Physics Lecture 1
Physics Lecture 1
Physics Lecture 1
When a body is immersed in a fluid, it exerts normal stress
forces on its walls. Pressure is numerically equal to the
normal force acting per unit area of the surface.
Fn N
p= , [ p ] = 2 = Pa
S m
•SI unit is pascal [Pa] and is defined as one newton per square
metre (N/m2)
¾ Atmospheric pressure is measured in hectopascals (hPa) :
1 hPa = 100 Pa.
¾Other units of pressure are also in common use.
Pressure is a scalar
F A= ρgV
p1 > p2
l1 p2
h1 S2
h2 Δm
2 2
ρ v1 ρ v2
+ ρgh1 + p1 = + ρgh2 + p2
2 2
ρ v2
+ p = const
R r uvmax
umax = 2〈u 〉 u max = 1,23〈u 〉 max
Δp = p2 − p1
η0 =
η water
Newtonian Non-Newtonian
fluid fluid
For non-Newtonian fluids, η depends on both the velocity
gradient and the pressure. Such are the dispersed
systems and solutions of high-molecular organic
compounds. Blood is a non-Newtonian fluid.
1Newtonian fluid
4 Bingham fluid
3 biologic fluid.
Blood viscosity. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
А – separate cells,
Dependence of blood viscosity B - aggregation as coin pillars
on flow rate .
At low blood flow velocities (as in arterioles and venules),
individual erythrocytes in the blood aggregate, forming so‐
called coin pillars and the viscosity increases sharply.
A necessary factor for the formation of coin pillars are some
fibrillar proteins in the blood plasma (fibrinogen and gamma‐
globulin). At higher velocities (in the arteries), the pillars
collapse and the η of blood falls to its normal value of 4.5 cP.
• At 20оС, the viscosity of water is 0.01 P (poise) = 1 cP
(centipoise). In this case, the relative viscosity η/ηводаwater is
1 сР = 1 mPa.s
• Blood viscosity can be indirectly
determined by measuring the so-
called erythrocyte sedimentation
rate (ESR).
• When blood flow stops, blood cells
begin to settle due to their greater
density. The rate of sedimentation
of an individual erythrocyte,
considered as a spherical body,
can be found from the formula
obtained when determining the
viscosity by the Stokes method.
r r r
Stokes method FA + FСтокс + G = 0
r r
FСтокс = 6πηrv
флуид с r
вискозитет η FA FСтокс
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
m 2r 2
r v= (ρ − ρ0 ) g
v g
ρ ‐ body density; ρ0 – fluid
G density
Normal values of ESR : 11÷20
mm/h or 3 ÷6μm/s.
Δϕ 2 π 1 ω
ω= = ν= =
Δt T T 2π
The direction of the acceleration vector is toward the center of the circle
This is a radial acceleration and is called the centripetal acceleration,
which is why we give it the subscript c or n (normal). The
word centripetal comes from the Latin words centrum (meaning “center”)
and petere (meaning “to seek”), and thus takes the meaning “center
In case of uniform circular
motion v = const, and
аc = v / R = const ,
v 2 ω2 R 2
an = = = ω2 R
The centripetal acceleration vector
Then centripetal force which
points toward the center of the
makes the circular motion is:
circular path of motion and is an
acceleration in the radial direction.
The linear velocity vector is also Fc = ma c = m v 2 / R
shown and is tangent to the circle.
Newton's principles are fulfilled only in inertial frames of
reference. In non-inertial systems they are not valid.
r r v2 r 2 r
Fcf = −ma n = − m n = −mω Rn
Fcf. Fc
Fcf .
The centrifugal force is directed outward from the center of
the circle, tending to move the body away from the axis of
rotation. We experience its effect when driving around
bends on the road.
The properties of centrifugal force are used in centrifugal
separators, which we commonly call centrifuges. They are
used to separate mixtures that consist of particles of
different densities. A test tube (cuvette) with a liquid
dispersion system is placed in the rotor of the centrifuge.
Under the action of Fc, the liquid system is separated into
layers, with the heaviest particles settling at the bottom of
the vessel.
The productivity of medical laboratory centrifuges is from 4 to
3000 ml. Spin frequency ν for centrifugation varies from 2,500 to
19,000 rpm. There are also ultracentrifuges with ν=19000 – 80000
Ultracentrifuges are widely used in medicine for the study of
biological colloidal systems and macromolecules.
Preparative ultracentrifuges are one of the most used. They
serve to separate colloidal particles or macromolecules with
sizes above 0.1 μm from a dispersed medium.
Analytical ultracentrifuges are designed to determine the
molecular mass of macromolecules. Their rotor has only two
slots. During the movement of the rotor, the studied
molecules are directed to one end of the container according
to the difference between their density and the density of the
Gradually, a density boundary is created in the initially homogeneous
medium, which slowly moves along the length of the container. The
molecular mass of macromolecules is proportional to the speed of
displacement of the density boundary. The position of the boundary is
determined optically by the difference between the refractive indices n or
by the attenuation of a beam of light transmitted transversely through the
Динамика на седиментация на еритроцит в кръвна плазма
sedimentation Fs = G − FA
force :
This force creates the acceleration of sedimentation.
If the erythrocyte densities ρ ' and the blood plasma ρ satisfy
ρ ' > ρ , for the magnitude of the sedimentation force we get:
F cf = F ′ c − Fc = (ρ ′ − ρ )V ω 2 r = (ρ ′ − ρ )V 4 π 2 ν 2 r
a cf ′
Fcf 2 2 2 2
(ρ − ρ)V 4π ν r 4π ν r
n= = = =
аs Fs (ρ′ − ρ)Vg g
In modern ultracentrifuges, the rotation frequency reaches
tens of thousands of revolutions per minute, at which the
centrifugation acceleration becomes several orders of
magnitude greater than the gravitational acceleration g.
Example : For ν = 60000 min-1 = 1000s-1 ; r = 0,1 m, g = 9,81 m.s-2
, we get n = 4 .105, i.е. the acceleration of centrifugation is
about 400 thousand times greater than that of Earth.
Therefore, the time for centrifugation is much less than the
sedimentation time.