MESSAGE FROM THE DESK OF THE CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER The area of Human Resources Management has a critical importance in the banking industry. Hence the instructions issued in this area assume great importance in an organization like ours, having a large number of employees. It is vital that instructions issued in this area are properly codified from time to time and made available to the branches/offices to enable them to deal ith HR related matters meticulously and efficiently. !ith this ob"ective in mind HR department at #handigarh $H% has taken an initiative and assigned the "ob of collation and compilation of the instructions pertaining to & ard staff upto '( st March )**+ to ,tate -ank $earning #entre, .arnal. I am e/tremely happy to note that our ,tate -ank $earning #entre, .arnal has come up ith codification 0 updation of the instructions. This is our #ircle1s first effort in bringing up these consolidations. In this regard, I commend the untiring efforts put in by ,/,hri &vinash Tane"a, #hief Manager 2Training3, 4ita 5arkash, Manager 2Training3, 4.#. Manocha, Manager 2Training3, ,udhir &rora, Manager 2Training3, 6... &rora, Manager 2Training3, 7...5abbi 25ro"ect %fficer3 and ,h. #haran"eet ,ingh, #M2IR3 under the guidance of ,hri 8...4upta &4M2HR3 in presenting/compiling and updating of instructions. I am sure that this book ill be an invaluable aid to the operating staff in dealing ith a ard staff matters.
2) 312 36'
9ligibility Minimum educational :ualifications &dditional :ualifications Rela/ation in educational :ualifications for ,#/,T, e/<servicemen and orthopaedically handicapped candidates &ge limit ,election procedure Recruitment in specialist cadre positions Recruitment formalities
(.).( (.).) (.).' (.).; (.).= (.).> (.).+
(.'.( (.'.) (.'.' (.'.; (.'.= (.'.>
(.;.( (.;.) (.;.' (.;.; (.;.= (.;.>
(.=.( (.=.) (.=.'
(.+.( (.+.) (.+.' (.+.;
(.?.( (.?.) (.?.' (.?.; (.?.= (.?.> (.?.+ (.?.?
8efinition of e/<serviceman &ge 9ducational :ualifications Medical e/amination Reservation of vacancies Reservists &ppointment for the post of !atchman/&rmed 4uards 4eneral
1. 1.1'
).).( ).).) ).).' ).).;.
).'.( ).'.) ).'.' ).'.; ).'.= ).'.> ).'.+ ).'.?
6erification of age/date of birth 6erification of certificates for educational :ualifications 6erification of character/antecedents 9/<serviceman A#andidateA < verification of discharge book of 9/<serviceman 8ependants of defence service personnel killed in action disturbed areas %rthopaedically handicapped candidates B submission of certificate for handicap #ommunity certificates in respect of scheduled caste/scheduled tribe/%-# candidates Repatriates/migrants
#andidates convicted for do ry offences $ist of letters/undertakings to be obtained from the candidates
).( ).) ).' ).; ).= ).> ).+ ).? ).G ).(*
I7TIM&TI%7 T% ,9$9#T98 #&78I8&T9, ,59#IM97 %C $9TT9R T% M98I#&$ 9D&MI79R C%R I897TICI#&TI%7 %C #&78I8&T9, 59R,%7&$ ,T&T9M97T %C TH9 #&78I8&T9/5R%M%T99 R95%RT %C TH9 M98I#&$ 9D&MI79R ,pecimen letter to referee ,pecimen letter from referee $9TT9R T% 5R9,97T/5R96I%E, 9M5$%F9R2,3 %C & #&78I8&T9 5R%C%RM& %C R95%RT CR%M R9C9R99 9M5$%F9R2,3 5R%C%RM& $9TT9R T% TH9 #%$$9#T%R/8ETF M&4I,TR&T9 C%R 69RICI#&TI%7 %C #H&R&#T9R
C%RM %C #9RTICI#&T9 T% -9 5R%8E#98 -F & #&78I8&T9 -9$%74I74 T% & ,#H98E$98 #&,T9 %R ,#H98E$98 #&,T9 #&78I8&T9 ).(* & C%RM %C #9RTICI#&T9 T% -9 5R%8E#98 -F & #&78I 8&T9 -9$%74I74 T% %TH9R -&#.!&R8 #$&, ).(( ).() ).(' ).(; ).(= ).(> ).(+ #9RTICI#&T9 %C 9$I4I-I$ITF I7 R9,59#T %C 59R,%7, %TH9R TH&7 I78I&7 #ITIH97, E789RT&.I74 C%R TR&7,C9R 5R%C%RM& %C 89T&I$, %C 9M5$%FM97T I7 %TH9R -R&7#H9,/%CCI#9, %C TH9 -&7. %5TI%7 C%R &6&I$I74 $9&69 C&R9 #%7#9,,I%7 C&#I$ITF &55$I#&-I$ITF %C 5R%6I,I%7, %C 5R9697TI%7 %C #%RRE5TI%7 &#T T% -&7. 9M5$%F99, 89T&I$, %C R9$&TI69, !%R.I74 I7 TH9 -&7. RE$9, %C #%78E#T
,T&T9M97T %C &,,9T, &78 $I&-I$ITI9, $9TT9R %C E789RT&.I74 8R&CT %C $9TT9R %C &55%I7TM97T M9M%R&78EM %C &55%I7TM97T
'.(.(. '.(.) '.(.'
3.2 3.3
'.'.( '.'.) '.'.' '.'.; '.'.= '.'.> '.'.+
&uthority ,tructure to 4rant e/tension service to & ard staff employee
'.=.( '.=.) '.=.' '.=.; '.=.=
'.>.( '.>.) '.>.' '.>.; '.>.= '.>.> '.>.+ '.>.? '.>.G '.>.(* '.>.(( '.>.()
%ther provisions
'.+.( '.+.) '.+.' '.+.; '.+.= '.+.> '.+.+ '.+.? '.+.G '.+.(* '.+.((
O4-02/135 G617-,13-8 9:0 P0:.-88135 A44,1.2/1:3 637-0 /;- S.;-<Receipt of &pplication 5rocessing of &pplication form 5rocedure for sanction Monitoring and Reporting #ommunication about &cceptance or Re"ection &ccounting 5rocedure Mode of 5ayment &ccounting for retention of =*I of 9/<gratia and other terminal benefits 8eduction of Income ta/ at source 5ayment of ,alary 0 allo ances 4eneral
'.( Monthly/;th monthly report on clerical cadre/subordinate cadre employee on probation '.)2&3 59RC%RM&7#9 &55R&I,&$ R95%RT '.)2-3 Cactors to be considered under various parameters '.'2&3 5erformance &ppraisal Report 2for sub staff3 '.'2-3 Cactors to be considered under various parameters '.; !orkman staff revie of efficiency '.= %ption letter to be obtained from the eligible members ho are eligible for &dmission to the 5ension fund. '.> &pplication for 9/it %ption '.+ &ckno ledgement '.? Cormat for various receipts '.G &pplication for payment of gratuity '.(* &pplication for payment of 5rovident Cund '.(( &pplication for payment of 5ension1 '.() &pplication for encashment of leave '.(' Cormats for scrutiny of &pplication by -ranchManager/Head of 8epartment '.(; #&$#E$&TI%7 ,H99T '.(= $9TT9R T% -9 &88R9,,98 T% TH9 &55$I#&7T E789R 9DIT %5TI%7 '.(> 9DIT %5TI%7 5R%4R9,, R95%RT %C R9#9I5T %C &55$I#&TI%7,
S-//,-<-3/ =-/>--3 S/2/- B23? :9 I3712 237 A,, I3712 S/2/B23? :9 I3712 S/299 F-7-02/1:3 :3 P0:<:/1:32, A@-36-8$C20--0 P0:50-881:3 T-.;3:,:5A, R-7-4,:A<-3/$ T02389-0 :9 >:0?<-3 8/299 237 :/;-0 1886-8. (111-11 )
;.(& Memorandum of settlement dated ))nd July,)**'<career progression ;.(Memorandum of settlement dated ))nd July,)**'<Technology and Redeployment ;.) Memorandum of settlement dated )'rd %ctober,)**><#areer 5rogression ;.' Memorandum of settlement dated )'rd %ctober,)**>< Technology and Redeployment ;.; Memorandum of settlement dated )'rd %ctober,)**><9mposerment of staff
5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.1.6 5.1.7 5.1.8 5.1.9 5.1.10 5.1.11 5.1.12 5.1.13 5.1.14 5.1.15 5.1.16
5romotion year 6acancies 8ate of effect of 5romotion 8ate of 9ligibility 9ligibility criteria !ritten Test Hone of ,election #oncessions for 9/<servicemen Intervie 5rocess of selection Citness standard for promotion Medical 9/amination 4eneral 5attern of ritten test for Trainee %fficer Trainee officer<5ost 9valuation Test
5.2.1. #hannel 5.2.2. 5romotion year 5.2.3. 6acancies 5.2.4. 8ate of effect of 5romotions 5.2.5. 8ate of 9ligibility 5.2.6. 9ligibility criteria 5.2.7. !ritten Test 5.2.8. Hone of selection 5.2.9. #oncession for 9/<servicemen 5.2.10.Intervie of ,election 5.2.12.Citness standard for promotion 5.2.13.Medical 9/amination of ritten test for promotion from clerical staff to JM4, I
=.'.( =.'.) =.'.' =.'.;
=& ==# =8
89#$&R&TI%7 %C CI89$ITF &78 ,9#R9#F $9TT9R %C E789RT&.I74 89#$&R&TI%7 T% -9 -%E78 -F %CCI#9R,K ,9R6I#9 RE$9, 2C%RM<&3 5rocedure to implement of Reservation for ,#/,T in promotions to JM4,<I
>.(.( >.(.) >.(.'
6.2 6.3
( 1!!)
+.'.( 5%$I#F C%R &55%I7TM97T T% ,59#I&$ &$$%!&7#9 #&RRFI74 5%,ITI%7, I7 TH9 #$9RI#&$ #&8R9 +.'.(.( ,pecial 5ay for orkmen in ,-I +.'.) ,#H9M9 C%R #&R99R 5R%4R9,,I%7 C%R M&I7T97&7#9 ,T&CC +.'.' Ð%RITF ,TRE#TER9 C%R ,&7#TI%7 %C 5%,ITI%7, %TH9R TH&7 TH%,9 #%69R98 -F &4R99M97T %7 #&R99R 5&TH +.'.; 4eneral
?.).( ?.).)
5rocedure in cases here disciplinary proceedings are in progress 5rocedure in cases here punishment has been a arded
?.).' ?.).;
5unishment for unfair means at the II- e/amination %ut<of<cadre promotion 2to "mgs i cadre3 reversion at re:uest/officiating opportunities
,cales of pay effective from (.((.)**)
G.).( G.).)
Citment in the modified scales of pay #ombined fitment chart
.3 .! .%
G.=.( G.=.)
G.>.( G.>.) G.>.'
8ate of Increment ,anctioning authority 5rocedure for sanction
G.+.( G.+.)
.) . .1' .11
G.((.( G.((.) G.((.' G.((.; G.((.= G.((.>
4raduation increments to ne entrants ,anction of increments for graduation after "oining -ankKs service 7on<release of increments to suspended employees Ineligibility of subordinate staff for additional increments for passing #&II- e/amination 7on<release of increments on the strength of result advice ,ubmission of #ompletion Memorandum for release of increments
Malpractices during #&II- e/amination 5rofessional :ualification allo ance/Increments 4raduation ithout passing matriculation Recognised e/amination in Hindi not e:uivalent to graduation
.12 .13
G.('.( G.('.) G.('.' G.('.;
4uidelines for pay fi/ation ,pecial &llo ance &ttached To The 5ost To !hich 9/<servicemen appointed Inclusion of special pay 7on<e/emption of e/<serviceman for 5rofessional Ta/
G.(+.( G.(+.) G.(+.'
#ombined chart on account of ?th bipartite settlement ,pecial #ompensatory 5rovisions Citment Cormula %n 5romotion Crom ,ubordinate To #lerical #adre %n %r &fter *(<((< (GG) Citment #hart
1' 2'%)
(*.(.( (*.(.) (*.(.'
D-203-88 A,,:>23.- (DA)
Rates for calculating 8& .e.f from (.((.)**) Rates for calculating 8& .e.f from (.*).)**= A@uarterA for calculating 8&
(*.(.; (*.(.;
-asis for sanctioning House Rent &llo ance2HR&3 @uantum of House Rent &llo ance 9ntitlement Recovery of rent for housing accommodation provided by the -ank #areer 5rogression ,cheme
Rates for payment of 5ro"ect &rea #ompensatory &llo ance 5ro"ect &rea House Rent &llo ance
1'.21 1'.22
Cull time permanent clerical cadre employees B 5rovsion of 7e spaper
1'.23 1'.2!
@E&7TEM %C ,59#I&$ 5&F < #$9RI#&$ ,T&CC ,pecial 5ay for in cadre #areer 5rogression of ,tenographers and Record .eeper cum< #ashiers @E&7TEM %C ,59#I&$ 5&F < ,E-%R8I7&T9 ,T&CC ,pecial 5ay for in cadre #areer 5rogression of &rmed 4uards, 8rivers, 9lectricians/ ,anitary Citters, &.#./,.T. 5lant &ttendants #lerical < ,pecial #ompensatory &llo ance 5ayable ith effect from *(.(*.)**( to those employees ho are in the service of ,tate -ank of India on the date of signing the ,ettlement i.e. on )).*+.)**' and are currently in receipt of ,#& #lerical < ,pecial #ompensatory &llo ance 5ayable ith effect from *(.(*.)**(or date of "oining hich ever is later to those employees ho are in the service of ,tate -ank of India on the date of signing the ,ettlement i.e. on )).*+.)**' and are currently not in receipt of ,#& ,ubordinate < ,pecial #ompensatory &llo ance 5ayable ith effect from *(.(*.)**( to those employees ho are in the service of ,tate -ank of India on the date of signing the ,ettlement i.e. on )).*+.)**' and are currently in receipt of ,#& ,ubordinate < ,pecial #ompensatory &llo ance 5ayable ith effect from *(.(*.)**(or date of "oining hich ever is later to those employees ho are in the service of ,tate -ank of India on the date of signing the ,ettlement i.e. on )).*+.)**' and are currently not in receipt of ,#&
((.(.( ((.(.) ((.(.' ((.(.; ((.(.= ((.(.> ((.(.+
Halting allo ance during leave period 9mployees on permanent transfer &gricultural assistants 4eneral instructions ith regard to halting allo ance #ivil defence ork
((.).( ((.).) ((.).' ((.).; ((.).= ((.).> ((.).+ ((.).? ((.).G ((.).(* ((.).(( ((.).() ((.).(' ((.).(; ((.).(= ((.).(> ((.).(+ ((.).(? ((.).(G ((.).)* ((.).)( ((.).)) ((.).)'
Reimbursement of travelling e/penses < clerical staff Reimbursement of travelling e/penses < subordinate staff #ompensation on transfer 5orterage, cartage and other Incidentals Transport of vehicle Reimbursement of e/penses in respect of family Transportation through Aout agencyA 9mployees transferred at re:uest Inter circle transfer Inspection department staff 7e recruits 8eceased employees < transportation of personal property and fare for the family Recall from leave Reimbursement of e/penses for travel on duty ,ubordinate staff Travel in a class lo er than entitlement Travel in a class higher than entitlement &ir Insurance Reservation charges Reimbursement of e/penses on road travel Recruitment of probationary officers #ivil defence ork 9mployees nominated to the -oard of financial institutions/companies
((.'.( ((.'.) ((.'.' ((.'.;
8efence representatives 8efence itnesses 9mployees under suspension 9mployees ac:uitted in legal proceedings
((.;.( ((.;.) ((.;.'
((.=.( ((.=.) ((.=.'.
11.6 11.(
((.?.( ((.?.) ((.?.'
((.( ((.)
5R%C%RM& %C Travelling e/penses bill 2on account of deputation3 5R%C%RM& %C -I$$ %C TR&69$$I74 9D597,9, &78 H&$TI74 &$$%!&7#9 %C 4%8%!7 .9959R,
().(.( ().(.) ().(.' ().(.;
#omponents of salary or age #eiling for amount of bonus payable ,alary or age in e/cess of Rs. '=**/< for part of accounting year Minimum bonus payable
().).( ().).) ().).' ().).;
12.3 12.!
().;.( ().;.) ().;.'
12.% 12.6
().>.( ().>.) ().>.'
-onus Register 2Corm #3 Important instructions for maintenance of bonus register
12.13 12.1!
().(;.( ().(;.) ().(;.'
().( F9&R ().) ().' ().; ().= ().> ().+ ,T&T9M97T ,H%!I74 5&RTI#E$&R, %C -%7E, 5&I8 C%R TH9 &##%E7TI74 C%RM 8 Corm # ,ubsidiary Register to -onus Register 5R%C%RM& %C T9$94R&M T% -9 ,97T T% controlling authority &, %7 '(st M&R#H 5articulars 4enerally Re:uired by the $abour 9nforcement %fficers 5R%6I,I%7, of ,ections )+ &78 )? %C The 5ayment of -onus &ct, (G>=
('.(.( ('.(.) ('.(.' ('.(.; ('.(.=
L63.; R-.-88 A//-3723.- 0-518/-0 WEEKL" OFF, STAGGERING AND SPLIT DUT"
7orms for staggering of orking hours 7eed for staggering of orking hours &dditional instructions for staggering of orking hours 9/tent of staggering permissible 4eneral instructions
('.=.( ('.=.) ('.=.' ('.=.; ('.=.= ('.=.>
9ligibility #alculation of overtime ages Recording of overtime ork Re:uisition of overtime ,anctioning authority #urtailing overtime < guidelines to be follo ed
('.( ('.) ('.' ('.; ('.= T&-$9 C%R #&$#E$&TI%7 %C %69RTIM9 !&49, C%R &$$ #&T94%RI9, %C !%R.M97 ,T&CC M%7TH$F ,T&T9M97T %C %69RTIM9 !&49, 5&I8 C%R TH9 M%7TH @E&RT9R$F R9TER7 %C %69RTIM9 &77E&$ %69RTIM9 R95%RT ,E55$9M97T&RF R9TER7 %C %69RTIM9 C%R TH9 F9&R
1! 2)))
(;.(.( (;.(.) (;.(.' (;.(.; (;.(.= (;.(.> (;.(.+ (;.(.? (;.(.G (;.(.(* (;.(.(( (;.(.(; (;.(.(= (;.(.(> (;.(.(+
G-3-02, 138/06./1:38
,ubmission of leave application &pplication for e/tension of leave Refusal/postponement of leave Intimation to employees for grant of leave $eave not to be claimed as a matter of right 5refi/ing/suffi/ing of public holidays %verstay $apse of leave on cessation from service ,hortening of leave period #ommencement of leave period Return to place last stationed ,ubmission of medical certificate 9mployees under suspension or against hom disciplinary action is contemplated 8efinition of ApayA #alendar year
S23./1:3135 26/;:01/A O=8-0@23.- :9 ,-2@- 06,-8 C2862, L-2@P01@1,-5- L-2@Ma/imum accumulation of privilege leave #redit of privilege leave &ccrual of privilege leave &ccounting procedure for privilege leave falling in t o calendar years 4eneral Instructions relating to privilege leave
(;.>.( (;.>.) (;.>.' (;.>.; (;.>.= (;.>.>
Rate for grant of sick leave 5ay for sick leave $imit for accumulation of unavailed casual leave Medical certificate #alculation of sick leave Citness certificate
1!.( 1!.)
(;.?.( (;.?.) (;.?.' (;.?.; (;.?.= (;.?.> (;.?.+ (;.?.? (;.?.G (;.?.(* (;.?.(( (;.?.() (;.?.(' (;.?.(;
(;.G.( (;.G.) (;.G.' (;.G.; (;.G.= (;.G.>
Revised provisions .e.f. )+.*'.)*** $eave in combination ith any other leave Maternity leave during probation period Record of maternity leave Cormat for recording maternity leave $eave for adopting a child
&bsence for attending Republic 8ay parade etc. by 9/<servicemen 8isabled 9/<servicemen $eave to -ank guards for army training
(;.((.( (;.((.) (;.((.' (;.((.; (;.((.= (;.((.>
P20/1.142/1:3 13 <:63/213--0135 -G4-71/1:38 TIME OFF FOR PRACTICE SPECIAL LEA#E OF #ARIOUS KINDS
-lood donation ,pecial leave < Camily 5lanning ,cheme %ffice<bearers of Enion/&ssociation @uarantine leave ,pecial casual leave to "oin au/illary police organisation ,pecial casual leave for training in ,t. John ambulance Rural service leave ,pecial casual leaveL election ork ,pecial leave for civil defence ork
(;.(=.( (;.(=.) (;.(=.' (;.(=.; (;.(=.= (;.(=.> (;.(=.+ (;.(=.? (;.(=.G
#urfe in residential areaL special leave !hen curfe is imposed for a part of the orking hours !here the -ranch/%ffice remains open &bsence on account of natural calamities or civil commotion or any other cause beyond the control of the -ank &bsence of employees due to bundh, morcha, strike, rail/rasta roko,etc. organised by various political/religious and other parties unconnected ith banking industry &bsence of employees during strike/agitation etc. &ppearing for test and intervie for promotion to clerical cadre &ppearing for test and intervie for appointment as probationary officer 5art<Time employees
$eave for representing another employee in conciliation proceedings 7o duty leave for conciliation proceedings
1!.21 1!.22
I7TIM&TI%7 T% 9M5$%F99, !H% H&69 9DH&E,T98 () 8&F,K #&,E&$ $9&69 CERTH9R $9TT9R I7 #%7TI7E&TI%7 %C (;.( $9TT9R I7 #%7TI7E&TI%7 %C (;.) $9TT9R #&$$I74 C%R 9D5$&7&TI%7 5R%C%RM& C%R 4R&7T %C ,59#I&$ $9&69 T% ,5%RT,M97 9M5$%F99, M9M% C%R E7Ð%RI,98 &-,97#9 M9M% I7 #%7TI7E&TI%7 %C (;.> 5R%C%RM& %C 7%TI#9 &-,97T99 R94I,T9R
(=.(.( (=.(.) (=.(.' (=.(.; (=.(.= (=.(.> (=.(.+ (=.(.? (=.(.G (=.(.(* (=.(.(( (=.(.() (=.(.(' (=.(.(; (=.(.(= (=.(.(> (=.(.(+ (=.(.(? (=.(.(G (=.(.)* (=.(.)( (=.(.)) (=.(.)' (=.(.); (=.(.)= (=.(.)> (=.(.)+
(=.(.)? Touching of same place t ice (=.(.)G 7oting in service record (=.(.'* ,anctioning authority for passing $C#/HT# bills (=.(.'( 9ncashment of leave fare concession facility
(=.).( (=.).) (=.).' (=.).; (=.).= (=.).> (=.).+ (=.).? (=.).G (=.).(* (=.).(( (=.).()
1%.3 1%.!
%5TI%7 C%R &6&I$M97T %C $9&69 C&R9 #%7#9,,I%7 &55$I#&TI%7 C%R 4R&7T %C &86&7#9 C&R9 C%R $9&69 C&R9 #%7#9,,I%7 5R%C%RM& %C $9&69 C&R9 #%7#9,,I%7 -I$$ 5R%C%RM& C%R 97#&,HM97T %C %R8I7&RF $9&69
16 3% )
(>.(.( (>.(.) (>.(.' (>.(.; (>.(.= (>.(.> (>.(.+ (>.(.? (>.(.G (>.(.(* (>.(.((
8efinition of family #hildren/family staying separately 9mployees under suspension 7e recruits 5art<time employees in subordinate cadre 9/<servicemen #eiling for reimbursement of medical e/penses &uthorised doctor Treatment of family members Treatment under ayurvedic/homoeopathic unani and naturopathy systems of medicine ,ubmission of claims under yearly :uota
(>.;.( (>.;.)
Modifications to the schedule of charges reimbursable clause G.' 2b3 of the -ipartite &greement of '(.'.(G>+ 5rior permission from authorised doctor/&sstt. 4en. Manager before admission in hospital
(>.?.( (>.?.) (>.?.'
16. 16.1'
(>.(*.( (>.(*.)
M98I#&$ R94I,T9R R9IM-ER,9M97T %C M98I#&$ 9D597,9, H%,5IT&$I,&TI%7 ,#H9M9 Improved Medical Cacilities Hospitalisation ,cheme
(>.= (>.>
%59R&TI%7 #H&R49, ,#H9M9 %C R9IM-ER,9M97T %C 9D597,9,I7#ERR98 -F TH9 !%R.M97 C%R TR9&TM97T &-R%&8 &55$I#&TI%7 C%R R9IM-ER,9M97T E789R H%,5IT&$I,&TI%7 ,#H9M9 2C%R ,9$C &78 C&MI$F M9M-9R,3 -F 89-IT T% #H&R49, &##%E7T IM5R%698 M98I#&$ C&#I$ITI9, ,#H9M9 R9IM-ER,9M97T %C M98I#&$ 9D597,9, @E&RT9R$F ,T&T9M97T %C IM5R%698 M98I#&$ &I8 ,#H9M9 #H9#. $I,T C%R ,E-MI,,I%7 %C M98I#&$ -I$$, E789R H%,5IT&$I,&TI%7 ,#H9M9/,9RI%E, 8I,9&,9,
(+.(.( (+.(.) (+.(.'
(+.).( (+.).)
Messengers and menial staff !atch and ard staff
,ummer uniforms !inter uniforms Eniforms for female employees
(+.>.( (+.>.) (+.>.' (+.>.; (+.>.= (+.>.>
(+.( ,tatement sho ing particulars of e/penditure for supply of uniforms
1).1.1 C:3@-0811:3 /: 96,, T1<1).1.2 P;28-8 :9 C:3@-081:3 18.1.3 Designatiions and duties on conversion 1).2
(?.).( (?.).)
1 .1
)*.(.( )*.(.) )*.(.'
R9895$%FM97T <#EM< TR&7,C9R $%#&$ R9895$%FM97T/TR&7,C9R !ITHI7 & #97TR9 )*.).). R9895$%FM97T <#EM< TR&7,C9R R9895$%FM97T/TR&7,C9R B %ET,I89 & #97TR9
)*.( )*.) )*.' &55$I#&TI%7 C%R TR&7,C9R $ist of employees in orider of their stay at a branch/office $ist of employees in order of their stay at a #entre
,pecial assistants 8uties of senior assistants 8uties of agricultural assistants 8uties of stenographers 8uties of ,enior ,tenographers and ,pecial ,tenographers 8uties of Telephone %perators 8uties of clerical/cash department staff other than those receiving special allo ance Recordkeepers<cum<cashiers ,enior Record keepers<cum<cashiers / Record .eepers/#ashiers 8uties/ functions of control room operators
)(.;.( )(.;.) )(.;.' )(.;.; )(.;.=
C:7- :9 718.14,13- 13 13768/0A
5rovisions of the #ode ,alient features of the #ode
)).(.( )).(.)
)).).( )).).) )).).' )).).; )).).= )).).>
R-.:531/1:3 :9 U31:38
5olicy for recognition of union #riteria for recognition of unions Rival union Representation through registered unions %fficer members of the a ard staff union Meetings of unions
)).'.( )).'.) )).'.' )).'.; )).'.= )).'.> )).'.+ )).'.? )).'.G
+:13/ C:386,/2/1:3 S.;-<$evels of "oint consultation #omposition of consultative committees 7ames of union/federation representatives Cre:uency of meetings ,ub"ects for discussion 5rocedure for holding of meetings Implementation Cailure to arrive at agreed conclusions Joint consultation machinery not in supersession of e/isting facilities
)).;.( %b"ectives )).;.) Industrial Relations #ouncils at #ircle level )).;.).( #onstitution )).;.).) Reference of disputes to the Industrial Relations #ouncil )).;.).' Meetings )).;.).; 8ecisions )).;.).= Cailure to arrive at unanimous decision )).;.' #entral Industrial Relations #ouncil )).;.'.( #onstitution )).;.'.) References of 8isputes )).;.'.' Meetings )).;.'.; 8ecision )).;.'.= Cailure to #ome to Enanimous ,olution )).;.'.> 4eneral
G01-@23.- P0:.-760F2.1,1/1-8 /: R-.:5318-7 U31:3 R-40-8-3/2/1@- C;202./-0 I3768/012, D1846/-8 - A44-2023.- B-9:0- L2=:60 C:<<1881:3-08, L2=:60 C:60/8$ I3768/012, T01=632, 237 O/;-0 A,,1-7 M2//-08
5rovisions of Industrial 8isputes &ct for conciliation proceedings Cailure of conciliation proceedings Reference to the Industrial Tribunal 5ronouncement of & ard by the Tribunal Implementation of & ard
8I,5$&F %C 89T&I$, %C R9#%47I,98 E7I%7 %7 7%TI#9 -%&R8 Ð%RI,&TI%7 C%R 898E#TI%7 %C E7I%7 ,E-,#RI5TI%7 CR%M TH9 H&$C< F9&R$F ,&$&RF &78 &$$%!&7#9, $9TT9R C%R R9MITTI74 ,ubscriptions
)'.(.( )'.(.) )'.(.' )'.(.; )'.(.= )'.(.>
)'.).( )'.).)
23.3 23.!
)'.;.( )'.;.) )'.;.' )'.;.; )'.;.= )'.;.> )'.;.+
)'.=.( )'.=.) )'.=.' )'.=.; )'.=.= )'.=.> )'.=.+ )'.=.?
C;205-8;--/& P0-4202/1:3 237 S-0@1.Issuance of charge sheet $anguage of charge sheet ,erving of charge sheet #ontents of charge sheet Important factors for drafting of charge sheet Indication of names of itnesses, list of documents etc. Mention of charges as per provisions of a ards in the charge sheet #harge sheet should invariably be signed by 8isciplinary &uthority.
23.6 23.(
9.%. should be unconnected ith the incident 9.%. should not be changed after commencement of in:uiry 9.%. as agent of disciplinary authority 9.%.Ks role limited to ascertaining facts Report of 9.%. not binding on disciplinary authority
)'.?.( )'.?.) )'.?.' )'.?.; )'.?.= )'.?.> )'.?.+ )'.?.? )'.?.G
itnesses, documents
)'.G.( )'.G.) )'.G.' )'.G.; )'.G.= )'.G.> )'.G.+
)'.(*.( )'.(*.) )'.(*.' )'.(*.;
P0:76./1:3 :9 D:.6<-3/8
5roduction of evidence in the form of statements itnesses or documents 5rinciples of natural "ustice for utilisation of material against #,9 5o ers of 9.%. to re"ect production of irrelevant documents 5ermission to #,9 for inspection of documents/taking notes
23.11 23.12
)'.().( )'.().) )'.().'
)'.('.( )'.('.) )'.('.'
23.1! 23.1%
G617-,13-8 9:0 D-2,135 >1/; E<4,:A--8 >;: .:<<1/ 23 FO99-3.-F E3/0A :9 A7@-08- R-<20?8 PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL +USTICE
Importance of observance of principles of natural "ustice 4uidelines for observance of principles of natural "ustice #ompliance of standards of principles of natural "ustice
Memorandum of settlement dated (*.*;.)**) ,59#IM97 %C ,E,597,I%7 %R89R ,59#IM97 %C #H&R49<,H99T $9TT9R T% #H&R49 ,H99T98 9M5$%F99 C%R ,E-MI,,I%7 %C R95$F Instructions for #onducting 8epartmental 9n:uiries 7%TI#9 %C 97@EIRF ,59#IM97 %C R9#%R8I74 %C 5R%#998I74, %C 895&RTM97T&$ 97@EIRF ,59#IM97 %C ,H%! #&E,9 7%TI#9
)'.? 2a3 ,59#IM97 %C ,H%! #&E,9 7%TI#9 )'.G )'.(* )'.(( %R89R T% IM5%,9 5E7I,HM97T 5R%C%RM& %C M9M%R&78EM T% 9M5$%F99 5R%C%RM& %C M9M%R&78EM T% 9M5$%F99 C%R &86I,I74 TIM9 %C 97@EIRF
$9TT9R %C R9@E9,T CR%M TH9 9M5$%F99 I7TIM&TI74 TH9 7&M9 %C HI, 89C97#9 R95R9,97T&TI69 7%TI#9 C%R &55%I7TM97T %C 8isciplinary/&559$$&T9 Ð%RITI9, ,59#IM97 %C 8I,#I5$I7&RF 5R%#998I74, R94I,T9R
);.(.(. );.(.). );.(.'.
E789RT&.I74 ,H%!I74 E7!I$$I7479,, T% &##95T 5R%M%TI%7 R9CE,&$ %C 5R%M%TI%7 597&$TF T% 5%/T% C%R C&I$I74 I7 TH9 CE7#TI%7&$ .7%!$9849 T9,T
2!.2 2!.3
);.'.( );.'.)
#$9RI#&$ #&8R9 ,T&CC #%769R,I%7 %C ,!9959R,, C&RR&,H9, &78 #H%!.I8&R, 9T#. &, M9,,9749R, );.'.).( 9$I4I-I$ITF #RIT9RI& );.'.).) I7T9R6I9!, );.'.).' !&IT$I,T98 5&79$, );.'.).; CI$$I74 E5 %C 6&#&7#I9, );.'.).= 89-&RM97T );.'.).> 4979R&$
);.( 5R%C%RM& %C 7%TI#9 #&ETI%7I74 &4&I7,T 794$9#T, C&I$ER9 %R R9CE,&$ T% 59RC%RM 7%RM&$ !%R. I7 7%RM&$ M&779R
2% ! 1)
A F2./ :9 L19G-3-02, P013.14,-8 G617135 P013.14,-8 F:0>207-,::?135 P:,1.A W;2/ 18 2 G01-@23.N2/60- :9 G01-@23.-8 D184:82, :9 G01-@23.-8 A44-2, G-3-02,
5ost<II L
The 8epartment may also notify additional posts such as Telephone %perators, &gricultural &ssistants, 5unch %perators etc. from time to time.
The eligibility norms ill be advertised by the 8epartment at the time of each recruitment. Ho ever, as a guideline, broadly, the follo ing ould constitute the eligibility norms in regard to the age and :ualifications, etc.
Cor 2,tenographer3, 5unch #ard %perator 0 Telephone %perator L 5ass in Matriculation/,,# 2old pattern3/,,$#/(*th standard e/amination of (*N)N' pattern or e:uivalent e/amination. Cor &gricultural &ssistants L -achelorKs degree/ 8iploma in &griculture from a recognised university.
7ote L 2i3 The candidates should possess the educational :ualification as on the date of application. 2ii3 !here division is not a arded by the e/amining body, pass ith a minimum of >*I and =*I of marks in the aggregate ill be considered as e:uivalent to first and second division respectively.
a3 b3
A771/1:32, C62,191.2/1:38
Cor Typist, Typist<cum<#lerk, #ashier<cum<#lerk Typist, Minimum typing speed of '* in 9nglish 2)= .p.m. in case of Hindi Typists3. Cor ,tenographer .p.m.
Minimum short<hand speed of ?* .p.m. and typing speed of '* .p.m. 2>* .p.m. of shorthand speed and )= .p.m. in Hindi typing for the post of Hindi ,tenographers3. c3 i3 ii3 Cor 5unch #ard %perators #andidates should :ualify in I#$/I-M aptitude test. #andidates should have minimum punching speed of (*,*** 5roductive .eys depression per hourM ?*** ..8.5.H. here suitable candidates are not available ith an undertaking to achieve speed of (*,*** ..8.5.H before confirmation. Cor Telephone %perators 5roficiency in the operation of 5&-D/5-D Telephone -oard. 7oteL .no ledge of local language is desirable for all the above posts.
R-,2G2/1:3 13 -76.2/1:32, C62,191.2/1:38 9:0 SC$ST, -G-8-0@1.-<-3 237 :0/;:42-71.2,,A ;2371.244-7 .237172/-8&
Cor 5ost I 0 II 5ass in IInd division in Matriculation/,,# 2old pattern3/,,$#/(*th standard e/amination of (*N)N' pattern or e:uivalent e/amination or any division in Higher ,econdary 9/amination/(*N) of (*N)N' pattern/()th standard e/amination of ()N' pattern/Intermediate/5re<Eniversity or e:uivalent.
9/<servicemen ho have passed the ,ervice 28epartmental3 9/aminations, hich are recognised as e:uivalent to #ivil 9/aminations not belo the level of matriculation, are also eligible to apply.
2a3 2b3 2i3 2ii3 2iii3
A5- ,1<1/
-et een (? years to )? years on the eligibility date Rela/ation in upper age limit for ,#/,T candidates 5hysically handicapped candidates Rela/ation by = years by (* years
9/<servicemen 2 ith a minimum by ' yearsO period of > months continuous service after attestation in the defence services and conforming to other conditions stipulated by the 4overnment. 2O in addition to the actual period of service rendered in 8efence ,ervices.3 %-# category candidates !ido s, divorced omen or omen "udicially separated from their husbands ho are not remarried by ' years upto '= years2general category3 upto ;* years 2,#/,T category3
2iv3 2v3
7ote L i3 ii3 In case of a candidate ho is eligible for age rela/ation under more than one of the above categories, the age rela/ation ill be available cumulatively. 8etails of reservation of vacancies for various categories of candidates have been given in paragraph (.).; of this #hapter. #8%L5ML(;L,5$L(>G' 8T8. (>.*>.(GG?
S-,-./1:3 40:.-7608etails regarding the method of applying, recruitment zones, e/amination centres, application fees to be remitted, format of the application and the pattern of the e/amination etc. ill be given in the advertisement. &fter completion of the selection process, the #entral Recruitment 0 5romotion 8epartment ill send the list of selected candidates to the $ocal Head %ffice. The $ocal Head %ffice ill allot the candidates to the Modules for appointment at the branches under their control. !hile the #entral Recruitment 0 5romotion 8epartment ill check the eligibility of the candidates before sending the list of candidates to the $ocal Head %ffices for appointment, it is essential that the authority conducting pre<appointment formalities should also check all the eligibility norms before offering appointment to the selected candidates. This may be done by a reference to the details given in the bio<data form and the certificates produced by the candidates before appointment.
a3 i3
9/perience ' to ; yearsK e/perience in operation and maintenance of package units and centralised &.#. 5lants upto (* TR and ;* TR respectively. ,hould also have a orking kno ledge of !indo type &ir #onditioners.
b3 i3
C:3/0:, R::< O4-02/:0 (C,-01.2,) 9ducational @ualifications 5ass in ,,#/,,$# or Indian &rmy ,pecial #ertificate or e:uivalant e/amination, preferably should have pass three monthsK Regimental ,ignal #ourse.
9/perience Minimum (* years in armed forces preferably from ,ignal #orps/Cire ,ervice having carried out duties of Telephone 9/change %perator/!ireless %perator.
ii3 c3 i3
&ge -et een (? and '= years. &ge rela/ation as per other clerical cadre recruitments. P;20<2.18/ (C,-01.2,) 9ducational @ualifications 0 9/perience
5ass in ,,# or its e:uivalent e/amination and minimum 8iploma in 5harmacy from recognised university or -oard. #andidates ith degree in 5harmacy ill also be considered for appointment. He should be a Registered 5harmacist under 5harmacists &ct. Minimum e/perience of one year as 5harmacist or #ompounder. The candidate must be a registered pharmacist or a :ualified compounder ith a minimum of + years e/perience as a compounder in a recognised hospital/industrial organisation or under a general practitioner. &bility to give first<aid treatment independently for accidents is essential. ii3 &ge -et een (? years and )? years. Rela/ation in upper age limit to ,#/,T/5hysically Handicapped/9/<,ervicemen ill be as per 4overnment guidelines from time to time. d3 i3 N608- (C,-01.2,) 9ducational @ualifications 0 9/perience ,,# pass or its e:uivalent e/amination and the candidate must possess a recognised 8iploma in 7ursing. #andidate possessing -.,c. 27ursing3 28egree3 ill be preferred. & minimum ' yearsK e/perience as 7urse in a recognised hospital or institution is essential. ii3 &ge 7ot above '= years 2rela/ation in upper age limit may be considered in respect of more e/perienced/:ualified candidates3. #8%LIRL))=+ 8T8. (*.*+.(GG?
R-.061/<-3/ 9:0<2,1/1-8
8etails of the pre<appointment formalities are given in #hapter 7o. ) of this -ook. &ll the pre< appointment formalities must invariably be completed before issuing appointment letter to the selected candidates.
7o fresh recruitment should be made at administrative offices unless such recruitment becomes unavoidable for creation of additional Region/ 8epartments, etc. after e/hausting redeployment possibilities. The strength of subordinate staff could other ise be replenished at administrative offices to compensate for astages like retirement and deaths only. &t small branches not more than one and at medium size branches not more than t o messengers should be appointed. 7ormally at branches, sub"ect to provision of the minimum complement of subordinate staff re:uired, the ratio of messenger staff to the strength of clerks and cashiers should be (L ?.
&t administrative offices, e/cept the Top 9/ecutives, no other functionary including Head of a 8epartment should be permitted to have an e/clusive messenger for himself. The availability of messengerial staff should be shared as bet een the head of the 8epartment and his department staff. The need for special appointments in the messengerial cadre, such as 8uftaries, #yclostyle Machine %perators, etc. should be carefully assessed and provided and, henever such posts are created the concerned employees should be asked to perform messengerKs duties also henever they are free from their allotted ork. & careful atch must be maintained at any restrictive practices sought to be employed by the subordinate staff hich go to reduce their output or emergence of fresh restrictive practices, and suitable steps taken to ensure that the e/isting complement of subordinate staff provided are optimally utilised. The messengers must be given e/haustive duties to ensure performance of a full dayKs ork.
E,151=1,1/A 9:0 0-.061/<-3/ 13 86=:07132/- .2709ducational :ualification L< Cor recruitment in the subordinate cadre the minimum educational :ualification ill be a pass in the 6IIIth standard ith proficiency in the regional language. Ho ever, no candidate ho has passed ,,# or e:uivalent e/amination ill be considered for appointment in the subordinate cadre. Ho ever, for appointment to a vacancy reserved for e/<servicemen, an e/<serviceman fulfilling the criteria for e/<servicemen as per 4overnment guidelines shall be e/empted from the prescribed educational :ualification. 2Cor this purpose, the period of service hich an e/< serviceman has put in the &rmed Corces of the Enion, any period during hich he has served in a #ivil 8epartment of the 4overnment of India, shall be included.3 The minimum :ualification for e/<servicemen in subordinate cadre ill be a pass in 6th ,td.
There may be instances here in order to secure appointment in the subordinate cadre, a candidate may not state his educational :ualification correctly 2as it ould have rendered him unfit for employment in that cadre3 and may later on claim the advantage of higher :ualifications at the time of promotion to clerical cadre. &s this act of the employee reflects adversely on his honesty and integrity no eightage should be given to such higher :ualifications at the time of promotion 2including in cadre promotion3 and as soon as such omissions/acts come to light, these should be promptly reported to the controlling authority, ith full details, for initiating appropriate disciplinary action against the employee. &ge L Minimum (? years Ma/imum )> years.
The revision of upper age limit to )? years is applicable for recruitment in the clerical cadre only. The rela/ation in upper age limit ill be as indicated in para (.(.= 2b3 hereinabove. 5lease also refer paragraph (.?.) for ceiling on age rela/ations to e/<serviceman.
Cor appointment of atchmen / armed guards applications ill be entertained only from e/< servicemen ho have been honorably discharged from armed services.
R-8-0@2/1:3 :9 @2.23.1-8
The reservation to disabled persons / e/<servicemen is a horizontal reservation against the vertical reservation for ,#s/,Ts and %-#s. The ad"ustment of these categories of persons appointed against posts reserved for them should be made in the post<based rosters for ,#s/,Ts/%-#s in accordance ith the usual procedure i.e. a disabled e/<servicemen person belonging to ,# category ill be ad"usted against one of the vacancies of ,# and so on.
S.06/13A :9 ,18/
The list of candidates sponsored by the 9mployment 9/changes, should be carefully scrutinised to ensure that the candidates conform to the eligibility criteria. !hile scrutinising the lists, it should be checked as to hether the candidates are domiciled/registered ith 9mployment 9/changes in the area covered by the concerned revenue district. &ll the eligible candidates ould then be advised to appear for a personal intervie .
The eligible candidates ill be intervie ed by a ,election #ommittee constituted by the Honal %ffice for this purpose. The date and the time of intervie ill be fi/ed under advice to the members of the ,election #ommittee. Intervie s for messengers and guards ill be held separately. It should also be ensured that an officer belonging to ,cheduled #aste/Tribe is nominated on the ,election #ommittee constituted to intervie ,#/,T candidates for recruitment in the subordinate cadre. The 8istrict ,ainik -oard should invariably be re:uested for nominating its representative on the intervie panel for recruitment of atch and ard staff. The ,election #ommittee should record its observations in respect of each candidate in the intervie sheet. Ho ever, before the intervie , a complete bio<data and an application on the prescribed form should be obtained from the candidates. !hile intervie ing candidates for appointment as atch and ard staff, it should be ensured that their discharge certificates are clear in all respects. Their age should also be checked from the discharge certificate.
The instructions for medical e/amination, verification of character and antecedents, and production of a satisfactory letter of release from past/present employer in the case of recruitment in clerical cadre are e:ually applicable for appointment in subordinate cadre. Therefore, all the pre<appointment formalities detailed in #hapter ) of this Reference -ook must invariably be completed before appointment of selected candidates .
The 9mployment 9/changes 2#ompulsory 7otification of 6acancies3 &ct (G=G, 2and Rules (G>*3 hich came into force from (st May, (G>* is applicable to the -ank hich, for the purpose of the &ct, ill be an establishment in the public sector falling under sub clause 2'3 of clause 2f3 of ,ection ) of the &ct. The main obligations imposed by the &ct areL
a3 b3 ii3 a3
to notify a vacancy to the prescribed 9mployment 9/change before filling it. to submit :uarterly and biennial returns in the prescribed forms to the local 9mployment 9/change. The relevant provisions in the &ct and Rules and the implications 7otification of vacancies L The relevant sections of the &ct and Rules read as under L ,ection ;2(3 of &ct L &fter the commencement of this &ct in any ,tate or area thereof the employer in every establishment in public sector in the ,tate or area shall, before filling up any vacancy in any employment in that establishment, notify that vacancy to such employment e/change as may be prescribed. ,ection ;2;3 of &ct L nothing in sub<section 2(3 and 2)3 shall be deemed to impose any obligation upon any employer to recruit any person through the employment e/change to fill any vacancy merely because that vacancy has been notified under any of those sub<sections. Rule ' of Rules L thereof are given belo L
The follo ing vacancies, namely L 6acancies carrying total monthly emoluments of Rs.)** or more occurring in establishments in respect of hich the #entral 4overnment is the appropriate 4overnment under the &ct, and 6acancies hich an employer may desire to be circulated to the 9mployment 9/changes outside the ,tate or Enion Territory in hich the establishment is situated, shall be notified to the #entral 9mployment 9/change. 6acancies other than those specified in sub<rule 2(3 shall be notified to the local 9mployment 9/change concerned. Rule ; L Rule = L 5rescribes the form and manner in hich the vacancies should be notified. Time limit for notification of vacancies L
6acancies, re:uired to be notified to the local 9mployment 9/change, shall be notified at least one eek before the date on hich applicants ill be intervie ed or tested here intervie s or tests are to be held, or the date on hich vacancies are intended to be filled, if no intervie s or test are to be held. 6acancies re:uired to be notified to the #entral 9mployment 9/change, shall be notified at least three eeks before the date on hich applicants ill be intervie ed or tested here intervie s or tests are to be held, or the date on hich the vacancies are intended to be filled, if no intervie s or tests are to be held. 5rocedure to be follo ed for 7otification of 6acancies L 6acancies for posts hich carry monthly emoluments of Rs.)** or more in the category of K& ard ,taffK should be notified direct to the 9mployment 9/change. The 4overnment of India have clarified that provisions of ,ection '2(3 of the &ct e/empting unskilled orkers from the scope of the &ct do not apply to establishments in the public sector. &ccordingly, all vacancies including those in the subordinate cadre hich are to be
iii3 a3 b3
filled by direct recruitment must be notified to the appropriate local 9mployment 9/change having "urisdiction over the place here the vacancy is to be filled. <hough the vacancies by the preceding sub<paragraph need not be notified under the &ct to the local 9mployment 9/change it has been decided that, in the process of filling up such vacancies, the applications submitted by the local 9mployment 9/changes may also be entertained along ith those received from the #entral 9mployment 9/change. c3 The percentage of vacancies reserved for scheduled castes/scheduled tribes and e/< servicemen/disabled 8efence ,ervices 5ersonnel, %-# category etc. should also be advised to the 9mployment 9/changes. 6acancies shall be notified in the manner detailed above only under specific instructions from the 5ersonnel 0 HR8 sections of the Honal %ffice e/cept in the case of temporary appointments.
R-.061/<-3/ 13 S6=:07132/- 8/299 @18-2-@18 E<4,:A<-3/ EG.;235The -ankKs orking arrangement ith the 9mployment 9/changes in regard to recruitment in the subordinate cadre 2 hich envisages a ceiling of '*I of the candidates under the direct :uota3 stands cancelled and hence forth &$$ 6&#&7#I9, in the subordinate cadre, irrespective of the duration and nature of vacancy ill have to be filled only through the medium of 9mployment 9/changes. 7o notification of vacancies should therefore, be placed on the office notice boards and no direct application should be entertained. Ho ever, the protected employees 2i.e. temporary employees ith );* daysK service in a block of () calendar months3 ill have preference over the candidates sponsored by the
9mployment 9/changes in filling up the vacancies. They ill be intervie ed separately and those found suitable ill be offered appointment, sub"ect to occurrence of vacancies. ii3 The practice of re:uisitioning names of suitable candidates from approved ,cheduled #aste/,cheduled Tribe &ssociations, !elfare -odies, 8irector 4eneral of Resettlement, 9/< ,ervicemen $eague, Regimental #entres and other sources of manpo er has been discontinued. In case of reserved vacancies 2candidates for hich are in short supply3 it ould be open to the 9mployment 9/changes to approach the various organisations for sponsorship of candidates. It is only hen suitable candidates are not available from the 9mployment 9/changes that recruitment other than through the 9mployment 9/change may be resorted to after obtaining a non<availability certificate from the appropriate 9mployment 9/change. !henever vacancies are notified to the 9mployment 9/changes prior service in the -ank should be prescribed as one of the re:uirements for sponsoring candidates, adding that names of other candidates may be sponsored only hen the e/perienced candidates are not available. If the names of some temporary employees ho ere not earlier sponsored by the 9mployment 9/change but ere nevertheless registered ith them are available, the names of such employees should be advised to the 9mployment 9/change to facilitate their sponsorship to the -ank for appointment in the subordinate cadre. In this connection, the Ministry of personnel, 5.%. 0 5ensions have advised vide their Memorandum 7o. (;*);/)/G><9stt283 of (?th May, (GG? that all vacancies arising under #entral 4overnment offices/ establishments 2Including :uasi<4overnment institutions and statutory organisations3 irrespective of the nature and duration 2other than those filled through E5,#3, are not only to be notified to, but also to be filled through the 9mployment 9/changes alone and other permissible sources of recruitment can be tapped only if the 9mployment 9/change concerned issues a A7on availability #ertificateA. There can be no departure from this unless a different arrangement in this regard has been previously agreed to in consultation ith the 8epartment of 9conomic &ffairs, Ministry of Cinance and the Ministry of $abour 28irectorate 4eneral, 9mployment 0 Training3. ,imilar instructions are also in force re:uiring vacancies against posts carrying a basic salary of less than Rs. =**/< per month in #entral 5ublic ,ector Endertakings to be filled only through 9mployment 9/changes ). The ,cheme of 9mployment 9/change 5rocedure came under the "udicial scrutiny of the ,upreme #ourt in the matter of 9/cise ,uperintendent, Malkapatnam, .rishna 8istrict, &ndhra 5radesh v/s. ..-.7. 6is esh ara Rao 0 %rs 2(GG> 2>3 ,#&$9 >+>3. The ,upreme #ourt, inter alia, directed as follo s L< AIt should be mandatory for the re:uisitioning authority/establishment to intimate the employment e/change and employment e/change should sponsor the names of the candidates to the re:uisitioning 8epartments for selection strictly according to seniority and reservation, as per re:uisition. In addition, the appropriate 8epartment or undertaking or establishment, should call for the names by publication in the ne spapers having ider circulation and also display on their office notice boards or announce on radio, television and employment ne s bulletins and then consider the cases of all the candidates ho have applied.A '. &ccordingly, it is clarified that in addition to notifying the vacancies for the relevant categories 2e/cluding those filled through the Enion 5ublic ,ervice #ommission/the ,taff ,election #ommission3 to the 9mployment 9/change, the re:uisitioning authority/establishment may keeping in vie administrative/budgetary convenience, arrange for the publication of the recruitment notice for such categories in the A9mployment 7e sA published by the 5ublications 8ivision of the Ministry of Information and -roadcasting, 4overnment of India and then consider the cases of all the candidates ho have applied. In addition to the above, such recruitment notices should be displayed on the office notice boards also for ider publicity. These instructions should be strictly adhered to.
The 4overnment of India have since clarified that here banks make direct recruitment in subordinate cadre from among local candidates from the area of operation of the branch, it may not be necessary for them to get the notice published in 9mployment 7e s/Ro"gar ,amachar. Instead they may get the notice published in a local ne spaper having ide circulation in the area of operation of the branches in hich the vacancies are to be filled up. This is besides intimation to local 9mployment 9/change and display of notice board of each of the branches concerned. #8%L5ML(;;(L#IRL?+ 8T8.)G.*'.)***, 50HR8LIRL,5$L)'G 8T8.)+.G.)**(
1.! 1.!.1
9ducational @ualifications L %fficers L Minimum graduation in any discipline. 9/ceptional cases here there is no 4raduation L to be taken up ith 4overnment. L ,,#/,,$#
#lerical #adre
Matriculation or e:uivalent. iii3 ,ubordinate #adre &ge L ,ub<staff / #lerical ,taff / %fficersL< -et een (? 0 )> years ,ame as applicable to general candidates as per the age limits prescribed for various categories. 7o rela/ation in this regard ill be made. L 6th ,tandard pass ith ability to read and rite
a3 b3 c3
S4:0/8 E62,191.2/1:3&
Cor appointment as %fficer should have represented the country and on an &r"una & ard or represented the ,tate ith distinction for at least = years in continuation. Cor recruitment in clerical cadre, the candidates must have represented the ,tate in 7ational event, or 8istrict in ,tate level event or the Eniversity in an Inter<Eniversity event ith distinction or if he as a member of the #ombined Eniversities team ith distinction. Cor recruitment in ,ubordinate cadre, the candidates should have represented the district in a ,tate level event or should have participated in an &ll India ,chool event ith distinction.
i3 ii3
The #hief 4eneral Manager of the #ircle ill be the #ompetent &uthority to appoint sportspersons in either subordinate or clerical cadre and The 8y. Managing 8irector and #orporate 8evelopment %fficer ill be the #ompetent &uthority for such appointments in the %fficersK cadre. Ho ever, such appointments in %fficers cadre are finally approved #ommittee of the #entral -oard of the -ank. by the 9/ecutive
The candidates administratively cleared by the above &uthorities ill be intervie ed by the #hief 4eneral Manager, one 4eneral Manager of the concerned #ircle and t o eminent sportspersons nominated by the ,#-, #orporate #entre. The candidates so selected may be offered appointment in the -ank sub"ect to their completing the other formalities such as satisfactory reports from the references, medical e/amination and verification of antecedents, etc. &ll recommendations of the #ircle !elfare #ommittees for the purpose of recruitment should be submitted to 5resident, #!#, as per proforma in &ppendi/<I 4979R&$L The recruitment of sportspersons should be absolutely needbased. & sub<committee comprising of 4M 2HR8 0 #hange Management3, at the #orporate #entre and t o eminent sportspersons ill assess the need at the end of the financial year, number of sportspersons
to be recruited for each of the recognised games ne/t year and the modalities of such recruitment. &pplications from those candidates ho are already orking in some other organization/bank, ill not be considered unless the applications are routed through the respective 9mployer/ -ank. &ppointment of sportspersons is normally done at the Head @uarters at $H% to enable them to have practice sessions etc. and the re:uests for transfer else here shall not be entertained as long as they are active players. Ho ever, sportspersons from a particular discipline may be posted at other centres if practice / training facilities are available at such centres and the number of players at the centre "ustifies the measure. !hile recruitment of sportspersons shall be generally restricted to the =2five3 designated disciplines, e/ceptions to be made for outstanding sportspersons in other disciplines on merit.
1.% 1.%.1
C:<<631/A .-0/191.2/Cor format of the #ertificate of #aste #ertificates, their verification etc., please refer to #hapter ), of this Reference book.
D-/21,8 :9 ;2371.248
&t the instance of the 4ovt. of India, certain concessions are accorded in the matter of recruitment of physically handicapped candidates in the -ank. In terms of these instructions only candidates suffering from minor orthopaedic handicaps ill be considered for appointment in the -ank. #andidates ith any one of the follo ing physical handicaps may be considered fit for appointment in the clerical and cash department cadresL i3 ii3 iii3 $oss of sight in one eye, provided the other eye is normal normal ith glasses. $oss of an arm, provided the candidate can rite and ithout glasses or is corrected to
$oss of leg2s3 provided the candidate can move ith artificial leg2s3 and/or crutches. 8eafness and deaf<muteness are serious handicaps for concessions may not be e/tended to such candidates. orking in the -ank, and as such the
Cor appointment in the subordinate cadre, the rela/ation in the standard of physical fitness referred to in 2ii3 and 2iii3 above ill not be available 2i.e.3 loss of arm2s3 or leg2s3 ill render a candidate unfit for appointment in the subordinate cadre. 7oteL Cor further details, please refer to the instructions contained in #hapter ) of this Reference -ook ith regard to Medical Citness of 7e Recruits/5romotees. In the case of clerical cadre recruitment the details ould be notified by the Recruitment -oard. Regarding subordinate cadre, the vacancies should be notified to the ,pecial 9mployment %ffices for the physically handicapped, operating in the area. If no such office e/ists in a particular area, the concessions available to them, hich are given belo , may be mentioned in the re:uisition sent to the 9mployment 9/changes. The concessions e/tended to physically handicapped candidates are as under L &ge Epper age limit ill be rela/ed by (* years. Cor ,#/,T candidates, there rela/ation of five years and three years for %-# category candidates. ii3 ReservationL &s detailed in para (.).;. iii3 Medical fitness L The physically handicapped candidates selected for appointment in the -ank should be medically e/amined by the Medical -oard attached to the ,pecial 9mployment 9/change for the handicapped instead of by the -ankKs Medical %fficer/&uthorised 8octor. 6ocational rehabilitation centres are functioning at $udhiana, 8elhi, .anpur, .olkata, Jabalpur, &hmedabad, #hennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad, -angalore and Trivandrum. They evaluate the residual capacities of physically handicapped persons and recommend occupations most suited to their :ualifications, ability etc. The handicapped candidates ho approach the Rehabilitation #entres are medically e/amined by the ,pecial Medical -oard and they are not re:uired to be sub"ected to medical e/amination again at the time of employment. The evaluation done by the 6ocational Rehabilitation #entre about the suitability of candidates for a particular occupation may be taken as final. Ho ever, in cases here the medical ill be a further
e/amination reports are unreasonably old, the candidates concerned should be asked to get themselves medically e/amined afresh by the Medical -oard of the ,pecial 9mployment 9/change for the physically handicapped.
The definition of deaf for this purpose ould be as given by the 4overnment of India i.e. AThe deaf are those in hom the sense of hearing is non<functional for ordinary purpose of life. They do not hear/understand sounds at all, even ith amplified speech. The cases included in the category ill be those having hearing loss more than )* decibels in the better ear 2profound impairment3 or total loss of hearing in both ears.A The deaf and dumb candidates may be e/tended the follo ing rela/ations/concessions in recruitment. ,uch candidates need not appear for the usual ob"ective /descriptive type tests administered in clerical recruitment. Ho ever, they have to :ualify in the aptitude test and skill tests for the position applied for. These candidates are e/empted from payment of application fees. Epper age limit is rela/able by ten years, as in the case of physically handicapped candidates. The vacancies of 5unch #ard %perators as per #8%/5M/(=/,5$/;=? dated (>.*+.)**' ould be advertised in the ne spapers as usual, by the Regional Recruitment -oards, indicating that deaf and dumb are also eligible to apply. 7ormally, the proportion of deaf and dumb candidates so recruited should not e/ceed =I to (*I of the cadre strength of 5unch #ard %perators. The deaf and dumb ould be recruited in -ankKs service, sub"ect to the follo ing stipulations L ,uch employees ould not be eligible for conversion to the clerical/cash impaired faculties ould interfere ith efficient discharge of duties thereat. They ould also not be considered for promotions to higher cadres in the -ank. ing, as their
ii3 a3
b3 c3
iii3 iv3 a3 b3
B,137 .237172/-8
The definition of blind for the purpose of considering them for recruitment as Telephone %perators ould be as given by 4overnment of India i.e. The blind are those ho suffer from either of the follo ing conditions L< Total absence of sight M 6isual acuity not e/ceeding >/>* or )*/)** 2snellen3 in the better eye ith correcting lensesM $imitation of field of vision subtending an angle of )* degree or orse. The appointment of blind candidates ill be made at offices here the type and :uantum of telephone operations are such that they can be easily handled by the blind candidate ithout causing any inconvenience to normal administrative ork. &8ML(;G+> 8T8.'.;.(G?(
a3 b3 c3 7oteL
R-,2G2/1:38 $ .:3.-881:38
The blind candidates ould be e/tended the follo ing rela/ations/concessions in recruitment L
,uch candidates need not appear for the usual ob"ective/descriptive type tests administered for clerical recruitment. Ho ever, they have to attain the minimum skill standards re:uired for efficient functioning as telephone operators. These candidates ill be charged application fees P (/; of the fees charged from general category candidates. The upper age limit is rela/able by ten years for the blind as in the case of deaf and dumb and physically handicapped candidates. (I of the vacancies are reserved for the blind/partially blind candidates.
b3 c3 d3 e3 i3 ii3
The blind candidates ould be recruited in -ankKs service sub"ect to the follo ing stipulationsL ,uch employees ould not be eligible for conversion to the clerical/cash handicap ould interfere ith the efficient discharge of duties thereat. ing, as their visual
They ould also not be considered for promotions to higher cadres in the -ank e/cept for some identified posts.
#oncessions in the matter of appointment of 9/<servicemen, disabled 8efence ,ervice 5ersonnel and dependants of 8efence ,ervices 5ersonnel killed in action. &t the instance of the 4overnment of India, certain concessions are offered to e/<servicemen, disabled defence services personnel and dependants of defence services personnel killed in action. A&n e/<servicemanA means a person ho has served in any rank 2 hether combatant or non< combatant3 in the &rmed Corces of the Enion i.e. 7avy, &rmy or &ir Corce, including the &rmed Corces of the former Indian ,tates, but e/cluding &ssam Rifles, 8efence ,ecurity #orps, 4eneral Reserve 9ngineering Corce, Jammu and .ashmir Militia, $ok ,ahayak ,eva and Territorial &rmy, for a continuous period of not less than > months after attestation and
a3 b3 c3
ho has retired from such service after earning his pension L or has been released, other ise than by ay of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency, or has been transferred to the reserve pending such release, or has to serve for not more than > months for completing the period of service re:uisite for becoming entitled to be released or transferred to the reserve as aforesaid. 2This fact should be ascertained from the &rmy 8ischarge #ertificate of the candidate3. -order ,ecurity Corce personnel are not to be treated as e/<servicemen.
& 8isabled 9/<serviceman means an e/<serviceman ho, hile serving in the &rmed Corces of the Enion as disabled in operations against the enemy or disturbed areas. 7oteL Cor the purpose of securing the benefit of reservation, the e/<servicemen should have already ac:uired, at the relevant time of submitting his application to the -ank, the status of e/< serviceman as defined above and/or should be in a position to establish his ac:uired entitlement by documentary evidence from the competent authority that he ould be released/discharged from the &rmed Corces ithin the stipulated period of > months on completion of his assignment. 2The date of e/amination is not relevant for this purpose3. The concessions listed out belo ill be admissible only to those e/<servicemen ho have been honourably discharged from the &rmed Corces. & summary of the concessions no available are given belo . 5&L#IRL(+= 8T8.G.((.(G?+
A59/<servicemen are eligible for a concession in age to the e/tent of the services rendered by them in the defence services plus ' years. The concession ould be permitted upto the follo ing limits. C270U44-0 25- ,1<1/ ;= years =* years =* years
a3 b3 c3
,ecurity 4uard/&rmed 4uard #lerical #adre ,ub. ,taff other than ,ecurity /&rmed 4uard
In the case of disabled defence services personnel, the upper age limit ill be ;= years 2in respect of members of ,#/,T the upper age limit ill be =* years3. In the case of dependants of 8efence ,ervice 5ersonnel killed in action, the ma/imum age limit ill be ;* years. &s regards recruitment to the cadre of probationary officers, age limit ill be rela/ed in the case of disabled defence service personnel only upto ' years 2 ? years in the case of ,#/,T candidates of this category3.
E76.2/1:32, C62,191.2/1:38
!hile there ill be no rela/ation in the minimum educational :ualification in respect of e/< servicemen and disabled 8efence ,ervices 5ersonnel in the matter of appointment of %fficers/#lerks/#ashiers, in respect of dependants of 8efence ,ervices 5ersonnel killed in action, the minimum educational :ualification for appointment as #lerk/#ashier ill be rela/ed to II 8ivision Matriculation, i.e. ;=I marks in the aggregate in ,,# or e:uivalent e/amination in single sitting, or II 8ivision in 5re<Eniversity #ourse, or III 8ivision in Intermediate. In the case of subordinate posts, the minimum educational :ualifications ill be rela/ed for e/< servicemen and disabled defence services personnel provided the candidate has put in at least ' yearsK service 2including broken periods of service in different spells3 before his release from the army or before being rendered invalid.
M-71.2, -G2<132/1:3
!hile the e/<servicemen and dependants of 8efence ,ervices 5ersonnel killed in action ill be sub"ected to the normal medical e/amination, in the case of disabled 8efence ,ervices 5ersonnel, there ill be no medical e/amination and the fitness certificate issued by the 8emobilisation Medical -oard of the 8efence ,ervices ill be acceptable to the -ank. Ho ever, candidates from among disabled defence services personnel for the officersK cadre shall be re:uired to pass the usual medical test prescribed by the -ank for its officers.
R-8-0@2/1:3 :9 @2.23.1-8
Reservation of vacancies for e/<servicemen including disabled e/<servicemen and dependants of e/<servicemen ill be as under L< Cor clerical #adre Cor ,ubordinate #adre );.=I (;.=I
The percentages of reservation so specified shall be increased or decreased in any one recruitment year to the e/tent to hich the total number of vacancies reserved for e/< servicemen, ,cheduled #aste and ,cheduled Tribe 2including the carried for ard reservations for ,cheduled #aste and ,cheduled Tribe3 and for any other categories taken together falls short or is in e/cess, as the case may be, of =*I of the vacancies in that category of posts to be filled in that year. In case of an increase in the reservation for the e/<servicemen, the additional vacancies ill be utilised first for the appointment of disabled e/<servicemen. If sufficient number of disabled e/<servicemen are not available and the additional vacancies remain unfilled, the same ill be available to other e/<servicemen. If an e/<serviceman belonging to a scheduled caste/scheduled/%-# category/tribe is selected, his selection shall be counted against the reservation for ,cheduled #aste/,cheduled Tribe/%-# category and not for e/<servicemen. !herever o ing to non<availability of suitable candidates belonging to the category of e/< servicemen, it becomes necessary to dereserve a vacancy in the clerical/subordinate cadre reserved for persons of this category, a reference should be made to the 8irectorate 4eneral of Resettlement, Ministry of 8efence, ho maintain a list of e/<servicemen and ho may be in a position to nominate suitable candidates for the reserved vacancies. It is only hen the 8irectorate 4eneral of Resettlement are unable to nominate suitable persons that the vacancies may be treated as unreserved and may be filled in by other candidates. %ther things being e:ual, the follo ing categories of applicants follo ing order L ill be given priority in the
v3 a3 b3 c3
8isabled 8efence ,ervice 5ersonnel upto ) members of each family of 8efence ,ervices 5ersonnel killed in action. %ther e/<servicemen
& person ho has rendered a minimum service of three years 2in the defence services3 ith the colours may be seconded to a reserve. Reserve liability is essential to entitle such persons to &rmy 5ensions, the minimum :ualifying service for the grant of the same being (= years taking their colour and reserve service together. &ccordingly, e/<servicemen seconded to Reserve, if appointed in the -ank, should not be called upon to seek premature discharge from reserve service. 2Ministry of Home &ffairs Memorandum 7o.('/('/+*<9,T,2#3 dated );th July, (G+*3.
&rmy ,ervice L %nly those e/<servicemen recruited rather than those ho have completed their normal colour service should be ho have been discharged from service. The e/<servicemen
should preferably be from the fighting arms and security duties. ii3 a3 b3
The follo ing eligibility criteria have been stipulated for recruitment of guards. &ge 9ducational @ualification L ;= years L pass in ?th standard 2class3 or its e:uivalent but the candidates should have not passed (*N ) e/ams or its e:uivalentA ## cir. #8%/50HR8<IR/==/)**;<*= dated (*/*)/*=3 Minimum re:uirement ill be 4oodK. L A,hape<one or &ye<oneA L Total rela/ation sub"ect to the condition that no physically handicapped e/<serviceman is eligible for appointment. The fitness of the candidates ill be "udged on the basis of a physical fitness test L Havaldar or belo in the &rmed Corces &rmy or e:uivalent rank in the 7avy or &ir Corce.
c3 e3 f3
It should be ensured that the atchmen/guards do not drink li:uor in the -ank premises. do not leave the premises unguarded. do not absent themselves from duty ithout prior notice making relief arrangements at the relevant hour. there by causing difficulties in
4ovt. of India has advised that here the Interval bet een the date of discharge from &rmy/7avy/&ir force and the date of redeployment in the #ivil post is more than an year, verification of the character and antecedents of an e/<serviceman in respect of the period after the date of discharge shall also be got done from the 8istrict &uthorities of the places here the e/<serviceman had resided for more than an year after the date of his discharge from &rmy/7avy/&ir force. The 4ovt has clarified that it is not proper to discriminate amongst e/<servicemen belonging to the &rmy, 7avy and &ir force as they all receive periodic training in handling of eapons.
9ducational @ualifications ,hould be a non<matriculate ith a minimum of ?th class pass and hold a second class !iremanKs #ertificate from ,tate 5ublic !orks 8epartment. or &n 9lectricianKs #ertificate from ITI 2 here a pass in Matriculation is not a precondition for the #ertificate3.
2ii3 2iii3
&ge (? to '= years. 9/perience Minimum e/perience of = years as !ireman/$ineman. 9/perience in Maintenance/%peration of HT/$T ,ub<station and thorough kno ledge in control irings and protective systems, maintenance of 8# and &# Motors upto (** H5 and their control systems, maintenance of pumpsets upto (** H5.
2a3 2i3 2ii3 2iii3
9ducational @ualifications ,hould be a non<matriculate ith a minimum of ?th class pass. &ge 7ot more than )G years. 9/perience #andidate should be an 9/<Cire -rigade/Home 4uard/#ivil 8efence/9/<servicemen. 5ersonnel ith five yearsK e/perience in fire fighting. 7ote L &ge rela/ation ill be available to e/<servicemen and scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and %-# category candidates as per rules in force. 5lumbers @ualification L 5assed minimum ?th standard. &ge -et een (? and )> years. Rela/able by = years in case of ,#, ,T and by ' years for %-# category candidates. 9/perience Minimum )/' years in the respective trades ,alary, ,ervice #onditions etc. &s per ,ubordinate cadre. 59RLIRL#IRL((= 8T8.(+.G.(G?;
2iii3 2iv3
&ny re:uest from a candidate for e/tension in time to "oin duty at the -ranch or for a change in the place of posting is referred to the controlling authority for consideration. If, ho ever, the candidate does not report for duty even after the given e/tension period, the controlling authority should be advised to cancel his appointment. Re:uest for e/tension of time for reporting for duty by ,#/,T/%-# candidates. &ll re:uests from the ,#/,T/%-# candidates seeking e/tension of time to "oin duty ill be considered sympathetically and no such re:uest ill be re"ected by an officer at a level lo er than that of the 4eneral Manager. In case a candidate ho has been offered appointment in the -ank does not report for duty ithin the stipulated time, it should not be straighta ay presumed that he is not interested in "oining the -ank. To ensure that the offer of appointment has actually been received by him, if a candidate belonging to ,#/,T/%-# does not report for duty ithin the stipulated time in response to the letter of appointment sent to him by the -ank, the post ill be offered to the ne/t candidate only after a second letter has been sent to such a candidate by registered post ackno ledgement due giving him at least (= days1 notice to "oin duty.
b3 i3
& personal statement is re:uired to be filled in by the candidate in his o n hand riting 2&nne/ure ).'3 hich should be scrutinised by the medical e/aminer carefully to see that all the particulars are given and all the :uestions are ans ered properly. The signature of candidate should be obtained by the Medical 9/aminer in his presence hich should be tallied ith the signature appearing in the letter of introduction attested by the Referring &uthority. 2a3 2b3 The Medical 9/aminer should give due attention to the family history and personal history of the candidate The medical report must be ritten legibly. &ns ers and statements in the report should be clear and unambiguous. The report should be submitted in the format as per &nne/ure<).;. !herever considered necessary, Medical 9/aminers should take the opinion of specialists before finalising the report. They should al ays consider hether the candidate is fit for continuous service in the -ank for a long period. #ases such as kidney ailments, congenital heart diseases, rheumatic heart, malignant hypertension, diabetes, "uvenile/or other ise and HI6 positive cases should not be missed. In the cases here, despite a specialistKs opinion, the Medical 9/aminer is unable to come to a final conclusion regarding the fitness or other ise of the candidate, he may obtain the opinion of a second specialist. 9ven then if the Medical 9/aminer finds any difficulty in coming to a conclusion about fitness or other ise of a candidate, he may refer such cases to the -ankKs ,enior Medical %fficer at $ocal Head %ffice through the &sstt. 4eneral Manager 259R0HR83. If necessary, the #ircle authorities may refer these cases to #orporate #entre for guidance in the matter. It may be clarified that in the final evaluation of the candidateKs health, ,pecialistKs opinion is a very important aspect in declaring the candidate fit/unfit for service. !hile declaring a candidate unfit for service, the Medical 9/aminer should clearly state the reasons for arriving at this conclusion. In cases here the Medical 9/aminer considers that a minor disability dis:ualifying a candidate for -ankKs service can be cured by treatment 2surgical/medical3 ithin a reasonable period of time, say, ' to > months, a statement to that effect should be recorded in the report. The appointing authority should scrutinise the medical reports carefully before issuing the appointment letters to the candidates. The candidates declared unfit by the 8octor should not be appointed in the -ank.
(. ). '. ;. =. >. +. ?.
<Casting <5.5. ,erum #holesterol -lood urea/757 ,erum #reatinine HI6 test Erine and ,tool
b3 i3
,F,T9M&TI# 9D&MI7&TI%7 9/amination of all systems is very essential so as to rule out organic ailments hich make a candidate unfit for service e.g. e/tensive pulmonary tuberculosis, kidney failure, malignant hypertension, severe diabetes, lung abscess, etc. -lood #-# investigations for all candidates should be carried out and the reports carefully e/amined. &lso D<ray of the chest, 5.&. vie or M/M D<ray in all cases should be insisted upon. Ho ever, old healed .ochKs cases of early and mild nature hich had involved a small part of one of the lobes of the lung may be selected for fitness provided a check<up by T- specialists of -ankKs choice gives a clear report confirming no active .ochKs lesion or recent attack thereof and provided the lesion ere not bilateral and/or e/tensive. 9/tensive investigation of such cases inclusive of Tomograph is essential.
#omplete check<up of 4enito Erinary ,ystem ith stress on testicles 2Males3. hydrocele or hernia, etc. should be detected if any. If hydrocele or hernia of minor or ma"or degree is present the candidate should be advised to undergo an operation and then should be referred for fresh e/amination. & routine urine test should be carried out. In urine, the presence of 4lycosuria ould necessitate 4lucose Tolerance #urve. If considerable albuminaria is present, the candidate should be re"ected after a thorough investigation. %f late, there have been many cases of kidney failures resulting in a transplant. Hence 4enito<Erinary Tract e/amination and investigations should be carried out by Medical 9/aminer. In evaluation of such cases, #ongenital .idney Tumours, 7ephritis 5yeletes, 5yelo 7ephritis, Malignant Hypertension and such cases hich damage the kidney in due course, ould be dis:ualification for service. Ho ever, before declaring a candidate as unfit on these accounts an ErologistKs report clearly mentioning the reasons for dis:ualification is essential.
#97TR&$ &78 59RI5H9R&$ 79R6%E, ,F,T9M %rganic complaints should be investigated. &ny abnormality of functional type should be carefully e/amined to ensure that it should not hinder uninterrupted service to the -ank. History of 9pilepsy, Insanity or 5sychiatric problems, Myopathies, 5eripheral 7europhathies should be a dis:ualification.
,.I7 #%78ITI%7, $eprosy and e/tensive generalised allergic dermatitis is a bar for service. $eucoderma should not be a dis:ualification. M9T&-%$I# &78 978%#RI7&$ ,F,T9M Malignant Hypertension is a case for re"ection. #ontrolled and absolutely mild diabetes ithout any complication may be considered fit for service.
9.7.T. ,F,T9M & thorough 9.7.T. check<up including ear discharge, perforation, deafness, vertigo, nasal discharge, nasal blocking, speech defects should be done in each case. 8eafness or foul smelling or chronic discharge from the ear, nose, stammering of a severe nature, should be regarded as a dis:ualification. Ho ever, candidates should be referred to 9.7.T. ,urgeon for his opinion in case ailments of this nature are detected by the medical e/aminers.
%5TH&$MI# ,F,T9M If any candidate is suspected to have any refractive error in either or both organic or progressive disease of any part of the eyes, s:uint, colour< blindness and night blindness or any other ocular condition/disease, a thorough opthalmic check<up and report from %pthalmic ,urgeon is essential. &ccurate assessment of the vision is obviously most important for candidates for -ankKs service in vie of the nature of their duties.
7o limit for minimum naked eye vision. -ut normal eye vision should, ho ever, be recorded. The standard of near and distance vision ith or ithout glasses is as follo s L #$9RI#&$ ,T&CC -elo the age of '= years >/G &bove '= years 7ear 6ision %fficers -elo the age of '= years >/> &bove '= years 7ear 6ision >/() >/G 7> >/G >/G 7= >/(?
The total amount of myopia should not e/ceed <?.** and total amount of hypermetropia should not e/ceed N>.** for candidates above )* years of age. Cor belo )* years of age, the corresponding limits ill be <>.** and >.** respectively 2Total means the algebric sum of ,ph N #yl. a/es3 ii3 %#E$&R #%78ITI%7, %TH9R TH&7 6I,E&$ &#EITF &ny organic disease or a progressive refractive error likely to lo er the visual acuity should be considered as a dis:ualification. iii3 CE78E$ 9D&MI7&TI%7 &ny pathological conditions in Cundi should be treated as dis:ualification. %nset of cataract or glaucoma should be regarded a bar for fresh appointments as & ard ,taff and 5robationary %fficers. Ho ever, in the case of promotions of employees already orking in the -ank, cataract or glaucoma should be operated before certifying the employee/officer fit for promotion. In case there is a damage to the eye after operation, the employee ill be dis:ualified after getting reports of t o senior opthalmic surgeons. iv3 ,@EI7T
,:uint should not be a bar provided the same is non<paralytic and it does not affect the visual acuity as per norms laid do n. v3 vi3 The eye should be corrected to >/> ith glasses and not ith contact lenses. #%$%ER 6I,I%7 Tests of colour vision are to be performed at the discretion of the Medical 9/aminer. #olour blindness is not a bar to appointment e/cept in case of special categories of staff according to "ob re:uirements and nature of duties viz. drivers etc. These are e:ually applicable to promotions also. vii3 viii3 h3 Refraction, fundal e/amination and colour vision are a part of the normal medical e/amination by the specialists in all cases of visual defects. Cor one<eyed candidate, please refer paragraph k2i3 belo . %RTH%5&98I# ,F,T9M #andidateKs limbs, hands and feet should be ell formed and developed and there should be free and perfect motion of all "oints. &ny deformities or partial absence of e/tremities and/or pathological condition of the locomotor system should be referred to a suitable specialist for his e/pert opinion regarding the fitness of the candidateKs appointment in the -ank. In this connection, please also refer to paragraph 2k3 belo . i3 HI6 5%,ITI69 #&,9, In the recent years, there is considerable increase in the incidence of HI6 positive cases in our country. Therefore it has become essential to detect HI6 positive cases, if any, at the time of recruitment at any level in the -ank to avoid such cases becoming a liability to the -ank. It is essential to carry out HI6 testing for ne entrants/fresh appointments. #andidates found positive on the basis of A9lisa TestA should be sub"ected to A!estern -lot TestA also for further confirmation as the A9lisa TestA has been found to be false in a fe cases. In this connection, the 4overnment of India have advised that persons ho are other ise eligible for employment but tested positive for HI6 should be granted normal rights of employment as other members of the society and the HI6 status of the person should be kept confidential. Therefore, it has been decided to adopt the follo ing procedure ith regard to conduct of HI6 tests L i3 ii3 The e/isting provision of sub"ecting the ne recruits to HI6 test in addition to laid do n e/amination/tests should be continued as hitherto. The candidates found HI6 positive ill be further sub"ected to such medical e/amination as deemed necessary by the -ankKs Medical %fficer to ascertain the candidateKs ability to perform the normal "ob re:uirements and also, absence of any risk or health hazard the candidate may pose to others at the orkplace. The HI6 status of such candidates ill, ho ever, be maintained confidential. The -ank ill offer employment to only such of the HI6 positive candidates ith ability to perform the normal "ob re:uirements and only if they are not likely to cause any risk or health hazard to others at ork place. The -ankKs Medical %fficer should give his certificate of fitness specifically on these t o points. iii3 The -ankKs Medical %fficerKs certificate regarding the fitness of such candidates ill be final.
The provisions regarding HI6 test appointments "3 C%R C9M&$9 #&78I8&T9,
5regnancy is a bar for immediate appointment and the candidate should be declared temporarily unfit. %nly after three months of the delivery, a fresh e/amination should be undertaken. k3 i3 5HF,I#&$$F H&78I#&5598 #&78I8&T9, $oss of sight in one eye, provided the other eye has normal vision or is corrected to normal ith glasses ith ma/imum Myopia or hypermetropia N;.** 8 or <;.** 8, can be appointed in the clerical cadre only. ,ince the enactment of the 5ersons !ith 8isabilities &ct, (GG=, physical disability cannot be a bar to appointment or promotion. The follo ing categories of candidates may be considered for appointment in clerical cadre but not as subordinate staff as per e/tant instructionsL $oss of one arm, provided the candidate can rite and ork ith other hand. $oss of leg2s3, provided the candidate can move ith artificial leg and/or crutches. Those ho have to seek help of heel chair or such appliances for moving should not be considered for appointment. 5hysically handicapped candidates should come through the Medical -oards attached to ,pecial 9mployment 9/changes for physically handicapped persons or else, the Medical %fficer/-ankKs &uthorised 8octor should not e/amine them and should ask them to appear through the above Medical -oard. l3 R9IM-ER,9M97T %C M98I#&$ 9D597,9, The fees incurred by the employees for medical test at the time of promotion may be paid by the -ank by debit to #harges &ccount. -ut the ne recruits have to bear the entire e/penses incurred by them for medical e/amination. m3 4979R&$ There ill be no right of appeal available to the candidates against the decision of the Medical 9/aminer. If ho ever, the -ank is satisfied on the basis of the evidence produced before it of the possibility of an error of "udgement in the decision of the Medical 9/aminer it is open to the -ank to allo an appeal to a Medical -oard hich ill be constituted as and hen re:uired. ,uch appeal should ho ever, be submitted by the candidate ithin one month of the communication in hich the decision of the Medical 9/aminer is communicated to him/her. %ther ise no re:uest for any appeal to the Medical -oard ill be considered. The Medical -oard ill consist of L 2i3 2ii3 2iii3 ,enior Medical %fficer of the #ircleM #hief Medical %fficer or any ,enior 5hysician/,urgeon of 4overnment/Municipal HospitalM ,enior #onsultant of standing in the speciality concerned here a candidate is declared unfit. The choice of nomination on the Medical -oard ill be that of the -ank. Cor re<e/amination, the candidate ill be re:uired to deposit an appeal fee of Rs. =*/<. This fee ill be refundable to those candidates ho are declared fit by the -oard hereas in the case of others it ill be forfeited.
by any other
It should be clearly understood that the -ank reserves to itself absolute discretion to re"ect or accept any candidate after considering the report of the Medical -oard.
,,# certificate 2for verification of the date of birth and the division obtained3. The -ank relies on the date of birth mentioned in the ,chool leaving #ertificate as the final proof of the age of the #andidate and as such no other document/affidavits are acceptable to the -ank.
#-0191.2/1:3 :9 .;202./-0$23/-.-7-3/8
The follo ing procedure should be follo edL<
& candidate ho has :ualified in the ritten test and has been selected for intervie ould have already submitted his detailed bio<data 2on the form prescribed by the Recruitment -oard3. Three testimonials ould also have been enclosed ith this bio<data. %ne of the testimonials ould be from the Head Master/5rincipal of the ,chool/#ollege in hich the candidate studied last. These should be re<scrutinised by the -ranch Manager, at the time of conducting pre<recruitment formalities. Reports from t o referees already named by the candidate in his bio<data should be obtained as per &nne/ure ).+ 0 ).?. Reports from previous employer2s3, if any, as per &nne/ure ).G ould also need to be obtained. &s far as possible, the candidate should be appointed only after these reports are received. If, ho ever, these reports are not received before the common date fi/ed for appointment, the candidate may be appointed in the -ank sub"ect to satisfactory reports from the referees/past employers. The candidate is asked to complete an &ttestation Corm &nne/ure ).(*. & copy of the &ttestation Corm on completion by the candidate, is sent by the -ranch Manager to the 8istrict Magistrate of the 8istrict or the locality in hich the candidate is permanently resident 2&nne/ure<).((3. The appointment is made sub"ect to the fact that the %fficial confirms that the candidate has not come to the adverse notice and that he is suitable for employment in the -ankKs service. If ithin = years preceding the date of en:uiry the candidate has resided for more than a year in any other district or locality, a report is also obtained from the 8istrict Magistrate of the district/locality also. It should be indicated clearly in the appointment letter that confirmation of the candidate in the -ankKs service ill be sub"ect to a satisfactory report on his/her character and antecedents from the police authorities. In case the police en:uiries are not completed before the candidate becomes due for confirmation, the candidate ill be confirmed in the -ankKs service sub"ect to a satisfactory report from the police authorities. If the police report turns out to be adverse, the employeeKs services ill be terminated in terms of paragraph =)) 2(3 of the & ard.
a3 i3
C:<<631/A C-0/191.2/#ertificate issued by one of the follo ing authorities on the lines of proforma given 2&nne/ure< ).() 0 ).()&3. 8istrict Magistrate/&dditional 8istrict Magistrate/#ollector/ 8eputy #ommissioner/&dditional 8eputy #ommissioner / 8eputy #ollector/(st #lass ,tipendiary Magistrate/#ity Magistrate 27ot belo the rank of (st #lass ,tipendiary Magistrate3/,ub. 8ivisional Magistrate27ot belo the rank of (st #lass ,tipendiary Magistrate3/Taluka Magistrate/9/ecutive Magistrate/9/tra &ssistant #ommissioner 2not belo the rank of Ist class stipendiary magistrate3. #hief 5residency Magistrate/&dditional #hief 5residency Magistrate/5residency Magistrate. Revenue %fficer not belo the rank of Tehsildar.
,ub<8ivisional %fficer of the area here the candidate and/or his family resides. &dministrator/,ecretary to &dministrator/8evelopment %fficer 2$akshad ip Islands3. Matriculation or ,chool $eaving #ertificate or -irth #ertificate giving the #aste or #ommunity of the candidate and place of residence may be accepted by the &ppointing &uthority as sufficient proof in support of a candidateKs claim as belonging to ,cheduled #aste/Tribe. The 4overnment of India have advised that the ,#/,T candidates need not be asked to produce caste certificates, countersigned by the 8istrict Magistrate or obtain certificates in the forms prescribed by them. !e may accept caste certificate issued as social status certificate. Ho ever, the appointing authority should verify the caste status of a ,#/,T candidate through the 8istrict Magistrate of the place, here the candidate and/or his family ordinarily resides. If after appointment in any particular case, the verification reveals that the candidateKs claim as false, his service may be terminated in accordance ith the relevant rules and other legal action may be initiated.
#-0191.2/1:3 :9 C,21<8
The primary responsibility to verify the factual position before issuing the community certificate to an individual is that of the authority empo ered to issue the certificate. -ut, the appointing authority, if they consider it necessary for any reason, may verify the claim of a candidate through the 8istrict Magistrate of the place here the candidate or his family ordinarily resides. If after appointment, in any particular case, the verification reveals that the candidateKs claim as false, his services may be terminated in accordance ith the service regulations, unless there are definite redeeming circumstances. & clause to this effect should be incorporated in the appointment orders issued to the candidate belonging to ,cheduled #aste/,cheduled Tribe.
Identity certificate from appropriate authorities such as 9mbassy of India/High #ommission for India/8istrict Magistrate of the area here the candidate is residing should be verified in respect of such candidates.
9ligibility certificate in respect of persons other than Indian citizens sub"ects of 7epal, -hutan and persons of Indian origin. The Ministry of Cinance have advised that as in the 4overnment, apart from Indian citizens, a candidate belonging to any of the follo ing categories may be considered for appointment in the -ankL<
a3 b3 c3 d3
a sub"ect of 7epal, or a sub"ect of -hutan, or a Tibetan refugee ho came over to India before the (st January, (G>), permanently settling in India, or ith the intention of
a person of Indian origin ho has migrated from 5akistan, -urma, ,ri $anka, 9ast &frican countries of .enya, Eganda, the Enited Republic of Tanganyika or Hanzibar, Hambia, Mala i, Haire and 9thiopia and 6ietnam ith the intention of permanently settling in India. & candidate belonging to any of these categories may be admitted to an e/amination or intervie for selection but may be given an offer of appointment only after he/she is issued an eligibility certificate by the 4overnment of India, Ministry of Cinance, 8epartment of 9conomic &ffairs 2-anking 8ivision3. Cor this purpose, immediately on selection, steps are to be taken to verify the character and antecedents of the selected candidate and recommendations should be submitted to 50HR8 8epartment through the respective #ontrolling &uthority for on ard transmission to #orporate #entre for obtention of issuance of eligibility certificate. & specimen of the format of eligibility certificate is furnished at &nne/ure ).('. The recommendations should be comprehensive and indicate the reasons necessitating such appointment. In this connection, the follo ing particulars should be advised hile making references for obtention of eligibility certificatesL< 7ame L CatherKs 7ame ,tate/Territory of hich he is a sub"ect or to hich he belongs or his nationality. 5ost/,ervice and office in hich appointed, or likely to be appointed. 8ate of appointment, if made already !hether appointment is temporary, for a definite period or in a permanent capacity vii3 !hether character and antecedents have been verified and found satisfactory. In case of migrant, date of migration to India, and hether he has intention of settling permanently in India.
5&L#IRL(;; 8T8.().().(GG*
(3 )3 '3 ;3 =3 >3 +3 ?3 G3 (*3 ((3 ()3 ('3 (;3 (=3 (>3 (+3 (?3 (G3 )*3 )(3 ))3 )'3 );3 )=3 )>3 )+3 )?3 )G3
Cather Mother 2including step mother3 ,on 2including step son3 ,onKs ife 8aughter CatherKs father CatherKs mother MotherKs father MotherKs mother 4rand ,on 4rand daughter 8aughterKs husband -rother 2including step brother3 -rotherKs ife ,ister 2including step sister3 ,isterKs husband HusbandKs father HusbandKs mother HusbandKs sister HusbandKs brother !ifeKs father !ifeKs mother !ifeKs brother !ifeKs sister CatherKs brother CatherKs sister MotherKs brother MotherKs sister -rotherKs son
'*3 '(3 ')3 ''3 ';3 '=3 '>3 '+3 '?3 'G3 ;*3 ;(3 ;)3 ;'3 ;;3 ;=3 ;>3 ;+3 ;?3 ;G3 =*3 =(3 =)3 ='3 =;3 ==3 =>3 =+3 =?3
-rotherKs daughter ,isterKs son ,isterKs daughter CatherKs brotherKs daughter CatherKs brotherKs son CatherKs sisterKs daughter CatherKs sisterKs son MotherKs sisterKs son MotherKs sisterKs daughter MotherKs brotherKs son MotherKs brotherKs daughter CatherKs brotherKs ife CatherKs sisterKs husband MotherKs brotherKs ife MotherKs sisterKs husband !ife Husband !ifeKs sisterKs husband HusbandKs sisterKs husband HusbandKs brotherKs ife !ifeKs brotherKs ife HusbandKs brotherKs son HusbandKs brotherKs daughter HusbandKs sisterKs son HusbandKs sisterKs daughter !ifeKs sisterKs son !ifeKs brotherKs son !ifeKs sisterKs daughter !ifeKs brotherKs daughter
-efore appointing a candidate/transferring an employee to a -ranch/%ffice, an undertaking should be obtained that he is not related to any member of the staff orking thereat.
(. i3
Instructions relating to giving combined designation are as underL There is no restriction on combination of designations at rural branches 2a rural branch is an office situated at a centre ith a population of less than (*,***3 and semi<urban branches having regard to the special characteristics of these branches. The management shall be free to ork out the staffing pattern based on the needs of the organisation. &t semi<urban branches, not more than three designations can be combined. The present position of combining not more than t o designations in the metropolitan and urban branches ill continue.
ii3 iii3
). i3 ii3 iii3
It is clarified that here an employee has been appointed as A&ssistant2&ccounts/Typing3A, it combined designation. entrustment of duties attracting special allo ance designation. ill be a
Curther, in case of orkmen employees recruited after (;.).(GG=, the restriction of designations shall not apply and they shall be re:uired to perform any duty of the cadre, as per vacancies advised or appointment letters issued. &n employee, ith combined designations ill be entitled to the appropriate special allo ance, if an allo ance is payable for either of the designations, even if his services are not utilised in the post carrying special allo ance. Ho ever, in case here an employeeKs service cannot be effectively utilised in an allo ance carrying post, such posts ith combined designations need not be created. ,9TT$9M97T 8T8.'(.(*.(G+G
ith effect
#ommon designations as under have been given to employees in clerical cadre from (st ,eptember, (GG= ,r. 7o. 9/isting 8esignation (. ). '. ;. =. >. +. Head #lerk #ashier<in<charge or 8y. Head #ashier &ssistant Head #ashier #lerk/Typist #lerk #ashier #lerk<cum<#ashier/ #ashier<cum<#lerk #ashier<cum<clerk<typist Mill #hecking ,taff #hanged 8esignation Head &ssistant 2&ccounts3O Head &ssistant 2#ash3O 8y. Head &ssistant 2#ash3 &ssistant 2&ccounts 0 Typing3 &ssistant 2&ccounts3 &ssistant 2#ash3 &ssistant 2#ash 0 &ccounts3 &ssistant 2#ash. &ccounts 0 Typing3 &ssistant 2Mill #hecking 0 &ccounts3 &ssistant 2Records 0 &ccounts3 &ssistant 2Records, &ccounts 0 #ash3 &ssistant 2-ill #ollection 0 #ash3
In this connection, it should be noted that the change in designation the allo ance payable to such employees.
!hile appointing employees in clerical cadre appropriate combined designations should be given to the ne ly recruited employees at the time of appointment. O Termed as A,enior &ssistantA in terms of &greement on #areer 5ath
2.(.1 2.(.2
2a3 2b3 2c3 2d3 2e3 2f3 2g3 2h3 2i3 2"3 2k3 2l3 2m3
5ersons convicted for do ry offences under the 8o ry 5rohibition &ct, (G>( or under ,ection '*; 2b3 of the Indian 5enal #ode should be dis:ualified from being appointed in the -ank. $ist of the letters/undertakings to be obtained from the candidates are given hereunder Endertaking regarding transferM 2&nne/ure ).(;3 8eclaration regarding Residential &ddressM 8eclaration stating that the employee is not an undischarged bankruptM2&nne/ure ).(G3 $etter regarding #riminal $a &mendment &ctM2&nne/ure ).(+3 $etter regarding close relativesM2&nne/ure ).(?3 &ckno ledged copy of conduct rules duly signed by the candidateM 8eclaration of Cidelity and ,ecrecyM2&nne/ure ).(G3 8eclaration regarding place of domicileM2&nne/ure ).(G3 Rules of #onductM2&nne/ure ).(G3 $etter of undertakingM2&nne/ure ).)(3 ,tatement of &ssets 0 $iabilitiesM2&nne/ure ).)*3 8etails of previous service in the -ankM2&nne/ure ).(=3 %ption for availing leave fare concessionM2&nne/ure ).(>3 In addition to the abovementioned declarations/undertakings the undernoted papers should be kept in a separate file of the employeeL<
2a3 2b3 2c3 2d3 2e3 2f3 2g3 2h3 2i3 2"3
-io<data received from the controlling authorityM #opies of certificates regarding educational :ualificationsM 5roof of age2,chool $eaving #ertificate3M #aste certificate2in case of ,#/,T/%-# category candidates3M Report of the Medical 9/aminerM 5olice 6erification ReportM #haracter certificates and certificate2s3 from the past/present employer2s3M #opy of the letter of appointmentM 8uplicate copy of the Memorandum of &ppointmentM &ny other papers in respect of the appointment of the candidateM
The candidates selected for appointment ill be given an appointment order 2&nne/ure ).))3 under advice to the controlling authority after obtaining medical fitness certificate from authorised doctor and all the undertakings and declarations listed in above paragraph and ensuring that he is not related to any member of the staff at the -ranch at hich he is proposed to be posted. The candidate should be appointed on si/ months probation. &ppropriate diary note should be taken to ensure prompt submission of the Reports on the ork and conduct of the employees as per details given in #hapter ' of this Reference -ook.
8ear ,ir/Madam, R9#REITM97T I7 #$9RI#&$/,E-%R8I7&T9 #&8R9 !ith reference to your attendance at the intervie , e are pleased to inform that you are being considered for appointment in the -ankKs services as ............................ at....................................-ranch. ). 2a3 2b3 2c3 2d3 5lease, therefore, call on the -ranch Manager of above branch 2in original3 declarations on or before.......................... ith the follo ing certificates
-irth #ertificate/,chool $eaving #ertificate 2for verification of date of birth3 #ertificate regarding educational :ualification Military 8ischarge #ertificate 2in case appointment of e/<servicemen3 #haracter certificates either from t o 4azetted %fficers of 4overnment or one such officer and an officer of the -ank in addition to a certificate from the Head Master/5rincipal of the ,chool/#ollege last attended. 5lease advise the -ranch Manager of the above -ranch names of t o referees ho should not be related to you and ho are in a position to submit independent reports on you. The reports from the referees ill be obtained directly by the -ank. 5lease note that in the event of any of the declaration/certificate being found false at a later date, this offer of appointment shall be deemed to have been cancelled and in the event of your having "oined the service, you ill render yourself liable for disciplinary action including removal from service. In the event of your being appointed in the -ank, you ould be re:uired to give a satisfactory $etter of Release from your past/present employer. Ho ever, before resigning from your present employment, if any, please ensure that all formalities including Medical e/amination are completed. In this connection please note that the fees for medical e/amination hich ill be Rs................ 2appro/imately3 ill be borne by you. In case you belong to ,#/,T/%-# category, please produce a caste certificate as per enclosed proforma. 5lease note that certificate should be issued by an officer not belo the rank 9/ecutive Mamlatdar. Fou ill have to identify yourself to the satisfaction of the -ranch Manager. If you fail to report to the -ranch Manager before stipulated date, you ould not be considered for the appointment and no further correspondence ill be entertained in this regard. 5lease note that you ill not be paid any travelling allo ance/conveyance charges for "oining your place of posting and that your services may be terminated at any time during the period of probation, ithout assigning any reason. 5lease produce this letter to the -ranch Manager for his scrutiny. Fours faithfully, &,,TT. 4979R&$ M&7&49R #opy for arded for information and necessary action to the -ranch Manager, ,tate -ank of India, ................................................................... He is instructed to follo the matter if the
candidate does not report for duty on .......................... He should advise the date on the candidate reports at the -ranch.
8r. ........................................ ............................................ ........................................... 8ear ,ir/Madam, M98I#&$ 9D&MI7&TI%7 ,hri/,mt./.um............................................................................................., a specimen of hose signature is given belo for purpose of identification has been selected for appointment in the clerical/subordinate cadre of the -ank/ has been selected for promotion to clerical/officersK cadre. He/,he is, therefore, re:uired to be medically e/amined by you. 5lease submit to us the medical report on him/her in the enclosed form in a separate cover marked A5rivate 0 #onfidentialA. !e enclose here ith for your information a copy of the guidelines to be follo ed hile e/amining the candidate. The declaration form duly competed and signed by the candidate is also enclosed. Four fee for the medical e/amination ill be borne by the candidate. ). ,hri/,mt./.um..................................................................has been instructed to call on you ithin )/' days.
Fours faithfully
,T&T9 -&7. %C I78I& 59R,%7&$ ,T&T9M97T %C TH9 #&78I8&T9/5R%M%T99 2T% -9 CI$$98 I7 -F TH9 #&78I8&T9/5R%M%T99 -9C%R9 5R9,97TI74 TH9 C%RM T% TH9 M98I#&$ %CCI#9R3 (. ). '. 7ame in full 2,urname first3 #ategory of 5ost &ddress L ................................................................................... L .................................................................................. L ..................................................................................
.......................................................................................... ;. =. >. &. 8ate of -irth Married/,ingle 5ersonal History History of -leeding from 4astro<Intestinal Tract, 4astric or 8uodenal Internal 5iles, Cistula, Typhoid, Jaundice, etc. 4ive detailsL < ................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... -. History of &sthma, Tuberculosis, ,pitting of blood, 5leurisy, -reathlessness, etc. 4ive details L< .................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... #. ............... Elcers, &ppendicitis, L ....................................................................................... L.......................................................................................
History of palpitation, fainting spells, pain in the chest, breathlessness on e/ertion, cyanosis, rheumatic fever ith "oint pains, s elling of legs/face, etc. 4ive detailsL < .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................
History of -leeding Erinary Tract, 5ainful Erination, 5assing of stone or gravel in urine etc. 4ive detailsL < .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
History of Cits, 5aralysis, 7eurasthenia, 7ervous -reakdo n, etc. 8etails to be givenL < ................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... History of $eprosy, e/tensive generalised allergic dermatitis, $ucoderma, 6enereal 8isease etc. 4ive details L<
Have you suffered from defects in hearing or eye sightR 4ive details L< ..................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................
8etails of serious illness/in"uries sustained by accident or other iseM 4ive details L< ..................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................
Is there any other item in your medical history hich you have not already mentionedR ..................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................
Have you ever been tested for HI6R if so, hat as the reportR ..................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... Camily History Heart disease 0 Hypertension Tuberculosis .idney 8isease #ancer &ny other serious ailments Cor female candidates only 2a3 Menstrual History 2b3 8ate of $.M.5. 2c3 &ny evidence of pregnancy 2d3 History of disease of Eterus #ervi/, %varies or -reasts L L L L L L L L L L L Regular/-lood History
I hereby declare that the above statements are correct to the best of my kno ledge and that any incorrect/suppressed information ill render me liable for termination of my services in the -ank. 5lace L ............................... 8ate L ................................
................................................... 2,ignature/Thumb impression of the candidate/promotee3 ................................................... ,I4798 I7 MF 5R9,97#9 ,ignature of the Medical 9/aminer 7%T9 L The candidates may please note that they ould have no right to appeal against the decision of the Medical 9/aminer. If ho ever, the -ank is satisfied on the basis of the evidence produced before it, of the possibility of an error of "udgment in the decision of the Medical 9/aminer it is open to the -ank to allo an appeal to a Medical -oard hich ill be constituted by the -ank. ,uch evidence should ho ever, be submitted by the candidate ithin one month of the date of communication in hich the decision of the Medical 9/aminer is advised to him/her. If the setting up of the Medical -oard is decided by the -ank, the candidate ill be called upon to deposit a sum of Rs.=*/< for the purpose. If found medically fit by the -oard this deposit ould be refunded to the candidateM it ill other ise be forfeited. The report of the Medical -oard is final and ill not be sub"ect to revie by any other specialist panel or -oard.
R95%RT %C TH9 M98I#&$ 9D&MI79R 7&M9 %C TH9 #&78I8&T9 L Q...................................................QQ... #&T94%RF %C TH9 5%,T L ...............................................................Q... (. 4eneral 8evelopment 7utrition -est eight &ny recent change in eight Temperature 4irth of chest 2a3 2b3 ). '. 2a3 ,.I7 9F9, !hether the vision is normal If not, is it capable of being corrected to >/> ith glass 2not ith contact lenses3 If the candidate as referred to an eye<surgeon hat are surgeonKs observations in respect of the follo ing L &ny disease 7ight blindness 8efect in colour vision Cield vision 6isual acuity Cundus e/amination &cuity of vision 8istant 6ision R.9. $.9. 7ear 6ision R.9. 7aked eyes !ith glasses ,trength of glasses ,ph. #yl. &/is &fter full inspiration L &fter full e/piration L L &ny obvious disease L L Fes/7o. L 4ood ......... Cair ......... 5oor ....... L Thin ......... &verage ......... %bese ......... L .................. !hen .................. L .................. L .................. L ..................
$.9. Hypermetropia 2Manifest3 R.9. $.9. ;. 9&R, Hearing =. >. +. L Inspection............................................... L Right 9ar ............................................ $eft 9ar ..............................................
4$&78, L ........................................... Thyroid ......................................... #%78ITI%7, %C T99TH R9,5IR&TI%7 ,F,T9M L ............................................................ L ...................
8oes physical e/amination reveal anything abnormal in the respiratory organsR ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................... If yes, e/plain fully ...................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ?. 2a3 #IR#E$&T%RF ,F,T9M Heart L &ny organic lesionR L ......................QQQ............................
5ulse Rate L .............................................................................................. 2b3 -lood 5ressure L ............................................................................QQ ,ystolic .................................................................................................... 8iastolic ................................................................................................... G. &bdomen L 4irth ................................ ......................................................... 2a3 5alpable L $iver .......................... .idneys ...................................... 2b3 (*. Hemorrhoids .............................. Tenderness Q................................... Hernia .......................................... ,pleen ............................................. Tumors ................................... Cistula ......................................
497IT% ERI7&RF ,F,T9ML&ny evidence of Hydrocele, 6aricoecele, etc QQQQQQQQ...................................................................................... Erine &nalysis L
R95%RT %C TH9 -$%%8 9D&MI7&TI%7 L 2Including HI6 Testing3 ................................................Q................................................................... .................................................Q................................................................... ..................................................Q..................................................................
(=. (>.
Is there any thing in the health ofthe candidate likely to render him/her unfit for the efficient dischargeof his/her duties in the service for hich he/she is a candidateR The Medical 9/aminer shouldRecord the findings under one of the follo ing categories L 2a3 Cit 2b3 Enfit on account of In the case of a female candidate, if it is found that she is pregnant, she should be declared temporarily unfit. .................................................... ,ignature of the Medical 9/aminer 7ame L ........QQ.......................... 8esignation L ................................... 5lace L ................................ 8ate L ..................................
7%T9 L
5RI6&T9 0 #%7CI897T&$ ,hri/,mt./.um. ................................. .......................................................Q. .......................................................Q. R9#REITM97T I7 #$9RI#&$/,E-%R8I7&T9 #&8R9 %C TH9 -&7. 8ear ,ir/Madam,
,hri/,mt./.um .................................................. ho has applied for appointment as a ..................................... in the -ank, has given your name as a referee/previous/present employer. !e shall, therefore, be obliged if you ill kindly give us in confidence, your opinion on his/her character and antecedents on the lines of the enclosed proforma. ). &n early reply ill be greatly appreciated. Fours faithfully,
-ranch Manager
7ame of the #andidate .......................................................... &pplied for the post of ............................................................ (. ). '. 2a3 2b3 ;. =. >. +. ?. G. Is the candidate kno n to youR Fes/7o If so, kindly state the period. ............... Fear ............... Months
!hether to the best of your kno ledge and information the candidate has at any time taken active part in politics He as ever arrested/prosecuted/ kept under detection or convicted by a court of la . Is the family of the candidate kno n to youR Has any member of the candidateKs family ever been arrested/kept under detention or convicted by a court of la R &re you a are of any circumstances appointment in a banking institutionR Is the candidate related to youR If yes, nature of relationship L &ny special traits L ............................ I certify that the above information is correct to the best of my kno ledge and belief and that ,hri/,mt./.um .......................................... bears a good moral character. ,ignature ............................................... 7ame ..................................................... ,tatus .................................................... &ddress ................................................. 5lace ................. 8ate ................. hich ould render the candidate unsuitable for
5R%C%RM& %C R95%RT T% -9 %-T&I798 CR%M 5R96I%E,/5R9,97T 9M5$%F9R2,3 (. ). '. ;. =. >. 7ame of the candidate 5eriod for hich he as employed in your #ompany/Cirm/8epartment #onduct during the period of his service !hether the candidate is still in service or notR resignation R If not, reasons for dismissal/discharge
!hether there is anything that may render him unsuitable for service in the -ank. Is the candidate related to you R 7ame 0 8esignation ......................................................... ,ignature ........................................... 7ame of the #ompany/firm/ 8epartment ........................................QQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ.. &ddress ..................................................................................................QQ.. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..
&TT9,T&TI%7 C%RM 5H%T%4R&5H &ffi/ signed 5assport size 2= cm. D + cm. &ppro/3 Curnishing of false information or suppression of any factual information in the attestation form ould be a dis:ualification and is likely to render the candidate unfit for appointment in the -ank. If the fact that false information has been furnished or there has been suppression of any factual information in the attestation form comes to notice any time during the service of a person, his services ould be liable to be terminated. (. ). '. 7ame in full 2in block capital3 ithaliases if any. 25lease indicate if you have added or dropped at any stageany part of your name or surname3. 5resent address in full 2i.e. 6illage,Thana and 8istrict, or House 7o., $ane/,treet/Road and To n3. 2a3 2b3 ;. Home address in full 2i.e.6illage, Thana and 8istrict, or House 7o., $ane/ ,treet /Road, To n and name of the 8ist. H.@.3 If originally a resident of country other than India, the address in that country and the date of migration to Indian Enion. here you have resided for more than one
5articulars of places 2 ith period of residence3 year at a time during the preceding five years. Crom .............To............
Residential address in full 2i.e. 6illage, Thana and 8ist. or House 7o.,$ane/,treet/Road and To n3 7ame of the 8ist. Head:uarters of the place mentioned in the preceding column. =.( 2a3 2b3 2c3 2d3 2e3 =.) 2a3 2b3 2c3 >. CatherKs name in full ith alias, if any 5resent postal address 2if dead, give last address3 5ermanent Home address 5rofession If in service, give designation and official address HusbandKs name in full 5rofession 8esignation and office address
7ationality of 2a3 Cather 2a3 2b3 Mother 2b3 2c3 Husband/!ife 2c3 9/act date of birth and 5resent age L ....................years..................months &ge at Matriculation
2a3 2b3
5lace of birth 28ist. and ,tate in hich situated3 8ist. and ,tate to hich you belong Four religion &re you a member of a ,cheduled #aste/,cheduled TribeR &ns er KFes, 7oK and if the ans er is yes, state the name thereof.
2a3 2b3
9ducational :ualificationsL 5laces of education sho ing ,chools and #olleges since (= years of age 7ame of ,chool/#ollege ith full address 8ate of 8ate of 9/amination Fear of entering leaving passed passing Reasons for leaving the "ob
If you have, at any time, been employed, give details 8esignation of post 5eriod Cull address of held or description Crom To office, firm or of ork institution
Have you ever been arrested, or kept under detention or bound do n/fined/convicted by a #ourt of $a for any offence, or debarred/dis:ualified by the 5ublic ,ervice #ommission from appearing at its e/amination selections or debarred from taking any e/amination or rusticated by authority/institutionR If ans er is KFes, full particulars of the case detention, fine, conviction, sentence etc. should be given.
8o you take or have ever taken, any active part in policticsR 89#$&R&TI%7 I certify, that the foregoing information is correct and complete to the best of my kno ledge and belief. I am not a are of any circumstances hich might impair my fitness for employment in the -ank. I have/ ill have no ob"ection to -ank making en:uiries at any time 2immediately/in the near future3 regarding the statements made by me in the applications, in any manner they decide to do so inclusive of police en:uiry into my antecedents. ......................................... ,ignature of candidate .............................................. 7ame in -lock $etters 8ate ........................... 5lace ..........................
R94I,T9R98 5%,T The #ollector/8istrict Magistrate, ........................ 8istrict, 8ear ,ir, 69RICI#&TI%7 %C #H&R&#T9R &78 &7T9#9897T, %C
,HRI/,MT./.EM. !e shall be glad if you ill please arrange to furnish us the character and antecedents in respect of ,hri/,mt./.um. ............................................ son/daughter of ,hri .............................................. Resident of ..................................................... .......................................................................................................................... re:uired for our consideration in connection ith his/her permanent appointment in -ankKs service. ). '. &n attestation form submitted by the candidate is enclosed for your information and perusal. &n early action is solicited. Fours faithfully, -R&7#H M&7&49R
C%RM %C #9RTICI#&T9 T% -9 5R%8E#98 -F & #&78I8&T9 -9$%74I74 T% & ,#H98E$98 #&,T9 %R ,#H98E$98 TRI-9 I7 ,E55%RT %C HI, #$&IM C%RM %C #&,T9 #9RTICI#&T9 This is to certify that ,hri/,mt/.umO ...................................................................... son/daughter of ................................................................ of village/to nO .............. in 8istrict/8ivision ............................... of the ,tate/Enion TerritoryO ..................... belongs to the ........................... #aste/Tribe hich is recognised as a ,cheduled #aste/,cheduled Tribe underL The #onstitution 2,cheduled #astes3 %rder, (G=* The #onstitution 2,cheduled Tribes3 %rder, (G=* OThe #onstitution 2,cheduled #astes3 2Enion Territories3 %rder, (G=( OThe #onstitution 2,cheduled Tribes3 2Enion Territories3 %rder, (G=( 2as amended by the ,cheduled #astes and ,cheduled Tribes $ists SModificationT %rder (G=>, the -ombay Reorganisation &ct, (G>*, the 5un"ab Reorganisation &ct, (G>> the ,tate of Himachal 5radesh &ct, (G+* and the 7orth 9astern &reas SReorganisationT &ct, (G+( and ,cheduled Tribes %rder S&mendmentT &ct, (G+>3. O O O O O O O O O O O O O The #onstitution 2Jammu and .ashmir3 ,cheduled #astes %rder, (G=> The #onstitution 2Jammu 0 .ashmir3 ,cheduled Tribes %rder, (G?G. The #onstitution 2&ndaman and 7icobar Islands3 ,cheduled Tribes %rder, (G=G The #onstitution 28adra and 7agar Haveli3 ,cheduled #astes %rder, (G>) The #onstitution 28adara and 7agar Haveli3 ,cheduled Tribes %rder, (G>) The #onstitution 25ondicherry3 ,cheduled #astes %rder, (G>; The #onstitution 2,cheduled Tribes 2Ettar 5radesh3 %rder, (G>+ The #onstitution 24oa, 8aman and 8ui3 ,cheduled Tribes %rder, (G>? The #onstitution 24oa, 8aman and 8iu3 ,cheduled #astes %rder, (G>? The #onstitution 27agaland3 ,cheduled Tribe %rder, (G+* The #onstitution 2,ikkim3 ,cheduled #astes %rder, (G+? The #onstitution 2,ikkim3 ,cheduled Tribes %rder, (G+? 5lease :uote specific 5residential %rder. ho have migrated from
).I &pplication in the case of ,cheduled #astes/,cheduled Tribes persons one ,tate/Enion Territory L
This certificate is issued on the basis of the ,cheduled #aste/,cheduled Tribe certificate issued to ,hri/,hrimatiO.........................................father/mother of ,hri/,hrimati/.umariO................................. in 8istrict/8ivision............................... of the ,tate/Enion Territory........................., ho belongs to the.............................. #aste/tribeO, hich is recognised as a ,cheduled #aste/,cheduled TribeO in the ,tate/Enion TerritoryO..................................issued by the..............................2name of prescribed authority3 vide their 7o.............................. dated...........................Q.. '.I ,hri/,hrimati/.umariO.....................................and/or his/herO family ordinarily village/division of the ,tate/Enion Territory of ..................... ,ignature 8esignation 2!ith seal of officer3 5lace ....................... ,tate/Enion/Territory ................................. 8ate ........................... reside2s3 in
O 8elete the ords hich are not applicable. I 8elete the paragraph hich is not applicable. 00 To be signed by authorities empo ered to issue ,cheduled #aste/,cheduled Tribe certificates. 7%T9 L The term A%rdinarily reside2s3A used here Representation of the 5eople &ct, (G=*. ill have the same meaning as in ,ection )* of the
Revenue officer not belo the rank of TehsildarM and ,ub<8ivisional %fficer of the area the candidate and/or his family resides.
4overnment %f India Ministry/8epartment L ........................................ file no. L ........................................ 7e 8elhi, the L ........................................
#9RTICI#&T9 %C 9$I4I-I$ITF In pursuance of 4overnment of India, 8epartment of 5ersonnel 0 &RKs Resolution 7o. (;*(;/'2,3/+>< 9stt. 2-3 dated (st March, (G++, the 5resident is pleased to direct that ................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... ,on/daughter/ ife of ..............................................................................QQQQQ being a sub"ect/native of..........................................................................QQQQ...shall be eligible to hold any civil office in connection ith the affairs of the Enion. Ender ,ecretary to the 4ovt. of India
The -ranch Manager/#hief Manager/&sstt. 4eneral Manager ,tate -ank of India 8ear ,ir, I undertake to serve at....................................-ranch, my branch of initial appointment for a minimum period of t o years, unless the -ank decides to transfer me else here for administrative reasons. I shall not apply for a transfer to any other branch of the -ank for the first t o years of my service. 5$	 ................................. 8&T9 ................................... Fours faithfully, ................................ ,ignature
I have/have not orked at any of the offices/branches of ,tate -ank of India. The follo ing are the offices/branches ith period of employmentL 7ame of the -ranch 7ature of &ppointment Temporary or 5ermanent 5eriod for hich employed
I hereby opt for availing $eave Care concession at an interval of t o/four years.
To, ,hri/,mt./.um...................... ,tate -ank of India .....................................-ranch 8ear ,ir/Madam, I have to inform you that in terms of the #riminal $a &mendment &ct, (G=?, the definition of the 5ublic ,ervants as given in ,ection )( of the Indian 5enal #ode has been e/tended to cover the employees of the statutory corporations. &ccordingly, all employees of the -ank come ithin the purvie of 5revention of #orruption &ct and any other criminal la s relating to public servants. Fours faithfully, ................................... -ranch Manager 8ate L .............................. ,ignature of candidate
The -ranch Manager, ,tate -ank of India, 8ear ,ir, I am not related to any member of the staff presently serving at this -ranch. The particulars of the employees at other offices of the -ank ho are related to me, are as follo s L ,r. 7o. ( ) ' ; = Fours faithfully, 7ame of the Relative -ranch/%ffice 5osted Relationship
,ignature of employee
RE$9, %C #%78E#T 2-esides signature herever provided, the applicantKs signature should invariably be obtained on each page3 &n employee of the -ank may notL 2a3 2i3 borro money from or in any ay place himself under a pecuniary obligation to a broker or money<lender or a sub<ordinate employee of the -ank or any firm or person having dealings ith the -ankM 2ii3 2iii3 2iv3 buy or sell stock/share/securities, of any description ithout funds to meet the full cost in the case of a purchase or scrip for delivery in the case of a saleM book debts at a race meetingM lend money in his private capacity to a constituent of the -ank or have personal dealings ith a constituent in the purchase or sale of bills of e/change, government paper or any other securitiesM e/cept ith the permission of the #ompetent &uthority designated by the -ank, guarantee in his private capacity the pecuniary obligations of other person or agree to indemnify in such capacity another person from lossM act as agent for insurance company other ise than as agent for or on behalf of the -ankM be connected society. ith the formation or management of a "oint stock company or trust or
engage in any other commercial business or pursuit either on his o n account or as agent for another or othersM
5rovided that nothing in the rules laid do n in this paragraph shall be deemed to prohibit an employee from making a bonafide investment of his o n funds in such securities as he may ish to buy. 2b3 &n employee guilty of infringing any of the provisions of the preceding paragraph himself liable to dismissal from the service. .................................... ,ignature 2c3 &n employee of the -ank may not take active part in politics or in any political demonstration nor may an employee accept office on a municipal council or other public body ithout the prior sanction of the -ank. &ll employees must maintain the strictest secrecy regarding the -ankKs affairs and the affairs of its constituents. &n employee accepting from a constituent of the -ank a gift other than of fruit or flo ers ill unless the permission of the -ank has been previously obtained be liable to dismissal from service. &n employee may not overdra his account ith the -ank, hether against security or other ise ithout the authority of the $ocal Head %ffice of his #ircle. 9mployees are forbidden to make personal representations to the 8irectors of the -ank or to the members of the $ocal -oard. -reach of this order ill be severely dealt ith. 9mployees at branches ho desire to appeal on any matter to an authority higher than their -ranch ill render
2d3 2e3
2f3 2g3
Manager must do so by addressing their $ocal Head %ffice through the -ranch Manager of their -ranch. %nly hen the -ranch Manager refuses or neglects to for ard an appeal may it be preferred to the $ocal Head %ffice direct. 2h3 2i3 &n employee desirous of applying for an appointment else here or for a post in a higher capacity in the -ank itself 2if permissible3 should for ard his application through the -ranch Manager of the -ranch. In terms of the #riminal $a &mendment &ct, (G=? the definition of the term Kpublic servantsK as given in ,ection )( of the Indian 5enal #ode has been e/tended to cover the employees of statutory corporations. &ccordingly, all employees of the bank come ithin the purvie of the 5revention of #orruption &ct, and any other criminal la relating to public servants. 7o employee shall bring or attempt to bring any political or other outside influence including that of individual directors of the bank or the members of the $ocal -oard to bear upon any superior authority to further his o n interest in the -ank. 7o employee shall open or maintain an account ith any bank or banker of any description other than the ,tate -ank of India ithout the previous permission in riting from the -ank. .................................... ,ignature 2I3 9mployees are forbidden from either accepting cash a ard or receiving complimentary and/or valedictory address in a public meeting ithout the previous sanction of the controlling authority. These rules of conduct are in addition to the provisions of the 8esai & ard or any other a ard that may come into force and any instructions that may be laid do n by the -ank from time to time. I agree to abide by these rules of conduct. II 2a3 I hereby declare that l am not an undischarged bankrupt. I further declare that I have not at any time been ad"udicated insolvent or suspended payment or compounded ith my creditors, or been convicted by a criminal court of an offence involving moral turpitude. I am not related to any member of the staff presently serving at this branch or ,ub<%ffice2s3 under its control. The particulars of the employees at other offices of the -ank, ho are related to me are as follo s I am not serving any here at the time of "oining the -ankKs service. l undertake to serve at any office of the -ank in the Indian Republic. .......................25lace3 in.......................28istrict and ,tate3 is my place of domicile. OThe above is my place of birth/The above is not my place of birth, but has been declared as domicile, for the reasons given belo L .................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................ O,trike out hichever is not applicable. I ill, faithfully, truly and to the best of my skill and ability perform the duties re:uired of me as 8irector, member or e/ecute and $ocal -oard, member of $ocal #ommittee, auditor, adviser, officer or other employee 2as the case may be3 of the ,tate -ank and hich properly relate to the office of position in the said ,tate -ank held by me. I further declare that I ill not communicate or allo to be communicated to any person not legally entitled thereto any information relating to the affairs of the ,tate -ank or to the affairs
of any peson having any dealing ith the ,tate -ankM nor ill I allo any such person to inspect or to have access to my books or documents in the possession of the ,tate -ank and relating to the business of the ,tate -ank or to the business of any person having any dealing ith the ,tate -ank. ,T&T9 -&7. %C I78I&, ,ignature ................................................. 7ame....................................................... 2In -lock $etters3 .................. )**......
7ame of the #andidate L.......................... 2#.%. letter 7o. 5&/#IR/(G> %C G.((.?=3 &ddress L........................................... ,T&T9M97T %C &,,9T, &78 $I&-I$ITI9, &, %7............... &,,9T, &M%E7T Rs. $I&-I$ITI9, &M%E7T 2&, & -%RR%!9R/4E&R&7T%R3 Rs.
(. Immovable properties 2e.g. $ands, House, Crom ,tate -ank of India 2please ,hops, other buildings, etc. including its specify amount, -ranch name, purpose, valuation, &rea of land, nature of present position etc.3 ). Movable properties/$i:uid &ssets Crom other -anks/Cinancial institutions/ 2a3 #ash and bank balance 2e/ceeding friends and relatives including money Rs. )=**/<3, $I#, 5olicies, 8eposits lenders 2specify names, amounts and $oans, 8ebentures, 7,#s, etc. interest payable and purpose for hich it as taken. 2b3 4old, ,ilver, 4old/,ilver ornaments, motor cars/scooters/refrigerators/ 6#R/T6 sets, etc. and articles of Rs. )=**/< and above ith description and lumpsum value of articles of daily use such as clothes, utensils, books, crockery, etc. individually orth less than Rs. )=**/< #ertified that, to the best of my kno ledge and belief, the information furnished above is true and complete. ,T&T9 -&7. %C I78I& ..................................... ...................................... ,ignatureL QQQQQ... 7ame LQQQQQQQ.. 2In -lock $etters3
$9TT9R %C E789RT&.I74
Crom L ................................................ ................................................ ................................................ To L The -ranch Manager/#hief Manager/&sstt. 4eneral Manager 2%ffice &dministration3 ,tate -ank of India, 8ear ,ir, I. &55%I7TM97T I7 #$9RI#&$/,E-%R8I7&T9 #&8R9 I7 TH9 -&7. .................................................................................................................................. ,/o/8/o. .................................................... do hereby confirm that the information furnished by me in my application/attestation form/caste certificate/and other papers connected ith my appointment and submitted by me in respect of my age, educational :ualification, caste, etc., are correct and complete to the best of my kno ledge and belief. Curther, in case any concealment/falsification of material information or furnishing of a false declaration on my part comes to light subse:uently, affecting my appointment in the -ank, the -ank may treat it as a ma"or misconduct for the fraud so committed and I hereby undertake to accept unconditionally hatever punishment including dismissal from service, the -ank may deem fit and proper to a ard in the circumstances.
Fours faithfully, ................................................... 27&M9 %C TH9 &55$I#&7T3 !itnesses L 2(3 ............................................................... 2)3 ...............................................................
8R&CT %C $9TT9R %C &55%I7TM97T T% -9 I,,E98 -F TH9 -R&7#H M&7&49R ,T&T9 -&7. %C I78I& .....................................-R&7#H 8ear ,ir/Madam, R9#REITM97T In continuation of offer of appointment 7o. .............................. dated .............................. issued by the Regional Manager at .............................., e are pleased to inform you that you have been appointed as a .......................................... on probation, in the -ank ith effect from .............................. on the follo ing terms and conditions L 2a3 Fou ill be paid by usual allo ances. ay of substantive salary, a sum of Rs. ......................... per mensum plus ,hri/,mt./.um. ..... 8ate L ................................ ...........................
2b3 Fou ill be on probation for a period of si/ months ith effect from the ............................. . 2c3 The -ank ill be entitled to e/tend the said period of probation by three months, if your ork is not found to be :uite satisfactory during the said period. Four confirmation ill be sub"ect to receipt of satisfactory report about your character and antecedents from the police authorities. 2d3 The -ank ill be entitled to terminate your services during the period of probation on giving you one monthKs notice and ithout assigning any reasons for the termination. 2e3 %n confirmation you ill be entitled to dra salary and allo ances as applicable to you pursuant to the provisions of the 8esai & ard as amended from time to time. 2f3 Fou ill be entitiled to the usual leave on pro<rata basis as per the provisions of the 8esai & ard as amended from time to time. 5lease note that absence from duty in e/cess thereof during the period of probation ill result in probation being correspondingly e/tended by the period of such absence automatically. 2g3 In the event of change in your religion, you should inform the -ank suitably. The appointment is sub"ect to the final outcome of any !rit 5etition / other cases pending in the High #ourt / other courts in this regard. 2h3 OThe appointment is provisional and is sub"ect to the castes/tribes certificates being verified through the proper channels and if the verification reveals that the claim to belong to ,cheduled #aste or ,cheduled Tribe, as the case may be, is false, the services ill be terminated forth ith ithout assigning any further reasons and ithout pre"udice to such further action as may be taken under the provisions of the Indian 5enal #ode for production of false certificate. ). & duplicate of this letter is enclosed, hich please return to us duly signed by you in token of your having agreed to accept the terms and conditions herein above mentioned and those in the letter referred to above. 2O&pplicable for ,#/,T/%-# category candidates only3 Fours faithfully, I accept the above terms 0 conditions
-R&7#H M&7&49R
M9M%R&78EM %C &55%I7TM97T (. ). '. ;. =. >. +. ?. G. (*. ((. 7ame of the employee CatherKs 7ame 8ate of -irth of employee ,ource of verification of date of birth 9ducational @ualifications &ppointed as 8ate of appointment -asic pay #ondition 5eriod of probation References2obtained3 L L L L L L L L L L L (. ). (). ('. (;. Medical Report obtained and found fit. 8eclaration of fidelity secrecy obtained %ther declarations 0 ,tatement of &ssets 0 $iabilities Identification mark &ntecedents ith police authorities. 5articulars of relative L L obtained 0 found fit. obtained. Rs. ....................... p.m. %n probation. > months. 7ame 8esignation &ddress
L L L L (. ). '.
(=. (>.
!hether ,cheduled #aste/ Tribe If yes, proper certificate thereof !hether belonging to
minority communities )(. )). 9mployed in past If yes, employerKs release letter and 7o due certificate obtained. Temporary service in the -ank. 5art time...................... Cull time...................... 5lace of domicile 8eclaration of domicile &ppointment letter issued 2copy of the same to be attached3 L L L
,I47&TER9 %C TH9 9M5$%F99. &ll the formalities for recruitment have been complied ith.
C:3917-3/12, 0-4:0/8 :3 -<4,:A--8 :3 40:=2/1:3
The follo ing guidelines should be follo ed for submission of confidential reports on employees on probation.
The -ranch Manager should make suitable diary note to submit monthly reports on all probationers appointed in clerical cadre to the #ontrolling &uthority on Corm &8 (>=/ 2&nne/ure '.(3. In respect of subordinate and menial staff, the report should be submitted only once on completion of ;th month of probation. #opies of such reports should be kept at the branch for the purpose of record and reference. In vie of the provisions in the 8esai & ard that a probationer is deemed to have been confirmed on the e/piry of the probation period unless his services have been dispensed ith on or before the e/piry of the period of probation, it is necessary that hile submitting the fourth monthly report on a probationer, the -ranch Manager should give opinion on his suitability or other ise for confirmation in the -ankKs service. If the probationer is not considered suitable for confirmation, the -ranch Manager should state in the fourth monthly report hether in his opinion the probationerKs services may be terminated forth ith or hether the initial probationary period of si/ months be e/tended by a further period not e/ceeding three months. If it is decided to e/tend the probation period by three months, the -ranch Manager should point out to the probationer concerned his specific shortcomings and serve on him a notice in riting to the effect that his probation period ill be e/tended by three months from the date of e/piry of the si/th months of probation. In the event of e/tension of probation period, the monthly reports ill continue to be submitted on the probationer. !hile submitting the eighth monthly report, the -ranch Manager should advise hether the probationer is fit in every respect for confirmation or hether his services should be dispensed ith. 9mployees orking in Honal %ffice and $ocal Head %ffice, section/departmental head under hom the employee is orking ill submit his recommendations for confirmation hich ill be approved by the &ssistant 4eneral Manager/#hief Manager 2%ffice &dm.3 as the latter is the &ppointing &uthority. In respect of the employees orking at the %ffice &dministration 8epartment, the 8y. Manager 2&dm.3 or %fficer<in<#harge of the 8epartment/,ection ill put up recommendations to the &ssistant 4eneral Manager/#hief Manager 2%ffice &dministration3 for approval.
7ote L &s the provisions of the a ard thro upon the -ank, a necessity to monitor the services of the employee so that it can ell in advance give a notice in riting to the employee in case it decides to e/tend his probation it is essential that the fourth monthly report is submitted giving opinion on the suitability or other ise of a probationer immediately on completion of fourth month of probation.
T-0<132/1:3 760135 40:=2/1:3 - ,-52, 7-.181:3 2#!5 7o. ''*) and ''*'/G= and #M )'G)/G>3
It has been reported that t o employees in clerical cadre ere suspected to be involved in an attempted fraud at one of the branches hile they ere on probation. ,ince their conduct as
not found satisfactory, the appropriate authority took a vie that they ere not fit for confirmation in the -ankKs service and accordingly decided to terminate their services in terms of the appointment letter of the employees and para =)) 2i3 of the ,astry & ard after paying one monthKs pay and allo ances in lieu of the notice period ithout conducting any departmental en:uiry. !hen the matter as agitated before the High #ourt of 8elhi, the 8ivision -ench dismissed the appeal and passed an order as underL AThe petitioner as appointed #lerk<cum<#ashier in ,tate -ank of India, ,rinagar -ranch vide appointment letter dated +th &ugust (GG( on probation for a period of si/ months. &ccording to the appointment letter the -ank as entitled to terminate the services of the petitioner ithin the period of probation, on giving him one monthKs notice or one monthKs salary in lieu thereof, ithout assigning him any reason for the termination. The services of the petitioner ere terminated ithin the period of probation vide letter dated )?th January (GG) on the ground that his ork and conduct ere not found satisfactory by the -ank. The only ground of challenge is that neither en:uiry as held before terminating the services of the petitioner nor any sho cause notice as issued. The petitioner has not alleged any malafides against the respondent. It is ell settled that the services of a probationer can be terminated on account of unsatisfactory ork and conduct. There is no substance in the rit petition. 8ismissed.A
a3 b3
The source of information on the basis of hich the date of birth has been accepted and recorded should be accurately incorporated. 6arious &cademic :ualifications, 5osition regarding passing of Institute of -ankers 9/amination and other e/aminations such as -anking %riented 9/aminations in Hindi, #o< operation, etc., 8ate of Joining, 8ate of confirmation should be correctly recorded. ,pecial care should be taken to enter the employeeKs category and place of domicile. 9ntries in respect of salary are made specifying the basis for the revised salary such as, annual increment, additional increments for graduation and for passing of associate e/amination of the Indian Institute of -ankers etc. & record is made in the service sheet of the various capacities in hich an employee has acted in higher capacities in in<cadre allo ance carrying positions as ell as out of cadre. !henever an employee has been recommended for higher promotions, a note must invariably be made in the service record. 8etails of refusal of an employee to accept promotion must be incorporated ithout fail. &gainst the space Kother useful informationK, particulars of disciplinary action, if any, initiated against the employee should be furnished along ith details of punishment a arded, period
c3 d3
e3 f3
of debarment and rigour. The particulars relating to intervie s for higher promotion not materialised are also to be entered. h3 9ntries relating to option for availing $eave Care #oncession, details of $C# facility availed as also encashment of leave should invariably be mentioned. ,imilarly, details of training programmes attended should be correctly entered in the ,ervice ,heet. In the column K&ppointments and TransfersK temporary service, if any, put in by the employee should be stated. !henever am employee is transferred, a reference to controlling office letter number and the reasons for transfer are entered in this column. &ll the entries in the service record must be individually authenticated.
The system of riting 5erformance &ppraisal Report introduced after signing ,ettlement dated ()th &pril (GGG has been revie ed in the light of feedback received from various sources as also to meet the re:uirement under promotion policy approved as per ,ettlement on 5romotional &venues/#areer 5rogression dated )) nd July )**'. The revised formats for riting of 5erformance &ppraisal Reports on clerical staff and subordinate staff are enclosed at &nne/ures '.) 2&3 and '.' 2&3 The guidelines for riting the reports under various parameters are given in &nne/ures '.)2-3 and '.'2-3. The other instructions in this regard are as under L< The shortcomings, if any, should be pointed out after the report is revie ed by the competent authority. The custody of the report ill be as under L< -ranch Manager/Manager of 8ivision/Manager 2&ccounts3 in respect of branches. Head of the 8epartment in case of administrative offices. ,ervice sheet and reports should be transferred to transferee branch/office similar to the procedure follo ed in respect of officers. The guidelines for riting reports as contained in &nne/ures '.)2-3 and '.'2-3 should be printed on the reverse of the format of the report. The e/ercise must be completed by '* th &pril each year and the confirmation should be sent to the controlling authority. The authority structure for riting and revie of the report ill be as underL R-@1-> -ranch Manager or &4M 2Region3 if report is ritten by the -ranch Manager.
#ash 8epartment
R-4:0/135 #ash %fficer. If no #ash %fficer is posted or the #ash %fficer is from clerical cadre, the report ill be ritten by the -ranch Manager or Joint #ustodian. &ccountant/ 8y. Manager of 8ivision &ccountant or here &ccountant is not posted -ranch Manager
-ranch Manager/ Manager of 8ivision -ranch Manager or &4M 2Region3 as the case may be
&dministrative %ffices
,ectional Head
NOTE &In case of subordinate staff, the report ill be revie ed if an employee is a arded = or less marks by the Reporting &uthority. 2vii3 7o fractional marks should be a arded.
A@-025- :9 <20?8
In order to even out any reporting biases etc. the average of marks obtained in the report for ' years immediately preceding the year of promotion ill be reckoned in the promotion.
#8%LIRL,5$L('* 8T8.(>.?.)***
C:3917-3/12, 91,&s a ne report ill be ritten every year, it ill be necessary to keep them in a confidential file of each employee and the file retained in the custody of the officer ho holds the service book.
In terms of the notification C.7o.;/(/'/G?<IR dated the ))nd May, (GG?, issued by the 4overnment of India and the Memorandum of ,ettlement dated the (=th ,eptember, (GG? bet een the bank and the &ll India ,tate -ank of India, ,taff Cederation, the age of superannuation of the orkmen staff ill be >* years. Ho ever the settlement contains a provision enabling the -ank to retire a orkman at the age of =? years, by giving him t o monthsK notice in riting, in case it is found that his efficiency is impaired. Therefore, it ill be necessary to revie the cases of orkmen nearing the age of =? years. The process of revie should start at least > months before the employee is due to attain the age of =? years, so that he may be given the re:uired t o monthsK notice and retired in case his efficiency is found to be impaired. %ne of the determinants of efficiency, besides other parameters like ork, conduct, attendance, punctuality, leave discipline etc. is the state of health/ physical fitness of the employee. Cor this purpose, the cases of employees hose attendance/leave record etc. indicate signs of ill health may be referred to the -ankKs Medical -oard for a medical e/amination. 9very -ranch Manager/Head of 8epartment 2in administrative offices3 should arrange for diarising the date of revie in
respect of each employee in his establishment at least > months before it is due, take up the e/ercise sufficiently in advance and submit the report to his #ontrolling &uthority as per the proforma given at &nne/ure '.;. iii3 & orkman employee ill retire from service on the afternoon of the last day of the month in hich he attains age of superannuation. If an employeeKs date of birth falls on the first day of a month, he ill retire from the service on the afternoon of the last day of the preceding month. In case an employee is allo ed to continue even beyond the month in hich he completes >* years of age, the concerned -ranch Manager/8epartmental Head ill be held liable for punitive action including recovery of salary and allo ances paid to the retired employee after his attaining >* years of age. In order to guard against such incidents, it is essential that an e/ercise is conducted at the beginning of each year to ensure that appropriate note is made to start the process of obtention of approval sanction for retirement and terminal benefits in respect of each employees retiring in the year and the employee is retired from the -ankKs service on the stipulated date. !ith effect from *(.((.(GG'. service for the purpose of pensionary benefits till the age of retirement. i.e. >* years, instead of upto =? years. ill be reckoned
v3 vi3 vii3
& simple application for retirement should be obtained 2si/ months before retirement3 from an employee ho is due for retirement and should be for arded to the #ontrolling &uthority. !here an employee is entitled to pension, his retirement should be authorised by the respective #ontrolling &uthority not belo the rank of &sstt. 4eneral Manager/&sstt. 4eneral Manager 2%ffice &dministration3 for $ocal Head %ffice staff. In the case an employee ho is not a member of either of the Cunds and hose retirement comes by mere efflu/ of time or ho ceases to be in service by operation of the rules of service by hich he is governed, the :uestion of sanction of retirement by any authority ould not arise. It ill be sufficient, if the retirement is intimated to the employee concerned by an appropriate authority in the -ank. Crom the (st 7ovember (GG', employees ho have completed a minimum of ten yearsK pensionable service at the time they attaine the age of =? years, shall be eligible for pension. &ccordingly, the upper age limit for admission to the 5ension Cund has been increased to ;? years of age ith effect from (st 7ovember, (GG'. &ccordingly, such of those employees ho ere in the -ankKs service on ( .((.G' and ere not over ;? years of age, hen they ere other ise due for admission to the Cund, may no be given an option to become members of the ,-I 9mployeesK 5ension Cund, in lieu of the service gratuity to hich they ere entitled 2&nne/ure<'.=3. The facts of the option may be recorded in the employeesK service sheets and the option letter is kept along ith other service papers of the employee. Their agreement to "oin the 5ension Cund on #.%.,. =;? may be obtained and for arded to 554 8epartment at $ocal Head %ffice for submission to #&%, #alcutta. The employees, ho have retired on or after *(.((.G' from the -ankKs service and ere eligible to "oin the 5ension Cund in terms of the amended rules as aforesaid, may be given these pension benefits, if they surrender to the -ank, the amounts of gratuity received by them on their retirement in e/cess of that payable under the 5ayment of 4ratuity &ct, ith interest at the rate earned by the ,-I 9mployees 5ension Cund from time to time. These amounts should be recovered and credited to the ,-I 9mployees 5ension Cund before sanctioning pension. &lso, necessary contributions from the date of the eligibility of all the e/isting and retired officers/employees may be made to the Cund by the -ank. & $ist meant for those ho are freshly admitted to the 5ension Cund through 554 8epartment at $ocal Head %ffice in terms of the aforesaid amended rules and another list sho ing those since retired ho have been admitted to the 5ension Cunddue to above amendment should be sent to the #&%, #alcutta and 554 8ept. at #entral %ffice.
&s service for the purpose of pension ill be reckoned till the age of retirement, instead of upto =? years as before, contributions to ards the pension fund in respect of each employee till the date of retirement ill continue to be made instead of ceasing at =? years of age. ,ervice for the purpose of calculation of pension of a orkman employee ill be calculated from the date of his admission to the Cund upto the date of his retirement. 5ension ill be calculated on the basis of the average monthly substantive salary dra n during last () months of service rene ed upto >* years. #ontribution to the 5rovident Cund ill also continue to be made until the employee finally retires.
A6/;:01/A S/06./60- /: 5023/ -G/-381:3 13 8-0@1.- /: A>207 S/299 -<4,:A--8 18 51@-3 =-,:>.
& ard staff at branches other than branches under the control of 8y. 4eneral Manager/4eneral Manager Cor & ard ,taff orking at -ranches under the control of 8y. 4eneral Manager Cor & ard ,taff orking at -ranches under the control of 4eneral Manager Cor a ard staff orking at Honal %ffices Cor a ard staff orking at $ocal Head %ffice Cor & ard ,taff orking at #orporate #entre, ,taff Training #entres, #ircle ,tationery 8ept., etc. Respective &sstt.4en.Managers of Regions
Respective 8y. 4en.Manager in charge of the -ranch 8y. 4en. Manager of the module &sstt.4enenral Manager 2%ffice &dministration3 %fficer in hierarchy not belo ,M4, 6
;. =. >.
i3 ii3
The decision not to grant e/tension in service to an employee may be made by a functionary not belo the rank of T94, 6II. The ne/t higher authority i.e. an officer not belo against non<grant of e/tension in services. 5&L#IRL(;G 8T8.)>.().(GG* the rank of T94,,<I may consider appeal
ii3 iii3
iv3 v3 i3
9mployees desirous of leaving the -ank should be asked to li:uidate the outstanding loan2s3 and advance2s3 2including Housing $oan3 prior to their leaving the services of the -ank. The 8eputy 4eneral Manager is the competent authority for accepting resignation from a ard staff employees. & member of & ard ,taff ho has completed )* yearsK pensionable service or )* years service 2if he is not a member of 5ension Cund3 may be permitted to retire from the -ankKs service sub"ect to his giving one monthKs notice in riting or pay in lieu thereof. -efore allo ing the employee to retire prematurely/voluntarily it should be ensured that no disciplinary action is pending/contemplated against him. The competent authority to approve voluntary retirement is 4eneral Manager. If the employee is seeking voluntary retirement on health grounds before == years of age, he should be sub"ected to an e/amination by a Medical -oard consisting of 2a3 a #ivil ,urgeon. 2b3 a specialist relevant to the disease/aliment, and 2c3 the -ankKs Medical %fficer at $ocal Head %ffice/Honal %ffice. The Medical board should be asked to une:uivocally state hether or not the employee is permanently incapacitated and hence unfit to continue in service. If the Medical -oard pronounces the employee to be permanently incapacitated he should be retired from the date of medical report provided no disciplinary action is pending/contemplated against him. In such a case, the employeeKs re:uest, bio data and medical report should be for arded to the concerned authority e/peditiously along ith recommendations in the matter. The bio data of the employee should consist of his name, date of birth, age as on the date of retirement, date of appointment in the -ank and designation at the time of initial appointment, present designation, total pensionable service, reasons for seeking retirement, hether any disciplinary action is pending/contemplated and 8etails of outstanding loans and advances and ho the employee ill li:uidate them. &n employee ho seeks voluntary retirement 2before completion of '* years service or '* yearsK pensionable service or attaining =?/>* years of age, hichever occurs first3, e/cept on medical grounds should be asked to li:uidate the outstandings in his housing loan account on the date of retirement. In e/ceptional circumstances here, ho ever, employee finds it difficult to ad"ust the outstandings on the date of retirement, such re:uest for continuance of the loan may be considered by charging commercial rate of interest from the date of retirement. In such cases, the procedure detailed in paragraph =.)*.', #hapter =, Reference -ook of ,taff Matters, 6olume I6, )nd 9dition be follo ed.
L:238$C:3.-881:32, R2/-8
The facility of concessional rate of interest ill, ho ever, be continued in case of normal retirement or voluntary retirement on medical grounds, in respect of employees ho "oin the service before *(.*(.(GG(.
%ther loans and advances are also re:uired to be li:uidated at the time of cessation of service. 5&/#IR/+; 8ated =.=.(G?? 0 &8M/,5$/=(G' 8ated )+.G.(GG*
2#8%/50HR8<IR/)>8&T98 )(/*+/)**=3
4et <togethers at unit level in honour of employee at the time of Retirement on ,uperannuation/6oluntary retirement/9/it option should be arranged. &ppreciation letters may be issued for the officials ,uperannuation/6oluntary Retirement /9/it %ption. ho are leaving the bank on
O=H-./1@- L
The ob"ective of the scheme is to provide an e/it route to the employees in orkmen category ho feel frustrated and de<motivated due to lack of career prospects or any other reason hich makes them frustrated or demotivated.
A. 2i3
E,151=1,1/A L
F:0 C,-01.2, C270- E<4,:A--8 The employee must have missed one or more promotional chances for promotion to ne/t higher cadre and/or he/she has become "unior to employees "oining the -ank in the same cadre ith or after him/her due to promotion of such employees to ne/t higher cadre or any other reason hich makes him/her frustrated or demotivated. Minimum age on date of application < =* years. F:0 S6=:07132/- C270- E<4,:A--8 %nly those ,ubordinate cadre employees ho do not possess the minimum :ualification for promotion to higher cadre and are ineligible for promotion or those ho possess the minimum :ualification but have missed one or more promotional chance for promotion to the clerical cadre and/or he/she has become "unior to employees "oining the -ank in the same cadre ith or after him/her due to promotion of such employee to higher cadre or any other reason hich makes them frustrated or demotivated. Minimum age on date of application < =* years. Cor this purpose a KchanceK shall mean that employee becomes eligible for promotion to the ne/t higher cadre and is not promoted and thereby gets superseded by his/her "uniors. The employee ill also be deemed to have missed a chance and superseded by his "uniors if he/she does not appear for the intervie or abstains himself/herself from participating in the promotion e/ercise or here he/she had given his/her refusal in riting for promotion or he/she submitted a medical certificate for the date of test/intervie for the promotion.
2ii3 B. 2i3
2a3 2b3
I3-,151=,- -<4,:A--8 L
9mployees appointed on contract basis. 9mployees against hom disciplinary proceedings for fraudulent/malafide action are pending/ contemplated or ho are under suspension. This ill also include employees against hom action had been initiated by #-I, 5olice or 4overnment &gencies/other la enforcing agencies. 9mployees against hom disciplinary proceedings are pending for gross misconduct, hich are likely to result in his/her dismissal from service. Rendered ineligible due to any provision mentioned else here in the scheme.
N:/1.- 4-01:7
&n employee opting for 9/it %ption ill have to give ' months notice. Ho ever, notice period should not e/ceed ; months in any case. ,alary in lieu of shortfall in notice period ill not be accepted. 2#8%/IR/,5$/ '(( dated '*/(*/)**>3 %n acceptance of an employeeKs application by the -ank, his/her date of relieving from service, ill be decided by the -ank in keeping ith administrative e/igencies/ convenience and advised in riting to him/her. He/she can ithdra the application for e/it option till the last date of his/her service in terms of approval of e/it option conveyed to him/her by the -ank.
2i3 2ii3
&n employee desirous to e/ercise 9/it %ption shall apply on the prescribed format2&nne/. '.>3 during the period the scheme is kept open. &n ackno ledgement 2&nne/. '.+3 ill be given to the employee of having received his/ her application under 9/it %ption scheme by the -ranch Manager/Head of 8epartment.
EG-502/12 L<
-esides normal terminal dues, an employee e/ercising the 9/it %ption shall be eligible for e/gratia payment of salary for =*I of his/her remaining service up to the age of >* years as on the date of e/it 2complete months3 sub"ect to a ma/imum of '> months. ,alary ill includeL< -asic 5ay N ,tagnation increment N ,pecial 5ay N 5rofessional @ualification 5ay N Increment component of Ci/ed 5ersonal 5ay N 8earness &llo ance thereon. The amount of e/<gratia '*/(*/)**>3 ill be debited to $ocal Head %ffice. 2#8%/IR/,5$/ '(( dated ill be the pro<rata scale
In case of part<time employees, the salary for computing e/<gratia ages dra n by the concerned employee. 9/<gratia and other terminal benefits the date of release from service. ill be paid
ithin a period not e/ceeding ( month from ho are eligible for the same, in
Ho ever, pension shall be payable to only those employees terms of ,-I 9mployees 5ension Cund Rules.
ARelevant dateA means the date on hich employee ceases to be in service of the -ank as a conse:uence of his re:uest under 9/it %ption. The 9mployees seeking retirement/release under 9/it %ption ,cheme ill not be entitled to dispute the payments received under the ,cheme on any ground hatsoever. The retiring employees and/or their nominees or legal heirs shall have no right/claim/demands against -ank on any matter relating to the ,cheme or claim appointment in the -ank on compassionate ground or other ise.
I3.:<- T2G
In terms of ,ection '=88& S'+2i3T of the Income Ta/ &ct the payments to employees under 9/it %ption ould be an admissible deduction for the -ank. T;- 2<:63/ :9 EG-502/12 >1,, =- 277-7 /: /;- -<4,:A--D8 13.:<- 9:0 /;- A-20 237 I3.:<- T2G >1,, =- 7-76./-7 2/ /;- 244,1.2=,- 02/-.
3.6. .
A..-4/23.-$R-H-./1:3 :9 A44,1.2/1:3
2i3 2ii3
The -ank ill have the sole discretion as to the acceptance or re"ection of the re:uest for retirement under the e/it option scheme. !hile e/ercising discretion to accept/re"ect applications under 9/it %ption ,cheme, the decision shall not be discriminatory among employees ho are similarly placed and the reasons therefor shall be recorded in riting.
A6/;:01/A S/06./60- L
O4-02/135 G617-,13-8 The 8y. Managing 8irector 0 #orporate 8evelopment %fficer is authorised to decide operating guidelines for the scheme. S23./1:3$R-H-./1:3 :9 A44,1.2/1:3 &The authority for sanctioning/re"ecting applications received under K9/it %ptionK ill be 8y. 4eneral Manager 0 #ircle 8evelopment %fficer of the #ircle for all branches/offices including #orporate #entre and its establishments, located in the geographical area of control of the #ircle.
R-@1-> 237 C,:860- :9 S.;-<- &The #entral %ffice Human Resource #ommittee is authorised for revie scheme. and closure of the
D2/- :9 E99-./ &Retirement under the 9/it %ption shall become effective after approval of the #ompetent &uthority is communicated to the applicant or on after e/piry of notice period, hichever is later.
O/;-0 40:@181:38 L
In case of employees ho have been allotted residential accommodation, they can be permitted to retain the residential accommodation for a period not e/ceeding ) months from the date of their e/it. In such cases, =*I of the amount of e/<gratia, -ankKs contribution to the provident fund and the amount of leave encashment sub"ect to a ma/imum of Rs.= lacs in aggregate ill be retained till the date of surrender of the residential accommodation provided by the -ank. Repayment of housing loan beyond the date of release from service under e/it option shall be permitted. &ll other outstanding loans / advances ill have to be repaid before effective date of retirement under the 9/it %ption failing hich, the amount of e/<gratia and other terminal benefits payable to the employee ill be appropriated to ards the outstanding loans / advances and only the balance amount ill be payable to the employee. 9mployee, hose outstanding loans are higher than the total terminal dues payable to him/her and if the employee is not in a position to close the loan accounts himself from his/her o n resources then he/she ill not be considered under the 9/it %ption ,cheme. The employee opting for 9/it %ption >1,, 3:/ be eligible to become a member of Retired 9mployees Medical -enefit ,cheme.
2iv3 2v3
&n employee, ho e/ercises the 9/it %ption ill not be eligible for re<employment in the -ank or its ,ubsidiaries / &ssociates / Joint 6entures 2including offices outside India3. &s retirement/leaving the -ankKs service under 9/it %ption ,cheme is optional, it shall not be negotiable and shall not be deemed or construed as a sub"ect matter of right or contract of service. It shall not be cited as precedent, custom, convention, usage or practice, anytime in future &s retirement/release of employees under 9/it %ption ,cheme is optional, the employees seeking retirement under the ,cheme ill not be eligible for any salary in lieu of notice. Release from service under 9/it %ption ,cheme is independent of and ithout pre"udice to the rights of the -ank to retire/remove, etc., an employee as per provisions contained in & ards and -ipartite ,ettlements. The -ank reserves the right to modify, amend or cancel any or all of the aforesaid clauses and to give effect thereto from any date it may deem fit, and to terminate the scheme at any time. The -ank intends to control the outflo according to its re:uirements. To ards this end, the -ank retains the discretion to limit the number of employees ho may be allo ed to retire under e/it option scheme in each cadre. Retirement/releasing employees under e/it<option scheme shall not deem to have come into effect unless the decision of the competent authority has been communicated in riting. Inasmuch as the 9/it %ption is aimed at improving the level of morale in the -ank, and not at right sizing, the -ank ill have the discretion to fill up the vacancies caused by retirements under the 9/it %ption. The term A,erviceK for the purpose of 9/it %ption ,cheme, shall mean the period during hich an employee is/ as on duty or on leave of any kind authorised by the #ompetent &uthority. 9/cept to the e/tent provided specifically in this scheme the provisions of service conditions for orkmen staff as contained in & ards, -ipartite ,ettlements and other instructions issued by the -ank from time to time ill continue to apply in all respects.
vi3 2vii3
2/i3 2/ii3
ii3 iii3
iv3 v3
5lease accord top priority for scrutiny ith speed. 6erify the correctness of the particulars in all respects from service and other records. 5lease ensure that the applicant employee is not from the category of VineligiblesW. Cor this purpose, special attention to paragraphs containing eligibility/ineligibility criteria under 9/it %ption scheme should be given. 9ligibility/Ineligibility should be recorded on the form at appropriate place. 5lease scrutinise the application form and service records thoroughly in the conte/t of the certificates to be furnished by the -ranch/8epartment. The application forms duly scrutinised should be for arded to the #ontrolling &uthority/ ,anctioning &uthority under the cover of a list, in duplicate, containing serial number, name and designation of the applicant on the day follo ing the day of receipt of application by courier/special messenger or any other arrangement hich is speedier. %ne copy of the application form is to be retained at branch/department here it is received. 6erify hether the employee is eligible for pension/leave encashment.
viii3 i/3
i3 ii3 iii3 iv3 v3
8uring the period the 9/it %ption is open, 8y. 4eneral Manager 0 #ircle 8evelopment %fficer should submit a report on monthly basis3 to the Industrial Relations 8epartment at the #orporate #entre, Mumbai. The report must reach #orporate #entre by =th of the follo ing month.
2i3 ii3 c3 d3
the eligible employees ho are permitted to leave the -ank under 9/it %ption, about the acceptance of their re:uest, the date of their relief from the duties. the ineligible employees ith specific reason for the ineligibility. In case, an application is re"ected due to disciplinary or any other contemplated/pending against the employee , he/she should be advised of the same. action
In case of administrative offices as the Head of the 8epartment and the ,alary 8isbursing &uthority are different, the Head of the 8epartment should endorse a copy of the communication addressed to employees mentioned at serial no. =2b32i3 above, to the ,alary 8isbursing &uthority to enable the later to arrange for the payment of ex gratia, leave encashment, 5rovident Cund, 4ratuity and 5ension as applicable.
The employees permitted to be released under 9/it %ption are eligible for follo ing benefitsL < i3 ii3 Ex gratia amount 9ncashment of balance of privilege leave as per rule, i.e (**I of balance in case the employee has completed )* years of pensionable service and =*I of balance in case he/she has not completed )* years of pensionable service.
iii3 4ratuity as per 4ratuity rules iv3 5rovident Cund as per 5C rules v3 5ension 2if minimum pensionable service of )* years is put in3, including commuted value of pension, if opted &ll the above benefits ill be available only if the employee is other ise eligible under the service conditions/e/tant instructions as in the case of normal retirement. The e/tant instructions in regard to accounting of the payments to be made to the employees on account of retirement should be follo ed. &s the e/<gratia is to be paid ith reference to the salary for the month in hich the employee ill be relieved from the -ank under this ,cheme, the Xsalary disbursing authority1 shall be the competent authority to compute, sanction and pay the amount of ex gratia under the 9/it %ption ,cheme.
The amount of ex gratia, leave encashment should be credited to the #urrent/,avings -ank account of the employee and a suitable receipt 2&nne/ure '.?3 be obtained. The payment should be effected ithin one month from the date of e/it from the -ank. Income Ta/ is to deducted at applicable rate. The salary disbursing authority should ensure that all the loans and advances have been fully li:uidated by the employee, including the housing loan from 5ension is obtained from the amount of e/<gratia and/or other terminal benefits. In case the amount of outstanding of loans/advances is more than the amount payable, it must be ensured that the employee li:uidates the loans/advances from his o n resources.
The amount should be retained as a term deposit at staff rate in the name of the employee for ) months and -ank1s lien marked on it. The lien shall be cancelled hen the physical facility is surrendered by the employee to the -ank.
3.(. .
If, before the relevant date i.e. the date of release under the 9/it %ption, it comes to the notice of the -ank that any disciplinary action or any other action, hich renders the employee ineligible under the scheme is arranted against the employee, the -ank has a right to ithdra the acceptance advised earlier to the employee. In such cases, the employee should be advised on or before the relevant date that, in vie of the contemplated disciplinary action/any other action pending/contemplated against the employee, the acceptance stands ithdra n and the employee continues to be in the service of the -ank and that appropriate action ill be initiated/taken against him/her. &n employee ho is a member of ,-I 9mployeesK Mutual !elfare ,cheme and hose application for release from service under 9/it %ption scheme is accepted has to deposit elfare fund contribution till the date of his/her superannuation from his/her last salary. If he/she fails to do so, his/her elfare fund account ill become irregular rendering him/her ineligible for any benefit under the scheme.
M%7TH$F/ ;th M%7TH$F R95%RT %7 #$9RI#&$/,E-%R8I7&T9 #&8R9 9M5$%F99 %7 5R%-&TI%7 C%R TH9 M%7TH %C .......................... (. ). '. ;. =. >. 7ame 8ate of "oining the service 7ature of duties performed &bility #onduct 4eneral remarks L L L L L L
REPORT ON WORK AND CONDUCT (Marks a arded to be stated in relative dockets) S0.N: ( ) ' ; = P202<-/-08 (F2./:08 /: =- .:3817-0-7 28 :3 0-@-08-) #onduct 2 -ehaviour ith customers, peers, "uniors and seniors3 @uality of ork 2including comfort ith technology and adherence to time schedules3 Time discipline 2$eave / 5unctuality3 ,pecial #ontribution to ork / business, if any 25lease enumerate3 4eneral Remarks 2 ith potential for shouldering higher responsibilities3 28escriptive3 O Reasons for variation to be stated. R-4:0/135 A6/;:01/A R-@1->135 A6/;:01/A K
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 27ame 0 8esignation of Reporting &uthority3 -ranch/%fficeUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 8ateUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 27ame 0 8esignation of Revie ing &uthority3 -ranch / %fficeUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 8ateUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 7ote L &dverse remarks should be advised in riting by the Revie ing &uthority and a copy should be attached to this report.
A33-G60- 3.2(B)
R969R,9 %C 5&R 2&/,/3(
REPORT ON WORK AND CONDUCT (Marks a arded to be stated in relative dockets) S0.N ( ) ' ; = P202<-/-08 (F2./:08 /: =- .:3817-0-7 28 :3 0-@-08-) #onduct 2-ehaviour ith customers, officers and staff3 Responsibility to ards 8uty / !ork Time discipline 2$eave/5unctuality3 ,pecial #ontribution to ork / business, if any 25lease enumerate3 4eneral Remarks 2including employee1s desire to ac:uire kno ledge and skills3 28escriptive3 R-4:0/135 A6/;:01/A R-@1->135 K A6/;:01/A
O The report ill be revie ed if an employee is a arded = or less marks by the Reporting &uthority. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 27ame 0 8esignation of Reporting &uthority3 -ranch / %fficeUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 8ateUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 27ame 0 8esignation of Revie ing &uthority3 -ranch / %fficeUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 8ateUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 7ote L &dverse remarks should be advised in riting by the Revie ing &uthority and a copy should be attached to this report.
A33-G60- 3.3(B)
R969R,9 %C 5&R 2&/,/3)
R9#%MM978&TI%7,L 5lease give specific recommendations 2in case the employee is considered not suitable for continuing in service, specific reasons therefor should be given3. 8ate L UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU -ranch Manager/Head of the 8eptt.
89#I,I%7 %C TH9 #%M59T97T Ð%RITF 5lace 8ate L L UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ,ignature of the #ontrolling &uthority
%5TI%7 $9TT9R T% -9 %-T&I798 CR%M TH9 9$I4I-$9 M9M-9R, !H% &R9 9$I4I-$9 C%R &8MI,,I%7 T% TH9 597,I%7 CE78 5lace L UUUUUUUUUU 8ate L UUUUUUUUUU -ranch Manager/&sst. 4eneral Manager 2%ffice &dministration3, ,tate -ank of India, UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 597,I%7 -979CIT, !ith reference to Head %ffice ,taff #ircular 7o. )) of (GG+<G?, dated (*.*>.(GG+, I desire to e/ercise the option of Oi3 Oii3 #ontinuing in e/isting gratuity scheme 2a3 being admitted to membership of the ,tate -ank of India 9mployeesK 5ension Cund. 2b3 I agree to refund to the -ank any gratuity amount paid in e/cess of that payable under the&ct. The option given by me is irrevocable. 2,ignature3 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 7ame L UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 2in block letters3 7ature of appointment UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU O ,trike out hichever is not applicable.
APPLICATION FOR EXIT OPTION 2To be submitted in duplicate3
Crom 7ame L 8esignation L -ranch/office L To, The -ranch Manager/Head of 8epartment, ,tate -ank of India, UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU APPLICATION FOR EXIT OPTION I UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU son/daughter/ ife of ,hri UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU hereby apply under the 9/it %ption scheme and seek voluntary release from -ank1s service as from the close of business on the UUUUUUUUUUUU. My service particulars are as follo sL (. 7ame L ). 5C Inde/ 7o. L '. #adre L ;. 8esignation L =. #ategory L 4eneral/ ,#/,T/ %-# >. 5resent posting L +. 8ate of -irth L &ge as on the date of application L UUUU years UUUU months ?. Joined the -ank on L &s L
?&. Reasons for seeking e/it from the bank L G. 5rovident Cund balance as per latest statement dated UUUUUUUUL -ank1s contribution RsUUUUUUUUUUUUU Member1s contribution RsUUUUUUUUUUUUU (*. 8etails of loans/liabilities to -ank/ #ooperative ,ocietiesL 2please enclose latest salary slip and 5C statement3 ((. Ho are these to be li:uidatedR L
(). !hether allotted -ankKs flat/:uarter, if so details thereofL ('. I declare that 2i3 I have not availed of the benefit of any of the 6oluntary Retirement/ 9/it %ption in the past, in any organisation, before "oining the -ankM
2ii3 7o disciplinary action is pending or contemplated against me to the best of my kno ledge. The details of disciplinary action pending/ contemplated against me are as under L< 2please delete the statement not applicable3 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ (;. In the event of -ank acceding to my re:uest for voluntary release from service under the 9/it %ption, I undertake to li:uidate all loans/advances granted to me 2e/cept Housing $oan3, before the effective date of my release from the -ank. In the event of my failure to do so, I authorize the -ank to appropriate all the dues payable to me by the -ank to ards the li:uidation of these loans/advances. I further declare that such appropriation ould be deemed as valid discharge of the -ankKs obligations to that e/tent. I also understand that in case the total amount of terminal dues/e/<gratia amount payable to me is insufficient to li:uidate/repay the aggregate loan amount/outstanding dues of the -ank and I am also unable to close the loan accounts from my o n resources then, my application for 9/it %ption ,cheme ill not be considered. (=. In the event of the -ank acceding to my re:uest for voluntary release from service under 9/it %ption, I undertake to vacate the residential accommodation and other facilities 2if any3 provided to me by the -ank. (>. I am a are that the acceptance or re"ection of my re:uest for 6oluntary release from service under 9/it %ption is at the absolute discretion of the -ank. (+. I am a are that no voluntary release from service under 9/it %ption shall be deemed to have come into effect unless the decision of the #ompetent &uthority as to the acceptance of the re:uest for release from service has been communicated in riting and I have been relieved from my duties to the satisfaction of the -ank. (?. I undertake that on account of my release from the -ank under the 9/it %ption scheme, I ill have no further claims and/or rights on the -ank e/cept for the payment of benefits under 9/it %ption. (G. I undertake that on account of my voluntary release from service under 9/it %ption scheme, I have no right to claim for compassionate appointment/any other benefit. )*. I am a are that in case of dispute as to the interpretation of any of the terms and conditions of the 9/it %ption, the -ank1s decision shall be final and binding on me. )(. I agree that the -ank has right to modify, amend or cancel any or all of the clauses of the 9/it %ption and to give effect thereto from any date the -ank may deem fit. )). I declare that no case/action has been initiated against me by 4overnment &gencies/other $a enforcing agencies. )'. I declare that the particulars/information furnished herein above are true and correct. Curther, I am a are, should any of these particulars/information turn out to be incorrect/false, I am liable to be declared ineligible under the 9/it %ption, ithout pre"udice to -ank1s other rights in this regard. Fours faithfully, ,ignature 7ameL UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 8esignationL UUUUUUUUUUUUUU -ranch/8eptL/#ircle/,-E/ #orporate #entre 9stt.UUUUUUUU
9mployee 7o., if anyL UUUUUUU 8ateL UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 5laceL Tel 7o. L %ffice Residence Mobile INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING UP THE FORMS I3 Incomplete forms are liable for re"ection. J3 7ame should be spelt as it appears on 5rovident Cund statement. .3 &ll the particulars must be filled in correctly 0 properly. $3 %ver riting and/or obliteration not allo ed. M3 The particulars such as 4eneral/,#/,T/%-# are for statistics only.
Received an application from ,hri/,mt./.um. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU for voluntary release of service under 9/it %ption on UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. He/she is re:uested to please note that the application is being for arded to the #ompetent &uthority through proper channel for consideration. Mean hile, unless and until decision of the #ompetent &uthority is communicated to him he/she ill continue to be in the -ankKs service and report for duty as usual. 5lace L UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 8ate L B023.; M2325-0$H-27 :9 D-4/.
FORMATS OF #ARIOUS RECEIPTS Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Received from the Trustees of ,tate -ank of India 9mployees 5rovident Cund the sum of Rupees UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 2in ords3 being the balance at my credit in the Cund ith interest thereon to the date of my leaving the -ankKs service. Revenue ,tamp 5lace UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 8ate UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 2,ignature3 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ.......................... 5laceUUUUUUUUU 8ate UUUUUUUUU Received from the ,tate -ank of India a sum of Rs. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Rupees UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU only3 being the amount of 4ratuity sanctioned to me by the #hief 4eneral Manager in terms of the provisions of payment of 4ratuity &ct, (G+). Revenue ,tamp 2,ignature of 9mployee3 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ................................ 5lace UUUUUUUUUUU 8ate UUUUUUUUUU Received from the ,tate -ank of India a sum of Rs. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Rupees UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU only3 being the amount of 9/gratia sanctioned to me on release from -ankKs service under 9/it %ption ,cheme. Revenue ,tamp 2,ignature of 9mployee3 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ....................................... 5lace UUUUUUUUUU 8ate UUUUUUUUUUU Received from the ,tate -ank of India a sum of Rs. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Rupees UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU only3 being the amount of $eave 9ncashment sanctioned due to me on release from -ankKs service under 9/it %ption ,cheme. Revenue ,tamp 2,ignature of 9mployee3
A44,1.2/1:3 9:0 P2A<-3/ :9 G02/61/A
To. The #hief 4eneral Manager ,tate -ank of India UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 8ear ,ir,
I have applied for release from service under the 9/it %ption ,cheme. In case the -ank accedes to my re:uest, I re:uest you to please arrange to pay me the gratuity in terms of e/tant instructions on the relevant date. Thanking you, Fours faithfully, 2 3 7ameL UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 8esignationL UUUUUUUUUUUUUU -ranch/8eptL/#ircle/,-E/ #orporate #entre 9stt. UUUUUUU 9mployee 7o., if anyL UUUUUU Tel. 7o./Intercom. 7o.UUUUUUU 8ateL UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
A44,1.2/1:3 9:0 42A<-3/ :9 P0:@17-3/ F637
To. The Trustees of the ,-I 9mployees1 5rovident Cund, ,tate -ank of India, #orporate #entre, MEM-&I 8ear ,ir, SBI EMPLO"EESL PRO#IDENT FUND INDEX N:.JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ I have applied for 6oluntary release from service under the 9/it %ption ,cheme. In case the -ank accedes to my re:uest, I re:uest you to please arrange to refund the balance standing to my credit in the above Cund to me along ith interest thereon as per ,-I 9mployees1 5rovident Cund Rules. Thanking you, Fours faithfully,
2 3 7ameL UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 8esignationL UUUUUUUUUUUUUU -ranch/8eptL/#ircle/,-E/ #orporate #entre 9stt. UUUUUUUUUUU 9mployee 7o., if anyL UUUUUU Tel. 7o./Intercom. 7o.UUUUUUUUUU 8ateL UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
A44,1.2/1:3 F:0 P2A<-3/ :9 P-381:3
To. The Trustees of the ,-I 9mployees1 5ension Cund, ,tate -ank of India, #orporate #entre, MEM-&I 8ear ,ir, SBI EMPLO"EESL PENSION FUND
'. I opt to commute QQQQ. 2portion3 of my pension. I do not opt to commute my pension 25lease delete the statement not applicable3. Thanking you, Fours faithfully,
2 3 7ameL UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 8esignationL UUUUUUUUUUUUUU -ranch/8eptL/#ircle/,-E/ #orporate #entre 9stt. UUUUUUUUUUUU 9mployee 7o., if anyL UUUUUU Tel. 7o./Intercom. 7o.UUUUUUUUUU 8ateL UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
A44,1.2/1:3 9:0 E3.28;<-3/ :9 L-2@-
I have applied for 6oluntary release from service under the 9/it %ption ,cheme. In case the -ank accedes to my re:uest, I re:uest you to please sanction encashment of the privilege leave due to me at the time of my retirement as per e/tant instructions. Thanking you, Fours faithfully,
2 3 7ameL UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 8esignationL UUUUUUUUUUUUUU -ranch/8eptL/#ircle/,-E/ #orporate #entre 9stt. UUUUUUUUUUUU 9mployee 7o., if anyL UUUUUU Tel. 7o./Intercom. 7o.UUUUUUUUUU 8ateL UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
8esignation 5. C. Inde/ 7o. I. 8ate of admission to 5ension Cund L II. 8ate up to hich his/ her service counts for pension L UUUyears UU months III. 9/tra<ordinary leave on loss of pay availed 2throughout service period L I6. Enauthorised absence 2condoned and/or not yet condoned by competent authority3 L 6. 5ensionable service e/cluding e/traordinary leave and Enauthorised absence 6I. 8isciplinary/6igilance case pending/contemplated, if any L 6I. 5articulars of salary L i3 -asic 5ay ii3 ,tagnation Increment iii3 ,pecial 5ay iv3 5rofessional @ualification 5ay v3 Increment component of C55 vi3 8& thereon T%T&$ =*I of -alance service left from the date of proposed release under e/it option or '> months 2 hichever is less3 6II. -alance of privilege leave as on UUUUU L UUUUUUmonths UUUdays ID. Fear of non<selection for promotion L D. Ex gratia amount payable Rs UUUUUUUUUUUUU C-0/191-7 /;2/ a3 The application has been received from the employee %ption ,cheme. b3 The employee is not from the category of ineligibles. c3 The particulars mentioned in the application by the employee have been checked and are found to be correct as per -ank1s record. d3 -ank1s record as ell as the discreet en:uiries in this regard indicate that the employee has not availed of the benefit of voluntary retirement scheme in any other organisation in the past. e3 7o disciplinary action is pending/contemplated against the employee nor the employee is placed under suspension. The undernoted disciplinary proceedings is/are initiated/ contemplated/pending against the employee. 25lease delete the statement not applicable.3 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ f3 &s per information available there is no case and/no action against the employee instituted by any 4overnment /other $a enforcing agencies. hen he/she became eligible as per 9/it
R-.:<<-372/1:38 2&3O !e confirm that ,hri/,mt./.um. UUUUUUUUUUU satisfies the eligibility norms and recommend that his/her re:uest for release from service under 9/it %ption may be 2..-7-7 /: and he/she be permitted to ,-2@- the -ankKs service as at the close of business on the UUUUUUUUU under 9/it %ption. 2-3O The re:uest of the employee may be 7-.,13-7 for the follo ing reasonsL UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 2O3 strike out hichever is not applicable, under authentication.
8ate L
CALCULATION SHEET (. 7ame of the employee L ). 8esignation L '. -ranch/%ffice L ;. 5.C. Inde/ 7o. L =. #adre L #lerical/,ubordinate >. 8ate of birth L +. 5articulars of monthly salary as on the date of submitting application under the scheme -asic pay L ,tagnation increment2s3 L ,pecial 5ay 5rofessional @ualification 5ay L Increment component of C55 L 8& L UUUUUUUUUU Total UUUUUUUUUU2&3 ?. &ge as on the date of release under the 9/it %ption ,cheme L UUUUUUU Fears UUUUUUmonths G. =*I of service remaining up to the age of >* years 2in complete months3 L UUUUUUUUUU months 2ma/imum '> months3 2-3 (*. 9/ gratia payable is & / - L Rs UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU S23./1:3-7 e/ gratia payment of Rs UUUUUUUUUUUU 2Rs UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 3. Income<ta/ to be deducted at source at the applicable rate.
To, ,hri/ ,mt.UUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 8ateL 8ear ,ir/Madam, Four application dated for voluntary release from service under 9/it %ption !ith reference to your application for voluntary release from service under 9/it %ption underL e advise as
Four re:uest for release from service under the 9/it %ption has been accepted by the designated authority and you ill be relieved of your duties as at the close of the business of UUUUUUUUUUU. %R Fou are ineligible for the follo ing reason2s3L UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 2,trike out hichever is not applicable under authentication3 ). 5lease ackno ledge receipt of this letter. Fours faithfully, 2-ranch Manager/Head of the 8epartment/ 9stablishment3
1. C,-01.2, 2i3 &ssistant 2ii3 ,enior &sstt 2iii3 ,pecial &sstt 2iv3 %thers 2. S6=:07132/2i3 Messengerial 2ii3 !atch 0 !ard 2iii3 Menial and others
N:. :9 244,1.2/1:38 C6<6,2/1@- 3:. :9 0-.-1@-7 760135 /;- 244,1.2/1:38 0-.-1@-7 <:3/;
2The e/tant provisions of settlement dated )) nd July )**' arrived at -ank level ith the &ll India ,tate -ank of India ,taff Cederation on Technology, Redeployment/Transfer of ,taff and other issues shall remain unchanged and shall remain operative under 9ighth -ipartite ,ettlement on !age Revision3 25ara ') of #8%LIRL,5$LG( 8&T98 *>.*>.)**=3
M-<:02376< :9 S-//,-<-3/ 72/-7 2237 +6,A, 2''3 =-/>--3 S/2/- B23? :9 I3712 237 A,, I3712 S/2/- B23? :9 I3712 S/299 F-7-02/1:3 :3 P0:<:/1:32, A@-36-8 $ C20--0 P0:50-881:3 9:0 W:0?<-3 S/299 (U37-0 8-./1:3 2(4) 237 S-./1:3 1)(1) :9 /;- I3768/012, D1846/-8 A./, 1 !( 0-27 >1/; R6,- %) :9 /;- I3768/012, D1846/-8 (C-3/02,) R6,-8 1 %()
It is hereby agreed as follo s L
i3 ii3 iii3
The -ank ould utilize the services of employees redesignated/appointed to higher in<cadre positions, if so re:uired, to perform multiple "obs on the same day. 9mployees holding the charge of cash and valuables ill have to manage the #ash 8epartment and have to ork both as receipts and payments cashiers. #ash and valuables including security documents/instruments may be accepted/paid ithin the -ranch/other premises or at other locations identified by the -ank including customers1 place ithin the business hours or outside business hours as per -ank1s needs ith a vie to popularizing Home -anking of all types and in all forms. !herever cash/valuables including security documents/instruments are handled at locations outside the -ank1s offices/branches, -ank ould arrange appropriate insurance cover including the employee depending upon its risk perception and at its o n cost. The -ank may prescribe fi/ed or fle/ible orking hours depending upon its business needs and delivery of services either ithin the branch/office premises or outside locations ith a vie to facilitating the -ank in developing and implementing appropriate sales and marketing strategies and delivery channels/alternate delivery channels for servicing its clients in respect of its ne products and services and also those of life/general insurance, mutual funds, credit cards etc. launched by its subsidiaries and other agencies as ell as recovery of its dues. The bank may also re:uire the employees to proceed on deputation to other branches at short notice to meet the needs of administration. 9mployees appointed as Head Messengers/,enior Head Messengers etc., ould have to perform the ork of duftary/Dero/ machine operator/messenger etc. ,imilarly, Head , eepers and ,enior Head , eepers ould have to perform the ork of cleaning, s eeping and dusting etc. The -ank may at its discretion fi/ business hours at all branches/offices depending upon its business needs and re:uirements.
v3 vi3
viii3 i/3
The Cederation agrees in principle to revie the duties/responsibilities prescribed for special pay carrying positions hen revision of special pay is decided at the industry level and conse:uentially at -ank level. Entil such time, the ,enior &ssistants ill perform the duties of Head &ssistants 2&ccounts and #ash3, Tellers and #omputer %perators. ,imilarly, ,pecial &ssistants ill perform the duties prescribed for !orkmen Head #ashiers and ,pecial &ssistants in terms of the ,ettlement dated (= th March, (GG'. These employees viz. ,enior &ssistants ill perform their duties on line at fully computerized branches and also, manually henever re:uired at these branches. #omputer %perators ill perform, on line, as at present, all the duties of clerical cadre and also, henever necessary, manually. Ho ever, the -ank and the Cederation through mutual consultation may change the role and responsibilities of any special pay carrying positions to meet the emerging needs of the -ank and pending implementation of the re<engineered business processes and systems, the role, duties and responsibilities including entrustment of financial po ers shall be governed by the ,ettlement dated )) nd July, )**' on Technology, Redeployment/Transfer of ,taff and %ther Issues. The employees appointed to higher positions ithin<the<cadre and transferred in terms of the scheme for career progression herein agreed ill not be eligible for any additional benefits. There shall be no further appointment to in<cadre special pay carrying positions of #omputer %perator and out of cadre #omputer 5rogrammer<cum<%perator in JM4, I 4rade and the e/isting #omputer %perators and #omputer 5rogrammer<cum<%perators may be utilized as per -ank1s needs including as ,ingle !indo %perator ithin a zone in the case of #omputer %perator and at any branch/office of the -ank as per the -ank1s discretion in case of #omputer 5rogrammer<cum<%perator. It is agreed that the -ank may at its discretion give designation to the clerical cadre and subordinate cadre staff in terms of the policy that it may lay do n from time to time reflecting the "obs/roles/duties/responsibilities they are discharging. The designations so given by the -ank ould not, ho ever, alter their basic characteristics as orkmen in terms of e/isting la s applicable to such categories of staff. -ank may utilize services of employees in the manner it deems fit for duties relating to their substantive cadre and if so re:uired they may be entrusted multiple "obs including "obs in substantive cadre posts on the same day, in house ithin the branch/office or off location identified by the -ank ith appropriate insurance cover including that of the employee if cash and/or valuables are re:uired to be handled as per its risk perception and at its o n cost. The ,ettlement is ithout pre"udice to the ,ettlement on Technology, Redeployment/Transfer of ,taff and %ther Issues dated the )) nd July, )**'. If any doubt/difficulty arises regarding interpretation of any of the provisions of the settlement, the matter ill be clarified by the #orporate #entre after discussions ith the CederationL pending clarification, the provisions of this settlement ill be implemented. The ,ettlement shall be binding on the parties hereto for a period of five years. The terms and conditions hereof shall continue to govern and bind the parties hereto even thereafter until the ,ettlement is terminated by either party giving to the other a statutory notice as prescribed in la for the time being in force.
/iii3 /iv3
IT I, H9R9-F &4R998 &, C%$$%!,L <
The provisions of this settlement ill be in addition to and not in substitution of subsisting settlements for the time being in force and in case any terms of subsisting settlements are repugnant to this settlement, the terms of this settlement shall prevail. The -ank may at its discretion undertake computerisation/mechanisation and adopt and bring into use latest technologies from time<to<time in an unrestricted manner as per -ank1s business needs and ork re:uirements and also undertake all the re:uired measures including those illustrated in &nne/ure I hereto to achieve vision of being a orld class bank having operational efficiency and :uality of service etc., comparable to international standards. The -ank may at its discretion adopt/introduce latest technology, use latest e:uipments and devices, ac:uire/modify/change or discontinue businesses and business processes ith the ob"ective of improving profitability and maintaining/improving efficiency in operations and rendering e/cellent and orld class customer service. The -ank may at its discretion utilise the services of the staff for marketing and selling different products of the -ank and its subsidiaries/"oint ventures or any other product of any agency/entity ith hom the -ank may have arrangement, recovery of bad loans and such other activities as deemed fit by the -ank based on its business needs and re:uirements. The -ank may at its discretion retrain/reskill the identified staff for the above purposes and offer them re ards/incentives and allo ances 2as per e/tant instructions3 on a case<to<case basis as deemed fit by the -ank. It is mutually agreed to bet een the parties to this ,ettlement that there is need for redeployment/transfer and placement of staff arising on account of changes in technology and/or ork and ork processes and to meet the needs of handling ne items of ork, operational efficiency, productivity and to meet deficit in staff complement identified by the -ank. In pursuance of this agreement a policy for redeployment/transfer of staff hereto is agreed to bet een the parties. In partial modification of the understandings reached bet een the -ank and ,taff Cederation on the '*th January (GG= on payment of ,pecial #ompensatory &llo ance, all permanent full< time employees and all permanent part<time employees dra ing scale ages in the service of the bank as on the date of this ,ettlement and currently dra ing ,pecial #ompensatory &llo ance in terms of the said Enderstanding shall be paid additional ,pecial #ompensatory &llo ance on stage<to<stage basis from the (st %ctober )**( . ,uch of those permanent full<time and permanent part<time employees ho are in the -ank1s service as on the date of this ,ettlement and ho had "oined the -ank1s service on or after ( st 7ovember (GG' and hence not eligible to receive any ,pecial #ompensatory &llo ance in terms of the understanding reached on the '* th January (GG= shall be paid ,pecial #ompensatory &llo ance on stage<to<stage basis ith effect from the (st %ctober )**(. 9mployees ho are in receipt of ,pecial #ompensatory &llo ance as per &nne/ure III and are in the -ank1s service as on the date of this settlement ill be paid ,pecial #ompensatory &llo ance corresponding to the stage of pay to hich the employee belongs.
ill not rank for 8&, ##&, HR& and ill not undergo any revision on
The ,pecial #ompensatory &llo ance as mentioned above the revision of pay scales or allo ances.
There shall be no retrenchment of staff on account of adoption of latest technology from time< to<time including measures illustrated in &nne/ure I. If any doubt/difficulty arises regarding interpretation of any of the provisions of the settlement, the matter ill be clarified by the #orporate #entre after discussions ith the Cederation L pending clarification, the provision of this settlement ill be implemented. The settlement, unless provided other ise shall come into force from the date hereof and shall be binding on the parties for = years. The terms and conditions thereof shall continue to govern and bind the parties even thereafter unless the settlement is terminated by either party giving, to the other, statutory notice as prescribed in $a for the time being in force. The Cederation shall e/tend its fullest co<operation for continuing improvements in the fields of productivity, customer service, operational efficiencies and in implementation of all the provisions hereof. #opies of the Memo of ,ettlement ill be "ointly for arded to the parties to the authorities listed in Rule =? of the I.8. 2#entral3 Rules (G=+ so that terms and conditions thereof are binding on the parties as provided in $a . In itness hereof, the parties hereto have e/ecuted these presents at Mumbai on the day, month and year first above ritten.
It is hereby agreed to that a career progression scheme for the above mentioned category of employees may be agreed upon as provided for in other chapters of this book and there ould be commensurate increase in responsibilities of clerical staff and enlargement of duties in respect of subordinate staff as detailed in relevant chapters of this book. 5arties agree that unless other ise provided, the revised ,ettlement shall remain in force and shall be binding on the parties for a period of = years from the date of signing the settlement. The terms and conditions thereof shall continue to govern and bind the parties even thereafter unless the ,ettlement is terminated by either party giving to the other statutory notice as prescribed in la for the time being in force. The Cederation shall e/tend it fullest co<operation for implementation of the terms and conditions of the ,ettlement at branches/offices of the bank and also collaborate in improvement of productivity, customer service, and operational effectiveness of the -ank and in implementation of all the provisions thereof. It is also agreed that operating guidelines for implementation of the terms of the settlement shall be issued by #orporate #entre. If any doubt/difficulty arises regarding implantation of any of the provisions of the ,ettlement, the matter ill be clarified by the #orporate #entre after discussions ith the CederationM pending clarification the provision of the ,ettlement ill be implemented.
It is agreed upon that the provisions of settlement dated )).+.*' be modified on issues like the period of deployment, e/emption of age criteria, transfer on completion of tenure, protection of HR&/##& etc. the details of hich are provided in other relevant chapters of this book. The relevant date for eligibility for redeployment/transfer the year )**+<*?. The provisions of this settlement unless other settlements for the time being in force. ill be (st June of each year from ill not supersede subsisting
ise provided
Enless other ise provided, the revised ,ettlement ill remain in force and shall be binding for a period of = years from the date of signing the settlement. The terms and conditions thereof shall continue to govern and bind the parties even thereafter unless the ,ettlement is terminated by either party giving to the other statutory notice as prescribed in la for the time being in force. It is also agreed that operating guidelines for implementation of the terms of the settlement shall be issued by #orporate #entre. If any doubt/difficulty arises regarding implantation of any of the provisions of the ,ettlement, the matter ill be clarified Mby the #orporate #entre after discussions ith the CederationM pending clarification the provision of the ,ettlement ill be implemented. The modified settlement ill come into effect from 7ov (st )**>.
It has been agreed that
2i3 2ii3
The terms of this ,ettlement unless other ise stated ill not supersede any subsisting ,ettlements in operation in the -ank e/cept to the e/tent as stated herein. The ,pecial &ssistants, hether posted as #ash In<charge or other ise orking in any other position and the members of the marketing and outbound sales force set up at offices /branches or the -ank ill in discharge of office duties actively contact ne and e/isting customers and canvass business. In the course of this activity they may spend reasonable amount on entertaining the customers for hich they ill be reimbursed entertainment e/penses up to ceiling prescribed in relevant chapter of the book. &ll members of clerical staff ill be re:uired to undertake sales promotion and in connection there ith, shall have to call on e/isting and prospective customers for delivery of -ankKs/its ,ubsidiariesK products and offer advisory services. To develop mass contact ith customers, ne and e/isting both, and in connection there ith they can claim reimbursement of conveyance e/penses up to the e/tent as mentioned in relevant chapter. The -ank agrees to provide ider range of choice of ne s paper or magazine that should be read by staff particularly those orking as #ash In<charge at branches and are members of the marketing and %ut bound sales force. The -ank agrees to reimburse cost of ne spapers and magazines to these categories of staff up to a ceiling indicated in relevant chapter. The reimbursements as above ill be made on the basis of certificate to be signed by the concerned member of staff and it ill not be necessary to produce bills in respect there of. It is agreed that the reimbursement ill be made on pro rata basis for those ho are on leave Cor + days or more in a month. Those ho are on un authorized leave or e/tra ordinary leave or are under suspension ill not be eligible for the reimbursements.
The -usiness 5rocess Re<engineering ill also re:uire ,pecial &ssistants, ,enior &ssistants or other members of staff to be entrusted ith higher responsibilities. The federation agrees for implel(lentation of In -ranch #ash Handling ,ystem under the -usiness 5rocess Re< engineering initiative, an important feature of hich is that the concerned single indo operator or any other member of staff handling the cash dra er ill keep over night custody of keys. It is likely that ith enlarged area of duties for those of the ,pecial &ssistants ho are orking as #ash In<charge, particularly those posted in metro and urban branches, there may be delays in closing cash on some days. Cederation has agreed that for these categories of branches, the management proposal to increase orking hours for the ,pecial &ssistants orking as #ash In<charge ill be discussed and finalized separately. The -ank agrees to reimburse cost of brief case up to ceiling and periodicity as indicated in relevant chapter. -ank has agreed that the Mid &cademic Transfer allo ance is raised to Rs.I=*/<pm up to the end of the academic year, sub"ect to other terms and conditions hich remain unchanged. 5arties further agree that unless other ise provided, this ,ettlement shall remain in force and shall be binding on the parties for a period of = years from the date of signing the ,ettlement. The terms and conditions hereof shall continue to govern and bind the parties even there after unless the ,ettlement is terminated by either party giving to the other statutory notice as prescribed in la for the time being in force.
The Cederation shall e/tend it fullest co<operation for implementation of the terms and conditions of the ,ettlement at branches/offices of the bank and also collaborate in improvement of productivity, customer service, and operational effectiveness of the -ank and in implementation of all the provisions thereof. If any doubt/difficulty arises regarding implementation of any of the provisions of the ,ettlement, the matter ill be clarified by the #orporate #entre after discussions ith the Cederation, pending clarification the provision of the ,ettlement ill be implemented.
P0:<:/1:3 A-20&
9ach financial year beginning &pril (st and ending March '(st ill be treated as a promotion year for conducting promotional e/ercise sub"ect to availability of vacancies.
In respect of each promotion year, vacancies to be filled up through promotion to Trainee %fficers ould be determined by the 8y. Managing 8irector 0 #orporate 8evelopment %fficer keeping in vie the staff indents 0 manpo er plans, the business 0 productivity parameters, business targets for the ensuing year, retirements, -ank1s re:uirements and other relevant factors.
D2/- :9 E,151=1,1/A&
The date of eligibility ill normally be the date of commencement of the promotion year. The 8y. Managing 8irector and #8% ill have the authority to change the date of eligibility in e/ceptional circumstances and as per the needs of the -ank.
E,151=1,1/A C01/-012L
The eligibility criteria for consideration for promotion to Trainee %fficer is given belo L
N6<=-0 :9 C;23.-8&
The employees having e/hausted three 2'3 chances or he reaches the prescribed age limit, hichever is earlier ill not be eligible for consideration for promotionL If an eligible employee does not appear for the ritten test, he ill not be deemed to have e/hausted a chance. -ut if after having appeared in the ritten test, an employee absents himself from the intervie , he ill be treated as having e/hausted a chance.
The e/isting debarment policy ill be applicable for all promotions. The employees debarred for promotion as a result of disciplinary action 2contemplated/pending/ concluded3 ill not be considered for promotion until the period of rigour is over in terms of the e/tant guidelines.
W01//-3 /-8/&
Cor promotions under Trainee %fficer1s, eligible employees ould have to participate in a ritten test. The :ualifying marks for the ritten test under the various channels ould be as belo L 4eneral #andidates ,#/,T #andidates < +*I < >= I
& common test ould be held on a pre<appointed time and date in all the circles. b3 c3 The preparation of :uestion paper and evaluation of ans er books may be arranged by the bank internally or through an outside agency like I-5, etc. ho have e/perience in this area. In order to enable employees to improve their performance, marks secured in the ill be advised to the candidates. ritten test
M:3- :9 S-,-./1:3&
The scores obtained by all employees ho score e:ual to or more than the :ualifying marks in the ritten test ould be placed in descending order and number of candidates e:ual to t o times the number of vacancy for the respective channel ould be short listed for the intervie . The merit list in this regard ould be based on &ll India merit. In case more than one employee secures the marks e:uivalent to cut off mark, all such employees ill enter the Hone of ,election even if the number e/ceeds the stipulated ) times. In terms of the 4overnment 4uidelines, reservations for ,#/,T are applicable for promotions to Trainee %fficers.
%.1. .
The intervie s ill be conducted by a #ommittee appointed by the 5romoting/&ppointing &uthority. Multiple #ommittees for the purpose may be formed, if re:uired. The marks for the intervie Ma/imum Marks < 4eneral #andidates < ,#/,T #andidates < and the minimum<:ualifying standard therein ould be as underL < (= '*I2= marks3 )=I2; marks3
P0:.-88 :9 S-,-./1:3L
& final merit list based on composite score of 5erformance appraisal, ritten test and intervie taken in their assigned proportion, given belo , ill be dra n on the basis of marks a arded to all employees ho score e:ual to or more than the minimum :ualifying marks in the intervie L 5erformance &ppraisal < (=Y !ritten Test < +* Intervie < (= Y Cor 5erformance &ppraisal, aggregate marks given in the preceding ' years annual reports divided by t o ill be taken. In case more than one employee secures marks e:uivalent to cut off mark, all such employees should be taken to the final select list. These additional promotions should be ad"usted from the ne/t year1s vacancies.
M-71.2, EG2<132/1:3&
5romotion to Trainee %fficer promotion. ill be sub"ect to medical fitness of the officers selected for
8uring a promotion year, a candidate may concurrently participate under the various channels for promotion as JM4,<I viz. Trainee %fficer, Cast Track and 7ormal #hannel for hich he fulfils the eligibility criteria prescribed. ,ome of such candidates may :ualify for promotion under more than one channel. Ho ever, they ill have to choose for promotion under a channel of their choice. Thus some vacancies may remain unfilled in the other channels not opted for by such candidate2s3. ,uch vacancies, if any, ill not be filled during the same promotion year. #larification on the guidelines, if any, shall be given by the 8eputy Managing 8irector 0 #orporate 8evelopment %fficer in consultation ith #entral Human Resources #ommittee and his decision shall be final and binding on all concerned.
P24-0 I 2%b"ective3 2Multiple #hoice3 ,ection I 4eneral .no ledge 2& areness about -anking 9nvironment33 ,ection II 4eneral -anking P24-0 II ,ection & 4eneral -anking 2Cor 0 &gainst3 ,ection 4eneral -anking <Rationale ,ection # 4eneral -anking 5ractical 5roblems Total 8uration ' hrs.
+= :uestions
)= Marks
;* :uestions
(* Marks
(* :uestions
(* Marks
b3 c3
The -ank may revert a Trainee %fficer to the grade or cadre from hich he as promoted, in case he does not attain the prescribed standards in the retest. The -ank may, alternatively, consider e/tension of the period of his probation by a further period not e/ceeding one year. In vie of the above, the follo ing clause shall be included in the appointment letters to be issued to the Trainee %fficersL < AFour confirmation as %fficer JM4 ,cale I ill be sub"ect t satisfactory 5erformance in the evaluation test to be conducted by the -ank during the probation period, in addition to satisfactory completion of the in<branch training.A 2#8%L 5ML ?L,5$L )+>) dtd.(;.?.(GG+3
%.2 %.2.1.
,eniority channel
P0:<:/1:3 A-20&
9ach financial year beginning &pril (st and ending March '(st ill be treated as a promotion year for conducting promotional e/ercise sub"ect to availability of vacancies in JM4,<I.
In respect of each promotion year, the 8y. Managing 8irector 0 #orporate 8evelopment %fficer ould determine vacancies that may arise in JM4,<I to be filled up by promotions from clerical cadre or by direct recruitment during the year. In case the vacancies are determined on ad<hoc basis to facilitate commencement of promotion process it shall be finalised before declaration of results. 5ersonnel Management 8epartment ould place recommendations in this regard keeping in vie the staff indents 0 Manpo er plans, the business 0 productivity parameters, business targets for the ensuing year, retirements, banks re:uirements and other relevant factors. %ut of the JM4,<I vacancies identified for the year, vacancies to be filled up through direct recruitment 0 by ay of promotion through Trainee %fficers channel, hich is based on all India merit, ould be determined. In respect of promotions under channels other than Trainee %fficer channel, the distribution of vacancies thus identified for filling up through promotions to JM4,<I under the three channels ould be as underL Cast Track channel 7ormal #hannel ,eniority channel '*I ==I (=I
D2/- :9 E,151=1,1/A&
The date of eligibility ill normally be the date of commencement of the promotion year. The 8y. Managing 8irector and #8% ill have the authority to change the date of eligibility in e/ceptional circumstances and as per the needs of the -ank.
E,151=1,1/A C01/-012&
Cor promotion to JM4,<I under Cast Track and 7ormal #hannels, clerical cadre employees other than Record .eepers, Record .eepers<cum<cashiers, 4odo n keepers 0 -ill collectors, ho satisfy the various eligibility criteria set out belo ould be eligible. &lso given belo are eligibility criteria for promotion to JM4,<I under ,eniority #hannel.
S-31:01/A C;233-, %nly those employees, other than Record .eepers, Record .eepers<cum<#ashiers, 4odo n .eepers and -ill #ollectors, ho have e/hausted their chances up to normal channel or have crossed the age of ;=/=* years 2for general 0 ,#/,T candidates respectively as the case may be3, and ho satisfy the other prescribed eligibility criteria ill be eligible for consideration.
N6<=-0 :9 C;23.-8&
The employees having e/hausted the under noted number of chances consideration for promotionL Cast Track 7ormal #hannel ,eniority < < < ; = ' ill not be eligible for
If an eligible employee does not appear for the ritten test under Cast Track or 7ormal #hannel, he ill not be deemed to have e/hausted a chance. -ut if after having appeared in the ritten test, an employee absents himself from the intervie , he ill be treated as having e/hausted a chance. In case of ,eniority channel, if an eligible employee does not appear in the he ould not be deemed to have e/hausted a chance. intervie ,
The e/isting debarment policy ill be applicable for all promotions. The employees debarred for promotion as a result of disciplinary action 2contemplated/pending/ concluded3 ill not be considered for promotion until the period of rigour is over in terms of the e/tant guidelines.
W01//-3 /-8/&
Cor promotions under Cast Track 0 7ormal #hannel eligible employees ould have to participate in a ritten test. The :ualifying marks for the ritten test under the various channels ould be as belo L P0:<:/1:3 C;233-, Cast Track 7ormal G-3-02, C237172/-8 >* I == I SC$ST C237172/-8 == I =* I
There ill be separate tests for promotions under Cast Track 0 7ormal #hannels. Ho ever, these tests ill be through a common test paper administered at all the centres on a common
date and time. c3 d3 The preparation of :uestion paper and evaluation of ans er books may be arranged by the bank internally or through an outside agency like I-5, etc. ho have e/perience in this area. In order to enable employees to improve their performance, marks secured in the ill be advised to the candidates. ritten test
M:3- :9 S-,-./1:3&
n respect of promotions under Cast track and 7ormal channels, the scores obtained by all employees ho score e:ual to or more than the :ualifying marks in the ritten test ould be placed in descending order and number of candidates e:ual to t o times the number of vacancy for the respective channel ould be short listed for the intervie . The merit list for promotions under Cast Track 0 7ormal #hannels ill be based on #ircle merit. In case more than one employee secures the marks e:uivalent to cut off mark, all such employees ill enter the Hone of ,election even if the number e/ceeds the stipulated ) times. In terms of the 4overnment 4uidelines, reservations for ,#/,T are applicable for promotions to JM4,<I. This aspect ould re:uire to be appropriately addressed at the time of dra ing of the Hone of ,election as also hile finalising the ,elect list. The procedure to be adopted in this regard is detailed in &nne/ure B =8.
%.2. .
The intervie s ill be conducted by a #ommittee appointed by the 5romoting/&ppointing &uthority. Multiple #ommittees for the purpose may be formed, if re:uired. The marks for the intervie and the minimum<:ualifying standard therein ould be as underL < M131<6< E62,19A135 <20?8 P0:<:/1:3 C;233-, M2G1<6< G-3-02, SC$ST M20?8 C237172/-8 C237172/-8 Cast Track 7ormal ,eniority (= (= >= '* I 2= marks3 )= I 2; marks3 )* I 2(' marks3 )= I 2; marks3 )* I 2' marks3 (= I 2(* marks3
P0:.-88 :9 S-,-./1:3&
Cor Cast Track and 7ormal #hannel promotions a final merit list based on composite score of 5erformance appraisal, ritten test and intervie taken in their assigned proportion, given belo , ill be dra n on the basis of marks a arded to all employees ho score e:ual to or more than the minimum :ualifying marks in the intervie L 5erformance &ppraisal !ritten Test Intervie < (=Y < +* < (=
Y Cor 5erformance &ppraisal, aggregate marks given in the preceding ' years annual reports divided by t o ill be taken. ,imilarly for promotions under seniority channel, a final merit list based on composite score of
5erformance appraisal, ,eniority, and intervie taken in their assigned proportion, given belo , ill be dra n on the basis of marks a arded to all employees ho score e:ual to or more than the minimum :ualifying marks in the intervie L 5erformance &ppraisal ,eniority Intervie < (=Y < )*O < >=
O ( mark for each completed year of service sub"ect to a ma/imum of )* Y Cor 5erformance &ppraisal, aggregate marks given in the preceding ' years annual reports divided by t o ill be taken. In case more than one employee secures marks e:uivalent to cut off mark, all such employees should be taken to the final select list. These additional promotions should be ad"usted from the ne/t year1s vacancies.
%.2.1!. G-3-02,&
8uring a promotion year, a candidate may concurrently participate under the various channels for promotion as JM4,<I viz. Trainee %fficer, Cast Track and 7ormal #hannel for hich he fulfils the eligibility criteria prescribed. ,ome of such candidates may :ualify for promotion under more than one channel. Ho ever, they ill have to choose for promotion under a channel of their choice. Thus some vacancies may remain unfilled in the other channels not opted for by such candidate2s3. ,uch vacancies, if any, ill not be filled during the same promotion year. Ender Cast Track and 7ormal #hannel, the candidates test and intervie to :ualify for promotion. ill have to appear in both the ritten
#larification on the guidelines, if any, shall be given by the 8eputy Managing 8irector 0 #orporate 8evelopment %fficer in consultation ith #entral Human Resources #ommittee and his decision shall be final and binding on all concerned.
%.2.1%. P2//-03 :9 >01//-3 /-8/ 9:0 40:<:/1:3 90:< .,-01.2, 8/299 /: +MGS I
a3 The 9##- has in their meeting held on 8ecember ;th )**' approved a revised promotion policy for promotion from clerical cadre to JM4, I. In terms of this policy, eligible employees under the Cast Track and 7ormal #hannel are to take part in a ritten test, hich ould carry ma/imum marks of +*. The pattern of tests to be conducted under the Cast Track and 7ormal #hannel follo sL ill be as
Type of @uestions
5art 2&3 Multiple choice 2%b"ective3 5art 2-3 Rationale 5art 2#3 ,hort 7otes 5roblems Total 8uration
@uestions ?*
Marks ;*
(* (* (* +*
& areness in the field of -anking 2,-I specific 0 -anking environment3 and finance Rationale to largely focus on system 0 procedures and rules 0 regulations 8evelopments in other areas in the field of -anking/Cinance 5ractical 5roblems in 4eneral -anking
Type of @uestions 5art 2&3 Multiple choice 2%b"ective3 5art 2-3 ,ingle !ord/line Rationales 5art 2#3 ,hort 7otes Total 8uration
ould be ,-I
9:ual coverage for all areas ithout bias to ards any specific area. $atest products/schemes to be covered. Rationals to be largely focussed on ,ysytems and 5roceedures. ,hort notes may also cover banking related topics of general interest.
%.3. %.3.1.
4eneral remarks 8etailed instructions for compilation of annual reports for the purpose have been given in #hapter 7o. ' 5ara '.'.( of this Reference -ook. In order to even out any reporting biases etc., the average of marks obtained in the reports for three years immediately preceding the year of promotion ill be reckoned in the promotion e/ercise. Curther, as the performance of the employees ill be assessed from (GGG<)*** on ards under the ne performance &ppraisal ,ystem and the ne policy for out<of<cadre promotions is applicable for promotions due in the year (GG?<(GGG, it has become necessary to evolve a system to convert the ratings given to members of the orkman staff in the confidential reports for the year (GG=<(GG>, (GG><(GG+, (GG+<(GG? and (GG?<(GGG into marks to ensure smooth transition to the ne system of 5erformance &ppraisal. &ccordingly, the ratings a arded to staff members, ho :ualify for the intervie , in their confidential reports under the old system as on '(.'.(GG+, '(.'.(GG? and '(.'.(GGG ill be converted into marks as underL 9/cellent 4ood &verage -elo &verage 5oor !ork = ;.= ; ) ( #onduct = ;.= ; ) (
In case there is any adverse remark on any employee :ualifying for the intervie , under the old system as on '(.'.(GG>, '(.'.(GG+, '(.'.(GG? and/or '(.'.(GGG, and, hich has not been communicated to him in terms of the e/tant instructions, the ratings in such a report shall be taken as AaverageA and marks reckoned accordingly. The above instructions are applicable for the confidential reports as on '(.'.(GG>, '(.'.(GG+, '(.'.(GG? and '(.'.(GGG only. ritten under the old system
%.3.!. %.!.
Corms to be signed at the time of appointment/promotionL 9very employee found suitable for appointment as Trainee %fficer under noted formsL ill be re:uired to fill up
(. ). '.
8eclaration of Cidelity and ,ecrecy 2&nne/ure<=&3 $etter of Endertaking 2&nne/ure<=-3 8eclaration to be bound by the ,tate -ank of India %fficers ,ervice Rules 2Corm < &3 2&nne/ure<=#3 NNNNN
I do hereby declare that I ill faithfully, truly and to the best of my skill and ability e/ecute and perform
the duties re:uired of me as 8irector, member of $ocal -oard, member of $ocal committee, auditor, adviser, officer, or other employee as the case may be, of the ,tate -ank and hich properly relate to the %ffice or position in the said -ank held by me. I further declare that I ill not communicate or allo to be communicated to any person not legally entitled thereto any information relating to the affairs of the ,tate -ank or the affairs of any person having any dealing ith the ,tate -ank, nor ill I allo any such person to inspect or have access to any books or documents belonging to or in the possession of the ,tate -ank and relating to the business of the ,tate -ank or the business of any person having any dealing ith the ,tate -ank. ,T&T9 -&7. %C I78I& UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 8&T9 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ,I47&TER9 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 7&M9 I7 CE$$ UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 89,I47&TI%7 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
The #hief 4eneral Manager, ,tate -ank of India, QQQQQQ $H%.
8ear ,ir, I hereby undertake that I shall "oin the services of the ,tate -ank of India as officer JM4 ,cale I and shall continue to serve the -ank. I shall not be entitled to apply for or to accept the offer of any other appointment or appointments, hile I am in service of the -ank, ithout the kno ledge and permission in riting of the ,tate -ank of India hich permission may be ithheld ithout assigning any reason. 5$	 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 8&T9 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ,I47&TER9 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 7&M9 I7 CE$$ UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
C%RM &
I hereby declare that I have received from the -ank a copy of the ,tate -ank of India %fficers ,ervices Rules and having read and understood them, I hereby subscribe and agree to be bound by the said Rules.
The reservation/rela/ation/concessions available to ,#/,T employee etc. for out of cadre promotion in terms of 4overnment/I-& guidelines as applicable form time to time are to be complied ith in these promotions. &s per e/tant instructions in this regard, there is a reservation of (=I for ,#s and +Z I for ,Ts in promotions to JM4,<I. In respect of reservations in promotions, Ministry of Cinance vide their letter 7o. (/(G/)**)<,#T 2-3 dated the )Gth July )**) advised that the ,#/,T candidates appointed on promotion on their o n merit and not o ing to rela/ation of :ualification ill not be ad"usted against the reserved points of the reservation roster. They are to be ad"usted against unreserved points. The follo ing rela/ations are available to ,#/,T candidates in the promotions from clerical to JM4,<I under various channels as detailed in the relevant paragraphs in the policyL Rela/ation in upper age limit Rela/ation in minimum :ualifying standard In ritten test In intervie &ccordingly, the follo ing procedure is to be adopted in respect of the reservations for ,#/,T in the promotions to JM4,<I under various channelsL
F:0 SC * ST
Cor the reserved vacancies, separate lists 2for ,# 0 ,T3 ould be prepared in the descending order of the composite score, i.e. the aggregate of the !ritten test score, 5erformance score and the Intervie ,core taken in the assigned proportion, in respect of all ,#/,T candidates ho secure e:ual to or more than the minimum score prescribed for intervie under the respective channel for such candidates, after e/cluding those hose name find a place in the select list for unreserved vacancies 2as above3. The candidates e:ual to the number of vacancies reserved for ,# 0 ,T respectively taken from the top of the t o lists ould be placed in the select lists against the vacancies reserved for ,# 0 ,T respectively. If more than one candidate secures more than marks e:uivalent to cut<off marks all such candidates ould be promoted.
-anking, 9nglish $anguage 0 4eneral & areness. 2ii3 The employees, ho secure minimum pass marks 2;*I3 in ritten test on 4eneral -anking, 9nglish $anguage and 4eneral & areness, ill be imparted basic training in -ank Master/#ore -anking/any other -anking soft are. &fter the training in -ank Master/ #ore -anking/any other -anking soft are, the eligible members of subordinate staff ill be sub"ected to ritten test on #omputer &pplication 0 & areness and on basic kno ledge of orking on -ank Master /#ore -anking/any other -anking soft are follo ed by intervie . There ill be follo ing channels for promotion from subordinate cadre to clerical cadreL<
L-35/; :9 8-0@1.-& = years permanent full time service 2including pro rata part <time service, service ill not be counted3 temporary
b3 5assing of a #ourse in computer a areness and computer application from an institute recognized by the -ank :0 having attended a training programme on computer a areness and application at a ,taffTraining #entre/ ,atellite #entre. 2This training ill be imparted to employees, hosecure minimum pass marks 2;*I3 in ritten test on 4eneral -anking, 9nglish $anguage 0 4eneral & areness3 1@) A5-& ;= years and belo the policy3 @) S-,-./1:3 P0:.-88 & !ritten test 24eneral -anking, 9nglish $anguage 0 4eneral & areness3 #omputer &ptitude Test Including L basic kno ledge of -ank Master/ #ore banking/any other banking soft are &dditional @ualification 2viz. 4raduation #&II- part I etc.3 2Epto =* years for the first t o promotion years after implementation of
5erformance appraisal L
(* marks 2= marks each for 4raduation and J&II-/#&II- I/#&IIII etc.Ma/imum (* marks3 (* marks
5osting ill be made preferably in rural/semi<urban/urban areas depending upon the attitude and disposition of the employee.
L-35/; :9 8-0@1.- L ? years full time service 2including pro rata part <time service,temporary service counted3 M13. E62,191.2/1:3 L a. ?th class/standard 5ass.
ill not be
b. 5assing of a #ourse in computer a areness from an institute recognised by the -ank :0 having attended a training programme on computer a areness and application at a ,tate -ank $eraning centre/,atellite #entre. 2This training ill be imparted to employees, ho secure minimum pass marks 2;*I3 in ritten test on 4eneral -anking, 9nglish $anguage 0 4eneral & areness3 1@) A5-& =* years and belo the policy3 @) S-,-./1:3 P0:.-88 & !ritten test 24eneral -anking, 9nglish $anguage 0 L 4eneral & areness3 #omputer &ptitude Test Including L basic kno ledge of -ank Master/ #ore -anking/any other banking soft are &dditional @ualification 2viz. Matriculation/ L High ,chool, #&II- part I etc.3 2Epto == years in the first t o promotion years after implementation of M2G1<6< M20?8 ;* marks '* marks
(* marks 2= marks each for Matriculation and J&II-/#&II- I/#&II- II/ graduation <Ma/imum (* marks3 (* marks
5erformance appraisal L
&s per the -ank1s re:uirements, preferably at rural/semi urban/urban -ranches in the module concerned as cashiers. If sufficient vacancies are not available in the same module, posting ill be made in rural/semi<urban/urban areas in other modules in the #ircle.
6.1.3 6.2
2i3 2ii3 2iii3
O4-02/135 138/06./1:38$5617-,13-8
The vacancies for promotion under the policy #orporate centre. ill be determined ith the approval of ill be held at
The ritten tests in general banking, 9nglish language and general a areness #ircle level on a common date to be advised by #orporate #entre.
The ritten test on computer application 0 a areness and on basic kno ledge of orking on -ankmaster/#ore banking/any other banking soft are ill be held on a common date to be advised by #orporate #entre.The :uestion paper for the test ill be designed and supplied to the #ircles by the #orporate #entre. Human Resource 8epartment at $ocal Head %ffices shall call for names of eligible employees from all branches/offices located in the geographical area of #ircle, prepare lists of eligible employees, allot roll numbers and make other arrangements for conducting tests and intervie s. The content and duration of training programme for training to be imparted to employees securing minimum pass marks in ritten test ill be finalised and advised separately. 8y. 4eneral Manager and #ircle 8evelopment %fficer subordinate staff employees promoted under the policy. ill be the promoting authority for
&ll employees on promotion ill be sub"ected to change of posting as per instructions for placement of employees under Merit #hannel and 7ormal #hannel stated under paragraph ( and ) above. The promotions ill be effective from a common date from the date of declaration of the final result. The employees promoted through normal channel ill be designated as #ashiers and their services ill be used as cashiers or for back<office operations as per the re:uirement of the branch. They ill be posted at rural or semi<urban centres or in large branches at urban centres as per the need of the -ank. 7o special pay/officiating allo ance ill be payable to these employees. The subordinate staff promoted to clerical cadre under merit channel ill be posted at rural or semi<urban centres or in large branches at urban centres as per the need of the bank. They
ill perform all the duties hich have been laid do n for them by the bank. 7o special pay/officiating allo ance ill be payable to them e/cept hen due under #areer 5rogression 5olicy. Ho ever , if due to e/treme administrative e/igencies, these employees are re:uired to e/ercise passing po ers e:uivalent to ,enior &ssistants, they ill be eligible for officiating pay2presently Rs. (?**/<p.m.3 S#IR8%/HR/()(/)**><*+ 8ated 'rd March,)**+T 2/3 T;- 40:<:/1:3 :9 -<4,:A--8 637-0 /;- 4:,1.A >1,, 3:/ 0-86,/ 13 .0-2/1:3 :9 23A @2.23.A 13 86=:07132/- .270-. The shortage at any branch/office ill be met by deployment of staff from nearby branch/office.
E,151=1,1/A L< 2a3 ,tenographers on completion of () years service L 2i3 be offered higher appointment as ,enior &ssistants. The ,tenographers, ho accept the higher appointment ill be posted at branches here they ill e/ercise higher passing po ers and ill be eligible for a special pay of Rs.(,?**/< p.m. if a ,tenographer opts not to be considered for appointment as ,enior &ssistant, he/she may opt to become X,enior ,tenographer1 and he/she ill be entrusted additional duties of &ssistants and Head &ssistants at administrative offices 2viz. filing, taking out buffs, making notings on letters, drafting replies, follo <up ith the $H%s/other establishments, putting up the consolidated position to the higher officials, data collection, data compilation, analysis of data, sending reminders, entry of in ard mail, despatch, maintenance of leave record, maintaining other registers, files, folders, attending to visitors etc.3 and paid a special pay of Rs.(,=**/< p.m. They ill be redesignated as A,enior ,tenographersA.
2b3 ,tenographers on completion of )' years of service L 2i3 be offered higher appointment as ,pecial &ssistants. The ,tenographers, ho accept the higher appointment ill be posted at branches here they ill e/ercise higher passing po ers and ill be eligible for a special pay of Rs.),=**/< p.m.
& ,tenographer ho opts not to be considered for appointment as ,pecial &ssistant, may opt to become X,pecial ,tenographer1 and he/she may continue to perform the additional duties listed under 2a3 2ii3 above and be paid a special pay of Rs.),***/< p.m.. They ill be redesignated as A,pecial ,tenographersA.
%n completion of () years of service as Record .eeper<cum<#ashiers ill be redesignated as A,enior Record .eeper<cum<#ashiers/Record .eepers/#ashiersA and ill be paid ,pecial 5ay of Rs.=**/< p.m. ith enlargement of duties. In addition to their duties, their services can be utilised for marketing of products, recoveries, deposit mobilisation, cross selling, en:uiry counter, despatch, receipt of in ard dak, 4rahak Mitras, member of out ard sales force, Multiple 5roduct ,ales Corce, R#, ,M9##, #&#, #55# and other initiatives. %n completion of )' years of service in the cadre they ill be redesignated as ,pecial Record .eeper<cum<#ashiers/Record .eepers/#ashiers and may continue to perform the additional duties listed under 2i3 above and ill be paid special pay of Rs.+**/< p..m.
2i3 The branch< ise/office< ise list of all eligible stenographers ho have completed () years of service as stenographers on or before (st &ugust )**;, (st &ugust )**= and (st &ugust )**> ill be prepared for appointment as ,enior &ssistant or ,enior ,tenographers. The names ill be listed in descending orders of service seniority. 2ii3 ,imilarly, branch< ise/office< ise list of all stenographers ho have completed )' years of service on or before (st &ugust )**;, (st &ugust )**= and (st &ugust )**> and ho have not opted for appointment as ,pecial &ssistant and are opting to become ,pecial ,tenographers ill be prepared in descending order of service seniority. The branch< ise/office< ise list of all eligible Record .eeper<cum< #ashiers ho have completed () years of service as stenographers on or before (st &ugust )**;, (st &ugust )**= and (st &ugust )**> ill be prepared for appointment as ,enior Record .eeper<cum< #ashiers. The names ill be listed in descending orders of service seniority. ,imilarly, branch< ise/office< ise list of all Record .eeper<cum<#ashiers ho have completed )' years of service on or before (st &ugust )**;, (st &ugust )**= and (st &ugust )**> and are opting to become ,pecial Record .eeper<cum<#ashiers ill be prepared in descending order of service seniority. The above lists ill be for arded to Honal %ffice and 8y. 4eneral Managers of concerned module ill consolidate the list of all branches/offices and ill prepare a common service seniority list in descending order of employees service seniority. The branches/ offices/Mid< corporate/#&4/,&M4 branches/$H% or #orporate #entre establishments etc. falling in the geographical area of zone ill be treated as part of zone. The stenographers ho have opted for higher appointment as ,enior &ssistant ill be given higher appointment and be posted at the branches here they ill e/ercise higher passing po ers. The stenographers ho have opted to become ,enior ,tenographers on completion of () years of service and ,pecial ,tenographers on completion of )' years of service may be given higher appointment and their services may be utilised as per the re:uirement of the -ank at the administrative offices/branches. The services of Record .eeper<cum<#ashier should be utilised as per the re:uirement of the
-ank and priority should be given to branches in semiurban and rural areas for providing their services. 2i/3 The other guidelines viz. debarment policy, preparation of list, identification of posts, checking and scrutiny, issue of transfer orders, posting along ith mobility ill be follo ed in terms of circular letter 7o.#8%/IR/,5$/'(? dated (;th %ctober )**'. &s regards redeployment/transfer of office<bearers of recognised ,taff Cederation/ #ircle ,taff Enion ill be in terms of #orporate #entre letter 7o. #8%/IR/,5$/;>=/)**><*+ dated ?th Cebruary )**+.25lease refer chapter )* of the book3. In case of any problems/difficulties in implementation of the above instructions, the clarifications ill be given by the #orporate #entre and $H% should not make any modification/deviation at their end ithout the approval of #orporate #entre. 2/ii3 The detail have been given under #hapter )(.
(.2 (.2.1
2) 2i3 ii 3
F:0 D01@-08 &- A44:13/<-3/ :9 S-31:0 D01@-08 * S-31:0 H-27 D01@-08 %n completion of (= years of service in the cadre, the drivers A,enior 8riversA and ill be paid special pay of Rs.(,;**/< p.m. ill be redesignated as
%n completion of )' years of service in the cadre, the driver ill be redesignated as A,enior Head 8riversA and ill be ill be paid special pay of Rs.(,;=*/< p.m. 2increased from Rs. (;)*/<3 F:0 E,-./01.1238, S231/20A F1//-08, A.C.$S.T. P,23/ A//-3723/8
2i3 %n completion of (= years of service in the cadre, the 9lectrician, ,anitary Citter, &.#. 5lant &ttendant, ,.T. 5lant &ttendant ill be redesignated as A,enior 9lectrician, ,enior ,anitary Citter, ,enior &.#. 5lant &ttendant, ,enior ,.T. 5lant &ttendantA and ill be paid special pay of Rs.(,'**/< p.m. 2d3 %n completion of )' years of service in the cadre, the 9lectrician, ,anitary Citter, &.#. 5lant &ttendants, ,.T. 5lant &ttendants ill be redesignated as A,enior Head 9lectrician, ,enior Head ,anitary Citter, ,enior Head &.#. 5lant &ttendant, ,enior Head ,.T. 5lant &ttendantA and ill be paid special pay of Rs.(,'=*/< p.m.
2iii3 Instructions regarding enlargement of duties of ,anitary Citter, &.#. 5lant &ttendants, ,.T. 5lant &ttendants and ,enior ,anitary Citter, ,enior &. #. 5lant &ttendants and ,enior ,. T. 5lant &ttendants ill be advised separately.
O4-02/1:32, G617-,13-8
The list of all eligible 8rivers, 9lectricians, ,anitary Citter, &.#./,.T. 5lant &ttendants ho have completed (= years of service on or before ( st &ugust )**;, (st &ugust )**= and (st &ugust )**> ill be prepared for appointment as ,enior 8rivers, ,enior 9lectricians, ,enior ,anitary Citter, ,enior &.#./,.T. 5lant &ttendants. The names ill be listed in descending orders of service seniority. ,imilarly, list of all 8rivers, 9lectricians, ,anitary Citter, &.#./,.T. 5lant &ttendants ho have completed )' years of service on or before ( st &ugust )**;, (st &ugust )**= and (st &ugust )**> ill be prepared in descending order of service seniority. The above lists ill be for arded to Honal %ffice and 8y. 4eneral Managers of concerned module, ho ill consolidate the list of all branches/offices and ill prepare a common service
seniority list in descending order of employees service seniority. The branches/offices/Mid< corporate/#&4/,&M4 branches/$H% or #orporate #entre establishments etc. falling in the geographical area of zone ill be treated as part of zone. 2iv3 In case of any problems/difficulties in implementation of the above instructions, the clarifications ill be given by the #orporate #entre and $H% should not make any modification/deviation at their end ithout the approval of #orporate #entre. The duties and responsibilities of ,tenographers and Record .eeper<cum #ashiers on higher appointments are given in #hapter )(.
In modification of the provisions contained in &nne/ure<( to the ,ettlement dated ((th May )*** on service conditions, the rates of special pay payable to orkmen employees stand revised as under from the (st 7ovember )**) and thereafter is given in &nne/ure (*.( and (*.) under #hapter (*.
& non<matriculate "oining the -ank in the subordinate cadre in maintenance section ill continue to hold the present designation of 5lumber/5ump &ttendant/Citter etc., as the case may be, as hitherto. Ho ever, 9lectrical Helper and Telephone Helper ill be redesignated as K9lectrical $inemanK and Telecom $ineman respectively. %n completion of ? years of confirmed service in the -ank, if he ac:uires/possesses an 9lectrical !iremanKs #ertificate or 5!8 $icence 2IInd #lass3 or a certificate from the 8%T/ITI or from any other institute, in his trade, run/recognised by the 4overnment, he may be redesignated as 5lant Technician 2sanitary, electrical, &# etc3. Telecom Technician, as the case may be, and paid a special allo ance of Rs.==> p.m 2Rs.?(>/<3O In case a 5lant Technician/Telecom Technician passes an e/amination, in his trade, conducted by the ,tate -oard of Technical 9ducation/ITI/8%T or undergoes training relevant to his ork at an institute run/recognised by the 4overnment, resulting in enhancing his skill and "ob kno ledge, he ill be sub"ected to an intervie ith a vie to testing his competence and on :ualifying therein, placed in clerical cadre and designated as K5lant &ssistantK/Telecom &ssistantK as the case may be. This e/ercise shall be done once in a year as in the case of other promotions from subordinate to clerical cadre. The Technical/,pecialist staff in clerical cadre such as &.# 5lant operators/#ontrol Room %perators/5harmacists/7urses/&rmourers etc. ill, on completion of (* yearsK service, be redesignated as ,enior 5lant &ssistants/,enior #ontrol Room &ssistants/,enior 5harmacists/,enior 7urses/,enior &rmourers etc. and paid a special allo ance of Rs.;?>/< p.m 2Rs.+=*/<p.m3O on completion of )= years of service in the cadre, they ill be paid a special allo ance of Rs. +?>/< 2revised Rs. ()('/<3O 7%T9 L The above provisions are not applicable to Telephone %perators. The instructions ith the regard to payment of special allo ance are effective from ;th
7ovember, (GG+ and not retrospectively. 2OR96I,98 &, 59R ,9697TH -I5&RTIT9 ,9TT$9M97T.3 v3 CDO:IR:31 DTD.4.11.1997 ,pecial pay to !ard -oys L< ,pecial pay of Rs.'+(/< p.m. to !ard -oys may be paid on completion of ? years of confirmed service provided they have ac:uired/possess Cirst &id #ertificate of ,t. JohnKs &mbulance &ssociation .e.f. (.?.)**' 2#8%/IR/,5$/)+' dated (G.G.)**'3. Hindi Translators ill be appointed as ,enior Hindi Translators on completion of (* years of service and ill be paid special pay of Rs.+=*/< p.m. and on completion of )' years of service they ill be appointed as special Hindi Translators and paid special pay of Rs.()('/< p.m. .e.f. (.?.)**' 2#8%/IR/,5$/)>G dated (>.G.)**'3.
&s far as other positions carrying a special allo ance of less than Rs.;?>/< in the clerical cadre and less than Rs.'*+/< in the subordinate cadre are concerned, it has been decided ith the approval of the appropriate authority that these positions, other than those covered by the ,ettlement dated ().*;.(GGG, ill, henceforth, be sanctioned by &uthorities as under, strictly on the basis of assessed need L
(. ). '. ;. =. >. +.
9stablishment -ranches Honal %ffices $ocal Head %ffice 8epartments in ,tate -ank -ha an 8epartments in #-8, -elapur #orporate &ccounts 4roup %ther #orporate #entre / 8epartments outside ,tate -ank -ha an / #-8 -elapur
,anctioning &uthority #ontroller of the -ranch 84M at the Honal %ffice #ircle 8evelopment %fficer 4eneral Manager 2#orporate ,ervices3 4eneral Manager 2&-0R3 #4M 2#&4<#entral3 #ontroller of 9stablishment / 8epartment 2not belo the rank of 84M3
In this connection, please note that sanction of ne /additional positions carrying special allo ance ill not result in creation of vacancies in the substantive cadre. It should, therefore, be ensured that such sanction is accorded ithin the present strength of staff in the respective category in the office. Cor instance, creation of the post of a 8uftary at an office ill be ithin the overall strength of messengers. ,imilarly, sanction of the post of &sstt. Head #ashier at a -ranch ill be ithin the overall strength of &ssistants 2&ccounts/#ash3 in that -ranch. &lso, the person appointed to the special allo ance carrying position shall also perform his/her respective substantive cadre duties, as per administrative re:uirements. #8%LIRL>>*' 8T8.(;.'.)***
& specimen of the appointment letter to be issued 2in duplicate3 to employees appointed to higher positions ithin<the<cadre is given at &nne/ure ;.), #hapter<;. &ll higher appointments in the subordinate cadre should be made on a probation of si/ months after obtaining the approval of the concerned #ontrolling &uthority. The concerned employees should be confirmed in the post on the same lines as in the case of higher appointments in the clerical cadres. 7-4LIRL+;+( 8T8.().'.(GGG
7ote L 7eedless to mention that no officiating arrangement should be made at administrative offices. #8%LIRL#IRL? 8T8L>.=.(GGG, #8%LIRL(=+G 8T8L(?.>.(GGG
&cting chances in Junior Management 4rade ,cale I 2#ash %fficers3 ill be given to employees in clerical cadre on the basis of combined -ranch seniority of all employees at the -ranch, provided that the employees are other ise suitable for the post. 7ormally, the seniormost employee ho has completed at least three yearsK service should be permitted to act in higher capacity. &n employee permitted to officiate in higher capacity as stipulated in paragraph ?.(.( above should actually perform the duties attached to the post and no employee should be permitted to en"oy A,leeping 5o ersA i.e., payment of allo ance ithout actually performing the duties attached to the post for hich the allo ance is paid. !ido s of deceased employees possessing :ualification of ?th class pass appointed in clerical cadre on compassionate grounds in terms of earlier instructions, ill have no claim for officiating. ,imilarly, employees ho have been promoted under ? year channel as Record
keepers/godo nkeepers/bill collectors/cashiers/recordkeeper<cum<cashiers are ineligible for officiating both ithin and out<of<cadre. v3 vi3 &n employee ho has been reverted to the clerical cadre, at his re:uest, or has declined promotion to Junior Management 4rade ill not be eligible to officiate in the officerKs cadre. 9mployees ho are ineligible for promotion under merit/merit<cum<seniority and seniority channels for having crossed the relevant age criteria are ineligible for officiating after crossing the stipulated age limit, viz. =* years for 4eneral #ategory and == years for ,#/,T categories. In case an employee comes late to office and by that time acting chances had been afforded, the employee ho comes late ill not be considered for acting chances. %fficiating/acting arrangement, being temporary in nature, should be treated on a day<to<day basis and officiating/acting allo ance should not be paid for the intervening ,unday/holiday. Ho ever, here officiating arrangements are made for a specifically long period, say a fortnight/month etc., such allo ance may be paid for the intervening holidays also. There is no provision to permit messengers to officiate as cashiers.
vii3 viii3
&n employee could be debarred from promotion under t o circumstances i.e. disciplinary proceedings are in progress and after punishment is a arded to him. hen
i3 ii3
I3 .28-8, >;-0- /;- 46318;<-3/ ;28 =--3 2>207-7, /;- 4:,1.A >1,, =- 28 637-0 &There shall be no bar on eligibility for promotion here an employee has been censured or here an adverse remark has been entered in his service record. !here an employee is reverted as a measure of automatically eligible for promotion again < if it involves e/piry of the debarment period of ' years. -ut each individual merits. The #ircle management may revie arned or
disciplinary action, he ill not be an out<of<cadre promotion < upon the such case ill be considered on its such cases taking into account the
gravity of his past misconduct and his subse:uent ork and conduct. He may, ho ever, be considered for higher appointments ithin the cadre after one year of reversion. iii3 !here increment2s3 of an employee has/have been stopped as a measure of disciplinary action, he shall not be eligible for promotion till the period covered by such stoppage of increment2s3 e/pires not ithstanding hether the ' year period passes in the meantime. ,uch an employee ill not, ho ever, be ineligible for a promotion ithin his cadre involving an allo ance carrying post during the period the stoppage of increment operates. !here an employee has been charge<sheeted or disciplinary action is contemplated against him for minor misconduct, he may be permitted provisionally to appear in the ritten test, intervie etc. for promotion to higher cadre, sub"ect to his being eligible other ise. & case of this nature ill be dealt ith as under L If the employee is completely e/onerated on the conclusion of disciplinary proceedings and it is found that he as successful in the test/intervie , he ill be promoted ith retrospective effect along ith other employees. &n employee ho has been arned/censured on conclusion of disciplinary proceedings and is found suitable for promotion on the basis of test/intervie , ill be promoted ith effect from a future date. The effect of punishment to such an employee ould thus be loss of seniority vis<a<vis others, ho appeared for the same test and got promoted earlier. &ccordingly, the employee may be promoted ith the batch promoted subse:uent to the a ard of punishment to him, ithout having to appear again in a promotion test. In case of any other punishment imposed after conclusion of disciplinary proceedings, the result of the promotion test ill be cancelled. The employee ill have to appear afresh in the test after the debarment period is over. Ho ever, appearance in the test, the result of hich is not declared, ill not be counted as a chance availed of. 7ote L &n employee that capacity. ho is debarred from promotion is also debarred from officiating in
9mployees punished by the Indian Institute of -ankers for resorting to unfair means at their e/amination ill be given an administrative arning hich ould be noted in their service record and such employees ill not be considered for promotion to higher cadre for one year, if they are already eligible or for one year from the time they become eligible for such promotion. The Managing #ommittee of the Indian -anksK &ssociation considered the matter in the light of the observations made by the 4overnor, Reserve -ank of India. It as decided that herever unfair practices resorted to in the II- 9/amination ere proved, the disciplinary authority should normally a ard deterrent punishment as provided in the -ipartite ,ettlement. The report received from the Indian Institute of -ankers should be given due cognisance and appropriate action for gross misconduct should be initiated and completed e/peditiously. & feedback of the action taken by the bank should also be given regularly to the Indian Institute of -ankers. 7ote L %ne year period should be reckoned from the date the employee becomes eligible for promotion or from the date of a arding a punishment to him by the Indian Institute of -ankers, hichever is later.
2i3 They may be provided one opportunity for promotion to JM4, I, immediately in the ensuing promotion, if any, in hand, sub"ect to the other eligibility criteria for promotion being fulfilled. 2ii3 If after availing of the opportunity as above, they again refuse promotion and re:uest for reversion to the substantive cadre for the second time, they ould be given one more opportunity after the e/piry of debarment period of ' years 2during this period they ill be debarred from out<of< cadre officiating as ell3 from the date of reversion, after such refusal, sub"ect to the other eligibility criteria for promotion being fulfilled. 2iii3 If after availing of the second chance, they again refuse the promotion and re:uest for reversion to the substantive cadre, they ill stand permanently debarred from further out<of<cadre promotion and out<of<cadre officiating opportunity. 2iv3 ,uch employees ho are given additional opportunities for promotion after reversion ill not, ho ever, be eligible for out<of<cadre officiating and the additional opportunities are given only for appearing in the out<of<cadre promotion e/ercise. 2#8%/IR/,5$/+G 8t. (;.*=.)**)3
C,20191.2/1:38 &
(3 In respect of para ?.).(2i3, normally the ' year period of debarment should commence from the date of charge<sheet. Ho ever, in some cases, issuance of charge<sheet is at times not possible o ing to the -ank desiring to investigate the matter fully before a charge<sheet is framed. It is :uite possible that an employee, hose alleged misconduct is being investigated, may become eligible for promotion in the meantime. Ender such circumstances, it may become necessary to advise the employee that disciplinary action is contemplated against him. He may not, therefore, be considered eligible for promotion. It should, of course, be ensured in the interest of the -ank as ell as that of the employee, that the investigation is e/peditiously completed and charge<sheet issued as early as possible. &s stated in paragraph ?.).)2i3 of the policy, there shall be no bar on eligibility for promotion here an employee has been arned or censured or here an adverse remark has been entered in his service record. The Intervie #ommittee, ho ever, should take this factor into account before deciding upon the employeeKs suitability or other ise for promotion. !here an employee has been charge<sheeted or the disciplinary action is contemplated against him for a minor misconduct, he may be permitted provisionally to appear in the test, intervie , etc. for promotion to higher cadre sub"ect to his being eligible other ise. -ut the result of such employee should be ithheld until such time as the case is decided. In case, the employee is punished, he ill not be promoted. Ho ever, in such a case the result should not be declared and the employee could be considered for promotion on the basis of his performance in the test/intervie as underL < If the employee is completely e/onerated on the conclusion of the disciplinary proceedings and it is found that he as successful in the test/intervie , he ould be promoted ith retrospective effect along ith other employees. In terms of the 8ebarment 5olicy arning/censure is not treated as a bar to eligibility for promotion. There is, therefore, a case for considering those employees for promotion ho are arned/censured on the conclusion of disciplinary proceedings, and ho are found suitable for promotion at the test/intervie , from a future date. The fact of the disciplinary proceedings contemplated/pending against an employee and of the arning/censure if the punishment has been a arded before the intervie , is kno n to the Intervie #ommittee and if, despite this the employee is found suitable for promotion, it ould be appropriate not to cancel his result and consider him for promotion from a future date. The punishment to such an employee ould thus be the loss of seniority vis<a<vis others, ho appeared at the same test and got promoted earlier. &ccordingly, such employees may be promoted ith the batch promoted subse:uent to the a ard of punishment to them ithout having to appear again in a promotion test.
In the case of any other punishment, the result of the promotion test should be cancelled. The employees in all such cases ould have to appear afresh in the test after the debarment period is over. Ho ever, their appearance, in the test, the result of hich is not declared, ould not be counted as chance availed. In this connection, in all the cases, here employees are provisionally permitted to appear in the test etc. they should be advised clearly in the initial stage itself that their promotion, in the event of their being successful in test, intervie , etc., ould depend on the outcome of disciplinary proceedings against them and that their appearance in the test, etc., is only provisional.
It should be specifically stated in the letter that a disciplinary action is being contemplated against the employee concerned. The need for such a letter ill arise only hen some delay in issuing the charge<sheet is unavoidable and mean hile some promotional e/amination is due.
E6-0A & 2
5aragraph ?.).)2ii3 of the guidelines states that the employees concerned may be considered for higher appointments ithin the cadre after one year of reversion. ,imilarly, paragraph ?.).)2iii3 provides that the employees concerned ill not be ineligible for a promotion ithin his cadre involving an allo ance carrying post during the period the stoppage of increment operates. ,hould it be taken to mean that in such cases, the employee ill not be given officiating po ers in place of officers in JM4,<I but may be given the relief po ers of ,enior &ssistant, #ashier<in<charge etc. and in the case of subordinate staff, those of Jamadar, 8uftary, etc.
Reversion from a particular cadre/post indicates that an employee is not considered suitable to continue in his e/isting position. Thus, if a JM4,<I is reverted as an &ssistant, hile he may be considered for ,enior &ssistantKs post after one year of such reversion, he cannot be considered for promotion to JM4,<I automatically even after the e/piry of the debarment period of three years or one year of reversion. His case for promotion to a higher cadre could be revie ed only after the stipulated periods, taking into account the gravity of his past misconduct and his subse:uent ork and conduct. The same rule ill apply if a promoted clerk is reverted as a messenger. In the case of a ,enior &ssistant being reverted as an &ssistant or a 8uftary being reverted as a messenger, he ill also not be eligible for a promotion ithin his cadre, unless his case is revie ed in the same manner as stated above.
E6-0A & 3
5aragraph ?.).)2iii3 of the guidelines envisages that the employee shall not be eligible for promotion till the period covered by the stoppage of increment e/pires not ithstanding
hether the ' year period passes in the meantime. This means that the period of debarment can be more than ' years in cases here the disciplinary proceedings are delayed. Cor e/ample, employee K&K as charge<sheeted on G.(.(G+' for misconduct and as placed under suspension pending en:uiries. 8isciplinary proceedings ere finalised on )*.;.(G+> and ; of his increments due on '.().(G+;, '.().(G+=, '.().(G+> and '.().(G++ ere stopped. !e presume that not ithstanding ' yearsK period from the date of chargesheet elapsed on G.(.(G+>, employee [&K ill not be eligible for promotion before '.().(G+? i.e. till the rigour of punishment on account of stoppage of increments is complete. It is, ho ever, not clear hether here a case has been finalised before the e/piry of the said period of ' years from the date of chargesheet/advising contemplation of proceedings and the period covered by the stoppage of increment2s3 has also elapsed before the e/piry of the ' years period, the minimum debarment period ill still be ' years from the date of the chargesheet/advising contemplation of the proceedings. In such cases the employee should be eligible for promotion after he has served the period of punishment hether or not ' years period from the date of charge sheet/advising contemplation of proceedings has been completed. To give an e/ample, employee [-K as charge<sheeted on (.(.(G+=M disciplinary proceedings ere finalised on (.>.(G+= and t o increments due to [-K on (=.+.(G+= and (=.+.(G+> ere stopped. Thus [-K should be eligible for promotion on (=.+.(G++ hen he has run the rigour of punishment of stoppage of increments. In this connection the period of punishment should be counted in the case of stoppage of increment2s3 from the due date of the increment2s3 stopped and not from the date on hich the punishment is conveyed as ould be clear from e/amples [&K and [-K above. !hether this is in orderR
5resumption is in order if the period covered by stoppage of increment2s3 e/pire before the e/piry of the debarment period of three years, the employee should be considered for promotion after he has served the period of punishment, hether or not the three year period from the date of charge sheet/advising contemplation of proceedings has been completed. Ho ever, no employee ill be eligible for a promotion even ithin his cadre involving an allo ance carrying post until the disciplinary proceedings are completed.
E6-0A & !
&n employee against hom disciplinary proceedings are contemplated may be debarred from promotion for a period of ' years from the date he becomes eligible for promotion or the date on hich disciplinary proceedings are initiated against him, hichever is later. Ho ever, the follo ing points need consideration hen an employee becomes eligible for promotion and disciplinary proceedings are initiated against him after L i3 ii3 he appears for the ritten test but the result has not been declared or he is declared successful at the ritten test but the intervie not taken place or has
he is finally declared successful but the promotion has not been given effect to either because it is to be effected from a future date or because the employee has been aitlisted for promotion hen the vacancy arises.
In all these above situations the debarment of ' years should be made operative against him from the date of initiation of the disciplinary proceedings.
E99-./1@- 90:< 1.11.2''2
S6=:07132/- S/299 ;*>* < <<<< >+=* < <<< (*= < ) )+* < ' ;)+* < <<< ((= < ) ;=** < <<< ('= < ) ;++* < <<< (>= < ' =)>= < <<< (G= < ; >*;= < <<< )'=< '
+=>* <<<
C,-01.2, S/299 ;;(* < <<< ()>=*< <<< )(= < ' =*== < <<< ''= < ' (')(* <<< >*>* < <<< ;+* < ; +G;* < <<< =** < ' G;;* < <<< =>* < ; ((>?* < <<< G+*< (
=>*< (
.2.1 .2.2
Citment in the modified scales of pay shall be on a stage<to<stage basis. There shall be no change in the dates of annual increments because of the fitment. #ombined fitment chart for clerical and subordinate staff as on *(.((.)**) on account of ? th -ipartite ,ettlement is given at &nne/ure G.(.
K5ayK for the purpose of 8earness &llo ance, House Rent &llo ance and superannuation benefits shall mean -asic 5ay, ,tagnation Increments, ,pecial 5ay, 4raduation 5ay, 5rofessional @ualification 5ay and %fficiating 5ay, if any. N:/-&
a3 b3
The incremental component of Ci/ed 5ersonal 5ay shall rank for superannuation benefits. Cor a orkman ho as in service in &rea I as on '(st 8ecember (G>G, and entitled to receive ##&, only that part of ##& hich ould have been payable to him as per the terms and conditions applicable then, shall rank for 5rovident Cund to the e/tent of =*I sub"ect to a ma/imum of Rs.'%/< p.m.
In modification of the provisions contained in &nne/ure < ' to the ,ettlement dated ((th May )*** on ,ervice #onditions for !orkmen ,taff, Ci/ed 5ersonal 5ay 2C553 shall be payable, as under, ith effect from the (st 7ovember )**) to orkmen employees ho "oined the -ankKs service before *(.*(.(G?*. The employees, ho ere given one stage higher fitment as per the provisions of the -ipartite ,ettlement of Gth June (G?G and ho reach ma/imum in the scale hereafter ill be paid a Ci/ed 5ersonal 5ay as underL < CLERICAL STAFFL 2i3 %ne year after reaching ma/imum of the scaleL Rs.G=/< per month. 2ii3 T o years after reaching the ma/imumL Rs. (G*/< per month. 2iii3 Three years after reaching the ma/imum in the scale as underL < &rea of 5osting Increment component of C55 to be reckoned for superannuation benefits 2Rs.3 per month =>* =>* =>* =>* Revised C55 payable here accommodation is provided by the -ank 2Rs.3 per month ++; ++; ++; ++; Revised C55 payable here accommodation is not provided by the -ank 2Rs.3 per month ?)( ?(> ?(* ?*+
,pecial #entre &R9& < I &R9& < II &R9& < III SUBORDINATE STAFF&
2i3 %ne year after reaching ma/imum of the scaleL Rs.'*/< per month. 2ii3 T o years after reaching the ma/imum in the scale as underL &rea of 5osting Increment component of C55 to be reckoned for superannuation benefits 2Rs.3 per month )+* )+* )+* )+* Revised C55 payable here accommodation is provided by the -ank 2Rs.3 per month '() '() '() '() Revised C55 payable here accommodation is not provided by the -ank 2Rs.3 per month ''= '') ')G ')?
29<#IR#E$&R (;*/)**=<*> 8&T98 (>.*+.)**=3 In modification of the provisions contained &nne/ure B ' to the ,ettlement dated ((th May )*** on ,ervice #onditions for !orkmen ,taff, Ci/ed 5ersonal 5ay shall be payable, as under, ith effect from the (st 7ovember )**), to the orkmen employees ho "oined the -ankKs service on or after *(.*(.(G?*. The employees, ho ere given one stage higher fitment as per the provisions of -ipartite ,ettlement of Gth June (G?G/'*th January (GG= and ho reach ma/imum in the scale hereafter ill be paid a Ci/ed 5ersonal 5ay, as under, from *(.((.)**)L < CLERICAL STAFF&
&rea of 5osting
,pecial #entre &R9& < I &R9& < II &R9& < III SUBORDINATE STAFF &rea of 5osting
Increment component of C55 to be reckoned for superannuation benefits 2Rs.3 per month =>* =>* =>* =>*
Revised C55 payable here accommodation is provided by the -ank 2Rs.3 per month =?= =?= =?= =?=
Revised C55 payable here accommodation is not provided by the -ank 2Rs.3 per month >'= >'* >)= >)*
,pecial #entre &R9& < I &R9& < II &R9& < III 7oteL 2i3 2ii3 2iii3 2iv3
Increment component of C55 to be reckoned for superannuation benefits 2Rs.3 per month )+* )+* )+* )+*
Revised C55 payable here accommodation is provided by the -ank 2Rs.3 per month )?* )?* )?* )?*
Revised C55 payable here accommodation is not provided by the -ank 2Rs.3 per month '(* '*= '** )G=
,pecial #entre 5laces ith population of ;= lacs and above &R9&<I 5laces ith a population of () lacs and above but belo ;= lacs. &R9&<II 5laces ith a population of ) lacs and above but belo () lacs, ,tate #apitals and #apitals of Enion Territories. &R9&<III 5laces ith a population belo ) lacs.
In modification of provision contained in &nne/ure I to the settlement dated (=th May, (GG= on service conditions, personal pay payable to orkmen employees ho reached ma/imum in the scale of pay before the (st ,eptember, (G+?, stand revised as under ith effect from (st &pril, (GG?. The 5ersonal &llo #ash 8epartment immediately prior henceforth be kno ance of Rs.)>;/< p.m. hich as being paid to such of those #lerical and staff of the -ank, ho dre personal pay at the ma/imum of the scale to the (st ,eptember, (G+? has been increased to Rs.;*?/< p.m. and n as 5ersonal 5ay
The 5ersonal 5ay of Rs.G;/< p.m. and Rs.(+=/< p.m. hich as being paid to such of those employees in the ,ubordinate cadre, ho ere in the service of the -ank as on the '(st 8ecember, (G>G and dre 5ersonal 5ay at the ma/imum of the scale immediately prior to the (st ,eptember, (G+?, has been increased to Rs.(;=/< p.m. and Rs.)+*/< p.m. respectively. c3 The 5ersonal 5ay ill rank for dearness allo ance, house rent allo ance and superannuation benefits.
P-08:32, A,,:>23.- 42A2=,- 637-0 R-7-4,:A<-3/$/02389-0 4:,1.A 237 637-0 C20--0 P0:50-881:3 S.;-<-
%n transfer under career progression scheme of an employee from a higher HR&/##& to a lo er HR&/##& centre, the HR&/##& being dra n by him immediately prior to redeployment /transfer ill be protected in cases here the employee retains his family at higher HR& centre. The difference bet een higher HR& and ##& payable at the original centre here the employee is redeployed /transferred ill be paid as X5ersonal &llo ance1 hich shall not count for any other benefit like 8&, 5ension, 5C etc. The amount of 5ersonal &llo ance ill be revised as and hen the rate of HR& and ##& are revised at Industry<level or hen the amount of HR& and ##& eligible to be paid to the employee is changed on account of change in pay for calculation of HR& and ##&. The 5ersonal &llo ance ill be ithdra n on transfer of the employee to his original place or to any other place at his re:uest or on shifting of the family to a place other than the original place of posting. 9mployees ho continue to occupy the :uarters provided by the -ank even after redeployment/transfer ill not be eligible for 5ersonal &llo ance. To mitigate the hardship of the employees ho retain their families at the places from here they ere transferred under career progression scheme and to compensate part of e/penditure to be incurred in securing accommodation at ne place of posting etc. they may be reimbursed the rent paid at the ne place sub"ect to the ma/imum of the follo ing amounts on certificate basisL < #lerical staffL ,ubordinate ,taffL Rs.=**/< p.m. Rs.'**/< p.m.
d3 e3
i3 ii3
The increment specified in the various scales of pay applicable to orkmen staff shall accrue on an annual basis and shall be given effect 2as from ?th ,eptember (G?'3 on the first day of the month in hich it falls due. Ho ever, here for any reason hatsoever, the date of the increment has to be postponed under the service conditions, such postponements ill be notionally made in the actual date on hich the increment accrues. If on such postponement, either in the first instance or on a cumulative basis, such date of accrual of increment shifts to any subse:uent calendar month, the increment ill be released on the first day of that subse:uent month. 9ligible employees are to be granted annual increment on the anniversary date of their appointment in the -ankKs service e/cept in the follo ing cases, here the date of annual increment is to be computed other ise.
Those employees ho ere in service of the -ank as on (.(.(G+* and hose date of annual increment as shifted to (st &ugust each year because of the fi/ation formula introduced on account of revision of pay scales then, ill be granted increments on (st &ugust each year, e/cept in cases here it is provided other ise. 5ermanent part<time employees appointed on or before (.(.(G>+ proportionate to their salary scales, as on (st January each year ould be granted increment
b3 c3
In the case of employees ho have been sanctioned e/traordinary leave on loss of pay, the period not counting as service for pension and increment, the annual increment ill be due on the date to hich it is shifted. In case of employees, hose date of annual increment has been enhanced due to temporary service rendered by them in the -ank, prior to their permanent absorption in service, the increment ill become due on the appropriate date.
e3 f3
In the case of members of the clerical cadre staff promoted from the subordinate cadre, the increment ill become payable as per the fitment formula applicable to them. 9mployees under suspension In the case of employees under suspension the annual increments, hich fall due during the period of suspension, should henceforth be reckoned for calculation of subsistence allo ance in respect of orkmen staff, in accordance ith the provisions of & ards/-ipartite settlements. Curther benefit of salary revision is to be e/tended to those orkmen employees placed under suspension before such revision became effective. The instructions to pay the revised subsistence allo ance come into effectL i3 ii3 Crom the date of such revision, if it is on account of salary revision. Crom ((th June (GG+, if it is on account of annual increments notionally reckoned for calculation of subsistence allo ance. ho ere
The matter for payment of higher subsistence allo ance to employees under suspension should be referred to respective disciplinary authority. 2,9TT$9M97T 8T8.*?.*G.(G?'3
The -ranch Manager shall sanction the annual increments of members of a ard staff at a branch. The &ssistant 4eneral Manager/ #hief Manager 2&dministration3 ill sanction the increments due to employees at the $ocal Head %ffice/Honal %ffice. &ll cases here the increment of an employee is sought to be delayed/ ithheld or cancelled should be referred to the controlling authority for prior approval. The increments, as and hen given effect to, should be noted in the service sheet of the concerned employees.
i3 ii3
) increments ( increment
5art II of #&II-/#&I- e/amination or J&II&n employee passing #&II-/J&II- e/amination during suspension increments.
!ith effect from *).*>.)**=, non<subordinate employees ho ac:uire graduation/ post< graduation :ualification from Eniversities/ %pen Eniversities hich are recognized by the Eniversity 4rants #ommission ill be considered as having ac:uired graduate :ualification and ould be eligible for being granted the t o additional increments for graduation or graduation pay, as the case may be, as provided hereinabove sub"ect to the follo ing conditionsL i3 ii3 9mployees ho registered under the 4raduation/ 5ost 4raduation courses of %pen Eniversity have either passed the foundation course or attended the -achelor1s 5reparatory 5rogrammeM and They pursue the same course and take the same e/amination as the formal stream students.
29I4HTH -I5&RTIT9 ,9TT$9M97T3 <hough this provision takes effect from the date of settlement, i.e. *).*>.)**=, it has been agreed that cases of all non<subordinate employees ho have ac:uired graduation/post graduation :ualification from Eniversities/%pen Eniversities recognized by the Eniversity 4rants #ommission prior to the date of ,ettlement may also be considered for release of increment for graduation or graduation pay, sub"ect to conditions as at G.+.) 2i3 and 2ii3. 2#.#. $9TT9R 7EM-9R #8%LIRL ,5$L )** 8&T98 )).*?.)**=3 7oteL 9/<servicemen ho are graduates may be given increments for graduation irrespective of the fact hether they had passed graduation before "oining the service of the -ank, or after ards. Ho ever, if an e/<serviceman had been given some benefit for graduation, hich as reflected in the pay dra n by him, hile in the armed services, the fitment in the -ankKs scale has to be done as per I-& guidelines, after ithdra ing such additional benefits, and thereafter giving t o increments for graduation. 9/<servicemen, ho are matriculates but deemed as graduates 2for the purpose of re< employment in the -ank in clerical cadre3 on the basis of (= years service in the armed forces, are not entitled to additional increments unless they ac:uire graduation :ualification from a recognized university. If an employee is a post<graduate but not a graduate, he shall not get the graduation increments or graduation 5ay. Ho ever, here graduation increments/5ay have been granted after (.((.(G?+ to those post< graduate employees 2clerical cadre ho have not done graduation, the same ill be discontinued. Ho ever, ith a vie to avoiding hardships, no recoveries may be made. 9mployees recruited bet een (*.;.?G and '*.>.G* ho have dra n graduation 5ay upto '*.>.G* ill be eligible for graduation increments ith effect from (st July (GG*. Crom (st July (GG* clause (* of the Cifth -ipartite ,ettlement had been deleted. &ccordingly, employees recruited on or after (st July (GG* or non<graduates ho have ac:uired such :ualifications are eligible for grant of t o increments as per the provisions e/isting prior to Cifth -ipartite ,ettlement. 2,9TT$9M97T 8T8.'(.'.(G>+3
The degrees/diplomas a arded by the Eniversities in India hich are incorporated by an &ct of the #entral or ,tate $egislature in India and other educational institutions established by an
&ct of 5arliament or declared as universities under ,ection ' of the Eniversity 4rants #ommission &ct, (G=>, are deemed to be recognized automatically. ,imilarly, any certificate or diploma a arded by the -oards of ,econdary and Intermediate 9ducation, duly set up and recognized by the #entral or the ,tate 4overnment may be taken as recognized. The &MI9 e/amination 2,ection & 0 -3 conducted by the Institution of 9ngineers 2India3 is e:uivalent to the -achelorKs 8egree e/amination for this purpose. &ccordingly staff members in the clerical cadre passing this e/amination are entitled to t o increments provided they have not already received such benefit for any other bachelor degree. &ny doubts as to hether a university is or is not incorporated by an &ct of $egislature or the degree or diploma to hich a specified degree or diploma should be regarded as e:uivalent, may be referred to HR 8epartment at $ocal Head %ffice for clarification.
In modification of the provisions contained in &nne/ure<) to the ,ettlement dated (( th May )***, the rates of ,pecial 5ay for 4raduation and 5rofessional @ualification, payable to clerical cadre staff stand revised, as under, ith effect from the (st 7ovember )**). S4-.12, P2A 9:0, G02762/1:3 237 P0:9-881:32, E62,191.2/1:3 42A2=,- 29/-0 0-2.;135 <2G1<6< 13 /;- 8.2,- :9 P2A D-8.014/1:3 A<:63/ (4-0 <:3/;) R8. )** ;** )** )** ;** >** )** ;**
A i3 ii3 B i3 ii3 a3 b3 c3 C i3 a3 b3
GRADUATION %n completion of ( year after reaching ma/imum in the scale of pay %n completion of ) years PROFESSIONAL EUALIFICATION 5art I of #&II-/J&II- after ( year 5art II of #&II-/J&II&fter (<year &fter ) years &fter ' years GRADUATION AND PROFESSIONAL EUALIFICATION 4raduation and/or 78# and 5art I of #&II-/J&II&fter (<year &fter ) years
c3 ii3 a3 b3 c3 d3 e3
&fter ' years. 4raduation and/or 78# and both parts of #&II-. &fter (<year &fter ) years &fter ' years &fter ; years &fter = years.
.11.6 .11.(
.11. .11.1'
9/traordinary leave sanctioned on loss of pay, the period not counting as service for purpose of increments, ill have the effect of postponing all the future increments also. Ho ever, here the sanctioning authority is satisfied that the leave as taken on account of illness or for any other cause beyond the employeeKs control, the period of e/tra ordinary leave may be counted for increments ith the approval of the competent authority. In the case of employees ho are office bearers of registered trade unions, increment may be deferred only to the e/tent that e/traordinary leave e/ceeds t o months in any incremental year. 25&L #IRL '+ 8T8.)G.>.(G?>3
.13 .13.1
-oth clerical and subordinate staff 2including permanent part<time employees on scale ages3 shall be eligible for si/ stagnation increments .e.f. (st 7ovember )**) at the rate and fre:uency as stated herein underL The clerical and subordinate staff 2including permanent part<time employees on scale ages3 on reaching the ma/imum in their respective scales of pay, shall dra si/ stagnation increments at the rate of Rs.=>*/< and Rs.)+*/< each due under the settlement, and at fre:uencies of ' years and ) years respectively, from the dates of reaching the ma/imum of their scales as aforesaid. 5rovided that a clerical / subordinate staff 2including permanent part<time employees on scale ages3 already in receipt of five stagnation increments shall be eligible for the si/th stagnation increment on (st 7ovember )**) or three / t o years respectively after receiving the fifth stagnation increment, hichever is later. In respect of employees ho had received their fifth stagnation increment on and from (st 7ovember (GGG, the si/th stagnation increment shall be released on and from (st 7ovember )**).
.13.2 .13.3
5ermanent part<time employees on scale ages are eligible to dra stagnation increments pro rata to the scale in hich they are, at fre:uencies of t o years from the date of reaching the ma/imum of the scale. & member of clerical/subordinate staff ho is already in receipt of four stagnation increments, shall be eligible for the fifth stagnation increment on (st 7ovember, (GGG or after '/) years as the case may be of receiving the ;th stagnation increment hichever date is later. In respect of employees ho had received their fourth stagnation increment on or after (st 7ovember (GG> but before (st 7ovember (GG+, the fifth stagnation increment shall be released on and from (st 7ovember (GGG. &n employee ho has received the fourth stagnation increment in terms of the provisions of the ,i/th -ipartite ,ettlement on or after (.((.(GG+ but on or before the date of settlement dated )+.'.)*** ould have the date of release of this increment notionally preponed and the fifth stagnation increment released to him accordingly. There shall, ho ever, be no payment of any arrears of pay and allo ances on allotment of such preponement.
In terms of the ,i/th -ipartite ,ettlement, the provisions increments have been revised as underL
Refusal to accept promotion at any stage or seeking reversion ithin one year of promotion, if any permissible under -ankKs rules ill not disentitle an employee from getting stagnation increments. &n employee shall not be eligible for stagnation increment2s3, if he after accepting promotion, seeks, and is granted, reversion after one year from the date of promotion. #larificationsL
i3 ii3 iii3
If any employee refuses to accept an allo ance carrying post or a higher allo ance carrying post, he may still be allo ed to earn stagnation increments. Refusal to appear for promotional e/amination does not deprive a orkman employee from earning stagnation increments. The stagnation increment once released to the employee need not be ithdra n even if he refuses the offer of promotion made to him thereafter. !here 5rofessional @ualification 5ay and ,tagnation increments fall due on the same date, both may be released simultaneously on the due date. If pay of an employee ho after reaching ma/imum of the scale as stages lo er than the ma/imum should not be counted for the purpose of determining the ' year period for eligibility. !here e/traordinary leave is granted on loss of pay and it is not counted for increments, such period should not be counted as service for the purpose of stagnation increment. ,tagnation increments may be taken into account for the purpose of fitment on promotion to higher cadre.
iv3 v3
The 4overnment of India recognized the under noted diploma in &rchitecture as e:uivalent to the degree of any recognized Indian Eniversity ith effect from (st ,eptember (G+). 4overnment 8iploma in &rchitecture 248. &rch3 a arded by the 4overnment of Maharashtra,
b3 ii3
8iploma in &rchitecture of .ala -huvan Technical Institute, -aroda. The 4overnment of Maharashtra offers diploma courses in architecture of the follo ing institutions. 8iploma holders thereof are eligible for additional increments on account of graduation. ,ir J.J. #ollege of &rchitecture, Mumbai &cademy of &rchitecture, Mumbai. -andra ,chool of &rt, Mumbai. &bhinav .ala 6idyalaya of &rchitecture. 5oona. .ala 7iketan, .olhapur
a3 b3 c3 d3 f3
4raduates and/or holders of 7ational 8iploma in #ommerce are granted t o increments in the scale of pay. The &ll India #ouncil for Technical 9ducation usually issues the 7ational 8iploma in #ommerce. 8iploma in #ommerce a arded by ,tate -oards of Technical 9ducation, #hennai and .erala duly countersigned by the ,ecretary of the &ll India #ouncil for Technical 9ducation should be treated on par ith the 7ational 8iploma in #ommerce. Cour year 4ovt. 8iploma in #ommercial &rt a arded by 4ovt. of Maharashtra to the students of J.J.,chool of &rts, Mumbai is e:uivalent to any degree of the recognized university.
Recruitment during the period (.G.(G+? to );.(.(G?' 5ay fi/ation of an e/<serviceman ho has "oined the -ankKs service during the period (.G.(G+? to );.(.(G?' ill be made on the basis of protection of pay 2instead of 5ay N 8&3 dra n by him prior to retirement. &ccordingly, an e/<serviceman ill be notionally fitted at the minimum of the scale of pay applicable in the -ankKs service or at the level here ne basic pay ill be e:ual to or "ust above the basic pay dra n by him in the armed forces less amount of gross pension including pension e:uivalent of gratuity in e/cess of Rs. ()=/<. &fter the fitment as above, his revised basic pay ill be given effect to only from (.;.(G?*. In addition to the pay so fi/ed, pension and other retirement benefits may be allo ed to be dra n sub"ect to the limitation that re<employment pay plus pension and pension e:uivalent of other retirement benefits does not e/ceed last pay dra n or Rs. '***/<, hichever is less.
Recruitment during the period )=.(.(G?' to '*.>.(G?' 5ay fi/ation of an e/<serviceman ho has "oined the -ankKs service during the period )=.(.(G?' to '*.>.(G?' ill be made on the basis of protection of pay 2instead of pay N 8&3 dra n by him prior to retirement. &n e/<serviceman ill be notionally fitted at the minimum of the scale of pay applicable in the -ankKs service or at the level here ne basic pay ill be e:ual to or "ust above the pay dra n by him in the armed forces. &ccordingly, hile fi/ing his pay on re<employment as an e/<serviceman, ho retires from the armed forces before attaining the age of ==, the entire pension ould be ignored. 7oteL &n e/<serviceman ho is already in re<employment may e/ercise his option for refi/ation of pay on the above basis. If he so opts, his terms ould be determined afresh as if he has been re<employed for the first time from )=.(.(G?'. In addition to the pay so fi/ed, pension and other retirement benefits may be allo ed to be dra n sub"ect to the limitation that re<employment pay plus pension and pension e:uivalent of other retirement benefits does not e/ceed last pay dra n or Rs. '***/<, hichever is less.
5ay fi/ation of an e/<serviceman ho has "oined the -ankKs service during the period (.+.(G?' to '(.().(G?= ould be through the protection of pay N 8& dra n by him at the time of his release from armed forces. The figure of pay plus 8& admissible in the -ank ill be fi/ed ith reference to this protection and relevant stage of the basic pay in the scale ill be determined after deducting 8& admissible in the -ank from the figure protected. 5ay fi/ation of an e/<serviceman re<employed in the -ank during the period (.+.(G?' to '(.().(G?= be done in accordance ith the above provisions ith effect from (.+.(G?' and arrears on account of refi/ation of pay, if any, ill be payable only form (*.>.(G?>. The e/cess amount, if any paid to an e/<serviceman ho "oined bet een (.+.(G?' and (*.>.(G?> on account of the retrospective effect being given to the I6th -ipartite ,ettlement may be recovered by the -ank, as it as as unintended benefit. Ho ever, as a special case, the e/cess amount already paid for the period (.+.(G?' to (+.G.(G?; may not be recovered. In addition to the pay so fi/ed, pension and other retirement benefits may be allo ed to be dra n sub"ect to the limitation that re<employment pay plus pension and pension e:uivalent of other retirement benefits does not e/ceed last pay dra n or Rs. '***/< hichever is less. &s per guidelines issued by I-& on instructions received from 4overnment of India it as later that the special allo ances for armed guards/ atchmen should also be taken into account hile protecting the last pay dra n by them. In short, the -.5. N 8.&. ,pecial &llo ance should not be less than the -.5. N 8.&. last dra n by the e/<serviceman at the time of his retirement/discharge from the armed forces. &rmed guards initially appointed as A!atchmenA till such time their names are entered in the gun license, as retainers are eligible for a special allo ance of Rs.+=/< only. Ho ever, subse:uently hen the formalities are completed and they are designated as &rmed 4uard, a special allo ance of Rs. ()=/< is re:uired to be paid. &s a corresponding reduction in the -asic 5ay is not feasible, these employees continue to dra Rs. =*/< e/tra than those ho ould have been directly inducted as &rmed 4uard as illustrated belo L 5ay Ci/ation of &rmed 4uards initially appointed as atchman -.5. N 8.&. N Rs.+=/ 2,pecial &llo ance3 service. \ -.5. N 8.&. $ast dra n at the time of retirement from
%n re<designation they are paid Rs. ()=/< as special allo ance resulting in an additional payment of Rs. =*/< 5ay fi/ation of &rmed 4uards appointed directly -.5. N 8.&. N Rs.()=/< \ service. e3 -.5. N 8.&. $ast dra n at the time of retirement from
Recruitment during the period (.(.(G?> to '(.(*.(G?+ 5ay fi/ation of an e/<serviceman ho has "oined the -ankKs service during the period (.(.(G?> to '(.(*.(G?+ ould be through protection of pay N 8& dra n by him at the time of his release from armed forces. The figure of pay plus 8& admissible in the -ank ill be fi/ed ith reference to this protection and relevant stage of the basic pay in the scale ill be determined after deducting 8& admissible in the -ank from the figure protected. In addition to the pay so fi/ed as mentioned above from (.(.(G?>, pension and other retirement benefits may be allo ed to be dra n sub"ect to the limitation that re<employment pay plus pension and pension e:uivalent of other retirement benefits does not e/ceed last pay dra n or Rs. ?***/< hichever is less.
5ay fi/ation of an e/<serviceman ho "oined the -ankKs service on or after (.((.(G?+ ould be through protection of basic pay plus 8earness &llo ance dra n by him at the time of release from armed forces. The figure of basic pay plus 8& admissible in the -ank ill be fi/ed ith reference to this protection and relevant stage of the basic pay in the scale ill be determined after deducting 8& admissible in the -ank from the figure protected. If the ma/imum basic pay in the -ank is less than the last pay dra n before retirement by the e/<servicemen he should be fitted at the ma/imum basic pay only and the stagnation increments ill not be taken into account for fi/ation purposes. %ver payments, if any, on account of pay fi/ation of an e/<serviceman ho "oined bet een (.((.(G?+ and (*.;.(G?G should be recovered from his pay. ,imilarly, if re<fi/ation of pay in the revised pay scales in the -ank leads to fi/ation at a higher stage the arrears may be paid to an e/<serviceman. In addition to the pay fi/ed as mentioned above from (.(.(G?> pension and other retirement benefits may be allo ed to be dra n sub"ect to the limitation that the re<employment pay plus pension and pension e:uivalent of other retirement benefits does not e/ceed last pay dra n or Rs.?***/< hich ever is less. Crom (st June (G?? hile fi/ing the initial pay of re<employed pensioners, the pension e:uivalent of gratuity may not be deducted from the pay so fi/ed. 9/<servicemen on re<employment in -ank also dra 8.&. on their payM 5ayment of relief on pension 2 hich is in the nature of dearness allo ance on pension3 ould result in double payments of dearness allo ance. Therefore, conse:uent on their re<employment in -ank all e/<servicemen ill not dra relief on pension as sanctioned by the 4overnment from time to time. g3 Refi/ation of pay of e/<servicemen re<employed in banks on or after (.((.(GG) The A5ayA of e/<servicemen re<employed in bankKs service on or after (.((.(G?+ but before (;.).(GG= as fi/ed ith reference to the pay scale of Cifth -ipartite ,ettlement so as to protect the pay plus dearness allo ance dra n by them at the time of release from armed forces. Epon implementation of the ,i/th -ipartite ,ettlement ith effect from (.((.(GG), the pay of such e/<servicemen ho "oined the -ankKs service after (.((.(GG) but before implementation of the age revision ill have to be refi/ed ith reference to the ne scale of pay. Therefore, in cases of all e/<servicemen ho have "oined the bank on or after (.((.(GG), the pay fi/ation has to be done as per the ,i/th -ipartite ,ettlement. &ccordingly, the pay of e/< servicemen has to be refi/ed under the ,i/th -ipartite ,ettlement. In this connection, overpayments, if any, on account of pay fi/ation of an e/<servicemen ho "oined bet een (,((.(GG) and (;.).(GG= should be recovered and if re<fi/ation of pay in the revised pay scales in the -ank leads to fi/ation at a higher stage the arrears may be paid to an e/<serviceman.
R-.?:3135 O9 S4-.12, A,,:>23.- A//2.;-7 T: T;- P:8/ T: W;1.; EG8-0@1.-<-3 A0- A44:13/-7 I3 B23? (#17- IBA L-//-0 O9 16.'3.1 2)
In addition to the basic pay plus dearness allo ance, the special allo ance in the -ank attached to the post to hich the e/<serviceman is appointed, is also taken into account hile protecting the last basic pay and dearness allo ance dra n at the time of retirement/discharge from the armed forces because the special allo ance is also in the nature of basic pay attracting, among others, dearness relief and/or superannuation benefits. The protection as above 2i.e. ith special allo ance component3 ould also be relevant if an e/<serviceman is recruited in the -ank as stenographer or at some other allo ance carrying position in clerical/subordinate grades.
The ,pecial pay granted .e.f. (.+.(GG> in terms of -ipartite ,ettlement dated the (;.).G>, hich has been treated as basic pay for all purposes, should also be reckoned for re<fi/ation of pay of e/<servicemen re<employed in the -ank on or after (.+.(GG> The e/<servicemen re<employed in public sector banks are not e/empted from payment of professional ta/ levied by the ,tate 4overnment.
2a3 2b3
In such cases the fitment shall be made at the ne/t higher stage. &s regards the date of annual increment in such cases, a reference may be made to the footnote to the fitment chart given above. Revised fitment formula on account of age revision under the ,eventh -ipartite ,ettlement %n promotion, a member of the subordinate staff shall be given fitment in the clerical scale of pay on stage<to<stage basis, after adding special pay, if any, paid to him on a permanent basis and not as locum 2tenens3 or temporarily, to his -asic 5ay in the subordinate scale. If he has reached ma/imum in the subordinate scale and is in receipt of Ci/ed 5ersonal 5ay, the increment component thereof 2i.e. Rs. (+*/<3 shall also be added to his -asic 5ay. If no corresponding stage in the clerical scale is available for fitment after adding the special pay and increment component of Ci/ed 5ersonal 5ay, herever applicable, to the -asic 5ay in the subordinate cadre, the fitment shall be made at the ne/t higher stage. The revised fitment chart dra n up by consultation ith the ,taff Cederation is given at &nne/ure G.G. In case a member of the subordinate staff promoted to clerical cadre is in receipt of A,pecial #ompensatory &llo anceA, having been in service as on the '(st %ctober (GG' in terms of our #ircular 7o. 59R/IR/'*/(GG;<G=, such allo ance shall be payable to him at the rate applicable to the stage of his revised basic pay in clerical scale.
In respect of employees promoted bet een (st 7ovember (GG+ and '(st March (GG?, the fitment may be made as per the pre<revised scales of pay under the >th -ipartite ,ettlement hich may thereafter be converted into revised -asic 5ay to avoid anomalies arising out of the revision of scales of pay and special pay from different dates. 2#8%L IRL #IRL =)L)**(3
COMBINED FITMENT CHART ON ACCOUNT OF )TH BIPARTITE SETTLEMENT CLERICAL STAFF S/25( ) ' ; = > + ? G (* (( () (' (; (= (> (+ (? (G )* N( N) P0-8-3/ B281. P2A '*)* '(== ')G* ';)= '>=* '?+= ;(** ;;)* ;+;* =*>* ='?* =+)* >*>* >;** >+?* +(>* +=;* +G)* ?>** ?G?* G'>* G+;* R-@18-7 B281. P2A ;;(* ;>)= ;?;* =*== ='G* =+)= >*>* >='* +*** +;+* +G;* ?;;* ?G;* G;;* (**** (*=>* ((()* ((>?* ()>=* (')(* ('++* (;''* SUBORDINATE STAFF P0-8-3/ B281. P2A )+=* )?*= )?>* )G'= '*(* '(** '(G* ''** ';(* '=)* '>=* '+?* 'G(* ;*;* ;(G* ;';* ;;G* ;>>* ;?'* =*** =(+* =';* R-@18-7 B281. P2A ;*>* ;(>= ;)+* ;'?= ;=** ;>'= ;++* ;G'= =(** =)>= =;>* =>== =?=* >*;= >)?* >=(= >+=* +*)* +)G* +=>* +?'* ?(**
N' N; N=
ANNEXURE- .2 S4-.12, C:<4-382/:0A P0:@181:38 F:0 H15;-0 F1/<-3/ O9 T;W:0?<-3 E<4,:A--8 I3 T;- S/2/- B23? O9 I3712
I. The employees of the -ank, both the clerical and cash department staff and subordinate staff, as ere in service of the -ank as on '(st 8ecember, (G>G and ere in receipt of personal pay immediately prior to (st ,eptember, (G+?, shall not, e/cept as other ise provided hereunder, dra any such personal pay on and from (st ,eptember, (G+?. Ho ever, in lieu thereof they ill be fitted in the ne scales of pay. &t the stage immediately above the stage at hich they ould be other ise fitted in terms of this settlement if they are employees in the clerical and cash department staff and are employees in the subordinate staff dra ing a personal pay applicable to &rea IIIM and T o stage above the stage at hich they ould other ise be fitted in terms of this settlement, if they are employees in the subordinate staff dra ing a personal pay applicable to &reas I and II. !ith a vie to bringing about uniformity bet een the employees of ,tate -ank of India and those of other member banks, the &d"usting &llo ance payable to clerical, cash department and subordinate staff and the &d"ustable 8.&. payable to clerical and cash department staff, ho ere in service of the -ank as on the '(st 8ecember (G+G, shall not be payable on and from the (st July (G?'. The manner in hich compensation ill be paid for discontinuing these payments ould be as under T o stages above the stage at hich they ould other ise be fitted in terms of the ,ettlement, if they are employees in the clerical and cash department staff dra ing &d"usting &llo ance and &d"ustable 8.&.M and &t the stage immediately above the stage at hich they ould be other ise fitted in terms of the ,ettlement, if they are employees in the subordinate staff dra ing &d"usting &llo ance. 7oteL a3 ,uch of those employees in the clerical and cash department staff, ho have reached the ma/imum of the scale immediately prior to the (st July (G?', ill be paid a fi/ed personal allo ance of Rs.(G*/< p.m. 2 hich ill not rank for 8.&. or any other benefit3. ,uch of those employees in the clerical and cash department staff, ho have reached the (Gth stage of the scale immediately prior to the (st July (G?', ill be paid a fi/ed personal
allo ance of Rs.G=/< p.m. 2 hich and Rs.(G*/< p.m. from (<+<(G?;. III.
ill not rank for 8.&. or any other benefit3 from (<+<(G?',
&ll members of a ard staff, ho ere orkmen and in the -ankKs permanent service as such as on the Gth June, (G?G ill be fitted in the ne scale of pay at a stage higher than the stage in hich they are re:uired to be fitted in terms of the Cifth -ipartite ,ettlement. Curther, in case of employees, ho had reached the ma/imum of the scale immediately prior to (<((< (G?+ and are fitted at the last 2ma/imum3 stage of the ne scale, fitment ill be made as per the details given in &greement. In this connection, employees ho had ceased to be in the -ankKs service and/or ere not orkmen as on the Gth June (G?G or had "oined the -ankKs permanent service as orkmen after Gth June (G?G, ill be given only stage to stage fitment as on (<((<(G?+ or on the date of their "oining the -ankKs service, in the revised scale of pay.
&ll orkmen employees, ho ere in the -ankKs permanent service and permanent part<time employees dra ing scale ages as on (<((<(GG' e/cept those ho are already covered by the Gth June (G?G ,ettlement, ho "oined -ank bet een (*<><(G?G and (<((<(GG' ill get .e.f (<((<(GG' one stage higher fitment, in the scale of pay, ith all conse:uential benefits i.e. 8&, HR&, ##&, 5C, 4ratuity, 5ension etc., in terms of the revised basic pay provided for in the -ipartite ,ettlement of (;<)<(GG= 2,i/th -ipartite ,ettlement3 bet een I-& and the &ll India Enions of orkmen employees in -anks. !orkmen employees, ho ere on probation as on (<((<(GG', ill get such one stage higher fitment one year after their confirmation. There shall be no change in the date of annual increment because of the one stage higher fitment. &nnual increment ill fall due on the normal anniversary date of increment. 2,9TT$9M97T 8&T98. (.?.(G+G, ,9TT$9M97T 8&T98. G.>.(G?G, ,9TT$9M97T 8T8.(;.).(GG=3
ANNEXURE- .3 F1/<-3/ F:0<6,2 O3 P0:<:/1:3 F0:< S6=:07132/- T: C,-01.2, C270- O3 O0 A9/-0 '1.11.1 2.
B281. 42A N S4-.12, A,,:>23.- 13 S6=:07132/- C270(>** < (>;* (>G* < (+=* (?(* B (?+* (G'* B )*** )*+* < )(;* ))(* < ))G* )'+* B );=* )=;* < )?'* )+)* < )?)* )G)* B '*)* O'()* B '))* O'')* < ';)* O'=)* < '>)* O'+)* < '?)* 'G)* B ;*)* O (3 OO;()* < ;))* ,tagnation Increments -asic 5ay N ,pecial &llo ance N Increment component of C5&. F1/<-3/ 2/ .:00-84:37135 I3.0-<-3/ .:<4:3-3/ :9 FPA, 8/25- 13 .,-01.2, (?=* (G=* )*G= ));* )'?= )='* )+)= )G)* '((= ''(* '=)= '+;* ;(?= ;;(= ;>;=
The date of annual increment shall be the anniversary date of promotion. Ho ever, in vie of the clubbing of stages in the fitment table, the employees in the higher stage of subordinate scale of pay ill get their ne/t increment after promotion on the anniversary date of their increment in the previous scale of pay. If despite the fitment as given above, the emoluments dra n as a clerk on promotion are less than that dra n as a subordinate employee, the difference may be protected by ay of Temporary 5ersonal &llo ance to be iped off in three years at the rate of (/'rd of Temporary 5ersonal &llo ance. In this connection, in case a member of the subordinate staff promoted to clerical cadre, is in receipt of A,pecial #ompensatory &llo anceA, having been in service as on the '(st %ctober (GG', in terms of our #ircular 7o. 59RLIRL '*L(GG;<G=, such allo ance shall be payable to him at the rate applicable to his revised basic pay in clerical scale.
ANNEXURE- .! F1/<-3/ C;20/ O3 A..:63/ O9 W25- R-@181:3 U37-0 S-@-3/; B1420/1/- S-//,-<-3/
B281. 42A N S4. P2A N I3.0-<-3/ .:<4:3-3/ :9 F1G-7 P-08:32, P2A 13 /;- S6=:07132/- C270)+=* )?*= )?>* )G'= '*(* '(** '(G* ''** ';(* '=)* '>=* '+?* 'G(* ;*;* ;(G* ;';* ;;G* ;>>* ;?'* =*** =(+* =';* ==(* =>?* =?=* >*)* >(G* >'>* >='* >+** >?+* +*;* O OO (3 F1/<-3/ 2/ .:00-84:37135 8/25- 13 /;- .,-01.2, 8.2,- :9 42A '(== ')G* ';)= '>=* '?+= ;(** ;;)* ;+;* =*>* ='?* O O O O O OO OO OO OO OO OO OO =+)* >*>* >;** >+?* +(>* +=;*
,tagnation Increments -asic 5ay N ,pecial 5ay N Increment component of Ci/ed 5ersonal 5ay. The date of annual increment shall be the anniversary date of promotion. Ho ever, in vie of the clubbing of stages in the fitment table, the employees on the anniversary date of their increment in the higher stage of subordinate scale of pay ill get their ne/t increment in the previous scale of pay. If despite the fitment as given above, the emoluments dra n as a clerk on promotion are less than that dra n as a subordinate employee, the difference may be protected by ay of Temporary 5ersonal &llo ance to be iped off in three years at the rate of (/'rd of Temporary 5ersonal &llo ance.
i3 ii3
(W.E.F. 1.11.2''2)
,E-%R8I7&T9 ,T&CCL *.(?I of KpayK #$9RI#&$ ,T&CCL a. *.(?I of KpayK upto Rs.G>=*/< plus b. *.(=I of KpayK above Rs.G>=*/< and upto Rs.(='=*/< plus c. *.()I of KpayK above Rs.(='=*/<and upto Rs.(>'=*/< plus d. *.*;I of Xpay1 above Rs.(>'=*/<.
(W.E.F. '1.'2.2''%)
%n and from (st Cebruary )**= 8earness &llo ance ill be payable at *.(?I of pay.
8earness &llo ance in the above manner shall be paid for every rise or fall of ; points of over #5I ))?? points in the :uarterly average of the &ll India &verage !orking #lass #onsumer 5rice Inde/ -ase (G>*\(** There shall be no ceiling on 8earness &llo ance. 8earness allo ance shall be calculated and paid on -asic 5ay, ,pecial 5ay, 4raduation 5ay, 5rofessional @ualification 5ay and %fficiating 5ay, if any, payable in respect of both clerical and subordinate staff. ,uch of those members of clerical staff, ho ere in receipt of Anon<ad"ustable personal allo anceA of Rs. (G.?* at the ma/imum of the scale of pay on or prior to (st &ugust (G+G, ill continue to dra the same allo ance hich shall rank for such benefits as 8& shall rank. #onversion factor for calculating 8& is derived by multiplying the parts of basic pay ith the relevant percentage of 8& for each slab payable on the respective parts of basic pay. 29I4HTH -I5&RTIT9 ,9TT$9M97T3
b. c.
Cor the purpose of calculating 8earness &llo ance, A:uarterA shall mean the period of three months ending on the last day of March, June, ,eptember, 8ecember and the change in 8&, if any, ill be effective from May, &ugust, 7ovember and Cebruary respectively. 2,9TT$9M97T 8T8.(+.G.(G?;3
The final inde/ figures as published in the 4azette of India or the Indian $abour Journal hichever is earlier, shall be the inde/ figures hich shall be taken for the purpose of calculation of dearness allo ance. Cor the purpose of calculating the dearness allo ance for any particular available on the (=th day of that month should be taken. Thus if the dearness allo ance for the month of &ugust is to be calculated, the :uarterly average for the last :uarter for hich final inde/ figures are available on the (=th &ugust should be taken.
!hen an employee is permitted to act temporarily in in<cadre higher appointments, he is paid &cting allo ance. The &cting allo ance paid in such cases ill be proportionate to the special allo ance 2termed as A,pecial 5ayA vide ,eventh -ipartite ,ettlement3 applicable to that particular post and for the period he actually acts in that post. Cor e/ample, an employee is permitted to act as ,enior &ssistant is paid the special allo ance applicable to that post for the period he orks in that capacity.
Cor detailed instructions on eligibility for officiating, please refer to #hapter 7o. ? of this Reference -ook.
#$9RI#&$ ,T&CC &t the higher ##& #enters i.e. ith population of over () lakhs including the ,tate of 4oa< ;I of -asic 5ay Minimum Rs.(+=/< p.m. Ma/imum Rs.'+=/< p.m. &t the lo er ##& #enters i.e. places ith population of = lakhs and over, ,tate #apitals, #handigarh, 5ondicherry and 5ort -lair< 'I of -asic 5ay Minimum Rs.(;=/< p.m. Ma/imum Rs.'**/< p.m. ,E-%R8I7&T9 ,T&CC &t the higher ##& #entres i.e. ith population of over () lakhs including the ,tate of 4oa< ;I of -asic 5ay Ma/imum Rs.)+*/< p.m. &t the lo er ##& #entres i.e. places 'I of -asic 5ay ith population of = lakhs and over, ,tate #apitals, #handigarh, 5ondicherry and 5ort -lair< Ma/imum Rs.(G*/< p.m. 7oteL
-. 2i3 2ii3
In terms of the provisions contained in #lause III 2-32iii3 of the -ipartite &greement dated the (+th ,eptember (G?;, =*I of the #ity #ompensatory &llo ance, sub"ect to a ma/imum of Rs. '*/< p.m., mentioned therein and payable to orkmen employees ho ere in service in &rea I 2other than 7agpur and 5une3 as on '(st 8ecember (G>G, ranks for 5rovident Cund contributions. This allo ance 2viz. =*I of ##&, sub"ect to a ma/imum of Rs.'*/< p.m.3 ill also rank for other superannuation benefits ith effect from (.((.(G?+. Cor the purpose of #ity #ompensatory &llo ance the latest available official figures of &ll India #ensus ill be taken into account. & orkman transferred from one ##& centre to another and here in the former the ##& is higher than in the latter 2the former hereinafter referred to as Ahigher ##& centreA and latter Alo er ##& centreA3 shall dra the ##& applicable to the lo er ##& centre and the difference in the allo ance bet een the higher ##& centre and the lo er ##& centre as on the date of transfer shall be protected by ay of Aad"usting allo anceA hich ill be ithdra n as underL If the transfer has been effected at the re:uest of the be ithdra n after one year from the date of transfer. orkman, the ad"usting allo ance shall
b3 ).
a3 b3
If the transfer has been effected other ise than at his re:uest the Kad"usting allo anceK shall be ithdra n in three e:ual annual installments, the first installment to commence one year after the date of transfer. !hen an employee has been transferred from a ##& #entre to a non<##& #entre at his re:uest, the ##& payable to him ill be protected by ay of ad"usting allo ance, hich ill be ithdra n after one year from the date of his transfer. !hen he is transferred other ise than his re:uest, ##& hich as being paid to him on the date of transfer ill be protected by ay of Kad"usting allo anceK. The ad"usting allo ance shall be ithdra n in three e:ual installments. The first installment ill commence one year after the date of transfer. & orkman ho has been transferred from a non<##& centre to ##& centre 2lo er or higher3 or from a lo er ##& centre to a higher ##& centre and is transferred back to a non<##&
centre or lo er ##& centre, as the case may be, before completion of one year in the said ##& centre, shall cease to dra ##& on his retransfer to the non<##& or ill dra ##& at the rate applicable to the lo er ##& centre from hich he as transferred, provided further that here such period is e/tended at his re:uest beyond one year but not e/ceeding ) years from the date of his original transfer, then on his re<retransfer to a non<##& centre or lo er ##& centre, he shall cease to dra ##& on transfer to non<##& centre or dra ##& at the rate applicable to the lo er ##& centre, from hich he as originally transferred. =. If a orkman is transferred from a non<##& centre to a ##& centre 2higher or lo er3 he shall be entitled to ##& at the rates applicable to such centre sub"ect to the provisions laid do n in the ;th -ipartite ,ettlement. If a orkman is initially recruited in a ##& centre 2higher or lo er3 for eventual posting to a ne branch/office to be opened at a non<##& centre 2or lo er ##& centre3, the letter of appointment issued to him by the -ank shall clearly specify the ,tate and 5lace2s3 in hich he ould be eventually posted. In such a case the orkman shall be started on the ##& centre emoluments and so long as he remains at the ##& centre, he shall be paid as Klocal allo anceK the difference bet een the emoluments of the other place and the ##& centre in hich he is temporarily posted. If ithin one year of his appointment, he is not posted to the other place for hich he as recruited, he shall be deemed to have been appointed in the ##& centre in hich he as temporarily posted on recruitment. In that event the Klocal allo anceK dra n by him till then shall be regularized. +. #ity #ompensatory &llo ance, House Rent &llo ance etc. hich are payable to employees at certain areas should not be paid in the case of employees posted at the sub<office under the control of parent branches categorized for such purposes unless the sub<offices are located in the same area. In the case of a orkman ho has been transferred other ise than at his re:uest from a ##& centre to a non<##& centre, prior to (+.G.(G?;, and as dra ing or as entitled to dra ##& shall continue to dra the same amount as ##&, hich as being paid to him as per the terms and conditions applicable prior to the fourth -ipartite &greement dated (+.G.(G?;. In the case of a orkman ho as in service in &rea I 2other than 7agpur and 5une3 on or before (.(.(G+* and as transferred other ise than at his re:uest, to a non<##& centre after (+.G.(G?;, he ill be paid ##& e:uivalent to an amount hich ould have been paid to him on the date of transfer as per the terms and conditions applicable prior to the fourth bipartite agreement and the difference bet een that amount and the actual amount of ##& dra n by him on the date of his transfer shall be protected as Aad"usting allo anceA to be ithdra n in the same manner as set out in sub<paragraph ) 2b3 above. It is clarified that if in a place here 5ro"ect &rea #ompensatory &llo ance is payable and #ity #ompensatory &llo ance is also payable under this settlement, the orkman orking at that place ill be entitled to 5ro"ect &rea #ompensatory &llo ance or ##& hichever is higher. 2&4R99M97T 8&T98 (+.G.(G?;3
?. 2i3
&ll places constituting an Erban &gglomeration should be taken as one Enit and the House Rent &llo ance should be paid on the basis of the population of the Erban &gglomeration given in the (GG( census. !hen the 4overnment by 7otification, declares a place as forming part of the o n, municipality on the basis that the population of the place as per )**( #ensus is above (*,*** all places coming ithin such municipality should be taken together for the purpose of payment of House Rent &llo ance. The claims submitted for sanction of House Rent &llo ance must be supported by the follo ing information/evidenceL < 7ame of the place and name of the 6illage 5anchayat or Municipality. 7ame of the banks having branches thereat. 5opulation as per #ensus of India )**(. -asis of the claim for population 2e.g. Reserve -ank of India, 8irectory of -ank %ffices/8istrict #ensus Handbook3. 4overnment 7otification regarding formation of Municipality or declaring the place as being part of to n 2claims supported by certificate from local authorities are not acceptable3. The follo ing points should also be taken into consideration hile submitting the proposals. & village is to be considered the smallest administrative unit. !hen a claim is made for payment of House Rent &llo ance at a place, it is necessary to determine hether the place falls ithin the area of a village, municipality, or the Erban &gglomeration. & village/panchayat ceases to e/ist on the formation of a municipality. The decision hether 5anchayat or 7agar 5anchayat can be taken as an administrative unit, ould depend upon the statute governing the place. Ho ever, the guiding factor ill be hether on the formation of such a 5anchayat or 7agar 5anchayat, the 4overnment has by 7otification declared in terms of a statute that the village/panchayat ceases to e/ist. In such an event the population of the 5anchayat or 7agar 5anchayat can be taken as a unit and the rate of HR& determined accordingly. Ho ever, nothing short of a 4overnment 7otification is acceptable for this purpose. &s regards the Erban &gglomeration, e have also to be guided by the 7otification issued by the 4overnment forming an Erban &gglomeration. %n such formation of an Erban &gglomeration all places falling ithin the Erban &gglomeration ill be considered as one unit. 7o place ill be considered as part of a #ity on the basis of contiguity unless the Indian -anks1 &ssociation accepts the same. The -ranch Manager ill make out a case and submit their reasoned recommendations to the controlling authorities henever such claims are to be made for treating a place as part of a #ity on the basis of contiguity.
iv3 a. b. c. d. e. v3 a3 b3
c3 d3
E623/6< :9 H:68- R-3/ A,,:>23.The House Rent &llo ance shall be payable as under ith effect from (st 7ovember, )**)L A0-2 R2/- 28 4-0.-3/25- :9 P2A ON: M131<6<$ N: M2G1<6<P ?.=
2ii3 5laces ith population of more than () lakhs 2iii3 5laces ith population of ) lakhs and over Sother than places in 2i3 and 2ii3 aboveT and ,tate #apitals and #apitals of Enion Territories. 2iv3 5laces ith population belo ) lakhs 7oteL
K5ayK for the purpose of calculating HR& shall mean basic pay and herever payable, stagnation increments, officiating allo ance and special pay, in full or in part as ill be ranking for provident fund benefits. !here :uarters are provided, house rent allo ance shall not be payable and rent to be recovered shall be (I of the first stage of the scale of pay. & ne category of places ith population of more than ;= lakhs has been incorporated for the purpose of payment of HR&. In the follo ing places hich have population of more than ;= lakhs as per census )**(, HR& is payable at ?.=I of payL &hmedabad, -angalore, #hennai, 8elhi, 4reater Mumbai, Hyderabad and .olkata.
!here an employee is on leave of any kind other than leave ithout pay, he ill be entitled for house rent allo ance provided he satisfies the -ank that he has continued to retain the residential accommodation occupied by him. 9mployees on probation are also eligible for house rent allo ance. !hen an employee is on leave allo ance. ithout pay he ill not be entitled to dra house rent
In case here the -ank does not provide separate residential :uarters and the employee is allo ed to sleep on the -ankKs premises, he ill be entitled to receive house rent allo ance.
House Rent &llo ance ill not be payable b3 7o other recovery is made
HRA P2A2=,- 637-0 R-7-4,:A<-3/$/02389-0 P:,1.A 237 637-0 C20--0 P0:50-881:3 S.;-<5lease refer to para G.=.) for compensation of HR& payable on account of transfer under redeployment/transfer policy and under career 5rogression scheme. 2#.#. $9TT9R #8%/50HR8IR/>>/)**><*+ 8&T98 *G.*).)**+3
!here the ashing of livery is not arranged by the -ank, ashing allo ance at the rate of Rs. +=/< p.m. shall be payable to members of subordinate staff entitled to uniforms .e.f. (st
&ugust )**;. &ll the members of staff, ho are supplied ith uniforms, shall ear them in clean condition hile on duty. Curther, this allo ance ill not be paid for the period of leave if an employeeKs leave e/ceeds '* days. 7o ashing allo ance ould be payable, here the -ank makes ashing arrangements.
The above allo ance ill also be payable at places having a height of not less than +=* meters 2 hich are surrounded and accessible only through hills ith a height of (*** meters and above3 at the rate applicable at places ith a height of (*** meters and above but less than (=** meters. Hill and Cuel &llo ance being paid at any place not covered by the aforesaid norms shall cease to be payable. Ho ever, employees at such places ho ere in receipt of such &llo ance 2as dra n by them ith their March (G?G salary3 ill continue to dra it by ay of Ci/ed 5ersonal &llo ance as long as they remain posted thereat as orkmen employees. If any employee as in receipt of this allo ance over the stipulated ma/imum limit as on (.G.(G+? it shall be protected. The allo ance ill be paid at places specifically declared as AHill ,tationsA by the #entral/,tate 4overnments irrespective of their height. The above allo ance should be paid only after getting prior sanction from the controlling authority. If the allo ance becomes payable in a hill station because of its height, the case should be referred to the controlling authority ith all the data.
c3 d3 e3
(. ).
!herever Hill and Cuel &llo ance is being paid, the same ill continue to be paid e/cept in those cases here the &llo ance is being paid ithout proper sanction from #orporate #entre or on a rong interpretation of the -ipartite &greement or 4overnment notification. &ccording to 4overnment notification, henceforth the criterion for the purpose of determining the height of a Hill station ould be the highest point ithin the Municipal/,tatutory limit of a Hill ,tation as certified by the ,urvey of India. &ccordingly, it ill be in order to determine the height of a place on the basis of the highest point ithin the Municipal/,tatutory limits. !here the ,urvey of India gives only the appro/imate height of a place, the e/act height should be insisted upon to avoid mistakes in marginal cases. These guidelines are applicable for KHill ,tationsK only and at other place height of the place and not the height of highest point thereat, shall be the criteria for payment of till and feel allo ances.
#laims for Hill and Cuel &llo ance should be referred to the controlling authority for being referred to the Indian -ankKs &ssociation through #orporate #entre along ith the follo ing particulars or evidence. 7ame of place. Height of the place above mean sea level ,upporting documents viz. $etter or certificate of ,urvey of India notification if the 4overnment has declared the place as a Hill ,tation. !hether the place as ithin the local area of as a Hill ,tation. or 4overnment
a3 b3 c3 d3 e3 =.
municipal limits of the place already declared and hether they are paying Hill and
7ames of banks operating in the place or in the vicinity Cuel &llo ance and if so, from hich date.
8emands in respect of Hilly Tract areas are to be considered separately. 259RL IRL #IRL (') 8T8.)=.>.(G?+3
The Transport allo ance shall be paid at the rate of Rs.(*=/< p.m. 7ovember )**). 7oteL ith effect from (st
&ll permanent part time employees including those on probation dra ing scale ages shall be paid transport allo ance on pro<rata basis. Temporary employees are not eligible for transport allo ance. This provision by itself ill not preclude the payment of any e/isting allo ance of this nature paid as a result of 4overnment guidelines/bank level settlements. The -lind and %rthopaedically handicapped employees ill be eligible for conveyance allo ance as per guidelines of the 4overnment in addition to the Transport &llo ance. Transport &llo ance is not on reimbursement basis. It has to be treated like any other allo ance under the -ipartite ,ettlement. The same shall be payable for period spent on leave also, unless such leave is on A7o 5ay and &llo anceA. 2,#L ((L)***<)**(, ,#L ;GL(GG=<(GG>, ,#L )>L(GG=<(GG>3
!ith effect from (st 7ovember )**), cycle allo ance is payable to the members of the subordinate staff ho are re:uired by the bank to use a cycle on regular assignment for outdoor duties at Rs.>*/< p.m. at all centers. #ycle allo ance ould not be paid to a orkmen member of the subordinate staff entitled to the allo ance for the period of leave here such leave e/ceeds '* days. The allo ance ill not rank for the purpose of calculation of dearness allo ance and provident fund contribution. The allo ance should be included in A,alaryA. !hen employees dra ing such allo ances go on leave, hen the duration of leave e/ceeds '* days, such allo ance ill not be paid for the period of such leave. Messengers ho are re:uired to use cycle for outdoor duty in leave vacancies for short period are also eligible for the allo ance on pro<rata basis. In this connection, it should be noted that herever possible, the duty should be assigned in rotation so that all messengers at the branch ho kno cycling may get the benefit of this allo ance. 5roposals for sanction of cycle allo ance should be submitted to the controlling authority furnishing the follo ing particularsL ,anctioned strength of messenger at the -ranch. The total number of hours per day for -ankKs ork. hich a messenger is re:uired to use cycle for the
ii. iii.
a. b.
ii. a. b. c. d. iii. a. b.
!atch and ard staff and , eepers !ithout payment of the allo ance
here the duty hours are split, they shall be eligible for payment of split
2,9TT$9M97T 8T8.'(.(*.(G+G3
5ro"ect &reas are classified in t o groups viz. 4roup & and 4roup -. 9mployees in 5ro"ect &reas classified as group A#A are being treated as employees in 5ro"ect &rea 4roup - .e.f. *(.*G.(G+?. & place may be classified as a 5ro"ect &rea on the basis of the follo ing principals. a3 b3 c3 d3 5lace must be declared as a 5ro"ect &rea by the 4overnment. The -ranch should be situated in the 5ro"ect &rea. The -ranch should be far a ay from a to n/city and &ll the land should have been ac:uired by the 5ro"ect &uthorities as a result of accommodation is not available. &ll such cases ould need to be referred to #orporate #entre for prior approval. -3 #onditions for claiming /continuation of 5ro"ect &rea #ompensatory &llo anceL < #laims for payment of 5ro"ect &rea #ompensatory &llo ance should be supported by the follo ing information/evidence and for arded to the #ontrolling &uthority for being referred to Indian -anksK &ssociation through #orporate #entreL i3 ii3 iii3 iv3 v3 vi3 vii3 viii3 i/3 /3 /i3 !hether the place has been declared as a 5ro"ect &rea by the 4overnment authorities. 2#opy of the notification may be enclosed3. !hether the -ranch is situated in the 5ro"ect &rea. !hether the 5ro"ect &uthorities have ac:uired all the land in the area as a result of private housing facilities are not available/permissible. hich hich housing
!hether the area is far a ay from normal habitation i.e. to n or city and the distance of the -ranch from the nearest to n. !hether due to the place becoming a 5ro"ect &rea prices are higher than in nearby centers. !hether the employees thereat reside in the 5ro"ect &rea. !hether the employees at the -ranch have been allocated :uarters by the 5ro"ect &uthorities. If so, hat is the rent that is normally charged by them. !hat is the average distance they have to travel from the residence to their place of ork and hat is the mode of conveyance. &re the conditions in the branches situated in the 5ro"ect &rea places very different from those in the nearby placesR If so, in hat respect. Remarks on accessibility of the place, means of 2regular3 transport, etc. &re the prices actually prevailing at the place comparatively higher due to it being a 5ro"ect &rea or comparable to other semi<urban/rural places situated nearby. The payment of 5ro"ect &rea #ompensatory &llo ance ill be for a period of one year or till the 4overnment ithdra s the allo ance in respect of its employees hichever is earlier. The continuance of the allo ance also depends upon the decision of the Indian -ankKs &ssociation. & revie on the above lines ould have to be submitted through the #ontrolling %ffice to #orporate #entre for this purpose. 2,9TT$9M97T 8T.'(.(*.(G+G3
House Rent &llo ance in 5ro"ect &reas, if the -ank does not provide residential accommodation ill be paid as under ith effect from *(.((.)**)L i3 ii3 4roup K&K ?.=I of pay 4roup K-K +.=I of pay 2#8%/50HR/IR/'?/)**=<*> 8&T98 (>.*G.)**=3 House Rent &llo ance in pro"ect areas is paid on the basis that residential accommodation is not available in these areas. &ccordingly, house rent allo ance in these areas shall be payable until such time the -ank is in a position to offer residential accommodation, the occupierKs share of ta/es as also other charges mentioned belo are to be recovered on a proportionate basisL i3 ii3 iii3 !ater charges, electricity charges, if not metered and service charges %ccupierKs share of municipal ta/es e/cept property ta/ only in case of leased accommodation. ,pecial ta/es such as Halalkhor ta/, ,tate 9ducation cess, etc. levied by Municipal #orporation, ,tate or #entral 4overnment, if any and if payable by the tenants only in case of leased accommodation. If at a centre both #ity #ompensatory &llo ance and 5ro"ect &rea &llo ance are payable, only the higher of the t o shall be paid.
a3 &ll clerical and subordinate staff, ho "oined the -ankKs service on or before '(.(*.)**(, shall be paid, .e.f. (/(*/)**(, a ,pecial #ompensatory &llo ance 2,#&3 ranging from Rs.>*/< p.m. to Rs.G+=/< p.m. on a stage<to<stage basis in the respective scales of pay. The amount of ,#& payable every month at different stages of scales of pay ill be as per chart given in &nne/ures <(*.' 2a0b3 and (*.'2a0b3. &s and hen the employees concerned move from one stage of their pay scale to the ne/t stage, they ill be paid ,#& as applicable to that 2ne/t3 stage. The ,#& ill not rank for 8&, HR&, ##& and superannuation benefits. The different stages of the pay ranges of orkmen staff indicated in anne/ure are as per the salary/ age revision made effective from (/((/)**) and the ,#& shall remain at the e/isting
rates ith reference to these pay scales only and of both officers and orkmen staff. d3 e3
The ,#& ill be taken into account hile computing the leave encashment facility availed by a !orkman staff eligible for payment of ,#&. !orkmen staff placed under suspension on or before (/((/(GG' and also continue to remain suspended should not be paid the ,#&. The ,#& ill be taken into account hile computing subsistence allo ance in respect of those officers/ orkmen staff placed under suspension after (/((/(GG'. If a member of subordinate staff, promoted to clerical cadre, is in receipt of A,pecial #ompensatory &llo anceA having been in service as on (/(*/)**(, such allo ance shall be payable to him at the rate applicable to his revised basic pay in clerical scale.
In case a member of the a ard staff is permanently transferred in the middle of an academic year, he shall be eligible for an education allo ance/ mid<academic year transfer allo ance. In this connection, please also refer to para (*.)) of chapter (* of this book. 9mployees deputed to the inspection department are not eligible for the allo ance.
4odo n<keepers and 4odo and overtime do not apply paragraphs (G; and (G= of allo ance of Rs. ('G/< p.m. atchman. n atchmen to hom the provisions regarding hours of ork and ho ere e/cluded by the $abour &ppellate Tribunal in its decision dated the )?th &pril (G=; shall be paid a godo n if he is a godo nkeeper and Rs. ('=/< p.m. if he is a godo n
4odo n<keepers ho attend the -ank during office hours for performing either godo n ork or any other office ork should be considered as godo n<keepers ho are Ae/pected to conform to the usual office hoursA 4odo n allo ance shall not be payable to them. 4odo n allo ance -onus etc. ill not rank for purposes of 8earness &llo ance, 5rovident Cund, and
7ormally a orkman employee should not be deputed to an outside institution. In case the need is felt for such deputation, the matter should be referred to #orporate #entre through the $ocal Head %ffice for prior clearance. Members of the a ard staff, if deputed to Regional Rural -anks, 8istrict Industries #entres and 8ebt Recovery Tribunals 2 .e.f. (.((.)**=3 ill be eligible for deputation allo ance at the follo ing rates. Cor deputation to Regional Rural -ank/8istrict Industries #entre/8ebt Recovery Tribunals at the same station If such deputation as above is at an %utstation centre ;I of basic pay ma/imum Rs.'+=/< p.m. +.+=I of basic pay ma/imum Rs.+=*/< p.m.
259RL IRL #IRL (** 8T8.(=.=.(G?+, #8%L IRL #IRL )) 8T8.=.?.)***, #8%/IR/,5$/'?> 8T8. )+.((.)**', #8%/50HR8/=G/)**=<*> 8&T98 )?.*(.)**>.3
7otesL !hen an employee orking in a post carrying special pay, officiates as Relief %fficer in JM 4rade ,cale I, he ill be paid only the officiating pay, hich is higher than the special pay during the period of such officiating. ,imilarly, if an employee already orking in a special pay carrying post acts in a position carrying a higher special pay, he ill dra only the latter special pay. 8earness &llo ance and House Rent &llo ance ill also rank for superannuation benefits. ill be payable on special pay. The said pay ill be payable in addition
). '. ;.
The special pay 2a3 for educational :ualification, J&II-/#&I-, if any, to any other pay to hich he may be entitled.
,tenographers and typists ho, in addition to the ork done by them in 9nglish, type on an average, = notes/drafts/letters in Hindi everyday and, in aggregate '** notes/drafts/letters in Hindi every :uarter, ill be paid an allo ance of Rs.()*/< p.m. and Rs.?*/< p.m. respectively as Hindi Incentive &llo ance.
). '. ;.
=. >.
&n employee ith combined designation ill be entitled to the appropriate special pay, if an allo ance is payable for either of his designations, even if his services are not utilized for a post carrying a special pay. &cting arrangement, being temporary in nature should be treated on a day<to<day basis and special pay should be paid for intervening ,undays/Holidays only hen the employee acts on preceding/succeeding orking days. !henever an employee is re:uired to ork in a post carrying a special pay, an order to that effect should be issued in riting, specifying the period during hich he ill act in that post. &n employee deputed from his place of permanent posting to other centers on official duty is paid halting allo ance in addition to his total emoluments. &s such, he ill not be eligible for allo ance like 5ro"ect &rea &llo ance, Hill and Cuel &llo ance etc, if payable at the centre to hich he is deputed, as he is paid halting allo ance. The special pay shall be taken in full for the purpose of calculating overtime ages. !here allo ances are the same for t o or more categories interchange ordinarily. 5lease refer to &nne/ure (*.(, (*.), (*.', (*.;, (*.= and (*.> ill not be permitted
?. G.
In modification of the provisions contained in &nne/ure to the settlement on service conditions for orkmen staff, the A%ther &llo ancesA 2not ranking for dearness allo ance, house rent allo ance, and superannuation benefits3 payable to orkman employees in the -ank have been revised, ith effect from (st 7ovember )**), as underL I) WORKMEN EMPLO"EES IN CLERICAL CADRE i3 #aretakers ii3 #anteen Managers iii3 4odo n<keepers iv3 #onveyance charges for employees using bicycle for official duties here public transport is not available II) WORKMEN EMPLO"EES IN SUBORDINATE CADRE i3 8rivers attached to senior 9/ecutives 2additional3 &mount 2Rs.3 >(* (*(* )** ('= ;+*
4odo n !atchman
2Memorandum %f ,ettlement 8ated The )'rd %ctober, )**>, -et een ,tate -ank %f India &nd &ll India ,tate -ank %f India ,taff Cederation %n 9mpo erment %f ,taff.3 The 8etails &re Curnished In The #hapter %n ,ettlements -et een ,tate -ank %f India &nd &ll India ,tate -ank %f India ,taff Cederation %n 5romotional &venues/ #areer 5rogression, Technology, Redeployment/ Transfer %f !orkmen ,taff, 9mpo erment %f ,taff &nd %ther Issues 2#hapter ; %f This Reference -ook3
S0. N: (.
C2/-5:0A O9 E<4,:A--8 ,pecial &ssistants orking as incharge of #ash<in<#harge and member of marketing and out bound sales force %ther ,pecial &ssistants ,pecial &ssistants/,enior &ssistants and member of marketing and out bound sales force %ther clerical staff Messengers to be used outside the -ank for marketing/recovery etc. %ther members of subordinate staff ,pecial &ssistants orking as incharge of #ash In<#harge and member of marketing and out bound sales force ,pecial &ssistants orking as incharge of #ash In<#harge and member of marketing and out bound sales force Those employees ho are transferred outside #entre under Redeployment 5olicy and #areer 5rogression ,cheme in the middle of the academic year
)** '=*
Reimbursement of e/penses on conveyance to clerical staff Reimbursement of e/penses on conveyance to subordinate staff Reimbursement of e/penses on 7e spaper and magazines including e/isting ne spaperY 5rovision of briefcase
5er month 5er month 5er month 5er month 5er month 5er month
*(.(*.)**> *(.(*.)**>
N:/- & The reimbursement as above in paragraph (*.)) ill be made on the basis of certificate to be signed by the concerned member of staff and it ill not be necessary to produce bills in respect thereof. It is agreed that the reimbursement ill be made on prorata basis for those ho are on leave for + days or more in a month. Those ho are on unauthorized leave or e/tra ordinary leave or are under suspension ill not be eligible for the reimbursements. 2Memorandum of ,ettlement dated )' rd %ctober )**>< e<circular ;=?/)**><*+ dated *)<()< )**>3 K9mployees deputed to the inspection department are not eligible for the Mid<academic Transfer allo ance.
P0:@181:3 :9 N->8424-0
,pecial &ssistants orking as in<charge of cash and members of marketing and outbound sales force are to be reimbursed the cost of ne spapers and magazines amounting to Rs.(+=/< p.m. .e.f. o(.((.)**> on certificate basis. %ther full<time permanent clerical cadre employees are provided an 9nglish 7ational/Regional $ocal 7e s paper and full<time subordinate cadre employees are provided ith one 7ational/Regional/$ocal 6ernacular $anguage ne s paper. Henceforth reimbursement ill be made to all categories of clerical and subordinate staff as per their entitlement on certificate basis from March )**+ and on ards. The claim for reimbursement of e/penses on ne spaper may be submitted in the enclosed format. CLAIM FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF NEWSPAPER EXPENSES FOR THE MONTH OF& N2<- :9 /;- -<4,:A-D-81532/1:3 D-420/<-3/$B023.; N2<- :9 /;- 3->8424-0 460.;28-7 C:8/ :9 N->8424-0 (9:0 /;- <:3/; :9 QQQQQQQQQ.) C-0/191-7 /;2/ /;- 2=:@- -G4-38-8 ;2@- 2./62,,A =--3 13.600-7 =A <-. P,-28- 0-1<=608<- /;- 2<:63/ :9 R8.Q(R64--8QQQQQQ..). (C:63/-08153-7 =A D-420/<-3/2, H-27) 7oteL 8elivery charges ill not be paid. 2e<circular >>? dated *(<*'<)**+3 (S1532/60- :9 /;- -<4,:A--)
S4-.12, A0-2 A,,:>23.S0.N: . A0-2 P2A =-,:> !61% P2A 90:< !61% /: 6 ' A,,:>23.-8 P2A 90:< 6 1 /: 1'''' P2A 90:< 1'''' /: 1!''' P2A 90:< 1!''1 237 2=:@-
). '.
;. =. >. +. ?.
M1R:02< #himptuipui 8istrict of Mizoram and areas beyond )= kms. from $unglei To n in $unglei 8istrict of Mizoram. Throughout $unglei 8istrict e/cluding areas beyond )= kms from $unglei to n of Mizoram. Throughout &iza l 8istrict of Mizoram N252,237 A372<23 * N1.:=20 I8,2378 7orth 0 Middle &ndaman, $ittle &ndaman, 7icobar 0 7arcondum Islands ,outh &ndaman 2including 5ort -lair3 S1??1< L2?8;27>--4 I8,2378 A882< M-5;2,2A2 T014602 8ifficult areas of Tripura Throughout Tripura e/cept difficult areas. M231460 A06323.;2, P027-8; 8ifficult areas of &runanchal 5radesh Throughout &runanchal 5radesh other than difficult areas. +2<<6 * K28;<10 I3 .athua 8istrictL 7iabat -ani, $ohi, Malhar and Machhodi II3 Edhampur 8istrictL 8udu -asantgarh, $ander -hamag Illa:a, other than those included in 5art )2b3. III3 &reas upto 4oel from .amban ,ide and areas upto &rnas from .easi side in Tehsil Mohre. I63 8oda 8istrictL Illa:uas of 5adder and 7iabat 7o gam in .isht ar Tehsil 63 $eh 8istrictL &ll places in the 8istrict 6I3 -aramulla 8istrictL 9ntire 4urez<7irabat, Tangdar ,ub<8ivision and .eran Illa:ua 6II3 Matchill
)=*/< '**/< '**/< ;*/< ;*/< )=*/< (=*/< (=*/< '**/< )=*/< '**/<
;**/< =**/< =**/< ?*/< ?*/< ;**/< '**/< '**/< =**/< ;**/< =**/<
==*/< +**/< +**/< ()*/< ()*/< ==*/< ;=*/< ;=*/< +**/< ==*/< +**/<
?**/< (,***/< (,***/< (>*/< (>*/< ?**/< >**/< >**/< (,***/< ?**/< (,***/<
(,*=*/< (,'**/< (,'**/< )**/< )**/< (,*=*/< +=*/< +=*/< (,'**/< (,*=*/< (,'**/<
G. (*.
6III3 5oonch and Ra"ouri 8istrictL &reas in 5oonch and Ra"ouri 8istrict e/cluding the to ns of 5oonch and Ra"ouri and ,underbani and other urban areas in the t o 8istricts. ID3 &reas not included in 2I3 to 26III3 above, but hich are ithin the distance of ? kms from the line of &ctual #ontrol or at places hich may be declared as :ualifying for border allo ance from time<to<time by the ,tate 4overnment for their o n staff. H1<2.;2, P027-8; #hamba 8istrictL a3 5angi Tehsil, -harmour Tehsil, 5anchayatsL -adgaun, -a"ol, 8eol .ugti, 7ayagam and Tundah, 6illagesL 4hatu of 4ram 5anchayat Jagat, .anarsi of 4ram 5anchayat #hauhata b3 -harmour Tehsil, e/cluding 5anchayats and 6illages included in 2a3 above. c3 Jhandru 5anchayat in -hatiyat Tehsil #hurah Tehsil, 8alhousie To n 2including -anikhet proper3. .innaur 8istrictL a3 &srang, #hitkul and Hango .uno/ #harang 5anchayats, (=/ )* &rea comprising the 4ram 5anchayats of #hhota .hamba, 7athpa and Rupi, 5ooh ,ub<8ivision, e/cluding the 5anchayat &reas specified above. b3 9ntire 8istrict other than &reas included in above. .ullu 8istrictL a3 (=/)* &rea of 7irmand Tehsil, comprising the 4ram 5anchayats of .harga, .ush ar and ,arga b3 %uter<,ara" 2e/cluding villages of Jakat<.hana and -urro in 7irmand Tehsil3 and entire 8istrict e/cluding outer ,era" area and pargana of 5andrabis but including villages Jagat< .hana and -urro of Tehsil 7irmand3.
)=*/< '**/<
;**/< =**/<
==*/< +**/<
?**/< (,***/<
(,*=*/< (,'**/<
$ahaul and ,piti 8istrictL 9ntire area of $ahaul and ,piti. ,himla 8istrictL a3 (=/)* area of Rampur Tehsil comprising of 5anchayats of .oot, $abana<,adana, ,arpara and #hadi<-randa. b3 8ora<.a ar Tehsil, 4ram 5anchayat of 8arkali in Rampur, .ashapath Tehsil and Munish, 4hori #haibis of 5argana ,arahan. c3 #hopal Tehsil and 4horis, 5an"gaon, 5atsnau, 7aubis and Teen .oti of 5argana ,arahan, 8eothi 4ram 5anchayat of Taklesh &rea, 5argana -arabis, .asba Rampur and 4hori 7og of 5argana Rampur of Rampur Tehsil, ,imla To n and its suburbs 28halli, Jatog, .asumpti, Mashobra, Taradevi and Tutu3. .angra 8istrictL a3 &reas of -ara -hangal and #hhota -hangal
'**/< '**/<
=**/< =**/<
+**/< +**/<
(,***/< (,***/<
(,'**/< (,'**/<
b3 8haramshala To n of .angra 8istrict and the follo ing offices located outside the Municipal limits but included in 8haramshala To n< !omen1s ITI, 8ari, Mechanical !orkshop, Ramnagar, #hild !elfare and To n and #ountry 5lanning %ffices, ,akoh, #R,C %ffice at lo er ,akoh, .angra Milk ,upply ,cheme, 8ugiar, HRT# !orkshop, ,adher, Honal Malaria %ffice, 8ari, Corest #orporation %ffice, ,hamnagar, Tea Cactory, 8ari, I.5.H. ,ub<8ivision, 8an, ,ettlement %ffice, ,hamnagar, Hin a 5ro"ect, ,hamnagar. 5alampur To n of .angra 8istrict including H5.66 #ampus at 5alampur and the follo ing offices located outside its municipal limits but included in 5alampur To n B H.5. .rishi 6ish avidhalaya #ampus, #attle 8evelopment %ffice/ Jersey Carm, -anuri, ,ericulture %ffice/ Indo< 4erman &griculture !orkshop/H55!8 8ivision, -undla, 9lectrical ,ub<8ivision, $ohna, 8.5.%. #orporation, -undla, 9lectrical H9,99 8ivision, 4huggar.
Mandi 8istrictL #hhuhar 6alley of Jogindernagar Tehsil, 5anchayats in thunag Tehsil<of -agraa, #hatri, #hhotdhar, 4aragushain, 4atoo, 4aryas, Jan"ehli, Jaryar, Johar, .alhani, .al an, .holanal, $oth, ,ilibagi, ,omachan, Thachdhar, Tachi, Thana, 5anchayats of 8harampur -lock< -inga, .amlah, ,aklana, Tanyar and Tarakholah, 5anchayats of .arsog Tehsil B -alidhar, -agra, 4opalpur, .ha"ol, Mahog, Mehudi, Man", 5ekhi, ,ain", ,arahan and Teban, 5anchayats of ,undernagar Tehsil B -ohi, -at ara, 8hanyara, 5aura<.othi, ,eri and ,ho"a. ,irmaur 8istrictL 5anchayats of -ani, -akhali 25achhad Tehsil3, -harog -heneri 25aonta Tehsil3, -irla 27ahan Tehsil3, 8ibber 25achhad Tehsil3 and Thana .asoga 27ahan Tehsil3 and Thansgin Tract ,olan 8istrictL Mangal 5anchayat. Remaining areas of Himachal 5radesh not included above U//20 P027-8;& &reas under #hamoli, 5ithoragarh and Ettar .ashi 8istricts U//202?;237 & &reas under Rudraprayag and #hampavat 8istricts.
8etails of 8iscomfort &llo ance payable to clerical cadre employees are furnished in the chapter on Miscellaneous Instructions 2#hapter ); of this Reference -ook3.
S4-.12, P2A F:0 W:0?<-3 S/299 I3 S/2/- B23? O9 I3712
In modification of the provisions contained in &nne/ure<( to the ,ettlement dated (( th May )*** on service conditions, the rates of special pay payable to orkmen employees stand revised as under from the (st 7ovember )**)L CLERICAL STAFF S. N:. P:8/8 .200A135 S4-.12, P2A (R23?135 9:0 DA, HRA 237 S64-023362/1:3 =-3-91/8) A. POSITIONS TO CONTINUE& (. ,pecial &ssistant/%fficiating 5ay 2Relief %fficer3 ). Head 8raughtsman/ Head &rmour /Head Telephone %perator/ Head 5harmacist/ Head 7urse/ Head &.#. 5lant %perator/ Head ,.T. 5lant %perator '. ,enior &ssistant/ Head &ssistant 2&ccounts3/ #omputer %perator/,tenographer / Inspection &ssistant/,enior Telephone %perator/ ,enior 9lectrician 29lectrical ,upervisor3/,enior &rmour/ ,enior ,e age Citter/ ,enior 5harmacist/ ,enior 7urse/,enior &.#. 5lant operator/ ,enior ,.T. 5lant %perator/ ,enior #ontrol Room %perator/ 8raughtsman ;. 9ncoder machine %perator =. &gricultural &ssistant >. Telephone %perator +. 5harmacist / 7urse ?. #ontrol Room %perator/ &.#. 5lant %perator/ ,.T. 5lant %perator B. POSITIONS FROMEN& (. 9rst hile %fficial<in<charge 25assing %fficial3 ). Head 5unch %perator/ Head 8ata 9ntry %perator '. 8atanet %perator/ 8eputy Head #ashier/ Teller/ Head &sst. 2#ash3/ Tele/ %perator ;. -radma Machine %perator 2I3 =. 8ata 9ntry %perator >. 8eputy Head &ssistant 2#ash3/ #ashier %perating 9lectronic #ash Register/ -radma Machine %perator 2II3 +. 8IR &ssistant/ &udit #lerk ?. Mill #hecking &ssistant C. RE#ISION OF SPECIAL PA" EFFECTI#E FROM '1.'(.2''% (. ,pecial &ssistants ). ,enior &ssistants and Head &ssistants 2&ccounts3 S4-.12, P2A 4-0 <:3/; (R8.) )*** (+'= (*+=
=;= ='= ;** )+* );* (=)= ();= (*+= +(= >'* ='= ;** )** )=** (?**
7oteL The positions listed under X-1 above ill be abolished on e/isting incumbents moving over to higher positions or retiring from the -ank1s service etc. and until their retirement/movement, they ill continue to dra the special pay as listed. Their retirement or movement to higher positions ill not result in ne vacancies. Their services ill be utilized as stated belo L 2a3 The posts of Head 5unch %perators, Head 8ata 9ntry %perators and 9rst hile %fficials Incharge ill be abolished on present incumbents moving over to higher positions or retiring from -ankKs service. The remaining Head 5unch %perators, Head 8ata 9ntry %perators and erst hile %fficials Incharge, if any, ill be redesignated/appointed as ,enior &ssistants. Tele/ %perators, 8atanet %perators, 8y. Head #ashiers, Tellers and Head &sstt. 2#ash3, ho have completed () years service, ill be redesignated/appointed as ,enior &ssistants. The services of such Tele/ %perators, ho have not completed () years service, if any, ill be utilized as #omputer %perators.
The e/isting -radma Machine %perators 2I3, 8ata 9ntry %perators, 8y. Head &sstt. 2#ash3, #ashiers %perating 9lectronic #ash Register, -radma Machine %perators 2II3, 8IR &ssistants, &udit #lerks and Mill #hecking &ssistants, ho have completed () years service, ill be appointed as ,enior &ssistants. The services of such employees, ho have not completed () years service, if any, ill be utilized as &ssistants 2#ash/&ccounts3. The posts of 4odo n<keepers and -ill #ollectors ill be abolished on the present incumbents on their retiring from the -ank1s service or moving on to higher in<cadre or out<of cadre positions. The services of e/isting 4odo n .eepers and -ill #ollectors ill be utilized as Record .eepers/#ashiers. 7%T9L The inspection assistants, ho have completed ()/)' years of service in the -ank and are other ise eligible for higher appointment under career progression scheme for orkmen employees are to be offered higher appointment as senior/special assistants and higher special pay.
S4-.12, P2A 9:0 13 .270- C20--0 P0:50-881:3 :9 S/-3:5024;-08 237 R-.:07 K--4-0 .6<-C28;1-08 (S-//,-<-3/ 72/-7 23.1'.2''6)
S0. N:. (. ). '. ;. =. >. P:8/8 .200A135 S4-.12, P2A (R23?135 9:0 DA, HRA 237 S64-023362/1:3 =-3-91/8) ,pecial &ssistants ,pecial ,tenographer ,enior ,tenographer ,tenographer ,pecial Record .eeper<cum<#ashiers/ Record .eepers/ #ashiers ,enior Record .eepers<cum<#ashiers/Record .eepers/ #ashiers S4-.12, P2A 4-0 <:3/; (R8.) )=** )*** (=** (*+= +** =**
In modification of the provisions contained in &nne/ure<( to the ,ettlement dated (( th May )*** on service conditions, the rates of special pay payable to orkmen employees stand revised as under from the (st 7ovember )**)L
S. N:. P:8/8 .200A135 S4-.12, P2A (R23?135 9:0 DA, HRA 237 S64-023362/1:3 =-3-91/8) A. POSITIONS TO CONTINUE& (. Head 8river ). ,enior Head Messenger/ ,enior Head !atchman/ ,enior Head &rmed 4uard/ ,enior Head 4eneral &ttendant/ ,enior Head , eeper/ ,enior Head -earer/ ,enior Head #ook / ,enior Head Mali/ 8river '. 9lectrician/ ,anitary Citter/ &.#. 5lant &ttendant/ ,.T. 5lant &ttendant ;. %fficiating 5ay 2Record .eeper/ 4odo n .eeper/ #ashier/ -ill #ollector3 =. Head Messenger/ Head !atchman/ Head -earer/ Head Mali/ Head 4eneral &ttendant/ Head , eeper/ Head #ook >. ,enior #ook/ ,enior -earer/ ,enior $iftman/&rmed 4uard/ 5ump &ttendant/ / Telephone $ineman +. !atchman/ ,enior 4eneral &ttendant 2#ash Hammal/ Carrash/, eeper3/ Cireman ?. $iftman/ 5lumber/ #ook/ #anteen -oyO/ Machine Man B. POSITIONS FROMEN& (. #ompositor ). 5ressmen '. ,enior #ho kidar/ 8uftary/ ,orter ;. Impositor<cum<8istributor =. 8up. Machine %perator >. #opying Machine %perator/ 4odo n !atchman +. 7ote ,titching Machine %perator S4-.12, P2A 4-0 <:3/; (R8.) (;)*OO (''=
()'* +?= >?* ='= '** )>= ((+= +G* ='= ;(= '** )>= (;*
OThe #orporate #entre is holding discussions ith &ll India ,tate -ank of India ,taff Cederation and pending further advices from #orporate #entre, the special pay shall not be payable to #anteen -oys. 2#8%LIRL ,5$L (;' 8&T98 (?.*+.)**=3 OO5lease also refer to chapter +.) for guidelinelines for #areer 5rogression of 8rivers etc. and &nne/ure (*.; for revison in ,pecial 5ay .e.f. )'<(*<)**>. i3 7oteL The positions listed under X-1 above ill be abolished on e/isting incumbents moving over to higher positions or retiring from the -ank1s service etc. and until their retirement/movement, they ill continue to dra the special pay as listed. Their retirement or movement to higher positions ill not result in ne vacancies. Their services ill be utilized as stated belo L The posts of #ompositors ill be abolished on the incumbents moving over to higher positions or retiring from the -ankKs service. The services of such #ompositors, ho have not completed )' years of service, ill be utilized as Head Messengers . The posts of 5ressmen, 8uftaries, ,orters, Impositor<cum<8istributors, 8up. Machine %perators, #opying Machine %perators, 4odo n !atchmen and 7ote ,titching Machine %perators ill be abolished on the incumbents moving over to higher positions or retiring from
the -ankKs service. There ill be no creation of fresh vacancies in these positions on higher appointment, retirement or death of present incumbents. The Head Messengers ill perform the duties of #opying Machine %perators, 8up. Machine %perators, 7ote ,titching Machine %perators, 8uftaries and ,orters, herever re:uired. ii3 iii3 The #ho kidars, Head #ho kidars and ,enior Head #ho kidars ill be designated as !atchmen, Head !atchmen and ,enior Head !atchmen respectively. The present Head #ash #oolie, Head Hammal, Head Carrash, Head , eeper, Head 4uard, Head !atchman, Head 4eneral &ttendant, Head -earer and Head $iftman, not completing (= yearsK service, ill be redesignated as ,enior 4eneral &ttendant 2#ash/Hammal/Carrash/, eeper3, ,enior 4uard, ,enior !atchman, ,enior 4eneral &ttendant, ,enior -earer and ,enior $iftman respectively. %n completion of (= yearsK service they ill be eligible for a special pay of Rs.>?*/< p.m. In terms of the ,cheme for #areer 5rogression !ithin<the<#adre for !orkmen ,taff contained in the ,ettlement dated ))nd July )**', as a general rule every member of the subordinate staff dra ing a lo er special pay ill be eligible for a special pay of Rs.>?*/< 2Revised3 on completion of (= years of full time service and the term KHeadK prefi/ed to his designation. ,imilarly, on completion of )' years of full time service, he ill be eligible for a special pay of Rs.(''=/< 2Revised3 ith the term K,enior HeadK prefi/ed to his designation. This ould be done once every year on the (st &ugust in accordance ith the procedure laid do n in &nne/ure I6 to the aforesaid ,ettlement.
S4-.12, P2A 9:0 13 .270- C20--0 P0:50-881:3 :9 A0<-7 G62078, D01@-08, E,-./01.1238$S231/20A F1//-08, A.C.$S.T. P,23/ A//-3723/8 (S-//,-<-3/ 72/-7 23.1'.2''6)
S0. N:. (. ). '. ;. =. >. +. P:8/8 .200A135 S4-.12, P2A (R23?135 9:0 DA, HRA 237 S64-023362/1:3 =-3-91/8) 8river ,enior 8rivers ,enior Head 8river 9lectrician/ ,anitary Citter/ &.#. 5lant &ttendant/ ,.T. 5lant &ttendant ,enior 9lectrician, ,enior ,anitary Citter, ,enior &.#. 5lant &ttendant ,enior Head 9lectrician, ,enior Head ,anitary Citter, ,enior Head &.#. 5lant &ttendant, ,enior ,.T. 5lant &ttendant Head &rmed 4uard .e.f. *(.*+.)**= S4-.12, P2A 4-0 <:3/; (R8.) (''= (;** (;=* ()'* ('** ('=* ?**
CLERICAL STAFF ,pecial #ompensatory &llo ance 5ayable ith effect from *(.(*.)**( to those employees ho are in the service of ,tate -ank of India on the date of signing the ,ettlement i.e. on )).*+.)**' and are currently in receipt of ,#& ,tages -asic 5ay ,#& 9/isting Revised ( '*)* (+* )+* ) '(== (?* )?* ' ')G* (G* )G* ; ';)= )** '** = '>=* )(* ')* > '?+= ))* ''* + ;(** );* '=* ? ;;)* )>* '+* G ;+;* )?* ;** (* =*>* '** ;)* (( ='?* ')* ;;* () =+)* ';* ;>* (' >*>* '>* ;G* (; >;** '?* =(* (= >+?* ;** ='* (> +(>* ;)* =+* (+ +=;* ;;* =G* (? +G)* ;+* >G= (G ?>** ==* ?=* )* ?G?* ==* G+= ,tag I G'>* ==* G+= ,tag II G+;* ==* G+= ,tag III (*()* ==* G+= ,tag I6 (*=** ==* G+= ,tag 6 (*??* ==* G+=
CLERICAL STAFF ,pecial #ompensatory &llo ance 5ayable ith effect from *(.(*.)**(or date of "oining hich ever is later to those employees ho are in the service of ,tate -ank of India on the date of signing the ,ettlement i.e. on )).*+.)**' and are currently not in receipt of ,#& ,tages -asic 5ay ,#& ( '*)* (** ) '(== (** ' ')G* (** ; ';)= (** = '>=* ((* > '?+= ((* + ;(** ((* ? ;;)* ((* G ;+;* ()* (* =*>* ()* (( ='?* ()* () =+)* ()* (' >*>* ('* (; >;** ('* (= >+?* ('* (> +(>* (=* (+ +=;* (=* (? +G)* ))= (G ?>** '** )* ?G?* ;)= ,tag I G'>* ;)= ,tag II G+;* ;)= ,tag III (*()* ;)= ,tag I6 (*=** ;)= ,tag 6 (*??* ;)=
SUBORDINATE STAFF ,pecial #ompensatory &llo ance 5ayable ith effect from *(.(*.)**( to those employees ho are in the service of ,tate -ank of India on the date of signing the ,ettlement i.e. on )).*+.)**' and are currently in receipt of ,#& S/25-8 B281. P2A SCA EG18/135 R-@18-7 ( )+=* (=* )(* ) )?*= (== )(= ' )?>* (>* ))* ; )G'= (>= ))= = '*(* (+* );* > '(** (+= );= + '(G* (?* )=* ? ''** (G* )>* G ';(* )** )?* (* '=)* )(* )G* (( '>=* ))* '** () '+?* )'* '(* (' 'G(* );* ''* (; ;*;* )=* ';* (= ;(G* )>* '=* (> ;';* )+* '?* (+ ;;G* )?* 'G* (? ;>>* '** ;;* (G ;?'* '=* =)* )* =*** '=* =>* ,tag I =(+* '=* =>* ,tag II =';* '=* =>* ,tag III ==(* '=* =>* ,tag I6 =>?* '=* =>* ,tag 6 =?=* '=* =>*
SUBORDINATE STAFF ,pecial #ompensatory &llo ance 5ayable ith effect from *(.(*.)**( or date of "oining hich ever is later to those employees ho are in the service of ,tate -ank of India on the date of signing the ,ettlement i.e. on )).*+.)**' and are currently not in receipt of ,#& ,tages -asic 5ay ,#& ( )+=* >* ) )?*= >* ' )?>* >* ; )G'= >* = '*(* +* > '(** +* + '(G* +* ? ''** +* G ';(* ?* (* '=)* ?* (( '>=* ?* () '+?* ?* (' 'G(* G* (; ;*;* G* (= ;(G* G* (> ;';* ((* (+ ;;G* ((* (? ;>>* (;* (G ;?'* (+* )* =*** )(* ,tag I =(+* )(* ,tag II =';* )(* ,tag III ==(* )(* ,tag I6 =>?* )(* ,tag 6 =?=* )(*
H2,/135 A,,:>23.R2/-8 :9 H2,/135 A,,:>23.Halting allo ance hich is intended to cover the ordinary daily e/penses incurred by an employee hen he is a ay from head:uarters on duty, ill be payable at the follo ing rates ith effect from the )nd June )**=L H15;-0 CCA C-3/-08 Rs.;**/< per diem #lerical ,taff ,ubordinate ,taff Rs.'**/< per diem L:>-0 CCA C-3/-08 Rs.'**/< per diem Rs.)**/< per diem N:3 CCA C-3/0-8 Rs.)=*/< per diem Rs.(=*/< per diem
In respect of "ourneys completed on the same day, here the period bet een the time hen a orkman commences ork on that day and the time at hich he returns to his place of ork from outstation duty e/ceeds his normal orking hours plus recess interval, full halting allo ance at the rates applicable to him shall be paid. In such a case, he ill not be entitled to any overtime ages. !here a orkman is re:uired to ork in the office at the head:uarters either before proceeding on, or after returning from outstation duty and the total hours of actual ork e/ceed the orkmanKs normal orking hours minus the recess interval, the orkman shall have the option to claim either 2a3 full halting allo ance, or 2b3 batta as provided in clause >.?; 2;3 of 8esai & ard i.e.=*I of halting allo ance plus any overtime pay for hich he ould other ise have been eligible. Cor purposes of calculating overtime, the total hours of ork at the outstation, the to and fro travel time on outstation duty and the actual hours of ork at the office, either before of after going on outstation duty should be taken into account. !here the place of outstation duty is beyond the municipal limits of the head:uarters, the orkman ill not be entitled to batta, as provided in the 8esai & ard, if the place of outstation duty is less than = .ms. from the office. !here, ho ever, the place of outstation duty is ithin the municipal limit of the head:uarters, but is at a distance of more than (= .ms. from the office, the orkman ill be entitled to batta as provided in the 8esai & ard, not ithstanding that the place of outstation duty is ithin the municipal limits of the head:uarters. 7o batta ill be payable to a orkman ho at the discretion of the -ank undertakes a "ourney of more than (= kms from the head:uarters. #larifications
The duration of the orking hours on outstation duty ill not have any bearing on payment of batta, if the other conditions set out above are satisfied.
Cor the above purposes, municipal limits should be treated as the entire area covered by the Erban &gglomeration. The Kmunicipal limitK for the purpose of payment of Halting allo ance ould also include such areas, hich though outside the municipal limits of the city, are treated as part of the city for purpose of payment of H.R.&./#.#.&. etc. being on the periphery or a part of the Erban &gglomeration etc. If the deputation is ithin a given centre forming one unit or ithin the constituent units of the Erban &gglomeration of a place as per )**( census, halting allo ance is not to be paid. Ho ever, there ill be no change in the position regarding payment of halting allo ance or batta in terms of paragraph =.(; of the -ipartite &greement dated '(.'.(G>+.
A501.6,/602, A8818/23/8
&gricultural assistants stationed in central villages are entitled to halting allo ance at the rates laid do n in their service rules for the period of their being a ay on duty from head:uarters.
a3 b3
G-3-02, I38/06./1:38 I3 R-5207 T: H2,/135 A,,:>23.Halting allo ance ill be paid to an employee on deputation at the rate applicable to the centre to hich he is deputed. Members of a ard staff may be permitted to avail themselves of advance against halting allo ance on the same terms and conditions as applicable to supervising staff. They ill be permitted to dra advance against halting allo ance at fortnightly intervals for the period of duty already completed. !here the payment of halting allo ance covers a continuous period in e/cess of one month, the payment ill have to be authorized by the controlling authority. 5ayment of other allo ance during deputation. &n employee ho is deputed to a centre ill not be eligible to dra allo ance such as 5ro"ect &rea &llo ance, Hill and Cuel allo ance etc. if payable at the centre to hich he is deputed inasmuch as he is paid halting allo ance during that period. !hile on inspection duty, the employees are eligible to dra halting allo ance at the appropriate rate, besides the discomfort allo ance and special allo ance as applicable. #onse:uent to the revised classification of centres per census )**(, halting allo ance at higher rates has become payable to officers and orkmen staff in respect of these centres. &ccordingly, it has no been decided to pay/reimburse halting allo ance at rates according to the revised classification of areas per #ensus )**( ith effect from the (;th %ctober )**;. 2e<circular = dated (?<()<)**;3
c3 d3
e3 f3
7oteL ii3 #harges for supply of bedrolls incurred hile travel on duty, $C# and transfer are not reimbursable. 9/penses for servant are also not reimbursable.
S6=:07132/- S/299
& member of the subordinate staff, traveling e/penses as underL hen transferred from one station to another is paid
2a3 ,econd class fare by rail or third class fare by steamer for himself and for his family, if taken. 2,9TT$9M97T 8&T98. '(.(*.(G+G3 In case a member of subordinate staff undertakes "ourney by sleeper class, he may be paid sleeper class fare. Ho ever, for the purpose of notional entitlements only second<class rail fare ill be taken into account, if the employee undertakes "ourney by any other class or mode of travel. b3 Cor transporting personal effects on transfer the employees ill be entitled for reimbursement of cost actually incurred for transporting his personal effects by any mode of transport of goods train rate eighing as underL Married (*** .gs Enmarried +=* .gs
T02384:0/ O9 #-;1.,& ard staff employees ho o n a scooter/motor cycle or moped may also be permitted to claim cost of transporting a vehicle on transfer to another station ithin the limits stipulated in paragraph ((.).(2b3 for clerical staff and ((.).)2b3 for subordinate staff.
If for any reason, the family of an employee does not travel ith him but "oins him ithin a period of si/ months from the date of his transfer, an employee shall be entitled to dra the further fares for the family and the cost of transporting luggage payable, sub"ect to the limits fi/ed.
!hen the family, in conse:uence of transfer, travels from a place other than from hich the employee is transferred, the employee may dra the actual traveling e/penses incurred by the family to "oin the employee at the ne station. -ut the amount so dra n shall not e/ceed the ma/imum amount admissible to the employee if his family had been stationed at the place from here the employee as transferred. S;19/135 :9 /;- 92<1,A /: 2 4,2.- :/;-0 /;23 /;- 4,2.- :9 4:8/135 !hen an employee is transferred to a place falling in a difficult terrain or having e/treme climate or lacking in educational facilities of his children, he may be permitted to keep his family at his place of domicile or any other convenient place and reimbursed actual traveling e/penses in respect of his family members and also the e/penses incurred for transportation of household luggage in shifting his family to a place as stated above, provided the cost to the -ank does not e/ceed the amount that could have been payable to the employee had he taken his family and household luggage to the place of posting. This ould, ho ever, need prior clearance from the #ontrolling &uthority. In the event of an employee claiming such reimbursement, he ill not be subse:uently eligible to claim traveling e/penses in respect of his family members if he decides to take them to the place of his posting at a later date.
&n employee ho is posted to a difficult and inconvenient centre here educational facilities are inade:uate or are not available at all, may have to keep his children for their education outside the place of his posting. In such case, he may be reimbursed, in terms of his eligibility, the traveling e/penses on account of the children conse:uent on transfer from his present place of posting to the place here he is posted on transfer or the actual e/penditure incurred, hichever is lo er. The above principle ill also be applicable in the case of an employee ho is staying alone at the place of his posting and his family members are not staying ith him at the place of posting for some convincing reasons.
9mployees ho "oin the mobile staff of the Inspection 8epartment are paid traveling e/penses from the place of their last posting to the place here they are asked to report for the ne assignment. Reimbursement of traveling e/penses incurred for shifting the employeeKs family to a convenient place in such cases is permitted, to the same e/tent to hich he ould have been eligible, if the employee had been transferred to that place and "oined the Inspection 8epartment from there. &t the time of reversion, similar e/penses for shifting the family from that place of the employeeKs posting ill also be reimbursed. If at the employeeKs re:uest, he is permitted as a special case to retain residence provided to him at the place of his last posting, he ill not be eligible to claim the traveling e/penses in respect of some/all members of his family.
N-> R-.061/8
If a candidate selected for appointment in the clerical cadre in the -ank reports for pre<entry training 2before reporting for duty at the designated -ranch3, he should be treated as having "oined the -ank on that date. Thereafter, he may be paid traveling e/penses for himself as applicable to the clerical staff provided he has gone through the medical e/amination and is illing to "oin the designated branch after availing the "ourney period.
R-.2,, F0:< L-2@25&L #IRL (* 8&T98. '.'.(G?'3 If a member of & ard ,taff is called back from leave, hen considered necessary in the interest of the -ank, he is eligible for reimbursement of traveling e/penses to and from the place here he as spending his holiday. The employee ill also be entitled to claim traveling e/penses of his family provided they have accompanied him hile going to such a place or have gone to such a place ithin a eek of his going there and have accompanied him hilst returning from such a place or have returned to the place of ork ithin a eek of his return to the place.
%ne first class fare by rail or lo est cabin class or appropriate class e:uivalent to the fares payable by first class by train hichever is higher in respect of "ourneys undertaken by steamer. The actual cost, if any, of freight of his personal belongings. &ny other unavoidable e/penditure incurred such as autoricksha established to the satisfaction of the sanctioning authority. hire, porterage, etc.
2ii3 2iii3
S6=:07132/- S/299
& member of the subordinate staff is entitled to second<class fare by rail or third class fare by steamer, to and fro for himself. #lause 2ii3 and 2iii3 of para ((.).(; above ill also be liable above e:ually to him.
A10 I386023.The ceiling for the purpose of reimbursement of premium on air insurance cover bought by members of a ard staff, if they are permitted to travel by air on duty, ill be Rs.( lac.
R-8-0@2/1:3 C;205-8
!here an employee is re:uired to travel on duty, reasonable e/penses incurred by him for making reservation of rail ay tickets may be reimbursed to him. !here travel agents are established/available, their services may be utilized.
&n employee ho appears for selection as a 5robationary %fficer in the -ank is eligible for traveling e/penses, halting allo ance etc. in terms of his service rules, henever the #entral Recruitment -oard calls him for intervie . -ut an employee competing for the post of 5robationary %fficer in the &ssociate -anks ill be treated as an outside candidate only and ill be given the traveling e/penses as applicable to outside candidates.
Traveling e/penses and halting allo ance of employees nominated as 8irectors on the -oards of financial institutions/companies may be paid initially by the -ank under its o n Rules, as if the "ourneys ere performed on its o n business. Reimbursement of such e/penses incurred by the -ank may thereafter be claimed from the respective financial institutions/companies.
D-420/<-3/2, E3C6101-8
D-9-3.- R-40-8-3/2/1@-8
&n employee defending another employee of the -ank facing a departmental en:uiry ill be relieved on special leave 2on full pay and allo ances3 to represent the employee and ill be paid to and fro fare from the place of his posting to the place here the en:uiry is being held. The class of fare to hich he ill be entitled ould be the same as hile traveling on duty. In case of any ad"ournment at the instance of the -ank/9n:uiry %fficer the employee may be asked to resume duty and if so, he ill be paid the fare for the conse:uential "ourney. He ill also be paid full halting allo ance for the period he stays at the place of the en:uiry for defending the employee as also for the days of "ourney hich is undertaken at the -ankKs cost.
D-9-3.- W1/3-88-8
&n employee ho is re:uired to appear at a departmental en:uiry conducted by the -ank as defence itness ill be treated as on duty and granted duty leave and also ill be reimbursed the traveling e/penses. Ho ever, reimbursement of traveling e/penses ill not be permitted to outsiders ho appear as defence itnesses. It ill be necessary for the 9n:uiry %fficer to "udicially decide on the relevance of each itness cited by the defence and disallo a defence itness hose testimony is not considered relevant to the case.
the traveling e/penses/halting allo ance admissible to him, provided such reimbursement of e/penses for travel is restricted to the actual e/penditure incurred, sub"ect to the ma/imum entitlement as per ,ervice Rules. ii3 $egal e/penses incurred by such an employee in defending himself in such case may also be reimbursed to a reasonable e/tent. &ll such cases should be referred to $ocal Head %ffice ith full details for prior clearance from #orporate #entre.
!here an outstation employee accompanies remittance to Reserve -ank of India The employee ill also be eligible for reimbursement of conveyance charges to a reasonable e/tent 2i.e. bus fares3 from the place of his temporary residence to the Reserve -ank of India, hether or not the Reserve -ank of India entertains the claims of such conveyance charges. In cases here the Reserve -ank of India refuses to entertain the claims they may be borne by the -ank.
#onveyance charges here no public transport is available &t centers, here no Apublic transportA is available and a member of the staff other than subordinate staff uses bicycle or any such private vehicle for the -ankKs ork, he ill be paid a conveyance charge of Rs. >*/< per month. These charges are payable to employees ho are regularly engaged in out<door duties and not to employees ho are re:uired to perform out<door duties occasionally. The term Apublic transportA means buses, cycle ricksha s, tongas or any other similar mode of transport. &t small branches, it ould be desirable to entrust all usual outdoor duties i.e. bringing and taking registered letters from and to the post office, taking bills to dra ees for acceptance or presentation, depositing/collecting che:ues at various -anks at centers here there are no clearing houses and all such other duties to only one employee.
!here public transport is available &t centers here public transport is available, members of the a ard staff are reimbursed ith e/penses hich are fairly and legitimately incurred, not e/ceeding the e/penses that ould have been incurred on public transport other than autoricksha or ta/i and not road mileage even though the place visited is not connected by rail.
,ometimes it may be necessary for the employee to engage an autoricksha or such other faster mode of conveyance, ith a vie to reduce his absence on out<door duty to the barest minimum time possible. In such cases, reimbursement of conveyance e/penses to a reasonable e/tent may be allo ed to employees ho are on out<door duty or on deputation.
!hen an employee uses his o n scooter/motor cycle in the discharge of official duties, he is eligible for payment of e/penses to the e/tent that ould have been incurred on public transport. #onveyance charges are payable to godo n<keepers here admissible in addition to the 4odo n &llo ance. 8etailed instructions in this regard are given in paragraph 7o. ((.> ATraveling 9/penses -ills of 4odo nkeepers1 of this #hapter. Hindi Teaching ,cheme #onveyance e/penses to a reasonable e/tent may be permitted to the employees ho undergo training in Hindi type riting/stenography under the Hindi Teaching ,cheme sponsored by the 4overnment or by the -ank.
$ocal candidates for attending promotional intervie /Test 9/penses incurred by a local employee are reimbursed to him, for attending promotional test/intervie by the cheapest/public mode of transport from residence to the venue of e/amination and back provided the promotional test/intervie is held on ,unday/Holiday. ,uch reimbursement ould be permissible even in cases hen the test/intervie is held on a orking day at a place other than the regular place of ork of a local employee. In other ords, if the test/intervie is held on a orking day at a regular place of ork of an employee, he ill not be paid any conveyance charges.
i3 ii3
The place is situated beyond ) kms. The employee concerned certifies to the -ankKs satisfaction that he in fact, undertook the "ourney on foot due to non<availability of any type of conveyance for visiting the place in connection ith the -ankKs ork. The "ourney as undertaken on foot o ing to other unavoidable circumstances such as absence of pucca roads, urgency of the ork, etc.
&n orthopaedically handicapped employee ho has a minimum of ;*I permanent partial disability of upper or lo er limbs or =*I permanent partial disability of both upper and lo er limbs together. Cor the purpose of estimation of orthopedic disability, the standards applicable as contained in the Manual for orthopedic surgeons in evaluating permanent impairment brought out by the &merican &cademy of %rthopedic surgeons. E.,.&. and published on their behalf by &rtificial $imbs Manufacturing #orporation of India, 4.T. Road, .anpur for the purpose of estimation of the disability. The conveyance allo ance ill be admissible to the orthopaedically handicapped employees on the recommendation of the -ankKs Medical %fficer/&uthorized 8octor. If necessary, he ill refer the matter to Head of %rthopedic 8epartment of a 4overnment #ivil Hospital. In the case of a blind employee, the allo ance ill be admissible on the recommendations of the -ankKs Medical %fficer/&uthorized 8octor. If necessary he ill refer the matter to Head of %phthalmologic 8epartment of 4overnment #ivil Hospital. ,anctioning &uthority #onveyance allo ance shall be sanctioned to the eligible employees by the respective controlling authorities ho ill be as underL
-ranches 2%ther than Main -ranches3 $ocal Head %ffice &hmedabad/-aroda Main -ranches and #ommercial -ranch Honal %ffice 5ayment
2;3 iii3
The allo ance ill not be admissible during leave 2e/cept casual leave3, "oining time or hen the employee is under suspension. The allo ance ill be granted ith effect from the date of receipt recommendations of the -ankKs Medical %fficer/-ankKs &uthorized 8octor are received by the concerned sanctioning authority. The employee need not submit his claim every month. ,anction from the controlling authority should be obtained at the first instance. ,anction thereafter every month is not necessary. The allo ance ill be paid to the eligible employees separately on the first orking day of the succeeding month after verifying the leave records. The allo ance is liable to income ta/ and should be included in the total income of the employee. iv3 v3 5ayment of ATransport &llo anceA ill not prohibit payment of this allo ance. %ther facilities These employees ill be reimbursed ith the traveling e/penses incurred by them hen they are referred to 4overnment #ivil Hospital located outside the head:uarters for getting recommendation for grant of conveyance allo ance as per their entitlement under the service rules. The period spent on "ourney and at hospital ill be treated as on duty. Halting allo ance for a period not e/ceeding one day may be paid to the employee. !hile no fees ill be charged by #entral 4overnment Hospitals in case of employees referred to them, ho ever, fees, if any is charged by the ,tate 4overnment hospitals, these ill be reimbursed ithout being debited to their yearly medical :uota.
i3 ii3 iii3
If an officer is transferred permanently from -ranch X&1 to -ranch K-K the advance taken by him should be debited to -ranch K-K, hich ill in turn debit the amount to its ,uspense &/c. !hile sanctioning the advance, the officer should be instructed in riting that he should submit the bill promptly on return from tour and in any case ithin (= days from the date of completion of the "ourney. In case of transfer, the relative bills should be submitted as early as possible but not later than one month from the date on hich the officer reports for duty at the ne place. In case an employeeKs family is not able to accompany him and/or he is not able to arrange for transporting his household luggage at the time of transfer, the bill can be preferred at a later date by ay of supplementary bills ithin (= days of the completion of such "ourney/transporting his luggage. In regard to bills in respect of families traveling apart from the officials, the reasons thereof should be stated at the foot of the bills ith a certificate to the effect that the total e/penses claimed are not in e/cess of hat ould have been incurred had they all traveled together.
The advance taken by the officer should be correctly indicated in the traveling e/penses bill submitted by him. The office to hich the advance has been debited should also be clearly mentioned in the bill. The ,uspense Register should be perused at eekly intervals to ensure that no outstandings remain therein in respect of "ourneys already undertaken, for hich bills should have been submitted. In case there are any such outstandings, the officer should be advised in riting to submit the bill immediately and that in the event of his not doing so, the amount ill be recovered from his salary. The officer may be informed that, here necessary, a supplementary bill covering additional e/penses such as transport of personal effects or separate travel by members of the family, etc., may be submitted later on ithin (= days of completion of such "ourney and/or transporting the luggage. In case bills in respect of the advances taken from the -ank on account of $C#/HT# travel, etc., are not submitted by the employees ithin one month of the date of reporting back from leave/to the place of duty, the amount of advance together ith interest at )I above ,tate -ank &dvance Rate should be recovered from the salaries of the employees from the date the advance as taken in a ma/imum of three installments, depending upon the amounts involved. &ny rela/ation in the recovery of the interest ill be made only ith the prior permission of the controlling authority. This action ill be ithout any pre"udice to the -ankKs right to initiate suitable disciplinary proceedings in those cases here illful neglect in submitting the bills in time or illful intention to misutilize the amounts far in e/cess of the re:uirements is observed. -ranch Managers should indicate, in their statement of outstanding entries in ,uspense &/c, against entries outstanding for more than the period stipulated, the reasons as to hy such entries are still outstanding and the steps being taken to ards their ad"ustment. &s far as possible, no advance should remain unad"usted for more than one month from the date of completion of the tour/taking over period. The traveling e/penses bill should be accompanied by money receipts/tickets to enable the sanctioning authority to verify the genuineness of the claim. ,ince the rail ays do not issue money receipts, a signed declaration in the bill containing the follo ing particulars should be obtained.
viii3 i/3
a3 b3 c3 d3 e3 f3 g3
,erial 7umber of the ticket 8ate of purchase 8ate of "ourney Issuing station &mount 8estination &ny other matter cases. hich the -ank may re:uire in order to consider reimbursement in such
9mployees are re:uired to give satisfactory evidence of "ourney by sho ing the tickets before the "ourney herever feasible and the reservation tickets, if such tickets are not re:uired to be surrendered at the destination. /3 a3 b3 c3 d3 e3 /i3 /ii3 The follo ing particulars should be given in the traveling e/penses billL 8ate and time of departure from the place from hich the officer is transferred/deputed. 8ate and time of arrival at the place of transfer/deputation. 7ames, ages and relationship of members of the family for permanent transfer. hom fares are claimed hen on
& certificate that the traveling e/penses for members of the family ere actually incurred in conse:uence of his transfer and that the persons concerned are holly dependent on him. !hether residence is shifted or not. ,ubmission of false claims ill be vie ed very seriously and stern action the erring officers. ill be taken against
-ills must be submitted on &nne/ure (=.; in case of deputation and &nne/ure (=.= in case of transfer. Money receipts, tickets, etc should support all traveling e/penses bills to enable the sanctioning authority to verify the genuineness of the claims. !hile submitting traveling e/penses bill, follo ing certificates should be incorporated by the officials for their visits at -ranches/ Honal %ffices/ #entral %fficeL < The tour programme as approved by -ranch Manager / Head of 8epartment / Regional Manager / 8y. 4eneral Manager / 4eneral Manager / #hief 4eneral Manager. I occupied / did not occupy the -ankKs flat for my stay at UUUUUUUUUUUU. The -ank provided no boarding. 5ro forma of the Traveling 9/penses -ill is given at &nne/ure<((.(.
/iii3 a3 b3
i. ii. iii.
AI certify that I have actually incurred an e/penditure of not less than the amount for hich reimbursement has been claimed in this bill. I also certify that my family members for hom I have claimed traveling e/penses are ordinarily residing ith and are holly dependent on me.A iv. &ll claims in respect of "ourneys by train and transportation of goods by rail or by a recognized road transport operator can be considered. #ash receipt should be printed ith name of transport operator registered H% addressM details of eight as ell as designated place etc. should be supported by cash receipts. #laims not supported by such receipts should be referred to the controlling authority ith employeeKs e/planation and -ranch ManagerKs comments. In respect of luggage transported from one place to another 2conse:uent on the transfer of an employee3 other than by goods train, the employees should be called upon to furnish the follo ing particularsL Creight payable for the ma/imum eight permissible to the employee at goods train rate. The appro/imate eight of the luggage transported. #harges payable for the goods actually transported at goods train rate. &ctual charges incurred, supported by a receipt. %n the basis of these particulars, the actual e/penses incurred or the ma/imum amount permissible, hichever is lo er, ould be reimbursable. Cormat of the Traveling 9/penses -ill is given at &nne/ure<((.(.
a3 b3 c3 d3
The above action of recovery is ithout any pre"udice to the -ankKs right to initiate suitable disciplinary proceedings here illful neglect in submitting the bills in time or illful intention to misutilize the amount, hich as dra n far in e/cess of the actual re:uirements, is observed.
traveling e/penses bill of 4odo nkeepers is given at &nne/ure<((.). The -ranch Manager should furnish in the traveling e/penses bills, a certificate on the follo ing lines. AI certify that < i3 ii3 iii3 The periodical inspections in respect of advances to small<scale industries are conducted as per instructions laid do n. The conditions laid do n in para =.(; of the -ipartite &greement, dated '(st March, (G>+ for payment of batta/full halting allo ance are being satisfied. 7o overtime ages have been paid to the godo n<keepers on the days full halting allo ance. hen they claimed
The follo ing discrepancies have often been observed in the bills submitted by godo n< keepersL i. Mileage/conveyance charges are claimed not on the basis of total distance actually covered but on the basis of the distance of each godo n from the -ranch premises. There should be no need normally for a godo n<keeper to return to the office every time after attending each godo n. If a group of godo ns lies in one locality or one route, as many of them as possible should be verified in one single trip. 8eviations form this regulation may, of course, be permitted to the e/tent considered reasonable provided -ranch Managers are satisfied that such a step is "ustified by the circumstances of each case. #laims made for batta/halting allo ance are not sho n date< ise. This should invariably be done furnishing the follo ing particularsL The distance of the godo n concerned from the branch. !hether it is situated ithin or outside municipal limits. -atta is claimed more than once for trips undertaken on the same day. -atta is intended for meeting the normal out<of<pocket e/penses such as lunch, tea, etc., hich an employee might incur during the day hile he is a ay on duty from his main station. It follo s, therefore, that batta can be claimed only once a day. It must be ensured that discrepancies of the above nature hen noticed are pointed out immediately to the 4odo n<keepers concerned and that their traveling e/penses bills are amended suitably. Traveling e/penses bills of godo n keepers should be paid by debit to Interest &ccount. -ills of traveling e/penses submitted by the members of the a ard staff may be sanctioned by various officers to the e/tent of the po ers delegated under the ,cheme of 8elegation of Cinancial 5o ers,
ii. (. ). iii.
9mployees permanently transferred to a local branch/office hich is situated outside the municipal limits but in the same city are eligible for the usual "oining time provided that conse:uent on the transfer there is a change in their place of residence.
+:13135 T1<- O3 T02389-0 T: O/;-0 C-3/0&n employee on transfer shall be granted "oining time sub"ect to the terms and conditions detailed belo L <
Joining time is granted to an employee to enable him to "oin a ne post to hich he is appointed hile on duty in his old postM or to "oin a ne post on return from leave. In respect of "oining time an employee shall be entitled to the pay and allo ances of the old or ne post hichever is less. Joining time shall not e/ceed si/ days e/clusive of the number of days spent on traveling. In calculating "oining time admissible to an employee, the day on hich he is relieved form his old post shall be e/cluded but public holidays follo ing the date of his relief shall be included. &n employee ho does not "oin his post ithin the "oining time allo ed to him to have committed a breach of discipline. 7o halting allo ance is admissible during "oining time. ill be deemed
i3 ii3
Halting allo ance at the same rates as applicable to officers in the Junior Management 4rade. Reimbursement of boarding e/penses ill be met in the same manner as applicable to officers in JM4 sub"ect to the follo ing limitsL < C-3/0&3 Ma"or X&1 class cities 2&hmedabad, -angalore, .olkata, 8elhi, #hennai, Hyderabad 0 Mumbai3 -3 &rea I centres 2Jaipur, ,urat, $uckno , .anpur, 5une, 7agpur, 5atna, 6ishakhapatnam, 6adodara, .ochi, Indore, -hopal, IT8#< ( star 27on< M2G1<6< 4-0<1881=,0::< /20199 Rs.(***/< N Ta/es
Rs.+=*/< N Ta/es
The above limits ould be inclusive of service charges plus ta/es etc. and the actual board e/penses should not e/ceed ;*I of the limits prescribed. !hen the representatives are reimbursed the actual e/penses for board and lodging, they ill be eligible for (/;th halting allo ance payable at that centre. #larificationL i3 !henever the representatives of the a ard staff Cederation attend meetings called by #orporate #entre at metropolitan to ns viz. &hmedabad, Mumbai, .olkata, 8elhi, #hennai, Hyderabad and -angalore, they ill be eligible to stay in IT8# I ,tar Hotel 2non<air conditioned3 or any other hotel ithin the tariff limits of the former. !here the accommodation is not available in I ,tar Hotel, they can be permitted to stay in a ) star IT8# Hotel -oard and lodging e/penses may be reimbursed as applicable to officers in JM4,<I. The federation representatives ill also be eligible for boarding e/penses as underL Ma"or K&K class cities &rea I centers %ther centers Rs.)**/< Rs.(+=/< Rs.(=*/<
The representatives ho make their o n arrangements for lodging/boarding shall be entitled to halting allo ance at the rates specified in para 2ii3 above. The revised ceilings in respect of room tariff ill also be applicable to representatives of #ircle unions as also members of the #ircle !elfare #ommittees/,ports #ontrol -oard called for various meetings, sub"ect, ho ever, to the condition that they ould be eligible to stay only in IT8#<( ,tar hotels, or other hotels ithin the ma/imum room tariff of the former, at all centers. The rates of boarding charges/halting allo ance and other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
I7 8E5$I#&T9 ,T&T9 -&7. %C I78I& ........................ -ranch/8ept. 8ate ..................................... Traveling e/penses bill 2on account of deputation3 7ameL QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ 8esignationL QQQQQQQ -asic 5ayL QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. 5urposeL TimingsL $eft QQQQQ.. at QQQQQ.. hrs. on QQQQQQQQQ.. 28ate3 and returned to Head @uarters at QQQQQQQQ hrs. on QQQQQQQ. %7!&R8 J%ER79F i3 #ost of &ir/Rail ay/,.T. -us ticketL Ticket 7o. Crom QQQQQQ to QQQQQQ Crom QQQQQQ to QQQQQQ Crom QQQQQQ to QQQQQQ ii3 QQQQQQ Rs. QQQQQQQQ QQQQQQ Rs. QQQQQQQQ QQQQQQ Rs. QQQQQQQQ for QQQ
Reservation, -edroll charges, &ir Insurance etc. Journey -y Road Ta/i/% n #ar 2prior permission obtained vide $etter 7o........... dated ............... Total distance covered from QQQQQQQQ. to QQQQQQQQ. kms. #ost P Rs. QQQQQQQQ. per kms. L conveyance charges at QQQQQQQQ. at QQQQQQQQ. at QQQQQQQQ. 5orterage etc. at QQQQQQQQ. Rs. QQQQQQQQ.
at QQQQQQQQ at QQQQQQQQ. halting allo ance i3 Cor QQQQQQQQ. days from QQQQ. to QQQQ P Rs.QQQQQQ. per day
$odging-oarding 5rorata Total amount chargeschargeshalting all claimed Rs. Rs. Rs. L &dd. #ost of tickets purchased by the -ank Total L
$essL #ost of tickets purchased by the -ank $essL &mount of advance taken on QQQ &mount 5ayable L
2Rupees QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. only3 #9RTICI98 that the above e/penses have actually been incurred by me e/cept the items2s3 marked ith an asterisk.
,ignature -ill scrutinized, found in order and for arded to &sstt. 4eneral Manager, Region QQQQ Honal %ffice, QQQQQQQQQQQ/&ssistant 4eneral Manager/#hief Manager, Honal %ffice &dministration for sanction. H9&8 %C TH9 895&RTM97T/-R&7#H M&7&49R 8ate QQQQQQQQ UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ,&7#TI%798 Rs. QQQQQQQQ. 2Rupees QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ only3 -R&7#H M&7&49R/%CCI#9 M&7&49R/ &,,I,T&7T 4979R&$ M&7&49R ,T&T9 -&7. %C I78I& QQQQQQQQ.. 8epartment/-ranch/Regional %ffice ,anction 7o. 8ate QQQQQQQQ.
........................ -ranch -I$$ %C TR&69$$I74 9D597,9, &78 H&$TI74 &$$%!&7#9 %C 4%8%!7 .9959R #$&IM98 -F ,HRI ..................QQQQQQQQQ... C%R TH9 M%7TH %C ......................... 8ate 5articul ars of the godo ns visited 27ame of the borro er and number of godo n3 ). 8istance of each godo n from the branch !heth er the godo n is inside or outside the munici pal or pancha yat limits ;. &ctual distanc e covere d in visiting them 5urp ose of visit Mode of convey ance used &ctu al conv eyan ce paid or paya ble Halting allo an ce, if any Total charg es claim ed Rem arks
Total Rs. 2in ords3 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ... I hereby certify that the above e/penses have actually been incurred by me e/cepting the claim under halting allo ance. The particulars furnished by the above named employee have been verified to the best of my kno ledge. QQQQQQQQQQ 5ay by debit to -ranch Interest &ccount QQQQQQQQ.. -ranch Manager 5aid on QQQQQQQQQQQQ ,ignature of the employee
C;24/-0 12 B:368
!henever the #entral -oard of the -ank sanctions payment of bonus, $ocal Head %ffice issues detailed instructions. This chapter deals ith instructions generally applicable to the payment of bonus for any accounting period.
leave ithout pay shall also be e/cluded. Cor the purpose of convenience the relevant entries may be made every month ith reference to that month.
12.!.1 12.!.2 12.!.3
Indian -anksK &ssociation is of the vie that leave encashment at the time of availment of $eave Care #oncession is only a form of travelling concession. &s such the amount paid to an employee by ay of encashment of leave need not be included in salary/ ages for computation of -onus.
9mployees seconded for duty outside the -ank, as a temporary measure shall be eligible for bonus as if they had served in the -ank but those persons ho are on deputation ith the -ank from other institutions shall not be eligible for bonus. ,pecific sanction of the 9/ecutive #ommittee of the #entral -oard shall be obtained for payment of bonus to employees 2permanently3 seconded for duty outside the -ank. &n employee seconded for duty outside the -ank subse:uent to (st &pril shall be eligible for pro rata bonus proportionate to his length of service ith the -ank during the period &pril<March.
&n employee, ho has been dismissed for fraud, or riotous or violent behaviour hile on the premises of the -ank, or theft, misappropriation or shortage of any property of the -ank, shall not be eligible for bonus. He shall not also be entitled to receive hatever bonus as remaining unpaid on the date of the order of dismissal.
-onus shall be paid by the branches by debit to the respective Honal %ffice under hose control the branch functions. Ho ever, branches under #ommercial -anking Module ill raise debit on $ocal Head %ffice. The amount of bonus actually paid should be rounded off to the nearest rupee. 7o deductions shall be made from the bonus on account of provident and pension funds. -onus due to employees ho are in transit at the end of the year or ho are subse:uently transferred to other offices shall be paid by the offices, hich pay them the salary for the month of March. &rrears of bonus hich may become payable to an employee after the entries relating to bonus payment have been passed be referred to the controlling authority for prior approval.
2f3 2g3
5roportionate income ta/ should be recovered from bonus paid, herever necessary. -efore effecting payment, it should be made clear to the employees concerned that the payment is sub"ect to any ad"ustment that may become necessary as a result of scrutiny by the controlling authority of the list submitted by the -ranch. %n the date of payment, the relative transfer responding advice be sent to #ontrolling &uthority along ith the statement as per 5erforma furnished in &nne/ure ().( confirming that the instructions have been duly complied ith stating the date of payment. !ith a vie to avoiding the delays in submitting the #ircle figures to #entral %ffice, it should be ensured that the statement and the transfer responding is sent to the Honal %ffice on the date of payment itself. %n receipt of the statement at #ontrolling &uthorities level and after the due scrutiny the consolidated figures ill be submitted to the 4eneral ,ection at Honal %ffice. The consolidated figures pertaining to each Honal %ffice should be submitted to the &sstt. 4eneral Manager, -anking %perations 8epartment, $ocal Head %ffice, to enable them to advise the #ircle #onsolidated figures to #entral %ffice/#entral &ccounts %ffice at the earliest. It must be ensured that the statement in Corm 8 2&nne/ure ().)3 is invariably sent to the Regional $abour #ommissioner on the date of payment on bonus.
Registers are re:uired to be maintained under the provisions of the -onus &ct for incorporating details/particulars about the employees including their salaries and allo ance on the basis of hich bonus has been/ is to be paid to them. Curther, the &ct provides that such registers may be inspected by the $abour &uthorities to verify their proper/correct maintenance. The act also provides that prosecution proceedings may be launched against the person incharge of the affairs of the -ranch/-ank in case violation of the provisions of the &ct is noticed. Therefore, timely and proper preparation /maintenance of payment of -onus Register and prompt rectification of irregularities if any, pointed out by the $abour &uthorities is necessary to their satisfaction .
The signature or thumb impression of the employees, both a ard and non<a ard irrespective of hether the bonus amount is paid in cash or other ise, should be obtained in column (> of the -onus Register 2Corm #3 over a revenue stamp of the appropriate value in each case, here the amount of bonus payable e/ceeds Rs. =***/<. It should be ensured that bonus payments are recorded in the -onus Register and not in the 9stablishment Register. The follo ing instructions should be observed in the maintenance of the -onus Register.
7umber of orking days and 7umber of days orkedL These should be calculated in the manner detailed in paragraph ().) above.
,alary or age 2#olumn +3L To be computed in the manner laid do n in paragraph ().(.( above.
&mount of bonus payable under ,ection (* or ,ection (( as the case may be 2#olumn ?3L The amount of bonus shall be the amount calculated at such percentage of the salary or age as may be declared to be payable by the #entral -oard of the -ank. Ho ever, the minimum bonus payable for the accounting year shall not be less than Rs. (**/< sub"ect to the amount being proportionately reduced in the case of those ho have not orked for the full year.
,tatements of bonus/payments ,tatements of bonus paid shall be submitted as per format prescribed on each occasion by the controlling authority.
2b3 2c3
&nnual Return of -onus paid to the employees for the &ccounting Fear 2Corm 83 should invariably be sent to the respective Regional $abour #ommissioner, 2#entral3. A,alary or !ageA paid Cor the purpose of making payment of bonus for any accounting year, the &ct has allo ed a ma/imum period of ? monthsK from the close of the accounting year Ho ever, as the #entral -oard Meeting for the purpose of considering the disposal of the profits of the -ank is generally held in May/June every year, branches should arrange to compile the total salary or age paid by them during the year to all eligible employees at the branch and advise the total amount to their controlling authority on the first orking day after the close of each year by means of an e/press telegram to be confirmed by letter on the same day. The telegram should start ith the code ord #%H,F and the figures should be ired in plain language in order ( to (' as indicated in the attached 5erforma 2&nne/ure<().=3. The mail confirmation should be compiled on the lines of the said proforma. The figures advised to the controlling authority in the manner detailed above should not include figures relating to employees ho ere transferred to other offices during the year as the same ill be accounted for by the branches to hich the employees have been transferred. &s part<time/temporary employees, ho have orked for not less that '* days in a year are also entitled to bonus, the total salary or age etc. paid to such employees should be included in the figure advised to the controlling authority. 5articulars in respect of employees, ho are in transit at the end of the year, should be taken into account by that office hich has paid them the salary or age upto and including '(st March. !hen an employee is transferred from a branch during the year, a suitable note should be made in the relative page of the subsidiary register 2to the -onus Register3 and a certified copy of the page for that year should be for arded along ith the employeeKs $ast 5ay #ertificate to enable the branch to hich he is transferred to incorporate the re:uired particulars in the -onus Register and subsidiary register maintained by them. ,uitable remarks should also be made in respect of employees ho retired or left the service during the year.
likely to ask for are given in &nne/ure ().>. The enforcement officers may also call upon the branches to produce the connected records for the purpose of verification of the payment of bonus. This may be complied ith, under advice to the controlling authority and if any remarks are made, they should promptly be attended to. Instances have been noticed here $abour 9nforcement %fficers had pointed out very basic irregularities hich ought not have been allo ed. These include non<maintenance or incompleteness of entries in the -onus Register on Corm K#K, absence of particulars about interim bonus and final bonus, non<payment or short payment of bonus to eligible members, non<obtention of signatures of employees in the Register on Corm K#K, etc. It is to be ensured that no scope is given to the $abour 9nforcement %fficers to point out any irregularities in connection ith payment of bonus. ,ections )+ and )? of the payment of -onus &ct are reproduced in &nne/ure<().+ hereto for ready reference.
S-01:68 I00-56,201/1-8
-esides the irregularities listed above, the under noted irregularities have also been observed by the $abour 9nforcement %fficers.
The -onus Register does not contain columns as re:uired under &ct. 5articulars under all columns of -onus Register ACorm #A are not recorded.
-ranches do not submit statements of -onus as on '(st March every year in Corm 8 to the Regional $abour #ommissioner 2#entral3, promptly. The register in Corm 8 re:uired to be maintained under the provisions of the 9:ual Remuneration &ct, (G+> is either not maintained or improperly maintained inasmuch as particulars under all columns thereof are not recorded. 7o action is taken on the irregularity report submitted by the $abour 9nforcement %ffice despite reminders. & serious vie has been taken by the Regional $abour #ommissioner in respect of above lapses, resulting in criminal complaints against the concerned -ranch Managers, Regional Managers and other ,enior 9/ecutives of the -ank in the courts. The concerned officers ill be liable for punishment of imprisonment for si/ months and/or fine of Rs.(,***/< for non< compliance of inspection report.
I<4:0/23/ I38/06./1:38 F:0 C:<4,123.Therefore, all the concerned -ranch Managers/&sstt. 4eneral Manager/#hief Manager 2%ffice &dministration3 should follo the under noted instructions meticulously.
a3 b3 c3 e3
The -onus Register 2Corm #3 and all the relevant Registers as per the &ct should be maintained according to the laid do n instructions. &ll the columns should be filled in ithout fail. ,tatement in Corm 8 should be sent to the Regional $abour the date of payment. #ommissioner invariably on
%n receiving the inspection report from the $abour 9nforcement %fficer, steps should be taken to rectify the irregularity pointed out therein, under advice to the Regional $abour #ommissioner and controlling authority.
CromL ,tate -ank of India, .................... -ranch/%ffice ............................................. 8ateL QQQQQQQQ.. The &ssistant 4eneral Manager, ,tate -ank of India, Region<<<<<<<<<<<<<<, ........................ Honal %ffice/Module ,T&T9M97T ,H%!I74 TH9 5&RTI#E$&R, %C -%7E, 5&I8 T% TH9 ,T&CC C%R TH9 &##%E7TI74 F9&R ....................... #ategory of staff 7umber of staff Total salary or ages in respect of eligible employees for the accounting year '. ,alary or ages eligible for bonus &mount of bonus paid
5&RT<I Cor %fficers/9mployees dra ing salary/ ages not e/ceeding Rs.),=**/< p.m. & < %fficers - < #lerical #< ,ubordinate 8< 5art<time 9< Temporary C B Total 5&RT<II Cor %fficers/9mployees dra ing salary/ ages not e/ceeding Rs.),=**/< p.m. but not e/ceeding Rs.',=**/< p.m. during the &ccounting Fear ..................... & < %fficers - < #lerical #< ,ubordinate 8< 5art<time 9< Temporary C < Total
!e confirm that hile making payment of -onus to the eligible employees all the re:uired formalities have been completed as advised in above referred circular as also advised from time to time. -R&7#H M&7&49R/#HI9C M&7&49R &,,I,T&7T 4979R&$ M&7&49R/ 8F. 4979R&$ M&7&49R
&nnual ReturnL -onus paid to the employees for the &ccounting year ended '(st 8ec....................... 7ame of establishment and its complete postal addressL 7ature of Industry 7ame of the employer Total 7umber of employees 7umber of employees benefited by bonus payment Total amount payable as bonus under section(* or (( of the payment of -onus &ct, (G>=, as the case may be (. ,ettlement if any, reached under section (? 2(3 or () 2'3 of the Industrial 8ispute &ct, (G;+ ith date 5ercentage of bonus declared to be paid Total amount of bonus actually paid 8ate on hich payment made !hether bonus has been paid to all the employees, if not, reasons for non< payment Remarks
F:0< FCF
,ee Rule ;2c3 -onus paid to employees for the accounting year ending on the .............. , r. 7 o . 7ame of the employee Cather1s name !hether he has completed (= years of age at the beginning of the accounting year ;. 8esignati on 7umber of days orked in the year Total salary or age 2to be reckoned for purpose of bonus3 in respect of the accounting year +. &mount of bonus payable under section (* or (( as the case may be ?.
( .
8eduction 5u"a bonus or other customary bonus paid during the accounting year G.
,tate -ank of India ,ubsidiary Register to -onus Register i3 ii3 iii3 7ame of the 9mployee CatherKs 7ame 8esignation Fear 0 7umbe ,alary or Month r of age for days the orked purpose in each of bonus month
(. January Cebruary March &pril May June July &ugust ,eptemb er %ctober 7ovembe r 8ecembe r Total to be carried to -onus Register (.
5u"a bonus or other custom ary bonus paid during the year =.
7oteL ,eparate page should be allotted to each employee and entries made therein at the end of each month. The amount of bonus payable 2col.;3 for each year should be arrived at in accordance ith the instructions issued by $H%.
,tatement sho ing total Asalary or ageA paid to the employees far the year ended the '(st March )*.......... together ith other particulars
#ategory employees
,upervising ,taff #lerical and #ash 8epartment ,taff ,ubordinate ,taff Total (' 7otes (. ). '.
( = G
-asic pay 2including special allo ance, if any to %fficials<in< #harge of ,ub %ffice3O ) > (*
Total emoluments
' + ((
Headings need not be repeated in the telegram. Cigures should be furnished in the order stated above 2( to ('3 in plain language. The telegram should start ith the code ord A#%H,FAO 7ot to be included offices are converted into sub<branches. hen the sub<
-ranch Manager
5articulars generally re:uired by the $abour 9nforcement %fficers (. ). '. ;. =. >. +. ?. G. (*. &ccounting year 7umber of employees employed during the accounting year. 2,eparate particulars to be sho n in respect of permanent temporary employees3 7umber of employees eligible to receive bonus during the accounting year. 7umber of employees ho ere paid bonus during the accounting year. 7umber of employees ho ere not paid bonus and reasons thereof. Total amount of bonus paid during the year. 5ercentage of bonus declared during the accounting year 8ate/days of payment of bonus. 7umber of orking days of the branch during the accounting year. 8ate of the opening of the -ranch.
5R%6I,I%7, %C ,9#TI%7, )+ &78 )? %C The 5ayment of -onus &ct, (G>=
,ection )+ < Inspectors 2(3 The appropriate 4overnment may, by notification in the %fficial 4azette, appoint such persons as it thinks fit to be inspectors for the purposes of this &ct and may define the limits ithin they shall e/ercise "urisdiction. &n Inspector, appointed under sub<section 2(3 may for the purpose of ascertaining any of the provisions of this &ct has been complied ith < Re:uire an employer to furnish such information, as he may consider necessaryM &t any reasonable time and ith such assistance, if any, as he thinks fit, enter any establishment or any premises connected there ith and re:uire any one found incharge thereof to produce before him for e/amination any accounts, books, registers and other documents relating to the employment of persons or the payment of salary or age or bonus in the establishmentM 9/amine ith respect to any matter relevant to any of the purposes aforesaid, the employer, his agent or servant or any other person found in charge of the establishment or any premises connected there ith or any person hom the Inspector has reasonable cause to believe to be or to have been an employee in the establishmentM Make copies of and/or take e/tracts from, any book, register or other document maintained in relation to the establishmentM 9/ercise such other po ers as may be prescribed. 9very Inspector shall be deemed to be a public servant 5enal #ode 2;= of (?>*3. ithin the meaning of the Indian hether
&ny person re:uired to produce any accounts, book, register or other document or to give information by an Inspector under subsection 2(3 shall be legally bound to do so. 7othing contained in this section shall enable an Inspector to re:uire a banking company to furnish or disclose any statement or information or to produce, or given inspection of, any of its books of account or other documents, hich a banking company cannot be compelled to furnish disclose, produce or give inspection of under the provisions of section ';<&. of the -anking #ompanies &ct, (G;G 2(* of (G;G3. ,ection )? < 5enalty If any person<
2a3 2b3
#ontravenes any of the provisions of this &ct or any rule made there underM or To hom a direction is given or a re:uisition is made under this &ct fails to comply ith the direction or re:uisition, he shall be punishable ith imprisonment for a term hich may e/tend to si/ months, or ith fine hich may e/tend to one thousand rupees or ith both.
!orkmen other than members of the subordinate staff 2e/cluding category 2iii3 belo 3 and ,pecial &ssistants 4odo n<keepers engaged solely for that ork other than those re:uired to remain in attendance at the -ank < during office hours Members of the ,ubordinate ,taff other than 8rivers and !atch and !ard ,taff 8rivers Maintenance ,taff including &.#. 5lant %perators, #ontrol Room %perators and Ciremen
+ +Z
;Z =
iv3 v3
The provisions regarding hours of ork and overtime shall not apply to drivers attached to ,enior 9/ecutives of the -ank 2i.e. officers to hom use of -ankKs car is permitted for personal purposes3 such as #hairman, Managing 8irector and #hief 4eneral Managers and such drivers shall be paid an Aother allo anceA of Rs.')>/< p.m. If such allo ance payable to them is found to be less than the actual overtime payable for ork done in e/cess of statutory orking hours as provided for in the $ocal ,hops and 9stablishments &ct, they shall be compensated to the e/tent of the difference. Ho ever, the overtime ages here payable should be calculated at the same rate as is applicable to the other employees governed by the -ipartite &greements. #larification L The provisions regarding their hours of ork and overtime viz. ? hours per day as prescribed under ,hops 0 9stablishments &ct, ill remain unchanged. Ho ever, overtime ages,
henever payable to them ill be calculated at the same rates as they are applicable to other employees governed by the -ipartite &greement. Cor the purpose of clarification A,enior 9/ecutiveA referred to herein shall mean and include such official of the -ank to hom the -ankKs car is provided for his personal use.
There shall be a recess for lunch hich shall not be less than half<an<hour and not more than one hour on eekdays 2e/cluding ,aturdays3 sub"ect, ho ever, to the re:uirements of any statutory provisions like the ,hops 0 9stablishments &ct. 5rimarily it ill be for the orkmen to decide the actual length of recess ithin the limit fi/ed as aforesaid and the ma"ority decision of the orkmen in any branch or establishment shall be adopted in case of difference of opinion ith the management.
It is essential that every employee marks his attendance in the presence of the official concerned. The concerned official should also ensure that the employees mark the lunch hour break every day in the attendance register maintained in accordance ith the ,hops and 9stablishment &ct or any other &ct/Rule prevailing in this regard. & separate attendance sheet should be maintained for -ank 4uards, !atchmen at the -ranch.
&n attendance Register should be maintained at all branches. The noting in the attendance register made by the employees should al ays reflect the actual timings of arrival and departure and lunch recess. These entries should be made in the register at the appropriate time and not later. The attendance register should be regularly checked at the opening and closing hours of the day by the -ranch Manager/Manager of the 8ivision/Head of the 8epartment and should be initialled by the %fficer concerned in token thereof. The employees ho are unpunctual should be :uestioned and counselled, here necessary by the -ranch Manager.
The -ank is at liberty to fi/ at its discretion the actual timings of ork, provided the ma/imum number of hours of ork applicable are being observed. &ny change made by the -ank in the actual timings of ork of any orkman for staggering purposes as also any change in the eekly holiday of any orkman conse:uent upon a change made by the -ank in the eekly holiday of a branch/office ill not re:uire a notice of change under ,ection G<& of the Industrial 8isputes &ct (G;+. ,ufficient advance intimation of such change of actual timing of ork ill ho ever be given to the orkmen concerned. The eekly holiday of a branch / office may be changed at the -ank1s convenience.
,taggering of orking hours at any particular -ranch/8epartment is introduced hen a fairly long term need is felt. The actual periods of staggering are based on the need in each area of operation, ithin the limits laid do n. In general they do not e/ceed one hour before the commencement of normal orking hours and t o hours after the normal closing hours. It is, ho ever, ensured that staggering does not conflict ith any of the provisions of the ,hops 0 9stablishments &ct applicable to the #entre here the -ranch is situated. ,taggering of orking hours is done in consultation ith the controlling authority. The follo ing further instructions should be follo ed in respect of staggering of duty hours of the staff in addition to hat has been agreed in -ipartite ,ettlements/ &greements bet een the -ank and the ,taff Cederation. ,taggering of duty hours should be resorted to meet only genuine re:uirements of ork. &s a result of staggering, total orking hours of an employee should not e/ceed those provided in the -ipartite &greement. ,ufficient advance intimation of such change in actual timings for ork should be given to the orkman concerned as laid do n in para (*.=, #hapter D of the -ipartite &greement dated '(st March (G>+. ,taggering of duty hours should not contravene relevant provisions of the local ,hops and #ommercial 9stablishments &ct, herever applicable. The orking hours of the orkmen staff can be staggered as per the actual re:uirements, ithin the follo ing frame ork. &4R99M97T 8T8. ?.G.(G?'
a3 b3 c3
i3 #9RI#&$ ,T&CC <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 7ature of 8uties ,taggering norms <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< i3 8espatch Epto t o hours before or after normal orking hours ii3 iii3 iv3 In ard Mail &cceptance of clearing che:ues from customers &cceptance of clearing che:ues 2at the office handling the clearing3 Epto t o hours before the opening time. Epto t o hours before the opening time. Epto t o hours after closing time
from other local offices v3 &cceptance of clearing returns 2may be combined ith 7o. I6, if feasible3 $ocal #learing at principal offices %ut ard ,.#s/8.8s/8rafts time -ranch clearing ork 5reparation of Returns 2for employees by and large engaged in this ork to facilitate their uninterrupted access to books3 Tele/ %perators 2&t %verseas -ranches3 Head #lerksK 8uties 2checking, signing and despatch of -ranch #learing 4eneral account statements, establishment returns etc.3 &gricultural &ssistants 2Cor visiting office, villages to meet farmers, before the latter leave for their farms3 Epto t o hours after closing time. Epto t o hours earlier than %pening time Epto t o hours after closing Epto t o hours after office hours. Epto t o hours before or after normal orking hours.
/3 /i3
Epto t o hours before or after normal orking hours. Epto three hours
!ork at 8ata 5rocessing Epto four hours after office #entres 2as most of the orking hours. input documents arrive only by, say ) p.m.3 ii3 #&,H 895&RTM97T ,T&CC The orking hours of cashiers 2including those getting special allo ance3 and #ash coolies/Messengers can be staggered upto ) hours before or after normal office orking hours in the follo ing mannerL< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< &t branches here the number of #ashiers <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< is less than ' 7I$ is bet een ' and = is bet een > and (* is bet een (( and )= #ash #oolie/Messenger is bet een )> and '= ( #ashier ) #ashiers and one #ash #oolie/Messenger ' #ashiers and one ' #ashiers and ) #ash #oolies/Messengers
? #ashiers and ' #ash #oolies/Messengers <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< To the e/tent possible, this should be arranged before opening hours for out ard remittances, checking of un<e/amined remittances etc. iii3 ,E-%R8I7&T9 ,T&CC <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 7ature of 8uties ,taggering norms <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 7ot more than one Epto t o/three hours either messenger in any before commencement or after small branch or section close of normal orking hours. of a medium sized branch and not more than ) messengers in any section/ department of a large branch and administrative office for attending to the staff hose duty hours are staggered. 8rivers
&s per the e/isting arrangement at different offices. &ny change may be made in consultation ith the #ircle Enion. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
In case of female employees, the ma/imum staggering ill be ) hours. The #ircle Management/-ranch Managers may also stagger duty hours of the staff in the areas not listed above in consultation ith the #ircle Enion/local unit. The duty hours of drivers can be staggered freely according to needs of the -ank bet een ?.** a.m. and G.** p.m. !ithin these hours, a driver is given duty of + hours at a stretch and not intermittent. & driver ho is re:uired to come early or go late is paid overtime ages for such e/tra ork. ,uch duty hours can also be split, sub"ect to payment of ,plit 8uty allo ance. &t the time of appointment, drivers should be given a combined designation as driver<cum<messenger so that their services can be gainfully utilised hen not re:uired for driving.
In vie of the guidelines received from the 4overnment and our #orporate #entre, efforts should be made to do a ay ith overtime payment entirely. The overtime should be paid only hen it is absolutely necessary. #ontrolling &uthorities ill be advised the ceiling of overtime payments for each year and they ould have to ensure that the stipulated ceiling is in no case e/ceeded. ,trict measures need to be taken in this regard as any la/ity ould attract adverse criticism from the 4overnment hich ould be a matter of serious concern for the -ank. In the rare event of making overtime payments, the follo ing guidelines/procedure should be adopted.
The -ank can re:uire a orkman, ithout his consent, to ork beyond the hours of ork prescribed for his sub"ect ho ever to the condition, that such overtime ork shall not e/ceed the ceiling, if any, prescribed. 7ormally, the total period of ork including overtime shall not on any day, e/ceed, in the case of orkmen other than members of the subordinate staff, ? (/) hours and in the case of members of the subordinate staff, G hours, e/cluding the period of recess. In case, ho ever, of an emergency, of hich a responsible officer of the -ank shall be the sole "udge, or hen the e/igencies of 4overnment ork at the close of the financial year so re:uire, a orkman can be re:uired to ork in e/cess of the aforesaid hours. The provisions herein shall be sub"ect to the provisions of any la relating to the ceiling on the hours of ork or overtime applicable to the -ank. -ranch Managers should ensure that employees are not permitted under any circumstances to ork overtime in e/cess of the number of orking hours prescribed in the ,hops and #ommercial 9stablishments &ct in force in their ,tates. &ny days declared as holidays under the 7egotiable Instruments &ct, (??( for half yearly and yearly closing of accounts, or for any other specific purpose 2like ad"ustment of accounts conse:uent upon devaluation3 hich re:uire such declaration of holiday only for the public and not for the -ank employees, shall be deemed to be normal orking days for all orkmen employed in the -ank. Cor the first one<:uarter of an hour of overtime ork on any orking day, there shall be no payment for any orkman. If, ho ever, the overtime ork e/tends beyond the first one< :uarter of an hour, overtime payment shall be made for the hole period of overtime ork including the first one<:uarter of an hour of ork. The first :uarter of an hour of overtime ork, if not paid for as provided above, shall not be taken into account for the purpose of the annual overtime limit, prescribed for the employee. 4uidelines for %vertime !ork 9mployees should be detained for overtime ork only hen it is absolutely necessary. Members of the supervising staff must ensure that the routine duties of the -ranch are e:ually and fairly distributed and that additional assistance is given in good time to any section hich on a particular day happens to have unusual pressure of ork. !here it is not possible to provide additional assistance or the ork cannot be e/pected to be completed ithin the scheduled hours, the official under hom the clerk is orking should arrange to obtain the prior approval in re:uisition slip of the -ranch Manager/Manager of 8ivision/Manager &ccounts/&ccountant for overtime ork and such sanction should be recorded in the overtime register and initialled by the employee, the supervising official and the sanctioning authority. %vertime ork should be "udiciously distributed from the beginning of the year so that difficulties are not e/perienced during peak periods such as annual closing of accounts etc. ,ufficient margin ill have to be kept in respect of each employee for ork connected ith the annual closing of accounts and opening of ne ledgers etc. In any case, only such of those employees ho has not e/hausted the annual ceiling of overtime should be detained for the ork connected ith the annual closing, ledger opening etc. If the -ranch Managers foresee any difficulty in adhering to the instructions, they should invariably rite to the controlling authority and seek their instructions.
e3 f3
&ll full<time employees of the -ank including temporary employees and employees on probation, are eligible for payment, on the scales laid do n, for the overtime ork performed by them. 5ermanent s eepers holly attached to the office 2i.e. other than those attached to residence of ,enior %fficers3 shall be paid overtime ages at )**I for ork performed in e/cess of their normal orking hours prescribed under the local ,hops and 9stablishment &ct. 4odo n keepers, ho are e/pected to conform to usual office hours, are also eligible for overtime ages for ork performed in e/cess of orking hours prescribed for them viz. >.(/) hours on eekdays and ; hours on ,aturday.
!atch and !ard ,taff are not entitled to any overtime payment or any holiday, in case additional holidays are declared by the #entral/,tate 4overnment due to death of dignitary, elections etc. Ho ever, orkmen engaged in domestic service at the office and the residence of officers ill be governed by the provisions regarding orking hours and overtime. & orkman ho is guilty of any mistake hich has resulted in his doing overtime ork ill not be entitled to receive payment for such overtime ork. -efore, ho ever, a orkman is held not to be so entitled, he must be given an opportunity at a suitable time to e/plain his lapse and to sho cause hy he should not be considered to be dis<entitled to receive such payment. %vertime on days declared as holidays at a late stage, due to the death of a 7ational $eader. 8eclaration of an unforeseen holiday cannot have retrospective effect. Moreover, services of the employees ho may have orked for some time before the receipt of the information about holiday, cannot be taken to have been re:uisitioned by the banks for doing overtime ork. If, ho ever, any employee as Are:uired to orkA after the receipt of the intimation that a holiday had been declared, he ould, of course, be entitled to overtime for ork so done.
c3 d3
If a public holiday has been declared or changed at a late stage, no overtime ould be payable. %vertime ould, ho ever, be payable only if the notification is issued in advance and the employees are re:uired to ork after receipt of the intimation of change.
13.%.2.1 Cor the purpose of calculating the amount payable for overtime ork
a3 b3 !ork done for less than one full :uarter of an hour shall be deemed to be :uarter of an hour. ork done for
The e/pression KemolumentsK shall mean the aggregate of basic pay, personal pay 2if any3, special allo ance 2if any3, officiating allo ance 2if any3, city compensatory allo ance 2if any3, house rent allo ance and dearness allo ance. HR& should not be taken into account in respect of employees ho have been provided residential accommodation. 9very month shall be deemed to consist of (=* orking hours so that the monthly emoluments payable per hour ill be deemed to be (/(=*th of the monthly emoluments for all orkmen.
13.%.2.2 %vertime ork on days other than ,undays and holidays shall be paid for at (=* per cent of
hourly emoluments for the first four :uarters of such ork and at (+* per cent of such emoluments for any succeeding hour. In those cases, here payment of overtime is re:uired to be made under any enactment at a higher rate, it shall be paid at such higher rate for the
period for hich it is obligatory to pay the same at such higher rate. &ccordingly, overtime ages should be calculated as detailed in the follo ing paragraphL
13.%.2.3 Cor ork done on ,undays and holidays a orkman 2including a member ho is asked to
ork as a atchman on such days3 ill be paid for the entire period of ork at )**I of his hourly emoluments, unless any such day happens to be a orking day for him or generally for all orkmen. 7o compensatory off or grant of additional eekly holiday to be permitted to those employees ho ork on eekly offs/,undays.
13.%.2.! 9mployees attending training course on intervening ,undays/Holidays hile on training, are 13.%.2.%
not allo ed either compensatory off or overtime, since the training ill be for their benefit and development. & table for the purpose of calculation of overtime is given as per &nne/ure ('.(. The total emoluments payable to an employee should be rounded off to the ne/t higher rupee and the overtime ages calculated accordingly. The calculations have been rounded off to three decimals and actual payments should be rounded off to the ne/t higher rupee as usual. overtime payments should be reported to #ontrolling &uthority on Monthly/@uarterly/Fearly basis on the formats as per &nne/ure ('.), ('.', ('.; and ('.= respectively.
13.%.2.6 The
R-C6181/1:3 :9 :@-0/1<Merely because an employee sat late in the office and marked the correct time of his departure ould not by itself entitle him to claim overtime ages. It is necessary for the employee to first fill in the overtime re:uisition form for prior sanction by the &ppropriate &uthority at the -ranch. The time of departure marked in the re:uisition should invariably correspond ith the time of departure marked in the muster roll.
S23./1:3135 26/;:01/A
%vertime payments in accordance ith the instructions detailed above and in the manner prescribed from time to time by the controlling authority, shall be authorised by the -ranch Manager/Managers/8eputy Manager of 8ivisions/Manager2s3 &ccounts/&ccountants.
In tune ith the 4overnmentKs desire to curtail the overtime payment, proper planning at all levels and adherence to the suggested steps is absolutely necessary. &ll concerned should strictly follo the procedure/instructions reiterated hereunder, apart from the other instructions. a3 7o employee should be detained for overtime ork at administrative offices e/cept in special circumstances here it should invariably be authorised by the 4eneral Manager/8y. 4eneral Manager. In the :uarterly statement on overtime being submitted by Honal %ffices to $ocal Head %ffice, information on the number of employees, if any, permitted to perform overtime ork at the administrative offices and the amount paid should be incorporated. &t village branches/small branches/ne ly opened branches/&8-s/non<currency chest branches, there should normally be no need to detain employees for overtime ork. ,uch branches should, by and large remain as Kno overtime branchesK. &ny e/ceptions on account of special circumstances should be made only by an authority not belo the rank of the 8y. 4eneral Manager of the module. The position in regard to overtime should be revie ed on an on<going basis by the &sst. 4eneral Managers. &ll the concerned functionaries from the controlling offices, hen they visit branches, should specially look into the position in regard to the payment of overtime. 9ffective control ill need to be e/ercised by the #ontrolling &uthorities on problem branches here the trends of overtime escalation are noticed, by constant vigil, visits and efforts made to identify the cause and to remedy the position ithout loss of time. !here stringent action is called for, it must be taken ithout hesitation. The officials, ho sho la/ity in e/ercising effective control as per the instructions, should be suitably cautioned and this factor should be commented upon under appropriate columns of their confidential reports, promotion appraisal reports viz., K,upervisionK, KManagerial &bilityK K4eneral RemarksK 5ayment of overtime on contract basis, if still e/isting at some places, must be abolished. The payment should be made strictly on actual ork basis, ithin the ceilings, and no employee should be allo ed to perform overtime ork unless his services have been actually re:uisitioned for the purpose by the authorised official. &ction plans ell in advance of the e/pected heavy orking days such as first day of each month, ,aturdays falling in the first eek, last fe days of March, annual closing days etc., should be dra n up so that the essential ork is efficiently carried out ith minimum resort to overtime. &ny la/ity in the administration of overtime in violation of these instructions ould be vie ed seriously.
Total monthly emolument/s in Rupee2s3 ( ) ' ; = > + ? G (* )* '* ;* =* >* +* ?* G* (** )** '** ;** =** (=*I .*( .*) .*' .*; .*= .*> .*+ .*? .*G .(* .)* .'* .;* .=* .>* .+* .?* .G* (.** ).** '.** ;.** =.**
(+*I 2of the normal hourly age3 .*(( .*)' .*'; .*;= .*=+ .*>? .*+G .*G( .(*) .((' .))+ .';* .;=' .=+* .>?* .+G' .G(* (.*)* (.('' ).)>> '.;** ;.='' =.>>>
)**I .*(' .*)> .*;* .*=' .*>> .*?* .*G' .(*> .()* .('' .)>> .;** .='; .>>> .?** .G'' (.*>> (.)** (.''' ).>>> ;.*** =.''' >.>>>
................................... -R&7#H M%7TH$F ,T&T9M97T %C %69RTIM9 !&49, 5&I8 C%R TH9 M%7TH %C ............................ $ast Month & Total number of eligible employees i3 ii3 # i3 Total amount of overtime paid during the month under report Total amount of overtime paid upto the end of month under report. Ma/imum hours of overtime permitted to any employee during the current month. Ma/imum hours of overtime permitted to any employee upto the end of month under report during the current year. 5er #apita hours of overtime performed during the current month 2mention also the total number of hours of overtime performed and the total number of eligible employees3 5er #apita hours of overtime upto the end of the month under report during the current year. 5er #apita hours of overtime is the cumulative hours of overtime performed divided by the actual eligible employees during the month. ,T&T9 -&7. %C I78I& .....................-R&7#H -R&7#H M&7&49R Q..QQQ RsQQQQ RsQQQQ This Month Q..QQQ RsQQQ RsQQQ
ii3 8 i3
@E&RT9R$F R9TER7 %C %69RTIM9 C%R TH9 @E&RT9R 97898...........................#eiling, if any, prescribed for the :uarter...........25lease indicate here number of hours of overtime permitted to an employee3 (.2a3 2b3 2c3 2i3 2ii3 Total amount of overtime paid in the corresponding :uarter in the previous year Total amount of overtime paid in the last :uarter of the current year. The number of employees ho e/ceeded the ceiling of overtime in the last :uarter Ma/imum number of hours for hich ovetime as paid to an employee during the last :uarter 2mention specific cadre3 Has the position as stated in ( 2c3 been regularised at the end of the current :uarter R If not, give specific reasons. Total amount of overtime paid in the current :uarter 7umber of employees ho e/ceeded the ceiling of overtime as at the end of the current :uarter The ma/imum number of hours for hich overtime as paid to an employee during the current :uarter 2mention specific cadre3 The ma/imum number of hours for hich overtime as paid to an employee from the beginning of the year. 2i.e. (st January3 to the end of the current :uarter. Total number of orkman employees as at the end of the current :uarter2e/cluding ineligible employees3 Total number of hours of overtime ork performed for the current :uarter 5er capita overtime paid for the current :uarter 2aggregate amount of overtime ages paid for the :uarter divided by the number of eligible employees3 5er capita overtime paid for the current :uarter 2total number of hours of overtime ork performed divided by the number of eligible employees3 5er capita overtime paid from the beginning of the year 2i.e. (st January to the end of the current :uarter 2to be orked out as in 2d3 above3 Rs. #lerical/#ash /,ubordinates Rs. Rs. #lerical/#ash /,ubordinates
In Rupees
In Hours
i3 ii3
Rs. hours
&77E&$ %69RTIM9 R95%RT Cor the year ending March, )* #urrent year 2i3 2ii3 2iii3 Total number of & ard employees Total amount of overtime ages paid Total amount of salaries and allo ances paid e/cluding the amount of salaries and allo ances paid to -ank 4uards Cor the year ending March, )* 5revious year
7%T9 L< Include particulars regarding sub<offices/treasury sub<offices, if any, under your control.
,E55$9M97T&RF R9TER7 %C %69RTIM9 C%R TH9 F9&R 97898 TH9 '(st M&R#H -R&7#H %59798 %7.......................................... (. 7umber of employees ho ere in service of the -ank for the entire year and ho orked overtime to the full permissible e/tent i.e., ()* hours or in e/cess thereof. ). 7umber of employees eligible for overtime ork i.e., e/cluding godo n atchmen, guards, s eepers, domestic servants etc. '. 7umber of employees ho have orked overtime as under M 2i3 2ii3 2iii3 2iv3 2v3 2vi3 7o overtime during the year Epto =* hours %ver =* but upto += hours %ver += but upto (** hours %ver (** but upto ()* hours %ver ()* hours &s on (st &pril & &s on '(st March -
;. 5er capita overtime hours orked during the year. 5lace L 8ate L -R&7#H M&7&49R O Cor calculating this, the average number of employees under )2&3 and )2-3 above should be taken.
&n employee ho desires to obtain leave of absence, other than casual leave, shall apply in riting to the -ranch Manager or any other officer authorised for the purpose. ,uch application for leave shall be made not less than one month before the date from hich the leave is to commence, e/cept in urgent cases for unforeseen circumstances including illness hen it is not possible to do so. The -ranch Manager or the officer authorised for the purpose shall issue orders on such application as soon as practicable and in cases of an urgent nature immediately. If the leave asked for is granted, an order sho ing the date of commencement of the leave and the date on hich the employee ill have to resume duty shall be issued to him. &n employee, before proceeding on leave, shall intimate his address hile on leave and shall inform of any change therein during the course of leave. If an employee, after proceeding on leave, desires e/tension thereof, he shall make an application in riting to the -ranch Manager or %fficer authorised for the purpose. ,uch application shall state the full postal and telegraphic address of the employee, and shall be made in sufficient time to enable the management to consider the application and send a reply to him before the e/piry of the leave desired to be e/tended. & ritten reply either of the grant or refusal or e/tension shall be sent to the employee at the address given by him if such reply is likely to reach him before the e/piry of the leave originally granted to him. If the leave is refused or postponed, the reason for the refusal, or postponement, as the case may be, shall be mentioned in the order, and a copy of the order given to the employee. 7o leave or e/tension of leave shall be deemed to have been granted unless an order to that effect is passed and communicated to the employee concerned. $eave of all kinds cannot be claimed as a matter of right. !hen the e/igencies of service so re:uire, discretion to refuse or revoke leave of any description is reserved to the authority granting it, and an employee already on leave may be recalled hen considered necessary in the interests of the -ank. !hen an employee is called back from leave, the bank ill pay his travelling e/penses to and from the place here he as spending his holiday. The employee ill also be entitled to claim travelling e/penses of his spouse and children and dependent parents having no independent source of income provided they have accompanied him hile going to such place or have gone to such place ithin a eek of his going there and have accompanied him hilst returning from such place or have returned to the place of ork ithin a eek of his return to that place. 5ublic Holidays 2that is -ank Holidays under the 7egotiable Instruments &ct3 other than ,undays shall not be prefi/ed or suffi/ed to any leave ithout obtaining prior sanction of the competent authority.
&n employee ho overstays his leave 2e/cept under circumstances beyond his control for hich he must tender a satisfactory e/planation3 shall not be paid his pay and allo ances for the period he overstays and shall further be liable for disciplinary action. $eave earned by an employee lapses on the date on hich he ceases to be in service. !here an employeeKs services are terminated o ing to retrenchment he shall be paid his pay and allo ances for the period of privilege leave at his credit. Enless he is permitted to do so by the competent authority, an employee return to duty before the e/piry of the period of leave granted to him. ill not be entitled to
1!.1. 1!.1.1'
The first day of an employeeKs leave is the orking day succeeding that upon hich he hands over charge. The last day of the employeeKs leave is the orking day preceding that upon hich he reports his return to duty. &n employee on leave shall, unless other ise instructed to the contrary, return for duty to the place at hich he as last posted. Enauthorised absence ithout intimation continuously for a period e/ceeding '* days ould be deemed as a V4ross MisconductW in terms of #lause =2p3 of -ipartite ,ettlement dt.(*.*;.)**). &bsence ithout leave or overstaying sanctioned leave ithout sufficient grounds ould be deemed as a VMinor MisconductW in terms of #lause +2a3 of -ipartite ,ettlement dt.(*.*;.)**). The #ompetent &uthority may re:uire an employee ho has availed himself leave for reasons of health to produce a medical certificate of fitness before he resumes duty even though such leave as not actually granted on a medical certificate. $eave may not be granted to an employee under suspension or against are pending. The term KpayK herever it occurs means the aggregate of -asic 5ayM 8earness &llo anceM House Rent &llo anceM ,pecial and other &llo ances, if any, 2but e/cluding special allo ance dra n as locum< tenens and officiating allo ance if any3 hich the employee ould have dra n had he been on duty. & financial year means the period (st &pril to '(st March each year. 5art time employees are at par ith full<time employees in matter of leave rules. 2&ll part time employees in the service of the bank as on '(.().*= ,dra ing scale ages and fi/ed ages have been converted into full scale of pay by *(.*;.*>, they ill be governed by the same terms and conditions applicable for full time scale of ages staff in subordinate cadre.3 hom proceedings
1!.1.11 1!.1.12
1!.1.1% 1!.1.16
i3 ii3 iii3 iv3
1!.1.1( 1!.1.1)
$eave of all categories e/cept e/traordinary leave on loss of pay, and special leave of all kinds hich is sub"ect to the prior approval of the appropriate authority may be sanctioned by the -ranch Manager/Managers of 8ivisions. &t the $ocal Head %ffice/Honal %ffice/#orporate
#entre, leave shall be sanctioned to the members of Ka ard staffK by the respective Heads of the 8epartments/,ections.
&n employee ho e/hausts all his casual leave should be advised promptly that he has e/hausted all the casual leave and that he can avail himself of privilege leave, if any, at his credit only in accordance ith the -ankKs rule. 2&nne/ure (;.(3 If the employee subse:uently avails himself of leave advised in riting. 2&nne/ure (;.)3 ithout prior sanction, he should be
b3 c3
If he repeats such action, he should be advised in riting to desist from such irregular practice and also advised that his absence ill be treated as unauthorised and that he ould not earn ages for the unauthorised absence. 2&nne/ure (;.'3 Ho ever, if the -ranch Manager is satisfied that the failure of the employee to obtain prior permission is not on genuine grounds and is a deliberate attempt to defy the authority, his absence should be treated as unauthorised and, the procedure outlined in sub para 2d3 belo ill have to be follo ed. If the employee does not pay heed to these advices and absents himself again ithout prior sanction, the absence should be treated as unauthorised and on loss of pay and the matter reported to the #ontrolling &uthority for appropriate disciplinary action against him after calling for an e/planation from the employee. 2&nne/ure (;.;3. ,ome employees may submit medical certificate in support of their absence. If the -ranch Manager has reason to believe that the medical certificates are not genuine, the employee may in consultation ith the controlling authority be sub"ected to an e/amination by a Medical -oard consisting of the -ankKs &uthorised 8octor/Medical %fficer, specialist in the field and a physician of repute. !herever the provision of any la applicable to any place are in conflict contained in this #hapter, the provisions of la should be applied. The instructions ith regard to various kinds of leave are given hereunder. ith the provisions
a3 b3
such leave. !hen this is not possible, the said authority shall be informed as soon as practicable in riting or if it is not possible, orally or through any person, of the employeeKs absence from ork, reason thereof and of the probable duration of such absence. In any event, a ritten application shall be submitted to such authority latest on the day the employee resumes duty. d3 #asual leave is only intended to meet special or unforeseen circumstances for hich provision cannot be made by e/act rules. Holidays e/cept ,aturdays and ,undays shall not be prefi/ed or suffi/ed to casual leave ithout the prior permission of the officer granting such leave. Holidays and eekly off falling ithin the period of casual leave casual leave. ill not be treated as a part of
e3 f3 g3
#asual leave may be taken on grounds of sickness ithout production of medical certificate, provided the total period of sickness does not e/ceed ; days. &ny absence from duty ithout satisfying the re:uisite conditions under hich leave may be taken or obtaining such leave on false grounds ould "ustify the -ank after giving the employee an opportunity to e/plain, in not treating the employee as on casual leave but as being absent ithout leave on loss of pay and allo ances. &n employee on casual leave shall be entitled to pay and allo ances as if he as on duty. #asual leave not availed of by an employee in a financial year shall be convertible into sick leave on full pay and such sick leave in lieu of unavailed casual leave shall be over and above the ma/imum period provided under sick leave. There is no upper limit in regard to the accumulation of unavailed casual leave as sick leave. ,uch leave not e/ceeding a day if availed on grounds of sickness, shall be allo ed production of medical certificate 26II -ipartite ,ettlement dt.)+.*'.)***3 ithout
h3 i3
1!.%.1 1!.%.2
5rivilege leave can be accumulated upto a ma/imum period of );* days .e.f. (.(.G*. 5rivilege leave earned by an employee in a financial year is credited to his leave account at the beginning of the follo ing year. 5rivilege leave should not be granted on pro<rata basis, before it is credited to the leave account.
A..062, :9 401@1,-5- ,-2@ma/imum leave at his credit at the beginning of the year, sub"ect to the ma/imum limit stipulated. #redit shall continue to be afforded to the privilege leave accounts of the employees on (st &pril every year in respect of leave earned during the previous year.
1!.%.3.1 &n employee shall earn privilege leave during each year separately, regardless of the
1!.%.3.2 Cor the purpose of computing the privilege leave earned at the rate of one day for every ((
days of completed service, the period of privilege leave already availed of by the employee during that year, the period of sick leave, e/traordinary leave and maternity leave 2if any3 granted to the employee and unauthorised absence on loss of pay should not be counted as service, as no leave other than casual leave ill count for the purpose of computing privilege leave. 2,9TT$9M97T 8T8. '(.'.(G>+3
1!.%.3.3 In respect of sick leave taken during a financial year, only the actual period of absence ill be
taken into account irrespective of the fact hether it as on full pay/half pay.
1!.%.3.! It is also to be noted that one dayKs privilege leave is earned for every completed (( dayKs of
actual ork done. &lso for the calculation of privilege leave, a financial year is taken from &pril to March.
1!.%.3.% &n a ard staff employee can earn privilege leave during any given year even if the leave at
his credit on the (st &pril of the year is the ma/imum permissible amount of accumulated leave, provided that the leave at his/her credit on the (st &pril of the follo ing year is not more than );* days. Thus, if an employee, ho has ma/imum permissible amount of privilege leave to his credit on the (st &pril B 259RLIRL#IRL((* 8T8. '(.=.(G?=3 i3 does not avail of any leave during the year The leave for that year though earned, ill lapse at the beginning of ne/t yearM ii3 avails of one monthKs leave during the year The period of leave availed ill be set off against the leave earned by him/her during the year i.e. ( month and the leave to his credit at the beginning of the ne/t year ill be ? months. iii3 avails of, say, (* daysK leave during the year The period ill be set off against the leave earned during the year 2i.e. '* days3 leaving a balance of )* days. Ho ever, since the leave to the employeeKs credit at the beginning of the follo ing year cannot be more than the ma/imum permissible amount, this balance of )* daysK leave ill lapse and the leave to his/her credit on the (st &pril of the follo ing year ill be only );* days.
1!.%.3.6 !hile calculating privilege leave earned by an employee in a financial year, if the actual
number of days for hich he had orked during that year 2i.e. number of days in the year less privilege leave/sick/maternity leave, etc. but not casual leave, actually availed of by him/her3 is not e/actly divisible by ((, the fraction of a day of earned leave if any, shall be taken as a full day 2 ith effect from the calendar year )**(3.
1!.%.3.( 5eriod of special leave granted to sportsmen employees may be treated on par ith casual
leave for the purpose of computing privilege leave.
!here an employee is due to proceed on leave during the financial year and the leave to be availed of partly falls in the current year and partly in the ne/t year, the leave account may be debited as on the date on hich the leave ill start. Ho ever, for the sake of administrative convenience the posting may be done at the time of sanction itself. In the event of any change in the :uantum or period of leave sanctioned/availed of, the necessary corrections may be carried out later. #onse:uently, here an employee applied for leave to be availed in the ne/t financial year, the leave account may be debited after the usual credits are posted on &pril ( of the year in hich leave is to be availed.
G-3-02, I38/06./1:38 R-,2/135 T: P01@1,-5- L-2@ma/imum permissible accumulated leave, he ill continue to earn privilege leave and further accumulation of leave beyond the permissible limit ill be allo ed to him until the -ank is in a position to grant him leave. 5rivilege leave can be availed of by an employee only on t o occasions in a Cinancial year 2e/cept of course, under e/traordinary circumstances3. There
1!.%.%.1 !hen leave is refused by the -ank for any reason to an employee, ho has at his credit the
shall be no contravention of this provision ithout "ustifiable reason. 9mployees should, therefore, plan their leave programme sufficiently in advance ith a vie to adhering to the stipulations referred to above.
1!.%.%.2 &n employee ill not earn privilege leave only for the number of days he actually remains
absent. &s such, pro<rata privilege leave ill accrue to him for the number of days of leave debited to his leave account on account of encashment of leave. In other ords, in calculating the period of completed service for hich privilege leave is credited, hile the period of privilege leave en"oyed is not counted, the period of privilege leave encashed should be counted as service.
1!.%.%.3 & member of the 9/ecutive #ommittee of a recognised trade union of the employees of the
-ank may be granted privilege leave on more than t o occasions in a financial year provided it relates only to attending to trade union ork. The other provisions contained in the above clause regarding the grant of privilege leave on more than t o occasions in a Cinancial year ill be operative in respect of the above employees also, for personal purposes.
1!.%.%.! &pplications for privilege leave of say, (= days or more re:uired by the staff, any time during
the year, are invited before the end of May of each year and the leave sanctioned in a conveniently phased manner ell in advance. !hen several applications are received for the same period during a year, hich may not be practicable to be sanctioned, the applicants are asked to vary their periods of leave. If, ho ever, they do not do so by mutual ad"ustment, then the leave is sanctioned to a fe depending on the e/igencies of the service.
1!.%.%.% &n employee may avail himself of privilege leave for a period of more than ; days at a time on
grounds of illness on production of a medical certificate.
1!.6.! 1!.6.%
he resumes duty even though such leave as not actually granted on medical grounds. In the interest of the affected employee and his colleagues, a certificate of fitness should be insisted upon if the employee as suffering from infectious/contagious diseases such as small po/, tuberculosis, etc. or hen the period of leave on medical grounds e/ceeds a fortnight.
,ick leave %n half pay on a pro rata basis according to the length of service, as applicable to permanent employees.
9/traordinary $eaveL !hen an employee on probation is granted e/traordinary leave on loss of pay, his or her period of probation may be e/tended for the period of e/traordinary leave. !here the period of e/traordinary leave is short, say not more than (= days and the controlling authority is satisfied that the leave as taken for genuine reasons, such as sickness etc. the -ranch Manager/Head of the 8epartment may, ith the approval of the 4eneral Manager aive the postponement of the date of confirmation on merits of the case.
4eneral 5articulars of leave of all kinds granted to such employees since their "oining the service should be reported in their monthly reports. &ny leave in e/cess of hat an employee ould be eligible for on the above basis ill be treated as e/traordinary leave on loss of pay and the period of probation of the employee e/ceeded correspondinglyM such period ill not count for increments.
&pplications for grant of leave of any other kind should invariably be referred to the #ontrolling &uthority ith the recommendations of the -ranch Manager.
1!.).2 1!.).3
b3 c3 d3 e3
,ickness of employeeKs ife or children Cor appearing in the e/amination Cor pursing higher studies &ny other reason beyond the control of the employee, the discretion for hich ill be entirely ith the sanctioning authority.
C:<4-/-3/ A6/;:01/A F:0 G023/ O9 EG/02:071320A L-2@The follo ing authority structure has been designated for sanction of e/tra ordinary leave to members of the a ard staff L<
Cor a ard staff orking at branches L &sstt. 4en. Manager 8y. 4eneral Manager 4eneral Manager L L L 9/traordinary leave upto G* days 9/traordinary leave upto (?* days. 9/traordinary leave upto '>* days.
Cor a ard staff orking at Honal %ffices L 8y. 4eneral Manager 4eneral Manager L L 9/traordinary leave upto (?* days 9/traordinary leave upto '>* days
orking at $ocal Head %ffices including $earning #entres L L 9/traordinary leave upto G* days
8epartmental Head not belo the rank of ,M4, 6 #oncerned 4eneral Manager d.
Cor a ard staff orking at #orporate #entreL &4M incharge of staff matters 84M/4M incharge of the department L L 9/tra ordinary leave upto G* days 9/tra ordinary leave G( to '>* days
Cor a ard staff orking at #orporate #entre establishmentsL 8epartmental Head or %fficer in hierarchy not belo ,M4, 6 %fficer in hierarchy not belo T94, 6II L 9/tra ordinary leave upto G* days
The #hief 4eneral Manager of #ircle in respect of employees orking in a #ircle and the #hief 4eneral Manager 2HR3 in respect of employees orking in #orporate #entre establishments, is the competent authority to condone the absence of an employee beyond
the ma/imum permissible e/traordinary leave of '>* days i.e. beyond '>* days, on merits of each case and on "ustifiable grounds. ,uch e/traordinary leave on loss of pay in e/cess of '>* days for any reason hatsoever ill not count for pension, increment etc. Ho ever, all cases for sanction of e/tra ordinary leave should be critically screened by the controlling authorities before making recommendations to the appropriate competent authorities at different levels.
9/traordinary leave on loss of pay does not normally count for increment, seniority etc. Ho ever, the #hief 4eneral Manager, in the case of an employee orking in the #ircle and the #hief 4eneral Manager 2HR3 in the case of an employee orking in corporate centre and its establishments, are the competent authorities to restore seniority and count the period of e/tra ordinary leave on loss of pay for increment, seniority, etc. upto '>* days in the follo ing circumstances. 9mployees o n sickness 9mployeeKs o n studies Ho ever, the period for hich seniority is restored 28%L&8ML??G 8T8. )*.'.(G?+3 ill not count for pension in all cases.
a. b.
In the case of employees ho are office<bearers of registered trade unions, increment may be deferred only to the e/tent that e/tra ordinary leave e/ceeds ) months in any incremental year. The -ank may grant e/traordinary leave in combination ith or in continuation of leave of any other kind admissible to the employee e/cept casual leave. 7o pay and allo ances are admissible during the period of e/traordinary leave and the period spent on such leave does not count for increments. The effect of such leave is to permanently postpone the dates of all future increments falling due in the employeeKs salary by a period e:ual to the period of such leave. Ho ever, as the dates of increments of all employees fall on the (st of respective months, the shifting is notionally made in the actual date on hich the increment accrues. If on such postponement either in the first instance or on a cumulative basis such date of accrual of increment shifts to any subse:uent #alendar month, the increment ill be released on the (st of that subse:uent month. To ensure proper implementation of the instructions contained in para (;.?.? above, it is necessary to keep an accurate record of all such leave granted to an employee on different occasions in his service and leave records. &ny employee irrespective of hether he is a union leader or not, ho avails himself of leave on loss of pay in e/cess of hat is provided in the para (;.?.( above, may be put on notice by the -ank and if his attendance does not improve, the -ank may take recourse to the provisions of -ipartite ,ettlement dt.(*.*;.)**). 9/traordinary leave on loss of pay is sub"ect to the sanction of the management and cannot be availed of by the employee on his o n. If the management is not satisfied ith the reasons for the absence, it ould be in order to treat his absence as unauthorised and not counting as service for any purpose. !here the employee is likely to e/ceed the limit available under the -ipartite settlements, the -ank ill put him on notice, arning of the conse:uences. Thereafter, the -ank may consider such contract as terminated after considering such termination as retrenchment. Ho ever, in genuine cases, the -ank can take a decision on its o n and condone the absence beyond hat is provided for in the -ipartite ,ettlements as e/tra ordinary leave on loss of pay. &ll cases of e/traordinary leave should be referred to the controlling authority for sanction.
1!.).( 1!.).)
1!.).13 1!.).1!
a3 b3
The period of e/traordinary leave availed of by an employee is included one year of service for the purpose of calculation of sick leave.
hile computing
G-3-02, I38/06./1:38 R-,2/135 T:, A=8-3.- O3 EG/02:071320A L-2@- O3 L:88 O9 P2A 25&L#IRLIRL'+ 8T8. )G.>.(G?'3
&ny employee ho is absent on leave on loss of pay, ill not be paid salary and allo ance for the period in :uestion. 8eductions in respect of various loans availed by the employee as ell as statutory deductions should be effected from the salary and allo ance, as and hen they are payable to him. #ontrolling &uthority should be immediately advised giving the details of absence recommendations. ith the
c3 d3
&fter getting necessary sanction from #ontrolling &uthorities, concerned employees should be advised immediately about the postponement of increment, non counting of such period for seniority etc., Increment should be postponed if not sanctioned for restoration. ,uch employees should be made clear that period of absence on leave on loss of pay on any grounds ill not be counted as service for the purpose of pension.
1!. .1
9ffective from )+th March, )***, the earlier provisions relating to maternity leave have been substituted by the follo ing L< maternity leave, hich shall be on substantive pay shall be granted to a female employee for a period not e/ceeding > months on any one occasion and () months during the entire period of her service. !ithin the overall period of () months, leave may also be granted in case of miscarriage/abortion/MT5. $eave applications should be supported by a certificate from a registered medical practitioner, indicating, inter alia, the number of days for hich rest is re:uired, as a conse:uence of miscarriage/MT5/abortion. The -ank may grant leave of any other kind admissible to an employee in combination ith or in continuation of maternity leave if the re:uest for its grant is supported by sufficient medical certificate. If an employee is on maternity leave during the probationary period, she may be granted the said leave for a period not e/ceeding ' months on loss of pay, by suitably e/tending the period of probation. The ages for such period, hich should be calculated every month and held in ,undry 8eposit &ccount, may be paid to her only after she is confirmed in the -ankKs service treating the leave then as maternity leave. The progressive position regarding maternity leave taken and the number of occasions on hich it as taken should be suitably indicated in the leave record so that at the time of sanctioning such leave, the position about its availment in the past and the balance available could be readily kno n to the ,anctioning &uthority. ,uitable column sho ing progressive position of sick/maternity leave taken may be introduced in the leave register. 2&8ML;'G(( 8T8. +.(*.(G?'3 ,ick/maternity leave particulars should be incorporated in the leave record in the undernoted format. -alance Maternity $eave
1!. .2
1!. .3
1!. .%
Crom 2)(3
To 2))3
1!. .6
i3 ii3 iii3
$eave ill be granted for adoption of only one child. The adoption of a child should be through a proper legal process and the employee should produce the adoption deed to the -ank for sanctioning such leave. Temporary and part<time employees are not eligible for grant of leave for adoption of a child.
D182=,-7 -G-8-0@1.-<-3
,pecial casual leave upto a ma/imum of (= days in a financial year including transit time both ays, may be granted to the disabled e/<servicemen employees of the -ank to enable them to appear before the Medical Resurvey -oard for assessing their disability pension or to go to the &rtificial $imbs #entres for replacement of the artificial limb2s3. ,uch leave may be granted only on production of Medical discharge certificate from the authorities concerned. ,pecial casual leave, as above, ill be sanctioned by the follo ingL
9mployees orking at branches under the control of Honal %ffice and at Honal %ffice 9mployees orking at branches under the control of 8y. 4en. Manager 9mployees orking at $.H.%.
8y.4eneral Manager 8y. 4en. Manager 8y 4eneral Manager 0 #ircle 8evelopment %fficer
ii3 iii3
#hief 4en. Manager 8y. Managing 8irector 0 #orporate 8evelopment %fficer 8y. Managing 8irector 0 #orporate 8evelopment %fficer
N:3-0-.:5318-7 52<-8
Cor grant of special leave upto G* days for matches in India. Cor grant of special leave beyond G* days for matches in India #hief 4eneral Manager 8y. Managing 8irector 0 #orporate 8evelopment %fficer
&ll applications for special leave submitted by the sportsmen employees ith full documentary evidence thereof should be submitted ell in advance before the event/programme begins, to the #ontrolling &uthority in duplicate for on ard transmission to $.H.%. and sanction by the #hief 4eneral Manager. & specimen of the application is given at anne/ure (;.=.
S4-.12, ,-2@- - F2<1,A P,233135 S.;-<,9TT$9M97T 8T8. '(.'.(G>+ 5&R& G.)) 0 G.)> %C 89,&I &!&R8,3
the e/tent indicated belo L
1!.1!.2.1 ,pecial #asual $eave is admissible to all employees ho undergo sterilisation operations to
i. ii. ,pecial casual leave not e/ceeding + sterilisation operation 26asectomy3 orking days to male employees ho undergoes ho undergo
,pecial leave not e/ceeding (; orking days to eligible female employees puerperal/non<puerperal tubectomy operation.
iii. iv.
%ne dayKs special leave to female employees ho had IE8 insertions. Curther, special leave of seven days to male employees hose ives undergo non<puerperal tubectomy operation may be granted special leave upto seven days sub"ect to the production of a medical certificate from the doctor ho performed the operation to the effect that the presence of the employee is essential for the period of leave to look after the ife during her convalescence after operation. ,pecial leave is also granted to an employee developing post sterilisation complications to cover the period for hich he/she is hospitalised for a post operation complications on production of certificate from the concerned hospital authorities.
1!.1!.2.2 The above facility ill be sub"ect to the follo ing conditions L<
a. b. ,undays, Holidays, of special leave. eekly off falling ithin the period of special leave ill be treated as part
The special leave for the purpose may be suffi/ed or prefi/ed either to privilege leave or to casual leave and not to both. The intervening holidays and/or ,undays may be prefi/ed or suffi/ed to the privilege leave, as the case may be. The sterilisation operation must be conducted and certificate issued to that effect by an authorised competent authority of the hospital or under the #entral 4overnment Health ,cheme. 9mployees ho have undergone the operation at private nursing homes or by private doctors specifically authorised by the 4overnment to conduct family planning operations and are other ise eligible may also be paid lumpsum incentive if the controlling authority is satisfied ith the genuineness of the claims and the certificates are authenticated by the -ankKs authorised doctors. The employees should have t o or three living children and should be ithin the reproductive age group, i.e., he should not be over =* years of age and his ife should be bet een )* and ;= years of age. In case of a female employee, she should not be above ;= years of age and her husband should not be over =* years of age. ,terilisation operation may be undergone either by the employee or his/her spouse. The facility is also applicable to permanent part<time employees of the -ank hose orking hours are not less than > hours a eek. The facility is also applicable to a temporary employee.
e. f.
O991.--=-20-08 :9 631:3$288:.12/1:3
2e<circular (*=/)**=<*>3 $H% #ircular #8%/5 0 HR8<IR/(?/)**=<*> 8ated *+<*+<)**= In supersession of para ('.'G of the (st -ipartite ,ettlement dated (G/(*/(G>>, ith effect from *)<*+<)**= , ,pecial leave ill be allo ed to certain employees for attending meetings and conferences of trade unions of bank employees as provided belo L
5rincipal %ffice -earers of &ll India !orkmen Enions/ &ssociations sub"ect to a ma/imum of< )* such members in the case of unions having more than )=I membership. (= such members in the case of unions having less than )=I membership. #entral #ommittee Members of &ll India !orkmen Enions/ &ssociations sub"ect
I3 II3 b3
to a ma/imum of B i3 ii3 ;* such members in the case of unions having more than )=I membership. '* such members in the case of unions having less than )=I membership. %ffice -earers of the 9/ecutive #ommittee Epto +days in a calendar year. of the ,tate or Regional $evel Enits of &ll India !orkmen Enions/ &ssociations sub"ect to a ma/imum of < )* such members in the case of unions having more than )=I membership. (= such members in the case of unions having less than )=I membership. The benefit of special leave as above shall be available only to those office bearers nominated for the purpose by the &ll India !orkmen Enions/ &ssociations ho are parties to the ,ettlement and signing it.
i3 ii3
1!.1!.3.1 ,pecial/additional/special casual ill be granted to the eligible office<bearers of the Enion on
the follo ing basisL i3 ii3 It should be for the purpose of attending EnionKs CederationKs meetings/ conferences. !eekly and other holidays may be allo ed to be suffi/ed, prefi/ed or added in bet een ithout any restriction on the total number of days, provided the entire period of absence is connected ith the said meetings/conferences. 5rivilege leave or any other kind of leave, e/cept casual leave, should not be allo ed to be suffi/ed/prefi/ed to the special casual leave.
E62023/13- ,-2@In case an employee is absent from duty on account of :uarantine, the -ank may, at the re:uest of the employee, treat such absence upto a ma/imum of ' months as privilege or sick leave if such leave is other ise permissible.
The period of training and duty as Home 4uards etc., is treated as special casual leave and he shall be permitted to receive in addition to his pay such emoluments as the ,tate 4overnment may offerM and The -ank ill not be responsible for any risks, in"uries, damages or other conse:uences arising out of or during the course of employment in the Home 4uards or the other %rganisation.
iii3 & suitable letter of undertaking from the employee absolving the -ank from any liability for risks. in"uries, damages etc. shall also be obtained and for arded along ith his application to the controlling authority.
S4-.12, .2862, ,-2@- 9:0 /0213135 13 S/. +:;3 A<=6,23.,pecial casual leave may be granted to employees ho enrol themselves as members of ,t. John &mbulance -rigade sub"ect to the follo ing conditionsL<
i3 ii3
The grant of permission should not interfere ith the discharge of their official dutiesM If they are re:uired to undergo the necessary training etc., during office hours, their absence shall be treated as casual leave to the e/tent such leave is due and to the e/tent such leave is not due, as special casual leave. that here employees are detailed for any special duties by the -rigade, special casual leave not e/ceeding ' days per annum may be allo ed to them to cover their absence.
R602, 8-0@1.- ,-2@Rural service leave ill be granted to employees to enable them to do something in villages like survey of credit needs of rural households, etc. The terms and conditions governing grant of such leave ill be as detailed in para (+.?, #hapter (+, Reference -ook of ,taff Matters 2,upervising ,taff3 6olume<I, )nd edition.
1!.1!.).2 9very eligible voter is entitled to be registered on the electoral rolls of a constituency in hich
he ordinarily resides. It may happen in some cases that a bank employee residing and enrolled as a voter in a particular place/constituency may be posted in a branch/office located at some other place. In such cases, the individual employee may be granted special casual leave for full or part of the day of polling if his branch/office does not happen to be closed on the particular day to enable him to e/ercise his franchise after obtaining the follo ing undertaking. Ho ever, no special leave shall be granted for the period of "ourney bet een the place of posting to the place here the election is being held and back. IQQ......................................................... 8esignation ........................QQ.. resident of .......................................................................................QQQQ. .......................................................................................................QQQ.Q.. hereby declare that I am a regular resident and/or a registered voter of the 5arliament and ,tate &ssembly #onstituencies in the ,tate and have actually cast my vote on ,ignature L ...........Q............... 8ate L ...........................
9mployees ho are university graduates and bonafide voters in the elections to the state legislature councils from graduates constituencies are eligible for special casual leave for the day of election to enable them to e/ercise their franchise.
i3 ii3
Cor a ard staff, in the #ircle Cor a ard staff orking in #entral %ffice establishments
%ccasions may arise hen employees are unable to attend office on account of curfe etc. at the place of their residence or at the place of ork. The standing guidelines to be follo ed in the matter of absence of employees on account of bundhs/curfe s etc. are as underL<
C609-> 13 0-817-3/12, 20-2 & 84-.12, ,-2@!hen curfe is imposed during entire orking hours L< If a branch remains closed on account of curfe order imposed during the entire orking hours of the branch, the employees ho are unable to attend on that day, should be treated as on special casual leave.
A=8-3.- :3 2..:63/ :9 32/602, .2,2<1/1-8 :0 .1@1, .:<<:/1:3 :0 23A :/;-0 .268- =-A:37 /;- .:3/0:, :9 /;- B23?.
The absence of employees due to above causes should be treated as underL< If the closure of the -ank is necessitated by reasons of natural calamities such as fire, rains, deluge or civil disturbances such as riots or any other cause beyond the control of the -ank, only appropriate leave including casual leave, but not special casual leave, should be granted to -ank employees in terms of 5aragraph =(( of the ,astry & ard.
1!.1%.% 1!.1%.%.1
&bsence of employees due to bundh, morcha, strike, rail/rasta roko, etc. organised by various political/religious and other parties unconnected ith the -anking industries . In all cases here the -undh, etc. is supported/co<sponsored or actively assisted by bank employees or their affiliated Enion/&ssociation action should be taken against employees ho absent themselves from duty by effecting K!age<cutK on the basis of the principle K7o ork no payK in addition to any action the management may like to take as per the service rules. In all cases here the -undh etc. is not supported/co<sponsored or actively assisted by bank employees or their affiliated Enion/&ssociation, if an absenting employee gives a letter stating that he as not a member of any Enion/%rganisation hich gave a call for the -undh etc. and he did not participate in the -undh etc but as prevented from attending office due to non< availability , disruption of transport facilities, physical obstruction or other legitimate reasons, his appropriate leave account may be debited.
If the employee is a member of the union hich has given a call for strike, he should advise the bank in riting before the strike day that although he is a member of the union hich has given a call for strike, he has no intention to go on strike. & letter by the employee, even if he is covered by 2a3 above stating that he as not on strike and he had come to attend the office in the usual manner but could not do so as all the doors ere locked. If it is established that even one or t o employees ere able to enter the office and the doors ere opened any time before the close of business hours, special leave should not be given to those ho did not enter the office. In terms of Cifth -ipartite ,ettlement, !atch and !ard staff have been e/empted from participating in strike/ ork stoppages. 7ote L There have been instances, here employees 2particularly office bearers/activists of unions/associations3 had taken leave on one prete/t or the other to participate in strike/dharna/agitation organised either at the same centre or else here. In this connection, e advise that if an employee applied for leave for participation in dharna, strike etc., it should not be granted. Curther, here an employee has already been granted leave and it subse:uently comes to the kno ledge of the -ank, that he had not utilised the leave for reasons stated in his leave application 2but had utilised it for participating in the dharna etc.3 he should be advised that the leave obtained by him on false grounds but in reality, for participating in strike or dharna,
is treated as cancelled and his absence for the day is treated as unauthorised, he should not be paid salary and allo ances for such unauthorised absence, ithout pre"udice to the -ank1s right to take disciplinary action against him.
A44-20135 9:0 /-8/ 237 13/-0@1-> 9:0 40:<:/1:3 /: .,-01.2, .270!hen a messenger is re:uired to appear at a -ranch/%ffice other than his o n, for test and intervie for promotion to clerical cadre or as Record keeper<cum<cashier, he shall be granted duty leave for the purpose and shall be reimbursed ith travelling e/penses, if any, incurred by him in that connection.
P20/-/1<- -<4,:A--8
5art<time employees are treated at par ith full time employees in the matter of leave rules. 2&ll part time employees in the service of the bank as on '(.().*= ,dra ing scale ages and fi/ed ages have been converted into full scale of pay by *(.*;.*>, they ill be governed by the same terms and conditions applicable for full time scale of ages staff in subordinate cadre.3
In terms of #lause 2p3 of -ipartite ,ettlement dated the (*th &pril, )**), unauthorised absence for a period e/ceeding '* days ill be treated as A4ross MisconductA. &s a result, the procedure for disciplinary action for gross misconduct should be initiated in respect of employees remaining unauthorised by absent for a period e/ceeding '* days. ,pecimen of Memos to be addressed to the employees for unauthorised absence are given in &nne/ures (;.>, (;.+ and (;.?. !here unauthorised absence is fre:uent, suitable action in terms of the provisions of rules governing the service of the employee should be initiated ith the approval of the controlling authority.
1!.1 .1
1!.1 .2
7o duty leave is granted to employees to attend conciliation proceedings even for a part of the dayM but may be granted any other leave to their credit as per the rules laid do n by the -ank for the purpose.
The special leave may be granted to our staff members participating in cultural events at the 7ational/Regional level. The outstanding performers in the field of classical music, classical dance, stage acting, painting and literature may be granted special leave on the follo ing conditionsL
(3 )3 '3 ;3 =3 >3
The event should be a recognised one at 7ational/Regional level. There should be official invitation from the organisers. The leave, depending on the event, should not e/ceed + days including time used for travel to and from. The employees practice. ill not be eligible for any other monetary benefits or time<off facility for
The leave should be treated as non<cumulative special leave. &n individual employee may be granted such non<cumulative leave upto + days at any one instance and not more than '* days in a year. Ma/imum entitlement of an employee during his/her entire career ill be '** days. The competent authority for sanctioning the special leave 250HR83 at #orporate #entre ill be the #hief 4eneral Manager
&n K&bsentee RegisterK should be maintained on the lines of the format given at &nne/ure (;.G, hich should be completed each day morning at a stipulated time so as to have a full control over the absence of the staff and a proper accounting of their leave. The "ob of ensuring that the leave is accounted for leave applications are called for herever these are not forthcoming, should be undertaken by the -ranch Managers of small branches
themselves or Managers of 8ivisions or by any other member of the supervising staff at large branches/departments at administrative offices. This register should be scrutinised by the controlling authorities visiting the branches periodically and 8eputy 4eneral Managers/Managers of large branches ith a vie to ensuring proper maintenance. &bsence of both officers and a ard staff should be recorded in this register. !henever an employee overstays his leave, proper notice should be sent and action taken in terms of service rules. 9mployees ho abstain in an unauthorised manner should not be allo ed to "oin duty e/cept under the specific order of the controlling authority.
,hri/,mt/.um. ........................ ,tate -ank of India, ................................. ................................. 8ear ,ir/Madam !e have to advise that you have e/hausted () days of casual leave for this year as on ..........................In terms of the leave rules governing your service, privilege leave can be availed of only on t o occasions in a year by an employee. ,uch privilege leave cannot be availed of ithout prior sanction from the -ank and has to be applied for ell in advance. 5lease, therefore, note to refrain from taking leave ithout prior sanction in future during the year. 5lease ackno ledge receipt of this letter. Fours faithfully, -ranch Manager / Head of 8ept.
,hri/,mt/.um. .................................................................... 8ear ,ir/Madam 5lease refer to our letter 7o .................. dated .................. 8espite our instructions in our above referred letter, e observe that you ere again absent from duty ithout prior sanction on .................. / from..................... to .................. 5lease note that privilege leave cannot be availed of "ust as casual leave. Fou are, therefore, advised once again to abide by the leave rules and not to absent yourself from duty ithout our specific prior sanction. Fours faithfully, -ranch Manager / Head of 8ept.
,hri/,mt/.um. .................................................................... 8ear ,ir/Madam !e refer to our letters 7o .................. dated ........................ in hich e had advised you to abide by the leave rules and to refrain from absenting yourself ithout prior sanction. ). !e observe that you have again absented yourself on ............................ / from................. to .......................... ithout our prior sanction, although you have no casual leave at your credit, your absence is treated as unauthorised and accordingly you are not entitled for any ages for this period. !e ould once again advise you that you should, in your o n interest, comply ith the leave rules and not abstain yourself from duty ithout the -ankKs prior sanction. If, ho ever, you continue to be absent unauthorisedly, e ill have no alternative but to initiate appropriate disciplinary action against you. Fours faithfully, -ranch Manager / Head of 8ept.
,hri/,mt/.um. .................................................................... 8ear ,ir/Madam !e refer to our letters 7o ......................... dated ............................ ). 8espite our repeated instructions, you have again absented yourself from duty on ..................... from .................. to ..................... ithout prior sanction, even after e/hausting your entire casual leave. &s you continue to contravene the leave rules despite our repeated advices / instructions, e call upon you to submit your e/planation as to hy disciplinary proceedings should not be initiated for your unauthorised absence. Fours faithfully, -ranch Manager / Head of 8ept.
R9#%MM978&TI%7, C%R 4R&7T %C ,59#I&$ $9&69 I7 #%779#TI%7 !ITH 5&RTI#I5&TI%7 %C &7 9M5$%F99 I7 6&RI%E, T%ER7&M97T, i3 ii3 iii3 iv3 7ame of the employee 2 ith designation3 7ame of the game 2Recognised/7on<recognised3 7ame of tournament 2approved by -ank/I-&, etc.3 ,pecial leave sanctioned during the year under the discretion of #4M of the #ircle Total special leave availed during the year ,pecial leave applied for 2date of application, date of commencement of tournament, number of days, etc.3 !hether such application is received prior to commencement of tournamentM if not, reasons therefor and action if any taken in this regard Recommendations L -ranch Manager / Head 8ept. 8y. 4eneral Manager 7ote L i3 ii3 &pplications should invariably be routed through the ,ecretary, #ircle !elfare #ommittee of #ircle concerned ith his recommendations Cor tournaments outside the country the applications should accompany approval of respective ,ports Cederation and 4overnment of India. L L
v3 vi3
M9M% R94I,T9R98 &.8. 5%,T
,hri/,mt./.um................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ E7Ð%RI,98 &-,97#9 CR%M 8ETF It is observed that you are absenting from duty unauthorisedly since ...................... ). Fou are, therefore, advised to report for duty e/plain the reasons for your absence. -ranch Manager / 8epartmental Head ithin ' days of the receipt of this Memorandum and
M9M% R94I,T9R98 &.8. 5%,T ,hri/,mt./.um................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ E7Ð%RI,98 &-,97#9 CR%M 8ETF 5lease refer to the memo 7o ..................... dated ............................ calling upon you to report for duty. It is observed that you are continuing to be absent from duty since ........................... The above position is highly irregular and in contravention of the rules governing your service in the -ank. Fou are therefore, hereby advised to report for duty ithin '* days of the date of this notice. If you fail to do so, you ill be deemed to have voluntarily retired from service on the e/piry of this notice, in hich case you ould also be liable to pay to the -ank (; daysO/one monthKs pay and allo ances in lieu of the notice.
R94I,T9R98 &.8. 5%,T ,hri ................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ E7Ð%RI,98 &-,97#9 CR%M 8ETF !e advise that you are absenting from duty unauthorisedly since ....................... In this connection, please refer to the memorandum no. .............................. dated ................... sent to you at your last recorded address by registered &.8. post calling upon you to report for duty ithin '* days of that notice. 7o that you have failed to report for duty by ........................................... it is deemed that you have voluntarily retired from service on ................................. . Fou are hereby called upon to pay to the -ank ithin (= days of the date of this notice, (; days/one monthKs pay and allo ances in lieu of notice failing hich that -ank ill be constrained to file a suit for recovery of the same ithout pre"udice to its right to set off terminal dues and any other amounts that may be due to you to ards 2part3O satisfaction of the amounts you are re:uired to pay to the -ank. 2O 8elete hen inapplicable3
&-,97T99 R94I,T9R <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 8ate 7ame 0 designa< 5eriod !hether appli< If not, Initial Rem< tion of employee of cation for date of arks leave leave received applica< in time tion for leave received on 2(3 2)3 2'3 2;3 2=3 2>3 2+3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
5ermanent full time employees including domestic servants provided they have completed at least (( monthsK active service. Ho ever part<time employees, hose orking hours are less than > hours per eek ill not be eligible for this facility. Temporary employees ho have completed at least ); monthsK active service L
b3 i3 ii3 iii3
either ithout any breakM or ith a break not e/ceeding + days at a time, the total period of break, ho ever, not e/ceeding )( days in a calendar year. 9ach employee, if he has not already done so, should furnish a domicile to the -ank. ritten declaration of his
The concession may be permitted to the eligible employee hen he proceeds on leave of any kind. There is no restriction as to the minimum number of days of leave to be taken for the purpose.
7%T9 L i3 &t times an employee may re:uest for availment of $eave Care concession/encashment of leave hile he is on sick leave. ,uch employee may avail sick leave for recuperation/convalescence follo ing his illness and if he ishes to visit a hill station or any other suitable place. &ll such cases, should be considered on merits and on the advice of the attending 5hysician if necessary. The claim for $C# may also be considered on merits granted e/traordinary leave for specified reasons. hen the employee has already been
.:3.-881:3 <2A =-
The employee may avail himself of the concession for self as ell as family. In supersession of para = of the -ipartite ,ettlement dated =th January (G?+, for the purpose of medical facilities and leave fare concession, the e/pression KfamilyK of an employee shall meanL a. The employeeKs spouse, holly dependent unmarried children 2including step children and legally adopted children3 as also parents ordinarily residing ith and holly dependent on the employee.
The term holly dependent children/parent shall mean such member of the family having a monthly income not e/ceeding Rs.),==*/< p.m. If the income of one of the parents e/ceeds Rs.),==*/< p.m. or the aggregate income of both the parents e/ceeds Rs.),==*/< p.m. both the parents shall not be considered as holly dependent on the employee.
& married female employee may include her natural parents or parents<in<la under the definition of family < but not both < provided that the parents/parents<in<la are ordinarily residing ith and holly dependent on her. #larifications
If an employee and his ife are employed in the -ank, although each ill be entitled to leave fare concession in his/her o n right, the family including the husband and ife taken together ill not be eligible for leave fare concession more than once in the relative period of leave fare concession. Curther, if both husband and ife avail themselves of the leave fare concession together, the concession ill be admissible to the family on the scale admissible to the husband or the ife and not both. In case each spouse prefers to avail leave fare concession in his/her o n right, only one of them ould be entitled to claim leave fare concession in respect of their dependent children but the ife ill not be eligible for leave fare concession in respect of any other dependent e/cept for her dependent parents. & male employee ill be eligible to claim reimbursement under leave fare concession in respect of his ife and children, even if she is gainfully employed else here. If husband and ife are orking in different banks, each of them can avail of Home Travel/$eave Travel #oncession separately for different "ourney. Ho ever, there should not be t o payments by both the employers in respect of the same "ourney. The e/pression Kchildren holly dependentK ill mean children ho are not gainfully employed but ill not include married daughters. Married son ho is holly dependent and not gainfully employed ill fall under the definition of family for the above purposes, but daughter<in<la ill not be covered under the definition of family. In case here the more than one brother and/or unmarried sister are serving in the bank at different places and their parents are dependent on them only one employee 2brother or unmarried sister3 ill be entitled to the benefit of leave fare concession in respect of his/her dependent parents. &ge of a family member ill not be a factor to decide his/her dependence on an employee, unless it is specifically provided. 7o e/penses ill be payable in respect of the servant. 2,9TT$9M97T 8T8. (=.G.(G?;3
ii3 iii3
vi3 vii3
The dependent parents, shall ordinarily reside ith the employee to be eligible for availment of $C#. &n employee may, ho ever, claim $C# in respect of dependent parents not ordinarily residing ith him by giving a suitable declaration and satisfactory evidence of such dependence. 259RLIRL'?L(GG(3 5lace of ork ill also include a place here an employee may be deputed for duty. This provision, ill, ho ever, apply for concession in respect of the employee only. 2,#L(?+L(G?)3 In case of an employee ho may have to keep his children outside the place of posting for their education 2because of lack of facilities3 the e/penses incurred on account of the children may be reimbursed in terms of his eligibility, from his place of posting to the designated places on leave fare concession or the actual amount spent by the children hichever is lo er, sub"ect to the usual terms and conditions.2,#L=(L(G?)3
b3 c3
I3/-0@2,8 2/ >;1.; /;- 92.1,1/A <2A =- 2@21,-7 237 4-0<1881=,- 718/23.(--.10.6,20 CDO$P * HRD-IR$1)$2''%-'6 D2/-7 '(-'(-2''%). !ith effect from )nd June )**=, leave fare concession payable ill be the actual return rail ay fare or steamer fare incurred by the orkman and members of his family sub"ect to the follo ingL
Cor availment of leave fare concession under a ) year block for visit to any place ithin India, the ma/imum permissible distance shall be ))=* km. for subordinate staff and (+=* km. for non<subordinate staff. Cor availment of leave fare concession under a ; year block for visit to any place in India, the ma/imum permissible distance shall be ;=** km. for subordinate staff and '=** km. Cor non< subordinate staff. 2%ption should be given by all employees for 2a3 or 2b3 above on the format as per &nne/ure (=.(3
c3 d3
The restriction of ma/imum distance ill not be applicable in cases here an employee avails of $C# for travel to his place of domicile on a biennial basis.2,#L(?+L(G?)3 ,ubordinate ,taff L 5lace of 8omicile in 7epal, -hutan, 5akistan, etc. In the case of subordinate employees, hose domicile is situated in 5akistan, -hutan, 7epal the concession payable ill be restricted to the fare from his place of ork to the place on the Indian border nearest to his place of domicile, sub"ect to the permissible distance. It is clarified that e/penses on travel to foreign land, if it falls in the circuitous route adopted by an employee to go to his home to n or designated place, can be reimbursed to him ithin the frame ork of the provisions mentioned above, provided the employeeKs designated place is any here in India and he actually visits the place so designated.
If leave fare concession is not availed of during any particular block, it should not ordinarily be carried for ard. It is not desirable to e/tend the facility of carry<over of $eave Care #oncession to the & ard staff beyond the biennial/:uadrennial period as according to the e/tant instructions all the staff members are e/pected to advise their leave programmes in the month of January every year. &part from this, a tendency ill develop to apply for leave for
availment of $eave Care #oncession at the time of e/piry thereof. 2&8ML(>)GG 8T8. )>.;.(G?'3 f3 5rogramming of leave fare concession2,#L''L(G>?3
ith a vie
of obtaining e/tension
&t the beginning of each year, the -ranch Manager should call for applications for leave from employees for availing leave fare concession so as to grant the leave in a phased manner before e/piry of relative biennial/:uadrennial period. This ould obviate large scale absenteeism at any one time during the year.
i3 ii3
The biennial/:uadrennial period ill start from +.(.(G?( Illustration<) 9mployee<F %ption L -iennial &ppointed on *=.*=.(G+; L *;.*=.(G+> *=.*=.(G+> L *;.*=.(G+? *=.*=.(G+? L *;.*=.(G?* &vailed in 7ovember, (G+= &vailed in &pril (G+? 7ot availed till *(.(*.(G?*
The biennial/:uadrennial period ill start from *=.*=.(G+? iii3 iv3 9mployees ho "oined the -ank on or after (.(*.(G+G, the biennial/:uadrennial period shall commence from the date of their appointment. 9mployees promoted to officersK cadre L The e/isting block of biennial/:uadrennial period in & ard staff cadre promotion to %fficersK cadre. ill continue even after
E3/1/,-7 .,288
In supersession of paragraph (*.' of -ipartite ,ettlement dated (Gth %ctober (G>>, paragraph D2)3 of -ipartite ,ettlement dated (+th ,eptember (G?;, 5aragraph ) of the -ipartite ,ettlement dated )?th 7ovember (GG+ and in partial modification of 5aragraph )'2v3
of -ipartite ,ettlement dated '(st %ctober (G+G, the class of fare to the members of his family ould be entitled, shall be as follo s L 2e<circular #8%/5 0 HR8<IR/(?/)**=<*> 8ated *+<*+<)**=3. A S6=:07132/- S/299 &
hich the
orkman and
,leeper class fare for the "ourney by mail/e/press train or third class fare by steamer 2lo est cabin class 3 B i3 N:3-86=:07132/- S/299 & Cirst class fare for the "ourney by mail/e/press train. If the travel is by steamer , by the lo est cabin class or appropriate class e:uivalent to the fares payable by first class by train, hichever is higher. 5rovided here the employee and/or members of his family travel actually by &#<II Tier class by mail/e/press train 2including Ra"dhani and ,hatabdi 9/press trains3, the employee ill be reimbursed the actual &#<II tier class fare incurred for the admissible distance. 5rovided further that here the employee and/or members of his family undertake travel by air either to his place of domicile or to any other place for rest and recuperation ithin India, he shall be entitled to be reimbursed the actual air fare so incurred or the &#<II Tier class fare by train by a direct route in case of travel to place of domicile or to the e/tent of the ma/imum admissible distance in case of travel to any other place for rest and recuperation, hichever is less.
R-8-0@2/1:3$=-0/; .;205-8
In case of a "ourney by train if an employee incurs any reservation or sleeping berth charges, these ill be reimbursed to him in addition to his other entitlements, and hen break of "ourney is involved at a number of stations enroute, provided such breaks are inevitable and considered necessary. Ho ever, service charges paid to travel agents for reserving accommodation are not reimbursed by the -ank.
P,2.- :9 7-8/132/1:3 2..-881=,- =A 0:27 :3,A, 420/,A =A 0:27$ /0213$8/-2<-0 -/.. 259RLIRL'L(GG=<(GG>3
9ffective from )nd June )**=, here an employee has to travel on duty/$C# bet een t o places not connected or partly connected by rail or steamer, on duty/leave fare concession he shall be reimbursed actual road mileage costs or Rs.).** per km. hichever is less. 29I4HTH -I5&RTIT9 ,9TT$9M97T 8&T98 ).>.)**=3
M:7- :9 /02@-,
2e<circular #8%/5 0 HR8<IR/(?/)**=<*> 8ated *+<*+<)**=3
In supersession of 5aragraph >2v3 of the -ipartite ,ettlement dated (>th July (GG( and in partial modification of 5aragraph (G of -ipartite ,ettlement dated )+th March )***, an employee and/or members of his family, hen availing leave fare concession may undertake travel by any mode of surface transport bet een places not connected by train or partly connected by train and the employee ill be eligible to claim in respect of such "ourney his actual e/penditure or the notional train fare by the entitled class for the distance so travelled, hichever is less, ithin his overall entitlement. Cor the purpose of this sub<clause travel by any approved mode of surface transport ould mean such travel undertaken through any public transport or transport 2including ta/i3 operated by agencies/tour operators approved by appropriate 4overnment authorities. a3 5rovided further that here the employee and/or members of his family undertake travel by air either to his place of domicile or to any other place for rest and recuperation ithin India, he shall be entitled to be reimbursed the actual air fare so incurred or the &#<II Tier class fare by train by a direct route in case of travel to place of domicile or to the e/tent of the ma/imum admissible distance in case of travel to any other place for rest and recuperation, hichever is less. Journey by bullock<cart/pony ill be reimbursed at Rs. (.=* per k.m. provided evidence is produced in respect of "ourney to the nearest rail ay, steamer, or bus link. 259RLIRL'?L(GG(3 ,imilarly K5ithuK charges 2charges for carrying children etc., on the back of men3 incurred by employees hile availing this concession are paid provided such charges are ithin the permissible limits. !hen "ourneys are perforced to be undertaken on 8oli/8andi in absence of other modes of transport like rail/steamer/bus service, the e/penses incurred may be treated at par ith "ourney by bullock cart/pony/camel/ferry boat. The e/penses ill be reimbursed sub"ect to production of satisfactory evidence in respect of such "ourney to the nearest rail ay station/steamer halt/bus link ith a ma/imum of Rs.(.=* per k.m. ithin the overall entitlement of the employee. &n employee may travel by a higher or lo er class by train and/or by air, than the class to hich he is entitled to, cover a longer or shorter distance hile availing himself of leave fare concession. In such cases, he ill be eligible to claim actual e/penditure provided it is less than or e:uivalent to the notional fare by his entitled class. !here an employee has to face difficulties in getting bookings by train by the shortest route hile availing leave fare concession, reimbursement by a convenient route hich is considered shortest in point of time though it may be little costlier than the shortest route in terms of distance, may be permitted.
b3 c3
C;1,70-3 =-,:> %$12 A-208 :9 25!here children belo the age of = years are charged bus fare, the -ank may reimburse an employee train fare for the "ourney of such children by the class to hich he is entitled upto the permissible distance or actual bus fare incurred or road mileage P Rs. ).** per k.m. hichever is less. !here the children belo the age of () years are charged bus fares, the -ank may reimburse the employee full fares for the "ourney of such children by the class to hich the
employee is entitled upto the permissible distance or the actual bus fare incurred or road mileage P Rs. ).** per k.m. hichever is less. #larification The term Kfull Train CareK in this conte/t employee. c3 ould be half the adult fare of the entitled class of the
If the place of destination is not accessible by train or steamer and such children undertake "ourney by air, the -ank may reimburse an employee train fare for the "ourney of such children by the class to hich he is entitled upto the permissible distance or the actual air fare incurred or road mileage P Rs. ).** per k.m. hichever is less.
T02@-, =A :>3 .20$8.::/-0$<:/:0 .A.,The "ourney may be performed by a non<subordinate staff in o n car 2non &/#3. In such cases reimbursement ill be made as if the "ourney had been performed by rail by the entitled class, i.e. first class fare upto (+=*/'=** kms. as the case may be. & member of non< subordinate staff may perform the "ourney on his o n scooter/motor cycle and he ill be reimbursed the actual petrol and oil charges incurred by him ithin the permissible limits. ,uch reimbursement ill not be allo ed in respect of travel by a hired scooter/motor cycle. Ho ever, the employee should seek prior ritten permission from the -ranch Manager for undertaking the "ourney by o n car 2non &/#.3.
a3 b3
S;:0/ @181/8 237 .-3/02, 4,2.,hort visits to one or more places several times from a central point to cover the permissible distances are not permitted. Ho ever, if an employee visiting 7orth/,outh/9ast/!est is re:uired for the sake of convenience, to have a central place here he has to return for proceeding to other centres, more than once, it ill be in order to entertain the claim provided the cost payable by the -ank is restricted to the admissible cost by the permitted class of travel for the permissible distance.
P,2.- :9 7:<1.1,There is no provision to allo a ard staff employees to change their place of domicile, as notified to the -ank at the time of "oining. Cemale employees may, ho ever, be permitted to do so after marriage. !here the husband and ife are both in the -ank1s service, the couple ill need to be treated as single family unit and allo ed to declare only one place to be their home to n, hich should be the same place for both of them. In making the declaration, it is open to them to choose the home to n of the husband/ ife or home to n of the parents of the husband/ ife or an entirely different place consistent ith the norms.
1%.1.23.2 S2/1892./:0A -@17-3.2i3 a3 b3 c3 d3 e3 f3 2ii3 Till such time the Rail ay -oard decides to issue money receipts, a signed certificate by the employee, furnishing the follo ing particulars should be obtained L ,erial number of the ticket 8ate of purchase 8ate of "ourney Issuing station &mount 8estination &ny other matter, hich the -ank may re:uire to consider reimbursement in such cases. The -ank may, at its discretion, ask the employee to give satisfactory evidence by sho ing the tickets/reservation tickets before/after the "ourney, here it is not necessary to surrender tickets at the destination. The -ill should contain a suitable e/planation for non<production of the receipts etc. ,ubmission of false bills is a fraud and in such cases, strict and prompt action should be taken in conformity ith the ,ervice Rules. #ertificates as under, should be obtained in respect of leave fare concession e/tended to dependent parents L AI certify that my parents for hom I have claimed reimbursement of travelling e/penses as detailed above are dependent on me and that their present monthly income is Rs.........................A A#ertified that the fares claimed by me for dependent parents have not been claimed by my brother2s3 and/or sister2s3 orking at other office2s3/branch2s3 of the -ank. &s satisfactory evidence, the employees may also be re:uired to sho the tickets before commencement of the "ourney and submit the reservation tickets at the time of submission of bills.
a3 b3 i3
,taff orking at &uthority to aive recovery of interest a3 b3 -ranches 0 Honal %ffices 8epartments of $ocal Head %ffice 8y. 4eneral Manager of the module 4eneral Manager concerned
The above action ill be taken ithout any pre"udice to the -ankKs right to initiate suitable disciplinary proceedings here ilful neglect in submitting the bills in time or ilful intention to misutilise the amounts far in e/cess of the actual re:uirements is observed. iii3 c3 i3 &n employee availing himself of the $C# falling due during his/her leave period. ill, if he/she so re:uests, be advanced any salary
5reventive vigilance 2&8ML(G'*>L 8T8. ).=.(G?*3 It is observed that case of submission of fraudulent leave travel concession bills supported by false rail ay/ta/i receipts are coming to light ith steadily increasing fre:uency. It is relatively easy to obtain false ta/i receipts and the sanctioning authorities had approved of such bills ithout verifying the genuineness of such receipts. ,anctioning authorities should, therefore, e/ercise greater care hile passing such bills. They should be alert particularly hen they notice a large number of employees submitting similar bills/bills accompanied by receipts issued by the same travel agent or any other similar suspicious circumstances. In case of any doubt of the genuineness of such receipts, they must make thorough en:uiries and, if necessary, refer to their controlling authority or seek the assistance of the #ircle 6igilance %fficer in doing so. Ender no circumstances, should they part ith the bills/receipts hich are suspected to be false. ,ubmission of false bills is sometimes treated as a minor and routine misconduct and conse:uently the ma/imum punishment inflicted is the cancellation of one/t o increments. & more lenient vie also is being taken hen cases come to light of a group of employees committing similar offences. %nce a lenient vie has been taken in such group cases, the same yardstick is applied in subse:uent individual cases also. This has evidently led to a strong feeling among the employees that the ma/imum punishment that ill be inflicted is the stoppage of one/t o increments. It is also observed that the amounts fraudulently received by the employees are not immediately recovered from them hen the frauds come to lightM in fact, the erring employees have been allo ed to repay the money in instalments over a period of several months. Curther, there is absolutely no reason to sho leniency in cases of frauds. The mistaken impression hich might have gained currency that frauds of the nature referred to herein or embezzlements, etc. for small amounts are treated leniently by the -ank, as a matter of policy, ould need to be corrected. !e reiterate that there is no fi/ed or agreed scale of punishment like cancellation of one or t o increments and in cases of frauds, cessation of service has to be the result, unless there are specific circumstances in a particular case to arrant a lenient vie being taken.
L-2@- 920- .:3.-881:3 & ;68=237$>19- -<4,:A-7 13 /;- B23? (5&L#IRL);L 8T8. );.=.(G?'3
The procedure for obtention of a certificate from a lady employee to the effect that her husband had not himself availed of Home Travel #oncession/ $eave Care #oncession from his employer has been e/amined. It is clarified that if both husband and ife are orking in different banks, each of them can avail of Home Travel/$eave Travel #oncession separately for different "ourneys. Ho ever, there should not be t o payments by both the employers in respect of the same "ourney. !here the husband and ife are both orking in our bank, although each ill be entitled to home travel concession/leave fare concession in his/her o n right, the family including the husband and ife taken together ill not be eligible for the concession more than once in the relative period.
& :uestion is often raised that here direct bookings/bogies/trains are available bet een t o places, hether the actual fare may be reimbursed, even if the route taken is not the shortest in vie of the difficulties faced by the employee. The matter has been e/amined and it has been decided that here an employee has to face difficulties in getting bookings by train by the shortest route hile availing leave fare concession, reimbursement by a convenient route hich is considered shortest in point of time though it may be little costlier than the shortest route in terms distance may be permitted.
The e/penditure incurred in visiting places enroute ith deviations touching the same place more than once < could be permitted ithin overall entitlement. Ho ever, the head:uarter or the designated place cannot be touched more than once because as soon as one reaches designated place/place of domicile/head:uarter, the "ourney is terminated and cannot be revived.
1%.2 1%.2.1
a3 b3 c3
ENCASHMENT OF PRI#ILEGE LEA#E 2,9TT$9M97T 8T8. '(.(*.(G+G 59RLIRL)+L(GG*3 T;- 637-03:/-7 92.1,1/1-8 :9 -3.28;<-3/ :9 ,-2@- 20- 4-0<1//-7 /: /;<-<=-08 :9 /;- 2>207 8/299.
5ayment of salary to the legal heirs for the leave accrued to an employee at the time of his death, hile in service. 9ncashment of accumulated privilege leave at the credit of an employee at the time of retirement, not e/ceeding );* days. 9ncashment of privilege leave hile proceeding on leave fare concession shall be permitted for availment of $C# under ) year block < ma/imum (= days either in each block or '* days in one block. &nd for availment of $C# under ; year block < ma/imum '* days. 259RLIR'?L(GG(3 The facility of encashment of privileged leave available hile encashing the facility of $C#. hile availing of $eave fare concession is also
7oteL !here an employee has resigned on or after (.;.)**(, after giving due notice, he may be paid a sum e:uivalent to the emoluments in respect of privilege leave to the e/tent of half of such leave to his credit on the date of cessation of service sub"ect to the ma/imum of ()* days. 7ote L !here an employee has resigned/resigns on or after *(.*;.)**(, after giving due notice, he may be paid a sum e:uivalent to the emoluments of leave to his credit on the date of cessation of service sub"ect to the ma/imum of ()* days.
&ll part time employees in the service of the bank as on '(.().*= ,dra ing scale ages and fi/ed ages has been converted into full scale of pay on *(.*;.*>, they ill be governed by the same terms and conditions applicable for encashment of $eave fare facility to full time scale of ages menial staff in subordinate cadre. Temporary employees are not eligible for this facility.
1%.2.3 1%.2.!
& month ill be treated as '* days for the purpose of encashment. %n no account, pro<rata leave for availing leave encashment should be sanctioned. The span of )/; years for the purpose of leave encashment hile availing of leave fare concession ill be counted from (.(*.(G+G or from the date of "oining the service hichever is later. &n employee ho is permitted to encash privilege leave should be paid the usual salary and allo ances for the month in hich he is availing leave fare concession. Cor this purpose, the special allo ances dra n as locum tenens ho ever, be e/cluded. If the employee is staying in the :uarters provided by the -ank or lease accommodation, notional House Rent &llo ance shall be taken into consideration for the purpose of leave encashment 2&nne/ure (=.;3. The amount earned by encashment of leave is not to be treated as A,alary/!agesA for the purpose of bonus. !hen the employeeKs family members alone avail of leave fare concession employee is not availing it, the facility of leave encashment ill not be available. hile the
1%.2.6 1%.2.(
If the husband and ife are employees of the -ank, it ill be in order to permit the ife to encash leave once in a period of )/; years sub"ect to the condition that she either accompanies her husband hen he avails himself of leave fare concession on his o n account or she herself avails of it on her o n. This provision ill apply to a married lady employee regardless of hether her husband is an officer or clerk in the -ank. The facility of encashment of leave hen husband accompanies his ife on $C# should also be e/tended to him as is being available to the female employee as mentioned above. Ho ever, the female employee ho have travelled along ith her husband under his $eave Care #oncession entitlement from another organization cannot be deemed to have availed of her $.C.#. entitlement from the -ank and cannot be permitted to encash privilege leave. The position ould be similar if the employee1s ife is orking in other organization and he travels along ith her under $.C.#. entitlement from that organization.
In the case of death of an employee, the salary and allo ance for the period of unavailed privilege leave of the employee is to be paid to his legal heirs. &s this ould involve production of the necessary legal claim, such as ,uccession #ertificate, $etter of &dministration or probate, resulting in considerable hardships to the family of the deceased employee, the stipulation may be rela/ed, here legal complications are not foreseen and the salary and allo ances of the deceased employee for the unavailed portion of privilege leave may be paid to the ido on the basis of an indemnity bond ith t o sureties acceptable to the -ank and each good for the amount involved. The discretion to aive production of legal representation in individual cases and accept indemnity bonds has been delegated to the respective controllers not belo the rank of &sstt. 4eneral Manager. 5lace of posting &uthority Respective &sstt. 4eneral Managers Respective 8y. 4eneral Managers Respective 8y. 4eneral Managers Respective 8y. 4eneral Managers &sstt. 4eneral Manager 2%ffice &dministration 8ept.3 at $H%/#entral %ffice
i3 ii3
9mployees orking at branches in a region 9mployees orking at branches under the control of 8y. 4eneral Managers 9mployees orking at branches headed by the 8y. 4eneral Manager 9mployees orking in Honal %ffices 9mployees orking in $ocal Head %ffice/#entral %ffice establishments
iv3 v3
9ncashment of leave, e/cept at the time of retirement, should be treated as part of salary and income ta/ at the appropriate rate should be deducted at source henever an employee encashes leave at his credit. The authorities empo ered to sanction encashment of leave are detailed belo C&#I$ITF Ð%RITF 9M5%!9R98 T% ,&7#TI%7 TH9 C&#I$ITF i3 ii3 8y. 4eneral Manager for the Main/,pecial -ranches &sstt. 4en. Manager for branches .
5ayment of salary to the legal heirs for leave accrued to an employee at the time of death
under his control. iii3 8y. 4eneral Manager for staff posted at Honal %ffice and for special branches directly under his control. &stt. 4eneral Manager 2%ffice &dministration3 for staff orking in $ocal Head %ffice/#entral %ffice &s per 2a3 above.
9ncashment of accumulated leave at the credit of an employee at the time of retirement 9ncashment of privilege leave upto a ma/imum limit of '*/(= days, hile proceeding on leave fare concession, once in ;/) years.
-ranch Manager/Manager of a 8ivision/8epartmental Heads at &dministrative %ffices ho are sanctioning authorities for leave/ fare concession.
The -ranch Manager/&sstt. 4eneral Manager, ,tate -ank of India, ........................................ 7ame .................................... 8esignation................................ -ranch/8epartment.................... 8ate L 8ear ,ir, $9&69 C&R9 #%7#9,,I%7 This is to record that I shall avail myself of the leave fare concession once in t o/four yearsO on the terms and conditions agreed to bet een the &ll India ,tate -ank of India ,taff Cederation and the -ank. Fours faithfully,
The -ranch Manager/&sst. 4eneral Manager 8ate L................................. ,tate -ank of India, ....................................................... 2,ubmitted through............................................3 &55$I#&TI%7 C%R 4R&7T %C &86&7#9 C&R9 C%R $9&69 C&R9 #%7#9,,I%7 I have been granted leave for ..................... days from ...................... to as per your Memorandum 7o. .......................... of ........................ I intend to visit ......................................................... for rest and recuperation, hich is my place of domicile and hich is ............. kilometres from my place of duty. 27.-. In case of travel other than to the 5lace of domicile in India, payment is restricted to a "ourney of (,+=*/',=** kilometres in each direction3 I detail hereunder the names of my family members 2i.e., ife, children and parents3 ho are holly dependent on me and ill accompany me to the abovementioned place. The actual cost of the fares is also detailed. 7ame &ge Relationship Care <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< %n my return "ourney I shall be accompanied by the same members of my family, and in case of any change I shall advise the -ank. I undertake to produce the tickets/cash receipts and to submit my bills for the concession, in terms of the rules in force, ithin (= days of the resumption of my duties. In the event of my failure to submit the bill the amount of advance may be recovered from my salary and allo ances. I declare that the above information is correct. 5lease make necessary arrangements for advance payment of the cost of fares. The total amount of advance re:uired Rs............................. Remarks if any. ,ignature L .................................... ,ervice .......................................... Cull 7ame L .................................... 8ate hen leave fare concession 8esignation L ................................ as last availed of............................ 8epartment L................................... -ranch L ...................................... I also certify that my parent2s3 is/are holly dependent on me and he/she/they has/have no independent source of income. Their income is not more than Rs. )==*/< ............................................ 2,ignature of 9mployee3
,hri/,mt./.um........................................................................QQ has been granted ...................... days leave from ................................. to .......................... and his/her place of domicile is .......................................................................................... He/,he has not availed of leave fare concession during the current biennial/:uadrennial period. ............................................................ -ranch Manager/Head of 8epartment
7ote of instructions for guidance of ,taff availing of $eave Care #oncession ( ). 5lease ensure that all columns in the forms are properly completed. 9mployees should furnish details of family members 2viz. ife, children, parents and brother/sister ordinarily residing ith and holly dependant on them3 in respect of hom travelling e/penses are claimed. Cemale employees, hile claiming benefits under this facility can include their husbands, even though the latter may be gainfully employed else here, provided the husbandKs employers do not provide similar facility, even if it is less liberal. Cor this purpose the name of the husbandKs employers should al ays be indicated on the form. In case of employees hose brother or brothers and/or unmarried sister2s3 are employees of the -ank and are serving at different branches and hose parents are dependent on them, only one of the employees concerned ill be entitled to the benefits of leave fare concession in respect of the dependant parents. &ll claims should invariably be supported by #ash Receipts/Rail ay/-us tickets. !hen receipts are not produced, the employees should give sufficient, and cogent reasons therefor. #laims ithout sufficient proof of "ourney are liable to be re"ected. In case of travel to the place of domicile the employees should travel by the direct or regular route and not by circuitous route. !here, ho ever, more than one direct or regular route is available, the employee ill have option to travel by any one of these routes and ill be paid accordingly. !hile proceeding to a place 2and 7ot number of places for sight<seeing and pilgrimage purposes3, for rest and recuperation other than his/her place of domicile, an employee may travel by any route at his/her option sub"ect to the limit of the distance and not necessarily by most direct route. In this connection please refer ,taff #ircular 7o. (+* of (G?). 9mployee should submit his/her bill for leave fare concession ithin (= days of resumption of his/her duties. In the event of his/her failure to submit the bill, the amount of advance, if any, ill be recovered from his/her salary and allo ances.
,T&T9 -&7. %C I78I& $9&69 C&R9 #%7#9,,I%7 -I$$ (. ). '. ;. =. >. +. 7ame L QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ... 8esignation L QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. 8epartment/-ranch L QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. 8ate of "oining 0 length of service L QQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. 8ate hen $eave Care #oncession as last availed of L QQQQQQQQ 5eriod of leave 2mention the dates3 L QQQQQQQQQQQQQ
5lace of 2a3 domicile 0 2b3 nearest railhead L QQQQQQQQQQQQ... 2a3 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQ... 2b3 QQQQQQQQQQQQ.
2a3 5lace visited and 2b3 distance in kilometres from place of ork L 2a3 QQQQQQQQQQQQQ... 2b3 QQQQQQQQQQQQQ.
The date and time of departure from the place of ork Time QQQQQQQ.8ate QQQQQQQQ..
The date and time of arrival at the place visited Time QQQQQQQ.8ate QQQQQQQQ..
The date and time of departure from the place visited Time QQQQQQQ.8ate QQQQQQQQ..
The date and time of arrival at the place of ork Time QQQQQQQ.8ate QQQQQQQQ..
7ames, age and relationship of the members of my family abovementioned place 7ame &ge
ho accompanied me to the
7ature of Relationship
(. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ ). QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ... '. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ... ;. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ... =. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ... 5articulars of the Rail ays/,teamer/-us tickets purchased for the on ard and return "ourneys L 7o. of Crom To #lass of Travel Tickets/ money receipt2s3 8ate #ost of each 7o. of tickets ticket Total &mount &ctual Care Rs. 5.
Total RsQQQQQ (=. &mount of advance taken by me L on QQQQQQQ Rs. QQQQQQ.. 8ifference of amount payable me/reimbursable to me QQQQQQ. #ertified that the particulars mentioned above are correct and the amount claimed actually spent by me. QQQQQQQQQQ ,ignature of 9mployee &lso certified that the children and/or parents for hom the e/penses have been claimed are holly dependent on me and that my parents have no independent source of incomeO/their income is not more than Rs. )==*/<. &lso certified that the fares claimed by me for my dependent parents have not been claimed by my brother2s3 and/or sister2s3 at other office2s3/branch2s3 of the -ank. QQQQQQQQQQ ,ignature of 9mployee &lso certified that my husband, ho is employed at QQQQQQQQQQQQQ. QQQQQQ. is not in receipt of any leave fare concession facility. QQQQQQQQQQ ,ignature of 9mployee #ertified that a suitable noting in respect of the employeeKs claim for the leave fare concession has been made in his/her service record and leave record maintained at the 8epartment/-ranch and that he/she has not so far availed of leave fare concession during the current period. &nd also certified that the place visited by the employee is his/her place of domicile as recorded in our books viz., 27ame of the place3QQQQQQQQ. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQ 2,ignature of the -ranch Manager Head of the 8epartment as
The -ranch/&sstt. 4eneral Manager, ,tate -ank of India, %ffice &dministration, Q........................................... 8ear ,ir, 97#&,HM97T %C 5RI6I$949 $9&69 I shall be glad if you ill please allo me to encash leave for one month/ days and sanction payment of salary and allo ances for hich I am eligible. ................. 7ame L 8esignation L -ranch/8epartmentL 8ate L .......................
I have been granted ............. months and ............... days of leave ith effect from ................. ith the facility of leave fare concession vide $ocal Head %ffice/Regional %ffice/8epartment/-ranch letter 7o. ................... of ..................... My present monthly emoluments are as under L Rs. 5. ,ubstantive ,alary &cting &llo ance 2In the case of employees holding permanent posts3 House Rent &llo ance 8earness &llo ance #ity #ompensatory &llo ance &d"usting &llo ance 5ersonal &llo ance %ther allo ances 2if any3 Total ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... as availed of by me
#ertified that the last encashment of leave for one month/.............days in the year ...................... Fours faithfully, 2 3
Recommended for sanction .............................. -ranch/8epartment 8ate L 2C%R %CCI#I&$ E,9 %7$F3 5rivilage leave due as on (.(.)* ..................... months .....................days. %rdinary leave for .................... month/ ..................... days from ..................... to ................... sanctioned. 9ncashment of leave for one month/ ..................... days sanctioned. -ranch Manager/Head of the 8epartment #alculation in order. 9ntered in the ,ervice ,heet 9ntered by Head of 8epartment #hecked by
,anctioned payment of Rs ...................... 2Rupees ..........................................only3 by debit to -ranch #harges &ccount 2,alaries and allo ances3. The amount should be classified under
the appropriate heads in the analysis of #harges &ccount Register. 5lease deduct appropriate income ta/. 5lace L 8ate L -ranch Manager/Head of the 8epartment
v3 a3
!here both Husband and !ife are orking in the -ank !here the husband is a member of the ,upervising ,taff and the ife is an a ard employee in the -ank, the ife may avail herself of medical facilities as per her entitlement as a ard employees and e/penses incurred by her in e/cess of the amount to hich she is entitled to as an a ard employee, may be claimed by the husband under his service rules i.e. +=I of the balance. !here both husband and ife are members of the a ard staff it ill be in order to reimburse the medical bills submitted by an employee, on account of treatment taken by his/her spouse, from the balance available in the employeeKs medical aid account, provided there is no balance in the medical aid account of the spouse. The age of a family member ill not be a factor to decide his/her dependence on the employee, unless it is specifically so provided.
16.1.% P20/-/1<- -<4,:A--8 13 86=:07132/- .2705ermanent 5art<time employees dra ing scale ages 2since converted to full scale of ages3 are eligible for medical benefits on the same scale as applicable to full<time employees in the subordinate cadre. They are also eligible for Improved Medical &id facilities, provided they are not entitled to similar benefits in their other employment.
16.1.6 EG-8-0@1.-<-3
The previous service in the army, in respect of e/<serviceman may be taken into account hile considering their eligibility for higher medical aid from the year (G?=.
16.1.( C-1,1358
In substitution of clause (+ of the bipartite settlement dated )+ th March,)***, ith effect from (st 7ovember, )**), the reimbursement of medical e/penses under medical aid scheme shall be restricted to an amount of Rs.(=**/< per annum. 7%T9 L
a3 b3
%n the (st January every year the appropriate medical aid permissible ill be credited to the medical aid account of the employee concerned. 2,9TT$9M97T 8T8. '(.'.(G>+3 Ma/imum accumulation in Medical &id &ccount The amount of total e/penses from January to 8ecember of each calendar year ill be allo ed to be accumulated so as not to e/ceed, at any time, ' times the ma/imum permissible on annual basis.
& register as per pro forma given at &nne/ure (>.( should be maintained for medical e/penses in respect of each employee at the -ranch/%ffice.
i3 ii3 iii3
&ll bills from doctors other than -ankKs authorised doctor arising out of contingencies 2ii3 and 2iii3 above should in the first instance, be submitted to the -ankKs authorised doctor, for scrutiny and recommendations for payment. The employee should e/plain here necessary, the necessity or treatment by an outside doctor to the satisfaction of the authorised doctor and the -ranch Manager. The authorised doctor should scrutinise the bills and if satisfied recommend the payment of the bill.
The family members of an employee may be permitted to take treatment from any :ualified registered medical practitioner. It ill be in order to reimburse the medical bills relating to the treatment of an employeeKs family members by any :ualified doctor, 6aidya 2&yurvedic3, Hakim 2Enani3, Homoeopathic or &llopathic 8octor, if these bills are prima facie in order. Ho ever, here the amount claimed is considered unreasonable, the bills may be referred to the authorised doctor, here available, for his opinion.
16.1.1'.1 The medical aid and reimbursement of e/penses is permissible for medical treatment under
&yurvedic, Homoeopathy, Enani, ,iddha and 7aturopathy system of medicine provided such treatment is taken in an institute of reputed/registered medical practitionerKs clinic, sub"ect to the overall limits under the ,cheme i.e. (**I of the approved e/penses for self and +=I in case of family, and the approval thereof is obtained from the &uthorised/&pproved 8octor/Medical %fficer of the -ank or as deemed fit by the -ank. It should be ensured that the medicines are purchased only from the registered ayurvedic/unani/siddha chemists/Homoeopathic chemists/druggists of repute. In respect of treatment under naturopathy, e/penses incurred thereon are reimbursable only if such treatment is taken under the supervision of an institute of repute/registered medical practitioner. 259R/IR/#IR/>+ 8t.(?.((.(GG=3 #larificationL
The ord V#linicW means confinement to bed and a nursing home or private hospital/hospital/institute of repute, and does not mean consultation room of the physician. These hospitals must be registered. The medicines should be purchased only from registered &yurvedic/ Enani/ Homeopathy #hemist/druggist. In all cases i.e. treatment for specififed serious diseases as other than specified serious diseases, hospitalization is must. 27-4L50HR8LIRL?('( dtL);.().)**'3. ell as for diseases/ailments
ii3 iii3
16.1.1'.2 !here the -ankKs Medical officer e/presses inability to countersign medical e/penses relating
to ayurvedic/homoeopathic, unani and siddha treatment, such bills may be passed for payment ithout any scrutiny by the -ankKs authorised doctor, provided the bills are prima< facie in order i.e. here the doctors are registered medical practitioners and the medicines are purchased from registered shops of chemists and druggists of repute ayurvedic/homoeopathic/siddha/unani system of medicine.
16.1.1'.3 In cases of doubt, ho ever, -ankKs authorised doctor may obtain opinions of the practitioners
of the respective branches of medicine. Esually, no professional fees are charged hen they are approached by the -ankKs doctor. Ho ever, hen they have charged fees for furnishing opinion, the same should be paid for scrutiny of such bills.
16.1.1'.! If
the amount of medical bills in respect of ayurvedic/homoepathic/siddha/unani treatment etc. is large and there is absence of an authoritative opinion from the -ankKs Medical %fficer/&uthorised 8octor, such claims have generally to be accepted at their face value. Therefore, there is an imperative need to scrutinise such bills ith more than ordinary care. 2#8%/IR/=G>= 8t.)'.*'.(GG=3
In vie of the monetary limits fi/ed, the e/tent and nature of medical treatment have not been defined. ,uch facilities ill not, ho ever, include supply of dentures, spectacles, hearing and other aids. 9/penses for normal delivery ill not be reimbursable but if the delivery re:uires surgical interference, the charges etc. reimbursable for minor or ma"or operations, as the case may be, ill be reimbursed. If as a result of such operation there is hospitalization, the prescribed charges under the scheme ould be payable. Medical e/penses including pre< natal or post<natal treatment are not reimbursable e/cept here a caesarean or forceps delivery has been ordered. It ould not be necessary to e/clude the normal delivery charges as ell as pre<natal treatment given, if any, relating to caesarean operation or forceps delivery. Ho ever, before sanctioning the reimbursement, it is to be ensured that the claim is other ise in order in all respects. In case of in"uries sustained in the course of duty, an employee shall be fully reimbursed the cost of medical treatment and/or hospitalisation, over and above his normal entitlement. He
shall also be treated as on special leave for the period of his absence re:uired for treatment. &ll such cases, ho ever, need sanction of the 8y. 4eneral Manager. Cor detailed instructions refer to chapter on AMiscellaneous InstructionsA of this Reference -ook. 259R/IR/#IR/(G= 8T.*=.((.(G?=3 c3 ,portsmen employees The e/penses incurred in connection ith the medical treatment given to the -ankKs sportsmen employees for in"uries sustained by them hile playing for the -ank or hile participating in tournaments representing the -ank may be paid by debit to #harges &ccount. d3 %n transfer of an employee from one place to another, the balance of his medical entitlement to date ill be transferred. Thereafter, on the (st January of the follo ing year, the appropriate medical aid permissible ill be credited to his medical aid account at the -ranch here he is orking. The fees incurred by employees for medical fitness tests at the time of promotion by the -ank by debit to #harges &ccount ill be paid ith
e3 f3 g3 h3
The medical e/penses incurred by members of the staff for fitness test in connection e/tension of service are paid by the -ank by debit to A#harges &ccountA. %nce in t o years, atch and Medical %fficer at -ankKs cost. ard staff
Import of medicines from abroad Ender the import trade control rules, import of medicines, in case such medicines are not available in India, is permitted, provided the attending doctor certifies that such medicines are essential and are not available in India. In such cases, here the medicine has been imported on completion of e/change control formalities, cost of imported medicines may be reimbursed. &lso, import of certain drugs is permissible and these are sold over the counter. If the attending doctor prescribes such medicines and certifies that these are essential and not made in India, the cost of such medicines may be reimbursed. 25&/#IR/(>* dt.'(.(*.(G?;3 5hysically Handicapped employees In the case of physically handicapped employees ho are referred to 4overnment Hospitals for estimating their disability for the purpose of granting them conveyance allo ance, no fees are generally charged by #entral 4overnment Hospitals or Hospitals in Enion Territories. Ho ever, here fees for this purpose are charged by ,tate 4ovt. Hospitals, the same ill be reimbursed to the employees ithout debiting their annual Medical :uota.
,erious diseases Reimbursement of e/penses to a reasonable e/tent ill be made for treatment of employees themselves in respect of the follo ing diseases/accidents. Ho ever, in case of treatment of families reimbursement is made to the e/tent of +=I. The bills for treatment of the employee as ell as family members ill be paid by debit to #harges &ccount. 2#8%LIRL#IRL=;L 8T (?< ()<)**(3 2i3 2ii3 2iii3 2iv3 2v3 2vi3 2vii3 2viii3 2i/3 2/3 2/i3 2/ii3 2/iii3 2/iv3 2/v3 Tuberculosis #ancer $eprosy Mental diseases &ccidents of a serious nature #ardiac ailment .idney ailments 5aralysis Tumour ,mall 5o/ 5leuriesy 8iphtheria #erebral Malaria 8og bite/,nake bite 9pilepsy if there is ,tatus 9pilepticus /vi3 /vii3 /viii3 /i/3 //3 7on<alcoholic #irrhosis of $iver Haemophilia 5urpura Thalassaemea Typhoid ith complications like 2a3 Intestinal 5erforation or intestinal obstruction 2b3 Typhoid 5sychosis or -rain damage 5arkinsons disease #erebral 5alsy &I8,
#$&RICI#&TI%7,L The undernoted diseases are covered under the list of e/isting serious diseases as under L< 7ame of the disease serious diseases i3 ii3 iii3 iv3 v3 vii3 viii3 5olio &ll strokes leading to 5aralysis #overed under e/isting 5aralysis 5aralysis
Haemorrhages caused by accidents ,erious accidents HI5 Replacement $ithotripsy24all -ladder/.idney stones3 #ost of limbs including replacements through surgery $eukemia ,erious accidents .idney diseases ,erious accidents #ancer
The reimbursement of e/penses of these diseases ill be made accordingly. -3 K4rand MalK type of 9pilepsy hich causes convulsions of the body ith or ithout unconsciousness ill also be covered under the head A9pilepsy if there is ,tatus 9pilepticusA and reimbursement of e/penses ill be considered accordingly.
#3 i3
The undernoted types of investigations for hich reimbursement ill be available L<
The cost of kidney paid to the donor by the employee is not reimbursable. Ho ever, it ould be in order to reimburse e/penses incurred on hospitalisation of the donor irrespective of hether the kidney donor is the relative of the employee or an outsider. Reimbursement of e/penses in accordance ith the schedule of reasonable charges of the centre is made from the #harges &ccount for the prolonged treatment ith/ ithout hospitalisation of employees themselves in respect of the )' specified serious diseases referred in para (>.'2&3 above. In respect of these diseases reimbursement of medical e/penses 2for treatment ith/ ithout hospitalisation3 for members of family of the staff ill be made to the e/tent of +=I by debit to #harges &ccount.
The ceilings on bed charges, I#E charges under Improved Medical ,pecified ,erious 8iseases3 have been revised and ill be reimbursed on the basis of actual charges as applicable to economy/lo er class of bed in the hospital herein treatment is being received or the undernoted charges hichever is lo erL -ed #harges I#E #harges Rs. >**/< per day Rs. (;**/< per day
The revised ceiling shall be valid for a period of = years. These are indicative highest rates, and if any centre beds/I#E charges are lo er, the local rates shall prevail. 27-4L50HRLIRL,5$L;); dtL*;.*).)**=, #IR8%/59R0HR8/'(/)**;<*= dt. (G.*=.)**=3 vii3
Reimbursement for physiotherapy Xper se1 is not permissible. Ho ever, if it is taken as an essential part of treatment of Xparalysis1 or Xserious accident1 or any other specified serious disease, it maybe permitted for a reasonable period, depending upon merits of each cases, provided it is advised by the specialist concerned ho is treating the patient and if the actual treatment is given by a :ualified physiotherapist. Reasonable charges of the same may be indicated by the ,enior Medical %fficer/Medical %fficers at the $H%/Hos.
a3 b3 c3
%steal/pro/imal $&8 lesions ,tenosis of a #oronary &rtery, hich is giving collaterals to another blocked artery thus supplying large area of myocardium. ,tenting of restenotic lesions after previous angioplasty. & certificate from the attending doctor e/plaining circumstances necessitating use of medicated/cipher stent and estimate containing description and cost of medicated/cipher stent duly verified and confirmed by the -ank1s Medical officer should support the recommendations. 27-4L50HR8LIRL;') dtL )>.().)**'3.
In case of in"uries sustained in an accident, if any amount has been received by an employee or is due to be received by him under the 5ersonal &ccident 5olicy or under any claim in respect of an accident or through any other source, the benefits admissible under the Improved Medical &id ,cheme should be reduced by the amount so received or due. &ccordingly, a certificate to this effect be also obtained on the medical bills submitted by the employee confirming that the amount claimed as actually incurred by him and that he has neither received nor is he entitled to any reimbursement or contribution to ards such e/penses through any source as referred to above.
2i/3 2a3
2f3 2g3
M:7191.2/1:38 /: /;- 8.;-76,- :9 .;205-8 0-1<=6082=,- .,268- .3 (=) :9 /;- B1420/1/- A50--<-3/ :9 31.3.1 6(.
The schedule of charges reimbursable under clause G.' 2>3 of the -ipartite ,ettlement dated '(.'.(G>+ has been revised as given in &nne/ures to this chapter in terms of the eighth bipartite settlement dated the )nd June, )**=.
The amount of reimbursement payable to an employee under the Improved Medical &id ,cheme should be reduced by the amount, if any, received by him or is due to be received by him under a 5ersonal &ccident 5olicy or under any claim in respect of an accident or from any other source. &ccordingly, a certificate to this effect should be obtained on the medical bills, submitted by the employee confirming that the amount claimed as actually incurred by him and that he has not received nor is he entitled to any reimbursement or contribution to ards such e/penses from any such source.
the value of any medical treatment provided to an employee or any member of his family, in any hospital maintained by the employer, any sum paid by the employer in respect of any e/penditure actually incurred by the employee on his medical treatment or of any member of his family L in any hospital maintained by the 4overnment or any local authority or any other hospital approved by the 4overnment for the purposes of medical treatment of its employees. in respect of the prescribed diseases or ailments in any hospital approved by the #hief #ommissioner having regard to the prescribed guidelines L
5rovided that, in a case falling in sub<clause 2ii3, the employee shall attach ith his return of income a certificate from the hospital specifying the disease or ailment for hich medical treatment as re:uired and the receipt for the amount paid to the hospital. 2c3 premium paid by the employer in respect of medical insurance taken for his employees 2under any scheme approved by the #entral 4overnment3 or reimbursement of insurance premium to the employees ho take medical insurance for themselves or for their family members 2under any scheme approved by the #entral 4overnment3M Reimbursement, by the employer, of the amount spent by an employee in obtaining medical treatment for himself or any member of his family from any doctor, not e/ceeding in the aggregate Rs.(=,*** in a year. &s regards medical treatment abroad, the actual e/penditure on stay and treatment abroad of the employee or any member of his family, or, on stay abroad of one attendant ho accompanies the patient, in connection ith such treatment, ill be e/cluded from per:uisites to the e/tent permitted by the Reserve -ank of India. &s regards the e/penditure incurred on travel abroad by the patient / attendant, it shall be e/cluded from per:uisites only if the employeeKs gross total income, as computed before including the said e/penditure, does not e/ceed Rs.) lakhsA. The amount of medical e/penses reimbursed in respect of the employee and the family members should be sho n separately in the register maintained by each office. !hen an employee is transferred to another branch/office, the total amount of medical e/penses reimbursed to him and the members of his family during the financial year should be advised by a letter to that branch/office.
16.(.1 16.(.2 16.(.3
-ills for treatment by persons reimbursable. ho have no degree from recognised medical college are not
The bills submitted from -one ,etters, Massagists, etc. are not reimbursable. ,imilarly e/penses incurred for treatment by accupuncture are not reimbursable.
In vie of the idespread use of disposable syringes because of the safety from infection due to improper sterilisation as also in the conte/t of fears for contacting &I8, virus, disposable syringes have become essential part of the treatment, henever in"ections are re:uired to be given. It ould, be in order to consider reimbursement of cost of disposable syringes like other medicines. 259R/IR/;?>' 8t.)?.().(GG'3
beautification or to correct some congenital defect should not be considered. ,imilarly, hospitalisation e/penses incurred for grafting may be considered only if grafting is re:uired for healing of a ound or burn in"uries and not as a part of beautification.
Medical e/penses for treatment of alcoholic cirrhosis of liver under hospitalisation scheme cannot be considered for reimbursement on the same logic as applicable to reimbursement of medical e/penses for treatment of alcoholic cirrhosis of liver that a person ho inflicts in"ury/damage to his o n body by indulging in e/cessive drinking should not be encouraged to do so by ay of financial assistance.
R2712, K-02/:/:<A(MA:412)
The facilities for Aoperative correctionsA of high myopia have been established in some hospitals. Curther as Radial .eratotomy is no an acceptable method for correction of high myopia and is no more considered as a cosmetic operation, the e/penses incurred for treatment of high myopia by Radial .eratotomy in India may be reimbursed. Cor this purpose, the schedule of charges as applicable at the &ll India Institute of Medical ,cience, 7e 8elhi may be adopted. 2#8%/IR/#IR/(;8t.)'.*=.)**(3
S.06/13A :9 =1,,8
&ll the medical bills should be scrutinised carefully to ensure that they are strictly in accordance ith the -ankKs instructions applicable in each case in terms of the prescribed scheme before payment. -efore recommending/ sanctioning the bills for payment it should be ascertained that the bills do not reveal any unusual feature and in case of doubt, the matter should be fully investigated and a reference made to the controlling authority for guidance. The follo ing guidelines should be follo ed for scrutiny of medical bills.
It should be ascertained hether the treatment given by the authorised doctor as essential for the recovery or for the prevention of serious deterioration in the condition of the employeeKs health and hether the charges are reasonable and in accordance ith the arrangement made by him ith the -ank. The charges for medicines, in"ections etc. should be reasonable and in keeping ith current market rates. #ost of tonics prescribed as essential for treatment of the employeeKs illness may be reimbursed. Cood items are not reimbursable by the -ank. !here the medical bills include hospital e/penses, diet charges should be e/cluded and a certificate to this effect incorporated in the bill.
!henever an employee claims reimbursement of medical e/penses incurred in respect of his dependent family members, a certificate as under should be furnished by the employee in his reimbursement claim L AI certify that my parents/brother/sister etc. for hom I am claiming reimbursement of medical e/penses as detailed above are dependent on me and their present monthly income is Rs.UUUUUUUA. The employee should also countersign all medical bills 2for self and family3 in token of having undertaken treatment. &ll medical bills sanctioned/recommended for sanction should invariably contain a certificate that these have been scrutinized on the basis of instructions laid do n from time to time.
7ote L & checklist of submission and scrutiny of medical bills is given at &nne/ure (>.G.
i3 ii3
S23./1:3 :9 =1,,8
&ll bills under the Hospitalisation ,cheme for treatment of serious diseases should be submitted to the controlling authority for sanction by the appropriate authority. Reimbursement ill be made to the e/tent of +=I of the amount actually incurred for members of the family and (**I of the amount actually incurred for orkman himself or as mentioned against each item in &nne/ure (>.', hichever is lo er. The sanctioning authority ill have the discretion to refuse payment of bills in cases is not satisfied about the genuineness of the bills. here he
iii3 iv3
If any amount has been received by an employee or is due to be received by him under a 5ersonal &ccident 5olicy or under any claim in respect of an accident or from any other source, the benefits admissible under the Improved Medical &id ,cheme should be reduced by the amount so received or due. &ccordingly a certificate to this effect should be obtained on the medical bills submitted by the employee confirming that the amount claimed as actually incurred by him and that he has not received nor is he entitled to any reimbursement or contribution to ards such e/penses from any such source. & monthly statement of the bills sanction should be submitted to the controlling authority. Curther a :uarterly statement as per 5roforma in &nne/ure (>.? should be sent to $ocal Head %ffice in respect of all the bills sanctioned and a :uarterly statement to the #orporate #entre.
S23./1:3135 26/;:01/A
Hospitalisation ,cheme < treatment for other ailments as per rules/rates prescribed under the Hospitalisation ,cheme for employees themselves/their family members. &4MKs of Regions in a Module &4M 2%&83 at $ocal Head %ffice 8y. 4eneral Manager of Module 8y. 4eneral Manager and #ircle 8evelopment %fficer at $H% 8y. 4eneral Managers of special branches in #ircles 4M Rs.(*,***/< Rs.(*,***/< Rs.)*,***/< Rs.)*,***/< Rs.)*,***/< Cull
,pecified serious diseases ith/ ithout hospitalisation for member2s3 of family of employee by debit to #harges &ccount. &sstt. 4eneral Managers of Regions in a Module / &4Ms %&8 at $H%s 8y. 4eneral Managers of Modules/ 8y. 4eneral Managers and #ir. 8ev. %fficer at $H%/8y. 4eneral Managers of ,pecial branches 4eneral Manager Rs.(*,***/<
Treatment for specified serious diseases/under Hospitalisation ,chemes rates/ceilings/percentage is involved. #hief 4eneral Manager of the #ircle #4M 2HR3 at #orporate #entre 8y. Managing 8irector and #orporate 8evelopment %fficer and Managing 8irector and 4roup 9/ecutive27ational -anking 4roup3
O5roposals e/ceeding Rs.)=,***/< ill re:uire administrative clearance from #orporate #entre ith a vie to maintaining uniformity in sanction of medical bills.
i3 ii3 iii3
i3 ii3 iii3
T-0<8 237 .:371/1:38 9:0 823./1:3 :9 27@23.The advance shall be restricted to the amount reimbursable under AMedical -enefitA as provided in the service rules/scheme. 7ecessary estimate for the e/penditure from the concerned Hospital/8octor is produced and this is found in order by the -ankKs Medical %fficer/&uthorised 8octor. The amount shall be disbursed directly to the hospital concerned by debit to -ranch/Regional %ffice/$ocal Head %ffice suspense account against receipt. The hospital should be asked to send the bill directly to the -ank so that the amount advanced can be ad"usted from the amount reimbursable. The employee/his relative should ensure that the bill is submitted ithin a month of discharge of the employee/officer or his family members from the hospital. The e/penditure involved should be outside the normal means of the officer/employee. 7ormally, cases of serious ailments involving high e/penditure or prolonged treatment in hospital e.g. bypass surgery, ma"or operations etc. should only be considered.
8uring the course of K,pot &uditK by officials attached to #orporate #entre, it as observed that undue delay e/ists for processing and payment of bills under the -ankKs Medical &id ,cheme. Therefore it is essential to minimise the time leg for payment of bills submitted by the employees. The undernoted points should be borne in mind hile processing, scrutiny and payment of bills in this regardL
2i3 2ii3
The medical bills should be for arded to appropriate authority along ith the details of e/penses incurred on the prescribed format. !hile scrutinising the bills, the ,enior Medical %fficer, / -ankKs Medical %fficer should ensure that the basic information like the nature of disease / accident, treatment given, discharge summary and /or a certificate to this effect from the attending physician / surgeon is submitted. ,enior Medical %fficer / -ankKs Medical %fficer should clearly state on the admissibility and reasonableness of the charges claimed vis<]<vis the ,chedule of reasonable charges. The items disallo ed should be listed and for arded duly signed by the ,enior Medical %fficer / -ankKs Medical %fficer. !hen the recommendations are for arded to Honal %ffice/$ocal Head %ffice/#orporate #entre, the original prescriptions, bills receipts etc. should be enclosed ith the bill. @ueries raised by sanctioning authority should be promptly and fully replied, piecemeal replies should be avoided.
2iv3 2v3
The -ankKs Medical %fficers at such dispensaries can scrutinise the medical bills as also refer the cases to the diagnostic centres under tie<up arrangements. ii3 &t centres here e have more than one -ank1s dispensary hich are manned by the -ankKs medical officer2s3 as also doctors on contract basis The medical bills may be scrutinised by the -ankKs Medical %fficers only. Ho ever, the -ankKs Medical %fficer2s3 as also the doctor2s3 on contract basis may refer the cases to diagnostic centres. iii3 &t centres here the -ankKs dispensaries are manned by 8octors on contract basis only The scrutiny of medical bills upto Rs.=,***/< only be made by doctors on contract basis. The bills above Rs.=,***/< may be sent to Honal/Regional %ffice for scrutiny by Medical %fficer. The reference to diagnostic centres may be made by doctors on contract basis at such centres.
&t centres here the -ankKs dispensaries are not established but the tie<up arrangements have been made ith 8iagnostic centres The -ankKs authorised doctors can scrutinise the Medical -ills upto Rs.(***/< only. They can also refer the cases to diagnostic centres. The bills above Rs.(***/< may be sent to Honal/Regional %ffice for scrutiny by Medical %fficer. &t other centres here no dispensaries have been set<up nor any tie<up arrangements have been made ith diagnostic centres The authorised 8octors ill scrutinise the bills upto Rs.(***/< only. The bills above Rs.(***/< may be sent to Honal/Regional %ffice for scrutiny by Medical %fficer. &s such centres, the :uestion of referring the cases to 8iagnostic centres ould not arise. 2#8%/IR/#IR/=+ 8t.*).*).(GG> 0 #8%/IR/#IR/=) 8t. *=.*?.)**)3
M98I#&$ R94I,T9R 7ame of 9mployee L Q...................................................................................... 8esignation L ................................................... 8ate of &ppointment L ................................................... ,T&T9M97T %C &##%E7T 8ate 8r. -ankKs #onsultantKs #ost of &utho. Cees Medicines, 8octorKs If, any In"ections Cees etc. 2Rs.3 2Rs.3 2Rs.3 2Rs.3 2Rs.3 2Rs.3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ( ) ' ; = > + ? G #r. -alance 5eriod of Illness 7ature of 8isease
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< #ost of #ost of Hospital %ther &mount &mount Remarks Initials of D<ray 5atho< bills e/penses sanctioned if any, -ranch $amination logical< e/cluding for payment disallo ed Manager/ 9/ami< diet Manager nation e/penses 2&cctt. 0 &dmn.3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< (* (( () (' (; (= (> (+
To, ...................................................
,tate -ank of India ................................................... ................................................... 8ear ,ir, R9IM-ER,9M97T %C M98I#&$ 9D597,9,
8ate L
I hereby declare that I have actually incurred a 2Rupees ...................................................only3 to ards medical myself/dependent members of my family, as per details given belo L 2(3 7ame of the person for hom the treatment has been taken 2in case of a dependent family member, his/her name, age and relationship ith the employee also to be given3 L 7ame of the doctor consulted 7ature of illness 8uration of treatment 2 ith dates3 5rofessional Cees paid #ost of medicines purchased Total e/penses incurred L L L L L L
sum of e/penses
RsQQQQQ... in respect of
& statement of account for the amount claimed is given belo . I re:uest that the above mentioned sum be reimbursed to me in terms of paragraph DII of the -ipartite ,ettlement dated the (+th ,eptember (G?;.
2(*3 I, further certify that dependent parent2s3, in respect of hom the reimbursement is being claimed ordinarily reside2s3 ith me and his/her/their present monthly income is Rs.................................. My other brothers and sisters orking in the -ank have not claimed/are not claiming reimbursement of such e/penses. Fours faithfully, 2,ignature of the 9mployee3 Cull 7ame L 8esignation L 8epartment/-ranch L <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,T&T9M97T %C &##%E7T <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,l. 8ate of Cor ,elf5articulars2indicating e/penses &mount Remarks 7o e/penditure or family relating to medicines/ pathological test/doctorKs fees, etc., separately against each date3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<< ( ) ' ; = > <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Total
Hospitalisation e/penses ill be reimbursed to a ard staff to the e/tent of (**I in case of self and +=I in case of members of family sub"ect to the procedure for reimbursement of hospitalisation e/penses as enumerated hereunder L< Hospitalisation charges to the e/tent stated above and ma"or accidents hich re:uire hospitalisation. ill be reimbursed in case of all ailments
a3 b3
& orkman or his family member2s3 ill be considered to have been hospitalised only if they are admitted as indoor patient2s3 in the hospital in respect of diseases/accidents as mentioned in sub<para 2a3. Ho ever, cases here the patient is admitted as an out<patient and discharged the same day after surgical procedures involving advanced techni:ues may also be considered for reimbursement of hospitalization e/penses. Medical e/penses incurred for the hospitalisation ill be reimbursed on the strength of bills/vouchers to the e/tent of (**I in case of self and +=I in case of family members sub"ect to the limits prescribed hereunder. Cor the purpose of medical facilities L The e/pression Xfamily1 of an employee shall mean the employee1s spouse, holly dependent children including dependent step children and legally adopted children and parents holly dependent on the employee and ordinarily residing ith the employee. N:/-8&-
The term X holly dependent child/parent, shall mean such relative having a monthly income not e/ceeding Rs.),==*/< p.m. If the income of one of the parents e/ceed Rs.),==*/< p.m. of the aggregate income of both the parents e/ceed Rs.),==*/< p.m., both the parents shall not be considered as holly dependent on the employee. & married female employee may include her natural parents or parents<in<la under the definition of family Bbut not both B provided that the parents and parents<in<la are ordinarily residing ith and holly dependent on her and satisfy the income criteria as stated above. The reimbursement of hospitalisation e/penses ill be restricted to the follo ing charges L< S0.N: . D-/21,8 (%I :9 /;- 2<:63/ 2./62,,A 13.600-7 9:0 <-<=-08 :9 /;- 92<1,A 237 1''I :9 /;- 2<:63/ 2./62,,A 13.600-7 9:0 >:0?<23 ;1<8-,9 :0 28 <-3/1:3-7 252138/ -2.; 1/-<, >;1.;-@-0 18 ,:>-0. Rs.)**/<. 5roportionate to the e/tent of the bill passed by the bank. Rs.;**/<. Rs.=**/< per day. This is in addition to bed charges. &s per &nne/ure<II . +=I or (**I or as the case may be of actual e/oenses.
2a3 Hospital Registration Cees. 2b3 ,urcharge/ta/ on hospital bills. #harges for bed per day2e/cluding boarding charges3 I#E/##E/7eo<natal 7ursery. 8iagnostic material charges, D<rays, 5athological tests, 9#4s, etc. Medicines, drugs, in"ections 2including disposable syringes3. -andage and dressing materials, etc. e/cept tonics/vitamins, 2ho ever, tonics/vitamins hich are prescribed by the attending doctor and certified as essential for the period of hospitalization, may be considered for reimbursement.3 %peration charges, etc.
5hysician1s and #onsultant1s fees per visit L< (%I :9 /;- 2<:63/ 2./62,,A 13.600-7 9:0 <-<=-08 :9 /;92<1,A 237 1''I :9 /;- 2<:63/ 2./62,,A 13.600-7 9:0 >:0?<23 ;1<8-,9 :0 28 <-3/1:3-7 252138/ -2.; 1/-<, >;1.;-@-0 18 ,:>-0. &ll $H% #entres and .anpur %ther places Rs. per visit Rs. per visit #ISIT AT THE CHAMBER )**/< ()*/< +=/< >*/< #ISIT AT RESIDENCE '**/< (G*/< ))=/< (=*/<
Cirst #onsultations ,ubse:uent #onsultations In case of emergency leading to Hospitalisation ,econd #onsultation
,ubse:uent #onsultation (=*/< (**/< #ISIT MADE B" SPECIALIST AT THE HOSPITAL& SPECIAL #ISIT 8uring the day time ()=/< ?=/< 8uring the night time '**/< (=*/< Routine visit ()=/< ?=/< . The orkmen or members of the families 2as the case may be3are e/pected to secure admission in a 4overnment/Municipal Hospital or any Xprivate1 hospital 2i.e., hospitals under the management of a trust, #haritable Institution or a religious mission3. The reimbursement ill be restricted to the percentage applicable to the orkmen/ dependent family member, i.e. (**I or +=I of the charges applicable to the lo est paying bed in such hospitals according to hospital rules or the ma/imum amounts mentioned above, !hichever is lo er. 7ormally, the orkmen and members of family should avail of services of hospital as mentioned in paragraph ; above. Ho ever, if he feels, that it is unavoidable to seek services of a private nursing home/hospital, he can do so in one of the hospitals nursing homes, approved by the -ank. Reimbursement in such cases ill, ho ever, be restricted to the e/tent of the amount hich ould have been reimbursable in case of admission to a public or private hospital as mentioned in paragraph ; above. Medical e/penses including diagnotic charges incurred ithin '* days of pre<hospitalisation period on medical advice, on account of the ailment/disease for hich the person as hospitalized, ill be considered as hospitalization e/penses for the purpose of reimbursement. #ost of post<hospitalisation domiciliary treatment ill be reimbursed upto ; to > eeks or as specified by the the hospital authorities in each case hichever is less. 9/treme cases of hardship involving prolonged domiciliary treatment on the advice of the attending hospital surgeon/physician may be referred to #orporate #entre for consideration through proper channel. Medical e/penses incurred in respect of the follo ing diseases hich need domiciliary treatment as may be certified by the attending physician or -ank1s Medical %fficer shall be deemed as hospitalization e/penses and reimbursed to the e/tent of (**I in case of orkman and +=I in case of his family members. The cost of medicines etc. in respect of domiciliary treatment shall be reimbursed for the period stated in the specialist1s prescription. If no period is stated in the prescription for the purpose of reimbursement it shall be valid for a period not e/ceeding G* days L< 8iabetes, Hepatitis<-, Hepatitis<#, Haemophilia, Myastheniagravis, !ilson1s disease, Elcerative #olitis, 9pidermolysis bullosa, 6enous Thrombosis 2not caused by smoking3, &plastic &naemia, 5soriasis and Third 8egree -urns.
>. 2i3
The charges for special nurse ill be reimbursemed at (**I or +=I as the case may be, of the actual amount incurred sub"ect to a ma/imum limit of Rs.()*/< per shift at all $H% centres and .anpur and Rs.+)/< per shift for other places hen the services of such special nurse are considered essential by the Medical ,uperintendent of Hospital/7ursing Home. 7ursing #harges, if any, charged by hospital authorities in respect of days spent in I#E/##E/neo<natal nursery may be reimbursed on the basis of cetrtificate issued by hospital authorities and in consultation ith -ank1s Medical %fficer. Reimbursemnt in such cases shall be (**I for orkmen and +=I for family members of the actual charges. #harges reimburseable for maternity ill be as follo sL 9/penses for normal delivery ill not be reimbursable but if ther delivery re:uires surgical interference, the charges etc. reimbursable for minor or ma"or operations, as the case may be, ill be reimbursed. If as a result of such operation there is hospitalisation, the prescribed charges under the scheme ould be payable. Medical e/pensed including pre<natal or post< natal treatment are not reimbursable e/cept here a caesarean or forceps delivery has been ordered. It ould not be necessary to e/clude the normal delivery charges as elll as pre< natal treatment given, if any, relating to carsarean operation or forceps delivery. Ho ever before sanctioning the reimbursement it is to be ensured that the claim is other ise in order in all respects. X6accum e/traction1 is e:uivalent to Corceps e/traction, if it is done for mid cavity 2not for Xlo level13 under atleast local aneaesthesia for the same indications as for Corceps delivery. #laims for reimburement of e/pense for XCT 6accum1 delivery may, therefore, be reimbursed on ther usual scale, if the aforesaid conditions are fulfilled 2to be certified so by the attending 8octor/Hospital3 on the same basis as for forcepts delivery. 2reference letter no. 5&/#IR/+' dated the )+th 7overmber (G?>3. 5hysician1s visit fees and other admissible charges in all cases of delivery involving surgical interference ill be reimbursed as per schedule of hospitalisation e/penses. Reimbursement of incubator charges 5aediatrician concerned. N:/-& ill be considered if specifically advised by the
?. i3
iii3 iv3
Reimburement of medical e/penses as per schedule of hospitalisation e/penses may be made in respect of Xincomplete abortion1 or Xabortion and evacuation1 operation in the case of a lady a ard staff member or a orkman1s ife. V9pisiotomyW is not a surgical interference but is a part of Xnomal delivery1 procedure. The purchase of drugs/medicines ill be restricted to approved chemists and arrangements ill be made by banks herever possible to make direct payments to the chemists. #harges incurred for replacement of certain original parts of the body such as limbs and valves etc. ill be paid hen these form a part of the treatment. In this connection, the cost of intra<occular lenses may also be reimbursed upto a ma/imum ceiling of Rs.',***/< for each lens or the prescribed percentage of the actual e/penses incurred, hichever is lo er, provided it forms a part of the surgery/operation and the attending surgeon has certified that implantation of the lens as essential by ay of treatment. A<=6,23.- C;205-8 &mbulance charges for removing the orkman or his dependent family member from residence to the hospital/nursing home or from hospital/nursing home to residence on discharge or from one hospital/nursing home to another hospital/nursing home, ithin the urban agglomeration or municipal limits may be reimbursed in full.
ii3 G. (*.
11. i3
!here conveyance by mode other than ambulance is engaged, the charges shall be reimbursed sub"ect to the ma/imum as underL 2i3 -y public ta/i 2ii3 -y autoricksha N:/- & a3 7ormally, services of an ambulance should be availed of, here ambulance is not available or the facility of ambulance is not established, public mode of transport i.e. ta/i/auroricksha could be used. The bank shall consider such claims on merits and facts. reimbursement of e/penses on ambulance or public ta/i/autoricksha the municipal limit/urban agglomeration/nearest hospital. are admissible ithin < &ctuals sub"ect to ma/imum of Rs.(=*/< per trip < &ctuals sub"ect to ma/imum of Rs.+=/< per trip
b3 c3 ii3
&buse of facility ill be dealt ith treating such claims as acts of gross misconduct. reimbursement of ambulance charges/ta/i charges for shifting the patient from one centre to another ill be considered on the follo ing conditionsM If the patient is to be removed to another place other than the centre here the employee has been posted, the attending consultant should recommend accordingly certifying that the treatment is not available at the place of duty and the patient is re:uired to be shifted to another city/to n to save his life. If the patient is shifted by the ambulance of the hospital, the charges ill be reimbursed in full. If the attending consultant certifies that the patient is not in a position to move and if it is a case of emergency ith a vie to saving his life, ta/i charges actually incurred ill be reimbursed.
12. P2.?25- C;205-8 In the follo ing case, package charges ill be reimbursed to the e/tent (**I in the case of self and +=I in the case of dependent members of family, sub"ect to the limits specified M< $iver Transplant Rs.),**,***/<
These package charges generally including all charges pertaining to a particular treatment/procedure including admission charges, accommodation charges, I#E/I##E charges, monitoring charges, operation charges, anesthesia charges, operation theater charges, procedural charges/ ,urgeon1s fee. #ost of disposables, cost of consumables like catheters, guides ires, etc., surgical charges and cost of medicines used during hospitalization, related routine investigations, physiotheraphy charges etc. $iver transplant charges are not reimburseable in cases here damage to the liver has been caused by alcoholism. ('. (;. -anks ill have discretion to refuse payment of bills in cases about genuineness of the bills. here they are not satisfied
R-1<=608-<-3/ :9 H:841/2,182/1:3 EG4-38-8 13.600-7 :3 T0-2/<-3/ A=0:27 L The procedure to be follo ed in respect of reimbursement of e/penses incurred by the orkmen and their families on treatment abroad shall be as laid do n in &nne/ure<III hereto.
,chedule of reimbursement of charges incurred by investigations NAME OF THE PROCEDURE orkmen for pathological tests and (%I :9 /;- 2<:63/ 2./62,,A 13.600-7 9:0 <-<=-08 :9 /;- 92<1,A 237 1''I :9 /;- 2<:63/ 2./62,,A 13.600-7 9:0 >:0?<23 ;1<8-,9 :0 28 <-3/1:3-7 252138/ -2.; 1/-<, >;1.;-@-0 18 ,:>-0 2<:63/ 2./62,,A 13.600-7 9:0 >:0?<23 ;1<8-,9 :0 28 <-3/1:3-7 252138/ -2.; 1/-< >;1.;-@-0 18 ,:>-0 C-1,135 CLINICAL PATHOLOG" URINE EXAMINATION Erine Routine Erine for &lbumin Erine for (+ .estosteroids Erine #ulture Erine for column #ount Test ,ensitivity Test Erine for &cid fast -acilli 2T.-. #ulture3 Erine -ile 5igment and ,alt Erine Erobilinogen Erine %ccult -lood Erine Total 5roteins Erine ,odium Erine #hloride -ense Jones 5rotein STOOL EXAMINATION ,tool Routine ,toll %ccult -lood HAEMATOLOG" EXAMINATION OF BLOOD -lood count ith Indices 2Hb, T$#, 8$#3 -lood count ithout Indices2Hb, T$#, 8$#3 R.-.#. 0 H- ith Indices R.-.#. 0 H- ithout indices Total !.-.#. 0 8ifferential count 2T#/8#3 -lood smears for 5arasites 2M.5. etc.3 5eripheral smear e/amination -lood for Microfilaria 5latelet #ount -leeding 0 #oagulation Time 2-T #T3 #lot Retraction Time 5rothrombin Time 9rythrocytes ,edimentation rate2!estergrenKs method3 ,edimentation Rate 2-oth methods3 9.,.R. +)/< ;* ;* '>* ((= ((= (=* (*= ;* ;* ;* ?* ?* ?* =* ;* ;* +* >= +* == == ;* ;= (** +* >= >= += '* '*
Hb, T$#, 8$#, 9,R -lood #ulture #lot #ulture 4lucose 5hosphate 8ehydrogenase 24 0 583 Reticulocyte #ount &bsolute 9osinophil #ount 5acked #ell 6olume 25#63 R.-.#. Cragility Test $.9. #ell Haemogram -one Marro ,mear 9/amination 5artial Thromboplastin
D-8.014/1:3 TEST FOR BLOOD TRANSFUSION #oombKs Test 8irect 2for coating anti bodies3 #oombKs Test 2for complete and incomplete indirect antibodies3 -lood 4rouping 0 Rh Cactor only 27ot for matching3 for non< maternity cases -lood Transfusion per bottle and donorKs Cees 2including 5athologistKs &ttendance 0 #ross matching3 5acked #ell 5reparation BIOCHEMISTR" -lood Erea/ #alcium/ 5hosphorus/ 5hosphatase/ ,odium/ 5otassium each -lood Erea 7itrogen Erea #learance test #reatinine clearance test ,erum 5roteins or 5lasma proteins ,erum 5roteins 9lectrophoresis -lood for fibrinogen -lood for #reatinine -lood Eric &cid -lood sugar curve 24lucose Tolerance Test3 4.T.#. or 4.T.T. #%) #ombining 5o er of 5lasma -lood #holesterol -lood protein -ound lodine 25.-.I.3 -lood #hlorides 2,.#.I.3 ,erum ,odium 2,. 7a3 ,erum 5otassium 2,...3 ,erum Iron 2,.Ce3 ,erum Iron ,tudies
(%I :9 /;- 2<:63/ 2./62,,A 13.600-7 9:0 <-<=-08 :9 /;- 92<1,A 237 1''I :9 /;- 2<:63/ 2./62,,A 13.600-7 9:0 >:0?<23 ;1<8-,9 :0 28 <-3/1:3-7 252138/ -2.; 1/-<, >;1.;-@-0 18 ,:>-0 2<:63/ 2./62,,A 13.600-7 9:0 >:0?<23 ;1<8-,9 :0 28 <-3/1:3-7 252138/ -2.; 1/-< >;1.;-@-0 18 ,:>-0 C-1,135 (=* )** >= '>* )== (** (** (+* (+* (** )** ((* += (** )?* ('* += '** (** ?= ?= ('* ))*
,erum #alcium 2,.#a3 ?= ,erum 5hosphorous 2,.5.3 ?= ,erum &lkaline 5hosphatase += ,erum &cid 5hophatase ('= ,erum 4lutamic %/alic Transaminase 2,4 %T3 += ,erum $ipase ('* ,erum 4lutamic 5yruvic Transaminase 2,4 5T3 += ,erum &nylase (G= #.5... '(= 4lucose > 5hosphate 8ehydrogenase (+* ,erum $actic 8ehydrosgenase 2$8H3 (;= ,erum $actic 8ehydrosgenase ith lsoenzyme '+= , M & ()<) 2(; -lood #hemistry3 >)= O Cor indoor patients only HISTOPATHOLOG" EXAMINATION (BIOPS" TEST OR FROMEN SECTION) ,mear &nalysis >* -ody Cluids B#.,.C./plural/&scitic, etc. >* #hemistry, ,ugar, 5rotein etc. (+* Malignant #ells ('=
(%I :9 /;- 2<:63/ 2./62,,A 13.600-7 9:0 <-<=-08 :9 /;- 92<1,A 237 1''I :9 /;- 2<:63/ 2./62,,A 13.600-7 9:0 >:0?<23 ;1<8-,9 :0 28 <-3/1:3-7 252138/ -2.; 1/-<, >;1.;-@-0 18 ,:>-0 2<:63/ 2./62,,A 13.600-7 9:0 >:0?<23 ;1<8-,9 :0 28 <-3/1:3-7 252138/ -2.; 1/-< >;1.;-@-0 18 ,:>-0 C-1,135
BACTERIOLOG" * SEROLOG" -rucella &gglutination TestO ('* #old &gglutionation Test for virus pneumonia ('* 5aul<-unnel Test (=* #<Reactive proteinsOO ('= ,mear 4ram<,train 9/amination =* ,putum ,mear &.C.-. ,tain =* 6.8.R.$ += !idal Test += R.&. Test (** #ulture and ,enstivity 2other specimens3 (=* 6ibro #holera #ulture ('* #on"unctival , ab for Microscopic and #ulture 9/amination (;* ,mear 9/amination for Micro %rganism G= Cluids or 9/udates for Maliignant #ells (;* O2Cor indoor patients only3 OO2Cor Rheumatic disease to be reimbursed for hospitalised patients X-RA" Cluroscopy #hest ()* &bdomen &5 9rect 2%ne Cilm3 ('= &bdomen $ateral 6ie 2%ne Cilm3 ('= &bdomen for 5regnancy ('=
#hest 5& 6ie 2%ne Cilm3 #hest %bli:ue or $ateral 2%ne Cilm3 Mastoids 9/tremities, bones and Joints 2%ne Cilm3 5elvis 2%ne Cilm3 5aranasal ,inuses 2%ne Cilm3 T.M. Joints 2%ne Cilm3 &bdomen 0 5elvis for ..E.,kull &.5. 0 $ateral ,pine &.5. 0 $ateral -arium , allo ,inography/,ialography #ystography/Erethrography &rthrography Retrograde pyelography %ral or I.6. #holecystography -arium 9nema -arium Meal Epper or $o er -ronchography I.6. Erography Myelography 5neumo 9ncephalography -arium Meal #omplete #erebral/Cemoral/&ngiography C T SCAN$MRI #T ,can #T ,can 2 ith contrast3 MRI MRI 2 ith contrast3 SKIN Tucerculin Test 2Mantau/3 T.T. or M.T. ,craping for Cungus ,kin #lipping 0 smear for leprosy 7asal smear for leprosy NAME OF THE PROCEDURE
('= ('= ('= ('= ('= ('= ('= ))= ))= ))= =)= >** G** >+= +=* +=* G+= G+= (*=* (*=* ()** G** ()** (;)= !henever advised, should be eligible for reimburement
(*= == (*= ?=
(%I :9 /;- 2<:63/ 2./62,,A 13.600-7 9:0 <-<=-08 :9 /;- 92<1,A 237 1''I :9 /;2<:63/ 2./62,,A 13.600-7 9:0 >:0?<23 ;1<8-,9 :0 28 <-3/1:3-7 252138/ -2.; 1/-<, >;1.;-@-0 18 ,:>-0 2<:63/ 2./62,,A 13.600-7 9:0 >:0?<23 ;1<8-,9 :0 28 <-3/1:3-7 252138/ -2.; 1/-< >;1.;-@-0 18 ,:>-0 D-8.014/1:3 C-1,135 ULTRA SONOGRAPH" AND ECHOCARDIOGRAPH" 9lectro #ardiogram 29.#.4.3 ()* Indual test (;* E.#.4. 2phono B cardiography, Telemetry #, #ardiac 9/<test >G* stress test3 9cho #ardiography +G*
LI#ER FUNCTION TESTS Thymol Turbidity Test G* #ephalin #holesterol Cloculation Test G* 6anden -erghn reaction 0 lcterus Inde/ 2@antitative -ilirubin3 (=* Takata &ra Reaction (** -romsulphalein 9/cretion Test 2e/cluding In"ection charges3 ))* PLEURAL AND PERICARDIAL AND ASCITIC FLUIDS 5leural fluid for Routine 9/amination (;* 5leural fluid for cultural 5ericardial and &scitic fluids (;* SPUTUM EXAMINATION ,putum Routine G* ,putum for acid fast bacilli only 2,putum &C-3 G* ,putum for culture 2culture for T-3 (;* # , C for 8iptheria ()= #ulture for 8iptheria (*= GASTRIC ANAL"SIS 4astric contents for Routine analysis 24astric analysis or fractional )(= Test Meal3 ,ternal marro Routine #ytology 2-one marro 3 )?= -asal Metabolic Rate 2-MR3 )=* $ung function Test )=* PS"CHIATR" TEST 9.#.T. (;* #%) ?* 5sychology testing (;* R I A& T' U4/: (%I :9 /;-G4-38-8 2./62,,A T; 13.600-7 13 0-84-./ :9 T,H, $H, C,H, 5rolactin 2for each test3 92<1,A <-<=-08 237 Testosterone 64/: 1''I 13 0-84-./ :9 5arathyroid -<4,:A--8 /;-<8-,@-8 9strogen 2Total3 &#TH Hbs&g by RI& or 9I& FOR SURGICAL IN#ESTIGATION * TREATMENT OF CANCER ,copies and -iopsies U4/: (%I :9 /;-G4-38-8 2./62,,A C;-<:/;-024A& 13.600-7 13 0-84-./ :9 ,ingle 8rug Therapy per day 92<1,A <-<=-08 237 Multiple 8rug Therapy per day 64/: 1''I 13 0-84-./ :9 Infusional #hemotheraphy -<4,:A--8 /;-<8-,@-8 OX"MEN CHARGES %/yzen charges ill be reimbursed at the rate of Rs.'*/< per hour sub"ect to a ma/imum of Rs. '**/< per day.
A33-G60- I6.%
OPERATION CHARGES NAME OF PROCEDURE THE (%I :9 /;- 2<:63/ 2./62,,A 13.600-7 9:0 <-<=-08 :9 /;- 92<1,A 237 1''I :9 /;- 2<:63/ 2./62,,A 13.600-7 9:0 >:0?<23 ;1<8-,9 :0 28 <-3/1:3-7 252138/ -2.; 1/-<, >;1.;-@-0 18 ,:>-0 2<:63/ 2./62,,A 13.600-7 9:0 >:0?<23 ;1<8-,9 :0 28 <-3/1:3-7 252138/ -2.; 1/-< >;1.;-@-0 18 ,:>-0 R8. R8. R8. S4-.12, M2H:0 M13:0 O4-02/1:3 O4-02/1:3 O4-02/1:3 '***/< )***/< >=*/< '***/< )***/< >=*/< (****/< >=**/< )(**/<
%peration Theatre #harges &naesthetist #harges ,urgeon Cees for %peration 2including fees for &ssitants3 d3 9/penses for dialysis, blood transfusion, Heart valve replacement, angiography, implanted items during surgery herever they donot form part of package charges and pace<maker may be reimbursed at the rate of +=I for family members and (**I for orkman himself at rates not e/ceeding the rates applicable to lo est paying beds of &IIM,, 7e 8elhi. Indicative list of ,pecial, Ma"or and Minor operations is appended belo L
S4-.12, O4-02/1:38 &#ardiac including -y<5ass ,urgery, -rain, $ung and #ancer %perations and .idney/$iver Transplantation %peration, -one Marro Transplant and Multiple fractures 2Time takern is more than ' hours3. M2H:0 O4-02/1:38 &.idney ,tone 2including $ithotripsy3, 5rostate, Thyroid, #aesarean 8elivery, 4astrectomy, Hysterectomy, Cractures, &mputations, ,. 5. 7ailing, 8iscoidectomy, Retina 8etachment, $iver 0 4all -ladder, 5lastic ,urgery 2not for beautification3 #ataract 2 ith I%$3, Hernia sub"ect to -ankKs discretion 2time taken appro/imately ( to ' hours3. M13:0 O4-02/1:38 &80#, Cissure, #ircumcision, ,mall Hydrocele, 8ilatation, 6asectomy, &bscess, -ilat, Hydrocele, &ppendi/, Tubectomy, 5iles, Cistula, Minor %perations of the 9ye, 7ose and 9ar 2Time taken appro/imately >* minutes or less3. 7ote L %perative interference done using state<of<the<art medical techni:ues taking less than the time indicated as above ill not alter the nature of the operations.
(. ). &s a rule, reimbursement of e/penses incurred by the treatment abroad ill not be allo ed. orkmen and their family members on
In an e/ceptional cases necessitating treatment of a kind yet to be idely established in the country, here orkmen on medical advice obtained in a manner indicated belo , choose to go on their o n for treatment abroad, permission for treatment abroad may be granted by the -oard of 8irectors of the bank sub"ect to conditions laid do n hereinafter and limited to the e/penditure that ould have been incurred had such treatment been received in India in a government hospital or a nursing home specially recognised by the 8irector 4eneral of Health ,ervices of the 4overnment of India. The reimbursement of e/penses incurred on air passage for travel abroad in connection such treatment ill not be reimbursed. ith
'. ;. =.
Coreign e/change may be released to the orkmen for the purpose of treatment abroad to the same e/tent as is permissible to private citizens. Hospitals and clinics indicated in paragraph G belo have facility for specialists treatment for hich re:uests are generally received for treatment abroad and in respect of hich treatment facility in ordinary hospitals are still inade:uate. The services provided by these hospitals may be availed of by the eligible orkmen. In such cases, reimbursement may be allo ed sub"ect to the authority sanctioning reimbursement being satisfied about reasonableness of the claim. The follo ing ailments have been identified as ailments for hich treatment in India is not yet idely established L< #adaver .idney TransplantM %ld operated by<pass surgery cases 2in revascularizationM -one marro transplantM hich the initial operation as done abroad3 needing
%perative correction of Hymyopia cases #omple/ cyanoteB HeartB$iasion and ne ly before infants suffering from heart diseases. Reserve -ank of India 2R-I3 ill constitute Medical -oards at Mumbai, 8elhi, .ol.otta and #hennai and at such other centres as may be considered necessary for the purpose of recommending hether an employee ould be covered under this ,cheme. The annual cost incurred on meeting of the -oard by ay of sitting fees, etc., shall be shared on an annual basis by such of the banks hich avail of the services of the Medical -oards of e/amining cases of their orkmen needing treatment abroad, in a manner as may be decided by the Reserve -ank of India. The Medical -oard should make a specific recommendations and also give reasons for recommending treatment abroad. The Medical -oard ill submit its report to the R-I, hich in turn, could pass it on to the concerned -ank. Cor the purposes of reimbursement, as envisaged in the scheme, the schedule of charges as applicable for private ard treatment at the &ll India Institute of Medical ,ciences, 7e 8elhi, enforced from time to time, should be adopted. The follo ing institutions have been identified as having facilities for specialised treatment L< -F 5&,, #%R%7&RF ,ER49RF L
G. a3
,outhern Rail ays, Head:uarters, Hospital, 5erambur, #hennaiM #hristian Medical #ollege and Hospital, 6ellore. ..9.M. Hospital, Mumbai. Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai. -ombay Hospital, Mumbai. .asturba Hospital, -hopal. ,ree #hitra Tirunal Institute of Medical ,ciences and Technology, Thiruvananthpuram.
.I879F TR&7,5$&7T L i3 ii3 iii3 iv3 #hristian Medical #ollege 0 Hospital, 6ellore. &ll India Institute of Medical ,ciences, 7e 8elhi. 5ost 4raduate Institute, #handigarh. Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai.
-$%%8 #&7#9R L i3 ii3 Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. #ancer Institute, &dyar, #hennai.
#%M5$I#&T98 H9&RT ,ER49RF #&,9, M i3 ii3 iii3 iv3 v3 vi3 vii3 viii3 i/3 /3 /i3 /ii3 ,outhern Rail ays Head:uarters Hospital, 5erambur, #hennai. #hristian Medical #ollege 0 Hospital, 6ellore. ..9.M. Hospital, Mumbai. &ll India Institute of Medical ,ciences, 7e 8elhi. -ombay Hospital, Mumbai. 4.-. 5ant Hospital, 8elhi. ,ree #hitra Tirunal Institute of Medical ,ciences and Technology, Thiruvananthpuram. 5ost 4raduate Institute, #handigarh. ,.,...M. Hospital, .olkotta. ,amaritan Hospital, &l aye 2.erala3. .asturba Hospital, -hopal 2-H9$3. 7.M. !adia Institute of #ardiology, 5une.
(3 7ame of the 9mployee L
)3 '3 ;3 =3 >3 +3
8esignation -ranch / 8epartment 8ate of Joining ,alary last dra n Medical aid claimed for If claimed for dependent family member 7ame of the 8isease 28iagnosis3 2as per circular instructions3 Hospitalisation 7ame and &ddress of the Hospital 5rivate/4eneral/Trust/#orporate 7ame and address of the Treating 8octor/#linic ,ummary of 9/penditure
L L L L L L L L L i3 ii3 8ate of &dmission 8ate of 8ischarge L L i3 4ross ,alary L ii3 8eductions L iii3 7et ,alary L ,9$C/!IC9/,%7/8&E4HT9R/8ependant i3 ii3 iii3 7ame &ge Income per month L L L
L 2I3 &mount &ctually e/pended -y the employee 2Rs.3 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 2II3 &dmissible &mount Rs. 2III3 &mount Recom< Mended for 5ayment self (**I 8ependent<+=I
&3 -3 #3 83 93 C3 43 H3 I3 J3 .3 $3 M3 73 %3
#onsultation charges %peration #harges 2including &ssistant #harges3 %peration Theatre #harges &naesthetistKs charges Room/Hospitalisation charges 2e/cluding diet/food bill3 Hospitalisation Registration Cees Radiology charges 2reports to be attached3 $aboratory charges 2report to be attached3 Medicines/8rugs charges 8ressing material/bandage/in"ection ,pecial 7ursing #harges 6isit charges -lood /other transfusions charges #onveyance/&mbulance #harges ,urcharge/Ta/ on Hospital -ill
,r Receipt 8ate 7ame of the 8octor &mount 9ligible &mt 7o. Rs. Rs. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
5athology Tests L <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ,r Receipt/-ill 8ate 5articulars of Test/s &mount 9ligible &mt 7o. 7o. Rs. Rs. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Radiology Test L ,r Receipt/-ill 8ate 5articulars of Tests &mount 9ligible &mt 7o. 7o. Rs. Rs. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<< Medicines/8rugs L <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<< ,r -ill 8ate 7ame of the Medical &mount 7o. 7o. ,tores/,uppliers Rs. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<< ,r Receipt 8ate 7o. of 6isits Rate per &mount 9ligible &mt 7o. 7o. visit Rs. 5aise Rs. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<< (3 8ay 6isit )3 7ight 6isit '3 Routine 6isit ;3 ,pecialist 6isit 7ursing #harges L <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<< ,r Receipt/-ill 8ate 5articulars of ,hift &mount 9ligible &mt 7o. 7o. Rs. Rs. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<
(3 )3
#ertified that the e/penditure has been actually incurrd by me. I also certify that the family member for hom the reimbursement is claimed is fully dependent on me. I furher certify that the parent in respect of hom the reimbursement is claimed ordinarily reside ith me and my brother/sister orking in he -ank/other organisation have not claimed/are notclaiming reimbursement of such e/penses. I am not entitled to receive claims under any personal accident policy insurane policy/other claims. &mount ithdra n from the ,upense &ccount Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUUUU. 8ate LUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 2,I47&TER9 %C TH9 9M5$%F993
'3 ;3
-ills scrutinised and found in order. &mount reimbursed sofar to the applicant/his family members is Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUU. &mount recommended for reimbursement Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUU2RupeesUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU U3 Cor arded to the &sstt. 4eneral Manager, RegionUUUU, 8y. 4eneral Manager, ,tate -ank of India, Honal %fficeUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU/#ommercial -anking Module, <<<<<<<<<<<<< for sanction. -ranch L UUUUUUUUUUUUUU 8ate L UUUUUUUUUUUUUU Recommendations of -ankKs Medical %fficer -ill scrutinised and found in order. #harges are reasonable and admissible. RE--9R ,T&M5 8ate L UUUUUUUUUUUUUU Medical %fficer/,enior Medical%fficer -ranch Manager/#hief Manager/ &sst. 4eneral Manager/ 8y. 4eneral Manager
,anctionedRs.UUUUUUUUUUUU2RupeesUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU3/ -ill scrutinised and found in order. Recommended for payment of admissible amount of Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUU2RupeesUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU3by debit to #harges &ccount. 8ate LUUUUUUUUUU RegionUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU &sstt. 4eneral Manager,
Honal %fficeUUUUUUUUUUUU ,anctionedRs.UUUUUUUUUUUU2RupeesUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU3/ -ill scrutinised and found in order. Recommended for payment of admissible amount of Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUU2RupeesUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU3by debit to #harges &ccount. 8ate LUUUUUUUUUU 8y. 4eneral Manager, Honal %fficeUUUUUUUUUUUU
,anctionedRs.UUUUUUUUUUUU2RupeesUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU3/ -ill scrutinised and found in order. Recommended for payment of admissible amount of Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUU2RupeesUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU3by debit to #harges &ccount. 8ate LUUUUUUUUUU 4eneral Manager 2805-3/ 4eneral Manager 2#-3
$ocal Head %ffice ,anctioned for payment of admissible amount of Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUU 2RupeesUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU3 8ate LUUUUUUUUUU #HI9C 4979R&$ M&7&49R ,T&T9 -&7. %C I78I& <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<#IR#$9
(. ). '. ;. a3 b3 =. 7ame of the 9mployee 8esignation 0 5resent place of posting 2-ranch3 8ate of "oining the service 4ross salary 0 allo ances 8eductions 7et take home salary !hether the reimbursement is sought for self or family. If for self, please state the period of leave taken ith dates. ,ick $eave 5rivilege $eave >. +. 7ature 0 duration of illness, in case of hospitalisation. !hether the disease is covered in the list of serious diseases L if so, please specify the disease. In case of family, please give follo ing particulars in respect of dependent family members. 7&M9 G. ,R7% (3 )3 '3 -I$$ / #&,H M9M% L L L L L L
&mount not reimbursible Total amount not reimbursible 7et amount reimbursible (*. #lassification of 9/penses ,R7% #$&,,ICI#&TI%7 %C 9D597,9, &M%E7T R,. 2i3 #onsultantKs feesN 8octorKs Cees 2ii3 #ost of medicines 2Crom Hospital3 2iii3 #ost of 5athology 2iv3 ,pecialised Investigation 2v3 #ost of Radiology 2vi3 #ompact 8isk charges 2vii3 -ed #harges < 9/cluding diet charges 2viii3 ,pecialistKs Cees 2%peration charges 3 2i/3 %peration #harges < 5ackage 8eal 9conomy class incl. ,pecialist fees 2/3 &naesthesia
#ost of Medicines 6isit Cee %peration Theatre charges #onveyance charge %ther charges < Registration Cees ,ervice Ta/
M-71.13-8$D0658 &
,r 7o. -ill 7o. 8ate 7ame of the Medical ,tores/,uppliers &mount Rs.
,r 7o.
Receipt 7o.
7o. of 6isits
&mount Rs.
(3 )3 '3 ;3
(3 )3 #ertified that the e/penditure has been actually incurrd by me. I also certify that the family members for hom the reimbursement is claimed is fully dependent on me. I furher certify that the parents in respect of hom the reimbursement is claimed ordinarily reside ith me and my brother/sister orking in the -ank/other organisation have not claimed/are notclaiming reimbursement of such e/penses. I am not entitled to receive claims under any personal accident policy/insurance policy/other claims. &mount ithdra n from the ,upense &ccount Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUUUU. 2,I47&TER9 %C TH9 9M5$%F993
'3 ;3
-ill scrutinised and found in order. &mount reimbursed so far to the applicant/his family members is Rs.UUUUUUUUUU. &mount recommended Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUUUU 2RupeesUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU3 Cor arded to the &sstt. 4eneral Manager, RegionUUUU/ 8y. 4eneral Manager, ,tate -ank of India, Honal %fficeUUUUUUUUUU/#ommercial -anking Module, <<<<<<<<<<<<<< for sanction. -ranch LUUUUUUUUUU 8ate L UUUUUUUUUU -ranch Manager/#hief Manager/ &sstt. 4eneral Manager/8y. 4eneral Manager
Recommendations of -ankKs Medical %fficer -ill scrutinised and found in order. #harges are reasonable and admissible. RE--9R ,T&M5 8ate L ,anctioned Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 2Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU3/-ill scrutinised and found in order. Recommended for payment of admissible amount of Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 2Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU3by debit to #harges &ccount. 8ate L &sst. 4eneral Manager, RegionUUUUUU Honal %ffice UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Medical %fficer/,enior Medical %fficer
,anctioned Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 2Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU3/-ill scrutinised and found in order. Recommended for sanction to $ocal Head %ffice <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< for payment of admissible amount of Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 2Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU3by debit to #harges &ccounts 8ate L 8y. 4eneral Manager Honal %ffice/#7!
,anctioned Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 2RsUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU3/-ill scrutinised and found in order. Recommended for payment of admissible amount of Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 2Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU3by debit to #harges &ccount. 8ate L 4eneral Manager 2805-3/4eneral Manager 2#-3 $ocal Head %ffice
,anctioned Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 2Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU3/-ill scrutinised and found in order. Recommended for payment of admissible amount of Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 2Rs.UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU3by debit to #harges &ccount. 8ate L #HI9C 4979R&$ M&7&49R ,T&T9 -&7. %C I78I& < <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< #IR#$9
L &49 R9$&TI%7,HI5
&mount not reimbursible Total amount not reimbursible 7et amount reimbursible (*. ,R7% 2i3 2ii3 2iii3 2iv3 2v3 2vi3 2vii3 2viii3 2i/3 2/3 2/i3 2/ii3 #lassification of 9/penses #$&,,ICI#&TI%7 %C 9D597,9, &M%E7T 2Rs.3 #onsultantKs feesN 8octorKs Cees #ost of medicines 2Crom Hospital3 #ost of 5athology ,pecialised Investigation #ost of Radiology #ompact 8isk charges -ed #harges < 9/cluding diet charges ,pecialistKs Cees 2%peration charges 3 %peration #harges < 5ackage 8eal 9conomy class incl. ,pecialist fees &naesthesia #ost of Medicines 6isit Cee
%peration Theatre charges #onveyance charge %ther charges < Registration Cees ,ervice Ta/ Total &mount Rs. &mount not reimbursible Total &mount not reimbursible &mount payable as per the scheme &ccount to be debited to L #harges &ccount !hether the e/penses are ithin the prescribed ceiling of Improved Medical Cacilities ,cheme. L !hether the bills have been scrutinised by the -ankKs Medical %fficer at H.%. 0 found in order. L 5urpose for hich the matter referred to #oporate #entre L
('. (;.
Reasoned recommendation in case deviation is proposed in percentage of reimbursement and / or individual items of e/penditure containing, inter alia, the e/tent to hich the reimbursement is proposed. L 7il ,T&T9 -&7. %C I78I& 8&T9 LUUUUUUUUUUU 9ncl L The relative prescriptions, bills, receipts etc. 895ETF 4979R&$ M&7&49R
(. -y debit to ,taff !elfare Cund &ccount maintained at #entral &ccounts %ffice, .olkata in respect of treatment of the employees themselves for the diseases mentioned in 5aragraph G.' 2a3 of -ipartite &greement.
Cor self 7o. of 9mployees &mount 2in Rs.3 a3 ,anctioned by #hief 4eneral Manager ithin his discretionary po ers i.e. upto Rs.(,**,***/< b3 ,anctioned beyond the #hief 4eneral ManagerKs discretionary po ers i.e. beyond Rs.(,**,***/< ith #entral %ffice approval <<< T%T&$ 2&3 <<< <<< <<< <<< <<<
). -y debit #harges &ccount in respect of employees and their families in terms of 5aragraph G.' 2b3 of -ipartite &greement and in respect of families in case of diseases mentioned in 5aragraph G.' 2a3 ibid. Cor ,elf 7o. of &mount -ills Cor Camily 7o. of &mount -ills T%T&$ 7o. of &mount -ills
a3 ,anctioned by 8y. 4eneral Manager here the e/penses are ithin the ceiling on items of e/penditure and the laid do n 2The periodical statements of such sanctions have been verified by the 4eneral Manager3. b3 ,anctioned by 4eneral Manager here the e/penses are ithin the ceiling on items of e/penditure 0 the percentage laid do n. 2The periodical on such sanctions have been verified by the c3 ,anctioned by $ocal -oard upto #hief 4eneral Manager3 4.M. / 4.M. Rs...................... 2 here the e/penditure and/or the percentage laid do n. The administrative approval for these e/penses have been obtained from #entral %ffice3. d3 ,anctioned by 9/ecutive #ommittee of the #entral -oard beyond Rs.................... 2for same reasons mentioned in K#K above3. T%T&$ 2-3 2). aNbNcNd3 <<< <<< <<< T%T&$ 2&3 N 2-3 <<< <<< <<< ,T&T9 -&7. %C I78I&, H%7&$ %CCI#9 / M%8E$9, <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 8ate L
<<< <<<
<<< <<<
<<< <<<
The bill should be submitted in the prescribed format ensuring that all the columns have been neatly filled up furnishing the re:uired details, avoiding over riting/cuttings. The form should be free from arithmetical inaccuracies. It should be ensured that the concerned employee has signed on the reverse of the bills/cashmemos for having incurred the e/penditure and claiming reimbursement thereof. Curther, the cash memos/receipts should attached in the order as listed in the format, along ith the relative prescriptions. The cash memos/receipts pertaining to pathological/radiological investigations should contain details of the tests carried out. The prescriptions should indicate the period upto hich the medicines are re:uired to be taken. The bills should be scrutinised by the Medical %fficer at Honal %ffice for the reasonableness/admissibility of the e/penses claimed vis<]<vis the ,chedule of reasonable charges. He should also specify the nature of disease as appearing in the -ankKs e/tant instructions and hether the accident as of a serious nature in the case of treatment for accident. Curther, the employees seeking treatment for serious diseases are entitled for reimbursement of reasonable charges incurred by them as applicable in a general ard of a Trust/#orporation/4overnment run hospital in the area/centre. Therefore, the Medical %fficer should make discreet en:uiries before recommending the amount. 27-4L50HR8LIRL,5$L)G;L8T8. )(.((.)***3
If the treatment as taken at a centre other than the centre of posting of the concerned employee, a certificate should be furnished from the treating doctor/-ankKs Medical %fficer that the treatment as not available at the centre/nearby centre and that he has recommended the employee for taking treatment at nearby centre/another centre. -esides signature of the employee, the -ill should also bear the signatures of the -ranch Manager. Curther, hile for arding the bill to $ocal Head %ffice for sanction, the bill should be throughly checked and should contain specific amount recommended and the same has been signed by the 8y. 4eneral Manager of the Module/,pecial -ranch. Curther the follo ing points should also be noted carefully hile scrutinising/ sanctioning medical bills in order to obviate recurrence of various irregularities in this regard, hich are listed hereunder.
In a number of cases, employees are not taking treatment at the place of their posting. #ertificate, as re:uierd, from the ,enior Medical %fficer/Medical %fficer that such a treatment is not available at the place of duty of the employee, is not obtained. In some cases, the employees are opting to get treatment at distant stations/metro centres, although similar treatment is available at nearby to ns/metro centres. &s per the laid do n guidelines. in such cases, specific recommendations are re:uired from the ,enior Medical %fficer/Medical %fficer at the $H%, along ith medical certificate from the referring specialist, containing reasons and "ustifications for such reference. $aid do n instructions in regard to reimbursement of travelling e/penses for shifting the orkman or his family members from residence to the hospital/nursing home or from one centre to another are not being adhered to. In terms of the scheme., reimbursement of travelling e/penses for shifting the patient to a center other than the one here the employee is posted. is permitted only hen the treating consultant certifies that the permitted only hen the treating consultant certifies that the re:uired treatment is not available at the place of duty and that the patient is re:uired to be shifted to another centre to save his life.
9mployees are approaching consultants and admitting themselves in higher class hopitals of their choice rather than in hospitals as per their entitlement. This results in much higher e/penses than hat ould be incurred had the treatment been taken in a hospital as per their entitlement. In cases here the empleyees have taken treatment in a bed higher than their entitlement, during the scrutinity of bills, only the e/cess bed/I#E charges are reduced from the billed amount, hile the other charges such as operation theatre charges, fees for surgeons, anaesthetistKs fees and other related services corresponding to the higher clas of bed/room 2 hich ould normally be on high side3 ere paid. This is inconsistant ith the laid do n guidelines in terms of hich the e/cess of the actual bill amount of the hospital over the amount considered reasonable as per the entitlement of the employee has to be borne by the employee. &s per the e/tant instructions, cost of post<hospitalisation domicillary treatment should be reimbursed upto ;<> eeks or as specified by the hospital authorities in each case hichever is less. The e/treme casess of hardship involving prolonged domicillary treatment on the advice of the attending hospital surgeon/physician should be referred to $ocal Head %ffice for consideration through proper channel. !hile settling bills of emplyees involving acciedents of serious nature, information is not sought from the employees as to hether they have taken any insurance cover on account of accident or any monetary benefit is accruing on account of third party insurance claim although the benefits admissible under the improved claim, although the benefits admissible under the improved Medical &id ,cheme are to be reduced by the amount so received or due. The e/tant instructions in this regard, that in such cases a certificate should be taken from the employee confirming that the amount claimed as actually incurred by him and that he has neither received nor is entitled to any reimbursement or contribution to ards such e/penses through any source, are not compiled ith. #ertificate/undertaking ith regard to dependents income being of Rs. (,=**/< is not obtained from the employees. ithin the prescribed ceilling
i3 "3
Medical bills have been paid at $H%s even hen the same have not been scrutinised/recommended or routed through the concerned Honal %ffice. In terms of the laid do n instructions, the medical bills are to be for arded to the sanctioning authority on the re:uisite proforma duly signed by the recommending authority. 9/plicit comments of the ,enior Medical %ffice/Medical %fficer on the admissibility and resonableness of the charges claimed by the employee are not recorded. They should also indicate the charges hich are not reimburseable. Remarks of ,enior Medical %fficer/Medical %fficer given as Athe bills are in order sub"ect to the satisfaction of -ankKs laid do n norms A are not applicable. ,tatement of medical e/penses incurred, indicating inter<alia the amounts eligible under each head, amounts disallo ed and allo ed is not being recorded, and here recorded, evidence of it having been verified/checked by officials is not found. This is not being insisted before passing the bills. In some cases, the rates being charged for various services by hospitals in their bills ere higher than the rates mentioned in the $H%Ks approved schedules. It appears that the rates being charged in the bills are not being sub"ected to systmatic verification. @uarterly returns on improved Medical &id ,cheme are not being submitted and submitted, delay has been observed. here
n3 o3
-ills in respect of diagnostic centres ith hom e have entered into tie<up arrangements continue to be paid on actual basis every month rather than on lumpsum basis. &s per the guidelings, the payment of charges for various tests conducted ill be effected to the
diagnostic centres on actual basis for he first si/ months only, and thereafter the monthly lumpsum e:uivalent to the average of he monthly actual charges for the first si/ months are paid. ,ubse:uently, this arrangement is to be revie ed at yearly intervals. p3 :3 Revie of arrangements of beds ith hospitals is not being regularly done.
1(.1.2 1(.1.3
&t Hill stations, one set of oollen uniform every year and one set of terry cotton uniform once in ' years shall be supplied in lieu of the uniforms stated in paragraph (+.(.( above. Members of atch and ard staff are supplied ith a pair of shoes once in a year. 8rivers, 9lectricians, &# 5lant &ttendants, 5lumbers and ,anitary Citters are supplied ith a pair of shoes once in t o years. The orkmen employees ho are supplied ith a pair of shoes, may also be supplied shoe polish once a month and shoe brush once in si/ months.
1(.2 1(.2.1
i3 ii3 iii3
< <
#ap has been discontinued as an item of both summer and inter uniform for subordinate staff e/cluding atch and ard staff. Ho ever, here turban is provided as headgear to Head Messengers/Jamadars/8uffedars/7aiks, the same may continue to be supplied. Rates of Turban for ,ikh subordinate staff and those ho ear it traditionally is fi/ed at a cost not e/ceeding Rs. (+*/< per meter. 2#IR8%/50HR/(? of (GG?<GG 8t. )*.*=.(GG?3 Items such as shirts, foot ear, belts, socks, raincoats and umbrellas etc. do not constitute uniforms. -elts, overcoats and blankets, ho ever, continue to be supplied at those places ere supplied as on (st &ugust, (G>>. here they
iv3 v3
#ap<beret oollen/pagrees for ,ikhs Maroon/.haki/-lue colour #ap badge < !hite metal 2medium size round ,-I3 Hackle 2#ap3 < Maroon ith ade:uate fi/ing arrangements ,hirt<.haki drill < full sleeves $anyard .haki 2same as the colour of cap3 ith thunder histle
%ne per year. $ife < ' years. ) in a year. ) shirts in a year ( in a year.
-elt black leather Trousers < .haki drill 7ame plate 2plastic3 Rank stripes for Head !atchman ,ocks black < ) nylon N ( oollen or ) oollen N ( nylon or ' nylon in a year ,hoes black A,-I -&7. 4E&R8A #hromium plated buckle W::,,-3 U319:0<8
$ife ' to = years ) in a year ( in a year ) in a year Total ' pairs in a year. & pair per year $ife ' to = years
/i3 /ii3
i. ii.
Head 8ress as in item2i3 of summer uniforms. Jacket < Tunic khaki sarge2!oollen3 full ,leeves &rmy pattern ith ) breast pockets, ) side pockets, shoulder stripes open front ith ,-I chromium plated buttons
iii. iv i. ii iii
Trousers sarge2 oollen3 khaki of the same :uality and shade as that of tunic/"acket above. %ther accoutrement ill be as per summer uniform. N:/- & &ll items supplied e/cept shoes, metal buckles etc. should be marked individual and ,-I stamp in indelible ink. ith the name of the
Messengers are to be provided ith full pant, bushcoat 2 ith full sleeves3 and cap. , eepers and gardeners are to be provided ith half pant and shirt ith half sleeves. There should be no deviation from the pattern of uniforms mentioned above.
i3 ii3 iii3
C:,:60 :9 6319:0<8
Messenger 2 ith combined designations3 7on<messenger subordinate staff and !atch and !ard ,taff Cemale employee 2,arees/blouses3 !hite .haki $ight blue
1(.% 1(.%.1
&s terry<khadi cloth is not generally available in ade:uate :uantity and at all centres and considering its poor durability and high cost, summer uniforms of terry<cotton cloth may be supplied. Ho ever, there may be a centre, here terry khadi cloth is available in sufficient :uantity. ,uch proposals, therefore, may be considered, provided the cloth is of the same colour and :uality 2including durability3 as compared to terry cotton uniforms supplied else here, the cost thereof should also be ithin the approved range. To enable employees to have a ider choice of selecting cloth, it has been decided that the employees could be provided uniform from the follo ing type of cloth ithin the present price ceiling of Rs. (>* per metre plus local ta/es. 2#IR8%/HR/(+/)**><*+ 8&T98 *G.*=.*>3 i3 ii3 !hite < -innyKs terry cotton !hite Marathon bleached 2 idth ('? cms3 .haki < -innyKs terry cotton Marathon .haki < T# < ?** 2 idth ('? cms3 The employees could be provided the follo ing types of cloth in lieu of -inny cloth above price ceiling. 259R/IR/#IR/? 8t.);.*;.(GG=3 7ame of the Mill iii3 iv3 v3 vi3 -ombay 8yeing Mafatlal Cabrics Mafatlal Cabrics Tata -rand Moderate 5luto &ttract ,ulabh ithin the
7ote L If the above cloth is not available at a centre, cloth of a comparable variety/make may be purchased.
W13/-0 6319:0<8
Eniform should be provided ith one closed coat and one full pant. 9ach member of the subordinate staff ill be eligible for oollen 7avy -lue oollen AvarsityA ==I Terene, ;=I ool, idth ('+/('G cms. manufactured by M/s. -inny $td., #hennai. !inter uniform may be supplied to the ,ubordinate staff at a cost of not e/ceeding Rs. ))**/< for one set of uniform . The controllers/-ranch Managers are re:uested to please ensure that payment of bills be sanctioned only after ensuring the end use. These rates are the upper ceiling. 2#IR8%/HR/+=/)**><*+ 8ated )'<((<*> 3 7ote L
&t a centre here inter is generally mild, if the ma"ority of subordinate staff posted at all offices thereat re:uest for terry< ool/light oollen cloth for inter instead of pure oollen cloth, the same may be arranged. -ut the cost of cloth and tailoring charges should not e/ceed the specified limits.
,aree 25olyester3 ,tandard length -louse 2Terry<cot3 5etticoat 2cotton3 ,aree fall T%T&$ #%,T 2ii3 !I7T9R E7IC%RM,
Cemale employees in subordinate cadre may be supplied ith .haki at an aggregate cost not e/ceeding Rs.(;**/< 2inclusive of all ta/es3.
1(.6 1(.6.1
1(.6.! 1(.6.%
S23./1:3135 A6/;:01/A
The -ranch Managers are vested ith discretionary po ers to incur e/penditure to the e/tent laid do n in A8elegation of Cinancial 5o ersA in any one instance in connection ith the supply of uniforms. In sanctioning the e/penditure, the -ranch Managers should ensure that it is necessary and reasonable. #ompetitive :uotations are to be obtained for the supply of material and making of uniforms. !here the lo est :uotation is not accepted, the reason for non<acceptance is to be recorded in the appropriate #ontrol Return. The e/penditure incurred in regard to the supply of uniforms should be reported to the #ontrolling &uthority indicated at the &nne/ure (+.(.
W28;135 :9 6319:0<8
!here arrangements have been made by the bank for ashing of uniforms, employees should get their uniforms ashed through the asherman concerned.
!here the ashing of livery is not arranged by the -ank, ashing allo ance at the rate of Rs.+=/< p.m. shall be payable to members of subordinate staff entitled to uniforms. 2#ir. ((=/)**=<*> 8t. *+.*>.)**=3 Curther, this allo ance ill not be paid for the period of leave if an employeeKs leave e/ceeds '* days. 259R/IR/#IR/>' 8t.*=.*+.(GG*3
i3 ii3
W-20135 :9 6319:0<8
&ll members of subordinate staff, ho are supplied ith uniforms, shall ear them hile on duty and in clean conditions. Members of the subordinate staff should not be permitted to report for duty if they come to office ithout earing the uniform. Those ho do not comply ith this re:uirement should be cautioned and in case of repeated non<compliance, appropriate disciplinary action should be taken against them in terms of their service rules vide para =)( of the ,astry & ard read ith paragraph (?.)? of the 8esai & ard. 7ot earing a uniform on duty ill be treated as an act of minor misconduct.
7umber of uniforms supplied Messengers !atchmen/-ank 4uards , eepers/4ardeners %ther menial staff, if any Total &3 QQQQQQQ. metres of cloth purchased at Rs. QQQQQQ.per metre. -3 Total tailoring charges at Rs. QQQQ per set of uniform Total cost ,T&T9 -&7. %C I78I& ........................... -ranch/8eptt. 8ate L To, The &sstt. 4eneral Manager/8y. 4eneral Manager/ 4eneral Manager28 0 5-3/2#omm. -kg.3 ,tate -ank of India Region......... Honal %ffice/Module/$ocal head %ffice ............................... Rs. QQQQQQQ.. Rs. QQQQQQQ.. -ranch Manager Rs. QQQQQQQ..
I3 ii3 iii3
&ll part<time employees in '/; th scale of pay as on '(.().*= have been converted to full<time scale .e.f. (.*(.)**> &ll part<time employees in (/) scale of pay as on '(.().*= have been converted to full<time scale .e.f. (.*).)**> &ll part<time employees in (/' scale of pay as on '(.().*= and on fi/ed converted to full<time scale .e.f. (.*;.)**> ages have been
The conversion of part time employees to full time and their redeployment from administrative offices and other establishments ill take care of vcancy2ies3 of menial staff in #ircles including those arising due to retirement death, opening of ne branches/offices etc, 7o fresh part<time vacancies for appointment in menial category be created approval of this office. ithout prior
ii3 iii3
The bank ill outsource maintenance ork at all administrative office including $H%s, H%s,R%s/%$R,s, ,T#s, ,ervice -ranches, Residential comple/es etc and all other establishments hich do not handle customer transactions. Maintenance ould include all types of ork including s eeping, ashing, cleaning, dusting, polishing etc. of office floors, toilets, ooden, glass, steel surfaces, carpets, furniture and fi/tures, computers, modern gadgets etc. It ould also include maintenance of all electrical fittings/appliances, generator, lifts etc, plumbing, painting, airconditioning, and or any other ork for proper upkeep of of the
banks property including maintenance of gardens, open areas around the offices and residential comple/es etc. iv3 The #ompetent &uthority to approve outsourcing of maintenance services 4eneral Manager for the #ircle. ill be #hief
1).2 1).2.1
iii3 a3
8omestic servants ho are employed by the -ank to ork at the residence of the officers of the -ank ill be given a holiday on any one day of each eek convenient to such officer at hose residence they are orking. ,uch domestic servants ill also be given the same number of holidays in lieu of national/festival/gazetted holidays as are given to the atch and ard staff in the -ank. The actual days on hich these holidays ill be availed of ill be left to be selected by the employee concerned in consultation ith such officer at hose residence he is serving, at the beginning of each year.
WORKMEN STAFF & TRANSFER POLIC" P0:@181:38 :9 S28/0A A>207 9:0 /02389-08
The sub"ect of transfer of orkmen staff is dealt ith in paragraphs ='= and ='> of the ,astry & ard. !hile paragraph ='= deals ith the transfer of office<bearers of the union, paragraph ='> gives directions on transfers in general. The Tribunal has observed that transfers are rendered necessary by the e/igencies of administration and that the proper vie to take is that transfers are normal incidents of the orking of a bank and they must be left to the discretion of those ho guide the policy of the -ank and manage its affairs. Ho ever, to avoid the suspicion that discretion may be abused and transfers effected on considerations other than the needs of administration, the Tribunal gave directions on ho transfers should be effected. These are summarised hereunder.
i. 9very registered bank employees1 union, from time to time, shall furnish the bank of the 5resident, 6ice<5resident and the ,ecretaries of the unionM
ii. 9/cept in very special cases, henever the transfer of any of the above<mentioned office bearers is contemplated, at least five clear orking days1 notice should be put up on the notice boards of the bank of such contemplated actionM iii. &ny representations, ritten or oral, made by the union shall be considered by the bankM iv. If any order of transfer is ultimately made, a record shall be made by the bank of such representations and the bank1s reasons for regarding them as inade:uateM and v. The decision shall be communicated to the union as ell as to the employee concerned. 7ote L The directions given in paragraph ='= of ,astry & ard regarding transfer of office<bearers of ARegistered -ank 9mployees EnionA mean and refer to a Enion registered under the Trade Enions &ct, (G)> and not to -ranch/Regional/Honal units thereof. 2,&,TRF &!&R83
aforesaid purpose but does not, in any ay, modify the provisions of paragraph ='> of the ,astry & ard, hich ill continue to govern transfers rendered necessary by the e/igencies of administration. The salient features of the policy are as under L 259R/IR/>?=+ 8t.);.*).(G?', 59R/IR/(>*)= 8t.*=.*;.(G?;, 59R/IR/(+?>' 8t.)=.*;.(G?;3 i3 ii3 iii3 Transfers ould be made ithin the same #entre/Municipal/Erban &gglomeration area. The policy ill not apply at the centres here there is only one office of the -ank. #lerical and subordinate staff 2all categories3 to be transferred to another office. ith = years or longer stay at an office are liable
The #entral/!orking/9/ecutive #ommittee members of the recognized #ircle & ard ,taff Enion and their local unit secretaries need not be sub"ected to transfer under the policy as long as they continue to hold the position in :uestion. Ho ever, they ill continue to be sub"ected to transfer rendered necessary by the e/igencies of administration as hither to. The procedure as outlined in ,ection ='= of the ,astry & ard ill continue to be follo ed. ,uch e/emption is not available to office<bearers of unrecognized unions. 259R/IR/;=?+ 8t.((.(*.(GG(3
The employees ill be listed category< ise, viz. ,enior &ssistants, ,tenographers, &ssistant Head #ashier, &ssistant 2&ccounts/#ash/Typing3 etc. and the transfers ould be effected category< ise depending on the needs of the offices concerned. Transfer should involve movement from one branch/office/establishment to another branch/office/establishment and should be applicable to all categories of orkmen staff 2i.e. clerical/cash and subordinate3. 2#8%/IR/#IR/)( 8t.*=.*>.(GGG3 Inter<departmental/inter<divisional movements should not be treated as transfer under the policy and the eligible employees should be transferred out from the office/branch here they are presently posted on completion of the prescribed time limit of = years.
The employees due for in<cadre promotion ill invariably be transferred to another branch at the same station or outside if they have completed = yearsK stay at one office. In regard to transfer of this category of staff outside the station, a policy for the same ould be framed by $ocal Head %ffices in consultation ith the #ircle Enion. Transfers of employees, ho are appointed on in<cadre higher positions such as &ssistant Head #ashiers etc. on the basis of -ranch ,eniority need not be effected under this policy e/cept hen considered absolutely necessary. This is so because in such circles, some of the in<cadre higher allo ance carrying positions are filled on branch seniority and if such employees are transferred, problems concerning inter<se seniority arise at the transferee branches. !henever the transfers are effected, the employees should normally be transferred in the order of their length of stay at the office. 5rovided thatL
a3employees, ho have attained the age of == years, may not be transferred. b3 those employees ho are normally due for transfer but hose services are considered essential or it is not considered to transfer them for other "ustifiable administrative reasons, may not be transferred immediately but their cases should be revie ed subse:uently and transfers effected in a phased manner. re:uests of employees for retention at an office on e/treme grounds of sickness, duly accompanied by a medical certificate from the -ankKs doctor/specialist or on any other ground of e/treme compassion may be considered on merits. Their cases should also be revie ed periodically.
The policy ould aim at movement of the staff from one office to another in a phased manner ithout causing undue hardship or dislocation to the concerned employees. 7othing in this policy ill affect the managementKs right to make transfers on administrative grounds ithin the provisions of the & ard. The number of employees transferred at a time from one office may normally not e/ceed (* to )* per cent of the total strength of the cadre at that office. The policy ill be sub"ect to revie from time to time.
The policy is applicable to both clerical as ell as subordinate staff. The redeployment/transfer ill be ithin a centre as ell as outside a centre. K#entreK for the purpose of these guidelines has been defined as underL A#entre is a to n or city up to the municipal limits or an urban agglomeration or a territorial area as per #ensus of India, here the same salary and allo ances including HR& and ##& are payable. It also includes a territory notified by the 4overnment as pro"ect area or an area defined for development like 7ational #apital Territory, etc.A
Redeployment/transfers ill be done on the basis of longest stay at a branch or a centre, as the case may be. In other ords, first to come ill be first to go. & branch and centre ise list in descending order of length of stay ill be kept ready, duly verified and updated by the authorities mentioned in the guidelines. The female employees above =; years and male employees above == years of age ill be e/empted from redeployment outside the centre. Ho ever, they may be redeployed/transferred ithin<the<centre upto =+ years of age. Redeployment/transfer ill be for a period of ) years for a difficult centre and ' years for other centres. &t the end of the above period, the employee ill have the option to be repatriated to his original place of posting or to a place of his choice, sub"ect to the conditions stated in the guidelines.
If at the ne centre of posting, an employee attains =+ years of age or completes the period of his/her stay as per the policy, he/she may be considered for transfer to a centre of his/her preference including previous centre of posting sub"ect to availability of vacancy or against a vacancy that may arise due to redeployment of fresh employees and replacement being made available to the branch/office to his/her present posting by redeployment/transfer. %n redeployment/transfer of an employee from a higher HR&/##& to a lo er HR&/##& centre, the HR&/##& being dra n by the employee immediately prior to redeployment/transfer ill be protected in cases here the employee retain the family at higher HR&/##& centre. The difference bet een the higher HR& and ##& payable at the original centre and the eligible lo er HR& and ##& payable at the centre here the emploee is redeployed/transferred ill be paid as 5ersoanl &llo ance hich shall not count for any opther benefit like 8&, 5ension , 5C etc. Reimbursement of House Rent to employees ho retain their families from here they ere redeployed/transferred ill be made upto a ma/imum of Rs.=**/< p.m. for clerical and Rs.'**/< p.m. to subordinate class on certificate basis. 5rotection of HR& and ##& and reimbursement of House Rent as stated in para )*.).viii and )*.).i/ above ill also be applicable to the employees redeployed outside the centre under career progression scheme. The employees redeployed under career progression scheme ill also be eligible for repatriation to original place of posting or to a place of his choice on completion of ) years at a difficult centre and ' years at other centres sub"ect to other conditions stated in the guidelines being fulfilled. The branches/ offices/ #&4/ Mid #orporate / ,&M4/ $H% or a #orporate #entre establishments etc. falling in the geographical area of a Hone ill be treated a s part of the zone concerned. The 5resident and ,ecretary, ,enior 6ice<5resident, Treasurer of the &ll India ,taff Cederation and 5resident, 4eneral ,ecretary, one/t o ,enior 6ice<5residents, Treasurer and one 8y. 4eneral ,ecretary at $H% Head @uarter and one 8y. 4eneral ,ecretary at each Honal %ffices of the #ircle ,taff Enions ill be e/empted from redeployment. They may be considered for posting at administrative offices also. The other members of the #ircle/ !orking/ 9/ecutive/ #entral/ #ommittee of the recognised #ircle Enion and council members of federation ho are eligible for special casual leave in terms of bipartite settlements dated )nd June )**= ill be redeploed in the same centre. The above provisions of redeployment are of ='= and ='> of ,astry & ard. ithout pre"udice to the provisions of paragrapgh
#ases of e/ception ill be dealt ith as indicated in the guidelines. Redeployment/transfer guidelines. ill be done by the designated authorities as mentioned in the
Crom the year )**+<*?, the relevant date for eligibility under redeployment/transfer period ill be (st June instead of (st &ugust each year. To achieve this ob"ective centre< ise stay list prepared as per the e/tant guidelines be used to fill up the vacancies out of the centre and the branch< ise list of stay be used for the purpose of redeployment under = year transfer policy. Ho ever the movement of employees bet een branches/offices necessitated for administratuive e/igencies can take place as and hen arranted. & statement should be sent to HR 8epartment at $H% on :uarterly basis in regard to the transfers/ redeployments made during the :uarter on the lines of format already being used by modules.
If any doubt/difficulty arises regarding implementation of any of the provisions of the revised policy , the matter should be referred to HR department at $H% for clarifications. 5ending clarifications, the provision of of the policy as laid do n ill be implemented.
2'.2.1.% EG.,681:38$EG.-4/1:38
#lerical cadre employees ho have been identified by the -ank/selected/trained for selling/marketing various products/services or other activities/services and are engaged in specified activities etc. ill not be sub"ected to routine transfers/redeployment under the policy unless decided other ise by the #orporate #entre. 7ormally, placement in specialised activities as mentioned above ill be for a period of three years and ill be revie ed thereafter. #lerk<typists, ,tenographers or staff identified for secretarial ork may be transferred / redeployed irrespective of length of stay at the branch/oflice and such transfers/ redeployment ill be based on the suitability of the employee for the proposed "ob/ ork.
!hile redeployment/transfer under this dispensation ill be as per the needs of the -ank, there ill be "ob rotation from one desk to another at interval of ( to ) years and from one branch/office/location to another at interval of = years ill be ensured. The employees engaged in specialised activities like sales/services, marketing, loan recovery or such other specialised activities ill normally not be rotated e/cept as per guidelines to be issued in this regard from time<to<time.
2b3 2c3
2'.2.2.% EG.,681:38$EG.-4/1:38
2i3 The female employees above =; years and male employees above == years of age ill be e/empted from redeployment outside the centre. Ho ever, they may be redeployed/transferred ithin<the<centre upto =+ years of age.
&4M 2Region3 /84M of Hone /84M 2Mid #orporate3 as the case may be.
at different centres. Redepolyment/transfer to and from branches situated in one centre to branches situated in another centre but falling under different Regions ithin the geographical area of zone Redeployment/ transfer to or from branches/ offices including $H% /its establishments, #orporate #entre establishments, special branches etc. situated in one centre to branchcs/ offices situated in another centre but ithin the geographical area of a zone
5lacement #ommittee consisting of the 8y. 4eneral Manager and &sstt. 4eneral Manager2s3 2#ontroller3 of the branch. 5lacement #ommittee consisting of 4eneral Manager of the concerned net ork, 8y. 4eneral Manager of the Honal %ffice, 8y. 4eneral Manager 2 Mid #orporate3 8y. 4eneral 0 #ircle 8evelopment %fficer, 4eneral Manager 2#orpoerate ,ervices3 at corporate #entre, Mumbai or &sstt. 4eneral Manager 2#0 #,3 at #-8, -elapur or 8epartmental Head of the #orporate #entre establishment at other centre. &sstt. 4eneral Manager 2HR3 at the $H% ill render secretatrial assistance. &fter taking clearance from Industrial Relations 8epartment at cofrporate #entre
Redeployment/transfer from one zone to another or any other place ithin the #ircle resulting in hardship to employee due to adverse geographical terrain
7ote L The branches/ offices/ #&4/ Mid #orporate / ,&M4/ $H% or a #orporate #entre establishments etc. falling in the geographical area of a Hone ill be treated as a part of the zone concerned.
ill be kept centralised at the zonal office level. Treansfer ill be considerd sub"ect to availability of vacancy at the place 2s3 of choice. Ho ever, it should be ensured that a replacement reports at the transfree branch as per the procedure outlined above.
S4-.12, P0:@181:38
In respect of certain categories of employees promotion criteria appropriate authority hile refferring redeployment/transfer. ill be kept in vie by the
5hysically handicapped employees on redeployment/transfer ill be posted as per the e/isting guidline of 4overnment of India 2#ircular 7o. #8%/5M/(=/,5$/>+ dated )=th &pril )***3. 9mployees ho are affected by serious ailments, as defined belo , on redeployment/ transfer ill be e/emped from transfer out of centre. S-01:68 A1,<-3/8 L< ,erious ailments ould mean illness like terminal #ancer, .idney failure/ ailment re:uiring dyalisis, Heart 8isease re:uireing immediate by<pass surgery or an ailment hich is classfied as life threatening. 9ach case ill be decided on case<by <case basis. The 8y. 4eneral Manager of the Hone ill be the competent authority to grant such e/emption.
2'.2.2.1' R-7-4,:A<-3/$ T02389-0 :9 O991.- B-20-0 :9 0-.:5318-7 S/299 F-7-02/1:3$ C10.,- S/299 U31:3
2i3 The 5resident and ,ecretary, ,enior 6ice<5resident, Treasurer of the &ll India ,taff Cederation and 5resident, 4eneral ,ecretary, one/t o ,enior 6ice<5residents, Treasurer and one 8y. 4eneral ,ecretary at $H% Head @uarter and one 8y. 4eneral ,ecretary at each Honal %ffices of the #ircle ,taff Enions ill be e/empted from redeployment. They may be considered for posting at administrative offices also. The other members of the #ircle/ !orking/ 9/ecutive/ #entral/ #ommittee of the recognised #ircle Enion and council members of federation ho are eligible for special casual leave in terms of bipartite settlements dated )nd June )**= ill be redeploed in the same centre.
2'.2.2.11 C:<4-382/1:3
9mployees 2clerical and subordinate3 ould be eligible for undernoted monthly compensation from the date they report at their ne places of postingL< 2a3 %n redeployment/transfer of an employee from a higher HR&/##& to a lo er HR&/##& centre, the HR&/##& being dra n by the employee immediately prior to redeployment/ transfer ill be protected in cases here the employee retain the family at higher HR&/##& centre. The difference bet een the higher HR& and ##& payable at the original centre and the eligible lo er HR& and ##& payable at the centre here the emploee is redeployed/transferred ill be paid as 5ersoanl &llo ance hich shall not count for any opther benefit like 8&, 5ension , 5C etc. The amount of 5ersonal &llo ance ill be revised hen rate of HR& is revised at industry<level or hen the amount of HR& and ##& eligible to be paid to the employee is changed on account of change in pay for calculation of HR& of ##&. 5rovided ho ever employees ho are provided ith -ankKs :uarters and are allo ed to retain the same even after their transfer shall not be eligible for 5ersonal &llo ance. &lso the personal allo ance ill be ithdra n on transfer of the employees to his originial place of posting or to any other place at his re:uest or on shifting of the family to a place other than the original place of posting. 2b3 To mitigate the hardship of the employees ho retain their families at the places from here they ere redeployed or transferred and to compensate part of e/penditure to be incurred in
securing accommodation at ne place of posting etc. they may be reimbursed the rent paid at the ne place sub"ect to the ma/mium of the follo ing amounts on certificate basisL< #lecial L =**/< p.m. ,ubordinate L '**/< p.m.
5rovided ho ever that the above payment shall stand ithdra n if the employee shift his family from the previous place of posting or proceeds on transfer to a place of is choice.
In terms of the Rules of #onduct to be signed by every employee at the time of "oining -ank, no employee shall bring or attempt to bring any political or other outside influence including that of individual directors of the -ank or the Members of the $ocal -oard to bear upon any superior authority to further his o n interest in the -ank. &ny breach of this Rule shall be vie ed seriously and appropriate disciplinary action can be initiated against the defaulting employee.
9mployees appointed to higher positions ithin<the<cadre in terms of the policy, can be posted any here in the zone, 2i.e. the geographical area of Honal %ffice including branches in Mid #orporate/ ,&M4/ #&4 and &dmininistrative %ffices in the area3 ho ever if the geographical area of the zone is large, the matter ill be decided by #orporate #entre of the -ank. The employees appointed to higher positions in terms of this policy ithin<the<cadre shall be liable for transfer ithin the Hone. 2The geographical area of Hone includes branches in Mid #orporate /,&M4/#orporate &ccounts 4roup and &dministrative %ffices located in the area3. 5rovided, ho ever, if the geographical area of Hone is large and reduction in the area of transferability is arranted, the matter ill be decided by the #orporate #entre. %n transfer under career progression scheme of an employee from a higher HR&/##& to a lo er HR&/##& centre, the HR&/##& being dra n by the employee immediately prior to redeployment/transfer ill be protected in cases here the employee retain the family at higher HR&/##& centre. The difference bet een the higher HR& and ##& payable at the original centre and the eligible lo er HR& and ##& payable at the centre here the emploee is redeployed/transferred ill be paid as X5ersoanl &llo ance1 hich shall not count for any other benefit like 8&, 5ension , 5C etc. The amount of 5ersonal &llo ance ill be revised hen rate of HR& is revised at industry< level or hen the amount of HR& and ##& eligible to be paid to the employee is changed on account of change in pay for calculation of HR& of ##&. The 5ersonal &llo ance ill be ithdra n on transfer of the employee to his original place of posting or to any other palce at his re:uest or on shifting of the family to a place other than the original place of posting. 9mployees ho continue to occupy the :uarters provided by the bank even after redeployment/transfer ill not be eligible for 5ersonal &llo ance. To mitigate the hardship of the employees ho retain their families at the places from here they ere transferred under career progression scheme and to compensate part of e/penditure to be incurred in securing accommodation at ne place of posting etc. they may be reimbursed the rent paid at the ne place sub"ect to the ma/mium of the follo ing amounts on certificate basisL<
2f3 2b3
The employees redeployed under career progression scheme ill also be eligible for repatriation to original place of posting or to a place of his choice on completion of ) years at a difficult centre and ' years at other centres sub"ect to other conditions stated in the guidelines being fulfilled. The relevant date of eligibility for appointment under career progression each year from the year )**+<*?. ill be Ist June of
Transfer2s3 during the service a3 -y -ank b3 &t re:uest ,pecific reasons for applying for transfer a3 !hether the applicant is prepared to forego the travelling e/penses b3 5ermanent transfer allo ance, if transferred
G. (*.
!hether the applicant has any relatives orking at the branch2es3/office2s3 2including the concerned sub<office2s3, of any, under its control3 to hich transfer is sought, If so, advise particulars
!hether the employee is an e/<serviceman L 5$	 L 8&T9 L ,ignature of the applicant T% -9 CI$$98 I7 -F TH9 -R&7#H/895&RTM97T 7o. and date of -ranch ManagerKs letter for arding the employeeKs original application for transfer, if any. In case the employee concerned as transferred to your -ranch from else here, as the transfer effected at his re:uest or by the -ank due to e/igencies of service 2if necessary, this information may be ascertained from the -ranch transferred3 8ate of reporting at the -ranch 2in case the employee as transferred from else here3
&re you satisfied as to genuineness for the reasons given by the employee for applying the transfer !hether any disciplinary action pending/ contemplated against the employee Recommendations of -ranch Manager/ 8epartmental Head ,T&T9 -&7. %C I78I& .......................... -ranch 8&T9 L 895&RTM97T
=. >.
8ate of Registration ,erial 7umber -ranch to hich the employee as transferred Reference number and date of disposal
L18/ :9 -<4,:A--8 13 :017-0 :9 /;-10 8/2A 2/ 2 =023.;$:991.-
#ategory L #lecal / ,ubordinate ,ub<category L ,pecial &sstt/,enior &sstt./&sstt. L ,enior Head Messenger/ Head Messenger/ Messenger/ ,enior Head , eeper/ Head , eeper/ , eeper. etc. ,r. 7o. 7ame of -ranch 7ame of the employee 5.C. Inde/ 7o. 8esignation 8ate of -irth 8ate of "oining/ 5romotion 8ate since posted at the branch/ office 8ate, since hen posted at the centre
These lists are re:uire to be prepared catregory< ise i.e. separate lists for ,ecial &ssistants, ,enior &ssistants and &ssistants etc. ,imilarly for subordinate staff. the lists shall be prepared category< ise. 5lease mention under #omments / Remarks column if the employee is physically handicapped/ suffering from life threatening disease/trained and identified for marketing of various services/ activities etc. 5lease also mention the date of reporting at the centre 2 in subordinate cadre3 of those employee ho have been promoted from subordinate to clerical cadre and have been posted in the same centre after their pormotion. &ny other relevant point having bearing in implementation of the policy may also be mentioned under the KRemarksK coloumn.
!e confirm that the above particulars are correct and have been verified from the records available at the branch/office.
L ,enior Head Messenger/ Head Messenger/ Messenger/ ,enior Head , eeper/ Head , eeper/ , eeper. etc. ,r... 7o. 7ame of -ranch 7ame of the employee 5.C. Inde/ 7o. 8esign ation 8ate of -irth 8ate of "oining/ 5romotio n 8ate since posted at the branch/ office 8ate, since hen posted at the centre #ommen ts/ Remarks
These lists are re:uire to be prepared catregory< ise i.e. separate lists for ,ecial &ssistants, ,enior &ssistants and &ssistants etc. ,imilarly for subordinate staff. the lists shall be prepared category< ise. 5lease mention under #omments / Remarks column if the employee is physically handicapped/ suffering from life threatening disease/trained and identified for marketing of various services/ activities etc. 5lease also mention the date of reporting at the centre 2 in subordinate cadre3 of those employee ho have been promoted from subordinate to clerical cadre and have been posted in the same centre after their pormotion. &ny other relevant point having bearing in implementation of the policy may also be mentioned under the KRemarksK coloumn.
!e confirm that the above particulars are correct and have been verified from the records available at the branch/office.
(. 5roper duty lists should be maintained for various categories of staff particularly the clerical staff. 8uties performed by an employee should be broadly indicated against his/her name in the list. These duties may, ho ever, be varied at the -ranch ManagerKs discretion as and hen necessary. The employees are re:uired to carry out the instructions given by the -ranch Manager to perform such duties hich may not even be specifically mentioned in the list, and it is e/pected that an employee must carry out such instructions henever given. In
the interest of smooth orking of the office, hen the pressure of ork in a particular section is heavy for the staff of that section, the -ranch Managers should, here considered necessary, provide them ith assistance from other section2s3. ). The duties allotted to employees in relief arrangements should be recorded in an A&llotment of 8utiesA Register.
C;235- :9 D6/1-8$R:/2/1:3
(. ). 8uties of the clerical staff should be changed, as often as possible smooth orking of the office. ithout dislocating the
!henever duties are changed for any member of staff, it should be separately recorded at the branch by means of an office order. 5eriodical change of duties among the clerical staff not only provides a safeguard against fraud but assists in making the services of every employee of more value to the -ank. It ill also be very useful for the proper development of employees and ill not only provide the employees ith ider e/perience but also e:uip them to shoulder higher responsibilities. Rotation of duties ill also provide a variety of ork to employees ith the result that they ill derive more satisfaction from their ork. It ould, ho ever, be necessary to retain the employees for longer periods on important desks like Coreign 9/change, ,ecurities and #redit &ppraisal etc. -ranch Managers should indicate in the annual statements of increments of a ard staff 2#.%.,. (*=3 sent to #ontrolling &uthority hether the duties of clerical staff have been changed during the year and if not, the reasons therefor. 7oteL &s in certain cases, the irregularities committed by an employee may not come to light immediately but after the lapse of some time, it is considered necessary that ith a vie to fi/ the responsibility of the concerned employee, the duty lists should be preserved as permanent record at the branch. 6arious duties have been allotted from time to time to members of the & ard ,taff, both in allo ance carrying and non<allo ance carrying positions. These are modified from time to time in the -i<partite settlements and a fe additional duties/responsibilities have been allotted to clerks/cashiers. Curther, the limits regarding passing po ers of employees in special allo ance carrying positions have been enlarged.
In terms of the Memorandum of ,ettlement dated ()th &pril, (GGG and dated )' rd %ctober )**', bet een the -ank and &ll India ,tate -ank of India ,taff Cederation on promotional avenues/career progression for orkman staff, it as agreed that <
i3 ii3
The -ank ould utilise the services of employees redesignated/appointed to higher positions carrying special allo ance to perform multiple "obs on the same day. 9mployees holding the charge of cash and valuables ill have to manage the #ash 8epartment and have to ork both as receipts and payments cashiers in Ke/igencies of serviceK. The term Ke/igencies of serviceK ould have a broad connotation to encompass all eventualities here the services of the ,enior &ssistants/,pecial &ssistants/Head Messengers/,enior Head Messengers/Head , eepers/,enior Head , eepers etc. may also have to be utilised for performance of substantive clerical/cashier/subordinate cadre duties as the case may be. In all such matters, the decision of the local management shall be final. In special circumstances, the employees should accept/make payment of cash other than at cash counters, under instructions from a competent official and in such cases the concerned employees ould be granted immunity from attendant risks. %n special occasions, it may be necessary to attend to cash transactions outside business hours. Ho ever, due care and
caution should be e/ercised by management in entertaining such late transactions should be duly authorised by a competent %fficial. 2iv3 v3 vi3
9very orkman should be at his place of ork and commence the ork allotted to him at the stipulated time, ork for the full prescribed hours of ork and give ma/imum output. The -ank may also re:uire the employees to proceed on deputation to other branches at short notice to meet the needs of administration. 9mployees appointed as Head Messengers/,enior Head Messengers etc. ould have to perform the ork of duftary//ero/ machine operator/messenger also in the e/igencies. ,imilarly, Head , eepers and ,enior Head , eepers ould have to perform the ork of cleaning, s eeping and dusting etc. The ,enior &ssistants ill perform duties of the erst hile Head &ssistants 2&ccounts/#ash3, Tellers and #omputer %perators and henever e/igencies so arrant, the original clerical and cashier duties also. Their services are inter changeable bet een #lerical and #ash 8epartments as and hen re:uired by local management. Curther the employees appointed to the special allo ance carrying position shall also perform their respective substantive cadre duties, as per administrative re:uirements. 2#8%LIRL>>*' 8T8. (;.'.)***3 ,pecial &ssistants ill perform the duties prescribed for orkman Head #ashiers and ,pecial &ssistants in terms of ,ettlement dated (=th March, (GG'. The ,pecial &ssistants ill e/ercise passing po ers vested, from time to time, in officers in the Junior Management 4rade. They ill also be re:uired to perform the duties of ,enior &ssistants/#omputer %perators, if e/igencies so arrant. &t fully computerised branches the ,enior &ssistant/,pecial &ssistants ill perform their duties online and also manually henever re:uired, #omputer %perators ill perform, on line as at present, all the duties of clerical cadre and also henever necessary, manually.
DUTIES, FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF ASSISTANTS 2#ircular letter 7o. #IR8%/5 0HR3 ?=/)**=<*> dated )=.*?.)**=3 S4-.12, A8818/23/8
The duties listed belo are in addition to the duties of substantive cadre 2i.e. #lerk/#ashier, #lerk<cum<typist, #omputer %perator, ,enior &ssistant3 that the ,pecial &ssistant may be called upon to performL< 2i3 To pass che:ues and other debits to constituents accounts, drafts, 4overnment payments etc. for amounts not e/ceeding Rs.(,**,***/< in #ash and Rs.;,**,***/< for transfer and clearing. To function as #ase Manager in ,ingle !indo branches and discharge the role, duties and responsibilities thereof. !hile orking as ,ingle !indo %perator, he ill e/ercise passing po ers of ,pecial &ssistant. To check drafts issued/advices, sign drafts in %T 0 TT series as first signatory and the second signatures to be made by an officer hose signatures are circulated, the latter officer relying on the first signature only. To check and sign T8R/,T8Rs upto his passing po ers. To ensure timely preparation and checking of any returns/statements entrusted for checking or forming part of the desk/section/department, the responsibility for functioning hereof is entrusted to him.
2iv3 2v3
To check and sign covering schedules for demand drafts purchased, short credits or bills for collection, etcM follo up for ackno ledgements/payment advices, marking these off as prescribed and pass entries pertaining thereto. To initial pass books in ,avings -ank hich come to him for passing payment upto Rs.(,**,***/<. In cash and Rs. ;,**,***/< by transfer at branches here ,- passbooks are not system generated. If, at that time, the previous balances in the pass book are not authenticated, he may authenticate them as ell by reference to the account in the ledger/system irrespective of the amounts of previous debits or credits. Cor this purpose, he may also check posting of the entry in ledger account/system and initial the resultant balance arising out of the transactions passed by him. #hecking of day books/computer printouts to all types of accounts and initialling the balances in all books/ledgers in -ank master and voucher verification reports in core banking branches. #hecking of leave records, overtime register, -onus register, establishment register etc. 8rafting of letters/notes, signing all types of intimations, advices of routine nature to constituents. .eeping custody of security forms/che:ue books, etc. entrusted for use on any day, delivering these as re:uired to counters, receiving them back from and handling over the unused security forms/che:ue books to &ccountant/-ranch Manager, duly accounted for after the dayKs ork is over. To ork as incharge of cash at 7on<currency #hest branches and discharge the duties, functions and responsibilities of the #ash %fficer as "oint custodian hich ill inter<alia coverL< a. Responsibility for the correctness of the branch cash balance. b. 8istribution and collection of cash ithin the branch and remittances bet een the branch and its sub<offices, e/tension counters, if any. c. Responsibility for custody and safety of all cash from the point of ithdra al from the strong room until distribution and from the point of collection until deposit in strong room and, "ointly ith concerned supervising official hile in the strong room.
d. Responsibility for remittances of treasuries, etc. e. Responsibility for the protection of other items hich represent money and hich may from time<to<time be entrusted to him. f. Responsibility for :uantity and value of all notes including note packets received from ,ecurity press, 7asik etc. and small coins as per revised cash department procedure under clean note policy.
g. Responsibility for the proper conduct of ork in cash department/single indo s counters in regard to cash for ensuring that ade:uate safety measures are taken in handling of cash, etc. and the instructions laid do n by the -ank ith regard thereto are duly observed. h. To ackno ledge receipt of cash him. i. ". ithout any limit and passing po ers delegated to
Responsibility for administration of the cash department and supervision and control over the cash department staff and their ork. &ttending to all ork connected ith processing and disbursement of loans sanctioned against the pledge of gold ornaments, including responsibility of purity, value and correctness of eight of gold ornaments and all matters connected ith
proper conduct and follo <up of the loans in :uestion. & ,pecial &ssistant orking as incharge of cash ill also hold "oint custody ith the -ranch Manager/ &ccountant of the ornaments so pledged. k. l. 5rocessing of business proposals and compilation of %pinion Reports on -orro ers/ 4uarantors. 5ayment of petty cash bills sanctioned by manager and maintenance of petty cash register. in 8eposit Mobilisation and
n. ,pecial &ssistant ill e/ercise the signing po ers to the e/tant specified belo L< 5o ers to discharge bills of e/change, promissory notes, documents of title to goods hich come to them in discharge of functioning of posts held for the time being. o. 6erification of transaction of vernacular signatures/endorsements. p. To hold "oint custody of security forms. 2//3 The ,pecial &ssistants, hether posted as #ash In<charge or other ise orking in any other position, and the members of the marketing and outbound sales force set up at offices/branches of the -ank ill in addition to discharge of official duties actively contact ne and e/isting customers and canvass business.
D6/1-8 237 963./1:38 237 0-4:381=1,/1-8 :9 S-31:0 A8818/23/8 (CIRCULAR LETTER NO. CIRDO$P*HRD$)%$2''%-'6 DTD. 2%.).2''%)
The duties listed belo are in addition to the duties substantive cadre 2 i.e. #lerk/#ashier, #lerk<cum< typist, #omputer operator etc.3 that the ,enior &ssistant may be called upon to perform.
2i3 2ii3
To e/ercise passing po ers of Rs. =*,***/< for cash and Rs. (,**,***/< for transfer transactions. !ork as ,ingle !indo %perator and discharge under noted dutiesL< a. Receipt and payment of cash upto Rs. =*,***/< and transfer transactions upto Rs. (,**,***/< for all types of accounts and customers and -ank1s other instruments ithin passing po ers. b. To receive and, pay, input and also authorise the relative transactions ithin his po ers. c. #ash and transfer transactions beyond his po er ill also be dealt ith by him. Ho ever, in all such cases the transactions ill be posted by him and referred to the #ase Manager for authorisation. In other ords, he ill receive or pay cash in e/cess of Rs. =*,***/< but necessary authorisation thereof ill be done by #ase Manager/ authorised officer. ,imilarly, he ill also input transfer transactions in e/cess of Rs. (,**,***/< but authorisation for the same ill be done by the #ase Manager or any other authorised official as the case may be. d. #ash payments upto Rs. =*,***/< or above sub"ect to item ii2a3 above, ill be made by ,enior &ssistant on constituent1s account irrespective of hether payment is by ay of che:ue or ithdra al form or hether it relates to third party, sub"ect to verification of the identity of the holder in the prescribed manner. e. &ckno ledge receipts of cash receipts ithin his passing po ers by signing the counter foils. Cor cash transactions beyond his passing po ers, hile the cash ill be received by him, the counter foil ill be signed and released by the #ase Manager. f3 5ay Term 8eposit/,pecial Term 8eposit receipts ithin his po ers and those beyond his po ers ill be paid by him after due authorization by the #ase Manager. ,imilarly,
,!% ill issue Term 8eposit/,pecial Term 8eposit receipts through case receipt or transfer irrespective of the amount involved but receipts ill be signed by the #ase Manager or any other authorized official. g3 ,!% ill pay draft, deposit at call receipts, banker1s che:ue, gift che:ue etc. ithin his passing po ers and those beyond his po ers ill be paid ith due authorization of the #ase Manager. He ill also issue draft, deposit at call receipts, banker1s che:ue, gift che:ues through cash or transfer irrespective of the amount involved but the instruments ill be signed by an authorised official. -efore payment of draft, banker1s che:ues etc. the specimen signature of the signing officials ill be verified by ,pecial &ssistant or the #ase Manager or authorised official having custody/access to the specimen signature of signing officials in the -ank. h3 %pen ne i3 accounts after necessary authorisation by the authorised official.
#redits to loan accounts of constituents ill be passed, entered and authorised by him upto his passing po ers. 8ebit of overdraft 2current3 accounts ithin the sanctioned limits ill also be passed and authorised by him ithin his passing po ers. Ho ever, debit to cash credit, term loan, demand loan, agricultural cash credit, agricultural term loan accounts ill be entered by him but authorisation ill be done by the concerned authorised official. In case of telegraphic transfers/,T95, issue 0 payments, he transactions. ill only post the
k3 &ll transactions pertaining to 4overnment accounts including 55C ill be handled by him. The specimen signatures of the signing authorities ill be made available to him. l3 5ayment of foreign currency traveller1s che:ues ill be done by ,enior &ssistant on authorisation by the officer incharge of foreign e/change.
m3 He ill issue che:ue books, note stop payment instructions, standing instructions and print pass<books at the re:uest of the constituents. n3 !hile ,!% can input transactions to the undernoted internal accounts, authorisation ill be done by the -ranch Manager or any authorised officer irrespective of the amount of transaction. 2i3 2ii3 2iii3 2iv3 2v3 2vi3 2vii3 2viii3 2i/3 2/3 ,undry deposit ,uspense #harges account Interest account -ranch #learing 4eneral &ccount Inter branch items in transit account &gency clearing Inoperative accounts 8ormant accounts Interest provision accounts, etc
o3 He ill be responsible for all cash directly handled by him. p3 He ill also be responsible for proper e/ercise of his passing po ers. :3 Receiving applications, allotment and call monies by cash or che:ues upto his po ers in any one case and issue of receipt therefore. '. &ctive assistant to the -ranch Manager in achieving the budgetary goals, monetary business etc.
;. &fter business hours, here the volume of ork so permits, ,enior &ssistant may be given other duties, ithin his cadre such as deposit mobilization etc. =. ,enior &ssistants ill duly check and sign the system generated scrolls/reports in respect of tasks/transactions performed by him such as cash receipt scroll, cash payment scrolls, transfer received/paid scroll, e/change scroll etc. >. To check savings bank day book on daily basis and voucher verification reports at #ore -anking branches. +. &ny other duties ithin<the<cadre hich the -ranch Manager may assign.
The ,enior &ssistants ill perform duties of erst hile Head &ssistants 2&ccounts/#ash3 Tellers and #omputer %perators.
i3 ii3
#omparing particulars of keyed<in data ith the visual display unit of the machine or from the print out and ensuring that the data have been entered in the machine correctly and effect such corrections, as may be necessary. ,uitable certificate to this effect ill be given at the end of each orking day. &lso perform, at the discretion of the -ank and sub"ect to availability of time, one or more of the duties of Head &ssistant 2&ccounts3. 7ote L 9ach #omputer %perator may normally be re:uired to handle =** vouchers per day < minor variations of =* vouchers per day ill be ignored. #omputer %perators, sub"ect to availability of time, may be entrusted by the -ank. ill perform any other clerical duties that
i3 ii3 iii3
The e/isting instructions regarding checking of registers, statements, day books etc. by %fficers/Head &ssistant 2&ccounts3 ill remain unchanged. Curther, all the computer operators ill have to perform all the clerical cadre duties, online as at present and manually henever re:uired.
7oteL i3
R9,9R69 / R9$I9C #%M5ET9R %59R&T%R, In terms of the provisions of the settlement on career progression no reserve/relief computer operators are re:uired to be appointed. In case of need, the senior/special assistants may be used as computer operators.
b3 c3
8istribute and collect application forms and assist the farmers in filling these forms. ,crutinise application forms, title deeds, farm plans etc. and ensure that the applications are complete in all respects and the particulars furnished therein are prima facie in order. Cor this purpose, he ill have to visit the farms, verify the sources of ater for irrigation purposes and arrangements for, say, supply of po er and processing, transport and marketing of produce and collects data of past performance of the farmers, their e/isting borro ings etc. 9nsure that periodical details, as called for, are received from the farmer<borro ers in time. Maintain liaison ork. ith land record and registration officer for e/peditious handling of the -ankKs ork, as
d3 e3 f3 g3 h3 i3 "3 k3
#ollect information at periodical intervals about the progress in the developmental also of crops here loans are re:uired to be disbursed in instalments. #ollect information about the conditions of crops in villages. -e in constant touch the -ank.
ith farmer borro ers and brings any adverse feature to the notice of
&ssist in the deposit mobilisation efforts by encouraging farmers to deposit their savings in the -ank. To verify farm/farm machinery e:uipment, tractors, live stock etc. at stipulated intervals, in respect of #rop $oans and Term $oans irrespective of the loan amount. 6erify the progress in ork in respect of term loans for farm development and furnish reports that the ork e/ecuted is in accordance ith the approved scheme2s3 and as claimed by the borro er for the purpose of obtaining further disbursement. To effect recoveries from farmers/small borro ers from their place of ork/residence upto Rs.(=,***/<. This duty is allotted to an &gricultural &ssistant only after arrangements regarding fidelity and transit insurance are made by the -ank. He is also entrusted ith the usual clerical ork henever necessary
m3 n3 o3 p3 :3
To survey villages falling under service area approach and prepare village/branch plans. To assist and arrange for recovery of crop<loans, term loans, as per the recovery goals set for the branch/village assigned to him. To assist and arrange for rene al of security documents in respect of loan amounts in villages assigned to him. To assist in achieving business goals 2agricultural segment3 set for the branch/villages assigned to him. The &gricultural &ssistants may be provided ith brief cases, ith locking arrangements, at a cost not e/ceeding Rs.>=*/<, once in every ; years, to carry the papers re:uired in their ork and cash collection from borro ers. 2#8%LIRL)G)* 8T8. (G.*?.(GGG3
a3 b3
D6/1-8 :9 8/-3:5024;-0
To provide secretarial assistance #hecking of vouchers, drafts, pay<orders, -anker1s che:ues, schedules, advices, pass books, statement of accounts, books of accounts and interest, e/change, discount, commission, brokerage, returns, statements, calculation and initialling them for accuracy/correctness.
c3 d3
#hecking of balance books pertaining to #urrent &ccount/,avings -ank and #ash #redit &ccounts. 7ote L Members of clerical staff orking in special allo ance carrying posts shall also perform their respective substantive cadre duties as per administrative re:uirements. 2#8%LIRL>>*' 8T8. (;.'.)***3
D6/1-8 :9 S-31:0 S/-3:5024;-08 237 S4-.12, S/-3:5024;-08 2e<circular #8%/50HR/IR/>>/)**><*+ dated *G/*)/)**+
-esides taking dictation in shorthand and/or type letters, statements etc., their duties include L a3 b3 c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 h3 i3 "3 k3 l3 m3 n3 5roper filing of the paper. Taking out buffs and proper keeping. Making relevant notings on letters. 8rafting replies. 5reparing reminders. Collo <up of the pending matters ith #ircles/other establishments. 8ata collection, 8ata compilation, analysis of data. 5utting up consolidated position to the higher officials. 9ntry of in ard dak. Maintenance of leave record/initialling on the leave balance. Maintaining files, folders, other registers etc. &ttending to visitors. 5erform the duties of &ssistants if re:uired. To provide secretarial support. %ther duties as mentioned vide #orporate #entre letter 7o.%0M/=)G( dated ('th ,eptember (GG*. ill
D6/1-8 :9 .,-01.2,$.28; 7-420/<-3/ 8/299 (:/;-0 /;23 /;:8-) 0-.-1@135 84-.12, 2,,:>23.The follo ing ould be treated, inter alia, as normal duties of the clerical and cash department staff L
&ckno ledging in ard local dak L $etters, etc., delivered over the counter, after a prima facie scrutiny regarding enclosures, etc. should be serially numbered 2using a numbering machine, if necessary3 by the counter clerk. He should ackno ledge the letter over his signature ith the branch date stamp either on the duplicate of the letter, if desired by the tenderer, or by an ackno ledgement card 2#%, (=;3. &fter ackno ledgement, the particulars of the letter should be entered in the in ard mail register. &ll letters of complaint should be entered in the complaints register. The -ranch Manager/Manager of the 8ivision should verify the entries in these registers and arrange for the disposal of the letters as per e/tant instructions.
Issue of che:ue books by ledger keepers and/or specially ithout reference to an officer L
& ledger keeper or any other clerical employee ill be specially authorised by the -ranch Manager and made responsible for the issue of che:ue books. The officer authorised to hold custody of che:ue books should, at the beginning of the each day, arrange to issue to the concerned clerk a fe blank che:ue books, depending on the daily re:uirements, against his ackno ledgement in the security forms issued books. These che:ue books should be held by the clerk securely in his o n custody. He should make the appropriate entries in the che:ue books register under his o n initials and also follo the other instructions for the issue of che:ue books as indicated in paragraphs ? to (), chapter ), 6olume II of the -ook of Instructions. In particular, he should take care to verify the signature on the re:uisition slip unless he kno s the customer personally. &t the end of the day, the unissued che:ue books should be returned by him to the authorised officer against the latterKs ackno ledgement. The officer should verify them and ensure that the residual forms and the blank re:uisition slips in the unissued che:ue books are returned to him. The officer should also cross check the che:ue books consumed during the day against those sho n as issued in the che:ue book register, as ell as the relative re:uisition slips. iii3 5reparation and signing of the follo ing routine printed advices to the constituents/banks etc. as maybe authorised by the -ank from time to time, pertaining to the desk of the employee concernedL a3 b3 c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 h3 I3 "3 k3 iv3 &dvice of che:ue book issued 2#%, ';3 6arious ackno ledgement letters 2#%, (=;, #%,. +;, #%,. +=, #%, +>, #%, (+;, #%, (==3 &dvice of term deposit due to mature 2#%, ??3 Term deposit for arding letter 2#%, ?+, #%, G+3 Term deposit rene al advice 2#%, ((?3 Cor arding of proceeds of bills collected 2#%, G)3 8raft for arding letter 2#%, G(3 &dvice of overdra n account 2#%, ?>3 ,avings bank pass book for arding advice 2#%, '+(3 &dvice to dra er of bill remaining unpaid 2#%, =3 &dvice to dra er about due date of bill 2#%, >;3
5reparation and signing of the follo ing debit/credit advices 2on the -ankKs standard forms3 by ledger keepers for amounts upto Rs.),***/< in respect of accounts pertaining to their desksL a3 b3 c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 h3 i3 4eneral debit/credit advice 2#%, +)3 &dvice of account debited on account of issue of draft 2#%, )+3 &dvice of account debited on account of issue of money order 2#%, (('3 &dvice of account debited on account of effecting a remittance 2#%, ((;3. 8ebit advice on account of interest applied on overdraft 2#%, ((=3 8ebit advice on account of interest applied on demand loan 2#%, ))>3 &dvice of remittance received for credit of account 2#%, +'3 &dvice of credit to ,avings -ank &ccount 2#%, (>?3 #redit advice on account of interest on securities realised 2#%,. >)3
9nsuring proper contents in covers and envelopes including registered ones, before despatch. This responsibility ill be that of the clerk at the despatch desk ho prepares the cover. Issue of cash receipts 2-ank as ell as 4overnment3 upto Rs.'***/< by cash department staff L #redit vouchers, government challans, etc. tendered ith cash should be entered in the cashierKs receipt scroll by the receiving cashier ho should number them ith scroll numbers,
sign against them in token of their having been entered in the scroll and brand them ith the cash received date stamp. !here receipt vouchers for amounts not e/ceeding Rs.'***/< are accompanied by counterfoils, the receiving cashier should sign the counterfoils, brand them ith the cash received date stamp and hand over the counterfoils to the depositors immediately. In the case of 4overnment receipt challans for value not e/ceeding Rs.'***/< the depositorKs copies should be signed in full and other copies should be initialled by the cashier. The receipt scroll and the vouchers should thereafter be sent to the #ash %fficer/8eputy Head #ashier ho ill proceed as per e/tant instructions. #ash receipts hich e/ceed Rs.'***/< should continue to be dealt ith as per e/tant instructions. v3 &ll members of clerical staff ill be re:uired to undertake sales promotion and in connection there ith, shall have to call on e/isting and prospective customers for delivery of -ank1s/its ,ubsidiaries1 products, offer advisory services in investment, ealth management, ta/ation, etc.
7ote L i3 ii3 The duties mentioned in items 2ii3, 2iii3 and 2iv3 above should be entrusted only to confirmed employees of the clerical/cash department. &ll employees in the clerical cadre should be given, at reasonable intervals, change of duties to enable them to e:uip themselves ith full kno ledge of banking operations and to discharge their duties efficiently.
#ashiers, in addition to their other duties, should also perform the follo ing duties, as and hen called upon to do soL i3 ii3 iii3 iv3 v3 vi3 vii3 viii3 #ollection and delivery of insured post from/at 5ost %ffice and collection of registered articles from 5ost %fficeM #ounting of che:ue books and other security formsM Treasury collections hich do not involve cash transactionsM 5resenting hundies for acceptanceL 9n:uiring about the arrival of parcels from 5ost %ffice/Rail ay 5arcel %fficeL 5resentation of securities at Treasuries. #ollection of pension bills !ork relating to consolidation of cash at the branch.
i3 ii3 iii3 iv3 v3 vi3
vii3 viii3
&rranging for keeping of records dust<free, free from rain ater and bringing to the -ranch ManagerKs notice presence of hite ants, electric faults etc. Maintenance of various statistical books such as Treasury -ooks, &verage Cigure -ook etc. 5ass -ooks, ,chedule
In addition to above, record<keepers promoted under the ? year channel from the subordinate cadre may be asked to perform certain simple clerical duties that may be entrusted to them is as under L a3 b3 c3 5reparation of -ranch #learing 4eneral &ccount lists and advices !riting of local delivery book 8espatch 8ue to changes in the -ankKs systems and procedures relating to sanction of advances and bill business ork, the need for positions of 4odo n keeper, bill collector and only cashier as no longer felt. Therefore, the employees promoted from subordinate cadre under ? year channel, ill be designated as Arecord keeper<cum<cashierA and they shall perform duties in cash department also. 9/isting employees promoted under ? year channel have been given the option for redesignation as record keeper<cum<cashier. %n e/ercising the option, they ill, in addition to their e/isting duties, perform such other duties in the cash department as may be assigned to them.
2i3 2ii3 2iii3 2iv3 2v3 2vi3 2vii3 2viii3 2i/3 2/3 2/i3 2/ii3 2/iii3 2/iv3 2/v3 2/vi3 2/vii3 2/viii3
i3 ii3
iii3 iv3
He is responsible to test and operate the 5ublic &ddress system, ,moke 8etector 5anels, Cire &larm 5anels and inform the maintenance staff of any malfunctions. In case of fire alarm, he ill take action under the instructions of Cire %fficer/&sst. ,ecurity %fficer/any other authorised officer of the respective shift. He ill take appropriate action by sending the -ank 4uard Cireman on duty to attend the alarm. In case the &sst. ,ecurity %fficer is not on duty, he ill take room. full charge of the control ill put up his log
v3 vi3 vii3
He ill maintain log book of his activities during the course of his duty. He book to &sst. ,ecurity %fficer of his shift.
If any point re:uires immediate attention of Cire %fficer, he ill bring such point2s3 to the notice of Cire %fficer, through &sst. ,ecurity %fficer in the shift. Cor any emergency, he ill contact Cire %fficer depending upon the time of occurrence. He ill check up the musters of his shift and record therein if any person is Kon leaveK, KabsentK or other ise. This ill be put up to &sst. ,ecurity %fficer for his information/necessary action. He ill maintain the leave records of the ,ecurity 4uards Ciremen in his shift and put up for signature of &sst. ,ecurity %fficer in his shift. Cor any fault/repairs of e:uipment in the #ontrol Room, he ill report to the &sst. ,ecurity %fficer in the shift, ho ill report to the Maintenance 9ngineer for necessary action. In case of fire, the control room operator ill man the control room and inform the Cire -rigade on the 2hot3 direct telephone line. He ill also inform the #ircle ,ecurity %fficer/9state Manager/%ffice Manager. &t the time of assuming his duty the control room operator ill Test ,moke 8etector 5anels, Test 5ush button panels, Test the dampers, He ill get the fire pumps, 8iesel 4enerator started manually by the Maintenance staff and record in the register kept for the purpose. He ill carry out all actions given in KCire 8rillK at the time of alarm and drills. He ill send the details of ,moke 8etectors that may have been actuated/given alarm/developed defects to the Cire %fficer and Maintenance 9ngineer and ensure rectification. He ill attend to only those defects in panels as authorised by Maintenance 9ngineer. Ma"or defects ill be attended to by Maintenance ,taff only. Ho ever, the defects, if any, ill be recorded in the log book and brought to the notice of relieving operator. He ill inspect the battery room and see that all the e:uipment there are orking properly. &ny other duties pertaining to the #ontrol Room that may be assigned to him from time to time by the ,ecurity/Cire %fficer.
iii3 iv3
The provisions of the Memorandum of ,ettlement dated ()th &pril (GGG on career progression for performance of duties as detailed in para )(.) above are applicable to employees in subordinate cadre also. #onse:uent on the -ank1s decision to take up rural banking as one of the main strategic area of its operations, greater involvement of orkmen staff particularly those orking in subordinate category at branches/offices of the -ank is necessary. In this regard, the earlier scheme of the -ank to empo er messengers to do value added services assumes significance. &ccordingly, the initiative undertaken in the past has to be scaled up and no messengers on selective basis as per e/isting guidelines in vogue on the sub"ect should undertake field ork to develop mass contact ith customersL ne and e/isting both. %ther members of subordinate staff ill also be useful by virtue of their local contacts in bringing ne business and helping in recovery of 75&s etc. Therefore, all section of subordinate staff ill be utilised for this purpose.
He shall ork under the general supervision and control of the -ranch Manager. He shall perform diligently all such la ful duties as may be assigned to him by his -ranch Manager/,ecurity %fficer or his superiors. He shall be fully conversant ith the standing instructions about his duties and responsibilities, ith special reference to his area of "urisdiction, layout of the building, telephone numbers of ,ecurity %fficers/-ranch Manager/&sstt. 4eneral Manager/Cire -rigade and the 5olice, to enable him to inform these officials in case of any eventuality. The guard2s3 ill report for duty ell groomed and properly dressed prior to the actual commencement of his their duties. He/they ill not divest themselves of the uniform or accoutrements at any time during their period of duty. 5roper handing/taking over and briefing ill be carried out. The guard ill al ays be punctual for duty and ill ascertain from the guard off duty hether any special instructions have been given or any deviation in security from normal has taken place arranting more than normal vigilance and attention. The armed guard ill be on duty ith a gun and (* cartridges. He must e/ercise proper care hile handling the gun and must keep he gun loaded at all times. The guard ill check the gun and cartridges for their serviceability/ correctness before taking them over from the previous guard. He ill enter any defect2s3 observed at the time of taking over in the guard duty book. The guards ill clean and oil the gun2s3 every day and keep the gun2s3 clean and free from rust. !hile handling the gun in course of their duties or other ise the guards should also ensure that no damage to the gun takes place. The defect2s3 of the gun2s3, if any, noticed by the guard ill be brought to the notice of the -ranch Manager at the first available opportunity. The armed guard ill carry a gun and ammunition at all times circumstances, ill he leave them unattended. hile on duty. Ender no
2=3 2>3
The guard ill ensure that cartridges issued to him do not get et. The base of the cartridge including the percussion cap and cartridge case tube should not be damaged under any circumstances. The cartridges should be cleaned daily ith a dry cloth. %il should not be applied to any part of the cartridges. 9ach guard assuming duty after orking hours and on holidays ill e/amine all doors/ indo s and locks and satisfy himself that these are properly secured/locked. He ill also e/amine the ,trong Room, ,afe 8eposit $ocker Room doors and all safes in the -ank and ensure that these are locked/secured during non< orking hours. He ill record in the guard duty book any variations from the above points. The guard on atch ill not leave his post until he is properly relieved/ instructed specifically to leave by the -ranch Manager/authorised officer2s3. &t branches here more than one guard is provided, the duty hours of the guard should be so organised that he performs a total of ? hours duty in a day. The guards must be alert and vigilant at all times. He shall guard and protect all assets of the branch and its building. The guards are advised not to accept food or drink from stranger2s3 at any time, but, particularly, "ust before commencement of duty. He ill not allo entry into the -anking Hall of any person2s3 ho are carrying arms e/cept the armed forces personnel and the policemen in uniform hilst on duty. &ny other person2s3 carrying arms ill only be allo ed entry after obtaining prior permission of the -ranch Manager. He ill not allo -ankKs property like furniture/type riters, e:uipment etc. to be taken out ithout proper authority. -ankKs property like bicycles etc. hich the staff are to use in the performance of their duties are not sub"ect to this check during orking hours. If posted on the gate/entrance, he must carefully observe all persons entering/leaving the premises. He shall be polite and courteous, yet firm in his dealings restraint and avoid being provoked. ith the public. He shall e/ercise
He ill keep under observation any person peculiarly dressed or carrying large bags/brief case etc. !hen on duty at the strong room he must carefully e/amine every aspect of security of the strong room and in case of any discrepancy he shall immediately bring it to the notice of his superiors. !hile at the gate. he shall ensure proper access control as per instructions on the sub"ect, to prevent unauthorised entry. He shall keep a close atch inside and outside the branch and in case of any anticipated/e/isting risk/suspicion, he shall immediately take appropriate action as arranted and also report the matter to his superiors. !hen on patrol duty, the security guard shall be vigilant and alert and carefully search all such places hich seem suspicious and here criminals can hide. !hen t o guards are performing duties at a time they should give coverage to each other.
2)*3 2)(3
2))3 2)'3
7o constituent/unauthorised person2s3 should be permitted entry into the #ash 8epartment enclosures e/cept ith the e/press permission of the #ash %fficer. 7o unauthorised person2s3 ill be allo ed to approach to ards strong room and cash counters. 7o unauthorised person2s3 should enter into the -ranch after close of banking hours the approval of the -ranch Manager/authorised official2s3. ithout
&fter office hours, the guard on duty ill patrol branch premises in such a ay that the strong room/safe deposit lockers room are not out of sight for period longer than is necessary. The guard on duty should not allo any persons e/cept the -ank guards of the branch to stay in the branch premises after the dayKs ork is completed. Ho ever, here it becomes necessary for a member of staff or Reserve -ank of India potdar to stay on the -ranch premises, the guard on duty may allo them to stay ith the prior and specific permission of the -ranch Manager. ,taff may, ho ever, use the staff recreation room upto stipulated time after orking hours. 8uring non< orking hours and on ,undays, no one ill be allo ed entry into the branch e/cept the -ranch Manager and the person2s3 in possession of a ritten permission of the -ranch Manager. The admission should be allo ed after a thorough scrutiny of the authority letter by the guard. #ircle ,ecurity %fficer/&sstt. ,ecurity %fficers ho have been empo ered to carry out surprise checks before/after orking hours at odd hours of day and night and on ,undays/ holidays ill ho ever be allo ed entry on production of a letter of authority/identity card. Ender no circumstances ill a door be opened unless the guard is satisfied about the person2s3 ishing to enter. &ll such visits ill be recorded in the 6isitors -ook. In case of a security alarm being raised he ill close the gate2s3. He shall be thoroughly conversant ith the security standing orders, shooting orders and other orders issued from time to time on matters covering security duties of the branch. He should be thoroughly conversant ith the location of fire alarm and hydrants, their use and the places here fire e/tinguishers are kept and take prompt action in case of fire. The guard ill immediately report any defects observed in the fire e/tinguishers e.g. leakage, formation of greenish deposits in or around the plunger to the -ranch Manager. The guard should kno the location of the main s itch board/fire hydrants and any other source of ater in the vicinity of the -ranch i.e. tank, river, ell, etc. 9/tend all help to the Cire -rigade on arrival. He should be fully conversant ith the use of fire fighting e:uipment in the branch. He should be fully conversant ith photographs of criminals/suspects available in the roguesK gallery if available from the police. He should be fully conversant situations inter aliaL< a3 b3 c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 h3 i3 -urglary 8acoity 8emonstration Hold ups 5rocession/Morcha Robbery ,:uatting 2A8harnaA3 Theft 4herao ith the se:uence of action to be taken in the follo ing
The guard2s3 must kno the residential telephone number of the -ranch Manager and of the concerned 5olice and Cire ,tations. In case the -ranch Manager does not have a residential telephone,then a nearby telephone number if available, of the -ranch Manager and/or supervising staff must be kno n to the guard. These telephone numbers should be displayed near the telephone. In addition, he should kno the residential telephone numbers of &dministrative %fficer and &sstt. 4eneral Manager hom he should contact in an emergency if located in the same station, provided the -ranch Manager does not have a residential telephone or is not available at that number during the period of emergency. The guard must kno the e/act address and location of the concerned 5olice ,tation, Cire ,tation and the -ranch ManagerKs/&ccountantKs residence, In case of any unto ard incident, the guard ill a3 b3 c3 d3 e3 Raise the alarm. #lose the entrance2s3. Inform/arrange to inform the -ranch Manager, 5olice ,tation/ Cire ,tation. Ese all means at his disposal to th art the action of miscreant2s3 and, if possible, try to capture him/them. &ll off<duty guards present in the -ranch 5remises ill take up alarm position2s3 and make all efforts to th art/capture the miscreant2s3. &dditional eapons in the branch ill also be used. The guard is not especially authorised to fire the gun in an emergency unlike police. Ho ever he should use his arms in accordance ith ,ec.G> l.5.#. to ,ec.(*> I.5.#. and observe due precautions to avoid in"ury to the staff in case arms have to be used.
2'G3 2;*3
The guards ill ac:uaint themselves ith the use of e/isting alarm system2s3 of the -ranch, hether the alarm system is electrically/battery operated. The position of all operating s itches must be kno n to the guards. !hile deployed at the strong room/currency chest, he ill not move a ay from his post under any circumstances specially hen the strong room is opened. !hile at the strong room/currency chest duty, he ill ensure that only authorised persons are allo ed to open the strong room and that too, during the orking hours. He ill not permit movement/loitering of any unauthorised person in the close pro/imity of the strong room. He ill make a note of any suspicious movement in the vicinity of the strong room and apprise the -ranch Manager/,ecurity %fficer. !hile at the strong room duty, he ill ensure before leaving, that all the doors are property locked and the electrical current is shut off. !hile on patrol he ill perform the follo ing dutiesL< a3 b3 c3 d3 #arry out surveillance of the premises. 5revent use of premises by s:uatters, ha kers or undesirable characters. 5revent misuse of premises for unsocial activities by public or bank staff. #heck points and stretches not visible from the static point duty guard.
e3 f3 g3 h3 2;?3
&ssist the static point duty guards. %pen and close unmanned gates in an emergency. 8eal ith unto ard incidents. .eep a close atch over the building and other property, against attempts of arson or accidental fire and take action as per the branch standing fire fighting orders.
In addition to the above, the Havaldar ill ensure proper cleanliness, oiling and maintenance of the arms and ammunition and report the same to the -ranch Manager. He ill control, supervise, check and guide the guards in course of their duties. He ill also brief the guards about their duties t ice a eek regularly. He ill ensure that the gun cleaning materials are available at all times. !hen remittances are being received/despatched, the guard2s3 must be more vigilant and observant. He must keep a careful atch on all persons in the -anking Hall and outside as far as possible. He should raise the alarm even on suspicion. !hile escorting remittances, the follo ing action ill be takenL< !here a minimum of one armed guard and one other bank employee are re:uired to escort the remittances, the gun2s3 ould be loaded but the safety catch ould be in the safe position. 9ach guard ill carry (* serviceable cartridges, misfire cartridges ill not be carried. !hile taking out remittances from the branch, the guard2s3 ill not allo any obstruction to come in bet een the coolies carrying the remittances and the vehicle. In fact, he/they should secure the area in advance. If there are t o or more guards, they should cover each other. In transit, the guard must be alert and vigilant. He should establish, as far as possible, all round observation. In case, there are more than one guard, they should observe the opposite sides 8uring a stoppage enroute, the guard must get do n and take up a suitable position outside in such a ay that the entire area is covered effectively. In case there are more than one guard, they should establish an all round observation and protection. This is, ho ever, not applicable during short halts due to traffic control. The guard on duty may also be called upon to carry out the follo ing duties after office hoursL< a3Receive telegrams and give receipt to the postal peon. b3 &llo the courier2s3 appointed by the -ank to enter the branch after establishing his/their identity. He ill check that the seals are intact before allo ing the courier to insert the sealed packet2s3 in a locked bo/ placed for the purpose. &fter insertion of the packet, he ill sign in the receipt book of the courier indicating that sealed packet2s3 ith seals intact have been inserted in the bo/ in his presence. The bo/ provided for this purpose should have an opening/slit through hich the sealed packet2s3 can be inserted but cannot be taken out. The bo/ should be locked by the -ranch Manager/authorised official ho ill retain the key. The relief guard2s3 ill ensure that the bo/ is properly locked before taking over duty. In case the lock is tampered, this ill be recorded in the duty book and signed by both the outgoing and incoming guards, failing hich it ill be presumed that the lock as intact at the time of taking over. ,imilarly, the courier2s3 ill be permitted to take delivery of sealed packet2s3 from the branch. These sealed packet2s3 ill be kept in a locked bo/M the original key of the
2=*3 a3
locked bo/ ill be retained by the -ranch Manager/authorised official hile the duplicate key ill be in the possession of the courier. The guard ill be responsible for obtaining the courierKs signature in the receipt book, the particulars for hich ill be filled up by the branch staff, and to perform such other duties pertaining to security as entrusted to him from time to time by the -ranch Manager/superiors.
a3 (.
'. ;.
Regular removal of s eepings, garbage, coal ash/burnt coal, from staff canteen/officersK lunch club/residences/guest houses and removal/cutting of grass from office/residence compounds. &ny such other related duties of menial/ messengerial staff as may be given by the controlling authority from time to time such as ater boy/#ash #oolie/Hamal/Carrash etc. %ther conditions of service &s laid do n in the -ipartite &greement bet een the -ank and ,taff Cederation, the duty hours of s eepers may be split or given at a stretch as per the re:uirements of the -ank. They are re:uired to perform duties at any location/floor in the -ankKs buildings/residences as re:uired by their controlling authority.
=. b3 (. ).
D6/1-8 :9 D910-<-3D
a3 b3 c3 He should report for duties punctually in full uniform. He shall fight all kinds of fires that may break out in the buildings branches to he is posted. hich
He shall be conversant ith all the emergency e:uipment such as 8iesel 4enerator, Cire 5umps, Cire $ifts, !et Risers, ,moke 0 Cire &larm ,ystems, 9mergency $ights, 5ressurisation systems, Cire 8oors and Cire 8ampers and 5ortable 9/tinguishers as also operate $T 9lectric isolating s itches and alternate supply systems, henever necessary. He shall be capable of carrying out K$ift RescueK. He shall submit himself to training shall perform regular fire drills. henever such training is being organised. He
d3 e3 f3
He shall carry/lift all fire fighting gear needed for drills/tests etc. and ensure these are kept back at their appointed places after due maintenance/drills/tests. He shall inspect, and test the fire fighting e:uipment and supervise maintenance carried out by contractors, henever such ork is entrusted on a contract basis. He shall operate diesel generator, fire pumps and other systems at regular intervals to keep himself familiar ith the operating procedures and also test the systems periodically.
g3 h3 i3
He shall take beat rounds of the building to ensure that fire fighting e:uipment is in place and that no hazardous situations e/ist. He shall undertake duties of demonstrations of fire fighting e:uipment during training of the bank staff. &ny other duty/duties entrusted to him by his controlling authority &sst. ,ecurity %fficer etc.
The Reserve -ank of India have directed that the internal control systems for prevention of frauds should be strengthened and periodical rotation of staff should be vie ed as a integral part of the system. Therefore, it must be ensured that no employee is allo ed to ork at any particular counter/desk for a long time. The "ob rotation prevents any vested interest being developed but also afford an opportunity to the employees to get e/posed to the orking of the -ank in all areas and ensures a balanced gro th in the organisation. In order to monitor the position ith regard to the periodical e/ercise of "ob rotation, a A-ranch Job Record sheetA detailing se:uentially the "ob done by each clerk of the -ranch should be maintained on the follo ing lines L <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ,r.7o. 7ame of the &sstt. 8ate of Job 5erformed Crom To Joining <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< (. ). '. ;. =. >. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The above master sheet should be prepared in duplicate. The original should be retained at the -ranch for permanent record and reference, hile the second copy should be sent to #ontrolling &uthority for revie at half yearly/yearly intervals. The record sheet should be made available for inspection to -ranch Inspector, as also by the &sstt. 4eneral Manager 2Region3 during his visit.
21.6 21.6.1
5reamble<The I-&, &I-9& and 7#-9 are in full agreement that no efforts should be spared by them to ensure efficient, courteous and speedy customer service in the banking industry. !ith this common ob"ective in vie , some Krestrictive practicesK ere gone into "ointly. The unions do not accept that there are any such practices. It is admitted by both sides that the details of situations or circumstances in hich certain incidents might have taken place are not available and hence they cannot be gone into in detail. The unions, ho ever, make it clear that it has never been the intention of the unions to indulge in any restrictive practices. The I-& concedes that in vie of the size of the industry, there are difficulties in attaining perfection in the matter of control of the large ork force and also of regulation and distribution of ork at all the offices in the country. -oth I-& and the unions agree that much depends on the climate that develops and the relations that are built at the various offices by mutual understanding and respect for each otherKs difficulties. &ccordingly, the I-&, &I-9& and 7#-9 "ointly e/press themselves on the issues as under It is for the management to distribute the ork e:uitably amongst the employees ith a vie to ensuring that every one has a full dayKs ork. &d"ustments ould, ho ever, become necessary in the day<to<day orking of the offices and in the interest of smooth orking, the orkmen should carry out all reasonable orders of the local management. The orkmen ould, ho ever, be free to take up ith the management any genuine difficulty in this behalf. The :uestion of fi/ing any arbitrary ceiling on :uantum of ork by the employees themselves does not, ho ever, arise. !hile the services of senior employees ould generally be utilised on desks re:uiring e/perience and kno ledge, no one should refuse to ork on any desk in e/igencies that may arise.
The allotment of ledger2s3 to ledger keepers ould depend on the number of transactions and the volume of ork and not on the number of ledgers. &ccordingly, it may be "ustifiable and necessary to allot more than one ledger hether in #urrent &ccount, #ash #redit, 8emand $oan, etc. 9mployees ith double designation such as clerk<typist, cashier<cum<clerk, etc., may be asked to perform both the duties on the same day. It ould, ho ever, be ensured that they are not sub"ected to fre:uent changes of ork on the same day. !here an employee ho is handling cash is asked to ork outside cash section he should be given time to tally and hand over his cash. !here volume of cash ork is not heavy, a cashier may be re:uired to and Receiving #ashier. ork both as a 5aying henever
e3 f3 g3
4odo n<keepers attached to branches may be re:uired to perform clerical duties they are free from godo n ork.
The system of checking payment made by an employee by another employee and of entrusting the "ob of issuing tokens e/clusively to an employee, are prevailing only in certain banks at certain centres. The managements may decide on their o n about the necessity of continuance or other ise of these systems. %n special occasions it might be necessary to attend to cash transactions outside business hours. Ho ever, due care and caution should be e/ercised by managements in entertaining such late transactionsM such late transactions should be duly authorised by a competent official. 7ormally cash should be accepted/paid at the cash counter. -ut employees should accept/make payment of cash other than at cash counters under instructions from a competent official in special circumstances and in such cases the concerned employees ould be granted immunity from attendant risks. Curther, any observance of any restrictive practice mentioned above shall constitute misconduct and delin:uent employee shall be liable for disciplinary action for gross or minor misconduct depending upon the circumstances of each case. !ith a vie to make all the employees a are of their duties and responsibilities vis<a<vis restrictive practises a list of restrictive practice is given at &nne/ure<)(.(
The ork of clerks posted in administrative offices includes drafting of letters, dealing ith correspondence, etc. ,imilar ork of a routine nature should also be performed by clerks posted in branches/departments and offices other than administrative offices. The balancing of ledgers/registers and calculations of monthly products, interest, etc., should not be claimed as ork to be necessarily and essentially performed only outside normal orking hours. &n employee ho is assigned special allo ance duties must, sub"ect to availability of time, also perform routine duties of his cadre. 2-ipartite ,ettlement3
Half day relief to one office bearer 2usually 8y. 4eneral ,ecretary3 of & ard ,taff Enion at Honal %ffice. %ffice<bearers or activists of the Enions/&ssociations other than those covered by the above arrangement are not allo ed relief from duty. If any other office<bearers or activists are en"oying the facility, the facility is to be discontinued and they are to be given a full dayKs ork. Cor those, ho do not perform a full dayKs ork, the principle of A7o ork 7o payA should be applied in conformity ith e/tant instructions.
22.1 C:7- :9 718.14,13- 13 13768/0A
The code of discipline in Industry hich as evolved by a special committee constituted as a se:uel to the deliberations at the (=th session of the tripartite Indian $abour #onference, as accepted by the -ank and its employeesK organisations on Cebruary (?, (G>=, after certain provisions of the code ere clarified by the Enion Ministry of $abour, Indian -anksK &ssociation and 9/change -anksK &ssociation. -riefly the code consists of four parts. The first part emphasises the necessity for both sides to recognise their mutual responsibilities and rights for the maintenance of discipline. The second part enumerates the common obligations of both employers and orkers. The third part sets forth the principles the managements have agreed and the fourth part states the principles to hich the unions have subscribed.
P0:@181:38 :9 /;- .:7The follo ing are the provisions of the #ode of 8iscipline in Industry and the clarifications accepted by the -ank and its employeesK representatives.
I. i3
To maintain discipline in industry 2both in public and private sectors3 there has to be < a "ust recognition by employers and orkers of the rights and responsibilities of either party, as defined by the la s and agreements 2including bipartite and tripartite agreements arrived at all levels from time to time3 and a proper and recognition. illing discharge by either party of its obligations conse:uent on such
The #entral and ,tate 4overnments, on their part, ill arrange to e/amine and set right any shortcomings in the machinery they constitute for the administration of labour la s. 2#larification L The provisions of labour enactments,a ards and settlements binding shall override the provisions of the code3. II. i3 To ensure better discipline in industry < Management and Enion2s3 agree < that no unilateral action should be taken in connection disputes should be settled at appropriate levels. ith any industrial matter and that hich are legally
2#larification L The stipulation that no unilateral action should be taken in connection ith any industrial matter does not mean that the management ill have to be sitting in consultation ith representatives of labour in regard to every small matter. It means that in an industrial matter hich affects the larger interests of the orkers, action should not be taken ithout notice or consultation. !hile it is not necessary to define precisely hat is meant by an industrial matter, the fourth schedule of the Industrial 8isputes &ct itself indicates certain broad points on hich prior notice or consultation is indicated3. ii3 iii3 that the e/isting machinery for settlement of disputes should be utilised e/peditionM that there should be no strike or lock<out ithout notice. 2#larification L There should be no strike or lock<out ithout giving a notice of (; days3 ith the utmost
that affirming their faith in democratic principles, they bind themselves to settle all future differences, disputes and grievances by mutual negotiation, conciliation and voluntary arbitrationM that neither party ill have recourse to coercion intimidation victimisation go<slo M 2#larification L #oercion ill include personal vilification3
that they ill avoid< litigation sit<do n and stay<in strikes and lock<outsM 2#larification L ,it<do n and stay<in<strike ill include pen do n strike also3.
That they ill promote constructive co<operation bet een their representatives at all levels and as bet een orkers themselves and abide by the spirit of agreements mutually entered intoM That they ill establish upon a mutually agreed basis a grievance procedure ensure a speedy and full investigation leading to settlementM hich ill
2#larification L !here in an establishment there is an e/isting procedure hich ensures speedy and full investigations and settlement of grievances, such procedure be continued and it ould not be necessary to substitute the Model 5rocedure in its place3 2i/3 2/3 III. 2i3 that they ill abide by various stages in the grievance procedure and take no arbitrary action hich ould by<pass this procedure and that they ill educate the management personnel and each other. Management agree not to increase ork<loads unless agreed upon or settled other iseM 2#larification L ,ettlement of orkloads by reference to ad"udication is covered by the ords Asettled other ise in the e/isting clauseM moreover, a decision of the Tribunal or any other legal body ill al ays override the provisions of the #ode. This does not preclude a temporary allocation of ork of sporadic nature to meet e/igencies or emergencies due to heavy rush on certain occasions3. 2ii3 2a3 2b3 2c3 2iii3 2a3 7ot to support or encourage any unfair labour practice such as interference ith the right of employees to enrol or continue as union membersM discrimination, restraint or coercion against any employee because of recognised activity of trade unions and victimisation of any employee and abuse of authority in any formM to take prompt action for < settlement of grievances and orkers regarding their obligations to
implementation of settlements, a ards, decisions and ordersM to display in conspicuous places in the undertaking the provisions of this #ode in the local language2s3M to distinguish bet een actions "ustifying immediate discharge and those here discharge must be preceded by arning, reprimand, suspension or some other form of disciplinary action and to arrange that all such disciplinary action should be sub"ect to an appeal through normal grievance procedureM 2#larification L !here the normal e/isting procedure in an establishment provides for such matters, the e/isting procedure can continue3. 2This does not apply to the bank as the entire matter of disciplinary action is governed by ,astri & ard/8esai & ard/-ipartite ,ettlements3.
to take appropriate disciplinary action against officers and members in cases here en:uiries reveal that they ere responsible for precipitating action by orkers leading to indisciplineM and 2#larification L It is for the managements and the unions to decide obligations under this #lause arise3. hen their respective
to recognise the union in accordance ith the criteria evolved at the (>th session of the Indian $abour #onference held in May (G=?. 2#larification L The criteria for Recognition of Enion ill govern recognition of unions in the ,tate -ank of India sub"ect to the follo ing clarifications ith regard to clauses b, c 0 f of criteria for recognition of unions.
The ,tate -ank of India ould recognise a Enion/Cederation hich represents ma"ority of its employees on an &ll<India basis provided it has a membership of atleast )=I of the employees of the -ank. This Enion/Cederation ould be called the Representative Enion/Cederation and it ill have the right to deal ith matters of &ll<India interest like general :uestions concerning the terms of employment and conditions of service of the employees of the -ank. ,imilarly the -ank ill recognise a Enion operating in a #ircle representing the ma"ority of its employees in the #ircle provided it has a membership of atleast )=I of the employees of that #ircle. This Enion ill be called a Representative Enion of the #ircle and ill deal ith matters relating to that #ircle not having any &ll<India bearing. The Representative Enion/Cederation ould have the right to represent the employees in all the offices of the -ank, but if another union has a membership of more than =*I of the employees in the offices of a city or a branch it ould have the right to deal ith matters of purely local interest pertaining to that city or branch, as the case may be. Enion2s3 agree not to engage in any form of physical duressM not to permit demonstrations demonstrationM hich are not peaceful and not to permit ro dyism in
that their members ill not engage in or cause other employees to engage in any union activity during orking hours, unless as provided by la , agreement or practicesM to discourage unfair labour practices such as negligence of duty
careless operation damage to property interference ith or disturbance to normal ork and insubordinationM to take prompt action to implement a ards, agreements, settlements and decisionsM to display in conspicuous places in the union offices, the provisions of this #ode in the local language2s3M and to e/press disapproval and to take appropriate action against office bearers and members for indulging in action against the spirit of this #ode. 2#larification L It is for the managements and the unions to decide obligations under this clause arise3. hen their respective
S2,1-3/ 9-2/60-8 :9 /;- .:7%b"ect of the code The code is intended to ensure better discipline in industry. The principles laid do n in the code to promote industrial peace are based on "ust recognition by employers and orkers of the rights and responsibilities of either party. The code is not, as it cannot obviously be, in supersession of any provision2s3 of la , agreement or a ard.
#hanges in respect of industrial matters #lause ii 2b 2i33 of the code provides that no unilateral action shall be taken on any AIndustrial MatterA. The disputes should be settled at appropriate levels. &n AIndustrial MatterA ill not, ho ever, include every minor issue. This provision refers chiefly to matters hich affect the larger interest of the orkers, especially the issues enumerated in the fourth schedule of the Industrial 8isputes &ct. These matters are as under L
2a3 2b3 2c3 2d3 2e3 2f3 2g3 2h3 2i3 2"3 2k3
!ages including the period and mode of payment. #ontribution paid, or payable, by the employer to any provident fund or pension fund or for the benefit of the orkmen under any la for the time being in force. #ompensatory and other allo ances. Hours of ork and rest intervals. $eave ith ages and holidays. orking other ise than in accordance ith
!ithdra al of any customary concession or privilege or change in usage. Introduction of ne rules in discipline, or alteration of e/isting rules, e/cept in so far as they are provided in standing orders. Rationalisation, standardisation or improvement of plant or techni:ue retrenchment of orkmen. hich is likely to lead to
&ny increase or reduction 2other than casual3 in the number of persons employed or to be employed in any occupation or process or department or shift, not due to forced matters.
,uch of the above matters as are not covered by the Joint #onsultation ,cheme ill be re:uired to be discussed and agreed to in bipartite meeting ith the representatives of the recognised unions. The e/isting machinery for settlement of disputes has, ho ever, not been superseded. &s a matter of fact, it has been specifically provided 2vide clause II2ii3 of the #ode3 that the e/isting machinery should be utilised ith utmost e/pedition. &ccordingly, it is to be ensured that undue delay does not occur in the disposal of representations from recognised unions and prompt action is taken in all matters brought to the notice by the staff union. iii3 7o ,trikes or $ock<outs #lause II 2iii3 of the #ode provides that there should be no strike or lock<out hile clauses II 2v3 and 2vi3 lay do n that neither party ill have recourse to < 2a3 2b3 2c3 2d3 2(3 2)3 2'3 #oercion 2including personal vilification3 Intimidation 6ictimisation or 4o<slo litigation sit do n and stay<in strikes 2including pen<do n strikes3 and lock<outs In regard to strike or lock<out it has also been clarified that in case either party decides to have recourse to these methods, it ill be re:uired to give (; daysK notice thereof and accordingly the protection of notice available to a K5ublic Etility #oncernK ill be available even ithout banks being declared as such by 4overnment. iv3 ,ettlement of differences &n important feature that clause II2iv3 of the #ode provides is that, all future differences, disputes and grievances should be settled by mutual negotiation, conciliation and voluntary arbitration. &ccordingly, readiness to refer disputes to arbitration ould appear to be an important re:uirement of the #ode and avoiding references to arbitration can be resorted to only in cases here it is felt that for some reason or other ad"udication ould be preferable, such reasons being, the creation of ne rights having ide repercussions or those involving large financial stakes. In accordance ith the procedure, the reasons for refusal to agree to arbitration have to be fully e/plained by the party concerned in each case and the matter ill have to be brought up for consideration before the Implementation Machinery created by the 4overnment in this regard. v3 Mutual 4ood ill and #o<operation #lause II 2vii3 of the #ode provides that the Management and the Enions ill promote constructive co<operation bet een themselves at all levels and abide by the spirit of agreements mutually entered into. To achieve this, the -ank has already made a beginning by evolving a suitable AJoint #onsultation 5rocedureA and also agreeing to discuss in bipartite conference matters not covered by the 5rocedure. vi3 4rievance 5rocedure #lause II 2viii3 of the #ode re:uires that a 4rievance 5rocedure, on mutually agreed basis, should be established so as to ensure a speedy settlement of grievances after full investigation. & Model 4rievance 5rocedure has also been prepared by the 4overnment. It has, ho ever, been clarified that here there is an e/isting procedure in an establishment and that both the parties agree to avoid ithout notice,
hich ensures speedy investigation and settlement of grievances, such procedure could be continued and it ould not be necessary to substitute the Model 4rievance 5rocedure in its place. & 4rievance 5rocedure on the lines of the Model 5rocedure has been setup in the -ank hich has been given in #hapter )= of this Reference -ook. vii3 9ducating the Management 5ersonnel and !orkers on the obligation of the #ode #lause II 2i/3 of the #ode provides that the management personnel and educated on the obligations to each other. viii3 Increase of !ork<loads #lause III 2i3 of the #ode provides that ork<loads should not be increased unless agreed upon or settled other ise. This clause has been clarified that the settlement of ork<loads by reference to ad"udication is covered by the ords Asettled other iseA in the e/isting clauseM moreover, a decision of the Tribunal or any other legal body ill al ays over<ride the provisions of the #ode. This, ho ever, ill not preclude the Management from making temporary allocations of ork of a sporadic nature to meet e/igencies or emergencies due to heavy rush on certain occasions. i/3 Enfair $abour 5ractice The contents of #lause III 2ii3, 2iii3 and 2vi3 of the #ode should be strictly adhered to. The clause 2vi3 has been further clarified to mean that it is for the Management and the union to decide hen their respective obligation under that clause arises. /3 5ublicity for the #ode #lause III 2iv3 of the #ode provides for display, in conspicuous places in the undertaking, of the provisions of the #ode in the local languages. /i3 8isciplinary &ction #lause III 2v3 of the #ode en"oins upon the Management Ato distinguish bet een actions "ustifying immediate discharge and those here discharge must be preceded by a arning, reprimand, suspension or some other form of disciplinary action and to arrange that all such disciplinary action should be sub"ect to an appeal through normal grievance procedureA. This clause ould not apply to the bank as the entire matter of disciplinary action is governed by the 8esai & ard and bipartite agreements and the 4overnment have clarified that here the normal e/isting procedure in an establishment provides for such matters, the e/isting procedure can continue. orkers should be
I<4,-<-3/2/1:3 :9 /;- C:7- :9 D18.14,13Implementation machineries e/ist at the #entre and in all ,tates for implementing the code of discipline. &s -anking is a #entral sub"ect, the implementation machinery at the #entre ill be the appropriate authority and any complaint regarding a breach of the code can be made to that authority by either party. If at any time it is considered that a breach, if any, of the code by the employees should be taken up ith the implementation machinery, the details of such a breach should be advised to the #ontrolling &uthority to enable them to consider the :uestion of referring it to the appropriate authority
R-.:531/1:3 :9 U31:38
#lause III2vii3 of the code lays do n the criteria for recognition of Enions.
2a3 The -ankKs policy of recognition of Enions is based strictly on the provisions of the #ode of 8iscipline, as accepted by the -ank and its Enions and the procedure that is follo ed in this regard is ell indicated in #lause III, ,ub clause 2vii3 of the #ode read ith the &nne/ure thereto and the clarifications agreed to in respect thereof. 2b3 -ranch Managers and other officers including the heads of the department at the $ocal Head %ffice should not have any discussion ith the office<bearers or representatives of any non<recognised Enion e/cept, of course, hen any such person seeks a meeting ith the official concerned to present his o n grievances by coming through the proper channel and in accordance ith the accepted procedure.
&s it is necessary for all employees to have a clear idea of the -ankKs attitude in the matter of recognition of union, notice as per drafts in &nne/ure )).( should be e/hibited at the -ranch. In addition to the 9nglish versions, translation2s3 of the notices in the regional language2s3 should also be displayed like ise. &nne/ure )).(2a3
& representative union for an industry in an area should have the right to represent the orkers in all the establishments in the industry, but if a union of orkers in a particular establishment has a membership of fifty percent or more of the orkers of that establishment, it should have the right to deal ith matters of purely local interest such as the handling of grievances pertaining to its o n members. &ll other orkers ho are not members of that union might either operate though the representative union for the industry or seek redress directly. In the case of trade union federations hich are not affiliated to any of the four central organisations of labour, the :uestion of recognition ould have to be dealt ith separately. %nly unions hich observe the #ode of 8iscipline ould be entitled to recognition.
vii3 viii3
7ote L ,ee clarification to #lause III 2vii3 of the #ode of 8iscipline in Industry.
R1@2, 631:3
The -ankKs policy of recognition of Enions has to be based strictly on the provisions of the #ode of 8iscipline as accepted by the -ank and its Enions. The procedure that is to be follo ed for the recognition of unions in the -ank is indicated in #lause III, sub<clause 2vii3 of the #ode read ith the clarifications agreed to in respect thereof. -ranch Managers and other officers, including the heads of departments at the $ocal Head %ffice should not have any discussions ith the office bearers or representatives of any non< recognised union e/cept of course, hen any such person seeks a meeting ith the official concerned to represent his o n grievances by coming through the proper channel and in accordance ith the accepted procedure.
an issue of general nature or a matter of collective bargaining. Ho ever, no employee can have his grievance redressed under the 4rievance 5rocedure evolved by the -ank in terms of the re:uirements of the #ode of 8iscipline in a manner other than the one detailed in the 4rievance 5rocedure. ii3 !hen an employee at a -ranch raises an individual or specific grievance involving paragraph =(+ of the ,astry & ard, the grievance may be heard by the -ranch Manager irrespective of the fact hether he is being represented by a representative of a recognised union or unrecognised union and disposed of in the manner indicated in the said paragraph. If ho ever, the grievance is raised under the 4rievance 5rocedure formulated by the -ank, the employee concerned should only be defended by a representative of the recognised union and the same should be disposed of in the manner indicated in the 4rievance 5rocedure. In this connection, it must be noted that hen individual or specific grievances of employees are taken up by the representatives of any registered trade unions 2not recognised by the -ank3 on behalf of their members, in terms of paragraph =(+ of the ,astry & ard, it is not necessary for the -ranch to convey the decision to these unions. The concerned employees, on hose behalf the grievances have been taken up may ho ever, be advised in regard to the -ankKs decision direct.
M--/1358 :9 631:38
The recognised union of a ard staff can hold their meetings on the -ankKs premises on obtention of prior permission from the -ank. The -ank does not generally have any ob"ection to granting permission, provided it is satisfied that the meetings in :uestion are held for genuine trade union purposes and no controversial outsiders or persons hostile to the -ank are e/pected to participate. Re:uests for such meetings should be sent to the -ank, ell in advance, preferably a eek prior to the date of the meeting. In case outside dignitaries are to be invited to participate in such meetings, the local unit of the Enion should secure the permission to conduct such meetings on the -ankKs premises before e/tending invitation to such dignitaries.
+:13/ C:386,/2/1:3 S.;-<Joint #onsultation form an important facet of the governmentKs labour policy. In accordance ith this policy, a Joint #onsultation ,cheme as finalised by the -ank in consultation ith the &ll India ,tate -ank of India ,taff Cederation in the year (G>;. The scheme for "oint consultation bet een the management and staff is as under.
F0-C6-3.A :9 <--/1358
The #entral #onsultative #ommittee should meet once in every si/ months and the #ircle #onsultative #ommittee once in every three months. 9mergent meetings may, ho ever, be called in e/ceptional circumstances at the re:uest of the ,taff Cederation or the #ircle Enion, as the case may be, or at the instance of the -ank.
#entral #onsultative #ommittee 2a3 2b3 2c3 2d3 2e3 Implementation of agreed, settled or a arded terms of serviceand of other agreements. 5rogrammes for orkersK education. 4rievances 5rocedure<Cormation and Revie . Implementation of the &greement relating to ,taff !elfare Cund. ,taff #o<operatives<formulation of policies and general procedures.
2f3 2g3 2h3 2i3 2"3 2k3 2l3 2m3 2n3 2o3 b3
5romotion of thrift and savings. ,taff Housing, Health ,ervices and other elfare activities. 9mployee ,uggestion ,chemes. ,uggestions in regard to improvement in ork procedures. Cormulation of policies and standards regarding orking conditions and necessities 2including security measures3 and amenities in offices. Cacilities for communication in order to furnish information to the members of the staff. #onsideration of recommendations, proposals, suggestions and other references from a #ircle #onsultative #ommittee. Implementation and revie of decisions taken at the previous meeting. hich are incidental to, or
&ny other matters of interest to the staff and/or the -ank, connected ith, the above.
,uch other sub"ects as may be decided to be included at a meeting of the #entral #onsultative #ommittee.
#ircle #onsultative #ommittee #onsultations at a #ircle #onsultative #ommittee should be in respect of the follo ing sub"ects. 2a3 2b3 2c3 2d3 2e3 2f3 2g3 2h3 2i3 #onditions of ork and amenities in offices. Implementation of 5rogrammes for !orkersK 9ducation. %peration and Implementation of grievance procedure. #o<operative ,ocieties<Cormation, #ustomer ,ervice. Cacilities for communication in order to furnish information to the members of the staff in the #ircle. Implementation of decisions and conclusions reached at the #entral #onsultative #ommittee in matters concerning the #ircle. Revie regarding implementation of decisions taken at the previous meeting. hich orking and other connected matters.
&ny other matters of interest to the staff 2 orking in the #ircle3 and/or the -ank are incidental to or connected ith, the above.
recognised Enion at least (= days in advance. The agenda for the meeting should be circulated to the members in advance. Ho ever, sub"ects regarding hich ade:uate notice could not be given could also be discussed at the meetings ith the approval of the #hairman of the Meeting. 2ii3 The #hairman shall preside at all meetings of the #entral #onsultative #ommittee. In his absence, the Managing 8irector, shall preside. &t all meetings of a #ircle #onsultative #ommittee, the #hief 4eneral Manager or if, he is not present, the 4eneral Manager should preside over the meeting. 8rafts of Minutes of a meeting should be sent to the ,taff Cederation or the recognised Enion as the case may be. The minutes shall be placed at the ne/t or a subse:uent meeting of the concerned #onsultative #ommittee for confirmation. &fter confirmation, the minutes may be circulated by the -ank and/or the Cederation/the recognised Enion, unless the circulation of the minutes is specifically asked to be ithheld at the meeting or other ise. The discussions of at the #entral #onsultative #ommittee or the #ircle #onsultative #ommittee shall be kept confidential both by the management and the staff representatives and shall not be published. The recorded proceedings may, ho ever, be circulated to the staff "ointly by the Management and the Cederation/Enion.
&greed conclusions reached at the meetings should be implemented by the Management and the ,taff Cederation or the Enion as the case may be in all earnestness and as e/peditiously as possible. If the committee desires that any conclusion reached at a "oint consultation meeting should be implemented, even before the actual confirmation of the minutes, such conclusion should be set out in riting at the meeting itself and signed by the members present. The implementation of such agreed conclusions should not be deferred till the actual confirmation of the minutes as a hole.
Industrial Relations #ouncils have been set up both at #entral %ffice and at #ircle to help stabilise healthy industrial relations and to ensure that conflicts at all levels are resolved in an amicable manner through bilateral discussions. The councils are also e/pected to promote harmonious industrial relations in the -ank.
22.!.2.1 C:38/1/6/1:3
There shall be an Industrial Relations #ouncil at each #ircle hich ill be called the #ircle Industrial Relations #ouncil. The #ircle Industrial Relations #ouncil shall consist of L 2i3 2ii3 2iii3 2iv3 2v3 2vi3 The #hief 4eneral Manager 25resident3 4eneral Manager 2&rea (3 0 4eneral Manager 2&rea )3 #ircle 8evelopment %fficer &sstt. 4eneral Manager 2HR3 #hief Managers 2HR3 at Honal %ffices and &reas 9:ual 7umber of representatives of the recognised #ircle Enion. 5eriodicity < @uarterly M:76,-8 (M:32, O991.- ,-@-,8) i3 ii3 iii3 iv3 v3 8y. 4eneral Manager &sstt. 4eneral Managers incharge of the Regions #hief Manager 2HR3 Managers 2HR3 of all Regions T o representatives of #ircle Enion and other office bearers to be nominated by the union. 5eriodicity < @uarterly
22.!.2.3 M--/1358
The #ircle Industrial Relations #ouncil shall meet as soon as possible after receipt of intimation of the dispute and in any case not later than ' days after receipt of such communications and deliberate on the issue referred to it.
22.!.2.! D-.181:38
The unanimous decision of the #ircle Industrial Relations #ouncil on the issue referred to it, shall be binding on both parties to the dispute.
22.!.3.1 C:38/1/6/1:3
There shall be a #entral Industrial Relations #ouncil for the -ank hich shall consist of L #hairman, M8 0 49 27-43, M8 0 49 2#-3, 8M8 0 #8%, #C%, #4M 25 0 HR83, 4M 25 0 HR83.
22.!.3.3 M--/1358
The #entral Industrial Relations #ouncil shall meet as soon as possible and in any case not later than + days after receipt of communication in regard to any dispute.
22.!.3.! D-.181:3
The unanimous decision of the #entral Industrial Relations #ouncil shall be binding on all parties concerned.
22.!.3.6 G-3-02,
i3 Entil and unless the processes provided for in the agreement are gone through neither the Cederation nor the #ircle Enion nor any of its local units shall resort to any form of collective action involving stoppage of normal ork. ii3 ,imilarly, the Management shall also not resort to any action in regard to the matters in dispute until and unless the processes provided for in this agreement are gone through. The Management further agrees that it shall not suspend an office<bearer of the recognised union until the matter is first discussed at the above mentioned forum. This, ho ever, ill not apply to L 2a3 ,uspension of an office<bearer for any act of misconduct connected operations. ith the -ankKs
2b3 ,uspension of an office<bearer in connection ith any trade union action involving stoppage of normal ork ithout the issue having been processed through the forums agreed for this purpose.
G01-@23.- P0:.-760-
In accordance ith the re:uirement in #lause II2viii3 of the #ode of 8iscipline in Industry the follo ing procedure has been evolved for settlement of grievances of the various categories of the & ard ,taff in the -ank. & 4rievance Redressal ,ystem24R,3 applicable to both officers as ell as a ard staff as approved by the 9/ecutive #ommittee of the #entral -oard in their meeting held on %ctober );, )**'. The revised 4R, is given in #hapter )=.
c3 To nominate members on the committees like ,taff !elfare #ommittee, #onsultative #ommittee, #ustomer ,ervice #ommittee etc. and hold formal and informal talks. d3 To display circulars, notices etc., issued by them on the notice board in the staff recreation room or space provided by the -ank. e3 To collect subscriptions from the salaries against letter of authorityfrom its members. f3 To open account in the name of the Enion and to operate through its authorised representatives.
g3 9ntitlement for sanction of special casual leave to its authorised representatives, hose names have been communicated to the branch, for attending Enion Meetings/#onferences. h3 Cacility of A#heck<%ffA 2i3 &t the re:uest of the registered union, the facility of Kcheck<offK as e/tended to them, sub"ect to each member of the union giving a letter of authorisation, as per &nne/ure< )).;. ,uch letters should be kept on record for necessary action and, in case of transfer of an employee the letter should be for arded to the concerned branch/office along ith last pay certificate. 2ii3 The follo ing procedure should be follo ed from the employees under the check<off system L 2a3 2b3 2iii3 hile remitting the recoveries effected
&ll remittances should invariably be accompanied by the list of subscribers as per specimen 2&nne/ure )).=3 sho ing therein the total amount credited to the unit1s account. The postal charges incurred in connection borne by the -ank. ith the despatch of the relative drafts may be
9venthough the letter of authority given by the member of the #ircle & ard ,taff Enion contains that the revocation ill be effective only from January ne/t year, it ill be in order to stop deductions ith immediate effect or as indicated by him, in case a member revokes his authorisation. &ddressing of #ommunications to ,taff Enion &ll communications to the ,taff Enion should, ho ever, be made by means of letters and not memoranda and addressed in the usual manner.
8istribution of #irculars by Recognised Enion 259RLIRL#IRL(;) 8T8. );.+.(G?=3 8istribution of #irculars by recognised Enion ithin the premises the orking hours e/cepting during lunch recess. ill not be permitted during
R-40-8-3/2/1@- C;202./-0
It is observed that a number of unions other than the recognised #ircle Enion<,tate -ank of India and ,ubsidiary -ank 9mployeesK Enion<claim to represent the & ard ,taff members of the -ank at certain centres/branches. In terms of the #ode of 8iscipline, if a union of orkers, in a particular establishment, has a membership of =*I or more of the orkers of that establishment, it should have the right to deal ith matters of purely local interest such as the handling of grievances pertaining to its o n members. &ll other orkers, ho are not members of that Enion, might either operate through the representative Enion for the #ircle or seek redress directly. It is clear from this provision that the union, hich is in ma"ority at a branch, is allo ed to represent on matters of local interest to that branch alone. It thus follo s that this Enion may take up the cases of the employees, ho are its members and may also discuss other matters of collective nature pertaining to that branch ith the -ranch Manager. The matter has been e/amined in detail. The -ranch Managers, ho receive representations from any unions claiming representative character at a particular branch, should observe the follo ing guidelines, and report the case ith full details to their respective controlling authority L<
2i3 2ii3
The recognised #ircle Enion can also raise issues pertaining to the branches here another Enion has been granted permission to represent the matter of purely local interest. 4ranting of permission to the union claiming ma"ority at a particular branch raising local issues in respect of its members at that branch does not amount to a recognition, that cannot be ithdra n for ) years. In fact, such permission can be ithdra n by the -ank no sooner than the Enion loses its ma"ority. The -ank has already agreed to e/tend the Kcheck offK facility to the recognised union at the #ircle level. This facility ill continue even at the branches here the recognised #ircle Enion may have been reduced to a minority. Ho ever, the union, hich is granted permission to raise local issues at a particular branch, is not entitled to e/tension of Kcheck offK facility. &s is clear, the scheme envisages that the union having ma"ority at a particular branch and hich has been permitted to raise local issues, can take up the cases pertaining to their o n members or discuss other matters of collective nature having purely a local bearing ith the -ranch Manager. It is not entitled to raise any policy issues on a collective basis. &s such, all the communications pertaining to the grievances of local nature should be addressed to the -ranch Manager and the latter may deal ith the representations either directly or in consultation ith his controlling authority. &s regards determination of ma"ority of membership of a Enion at a particular branch, it has been decided to observe the follo ing procedure, ithout any deviation L
!hether the recognised #ircle Enion commands ma"ority at a particular office/branch should be decided ith reference to the Kcheck offK facility en"oyed by the recognised Enion. If the ma"ority of employees have revoked their authority under the Kcheck offK facility, it ill be clear that the recognised Enion has lost its ma"ority at the office/branch. !hether another union is in ma"ority or not, can be determined on the basis of the individual employees advising the -ranch Manager, in riting, on their o n, as to hich Enion they belong to. In case of any doubt, that union has to satisfy the -ank about its claim for ma"ority. %ne ay of proving the ma"ority is by producing &ffidavits from the employees affirming their membership to that union.
!here it is felt by the -ank that some of the employees have submitted application forms for membership of more than one union, it ill be necessary for the -ranch Managers to rite to each of such employees, letters re:uesting them to categorically confirm their membership of any particular union and also to make an &ffidavit to that effect. The employees cannot continue to remain members of both or various unions, and if they insist on such continuance, their names should not be accepted for considering the claim of ma"ority of any union. It is also clarified that here at an office, neither the recognised union nor another union claiming such right to representative character thereat, has a membership of =*I or more of the employees of that office, the recognised union alone ill have the right to deal ith matters of local interest to the employees thereat. Curther, at an office here a union other than the recognised union has been granted the right to deal ith matters of purely local interest, it ill also have the right to nominate its representative2s3, to the $ocal Implementation #ommittee. 259RLIRL#IRL(;) 8T8. );.+.(G?=3
22.) 22.).1
I3768/012, D1846/-8 -A44-2023.- B-9:0- L2=:60 C:<<1881:3-08, L2=:60 C:60/8$I3768/012, T01=632, 237 O/;-0 A,,1-7 M2//-08 P0:@181:38 :9 I3768/012, D1846/-8 A./ 9:0 .:3.1,12/1:3 40:.--71358
2a3 ,ection ) 2k3 of the Industrial 8isputes &ct, (G;+ defines Aindustrial disputeA as any dispute or difference bet een employers and employers or bet een employers and orkmen, or bet een orkmen and orkmen, hich is connected ith the employment or non< employment or the terms of employment or ith the conditions of labour, of any person. 2b3 !here any industrial dispute e/ists or is apprehended, the #onciliation %fficer, ho is generally an &ssistant $abour #ommissioner, may hold conciliation proceedings in the prescribed manner. The #onciliation %fficer may investigate the dispute and all matters affecting the merits and rights of the parties involved for the purpose of bringing about a settlement of the dispute. 2c3 The #onciliation %fficer may call for and inspect any document hich he may consider relevant to the dispute or necessary for the purpose of verifying the implementation of any a ard or carrying out any other duty imposed on him under the Industrial 8isputes &ct, (G;+. In case any document is re:uired to be produced before the #onciliation %fficer, the same may be produced. In case, ho ever, a document is considered to be of confidential nature in the -ankKs interest, it may be advised to him not to disclose it to the concerned &ssociation or employee in terms of ,ection )( of the Industrial 8isputes &ct. 2d3 !hile sending intimation for discussions/conciliation proceedings, the conciliation officer for ards a copy of the Enion/!orkmanKs representation advising the -ank for submission of its comments along ith other relevant instructions re:uired by him. Curther, failure on the part of the -ankKs representative to remain present at the "oint discussions/conciliation proceedings, the dispute shall be dealt ith e/<parte and therefore, the -ankKs representative must invariably attend the conciliation proceedings on the stipulated date and time.
2e3 2i3
!henever an intimation is received from the #onciliation %fficer for participation in the conciliation proceedings, the matter may be dealt ith, in the follo ing manner L< In all such cases, the matter should be referred to the #ontrolling &uthority for guidance giving full facts of the case. The $abour &uthorities also direct for submission of the -ankKs reply. Therefore, appropriate para< ise reply to the claim of the disputant in the light of the -ankKs instructions and facts of the case should be compiled, ith the assistance of #ontrolling &uthorities, if necessary, so that the same can be submitted to the #onciliation %fficer as desired by him.
It is desirable that the -ranch Manager should himself attend such proceedings and, in case, for certain unavoidable reasons, it is not possible for him to do so, a senior member of the supervising staff, ell conversant ith the matter, should be deputed for the purpose along ith appropriate letter of authority. The officer deputed to represent the -ankKs case in conciliation proceedings should familiarise himself ith the facts of the case, the provisions of the & ard, bipartite agreements and other instructions on the sub"ect. 7o commitment on behalf of the -ank should be made by the concerned officer at such proceedings outside the brief if provided to him. 7ormally the concerned officer should not agree to arbitration. If necessary, a re:uest should be made to the #onciliation %fficer to grant time for seeking instructions from the -ranch Manager/#ontrolling &uthority, in matters of doubts. !hereas all reasonable suggestions put for ard by the $abour &uthorities should be considered ob"ectively, his re:uest may be politely declined in case it is not possible for the -ankKs representative to agree to his suggestion on account of -ankKs rules, procedures and/or administrative reasons. In case here a re:uisition is received from the $abour &uthorities to appear in proceedings here the employees are not represented by the recognised Enion, they should be advised that the -ank is unable to depute its representative to be present at a meeting here representatives of a trade union not recognised by the -ank seek to represent the interest of the members of the staff, adding that the -ank ould, ho ever, be illing to co<operate ith the authorities by giving any information that they may re:uire in a meeting to be held separately ith the -ankKs representative. In the circumstances, it should also not be necessary to enter into any ritten agreement ith unrecognised &ssociation, but if any decision in terms of the ritten brief referred to in paragraph '2b3 above is taken at the suggestion of the #onciliation %fficer, it may be advised to him ith the re:uest to treat the matter as closed. Ho ever, these instructions shall not apply to proceedings before an &rbitrator, a $abour #ourt or a Tribunal constituted under the relevant provisions of the Industrial 8isputes &ct as their decisions, "udgments or a ards, as the case may be, ill be legally binding on the -ank and notices ould have normally been also issued to the recognised Enion. In terms of section '' of the Industrial 8isputes &ct, (G;+, conditions of service etc. in regard to the matter under dispute should remain unchanged during the pendency of proceedings. &ccordingly, the provisions of section '' of the &ct should be strictly complied ith during the pendency of the proceedings.
sent our comments/advices to them arguing to the contrary. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the self<contained note comprises of = parts, viz. 2a3 2b3 2c3 2d3 2e3 facts of the case issues raised by the disputant terms of reference -ankKs comments #onclusion.
Ender the paragraph for A-ankKs commentsA, cogent arguments advocating the -ankKs case should be presented supported by case<la s. Reference may be made for this purpose to the copies of notes sent by #orporate #entre to the 4overnment in respect of earlier industrial disputes and endorsed to $H%s for information. In case the disputant is an e/< casual/temporary employee, full particulars, month< ise, of the casual/temporary service put in by him, nature of ork entrusted, orking hours per day 2if part<time3, remuneration paid and reasons for termination, and hether initial engagement as regular, should be given in the first instance. ii3 Curther, it should be ensured that the gaps, if any, in the notes are filled in before submission to #orporate #entre and the notes are signed by one of the #M# members. &fter submission of the -ankKs reply to the Ministry of Cinance, a copy of the note submitted by them is sent to the concerned Modules hich should be kept along ith other papers relating to the dispute.
&s soon as a copy of the & ard is received, either at the -ranch or at the Honal %ffice, it should be studied in consultation ith the -ankKs $a %fficer ith a vie to ascertaining its implications. In case the & ard is against the -ank and any legal infirmities are observed therein and it is considered necessary to challenge it in the High #ourt through a rit petition therefor should be submitted immediately to the $ocal Head %ffice, ith the follo ing papersL a detailed self<contained 7ote containing inter alia, the facts of the case, main points of $a in the & ard and
' clear and legible copies of the & ard along in case published in regional language.
This process should be completed ithin + days of the receipt of the & ard and the proposal should be sent to the 5ersonnel 0 Hrd 8epartment at the $ocal Head %ffice by courier service or through a special messenger so as to reach them on the ?th day. &t the $ocal Head %ffice, the matter should be promptly e/amined in consultation ith the $a 8epartment, and, if considered necessary, recommendations sent to #orporate #entre ithin =/> days of the receipt of the Honal %ffice letter along ith the undernoted papersL ) copies of the & ard and its translated 9nglish versionM opinion of $a %fficer at Honal %fficeM the detailed opinion of $a department at $H% andM the self<contained 7ote, duly signed by a member of the #ircle Management #ommittee. These papers should be sent direct to the Industrial Relations 8epartment, by courier service in a separate cover. The envelope should not be sent ith other #orporate #entre letters as it ill only delay its receipt in Industrial Relations 8epartment.
The above instructions should be strictly complied ith by all the concerned functionaries in order to adhere to the time schedule for submission of final recommendations complete in all respects along ith all the relevant papers so that the same reach #orporate #entre ithin (=/(> days of receipt of the & ard at Honal %ffice. In this connection, it has been observed that B 27-4LIRL'=;L 8T8. )).;.(GGG3
the recommendations for challenging the & ard are not backed by reasoned arguments. In some cases, these are not e/amined by the $a 8epartments at $ocal Head %ffice/Honal %ffices. 27-4LIRL(;;+ 8T8. (=.>.(GGG3 ,ometimes, there are no recommendations at all. The time available at #orporate #entre is considerably reduced on account of late receipt of advices. In many cases, no development is brought to the notice of the #orporate %ffice once they have submitted comments to the 4overnment of India. 9ven the important facts regarding pronouncement of & ard and their challenge by the employees in High #ourt ere not brought to notice of #orporate #entre. The relative letters are not signed by one of the #M# members.
I<4,-<-3/2/1:3 :9 A>207
In the e/ceptional cases hen it is not possible for obtention of a stay order ith '* days of the publication of the a ard in the official gazette, the a ard should be implemented sub"ect to the orders to be passed by the High #ourt on the rit petition proposed to be filed by the -ank.
#orporate #entre have further advised that there is no statutory limitations for filing a rit petition. %f course, it should be filed ithin a reasonable time, other ise, the -ank should be able to e/plain the delay. It is clarified that an a ard can be challenged even after it is implemented. Ho ever, it ould be safer in such cases to specifically state in the letter to the orkman that the & ard is being implemented ithout pre"udice to -ankKs rights to challenge it in the HonKble High #ourt. This is for the reason that courts are sometimes reluctant to grant stay/interfere ith the & ard once it has been implemented.
iii3 iv3
7%TI#9 Members of the & ard ,taff are a are that, in accordance ith the #ode of 8iscipline in Industry as accepted by the Management and the Enions of !orkmen ,taff, the &ll India ,tate -ank of India ,taff Cederation is the recognised representative organisation of the & ard ,taff to deal ith matter of all< India interest and the ,tate bank of India 9mployeesK Enion <<<<<<<<<<< #ircle is the only representative union of the & ard ,taff in this #ircle and at this office to deal ith all matters other than of all<India interest. &ny act amounting to misconduct by any employee of the -ank in protest of implementation by the Management of the provisions of the #ode of 8iscipline ill be taken serious note of and dealt ith in accordance ith the procedure laid do n. ,tate -ank of India ............................................ ............................................ -ranch Manager
The #hief Manager/-ranch Manager/ &sstt. 4eneral Manager 2%ffice &dmn.3, ,tate -ank of India, ....................................................... 8ear ,ir, Ð%RI,&TI%7 C%R 898E#TI%7 %C E7I%7 ,E-,#RI5TI%7 CR%M TH9 M%7TH$F ,&$&RF &78 &$$%!&7#9, I re:uest you to deduct from my salary and allo ances a sum of Rs.......................... 2Rupees.......................................................only3 every month and credit the same to the account of the ,tate -ank of India ,taff Enion, QQQ.. #ircle at QQQQ. -ranch of the -ank. The authorisation shall continue to be effective till I revoke the same. Fours faithfully, ,ignature....................................................... 7ame.............................................................
To L The -ranch Manager ,tate -ank of India, <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 7o. 8ear ,ir, ,ubscriptions/#heck<off<,ystem !e for ard here ith a 8raft 7o.................... dated the .......................... being the monthly subscription to the ,-I 9mployeesK Enion for Rs.......................... 5articulars relating to the employees ho subscribed to the union through check<off system are as underL ,r.7o. 2(3 (. ). '. ;. .. .. 7ote L &dditions/8eletions, if any, during the half<year should invariably be mentioned furnishing appropriate remarks in #olumn 7o. = above. 9ncl.L 8raft -ranch Manager/#hief Manager #opy to the 4eneral ,ecretary, ,tate -ank of India 9mployeesK Enion 2<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<#ircle3 7ame of the employee 2)3 8esignation 2'3 &mount 8educted 2;3 Remarks, if any 2=3 8ate L
23.1.2 23.1.3
submitted to the controlling authority together ith a full report for their necessary action. 8etails of such employees should also be submitted in the follo ing format. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 7ame of the 8esignation $ength of 8etails of kno n employee service business connections <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
#onse:uent upon the !age ,ettlement in respect of & ard ,taff reached bet een the Indian -anksK &ssociation and the !orkmen Enions ith effect from (st ,eptember, (G+?, some of the provisions of the ,astry & ard and 8esai & ard as modified by the Memorandum of ,ettlement dated the '(st March, (G>+, );th Cebruary (G+*, (=th ,eptember (G+* and (*th &pril )**) have been modified as enumerated in &nne/ure )'.(.
A44:13/135$ D18.14,1320A A6/;:01/A (3:/ =-,:> /;- 023? :9 23 AGM) A. C:04:02/- C-3/0- 237 1/8 -8/2=,18;<-3/8 &ll departments at &4M 2%&83 at ,tate -ank -ha an ,tate -ank -ha an &ll departments at &4M 2%&83 at #-8 -elapur #-8 -elapur
%fficer<in<charge of %ffice &dministration at the 8epartment/ 9stablishment or the Head of the 8epartment/ office concerned not belo the rank of &4M. In cases here the Head of the 8epartment/office is belo the rank of &4M, the controlling authority of the 8epartment/ office not belo the rank of &4M. B. L:.2, H-27 O991.- 237 1/8 -8/2=,18;<-3/8 &ll departments at &4M 2%&8 $H%. $H% establishments &4M of the establishment. In cases here the Head of the located away from establishment is belo the rank of !"s #$%. &'(s) &4M, the controlling authority of the '* &s etc. establishment not belo the rank of &4M..
#ontrolling authority of 8isciplinary/ &ppointing &uthority not belo the rank of 84M.
84M 0 #ir8% 84M 0 #ircle 8evelopment %fficer at $H%. In case the departmental head is belo the rank of an &4M and, is reporting direct to the 84M 0 #8%, $H%, the &ppellate &uthority ill be 4M of concerned 7et ork.
B023.;-8 637-0 LHO8 -ranches headed &4M2&ccounts0 &dministration3. In 84M of the branch. by 84Ms. cases here &ccounts 0 &dmn. Is headed by an officer belo the rank of &4M, the seniormost &4M at the branch. C. M:32, O991.-8 &ll sections at Honal &4M 2%perations3 at Honal %ffice. 84M 2module3. %ffices and !here position of &4M staff posted in regions 2%perations3 does not e/ist, at Honal %ffice/%n Regional Manager of one of the locale regions. Region in the module as approved and designated by #ircle #4M. B023.;-8 637-0 M:32, O991.-8 ;-27-7 =A &4M rank officer. &4M of branch 84M 2module3. ,M4, I6 or belo . &s &4M 2%perations3 at Honal %ffice. 84M 2module3. ell as !here position of &4M branches under %n 2%perations3 does not e/ist, locale Regional Regional Manager of the Region %ffices. controlling the branch. O991.-8$-8/2=,18;<-3/8 637-0 M:32, O991.-8 (@1R. RACPC, SECC, SMECCC, TFCPC, LCPC, CCPC, CAC8, OSF- HL, MPSF$MPST, SARC, CPPC, ACPC8, L:.?-0 C-3/0-8, H:<- C-3/0-8 -/..) 237 :/;-0 :991.-8 /;2/ >1,, =- :4-3-7 637-0 960/;-0 0:,, :6/ :9 BPR 131/12/1@-8 13 96/60-. ,M4, 6 or belo &4M 2%perations3/ Regional 84M 2module3. Manager of one of the regions as approved and designated by #ircle #4M. D. D-420/<-3/8 637-0 B6813-88 G0:648 :/;-0 /;23 NBG @1R. CAG, M17 C:04., SAMG -/.. &dministrative &4M 2%&83 at ,tate -ank -ha an. 4M 2#, 0 %$3. %ffices at Mumbai, including ,tate -ank -ha an. B023.;-8$:991.-8 637-0 B6813-88 G0:648 :/;-0 /;23 NBG @1R. CAG, M17C:04., SAMG -/.. ,:.2/-7 2>2A 90:< S/2/- B23? B;2>23 Headed by 4M #hief %perating %fficer 2#%%3/&ny #ontrolling authority of the other &4M designated by &ppointing / 8isciplinary
Headed by 84M.
Headed by &4M
#ontrolling &ppointing &uthority not of 84M. Headed by ,M4, ,enior most &4M at controlling #ontrolling I6 and belo office/&4M designated by the #4M &ppointing/ of the -usiness 4roup. &uthority not of 84M. e<#ircular 7o. #8%/50HR8<IR/+/)**><*+ dated *+<*><)**> and #handigarh $H% 7%. #IR8%/HR/)(/)**><*+ dated (*<*><)**>
concerned ,trategic -anking Enit #4M if #hief %perating %fficer is not posted or is belo the rank of &4M. #hief %perating %fficer 2#%%3/&ny other &4M designated by concerned ,trategic -anking Enit #4M if #hief %perating %fficer is not posted or is belo the rank of &4M. &4M of the branch/office
the rank
authority of / 8isciplinary belo the rank authority of 8isciplinary belo the rank
In terms of the provisions of Ae/planationA for Regulation == 2)3 2b3 of the ,-I 4eneral Regulations, no officer or employee of the -ank shall be dismissed, discharged, removed or retired from the service of the -ank or reduced to a lo er grade or post or to a lo er stage in a time scale by an authority lo er than the A&ppointing &uthorityA. &ccordingly the 9/ecutive #ommittee of the #entral -oard approved the undernoted authority structure of appointing authorities for a ard staff. A44:13/135 A6/;:01/A I39mployees orking at -ranches i3 ,ubordinate ,taff #oncerned -ranch Manager/&sstt. 4eneral Manager/8y. 4eneral Manager in charge of the -ranch.
ii3#lerical ,taff a3 b3 #lerical staff at branches 2 ith ,cale 6 or 6I incumbency3 #lerical staff at branches other than 2a3 above &sstt 4eneral Manager or 8y. 4eneral Manager in charge of the -ranch. The concerned &sstt. 4eneral Manager at Honal %ffice
II39mloyees orking at $H%/Honal %ffice/#.%. establishments 9mployees in clerical and subordinate cadre orking $ocal Head %ffice/Honal %ffice/#entral %ffice establishment and #&4 branches The concerned &sstt. 4eneral Manager2%ffice &dministration3/&sstt. 4eneral Manager of a Region 2to be appointed as 8& by competent authority3/ #oncerned 8y. 4eneral Manager for #&4 branches
2a3 2b3
Cor the first three months, one<third of the pay and allo ances have got but for the suspensionM and
hich the
Thereafter, 2i3 here the en:uiry is departmental by the -ank, one<half of the pay and allo ances for the succeeding monthsM 2ii3 here the en:uiry is by an outside agency, one< third of the pay and allo ances for the ne/t three months and thereafter one<half for the succeeding months until the en:uiry is over, and &fter one year full pay and allo ances if the en:uiry is not delayed for reasons attributable to the concerned orkman or any of his representatives. !here the investigation is done by an outside agency and the said agency has come to the conclusion not to prosecute the employee, full pay and allo ances ill be payable after > months from the date of report of such agency or one year after suspension hichever is later and in the event the en:uiry is not delayed for reasons attributable to the orkman or any of his representative.
D-76./1:38 90:< 86=818/-3.- 2,,:>23.&ll compulsory deductions like income ta/ and repayment of loans and advances granted by the -ank should be recovered from the subsistence allo ance payable to the suspended employee though such allo ances may not be treated as part of salary. Curther, from the subsistence allo ance, it ill be in order to effect other optional deductions like insurance premia, dues to co<operative credit societies etc., unless this is ob"ected to by the concerned employee. 5rovident Cund contributions should not ho ever, be deducted from the subsistence allo ance.
ii3 iii3
a copy thereof should be sent to the employee by Registered &.8. post on the recorded address. The cover, if returned, should be retained unopened, & further copy should be sent by ordinary post under certificate of posting. !here possible, a copy of the suspension order should be served on the concerned employee through a messenger/representative of the -ank and his statement recorded in riting. It ill then be an effective service of the suspension order. In case the concerned employee is on leave, the date and time for hich the suspension order ill be effective should be specified in the suspension order and the procedure given above should be follo ed. The suspension order ill then be deemed to be effective from the specified date irrespective of the fact hether or not the envelope containing the order is received by the concerned employee. & format of suspension letter is furnished at &nne/ure )'.). 7ote L %nly the 8isciplinary &uthority is empo ered to sign the order of suspension.
D-2/; :9 8684-37-7 -<4,:A-If an employee has been under suspension and he died during suspension, he has to be treated as having died on duty and the period of suspension till his death should be treated as on duty. 25&L#IRL'L8T8. +.;.(GG=3
23.% 23.5.1
The chargesheet can be served on the concerned employee personally or through an authorised representative i.e. -ankKs Manager/#lerical ,taff/%fficer. If he refuses to receive the same, such refusal could be deemed to be good service provided it is itnessed by t o persons including the person ho goes to effect the service. In case of an absent employee, the chargesheet should be sent by registered post ith ackno ledgement due. !here such chargesheet is sent by registered ackno ledgement due post, the same shall, at the discretion of the -ank, be deemed to have been duly served on the orkman if the same has been refused by him 2paragraph =)G of ,astry & ard and paragraph (?.); of the 8esai & ard as retained by 8esai & ard vide paragraph (?.)? thereof3. Refusal to accept a chargesheet is a misconduct and an employee can be proceeded against on this count also.
a3 b3
hen the complaint is received against an employee, then the facts should be analysed to find out hether the facts contribute to any particular misconduct. it may be found that on some occasions, the same facts may form more than one misconduct and, therefore, on the same facts, an employee can be charged of t o misconducts simultaneously or alternatively. charge should not take the form of verbiage. Incident/facts should be clearly and precisely stated. unnecessary matters, not directly relevant to the misconduct, should not be narrated, the charges should be consistent and should carry correct sense. the charge should refer to specific instances, if there are many then a fe for sake of e/ample should be mentioned. the language of chargesheet should not indicate conclusion of guilt, the charges should not be vague 2vague can be considered as the antonym of KdefiniteK. If the ground is incapable of being understood or defined ith sufficient certainty, it can be called vague3. If on the reading, the charge furnished is capable of being intelligently understood and is sufficiently definite to furnish material to enable the chargesheeted employee to make a representation against the charge, it cannot be called vague.
c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 h3
It is advisable to indicate as far as possible the relevant provisions of the & ard under a particular misconduct committed by the employee fits in.
23.( 23.7.1
A44:13/<-3/ :9 E3C610A O991.-08 (-.:.) E.O. should be unconnected with the incident
!hen the disciplinary authority is not satisfied ith the reply to the chargesheet, he can order a detailed en:uiry and the disciplinary authority can himself hold the en:uiry and pass the orders. Ho ever, it is advisable that an officer ho is not complainant, or itness in the case and is also not in any manner connected ith the incident should be appointed as 9n:uiry %fficer. The en:uiry is necessary in case of gross misconduct hen penalty is dismissal from service though the employee accepts all the charges in reply to the chargesheet. He should be able to form an independent "udgment and should be a are of rules and procedures. Investigation officers should not be appointed as 9.%.
The report and findings of the 9n:uiry %fficer are not binding on the disciplinary authority. !here, ho ever, the disciplinary authority differs from the vie s or findings of the 9n:uiry %fficer, he has to record reasons therefor, in riting, and also convey them to the employee proceeded against.
23.) 23.8.1
Grant of adjournment
The grant of ad"ournment is purely at the discretion of the 9n:uiry %fficer and every re:uest for ad"ournment should be accompanied ith reasons therefor, and the 9n:uiry %fficer should carefully e/amine them and take a decision. If he is satisfied that the employee has been given repeated opportunity to put his defence and he is avoiding to do so and is seeking ad"ournments on intentional and un"ustifiable grounds he may decline such re:uest of ad"ournments.
documents are relevant to the case and are necessary for the defence of the employee, and the 9n:uiry %fficer so directs, arrangements may be made for sho ing the documents to the employee at the en:uiry or being produced before the 9n:uiry %fficer.
Decision by presenting officer with regard to production of evidence, witnesses, documents etc.
The presenting official 2 ho is normally the -ranch Manager or any other official deputed for the purpose3 should, before the date of en:uiry, consider and decide as to hat documentary and oral evidence should be adduced on the side of the bank to establish a charge. If it is regarded that any itness should be e/amined on behalf of the -ank at the en:uiry, they should be notified sufficiently in advance about the place, date and time of the hearing in consultation ith the controlling authority. If certain documents are necessary, they should be obtained ell in advance. It may sometimes happen that the -ank may have to rely on documents in the possession of third parties to establish the charges against employees. In such cases ritten re:uests should be made to the concerned parties to produce the re:uired documents at the hearing and, if necessary, to render oral evidence before the 9n:uiry %fficer. 7ormally, the 5resenting %fficer should be "unior to the 9n:uiry %fficer.
23. 23.9.1
representative fail to attend the hearing, the 9n:uiry %fficer has authority to proceed ith the hearing of the en:uiry e/ parte. -efore holding the en:uiry e/ parte, the 9n:uiry %fficer should e/ercise great care and should satisfy himself beyond doubt that despite being a are of the date, time and venue of the en:uiry the employee or his representative has not appeared at the en:uiry intentionally or purposefully. If it is for the first time that the employee or his representative are absent, it is desirable to ait for sometime for their arrival at the place of the en:uiry or to ad"ourn the en:uiry to some other date. 7ormally, it is desirable to give to the employee atleast three opportunities to appear at the en:uiry and adduce his defence. !here the employee or his representative appears and seeks ad"ournments and 9n:uiry %fficer finds the re:uest bonafide and grant the ad"ournment it should be recorded in the proceedings. 7o fresh notice in such cases ould be necessary as the re:uest for ad"ournmentM 9n:uiry %fficerKs decision thereon and the date, time and place of the ne/t hearing ould be recorded in the proceedings of the date and hich ill be duly signed by all concerned.
23. .(
EG-420/- -3C610A
!henever the charge<sheeted employee deliberately avoids attending the in:uiry or boycotts the same, it is open for the 9% to proceed e/<parte. The circumstances leading to an e/<parte in:uiry may be as under L a3 !hen the charge sheeted employee, despite notices, fails to attend the in:uiry submitting valid reasons for having done soM ithout
b3 !hen the charge sheeted person alks out of and boycotts the en:uiry proceedings conse:uent to certain rulings given by the en:uiry officer, or c3 !hen the charge sheeted person makes a re:uest for an ad"ournment, and the re:uest is disallo ed by the en:uiry officer, but the latter subse:uently absents. In the event of the 9% deciding to go e/<parte, he has to ensure the follo ing L (. He should record in the proceedings about the opportunities given and ad"ournments granted to the charged sheeted employee, ). !hile the 5%, as usual, should be called upon to lead the evidence first, and prove the charges, the 9% has the added responsibility to see that the absence of the charge sheeted employee does not lead to the latterKs interest being ignored. The 9% has therefore to fully satisfy himself about the facts by putting relevant :uestions to the itnesses and get clarifications before arriving at the conclusions/findings, '. The 9% has to be :uite careful to see that there is no lacuna in the in:uiry, and the formalities are strictly and properly observed, and all necessary evidences produced and recorded, ;. & copy of the daily proceedings of in:uiry should invariably be sent to the charge sheeted employee on an on<going basis, irrespective of the fact that he absented at any stage2s3 of in:uiry. This serves t o purposes L The charge sheeted employee is kept posted ith the progress so that he can intervene if he so desires, and that he can e/ercise the option to re"oin at any stage in the mid of the proceedings. He canKt under the circumstances claim that he as not given a hearing.
23.1' 23.10.1
EG2<132/1:3 :9 W1/3-88-8
The ne/t stage is the e/amination of the -ankKs itnesses ho may be designated 5! (, 5! ), etc. The e/amination of a itness is in the form of :uestions put to him together ith his ans ers thereto. -efore starting the e/amination of the first itness for the -ank, all other itnesses for the -ank as ell as those for the employee should be asked to stay outside the room here the hearing is conducted. The e/amination of a itness by the side hich cites him as itness is called 9/amination<in<#hief. In 9/amination<in<#hief of the -ankKs itnesses, the presenting official should ask :uestions to elicit ans ers on the points hich he ishes to be established through him. The 9n:uiry %fficer should not permit :uestions hich themselves suggest the ans ers thereto. He may also rule out any :uestions hich he considers irrelevant and unnecessary but if he does so he may record the :uestion and his vie that it is irrelevant and unnecessary and that he has ruled it out. The :uestions put to the itness and the ans ers thereto should be recorded ith precision. 8uring the course of the 9/amination<in<#hief, the 9n:uiry %fficer is not precluded from putting :uestions to any itness. The :uestion by 9.%. should be to clarify the position hich as narrated by the itness. Here 9.%. should refrain from entering into the shoes of the 5.%. If it is necessary to prove any document e/hibited on the side of the -ank through the itness, the presenting official may have it proved by the itness and if necessary have the contents thereof fully e/plained by him. &fter the presenting official completes his 9/amination<in<#hief of the itness, itness is cross e/amined by either the employee or, if he is represented at the hearing, by his representative. In cross<e/amination, the 9n:uiry %fficer can rule out any :uestion hich he considers irrelevant or unnecessary but he should record the :uestion, the fact that he has ruled it out and also the reason therefor. He may also ask :uestions to the itness to clarify any points left in doubt or left ambiguous during the cross<e/amination. &fter the cross<e/amination of the itness is over, if any points elicited in cross<e/amination re:uire to be e/plained or clarified, and if the presenting official thinks fit to do so, he may, ith the permission of the 9n:uiry %fficer, re<e/amine the itness by putting :uestions on the points re:uiring clarification or e/planation. The 9n:uiry %fficer can, in his discretion, permit ne matters to be introduced provided the employee or his representative is permitted to again cross<e/amine the itness on the ne points introduced. &fter the 9/amination<in<#hief, cross<e/amination and re<e/amination of the itness is completed, he, the presenting official, the employee and his representative should be asked to sign "ust belo each page of the deposition in the record book of the 9n:uiry %fficer. Ho ever, if the 9/amination<in<#hief, cross e/amination or re<e/amination of the itness is not completed in one day, the 9n:uiry %fficer should obtain the signature of the above mentioned persons, "ust belo the deposition recorded until the end of the day it had begun. The presenting official, the employee and his representative should besides sign at the bottom of each page of the record of proceedings. The presenting official should then call his ne/t itness and the procedure set out in paragraphs )'.((.( to )'.((.+ above should be follo ed in his 9/amination<in<#hief, e/amination and re<e/amination. &fter the evidence of all the itnesses for the -ank is taken, the 9n:uiry %fficer should ask the employee or his representative hether he desires to e/amine the employee as a itness
on his side and also hether he has got any other itnesses to be e/amined. If the employee says that he does not propose himself or any other itnesses to be e/amined on his side to disprove the charge, the 9n:uiry %fficer may treat the evidence as closed and adopt the procedure set out in paragraph )'.((.( above. /3 %n the other hand if he says that he proposes to e/amine himself and itnesses on his side, his evidence may be recorded first after asking the other defences itnesses to go out of the room. The employee and his itnesses may be designated 8! (, 8! ), 8! ' etc. Cirst he should be e/amined<in<#hief by his representative, then cross<e/amined by the presenting official and re<e/amined 2if necessary3 by his representative. The procedure to be follo ed in recording the evidence of the employee and his itnesses is the same as set out in paragraphs )'.((.( to )'.((.+ above. They should be e/amined<in< #hief by the employeeKs representative and cross<e/amined by the presenting official. It might happen that the employee does not engage anybody to assist and defend him at the en:uiry but ould still desire to e/amine himself and some others as itnesses on his side. In such a case the 9n:uiry %fficer ould have to formulate the :uestions in e/amination<in<#hief and re<e/amination, the cross<e/amination being conducted by the presenting official. &fter the recording of the evidence of all the itnesses is completed, the 9n:uiry %fficer can ask the presenting official to make his comments, if any, about the case. Thereafter, he may ask the employee or his representative, in case he is defended by a Registered -ank 9mployeeKs Enion representative, to make his submissions. The 9n:uiry %fficer may, after hearing the submissions made by both sides close the en:uiry. If the submissions are sought to be given in riting, the same may be accepted and recorded. The en:uiry be thereafter closed.
23.12 23.12.1
23.13 23.13.1
P0:.-88135 :9 E3C610A R-4:0/ =A /;- D18.14,1320A A6/;:01/A S.06/13A :9 E.O.D8 0-4:0/ 237 188623.- :9 8;:> .268- 3:/1.The 8isciplinary &uthority ould scrutinise the proceedings of the en:uiry and the findings of the 9n:uiry %fficer, and if he is satisfied that the en:uiry has been properly conducted and that the charges have been established, he ould tentatively decide the punishment to be imposed on the concerned employee. !hile doing so the 8isciplinary &uthority ill record his reasons for the tentative punishment stating the points considered by him. & notice ould
then be sent through the branch manager or concerned departmental head for being served on the employee asking him to sho cause, specifying the period in hich he has to reply hy the proposed punishment should not be imposed on him. The employee ill also be advised to re:uest for a hearing ith the 8isciplinary &uthority, if he so desires. 2& specimen of sho cause notice is enclosed, see &nne/ure )'.? and )'.?2a33 The employee ould also be furnished ith a copy of the proceedings of the en:uiry and a copy of the findings of the 9n:uiry %fficer, to enable him to sho cause against the proposed punishment. If the employee does not make any statement ithin stipulated time, the 8isciplinary &uthority ould presume that the employee has no submissions to make and may proceed to take the final decision. If the employee makes any submission or re:uest for a personal hearing ith the 8isciplinary &uthority, the branch manager should for ard the same to the concerned 8isciplinary &uthority ithout any delay. The 8isciplinary &uthority ould then peruse statement made by the employee in riting or at the time of personal hearing. Thereafter, the 8isciplinary &uthority ould decide hether he should change the tentative punishment and impose a lesser punishment or impose no punishment at all. If he considers that the employee has not adduced any satisfactory reason to change the proposed punishment, the 8isciplinary authority ould confirm his tentative decision and impose the proposed punishment. It is desirable that separate punishment is imposed in respect of each proved charge.
R15;/ :9 A44-2,
Ender the provisions of the ,astry & ard as modified by industry level -ipartite ,ettlement dated (*.*;.)**), the employee is given an opportunity to appeal against the order ithin forty<five days from the date on hich the original order has been communicated in riting to the employee concerned. If an appeal is made, the &ppellate &uthority ould consider the case and dispose of the appeal as early as possible. The &ppellate &uthority may either uphold the order of the 8isciplinary &uthority or reverse it. Ho ever, until the decision of the &ppellate &uthority is conveyed to the employee, the order made by the 8isciplinary &uthority ill continue to subsist and have effect. The appellate authority may also give personal hearing to the employee, at his re:uest, in case of punishment of dismissal only. N:/- & There is no provision in the a ard or bipartite settlements empo ering the &ppellate &uthorities to enhance the penalty already a arded to an employee. It is pertinent to note that no provision of the revie of the order passed either by the 8isciplinary &uthority or &ppellate &uthorities e/ists in the a ard or bipartite settlements.
23.1% 23.15.1
management to revie his case. %n a revie of the case, the management may either reinstate him or proceed against him departmentally as laid do n in the & ard. In case, the Management decides to proceed against him, the guidelines set out above for taking disciplinary action should be follo ed.
5aragraphs =(> of the ,astry & ard directs that the bank should in the case of every employee maintain a ,ervice -ook containing particulars like his name, date of birth, pay, leave taken, any remarks about his efficiency or character made by his superiors etc. 5aragraphs =(> further directs that A hen adverse remarks are made against an employee, a gist thereof should be communicated to him in riting ith the least possible delayA. Thus, here the -ank does not intend to take any punitive action against the employee and it is only in the course of the periodical assessment by a superior officer of an employee orking under him that remarks are made by the officer ith regard to efficiency 2for e/ample slo , careless, unpunctual, prone to make mistakes though not deliberately etc.3 and character 2for e/ample e/citable, rude, :uarrelsome, etc.3, this may be entered in his service book and communicated to him, if adverse to him. This ould not amount to disciplinary action. The follo ing guidelines should be follo ed in case here, in the course of periodical assessment, an adverse remark is desired to be incorporated in an employeeKs ,ervice Record. &ssuming that a particular employee is not upto the mark in his ork and is not sho ing sufficient interest in his duties and a remark to that effect is sought to be made in his service record, the follo ing procedure ould be necessary L The -ranch Manager should, from time to time, issue memoranda to substantiate the charge of negligence or lack of ability. ,uch memoranda should not contain threats. 2& specimen of such a memorandum is given. ,ee &nne/ure )'.(* and )'.((3. In case the employee does not sho any improvementM the -ranch manager should rite to the #ontrolling &uthority advising the shortcomings and seek guidance. &fter the #ontrolling &uthority has granted its permission, the adverse remark may be made in the ,ervice Record of the employee. This should be communicated to the employee. The fact that the remark has been communicated to the employee should also be noted in the ,ervice Record :uoting the date of the memorandum. & copy of the memorandum bearing the employeeKs ackno ledgement should be kept attached to his ,ervice Record.
23.1) 23.1).1
PRINCIPLE OF NATURAL +USTICE I<4:0/23.- :9 :=8-0@23.- :9 4013.14,-8 :9 32/602, H68/1.It may be mentioned that the principle of natural "ustice should never be ignored. &s according to the fundamental rules of our #onstitution, every citizen has to be protected against e/ercise of arbitrary authority by the ,tate, every po er to decide and determine to the pre"udice of a person puts the corresponding duty on the officers e/ercising the po er, to act "udicially. The courts can :uestion any administrative order hich may involve violation of this basic principle. ,uch an order ould be null 0 void. In the leading case of &... .raipack vs. Enion of India, the ,upreme #ourt, apart from observing that the rules of natural "ustice ere also applicable to the administrative en:uiries, enumerated the main principles as 2i3 no one shall be "udge in his o n case i.e., he must not have anything like a personal interest in the case 2ii3 no decision shall be given against a party ithout affording him a reasonable hearing and 2iii3 :uasi<"udicial en:uiries must be held in good faith, ithout bias and not
arbitrarily or unreasonably. In other ords, the domestic tribunal must act honestly, in good faith, ith a sense of responsibility and in consonance ith its o n rules. Curther, the suggestion that since departmental proceedings are not "udicial in nature, the rules of natural "ustice are not fully applicable in their case, has been repeated in "udicial pronouncements.
a3 b3 c3 d3 e3
the employee proceeded against has been informed clearly of the charge levelled against him. the itnesses in respect of the charges are e/amined in the presence of the employee. the employee is given a fair opportunity to cross e/amine the itnesses. the employee being proceeded against is given a fair opportunity to put up his defence by e/amining defence itnesses, and the en:uiry officer makes a report recording his finding and the reasons therefor.
C:<4,123.- :9 8/2372078 :9 4013.14,-8 :9 32/602, H68/1.5rinciples of 7atural Justice ill generally imply, complying ith the follo ing standards L
a3 b3 c3 d3 e3
The employee accused of misconduct should be presumed innocent till he is found guilty. The burden of proving the charges lies on the -ank. The accused employee should be informed, in clear terms, of the charges levelled against him. The employee should be given a proper notice and be permitted a reasonable time, so that he can make arrangements for his defence. 7o en:uiry should be conducted by a person indirectly. ho is a party to the case either directly or
The 9%/I& should act in good faith. He should not suffer from any improper motive. He must treat both the contending parties before him e:ually, giving neither of them an advantage not en"oyed by the other. The 9%/I& should not give evidence in the en:uiry he is conducting. The evidence in support of the charges should normally be taken in the presence of the charged employee, and he should be given proper opportunity of adducing all relevant evidence on hich he relies. 7o material against him should be relied upon ithout the employee being given an opportunity of e/plaining them. The itness against the accused employee should be e/amined in his presence, and he should have the opportunity to cross<e/amine the itnesses deposing against him. He should similarly be allo ed to e/amine the itnesses presented by him. The 9%/I& can only on bonafide grounds refuse to get a person appear as a itness. ,imilarly, he can refuse to admit a document only if he considers it irrelevant to the case.
f3 g3
"3 k3 l3
The 9%/I& should not refuse ad"ournments sought on reasonable grounds by the charged employee. There should not be e/cessive and un"ustifiable delay in initiating and completing the action, and The :uantum of punishment should be decided only after giving a copy of the 9%/I&Ks report to the charged employee so that he may e/ercise the option of making further submissions, if he so desires. It should be ensured that the punishment imposed 2or proposed to be imposed3 is not grossly disproportionate ith the nature of the offence or misconduct.
Industrial 8ispute claiming payment of full salary and allo ances for the period of suspension and the -ank had to contest the case. 2b3 Crom these and other cases, an impression is got that the 8isciplinary &uthorities have not been able to perceive their roles clearly in a manner hich ould enable them to render full "ustice bet een the t o sides ranged against each other in a case of disciplinary action, viz., the charge<sheeted employee and the -ank as an organisation. It should be understood that the decision of a 8isciplinary &uthority in an individual case, particularly hen it is incompatible ith the seriousness of the charges, becomes final and incapable of being rectified. &lso, in an appeal by the charge<sheeted employee, it is not possible to enhance the punishment. It is therefore, imperative that the officials designated as 8isciplinary &uthorities e/ercise sound "udgement on an ob"ective and impartial basis to ensure that the ends of "ustice are ade:uately served, ithout being either pre"udiced against or prepossessed in favour of the employee, hich if not done, ill only result in miscarriage of "ustice. !hen the malafides are proved or a person has committed a fraud, there can be no compromise and e shall have to see that the employee ith a propensity to commit frauds does not continue in the -ankKs service. Having regard to the foregoing, a revie of the ork of the disciplinary authorities at the #ircle Management $evel ill be made periodically in order to assess their ork and performance and guide them in the proper discharge of responsibilities.
&n employee in one of our &ssociate -anks, sentenced by the #ourt to undergo three monthKs rigorous imprisonment and pay a fine of Rs. =*/< for committing certain criminal offences under sections ;)*, ;>+, ;+( and ;++<& of the Indian 5enal #ode as subse:uently dismissed from the -ankKs service under 5aragraph (G<'2b3 of the -ipartite ,ettlement. $ater, the &ppellate #ourt partly allo ed the appeal filed by the employee. The #ourt gave benefit of doubt and ac:uitted the employee of the offence under ,ection ;>+ of Indian 5enal #ode read ith ,ection ;+( ibid and set aside the "udgement of the lo er court in this regard. In respect of offences under ,ections ;)* and ;++<& of Indian 5enal #ode, the &ppellate #ourt upheld the "udgement of the lo er court, but directed that the accused be released on probation under ,ection ; of the 5robation of offenders &ct, (G=?. The employeeKs representation for revocation of the dismissal orders and his reinstatement in the -ank in vie of the &ppellate #ourtKs "udgment as referred to the Indian -anksK &ssociation, ho gave the follo ing clarificationsL A!hen an employee is released under provisions of 5robation of %ffenders &ct, he is not deemed to have been ac:uitted. &n element of offence is al ays present. This is because the order of release on 5robation comes into e/istence only after the accused is found guilty and is convicted of an offence. Hence, it is in order in having taken action against the employee under paragraph (G<'2b3 of the -ipartite ,ettlement. There is no necessity to conduct any sundry en:uiry in the matterA.
Ho ever, if for some unavoidable reasons it is not possible for the administrative authorities to send appropriate instructions in time, it ould in order for the itnesses to proceed to the venue of the en:uiry, after obtaining permission from their immediate superiors on the strength of the intimation received from the 9n:uiry %fficers. In such circumstances, the #ontrolling &uthority, if it is not the same as the immediate superior authority of the official, should be advised immediately. #are should, ho ever, be e/ercised that the necessary precautions or procedures for emergency relief are strictly follo ed. 9n:uiry %fficers ho issue intimations to itnesses to depose at en:uiries should issue certificates to the itnesses indicating the date hen the itness concerned appeared at the en:uiry and the date hen the itness as discharged from the en:uiry. The itnesses concerned on reporting back for duty should furnish this certificate to their -ranch Manager/8epartmental Head for perusal and doing the needful. It should be remembered that it is binding upon the 5rosecution itnesses/#ourt itnesses to depose at the en:uiries and their failure to do so ill be vie ed seriously. Ho ever, such defence itnesses ho sho their illingness to depose at en:uiries may be relieved on the same basis as the 5rosecution/#ourt itnesses. The #harged employee/8efence Representative ould be personally responsible for ensuring the attendance of his itnesses.
The staff members soliciting for Ainam/bakshishA etc., from the -ankKs constituents at the time of festivals like A8aseraA, A8i aliA etc., are liable for disciplinary action.
A33-G60- 23.1
D18.14,1320A A./1:3 237 P0:.-760- 9:0 W:0?<-3 S/299 (M-<:02376< :9 S-//,-<-3/ 72/-7 1'/; A401, 2''2)
(. & person against hom disciplinary action is proposed or likely to be taken shall in the first instance, be informed of the particulars of the charge against him and he shall have a proper opportunity to give his e/planation as to such particulars. Cinal orders shall be passed after due consideration of all the relevant facts and circumstances. !ith this ob"ect in vie , the follo ing shall apply. -y the e/pression AoffenceA shall be meant any offence involving moral turpitude for hich an employee is liable to conviction and sentence under any provision of $a . !hen in the opinion of the management an employee has committed an offence, unless he be other ise prosecuted, the -ank may take steps to prosecute him or get him prosecuted and in such a case he may also be suspended. If he be convicted, he may be dismissed ith effect from the date of his conviction or be given any lesser form of punishment as mentioned in #lause > belo . If he be ac:uitted, it shall be open to the management to proceed against him under the provisions set out belo in #lauses (( and () infra relating to discharges. Ho ever, in the event of the management deciding after en:uiry not to continue him in service, he shall be liable only for termination of service ith three monthsK pay and allo ances in lieu of notice. &nd he shall be deemed to have been on duty during the period of suspension, if any, and shall be entitled to the full pay and allo ances minus such subsistence allo ance as he has dra n and to all other privileges for the period of suspension provided that if he be ac:uitted by being given the benefit of doubt he may be paid such portion of such pay and allo ances as the management may deem proper, and the period of his absence shall not be treated as a period spent on duty unless the management so directs. If he prefers an appeal or revision application against his conviction and is ac:uitted, in case he had already been dealt ith as above and he applies to the management for reconsideration of his case, the management shall revie his case and may either reinstate him or proceed against him under the provisions set out belo in #lauses (( and () infra relating to discharge, and the provision set out above as to pay, allo ance and the period of suspension ill apply, the period up<to<date for hich full pay and allo ances have not been dra n being treated as one of suspension. In the event of the management deciding, after en:uiry not to continue him in service, the employee shall be liable only for termination ith three monthsK pay and allo ance in lieu of notice, as directed above. If after steps have been taken to prosecute an employee or to get him prosecuted, for an offence, he is not put on trial ithin a year of the commission of the offence, the management may then deal ith him as if he had committed an act of Agross misconductA or of Aminor misconductA, as defined belo M provided that if the authority hich as to start prosecution proceedings refuses to do so or comes to the conclusion that there is no case for prosecution it shall be open to the management to proceed against the employee under the provisions set out belo in #lauses (( and () infra relating to discharge, but he shall be deemed to have been on duty during the period of suspension, if any, and shall be entitled to the full ages and allo ances and to all other privileges for such period. In the event of the management deciding, after en:uiry, not to continue him in service, he shall be liable only for termination ith three monthsK pay and allo ances in lieu of notice as provided in #lause ' above. If ithin the pendency of the proceedings thus instituted he is put on trial such proceedings shall be stayed pending the completion of the trial, after hich the provisions mentioned in #lause ' above shall apply. -y the e/pression Agross misconductA shall be meant any of the follo ing acts and omissions on the part of an employeeL
). '.a3
b3 c3
a3 b3 c3 d3 e3 f3
g3 h3 i3 "3 k3 l3 m3 n3
p3 :3 r3 s3 t3
engaging in any trade or business outside the scope of his duties e/cept ith the ritten permission of the -ankM unauthorised disclosure of information regarding the affairs of the -ank or any of its customers or any other person connected ith the business of the bank hich is confidential or the disclosure of hich is likely to be pre"udicial to the interests of the bank. drunkenness or riotous or disorderly or indecent behaviour on the premises of the bank. ilful damage or attempt to cause damage to the property of the bank or any of its customersM ilful insubordination or disobedience of any la ful and reasonable order of the management or of a superiorM habitual doing of any act hich amounts to Aminor misconductA as defined belo , AhabitualA meaning a course of action taken or persisted in, not ithstanding that at least on three previous occasions censure or arnings have been administered or an adverse remark has been entered against him. ilful slo ing do n in performance of orkM gambling or betting on the premises of the bank speculation in stocks, shares, securities or any commodity hether on his account or that of any other personsM doing any act pre"udicial to the interest of the bank or gross negligence or negligence involving or likely to involve the bank in serious lossM giving or taking a bribe or illegal gratification from a customer or an employee of the bankM abetment or instigation of any of the acts or omissions above< mentioned. .no ingly making a false statement in any document pertaining to or in connection ith his employment in the bank. Resorting to unfair practice of any nature hatsoever in any e/amination conducted by the Indian Institute of -ankers or by or on behalf of the bank and here the employee is caught in the act of resorting to such unfair practice and a report to that effect has been received by the bank from the concerned authority. Resorting to unfair practice of any nature hatsoever in any e/amination conducted by the Indian Institute of -ankers or by or on behalf of the bank in cases not covered by the above ,ub<#lause 2n3 and here a report to that effect has been received by the bank from the concerned authority and the employee does not accept the charge. Remaining unauthorisedly absent ithout intimation continuously for a period e/ceeding '* days. Misbehaviour to ards customers arising out of bankKs business. #ontesting election for parliament/legislative assembly/legislative council/local bodies/municipal corporation/panchayat, ithout e/plicit ritten permission of the bank. #onviction by a criminal #ourt of $a for an offence involving moral turpitude. indulging in any act of Kse/ual harassmentK of any oman at her orkplace. 7oteL ,e/ual harassment shall include such un elcome se/ually determined behaviour 2 hether directly or other ise3 as a3 physical contact and advancesM b3 demand or re:uest for se/ual favoursM c3 se/ually coloured remarksM d3 sho ing pornographyM or e3 any other un elcome physical verbal or non<verbal conduct of a se/ual nature. the giving or taking or abetting the giving or taking of do ry or demanding directly or indirectly from the parents or guardians of a bride or bridegroom, as the case may be, any do ry. 9/planation < Cor the purpose of sub<clause 2u3 the in the A8o ry 5rohibition &ct, (G>(A. ord Ado ryA has the same meaning as
>. a3 b3
&n employee found guilty of gross misconduct mayM be dismissed ithout noticeM or be removed from service ith superannuation benefits i.e.5ension and / or 5rovident Cund and 4ratuity as ould be due other ise under the Rules or Regulations prevailing at the relevant time and ithout dis:ualification from future employmentM or
c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 h3 i3 +. a3 b3 c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 h3 i3 "3 k3 l3 m3
be compulsorily retired ith superannuation benefits i.e.pension and/or 5rovident Cund and 4ratuity as ould be due other ise under the Rules or Regulations prevailing at the relevant time and ithout dis:ualification from future employmentM or be discharged from service ith superannuation benefits i.e.5ension and/or 5rovident Cund and 4ratuity as ould be due other ise under the Rules or Regulations prevailing at the relevant time and ithout dis:ualification from future employmentM or be brought do n to lo er stage in the scale of pay up to a ma/imum of t o stagesM or have his increment/s stopped ith or ithout cumulative effectM or have his special pay ithdra nM or be arned or censured, or have an adverse remark entered against himM or be fined. -y the e/pression Aminor misconductA shall be meant any of the follo ing acts and omissions on the part of an employeeL absence ithout leave or overstaying sanctioned leave ithout sufficient groundsM unpunctual or irregular attendanceM neglect of ork, negligence in performing dutiesM breach of any rule of business of the bank or instruction for the running of any departmentM committing nuisance on the premises of the bankM entering or leaving the premises of the bank e/cept by an entrance provided for the purposeM attempt to collect or collecting moneys ithin the premises of the bank ithout the previous permission of the management or e/cept as allo ed by any rule or la for the time being in forceM holding or attempting to hold or attending any meeting on the premises of the bank ithout the previous permission of the management or e/cept as allo ed by any rule or la for the time being in forceM canvassing for union membership or collection of union dues or subscriptions ithin the premises of the bank ithout the previous permission of the management or e/cept in accordance ith the provisions of any rule or la for the time being in forceM failing to sho proper consideration, courtesy or attention to ards officers, customers or other employees of the bank, unseemly or unsatisfactory behaviour hile on dutyM marked disregard of ordinary re:uirements of decency and cleanliness in person or dressM incurring debts to an e/tent considered by the management as e/cessiveM resorting to unfair practice of any nature hatsoever in any e/amination conducted by the Indian Institute of -ankers or by or on behalf of the -ank in cases not covered by sub<clause 2n3 under K4ross MisconductK and here a report to that effect has been received by the bank from the concerned authority and the employee accepts the chargeM refusal to attend training programme ithout assigning sufficient and valid reasonsM 7ot earing, hile on duty, identity card issued by the bankM 7ot earing, hile on duty, the uniform supplied by the bank , in clean condition. &n employee found guilty of minor misconduct mayL be arned or censuredM or have an adverse remark entered against himM or have his increment stopped for a period not longer than si/ months. & orkman found guilty of misconduct, hether gross or minor, shall not be given more than one punishment in respect of any one charge. In all cases in hich action under #lauses ;,> or ? may be taken, the proceedings held shall be entered in a book kept specially for the purpose, in hich the date on hich the proceedings are held, the name of the employee proceeded against, the charge or charges, the evidence on hich they are based, the e/planation and the evidence, if any, tendered by the said employee, the finding or findings, ith the grounds on hich they are based and the order passed shall be recorded ith sufficient fullness, as clearly as possible and such record of the proceedings shall be signed by the officer ho holds them, after hich a copy of such record shall be furnished to the employee concerned if so re:uested by him in riting.
n3 o3 p3 ?. a3 b3 c3 G. (*.
((. (). a3
!hen it is decided to take any disciplinary action against an employee such decision shall be communicated to him ithin three days thereof. The procedure in such cases shall be as follo sL< &n employee against hom disciplinary action is proposed or likely to be taken shall be given a charge<sheet clearly setting forth the circumstances appearing against him and a date shall be fi/ed for en:uiry, sufficient time being given to him to enable him to prepare and give his e/planation as also to produce any evidence that he may ish to tender in his defence. He shall be permitted to appear before the %fficer conducting the en:uiry, to cross<e/amine any itness on hose evidence the charge rests and to e/amine itnesses and produce other evidence in his defence. He shall also be permitted to be defended< 2/3 2y3 by a representative of a registered trade union of bank employees of member on the date first notified for the commencement of the en:uiry. hich he is a
here the employee is not a member of any trade union of bank employees on the aforesaid date, by a representative of a registered trade union of employees of the bank in hich he is employedL
%R 2ii3 at the re:uest of the said union by a representative of the state federation or all India organisation to hich such union is affiliatedM %R 2iii3 ith the -ankKs permission, by a la yer. He shall also be given a hearing as regards the nature of the proposed punishment in case any charge is established against him. 7ote in case of orkmen in -anks, representation in domestic en:uiry can only be as laid do n in the -ipartite ,ettlement Therefore, a reference to registered trade union of bank employees in clause (G.() of the Cirst -ipartite ,ettlement ould refer to a Ktrade union of orkmen1 only. Reference #handigarh #ircle #ircular $etter no. #ir8%/50HR8/;=/)**=<*> 8T8 (+ th June, )**= b3 5ending such in:uiry or initiation of such in:uiry he may be suspended, but if on the conclusion of the en:uiry it is decided to take no action against him he shall be deemed to have been on duty and shall be entitled to the full ages and allo ances and to all other privileges for the period of suspensionM and if some punishment other than dismissal is inflicted the hole or a part of the period of suspension, may, at the discretion of the management, be treated as on duty ith the right to a corresponding portion of the ages, allo ances, etc. In a arding punishment by ay of disciplinary action the authority concerned shall take into account the gravity of the misconduct, the previous record, if any, of the employee and any other aggravating or e/tenuating circumstances, that may e/ist. !here sufficiently e/tenuating circumstances e/ist the misconduct may be condoned and in case such misconduct is of the AgrossA type he may be merely discharged, ith or ithout notice or on payment of a monthKs pay and allo ances, in lieu of notice. ,uch discharge may also be given here the evidence is found to be insufficient to sustain the charge and here the bank does not, for some reason or other, think it e/pedient to retain the employee in :uestion any longer in service. 8ischarge in such cases shall not be deemed to amount to disciplinary action. If the representative defending the employee is an employee of the -ank at an outstation branch ithin the same #ircle, he shall be relieved on special leave 2on full pay and
allo ances3 to represent the employee and be paid one return fare. The class of fare to hich he ill be entitled ould be the same as hile travelling on duty. In case of any ad"ournment at the instance of the bank / 9n:uiry %fficer, he may be asked to resume duty and if so, ill be paid fare for the conse:uential "ourney. He shall also be paid full halting allo ance for the period he stays at the place of the en:uiry for defending the employee as also for the days of the "ourneys hich are undertaken at the bankKs cost. e3 2i3 2ii3 2iii3 &n en:uiry need not be held ifL the bank has issued a sho cause notice to the employee advising him of the misconduct and the punishment for hich he may be liable for such misconductM the employee makes a voluntary admission of his guilt in reply to the aforesaid sho noticeM and cause
the misconduct is such that even if proved the bank does not intend to a ard the punishment of discharge or dismissal. Ho ever, if the employee concerned re:uests a hearing regarding the nature of punishment, such a hearing shall be given. &n en:uiry need not also be held if the employee is charged ith minor misconduct and the punishment proposed to be given is arning or censure. Ho ever, the employee shall be served a sho cause notice advising him of the misconduct and the evidence on hich the charge is basedM and the employee shall be given an opportunity to submit his ritten statement of defence, and for this purpose has a right to have access to the documents and material on hich the charge is basedM if the employee re:uests a hearing such a hearing shall be given and in such a hearing he may be permitted to be represented by a representative authorised to defend him in an en:uiry had such an en:uiry been held. !here an employee is charged ith a minor misconduct and an en:uiry is not held on t o previous occasions, an en:uiry shall be held in respect of the third occasion. !here the provisions of this ,ettlement conflict ith the procedure or rules in force in any bank regarding disciplinary action, they shall prevail over the latter. There may, in such procedure or rules, e/ist certain provisions outside the scope of the provisions contained in this ,ettlement enabling the bank to dismiss, arn, censure, fine an employee or have his increment stopped or have an adverse remark entered against him. In all such cases also the provisions set out in #lauses (* and (( above shall apply. The #hief 9/ecutive %fficer or the 5rincipal %fficer in India of a bank or an <ernate %fficer at the Head %ffice or 5rincipal %ffice nominated by him for the purpose shall decide hich officer 2i.e.the disciplinary authority3 shall be empo ered to take disciplinary action in the case of each office or establishment. He shall also decide hich officer or body higher in status that the officer authorised to take disciplinary action shall act as the appellate authority to deal ith or hear and dispose of any appeal against orders passed in disciplinary matters. These authorities shall be nominated by designation, to pass original orders or hear and dispose of appeals from time to time and a notice specifying the authorities so nominated shall be published from time to time on the bankKs notice board. It is clarified that the disciplinary authority may conduct the en:uiry himself or appoint another officer as the 9n:uiry %fficer for the purpose of conducting an en:uiry. The appellate authority shall, if the employee concerned is so desirous, in a case of dismissal, hear him or his representatives before disposing of the appeal. In cases here hearings are not re:uired, an appeal shall be disposed of ithin t o months from the date of receipt thereof. In cases here hearings are re:uired to be given and re:uested for, such hearings shall commence ithin one month from the date of receipt of the appeal and shall be
f3 2i3 2ii3
g3 ('.
disposed of ithin one month from the date of conclusion of such hearings. The period ithin hich an appeal can be preferred shall be ;= days from the date on hich the original order has been communicated in riting to the employee concerned. (=. (>. 9very employee avoidable delay. ho is dismissed or discharged shall be given a service certificate, ithout
&ny notice, order, charge<sheet, communication or intimation hich is meant for an individual employee, shall be in a language understood by the employee concerned. In the case of an absent employee notice shall be sent to him by registered post ith ackno ledgement due. If an employee refuses to accept any notice, order, charge<sheet, ritten communication or ritten intimation in connection ith disciplinary proceedings hen it is sought to be served upon him, such refusal shall be deemed to be good service upon him, provided such refusal takes place in the presence of at least t o persons including the person ho goes to effect service upon him. !here any notice, order, charge<sheet, intimation or any other official communication hich is meant for an individual employee is sent to him by registered post ackno ledgement due at the last recorded address communicated in riting by the employee and ackno ledged by the bank, the same is to be deemed as good service.
,hri.......................................... #/o ,tate -ank of India, ............................................... Fou are hereby suspended from the -ankKs service, pending further action, ith immediate effect/ ith effect from ........................ in connection ith .................................... In this regard, you are hereby further instructed as under L< a3 b3 It is not necessary for you to report at the office for making attendanceM 8uring the period of suspension, you ill refrain from entering the -ankKs premises unless you are specifically instructed/permitted to do so by the -ank in connection ith en:uiry/other specific purpose, failing hich it ill be treated as an act of insubordination and the -ank, besides initiating fresh disciplinary action for your said acts of insubordination as ell as for any further action of misconduct, ill also be at liberty to initiate suitable legal action for unauthorised trespassing of the bankKs premises. If you are found indulging in acts of rude and indecent behaviour ith the members of the staff or interfering ith office administration, you ill be liable for further action of misbehaviour. Fou ill be granted subsistence allo ance during suspension period as admissible under the 8esai & ard, bipartite settlements. 8isciplinary &uthority
,T&T9 -&7. %C I78I&, ,hri....................................... #/o. ,tate -ank of India, ........................................ #H&R49<,H99T It has been decided to initiate disciplinary action against you on the follo ing charges L i3 That you made fraudulent entries in the 5ass -ook 7o. ................. belonging to ,hri ......................................................., a ,avings -ank account<holder of the branch, the details of hich are as underL 8ate (G?; 5articulars !ithdra als 8eposits -alance . ..................................
January + -y Tr. )**.** G=*.** &pril G -y #ash ')*.** (,)+*.** That you, after making the aforesaid fraudulent entries, forged the initials of a member of the supervising staff viz. ,hri ................................................... ith a vie to authenticate these entries made by you. The above charges, if established, provisions of the & ard. ould amount to gross misconduct in terms of the
). '.
Fou are, therefore, hereby instructed to submit your e/planation in defence in riting, to the undersigned regarding the above charges ithin a eek from today failing hich it ill be presumed that you have no reply to submit in this regard and e shall proceed accordingly. 8isciplinary &uthority 8esignation
,hri ..................................... ............................................ ............................................ !ith reference to your letter dated ..................., the -ank is not concerned as to by hom and ho the reply to the charge<sheet served on you is to be prepared but as an employee of the -ank it is incumbent upon you to submit your e/planation, if any, before ............................................ failing hich it ill be presumed that you have no reply to submit in this regard and e shall proceed accordingly. ............................................ -ranch Manager/8epartmental Head
(. The employee concerned should be given every opportunity to state his case personally or through a representative of a registered union of -ank employees and to produce such evidence as he may deem necessary in his defence at the en:uiry. 5lease ensure that the :uestions put to the various itnesses by In:uiring &uthority, the employee or his representative as the case may be, and their ans ers are recorded verbatim in the proceedings. In case the employee concerned decides not to cross<e/amine any of the by the -ank, this fact should be recorded. itness produced
'. ;. =.
5lease ensure that evidence is taken on all the charges framed in the charge<sheet. Cindings in the case should be arrived at and recorded after evidence in respect of all the charges has been recorded. Cindings should be based only upon facts hich are brought on record during the proceedings. The 9n:uiry %fficer should record evidence in support of the charges and come to his o n conclusions on the basis thereof. Cindings should be definite and not vague. &ll pages of the en:uiry report should be signed by the 9n:uiry %fficer, -ankKs representative, itnesses, the employee concerned and his representative, if any, in due course. Cour copies of the en:uiry proceedings be for arded to the #ontrolling &uthority in due course. In terms of the instructions contained in paragraph =)(2?3 of the ,astry & ard, read ith paragraph (?.)? of the 8esai & ard, recording of the en:uiry proceedings should be done in a book kept specially for the purpose L the date on hich the proceedings are held, the name of the employee proceeded against, the charge or charges, the evidence on hich they are based and the order passed shall be recorded under the signature of the 9n:uiry %fficer.
>. +.
,hri ............................................ #/o. ,tate -ank of India ............................................ 8ear ,ir, This is to advise you that an en:uiry into the charges set out in the charge<sheet served on you by the 8isciplinary &uthority ....................................... on the ............................................ ill be held by me on the .................................... at ........................................ in the -ranch ManagerKs chamber at ............................................ -ranch. Fou should, therefore, appear before the undersigned hen you ill be permitted to cross<e/amine the itnesses produced on behalf of the -ank and to produce itnesses and such evidence in your defence as you may deem necessary. If you so desire, you ill be permitted to be defended by a representative of a Registered Enion of -ank employees. Fours faithfully 29n:uiry %fficer3
5roceeding of 9n:uiry against ,hri ............................................ held at .................................... on ......................... at ............................................ &.M./5/M. in the %ffice of the -ranch Manager, ,tate -ank of India ............................................ 5resent (. ,hri ............................................ ). ,hri ............................................ '. ,hri ............................................ ;. ,hri ............................................ 9n:uiry %fficer 9mployee proceeded against Representative of the ,tate of India ,taff Enion on behalf of ,hri .............. ............................................ The -ranch Manager, ,tate -ank of India ..................................... -ranch, representing the -ank.
The 9n:uiry %fficer read out the charge<sheet dated the ........................ and en:uired from ,hri ............................................ hether he understood the purpose of the en:uiry that as being held to hich ,hri ............................................ replied in the affirmative. The 9n:uiry %fficer then re:uested ,hri ............................................ 2the -ranch Manager3 to call in the itnesses for the -ank, ,hri ............................................ as called in first. ,hri ............................................ 2the statement of the itness is to be stated in first person3 @uestions L &ns er L ,tatements of the itnesses L @uestions 2-y the 9n:uiry %fficer3 L 2from the 9n:uiry %fficer3 Fes or 7o to be recorded
,hri ............................................ #/o ,tate -ank of India, ............................................ 8ear ,ir, I rite ith reference to the charge<sheet dated the ............................... served upon you and your reply thereto vide you letter dated the ............................. &n en:uiry into the charges as held by ,hri ............................................ %fficer ............................................ and he has ad"udged you guilty of the charges of ........................................................... ). Four actions as aforesaid tantamount to gross misconduct and arrant severe punishment but keeping in vie the fact that you have assured of good conduct in future, I am inclined to take a lenient vie in the matter. Epon consideration of the matter, I have tentatively come to the decision that your ne/t increment hich fall due on the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . be stopped for t o years in terms of paragraph =)( 2=3 2d3 of the ,astry & ard read ith paragraph (?.)? of the 8esai & ard and paragraph (.( of the &greement dated the '(st March (G>+ entered into bet een the -ank and the ,tate -ank of India ,taff Cederation. In terms of paragraph ?= of the modified ,astry & ard, read ith paragraph =.()) of the 8esai & ard, the stoppage of increment ill have the effect of postponing your future increments. -efore, ho ever, I take a final decision in the matter, I ould like to give you a hearing as to hy the proposed punishment should not be imposed on you. To enable you to do so, enclose a copy of the proceedings of the en:uiry and findings of the 9n:uiry %fficer. '. Fou may ask for hearing or if you so desire, sho cause in riting ithin one eek of receipt by you hereof. If you fail therein, I ill conclude that you have no cause to sho in this regard. Fours faithfully, 8isciplinary &uthority
=. Fou should submit your contention through the -ranch Manager/#hief Manager/&sstt. 4eneral Manager, ,tate -ank of India, ................................., ithin seven days from the receipt of this memorandum by you. If I do not hear from you ithin the stipulated time, I shall consider that you have no cause to sho against the proposed punishment and proceed accordingly. >. To enable you to sho cause against the proposed punishment, I enclose copies of the en:uiry proceedings and the findings of the 9n:uiry %fficer. 8I,#I5$I7&RF Ð%RITF
,hri ............................................ #/o. ,tate -ank of India ............................................ 8ear ,ir, I rite ith reference to my letter 7o............... dated the ......................... %n consideration of the points raised by you at the personal hearing granted to you on the ............................................ and your letter dated .................. I see no reason to alter the tentative decision that your ne/t annual increment hich falls due on the ............................................ be stopped for t o years in terms of paragraph =)(2=32d3 of ,astry & ard read ith paragraph (?.)? of the 8esai & ard and paragraph (.( of the &greement dated the '(st March (G>+ entered into bet een the -ank and the ,tate -ank of India ,taff Cederation and in terms of paragraph ?= of the modified ,astry & ard read ith paragraph ?= of the modified ,astry & ard read ith paragraph =.()) of the 8esai & ard, the stoppage of increment ill have the effect of postponing your future increments, hich decision I hereby confirm. Fours faithfully 8isciplinary &uthority
,T&T9 -&7. %C I78I& ,hri ............................................ ,T&T9 -&7. %C I78I& ............................................ %n the ............................................ you ere entrusted ith the ork of interest calculation. I observe that you have been careless in your ork and have committed many mistakes. ). Fou are advised to be careful in future in the performance of your duties. -ranch Manager
,tate -ank of India, .............................. .............................. ,hri ............................................ ,tate -ank of India, ............................................ It has been observed by me from the muster roll that though your time of attendance is fi/ed at (*.** &.M., in the last eek on three occasions you reported for duty much after (*.** &.M. ). Fou are advised to be punctual in your attendance. -ranch Manager
,hri ............................................ 9n:uiry %fficer, #/o ,tate -ank of India, ............................................ 8ear ,ir, I hereby re:uest you that ,hri ......................................... ill represent me before you at the departmental en:uiry being conducted in regard to the chargesheet2s3 dated the .................. served on me by the ................................. -ranch Manager. Fours faithfully, 2................................3 ,ignature of employee 8ate .................................... 8esignation ......................... 5lace ...................................
In terms of paragraph =)( 2()3 of ,astry & ard read ith paragraph (?.)? of the 8esai & ard and the settlement dated the '(st %ctober, (G+G bet een the Indian -anksK &ssociation and 7ational #onfederation of -ank 9mployees, it is notified for information of the staff that the &sst. 4eneral Manager, ...................... -ranch/Region ............, Honal %ffice/%ffice Manager,<<<<<<<< $ocal Head %ffice has been appointed until further notice, as the authority empo ered to take disciplinary action and pass original orders in respect of the members of & ard ,taff orking at the -ranch/%ffice and the O8y. 4eneral Manager, ................Regional %ffice/4eneral Manager <<<<<<<<<<<<< $ocal Head %ffice, has been appointed as the &ppellate &uthority. ,T&T9 -&7. %C I78I&, -ranch Manager %fficer Manager &sstt. 4eneral Manager O8elete hichever is not applicable. 7%T9 L In the case of branches under the direct control of 8y. 4eneral Manager, the disciplinary authority should be sho n as the 8y. 4eneral Manager.................... and not the -ranch Manager and 4eneral Manager 2805-3/4eneral Manager 2#omml.3 as &ppellate &uthorities. as the case may be
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< #ase 7ame of the &t present @ualification &ge ,ynopsis of 8ecision of the 7o. employee posted at the case 8isciplinary &uthority <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
2ii3 2iii3
2!.3 2!.3.1
,pecial category of staff recruited in the clerical scale of pay viz., punch card operators, telephone operators, draughtsmen, etc. ill be eligible for conversion as &ssistants sub"ect to the follo ing conditionsL a3 b3 c3 They should have a minimum of ; yearsK service if they have passed 7I-M test for recruitment of clerical staff and ? yearsK service other ise. They should not be more than ;= years of age. #onversion ill be sub"ect to availability of replacements. Cor this purpose, recruitment of specialist staff ill re:uire to be properly planned. The actual number of conversions in each year ill be decided by the $ocal Head %ffice , sub"ect to administrative e/igencies. &fter conversion as &ssistants, special allo ance if any, ill not be paid. The converted employees ill be eligible for officiating or permanent appointment in higher post, in<cadre or in supervisory cadre, after a cushioning period of t o years on the basis of the total service rendered in the grade.
d3 e3
2!.3.2.2 I3/-0@1->8
i3 9ligible employees, ho have completed = yearsK permanent service as on (st January of the year 2in hich conversions are proposed to be made3 and are illing to be posted at any office in the #ircle, ill be re:uired to appear in an intervie to be conducted for testing their suitability 2including basic reading and riting ability3. &n appropriate letter indicating illingness to be posted at any -ranch in the #ircle and forego special allo ance, if any, should be obtained from each such employee and kept on permanent record L a suitable note to this effect be also made in his service record. The number of candidates called for intervie may normally be restricted to ' times the number of conversions to be made as messengers 2viz. )=I of vacancies of messengers in a Module in a calendar year3, Intervie s may be held by #ircles at all Honal %ffice centres under their administrative control. Cor this purpose, Intervie #ommittees may be formed comprising an &sstt. 4eneral Manager, #hief Manager 2HR3 and a senior -ranch Manager 2not less than MM4, Ill officer3.
ii3 iii3
designation 2to be given as per the -ankKs re:uirements at the branch of posting3 on > months1 probation and posted at branches, here such vacancies e/ist, in the follo ing order i3 ii3 iii3 -ranches in the Region in hich an employee is already orking. If there is no vacancy in the Region, he may be posted at a -ranch in a nearby Region in the same Module. If there are no vacancies in the Module, he may be posted to a -ranch in any other Module 2 here panel has been e/hausted3. The remaining +=I vacancies of Messengers ill be filled in accordance ith the guidelines in force at the material time.
2!.3.2.% D-=20<-3/
i3 ii3 If an employee does not give his illingness for being considered for conversion as messenger, he ill be permanently debarred from such conversion, under advice to him. Curther, if an employee gives his illingness for being considered for conversion as messenger, but subse:uently e/presses inability to accept the -ankKs offer of posting 2on conversion3, his re:uest may be considered provided the grounds therefor are reasonable. In such cases, the case of the employee may be again considered for conversion after ( year of the refusal. Ho ever, if an employee refuses conversion/posting for the second time, he ill be permanently debarred from being considered for conversion as messenger.
2!.3.2.6 GENERAL
i3 If an employee, ho has been converted as messenger, is not ?th class pass, he ill not be eligible for in<cadre/out<of<cadre higher officiating / permanent chances. Ho ever, if he ac:uires such :ualification subse:uently, the position may be revie ed thereafter on the condition that he ill be eligible for in<cadre/out<of<cadre promotion or officiating chances, only on completing ) years service as messenger, after ac:uiring ?th class pass :ualification. Those, ho are already ?th class pass, ill be eligible for in<cadre/out<of<cadre promotions/officiating chances, as per the e/isting policy i.e. after t o year1s service as messenger. 9mployees, ho have been converted as messenger, and have passed 6III class, ill be considered for officiating or permanent appointment in higher in<cadre positions after ) years of such conversion.
a3 2b3
The opinion of another Medical &uthority should be obtained confirming the opinion given by the -ankKs Medical %fficer. He may be appointed as messenger<cum< atchman or guard, provided he possesses the re:uired educational :ualification of messenger, viz. 6III class pass.
In case he does not possess the re:uired :ualification, he may be appointed as a cash coolie< cum< atchman or guard or aterman<cum< atchman . In both cases of conversion, he ill retain the special allo ance payable to atchman/guard. The services of such employees, should not be utilised for atch and ard duties. These employees should be considered for higher appointments in the messengerial / menial cadre only. Cor this, they should have orked for at least t o years in their ne designations. Thereafter, their entire service period should be reckoned for the purpose of determining their seniority for such in<cadre appointments.
N: W:0? N: P2A
!herever employees, ithout the permission of the Management, go on agitation of any form during office hours, they ill have to be treated as having commited breach of contract of service and the principle of Vno ork no payW should be uniformly follo ed sub"ect to the decision of the #ourt. 9ven here an employee is in breach of his contract for part of the day, he ill not earn ages for the full day sub"ect to the condition that the -ank does not ac:uiesce in the breach by taking ork from such employee for rest of the day. In such a case, care should be taken to give intimation to the employee sufficient in advance, through a notice hich may be displayed or circulated that no further ork is e/pected of them for the rest of the day 2&nne/ure );.(3. In a Vno ork no payW situation, the :uestion of deduction of ages does not arise as the employees have not earned ages as normal ork in the normal manner in accordance ith a contract of employment, hich is a condition precedent for earning ages has not been satisfied. It should be ensured that appropriate ad"ustments are made at the time of disbursement of salary for that month.
(. ). '. ;. =. >. +. ?.
,pouse of the &ssistant, ho is accompanying the latter during mobile inspection duty, ill also be paid travelling e/penses as per the eligibility of the Inspecting &ssistant. %nce a year, spouse may return to the place of residence and "oin the Inspection &ssistant. ,pecial Home Travel #oncession facility in each block of one year. The &ssistants on mobile duty can put up their family at any placethey like. They can avail casual leave for more than ; days at a time during the period not being counted. ith ,undays and holidays falling
G. (*. ((.
Insurance cover for self for Rs. =*,***/< and insurance cover for kit items. They can avail the facilities of transit houses established at some important centres. Travel by circuitous route from one place of duty to another, facilitating visit to place family members stay. here
(. ). 2a3 This notice is issued in supersession of all prior notices on the sub"ect but ithout pre"udice to any action taken or hich may hereafter be taken under such prior notices. &ll employees of the -ank are once again reminded that < the employeesK contract of service them < ith the -ank and the nature of their duties, en"oin upon orking day on hich the bank is open
< to function effectively for and throughout every 2e/cept for authorised absence3M <
to do a full dayKs ork and to complete each dayKs normal orkM ork, as the Management ork or
< to do overtime ork. i.e., ork beyond the normal hours of may re:uire of him ithin the prescribed limitsM and < not to do, or cause to be done, anything functioning. 2b3 hich
the Management of the -ank has full discretion to prescribe as to< < < hen the orking hours on each day ill commence, upto hat time of the day the orking hours ill e/tend, and much time ork beyond the normal hours of ork can be taken from any employee, orking hours do not e/ceed the permissible total orking hours or ceiling on
< Ho
the contract of employment involves reciprocal promises and an employeeKs right to remuneration depends entirely upon the performance of his ork for a specified period and, therefore, his remuneration is payable only if the principal terms of his employment are effectively fulfilled #onse:uently, an employee ould be in breach of his contract of service, if he, as a measure of concerted action or individually on his o n, does any of the follo ing acts or things, namely< fails or refuses to perform normal ork in the normal manner in the normal orking hours resorts to non<cooperation, adopts Kgo<slo K or !ork<to<ruleK ith intent to disrupt normal ork in the office. or has been unauthorisedly absent from the place 2s3 of ork 2 here, by the terms of his employment, he is re:uired to ork3 even for a part of the day, during the orking hours fi/ed for him by the Management.
disrupts, in any other manner, the bankKs ork either in the -ankKs office premises or at the -ankersK #learing House, or at any other place2s3 of ork there by the terms of his employment, he is normally re:uired/e/pected to perform his duties. In vie of hat is stated above, all employees are hereby put on notice that <
;. 2a3
if any of them is in breach of his contract of service on any day or even for a part of the day, he ill not be entitled to pay and allo ances for the hole of that particular day and as such no pay and allo ances ill be paid to him for that particular dayM and any employee ho is, in any ay, responsible for taking care of, or guarding, any asset of the -ank ill be accountable to the Management if such asset is put to any "eopardy or is lost or is stolen as a result of the failure of such employee to discharge his normal responsibility. If any employee is in breach as indicated above, no rest of the day. ork is e/pected of the employee for the
=. >.
The employees are also advised that the Management is not obliged to issue any notice to the employees or provide them an opportunity of being heard before e/ercising the ManagementKs right not to pay ages as aforesaid. #onse:uently, hole dayKs pay and allo ances ill not be paid by the Management, henever, so arranted, ithout any specific or general notice to any employee or employees. If any payment has been made by mistake or other ise deductions ill be made from the salary of the concerned employees, payable in any succeeding month The above instructions are e:ually applicable to the ,upervising ,taff also. The foregoing is ithout pre"udice to the ManagementKs right to take such disciplinary action as may be arranted.
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A F2./ :9 L19- &4rievances, real or imaginary, are a part of human relationship from hich there is no escape. They arise even in the basic unit of society < family. Therefore, in our -ank here a large number of individuals, coming from different cultural backgrounds and having different traditions and customs, ork together, grievances become numerous and their nature comple/. This fact has to be recognised before steps can be evolved to ensure healthy and harmonious human relationship in any organisation. The nature of steps to be taken then becomes obviousM first, to ackno ledge the e/istence of grievancesM second, to identify them, and third, to seek their removal by mutual discussions and ad"ustments.
G-3-02, P013.14,-8 &This :uestion of grievance procedure as considered in great detail at the various 7ational and International $abour #onferences. &ccording to their recommendations, any orker ho, acting individually or "ointly ith other orkers, considers that he has grounds for a grievance, should have the right to submit such grievance ithout suffering any pre"udice hatsoever as a result, and to have such grievance e/amined pursuant to an appropriate procedure. The grounds for a grievance may be any measure or situation hich concerns the relations bet een employer and orker, or hich directly affects, or may affect, the conditions of employment of one or several orkers in the undertaking.
G617135 P013.14,-8 && grievance procedure forms part of an integrated scheme intended to promote satisfactory relations bet een employer and employees. The procedure has to be designed to supplement the e/isting statutory provisions and it may, here practicable, make use of such machinery as is already provided by legislation. The procedures should be simple and capable of dealing ith grievances e/peditiously. 4rievances, as far as possible, should be settled at the lo est level. 7o matter should ordinarily be taken up at more than t o levels, hich means normally there should be only one appeal. &n employee making a grievance can take it up at a higher level if he is not satisfied ith the solution proposed, or if he finds that at the initial level, the solution is being delayed because of time<consuming procedure. & grievance must be redressed as e/peditiously as possible and to ards this end, the management, in consultation ith employees, has decided upon the time limit for settling grievances. These principles are only indicative of the type of effort that is sought to be set in motion to create a friendly atmosphere in the ,tate -ank of India.
F:0>207-,::?135 P:,1.A &The ,tate -ank of India had already recognised the importance of establishing several channels of communication bet een the management and employees. The Joint #onsultative #ommittees set up at different levels constitute such channels. They ere established in (G>; and that as probably the first time that machinery of such a nature as set up in the country in an organisation like the ,tate -ank of India. !ith the setting up of a procedure to settle grievances the second element of a for ard<looking and constructive personnel policy has been provided.
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& grievance may relate to a complaint affecting an employee in respect of his age payments, orking conditions, leave, transfer, seniority, ork assignment, interpretations of service agreement/rules etc. & grievance may be anything about a manKs "ob hich irritates him or tends to make his orking conditions unsatisfactory. It may e/ist even though no verbal or ritten complaint is presented. & grievance may be imaginary, or based on insufficient, or lack of kno ledge of the factsM such a grievance can be "ust as irritating to the employee concerned as one based upon real and "ustifiable causes. & grievance, ho ever, trivial or unimportant, re:uires fair, open<minded, patient and considered treatment. &
grievance procedure has been evolved by the -ank after great deal of inhouse debate including discussions ith the &ll India ,tate -ank %fficersK Cederation and &ll India ,-I ,taff Cederation and outlined in subse:uent paragraphs satisfies all guiding principles. It is simple, it is e/peditious, as the Initial &uthority has to e/amine and give a decision preferably ithin (= days. It provides for an &ppellate &uthority to enable the employee to go in appeal. The employee is allo ed at the appeal stage to represent his o n case or he can have his case represented through a colleague belonging to the cadre to hich he belongs provided the said representative is a serving employee of ,tate -ank of India. 2b3 The ,tate -ank of India is a national institution. The Joint #onsultative #ommittee and the grievance procedure are parts of an integrated policy designed to promote better relationship bet een the management and employees. The management and the staff of the -ank, both have the responsibility to make this policy a success.
N2/60- :9 G01-@23.-8 &The nature of grievances that should be processed and redressed under this procedure are defined as under. Ho ever, the Managing 8irector or in his absence 8y. Managing 8irector 0 #orporate 8evelopment %fficer may at his discretion modify, add or delete grievances listed herein from time<to<time L<
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#omplaints relating to unfair treatment by any superior official. #omplaints affecting individual employees regarding salary, payments, service conditions such as leave, seniority, ork assignment, orking conditions and rights and privileges of the employees under the prescribed terms and conditions of service. In dra ing up the above definition of grievances, it is clarified that L< A!ork assignmentA under this procedure shall mean the assignment of duties to various categories of staff and shall not include allocation of duties of an individual employee.
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8isciplinary action taken in accordance ith the terms and conditions governing service shall not constitute a grievance to be processed under 4.R.,. The 4.R.,. shall not be resorted to in respect of any action or decision taken by the -ank 2in matters such as promotion3 under laid do n policies, rules, regulations, agreements, settlements, prescribed systems and procedures etc.
D184:82, :9 G01-@23.-8 &Initially, a complaint in respect of grievance should be made in riting on the prescribed form enclosed hereto by the employee concerned and put up to the Initial &uthority in respect of the department or section or branch in hich the employee is orking. &n Initial &uthority for this purpose ill be designated by the Managing 8irector or 8y. Managing 8irector 0 #orporate 8evelopment %fficer in the absence of Managing 8irector having regard to the nature or size of the office here the employee is orking. The Initial &uthority should look into the grievance, giving fair opportunity to the complainant to adduce evidence and establish his case, and give his decision on the complaint in riting, preferably ithin fifteen orking days of its receipt.
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A44-2, &If the Initial &uthority should fail to give a decision ithin the prescribed time or if the employee concerned is not satisfied ith the decision, the employee can appeal to an &ppellate &uthority to be designated by the Managing 8irector or 8y. Managing 8irector 0 #orporate 8evelopment %fficer in the absence of Managing 8irector having regard to the nature of the office here the employee is orking. The appeal should be preferred ithin thirty orking days of the decision of the Initial &uthority, and the decision of the &ppellate &uthority should be given preferably ithin fourteen orking days of the receipt of the appeal. The decision of the &ppellate &uthority ill be final.
G-3-02, &In all appellate proceedings under the 4.R.,., the employee may appear himself or in addition have his case represented through a colleague ho also belongs to the cadre to hich the appellant belongs provided said representative is a serving employee of the -ank. 7o travelling or halting allo ance or any reimbursement of e/penses ill be made for this purpose. 7o duty leave etc. ill also be sanctioned either to himself or to his representative. The 4rievance Redressal ,ystem -oard. ill come into effect from the date of its approval by the
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8ate <
& ard ,taff orking at $ocal Head %ffice establishment & ard ,taff orking at the branches hich are under the direct control of 4eneral Manager & ard ,taff orking at the branches hich are under the direct control of 8y. 4eneral Manager & ard ,taff orking at Honal %ffice establishment in &sstt. 4eneral ManagerKs 8epartments & ard ,taff orking at Honal %ffice in other 8epartments & ard ,taff orking at branches other than those mentioned in ) and ' above
Head of 8epartment The concerned -ranch Manager/8y. 4eneral Manager of the -ranch -ranch Manager
4eneral Manager
4eneral Manager