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+team Turbine ,escription

Electro-hydraulic converter For Turbine control system

Function The electro-hydraulic converter is the connecting element between the electrical and the hydraulic parts of the turbine control system. It converts the signals coming from the electrical controller into hydraulic signals and amplifies them before transmitting them to the actuating elements. The signal of the hydraulic speed governor is amplified by this converter in case of operation with the hydraulic regulation. Construction The principal components of electro hydraulic converter are moving coil (8) , sleeve ( !), pilot valve ( ), amplifier piston ("), the follow up piston (#), differential transformer ( ) and mechanical feedbac$ lever (%). The

control signals from the electrical controller operate the sleeve ( !) via moving coil (8). This sleeve slides up and down on the top part of the pilot valve ( ) and determines the position of the pilot valve similar to the follow up piston. &ilot valve and the sleeve have ports which depending on the overlap, control the amount of au'iliary secondary oil flowing from connection (b ). In the steady state condition, the pilot valve is in its center position and oil pressure acting on top face of the pilot valve is in e*uilibrium with the force of the spring ( "). The pilot valve ( ) is $ept in rotation by control oil flowing from tangential holes in an integral collar to give greater freedom of reciprocal motion and achieve high response sensitivity.

,ifferential transformer " -mplifier piston # Follow up piston . +leeve / +haft 0 1ever % 1ever 8 2oving coil 3 4asing ! +leeve &ilot valve " +pring # -d5ustment screw . -d5ustment screw / Tension spring. (a) 4ontrol oil (b) +econdary oil (b ) -u'iliary secondary oil (c) 6eturn oil

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7hen the pilot is deflected from its center position, control oil from connection (a) is admitted to the space above or below the amplifier piston (") whereas the opposite side of piston is connected with the return flow (c). The movement of amplifier piston is transmitted via lever (0) to the sleeve (.), which in turn slides on the follow piston (#). The secondary oil circuits, which are fed from the trip oil circuit via throttles and supply the various actuating devices are connected to connections (b). The secondary oil pressures are determined by the tension of springs ( /) which counterbalance the oil pressure acting on the follow up pistons. 8ach follow up piston (#) and sleeve (.) have ports, which control the secondary oil flow according to overlap. 7hen the throttling area is changed by the movement of sleeve (.) it also changes the pressure in follow up piston causing it to follow the movement of the sleeve. This varies the tension of springs ( /) until e*uilibrium is regained between the spring force and the new secondary oil pressure. 8ach position of amplifier piston (") corresponds to a specific position of the sleeve (.) and thus also the follow up piston (#). The position of follow up piston is determining factor for the secondary oil pressure at the connections (b) The initial tension of the follow up piston springs can be changed with the help of ad5ustment screws ( .). Control action (ith electrical controller 7hen the electrical controller gives a command to open the control valves, the sleeve ( !) moves down by the moving coil system (8) and thus changes the oil drain cross section through the ports. The pressure over the pilot valve ( ) in this way rises so that the pilot valve slides down and opens the path for control oil from connection (a) to flow to the space above the amplifier piston ("). The movement of piston (") pushes the lever (0) and the sleeve (.) downward and thus reduces the drain cross section between the sleeves (.) and the follow up piston (#) so that the pressure in the follow up piston and thus in the secondary oil circuits rises. The movement of amplifier piston (") produces a simultaneous feedbac$ action on the pilot valve ( ) via the differential transformer ( ) and lever (%). The sleeve ( !) moved bac$ until the new position of the amplifier piston causes the pilot valve ( ) to assume its center position and e*uilibrium is restored between the oil pressure over the pilot valve and the spring force ( "). The process proceeds accordingly in reversed manner in case of a command for the closing of the control valves is given.

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Controllin) action (ith hydraulic )overnor If the hydraulic governor is not in operation, the sleeve ( !) is in its lower end position. The pressure over the pilot valve ( ) is now changed by the hydraulic governor through the change in au'iliary secondary oil pressure (connection (b )). -n increase in au'iliary secondary oil pressure causes the secondary oil pressures on the connection (b) to rise and thus the opening of the control valve servomotors. - reduction in secondary oil pressure causes closing of the control valve servomotors. In case of operation with hydraulic governor the mechanical feedbac$ lever (%) is effective, which causes the pilot valve to assume its center position when the new position of the amplifier piston (") is reached with respect to the au'iliary secondary oil pressure. 8ach au'iliary secondary oil pressure corresponds to a certain position of amplifier piston, which in turn, results in a certain secondary oil pressure at connection (b). The degree of proportionality of hydraulic governor can be ad5usted by varying the position of rotation of the lever (%) with the help of the ad5ustment screw ( #).

$ection A-A

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