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Composite Column

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Design of Composite Columns

Compression, Bending, Combined compression and bending, Column buckling curve, Interaction curve between compression and bending

Chiew Sing Ping

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Composite columns

Composite columns often offer significant economic advantages over either structural steel or reinforced concrete alternatives. High load carrying capacities and high flexural rigidities with smaller sizes at reduced costs. Excellent inherent fire resistances. By varying different materials, composite columns with different axial load and moment resistances but with identical external dimensions are readily obtained. This allows the outer dimensions of a column to be held constant over a number of floors in a building, simplifying both constructional and architectural details.

Composite Columns with H sections

Bc cX B y cy t T x D cy Dc t cX B= Bc y x Dc

Fully encased H section

Partially encased H section

Composite columns with hollow sections

t y t x y y

x D

x D

In-filled circular hollow section

In-filled rectangular hollow section

In-filled circular hollow section with encased H section

Design principles of composite columns

Fully encased H section

In-filled hollow section

Strength assessment
Rcp EIcp

Rc (EI)c

Rs (EI)s

Rr (EI)r

Deformation assessment
= + +


Design considerations of composite columns. Steel columns. Basic section capacities. Plastic stress block method. Worked example. Interaction between compression and bending in stocky and slender columns. Mechanics of column buckling , axial buckling resistances in slender columns, column buckling curves.

Composite columns. Compression and moment capacities. Interaction between compression and bending in stocky and slender columns. Non-linear and simplified interaction curves.

Slenderness vs reduction factor. Comparison among codified design methods.


Main design considerations

Strength assessment




How to ensure concrete core, steel section and reinforcement, i.e. three materials of different sizes and strengths, work together as an integral member to resist compression and bending ? How to transfer loads among one another of the three materials ? How to ensure high local loads are effectively distributed away ?

Deformation assessment




How to ensure three materials with different sizes and Youngs modulii to deform consistently with limited interfacial slippage under compression and bending ?

Main design considerations

Interfacial shear bond strength from 0.2 to 0.6 N/mm2, depending on the amount of concrete confinement provided. Mechanical shear connectors installed wherever needed, mainly within the load application regions. Allow for long term effects due to concrete (drying, shrinkage, creep)

Design of steel and composite columns

Section capacity (stocky column)

Steel Composite columns columns Pc Mc Pcp Mcp P & M

Resistance to compression, Resistance to moment, Reduced moment resistance under compressive force, i.e. interaction between compression and bending,

Member resistance (slender column)

Axial buckling resistance, Reduced moment resistance under compressive force, i.e. interaction between compression and bending,



Pcp & M

Design of steel columns is presented as a reference for the more complicated design of composite columns

Basic capacities
Compression capacity
Pc = py As

Plastic Stress Block Method

Moment capacity
Mc = p y S


Interaction between compression and bending

For small axial force with dn d :

Axial force

Plastic Stress Block Method

Reduced moment capacity




Interaction between compression and bending

For high axial force with d dn :

Axial force

Plastic Stress Block Method

Reduced moment capacity




Worked example on interaction between compression and bending

UB457x152x57 Section dimensions D = 449.8 mm t = 7.6 mm r = 10.2 mm d =DT B = 152.4 mm T = 10.9 mm d = 407.6 mm

= 438.9 mm


Reduced moment capacity under axial force


Assume the applied load, P, is to be resisted by the shaded area, dn x t, i.e. P = py An where An = dn t
P = Pc dn t A
2 2 dn t = n2 A 2

The axial force ratio, n =

The reduced moment capacity, M

2 dn t Sx where Sr = = py Sr 4 Re-writing the expression as follows:


n2 A 2 4t

= K1 K2n2 where K1 = Sx K2=

A2 6664 2 = 4t 4 7 .6

= 1077 cm3 = 1460.8cm3

As the max. value of dn is 428mm, max. value of n =

428 x 7.6 = 0.488 6664


Reduced moment capacity under axial force

D dn Assume the applied load, P, is to be resisted by the shaded area, A (D dn) x B, i.e. where An = dn t P = py An

The axial force ratio, n = B

Fc A (D dn )B = Pc A

After re-arranging, dn =

The reduced moment capacity, M B 2 = S xr = D2 hn 4

A (n 1) +D B

= =

B 2 A2 2 2 2AD (n 1) D 2 (n - 1) - D 4 B B A2 2BD 1 + n (1 - n) 4B A

2BD A2 (n 1)(n 1) + 4B A = K 3 (1 n) (K 4 + n) = K3 =

A2 6664 2 2BD 2 x 152.4 x 449.8 = = 72.85cm 3 & K 4 = 1 = 1 4B 4 x 152.4 A 6664 = 19.57


Section capacities of a stocky steel column

Interaction between compression and bending

UB457 x 152 x 52

Reduced moment ratio,

1.0 0.8

Plastic section analysis

P M + Pc Mc
Linear reduction

M r / Mc


Empirical formula
P M P + M c c

= 1

0.4 0.2

= 1

0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

Axial force ratio, P / Pc

For the empirical formula, the values of & equal to 1 ~ 3 depending on types of sections.

Design of steel and composite columns

Section capacity (stocky column)

Steel Composite columns columns Pc Mc Pcp Mcp P & M

Resistance to compression, Resistance to moment, Reduced moment resistance under compressive force, i.e. interaction between compression and bending,

Member resistance (slender column)

Axial buckling resistance, Reduced moment resistance under compressive force, i.e. interaction between compression and bending,



Pcp & M

Design of steel columns is presented as a reference for the more complicated design of composite columns

Design of steel columns

Interaction between compression and bending

Section capacity check Conservative design for all sections,

P Pc + M Mc 1

More rigorous design for compact and plastic section,

M Mr

where Mr is the reduced plastic moment capacity in the presence of axial load according to plastic analysis method.


Design of steel columns

Interaction between compression and bi-axial bending

My Mx F + + Mcy A py Mcx

Section capacity check Conservative design for all sections,

1 (Eq 1)

More rigorous design for compact and plastic section,

Mx Mrx

My + M ry


1 (Eq 2)


Member resistance of a slender steel column

Stability is an additional requirement to equilibrium Axial buckling occurs in slender columns under high axial compressive forces.

Deformed elastic curve of the column

P Equilibrium

P Alternative equilibrium but unstable or unfit for use


Free body diagram

P Mx v

Consider moment equilibrium, i.e. M = 0

P.v + Mx = 0

d2v As Mx = EI 2 dx 2

d v EI 2 + Pv = 0 dx

d2v P + v=0 or dx 2 EI

P (v 0 after buckling)

Use k2 =

P or EI


d2v + k 2v = 0 2 dx


From mathematics, the general solution is v = C1sin kx + C2 cos kx Consider the boundary condition As v = 0 at x = 0 C2 = 0 v = C1sin kx As v = 0 kL = n

sin kL = 0 at x = L where n = 1, 2, 3
where C1 is undetermined.

Consider the fundamental mode, i.e. when n = 1


n or L


This gives the solution for v v =

x C1 sin L 1 4 2 4 3 shape

Hence, the buckled mode shape is found with an undetermined magnitude.


It should be noted that at the critical buckling state,


P = L EI

2 PE = L2 EI

where PE is the applied load at buckling, or the Euler buckling load.

PE = E

I L2

Section property

Member length

material property

The Euler buckling load is an elastic value for a perfectly straight column, and it is necessary to incorporate material yielding and initial imperfection in practical design. The structural mechanics is equally applicable to steel columns, reinforced concrete columns as well as composite columns.

For real columns, most modern steel codes adopt the formulation with member slenderness and buckling strength.
Euler buckling load E Iy - flexural rigidity about minor axis L - member length

PE =

PE = pE = A = Elastic buckling

pE E 1 = py 2 py

Iy 2E 2 L Iy 1 2E A2 L2 ry 2E 2 L 1 2E 2


Iy A

2 = ry

or 2 E

(L/ry )2
L ry
- slenderness

ry - radius of gyration

where =

[normalization] where Y =
E material properties py

Dividing by yield strength

Y 2

constant = 85.8 for S275 = 75.5 for S355


Adopt the slenderness ratio, = , the elastic buckling strength Y ratio is given by: geometry

pE 1 = py 2 14 4 244 3

where =

L = E r critical

Column buckling curves


E Y = py


.. . .. . . . . . .. . .. .
o o o o o o o o o o o o o


test data

real column behaviour 0 1.0


elastic buckling


The curves relate material yielding and elastic buckling in real columns together with initial imperfection and residual stresses, etc.


Axial buckling strength, pc

P Pc where Pc = pc A
The compressive strength, pc , pf a real column depends on the slenderness, , of the steel section, the design strength, py , and the relevant column buckling curves to be selected as follows: Selection of column buckling curves Type of section Rolled I section Rolled H section Welded I or H section T 40 mm T > 40 mm T 40 mm T > 40 mm T 40 mm T > 40 mm T 40 mm T > 40 mm Axis of buckling x-x a b b c b b a b c y-y b c c d c d a b c

Hot rolled structural hollow section Welded box section


Perry-Robertson interaction formula

( pE pc )( py pc ) = pE pc
pc = pEpy where =

( BS5950: Part 1 )
p y + (1 + )p E 2

+ pEpy

py = design strength = slenderness

pE = 2E 2 E py

is the Perry factor = o = 0.2

a( o ) 1000

but > 0

a is the Robertson constant = 2.0 curve a For different types of 3.5 b sections and axis of 5.5 c buckling after calibration 8.0 d against test data.


Column buckling curves

Normalized curves relating c and
1.0 yielding
a b c

real column behaviour

elastic buckling

0.0 stocky column no buckling


1.0 slender column elastro-plastic buckling

elastic buckling



Effective length coefficient, k

Non-sway mode Sway mode

Buckled shape

Design Theoretical

0.7 0.5

0.85 0.7

1.0 1.0

1.2 1.0

2.0 2.0


Effective length coefficient, k

Non-sway mode
Conditions of restraint at ends (in plane under consideration) Design Effectively held in position at both ends Restrained in direction at both ends Partially restrained in direction at both ends Restrained in direction at one end Not restrained in direction at either end 0.7 0.85 0.85 1.0 k Theoretical 0.5 0.7 1.0

Sway mode
One end Other end Design Effectively held in position and restrained in direction Not held in position Effectively restrained in direction Partially restrained in direction Not restrained in direction 1.2 1.5 2.0 k Theoretical 1.0 2.0


Design of steel and composite columns

Section capacity (stocky column)

Steel Composite columns columns

Resistance to compression, Resistance to moment, Reduced moment resistance under compressive force, i.e. interaction between compression and bending,


Pcp Mcp & M


Member resistance (slender column)

Axial buckling resistance, Reduced moment resistance under compressive force, i.e. interaction between compression and bending,


Pcp & M

Design of steel columns is presented as a reference for the more complicated design of composite columns

Design of steel columns

Interaction between compression and bending

Overall buckling check Simplified approach using linear interaction

F As pc
Axial buckling as a column
where F Mx , My pc, py As mLT Mb Zy

(m LT ) y M y (m LT ) x M x + Mb py Zy
Lateral buckling as a beam

Reduction due to lateral moment

is the applied axial load in the column are the applied moments about the major and the minor axes respectively are the compression and the design yield strengths respectively is the cross-sectional area is the equivalent uniform moment factor is the buckling resistance moment capacity, and is the elastic section modulus about the minor axis.

Design of steel and composite columns

Section capacity (stocky column)

Steel Composite columns columns

Resistance to compression, Resistance to moment, Reduced moment resistance under compressive force, i.e. interaction between compression and bending,


Pcp Mcp & M


Member resistance (slender column)

Axial buckling resistance, Reduced moment resistance under compressive force, i.e. interaction between compression and bending,


Pcp & M

Design of steel columns is presented as a reference for the more complicated design of composite columns

Design of composite columns

Resistance of composite section to compression

Fully encased and partially encased H sections: Pcp = Ap y + 0.45A c fcu + A s fsd In-filled rectangular hollow sections:

Pcp = Ap y + 0.53A c fcu + A s fsd

where: A, Ac and As py and fsd py fsd = = are the areas of the steel section, the concrete and the reinforcements respectively. are the design strengths of the structural steel section and the steel reinforcement respectively. py / a a = = c fy / s s = 1.0 1.5 1.15

Design of composite columns

Resistance of composite section to bending
Mcp = p y (Sp Spn ) + 0.5 c fcu (Spc Spcn ) + fsd (Sps Spsn )
where: c = 0.53 for all in-filled hollow sections = 0.45 for fully or partially encased H sections are the plastic section modulii for the steel section, the reinforcement and the concrete of the composite crosssection respectively (for the calculation of Spc, the concrete is assumed to be uncracked). are the plastic section modulii of the corresponding components within the region of 2dn from the middle line of the composite cross-section. is the depth of the neutral axis from the middle line of the cross-section.

Sp,Sps, Spc

Spn, Spsn, Spcn


Interaction curve for compression and bending

In-filled hollow section


Interaction curve for compression and bending

In-filled hollow section --- Points A and B

Point A

0.53 fcu


fsd Pcp No moment

Point B

0.53fcu +

py -

fsd Mcp

No axial force


Interaction curve for compression and bending

In-filled hollow section --- Points C and D

Point C
dn dn

0.53fcu +

py + py +

fsd Mc = Mcp

Pc= Ppm fsd MD = Mcp,max PD= Ppm / 2

Point D

0.53fcu -


Interaction curve for compression and bending

In-filled hollow section --- Point E

Point E



fsd -

dE dg +



Design formulae for composite columns

Concrete in-filled hollow sections
Major axis bending
Spc dn Spcn Spn = = = =
(B 2t )(D 2t )2 2 3 D r r 2 ( 4 ) t r Sps 4 3 2 Ac c fcu Asn ( 2fsd c fcu ) 2B c fcu + 4t ( 2 py c fcu )

(B - 2t) dn2 Spsn B dn2 Spcn Spsn


Interaction curve for compression and bending

Fully encased H section


Interaction curve for compression and bending

Fully encased H-section --- Points A and B
Point A 0.45fcu py Pcp
No moment

fsd -

Point B

0.45fcu -

py +
dn 2dn dn

fsd Mcp
No axial force


Interaction curve for compression and bending

Fully encased H-section --- Points C and D
Point C
0.45fcu py dn + dn 2dn + fsd fsd -

Mcp Ppm

Point D



Mcp,max Ppm/2


Design formulae for composite columns

Fully or partially encased H sections

Sp Sps

are given in section property tables for steel sections =

n i


ei )

where ei are the distances of the reinforcements of area Asi to the relevant middle line, Spsn where Asni eni =



eni )

are the area of reinforcements within the region of 2 dn from the middle line, are the distances of the reinforcements from the middle line.


Design formulae for composite columns

Major axis bending

Spc Spcn

= =

Bc Dc 4

Sp Sps

Bc d n S pn S psn

D T Neutral axis in the web: d n 2

dn Spn

= =

Ac c fcu Asn ( 2fsd c fcu ) 2Bc c fcu + 2t ( 2 p y c fcu )

t dn2

Design of steel and composite columns

Section capacity (stocky column)

Steel Composite columns columns

Resistance to compression, Resistance to moment, Reduced moment resistance under compressive force, i.e. interaction between compression and bending,


Pcp Mcp & M


Member resistance (slender column)

Axial buckling resistance, Reduced moment resistance under compressive force, i.e. interaction between compression and bending,


Pcp & M

Design of steel columns is presented as a reference for the more complicated design of composite columns

Design of composite columns

Axial buckling resistance of slender columns
Effective flexural rigidity

(EI)cp = E I + K e E cm I c + E s I s
Elastic buckling load:

Pcp,cr =

2 (EI )e, 2 L2E

= 0.8 / 1.35 = 0.6 are the second moment of area of the structural steel section, the un-cracked concrete section and the reinforcement respectively for the bending plane being considered.

Ke I, Ic and Is


Non-dimensional slenderness ratio


Pcp,k Pcp,cr
is the characteristic value of the compression capacity

= Ap y + 0.68A c f cu + A s f y
for fully encased and partially encased H sections

= Ap y + 0.8A c f cu + A s f y
for in-filled rectangular hollow sections

t fy = a Ap y + 0.8A c f cu 1 + c + Asf y d 0.8 f cu

for in-filled circular hollow sections


Reduction factor,
= 1
2 + 2 0.5

2 = 0 .5 1 + 0 .2 +

is the imperfection parameter which allows for different levels of imperfections in the columns = 0.21, 0.34 and 0.49 for buckling curves a, b and c respectively

P Pcp

Pcp, k Pcp, cr

Design of steel and composite columns

Section capacity (stocky column)

Steel Composite columns columns

Resistance to compression, Resistance to moment, Reduced moment resistance under compressive force, i.e. interaction between compression and bending,



Mcp & M


Member resistance (slender column)

Axial buckling resistance, Reduced moment resistance under compressive force, i.e. interaction between compression and bending,


Pcp & M

Design of steel columns is presented as a reference for the more complicated design of composite columns

Interaction curve for compression and bending


P Pcp
Axial buckling resistance

The interaction curve represents the maximum values of the pair of P and M. 2. An applied force P will always induce a moment M due to the presence of initial imperfection, hence, part of the reserve is used up. 3. If the applied force, P, is equal to the axial buckling resistance, there is no reserve to resist any moment at all. 4. ( d - k ) Mcp. If the applied force, P, is less than the axial buckling resistance, the moment reserve is at least equal to ( d - k ) Mcp.

Applied load


d 1.0

Depending on the shape of the initial imperfection of the column, it is possible to reduce the induced moment.

M M cp

Interaction curve for compression and bending

r : end moment ratio

Single curvature

Double curvature

Interaction curve for compression and bending

P Pcp
Axial buckling 1.0 resistance 5. Depending on the shape of the initial imperfection of the column, it is possible to reduce the induced moment. 6. Based on the value of the end moment ratio, r, the reserve moment is increased to Mcp .

d n
Applied load


d 1.0

M M cp

Interaction curve for compression and bending

The value n accounts for the influence of the imperfections and that of the bending moment do not always act together unfavourably. For columns with only end moments, n may be obtained as follows:

n =

(1 r )

P Pcp

1.0 d n 0

Cross-section interaction curve

d =

P P cp

k d 1.0

M M cp

Interaction curve for compression and bending

P Pcp

Cross-section interaction curve
P Pcp

1.0 d n 0

1.0 d pm n

Simplified interaction curve

k d 1.0

k d

M M cp

B 1.0

M M cp

For easy manual calculation, a simplified interaction curve may be adopted in design.

Interaction curve for compression and bending P (Simplified) P


1.0 =

Simplified interaction curve

( d )(1 n ) (1 pm )( n )

when d pm when d < pm

d pm n 0

(1 )( d n ) = 1 (1 pm )( n )

Ppm P cp

B 1.0


= axial resistance ratio due to the concrete,

P = design axial resistance ratio, P cp

M M cp

= reduction factor due to column buckling


Interaction curve for compression and bending

The overall stability of a composite column under combined compression and bending based on first order analysis should be checked as follows:
M 0 .9

M cp
where M Mcp

is the design bending moment, which may be factored to follow for second order effect, if necessary is the moment resistance ratio after allowing for axial buckling according to the interaction curve is the plastic moment resistance of the composite crosssection.

The factor 0.9 is used to allow for errors in adopting the bi-linear interaction curve when compared with the non-linear interaction curve.

Interaction curve for compression and bending (Simplified)

For encased sections and in-filled rectangular hollow sections

= =

(1 r )

for for

< 1 .0

1 .0 < 2 .0

For in-filled circular or square hollow sections

4 where r is equal to the end moment ratio

(1 r )


2 .0

For simplicity, the expressions may be modified by taking, n = 0 d d pm = when

(1 pm )
= 1 (1 ) d (1 pm )


< pm

Design of composite columns to HKSC2005

Step 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Activities List composite column specification. List the design value of actions. List the material properties. List the limits of the applicability of the simplified method. List the cross-section geometry and the section properties of the selected section.



Design of composite columns

2.1 2.2



Evaluate the plastic resistance of the composite cross-section to compression, Pcp. Evaluate the effective elastic flexural stiffness of the composite cross-section for short term loading, EI, EcIc , EsIs & (EI)e. Evaluate the non-dimensional slenderness of the composite column, Pcp,cr , Pcp , . Check for long term loading effect. Evaluate the resistance of the composite column under axial compression, P < Pcp. Check for second order effects as necessary.

2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6


Design of composite columns

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

Activities Evaluate the moment resistance of the composite section, Mcp. Construct the interaction curve between compression and moment. Evaluate various design parameters: pm , d , n , and . Check adequacy of the composite column under combined compression and bending: M 0.9 Mcp



EC4:1-1 vs BS5400:5
HKSC: 2005
Axial compression parameters of composite column Compression capacity Material factor of steel Material factor of concrete (infilled rectangular hollow sections) Material factor of reinforcement
Pcp = A py + 0.53 Ac fcu + As fy / m Nu = 0.91A py + 0.45 Ac fcu + 0.87 Ar fry

BS5400-5: 2005

1.0 1.3 1.15

1.1 1.5 1.15


EC4:1-1 vs BS5400:5
HKSC: 2005
Buckling parameters of composite column Slenderness - major axis Slenderness - minor axis Young's modulus of concrete Values for calculating slenderness Reduction factor for column buckling - major axis Reduction factor for column buckling - major axis Buckling capacities - major axis Bucking capacities -minor axis x= (Pcp,k / Pcp,cr )0.5 y= (Pcp,k / Pcp,cr Ec Pcp,k = Apy + 0.8 Ac fcu + As fy / m x y x Pcp y Pcp )0.5 x= Le / LE y = Le / LE Ec = 450 fcu LE = ((EcIy,c + EsIy+ ErIr) / Nu)0.5 K1x K1y Nax = K1x Nu Nay = K1y Nu

BS5400-5: 2005


HKSC vs BS5400:5
BS5400-5: 1979 ,steel = 1.10

12000 10000 8000

P (kN)

HKSC 2005 HKSC 2005

,steel = 1.10 ,steel = 1.0

500 mm

20 mm

6000 4000 2000 0 0 500 1000

M (kNm)

300 mm

Infilled rectangular hollow section

py = 355N/mm2 fcu = 45N/mm2





Conclusions (1)

Design of composite columns is rational and comprehensive for both concrete encased H sections and concrete in-filled hollow sections. Both the strength and the deformation assessments should be performed carefully. The flexural rigidities are essential in determining the column buckling behaviour of composite columns. The plastic stress block method is applicable to both steel and composite columns. With the same design principles, the calculation procedure for composite columns is much involved and complicated.


Conclusions (2)

The design methodology for both steel and composite columns are similar in the following:

Compression capacities Moment capacities Interaction between compression and bending in stocky columns Euler buckling formulation, column buckling curves, and normalized slenderness and reduction factors.

However, a more rational method in designing composite columns against combined compression and bending is adopted.


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