dACi2 English 0
dACi2 English 0
dACi2 English 0
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WARNING: For the installation and use of the inverter this manual and other instructions for additional components must be followed. WARNING: To avoid any hazard situation always disconnect the battery before working on the inverter or other additional components. WARNING: Work on the traction motors must only be carried out when the power connection between battery and inverter is disconnected. WARNING: It is assumed that only trained people who hold the necessary know-how carry out the installation and settings of parameters. WARNING: All existing safety regulations both electric and mechanical must be followed.
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X7 X4
X1 X5
Figure 1a: Outline B2
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X1 X2
X4 X5
X6 X7
9,5 9,0
Figure 1b: Outline C3
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Power Stage
Terminal U,V,W The motor is connected to these terminals. Basically the motor has to be connected to the inverter as Umotor to Uinverter and so on also for V and W.
Control stage
The following schematic gives an example for the numbering of a 6- and 10-pin connector:
10 5
9 4
8 3
7 2
6 1
6 3
5 2
4 1
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X5.5 X5.6
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X7.3 X7.4
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User Instructions
Potentiometer The Drive system needs an analog speed reference signal. In the tiller head an electronic sensor produces a signal between 0V and 5V. Encoder signal The encoder pulse number is set by parameter 168. At a right turning motor flux from U,V,W the encoder signal A must be come before the signal B with a phase shift of 90.
Figure 4: incremental encoder signals Acceleration and deceleration ramps: Basically the slope of the speed demand signal determines the acceleration of a traction system. A ramp function is controlling the slope of the speed demand, and is always activated a speed reference signal and a release of the traction system. The setting of the speed ramp slope is done by parameter 133. Deceleration (brake) can be performed different ways. By removing or lowering the speed reference signal or by removing the drive direction signal the inverter will always use the deceleration ramp set by parameter 134. A steeper deceleration ramp can be set for use by reversing the drive direction, parameter 139. If the vehicle drives into the tiller-direction and the belly-switch gets pushed, the speed will be reduced very fast (parameter 142) and then the vehicle will drive into the opposite direction for a max. time (parameter 122) with an adjustable speed (parameter 121) Speed: The speed input is at pin X6.6 (Plus) and X6.7 (Minus). Temperature: The inverter will monitor the temperature of the heat sink in the region close to the power transistors. Actions by faults: The inverter is constantly monitoring fault situations. If a fault occurs the attached motor is instantaneously disconnected from power. The type of fault can easily be observed from the integrated LED. The flash sequence LED will indicate the fault code that can be seen from the fault table in paragraph 0, parameters.
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Setup using the hand held terminal, type BPK
The hand held terminal is used for: Setting of parameters Check of parameters Monitor the actual drive condition Fault display Monitoring of inputs and outputs Display time counter Save and load total parameter sets Figure 5
Connection The BPK unit is connected to plug X7 on the inverter. The connection of the terminal can take place at any time, also when the inverter is in operation. First display First the terminal will show its own software version, and then look for any attached inverter. If an inverter is found it will show the serial number and the software version of the attached inverter. Example: SN.: Version: 594200006 10149
Keys By activating the keys it is possible to scroll up and down through the parameter list. Only the released parameters can be displayed and changed. Information parameters are only for display. First activation of the key : Shortly the message Searching next parameter will show up. In this period the unit will search for the next released parameter on the list. When the first parameter is found the first display will show the parameter text and in the second line the parameter number. Displayed shortly: serial number 7
Shortly hereafter the displayed parameter number will be replaced with the parameter value: Display of Serial Number: serial number 594200006
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List of succeeding displayable parameters: Text software version serial number operating hours actual speed speed set value temp. inverter operating state value speed pot. temp. inverter battery voltage connector X1 connector X2 connector X3 connector X4 connector X5 connector X6 parameter number 0 7 9 10 11 17 25 30 32 33 46 47 48 49 50 51
Description of the parameters: Serial number: Explicit number identifying each individual unit Operating hours: Actual counted time in which the motor has been operated. Actual speed: The actual measured speed of the controlled motor. Speed set value: The actual speed demand of the controlled motor. Operating state: 0= Fault, 1= Ready, 2= Power stage active (current in motor) Speed potentiom.: Displays the analog voltage on input pin X6.6 in the range of 0..1023. This input is the speed reference coming from the tiller head. Battery voltage: Displayed in % of the nominal voltage (e.g. 24V, 48V or 80V) State display for connectors X1 - X6: Example 1: Connector X1 connector X1 2
This display shows that the pin 2 on connector X1 is active, meaning that the internal transistor connects pin 2 to battery minus. Pin 1: Key Switch (Battery voltage) Pin 2: Digital output 2 Pin 3: Analogue output minus Pin 4: Analogue output Example 2: Connector X3 connector X3 67 A
This display shows that the inputs pin 6, pin 7 and pin 10 (A=10) are activated. Pin 1: Pin 2: Pin 3: Pin 4: Pin 5: Pin 6: Pin 7: Pin 8: Protected key switch voltag Protected key switch voltag Supply voltage for the horn Supply voltage for the lowering valve Supply voltage for the contactor that switches on the pump-motor Input safety socket Input lift limit Battery minus for the horn 11 / 23
Pin 9: Battery minus for the lowering valve Pin 10: Digital output for the contactor that switches on the pump-motor Example 3: Connector X4 connector X4 345
This display shows that pin 3,4 and 5 are active at this time. Pin 3 and 4 shows the actual state of two encoder inputs A and B. When the motor runs the inputs will shift according the pulse sequence of the encoder. The display cannot follow the switching frequency at higher motor speeds. When the motor is spinning slowly it is possible to observe the pulse sequence. Depending on direction of rotation the display could be: 3 4 ; 3 _ ; __ ; _ 4. Active pin 5 means that the belonging internal transistor is active, connection pin 5 to battery minus. If an electro magnetic brake is connected to pin 1 and 5 a current will flow and the brake activated (released) Pin 1: Pin 2: Pin 3: Pin 4: Pin 5: Pin 6: Pin 7: Pin 8: Example 4: Connector X5 connector X5 34 Battery plus for brake Connection for motor temperature sensor Signal A from encoder Signal B from encoder Switched negative pole for brake Connection for motor temperature sensor 15V supply for encoder 0V supply for encoder
This display shows that pins 3 and 4 are active. The meaning is: There is an input voltage at pin 3. The transistor at pin 4 is on. Pin 1: Protected key switch voltage Pin 2: Protected key switch voltage Pin 3: Digital input, tiller switch n.o. Pin 4: Digital output 1 Pin 5: Battery minus, internally connected Pin 6: Digital input, tiller switch n.c. Example 5: Connector X6 connector X6 2 4 C
This display shows that pin 2, 4 and 12 are active (C means 12). Pin 1: Pin 2: Pin 3: Pin 4: Pin 5: Pin 6: Pin 7: Pin 8: Pin 9: Pin 10: Pin 11: Pin 12: Protected key switch voltage Digital input: Forward Digital input: Backward Digital input: Belly switch Digital input: Brake release Speed reference input Battery minus for the tiller head Input: Lift Input: Lower Input: Horn Output 10V Digital input: Speed reduction
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The following parameters will have a direct influence on the performance and behavior of the vehicle: english text stop mode tiller warn.temp.invert rev.speed belly max.time belly Acceleration deceleration smoothing curve progress. curve reverse braking dec. belly.tiller min.batt.voltage max.batt.voltage value low batt. vred.low.battery vmax forward vmax backward vred. X6-12 vred.brake rel. tiller type error message teach-in speed parameter-number 98 107 121 122 133 134 137 138 139 142 173 174 175 176 211 216 221 222 223 249 251
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Keys In order to make a parameter ready for change one of these keys must be pressed. The last (right) digit of the parameter value will flash and can now be changed by using the keys or . The key can select digits to the right; herby total number change is possible. Example: The right end digit is underlined and flashing: Change to the max speed vmax. forward 1450 rpm
By pressing key again the digit 2 is flashing: Change to the max speed vmax. forward 1450 rpm
By pressing key once the digit is changed from 5 to 6, setting the value to 1460 rpm. Change to the max speed vmax. forward 1460 rpm
After 1 sec of no key activations the new value is active and the new value can be used. As long as a digit is flashing it is not activated and can be reset by the Esc-key. By activating the key all changes are made active, and at this point the parameters is saved. Teach-In procedure for the speed input (potentiometer): Teach-in speed 0 Using one of the keys or the digit zero is underlined and begins to flash. Teach-in speed 0 Now the digit is changed to 1 by using key . Teach-in speed 1 By pressing the key the Teach-in procedure is started. Within 15 sec the accelerator switch must be slowly moved to the max. forward value. At this point the pedal is kept for about 1 sec, then to the negative value and hereafter brought back the neutral position. After 15 sec the digit will turn back to zero, indicating that the Teach-in procedure is done. The inverter is during the Teach-in blocked and will not turn the motor. Pressing keys and at the same time This will bring the display to extended menues like: List of errors (Fault history) Write (BPK->dACi) (Load parameters from the hand held terminal (BPK) to the inverter) Read (dACi->BPK) (Retrieve parameters from the inverter to the hand held terminal (BPK)) Search device (Search for inverter addresses) 14 / 23
(Select an inverter address) (Select language for the hand held terminal (BPK)) (Return to the parameter setting menu)
The menues can be selected by pressing the keys or to go down, and the keys or to go up the list. The function is activated by the key . (Fault history) List of errors Displays in timely order the faults that have occurred in the system. A total number of 8 different faults can be displayed. Repeating failures of the same kind will only be shown once. Write (BPK->dACi) (Load parameters from the hand held terminal (BPK) to the inverter)) Read (dACi->BPK) (Load parameters from the inverter to the hand held terminal (BPK))) The Read function will store a copy the actual parameters within the connected inverter on the hand held terminal (BPK). For this purpose 8 memories are available on the BPK, and can be selected using the arrow keys. Using the Write function it is possible to select from 8 stored parameters sets on the BPK to be loaded down to the connected inverter. (Search for inverter addresses) Search device Basically the and held terminal (BPK) can communicate with more inverters on the some communication bus therefore the actual unit address must be known. If the address is not know it is possible to make a search to obtain the addresses of the units connected. If only one unit is connected this function is not used. Select address (Select an inverter address) If more units are connected to the BPK the address of the unit to address is selected here. If only one unit is connected this function is not used. Select language (Select language for the hand held terminal (BPK)) Two languages are available, English and German.
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Format/ Scale
Factory Default
0,25 1.0
Indicates the status of the inputs and outputs of the current connector. See description in manual Indicates the status of the inputs and outputs of the current connector. See description in manual Indicates the status of the inputs and outputs of the current connector. See description in manual Indicates the status of the inputs and outputs of the current connector. See description in manual Indicates the status of the inputs and outputs of the current connector. See description in manual Indicates the status of the inputs and outputs of the current connector. See description in manual Set a stop mode when tiller is activated: 1 = motor current off and brake voltage off 2 = deceleration ramp 3 = deceleration ramp and brake voltage off Warning level for the high temperature of the controller. Sets a speed for the truck (backward 1500rpm ~1,8km/h direction) when belly is activated Timer setting for belly function. Truck will drive backwards up to max .time belly with a speed of Rev.Speed belly. When time is elapsed, truck stops. If set to 0, truck will drive as long as belly is activated. Acceleration ramp setting Recommended setting from 15004000rpm/s
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Parameters PBP13/16M Deceleration Smoothing curve Progress. Curve Reverse braking Dec.belly..tiller Min.batt.voltage Max.batt.voltage Value low.batt Vred.low.battery Vmax. Forward
Parameters PBP20M Deceleration Progression Dec. change dir. Max speed forw.
Format/ Scale 0,4883 0 = keine Verrundung 0 = keine Progression 0,4883 0,4883 1 1 1 1 0,25
Description Deceleration ramp setting Adjustment for the curve smoothing Adjustment for the curve progression Deceleration ramp when using reverse braking function Deceleration ramp when activating belly or tiller function % value of nominal batt voltage (24V) % value of nominal batt voltage (24V) % value of nominal batt voltage (24V). Indicates the level of low battery. Speed reduction when battery low level is reached % of Vmax. speed setting Max. Speed forward direction. Value in motor rpm Max. Speed backward direction. Value in motor rpm. Speed reduction when using option Speed reduction when using Brake release- function. % of Vmax. speed setting
Low batt level is reached when battery voltage level is less than Value low.batt more than 3 seconds.
Vmax. Backward Max speed backw. Vred. X6-12 Vred. Brake rel. Tiller type Error message Teach-in speed Speed red. 1 Speed red. 2 Picking speed
1 1
4987rpm = 6,0km/h 4572rpm = 5,5km/h 4156rpm = 5,0km/h 3740rpm = 4,5km/h 4987rpm = 6,0km/h 4572rpm = 5,5km/h 4156rpm = 5,0km/h 3740rpm = 4,5km/h % of Vmax. speed setting
Only for PBP20M. Do not change! Only for PBP20M. Do not change! Only for PBP20M. Do not change! Changes the type of tiller switch. 0 = use only NO contacts 1 = use NO/NC contacts Take a look at fault code below 1 activates the teach in for speed
xx 0,1 17 / 23 -
No. -
2 3
drive disabled, digital outputs switched off (Reset through parameter150) drive disabled
Will only appear when loading a new software version 1.The inverter was loaded at the limit for a long time. This fault will not appear as long as the motor speed is measured correct. 2. A parameter has been changed that is influencing the current or the over current shout down level
Reload the software exactly following the instruction Ad 1: Monitor the signals on connector X4 at very low motor speed. Check the encoder sequence. The digits 3 and 4 must appear in a uniform pattern. If the sequence is not right; check the cable and the connections or if necessary change the encoder. Ad 2: Using PC: Return to a previous setting of parameters, e.g. by loading a saved parameter set.
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No. 4
Remarks If the battery voltage drops below the threshold value set in parameter 175 for more then 3 sec the max motor speed will drop the value specified in parameter 176. If battery voltage drops below the value set in parameter 173 for more then 3 sec, the inverter will shot down. Only switching off and on the supply to the inverter can reset this fault. (Depending on the setting of parameter 174)
Possible cause The battery voltage was below the value specified in parameter 173 for more than 3 sec. The battery could be close to discharged or there might be to high voltage drops in the supply cables to the inverter.
Possible action Check the charge condition of the battery. Check the cable connection for the supply to the inverter.
5 pulses...pause
1. The battery voltage measured by the inverter has exceed the value set in parameter 174 for more than 3 sec, or the value has been exceeding 150% of the nominal voltage. If the battery is intact and the connections to the inverter are good this fault should not occur. (Assuming that parameter 174 is set correctly) 2. The power stage could be damaged.
Ad 1: Check the settings of parameter 174. Check that the connections from battery to inverter are OK Ad 2: Replace the inverter.
6 pulses...pause
(Depending on the setting of parameters 110 and 111) If the temperature shot down threshold (110) is exceeded the inverter will stay shot down. If the measured value is below the value of parameter 111 the inverter interprets a short circuit sensor.
1. The temperature sensor connected to X4 has detected a too high temperature in the motor. The motor could have been overloaded for a too long time. 2. If the motor is not equipped with a temperature sensor pin 2 and 6 on X4 must be short circuit.
Ad 1: Check if the traction system is operating sluggish or is defect. Check eventually the motor current. The continuously motor current must not exceed the motor nominal current. Ad 2: Check the connection on X4.
Ad.3: Remove short circuit or set 3. Parameter 111 is adjusted >0 and there is parameter 111 to 0. a short circuit at the sensor. 1. The inverter has been overloaded for a too long time. 2. There is a fault in the temperature measurement of the inverter. Ad 1: Check that the inverter is mounted according to the directions regarding in order to be able to emit the heat. Check eventually the output current. The continuously current must not exceed the nominal current of the unit. Ad 2: Replace the inverter
7 pulses...pause
(Depending on the setting of parameters 106 and 108) If the temperature shot down threshold (108) is exceeded the inverter will stay shot down.
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No. 8
Remarks The power stage is not activated (reset through drive switch)
Possible cause After power-on the inverter wants to see definite start conditions: Drive signals off, speed reduction on, brake release off, tiller switch (n.o.) off, belly switch on, safety input on, set value near zero. see above see above see above
Possible action Check using the service tools BPS, that the drive signals are working (connector X6). Read out parameter 51 and observe that the signal is present. When activating the drive signals, the digits 2 for forward and 3 for backward should be seen.
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
not used Belly-switch monitoring Tiller switch monitoring after power on Set value monitoring not used EEPROM fault Unrealistic setting of the U/f relationship Unrealistic parameter settings for speed input transfer function Tiller switch monitoring while system is running Speed reduction monitoring Brake release Battery charge switch (safety socket) monitoring
10 Pulses... pause The power stage is not activated 11 Pulses... pause The power stage is not activated 12 Pulses... pause The power stage is not activated
Check the signal on X6.4. Check the signal on X5.3 Check the signal on X6.6
14 pulses...pause 15 pulses...pause
(Depending on the setting of parameters 189...194) (Depending on the setting of parameters 212...220)
Internal fault. Can not be reset by user Parameters set does not make sense for the V/f characteristic of a motor. Parameters set using the PC tool that does not make sense for the speed input transfer function The n.o. and the n.c. contact of the tiller switch are not comlementary to each other. see above see above see above
Replace the inverter Using BPS service tool to return to a previous setting of parameters, e.g. by loading a saved parameter set. Using BPS service tool to return to a previous setting of parameters, e.g. by loading a saved parameter set. Check the signals on X5.3 and X5.6
16 pulses...pause
17 pulses...pause
(Depending on the setting of parameter 223) The power stage is not activated
18 19 20
18 pulses...pause
Check the signal on X6.12 Check the signal on X6.5 Check the signal on X3.6.
19 pulses...pause The power stage is not activated 20 Pulses... Pause The power stage is not activated
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Technical Data
Power Data
Type: dACi-TA24/120 GB 24/180GC
Unit size Nominal battery voltage [V] Voltage range [V] Continuously Short term (<30s) Rated current [A] 1) Maximum current [A] 2) Output voltage [V] 3) Dimensions [mm] BxHxT Power connections 1) Depending on cooling conditions 2) Time depending on cooling conditions 3) At nominal battery voltage Interface Type: Digital Inputs
24/120 GB
B2: X6.2, .3, .4, .5, .12; X5.3, .6; X3.6, .7 C3: X6.2, .3, .4, .5, .12; X5.3, .6; X3.6, .7; X2.3, .6
Logic Number Impedance [] Signal Low [V] max Signal High [V] min Analog Input Resolution Impedance [] Voltage range [V] Digital Outputs Output for pump contactor Rated current [A] Maximum current [A] Output Brake Rated current [A] Maximum current [A] Operation mode Optional output Rated current [A] Maximum current [A] Programmable outputs 1 and 2 Rated current [A] Maximum current [A]
High-active 9 2,2k 2 12
Low-side switching with freewheeling diode and z-diode 2,0 3,0 Low-side switching with freewheeling diode 2,0 3,0 1sec 100% then 60% duty cycle Low-side switching with freewheeling diode 2,0 3,0 Low-side switching with freewheeling diode 1,0 1,5
(X2.4; C3 only)
(X1.2, X5.4)
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Analog Output Voltage range [V] Impedance [] Encoder input 1 Voltage level [V] Supply Temperature sensor, Motor Type Serial interface Type Supply for converter
0...10 100
(X4.3, .4, .7, .8)
Additional information Switch frequency, power stage Efficiency Output frequency range Temperature range Relative humidity Operation indications Connectors Enclosure * Optional
16kHz Standard; selectable 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 kHz 95% at rated load 0...300 Hz -40C ... 50C (At mounting plate) Max. 90%, not condensing Integrated LED Molex Mini-Fit, Jr. IP40
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