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Lab2 Diodes

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Experiment #2 Diodes and Modeling with PSpice

1.0 Introduction
In this laboratory you will measure the characteristics of several diodes and learn how to extract parameters from the diode equation. The extraction of parameters from semiconductor devices is needed for device-to-device comparison and also enables circuit simulation. The simulation of circuits containing active semiconductor devices (diodes, transistors, etc) is only useful if device parameters have been properly extracted and input into the devices models. You will be modeling measured diode current using the 2-parameter diode equation, I D = I S [exp(VD / nVT ) 1] . The saturation current, I S , and ideality factor, n , are the diode parameters. VT is the thermal voltage given by kT / q and is approximately 25mV at room temperature. Available diode model parameters in PSpice are listed in Table 3.1.

2.0 Pre-lab
Use PSpice to simulate diode current-voltage for two different values of Is and two different values of n. 1. Create the circuit below using the part name Dbreak from the BREAKOUT library. The voltage V1 is the same as the diode voltage.

2. Edit the diodes model parameters to set Is and n. a. Click once on D1 and from the [Edit] menu select [PSpice Model]. b. Once completed, save and close the model editor window.

3. DC sweep the diode voltage (by sweeping V1) from 0 to 1V by 1mV. Simultaneously, vary the saturation current using a parametric sweep.

4. Run the simulation and plot the diode current versus sweep voltage. a. Trace Add Trace. Choose I(D1). b. Right-click on the y-axis and plot on a log scale. c. To find out the saturation current of each curve, right click on a curve and select Trace Information. 5. Re-simulate and plot the diode current but this time perform a parametric sweep on n (values 1 and 1.5). Turn in the two plots of diode current on a logarithmic y-axis. Did the diode current shift up or down by increasing I S ? Did the diode currents slope increase or decrease by increasing n ?

3.0 Diode I-V Characteristics

A Zener diodes forward and reverse bias characteristics will be investigated manually using the power supply and multimeter. Then, the forward bias characteristics of both the Zener diode and an LED will be measured using the 4155. To distinguish between a Zener and LED make note of the following circuit symbols.

Zener diode circuit symbol

diode (LED example)

physical orientation

3.1 Forward and reverse Zener analysis 1. Build Figure 3.1 with R1=1k. 2. Sweep Vs from -5 to 3V. Measure the diode current and diode voltage at each bias. a. Calculate the diode current using Ohms Law and R1. b. Vary Vs at 0.2V increments in the regions of greatest change and 0.5V increments otherwise.

Figure 3.1 3.2 4155 analysis Measure a Zener diode and an LED using the 4155 and the instruction document.

4.0 Diode wave-shaping circuits

For AC measurement, correctly attach the SIGNAL and GROUND leads on a cable. The SIGNAL lead must attach to the (+) terminal indicated on the schematic, and the GROUND lead must attach to the (-) terminal. If your oscilloscope displays an erratic signal you may not have your probes properly grounded. 4.1 Experiment A 1. Using two LEDS, construct the circuit in Figure 4.1 with R1=1k. 2. Use a 1kHz triangular waveform for vs and slowly vary the amplitude from 0-20 Vpp. a. Connect both the input and output voltages to the oscilloscope so that they can be observed while the input voltage is changing. b. Note the changes in the output waveform as the input is varied and also the status of each LED. 3. Take a picture or sketch (to scale) the input and output voltage waveforms when vin=20Vpp. Measure the voltages on the output waveform using the cursors.

Figure 4.1 4.2 Experiment B (optional) 1. Use a Zener diode and two resistors of identical value to construct the circuit shown in Figure 4.2. 2. Use a 1kHz triangular waveform for vs and slowly vary the amplitude from 0-20 Vpp. a. Connect both the input and output voltages to the oscilloscope so that they can be observed while the input voltage is changing. 3. Take a picture or sketch (to scale) the input and output voltage waveforms when vin=20Vpp. Measure the voltages on the output waveform using the cursors.

Figure 4.2

5.0 Post-lab
You may share raw data only with your lab partner but must do your own analysis. Analysis and plotting can be done in MATLAB or excel. Section 3.1 Question 1: Plot Zener diode current versus diode voltage. On the plot, indicate the reverse breakdown region. Section 3.2 Question 2: Extract Is and n from the data given by the 4155 in forward bias. See the supplemental guide for help with the extraction. If your diode had two distinct exponentially-increasing regions then expand the table below to include I S 1 , n1 , I S 2 , n2 . Is Zener LED Document the procedure used to extract the parameters. Avoid extreme detail, such as showing every step in the analysis of an equation. A sentence or two of explanation combined with the starting and/or ending equation is sufficient. Question 3: Using your extracted values for Is and n, plot the theoretical current alongside the measured current on a logarithmic scale. The theoretical current is from the appropriate diode equation. Place four curves on one plot: 1) measured Zener current, 2) modeled Zener current, 3) measured LED current, 4) modeled LED current. All plots must have x- and y-axes labeled with units and be appropriately scaled. A legend should be included when necessary. Use your own data every diode is slightly different. Ignore voltages where the 4155 was unable to measure the current properly. Question 4: Write the load-line equation for the circuit of Figure 3.1. Plot this load-line on the measured current for the Zener diode obtained with the 4155 for R1=1k and again for R1=10k. The intersection of your load-line with the diodes current-voltage curve indicates the Q-point. In what direction does an increasing resistance move the diode Q-point? Section 4.0 Question 5: Explain the resulting output waveform. Discuss the differences between the input and output waveform and how they relate to the turn-on voltages of the diodes. Include any calculations to justify your explanations. n

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