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Problem available in WileyPLUS at instructors discretion. Section 12.2 Three-Phase Voltages A balanced three-phase Y-connected load has P 12.2-1 one phase voltage: Vc 277 45 V rms The phase sequence is abc. Find the line-to-line voltages VAB, VBC, and VCA. Draw a phasor diagram showing the phase and line voltages. P 12.2-2 A three-phase system has a line-to-line voltage VBA 12; 470 35 V rms a large ofce building to a three-phase Y-connected load. The circuit operates at 60 Hz. The phase voltages of the Y-connected source are Va 120 0 V rms, Vb 120 120 V rms, and Vc 120 120 V rms. Each transmission wire, including the neutral wire, has a 2-V resistance, and the balanced Y load has a 10-V resistance in series with 100 mH. Find the line voltage and the phase current at the load.

A Y-connected source and load are shown in P 12.3-3 Figure P 12.3-3. (a) Determine the rms value of the current ia(t). (b) Determine the average power delivered to the load.

ia(t) 1H


10 cos 16t V 12 12 12

10 cos (16t 120) V Source


10 cos (16t + 120) V 1H

Figure P 12.3-3

with a Y load. Find the phase voltages when the phase sequence is abc. P 12.2-3 A three-phase system has a line-to-line voltage Vab 1500 30 V rms with a Y load. Determine the phase voltage.

P 12.3-4 An unbalanced YY circuit is shown in Figure P 12.3-4. Find the average power delivered to the load. Hint: VNn o 27:4 63:6 V Answer: 436.4 W
a 10 5 mH A 20 60 mH

Section 12.3 The Y-to-Y Circuit Consider a three-wire Y-to-Y voltages P 12.3-1 p The circuit. of the Y-connected source are Va 208= 3 0 V rms, p p Vb 208= 3 120 V rms, and Vc 208= 3

(a) Find the phase voltages. (b) Find the line currents and phase currents. (c) Show the line currents and phase currents on a phasor diagram. (d) Determine the power dissipated in the load.

120 V rms. The Y-connected load is balanced. The impedance of each phase is Z 1230 V.

100 cos (377t) n b


100 cos (377t +120) c

100 cos (377t + 240) Source

Figure P 12.3-4

P 12.3-2 A balanced three-phase Y-connected supply delivers power through a three-wire plus neutral-wire circuit in

P 12.3-5 A balanced YY circuit is shown in Figure P 12.3-5. Find the average power delivered to the load.


5 mH


40 mH N


5 mH


20 mH




12. Three-Phase Circuits



5 mH


60 mH

IB 50 40 A rms Find the phase currents IBC, IAB, and ICA. Draw the phasor diagram showing the line and phase currents. The source uses the abc phase sequence.

100 cos (377t) n b


100 cos (377t +120) c

100 cos (377t + 240) Source Line Load

Figure P 12.3-5

P 12.3-6 An unbalanced YY circuit is shown in Figure P 12.3-6. Find the average power delivered to the load. Hint: VNn o 1:755 29:5 V Answer: 436.4 W

10 cos (4t 90) n b

10 cos (4t + 150) c

10 cos (4t + 30) Source

Figure P 12.3-6

P 12.3-7 A balanced YY circuit is shown in Figure P 12.3-7. Find the average power delivered to the load.

10 cos (4t 90) n b

10 cos (4t + 150) c

10 cos (4t + 30) Source Line Load

Figure P 12.3-7

Section 12.4 The D-Connected Source and Load P 12.4-1 A balanced three-phase D-connected load has one line current:


5 mH


60 mH


5 mH


60 mH

P 12.4-2 A three-phase circuit has two parallel balanced D loads, one of 5-V resistors and one of 20-V resistors. Find the magnitude of the total line current when the line-to-line voltage is 480 V rms. Section 12.5 The Y-to-D Circuit P 12.5-1 Consider a three-wire Y-to-D circuit. The voltages p of the Y-connected source are Va 208= 3 30 V rms, p p Vb 208/ 3 150 V rms, and Vc 208/ 3 90 V rms. The D-connected load is balanced. The impedance of

each phase is Z 12 30 V. Determine the line currents and calculate the power dissipated in the load. Answer: P 9360 W P 12.5-2 A balanced D-connected load is connected by three wires, each with a 4-V resistance, to a Y source with p p Va 480= 3 30 V rms, Vb 480= 3 150 p V rms, and Vc 480= 3 90 V rms. Find the line


2H N

current IA when ZD 39 40 V.

C 4 2H

Answer: IA 17 0:9 A

+ +

The balanced circuit shown in Figure P 12.5-3 P 12.5-3 has Vab 380 30 V rms. Determine the phase currents in the load when Z 3 j4 V. Sketch a phasor diagram.



Z n


Vab Z Z

2H N

Figure P 12.5-3 A D-to-Y circuit.


P 12.5-4 The balanced circuit shown in Figure P 12.5-3 has Vab 380 0 V rms. Determine the line and phase currents in the load when Z 9 j12 V.

Section 12.6 Balanced Three-Phase Circuits The English Channel Tunnel rail link is P 12.6-1 supplied at 25 kV rms from the United Kingdom and French



grid systems. When there is a grid supply failure, each end is capable of supplying the whole tunnel but in a reduced operational mode. The tunnel traction system is a conventional catenary (overhead wire) system similar to the surface mainline electric railway system of the United Kingdom and France. What makes the tunnel traction system different and unique is the high density of traction load and the end-fed supply arrangement. The tunnel traction load is considerable. For each half tunnel, the load is 180 MVA (Barnes and Wong, 1991). Assume that each line-to-line voltage of the Y-connected source is 25 kV rms and the three-phase system is connected to the traction motor of an electric locomotive. The motor is a Y-connected load with Z 150 25 V. Find the line currents and the power delivered to the traction motor.

P 12.7-2 A three-phase motor delivers 20 hp operating from a 480-V rms line voltage. The motor operates at 85 percent efciency with a power factor equal to 0.8 lagging. Find the magnitude and angle of the line current for phase A. Hint: 1 hp 745:7 W P 12.7-3 A three-phase balanced load is fed by a balanced Y-connected source with a line-to-line voltage of 220 V rms. It absorbs 1500 W at 0.8 power factor lagging. Calculate the phase impedance if it is (a) D connected and (b) Y connected. P 12.7-4 A 600-V rms three-phase Y-connected source has two balanced D loads connected to the lines. The load impedances are 40 30 V and 50 60 V, respectively. Determine the line current and the total average power.

P 12.6-2 A three-phase source with a line voltage of 45 kV rms is connected to two balanced loads. The Y-connected load has Z 10 j20 V, and the D load has a branch impedance of 50 V. The connecting lines have an impedance of 2 V. Determine the power delivered to the loads and the power lost in the wires. What percentage of power is lost in the wires? P 12.6-3 A balanced three-phase source has a Y-connected source with va 5 cos 2t 30 connected to a threephase Y load. Each phase of the Y-connected load consists of a 4-V resistor and a 4-H inductor. Each connecting line has a resistance of 2 V. Determine the total average power delivered to the load. Section 12.7 Instantaneous and Average Power in a Balanced Three-Phase Load P 12.7-1 Find the power absorbed by a balanced threephase Y-connected load when VCB 208 15 V rms Answer: P 620 W

P 12.7-5 A three-phase Y-connected source simultaneously supplies power to two separate balanced three-phase loads. The rst total load is D connected and requires 39 kVA at 0.7 lagging. The second total load is Y connected and requires 15 kW at 0.21 leading. Each line has an impedance 0:038 j0:072 V/phase. Calculate the line-to-line source voltage magnitude required so that the loads are supplied with 208-V rms line-to-line. P 12.7-6 A building is supplied by a public utility at 4.16 kV rms. The building contains three balanced loads connected to the three-phase lines: (a) D connected, 500 kVA at 0.85 lagging (b) Y connected, 75 kVA at 0.0 leading (c) Y connected; each phase with a 150-V resistor parallel to a 225-V inductive reactance The utility feeder is ve miles long with an impedance per phase of 1:69 j0:78 V/mile. At what voltage must the utility supply its feeder so that the building is operating at 4.16 kV rms? Hint: 41.6 kV is the line-to-line voltage of the balanced Y-connected source. P 12.7-7 The diagram shown in P 12.7-7 has two threephase loads that form part of a manufacturing plant. They are connected in parallel and require 4.16 kV rms. Load 1 is 1.5 MVA, 0.75 lag pf D connected. Load 2 is 2 MW, 0.8 lagging
0.4 j 0.8

and IB 3 110 A rms

The source uses the abc phase sequence.

Three-phase supply from utility


j 0.8


j 0.8 Load 2 Load 1

Figure P 12.7-7 A three-phase circuit with a D load and a Y load.


12. Three-Phase Circuits

pf, Y connected. The feeder from the power utilitys substation transformer has an impedance of 0:4 j0:8 V/phase. Determine the following: (a) The required magnitude of the line voltage at the supply. (b) The real power drawn from the supply. (c) The percentage of the real power drawn from the supply that is consumed by the loads. P 12.7-8 The balanced three-phase load of a large commercial building requires 480 kW at a lagging power factor of 0.8. The load is supplied by a connecting line with an impedance of 5 j25 mV for each phase. Each phase of the load has a line-to-line voltage of 600 V rms. Determine the line current and the line voltage at the source. Also, determine the power factor at the source. Use the line-to-neutral voltage as the reference with an angle of 0 . Section 12.8 Two-Wattmeter Power Measurement P 12.8-1 The two-wattmeter method is used to determine the power drawn by a three-phase 440-V rms motor that is a Y-connected balanced load. The motor operates at 20 hp at 74.6 percent efciency. The magnitude of the line current is 52.5 A rms. The wattmeters are connected in the A and C lines. Find the reading of each wattmeter. The motor has a lagging power factor. Hint: 1 hp 745:7 W P 12.8-2 A three-phase system has a line-to-line voltage of 4000 V rms and a balanced D-connected load with Z 40 j30 V. The phase sequence is abc. Use the two wattmeters connected to lines A and C, with line B as the common line for the voltage measurement. Determine the total power measurement recorded by the wattmeters. Answer: P 768 kW

P 12.8-3 A three-phase system with a sequence abc and a line-to-line voltage of 200 V rms feeds a Y-connected load with Z 70:7 45 V. Find the line currents. Find the total power by using two wattmeters connected to lines B and C.

Answer: P 400 W P 12.8-4 A three-phase system with a line-to-line voltage of 208 V rms and phase sequence abc is connected to a Y-balanced load with impedance 10 30 V and a balanced D load with impedance 15 30 V. Find the line currents and the total power using two wattmeters.

P 12.8-5 The two-wattmeter method is used. The wattmeter in line A reads 920 W, and the wattmeter in line C reads 460 W. Find the impedance of the balanced D-connected load. The circuit is a three-phase 120-V rms system with an abc sequence. Answer: ZD 27:1 30 V P 12.8-6 Using the two-wattmeter method, determine the power reading of each wattmeter and the total power for Problem 12.5-1 when Z 0:868 j4:924 V. Place the current coils in the A-to-a and C-to-c lines. Section 12.9 How Can We Check . . . ? P 12.9-1 A Y-connected source is connected to a Y-connected load (Figure 12.3-1) with Z 10 j4 V. The line voltage is V L 416 V rms. A student report states that the line current IA 38:63 A rms and that the power delivered to the load is 16.1 kW. Verify these results. P 12.9-2 A D load with Z 40 j30 V has a three-phase source with V L 240 V rms (Figure 12.3-2). A computer analysis program states that one phase current is 4:8 36:9 A. Verify this result.

PSpice Problems
SP 12-1 Use PSpice to determine the power delivered to the load in the circuit shown in Figure SP 12-1.

SP 12-2 Use PSpice to determine the power delivered to the load in the circuit shown in Figure SP 12-2.

5 mH


60 mH 110 cos (377t) 60 mH N n



5 mH


60 mH

110 cos (377t) n b


110 cos (377t +120) c

110 cos (377t + 240) Source Line Load

Figure SP 12-1

5 mH


b 110 cos (377t +120)


5 mH


25 mH N

5 mH


60 mH

c 110 cos (377t + 240) Source


5 mH


20 mH



Figure SP 12-2

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