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Inspection Equipment Ltd

Welcome to our electronic catalogue of Accessories for Industrial Radiography (Rev. 2 AUG1999 . !o read the catalogue" you #ill need $icrosoft %&cel 9' or later version installed in your (). If you print out the catalogue" it #ill appear #ith an *Inspection %+uipment ,td* header and footer. !hese can -e vie#ed and changed -y clic.ing on */ile*" then *(age 0etup*" *1eader2/ooter* and finally selecting *)ustom 1eader* and *)ustom /ooter*. (lease send any comments for improvement to3 !om 4o#ol Inspection %+uipment ,td 0tation /ield Industrial %state 4idlington 56/5R7 568 197 %ngland email3 tom:ie;ndt.co.u. /a&3 << == 1>?8 @'>99?

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Actinic mar.er Adhesive tape Ara-ic #arning sign A0!$ catalogue A0!$ IEI Atlas (radiographic Garrier tape Gleeper Gridge type magnet )ali-rated density strip )anvas cassette )arrier strip )assette holder )assettes )hannel hanger )ontrolled area sign )ordon rope2tape 7ar.room e+uipment 7ensitometer 7eveloping units 7ispenser for tape 7oserate meter 7osimeter 7ryer 7rying ca-inet 7uple& IEI %gg -o& (film %A =?2 IEIs %ngraved mar.er %&. (roof monitor %&posure accessories %&posure calculator /ilm -adge holder /ilm cutter /ilm dryer /ilm storage -o& /ilter" #ater /lashing lamp /luorometallic screen /(;2 C /(;@ processor GraetF products

2< 1@ @8 2>" 29 9" 12 2> " 29 @= @< 1@ 2? ? @ 1@ 8;' 1' @= @@ 1= ; 2< 28 ; 2? 1=" 18 = @<" @1 @1 1?" 1' 1?" 1' 1< 29 9 ; 12 @ @1 @;1@ 1@ @1 19 1?" 1' 29 1> @2 ' 1= @<" @1

Guillotine 1anger 1ead -and magnifier IIW catalogue Image +uality indicator Immersion heater Intensifying screens Intermediate screen IEIs Isotope handling tong 45W5,U6 vie#ers 4H5445 screen ,a-el" radiation ,ead mar.ers ,ead screen roll ,ead tape ,ight film mar.er ,ight meter ,uminance meter $agnetic cassette $agnetic holder $agnifier $ar.er -o& $ar.er tape $ar.ers" lead $ar.ing crayon $as.ing tape $etal cassette $etal mar.er $I,;0!7;=8@ IEI $onitor" radiation $ounted lead mar.er $ounting -loc. (ac.age la-el (encil" film mar.ing (enetrameters (ennant (orta-le processor (R%00I7%A! (ro-es" radiation (rocessors

19 1' 2' 2> 9 ; 12 1> ';> ';> 9;12 @@ 21 ; 2= ' @? @ ' @ 2< 2' 2' ? 1@ 2' = = @ 1@ 1@ > 1@ 12 @<" @1 @ 11 @? 1@ 1<;12 @= 18 @ @1 1=" 18

(U88 C 1<8 (D) tape EuartF fi-re dosimeter Radiation monitor Radiation protection Reference catalogue Rigid cassette Roll film processing Rope 0afelight 0)RA!A calculator 0hims 0igns 0pirals 0+ueegee 0tainless steel sign 0teel screen 0tep2hole IEI 0tep#edge" film 0top#atch 0yphon !an.s" processing !hermometer !imer" dar.room !imer" e&posure !ransport sign Dehicle placard Die#ers Die#ing goggles DI%W!UG% Warning lamp Warning sign Water filter Welding gauge Wet film vie#er Wiper tongs Wire type IEIs

18 1@ @1 @<" @1 @< ; @? 2>" 29 ' 1> @@ 2< 1@ 11 @8" @? 1> 19 @? ' 1< 2? 1@ 1> 1= 1> 1@ 1@ @? @? 21 ; 2= 2' 2= @2 @8" @? 1> 1@ 19 19 9" 12

/a&3 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?

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2 3 - 13 1! - 2" 21 - 2& 3" - 3(

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'o )ie* inde+, c-ic. on *o/.s0eet t12 3Inde+3 1t 2ottom -e4t5

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)A!. Ao.

7%0)RI(!I5A PRESSIDENT Marking System (R%00I7%A! %m-ossing $achine /or printing the desired characters A;I and <;9 plus .2 etc. )haracter height 8mm (R%00I7%A! 0tandard 12 !ape 0uita-le for use #ith 6;rays from 8< to @<< .eD" selenium and ytter-ium. 2m roll Unmounted Lead Markers 12>in (@mm high" Individual ,ead $ar.er @21?in (?mm high" Individual ,ead $ar.er 12=in (>mm high" Individual ,ead $ar.er 12=in (>mm ,ead Arro# @2>in (1<mm high" Individual ,ead $ar.er @2>in (1<mm ,ead Arro# 122in (12mm high" Individual ,ead $ar.er 122in (12mm ,ead Arro# @2=in (19mm high" Individual ,ead $ar.er @2=in (19mm ,ead Arro# 1in (28mm high" Individual ,ead $ar.er 1in (28mm ,ead Arro# $ar.ers for 1igh %nergy Radiography @2=in (19mm high" set A;I and <;9 8.8mm thic. FEDREX Burr Marker Outfit /%7R%6 1oo. and /luffy !ape in t#in metre lengths Mounted Lead Markers 12=in (?mm high $ounted $ar.er @2>in (1<mm high $ounted $ar.er 122in (1@mm high $ounted $ar.er @2=in (19mm high $ounted $a.er FEDREX Engra ed Markers $ade from tinted" toughened plastic #ith a slit at the top for use #ith a carrier strip. ,etters" num-ers and sym-ols. =mm high %ngraved $ar.er '.8mm high %ngraved $ar.er 1<mm high %ngraved $ar.er %ngraved Arro#" = directions )arrier 0trip" 2< & 8<<mm $agnetic 1older" @8mm. dia $agnetic )arrier 0trip" 8<<mm long



1<.2<.<11 1<.2<.<12 1<.2<.<1@ 1<.2<.<1= 1<.2<.<18 1<.2<.<1? 1<.2<.<1'



1<.2<.<2@ 1<.2<.<2= 1<.2<.<28 1<.2<.<1?

1<.2<.<?1 1<.2<.<?2 1<.2<.<?@ 1<.2<.<?= 1<.2<.<>1 1<.2<.<>2 1<.2<.<91

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)A!. Ao.

7%0)RI(!I5A Marker Bo!es 1eavy 7uty (lastic $ar.er Go& @? compartments 2?8 & 19< & @<mm $ar.er Go& for %ngraved $ar.ers

1<.2<.18 1<.2<.1=


FEDREX Lead Numera" Ta#es ,ead numerals every 1<cm" lead arro# at intermediate 8cm intervals on printed measuring tape follo#ing %%) pattern. !ape lengths over 1<m have lead numerals every 2<cm" lead arro# at intermediate 1<cm intervals !apes are supplied #ith a 7eclaration of )onformity to ;<.<<8J and B<J accuracy

1<.2<.18=1 1<.2<.18=2 1<.2<.18=@

Dis#ensers for Marker Ta#es 7ispenser up to ?m 7ispenser up to 12m 7ispenser up to 2<m

Mini Marker Ta#es 9mm #ide" 2cm spacing" perforated mar.ers 1<.2<.1'1 1<.2<.1'2 1<.2<.1'@ $ini $ar.er !ape $ini $ar.er !ape $ini $ar.er !ape <"8m long 1"<m long 1"8m long

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)A!. Ao. 1<.21.<1

7%0)RI(!I5A Standard Sing"e En e"o#e $assettes $ade from light;tight" fle&i-le" -lac. (D) #ith *velcro* strips at the loading end. 0tandard )assette 9 & 12cm 0tandard )assette 1< & 2=cm 0tandard )assette 1< & @<cm 0tandard )assette 1< & =<cm 0tandard )assette 1< & =>cm 0tandard )assette 1@ & 1>cm 0tandard )assette 18 & =<cm 0tandard )assette 1> & 2=cm 0tandard )assette 1> & =@cm 0tandard )assette 2= & @<cm 0tandard )assette @< & =<cm 0tandard )assette @8 & =@cm


Reinfor%ed $assettes $ade from light;tight" fle&i-le" -lac. terylene fi-re reinforced (D) #ith self; sealing *velcro* tapes at the loading end. 1ard;#earing. Reinforced )assette 9 & 12cm Reinforced )assette 1< & 2=cm Reinforced )assette 1< & =<cm Reinforced )assette 1< & =>cm Reinforced )assette 1@ & 1>cm Reinforced )assette 18 & =<cm Reinforced )assette 1> & 2=cm Reinforced )assette 1> & =@cm Reinforced )assette 2= & @<cm Reinforced )assette @< & =<cm Reinforced )assette @8 & =@cm

/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?

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)A!. Ao.

7%0)RI(!I5A Magneti% $assettes $ade from light;tight" fle&i-le -lac. (D) #ith *velcro* self;sealing tapes at the loading end and magnetic ru--er strips do#n the long sides. $agnetic )assette 1< & 2=cm $agnetic )assette 1< & =<cm $agnetic )assette 1< & =>cm $agnetic )assette 18 & =<cm Magneti% &a""ets In transparent (D) for positioning ready; pac.ed films. $agnetic Wallet 1< & 2=cm $agnetic Wallet 1< & =<cm $agnetic Wallet 1< & =>cm $agnetic Wallet 18 & =<cm $an as $assettes /or economic pipeline radiography. /or use #ith -are film and lead roll. )anvas )assette ' & 28metres )anvas )assette 1< & 28metres Other sizes available on request




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)A!. Ao. 1<.21.1<

7%0)RI(!I5A Rigid $assettes Rigid )assette Rigid )assette Rigid )assette Rigid )assette Rigid )assette Rigid )assette Rigid )assette Special sizes made to order

9 & 12cm 1@ & 1>cm 1> & 2=cm 18 & =<cm 2= & @<cm @< & =<cm @8 & =@cm

1<.22.<' 1<.22.<9

Lead S%reen Ro"" /or economic pipeline inspection. <"128mm thic. ,ead 0creen Roll" '<mm #ide & @<m long ,ead 0creen Roll" '<cm #ide & 8m long


'RP Stiffener (rovide mechanical and thermal protection" particularly useful for offshore pipe laying. GR( 0tiffener 'cm & @m F"uorometa""i% Intensifying S%reens !ype 0$( @<>" for use #ith 6;rays >< ; @<< .eD" selenium and ytter-ium 1< & =<cm 1< & =>cm '<mm & 1m Other types and sizes available. Stee" Intensifying S%reens <"8mm for use #ith co-alt;?<. In 1 pair pac.s. 0teel 0creen 1< & 2=cm 0teel 0creen 1< & =>cm 0teel 0creen 18 & =<cm 0teel 0creen @< & =<cm Other sizes available on request



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)A!. Ao. 1<.22.<1=

7%0)RI(!I5A Lead Intensifying S%reens <"128mm thic." card mounted" unlac+uered. In 8" 1< and 28 pair pac.s. ,ead 0creens" <.1282<.128mm 9 & 12cm ,ead 0creens" <.1282<.128mm 1< & 2=cm ,ead 0creens" <.1282<.128mm 1< & =<cm ,ead 0creens" <.1282<.128mm 1< & =>cm ,ead 0creens" <.1282<.128mm 1@ & 1>cm ,ead 0creens" <.1282<.128mm 18 & =<cm ,ead 0creens" <.1282<.128mm 1> & 2=cm ,ead 0creens" <.1282<.128mm 1> & =@cm ,ead 0creens" <.1282<.128mm 2= & @<cm ,ead 0creens" <.1282<.128mm @< & =<cm ,ead 0creens" <.1282<.128mm @8 & =@cm Intermediate Lead S%reens( )(*mm !hin lead foil" <"<8mm is laminated to -oth sides of the supporting card. In 8 screen pac.s. Intermediate 0creen 9 & 12cm Intermediate 0creen 1< & 2=cm Intermediate 0creen 1< & =<cm Intermediate 0creen 1< & =>cm Intermediate 0creen 1@ & 1>cm Intermediate 0creen 18 & =<cm Intermediate 0creen 1> & 2=cm Intermediate 0creen 1> & =@cm Intermediate 0creen 2= & @<cm Intermediate 0creen @< & =<cm Intermediate 0creen @8 & =@cm Other sizes, quantities and thicknesses are available on request


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)A!. Ao.

7%0)RI(!I5A EN +,-.* &ire Ty#e I/Is !hese %uropean 0tandard Image Euality Indicators replace the previous 7IA 8= 1<9 and G0 @9'1 typesK those standards #ere #ithdra#n in 199=. %ach IEI is Gatch num-ered and supplied #ith a 7eclaration of )onformity in a #allet. !he certificate contains a +uality history and a print out of the #ire diameters. I%,Ls manufacturing and inspection procedures form part of a Euality 0ystem registered to G0 %A I05 9<<132<<<

1<.2=.8< 1<.2=.81 1<.2=.82 1<.2=.8@ 1<.2=.8= 1<.2=.88 1<.2=.8? 1<.2=.8' 1<.2=.8> 1<.2=.89 1<.2=.?< 1<.2=.?1 1<.2=.?1G 1<.2=.?2 1<.2=.?@ 1<.2=.?= 1<.2=.?8 1<.2=.?? 1<.2=.?' 1<.2=.?> 1<.2=.?9 1<.2=.'< 1<.2=.'1 1<.2=.'2 1<.2=.'@ 1<.2=.'= 1<.2=.'8 1<.2=.'? 1<.2=.'' 1<.2=.'> 1<.2=.'9 1<.2=.>< 1<.2=.>1 1<.2=.>2 1<.2=.>@ 1<.2=.>= 1<.2=.>8

IEI %A=?2 W1 /% ; 8< IEI %A=?2 W1 )U ; 8< IEI %A=?2 W1 A, ; 8< IEI %A=?2 W? /% ; 8< IEI %A=?2 W? /% ; 28 IEI %A=?2 W? /% ; 1< IEI %A=?2 W? )U ; 8< IEI %A=?2 W? )U ; 28 IEI %A=?2 W? )U ; 1< IEI %A=?2 W? A, ; 8< IEI %A=?2 W? A, ; 28 IEI %A=?2 W? A, ; 1< IEI %A=?2 W? !I ; 8< IEI %A=?2 W1< /% ; 8< IEI %A=?2 W1< /% ; 28 IEI %A=?2 W1< /% ; 1< IEI %A=?2 W1< )U ; 8< IEI %A=?2 W1< )U ; 28 IEI %A=?2 W1< )U ; 1< IEI %A=?2 W1< A, ; 8< IEI %A=?2 W1< A, ; 28 IEI %A=?2 W1< A, ; 1< IEI %A=?2 W1< !I ; 8< IEI %A=?2 W1< !I ; 28 IEI %A=?2 W1< !I ; 1< IEI %A=?2 W1@ /% ; 8< IEI %A=?2 W1@ /% ; 28 IEI %A=?2 W1@ /% ; 1< IEI %A=?2 W1@ )U ; 8< IEI %A=?2 W1@ )U ; 28 IEI %A=?2 W1@ )U ; 1< IEI %A=?2 W1@ A, ; 8< IEI %A=?2 W1@ A, ; 28 IEI %A=?2 W1@ A, ; 1< IEI %A=?2 W1@ !I ; 8< IEI %A=?2 W1@ !I ; 28 IEI %A=?2 W1@ !I ; 1< Ask for our brochure, "IQIs and other !posure Accessories" for further details.

/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


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)A!. Ao.

7%0)RI(!I5A EN +,-.- Ste#01o"e I/Is Individually serialised" supplied #ith 7eclaration of )onformity in a #allet. %A=?2 IEI 11/% %A=?2 IEI 18/% %A=?2 IEI 19/% %A=?2 IEI 11@/% in A", #$ and %I & '() to special order Du#"e! &ire Ty#e I/I to EN +,-.2 %specially useful for real time imaging (see (r%A 1@<?> .Individually serialised" supplied #ith 7eclaration of )onformity in a case. %A=?2 7uple& IEI Penetrameters to 3SME03STM E.*)-2 %ngraved #ith -atch num-er" supplied #ith 7eclaration of )onformity in a #allet Aum-ers 8 to 8< 0teel" stainless steel and aluminium Aluminium;-ronFe" -rass" copper" cupronic.el" inconel" magnesium" monel" nic.el phosphor;-ronFe !itanium" 1astelloy" Rene L=1" #aspaloy and 1aynes 28 (co-alt Iirconium Aum-ers 82 ; 1<< 0teel" stainless steel and aluminium Aluminium;-ronFe" -rass" copper" cupronic.el" inconel" magnesium" monel" nic.el phosphor;-ronFe Aum-ers 11< ; 1?< 0teel" stainless steel and aluminium Aluminium;-ronFe" -rass" copper" cupronic.el" inconel" magnesium" monel" nic.el phosphor;-ronFe

1<.2=.=1 1<.2=.=2 1<.2=.=@ 1<.2=.==

1<.2=.<>1 1<.2=.<'


3SME03STM Ba%kground S%atter $4e%k ,ead letter *G* to -e attached to the rear of a cassette.

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)A!. Ao. 1<.2=.12

7%0)RI(!I5A S4ims /or placing under a penetrameter to compensate for the thic.ness of a -ac.ing ring or #eld reinforcement. 2 & @2=in. 121?" 12@2 and @2?=in material a c a c d a c a c

121?" 12> and 12=in


821?" @2> and 122in


82>" @2= and 1in



Mounting B"o%ks /or placing under a penetrameter" ne&t to the test specimen. 121?" 12>" 12=" @2> and 122in 82>" @2= and 1in 1 12= and 1 122in material material material a a a a -

1 @2=in" 2 and 2 122in material

$aterial groups a 0teel" aluminium and magnesium - 0tainless steel" -rass and copper c )upro;nic.el and titanium

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)A!. Ao. 1<.2=.11

7%0)RI(!I5A Penet/1mete/s 6I7Is8 to AS' former"y MIL.STD +25 E 19!2

Aum-ers .<? ; 2.8 0teel" stainless steel and aluminium Aluminium GronFe" Grass" )opper" )upro; Aic.el" Inconel" $agnesium" $onel" Aic.el" (hosphor GronFe Aum-ers 2.? ; 8.< 0teel" stainless steel and aluminium Aluminium GronFe" Grass" )opper" )upro; Aic.el" Inconel" $agnesium" $onel" Aic.el" (hosphor GronFe and !itanium "ar*er sizes available on request 1<.2=.2< 3SME03STM &ire Ty#e Penetrameters to 3STM E.6+6 %ach IEI is Gatch num-ered and supplied #ith a 7eclaration of )onformity in a #allet. !he certificate contains a +uality history and a print out of the #ire diameters. 5ur manufacturing and inspection procedures form part of a Euality 0ystem registered to I05 9<<132<<<. Inconel and Set + are of $S ori*in A0!$ Wire (ene. A0!$ Wire (ene. A0!$ Wire (ene. A0!$ Wire (ene. A0!$ Wire (ene. A0!$ Wire (ene. A0!$ Wire (ene. A0!$ Wire (ene. A0!$ Wire (ene. A0!$ Wire (ene. A0!$ Wire (ene. A0!$ Wire (ene. A0!$ Wire (ene. A0!$ Wire (ene. A0!$ Wire (ene. A0!$ Wire (ene. A<1 A<2 A1 A@ A= G<1 G<2 G1 G@ G= )<2 )1 )= 7<2 71 7= !itanium Aluminium 0teel Inconel )opper !itanium Aluminium 0teel Inconel )opper Aluminium 0teel )opper Aluminium 0teel )opper

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)A!. Ao.

7%0)RI(!I5A 3d4esi e Ta#es Glac. )loth !ape

1<.28.<1228 1<.28.<128< 1<.28.<2228 1<.28.<228< 1<.28.<=228 1<.28.<=28< 1<.28.<>

28mm #ide 8<mm #ide Glac. (D) !ape 28mm #ide 8<mm #ide $as.ing !ape 28mm #ide 8<mm #ide ,ight;!ight (D) !ape 2<mm #ide for sealing rollpac films S#e%imen Markers 0pecimen $ar.ing )rayons /ilm $ar.ing (encil Hello# (aint 0tic.s /i-re tip #ith fast drying in.. $AR4A, $etal $ar.er 1igh !emperature $AR4A, $etal $ar.er $assette 1o"ders Gridge !ype )lamping $agnets With t#o magnets and semi;fle&i-le" stainless steel -ridge. /or cassettes up 18cm #ide. $agnetic 0pring ,oaded )assette 1older With t#o magnets and spring;loaded cup for cassettes up to 1<cm #ide. 0uction (ad 0pring ,oaded )assette 1older !o hold cassettes up to 1<cm #ide on non ferro;magnetic test o-Mects. Gungy Gands ,arious sizes available E!#osure $a"%u"ators Gamma %&posure )alculator 0)RA!A $.. DII -slide rule type. E!#osure Timers 0top#atch 7igital )ountdo#n !imer 'enera" &e"ding Ins#e%tion Too"s IIW Welding Gauge 1i,o Weld Gauge Other *au*es available Magneti% F"u! Indi%ators !ype 1 suita-le for General %ngineering !ype 11 suita-le for Aerospace and General %ngineering applications /A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?

1<.2?.<1 1<.2?.<2 1<.2?.<@ 1<.2?.<= 1<.2?.<8






1<.@<.<1 1<.@<.<2

1<.2>.<' 1<.2>.<>

1<.@2.<1 1<.@2.<2


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)A!. Ao.

7%0)RI(!I5A FEDREX Pro%essing Units 7it4 &ater 8a%kets ; 7eveloper and fi&er thermostatically heated" 8<<W ; !emperature controller #ith set and actual temperature display ; 7eveloper tan. lid ; /or films up to @8cm #ide and =>cm long ;)entral #ater inlet 122in G0( ; Water oulet 1 12=in G0( 0upply re+uired 2@<D A) 8<1F


/%7R%6 /(;2 (rocessing Unit 1 & 7eveloper 28 litre 1 & 0top 18 litre 1 & /i&er 28 litre 1 & Running Wash" 2@cm #ide 8< litre 0iFe >1< & '<< & >><mm high Weight '9 .g (empty /%7R%6 /(;@ (rocessing Unit 1 & 7eveloper 28 litre 1 & 0pray Running Rinse 28 litre 2 & /i&er 28 litre 1 & Running Wash" 8<cm #ide >< litre 1 & Wetting Agent 18 litre 0iFe 129< & '<< & >><mm high Weight 1<= .g (empty /%7R%6 /(;@R Roll /ilm (rocessing Unit $a&imum film siFe Up to @8cm #ide =>cm long and roll film upto 8m long 1 & 7eveloper 8< litre 1 & Intermediate 8< litre 1 & /i&er 8< litre 1 & Running Wash" ><cm #ide >< litre 0iFe 12@< & '<< & >><mm high Weight 1<= .g (empty S#ares and Loose Tanks . FP Series !he tan.s can -e used separately /%7R%6 (D) @" 18 litre !an. ,id for /%7R%6 (D) @ /%7R%6 (D) 8" 28 litre !an. ,id for /%7R%6 (D) 8 /%7R%6 (D) 1<" 8< litre !an. ,id for /%7R%6 (D) 1< 1eating %lement ; /(" 8<<W !hermoststic )ontroller ; /( /%7R%6 (D) )ylindrical !an. /A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?



1=.1?.21 1=.1?.2= 1=.1?.22 1=.1?.28 1=.1?.2@ 1=.1?.2? 1=.1@.<@2 1=.1@.<@@ 1=.1?.@1


I%;A7! ,!7 1=.1?.@2 ,id for )ylindrical !an.

/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


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)A!. Ao.

7%0)RI(!I5A FEDREX PU Series S#"as4 Proof Pro%essing Units /or installation in mo-ile dar.rooms. !he main housing is made of polypropylene and has fittings for a drain to left or right. A mounting -rac.et is #elded along the -ac. and spacers are supplied for scre#ing the unit to a #all. !here are five (D) tan.s" each #ith a clampdo#n lid. /iitings are made of stainless steel.


/%7R%6 (U88 0plash (roof (rocessing Unit !an. volume /ilm length /ilm #idth /loor area 1eight Weight 8 & 22"8 litre (8 gall. ma&. =>cm ma&. @<cm 1<>2 & ??=mm ?><mm ='"8 .g (empty

1=.1>.<= 1=.19.<1

0pare !an. #ith )lampdo#n ,id ; (U88 /%7R%6 (U1<8 0plash (roof (rocessing Unit !an. volume /ilm length /ilm #idth Roll film length /loor area 1eight Weight 8 & =8 litre (1< gall. ma&. =>cm ma&. @<cm up to 8m 1?18 & ??=mm ?><mm ?< .g (empty

1=.19.<= 1=.1>.<2

0pare !an. #ith )lampdo#n lid ; (U1<8 Water Inlet and 5verflo# ; (U Allo#s film to -e #ashed in running #ater. #annot be reto/fitted

/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


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)A!. Ao. 1=.2@.<1

7%0)RI(!I5A /%7R%6 0G (orta-le (rocessing Unit Ideal #hen only a fe# films need to -e processed on site. A dou-le s.in construction of polyproylene #ith a polystyrene insulating layer #hich is divided into @ compartments. A lid #ith stainless steel catches is provided. /ilm #idth ma&. @8cm /ilm length ma&. =>cm 7imensions =@> & 2<8 & 8=8mm Weight 11 .g appro&. Drying $a9inets


7rying )a-inet" $odel >@8 7rying ca-inet is finished in a grey stove enamel #ith single toughened glass door. )an dry up to @? e&posures & @8mm and 2< 12< films Will hold 12 & 9&12cm hangers or 12 & 1@&1>cm hangers or 12 & 2<&28cm hangers 1eating 2<<<W 0iFe (1 & W & 7 2<@< & @?< & @?<mm Weight =84g 0upply re+uired 2@<D A) 8<1F Air /ilter 7rip !ray $esh 0helf /ilm )lip Rod

1=.@1.<@1 1=.@1.<@2 1=.@1.<@@ 1=.@1.<@=


Rac. Go& /or safe transportation of Agfa 0tructuri& A7!;%" A7!;50 and A7!;R/ developer" fi&er and #ash rac.s

/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


I%;A7! ,!7


)A!. Ao. 1=.@=.<1

7%0)RI(!I5A Stru%turi! 3utomati! Dryer A roller transport film dryer" specially designed for industrial &;ray films #ith pre#;#ash tan." t#o fan -lo#er2heaters and delivery tray. !hemachine has controls to adMust transport speed and temperature. It is attractively housed in impact resistant plastic moulding. $a&imum film #idth3 @8mm !ransport speed for A7! films3 1=cm2minute (appro& /ootprint3 ?@<#ide & ?<< to >@<mm long 1eight3 =88mm overall Weight3 2=.g 0upply re+uired3 2@<D A) 8<1F $4anne" 1angers /a-ricated in stainless steel #ith round top -ar" =?cm long #hich can -e cropped to suit any tan. design. )hannel 1anger" single 9 & 12cm )hannel 1anger" single 1< & 2=cm )hannel 1anger" single 1< & =<cm )hannel 1anger" single 1< & =>cm )hannel 1anger" single 18 & =<cm )hannel 1anger" single 1> & 2=cm )hannel 1anger" single 2= & @<cm )hannel 1anger" single @< & =<cm )hannel 1anger" single @8 & =@cm )hannel 1anger" !riple 1< & 2=cm )hannel 1anger" !riple 1< & =<cm )hannel 1anger" !riple 1< & =>cm 0pare Ru--er )ap Other sizes may be available

1=.=8.<11 1=.=8.<12 1=.=8.<1@ 1=.=8.<1= 1=.=8.<18 1=.=8.<1? 1=.=8.<1' 1=.=8.<1> 1=.=8.<19 1=.=8.<@2 1=.=8.<@@ 1=.=8.<@= 1=.=8.<?

/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


I%;A7! ,!7


)A!. Ao.

7%0)RI(!I5A Fi"m $"i#s 0tandard /ilm )lip Gottom Weighted /ilm )lip Ro"" Fi"m Pro%essing 3%%essories /%7R%6 0tainless 0teel 0pirals 1< spirals can -e processed in a (U 1<8" (U 1<8, or /%7R%6 (D) 1< tan.. 0tainless steel spiral ?<mm & @m 0tainless steel spiral ?<mm & 8m 0tainless steel spiral '<mm & @m 0tainless steel spiral '<mm & 8m 0tainless steel spiral 1<<mm & @m 0tainless steel spiral 1<<mm & 8m /%7R%6 Rod for 0pirals @<* !a.es 8 & spirals /%7R%6 0pooling 9ig for '<mm spirals

1=.=2.<21 1=.=2.<@

1=.=@.<11 1=.=@.<12 1=.=@.<1@ 1=.=@.<1= 1=.=@.<18 1=.=@.<1? 1=.=@.<2


Mis%e""aneous 3%%essories 1=.8<.<8 1=.81.<@ /loating !hermometer Immersion 1eater ><<W #ith hoo." ?8cm long /%7R%6 !an. 0yphon /%7R%6 In;Iine Water /ilter @2=in G0( connections 0pare /ilter )artridge Gac.lit 7ar.room !imer ,uminous 7ar.room )loc. Analogue 7ar.room !imer

1=.82.<1 1=.8@.<1 1=.8@.<11 1=.8?.<2 1=.8?.<? 1=.8?.1<

/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


I%;A7! ,!7


)A!. Ao.



/%7R%6 $i&ing (addle $ade of polypropylene /ilm Wiper !ongs


1=.8'.<11 1=.8'.<12

Fi"m $utters Rotary Glade /ilm )utter" @<8mm cut Rotary Glade /ilm )utter" ?1<mm cut &et Fi"m :ie7ers /%7R%6 Wet /ilm Die#er" 12D 2 & 8<W halogen lamps" sealed against moisture" 12D 7) supply /%7R%6 Wet /ilm Die#er" 2@<D With 2@<212D stepdo#n transformer /%7R%6 1igh Intensity Wet /ilm Die#er ,uminance 88.<<< cd2s+.m adMusta-le 0creen area >< & 21<mm 0iFe (W & 1 & 7 1?8 & 81< & 1=<mm Weight 1@ .g 0upply re+uired 2@<D A)" 8<1F )onsumption ?<<W




/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


I%;A7! ,!7


)A!. Ao.

7%0)RI(!I5A Safe"ig4ts GW8< ,ight emitting diodes plus a narro# -and filter provide a very high level of illumination that is guaranteed not to fog any industrial &;ray film. !he diodes themselves have an almost unlimited #or.ing life. !he safelight can -e angled up#ards for general" indirect illumination or do#n#ards for direct light 0iFe 0upply re+uired )onsumption 8<< & 1<< & 1<<mm 2@<D A) 8<1F 9W



Glo#;Gright 0afelight )ompact unit" specially intended for smaller site dar.rooms. 0afe illumination provided -y ,%7s plus a narro# -and filter. Guaranteed not to fog any type of industrial &;ray film. Intensity regulator ma.es this model suita-le for many other more light sensitive films. Ingress protection to I(?8 (I%) ?<829 0iFe 0upply re+uired )onsumption 1@< & 11< & >8mm 2@<D A) 8<1F 1W typical


3%tini% Marking System ,ight 5perated /ilm $ar.er !he film mar.er is used to transfer information that has -een #ritten or typed on a piece of paper to an industrial or medical &;ray film. !he housing contains a light source and electronic regulator assem-ly. !he top plate of the housing acts as a film stage. !o#ards the rear of the film stage" there is an aperture covered -y opal glass. !he light source is located directly -elo# the aperture. A-ove the aperture is a hinged flap" lined #ith foam ru--er. When the flapis pressed do#n the light source illuminates for a predetermined length of time. 0upply re+uired3 2@<D A) 8<1F

/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


I%;A7! ,!7



Gecause radiologists can rely on 45W5,U6 vie#ers to perform to 0tandard" they are in use all over the #orld" assisting accurate decision ma.ing on radiographs of safety critical structures and components. !hey conform to %uropean Union ,o# Doltage and %$) 7irectives '@22@2)%% and >92@@?2)%% and their performance" including uniformity of luminance" is in accordance #ith %A 288><.
0O1O"$2 is a re*istered trademark of I /3+% "td

1igh grade" infra;red a-sor-ing filters $ains voltage lamps have an unusually long #or.ing life %fficient" forced air cooling protects the film emulsions Infinite -rightness regulation gives ideal vie#ing conditions /oots#itch control leaves -oth hands free (lastic" po#der coating is corrosion and chemical resistant Interchangea-le film mas.s have +uic. release fasteners

$odel 0creen area /ilm density $odel 0creen area /ilm density

<O&OLUX 5 =<< & >8mm ="=7 <O&OLUX , 2'< & @'<mm @"27

<O&OLUX + 2<8 & >8mm @">7 <O&OLUX ,, @8< & ?<<mm @"27

<O&OLUX +S 2<8 & >8mm ="27 <O&OLUX 6 8 ; '8mm" IRI0 87

/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


I%;A7! ,!7


)A!. Ao. 18.1<.<@

7%0)RI(!I5A 45W5,U6 @ 1igh Intensity ,arge Weld /ilm Die#er /ilm density ,uminance 0creen area ,ight source 0iFe Weight 0upply re+uired )onsumption ="=7 to %A 288>< 128.<<< )d20+.m =<< & ><mm 2 & 18<<W halogen 82< & 2?< & 18<mm 9 .g 2@<DA)" 8<1F. @<<<DA

18.1<.<@1 18.1<.<@2 18.1<.<@@ 18.1<.<@= 18.1<.<@8 18.1<.<@' 18.1<.<=

4@ ; 0pare ,amp 4@ ; AdMusta-le $as. 4@ ; Reduction $as." 1< & 2=cm 4@ ; Reduction $as." ? & 2=cm 4@ ; Reduction $as." '<mm 4@ ; Reduction $as." ?cm 45W5,U6 = 1igh Intensity )ompact /ilm Die#er /ilm density ,uminance 0creen area ,ight source 0iFe Weight 0upply re+uired )onsumption @">7 to %A 288>< ?8.<<< )d20+.m 2<8 & >8mm 1 & 1<<<W halogen 82< & 2?< & 18<mm 8"28 .g 2@<DA)" 8<1F. 1<<<DA

18.1<.<=1 18.1<.<=2 18.1<.<=@ 18.1<.<== 18.1<.<=8 18.1<.<=? 18.1<.<=> 18.1<.<=' 18.1<.<='1

4= ; 0pare ,amp 4= ; AdMusta-le $as. 4= ; ,ong /ilm $as." 1<cm 4= ; ,ong /ilm $as." ?cm 4= ; ,ong /ilm $as." '<mm 4= ; Iris $as. 4= ; Reduction $as." ? & 2=cm 45W5,U6 =211<D 11<D 0upply 0pare ,amp" 4=211<D

/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


I%;A7! ,!7


)A!. Ao. 18.1<.1=

7%0)RI(!I5A 45W5,U6 =0 Dery 1igh Intensity )ompact /ilm Die#er /ilm density ,uminance 0creen area ,ight source 0iFe Weight 0upply re+uired )onsumption ="27 to %A 288>< 18<.<<< )d20+.m 2<8 & >8mm 2 & 1<<<W halogen 82< & 2?< & 18<mm 8"= .g 2@<DA)" 8<1F. 2<<<DA

18.1<.1=1 18.1<.<?

4=0 ; 0pare ,amp 45W5,U6 ? 1igh Intensity 0heet /ilm Die#er /ilm density ,uminance 0creen area ,ight source 0iFe Weight 0upply re+uired )onsumption @"27 to %A 288>< 8@.<<< )d20+.m 22< & @'<mm @ & 18<<W halogen ?=< & =1< & 21<mm 29 .g @ & @><DA)" 8<1F =8<<DA

18.1<.<?2 18.1<.<?@


4? ; AdMusta-le $as. 4? ; $agnetic $as." 2= & @<cm Additional (rice for 2@<D. 0ingle (hase Additional (rice for =18D" @ (hase 4? ; 0pare ,amp

4rice includes 5 6asks

/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


I%;A7! ,!7


)A!. Ao. 18.1<.<'

7%0)RI(!I5A 45W5,U6 ' Ultra 1igh Intensity /ilm Die#er /ilm density ,uminance 0creen area ,ight source 0iFe Weight 0upply re+uired )onsumption 8"<7 to %A 288>< 1.<<<.<<< )d20+.m IRI0 8 to '8mm 1 & ?8<W halogen 2>< & 1>< & 2?<mm 8"8 .g 2@<DA)" 8<1F. ?8<DA

18.1<.<'1 18.1<.<'2 18.1<.@<

4' ; 0pare ,amp 4' ; /ilm Guide Weld /ilm Die#er #ith 1<&=<cm 1ot 0pot 0tove enamelled" sheet steel construction. $ain screen illuminated -y 2&1>in (=8<mm floursent lamps" ade+uate for vie#ing films up to 2"87. Grightspot illuminated -y 1 & 2'8W photoflood lamp" providing appro&imately ?<.<<< )d2m2 luminance complete #ith /oots#itch Weld /ilm Die#er #ith 1<&=<cm 1ot 0pot 0tove enamelled" sheet steel construction. $ain screen illuminated -y 2&1>in (=8<mm fluorescent lamps" ade+uate for vie#ing films up to 2"87. Grightspot illuminated -y 1 & 2'8W photoflood lamp" providing appro&imately ?<.<<< )d2m2 luminance complete #ith /oots#itch C 7immer Additional (rice for 11<D. 0pare /luorescent !u-e 0pare (hotoflood ,amp /%7R%6 %G=< %&tra Gright 0heet /ilm Die#er /or evaluating large" sheet films or a num-er of smaller films. Illuminated -y fluorescent tu-es #hich can -e dimmed via a = position s#itch. All four -linds are adMusta-le" ma.ing it easy to mas. around the specifica area of interest. /ilm density ,uminance 0creen area ,ight source @"17 to %A 288>< 11.<<< )d20+.m =@ & =<cm 12 & fluorescent /A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


18.1<.2<@ 18.1<.2<1 18.1<.2<2 18.1@.<2


I%;A7! ,!7 0iFe Weight 0upply re+uired 18.1<.2<1 ?'< & ?=< & 1?8mm 2> .g 2@<DA)" 8<1F.

0pare /luorescent !u-e

/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


I%;A7! ,!7


)A!. Ao. 18.18.<@

7%0)RI(!I5A Densitometry 7ensorapid A 7ensitometer A hand held densitometer #ith #ander pro-e for use directly on a film vie#er. An automatic Fero function eliminates fine adMustments after cali-ration. 0upplied in a foam lined case complete #ith pro-e" -attery instructions" cali-ration certificate (to A0!$ %;1<'9 and trim tool. 7ensity range < ; 87 Accuaracy -etter than B2; <"<17 7isplay @ digit ,)7 Gattery 1 & 9D (?/222((@ 5verall siFe 2@< & 19< & =8mm Weight ?<<g 7ensy 21< 7ensitometer A microprocessor -ased densitometer #hich com-ines very high degrees of accuracy and repeata-ility #ith an automated routine for monitoring film processor performance according to %A8>= (art 2. !he unit is fitted #ith an R0 2@2 ) serial interface so that process control data can -e do#nloaded to a computer. 7ensity range < ;?"<<7 Accuracy B2; <"17 (up to 2"<<7 B2; <"27 (a-ove 2"<<7 Repeata-ility B2;<"<17 Iero drift B2; <"27 over > hours 7imensions @<<&@2<&12<mm 0upply re+uired 2@<D A) 8<1F Weight 2.9>.g 7IGI!;6 7ensitometer 1and held transmission densitometer com-ining com-ining ease of use #ith high accuracy and repeata-ility. !he fine fi-re optic pro-e allo#s small areas of film to -e measured accurately #ith readings displayed on the large clear ,)7 panel to 2 decimal places. Gattery usage is minimal and lo# -attery #arning indicator is provided on digital display. In use the pro-e is placed on the illuminated film vie#er and LIeroL -utton momentarily pressed. !he digital display #ill read <.<< !he instrument is then placed on the film and the density readings o-tained $easuring Range <;=7 Accuracy B2;<.87 Repeata-ility B2; <.27 (o#er supply 9D ((@ -attery /A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?




I%;A7! ,!7 7imensions 5verall #eight 21< & ?< & =<mm ?'8g

/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


I%;A7! ,!7


)A!.Ao. 18.18.1<

7%0)RI(!I5A /%7R%6 7;?<1 7ensitometer A compact" microprocessor driven instrument #ith a -uilt;in light source and a communication port to a () and printer. 0upply is from -uilt;in" rechargea-le -atteries and a mains adaptor2charger is provided. 0upplied complete #ith A) charger" cali-ration film" instructions" serial ca-le lin." small tools. )ali-rated to A0!$ % 1<'9. 7ensity range Accuracy !hroat 5utput port !a-le siFe Weight Gatteries < ; ="87 (can -e e&tended B2; <"<27 18cm R0;2@2 =< & =>mm ><<g ? & I%) R? (AA


!ransmission 7ensity 0tep#edge /ilm cali-rated to A0!$ % 1<'9 1= steps from under <"27 to over ="<7 cali-rated #ith reference to a U0 Aational Gureau of 0tandards 0R$ 1<<1. !racea-le to AI0! and supplied #ith 1 & original and 1 & copy certificate in a plastic #allet. )ertificate availa-le in %nglish" /rench German" Italian and 0panish

/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


I%;A7! ,!7


)A! Ao.

7%0)RI(!I5A Luminan%e Meter /%7R%62$AD5,U6 ,ightmeter $easures -oth illumination (am-ient light in ,u& or /ootcandles and luminance (vie#er screen -rightness in )andelas per s+uare metre ()d2mN and /ootlam-erts (fl 0upplied complete #ith storage case luminance adaptor (for )d2m and certificate (cali-ration tracea-le to (!G $easuring Range Gattery <"1 to 199.9<< l& (illumination 1 to 1.999.<<< )d2mN (luminace 1 & 1.8D AA (I%) ,R ?



Inter#retation 3ids 6;ray /ilm Die#ing Goggles Ginocular head-and #ith 2.'& magnification Ieiss 6;ray Die#ing Goggles /ilm $ar.ing (encils )hinagraph pencils availa-le in #hite" -lue and red. 0old -y the -o& (12

18.@<.<@ 18.1'.<2


/%7R%6 $easuring $agnifier A poc.et magnifier #ith '& magnification #hich can -e fitted #ith a #ide variety of graticules. It comes #ith a Ao. > graticule as standard #hich has a < ; 2<mm scale in <"1mm divisions. Graticule Ao. ' <."8mm pitch grid and 1@ circles from <"1 to 2"8mm diameter #hich is very useful for measuring porosity. 7urther *raticules on request


/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


I%;A7! ,!7


)A! Ao.

7%0)RI(!I5A Radiogra#4i% Referen%e $ata"ogues IIW Reference Radiographs to I0< 8>1' /or evaluation of -utt #elds in steel. )ontains ?' cards" each #ith a radiograph" one or t#o macrographs sho#ing a cross; section of the #eld and photographs of the face and root side of the #eld. !he type of defect (imperfection and the severity (Euality ,evel are given together #ith the #elding and radiographic parameters. !he A= siFe cards are presented in a ring -inder. A0!$ % 1>? Reference )atalogue 0teel castings 8<mm to 11=mm A0!$ % 1>? Dolume I 2> Radiographs 1 $eD Ir;192 A0!$ % 1>? Dolume II 2> Radiographs 2 $eD )o;?< A0!$ % 1>? Dolume III 2> Radiographs = to @< $eD A0!$ % 2>< Reference )atalogue 0teel castings 11=mm to @<8mm A0!$ % 2>< Dolume I 2> Radiographs 2 $eD )o;?< A0!$ % 2>< Dolume II 2> Radiographs = to @< $eD A0!$ % ==? Reference )atalogue 0teel castings to 8<mm A0!$ % ==? Dolume I @= Radiographs 28< .Dp A0!$ % ==? Dolumes II @= Radiographs 1 $eD Ir;192 A0!$ % ==? Dolumes III @= Radiographs 2;= $eD )o;?< A0!$ % 192 Reference )atalogue 0teel investment castings for aerospace up to @8mm thic. ? defect types each #ith > levels of severity. 12 other defect types. 1? cards in total.


18.21.<1 18.21.<11 18.21.<12 18.21.<1@

18.22.<1 18.22.<11 18.22.<12

18.2@.<1 18.2@.<11 18.2@.<12 18.2@.<1@


/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


I%;A7! ,!7


)A!. Ao. 18.2=.<2 18.2=.<21

7%0)RI(!I5A A0!$ % 188 Reference )atalogue ,ight metal castings up to 8<mm A0!$ % 188 Dolume I 1@ radiographs of aluminium alloy and 1< radiographs of $agnesium alloy castings. A0!$ % 188 Dolume II = cards of magnesium alloy castings. %ach card sho#s > severity levels. A0!$ % 1?=> Reference )atalogue Welds in aluminium up to 19mm. > cards #ith @9 radiographs in total. A0!$ % 1@2< Reference )atalogue !itanim castings Dolume 1 ; 1' cards" each #ith > radiographs ; up to 28mm thic.. Dolume II ; > cards" each #ith > radiographs ; 28 to 8<mm thic..



18.2=.<8 18.2=.<81 18.2=.<82


Roll /ilm 0torage Go& )ard-oard -o&" pac.ed flat #ith dividers to ma.e 28 compartments for films '<mm #ide. $ade up siFe =<? & =<? & '?mm

/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


I%;A7! ,!7


)A!. Ao.

7%0)RI(!I5A Radiation &arning B"ee#ers G,%%(%R III 0lim audi-le #arning -leeper for use #ith 6;rays and gamma;rays. %nergy range =8 4eD to 1.2 $eD Gattery 2 & 1.8D (,R<@2AAA 0iFe 182 & @8 & 2@mm Weight ><g (#ithout -attery G,%%(%R 0D Gives an audi-le #arning of radiation doserate and a continuous display of accumulated dose. %nergy range =8 4eD to 1.2 $eD ,)7 display up to 999999 u0v Gattery 2 & 1.8D (,R<@2AAA 0iFe 182 & @8 & 2@mm Weight ><g (#ith -attery G18 Gleeper 0lim audi-le #arning -leeper for use #ith 6;rays and gamma;rays %nergy range 8< 4eD to 1.@ $eD Gattery 1 & 9D (?,/222((@ 0iFe >< & 8< & 2<mm Weight 1<<g Gamma0mart Gleeper Dery ro-ust #ith loud audi-le alarm #hich increases as doserate increases for use #ith gamma;rays and 6;ray. Response rate 1 -leep2flash per min at @u0v2h Accoustic signal over >8 dG(A at @<cm Gattery @ & 1"8D (,R1 0iFe 1@< & 8< & 2<mm Weight 18<g #ith -atteries Gamma0mart D.%& Gleeper Intrinsically safe (%& i- " environmentally sealed (l(8= and very ro-ust radiation #arning -leeper suita-le for use in all 1aFardous Iones






/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


I%;A7! ,!7


)A!. Ao.

7%0)RI(!I5A Digita" Doserate Meters 6 8 ) plus ; 7igital 7oserate $eter A technically advanced high +uality instrument that com-ines the functions of a radiation dosimeter" doserate alarm monitor and accuarate doserate meter. (!G and /ire Grigade approved. %nergy range 7oserate indication 7oserate measurement 7ose indication !emperature range Gattery 7imensions Weight =< .eW to 1"@ $eD < n0v2h ; 2< m0v2h 1u0v2h ; 2<m0v2h < n0v ; 1< 0v ;@<) to B?<) 1 & 9D (?,R?1 182 & >2 & @9mm =<<g



E!#"osi e Proof Doserate Meter 6 8 )%& ; 7igital 7oserate $eter ,)7 #ith digital and +uasi;analogue display. 0oc.et for connecting e&ternal pro-e #ith type recognition system. (!G approved. Audi-le #arning at '"8 micro0v2h. $easuring range %nergy range Gattery 0iFe Weight <"1 micro0v2h to 2<m0v2h => .eD to 1"@ $eD 9D rechargea-le 182 & >2 & @9mm 8<< g

11.12.811 11.12.812 11.12.81@

ssential accessory Gattery )harger ; 6 8 )%& %&ternal (ro-e" 1> 88< )%& (ro-e ca-le" 1"28m ; )%&

/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


I%;A7! ,!7


)A!. Ao.

7%0)RI(!I5A Persona" Dosimetery %lectronic 7osimeters %7 18< 0tores and displays the accumulated dose. Instantaneous doserate display. 7ose alarm 7oserate alarm threshold 7ose indication range <.1 u0v2h 7oserate indication range <"1 u0v2h to 1"88 v2h 7ose alarm thresholds = in the range 1 u0v2h to 1<0v 7oserate alarm threshold = in the range 1 u 0v2h to 1"88 0v2h Gattery @ & 1.8D (,R1 0iFe 1@? & =< & 1'mm Weight 1?<g $ulti;function Radiation $onitor" G(7 1<< )om-ines the functions of a doserate meter" electronic accumulated dose meter and doserate #arning device. = & programma-le doserate and accumulated dose thresholds. $easuring ranges dose 8 micro0v to 1< 0v doserate up to 1 0v2h Gattery 2 & 1"8D (I%);R?2AA 0iFe 12< & ?8 & 22mm Weight 1@<g !esting 9ig" G(7 1<<




11.1=.<1 11.1=.<2

EuartF /i-re 7osimeter" < ; 2 m0v 7osimeter )harger

/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


I%;A7! ,!7


)A!. Ao.

7%0)RI(!I5A 3udio. isua" &arning De i%es Radiation Glo# )one $ade of daylight fluorescent plastic and fitted #ith a #hite plastic collar on #hich the radiation trefoil in yello# and -lac. and the #ord RA7IA!I5A appear t#ice. 1eight =?<mm appro& 1e&agonal -ase 2?<mm & 2?<mm Weight 1"? .g a /lashing Warning ,amp Gattery po#ered" am-er light (supplied #ith -atteries Gattery 2 & ?D (I%) =R28 0iFe 1'8 & >< & @@<mm Weight 1.> .g 0pare -attery" /W, (set of 2 /R5G15RA Warning 0iren (o#ered -y compressed air 0pare )annister for /R5G15RA %&plosion (roof *%&* ,amp Gattery po#ered" very -right am-er flashing lamp" safe for Fones <" 1 and 2 Gattery 0pecial 8"?D 0iFe 1?8 & 1>< & @88mm Weight 2.9 .g 0pare Gattery" I0/ /%7R%6 Radiation !riggered Area Alarm -6k.' 8ith built/in char*er. When s#itched on" an am-er light flashes to give a pre;e&posure #arning. When the source is e&posed and the doserate e&ceeds '"8 micro0v2h" the am-er light goes out and a red flashing #arning light indicates *Radiation (resent*. !here is also a manually triggered audi-le siren #hich can sound #hen the am-er light is on. (o#ered -y rechargea-le -attery. 0upplied #ith charging lead for connection to 2@<D A). 0iFe 2'< & 12< & 21<mm Weight 2"8.g Special versions available



11.2<.<@1 11.2<.<8 11.2<.<81 11.2<.<=

11.2<.<=1 11.21.8<


/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


I%;A7! ,!7


)A!. Ao.

7%0)RI(!I5A Isoto#e Emergen%y 1and"ing Isotope 1andling !ongs /or handling detached gamma sources" pigtails and sourceholders in an emergency. Isotope 1andling !ongs '8cm long Isotope 1andling !ongs 1m long Isotope 1andling !ongs 1"28m long Isotope 1andling !ongs 1"8m long Isotope 1andling !ongs 2m long /%7R%6 ,ead 0hot Gag /or temporary shielding. 2 .g lead content


11.22.<1<' 11.22.<11< 11.22.<112 11.22.<118 11.22.<12< 11.22.<@

11.22.<2 11.22.<21

Radiation Barrier Marking )ordon Rope" ?mm & 1<<m Radiation Warning (ennant 28= & @1> & @1>mm /%7R%6 Radiation Garrier !ape (%nglish 1eavy duty yello# material" continuously printed #ith the radiation trefoil and the #ords *0!5( RA7IA!I5A 4%%( 5U!* 0iFe =<mm & 8<m /%7R%6 Radiation Garrier !ape (Ara-ic2%nglish /%7R%6 Red2White )hevron !ape /%7R%6 Radiation Garrier !ape #ith 7ispenser (%nglish A drum #ith hand;reel containing 8<m tape. 5ne end fitted #ith a stainless steel hoo.. 0iFe 22< & 19< & ><mm Weight 1 .g /%7R%6 Radiation Garrier !ape #ith 7ispenser (Ara-ic2%nglish /%7R%6 Red2White )hevron !ape #ith 7ispenser Special %apes can be printed to order / minimum qty 9( rolls /%7R%6 1eavy 7uty Reinforced Red2White )hevron !ape 1<<mm #ide complete #ith eyelet and hoo. Ro-ust 5pen 7ispenser for a-ove !ape


11.2=.<2 11.2=.<@ 11.2=.11

11.2=.12 11.2=.1@

11.2=.<1 11.28.<2

/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


I%;A7! ,!7


)A!. Ao.

7%0)RI(!I5A $ONTROLLED 3RE3 SI'NS . EN'LIS1 White -ac.ground" trefoil in yello# and -lac." no entry sym-ol in red and -lac.. A= O 29' & 21<mmK A@O 29' & =2<mm Warning signal stic.ers are -lac. on yello# #ith the #ords3
0ignal R%7 ,IG1! /,A01IAG 4,A65A 5R W1I0!,% $eaning RA7IA!I5A (R%0%A! RA7IA!I5A I$$IA%A!

11.8<.1< 11.8<.11 11.8<.<1 11.8<.@< 11.8<.@1 11.8<.<@ 11.8<.<=

)ontrolled Area 0ign A=" 0elf Adhesive )ontrolled Area 0ign A=" Rigid (lastic Warning 0ignal 0tic.er" A= )ontrolled Area 0ign A@" 0elf Adhesive )ontrolled Area 0ign A@" Rigid (lastic Warning 0ignal stic.er" A@ Individual 0tic.er Specify le*end from available types 'enera" Radiation &arning Signs Ara-ic2%nglish A= 0ign Russian Warning 0ign A@" 0elf Adhesive Radiation !refoil" A@ Glac. on yello#" self;adhesive %&tra ,arge Warning 0ign (articularly for pipeline radiography 0iFe 9< & ?<cm 0ign *7AAG%R RA7IA!I5A ; 4%%( 5U!* Glac. on yello# #ith trefoil; rigid plastic 0iFe 8< & 8<cm

11.8<.18 11.8<.1? 11.8<.=< 11.8<.2<


/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


I%;A7! ,!7


)A!. Ao.

7%0)RI(!I5A Trans#ort Signs 0tainless 0teel Dehicle Aotice %ngraved and filled in -lac. #ith #ording according to !he Radioactive $aterial (Road !ransport (Great Gritain Regulations 199?. (rice includes engraving individual name" address etc. up to 1<< characters. 0iFe 2<< & 18<mm %&tra )haracters" each Aotice 1older Dehicle (lacard" 0elf;Adhesive 28< & 28<mm Dehicle (lacard" $agnetic 28< & 28<mm Dehicle (lacard" $ounted 28< & 28<mm Dehicle (lacard" ,impet $ounted 28< & 28<mm 0mall Dehicle (lacard" 0elf;Adhesive 18< & 18<mm 0mall Dehicle (lacard" $agnetic 18< & 18<mm 0mall Dehicle (lacard" $ounted 18< & 18<mm 0mall Dehicle (lacard" ,impet $ounted 18< & 18<mm (ac.age ,a-els 0old in rolls of appro&. 28< signs )ategory I )ategory II )ategory III


11.82.21 11.82.@1 11.82.@2 11.82.@@ 11.82.@= 11.82.@? 11.82.@' 11.82.@> 11.82.@8

11.82.=1 11.82.=2 11.82.=@

/A63 <<B==B1?<>B?>@='?


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