Commerce Syllabus UG PG
Commerce Syllabus UG PG
Commerce Syllabus UG PG
Course Structure (From 2004-2005 & onward)
Course Code
Course Title
Maximum Marks
100 100 100 100 100 100 100
MC 1.4 Financial Management MC 1.5 Corporate Financial Accounting MC 1.6 Strategic Management MC 1 7 Viva-Voce (To be expected from 2005-2006) 2nd Year MC 2 I Corporate Legal Framework MC 2.2 Corporate Tax Planning and Management MC 2.3 Accounting for Managerial Decision MC 2.4 Elective Optional Paper I MC 2.5 Elective Optional Paper II MC 2.6 Elective Optional Paper 111 MC 2.7 Viva-Voce And any of the following optional groups Optional Groups MC 2.61 Financial Institutions & Markets MC 2.71 Project Planning and control MC 2.81 Security Analysis & Portfolio Management
Optional Groups MC 2.62 Advertisement & Sales Management MC 2.72 Marketing Research MC2.82 Marketing Management Optional Groups MC 2.63 International Business Environment MC 2 73 International Marketing MC 2.83 Foreign Trade Policy, Procedures and Documentation Optional Groups MC 2.64 Statistical Analysis MC 2.74 Computer Applications in Business MC2.84 E-Commerce In addition to three compulsory papers viz MC 2 I to MC 2.3 a student in the second year may choose any one of die optional group out of the four optional groups consisting three papers in each group
management and organisational behaviour, Emergence and ethical perspective; Attitudes; Perception; Learning, Personality: Transactional analysis. MoTivation . Process of motivation. Theories of motivation -need hierarchy theory, theory X and theory Y. two factor theory, Victor Vroom's expectancy1 theory. 4. Group Dynamics and Term Development : Group dynamics -definition and importance, types of groups, group formation. group development, group composition, group performance factors; princLple<cntered approach to team development. Leadership: Concept; Leadership styles; Theories -trait theory, behavioural theory. Fielder's contingency theory: Harsey and Blanchard's situations! theory; Managerial grid: Likcrt's four systems of Leadership.
5. Organisational Conflict: Dynamics and management; Sources patterns, and types of conflict, Traditional
and modern approaches to conflict; functional and dysfunctional organisational conflicts. Resolution of Conflict. Interpersonal and Organisational Communication : Concept of two way communication: communication process; barriers to effective communication, types of organisational communication, improving communication: Transactional anal\sis in communication.
Economic Environment of Business : Significance and elements of economic environment. Economic systems and business environment, Economic planning m India; Government Policies - industrial policy, fiscal policy, rnonetajj policy, EXIM policy; public sector and economic de^ dopmenl. Development banks and relevance to Indian business. Economic reforms, liberalisation and structural adjustment programmes.
Political and Legal Environment of Business : Critical elements of political environment; Government and business, Changing dimensions of legal environment in India; MRTP Act. FEMA and licensing policy. Consumer Protection Act. Socio-Cukural Environment : Critical elements of socio-cullural environment, Social institutions and systems; social values and attitudes, social groups; Middle class, Dualism in Indian society and problems of uneven income distribution. Emerging rural sector in India; Indian business system, Social responsibility of business. Consumerism in India. International and Technological Environment: Multinational corporations; Foreign collaborations and Indian business, Non resident Indians and corporate sector, International economic Institutions -WTO. World Bank, 1MK and their importance to India, Foreign trade policies; Impact of Rupee devaluation, Technological environment in India: Policy on research and development; Patent laws; Technology Transfer.
1. Nature and Scijpe of Managerial Economics: Objective ofna firm: Economic Iheorj and managerial theory, Managerial economist's rok and responsibilities. Fundamental economic concepts - incremental principle, opportunity cost principle, discounting principle, equimarginal principle. 2. Demand Analysis: Individual and market demand functions. Lav* of demand, determinants of demand^ Elasticity1 of demand - its meaning and importance, pnce elasticity, income elasticity and cross elasticity: using elasticity in managerial decisions. Theory of Consumer choice; Cardinal utility approach, indifference approach, revealed preference and theory of consumer choice under risk. Demand estimation for major consumer durable and non-diirabk products. Demand forecasting techniques. 3. Production Theory: Production function - Production with one and two variable inputs; stages of production. Economies of scale: Estimation of production function, cost theory and estimation ; Economic value analysis, short and long run cost functions - thier nature, shape and inter-rdanonship: law of variable proportions, Law of returns to scafc.
4. Price Determination under different Market Conditions : Charatterstics of different market structures. Pncc determina tion and firm's equilibrium m short-run and long-run under perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly. Pricing Practices: Methods of price detenrujmion in practice. Pricing of multiple products, price discrrmmauon. international price discrimination and dumping; Transfer pricing
5. Business Cycles ; Nature and phases of a business cycle: Theories of business cycles psychological, profit, monetary. innovation, cobweb. Samuelson and Hicks theories Inflation: Definition, characteristics and types; inflation in terms of dtTnand-pulI and cost-push factors. Effects of in flation.
MC 1.4
Course inputs
1. Financial Management: Meaning, nature and scope of finance: Financial goal - profit vs wealth maximisation; Finance functions - investment, financing and dividend decision. 2. Cappppital Budgeting; Nature of investment decisions; Investment evaluation criteria - net present value, internal rate of return, profitability index, payback period, accounting rate of return, NPV and IRR companosn; caprtal rationing. Risk analysis in capital budgeting. Cost of Capital: Meaning and significance of cost of capital, Calcuauon of cost of capital (weithted). Cost of eqity and CAPM.
3. Operating and Financial Leverage: Measurement of leverages. Effects of operating and financial Iverageon profit:
Analysing alternate financial plans: Combined financial and operating leverags. Capital Structure Theories; Trachdinal and M.M. hypotheses-without taxes and with taxes: Determining capital structure b practice. 4. Dividend Policies: Issues in dividend decision. Walter's model. Gordon's modcL M-M hypothesis, dividend and uncertainly, relevance of divident. Dividend policy in practice. Forms of dividends. Stability in dividend policy. Corporate dixidend bchavmr
5. Management of Working Capital!: Meaning, significance and types of working capital. Calculating
operating cycle period and estimation of working capital requirements. Financing of working capital and norms ofbank finance. Sources of working caital: Factoring services: Various comnttee reports on bank finance; Dimensions of working capittal management Management of cash, receivables and inventory
1. Concept fo Strmtgy: Defining strategy, levels al which strategy operates. Approaches to straicgic decision making, Misitotiaiid purpose, objixtves and goals. Strategic business unit (S8U), Functional level Strategies 2. Environmental Analysis and diagnosis: Conct^l of environment and its components; Environment scanning and appraisal; Organinational appraisal, Strategic advantage analysis and diagnisis, SWOT analysis. 3. Strategy Formulation and Choice of Alternatives: Strategies-modernisation, diversification, integration, Merger, take-over and join! strategies. Turnaround, divestment and liquidation stragegies, process of strategic choice-industry, competitor and SWOT analysis; Factors affecting strategic choice. Generic competitive strjiegies-cosl lerareliip, difFerentiation focus, value cham analysis, bench marking, SERVCC bule printing.
4. Functional Strategies: Marketing, production/operations and R&D plans and policies Functional Strategies: Personnel and financial plans and policies. Strategy Implementation : Inter-relations hip between formulation nd implementation; Issues in strategy implementation; Resource allocation Strategy and Structure: Structural considerations, structures for stragcgics, organisational design and change. 5. Stragety Evaluation : Overview of strategic evaluation; Strategic control. Techniques of strategic evaluation and control Global Issues in Strategic Management
MC 2.1
Course Inputs
1. The Companies Act, 1956 (Relevant Provisions}: Definition, types of companies. Memorandum of asocial ion ; Articles of associalion; Piospeciurs; Shacc capital and membership, Metitings and resolutions; Company management: Manageria E femnueration-, Windingupanddlssolulion of companies. The Negotiable Insturments Ael, 1881: Uetlnition, typca of negotiahle inslrumunts; Negotiaiinn; Holder and holder in due course; Payment in due course; Endorsement and crossing of cheque; Presentation of negotiable instruments. Legal Environment fiirSecurity Markets: SEB1 Act, 1992- GrganiSiUion and objectives of SEBJ; Powers under Securities Contract KeguJation Act 1956 transfered toSERJ; RolcofSEBI in control I ing the secirrity markets.
4. Restrictive and Unfair Trade Practice, Consumer Protection Act: MKTP Act 1969 - monopolistic trade practices; Restrictive hade practices: Unfair trade practices. The Con sumcr Protection Act, 1 986- salient features. Definition or QunsumeiTighls of consumer: Grievance redressal machinery.
5. regulatory Environment of International Business: FEMA Acl 1999, WTO-Regulatory framework of WTO, basic principles and its charier; WTO-provisions relating to perferential treatment of developing countries; Regional groupings, technical standards, anti-dumping duties ami other NTBs; Custom valuation and dispute settlement; TRIP and TRIMs.
3. 4. 5.
Special Taa Putvisinns: Tax provisions relating to free trade zones, infrastructure seclorand backward areas, Ta.i mcoitiM for exporters Tfli Issues Relating t Amalgamation: Tax Planning vvith rerefenee to amalgamation of companies Tax Payment: Tax di^luctions and collection at source. Advanei of tax
2. Reserve Bunk of India: Organisation, management and functions. Credit creation and credit control: monetary policy. Commercial Banks: Meaning, functions, management and investment policies of commercial naka; Present struct u re, E-bankingande-tradmg: Rect-nt developments in commercial hanking Development Banks: Concept, objectives, and funcions of development banks, Operational and promotional activtcsrof development banks, 1FC1, 1CTCI, IDB1, IRBlh S1DB1, Slate development b^rnks, state financial corporatiuns. 3. Inssuranee Sector: Objocuves, role, investment practice of L1C and GJC. Insurance Regulator and Development Authority-rote and functions Unit Trust India: Objectives functions and various schemes of UTI, Role of UT1 in uidostrial finance NunBankng Financial Insiilulions: Cnncqit and role of non-banking financial uistitutinsh SOUTHS of finance; Function? of ikon-backing financial institutions, Investnieni politics of non banking financial institutions in India Mutual Funds: Concept, performance appraisal, and regulation Of mutual funds (wit special reference to SEBI guidelines). Designing ^nd marketing of mutual funds schemes, Latest mutual find schemes in India- an overview
Merchant Banking; Concept, functions anil grwoth, policy on merchant banking services: SEBl guidelines: Future of merchant hanking in India
5. Interest Rate Structure: Determinants of interest rate Differential interest rate. Recent changes in mtercs rates 6. Foreign Investments.' Types, trends and implications. Regulatory/ framework for fbveigh investments in India
Social Cost Benefit Analysis; Rationale for social cost benefit analysis. Methodology of SCBA, L&M approach and UNIDO approach; Measurement of the impact on distribution: SCQA in India. Network Technique for Proje Implemencation, Moniloring nnd Control: PERT and CPM techniques. Cnlia) path, event and activity floats. Scheduling lo match availability of , Measures of variability and probability of completion by a specified date, Project implementation practices m India.
2. Measuring Advertising Effectiveness: Meaning advertising agency-client relationship: Promotional scene in India Techniques Tor resting advertising effectiveness.
3. Selling: Concept, obji^tives, and functions of sales management; Fundamentals of selling. Selling process, Salesmanship: Product and customer knowledge. Sales Planing: Importance ilrtd types of sale planning, sales planning process. Sales forecasting; Determining sales territories, sales quotas, and sales budget. 4. Salts Organisation: Setting up a saks organisation: Planning process; Principles of determining sales Organisation Sales force Management: Estimating manpower reqnirements For sales department. Planning for manpoerrccruilment and selixtion, training and dvelopment; placement and induction. Motivating sales force: Leading the sales force. Compensation and promotion policies. Sales meeting and contests. 5. Control Process: Analysis of sales volume, costs andprutitabdity. Managing expenses of salts personnel; Evaluating sales force performance
1, Introduction to Marketing Research; Importance, nature and scope of marketing research. Marketing information system and marketing research. Marketing r esearch process and organisation. 2, Problem Identification and Research Design; Problem identification and definition; Developing a research proposal. Determining research type-exploratory, descriptive and conelusive research; Experimental designs.
Data Resources: Secondary data sources and usage. Online data source, Primary data collection methodsquestioning techniques, online surveys, observation method. Questionnaire preparation Aptitude measurement and scaling techniques-elementary introduction to eosurcment scales. Sampling Plan: Universe, sample Irame and sampling unit; Sampling techniques. Sample sixe tetermination Data Collation: Organisation of field work and survey tarors - sampling and non-sampling errors.
Daia Analysis: Univariate, bivaiate and multivariate data analysis; Report preparation and presentation 5. Market Research Applications: Product research, Advertising research; Sales and market research. International marketing research; Marketing research in India.
1. Introduction: Concept, nature, scope and importance of marketing. Marketing concept and its evlution, Marketing mix: Strategic marketing planning- an overMuv. Market Analyis and Selection; Marketing environment-macro and micro components and their impact on marketing decisions. Market segment at ion and positioning; Buyet behaviour; Consuer versus organisational buyers: Consurncnr decision -making process 2. Product Decisions; Concept of a product, Classification of products. Major product decisions, Product line and product mix: Branding. Packaging and labelling; Product life-cyck-strategic implications. New product development nad consumer adoplion proofs. 3. Pricing edsio.ns: Factors affective predetermination. Pricing policies and slrategies: Discounts and rcbales. Distribution Channels and Physical Di&tributin Decisions; Nature, functions, and types of distribution channels. Distribution channel intermediaries; Channel management decsiong: RelaiUng and wholesaling 4. Promotion Decisions: Comumcation proces: Promotion Mix- advenisbg, personal selling, sales promolion, publicity and public relations, Devermmmg advertising budget; Copy designmgandils testing; Media selection; Advertising effectiveness, Sales promotion-tools and cthniques. Marketing Research: Meaning and scope of marketing research. Marketing research process, 5- Marketing Organsiation and Control; Organising and controlling marketing operations. Issues jind Developments in Marketing; Social, ethical an<l IcgalaspucLs of marketing. Marketing of services. International marketing, Greet) maketion. Cyber marketing; Relationship marketing and oiher developments m marketing
Optional Group III; International Business MC. 2.63 INTERNATIONAL BUSINES ENVIRONMENT Course Input
1. International Business: Nature, Importance and scope. Framework for analysing international business environment-geographical, economic, socic-cultural, political and legal environment Internatiaal Economic Environment: World economic and trading situation; International. 2. Economic institutions and Agreements - WTO, UNCTAD. IMF, World Bank; GentraLised system of preference, GSTP; [ntcmational commodity agreements
Regional Economic Co-operation: Types and rational of regional economic groups. Theory of customs union; EIJ.NAFT. ASEAN, SAFTA and other grouping. Multinational Corporations: Conceptual frame work of MNCs, MNCs and host and home country relations, Technology transers- importance and types. 3. Foreign Exchange Markets Determining exchange rates: Fixed and flexible exchange rate system. Participants in the foreign exchange markets. Foreign exchange niarket-cash and spot exchange market. Exchange rate quotes: LERMS. Factors affecting exchange rates - spot ralts^fbrward exchange rales, forward exchange contracts. Foreign exchange and currency J^itures, Exchange rate arrangement m India: Overview of FEMA; Exchange dealings and currency possession, Information ;tnd communication. Foreign Exchange Risk; Transaction exposure, translation exposure nd economic exposure, Management of exposures -internal techniques, netting,marketing, leadmgand laggng, pricing polity, asset and liability management, and external techniques Management of Risk in Foreign Exchange Markets: Forex derivatives - swaps, futures, options and forward contracts. 5. foreign Investment: Capital flows- types and iheaics of foreign investment. Foreign investment flowsand barriers. Recent Developments in International Business: Ecologiaf issues. Social aspects: IT and international business.
theories; Modern theory of trade-Hacksher-Ohlin theory; Terms of trade; Theory of international trade in services; Balance of payments and adjustment mechanism. Commercial Plicy Instruments: Tafiffs, quotas, anti-dumping/ countervaiing duties; Technical standards; Exchange controls and other non-tariff measures.
India's Foreign Trade And Policy: Composition and direction of foreign of trade; India's foreign
trade policy; Export promotion infrastructure and the institutional set up; Deemed exports and rupee convertibility; Policy in foreign collaborations and counter trade arrangements; Indian joint ventures abroad; Project and snsultancy exports.
Import faciliies, duty drawback, duty exemption scheme, tax concessions, marketing assistance; Role of state trading houses, 100% Export Oriented Units; Export Houses and Trading huses; EPZs, SEZs. Documentation Framework: Types and characheristics of documents; Export contract and Inco terms; Processing of an export order.
Methods of payment, Negotiations of export bills; Documentary credit and collection; Pre and post shipment export credit; Bank guarrantees; Foreign exchange regulations. Cargo, credit and exchange risks: Marine insurance-procedures and
documentation for cargo loss claims; ECGC schemes for risk coverage and procedure for filling claims; Institutions for credit-pre and post shipment.
Quality Control and Pre-shipment Inspection: Process and procedures; Excise and customs
clearance regulations, procedures and documentation. Managment of Imports: Procedure for procurement through imports; import financing; Customs clearace of imports; Managing risks involved in importing-transit risk, credit risk and exchange risk.
Probability Theory: Pro babilit y-classical, relat ive, and subjective probability; Addition and multiplication probability models; Conditional probability and Baye's theorem. Probability Distributions: Binomial, Poisson, and normal distributions; Their characteristics and applications. 2. profit theory. Sampling and Data Collection: Sampling and sampling (probability and non-probability) methods; Sampling and non-sampling errors; Law of Large Number and Central Limit theorem; Sampling distributions and their characteristics. Statistical under Decision uncertainty Theory: and Decision assigning environment; probabilities; Expected Utilit y
Data Sources: Primary and secondary; Primary data collection techniques - schedule, questionnaire, and interview.
Statistical of testing
Estimation po p u la t io n -
Po int
and an size;
int er va l va r ia nc e , Large
e st ima t io n Statistical
me a n, and
p r o p o r t io n errors; Sample
and small sampling test - Z tests, T tests, and F tests. Non Parametric Tests; Chi-square tests; Sign tests; Wilcoxon Signed - Rank tests; Wald - Wolfowiz tests; KruskalWallis test.
Numbers: a nd
ind ices= lasp e yr e 's paasch's (price-quantity) shifting problems. the indices relatives; base;
adequacy; index
Statistical Quality Control: Causes of variations in quality characteristics; Quality control charts - purpose and logic; Constructing a control chart-computing the control limits (X and R charts); Process under controland out ofcontrol; Warning limits; Control charts for attributes - fraction defectives and number of defects; Acceptance sampling.
devices, d e v ices ,
co mmu n icat io n
PC clook used
and sped,
configuration, devices,
3. Networks Internet
Networks of a
(WAN); World
Processing: Wo r d S o rt ing b as ic
with w it h
MS-Word t ext
i an d
MS - O f f ice ; d o c u me nt s;
co mma n d s ; tables;
graphics ;
Introduction to mail-merge.
6. char
Spread features;
Sheets: Working
Working with
with graphic
formating, Using
functions, worksheets
with easy
Power-point with
basics, graphics in
creating Power
Introduction Structure finance sensitive reference; statistical, solver data logial tools, with and of
Smarrt and
Suite its of
Sheet to a relative
spreadsheet marketing
formatting stragegies
worksheet, creating
free worksheet.
to and
Accounting salary of
of of final on
Maintenance reports
to analyses
Statistical in
Packages: research-Lotus
Usage and
of Excel,
statistical SPSS;
Course Inputs 1. Introduction to E-Commerce: Meaning and concept; Electronic commerce versus traditional commerce; Media convergence; E-commerce and e-business; Channels of e- commerce; Business aplications of e-commerce; Need or e-commerce, e-commerce as an electronic trading system-special features.
2. Internet of
technologies and
of Supply
E-Commerce chain
and management,
Infrastructure: product
servicing, E-commerce
procurement; resorces
to order
consumer generation,
order-selection delivery,
5. We-site site
Design: strategies
Role and
of web-site
site design
Web pull
implications; systems;
Operational, Risk
and nd
architecture, features
customization restructuring;
and ntegrated
9. Internet TCP
Layers UDP,
and IP,
OSI and
layering PPP;
and Emerging
scenario in ISP.
in resources, and
E-commerce: types of
Security threats,
of of
and and
Legal salient
Framework provisions;
of in
Cyber their
Concept Digigal
ro le video
Course Code Ist Year BC 1.1 BC 1.2 BC 1.3 BC 1.4 BC 1.5 BC 1.6
Course Title Business Communication Business Statistics Financial Accounting Principles of Business Management Business Economics Business Environment
IInd Year
Money and Financial System Company Law Cost Accounting Business Regulatory Framework Income Tax Fundamentals of Enterpreneurship
(2006-2007) IInd Year BC 3.1 BC 3.2 BC 3.4 BC 3.5 BC3.6 Corporate Accounting Management Accounting Auditing Elective Paper -1 Elective Paper - II Viva-Voice 100 100 100 100 100 600
And any one of the following area combinations : Combinations BC 3.61 Financial Management BC 3.71 Area (1) Finance
(2) Marketing
BC 3.63 Fundamentals of Insurance (3) Banking & Insurance BC 3.73 Indian Banking System
BC 3.64 Internet & World Wide Web (4) E-Commerce BC 3.74 Essentials of E-Commerce
In addition to the three (3) compulsory courses (BC 3.1 to 3.3), a student in the third year may select either of the above five (5) area combinations, each consisting of two courses, as may be offered by a college and/or a university.
Unit I
Unit II
Unit III Corporate Communication: Formal and informal communication networks; Grapevine; Miscommunication (Barriers); Improving communication. Practices in business communication; Group discussions, Mock interviews; Seminars; Effective listening exercises; Individual and group presentations and reports writing.
Unit IV Writing Skills: Planning business messages; Rewriting and editing; The first draft; Reconstructing the final draft; business letters and memo formats; Appearance request letters; Good news and bad news letters; Persuasive letters; Sales letters; Collection letters; Office memorandum.
Unit V Report Writing . Introduction to a proposal, short report and formal report, Report preparation. Oral Presentation . Principles of oral presentation, factors affecting presentation, sales presentation, training presentation, conducting surveys, speeches to motivate, effective presentation skills. Interviewing Skills : Appearing in interviews; Conducting interviews; Writing resume and letter of application. Modem Forms of Communicating : Fax; E-mail; Video conferencing; etc.
Unit I Introduction: Statistics as a subject; Descriptive Statistics - compared to Inferential Statistics; Types of data; Summation operation; Rules of Sigma & operations, Analysis of Univariate Data : Construction of a frequency distribution; Concept of central tendency and dispersion -and their measures; Partition values; Skewness and measures; Coefficient of variation.
Unit III Index Number: Meaning, types and uses; Methods of constructing price and quantit y indices (simple and aggregate); Tests of adequacy; Cham-base index numbers; Base shifting, splicing, and deflating; Problems in constructing index numbers; Consumer price index.
Unit IV Analysis of Time Series: Causes of variations in time series data; Components of a time series, Decomposition -Additive and multiplicative model; Determination of trend - Moving averages method and method of least squares Computation of seasonal indices by simple averages, ratio-to-trend, ratio-tomoving average, and link relative methods.
Unit V Forecasting and Methods; Forecasting-concept, types, and importance; General approach to forecasting; Methods of forecasting; Forecasting demand; Industry Vs Company sales forecasts; Factors affecting company sales.
keeping and accounting; Objectives of accounting. Accounting Principles: Journal; Rules of debit and credit; Compound journal entry; Opening entry; Relationship between journal and ledger; Rules regarding posting; Trial balancr. Royalty Account. Capital and Inco me; Classification expenditure; Classification of receipts. Revenue : Classificat ion o f
Unit II Final accounts; Trading account; Profit and loss account; Balance sheet; Adjustment entries. Depreciation provisions, and Reserves: Concept of depreciation. Causes of depreciation; Depreciation, depletion, amortization, and dilapidation; Depreciation accounting; Methods of recording depreciation; Methods for providing depreciation; Depreciation of different assets; Depreciation of replacement cost.
Unit I I I Special Accounting Areas Consignment Accounts: Important terms; Accounting records; Valuation of unsold stock; Conversion of consignment into branch. Joint Venture Accounts: Meaning of joint venture: Joint venture and partnership; Accounting records.
Unit IV Branch Accounts: Dependent branch; Debtors system, stock and debtor system; Final accounts system; Wholesale branch; Independent branch; Foreign branch; Hire-purchase and installment purchase system; Meaning of hire-purchase contract; Legal provision regarding hire-purchase contract; Accounting records for goods of substantial sale values, and accounting records for goods of small values; Instalment purchase system; After sales service.
Unit V Partnership Accounts: Essential characteristics of partnership; Partnership deed; Final accounts; Adjustments after closing the accounts; Fixed and fluctuating capital; Goodwill; Joint Life Policy; Change in Profit Sharing Ratio.
Unit II Planning, Concept, process, and types, Decision making -concept and process; Bounded rationality; Management by objectives; Corporate planning; Environment analysis and diagnosis; Strategy formulation.
Unit III Organizing: Concept, nature, process and significance; Authority and responsibility relationships; Centralization and decentralization; Departmentation; Organization structureforms and contingency factors.
Unit IV Motivating and Leading People at Work: Motivation - concept; Theories - Maslow, Herzberg, McGegor, and Ouchi; Financial and non-financial incentives. Leadership- concept and leadership styles; Leadership theories (Tannenbaum and Schmidt.); Likert's System Management; Communication- nature, process, networks, and barriers; Effective communication.
Unit V Managerial Control; Concept and process; Effective control system; Techniques of controltraditional and modem. Management of Change. Concept, nature, and process of planned change; Resistance to change; Emerging horizons of management in a changing environment.
Unit II Elasticity of Demand: Concept and measurement of elasiticy of demant; Price, income and cors elasticities; Average revenue, marginal revenue, and elasticity of demand; Determinants of elasticity of demand; Importance of elasticity of demand.
Unit III Production of function. Law of variable proportions; Iso- quants; Economic regions and optimum factor combination; Expansion path; Returns to scale; Internal and external economies and diseconomies; Ridge lines.
Unit IV Theory of Costs: Shor-run and long-run cost curves - traditional and modern approaches. Market Structures: Market structures and business decisions; bojectives of a business firm. a. Perfect Competition: Profit maximization and equilibrium of firm and industry; Short-
run and long run supply curves; Price and output determination. Practical applications. b. Monopoly: Equilibrium competition Determination of and a firm; monopoly; of price Comparison Multi-plan under between monopoly; monopoly; perfect Price
discrimination. Practical applications. c. Monopolistic Competition: Meaning and characteristics; Price and output
determination under monopolistic competition; Product differentiations; Selling costs; Comparison with perfect competition;
Excess capacity under monopolistic competition. d. Oligopoly: Characteristics, indeterminate pricing and output; Classical models of oligopoly; Price leadership; Collusive oligopoly; Kinked demand curve.
Unit V Factor Pricing-I: Marginal Productivity theory and demand for factors; Nature of supply of factor inputs; Determination of wage rates under perfect competition and monopoly; Exploitation of labor; Rent- concept; Ricardian and modern theories of rent; Quasi-rent. Facor pricing - II: Interests - concept and theories of interest; P r o f i t - n a t u re , c o n c e p ts , and theories of profit.
The Companies Act, excluding. provisions relating to accounts and audit sections, managing avails and secretaries and treasures Sections 324 - 388 E, arbili.ilmn. compromises, arrangements and reconstructions- sections 389-.396) Unit 1 Corporate personality; Kinds of companies. Promotion on and incorporation of companies. Unit II Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association; Proipectus.
Unit I I I Sluics, Share capital; Members; Share capital-transfer and transmission. Capital Management- borrowing powers, mortgages and charges, debentures. Unit IV Directors- Managing Director, whole time director Majority powers and minority rights; Prevention of oppression and mismanagement. Unit IV Company meetings- kinds, quorum, voting, resolutions, minutes, winding up-kinds and conduct.
Unit I
Introduction: Nature and scope of cost accounting; Cost concepts and classification; Methods and
techniques; Installation of costing system; Concept of cost audit. Accounting for Material. Material control; Concept and techniques; Pricing of material issues; Treatment of material losses.
Unit II Accounting for Labour: Labour cost control procedure; Labour turnover; Idle time and overtime; Methods of wage payment-time and piece rates; Incentive schemes.
Unit III Accounting for Overheads: Classification and departmentalization; Absorption of overheads; Determination costing. of overhead rates; Under and over absorption, and its treatment. Contract
Unit IV Cost Ascertainment. Unit costing; Job, batch, Operating costing; process costing - excluding inter-
UnitV Cost records: Integral and non-integral system; Reconciliation of cost and financial accounts.
Unit III Profit and gains of business or profession, including provisions relating to specific
business; Capital gains; Income from other sources. Unit IV Computation of Tax Liability: Computation of total income and tax liability of an individual, H.U.F., and firm; Aggregation of income; Set-off and carry forward of losses; Deduction from gross total income. Unit V Tax management. Tax deduction at source; Advance payment of tax; Assessment procedures; Tax planning for individuals. Tax Administration: Authorities, appeals, penalties.
Course Inputs Unit I Introduction: Meaning and objectives of auditing; Types of audit; Internal audit. Audit Precess: Audit programme; Audit and books; Working papers and evidences; Consideration for commencing an audit; Routine checking and test checking. Unit II Internal Check System: Internal control.Audit Procedure: Vouching; Verification of assets and liabilities. Unit III Audit of Limited Companies: a. Company liabilities. b. Divisible profits and dividend. c. Auditor's report- standard report and qualified report d. Special audit of banking companies. e. Audit of educational institutions. f. Audit of insurance companies. Unit IV Investigation: Investigation; Audit of non profit companies, a. Where fraud is suspected, and b. When a running a business is proposed. AuditorAppointment, powers, duties, and
Unit V Recent Trends in Auditing: Nature and significance of cost audit; tax audit; Management audit.
Unit II Cost of Capital: Significance of cost of capital; Calculating cost of debt; Preference shares, equity capital, and retained earnings; Combined (weighted) cost of capital. Capital structure - Theories and determinants.
Unit III Operating and Financial Leverage: Their measure; Effect of profit, analyzing alternate financial plans, combined financial and operating leverage.
Unit IV Dividend Policies: Issues in dividend policies; Walter's model; Gordon's model; M.M. Hypothesis, forms of dividends and stability in dividends, determinants.
Unit V Management of Working Capital: Nature of working capital, significance of working capital, operating cycle and factors determining of working capital requirements; Management of working capital-cash, receivables, and inventories.
Unit I An overview of financial markets in India. Money Market: Indian money market's composition and structure; (a) Acceptance houses, (b) Discount house, and (c) Call money market; Recent trends in India money market. Unit II Capital Market; Security market -(a) New issue market, (b) Secondary market; Functional and role of stock exchange; Listing procedure and legal requirements; Public issue-pricing and marketing; Stock exchanges- National Stock Exchange and over-the-counter exchanges. Unit III Securities Contract and Regulations Act: Main provisions. Investors Protection: Grievances concerning stock exchange dealings and their removal; Grievance cells in stock exchanges; SEBI; Company Law Board; Press; Remedy through courts. Unit IV Functionaries on Stock Exchanges; Brokers, sub brokers, market makers, jobbers, portfolio consultants, institutional investors, and NRIs. Unit V Financial Services: Merchant banking- functions and roles; SEBI guidelines; Credit rating -concept, functions, and types.
marketing vs. international maketing; International marketing environment-external and internal. Identifying and Selecting Foreign Market: Foreign market entry mode decisions.
Unit II Product Planning for International Market: Product designing; Standardization vs adaptaton; Branding, and packaging; Labeling and quality issue; After sales service.
Unit III International Pricing : Factors influencing international price; Pricing process - process and methods; International price quotation and ayment terms.
Unit IV Promoton of Product/Services Abroad; Methods of international promotion; Direct mail and sales literature; Advertising; Personal selling; Trade fairs and exhibitions.
Unit V International Distribution: Distribution channels and logistics decisions; Selecton and appontment of foreign sales agents. Export Policy and Practices in India: Exim policy- an overview; Trends in India's forign trade; Steps in starting an export business; prodct selection; Market selection; Export pricing; Export finance; Documentation; Export proedures; Export assistance and incentives.
Insurance and economic developmet. Fundamentals of Agency Law: Definition of an agent; Agents regulations; Insurance ntermediaries; Agents'compensation.
Unit II Procedure for Becoming an Agent: Pre-requisite for obtaining alicense; Duration of license; Cancellation of license; Revocation or suspension/termination of agent appointment; Code ofconduct; unfir practices.
Unit III Functions of the Agent; Proposal form and other forms for grant of cover; Financial and medical underwriting; Material information; Nomination and assignment; Procedure regarding settlement of policy claims.
Unit IV Company Profile: Organizational set-up of the company; Promotion strategy; Market share; Important activities; Structure; Product; Actuarial profession; Product pricing-actuarial aspects; Distribution channels.
Unit II State Bank of India: Brief History; Objectives; Functions; Structure and organization; Working and progress.
Unit III Banking Regulation Act, 1949: History; Social control; Banking Regulation Act as applicable to banking companies and public sector banks; Banking Regulation Act as applicable to Co-operative banks.
Unit IV Regional Rural and Co-operative Banks in India: Functions; Role of regional rural and co-operative banks in rural India; Progress and performance.
Unit V Reserve Bank of India: Objectives; Organization; Functions and working; Monetary policy; Credit control measures and their effectiveness.
Processing of data at the destination; Mechanism to log onto the network; Mechanism of sending and receiving email. Unit II Internet Enables Services. Electronic mail (E-mail); Usenet & newsgroup; File transfer protocol (FTP); Telnet; Finger; Internet chat (RRC); Frequently asked questions (FAQ); The World Wide Wed Consortium (W3C)- origin and evolution; Standardizing the Web; W3C members; W3C recommendations, Browsing and searching; rowsing and information retrieval; Exploring the World Wide Web; Architecture of World Wide Web; Hyperlink; Pypertext Markup Language(HTML); Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP); Address- URL. Unit III Designing Web Site/Web Page: WW operations, Web standards, HTML- concept and version; Naming scheme for HTML documents; HTML editor; Explanation of the structure of the homepage; Elements in HTML documents; XHTML, CSS, Extensible Styesheet Language (SXL), Tips for designing web pages. Unit IV Security of Data/Information: Security; Network security; PINA factor- vrivacy; integrity, nonrepudiaton, authentication; SSL; Encryption; Digital signature; Digital certificate; Server security; Firewall; Password; Biometrics; Payment security; Virus protection; Hacking. Unit V Wed Browsing. Browsers; Basic functions of web browsers; Browsers with advanced facility; Internet explorer; Netscape navigator; Netscape Comunicator. Search Engine/Directories: Directory; General features of the search engines; Approaches to website selection; Major search engines; Specialized search engines; Popular search engines/directories; Guidelines for effective searching; A general approach to searching.
variables involving not more than one constrant. Integration: Integratio as anti-derivative process; Standard forms; Methods of integration-by subsition, by parts, and by use of partial fractions; Definite integration; Finding areas in simple cases; Consumers and producers surplus; Nature of Commodities Learning Curve; Leontiff InputOutput Model. Unit II Matrices and Determinants; Definition of a matrix; Types of matrices; Algebra of matrices; Properties of determinants; Calculation of values of deverminants upto third order; Adjoint of a matrix, elementary row or column operations; Solution of a system of linear having unique solution and involving not more than three variables. Unit III Linear Programming-Formulation of LPP: Graphical method of solution; Problems relating to two variables including the case of mixed constraints; Cases having no solution, multiple solutions, unbounded solution and redundant constraints. Simplex Metod- Solution of problems up to three variables, including cases of mixed constraints; Dualit y; Transportation Problem. Unit IV Compound Interest and Annuities: Certain different types of interest rates; Concept of present value and amount of a sum; Types of annuities; Present value and amount fo an annuity, including the case of continuous compounding; Valuation of simple loans and debentures; Poblems relating to sinking funds.
K-maps. Computer Processing System: Definition of computer; Hardware/software concepts; Generation of computers; Types of computers; Elements of digigal computer; CPU and its functions; Various computer systems. I/O devices; Basic concepts of I/O devices; Various input devices Keyboard, mouse, MICR, OCR, microphones. Various output devices: VDU, printer, plotter, spooling, LS. Storage Deivces: Primary and secondary memrory; Types of memroies; Memory capacity and its enhncement; Memory devices and their comparisons; Ausilary storage, tapes, disks (magnetic and opial); Various devices nad their comparison. System Software- Rle of Software, Different System Software: O.S., utilities, element of O.S.- its types and variations; DOS and windows. Computer and Newroks: Need of communication; Data transmission; Baud; Bandwidth; Communication channel; Multiplexing; Basic network concepts; O.S.I, model; Types of topologirs; LAN, WAN; Client server concept. Unit III Computer-based Business Applications Word Processing: Meaning and role of word processing in creating of documents, editing, formatting, and printing documents, using tools such as spelling check, thesaurus, etc, in word procesors (MS-Word); Electronic Spreadsheet: Structure of spreadsheet and its applications to accounting, finance, and marketingfunctions of business; Creating a dynamic/ sensitive worksheet; Concept of absolute and relative cell reference; Using built-in-functons; Goal Seeking and solver tools; Using graphics and formatting of worksheet; Sharing data with other desktop applications; Strategies of creating eror-free worksheet (MS-Excel, Lotus 123). Practical Knowledge of Wings Accounting (Software), Tally etc. Programming under a DBMS environment; The concept of data base management system; Data field, records, and files, Sorting and indexing data; Searching records, designing queries, and reports; Linking of data files; Understanding programming environment in DBMS; Developing menu driven applications in query language (MS-Access). Unit IV Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Introduction to EDI; Basics of EDI; EDI standards, Financial EDI (Fedi); Fedi for international trade transaction; Applications of EDI; Advantages of EDI; Future of EDI. The Internet and its Basic Concepts Internet-concept, hostory, development in India; Technological foundation of internet; Distributed computing; Client-server computing; Internet protocol suite; Application of distributedcomputing; Client-server computing; Internet protocol suite in the internet environment; Domain Name System (DNS); Domain Name Service (DNS); Generic top-level domain (gTLD); Country code top-level domain (ccTLD);- India; Allocation of second-
level domains;
Unit V Information System Audit Basic idea of information audit; Difference with the traditional concepts of audit; Conduct and applications of IS audit in internet environment.