Samples Are Available To Learn and Practice
Samples Are Available To Learn and Practice
Samples Are Available To Learn and Practice
To equip students of engineering and technology with effective speaking and listening skills in English. To help them develop their soft skills and interpersonal skills, which will make the transition from college to workplace smoother and help them excel in their job. To enhance the performance of students at Placement nterviews, !roup"iscussions and other recruitment exercises.
3. S(#!+ing:
Phonetics+ ntonation $ Ear training & 'orrect Pronunciation $ ,ound recognition Exercises $ 'ommon Errors in English. 'onversations+ %ace to %ace 'onversation $ Telephone conversation $ )ole play -ctivities .,tudents take on roles and engage in conversation/
2. P)#s#n%!%i&n s+ills:
Elements of effective presentation $ ,tructure of presentation & Presentation tools $ (oice 1odulation $ -udience analysis & 2ody language $ (ideo samples
3. S&.% S+ills:
Time management $ -rticulateness $ -ssertiveness $ Psychometrics $ nnovation and 'reativity & ,tress 1anagement 3 Poise & (ideo ,amples
5. G)&"( ,is-"ssi&n:
4hy is !" part of selection process 5 & ,tructure of !" $ 1oderator $ led and other !"s & ,trategies in !" $ Team work & 2ody #anguage & 1ock !" &(ideo samples
6. In%#)0i#7 S+ills:
6inds of interviews $ )equired 6ey ,kills $ 'orporate culture $ 1ock interviews& (ideo samples.
am '."eepak currently pursuing 7 rd year of my 'ivil Engineering bachelor8s degree in -nnamalaiar 'ollege of Engineering, 1odaiyur. completed my schooling from 9.6.1 :igher ,econdary ,chool, 2odinayakanur, Theni.dt/. am basically an optimistic person, tending to take in the best from any situation. am also a pragmatic person, who works diligently to achieve goals. - proactive, adaptable and conscientious student who overcomes challenges through a tenacious and questioning approach. -n articulate and diplomatic communicator plus an effective team player with strong inter&personal skills. 'onsistently works to the highest standards and thrives when working as part of a cohesive team. Positive and keen to succeed, pick up skills quickly and apply them successfully, through both the use of initiative and the ability to comprehend instructions. )esponsible and always willing to put in extra effort. )eliable, flexible and highly motivated. 1y Primary ,trengths are intuitiveness, ability to comprehend quickly, applying innovative thoughts into action and collaboration. 1y goal in life is to create a revolution in the field of constructions.
C&'(!n9 N!'# : L : T P0%. Li'i%#* C&'(!n9 P)&.il# : #arsen 3 Toubro is a ;," <.= billion technology, engineering, construction, manufacturing and services company, with global operations. t is one of the largest and most respected companies in ndia8s private sector. - strong customer&focused approach and the constant quest for top& class quality have enabled #3T to attain and sustain leadership in its major lines of business over the past seven decades. #3T8s 2uildings 3 %actories ndependent 'ompany undertakes turnkey execution of large commercial 0 residential buildings, airports, T parks, hotels, large industrial 0 commercial complexes, malls and hospitals, etc. 4e have ambitious plans for business in ndia and abroad. %or our current and future projects, we require graduate 0 diploma engineers with experience in high&rise commercial complexes 0 T parks 0 hotels 0 hospitals 0 integrated townships 0 residential towers 0 airport buildings 0 factories. C&ns%)"-%i&n M!n!g#) 3 E;#-"%i&n Engin##)s: !raduate 'ivil Engineer or "iploma 'ivil Engineer having experience in mechani>ed construction of the above mentioned projects in any of the following construction works+ .a/ 'oncreting, %ormworks, )einforcement works .b/ Pavement, -prons, )unways, Taxiways works .c/ %inishing 3 nterior 4orks .d/ ,tructural 0 Piping %abrication 3 Erection works. E;(#)i#n-#: 7 to ?@ years. (acancies are open for senior and middle level positions. 'andidates must be willing to relocate anywhere in ndia or abroad. ,alary and benefits will be commensurate with qualifications and experience, and will not be a constraint for deserving candidates. L&-!%i&n: 'hennai0 -hmadabad TELE<APPOINTMENT 8OR INTERVIE4 Aur team will be at the following places as per the schedule below.Onl9 i. 9&" '##% % # !$&0# -)i%#)i!, call respective telephone nos. for the venue and time of the interview. S). N. Pl!-# &. in%#)0i#7 ? 'hennai D -hmadabad C&n%!-% (#)s&n 1ahesh 6umar P 2rijraj ,ingh )athore C&n%!-% n"'$#)s BCC $ DD@<EB@< BE< $ FF@D@D@F
4hen you come to the interview please bring along a detailed resume, all educational certificates, experience certificates, salary proof and two passport&si>e photographs. f unable to attend the walk&in interview, please apply online at 777.Ln%#--.-&' .&G 'areers &G -pply/ A) e&mail your application to -$!/-!)##)s=Ln%#--.-&' with the post applied for in the subject line. Professionals with over ?@ years of experience in the above areas can send their resume directly to the above e&mail address.
'."eepak, 77rd ward, -run Hagar, ,ubburajnagar Hew colony, 2odinayakanur, Theni ."T/, Pin&FD@@?7. CAREER OBJECTIVE To seek the job in your organi>ation and having the leadership skill. E,UCATION ,ETAILS have the skill in communication and also
TEC>NICAL SKILLS ,#sign s&.%7!)#?s PERSONAL SKILLS 'ommitment and involvement to the work assigned. 4illing to learn new things. : -uto'-", -rch '-".
'onstruction "esigning
Hame "ate of 2irth %ather8s name ,ex 1arital ,tatus #anguages 6nown Iear of Passing Hationality
+ + + + + + + +
'."eepak. DE.BE.?<<7. ,.'hellamuthu. 1ale ,ingle English, Tamil. 1ay DB?? ndian 1aking new friends, )eading 2ooks, #istening 1usic '."eepak, 77rd ward, -run Hagar, ,ubburajnagar Hew colony, 2odinayakanur, Theni ."T/, Pin&FD@@?7.
,ECLARATION hereby declare that all the above information are true and correct to best of my knowledge. RE8ERENCE: Hame +1r.A.E.Perumal 1.E, -.P 0 'ivil. "esignation + :ead Af The "epartment, 'ollege +-nnamalaiar'ollege Af Engineering, 1odaiyur.
P)#s#n%!%i&n is the practice of showing and explaining the content of a topic to an audience or learner. - presentation program, such as 1icrosoft PowerPoint, is often used to generate the presentation content. n recent years it has become increasingly common for employers to request job applicants who are successfully shortlisted to deliver one or more presentations at their interview. The purpose of the presentation in this setting may be to either demonstrate candidatesL skills and abilities in presenting, or to highlight their knowledge of a given subject likely to relate closely to the job role for which they have applied. t is common for the applicant to be notified of the request for them to deliver a presentation along with their invitation to attend the interview. ;sually applicants are only given a title for their presentation and a time limit which the presentation should not exceed.
5. ,&nA% (!))&% P&7#)P&in%. Ane of the most prevalent and damaging habits of PowerPoint users is to simply read the visual presentation to the audience. Hot only is that redundant N short of using the clicker, why are you even there5 N 2ut it makes even the most visually appealing presentation boring to the bone. PowerPoint works best with spoken remarks that augment and discuss, rather than mimic, whatLs on the screen. MEven with PowerPoint, youLve got to make eye contact with your audience,M says )oberta Prescott of The Prescott !roup, a 'onnecticut&based communications consulting firm. MThose people didnLt come to see the back of your head.M 6. Ti'# 9&") )#'!)+s. -nother potential land mine is a speakerLs comments that coincide precisely with the appearance of a fresh PowerPoint slide. That merely splits your audienceLs attention. - well& orchestrated PowerPoint program brings up a new slide, gives the audience a chance to read and digest it, then follows up with remarks that broaden and amplify whatLs on the screen. M tLs an issue of timing,M 6err says. MHever talk on top of your slides.M B. Gi0# i% ! )#s%. -gain, PowerPoint is most effective as a visual accompaniment to the spoken word. Experienced PowerPoint users arenLt bashful about letting the screen go blank on occasion. Hot only can that give your audience a visual break, itLs also effective to focus attention on more verbally&focused give and take, such as a group discussion or question and answer session. C. Us# 0i$)!n% -&l&)s. - striking contrast between words, graphics and the background can be very effective in conveying both a message and emotion. D. I'(&)% &% #) i'!g#s !n* g)!( i-s. "onLt limit your presentation to what PowerPoint offers. ;se outside images and graphics for variety and visual appeal, including video. M often have one or two very short video clips in my presentations,M says Hew Iork technology consultant )amon )ay. M t helps with humour, conveys a message and loosens up the crowd.M E. ,is%)i$"%i&n !n*&"%s !% % # #n* < n&% *")ing % # ()#s#n%!%i&n. ,ome people may disagree with me here. 2ut no speaker wants to be chatting to a crowd thatLs busy reading a summation of her remarks. ;nless it is imperative that people follow a handout while youLre presenting, wait until youLre done to distribute them. 10. E*i% )"% l#ssl9 $#.&)# ()#s#n%ing. Hever lose the perspective of the audience. Ance youLre finished drafting your PowerPoint slides, assume youLre just one of the folks listening to your remarks as you review them. f something is unappealing, distracting or confusing, edit ruthlessly. 'hances are good your overall presentation will be the better for it.
!roup discussion forms the primary stage of contact between the interviewers an interviewee. These are management entrance procedures by universities or also adopted at the recruitment stage by many companies.. !roup discussions once more separates the cream group and makes them eligible for further rounds of tests so as to be chosen in an accurate career position. Though group discussion sounds a cacophonic idea of many individuals, there stems many management points that can be noticed in an individual. ,kills of management level and expertise in cooling down a situation can easily be recogni>ed during discussion of a topic. This helps the conductor of group discussion to list out the right candidate. There are many group discussion skills that need to be adhered too. %irstly the main objective is to participate well and moderate in case of confusion. This easily gives more objective to the interviewer. 2e polite and maintain composure. Easily getting into a heated argument is not the objective and you may be giving many negative signals through your body language. -ggressiveness can be modulated in the form of assertiveness during voicing out an issue. "ecorum has to be clearly maintained. The group discussion is not merely to impress the conductor but putting forth your firm beliefs. t could happen that you could be the only one who is believing in a particular idea and all others have jumped on you. %irstly you should consider yourself in a better bargaining position than others and use valid reasons to state your concept perfectly.