Laminar Flow: N/3 Molecules Moving in Y-Direction, Assume That N/6 Move Upwards and N/6 Move Downwards
Laminar Flow: N/3 Molecules Moving in Y-Direction, Assume That N/6 Move Upwards and N/6 Move Downwards
Laminar Flow: N/3 Molecules Moving in Y-Direction, Assume That N/6 Move Upwards and N/6 Move Downwards
Laminar Flow
In classical hydrodynamics the fluid is assumed to be inviscid (i.e., having zero viscosity) and incompressible (i.e., having constant mass density). Such a fluid is known as ideal fluid, and in the case of flow of such a fluid there is no tangential shear stress between the adjacent fluid layers. Further, at the surface of contact of an ideal fluid and the solid body, continuity requires that the normal velocity of the fluid and the boundary should be the same; but there is a relative tangential velocity, or velocity of slip. Valuable information on the characteristics of flow of a real fluid, under certain conditions, such as rapidly converging flow, can be obtained by assuming the fluid to be ideal and applying the theory of classical hydrodynamics. However, this cannot be done as a general rule. The existence of tangential stresses, and the impossibility of slip at the boundary constitute the main differences between the flow of real fluid and the ideal one. In the case of class of real fluids known as Newtonian Fluids, for one-dimensional flow in x-direction, shear stress in x-direction on the xz-plane is given by Newtons formula = (u/y), where is the coefficient of dynamic viscosity having dimensions of ML1 T 1, and u/y is the velocity gradient. The ratio of coefficient of dynamic viscosity to the mass density of fluid is known as the coefficient of kinematic viscosity , having the dimensions of L2 T 1. Under ordinary circumstances, for liquids depends on temperature only, decreasing with increase in temperature. On the other hand, for gases increases as the temperature rises. This difference in the variation of viscosity of liquids and gases with change in temperature is because of the relative importance of cohesive force and molecular activity in liquids and gases. In liquids, the molecules are very closely spaced and, consequently, cohesive forces are large. Cohesion decreases with increase in temperature, and hence the viscosity of liquids decreases with the increase in temperature. In gases, the cohesive force is quite small because gas molecules are far apart; hence existence of viscosity is more due to transfer of molecular momentum. Since the molecular activity increases with the increase in temperature, viscosity of gases increases with the increase in temperature. Theoretical explanation of Newtons formula for shear stress in a viscous fluid was first given by Maxwell in 1860 for gases using kinetic theory. This is briefly discussed below. Consider an imaginary surface AB in xz-plane in which velocity u varies with y; let u/y represent the velocity gradient there. If one considers a unit volume of gas there with N molecules of mass m each, it can be assumed that these molecules are in random motion with velocity c, and further, that N/3 molecules are moving in x-direction, N/3 in y-direction and N/3 in z-direction. Of the N/3 molecules moving in y-direction, assume that N/6 move upwards and N/6 move downwards across AB. Hence, the mass of gas flowing upwards and downwards per second per unit area is
Nmc/6. If is the mean free path of molecules, the net rate of momentum transfer per unit area is
Nmc u u u+ u 6 y y
Nmc u 3 y
Since according to Newtons Second Law of Motion, the rate of change of momentum must be equal to force, shear stress on plane AB is = volume i.e., mass density . Hence = Comparing this with =
c u 3 y
1 c 3 This derivation is extremely simplified. More accurate calculations have given an expression for as 0.499 c in place of c/3. It can be seen from this formula that the usual ideas of kinetic theory would make independent of pressure and directly proportional to the square root of absolute temperature. However, experimentally it has been found that increases with increase in temperature more rapidly than the theoretical results.
In engineering problems one comes across fluid flows involving Newtonian fluids flowing at low velocities and with small dimensions. Lubrication problems, flow of water through porous material, flow past immersed bodies at very small velocities (or its counterpart of motion of tiny particles in still fluids), flow of viscous fluids through small diameter tubes and sheet flow of viscous fluid, are some of the numerous important problems falling in this category. This category of problems is characterised by the fact that, in all these cases, viscous force per unit volume of fluid is very large compared to the inertial force per unit volume. These flows are called Laminar Flows. The equations governing laminar flow and some typical solutions for specific cases are discussed below to focus attention on the characteristics of laminar flows which are quite different from those of turbulent flows.
As in the case of ideal fluids laminar flow of an incompressible fluid is analysed by using the equations of conservation of mass, momentum and energy. The equation of conservation of mass is also known as the continuity equation. These equations are discussed below.
u v w = 0 + + x y z
Vx Vr Vr 1 V + + + = 0 ...(1.2) r r x r Here u, v and w are the velocity components at a point in x-, y- and z-directions respectively; similarly Vx , Vr and V are velocities at a point in x-, r- and -directions respectively in cylindrical co-ordinate system. These equations are valid for both steady as well as unsteady flows of incompressible fluids.
szz sxy
szy dx sxz
sxx x
a a
b b x
convention used in giving the subscripts to is as follows: the first subscript is the axis perpendicular to the plane on which the stress acts while the second subscript refers to the direction in which the stress acts. Thus zx acts on a plane perpendicular to the z-axis and in the x-direction. As the normal convention, the notation is used for normal stress and is used for shear stress. Hence the normal stresses will be x , y and z while the shear stresses are xy , xz , yx , yz , zx and zy. These nine components form the 2nd order stress tensor commonly written as
xy y zy
xz yz z
yx zx
By taking moments about any axis through the centre of the parallelopiped in Fig. 1.1 and establishing the condition of equilibrium, it can be shown that xy = yx , xz = zx and yz = zy. The variation of these stresses in x-, y- and z-directions causes resultant force on the fluid element which accelerates the fluid. Hence one can write the equations of motion in x-, y- and z-directions as
F + + I U R u u u u U +u +v + w V= X + G S | T t x y z W H x y z JK | | I | F R v v v v U + + S +u + v + w V=Y + G T t x y z W H x y z JK V | | F R I | w w w w U +u +v +w =Z+ + + S | T t x y z V W GH x y z JK | W
x xy xz yx y yz zx zy z
Here is the mass density of the fluid and X, Y and Z are the components of the fluid weight per unit volume in x-, y-, z-directions respectively. The terms in the bracket on left hand side of Eq. (1.3) represent the total acceleration in a given direction, which consists of the local acceleration
u u u which is caused due to the non-uniformity of the +v +w z y x flow. In order to make Eq. (1.3) usable, one must express the shear and normal stresses in terms of the rates of change of strains. When the fluid element is acted upon by external forces, the displacements that occur may consist of a translation, a rotation or a deformation. Translation and rotation represent rigid body displacements and do not induce strain in the element. When the length of an element changes, normal or direct strain is caused. As indicated by Schichting (7) and Pai (4), in the case of laminar flow of an incompressible Newtonian fluid x, y and z can be written as x = p + x y = p + y z = p + z where p is the static pressure and x , y and z are additional normal stresses induced by the u v fluid motion. For incompressible fluid x , are given by x = 2 , y = 2 and y and z x y
convective acceleration, e.g., u
FG u , v , w IJ H t t t K
in that direction caused due to the unsteadiness of the flow, and the
z = 2
w . Here u/x, v/y and w/z represent rate of change of normal strain in the z corresponding directions. The rate of change of angle between two linear elements (such as x- and y-axes) is indicated by xy , yz and zx (see Fig. 1.2) and are given by (u /y + v/ x),
FG w + u IJ . Substitution of these values of p, , , , , and in Eq. (1.3) gives H x z K F u + u + uI U R u u u + w u U p + G S + u + v =X | V T t x y z W x H x y z JK | | | F R p v U v v v vI v v | ...(1.4) + + S + u + v + w V=Y + G J T t x y z W y H x y z K V | | | F R p w U w w w wI| w w + +w + +v +u S =Z + T t x y z V W z GH x y z JK | W
x y z xy yz zx
F u + v I , GH y x JK
2 2
F v + w I GH z y JK
and zx =
where X, Y and Z are components of body force per unit-volume. Corresponding equations of conservation of momentum in the cylindrical co-ordinate system are
LM V + V V + V N t r
r r r r
LM V N t
LM V N t
U | | | | L O p V V V V V 1 V 1 2 | + + =F + M + r MN r r r r x r r PPQ | | | V V V V V V O | + +V + +V r x r P r | Q V L V 1 V 1 V V V 2 V O| 1 p =F + M r MN r + r r + r + x r + r PPQ| | | | V O V V V +V + +V | P x Q r r | | | L p V V 1 V 1 V O + =F + M + + | P x | MN r x r r r PQ W
Vr V Vr V 2 + r r x
2 r 2 r
r 2
r 2
r 2
x 2
x 2
x 2
Here Fx , F and Fr are the body forces per unit volume in x-, - and r-directions respectively. These equations were first derived by Navier and independently by Stokes; hence these are known as Navier-Stokes equations for laminar flow of an incompressible fluid. These are 2nd order non-linear partial differential equations with four unknowns: three velocity components u, v, w, or Vx , Vr and V and p. These must be solved with Eq. (1.1) or (1.2) so that there are four unknowns and four equations. Since the fluid sticks to the wall u = 0, v= 0, w= 0 at the boundary
represents the boundary condition if the boundary is stationary. Corresponding condition for cylindrical co-ordinate system is Vx = Vr = V = 0.
V 2 V 2 V 2 V 2 +u +v +w dV 2 t x y z =
Xu + Yv + Zw dV +
x xy + x y
U | | | F + + I | I | + + v z J K GH x y z JK V | | O F + + I P d V | | +wG H x y z JK PQ | W
xz yx y yz zx zy z
Here V2 = u2 + v2 + w2. In Eq. (1.6) the term on the left hand side represents the rate of change of kinetic energy. The first term on the right hand side is the rate of change of potential , y = p + energy. If one substitutes x = p + x y and z = p + z and simplifies the second term on the right hand side of Eq. 1.6, one can write this as
F u + v + w I dV + e a + b + c + GH x y z JK
x y z V
yz f
+ zx g + xy h dV
where a =
The first term in the above expression is the rate of change of elastic energy which is zero when the fluid is incompressible (because
work is done in deforming the fluid and is dissipative in nature. Substitution of the values of a, b, c, f, g and h in the second term gives energy dissipation rate in laminar flow of an incompressible fluid as
LR |F u I F v I F w IJ M2SG J + G J + G MN | TH x K H y K H z K
2 2
2 2 2
U F v u I F w + v I + FG u + w IJ | +G + J +G V J | W H x y K H y z K H z x K
2 2
2 2 2
To examine the conditions that must be satisfied for two laminar flows to be dynamically similar, one can write Navier-Stokes equations in dimensionless form. This can be done by choosing the reference velocity U0, reference length l0, and reference pressure p0 to nondimensionalise the quantities occurring in Eq. (1.4). When this is done, the first of the Eq. (1.4) can be written in the form
F u + u u + v u + w u I GH t x y z JK
p0 p 0 Xl0 2 u 2 u 2 u + + + U 0 2 U 0 2 x 0U 0 l0 x 2 y 2 z 2
Here 0 and 0 are mass density and viscosity of the reference fluid, and u, v, w and p as well as x, y, z and t are in nondimensional form. According to Eq. (1.9), flows about two geometrically similar bodies of different linear dimensions in streams of different velocities and in fluids of different mass densities and viscosities will be dynamically similar if U 0 / Xl0 0 , U 0 / p0 0 and U0l00/0 have the same magnitudes in the two cases. The first parameter is known as Froude number which can be shown to be equal to the square root of the ratio of inertial force per unit volume (~0U2 0 / l0) to gravity force per unit volume X. It is important in those flows where either a free surface or density stratification exists. Froude number is not important in the case of homogeneous fluids if the flow is completely enclosed (e.g., pipe flow), or when body is deeply submerged (e.g., motion of submarines). The second parameter can be either called the Euler number (for incompressible fluids), or Mach number (for compressible fluids) which is square root of the inertial force per unit volume (~0U2 0 / l0) and pressure force per unit volume, which is (~p0 / l0). For incompressible fluids, this is usually taken as the dependent parameter. The third parameter is called Reynolds number which is a ratio of inertial force per unit volume (~0U2 0 / l0) to viscous force per unit volume (~0U0 / l0). Reynolds number, thus characterises the relative importance of the viscous force as compared to the inertial force. Since viscosity and mass density appear in Reynolds number as a ratio, this ratio is treated as the property of fluid in itself; the ratio / being kinematic in nature and having dimensions of L2/T is called kinematic viscosity and is usually denoted by . Larger the Reynolds number, the less important will be the influence of viscosity on fluid motion. As the Reynolds number increases, inertial force becomes more and more important. Therefore, a Reynolds number approaching infinity will correspond to a flow in which the viscous resistance to deformation plays insignificant role in comparison to inertial resistance to acceleration. Similarly, a value of Reynolds number approaching zero will correspond to a flow in which inertial effects are negligible. It can, therefore, be seen that, in the case of enclosed flows of incompressible homogeneous fluids, equality of Reynolds number is a necessary condition for dynamic similarly of two flows.
It can readily be seen that Navier-Stokes equations are second order, non-linear, partial differential equations of elliptic type. The nonlinearity arises from the convective acceleration terms. As a result, the principle of superposition is not applicable in the solution of Navier-Stokes equations. Indeed the difficulties in their solution are so formidable that no closed form solution of NavierStokes equations exists for the most general case.
In fact only five exact solutions are available for the non-linear cases with specific boundary conditions. There are some simple problems for which the non-linear terms disappear on their own, e.g., flow between parallel plates, pipes, rotating cylinder, etc. These are termed as linear exact solutions (see Section 1.6). One can consider several cases where the Navier-Stokes equations can be greatly simplified because of conditions imposed on the flow. In this connection it is worthwhile to mention two simplifications; the first one occurs when the velocities are extremely small and viscosity is very large, i.e., at very small values of Reynolds numbers, or when Reynolds number tends to zero. In such a case, as a first approximation, the inertial terms on the left hand side of Eq. (1.4) can be neglected in comparison with viscous terms. This introduces considerable simplification because the equations become linear. In fact, if one considers two-dimensional flow in Cartesian co-ordinate system, and introduces the stream function such that
= u and =v y x then Eqs. (1.1) and (1.4) along with the above simplification yield
4 = 0 ...(1.10) This is a linear equation amenable to mathematical treatment. Such flows are called creeping flows. The omission of inertial terms is permissible from mathematical point of view because the order of the differential equation is not reduced and, hence, all the boundary conditions will be satisfied. The second limiting case of solution of Navier-Stokes equations arises when inertial terms are much larger than the viscous terms. One is then tempted to put = 0 in Eq. (1.4). This, however, reduces the order of differential equations and, hence, it is not possible to satisfy all the boundary conditions for the equations. This led Prandtl to determine the order of magnitude of all the terms in Eq. (1.4) and drop out those terms which have smaller order of magnitude than the others. This gave the well-known boundary layer equations of Prandtl (see Section 1.7).
For very slow steady motion, when inertial terms on the left hand side of Eq. (1.4) can be neglected in preference to the viscous terms, one gets
F u + u + u I = p U GH x y z JK x | | | F I p | v v v | + + = G J y x y z H K V | | F w w w I p | G | H x + y + z JK = z | W
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
u v w + + =0 x y z
U | V | W
where V = iu + jv + kw is the velocity vector. If the three parts in Eq. (1.11) are differentiated with respect to x, y and z, respectively, and added, one gets
2 p x
2 p y
2 p z
LM F u + v + w I + F u + v + w I + F u + v + w I OP = 0 MN x GH x y z JK y GH x y z JK z GH x y z JK PQ
2 2 2 2 2 2
as a consequence of continuity equation. Hence, one gets 2p = 0 ...(1.12) which means that pressure distribution in creeping motion satisfies Laplace equation. The first example of creeping motion is that of steady flow past a sphere. Stokes in 1851 solved this problem and obtained the following expressions for u, v, w and p.
u = U0
Here U0 is the flow velocity far away from the sphere of radius R and x, y, z are the co-ordinates of a point which is at a distance r from the centre of the sphere. If one substitutes r = R in the equation for p, pressure distribution on the surface of sphere is obtained. Shear distribution on the surface of the sphere can also be calculated from Eq. (1.13). Taking the horizontal components of pressure and shear distribution on the surface of the sphere, Stokes showed that the drag force FD experienced by the sphere is FD = 3DU0 ...(1.14) where D is diameter of the sphere. Out of this, one-third of the drag is due to pressure distribution, and two-third is due to shear. It can be seen that the drag force is proportional to the first power of velocity, dynamic viscosity and length dimension. If one defines the drag coefficient CD as CD =
FD /projected area of body normal to the flow
2 U 0 2
it is apparent that, for the sphere in Stokes range, CD is given by CD = 24/Re ...(1.15) where Re = U0D/. Equations (1.14) and (1.15) are valid for Re less than 0.10. As the Reynolds number exceeds 0.10, the inertia terms cannot be neglected. In fact, at any point in the flow field the ratio of inertial force to viscous force, which in Stokes solution was assumed to be negligibly
small, appears as U0r/, where r is the distance from the sphere. Hence at larger distances from the sphere, this assumption is likely to cause significant error. This was recognised by Oseen who assumed that velocity components can be represented as u = U0 + u, v = v and w = w where u, v and w are perturbation terms and are small compared to U0. Neglecting terms which are proportional to square of perturbation velocities, equations of motion become
U 0 U 0 U 0
U | | | p v | + = v V y y | | p w | + = w | z z W
u , p + = 2 u x x
, 2 , 2
Plan h Section
in which 2 =
F GH x
2 2
24 1 + 3 Re / 16 ...(1.17) Re Experimental results show that Eq. (1.17) is valid approximately up to Reynolds number of
five. One more example of creeping motion that will be discussed is what is known as Helle-Shaw motion. Consider steady 2-dimensional flow between two parallel plates placed distance h apart. Let a cylindrical body be placed between the plates. Assume flow to be in positive x-direction (see Fig. 1.3). Assuming h to be very small, but x and z are large, the following approximations can be made:
2u 2u 2u >> or y 2 x 2 z 2
2 w 2w 2w >> 2 or 2 y x z 2
These approximations reduce the Navier-Stokes equations to the following set of differential equations:
0 = 0 = 0 = p 2u + 2 x y p y
p 2 w + 2 z y
U | | | | V | | | | W
With the boundary conditions u = 0 and w = 0 at y = 0, h and v = 0 everywhere, the solution of these equations yields
jU | | V 1 p | w = y hy j | e 2 z W
u = 1 p 2 y hy 2 x
One can determine the average velocity u0 and w0 at any place by integration of the above equations with respect to y and dividing the result by h. Hence,
u0 =
U | | V h p | = | 12 z W
h 2 p 12 x
U 0 l0 h << 1.0, where U0 is the velocity far away from the body, and l0 is the characteristic l0 length in x-, z-plane. The hydrodynamics of lubricated bearings, such as slipper bearing, also falls under the category of creeping or very slow motion.
Exact solution of complete Navier-Stokes equations has not been possible due, especially, to their non-linear nature. However, in particular cases, when convective terms vanish, it is possible to get such solutions. A few such solutions are discussed below.
(p1 p2)/r 1 1.0 u / um 0.8 y/h 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 u / um or u / Um um Centreline velocity Um Average velocity 1.2 1.4 1.6 u / Um l 2
Fig. 1.4 Non dimensional velocity distribution for laminar flow between parallel plates
0= 0= 0=
p 2u + 2 x y p y p z
U | | | | V | | | | W
since v and w are zero and /z = /x = /t = 0. Further, continuity equation yields u/x = 0, the integration of which yields u = u(y). This result, along with first of Eq. (1.21), indicates that p/x must be constant. Then integration of first of Eq. (1.21) yields u=
y 2 p + C1 y + C2 2 x
with the boundary conditions u = 0 for y = 0 and y = h. Substituting these boundary conditions one gets C2 = 0, and C1 = u=
h p . 2 x
1 p hy y 2 2 x
U0 1.0
0.2 Back flow 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 u/U0 0.6 0.8
P = (
This indicates that the velocity distribution is parabolic in nature (see Fig. 1.4). From the above equation, it can be shown that ...(1.24) h2 where Um is average velocity of flow. In the same manner, one can obtain equations for generalied Couette flow between parallel plates when the top plate is moving at velocity U0 in the forward direction. Substituting the boundary condition u = 0 when y = 0 and u = U0 when y = h in Eq. (1.22), one gets u =
yU 0 h 2 p y (1 y / h) h h 2 x y y P (1 y / h) h h
(p1 p2) =
12U m l
u U0
0= 0= 0=
p r 1 p r
p 2 Vx + x r 2
U | | | | V | | V 1 I | + r r J K| W
R 2 p 8 x
...(1.29) D2 which is known as Hagen-Poiseuilles equation for laminar flow in a pipe. If one defines friction factor f (known as Darcy-Weisbach friction factor) by the equation p = f it can be shown from Eqs. (1.29) and (1.30) that
2 l U m D 2
32U m l
64 ...(1.31) Re where Re = UmD/. Thus, in laminar flow friction factor varies inversely as the Reynolds number.
f =
u 2u = 2 t y
with the boundary conditions
u = 0 for t 0 for all y u = U0 for t > 0 for y = 0 u = 0 for all t for y = This is the heat conduction equation for propagation of heat in a medium when one surface is suddenly heated. The partial differential equation can be reduced to ordinary differential equation if one substitutes = y / 2 t . Let u = U0 f () be the solution.
U 0 y , U 0 ,, 2u u u f f = = and = 2 3/2 t 4t t 4 t y
f, +
U 0 ,, f =0 4 t
f ,, + 2 f , = 0
U | V | | W
with the corresponding b.c. f = 0 when = , f = 1 when = 0. When the above equation is integrated once, one gets ln f = 2+ ln C or f/ = C e
f = C e d + C1 0
where C1 and C are constants of integration, which in view of the boundary conditions are C1 = 1 and C = 2 / . Hence the velocity distribution is given by the equation
2 u = 1 U0
e d
When a thin plate is held parallel to the flow of uniform velocity U0 (many times known as free stream or ambient velocity) of a real fluid, the fluid velocity at the boundary is zero since the fluid
sticks to the wall; it gradually increases to U0 some distance away from the wall. This causes retardation of fluid near the wall and a shear stress 0 on the wall in the direction of flow (and an equal and opposite force is exerted on the fluid by the wall which is known at the shear resistance). Thus, the velocity changes from zero to U0 in the vertical direction but the variation is asymptotic. The vertical distance in which the velocity changes from zero to 0.99 U0 is known as the nominal boundary layer thickness . As the retarded fluid layer moves in the downstream direction, continued action of shear resistance of the boundary causes retardation at increasing distances across the plate, as a result of which the boundary layer thickness increases in the downstream direction.
y U0
q u
Displacement thickness
U0 Ambient or free stream velocity Transition from laminar to turbulent B.L. Turbulent B.L.
u~log y or u/U0=(y/d)
Leading edge
Flat plate
Two additional definitions of boundary layer thickness are often used. The displacement thickness indicates the distance by which the external streamlines are shifted owing to the boundary layer formation. It is equal to the distance such that deficit in discharge due to boundary layer formation is equal to times the ambient velocity. In other words
U 0 * =
U j | | V | * z b1 u /U gdy | | W
U 0 u dy
since beyond y values greater than , the local velocity is almost equal to U0. The momentum thickness is defined as the distance from the boundary such that the momentum flux through the distance at ambient velocity is the same as the deficit in the momentum flux due to boundary layer formation.
It may be mentioned that is less than , and is less than . Figure 1.6 shows the development of boundary on a flat plate. The concept of boundary layer was first introduced by Prandtl (5) in 1904. He argued that the flow of a real fluid past a solid wall can be divided into two regions; one away from the wall in which the velocity is unaffected by viscosity and can be predicted using potential flow theory, and the other near the wall in which viscous effects cannot be neglected, i.e., boundary layer flow. Assuming that in the boundary layer flow one is dealing with small viscosities and relatively large velocities, the Reynolds numbers will be large and yet the flow in the boundary layer will be laminar. In such a case the inertial terms in Navier-Stokes equations cannot be neglected because they are large. Further, because the viscosity is small, if all terms involving on the right hand side of Navier-Stokes equations are omitted, the order of differential equations is reduced from two to one, and hence some of the specified boundary conditions will not be satisfied. It may be mentioned that for real fluid flow over a stationary boundary u = v = w = 0 at y = 0 are the boundary conditions. Hence Prandtl suggested that instead of dropping all the terms involving viscostiy, the orders of magnitude of all the terms in Navier-Stokes equations be determined and only those terms in the equation be dropped whose orders of magnitude are much smaller than that of the other terms. In achieving this simplification, following basic assumptions, in the case of boundary layers without separation formed on a solid wall, are made: (i) Boundary layer thickness is very small compared to length L of the body. (ii) Outside the boundary layer thickness , viscous effects can be neglected and fluid can be considered to be inviscid. Hence, pressure distribution in the flow direction can be determined from potential flow theory. (iii) U0 is of the order of L. Further, within the boundary layer inertial force and viscous force are of the same order of magnitude. Hence U0L/ is of the order of (L/)2, and is very large. (iv) Velocity component u in the boundary layer is of the order of U0 and, hence from continuity equation, v is of the order of U0/L. u u 2 (v ) is of the order of u i.e., U0 /L. x t Considering two-dimensional boundary layer flows of an incompressible fluid over a flat plate and having pressure gradient (i.e., free stream velocity U0 changing in the direction of flow), Prandtl showed that the terms 2u/x2, uv/x, v/t, vv/y, 2v/x2 and 2v/y2 are much
U j | | V | u z 1 u / U gdy | b U | W
2 U 0 = u U 0 u dy 0
smaller than the other terms in Eq. (1.4) and, hence, they can be dropped out. The resulting equations known as boundary layer equations are
F u + u u + v u I = p + u U GH t x y JK x y | | V | p 0= | y W
2 2
Continuity equation is
u v + = 0. x y
With the retention of the term 2u/y2, the order of the differential equation is not changed and, hence , for two-dimensional flow the boundary conditions u = v = 0 at y = 0 will be satisfied. The other boundary condition is that, when y = , u = U0. Solution of Eq. (1.37) for boundary layer formation over a flat plate without pressure gradient was first obtained by Blasius (1) in 1908 by first determining a power series solution for small values of y which satisfies the boundary conditions u = v = 0 at y = 0, and an asymptotic solution for very large values of y which satisfies the boundary condition u = U0 at y = . These solutions are then combined in an appropriate manner (u, u/y and 2u/y2 are the same at a given point where the two solutions are valid), thereby determining the constants appearing in the two solutions. His analysis showed that , and for laminar boundary layer are given by the equations
= 5.0 / Re x x
= 1.73 / Re x x
= 0.664 / Re x x
cf = 0/(U2 0/2) = 0.664 / Re x
where Rex = U0x/. The local shear at distance x from the leading edge is given by ...(1.41) while the average drag force F over a length L on which laminar boundary layer exists is given by Cf = (F/BL)/(U2 0/2) = 1.328 / Re L ...(1.42) where B is width of plate, ReL = U0L/ and cf and Cf are known as local and average drag coefficients. The non dimensional form of velocity distribution is given by u/U0 = f () ...(1.43) where = y U 0 x . The function f obtained by Blasius is listed below:
u/U0 = f u/U0 = f 0 0 2.6 0.7725 0.2 0.0664 3.0 0.8461 0.4 0.1128 3.6 0.9233 0.6 0.1989 4.0 0.9555 0.8 0.2647 4.6 0.9827 1.0 0.3298 5.0 0.9916 1.6 0.5168 6.0 0.9990 2.0 0.6298 7.6 1.00
u 3 y 1 y = 2 2 U0
These results concerning growth of boundary layer thickness and variation of velocity in the vertical have been verified by careful experimental studies by Burgers, Hansen, Nikuradse and others. The shear was directly measured by Lipmann and Dhawan (3) and Dhawn (2). Boundary layer developments on flat plate with flow having pressure gradient was studied by Karman and Pohlhausen. From the basic reasoning, as well as from the above mentioned analysis, one can enumerate the characteristics of boundary layers formed on flat plate without or with pressure gradient. These are: (i) boundary layer thickness increases as x increases; (ii) higher the ambient velocity, smaller will be the boundary layer thickness; (iii) greater the kinematic viscosity, greater will be the thickness of boundary layer; (iv) since Reynolds number characterises the flow, up to a certain value of Rex the boundary layer will be laminar and then it will change into turbulent; (v) if p/x is negative, as in the case of converging flows, the boundary layer will grow slowly, while when p/x is positive, it will grow faster. In fact, positive pressure gradient can lead to boundary layer separation.
At this stage it is instructive to review the characteristics of laminar flows. As shown by Reynolds, in the case of laminar flow in a straight pipe, the fluid particles travel in straight lines without losing their identity by mixing between different layers. Thus, fluid particles between two adjacent layers do not mix except by molecular diffusion. If any disturbance in the form of velocity or pressure fluctuations is introduced in the laminar flow, the disturbance eventually damps out because of the action of viscosity; hence the flow again comes back to laminar state. As the Reynolds number exceeds the limit of approximately 2300, the laminar flow in a pipe may become unstable, leading to turbulent flow condition. This aspect is discussed in detail in the next chapter. It can be seen that the loss of pressure p in steady uniform laminar flow in a pipe is directly proportional to the first power of velocity and viscosity, and inversely proportional to D2. This is true in other laminar flows also, e.g., flow between parallel plates and flow through porous materials. It is also worth noting that, since inertial effects are neglected, p is independent of the mass density of the fluid. Another characteristic is the extreme non-uniformity in velocity distribution as indicated by Eqs. (1.23) and (1.28) in the case of flow between parallel plates and in pipes. This gives an energy correction factor of two for pipe flow as against 1.05 to 1.1 for turbulent flow where the velocity distribution follows logarithmic law. For laminar flow past bodies, the drag force experienced by the body is proportional to first power of velocity and first power of viscosity. This gives drag coefficient to be inversely proportional to Reynolds number.
Lastly, it may be pointed out that as the continuous deformation of fluid is opposed by the viscous stresses that vary directly with the rate of deformation, there is a continuous expenditure of energy. Therefore, in a steady uniform flow, there is a continuous transformation of mechanical energy into heat. This is true for turbulent flow as well, but, because of intense mixing, there is much greater expenditure of energy in turbulent flow than in laminar flow.
1. Blasius, H., Grenzschichten in Flussigkejten mit. Kleiner Reibung. Z. math. u. Phys. Vol. 56, No. 1, 1908. 2. Dhawan, S., Direct Measurement of Skin Friction, NACA Rep. No. 1112, 1953. 3. Lipman, H.W. and S. Dhawan, Direct Measurement of Local Skin Friction in Low Speed and High Speed Flow, Proc. 1st U.S. National Congress of Applied Mechanics, 1951. 4. Pai, S.I., Viscous Flow Theory, I-Laminar Flow, D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc. New York, 1956. 5. Prandtl, L., Uber Flussigkeitsbewegung bei sehr kleiner Reibung. Proc. 3rd Intl. Math. Congress, 1904. 6. Rouse, H. (Ed.), Advanced Mechanics of Fluids, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1959. 7. Schichting, H., Boundary Layer Theory, McGraw-Hill Series in Mechanical Engineering, New York, 1st Ed. 1955.