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BMS Sem3

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1 Management Accounting Unit Number 1 Topic Analysis and Interpretation of Accounts a) Study of Balance Sheet Schedule VI of Limited Company. b) Study of Manufacturing Trading Profit & Loss A/c of Limited Company. Vertical Forms- Relationship between items in Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account. a) Trend Analysis. b) Comparative Statement. c) Common Size Statement. Ratio Analysis and Interpretation (Based on Vertical Form of Financial A/c) including Conventional and Functional Classification Restricted toa) Balance Sheet Ratios:i) Current Ratio ii) Liquid Ratio iii) Stock Working Capital Ratio iv) Proprietary Ratio v) Debt Equity Ratio vi) Capital Gearing Ratio b) Revenue Statement Ratios:i) Gross Profit Ratio ii) Expenses Ratio iii) Operating Ratio iv) Net Profit Ratio v) Net Operating Profit Ratio vi) Stock Turnover Ratio c) Combined Ratios:i) Return on Capital employed (Including Long Term Borrowings) ii) Return on proprietors Fund (Shareholders Fund and Preference Capital) iii) Return on Equity Capital iv) Dividend Pay out Ratio v) Debt Service Ratio vi) Debtors Turnover vii) Creditors Turnover Different Modes of Expressing Ratios:-Rate, Ratio, Percentage, Number etc. Limitations of the use of Ratios, Interaction of Ratios Preparation of Statement of Sources and Application of Cash (Cash Flow Statement) with reference to Accounting Standard No .3 Working Capital-Concept No of Lectures 08



3 4

10 17

Estimation /Projection of Requirements in case of Trading and Manufacturing Organization. Marginal Costing Concept of Marginal Cost Contribution Break even Analysis Application of marginal costing in Managerial Decision Making. Reference Books 1. Saxena & Vashist , Cost Management , S. Chand and Sons 2. Ravi N.Kishor, Cost & Management Accounting, Publication Taxmonth 3. P.N.Reddy, Essential of Management Accounting, Himalaya 4. Robert S Kailar, Advanced Management Accounting, Prentice Hall 5. S.R.Varshney, Financial Of Management Accounting , Wisdom 6. Charbs T Horngram, Introduction Of Management Accounting ,PHI Leaving 7. I.M.Pandey, Management Accounting, Vikas Publication 8. D.K.Mattal, Cost & Management Accounting, Galgotia 9. Khan & Jani, Management Accounting, Tata Mcgraw 10. R.P.Resstogi, Management Accounting, Gelgoha

3.2 Managerial Economics II Unit 1 Topic No. of Lectures

Introduction to Macro Economics. Macro economic aggregates and concepts Circular flow of income. National income and related concepts, calculation of National income, National income and social welfare, concept of Human Development Index. Supply of money, demand for money, price level. Inflation and Stagflation. Determination of Income and Employment Overview of classical and Keynesian analysis. Business cycles features, causes and remedial Measures. Equilibrium in the Goods and Money markets (IS-LM) 2 Policy Environment Role of state in different economic systems. Theory of economic policy Monetary policy objectives and instruments. Fiscal policy objectives and instruments, , impact on business, concept of inclusive growth. Economic stabilization Fiscal v/s Monetary policy and Structural policy. Trade policy Protection v/s Free trade 3 International Trade Overview of International trade. Distinction between domestic and international trade. Basis of trade comparative cost difference, factor endowment and factor intensity. Balance of payments accounting structure, disequilibrium (types, causes and remedial measures), trends in Indias Balance of payments. Mechanism for international payments. Flexible v/s Managed exchange rate systems. 4 Globalization Globalization meaning and effects (gains and problems), role of IMF and World Bank, concept of global recession with contagion effects. World Trade Organization agreement s and implications for India, contentious issues, disputes settlement mechanism. Foreign Capital need for foreign capital, role of MNCs, FDI v/s Portfolio investment, causes of rising FDI in India. Note: There should be Case Studies with special reference to India. Reference Books: 1) Dornbusch R, Fischer and Startz Macro Economics, ( Tata McGraw Hill ). 2) Richard T Froyen Macro Economics, ( Pearson Education ). 3) Mankiw N G Macro Economics, ( Worth Publishers). 4) Prabhat Patnaik (ed) Macro Economics, ( Oxford University Press ). 5) Andrew Abel and Ben Bernanke Macroeconomics, ( Pearson Education)





6) H L Ahuja Macro Economics for Business and Management ( S Chand). 7) A Nag Macro Economics for Management Students, (Macmillan) 8) Shyamal Roy Macro Economic Policy Environment an analytical guide for managers, ( Tata McGraw Hill ). 9) Suraj B. Gupta Monetary Economics: Institutions, Theory and Policy, (S. Chand) 10) Robert J Carbaugh International Economics, ( Thomson Southwestern). 11) Robert Dunn, Dana Stryck, James Ingram and Robert Dunn Jr. International Economics Study Guide and Workbook, (John Wiley and Sons) 12) Dominick Salvatore International Economics, (John Wiley and sons). 13) Paul Krugman and Maurice Obstfeld (2005) International Economics: Theory and Policy, (Addison Wesley) 14) Bo Sodersten and Geoffrey Reed, - International Economics, (Macmillan) 15) J. Wild, K. Wild and J. Han International Business, (PHI) 16) Ray S K The Indian Economy, ( PHI). 17) Vibha Mathur - Indian Economy and the WTO, ( New Century). 18) Veena K Pailwar Economic Environment of Business, ( PHI). 19) Dutt and Sundaram Indian Economy, ( S Chand) 20) Jagdish Bhagwati (2004) In Defense of Globalisation, (Oxford University Press) 21) Bradley Schiller, The Economy Today, (McGraw-Hill) 22) M. Adhikary Economic Environment of Business, (S. Chand)

3.3 Marketing Management Unit 1 Topics Introduction to Marketing(a) The 4 Ps and 3Cs of Marketing (b) Marketing as an activity, function, and philosophy (c) Needs, wants and demands; transactions, transfers & exchanges (d)Orientation of a firm: Production concept; product concept; selling concept; and marketing concept. New Trends in Marketing: E-Marketing, Internet Marketing, and Marketing using social networks Societal Marketing/Relationship Marketing Marketing Research; MIS; & Consumer Behaviour The micro environment of business (management structure; marketing channels: markets in which a firm operates; competitors and stakeholders. Macro Environment: political factors; economic factors; socio-cultural factors; technological factors (pest analysis) Marketing Research: Importance of Marketing Research Types of Marketing Research: Product research; sales research; consumer/customer research; promotion research. Consumer Behaviour: Basic stimulus response model Influence on consumers decision-making process High involvement and low involvement products Influences on buying behaviour: cultural factors, social factors, personal factors and psychological factors (Maslows Hierarchy) Methods of sales forecasting Industrial Buying Behaviour; Product & Brand Management; STP Industrial buying behaviour Decision making process DMUs and its composition Factors influencing purchasing: economic environment; organizational factors; inter-personal characteristics; and individual buyer characteristics Key differences between Consumer and Organizational Buying Product and Brand Management (a) Products: core, tangible and augmented products Product mixed decisions: product line decisions; strategic filling, line modernization decisions New product development process: idea generation, screening, concept development and testing, marketing strategy, product development, market testing, test marketing, and commercialization. product life cycle: Introduction growth, marketing decline, (b) Brand Management Brand equity; branding decisions; brand extensions; brand portfolios Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP): No. of Lectures 13



Segmentation variables for consumer markets: Geographic, demographic, psychographic, behavioural Segmentation variable for industrial markets: customer location, type of industry, size of the firm, purchase criteria, etc. Targeting: undifferentiated marketing; single segment and multi segment structures; guidelines for selecting target markets Positioning: Identifying frame of reference; points of parity and points of difference; choosing category membership; product and brand differentiation for identifying of position Pricing Decisions, Channel Decisions; Promotion Mix; Strategies; Integrated Marketing; Communications; Marketing Services; & Ethics in Marketing Pricing Decisions Pricing objectives; factors influencing pricing decisions Ttypes of pricing: Mark up/cost plus pricing; perceived value pricing; value pricing; geographic pricing; etc. Responding to competitors Action through price and non price variables. Impact of the products: stage in the PLC on pricing decisions. Channel Decisions: Types of channels: Intensity of distribution, channel conflict and channel management. Retailing importance, and types of retail formats, Indian Retail Scenario Promotion mix Advertising: Importance and scope Sales promotion: objectives; consumer promotions PR and publicity Personal Selling: recruitment, selection, training, motivation and evaluation of sales reps. Integrated Marketing Communication: Definition of target audience; determining communication objectives; designing communication and selection of channels Marketing Services: Characteristics of services; ways of improving services, delivery, managing service maturity. Ethics in Marketing Advertising Standards Council of India code of ethics in advertising; promotion to children; unfair practices in marketing


Reference Books 1. Kotler, Keller, Koshy, and Jha, Marketing Management: A South Asian Perspective 12e, Pearson/Prentice Hall 2. Etzel, Stanton, Walker & Pandit, Marketing Concepts & Cases, 13e, Tata McGraw Hill 3. Russel S. Winer, Marketing Management, 3e, Pearson Education 4. Kurtz Boone, Principles of Marketing, Thomson 5. S H H Kazmi, Marketing management, Excel 6. Kerin Hartley, Marketing Management ,Tata McGraw Hill 7. Ramaswamy &Namakumari, Marketing Management, Macmillan India 8. Roger Kerin/Robert A, Peterson Strategic Marketing Problems, Prentice Hall

9. Roger A. Kerin, Steven W. Harley, Marketing ,Tata McGraw Hill 10. Marketing Planning and Strategy, Thomson 11. Kellogg on Integrated market,Wiley India 12. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management,Pearson Education 13. William Stanton, Fundamentals of Marketing, Tata McGraw Hill 14. Rustom Davar, Modern Marketing Management ,Universal Books 15. Kotler, Keller, Kozhy, Jha, Marketing Management- South Asian Perspective, Pearson Education 16. V.S. Ramaswami and S Namakumari, Marketing: Planning, Implementation and Control, Macmillan India 17. Theodore Levitt , Marketing Management 18. Rajan Saxena, Marketing Management, Tata McGraw Hill

3.4 Business Aspects in Banking and Insurance Unit 1 Topics Overview of Indian banking sector Structure of Indian banking sector Sources of funds for a bank Various deposit products Types of bank financing fund based and non fund based Cash credit, bank overdraft, term loan, demand loan, export / import financing, rural / farm lending etc.Bank guarantee, Introduction to NPAs and its management, Classification of NPAs and recovery strategy Central banking concept Functions and role of RBI Money creator Credit regulator Supervision of banking sector Reforms in Indian banking Narsimham committee I & II Fundamentals of Investment banking Fund based and Fee based services Innovations in banking E banking Introductions to NBFCs Role and Classification Introduction to Insurance Basic principles of Insurance Significance of Insurance to business Reasons for slow growth of insurance business in India Types of Insurance Life, Fire, Marine, Crop / Agriculture Insurance Bancassurance Policy Servicing and Claims Settlement Nomination and Assignment Surrender Value and Paid up Value of Policy Procedure to take life insurance policy Claim settlement under life insurance policy Number of Lectures 18




Reference Books for Business Aspects in Banking and Insurance 1. H.R.Machiraju, Modern Commercial Banking, New Age Int. 2. Sethi & Bhatia, Elements of Banking and Insurance, Prentice Hall 3. M.Y.Khan, Indian Financial System, TMG 4. Bharati Pathak, Indian Financial System, Pearson 5. L.M.Bhole, Financial Institutions and Market, TMG 6. Raghu Palat, Retail Banking, Cortland Rand 7. K.P.M.Sundaram, Indian Economy, S. Chand 8. K C Shekhar, Lekshmy Shekhar, Banking Theory and Practice, 19e, Vikas Publishing House 9. Dekock, Central Banking, UBSPO 10. Anand Chandavarkar, Central Banking in developing countries

11. M.N.Mishra, LIC of India 12. RBI Staff, Various RBI Publications, RBI 13. Various IRDA Publications, IRDA 14. Journal of Insurance Institute of India 15. www.rbi.org, 16. www.irdaindia.org,

3.5 Production Management and Materials Management Unit 1 Topics Introduction to the concepts of Operations and Operations Management Development of Production Function. Relation of Production with other functions like design function, purchase function, plant layout, maintenance, etc. Product Classification, Product selection (steps for identifying the product for manufacturing), Product development (market pull, technology push, interfunctional approach). Brief description/importance of Research, Development and Design of a Product Facilities planning (how much to produce, level of automation, facilities required for manufacturing, where to produce, arranging required facilities, how to produce, etc.). Production Systems Plant Layout. Differences between various types of layout (Product layout, Process layout, Cellular layout, Static Layout, etc) Various types of Material Handling Systems. Their guidelines/principles, distinguishing features, uses Overview of various types of maintenance systems Meaning/Functions/Nature of Production, Planning & Control Importance of Materials Management (corporate policy, organization, research, planning, source selection) Value Analysis and Value Engineering Purchase management, importance of purchasing, various Rs of purchasing, purchasing systems. Need for forecasting price/policy on seasonal commodities and capital equipments. Simple problems on various types of forecasting including exponential smoothing. Inventory management, its prime importance in our country today. Inventory Control Techniques ABC, FSN, GOLF, VED, SOS, HML. Make-or-buy decisions. Problems on ABC analysis. Warehousing and Stores management. Centralised and decentralised stores. Brief introduction to various methods of stores accounting. Need for stock verification. Management of scrap/waste/surplus/obsolete materials JIT, KANBAN, KAIZEN, Push V/s Pull concept. Materials Requirement Planning. Explanation of EOQ its advantages/limitations/modifications. Types of inventory systems (P-system and the Q-system). Need for safety stock/reserve stock. Simple problems on these topics SQC. Techniques of SQC. Control Charts. X-bar chart, R-chart, pchart, c-chart. Graphical representation. Direct problems on them No. of lectures 10




Reference Books 1. Jay Heizer, Principles of Operations Management, Prentice Hall 2. Kenneth W. Dailey, The Lean Manufacturing Pocket Handbook, D.W. Publishing 3. James M. Morgan and Jeffrey K. Liker, The Toyota Product Development System: Integrating people, process and technology, Productivity Press 4. Taiichi Ohno and Norman Bodek, The Toyota Production System: Beyond large-scale production, Productivity Press 5. Lee J. Krajewski , Larry P. Ritzmann and Manoj K. Malhotra, Operations Management: Processes and Value Chains, Prentice Hall 6. Donald W. Fogarty , John H. Blackstone and Thomas R. Hoffmann, Production and Inventory Management, Douth-Western College 7. George W. Plossl, Production and Inventory Control: Principles and Techniques, Prentice Hall 8. W. Bolton, Production, Planning and Control Addison-Wesley Longman Limited 9. Journal on Materials and Supply Chain, Materials Management Review (MMR), Indian Institute of Materials Management , Bangalore 10. P. Gopalakrishnan and M. Sunderesan, Materials Management An Integrated Approach, Prentice Hall - International 11. Peckham Herbert, Effective Materials Management, Taraporevala Publications 12. P. Gopalakrishnan and M. Sunderesan, Inventory Management, Macmillan 13. K.S. Menon, Purchasing and Inventory Control, A.H. Wheeler & Co. 14. K.S. Menon, Stores Management, Macmillan 15. Magee John F, Production Planning and Inventory Control, Tata-McGraw Hill 16. Gannon Thomas A., Product Service Management, Taraporevala Publications 17. Buffa Elwood S., Production and Operations Management, Richard D. Irwin 18. J.R. Tony Arnold, Introduction to Materials Management, Prentice Hall 19. Willsmore A.W., Modern Production Control, Issac Pitman 20. P.C. Sharma, Materials Management, Kitab Mahal 21. Ambade Vasant, Materials Management, Aditya Publishing House 22. Kingsman Brian G., Raw Materials Purchasing and Operational Research, Pergamon Press 23. A.K. Datta, Integrated Materials Management: A Functional Approach, Prentice-Hall International 24. Starr Martin K., Inventory Control: Theory and Practice, Prentice-Hall International 25. N.M. Shah, An integrated Concept of Materials Management, Tata-McGraw Hill 26. Meier Robert C. and Johnson R., Cases in Production and Operations Management, Prentice-Hall International 27. Sasser W. Earl and Olsen R.P., Management of Service Operations: Text, Cases and Readings, Allyn and Bacon 28. L. Prasad, Production Management, Sterling Publications 29. Diprimio Anthony, Quality Assurance in Service Organizations, Chilton Book

3.6 Strategic Management Unit Topics Introduction to Strategic Management Definitions & concepts (Company / Business / Management levels) Nature, importance & benefits of Strategic Management Strategic Management models & guidelines for effective Strategic Management Overview of Strategic Management Process Strategy Formulation Setting objectives ( Vision, Mission, goals) Analysing internal and external environment (SWOT) Strategy making Entrepreneurial Model Adaptive Model Planning Model Types of strategies Analysing and choosing the right strategy Strategy Implementation Implementation of strategy to functional areas Production Operations Marketing Finance Human Resource Management Others ( R & D, Innovation, Quality enhancement etc) Strategy Evaluation Review Feedback Control General Characteristics of an effective Evaluation System Contingency planning and Auditing No. of sessions





Reference Books 1. Fred. R. David, Strategic Management - Concepts and Cases, Prentice Hall India 2. Thomas.L.Wheelen, J.David Hunger,Krish Rangarajan,Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy, Pearson Education 3. Andrews, Strategic Management 4. Guillick, Strategic Management - Concepts and Cases 5. Philip Sadler, Strategic Management, Kogan Page 6. Parnell John A, Strategic Management:Theory and Practice, Biztantra 7. McCain Roger A, Game Theory : A Non-Technical Introduction to the Analysis of Strategy, Thomson Learning 8. Black J Stewart, Gregersen Hall B, Leading Strategic Change: Breaking through the Brain Barrier, Pearson Education 9. Forgang William G, Strategy Specific Decision Making: A Guide for Executive Competitive Strategy, Prentice Hall India 10. Gupta Vipin,Gollakota, Kamala Srinivasan R, Business Policy and Strategic Management: Concepts and Application, Prentice Hall India 11. Mellahi Kamel Frynas, Jedrzej G, Finlay Paul, Global Strategic Management, Oxford 12. Rinkie Wofl J, 6 Proven Strategies for building High Performance organizations Winning Management, Jaico Publicaton House 13. Namakumari, Ramaswamy, Strategic Management, Macmillan India

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