony Virtual Reality Artificial intelligence UNIT II: Introduction to authoring authoring approaches (programming, screen based, information centered) features of authoring systems cross platform systems cost technical support ease of interface design. UNIT III: Content planning Prototyping programming testing evaluation - delivery modes and techniques.
UNIT IV: Image processing special effects 2D & 3D animation compositing rendering and editing cell & computer animation model building key frame animation dynamic particles character animation modeling and animation techniques. UNIT V: Video basics - Working with video - Video Formats - Video hardware - encoding decoding video editing non-linear editing Audio basics working with audio audio formats audio hardware & software. Adobe Premiere tools & features recording audio & video types of audio & video time line project planning trimming motion effects digital composting. Text Books: 4. The Ultimate Multimedia Handbook, Tata Mc Graw Hill 5. Multimedia at Work, Tata Mc Graw Hill 6. Adobe Photoshop Unleashed, Tata Mc Graw Hill References: 3. Teach yourself Corel Draw, Sams Publishing 4. Flash Mx for Dummies, Pustak Mahal
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Credits 4:0:0
Unit I: What is Sound?-Sound is created by vibrating materials-Vibration generates waves in the air sound waves-Number of waves (cycles) occurring in each second is frequency of that sound-Types, Classification & Quality- Pitch, Low & High frequency etc-Voice -Voice Culture- Practices, Voice care-Production of Speech and Song- Basic ingredients of a Radio Programme- Human voice, International Sounds, Music-Exploitation of Sound- Mixture of voice, sounds and music-Formats Simple and complex-Characteristics of the MediumUnlimited imagination; directness; simplicity-limitations of blind media.
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Unit II: Simple formats- Use of voice and natural sounds (included without effort)-Complex Formats- Eg: Drama (mixture of all the ingredients)-Selection formats- Subject determines format. Unit III: Writing for Radio
Unit IV: Production of Programmes-Talk Types and techniques-Interview types. Preparationquestioning techniques, location-Discussion : selection of participants, clarity of scope, control-Quiz - Types , Dos and Donts-Documentary and Feature types, planning and structure, persons, collection of materials and recordings-Magazine programme: - choice of subject, construction, variety, Presentation techniques and listeners participation-Running commentary types-selection of commentators, checklist, crisis resolution, Dos and Donts of Live broadcast Sports recorded and live giving ring side view-Outside Broadcast Checklist, media for relay, compere, recording arrangement, crisis management -Music types, placement of micro phones, mixing and coloring aided by software-Drama, Docudrama and Skit complexity, selection of scripts voluntary and commissioned, selection of voices thro audition and casting, thematic music and sound effects, production techniques, exercises-Radio Cartoon cartoon in sound Jingles, PSAs and Trailers Promos, public service announcements.
Unit V: News and Current Affairs-Selection, treatment, objectivity, accuracy, intelligibility, impartiality, legality, news room operation, importance of style, -News casting and presentation reading, pronunciation, stressing, inflection-Radio News Reel selection, duration and presentation-Discussion and interview ( Devils Advocate)-Live Reporting an event, a personality, a land mark etc. - Radio Journalism Hard News, Features, Field Recording, Live Broadcast, Professionalism- What makes a Good Producer?- Importance of home work, planning and preparation, conceptulisation and creativity, exercises-Broadcast and Law-Legal concepts like Copy right, defamation etc.,-Broadcast Ethics-Impartiality, Fairness, Credibility etc-Digital Recording-Use of software-Presentation techniques-Art of RJing, excercises
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Text Book: 1. The Technical Radio Production by Robert McLeish, Focal Prress, London References: 1. Guide to Radio Journalism, Kendall / Hunt, Dubuque, Iowa, USA.
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Credits 4:0:0
Unit I: Idea-The seed of the Programme-How do we get ideas-Inspiration- Creative inspirationadapted inspiration-Visual thinking
Department of Media Technology AN-225
Unit II: Writing for television production-Single Camera production-Multi camera production in studio and outdoor Unit III: Different genre of television productions-Digital Videography-Introductions to shots-Camera angles-Combination of camera movements and subject movements Unit IV: Compositions-Basic lighting-Improving the composition and colour rendition in the computer Unit V: Glossary of TV production-Budgeting-Blending of content and form-Vizualisation in single camera operation Text Book: 1. Sr.Mary Peter Claver & Sr.Mary Jyosita First steps to TV-video production 2. Margarette Mehring, Blending of content and form. Reference: 1. Books on television production published by focal press, U.K.
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Unit I: Basic shots-head room-looking room-walking room-rule of thirds-angles of the camera. Unit II: Lighting -visual thinking-basic movements of the camera-various lenses of the cameradifference between zoom and trolley Unit III: Script writing for television-dialogue and commentary-various formats to television productions-television documentaries-short videos-commercial spots-TV feature Unit IV: News reporting-soft stories-introduction to studio production-introduction to OB coverage role of director, editor, cameraman-incorporating multi media techniques
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Unit V: Sound mixing-role of music-sound effects. Text Book: 1. Sr.Mary Peter Claver & Sr.Mary Jyosita First steps to TV-video production 2. Margarette Mehring, Blending of content and form. Reference: 1. Books on television production published by focal press, U.K.
Unit I: Indian Constitution Overview of the Indian constitution, Fundamental Rights, Duties of citizens, Directive principles of state policy, Functions of Executive, Judiciary , Legislative, Powers and Privileges of Parliament, Provisions for declaring Emergency, Provision for amending the constitution, freedom of the press and restrictions these upon, Centre-state relations Unit II: Media laws in India PRB Act 1867, the press(objectionable matters)Act 1957, The News Paper (prices and Pages)Act 1956, Defence of India Act, Delivery of Books and News paper (public libraries)Act, Press Council Act, Cable TV Networks (regulations)Act, The Cinematographic Act 1952, Drugs and magic remedies Act Unit III: Civil and Criminal Laws Laws of Libel and defamation, Contempt of courts Act 1971 and contempt of Legislative, Copy right Act and IPR, Trade Mark Act and patents Act, Right to Information and Official Secrets Act, Autonomy and Prasar Bharati Act, Broadcasting Bill. Unit IV: Code and Ethics Recommendations of press commission I and II, Mac Bridge report, Press council guide to Journalistic ethics, Self regulation and code of ethics, censorship and control of the press,
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Marks 50+50
Marks 50+50
press ownership and monopolies, Various committees of broadcasting, Broadcasting policies, Act regarding to working journalists. Unit V: Cyber Laws in India Nature and scope of cyber laws, The right to publish and right to privacy, Digital signature , Piracy, Domain name registration issues, convergences bill, Media council and media ombudsman in the world. New IT Law IT 2000.
Text Books: 1. Basu, Law of the Press in India, Practice Hall of India(2003) 2. Basu, Introduction to Indian Constitution, Practice hall of india(2003) 3. R.K Ravindran, Press in the Indian Constitution, Indian Publishers, Distributors (1997) 4. Radha Krishna Murthi , Indian Press Laws References: 1. Na. Vijayshankar, Cyber laws in India, Citizens India 2. Hamelink cess-J.Ehics of cyber Space, Sage 3. Philip Patterson, Lee Wilking, Media ethics , Issues capes MC Graw Hill
Unit I: Media economics Structure, function and economic of an electronic media - India s major media houses and their holdings- Inflow of capital in media- Major heads of income in media- Advertising and media industry Unit II: Electronic media as business Programme management-(Planning, scheduling, production and broadcasting)- Cos ting and budgeting of programme- Commissioned and sponsored programme Unit III: Media marketing Market survey : media, product and audience profile- Television rating point (TRP)-Agencies of rating, process and method of rating- S elling of a programme Unit IV: Media management Structure of radio and television organization- Recruitment and contractual engagement of H.R.- S ervice conditions and general administration- Channel management and training and redeployment of personnel. Unit V: Cable Industry Evolution, growth and development of cable industry- Indian scenario of cable industryMajor players: Siti Cable, In Cable, RPG, Sun etc- Process of distribution of signals - Pay channels vs. free channel- Channel war and cable industry - N ew technologies and cable industry
Department of Media Technology AN-228
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Text Books: 1. Promotion & Marketing for Broadcasting Cable ofthe web by Eastman , Susantylen 2. Consumer Behavior by Leon G. Schiffman and Leslie Lazar Kanuk, Prentice Hall India References: 1. Essentials of Management by Harold Koonz and Heinz weihrich, Mac Graw Hills Pub. 2. Management and Practice of Public Relations by Norman Stone, Mac Millan Pub.
Unit I: Video Formation, Perception, Representation Color Perception and Specification, Analog Video, Raster, Analog color Television Systems, Digital Video Unit II: Fourier analysis of Video Signal Frequency, Domain Characterization o f Video signals, Multidimensional Continuous and Discrete space signals and systems, sampling of video signals Unit III: 2D/3D Motion Estimation Motion Methodologies, pixel based motion estimation, block matching Algorithm, Global Regional Motion Estimation, Multi resolution motion estimation, Feature based, direct motion estimation. Unit IV: Video Compression standards and its Algorithms: Consumer Video communication with MPEG1, digitial TV with MPEG2, MPEG3, H264, Video Bit stream Syntax Unit V: Scalable Coding: Basic Methods of Scalability- object based Sacalabilty- Error Control and Concealment: Video Communication network-Transport level Error Control-Error resilient Encoding-Error Concealment Text Books: 1 .video processing and communications yao wang, joern ostermann,and ya-qin zhang prentice-hall, isbn 0-13-017547-1, References: 1. jvt document jvt50r ITU Documents for Mpeg2,Mpeg4 and JVT doc for H264 NK Publichers
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Marks 40+60
MT 214 POST PRODUCTION (VIDEO EDITING) LAB II Credits 0:0:2 12 Experiments will be notified by HOD from time to time Marks 50+50
Unit I: Camera: Over view on Photography Shutter Aperture Depth of field Major type of camera making a career in photography categories of photography photojournalism advertisingportrait-nature photography-purpose and control over aperture- aperture shutter speed factors that affect D.O.F.
Unit II:Lens: Pinhole Photography construction of a pinhole camera - Focal length Wide angle, Normal, and Long focal length lenses Focus and depth of field-hyperfocal distance determining the hyperfocal distance of a lens- History of Photography.-Daguerotype Fox Talbot-Modern B/W chemistry Eastman Kodak. Unit III:Film: Selecting and using film tungsten film & daylight films black and white films monochrome films infrared films and other special effects films-different formats-35m-120 mm 220mm 4 x 5 film -Film speed How film responds to light-film grain sensitivity structure of film light vs film - . Unit IV: Exposure and image making Techniques: How an exposure meter works ambient light meters flash meter readings - Built in meter External light meter Metering techniques incident light metering reflective light metering -0 spot metering gray scale- Framing- Perspective- Texture- PatternComposition- and DesignUnit V: Black and White photography: Black and white film Black and white filters Developing developing tank structure of B/W film- Printing.-making a mask photograms- push processing pull processing masters of B/W photography Ansel Adams identifying the various zones Reference: 1. The Basic Book of Photography (Fourth Edition) (Paperback) -by Tom Grimm (Author), Michele Grimm (Author) 2. Mastering the Basics of Photography (Paperback) -by Susan McCartney (Author) "If you understand how cameras operate, and how the lens and shutter work together to control exposure, it will make learning the basic photographic skill..." (more)
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Unit I: Colour Additive colours Subtractive colours Colour balance colour corrections hue and saturation- contrasting colours psychological significance of colours-Types of colour film Characteristic of colour films sensitivity to colour-colour temperature
Unit II:Lights Direction of lights Diffused light-bounced diffused light diffused bounce diffused light point light difference between point light and diffused light-Degree of diffusion Available Light Artificial Lights Portable flash light using a portable flash extensively using portable flash for portraiture Unit III: Lightings Key Light or Main light Fill light Simple portraiture lightings - using one light sourceusing two lights-using multiple lights synchronization flash sync speed- slave lightsinternational portrait photographers Unit IV: Techniques on Image making Advanced techniques of Framing Perspective forced perspective-perspective correctionTexture Pattern Composition Graphic Design in photography Emphasis Balancethe symmetrical world asymmetry Unit V: Digital imaging Digital imaging Latest trends in digital imaging-Overview on Digital imaging Equipment needed for digital imaging- Editing digital images-resizing digital images print usage-online usage- a career in digital imaging-digital photographers Reference: 1. Beyond Basic Photography : A Technical Manual by Henry Horenstein, Henry Asaacs, Henry Isaacs (Illustrator) Revised edition (August 1993) 2. Lighting Secrets for the Professional Photographer by Alan Brown, Joe Braun, Tim Grondin (October 1990) 3. Night & Low-Light Photography : A Complete Guide by Bob Gibbons, Peter Wilson (Contributor) Revised edition (September 1993) 4. Advanced Photography by Langford , Michael, New York: Focal Press, 1980. 4th. ed
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Credits 4:0:0
Unit I Introduction to research nature of scope and distinction between research in natural and social sciences nature and scope of communication research review of research related to effects research limitations of effects research basic parameters of media related studies
Unit II Designing a research study the problems and the method preparing a research proposal sources of research primary and secondary etc. Unit III Types of research design Exploratory studies descriptive studies diagnostic studies experimental studies their relevance and use in communication research Unit IV Methods of data collection field studies Holistic approach observation Interviews Questionnaires structured and unstructured schedules sampling content analysis approach, method and use techniques basic data analysis techniques Unit V Writing a research project organization chapterization citation - footnotes
Text Book 1. Research Methods in Mass Communication by Stempell and Westley Prentice Hall, 1981. 2. Communication Theories: Origins, Methods and Uses by Severin and Tankard, hastings House Publishers, 1979. 3. Mass Media Research an introduction by Roger Wimmer and Joseph Dominick, (III EDITION), Wadsworth Pub., 1991. Reference: 1. Handbook of Radio and TV Broadcasting Ed. By James Fletcher, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, London, 1981. 2. Studies in Mass Communication and Technology Ed. By Sari Thomaas, Ablex Publishing Company, 1984.
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ADDITIONAL SUBJECTS Code MT109 MT110 MT222 MT223 MT224 MT225 MT226 MT227 MT228 MT229 MT230 MT231 MT232 MT233 MT234 MT235 MT236 MT237 MT238 MT239 MT240 MT241 MT242 MT243 MT244 MT245 MT246 MT247 MT248 MT249 MT250 MT251 MT252 MT253 MT254 MT255 MT256 MT257 MT258 MT259 Subject Name Introduction to Mass Communication Drawing and Computer Aided Graphics Scripting and Soft Presentation Media, Culture and Communication Electronic Devices and Basic Circuits Electronics Devices and Circuits Lab Analog and Digital Integrated Circuits Digital Electronics Audio Video Studios Principles of Advertising Digital Electronics Lab Photography Lab Digital Compositing Fundamentals of Electronic Communication Audio Video Production Techniques Memories and Analog Signal Conditioning Communication Circuits Lab Programme Production Lab Signal Transmission and Radiation Post Production Techniques Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Digital Signal Processing Media Economics Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab Post Production Lab Television and Video Engineering Application of DSP for Audio and Image Processing Digital Music Media Aesthetics Media Management and Entrepreneurship Satellite Communication DSP and Data Compression Lab Special Production Lab (Audio or Video or Animation) Media Laws and Ethics Media Research Audio Presentation Audio Programme Production Lighting Techniques Television Programme Production Game Programming With C++ Credits 2:0:0 1:0:2 3:0:0 2:0:0 3:1:0 0:0:2 3:1:0 3:1:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 3:0:0 3:1:0 3:1:0 3:1:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 3:1:0 3:0:0 3:1:0 3:1:0 3:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 4:0:0 3:1:0 4:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 4:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:1:0
Artificial Intelligence For Games Audio Production and Presentation Advertising and Public Relation Video Production and Editing Mass Communication Graphics and Animation
MT109 INTRODUCTION TO MASS COMMUNICATION Credit: 2:0:0 Unit I Fundamentals of Communication: Origin of communication, Meaning & Elements/components of human communications; Concept of Communication, Communication as a social, human & universal process; seven Cs of Communication, Communication - Objectives, Scope & Functions, Factors responsible for Growing importance of Communication, Effective communication & its Barriers. Functions of Mass Communication: To-Persuade, Inform, Educate, Entertain; Other functions; Impact & Influence of Mass Media Unit II Process of Communication: Transmission of ideas, Facts & feelings from one person to another-elements of Communication Process (message, Sender, Encoding, Channel, Receiver, Decoding, Acting & Feedback).Form of Communication: Intra Personal Communication, Interpersonal Communication Group Communication (Public, Crowd, Small Group), Mass Communication Unit III Theories of Communication: Hypodermic Needle Theory, Two-step & Multi-step Theory, Commercial Theory, Play Theory Uses & Gratification Theory, Selective Exposure, Selective Perception & Selective Retention Theory, Individual Difference Theory, Meaning of theories based on scientific study &analysis; Four major theories of Press, according to Fred Siebert, Theodore Peterson & Wilbur Schramm Authoritarian Theory, Libertarian Theory, Social Responsibility Theory, Other Theories: Development Media & Democratic Participant Theory Unit IV Models of Communication: SMR Model, SMRc Model, Shannon & Weaver Model, Laswell Model, Osgood Model, Dance Model, Schramm Model, Gerbners Model, New Comb Model, Gate Keeping Model: Tools of Mass Communication: Newspapers, Magazines, Radio, TV, Films Records Internet, Advertising, Public Relations & Public Affairs, Traditional & Folk Media Unit V Verbal &Non-Verbal Communication Universals of Verbal Communication, Meaning & Barriers in Verbal Communication Language, Sub-Language & Culture, Elements of speech communication, on-Verbal behavior as communication, Body communication-Body movement, Facial Communication, Space Communication-Physical environment, Silence, Paralanguage & Temporal communication
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Text Books 1. Mcquail, Dennis, Mass Communication Theories, Sage Publication, 2000 2. Asa, Berger, Essentials of Mass Communication, Sage Publication, 2000. References 1. Rosenberg, Karl Erik, Communication, an Introduction, Sage Publication, 2000 2. Webster, Frank, Theories of Information Society, Routledge, 1995.
MT110 DRAWING AND COMPUTER AIDED GRAPHICS Credit: 1:0:2 Unit I Fundamentals of Drawing Foundation of Perspective, Drawing cubic objects, initial sketches to redefine drawing, drawing cylindrical objects, drawing spherical objects, drawing conical objects Unit II Drawing Landscapes and Portraits Drawing Landscapes- Creating textures with lines and storks, seeing landscapes as values, creating a dark value pattern, smudging the pencil, adding reflection in water, interpreting a cluttered scene, creating a centre of interest, Drawing Portraits, Handling colour pencils, Mixing color, tonal technique, burnishing Unit III Computer Aided Graphics Introduction to Computers and Computer Aided Graphics Workstations Display Technology Input and Output Devices Graphics standards. Introduction to Computer Aided Design and Drafting Applications Various CAD Packages Study of AUTOCAD 2000 software Hardware requirements. Unit IV Simple Exercises Simple Exercises using various Drawing and Editing commands of AUTOCAD 2000 Simple Exercises using various formatting commands Basic Dimensioning practice using AUTOCAD 2000. Unit V Exercises using Layers and blocks Simple Exercises using Layers and Blocks Introduction to Isometric Drawings Basic Plotting practice. Text Book 1. George Omura, AUTOCAD 2000, BPP Publications, New Delhi, 2000 Reference Books 1. Shyam Tickoo, AUTOCAD 2000 BIBLE, BPP Publications, New Delhi, 2000 2. K.V. Natarajan, Engineering Drawing and Graphics, 15th Ed. 2001 3. David Lewis, Pencil Drawing techniques, Watson-Guptill Publications, 1984.
MT222 SCRIPTING AND SOFT PRESENTATION Credit : 3:0:0 Unit I Basics of Scriptwriting Structure of script Units of Time, A, B and C Plots, Screenplay Nomenclature, Treatment, Plot, Character, Script Form, Writing Scripts for Television News, Minutes and Seconds, Script Form.Writing Documentaries, Scripting Commercials, Commercial Formats, Steps in Creating a Commercial, PSAs, Promos, and Ads, Copyright Issues, Important Vocabulary Terms Unit II Formats of Script Features, Documentaries, Educational programmes, Short films, Fiction, Non-Fictions, Time Chunks, Children programmes, Women programmes, writing for special audience, Farmers and youth. Unit III Concept and Story Idea Idea: What makes a good concept, idea for television, what are the elements necessary for character for your story, Create obstacles, and Dramatic points in the story. Plot: Its importance, twist in plots, Daily soap, Series story-the comedy, The thriller story, Story elements: Characters, How to create interesting characters, subsidiary characters, relief characters, character stories, polarization of characters in story, elements of Teleplay. Unit IV Scenes and Dialogues Scene: What is a scene? How to create scene for play? Types of scenes, breaking Individual tracks into scenes, the opening scene, the end scene, the filler scene, and target Audience consideration. Dialogue: Importance of dialogues, Dialogues for different genres like comedy, Soap, thrillers and TV films, preparation of shooting script, Story board writing. Unit V Presentation Techniques Who are you talking to? Pace problems, making sense of intonation, Script problem, Breath Support and resonance, Are you sitting comfortably, Learning to love microphone, getting your breath, being conversational, Language and Perform Text Book 1. Antony Friedman, Writing for Visual Media, Focal Press, April 2001 References 1. Jan Johnson Yopp and Katherine C. McAdams, Reaching Audiences: A Guide to Media Writing, 2002
MT223 MEDIA, CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION Credit: 2:0:0 Unit I Media Studies An introduction to the media, media industries and audiences: Media is a cultural force and changing paradigm. Basic concepts: Language of persuasion, Media messages, de
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constructing media Dynamics of modern communication: the shaping and impact of new communication technologies. Theoretical approaches, theories of the media, theories of society, messages and meanings. Unit II Media and Globalization Large corporations and control of the communications industries Negotiation of control in media organization and occupation, Cultural dependency and mass media. The economies of media industry, the global gaps, social class, technology gaps, structure and agency, communication and connectivity. Dynamics of global culture, and migration, cultural melding and mediation, globalization, Diasporas, circular migration. Hegemony - the role of media and popular culture, global capitalist hegemony and Communist hegemony. Unit III Media and Society Language and social construction of reality, mediation and representation - texts, meanings and audiences. Rules in society, rules and culture, the special authority of electronic media public images and private practices, media and rules. Unit IV Media and Culture Defining Ideology and culture, emotions and culture, language and culture, race and culture, social class and culture, habits and popular culture, popular reception, popular emotions, emotional branding, mediated feelings, story, genre, discourse, culture uses of material world. Media and cultural imperialism, defining dominant ideology, hegemony. Unit V Media and Audiences Media and audience direct effects, limited effects, uses and gratification, the mass audience, the mass society, rethinking the mass audience, the audience and the technological change, segmentation, polarization, TV as dominant culture. Text Books 1. Mohammad Ali, International Communication & Globalization, Sage Publications, London, 1997. 2. Dennis McQuail, Mass Communication Theories, Sage Publications, 2000. References 1. Straubhar, Larose, Media Now, Thomson Wordsworth, 2004 2. Vincent Mosco, the Political Economy of Communication (Media, Culture and Society Series), Thomson Series, 2004
MT224 ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND BASIC CIRCUITS Credit: 3:1:0 Unit I Introduction to Electronics Signals, Frequency spectrum of signals, analog and digital signals, amplifiers, circuit models of amplifiers, Digital logic inverters
Unit II Operational Amplifiers Ideal op amp, Inverting configuration, Non-inverting configuration, difference amplifiers, effect of finite open-loop gain and bandwidth on circuit performance, large-signal operation of op amps, DC imperfections, Integrator and differentiators Unit III Diodes The Ideal diode, Terminal characteristics of junction diodes, Zener diodes, rectifier circuits, limiting and clamping circuits, physical operation of diodes, special diode types Unit IV MOS Field-Effect Transistors Device structure and Physical operation, current-Voltage characteristics, MOSFET circuits at DC, MOSFET as an amplifier and a switch, Biasing in MOS amplifier circuits, DC bias point, signal current in drain terminal, CMOS digital logic inverter, Depletion type MOSFET Unit V Bipolar junction Transistors Device structure and Physical operation, current-voltage characteristics, BJT as an amplifier and as a switch, BJT circuits at DC, biasing in BJT amplifier circuits, single stage BJT amplifiers, Frequency response of the CE amplifier, Basic BJT digital logic inverter Text Book: 1. Adel S. Sedra & Kenneth C. Smith, Microelectronics Circuits, Oxford University Press, 2003. References: 1. Thomas Floyd, Electronic Devices, Prentice Hall of India, 2003 2. David A.Bell, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Prentice Hall of India., 1998
MT225 ELECTRONICS DEVICES AND CIRCUITS LAB Credit: 0:0:2 List of Experiments: 1. Characteristics of PN diode, Zener diode and Photo diode 2. Characteristics of JFET 3. Characteristics of BJT in common emitter configuration 4. Half-wave rectifier with and without filters 5. Full-wave rectifier with and without filter 6. Clipper circuit 7. Clamper circuit 8. Design of BJT amplifier 9. Voltage regulator 10. Op-amp- Inverter, Non-Inverter 11. Op-amp integrator 12. Op-amp - Differentiator
MT226 ANALOG AND DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Credit: 3:1:0 Unit I Single-Stage Integrated-Circuit Amplifiers IC design philosophy, Comparison of MOSFET and BJT, IC biasing, High-Frequency Response, CS and CE amplifiers with active loads, High-Frequency response of CS and CE amplifiers, CG and CB amplifiers with active loads, Cascode amplifier, Source and Emitter followers Unit II Differential and Multistage Amplifiers MOS Differential pair, small-signal operation, BJT Differential pair, other nonideal characteristics of differential amplifier, differential amplifier with active load, frequency response of differential amplifier, multistage amplifiers Unit III Feedback Amplifiers General feedback structure, properties of negative feedback, four basic feedback topologies, shunt-series feedback amplifier, series-series feedback amplifier, shunt-shunt and shuntseries feedback amplifiers, determining loop gain, stability problem,. Effect of feedback on amplifier poles, stability studying using Bode plots Unit IV Operational-Amplifiers and Data-Converters Circuits Two-stage CMOS Opamp, folded cascode CMOS op amp, 741 Op-amp circuit, DC analysis of 741, small-signal analysis of 741, gain, frequency response and slew rate of 741, Data converters, D/A converter circuits, A/D converter circuits Unit V Digital CMOS Logic Circuits Digital Circuit Design: An overview, Design and Performance analysis of CMOS Inverter, CMOS Logic gate circuits, pseudo-NMOS Logic Circuits, Pass Transistor logic circuits, Dynamic Logic circuits Text Book: 1. Adel S.Sedra & Kenneth C. Smith, Microelectronics Circuits, Oxford University Press, 2003. References: 1. Thomas Floyd, Electronic Devices, Prentice Hall of India, 2003 2. David A.Bell, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Prentice Hall of India., 1998 MT227 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS Credit: 3:1:0 Unit I: Number Systems and Boolean algebra Review of binary, octal, & hexadecimal number systems-representation of signed numbersfloating point number representation-BCD-ASCII-EBCDIC-Excess 3 codes-gray code-error detecting and correcting codes.
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Boolean Algebra: Postulates and theorems of Boolean Algebra canonical forms simplification of logic functions using Karnaugh map Quine McClausky method. Unit II: Combinational Logic Design Logic gates implementation of combinational logic functions encoders & decoders multiplexers & demultiplexers code converters comparator - half adder, full adder parallel adder binary adder parity generator/checker implementation of logical functions using multiplexers. Unit III: Counters and Registers RS, JK, JK Masterslave, D&T flip flops level triggering and edge triggering excitation tables asynchronous & synchronous counters modulus countersshift register Johnson counter- ring counter timing waveforms-counter applications. Unit IV: Sequential Logic Design Basic models of sequential machines concept of state table state diagram state reduction through partitioning & implementation of synchronous sequential circuits Introduction to asynchronous sequential logic design. Unit V: Programmable Logic Devices Semicustom design Introduction to PLDs ROM PAL PLA FPGA Architecture of PLDs : PAL 22V10, PLS 100/101 Implementation of digital functions. LOGIC FAMILIES: RTL, DTL, TTL families, Schottky clamped TTL, Emitter Coupled (ECL), Integrated Injection Logic (IIL), MOS inverters, CMOS inverters, comparison of performance of various logic families. Text Books 1. Morris Mano, Digital Design, Prentice Hall of India, 1995. 2. Puri V.K., Digital Electronics, TMH, 1997. Reference Books 1. Tocci.R.J, Digital Systems Principles & Applications, Prentice Hall of India, 1997. 3. Fletcher.W.I, An Engineering Approach To Digital Design, Prentice Hall of India, 1994. 4. Millman & Halkias, Integrated Electronics, TMH, 1995. 5. Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, PHI, 1997. 6. Mano M.M., Digital Logic and Computer Design, PHI, 1998.
MT228 AUDIO VIDEO STUDIOS Credits: 3:0:0 Unit I Sound Isolation and Room Acoustics
Sound, decibels and hearing; Sound isolation; Room acoustics and means of control; Designing neutral rooms; Rooms with characteristic acoustics; Variable acoustics; Room combinations and operational considerations Unit II Studio Environment Ventilation and Air conditioning, Power cabling, Ear thing, Limitations to design Predictions; Loudspeakers in rooms; flattening the room response; Control rooms; the behavior of multiple loudspeakers in rooms Unit III Consoles and Studio Furniture Response disturbances due to mixing consoles and studio furniture; Objective measurement and subjective evaluations; Pressure amplitude response, Harmonic distortion, Noise Unit IV Studio Monitoring Systems and Surround Sound Cables and connectors, Cross over networks, loud speaker driver units, Psychoacoustics of surround sound, Surround loud speakers Unit V Lighting Basic Lighting Concepts, Lighting Equipment: Types of Lamps. Common Lighting, Instruments, Light Mounts, Light Modification and Control. Studio Lighting Principles, Field Lighting, Principles, Lighting Safety, Planning. Text Book 1. Philip Newell, Recording Studio Design, Focal Press, 2007 References 1. Ronald J. Compesi, Jaime S. Gomez, Introduction to Video Production: Studio, Field, and Beyond, Pearson, 2006 2. Don Davis, Sound System Engineering, Focal Press, 2007 3. Alton Everest, Master Hand Book of Acoustics, McGraw Hill, 2001 4. Gary Davis, the Sound Reinforcement Hand Book, Hal Leonard Corporation, 1989
MT229 PRINCIPLES OF ADVERTISING Credit: 3:0:0 Unit I Introduction Understanding advertising today-The foundations of advertising -The advertiser Agency Partnership-The advertising Environment. Unit II Audience and Advertising Audience Definition, Research, and Planning Audience analysis and buyer behavior Segmentation ,Targeting and Positioning- Advertising Research- Objectives, Strategy and Plans- Intercultural and International Advertising Unit III Creative Process
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The Creative Process Creativity, Creative Strategy and Copywriting Art Production Print Production Electronic Production Unit IV Media Media Choice- Media Objectives, strategy and planning print media electronic mediadirect marketing and out of home advertising- Putting the campaign together- Sales promotion and supplementary media public relations and special communications- local advertising from plan to results: The complete campaign Unit V Public Relations Evolution and growth, definition and relevance of PR role Mass media & PR; PR in Government, public and private sectors; PR and corporate Communications, writing for PR; PR ethics and regulations. Text Book 1. Courtland L. Bovee, Advertising Excellence: McGraw Hill Publications. Delhi,(2001). References: 1. Sean Brierley, The Advertising and Hand book, New York, 2000. 2. McGraw Hill, Principles of Advertising and IMC, McGraw Hill, 2000. 3. John McDonough, Encyclopedia of Advertising, Vol 1, 2000.
MT230 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS LAB Credit: 0:0:2 List of Experiments: 1. Logic gates 2. Half adder and Full adder 3. Multiplexer and Demultiplexer 4. Code converter BCD to 7-Segment, BCD to excess-3 , Gray to Binary, Binary to Gray 5. Encoder and Decoder 6. Flip-flops 7. Counters 8. Shift registers 9. IC timer 10. Parity generation and checking 11. Analog to digital converter 12. Digital to analog converter
1. Framing and composition 2. Pictures at varying shutter speeds 3. Pictures with different lenses 4. Pictures under different light conditions 5. Black and White pictures on a selected theme 6. Pictures each on 7. Different patterns 8. Portrait photography 9. Architecture photography 10. Product photography 11. Fashion photography 12. Travel photography 13. Nature Photography 14. Indoor / Outdoor Photography 15. Developing B/W film 16. Printing B/W film 17. Pictures with digital camera on a selected theme References 1. Dan Simson, Digital Photography Bible, Wiley, 2004 2. Wolfganng Freihen, Modern Photography Techniques, J.Bartholomew, 1996
MT232 DIGITAL COMPOSITING Credit: 3:0:0 Unit I Digital Representation of Visual Information Image Generation Pixels, Components, and Channels Spatial Resolution Bit Depth Normalized Values Additional Channels, HSV Color Representation Image Input Devices Digital Image File Formats, File Format Features Vendor Implementations of File Formats, Compression Choosing a File Format Nonlinear Color Spaces ,Basic Image Manipulation Terminology Color Manipulations ,3D Transforms Warping Expression Language Filtering Algorithms Unit II Basic Image Compositing Matte Image The Integrated Matte Channel, Multi source Operators, Over Mix Subtract In Out Atop Masks Compositing With Pre multiplied Images ,Color Difference Method Specialized Keying Software Matting Techniques Garbage Mattes Edge Mattes Combining Mattes Manipulating Mattes ,6 Time and Temporal Manipulations Apparent Motion Temporal Resolution Temporal Artifacts Changing the Length or Timing of a Sequence Key framing Unit III Image Tracking and Stabilization Tracking an Element Into a Plate Choosing the Feature to Track Limiting the Search Area Human Intervention Using Tracking Curves Manually Stabilizing a Plate Tracking Multiple Points, Interface Interactions Workflow Online Versus Batch Methods of Representing the Compositing Process Compressed Trees Timelines Curve Editors Working With Proxy Images, Image Viewing and Analysis Tools Image Viewers Flipbooks Image Statistics Pixel or Regional Information Tools Histograms
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Unit IV Formats Media, Resolution, and Aspect Ratio, Aspect Ratio Non square Pixels Deciding on a Resolution for an Aspect Ratio, Format Conversion Pipeline , Format Conversion Example, Film Formats ,35mm Formats ,16mm Formats Specialized Film Formats Video Formats ,Lines of Resolution Fields Color Resolution Gamma NTSC PAL ,SECAM ,HDTV ,Other Formats Unit V Creating Elements Lighting Interactive, Lighting Matched Cameras, Reference Stand-in Clean Plates Film Stock Filters Choosing a Format Lighting and Shooting with Blue screens Blue screen versus Green screen Shooting Order ,Integration Techniques ,Scene Continuity Lighting Shadows Lens Flares Atmosphere Camera Mismatches Camera Movements Focus Motion Blur, Film Grain ,Blue screen Integration ,Digital Integration . Text Book: Ron Brinmann, The Art and Science of Digital Compositing, Morgann Kaufmann, 1999 References: 1. Steve Wright, Digital Compositing for Film and Video, Focal Press, 2006 2. Dough Kelly, Digital Composting in-Depth, Coriolis, 2000.
MT233 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION Credit: 3:1:0 Unit-I Noise and Amplifiers Signal, Waveform spectra, Noise, Equivalent noise resistance, SNR, Noise factor, Noise temperature, Tuned RF amplifiers, Neutralization, Frequency Conversion and mixers, IF amplifiers, Broadband video amplifiers, Class C and Linear amplifiers, Transmitter and amplifier matching Unit-II Oscillators and Receivers Passive feedback oscillators, Tuned LC oscillators, Crystal Oscillators, stability, Negative resistance Oscillators, Frequency Synthesizers, Super heterodyne receiver, choice of IF, Image rejection, Adjacent channel selectivity, Spurious response, tracking, AGC, double conversion receivers, HF communication receivers Unit-III Modulation AM and FM Amplitude modulation, AM transmitters, AM receivers, Single-sideband principles, balanced modulator, SSB generation, SSB reception, Modified SSB systems, Comparison of SNR, Frequency modulation
Unit-IV Phase and Pulse modulation Phase modulation, Equivalence between FM and PM, Angle modulator, Angle modulation Detectors, Noise in FM, Pulse transmission, Pulse amplitude modulation, Time division multiplexing, Pulse time modulation Unit-V Digital Communication Bit transmission, Signaling rate, error probability, Pulse code modulation, Delta modulation, coding, codes, error detection and correction codes Text Book: 1. Dennis John Roddy and Coolen, Electronic Communications, PHI, 1995. References: 1. Taub and Schilling, Principles of Communication Systems, McGraw Hill, 2003. 2. G.Kennedy, Electronic Communication Systems, McGraw Hill, 2003.
MT234 AUDIO VIDEO PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES Credit: 3:1:0 Unit I Sound Transmission and Digital Audio Capturing Sound Electronically-Magnetic and Electronic Principles, Dynamic Transducers, Ribbon Transducers, Carbon Particle Transducers, Piezoelectric Transducers Reversed Transducers. Digital audio-Digital Coding, Digital Conversion, Data Management, Digital Simulation of Analog Effects: Microphones-Technical Features, Pickup Patterns, Microphone Usage, Specialized Microphones, Microphone Placement, Off-axis Coloration, Proximity Effect ,Acoustic Phase Relationships Distant Miking. Unit II Mixers and Recorders Pre-amplification, Peak Indicators, Faders and Potentiometers Level Indicators, Headroom, Signal Routing Signal Sends, Split and Inline Mixers, Control Room Monitoring, Mute and Solo, Pan Potentiometers, Channelized Mixers ,Mixer Automation Digital Consoles, Broadcast Consoles, Automatic Consoles, Virtual Mixers, Digital Audio Workstations and Computers Unit III Editing and Processing Purposes of Editing, Foundations of Editing: Analog Tape, Editing with Digital Audio Workstations, Adjusting Levels, Control Surfaces in Editing. Audio Processors and Processing-Amplification and Level Control, Dynamic Processors, Frequency Processors Temporal Processing, Digital Signal Processing, Noise Reduction Processors, Forensic Sound , Monitors and Loudspeakers, Transporting Sounds
Unit IV Video production Techniques Cast and crew, Camera function and operation, Operation of special effects, Audio control facilities, Video switchers Mobile truck production unit, Function and operation of the video recorder, Camera structure and lens design Unit V Video Editing Editing equipment and control systems, Field production, Digital tools-Non linear editing, Visual effects, editing rough-Final drafts, Planning edits and transition Text Books: 1. Drew O. McDaniel, Rick C. Shriver, Kenneth R. Collins, Fundamentals of Audio Production, Pearson, 2008. 2. Lynne Schafer Gross, James C. Foust, Burrows Video Production: Disciplines and Techniques, McGraw Hill. References 1. Adobe creativity team, Adobe After Effects 4.0 Class Room in a Book, Adobe, 1999. 2. Tomlinson Holman, Sound for Digital Video, Focal Press, 2005. 3. Video Maker, The Video Maker Guide to Video Production, Focal Press, 2007. MT235 MEMORIES AND ANALOG SIGNAL CONDITIONING
Credit: 3:1:0
Unit I Memories and Advanced Digital Circuits Latches and Flip-flops, multivibrator circuits, Semiconductor memories: Types and architectures, RAM cells, Sense amplifiers and address decoders, ROM, ECL, BiCMOS digital circuits Unit II Filters and Tuned Amplifiers Filter transmission, types and specification, filter transfer function, Butterworth and Chebyshev filters, first-order and second order filter functions, second-order LCR resonator, and tuned amplifiers Unit III Signal Generators and Waveform-Shaping Circuits Basic Principles of sinusoidal oscillators, op amp-PC oscillator circuits, LC and crystal oscillators, Bistable Multivibarators, Generation of square and triangular waveforms using astable multivibartors, generation of standardized pulse-monostable mutivibrator, IC timers, precision rectifier circuits Unit IV Output Stages Classification of output stages, Class A output stage, Class B output stage, Class AB output stage, Biasing, class AB circuit, Power BJTs, and Variation on Class AB configuration Unit V Power Amplifiers IC power amplifiers, MOS Power transistors: structure of power MOSFET, Characteristics, Temperature effects, comparison with BJT, Class AB output stage utilizing MOSFETs
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Text Book: 1. Adel. S. Sedra & Kenneth C. Smith, Microelectronics Circuits, Oxford University Press, 2003. Reference: 1. Millman & Taub ,Pulse Digital and Switching Waveforms, McGraw Hill, 1965.
MT236 COMMUNICATION CIRCUITS LAB Credit: 0:0:2 List of Experiments: 1. Design of filter 2. Design of Class A power amplifier 3. Design of single tuned amplifier 4. Hartley Oscillator 5. AM modulation and demodulation 6. FM modulation and demodulation 7. Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis 8. IF amplifier, Mixer 9. PLL applications 10. Pulse amplitude modulation 11. Time division Multiplexing 12. Radiation pattern of antennas
MT237 PROGRAMME PRODUCTION LAB Credit: 0:0:2 List of Experiments: Digital Compositing Composing computer generated images Blue screen composing and creating masks Rot scoping Audio Programme Production Study of microphones Loud speakers, Mixers Audio editing softwares: Pro tools/Sound forge/Neundo Plug in effects and virtual instruments MIDI Video Programme Production Study of video cameras and studio equipments Lighting techniques, the production process Lighting preparation Three point lighting Rehearsing and preparing the talent
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Framing principles and movements References 1. Steve Wright, Composing Visual Effects, Focal Press, 2008. 2. Cliff Truesdell, Mastering Digital Audio Production: The Professional Music Work Flow with Mac OSX, John Wiley, 2007. 3. Robert B.Manuals, Single Camera Video Production, Focal Press, 2005. 4. Ronald J.Compesi, Video Field Production and Editing, Pearson, 2006.
MT238 SIGNAL TRANSMISSION AND RADIATION Credit: 3:1:0 Unit-I Transmission Lines and Cables Primary line constants, phase velocity and line wavelength, characteristic impedance, propagation coefficient, phase and group velocities, standing waves, lossless lines at radio frequencies, VSWR, slotted-line measurements at radio frequencies, transmission lines as circuit elements, smith chart, time-domain reflectometry. Unit-II RF lines and Waveguides Telephone Lines and cables, Radio-Frequency lines, microstrip lines, wave guide introduction, rectangular waveguides, other modes Unit-III Radio-Wave Propagation Propagation in free space, Tropospheric propagation, ionospheric propagation, surface wave, LF propagation and VLF propagation, Extremely low-frequency propagation, summary of radio-wave propagation Unit-IV Antennas Antenna Equivalent circuits, coordinate system, radiation fields, polarization, Isotropic radiator, power gain of an antenna, effective area & effective length of an antenna, Hertzian dipole, vertical antennas, folded elements, loop and ferrite- rod receiving antennas, nonresonant antennas, driven arrays, parasitic arrays, VHF-UHF antennas, microwave antennas Unit-V Fiber Optic Communication Principles of light transmission in a fiber, lasses in fibers, dispersion, light sources for fiber optics, photo detectors, connectors and splices, fiber optic communication systems Text Book: 1. Dennis John Roddy and Coolen, Electronic Communications, PHI, 1995. References: 1. Taub and Schilling Principles of Communication Systems, McGraw Hill, 2003 2. G.Kennedy, Electronic Communication Systems, McGraw Hill, 2003
MT239 POST PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES Credit: 3:0:0 Unit I Editing Systems Audio post production equipments, mixing consoles and audio processing equipments, studio recording, mikes and microphones, Transmission and reproduction of audio post production materials, Synchronizing and controllers, sound effects, Audio workstations, stereo, music, monitoring and the environment Unit II Audio Editing Recording Digital Audio, Recording audio for post production, Editing softwares, Pre production for post production, Track planning and Post Production sequences, Digital Audio Transfers and Recording, Voice over perspectives, Unit III Video Post Production Technology, and techniques of video editing, TV Signals, time code, Digital video and video tape formats, video tape editing, preparing for post production, offline editing process, online editing Digital video effects, Audio post production for video Unit IV High Definition Post Production Frame recording method, bit depth, chromo sampling, compression, mixing SD and HD, computer file size for high definition video, conversion problems, off- line/online edit system compatibility, shoot, edit and deliver at one frame, LCD monitors, plasma screens, DLP monitors Unit V Colour Correction Colour theory, Perceptions, Colour monitors and tools, Common colour errors and techniques, Introduction to Advance colour correction Text Books 1. Jay Rose, Audio Post Production for Digital Video, CMP Books 2002. 2. Gary H Anderson, Video Editing and post production, A Professional Guide, Focal Press,1999. References 1. Tim Amyes, Audio Post production in Video and Film, Focal Press, 2001. 2. Des Lyver, Basics of the Video Production Diary, Focal Press, 2001. 3. Steven E Browne,High Definition Post Production: Editing and Delivering HD Video, Focal Press 2007. 4. Steven Hullfish-Jaime Fowler, Colour Correction for Digital Video: Using Desk Top Tools to Perfect Your Image, CMP Books, 2003.
Unit I: 8085 Microprocessor Organization of 8085 microprocessor Instruction set Addressing modes Assembly language programming machine cycles Read, Write Bus cycles states Wait state HALT and HOLD state. Unit II: 8086 Microprocessor Organization of 8086 microprocessor memory segmentation Addressing bytes and words Address formation Address modes in 8086 Assembly language programming minimum mode and maximum mode. Unit III: Microprocessor Interfacing Techniques Data transfer Programmable parallel ports 8255 PPI Serial Communication Asynchronous - Synchronous 8251A Programmable communication interface 8237 Programmable DMA controller 8259A Programmable interrupt controller. Unit IV: Interfacing Memory and I/O Devices and Microprocessor Applications Memory interface Input / Output Interface Keyboard/display interfacing A/D and D/A interface applications DC motor controller. Unit V: 8051 Microcontroller Organization of 8051 Microcontroller I/O Ports External memory Counters and timers serial data input and output interrupts instruction set addressing modes assembly language programming simple applications. Text Books: 1. Ramesh. S.Gaonkar, Microprocessor Architecture, Programming & Applications with 8085/8080a, Penram International, Fifth Edition, 1999. 2. Rafiquzzaman M., Microprocessor Theory and Application - Intel and Motorola, PHI, 2002. 3. Kenneth J. Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture Programming and Applications, Penram International, 2nd Edition, 2004. References: 1. D.V Hall, Microprocessor and Interfacing Programming and Hardware, McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 1990. 2. YuCheng Liu & Glenn A Gibson, Microcomputer System, 8086/8088 Family, PHI, 2003. 3. Ajit Pal, Microprocessor Principles and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003. 4. Avatar Singh and Walter A.Tribel, The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessor, Architecture, Software and Interface Techniques, PHI, 1985.
MT241 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Credit: 3:1:0 Unit I Linear System and Convolution
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Signals and Systems, Requirements for Linearity, Static Linearity and Sinusoidal Fidelity, Examples of Linear and Nonlinear Systems, Special Properties of Linearity, Superposition: the Foundation of DSP, Common Decompositions, Delta Function and Impulse Response, Convolution: Input Side Algorithm, Output Side Algorithm, Sum of Weighted Inputs, Common Impulse Responses, Mathematical Properties, Correlation Unit II Discrete Fourier Transform Family of Fourier Transforms, Notation and Format of the real DFT, Frequency Domain's , Independent Variable, DFT Basis Functions, Synthesis, Calculating the Inverse DFT, Analysis, Calculating the DFT, Duality, Polar Notation, Polar Nuisances, Spectral Analysis of Signals Frequency Response of Systems, Convolution via the Frequency Domain Unit III Fourier Transform Properties & Transform Pairs Linearity, Characteristics of the Phase, Periodic Nature of the DFT, Compression and Expansion, Multirate methods, Multiplying Signals (Amplitude Modulation), The Discrete Time Fourier Transform, Parseval's Relation, Delta Function Pairs, Sinc Function, Gibbs Effect, Harmonics, Chirp Signals Unit IV Fast Fourier Transform & Introduction to Digital Filters Real DFT Using the Complex DFT, How the FFT Works, FFT Programs, Speed and Precision Comparisons, Filter Basics, Information is represented in Signals, Time Domain Parameters, Frequency Domain Parameters, High-Pass, Band-Pass and Band-Reject Filters Unit V Digital Filters Moving Average Filters: Implementation by Convolution, Noise Reduction vs. Step Response, Frequency Response, Relatives of the Moving Average Filter, Recursive Implementation, Strategy of the Windowed-Sinc, Designing the Filter, Recursive Method, Single Pole Recursive Filters, Narrow-band Filters, Phase Response, Chebyshev and Butterworth Responses, Designing the Filter Text Book: Steven W. Smith, The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier, 1997. References: 1. John G. Proakis and Dimitris G.Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing, Algorithms and Applications, PHI of India Ltd., 2000. 2. Openheim and Schafer, Digital Time Signal Processing, Prentice Hall of India, 2002. 3. Emmanuel C. Ifeacher and Barrie W. Jervis, Digital Signal Processing A Practical Approach, Addison Wesley Longman Ltd., UK,
MT242 MEDIA ECONOMICS Credit: 3:0:0 Unit I Introduction to Media Economics Macroeconomics and microeconomics, economics of scale, economics of scope, Market structure, Key economics characteristics of the media, Economics of Advertising, Media
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Economics and Public Policy, economic methodologies, Decision making, demand and supply Unit II Media and PR Introduction to media: Overview of media/ the media industry in India/ Types of Media/ role of each medium/ advantages and disadvantages of each medium. Role of PR in the success of a product /service. The relationship between marketing and Advertising and PR/ The relationship between sales and PR/ how sales benefits from PR Unit III Print and Television Media Economic characters of news paper and broadcasting, Ownership Structure, Publicly funded broadcasting, vertical supply chain for television, Impact of new distribution technologies. Television programme production-Economics of programme supply, International trade in audio visual contents Unit IV New Media Internet and E-commerce, Digitalized media contents, increasing economics of scale and scope interactivity, internet and mobile communication and possibilities; leveraging new media; Understanding value added services; understanding streaming video net and mobile; using SMS Unit V Media Economics and Public Policy Free market Vs interventions, support measures for media contents, concentrated media ownerships, Monopolies and technological change: Events and sponsorships; overview of how events are marketed; certain sponsorship proposals; structuring sponsorship deals, Understanding of common terminology and jargon in media. . Text Books 1. Gillian Doyle, Understanding Media Economics, Sage Publications, 2007. References 1. Gillean Doyle, Understanding Media Economics, Sage Publication, 2004. 2. C.R.ColinHoskins, Media Economics-Applying Economics New and Traditional Media, Sage, 2003. 3. Newman, Bruce I, The Mass Marketing of Politics, Sage Publication, 1999. . . 4. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall, 2003.
MT243 MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER LAB Credit: 0:0:2 List of Experiments: 8085 Assembly Language Programming 1. Arithmetic Operations 2. Searching of Numbers 3. Code conversion
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4. Square wave generation using 8255 8086 Assembly Language Programming 5. Arthmetic operations 6. Sorting 7. Digital to Analog Conversion 8. Block Transfer using 8085 and 8086 Program using 8051 9. DC motor Interface 10. Display interface 11. Serial Communication using RS-232 interface 12. Analog to digital conversion
MT244 POST PRODUCTION LAB Credit: 0:0:2 List of Experiments: Audio production 1. Basic procedures: Navigation, Meters, Markers and regions: 2. Recording, 3. Editing-Basic Edits, 4. Working with video, Audio for video, 5. Effects, restoration, Mastering music for CD, mp3, Burning a CD, MIDI and sampler tools Video production 6. Trimming tools, 7. Timeline editing, 8. Track labels, Moving clips, 9. Dramatic effects, creating dynamic text and effects, 10. Audio Guidelines and Methods for adjusting Audio, 11. Adding Sound effects, 12. Transcoding and outputting References: 1. Jeffry P.Fisher, Instant Sound Forge, CMP Books, 2004. 2. Manuals of Pro Tools, Sound Forge, Neundo and Cubase 3. Lonzell Watson, Final Cut Pro.6 for Digital Video Editors, John Wiley, 2008 4. Donna L.Baker, Adobe Premiere Pro: Complete Course, Wiley, 2004.
Unit I: Fundamentals of Television Characteristics of eye and television pictures Resolution and brightness gradation. Theory of Scanning. Camera tubes Vidicon and Silicon diode array vidicon. Monochrome picture tube, Composite video signal. Unit II: Monochrome Television Receiver Transmission and Propagation of TV signal, TV antenna, Receiver: VHF Tuners, Vision IF subsystem, Inter carrier sound system. Video amplifiers, Synchronous separation AFC and deflection Oscillators frame and line deflection circuits. Unit III: Colour Television Systems Color Characteristics Color cameras, Color picture tubes, Color signal generation and encoding, NTSC, PAL and SECAM Systems. Unit IV: Colour Television Receivers Block diagram of PAL-D receivers, Luminance channel. Chrominance amplifier, Color burst separation and burst phase discriminator. Sub carrier Oscillator AGC circuits. Ident and color killer circuits. U and V demodulators. R, G, B matrix and drivers. Unit V: Special Topics in Television Digital tuning techniques, Remote control, cable television, CCTV, Video tape readers and recorders. Videodisc system, LCD Projectors. Fundamental of digital TV and high definition Television. Text Book: 1. Gulati.R.R., Modern Television Practice, Principle of Technology and Servicing, New Age International Pvt., Ltd., 2002. References: 1. Dhake.A.M, Television and Video Engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1995. 2. Grob.B, Herndon.C.E., Basic Television and Video Systems, McGraw-Hill, 1999.
MT246 APPLICATION OF DSP FOR AUDIO AND IMAGE PROCESSING Credit: 3:1:0 Unit I Introduction Roots of DSP, Telecommunications, Audio Processing, Echo Location, Imaging Processing Unit II Audio Processing Sound Quality vs. Data Rate, High Fidelity Audio, Companding Speech Synthesis and Recognition, Nonlinear Audio Processing Unit III Image Formation & Display Linear Image Processing Digital Image Structure, Camera and eye, Television Video Signals
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Other Image Acquisition and Display, Brightness and Contrast Adjustments, Grayscale Transforms, Warping, Convolution, 33 Edge Modification, Convolution by Separability Unit IV Special Imaging Techniques Example of a Large PSF, Fourier Image Analysis, FFT convolution, Closer Look at Image Convolution, Spatial Resolution Sample Spacing and Sampling Aperture, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, Morphological Image Processing Computed Tomography Unit V Data Compression Data Compression Strategies, Run-Length Encoding, Huffman Encoding, Delta Encoding LZW Compression, JPEG (Transform Compression), MPEG Text Book: 1. Steven W. Smith, The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier, 1997. References 1. John G. Proakis and Dimitris G.Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing, Algorithms and Applications, PHI of India Ltd., New Delhi, 2000. 2. Openheim and Schafer, Digital Time Signal Processing, Prentice Hall of India, 2002. 3. Emmanuel C. Ifeacher and Barrie W. Jervis, Digital Signal Processing A Practical Approach, Addison Wesley Longman Ltd., UK, 2004.
MT247 DIGITAL MUSIC Credit: 4:0:0 Unit I Introduction, Waves and Harmonics Sound, The human ear, sine waves, Harmonic motion, Vibrating strings, frequency spectrum, beats, Superposition, Damped harmonic motion, Resonance, Fouriers theory of harmonic analysis. Unit II Mathematicians Guide to the Orchestra Wave equation for strings, Initial conditions, bowed string, Wind instruments, The drum Eigenvalues of the Laplace operator, horn, THE BELL, Acoustics Unit III Consonance and dissonance and Scales and temperament Harmonics, Simple integer ratios, History of consonance and dissonance, Critical bandwidth, Complex tones, artificial spectra, Combination tones, Pythagorean scale The cycle of fifths, Cents, Just intonation, Major and minor, the dominant seventh Commas and schismas, Eitzs notation Unit IV Digital Music Digital signals, Dithering, WAV AND MP3 FILES, MIDI, Delta functions and sampling, Nyquists theorem, The Z-transform, Digital filters, discrete Fourier transform
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Unit V Synthesis Envelopes and LFOs, Additive Synthesis, Physical modeling, The KarplusStrong algorithm, Filter analysis for the KarplusStrong algorithm, Amplitude and frequency modulation, The Yamaha DX7 and FM synthesis, Feedback, or self-modulation, CSound FM synthesis using CSound, Simple FM instruments Text Book: Dave Benson, Music: A Mathematical Offering, Cambridge University Press,2006. Reference: Miller Puckette, The Theory and Technique of Electronic Music, World Scientific Publishing Co., 2007.
MT248 MEDIA AESTHETICS Credit: 3:0:0 Unit I Light Light-- Nature of light, Lighting purposes and functions, The nature of shadows, Attached and Cast shadows, Outer orientation functions: special orientation, tactile orientation, time orientation, Inner orientation functions: predictive lighting, light and lighting instruments. Lighting: Standard lighting techniques, Chiaroscuro lighting: analysis, functions, and types, flat lighting: functions, Silhouette lighting, Media -Enhanced and Media- Generated lighting, Single and Multiple camera lighting. Unit II Colour Colour perception, Physiological factor, and Psychological factor, Colour Mixing: additive mixing, subtractive mixing, mixed mixing, Relativity of Colour: light environment, surface reflectance, colour temperature, surrounding colours; colour juxtaposition, colour constancy, Colours and Feelings, Colour Energy. Structuring Colour --Function and CompositionInformational function of Colour, Colour symbolism, Compositional function of colour, Expressive function of colour : Expressing Essential quality of an event, Desaturation Theory, Colourising films Unit III Timing and principal motions Types of Objective Time: Timing - clock time, running time, sequence time, scene time, shot time, story time, Types of Subjective time: Pace, Rhythm, Principal motions and their functions. Unit IV Continuity editing Graphic vector continuity, Index vector continuity, Index vector line, Motion vector continuity, Motion vector line, Special continuity factors: action continuity, subject continuity, colour continuity, continuity of environment. Structuring the Four- Dimensional Field- Complexity Editing: Metric Montage, Analytical Montage sequential, sectional, IdeaAssociative Montage, Comparison Montage, Collision Montage
Unit V Sound Sound and Noise, Literal sound, Non-literal sound, Functions of sound, Information function of sound, Outer orientation functions of sound: space ,time, situation, external condition, Inner orientation of sound : mood, internal condition, energy, structure, Aesthetic factors. Structuring the Five-dimensional Field Sound Structures and Sound/Picture Combinations Text Book Herbert Zettl, Sight, Sound, Motion-Applied Media Aesthetics, Wadsworth Publications, 1999. References Michael Freeman, The Complete Guide to Photographic Techniques & Materials, Books Sales, February 1983. Wolfganng Freihen, Modern Photographic Techniques, J. Bartholomew, 1996.
MT249 MEDIA MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Credit: 3:0:0 Unit I Entrepreneurial Competence Entrepreneurship concept Entrepreneurship as a Career Entrepreneur Personality Characteristics of Successful. Entrepreneur Knowledge and Skills Required for an Entrepreneur. Unit II Entrepreneurial Environment Business Environment - Role of Family and Society - Entrepreneurship Development Training and Other Support Organizational Services - Central and State Government Industrial Policies and Regulations - International Business- Screen writing- story board proposal for getting bank loan and identifying various sources to generate money. Unit III Business Plan Preparation Sources of Product for Business Pre-feasibility Study - Criteria for Selection of Product Ownership - Capital - Budgeting Project Profile Preparation - Matching Entrepreneur with the Project - Feasibility Report Preparation and Evaluation Criteria. Unit IV Media Industry Print- Starting news paper- magazine- online journal FM Radio- Community Radio Television channels Production house setting the studios Professional photographer Cinematographer Cinema - Preproduction, production, publicity and distribution Unit V Advertising and Animation Advertising agency- idea-concept media planning- identifying the problem- the budget pretesting-target audience- media selection- language-Visual and the copy timing and Duration post testing - effects on sales INS accreditation- .Animation and Graphics, creativity and technical Intellectual Property Rights. Text Books
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Hisrich, Entrepreneurship, Tata- McGraw Hill, 2001. S.S.Khanka, Entrepreneurial Development, S.Chand and Company Limited, 2001. References Prasama Chandra, Projects - Planning, Analysis, Selection, Implementation and Reviews, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 1996. P.C.Jain (ed.), Handbook for New Entrepreneurs, EDII, Oxford University Press, 1999. P. Saravanavel, Entrepreneurial Development, Ess Pee Kay Publishing House, 1997.
MT250 SATELLITE COMMUNICATION Credit: 4:0:0 Unit I: Communication Satellite - Orbit and Description Keplers laws- Orbital period and velocity Azimuth and elevation - orbital patterns Placement of satellite in a geo-stationary orbit satellite description transponder subsystem Telemetry, Command and ranging subsystem Attitude control and electrical power Unit II : Earth Station Earth Station Transmitters, Receivers-antenna types Gain and radiated power Poynting loss Noise temperature G/T ratio High power amplifiers Redundancy configurations Carrier & power combining Low noise amplifiers Redundancy configuration and nonlinearity Up converter & down converter Conversion process Monitoring& control Unit III: Satellite Link Analysis and Design Basic link analysis Interference analysis Carrier to noise plus interference ratio Terrestrial interference Cross polarization interference Adjacent channel and inter symbol interference Rain Induced attenuation Path diversity Up link power control Rain induced cross polarization interference Satellite link design Link without frequency reuse Link design with frequency reuse. Unit IV: Multiple Access Techniques Frequency Division multiple access (FDMA) Time division multiple access (TDMA) and code division multiple access (CDMA) SPADE Performance comparison of various multiple access schemes. Unit V: Applications and Services Very small aperture terminal (VSAT) networks Technologies & configurations Mobile satellite (MSAT) networks Low orbital satellites Domestic satellite systems-the INSAT System-International systems-INTELSAT / INMARSAT, DTH. Text Books 1. Tri. T. Ha, Digital Satellite Communications, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 1990. 2. Wilbur L.Pritchard & Joseph A.Sciulli, Satellite Communication Systems . . Engineering, Prentice Hall Inc, 2003. References
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1. Timothy Pratt and Charles W. Bostian, Satellite Communication, John Wiley And Sons, 1994 2. Agarwal.B.N., Design of Geosynchronous Spacecraft, Prentice Hall 3. Rody.D., Satellite Communication, McGraw Hill, 1991.
MT251 DSP AND DATA COMPRESSION LAB Credit: 0:0:2 List of Experiments: Programs using MATLAB 1. Representation of time series; computation of convolution. 2. Response of difference equations to initial conditions; stability. 3. DFT computation. 4. Computational experiments with digital filters. 5. DSP processor implementation 6. Sampling & waveform generation 7. FIR & IIR filters implementation. 8. Fast Fourier Transform. 9. Quantization noise. 10. Adaptive filters.. 11. Digital modulation schemes. 12. Scrambler and unscrambler. 13. Shannon Binary, Shannon Fano Technique. 14. Huffmann coding, minimum redundancy Technique.
MT252 SPECIAL PRODUCTION LAB (Audio or Video or Animation) Credit: 0:0:2 Experiments: Pre Production Production Post Production Students have to produce individual production in any one of the area: Audio, Video, or Animation
Credit: 3:0:0 Unit I Overview of Indian Constitution Overview of the Indian Constitution, Fundamental rights, Duties of citizens, Directive principles of state policy, Functions of Executive, Judiciary, Legislative, Powers and Privileges of parliament, Provisions for declaring Emergency, Provision for amending the Constitution, Freedom of the Press and restrictions these upon, Centre-State relations Unit II Media Laws in India PRB Act 1867, The Press (Objectionable matters) Act 1957, The News paper (Prices and Pages) Act 1956, Defense of India Act, Delivery of Books and News paper (Public Libraries) Act, Press Council Act, Cable TV Networks (Regulations) Act, TRAI, BRAI. Cinematographic Act 1952, Drugs and magic remedies Act. Unit III Civil and Criminal Laws Laws of Libel and defamation, Contempt of courts Act 1971 and contempt of Legislative, Copy right Act and IPR, Trade Mark Act and patents Act, Right to information and Official Secrets Act, Right o information Act, Autonomy and Prasar Bharati Act, Broadcasting Bill. Cyber Laws, Digital signature, piracy, Domain name registration issues Unit IV Code and Ethics Recommendations of Press Commission I and II, Mac Bridge Report, Press council guide to Journalistic ethics, Self regulation and code of ethics, censorship and control of the press,, press ownership and monopolies, various committees of broadcasting, Broadcasting policies, Act regarding to working journalists. Unit V Journalistic Ethics Gathering the news, Libel, Invasion of privacy, Defamation, Use of the word alleged Apparent authority, Technology, Telephone recordings, Juveniles as News Sources, Subpoenas and Shield Laws, Access Laws, Definition of Ethics, Effects of Competition Situational Ethics , Case Studies in Ethical Dilemmas Text Books 1. Basu, Law of the Press in India, Practice Hall of India, 2003. 2. Radha Krishna Murthi, Indian Press Laws, Indian Publishers, Distributors, 1997. 3. Philip Patterson, Lee Wilking, Media Ethics, Issues Capes, McGraw Hill, 2004. 4. Clifford G.Christians, Media Ethics, Cases and Moral Reasoning, Pearson, 2006. References 1. Major Passdey & Askar Kedia, Fundamentals of Indian Constitution, Vikas Publishing House Pvt, Ltd., 1993 2. H.R. Luthra Indian Broadcasting, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, 1986. 3. Leslie, Mass Communication Ethics, Thomson Learning, 2004. 4. Basu, Introduction to Indian constitution, Practice Hall of India, 2003.
Credit: 3:0:0 Unit I Introduction Research Procedures -Elements of research -Research ethics Sampling - Population and sample-Probability and Non probability samples, Nature and scope of communication research, Literature review, Foot notes, End notes, Bibliography Unit II Qualitative and Quantitative research methods Field observations-Focus groups-Intensive Interviews: Quantitative methods- Content analysis - uses- limitations-steps in content analysis-Universe sample-unit of analysisconstructing content categories-establishing a quantification system-coding the contentanalyzing the data-interpreting the results .Reliability, Validity. Content analysis in Print and electronic media Unit III Survey Research Descriptive and analytical survey-advantages and disadvantages of survey-constructing questions-Questionnaire design-Question order, Layout, design. Gathering survey data-mail surveys advantages disadvantages -Telephone survey-Personal interviews-mail interviewsInternet surveys-Group administration.-Research in media effects. Unit IV Experimental Research Basic experimental designs-Pretest-posttest control group, Posttest-Only control group, Solomon four group designs, Factorial studies. Quasi experimental designs, Field experiments. Unit V Basic Statistical Procedures Using SPSS Nonparametric statistics - Chi-Square - Goodness of fit: Parametric statistics-the t-testAnalysis of variance-Two-way ANOVA-Correlation-Partial Correlation-Simple linear regression-multiple regression, Factor analysis. Text Book: 1. Roger D Wimmer,Joesph R.Dominick, Mass Media Research ,Wardsworth Publishing Company,2000. Reference 1. Ajai S.Gaur, Sanjaya S.Gaur Statistical Methods for Practice and Research, Sage Publications, 2006.
MT255 AUDIO PRESENTATION Credit: 3:0:0 Unit I Characteristics of the Medium Transient nature of radio, Radio signs and codes, Types of Audio Video Programmes, Characteristics of Drama, Music, Talk, Interview, Group Discussion, Documentary, Microphones: Characteristics and types, Directional Features Unit II Presentation Techniques
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Who are you talking to? Pace problems, making sense of intonation, Script problem, Breath Support and resonance, Are you sitting comfortably, Learning to love microphone, getting your breath, being conversational, Language and Performance Unit III Sound and Picture Sound Aesthetics, Sound design, elements of sound structure, Sound production, studio and live mixing speech, music, live shows, interviews; sound editing, scripting sound, dubbing, creative usage of special effects and its functions, functions off sound in relation to picture, strategies In designing sound Unit IV Types of Presentation News and current affairs, sport, Life style and features, Music, Childrens programme, Business programme, Travel news Qualities of presenters: Performance, presence, Getting through the audience, Code of on-air talents, comparer, moderator, commentator, sign languages, Good Vocabulary, Need for complete neutrality, Moderating talk shows and discussions, voice over and narrations, training in pronunciation of names, .on-air check list Unit V On Air Performance Speed, Breathing, projection techniques, Corpsing, relaxation, using prompter, Voice, SFX, Echo, chorus, backgrounds. Presenting programme items: Travel news, weather, telling the time, station identity, Ad breaks. Phone ins: Choosing the topics, setting up the topics, screening the callers, scheduling the callers, recording the callers. Text Books 1. Jenni Mills, The broadcast voice, Focal Press, 2001. 2. Trewin Janet, Presenting on TV and radio an insiders guide, Elsevier, 2003. References 1. William Moylam , The Art of Recoding, Focal Press, 2003. 2. Carl Hausmanm Philip Benoit , Announcing, Broadcasting, Communicating Today, Thomson Publications, 2004. 3. Andrew Boyd, Broadcast Journalism Techniques of Radio and Television News, Elsevier, 2001. 4. Stewart Peter, Essential Radio Skills, How to Present and Produce a Radio Show, A&C Black Publications, 2006.
MT256 AUDIO PROGRAMME PRODUCTION Credit: 3:0:0 Unit I Basics of Radio Programming Brief history of broadcasting in India, Characteristics of radio, Assessment and analysis of Target audience; Basics of Radio programming: conception to execution of ideas; Research collection of background materials; Formats and styles in radio production. Inside the studio: Sources, lights, Talk back units, screens, phones, Studio etiquette, Studio fault log, competition log, studio bible and style book Unit II Different types of Programmes
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Microphone talent, talk programmes, News and current affairs programmes, Documentaries and magazine programmes, Educational programmes, Light entertainment programmes, Music programmes, commercials, Seven Ps ,cues and links Unit III Radio Programme Production Basics of programme production, Principles of recording, portable sound recorders, Radio Jingle production; Radio Drama Fiction and drama, drama audition; Discussion programme selection of subjects for discussion; phone-in programme. Radio Feature and Documentary Difference between features and documentary, Day parting; Media Fusion; Planning and scripting for educational radio programme, programme for special audiences Unit IV Script Writing Broadcast styles, Basic rules for radio writing; Conversational writing, visualizing the words, Audio script types of audio scripts; News Concept and definition, elements of news values, news gathering and writing; Interview Art of Interview, types of interviews. Use of effects; Use of background music; advanced radio production techniques using digital technologies. Creating audio special effects Unit V Radio Station Organization and Management On air studio, talk studio, Contribution studio and remote studio, Radio car, out side broadcasting vehicle, Portable telephones, and telephone reports. Programme evaluation and training Autonomy, Prasar Barathi, Commercial broadcasting, Radio Station Organization and Management. Text Books 1. Robert Mc Leish,Radio Production, Focal Press,2005. References 1. Aspinall Richard, Programme Production a Manual for Training, UNESCO, Paris, 1971. 2. Stewart Peter, Essential Radio Skills, How to Present and Produce a Radio Show, A&C Black Publications, 2006.
MT257 LIGHTING TECHNIQUES Credit: 3:0:0 Unit I Lighting Techniques Lighting Variables: Measuring Light, Intensity Controlling Light Intensity, Light Character Color Temperature, Basic Lighting Triangle: 3-point Lighting, Ratios in the Lighting Triangle, 2-Point Lighting, Other Lighting Objectives Unit II Lighting Instruments and Accessories Spotlights, Accessories for Spot Lights, Fill Lights Spots, Reflectors and PAR Banks as Fills, Fill Light Accessories, Mounts and Connectors for Lighting Equipment, Light Control Consoles, Safety and Efficiency, Artistic or Mood Lighting Unit III Ray Tracing Techniques Ray tracing algorithm, backward ray tracing, extending ray tracing algorithm, Real time raytracing, Materials-Plastic, wood, Metals
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Unit IV Lighting Reflectors Models Rendering equation,Irradiantions and luminance, Lamberts Law, Bidirectional reflectance distributions and functions, Diffuse materials,Specular materials, Diffuse reflection models,Specular and metallic reflections models. Unit V Lighting Implementation Basic lighting maths, Per-vertex warn Lights, per pixel warn lights, Basic set up and diffuse materials, Specular materials, Introduction to spherical harmonic lighting Text Book 1. Kelly Dempski and Emmanuel Viale, Advanced Lighting and Materials with Shaders, Worldware Publishing, 2005. Reference 1. Ralph Donald, Riley Maynard and Thomas Spann, Fundamentals of Television Production, Pearson, 2008.
MT258 TELEVISION PROGRAMME PRODUCTION Credit: 3:0:0 Unit I Camera Basics Cameras controls-Lens controls-Focal Length-Narrow-angle lens-wide-angle lens-Depth of field-Exposure-Neutral density filters- Camera mountings-Tripods-Pedestals-Cranes-DolliesDifferent types of shots-Framing, composition and Pictorial Balance. Different types of camera-video recording formats. Unit II Lighting Light Intensity-Colour quality of Light-Light dispersion-Lighting a flat surface-Lighting an object-Lighting people-Key- fill- back-3/4 back light, Kicker, Rim or edge light, Side, Top, Hard and Soft light. Three point lighting-Five point lighting-Lighting Problems-Lighting and sound-Sound boom cast shadows-Subject position-Over bright surfaces-Precision LightingChromo key lighting-Lighting for a feature. Unit III PreProduction Proposal-Treatment-Scene script-Shooting/Camera script-Location Script-Single- Column script-Dual column script-Location scouting-controlling the colour temperature-Editing- Art direction- choosing microphones-Budget Unit IV Production Single camera production scripting -Continuous single camera shooting -Discontinuous single camera shooting - Segmented shooting. Multi -camera treatment-Visual variety-the illusion of relationships-planning the shot-program opening-subjective and objective approaches-focusing audience attention-creating tension-pace-timing-visual clarity-visual padding. In production unrehearsed formats -Pre-studio rehearsal -Studio rehearsal-the Floor manager-Guiding performers-Cuing-Prompting.
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Unit V Postproduction Video editing-editing basics-Cut, Fade-Mix, and Wipe- Superimpositions-order of shotsMontage-duration of shots- cutting rate-cutting Rhythm.Visual effects-Mirror effects- Rear projection- Front projection-Reflex Projection-Camera lens filters- Camera mattes-Electronic effects-Multi-split screen-Chromo-key insertion techniques-virtual settings-Digital video effects. Text Book 1. Millerson Gerald, Television Production, Focal Press, 1999 2. Millerson Gerald, Effective TV production Focal Press, 2002 Reference 1. Ralph Donald, Riley Maynard, Thomas Spann, Fundamentals of Television Production, 2/E Allyn & Bacon, 2008
MT259 GAME PROGRAMMING WITH C++ Credit: 3:1:0 Unit I Game Programming & 2D Games and ClanLibGame Development, Software Abstraction, GraphicsSound and Music, More Middleware, ClanLib, Downloading ClanLibBuilding ClanLib, First ClanLib Application, Games and the Message Loop, Graphics Rendering Unit II ClanLib-Core Classes & ClanLib-Scene Management, 2D Games and Images, Surfaces, Drawing Surfaces, Transformation, XML, Resources, Sprites, Input, Scenes, Scenes and Design, Scene Implementation, Layers, Painting a Layer, Overview -Using Scene Manager Unit III 3D Games and OGRE 3D 3D Games, OGRE 3D, Downloading OGRE 3D, Installing OGRE 3D, Compiling the OGRE 3D Samples, Running the OGRE 3D Samples, Creating an OGRE Application Using a Wizard, Creating an OGRE Application Manually, OGRE Log, OGRE, Documentation Unit IV Exploring OGRE 3D, 3D Scenes, Creating 3D Scenes, Scene Node Properties and Methods, Lights, Cameras, Materials and Scripts, Billboards, Particle Systems Frame Listeners, Input Unit V Other Gaming Libraries-Install and Sound, Sound and Music, FMOD, BASS, NSISWindows Installer, Scripting, Open-Source Software, Open Media Formats
Text Book
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Alan Thorn, Introduction to Game Programming with C++, Wordware Publishing Inc, 2007. References Noel Llopis,C++ for Game Programmers, Charles River Media ,2003. David Conger and Ron Little , Creating Games In C++, First Impression 2006
MT260 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR GAMES Credit: 3:0:0 Unit I Introduction Artificial Intelligence, Model of game AI, Algorithms, data structures and representation, the kind of AI in games, speed and memory, AI engine Unit II Movement Basics of movement algorithms, kinetic movement algorithms, steering behaviors, Unit III Prediction Predicting physics, jumping, coordinated movement, motor control, movement in third dimension, Unit IV Path finding Path finding graph, dijkstra, A*, problem, - Algorithm, pseudo-code, data structures and interfaces Unit V Fuzzy Logic Introduction to fuzzy logic, Fuzzy logic decision making, fuzzy state machines Text Book: Ian Millington , Artificial Intelligence for Games, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2006. Reference: 1. Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach, Pearson Education, 2004.
MT261 AUDIO PRODUCTION AND PRESENTATION Credit: 4:0:0 Unit 1: Sound Theory Sound waves-Frequency - Wavelength - Amplitude - The velocity of sound waves - Sound waves and obstacles - Diffraction -Units used in sound - Decibels - Inverse Square Law Effect of Boundaries - The response of the ear - Loudness - Fletcher and Munson Curves Musical pitch - Timbre - The brains perception of sound - Frequency ranges in music - Basic Acoustics - Reflection - Absorption - Refraction - Diffraction - Acoustic materials - STC RT-60 - TL - CD. Unit II: Analog Audio
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Input Transducers - Microphones - Polar responses -Types of Microphones - Production of the different polar responses - Sensitivities of microphones - Phantom power - Balanced wiring - Specific applications of microphones - Reference voltages in audio signals-Metering - Technical monitoring - Aural monitoring - Output Transducers-Loudspeaker - Loudspeaker resonators - Loudspeaker cables - Professional and domestic standards - Stereo - Methods of producing inter - channel differences - Stereo listening-Stereo loudspeaker matching - Phase - Microphone techniques for stereo - Headphones for stereo monitoring. Unit III: Audio Engineering Fundamentals Sound mixers - The basic channel - Important features of a mixer - Output stage - Inputs and connections - Filters - Equalizers - Shelving EQ - Semi parametric Eq - Parametric EQGraphic EQ - Paragraphic EQ - Talkback-Manual control of levels - Electronic level control Signal processors - Dynamic processors - Compressor - Limiter - Expander - Gate Multiband compressor - Maximiser - Sidechain - Effect processors - Reverb - Delay - Chorus - Phaser - Flanger - Audio lines and Patchbays. Unit IV: Analog Recording Objectives and problems in recording - Analog Recording devices and systems - ATR - The fundamentals of magnetic recording - Tape standards - Cassette quality - Head and tape cleanliness - Noise reduction - Two track systems - Multi track systems - Tape speeds Transport controls - TTL - Head alignment - General Maintenance - Routing - Recording Punching - Auto punch - Editing - Basic Analog Mixing. Unit V: Basics of Live Sound Engineering Need for Sound Reinforcement - Technology - Basic PA systems - Full Range sound Reinforcement systems - Choice of Equipment - Signal flow - FOH - MOH - Indoor systems - Outdoor Systems - Applications - Safety - Ear safety - Electrical safety - Mechanical safety - Fire safety. Text Book Michael Talbot-Smith, Sound Engineering Explained, Focal Press, 2002. Reference Books 1. F.Alton Everest, Master Handbook of Acoustics, McGraw Hill Publishing,2001. 2. Frederick N Martin, John Greer N Clark, Introduction to Audiology, Pai and Sons, 2003. 3. David Simons, Analog Recording, Backbeat Books, 2006. 4. Paul White, Basic Live Sound, Sanctuary Publications, 2003.
MT262 ADVERTISING AND PUBLIC RELATION Credit: 4:0:0 Unit I Understanding advertising today-The foundations of advertising -The advertiser Agency Partnership-The advertising Environment
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Unit II Audience Definition, Research, and Planning Audience analysis and buyer behavior Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning- Advertising Research- Objectives, Strategy and Plans- Intercultural and International Advertising Unit III The Creative Process Creativity, Creative Strategy and Copywriting Art Production Print Production Electronic Production Unit IV Media Choice- Media Objectives, strategy and planning print media electronic mediadirect marketing and out of home advertising- Putting the campaign together- Sales promotion and supplementary media public relations and special communications- local advertising from plan to results: The complete campaign Unit V Public relations evolution and growth, definition and relevance of PR role Mass media & PR; PR in Government, public and private sectors; PR and corporate Communications writing for PR; PR ethics and regulations. Text Book 1. Courtland L. Bovee , Advertising Excellence : McGraw Hill Inc. Publications, 2001 References: Sean Brierley, The advertising and hand book, 2000. McGraw hill, Principles of Advertising and IMC, 2000 John McDonough, Encyclopedia of Advertising, Vol 1, 2000
MT263 VIDEO PRODUCTION AND EDITING Credit 4:0:0 Unit I: Introduction to TV technology Picture formation-T.V Scanning: Horizontal & FrameVertical- & field rate-Resolution video bandwidth, sync. Blanking signals, colour burst, sensitivity, linearity, Television standards Unit II: Principle of Video Camera Primary & Photosecondary colours- conduction, photo voltaic, photo emissive effectWorking principle of video various sizes of CCD cameras: Three CCD, single CCD colour camera-camera- pickup devices Unit III: Components and Controls of Video Camera. Parts of a video camera-Different controls on video camera-Power switch, preheat, genlock, white balance, gain, iris, pedestal etc.-Zoom control: servo, manual, remote, zoom extendersFocus control : auto, manual , remote, back focus, macro focus.-Camera view finders (B/W and colour). Its indicators and control. Colour temperature-White balance: Process and need.-Camera filters-Camera control unit (CCU)-Waveform monitor for output level of video-Vectorscope
Department of Electronics & Media Technology 36
Unit IV: Video camera lenses. Perspective-Types and use-normal lens, telephoto lens, wide-angle lens. Zoom lens-Tripod, types of tripod heads, dolly, trolley & other accessories-Different types of camera angles and use-Camera movements types & use - Different Types of Television Cameras-NG camera EFP camera - Studio cameras - Special cameras: underwater camera, Endoscopic camera, Aerial photography camera, remote control camera, high-speed video cameras - Types of microphones used on video camera - Types of audio & video connectors. Unit V Video Editing Editing equipment and control systems, Field production, Digital tools-Non linear editing, Visual effects, editing rough-Final drafts, Planning edits and transition Text Book: 1. Peter ward Studio and outside broadcast Camera 2. BernardWilkie Creating special effects for TV & Video References: 1. Roy Thomson Grammar of the shot 2. Der Lyur & Graham Basics of Video Production
MT264 MASS COMMUNICATION Credit: 4:0:0 Unit I Fundamentals of Communication: Origin of communication, Meaning & Elements/components of human communications; Concept of Communication, Communication as a social, human & universal process; seven Cs of Communication, Communication - Objectives, Scope & Functions, Factors responsible for Growing importance of Communication, Effective communication & its Barriers. Functions of Mass Communication: To-Persuade, Inform, Educate, Entertain; Other functions; Impact & Influence of Mass Media Unit II Process of Communication: Transmission of ideas, Facts & feelings from one person to another-elements of Communication Process (message, Sender, Encoding, Channel, Receiver, Decoding, Acting & Feedback).Form of Communication: Intra Personal Communication, Interpersonal Communication Group Communication (Public, Crowd, Small Group), Mass Communication Unit III Theories of Communication: Hypodermic Needle Theory, Two-step & Multi-step Theory, Commercial Theory, Play Theory Uses & Gratification Theory, Selective Exposure, Selective Perception & Selective Retention Theory, Individual Difference Theory, Meaning of theories based on scientific study &analysis; Four major theories of Press, according to Fred Siebert, Theodore Peterson & Wilbur Schramm Authoritarian Theory, Libertarian Theory, Social Responsibility Theory, Soviet Communist/Workers Theory, Other Theories: Development Media & Democratic Participant Theory
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Unit IV Models of Communication: SMR Model, SMRc Model, Shannon & Weaver Model, Laswell Model, Osgood Model, Dance Model, Schramm Model, Gerbners Model, New Comb Model, Convergent Model, Gate Keeping Model: Tools of Mass Communication: Newspapers, Magazines, Radio, TV, Films Records Internet, Advertising, Public Relations & Public Affairs, Traditional & Folk Media Unit V Verbal &Non-Verbal Communication Universals of Verbal Communication, Meaning & Barriers in Verbal Communication Language, Sub-Language & Culture, Elements of speech communication, on-Verbal behavior as communication, Body communication-Body movement, Facial Communication, Space Communication-Physical environment, Silence, Paralanguage & Temporal communication Text Books Mcquail, Dennis, Mass Communication Theories, Sage Publication, 2000 Asa, Berger, Essentials of Mass Communication, Sage Publication, 2000.
MT265 GRAHICS AND ANIMATION Credit: 3:1:0 Unit I Principle of 2D Graphics Basic geometric objects, Geometric transformations, Applications of transformations, Animation and movements based on transformations, Interpolators for continuous changes, implementations in Java 2D.Lines and pixel graphics, Structural algorithms, Drawing arbitrary curve, Antialiasing with Java 2D,Areas, texts and colours Unit II Principles of 3D Graphics Geometric transformations, Animational moving objects, Projections in Java 3D, modelling 3D objects, Surface modeling, Normal vectors for Java 3D Unit III Visible Surface Determination Clipping volumes, Algorithms for visible surface determination, Image precision techniques, Priority algorithms, Illumination and shading: Light sources, Reflections, shadings, textures, textures in Java 3D Unit IV Special Effects and Virtual Reality Fog and particle systems, Fog in Java 3D, Dynamic surfaces Interaction, Interaction in Java 3D, Collision detection, Collision detention in Java 3D, Sound effects, Sound effects in Java 3D, steroscopic viewing Unit V Introduction to Animation Homogeneous coordinates and transformation, Description of transformation in the display pipeline, Interpolation-Controlling the motion along a curve, Interpolation of rotations Text Books Frank Klawonn, Introduction to Computer Graphics Using Java 2D and 3D, Springer, 2008
Department of Electronics & Media Technology 38
References 1. Rick Parent, Computer Animation Algorithms and Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann publishers, 2002 2. James D.Foley, et al Computer Graphics Principles and Practices, Addison Wesley, 1996 3. Peter Shirley, et al, Fundaments of Computer Graphics, AK Peters Ltd, 2005 4. Issac Victor Kerlow, The Art of 3D Computer Animation and Effects, John Wiley, 2004
Subject Name
4:0:0 4:0:0 0:0:2
09MT201 09MT202
3:0:0 0:0:2
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Reference Books: 1. Satellite Communications, Timothy Pratt, Bostian, Allnutt, Wiley (2002) 2. Dennis John Roddy and Coolen, Electronic Communications, PHI, (1995). 3. Taub and Schilling Principles of Communication Systems, McGraw Hill, (2003). 4. Communication Electronics, Deshpande, Deshpande, Rangole (2001) MT220 WEB DESIGNING & PRODUCTION Credit: 4:0:0 Course Objective: To study the designing style of Web Designing and Production using HTML,XML, and CSS. It gives the basic knowledge about the designing way. Course Outcome: Basics of HTML,XML and CSS gives the basic knowledge for the students of construction of Web pages. So it gives an opportunity for the students to be a part of any web team or web designing company.
Unit I Variables in the web Designing Environment-HTML,XML, and the future of markup languages. XML. an open standard for structuring data- XHTML. The future of HTML. How web browsers affect workuse an HTML Editor-Coding for multiple screen resolutions-Bandwidth Concern. Web Site Design Principles -Design for the medium-Design the whole site-Design for the user-Design for the screen Unit II Planning the site-Create a site specification-identify the content goal-analyze your audience-build a web site development team-filenames and URLs Directory structure- Diagram the site-Planning Site navigation Unit III Creating Usable Navigation-Using Text based Navigation using Graphics-based navigation-Creating page templates-Understanding table basics- Table Pointers-Creating a page template- template examples Unit IV Web Typography type design principles- controlling typography with the font element-controlling typography with Cascading style sheets-Styling with CSS-Graphics and Color- File formats basicsComputer color basics-choosing a graphics tools-Using the IMG elements-working with Hexadecimal colors Unit V
HTML Frames-understanding Frames-Frame Syntax-Targeting in Framesets-Planning frame ContentPublishing and maintaining your web site-Publishing web site-testing web site-refining &updating content-attracting notice to web site Text book 1. Joel Sklar, Sklar, Principles of Web Design, Course Technology; 1 edition (March 13, 2000) Reference : 1. Jakob Jielsen, Designing web usuability, The practice of simplicity, New Riders, 1st edition (December 1999). 2. Deitel and Deitel, Internet and World Wide Web how to programme, Prentice Hall, (2000).
2. Basic animation & principles a. b. c. d. Squash and Stretch Follow through and overlapping actions Timing Exaggeration
3. Character designing a. Concept drawing b. Character creation c. Model sheet 4. Story board 5. Software interface
a. b. c. d. e. f. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Screen layout Basic drawing tools Animating rough blue and planning red Setup and Marking menus Working with Layers Light setup
Frame by frame animation Key frame, Inbetweens & Secondary actions Tweening Background & Compositing for animation & Camera movement Motion guide & Embedding video
Unit III: Written & Formal Communication Essentials of written communication Media of Written communication Merits & demerits of written communication - Classification and characteristics of formal communication - Downward, upward, diagonal & Horizontal communication channel - Organizational Patterns & Hierarchy of communication - Meaning, Nature, Characteristics and Kind of Feedback Feedback in oral & written feedback - Effective feedback skills. Unit IV: Non Verbal & Informal Communication Meaning, Importance, functions & Forms of NV communication Body Language - Proximix, Kinesics, Artifacts, Haptics, & Chromics Meaning & Nature of Informal Communication Reasons for informal
communication - Distinctions between formal & informal communication - Rumours & Grapevine - Spread of rumours and control Merits & demerits of informal communication. Unit V: Mass Communication Definition of Mass Communication - Classification of Mass Media Top 10 Media Outlets - Factors for selecting right media Advertising & Public Relation Publicity & Propaganda Theories & Models of Communication - Magic Bullet Theory, Two Step Theory Berlos SMRC Model, Lasswell Model, Gerbnerss Model, Gate Keeping Model, Shannon & Weaver Model. Test Book: 1. Communication by C.S.Rayudu published by Himalaya Publishing House Edition July 2008. 2. Principles & Practices of Mass Communication by Ved Prakash Gandhi Kanishka Publishers, Distributors, New Delhi Edition 2007 Reference: 1. Mass Communication in India by Keval J. Kumar published by Jaico Publishing House Edition 2007
09MT203 WEB DESIGNING LAB Credit: 0:0:2 Course Objective: To learn creation of web pages, scripting objects, application and special objects. To undarstand the usage of data bases. The students will be trained to programme ASP and XML. KarunyaUniversity Page383
List of Experiments:
1. Creation of Simple Web pages. 2. Usage of scripting objects 3. Usage of Application and session objects 4. Adding data entry features 5. Usage of databases in ASP 6. Usage of components in ASP 7. Usage of Cookies in ASP.
XML 8. Creating simple web pages using XML 9. Applying animations and multimedia effects through XML 10. Usage of databases in XML 11. Simple web page using XML 12. Web pages using XSL. References 1. Richard Anderson, Dan Denault, Brian Francis, ASP 3.0 Programmers Reference, IDG books India (P) Ltd., 2000. 2. Elliot Rusty Harold, XML Bible, IDG Books India (P) Ltd, 2000. 3. Vivek Sharma, Rajiv Sharma, Developing E-Commerce Sites An Integrated Approach, Addison Wesley, First Edition, 2000. 09MT204 AUDIO ENGINEERING AND PRODUCTION
Credit :3:0:0
Course Objective: The students will be taught about Sound and Audio Engineering fundamentals and the techniques involved in Audio production. Course Outcome: This course will enable the students to be creatively and technically aware of the Technologies and Production systems in the Audio Industry. Unit 1: Sound Theory Sound waves-Frequency - Wavelength - Amplitude - The velocity of sound waves - Sound waves and obstacles - Diffraction -Units used in sound - Decibels - Inverse Square Law - Effect of Boundaries - The response of the ear - Loudness - Fletcher and Munson Curves - Musical pitch - Timbre - The brains perception of sound - Frequency ranges in music - Basic Acoustics - Reflection - Absorption - Refraction - Diffraction - Acoustic materials - STC - RT-60 - TL - CD. Unit II: Analog Audio Input Transducers - Microphones - Polar responses -Types of Microphones - Production of the different polar responses - Sensitivities of microphones - Phantom power - Balanced wiring - Specific applications of microphones - Reference voltages in audio signals-Metering - Technical monitoring - Aural monitoring - Output Transducers-Loudspeaker - Loudspeaker resonators - Loudspeaker cables - Professional and domestic standards - Stereo - Methods of producing inter - channel differences - Stereo listening-Stereo loudspeaker matching - Phase - Microphone techniques for stereo - Headphones for stereo monitoring. Unit III: Audio Engineering Fundamentals Sound mixers - The basic channel - Important features of a mixer - Output stage - Inputs and connections - Filters - Equalizers - Talkback-Manual control of levels - Electronic level control - Signal processors Dynamic processors - Effect processors - Audio lines and Patch bays - Analog Recording devices and systems - ATR - The fundamentals of magnetic recording - Tape standards - Cassette quality - Head and tape cleanliness - Noise reduction - Multi track systems - Tape speeds - Transport controls - Head alignment - Routing - Recording - Punching - Auto punch - Editing - Basic Analog Mixing. Unit IV: Digital Audio Basic Principles Analog vs Digital Analog to Digital Converter Digital to Analog Converter Application of Digital Audio Digital audio hardware - formats - Storage medium Digital mixers Digital audio workstation Editing Mixing - Mastering Audio Post production for Video. Unit V: Basics of Live Sound Engineering Need for Sound Reinforcement - Technology - Basic PA systems - Full Range sound Reinforcement systems - Choice of Equipment - Signal flow - FOH - MOH - Indoor systems - Outdoor Systems Applications - Safety - Ear safety - Electrical safety - Mechanical safety - Fire safety. Text Book 1. Michael Talbot-Smith, Sound Engineering Explained, 2nd Edition, Focal Press, 2002.
Reference Books 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ken Pohlmann, Principles of Digital Audio, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, 1995 David Simons, Analog Recording, 3rd Edition, Backbeat Books, 2006. Paul White, Basic Live Sound, Sanctuary Publications, 2003. F.Alton Everest, Master Handbook of Acoustics, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill Publishing,2001 Frederick N Martin, John Greer N Clark, Introduction to Audiology, 9th Edition, Pai and Sons, 2003
Unit I: Introduction to TV Technology Scanning process of a Picture Tube - Progressive & Interlaced scanning - Frame, Field & Line Frequency - Active lines, Kell Factor - Resolution, Bandwidth, Synchronization, Blanking - Horizontal & Vertical Blanking Pulse - Composite Video Signal: Monochrome & Colour - Colour Burst - Construction of Colour Picture Tube - Analogue TV transmission standards - Basic of TV transmitting System & Satellite TV communication - Video Compression Standards, - Modern Visual Display Units LCD, LED, Projection & DLP. Unit II: Introduction to Video Cameras Monochrome & Colour Video Camera Tubes - Image Pickup Devices Photo Emissive & Conduction principles - 3 CCD, CMOS Cameras - Primary & Secondary Colours Additive & Subtractive Mixing of colours Hue,Saturation & Luminance Grassman's Law Tristimulus values -Visibility Curve of the eye Characteristic of Sound Intensity, Frequency Range Video Storage devices & formats Recording of Video Signals on Video Tape. Unit III: Video Camera & Controls
Power Supply & Batteries Electronic View Finder Readouts given off by a View Finder - Diopter Aperture Shutter Speed Gain Up Lens Auto & Manual focus Manual & powered Zoom White Balance Tally Light Camcorder Controls to Operate Recorder & Playback Preview CCU Cable Audio & Video input/output connectors of a camera. Image & Audio Quality Colour Temperature White & Black Balance Process & Need Camera Control Unit Using Wave Form Monitor & Vector scope for ensuring image quality Lighting: Available & Artificial - Hard & Soft Lighting 3 Point Lighting Contrast Ratio - Direction of light - Filters to alter Image - Built in & External Microphones Monitoring Tonal Quality Distortion External Noise - Head Phones - 2 Channel Audio. Unit IV: Video Camera Accessories Lenses Normal, Zoom, Telephoto, Wide & Macro Camera Mounts: Monopod, Tripod, Pan Heads, Dolley, Trolley, Crane, Jimmy Jib, Pedestal, Spreaders Studio Lights: Soft Light Box, Umbrella, HMI, PAR Cans, Redheads, TOTA, Blondie - Caring for Camera & Lens, Different Types of cameras Camcorders, Ariel, Underwater, Endoscopic, Lipstick, Time Lapse & High Speed Cameras Types of Audio & Video cables & connectors. Unit V: Creative use of Camera Composition Framing - Balance Perspective - Depth of Field - Rule of Thirds - Camera movement: Tilt, Pan, Tracks, Crane & Zooming - Action Axis Line Camera Angles - Point of View - Single & Two Shot, Over the Shoulder Eye Line Multi Camera Shooting On line & Off line Editing Editing Transition & Effects Vision Mixing. Prescribed Text Books: 1. Television Engineering & Video System by R G Gupta, published by Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, Edition 2007. 2. Producing Videos - A Complete Guide by Martha Mollison published by Allen Unwin South Asian Edition 2007.
This 5 units give theory knowledge about Editing software AVID and workings of it. So with the basic knowledge about AVID, in the Video post production lab, This theory knowledge will create background knowledge for editing. UNIT I Introduction to Video Editing and Avid Editing: Definition, Principles, Stages EDL Role of Editor Continuity & Dynamic Editing Linear & Non-Linear Editing Physical & Electronic Editing Control Track & SMPTE Editing A/B Roll Editing- Introduction to Avid Xpress DV Hardware and Software Requirements UNIT II Terminologies and Recording Media files, Clips, Sub clips, Sequences, Bins, Projects Timeline, Effect editor, Effect palette, Composer monitor, Source monitor Tool palette Bin Views Importing, Copying, Moving and Deleting Clips in Bins IEEE 1394 Selecting Deck/Tape, Target Drives, Audio and Video Channels Controlling Decks UNIT III Editing and Titling Customizing Monitor Displays Playing Video in Client Monitor Loading and Clearing Footage on Monitor Controlling Playback Marking and Sub-Cataloging Footage Setting up a Sequence Setting up Tracks Undoing /Redoing Edits Splice-in Edit & Overwrite Edit Lifting, Extracting and Copying Segments Slip Trim & Slide Trim Finding Frames and Clips Titling: Editing, Removing, Replacing, Fading Titles, Replacing Fill Tracks
UNIT IV Special Effects Types of Transition Effects Single and Multiple Effects (Transition & Segment) Rendering Key frameable and Non-Key frameable Effects Defining Motion Paths using Key frames Layered Effects Nested Effects Key Effects (Chroma, Luma, Matte) Freeze Frame Variable Speed Strobe Motion Reverse Motion UNIT V Working with Audio and Exporting Soloing Audio Tracks Audio Scrubbing Audio Effect Tool Audio Mix Tool Automation Gain Tool Adjusting Volume in Timeline Audio EQ Tool Audio Suite Plug-Ins Mixing Video Tracks Recording to Tape Exporting Formats (MPEG-1, MPEG- 2, QuickTime, DV Stream, OMF) Text book 1. Video Field Production and Editing, Sixth Edition, Ronald J. Compessi, San Francisco State University 2. Avid Xpress DV Users Guide
OUTCOMES: In order to assess the students progress towards achieving the Learning Outcomes, a number of activities/ photography assignments may be assigned periodically. The students may be asked to apply the knowledge of all the concepts, methods, elements of photography and make them to demonstrate/take photograph and recoded it the same may be presented and analyzed. Make the student to apply all the components of this syllabus in various activities, finally all the works done by the student to be exhibited/performed and each student to be ranked by the instructor.
UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO PHOTOGRAPHY Define Photography. Brief History and Development of Photography. Camera Types- Usage. LensTypes- Usage. Lights-Types- Usage. Filters Types- Usage. Film Types. Film- Speed and Size. Tripod Types- Usage. Light Meter- Usage. Flash- Types-Usage- Electronic Flash Selection of Right Flash Mode. Other Useful Accessories. UNIT II PHOTO COMPOSITION Basic Techniques for Better Image. Aperture-Usage. Shutter- Speed- Usage. Depth of Field. Focal Length. Basic Lighting- Key Light-Fill Light. Low Key and High Key Picture. Rule of Third. Angle of View. Picture Format. UNIT III INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY Define -Digital- Digital Still Camera. Digital SLR Camera Types. Working with Digital Camera Major Components and Functions, Camera Operation, Mode, Advantages. Setup for Digital ImagingWindows and Macintosh. Desktop Computer Components- Data Storage and Transfer Options. Software for Digital Processes( Digital Dark Room) -Image Editor- File Formats Converters. Working with
Scanner -Types - Scanning Techniques- Film Scanning. Photo Printers- How Printer works- Photo Quality. Printing Paper-Types UNIT IV AREAS OF PHOTOGRAPHY Portrait-Architecture- Product- Fashion-Travel-Environmental Sports-Indoor/Outdoor. UNIT V DIGITAL STUDIO Photography Project, Assignments. Photo Power Point Presentation, Photo Documentary. Photo Essay. Small Budget Studio-Design, Equipments and Budget. Corporate Studio- Design, Equipments and Budget. Popular Photography Websites. Creating Photography Website. Connecting Images for Internet Use. Text Book: 1. Mastering Digital Photography and Imaging( 2001) Peter K Burian Publisher Sybex.USA. First edition. 2. The Manual of Photography (2000) by Ralph E Jacobson/Geoffrey G Attridge/Sidney F Ray,Focal Press, Ninth Edition. Reference Book: The Basic Book of Photography (Fourth Edition) by Tom Grimm and Michele Grimm Mastering the Basics of Photography by Susan McCartney The Photographers Handbook. 1999 by John H edgecoe. Alfred A.Knopf Publisher,. Interior Shots .2002. by Roger Hicks and Frames Schultz, Rotovision, Switzerland. Understanding Digital Photography by Joseph A . Iippolito, Thomson Delmar Learning, 2003.USA. 6. Digital Portrait Photography and Lighting: Take Memorable Shots Every Time 2005. by Catherine Jamieson/ Sean McCormick -Publisher: Wiley Jamieson and McCormick. London . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Action Aerial-Macro-Panoramic-
choosing the right technical equipments for each department and maintain them for skillful functioning of the studio. Unit I: Essentials of a studio Perception of a studio Audio, Video, Modeling studios Broadcast & Non Broadcast studio Designing & constructing a studio Layout Infrastructural requirements of an ideal studio Norms for planning Power, House Lighting, Air-conditioning & Data communication - Sound Proofing Techniques Crafting a Shooting floor: Stage, Set, Blue/Green Screen, & Virtual studio OB Van Insight into Indian & Inter nation studios. Unit II: Budgeting & Staffing Scope for generating Income for a broadcast & non-broadcast studio cost of operating & maintaining a studio Budgeting for and marketing a TV program / Music Recording Staff pattern & hierarchy in a mid & large size BS / NBS studio Roles and responsibilities of creative & non creative staff : Administrative, Technical, Supervisory, Cast, Crew & Talents. Unit III: Technical Gear requirement & Usage Equipment for Audio: Different types of microphones, stand, cable, connectors, monitors, mixers, compressors, expanders, amplifiers, liner & non liner recorders. Video equipments: Cameras, Lens, Filters, Camera mounts, Cables, Connectors, CCU, WFM, Vector scope, Vision Mixer, Router switch Patch Bay Monitors - Recording Medium & Formats - Liner & Non Liner Recorders CAR Room Studio Lighting Equipments: Studio Lights, Grid, Mounts, Accessories, Lighting Controls. Unit IV: Recording & Post Production Pre-shoots Technical Checks in Hot studio Rehearsal & Blocking Technique Set Etiquettes & Studio Procedure Establishing Communication & Talkback system Studio Calls - Shooting Floor & Control Room Dialogue Non Verbal Cues during shoot - Audience Management Stagecraft & Show Control Graphic Station - AVG Chain from Studio to Storage - Tape & E-Library - Hardware & Software for Audio & Video NLE - Basic Transmission Equipments. Unit V: Fire, Safety, Security & Legal Issues Work Place Conditions - Fire Hazard & Risk Assessment Prevention of Fire - Chemical Fire Extinguishers & Fire Fighting Methods - Electrical Shock Means to prevent electricity related accidents Medical Emergency & First Aid Screening Audience for Security Preventing Theft & Pilferage Insurance Cover for Men, Material, Building and Vehicles - Mandatory Government Licenses for filming & broadcasting Intellectual Property Right Film Trade Unions Crew Protocol - Contracts, Bonds & Agreements of Cast & Talents. Text Books: 1. Producing Videos - A Complete Guide by Martha Mollison published by Allen Unwin South Asian Edition 2007.
Reference Book:
1. Film Production Management by Bastian Cleve, published by Focal Press, Edition 2007. 2. Studio management Manual, prepared by Tony M.Jawahar(E&MT-KU)
Course Outcome: In order to assess the students progress towards achieving the Learning Outcomes, a number of activities may be assigned periodically. The students may be asked to apply the knowledge of all the concepts , methods, elements of visuals and make design, programme to present and analyze the design. Make the student to apply all the components of this syllabus in various activities, Finally all the works done by the student (like design, models, any activity related to syllabus) to be exhibited and each student to be ranked by the instructor. UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO VISUAL COMMUNICATION Historical Development - Conceptual development - Visulaisation process Visualisation environment- Tools for visualization- Sensual and perceptual theories UNIT II VISUAL MEDIA
Principles of visual media communication -Video medium Non Projected audio visuals -Scientific visual media Creative visualization UNIT III VISUAL APPLICATION Rendering and rasterisation -Visual perception -Information design Communication design -Graphic design Cartoons UNIT IV VISUAL LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Study of Visuality -World culture -Visual rehetoric, sociology and ethics Temple grandins views on autism and visual thought -Abstract thought Visual thinking and mental imagery -Implication in visual syntax. UNIT V SIX IMPORTANT PERSPECTIVES Image Analysis Typography -Graphics design - Informational Graphics - Cartoon Photography Motion pictures Television and video -Computer graphics -World Wide Web
Text Book: 1. Visual communication images with messages by paul Mrtin lester(2008) wordsworth United states REFERENCE: 1. Paul martin, Visual communication (2008) Global vision publishing house New Delhi. 2. Pradeep mandav- visual media communication (2001) Authors press New Delhi
09VC202 COMPUTERS IN COMMUNICATION DESIGN I Credit 4:0:0 Course Objective: This course is useful for students To understand history software and hardware of computers To gain knowledge in communication design To understand the basic concepts of Ms office its applications and basics and features of corel draw Course Outcome: The students will have a sound knowledge on computers and its application such as MS- office and corel draw UNIT I Introduction to computers
History and generation of computers - Basics of computers -Hardware & Software - Operating systems. Multimedia evolution, applications and advantages, hardware & software requirements. Application of computers in the media industry. DTP (Desk Top Publishing). UNIT II Communication Design
Definition, nature & scope. Elements of design; Principles of design: Unity, balance, rhythm, proportion, movement ; Language of design: white space, fonts, pictures, page layout and design. Principles of design, Design process, Role of computers in designing. Fundamentals of layout- text & visuals, typography and drawing programs, working with colors. UNIT III MS Office and its applications MS Word tools, word processing techniques, MS Excel features & utility- PowerPoint- features & advantages. Quark Xpress features, tools & applications. PageMaker- working with text, working with graphics & formatting. Differences in features of Quark Xpress and Page Maker. UNIT IV Corel DRAW basics
Vector graphics and bitmaps - starting and opening drawings - finding content - acquiring images from scanners and digital cameras - undoing, redoing, and repeating actions - adding and accessing drawing information - zooming, panning, and scrolling - previewing a drawing - choosing viewing modes working with views - backing up and recovering files - saving drawings - exploring basic tasks. UNIT V Corel Draw- features Corel Draw- features & tools, working with vector/raster images, special effects and other supporting components of CorelDraw - Corel DRAW workspace - Application window - Workspace tools - Standard toolbar - Exploring the toolbox . Text Book: 1. MS Office Bible, Edward Willet, IDG Books, 2000 2. Corel Draw for Dummies, Deke Mc Celland, IDG Books, 1997 REFERENCES : Designing Effective Communications (2001): Creating Contexts for Clarity And Meaning .by Jorge Frascara (Editor) Publisher: Allworth Press.U.S.A. First edition
Play writing - Narrative structure, conflict and resolution. Characterization, Structure variation, scenes and sequences, shot breakdown and film genre. Writing, treatment, script and its formats and storyboard. Production problems. Text Book: 1. Screen Writing for narrative Film and Television - William Miller - Columbus books London 1989. 2. Film Script Writing - Dwight Swan - Hastings House - New York -1976. Reference: 1. Script Writing for Video and Audio media - Dwight Swan - Hastings House - New York -1976. 2. Video Script Writing - Barry Humps - Penguin U.S.A Inc - 1993. 3. Screenplay -The Foundations of Screen Writing - Syd Field - Dell Publishing Co.,
Unit IV: Non Verbal & Informal Communication Meaning, Importance, functions & Forms of NV communication Body Language - Proximix, Kinesics, Artifacts, Haptics, & Chromics Meaning & Nature of Informal Communication Reasons for informal communication - Distinctions between formal & informal communication - Rumours & Grapevine Spread of rumours and control Merits & demerits of informal communication. Unit V: Mass Communication Definition of Mass Communication - Classification of Mass Media Top 10 Media Outlets - Factors for selecting right media Advertising & Public Relation Publicity & Propaganda Theories & Models of Communication - Magic Bullet Theory, Two Step Theory Berlos SMRC Model, Lasswell Model, Gerbnerss Model, Gate Keeping Model, Shannon & Weaver Model. Test Book: 1. Communication by C.S.Rayudu published by Himalaya Publishing House Edition July 2008. 2. Principles & Practices of Mass Communication by Ved Prakash Gandhi Kanishka Publishers, Distributors, New Delhi Edition 2007 Reference: 1. Mass Communication in India by Keval J. Kumar published by Jaico Publishing House Edition 2007
Unit III DIGITAL IMAGE MANIPULATION Features of Photoshop Image editing image selection image resizing image manipulation - Art Marks, Art Layers, Layer Mark, Create Layer, Fill Tool, Trashcan, Cloning, Clone Align, Art Filter, Plug ins, Rule of Thumb, Kerning, Leading. Digital Image on Various Media. UNIT IV DIGITAL IMAGING TECHNIQUES Working with layers masking filters text editing background fore ground colour palette selection histogram in photographs hue saturation value modes & adjustments saving files Digital Image, Types, File Formats, Digital Inputs, Digital Workflow -Digital Press, Digital color Process
UNIT V ADOBE PHOTOSHOP ADVANTAGES Photoshop Short cut keys and menus.
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Dynamic Learning: Photoshop CS3 By Jennifer Smith, Aquent Graphics Institute (AGI) - July 2007 2. Photoshop CS3 Photographer's Handbook By Brad Hinkel, Stephen Laskevitch - July 2007 09VC206 VISUALISATION OF COMMERCIAL ARTS Credit 4:0:0 COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1. To understand elements of visualization. 2. To understand the Process of Visualisation 3. To learn the Applications Commercial arts 4. To learn the Layout Design 5. To understand Computers in Commercial Production COURSE OUTCOMES: In order to assess the students progress towards achieving the Learning Outcomes, a number of activities may be assigned periodically. the students may be asked to apply the knowledge of all the concepts , methods, elements of visuals and make design, programme to present and analyze the design. Make the student to apply all the components of this syllabus in various activities, Finally all the works done by the student (like design , models, any activity related to syllabus) to be exhibited and each student to be ranked by the instructor. UNIT I VISUALISATION
Mass media and creative Creativity in Production Need for Visualization definition and elements of visualization-visual persuasion in advertising
UNIT- II PROCESS OF VISUALISATION Creative process: Orientation, Preparation, Analysis, Ideation, Incubation, Synthesis, Evaluation creative inputs issues of plagiarism in creative production. UNIT III COMMERCIAL ARTS Commercial art Vs Fine art Fundamental elements of design Line, Color, Texture, Shape, Size, Space Design principles Balance, Proportion, Sequence, Unity, Emphasis, Tension and surprise- application of creativity in designing. UNIT IV LAYOUT DESIGN Structuring of message- Choosing a basic design, Layout - Steps in designing, Working with copy and visuals Camera ready pages Designing software. UNIT V COMPUTERS IN COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION Managing cost and quality in commercial production material inputs Black and white and color Pantone color matching system Artists tool kit Computer applications in creative industries. Text Book: 1. Richard Schlemmer. Handbook of Advertising Art Production, Prentice Hall, New York REFERENCE: 1. Paul martin lester. visual communication. wadsworth, Australia.2000. 2. Frank Ramano et al. Encyclopedia of Graphic Communication. Prentice Hall. NY. 1998.
Number system Boolean algebra logic gates semiconductor memory Microprocessor. simplification of logic functions using karnaugh map. Unit IV Computer Hardware Basic structure of computer hardware Von Neumann Architecture functional units Instruction Formats and Instruction Types Addressing Modes. Unit IV Arithmetic And Logic Unit Fixed point arithmetic operation addition, substraction, multiplication, division floating point arithmetic operation.
Text books 1. Robert Boylestad, Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory, Sixth Edition, PHI, 2001. 2. William Stallings, Computer Organization & Architecture, Sixth Edition, Pearson education. Reference Books 1. Puri V.K., Digital Electronics, TMH, 1997. 2. John P.Hayes, Computer Organization and Architecture, McGraw Hill, Third Edition. 3. Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, PHI, 9th edition 2006.
UNIT II PHOTO COMPOSITION Basic Techniques for Better Image. Aperture-Usage. Shutter- Speed- Usage. Depth of Field. Focal Length. Basic Lighting- Key Light-Fill Light. Low Key and High Key Picture. Rule of Third. Angle of View. Picture Format. UNIT III INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY Define -Digital- Digital Still Camera. Digital SLR Camera Types. Working with Digital Camera Major Components and Functions, Camera Operation, Mode, Advantages. Setup for Digital ImagingWindows and Macintosh. Desktop Computer Components- Data Storage and Transfer Options. Software for Digital Processes( Digital Dark Room) -Image Editor- File Formats Converters. Working with Scanner -Types - Scanning Techniques- Film Scanning. Photo Printers- How Printer works- Photo Quality. Printing Paper-Types UNIT IV AREAS OF PHOTOGRAPHY Portrait-Architecture- Product- Fashion-Travel-Environmental Sports-Indoor/Outdoor. UNIT V DIGITAL STUDIO Photography Project, Assignments. Photo Power Point Presentation, Photo Documentary. Photo Essay. Small Budget Studio-Design, Equipments and Budget. Corporate Studio- Design, Equipments and Budget. Popular Photography Websites. Creating Photography Website. Connecting Images for Internet Use. Text Book: 1. Mastering Digital Photography and Imaging (2001) Peter K Burian Publisher Sybex.USA. First edition. REFERENCE: 1. The Manual of Photography (2000) by Ralph E Jacobson/Geoffrey G Attridge/Sidney F Ray,Focal Press, Ninth Edition. 2. The Basic Book of Photography (Fourth Edition) by Tom Grimm and Michele Grimm 3. Mastering the Basics of Photography by Susan McCartney 4. The Photographers Handbook. 1999 by John H edgecoe. Alfred A.Knopf Publisher,. 5. Interior Shots .2002. by Roger Hicks and Frames Schultz, Rotovision, Switzerland. 6. Understanding Digital Photography by Joseph A . Iippolito, Thomson Delmar Learning, 2003.USA. 7. Digital Portrait Photography and Lighting: Take Memorable Shots Every Time 2005. by Catherine Jamieson/ Sean McCormick -Publisher: Wiley Jamieson and McCormick. London . Action Aerial-Macro-Panoramic-
The students will be taught about Audio related Engineering fundamentals and the techniques involved in Audio production. Course Outcome This course will enable the students to be creatively and technically aware of the Technologies and Production systems in the Audio Industry.
Input Transducers - Microphones - Polar responses - Types of Microphones - Production of the different polar responses - Phantom power - Balanced wiring - Specific applications of microphones - Reference voltages in audio signals - Technical monitoring - Aural monitoring Output Transducers - Loudspeaker - Professional and domestic standards - Methods of producing inter - channel differences -Stereo loudspeaker matching - Phase - Microphone techniques for stereo - Headphones for stereo monitoring. Unit II: Audio Engineering Fundamentals Sound mixers - The basic channel - Important features of a mixer - Output stage - Inputs and connections - Filters - Equalizers - Shelving EQ - Semi parametric Eq - Parametric EQ-Graphic EQ - Paragraphic EQ Talkback - Manual control of levels - Electronic level control - Signal processors - Dynamic processors - Compressor - Limiter - Expander - Gate - Multiband compressor - Sidechain - Effect processors - Reverb - Delay - Chorus - Phaser - Flanger - Audio lines and Patchbays. Unit III: Analog Recording Objectives and problems in recording - Analog Recording devices and systems - ATR - The fundamentals of magnetic recording - Tape standards - Cassette quality - Head and tape cleanliness - Noise reduction - Two track systems - Multi track systems - Tape speeds Transport controls - TTL - Head alignment - General Maintenance - Routing - Recording Punching - Auto punch - Editing - Basic Analog Mixing. Unit IV: Basics of Live Sound Engineering Need for Sound Reinforcement - Technology - Basic PA systems - Full Range sound Reinforcement systems - Choice of Equipment - Signal flow - FOH - MOH - Indoor systems Outdoor Systems - Applications - Safety - Ear safety - Electrical safety - Mechanical safety - Fire safety. Unit V: Digital Audio Basic Principles Analog vs Digital Analog to Digital Converter Digital to Analog Converter Application of Digital Audio Digital audio hardware - formats - Storage medium
Digital mixers Digital audio workstation Editing Mixing production for Video. Text Book
1.Michael Talbot-Smith, Sound Engineering Explained, 2nd Edition, Focal Press, 2002. Reference Books 1. Ken Pohlmann, Principles of Digital Audio, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, 1995 2. David Simons, Analog Recording, 3rd Edition, Backbeat Books, 2006. 3. Paul White, Basic Live Sound, Sanctuary Publications, 2003.
09VC210 2D GRAPHICS AND ANIMATION Credit 4:0:0 Course Objective: To learn the animation techniques. To make the students understand about the 2D animation production. To learn the types of animation compositing techniques and post production in 2D animation Unit I : Types of Animation. Types of animation: Traditional Animation Cell Animation, Clay Animation , Stop motion Animation , Cutout Animation , Computer Generated Animation 2D Animation Vs 3D Animation - Styles of animation Principles of animation. Unit II : Different Animation Styles. Disney animation Japanese animation Russian animation Comparative study of different animation styles basic anatomy proportions staging posing timing actions Unit III : Preproduction Scripting storyboard screen play timing duration Character design Turn around colour schemes attitudes props. Tools for 2D animation : Colour keys background layout source of light styles paper sources paper quality. Unit IV : Software interface Creating a document creating accessible flash content - writing scripts creating an application working with layers layout tools drawing creating symbols adding animation and navigation adding text creating timeline action.
Unit V : Compositing Special Effects Foley sound design software packages US animation Flash animation animation pass -= compositing animation actions compositing backgrounds scanning images compositing cels compositing objects. Reference Book: 1. The Animator's Workbook: Step-By-Step Techniques of Drawn Animation [ILLUSTRATED] (Paperback) by Tony White 2. Timing for Animation (Paperback) by Harold Whitaker , John Halas 3. Cartoon Animation (The Collector's Series) (Paperback) by Preston Blair 4. Character Animation: 2D Skills for Better 3D, Steve Roberts, Focal press, Second edition 2007. 09VC211 PRE PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES Credit 4:0:0 Course Objective: To learn pre production techniques in film production. To learn the art of script preparation. To create the concept for a production. Knowing the process of video production techniques and the various script formats. Unit-I Basic - concept making Idea-seed of the programme-creative inspiration-visual thinking-discussion with team-format of the programme-types of formats like-news- documentaries-interview-TV programme-adscommercial-special programmes- daily soaps. Unit II Basic elements in script Script-visual writing-budget-target audience-steps of developing concept- plot-story-characterdialogue script formats proposal-treatment-develop steps in script writing. Unit- III Basic production technique Basic shot ,angles& camera movements-introduction -lighting and colors-single camera multicamera production-indoor studio-outdoor -properties. Unit IV Steps in pre production Shooting script-story board-scene-sequence break up-character main character-relief charactersubsidiary character-character introduction important of dialogues-dialogue writing - dramatic points in the story-twist in plot. KarunyaUniversity Page403
Unit-V Various script formats Script writingvarious formats news-TV programme-ads-proms-commercial-special programme- daily soapsdocumentaries-interview-film. Text books 1. Antony Friedman writing for visual media-focal press 2. John Hart the art of the story board-focal press Reference books 1. Dwight V Swain film script writing-focal press 2. Martha Mollison producing videos-focal press 09VC212 ELEMENTS OF VIDEO PRODUCTION Credit 4:0:0 Course Objective: To understand the aesthetics of video production To identify the elements of shot. To learn the camera options and production techniques. To understand the continuity of shots To learn the editing principles Outcome: Students should be equipped with the video production skills so that they may be able to direct the production. The important component of this programme is to impart the aesthetics of film direction so that the student become capable of producing a show effectively. UNIT I INTRODUCTION
09VC213 MEDIA LAWS AND ETHICS IN INDIA Credit 4:0:0 COURSE OBJECTIVES: To understand Overview of the Indian constitution. To understand the Media Laws In India To learn the Civil And Criminal Laws related to Media To understand the Broadcasting Code And Ethics To understand the cyber laws in India
In order to assess the students progress towards achieving the Learning Outcomes, a number of activities/assignments/face-to-face with advocates may be assigned periodically. The students may be asked to apply the knowledge of all the concepts, methods, and make them to discuses and recoded it the same programme may be presented and analyzed. Make the student to apply all the components of this syllabus in various activities, finally all the works done by the student to be exhibited/performed and each student to be ranked by the instructor.
UNIT I: INDIAN CONSTITUTION Overview of the Indian constitution, Fundamental Rights, Duties of citizens ,Directive principles of state policy, Functions of Executive, Judiciary, Legislative, Powers and Privileges of Parliament, Provisions for declaring Emergency, Provision for amending the constitution, freedom of the press and restrictions these upon, Centre-state relations UNIT II: MEDIA LAWS IN INDIA PRB Act 1867, the press(objectionable matters)Act 1957, The News Paper (prices and Pages)Act 1956, Defence of India Act, Delivery of Books and News paper (public libraries)Act, Press Council Act, Cable TV Networks (regulations)Act, The Cinematographic Act 1952, Drugs and magic remedies Act UNIT III: CIVIL AND CRIMINAL LAWS Laws of Libel and defamation, Contempt of courts Act 1971 and contempt of Legislative, Copy right Act and IPR, Trade Mark Act and patents Act, Right to Information and Official Secrets Act, Autonomy and Prasar Bharati Act, Broadcasting Bill.
UNIT IV: CODE AND ETHICS Recommendations of press commission I and II, Mac Bridge report, Press council guide to Journalistic ethics, Self regulation and code of ethics, censorship and control of the press, press ownership and monopolies, Various committees of broadcasting, Broadcasting policies, Act regarding to working journalists. UNIT V: CYBER LAWS IN INDIA Nature and scope of cyber laws, The right to Publish and right to privacy, Digital signature , Piracy, Domain name registration issues, convergences bill, Media council and media ombudsman in the world. New IT Law IT 2000. Text Book: 3. Basu, Introduction to Indian Constitution, Practice hall of india(2003) REFERENCES 1. Basu, Law of the Press in India, Practice Hall of India(2003) 2. Radha Krishna Murthi , Indian Press Laws KarunyaUniversity Page406
3. R.K Ravindran, Press in the Indian Constitution, Indian Publishers, Distributors 09VC214 NON LINEAR EDITING Credit 0:0:4 Course Objectives: 1. To know the different types of editing. 2. To understand the terminologies and concepts of Avid video editing software. 3. To acquire the editing and titling skills. 4. To learn adding special effects and mixing audio with the visuals in Avid. Course Outcome: This 5 units give theory knowledge about Editing software AVID and workings of it. So with the basic knowledge about AVID, in the Video post production lab, This theory knowledge will create background knowledge for editing. UNIT I Introduction to Video Editing and Avid Editing: Definition, Principles, Stages EDL Role of Editor Continuity & Dynamic Editing Linear & Non-Linear Editing Physical & Electronic Editing Control Track & SMPTE Editing A/B Roll Editing- Introduction to Avid Xpress DV Hardware and Software Requirements UNIT II Terminologies and Recording Media files, Clips, Sub clips, Sequences, Bins, Projects Timeline, Effect editor, Effect palette, Composer monitor, Source monitor Tool palette Bin Views Importing, Copying, Moving and Deleting Clips in Bins IEEE 1394 Selecting Deck/Tape, Target Drives, Audio and Video Channels Controlling Decks UNIT III Editing and Titling Customizing Monitor Displays Playing Video in Client Monitor Loading and Clearing Footage on Monitor Controlling Playback Marking and Sub-Cataloging Footage Setting up a Sequence Setting up Tracks Undoing /Redoing Edits Splice-in Edit & Overwrite Edit Lifting, Extracting and Copying Segments Slip Trim & Slide Trim Finding Frames and Clips Titling: Editing, Removing, Replacing, Fading Titles, Replacing Fill Tracks UNIT IV Special Effects Types of Transition Effects Single and Multiple Effects (Transition & Segment) Rendering Key frameable and Non-Key frameable Effects Defining Motion Paths using Key frames Layered Effects Nested Effects Key Effects (Chroma, Luma, Matte) Freeze Frame Variable Speed Strobe Motion Reverse Motion
UNIT V Working with Audio and Exporting Soloing Audio Tracks Audio Scrubbing Audio Effect Tool Audio Mix Tool Automation Gain Tool Adjusting Volume in Timeline Audio EQ Tool Audio Suite Plug-Ins Mixing Video Tracks Recording to Tape Exporting Formats (MPEG-1, MPEG- 2, QuickTime, DV Stream, OMF)
Text book 1. Video Field Production and Editing, Sixth Edition, Ronald J. Compessi, San Francisco State University 2. Avid Xpress DV Users Guide References: 1. Avid Xpress DV Effects Guide 09VC215 VISUAL ART LAB Credit 0:0:2 Course Objective: To educate the students in drawing. This subject will enable the students to visualize of their own and will help them to create an appropriate visual through the application of perspective composition and light and shadow
1. Elements of art a. Line b. Form c. Shape d. Colour e. Space f. Value g. Texture 2. Perspective Drawing a. Foundation b. Basic shapes in perspective c. Linear perspective d. Aerial perspective e. Point perspective 3. Composition a. Light and shadow b. Colour composition KarunyaUniversity Page408
c. Proportion 4. Drawing landscapes 5. Drawing still life 6. Drawing animals 7. Drawing birds 8. Drawing objects 9. Drawing architectures 10. Introduction to human figure 09VC216 CREATIVE SUIT - LAB I COREL DRAW Credit 0:0:2 Course Objective: The course imparts the techniques and the application of the software coral draw so that the leaner will come across to produce an appropriate design. It will enable the students to learn various designing process and print production. The practical will include 1. 2D Graphic CorelDraw12 (Latest Version) 2. Adobe illustrator Exercises 1. Design a logo for an a. b. c. d. e. Matriculation School Hospital Non Government organization Visually impaired School B. Tech-Electronics & Media Technology
2. Design the label & package cover of any consumer product. 3. Design a visiting card & letter head for any five famous Banks Executives. 4. Design a calendar to be published by Department of Electronics and Media Technology 5. Design the CD cover to be brought out by our college Music Band. 6. Design a 2-fold greeting card for an occasion of your choice. 7. Design a dangler using Corel Draw 8. Design a POP using Corel Draw 9. Design a single fold Menu card. 10. Design New Sign board for the following a. Speed breaker b. School Zone c. Hospital Zone d. Hotels e. Blind curve KarunyaUniversity Page409
09VC217 APPLIED ART LAB Credit 0:0:2 Course Objective: To learn the anatomy of the human parts through the drawing principles and perspective. 1. Anatomy Drawing a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Proportion of the human body The skeleton The head and neck The torso The arm The hand The leg The foot The Ecorche and face Study of expressions.
2. Clay modelling a. Terracotta b. Modelling shapes c. Modelling human forms. Text : Drawing and Anatomy Victor Perard
09VC218 CREATIVE SUIT LAB II PHOTOSHOP Credit 0:0:2 Course Objectives: To provide opportunities to the students to prepare certain exercises for possible demonstration of skills acquired by them to the specific level of acceptable performance. Course Outcome With the basic knowledge of Photoshop, Here in the creating the twenty types of Visualization will be developing their skill in Photoshop and their creative in using Photoshop. Need to Design 20 advertisements using any one the Types of Layout
TYPES OF VISUALIZATION 1. Visual of the product alone. 2. Visual of the product in a setting where it is used. 3. Visual in use. 4. Visual of a benefit from using the product. 5. Visual showing the loss or disadvantage resulting from not using the advertised product. 6. Dramatization of the headline. 7. Dramatization of the evidence. 8. Dramatizing a detail (in the product) 9. Comparison between two brands. 10. Contrast between before and after using the product. 11. Visuals using Trade Characters. 12. Symbolism. Abstract illustration. (logo) Continuity strip Mood setting visual. Visual of the product in the package. Visual of the product ingredients or raw materials. Special effects.(freezing movements) Montage Visual with models. TYPES OF LAYOUTS Big picture Big copy Omni bus Mortise Free form Scatter Continuity strip 09VC219 APPLIED PHOTOGRAPHY LAB Credit 0:0:2 Course Objective: To learn the types of photography. To learn the lighting techniques. To learn the techniques of photographying various subjects. LIST OF LAB WORKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Indoor photography Outdoor photography Portrait photography Architecture photography Product photography Fashion photography Page411
7. Travel photography 8. Environmental photography 9. Action photography 10. Aerial photography 11. Macro photography 12. Sports and Panoramic photography
09VC220 2D ANIMATION LAB Credit 0:0:2 Course objective: To train the students in the area of 2D Animation and its software application. To make the students understand the process of 2d animation production in studios. The students will be trained the area of character designing and concept designing in 2D animation List of Practical 11. The Pre-production Phase a. b. c. d. e. f. The lines Basic formation of shapes Basic formation of characters Head formation Expressions Character actions
12. Basic animation & principles a. b. c. d. Squash and Stretch Follow through and overlapping actions Timing Exaggeration
13. Character designing a. Concept drawing b. Character creation c. Model sheet 14. Story board 15. Software interface a. Screen layout KarunyaUniversity Page412
b. c. d. e. f.
Basic drawing tools Animating rough blue and planning red Setup and Marking menus Working with Layers Light setup
16. Frame by frame animation 17. Key frame, Inbetweens & Secondary actions 18. Tweening 19. Background & Compositing for animation 20. Camera movement 21. Motion guide 22. Embedding video
09VC221 AUDIO PRODUCTION LAB Credit 0:0:2 Course Objective: The students will be practically taught to apply Audio production techniques involved in Radio Production, Music Production and Audio Post Production for Video using Digital Audio Workstations. Course Outcome: This course will enable the students to be creatively and technically operational in the Audio Industry List of Exercises: 1. Recording and editing narration with BGM 2. Interview Production (Indoor) 3. Interview Production (Outdoor) 4. Radio Edit 5. Live multi-tracking of one instrument and vocals using Zoom H4 6. Overdubbing of one instrument in stereo with vocals 7. Recording SFX using Zoom H4 8. Ambient Sound Sampling using Zoom H4 9. Automated Dialogue Replacement 10. Music and Effects 09VC222 PREPRODUCTION TECHNIQUE LAB Credit 0:0:2 KarunyaUniversity Page413
Course Objective: To learn practically pre production techniques in film production. To learn the art of script preparation. To create the concept for a production. Knowing the process of video production techniques and the various script formats.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Plot Treatment Proposal Basic shot, angles& camera movements. Dialogue writing Scene ,sequence breakup Script writing. Shooting script Story board
Scripting and story board 1. Basics of Script 2. Formats of script 3. Concept &idea 4. Basic components of story board 5. Design & composition of color &light 09VC223 VIDEO PRODUCTION LAB Credit 0:0:2 Course Objective: To introduce students to the profession of producing programme for TV. Course Outcome: Making of this seven Television programs in Two or single camera set-up is real hand on experience for the student in the TV Program process. They learn all the technicals that is related to making of a program in production stage and post production stages PRODUCTION FOR TV Types of TV Programme 1. 2. 3. 4. Indoor Single Camera set-up Interview Outdoor Single Camera set-up Interview Educational Shows- Two Camera Set -up Drama Page414
5. PSA 6. Game Shows 7. Anchor, News Reader. Grammar of Out-door Production. Three phases of production should be included Formulating the concept and doing the research. Facing Production Problems - scheduling, budgeting, breakdown of scripts, developing the Plot, Writing the screenplay, prepare the storyboard and cue sheet etc. Making the choice of the crew, Teamwork and work ethics. Equipments and location the shooting, contracts, some legal issues in production. Editing Grammar of editing, Transitions, Editing the visual, editing the sound track.
09VC224 MULTIMEDIA LAB Credit 0:0:2 Course Objective: To create e-page, power point presentations and desktop publishing. LIST OF LAB WORKS : 1. E-PAGE with visual aid 2. Preproduction & Presentation Graphics: Create a 5 slide presentation in your favorite presentation graphics application. (Powerpoint) 3. Typefaces and Graphics: Create 1 vector and 1 bitmap graphic 4. Desktop Publishing: Create a 2-page desktop-published "newsletter," Submit a PDF copy 5. Desktop Publishing: Create a 2-page desktop-published "newsletter," Submit a PDF copy. 6. Production Planning and Design: Create a proposal for your final project. Include summary, flowchart, element and resource lists. Submit a PDF copy. 7. User Interface Design & Graphics II: Create a user interface . Include 2 backgrounds and 1 button set. Aim for a cohesive look. 8. Multimedia Sound: Create 2 soundtracks and 2 EFX sounds 9. Video Production: Prepare storyboard and shoot a short video production KarunyaUniversity Page415
10. Digital Video: Use video capture to digitize your video shoot ro another video source to create short production (20-30 seconds) 11. Create three basic Web pages using Dreamweaver
09VC225 VIDEO POST PRODUCTION LAB Credit 0:0:2 Course Objective: To introduce students to the profession of editing in NLE and give the professional exercise of basic editing. Course Outcome: Here its hand on experience in EDIT Suit for the students to edit the visuals according to the category. Its really a job oriented skill that can shape their future. AVID is been used here to edit the visuals. List of experiments : 1. EDIT - Indoor Single Camera set-up Interview(CUT TO CUT) 2. EDIT- Outdoor Single Camera set-up Interview(CUT TO CUT) 3. EDIT- Educational Shows- Two Camera Set -up 4. ONLINE EDIT - Drama 5. EDIT -PSA 6. ONLINE EDIT _ Game Shows 7. EDIT-Music Album
NOTE: Edit note should be prepared and the visuals should be done accordingly.
09VC226 WEB DESIGNING LAB Credit 0:0:2 Course Objectives: To apply the skills learned to develop web pages using HTML tags.
Course Outcome: Basics of HTML helps and guides the student how to create a web page on own with sources code without the help of the other automatic softwares. Its helps those to learn basic, so that it KarunyaUniversity Page416
can be really helpful in their other course related to web in the advance stages like VB,JAVA,etc... . Exercises 1. Developing a webpage using basic HTML tags and hyperlinks. 2. Creating web pages with transition and visual effects. 3. Creating a webpage which contains a set of images (minimum 10) in same size inserted in table. 4. Developing a webpage using TABLE tag to display class timetable. 5. Developing and integrating at least 4 instructional web pages using FRAMES and suitable hyperlinks. 6. Constructing a webpage using FORM tag to enter student bio-data.
09VC227 PRINCIPLES OF WEB DESIGNING Credits 3:0:0 Course Objective: Students will be allowed to design their own web page using basics of HTML . Course Outcome:Basics of HTML helps and guides the student how to create a web page on own with sources code without the help of the other automatic softwares. Its helps them to learn basic, so that it can be really helpful in their other course related to web. Unit I Introduction to web page design fundamentals. HTML: Introduction: what is HTML, Basic layout of HTML scripts. Head and Body Sections. Unit II Head section: Title, Base HREF, LINK HREF, Meta tags, Body Section: Text formatting and alignment, Fonts, colours, ordered and unordered lists. Links Images, sounds, Video, Background. Unit III Advance Elements: tables, Forms, Frames. Authoring Web Pages using editing. DHTML: Java Scripts: Introduction, Architecture of Java Script applications. Tags in Java Script. Data types and variables expressions and operation, Looping and Branching Events and Event handling. DHTML: Cascading style sheet (CSS). Unit IV Core Java Script Elements: Array, Boolean, Data, Function, Math Number, Object String, Reg, and Exp. KarunyaUniversity Page417
Unit V Multimedia in the Web Flash, Real Media MP 3 etc., Streaming audio and Video. Mouse over and other affects using JS. Using Java Applets: HTTP Servers and CGI concepts.
Text Books 1. Create Web Animations in a Weekend (with CD), Steve Callahan 1990 2. Web Classes from Scratch (with CD), Jesse Liberty 1999 3. XML Web documents from scratch, Jesse Liberty 2000 Reference: 1. 2. 3. 4. XML and Java Developing Web Application (With CD), Hiroshi Maruyama Web Design and Publishing Unleashed (with CD), Dave Brown 1997 Web enable your small Business, Richard Harrison 2000 Adobe Seminars Web Page Design - Lopuck & Hampton - Adobe Press - California 1997. 09VC301 MEDIA RESEARCH METHODS Credit : 4:0:0 COURSE OBJECTIVES: To understand research methods and statistical tools in education. To understand the principles of evaluation, research and statistics and computer application. To prepare model research proposals for research studies and report writing. COURSE OUTCOME: To assess the Learning Outcomes, a number of miner project may be assigned. The students may be asked to apply the knowledge of all the concepts, methods, elements of Media Research and make them to do, and same may be presented and analyzed. Each students work to be assessed and ranked by the team of instructor. Unit 1 The Research Process Meaning of Research - Media research methods - Importance and need of Media research Characteristics of scientific research -Development of media research in India - Selection of research topic - Review of literature - Hypothesis/research question - Qualitative and quantities approaches Variables Measurement Scales - Reliability and validity - Sampling and sample size - Population - Probability and no probability samples - Sampling error and weight KarunyaUniversity Page418
Unit 2 Research Approaches Content analysis - Survey research - Longitudinal research - Experimental research - Descriptive research
Unit 3
Research Procedures
Steps in developing a research project - Selection of a research problem - criteria for selection Defining objectives - Formulation of hypothesis - Definition of terms variables - Research design and sampling procedure - Data collection techniques - Research budget Unit 4 Data Collection and Analysis Questioner design - Interview technique- Content analysis procedure - Sampling design Descriptive statistics - Sample distribution - Data transformation - Hypothesis testing Application of appropriate statistical tools - Nonparametric statistics - chi square - parametric tatistics - t test - analysis of variance - two way ANOVA - -simple correlation - -cluster analysis Unit 5 Research Applications and Report
Research in electronic media - Research in media effect - Research in new media - Research report style and MLA style sheet - Characteristics of the research report - Structure of the research report - Documentation in a research report Text Book: 1. Fundamentals of Social Research, John Best, REFERENCES: 1. Media Research methodology- J P Aluwaliya 2. Mass media research An introduction, Roger D Wimmer & Joseph R Dominick 3. Foundations of Behavioral Research, Kerlinger, H. Fred, 4. Methods in Social Research, Goode & Hatt, 5. Scientific Social Survey and Research, Paulin Young
09VC302 DYNAMICS OF VISUAL COMMUNICATION Credit : 4:0:0 Course Objective: To understand visual and visual communication fundamentals. To understand the principles of Principles of visual media communication To learn the Visual Application and visual design Page419
Course Outcome: In order to assess the students progress towards achieving the Learning Outcomes, a number of activities may be assigned periodically. The students may be asked to apply the knowledge of all the concepts , methods, elements of visuals and make design, programme to present and analyze the design. Make the student to apply all the components of this syllabus in various activities, Finally all the works done by the student (like design, models, any activity related to syllabus) to be exhibited and each student to be ranked by the instructor. Unit I Introduction to visual communication Historical Development - Conceptual development - Visulaisation process - Visualisation environment - Tools for visualization Sensual and perceptual theories Unit II Visual Media Principles of visual media communication - Video medium - Non Projected audio visuals Scientific visual media - Creative visualization Unit III Visual Application Rendering and rasterisation - Visual perception - Information design - Communication design Graphic design Cartoons Unit IV Visual language and culture Study of Visuality - World culture - Visual rehetoric, sociology and ethics - Temple grandins views on autism and visual thought - Abstract thought - Visual thinking and mental imagery Implication in visual syntax. Unit V Six important perspectives Image Analysis Typography - Graphics design - Informational Graphics - Cartoon Photography - Motion pictures - Television and video - Computer graphics - World Wide Web Reference books. 1. Paul martin, Visual communication (2008) Global vision publishing house New Delhi. 2. Pradeep mandav- visual media communication (2001) Authors press New Delhi 3. Visual communication images with messages by paul Mrtin lester(2008) wordsworth United states. 09VC303 ELEMENTS OF VIDEO PRODUCTION Credit : 4:0:0 KarunyaUniversity Page420
Elements of Video production Course Objective: To understand the aesthetics of video production To identify the elements of shot. To learn the camera options and production techniques. To understand the continuity of shots To learn the editing principles Outcome: Students should be equipped with the video production skills so that they may be able to direct the production. The important component of this programme is to impart the aesthetics of film direction so that the student become capable of producing a show effectively. Unit I Preproduction Planning Stage Concept development Research The basic script The role of writer for television location survey logistics crew budget Talents Script Story board
Roles of the production crew Production assistant Cameraman, studio crew outdoor crew
Set design backdrop and properties the role of the art director Set designer Wardrobe Makeup. Page421
Unit II Media and Men Talk show, Short film Documentary, Feature film. Video game Computer game Location identification Role of Director, Art Director, Cinematographer, Film editor, Floor manager,
Production manager. Unit III Production Process Digital video Production : - Camera Movements - Composition - Angles. - Mise-en-scene. - Multi camera setup - Lighting - Color Temperature - Basic and special Lighting setup - Atmospheric lighting. - ENG-Anchoring - Compering, - Montage. -Documentaries and other electronic field productions. Unit IV Post Production Technique Digital video editing : linear and Non-Linear editing. Capturing and rendering techniques Editing Techniques continuity Sequence KarunyaUniversity Page422
Dynamic . Method of transitions. EDL Preparations Titling Graphics Animation Storage Devices.
Unit V Animation - Introduction to graphic and animation - Video and animation - Video signal, - compression: - Computer based animation, - Animation control - Essentials of 3D Animation - Architecture of 3D Animation - Graphical user interface - 3D through Maya Text Books : 1. Television Production (1999) by Gerald Millerson, Focal press, . London. 2. The Technique of Television Production (2001) by Gerald Millerson. Focal press. London Reference Book: 1. Digital Cinematography (2001). Paul Wheeler, Focal Press, London 2. The essential of TV Directors Handbook (3rd edn.) 1996. Peter Jarvis, Focal Press. London. 3. An introduction to Digital Video (1994). John Watkinson, Focal Press, London. 4. Lighting Techniques for video Production (1996) Tom Letourneau, McGrawHill. 5. Digital Non-Linear Editing (1998) Thomas A. Ohanian, Focal Press, London
09VC304 INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN Credit : 4:0:0 Course Objectives: 1. To understand the meaning and significance of Instructional Design 2. To learn the importance of instructional theories , models, materials and assessment of learning. KarunyaUniversity Page423
UNIT I INTRODUCTION Definition Instructional Technology Concept of Systems Approach System Analysis Curriculum Development and Process Guideline for Instructional Design Taxonomies of Educational Objectives - Blooms Cognitive Domain - Daves Psychomotor Domain - Simpsons Psychomotor Domain Writing Objectives - Mager Method - ABCD Method UNIT II INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN 3-D objects and models -Types of 3-D objects and models -Materials of construction -Teaching with Models Instructional Development Models - Kemp Model - Instructional Development Institute Model - Inter-service Procedures for Instructional Systems Development Model - CRI Model - ADDIE Model UNIT III INSTRUCTIONAL THEORIES Groppers Behavioral Approach to Instructional Prescription Landas Algo-Heuristic Theory Collins-Stevens Cognitive Theory of Inquiry Teaching Merrills Component Display Theory Reigeluth-Steins Elaboration Theory of Instruction Kellers Motivation Design of Instruction
UNIT IV INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA & STRATEGIES Preparation for programmed instruction Instructional Methods and Media Instructional Strategies for Declarative Knowledge Concepts Procedures Principles Problem-Solving Cognitive Strategy Attitude Psychomotor Skill UNIT V EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT Evaluation of Instructional Materials - Overview - Evaluation Process - Evaluation Models Assessment of Learning - Overview - Purposes - Types of Assessment Models of Assessment of Learners Achievement Characteristics of Good Assessment Elements and Formats of Assessment Text Book: 1. Educational technology: K L Kumar, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi. 2. Methods of Teaching: A Skills Approach, David Jacobsen, Paul Eggen, et al, Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, 1985 (Unit II) 3. Instructional-Design Theories and Models: An overview of their current status, Charles M. Reigeluth, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,1983, ISBN 0898592755 (Unit III, V) 4. Instructional Design, Patricia L. Smith, Tillman J. Ragan, Wiley/Jossey-Bass Education, 2005 (Unit IV) Reference Book: 1. Instructional Technology: A Systematic Approach to Education, Frederick G. Knirk, Kent L. Gustafson, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc, 1986 (Unit I,II) 2. Task Analysis Methods for Instructional Design, Book by Wallace H.Hannum, David H. Jonassen, Martin Tessmer; Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1999 (Unit II) 3. Designing Effective Instruction , Gary R. Morrison, Steven M. Ross, Jerrold E. Kemp, Howard K. Kalman, Wiley Publication, 2006 (Unit I V) KarunyaUniversity Page425
4. Evaluation of Instructional Materials, Assn for Educational, 1979 (Unit V) 5. Assessment and Evaluation of Developmental Learning: Qualitative Individual Assessment and Evaluation Models, Book by Robert M. Hashway, Praeger Publishers, 1998 (Unit V)
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S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Code 10MT201 10MT202 10MT203 10MT204 10MT205 10MT206 10MT207 10MT208 10MT209 10MT210 10MT211 10MT212 10MT213 10MT214 10MT215 Subject Introduction to Mass Communication Web Designing & Production Digital Signal Processing Equipment Maintenance and Servicing Community Radio Computer Based Music Production Signal Processing Application Television and Video Engineering Introduction to 3D Animation Visual Arts Lab Programme Production Lab Post Production Lab Script Writing for Media C++ and Data Structure Introduction to Film Studies Credit 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:1:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 3:1:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 0:0:2 3:0:0 3:1:0 4:0:0
10MT201 INTRODUCTION TO MASS COMMUNICATION Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objectives: To understand the types and models of communication To understand the process communication To understand the applications of communication in advertising To understand the functions of mass media To understand the relationship between culture and communication Course Outcome: To assess the learning out comes , a number of activity may be assigned, and the same may be presented and analyzed, each students work to be assessed by the team of subject experts. Unit 1 INTRODUCTION COMMUNICATION Introduction: Communication ,Definitions, Scope and purpose- Forms of Communication - Intrapersonal Communication, Inter-personal Communication- Mass Communication-Organizational Communication - Verbal and Non Verbal Communication - Barriers of communication -Socio economic changes and the emerging trend in Communication. Unit II COMMUNICATION PROCESS Introduction: Process of Communication - Source, message, channel, receiver , feedbackNoise, Types of noise-Encoding and Decoding Process -Formal and Informal channel-Models of Communication, Berlo, Lasswall, Shannon and weaver . Unit III THEORIES AND MODELS OF COMMUNICATION Hypodermic Needle Theory, Two-step & Multi-step Theory, Commercial Theory, Play Theory Uses & Gratification Theory, Selective Exposure, Selective Perception & Selective Retention Theory, Individual Difference Theory, Meaning of theories based on scientific study &analysis; Four major
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theories of Press, according to Fred Siebert, Theodore Peterson & Wilbur Schramm Authoritarian Theory, Libertarian Theory, Social Responsibility Theory, Other Theories: Development Media & Democratic Participant Theory Unit IV MASS MEDIA Introduction -Characteristics of mass media-Functions of mass media - Inform Entertain, Educate, Persuade-Dysfunction of mass communication-Communication and public opinion. Unit V COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE Introduction : Communication and culture -Global media multi cultural content Mass media and developing countries -Cross cultural Communication, Problems and challenges- Policies and implications Text Book : 1. Keval J. Kumar Mass communication in India Jeyco Pubslisher 2007. Reference Books: 1. Karl E. Rosengren Communication an introduction Sage Pulblication 2006 2. Mc Quil Mass communication theory Sage Publicaiton 5th edition-2005
10MT202 WEB DESIGNING AND PRODUCTION Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: 1. To understand elements of web design. 2. To understand and gain knowledge in different programming languages. 3. To understand the technologies behind any website. Course Outcome: In order to assess the students progress towards achieving the learning outcomes, a number of assignments may be assigned periodically. The students will be able to design basic web sites and gain basic knowledge about the latest technologies. Unit I FUNDAMENTALS OF WEB DESIGNING Basics of networking protocols TCP/IP-HTTP History of Internet- ARPANET - History of HTML, XML, XHTML W3C future of Markup languages - Website design principles - File format basics. Unit II PLANNING THE SITE File naming & URLs Directory structure - diagram the site planning the site navigation colors and graphics- computer color basics working with Hexa-decimal colors Web typography.
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Unit III
Basics of HTML XML XHTML basics of MYSQL Cascading style sheets controlling typography with <FONT> element controlling typography with cascading style sheets styling with CSS. Unit IV FRAMES HTML Frames Frame syntax Understanding frames targeting in Frames planning Frame content basics of Java script basics of PHP. Unit V FUTURE OF WEB Server side technologies client side technologies Data base types emerging technologies Applications on web web editors WYSIWYG editors Text Books: 1. Joel Sklar Principles of Web Design, Course Technologies, 2000. 2. Chris Bates Web programming: Building Internet applications by, Wiley dream tech India (p) Ltd, 2nd Edition 2002 Reference Books: 1. Thomas A Powell The complete reference of web design, , The Mc Graw- Hill company, 2nd Edition 2002. 2. Luke welling and Laura Thomson PHP and MYSQL web development, 3rd Edition,, 2005
10MT203 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Credits: 3:1:0 Course Objective: This course will introduce the basic concepts and techniques for processing signals on a computer. By the end of the course, you be familiar with the most important methods in DSP, including digital filter design, transform-domain processing and importance of Signal Processors. The course emphasizes intuitive understanding and practical implementations of the theoretical concepts. Course Outcome: By the end of the course the student will be able to: Represent discrete-time signals analytically and visualize them in the time domain. Understand the meaning and implications of the properties of systems and signals. Understand the Transform domain and its significance and problems related to computational complexity.
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Unit I DISCRETE TIME SIGNALS AND SYSTEM CT Signals-DT Signals-Representation of DT Signals in pulses-CT and DT Systems-Properties of Systems-Discrete time LTI Systems-Convolution Sum- Discretization of CT Signals-Sampling Theorem-Reconstruction of a signal-Effects of Under Sampling: Aliasing. Unit II HARMONICS ANALYSIS OF SIGNALS Fourier Series-Representation of Periodic signals and a periodic signals-Discrete Time Fourier transform Properties of DTFT-DFT-Relation between DTFT and DFT-Properties of DFT-Radix2 FFT algorithms-Decimation in Time-Decimation in Frequency. Unit III DIGITAL FILTER-IIR DESIGN Review of analog filters-Design of IIR from analog filters- Bilinear transformation PrewarpingMatched Z-transformation- impulse invariant transformation-frequency transformation-Realization of IIR Unit IV DIGITAL FILTER-FIR DESIGN Amplitude and Phase responses of FIR filters Linear phase filters-Transversal filters Windowing techniques Rectangular-Hamming-Frequency sampling techniques-Realization of FIR Unit V FINITE WORD LENGTH EFFECTS Quantization noise derivation for quantization noise power Fixed point and binary floating point number representation comparison over flow error truncation error co-efficient quantization error - limit cycle oscillation signal scaling analytical model of sample and hold operations. Text Books 1. Alan V Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky with Hamid Nawab, Signals & Systems, Pearson Education, 2nd Edition (2000). 2. John Proakis, Dimitris G Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms and Application, PHI, 3rd Edition (2000). Reference Books 1. S.K. Mitra, Digital signal processing-A Computer based approach, Tata McGraw-Hill, 3rd Edition (2004). 2. Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen, Signals & Systems, John Wiley and Sons, 2nd Edition (2002). 3. S. Salivahana, A.Vallavaraj, Gnanapriya, Digital Signal Processing, McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edition (2000).
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10MT204 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND SERVICING Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives: To provide a thorough understanding of the working of studio equipments. To introduce various techniques in maintaining and repairing of audio-visual equipments. Course Outcome: After the course the students will be able to have an in-depth knowledge in maintaining equipments in the studio. Basic repair and services of equipments will be learned. Unit I EXPLANATIONS AND CALCULATIONS Electricity - Basic Electronics- DC Voltage, Current, and Resistance Basic Electronics: AC Voltage, Current, and Reactance- Basic Formulas for Calculations-DecibelsAdvanced Formulas for Calculations- Wire Sizes and Maximum Current for Each Wire- Technical Power and Current RequirementsUnit II SIGNALS AND EQUIPMENT Balanced and Unbalanced Signals- Metering-VU, RMS, PPm and Correlation-RF Transmissions -- AM and FM- Compressors and Limiters- Multitrack Recorders- Speakers and Microphones- Wireless Microphones Unit III AUDIO LINES Cables and Connectors-Equipment and Rack Grounding- Patch Bay Wiring-Cable Routing- Tools-Test Equipment- A 48-Volt Phantom Power Supply Project Unit IV MAINTENANCE Cleaning Chemicals and Applications- Fixed Head Tape Recorders -- Analog- Analog Tape Recorder Calibration- Rotary Head Tape Recorders -- Digital- Amplifier Cleaning- Computer and Processor Cleaning- Mixing Console, Pot and Fader Cleaning-Lighting Equipment Cleaning Unit V SERVICE AND REPAIRS Speaker Damage and Repairs- Amplifier Diagnostics- Soldering, Cable Repair, and RF Interference Cures- Processors and Outboard Gear ServiceText book: 1. Tom McCartney. Recording Studio Technology, Maintenance, and Repairs. McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics 2004. Reference Books: 1. Trevor Linsley. Electronic Servicing and Repairs. Newnes - 2000 2. John Markus. Television and Radio Repairing. Mc Graw Hill 1960.
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10MT205 COMMUNITY RADIO Credits: 4:0:0 COURSE OBJECTIVE: Train the students in gaining knowledge on the functions, layout, equipments, operation and management of community radio station . Also to give them the knowledge of the rules and laws governing it. COURSE OUTCOME: Students learn the functions, layout, equipments, operation, management, rules and laws of community radio station . Unit I BASICS OF COMMUNITY RADIO Introduction to CR Characteristics Principle of operation Significance Distinct features Stimulating community participation Layout of a CR station Equipments used in a CR Activities in setting up a CR Legitimizing CR Sustainability of CR Unit II MANAGING CR STATION Securing broadcast license Levels of Managerial Responsibility Managing finances Managing Technical Resources HR Management in CR station - Steps to be followed in conducting Broadcast Ethics and Code of Conduct Conduct within the CR station - Conduct outside the CR station Economics of CR Maintenance studio premises and acoustics Unit III CR PROGRAMMING Concept of content and form in CR,generation of program ideas and process of production, classification of CR programme formats and concept of creativity, presentation techniques of spoken word programs(talks, interviews, radio reports, chat-shows, reviews, discussions, debates, commentaries, magazines etc.)Conducting various types of interviews, planning and production of radio documentaries, presentation techniques of radio dramas, skits, family serials, quickies, jingles etc. writing of radio scripts, Production of infotainment programmes including science and health based folk music programmes, music appreciation, operas, listeners request, invited audience music programmes, etc. Unit IV INTERACTIVE PROGRAMME FORMATS Concept and significance of phone-in-programmes, Field generated and participatory programmes, special audience programs-youth, farmers, women, children, senior citizens etc., Special drives and campaigns including special topic programs (science,sports,family welfare,environment, development etc),Concept of Phone-out programmes Unit V CR IN INDIA Development of CR in India - Government rules and laws in setting CR station World association of CR broadcasters CRC Community radio movement Text Book: Angela Wadia, Broadcast Management in India, Kanishka publication, 2007 Edition Reference Books:
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1. 2. 3. 4.
Michael C. Keith, The Radio Station Elsevier Publication, 7th edition. Carole Fleming the radio handbook 2nd Edition, Routledge, 2002 Louie Tabing How to do Community Radio, UNESCO Publication, 2002 Dr. R. Sreedher, Radio Vision Multimedia through Digital Radio UNESCO Publication, 2002 10MT206 COMPUTER BASED MUSIC PRODUCTION
Credits: 4:0:0 COURSE OBJECTIVE: The students who are musically inclined will be taught the fundamentals involved in choosing the right components to make a digital audio workstation and to use MIDI and digital audio tools in music production. COURSE OUTCOME: This course will enable the students to be creatively and technically aware of the technologies and production tools in the music production industry. Unit I The DAW and its peripherals The Computer - Software - Audio and MIDI Interfaces - Mixer - Headphones and Monitors - Surface controller - Cables - Microphones - Miscellaneous equipment - Mac Vs PC debate - Desktop, Laptop and Tabletop computers and specific users - The need for speed - Computer options. Unit I I Audio/MIDI hardware and software setup PCI cards - USB - FireWire/ iLink - PCMCIA Cards - Audio interface considerations - Audio interface features - MIDI interface types and features - Driver installation basics - MAC and PC driver/software setup - Patch setup - Unlisted MIDI devices - Surface controller setup - Template setup - Test run. Unit III Music production - MIDI What is MIDI - MIDI connections - MIDI channels - MIDI modes - Status bytes and Data bytes - MIDI implementation charts - Creating a new song file - Setting up song parameters - Laying down MIDI tracks - Step recording - Punch-in recording - Common MIDI Recording Problems and their Solutions Quantization options - Basic MIDI editing. Unit IV Music Production - Digital audio Recording fundamentals - Analog and Digital audio recording - Sample rates and resolutions Recording in the computer room - Basic track recording - Overdubing - Wet Vs Dry recording - Mix and individual track MIDI to digital audio conversion - Virtual MIDI instruments - Preparing tracks for audio editing - normalizing audio tracks - Trimming digital audio tracks - Creating comp takes. Unit V Mixing, Mastering and Archiving The Stereo field - A short mixing primer: Drums, bass, guitars and vocals - Additional instruments volume - monitoring the mix - frequency, volume and overtones - EQ types - Dynamic Processors Effect Processors - The Final mixdown - Mastering - Audio file preparation - side sequencing - Setting the index and gap - Burning and packaging the audio CD - Archiving the project.
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Text Book: 1. Zack Price, Beginners guide to computer based music production, Cherry lane music company, 2004. Reference Books: 1. Francis Rumsey, Tim McCormick, Sound and Recording: An Introduction, 5rd edition, Focal Press, 2006 2. Andrea Pejrolo, Creative sequencing techniques for Music Production, Focal Press, 2005. 3. Martin Russ, Sound Synthesis and Sampling, Third Edition, Focal Press, 2009. 4. Bobby Owsinski, The Mixing Engineers Handbook, Mix Books, 1999.
10MT207 SIGNAL PROCESSING APPLICATIONS Credits: 3:1:0 Course Objective: This course will treat a broad range of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Applications. It will strengthen the student's understanding of the application of DSP principles; introduce the students to three major application areas: audio signal processing, image processing, plug-in developments for audio and video softwares, and provide extensive hands-on design experience. Course Outcome: After the successful completion of the course, the student should have an appreciation of the fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing as well as knowledge of some of its important applications. The students should then be familiar with audio signals processing image signals processing and plugin development for audio and still image softwares. Unit I Audio Signal Processing Audio Signal-Spectrogram-Applications-Digital Transmission Systems-Storage media-Audio Components-Sampling-Quantization-Dither-Noise Shaping-AD/DA Conversion-Nyquist SamplingOversampling-Specification-Types of Converters-High Fidelity audio. Unit II Digital Audio Effects Audio processing Systems-Signal Processors.-fixed point-floating point-Digital audio interfacesFilters-Basic Filters-Equalizers-Shelving filter-peak filters-Time Varying filters-Delay-Basic delay structures-Delay based audio Effects-Sample Rate Conversion-Basics. Unit III Fundamentals of Digital Image Elements of Visual Perception-Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum-Image Sensing and Acquisition-Image Sampling and Quantization-Relationship between Pixels-Image Enhancement in Spatial Domain and Frequency Domain. Simulation Using Matlab Programming.
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Unit IV Color Image Processing Color Fundamentals-Color Models- Pseudo-color Image Processing-Color Transformations-Smoothing and Sharpening-Color Segmentation-Noise in Color Image Processing-Color image Compression. Unit V Compression & Plug-in Need for Compression-Types of redundancy-Lossless and Lossy Compression-Run length EncodingHuffman Encoding-Delta Encoding-LZW Compression-JPEG-MPEG-Virtual Studio Technique-SDK for Photoshop. Text Books 1. Udo Zolzer, Digital Audio Signal Processing, Wiley &Sons Ltd Publications, 2nd Edition (2008). 2. Rafael C Gonzalez, Richard E Woods, Digital Image Processing, Prentice hall, 2nd Edition (2000). Reference Books 1. Udo Zolzer, DAFX Digital Audio Effects, Wiley &Sons Ltd Publications, 1st Edition (2002). 2. S.K. Mitra, Digital signal processing-A Computer based approach, Tata McGraw-Hill, 3rd Edition (2004). 3. Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen, Signals & Systems, John Wiley and Sons, 2nd Edition (2002). 4. Anil K Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall, 1st Edition (1989).
10MT208 TELEVISION AND VIDEO ENGINEERING Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: 1. To study the analysis and synthesis of TV Pictures, Composite Video Signal, Receiver Picture tubes and Television Camera Tubes. 2. To study the various Color Television systems with a greater emphasis on television standards. 3. To study the advanced topics in digital television and High definition television. Course Outcome: The learners will be able to understand the transmission of video signals and importance of television standards to effectively work with broadcasting applications. Also he acquires sound knowledge of latest topics in digital video transmission. Unit I Television Fundamentals Scanning-Interlaced-Progressive-Synchronizing Pulses-Composite video waveform-Common image format-Active line-Aspect ratio-Pixels & Bandwidth-Video Bandwidth-Television BroadcastingModulation-Frequency Spectrum-Channel allocation- Light and colour-The sensation of colourPrimary colours-The colour triangle-Saturation and hue-Colour temperature.
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Unit II Color Television Signal and Systems Color Characteristics-Chromaticity diagram-Color Cameras- Color Signal Generation and Encoding; Color Television Standards-NTSC-Encoder-Decoder-SECAM-Encoder-Decoder-PAL SystemsEncoder-Decoder; Unit III Display Device Technologies. Color picture display devices-Trinitron- -Plasma displays- Introduction to Flat panel displayResolution: flat panel versus CRT-Plasma operation-Scanning: Sequential and Interlaced LCD displays- Polarization-Principles of operation of LC cell-Reflective and Transmissive-The TN Transmissive LCD- -TFT cell drive-Response time-Polarity inversion-Grayscale and colour generation Unit IV Television Receivers The analogue TV receiver-The front end-RF oscillator-Mixer-oscillator-Complete tuner-The phaselocked loop-Synthesized tuning-The IF stage-The IF response curve-The vision detector-Synchronous demodulator- Flat panel television receivers-Video formatting-Scan-rate conversion-Image scaling-Degamma correction and error and diffusion -Digital video interface-High definition multimedia interface Unit V Digital and High Definition Television Principles of digital video broadcasting-Digitizing the TV picture-SDTV sampling rate-Video sampling-Sampling structure-The bit rate-HDTV common interface format-Intra-frame (spatial) prediction-Intra-blocks and modes-Size and mode selection-Intra-prediction operation-AVC motion compensation-Motion compensation block sizes-Motion vector prediction. Text Books: 1. K.F Ibrahim, Television and Video Technology, 4th Edition, Newnes Publications (2007). 2. M. Dhake,Television and Video Engineering, 2nd Edition, Tata-McGraw Hill publications (2003). Reference Books: 1. Herve Benoit, Digital TV for Satellite Broadcasting, Elsevier Publication, 4th Edition (2005). 2. Lars Ingemar Lundstrom, Understanding Digital Television, Elsevier Publications 1st Edition (2006). 3. Gulati.R.R, Modern Television Practice, New Age International Publishers, 2nd Edition(2006) 10MT209 INTRODUCTION TO 3D ANIMATION Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: To present concepts required to understand the steps and procedures that lead to the completion of a fully rendered 3 Dimensional computer animation. Course Outcome: In order to assess the students progress towards achieving the learning outcomes, a number of assignments may be assigned periodically. The students will be able to do basic 3D animation and gain basic knowledge about advanced modeling and rendering techniques.
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Unit I Preproduction Introduction Storyboarding character and model design - sound design technical tests Production scheduling. Unit II Modeling basics Introduction polygonal modeling splines and patches coordinate systems viewing windows Geometric primitives transformations common modeling techniques hierarchies booleans and trims.
Unit III Rendering basics The camera Lights Surface characteristics shading algorithms rendering algorithms background images Surface texture mapping solid texture mapping final rendering. Unit IV Animation basics Introduction Key framing interpolations parameter curve editing dope sheet editing forward kinematics inverse kinematics motion plans shape deformations camera animation animating lights and surface properties pose based animation. Unit V Re -touching and Postproduction techniques Virtual sculpting hair and fur texturing polygons more rendering algorithms cloth dynamics facial animation- compositing Editing. Text books: 1. Michael ORourke, Principles of Three Dimensional Computer animation, 3rd edition, W.W. Norton & company, 2003. 2. John Vince, Essential Computer Animation, springer UK , 2000. Reference books: 1. John Edgar Park, Understanding 3D animation using Maya, Springer Science & business Media. Inc, 2005. 2. Marcia Kuperberg, Martin W. Bowman, Guide To Computer Animation, Focal press ,2002. 10MT210 VISUAL ARTS LAB Credits: 0:0:2 COURSE OBJECTIVE: To educate the students in drawing as well as to enable the students to visualize of their own. It will help them to create an appropriate visual through the application of perspective composition and light and shadow.
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COURSE OUTCOME: The students will be able to draw and compose all the drawings in a right way. It increases the prestige of the student by making them a trained artist. The elements of art and principles of design is used in a variety of media, processes and visual resources. List of Experiments: 1. Elements of Arts 2. Perspective Drawing 3. Composition 4. Drawing Objectives 5. Drawing Still Life 6. Drawing Landscapes 7. Drawing Architecture 8. Drawing Birds 9. Drawing Animals 10. Introduction to Human Figures 10MT211 PROGRAMME PRODUCTION LAB Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective: To describe the functions of production personnel and equipment To define the organization of a production facility To operate audiovisual equipment Course Outcome: Students will be able to produce Audio and Video Programmes using these equipments and techniques. List of Experiments: Audio Programme Production Study of microphones-Loud speakers, Mixers-Audio editing softwares: Pro tools/Sound forge/Neundo-Plug in effects and virtual instruments-MIDI Video Programme Production Study of video cameras and studio equipments-Lighting techniques, the production process-Lighting preparation Three point lighting-Rehearsing and preparing the talent-Framing principles and movements References 1. Steve Wright,Composing Visual Effects, Focal Press, 2008. 2. Cliff Truesdell, Mastering Digital Audio Production: The Professional Music Work Flow with Mac OSX, John Wiley, 2007. 3. Robert B.Manuals, Single Camera Video Production, Focal Press, 2005. 4. Ronald J.Compesi, Video Field Production and Editing, Pearson, 2006. 10MT212 POST PRODUCTION LAB Credits: 0:0:2
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Course Objective: To study about compositing To editing in audio as well as video. To operate audiovisual equipment Course Outcome: Students will be able to produce Audio and Video Programmes of their owm. List of Experiments: Digital Compositing Composing computer generated images-Blue screen composing and creating masks-Rot scoping Audio production Basic procedures: Navigation, Meters, Markers and regions-Recording,-Editing-Basic Edits, Working with video, Audio for video-Effects, restoration, Mastering music for CD, mp3, Burning a CD, MIDI and sampler-Tools Video production Trimming tools- Timeline editing T rack labels, Moving clips-Dramatic effects, creating dynamic text and effects, Audio Guidelines and Methods for adjusting Audio-Adding Sound effects- Transcoding and outputting Reference Books: 1. Jeffry P.Fisher, Instant Sound Forge, CMP Books, 2004. 2. Lonzell Watson, Final Cut Pro.6 for Digital Video Editors, John Wiley, 2008 3. Donna L.Baker, Adobe Premiere Pro: Complete Course, Wiley, 2004
10MT213 SCRIPT WRITING FOR MEDIA Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective : To introduce the students to the technique and aesthetics of writing for different forms of electronic media progrmmes. Course Outcome: Here the students learn the technique and aesthetic in writing for TV, Radio and Internet. This helps in the other course that is related to productions stages. Unit 1 Basics of Scriptwriting Structure of script Units of Time, A, B and C Plots, Screenplay Nomenclature, Treatment, Plot, Character, Script Form, Writing Scripts for Television News, Minutes and Seconds, Script Form. Writing documentaries, Scripting Commercials, Commercial Formats, Steps in Creating a Commercial, PSAs, Promos, and Ads, Copyright Issues, Important Vocabulary Terms Unit 2 Formats of Script Features, Documentaries, Educational programmes, Short films, Fiction, Non-Fictions, Time Chunks, Children programmes, Women programmes, writing for special audience,
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Farmers and youth. Unit 3 Concept and Story Idea Idea: What makes a good concept, idea for television, what are the elements necessary for character for your story, Create obstacles, and Dramatic points in the story. Plot: Its importance, twist in plots, Daily soap, Series story-the comedy, The thriller story, Story elements: Characters, How to create interesting characters, subsidiary characters, relief characters, character stories, polarization of characters in story, elements of Teleplay. Unit IV Scenes and Dialogues Scene: What is a scene? How to create scene for play? Types of scenes, breaking Individual tracks into scenes, the opening scene, the end scene, the filler scene, and target Audience consideration. Dialogue: Importance of dialogues, Dialogues for different genres like comedy, Soap, thrillers and TV films, preparation of shooting script, Story board writing. Unit V Exercises Write Script for 1 minute Add Promo,2 minute Awareness Programme, Radio Spot,Commercials,5 minute Scriptorama, Analysis of a scene script, Generate a script inclusive of all elements of a feature. Text Book 1. Antony Friedman, Writing for Visual Media, Focal Press, April 2001 Reference 1. Jan Johnson Yopp and Katherine C. McAdams, Reaching Audiences: A Guide to Media Writing, 2002 10MT214 C++ & DATA STRUCTURES Credit 3:1:0 Course Objective: To have a basic understanding of the object oriented language c++ and data structure concepts and algorithms in c++ Course outcome: The students will have a clear idea on the basic concepts and algorithms of data structures which will be helpful while the subjects of database management are dealt with. Unit I Introduction to C++: Comparison of C++ with C - Console Input/ Output in C++ - Variables in C++- Reference Variables in C++ - Function Prototyping - Function Overloading - Default Values for Formal Arguments of Functions - Inline Functions - Class and Objects: Introduction to Classes and Objects - Member Functions and Member Data - Objects and Functions, Objects and Arrays, Namespaces, Nested Classes. Unit II DYNAMIC MEMORY MANAGEMENT: Introduction, Dynamic Memory Allocation, Dynamic Memory Deallocation. The set_new_handler() function, Constructors and Destructors: Constructors, Destructors, The Philosophy of OOPS. Inheritance: Introduction to Inheritance - Base
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Class and Derived Class Objects, Accessing Members of the Base Class in the Derived Class. The Protected Access Specifier - Deriving by Different Access Specifiers. Unit III OPERATOR OVERLOADING: Operator Overloading - Overloading the Various Operators Overloading the Increment and the Decrement Operators TEMPLATES: Introduction, Function Templates, Class Templates, The Standard Template Library (STL) EXCEPTION HANDLING: Introduction, C-Style Handling of Error generating Codes, C++ Style Solution the try/throw/catch Construct, Limitation of Exception Handling Unit IV DATA REPRESENTATION: Introduction, Linear list, Formula based representation, Linked representation, Indirect Addressing, Simulating Pointers, Applications. STACKS: The abstract data types, Derived Classes and inheritances, Formula based representation, Linked representation, Applications. Unit V QUEUES: The abstract data Types, Formula based Representation, Linked Representation, Priority Queues, Applications. BINARY AND OTHER TREES: Trees, Binary Trees, Properties of binary Trees, Representation of Binary trees, Common binary tree operations Binary Tree traversal, The ADT Binary Tree, The Class Binary Tree, ADT and Class Extensions, Application Text Books: 1. Object-Oriented Programming with C++ - by Sourav Sahay, Oxford University Press, 2006. 2. Data Structure, Algorithms, and Applications in C++ - by Sartaj Sahani, McGraw-Hill, 2000. Reference Books: 1. Object-Oriented Programming with C++ by E Balaguruswamy, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004 2. Introduction to Data structures and algorithm with C++ - by Glenn.W.Rowe, PHI, 2000. 10MT215 INTRODUCTION TO FILM STUDIES Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objectives: 1. To introduce History and major movements of cinema 2. To teach the students the film making process, elements of film and Genre. 3. To study about Indian and International film makers. Course Outcome By the end of the course students will learn the history and evolution and different forms / aspects of cinema. This knowledge will help them to step into film industry and produce good films. Unit I Film History and Major Movements Early Cinema(1893-1903),Development of classical Hollywood cinema (1903-1927),German expression (1919-1924),French Impression and Surrealism(1917-1930),Soviet Montage(1924Karunya University 15
1930),The Classical Hollywood Cinema after the coming of sound, Italian neo-realism(1942-1951),The French New Wave(1959-1964),Japanese cinema, Cinema in the third world, Indian (Hindi,Tamil & other languages),Contemporary trends. Unit II Film making Process Planning, Pre-production-Concept/Story development, Scripting/Screen play writing, Budgeting, Casting, Locations, Financing, Production-Shooting, Direction &Cinematography, Post productionEditing, Sound recording, Dubbing ,Special effects, Graphics and Final mixing, Distribution and Exhibition. Unit III Elements of Film Mise-en-scene, the power of mise-en-scene,aspects of mise-en-scene, Space and time, narrative functions of mise-en-scene, Cinematographer properties-the photographic image, framing, duration of the image, montage and long take. Editing-dimensions of film editing, continuity editing, alternative to continuity editing, Sound the powers of sound, fundamentals of film sound, dimensions of film sound, functions of film sound, theatrical sound formats. Unit IV Genre Approaches to studying film, Narrative and Non Narrative films, Structure of a narrative film, Cinematic codes, The concept of form in films, principles of film, narrative form, non-narrative films, dividing a feature film into parts and Genres(language, style, grammar, syntax),Documentary genres. Unit V Great Auteur Study of Great Indian and International filmmakers like D.W. Griffith, Charlie Chaplin, Alfred Hitchcock, Akira kurusowa, Ingmar Bergman, Satyajith Ray, Adoor Gopalakrishnan and others. Reference Books: 1. .Monoco,James.How to read a film,Routledge,London,2001 2. Thoraval,Yves(2000)The Cinema of India(1896-2000) 3. Roberge,Gasdton(19770:Films for an ecology of Mind 4. Turner,Graeme.Film as social practice,Roultledge,London,1993 5. Nelmes,Jill.An introduction to film studies,Routledge,London,1996 6. Vasudev,Aruna.The new Indian cinema,Macmillan,Delhi,1986
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NEW SUBJECTS Code 10VC201 10VC202 10VC203 10VC204 Subjects Introduction to Mass Communication Graphic Production Corporate Communication Computer Fundamentals 10VC201 INTRODUCTION TO MASS COMMUNICATION Credit 4:0:0 Course Objectives: To understand the types and models of communication To understand the process communication To understand the applications of communication in advertising To understand the functions of mass media To understand the relationship between culture and communication Course Outcome: To assess the learning out comes , a number of activity may be assigned, and the same may be presented and analysed,each students work to be assessed by the team of subject experts. Unit I : Introduction Communication Introduction: Communication ,Definitions, Scope and purpose- Forms of Communication Intra-personal Communication, Inter-personal Communication- Mass CommunicationOrganizational Communication - Verbal and Non Verbal Communication - Barriers of communication -Socio economic changes and the emerging trend in Communication. Unit II : Communication Process Introduction: Process of Communication - Source, message, channel, receiver , feedbackNoise, Types of noise-Encoding and Decoding Process -Formal and Informal channelModels of Communication, Berlo, Lasswall, Shannon and weaver . Unit III : Theories And Models Of Communication Hypodermic Needle Theory, Two-step & Multi-step Theory, Commercial Theory, Play Theory Uses & Gratification Theory, Selective Exposure, Selective Perception & Selective Retention Theory, Individual Difference Theory, Meaning of theories based on scientific study &analysis; Four major theories of Press, according to Fred Siebert, Theodore Peterson & Wilbur Schramm Authoritarian Theory, Libertarian Theory, Social Responsibility Theory, Other Theories: Development Media & Democratic Participant Theory Unit IV : Mass Media Introduction -Characteristics of mass media-Functions of mass media - Inform Entertain, Educate, Persuade-Dysfunction of mass communication-Communication and public opinion.
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Unit V : Communication And Culture Introduction : Communication and culture -Global media multi cultural content Mass media and developing countries -Cross cultural Communication, Problems and challengesPolicies and implications Text Book : 1. Keval J. Kumar Mass communication in India Jeyco Pubslisher 2007. Reference Book : 1. Karl E. Rosengren Communication an introduction Sage Pulblication 2006 2. Mc Quil Mass communication theory Sage Publicaiton 5th edition-2005
10VC202 GRAPHIC PRODUCTION Credits 3:0:0 Course Objective: To Draft and execute layouts and graphics on existing web interfaces. To develop pre-press material for tradeshows, such as: posters, banners, folders. To learn computer aided print production and learn publishing softwares. Course Outcome: The student will be familiar about page layouts,design,printing,publishing softwares. Advertisements,Newspaper and magazine design can be done on their own. Unit I : Introduction to Commercial Arts Design stage:Typography,Description of Types,Type face-Type styles,Characteristics of each style,font identification,kerning-spacing techniques,measurement techniques. Unit II : Pre Press Design stage:Typography,Description of Types,Type face-Type styles,Characteristics of each style,font identification,kerning-spacing techniques,measurement techniques-Comprehensive Layouts:Layout and design importance,principles of layout and design,elements of design,methods and techniques,Graphic Arts Photography,continous tone images,halftone photography,halftone proinciple,line art photography,Stripping,plate making-pre press proofs. Unit III : Press Work Operations Letterpress prointing,Rotogravure,Offset litho printing,screen printing-process,advantages and disadvantagers,application of each printing method,other modern techniques and technologies in printing industry Unit IV: Desktop Publishing
Computer aided print production, Desktop system, hardware requirements, cost, Softwares: Quark Xpress-Page Maker, Scanners and Scaning process, use of graphic elements, printing applications, advantages and disadvantages. Unit V : The Production Designing and Production of a newspaper, design and graphic arts elements, printing applications, newsprint quality and cost;Magazine layout and design techniques, printing methods,Ink, paper amd other materials-cost;Deigning and printing of brochures, folders etc., Designing a print advertisement, graphic elements-production cost. References: 1. Bruce Vanden Bergh and Helen KatzAdvertising Principles,NTC Business Books,US,1999. 2. Mario GarciaContemporary Newspaper Design,Prentice Hall,NY.1980 3. Edmund Arnold.Designing the total Newspaper,Harper Collins,NY.1981 4. Harold Evans.Newspaper Design.Heinemann.London,1976 5. Moen,Daryl,Newspaper layout and design(4th edition)Surjeet Publications,Delhi,2004 6. Mc Kay,Jenny.Magazine Handbook.Routledge,London,2000. 7. King,Stacey.Magazine Design That Works,2001. 8. Frank Ramano et al.Encyclopedia of Graphic Communication.Prentice Hall.NY.1998. 9. Peter Warlock.The desktop publishing Book, Heinemann,1988.
10VC203 CORPORATE COMMUNICATION Credits 3:0:0 Course Objective : To introduce the students to strategic planning and execution of media and people Able Stress Management and Exploring possible avenues Perspectives of Strategic Corporate communication Course Outcome: Students are able to understand the significance of planning and execution. Understand key aspects of media relations. Organise strategies in Crisis and Understand the New Technology and its implications Unit I : Introduction Definition and meaning of corporate communication - Model of Corporate communicationSignificance of community, employee, and media relations to an organization- Special communication functions, such as government and investor relations Unit II : Planning and Research Functions Define the key variables in a strategic communication plan- Importance and value of strategic planning - cost effective communication tactics and program execution Role of
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spokesperson source selection in communication problem solving -Communication research methods used to evaluate program effectiveness- Primary and secondary research: Unit III : Media Relations Distinguish between traditional and new methods of social and cultural communicationHistory and the viability of traditional media-Implications and impact of the New Mediainteraction between age and media uses and gratifications-New media- impact - control and flow of news and information to external publics-Growth of new media and changes in Corporate Media Relations practices Unit IV: Corporate Communication Technology Changes in corporate communication practices driven by the rapid evolution of computerbased technologies-Costs and benefits of corporate intranet and Internet-based communication programs and tactics- Web sites and traditional relationships between external media representatives and internal media relations specialists-Impact of technology on employee communication programs and the resulting affects on workforce information flows-Impact of Electronic media in corporate decision making Unit V : Crisis Communication Definition and Meaning of Crisis communication -The value of rapid response communication planning -Importance of media relations training in terms of rapid and credible response-The need to invest in realistic crisis communication training scenarios-Indepth communication team training- Explore problem solving strategies associated with crisis communication Text Book : 1. Clarke.L Caywood The Handbook of Strategic Public Relations and Integrated Communications:, Mcgrew-Hill 1997 Reference Book: 1. Joep Cornelissen Corporate communication: theory and practice SAGE, 2004 2. Brad Fitch, Mike McCurryMedia relations handbook for agencies, associations, nonprofits, and Congress : The Capitol Net Inc, 2004.
10VC204 COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS Credit :3:1:0 Course Objective: The students will be taught about computer hardware and operating system fundamentals required to understand a PC workstation. Course Outcome: This course will enable the students to understand the possibilities and limitations of computer technology in the media industry. It will also pave way for the students to develop the ability to custom build PC workstations catering to the various production demands in the media industry.
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Unit I : Understanding Computer hardware Cabinet and power supply - Motherboard - CPU - RAM - CD drives and recorders - DVD drives and Recorders - Modems - Network adapter - USB - Firewire - I/O Ports - Soundcard and Speakers - Keyboard and Mouse - Video monitor - Video adapter - Selecting a CPU Memory - IDE - SCSI - SATA - Comparing device performance - Printers and Scanners. Unit II : Basic Hardware assembly Handling parts - General assembly guidelines - Precautionary methods - standard peripheral connections - Building a basic system - Preparing the cabinet - Installing the CPU - Installing DDR2 RAM - Installing the motherboard - Motherboard connections - Installing two drive array - Installing adapters - Installing the Hard drive array - Installing the DVD recorder CMOS setup. Unit III: Advanced Hardware assembly Building a Pentium 4 LGA in a mid tower case - Building an Athlon 64/64FX in a mid tower case - Building a Pentium 4 in a tower case - IDE RAID assembly - SCSI RAID assembly SATA RAID assembly. Unit IV: Operating system installation and tweaking Booting - Optical disk booting - Hard Disk booting - USB booting - Ethernet booting Installing Windows XP - Installing Windows Vista - Installing Windows 7 - Installing Ubuntu Studio - Tweaking OS for Audio, Video and Graphics. Unit V: Testing and Troubleshooting Power up problems - POST - Beep codes - Booting problems - Problems during and after OS installation - Problems during system run - Hard drive errors - Optical drive errors - Network problems - Soundcard errors - Video errors - Printers and Scanners errors - External Peripheral errors. Text Book 1. Morris Rosenthal, Build Your Own PC, 4th Edition, The McGraw-Hill companies, 2004. Reference Books 1. Ron White, How computers work, 8th edition, QUE Publishing, 2005 2. Barbara Fritchman Thompson, Robert Thompson, Building the Perfect PC, 2nd Edition, O'Reilly, 2006.
ADDITIONAL SUBJECT Subject Code 10VC205 Graphic Production Subject Name Credit 4:0:0
Credits 4:0:0 Course Objective: To Draft and execute layouts and graphics on existing web interfaces. To develop pre-press material for tradeshows, such as: posters, banners, folders. To learn computer aided print production and learn publishing softwares. Course Outcome: The student will be familiar about page layouts,design,printing,publishing softwares. Advertisements,Newspaper and magazine design can be done on their own. Unit I-Introduction to Commercial Arts Design stage:Typography,Description of Types,Type face-Type styles,Characteristics of each style,font identification,kerning-spacing techniques,measurement techniques. Unit II - Pre Press Design stage:Typography,Description of Types,Type face-Type styles,Characteristics of each style,font identification,kerning-spacing techniques,measurement techniques-Comprehensive Layouts:Layout and design importance,principles of layout and design,elements of design,methods and techniques,Graphic Arts Photography,continous tone images,halftone photography,halftone proinciple,line art photography,Stripping,plate making-pre press proofs. Unit III - Press Work Operations Letterpress prointing,Rotogravure,Offset litho printing,screen printing-process,advantages and disadvantagers,application of each printing method,other modern techniques and technologies in printing industry Unit IV- Desktop Publishing Computer aided print production, Desktop system, hardware requirements, cost, Softwares: Quark Xpress-Page Maker, Scanners and Scanning process, use of graphic elements, printing applications, advantages and disadvantages. Unit V - The Production
Designing and Production of a newspaper, design and graphic arts elements, printing applications, newsprint quality and cost;Magazine layout and design techniques, printing methods,Ink, paper amd other materials-cost;Designing and printing of brochures, folders etc., Designing a print advertisement, graphic elements-production cost. References: 1. Bruce Vanden Bergh and Helen KatzAdvertising Principles,NTC Business Books,US,1999. 2. Mario GarciaContemporary Newspaper Design,Prentice Hall,NY.1980 3. Edmund Arnold.Designing the total Newspaper,Harper Collins,NY.1981 4. Harold Evans.Newspaper Design.Heinemann.London,1976 5. Moen,Daryl,Newspaper layout and design(4th edition)Surjeet Publications,Delhi,2004 6. Mc Kay,Jenny.Magazine Handbook.Routledge,London,2000. 7. King,Stacey.Magazine Design That Works,2001. 8. Frank Ramano et al.Encyclopedia of Graphic Communication.Prentice Hall.NY.1998. 9. Peter Warlock.The desktop publishing Book, Heinemann,1988.
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Code 11MT201 11MT202 11MT203 11MT204 11MT205 11MT206 11MT207 11MT208 11MT210 11MT211 11MT212 11MT213 11MT214 11MT215 11MT216 11MT217 11MT218 11MT219 11MT220 11MT221 11MT222 11MT223 11MT224 11MT225 11MT226 11MT227 11MT228 11MT229 11MT230 11MT231 11MT232 11MT233 11MT234 11MT235 11MT236 11MT237 11MT238 11MT239 11MT240 11MT241 11MT242
Credits 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 2:0:0 3:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 3:0:0 3:1:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 3:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 0:0:2 4:0:0 3:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4: 0:0 0:0:2 3:0:0 3:1:0 3:0:0
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11MT201 AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSING Credits 4:0:0 Course Objective: To learn about the basics principles of acoustics and coding standards highlighting audio signal processing. Course Outcome: On successful completion of the subject, students will know the coding frequencies and the band for audio signal processing. Unit I Introduction Signal Processing essentials, Quantization and Entropy Coding, Linear prediction in narrow band and wide band coding Unit II Psychoacoustic Principles Absolute Threshold of Hearing, Critical Bands, Simultaneous Masking, Masking Asymmetry, and the Spread of Masking, Non simultaneous Masking, Perceptual Entropy, Example Codec Perceptual Model: ISO/IEC 11172-3 (MPEG - 1) Psychoacoustic Model Unit III Time-Frequency Analysis: Filter Banks and Transforms Analysis-Synthesis Framework for M-band Filter Banks, Filter Banks for Audio Coding: Design Considerations, Pre-echo Distortion, Pre-echo Control Strategies, Optimum Coding in the Frequency Domain, Perceptual Transform Coder Unit IV Subband and Sinusoidal Coders Subband Algorithms, DWT and Discrete Wavelet Packet Transform (DWPT), Adapted WP Algorithms, Sinusoidal Model, Analysis/Synthesis Audio Codec (ASAC), Harmonic and Individual Lines Plus Noise Coder (HILN), FM Synthesis, The Sines + Transients + Noise (STN) Model, Hybrid Sinusoidal Coders Unit V Audio Coding Standards, Algorithms and Quality Measures MIDI Versus Digital Audio, Multichannel Surround Sound, MPEG Audio Standards, Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding (ATRAC), Dolby Audio Coding Standards, DTS Coherent AcousticsSubjective Quality Measures, Confounding Factors in Subjective Evaluations Text Book: 1. Andreas Spanias, Ted Painter, Venkatraman Atti, Audio Signal Processing and Coding, Wiley Interscience, 2007. Reference Book 1. Yiteng Huang and Jacob Benesty, Audio Signal processing for Next Generation MultiMedia communication systems, Springer, 2004.
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11MT202 ANALOG ELECTRONICS CIRCUITS I CREDITS: 4:0:0 COURSE OBJECTIVE The aim of this course is to familiarize the student with the analysis and design of basic transistor amplifier circuits and power supplies. COURSE OUTCOME On completion of this course the student will understand the i. Methods of biasing transistors & Design of simple amplifier circuits ii. Mid band analysis of amplifier circuits using small - signal equivalent circuits to determine gain input impedance and output impedance iii. Method of calculating cutoff frequencies and to determine bandwidth iv. Design of power amplifiers and heat sinks v. Analysis and design of power supplies and power control using SCR. UNIT I TRANSISTOR BIASING BJT Need for biasing - Fixed bias circuit, Load line and quiescent point. Variation of quiescent point due to hFE variation within manufacturers tolerance. Stability factors. Different types of biasing circuits. Method of stabilizing the Q point to the extent possible. Advantage of Self bias (voltage divider bias) over other types of biasing. Use of Self bias circuit as a constant current circuit. Source self bias and voltage divider bias for FET. Use of JFET as a voltage variable resistor. UNIT II MIDBAND ANALYSIS OF SMALL SIGNAL AMPLIFIERS CE, CB and CC amplifiers. Method of drawing small-signal equivalent circuit. Midband analysis of various types of single stage amplifiers to obtain gain, input impedance and output impedance. Millers theorem. Comparison of CB, CE and CC amplifiers and their uses. Darlington connection using similar and Complementary transistors. Methods of increasing input impedance using Darlington connection and bootstrapping. CS, CG and CD (FET) amplifiers. Multistage amplifiers. Basic emitter coupled differential amplifier circuit. Bisection theorem. Differential gain. CMRR. Use of constant current circuit to improve CMRR. Derivation of transfer characteristic, Transconductance. Use as Linear amplifier, limiter, amplitude modulator. UNIT III FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF AMPLIFIERS General shape of frequency response of amplifiers. Definition of cut off frequencies and bandwidth. Low frequency analysis of amplifiers to obtain lower cut off frequency Hybrid pi equivalent circuit of BJTs. High frequency analysis of BJT amplifiers to obtain upper cut off frequency. High frequency equivalent circuit of FETs. High frequency analysis of FET amplifiers. Gain-bandwidth product of FETs. General expression for frequency response of multistage amplifiers. Calculation of overall upper and lower cut off frequencies of multistage amplifiers. Amplifier rise time and sag and their relation to cut off frequencies. UNIT IV LARGE SIGNAL AMPLIFIERS Classification of amplifiers (Class A, B, AB, C&D), Efficiency of class A, RC coupled and transformer-coupled power amplifiers. Class B complementary-symmetry, push-pull power amplifiers. Calculation of power output, efficiency and power dissipation. Crossover distortion and methods of eliminating it. Heat flow calculations using analogous circuit. Calculation of actual power handling capacity of transistors with and without heat sink. Heat sink design. UNIT V RECTIFIERS AND POWER SUPPLIES Half-wave, full-wave and bridge rectifiers with resistive load. Analysis for Vdc and ripple
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voltage with C, CL, L-C and C-L-C filters. Voltage multipliers Zenerdiode regulator. Electronically regulated d.c power supplies. Line regulation, output resistance and temperature coefficient. Switched mode power supplies. Power control using SCR. TEXT BOOKS i. Millman J. and Halkias .C., " Integrated Electronics ", 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2001. REFERENCE BOOKS i. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory,8th Edition., PHI, 2002. ii. S.Salivahanan,, Electronic Devices and Circuits, TMH, 2008. iii. Floyd, Electronic Devices, Sixth edition, Pearson Education, 2003. iv. I.J. Nagrath, Electronics Analog and Digital, PHI, 2009. 11MT203 ELECTRONIC DEVICES CREDITS: 4:0:0 COURSE OBJECTIVE The aim of this course is to familiarize the student with the principle of operation, capabilities and limitation of various electron devices so that he will be able to use these devices effectively. COURSE OUTCOME On completion of this course the student will understand the 1. Basics of electron motion in electric field and magnetic field 2. Mechanisms of current flow in semi-conductors 3. Diode operation and switching characteristics 4. Operation of BJT, FET, and MOSFET metal semiconductor rectifying and ohmic contacts and power control devices. UNIT I ELECTRON BALLISTICS AND INTRINSIC SEMICONDUCTORS Force on charge in electric field Motion of Charge in uniform and time varying electric fields Force on a moving charge in a magnetic field calculation of cyclotron frequency calculation of electrostatic and magnetic deflection sensitivity. Energy band structure of conductors, semiconductors and insulators Density distribution of available energy states in semiconductors Fermi- Diac probability distribution function at different temperatures Thermal generation of carriers Calculation of electron and hole densities in intrinsic semiconductors Intrinsic concentration Mass Action Law. UNIT II EXTRINSIC SEMICONDUCTOR AND PN JUNCTIONS N and P type semiconductors and their energy band structures Law of electrical neutrality Calculation of location of Fermi level and free electron and hole densities in extrinsic semiconductors Mobility, drift current and conductivity Diffusion current Continuity equation - Hall effect. Band structure of PN Junction Current Component in a PN Junction Derivation of diode equation Temperature dependence of diode characteristics. UNIT III SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS OF PN JUNCTION AND SPECIAL DIODES Calculation of transition and diffusion capacitance Varactor diode charge control description of diode switching characteristics of diode Mechanism of avalanche and
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Zener breakdown Temperature dependence of breakdown voltages Backward diode Tunneling effect in thin barriers Tunnel diode Photo diode Light emitting diodes. UNIT IV BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTORS AND FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTORS Construction of PNP and NPN transistors BJT current components Emitter to collector and base to collector current gains Base width modulation CB and CE characteristics Breakdown characteristics Ebers Moll model Transistor switching times. Construction and Characteristics of JFET Relation between Pinch off Voltage and drain current Derivation. MOSFETS Enhancement and depletion types. UNIT V METAL SEMICONDUCTOR CONTACTS AND POWER CONTROL DEVICES Metal Semiconductor Contacts - Energy band diagram of metal semiconductor junction Schottky diode and ohmic contacts.Power control devices: Characteristics and equivalent circuit of UJT - intrinsic stand off ratio. PNPN diode Two transistor model, SCR, TRIAC, DIAC. TEXT BOOKS i. Jacob. Millman, Christos C.Halkias, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Limited, New Delhi, 2003. ii. David A.Bell, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2003. REFERENCE BOOKS i. Donald A.Neaman, Semiconductor Physics and Devices 3rd Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill, 2002. ii. S.Salivahanan, N.Sureshkumar and A.Vallavaraj, Electronic Devices and Circuits, TMH, 2008. iii. S.M.Sze, Semiconductor Devices Physics and Technology, 2nd edn. John Wiley, 2002. iv. Ben G.Streetman and Sanjay Banerjee, Solid State Electronic Devices, Pearson Education, 2000. v. Nandita Das Gupta and Amitava Das Gupta, Semiconductor Devices Modelling and Technology, Prentice Hall of India, 2004. 11MT204 INTRODUCTION TO MASS COMMUNICATION Credits 2:0:0 Course Objective: To understand the types and models of communication To understand the process of communication To understand the applications of communication in advertising To understand the function of mass media To understand the relationship between culture and communication Course Outcome: To assess the learning out comes, a number of activity may be assigned, and the same may be presented and analyzed, each students work to be assessed by the team of subject experts. UNIT I INTRODUCTION COMMUNICATION Introduction: Communication Definitions, Scope and purpose forms of Communication Intra personal Communication, Interpersonal communication Mass Communication
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Organizational Communication Verbal and Non Verbal Communication Barriers of Communication Socio economic changes and emerging trends in Communication. UNIT II COMMUNICATION PROCESS Introduction: Process of Communication source, message, channel, receiver, feedback Noise, Types of noise encoding and Decoding Process Formal and Informal Channel. UNIT III MODELS OF COMMUNICATION What is a Model -The Advantages of Models -Limitations of Models -Classical Communication Models -Aristotles definition of rhetoric - Early Linear Models- The Shannon-Weaver Mathematical Model, 1949- Berlos S-M-C-R, 1960- Schramms Interactive Model, 1954-Non-linear Models-Dances Helical Spiral, 1967-Westley and MacLeans Conceptual Model, 1957-Beckers Mosaic Model, 1968-Multidimensional Models-Ruesch and Bateson, Functional Model, 1951-Barnlunds Transactional Model, 1970-Suggestions for Communication Models-Systemic Model of Communication, 1972Browns Holographic Model, 1987-A Fractal Model-Suggested Readings UNIT IV MASS MEDIA Introduction Characteristics of Mass Media Functions of Mass Media Inform Entertain Educate, Persuade Dysfunction of Mass Communication and Public Opinion. UNIT V COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE Introduction: Communication and culture Global Media- Multi Cultural Content Mass Media and Developing countries Cross cultural Communication, Problems and challenges, Policies and implications. Text Book: 1. Keval J. Kumar Mass Communication in India Jeyco Publisher 2007. Reference Book: 1. Karl E. Rosengren Communication an Introduction: Sage Publication 2006. 2.Mc Quil Mass Communication Theory Sage Publication 5th edition- 2005
11MT205 STUDIO ACOUSTICS CREDITS 3:0:0 Course objective: To Understand Sound and its properties To gain knowledge about acoustics Enlightening on the various technicalities involved in acoustic design of studios Course Outcome: The students will have thorough understanding about acoustics and sound-proofing, which will enable them in acoustic design of studios. Unit-1-Sound Sound source-Propagation of sound-Sound waves-Sound in free space-Sound and obstaclesWavelength-frequency-Complex waves-Pitch-Timbre-harmonics-phase-partials-octavesLinear and Logarithmic measures-Understanding Decibel -Units of sound- Sound Pressure level-Sound Intensity level Acoustics-Reverberation-Sound transmission class-Echo-Effect of boundaries-Absorbers-Diffusers-Adjustable acoustics-Reverb Time and its techniquesAcoustic properties of materials-The human ear
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Unit-2-Acoustics of a small recording studio Acoustical characteristics of a studio-reverb-studio design-studio volume-room proportionsreverberation time-diffusion-noise-studio design procedure-studio features-elements common to all studios-Air handlers-Sound isolation-Minimising structure-borne sound Unit-3-Acoustics for control room Initial time delay gap-live end-specular reflections vs diffusion-low frequency resonancesmanaging reflections-control room frequency range-outer shell of the control room-inner shell of the control room-representative control rooms-study of designs-consultants Unit-4-Acoustics for listening room Acoustical link-peculiarities of small room acoustics-room size-room proportions-reverb time-low frequencies-control of modal resonances-bass traps-modal colorations-mid-high frequencies-identification and treatment of reflecting points-lateral reflections-control of spaciousness Unit-5- Acoustics for Multitracking Flexibility-Advantages and disadvantages of multitracking-Achieving track separation-studio acoustics-distance between artists-microphone management-barriers for separation-electronic separation- electronic instruments and separation Text Book: F. Alton Everest,Master Handbook for Acoustics- V Edition, MCGraw-Hill,2010. Reference Book : Michael Talbot Smith, Sound Engineering explained, Focal Press, 2001
11MT206 ELECTRONICS DEVICES AND CIRCUITS LAB Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objectives: The main objective of this curriculum/course is to make the students well versed with basic electronic components and circuits. The students can Understand the nature and scope of modern electronics. Describe physical models of basic components. Design and construct simple electronic circuits to accomplish a specific function, e.g., designing amplifiers, ADC converters etc. Understand their capabilities and limitations and make decisions regarding their best utilization in a specific situation. Course Outcome: The combination of lecture and laboratory sessions provides learning opportunities that should enable the student to do the following upon completion of this course: Set up a bias point in a transistor. Verify the working of diodes, transistors and their applications. Build a common emitter/base/collector amplifier and measure its voltage gain. Understand the use of RPS and CRT. Explore the operation and advantages of operational amplifiers. Learn to design different types of filters and apply the same to oscillators and amplifiers. Exploring the circuitry which converts an analog signal to digital signal.
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List of Experiments: 1. Characteristics of PN diode, Zener diode and Photo diode 2. Rectifiers (diode application) 3. NPN-PNP Transistors Biasing 4. Design of UJT/BJT amplifier 5. Characteristics of BJT in common emitter/base/collector configuration 6. Input and Output Characteristics of FET/JFET 7. Filters (R-C/ L-C / R-L-C) 8. Clippers and Clampers 9. RC coupled Amplifier 10. Op-Amp Inverter/Non Inverter 11. Op-Amp Differentiator and Integrator 12. Analog to Digital Conversion 11MT207 PHOTOGRAPHY LAB Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective: To train the students in the basics of framing artistically with photography and its software applications. To introduce the students the process of photography in studios. Course Outcome: Students will be well equipped with all the basics of framing artistically with photography and its software applications practically which helps them in doing photography. List of experiments Introduction Basics of photography-The still camera-Accessories and equipments-Rules for compositionLighting 1. Framing and composition 2. Pictures under different light conditions 3. Black and White photography 4. Portrait photography 5. Texture/ Pattern photography 6. Travel/Architecture photography 7. Product photography 8. Fashion photography 9. Abstract photography 10. Sports/Action Photography 11. Nature/Wildlife photography 12. HDR photography References 1. Dan Simson, Digital Photography Bible, Wiley, 2004 11MT208 AUDIO ENGINEERING AND PRODUCTION Credits 3:0:0 Course Objectives: For the student to understand the various aspects of the Audio studio
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Understanding production workflow To acquire In-Depth knowledge on consoles and Digital audio workstations
Course Outcome: The student will be well versed in the technologies in Audio and Music production at the end of this subject Unit I Microphones and Audio Capturing Sound Electronically-Magnetic and Electronic Principles, Dynamic Transducers, Ribbon Transducers, Carbon Particle Transducers, Piezoelectric Transducers Reversed Transducers. Microphones-Technical Features, Pickup Patterns, Microphone Usage, Specialized Microphones, Microphone Placement, Miking techniques, Off-axis Coloration, Proximity Effect ,Acoustic Phase Relationships, Distant Miking. Unit II Mixers and Recorders Pre-amplification, Peak Indicators, Faders and Potentiometers Level Indicators, Headroom, Signal Routing Signal Sends, Split and Inline Mixers, Control Room Monitoring, Mute and Solo, Pan Potentiometers, Channelized Mixers, Mixer Automation, Digital Consoles, Broadcast Consoles, Automatic Consoles, Digital Audio Workstations and Computers Unit III Post production Systems Audio post production equipments, Pre production for post production, Track planning and Post Production sequences, Transmission and reproduction of audio post production materials, Digital Audio Transfers, Synchronizing and controllers, sound effects, stereo, music, monitoring and the environment Unit IV Editing and Processing Purposes of Editing, Foundations of Editing: Adjusting Levels, Control Surfaces in Editing. Audio Processors and Processing-Amplification and Level Control, Dynamic Processors, Frequency Processors, Temporal Processing, Digital Signal Processing, Noise Reduction Processors, Forensic Sound, Monitors and Loudspeakers, Transporting Sounds Unit V Music Production Genres in music, music production workflow, MIDI, Sampling, Quantization, MIDI automation, Synchronization, MIDI clock, MIDI timecode. Text Book: 1. David Miles Huber, Modern Recording Techniques, Sixth edition, Focal Press,2005. 2. Zack Price, Computer based music production, Cherry lane music, 2005. Reference Books: 1. Michael Talbot Smith, Sound Engineering explained, Focal Press,2001. 2. Bobby Owsinski, The mixing engineers handbook, 2nd edition, Thomas Course Technology,2006. 3. Jay Rose,Audio Post production for digital video,CMP books,2002.
11MT209 VIDEO PRODUCTION Credits 3:0:0 Course Objectives: The students will learn about the working of a professional camera. They will also learn the various aspects of lighting for television production In-depth study on the various phases of production
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Course outcome: The students will be well read about the various aspects and people involved in a production and they will be empowered to produce shows themselves. Unit-1 The camera Types of cameras-parts of a camera-camera controls-lens-Exposure-Shutter-Shutter speedWhite balance-Focusing-Filters-Camera mounts-Shot-Composition-Rules for compositionFraming-Depth of field-Camera angles-Camera movements-scene-sequence-Continuity Unit-2 Lighting for television Need for lighting-Technical reasons-Artistic reasons-Nature of light-Light intensity-Color quality of light-Color Theory-Color temperature-light temperature -light dispersion-direction of light-light sources-types of lights used in production-lighting techniques-lighting instruments-lighting accessories-controllers for lights-lamp care-safety-lighting on locationlighting and camera rehearsal-gaffer Unit-3 Television production- An overview Equipment-Production Team- role of director-role of producer -Production crew-TalentFreelance crew-Production Methods-Venue-Television Studio-Remote production facilitiesProduction Switcher-Production Process-Three stages of production-Planning-Idea-goals and objectives-target audience-budget-limitations-production plan-production methods-schedulecoverage-outline-research-scripting-treatment-pacing the program-camera plan-story boardlocation survey Unit-4 Before the shootBackground-Sets-semi permanent sets-virtual sets-pictorial backgrounds-Props-Make upcostumes-Basic organization-Studio plan-floor plan-lighting plot-cyclorama-camera heightforeground pieces-creating depth-set problems- setup-rehearsal- cues Unit-5-Production techniques Single camera techniques-Multi camera techniques-visual clarity-Studio production-floor manager-cueing-recording the production-tape formats-production style-remote production vehicles-OB van-live transmission and event coverage-test equipments Textbook Gerald Millerson, Jim Owens ,Television production handbook,Focal Press,2008
Reference Books 1. Martha Mollisson, Producing Videos, Black Inc books, 2010. 2. Paul Wheeler, Practical Cinematography, New Riders Press, 2002. 11MT210 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS Credits: 3:1:0 Course Objectives: To introduce number systems and codes To introduce basic postulates of Boolean algebra and shows the correlation between Boolean expressions To introduce the methods for simplifying Boolean expressions To outline the formal procedures for the analysis and design of combinational circuits and sequential circuits To introduce the concept of memories, programmable logic devices and digital ICs.
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Course Outcome: On completion of this course, the students can design combinational and sequential digital logic circuits. Also they will have knowledge on Programmable Logic devices and its usage. Unit I: Number Systems and Boolean algebra Binary, octal, hexadecimal number systems, Complements, representation of signed numbers, floating point numbers -BCD-ASCII-EBCDIC-Excess 3 code-gray code-error detecting and correcting codes. Boolean Algebra: Postulates and theorems of Boolean Algebra canonical forms simplification of logic functions using Karnaugh map. Unit II: Combinational Logic Design Logic gates implementation of combinational logic functions encoders & decoders multiplexers & demultiplexers code converters comparator - half adder, full adder parallel adder binary adder parity generator/checker implementation of logical functions using multiplexers. Unit III: Counters and Registers RS, JK, Masterslave, D&T flip flops level triggering and edge triggering characteristic tables, characteristic equations, excitation tables asynchronous & synchronous counters modulus countersshift register Johnson counter- ring counter timing waveforms Unit IV: Sequential Logic Design Basic models of sequential machines concept of state table state diagram state reduction implementation of synchronous sequential circuits asynchronous sequential logic Fundamental mode operation Transition Table, Flow Table, Race, Primitive Flow Table, Reduction of primitive flow table, Reduction of state and flow tables, Race free assignment. Unit V: Programmable Logic and Digital Integrated Circuits Semicustom design Introduction to PLDs ROM PAL PLA FPGA. Digital IC Characteristics - Logic Families: RTL, TTL, ECL, CMOS, Comparison of performance of various logic families. Text Books: 1. Morris Mano, Digital Design, Prentice Hall of India, 2002. Reference Books: 1. John M.Yarbrough, Digital Logic, Application & Design, Thomson, 2002. 2. Thomas L.Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, PHI, 2003. 11MT211 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS CREDITS: 4:0:0 Course Objectives To introduce the basic building blocks of linear integrated circuits. To teach the linear and non-linear applications of operational amplifiers. To introduce the theory and applications of analog multipliers and PLL. To teach the theory of ADC and DAC To introduce a few special function integrated circuits.
Course Outcome
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On completion of this course, the students will have a thorough understanding of operational amplifiers with linear integrated circuits. Also students will be able to design circuits using operational amplifiers for various applications. UNIT I CIRCUIT CONFIGURATION FOR LINEAR ICs Current sources, Analysis of difference amplifiers with active loads, supply and temperature independent biasing, Band gap references, Monolithic IC operational amplifiers, specifications, frequency compensation, slew rate and methods of improving slew rate. UNIT II APPLICATIONS OF OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS Linear and Nonlinear Circuits using operational amplifiers and their analysis, Inverting and Non inverting Amplifiers, Differentiator, Integrator, Voltage to current converter, Instrumentation amplifier, Sine wave Oscillator, Low-pass and band-pass filters, Comparator, Multivibrators and Schmitt trigger, Triangular wave generator, Precision rectifier, Log and Antilog amplifiers, Non-linear function generator. UNIT III ANALOG MULTIPLIER AND PLL Analysis of four quadrant (Gilbert cell) and variable transconductance multipliers, Voltage controlled Oscillator, Closed loop analysis of PLL, AM, PM and FSK modulators and demodulators, Frequency synthesizers, Compander ICs. UNIT IV ANALOG TO DIGITAL AND DIGITAL TO ANALOG CONVERTERS Analog switches, High speed sample and hold circuits and sample and hold ICs, Types of D/A converter, Current driven DAC, Switches for DAC, A/D converter-Flash, Single slope, Dual slope, Successive approximation, Delta Sigma Modulation, Voltage to Time converters. UNIT V SPECIAL FUNCTION ICs Astable and Monostable Multivibrators using 555 Timer, Voltage regulators-linear and switched mode types, Switched capacitor filter, Frequency to Voltage converters, Tuned amplifiers, Power amplifiers and Isolation Amplifiers, Video amplifiers, Fiber optic ICs and Opto-couplers. TEXT BOOKS 1. D.Roy Choudhry, Shail Jain, Linear Integrated Circuits, New Age International Pvt. Ltd., 2000. 2. Sergio Franco, Design with operational amplifiers and analog integrated circuits, McGraw-Hill, 2002. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. J.Michael Jacob, Applications and Design with Analog Integrated Circuits, Prentice Hall of India, 2002. 2. Ramakant A.Gayakwad, OP-AMP and Linear ICs, Prentice Hall / Pearson Education, 2000. 3. Taub and Schilling, Digital Integrated Electronics, McGraw-Hill, 2000. 4. Millman.J. and Halkias.C.C. Integrated Electronics, McGraw-Hill,2001. 5. William D.Stanely, Operational Amplifiers with Linear Integrated Circuits. Pearson Education, 2004. 11MT212 ANALOG ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS II CREDITS: 4:0:0 COURSE OBJECTIVE The aim of this course is to familiarize the student with the analysis and design of
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COURSE OUTCOME On completion of this course the student will understand the Advantages and method of analysis of feedback amplifiers Analysis and design of RC and LC oscillators, tuned amplifiers, wave shaping circuits, multivibrators, blocking oscillators and time based generators. UNIT 1 FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Block diagram. Loop gain. Gain with feedback. Desensitivity of gain. Distortion and cut off frequencies with feedback. The four basic feedback topologies and the type of gain stabilized by each type of feedback. Input and Output resistances with feedback. Method of identifying feedback topology, feedback factor and basic amplifier configuration with loading effect of feedback network taken into account. Analysis of feedback amplifiers. Nyquist criterion for stability of feedback amplifiers. UNIT II OSCILLATORS Barkhausen Criterion. Mechanism for start of oscillation and stabilization of amplitude. Analysis of Oscillator using Cascade connection of one RC and one CR filters. RC phase shift Oscillator. Wienbridge Oscillator and twin-T Oscillators. Analysis of LC Oscillators, Colpitts, Hartley, Clapp, Miller and Pierce oscillators. Frequency range of RC and LC Oscillators. Quartz Crystal Construction. Electrical equivalent circuit of Crystal. Crystal Oscillator circuits. UNIT III TUNED AMPLIFIERS Coil losses, unloaded and loaded Q of tank circuits. Analysis of single tuned and synchronously tuned amplifiers. Instability of tuned amplifiers. Stabilization techniques. Narrow band neutralization using coil. Broad banding using Hazeltine neutralization. Class C tuned amplifiers and their applications. Efficiency of Class C tuned Amplifier. UNIT IV WAVE SHAPING AND MULTIVIBRATOR CIRCUITS RL & RC Integrator and Differentiator circuits. Diode clippers, clampers and slicers. Collector coupled and Emitter coupled Astable multivibrator. Monostable multivibrator. Bistable multivibrators. Triggering methods. Storage delay and calculation of switching times. Speed up capacitors. Schmitt trigger circuit. UNIT V BLOCKING OSCILLATORS AND TIMEBASE GENERATORS Monostable and Astable Blocking Oscillators using Emitter and base timing. Frequency control using core saturation. Pushpull operation of Astable blocking oscillator i.e., inverters. Pulse transformers. UJT sawtooth generators. Linearization using constant current circuit. Bootstrap and Miller saw-tooth generators. Current time base generators. Text books: 1. Millman and Halkias. C., Integrated Electronics, Tata McGraw-Hill 2001 2. Schilling and Belove, "Electronic Circuits", TMH, Third Edition, 2002 3. Millman J. and Taub H., "Pulse Digital and Switching waveform", McGraw-Hill International 2000 Reference Books 1. Sedra Smith, Micro Electronic Circuits Oxford university Press, 2004. 2. David A. Bell, " Solid State Pulse Circuits ", Prentice Hall of India, 1992. 3. Robert L. Boylestead and Louis Nasheresky, 8th edn., PHI, 2002.
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11MT213 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS LAB Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective: To impart the concepts of digital electronics practically and train students with all the equipments which will help in improving the basic knowledge. Course Outcome: The students will have good knowledge about the concepts of digital electronics and they will be able to apply all these concepts practically. List of Experiments: 1. Logic gates 2. Half adder and Full adder 3. Multiplexer and De-multiplexer 4. Code converter 5. Encoder and Decoder 6. Flip-flops 7. Counters 8. Shift registers 9. IC timer 10. Parity generation and checking 11. Analog to digital converter 12. Digital to analog converter 11MT214 PROGRAMME PRODUCTION LAB Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective: The students will be practically taught to apply Programme production techniques involved in Radio Production and TV Production. Course Outcome: - This course will enable the students to be creatively and technically operational in broadcast production Industry. List of Exercises: 1. Basic Radio Production 2. Radio Edit 3. Music production- Digital Audio MIDI 4. Outdoor sound sampling 5. Location sound 6. Basic shots 7. Camera Movements 8. Camera angles 9. Lighting 10. Linear editing using multi camera production 11. Project 1- Indoor production 12. Project 2- Outdoor production
Karunya University
Course Objective: The objective is to teach students about different concepts involved in digital compositing which will help them to apply these entire concepts practically. Course Outcome: The students will have good knowledge about the latest trends and technologies involved in digital compositing and they will be able to apply all these concepts practically. Unit I Digital Representation of Visual Information Image Generation, Pixels, Components, Channels, Spatial Resolution, Bit Depth, Normalized Values, Additional Channels, HSV and YUV Color Representation, Image Input Devices, Digital Image File Formats, File Format Features ,Vendor specific File Format Implementations, Compression, Choosing a File Format, Nonlinear Color encoding. Unit II Basic Image Manipulation and Compositing Terminology, Color Manipulations, Spatial filters, geometric transformations, Expression Language, Filtering Algorithms, motion blur, Multi source Operators, Matte Image, The Integrated Matte Channel, Masks, Compositing With Pre multiplied Images, Morphing, Matte creation and manipulation: Rotoscoping, Procedural matte extraction, matte manipulations, Time and Temporal Manipulations: Apparent Motion, Temporal Resolution, Temporal Artifacts, Changing the Length or Timing of a Sequence, Key Framing. Unit III Image Tracking and Stabilization Tracking an Element into a Plate, Choosing the Feature to Track, Limiting the Search Area, Human Intervention, Using Tracking Curves Manually, Tracking Multiple Points, Stabilizing a Plate, Camera tracking, Interface Interactions: Workflow, the evolution of Interactivity, Methods of representing the compositing process, Timelines, Curve Editors, Working With Proxy Images, Image Viewing and Analysis Tools Unit IV Film Formats Aspect Ratio: Non square Pixels, Deciding on a Resolution for an Aspect Ratio, Format Conversion Pipeline , Format Conversion Example, Film Formats: 35mm Formats ,16mm Formats, Specialized Film Formats, Video Formats: Fields, Color Resolution, Gamma, Common video formats, Other Formats, Working with non square pixels, converting and combining formats Unit V Creating Elements and Integration techniques Lighting, Interactive Lighting, Matched Cameras, Reference Stand-in, Clean Plates, Film Stock, Filters, Choosing a Format, Lighting and Shooting with Blue screens, Blue screen versus Green screen, Shooting Order, Integration Techniques: Scene Continuity, Color and lighting, Lighting, light wrapping, Shadows, digital color matching, spill suppression, Atmosphere, camera characteristics: Camera Mismatches, Camera Movements, scale and perspective, Focus, Motion Blur, lens flares, Film Grain and sensor noise. Text Book: Ron Brinkmann, The Art and Science of Digital Compositing, second edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2008. Reference Books: 1. Steve Wright, Digital Compositing for Film and Video, Focal Press, 2006 2. Dough Kelly, Digital Composting in-Depth, Coriolis, 2000.
Karunya University
Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objectives: To understand basic signals, analog modulation, demodulation and radio receivers. To understand source digitization, digital multiplexing and modulation. To understand the various noises in communication systems. Course Outcome: This course will provide a clear understanding of various communication system techniques, their operation and performance evaluation. Unit-I Waveform Spectra and Noise Waveforms, spectrum, Energy signals, Power signals, Noise, Sources of noise, Thermal noise, shot noise, partition noise, low frequency noise, Signal to noise ratio, Noise factor, Noise temperature. Unit-II Amplitude Modulation Amplitude modulation Modulation Index, Frequency spectrum, Power, DSBSC, Modulator demodulator circuits, AM transmitters, Super heterodyne receiver, tuning range, Image rejection, Adjacent channel selectivity, AGC, double conversion receivers, Single-sideband principles, balanced modulator, SSB generation, SSB reception. Unit-III Frequency and Phase Modulation Frequency modulation Frequency spectrum, power, Deviation ratio, Phase modulation, Equivalence between FM and PM, Angle modulator, FM transmitter, Angle modulation Detectors , AFC, Amplitude limiters, Noise in FM, Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis, FM broadcast and stereo receivers. Unit-IV Pulse Modulation Pulse amplitude modulation, Sampling, Time division multiplexing, Pulse code modulation Compression, Differential PCM, Delta modulation, Pulse Position Modulation, Pulse Width Modulation. Unit-V Digital Communication Symbol. Bit, Baud, Line codes and waveforms, Basic digital communication systems, probability of error, digital carrier systems, ASK, FSK, PSK, QPSK. Text Book: 1. Dennis John Roddy and Coolen, Electronic Communications, PHI, 2000. Reference Books 1. Taub and Schilling, Principles of Communication Systems, McGraw Hill, 2003. 2. G.Kennedy, Electronic Communication Systems, McGraw Hill, 2003.
11MT217 MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER Credits: 4:0:0 COURSE OBJECTIVE: To introduce and learn the architecture, programming and interfacing of microprocessors and microcontrollers. COURSE OUTCOME
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The students will gain adept knowledge in Microprocessor terminologies. UNIT I 8085 CPU 8085 Architecture Instruction set Addressing modes Timing diagrams Assembly language programming Counters Time Delays Interrupts Memory interfacing Interfacing I/O devices. UNIT II PERIPHERALS INTERFACING Interfacing Serial I/O (8251)- parallel I/O (8255) Keyboard and Display controller (8279) ADC/DAC interfacing Inter Integrated Circuits interfacing (I2C Standard)- Bus: RS232CRS485-GPIB UNIT III 8086 CPU Intel 8086 Internal Architecture 8086 Addressing modes- Instruction set- 8086 Assembly language Programming Interrupts. UNIT IV 8051 MICROCONTROLLER 8051 Micro controller hardware- I/O pins, ports and circuits- External memory Counters and Timers- Serial Data I/O- Interrupts-Interfacing to external memory and 8255. UNIT V 8051 PROGRAMMING AND APPLICATIONS 8051 instruction set Addressing modes Assembly language programming I/O port programming -Timer and counter programming Serial Communication Interrupt programming 8051 Interfacing: LCD, ADC, Sensors, Stepper Motors, Keyboard and DAC.
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Ramesh S Gaonkar, Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and application with 8085, 4th Edition, Penram International Publishing, New Delhi, 2000. 2. John Uffenbeck, The 80x86 Family, Design, Programming and Interfacing, Third Edition. Pearson Education, 2002. 3. Mohammed Ali Mazidi and Janice Gillispie Mazidi, The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems, Pearson Education Asia, New Delhi, 2003. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. A.K. Ray and K.M.Burchandi, Intel Microprocessors Architecture Programming and Interfacing, McGraw Hill International Edition, 2000 2. Kenneth J Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture Programming and Application, 3rd Edition, Penram International Publishers (India), New Delhi, 2004. 3. M. Rafi Quazzaman, Microprocessors Theory and Applications: Intel and Motorola prentice Hall of India, Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2003 11MT218 POST PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: To do a detailed study on post production To gain knowledge about the technologies involved in various post production aspects Course Outcome: The students will gain comprehensive knowledge about post production Unit I Editing Systems
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Audio post production equipments, mixing consoles and audio processing equipments, Transmission and reproduction of audio post production materials, Synchronizing and controllers, sound effects, Audio workstations, stereo, music, monitoring and the environment Unit II Audio Editing Editing softwares, Planning for post production, Track planning and Post Production sequences, Digital Audio Transfers and Recording, Voice over perspectives, Audio post production for video Unit III Video Post Production Technology, and techniques of video editing, TV Signals, time code, Digital video and video tape formats, video tape editing, preparing for post production, offline editing process, online editing Digital video effects, working with multiple video tracks and layers Unit IV High Definition Post Production Frame recording method, bit depth, chromo sampling, compression, mixing SD and HD, computer file size for high definition video, conversion problems, off- line/online edit system compatibility, shoot, edit and deliver at one frame, LCD monitors, plasma screens, DLP monitors Unit V Colour Correction Colour theory, Perceptions, Colour monitors and tools, Common colour errors and techniques, Introduction to Advance colour correction Text Books 1 Jay Rose, Audio Post Production for Digital Video, CMP Books 2002. 2 Gary H Anderson, Video Editing and post production, A Professional Guide, Focal Press,1999. Reference Books 1. Tim Amyes, Audio Post production in Video and Film, Focal Press, 2001. 2. Des Lyver, Basics of the Video Production Diary, Focal Press, 2001. 3. Steven E Browne,High Definition Post Production: Editing and Delivering HD Video, Focal Press 2007. 4. Steven Hullfish-Jaime Fowler, Colour Correction for Digital Video: Using Desk Top Tools to Perfect Your Image, CMP Books, 2003. 11MT219 COMMUNICATION CIRCUITS LAB CREDITS 0:0:2 COURSE OBJECTIVE To learn circuit design and understand the theoretical concepts by hands on with circuit connections in breadboard for communication and Audio application. COURSE OUTCOME On Completion of this lab the Student will be able to: Implement properly any constructed circuits. Correctly operate standard electronics test equipment such as CRO, DSO, Signal analyzers and Function Generators to test electronics Circuits Correctly analyze a circuit and compare its theoretical performance to actual performance.
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LIST OF PRACTICALS 1. Equalizer 2. Active Filters Design a. Low pass filter b. High pass filter c. Band pass filter d. Band elimination filter 3. Amplitude Modulation & Diode Detector 4. Frequency Modulation & Demodulator 5. Classes of Amplifiers Design 6. Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis Circuits Design 7. IF amplifier, Mixer 8. Multivibrator Circuits Design 9. Study of Sampling Theorem 10. Time Division Multiplexing 11. PLL applications 12. Radiation Pattern of Antennas a) Inverse Square Law of Propagation b) Reciprocity Theorem
11MT220 MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER LAB Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective: To introduce to students the basics of microprocessor and microcontroller Programming and their applications. Course Outcome: The students will be equipped with the basic knowledge of microprocessor and microcontroller interfacing and their applications. List of Experiments: 1. Arithmetic and Logical operations using 8085 2. Data Transfer operation using 8085 3. Code conversions using 8085 4. Programs on finding largest/smallest number using 8085 5. Parallel port Interfacing using 8255 6. ADC Interfacing using 8085 7. DAC Interfacing using 8085 8. Arithmetic and Logical operations using 8086 9. Arithmetic and Logical operations using 8051 10. Programs on finding largest/smallest number using 8051 11. Programs on ascending/descending order using 8051 12. Stepper motor interfacing using 8051 11MT221 POST PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES LAB Credits :0:0:2 Course Objective: The students will be practically taught to apply post production techniques and procedures involved in TV and Film Production.
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Course Outcome: - This course will enable the students to be creatively and technically operational in TV and Film Industry
List of Exercises: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Research & reference Script breakdown & script Production-Shooting the concept Editing-Rough cut Editing-First cut Editing-Final cut with effects, Titling ADR/Voice over track
8. Foley 9. SFX track 10. Re-recording 11. Music track 12. Music Video
11MT222 SIGNAL TRANSMISSION AND RADIATION CREDITS: 4:0:0 Course Objective: The students will learn about transmission lines and the latest technologies in signal transmission systems Course Outcome: The course aims at training the students to become broadcast engineers. UNIT-I TRANSMISSION LINES AND CABLES Primary line constants, phase velocity and line wavelength, characteristic impedance, propagation coefficient, phase and group velocities, standing waves, lossless lines at radio frequencies, VSWR, slotted-line measurements at radio frequencies, transmission lines as circuit elements, smith chart, time-domain reflectometry. UNIT-II WAVEGUIDES RESONATORS & COMPONENTS Rectangular Waveguides, Circular Waveguides, Modes in Waveguides, Waveguide Coupling, Matching & Attenuation, Cavity Resonators, Auxillary Components UNIT-III RADIO-WAVE PROPAGATION Propagation in free space, Tropospheric propagation, ionospheric propagation, surface wave, LF propagation and VLF propagation, Extremely low-frequency propagation, summary of radio-wave propagation UNIT-IV ANTENNAS Antenna Equivalent circuits, coordinate system, radiation fields, polarization, Isotropic radiator, power gain of an antenna, effective area & effective length of an antenna, Hertzian dipole, vertical antennas, folded elements, loop and ferrite- rod receiving antennas,
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nonresonant antennas, driven arrays, parasitic arrays, VHF-UHF antennas, microwave antennas UNIT-V FIBER OPTIC COMMUNICATION Principles of light transmission in a fiber, lasses in fibers, dispersion, light sources for fiber optics, photo detectors, connectors and splices, fiber optic communication systems TEXT BOOK 1.Dennis John Roddy and Coolen, Electronic Communications, PHI, 2004. 2.G.Kennedy, Davis Electronic Communication Systems, McGraw Hill, 2003
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. Taub and Schilling Principles of Communication Systems, McGraw Hill, 2003 William L. Schweber, Electronic Communication Systems, Prentice Hall, 2002 Roy Blake, Electronic Communciation Systems, Delmar/Thomson Learning, 2002 Louis E Frenzel, Communication Electronics, McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2000 11MT223 PRINCIPLES OF ADVERTISING Credits: 3:0:0 COURSE OBJECTIVES: To understand the purpose and meaning of advertising To understand advertising as an industry To understand the process of communication in advertising To evaluate the need of Public Relation and PR function as a Mass Media COURSE OUTCOME To assess the learning out comes, activities based on developing and making of an advertisement may be assigned, and the same may be presented and analyzed. Students can be made into groups and conduct an advertising and PR Campaigns, the same be assessed by subject experts. UNIT I : INTRODUCTION Understanding advertising today-The foundations of advertising -The advertiser Agency Partnership-The advertising Environment. Unit II Audience and Advertising Audience Definition, Research, and Planning Audience analysis and buyer behavior Segmentation ,Targeting and Positioning- Advertising Research- Objectives, Strategy and Plans- Intercultural and International Advertising Unit III Creative Process The Creative Process Creativity, Creative Strategy and Copywriting Art Production Print Production Electronic Production Unit IV Media Media Choice- Media Objectives, strategy and planning print media electronic mediadirect marketing and out of home advertising- Putting the campaign together- Sales promotion and supplementary media public relations and special communications- local advertising from plan to results: The complete campaign Academic Information 21
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Unit V Public Relations Evolution and growth, definition and relevance of PR role Mass media & PR; PR in Government, public and private sectors; PR and corporate Communications, writing for PR; PR ethics and regulations. Text Book Courtland L. Bovee, Advertising Excellence: McGraw Hill Publications. Delhi,(2001). Reference Books: 1. Sean Brierley, The Advertising and Hand book, New York, 2000. 2. McGraw Hill, Principles of Advertising and IMC, McGraw Hill, 2000. 3. John McDonough, Encyclopedia of Advertising, Vol 1, 2000.
11MT224 MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: To introduce to the students theory, design, implementation and operation of multimedia communication and signal processing systems and their applications. Course Outcome: The students will be well equipped with the knowledge of Multimedia Communication Systems Unit I: Multimedia Communications Introduction Model Requirements Audio-Visual Integration Media interaction Lip reading Lip synchronization Lip tracking Audio to visual mapping Multimedia processing in communication Digital media Signal processing elements Challenges Perceptual coding of audio Transform audio coders Subband coders Image coding Video coding Watermarking Organization storage and retrieval issues Signal processing for networked multimedia(NN) NN for multimedia processing Multimedia processors. UNIT II: Distributed multimedia systems Features Resource management Networking Multimedia operating systems Distributed multimedia servers Distributed multimedia applications Multimedia Communication Standards MPEG MPEG 2 MPEG 4 DMIF MPEG 4 Video, Audio MPEG 7 MPEG 21. UNIT III: ITU-T Standardization of Audio visual communication system IETF and Internet Standards Multimedia Communications across networks Packet Audio/Video in the network environment Video transport across generic networks UNIT IV: Multimedia transport across ATM networks Multimedia across IP networks Multimedia across DSLs Internet access networks Multimedia across wireless UNIT V: Mobiles Networks Broadcasting networks Digital Television infrastructure for interactive multimedia servers.
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Text book: K.R. Rao, Zaron S. Bojkovic, Dragorad A. Milocanovic, Multimedia Communication Systems, Prentice Hall India, 2002. ISBN 81-203-2145-6. Reference books: 1. Fred Halsall, Multimedia Communications, Pearson Education, 2001. ISBN 81-7808532-1. 2. Steve Heath, Multimedia and Communication Technology, Second Edition, Focal Press, 2003. ISBN 81-8147-145-8 11MT225 COMPUTER ANIMATION Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: To make the students know animation in detail starting from preproduction till postproduction with modeling, rendering and advanced animation techniques. Course Outcome: Students will be clear with each and every working of animation software. UNIT I: Preproduction and Modeling Basics Preproduction:Introduction-Storyboarding-Character and Model Design-Sound Design Technical Tests-Producton Scheduling Modeling Basics:Introduction-Polygon ModelingSplines and Patches-Coordinate Systems-Viewing Windows-Geometric PrimitivesTransformations-Common Modeling Techniques-Hierarchies-Booleans and Trims-Basic Deformations UNIT II: Rendering Basics Introduction-The Camera-Lights-Surface Characteristics-Shading Algorithms-Rendering Algorithms-Background Images-Surface Texture Mapping-Solid Texture Mapping-Final Rendering UNIT III: Animation Basics and AdvancedModeling Animation Basics:Introduction-Keyframing-Interpolations-Parameter-curve Editing-Dope Sheet Editing-Forward Kinematics-Inverse Kinematics-Motion Paths-Shape DeformationsCamera Animation-Animating Light and Surface Properties-Pose-based Animation. Advanced Modeling:Introduction-Virtual Sculpting-Digitizing Techniques-Procedural Modeling-Stitched Patches-Subdivision Surfaces-Displacement Mapping-Hair and FurPaintbased Modeling-Higher-level Primitives UNIT IV: Advanced Rendering Introduction-Atmospheric Effects-Fractals-Lighting Subtleties-Advanced TexturingTexturing Polygons-Background Shaders-Non-Photorealistic Rendering-Reflection Maps and Environment Procedures-More Rendering Algorithms-Rendering for Output UNIT V: Advanced Animation and Postproduction Introduction-Animated Fillets-Limits and Constraints-Metaballs-Expressions and Driven Keys-Motion Dynamics:Principles,Rigid Bodies-Soft-Body Dynamics-Particle SystemsCloth Dynamics-Motion Capture-Camera-Motion Matching-Character Rigging:Movement Controls,Deformation Controls-Facial Animation Nonlinear Animation Postproduction: Introduction-Compositing-Editing. Text Book:
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Michael ORourke, Principles of Three-Dimensional Computer Animation, Third Edition,W.W.Norton & Company Ltd.,2003. ISBN 0-393-73083-2. Reference Books: 1. John Vince, Essential Computer Animation, Springer-Verlag, 2000. ISBN 1-85233141-0. 2. Marcia Kuperberg, A Guide to Computer Animation, Focal Press, 2002, ISBN 0-24051671-0. 3. Daniel Cunliffe, Geoff Elliott, Multimedia Computing, Crucial, 2003. ISBN 1903337-18-6. 11MT226 3D MODELING AND RENDERING Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: To make the students know animation in detail about modeling and rendering in 3D animation which plays a vital role in any animation. Course Outcome: Students will be clear with every detail behind the concept of modeling and rendering. UNIT I Rendering faces for visual realism - Introduction to shading models - Flat shading and smooth shading - Removing hidden surfaces - Adding texture to faces - Adding shadows of objects - Tools for raster displays Introduction - Manipulating pixmaps Combining pixmaps - Bresenhams line drawing algorithms - Defining and filling regions of pixels Manipulating symbolically defined regions - Filling polygon defined regions - Aliasing and antialiasing technique - Creating more shades and colors. UNIT II Curve and surface design Introduction - Describing curves by means of polynomials Interactive curve design - Bezier curves for curve design - Finding better blending functions The B-Spline basis functions and useful properties- BSpline for design - Rational Splines and NURBS curves - A Glimpse at interpolation Modeling curvedsurfaces. UNIT III Color theory - Introduction-describing colors - The international commission on Illumination standard - Color spaces - Color quantization - Uniform quantization - The popularity algorithm - Median cut algorithm - Octree quantization. UNIT IV Hidden surface removal Introduction - The depth buffer algorithm revisited - List priority HSR method - Scan line HSR method - Area subdivision approaches - On hidden line removal methods - HSR method for curved surfaces. UNIT V Ray tracing Introduction - Setting up the geometry of ray tracing - Overview of the ray tracing process - Intersection of a ray with an object - Organizing a ray tracer application Intersecting rays with other primitives - Drawing shaded pictures of scenes - Adding surface texture Extents - Adding shadows for greater realism - Reflections and transparency Compound objects: Boolean operations on objects Text Book: F.S.Hill,JR, Computer graphics using Open GL,Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 2001. ISBN 81-203-2813-2.
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Reference Book: Edward Angel, Interactive Computer Graphics A Top Down approach with OpenGL, Addison Wesley, 2000. ISBN 0-201-38597-X.
11MT227 VIRTUAL REALITY TECHNOLOGY Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: The sole objective of virtual reality technology is to study the technology behind an environment as realistic as possible. Course Outcome: Students will know the technology behind rapidly advancing virtual reality. UNIT I Introduction-Input devices-Three dimensional position trackers-Navigation and Manipulation Interfaces-Gesture Interfaces UNIT II Output Devices-Graphic displays- Sound displays-Hap tic Feedback UNIT III Computing Architecture of VR-The Rendering Pipeline-PC Graphic Architecture-Work station based Architectures-Distributed VR Architectures UNIT IV Modelling Geometric modelling- Kinematics Modelling- Physical Modelling-Behavior Modelling-Model management-VR Programming-Toolkits and Scene Graphs-World ToolkitJava 3D-General Hap tics open Software Toolkit-People shop. UNIT V Human Factors in VR-Methodology and Terminology-User Performance Studies-VR health and safety Issues-VR and Society Textbook: Grigore C.Burdea and Philippe Coiffet, Virtual Reality Technology, Second Edition, Wiley Interscience, 2003.ISBN 0-471-36089-9. (Chapters 1-7). Reference Book William R Sherman,Alan B Cranig,Understanding Virtual RealityInterface,Application and Design, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,2003.
11MT228 COMPUTER NETWORKS Credits: 4: 0: 0 Course Objective: 1. To introduce key trends on network principles and practices. 2. To provide a top down approach which focus on the internet and its accessible styles. Course Outcome:
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Students will be able to manage networks and the applications behind it. UNIT I Introduction: Computer Networks and the Internet-The network edge-The Network CoreAccess networks and physical media-ISPs and Internet backbones- Delay and loss in packet switched networks- Protocol layers and their service models UNIT II Application Layer: Principles of network applications- The web and the HTTP- File transfer: FTP- Electronic mail in the internet- DNS- The Internets Directory Service- P2P file sharing- Socket Programming with TCP, Socket Programming with UDP UNIT III Transport Layer: Introduction to transport layer services- Multiplexing and De Multiplexing- Connectionless transport: UDP- Principles of reliable data transferConnection-oriented transport: TCP-Principles of congestion control-TCP congestion control UNIT IV Network Layer: Introduction-Virtual circuit and datagram networks- Whats inside a router?- The Internet protocol (IP): Forwarding and addressing in the internet- Routing algorithms- Routing in the Internet UNIT V Link layer: introduction and services- Error detection and correction techniques- multiple access protocols-Link layer addressing-Ethernet, Network Management: IntroductionThe Infrastructure for Network Management- the Internet standard management frameworkASN 1 Text Book: 1. J. F. Kurose, K. W. Ross, Computer Networking, A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, 4th Ed, Addison-Wesley,2007, ISBN 0321497708. Reference Books 1. William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, Prentice Hall, Eighth Edition, 2007,ISBN9780132433105 2. Andrew S.Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, Prentice Hall of India, fourth edition, 2002 ISBN 0130661023. 3. Lillan N Cassel,Richard H Austing,Computer Networks and Open Systems,Jones and Bartlett Publishers,2001.
11MT229 COMPUTER GRAPHICS Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: The aim of this course is to give the fundamentals of graphics and animation. The concept of Principles of 2D Graphics, 3D Graphics, Visible Surface Determination, are studied in detail for a competitive computer professional. Course Outcome: Students will be able to apply these principles in 2D,3D graphics and virtual reality. UNIT I
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Basic principles of two dimension graphics: Raster versus vector graphics-The first java 2D program-Basic geometric objects-Geometric transformations-Homogenous coordinatesApplications of transformations-Geometric transformations in java 2D-Animation and movements based on transformations- Interpolators for continuous changes- implementations of interpolators in Java 2D-Single or double precision UNIT II Drawing lines and curves: Lines and pixel graphics-The midpoint algorithm for linesStructural algorithms-Pixel densities and line styles-Lineclipping-Midpoint algorithm for circles- Drawing arbitrary curves-Antialiasing-Drawing thick lines-Filling areas-Buffered images in java 2D-Displaying text-Text in java 2D-Grey images and intensities-Colour Model-Colour Interpolation with java 2D. UNIT III Basic principles of three-dimensional graphics :Geometric transformations-The scenegraph- Elementary geometric objects in java 3D-The scenegraph in java 3DAnimations and moving objects- Projections in Java 3D-Modelling Three dimensional objects-Three Dimensional objects and their surfaces-Topological notions-Modelling techniques-Surface Modeling with polygons in java 3D-importing geometric objects in to java3D-Parametric curves and freedom surfacesnormal vectors for surfaces. UNIT IV Visible surface determination: Clipping volumes-Algorithms for visible surface determination-Image precision techniques-Priority algorithms-Illumination and shadingLight sources-Light sources in java 3D-Reflection-Shading in java 3D-Shading-ShadowsTransparency-Textures-Textures in java 3D-The radiosity model-Ray tracing. UNIT V Special effects and virtual reality: Fog and particle systems- Fog in Java 3D- Dynamic surfaces- Interaction-Interaction in Java 3D-Collision detection-Collision detention in Java 3DSound effects-Sound effects in Java 3D- stereoscopic viewing Text Book: 1. Frank Klawonn, Introduction to Computer Graphics Using Java 2D and 3D, Springer, 2008, ISBN: 978-1-84628-847-0 Reference Books: 1. Rick Parent, Computer Animation Algorithms and Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann publishers, 2002, ISBN 1558605797 2. F.S.Hill,jr ,Computer graphics using Open GL,Prentice Hall of India,2006,iSBN81203- 2813-2 3. Peter Shirley, et al, Fundaments of Computer Graphics, AK Peters Ltd, 2005, ISBN: 978-1- 56881-269-4. 4. Issac Victor Kerlow, The Art of 3D Computer Animation and Effects, John Wiley,2004, ISBN:0471430366 .
11MT230 SOFTWARE RADIO Credits: 4: 0: 0 Course Objective: 1. To introduce the key concepts of software radio design 2. To cover every issues and techniques that an engineer must understand to successfully utilize DSP in their radio systems and subsystems
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Course Outcome: Students will be able to implement these concepts while designing a software radio and other related project works with DSP concepts. UNIT I Introduction: Need for Software Radio-Characteristics-Benefits-Design Principles-RF Implementation issues: Purpose of RF front end-Dynamic range-RF receiver front-Enhanced flexibility of the RF chain with software radios-Importance of components to overall performance-transmitter architecture and their issues-noise and distortion in RF chainFlexible RF systems with micro electro mechanical systems. UNIT II Multi Rate Signal Processing: Introduction-sample rate conversion principles-poly phase filters-digital filter banks-time recovery in digital receivers. UNIT III Digital Generation of Signals: Direct digital synthesis-approaches to direct digital synthesis analysis of spurious signals-spurious components due to periodic jitter-band pass signal generation-performance of direct digital synthesis systems-hybrid DDS PLL Systemsapplications of direct signal synthesis-generation of random sequences-ROM compression techniques. UNIT IV Analog to Digital and Digital to analog conversion: Parameters of ideal data converters parameters of practical data converters-common ADC and DAC architectures UNIT V Smart antennas: vector channel modeling- benefits of smart antennas-structures of beam forming systems-smart antennas algorithms-diversity and space time adaptive signal processing hardware implementation of smart antennas. Digital Hardware Choices: Key hardware elements-DSP processors-field programmable gate arrays-trade off using DSPs FPGAs and ASICs-Networks-Object oriented programming-Object brokers-mobile application environments. Text Books: 1. Jeffrey H. Reed,Software Radio: A Modern Approach to Radio Engineering, Prentice Hall PTR, 2002. ISBN 0-13-081158-0 Reference Books: 1. Jouko Vankka, Digital Synthesizers and Transmitters for software Radio, Springer Verlag, 2005 2. Dillinger, Madani, Alonistioti.,Software defined radio : architectures, systems, and functions Wiley, 2003,ISBN-13: 9780470851647 3. Bruce Fette,Cognitive Radio Technology,Elsevier Science & Technology Books, 2006. ISBN-13: 9780750679527 4. Burns, Software Defined Radio for 3G, Artech House, 2002. ISBN 1-58053-347-7
11MT231 IP TV AND INTERNET VIDEO Credits: 4: 0: 0 Course Objective: 1. To provide an overview of hardware, software, and Internet technologies.
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2. To introduce key trends and drivers transforming the world of broadcast television and the Web. Course Outcome: Students will know the working of internet protocol and other characteristics like video compression, their bandwidths etc UNIT I Introduction: Internet Protocol-Market for IP Video-Characteristics of IPTV-Internet videoIPTV versus internet video-constructing an IPTV network-constructing an internet video system UNIT II Internet Protocol & video compression: Packet types of IP Networks-IP Addresses-key parts of an IP network-Transport protocols-Multicasting-video compression-groups of pictures-MPEGMicrosoft Windows Media and VC-1-Other compression techniques UNIT III Video Quality& servers: Maintaining video quality and security-video servers-video on demand servers-advertising servers-live streaming servers-encryption and right management. UNIT IV Bandwidth: DSL technologies-DSLAM-Home gateway-multiple televisions-Calculate Bandwidth UNIT V Set top boxes & Internet video technologies: Basic functions-middleware-STB selection issues internet video technologies-types of internet streaming-commercial players-content creation workflows Text Book: 1. Wes &Howard Greenfield, IPTV and Internet Video: New markets in television Broadcasting, Focal Press,2007. ISBN: 0240809548 Reference Books: 1. Howard J. Gunn, The Basics of IPTV, Intl. Engineering Consortium, 2007, ISBN 9781931695589 2. Gerard O'Driscoll, Next Generation IPTV Services and Technologies, WileyInterscience, 2007.ISBN :0470163720 3. Gilbert Held, Understanding IPTV, CRC Press, 2006. ISBN: 0849374154 11MT232 MICROCONTROLLERS AND ITS APPLICATIONS Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: To learn about the basics of PIC Interfacing and ARM Processor. Course Outcome: On successful completion of the subject, students can able to write the assembly language coding for Various application in Linux Environment. UNIT I: Introduction to PIC Microcontroller: Overview of PIC18 MCU Architecture - PIC18 Memory Organization- CPU Registers Pipelining- Instruction Format- Addressing Modes- Instruction Sets.
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UNIT II: PIC Interfacing: PIC Interrupts- Parallel Ports Interfacing with simple output Devices- D/A ConverterTimers- USART- SPI- I2C- A/D converter. UNIT III: ARM Processor Fundamentals: ARM Design philosophy - Embedded System Hardware - Embedded System Software Registers, Program Status Register Pipeline Exceptions Interrupts - and the Vector table - Core Extensions - Architecture revisions - ARM Processor families. UNIT IV: Introduction to the ARM and Thumb Instruction Set: Data processing Instructions - Branch Instructions Load - store instructions Software Interrupt Instruction - Program Status Register Instructions - Loading Constants - ARM V5E Extensions - Conditional Executions. Thumb Register usage - ARM Thumb Interworking - Data Processing Instructions - Single Register Load Store Instructions - Multiple Register Load - Store Instructions Stack Instructions - Software Interrupt Instructions. UNIT V: Exception and Interrupt Handling: Interrupts - Interrupt Handling Schemes - Non-nested Interrupt Handler - Nested Interrupt Handler - Reentrant Interrupt Handler - Prioritized Simple Interrupt Handler Prioritized Standard Interrupt Handler TEXT BOOKS 1. Han-Way Huang, PIC Microcontroller- An Introduction to Software and Hardware Interfacing, First Indian Reprint CENGAGE Learning 2008. 2. Andrew N. Sloss, Dominic Symes & Chris Wright, ARM System Developers Guide Designing and Optimizing System Software, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,2004. REFERENCE BOOK 1. David Seal,ARM Architecture Reference Manual,2nd edition,Addison Wesley Professional,2001. 11MT233 DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: To learn the fundamental concepts of Image processing techniques. Course Outcome: Can develop simple algorithms for image processing. UNIT I Introduction Fundamental steps and applications of digital image processing Elements of visual perception Image sensing and acquisition Image sampling and quantization - Basic relationship between pixels 2D DFT and its properties Computing inverse Fourier transform - Need for padding Convolution and correlation UNIT II Image Enhancement Basic gray level transformations Histogram Equalization and matching Arithmetic and logic operations Spatial averaging Directional smoothing Median filtering Unsharp
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masking Gradient and Laplacian operators - Zooming - Smoothing and sharpening frequency domain filters Homomorphic filtering UNIT III Image Restoration & Color image Processing Image degradation/restoration model Restoration in the presence of noise only spatial filtering Periodic noise reduction by frequency domain filtering - Inverse and Wiener filtering concept Color models Pseudocolor image processing Color transformations Smoothing and sharpening UNIT IV Image Compression Fundamentals Image compression models Elements of information theory Variable length coding LZW coding Bit plane coding Lossless predictive coding Lossy predictive coding Transform coding UNIT V Image Segmentation Detection of discontinuities Edge linking based on local processing and Hough transform Thresholding: local, global, Adaptive and multispectral Region based segmentation TEXT BOOK 1. Rafael C.Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, PHI 2nd edition, 2002 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Anil K.Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall of India, 9th edition, Indian Reprint, 2002 2. William, K.Pratt, Digital Image Processing, John Wiley and Sons, 3rd edition,2002 11MT234 TELEVISION PROGRAMME FORMATS Credits 4:0:0 Course Objective: The objective of this module is to describe the process of producing a programme for television. The production planning and the production techniques are addressed in detail along with the TV broadcasting prerequisites. Course Outcome: The students will understand the programming techniques of making a video film for television and will be able to present it different approved formats that can communicate the message intended, in lucid style & interest. Unit I: Production Planning & Studio Practice Pre Production Planning - Production Planning Tools Post Production Methods - Studio Staff: Talents, Crew & Cast - Shooting Floor - Recording studio - Master Control Room CAR & Server Room - Play out & transmission Room - OB Van Equipments in Video, Audio, Lighting & Power departments - Presenting Programme - Audience preference - TRP rating. Unit II: TV Programme Format Entertainment Segment Telecini Films Drams - Tele serial Comedy Reality Music - Dance shows Soap Operas Game Shows - Commercials.
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Unit III: TV Programme Format Educational & Children Segment Quiz Programme Talent Shows - Documentary - Docudrama Health, Agricultural & Awareness Programme Reality Shows Puppet & Crafts Cartoons. Unit IV: TV Programme Format News & Current affairs Segment Live & Recorded News Interviews News Documentaries Talk Shows - Investigative Candid & Hidden Camera Source. Unit V: TV Programme Format Science & Sports Segment Nature Wild Life Space Scientific Experiments Live Sports Teleshopping Interactive Shows Text Books: 1. The Video Maker Guide to Video Production by the Editors of Video maker Magazine. Focal Press - 4th Edition 2008. Reference Books: 1. Film Production Management by Bastian Cleve Focal Press 3rd Edition 2007 2. Producing Video A complete Guide by Martha Mollison. Allan Unwin publication (Australian Film Television and Radio school) Edition 2007.
11MT235 3D LIGHTING Credits 4:0:0 Course Objective: To make students know all the lighting techniques and options available in Maya. Course Outcome: Students will be able to apply lighting options effectively. UNIT I Introduction to Lighting: Lighting in real world - Lighting equipments - Lighting quality - Lighting direction -Lighting source - Lighting color - Color temperature - Principles of light and shadow -Absorption, reflection, refraction of light. UNIT II Light & Shadow in Maya: Sources of direct light - Default lighting in Maya - Light decay - Light linking - Shadow linking Glows Halos - Lens flair - Shadow in Maya - Depth map and retraced shadows Shadow catching - Creating a Maya light source - Light source attributes. UNIT III Lighting Menus: Show, hide, resize light manipulator - Centre of interest - Pivot point - Cone radius Penumbra radius - Decay regions - Barn doors - Determining a lights area of illuminationLinking light sources to surfaces-Illuminating specific object-Control a spot lights circle boundary UNIT IV Types of Light in Maya Directional light - Ambient light - Area light - Point light - Spot light - Volume light -Light links - Light liking editor - Shadow links - Light attributes editing menus - Optical FX Attributes. UNIT V Mental Ray for Maya Lighting:
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Lighting concepts - Ray tracing concepts - Global illumination Caustics - Final gatheringAmbient occlusion - Mental ray area light-Native light linking in mental ray -Color bleed Photon maps - Photon tracing - High dynamic range imaging HDRI - Image based lighting Sun and sky simulating - Mental ray shadow maps. Text book: Lee Laniel,Advanced Maya Texturing and Lighting,Sybex,2006. Reference Book Jeremy Bion,Digital lighting and Rendering,2nd edition,New Riders Press,2000.
11MT236 3D TEXTURING Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objectives: To understand the texturing for 3d models To identify the difference in application of 2d & 3d textures To learn matching the environment light, colour, and shadow. To understand the ray file options To learn the techniques texturing the background Course Outcome: Students should be equipped with texturing skills so that they may be able to apply the colours and light & shadow. The important component of this programme is to enrich the knowledge of texturing models appropriately. UNIT I Shading and Texturing Surfaces: Shading - Surface Shading - Surface Texture - Render Nodes - Shading networks - Render node attributes - Render node connections. Maya materials: Surface - displacement-Volumetric materials - Layered Shaders - Double sided shaded surface. UNIT II Maya textures: 2D and 3D textures - Procedural textures - File textures-Texture filtering - Texture mapping Mapping methods - Texture placement vs. Label mapping - 2D and 3D texture positioning. Menus: Lighting and shading - Texturing-Hyper shade - Material nodes -Texture node Environment textures - Layered textures. UNIT III Applying colors, shading and textures: Customizing hyper shade - Navigating hyper shade - Hyper shade tabs - Creating nodes Changing default connections - Duplicating nodes - Creating nodes - Deleting nodes -Import and export shading - Adjusting node attributes - Animating node attributes -Working with shader libraries - Assigning shading group - Creating and assigning materials to surfaces Mapping and positing textures - Using layered textures -Converting texture shading to a file texture - Creating texture reference object. UNIT IV Working with Mental Ray Shaders Using custom mental ray for Maya shader - Loading shaders - Editing maya.rayrc file -Using mental ray-Specifying light parameters - Working with phenomenon - Working with custom mental ray text - Assigning text to entities - Mental ray for Maya shaders -Mental ray connections - Custom mental ray text - custom vertex data - Advanced information. UNIT V Shading Backgrounds:
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Backgrounds - Basic color and texture backgrounds - Image file backgrounds - Creating backgrounds - Creating textured backgrounds - Creating, Editing, Positioning image plane Static image file - Animated file - 3D image file - Image planes. Creating reflections: True reflections - Simulated reflections - Reflections on basic shapes Creating fog smoke dust - Volume primitives - Baking illumination and colors - Baking textures and vertices - Baking global illumination - Baking textures and vertices with mental ray - Rendering menu set - Using color utilities, render node utilities, general utilities, switch utilities. Text book: Andrew and Russell Hazelden,Maya Shading Networks,2nd edition,Dover Studios Professional,2006. Reference Book: Art_link,Hard Surface shading and texturing, New Riders Press,2010(e-book)
11MT237 DIGITAL AUDIO Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: To learn the fundamentals of digital audio, their interfaces and error control. Course Outcome: Students will be able to know every details while working in audio digitally with error correcting strategy. Unit I Digital Audio Fundamentals Samplers, Time compression, Channel coding, hard disc recorders, Dither, Pulse code modulation, over sampling A/D converter. Unit II Error Correction and Coding Digital mixing, Sampling rate conversion, Sub-band coding Transform coding, sources of errors, cyclic Redundancy check code, convolution code, Red Solomon codes, error concealment Unit III Digital Audio Interfaces and Tape Recorders Introduction to the AES/EBU Interface, multi channel audio digital interface, Asynchronous operation, Digital audio tape Hardware, Error correction, Interfacing and time code Unit IV Optical Disc Types of optical discs, Focus and tracking systems, CD readout, Channel code of CD and mini disc, Error correction strategy, players structure: DVD video and audio Coding Unit V PC Audio PC Buses and interfaces, sound cards, Digital audio extractions, hard disc recording, PC Audio software applications, Internet audio- computer networks and file transfers. Text Book 1. John Watkinson, An introduction to Digital audio, Focal Press 1994. Reference Books 1. Ken C. Pohlmann, Principles of Digital Audio, McGraw- Hill, 2000. 2. Udo Zolzer, Digital Audio Signal Processing, John Wiley, 1997.
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11MT238 DIGITAL AUDIO EFFECTS Credits: 4: 0:0 Course Objective: To learn the fundamental concepts of Digital audio effects using DSP. Course Outcome: Students will know all the effects, filters used the timing and their implementations. Unit I Review of Digital Signal Processing Fundamentals of Digital signal processing-Digital signals, spectrum analysis of digital signals, Digital systems. Filters- Lowpass, Parametric, AP, LP, BP Filters,FIR Filters, Equalisers,Tme varying Filters Unit II Delay and Modulation Effects Basic delay structures, Delay based audio effects, modulators-Ring,Amplitude,single Side band, Frequency and phase modulators. Demodulators. Typical Applications Unit III Non Linear Processing Introduction, Dynamics processing-Limiter, Compressor and expander, Noise gate, De-esser, Infinite Limiters. Linear Processors-Basics of non linear modeling, Valve simulation, Overdrive, Distortion and fuzz, Harmonic and sub harmonic generations, Exciters and enhancers Unit IV Spatial Effects Introduction, Basic effects, 3D with head phones, 3D with loud speakers, Reverberation, Spatial enhancements, Stereo enhancement, Sound radiation and simulation Unit V Time-Segment and Time Frequency Processing Variable speed reply, time stretching, Pitch shifting, Time shuffling and Granulation, Phase vocoder basics-Filter bank summation model. Phase vocoder implementations Text Book 1. Udo Zolzer,DAFX:Digital Audio Effects, John Wiley Sons, Ltd., 2002. Reference Books 1. Udo Zolzer, Digital Audio Signal Processing, John Wiley sons Ltd, 2008. 2. Ken Cpohlmann, Principles of Digital Audio, McGraw-Hill, 2000. 3. Maina Bosi, Richard E Goldberg, Introduction to Digital Audio Coding and Standards, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003
11MT239 3D ANIMATION LAB Credits: 0:0:2 Course objective: To train the students in the area of 3D Animation and its software application. To make the students understand the process of 3D animation production in studios. The students will be trained the area of character designing and concept designing in 3D animation. Course outcome: Students will be well equipped with all the basic animation concepts practically which helps them in doing character modeling, lighting, texturing and animations.
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List of Experiments: 1. MAYA interface. 2. Polygon modeling 3. NURBS modeling 4. Surface modeling 5. Lighting 6. Shading and Texturing surfaces 7. Dynamics. 8. nCloth 9. Paint Effects 10. Camera Movements 11. Animation in Maya. 12. Rendering 11MT240 MEDIA ECONOMICS Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: To learn the economic policies and practices of media companies and disciples including journalism and the news industry, film production, entertainment programs, print, broadcast, mobile communications, Internet, advertising and public relations. Course Outcome: The students will be well versed with all the economic policies and practices of media companies. Unit I Introduction to Media Economics Macroeconomics and microeconomics, economics of scale, economics of scope, Market structure, Key economics characteristics of the media, Economics of Advertising, Media Economics and Public Policy, economic methodologies, Decision making, demand and supply. Unit II Media and PR Introduction to media: Overview of media/ the media industry in India/ Types of Media/ role of each medium/ advantages and disadvantages of each medium. Role of PR in the success of a product /service. The relationship between marketing and Advertising and PR/ The relationship between sales and PR/ how sales benefits from PR. Unit III Print and Television Media Economic characters of news paper and broadcasting, Ownership Structure, Publicly funded broadcasting, vertical supply chain for television, Impact of new distribution technologies. Television programme production-Economics of programme supply, International trade in audio visual contents. Unit IV New Media Internet and E-commerce, Digitalized media contents, increasing economics of scale and scope interactivity, internet and mobile communication and possibilities; leveraging new media; Understanding value added services; understanding streaming video net and mobile; using SMS. Unit V Media Economics and Public Policy Free market Vs interventions, support measures for media contents, concentrated media ownerships, Monopolies and technological change: Events and sponsorships; overview of
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how events are marketed; certain sponsorship proposals; structuring sponsorship deals, Understanding of common terminology and jargon in media. Text Books 1. Gillian Doyle, Understanding Media Economics, Sage Publications, 2007. Reference Books: 1. C.R.ColinHoskins, Media Economics-Applying Economics New and Traditional Media, Sage, 2003. 2. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall, 2003.
11MT241 APPLICATION OF DSP FOR AUDIO AND IMAGE PROCESSING Credits: 3:1:0 Course Objective: To teach about DSP and its applications in the field of audio and image processing. Students will be well equipped with all the DSP concepts and its applications. Course Outcome: Students will get the basic knowledge of digital signal processing and its application in the field of audio and image processing. Unit I Introduction Roots of DSP, Telecommunications, Audio Processing, Echo Location, Imaging Processing Unit II Audio Processing Sound Quality vs. Data Rate, High Fidelity Audio, Companding Speech Synthesis and Recognition, Nonlinear Audio Processing Unit III Image Formation & Display Linear Image Processing Digital Image Structure, Camera and eye, Television Video Signals Other Image Acquisition and Display, Brightness and Contrast Adjustments, Grayscale Transforms, Warping, Convolution, 33 Edge Modification, Convolution by Separability Unit IV Special Imaging Techniques Example of a Large PSF, Fourier Image Analysis, FFT convolution, Closer Look at Image Convolution, Spatial Resolution Sample Spacing and Sampling Aperture, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, Morphological Image Processing Computed Tomography Unit V Data Compression Data Compression Strategies, Run-Length Encoding, Huffman Encoding, Delta Encoding LZW Compression, JPEG (Transform Compression), MPEG Text Book: 1. John G. Proakis and Dimitris G.Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing, Algorithms and Applications, PHI of India Ltd., New Delhi, 2000. References 1. Openheim and Schafer, Digital Time Signal Processing, Prentice Hall of India, 2002. 2. Emmanuel C. Ifeacher and Barrie W. Jervis, Digital Signal Processing A Practical Approach, Addison Wesley Longman Ltd., UK, 2004.
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11MT242 MEDIA MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: This subject is to equip the students with the management skills improving their personality. To make them know how to plan and implement the concepts in media industry. Course Outcome: This will help the students to know and develop skills and become a successful entrepreneurial in media industry in the future. Unit I Entrepreneurial Competence Entrepreneurship concept Entrepreneurship as a Career Entrepreneur Personality Characteristics of Successful. Entrepreneur Knowledge and Skills Required for an Entrepreneur. Unit II Entrepreneurial Environment Business Environment - Role of Family and Society - Entrepreneurship Development Training and Other Support Organizational Services - Central and State Government Industrial Policies and Regulations - International Business- Screen writing- story board proposal for getting bank loan and identifying various sources to generate money. Unit III Business Plan Preparation Sources of Product for Business Pre-feasibility Study - Criteria for Selection of Product Ownership - Capital - Budgeting Project Profile Preparation - Matching Entrepreneur with the Project - Feasibility Report reparation and Evaluation Criteria. Unit IV Media Industry Print- Starting news paper- magazine- online journal FM Radio- Community Radio Television channels Production house setting the studios Professional photographer Cinematographer Cinema - Preproduction, production, publicity and distribution Unit V Advertising and Animation Advertising agency- idea-concept media planning- identifying the problem- the budget pretesting- target audience- media selection- language-Visual and the copy timing and Duration post testing - effects on sales INS accreditation- .Animation and Graphics, creativity and technical Intellectual Property Rights. Text Books 1.Hisrich, Entrepreneurship, Tata- McGraw Hill, 2001. 2.S.S.Khanka, Entrepreneurial Development, S.Chand and Company Limited, 2001. References 1.P.C.Jain (ed.), Handbook for New Entrepreneurs, EDII, Oxford University Press, 2000. 2.P. Saravanavel, Entrepreneurial Development, Ess Pee Kay Publishing House, 2001.
11MT243 MEDIA LAWS AND ETHICS Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: This will give an overall idea about the Indian constitution .The media laws and ethics followed in newspapers, journals, Broadcasts are highlighted.
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Course Outcome: Students when studies the laws and ethics to be followed in media they will start applying it in their media works and this will make them a successful media professionals in the society. Unit I Overview of Indian Constitution Overview of the Indian Constitution, Fundamental rights, Duties of citizens, Directive principles of state policy, Functions of Executive, Judiciary, Legislative, Powers and Privileges of parliament, Provisions for declaring Emergency, Provision for amending the Constitution, Freedom of the Press and restrictions these upon, Centre-State relations Unit II Media Laws in India PRB Act 1867, The Press (Objectionable matters) Act 1957, The News paper (Prices and Pages) Act 1956, Defense of India Act, Delivery of Books and News paper (Public Libraries) Act, Press Council Act, Cable TV Networks (Regulations) Act, TRAI, BRAI.Cinematographic Act 1952, Drugs and magic remedies Act. Unit III Civil and Criminal Laws Laws of Libel and defamation, Contempt of courts Act 1971 and contempt of Legislative, Copy right Act and IPR, Trade Mark Act and patents Act, Right to information and Official Secrets Act, Right o information Act, Autonomy and Prasar Bharati Act, Broadcasting Bill. Cyber Laws, Digital signature, piracy, Domain name registration issues Unit IV Code and Ethics Recommendations of Press Commission I and II, Mac Bridge Report, Press council guide to Journalistic ethics, Self regulation and code of ethics, censorship and control of the press,, press ownership and monopolies, various committees of broadcasting, Broadcasting policies, Act regarding to working journalists. Unit V Journalistic Ethics Gathering the news, Libel, Invasion of privacy, Defamation, Use of the word alleged Apparent authority, Technology, Telephone recordings, Juveniles as News Sources, Subpoenas and Shield Laws, Access Laws, Definition of Ethics, Effects of Competition Situational Ethics , Case Studies in Ethical Dilemmas Text Books 1. Basu, Law of the Press in India, Practice Hall of India, 2003. 2. Radha Krishna Murthi, Indian Press Laws, Indian Publishers, Distributors, 2001. 3. Philip Patterson, Lee Wilking, Media Ethics, Issues Capes, McGraw Hill, 2004. 4. Clifford G.Christians, Media Ethics, Cases and Moral Reasoning, Pearson, 2006. References 1. Leslie, Mass Communication Ethics, Thomson Learning, 2004. 2. Basu, Introduction to Indian constitution, Practice Hall of India, 2003. 11MT244 MEDIA RESEARCH Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: To make the student know the procedures, elements and the nature of different types of researches in detail. Course Outcome: This will help the students to apply these research methods in their project works and other related works which lies as the starting point of a successful project.
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Unit I Introduction Research Procedures -Elements of research -Research ethics Sampling - Population and sample-Probability and Non probability samples, Nature and scope of communication research, Literature review, Foot notes, End notes, Bibliography Unit II Qualitative and Quantitative research methods Field observations-Focus groups-Intensive Interviews: Quantitative methods- Content analysis - uses- limitations-steps in content analysis-Universe sample-unit of analysis constructing content categories-establishing a quantification system-coding the contentanalyzing the data-interpreting the results .Reliability, Validity. Content analysis in Print and electronic media Unit III Survey Research Descriptive and analytical survey-advantages and disadvantages of survey-constructing questions-Questionnaire design-Question order, Layout, design. Gathering survey data-mail surveys advantages disadvantages -Telephone survey-Personal interviews-mail interviewsInternet surveys-Group administration.-Research in media effects. Unit IV Experimental Research Basic experimental designs-Pretest-posttest control group, Posttest-Only control group, Solomon four group designs, Factorial studies. Quasi experimental designs, Field experiments. Unit V Basic Statistical Procedures Using SPSS Nonparametric statistics - Chi-Square - Goodness of fit: Parametric statistics-the t-testAnalysis of variance-Two-way ANOVA-Correlation-Partial Correlation-Simple linear regression-multiple regression, Factor analysis. Text Book: 1. Roger D Wimmer, Joesph R.Dominick, Mass Media Research, Wardsworth Publishing Company, 2000. Reference Book 1. Ajai S.Gaur, Sanjaya S.Gaur Statistical Methods for Practice and Research, Sage Publications, 2006. 11MT245 AUDIO PROGRAMME PRODUCTION Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: This is to learn about different types of programmes done with audio especially radio programmes. Starting from postproduction till broadcasting is covered. Course Outcome: This will make the students do different varieties of audio programmes on their own starting from writing script to managing the whole production. Unit I Basics of Radio Programming Brief history of broadcasting in India, Characteristics of radio, Assessment and analysis of Target audience; Basics of Radio programming: conception to execution of ideas; Research collection of background materials; Formats and styles in radio production. Inside the studio: Sources, lights, Talk back units, screens, phones, Studio etiquette, Studio fault log, competition log, studio bible and style book
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Unit II Different types of Programmes Microphone talent, talk programmes, News and current affairs programmes, Documentaries and magazine programmes, Educational programmes, Light entertainment programmes, Music programmes, commercials, Seven Ps ,cues and links Unit III Radio Programme Production Basics of programme production, Principles of recording, portable sound recorders, Radio Jingle production; Radio Drama Fiction and drama, drama audition; Discussion programme selection of subjects for discussion; phone-in programme. Radio Feature and Documentary Difference between features and documentary, Day parting; Media Fusion; Planning and scripting for educational radio programme, programme for special audiences Unit IV Script Writing Broadcast styles, Basic rules for radio writing; Conversational writing, visualizing the words, Audio script types of audio scripts; News Concept and definition, elements of news values, news gathering and writing; Interview Art of Interview, types of interviews. Use of effects; Use of background music; advanced radio production techniques using digital technologies. Creating audio special effects Unit V Radio Station Organization and Management On air studio, talk studio, Contribution studio and remote studio, Radio car, out side broadcasting vehicle, Portable telephones, and telephone reports. Programme evaluation and training Autonomy, Prasar Barathi, Commercial broadcasting, Radio Station Organization and Management. Text Books 1. Robert Mc Leish,Radio Production, Focal Press,2005. Reference Book 1. Stewart Peter, Essential Radio Skills, How to Present and Produce a Radio Show, A&C Black Publications, 2006.
11MT246 LIGHTING TECHNIQUES Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: To learn all the lighting techniques in detail including different instruments, accessories, reflectors used and the implementation of it. Course Outcome: This will enable the students to do creative lightings for their production with all the techniques they leant bringing the best output. Unit I Lighting Techniques Lighting Variables: Measuring Light, Intensity Controlling Light Intensity, Light Character Color Temperature, Basic Lighting Triangle: 3-point Lighting, Ratios in the Lighting Triangle, 2-Point Lighting, Other Lighting Objectives Unit II Lighting Instruments and Accessories Spotlights, Accessories for Spot Lights, Fill Lights Spots, Reflectors and PAR Banks as Fills, Fill Light Accessories, Mounts and Connectors for Lighting Equipment, Light Control Consoles, Safety and Efficiency, Artistic or Mood Lighting
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Unit III Ray Tracing Techniques Ray tracing algorithm, backward ray tracing, extending ray tracing algorithm, Real time raytracing, Materials-Plastic, wood, Metals Unit IV Lighting Reflectors Models Rendering equation, Irradiantions and luminance, Lamberts Law, Bidirectional reflectance distributions and functions, Diffuse materials, Specular materials, Diffuse reflection models, Specular and metallic reflections models. Unit V Lighting Implementation Basic lighting maths, Per-vertex warn Lights, per pixel warn lights, Basic set up and diffuse materials, Specular materials, Introduction to spherical harmonic lighting Text Book 1. Kelly Dempski and Emmanuel Viale, Advanced Lighting and Materials with Shaders, Worldware Publishing, 2005. Reference Book 1. Ralph Donald, Riley Maynard and Thomas Spann, Fundamentals of Television Production, Pearson, 2008. 11MT247 GAME PROGRAMMING WITH C++ Credits: 3:1:0 Course Objective: To learn 2D and 3D game programming using c++ programming language in detail. Drawing, painting, development of surfaces, sound ,images ,making scenes are all learnt. Course Outcome: At the end of this course students will be able to develop their own games using c++ programming language. Unit I Game Programming & 2D Games and ClanLibGame Development, Software Abstraction, GraphicsSound and Music, More Middleware, ClanLib, Downloading ClanLibBuilding ClanLib, First ClanLib Application, Games and the Message Loop, Graphics Rendering Unit II ClanLib-Core Classes & ClanLib-Scene Management, 2D Games and Images, Surfaces, Drawing Surfaces, Transformation, XML, Resources, Sprites, Input, Scenes, Scenes and Design, Scene Implementation, Layers, Painting a Layer, Overview -Using Scene Manager Unit III 3D Games, OGRE 3D, Downloading OGRE 3D, Installing OGRE 3D, Compiling the OGRE 3D Samples, Running the OGRE 3D Samples, Creating an OGRE Application Using a Wizard, Creating an OGRE Application Manually, OGRE Log, OGRE, Documentation Unit IV Exploring OGRE 3D, 3D Scenes, Creating 3D Scenes, Scene Node Properties and Methods, Lights, Cameras, Materials and Scripts, Billboards, Particle Systems Frame Listeners, Input Unit V Other Gaming Libraries-Install and Sound, Sound and Music, FMOD, BASS, NSISWindows Installer, Scripting, Open-Source Software, Open Media Formats
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Text Book 1. Alan Thorn, Introduction to Game Programming with C++, Wordware Publishing Inc, 2007. Reference Books 1. Noel Llopis,C++ for Game Programmers, Charles River Media ,2003. 2. David Conger and Ron Little , Creating Games In C++, First Impression,2006.
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ADDITIONAL SUBJECTS Subject Code 11VC201 11VC202 11VC203 11VC204 11VC205 11VC206 11VC207 11VC208 11VC209 11VC210 11VC211 11VC212 11VC213 11VC215 11VC216 11VC217 11VC218 11VC219 11NM301 11NM302 11NM303 11NM304 11NM305 11NM306 11NM307 11NM308 11NM309 11NM310 11NM311 11NM312 11NM313 11NM314 11NM315 11NM316 11NM317 11NM318 11NM319 11NM320 11FT301 11FT302 11FT303
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Name of the Subject Film Studies Production Planning and Management Commercial Broadcasting Radio Programming Television Production E - Content Writing Radio Production Lab Television Production Lab Commercial Production Lab Media Research Corporate Communication Advertising Professional Photography Introduction to Social Psychology Advertising I Web Designing Advertising II Audio Visual Media Visual media and Communication Web Designing Scripting and Audio Video production Multimedia Technologies Introduction to E - Technology Multimedia lab Video Production lab Web designing lab Interactive Multimedia applications Graphics and Animation Media convergence and management Digital video editing in Avid E learning management systems Graphics and Animation lab Avid lab E learning lab Instructional Technology Knowledge Management E Content Writing Media Research Screenplay Writing (Level I) Digital Photography Pre Production Techniques
Credits 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 3:0:0 4:0:0 3:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 0:0:2 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 3:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 0:0:2 4:0:0 4:0:0 3:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 0:0:2 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 1
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Television Studies Elements of Video production Photography lab Pre production technique lab Experimental video/ short video production lab Film appreciation Non linear editing theory E - Commercials Film theory Introduction to Social Psychology Video Commercial lab Video post production lab Advertising lab Study of Film makers Directorial practice Research Methods & Statistics Acting theory Documentary theory Documentary production lab Digital film production lab Film analysis lab 11VC201 FILM STUDIES
4:0:0 4:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 0:0:2 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 0:0:2 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 0:0:2
Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives: To make the learners know about the different genres of films, its types and the methods of digital film production. To enable the students to practice in writing scripts for international films, knowing about great film script writers in India and at international level.
Course Outcomes: After completing this paper the students will be able to discuss the parameter of genre as an aspect of film. They can identify and analyze the key criticism of both genre films and the industry that greets them. Unit I Cinema as an institution- The origin of cinema- Film review- Appreciation- CriticismDefinitions -Qualities of film critic- Responsibilities of a film critic - Film and society- Film and politics- Shaping society- Film as an experience, Environment, Commodity and Communication Media. Unit II
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Approaches to studying film- Narrative and Non Narrative films- Structure of a narrative film Cinematic codes - Mise-en-scene- Setting Props Costume- Performance and movement. Lighting - Camera and Camera movement Editing - Sound Narrative. Unit III Genre, star and auteur - French new wave - Neo Realism - German Expressionism - Third world Cinema -Political Cinema - Representation of gender and sexuality - Soviet montage cinema Unit IV Film audience - Audience positioning - Audience as the meaning makers - Hero worship - Fan clubs - Problematising the film audience. Unit V Study of Great Indian and International filmmakers like Satyajit Ray, Adoor Gopalakrishnan, Akira Kurusowa, Ingmar Bergman and others. Text Book 1. Oxford guide to world cinema, Oxford, London, 2000 Reference Books: 1. Turner, Graeme. Film as social practice, Routledge, London, Fourth edition 2006 2. Monaco, James. How to read a film, Routledge, London, Third edition 2000 11VC202 PRODUCTION PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives: To familiarize the learners in managing the studio production and managing the equipments in meeting the schedules of production management. To learn the application of studio operations, its set up and design. To know the basics of studio management department and crews.
Course Outcome: Students can acquire skills in basic studio set up. The students will be able to study how to manage the studio and project planning for a professional set up. Unit-1 Need for production planning- Elements of Production planning - Pre production and Post production planning - Duties and responsibilities of producer/director - Production Package, Production Designers. Production office - Best laid plans. Unit-2 Planning of Studio operations - Set designing and make up visualization and composition aesthetics-directing the actors - directing the crew planning in career. Costing and budgeting of programme -Commissioned and sponsored programme.
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Unit-3: Planning in career - Planning and Production of indoor and outdoor shootings - Planning and management of live shows - Functions, roles, and skills of media managers in broadcast, cable and corporate facilities, with emphasis on financial management, personnel management, programming, physical systems, and regulations. Unit-4 An overview of management theory - Financing a production - Moving the budget down. Markets and marketing - Digital Asset Management - Rich Media - Streaming management - Repurposing of assets - Storage management and archiving - Rights management - Contracts management - Anti-piracy measures. Unit-5 Project planning - Project Development Life cycle - Sample business plan for a fictional company. Text Book 1. Media Organization and Production, Simon Cottle, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2003 Reference Books: 1. Filmmakers and Financing, Louise Levison, Focal Press, Fourth edition, 2003 2. Raindance Producers Lab: Lo-to-No Budget filmmaking, Elliot Grove, Focal Press, 2004 3. Digital Asset Management, David Austerberry, Focal Press, 2006 11VC203 COMMERCIAL BROADCASTING Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives: The course imparts the techniques and the application of the commercial production in preparing the script, to create a concept for commercial production. To learn about the various scripting formats in producing a commercial. To know the about the advertising strategies, media department and client approach in the media industry. Course Outcomes: The students will be familiar about the production techniques involved in commercial industry. The learners will be able to produce the commercials for television can be done on their own. UNIT I Development of ideas- brief from client, agency interpretation, advertising strategy, creative work- idea/ concept development, popular TV ad formats, script/ story board, client approval, media approval- creative potential of TV. UNIT II
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Pre production- film formats, film stocks, planning of special elements- choosing the production team, crew, cast- sources of casting, importance of casting director. Pre production meeting- the agenda. UNIT III Production of the commercial- set shooting/ location shooting- recording the sound track and creating the special effects - Pre scoring and Post scoring. UNIT IV Editing the commercial- traditional film editing/ non linear editing- finishing the audio elementsconfirming the picture- special effects and animations. UNIT V Economics of commercial production- Budgeting, factors affecting budgeting, problems with inhouse production- finding production companies for bidding specialization of production companies, reviewing the production company cassettes future of TV commercial production. Text Books 1. Kelsey, Gerald. Writing for Television, Unistar, 2004 2. Zettl, Herbert. Television Production Handbook (7th edn.) Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing, 2000. Reference Books 1. Simon, Mark. Storyboards Motion in Action (2nd edn.) Oxford: Focal Press, 2007 2. Wright, Steve. Digital compositing for Film and Video, Oxford; Focal Press, 2001
11VC204 RADIO PROGRAMMING Credits 3:0:0 Course Objectives: To provide an understanding of radio programming and different types of programme formats. To equip the students in knowing about the functioning of a community radio. To impart the programming skills in news gathering and reporting for various radio programmes. Course Outcomes: After learning this paper the students can plan and execute creative radio programme. The learners will also be technically aware of the production tools in radio production industry. Unit 1: History of Radio: ALL INDIA RADIO its growth & reach - Broadcast management Public & Private Radio Stations / Laws & regulations / Community Radio / Audience research Unit II:
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Radio Programming Skills: Writing for Radio News gathering and reporting skills / Other genre of radio progammes Unit III: Radio Presentation Skills: Effective speaking skills announcements news reading / Interview skills / Voice culture Unit IV: Radio Production Techniques: Nature of sound / Sound recording techniques indoor & outdoor / Post-production techniques voice, music and special effect Unit V: Broadcasting Techniques: Equipments / Studio operations / OB operations Workshops on Voice Culture, Recording techniques etc and Radio - Station visits are part of the course module. Evaluation will be based on theoretical knowledge as well as production of radio content. Text Book 1. Mencher. M., Basic News Writing, Sharma Books, 2008 Reference Books 1. Srivatsava, Broadcasting, Vigyan Publication, New Delhi 2. Lesiler &Flat lay, Basic Business communication. Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2004
11VC205 TELEVISION PRODUCTION Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives: The students will be taught to apply the production techniques involved in the television production industry. The students who are technically inclined in television production will be taught the fundamentals of a television workstation. Course Outcomes: The course will enable the learners to produce their own television programme. This paper helps the students understand the process of television production. Unit I Genre of Studio based productions and target audience. TV production- Music shows, dance shows, reality shows, quiz, personality interview, Political discussion, current affairs, election campaign, Election Results & analysis, News Presentation, weather report. Unit-II Genre of Single camera Production- Documentary, Tele film, Experimental video, Outdoor, Soft stories, Teleserials, Crime subjects enacted. Unit-III
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Advantages and Disadvantages of various distribution systems- Terrestrial, cable with & without CAS (set top box), Direct to home, web streaming. IPTV Unit IV Public service TV, Commercial TV, Religious TV, Sports TV, Discovery channel / National Geographic Channel, Cartoon Network etc., Unit V How audience are influenced by TV Programmes and commercials- Children, Youth, women, Political leaders and senior citizen. Text Book 1. An Introduction to Television Studies - Jonathan Bignell -: Routledge, 2004 Reference Books: 1. The Television Studies Book- David Lusted and Christine Geraghty (2009) 2. TELEVISIONS: An Introduction to Television Studies Glen Creeber British Film Institute, 2006 11VC206 E CONTENT WRITING Credits 3:0:0 Course Objectives: To familiarize the basics of online writing techniques To learn the skills required for a multimedia/web writer.
Course Outcomes: The learners will be aware of the styles of writing for different types of documents. The students will gain knowledge about the architecture of multimedia/web content writing. UNIT I Basics of Writing Language Varieties Skills Writing Basics of Content Writing Sub skills for Content Writing Traditional Content Vs E-Content Language Use in ELearning Advantages and Limitations Coherence Cohesion Accuracy Brevity Clarity Style Guides: Microsoft Manual of Style for Technical Publications, American Psychological Association (APA) Format Content Writing: Roles of Content Writer, Subject Matter Experts, Instructional Designer. UNIT II Interactivity and Writing Interactive Multimedia Interactive Writer Interactivity and Control Thinking Interactively Interactive Devices Information and Interactive Architecture Narrative Design Content Expertise and Strategy Writing for Search Engines Technical Skills: Flowcharting Other Organizational Tools. UNIT III Formats Defining Goals Techniques to Achieve Common Goals Audience User Prism - E Rhetorics Writing/Editing Nuts and Bolts Script and Proposal Formatting: Outlines Proposals Storyboards Scripts Final Documents
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UNIT IV Writing Narration Architecture: Linear Linear with Section Branching Hierarchical Branching Parallel/Multiple Path Architecture Dynamically Generated Websites Active and Passive Information Delivery Writing Non-Narrative, Linear Narrative, Interactive Narrative Interactive Narration: Character and Role of the Player Structure and Navigation Exposition UNIT V Case Studies Writing a corporate website Writing a museum kiosk Writing interactive lessons Writing learning content for a simulation Writing classic lessons to a computer game Text Books 1. Writing for the Media, Sunny Thomas, Vision Books Pvt. Ltd., 2000 2. Writing for Multimedia & the Web: A Practical Guide to Content Development for Interactive Media, Timothy Garrand, Elsevier Inc, 2006 Reference Books 1. Developing Online Content: The Principles of Writing and Editing for the Web, Irene Hammerich, Claire Harrison, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2002 2. Effective Writing for E-Learning Environments (Cases on Information Technology), Katy Campbell, Information Science Publishing, 2004
11VC207 RADIO PRODUCTION LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objectives: To train the students in gaining knowledge on various formats of radio programme production. To impart technical knowledge in broadcasting various radio programmes. Course Outcomes: Students will be able to produce radio programmes on their own. List of Exercises: 1. Produce radio programmes for News Interview 2. Script writing for radio programmes Standard Script forms 3. Writing for Radio Style grammar format writing tools, creative writing & editing 4. Sound recording Editing Sound effects 5. Style of radio announcements Compeering Narration Voice Modulation 6. Methods of Interviews, Location of recording, Music recording, Magazines, Remote broadcast.
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7. News reading and presentation methods, pronunciation, vocals stressing, Inflection, quotation marks, Errors and emergencies. 8. Making commercials and discussion programmes. 9. Produce a radio programme for a radio documentary 10. Produce a radio programme for a radio drama. 11. Produce a radio programme for a radio group discussion 12. Produce a radio programme for music talk. 11VC208 TELEVISION PRODUCTION LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objectives: To train the students in gaining knowledge on various formats of television production. To impart technical knowledge in broadcasting various television programmes. Course Outcomes: Students will be able to produce various television programmes on their own. List of Exercises Topic/theme based programme will be based on producing 1. Current affairs type programme 2. Drama Practical (simple drama exercise) 3. Mime type programme and Studio Live (a live studio exercise) 4. Interviewing 5. Shoot a 5 min to 25 min duration Tele Play 6. Shoot a 5 min to 25 min duration Song Picturization 7. Shoot a 5 min to 25 min duration TV Documentary. 8. Shoot a 5 min to 25 min duration a Quiz programme. 9. Shoot video on any genre including Animation 10. Shoot video on a testimonial television commercial 11. Produce and shoot a television talk show programme 12. Produce and shoot a television live show.
11VC209 COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objectives: To make the learners train in various types of commercial production. To impart the students in making them know about the production techniques of both radio and television commercials. Course Outcomes: It enhances the students to produce various types of commercials on their own. List of Exercises: 1. Produce a Radio commercial
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2. Produce a Radio jingle 3. Produce a signature tune for a radio programme 4. Record a celebrity endorsement commercial for a product 5. Produce a TV commercial 6. Produce a script and story board for a TV commercial 7. Produce a Public service TV advertisement 8. Produce a live product demo for a commercial 9. Produce a TV commercial with animation effects 10. Produce a Television news bulletin. 11. Produce a commercial for an emotional appeal ad. 12. Produce a commercial for a rational appeal ad
11VC210 MEDIA RESEARCH Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives: To understand research methods and statistical tools in media field. To understand the principles of evaluation, research and statistics and computer application. To prepare model research proposals for research studies and report writing.
Course Outcomes: After learning this paper the learners will be able to know the research methods and statistics applied in media industry. The students will also be able to initiate new media research proposals in their respective field. Unit I Introduction to research nature of scope and distinction between research in natural and social sciences nature and scope of communication research review of research related to effects research limitations of effects research basic parameters of media related studies. Unit II Designing a research study the problems and the method preparing a research proposal sources of research primary and secondary etc. Unit III Types of research design Exploratory studies descriptive studies diagnostic studies experimental studies their relevance and use in communication research. Unit IV Methods of data collection field studies Holistic approach observation Interviews Questionnaires structured and unstructured schedules sampling content analysis approach, method and use techniques basic data analysis techniques.
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Unit V Writing a research project organization chapterization citation footnotes. Text Book 1. Research Methodology Kothari, (2008) New Age Publication Reference Texts: 1. Research Methods in Mass Communication by Stempell and Westley Prentice Hall, 1989 2. Communication Theories: Origins, Methods and Uses by Severin and Tankard, Hastings House Publishers, 1999 3. Mass Media Research An Introduction by Roger Wimmer and Joseph Dominick, Wadsworth Pub., 2006.
11VC211 CORPORATE COMMUNICATION Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives To understand the elements of workplace communication. To enable the students to learn the basic communication skills in the usage of communication technology in the modern workplace. Course Outcome: It enhances the learners to maintain good work team communication. It also helps them to plan and execute the business documentation used in corporate culture. Unit I Communication basics Business Communication components Types formal communication network Work team communication variables goal conflict resolution non verbal communication Cross cultural communication Business meetings Business Etiquette. Unit II Understanding Corporate Communication Employee Communication Managing Government Relations Writing for Media and Media Relations Unit III Corporate communication in brand promotion Financial communication Crisis communication. Unit IV Report writing: Characterizing & business reports Types and forms & reports Project proposals collection of data tables constitution charts writing the report documenting the sources proof reading. Unit V
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Business Presentation: Written and oral presentation work team presentation Delivering the business presentation visual aids Slides electronic presentation Hand-outs Delivering the presentation career planning preparing Resume job applications preparation for a job interview employment interviews follow-up. Text Book A guide to Corporate communication, A guide to theory and practice, second edition , (2008) Reference Book Scot Ober, Contemporary business communication, Fifth edition, biztantra, 2007 Excellence in Business Communication, 8th edition, 2008
11VC212 ADVERTISING Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives: To enhance the learners in making them to learn the types and different phases of advertising. To make the learners in developing creative campaigning strategies for ads. Course Outcome: The learners will b able to know the different types of advertisement campaigns. The students will also be able to promote various advertising and marketing strategies with respect to various media industry. UNIT I Advertisers Leading National and International Clients Advertising campaigns other promotional campaigns Advertising and PR Department of the clients Role, responsibilities and functions of Advertising and PR managers planning and execution coordination with advertising and agency. UNIT II Advertising departments in Media: Print and Electronic media Advertising policy and regulations of newspapers, radio stations and TV channels tariff space and time allocation schedule preparation - agency relations client relations coordination with other departments advertising revenue generation UNIT-III Media for Advertising: Newspapers and Magazines Characteristics, reach and ad. exposure Cost ; Radio advertising jingles spots production cost reach and effectiveness - tariff; TV advertising: effectiveness reach- products and advertisers on TV channel competition tariff production cost creativity; cost- effectiveness in advertising. UNIT IV Rural Advertising: Rural market characteristics growth penetration of brands brand competition media and rural market nature of products and services for rural markets media
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planning use of outdoor media successful rural advertising and marketing campaigns Rural advertising agencies- economics of rural advertising. UNIT-V Multinational Brands Multinational Advertising Agencies Indian Agencies with Foreign Agencies Multinational campaign strategies and cost considerations creativity and content in International advertisements cultural differences and global advertising campaigns implications regulations. Text Book 1. Fundamentals of Advertising, Otto Kleppner, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2000. Reference Book 1. The Practice of Advertising Norman Hart, Heinemann Pub. London, 2000 2. Advertising worldwide Marieke de Mooij, Prentice Hall, UK, 2000 3. Advertising Management concepts and cases M. Mohan, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2008 11VC213 PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives: To learn the applications and thrust areas in digital photography To understand the digital studio set up and commercial projects undergone in photography industry. To introduce the students to the profession of digital photography. Course Outcomes: The learners will acquire the basic photography skills and techniques adopted in the industry. The students will come to know about the various types and recent trends in the photographic industry. Unit 1 The equipments cameras, lenses, light meters, filters, flashes and accessories, Understanding exposure and lighting techniques indoor and outdoor, Black & white and colour photography films, chemicals, processing and printing. Unit 2 Still life, Close-up, macro and microphotography, Special effects Techniques and Manipulation of images, Photomicrography - study by magnification, close-up lenses and devices. Unit 3 Photography as a mirror of reality and symbol - realism, surrealism and expressionism, Photo essay and documentary - expression of idea and emotion, Photo feature, editorial reportage, people and events, action and sports, Thematic presentation of nature, landscape, architecture, city life and people.
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Unit 4 Advertising - visualizing - copy and illustrations - use of drawing and photographs, Consumer and industrial products - sets props, casting, studio, indoors and outdoors locations, Fashion Photography - studio and location, editorial, advertising, beauty and portrait. Unit 5 Video Photography - compact camcorder techniques, scoreboard, production for advertising. Digital Photography- Digital Camera functions and techniques, computer aided applications and creativity. Text Book 1. Michael Langford, Basic Photography, Focal Press, London, 2007 Reference Book 1. Mastering Digital Photography and Imaging, Peter K Burian - 2004 2. Mitchell Bearley, John Hedgeeses New Introductory Photography Course, Reed consumer Books Ltd, London, 2008
11VC215 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives: To identify the mob and group behavior of media audience. To learn the applications of psychological principles applied for different mass media. Course Outcomes: The students will be able to understand the target media audience psychology. It enhances the students to maintain the relationship in workplace environment. UNIT I: The Nature and Scope of Social Psychology. - The Methods of Social Psychology- The Development of Social Psychology: Early Beginnings the Contributions of Sociologists and Psychologists : Comte; Le Bon; Durkheim; Cooley; G h Mead; Mc Doughall; UNIT II: Specialization : Social Learning Process - Socialization and Motivation; dependency; Aggression; Need Achievement; affiliation; etc - Social Factors in perception - Society and Personality. UNIT III: Attitudes and Opinions The Nature and Dimensions of Attitudes - The Formation and Change of Attitudes - Communication and Persuasion - Public opinion Nature, measurement, formation and change - Role of Mass communication in Public Opinion Formation and change. UNIT IV:
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Groups and group Processes; Nature and Types of groups- Conditions Conclusive to Development of Groups; group Dynamics - Group norms and conformity; Social Facilitation Group structure and group performance - Cooperation and competition. UNIT V: Mass Psychology - Audiences and Collective Behaviour - Classification of Collective masses Casual Audiences - Intentional Audiences and Audiences and Mass Media. - Collective Behaviour the mobs and the different kinds of Mobs - The Psychology of Mass Movements. Text Book 1. Introduction to Mass communication Keval J.Kumar, 2005, Jaico Publishers Reference Books 1. Mc David and Harris ; An Introduction to Social Psychology . Harper & Row, 2000 2. Handbook of Social Psychology - John D DeLamater 2003, Springer Pub. 3. Applied social psychology, Frank V. Schneider, Jamie Gruman, Sage publications, 2005
11VC216 ADVERTISING I Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives To enhance the learners in making them to learn the advertising promotions. To make the learners in developing creative campaigning strategies for ads. Course Outcome: The learners can produce their own advertisement campaigns The students will be able to promote various advertising and marketing strategies with respect to various media industry. UNIT-I Advertising and its role in the market place, advertising industry in India advertising as a process of communication - Social effects of advertising. UNIT II Types of advertising : consumer, corporate, industrial, retail, cooperative and Public service advertising.- tone and content; reading the advertisement - review with current ad campaigns. UNIT III Advertising agency: Structure and functions; Leading agencies in India- Diversification and competition full service agencies multinational clients challenges and opportunities.
UNIT IV Advertising campaign: objectives, creative strategy: message, appeals, target market, level of response, Media planning, advertising budget, pre testing and post testing. UNIT-V
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Professional ethics in advertising- cases of ethical violations -Advertising Standards Council Social and cultural issues Global regulations and Future trend. Text Books Fundamentals of Advertising, Otto Kleppner, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2000. Reference Books 1. Gupta, Sen, Brand Positioning; Tata McGraw Hill; New Delhi, 2003 2. Hart, Norman; The practice of advertising; Heinemann Pub.; London, 2002 3. Chunnawalla and K.C. Sethia ; Foundations of Advertising: Theory and practice (1997)
11VC217 WEB DESIGNING Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives: To understand and use HTML tags for designing web pages. To learn Dreamweaver and its features to design web pages. To learn Javascript to develop dynamic pages.
Course Outcome: The students will be able to design their own web page using basics of HTML UNIT I HTML Anatomy of HTML file Lists Nested Lists Font Anchor Image Sound Colors Horizontal rules Borders Alignment mail to Preformatted text Title, Base, HREF, Meta tags Transition effects Visual Filters UNIT II Programming Principles Table: Table Alignment Cell Alignment Colors Adding Images Frame: Multiple frames Inline frames Form: Label Text Text Areas Password Input Buttons (Button, submit, reset) Checkbox Radio Button List Box Hidden Input in Forms UNIT III Designing Core Pages in Dreamweaver HTML Editors Features of Dreamweaver Accessing the Code Building Style Sheets Working with Text Inserting Images Establishing Web Links UNIT IV Advanced Design Features in Dreamweaver Working with Div and Layer Using Behaviors Setting Tables Interactive Forms Creating Lists Using Frames and Framesets Using Templates Using Library Elements UNIT V Javascript Introduction keywords Data types Variables Operators Comments Arrays Expressions Control Structures Functions (calling a function, returning values, integrating function & HTML) Text Book
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1. Internet & World Wide Web How to program, 3rd Ed., H.M. Deitel, P.J. Deitel, et al., Prentice Hall, 2003 Reference Books 1. HTML 4.0 Sourcebook, Ian S. Graham, Wiley Publications, 2000 2. Web Design with HTML/Flash/Javascript & Ecommerce BIBLE, David Crowder and Rhona Crowder, Wiley DreamTech India Pvt. Ltd , 2002
11VC218 ADVERTISING II Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives To enhance the learners in making them to learn the contribution of advertisements. To make the learners in developing creative campaigning strategies for ads. Course Outcome: The learners can produce their own advertisement campaigns The students will be able to promote various advertising and marketing strategies with respect to various media industry. UNIT I Advertisers Leading National and International Clients Ad Spend Advertising campaigns other promotional campaigns Advertising and PR Department of the clients Role, responsibilities and functions of Advertising and PR managers planning and execution coordination with advertising and marketing agencies. UNIT II Advertising departments in Media: Print and Electronic media Advertising policy and regulations of newspapers, radio stations and TV channels tariff space and time allocation schedule preparation - agency relations client relations coordination with departments advertising revenue generation ad. executives/representatives. UNIT-III Media for Advertising: Newspapers and Magazines Characteristics, reach and ad.exposure Products and advertisers of Print media Cost ; Radio advertising jingles spots production cost reach and effectiveness radio audience tariff; TV advertising: effectiveness reachproducts and advertisers on TV channel competition tariff production cost creativity; Out-door media characteristics cost- effectiveness in advertising. UNIT IV Rural Advertising: Rural market characteristics growth penetration of brands brand competition media and rural market nature of products and services for rural markets media planning use of outdoor media successful rural advertising and marketing campaigns Rural advertising agencies- economics of rural advertising. UNIT-V
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Multinational Brands Multinational Advertising Agencies Indian Agencies with Foreign Agencies Multinational campaign strategies and cost considerations creativity and content in International advertisements cultural differences and global advertising campaigns implications regulations. Text Book Advertising worldwide (2nd Edn). Marieke de Mooij, Prentice Hall, UK., 2002 Reference Books 1. Fundamentals of Advertising, Otto Kleppner, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2008 2. The Practice of Advertising 3rd Fdn. Norman Hart, Heinemann Pub. London. (1995) 3. Successful advertising research methods Haskins & Kendrick, NTC Busin, 2008
11VC219 AUDIO VISUAL MEDIA Credits 4:0:0 Course objectives: To make the learners know about the development of radio and television broadcasting To make them aware of the types of programmes targeted to the different type of audience segmentation Course Outcome: This paper explores on the current audio visual trends which enhances the students to know about the basics of radio and television broadcasting. Unit 1 Development of Radio Broadcasting in India Ownership Control Autonomy for Radio Types of Radio services- Radio as a source of News Broadcast News Value Radio Language News Bulletin News Source for Radio Reporters, Editors and Agencies External News Services Interviews Features Writing for Radio. Unit 2 Special Audience Programmes Rural and Farm Broadcasting Educational Programmes Programmes for Children, Women and Youth. Women Welfare Children Welfare Health and Family Planning Rural Development Urban problems Unit 3 Cinema and Society Influence over Society- Effects Cinema as Main Source of Entertainment Powerful Media to Spread Message Cinema for Political supremacy. Film Censor Film Censor Enquiry Committee Documentary Film Newsreels National and International Film Festivals Film Awards Future of Indian Cinema. Unit 4 Development of Television in India News Programmes: a) News cast b) News Review Formats of TV Programmes Documentary Special Features Interviews. TV as a powerful Audio Visual Media Commercial and Sponsored Programme Educational Service (ETV) Satellite Instructional Television Experiment (SITE) Role of TV in Social Changes Cultural Exchanges Economic Uplift Advertisement in TV Specialist causes and consequences
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TV News and Agencies. Unit 5 Governments policy on AIR to inform, educate, entertain and elevate a common man Government Control over AIR in functioning Competition among the Audio-Visual Media Development of Videography Cable TV. Audio-Visual Media in Developing Countries Future of Audio-Visual Media in India Research in Audio-Visual Media Implications of Press Media over Audio-Visual Media. Text Book 1. Kumar, Keval J, Mass Communication in India, Jaico Publishing House, Bombay, Delhi, Bangalore, Calcutta, Madras, 2005 Reference Books 1. Mehra Massani, Broadcasting and the People, National Book Trust, New Delhi, 2000 3. Luthra, H.R, Indian Broadcasting, Publications Division, New Delhi 1986
11NM301 VISUAL MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION Credits 3:0:0 Course Objectives To know about the different types of communication applied in media. To know about the elements of visuals and basics of photography and fine art. To know about the application point of view of new media technologies. Course Outcomes: This paper makes the learners to know about the basics of communication, its application and development. Unit-I Evolution of Human Communication. Definition, history and background of communication. Functions and objects of communication. Kinds of mass communication. Elements of communication. Barriers to communication. Mass media and functions of mass media. Listening. Group dynamics. Educational Media. Traditional media. Fine arts, theatre arts. Introduction to Media, culture and society. Unit-II Visual Elements. Visual culture. Visual Pleasure and Visual Disruption. Reading Pictures. Vocabulary of color. Drawings. Portraits. Landscapes. Photo-features. Photographs and their communication. Visual thinking and Designing of Visual media. Illustration- Conceptual approach. Qualities of a good illustration. Illustration problems. Illustration techniques. Types of illustrations. Unit-III Evolution of Visual communication. Art Direction. Applications of visual communications in commercial contexts. Kinds of films and their impact on society. Films divisions. Role of NGOs. Panorama of twentieth century cinema. History of Films in India.
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Unit-IV History of Television. Technology Evolution. Television transmission. TV picture resolution. Component and Composite Video. Ku- band, c-band, S- band and telecast channels. TV reception methods. Receiver plans and devices. Remote control systems. Global and National TV viewers. Growth of TV in India. Unit-V Modern methods of Visual Communication including mobile systems, cell phones. Digital Television-Transmission and Reception. Cable Television. Role of reach by visual media communications. Imax and 3D movies. Awards and recognition for visual media Text Books 1. Theories of Mass Communication, Melvin D. Flour and Evelette Dennis, 2000 2. Film production, Steven Bernstein, Focal Press, 2004. Reference Books: 1. Media and Communication management-C.S.Raghu, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, 2006 2. Mass media and Communication Theory, Ved Prakash Gandhi, Vol-3., Kanishka Publications, New Delhi-2000. 3. TV Journalism, K.M.Srivastava, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004 4. Media Education, Communication and Public Policy, K.S.Kumar, Himalay Publishing House,New Delhi, 1995 5. Visual methodologies, Gillian Rose, Sage publications, 2001
11NM302 WEB DESIGNING Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives To know the basics of networks and the network devices. To understand and use basic HTML tags for designing web pages. To know the design of table, frame and form using HTML tags. Course Outcomes: It makes the students to know about the basic and advanced features of Dreamweaver in order to design web. UNIT I Introduction to Networks Computer networks: LAN, WAN, MAN, Internet, Intranet, Extranet Client-Server Networks History of Internet DNS ISP Internet Connections Network Devices: Cables, Hubs, Repeaters, Bridges, Routers, Gateways, Modems FTP UNIT II HTML Anatomy of HTML file Lists Nested Lists Font Anchor Image Sound Colors Horizontal rules Borders Alignment mail to Preformatted text Title, Base, HREF, Meta tags Transition effects Visual Filters
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UNIT III Programming Principles Table: Table Alignment Cell Alignment Colors Adding Images Frame: Multiple frames Inline frames Form: Label Text Text Areas Password Input Buttons (Button, submit, reset) Checkbox Radio Button List Box Hidden Input in Forms UNIT IV Designing Core Pages in Dreamweaver HTML Editors Features of Dreamweaver Accessing the Code Building Style Sheets Working with Text Inserting Images Establishing Web Links UNIT V Advanced Design Features in Dreamweaver Working with Div and Layer Using Behaviors Setting Tables Interactive Forms Creating Lists Using Frames and Framesets Using Templates Using Library Elements. Text Books 1. Internet & World Wide Web How to program, 3rd Ed., H.M. Deitel, P.J. Deitel, et al., Prentice Hall, 2003 2. Dreamweaver 8 Bible, Joseph W. Lowrey, Wiley Publication, 2006 Reference Books 1. Dreamweaver MX: The Complete Reference, Ray West, Tom Muck, Mc Graw Hill Publications, 2002 2. The HTML, Web development Sourcebook by Ian Graham, Wiley publications, 2000 3. Web design with HTML/Flash? Javascript &E Comm. Bible, David Crowder, 2000 11NM303 SCRIPTWRITING AND AUDIO-VIDEO PRODUCTION Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives To know the types of scripts and know-how of audio and video scripting. To familiarize the equipments used in audio and video production. To understand the procedures to follow in producing audio and video programs. Course outcomes: The learners will be able to develop scripts of various formats. They will also be able to apply and correlate this with the audio and video production. Unit I Introduction to Production and Script Writing - Phases of Production: Preproduction Production Postproduction Audio Vs Video Scripts Visual Writing Role of Scriptwriter Script Format: Master Scene, Dual-Column Concepts, Formats and Types of Storyboard Stages of Script Development Creative Concept Development Copywriting Vs Scriptwriting Script for Fiction and Non-Fiction Types of Documentaries Writing Commentaries Writing for Long-Form Scripts Script for Training and Educational Video: Show and Tell Job and Task Description Dramatization Instructional Video How-to-do Videos Unit II
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Basics of Audio-Video Production- Types of Audio & Video Studio Control Room Studio Maintenance Stage Set: Props, Dressing - History of Audio & Video Recording Audio Formats Audio Tape Formats Video Formats Video Tape Formats Digital Audio & Video Roles of Video Production Team Roles of Audio Production Team Unit III Audio Systems and Production - Types of Sound Types of Recording Recording Systems Microphones Cables and Connectors Monitoring Equipments Mixing Equipments Remote - Audio Production Equipments MIDI Acoustics Unit IV Video Systems and Production - Types of Camera Parts of Camera Mounting Equipments Lenses: Types, Optical Characteristics Filters Camera Operation Techniques Color Balancing Camera Movements Multiple Camera Production Types of Shots Working the Camera: Dos & Donts Unit V Lighting in Video Production - Types of Lighting Types of Lamps Studio Lighting Instruments Field - Lighting Instruments Lighting Control Equipments Quality of Light Color Temperature Light Intensity Light Balancing Lighting Techniques ENG/EFP Lighting- Legal and Ethical Issues of Production. Text Books 1. Writing For Visual Media, Second Edition, Anthony Friedmann, Focal Press, 2006 2. TV Production Modules, Reference Books 1. Television Production Handbook, Eighth Edition, Herbert Zettl, Thomson Wadsworth Publication, 2007 2. Practical Recording Techniques, Fourth Edition, Bruce Bartlett, Jenny Bartlett, Elsevier Publication, 2005 3. Video Camera Techniques, Gerald Millerson, Focal Press, 2000
11NM304 MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGIES Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives To know the design issues of multimedia in communication networks. To learn the graphics, audio and video file formats and various devices used for multimedia storage. Course Outcomes: It makes them to understand the interfaces and its importance towards the design and use of multimedia elements. It also helps them to involve their concept in relation to the applications of virtual reality. Unit I: Introduction
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Introduction to Multimedia and Hypermedia History of Multimedia Applications and Challenges Multimedia and learning Communication Network and Multimedia: Bandwidth, Session Management, Security, Support for Mobility and Traffic Unit II: Formats Raster Graphics Vector Graphics Image File Formats: Windows Formats, Macintosh Formats, Cross Platform Formats Audio & Video File formats Audio & Video Streaming Formats Graphics and Animation for Web Web File Formats CODEC: Lossy Vs Lossless, Compression Techniques Unit III: Interfaces Multimedia Search: Text, Speech, Audio, Image and Video Based Indexing API: Open GL, Direct X, Direct3D Interfaces: Parallel, Serial, IDE/ATA, SATA, SCSI, USB, Firewire, PCI, AGP, PCI Express Graphics Cards TV Tuners Unit IV: Storages Multimedia Servers Removal Storage: Floppy, ZIP, Jazz, Flash Drive, iPod, Removal HDD Optical Storage: Characteristics of CDs & DVDs CD Formats DVD Formats Replication and Duplication Process Blu-ray Discs Unit V Virtual Reality Definition Applications Real-Time Computer Graphics Animation and Virtual Reality Input Devices Output Devices Immersive Vs Non- Immersive Physical Simulation The Future Text Books 1. Strategies of Multimedia Communication, Girish Saxena, Vista International Publishing House, 2005 2. Multimedia: Making it Work, Seventh Edition, Tay Vaughan, McGraw Hill Osborne Media, 2006 Reference Books 1. Encyclopedia of Graphic File Formats, James D. Murray, William Vanryper, OReilly Publication, 2004 2. Virtual Reality Systems, John Vince, Addison Wesley Longman, 2000 3. Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats, Second Edition by James ... Watkinson, (2004). 11NM305 INTRODUCTION TO E- TECHNOLOGY Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives: To understand the basic concepts of e-learning. To understand the technology mediated communication in e-learning. Course Outcomes: To learn the services that manage e-learning environment. To know the teaching and learning processes in e-learning environment.
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Unit I Introduction Evolution of Education Generations of Distance Educational Technology Role of E-Learning Components of e-learning: CBT, WBT, Virtual Classroom Barriers to e-Learning Roles and Responsibilities: Subject Matter Expert Instructional Designer Graphic Designer Multimedia Author Programmer System Administrator Web Master Unit II Technologies Satellite Broadcasting Interactive Television Call Centers Whiteboard Environment Teleconferencing: Audio Conferencing Video Conferencing Computer Conferencing Internet: E-mail, Instant Messaging, Chat, Discussion Forums, Bulletin Boards, Voice Mail, File Sharing, Streaming Audio and Video Unit III Management Content: E-Content, Dynamic Content, Trends Technology: Authoring, Delivery, Collaboration Services: Expert Service, Information Search Service, Knowledge Creation Service Learning Objects and E-Learning Standards Process of E-Learning: Knowledge acquisition and creation, Sharing of knowledge, Utilization of knowledge Knowledge Management in E-Learning Unit IV Teaching-Learning Process Interactions: Teacher-Student Student-Student Student-Content Teacher-Content Teacher-Teacher Content-Content Role of Teachers in E-Learning Blended Learning Cooperative Learning Collaborative Learning Multi Channel learning Virtual University Virtual Library Unit V Development Issues Assessment in E-Learning Quality in E-Learning Tools for Development Costs for Developing and Using E-Learning Environments Challenges and Careers Future of eLearning Text Books 1. E-Learning: An Expression of the Knowledge Economy, Gaurav Chadha, S.M. Nafay Kumail, Tata McGraw-Hill Publication, 2002 2. Michael Allen's Guide to E-Learning, Michael W. Allen, Michael Allen, Wiley Publication, 2002. Reference Books 1. E-Learning: New Trends and Innovations, P.P. Singh, Sandhir Sharma, Deep & Deep Publications, 2006 2. E learning standards: A Guide to Purchasing, Developing and Deploying Standards Conformant E learning, Carol Fallon, Sharon Brown, CRC Press, 2002
11NM306 MULTIMEDIA LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objectives: To create e-page, power point presentations and desktop publishing.
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It imparts the techniques the multimedia so that the students will come across to produce an appropriate design.
Course Outcome: The students will be aware of various designing process in multimedia production. LIST OF LAB WORKS 1. E-PAGE with visual aid 2. Preproduction & Presentation Graphics: Create a 5 slide presentation in your favorite presentation graphics application. (PowerPoint) 3. Typefaces and Graphics: Create 1 vector and 1 bitmap graphic 4. Desktop Publishing: Create a 2-page desktop-published "newsletter," Submit a PDF copy 5. Desktop Publishing: Create a 2-page desktop-published "newsletter," Submit a PDF copy. 6. Production Planning and Design: Create a proposal for your final project. Include summary, flowchart, element and resource lists. Submit a PDF copy. 7. User Interface Design & Graphics II: Create a user interface. Include 2 backgrounds and 1 button set. Aim for a cohesive look. 8. Multimedia Sound: Create 2 soundtracks and 2 EFX sounds 9. Video Production: Prepare storyboard and shoot a short video production 10.Digital Video: Use video capture to digitize your video shoot to another video source to create short production (20-30 seconds) 11. Create three basic Web pages using Dreamweaver 12.Audio Production: Prepare an audio package and shoot an audio production
11NM307VIDEO PRODUCTION LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objective To introduce students to the profession of producing programme for TV. Making of these television programs in two or single camera set-up is real hand on experience for the student in the TV Program process. Course Outcome: They learn all the technical details that is related in making of a program in production stage and post production stages for TV. Types of TV Programme 1. Indoor Single Camera set-up Interview 2. Outdoor Single Camera set-up Interview 3. Educational Shows- Two Camera Set -up 4. Drama 5. PSA 6. Game Shows 7. Anchor, News Reader. Grammar of Out-door Production. 8. Writing the screenplay, prepare the storyboard and cue sheet etc.
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9. Breaking down the scripts develop a plot 10. Formulate a script and coin a concept and do the research on any particular theme. 11. Using a particular concept bring out the grammar of editing visual and sound track. 12. Making the choice of the crew, Teamwork and work ethics. Equipments and location the shooting, contracts, some legal issues in production. 11NM308 WEB DESIGNING LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objectives To apply the skills learned to develop web pages using HTML tags. To make the learners know the basics of HTML helps and guides the student how to create a web page on own with sources code without the help of the other automatic softwares. Course Outcomes: It helps the learners to learn the basics, so that it can be really helpful in their other course related to web in the advance stages like VB, JAVA, etc List of Exercises 1. Developing a webpage using basic HTML tags and hyperlinks. 2. Creating web pages with transition and visual effects. 3. Creating a webpage which contains a set of images (minimum 10) in same size inserted in table. 4. Developing a webpage using TABLE tag to display class timetable. 5. Developing and integrating at least 4 instructional web pages using FRAMES and suitable hyperlinks. 6. Constructing a webpage using FORM tag to enter student bio-data. 7. Create a webpage for social awareness 8. Create a webpage for with visual effects 9. Create a webpage using basic hyperlinks 10. Create a website for banner ads 11. Design an academic website 12. Design a website using HTML, CSS.
11NM309 INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives: To know the basics of multimedia and tools used to develop multimedia. To understand the project management and responsibilities of team members. Course Outcomes:
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They will learn the phases of instructional designing and interactivity in designing. They will also learn the proper use of media technological environment. To know the process involved in delivering multimedia products.
Unit I Introduction to Multimedia Benefits of Multimedia in Instruction Media and Motivation Issues - Surrounding Multimedia Multimedia Hardware: Platforms Peripherals - Creation Tools: Painting and Drawing Tools Image Editing Tools 3-D - Modeling and Animation Tools Audio and Video Editing Tools Authoring Tools: Card and Page Based Tools Icon Based Tools Time Based Tools Cross-Platform Authoring Evaluating Authoring Tools. Unit II Project Management and Instructional Design Project Management Issues Roles of Project Managers, Instructional -Designers, SubjectMatter Experts, Content Writers, Programmers, Media - Producers Instructional Development Phases: Analysis & Planning Design Development Implementation Evaluation & Revision. Unit III Media Text: Guidelines for Creating Text Spacing Justification Fonts Variable - Spacing Scrolling Scrolling Display Speed Screen Focus Points Hypertext and Hypermedia Images: Images and Learning Displaying Images Appearance Costs Digitization Animation: Animations and Learning Displaying Animations Costs Audio: Audio and Learning Scriptwriting Guidelines Speech Sounds Music Audio Quality MIDI Digitization -Video: Video and Learning Strengths of Video Difficulties with Professional Quality Video. Unit IV Designing Interactivity Interactivity: Definition Purpose Process of Interactive Design Information Design: Product Definition Audience and Environment Development Choices Organizing Information Information Flowchart Interaction Design: Orientation Image Maps and Metaphors Navigation Usability Functionality Storyboard Presentation Design: Tasks of Presentation Design Resolution Anti-aliasing Color and Palettes Interface Style Layout Interface Elements (Background, Panels, Buttons & Controls, Images, Text, Video, Sound, Animation) Feedback and Error Messages Unit V Delivery Testing: Alpha Testing Beta Testing Delivery: freezing the Product Archiving Project Debrief Licensing, Copyright and Support Agreements Copyright Issues Legal and Ethical Issues Packaging. Text Books 1. Multimedia: Making it Work, Seventh Edition, Tay Vaughan, McGraw Hill Osborne Media, 2006 2. Principles of Interactive Multimedia, Mark Elsom-Cook, McGraw-Hill, 2000 Reference Books 1. Creating Instructional Multimedia Solutions: Practical Guidelines for the Real
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World, Peter Fenrich, Informing Science Publication, 2000 2 Interactivity by Design: Creating & Communicating with New Media, Ray Kristof, Amy Satran, Pearson Education Publication 3. Principles of Interactive Multimedia, Mark Elsom-Cook, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co, 2000.
11NM310 GRAPHICS AND ANIMATION Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives To know the basics of graphics and animation principles and techniques to design. To create effective visual communication by incorporating design techniques, visual thinking, concept development. Course Outcomes: They will be able produce the rendering technology involved in designing 2D & 3D animation. They will also be able to produce the concept and applications of virtual reality. Unit I Graphics Definitions Print Design Vs Digital Design Elements of Graphic Design Tools of Organization Architecture of Type/Font Building Blocks of Graphic - Design: Whitespace, Rules, Borders, Boxes, Shadows, Bleeds Illustrations Working with Photographs Working with Color Designing for Print: Newsletters Newspapers Magazines Brochures Pamphlets Posters Unit II Animation Definition Types of Animation: Cel Animation, Stop Motion Animation, - Computer Animation, Frame by Frame, Keyframe Animation Applications Hardware Software Considerations for selecting tool Animation Techniques: Transformation Compositing Color Correction Modeling Lighting Masking Layering Shading Particles Unit III Rendering and Career Prospects Rendering: Types Features Techniques Real-Time Rendering Software - Creators: Visual Development artist, Layout artist, Character animator, Clean up artist, Color stylist, Graphic Designer, Animator, Effects animator, Compositor Unit IV Image Processing Raster Graphics Vector Graphics Image File Formats: Windows Formats, Macintosh Formats, Cross Platform Formats Audio & Video File formats Audio & Video Streaming Formats Graphics and Animation for Web Web File - Formats CODEC: Lossy Vs Lossless, Compression Techniques. Unit V Virtual Reality Definition Applications Real-Time Computer Graphics Animation and Virtual Reality Input Devices Output Devices Immersive Vs Non- Immersive Physical Simulation The Future.
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Text Book 1. Guide to Computer Animation (Focal Press Visual Effects and Animation), Focal Press, 2002 Reference Books 1. 3D Graphics & Animation, Mark Giambruno, New Riders Press, 2002 2. Encyclopedia of Graphic File Formats, James D. Murray, William Vanryper, OReilly Publication 3. Virtual Reality Systems, John Vince, Addison Wesley Longman, 2003
11NM311 MEDIA CONVERGENCE AND MANAGEMENT Credits 3:0:0 Course Objectives: To brief the learners about the concept of various studio and media management techniques employed in media industry. To familiarize the learners in managing the studio production and managing the equipments in meeting the schedules. To learn the application of studio operations, its set up and design. Course Outcomes: Students can acquire skills in basic studio set up. The students will be able to study how to manage the studio, project planning in professional set up. Unit I An overview of media: global, national & local scene; Media economics- media industry analysis - Ownership patterns- sole proprietorship, partnership, private limited companies, public limited companies; Management functions- planning, organizing, directing , controlling; Organizational structure of different departments, its functions and synergy. Unit II Media convergence- genesis, paradigm shift in social space - impact, convergence regulationAdvertising, and media planning for cross platform media - Branding and media- property creation; Understanding media exposure internet conversion rates, hits, Alexa, television ratings, (TRPs, Reach, Frequency)- Media pricing- Rate cards, sponsored contents, developing spot rates-integrated branding approach across different media- Understanding the consumerbuying behavior models, market segmentation, targeting, profiling and positioning. Unit III Cross media interactivity in television-Using twitter, emails and SMS to interact with hosts in television - Planning and execution of programme production production terms, control practices and procedures - Administration and programme management in media scheduling, transmitting, record keeping, quality control and cost effective techniques - Budget control 29
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Unit IV Diffusion of innovation: new media and its influence on Indian consumer; Internet conversion ratios and related evaluation; Delivering digital media entertainment over the Web and mobile; Digital Interactive marketing- Cross media promotion of films through games-Digital Audio broadcasting Digital Multimedia broadcasting WiMAX mobile environment- Mobile social networking- New media project management - Online production and broadcasting- Identifying unconventional media spaces and business opportunities. Unit V Understanding worldwide customer bases- developing a niche sphere - Planning for international campaigns - Business process outsourcing and the challenges; International media houses and their business model - Issues in intellectual property rights - Ethical issues in entertainment and content regulation - Broadcasting regulations-licensing and content, foreign equity in Indian media- issues and challenges- piracy and legal disputes: an overview. Text Books 1. Balancing on the Wire The Art of Managing Media Organizations: James Redmond & Robert Trager, Atomic Dog, 2004. 2. Management of Electronic Media: Alan B. Albarran, Wadsworth, 2002. Reference books 1. Breach of Faith A Crisis of Coverage in the Age of Corporate Newspapering: ed Gene Roberts, University of Arkansas Press, 2002. 2. Leaving Readers Behind The Age of Corporate Newspapering: ed, Gene Roberts,University of Arkansas Press, 2001. 3. The Business of Media: David Croteau & William Hoynes, Pine Forge Press, 2001. 11NM312 DIGITAL VIDEO EDITING IN AVID Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives To know the different types of editing. To understand the terminologies and concepts of Avid video editing software. Course Outcomes: The learners will acquire full knowledge on editing and titling skills. They will also be able to know about adding special effects and mixing audio with the visuals in Avid. UNIT I Introduction to Video Editing and Avid Editing: Definition, Principles, Stages EDL Role of Editor Continuity & Dynamic Editing Linear & Non-Linear Editing Physical & Electronic Editing Control Track & SMPTE Editing A/B Roll Editing- Introduction to Avid Xpress DV Hardware and Software Requirements. UNIT II Terminologies and Recording Media files, Clips, Sub clips, Sequences, Bins, Projects Timeline, Effect editor, Effect palette, Composer monitor, Source monitor Tool palette Bin Views Importing, Copying, Moving
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and Deleting Clips in Bins IEEE 1394 Selecting Deck/Tape, Target Drives, Audio and Video Channels Controlling Decks. UNIT III Editing and Titling Customizing Monitor Displays Playing Video in Client Monitor Loading and Clearing Footage on Monitor Controlling Playback Marking and Sub- Cataloging Footage Setting up a Sequence Setting up Tracks Undoing / Redoing Edits Splice-in Edit & Overwrite Edit Lifting, Extracting and Copying Segments Slip Trim & Slide Trim Finding Frames and Clips Titling: Editing, Removing, Replacing, Fading Titles, Replacing Fill Tracks UNIT IV Special Effects Types of Transition Effects Single and Multiple Effects (Transition & Segment) Rendering Keyframeable and Non- Keyframeable Effects Defining Motion Paths using Keyframes Layered Effects Nested Effects Key Effects (Chroma, Luma, Matte) Freeze Frame Variable Speed Strobe Motion Reverse Motion UNIT V Working with Audio and Exporting Soloing Audio Tracks Audio Scrubbing Audio Effect Tool Audio Mix Tool Automation Gain Tool Adjusting Volume in Timeline Audio EQ Tool Audio Suite Plug-Ins Mixing Video Tracks Recording to Tape Exporting Formats (MPEG-1, MPEG- QuickTime, DV Stream, OMF) Text Book 1. Avid Xpress DV Users Guide, 2004 Reference Books 1. Video Field Production and Editing, Sixth Edition, Ronald J. Compessi, San Francisco State University, 2002 2. Avid Xpress DV Effects Guide, 2004
11NM313 E LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives To understand the basics of e-learning. To enable the students to understand about Learning Management Systems. Course Outcomes: The students will know about the format and structure of content management systems. They will also know the importance of security in e-learning systems. Unit I Introduction E-Learning: Definition, Advantages, Characteristics, Barriers, Future and Careers Components of e-learning: CBT, WBT and Virtual Classroom E-Learning Tools Learning Management Systems: Definition Components LMS Vs LCMS LMS Products. Unit II Introduction to Content Management
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Data Information Content Format and Structure of Content Content Management: Parts of CMS Composition Management Schema- Driven Systems Principles of Document Management Limits of IT Groups Legacy of Multimedia Industry Challenges of Communication Personalization. Unit III Entities of CMS Metadata: Definition Types of Metadata Entities of CMS: Audiences Publications Content Types Authors Acquisition Sources Content Access Structure Templates CMS Team: Managers Information Architects Infrastructure Staff Software Developers Publication Staff Content Processing Staff Content Creation Staff Unit IV Systems in Content Management Collection Systems: Authoring System Conversion System Acquisition System Aggregation System Repository Interface Management Systems: Repository Versioning System Source Control System Localization System Workflow System CMS Administration System Publishing Systems: Templating System Personalization System Deployment System Web System Print System E-Mail System Syndication System Unit V Content Security Introduction: Categories of Security Security Requirements for Authors and Teaching Content Protection: Texts, Images, Audio, Video Security Risk Analysis: Purposes, Standard Method, Quantitative and Qualitative Risk Analysis Access Control Authentication. Text Books 1. Content Management Bible, Bob Boiko, Willey Publishing Inc., 2005 2. E-Learning: An Expression of the Knowledge Economy, Gaurav Chadha, S.M Nafay Kumail, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2002 Reference Books 1. E-learning Tools and Technologies: A consumer's guide for trainers, teachers, educators, and instructional designers, William Horton, Katherin Horton, Wiley Publishing Inc, 2003 2. Security in e-Learning, Edgar R. Weippl, Springer Publication, 2005 3. Online Education and Learning Management Systems, Global E-learning in a Scandinavian Perspective, Morten Flate Pauls, 2007
11NM314 GRAPHICS AND ANIMATION LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course objectives To train the students in the area of animation and its software application. To make the students understand the process of animation production in studios. Course Outcome: The students will have knowledge in the area of character designing and concept designing in animation.
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List of Practical Exercises 1. The Pre-production Phase a. The lines b. Basic formation of shapes c. Basic formation of characters d. Head formation e. Expressions f. Character actions 2. Basic animation & principles a. Squash and Stretch b. Follow through and overlapping actions c. Timing d. Exaggeration 3. Character designing a. Concept drawing b. Character creation c. Model sheet 4. Story board 5. Software interface a. Screen layout b. Basic drawing tools c. Animating rough blue and planning red d. Setup and Marking menus e. Working with Layers f. Light setup 6. Frame by frame animation 7. Key frame, Inbetweens & Secondary actions 8. Tweening 9. Background & Compositing for animation 10. Camera movement 11. Motion guide 12. Embedding video 11NM315 AVID LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objectives To produce an educational video by applying the skills learned to operate about the video editing system. To experience the importing and exporting in Avid. Developing the following materials and preparing a record which explains the steps followed to develop.
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Course Outcome: The learners will be able to know about the entire practical applications of Avid software. AVID 1. Importing the selected shots from tape/CD/DVD in to avid editing system. 2. Preparing a sequence that plays for at least 3 minutes by editing and applying suitable transition effects. 3. Applying suitable motion and other special effects to the video. 4. Making a VCD/VDVD for the above video sequence. 5. Advertisement edditing 6. Program trailor 7. News editing 8. Shortfilm editing 9. Documentary editing 10. Speed effects 11. One frame shot 12. Public service advertisement
11NM316 E - LEARNING LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objectives To apply the skills learned to develop an instructional material using Macromedia Flash. To construct an instructional material adding different media.
Course Outcome: It enables the students to have an in depth knowledge in designing story boards and instructional text. List of Exercises Developing the following materials and preparing a record which explains the steps followed to develop. 1. Develop a program learning material using linear method 2. Develop a program learning material using brancing method 3. Designing storyboards and developing an interactive instructional material which contains text and images for a variety of concepts and courses 4. Extending the above instructional material by including audio options wherever possible. 5. Creating an interactive video based instructional material after designing suitable storyboards. 6. Create a CBT package for car company 7. Develop an instructional material of any of the media subject to your choice. 8. Create an E-learning package using flash for Biodiversity 9. Develop a story board and design a e-learning package for Karunya Univeriy 10. Using Blooms taxonomy design a study material for KG level of education
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11. Prepare an e-learning package for social awareness programme 12. Prepare an e-learning package to promote an FMCG product 11NM317 INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives To understand the meaning and significance of Instructional Technology. To relate instructional objectives to instructional technology. Course Outcomes: The learners will know the importance of instructional theories and models in Instructional System Design which is applied in the e learning industry. They will also understand how to evaluate the instructional materials and assessment of learning. Unit I Introduction to Instructional Technology Definition History of Instructional Technology Concept of Systems Approach System Analysis Curriculum Development and Process Need Assessment Task Analysis Taxonomies of Educational Objectives: Blooms Cognitive Domain, Krathwohls Affective Domain, Daves Psychomotor Domain, Harrows Psychomotor Domain, Simpsons Psychomotor Domain Writing Objectives: Mager Method, Gagne and Briggs Method, ABCD Method. Unit II Instructional Models Instructional Development Models: Kemp Model Instructional Development Institute Model Inter service Procedures for Instructional Systems Development Model CRI Model ADDIE Model Unit III Instructional Theories Gagne-Briggs Instructional Events Groppers Behavioral Approach to Instructional Prescription Landas Algo-Heuristic Theory - Scanduras Structural Learning Theory Collins-Stevens Cognitive Theory of Inquiry Teaching Merrills Component Display Theory Reigeluth-Steins Elaboration Theory of Instruction Kellers Motivation Design of Instruction. Unit IV Instructional Media & Strategies Instructional Methods and Media Instructional Strategies for Declarative Knowledge, Concepts, Procedures, Principles, Problem-Solving, Cognitive Strategy, Attitude, Psychomotor Skill. Unit V Evaluation and Assessment Evaluation of Instructional Materials: Overview Evaluation Process Evaluation Models Assessment of Learning: Overview Purposes Types of Assessment Models of Assessment of Learners Achievement Characteristics of Good Assessment Instruments Formats of Assessment. Text Books
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1. Instructional Technology: A Systematic Approach to Education, Frederick G. Knirk, Kent L. Gustafson, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc Publication, 1999 2. Methods of Teaching: A Skills Approach, David Jacobsen, Paul Eggen, et al, Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, 2002 Reference Books 1. Instructional Technology: Foundations, Robert Mills Gagn, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1997 2. Task Analysis Methods for Instructional Design, Book by Wallace H. Hannum, David H. Jonassen, Lawrence Erlbam Am, Inc Publication, 1999 3. Martin Tessmer; Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publication, 1992 4. Instructional-Design Theories and Models: An overview of their current status, Charles M. Reigeluth, 5. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, ISBN 0898592755.
11NM318 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives To understand the applications of Knowledge Management in Education. To familiarize the students about knowledge capturing and sharing. Course Outcomes: They will be having knowledge in models of Knowledge Management. They will also learn about the application of Knowledge Management tools in learning environment. Unit I Introduction and KM Cycle Knowledge Management: Introduction History Knowledge Hierarchy KM Team Future Challenges KM Cycle: Knowledge Creation - Knowledge Storage and Retrieval - Knowledge Transfer - Knowledge Application Unit II Models KM Models: Von Krogh and Roos Model Nonaka and Takeuchi Spiral Model Choo Model Wigg Model Boisot I-Space Model Unit III Knowledge Capturing Contents: Types Structure Quality Media and Size - Knowledge Capture and Codification: Tacit Knowledge Explicit Knowledge- Methods to Capture Tacit Knowledge: Interviewing Learning by Told Learning by Observation - Methods to Capture Explicit Knowledge: Cognitive Maps Decision Trees Knowledge Taxonomies - Knowledge Capture, Creation and Management Tools. Unit IV Knowledge Sharing Knowledge Sharing: Social Nature of Knowledge Knowledge Sharing Communities Obstacles of Knowledge Sharing -Systems: Centralized and Distributed Architecture Knowledge Sharing and Dissemination Tools.
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Unit V Knowledge Application Knowledge Application at Individual Level: Characteristics of Individuals Blooms Taxonomy in Knowledge Application Task Analysis and Modeling Knowledge Application at Group Level: Knowledge Reuse Knowledge Repositories Knowledge Application Tools Text Books 1. Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice, Kimiz Dalkir, Elsevier Publication, 2005 2. Knowledge Management Systems: Information and Communication Technologies for Knowledge Management, Ronald Maier, Springer Publication, 2004 Reference Books 1. Key Issues in the New Knowledge Management, Mark W McElroy, Joseph M Firestone, Elsevier Publication, 2003 2. Knowledge Management in Education, Edward Sallis, Gary Jones, Routledge Publication, 2002
11NM319 E CONTENT WRITING Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives To familiarize the basics of writing. To learn the skills required for a multimedia/web writer. Course Outcomes: They will know about the styles of writing for different types of documents. They will also understand the architecture of multimedia/web. UNIT I Basics of Writing Language Varieties Skills Writing Basics of Content Writing Traditional Content Vs EContent Language Use in E-Learning Advantages and Limitations Coherence Cohesion Accuracy Brevity Clarity Content Writing: Roles of Content Writer, Subject Matter Experts, Instructional Designer. UNIT II Interactivity and Writing Interactive Multimedia Interactive Writer Interactivity and Control Thinking Interactively Interactive Devices -Information and Interactive Architecture Narrative Design Content Expertise and Strategy Writing for Search Engines- Technical Skills: Flowcharting Other Organizational Tools UNIT III Formats Defining Goals Techniques to Achieve Common Goals Audience User Prism Script and Proposal Formatting: Outlines Proposals Storyboards Scripts Final Documents UNIT IV Writing Narration
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Architecture: Linear Linear with Section Branching Hierarchical Branching Parallel/Multiple Path Architecture Dynamically Generated Websites Active and Passive Information Delivery - Writing Non-Narrative, Linear Narrative, Interactive Narrative Interactive Narration: Character and Role of the Player Structure and Navigation Exposition UNIT V Case Studies Writing a corporate website - Writing a museum kiosk - Writing interactive lessons - Writing learning content for a simulation - Writing classic lessons to a computer game Text Books 1. Writing for the Media, Sunny Thomas, Vision Books Pvt. Ltd.2000 2. Writing for Multimedia & the Web: A Practical Guide to Content Development for Interactive Media, Timothy Garrand, Elsevier Inc, 2006 Reference Books 1. Developing Online Content: The Principles of Writing and Editing for the Web, Irene Hammerich, Claire Harrison, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2002 2. Effective Writing for E-Learning Environments (Cases on Information Technology), Katy Campbell, Information Science Publishing, 2004
11NM320 MEDIA RESEARCH Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives To understand research methods and statistical tools in media field. To understand the principles of evaluation, research and statistics and computer application. To prepare model research proposals for research studies and report writing. Course Outcome: After learning this paper the learners will be able to know the research methods and statistics applied in media industry. The students will also be able to initiate new media research proposals in their respective field. Unit I Research Methods Research: Meaning, Nature and Scope and agencies of Educational research - Research Trends in Education, Educational Communication and Educational Technology - Qualitative Research Methods: Historical Research, Case Study, Participatory and Ethnography Research Methods Quantitative Research Methods: Survey, Experimental, Action and Longitudinal Research Methods. Unit II Tools, Variables and Scales of Measurement Tools for Data Collection: Observation, Interview, Schedule, Checklist, Questionnaire, Achievement test, Socio-metric, Attitude Scale and Content Analysis Construction and Standardization of Tools. Variables: Discrete and Continuous Variables, Independent and
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Dependent Variables, Intervening and Manipulating Variables- Scales of Measurement: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio Scales Unit III Sampling Techniques and Hypotheses Meaning of Population and Samples Sampling Method: Purposive Sampling, Simple Random Sampling, Multi Stage Sampling, Systematic Sampling, Stratified Random Sampling and Cluster Sampling, Levels of Confidence, Degrees of Freedom and Sampling Error - Hypotheses: Meaning, Scope and Types Hypotheses Formulation and Testing: Statistical Significance, OneTailed and Two-Tailed Tests Unit IV Advanced Statistical Techniques for Research Introduction to Statistics: Meaning, Scope, Importance and Limitations of Statistics and Data Descriptive and Inferential Statistics, Parametric and Non-Parametric Statistics - Normal Probability Curve: Practical Application of Normal Probability Curve and Characteristics of Normal Probability Curve- Skewness and Kurtosis - Range, Variance, Frequency, Percentile, Standard Scores/Z Scores, Type-I and Type-II error, Sampling error, Statistical Significance Diagrammatic Graphical Presentations: Bar Diagrams, Pie Diagrams, Histogram, Frequency Polygon, Smoothed Frequency Polygon, Cumulative Frequency Graph or Ogive - Univariate Analysis: Mean, Median, Mode Measures of Central Tendency and Standard Deviation Bivariate Analysis: Correlation Methods, Chi-Square, T-test, and ANOVA Unit V Computer Application and Report Writing Computer applications: Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Microsoft word, Excel, etc - Writing Research Proposal and Research Report Text Books 1. Research Methodology Kothari, 2004 2. Foundations of Behavioral Research, Kerlinger, H. Fred, Harcourt College Publisheer, 2000 Reference Books 1. Methods in Social Research, Goode & Hatt, McGraw Hill Edition, 2000 2. Fundamentals of Social Research, John Best, Thomson Learning Inc., 2007
11FT301 SCREENPLAY WRITING (LEVEL I) Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives To know the level of understanding of writing script at a basic level. To know about the level of understanding of story treatment and scripting techniques adopted for different categories of films. Course Outcome The learners will be able to write their own script for producing a film UNIT I 39
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Introduction to the Art of writing One line story - Novel - Play and screenplay - Transitions of action : Motive - Intention Goal Conflict - The undisturbed story the disturbance - the struggle - the adjustment - Adaptation of novel and drama for TV and Film -Audience participation - Suspense - Surprise. UNIT - II The sources of information Combination - Co-ordination Duplication - Exposition of time and place Plot and sub-plot - Plot patterns - Narrative structure - Theme-Ideas-Complex structure of a story - Causes and effect - Conflict - Development-Climax (Beginning, middle, end) Synopsis basic story - Exposition and preparation - Point of view. UNIT - III Characterization - Biography or Bone structure of a character - External and internal aspects of a character - Orchestration and unit of opposites-Dialectical approach - Understandability Probability Identification Art of Confrontation UNIT - IV How to get ideas - Outline - Step outline - Treatment Screenplay Master scene - Script Shooting script Writing scripts with computers. UNIT - V Melodrama - Writing for TV-comedy and tragedy - Writing comic sequences - dialogues. Reference Books 1. The Art of Dramatic Writing, Wildside Press, 2007 - Lajos Egri 2. Screen writing for Narrative film and Television, Hastings House Book Publlishing, 1980 - William Miller 3. Film script writing, Focal Press, 1988 - Dwight V.Swain 4. Aspects of the Novel, Roretta Books, 2002 - E.M.Forstar 5. Screenplay writing, Groset, Duplap Publishers 1972 - Eugen vale. 11FT302 DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives To understand elements of Photography. To understand the Techniques of Photo Composition. Course Outcomes The students can be aware of the basic applications in the areas of digital Photography The learners can be able take up their own commercial projects and work with par to the industry standard. UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO PHOTOGRAPHY Define Photography. Brief History and Development of Photography. Camera Types- Usage. Lens-Types- Usage. Lights-Types- Usage. Filters Types- Usage. Film Types. Film- Speed and
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Size. TripodTypes- Usage. Light Meter- Usage. Flash- Types-Usage- Electronic Flash Selection of Right Flash Mode. Other Useful Accessories. UNIT II PHOTO COMPOSITION Basic Techniques for Better Image. Aperture-Usage. Shutter- Speed- Usage. Depth of Field. Focal Length. Basic Lighting- Key Light-Fill Light. Low Key and High Key Picture. Rule of Third. Angle of View- Picture Format. UNIT III INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY Define -Digital- Digital Still Camera. Digital SLR Camera Types. Working with Digital Camera Major Components and Functions, Camera Operation, Mode, Advantages. Setup for Digital Imaging - Windows and Macintosh. Desktop Computer Components- Data Storage and Transfer Options. Software for Digital Processes( Digital Dark Room) -Image Editor- File Formats Converters. Working with Scanner -Types - Scanning Techniques- Film Scanning. Photo Printers- How Printer works- Photo Quality. Printing Paper-Types UNIT IV AREAS OF PHOTOGRAPHY Portrait-Architecture- Product- Fashion-Travel-Environmental Panoramic- Sports-Indoor/Outdoor.
UNIT V DIGITAL STUDIO Photography Project, Assignments. Photo Power Point Presentation, Photo Documentary. Photo Essay- Small Budget Studio-Design, Equipments and Budget. Corporate Studio- Design, Equipments and Budget. Popular Photography Websites. Creating Photography Website. Connecting Images for Internet Use. Text Book: 1. Mastering Digital Photography and Imaging (2001) Peter K Burian Publisher Sybex.USA.First edition. Reference Books 1. The Manual of Photography (2000) by Ralph E Jacobson/Geoffrey G Attridge/Sidney F Ray,Focal Press, Ninth Edition. 2. The Basic Book of Photography (Fourth Edition) by Tom Grimm and Michele Grimm, A Plume Book, 2003 3. Mastering the Basics of Photography by Susan McCartney, ALL Worthi Press, 2000 4. The Photographers Handbook. 1999 by John H edgecoe. Alfred A.Knopf Publisher, Alfred A. Knopt Inc. 5. Interior Shots .2002. by Roger Hicks and Frames Schultz, Rotovision, Switzerland.
11FT303 PRE PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives To learn pre production techniques in film production. To learn the art of script preparation.
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To create the concept for a production of a film and knowing the process of video production techniques and the various script formats.
Course Outcomes The students gain knowledge about the basics of pre production in film making. It enable the students to work on scripts creatively. Unit-I Basic - concept making Idea-seed of the programme-creative inspiration-visual thinking-discussion with team-format of the programme-types of formats like-news- documentaries-interview-TV programme-ads commercial- special programmes- daily soaps. Unit II Basic elements in script Script-visual writing-budget-target audience-steps of developing concept- plot-story character dialogue - script formats proposal-treatment-develop steps in script writing. Unit- III Basic production technique Basic shot ,angles& camera movements-introduction -lighting and colors-single camera multicamera production-indoor studio-outdoor -properties. Unit IV Steps in pre production Shooting script-story board-scene-sequence break up-character main character-relief character subsidiary character- character introduction important of dialogues-dialogue writing - dramatic points in the story twist in plot. Unit-V Various script formats Script writing- various formats news-TV programme-ads-proms-commercial-special programme- daily soapsdocumentaries-interview-film. Text Books 1. Antony Friedman writing for visual media-focal press, 2010 2. John Hart the art of the story board-focal press, 2007
Reference Books 1. Dwight V Swain film script writing-focal press, 2010 2. Martha Mollison producing videos-focal press, 2010
11FT304 TELEVISION STUDIES Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives To provide an understanding of different levels of television production. To know about the functioning of different types of television channels and its production facilities.
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Course Outcomes: The students gain knowledge about the types of shows and classification of programmes in television. Unit I Genre of Studio based productions and target audience. TV production- Music shows, dance shows, reality shows, quiz, personality interview, Political discussion, current affairs, Election Results & analysis, News Presentation, weather report. Unit-II Genre of Single camera Production- Documentary, tele film, Experimental video, Outdoor, Soft stories, Teleserials, Crime subjects enacted. Unit-III Advantages and Disadvantages of various distribution systems- Terrestrial, cable with & without CAS (set top box), Direct to home, web streaming. IPTV Unit IV Public service TV, Commercial TV, Religious TV, Sports TV, Discovery channel / NGC, Cartoon Net etc., Unit V How audience are influenced by TV Programmes and commercials- Children, Youth, women, Political leaders and senior citizen. Reference Books 1. The Television Studies Book- David Lusted and Christine Geraghty, 2009 2. An Introduction to Television Studies - Jonathan Bignell -: Routledge 2007 3. The Television Studies Reader-Edited by Robert C. Allen, Annette Hill, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2004 4. TELEVISIONS: An Introduction to Television Studies Glen Creeber British Film Institute, 2006
11FT305 ELEMENTS OF VIDEO PRODUCTION Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives To identify the elements and continuity of shots. To learn the camera options and production techniques. To learn the editing principles Course Outcomes The students will be able to understand the aesthetics of video production UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO VIDEO EQUIPMENTS
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Digital video camera types of video cameras format major accessories camera formats camera operations and functions aperture shutter white balance focusing methods - focal length depth of field video signal video format. UNIT II THE SHOT Elements of the shot: the shot definition. mise-en-scene: aspects of mise-enscene lighting in a shot setting aspect in a shot character expression and movement costume and makeup of the character - the realism of mise-en-scene the power of mise-en-scene time and space in mise-en-scene UNIT III THE PRODUCTION Cinematography properties basic types of shot - camera movement camera framing camera angle duration of the shot long take. lighting for a scene colour temperature dolly trolley grips and camera accessories tripod montage lighting equipments. UNIT IV TYPES OF PRODUCTION Single camera production: the shot, scene, sequence, story board types of script, location scouting - the production phase. multi camera production rehearsal floor manager - the crew director, cameraman, script writer, lighting director, art director, music director, gaffer, production assistant, etc.,- documentary production short film production electronic field production talk shows interviews. UNIT IV UNDERSTANDING THE POST PRODUCTION Online production offline production Edit Decision List dimensions of editing spatial rhythmic graphic temporal editing - continuity editing. Dimensions of film sound voice over dubbing re recording titling adding special effects. TEXT BOOKS 1. Digital cinematography Paul Wheeler, focal press 2001 2. Film art David Boardwell thirteenth edition, 2009 REFERENCE BOOK 1. Video production techniques Zettl Thomson Learning Publication, 2002 11FT306 PHOTOGRAPHY LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objectives To learn the types of photography and lighting techniques. To learn the techniques of photographing various subjects. Course Outcomes: The learners will able to work with various types of photography on par with industry standard. LIST OF LAB WORKS 1. Indoor photography
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2. Outdoor photography 3. Portrait photography 4. Architecture photography 5. Product photography 6. Fashion photography 7. Travel photography 8. Environmental photography 9. Action photography 10. Aerial photography 11. Macro photography 12. Sports and Panoramic photography 11FT307 PRE PRODUCTION TECHNIQUE LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objectives To learn practically pre production techniques in film production. To learn the art of script preparation. Course Outcome The learners will be able to create concept and produce scripts for producing a film. 1. One Line Story 2. Plot 3. Treatment 4. Proposal 5. Basic shot, angles& camera movements. 6. Dialogue writing 7. Scene ,sequence breakup 8. Script writing. 9. Shooting script 10. Story board 11. Scripting and story board a. Basics of Script b. Formats of script c. Concept &idea d. Basic components of story board 12. Design & composition of color &light 11FT308 EXPERIMENTAL VIDEO/ SHORT VIDEO PRODUCTION LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objective To get a deep understanding of producing short a short video production including all the three phases of the production work Course Outcome
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The learners would be able to gain knowledge of various video production techniques in a fast pace. The learners would be able to gain knowledge of various video production techniques in a fast pace.
List of Experiments: 1. Brainstorming 2. Choosing a topic 3. Thinking at random 4. Concealing number of ideas 5. Concretizing to one single idea 6. Visualization of the elected idea 7. Interpreting those visual into number of shots along with compositions 8. Writing story board 9. Video shooting 10. Editing 11. Sound mixing 12. Final screening and getting the feedback 11FT309 FILM APPRECIATION Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives To know about the different genres of films, its styles and their method of production. To know about the various film styles, its narration and different case studies of film reviews.
Course Outcome The learners will be aware of internationally renowned film contributions to the industry. UNIT- I Definition and need for film Appreciation - How to read and understand cinema- Inductive approach and Deductive approach Social, Political, Economical, Cultural, Technical and Aesthetic aspects of Cinema - A comparative study of Cinema and other aesthetic expressions The types of films to be appreciated - subject content, structural characteristics - Factors to be appraised while appreciating films - The narrative and stylistic elements. UNIT II Appreciation of Neo-realistic films with a detailed analysis of Vittorio-Desicas Bicycle Thieves (1948). The structure of the film - the social criticism - Camera work - Editing style use of nonactors. UNIT-III Appreciation of thrillers with special reference to Alfred Hitchcocks films: Psycho (1960) - its structure - Dramatic development - Psychological thrills - Camera work Lighting - Editing style - use of sound effects - North by North west (1959) - its structure - Camera work -editing style with emphasis on chase sequences - use of sound effects and music.
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UNIT -IV Analysis of Orson Wells film Citizen Kane Its structure camera work - The use of long takes and deep focus technique - editing style - use of actors - Art Direction-Appreciation of Epic films of David Lean with special reference to the Bridge on the River Kwai (1959) scripting study of the characters - The prison commander and the British Colonel The camera work Editing style and the creative use of sound Doctor Zhivago (1966) structure-Visual appeal and Artiste performance. UNIT V Appreciation of Kriztof Kieslowski films with special reference to the Colour Trilogy - Blue, White, Red - The dramatic structure - Study of the style - Fragmented narrative - Mobility of camera. Appreciation of Yasujiro Ozus films with special reference to Tokyo Story (1953) Study of the style and craft - Shomingeki tradition - Depiction of domestic culture - Use of low angles and long takes. Reference Books: 1. How to read a film - JAMES MONACO, 2009, Oxford University 2. Film as Art, 2006, Deluxe Edition - ERNEST LINDGREN 3. Cinema as Graphic Art Studio Pubication -VLADIMIR WILSEN 4. Art of the Film, 1985, - STEPHENSON AND DEBRIX
11FT310 NON LINEAR EDITING Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives To know the different types of editing. To understand the terminologies and concepts of Avid video editing software. To acquire the editing and titling skills. Course Outcome The learners will be aware of adding special effects and mixing audio with the visuals in Avid, which enables them to work to industry standard. UNIT I Introduction to Video Editing and Avid Editing: Definition, Principles, Stages EDL Role of Editor Continuity & Dynamic Editing Linear & Non-Linear Editing Physical & Electronic Editing Control Track & SMPTE Editing A/B Roll Editing- Introduction to Avid Xpress DV Hardware and Software Requirements UNIT II Terminologies and Recording Media files, Clips, Sub clips, Sequences, Bins, Projects Timeline, Effect editor, Effect palette, Composer monitor, Source monitor Tool palette Bin Views Importing, Copying, Moving and Deleting Clips in Bins IEEE 1394 Selecting Deck/Tape, Target Drives, Audio and Video Channels Controlling Decks UNIT III Editing and Titling Customizing Monitor Displays Playing Video in Client Monitor Loading and Clearing Footage on Monitor Controlling Playback Marking and Sub-Cataloging Footage Setting up
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a Sequence Setting up Tracks Undoing /Redoing Edits Splice-in Edit & Overwrite Edit Lifting, Extracting and Copying Segments Slip Trim & Slide Trim Finding Frames and Clips Titling: Editing, Removing, Replacing, Fading Titles, Replacing Fill Tracks UNIT IV Special Effects Types of Transition Effects Single and Multiple Effects (Transition & Segment) Rendering Key frameable and Non-Key frameable Effects Defining Motion Paths using Key frames Layered Effects Nested Effects Key Effects (Chroma, Luma, Matte) Freeze Frame Variable Speed Strobe Motion Reverse Motion UNIT V Working with Audio and Exporting Soloing Audio Tracks Audio Scrubbing Audio Effect Tool Audio Mix Tool Automation Gain Tool Adjusting Volume in Timeline Audio EQ Tool Audio Suite Plug-Ins Mixing Video Tracks Recording to Tape Exporting Formats (MPEG-1, MPEG- 2, QuickTime, DV Stream, OMF) Text Books 1. Video Field Production and Editing, Sixth Edition, Ronald J. Compessi, San Francisco State University, 2006, ABACom INC 2. Avid Xpress DV Users Guide, 2004, Avidtechnology Inc. Reference Book Avid Xpress DV Effects Guide
11FT311 E - COMMERCIALS Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives: To train the students in knowing about the types of commercials, kinds of appeals and market segmentation of the target audience. To understand the Economics and future of advertising industry. Course Outcomes: The students will be able to produce their own video commercials UNIT I Development of ideas- brief from client, agency interpretation, advertising strategy, creative work- idea/ concept development, popular TV ad formats, script/ story board, client approval, media approval- creative potential of TV and Radio, Internet radio. UNIT II Pre production radio commercial production - film formats, planning of special elementschoosing the production team, crew, cast- sources of casting, role and responsibilities of casting director. Pre production meeting- agenda. UNIT III
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Production of TV commercial - set shooting/ location shooting- recording the sound track and creating the special effects- Pre scoring and Post scoring. UNIT IV Editing the commercial for radio and TV - traditional film editing/ non linear editing finishing the audio elements- confirming the picture- special effects and animations. UNIT V Economics of radio and television commercial production- Budgeting and other factors affecting production - choosing production companies - specialization of production companies - future of TV and radio commercial production mobile radio and digital audio broadcast. Reference Books 1. Simon, Mark. Storyboards Motion in Action (2nd edn.). Oxford: Focal Press. 2000 2. Zettl, Herbert. Television Production Handbook (7th edn.).Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing, 2000. 3. Wright, Steve. Digital compositing for Film and Video. Oxford; Focal Press, 2005. 4. Hooper White. How to produce effective TV commercials (3rd edn.). NTC Business Books. Chicago, 2001 5. The Audio- Visual handbook- a complete guide to the world of audio- visual techniques. Alan MCPHERSON & Howard Timms. Pelham books, London, 1988 6. Mathur,C. Advertising Management; Text and Cases. New Age International: New Delhi. 2005. 11FT312 FILM THEORY Credits 4:0:0 Course objectives To know about the different types of film theories applied for film production. To know about the various aspects of world level film theories. Course Outcome: The students will be aware of realism in film production and will gain knowledge about different film makers. UNIT- I Introduction to film theory Dichotomies of film theory 4 Aristotelian categories Transposition Interdependence of questions Expressionism and Realism Realism and Formalism Russian formalism Formative film theory Hugo Munsterberg : Matter and means Form and function Rudolf Arnheim : Material The creative use of medium Film form The purpose of film. UNIT II Sergi M. Eisenstein The raw material of film Cinematic means: Creation through montage Russian philosophy and Piaget Film form The final purpose of film Montage Typage: Battleship Potemkin and its five chapters V.I. Pudovkin: Relational editing.
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UNIT III Realistic film theory Siegfried Kracaur Matter and means Compositional forms The purpose of cinema Rebuttals - Andre Bazin : The raw material Cinematic means and form The plastic image Deep focus The resources of montage The use and misuse of montage Cinematic purpose The function of cinema. UNIT IV Contemporary French film theory Jean Mitray : Raw material Creative potential in film The form and purpose of cinema. UNIT V Semiology Christian Metz and Semiology of cinema Raw material of Semiology of film The means of signification in cinema Film is not a true language nevertheless film is like a language Code / message Text / system The form and possibilities of film Semiology and purpose of film. Reference Books: 1. Film theory Focal press, 2000 2. Film theory Robert Lapsley and Michael Westlekil, 2000 Focal Press 3. Film Form, Film Sense Sergi Eisenstein, Harcourt Publ. 1977 4. What is Cinema? Andre Bazin, 5. Film Language Christian Metz 6. Sign and meaning- Dudley Andrew, Wiley Inc, 1973 7. The major film theories - Introductory Readings, Oxford University Press, 1976 8. Film theory and criticism Introductory readings - Lee Brandy and Marshall Cohen, Oxford University Press, 2009 9. Movies and methods volume I & II - Bill Nicholas, California Press, 1985
11FT313 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives To identify the mob and group behavior of the film and television audience To learn the applications of psychological principles applied for different mass media Course Outcomes The students will be able to understand the audience psychology It enhances the students to maintain the relationship in workplace environment. UNIT I The Nature and Scope of Social Psychology - The Methods of Social Psychology. The Development of Social Psychology : Early Beginnings the Contributions of Sociologists and Psychologists : Comte; Le Bon; Durkheim; Cooley; Gh Mead; Mc Doughall UNIT II Specialization : Social Learning Process. Socialization and Motivation; dependency; Aggression; Need Achievement; affiliation; etc. Social Factors in perception. Society and Personality.
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UNIT III Attitudes and Opinions - The Nature and Dimensions of Attitudes. The Formation and Change of Attitudes. Communication and Persuasion. Public opinion Nature, measurement, formation and change. Role of Mass communication in Public Opinion Formation and change. UNIT IV Groups and group Processes; Nature and Types of groups; Conditions Conclusive to Development of Groups; group Dynamics; Group norms and conformity- Social Facilitation. Group structure and group performance; Cooperation and competition. UNIT V Mass Psychology; Audiences and Collective Behaviour. Classification ofCollective masses. Casual Audiences, Intentional Audiences and Audiences and Mass Media. Collective Behaviour the mobs and the Different kinds of Mobs. The Psychology of Mass Movements. Reference Books 1. D Crytchfold, RS and Ballachey, E L Individual in Society. McGraw Hill. New York, 1999 2. Sherif, N and Sherif C.W. An Outline of Social Psychology Harper & Row. New York, 2007 11FT314 VIDEO COMMERCIAL LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objective This helps the students in developing an understanding of producing various kinds of video commercials Course Outcomes The students can be able to produce their own television commercials.
LIST OF PRACTICALS 1. Produce a Social service television commercial 2. Produce a commercial of emotional and rational appeal 3. Produce a signature tune for a TV programme 4. Record a celebrity endorsement for a product 5. Produce a TV commercial 6. Produce a script and story board for a TV commercial 7. Produce a Public service TV advertisement 8. Produce a live product demo for a commercial 9. Produce a TV commercial with animation effects 10. Produce a Television news bulletin. 11. Produce a talkshow 12.Produce a presentation show
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11FT315 VIDEO POST PRODUCTION LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objectives To introduce students to the profession of editing in NLE and give the professional exercise of basic editing. Course Outcomes The learners can be able to do editing and post production techniques with par to the industry standard. List of Experiments 1. EDIT - Indoor Single Camera set-up Interview (CUT TO CUT) 2. EDIT- Outdoor Single Camera set-up Interview (CUT TO CUT) 3. EDIT- Educational Shows- Two Camera Set -up 4. EDIT - Drama 5. EDIT -PSA 6. EDIT _ Game Shows 7. EDIT-Music Album NOTE: Edit note should be prepared and the visuals should be done accordingly. 8. Talk shows- Debate 9. Consumer product advertisement 10. Docudrama 11. Promotional video 12. Group discussion NOTE: Edit note should be prepared and the visuals should be done accordingly.
11FT316 ADVERTISING LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objective It provides a deeper understanding in writing story boards, developing concepts and producing different kinds of advertisements for both commercial and social service promotion. Course Outcome The learners will be aware of different advertisement production formats
List of Exercises: 1 Produce a visual dominant advertisement 2. Produce a social service advertisement 3. Produce an ad for a consumer product
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4. Produce a corporate advertisement 5. Produce a 55 sec testimonial advertisement 6. Produce a 15 or 10 sec advertisement 7. Produce and develop a comparative advertisement 8. Produce an ad for brand promotion of any consumer product 9. Produce an ad with emotional appeal 10. Produce an ad with fear appeal 11. Produce an ad with humor appeal 12. Produce an ad for FMCG product (Record should contain the thumbnail, rough and comprehensive artwork and copy for all the items listed above)
11FT317 STUDY OF FILM MAKERS Credits 4:0:0 Course objectives To know about the different types of film theories applied for film production. To know about the various aspects of world level film theories. The students will understand the realism in film production and will gain knowledge about different film makers. Course Outcome It enables the user to understanding about renowned film makers and their contribution in developing different themes, plots and other aspects of film making techniques UNIT I A brief life history of Akira Kurosova His first directorial venture Sanshiro Sugata (1943) Kurosowas style His script work Sonata form Circular form Metamorphosis His camera techniques Editing style Handling of artists Creative use of sound and music Ikiru: The search for affirmation story- Treatment- Production. UNIT II Detailed study of Kurosowas films Rashomon (1950) Seven Samurai (1954) Throne of Blood (1957) with special reference to his style Red Beard (1960): The story Characterization Treatment Production Introduction to study film makers Abbas Kiarostami - Mohsen Makhmalbaf, Majid Majidi Content and Form. UNIT III A brief life history of Satyajit Ray Ray as a graphic artist Rays development of interest in cinema The Calcutta film society His first directorial venture The detailed study of Satyajit Rays Film Triology : Pather Panchali (1955), Aparajitho (1964) and Apur Sansar (1959). UNIT IV Parash Pather (The philosophers stone) A compilation of comedy Fantasy Fares Satire Touch of pathos Jalsaghur ( The music room ) A Chekhovian theme Devi ( Goddess): The strong resonance of India His television films.
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UNIT V Study of contemporary Indian film makers Shyam Benegal Adoor Gopalakrishnan - Mahesh Butt Debaki Bose and their style Study of contemporary Tamil film makers with special reference to C.V. Sridhar, Bharthiraja, Manirathinam, Mahendran, Balu Mahendra, & K. Balachander. Reference Books 1.Satyajit Ray (Inner Eye) Andrew Robinson, 2009, I BTauris and Co. Ltd. 2.Cinema of Satyajit Ray Chandra Das Gupta, 2001, Signet Publisher 3. Akira Kurosowa Donald Richie, 1987, Liverright Publisher 11FT318 DIRECTORIAL PRACTICE Credits 4:0:0 Course Objective: It helps to understand the techniques of film direction. The learner will understand the aesthetic aspects of producing a film. Course Outcome The students will gain knowledge about film making techniques which includes details of lighting and direction. UNIT I Filmic space and Filmic time Film structure: External structure - Internal structure Filmic material and its organization Use of chance material Film as an art: Film and and painting Film and Novel Film and Theatre Film and Music. UNIT II Director and the camera Diachronic and Syntax - Composition Movement within the frame Camera angles Camera movements and lenses Special effects in camera Special effects : Miniatures Matte shots Computer aided effects Front and Back projection Principles of narrative construction Narration : The flow of story information. UNIT III Screen direction Dynamic and Static Constructive and relational editing Parallel cutting Editing pattern for static dialogue scene Cutting after the movement Motion inside the screen Motion in and out of the shot 20 basic rules for camera movements Unconventional camera movements for creativity. UNIT IV Mise-en-Scene The power and aspects of Mise-en-Scene Mise-en-Scene in time and space Break down into shots Mise-en-shot Filmic technique Master scene Triple take technique Directing the actor Make up - various types - Directing the crew Composition Symmetrical Asymmetrical Vertical Horizontal Dutch/Slanting Diagonal composition Set: Plan Section view Elevation and Projection Story board. UNIT V
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Lighting: Flat lighting Rembrandt lighting Chiaroscuro lighting Silhouette Cameo Limbo Creative uses of sound in films: Synchronous Asynchronous Role of film music Realistic and functional music Dialogue: Comparative study of film and theatre New technical developments: Use of computers in various aspects of film making - Digital film making and its creative possibilities - Wide screen 3 D Dolby system DTS IMAX. Reference Books: 1. How to read a film James Monaco, 2009, Oxford University Press 2. Directing-Film techniques and aesthetics Michael Rabiger, Focal Press, 2007 3. Film as Art Rudolf Arnheim, University of California Press, 2006 4. Lessons with Eisenstein Nizany, 1979, Da Capo Press 5. 5 Cs of Cinematography Josheph V. Mascelli, Cine / Grafic Publication, 1965 6. Technique of Film make-up Vincent J.R. Kehoe, 1969, Hasting House Pub. 11FT319 RESEARCH METHODS AND STATISTICS Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives To understand research methods and statistical tools in education. To understand the principles of evaluation, research and statistics and computer application. To prepare model research proposals for research studies and report writing. Course Outcome The students can apply the knowledge of statistics and research in professional media work place
Unit I Research Methods Research: Meaning, Nature and Scope Research Trends in Education, Educational Communication and Educational Technology Qualitative Research Methods: Historical Research, Case Study, Participatory and Ethnography Research Methods Quantitative Research Methods: Survey, Experimental, Action and Longitudinal Research Methods. Unit II Tools, Variables and Scales of Measurement Tools for Data Collection: Observation, Interview, Schedule, Checklist, Questionnaire, Achievement test, Socio-metric, Attitude Scale and Content Analysis Construction and Standardization of Tools. Variables: Discrete and Continuous Variables, Independent and Dependent Variables, Intervening and Manipulating Variables Scales of Measurement: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio Scales Unit III Sampling Techniques and Hypotheses Meaning of Population and Samples Sampling Method: Purposive Sampling, Simple Random Sampling, Multi Stage Sampling, Systematic Sampling, Stratified Random Sampling and Cluster Sampling, Theories of Probability, Levels of Confidence, Degrees of Freedom and Sampling Error Hypotheses: Meaning, Scope and Types Hypotheses Formulation and Testing: Statistical Significance, One-Tailed and Two-Tailed Tests and Uncorrelated Data.
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Unit IV Advanced Statistical Techniques for Research Introduction to Statistics: Meaning, Scope, Importance and Limitations of Statistics and Data Descriptive and Inferential Statistics, Parametric and Non- Parametric Statistics Normal Probability Curve: Practical Application of Normal Probability Curve and Characteristics of Normal Probability Curve Range, Variance, Frequency, Percentile, Standard Scores/Z Scores, Type-I and Type-II error, Sampling error, Statistical Significance Diagrammatic Graphical Presentations: Bar Diagrams, Pie Diagrams, Histogram, Frequency Polygon, Ogive Univariate Analysis: Mean, Median, Mode Measures of Central Tendency and Standard Deviation Bivariate Analysis: Correlation Methods, Chi-Square, T- test, ANOVA and MANOVA Unit V Computer Application and Report Writing Computer applications: Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Microsoft word, Excel, Stat Graph etc - Preparation of Research Studies, Preparation of Review of Related Studies and Preparation of the Review of Research Proposals and Reports Reference Books 1. Foundations of Behavioral Research, Kerlinger, H. Fred., Harcourt College Pub.,2000 2. Methods in Social Research, Goode & Hatt., McGraw-Hill, 1952 3. Scientific Social Survey and Research, Paulin Young, Prentice Hall INC 1966 4. Fundamentals of Social Research, John Best, Allyn and Bacon, 1993 5. Experimental Design in Psychology and Education, Edwards A. L., 2004, Taylors & Francis group 6. Computer Programming in Basic, Madras Allied Publishers Ltd, Covers P.S., 1988 11FT320 ACTING THEORY Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives It helps to understand the history of acting and the techniques employed for the artists in making a film. To know about the dramatic and aesthetics aspects of acting Course Outcome The students will gain knowledge about different aspects related to acting. UNIT I Acting Definition Origin and development of acting Allied forms of acting Mime Dance Music and Martial arts Acting in different genres and styles Content and form formulate the style of acting - Classic, Romantic, Expressionistic, Realistic and Formalistic acting Personal and experimental style. UNIT II Important theories on acting Bharatha Muni Tholkappiyar Meyer Hold (Bio-mechanism) Betrold Brecht (Alienation Theory) Stanislavsky (Method acting) Acting in different media and orientation of those techniques Stage - Radio Television Film Basic requirements for an artiste Physical, Mental, Vocal, Social, Moral Three dimensions of a character Straight acting and Character acting
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UNIT III Basic principles of casting and handling of artiste Voice - Speech Diction Emotional expression Body language Improvisation Flat-round character Static-developing character Cast to the type and cast against the type Consistency Motivation. UNIT -IV Relationship of artiste with other artiste and technicians Rehearsals and monitors Writer creates, Director interprets and Actor recreates proving this axiom How to analyse acting Analysing the great artiste of World, India and Tamilnadu. UNIT V Artiste: The psycho-physical examination Schematic elements of personality Mechanics of film acting: Space Time and Edited images Influence of cinematic elements on character image: Camera angles shots Camera set-up and movements Actors technique: Use of self Film characterization Conduct and expression Aids to characterization Analysis of film performances Character actor Personality actor Physical actor Mental actor Dynamics of acting: Skills, process and style. Reference Books 1. Building a character Stanislavsky, Routledge 1979 2. An actor prepares Stanislavsky, Routledge, 1989 3. Techniques of acting Ronald Heyman, Holt, Rineharts Winston, 1971 4. Improvisation John Hodgson Harper and Row Pub. INC, 1974 5. Technique of Film acting V.I. Pudovkin Grove Press, 1960 6. Nadigarkalukku oru kaiyedu (Tamil) O. Madan Gabriel 11FT321 DOCUMENTARY THEORY Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives It familiarizes the students with concepts and practices of developing a documentary. To understand the types and styles of documentary production. Course Outcome The students will acquire knowledge about documentary making and styles involved in the production UNIT I The definition of documentary- The difference between Fact film and Fiction film Brief study of different types of factual films Educational films, Instructional films, Travel films, Newsreel films, Publicity films. UNIT II Traditions in documentary films: Naturalist Realist News reel Propagandist Detailed study of Lousiana Story, Berlin The Symphony of a city Kino-eye- Theory Night Mail Song of Ceylon Principle of documentary films The documentary idea today The different style of documentary film making Journalist approach The Impressionist approach Types of documentaries.
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UNIT III Contemporary documentaries Chris Maker Special reference to LE Joli Me Study of documentary films of Mani Kaul and Anand Patwardhan Experimental approach in NonFiction films The style of Norman Mc. Lauren Evaluation of video documentaries. UNIT IV Development of documentaries in India The Government approach to sponsorship The Film Division of India The independent documentary filmmaker Television documentary films and educational films U.G.Cs TV programmes. UNIT V The proposal outline Fact film treatment The information line Interesting line The presentation line The sequence outline Shooting script Writing narration for non-fiction script. Reference Books 1. Directing the Documentary - MICHAEL RABIGER, 2009, Focal Press, Gulf Pub. 1983 2. How to make Documentary for video and Film - MIKE WOLVERTON 3. The Technique of Television Production - GERALD MILLERSON, Focal Press, 2009 4. News interview - AKIBA. A, COHEN, Sage Pub. 1987 11FT322 DOCUMENTARY PRODUCTION LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objective It helps the students in getting to know about producing different kinds of documentaries. Course Outcome The students will produce a documentary using single camera
List of Experiments: Choice Production in single camera 1. Brainstorming 2. Pre production Planning- Forming an Idea, Thinking in Visuals, 3. Writing Story 4. Board, Deciding on Audio on the script- Final Script 5. Choosing locations- Indoor- out door, deciding on actors. 6. Properties and set or Set or real locations. 7. Writing Shooting Script Order of shooting logistics, Special equipment Requirement, Fixing the artists and rehearsal 8. Actual Shooting 9. writing log sheet for editing 10. Video editing
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11. Sound Mixing. 12. Special title work to suit the themes and final finished product.
11FT323 DIGITAL FILM PRODUCTION LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objectives To understand the process involved in pre production. To understand the working atmosphere in production and post production stage. Course Outcome The students will produce project work which involves all stages of production. List of Exercises 1. Pre production Planning- Forming an Idea, Thinking in Visuals. 2. Writing Story Board. 3. Deciding on Audio script- Final Script 4. Choosing locations- Indoor- out door, deciding on actors. 5. Set Designing - Selection of Properties or real locations. 6. Writing Shooting Script Order of shooting logistics, Special equipment Requirement 7. Fixing the artists and rehearsal 8. Actual Shooting. 9. Writing log sheet for editing 10. Digital editing. 11. Sound Mixing. 12. Special title work to suit the themes and final finished product
11FT324 FILM ANALYSIS LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objective It helps the learners in understanding the techniques of analyzing a movie and writing a brief analysis on it. Course Outcome The students will be aware of trends in world cinema and be able to review the movies.
List of Exercises ; Analyzing and writing a review of 1. 2. 3. 4. French movie Italian movie Indian movie American movie 59
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5. Japanese movie 6. European movies 7. Itanian movies 8. Swedish movies 9. Other country movies 10. World all time favourite movies 11. Oscar winning movies 12. Asian movies
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LIST OF SUBJECTS Sub. Code 12VC201 12VC202 12VC203 12VC204 12VC205 12VC206 12VC207 12VC208 12VC209 12VC210 12VC211 12VC212 12VC213 12VC214 12VC215 12VC216 12VC217 12VC218 12VC219 12VC220 12VC221 12VC222 12VC223 12VC224 12VC225 12VC226 12VC227 12VC228 12VC229 12VC230 12VC231 12VC232 12VC233 12VC234 12VC235 12VC236 12VC237 12VC238 12VC239 12VC301 12VC302 12VC303 12VC304 School of Media Name of the Subjects Audio Visual Media Dynamics of Visual Communication Writing for Electronic Media Computers in Communication design I Creative Suite Lab - I Visual Arts Lab Computers in Communication design II Introduction to Social Psychology Visualisation of Commercial arts Introduction to Mass Communication Creative Suite Lab - II Applied Arts lab Digital Photography Media laws and Ethics Elements of Video production Pre Production Techniques Advertising I Video Production lab Applied Photography Lab Audio Engineering Non linear editing 2D Graphics and Animation Web designing Radio programming Web designing lab Audio Production lab Video Post Production lab (FCP) Film Studies Production planning and Management Commercial Broadcasting Television Production Corporate Communication Radio production lab Television production lab (Computer Graphics) Commercial Production lab Media research Advertising II Professional Photography Studio Management Broadcast Journalism Principles of Cinematography Advanced Multimedia Lab Non Liner Editing using FCP Credits 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 3:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 0:0:2 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 0:0:2 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 0:0:2 4:0:0 Page No.28-0
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Event and Media management Video Post Production Lab using FCP Multi Camera Production Lab Direction & Production Interactive Multimedia Technologies Research Methodology Research Methodology - Lab Digital Music Production Digital Audio Production - Lab Authoring and Virtual Reality Introduction to 3D Animation Media Technology Streaming Media Blogging and Podcasting Lab Introduction to Visual Design and Culture Video SFX Lab using AE Combustion 3D Animation lab
4:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 0:0:2 4:0:0 0:0:2 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 0:0:2 4:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2
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12VC201 AUDIO VISUAL MEDIA Credits: 4:0:0 Course objective: To make the learners know about the development of radio and the types of programmes targeted to the different type of audience segmentation. Course Outcome: The students will know the role of Radio, TV and Cinema in Media. Unit I INTRODUCTION RADIO BROADCAST: Development of Radio Broadcasting in India Ownership Control Autonomy for Radio Types of Radio services- Radio as a source of News Broadcast News Value Radio Language News Bulletin News Source for Radio Reporters, Editors and Agencies External News Services Interviews Features Writing for Radio. Unit II RADIO PROGRAMMS: Special Audience Programmes Rural and Farm Broadcasting Educational Programmes Programmes for Children, Women and Youth. Women Welfare Children Welfare Health and Family Planning Rural Development Urban problems Unit III CINEMA: Cinema and Society Influence over Society- Effects Cinema as Main Source of Entertainment Powerful Media to Spread Message Cinema for Political supremacy. Film Censor Film Censor Enquiry Committee Documentary Film Newsreels National and International Film Festivals Film Awards Future of Indian Cinema. Unit IV TELEVISION: Development of Television in India News Programmes: a) News cast b) News Review Formats of TV Programmes Documentary Special Features Interviews. TV as a powerful Audio Visual Media Commercial and Sponsored Programme Educational Service (ETV) Satellite Instructional Television Experiment (SITE) Role of TV in Social Changes Cultural Exchanges Economic Uplift Advertisement in TV Specialist causes and consequences TV News and Agencies. Unit V BROADCASTING NORMS: Governments policy on AIR to inform, educate, entertain and elevate a common man Government Control over AIR in functioning Competition among the Audio-Visual Media Development of Videography Cable TV. Audio-Visual Media in Developing Countries Future of Audio-Visual Media in India Research in Audio-Visual Media Implications of Press Media over Audio-Visual Media. Text Books: 1. Mehra Massani, Broadcasting and the People, National Book Trust, New Delhi, 1985 2. Luthra, H.R, Indian Broadcasting, Publications Division, New Delhi, 1986 3. Warren K. Agee, Introduction to Mass Communication, 6th Edition, Oxford &IBH, Calcutta School of Media Page No.28-2
4. Kumar, Keval J, Mass Communication in India, Jaico Publishing House, Bombay, Delhi, Reference Books: 1. Chatterji, P.C, Broadcasting in India, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1987Bangalore, Calcutta, Madras, 1987 2. Krisha Sondhi, Problems of Communication in Developing Countries, Vision Books, New Delhi 1980 3. Jag Mohan, Documentary Films and National Awakening, Publications Divisions, Delhi, 1990 4. John Wyver, The Moving Image: An international History or Film Television & Video. Brazil 5. Blackwell, BFI Publishing, Oxford 1989 6. Andrew Boyd, Broadcast Journalism, Techniques of Radio and TV News, Heinemann Professional Publication. 7. Ivor Yorke, The Techniques of Television News, Focal Press 8. Robert Tyrell, The Work of the Television Journalism, Sugeet Publication. 9. Ahuja B.N, Audio Visual Journalism, Sugeet Publication. 10. Shrivastava K.M., Radio and TV Journalism, Sterling publishing Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1989. 11. Mankekar, D.R., One-Way Free Flow
12VC202 DYNAMICS OF VISUAL COMMUNICATION Credits 4:0:0 Course Objective: To understand visual and visual communication fundamentals. To understand the principles of Principles of visual media communication To learn the Visual Application and visual design To understand Visual language and culture To understand important perspectives Course Outcome: The students will get know the impact of visual communication and use of visual language in the media industry. Unit I INTRODUCTION TO VISUAL COMMUNICATION: Historical Development Conceptual development - Visualization process - Visualization environment- Tools for visualization- Sensual and perceptual theories. Unit II VISUAL MEDIA: Principles of visual media communication -Video medium Non Projected audio visuals -Scientific visual media - Creative visualization School of Media Page No.28-3
Unit III VISUAL APPLICATION: Rendering and rasterisation -Visual perception -Information design Communication design Graphic design Cartoons Unit IV VISUAL LANGUAGE AND CULTURE: Study of Visuality -World culture -Visual rhetoric, sociology and ethics Temple grandins views on autism and visual thought -Abstract thought Visual thinking and mental imagery -Implication in visual syntax. Unit V SIX IMPORTANT PERSPECTIVES: Image Analysis Typography -Graphics design Informational Graphics - Cartoon Photography Text Book: 1. Visual communication images with messages by paul Mrtin lester(2008) wordsworth United states Reference Books: 1. Paul martin, Visual communication (2008) Global vision publishing house New Delhi. 2. Pradeep mandav- visual media communication (2001) Authors press New Delhi 12VC203 WRITING FOR ELECTRONIC MEDIA Credits:4:0:0 Course Objective: To introduce the students to the technique and aesthetics of writing for different forms of electronic media programmes. Course Outcome: the students will learn the techniques and aesthetics of writing for TV, Radio and Internet. Unit I IDEA VS MEDIA: Developing ideas and conceptualization, Presentation - instruction, mood and experience. Writing the script for electronic media - Ground rules for writing for different time chunks; afternoon programme, prime time programme, late night programme. Unit II SPOKEN LANGUAGE WRITING: -Writing for radio and TV commercials and announcements, Writing to inform, script format. News report, News writing, writing headlines, writing for radio commentary. Unit III WRITING FOR BOTH RADIO AND TV: - Features and documentaries, talk programmes, Writing jingles and radio commercial Idea Strategy Brand Positioning Preparing Creative blue print, to use celebrities voice over, narration, and using music. Interview/Discussions, corporate programmes, variety and comedy - for special audiences: programme for children, Women, farmers and Youth - script design, Voice over and narration. School of Media Page No.28-4
Unit IV WRITING FOR TV: - commercials, serials, soap operas, other genres, big idea, TV spot techniques Idea presentation, treatments, Scripting, storyboard, terms used for camera movement and editing. Tele Writing scripts for TV Commercials format for TV Commercials preparing the story board and art direction. Unit V PLAY WRITING: - Narrative structure, conflict and resolution. Characterization, Structure variation, scenes and sequences, shot breakdown and film genre. Writing, treatment, script and its formats and storyboard. Production problems. Text Books: 1. Screen Writing for narrative Film and Television - William Miller - Columbus books London - 1989. 2. Film Script Writing - Dwight Swan - Hastings House - New York -1976. Reference Books: 1. Script Writing for Video and Audio media - Dwight Swan - Hastings House - New York -1976. 2. Video Script Writing - Barry Humps - Penguin U.S.A Inc - 1993. 3. Screenplay -The Foundations of Screen Writing - Syd Field - Dell Publishing Co.,
12VC204 COMPUTERS IN COMMUNICATION DESIGN I Credits 4:0:0 Course Objective: To understand history software and hardware of computers To gain knowledge in communication design To understand the basic concepts of Ms Office its applications and basics and features of Corel draw. Course Outcome: The students will get a sound knowledge on computer and its applications such as MS Office and CorelDraw! Unit I INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS: History and generation of computers - Basics of computers -Hardware & Software - Operating systems. Multimedia evolution, applications and advantages, hardware & software requirements. Application of computers in the media industry. DTP (Desk Top Publishing). Unit II School of Media Page No.28-5
COMMUNICATION DESIGN: Definition, nature & scope. Elements of design; Principles of design: Unity, balance, rhythm, proportion, movement; Language of design: white space, fonts, pictures, page layout and design. Principles of design, Design process, Role of computers in designing. Fundamentals of layout- text & visuals, typography and drawing programs, working with colors. Unit III MS OFFICE AND ITS APPLICATIONS: MS Word tools, word processing techniques, MS Excel features & utility- PowerPoint- features & advantages. Quark Xpress features, tools & applications. PageMaker- working with text, working with graphics & formatting. Differences in features of Quark Xpress and Page Maker. Unit IV COREL DRAW BASICS: Vector graphics and bitmaps - starting and opening drawings finding content - acquiring images from scanners and digital cameras - undoing, redoing, and repeating actions - adding and accessing drawing information - zooming, panning, and scrolling - previewing a drawing - choosing viewing modes - working with views - backing up and recovering files - saving drawings - exploring basic tasks. Unit V COREL DRAW- FEATURES: Corel Draw- features & tools, working with vector/raster images, special effects and other supporting components of CorelDraw - Corel DRAW workspace - Application window - Workspace tools Standard toolbar - Exploring the toolbox . Text Books: 1. MS Office Bible, Edward Willet, IDG Books, 2000 2. Corel Draw for Dummies, Deke Mc Celland, IDG Books, 1997 Reference Book: 1. Designing Effective Communications (2001): Creating Contexts for Clarity and Meaning .by Jorge Frascara (Editor) Publisher: Allworth Press. U.S.A. First edition
12VC205 CREATIVE SUITE LAB - I Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective: The course imparts the techniques and the application of the software coral draw so that the leaner will come across to produce an appropriate design. It will enable the students to learn various designing process and print production.
Course Outcome: The students will get hands-on experience in using graphics software (CoreDraw!) for prepress output. The practical will include 1. 2D Graphic CorelDraw12 (Latest Version) School of Media Page No.28-6
2. Adobe illustrator List of Exercises: 1. Design a logo for an academic institution 2. Design a poster for any event of your choice 3. Design a brochure 4. Design the label & package cover of any consumer product. 5. Design a visiting card & letter head for any five famous Banks Executives. 6. Design a calendar 7. Design a CD cover to be brought out by a music band. 8. Design a 2-fold greeting card for an occasion of your choice. 9. Design a dangler using Corel Draw 10. Design a POP using Corel Draw 11. Design a single fold Menu card. 12. Design New Sign board for the following a. Speed breaker b. School Zone c. Hospital Zone d. Hotel e. Blind curve
12VC206 VISUAL ARTS LAB Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective: To educate the students in drawing. This subject will enable the students to visualize of their own and will help them to create an appropriate visual through the application of perspective composition and light and shadow Course Outcome: The learners will experience practical training in visualizing and creating and drawing. List of Experiments: List of Exercises 1. Elements of art a. Line b. Form c. Shape d. Colour e. Space f. Value g. Texture School of Media Page No.28-7
2. Perspective Drawing a. Foundation b. Basic shapes in perspective c. Linear perspective d. Aerial perspective e. Point perspective 3. Composition a. Light and shadow b. Colour composition c. Proportion 4. Drawing landscapes 5. Drawing still life 6. Drawing animals 7. Drawing birds 8. Drawing objects 9. Drawing architectures 10. Portrait drawing 11. Cartoons and caricatures 12. Designing of fonts
Course Objective: To understand the workings of image editing. To identify the application of Photoshop software. To learn the application of design, colour, and light & shadow in image editing. To learn the techniques of Photoshop in image editing Course Outcome: The students would get an experience in using graphical software (Photoshop) for TV and Print. Unit I DESIGN PROCESS: Conceptualization, stages involved; types of design; creativity in design; traditional and modern designs technology in designing. Text and Images: typography- styles and features, application and techniques in design; Colour in design: colour theory, colour combinations, colours and meanings, psychology of colours, Logo design, illustration techniques, design and composition. Unit II INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL IMAGING: Define Photoshop. Photoshop Workspace. Palettes, Buttons. Choosing Color, Brush Shape. Operations and Usage of Tools- Pencil Tool, Paint Brush Tool, Air Brush Tool, Text Tool, Paint Bucket Tool, Gradient Tool, Smudge Tool, Focus Tool, Toning, Eye Dropper, Zoom Tool, Morgue Tool, Lasso Tool. Magic Wand. School of Media Page No.28-8
Unit III DIGITAL IMAGE MANIPULATION: Features of Photoshop Image editing image selection image resizing image manipulation Art Marks, Art Layers, Layer Mark, Create Layer, Fill Tool, Trashcan, Cloning, Clone Align, Art Filter, Plug ins, Rule of Thumb, Kerning, Leading. Digital Image on Various Media. Unit IV DIGITAL IMAGING TECHNIQUES: Working with layers masking filters text editing background fore ground colour palette selection histogram in photographs hue saturation value modes & adjustments saving files - Digital Image, Types, File Formats, Digital Inputs, Digital Workflow -Digital Press, Digital color Process.
Unit V ADOBE PHOTOSHOP ADVANTAGES: Photoshop Short cut keys and menus. Text Book: 1. Dynamic Learning: Photoshop CS3 By Jennifer Smith, Aquent Graphics Institute (AGI) July 2007 Reference Book: 1. Photoshop CS3 Photographer's Handbook By Brad Hinkel, Stephen Laskevitch - July 2007 12VC208 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Credits: 4:0:0 Course objective: To identify the mob and group behavior. To learn the application of psychological principles applied for different mass media
Course Outcome: The students will know about the format and structure of content management system. They will know importance of instructional theory model of system design in e-learning industries. Unit I THE NATURE AND SCOPE OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. The Methods of Social Psychology. The Development of Social Psychology : Early Beginnings the Contributions of Sociologists and Psychologists : Comte; Le Bon; Durkheim; Cooley; G h Mead; Mc Doughall; Unit II
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Specialization : Social Learning Process. Socialization and Motivation; dependency; Aggression; Need Achievement; affiliation; etc. Social Factors in perception. Society and Personality. Unit III Attitudes and Opinions The Nature and Dimensions of Attitudes. The Formation and Change of Attitudes. Communication and Persuasion. Public opinion Nature, measurement, formation and change. Role of Mass communication in Public Opinion Formation and change. Unit IV Groups and group Processes; Nature and Types of groups; Conditions Conclusive to Development of Groups; group Dynamics; Group norms and conformity; Social Facilitation. Group structure and group performance; Cooperation and competition.
Unit V Mass Psychology; Audiences and Collective Behaviour. Classification of Collective masses. Casual Audiences, Intentional Audiences and Audiences and Mass Media. Collective Behaviour the mobs and the Different kinds of Mobs. The Psychology of Mass Movements. Text Books: 1. Mc David and Harris ; An Introduction to Social Psychology . Harper & Row, 1968 2. D Crytchfold, RS and Ballachey, E L Individual in Society. McGraw Hill. New York Reference Book: 1. Sherif, N and Sherif C.W. An Outline of Social Psychology Harper & Row. New York
12VC209 VISUALISATION OF COMMERCIAL ARTS Credits 4:0:0 Course Objective: To understand elements of visualization. To understand the Process of Visualization To learn the Applications Commercial arts To learn the Layout Design To understand Computers in Commercial Production
Course Outcome: The students will learn to visualize and convert their creativity into visual art. UnitI School of Media Page No.28-10
VISUALISATION: Mass media and creative Creativity in Production Need for Visualization definition and elements of visualization-visual persuasion in advertising Unit II PROCESS OF VISUALISATION: Creative process: Orientation, Preparation, Analysis, Ideation, Incubation, Synthesis, Evaluation creative inputs issues of plagiarism in creative production. Unit III COMMERCIAL ARTS: Commercial art Vs Fine art Fundamental elements of design Line, Color, Texture, Shape, Size, Space Design principles Balance, Proportion, Sequence, Unity, Emphasis, Tension and surprise- application of creativity in designing. Unit IV LAYOUT DESIGN: Structuring of message- Choosing a basic design, Layout - Steps in designing, Working with copy and visuals Camera ready pages Designing software.
Unit V COMPUTERS IN COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION: Managing cost and quality in commercial production material inputs Black and white and color Pantone color matching system Artists tool kit Computer applications in creative industries. Text Book: 1. Richard Schlemmer. Handbook of Advertising Art Production, Prentice Hall, New York Reference Books: 1. Paul martin lester. visual communication. wadsworth, Australia.2000. 2. Frank Ramano et al. Encyclopedia of Graphic Communication. Prentice Hall. NY. 1998.
12VC210 INTRODUCTION TO MASS COMMUNICATION Credits 4:0:0 Course Objective: To understand the types and models of communication To understand the process communication To understand the applications of communication in advertising To understand the functions of mass media To understand the relationship between culture and communication
Course Outcome: The students will understand the strategy for communicating in the corporate. School of Media Page No.28-11
They will learn the different facets of Media and the role of communication in them.
Unit I INTRODUCTION COMMUNICATION: Introduction: Communication ,Definitions, Scope and purpose- Forms of Communication -Intra-personal Communication, Inter-personal Communication- Mass Communication- Organizational Communication - Verbal and Non Verbal Communication - Barriers of communication -Socio economic changes and the emerging trend in Communication. Unit II COMMUNICATION PROCESS: Introduction: Process of Communication - Source, message, channel, receiver , feedback- Noise, Types of noise-Encoding and Decoding Process Formal and Informal channel- Models of Communication, Berlo, Lasswall, Shannon and weaver . Unit III THEORIES AND MODELS OF COMMUNICATION: Hypodermic Needle Theory, Twostep & Multi-step Theory, Commercial Theory, Play Theory Uses & Gratification Theory, Selective Exposure, Selective Perception & Selective Retention Theory, Individual Difference Theory, Meaning of theories based on scientific study &analysis; Four major theories of Press, according to Fred Siebert, Theodore Peterson & Wilbur Schramm Authoritarian Theory, Libertarian Theory, Social Responsibility Theory, Other Theories: Development Media & Democratic Participant Theory Unit IV MASS MEDIA: Introduction -Characteristics of mass media-Functions of mass media - Inform Entertain, Educate, Persuade-Dysfunction of mass communication-Communication and public opinion. Unit V COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE: Introduction : Communication and culture -Global media multi cultural content Mass media and developing countries -Cross cultural Communication, Problems and challenges- Policies and implications Text Book : 1. Keval J. Kumar Mass communication in India Jeyco Pubslisher 2007. Reference Books : 1. Karl E. Rosengren Communication an introduction Sage Pulblication 2006 2. Mc Quil Mass communication theory Sage Publicaiton 5th edition-2005
12VC211 CREATIVE SUITE LAB - II Credits 0:0:2 Course Objective: School of Media
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To provide opportUnit Ies to the students to prepare certain exercises for possible demonstration of skills acquired by them to the specific level of acceptable performance.
PHOTOSHOP TYPES OF VISUALIZATION: 1. Visual of the product alone. 2. Visual of the product in a setting where it is used. 3. Visual in use. 4. Visual of a benefit from using the product. 5. Visual showing the loss or disadvantage resulting from not using the advertised product. 6. Dramatization of the headline. 7. Dramatization of the evidence. 8. Dramatizing a detail (in the product) 9. Comparison between two brands. 10. Contrast between before and after using the product. 11. Visuals using Trade Characters. 12. Symbolism. Abstract illustration. (logo) Continuity strip Mood setting visual. Visual of the product in the package. Visual of the product ingredients or raw materials. Special effects.(freezing movements) Montage Visual with models. TYPES OF LAYOUTS Big picture Big copy Omni bus Mortise Free form Scatter Continuity strip 12VC212 APPLIED ARTS LAB Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective: School of Media Page No.28-13
To learn the anatomy of the human parts through the drawing principles and perspective. Course Outcome: Students will learn to use art work in drawing of human autonomy. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Anatomy Drawing 2. Proportion of the human body The skeleton 3. The head and neck 4. The torso 5. The arm 6. The hand The leg 7. The foot 8. The Ecorche and face 9. Study of expressions. 10. Clay modeling Terracotta 11. Modelling shapes 12. Modelling human forms.
12VC213 DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: To understand elements of Photography. To understand the Techniques Photo Composition To learn the Digital Photography To learn the Applications and Areas of Photography To understand Digital Studio and Commercial projects Course Outcome: The students will know the techniques of using a digital still camera for photography. They will know the different skills sets for creating images on film. Unit I INTRODUCTION TO PHOTOGRAPHY Define Photography. Brief History and Development of Photography. Camera Types- Usage. Lens- Types- Usage. Lights-Types- Usage. Filters Types- Usage. Film Types. Film- Speed and Size. Tripod Types- Usage. Light Meter- Usage. Flash- Types-Usage- Electronic Flash Selection of Right Flash Mode. Other Useful Accessories. Unit II
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PHOTO COMPOSITION Basic Techniques for Better Image. Aperture-Usage. ShutterSpeed- Usage. Depth of Field. Focal Length. Basic Lighting- Key Light-Fill Light. Low Key and High Key Picture. Rule of Third. Angle of View. Picture Format. Unit III INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY Define -Digital- Digital Still Camera. Digital SLR Camera Types. Working with Digital Camera Major Components and Functions, Camera Operation, Mode, Advantages. Setup for Digital Imaging- Windows and Macintosh. Desktop Computer Components- Data Storage and Transfer Options. Software for Digital Processes( Digital Dark Room) -Image Editor- File Formats Converters. Working with Scanner -Types - Scanning Techniques- Film Scanning. Photo Printers- How Printer worksPhoto Quality. Printing Paper-Types Unit IV AREAS OF PHOTOGRAPHY Portrait-Architecture- Product- Fashion-Travel-Environmental Action Aerial-Macro-Panoramic- Sports-Indoor/Outdoor. Unit V DIGITAL STUDIO Photography Project, Assignments. Photo Power Point Presentation, Photo Documentary. Photo Essay. Small Budget Studio-Design, Equipments and Budget. Corporate Studio- Design, Equipments and Budget. Popular Photography Websites. Creating Photography Website. Connecting Images for Internet Use.
Text Book: 1. Mastering Digital Photography and Imaging (2001) Peter K Burian Publisher Sybex.USA.First edition. Reference Books: 1. The Manual of Photography (2000) by Ralph E Jacobson/Geoffrey G Attridge/Sidney F Ray,Focal Press, Ninth Edition. 2. The Basic Book of Photography (Fourth Edition) by Tom Grimm and Michele Grimm Mastering the Basics of Photography by Susan McCartney 3. The Photographers Handbook. 1999 by John H edgecoe. Alfred A.Knopf Publisher,. Interior Shots .2002. by Roger Hicks and Frames Schultz, Rotovision, Switzerland. 4. Understanding Digital Photography by Joseph A . Iippolito, Thomson Delmar Learning, 2003.USA. 5. Digital Portrait Photography and Lighting: Take Memorable Shots Every Time 2005. by Catherine Jamieson/ Sean McCormick -Publisher: Wiley Jamieson and McCormick. London . 6. The Basic Book of Photography (Fourth Edition) by Tom Grimm and Michele Grimm Mastering the Basics of Photography by Susan McCartney 7. The Photographers Handbook. 1999 by John H edgecoe. Alfred A.Knopf Publisher,. Interior Shots .2002. by Roger Hicks and Frames Schultz, Rotovision, Switzerland. 8. Understanding Digital Photography by Joseph A . Iippolito, Thomson Delmar Learning, 2003.USA. 12VC214 MEDIA LAWS AND ETHICS Credits: 4:0:0 School of Media Page No.28-15
Course Objective: To understand Overview of the Indian constitution. To understand the Media Laws In India To learn the Civil And Criminal Laws related to Media To understand the Broadcasting Code And Ethics To understand the cyber laws in India Course Outcome: The learners will understand the limitations of media in public life. They will learn the legal points in media industry. Unit I INDIAN CONSTITUTION: Overview of the Indian constitution, Fundamental Rights, Duties of citizens ,Directive principles of state policy, Functions of Executive, Judiciary, Legislative, Powers and Privileges of Parliament, Provisions for declaring Emergency, Provision for amending the constitution, freedom of the press and restrictions these upon, Centre-state relations. Unit II MEDIA LAWS IN INDIA: PRB Act 1867, the press(objectionable matters)Act 1957, The News Paper (prices and Pages)Act 1956, Defence of India Act, Delivery of Books and News paper (public libraries)Act, Press Council Act, Cable TV Networks (regulations)Act, The Cinematographic Act 1952, Drugs and magic remedies Act. Unit III CIVIL AND CRIMINAL LAWS: Laws of Libel and defamation, Contempt of courts Act 1971 and contempt of Legislative, Copy right Act and IPR, Trade Mark Act and patents Act, Right to Information and Official Secrets Act, Autonomy and Prasar Bharati Act, Broadcasting Bill. Unit IV CODE AND ETHICS: Recommendations of press commission I and II, Mac Bridge report, Press council guide to Journalistic ethics, Self regulation and code of ethics, censorship and control of the press, press ownership and monopolies, Various committees of broadcasting, Broadcasting policies, Act regarding to working journalists. Unit V: CYBER LAWS IN INDIA: Nature and scope of cyber laws, The right to Publish and right to privacy, Digital signature , Piracy, Domain name registration issues, convergences bill, Media council and media ombudsman in the world. New IT Law IT 2000. Text Book: 1. Basu, Introduction to Indian Constitution, Practice hall of india(2003) Reference Books: 1. Basu, Law of the Press in India, Practice Hall of India(2003) 2. Radha Krishna Murthi , Indian Press Laws School of Media Page No.28-16
12VC215 ELEMENTS OF VIDEO PRODUCTION Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: To understand the aesthetics of video production To identify the elements of shot. To learn the camera options and production techniques. To understand the continuity of shots To learn the editing principles
Course Outcome: Students will come to know the use of video camera in producing a video. They will understand the different type of production techniques for creating a video movie. Unit I INTRODUCTION TO VIDEO EQUIPMENTS: Digital video camera types of video cameras format major accessories camera formats camera operations and functions aperture shutter white balance focusing methods - focal length depth of field video signal video format.
Unit II THE SHOT: Elements of the shot: the shot definition. mise-en-scene: aspects of miseenscene lighting in a shot setting aspect in a shot character expression and movement costume and makeup of the character - the realism of mise-en-scene thepower of mise-enscene time and space in mise-en-scene. Unit III THE PRODUCTION: Cinematography properties basic types of shot - camera movement camera framing camera angle duration of the shot long take. lighting for a scene colour temperature dolly trolley grips and camera accessories tripod montage lighting equipments. Unit IV TYPES OF PRODUCTION: Single camera production: the shot, scene, sequence, story board types of script, location scouting - the production phase. multi camera production rehearsal floor manager - the crew director, cameraman, script writer, lighting director, art director, music director, gaffer, production assistant, etc.,- documentary production short film production electronic field production talk shows- interviews. Unit V UNDERSTANDING THE POST PRODUCTION: Online production offline production the edl dimensions of editing spatial rhythmic graphic temporal editing - continuity School of Media Page No.28-17
editing. dimensions of film sound voice over dubbing re-recording titling adding special effects. Text Books: 1. Digital cinematography paul wheeler, focal press 2001 2. Film art david boardwell thirteenth edition Reference Book 1. Video production techniques zettl 2002
12VC216 PRE PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: To learn pre production techniques in film production. To learn the art of script preparation. To create the concept for a production. Knowing the process of video production techniques and the various script formats.
Course Outcome: The students will learn the grammar of movie making from the scratch. Various elements in pre production techniques will be taught in this curriculum.
Unit I BASIC - CONCEPT MAKING: Idea-seed of the programme-creative inspiration-visual thinking-discussion with team-format of the programme-types of formats like-newsdocumentaries-interview-TV programme - adscommercial- special programmes- daily soaps. Unit II BASIC ELEMENTS IN SCRIPT: Script-visual writing-budget-target audience-steps of developing concept- plot-story-character dialogue script formats proposal-treatment-develop steps in script writing. Unit- III BASIC PRODUCTION TECHNIQUE: Basic shot ,angles& camera movements-introduction -lighting and colors-single camera multicamera production-indoor studio-outdoor -properties. Unit IV STEPS IN PRE PRODUCTION: Shooting script-story board-scene-sequence break upcharacter main character-relief character subsidiary character-character introduction important of dialogues-dialogue writing - dramatic points in the story-twist in plot. School of Media Page No.28-18
Unit-V VARIOUS SCRIPT FORMATS: Script writing- various formats news-TV programme-adsproms-commercial-special programme- daily soapsdocumentaries-interview-film. Text Books: 1. Antony Friedman writing for visual media-focal press 2. John Hart the art of the story board-focal press Reference Books: 1. Dwight V Swain film script writing-focal press 2. Martha Mollison producing videos-focal press
12VC217 ADVERTISING I Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: This curriculum offers an insight into the advertising industry and its components. Course Outcome: The students will come to know the functioning of advertising agency and the different type of advertising being created to promote a product. Legal and ethical issues governing the advertising the industry will be learned. Unit I INTRODUCTION TO ADVERTISING: Advertising and its role in the market place, advertising industry in India advertising as a process of communication - Social effects of advertising.
Unit II TYPES OF ADVERTISING: Consumer, corporate, industrial, retail, cooperative and Public service advertising.- tone and content; reading the advertisement - review with current ad campaigns. Unit III ADVERTISING AGENCY: Structure and functions; Leading agencies in IndiaDiversification and competition full service agencies multinational clients challenges and opportUnit Ies. Unit IV ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN: Objectives, creative strategy: message, appeals, target market, level of response, media planning, advertising budget, pre testing and post testing. Unit V ETHICAL ISSUES: Professional ethics in advertising- cases of ethical violations -Advertising Standards Council Social and cultural issues Global regulations and Future trend.
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Text Books: 1. Kleppner, Otto; Fundamentals of Advertising; Prentice Hall; New Jersey. 1980. 2. Gupta, Sen; Brand Positioning; Tata McGraw Hill; New Delhi; 1990. 3. Hart, Norman; The practice of advertising; Heinemann Pub.; London. 1990. Reference Books: 1. Mooij,Mariekae de; Advertising Worldwide (2nd edn.); Prentice Hall; UK.1994. 2. Mohan, M; Advertising management concepts and cases; Tata McGraw Hill; New Delhi. 1989. 3. Chunnawalla and K.C. Sethia ; Foundations of Advertising: Theory and practice
12VC218 VIDEO PRODUCTION LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objective: To introduce students to the profession of producing programme for TV. Course Outcome: Making of this seven Television programs in Two or single camera set-up is real hand on experience for the student in the TV Program process. They learn all the technicals that is related to making of a program in production stage and post production stages.
List of Exercises 1. Thematic production (3mins) 2. Music video (1 min) 3. Educational video production (3mins) 4. Documentary (5mins) 5. Game shows (3mins) 6. News cast (2mins) 7. PSA (30 45 sec) 8. Indoor Single Camera set-up Interview (5 mins) 9. Outdoor Single Camera set-up Interview (5 mins) 10. Opinion survey (3 mins) 11. Producing video on organizational profile (3 mins) 12. Montage (2 mins)
12VC219 APPLIED PHOTOGRAPHY LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objective: To learn the types of photography. To learn the lighting techniques. To learn the techniques of photographing various subjects. Page No.28-20
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Course Outcome: The students will be taught the technique of taking different types of photographs in the lab and outdoor. LIST OF LAB WORKS 1. Indoor photography 2. Outdoor photography 3. Portrait photography 4. Architecture photography 5. Product photography 6. Fashion photography 7. Travel photography 8. Environmental photography 9. Action photography 10. Aerial photography 11. Macro photography 12. Sports and Panoramic photography 12VC220 AUDIO ENGINEERING Credits 4:0:0 Course Objective: The students will be taught about Audio related Engineering fundamentals and the techniques involved in Audio production. Course Outcome: The intricacies of recording and reproducing audio will be taught in the studio. The students will know the functioning of different equipments in recording industry. Unit I ANALOG AUDIO: Input Transducers - Microphones - Polar responses - Types of Microphones - Production of the different polar responses - Phantom power - Balanced wiring Specific applications of microphones - Reference voltages in audio signals - Technical monitoring - Aural monitoring - Output Transducers - Loudspeaker - Professional and domestic standards - Methods of producing inter - channel differences -Stereo loudspeaker matching Phase - Microphone techniques for stereo - Headphones for stereo monitoring. Unit II AUDIO ENGINEERING FUNDAMENTALS: Sound mixers - The basic channel - Important features of a mixer - Output stage - Inputs and connections - Filters - Equalizers - Shelving EQ Semi parametric Eq - Parametric EQ-Graphic EQ - Paragraphic EQ Talkback - Manual control of levels - Electronic level control Signal processors - Dynamic processors Compressor - Limiter - Expander - Gate Multiband compressor - Sidechain - Effect processors - Reverb - Delay - Chorus - Phaser - Flanger Audio lines and Patchbays. Unit III School of Media Page No.28-21
ANALOG RECORDING: Objectives and problems in recording - Analog Recording devices and systems - ATR The fundamentals of magnetic recording - Tape standards - Cassette quality - Head and tape cleanliness - Noise reduction - Two track systems - Multi track systems - Tape speeds - Transport controls - TTL - Head alignment - General Maintenance - Routing Recording - Punching - Auto punch - Editing - Basic Analog Mixing. Unit IV BASICS OF LIVE SOUND ENGINEERING: Need for Sound Reinforcement - Technology Basic PA systems - Full Range sound Reinforcement systems - Choice of Equipment - Signal flow - FOH - MOH - Indoor systems - Outdoor Systems - Applications - Safety - Ear safety Electrical safety - Mechanical safety Fire safety. Unit V DIGITAL AUDIO: Basic Principles Analog vs Digital Analog to Digital Converter Digital to Analog Converter Application of Digital Audio Digital audio hardware - formats Storage medium Digital mixers Digital audio workstation Editing Mixing - Mastering Audio Post production for Video. Text Book: 1. Michael Talbot-Smith, Sound Engineering Explained, 2nd Edition, Focal Press, 2002. Reference Books: 1. Ken Pohlmann, Principles of Digital Audio, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, 1995 2. David Simons, Analog Recording, 3rd Edition, Backbeat Books, 2006. 3. Paul White, Basic Live Sound, Sanctuary Publications, 2003.
12VC221 NON LINEAR EDITING Credits 4:0:0 Course Objective: To know the different types of editing. To understand the terminologies and concepts of Avid video editing software. To acquire the editing and titling skills. To learn adding special effects and mixing audio with the visuals in Avid. Course Outcome: The students will understand the techniques of editing video clips in the nonlinear editing systems using Avid software. Unit I INTRODUCTION TO VIDEO EDITING AND AVID: Editing: Definition, Principles, Stages EDL Role of Editor Continuity & Dynamic Editing Linear & Non-Linear Editing Physical & Electronic Editing Control Track & SMPTE Editing A/B Roll EditingIntroduction to Avid Xpress DV Hardware and Software Requirements Unit II School of Media Page No.28-22
TERMINOLOGIES AND RECORDING: Media files, Clips, Sub clips, Sequences, Bins, Projects Timeline, Effect editor, Effect palette, Composer monitor, Source monitor Tool palette Bin Views Importing, Copying, Moving and Deleting Clips in Bins IEEE 1394 Selecting Deck/Tape, Target Drives, Audio and Video Channels Controlling Decks Unit III EDITING AND TITLING: Customizing Monitor Displays Playing Video in Client Monitor Loading and Clearing Footage on Monitor Controlling Playback Marking and SubCataloging Footage Setting up a Sequence Setting up Tracks Undoing /Redoing Edits Splice-in Edit & Overwrite Edit Lifting, Extracting and Copying Segments Slip Trim & Slide Trim Finding Frames and Clips Titling: Editing, Removing, Replacing, Fading Titles, Replacing Fill Tracks. Unit IV SPECIAL EFFECTS: Types of Transition Effects Single and Multiple Effects (Transition & Segment) Rendering Key frameable and Non-Key frameable Effects Defining Motion Paths using Key frames Layered Effects Nested Effects Key Effects (Chroma, Luma, Matte) Freeze Frame Variable Speed Strobe Motion Reverse Motion Unit V WORKING WITH AUDIO AND EXPORTING: Soloing Audio Tracks Audio Scrubbing Audio Effect Tool Audio Mix Tool Automation Gain Tool Adjusting Volume in Timeline Audio EQ Tool Audio Suite Plug-Ins Mixing Video Tracks Recording to Tape Exporting Formats (MPEG-1, MPEG- 2, QuickTime, DV Stream, OMF) Text Books: 1. Video Field Production and Editing, Sixth Edition, Ronald J. Compessi, San Francisco State University 2. Avid Xpress DV Users Guide Reference Book: 1. Avid Xpress DV Effects Guide
12VC222 2D GRAPHICS AND ANIMATION Credits 4:0:0 Course Objective: To learn the animation techniques. To make the students understand about the 2D animation production. To learn the types of animation compositing techniques and post production in 2D Animation
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Course Outcome: The students will understand different types of animation in 2D. They will learn preproduction techniques, software and compositing. Unit I TYPES OF ANIMATION: Types of animation: Traditional Animation Cell Animation, Clay Animation , Stop motion Animation , Cutout Animation , Computer Generated Animation 2D Animation Vs 3D Animation - Styles of animation Principles of animation. Unit II DIFFERENT ANIMATION STYLES: Disney animation Japanese animation Russian animation Comparative study of different animation styles basic anatomy proportions staging posing timing actions. Unit III PREPRODUCTION: Scripting storyboard screen play timing duration Character design Turn around colour schemes attitudes props. Tools for 2D animation : Colour keys background layout source of light styles paper sources paper quality. Unit IV SOFTWARE INTERFACE: Creating a document creating accessible flash content - writing scripts creating an application working with layers layout tools drawing creating symbols adding animation and navigation adding text creating timeline action. Unit V COMPOSITING: Special Effects Foley sound design software packages US animation Flash animation animation pass -= compositing animation actions compositing backgrounds scanning images compositing cels compositing objects. Text Book: 1. The Animator's Workbook: Step-By-Step Techniques of Drawn Animation [ILLUSTRATED] (Paperback) by Tony White 2. Timing for Animation (Paperback) by Harold Whitaker , John Halas Cartoon Animation (The Collector's Series) (Paperback) by Preston Blair Reference Book: 1. Character Animation: 2D Skills for Better 3D, Steve Roberts, Focal press, Second edition 2007.
12VC223 WEB DESIGNING Credits 4:0:0 Course Objective: To understand and use HTML tags for designing web pages. To learn Dreamweaver and its features to design web pages. To learn Javascript to develop dynamic pages. School of Media Page No.28-24
Course Outcome: The students will be introduced HTML programming and designing a web page in Dreamweaver software. Unit I HTML: Anatomy of HTML file Lists Nested Lists Font Anchor Image Sound Colors Horizontal rules Borders Alignment mail to Preformatted text Title, Base, HREF, Meta tags Transition effects Visual Filters Unit II PROGRAMMING PRINCIPLES: Table: Table Alignment Cell Alignment Colors Adding Images Frame: Multiple frames Inline frames Form: Label Text Text Areas Password Input Buttons (Button, submit, reset) Checkbox Radio Button List Box Hidden Input in Forms Unit III DESIGNING CORE PAGES IN DREAMWEAVER: HTML Editors Features of Dreamweaver Accessing the Code Building Style Sheets Working with Text Inserting Images Establishing Web Links Unit IV ADVANCED DESIGN FEATURES IN DREAMWEAVER: Working with Div and Layer Using Behaviors Setting Tables Interactive Forms Creating Lists Using Frames and Framesets Using Templates Using Library Elements Unit V JAVASCRIPT: Introduction keywords Data types Variables Operators Comments Arrays Expressions Control Structures Functions (calling a function, returning values, integrating function & HTML) Text Books: 1. HTML 4.0 Sourcebook, Ian S. Graham, Wiley Publications, 1998 (Unit I, II) 2. Internet & World Wide Web How to program, 3rd Ed., H.M. Deitel, P.J. Deitel, et al., Prentice Hall, 2003 (Unit I, II, V) Reference Books: 1. Web Design with HTML/Flash/Javascript & Ecommerce BIBLE, David Crowder and Rhona Crowder, Wiley DreamTech India Pvt. Ltd (Unit I, II, V) 2. Dreamweaver 8 Bible, Joseph W. Lowrey, Wiley Publication, 2006.
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To provide an understanding of radio programming and radio programme formats and equip the students to apply these in regular programmes.
Course Outcome: The learners will be taught the growth of radio industry in India and abroad. They will understand the various activities of creating and broadcasting a radio programme. Unit1: HISTORY OF RADIO: All India radio its growth & reach / Broadcast management Public & Private Radio Stations / Laws & regulations / Community Radio / Audience research Unit II: RADIO PROGRAMMING SKILLS: Writing for Radio News gathering and reporting skills / other genre of radio progammes Unit III: RADIO PRESENTATION SKILLS: Effective speaking skills announcements news reading / Interview skills / Voice culture Unit IV: RADIO PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES: Nature of sound / Sound recording techniques indoor & outdoor / Post-production techniques voice, music and special effect / Unit V: BROADCASTING TECHNIQUES: Equipments / Studio operations / OB operations Workshops on Voice Culture, Recording techniques etc and Radio - Station visits are part of the coursemodule. Evaluation will be based on theoretical knowledge as well as production of radio content. Text Book: 1. H.R.Luthura, Indian Broadcasting Review, Ministry of I & B Reference Books: 1. Srivatsava, Broadcasting, Vigyan Publication, New Delhi 2. Mencher. M., Basic NewsWriting, Sharma Books 3. Lesiler &Flat lay, Basic Business communication. Tata Mc Graw Hill.
12VC225 WEB DESIGNING LAB Credits 0:0:2 School of Media Page No.28-26
Course Objective: To apply the skills in developing web pages using HTML tags. To know the basics of HTML and to create a web page with source codes without the help of the other automatic softwares.
Course Outcome: It helps the learners to learn the basics of web designing which helps in the advance stages like VB, JAVA, etc. List of Exercises 1. Develop a webpage using basic HTML tags 2. Create a web page with transition effects 3. Creating a webpage which contains a set of images (minimum 10) in same size inserted in table. 4. Develop a webpage using TABLE tag to display class timetable. 5. Develop and integrate at least 4 instructional web pages using FRAMES and suitable hyperlinks. 6. Construct a webpage using FORM tag to enter student bio-data. 7. Developing a webpage using basic hyperlinks 8. Creating web pages with visual effects. 9. Create a website for social awareness message 10. Create a website for banner ads. Ads should change for every 10 15 sec 11. Design an academic website 12. Design a website using HTML, CSS
12VC226 AUDIO PRODUCTION LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objective: The students will be practically taught to apply Audio production techniques involved in Radio Production, Music Production and Audio Post Production for Video using Digital Audio Workstations. Course Outcome: It enables the students to be creatively and technically operational in the audio industry. List of Exercises: 1. Record and edit a narration with appropriate BGM 2. Produce an interview Production (Indoor) 3. Interview Production (Outdoor) 4. Signature tune 5. Live multi-tracking of one instrument and vocals using Zoom H4 6. Overdubbing of one instrument in stereo with vocals School of Media Page No.28-27
7. Recording SFX using Zoom H4 8. Ambient Sound Sampling using Zoom H4 9. Automated Dialogue Replacement 10. Music and Effects 11. Preparation of automated dialogue replacement 12. Preparation of effects track for video
12VC227 VIDEO POST PRODUCTION LAB (FCP) Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective: To introduce students to the profession of editing in NLE and give the professional exercise of basic editing. Here its hand on experience in EDIT Suit for the students to edit the visuals according to the category.
Course Outcome: Students will able to experience techniques of video editing using Avid software in the NLE Suite. List of experiments: 1. Understanding tools 2. Introduce transition 3. Introduce video effects 4. Motion tracking 5. Masking 6. Basic Titling 7. Basic audio editing 8. Keying 9. Synchronization with audio effects 10. Film titling 11. Colour correction 12. Create one trailer
12VC228 FILM STUDIES Credits 4:0:0 Course objective: To make the learners know about the different genes of films its types and the methods of digital production.
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Course Outcome: To make the students understand the history of cinema and its growth. They will also get to know the elements and perspective of film industry. Unit I CINEMA INTRODUCTION: Cinema as an institution. The origin of cinema. Film review. Appreciation. Criticism. Definitions. Qualities of film critic. Responsibilities of a film critic. Film and society. Film and politics. Shaping society. Film as an experience, Environment, Commodity and Communication Media. Unit II CINEMA ELEMENTS: Approaches to studying film. Narrative and Non Narrative films. Structure of a narrative film. Cinematic codes. Mise-en-scene. Setting. Props. Costume. Performance and movement. Lighting. Camera and Camera movement. Editing. Sound. Narrative Unit III CINEMA PERSPECTIVE: Genre, star and auteur. French new wave. Neo Realism. German Expressionism. Third world Cinema. Political Cinema. Representation of gender and sexuality. Soviet montage cinema. Unit IV CINEMA AUDIENCE: Film audience. Audience positioning. Audience as the meaning makers. Hero worship. Fan clubs. Problematising the film audience. Unit V WORLD CINEMA: Study of Great Indian and International filmmakers like Satyajit Ray, Adoor Gopalakrishnan, Akira Kurusowa, Ingmar Bergman and others. Text Books: 1. Turner, Graeme. Film as social practice, Routledge, London, 1993 2. Monoco, James. How to read a film, Routledge, London, 2001 Reference Books : 1. Nelmes, Jill. An introduction to film studies, Routledge, London, 1996. 2. Vasudev, Aruna. The new Indian cinema, Macmillan, Delhi, 1986. 3. Oxford guide to world cinema, Oxford, London, 2000.
12VC229 PRODUCTION PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT Credits 4:0:0 Course objective: To familiarize the learners in managing the studio production and managing the equipments in meeting the schedules. School of Media Page No.28-29
Course Outcome: The students will come understand the production of video film and the management of various factors involved. Unit I ELEMENTS OF PRODUCTION PLANNING: Need for production planning.. Pre production and Post production planning. Duties and responsibilities of producer/director. Production Package, Production Designers. Production office. Best laid plans. Unit II PLANNING OF STUDIO OPERATIONS: Set designing and make up visualization and composition-aesthetics-directing the actors-directing the crew planning in career. Costing and budgeting of programme. Commissioned and sponsored programme. Unit III PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT: Planning in career. Planning and Production of indoor and outdoor shootings. Planning and management of live shows. Functions, roles, and skills of media managers in broadcast, cable and corporate facilities, with emphasis on financial management, personnel management, programming, physical systems, and regulations. Unit IV MANAGERIL SKILLS IN MEDIA INDUSTRY: An overview of management theory. Financing a production. Moving the budget down. Markets and marketing. Digital Asset Management. Rich Media. Streaming management. Re-purposing of assets. Storage management and archiving. Rights management. Contracts management. Anti-piracy measures. Unit V PROJECT PLANNING: Project Development Life cycle. Sample business plan for a fictional company. Text Books: 1. Media Organisation and Production, Simon Cottle, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2003 2. Filmmakers and Financing, Louise Levison, Focal Press, 2003. Reference Books: 1. Raindance Producers Lab: Lo-to-No Budget filmmaking, Elliot Grove, Focal Press, 2004. 2. Digital Asset Management, David Austerberry, Focal Press, 2003.
12VC230 COMMERCIAL BROADCASTING Credits 4:0:0 Course objective: School of Media Page No.28-30
The course imparts the techniques and the application of the commercial production in preparing the script, to create a concept for the commercial production and knowing about the various scripting formats in producing an commercial.
Course Outcome: Students will be able to develop ideas for commercial broadcasting and also handle various stages involved in it including financial management. Unit I INTRODUCTION: Development of ideas- brief from client, agency interpretation, advertising strategy, creative work- idea/ concept development, popular TV ad formats, script/ story board, client approval, media approval- creative potential of TV. Unit II PREPRODUCTION : Pre production- film formats, film stocks, planning of special elementschoosing the production team, crew, cast- sources of casting, importance of casting director. Pre production meeting - the agenda. Unit II PRODUCTION: Production of the commercial- set shooting/ location shooting- recording the sound track and creating the special effects - Pre scoring and Post scoring. Unit IV POST PRODUCTION: Editing the commercial- traditional film editing/ non linear editingfinishing the audio elements- confirming the picture- special effects and animations. Unit V FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Economics of commercial production- Budgeting, factors affecting budgeting, problems with in-house production- finding production companies for bidding specialization of production companies, reviewing the production company cassettes future of TV commercial production. Text Books : 1. Kelsey, Gerald. Writing for Television. Unistar, 2004. 2. Simon, Mark. Storyboards Motion in Action(2nd edn.). Oxford: Focal Press. 2000 3. Zettl, Herbert. Television Production Handbook(7th edn.). Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing, 2000. 4. Crittenden, Roger. Film and Video Editing (2nd edn.). London: Blue Print, 1995. Reference Books : 1. Wright, Steve. Digital compositing for Film and Video. Oxford; Focal Press, 2005. 2. Hooper White. How to produce effective TV commercials (3rd edn.). NTC Business Books. Chicago. 3. The audio- visual handbook- a complete guide to the world of audio- visual techniques. Alan MCPHERSON & Howard Timms. Pelham books, London. 4. Mathur,C. Advertising Management; Text and Cases. New Age International: New Delhi-2005. Page No.28-31 School of Media
12VC231 TELEVISION PRODUCTION Credits 4:0:0 Course Objective: The students will be taught to apply the production techniques involved in the television production. Course Outcome: The course will enable the learners to produce their own television programme. This paper helps the students understand the process of television production. Unit I TV PRODUCTION: Genre of Studio based productions and target audience. TV productionMusic shows, dance shows, reality shows, quiz, personality interview, Political discussion, current affairs, election campaign, Election Results & analysis, News Presentation, weather report. Unit II TV PROGRAMMING: Genre of Single camera Production- Documentary, Tele film, Experimental video, Outdoor, Soft stories, Teleserials, Crime subjects enacted. Unit-III TV BROADCAST DISTRIBUTION: Advantages and Disadvantages of various distribution systems- Terrestrial, cable with & without CAS (set top box), Direct to home, web streaming. IPTV Unit IV TV CHANNELS: Public service TV, Commercial TV, Religious TV, Sports TV, Discovery channel / NGC, Cartoon Net etc Unit V INFLUENCE OF TV PROGRAMME; How audience are influenced by TV Programmes and commercials- Children, Youth, women, Political leaders and senior citizen. Text Books: 1. The Television Studies Book- David Lusted and Christine Geraghty 2. An Introduction to Television Studies - Jonathan Bignell -: Routledge 2007 Reference Books: 3. The Television Studies Reader-Edited by Robert C. Allen, Annette Hill 4. TELEVISIONS: An Introduction to Television Studies Glen Creeber British Film Institue, 2006. School of Media Page No.28-32
12VC232 CORPORATE COMMUNICATION Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives To enable the students to learn the basic communication skills and the usage of communication technology in the modern workplace. Course Outcomes It enhances the learners to maintain good work team communication. It also helps them to plan and execute the business documentation used in corporate culture. Students are able to understand the significance of planning and execution of media relations. Unit I INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION: Communication basics Business Communication components Types formal communication network Work team communication variables goal conflict resoulation non verbal communication Cross cultural communication Business meetings Business Etiquette. Unit II INTRODUCTION TO CORPORATE COMMUNICATION: Understanding Corporate Communication Employee Communication Managing Government Relations Writing for Media and Media Relations Unit III TYPES OF CORPORATE COMMUNICATION: Corporate Communication in Brand Promotion Financial Communication Crises Communication. Unit IV DOCUMENTATION: Report writing: Characterizing & business reports Types and forms & reports Project proposals collection of data tables constitution charts writing the report documenting the sources proof reading. Unit V BUSINESS PRESENTATION: Written and oral presentation work team presentation Delivering the business presentation visual aids slides electronic presentation hand-outs delivering the presentation career planning preparing Resume job applications preparation for a job interview employment interviews follow-up. School of Media Page No.28-33
Text Book: 1. Scot Ober, Contemporary business communication, fifth edition, biztantra.
12VC233 RADIO PRODUCTION LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objective To train the students in gaining knowledge on various formats of radio programme production. To impart technical knowledge in broadcasting various radio programmes. Course Outcome Students will be able to produce radio programmes on their own. List of Exercises 1. Produce radio programmes for News and Interviews 2. Script writing for radio programmes Standard Script forms -Writing for Radio Style grammar format writing tools, creative writing & editing. 3. Produce a radio ad for social awareness programme 4. Produce a radio programme using and highlighting the appropriate sound recording editing With Sound effects 5. Produce 60 sec radio announcements using the appropriate Compeering, Narration and Voice Modulation 6. Produce a radio interview with the location of music recording and remote broadcast. 7. Produce a news reading and presentation methods with proper pronunciation, vocal stressing, Inflection and quotation marks 8. Produce a 45 sec radio commercial on any product of your choice 9. Produce a radio documentary 10. Produce a programme on radio drama. 11. Produce a radio programme for a radio group discussion programme. 12. Produce a radio programme for a music talk.
12VC234 TELEVISION PRODUCTION LAB (Computer Graphics) Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective To train the students in gaining knowledge on various formats of television production. To impart technical knowledge in broadcasting various television programmes. School of Media Page No.28-34
Course Outcome Students will be able to produce various television programmes on their own according to the technical format. List of Exercise Topic/theme based programme will be based on producing 1. Produce a television Current affairs type programme 2. Produce a simple drama exercise for 5 min 3. Mime type programme 4. Interviewing personalities 5. Shoot a slice of life programme for 5 min 6. Produce a TV news cast 7. Shoot 10 min duration TV Documentary. 8. Shoot 5 min duration a Quiz programme. 9. Shoot and produce a 5 min TV environmental awareness programme 10. Shoot video on a testimonial television commercial 11. Produce and shoot a television talk show programme 12. Produce an instructional television programme 12VC235 COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objective: To make the learners train in various types of commercial production. To impart the students in making them know about the production techniques of both radio and television commercial. Course Outcome: In enhances the students to produce various types of commercials on their own. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Produce a Radio commercial 2. Produce a radio jingle 3. Produce a signature tune for a radio programme 4. Record a celebrity endorsement commercial for a product 5. Produce a TV commercial 6. Produce a script and story board for a TV commercial 7. Produce a public service TV advertisement 8. Produce a live product demo for a commercial 9. Produce a TV commercial with animation effects 10. Produce a television new bulletin School of Media Page No.28-35
11. Produce a commercial for an emotional appeal ad. 12. Produce a commercial for a rational appeal ad.
12VC236 MEDIA RESEARCH Credits 4:0:0 Course Objective To understand research methods and statistical tools in media field. To understand the principles of evaluation, research and statistics and computer application. To prepare model research proposals for research studies and report writing. Course Outcome After learning this paper the learners will be able to know the research methods and statistics applied in media industry. The students will also be able to initiate new media research proposals in their respective field. Unit I INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH: Nature of scope and distinction between research in natural and social sciences nature and scope of communication research review of research related to effects research limitations of effects research basic parameters of media related studies. Unit II DESIGNING A RESEARCH STUDY: The problems and the method preparing a research proposal sources of research primary and secondary etc. Unit III TYPES OF RESEARCH DESIGN: Exploratory studies descriptive studies diagnostic studies experimental studies their relevance and use in communication research. Unit IV METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION: Field studies Holistic approach observation Interviews Questionnaires structured and unstructured schedules sampling content analysis approach, method and use techniques basic data analysis techniques. Unit V Writing a research project organization chapterization citation footnotes Text Books: 1. Research Methods in Mass Communication by Stempell and Westley Prentice Hall, 1981. 2. Communication Theories: Origins, Methods and Uses by Severin and Tankard, hastings House Publishers, 1979. 3. Mass Media Research an introduction by Roger Wimmer and Joseph Dominick, (III EDITION), Wadsworth Pub., 1991. School of Media Page No.28-36
Reference Books: 1. Handbook of Radio and TV Broadcasting Ed. By James Fletcher, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, London, 1981. 2. Studies in Mass Communication and Technology Ed. By Sari Thomaas, Ablex Publishing Company, 1984. 12VC237 ADVERTISING II Credits 4:0:0 Course Objective To introduce the students to the advertising world and brief them on various stages involved in the process of producing & launching digital media advertisements. Course Outcome This curriculum has been designed to teach the students why advertising is part of Marketing Management and how it helps the industry, consumers & the society to progress. Students will come to know the stages through which manufacturers have to travel for promoting their products by deploying various advertising techniques. Also, the off- shoot of advertising in to Public Relations has also been deliberated to give an insight to this area. Unit I Advertisers Leading National and International Clients Ad Spend Advertising campaigns other promotional campaigns Advertising and PR Department of the clients Role, responsibilities and functions of Advertising and PR managers planning and execution coordination with advertising and marketing agencies. Unit II ADVERTISING DEPARTMENTS IN MEDIA: Print and Electronic media Advertising policy and regulations of newspapers, radio stations and TV channels tariff space and time allocation schedule preparation - agency relations client relations coordination with other departments advertising revenue generation ad. executives/representatives. Unit III MEDIA FOR ADVERTISING: Newspapers and Magazines Characteristics, reach and ad.exposure Products and advertisers of Print media Cost ; Radio advertising jingles spots production cost reach and effectiveness radio audience tariff; TV advertising: effectiveness reach- products and advertisers on TV channel competition tariff production cost creativity; Outdoor media characteristics cost- effectiveness in advertising. Unit IV RURAL ADVERTISING: Rural market characteristics growth penetration of brands brand competition media and rural market nature of products and services for rural markets media planning use of outdoor media successful rural advertising and marketing campaigns Rural advertising agencies- economics of rural advertising. Unit V
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MULTINATIONAL ADVERTISING: Multinational Advertising Agencies Indian Agencies with Foreign Agencies Multinational campaign strategies and cost considerations creativity and content in International advertisements cultural differences and global advertising campaigns implications regulations . Text Books: 1. Fundamentals of Advertising, Otto Kleppner, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1980. 2. The Practice of Advertising 3rd Fdn. Norman Hart, Heinemann Pub. London.1990. 3. Advertising world wide (2nd Edn). Marieke de Mooij, Prentice Hall, UK. 1994. Reference Books: 1. Brand positioning . Sen Gupta, Tata Mc Graw Hill. New Delhi. 1990 2. Advertising Management concepts and cases M. Mohan, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1989. 3. Successful advertising research methods Haskins & Kendrick, NTC Business
12VC238 PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY Credits 4:0:0 Course Objective: The syllabus is focused to orient the students on the professional photographic techniques and the professional equipments used in the media industry. Course Outcome: The students will understand various stages in the growth of photographic technology from analogue to digital and how to use todays expertise for capturing images and manipulate them using editing software for different applications. The students will also appreciate the ways to use photography for gainful employment & as a rewarding hobby. Unit I PHOTOGRAPHIC GEAR: The equipments cameras, lenses, light meters, filters, flashes and accessories, Understanding - exposure and lighting techniques indoor and outdoor, Black & white and colour photography films, chemicals, processing and printing. Unit II MACRO PHOTOGRAPHY: Still life, Close-up, macro and microphotography, Special effects Techniques and Manipulation of images, Photomicrography - study by magnification, close-up lenses and devices. Unit III PHOTO JOURNALISM: Photography as a mirror of reality and symbol - realism, surrealism and expressionism, Photo essay and documentary - expression of idea and emotion, Photo feature, editorial reportage, people and events, action and sports, Thematic presentation of nature, landscape, architecture, city life and people. Unit IV
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PHOTOGRAPHY IN ADVERTISING: Advertising - visualizing - copy and illustrations use of drawing and photographs, Consumer and industrial products - sets props, casting, studio, indoors and outdoors locations, Fashion Photography - studio and location, editorial, advertising, beauty and portrait. Unit V PHOTOGRAPHY FOR VIDEO: Compact camcorder techniques, scoreboard, production for advertising - Digital Photography- Digital Camera functions and techniques, computer aided applications and creativity. Text Books: 1. Michael Langford, Basic Photography, Focal Press, London, 1986. 2. Michael Langford, Advanced Photography, Focal Press, London, 1986 3. Mitchell Bearley, John Hedgeeses New Introductory Photography Course, Reed consumer Books Ltd, London, 1998 Reference Books: 1. Jonathan Hilton, Action Photography, Rotoision, Switzerland 1997 2. Dave Sounders, Professional Advertising Photography, Merchurst Press, London 1988 3. Roger Hicks, Practical Photography, Cassell, London 1996 4. Julian Calder and John Garrett, The 35 mm Photographer's Handbook, Pan Books, London 1999 Julie Adair King, Digital Photography
12VC239 STUDIO MANAGEMENT Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: To brief learners on the concept of various broadcast & non-broadcast studios for Radio & Television. To describe the designing & construction of studios, infrastructure such as lighting, power & air-conditioning, requirement of Audio, Video, Graphic, Storage & Broadcast equipments. Manpower and budget to run the studio are also explained. Course Outcome: Knowledge gained in this module will help the candidate to design, build & operate a broadcast or non-broadcast studio, taking care of intricate details. They will be able to manage the men, material & time efficiently to bring out a video programme and budget it economically. The learner will be able to choosing the right technical equipments for each department and maintain them for skilful functioning of the studio. Unit I ESSENTIALS OF A STUDIO: Perception of a studio Audio, Video, Modelling studios Broadcast & Non Broadcast studio Designing & constructing a studio Layout School of Media Page No.28-39
Infrastructural requirements of an ideal studio Norms for planning Power, House Lighting, Air-conditioning & Data communication - Sound Proofing Techniques Crafting a Shooting floor: Stage, Set, Blue/Green Screen, & Virtual studio OB Van Insight into Indian & Inter nation studios. Unit II BUDGETING & STAFFING: Scope for generating Income for a broadcast & non-broadcast studio cost of operating & maintaining a studio Budgeting for and marketing a TV program / Music Recording Staff pattern & hierarchy in a mid & large size BS / NBS studio Roles and responsibilities of creative & non creative staff : Administrative, Technical, Supervisory, Cast, Crew & Talents. Unit III TECHNICAL GEAR REQUIREMENT & USAGE: Equipment for Audio: Different types of microphones, stand, cable, connectors, monitors, mixers, compressors, expanders, amplifiers, liner & non liner recorders. Video equipments: Cameras, Lens, Filters, Camera mounts, Cables, Connectors, CCU, WFM, Vector scope, Vision Mixer, Router switch Patch Bay Monitors Recording Medium & Formats - Liner & Non Liner Recorders CAR Room - Studio Lighting Equipments: Studio Lights, Grid, Mounts, Accessories, Lighting Controls.
Unit IV RECORDING & POST PRODUCTION : Pre-shoots Technical Checks in Hot studio Rehearsal & Blocking Technique Set Etiquettes & Studio Procedure Establishing Communication & Talkback system Studio Calls - Shooting Floor & Control Room Dialogue Non Verbal Cues during shoot - Audience Management Stagecraft & Show Control Graphic Station - AVG Chain from Studio to Storage - Tape & E-Library - Hardware & Software for Audio & Video NLE - Basic Transmission Equipments. Unit V FIRE, SAFETY, SECURITY & LEGAL ISSUES: Work Place Conditions - Fire Hazard & Risk Assessment Prevention of Fire - Chemical Fire -Extinguishers & Fire Fighting Methods Electrical Shock Means to prevent electricity related accidents Medical Emergency & First Aid Screening Audience for Security Preventing Theft & Pilferage Insurance Cover for Men, Material, Building and Vehicles - Mandatory Government Licenses for filming & broadcasting Intellectual Property Right Film Trade Unions Crew Protocol - Contracts, Bonds & Agreements of Cast & Talents. Text Book: 1. Martha Mollison & Allen Unwin. Producing Videos - A Complete Guide by. Published by South Asian Edition 2007. Reference Books: 1. Bastian Cleve. Film Production Management. Focal Press, Edition 2007. 2. Studio management Manual, prepared by Tony M. Jawahar (E&MT-KU)
Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: Two of the objective of radio & TV media points to instruction& information. This job lies on the shoulders of broadcast journalist. The curriculum deals with the responsibility of the electronic news journalist and the procedure of broadcasting in the media. Course Outcome: Students will come to how the Radio & TV news goes on air from start to finish. They will understand the activities & protocol involved in the process. Unit I NEWS GATHERING: Introduction to Broadcast Journalism Qualities of a Journalist Freelancing & Training - What is news Source of News Getting the Story. Unit II BASIC RADIO JOURNALISM: Radio News Room Structure News Writing News Bulletin News Presentation - Interviews News desk & News room Management Programme production Specialized programmes.
Unit III TV NEWS COVERAGE: Electronic News Gathering Camera Shots TV Script Writing Compiling the Report- Editing the Image & Visuals used Unit IV DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES: Power, Freedom & responsibilities Censorship in developing nations Objectivity & Impartiality Responsible reporting Internal pressure on reporting Journalist code of Professional Conduct - Legalities Unit V THE NEWS STUDIO: The News Studio Set & Control room Video Journalism - Research News online 3 Qualities of an online journalist - Teletext Satellite Images for news Computerized News room. Text books: 1. Broadcast Journalism by Andrew Boyd. Vth Edition Focal Press 2007 2. Basic Radio Journalism by Paul Chantler & Peter Stewart. Focal Press 2007 Reference Book: 1. Aditya Sengupta: Electronic Journalism Principles & Practices: Authors Press, New Delhi Ist PB Edition 2006. 12VC302 PRINCIPLES OF CINEMATOGRAPHY Credit 4:0:0 School of Media Page No.28-41
Course Objective: The videography techniques are the copy of the practices followed in cinematography except for the medium used & the perception of lenses. One of those major factors for making a production interesting is the inspirational presentation style. Successful formula used in commercial cinematography to make the visuals pleasing & meaningful is discussed here to expose the students to various possibilities of applying similar creativity in video production. Course Outcome: The students will learn the time tested concept of applying 5 Ps in their production that Hollywood follows in their film making techniques Camera Angle, Continuity, Cutting (editing), Close-Ups & Composition. These techniques are adopted from the works of Shri. Joseph V Mascelli, an acclaimed cinematographer & the author of The 5 Cs of Cinematography. Unit I CAMERA ANGLE: Introduction - Scene, Shot & Sequence Types of Camera Angles (Objective, Subjective & Point of View) Subject size, Subject Angle & Camera Height Scene requirements.
Unit II CONTINUITY: Introduction Cinematic Time & Space Filming the Action (Controlled & Uncontrolled) Filming Techniques (Master Scene, Triple-Take) - Directional Continuity, Scene Direction (Dynamic & Static), Different types of Action Axis, Transitional Devices (Sound & Picture) Unit III CUTTING (EDITING): Introduction Types of Editing (Continuity & Compilation) - Cross Cutting & uses, Sound Editing Problems Sound Flow Editorial Requirement (Technical, Esthetical & Narrative). Unit IV CLOSE UPS: Introduction Extreme, Over the Shoulder, Types of close ups (Cut in & Cut away) Close Up Choice Close Up look, Close up camera angle & image size player movements into & out of close up Close up camera set up & background. Unit V COMPOSITION: Introduction Still vs. Motion Picture Composition Composition Rules Composition Languages Balance, Unity & Eye Scan Framing Image Size, Integrated composition, Camera Angle Frame & Frame Requirements Frame Focus & Movement Compositional Variety. Text Book: School of Media Page No.28-42
1. The 5Cs of Cinematography (Motion Picture Filming Techniques) by Joseph V. Mascelli, Silman-James Press, California Reference Books: 1. Ivan Cury: Directing & Producing for Television. Focal Press 2007 2. Mick Hurbis-Cherrier: Voice & Vision-A creative approach to narrative Flm & DV Production. 12VC303 ADVANCED MULTIMEDIA LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objective: This exercise will introduce the advanced concepts of 2D animation, which will help students gain knowledge about cartoon animation. Course Outcome: The students will gain hands on experience by undergoing different tools of 2D animation using Flash software. They will be able to create a 2D cartoon animation at the end of the experiments. List of Experiments: 1. The Pre-production Phase 2. Character designing 3. Converting objects into symbols 4. Motion and Shape Tweening 5. Background Compositing for animation 6. Creating Camera movements 7. Masking & Motion guide 8. Creating movements (character) using bone tool 9. Creating Transition effects 10. Introduction to action scripting 11. Creating basic movements using Action Script 12. Keyboard and mouse interfacing using Action script 12VC304 NON LINEAR EDITING USING FCP Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: To understand the grammar of video editing on a NLE system. To learn the procedures, techniques, and standard practices in motion picture editing. School of Media Page No.28-43
Course Outcome: Students will acquire knowledge on various techniques involved in motion picture editing and post production work flow. They will familiarize with the tools available in Final Cut Pro NLE software for executing various commands in editing. Unit I INTRODUCTION TO EDITING: Aesthetics / Principles of editing - Liner & Nonlinear Editing -Spatial & Temporal possibilities - Manipulation of time, Rhythm & Pace - Dramatic Continuity - Analog & Digital Recording - Introduction to digital editing -Television Aspect ratio - Different television standardization - Editing Action Sequence - Cross Cutting - Parallel Cutting - Editing Advertising & Promotional video - Editing complex Dramatic Scene Analysis of film sequences from editing point of view - Animation: Cell animation- Computer animation-Incorporating animation & live action. Unit II FINAL CUT PRO BASICS: Final cut pro post production work flow Video formats Audio formats - Timecode Building blocks of project Working with project Connection between clips and media files File naming considerations Keyboard shortcuts - Buttons - Shortcut menus Customizing interface Doing, Undoing changes Timecode for navigation Browser basics Customizing browser display Viewer basics Canvas basics Timeline basics. Unit III WORKING WITH PROJECTS: Scratch disk External video monitoring AV settings Device control presets Sequence settings -Log and capture - Import, Using Deng media files into project Organizing footage - Creating sub clips Working with projects, clips & sequences Adding clips to sequence Using markers Edit points Working with tracks in timeline Three point editing Arranging clips. Unit IV ADVANCED EDITING: Linking and editing audio & video in sync Slip, Slide, Roll & Ripple edits Trimming clips - Transitions Transition editor Sequence to sequence editing Matching frames Video filters Motion parameters - Clip speed Freeze & still frames Compositing & layering - Titles Rendering & video processing incorporating motion graphics third party plugins. Unit V AUDIO & OUTPUTS: Audio editing basics Evaluating levels with audio meters Overview of audio mixer Mixing audio in timeline - Audio filters Exporting audio for other applications Media management Importing & Exporting EDLs Output to tape Print to video Sequences for DVD. Text Book : 1. Diana Weynand, Apple Pro Training Series 12VC305 EVENT AND MEDIA MANAGEMENT School of Media Page No.28-44
Credits 4:0:0 Course Objective: To understand the importance of professionally managing an event and handle the audience in the corporate & entertainment world. To learn the steps involved in planning, implementing & controlling major events in media industry.
Course Outcome: The learners will acquire knowledge on the requirement of managing a big event and the inherent grey areas associated. Thy will be able to foresee constraints and plan for contingency. Unit I INTRODUCTION TO ENTERTAINMENT AND SOCIETY : Entertainment DefinitionCharacteristics of Mass Mediated Entertainment - Narrative Theory - Dramatic Theory Understanding Entertainment Audiences - Media Effects (Cultivation/ Culture Effects) Business of Entertainment - Markets - Trends - Regulations - Interactive Media - Introduction: definition of event management - Event characteristics - size of events - Types of events - -code of ethics for events - Qualities of event managers . Unit II DESIGNING AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Process: planning - Event team - putting together a team - budgeting the event - executing - evaluating - Managing the media: drafting the press release - press conference - media coverage - in-house publications - promotional materials - advertising campaign.
Unit III EVENT MARKETING AND PROMOTION: Nature of event marketing - Process of event marketing - Marketing mix - Sponsorship - Image/ Branding - Advertising & publicity - Public Relations - Types of events: business events - corporate events - cause -related events - fund raising events - exhibitions - trade fairs. Unit IV EVENT PLANNING AND OPERATION: Develop mission / purpose statement - establish aim and objectives - Prepare event proposal - Planning tools - event protocol - Dress for formal occasion - speakers protocol - Religious and cultural protocol - Sports ceremonies - General events - Preparing dignitaries - Choosing event site - Developing the theme - Conducting rehearsals - Providing services - Organization accommodations - Managing the environment. Unit V EVENT BUDGET AND SAFETY MEASURES: Budget breakeven point - cash flow analysis - profit and loss statement - balance sheet - financial control system - security occupational safety and health - incident reporting. Text Books: 1 Successful event management - A Practical Handbook, Anton Shone, Bryn Parry, 2004 2 Media Management, B.K Chaturvedi, 2009 School of Media Page No.28-45
Reference Books: 1. Event Management for tourism, culture business and sporting events, Lynn Van Der Wagon Brender R. Carlos, 2008. 2. The Social Media Management Handbook, Dandunlop , 2010
12VC306 VIDEO POST-PRODUCTION LAB USING FCP Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective: To teach advanced editing techniques used in film and broadcast industry using FCP.
Course outcome: Students will be able to edit a video using the tools available in FCP Will gain experience in post-producing a commercial video project independently.
LIST OF EXERCISES 1. Importing / capturing / ingesting footage from a tapeless source 2. Basic editing 3. Multi-clip editing 4. Titling 5. Advertisement / promo editing using video transitions & effects 6. Song editing using visual effects 7. Audio effects & Mixing 8. Exporting and Edit to tape 9. Skit editing 10. Multi-camera editing 11. Using compressor for converting files 12. LAB PROJECT Students own choice
12VC307 MULTI CAMERA PRODUCTION LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objective: To learn the techniques of using multi-camera in a production environment. To help the students know various multi camera shooting format used in the industry. School of Media Page No.28-46
Course Outcome: The learners will be able to set up a studio for two & three camera shoot. They will be able to operate various equipments in the multi camera production. They will be professionally equipped to produce various programmes in the studio. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Two Camera Interview set-up inside studio 2. Two Camera Interview Production Pre planning 3. Two Camera Interview standalone video recording 4. Two Camera Interview Post Production Video 5. Two Camera Interview Post Production Audio 6. Familiarizing with Video Mixer, Vector scope & Waveform Monitor & its controls 7. Three Camera Tele play production pre planning 8. Routing cables for multi-camera setup production 9. Three Camera Tele play live mixing video recording 10. Three Camera Tele play post production Adding inserts 11. Three Camera Tele play post production Adding Graphics 12. Three Camera Post production Audio sweetening
12VC309 DIRECTION & PRODUCTION Credits 4:0:0 Course Objective: This curriculum deals on the intricacies of the studio infrastructure & the function of key personnel involved in production. Subjects in running the show and the protocol of filming major programmes are also discussed. Course Outcome: The students will understand how a studio is constructed to meet various production needs. They will learn the responsibilities of each staff working in the studio and the work flow of producing special programme & formats. School of Media Page No.28-47
Unit I INTRODUCTION & PRODUCTION FACILITIES: TV production Formats Basic rules for all productions Production Facilities Studio & Shooting Floor, Control Room Audio & Video gear, Support Area Green room, Make Up & Dressing, Wardrobe, Office & Lobby Media Stores, Audience, Screening Room Unit II WHOS WHO IN PRODUCTION & PANEL PROGRESS: Executives, Producers, Directors, Production Manager, Scheduling, Accounting, Set & Art Director, Lighting Designer, Studio Manager, Engineering Crew, Talents Graphics, Post Production Technicians Panel Programme (Seating, Ground Plan, Camera placement, Programme routine, Script Format, Rehearsal procedure & Shoot. Unit III DEMONSTRATING FORMATS & SCRIPT FORMAT: Director in control Guidelines for Creation Coordinate pictures with ideas, Create routine, Display area, Demonstration & single camera Demonstration programme Drama, Conventions, Ground Plan, Shooting Script, Marking Blocks & Camera, Shot Sheets Studio walk through & run through Daytime drama & sitcom rehearsal Scored music & dance script. Unit IV MUSIC, COMMERCIAL, NEWS & DOCUMENTARY PRODUCTION: Music preproduction Recording steps (audio, video, shot list), location shooting schedule, Stock shots Music Production TV studio & production rehearsal Commercial pre-production & production - Cost Analysis Special Talents Production & Shot procedure Keeping a Log News Programme characteristics Routines & rundowns Presentation on air Documentaries Ideas & format Production Plan Log for montage. Unit V MULTIPLE CAMERA REMOTE: Basics of multi-camera gear Jibs & cranes Presentation Material Stage, Light, Sound, Popular music Sports Programme Cross shooting, camera positioning Hardware & Crew Form sports & Game rules Preproduction, Production & Post production protocol. Text Books: 1. Directing & Producing for Television by Ivan Cury . Focal Press IIIrd edition -2007 2. Paul Wheeler: Digital Cinematography Focal Press 2005 Reference Books: 1. The 5Cs of Cinematography (Motion Picture Filming Techniques) by Joseph V. Mascelli, Silman-James Press, California 2. Mick Hurbis-Cherrier: Voice & Vision-A creative approach to narrative Flm & DV Production. 12VC310 INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGIES Credits 4:0:0 School of Media
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Course Objective: To know the basics of multimedia operation and tools used to develop them. To understand the project management and responsibilities of team members involved in interactive multimedia technologies.
Course Outcome: They will learn the phases of instructional designing and interactivity in designing. They will also learn the proper use of media technological environment & the process involved in delivering multimedia products. Unit I INTRODUCTION TO MULTIMEDIA: Benefits of Multimedia in Instruction - Media and Motivation - Surrounding Multimedia- Multimedia Hardware: Platforms - Peripherals Creation Tools: Painting and Drawing Tools - Image Editing Tools - 3D Modeling and Animation Tools - Audio and Video Editing Tools Card and Page Based Tools - Icon Based Tools - Time Based Tools. Unit II PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Project Management Issues - Roles of Project Managers Instructional Designers - Subject-Matter Experts - Content Writers - Programmers - Media Producers Instructional Development Phases: Analysis & Planning - Design - Development Implementation - Evaluation and Revision. Unit III MEDIA: Text: Guidelines for Creating Text - Spacing - Justification - Fonts - Variable Spacing - Scrolling - Scrolling - Display Speed - Screen Focus Points - Hypertext and Hypermedia Images: Images and Learning - Displaying Images - Appearance - Costs Digitization Animation: Animations and Learning Displaying Animations - Costs Audio: Audio and Learning - Scriptwriting Guidelines - Speech - Sounds - Music - Audio Quality MIDI - Digitization -Video: Video and Learning - Strengths of Video Difficulties with Professional Quality Video.
Unit IV DESIGNING INTERACTIVITY: Interactivity: Definition - Purpose - Process of Interactive Design Information Design: Product Definition - Audience and Environment - Development Choices - Organizing Information - Information Flowchart Interaction Design: Orientation Navigation - Usability - Functionality - Storyboard Presentation Design: Tasks of Presentation Design - Color and Palettes - Interface Style - Layout - Interface Elements (Background, Panels, Buttons and Controls, Images, Text, Video, Sound, Animation). Unit V DELIVERY: Testing: Alpha Testing - Beta Testing Delivery: freezing the Product - Archiving - Project Debrief Licensing - Copyright and Support Agreements - Copyright Issues - Legal and Ethical Issues - Packaging. School of Media Page No.28-49
Text Books: 1. Multimedia: Making it Work, Seventh Edition, Tay Vaughan, McGraw Hill Osborne Media, 2006 2. Principles of Interactive Multimedia, Mark Elsom - Cook, McGraw-Hill, 2000.
12VC311 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: To understand the research methods and statistical tools available in media field. Also to understand the principles of evaluation, research and statistics and computer application and to prepare a model proposals for research studies and report writing. Course Outcome: After learning this paper the learners will be able to know the research methods and statistics applied in media industry. The students will also be able to initiate new media research proposals in their respective fields. Unit I RESEARCH METHODS: Introduction to research - nature of scope and distinction between research in natural and social sciences - nature and scope of communication research limitations of effects research - basic parameters of media related studies - Qualitative Research Methods: Historical Research, Case Study, Participatory and Ethnography Research Methods Quantitative Research Methods: Survey, Experimental, Action and Longitudinal Research Methods. Unit II TOOLS, VARIABLES AND SCALES OF MEASUREMENT: Tools for Data Collection: Observation - Interview - Schedule - Checklist - Questionnaire - Achievement test, Sociometric, Attitude Scale and Content Analysis - Construction and Standardization of Tools. Variables: Discrete and Continuous Variables - Independent and Dependent Variables Intervening and Manipulating Variables - Scales of Measurement: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio Scales. Unit III SAMPLING TECHNIQUES AND HYPOTHESES: Meaning of Population and Samples - Sampling Method: Purposive Sampling, Simple Random Sampling, Multi Stage Sampling, Systematic Sampling, Stratified Random Sampling and Cluster Sampling, Levels of Confidence, Degrees of Freedom and Sampling Error Hypotheses: Meaning, Scope and Types - Hypotheses Formulation and Testing. Unit IV ADVANCED STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES FOR RESEARCH : Introduction to Statistics: Meaning, Scope, Importance and Limitations of Statistics and Data - Descriptive and Inferential Statistics, Parametric and Non-Parametric Statistics - Univariate Analysis: Mean, School of Media Page No.28-50
Median, Mode - Measures of Central Tendency and Standard Deviation - Bivariate Analysis: Correlation Methods, Chi - Square, T-test, and ANOVA. Unit V COMPUTER APPLICATION AND REPORT WRITING: Computer applications: Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Microsoft word, Excel, etc - Writing Research Proposal and Research Report. Text Books: 1. Research Methodology Kothari, 2004 2. Foundations of Behavioral Research, Kerlinger, H. Fred, 2000 Reference Books: 1. Methods in Social Research, Goode & Hatt, 2000 2. Doing Media Research, An Introduction, Susanna Hornig Priest, 2009
12VC312 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objective: This exercise will introduce the concept of research methodology employed in media studies: Course Outcome: The students will gain hands on experience by undergoing the steps in collecting, sorting, analyzing, interpreting the data. They will be able to produce a report for publishing a Research Document. List of experiments: 1. Choosing of Topic & purpose of the survey 2. Assess Resources 3. Choosing the Method 4. Write the Questionnaire 5. Pilot Test 6. Prepare the Sample 7. Interviewers 8. Collect Data 9. Process Data 10. Analyze the Results - through SPSS School of Media Page No.28-51
11. Interpret and Disseminate the Results 12. Result Publication 12VC313 DIGITAL MUSIC PRODUCTION Credits: 4:0:0 Course objective: The students will appreciate the basics in the functioning of digital audio workstation. The will be exposed to the use MIDI and digital audio tools in music production. Course outcome: This course will enable the students to be creatively aware of the skills in music production. They will be aware of the technologies and the digital tools used in music production. Unit I INTRODUCTION TO DAW: Introduction to DAW, Hardware and software, Mac & PC platform for DAW- Audio and MIDI Interfaces Digital Audio Mixer Audio Reference Monitors - Headphones - Cables, Connectors & Microphones . Unit II HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE SET UP FOR MUSIC PRODUCTION : PCI cards USB Fire Wire/ i link - PCMCIA Cards - Audio interface considerations - Audio interface features - MIDI interface types and features Sound Card Driver installation basics - Patch bay & Routers- Unlisted MIDI devices - Surface controller setup - Template setup - Test run. Unit III MUSIC PRODUCTION MIDI: What is MIDI - MIDI connections - MIDI channels - MIDI modes- Static bytes and Data bytes - MIDI implementation charts - Creating a new song file Setting up song parameters - Laying down MIDI tracks - Step recording - Punch-in recording Common MIDI Recording Problems and their Solutions - Quantization options - Basic MIDI editing. Unit IV MUSIC PRODUCTION - DIGITAL AUDIO: Recording fundamentals - Analog and Digital audio recording - Sample rates and resolutions - Recording studios - Basic track recording dubbing - Wet vs Dry recording Mix and individual track MIDI to digital audio conversion Virtual MIDI instruments - Preparing tracks for audio editing - normalizing audio tracks Trimming digital audio tracks - Creating comp takes. Unit V MIXING, MASTERING AND ARCHIVING: Mono, Stereo & Multi Track - A short mixing primer: Drums, bass guitars and vocals - Additional instruments - volume - monitoring the mix frequency, volume and overtones - EQ types - Dynamic Processors - Effect Processors - The Final mix down - Mastering - Audio file preparation - side sequencing Setting the index and gap - Archiving the project. School of Media Page No.28-52
Text Books: 1. Zack Price, Beginners guide to computer based music production, Cherry lane music Company, 2004. 2. Martin Russ, Sound Synthesis and Sampling, Third Edition, Focal Press, 2009 Reference Books: 1. Francis Rumsey, Tim McCormick, Sound and Recording: An Introduction, Fifith edition, Focal Press, 2006 2. Andrea Pejrolo, Creative sequencing techniques for Music Production, Focal Press, 2005.
12VC314 DIGITAL AUDIO PRODUCTION LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objective: The students can learn advanced knowledge in audio synchronization. They will be able to know the application of higher level production techniques used for digital audio projects. Course Outcome: The students will get the experience in working on a DAW & recording techniques. They will acquire the expertise in handling high quality digital audio assignments. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. Introduction to different types of miking 2. Recording and Editing using DAW 3. Recording and Editing in MIDI 4. Sampling of SFX and Ambiance 5. Sampling of a Musical Instrument 6. Music for Video 7. Mixing of Audio Tracks 8. Mastering for a CD 9. Simultaneous Multi Track Recording 10. Live Sound Reinforcement 11. Introduction to Routing in a Studio 12. Introduction to Routing in a DAW
Credits: 4:0:0 Course objective: Learn about the basics of Virtual Reality & VRML To understand various authoring tools and its components. Course Outcome: The learners will be able to appreciate the use of authoring types and its software applications. They will learn the use of virtual reality markup language for various uses. Unit I INTRODUCTION OF AUTHORING : Introduction of Authoring - Different Authoring Styles - flow diagram, time line, old versus new styles, authoring language, Interactive presentations -Multimedia Development Tools - Presentation tools Slide Presentation Environments - Interactive Presentation Environments - Authoring Environments. Unit II AUTHORING SOFTWARE : Integrating Multimedia Elements - Script Language Programs Icon-based Programs - DLLs for Extending Features - Supporting CD-ROM or Laser Disc Sources - Supporting Video for Windows -Hypertext - Cross-Platform Capability - Run-time Player for Distribution Authoring Tools - Author ware, Everest Authoring System - Icon Author - Image Q - Macromedia Director - QuickTime. Unit III AUTHORING TOOLS AND MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTION : Authoring tools - Popular Authoring tools - Multimedia authoring program categories - Key factors of selecting CD based or Web-based multimedia - various plug-ins for Web - HTML and Multimedia -Various Stages in designing & producing multimedia products for CD and Web: Planning, Content Analysis, Instructional Design, Preparation of Media Elements, Integration of Media Elements Authoring. Unit IV INTRODUCTION TO VIRTUAL REALITY : Definition and introduction 3D animation and Augmented reality Input devices Output devices - Immersive and Non-immersive Virtual Reality - Advantages & Disadvantages - Glossary of VR terminology - Head Mounts Display (HMD), Boom, Cave, Input Devices and Sensual Technology - Characteristic of Immersive VR Shared Virtual Environments. Unit V VIRTUAL REALITY APPLICATIONS :Applications of Virtual Reality Education & training Entertainment Medical applications - CFD (Computational fluid dynamics) Games Virtual sets Costing Virtual Reality Markup Language Computing architecture for VR Past, present & future of VR . Text Books: 1. Multimedia: Making it Work, Seventh Edition, Tay Vaughan, Tata Mc Graw Hills, 2008 2. Multimedia in Action, James E Shuman, Vikas Publishing House, 2001 Reference Books: School of Media Page No.28-54
1. Principles of Multimedia, Ranjan Parekh, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006 2. Virtual storytelling, Olivier Balet, Gerard Subsol, Patrice Torguet, 2003
12VC316 INTRODUCTION TO 3D ANIMATION Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: To present basic concepts and applications in 3 Dimensional computer animation. To focus on 3DSMAX & Maya software in animation. Course Outcome: The students will be able to understand the use of 3DSMAX & Maya in animation. They will know modeling and rendering techniques useful for multimedia industry. Unit I INTRODUCTION TO 3D ANIMATION: Introduction to Animation 3D animation & its concepts Types of 3D animation Skeleton & kinetic 3D animation Texturing & lighting of 3D animation - 3D camera tacking Applications of 3D animation. Unit II MODELING & ANIMATION USING 3Ds MAX: Introduction Basic Interface - Object properties Creating geometry - Edit mesh Edit poly Patch objects NURBS modeling Tools for low polygon modeling Animation Concepts & methods - Animation controllers Animation constraints - Wire parameters Hierarchies and kinematics Track view Motion mixer Saving & loading animation Animation Character animation - Rigging. Unit III MATERIALS & RENDERING IN 3Ds MAX: Materials introduction - Lights Cameras Designing materials Material editor Material / Map browser - Types of materials Maps & shaders Mapping Rendering basics - Renderers Types of rendering Render preview Video post. Unit IV MODELING & ANIMATION USING MAYA: Introduction - Interface Creating, manipulating & viewing objects Components & attributes Polygonal modeling - NURBS modeling Sub division surface Character setup Skeletons & Kinematics Rigging - Hair Fur Cloth Particles. Unit V MATERIALS & RENDERING IN MAYA: Painting 2D painting 3D painting Polygon texturing - Lights - Shadows - Cameras Editing Caustics Toon Shading Lighting Camera setup Mental ray for MAYA rendering Render nodes. Text Book: School of Media Page No.28-55
1. Kelly L.Murdock, 3DS MAX 2008 BIBLE, FIRST EDITION REPRINT 2008 Reference books: 1. Kogent Learning Solutions INC, 3DS MAX 2009 IN SIMPLE STEPS, 2009 2. Marcia Kuperberg, Martin W. Bowman, Guide to Computer Animation, Focal press, 2002. 3. John Edgar Park, Understanding 3D animation using Maya, Springer Science & Business Media Inc, 2005
12VC317 MEDIA TECHNOLOGY Credits 4:0:0 Course Objective: Deals with the fundamental technologies used in Radio & TV industries. Offers insight into analog & digital equipments used in broadcasting houses. Course Outcome: The students will gain confidence in knowing the technology employed in broadcasting. They will be able to guide the staff in the job area on simple technical solutions. Unit I RADIO & AUDIO: Radio Broadcasting- FM and AM Broadcast - Frequency bands used in Radio communications - Audio equipments in Radio & TV broadcast, types and usage Audio storage media, types and uses - audio delivery systems (PA) - Audio mixers - - ADCs and DACs -MP3, Surround Music Systems. Unit II DIGITAL IMAGING: Photographic equipments CCD & CMOS - Digital images and their characteristics - Pixels and resolutions - Digital Cameras and their types - Image printing equipment - Storage and memory of digital images - Scanners and their applications - Digitizing tablets and Electronic boards. Unit III VIDEO FORMATS: Analog and Digital Video - Types of color video signals - Component Video - Composite video S-video - NTSC, PAL & SECAM TV Standard HDTV & 3D TV Various Video and audio compression methods, VTR, tape & tapeless video storage. Unit IV VIDEO TECHNOLOGIES : ENG Cam and Broadcast quality Video Camera - Features of Video cameras - Video capturing devices - Video tuning cards - Video editing systems and their components - Video mixers - storing and retrieving systems - Streaming of video over net Block diagram of color TV receiver and description of each element CCU, Vector scope, Waveform Monitor & - Special Effect Generators - Character Generators. School of Media Page No.28-56
Unit V DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES: Computer components and other peripheral devices - CD ROMs DVD and Blue Rays and their characteristics - VCD players, DVD players Compatibility and convertibility of various instruments and files Video Monitor CRT, Plasma, LCD, LED - IPAD & PDAs - Multimedia projectors - IMAX theater facilities Computer networking and equipment - Types of cables and their uses. Text Books: 1. 1. Color TV- Principles and Practice, R.R. Gulati, New Age Int. (P) ltd., New Delhi, 2001 2. Handbook for Sound Engineers, Glen Ballou, Third edition, Focal Press, 2002. Reference Books: 1. The Sound Studio, Alec Nisbett, Seventh Edition, Focal Press, 2003. 2. Practical Recording Techniques, Bruce Bartlett and Jenny Bartlett, Third Editions, Focal Press, 2001. 3. Digital Imaging for Photographers, Adrian Davies, Fourth Edition, Focal Press, 2001.
12VC318 STREAMING MEDIA Credits 4:0:0 Course Objective: To give an insight on the possibilities of using internet for broadcasting. To expose the techniques of pod casting, blogging, web-casting, internet radio. Course Outcome: Students will learn to use the cyber media to broadcast live audio, video and other data types like Power Point Presentation, Animation or White-Board type application over the internet. The students will be know the process of audio & video content planning, production, encoding, authoring and delivering for corporate & entertainment industry.
Unit I INTRODUCTION TO INTERNET: Understanding Internet Basics: How do people use the Internet How was the internet impacted society- how did the internet grow into its current form-controlling the internet-how does the world wide web work-who controls internet- how do computers connect to the internet-types of internet connections- Understanding Internet Basics: understanding web browsing-HTML, website address Unit II BASICS OF HTML: HTML fundamentals, HTML elements, HTML attributes, headings, rules and comments, paragraphs, text formatting, styles, links, Images ,tables and color. Unit III School of Media Page No.28-57
INTERNET RADIO AND PODCASTING : What is radio on web, stream receivers, streaming radio output. An overview of podcasting, how podcasting works, The difference between radio and podcasting, creating a compelling podcast, components, strategies for planning each show, setting up your studio, recording your podcast, processing and posting your podcast, Distributing, Music and intellectual property, protecting your content Unit IV INTRODUCTION TO WEB CASTING AND BLOGGING: Basic web casting concepts, Digital audio video basics, web cast encoding. Planning for the blog, installing and setting up your first blog, building community, writing and creating conversation, building personal blog Unit V ADVANCED BLOGGING: Creating podcast blog, video blogging: recording video blog posts, exporting, compression and video formats, creating portfolio blog: what makes good content on a portfolio blog, picking right tool for the job, creating your online stream Textbooks: 1. By Gary P. Schneider, Jessica Evans, Katherine T. Pinard The Internet: Illustrated, 2. Learn HTML and CSS with w3Schools by W3Schools,2010, ISBN-10: 0470611952 3. Chris Priestman, Web Radio: Radio Production for Internet Streaming, 2002, ISBN10: 0240516354 4. George Colombo, Curtis Franklin , Absolute Beginner's Guide to Podcasting , 2005, ISBN-10: 0789734559 Reference Books: 1. Hands on Guide to Webcasting (Internet Event & AV Production) by Steve Mack & Dan Rayburn. Focal Press, 2007 2. Tris Hussey , Create Your Own Blog: 6 Easy Projects to Start Blogging Like a Pro , ISBN-10: 0672330652, 2010
12VC319 BLOGGING AND PODCASTING LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objective: To introduce the students to the streaming media technology in audio & video To teach them techniques of creating content & broadcasting on the web. Course outcome: The students will get hands on experiencing in creating & posting blogs. They will learn the techniques of broadcasting of audio & video on the internet. List of Experiments: 1. Planning for blogging 2. Creating a conversation School of Media Page No.28-58
3. Building community 4. Creating a personal blog 5. Creating a business blog 6. Video blogging 7. Portfolio blogging 8. Publishing for blogging 9. Pre production of audio for Podcasting 10. Production & Post production of audio for Podcasting 11. Video podcasting 12. Publishing for Podcasting 12VC320 INTRODUCTION TO VISUAL DESIGN AND CULTURE Credits 4:0:0 Course Objective: The subject deals with the graphic design for visual applications in media. While touching area in fundamentals & principles in design, the syllabus encompasses the creative process and conceptualization of a sensory perception. Course Outcome: The students will learn the role of design elements in creating an art form. They will understand various stages of visual designing and the lateral thinking process in the manifestation of creativity. Unit I FUNDAMENTALS OF DESIGN: Definition approaches to design - Centrality of design Elements of design: Line, shape, direction, size, color, texture, form, value. Unit II PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN: Emphasis - Unity.
Unit III BASICS OF GRAPHIC DESIGN: Definition - Various stages of design process - problem identification - Search for solution Refinement Analysis - Decision making and implementation - Design process - Research, a source of concept Concept development. Unit IV School of Media Page No.28-59
CREATIVE PROCESS: Semiotics in design - Orientation, Preparation, Analysis, Idealization, Incubation, Synthesis, Evaluation Creative inputs Issues of plagiarism in creative productions - The process of developing ideas - verbal, visual _ Combination & thematic Visual thinking - Associative techniques - Materials, tools - Design execution and presentation. Unit V INTRODUCTION TO COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY: Left brain Vs right brain - Thinking on the right brain Creativity & conceptualization Visual perception Gestalt principles of design - Principles of Visual and other Sensory Perceptions - Color psychology and theory Definition - Optical and Visual illusion. Text Books: 1 Palmer, Frederic: Visual Elements of Art and Design, 1989, Long man. 2 Porter, Tom and Goodman, Sue: Manual of Graphic Technique For architects, Graphic designers, and artists, 1982, Astragal Books, London . Reference Books: 1 Betty Edwards: The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain [Paperback]
12VC321 VIDEO SFX LAB USING AE & COMBUSTION Credits 0:0:2 Course Objective: The make the students understand the use the application of After Effects & Combustion software in the media applications. To help the understand the various composition techniques & special effects offered by these software. Course outcome: Students will get hands on experience in using After Effects & Combustion software. They will be able to use the tolls in the software to create Text animation, Particle composition, Tracking, Rotoscoping, Color correction etc LIST OF EXERCISES 1. Creating Backgrounds for blue / green mattes using AE 2. Creating animated output elements for an advertisement using AE (Titles, wipes, template etc) 3. Keying using AE 4. Tracking using AE 5. Advertisement composition and final output rendering using AE 6. Understanding the interface & working with layers using Combustion 7. Creating special effects with operators using Combustion School of Media Page No.28-60
8. Keying and Rotoscoping using Combustion 9. Color correction & Particle effects using Combustion 10. Creating a promo for an event using Combustion 11. LAB PROJECT (AE) Implementing own concept 12. LAB PROJECT (Combustion) Implementing own concept
12VC322 3D ANIMATION LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objective: To offer the skills required to use computer application in media production. To get familiar with the use of most popular 3D animation software in Media Industry. Course outcome: Students will gain hands on experience in the use of Maya & 3DSMAX for animation. They will learn 3D animation and advanced modeling and rendering techniques. LIST OF EXERCISES 1. Understanding the basic interface, viewports and primitives of 3DS MAX 2. Basic modeling techniques using 3DS MAX 3. Texturing & Lighting using 3DS MAX 4. Animation using 3DS MAX 5. Character animation & Rendering using 3DS MAX 6. LAB PROJECT 1 Implementing student 's own concept using 3DS MAX 7. Understanding the basic interface, viewports of MAYA 8. Creating primitive objects using MAYA 9. Spline & NURBS modeling using MAYA 10. Lights & Materials using MAYA 11. Animation & Rendering using MAYA 12. LAB PROJECT 2 Implementing student's own concept using MAYA
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ELECTRONICS & MEDIA TECHNOLOGY LIST OF SUBJECTS Sub. Code 12MT201 12MT202 12MT203 12MT204 12MT205 12MT206 12MT207 12MT208 12MT209 12MT210 12MT211 12MT212 12MT213 12MT214 12MT215 12MT216 12MT217 12MT218 12MT219 12MT220 12MT221 12MT222 12MT223 12MT224 12MT225 12MT226 12MT227 12MT228 12MT229 12MT230 12MT231 12MT232 12MT233 12MT234 12MT235 12MT236 12MT237 12MT238 12MT239 12MT240 12MT241 12MT242 Name of the Subject Circuit Theory Electronic Devices Script Writing and Video Production C++ and Data Structures Audio Engineering and Production Electronics Devices and Circuits Lab C++ Programming Lab Photography Lab Java Programming and Applications Analog Electronics Circuits I Digital Electronics Studio Acoustics Digital Signal Processing & Media Applications Audio Engineering and Production Lab Digital Electronics Lab Analog Electronic Circuits II Microprocessor and Microcontrollers Digital Television & Digital Video Engineering Graphics and Animation Elements of Video Production Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab Graphics and Animation Lab Video Production Lab Web Designing Electronic Communication Systems Computer Networks Advertising Digital Compositing IP TV Web Designing Lab Communication Circuits Lab Video Post Production Lab Digital Image Processing Computer Based Music Production Media Economics DSP Processors Audio Sampling and Synthesis Embedded Systems Principles of Digital Audio Digital Video Processing Equipment Maintenance & Servicing Satellite Communication Credits 3:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 3:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 0:0:2 3:0:0 4:0:0 3:1:0 3:0:0 3:1:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 4:0:0 3:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 3:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 0:0:2 3:0:0 4:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 0:0:2 3:0:0 4:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0
Game Programming with C++ Neural Networks 3D Animation Media Laws and Ethics ARM Cortex Architecture and Programming 3D Video and Graphics Digital Photography Electronic Media Management Audio Engineering and Production
12MT201 CIRCUIT THEORY Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: To develop the fundamental tools of linear circuit analysis. To learn the "alphabet" of circuits, including wires, resistors, capacitors, inductors, voltage and current sources, and operational amplifiers. To prepare students for more advanced courses in circuit analysis. Course Outcome: Identify linear systems and represent those systems in schematic form Apply Kirchhoff's current and voltage laws and Ohm's law to circuit problems Simplify circuits using series and parallel equivalents and using Thevenin and Norton equivalents Perform node and loop analyses and set these up in standard matrix format Identify and model first and second order electric systems involving capacitors and inductors Predict the transient behavior of first and second order circuits Unit I BASICS OF CIRCUIT ANALYSIS : Kirchoff's laws, DC and AC excitation, Series and parallel circuits, Sinusoidal steady state analysis, Mesh current and node voltage method of analysis, Matrix method of analysis. Unit II NETWORK THEOREMS: Thevenin's and Norton's theorems, Super position theorem, Compensation theorem, Reciprocity theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem, Millman's theorem, Tellegen's theorem. Unit III RESONANCE AND COUPLED CIRCUITS: Series and parallel resonance, Quality factor and Bandwidth, Multi resonance circuits, Coupling co-efficient, Frequency response and bandwidth, Tuned circuit. Unit IV TRANSIENTS: Transient response of RL, RC and RLC circuits to DC excitation, Natural and forced oscillations. Unit V DUALITY AND TOPOLOGY: Concept of duality, Dual network, Graphs of a network, Trees, Chords and branches, Tieset and cutset of a graph, Application to network analysis.
Text Book
1. William H. Hayt and Jack E. Kemmerly, " Engineering Circuit Analysis ", McGraw Hill International Edition, 2006. Reference Books 1. Paranjothi S.R., " Electric Circuit Analysis ", New Age International Ltd., New Delhi, 2008. 2. Chakrabati A., Circuit Theory (Analysis and Synthesis) ", Dhanpath Rai & Sons, New Delhi, 2008. 3. Roland E. Thomas and Albert J. Rosa, The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits ", Prentice Hall International, 2nd Edition, 2008.
12MT202 ELECTRONIC DEVICES Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: The aim of this course is to familiarize the student with the principle of operation, capabilities and limitation of various electron devices so that he will be able to use these devices effectively. Course Outcomes On completion of this course the student will understand the Basics of electron motion in electric field and magnetic field Mechanisms of current flow in semi-conductors Diode operation and switching characteristics Operation of BJT, FET, and MOSFET metal semiconductor rectifying and ohmic contacts and power control devices. Unit I ELECTRON BALLISTICS AND INTRINSIC SEMICONDUCTORS: Force on charge in electric field Motion of Charge in uniform and time varying electric fields Force on a moving charge in a magnetic field calculation of cyclotron frequency calculation of electrostatic and magnetic deflection sensitivity. Energy band structure of conductors, semiconductors and insulators Density distribution of available energy states in semiconductors Fermi- Diac probability distribution function at different temperatures Thermal generation of carriers Calculation of electron and hole densities in intrinsic semiconductors Intrinsic concentration Mass Action Law. Unit II EXTRINSIC SEMICONDUCTOR AND PN JUNCTIONS: N and P type semiconductors and their energy band structures Law of electrical neutrality Calculation of location of Fermi level and free electron and hole densities in extrinsic semiconductors Mobility, drift current and conductivity Diffusion current Continuity equation - Hall effect. Band structure of PN Junction Current Component in a PN Junction Derivation of diode equation Temperature dependence of diode characteristics.
Unit III SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS OF PN JUNCTION AND SPECIAL DIODES: Calculation of transition and diffusion capacitance Varactor diode charge control description of diode switching characteristics of diode Mechanism of avalanche and Zener breakdown Temperature dependence of breakdown voltages Backward diode Tunneling effect in thin barriers Tunnel diode Photo diode Light emitting diodes. Unit IV BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTORS AND FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTORS: Construction of PNP and NPN transistors BJT current components Emitter to collector and base to collector current gains Base width modulation CB and CE characteristics Breakdown characteristics Ebers Moll model Transistor switching times. Construction and Characteristics of JFET Relation between Pinch off Voltage and drain current Derivation. MOSFETS Enhancement and depletion types. Unit V METAL SEMICONDUCTOR CONTACTS AND POWER CONTROL DEVICES: Metal Semiconductor Contacts -Energy band diagram of metal semiconductor junction Schottky diode and ohmic contacts.Power control devices: Characteristics and equivalent circuit of UJT intrinsic standoff ratio. PNPN diode Two transistor model, SCR, TRIAC, DIAC. Text Books 1. Jacob. Millman, Christos C.Halkias, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Limited, New Delhi, 2003. 2. David A.Bell, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2003. Reference Books 1. Donald A.Neaman, Semiconductor Physics and Devices 3rd Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill, 2002. 2. S.Salivahanan, N.Sureshkumar and A.Vallavaraj, Electronic Devices and Circuits, TMH, 2008. 3. S.M.Sze, Semiconductor Devices Physics and Technology, 2nd edn. John Wiley, 2002. 4. Ben G.Streetman and Sanjay Banerjee, Solid State Electronic Devices, Pearson Education, 2000. 5. Nandita Das Gupta and Amitava Das Gupta, Semiconductor Devices Modelling and Technology, Prentice Hall of India, 2004.
12MT203 SCRIPT WRITING AND VIDEO PRODUCTION Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: To do detailed study on script writing and video production. Course Outcome: Students will gain comprehensive knowledge about video production and script writing.
Unit I THE PROPOSAL OUTLINE: questions to ask before writing the script Visual treatmentsubject factor the film treatment thinking through the treatment the sequence outline types of sequence the shooting script- How shots are related writing narration the feature preparing the presentation the character full length - the story treatment. Unit II THE ART OF CONFRONTATION: confrontation dynamics secondary function the step outline dialogue devices the master scene script format adaptation and its problems surviving story conferences- the story board judging screen time terminology used Unit III STORY OUTLINE: proposal outline script discussion characterization story treatment master scene script project presentation. Unit IV: BASIC SHOTS: angles & camera movements-introduction -lighting and colors-single camera multi-camera production-indoor studio-outdoor -properties. Unit V: BUDGETING, Identifying sponsors, producer, insurance, safety measures, acquiring equipment, casting, hiring crew, sets, props, purchase of recording & storage material, location scouting, scheduling, transport, technical support, legal issues, permissions Text Books 1. Dwight V Swain, Film Scriptwriting, Focal Press publishers, 1998. 2. Steve Katz, Film Directing Shot, Focal Press publishers, 1991. 3. Paul Wheeler , Digital Cinematography, Focal Press, 2001 References Books 1. Steven Katz Film Directing: Cinematic Motion Focal Press publishers, 2004. 2. Antony Friedman Writing for media ,Focal press, 2006. 12MT204 C++ AND DATA STRUCTURES Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: To learn the systematic way of solving problems To understand the different methods of organizing large amounts of data To learn to program in C++ To efficiently implement the different data structures To efficiently implement solutions for specific problems Course Outcome:
Demonstrate strong problem solving skills in constructing C++ programs to address exercises inspired by real-world problems. Analyze the performance of algorithms and data structures.
Unit I OBJECTS AND CLASSES: Objects classes inheritance reusability creating new data types polymorphism and Overloading. Simple class, C++ objects as physical objects, C++ Objects and Data types, Object as function argument, constructors, as function argument, Overloaded Constructors, Copy Constructors, Static class data, const and classes, Arrays and Strings. Unit II OPERATOR OVERLOADING: Overloading Unary and Binary Operator, data conversion, and Pitfalls, Inheritance: derived class and base class, derived class constructors, Overloading member functions, class hierarchies, public and private inheritance, level of inheritance, multiple inheritance. Pointers: address and pointers, pointers and arrays, pointer and c-type strings, new and delete operator, pointers to pointer. Unit III VIRTUAL FUNCTIONS: Virtual functions, Friend functions, Static functions, this pointer. Streams and files: stream classes, stream errors, disk file I/O with streams, file pointers, error handling in file I/O. Templates and exception: function templates, class templates, exceptions. Unit IV INTRODUCTION TO DATA STRUCTURES: Linked list, Single linked list, Double linked list, Circular Linked list, Stack, Queue, Trees. Unit V SORTING AND SEARCHING TECHNIQUES: Sorting, Bubble sort, Insertion Sort, election Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort, Merge Sort. Searching, Binary Tree Search, Linear Search, Binary Search. Text Books 1. Robert Lafore, Object Oriented Programming in C++, Fourth Edition, Galgotia Publishers, Pune 2002 2. Peter smith, Applied Data Structures with C++, Narosa Publishing House, 2004. Reference Books 1. Herbert Schmidt, C++, The Complete Reference, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 4th Edition 2000. 2. Sartaj Sahni, Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New York, 2nd Edition 2005.
Course Objectives: Understanding production workflow To acquire In-Depth knowledge on consoles and Digital audio workstations Course Outcome: The student will be well versed in the technologies in Audio and Music production at the end of this subject. Unit I MICROPHONES AND AUDIO: Capturing Sound Electronically-Magnetic and Electronic Principles, Dynamic Transducers, Ribbon Transducers, Carbon Particle Transducers, Piezoelectric Transducers Reversed Transducers. Microphones-Technical Features, Pickup Patterns, Microphone Usage, Specialized Microphones, Microphone Placement, Miking techniques, Offaxis Coloration, Proximity Effect ,Acoustic Phase Relationships, Distant Miking. Unit II Mixers and Recorders: Pre-amplification, Peak Indicators, Faders and Potentiometers Level Indicators, Headroom, Signal Routing Signal Sends, Split and Inline Mixers, Control Room Monitoring, Mute and Solo, Pan Potentiometers, Channelized Mixers, Mixer Automation, Digital Consoles, Broadcast Consoles, Automatic Consoles, Digital Audio Workstations and Computers. Unit III POST PRODUCTION SYSTEMS: Audio post production equipments, Pre production for post production, Track planning and Post Production sequences, Transmission and reproduction of audio post production materials, Digital Audio Transfers, Synchronizing and controllers, sound effects, stereo, music, monitoring and the environment Unit IV EDITING AND PROCESSING: Purposes of Editing, Foundations of Editing: Adjusting Levels, Control Surfaces in Editing. Audio Processors and Processing-Amplification and Level Control, Dynamic Processors, Frequency Processors, Temporal Processing, Digital Signal Processing, Noise Reduction Processors, Forensic Sound, Monitors and Loudspeakers, Transporting Sounds Unit V Music Production: Genres in music, Music production workflow, MIDI, Sampling, Quantization, MIDI automation, Synchronization, MIDI clock, MIDI timecode. Text Book: 1. David Miles Huber,Modern Recording Techniques, Sixth edition, Focal Press,2005. 2. Zack Price, Computer based music production, Cherry lane music, 2005 Reference Books: 1. Michael Talbot Smith, Sound Engineering explained, Focal Press,2001. 2. Bobby Owsinski, The mixing Engineers Handbook, 2nd edition, Thomas Course Technology,2006. 3. Jay Rose,Audio Post Production for Digital Video, CMP books,2002.
12MT206 ELECTRONICS DEVICES AND CIRCUITS LAB Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objectives: The main objective of this curriculum/course is to make the students well versed with basic electronic components and circuits. The students can Understand the nature and scope of modern electronics. Describe physical models of basic components. Design and construct simple electronic circuits to accomplish a specific function, e.g., designing amplifiers, ADC converters etc. Understand their capabilities and limitations and make decisions regarding their best utilization in a specific situation. Course Outcome: The combination of lecture and laboratory sessions provides learning opportunities that should enable the student to do the following upon completion of this course: Set up a bias point in a transistor. Verify the working of diodes, transistors and their applications. Build a common emitter/base/collector amplifier and measure its voltage gain. Understand the use of RPS and CRT. Explore the operation and advantages of operational amplifiers. Learn to design different types of filters and apply the same to oscillators and amplifiers. Exploring the circuitry which converts an analog signal to digital signal. List of Experiments: 1. Characteristics of PN diode, Zener diode and Photo diode 2. Rectifiers (diode application) 3. NPN-PNP Transistors Biasing 4. Design of UJT/BJT amplifier 5. Characteristics of BJT in common emitter/base/collector configuration 6. Input and Output Characteristics of FET/JFET 7. Filters (R-C/ L-C / R-L-C) 8. Clippers and Clampers 9. RC coupled Amplifier 10. Op-Amp Inverter/Non Inverter 11. Op-Amp Differentiator and Integrator 12. Analog to Digital Conversion
12MT207 C++ PROGRAMMING LAB Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective: To understand the basic concepts of C++ programming
Course Outcome: To identify and program concepts using C++. Create applications using object oriented programming principles List of Experiments 1. Introduction to C++ 2. Introduction to Classes and Objects. 3. Loops and control structures. 4. Function overloading in C++ 5. Inheritance 6. Operator overloading in C++ 7. Pointers. 8. Arrays using functions and strings. 9. Virtual functions 10. Friend functions 11. File handling. 12. Exception handling 12MT208 PHOTOGRAPHY LAB Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective: To train the students in the basics of framing artistically with photography and its software applications. To introduce the students the process of photography in studios. Course Outcome: Students will be well equipped with all the basics of framing artistically with photography and its software applications practically which helps them in doing photography. List of experiments: Introduction: Basics of photography-The still camera-Accessories and equipments-Rules for composition-Lighting. 1. Framing and composition 2. Pictures under different light conditions 3. Black and White photography 4. Portrait photography 5. Texture/ Pattern photography 6. Travel/Architecture photography 7. Product photography 8. Fashion photography 9. Abstract photography 10. Sports/Action Photography
11. Nature/Wildlife photography 12. HDR photography Reference Book 1. Dan Simson, Digital Photography Bible, Wiley, 2004. 12MT209 JAVA PROGRAMMING AND APPLICATIONS Credits: 3:0:0 Course Outcome: To enable the students to design and develop enterprise strength distributed and multi-tier applications Using Java Technology. Course Objective: To learn advanced Java programming concepts like reflection, native code interface, threads, etc. To develop network and 2D animation programs in Java . Unit I INTRODUCTION TO JAVA: Object oriented language The JAVA environment comparing JAVA C and C++Keywords & operators Identifiers Literal Expressions Control flow Arrays & Strings Functions Command line Arguments .Data members methods Overloading constructors Class Assignment This Static members & methods Inheritance Abstract classes exceptions . Unit II THE JAVA STANDARD LIBRARY: Overview interfaces packages Exploring java.LangSimle type Wrappers. Input Output: Exploring java. io_Java I/O classes and Interfaces The Character Stream BufferedReader BufferedWriter . Multithreaded Programming: Thread model Creating a thread . Creating multiple thread Thread Priority . Unit III THE APPLET CLASS:HTML Programming applet initialization and termination Applet skeleton Simple Applet Display method Passing parameters to applet .Events Classes Handling AWT Controls Sources of events Event Listener interfacesHandling the events .AWT Classes Windows fundamentals Creating frame Window Handing events in frame window - Working with graphics Working with Color Working with font Layout Managers MenuBars and menus Dialog Boxes. Unit IV INTRODUCTION TO JAVA 2D AND APPLICATIONS: The rendering pipeline, Geometry: Drawing 2D Lines, Shapes and Curves , Painting with solid colors, gradients, and textures, Stroking paths, including dashed lines, Transformations: translation in java2D, rotation in java 2D, shearing, and scaling Alpha compositing, Clipping, Rasterizing and antialiasing. Image processing in java2D: image color models,image data processing, Image data storage. Unit V
INTRODUCTION TO JAVA3D AND APPLICATION: The structure of a 3D Program, The Java3D Package, Canvas3D, Geometry: Drawing 3D Lines, Shapes and Curves, Java 3D Scene Graphs ,Shape3D and Transform3D,texturing in java3D, lighting in java3D- Ambient Light, Directional Light, Point Light, Spotlight, projections in java3D, Animations in Scene Graphs. Text Books 1. Patric Naughton , Herbert Schildt, The Complete Reference Java 2,Third edition Tata Mc Graw Hills ,2001. 2. Java 2D Graphics by Jonathan B. Knudsen O'reilly Media (May 2005) Reference Book 1. E. Balaguruswamy, Programming with Java , Second Edition,TMH,2001
12MT210 ANALOG ELECTRONICS CIRCUITS I Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: The aim of this course is to familiarize the student with the analysis and design of basic transistor amplifier circuits and power supplies. Course Outcome: On completion of this course the student will understand the Methods of biasing transistors & Design of simple amplifier circuits Mid band analysis of amplifier circuits using small - signal equivalent circuits to determine gain , input impedance and output impedance Method of calculating cutoff frequencies and to determine bandwidth Design of power amplifiers and heat sinks Analysis and design of power supplies and power control using SCR. Unit I TRANSISTOR BIASING: BJT Need for biasing - Fixed bias circuit, Load line and quiescent point. Variation of quiescent point due to hFE variation within manufacturers tolerance. Stability factors. Different types of biasing circuits. Method of stabilizing the Q point to the extent possible. Advantage of Self bias (voltage divider bias) over other types of biasing. Use of Self bias circuit as a constant current circuit. Source self bias and voltage divider bias for FET. Use of JFET as a voltage variable resistor. Unit II MIDBAND ANALYSIS OF SMALL SIGNAL AMPLIFIERS: CE, CB and CC amplifiers. Method of drawing small-signal equivalent circuit. Midband analysis of various types of single stage amplifiers to obtain gain, input impedance and output impedance. Millers theorem. Comparison of CB, CE and CC amplifiers and their uses. Darlington connection using similar and Complementary transistors. Methods of increasing input impedance using Darlington connection and bootstrapping. CS, CG and CD (FET) amplifiers. Multistage amplifiers. Basic
emitter coupled differential amplifier circuit. Bisection theorem. Differential gain. CMRR. Use of constant current circuit to improve CMRR. Derivation of transfer characteristic, Transconductance. Use as Linear amplifier, limiter, amplitude modulator. Unit III FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF AMPLIFIERS: General shape of frequency response of amplifiers. Definition of cut off frequencies and bandwidth. Low frequency analysis of amplifiers to obtain lower cut off frequency Hybrid pi equivalent circuit of BJTs. High frequency analysis of BJT amplifiers to obtain upper cut off frequency. High frequency equivalent circuit of FETs. High frequency analysis of FET amplifiers. Gain-bandwidth product of FETs. General expression for frequency response of multistage amplifiers. Calculation of overall upper and lower cut off frequencies of multistage amplifiers. Amplifier rise time and sag and their relation to cut off frequencies. Unit IV LARGE SIGNAL AMPLIFIERS : Classification of amplifiers (Class A, B, AB, C&D), Efficiency of class A, RC coupled and transformer-coupled power amplifiers. Class B complementarysymmetry, push-pull power amplifiers. Calculation of power output, efficiency and power dissipation. Crossover distortion and methods of eliminating it. Heat flow calculations using analogous circuit. Calculation of actual power handling capacity of transistors with and without heat sink. Heat sink design. Unit V RECTIFIERS AND POWER SUPPLIES: Half-wave, full-wave and bridge rectifiers with resistive load.Analysis for Vdc and ripple voltage with C, CL, L-C and C-L-C filters. Voltage multipliers Zenerdiode regulator. Electronically regulated d.c power supplies. Line regulation, output resistance and temperature coefficient. Switched mode power supplies. Power control using SCR. Text Books 1. Millman J. and Halkias .C., " Integrated Electronics ", 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2001. Reference Books 1. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory,8th Edition., PHI, 2002. 2. S.Salivahanan,, Electronic Devices and Circuits, TMH, 2008. 3. Floyd, Electronic Devices, Sixth edition, Pearson Education, 2003. 4. I.J. Nagrath, Electronics Analog and Digital, PHI, 2009. 12MT211 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS Credits: 3:1:0 Course Objectives: To introduce number systems and codes To introduce basic postulates of Boolean algebra and shows the correlation between Boolean expressions To introduce the methods for simplifying Boolean expressions
To outline the formal procedures for the analysis and design of combinational circuits and sequential circuits To introduce the concept of memories, programmable logic devices and digital ICs.
Course Outcome: On completion of this course, the students can design combinational and sequential digital logic circuits. Also they will have knowledge on Programmable Logic devices and its usage. Unit I NUMBER SYSTEMS AND BOOLEAN ALGEBRA: Binary, octal, hexadecimal number systems, Complements, representation of signed numbers, floating point numbers -BCD-ASCIIEBCDIC Excess 3 code-gray code-error detecting and correcting codes. Boolean Algebra: Postulates and theorems of Boolean Algebra canonical forms simplification of logic functions using Karnaugh map. Unit II COMBINATIONAL LOGIC DESIGN: Logic gates implementation of combinational logic functions encoders & decoders multiplexers & demultiplexers code converters comparator half adder, full adder parallel adder binary adder parity generator/checker implementation of logical functions using multiplexers. Unit III COUNTERS AND REGISTERS: RS, JK, Masterslave, D&T flip flops level triggering and edge triggering characteristic tables, characteristic equations, excitation tables asynchronous & synchronous counters modulus countersshift register Johnson counter- ring counter timing waveforms. Unit IV SEQUENTIAL LOGIC DESIGN: Basic models of sequential machines concept of state table state diagram state reduction implementation of synchronous sequential circuits asynchronous sequential logic Fundamental mode operation Transition Table, Flow Table, Race, Primitive Flow Table, Reduction of primitive flow table, Reduction of state and flow tables, Race free assignment. Unit V PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC AND DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS: Semicustom design Introduction to PLDs ROM PAL PLA FPGA. Digital IC Characteristics Logic Families: RTL, TTL, ECL, CMOS, Comparison of performance of various logic families. Text Book: 1. Morris Mano, Digital Design, Prentice Hall of India, 2002. Reference Books: 1. John M.Yarbrough, Digital Logic, Application & Design, Thomson, 2002. 2. Thomas L.Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, PHI, 2003.
Credits 3:0:0 Course Objective: To Understand Sound and its properties To gain knowledge about acoustics Enlightening on the various technicalities involved in acoustic design of studios Course Outcome: The students will have thorough understanding about acoustics and sound-proofing, which will enable them in acoustic design of studios. Unit I SOUND: Sound source-Propagation of sound-Sound waves-Sound in free space-Sound and obstacles-Wavelength-frequency-Complex--waves-Pitch-Timbre-harmonics-phasepartialsoctaves-Linear and Logarithmic measures-Understanding Decibel -Units of sound- Sound Pressure level-Sound Intensity level Acoustics-Reverberation-Sound transmission class-EchoEffect of boundaries-Absorbers-Diffusers-Adjustable acoustics-Reverb Time and its techniquesAcoustic properties of materials-The human ear Unit II ACOUSTICS OF A SMALL RECORDING STUDIO: Acoustical characteristics of a studioreverb-studiodesign-studio volume-room proportions-reverberation time-diffusion-noise-studio design procedure-studio features-elements common to all studios-Air handlers-Sound isolationMinimising structure-borne sound Unit III ACOUSTICS FOR CONTROL ROOM: Initial time delay gap-live end-specular reflections vs diffusion low frequency resonances-managing reflections-control room frequency range-outer shell of the control room-inner shell of the control room-representative control rooms-study of designs consultants Unit IV ACOUSTICS FOR LISTENING ROOM: Acoustical link-peculiarities of small room acoustics-room size room proportions-reverb time-low frequencies-control of modal resonancesbass traps-modal colorations-mid-high frequencies-identification and treatment of reflecting points-lateral reflections-control of spaciousness.
Unit V ACOUSTICS FOR MULTITRACKING: Flexibility-Advantages and disadvantages of multitracking-Achieving track separation-studio acoustics-distance between artists-microphone management barriers for separation-electronic separation- electronic instruments and separation Text Book: 1. F. Alton Everest,Master Handbook for Acoustics- V Edition, MCGraw-Hill,2010. Reference Book:
12MT213 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING & MEDIA APPLICATIONS Credits: 3:1:0 Course Objective: This course will introduce the basic concepts and techniques for processing signals on a computer. By the end of the course, you be familiar with the most important methods in DSP, including digital filter design, transform-domain processing and importance of Signal Processors. The course emphasizes intuitive understanding and practical implementations of the theoretical concepts.
Course Outcome: Represent discrete-time signals analytically and visualize them in the time domain. Understand the meaning and implications of the properties of systems and signals. Understand the Transform domain and its significance and problems related to computational complexity. Unit I INTRODUCTION TO DSP AND FOURIER TRANSFORM:Signals, Systems and Signal Processing: Basic Elements of a Digital Signal Processing System-Advantages of Digital over Analog Signal Processing, Discrete-Time Signals and Systems:-Discrete-Time Signals-DiscreteTime Systems-Analysis of DTLTI Systems-DT Systems described by Difference EquationsCorrelation of DT signals, Linear, circular convolution Sectioned convolution , DTFT DFTFFT Computations using DIT algorithms FFT Computations using DIF algorithms Unit II FINITE IMPULSE RESPONSE DIGITAL FILTERS : Review of classical analog filters: Butterworth and Chebyshev filters, Elliptic filters, Linkwitz Riley filters - Transformation of Butterworth and Chebyshev filters into equivalent digital filters using Bilinear transform method and Impulse invariant method -Realization structures of IIR filters: Direct form I and II, cascade forms and Parallel forms Unit III FINITE IMPULSE RESPONSE DIGITAL FILTERS: Symmetric FIR filters-Linear phase response and its Implication - FIR filter design using window method, Frequency sampling method- Realization structures of FIR filters: Direct form-Cascade-Linear Phase Realizations. Unit IV FINITE WORD LENGTH EFFECTS: Representation of numbers in registers ADC quantization noise Coefficient quantization error Product quantization error Limit cycles due to
product round-off Round-off Noise reduction scheme Addition overflow errors, Principle of scaling Unit V SPECIAL TOPICS IN DSP AND DSP PROCESSORS: Introduction to general and special purpose hardware for Digital Signal Processors- Harvard architecture, Pipelining, MAC, Special instructions, Replication, On-chip memory/cache-Extended parallelism Applications of Digital Signal Processing:Dual-Tone multifrequency Signal Detection-Spectral Analysis of Sinusoidal Signals-Spectral Analysis of Nonsationary Signals-Spectral Analysis of Random SignalsMusical Sound Processing-Digital Music Synthesis. Text Books 1. John G.Proakis and Dimitris G.Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing Algorithms and Applications,PHI of India Ltd.,New Delhi,4th Edition,2008 2. Oppenheim and Schafer,Digital Signal Processing,Prentice Hall of India, Reprint 2002 Reference Books 1. Johnny R.Johnson,Introduction to Digital Signal Processing, PHI of India Ltd.,New Delhi,Reprint ,2011 2. Emmanuel C.Ifeacher and Barrie W.Jervis,Digital Signal Processing a Practical approach, Addison-Wesley Longman Ltd, 2nd 2004 Low Price Edition 3. Sanjit K.Mitra, Digital signal Processing A Computer Based Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 3rd Edition, 2008 4. Lonnie C Ludeman, Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing, John Wiley and Sons , 12MT214 AUDIO ENGINEERING AND PRODUCTION LAB Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective: To learn the various trends and technologies in Audio engineering and production Course Outcome: The students will be well trained in handling various audio software. They will also learn the nuances in handling equipment, setting up for a recording and troubleshooting. The students will gain in-depth knowledge in the terms and techniques in audio production. They would have learnt the working signal flow of a basic studio set up. List of Experiments 1. Recording voice 2. Recording dialogue 3. Basic edits
4. Radio Edit 5. On-location sound 6. Special effects 7. Foley 8. ADR 9. Music and Effects 10. MIDI 11. Multi-track recording 12. Mixing 12MT215 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS LAB Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective: To impart the concepts of digital electronics practically and train students with all the equipments which will help in improving the basic knowledge. Course Outcome: The students will have good knowledge about the concepts of digital electronics and they will be able to apply all these concepts practically. List of Experiments: 1. Logic gates 2. Half adder and Full adder 3. Multiplexer and De-multiplexer 4. Code converter 5. Encoder and Decoder 6. Flip-flops 7. Counters 8. Shift registers 9. IC timer 10. Parity generation and checking 11. Analog to digital converter 12. Digital to analog converter
12MT216 ANALOG ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS II Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: The aim of this course is to familiarize the student with the analysis and design of feedback amplifiers, oscillators, tuned amplifiers, wave shaping circuits, multivibrators and blocking oscillators. Course Outcome:
On completion of this course the student will understand the Advantages and method of analysis of feedback amplifiers Analysis and design of RC and LC oscillators, tuned amplifiers, wave shaping circuits, multivibrators, blocking oscillators and time based generators. Unit 1 FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS: Block diagram. Loop gain. Gain with feedback. Desensitivity of gain. Distortion and cut off frequencies with feedback. The four basic feedback topologies and the type of gain stabilized by each type of feedback. Input and Output resistances with feedback. Method of identifying feedback topology, feedback factor and basic amplifier configuration with loading effect of feedback network taken into account. Analysis of feedback amplifiers. Nyquist criterion for stability of feedback amplifiers. Unit II OSCILLATORS: Barkhausen Criterion. Mechanism for start of oscillation and stabilization of amplitude. Analysis of Oscillator using Cascade connection of one RC and one CR filters. RC phase shift Oscillator. Wienbridge Oscillator and twin-T Oscillators. Analysis of LC Oscillators, Colpitts, Hartley, Clapp, Miller and Pierce oscillators. Frequency range of RC and LC Oscillators. Quartz Crystal Construction. Electrical equivalent circuit of Crystal. Crystal Oscillator circuits. Unit III TUNED AMPLIFIERS: Coil losses, unloaded and loaded Q of tank circuits. Analysis of single tuned and synchronously tuned amplifiers. Instability of tuned amplifiers. Stabilization techniques. Narrow band neutralization using coil. Broad banding using Hazeltine neutralization. Class C tuned amplifiers and their applications. Efficiency of Class C tuned Amplifier. Unit IV WAVE SHAPING AND MULTIVIBRATOR CIRCUITS: RL & RC Integrator and Differentiator circuits. Diode clippers, clampers and slicers. Collector coupled and Emitter coupled Astable multivibrator. Monostable multivibrator. Bistable multivibrators. Triggering methods. Storage delay and calculation of switching times. Speed up capacitors. Schmitt trigger circuit.
Unit V BLOCKING OSCILLATORS AND TIMEBASE GENERATORS: Monostable and Astable Blocking Oscillators using Emitter and base timing. Frequency control using core saturation. Pushpull operation of Astable blocking oscillator i.e., inverters. Pulse transformers. UJT sawtooth generators. Linearization using constant current circuit. Bootstrap and Miller saw-tooth generators. Text Books: 1. Millman and Halkias. C., Integrated Electronics, Tata McGraw-Hill 2001 2. Schilling and Belove, "Electronic Circuits", TMH, Third Edition, 2002 3. Millman J. and Taub H., "Pulse Digital and Switching waveform", McGraw-Hill, 2000 Reference Books
1. Sedra Smith, Micro Electronic Circuits Oxford university Press, 2004. 2. David A. Bell, " Solid State Pulse Circuits ", Prentice Hall of India, 1992. 3. Robert L. Boylestead and Louis Nasheresky, 8th edn., PHI, 2002.
12MT217 MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLERS Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: To introduce and learn the architecture, programming and interfacing of microprocessors and Microcontrollers. Course Outcome: The students will gain adept knowledge in Microprocessor and Microcontroller terminologies. Unit I 8085 CPU: 8085 Architecture Instruction set Addressing modes Timing diagrams Assembly language programming Counters Time Delays Interrupts Memory interfacing Interfacing I/O devices. Unit II PERIPHERALS INTERFACING: Interfacing Serial I/O (8251)- parallel I/O (8255) Keyboard and Display controller (8279) -ADC/DAC interfacing Inter Integrated Circuits interfacing (I2C Standard)- Bus: RS232CRS485- GPIB Unit III THE 8051 ARCHITECTURE: Introduction - 8051 Micro controller Hardware - Input/Output Ports and Circuits - External Memory - Counter and Timers - Serial data Input/Output Interrupts.
Unit IV 8051 BASIC ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING CONCEPTS: The Assembly Language Programming Process - Programming Tools and Techniques - Programming the 8051 - Data Transfer and Logical Instructions - Arithmetic Operations - Decimal Arithmetic - Jump and Call Instructions - Further Details on Interrupts. Unit V ARM PROCESSOR AND ARCHITECTURE: The ARM processors - ARM registers - ARM instructions - The ARM built - in shift mechanism - ARM branch instructions - sequence control - Data movement and memory reference instructions.
Text Books
1. Ramesh S Gaonkar, Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and application with 8085, 4th Edition, Penram International Publishing, New Delhi, 2000. 2. John Uffenbeck, the 80x86 Family, Design, Programming and Interfacing, Third Edition. Pearson Education, 2002. 3. Kenneth J Ayala, the 8051 Microcontroller Architecture Programming and Application, 3rd Edition, Penram International Publishers (India), New Delhi, 2004. 4. Alan Clements, "The principles of computer Hardware", Oxford University Press, 3rd Edition, 2003. Reference Books 1. A.K. Ray and K.M.Burchandi, Intel Microprocessors Architecture Programming and Interfacing, McGraw Hill International Edition, 2000 2. 2. Mohammed Ali Mazidi and Janice Gillispie Mazidi, the 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems, Pearson Education Asia, New Delhi, 2003. 3. M. Rafi Quazzaman, Microprocessors Theory and Applications: Intel and Motorola prentice Hall of India, Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2003 4. Joseph Yiu, The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M3", Newnes Edition, 2007.
12MT218 DIGITAL TELEVISION & DIGITAL VIDEO ENGINEERING Credits: 4:0:0 Course objectives: To Overview of current and emerging trends in digital television. Comparing the different standards of digital television standards. Course Outcome: To identify the techniques involved in digital television broadcasting and transmission. To know and monitor basics and principles of digital television systems. Unit 1 BASICS OF TELEVISION: eye brain mechanism, scanning standards, resolution concept, composite video signal, Digital video fundamentals: spectrum of video signals, black box, composite digital standards. Unit II DIGITAL TELEVISION TRANSMISSION: Transmission lines for digital television: fundamental parameters, efficiency, VSWR, AERP, waveguide attenuation. Transmitting antennas for digital television: patterns, types of digital television antennas. Unit III
DTV NETWORKING AND TRANSPORT TECHNOLOGIES: networking and transmission protocols: reference architecture and components, transmission protocols, Transport technologies, IEEE1394, data streaming, DTV standard converters. Unit IV CHANNEL CODING AND MODULATION FOR DTV: data synchronization, randomization, scrambling, forward error correction, interleaving, 8 VSB, COFDM. Digital television transmission standards, DVB coding and modulation. Picture quality analysis. Unit V INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM FOR DIGITAL TELEVISION: Introduction, reference model for DTV system, source coding, transport layer, MPEG-2 systems layer, BST-OMFD, middleware, ginga middleware, interactivity channel, WiMAX. Text Books 1. Michael Robin, Michael Poulin Digital Television Fundamentals, McGraw Hill 2nd Edition 2000. 2. Gerald W.Collins, Digital Television Transmission, John Wiley & Sons 2001 Reference Books 1. Marcelo S. Alencar, Digital television Systems, Cambridge University Press 2009. 2. Walter Fisher. Digital Video And Audio Broadcasting Technology, Springer 2nd Edition 2008. 12MT219 GRAPHICS AND ANIMATION Credit: 4:0:0 Course Objective: To learn the animation techniques. To make the students understand about the 2D animation production.. Course Outcome: To do the types of animation compositing techniques and post production in 2D animation Unit I PRINCIPLES OF 2D GRAPHICS: Basic geometric objects, Geometric transformations, Applications of transformations, Animation and movements based on transformations, Interpolators for continuous changes, implementations in Java 2D.Lines and pixel graphics, Structural algorithms, Drawing arbitrary curve, Antialiasing with Java 2D,Areas, texts and colours Unit II PRINCIPLES OF 3D GRAPHICS: Geometric transformations, Animational moving objects, Projections in Java 3D, modeling 3D objects, Surface modeling, Normal vectors for Java 3D
Unit III VISIBLE SURFACE DETERMINATION: Clipping volumes, Algorithms for visible surface determination, Image precision techniques, Priority algorithms, Illumination and shading: Light sources, Reflections, shadings, textures, textures in Java 3D Unit IV SPECIAL EFFECTS AND VIRTUAL REALITY: Fog and particle systems, Fog in Java 3D, Dynamic surfaces Interaction, Interaction in Java 3D, Collision detection, Collision detention in Java 3D, Sound effects, Sound effects in Java 3D, steroscopic viewing. Unit V INTRODUCTION TO ANIMATION:Homogeneous coordinates and transformation, Description of transformation in the display pipeline, Interpolation-Controlling the motion along a curve, Interpolation of rotations. Text Book: Frank Klawonn, Introduction to Computer Graphics Using Java 2D and 3D, Springer, 2008 Reference Books: Aaron E. Walsh ,Doug Gehringer , Java 3D API Jump-Start, Prentice Hall, 2001 Leen Ammeraal ,Kang Zhang, Computer Graphics for Java Programmers, ISBN-13: 9780470031605, 2007
12MT220 ELEMENTS OF VIDEO PRODUCTION Credit 3:0:0 Course Objective: To understand the aesthetics of video production To identify the elements of shot. To learn the camera options and production techniques. To understand the continuity of shots To learn the editing principles Course Outcome: Students should be equipped with the video production skills so that they may be able to direct the production. The important component of this programme is to impart the aesthetics of film direction so that the student become capable of producing a show effectively. Unit I INTRODUCTION TO VIDEO EQUIPMENTS: Digital Video Camera Types Of Video Cameras Format Major Accessories Camera Formats Camera Operations And Functions
Aperture Shutter White Balance Focusing Methods - Focal Length Depth Of Field Video Signal Video Format. Unit II THE SHOT:Elements of the shot: the shot definition. mise-en-scene: aspects of mise-enscene lighting in a shot setting aspect in a shot character expression and movement costume and makeup of the character - the realism of mise-en-scene the power of mise-en-scene time and space in mise-en-scene Unit III THE PRODUCTION: cinematography properties basic types of shot - camera movement camera framing camera angle duration of the shot long take. lighting for a scene colour temperature dolly trolley grips and camera accessories tripod montage lighting equipments. UNIT IV TYPES OF PRODUCTION: single camera production: the shot, scene, sequence, story board types of script, location scouting - the production phase. Multi camera production rehearsal Floor manager - the crew director, cameraman, script writer, lighting director, art director, music director, gaffer, production assistant, etc.,- documentary production short film production electronic field production talk shows interviews. Unit IV UNDERSTANDING THE POST PRODUCTION: online production offline production the edl dimensions of editing spatial rhythmic graphic temporal editing - continuity editing. Dimensions of film sound voice over dubbing re-recording titling adding special effects. Text Books: 1. Digital Cinematography Paul Wheeler, Focal Press 2001 2. Film Art David Boardwell Thirteenth Edition 2001 Reference Book 1. Video Production techniques zettl - 2002
12MT221 MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER LAB Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective: To introduce to students the basics of microprocessor and microcontroller Programming and their applications. Course Outcome:
The students will be equipped with the basic knowledge of microprocessor and microcontroller interfacing and their applications.
List of Experiments: 1. Arithmetic and Logical operations using 8085 2. Data Transfer operation using 8085 3. Code conversions using 8085 4. Programs on finding largest/smallest number using 8085 5. Parallel port Interfacing using 8255 6. ADC Interfacing using 8085 7. DAC Interfacing using 8085 8. Arithmetic and Logical operations using 8051 9. Programs on finding largest/smallest number using 8051 10. Programs on ascending/descending order using 8051 11. Stepper motor interfacing using 8051 12. RS232 Interfacing using 8051 12MT222 GRAPHICS AND ANIMATION LAB Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective: To train the students in the area of 2D Animation and its software applications. To make the students understand the process of 2d animation production in studios. The students will be trained in the area of basic character designing and concept designing in 2D animation. Course Outcome: Students will gain the knowledge in computer graphics and animation. List of Experiments 1. Software interface a. Screen layout b. Basic drawing tools c. Animating rough blue and planning red d. Setup and Marking menus e. Working with Layers 2. Frame by frame animation 3. Key frame, Inbetweens & Secondary actions 4. Tweening 5. Compositing and camera movements for animation 6. Motion guide 7. Converting to symbols 8. Creating effects using filters 9. Embedding video 10. Introduction to Action Script 11. Creating basic movements using Action Script
12. Keyboard and mouse interfacing using Action script 12MT223 VIDEO PRODUCTION LAB Credits : 0:0:2 Course Objective: To learn practically pre production techniques in film production. To learn the art of script preparation.. . Course Outcome: To create the concept for avideo production. Knowing the process of video production techniques and the various script formats List of Experiments: 1. The Camera interface 2. Basic shots and angles 3. Different lighting techniques for indoor production 4. Different lighting techniques for Outdoor production 5. Using the Dolly, trolley and tracking 6. Single camera production 7. On-location sound 8. The vision mixer 9. Patching the studio for multi-camera setup 10. Interview with a two- camera setup 11. Talk show with multi-camera setup 12. Dance show/cultural event with multi-camera setup
12MT224 WEB DESIGNING Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: Enabling the student to build and manage web applications and have working knowledge in HTML , DHTML & XML Course Outcome: The students would learn to design, develop and manage web applications in media. Unit 1 HTML: Introduction to internet and world wide web Basic html document body -working with text-Hyperlinks-formatting list - tables using color and images - working with images multimedia objects working with frames forms - XHTML. Unit II
DHTML: Cascading style sheet using styles properties and values in styles style sheets Data Binding Simple Data Binding Moving with a record set Sorting table data Binding of an Image and table. Unit III XML: Basic Xml Defining data for web applications Document type definition Xml schema Document object model - Presenting xml - XSL xml applications Xml with perl. Unit IV WEB TECHNOLOGY: Internet protocols Internet Applications and application protocols web browsers web servers web server scripting. UNIT V CGI: Introduction Building web application with perl - perl and CGI CGI scripting using RDBMS creating and manipulating images CGI environment variables module Debugging CGI applications and programs. Text Books 1. Chris Bates , Web Programming , second edition reprint 2003, year of publications 2003. 2. Gopalan N.P , Web Technology , First edition , year of publications 2007. Reference Books 1. Deitel & Deitel, Goldberg, Internet and world wide web How to Program, Pearson Education Asia, 2001. 2. Simon Cozens and Peter Wainwright, Beginning Perl, Shroff publishers, Apress reprint 2005 3. Steven Holzner , HTML ,Dreamtech press , Reprint Edition 2008 4. Elliotte Rusty Harold, XML Bible, IDG Books India (P) Ltd, Second Edition ,2003, 12MT225 ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objectives: To understand basic signals, analog modulation, demodulation and radio receivers. To understand source digitization, digital multiplexing and modulation. To understand the various noises in communication systems. Course Outcome: This course will provide a clear understanding of various communication system Techniques, their operation and performance evaluation. Unit I WAVEFORM SPECTRA AND NOISE: Waveforms, spectrum, Energy signals, Power signals, Noise, Sources of noise, Thermal noise, shot noise, partition noise, low frequency noise, Signal to noise ratio, Noise factor, Noise temperature.
Unit II AMPLITUDE MODULATION: Amplitude modulation Modulation Index, Frequency spectrum, Power, DSBSC, Modulator demodulator circuits, AM transmitters, Super heterodyne receiver, tuning range, Image rejection, Adjacent channel selectivity, AGC, double conversion receivers, Single-sideband principles, balanced modulator, SSB generation, SSB reception. Unit III FREQUENCY AND PHASE MODULATION: Frequency modulation Frequency spectrum, power, Deviation ratio, Phase modulation, Equivalence between FM and PM, Angle modulator, FM transmitter, Angle modulation Detectors , AFC, Amplitude limiters, Noise in FM, Preemphasis and De-emphasis, FM broadcast and stereo receivers. Unit IV PULSE MODULATION: Pulse amplitude modulation, Sampling, Time division multiplexing, Pulse code modulation Compression, Differential PCM, Delta modulation, Pulse Position Modulation, Pulse Width Modulation. Unit-V DIGITAL COMMUNICATION: Symbol. Bit, Baud, Line codes and waveforms, Basic digital communication systems, probability of error, digital carrier systems, ASK, FSK, PSK, QPSK. Text Book: 1. Dennis John Roddy and Coolen, Electronic Communications, PHI, 2000. Reference Books 1. Taub and Schilling, Principles of Communication Systems, McGraw Hill, 2003. 2. G.Kennedy, Electronic Communication Systems, McGraw Hill, 2003.
12MT226 COMPUTER NETWORKS Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: To introduce key trends on network principles and practices. To provide a top down approach which focus on the internet and its accessible styles. Course Outcome: Students will be able to manage networks and the applications behind it. Unit I INTRODUCTION TO NETWORKS: Introduction To Networks Network Architecture Network Performance Direct Link Networks Encoding Framing Error Detection Transmission Ethernet Rings FDDI Wireless Networks Switched Networks Bridges Unit II
INTER-NETWORKING: Internetworking IP - ARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Internet Control Message Protocol Routing Routing Algorithms Addressing Subnetting CIDR Inter Domain Routing IPV6 Unit III TRANSPORT LAYER: Transport Layer User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Transmission Control Protocol Congestion Control Flow Control Queuing Disciplines Congestion Avoidance Mechanisms. Unit IV DATA COMPRESSION: Data Compression Introduction To JPEG, MPEG, MP3 Cryptography Symmetric-Key Public-Key Authentication Key Distribution Key Agreement PGP SSH Transport Layer Security IP Security Wireless Security Firewalls Unit V NETWORK APPLICATIONS: Domain Name System (DNS) E-Mail World Wide Web (HTTP) Simple Network Management Protocol File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Web Services - Multimedia Applications Overlay Networks Text Book 1. Iarry l. Peterson and Bruce s. davie, computer networks: a systems approach, fourth edition, elsevier publishers inc., 2007. Reference Books 1. James f. Kuross and Keith w. Ross, computer networking: a top-down approach featuring the internet, third edition, Addision Wesley, 2004. 2. Andrew s. Tanenbaum, computer networks, fourth edition, PHI, 2003. 3. William Stallings, Data and Computer Communication, sixth edition, Pearson Education, 2000. 4. Nader f. Mir,computer and communication networks, Pearson Education, 2007. 12MT227 ADVERTISING Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: To introduce the students to the advertising world and brief them on various stages involved in the process of producing & launching digital media advertisements. Course Outcome: To teach the students why advertising is part of Marketing Management and how it helps the industry, consumers & the society to progress. Students will come to know the stages through which manufacturers have to travel for promoting their products by deploying various advertising techniques. Also, the offshoot of advertising in to Public Relations has also been deliberated to give an insight to this area. Unit I
OVER VIEW OF ADVERTISING Advertising in Marketing Marketing & Promotion Mix Importance of advertising to the Manufacturing Industry, Consumer & to the Society Advertising Communication - Types & Functions of Advertising Merits & Demerits of Advertising - Advertisement vs. Publicity vs. Propaganda. Unit II ROLE OF ADVERTISING AGENCY Structure & Types of Agencies National & International Agencies - Responsibility of the Advertising Manager Client Servicing Advertisement Campaign & Sales Promotion Advertising Audiences - Audience and Buyer Behaviour analysis. Unit III SEGMENTATION OF THE MARKET, Targeting Audience and Positioning the Product Advertising Research Conducting & Using Research Developing Objectives, Strategy & Plans for launching Advertisement Campaigns - Evaluation of Advertisement effectiveness. Unit IV CHANNELS OF MASS MEDIA Merits & demerits of each Media - Media Planning Creative thinking & Strategy Producing Electronic Media Advertisings - Role of Out Door Media & New Media in Advertising - Rural Advertising in India. Unit V WHAT & WHY OF PUBLIC RELATIONS - Role of Advertising in Public Relations Public Relations in Government, Public and Private Sectors; Public Relation and Corporate Communications - Ethics and Regulations for Advertising & Public Relations. Text Book 1. Courtland L. Bovee , Advertising Excellence : McGraw Hill Inc. Publications, 2001 Reference Books 1. Advertising & Media Management by Meena Devi. Alpha Publications, New Delhi 2009 2. The Challenges of Public Relations by C.K. Sardana. Har Anand Publications, New Delhi 2004
12MT228 DIGITAL COMPOSITING Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: To teach students about different concepts involved in digital compositing which will help them to apply these entire concepts practically. Course Outcome: The students will have good knowledge about the latest trends and technologies involved in digital compositing and they will be able to apply all these concepts practically. Unit I
DIGITAL REPRESENTATION OF VISUAL INFORMATION: Image Generation, Pixels, Components, Channels, Spatial Resolution, Bit Depth, Normalized Values, Additional Channels, HSV and YUV Color Representation, Image Input Devices, Digital Image File Formats, File Format Features ,Vendor specific File Format Implementations, Compression, Choosing a File Format, Nonlinear Color encoding. Unit II BASIC IMAGE MANIPULATION AND COMPOSITING: Terminology, Color Manipulations, Spatial filters, geometric transformations, Expression Language, Filtering Algorithms, motion blur, Multi source Operators, Matte Image, The Integrated Matte Channel, Masks, Compositing With Pre multiplied Images, Morphing, Matte creation and manipulation: Rotoscoping, Procedural matte extraction, matte manipulations, Time and Temporal Manipulations: Apparent Motion, Temporal Resolution, Temporal Artifacts, Changing the Length or Timing of a Sequence, Key Framing. Unit III IMAGE TRACKING AND STABILIZATION: Tracking an Element into a Plate, Choosing the Feature to Track, Limiting the Search Area, Human Intervention, Using Tracking Curves Manually, Tracking Multiple Points, Stabilizing a Plate, Camera tracking, Interface Interactions: Workflow, the evolution of Interactivity, Methods of representing the compositing process, Timelines, Curve Editors, Working With Proxy Images, Image Viewing and Analysis Tools. Unit IV FILM FORMATS: Aspect Ratio: Non square Pixels, Deciding on a Resolution for an Aspect Ratio, Format Conversion Pipeline , Format Conversion Example, Film Formats: 35mm Formats ,16mm Formats, Specialized Film Formats, Video Formats: Fields, Color Resolution, Gamma, Common video formats, Other Formats, Working with non square pixels, converting and combining formats Unit V CREATING ELEMENTS AND INTEGRATION TECHNIQUES: Lighting, Interactive Lighting, Matched Cameras, Reference Stand-in, Clean Plates, Film Stock, Filters, Choosing a Format, Lighting and Shooting with Blue screens, Blue screen versus Green screen, Shooting Order, Integration Techniques: Scene Continuity, Color and lighting, Lighting, light wrapping, Shadows, digital color matching, spill suppression, Atmosphere, camera characteristics: Camera Mismatches, Camera Movements, scale and perspective, Focus, Motion Blur, lens flares, Film Grain and sensor noise. Text Book 1. Ron Brinkmann, The Art and Science of Digital Compositing, second edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2008. Reference Books 1. Steve Wright, Digital Compositing for Film and Video, Focal Press, 2006 2. Dough Kelly, Digital Composting in-Depth, Coriolis, 2000. 12MT229 IP TV
Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: To provide an overview of hardware, software, and Internet technologies. To introduce key trends and drivers transforming the world of broadcast television and the Web. Course Outcome: Students will know the working of internet protocol and other characteristics like video compression, their bandwidths etc Unit I INTRODUCTION: Introduction: Internet Protocol-Market for IP Video-Characteristics of IPTV-Internet video-IPTV versus internet video-constructing an IPTV network-constructing an internet video System Unit II INTERNET PROTOCOL: Internet Protocol & video compression: Packet types of IP Networks-IP Addresses-key parts of an IP network-Transport protocols-Multicasting-video compression-groups of pictures-MPEGMicrosoft Windows Media and VC-1-Other compression techniques Unit III VIDEO QUALITY & SERVERS: Video Quality& servers: Maintaining video quality and security-video servers-video on demand servers-advertising servers-live streaming serversencryption and right management. Unit IV DSL TECHNOLOGIES: Bandwidth: DSL technologies-DSLAM-Home gateway-multiple televisions-Calculate Bandwidth.
Unit V SET TOP BOX: Set top boxes & Internet video technologies: Basic functions-middleware-STB selection issues internet video technologies-types of internet streaming-commercial playerscontent creation workflows. Text Books 1. Wes &Howard Greenfield, IPTV and Internet Video, Second Edition: Expanding the Reach of Television Broadcasting, Focal press, ISBN: 978-0240812458 2. Lawrence Harte,IPTV Basics, Technology, Operation and Services , 2007, ISBN193281356X Reference Books 1. Howard J. Gunn, The Basics of IPTV, Intl. Engineering Consortium, 2007, ISBN 9781931695589 2. Gerard O'Driscoll, Next Generation IPTV Services and Technologies, Wiley
Interscience, 2007.ISBN :0470163720 3. Gilbert Held, Understanding IPTV, CRC Press, 2006. ISBN: 0849374154 12MT230 WEB DESIGNING LAB Credit: 0:0:2 Course Objective: To learn creation of web pages, scripting objects, application and special objects. To understand the usage of data bases. The students will be trained to programme ASP and XML. Course Outcome: To develop a webpage for commercials requirements. List of Experiments:
1. Creation of Simple Web pages. 2. Usage of scripting objects 3. Usage of Application and session objects 4. Adding data entry features 5. Usage of databases in ASP 6. Usage of components in ASP 7. Usage of Cookies in ASP. XML 8. Creating simple web pages using XML 9. Applying animations and multimedia effects through XML 10. Usage of databases in XML 11. Simple web page using XML 12. Web pages using XSL. References 1. Richard Anderson, Dan Denault, Brian Francis, ASP 3.0 Programmers Reference, IDG books India (P) Ltd., 2000. 2. Elliot Rusty Harold, XML Bible, IDG Books India (P) Ltd, 2000. 3. Vivek Sharma, Rajiv Sharma, Developing E-Commerce Sites An Integrated Approach, Addison Wesley, First Edition, 2000.
12MT231 COMMUNICATION CIRCUITS LAB Credits 0:0:2 Course Objective To learn circuit design and understand the theoretical concepts by hands on with circuit connections in breadboard for communication and Audio application. Course Outcome:
On Completion of this lab the Student will be able to: Implement properly any constructed circuits. Correctly operate standard electronics test equipment such as CRO, DSO, Signal analyzers and Function Generators to test electronics Circuits Correctly analyze a circuit and compare its theoretical performance to actual performance. List of Experiments: 1. Equalizer 2. Active Filters Design 3. Amplitude Modulation & Diode Detector 4. Frequency Modulation & Demodulator 5. Classes of Amplifiers Design 6. Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis Circuits Design 7. IF amplifier, Mixer 8. Multivibrator Circuits Design 9. Study of Sampling Theorem 10. Time Division Multiplexing 11. PLL applications 12. Radiation Pattern of Antennas
12MT232 VIDEO POST PRODUCTION LAB Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective: The students will be practically taught to apply post production techniques. Course Outcome: Students will be creatively and technically work in TV and Film Industry. List of Experiments: 1. Software interface 2. Basic edit-Importing files and arranging of shots, cut, trim 3. Adding transitions 4. Adding Effects 5. Color correction 6. Time warp 7. Chroma keying 8. Titling 9. Editing for an Interview 10. Editing for a talk-show 11. Editing for a Music Video 12. Editing for a Cultural/Dance show
12MT233 DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: To learn the fundamental concepts of Image processing techniques. Course Outcome: Can develop simple algorithms for image processing. Unit I DIGITAL IMAGE FUNDAMENTALS AND TRANSFORMS : Elements of visual perception Image sampling and quantization Basic relationship between pixels Basic geometric transformations-Introduction to Fourier Transform and DFT Properties of 2D Fourier Transform FFT Separable Image Transforms -Walsh Hadamard Discrete Cosine Transform-Haar-SlantKarhunenLoeve-transforms. Unit II IMAGE ENHANCEMENT TECHNIQUES: Spatial Domain methods: Basic grey level transformation Histogram equalization Image subtraction Image averaging Spatial filtering: Smoothing, sharpening filters Laplacian filters Frequency domain filters ,smoothing Sharpening-filters-Homomorphic-filtering. Unit III IMAGE RESTORATION: Model of Image Degradation/restoration process Noise models Inverse filtering -Least mean square filtering Constrained least mean square filtering Blind image restoration Pseudo inverse Singular value decomposition. Unit IV IMAGE COMPRESSION: Lossless compression: Variable length coding LZW coding Bit plane coding- predictive coding-DPCM. Lossy Compression: Transform coding Wavelet coding Basics of Image compression standards: JPEG, MPEG,Basics of Vector quantization. Unit V IMAGE SEGMENTATION AND REPRESENTATION: Edge detection Thresholding Region Based segmentation Boundary representation: chair codes- Polygonal approximation Boundary segments boundary descriptors: Simple descriptors-Fourier descriptors - Regional descriptors Simple descriptors- Texture Text Book 1. Rafael C.Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, PHI 2nd edition, 2002 Reference Books 1. Anil K.Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall of India, 9th edition, Indian Reprint, 2002
2. William, K.Pratt, Digital Image Processing, John Wiley and Sons, 3rd edition,2002
12MT234 COMPUTER BASED MUSIC PRODUCTION Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective: The students who are musically inclined will be taught the fundamentals involved in choosing the right components to make a digital audio workstation and to use MIDI and digital audio tools in music production. Course Outcome: This course will enable the students to be creatively and technically aware of the technologies and production tools in the music production industry. Unit I THE DAW AND ITS PERIPHERALS: The Computer - Software - Audio and MIDI Interfaces - Mixer - Headphones and Monitors Surface controller - Cables - Microphones Miscellaneous equipment - Mac Vs PC debate - Desktop, Laptop and Tabletop computers and specific users - The need for speed - Computer options. Unit II AUDIO/MIDI HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE SETUP: PCI cards - USB - FireWire/ iLink - PCMCIA Cards - Audio interface considerations - Audio interface features - MIDI interface types and features - Driver installation basics - MAC and PC driver/software setup - Patch setup - Unlisted MIDI devices - Surface controller setup - Template setup - Test run.
Unit III MUSIC PRODUCTION MIDI: What is MIDI - MIDI connections - MIDI channels - MIDI modes - Status bytes and Data bytes MIDI implementation charts - Creating a new song file Setting up song parameters - Laying down MIDI tracks - Step recording - Punch-in recording Common MIDI Recording Problems and their Solutions - Quantization options - Basic MIDI editing. Unit IV MUSIC PRODUCTION - DIGITAL AUDIO: Recording fundamentals - Analog and Digital audio recording - Sample rates and resolutions -Recording in the computer room - Basic track recording - Overdubing - Wet Vs Dry recording Mix and individual track MIDI to digital audio conversion - Virtual MIDI instruments - Preparing tracks for audio editing - normalizing audio tracks - Trimming digital audio tracks - Creating comp takes. Unit V MIXING, MASTERING AND ARCHIVING: The Stereo field - A short mixing primer: Drums, bass, guitars and vocals - Additional instruments - volume - monitoring the mix frequency, volume and overtones - EQ types - Dynamic Processors - Effect Processors - The Final mixdown - Mastering - Audio file preparation - side sequencing Setting the index and gap - Burning and packaging the audio CD - Archiving the project.
Text Book: 1. Zack Price, Beginners guide to computer based music production, Cherry lane music company, 2004. Reference Books: 1. Francis Rumsey, Tim McCormick, Sound and Recording: An Introduction, 5rd edition, Focal Press, 2006 2. Andrea Pejrolo, Creative sequencing techniques for Music Production, Focal Press, 2005. 3. Martin Russ, Sound Synthesis and Sampling, Third Edition, Focal Press, 2009.
Unit V MEDIA ECONOMICS AND PUBLIC POLICY: Free market Vs interventions, support measures for media contents, concentrated media ownerships, Monopolies and technological change: Events and sponsorships; overview of how events are marketed; certain sponsorship proposals; structuring sponsorship deals, Understanding of common terminology and jargon in media.
Text Books 1. Gillian Doyle, Understanding Media Economics, Sage Publications, 2007. Reference Books: 1. C.R.ColinHoskins, Media Economics-Applying Economics New and Traditional Media, Sage, 2003. 2. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall, 2003.
Course Objective: Program a DSP chip to filter signals using either assembly language or a C compiler for the chip. Understand how digital to analog (D/A) and analog to digital (A/D) converters operate on a signal and be able to model these operations mathematically. Use Z transforms and discrete time Fourier transforms to analyze a digital Signals Course Outcome: Describe the architecture and basic operation of fixed-point and floating-point DSPs. Perform worst-case timing analysis on real-time DSP systems. Develop and realize computationally efficient algorithms on the DSP platform Optimize DSP code (e.g. software pipelining).
Unit I INTORODUCTION TO DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESING : Introduction, A Digital signalprocessing system, The sampling process, Discrete time sequences. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Linear time-invariant systems, Digital filters, Decimation and interpolation, Analysis and Design tool for DSP Systems MATLAB, DSP using MATLAB. Unit II COMPUTATIONAL ACCURACY IN DSP IMPLEMENTATIONS : Number formats for signals and coefficients in DSP systems, Dynamic Range and Precision, Sources of error in DSP implementations, A/D Conversion errors, DSP Computational errors, D/A Conversion Errors, Compensating filter. Unit III
ARCHITECTURES FOR PROGRAMMABLE DSP DEVICES : Basic Architectural features, DSP Computational Building Blocks, Bus Architecture and Memory, Data Addressing Capabilities, Address Generation Unit, Programmability and Program Execution, Speed Issues, Features for External interfacing. Unit IV EXECUTION CONTROL AND PIPELINING : Hardware looping, Interrupts, Stacks, Relative Branch support, Pipelining and Performance, Pipeline Depth, Interlocking, Branching effects, Interrupt effects, Pipeline Programming models. Unit V PROGRAMMABLE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS : Commercial Digital signalprocessing Devices, Data Addressing modes of TMS320C54XX DSPs, Data Addressing modes of TMS320C54XX Processors, Memory space of TMS320C54XX Processors, Program Control, TMS320C54XX instructions and Programming, On-Chip Peripherals, Interrupts of TMS320C54XX processors, Pipeline Operation of TMS320C54XX Processors. Text Books 1. Digital Signal Processing Avtar Singh and S. Srinivasan, Thomson Publications, 2004. 2. DSP Processor Fundamentals, Architectures & Features Lapsley et al. S. Chand & Co, 2000.
Reference Books 1. Digital Signal Processors, Architecture, Programming and Applications B. Venkata Ramani and M. Bhaskar, TMH, 2004. 2. Digital Signal Processing Jonatham Stein, John Wiley, 2005.
Course Objective: To impart basic knowledge of sound sampling and synthesis techniques with applications. Course Outcome: Develop understanding on sound synthesis techniques Unit I SOUND SYNTHESIS: Digital signal and sampling, Synthesis, telecom research, tape techniques, Experimental versus Popular music, electro acoustic music, synthesis classics, fundamental principles of electronics and acoustics, MIDI. Unit II
ANALOG SYNTHESIS TECHNIQUES: Analog sampling, Analogue synthesis- analog and digital, additive synthesis, subtractive synthesis, other methods of analog synthesis, Toplogy, Early versus modern implementations, Example instruments. Unit III DIGITAL SYNTHESIS TECHNIQUES: Digital signals, FM, granular synthesis, waveshaping, modelling, FOF and other techniques, Analysis-Synthesis, Hybrid synthesis- wave table, DCO, sample and synthesis, Example instruments- digital techniques, hybrid techniques. Unit IV SYNTHESIS APPLICATIONS: Using synthesis- arranging, stacking, layering, hocketing, multi-timbrality, ployphony, GM, on-board effects, editing. Controllers- controller and expander, MIDI control, keyboard controls, foot controls, ribbon controls, guitar controls. Unit V PERFOMANCE AND ANALYSIS: Synthesis live, role of electronics, drum machines, sequences, workstations, accompaniment, groove boxes, studios on computers. Analysis- future of synthesis, closing the circles, control, commercial imperatives. Text Book 1. Martin Russ-Sound synthesis and sampling-Focal Press, 3rd edition, 2009 Reference Book 1. Sam McGuire, Roy Pritts, Audio Sampling - A Practical Guide, Focal Press, Ist Edition, 2008 12MT238 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: To introduce and learn the concepts of embedded computing with microcontroller and Real time Operating Systems. Course Outcome: The students will gain adept knowledge in embedded system technologies.
Unit I EMBEDDED COMPUTING: Embedded Computing: Introduction, Complex Systems and Microprocessor, The Embedded System Design Process, Formalisms for System Design, Design Examples. Unit II MICROCONTROLLER APPLICATIONS: Microcontroller 8051 Applications: Interfacing with Keyboards, Displays, D/A and A/D Conversions, Multiple Interrupts, Serial Data Communication. Unit III
REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEMS: Introduction to Real Time Operating Systems: Tasks and Task States, Tasks and Data, Semaphores, and Shared Data; Message Queues, Mailboxes and Pipes, Timer Functions, Events, Memory Management, Interrupt Routines in an RTOS-Environment. Unit IV DESIGN USING RTOS: Basic Design Using a Real - Time Operating System : Principles, Semaphores and Queues, Hard Real-Time Scheduling Considerations, Saving Memory and Power, An example RTOS like uC OS (Open Source); Embedded Software Development Tools: Host and Target machines, Linker/Locators for Embedded Software, Getting Embedded Software into the Target System; Debugging Techniques: Testing on Host Machine, Using LaboratoryTools, Unit V RISC: The RISC revolution - Characteristics of RISC Architecture - The Berkeley RISC Register Windows - Windows and parameter passing - Window overflow - RISC architecture and pipelining - Pipeline bubbles - Accessing external memory in RISC systems - Reducing the branchpenalties-branchprediction Text Books 1. Computers as Components-principles of Embedded computer system design, Wayne Wolf, Elseveir. 2. Kenneth J Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture Programming and Application, 3rd Edition, Penram International Publishers (India), New Delhi, 2004. 3. David E. Simon, An Embedded Software Primer, Addision Wesley, New Delhi, 2005 4. Alan Clements, The principles of computer Hardware, Oxford University Press, 3rd Edition, 2003. Reference Books 1. Raj Kamal, Embedded Systems McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2008. 2. Frank Vahid, Tony Givargis, Embedded Systems Design, Wiley India, 2006 3. Rajkamal, The concepts and feature of micro controllers 68HC11, 8051 and 8096; S Chand Publishers, New Delhi. 12MT239 PRINCIPLES OF DIGITAL AUDIO Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: To introduce and learn the concepts of digital audio production, perceptual coding and PC audio buses. Course Outcome: Students can work in applied audio technology. Unit I
SOUND AND NUMBERS: Fundamentals of Digital Audio-Sampling Theorem-AliasingQuantization-Dither-Digital Audio Recording-Pulse Code Modulation-Dither Generator-Input Low Pass Filter-Sample and Hold Circuit; Analog-to-Digital Converter-Successive Approximation-Oversampling A/D Converter, Record Processing-Channel Codes. Unit II DIGITAL AUDIO REPRODUCTION: Reproduction Processing-DAC Converter-Output Sample and Hold Circuit-Output Low pass filter-Impulse Response-Digital Filter; Alternate Coding Methods--Law and A-Law Companding-DPCM-Adaptive Delta modulationCompanded Predictive Delta Modulation-ADPCM-Timebase Correction-Error Correction Unit III MAGNETIC TAPE STORAGE: Recording Bandwidth-Digital Magnetic Tape-Inter Symbol Interference Longitudinal Magnetic Recording-vertical magnetic Recording-Stationary Head Tape Recorders-Rotary Head Tape recorders; Digital Audio Tape(DAT)-Cassette-Modeshardware Design-Track Format-Eight to ten Modulation-DAT Error Correction-Prerecorded DAT-Professional DAT-Optical Disc Storage-Compact Disc. Unit IV PERCEPTUAL CODING: Psychoacoustics-Physiology of Human Ear-Data Reduction Coding-MPEG1 Audio Satandard-MPEG2 Audio Standard-AC-3(Dolby Digital) Coder-DVDPhysical Specifications-UDF-DVD Audio-Video-Meridian Lossless packing-The Mini DiscInterconnection. Unit V PC AUDIO-PC Buses and Interfaces-Sound Cards-Digital Audio Extraction-PC Audio Software Applications; Internet Audio-Computer Networks and File Transfer-MP3-SDMI-Streaming audio-MPEG4-Satellite Operation-Digital Audio Radio-Inband Digital Radio-Direct satellite Radio Text Book 1. Ken Pohlmann, Principles of Digital Audio, Mc Graw Hill, Fourth Edition, 2000. Reference Books 1. Peter Kirn, Real World Digital Audio, Peachpitt Press, Ist Edition, 2006 2. John Watkinson, Introduction to Digital Audio, Focal Press, Second Edition , 2002 12MT240 DIGITAL VIDEO PROCESSING Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective:
This course covers algorithmic aspects of digital video processing and important industrial applications such as video communication, human-computer interaction, video surveillance, biometrics and biomedical engineering..
Course Outcome: Students will understand the acquisition and format of digital video signals. Students will have some knowledge about mathematical modeling of video. Students will grasp the most important classes of motion estimation techniques including optical flow estimation, block matching algorithm and Bayesian estimation. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of various video processing tasks including Denoising, restoration, super-resolution, Deinterlacing and post-processing. Unit I VIDEO FORMATION, PERCEPTION AND REPRESENTATION: Video Capture and Display- Principles of Color Video-Video Cameras.-Video Display-Composite versus Component Models-Gamma Correction, Analog Video Raster-Progressive Vs Interlaced scansCharacterization of Video Raster-Spatial and Temporal resolution, Signal BandwidthMultiplexing of Luminance, Chrominance-and Audio, Digital Video-Notation-ITU-R.BT.601 Digital Video Forma Unit II FOURIER ANALYSIS AND HUMAN VISUAL SYSTEM RESPONSE: Multidimensional Continuous-Space Signals and Systems, Multidimensional discrete-Space Signals and Systems, Frequency Domain Characterization of Video Signals-Spatial and Temporal FrequenciesTemporal Frequencies Caused by Linear Motion, Frequency Response of the Human Visual System-Temporal Frequency Response and Flicker Perception-Spatial Frequency ResponseSpatiotemporal Frequency Response-Smooth Pursuit Eye Movement. Unit III VIDEO SAMPLING: Basics of the Lattice Theory, Sampling of Video Signals Over Lattices, Filtering Operations in Cameras and Display Devices, Video Sampling Rate ConversionConversion of Signals Sampled on Different Lattices-Sampling Rate Conversion of Video Signals. Unit IV VIDEO MODELING AND 2D - MOTION ESTIMATION: Camera Model, Object Model, Scene Model, Two-Dimensional Motion Models, Two-Dimensional Motion Estimation-Optical Flow-General Methodologies-Pixel-Based Motion Estimation-Block-Matching AlgorithmMultiresolution Motion Estimation-Application of Motion Estimation in Video Coding. Unit V WAVEFORM BASED CODING AND VIDEO COMPRESSION STANDARDS: Waveform-Based Video Coding-Block-Based Transform Coding-Predictive Coding-Video Coding Using Temporal Prediction and Transform Coding, Video Compression Standards-Video Telephony with H.261 and H.263-H.261 Overview-H.263 Highlights-Comparison.Digital TV with MPEG-2-Systems-Audio-Video-Profiles, Coding of Audiovisual Objects with PMEG-4
Text Book 1. Multimedia Communication Technology, J.R.Ohm, Springer Publication. 2004 Reference Books 1. David R Bull et al Video Coding for Mobile Communications, , Academic Press, 2002 2. Handbook on Image and Video Processing, A.I.Bovik, Academic Press, 2005 3. Tekalp Digital Video, Prentice Hall, 2004
12MT241 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE & SERVICING Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: To provide a thorough understanding of the working of studio equipments. To introduce various techniques in maintaining and repairing of audio-visual equipments. Course Outcome: After the course the students will be able to have an in-depth knowledge in maintaining Equipments in the studio. Basic repair and services of equipments will be learned. Unit I EXPLANATIONS AND CALCULATIONS: Electricity - Basic Electronics- DC Voltage, Current, and Resistance Basic Electronics: AC Voltage, Current, and Reactance- Basic Formulas for Calculations-Decibels- Advanced Formulas for Calculations- Wire Sizes and Maximum Current for Each Wire- Technical Power and Current RequirementsUnit II SIGNALS AND EQUIPMENT: Balanced and Unbalanced Signals- Metering-VU, RMS, PPm and Correlation-RF Transmissions AM and FM- Compressors and Limiters- Multitrack Recorders- Speakers and Microphones- Wireless Microphones Unit III AUDIO LINES: Cables and Connectors-Equipment and Rack Grounding- Patch Bay WiringCable Routing- Tools-Test Equipment- A 48-Volt Phantom Power Supply Project Unit IV MAINTENANCE: Cleaning Chemicals and Applications- Fixed Head Tape Recorders -Analog- Analog Tape Recorder Calibration- Rotary Head Tape Recorders -- Digital- Amplifier Cleaning- Computer and Processor, Cleaning- Mixing Console, Pot and Fader Cleaning-Lighting Equipment Cleaning Unit V SERVICE AND REPAIRS: Speaker Damage and Repairs- Amplifier Diagnostics- Soldering, Cable Repair, and RF Interference Cures- Processors and Outboard Gear ServiceText Book
1. Tom McCartney. Recording Studio Technology, Maintenance, and Repairs. McGrawHill/TAB Electronics 2004. Reference Books 1. Trevor Linsley. Electronic Servicing and Repairs. Newnes Second Edition 2000 2. John Markus. Television and Radio Repairing. Mc Graw Hill 2002. 12MT242 SATELLITE COMMUNICATION Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: To understand satellite systems in relation to other terrestrial systems. To know satellite orbits and launching. To study earth segment and space segment components, study of satellite access by various users and DTH and compression standards. Course Outcome: To enable the student to become familiar with satellites and satellite services. Unit 1 ORBITAL PARAMETERS: Orbital parameters, Orbital perturbations, Geo stationary orbits, Low, Earth and Medium orbits. Frequency Selection, Frequency co-ordination and regulatory services, Sun transit outages, Limits of visibility, Attitude and orientation control, Spin stabilization techniques, Gimbal platform Unit II LINK CALCULATIONS: Space craft configuration, Payload and supporting subsystems, Satelite uplink -down link power budget, C/No, G/T, Noise temperature, System noise, Propagation actors, Rain and ice effects, Polarization Calculations Unit III ACCESS TECHNIQUES: Modulation and Multiplexing: Voice, Data, Video, Analog and Digital transmission systems, multiple acess techniques:FDMA,TDMA,T1-T2 carrier systems, SPADE,SS-TDMA,CDMA, Assignment Methods, Spread spectrum communication, Compression-Encryption and Decryption techniques Unit IV EARTH STATION PARAMETERS: Earth station location, propagation effects of ground, High power transmitters-Klystron Crossed field devices, Cassegrania feeds, Measurements on G/T and Eb/No Unit V SATELITE APPLICATIONS: INTELSAT Series, INSAT, VSAT, Remote sensing, Mobile satellite service: GSM. GPS, INMARSAT, Satellite Navigation System, Direct to Home service(DTH), Special services, E-mail, Video conferencing and Internet Connectivity Text Book
1. Dennis Roddy, Satellite Communications, McGraw-Hill Publication Third edition 2001 Reference Books 1. Bruce R.Elbert, "The Satelite Communication Applications Hand Book, Artech House Boston,1997 2. Wilbur L.Pritchard,Hendri G.Suyderhood,Robert A.Nelson,"Staelite Communication Systems Engineering",IIEdition,Prentice Hall,New Jersey.1993 3. Dennis Rody," Satelite Communication", Regents/Prentice Hall,Eaglewood Cliff, New Jersey,1983 4. Tri T.Ha,"Digital staelite communiocation",2nd Edition,McGraw Hill,New york.1990 5. K.Feher,Digital communication satelite / Earth Station Engineering, prentice Hall Inc,New Jersey,1983
1. Alan Thorn, Introduction to Game Programming with C++, Wordware Publishing Inc, 2007. Reference Books 1. Noel Llopis,C++ for Game Programmers, Charles River Media ,2003. 2. David Conger and Ron Little , Creating Games In C++, First Impression,2006.
12MT244 NEURAL NETWORKS Credits 3:0:0 Course Objective: This course introduces the basics of Neural Networks and essentials of Artificial Neural Networks with Single Layer and Multilayer Feed Forward Networks. Also deals with Associate Memories and introduces Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy Logic system components. The Neural Network to Systems Engineering is also presented. Course Outcome: Students will be able to develop artificial intelligence systems. Unit I INTRODUCTION TO NEURAL NETWORKS: Introduction, Humans and Computers, Organization of the Brain, Biological Neuron, Biological and Artificial Neuron Models, Characteristics of ANN, McCulloch-Pitts Model, Historical Developments, Potential Applications-of-ANN. Unit II ESSENTIALS OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS: Artificial Neuron Model, Operations of Artificial Neuron, Types of Neuron Activation Function, ANN Architectures, Classification Taxonomy of ANN Connectivity, Learning Strategy (Supervised, Unsupervised, Reinforcement),LearningRules. Unit III SINGLE LAYER FEED FORWARD NEURAL NETWORKS : Introduction, Perceptron Models: Discrete, Continuous and Multi-Category, Training Algorithms: Discrete and Continuous Perceptron Networks, Limitations of the Perceptron Model. Unit IV MULTILAYER FEED FORWARD NEURAL NETWORKS: Credit Assignment Problem, Generalized Delta Rule, Derivation of Backpropagation (BP) Training, Summary of Backpropagation Algorithm, KolmogorovTheorem, Learning Difficulties and Improvements. Unit V ASSOCIATIVE MEMORIES: Paradigms of Associative Memory, Pattern Mathematics, Hebbian Learning, General Concepts of Associative Memory, Bidirectional Associative Memory (BAM) Architecture, BAM Training Algorithms: Storage and Recall Algorithm, BAM Energy Function. Architecture of Hopfield Network: Discrete and Continuous versions, Storage and Recall Algorithm, Stability Analysis. Text Book
1. S. Rajasekharan and G. A. Vijayalakshmi pai, Neural Networks, Fuzzy logic, Genetic algorithms: synthesis and applications, PHI Publication, 2004. Reference Books 1. Simon Haykin, Neural Networks- A comprehensive foundation, Pearson Education, 2001. 2. S.N.Sivanandam, S.Sumathi,S. N. Deepa Introduction to Neural Networks using MATLAB 6.0, TMH, 2006. 3. James A Freeman and Davis Skapura, Neural Networks Pearson Education, 2002. 4. Timothy J. Ross, Fuzzy Logic With Engineering Applications, McGraw-Hill Inc. 1997 12MT245 3D ANIMATION Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: To present concepts required to understand the steps and procedures that lead to the completion of a fully rendered 3 Dimensional computer animation. Course Outcome: In order to assess the students progress towards achieving the learning outcomes, a number of assignments may be assigned periodically. The students will be able to do basic 3D animation and gain basic knowledge about advanced modeling and rendering techniques. Unit I PREPRODUCTION: Introduction Storyboarding character and model design - sound design technical tests Production scheduling. Unit II MODELING BASICS: Introduction polygonal modeling splines and patches coordinate systems viewing windows Geometric primitives transformations common modeling techniques hierarchies booleans and trims. Unit III RENDERING BASICS: The camera Lights Surface characteristics shading algorithms rendering algorithms background images Surface texture mapping solid texture mapping final rendering. Unit IV ANIMATION BASICS: Introduction Key framing interpolations parameter curve editing dope sheet editing forward kinematics inverse kinematics motion plans shape deformations camera animation animating lights and surface properties pose based animation. Unit V RE -TOUCHING AND POSTPRODUCTION TECHNIQUES: Virtual sculpting hair and fur texturing polygons more rendering algorithms cloth dynamics facial animationcompositing Editing.
Text Books 1. Michael ORourke, Principles of Three Dimensional Computer animation, 3rd edition, W.W. Norton & company, 2003. 2. John Vince, Essential Computer Animation, Springer UK , FirstEdition 2000. Reference Books 1. John Edgar Park, Understanding 3D animation using Maya, Springer Science & business Media. Inc, 2005. 2. Marcia Kuperberg, Martin W. Bowman, Guide To Computer Animation, Focal press , 2002. 12MT246 MEDIA LAWS AND ETHICS
Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: This will give an overall idea about the Indian constitution .The media laws and ethics followed in newspapers, journals, Broadcasts are highlighted.
Course Outcome: Students when studies the laws and ethics to be followed in media they will start applying it in their media works and this will make them a successful media professionals in the society. Unit I OVERVIEW OF INDIAN CONSTITUTION: Overview of the Indian Constitution, Fundamental rights, Duties of citizens, Directive principles of state policy, Functions of Executive, Judiciary, Legislative, Powers and Privileges of parliament, Provisions for declaring Emergency, Provision for amending the Constitution, Freedom of the Press and restrictions these upon, Centre-State relations Unit II MEDIA LAWS IN INDIA: PRB Act 1867, The Press (Objectionable matters) Act 1957, The News paper (Prices and Pages) Act 1956, Defense of India Act, Delivery of Books and News paper (Public Libraries) Act, Press Council Act, Cable TV Networks (Regulations) Act, TRAI, BRAI.Cinematographic Act 1952, Drugs and magic remedies Act. Unit III CIVIL AND CRIMINAL LAWS: Laws of Libel and defamation, Contempt of courts Act 1971 and contempt of Legislative, Copy right Act and IPR, Trade Mark Act and patents Act, Right to information and Official Secrets Act, Right o information Act, Autonomy and Prasar Bharati Act, Broadcasting Bill. Cyber Laws, Digital signature, piracy, Domain name registration issues Unit IV CODE AND ETHICS: Recommendations of Press Commission I and II, Mac Bridge Report, Press council guide to Journalistic ethics, Self regulation and code of ethics, censorship and control of the press, press ownership and monopolies, various committees of broadcasting, Broadcasting policies, Act regarding to working journalists. Unit V
JOURNALISTIC ETHICS: Gathering the news, Libel, Invasion of privacy, Defamation, Use of the word alleged Apparent authority, Technology, Telephone recordings, Juveniles as News Sources, Subpoenas and Shield Laws, Access Laws, Definition of Ethics, Effects of Competition Situational Ethics , Case Studies in Ethical Dilemmas
Text Books 1. Basu, Law of the Press in India, Practice Hall of India, 2003. 2. Radha Krishna Murthi, Indian Press Laws, Indian Publishers, Distributors, 2001. 3. Philip Patterson, Lee Wilking, Media Ethics, Issues Capes, McGraw Hill, 2004. 4. Clifford G.Christians, Media Ethics, Cases and Moral Reasoning, Pearson, 2006. Reference Books 1. Leslie, Mass Communication Ethics, Thomson Learning, 2004. 2. Basu, Introduction to Indian constitution, Practice Hall of India, 2003.
12MT247 ARM CORTEX ARCHITECTURE AND PROGRAMMING Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: To give very good understanding of the 32 bit embedded processor and their requirements. To give students understanding of application development using 32 bit microprocessor. Course Outcome: Students will be able to blends the best features from the 32-bit ARM architecture with the highly successful Thumb-2 instruction set design whilst adding several new capabilities. Unit I: WHAT IS THE ARM CORTEX-M3 Processor, Background of ARM and ARM Architecture, Instruction Set Development, The Thumb-2 Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), Cortex-M3 Processor Applications Fundamentals, Registers, Operation Modes , The Built-In Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller, The Memory Map, The Bus Interface, The Instruction Set Interrupts and Exceptions Debugging Support, Characteristics Summary, Registers, Special Registers, Operation Mode, Exceptions and Interrupts, Vector Tables , Stack Memory Operations, Reset Sequence. Unit II: ASSEMBLY: Basics, Instruction List, Instruction Descriptions, Several Useful Instructions in the Cortex-M3, Memory System Features Overview, Memory Maps, Memory Access Attributes, Default Memory Access Permissions, Bit-Band Operations, Unaligned Transfers, Exclusive
Accesses, Endian Mode, The Pipeline, A Detailed Block Diagram, Bus Interfaces on the CortexM3, Other Interfaces on the Cortex-M3, The External Private Peripheral Bus, Typical Connections, Reset Signals Unit III: EXCEPTION TYPES, Definitions of Priority, Vector Tables, Interrupt Inputs and Pending Behavior, Fault Exceptions, SVC and PendSV, NVIC Overview , The Basic Interrupt Configuration, Interrupt Enable and Clear Enable, Interrupt Pending and Clear Pending, Example Procedures of Setting Up an Interrupt, Software Interrupts , The SYSTICK Timer, Interrupt/Exception Sequences, Exception Exits, Nested Interrupts, Tail-Chaining Interrupts, Late Arrivals, More on the Exception Return Value, Interrupt Latency, Faults Related to Interrupts, Stacking, Unstacking, Vector Fetches, Invalid Returns Unit IV: CORTEX-M3 PROGRAMMING OVERVIEW: The Interface Between Assembly and C , A Typical Development Flow , The First Step , Producing Outputs, Using Data Memory, Using Exclusive Access for Semaphores, Using Bit Band for Semaphores, Working with Bit Field Extract and Table Branch, Using Interrupts, Exception/Interrupt Handlers, Software Interrupts, Example with Exception Handlers, Using SVC, SVC Example: Use for Output Functions , Using SVC with C, Running a System with Two Separate Stacks , Double-Word Stack Alignment, Nonbase Thread Enable, Performance Considerations, Lockup Situations Unit V: THE MEMORY PROTECTION UNIT OVERVIEW:MPU Registers, Setting Up the MPU, Typical Setup, The SYSTICK Timer Power Management, Multiprocessor Communication, SelfReset Control, Debugging Features Overview, CoreSight Overview, Debug Modes, Debugging Events, Breakpoint in the Cortex-M3, Accessing Register Content in Debug , Other Core Debugging Features, Debugging Components introduction, Trace Components: Data Watchpoint and Trace, Trace Components: Instrumentation Trace Macrocell, Trace Components: Embedded Trace Macrocell, Trace Components: Trace Port Interface Unit, The Flash Patch and Breakpoint Unit, The AHB Access Port, ROM Table Text Book 1. Joseph Yiu, The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M3", Newnes Edition, 2007. Reference Books 1. Alan Clements, "The principles of computer Hardware", Oxford University Press, 3rd Edition, 2003. 2. Andrew N. Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright, ARM system developer's guide: designing and optimizing system software , Elsevier, 3rd Edition, 2004. 12MT248 3D VIDEO & GRAPHICS Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: To learn the concepts of 3D Video development and streaming applications.
Unit-I FUNDAMENTALS OF VISUAL SCIENCE: Stereo vision concepts-stereoscopy, binocular depth perception convergence, cyclopean image, accommodation, Parallax Concepts- parallax, parallax barrier and lenticular lenses, polarization, chromostereopsis, 3D imaging, occlusion and scene reconstruction, Theory of stereo reproduction, analytics. Unit-2 APPLICATION OF VISUAL SCIENCE FUNDAMENTALS TO 3DTV:Common video treatment approaches, projections methods for presenting stereopairs, polarization, synchronization and colorimetrics, Autostereoscopic viewing- lenticular lenses, parallax barriers, other longer term systems-multi viewing 3D systems, Integral imaging/ holoscopic imaging, holographic approaches, volumetric displays/ hybrid hollgraphic, Viewer physiological issues with 3D content Unit III BASIC 3DTV APPROACHES FOR CONTENT CAPTURE AND MASTERING: General capture, mastering and distribution process, 3D capture, mastering and distribution process, content acquisition, 3D mastering- spatial compression, temporal multiplexing,2D in conjunction with Metadata (2D+M), color encoding, Network Transport approaches, MPEG standardization effects Unit- 4 TECHNOLOGIES FOR IN-HOME DISPLAY OF CONTENT: Connecting the In-Home source to the display, 3DTV display Technology- commercial displays based on projection, commercial displays based on LCD and PDP technologies, LCD 3DTV polarized display, other display technologies Unit-5 3DTV ADVOCACY: 3DC, 3D media cluster,3DTV, challenges and players in the 3TV Universe- 3D content creation, 3D video coding, transmission, virtual view generation and 3D display, mobile 3DTV, Real3D, HELIUM3D, Multiuser 3D Television Display, 3D4YOU,Audio Visual content search and retrieval in a Distributed P2P repository Text Book: 1. 3D Television (3DTV) Technology, Systems, and Deployment: Rolling Out the Infrastructure for Next-Generation Entertainment by Daniel Minoli,2010, ISBN-9781439840665. Reference Book: 1. 3DTV Content Capture, Encoding and Transmission: Building the Transport Infrastructure for Commercial Services by Daniel Minoli, 2010,ISBN: 0470649739
Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: The syllabus is focussed to orient the students on the basic photographic techniques and the professional equipments used in the media industry. Course Outcome: The students will understand various stages in the growth of photographic technology from analogue to digital and how to use todays expertise for capturing images and manipulate them using editing software for different applications. The students will also appreciate the ways to use photography for gainful employment & as a rewarding hobby. Unit I INTRODUCTION TO PHOTOGRAPHY: History and Development of Photography Different types of Digital Cameras and their application - Types of Lenses & Usage - Types of artificial Lights used in photography - Optical & gelatine Filters & the Usage Different photographic Films used Other accessories in photography. Unit II PHOTO COMPOSITION : Grammar of shooting a Good Picture - Exposure Triangle Aperture, Shutter & film Speed (ISO), Depth of Field - Focal Length of different lenses - Angle of View - Indoor & outdoor Lighting Techniques - White Balance - Framing & Composition Rule of Third. Unit III INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY : Constructing of DSLR camera Digital Image Sensing CCD & CMOS Controls on the camera & on the lens - Working with Digital Camera Picture Resolution - Digital Storage Medium - Setup for Digital Imaging Editing for Windows and Macintosh platform - Software used for processes of images and their merit - File Formats Converters. Unit IV AREAS OF PHOTOGRAPHY : Portrait Architecture Product - Fashion Travel - Social function Environmental Action Aerial Under water Macro Panoramic Sports Wild Life - Indoor/Outdoor. Unit V PHOTOGRAPHY PROJECTS : Press Assignments - Photo Documentary - Photo Essay Building small & Corporate Studios - Design, Equipments and Budget - Popular Photography Websites - Creating Photography Website - Connecting Images to website Photo Scanners Scanning Techniques - Photo Printers - How Printer works - Photo Quality Printing Paper & Types. Text Book 1. Peter K Burian, Mastering Digital Photography and Imaging Publisher Sybex.USA. First edition, 2001
Reference Books 1. Ralph E Jacob, Geo G Attridge, Sidney F Ray, The Manual of Photography (2000) by Focal Press, Ninth Edition. 2. Tom Grimm and Michele Grimm, The Basic Book of Photography, Fourth Edition 3. John H Edgecoe, Alfred A, The Photographers Handbook. 1999 by. Knopf Publisher. 4. Joseph A Iippolito , Understanding Digital Photo, Thomson Delmar Learning 2003.USA.
12MT250 ELECTRONIC MEDIA MANAGEMENT Credits 3:0:0 Course Objective: The course imparts knowledge on the structure of electronic media industry, its regulation, economics & business, its impact on the audience, and the forces shaping the communications revolution in media. Course Outcome: The students will be able to understand the multidisciplinary field of electronic media management and how media planning helps in efficient buying and selling air time. Students will learn to apply the Audience Research findings to analyse the media and recommend strategic use of resources for effective product & brand promotion. Unit I ELECTRONIC MEDIA: Structure, function and economic of electronic media - Major Indian Media Houses Major heads of income and expenditure in media - Advertising in Media Industry Unit II TV & RADIO PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT: TV & Radio Programme management: Planning, scheduling, production and broadcasting - Costing and budgeting of programme Commissioned and sponsored programmes. Unit III MEDIA MARKETING: Media marketing - Market & Audience Survey: media, product and audience profile TRP/TAM - Agencies of rating, process and method of rating Marketing a sponsored programme. UNIT IV RADIO & TV HOUSES: Structure of radio and television houses - Recruitment and contractual engagement of H.R.- Service conditions and General administration - Channel management: training and deployment of personnel. UNIT V CABLE INDUSTRY: Cable Industry: Evolution, growth and regulations - Process of distribution of signals - Pay channels vs. free to air channels Technology in use: Terrestrial, Satellite, DTH & IPTV, Mobile casting & Webcasting, FM & AM Radio, Net & satellite radio. Text Books
1. Promotion & Marketing for Broadcasting Cable of the web by Eastman, Susantylen 2. Consumer Behavior by Leon G. Schiffman and Leslie Lazar Kanuk, Prentice Hall India Reference Books 1. Essentials of Management by Harold Koonz and Heinz Weihrich, Mac Graw Hills, 2001 12MT251 AUDIO ENGINEERING AND PRODUCTION
Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: The students will be taught about Sound and Audio Engineering fundamentals and the techniques involved in Audio production. Course Outcome: This course will enable the students to be creatively and technically aware of the Technologies and Production systems in the Audio Industry. Unit I SOUND THEORY: Sound waves-Frequency - Wavelength - Amplitude - The velocity of sound waves Sound waves and obstacles - Diffraction -Units used in sound - Decibels - Inverse Square Law - Effect of Boundaries The response of the ear - Loudness - Fletcher and Munson Curves - Musical pitch - Timbre - The brains perception of sound - Frequency ranges in music - Basic Acoustics - Reflection - Absorption Refraction - Diffraction - Acoustic materials - STC - RT-60 - TL - CD. Unit II ANALOG AUDIO: Input Transducers - Microphones - Polar responses -Types of Microphones Production of the different polar responses - Sensitivities of microphones - Phantom power - Balanced wiring - Specific applications of microphones - Reference voltages in audio signals-Metering - Technical monitoring - Aural monitoring - Output Transducers-Loudspeaker - Loudspeaker resonators Loudspeaker cables - Professional and domestic standards - Stereo - Methods of producing inter - channel differences - Stereo listening-Stereo loudspeaker matching - Phase - Microphone techniques for stereo Headphones for stereo monitoring. Unit III AUDIO ENGINEERING FUNDAMENTALS: Sound mixers - The basic channel - Important features of a mixer - Output stage - Inputs and connections- Filters - Equalizers - Talkback-Manual control of levels - Electronic level control - Signal processors - Dynamic processors - Effect processors - Audio lines and Patch bays - Analog Recording devices and systems - ATR - The fundamentals of magnetic recording - Tape standards - Cassette quality - Head and tape cleanliness - Noise reduction - Multi track systems - Tape speeds - Transport controls Head alignment - Routing - Recording - Punching - Auto punch - Editing - Basic Analog Mixing. Unit IV DIGITAL AUDIO: Basic Principles Analog vs Digital Analog to Digital Converter Digital to Analog Converter Application of Digital Audio Digital audio hardware - formats - Storage medium Digital mixers Digital audio workstation Editing Mixing - Mastering Audio Post production for Video. Unit V BASICS OF LIVE SOUND ENGINEERING: Need for Sound Reinforcement - Technology - Basic PA systems - Full Range sound Reinforcement systems - Choice of Equipment - Signal flow - FOH - MOH -
Indoor systems - Outdoor Systems -Applications - Safety - Ear safety - Electrical safety - Mechanical safety - Fire safety.
Text Book 1. Michael Talbot-Smith, Sound Engineering Explained, 2nd Edition, Focal Press, 2002. Reference Books 1. Ken Pohlmann, Principles of Digital Audio, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, 1995 2. David Simons, Analog Recording, 3rd Edition, Backbeat Books, 2006. 3. Paul White, Basic Live Sound, Sanctuary Publications, 2003. 4. F.Alton Everest, Master Handbook of Acoustics, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill Publishing,2001 5. Frederick N Martin, John Greer N Clark, Introduction to Audiology, 9th Edition, Pai and Sons, 2003