Stresses at Junction of Cone and Cylinder in Tanks With Cone Bottoms or Ends - Boardman
Stresses at Junction of Cone and Cylinder in Tanks With Cone Bottoms or Ends - Boardman
Stresses at Junction of Cone and Cylinder in Tanks With Cone Bottoms or Ends - Boardman
EDITORS NOTE: The war has stimulated the that the end of the cylinder strip and the end of
building of large, heavy pressure vessels of all the cone strip must deflect and rotate together.
kinds and shapes. A number of these have cone Let:
heads, or cone bottoms, of a size considerably F = Radial load on end of cone strip in Ibs.
larger than encountered a few years ago. Steel f= Radial load on end of cylinder strip in Ibs.
plate designers have long known that com- The longitudinal bending stress at the end of the
M =Moment on adjoining ends of cone and cylinder
pression stresses exist at the junction of a strips in lb.—ins. t2 6M
cylindrical shell with a cone bottom and have cylinder strip = M 2 .The membrane
Fig. II shows F, f, and M acting on the strip ends. 6 t
made calculations of such stresses. The manner of
providing reinforcing and the extent of rein- pR
longitudinal stress is . Therefore the com-
forcing to be used, however, has always been a 2t
question. The ASME and API- ASME Codes are bined bending and direct stresses at the end of the
silent, both as to the stresses themselves and the cylinder strip=
manner and extent of reinforcing to be provided.
To the best of our knowledge, a satisfactory
solution has never been worked out. The subject The circumferential stress (See Table I) at end of
is necessarily rather involved and designers have Figure II cylinder strip due to "f" and
been satisfied with the use of approximate
methods. In the following article, Mr. Boardman The theory of beams on elastic foundations (See
has endeavored to give the problem the Chapter I, Part II, Timoshenko's STRENGTH OF
consideration that it deserves. MATERIALS) leads to the practically accurate
expressions for the ends of the cylinder and cone
The membrane circumferential tension at the end of
strips shown in Table I below.
Using these values and Figures I and II the the cylinder = . Therefore the total circum-
following equations may be written:
ferential stress at the end of the cylinder =
(I) F+f =1/2pR tan =Z
(II) Fzcos2—Mzcos2=fz—Mz or F cos2— 1316
V1 2V2 tan , a minus sign
Mcos2=f—M t
Radial deflection (perpendicular to axis) of end of indicating compression.
cone strip due to " F" minus radial deflection of Let X=4.559(tan)V2 and Y=1.316 tan (V1-2V2).
end of cone strip due to " M" = radial deflection of Then a general expression for the longitudinal
end of cylinder strip due to " f" minus radial
Fig. I represents the end of a strip of cylinder 1 deflection of end of cylinder strip due to "M." stress at the end of the cylinder is
.5 X Rt ;
in. wide circumferentially adjoining the end of a (III) Fzcos2-2Mz2cos2=2Mz2-fz or
Fcos2=f-M and a general expression for the circumferential
strip of cone 1 in. wide circumferentially. Under
an internal gas pressure of " p" Ibs. per sq. in.,
cylinder and cone strip ends of the relative
Rotation of end of cone strip due to "F" minus
rotation of end of cone strip due to "M"=rotation
stress at the end of the cylinder is
1 Y Rt
thicknesses shown would obviously move radially of end of cylinder strip due to "M" minus rotation Table III summarizes the foregoing analysis, and
outward (perpendicular to the cylinder and cone of end of cylinder strip due to " f." also gives values of (.012°) and (.005°) which are
axis) the same distance provided a radially The solutions of equations (I), (II) and (111) are: practical equivalents of X and Y, respectively.
outward force of (1/2pR tan ) acted as indicated.
In fact, however, no such force exists. Therefore It is apparent from a study of the expression
the cone and cylinder together must resist a
radially inward force of (1/2pR tan ) per inch of in which
.5 Rt that the longitudinal stresses are very
circumference of the cone-cylinder junction circle.
high for pressure vessels of common proportions.
To determine the resulting stresses, which are
However, these stresses are of the same nature as
eventually to be combined with the membrane
stresses, it is necessary to set up and solve those in the hubs of bolted flanged connections,
equations stating mathematically and do not exist, in the intensities calculated, after
the application of the test pressure. For this reason
Table I it seems reasonable to ignore them in designing,
and to think of the plastic longitudinal
deformation under test as the final fabricating
It also seems reasonable to permit at the
cone-cylinder junction a circumferential com-
pression stress of as calculated from the
1 Y Rt , even though it is
longitudinally) of at least 2 1 3 RT inches, and
that the increased cone thickness extend over a
width (measured along a cone element) of at
least 2 1 3 inches.
CAUTION: This analysis is directly applicable only when
the cylinder thickness is equal to the cone thickness times
(cos), and when the pressure is due to gas.
Table IV may be used to plot the curves of
Deflection, Rotation, Moment (and corresponding
longitudinal stress), Shear and Circumferential
Stress for a cylinder strip; the same expressions are
practically correct for a cone strip provided loads,
shears, and deflections be perpendicular to the
strip, be used instead of (R), and (I) be
the actual moment of inertia of the cone strip
cross-section. In the Table, (e) is the base of the
Natural system of logarithms, and (x) is the
distance in inches from the end of the strip.
design, it is supported by available test and in decimal form), to keep down to the maximum
experience records. of " SE" above set, the calculated ring com-
On this basis the maximum permissible pressive stress at the cone-cylinder junction. In
this case the cylinder thickness required is
2 obtained by solving for "T" the cubic equation
calculated value of Y R is 2, i.e., is the
t Y
largest value of which can be permitted
without the installation of a compression ring at
the cone cylinder junction. For ratios larger
than 2, a compression ring is required with a
cross-sectional area of