Referat Celti
Referat Celti
Referat Celti
The were not the first inhabitants. But when the arrived the assimitlated with the native !eo!le. "ost of the Celts were# tall and blond and the learned to wor$ with iron. the lived scattered on farms with hi%h walls around. There were no urban centres and the economic basis of societ was cattel rearin% and a%riculture. The Celts had no central !olitical or%anisation# but there were man bi% families# wich the called &clans'# scattered all over the island. (ometimes the &clans' consisted of u! to five %enerations# and all the farmhouses# cows# shee! and fields belon%ed the &clan'. )n the social life of the celts the &druid' was ver im!ortant# who had the !ur!ose of a !riest# fortuneteller and ma%ician. Another im!ortant !erson was the !oet or bard. As societ was non*literate# their function was to !ass on histor as well was to entertain. The +omans never came to )reland and so the celts could $ee! their own culture# but nevertheless the Celts and +omans artered. Durin% the fifth centur AD Christianit was interoduced# and with Christianit came ,atine culture and latine scri!t. -ow the bards were not that im!ortant an more# because the mon$s# .atricianus was one of the first mon$ in ireland /still (T. .atric$0s da 1# were able to write down )reland0s histor . 523455!d627%!9r At the time the most !owerful clan leaders wished to have more !ower and so eventuall the be%an to rule bi%%er areas. .oliticall # )reland was or%ani8ed into a number of $in%doms or tuatha# each of it was 5uite inde!endent under ist elected $in% /a more !owerful clanleader1.9rou!s of tuatha tended to combine# but the $in% who claimed overlordshi! in each %rou! had a !rimac of honour rather
than of 7uristiction. A division of the countr into five %rou!s of tuatha# $nown as the Five Fifsths occurred at the be%innin% of the Christian era.These were :lster# "eath# ,eister# "unster and Connau%ht. )n 795 AD the ;i$in%s invaded and severel reduced the !ower of the Celts. But Celtic lan%ua%e is still s!o$en in the west of )reland. The ;i$in%s !%345525627%%! At the end of the ei%hth centur broad shi!s reached the )rish coast# wich were able to resist wild storms. Those shi!s belon%ed to the ;i$in%s# (candanavian !eo!le from toda 0s -orwa and Denmar$. The sailed u!stream and invlicted devastation. The ;i$in%s !lundered and destro ed monasteries# and $illed all the mon$s and ever )rish !erson the saw. )n <42 AD the ;i$in%s con5uered two harbours# Ana%assan and Dublin# and chan%ed them into fortresses# because the had decided to sta on the island forever. The natives did not !ut u! tou%h resistance /the li$ed !eace and# as there was no bi% war before# the did not $now how to fi%ht =1. The climate was not as bad as in (candinaia# and the land was much more fertible than the %round at home. But in the lon% term the harbour in the north founded b the -orwe%ian ;i$in%s /Anna%assan1# could not survive# in contrast to the more southern >arbour# Dublin# founded b Danish ;i$in%s# wich ex!anded. 9raduall the !ower of the Danish %rew more and more inland. >owever# the also lost some of their warli$e character and be%an to associate and marr the Celtic inhabitants.
At the be%innin% of the 22th centur # man Celts became hostile to the ;i$in%s at Clontarf /near Dublin1# finall effected when (candinavian allies of the $in% of Dublin were defeated b >i%h $in% Brian Boru in 2024. The !ower of the ;i$in%s was bro$en. ?et there was no !eace. After Brian Boru died the local $in%s fou%ht each other for the !osition of hi%h $in%. The An%lo * -ormans B 2233# there was wides!read civil unrest. The $in% of ,eister / the bi%%est of the five ares1 +or @0Connor lost !ower and went to An%land to as$ for hel!. >enr )). / $in% of An%land1 was %lad to find a reason to interfere in )rish matters and so he allowed ,eincester0s $in% to enlist soldiers from Bales. )n 2270 a small but well e5ui!ed arm arrived let b (tron%bow /an An%lo*-orman adventurer1. >is modern wea!ons were far su!erior to an thin% the locals had so he easil overcame them. )n 2276 the island became a !art of Britain. B the Treat of Bindsor @0Connor# the hi%h $in% acce!ted >enr )). as his overlord and restricted his own st le to that of $in% of Connau%ht. The -ormans built bi% fortresses# wich the )rish !eo!le could not con5uer# because the had littel war ex!erience. But after a time the -ormans could not maintain their own culture# the conse5uence of wich was that -ormans !ic$ed u! their lan%ua%e# culture# custome and traditions of the natives. The were afraid the -ormans were &becomin% more )rish than the )rish themselves'. Britain was not ha!! to see that# and so !assed two lawsC overrolin% the )rish !arliament. * The -ormans were not allowed to s!ea$ )rish an more. * "ixed "arria%es were forbidden.
The $in% too$ this measure to sto! inte%ration# but there was onl limited success. At that time the im!ortance of the towns rose and there was a flourishin% trade between the -ormans and the )rish !eo!le. Adward ))). declared a law a%ainst that trade and a%ainst ever relation to the native !eo!le e.%. the -ormans had to $ee! their An%lish names. Durin% the firth half of the 25th centur )reland was# in effect# ruled b the three %reat earls# of Desmond# @rmonde and Dildare# who combined to dominate the Dublin %overment. )n 24<5 the >ouse of Tudor %ained !ower on the island. The Tudors >enr ;)). re!ieled the autonom of the )rish !arliament in 2494. -ow ever An%lish law was also in force in )relandC this resolution was called & .o nin%s Acts'. )t sub7ected the meetin%s and le%islative drafts of the )rish .arliament to control of the An%lish $in% and council. At the time of the +eformation >enr E))). bro$e all relations with the .o!e. >e forbade all monastic orders# includin% the )rish and confiscated their estates. The )rish !eo!le were inceuded because at that time the monasterie were ver im!ortant for records of )rish histor # culture and education. "arr Tudor sto!!ed this su!ression a few ears later# but she was afraid of the stron% Celtic traditions# and so# man An%lish men# mainl farmers settled in )reland to brin% )rish culture to an end.As a result resistance in )reland %rew a%ainst the An%lish. The )rish !olic of Alisabeth ). had the destinction of havin% reduced the countr to obience for the first time since the invasion of >enr )). Aconomicall # the towns and the countr side were exloited b the new administrators while the Fueen0s ex!enditure was increased.
"ost resistance came from :lster were the clan tradition was stron%est. Games ). continued Alisabethan !olic and as a result the exodus of )rih soldiers and churchmen to catholic countries on the continent was unabated.That made the )rish 5uestion an international one. >owever the realised the could not defeat the An%lish $in% Games ). and so the leaders flet to +ome. This fli%ht was called &The Fli%ht of the Aarls'. That conse5uence of that was that the $in% of An%land confiscated all the estates and setteled !rotestant farmers# commin% from An%land and (cotland. @liver Cromwell sto!!ed civil riots in An%land# but in 2342 civil riots also be%an in )reland. The Catholics# who fou%ht a%ainst the newl settled An%lishmen# were !ersecuted b the !rotestant.)n )reland there were far more Catholics than .rotestants# but the Catholics were not or%ani8ed and so the lost. )n 2549 @liver Cromwell wanted to sto! that civilwar in the wa he had done in An%land. >e came to the island and defeated all o!!osition. B 2356 all )rish resistance was over. >is methodes were hard. The )rish were forced into the west of the countr where the %round was !oorest. >is !hrase was &to hell or to Connau%ht'. After he left# he rewarded his soldiers b %ivin% them the best land. At that time man )rishmen emi%rated to America or in Auro!e or )ndia. A renewed cam!ai%n a%ainst Catholics and An%licans was not successful. Charles )). declared then com!lete reli%ious toleration.
.rotestantism existed mainl in the -orth# wich meant :lster. The new inhabitants# most of them (cots# were ver hard wor$in% !eo!le# who did not dama%e the econom # 5uite the reverseC now the econom in the -oth im!roved. This led to tension between the & Aconom * -orth' and the &Farmin%*(outh'. )n 23<9 there was a battle between the )rish# the Catholics# the An%lish and the .rotestants# wich toda is called the &Battle of Bo ne'. The catholic Ax*$in% Games )). lost the battle to his son*in* law# Billiam of @ran%e and flet to France. )rish Catholicism suffered ist most humilitatin% setbac$.That victor of the An%lish is celebrated ever ear. The .rotestants arran%e a !rocession thou%h the towns of northern )reland with oran%e fla%s and !ennatsH that0s often the cause of endless riots and feuds. Tension between -orth and (outh became worse because the farmin% industr in (outhern# and Central )reland was wea$ened b a law wich stated it# was forbidden to ex!ort wool exce!t to An%land. That means# that the An%lish could control the wool!rices and so )reland became more de!endent on An%land.