What Are The Main Characteristics of Fluidised Bed Combustors?
What Are The Main Characteristics of Fluidised Bed Combustors?
What Are The Main Characteristics of Fluidised Bed Combustors?
Combustion File no.: 87 Version no.: 1 Date: 23-07-2001 Author: Jen Kovcs Referee: Peter Roberts Source: [1] Basu P. editor (1984): Fluidised Bed Boilers: design and application. Pergamon Press. [2] Technical Brief from Residua & Warmer Bulletin: Fluidised bed combustion. http://www.residua.com/wrftbfbc.html [3] Elliott T.C., Chen K. & Swanekamp R.C. (1998): Standard Handbook of Powerplant Engineering. McGraw-Hill.
1. Background
In a fluidised-bed boiler, the fuel is fed into a solid bed, which has been fluidised, i.e., lifted off a distribution plate by blowing air or gas through the plate. The amount of bed material is very large in comparison to that of the fuel. The general principle of fluidisation and the main fluidised bed combustion phenomena are detailed in separate combustion files. Fluidised bed combustors have a variety of advantages, including their simplicity of construction, their flexibility in accepting solid, liquid or gaseous fuels (in combination and with variable characteristics), and their high combustion efficiency at a remarkably low temperature 750-950 oC which minimises thermal NOx generation and enhance the efficiency of SO2 absorption from the products of combustion. A major advantage of fluidised bed combustion is the possibility of in-bed removal of SO2 using added limestone or dolomite. The unburned carbon loss can be under 2 %. However, the ash is mixing with sorbent, limiting disposal options and reuse. The environmental aspects of fluidised bed combustion are examined in more detail in a separate combustion file. Fluidised bed units are eminently suitable for intermittent operation. The fluidised bed (FB) boilers provide good possibility to burn several different fuels in the same boiler: coal, peat together with biomass, waste, recycled/recovered fuel (REF) or refuse derived fuel (RDF). The combustion may take place under atmospheric or high pressure either in bubbling (BFB) or circulating fluidised bed (CFB) boiler, see Figure 1. FB boilers are well controllable because of the fluid like bed and are reliable in operation. The well-mixed bed resists rapid temperature changes, gives a large margin of safety in avoiding temperature runaway with highly exothermic reactions. The heat exchange between the bed and immersed heat exchanger is high, and a relatively small surface area for heat exchangers is required. FB boilers are suitable for large-scale operation, up to 600 MWth in CFB and 300 MWth in BFB.
The bubbling fluidised bed (BFB) is an excellent solids mixer, capable of ensuring a homogeneous operating temperature and a good contact between the fuels and waste to be fired, and the gas phase, although part of the gas tends to short-circuit the bed content. To minimise this undesirable feature it is possible to enhance the bed height, which, however, also increases the pressure drop over the bed. In BFB, the bed expands to only one or two meters above the furnace floor. The bed temperature is controlled by the bed area stoichiometry. Gasification takes place in the bed, while the final combustion is above the bed, both in nearly adiabatic conditions. The
fuel CFB
fuel PBFB
fuel PCFB
Figure 1: Bubbling fluidised bed (a), circulating fluidised bed b), pressurised bubbling bed (c) and pressurised circulating fluidised bed (d). BFB is well suited for solid biomass and waste co-combustion. A BFB combustor, see Figure 2a for an example, is composed of various parts. From the windbox the primary combustion air is introduced into the bed, by means of a suitable distributor. The latter influences the quality of fluidisation and the circulation patterns of bed material. The windbox, or plenum chamber, generally consists of a refractory-lined chamber, in which the primary air is preheated with the aid of auxiliary burners. Preheating is important in starting-up a cold combustor and in improving the thermal efficiency of the unit. The preheat temperature is limited by the maximum operating temperature of the distributor, which in turn is dictated by material selection. The distributor has the dual function to support the bed and distribute the primary air. In its most conventional design it consists of a refractory arch, pierced with calibrated holes, or of a plate, made from refractory steel, and fitted with perforated air distribution nozzles. The distributor may be covered by refractory material or a layer of coarse gravel to shield it from the temperature of the bed. The freeboard region is mainly used as a disengagement zone, in which material carriedover from the bed can settle and return to the bed. It also serves as a post-combustion
chamber, in which secondary air is introduced to create turbulence and promote gas mixing. The height required to complete the combustion of volatiles is often larger than the disengagement height required for the settling and flow-back of entrained particles.
Figure 2: Typical atmospheric BFB (a) and CFB (b) units: 1 limestone chute, 2 spreader feeder, 3 coal-limestone feeder, 4 air distributor, 5 primary air inlet, 6 secondary air nozzle, 7 fluidised air, 8 hot gas generator, 9 evaporator, 10 superheater, 11 economiser, 12 water wall, 13 circulator, 14 bed drain pipe.
T = 430 540 oC
T = 340 - 370 oC
Fluidisation, fluidised bed combustion, bubbling fluidised bed, circulating fluidised bed, atmospheric fluidised bed, pressurised fluidised bed, combustion
The information contained in this Combustion File is derived from the IFRF Combustion Handbook (http://www.handbook.ifrf.net) IFRF 1999 - 2001