Chapter VII. The Scientific View of The World
Chapter VII. The Scientific View of The World
Chapter VII. The Scientific View of The World
Introduction: “The Seventeenth Century has been called the century of genius.” Between the birth of Galileo and the
death of Newton, science became “modern.” When Galileo was young, scientists were alone and the proper
methodology was not clear; by the death of Newton (1727) scientists were a community, science had prestige,
methods of inquiry had been defined, the store of knowledge had been vastly increased, the first modern coherent
theory of the physical universe had been presented, scientific knowledge was applied to practical fields, science was
accepted as basic to progress, and science was “popularized,” accepted by non-scientists. The impact was wide-
spread, affecting thinking about religion (the nature of the relationship between God and man), and leading to the view
that the universe was an orderly, rational place where ideas could change man--thus the foundations of belief in free,
democratic institutions.
32. Prophets of a Scientific Civilization: Bacon and Descartes pp. 287 - 292
A. Science before the Seventeenth Century
1. Leonardo: universal genius but isolated, ideas not transmitted
2. Skepticism: belief no certain knowledge could be reached: Montaigne
3. Tendency to over-belief
a. Lack of dividing lines between chemistry/alchemy, astronomy/astrology
b. Charlatans: Nostradamus and Paracelsus; belief in witches
B. Bacon and Descartes
1. Both doubted non-religious beliefs of preceding generations. They ridiculed faith in ancient texts.
Medieval Scholastic philosophers had embraced Aristotle so enthusiastically that they neglected to subject
his ideas to tests. Likewise, they rejected the deductive, rationalistic, logic of the Scholastics (which
proceeded from definitions and general propositions to deduce logically). Deductive logic was replaced
by inductive reasoning, in which truth is revealed by experimental testing and investigations of
2. Francis Bacon (1561-1626)
a. Bacon wrote Novum Organum, in which he insisted on inductive reasoning, from the concrete,
particular to the abstract, general; rejected traditional ideas and preconceptions; and favored
empiricism, with knowledge to be derived from observation and experience. He also wrote New
Atlantis, portraying a scientific utopia where there was no break between pure science and
technological invention
b. Bacon had no influence on actual science; he lacked knowledge of the new work being done in his
time; and he failed to understand the role of mathematics, which involves deductive logic rather than
3. René Descartes (1596-1650)
Descartes was primarily a mathematician, founder of co-ordinate geometry; believed nature could be
reduced to mathematical form. He wrote Discourse on Method in which he advanced the principle of
systematic doubt. Cogito ergo sum was the basis for his logical proof of God. From this came his
Cartesian dualism, a system of two realities: subjective experience, mind and spirit and extended
substance, all outside the mind and thus objective--occupying space and thus quantifiable, reducible to
formulae and equations. But he agreed with Bacon that science should lead to a practical philosophy to
enable mankind to become “the masters and possessors of nature.
33. The Road to Newton: The Law of Universal Gravitation pp. 293 - 300
A. Scientific Advances:
1. With the increased trade and travel of the Age of Exploration, botany boomed, often for purely utilitarian
2. An intensive, open-minded observation of anatomy began by 1500. Vesalius ’ De Fabrica (On the
Structure of the Human Body) (1543) replaced reliance on the often inaccurate work of the Hellenistic
scientist Galen (2d century AD). The work of English physician William Harvey, described in On the
Movement of the Heart and Blood (1628), established the notion of blood circulation. Using the new