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Republic of India

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This article is about the Republic of India. For other uses, see India (disambiguation).
Republic of India
Bharat Ganrajya
Flag Emblem
Motto: "Satyameva Jayate" (Sanskrit)
"Truth Alone Triumphs"
Anthem: Jana Gana Mana
"Thou Art the uler o! the "in#s o! All $eople"
National song:
Vande Mataram
"' (o) to Thee* "other"
Area +ontrolle# by 'n#ia sho)n in #ark green,
+laime# but un+ontrolle# regions sho)n in light green-
Capital .e) /elhi
%01&2-03. 4411%-53E
Largest city "umbai
Official languages
e+ognise# regional languages th !chedule[sho)]
National language .one
"emonym 'n#ian
#o$ernment Fe#eral parliamentary
+onstitutional republi+
6 $resi#ent $ranab "ukher7ee
6 8i+e $resi#ent "ohamma# 9ami# Ansari
6 $rime "inister "anmohan Singh ('.:)
6 Speaker o! the 9ouse "eira ;umar ('.:)
6 :hie! Justi+e a7en#ra "al <o#ha
Legislature $arliament o! 'n#ia
6 =pper house Rajya Sabha
6 <o)er house Lok Sabha
Independence !rom the =nite# ;ing#om
6 /ominion 15 August 1>?4
6 epubli+ %2 January 1>5@
6 Total &*%04*5>@
1*%2>*&?2 sA mi
6 Bater (C) >-2
6 %@11 +ensus 1*%1@*1>&*?%%
6 /ensity &44->Dkm
>40-0DsA mi
#"% ($$$) %@1? estimate
6 Total E5-&@% trillion
6 $er +apita E?*%@>
#"% (nominal) %@1? estimate
6 Total E1-0?% trillion
6 $er +apita E1*&0>
#ini (%@1@) &&->
me#ium & 4>th
H"I (%@1%) @-55?
me#ium & 1&2th (me#ium)
Currency 'n#ian rupee ( ) ( INR)
'ime (one 'ST (=T:F@5G&@)
6 Summer (/ST) not observe# (=T:F@5G&@)
"ate format ##6mm6yyyy (:E)
"ri$es on the le!t
Calling code F>1
I!O )*++ code '.
Internet 'L" -in
other 'L"s[sho)]
India (
/ n d i /), officially the Republic of India (Bharat Ganrajya),
i# a co$ntry in %o$th
&#ia' (t i# the#e)enth*lar+e#t co$ntry ,y area, the #econd*mo#t pop$lo$# co$ntry -ith o)er
'. ,illion people, and the mo#t pop$lo$# democracy in the -orld' /o$nded ,y the (ndian
0cean on the #o$th, the &ra,ian %ea on the #o$th*-e#t, and the /ay of /en+al on the
#o$th*ea#t, it #hare# land ,order# -ith 1aki#tan to the -e#t2
3hina, Nepal, and /h$tanto
the north*ea#t2 and /$rma and /an+lade#h to the ea#t' (n the (ndian 0cean, (ndia i# in the
)icinity of %ri 4anka and the Maldi)e#2 in addition, (ndia5# &ndaman and Nico,ar
(#land# #hare a maritime ,order -ith 6hailand and (ndone#ia'
7ome to the ancient (nd$# 8alley 3i)ili#ation and a re+ion of hi#toric trade ro$te# and )a#t
empire#, the (ndian #$,continent -a# identified -ith it# commercial and c$lt$ral -ealth for
m$ch of it# lon+ hi#tory'
Fo$r -orld reli+ion#:7ind$i#m, /$ddhi#m, ;aini#m, and %ikhi#m
:ori+inated here, -herea# ;$dai#m, <oroa#triani#m, 3hri#tianity, and(#lam arri)ed in the #t
millenni$m 3E and al#o helped #hape the re+ion5# di)er#e c$lt$re' =rad$ally anne>ed ,y
and ,ro$+ht $nder the admini#tration of the /riti#h Ea#t (ndia 3ompany from the early ?th
cent$ry and admini#tered directly ,y the United @in+dom from the mid*Ath cent$ry, (ndia
,ecame an independent nation in A9B after a#tr$++le for independence that -a# marked
,y non*)iolent re#i#tance led ,y Mahatma =andhi'
6he (ndian economy i# the -orld5# ele)enth*lar+e#t ,y nominal =C1 and third*lar+e#t
,y p$rcha#in+ po-er parity(111)'
Follo-in+ market*,a#ed economic reform# in AA,
(ndia ,ecame one of the fa#te#t*+ro-in+ maEor economie#2 it i# con#idered a ne-ly
ind$#triali#ed co$ntry' 7o-e)er, it contin$e# to face the challen+e# ofo)erpop$lation
, po)erty, corr$ption, maln$trition, inadeG$ate p$,lic healthcare, and terrori#m' & n$clear
-eapon# #tate and a re+ional po-er, it ha# the third*lar+e#t #tandin+ army in the -orld and
rank# ei+hth in military e>pendit$re amon+ nation#' (ndia i# a federal con#tit$tional
rep$,lic +o)erned $nder a parliamentary #y#temcon#i#tin+ of .? #tate# and B $nion
territorie#' (ndia i# a pl$rali#tic, m$ltilin+$al, and a m$lti*ethnic #ociety' (t i# al#o home to a
di)er#ity of -ildlife in a )ariety of protected ha,itat#'
. 7i#tory
o .' &ncient (ndia
o .'. Medie)al (ndia
o .'! Early modern (ndia
o .'9 Modern (ndia
! =eo+raphy
9 En)ironment
D /iodi)er#ity
F 1olitic#
o F' =o)ernment
o F'. %$,di)i#ion#
B Forei+n relation# and military
? Economy
A Cemo+raphic#
0 3$lt$re
o 0' &rt and architect$re
o 0'. 4iterat$re
o 0'! 1erformin+ art#
o 0'9 Motion pict$re#
o 0'D %ociety
o 0'F 3lothin+
o 0'B %port
%ee al#o
. Note#
! 3itation#
9 Heference#
D E>ternal link#
ain article! "ames of India
6he name India i# deri)ed from Indus, -hich ori+inate# from the 0ld 1er#ian -ord #indu$'
6he latter term #tem# from the %an#krit -ord %indhu, -hich -a# the hi#torical local
appellation for the (nd$# Hi)er'
6he ancient =reek#referred to the (ndian# a# Indoi (IJKLM),
-hich tran#late# a# Nthe people of the (nd$#N'
6he +eo+raphical
term Bharat(prono$nced [ , a rt" ( li#ten)), -hich i# reco+ni#ed ,y the 3on#tit$tion of (ndia a#
an official name for the co$ntry, i# $#ed ,y many (ndian lan+$a+e# in it# )ariation#'
6he eponym of Bharat i# /harata, a theolo+ical fi+$re that 7ind$ #cript$re# de#cri,e a# a
le+endary emperor of ancient (ndia' #industan ([ nd #ta n" ( li#ten)) -a# ori+inally
a1er#ian -ord that meant N4and of the 7ind$#N2 prior to A9B, it referred to a re+ion that
encompa##ed northern (ndia and 1aki#tan' (t i# occa#ionally $#ed to #olely denote (ndia in it#
ain articles! #istory of India and #istory of the Republic of India
Ancient India
&natomically modern h$man# are tho$+ht to ha)e arri)ed in %o$th &#ia B!*DD,000 year#
tho$+h the earlie#t a$thenticated h$man remain# date to only a,o$t !0,000 year#
Nearly contemporaneo$# Me#olithic rock art #ite# ha)e ,een fo$nd in many part# of
the (ndian #$,continent, incl$din+ at the /him,etka rock #helter# in Madhya 1rade#h'
&ro$nd B000 /3E, the fir#t kno-n Neolithic #ettlement# appeared on the #$,continent
in Mehr+arh and other #ite# in -e#tern 1aki#tan'
6he#e +rad$ally de)eloped into the (nd$#
8alley 3i)ili#ation,
the fir#t $r,an c$lt$re in %o$th &#ia2
it flo$ri#hed d$rin+ .D00O
A00 /3E in 1aki#tan and -e#tern (ndia'
3entred aro$nd citie# #$ch a# MohenEo*
daro, 7arappa, Chola)ira, and @ali,an+an, and relyin+ on )aried form# of #$,#i#tence, the
ci)ili#ation en+a+ed ro,$#tly in craft# prod$ction and -ide*ran+in+ trade'
C$rin+ the period .000OD00 /3E, in term# of c$lt$re, many re+ion# of the #$,continent
tran#itioned from the 3halcolithic to the (ron &+e'
6he 8eda#, the olde#t #cript$re# of
-ere compo#ed d$rin+ thi# period,
and hi#torian# ha)e analy#ed the#e to
po#it a 8edic c$lt$re in the 1$nEa, re+ion and the $pper=an+etic 1lain'
Mo#t hi#torian#
al#o con#ider thi# period to ha)e encompa##ed #e)eral -a)e# of (ndo*&ryan mi+ration into
the #$,continent from the north*-e#t'
6he ca#te #y#tem, -hich created a hierarchy of
prie#t#, -arrior#, and free pea#ant#, ,$t -hich e>cl$ded indi+eno$# people# ,y la,ellin+ their
occ$pation# imp$re, aro#e d$rin+ thi# period'
0n the Ceccan 1latea$, archaeolo+ical
e)idence from thi# period #$++e#t# the e>i#tence of a chiefdom #ta+e of political
(n #o$thern (ndia, a pro+re##ion to #edentary life i# indicated ,y the lar+e
n$m,er of me+alithic mon$ment# datin+ from thi# period,
a# -ell a# ,y near,y trace# of
a+ric$lt$re, irri+ation tank#, and craft tradition#'
1aintin+# at the &Eanta 3a)e# in &$ran+a,ad, Mahara#htra, Fth cent$ry
(n the late 8edic period, aro$nd the Dth cent$ry /3E, the #mall chiefdom# of
the =an+e# 1lain and the north*-e#tern re+ion# had con#olidated into F maEor oli+archie#
and monarchie# that -ere kno-n a# the mahajanapadas'
6he emer+in+ $r,ani#ation
and the orthodo>ie# of thi# a+e al#o created heterodo> reli+io$# mo)ement#, t-o of -hich
,ecame independent reli+ion#' /$ddhi#m, ,a#ed on the teachin+# of =a$tama
/$ddha attracted follo-er# from all #ocial cla##e# e>ceptin+ the middle cla##2 chroniclin+ the
life of the /$ddha -a# central to the ,e+innin+# of recorded hi#tory in (ndia'
came into prominence d$rin+ the life of it# e>emplar, Maha)ira'
(n an a+e of increa#in+
$r,an -ealth, ,oth reli+ion# held $p ren$nciation a# an ideal,
and ,oth e#ta,li#hed lon+*
la#tin+ mona#tic tradition#' 1olitically, ,y the !rd cent$ry /3E, the kin+dom of Ma+adha had
anne>ed or red$ced other #tate# to emer+e a# the Ma$ryan Empire'
6he empire -a# once
tho$+ht to ha)e controlled mo#t of the #$,continent e>ceptin+ the far #o$th, ,$t it# core
re+ion# are no- tho$+ht to ha)e ,een #eparated ,y lar+e a$tonomo$# area#'
Ma$ryan kin+# are kno-n a# m$ch for their empire*,$ildin+ and determined mana+ement of
p$,lic life a# for &#hoka5# ren$nciation of militari#m and far*fl$n+ ad)ocacy of the
/$ddhi#t dhamma'
6he %an+am literat$re of the 6amil lan+$a+e re)eal# that, ,et-een .00 /3E and .00 3E,
the #o$thern penin#$la -a# ,ein+ r$led ,y the 3hera#, the 3hola#, and the 1andya#,
dyna#tie# that traded e>ten#i)ely -ith the Homan Empire and -ith We#t and %o$th*Ea#t
(n North (ndia, 7ind$i#m a##erted patriarchal control -ithin the family, leadin+ to
increa#ed #$,ordination of -omen'
/y the 9th and Dth cent$rie#, the =$pta Empire had
created in the +reater =an+e# 1lain a comple> #y#tem of admini#tration and ta>ation that
,ecame a model for later (ndian kin+dom#'
Under the =$pta#, a rene-ed 7ind$i#m
,a#ed on de)otion rather than the mana+ement of rit$al ,e+an to a##ert it#elf'
rene-al -a# reflected in a flo-erin+ of #c$lpt$re andarchitect$re, -hich fo$nd patron#
amon+ an $r,an elite'
3la##ical %an#krit literat$re flo-ered a# -ell, and (ndian
#cience, a#tronomy, medicine, and mathematic#made #i+nificant ad)ance#'
Medieval India
6he +ranite to-er of/rihadee#-arar 6emple in6hanEa)$r -a# completed in 00 3E ,y HaEa HaEa 3hola ('
6he (ndian early medie)al a+e, F00 3E to .00 3E, i# defined ,y re+ional kin+dom# and
c$lt$ral di)er#ity'
When 7ar#ha of@anna$E, -ho r$led m$ch of the (ndo*=an+etic 1lain
from F0F to F9B 3E, attempted to e>pand #o$th-ard#, he -a# defeated ,y the3hal$kya r$ler
of the Ceccan'
When hi# #$cce##or attempted to e>pand ea#t-ard#, he -a# defeated ,y
the 1ala kin+ of/en+al'
When the 3hal$kya# attempted to e>pand #o$th-ard#, they -ere
defeated ,y the 1alla)a# from farther #o$th, -ho in t$rn -ere oppo#ed ,y the 1andya# and
the 3hola# from #till farther #o$th'
No r$ler of thi# period -a# a,le to create an empire and
con#i#tently control land# m$ch ,eyond hi# core re+ion'
C$rin+ thi# time, pa#toral people#
-ho#e land had ,een cleared to make -ay for the +ro-in+ a+ric$lt$ral economy -ere
accommodated -ithin ca#te #ociety, a# -ere ne- non*traditional r$lin+ cla##e#'
6he ca#te
#y#tem con#eG$ently ,e+an to #ho- re+ional difference#'
(n the Fth and Bth cent$rie#, the fir#t de)otional hymn# -ere created in the 6amil lan+$a+e'
6hey -ere imitated all o)er (ndia and led to ,oth the re#$r+ence of 7ind$i#m and the
de)elopment of all modern lan+$a+e# of the #$,continent'
(ndian royalty, ,i+ and#mall,
and the temple# they patroni#ed, dre- citiPen# in +reat n$m,er# to the capital citie#, -hich
,ecame economic h$,# a# -ell'
6emple to-n# of )ario$# #iPe# ,e+an to appear
e)ery-here a# (ndia $nder-ent another $r,ani#ation'
/y the ?th and Ath cent$rie#, the
effect# -ere felt in %o$th*Ea#t &#ia, a# %o$th (ndian c$lt$re and political #y#tem# -ere
e>ported to land# that ,ecame part of modern*
day Myanmar, 6hailand, 4ao#, 3am,odia, 8ietnam, 1hilippine#, Malay#ia, and ;a)a'
(ndian merchant#, #cholar#, and #ometime# armie# -ere in)ol)ed in thi# tran#mi##ion2
%o$th*Ea#t &#ian# took the initiati)e a# -ell, -ith many #oEo$rnin+ in (ndian #eminarie# and
tran#latin+ /$ddhi#t and 7ind$ te>t# into their lan+$a+e#'
&fter the 0th cent$ry, M$#lim 3entral &#ian nomadic clan#, $#in+ #-ift*hor#e ca)alry and
rai#in+ )a#t armie# $nited ,y ethnicity and reli+ion, repeatedly o)erran %o$th &#ia5# north*
-e#tern plain#, leadin+ e)ent$ally to the e#ta,li#hment of the (#lamic Celhi %$ltanate in
6he #$ltanate -a# to control m$ch of North (ndia, and to make many foray# into
%o$th (ndia' &ltho$+h at fir#t di#r$pti)e for the (ndian elite#, the #$ltanate lar+ely left it# )a#t
non*M$#lim #$,Eect pop$lation to it# o-n la-# and c$#tom#'
/y repeatedly
rep$l#in+ Mon+ol raider# in the !th cent$ry, the #$ltanate #a)ed (ndia from the de)a#tation
)i#ited on We#t and 3entral &#ia, #ettin+ the #cene for cent$rie# of mi+ration of fleein+
#oldier#, learned men, my#tic#, trader#, arti#t#, and arti#an# from that re+ion into the
#$,continent, there,y creatin+ a #yncretic (ndo*(#lamic c$lt$re in the north'
#$ltanate5# raidin+ and -eakenin+ of the re+ional kin+dom# of %o$th (ndia pa)ed the -ay for
the indi+eno$# 8iEayana+ara Empire'
Em,racin+ a #tron+ %hai)ite tradition and ,$ildin+
$pon the military technolo+y of the #$ltanate, the empire came to control m$ch of penin#$lar
and -a# to infl$ence %o$th (ndian #ociety for lon+ after-ard#'
Early modern India
Writin+ the -ill and te#tament of the M$+hal kin+ co$rt in 1er#ian, DA0ODAD
(n the early Fth cent$ry, northern (ndia, ,ein+ then $nder mainly M$#lim r$ler#,
fell a+ain
to the #$perior mo,ility and firepo-er of a ne- +eneration of 3entral &#ian -arrior#'
re#$ltin+ M$+hal Empire did not #tamp o$t the local #ocietie# it came to r$le, ,$t rather
,alanced and pacified them thro$+h ne- admini#trati)e practice#
and di)er#e and
incl$#i)e r$lin+ elite#,
leadin+ to more #y#tematic, centrali#ed, and $niform r$le'
E#che-in+ tri,al ,ond# and (#lamic identity, e#pecially $nder &k,ar, the M$+hal# $nited
their far*fl$n+ realm# thro$+h loyalty, e>pre##ed thro$+h a 1er#iani#ed c$lt$re, to an
emperor -ho had near*di)ine #tat$#'
6he M$+hal #tate5# economic policie#, deri)in+ mo#t
re)en$e# from a+ric$lt$re
and mandatin+ that ta>e# ,e paid in the -ell*re+$lated #il)er
ca$#ed pea#ant# and arti#an# to enter lar+er market#'
6he relati)e peace
maintained ,y the empire d$rin+ m$ch of the Bth cent$ry -a# a factor in (ndia5# economic
re#$ltin+ in +reater patrona+e of paintin+, literary form#, te>tile#,
and architect$re'
Ne-ly coherent #ocial +ro$p# in northern and -e#tern (ndia, #$ch a#
the Maratha#, the HaEp$t#, and the %ikh#, +ained military and +o)ernin+ am,ition# d$rin+
M$+hal r$le, -hich, thro$+h colla,oration or ad)er#ity, +a)e them ,oth reco+nition and
military e>perience'
E>pandin+ commerce d$rin+ M$+hal r$le +a)e ri#e to ne- (ndian
commercial and political elite# alon+ the coa#t# of #o$thern and ea#tern (ndia'
&# the
empire di#inte+rated, many amon+ the#e elite# -ere a,le to #eek and control their o-n
/y the early ?th cent$ry, -ith the line# ,et-een commercial and political dominance ,ein+
increa#in+ly ,l$rred, a n$m,er of E$ropean tradin+ companie#, incl$din+ the En+li#h Ea#t
(ndia 3ompany, had e#ta,li#hed coa#tal o$tpo#t#'
6he Ea#t (ndia 3ompany5# control of
the #ea#, +reater re#o$rce#, and more ad)anced military trainin+ and technolo+y led it to
increa#in+ly fle> it# military m$#cle and ca$#ed it to ,ecome attracti)e to a portion of the
(ndian elite2 ,oth the#e factor# -ere cr$cial in allo-in+ the 3ompany to +ain control o)er
the /en+al re+ion ,y BFD and #ideline the other E$ropean companie#'
(t# f$rther
acce## to the riche# of /en+al and the #$,#eG$ent increa#ed #tren+th and #iPe of it# army
ena,led it to anne> or #$,d$e mo#t of (ndia ,y the ?.0#'
(ndia -a# then no lon+er
e>portin+ man$fact$red +ood# a# it lon+ had, ,$t -a# in#tead #$pplyin+ the /riti#h empire
-ith ra- material#, and many hi#torian# con#ider thi# to ,e the on#et of (ndia5# colonial
/y thi# time, -ith it# economic po-er #e)erely c$rtailed ,y the /riti#h parliament
and it#elf effecti)ely made an arm of /riti#h admini#tration, the 3ompany ,e+an to more
con#cio$#ly enter non*economic arena# #$ch a# ed$cation, #ocial reform, and c$lt$re'
Modern India
6he /riti#h (ndian Empire, from the A0A edition of The Imperial Ga&etteer of India' &rea# directly +o)erned
,y the /riti#h are #haded pink2 the princely #tate# $nder /riti#h #$Perainty are in yello-'
7i#torian# con#ider (ndia5# modern a+e to ha)e ,e+$n #ometime ,et-een ?9? and ??D'
6he appointment in ?9? of 4ord Calho$#ie a# =o)ernor =eneral of the Ea#t (ndia
3ompany #et the #ta+e for chan+e# e##ential to a modern #tate' 6he#e incl$ded the
con#olidation and demarcation of #o)erei+nty, the #$r)eillance of the pop$lation, and
the ed$cation of citiPen#' 6echnolo+ical chan+e#:amon+ them, rail-ay#, canal#, and the
tele+raph:-ere introd$ced not lon+ after their introd$ction in E$rope'
di#affection -ith the 3ompany al#o +re- d$rin+ thi# time, and #et off the (ndian He,ellion of
?DB' Fed ,y di)er#e re#entment# and perception#, incl$din+ in)a#i)e /riti#h*#tyle #ocial
reform#, har#h land ta>e#, and #$mmary treatment of #ome rich lando-ner# and prince#, the
re,ellion rocked many re+ion# of northern and central (ndia and #hook the fo$ndation# of
3ompany r$le'
&ltho$+h the re,ellion -a# #$ppre##ed ,y ?D?, it led to the di##ol$tion
of the Ea#t (ndia 3ompany and to the direct admini#tration of (ndia ,y the /riti#h
+o)ernment' 1roclaimin+ a $nitary #tate and a +rad$al ,$t limited /riti#h*#tyle parliamentary
#y#tem, the ne- r$ler# al#o protected prince# and landed +entry a# a fe$dal #afe+$ard
a+ain#t f$t$re $nre#t'
(n the decade# follo-in+, p$,lic life +rad$ally emer+ed all o)er
(ndia, leadin+ e)ent$ally to the fo$ndin+ of the (ndian National 3on+re## in ??D'
;a-aharlal Nehr$ (left) ,ecame (ndia5# fir#t prime mini#ter in A9B'Mahatma =andhi (ri+ht) led the
independence mo)ement'
6he r$#h of technolo+y and the commerciali#ation of a+ric$lt$re in the #econd half of the
Ath cent$ry -a# marked ,y economic #et,ack#:many #mall farmer# ,ecame dependent
on the -him# of far*a-ay market#'
6here -a# an increa#e in the n$m,er of lar+e*
#cale famine#,
and, de#pite the ri#k# of infra#tr$ct$re de)elopment ,orne ,y (ndian
ta>payer#, little ind$#trial employment -a# +enerated for (ndian#'
6here -ere al#o
#al$tary effect#: commercial croppin+, e#pecially in the ne-ly canalled 1$nEa,, led to
increa#ed food prod$ction for internal con#$mption'
6he rail-ay net-ork pro)ided critical
famine relief,
nota,ly red$ced the co#t of mo)in+ +ood#,
and helped na#cent (ndian*
o-ned ind$#try'
&fter World War (, in -hich #ome one million (ndian# #er)ed,
a ne-
period ,e+an' (t -a# marked ,y /riti#h reform# ,$t al#o repre##i)e le+i#lation, ,y more
#trident (ndian call# for #elf*r$le, and ,y the ,e+innin+# of a non*)iolent mo)ement of non*
cooperation, of -hich Mohanda# @aramchand =andhi -o$ld ,ecome the leader and
end$rin+ #ym,ol'
C$rin+ the A!0#, #lo- le+i#lati)e reform -a# enacted ,y the /riti#h2 the
(ndian National 3on+re## -on )ictorie# in the re#$ltin+ election#'
6he ne>t decade -a#
,e#et -ith cri#e#: (ndian participation in World War ((, the 3on+re##5# final p$#h for non*
cooperation, and an $p#$r+e of M$#lim nationali#m' &ll -ere capped ,y the ad)ent of
independence in A9B, ,$t tempered ,y the partition of (ndia into t-o #tate#: (ndia and
8ital to (ndia5# #elf*ima+e a# an independent nation -a# it# con#tit$tion, completed in AD0,
-hich p$t in place a #ec$lar and democratic rep$,lic'
(n the F0 year# #ince, (ndia ha# had
a mi>ed record of #$cce##e# and fail$re#'
(t ha# remained a democracy -ith ci)il li,ertie#,
an acti)i#t %$preme 3o$rt, and a lar+ely independent pre##'
Economic li,erali#ation,
-hich -a# ,e+$n in the AA0#, ha# created a lar+e $r,an middle cla##, tran#formed (ndia
into one of the -orld5# fa#te#t*+ro-in+ economie#,
and increa#ed it# +eopolitical clo$t'
(ndian mo)ie#, m$#ic, and #pirit$al teachin+# play an increa#in+ role in +lo,al c$lt$re'
(ndia ha# al#o ,een -ei+hed do-n ,y #eemin+ly $nyieldin+ po)erty, ,oth r$ral and $r,an2
,y reli+io$# and ca#te*related )iolence2
,y Maoi#t*in#pired Na>alite in#$r+encie#2
and ,y #eparati#m in ;amm$ and @a#hmir and in Northea#t (ndia'
(t ha# $nre#ol)ed
territorial di#p$te# -ith 3hina,
and -ith1aki#tan'
6he (ndiaO1aki#tan n$clear ri)alry
came to a head in AA?'
(ndia5# #$#tained democratic freedom# are $niG$e amon+ the
-orld5# ne- nation#2 ho-e)er, in #pite of it# recent economic #$cce##e#, freedom from -ant
for it# di#ad)anta+ed pop$lation remain# a +oal yet to ,e achie)ed'
ain article! Geography of India
%ee also! Geology of India
& topo+raphic map of (ndia
(ndia compri#e# the ,$lk of the (ndian #$,continent, lyin+ atop the (ndian tectonic plate, and
part of the (ndo*&$#tralian 1late'
(ndia5# definin+ +eolo+ical proce##e# ,e+an BD million
year# a+o -hen the (ndian plate, then part of the #o$thern #$percontinent =ond-ana, ,e+an
a north*ea#t-ard drift ca$#ed ,y #eafloor #preadin+ to it# #o$th*-e#t, and later, #o$th and
%im$ltaneo$#ly, the )a#t 6ethyn oceanic cr$#t, to it# northea#t, ,e+an
to #$,d$ct $nder the E$ra#ian plate'
6he#e d$al proce##e#, dri)en ,y con)ection in the
Earth5# mantle, ,oth created the (ndian 0cean and ca$#ed the (ndian continental
cr$#t e)ent$ally to $nder*thr$#t E$ra#ia and to $plift the 7imalaya#'
(mmediately #o$th of
the emer+in+ 7imalaya#, plate mo)ement created a )a#t tro$+h that rapidly filled -ith ri)er*
,orne #ediment
and no- con#tit$te# the(ndo*=an+etic 1lain'
3$t off from the plain ,y
the ancient &ra)alli Han+e lie# the 6har Ce#ert'
6he ori+inal (ndian plate #$r)i)e# a# penin#$lar (ndia, the olde#t and +eolo+ically mo#t #ta,le
part of (ndia' (t e>tend# a# far north a# the %atp$ra and 8indhya ran+e# in central (ndia'
6he#e parallel chain# r$n from the &ra,ian %ea coa#t in =$Earat in the -e#t to the coal*
rich 3hota Na+p$r 1latea$ in ;harkhand in the ea#t'
6o the #o$th, the remainin+
penin#$lar landma##, the Ceccan 1latea$, i# flanked on the -e#t and ea#t ,y coa#tal ran+e#
kno-n a# the We#tern and Ea#tern =hat#2
the platea$ contain# the co$ntry5# olde#t rock
formation#, #ome o)er one ,illion year# old' 3on#tit$ted in #$ch fa#hion, (ndia lie# to the
north of the eG$ator ,et-een FR 995 and !DR !05 north latit$de
and F?R B5 and ABR .D5 ea#t
6he @edar Han+e of the =reater 7imalaya# ri#e# ,ehind @edarnath 6emple((ndian #tate of Uttarakhand),
-hich i# one of the t-el)ejyotirlinga #hrine#'
(ndia5# coa#tline mea#$re# B,DB kilometre# (9,B00 mi) in len+th2 of thi# di#tance, D,9.!
kilometre# (!,900 mi) ,elon+ to penin#$lar (ndia and .,0A9 kilometre# (,!00 mi) to the
&ndaman, Nico,ar, and 4ak#had-eep i#land chain#'
&ccordin+ to the (ndian na)al
hydro+raphic chart#, the mainland coa#tline con#i#t# of the follo-in+: 9!S #andy ,eache#2
S rocky #hore#, incl$din+ cliff#2 and 9FS m$dflat# or mar#hy #hore#'
MaEor 7imalayan*ori+in ri)er# that #$,#tantially flo- thro$+h (ndia incl$de the =an+e# and
the /rahmap$tra, ,oth of -hich drain into the /ay of /en+al'
(mportant tri,$tarie# of the
=an+e# incl$de the Qam$na and the @o#i2 the latter5# e>tremely lo- +radient often lead# to
#e)ere flood# and co$r#e chan+e#'
MaEor penin#$lar ri)er#, -ho#e #teeper +radient#
pre)ent their -ater# from floodin+, incl$de the =oda)ari, the Mahanadi, the @a)eri, and
the @ri#hna, -hich al#o drain into the /ay of /en+al2
and the Narmada and the 6apti,
-hich drain into the &ra,ian %ea'
3oa#tal feat$re# incl$de the mar#hy Hann of @$tch of
-e#tern (ndia and the all$)ial%$ndar,an# delta of ea#tern (ndia2 the latter i# #hared -ith
(ndia ha# t-o archipela+o#: the 4ak#had-eep, coral atoll# off (ndia5# #o$th*
-e#tern coa#t2 and the &ndaman and Nico,ar (#land#, a )olcanic chain in the &ndaman %ea'
6he (ndian climate i# #tron+ly infl$enced ,y the 7imalaya# and the 6har Ce#ert, ,oth of
-hich dri)e the economically and c$lt$rally pi)otal #$mmer and -inter mon#oon#'
7imalaya# pre)ent cold 3entral &#ian kata,atic -ind# from ,lo-in+ in, keepin+ the ,$lk of
the (ndian #$,continent -armer than mo#t location# at #imilar latit$de#'
6he 6har
Ce#ert play# a cr$cial role in attractin+ the moi#t$re*laden #o$th*-e#t #$mmer mon#oon
-ind# that, ,et-een ;$ne and 0cto,er, pro)ide the maEority of (ndia5# rainfall'
Fo$r maEor
climatic +ro$pin+# predominate in (ndia: tropical -et, tropical dry, #$,tropical h$mid,
and montane'
ain article! 'n(ironmental issues in India
(n (ndia, maEor en)ironmental i##$e# incl$de fore#t and a+ric$lt$ral de+radation of land2
depletion of re#o$rce# #$ch a# -ater, mineral#, fore#t, #and, and rock#2en)ironmental
de+radation2 p$,lic health i##$e#2 lo## of ,iodi)er#ity2 lo## of re#ilience in eco#y#tem#2 and
li)elihood #ec$rity for the poor'
&ccordin+ to data collection and en)ironment a##e##ment
#t$die# of World /ank e>pert#, ,et-een AAD and .00, the pro+re## (ndia ha# made in
addre##in+ it# en)ironmental i##$e# and impro)in+ it# en)ironmental G$ality ha# ,een
amon+ the fa#te#t in the -orld'
ain article! )ildlife of India
6he lot$# ("elumbo nucifera) i# the (ndian national flo-er' 7ind$# and /$ddhi#t# re+ard it a# a #acred
#ym,ol of enli+htenment'
(ndia lie# -ithin the (ndomalaya ecoPone and contain# three ,iodi)er#ity hot#pot#'
0ne of
B me+adi)er#e co$ntrie#, it ho#t# ?'FS of all mammalian, !'BS of all a)ian, B'AS of all
reptilian, FS of all amphi,ian, .'.S of all pi#cine, and F'0S of all flo-erin+ plant #pecie#'
Endemi#m i# hi+h amon+ plant#, !!S, and amon+ ecore+ion# #$ch a# the #holafore#t#'
7a,itat ran+e# from the tropical rainfore#t of the &ndaman (#land#, We#tern =hat#,
and North*Ea#t (ndia to theconifero$# fore#t of the 7imalaya' /et-een the#e e>treme# lie the
moi#t decid$o$# #al fore#t of ea#tern (ndia2 the dry decid$o$# teak fore#t of central and
#o$thern (ndia2 and the ,a,$l*dominated thorn fore#t of the central Ceccan and -e#tern
=an+etic plain'
Under .S of (ndia5# landma## ,ear# thick E$n+le'
medicinal neem, -idely $#ed in r$ral (ndian her,al remedie#, i# a key (ndian tree' 6he
l$>$riant pipal fi+ tree, #ho-n on the #eal# of MohenEo*daro, #haded =a$tama /$ddha a# he
#o$+ht enli+htenment'
Many (ndian #pecie# de#cend from ta>a ori+inatin+ in =ond-ana, from -hich the (ndian
plate #eparated more than 0D million year# ,efore pre#ent'
(ndia5# #$,#eG$ent mo)ement to-ard# and colli#ion -ith the 4a$ra#ian landma## #et off a
ma## e>chan+e of #pecie#' Epochal )olcani#m and climatic chan+e# .0 million year# a+o
forced a ma## e>tinction'
Mammal# then entered (ndia from &#ia thro$+h
t-o Poo+eo+raphical pa##e# flankin+ the ri#in+ 7imalaya'
6h$#, -hile 9D'?S of reptile#
and DD'?S of amphi,ian# are endemic, only .'FS of mammal# and 9'DS of ,ird# are'
&mon+ them are the Nil+iri leaf monkey and /eddome5# toad of the We#tern =hat#' (ndia
contain# B. (U3N*de#i+nated threatened animal #pecie#, or .'AS of endan+ered form#'
6he#e incl$de the &#iatic lion, the /en+al ti+er, and the (ndian White*r$mped 8$lt$re,
-hich, ,y in+e#tin+ the carrion of diclofenac*laced cattle, nearly -ent e>tinct'
6he per)a#i)e and ecolo+ically de)a#tatin+ h$man encroachment of recent decade# ha#
critically endan+ered (ndian -ildlife' (n re#pon#e the #y#tem of national park# and protected
area#, fir#t e#ta,li#hed in A!D, -a# #$,#tantially e>panded' (n AB., (ndia enacted
the Wildlife 1rotection &ct
and 1roEect 6i+er to #afe+$ard cr$cial -ilderne##2 the Fore#t
3on#er)ation &ct -a# enacted in A?0 and amendment# added in A??'
(ndia ho#t# more
than fi)e h$ndred -ildlife #anct$arie# and thirteen ,io#phere re#er)e#,
fo$r of -hich are
part of the World Net-ork of /io#phere He#er)e#2 t-enty*fi)e -etland# are re+i#tered $nder
theHam#ar 3on)ention'
6he /iolo+ical Ci)er#ity &ct, .00. -a# enacted ,y the =o)ernment of (ndia on D Fe,r$ary
6he &ct e>tend# to the -hole of (ndia and reaffirm# the #o)erei+n ri+ht# of the
co$ntry o)er it# ,iolo+ical re#o$rce#' %$,#eG$ently the =o)ernment of (ndia p$,li#hed
/iolo+ical Ci)er#ity H$le#, .009 (D &pril .009)'
6he H$le# $nder #ection .. #tate# that
Te)ery local ,ody #hall con#tit$te a /iodi)er#ity Mana+ement 3ommittee (/M3U#) -ithin it#
area of E$ri#dictionU' Fir#t /M3 of the &hmedna+ar di#trictof Mahara#htra -a# formed in the
)illa+e 1impri =a-ali'
ain article! *olitics of India
& parliamentary Eoint #e##ion ,ein+ held in the %an#ad /ha)an'
(ndia i# the -orld5# mo#t pop$lo$# democracy'
& parliamentary rep$,lic -ith a m$lti*party
it ha# #i>reco+ni#ed national partie#, incl$din+ the (ndian National 3on+re## and
the /haratiya ;anata 1arty (/;1), and more than 90re+ional partie#'
6he 3on+re## i#
con#idered centre*left or Nli,eralN in (ndian political c$lt$re, and the /;1 centre*ri+ht or
Ncon#er)ati)eN' For mo#t of the period ,et-een AD0:-hen (ndia fir#t ,ecame a rep$,lic:
and the late A?0#, the 3on+re## held a maEority in the parliament' %ince then, ho-e)er, it
ha# increa#in+ly #hared the political #ta+e -ith the /;1,
a# -ell a# -ith po-erf$l re+ional
partie# -hich ha)e often forced the creation of m$lti*party coalition# at the centre'
(n the Hep$,lic of (ndia5# fir#t three +eneral election#, in AD, ADB, and AF.,
the ;a-aharlal Nehr$*led 3on+re## -on ea#y )ictorie#' 0n Nehr$5# death in AF9, 4al
/ahad$r %ha#tri ,riefly ,ecame prime mini#ter2 he -a# #$cceeded, after hi# o-n $ne>pected
death in AFF, ,y (ndira =andhi, -ho -ent on to lead the 3on+re## to election )ictorie# in
AFB and AB' Follo-in+ p$,lic di#content -ith the #tate of emer+ency #he declared in
ABD, the 3on+re## -a# )oted o$t of po-er in ABB2 the then*ne- ;anata 1arty, -hich had
oppo#ed the emer+ency, -a# )oted in' (t# +o)ernment la#ted E$#t o)er three year#' 8oted
,ack into po-er in A?0, the 3on+re## #a- a chan+e in leader#hip in A?9, -hen (ndira
=andhi -a# a##a##inated2 #he -a# #$cceeded ,y her #on HaEi) =andhi, -ho -on an ea#y
)ictory in the +eneral election# later that year' 6he 3on+re## -a# )oted o$t a+ain in A?A
-hen a National Front coalition, led ,y the ne-ly formed ;anata Cal in alliance -ith the4eft
Front, -on the election#2 that +o)ernment too pro)ed relati)ely #hort*li)ed: it la#ted E$#t
$nder t-o year#'
Election# -ere held a+ain in AA2 no party -on an a,#ol$te maEority'
/$t the 3on+re##, a# the lar+e#t #in+le party, -a# a,le to form a minority +o)ernment led
,y 1' 8' Nara#imha Hao'
& t-o*year period of political t$rmoil follo-ed the +eneral election of AAF' %e)eral #hort*
li)ed alliance# #hared po-er at the centre' 6he /;1 formed a +o)ernment ,riefly in AAF2 it
-a# follo-ed ,y t-o comparati)ely lon+*la#tin+ United Front coalition#, -hich depended on
e>ternal #$pport' (n AA?, the /;1 -a# a,le to form a #$cce##f$l coalition, the National
Cemocratic &lliance (NC&)' 4ed ,y &tal /ihari 8aEpayee, the NC& ,ecame the fir#t non*
3on+re##, coalition +o)ernment to complete a fi)e*year term'
(n the .009 (ndian +eneral
election#, a+ain no party -on an a,#ol$te maEority, ,$t the 3on+re## emer+ed a# the lar+e#t
#in+le party, formin+ another #$cce##f$l coalition: the United 1ro+re##i)e &lliance (U1&)' (t
had the #$pport of left*leanin+ partie# and M1# -ho oppo#ed the /;1' 6he U1& ret$rned to
po-er in the .00A +eneral election -ith increa#ed n$m,er#, and it no lon+er reG$ired
e>ternal #$pport from (ndia5# comm$ni#t partie#'
6hat year, Manmohan %in+h ,ecame the
fir#t prime mini#ter #ince ;a-aharlal Nehr$ in ADB and AF. to ,e re*elected to a
con#ec$ti)e fi)e*year term'
ain article! Go(ernment of India
%ee also! 'lections in India
6he Ha#htrapati /ha)an i# the official re#idence of the pre#ident of (ndia'
(ndia i# a federation -ith a parliamentary #y#tem +o)erned $nder the 3on#tit$tion of (ndia,
-hich #er)e# a# the co$ntry5# #$preme le+al doc$ment' (t i# a con#tit$tional rep$,lic
and repre#entati)e democracy, in -hich NmaEority r$le i# tempered ,yminority
ri+ht# protected ,y la-N' Federali#m in (ndia define# the po-er di#tri,$tion ,et-een the
federal +o)ernment and the#tate#' 6he +o)ernment a,ide# ,y con#tit$tional check# and
,alance#' 6he 3on#tit$tion of (ndia, -hich came into effect on .F ;an$ary AD0,
#tate# in
it# pream,le that (ndia i# a #o)erei+n, #ociali#t, #ec$lar, democratic rep$,lic'
(ndia5# form
of +o)ernment, traditionally de#cri,ed a# NG$a#i*federalN -ith a #tron+ centre and -eak
ha# +ro-n increa#in+ly federal #ince the late AA0# a# a re#$lt of political,
economic, and #ocial chan+e#'
6he federal +o)ernment
compri#e# three ,ranche#:
E>ec$ti)e: 6he 1re#ident of (ndia i# the head of #tate
and i# elected indirectly ,y a
national electoral colle+e
for a fi)e*year term'
6he 1rime Mini#ter of (ndia i#
the head of +o)ernment and e>erci#e# mo#t e>ec$ti)e po-er'
&ppointed ,y the
the prime mini#ter i# ,y con)ention #$pported ,y the party or political
alliance holdin+ the maEority of #eat# in the lo-er ho$#e of parliament'
6he e>ec$ti)e
,ranch of the (ndian +o)ernment con#i#t# of the pre#ident, the )ice*pre#ident, and
the 3o$ncil of Mini#ter#:the ca,inet ,ein+ it# e>ec$ti)e committee:headed ,y the
prime mini#ter' &ny mini#ter holdin+ a portfolio m$#t ,e a mem,er of one of the ho$#e#
of parliament'
(n the (ndian parliamentary #y#tem, the e>ec$ti)e i# #$,ordinate to the
le+i#lat$re2 the prime mini#ter and hi# co$ncil are directly re#pon#i,le to the lo-er ho$#e
of the parliament'
4e+i#lati)e: 6he le+i#lat$re of (ndia i# the ,icameral parliament' (t operate# $nder
a We#tmin#ter*#tyle parliamentary #y#tem and compri#e# the $pper ho$#e called
the HaEya %a,ha (N3o$ncil of %tate#N) and the lo-er called the 4ok %a,ha(N7o$#e of the
6he HaEya %a,ha i# a permanent ,ody that ha# .9D mem,er# -ho #er)e in
#ta++ered #i>*year term#'
Mo#t are elected indirectly ,y the #tate and
territorial le+i#lat$re# in n$m,er# proportional to their #tate5# #hare of the national
&ll ,$t t-o of the 4ok %a,ha5# D9D mem,er# are directly elected ,y
pop$lar )ote2 they repre#ent indi)id$al con#tit$encie# )ia fi)e*year term#'
National symbols
Flag Tri+olour
Emblem Sarnath <ion :apital
Anthem Jana Gana Mana
Song Vande Mataram
:urren+y ('n#ian upee)
:alen#ar Saka
Hame .ot #e+lare#
Flo)er <otus
Fruit "ango
Tree (anyan
(ir# 'n#ian $ea!o)l
<an# animal Tiger
AAuati+ animal iver /olphin
iver Hanga or Hanges
remainin+ t-o mem,er# are nominated ,y the pre#ident from amon+ the &n+lo*
(ndian comm$nity, in ca#e the pre#ident decide# that they are not adeG$ately
;$dicial: (ndia ha# a $nitary three*tier independent E$diciary
that compri#e#
the %$preme 3o$rt, headed ,y the 3hief ;$#tice of (ndia, .9 7i+h 3o$rt#, and a lar+e
n$m,er of trial co$rt#'
6he %$preme 3o$rt ha# ori+inal E$ri#diction o)er ca#e#
in)ol)in+ f$ndamental ri+ht# and o)er di#p$te# ,et-een #tate# and the centre2 it
ha# appellate E$ri#diction o)er the 7i+h 3o$rt#'
(t ha# the po-er ,oth to declare the
la- and to #trike do-n $nion or #tate la-# -hich contra)ene the con#tit$tion'
%$preme 3o$rt i# al#o the $ltimate interpreter of the con#tit$tion'
& clicka,le map of the .? #tate# and B $nion territorie# of (ndia
ain article! +dministrati(e di(isions of India
%ee also! *olitical integration of India
(ndia i# a federation compo#ed of .? #tate# and B $nion territorie#'
&ll #tate#, a# -ell a#
the $nion territorie# of 1$d$cherry and the National 3apital 6erritory of Celhi, ha)e elected
le+i#lat$re# and +o)ernment#, ,oth patterned on the We#tmin#ter model' 6he remainin+ fi)e
$nion territorie# are directly r$led ,y the centre thro$+h appointed admini#trator#' (n ADF,
$nder the %tate# Heor+ani#ation &ct, #tate# -ere reor+ani#ed on a lin+$i#tic ,a#i#'
then, their #tr$ct$re ha# remained lar+ely $nchan+ed' Each #tate or $nion territory i# f$rther
di)ided into admini#trati)e di#trict#' 6he di#trict# in t$rn are f$rther di)ided into teh#il# and
$ltimately into )illa+e#'
' &ndhra 1rade#h
.' &r$nachal 1rade#h
!' &##am
9' /ihar
D' 3hhatti#+arh
F' =oa
B' =$Earat
?' 7aryana
A' 7imachal 1rade#h
0' ;amm$ and @a#hmir
' ;harkhand
.' @arnataka
!' @erala
9' Madhya 1rade#h
D' Mahara#htra
F' Manip$r
B' Me+halaya
?' MiPoram
A' Na+aland
.0' 0di#ha
.' 1$nEa,
..' HaEa#than
.!' %ikkim
.9' 6amil Nad$
.D' 6rip$ra
.F' Uttar 1rade#h
.B' Uttarakhand
.?' We#t /en+al
Union territories
&' &ndaman and Nico,ar (#land#
/' 3handi+arh
3' Cadra and Na+ar 7a)eli
C' Caman and Ci$
E' 4ak#had-eep
F' National 3apital 6erritory of Celhi
=' 1$d$cherry
Foreign relations and military
ain articles! Foreign relations of India and Indian +rmed Forces
Manmohan %in+h meet# Cmitry Med)ede) at the !9th =? #$mmit' (ndia and H$##ia #hare e>ten#i)e
economic, defence, and technolo+ical tie#'
%ince it# independence in A9B, (ndia ha# maintained cordial relation# -ith mo#t nation#' (n
the AD0#, it #tron+ly #$pported decoloni#ation in &frica and &#ia and played a lead role in
the Non*&li+ned Mo)ement'
(n the late A?0#, the (ndian military t-ice inter)ened a,road
at the in)itation of nei+h,o$rin+ co$ntrie#: a peace*keepin+ operation in %ri 4anka ,et-een
A?B and AA02 and an armed inter)ention to pre)ent a co$p d5Vtat attempt in Maldi)e#'
(ndia ha# ten#e relation# -ith nei+h,o$rin+ 1aki#tan2 the t-o nation# ha)e +one to -ar fo$r
time#: in A9B, AFD, AB, and AAA' 6hree of the#e -ar# -ere fo$+ht o)er the di#p$ted
territory of @a#hmir, -hile the fo$rth, the AB -ar, follo-ed from (ndia5# #$pport for
theindependence of /an+lade#h'
&fter -a+in+ the AF. %ino*(ndian War and the AFD
-ar -ith 1aki#tan, (ndia p$r#$ed clo#e military and economic tie# -ith the %o)iet Union2 ,y
the late AF0#, the %o)iet Union -a# it# lar+e#t arm# #$pplier'
&#ide from on+oin+ #trate+ic relation# -ith H$##ia, (ndia ha# -ide*ran+in+ defence relation#
-ith (#rael and France' (n recent year#, it ha# played key role# in the %o$th &#ian
&##ociation for He+ional 3ooperation and the World 6rade 0r+ani#ation' 6he nation ha#
pro)ided 00,000 military and police per#onnel to #er)e in !D UN peacekeepin+ operation#
acro## fo$r continent#' (t participate# in the Ea#t &#ia %$mmit, the =?WD, and other
m$ltilateral for$m#'
(ndia ha# clo#e economic tie# -ith %o$th &merica,
&#ia, and &frica2
it p$r#$e# a N4ook Ea#tN policy that #eek# to #tren+then partner#hip# -ith
the &%E&N nation#, ;apan, and %o$th @orea that re)ol)e aro$nd many i##$e#, ,$t
e#pecially tho#e in)ol)in+ economic in)e#tment and re+ional #ec$rity'
(N% 8ikramaditya, the (ndian Na)yU# ,i++e#t -ar#hip, a# #een on F No)em,er .0!'
3hina5# n$clear te#t of AF9, a# -ell a# it# repeated threat# to inter)ene in #$pport of
1aki#tan in the AFD -ar, con)inced (ndia to de)elop n$clear -eapon#'
(ndia cond$cted
it# fir#t n$clear -eapon# te#t in AB9 and carried o$t f$rther $nder+ro$nd te#tin+ in AA?'
Ce#pite critici#m and military #anction#, (ndia ha# #i+ned neither the 3omprehen#i)e
N$clear*6e#t*/an 6reaty nor the N$clear Non*1roliferation 6reaty, con#iderin+ ,oth to ,e
fla-ed and di#criminatory'
(ndia maintain# a Nno fir#t $#eN n$clear policy and i# de)elopin+
a n$clear triad capa,ility a# a part of it# Nminim$m credi,le deterrenceN doctrine'
(t i#
de)elopin+ a ,alli#tic mi##ile defence #hield and, in colla,oration -ith H$##ia, a fifth*
+eneration fi+hter Eet'
0ther indi+eno$# military proEect# in)ol)e the de#i+n and
implementation of ,i-rant*cla## aircraft carrier# and +rihant*cla## n$clear #$,marine#'
%ince the end of the 3old War, (ndia ha# increa#ed it# economic, #trate+ic, and military
cooperation -ith the United %tate#and the E$ropean Union'
(n .00?, a ci)ilian n$clear
a+reement -a# #i+ned ,et-een (ndia and the United %tate#' &ltho$+h (ndia po##e##ed
n$clear -eapon# at the time and -a# not party to the N$clear Non*1roliferation 6reaty, it
recei)ed -ai)er# from the (nternational &tomic Ener+y &+ency and the N$clear %$pplier#
=ro$p, endin+ earlier re#triction# on (ndia5# n$clear technolo+y and commerce' &# a
con#eG$ence, (ndia ,ecame the #i>th de facto n$clear -eapon# #tate'
(ndia #$,#eG$ently
#i+ned cooperation a+reement# in)ol)in+ ci)ilian n$clear ener+y -ith H$##ia,
the United @in+dom,
and 3anada'
6he 1re#ident of (ndia i# the #$preme commander of the nation5# armed force#2 -ith ,!.D
million acti)e troop#, they compo#e the -orld5# third*lar+e#t military'
(t compri#e#
the (ndian &rmy, the (ndian Na)y, and the (ndian &ir Force2 a$>iliary or+ani#ation# incl$de
the %trate+ic Force# 3ommand and three paramilitary +ro$p#: the &##am Hifle#, the %pecial
Frontier Force, and the (ndian 3oa#t =$ard'
6he official (ndian defence ,$d+et for .0
-a# U%X!F'0! ,illion, or '?!S of =C1'
For the fi#cal year #pannin+ .0.O.0!,
U%X90'99 ,illion -a# ,$d+eted'
&ccordin+ to a .00? %(1H( report, (ndia5# ann$al military
e>pendit$re in term# of p$rcha#in+ po-er #tood at U%XB.'B ,illion,
(n .0, the ann$al
defence ,$d+et increa#ed ,y 'FS,
altho$+h thi# doe# not incl$de f$nd# that reach the
military thro$+h other ,ranche# of +o)ernment'
&# of .0., (ndia i# the -orld5# lar+e#t
arm# importer2 ,et-een .00B and .0, it acco$nted for 0S of f$nd# #pent on international
arm# p$rcha#e#'
M$ch of the military e>pendit$re -a# foc$#ed on defence a+ain#t
1aki#tan and co$nterin+ +ro-in+ 3hine#e infl$ence in the (ndian 0cean'
ain article! 'conomy of India
%ee also! 'conomic history of India, 'conomic de(elopment in India, Tourism in
India and Transport in India
&+ric$lt$ral -orker# in)ol)ed in Hice plantin+' Hice prod$ction in (ndia reached 0.'BD million ton# in .0*
&ccordin+ to the (nternational Monetary F$nd ((MF), a# of .0!, the (ndian economy i#
nominally -orth U%X'?9. trillion2 it i# the ele)enth*lar+e#t economy ,y market e>chan+e
rate#, and i#, at U%X9'AF. trillion, the third*lar+e#t ,y p$rcha#in+ po-er parity, or 111'
it# a)era+e ann$al =C1 +ro-th rate of D'?S o)er the pa#t t-o decade#, and reachin+ F'S
d$rin+ .0O.,
(ndia i# one of the -orld5# fa#te#t*+ro-in+ economie#'
7o-e)er, the
co$ntry rank# 90th in the -orld innominal =C1 per capita and .Ath in =C1 per capita at
Until AA, all (ndian +o)ernment# follo-ed protectioni#tpolicie# that -ere infl$enced
,y #ociali#t economic#' Wide#pread #tate inter)ention and re+$lation lar+ely -alled the
economy off from the o$t#ide -orld' &n ac$te ,alance of payment# cri#i# in AA forced the
nation to li,erali#e it# economy2
#ince then it ha# #lo-ly mo)ed to-ard# a free*market
,y empha#i#in+ ,oth forei+n trade and direct in)e#tment inflo-#'
recent economic model i# lar+ely capitali#t'
(ndia ha# ,een a mem,er of W60 #ince
;an$ary AAD'
6he 9?F'F*million -orker (ndian la,o$r force i# the -orld5# #econd*lar+e#t, a# of .0'
6he #er)ice #ector make# $p DD'FS of =C1, the ind$#trial #ector .F'!S and the
a+ric$lt$ral #ector ?'S' MaEor a+ric$lt$ral prod$ct# incl$de rice, -heat, oil#eed, cotton,
E$te, tea, #$+arcane, and potatoe#'
MaEor ind$#trie# incl$de te>tile#, telecomm$nication#,
chemical#, pharmace$tical#, ,iotechnolo+y, food proce##in+, #teel, tran#port eG$ipment,
cement, minin+, petrole$m, machinery, and #oft-are'
(n .00F, the #hare of e>ternal trade
in (ndia5# =C1 #tood at .9S, $p from FS in A?D'
(n .00?, (ndia5# #hare of -orld trade
-a# 'F?S2
(n .0, (ndia -a# the -orld5# tenth*lar+e#t importer and the nineteenth*
lar+e#t e>porter'
MaEor e>port# incl$de petrole$m prod$ct#, te>tile +ood#, Ee-ellery,
#oft-are, en+ineerin+ +ood#, chemical#, and leather man$fact$re#'
MaEor import# incl$de
cr$de oil, machinery, +em#, fertili#er, and chemical#'
/et-een .00 and .0, the
contri,$tion of petrochemical and en+ineerin+ +ood# to total e>port# +re- from 9S to 9.S'
6idel 1ark, the then lar+e#t (6 park in &#ia -hen it -a# opened in .000'
&)era+in+ an economic +ro-th rate of B'DS for #e)eral year# prior to .00B,
(ndia ha#
more than do$,led it# ho$rly -a+e rate# d$rin+ the fir#t decade of the .#t cent$ry'
9! million (ndian# ha)e left po)erty #ince A?D2 (ndia5# middle cla##e# are proEected to
n$m,er aro$nd D?0 million ,y .0!0'
6ho$+h rankin+ D#t in +lo,al competiti)ene##, (ndia
rank# Bth in financial market #ophi#tication, .9th in the ,ankin+ #ector, 99th in ,$#ine##
#ophi#tication, and !Ath in inno)ation, ahead of #e)eral ad)anced economie#, a# of .00'
With B of the -orld5# top D information technolo+y o$t#o$rcin+ companie# ,a#ed in
(ndia, the co$ntry i# )ie-ed a# the #econd*mo#t fa)o$ra,le o$t#o$rcin+ de#tination after the
United %tate#, a# of .00A'
(ndia5# con#$mer market, c$rrently the -orld5# ele)enth*lar+e#t,
i# e>pected to ,ecome fifth*lar+e#t ,y .0!0'
(ndia5# telecomm$nication ind$#try, the -orld5# fa#te#t*+ro-in+, added ..B million
#$,#cri,er# d$rin+ the period .00O,
and after the fir#t G$arter of .0!, (ndia #$rpa##ed
;apan to ,ecome the third lar+e#t #martphone market in the -orld after 3hina and the U'%'
(t# a$tomoti)e ind$#try, the -orld5# #econd fa#te#t +ro-in+, increa#ed dome#tic #ale# ,y
.FS d$rin+ .00AO0,
and e>port# ,y !FS d$rin+ .00?O0A'
1o-er capacity i# .D0
+i+a-att#, of -hich ?S i# rene-a,le' &t the end of .0, (ndian (6 (nd$#try employed .'?
million profe##ional#, +enerated re)en$e# clo#e to U%X00 ,illion eG$allin+ B'DS of (ndian
=C1 and contri,$ted .FS of (ndia5# merchandi#e e>port#'
6he 1harmace$tical ind$#try in (ndia i# amon+ the #i+nificant emer+in+ market# for +lo,al
pharma ind$#try' 6he (ndian pharmace$tical market i# e>pected to reach X9?'D ,illion ,y
.0.0' (ndia5# H Y C #pendin+ con#tit$te# F0S of /iopharmace$tical ind$#try'
(ndia i#
amon+ the top . /iotech de#tination# of the -orld'
6he (ndian ,iotech ind$#try +re-
,y D'S in .0.*!, increa#in+ it# re)en$e# from .09'9 /illion (NH ((ndian H$pee#) to
.!D'.9 /illion (NH (!'A9 / U%X * e>chan+e rate ;$ne .0!: U%X appro>' F0 (NH)
&ltho$+h hardly .S of (ndian# pay income ta>e#'
Ce#pite impre##i)e economic +ro-th d$rin+ recent decade#, (ndia contin$e# to face #ocio*
economic challen+e#' (ndia contain# the lar+e#t concentration of people li)in+ ,elo- the
World /ank5# international po)erty line of U%X'.D per day,
the proportion ha)in+
decrea#ed from F0S in A? to 9.S in .00D, and .DS in .0
99S of (ndia5# children
$nder the a+e of fi)e are $nder-ei+ht, half the children $nder fi)e #$ffer from
chronic maln$trition, and in the #tate# of Madhya 1rade#h, &ndhra
1rade#h, /ihar, 3hhatti#+arh, 7aryana, ;harkand, @arnataka, and Uttar 1rade#h, -hich
acco$nt for D0'09S of (ndia5# pop$lation, B0S of the children ,et-een the a+e# of #i>
month# and DA month# are anaemic'
6he Mid*Cay Meal %cheme attempt# to lo-er the#e
%ince AA, economic ineG$ality ,et-een (ndia5# #tate# ha# con#i#tently +ro-n: the
per*capita net #tate dome#tic prod$ct of the riche#t #tate# in .00B -a# !'. time# that of the
3orr$ption in (ndia i# percei)ed to ha)e increa#ed #i+nificantly,
-ith one report
e#timatin+ the ille+al capital flo-# #ince independence to ,e U%X9F. ,illion'
Cri)en ,y +ro-th, (ndia5# nominal =C1 per capita ha# #teadily increa#ed from U%X!.A in
AA, -hen economic li,erali#ation ,e+an, to U%X,.FD in .00, and i# e#timated to
increa#e to U%X.,0 ,y .0F2 ho-e)er, it ha# remained lo-er than tho#e of other &#ian
de)elopin+ co$ntrie# #$ch a# (ndone#ia, (ran, Malay#ia, 1hilippine#, %ri 4anka, and 6hailand,
and i# e>pected to remain #o in the near f$t$re' While it i# c$rrently hi+her than 1aki#tan,
Nepal, /an+lade#h and other#'
&ccordin+ to a .0 1rice-aterho$#e3ooper# report, (ndia5# =C1 at p$rcha#in+ po-er
parity co$ld o)ertake that of the United %tate# ,y .09D'
C$rin+ the ne>t fo$r decade#,
(ndian =C1 i# e>pected to +ro- at an ann$ali#ed a)era+e of ?S, makin+ it potentially the
-orld5# fa#te#t*+ro-in+ maEor economy $ntil .0D0'
6he report hi+hli+ht# key +ro-th
factor#: a yo$n+ and rapidly +ro-in+ -orkin+*a+e pop$lation2 +ro-th in the man$fact$rin+
#ector ,eca$#e of ri#in+ ed$cation and en+ineerin+ #kill le)el#2 and #$#tained +ro-th of the
con#$mer market dri)en ,y a rapidly +ro-in+ middle cla##'
6he World /ank ca$tion# that,
for (ndia to achie)e it# economic potential, it m$#t contin$e to foc$# on p$,lic #ector
reform, tran#port infra#tr$ct$re, a+ric$lt$ral and r$ral de)elopment, remo)al of la,o$r
re+$lation#, ed$cation, ener+y #ec$rity, and p$,lic health and n$trition'
3itin+ per#i#tent inflation pre##$re#, -eak p$,lic finance#, limited pro+re## on fi#cal
con#olidation and ineffecti)ene## of the +o)ernment, ratin+ a+ency Fitch re)i#ed (ndia5#
0$tlook to Ne+ati)e from %ta,le on ? ;$ne .0.'
&nother credit ratin+ a+ency %Y1 had
-arned pre)io$#ly that a #lo-in+ =C1 +ro-th and political road,lock# to economic policy*
makin+ co$ld p$t (ndia at the ri#k of lo#in+ it# in)e#tment +rade ratin+'
7o-e)er, Moody did not re)i#e it# o$tlook on (ndia keepin+ it #ta,le,
,$t termed the
national +o)ernment a# the N#in+le ,i++e#t dra+N on ,$#ine## acti)ity'
ain articles! .emographics of India and /ist of most populous cities in India
& pop$lation den#ity and (ndian Hail-ay# connecti)ity map' 6he already den#ely #ettled (ndo*=an+etic
1lain i# the main dri)er of (ndian pop$lation +ro-th'
With ,.0,A!,9.. re#ident# reported in the .0 pro)i#ional cen#$#,
(ndia i# the -orld5#
#econd*mo#t pop$lo$# co$ntry' (t# pop$lation +re- at 'BFS per ann$m d$rin+ .00O.0,
do-n from .'!S per ann$m in the pre)io$# decade (AAO.00)'
6he h$man #e>
ratio, accordin+ to the .0 cen#$#, i# A90 female# per ,000 male#'
6he median a+e -a#
.9'A in the .00 cen#$#'
6he fir#t po#t*colonial cen#$#, cond$cted in AD, co$nted !F'
million people'
Medical ad)ance# made in the la#t D0 year# a# -ell a# increa#ed
a+ric$lt$ral prod$cti)ity ,ro$+ht a,o$t ,y the N=reen He)ol$tionN ha)e ca$#ed (ndia5#
pop$lation to +ro- rapidly'
(ndia contin$e# to face #e)eral p$,lic health*related
&ccordin+ to the World 7ealth 0r+ani#ation, A00,000 (ndian# die each year
from drinkin+ contaminated -ater or ,reathin+ poll$ted air'
6here are aro$nd D0
phy#ician# per 00,000 (ndian#'
6he n$m,er of (ndian# li)in+ in $r,an area# ha# +ro-n ,y
!'.S ,et-een AA and .00'
Qet, in .00, o)er B0S li)ed in r$ral area#'
&ccordin+ to the .00 cen#$#, there are .B million*pl$# citie# in (ndia2
them Celhi, M$m,ai, @olkata, 3hennai, /an+alore, 7ydera,ad,&hmeda,ad and 1$ne are
the mo#t pop$lo$# metropolitan area#' 6he literacy rate in .0 -a# B9'09S: FD'9FS amon+
female# and ?.'9S amon+ male#'
@erala i# the mo#t literate #tate -ith AD'DS literacy2
-hile /ihar the lea#t -ith FB'?S'
3hildren prepare for a traditional dance in 6rip$ra'
(ndia i# home to t-o maEor lan+$a+e familie#: (ndo*&ryan (#poken ,y a,o$t B9S of the
pop$lation) and Cra)idian (.9S)' 0ther lan+$a+e# #poken in (ndia come from
the&$#troa#iatic and 6i,eto*/$rman lan+$a+e familie#' (ndia ha# no national lan+$a+e'
7indi, -ith the lar+e#t n$m,er of #peaker#, i# the official lan+$a+e of the +o)ernment'
En+li#h i# $#ed e>ten#i)ely in ,$#ine## and admini#tration and ha# the #tat$# of a
N#$,#idiary official lan+$a+eN2
it i# important in ed$cation, e#pecially a# a medi$m of
hi+her ed$cation' Each #tate and $nion territory ha# one or more official lan+$a+e#, and the
con#tit$tion reco+ni#e# in partic$lar . N#ched$led lan+$a+e#N' 6he 3on#tit$tion of (ndia
reco+ni#e# .. #ched$led tri,al +ro$p# -hich to+ether con#tit$te a,o$t B'DS of the co$ntry5#
6he .00 cen#$# reported that 7ind$i#m, -ith o)er ?00 million adherent#
(?0'DS of the pop$lation), -a# the lar+e#t reli+ion in (ndia2 it i# follo-ed
,y (#lam (!'9S), 3hri#tianity (.'!S), %ikhi#m ('AS), /$ddhi#m (0'?S), ;aini#m (0'9S),;$d
ai#m, <oroa#triani#m, and the /ahZ5[ Faith'
(ndia ha# the -orld5# lar+e#t 7ind$, %ikh, ;ain,
<oroa#trian, and /ahZ5[ pop$lation#, and ha# the third*lar+e#t M$#lim pop$lation and the
lar+e#t M$#lim pop$lation for a non*M$#lim maEority co$ntry'
ain article! 0ulture of India
& #c$lpt$re fa#hioned in the=andharan tradition depictin+ =a$tama /$ddha, fo$nder of /$ddhi#m, at the
6okyo National M$#e$m
(ndian c$lt$ral hi#tory #pan# more than 9,D00 year#'
C$rin+ the 8edic period (c' B00 O
D00 /3E), the fo$ndation# of7ind$ philo#ophy, mytholo+y, and literat$re -ere laid, and
many ,elief# and practice# -hich #till e>i#t today, #$ch a# dh1rma,-1rma, y2ga, and mo- a ,
-ere e#ta,li#hed'
(ndia i# nota,le for it# reli+io$# di)er#ity, -ith 7ind$i#m, %ikhi#m, (#lam,
3hri#tianity, and ;aini#m amon+ the nation5# maEor reli+ion#'
6he predominant reli+ion,
7ind$i#m, ha# ,een #haped ,y )ario$# hi#torical #chool# of tho$+ht, incl$din+ tho#e of
the 3panishads,
the 4oga %utras, the Bha-ti mo)ement,
and ,y /$ddhi#t philo#ophy'
Art and architecture
M$ch of (ndian architect$re, incl$din+ the 6aE Mahal, other -ork# of M$+hal architect$re,
and %o$th (ndian architect$re, ,lend# ancient local tradition# -ith imported #tyle#'
8ernac$lar architect$re i# al#o hi+hly re+ional in it fla)o$r#' ,astu shastra, literally
N#cience of con#tr$ctionN or Narchitect$reN and a#cri,ed to Mam$ni Mayan,
e>plore# ho-
the la-# of nat$re affect h$man d-ellin+#2
it employ# preci#e +eometry and directional
ali+nment# to reflect percei)ed co#mic con#tr$ct#'
&# applied in 7ind$ temple
architect$re, it i# infl$enced ,y the %hilpa %hastras, a #erie# of fo$ndational te>t# -ho#e
,a#ic mytholo+ical form i# the ,astu5*urusha mandala, a #G$are that em,odied the
6he 6aE Mahal, ,$ilt in &+ra ,et-een F! and F9? ,y order# of
Emperor %hah ;ahan in memory of hi# -ife, ha# ,een de#cri,ed in theUNE%30 World
7erita+e 4i#t a# Nthe Ee-el of M$#lim art in (ndia and one of the $ni)er#ally admired
ma#terpiece# of the -orld5# herita+e'N
(ndo*%aracenic He)i)al architect$re, de)eloped ,y
the /riti#h in the late Ath cent$ry, dre- on (ndo*(#lamic architect$re'
6he earlie#t literary -ritin+# in (ndia, compo#ed ,et-een 900 /3E and .00 3E, -ere in
the %an#krit lan+$a+e'
1rominent -ork# of thi# %an#krit literat$re incl$de epic# #$ch a#
the ah6bh6rata and the Ramayana, the drama# of@\lid\#a #$ch a#
the +bhij76na86-untalam (The Recognition of 9a-untal6), and poetry #$ch a#
the ah6-6(ya'
@ama#$tra, the famo$# ,ook a,o$t#e>$al interco$r#e al#o
ori+inated in (ndia' Ce)eloped ,et-een F00 /3E and !00 3E in %o$th (ndia,
the %angam literat$re, con#i#tin+ of .,!? poem#, i# re+arded a# a predece##or of 6amil
From the 9th to the ?th cent$rie#, (ndia5# literary tradition# -ent
thro$+h a period of dra#tic chan+e ,eca$#e of the emer+ence of de)otional poet# #$ch
a# @a,]r, 6$l#]d\#, and =$r$ N\nak' 6hi# period -a# characteri#ed ,y a )aried and -ide
#pectr$m of tho$+ht and e>pre##ion2 a# a con#eG$ence, medie)al (ndian literary -ork#
differed #i+nificantly from cla##ical tradition#'
(n the Ath cent$ry, (ndian -riter# took a
ne- intere#t in #ocial G$e#tion# and p#ycholo+ical de#cription#' (n the .0th cent$ry, (ndian
literat$re -a# infl$enced ,y the -ork# of /en+ali poet and no)eli#t Ha,indranath 6a+ore'
Performin arts
/ih$ dancer# and dr$mmer# from &##am
(ndian m$#ic ran+e# o)er )ario$# tradition# and re+ional #tyle#' 3la##ical
m$#ic encompa##e# t-o +enre# and their )ario$# folk off#hoot#: the northern 7ind$#tani and
#o$thern 3arnatic #chool#'
He+ionali#ed pop$lar form# incl$de filmi and folk m$#ic2 the
#yncretic tradition of the bauls i# a -ell*kno-n form of the latter' (ndian dance al#o feat$re#
di)er#e folk and cla##ical form#' &mon+ the ,etter*kno-n folk dance# are the bhangra of the
1$nEa,, the bihu of &##am, the chhau of We#t /en+al and ;harkhand,Garba and .andiya of
=$Earat, sambalpuri of 0di#ha, ghoomar of HaEa#than, and the la(ani of Mahara#htra' Ei+ht
dance form#, many -ith narrati)e form# and mytholo+ical element#, ha)e ,een
accorded cla##ical dance #tat$# ,y (ndia5# National &cademy of M$#ic, Cance, and Crama'
6he#e are: bharatanatyam of the #tate of 6amil Nad$,-atha- of Uttar
1rade#h, -atha-ali and mohiniyattam of @erala, -uchipudi of &ndhra 1rade#h, manipuri of
Manip$r, odissi of 0di#ha, and the sattriya of &##am'
6heatre in (ndia meld# m$#ic,
dance, and impro)i#ed or -ritten dialo+$e'
0ften ,a#ed on 7ind$ mytholo+y, ,$t al#o
,orro-in+ from medie)al romance# or #ocial and political e)ent#, (ndian theatre incl$de#
the bha(ai of =$Earat, the jatra of We#t /en+al, the nautan-i and ramlila of North
(ndia, tamasha of Mahara#htra, burra-atha of &ndhra 1rade#h, teru--uttu of 6amil Nad$,
and the ya-shagana of @arnataka'
Motion pictures
6he (ndian film ind$#try prod$ce# the -orld5# mo#t*-atched cinema'
E#ta,li#hed re+ional
cinematic tradition# e>i#t in
the &##ame#e, /en+ali, 7indi, @annada,Malayalam, 1$nEa,i, =$Earati, Marathi, 0riya, 6amil,
and 6el$+$ lan+$a+e#'
%o$th (ndian cinema attract# more than BDS of national film
6ele)i#ion ,roadca#tin+ ,e+an in (ndia in ADA a# a #tate*r$n medi$m of
comm$nication, and had #lo- e>pan#ion for more than t-o decade#'
6he #tate
monopoly on tele)i#ion ,roadca#t ended in the AA0# and, #ince then, #atellite channel#
ha)e increa#in+ly #haped pop$lar c$lt$re of (ndian #ociety'
6oday, tele)i#ion i# the mo#t
penetrati)e media in (ndia2 ind$#try e#timate# indicate that a# of .0. there are o)er DD9
million 68 con#$mer#, 9F. million -ith #atellite and/or ca,le connection#, compared to other
form# of ma## media #$ch a# pre## (!D0 million), radio (DF million) or internet (!B million)'
& HaEp$t 7ind$ marria+e ceremony
6raditional (ndian #ociety i# #ometime# defined ,y #ocial hierarchy' 6he (ndian ca#te
#y#tem em,odie# m$ch of the #ocial #tratification and many of the #ocial re#triction# fo$nd in
the (ndian #$,continent' %ocial cla##e# are defined ,y tho$#and# of endo+amo$# hereditary
+ro$p#, often termed a# j6tis, or Nca#te#N'
(ndia declared $nto$cha,ility to ,e ille+al
A9B and ha# #ince enacted other anti*di#criminatory la-# and #ocial -elfare initiati)e#' &t
the -orkplace in $r,an (ndia and in international or leadin+ (ndian companie#, the ca#te
related identification ha# pretty m$ch lo#t it# importance'
Family )al$e# are important in
the (ndian tradition, and m$lti*+enerational patriarchal Eoint familie# ha)e ,een the norm in
(ndia, tho$+h n$clear familie# are ,ecomin+ common in $r,an area#'
&n o)er-helmin+
maEority of (ndian#, -ith their con#ent, ha)e their marria+e# arran+ed ,y their parent# or
other family mem,er#'
Marria+e i# tho$+ht to ,e for life,
and the di)orce rate i#
e>tremely lo-'
3hild marria+e# are common, e#pecially in r$ral area#2 many -omen in
(ndia -ed ,efore reachin+ ?, -hich i# their le+al marria+ea,le a+e'
Female infanticide in
(ndia and female foeticide in (ndia ha)e ca$#ed a di#crepancy in the #e> ratio, a# of .00D it
-a# e#timated that there -ere D0 million more male# than female# in the nation'
7o-e)er the recent report from .0 #ho-n impro)ement amon+ the +ender ratio'
6he payment of Co-ry, altho$+h ille+al, remain# -ide#pread acro## cla## line#'
Ceath# re#$ltin+ from do-ry, mo#tly from ,ride ,$rnin+, i# on the ri#e'
Many (ndian fe#ti)al# are reli+io$# in ori+in2 amon+ them
are 3hhath, 3hri#tma#, Ci-ali, C$r+a 1$Ea, /akr*(d, Eid $l*Fitr, =ane#h
3hat$rthi, 7oli, Makar %ankranti or Uttarayan, Na)ratri, 6hai 1on+al, and 8ai#akhi' (ndia
ha# three national holiday# -hich are o,#er)ed in all #tate# and $nion territorie#: Hep$,lic
Cay, (ndependence Cay, and =andhi ;ayanti' 0ther #et# of holiday#, )aryin+ ,et-een nine
and t-el)e, are officially o,#er)ed in indi)id$al #tate#'
6hro$+ho$t (ndia, many people practice c$#tom# and reli+io$# rit$al#, #$ch a# N#am#kara,N
-hich i# a #erie# of Nper#onal #acrament# and rite# cond$cted at )ario$# #ta+e# thro$+ho$t
ain article! 0lothing in India
3otton -a# dome#ticated in (ndia ,y 9000 /'3'E' 6raditional (ndian dre## )arie# in colo$r
and #tyle acro## re+ion# and depend# on )ario$# factor#, incl$din+ climate and faith' 1op$lar
#tyle# of dre## incl$de draped +arment# #$ch a# the sari for -omen and the dhoti or lungi for
men' %titched clothe#, #$ch a# the shal:ar -amee&for -omen and -urtaO
pyjama com,ination# or E$ropean*#tyle tro$#er# and #hirt# for men, are al#o pop$lar'
of delicate Ee-ellery, modelled on real flo-er# -orn in ancient (ndia, i# part of a tradition
datin+ ,ack #ome D,000 year#2 +em#tone# are al#o -orn in (ndia a# tali#man#'
ain article! %port in India
(ndian hockey team, captained ,yChyan 3hand (#tandin+ #econd from left), after -innin+ the final# at
the A!F %$mmer 0lympic#:their third of #i> con#ec$ti)e 0lympic +old#'
(n (ndia, #e)eral traditional indi+eno$# #port# remain fairly pop$lar, #$ch a# -abaddi, -ho
-ho, pehl:ani and gilli5danda' %ome of the earlie#t form# of &#ian martial art#, #$ch
a# -alarippayattu, musti yuddha, silambam, and marma adi, ori+inated in (ndia' 3he##,
commonly held to ha)e ori+inated in (ndia a# chatura ga , i# re+ainin+ -ide#pread pop$larity
-ith the ri#e in the n$m,er of (ndian +randma#ter#'
*achisi, from
-hich parchee#i deri)e#, -a# played on a +iant mar,le co$rt ,y &k,ar'
6he impro)ed re#$lt# +arnered ,y the (ndian Ca)i# 3$p team and other (ndian tenni#
player# in the early .00# ha)e made tenni# increa#in+ly pop$lar in the co$ntry'
(ndia ha#
a comparati)ely #tron+ pre#ence in #hootin+ #port#, and ha# -on #e)eral medal# at the
0lympic#, the World %hootin+ 3hampion#hip#, and the 3ommon-ealth =ame#'
#port# in -hich (ndian# ha)e #$cceeded internationally incl$de ,adminton,
Foot,all i# pop$lar in We#t /en+al, =oa, 6amil Nad$, @erala, and the north*
ea#tern #tate#'
Field hockey in (ndia i# admini#tered ,y 7ockey (ndia' 6he (ndian national hockey team -on
the ABD 7ockey World 3$p and ha)e, a# of .0., taken ei+ht +old, one #il)er, and t-o
,ronPe 0lympic medal#, makin+ it the #port5# mo#t #$cce##f$l team in the 0lympic#'
(ndia ha# al#o played a maEor role in pop$lari#in+ cricket' 6h$#, cricket i#, ,y far, the mo#t
pop$lar #port of (ndia' 6he (ndian national cricket team -on the A?! and.0 3ricket World
3$p e)ent#, the .00B (33 World 6-enty.0, #hared the .00. (33 3hampion# 6rophy -ith %ri
4anka, and -on .0! (33 3hampion# 6rophy'3ricket in (ndia i# admini#tered ,y the /oard
of 3ontrol for 3ricket in (ndia (/33()2 the HanEi 6rophy, the C$leep 6rophy, the Ceodhar
6rophy, the (rani 6rophy, and the N@1 %al)e 3hallen+er 6rophy are dome#tic competition#'
6he /33( i# al#o re#pon#i,le for cond$ctin+ an ann$al 6-enty.0 competition kno-n a#
the (ndian 1remier 4ea+$e'
(ndia ha# ho#ted or co*ho#ted #e)eral international #portin+ e)ent#: the AD and A?.
&#ian =ame#2 the A?B, AAF, and .0 3ricket World 3$p to$rnament#2 the .00! &fro*
&#ian =ame#2 the .00F (33 3hampion# 6rophy2 the .00 7ockey World 3$p2 and the .00
3ommon-ealth =ame#' MaEor international #portin+ e)ent# held ann$ally in (ndia incl$de
the 3hennai 0pen, the M$m,ai Marathon, the Celhi 7alf Marathon, and the (ndian Ma#ter#'
6he fir#t (ndian =rand 1ri> feat$red in late .0'
(ndia ha# traditionally ,een the dominant co$ntry at the %o$th &#ian =ame#' &n e>ample of
thi# dominance i# the ,a#ket,all competition -here 6eam (ndia -on three o$t of fo$r
to$rnament# to date'
6he HaEi) =andhi @hel Hatna and the &rE$na &-ard are the hi+he#t
form# of +o)ernment reco+nition for athletic achie)ement2 the Cronacharya &-ard i#
a-arded for e>cellence in coachin+'

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