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Software For Embedded System

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431 THEORY Course Code MA7163 ET7101 ET7102 ET7103 ET7104 M.E. Embedded System Technologies SEMESTER I L 3 3 3 3 3 3 T 1 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 4 3 3 3 3 3

Course Title Applied Mathematics for Electrical Engineers Advanced Digital System Design Microcontroller Based System Design Real Time Systems Design of Embedded Systems Elective I

PRACTICAL Course Code ET7111 Embedded System Laboratory I

Course Title Total SEMESTER II

L 0 18

T 0 1

P 3 3

C 2 21

THEORY Course Code ET7201 ET7202 ET7203 ET7204

Course Title VLSI Architecture and Design Methodologies Embedded Networking Wireless and Mobile Communication Software for Embedded Systems Elective II Elective III

L 3 3 3 3 3 3

T 0 1 0 0 0 0

P 0 0 0 0 0 0

C 3 4 3 3 3 3

PRACTICAL Course Code ET7211 Embedded System Laboratory II

Course Title Total SEMESTER III

L 0 18

T 0 1

P 3 3

C 2 21

THEORY Course Code Elective IV Elective V Elective VI PRACTICAL Course Code ET7311 Project Work (Phase I)

Course Title

L 3 3 3

T 0 0 0

P 0 0 0

C 3 3 3

Course Title Total SEMESTER IV

L 0 9

T 0 0

P 12 12

C 6 15

PRACTICAL Course Code ET7411 Project Work (Phase II)

Course Title Total

L 0 0

T 0 0

P 24 24

C 12 12




431 M.E. Embedded System Technologies SEMESTER I Course Code Course Title ET7001 Digital Instrumentation ET7002 Real Time Operating Systems AP7001 Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing Total SEMESTER II Course Code ET7003 ET7004 ET7005 ET7006 CL7204 ET7007 Course Title Design of Embedded Control Systems Programming with VHDL Adhoc Networks Advanced Digital Signal Processing Soft Computing Techniques RISC Processor Architecture and Programming Total SEMESTER III Course Code ET7008 ET7009 ET7010 ET7011 ET7012 ET7013 CL7004 ET7014 ET7015 Course Title Advanced Embedded Systems Pervasive Devices and Technology Cryptography and Network Security Smart Meter and Smart Grid Communication Computer in Networking and Digital Control Distributed Embedded Computing Robotics and Control Application of MEMS Technology Digital Image Processing and Applications Total L 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 27 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 27 L 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 L 3 3 3 9 T 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 C 3 3 3 9






LT P C 31 0 4

OBJECTIVES: To develop the ability to apply the concepts of Matrix theory and Linear programming in Electrical Engineering problems. To achieve an understanding of the basic concepts of one dimensional random variables and apply in electrical engineering problems. To familiarize the students in calculus of variations and solve problems using Fourier transforms associated with engineering applications. UNIT I MATRIX THEORY (9+3) The Cholesky decomposition - Generalized Eigen vectors, Canonical basis - QR factorization Least squares method - Singular value decomposition. UNIT II CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS (9+3) Concept of variation and its properties Eulers equation Functional dependant on first and higher order derivatives Functionals dependant on functions of several independent variables Variational problems with moving boundaries problems with constraints - Direct methods: Ritz and Kantorovich methods. UNIT III ONE DIMENSIONAL RANDOM VARIABLES (9+3) Random variables - Probability function moments moment generating functions and their properties Binomial, Poisson, Geometric, Uniform, Exponential, Gamma and Normal distributions Function of a Random Variable. UNIT IV LINEAR PROGRAMMING (9+3) Formulation Graphical solution Simplex method Two phase method - Transportation and Assignment Models UNIT V FOURIER SERIES (9+3) Fourier Trigonometric series: Periodic function as power signals Convergence of series Even and odd function: cosine and sine series Non-periodic function: Extension to other intervals - Power signals: Exponential Fourier series Parsevals theorem and power spectrum Eigen value problems and orthogonal functions Regular Sturm-Liouville systems Generalized Fourier series. L:45 +T: 15 TOTAL: 60 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Richard Bronson, Matrix Operation, Schaums outline series, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2011. Gupta, A.S., Calculus of Variations with Applications, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1997. Oliver C. Ibe, Fundamentals of Applied Probability and Random Processes, Academic Press, (An imprint of Elsevier), 2010. Taha, H.A., Operations Research, An introduction, 10th edition, Pearson education, New Delhi, 2010. Andrews L.C. and Phillips R.L., Mathematical Techniques for Engineers and Scientists, Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi, 2005. Elsgolts, L., Differential Equations and the Calculus of Variations, MIR Publishers, Moscow, 1973. 1


7. 8. 9. Grewal, B.S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, 42nd edition, Khanna Publishers, 2012. O'Neil, P.V., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Thomson Asia Pvt. Ltd., Singapore, 2003. Johnson R. A. and Gupta C. B., Miller & Freunds Probability and Statistics for Engineers, Pearson Education, Asia, 7th Edition, 2007.





LT P C 3003

OBJECTIVES To expose the students to the fundamentals of sequential system design, modelling To teach the fundamentals of Asynchronous circuits, switching errors To study on Fault identification in digital switching circuits To introduce logics for design of Programmable Devices To comparatively study the classification of commercial family of Programmable Devices UNIT I SEQUENTIAL CIRCUIT DESIGN 9 Analysis of Clocked Synchronous Sequential Networks (CSSN) Modelling of CSSN State Stable Assignment and Reduction Design of CSSN Design of Iterative Circuits ASM Chart ASM Realization. UNIT II ASYNCHRONOUS SEQUENTIAL CIRCUIT DESIGN 9 Analysis of Asynchronous Sequential Circuit (ASC) Flow Table Reduction Races in ASC State Assignment Problem and the Transition Table Design of ASC Static and Dynamic Hazards Essential Hazards Data Synchronizers Designing Vending Machine Controller Mixed Operating Mode Asynchronous Circuits. UNIT III FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND TESTABILITY ALGORITHMS 9 Fault Table Method Path Sensitization Method Boolean Difference Method Kohavi Algorithm Tolerance Techniques The Compact Algorithm Practical PLAs Fault in PLA Test Generation Masking Cycle DFT Schemes Built-in Self Test. UNIT IV SYNCHRONOUS DESIGN USING PROGRAMMABLE DEVICES 9 Programming Techniques -Re-Programmable Devices Architecture- Function blocks, I/Oblocks, Interconnects, Realize combinational, Arithmetic, Sequential Circuit with Programmable Array Logic; Architecture and application of Field Programmable Logic Sequence. UNIT V ARCHITECTURES AND PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC DEVICES 9 Architecture with EPLD, PEEL Realization State machine using PLD FPGA-Aptix Field Programmable Interconnect Xilinx FPGA Xilinx 2000 - Xilinx 4000 family.VHDL based Designing with PLD-ROM,PAL,PLA,Sequential PLDs,Case study Keypad Scanner. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Donald G. Givone, Digital principles and Design, Tata McGraw Hill 2002. 2. Stephen Brown and Zvonk Vranesic, Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Deisgn, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002 3. Charles H. Roth Jr., Digital Systems design using VHDL, Cengage Learning, 2010. 4. Mark Zwolinski, Digital System Design with VHDL, Pearson Education, 2004 5. Parag K Lala, Digital System design using PLD, BS Publications, 2003 6. John M Yarbrough, Digital Logic applications and Design, Thomson Learning,2001 7. Nripendra N Biswas, Logic Design Theory, Prentice Hall of India, 2001 8. Charles H. Roth Jr., Fundamentals of Logic design, Thomson Learning, 2004. 9. John V.Oldfeild,Richard C.Dorf,Field Programmable Gate Arrays,Wiley India Edition,2008 3





LTPC 3003

OBJECTIVES To expose the students to the fundamentals of microcontroller based system design. To teach I/O and RTOS role on microcontroller. To impart knowledge on PIC Microcontroller based system design. To introduce Microchip PIC 8 bit peripheral system Design To give case study experiences for microcontroller based applications.

UNIT I 8051 ARCHITECTURE 9 Architecture memory organization addressing modes instruction set Timers - Interrupts I/O ports, Interfacing I/O Devices Serial Communication. UNIT II 8051 PROGRAMMING 9 Assembly language programming Arithmetic Instructions Logical Instructions Single bit Instructions Timer Counter Programming Serial Communication Programming Interrupt Programming RTOS for 8051 RTOSLite FullRTOS Task creation and run LCD digital clock/thermometer using FullRTOS UNIT III PIC MICROCONTROLLER 9 Architecture memory organization addressing modes instruction set PIC progrmming in Assembly & C I/O port, Data Conversion, RAM & ROM Allocation, Timer programming, MPLAB. UNIT IV PERIPHERAL OF PIC MICROCONTROLLER 9 Timers Interrupts, I/O ports- I2C bus-A/D converter-UART- CCP modules -ADC, DAC and Sensor Interfacing Flash and EEPROM memories. UNIT V SYSTEM DESIGN CASE STUDY 9 Interfacing LCD Display Keypad Interfacing - Generation of Gate signals for converters and Inverters - Motor Control Controlling DC/ AC appliances Measurement of frequency - Stand alone Data Acquisition System. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Rolin D. Mckinlay, Danny Causey PIC Microcontroller and Embedded Systems using Assembly and C for PIC18, Pearson Education 2008 2. John Iovine, PIC Microcontroller Project Book , McGraw Hill 2000 3. Myke Predko, Programming and customizing the 8051 microcontroller, Tata McGraw Hill 2001. 4. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice G. Mazidi and Rolin D. McKinlay, The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Prentice Hall, 2005. 5. Rajkamal,.Microcontrollers-Architecture,Programming,Interfacing & System Design,2ed,Pearson,2012. 6. I Scott Mackenzie and Raphael C.W. Phan, The Micro controller, Pearson, Fourth edition 2012





LT P C 3003

OBJECTIVES To expose the students to the fundamentals of Real Time systems To teach the fundamentals of Scheduling and features of programming languages To study the data management system for real time To introduce the fundamentals of real time communication To teach the different algrorithms and techniques used for real time systems

UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Introduction Issues in Real Time Computing Structure of a Real Time System Task classes Performance Measures for Real Time Systems Estimating Program Run Times Task Assignment and Scheduling Classical uniprocessor scheduling algorithms Uniprocessor scheduling of IRIS tasks Task assignment Mode changes and Fault Tolerant Scheduling. UNIT II PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND TOOLS 9 Programming Languages and Tools Desired language characteristics Data typing Control structures Facilitating Hierarchical Decomposition, Packages, Run time (Exception) Error handling Overloading and Generics Multitasking Low level programming Task Scheduling Timing Specifications Programming Environments Run time support. UNIT III REAL TIME DATABASES 9 Real time Databases Basic Definition, Real time Vs General Purpose Databases, Main Memory Databases, Transaction priorities, Transaction Aborts, Concurrency control issues, Disk Scheduling Algorithms, Two phase Approach to improve Predictability Maintaining Serialization Consistency Databases for Hard Real Time Systems. UNIT IV COMMUNICATION 9 Real Time Communication Communications media, Network Topologies Protocols, Fault Tolerant Routing. Fault Tolerance Techniques Fault Types Fault Detection. Fault Error containment Redundancy Data Diversity Reversal Checks Integrated Failure handling. UNIT V . EVALUATION TECHNIQUES 9 Reliability Evaluation Techniques Obtaining parameter values, Reliability models for Hardware Redundancy Software error models. Clock Synchronization Clock, A Nonfault Tolerant Synchronization Algorithm Impact of faults Fault Tolerant Synchronization in Hardware Fault Tolerant Synchronization in software. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. C.M. Krishna, Kang G. Shin, Real Time Systems, McGraw Hill International Editions, 1997. 2. Rajib Mall, Real-time systems: theory and practice, Pearson Education, 2007 3. Peter D.Lawrence, Real Time Micro Computer System Design An Introduction, McGraw Hill, 1988. 4. Stuart Bennett, Real Time Computer Control An Introduction, Prentice Hall of 5


India, 1998. 5. S.T. Allworth and R.N.Zobel, Introduction to real time software design, Macmillan, 2nd Edition, 1987. 6. R.J.A Buhur, D.L Bailey, An Introduction to Real Time Systems, Prentice Hall International, 1999. 7. Philip.A.Laplante, Real Time System Design and Analysis, Prentice Hall of India, 3rd Edition, April 2004



LTPC 300 3

OBJECTIVES To provide a clear understanding on the basic concepts, Building Blocks for Embedded System To teach the fundamentals of System design with Partioning To introduce on Embedded Process development Environment To study on Basic tool features for target configuration To introduce different EDLC Phases &Testing of embedded system UNIT I EMBEDDED DESIGN WITH MICROCONTROLLERS 9 Product specification Hardware / Software partitioning Detailed hardware and software design Integration Product testing Microprocessor Vs Micro Controller Performance tools Bench marking RTOS Micro Controller -issues in selection of processors. UNIT II PARTITIONING DECISION 9 Hardware / Software duality Hardware-Software portioning- coding for Hardware- software development ASIC revolution Managing the Risk Co-verification execution environment memory organization memory enhancement Firmware-speed and code density -System startup UNIT III FUNCTIONALITIES FOR SYSTEM DESIGN 9 Timers,Watch dog timers RAM, Flash Memory basic toolset Integration of Hardware & Firmware- InSystem Programming, InApplication Programming,,IDE-Target Configuration- Host based debugging Remote debugging ROM emulators Logic analyser UNIT IV IN CIRCUIT EMULATORS 9 Buller proof run control Real time trace Hardware break points Overlay memory Timing constraints Usage issues Triggers. UNIT V EMBEDDED DESIGN LIFE CYCLE & TESTING 9 Objective, Need, different Phases & Modelling of the EDLC.choice of Target Architectures for Embedded Application Development-for Control Dominated-Data Dominated Systems- Software &Hardware Design,PCB Design, Manufacturing & PCB Assembly-Bug tracking reduction of risks & costs Performance Unit testing Regression testing Choosing test cases Functional tests Coverage tests Testing embedded software Performance testing Maintenance. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS 6


REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. James K.Peckol, Embedded system Design,JohnWiley&Sons,2010 Elicia White,Making Embedded Systems,OReilly Series,SPD,2011 Rajkamal,Embedded Systems,TMH,2009. Lyla B Das, Embedded Systems-An Integrated Approach,Pearson2013 Arnold S. Berger Embedded System Design, CMP books, USA 2002. ARKIN, R.C., Behaviour-based Robotics, The MIT Press, 1998.



Sl.No. 1

Title Programming with 8 bit Microcontrollers Both Assembly and C programming Programming with 8 bit Microcontrollers I/O Programming/ Timers/ Interrupts/ Serial port programming/PWM Generation/ Motor Control/ADC/DAC/ LCD/ RTC Interfacing/ Sensor Interfacing

Requirement 8 bit Microcontrollers with peripherals;Board Support Software Tools 8 bit Microcpontrollers with peripherals;Board Support Software Tools, peripherals with interface DSO(2);Multimeters(6); 3 Types of Sensors(3 each);DC & AC Motors 2 each);interface supports(3 each) 8 bit PIC/AVR Microcpontrollers with peripherals;Board Support Software Tools PIC /AVR Microcpontrollers with peripherals;Board Support Software Tools, peripherals with interface DSO(2);Multimeters(6); 3 Types of Sensors(3 each);DC & AC Motors 2 each);interface supports(3 each) 16 bit processors with peripherals;Board Support Software Tools 16 bit Microcpontrollers with peripherals;Board Support Software Tools with interface DSO(2);Multimeters(6); 3 Types of Sensors(3 each);DC & AC Motors 2 each);interface supports(3 each) Simulation Tools as SPICE/others

2 set

Programming with 8 bit PIC/AVR Microcontrollers Both Assembly and C programming Programming with PIC /AVR Microcontrollers I/O Programming/ Timers/ Interrupts/ Serial port programming/PWM Generation/ Motor Control/ADC/DAC/ LCD/ RTC Interfacing/ Sensor Interfacing Programming with 16 bit processors Both Assembly and C programming Programming with 16 bit processors I/O Programming/ Timers/ Interrupts/ Serial port programming/PWM Generation/ Motor Control/ADC/DAC/ LCD/ RTC Interfacing/ Sensor Interfacing Design with CAD tools Design and Implementation of Combinational , Sequential Circuits in CAD simulators Study on incircuit Emulators, crosscompilers, debuggers

5 set

2 set

2 set

2 set

Multiple user

Simulation & Programming of sensor interface & measurement with using programming environments (MATLAB/LabVIEW/Simulation Tools)

Microcpontrollers with peripherals;IDE, Board Support Software Tools /Uc/OS-II/C Compiler/others Simulation Tools as MATLAB/ LABVIEW /others

Multiple user

Multiple user


10 Programming of TCP/IP protocol stack Simulation & Experimenting set with IAR C/C++ Compiler,Assembler, peripherals;Board Support Software Tools 1 set




LT P C 3003

OBJECTIVES To give an insight to the students about the significance of CMOS technology and fabrication process. To teach the importance and architectural features of programmable logic devices. To introduce the ASIC construction and design algorithms To teach the basic analog VLSI design techniques. To study the Logic synthesis and simulation of digital system with Verilog HDL. UNIT I CMOS DESIGN 9 Overview of digital VLSI design Methodologies- Logic design with CMOS-transmission gate circuits-Clocked CMOS-dynamic CMOS circuits, Bi-CMOS circuits- Layout diagram, Stick diagram-IC fabrications Trends in IC technology. UNIT II PROGRAMABLE LOGIC DEVICES 12 Programming Techniques-Anti fuse-SRAM-EPROM and EEPROM technology ReProgrammable Devices Architecture- Function blocks, I/O blocks,Interconnects, XilinxXC9500,Cool Runner - XC-4000,XC5200, SPARTAN, Virtex - Altera MAX 7000-Flex 10KStratix. UNIT III BASIC CONSTRUCTION, FLOOR PLANNING, PLACEMENT AND ROUTING 6

System partition FPGA partitioning Partitioning methods- floor planning placementphysical design flow global routing detailed routing special routing- circuit extraction DRC. UNIT IV ANALOG VLSI DESIGN 6 Introduction to analog VLSI- Design of CMOS 2stage-3 stage Op-Amp High Speed and High frequency op-amps-Super MOS-Analog primitive cells-realization of neural networks. UNIT V LOGIC SYNTHESIS AND SIMULATION 12 Overview of digital design with Verilog HDL, hierarchical modelling concepts, modules and port definitions, gate level modelling, data flow modelling, behavioural modelling, task & functions, Verilog and logic synthesis-simulation-Design examples,Ripple carry Adders, Carry Look ahead adders, Multiplier, ALU, Shift Registers, Multiplexer, Comparator, Test Bench.


TOTAL 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. M.J.S Smith, Application Specific integrated circuits,Addition Wesley Longman Inc.1997. 2.Kamran Eshraghian,Douglas A.pucknell and Sholeh Eshraghian,Essentials of VLSI circuits and system, Prentice Hall India,2005. 3. Wayne Wolf, Modern VLSI design Prentice Hall India,2006. 4. Mohamed Ismail ,Terri Fiez, Analog VLSI Signal and information Processing, McGraw Hill International Editions,1994. 5.Samir Palnitkar, Veri Log HDL, A Design guide to Digital and Synthesis 2nd Ed,Pearson,2005. 6. John P. Uyemera Chip design for submicron VLSI cmos layout and simulation , Cengage Learning India Edition, 2011.

ET7202 OBJECTIVES To impart knowledge on


LTPC 3104

Serial and parallel communication protocols Application Development using USB and CAN bus for PIC microcontrollers Application development using Embedded Ethernet for Rabbit processors. Wireless sensor network communication protocols.

UNIT I EMBEDDED COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLS 8 Embedded Networking: Introduction Serial/Parallel Communication Serial communication protocols -RS232 standard RS485 Synchronous Serial Protocols -Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Inter Integrated Circuits (I2C) PC Parallel port programming -ISA/PCI Bus protocols Firewire UNIT II USB AND CAN BUS 10 USB bus Introduction Speed Identification on the bus USB States USB bus communication: Packets Data flow types Enumeration Descriptors PIC 18 Microcontroller USB Interface C Programs CAN Bus Introduction - Frames Bit stuffing Types of errors Nominal Bit Timing PIC microcontroller CAN Interface A simple application with CAN UNIT III ETHERNET BASICS 9 Elements of a network Inside Ethernet Building a Network: Hardware options Cables, Connections and network speed Design choices: Selecting components Ethernet Controllers Using the internet in local and internet communications Inside the Internet protocol UNIT IV EMBEDDED ETHERNET 9 Exchanging messages using UDP and TCP Serving web pages with Dynamic Data Serving web pages that respond to user Input Email for Embedded Systems Using FTP Keeping Devices and Network secure.



UNIT V WIRELESS EMBEDDED NETWORKING 9 Wireless sensor networks Introduction Applications Network Topology Localization Time Synchronization - Energy efficient MAC protocols SMAC Energy efficient and robust routing Data Centric routing L = 45 T = 15 TOTAL = 60 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Frank Vahid, Givargis Embedded Systems Design: A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction, Wiley Publications 2. Jan Axelson, Parallel Port Complete , Penram publications 3. Dogan Ibrahim, Advanced PIC microcontroller projects in C, Elsevier 2008 4. Jan Axelson Embedded Ethernet and Internet Complete, Penram publications 5. Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Networking wireless sensors, Cambridge press 2005



LTPC 300 3

OBJECTIVES To expose the students to the fundamentals of wireless communication technologies. To teach the fundamentals of wireless mobile network protocols To study on wireless network topologies To introduce network routing protocols To study the basis for classification of commercial family of wireless communication technologies UNIT I INTRODUCTION Wireless Transmission signal propagation Capacity Allocation FAMA DAMA MAC 9

spread spectrum Satellite Networks

UNIT II MOBILE NETWORKS 9 Cellular Wireless Networks GSM Architecture Protocols Connection Etablishment Frequency Allocation Routing Handover Security GPRA UNIT III WIRELESS NETWORKS 9 Wireless LAN IEEE 802.11 Standard-Architecture Services AdHoc Network - Hiper Lan Blue Tooth. UNIT IV ROUTING 9 Mobile IP DHCP AdHoc Networks Proactive and Reactive Routing Protocols Multicast Routing UNIT V TRANSPORT AND APPLICATION LAYERS 9 TCP over Adhoc Networks WAP Architecture WWW Programming Model WDP WTLS WTP WSP WAE WTA Architecture WML WML scripts. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS



REFERENCES 1. Kaveh Pahlavan, Prasanth Krishnamoorthy, Principles of Wireless Networks PHI/Pearson Education, 2003 2. Uwe Hansmann, Lothar Merk, Martin S. Nicklons and Thomas Stober, Principles of Mobile computing, Springer, New york, 2003. 3. C.K.Toh, AdHoc mobile wireless networks, Prentice Hall, Inc, 2002. 4. Charles E. Perkins, Adhoc Networking, Addison-Wesley, 2001. 5. Jochen Schiller, Mobile communications, PHI/Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2003. 6. William Stallings, Wireless communications and Networks, PHI/Pearson Education, 2002.



LTPC 300 3

OBJECTIVES To expose the students to the fundamentals of embedded Programming. To Introduce the GNU C Programming Tool Chain in Linux. To study the basic concepts of embedded C and Embedded OS To introduce time driven architecture, Serial Interface with a case study. To introduce the concept of embedded Java for Web Enabling of systems. UNIT I EMBEDDED PROGRAMMING 9 C and Assembly - Programming Style - Declarations and Expressions - Arrays, Qualifiers and Reading Numbers - Decision and Control Statements - Programming Process - More Control Statements - Variable Scope and Functions - C Preprocessor - Advanced Types - Simple Pointers - Debugging and Optimization In-line Assembly. UNIT II C PROGRAMMING TOOLCHAIN IN LINUX 9

C preprocessor - Stages of Compilation - Introduction to GCC - Debugging with GDB - The Make utility - GNU Configure and Build System - GNU Binary utilities - Profiling - using gprof Memory Leak Detection with valgrind - Introduction to GNU C Library UNIT III EMBEDDED C AND EMBEDDED OS 9

Adding Structure to C Code: Object oriented programming with C, Header files for Project and Port, Examples. Meeting Real-time constraints: Creating hardware delays - Need for timeout mechanism - Creating loop timeouts - Creating hardware timeouts. Creating embedded operating system: Basis of a simple embedded OS, Introduction to sEOS, Using Timer 0 and Timer 1, Portability issue, Alternative system architecture, Important design considerations when using sEOS.





Multi-State systems and function sequences: Implementing multi-state (Timed) system Implementing a Multi-state (Input/Timed) system. Using the Serial Interface: RS232 - The Basic RS-232 Protocol - Asynchronous data transmission and baud rates - Flow control - Software architecture - Using on-chip UART for RS-232 communication - Memory requirements - The serial menu architecture - Examples. Case study: Intruder alarm system. UNIT V EMBEDDED JAVA 9

Introduction to Embedded Java and J2ME Smart Card basics Java card technology overview Java card objects Java card applets working with APDUs Web Technology for Embedded Systems. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. Steve Oualline, Practical C Programming 3rd Edition, OReilly Media, Inc, 2006. Stephen Kochan, Programming in C, 3rd Edition, Sams Publishing, 2009. Michael J Pont, Embedded C, Pearson Education, 2007. Zhiqun Chen, Java Card Technology for Smart Cards: Architecture and Programmers Guide, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2000.

ET7211 Sl.No. 1

EMBEDDED SYSTEM LABORATORY II Title Requirement ARM family Processors With IDE, Board Support Packages & Peripherals DSO(2);Multimeters(6); 3 Types of Sensors(3 each);DC & AC Motors 2 each);interface supports(3 each) Fixed Point & Floating Point DSP Processors With IDE, Board Support

LTPC 00 32 Quantity Multiple user

Programming with ARM Processors Both Assembly and C programming, I/O Programming/Timers/Interrupts, /ADC/DAC/ LCD /RTC Interfacing/ Sensor Interfacing/i/o device control Programming with Fixed Point & Floating Point DSP Processors Both Assembly /C programming/CCS CompilersProgramming with DSP processors for Correlation, Convolution, Arithmetic adder, Multiplier, Design of Filters - FIR based , IIR

2 set each



based Packages & Peripherals

Design using Xilinx/Altera CPLD Design and Implementation of simple Combinational/Sequential Circuits Design using Xilinx/Altera FPGA Design and Implementation of simple Combinational/Sequential Circuits Interfacing: Motor Control/ADC/DAC/LCD / RTC Interfacing/ Sensor Interfacing

Xilinx/Altera CPLD Processor

Multiple set

Xilinx/Altera FPGA Processor

Multiple user

8 9 10

Study of one type of Real Time Operating Systems (RTOS) with ARM Processor/Microcontroller Network Simulators Communication Topology of network using NS2/simulators Study on Embedded wireless network Topology Simulation of digital controllers using programming environments Simulation & Programming on DSP /Image Processing using programming environments

DSP/ARM/FPGA Processors With IDE, Board Support Packages & P DSO(2);Multimeters(6); 3 Types of Sensors(3 each);DC & AC Motors 2 each);interface supports(3 each) eripherals for interface ARMProcessor/Microcontroller

2 set

Multiple user


Multiple user

NS2/simulators (MATLAB/LabVIEW/Simulators) (MATLAB/LabVIEW/Simulators)

Multiple user Multiple user Multiple user


REFERENCES : 1. Mohamammad Ali Mazidi & Mazidi 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems, Pearson Education 2. Mohammad Ali Mazidi, Rolind Mckinley and Danny Causey, PIC Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Pearson Education 3. UdayaShankara, Modern Digital Signal Processing Includes Signals and SystemsMATLAB Programs, DSP Architecture with Assembly and C Programs, second edition, PHI Learning 2012. 4. Rashid, Introduction to PSPICE using Orcad for Circuits And Electronics 5. Jan Axelson Embedded Ethernet and Internet Complete, Penram publications 6. Kraig Mitzner, Complete PCB Design using ORCAD Capture and Layout, Elsevier 7. Woon-Seng Gan, Sen M. Kuo, Embedded Signal Processing with the Micro Signal Architecture, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey 2007 8. U. Meyer-Baese Digital Signal Processing using Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Springer 9. Dogan Ibrahim, Advanced PIC microcontroller projects in C, Elsevier 2008






L T P C 0 0 12 6



L T P C 0 0 24 12



LTPC 3 003

OBJECTIVES To discuss to the students on the fundamentals building blocks of a digital instrument To teach the digital data communication techniques To study on bus communication standards and working principles To teach Graphical programming using GUI for instrument building The case studies to be developed/ discussed UNIT I DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS 9 Overview of A/D converter, types and characteristics Sampling , Errors. Objective Building blocks of Automation systems Counters Modes of operation- Frequency, Period, Time interval measurements, Prescaler, Heterodyne converter for frequency measurement, Single and Multi channel Data Acquisition systems. UNIT II INTERFACING AND DATA TRANSMISSION 9 Data transmission systems 8086 Microprocessor based system design Peripheral Interfaces Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) Digital Modulation Pulse Modulation Pulse Code Format Interface systems and standards Communications. UNIT III INSTRUMENTATION BUS 9 Introduction, Modem standards, Basic requirements of Instrument Bus standards, Bus communication, interrupt and data handshaking , Interoperability, interchangeability for RS232, USB, RS-422, RS-485. UNIT IV VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTATION 9 Block diagram and Architecture Data flow techniques Graphical programming using GUI Real time Embedded system Intelligent controller Software and hardware simulation of I/O communication blocks-peripheral interface ADC/DAC Digital I/O Counter , Timer. UNIT V CASE STUDIES 9 PC based DAS, Data loggers, PC based industrial process measurements like flow, temperature, pressure and level development system, CRT interface and controller with monochrome and colour video display. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS 15


REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4. A.J. Bouwens, Digital Instrumentation , TATA McGraw-Hill Edition, 1998. N. Mathivanan, Microprocessors, PC Hardware and Interfacing, Prentice-Hall India, 2005. H S Kalsi, Electronic Instrumentation Second Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill,2006. Joseph J. Carr, Elements of Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Third Edition, Pearson Education, 2003. 5. Buchanan, Computer busses, Arnold, London,2000. 6. Jonathan W Valvano, Embedded Microcomputer systems, Asia Pvt. Ltd., Brooks/Cole, Thomson, 2001.



LTPC 300 3

OBJECTIVES To expose the students to the fundamentals of interaction of OS with a computer and User computation. To teach the fundamental concepts of how process are created and controlled with OS. To study on programming logic of modeling Process based on range of OS features To compare types and Functionalities in commercial OS To discuss the application development using RTOS

UNIT I REVIEW OF OPERATING SYSTEMS 15 Basic Principles - Operating System structures System Calls Files Processes Design and Implementation of processes Communication between processes Introduction to Distributed operating system issues in distributed system:states,events,clocks-Distributed scheduling-Fault &recovery. UNIT II OVERVIEW OF RTOS 9 RTOS Task and Task state Multithreaded Premptive scheduler- Process SynchronisationMessage queues Mail boxes -pipes Critical section Semaphores Classical synchronisation problem Deadlocks UNIT III REAL TIME MODELS AND LANGUAGES 6 Event Based Process Based and Graph based Models Real Time Languages RTOS Tasks RT scheduling - Interrupt processing Synchronization Control Blocks Memory Requirements. UNIT IV REAL TIME KERNEL 6 Principles Design issues Polled Loop Systems RTOS Porting to a Target Comparison and Basic study of various RTOS like VX works Linux supportive RTOS C Executive. UNIT V RTOS APPLICATION DOMAINS 9 Case studies-RTOS for Image Processing Embedded RTOS for Network communication RTOS for fault-Tolerant Applications RTOS for Control Systems. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS 16


REFERENCES: 1. Silberschatz,Galvin,Gagne Operating System Concepts,6th ed,John Wiley,2003 2. D.M.Dhamdhere, Operating Systems,A Concept-Based Approch,TMH,2008 3. Raj Kamal, Embedded Systems- Architecture, Programming and Design Tata McGraw Hill, 2006. 4. Herma K., Real Time Systems Design for distributed Embedded Applications, Kluwer Academic, 1997. 5. Charles Crowley, Operating Systems-A Design Oriented approach McGraw Hill 1997. 6. C.M. Krishna, Kang, G.Shin, Real Time Systems, McGraw Hill, 1997. 7. Raymond J.A.Bhur, Donald L.Bailey, An Introduction to Real Time Systems, PHI 1999. 8. Mukesh Sighal and N G Shi Advanced Concepts in Operating System, McGraw Hill 2000.


LTPC 30 03

OBJECTIVES To expose the students to the fundamentals of interaction of OS with a computer and User computation. To teach the fundamental Parallel Processing. To study on networking for memory To compare types and Functionalities in commercial OS To discuss the parallel models development using software UNIT I THEORY OF PARALLELISM 9 Parallel Computer models the state of computing, Multiprocessors and Multicomputers and Multivectors and SIMD computers, PRAM and VLSI models, Architectural development tracks, Program and network properties Conditions of parallelism. UNIT II PARTITIONING AND SCHEDULING 9 Program partitioning and scheduling, Program flow mechanisms, System interconnect architectures, Principles of scalable performance performance matrices and measures, Parallel processing applications, speedup performance laws, scalability analysis and approaches. UNIT III HARDWARE TECHNOLGIES 9 Processor and memory hierarchy advanced processor technology, superscalar and vector processors, memory hierarchy technology, virtual memory technology, bus cache and shared memory backplane bus systems, cache memory organizations, shared memory organizations, sequential and weak consistency models. UNIT IV PIPELINING AND SUPERSCALAR TECHNOLOGIES 9 Parallel and scalable architectures, Multiprocessor and Multicomputers, Multivector and SIMD computers, Scalable, Multithreaded and data flow architectures. 17


UNIT V SOFTWARE AND PARALLEL PROCESSING 9 Parallel models, Languages and compilers, Parallel program development and environments, UNIX, MACH and OSF/1 for parallel computers. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Kai Hwang Advanced Computer Architecture. McGraw Hill International 2001. 2. Dezso Sima, Terence Fountain, Peter Kacsuk, Advanced computer Architecture A design Space Approach. Pearson Education,2003. 3. Carl Homacher, Zvonko Vranesic, Sefwat Zaky, Computer Organisation, 5th Edition, TMH, 2002. 4. David E. Culler, Jaswinder Pal Singh with Anoop Gupta Parallel Computer Architecture ,Elsevier, 2004. 5. John P. Shen. Modern processor design Fundamentals of super scalar processors, Tata McGraw Hill 2003. 6. Sajjan G. Shiva Advanced Computer Architecture, Taylor & Francis, 2008. 7. V.Rajaraman, C.Siva Ram Murthy, Parallel Computers- Architecture and Programming, Prentice Hall India, 2008. 8. John L. Hennessy, David A. Petterson, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 4th Edition, Elsevier, 2007. 9. Harry F. Jordan Gita Alaghaband, Fundamentals of Parallel Processing. Pearson Education, 2003. 10. Richard Y. Kain, Advanced computer architecture A system Design Approach, PHI, 2003.



LTPC 3 003

OBJECTIVES To expose the students to the fundamentals of Embedded System Blocks To teach the fundamental RTOS. To study on interfacing for processor communication To compare types and Functionalities in commercial software tools To discuss the Applications development using interfacing UNIT I EMBEDDED SYSTEM ORGANIZATION 9

Embedded computing characteristics of embedded computing applications embedded system design challenges; Build process of Realtime Embedded system Selection of processor; Memory; I/O devices-Rs-485, MODEM, Bus Communication system using I2C, CAN, USB buses, 8 bit ISA, EISA bus;





Introduction to RTOS; RTOS- Inter Process communication, Interrupt driven Input and Output Nonmaskable interrupt, Software interrupt; Thread Single, Multithread concept; Multitasking Semaphores. UNIT III INTERFACE WITH COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL 9 Design methodologies and tools design flows designing hardware and software Interface . system integration; SPI, High speed data acquisition and interface-SPI read/write protocol, RTC interfacing and programming; UNIT IV DESIGN OF SOFTWARE FOR EMBEDDED CONTROL 9 Software abstraction using Mealy-Moore FSM controller, Layered software development, Basic concepts of developing device driver SCI Software - interfacing & porting using standard C & C++ ; Functional and performance Debugging with benchmarking Real-time system software Survey on basics of contemporary RTOS VXWorks, UC/OS-II UNIT V CASE STUDIES WITH EMBEDDED CONTROLLER 9 Programmable interface with A/D & D/A interface; Digital voltmeter, control- Robot system; PWM motor speed controller, serial communication interface. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Steven F. Barrett, Daniel J. Pack, Embedded Systems Design and Applications with the 68HC 12 and HCS12, Pearson Education, 2008. 2. Raj Kamal, Embedded Systems- Architecture, Programming and Design Tata McGraw Hill, 2006. 3. Micheal Khevi, The M68HC11 Microcontroller application in control,Instrumentation & Communication, PH NewJersy, 1997. 4. Chattopadhyay, Embedded System Design,PHI Learning, 2011. 5. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Rolin D. Mckinlay, Danny Causey, PIC Microcontroller and Embedded Systems- Using Assembly and C for PIC18, Pearson Education,2008. 6. Steven F.Barrett,Daniel J.Pack,Embedded Systems-Design & Application with the 68HC12 & HCS12, Pearson Education,2008. 7. Daniel W. Lewis, Fundamentals of Embedded Software, Prentice Hall India, 2004. 8. Jack R Smith Programming the PIC microcontroller with MBasic Elsevier, 2007. Keneth J.Ayala, The 8086 Microprocessor: Programming & Interfacing the PC, Thomson India edition,






LTPC 3003

To give an insight to the students about the significance of VHDL Programming To teach the importance and architectural modelling of programmable logic devices. To introduce the construction and design programming To teach the basic VLSI design configurations To study the Logic synthesis and simulation of digital system with PLD.

UNIT I VHDL FUNDAMENTALS 9 Fundamental concepts- Modeling digital system-Domain and levels of modeling-modeling languages-VHDL modeling concepts-Scalar Data types and operations- constants and VariableScalar Types- Type Classification-Attributes and scalar types-expression and operatorsSequential statements. UNIT II DATA TYPES AND BASIC MODELING CONSTRUCTS 9 Arrays- unconstrained array types-array operations and referencing- records - Access TypesAbstract Date types- -basic modeling constructs-entity declarations-Architecture bodiesbehavioral description-structural descriptions- design Processing, case study: A pipelined Multiplier accumulator. UNIT III SUBPROGRAMS , PACKAGES AND FILES 9 Procedures-Procedure parameters- Concurrent procedure call statements Functions Overloading visibility of Declarations-packages and use clauses- Package declarationspackage bodies-use clauses-Predefined aliases-Aliases for Data objects-Aliases for Non-Data items-Files- I/O-Files. Case study: A bit vector arithmetic Package. UNIT IV SIGNALS, COMPONENTS, CONFIGURATIONS. 9 Basic Resolved Signals-IEEE std_Logic_1164 resolved subtypes- resolved Signal Parameters Generic Constants- Parameterizing behavior- Parameterizing structure-components and configurations-Generate Statements-Generating Iterative structure-Conditionally generating structure-Configuration of generate statements-case study: DLX computer Systems. UNIT V DESIGN WITH PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC DEVICES 9 Realization of -Micro controller CPU.- Memories- I/O devices-MAC-Design,synthesis,simulation and testing. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Peter J.Ashenden, The Designers guide to VHDL, Morgan Kaufmann publishers,San Francisco,Second Edition, May 2001. 2. Zainalabedin navabi, VHDL Analysis ans modeling of Digital Systems, McGraw Hill international Editions, Second Editions, 1998. 3. Charles H Roth, Jr. Digital system Design using VHDL, Thomson ,2006. 4. Douglas Perry, VHDL Programming by Example, Tata McGraw Hill,4th Edition 2002. 20


5. Navabi.Z., VHDL Analysis and Modeling of Digital Systems, McGraw International, 1998. 6. Peter J Ashendem, The Designers Guide to VHDL, Harcourt India Pvt Ltd, 2002 7. Skahill. K, VHDL for Programmable Logic, Pearson education, 1996.



LTPC 300 3

OBJECTIVES To expose the students to the fundamentals of wireless communication technologies. To teach the fundamentals of wireless network routing protocols To study on wireless issues in network layers topologies To introduce energy management in network routing protocols To study the basis of performance metrics for N/W communication technologies UNIT I WIRELESS LAN, PAN, WAN AND MAN 9

Characteristics of wireless channel, Fundamentals of WLANs, IEEE 802.11 standard, HIPERLAN Standard, First-, Second-, and third- generation cellular systems, WLL, Wireless ATM, IEEE 802.16 standard, HIPERACCESS, AdHoc Wireless Internet. UNIT II MAC, ROUTING AND MULTICAST ROUTING PROTOCOLS 9 MAC Protocols: Design issues, goals and classification, Contention based protocols with reservation and scheduling mechanisms, Protocols using directional antennas. Routing protocols: Design issues and classification, Table-driven, On-demand and Hybrid routing protocols, Routing protocols with efficient flooding mechanisms, Hierarchical and power-aware routing protocols. Multicast Routing Protocols: Design issues and operation, Architecture reference model, classification, Tree-based and Mesh-based protocols, Energy-efficient multicasting. UNIT III TRANSPORT LAYER AND SECURITY PROTOCOLS 9

Transport layer Protocol: Design issues, goals and classification, TCP over AdHoc wireless Networks, Security, Security requirements, Issues and challenges in security provisioning, Network security attacks, Security routing. Quality of Service: Issues and challenges in providing QoS, Classification of QoS solutions, MAC layer solutions, Network layer solutions, QoS frameworks. UNIT IV ENERGY MANAGEMENT 9 Need, classification of battery management schemes, Transmission power management schemes, System power management schemes. Wireless Sensor Networks: Architecture, Data dissemination, Date gathering, MAC protocols, location discovery, Quality of a sensor network.



UNIT V PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS 9 ABR beaconing, Performance parameters, Route-discovery time, End-to-end delay performance, Communication throughput performance, Packet loss performance, Route reconfiguration/repair time, TCP/IP based applications. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. C. Siva Ram Murthy and B.S. Manoj, AdHoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and protocols, Prentice Hall PTR, 2004 2. C.-K.Toh, AdHoc Mobile Wireless Networks: Protocols and Systems, Prentice Hall PTR, 2001 3. Mohammad Ilyas, The Handbook of AdHoc Wireless Networks, CRC press, 2002 4. Charles E. Perkins, AdHoc Networking, Addison Wesley, 2000 5. Stefano Basagni, Marco Conti, Silvia Giordano and Ivan Stojmenovic, Mobile AdHoc Networking, Wiley IEEE press, 2004.



LTPC 300 3

OBJECTIVES To expose the students to the fundamentals of digital signal processing in frequency domain& its application To teach the fundamentals of digital signal processing in time-frequency domain& its application To compare Architectures & features of Programmable DSprocessors To discuss on Application development with commercial family of DS Processors To design & develop logical functions of DSProcessors with Re-Programmable logics &Devices UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING 12 Introduction, A Digital Signal-Processing System, The Sampling Process, Discrete Time Sequences, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Linear TimeInvariant Systems, Decimation and Interpolation, Digital Filters, FIR Filters, IIR Filters. UNIT II WAVELET TRANSFORM 6 Introduction to continuous wavelet transform- discrete wavelet transform -orthogonal wavelet decomposition- Multiresolution Analysis-Wavelet function-DWT,bases,orthogonal Basis-Scaling function, Wavelet coefficients- ortho normal wavelets and their relationship to filter banks- Digital filtering interpolation (i) Decomposition filters, (ii) reconstruction, the signal- Example MRA- Haar & Daubechies wavelet. UNIT III ARCHITECTURES OF COMMERCIAL DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS 12

Introduction, catogorisation of DSP Processors, Fixed Point (Blackfin),Floating Point (SHARC),TI TMS 320c6xxx & OMAP processors TMS320C54X & 54xx on Basic Architecture comparison : of functional variations of Computational building blocks, MAC, Bus Architecture and memory, Data Addressing, Parallelism and pipelining, Parallel I/O interface,Memory 22


Interface, Interrupt, DMA (one example Architecture in each of these case studies). UNIT IV INTERFACING I/O PERIPHERALS FOR DSP BASED APPLICATIONS 6

Introduction, External Bus Interfacing Signals, Memory Interface, Parallel I/O Interface, Programmed I/O, Interrupts and I / O Direct Memory Access (DMA).-Introduction, Design of Decimation and Interpolation Filter, FFT Algorithm, PID Controller ,Application for Serial Interfacing, DSP based Power Meter, Position control , CODEC Interface . UNIT V VLSI IMPLEMENTATION 9 Low power Design-need for Low power VLSI chips-Basics of DSP system architecture design using VHDL programming, Mapping of DSP algorithm onto hardware, Realisation of MAC & Filter structure. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. John G. Proaks, Dimitris G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing, Pearson Education 2002. 2. Avatar Sing, S. Srinivasan, Digital Signal Processing- Implementation using DSP Microprocessors with Examples from TMS320C54xx, Thomson India,2004. 3. Lars Wanhammer, DSP Integrated Circuits, Academic press, 1999,NewYork. 4. Lyla B Das, Embedded Systems-An Integrated Approach,Pearson2013 5. Ashok Ambardar,Digital Signal Processing: A Modern Introduction,Thomson India edition, 2007. 6. Raghuveer M.Rao and Ajit S. Bapardikar, Wavelet transforms- Introduction to theory and applications, Pearson Education, 2000. 7. K.P. Soman and K.L. Ramchandran,Insight into WAVELETS from theory to practice, Eastern Economy Edition, 2008 8. Ifeachor E. C., Jervis B. W ,Digital Signal Processing: A practical approach, PearsonEducation, PHI/ 2002 9. B Venkataramani and M Bhaskar Digital Signal Processors, TMH, 2nd, 2010 10. Peter Pirsch Architectures for Digital Signal Processing, John Weily, 2007 11. Vinay K.Ingle,John G.Proakis,DSP-A Matlab Based Approach,Cengage Learning,2010 12. Taan S.Elali,Discrete Systems and Digital Signal Processing with Matlab,CRC Press2009.






LTPC 3 003

To expose the concepts of feed forward neural networks. To provide adequate knowledge about feed back neural networks. To teach about the concept of fuzziness involved in various systems. To expose the ideas about genetic algorithm To provide adequate knowledge about of FLC and NN toolbox INTRODUCTION AND ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS 9


Introduction of soft computing - soft computing vs. hard computing- various types of soft computing techniques- applications of soft computing-Neuron- Nerve structure and synapseArtificial Neuron and its model- activation functions- Neural network architecture- single layer and multilayer feed forward networks- McCullochPitts neuron model- perceptron model- Adaline and Madaline- multilayer perception model- back propogation learning methods- effect of learning rule coefficient -back propagation algorithm- factors affecting back propagation trainingapplications. UNIT II ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS 9

Counter propagation network- architecture- functioning & characteristics of counter- Propagation network-Hopfield/ Recurrent network- configuration- stability constraints-associative memoryand characteristics- limitations and applications- Hopfield v/s Boltzman machine- Adaptive Resonance Theory- Architecture- classifications-Implementation and training-Associative Memory. UNIT III FUZZY LOGIC SYSTEM 9

Introduction to crisp sets and fuzzy sets- basic fuzzy set operation and approximate reasoning. Introduction to fuzzy logic modeling and control- Fuzzification- inferencingand defuzzificationFuzzy knowledge and rule bases-Fuzzy modeling and control schemes for nonlinear systems. Self organizing fuzzy logic control- Fuzzy logic control for nonlinear time delay system. UNIT IV GENETIC ALGORITHM 9

Basic concept of Genetic algorithm and detail algorithmic steps-adjustment of free ParametersSolution of typical control problems using genetic algorithm- Concept on some other search techniques like tabu search and ant colony search techniques for solving optimization problems. UNIT V APPLICATIONS 9

GA application to power system optimization problem- Case studies: Identification and control of linear and nonlinear dynamic systems using Matlab-Neural Network toolbox. Stability analysis of Neural Network interconnection systems- Implementation of fuzzy logic controller using Matlab fuzzy logic toolbox-Stability analysis of fuzzy control systems. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS 24


REFERENCES 1.. Laurene V. Fausett, Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architectures, Algorithms And Applications, Pearson Education, 2. Timothy J. Ross, Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications Wiley India. 3. Zimmermann H.J. "Fuzzy set theoryand its Applications" Springer international edition, 2011. 4. David E.Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning, Pearson Education, 2009. 5. W.T.Miller, R.S.Sutton and P.J.Webrose, Neural Networks for Control, MIT Press, 1996.



LTPC 3003

OBJECTIVES To teach the architecture of 8 bit RISC processor To teach the architecture and programming of 16 bit RISC processor To teach the implementation of DSP in ARM processor To discuss on memeroy management in RISC processor To teach the application development with ARM processor UNIT I AVR MICROCONTROLLER ARCHITECTURE 9 Architecture memory organization addressing modes I/O Memory EEPROM I/O Ports SRAM Timer UART Interrupt Structure- Serial Communication with PC ADC/DAC Interfacing. UNIT II ARM ARCHITECTURE AND PROGRAMMING ` 9 Arcon RISC Machine Architectural Inheritance Core & Architectures -- The ARM Programmers model -Registers Pipeline - Interrupts ARM organization - ARM processor family Co-processors. Instruction set Thumb instruction set Instruction cycle timings UNIT III ARM APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT 9 Introduction to DSP on ARM FIR Filter IIR Filter Discrete Fourier transform Exception Handling Interrupts Interrupt handling schemes- Firmware and bootloader Example: Standalone - Embedded Operating Systems Fundamental Components - Example Simple little Operating System UNIT IV MEMORY PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT 9 Protected Regions-Initializing MPU, Cache and Write Buffer-MPU to MMU-Virtual Memory-Page Tables-TLB-Domain and Memory Access Permission-Fast Context Switch Extension. UNIT V DESIGN WITH ARM MICROCONTROLLERS 9 Assembler Rules and Directives- Simple ASM/C programs- Hamming Code- Division-NegationSimple Loops Look up table- Block copy- subroutines. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS



REFERENCES 1. Steve Furber, ARM system on chip architecture, Addision Wesley 2. Andrew N. Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright, John Rayfield ARM System Developers Guide Designing and Optimizing System Software, Elsevier 2007. 3. Trevor Martin, The Insider's Guide To The Philips ARM7-Based Microcontrollers, An Engineer's Introduction To The LPC2100 Series Hitex (UK) Ltd., 4. Dananjay V. Gadre Programming and Customizing the AVR microcontroller, McGraw Hill 2001 5. William Hohl, ARM Assebly Language Fundamentals and Techniques. 5. ARM Architecture Reference Manual 6. LPC213x User Manual 7. R. Barnett , L. O CULL and S. Cox Embedded C Programming and Atmel AVR, Delmar Cengage Learning, India Edition , 2009.



LTPC 300 3

OBJECTIVES To teach the Fundamentals on design attributes of functional units of a Processor To discuss on Hardware software partioning in system design To teach intra & Inter processor Communications To discuss strategies for processor Communications To discuss on Co-Designs

UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO EMBEDDED HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE 9 Terminology Gates Timing diagram Memory Microprocessor buses Direct memory access Interrupts Built interrupts Interrupts basis Shared data problems Interrupt latency - Embedded system evolution trends Interrupt routines in an RTOS environment . UNIT II SYSTEM MODELLING WITH HARDWARE/SOFTWARE PARTITIONING 9 Embedded systems, Hardware/Software Co-Design, Co-Design for System Specification and modelling- Single-processor Architectures&,Multi-ProcessorArchitectures, comparison of CoDesign Approaches, Models of Computation, Requirements for Embedded System Specification, Hardware/Software Partitioning Problem, Hardware/Software Cost Estimation, Generation of Partitioning by Graphical modelling, Formulation of the HW/SW scheduling, Optimization. UNIT III HARDWARE/SOFTWARE CO-SYNTHESIS 9 The Co-Synthesis Problem, State-Transition Graph, Refinement and Controller Generation, Distributed System Co-Synthesis. UNIT IV MEMORY AND INTERFACING 9 Memory: Memory write ability and storage performance Memory types composing memory Advance RAM interfacing communication basic Microprocessor interfacing I/O addressing Interrupts Direct memory access Arbitration multilevel bus architecture Serial protocol Parallel protocols Wireless protocols Digital camera example. 26


UNIT V CONCURRENT PROCESS MODELS AND HARDWARE SOFTWARE CO-DESIGN 9 Modes of operation Finite state machines Models HCFSL and state charts language state machine models Concurrent process model Concurrent process Communication among process Synchronization among process Implementation Data Flow model. Design technology Automation synthesis Hardware software co-simulation IP cores Design Process Model. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. David. E. Simon, An Embedded Software Primer, Pearson Education, 2001. 2. Tammy Noergaard, Embedded System Architecture, A comprehensive Guide for Engineers and Programmers, Elsevier, 2006 3. Raj Kamal, Embedded Systems- Architecture, Programming and Design Tata McGraw Hill, 2006. 4. Frank Vahid and Tony Gwargie, Embedded System Design, John Wiley & sons, 2002. 5. Steve Heath, Embedded System Design, Elsevier, Second Edition, 2004. 6. Ralf Niemann, Hardware/Software Co-Design for Data Flow Dominated Embedded Systems, Kluwer Academic Pub, 1998. 7. Jorgen Staunstrup, Wayne Wolf, Harware/Software Co-Design:Principles and Practice, Kluwer Academic Pub, 1997. 8. Giovanni De Micheli, Rolf Ernst Morgon, Reading in Hardware/Software Co-Design Kaufmann Publishers, 2001.






LT P C 3003

OBJECTIVES To expose the students to the fundamentals of wireless sensor technology To teach the infrastructure of WSN processor and its functions To study on challenges in Network communication To discuss on interconnectivity of networks To study the classification of commercial family of wireless technology

UNIT I OVERVIEW OF WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS 12 Challenges for Wireless Sensor Networks- Characteristic requirements for WSN Challenges for WSNs WSN vs Adhoc Networks - Sensor node architecture Commercially available sensor nodes Imote, IRIS, Mica Mote, TelosB,-Physical layer and transceiver design considerations in WSNs, introduction to fundamentals of MAC protocols - Low duty cycle protocols and wakeup concepts - Contention-based protocols Schedule-based protocols -the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol- Energy usage profile, Choice of modulation scheme, Dynamic modulation scaling, Antenna considerations-Applications of sensor networks UNIT II ISSUES IN PERVASIVE SENSOR NETWORK 9 Single-Node Architecture - Hardware Components, constraints & challenges in resourcesEnergy Consumption of Sensor Nodes, Operating Systems for Wireless Sensor Networks Introduction - Operating System Design Issues - Examples of Operating Systems TinyOS, Network Architecture -Sensor Network Scenarios, Optimization Goals and Figures of Merit, Gateway Concepts. Data Dissemination-Flooding and Gossiping-Data gathering Sensor Network Scenarios Optimization, Goals and Figures of Merit Design Principles for WSNs- Gateway Concepts Need for gateway UNIT III PERVASIVE NETWORKING & COMPUTING 12 Introduction, Networking Infrastructure and Architecture of PERV NET, Mobility management, service discovery, disconnected operation, Dynamic configuration, auto registration, content based routing, Backbone Technology: Electrical Backbone Networks Optical Backbone Networks Wireless Backbone Networks Wireless Access Technology - Pervasive Web Application architecture- Access from PCs and PDAs - Access via WAP UNIT IV PERVASIVE DEVICES 6 Introduction with Case study of - PDA - Mobile Phone:Elements Mobile Information Architecture - Mobile Phone Design - Android Overview The Stack Android User Interface Preferences, the File System, the Options Menu and Intents. UNIT V EMERGING WIRELESS TECHNOLOGIES 6 Evolution and Deployment of Cellular Telephone Systems 1G, 2G, 2.5G, 3G, 4G. Introduction to wireless LAN, Wireless PAN, Wireless MAN, Broadband Satellite and Microware Systems Emerging Wireless Technologies IEEE 802.20 Mobile Broadband Wireless Access. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS




REFERENCES 1. Debashis saha, Amitava mukherjee ,Networking Infrastructure for Pervasive Computing, Springer International edition, 2011 (unit 3) 2. Mullet,Introduction to wireless telecommunications systems and networks", cengage learning, 2010 (unit 5) 3. Frank Adelstein, Sandeep K S Gupta, Golden G Richard III, Loren Schwiebert, Fundamentals of mobile and pervasive computing, TMH, 2007. 4. Brian Fling,Mobile Design & Development,OReilly,2011 (unit 4) 5. Marko Gargenta,Learning Android, OReilly,2011 (unit 4) 6. Holger Karl & Andreas Willig, Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks" , John Wiley, 2005. 7. Feng Zhao & Leonidas J. Guibas, Wireless Sensor Networks- An Information Processing Approach", Elsevier, 2007. 8. Kazem Sohraby, Daniel Minoli and Taieb Znati, Wireless Sensor Networks Technology, Protocols, and Applications, John Wiley & Sons, 2007. 9. C.Britton Rorabaugh,Simulating Wireless Communication Systems-Practical Models in C++,Pearson Edu,2006. 10. Mohammad Ilyas And Imad Mahgaob,Handbook Of Sensor Networks: Compact Wireless And Wired Sensing Systems, CRC Press,2005 11. K. Akkaya and M. Younis, A survey of routing protocols in wireless sensor networks, Elsevier Ad Hoc Network Journal, Vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 325--349, 2005. 12. Philip Levis, TinyOS Programming,2006 www.tinyos.net 13. Anna Hac, Wireless Sensor Network Designs, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2003.



LTPC 3003

Pre-requisites:Basics of Signal Processing, Mathematics of Transforms, microcontroller

OBJECTIVES To expose the students to the fundamentals of data security. To teach the fundamentals of mathematical aspects in creating Encryption keys To teach the fundamentals of Security in data communication. To teach the fundamentals of Secured system operation. To teach the fundamentals of Security in wireless communication.

UNIT I SYMMETRIC CIPHERS 9 Overview classical Encryption Techniques Block Ciphers and the Data Encryption standard Introduction to Finite Fields Advanced Encryption standard Contemporary Symmetric Ciphers Confidentiality using Symmetric Encryption. UNIT II PUBLIC-KEY ENCRYPTION AND HASH FUNCTIONS 9 Introduction to Number Theory Public-Key Cryptography and RSA Key Management Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Elliptic Curve Cryptography Message Authentication and Hash Functions Hash Algorithms Digital Signatures and Authentication Protocols.



UNIT III NETWORK SECURITY PRACTICE 9 Authentication Applications Kerberos X.509 Authentication Service Electronic mail Security Pretty Good Privacy S/MIME IP Security architecture Authentication Header Encapsulating Security Payload Key Management. UNIT IV SYSTEM SECURITY 9 Intruders Intrusion Detection Password Management Malicious Software Firewalls Firewall Design Principles Trusted Systems. UNIT V WIRELESS SECURITY 9 Introduction to Wireless LAN Security Standards Wireless LAN Security Factors and Issues. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS 1. William Stallings, Cryptography And Network Security Principles And Practices, Pearson Education, 3rd Edition, 2003. REFERENCES 1. Atul Kahate, Cryptography and Network Security, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003. 2. Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography, John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2001. 3. Stewart S. Miller, Wi-Fi Security, McGraw Hill, 2003. 4. Charles B. Pfleeger, Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, Security In Computing, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2003. 5. Mai, Modern Cryptography: Theory and Practice, First Edition, Pearson Education, 2003.



LTPC 300 3

Pre-requisites: Basics in Instrumentation, Power system and communication OBJECTIVES To teach the fundamentals of automated meters and Grids. To teach on functional components of Smart meters To discuss on need of smart grid for power systems To teach the significance of microgrid and its needs To teach the communication and protocols for power system UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Introduction to Smart grid and metering technology- Smart energy management technical architecture-Functions of Smart Grid and smart meters, Opportunities and challengesDifference between conventional and smart grid-meters, Concept of Resilient and Self Healing Grid, recent developments and International policies in Smart Grid. IEC 61850 protocol standards. UNIT II SMART METERS 9 Smart metering-Smart Meters types- hardware architecture- software architecturerequirements- communication protocols- Real Time Prizing, Smart Appliances, Automatic 30


Meter Reading- MEMS, Smart infrastructure- spectrum analyzer. SensorsSmart actuatorsAdvanced metering

UNIT III SMART GRID AND APPLICATIONS 9 Outage Management System, Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Vehicle to Grid, Home and Building Automation- Smart Substations, Substation Automation, Feeder AutomationGeographic Information System(GIS), Intelligent Electronic Devices and their application for monitoring and protection- -Smart city- Wide Area Measurement System, Phase Measurement Unit- Power Quality and EMC in Smart Grid, Power Quality issues of Grid connected Renewable Energy Sources, Power Quality Conditioners for Smart Grid, Web based Power Quality monitoring and Power Quality Audit. UNIT IV MICROGRIDS 9 Concept of microgrid, need and applications of microgrid, formation of microgrid, Issues of interconnection, protection and control of microgrid. Plastic and Organic solar cells, Thin film solar cells, Variable speed wind generators, fuelcells, microturbines, Captive power plants, Integration of renewable energy sources. UNIT V INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY FOR SMART GRID AND METERS 9 Home Area Networks for smart grid - IEEE802.15.4- ITU G.hn-IEEE 802.11, Field Area Networks -power-line communications- IEEE P1901 /HomePlug, RF mesh, Wide-area Networks for Smart Grid- Fiber Optics, WiMAX, sensor networks, Information Management in Smart Grid - SCADA, CIM. Networking Issues in Smart Grid -Wireless Mesh NetworkCLOUD Computing - Security and Privacy in Smart Grid and smart meters -Broadband over Power line. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Ali Keyhani, Mohammad N. Marwali, Min Dai Integration of Green and Renewable Energy in Electric Power Systems, Wiley 2. Stuart Borlase, Smart Grid: infrastructure, technology and Solutions.2012 CRC Press 3. Janaka Ekanayake, Nick Jenkins, Kithsiri Liyanage, Jianzhong Wu, Akihiko Yokoyama, Smart Grid: Technology and Applications, Wiley 4. Jean Claude Sabonnadire, Nouredine Hadjsad, Smart Grids, Wiley Blackwell 5. Peter S. Fox Penner, Smart Power: Climate Changes, the Smart Grid, and the Future of Electric Utilities, Island Press; 1 edition 8 Jun 2010 6. S. Chowdhury, S. P. Chowdhury, P. Crossley, Microgrids and Active Distribution Networks. Institution of Engineering and Technology, 30 Jun 2009 7. Stuart Borlase, Smart Grids (Power Engineering), CRC Press REFERENCES: 1. Andres Carvallo, John Cooper, The Advanced Smart Grid: Edge Power Driving Sustainability: 1, Artech House Publishers July 2011 2. James Northcote, Green, Robert G. Wilson Control and Automation of Electric Power Distribution Systems (Power Engineering), CRC Press 3. Mladen Kezunovic, Mark G. Adamiak, Alexander P. Apostolov, Jeffrey George Gilbert Substation Automation (Power Electronics and Power Systems), Springer 4. R. C. Dugan, Mark F. McGranghan, Surya Santoso, H. Wayne Beaty, Electrical Power System Quality, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill Publication 5. Yang Xiao, Communication and Networking in Smart Grids, CRC Press.






LTPC 3003

Pre-requisites: Digital Circuits, Computer Technology, Basic in Measurement & Instrumentation OBJECTIVES To discuss on the fundamentals of Network Layers for Data Communications To teach the digital data communication techniques To teach Graphical programming using GUI for instrument building To study on internet based communication standards and working principles The case studies to be developed/ discussed in Virtual Environment Tools UNIT I NETWORK FUNDAMENTALS 9 Data communication networking Data transmission concepts Communication networking - Overview of OSI- TCP/IP layers IP addressing - DNS Packet Switching Routing Fundamental concepts in SMTP, POP, FTP, Telnet, HTML, HTTP, URL, SNMP,ICMP. UNIT II DATA COMMUNICATION 9 Sensor data acquisition, Sampling, Quantization, Filtering ,Data Storage, Analysis using compression techniques, Data encoding Data link control Framing, Flow and Error control, Point to point protocol, Routers, Switches , Bridges MODEMs, Network layer Congestion control , Transport layer- Congestion control, Connection establishment. UNIT III VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTATION 9 Block diagram and Architecture Data flow techniques Graphical programming using GUI Real time system Embedded controller Instrument drivers Software and hardware simulation of I/O communication blocks ADC/DAC Digital I/O Counter , Timer, Data communication ports. UNIT IV MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL THROUGH INTERNET 9 Web enabled measurement and control-data acquisition for Monitoring of plant parameters through Internet Calibration of measuring instruments through Internet, Web based control Tuning of controllers through Internet UNIT V VI BASED MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL 9 Simulation of signal analysis & controller logic modules for Virtual Instrument control Case study of systems using VI for data acquisition, Signal analysis, controller design, Drives control. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Wayne Tomasi, Introduction to Data communications and Networking Pearson Education, 2007. 2. Al Williams, Embedded Internet Design, Second Edition, TMH, 2007. 3. Douglas E.Comer, Internetworking with TCP/IP, Vol. 1, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, 1999. 4. Cory L. Clark, LabVIEW Digital Signal Processing and Digital Communication, TMH edition 2005. 32


5. Behrouza A Forouzan,Data Communications and Networking Fourth edition, TMH, 2007. 6. Krishna Kant,Computer based Industrial control,PHI,2002. 7. Gary Johnson, LabVIEW Graphical Programming, Second edition, McGraw Hill, Newyork, 1997. 8. Kevin James, PC Interfacing and Data Acquisition: Techniques for measurement, Instrumentation and control, Newnes, 2000. 9. Cory L. Clark,LabVIEW Digital Signal processing and Digital Communications Tata McGRAW-HILL edition, 2005.



LTPC 30 03

Pre-requisites: Basics in Programming, Embedded System & operating systems OBJECTIVES To expose the students to the fundamentals of Network technologies. To teach the fundamentals of Internet To study on Java based Networking To introduce network routing Agents To study the basis for network on-chip technologies


UNIT I THE HARDWARE INFRASTRUCTURE 9 Broad Band Transmission facilities Open Interconnection standards Local Area Networks Wide Area Networks Network management Network Security Cluster computers. UNIT II INTERNET CONCEPTS 9 Capabilities and limitations of the internet Interfacing Internet server applications to corporate databases HTML and XML Web page design and the use of active components. UNIT III DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING USING JAVA 9 IO streaming Object serialization Networking Threading RMI multicasting distributed databases embedded java concepts case studies. UNIT IV EMBEDDED AGENT 9 Introduction to the embedded agents Embedded agent design criteria Behaviour based, Functionality based embedded agents Agent co-ordination mechanisms and benchmarks embedded-agent. Case study: Mobile robots. UNIT V EMBEDDED COMPUTING ARCHITECTURE 9 Synthesis of the information technologies of distributed embedded systems analog/digital co-design optimizing functional distribution in complex system design validation and fast prototyping of multiprocessor system-on-chip a new dynamic scheduling algorithm for real-time multiprocessor systems. 33


TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Dietel & Dietel, JAVA how to program, Prentice Hall 1999. 2. Sape Mullender, Distributed Systems, Addison-Wesley, 1993. 3. George Coulouris and Jean Dollimore, Distributed Systems concepts and design,Addison Wesley 1988. 4. Architecture and Design of Distributed Embedded Systems, edited by Bernd Kleinjohann C-lab, Universitat Paderborn, Germany, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, April 2001, 248 pp.



LTPC 3003

To introduce robot terminologies and robotic sensors To educate direct and inverse kinematic relations To educate on formulation of manipulator Jacobians and introduce path planning techniques To educate on robot dynamics To introduce robot control techniques

UNIT I INTRODUCTION AND TERMINOLOGIES: 9 Definition-Classification-History- Robots components-Degrees of freedom-Robot jointscoordinates- Reference frames-workspace-Robot languages-actuators-sensors- Position, velocity and acceleration sensors-Torque sensors-tactile and touch sensors-proximity and range sensors- vision system-social issues UNIT II KINEMATICS 9 Mechanism-matrix representation-homogenous transformation-DH representation-Inverse kinematics-solution and programming-degeneracy and dexterity UNIT III DIFFERENTIAL MOTION AND PATH PLANNING 9 Jacobian-differential motion of frames-Interpretation-calculation of Jacobian-Inverse Jacobian- Robot Path planning UNIT IV DYNAMIC MODELLING 9 Lagrangian mechanics- Two-DOF manipulator- Lagrange-Euler formulation Newton-Euler formulation Inverse dynamics UNIT V ROBOT CONTROL SYSTEM 9 Linear control schemes- joint actuators- decentralized PID control- computed torque control force control- hybrid position force control- Impedance/ Torque control. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. R.K. Mittal and I J Nagrath, Robotics and Control, Tata MacGrawHill, Fourth Reprint 2003. 34


2. Saeed B. Niku ,''Introduction to Robotics '', Pearson Education, 2002 3. Fu, Gonzalez and Lee Mcgrahill ,''Robotics ", international 4. R.D. Klafter, TA Chmielewski and Michael Negin, "Robotic Engineering, An Integrated approach", Prentice Hall of India, 2003. 5. Reza N.Jazar, Theory of Applied Robotics Kinematics, Dynamics and Control, Springer, Fist Indian Reprint 2010.



LT P C 3003

PRE-REQUISITES: Basic Instrumentation ,Material Science, Programming

OBJECTIVES To teach the students properties of materials, microstructure and fabrication methods. To teach the design and modeling of Electrostatic sensors and actuators. To teach the characterizing thermal sensors and actuators through design and modeling To teach the fundamentals of piezoelectric sensors and actuators To give exposure to different MEMS and NEMS devices. UNIT I MEMS:MICRO-FABRICATION, MATERIALS AND ELECTROMECHANICAL CONEPTS 9 Overview of micro fabrication Silicon and other material based fabrication processes Concepts: Conductivity of semiconductors-Crystal planes and orientation-stress and strainflexural beam bending analysis-torsional deflections-Intrinsic stress- resonant frequency and quality factor. UNIT II ELECTROSTATIC SENSORS AND ACTUATION 9 Principle, material, design and fabrication of parallel plate capacitors as electrostatic sensors and actuators-Applications UNIT III THERMAL SENSING AND ACTUATION 9 Principle, material, design and fabrication of thermal couples, thermal bimorph sensors, thermal resistor sensors-Applications. UNIT IV PIEZOELECTRIC SENSING AND ACTUATION Piezoelectric effect-cantilever piezo electric actuator model-properties of piezoelectric materials-Applications. UNIT V CASE STUDIES Piezoresistive sensors, Magnetic actuation, applications, Optical MEMS.-NEMS Devices 9




9 Medical

TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Chang Liu, Foundations of MEMS, Pearson International Edition, 2006. 2. Marc Madou , Fundamentals of microfabrication,CRC Press, 1997. 3. Boston , Micromachined Transducers Sourcebook,WCB McGraw Hill, 1998. 35


4. M.H.Bao Micromechanical transducers :Pressure sensors, accelerometers and gyroscopes, Elsevier, Newyork, 2000. 5. P. RaiChoudry MEMS and MOEMS Technology and Applications, PHI, 2012. 6. Stephen D. Senturia, Microsystem Design, Springer International Edition, 2011.



LT P C 3003

Pre-requisites: Signal Processing, Programming Techniques OBJECTIVES To teach the students on fundamentals of image analysis. To teach the methods to improve image qualities. To teach the characterizing parameters for improve image qualities To teach the fundamentals of image size reduction To give exposure to different processing applications UNIT I FUNDAMENTALS OF IMAGE PROCESSING 9 Introduction Steps in image processing systems Image acquisition Sampling and Quantization Pixel relationships Color fundamentals and models, File formats, Image operations Arithmetic, Geometric and Morphological. UNIT II IMAGE ENHANCEMENT 9 Spatial Domain: Gray level Transformations Histogram processing Spatial filtering smoothing and sharpening. Frequency Domain: Filtering in frequency domain DFT, FFT, DCT Smoothing and sharpening filters Homomorphic Filtering. UNIT III IMAGE SEGMENTATION AND FEATURE ANALYSIS 9 Detection of Discontinuities Edge operators Edge linking and Boundary Detection Thresholding Region based segmentation Morphological Watersheds Motion Segmentation, Feature Analysis and Extraction. UNIT IV MULTI RESOLUTION ANALYSIS AND COMPRESSIONS 9 Multi Resolution Analysis: Image Pyramids Multi resolution expansion Wavelet Transforms, Image compression: Fundamentals Models Elements of Information Theory Error free compression Lossy Compression Compression Standards. UNIT V APPLICATION OF IMAGE PROCESSING 9 Image classification Image recognition Image understanding Video motion analysis Image fusion Steganography Digital compositing Mosaics Colour Image Processing. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES : 1. Rafael C.Gonzalez and Richard E.Woods, Digital Image Processing, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2003. 2. Milan Sonka, Valclav Halavac and Roger Boyle, Image Processing, Analysis and Machine Vision, 2nd Edition, Thomson Learning, 2001. 3. Anil K.Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing. Pearson Education, 2003.






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