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air cadet publication

ACP 33
volume 4 - airframes
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Chapter 1 ................ Airframe Design - Introduction
Chapter 2 ................ Airframe Design - Structures
Chapter 3 ................ Airframe Design - Shape
Chapter 4 ................ Materials
Chapter 5 ................ Wings
Chapter 6 ................ Fuselage and Tail Units
Chapter 7 ................ Engine Installation
Chapter 8 ................ Undercarriages
Chapter 9 ................ Control
Chapter 10 .............. Auto-pilot and Related Systems
Chapter 11............... Aircraft Systems
Chapter 12 .............. The Cockpit
Instructors Guide
ACP 33
Volume 1 ..................History of Flight
Volume 2 ..................Principles of Flight
Volume 3 ..................Propulsion
Volume 4 ..................Airframes
Volume 4
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Grateful thanks are due to Mr Ray Wilkinson of the Department of Mechanical,
Aerospace and Automotive Engineering, University of Hertfordshire, who has
extensively revised and re-written the text for this training manual.
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What is an Aircraft
The Structure
1. Airframe Components. A typical aircraft structure is shown in Figure 1-2. An
aircraft is made up of a great many parts. This is because it is an extremely complex
structure, and each part has its own specific job to do. Even if it were possible to
build an aircraft in one single piece, this would not be the best thing to do. Some
parts will become damaged, wear out or crack during service and we need to be
able to repair or replace them. If a part begins to crack, we need to be sure that the
structure will not fail completely before it is found during maintenance inspections, or
the aircraft may crash.
The airframe is split into four main components:
The mainplanes or wings
The fuselage or body
The tail unit (or foreplanes, for a canard-type aircraft as in Figure 1.1)
The undercarriage
Fig 1-1 Into the 21st Century-EF 2000
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Each of these has its own special functions to carry out, but together they form part of
one and the same airframe. Before looking in detail at how they are constructed, we
need to understand their main design features, and to appreciate the forces that will
be acting on them when the aircraft is in flight.
2. Wings. From your study of Principles of Flight, you will know that to fly in the
Earths atmosphere at all an aircraft must have wings designed to generate lift from
the airflow over them. To take off and climb, the wings must produce more lift than the
aircrafts total weight, which for an aircraft weighing perhaps hundreds of tonnes is no
mean task. If the aircraft is to fly in very tight turns, the wings must produce lift equal
to perhaps eight times the aircraft weight. For level flight the lift produced must equal
the aircrafts weight, and for landing, where the slowest possible landing speed is
required, enough lift must be produced to keep the aircraft flying at low speeds. For
this it will normally have special devices added - flaps, leading-edge slats, and so
Thus the wings are the main component of an airframe. In fact, aircraft have been
designed which consist only of a pair of wings. A more common compromise can be
seen in aircraft like the Boeing B-2, F-117 and delta aircraft like Concorde. When an
aircraft is moving through the air, the resistance from the air to this motion is called
drag. The wings need to be made strong and stiff to resist the forces of lift and drag,
which try to bend them upwards and backwards.
In most aircraft, the wings carry all or most of the fuel and also the main undercarriage;
in military aircraft they often carry a substantial part of weapon loads and other external
stores. All of these things will impart loads onto the wing structure.
Fig 1-2 Four Main
Components of an
How an ai rcraf t s wi ng
wor ks
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The Fuselage.
3. The fuselage serves a number of functions:
It forms the body of the aircraft, housing the crew, passengers or cargo (the
payload), most of the aircraft systems - hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical
circuits, electronics.
It forms the main structural link between the wings and tail or foreplanes, and
holds these at the correct positions and angles to the airflow to allow the
aircraft to fly as it was designed to do. The loads transmitted from these
items, particularly the wings and tail, try to bend and twist the fuselage, and it
must resist these forces.
Engines may be installed in or attached to the fuselage, and the thrust and
inertia forces generated by them can be very high.
Most modern aircraft have some form of pressurisation system in the fuselage.
This is because they fly at such altitudes that the passengers and crew would
find it uncomfortable or even impossible to survive. So the inside of the
fuselage is pressurised to simulate a lower altitude, of around 2,400 metres
(8,000 feet) for transport aircraft, and up to 7,600 metres (25,000 feet) for
military aircraft (with crew oxygen). These pressure forces try to burst the
fuselage like a balloon.
These many forces can all exist at once, and the fuselage needs to be strong and
stiff enough to hold its shape for many flying hours.
The fuselage is often blended into the wing to reduce drag. In some aircraft it is
difficult to see where the fuselage ends and the wing begins.
The Tail Unit
4. The tail unit normally comprises a fixed vertical fin with a movable rudder and
either a fixed horizontal surface with movable elevators or an all-moving horizontal
surface. There is, however, another form of control surface which is finding increasing
popularity in fighter aircraft. In this layout, the horizontal tail surface is replaced by
moving control surfaces at the nose of the aircraft. These surfaces are called
Functions of a fuselage
What is a Tail Unit
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foreplanes, and this layout is known as the canard layout, from the French word for
duck, which the aircraft is said to resemble.
Whichever layout is used, these surfaces provide stability and control, pitch and
yaw, as described in the Principles of Flight course. There are also other ways of
providing this, but initially we shall think of the tail unit as a fixed fin and tailplane, with
movable control surfaces attached to them. The tail needs to be at the end of a long
arm, to make it as small as possible, reducing drag and weight. For this reason it is
placed at the rear of the fuselage, furthest from the aircraft centre of gravity.
Forces created by the tail are up, down, left and right, and there are usually twisting
forces as well. All of these forces must be resisted and absorbed by the fuselage.
The Undercarriage
5. The undercarriage serves two purposes, which are equally important. The
first is to support the aircraft on the ground and to allow it to move around or taxy. The
second is to absorb landing shocks, allowing the aircraft to land smoothly without
bouncing. It must also resist braking and side loads. The undercarriage is not needed
at all in flight, and so must be as small and light as possible, and it is normally
retracted into the wings or fuselage for normal flight to reduce drag.
6. It is good practice in all designs to be as economical as possible, and to
keep weight as low as possible. In aircraft it is especially important, and great efforts
are made at the design stage to eliminate all excess weight. The maximum weight of
an aircraft is set by its design, and any extra weight taken up by the structure is not
Fig 1-3 Tall Units
Function of an
undercarri age
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available for payload or fuel, reducing its operating efficiency. This is made worse
by the weight spiral effect, where an increase in weight in one area means that other
areas need to be strengthened to take the extra loads. This increases their weight,
and may mean more powerful engines or bigger wings are required. In this way, a
small aircraft may become a larger one, purely by poor weight control during design.
There are many ways of saving weight, but one of the most common one is to use
different materials. Often these may be more expensive, but the extra cost may be
justified by the improved performance.
7. To get the best possible performance an aircraft must be shaped so that its
drag is reduced to the minimum possible. The external shape has a great influence
on the design of the structure, since low drag is so important. Drag rises as the
square of speed, so high-speed aircraft are critical in this area. It is not possible to
design an aircraft to give the minimum drag, without taking into account structural
factors. Inevitably, the final design is a compromise. The most successful aircraft are
those in which the best compromises are found.
Fig 1-4 Shape Affects Drag
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8. As well as having to lift its own weight, including its payload (which may total
as much as 350,000 kilograms for a Boeing 747), an aircraft is subject to air loads on
its structure which can become very high in certain conditions. A wind with a speed of
100 knots is flowing at hurricane force, and could easily lift the roofs from houses, but
houses are not shaped to cope with the forces these winds generate. Put an engine
in an airframe and propel it through the air at 100 knots and we can generate enough
lift to lift many tonnes, as well as giving the stability and control needed.
However, 100 knots is quite a slow speed for an aircraft, and there is always a
demand for higher speeds. These higher speeds create much higher air loads,
especially when the aircraft is manoeuvring or meets gusts. Even worse, the loads
increase as the square of the airspeed, so increasing the airspeed to 500 knots
increases the air loads by twenty five times.
Fortunately, lift increases as well as drag, and we can use this extra lift, so that
fastflying aircraft can carry much higher loads. We need to make sure that the structure
is able to cope with the higher loads that it will see.
9. It is important to remember that most of the loads which generate the stresses
on the airframe structure come about from the effects of air pressures on the external
surfaces of the airframe, and that these will vary over a wide range, depending on
whether the aircraft is cruising, diving, climbing or in turbulent air, and also of course
on its speed.
10. To build an airframe to cope with the ever-increasing demand for higher
weights and speeds, and to do this with the lightest possible structure weight, the
designer must resolve many problems. A thorough understanding of the loads on an
aircraft structure is needed, and we can look at the examples in later chapters to see
how the designers build light yet strong and stiff structures. These structures must
also be safe and reliable.
Aircraft weight and air
l oads
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1. How many main components in an airframe?
a. 2
b. 5
c. 4
d. 3
2. What is the main component of an airframe?
a. The fuselage
b. The tail unit
c. The wings
d. The undercarriage
3. What 2 main purposes does the undercarriage serve?
4. What common way is used to save weight in the design of aircraft?
Self Assessment Questions
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in any way - write your
answers on a separate
piece of paper.
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1. Any airframe basically consists of a skeleton framework with a covering to
give it its aerodynamic shape. In many modern aircraft, the covering and part of the
framework are made as one piece. Anyone can see the covering, or skin, but if we
are to understand how a designer reduces weight but at the same time designs a
strong, stiff and reliable structure we must look inside and study the skeleton
An aircraft structure is very complex, as can seen in Figure 1-4. However, this complex
structure can be broken down into groups of fairly simple components, each doing a
specific task.
2. The structure of most airframe components is made up of four main types of
structural pieces:
Ties are members subject purely to tension (pulling). A tie can be a rigid member
such as a tube, or simply a wire.
Struts are members in compression. It is much more difficult to design a strut than a
tie, because a strut is liable to bend or buckle. If struts are put under compression
until they fail, a long strut will always buckle, a short strut will always crack (crush) and
a medium strut will either buckle or crack, or sometimes both. Hollow tubes make
the best struts.
Beams are members carrying loads at an angle (often at right angles) to their length,
and take loads in bending. The beams in an airframe include most of the most important
parts of the structure, such as the main spars and stringers.
Structure types in
ai rcraf t
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The fuselage and wings themselves are structural members, and are beams,
because they resist the bending loads imposed by the weight and air loads.
Webs are members carrying loads in shear, like tearing a piece of paper.
Ribs and the skin itself are shear webs.
You may get the impression that each part of an airframe is either a tie or a strut or a
beam or a web, but this is not so. Some items, such as wing spars, act almost
entirely as one type of member, but others act as different members for different
loads. For instance, the main spar near the fuselage will transmit load in bending and
in shear.
3. By carefully mixing these members, and making sure that each part of each
member is taking its share of the loads, the designer will achieve the greatest strength
with minimum weight, and so get the best operating efficiency and maximum safety.
4. As an example, let us look at how we could reduce the weight of a solid
metal beam being used as a bridge across a stream.
When the man walks over the solid block bridge, it bends under his weight.
The top surface is in compression.
The bottom surface is in compression.
The centre is least affected.
Other parts of an
ai rf rame
Reducing weight
Fi g 2-1 Solid-Beam
Bridge-Very Heavy
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We could make the bridge lighter by removing some or all of the centre. This would
have very little effect on its strength, because the centre is least affected and therefore
it does not carry much of the load. We must make sure that the top and bottom
sections are still strong enough to carry the load.
You can see that the top section is acting like a strut, and the bottom section acts like
a tie.
5. Now we can look at the sides of our bridge. If you take hold of a piece of
paper and pull it from each end, you will see that it is quite strong in tension.
Fig 2-2 Effect of Weight
on Solid Bridge
Fig 2-3 Hollowed-Out Bridge
Fig 2-4 Paper-Strong in Tension
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If you push the ends of the paper inwards, it distorts easily, because it has little
resistance to compression. Because the paper is so thin, it will buckle easily.
Now roll the paper into a cylinder and then push the ends together. It is much stronger
in compression, because of its shape. So the sides of the bridge are important to
support the top and bottom, preventing the bridge buckling and distorting out of
6. When our paper tube does fail, it is because the walls buckle. If we braced
the inside or corrugated the walls, it would prevent them buckling, and make it even
stronger. We can do this to the bridge, and use even thinner walls, provided they are
properly braced.
Fig 2-5 Paper-Weak in
Fi g 2-6 Paper Roll-Improvement in Compression
Fig 2-6 Corrugation and Braces-Even Better
Braced Structures
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It is now much lighter, and looks something like a modern bridge or part of an airframe.
7. So much for a bridge supported at both ends, but what happens if the bridge
can be supported at one end only? Suppose our bridge is to be used as a diving
It can still carry a load, but the whole of the force is taken at its supported end.
Provided the outer, unsupported end is strong enough to carry the man, we can
make it smaller than the supported end. The supported end needs to be strong
enough to carry the weight and bending from the man plus the whole of the structure.
We would want to make this bigger than our previous bridge. The strongest, lightest
structure to do the job of our diving board would look like Figure 2-10. This is called
a cantilever structure.
Like the supported structure, the cantilever will still bend downwards, but this time
the top will be in tension and the bottom in compression.
Cantilever construction
Fig 2-8 A Hollowed-Out Bridge
Fig 2-9 A Diving Board
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The cantilever structure is widely used in aircraft, because it contains many structures
which are attached at one end. The wings are just one example of this. Because they
need to be much stronger and stiffer at the root (the attachment to the fuselage), they
are wider and deeper there than at the tip, where loads are much less. There are
many other examples of cantilever structure.
8. If you now take a piece of paper, hold it flat on a table or desk and try to pull
it as shown in Figure 2-11, this is called shear. Paper is quite strong in shear, as are
many sheet materials. This is the type of load that occurs on many parts of an aircraft,
such as the skin or covering. The whole airframe can be made much stronger and
lighter if the skin can be made to contribute to its strength. In light aircraft the covering
is often of fabric, doped to proof it against air, weather and sunlight. The covering is
required to take the pressure of air flowing over it, but makes only a small contribution
to the strength.
Fig 2-10 Cantilever Structure
Fig 2-11 Shear Forces
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In faster aircraft, sheet metal, normally aluminium alloy, is used. Because of its extra
strength, a large part of the load can be borne by this skin, and the underlying
structure can be reduced to save weight. This is called stressed skin construction. It
also has the advantage of providing a very smooth surface, because the skin is stiff
enough not to sag, which is important for high-speed aircraft.
It is possible to make the skin strong enough to carry all of the load, without the need
for any supporting framework, a method called monocoque construction. In practice,
the size of most aircraft would mean that the skin would need to be very thick to
avoid buckling, and a compromise, called semi-monocoque, is usually used (Figure
2-12). In modern aircraft, it is common for the stressed skin to carry about half of the
total load carried by the skin/stringer combination.
The figure shows a fuselage, consisting of a series of hoops, or frames, at intervals
along the skin, which give the fuselage its cross-sectional shape, connected by
stringers which run the length of the fuselage. Stringers are really stiffeners to prevent
the skin buckling. Semi-monocoque is an ideal form of construction for fuselages,
since it leaves most of the interior free of obstruction, and is used in most aircraft.
Stressed Ski n
Constructi on
Stri ngers
Fi g 2-12 Semi- Monocoque Fuselage
Constructi on
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1. How many main types of structural pieces in an airframe component?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 5
d. 4
2. What structure is widely used in aircraft design?
3. What are stringers?
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form of a sentence.
Self Assessment Questions
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Shapes of aircraft
1. The shape of an aircraft is extremely important, because it dictates how well
an aircraft can do a particular job. For a slow-flying aircraft which needs to lift heavy
loads, a large wing is needed, together with a fairly light structure. For fast jets, a
much smaller wing is required, and the aircraft will be more streamlined. The structure
of the aircraft will be much stronger and stiffer, to resist the high loads arising from
high speed flight, and tight turns. In this chapter, we will look at how aircraft shapes
are decided, and other factors which influence the design.
2. One of the most important factors in an aircraft design is its wing loading,
which is simply its weight divided by its wing area. The weight of the aircraft can vary,
both with the load it is carrying and as a result of manoeuvres (flying at 4g in a turn
increases an aircrafts effective weight to four times its normal weight), so its wing
loading will change. A useful guide is to use the maximum take-off weight (MTOW) to
calculate a standard wing loading. Light aircraft will normally have the lowest wing
loading, and fast jets the highest, with transport aircraft in between.
3. Although there are still a few biplanes around, virtually all aircraft now are
monoplanes, having a single pair of wings. This provides a very stiff, strong wing,
without the drag penalty of the biplane arrangement. Many light aircraft are braced
monoplanes, having a diagonal bracing tie between the wing and fuselage (Figure 3-
1). This allows a lighter structure in the wing, because some of the lift load is taken by
the brace. The extra drag caused is acceptable at low speeds.
4. The cantilever is used for aircraft of all speeds, because it offers the lowest
drag. It can be categorised as low-wing, mid-wing and high-wing, depending on
where it is attached to the fuselage. Typically, low wing will be used for jet transport
Ai rcraft Desi gn
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and many light aircraft, high wing for turbo-prop transport aircraft and mid-wing for
combat aircraft, but there are many exceptions.
5. The wings have to be strong enough and stiff enough to carry the whole
weight of the aircraft, plus its aerodynamic loads, without the need for external bracing.
For a Boeing 747 weighing 350 tonnes, the wing will need to be capable of resisting
loads of over 1000 tonnes without failing or excess distortion. Chapter 5 shows how
this can be achieved. It must also be able to cope with the highest speeds of the
aircraft without deflecting too much, causing aerodynamic flutter, which can cause
damage and loss of control.
6. For high speeds, a short wing span, low wing area and high wing loading are
best, while for low speed a large span, high wing area and low wing loading are
ideal. For landing, it is possible to change the wing area and wing section to some
extent by adding flaps at the trailing edge. This makes the wing structure more
complicated. High speeds also demand retractable undercarriages and low frontal
area. More thrust is required, so turbo-fan or turbo-jet engines will be needed, in
preference to the turbo-prop engines most efficient for lower speeds. At very high
speeds, the cross-section of the fuselage and wing are very carefully designed,
using the area rule to achieve low drag, leading to some very complex aircraft shapes
(Figure 3-2).
Fig 3-1 Braced Monoplane
Aircraft Wings - Design
Fig 3-2 Area Rule-
Fuselage Photo:
R Wilkinson
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7. Strength/Weight Ratio. Higher speeds are more easily achieved by smaller
wings, so these have to be made stiffer and stronger to carry the higher wing loads
and inevitably higher landing speeds. This all tends to increase weight, which we try
to avoid. Weight per square metre of wing area has certainly increased, but the
designer makes sure that the material is put to the best possible use, and uses the
strongest and lightest materials. In this way, the strength-to-weight ratio of the structure
is improved. Modern materials can also play a part in allowing higher stresses to be
used, but may be much more expensive.
8. For aircraft flying at or near supersonic speeds, the way in which air flows
over the aircraft is very different, and the designer has a new set of problems to face.
An aircraft flying quite slowly through the air generates pressure waves, which move
at the speed of sound, and warn the oncoming air that the aircraft is approaching. At
speeds near the speed of sound, these waves can no longer arrive early enough,
and a shock wave forms on the leading parts of the aircraft. The air behind this shock
wave becomes turbulent, causing loss of lift, increased drag, changes in trim and
buffeting of controls. Designers have reduced the effects of these problems with
better designs, particularly swept-back wings. But these features cause other
problems, because they are more difficult and expensive to build (Figure 3-3).
9. Once flying above the speed of sound, the airflow is steady again, although
quite different to subsonic conditions. The curved shapes that give good streamlining
at lower speeds are no longer the most efficient, and straight lines and sharp edges
are preferable.
Fig 3-3 Swept-Back
Wings (E3-A Sentry)
Photo: R Wilkinson
Problems of speed
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The plan form of wings becomes more important than their section, and low aspect
ratio and sharper sweepback may be necessary. The reduced aspect ratio (see
paragraph 13) makes wings easier to design, but the loads are very high, and the
structure must be strong and rigid.
10. The main disadvantage of swept-back wings is that they produce much
less lift than an unswept wing of the same area and aspect ratio (see paragraph 14).
This means that when the aircraft is flying slowly, for instance during landings, a
larger angle of attack is required to provide enough lift. This can cause problems in
undercarriages and in pilot visibility. We could just use a larger wing - this would
improve the turn performance for a fighter, but would also reduce its top speed
because of higher drag and higher weight.
11. If we could change the amount of sweepback in flight, that would go a long
way towards getting the best in both situations. This has been done on many
highspeed military aircraft - in the forward (unswept) position it gives a straight wing
of high aspect ratio for good low-speed performance, allowing tight turns at low
speeds and also making flaps more effective for take-off and landing. In the swept
position it is highly suited to high-speed flight .
12. Another option for aircraft which need to fly at high speeds but also need to
be able to turn tightly at all speeds is the delta wing. This has the advantage of high
sweepback, but the trailing edge is more suited to fitting effective flaps. Because
of the aerodynamics of delta wings, they are capable of producing lift at much
higher angles of attack than other wing shapes, and so can be used on highly agile
fighter aircraft. Delta wings, which went out of fashion in the 1970s and 1980s, are
Swept Back Wings
Del ta Wi ngs
Fi g 3-4 Variable Sweep-Back (Tornado)
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more common on these aircraft, and many examples can be seen, often in conjunction
with canard foreplanes for control (Figure 3-5).
13. The aspect ratio of an aircrafts wing is an important design feature, and is
simply the ratio of the wing span to its average chord. This is not always simple to
calculate if a wing shape is complex, so another way of defining it is:
aspect ratio = span2
So if a wing has an area of 80 square metres and a span of 20 metres the aspect
ratio is (20 2/80 = 5). It is usual to use the projected area to calculate the aspect
ratio, that is, to include that part of the wing which is inside the fuselage. High
performance sailplanes have aspect ratios in the region of 25 to 30, and fighters
somewhere around 5 to 10. High aspect ratio reduces the induced drag caused
by air flowing around the wing tips, and is ideal where long slow flights are
required. The drawback is that long, thin wings need to be heavier, and are very
14. All aircraft designs are a compromise, because it is not possible to get the
best possible design in one respect without conflicting with another. The
Ratio of wing span to
its average chord
Fig 3-5 Delta Wing with Canard Foreplane (EF 2000)
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aerodynamicist may want a smooth, thin wing, but the structural designer wants the
wing to be thick, to make it stiffer. The weights engineer would prefer there to be no
wing at all, since no payload can be carried in it. Figure 3-6 shows how an aircraft
might look if it were designed by each of the various specialists! Inevitably, then, the
best aircraft is the one that has found the best set of compromises.
Designing an aircraft is an iterative process - it goes around a number of cycles
before the final design is reached. There are many other factors which affect how the
aircraft will look - materials availability, available technology, company standard
practices and the operating requirements of the user all influence the final design.
15. The designer has many problems in selecting the right shape for his aircraft,
and must constantly seek compromises to get the best performance in all the different
parts of the aircraft flight. Once the overall shape of the aircraft has been finalised, the
problems of making the airframe, in materials which provide the best strength/ weight
ratio and stiffness must be tackled. This we will do in the next chapter.
Fig 3-6 Three Ideal
Factors in the design
of aircraft
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1. What is one of the most important factors in an aircraft design?
2. How can highter speeds be achieved in the design of aircraft?
3. How do we define the Aspect ratio of an aircrafts wing?
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form of a sentence.
Self Assessment Questions
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1. In previous chapters we have stressed that the materials used in structural
areas of airframe construction must have a high ratio of strength to weight. The following
groups of materials come into this category, and are used for the main structural
Aluminium and magnesium alloys (Light alloys)
Titanium and titanium alloys
Plastics and composites
2. It is difficult to say exactly how different materials compare with each other,
because there are so many different factors to consider. For example, some resist
tension (stretching) better than others; some resist compression better, and so on.
Even different types of aluminium alloys are preferred by different types of loads. But
we can get an idea of how different materials compare by considering their strength-
to-weight ratio (SWR).
3. There are other things to consider apart from the SWR:
A material must also be consistent and predictable in its properties, so that
we know what behaviour to expect from it.
It should be homogeneous, i.e having the same properties throughout,
although the way a particular material is processed may upset this. If it does,
it must do so in a predictable way, and leave the material is a useful state.
It must not suffer badly from corrosion or other deterioration caused by
exposure to the weather, sea water or any chemicals that it comes into contact
with. In particular, subjecting some materials to high loads and corrosive
fluids can cause stress-corrosion cracking.
Types of materials
used in aircrafts
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It should be non-inflammable (magnesium burns fiercely when exposed to
high temperatures such as a fuel fire, but this does not usually cause a
It should be readily available and at reasonable cost, and should be easy to
work with using standard processes.
It should not suffer badly from fatigue, or must be used in parts where this
does not cause a problem (see paragraph 18).
Pure aluminium and pure magnesium are completely unsuitable as structural materials
for airframe, but when alloyed (chemically mixed) with each other or with other metals,
they form the most widely-used group of airframe materials. These alloying metals
include zinc, copper, manganese, silicon and lithium. There are very many different
variations, running into dozens, each having different properties and so suited to
different uses. Magnesium alloys are very prone to attack by sea water, and their use
in carrier-based aircraft is avoided. Pure aluminium is very resistant to corrosion, and
is often plated onto its alloys to form a protective layer. Alloy treated like this is
known as Al-clad Aluminium-lithium alloys are superior to Al-zinc and Al-copper alloys
in many respects, but cost around three times as much, so their use is limited.
An interesting property which aluminium shares with titanium is that it can be
superplastically formed (SPF). When the material is heated to a certain temperature,
but below its melting point, it becomes extremely pliable, like rubber. It can then be
inflated to fill a mould and take its shape exactly. This can be used to make extremely
complicated shapes cheaply and with minimum weight, although the high initial cost
of tooling means it is limited to fairly large production runs.
5. Advantages:
High strength/weight ratios.
A wide range of different alloys, to suit a range of different uses.
Light, so greater bulk for same weight means they can be used in greater
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thicknesses than heavier materials, and thus are less prone to local buckling;
this applies to magnesium alloys even more than aluminium alloys.
Available in many standard forms - sheet, plate, tube, bar, extrusions.
Easy to work after simple heat treatment.
Can be super-plastically formed.
Reasonable electrical and magnetic screening properties.
Subject to corrosion, so need protective finishes.
6. Steel is made by alloying pure iron with a wide range of other materials. This
gives the possibility of producing a wide range of properties. Steels will always
contain carbon, and may contain one or more of the following: chromium, nickel and
titanium. Steels can be produced with a wide range of properties, ranging from
extremely hard to very ductile (able to be bent and stretched). However, they all
share one property, and that is that steel is heavy. Steel finds most usage where its
strength can be used to best advantage, for instance where space is limited, or
where its hardness and toughness are needed. The most common use is in bolts
and other fasteners. It has one more advantage - it performs much better at higher
temperature than most other materials except titanium, and is used for Concorde
wing skins, and inside engines.
7. Advantages:
Cheap and readily available.
Consistent strength
Wide range of properties available by suitable choice of alloy and heat
High strength useful where space is limited.
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Some stainless steels are highly resistant to corrosion.
High-tensile steels have high SWR.
Hard surface is resistant to wear.
Suitable for use at higher temperatures than light alloys, but not as good as
titanium alloys.
Easily joined by welding.
Very good electrical and magnetic screening.
Poor SWR except high tensile alloys.
Heavy, so care must be taken not to use very thin sections, or buckling will
8. Titanium has only recently become widely available, so it is quite expensive.
Its properties are very similar to steel, but at high temperatures it is far superior in
strength. It is widely used in jet pipes, compressor blades and other components
which are subject to high temperatures. Like aluminium alloys, titanium can be super-
plastically formed, allowing very strong and light items, such as pressure vessels, to
be made. Titanium has another related property, that of diffusion bonding. At a precise
temperature, two pieces of titanium pressed together will fuse and become a single
piece. When combined with SPF, this allows even greater flexibility of design.
9. Advantages:
High strength/weight ratio.
Maintains its strength at high temperatures.
Higher melting point and lower thermal expansion than other materials.
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Can be super-plastically formed and diffusion bonded.
Can be difficult to work, especially machining.
Poor electrical and magnetic screening.
A very hard scale forms on the surface at high temperatures.
10. Pure plastics have little structural use, although it is increasing. However,
widespread use is being made of composite structures in aircraft, that is, fibres of
materials such as glass, carbon or Kevlar (a trade name for aramid fibre) inside a
thermosetting resin such as epoxy. Often these materials are made into boards, or
composite panels, which consist of a sandwich of, for example, carbon-fibre/
Kevlarhoneycomb/ carbon-fibre (see Figure 4-1). This makes a panel of limited
strength, but extremely light, giving a strength/weight ratio far higher than a metal
panel. They are often used for making galleys and bulkheads inside aircraft passenger
compartments, but are increasingly used for aircraft structures. Composites are not
exclusively plastics, and aluminium skins or honeycomb cores are commonly used,
either together or with plastics. The latest generation of fighter aircraft now emerging
have up to 30% of the airframe structure made of composite materials, and the Lear
Fan 2100 business aircraft has a structure which consists of 77% composite
Fi g 4-1 Honeycomb
Composite Panel
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11. Some composites can be quite difficult to repair safely. Kevlar, for instance,
absorbs water if damaged, which can make it difficult to repair effectively. In all cases,
very careful repairs are needed, often requiring heater mats to help the resins to
cure. It is often easier to replace a damaged item, returning it to the factory or repair
facility. In some cases, this is not convenient, for instance a battledamaged aircraft
needing to be returned to service as soon as possible. In any event, this method
usually means that the user needs more spares, which means higher costs.
12. Another problem with the increasing use of composites, in leading edges
for example, is that they do not provide electrical or magnetic shielding for cables. If
the aircraft is operating close to strong electromagnetic fields, for instance on the
deck of a ship, if its own radar is close by, or if a nuclear explosion occurs even
many miles away, strong electric currents can be induced in the aircrafts electrical
system, which may cause it to fail. If the aircraft structure cannot provide enough
protection, extra shielding is needed, which adds weight, cost and complexity.
13. Advantages:
Very high strength/weight ratio and low weight.
Non-corrodible (but see paragraph 15).
easily available in a wide range of forms.
Can make complex shapes easily.
Low resistance to radar and radio signals is ideal for radomes and antenna
Need special manufacturing and repair methods.
Strength and stiffness not the same in all directions.
Poor electrical screening.
Corrosive to normal metals, because of galvanic action.
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14. Fatigue is a materials tendency to break under a high number of relative
stresses, such as take-offs and landings or under vibration. Next to human factors, it
is the chief cause of aircraft accidents. Some materials, although not as good as
others in terms of strength/weight ratio, are superior under fatigue, and are extensively
used for this reason.
15. To guard against such failures, aircraft life is often quoted in flying hours. For
example an RAF training aircraft has a life of 5,000 flying hours and Concorde 45,000
hours (A service trainer is expected to suffer much more severe treatment than an
airliner!). Fatigue meters are fitted to most RAF aircraft and these record the number
of times a particular load is reached when flying the aircraft. The manufacturer carries
out a long series of fatigue tests on an airframe, to find out when problems are likely
to happen. By comparing the information recorded by the fatigue meter with the
manufacturers tests, remaining airframe life can be constantly monitored.
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1. Give 4 materials used in aircraft design
2. How can you measure airframe life?
Self Assessment Questions
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piece of paper.
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1. As you have already seen, different sizes and types of aircraft need different
construction. This applies to the mainplanes, or wings, as much as to any other part.
Each wing is basically made up of two parts - the internal structure, such as spars and
ribs, and the skin, which can be of fabric, metal or composites, although this distinction
may not be very apparent in modern fast jets or large transport aircraft.
2. Figure 5-1 shows a typical framework of a fabric-covered cantilever
monoplane. The main structural members, as for most aircraft wings, are the front and
rear spar, which are attached to each other by a series of ribs. Ribs give the wing its
section, and transfer loads from the covering into the spars. Attached to the front spar
is the leading edge section, in this case made up of nose ribs and the leading edge
itself. The trailing edge section is similar, but of a different shape, and contains the
ailerons and flaps. Although the fabric covering takes little load, it does strengthen
and stiffen the structure a little, especially in torsion (twisting).
The compression ribs are the main structural ribs, and the camber ribs help to support
the fabric to keep a good wing section along the whole wing.
Fig 5-1 Framework of Fabric-
Covered Cantilever Monoplane
Parts of a Wing
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Close to the leading edge, where the section curves most, extra nose ribs are
added to make sure this important part of the wings is not upset by sagging of the
covering fabric.
3. You will remember from Chapter 1 that air loads increase as a the square of
the speed increase. For instance at 400 knots the air loads are four times as great as
the 200 knots achieved by the fastest of light aircraft. Fabric covering cannot meet
these loads and so a heavier and more rigid skin must be used. Chapter 4 described
how aluminium alloys are most often used for this. It gives a smoother finish and
more contour to the shape than fabric covering, but if it is very thin it gives little extra
strength. If the skin is thicker, it can share the loads taken by the structure underneath,
which can then be made lighter. Almost all aircraft have their structure made entirely
in metal, or a mixture of metal and composite materials.
The two main spars are still the main strength members, but a large
contribution to the strength is made by the skin.
The whole is normally in metal construction, although the wing tip, ailerons and leading
edge may be of composites. To reduce weight the ribs may have large lightening
holes, with flanged edges to keep the required stiffness.
Fi g 5-2 Stressed-Skin Wing Construction
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The skin may be fixed to the internal structure by rivets, as shown on the
diagram, or by bonding (gluing), using special adhesives.
The volume between the front and rear spars is often used for storing fuel,
and holes in the ribs allow the fuel to flow inside this space.
The leading- and trailing-edge sections are used for carrying electrical cables,
control wires and other items along the wing.
4. This type of construction is called stressed skin (Figures 5-2 and 5-3, and it
allows thin cantilever wings to be produced which are strong enough to resist the
tension, compression and twisting loads caused by high speeds. Stressed skin
construction is the only option for aircraft of medium to high speeds.
5. Spar Design. An ideal spar is given depth so it may resist the bending forces
imposed on it. An example of this is an ordinary ruler, which will flex easily when
loaded on its top or bottom surfaces, but is very stiff when a load is applied to the
edge. Three typical spar sections are shown in Figure 5-4.
In examples A and B of Figure 5-4, the flanges could be made as part of the skin, if
the skin is machined from a thicker material. In some wings, for instance the Airbus
series of aircraft, the flange and part of the spar are machined as part of the skin.
Fig 5-3 More Stressed-
Skin Wing Contruction
Fig 5-4 Typical Sections
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But if a thin wing is needed for high-speed flight, it may not be possible to get a deep
enough spar. To make the wing strong enough, more than one spar will be used.
Using two spars is quite usual on many aircraft. Very high speed aircraft, with extremely
thin wings, may use a multi-spar layout (Figure 5-5).
6. Most modern aircraft use two main spars, with stressed skin between them,
to form a torsion box construction. This can be seen in Figure 5-6. The leading and
trailing edge sections are then added in a lighter construction, often composites, and
carry very little of the loads applied to the wing. The major advantage of this is that the
space within the torsion box is an ideal space to store fuel. The whole volume is
sealed using special compounds to prevent leakage, and may be divided up into
several large tanks, so that the fuel may be moved around as required to balance the
aircraft or reduce loads in flight. The skin must be stiffened to prevent buckling, and
stringers will be bonded or rivetted to them, or integrally machined, as described
Fig 5-6 Torsion Box
Fig 5-5 Various Types of
Wing-Spar Layouts
Torsion box
Constructi on
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7. As an alternative to making stressed skins by fastening stringers to the skin
(fabricated), the skin, stringers and spar flanges can all be machined from a single
piece of alloy, called a billet. This billet may be many metres long, since it is possible
to make the skin for one wing in a single piece. The billet is much thicker and heavier
then the final machining, with up to 90% of it being removed during machining. Although
this is very expensive, in both material and machining cost, the final result is a lighter
and stronger skin than a fabricated one.
Advantages include:
Rivetting is not required, so a smoother surface is achieved.
Lighter structure with more even loading than a fabricated one.
Computer-controlled machining means mistakes or faults are less likely, and
more easily detected.
Easy inspection during manufacture and in service.
No maintenance required.
Easy sealing of fuel spaces.
High cost, particularly setting up tooling.
For combat aircraft, battle damage repair can be more difficult.
Careful design needed to maintain fail safety by limiting spreading of fatigue
8. Because they are very different in shape to other types of wing, delta and
heavily swept wings have different construction to other wings. Delta wings have a
very high chord at the wing root, and so thickness for structural stiffness is not a
problem. Swept wings may have to house the undercarriage when it is retracted, and
the sweep means that it must be located near to the trailing edge. A solution to this is
to add another short spar, and to increase the chord of the wing at the root.
Delta and swept wing
ai rcraf t
A Billet
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This then gives enough depth in the wing to fit the retracted undercarriage, and
provides a strong point for the undercarriage mounting.
Fig 5-7 Delta Wing
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1. Name the 2 parts of a Wing.
2. What is an alternative to making stressed skin by fastening stringers to the skin.
Self Assessment Questions
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1. Similar types of structure to that used in the construction of wings can be
used for fuselages and tail units or foreplanes, except that fuselages are usually of
the semi-monocoque type, i.e. the skin is a stressed part of the structure, and takes
a share of the loads with much-reduced internal structure. Semi-monocoque
construction is particularly useful for fuselages since it leaves a large proportion of
the inside free to accommodate crew, passengers and cargo. In addition, the crew
and passenger sections of fuselages for aircraft flying at high altitude are pressurised,
ie the pressure inside is greater than the air pressure outside. This means that the
sections must not only be airtight, but capable of withstanding the pressure, so that
they will not burst. This pressure difference is typically up to 5600 kilogrammes force
per square metre (that is a force equal to the weight of six cars for every square
metre of fuselage skin. This is easier to achieve in semi-monocoque construction.
2. Remember, too, that in addition to being the body of the aircraft the fuselage:
Is the interconnecting link between the other main structural units -
the wings are attached to it and convey their loads to it at the wing roots.
Has the undercarriage loads transmitted to it.
Must carry both the air loads and the weight of the tail unit and/or foreplanes.
Often carries the engine(s) in the nose or at the tail, and these exert
considerable weight, thrusts and torques (twisting forces) on it.
Carries the major part of the aircraft systems - hydraulics, electronics, radar
and, in the case of military aircraft, often carries some or all of the weapon
There are three distinct parts of the fuselage: (see Figure 6-1)
The nose section.
The centre section.
Purpose of fuselage
Types of construction
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The aft or rear section.
4. The three sections will carry different loads in accordance with the task the
aircraft is required to do, but in all types the centre section needs to be large and
strong. In flight, the whole aircraft will be supported by lift from the wings, transmitted
through the centre of the fuselage to carry all of the other parts. In transport aircraft,
the majority of the fuselage is tubular.
This is a convenient shape for carrying cargo or passengers, and makes it possible
to stretch the aircraft (make the fuselage longer to increase its carrying capacity) by
inserting extra pieces or plugs without a major re-design of the fuselage. This results
in mainly cylindrical fuselages, with tapered nose and tail sections. Combat aircraft
are often quite different, and the shape of the fuselage can be quite complex, because
of the special task it does.
5. As in wing construction described in the previous chapter, fuselage
construction is usually of stressed-skin type, where the skin itself takes much of the
load. The semi-monocoque construction, which is virtually standard in all but the
lightest of aircraft, consists of a stressed skin, with added stringers to prevent buckling,
attached to hoop-shaped frames, which give the fuselage its shape and allow it to
resist the bending loads from the tail. The frames protrude into the fuselage interior
by about 100 - 150 mm, leaving the rest of the fuselage clear for payload (Figure 6-
2.). The designer will try to find the best compromise of skin strength (and weight)
and frame and stringer strength, with the skin usually taking about half of the loads.
Fig 6-1 Loads on a Fuselage
Use of the 3 Sections of
a fuselage
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At the nose and tail, double curvature, like the surface of an egg, makes the skin
even stiffer. A floor, consisting of a number of beams across the inside of the fuselage
and covered in sheet alloy or composite panels, leaves a flat surface for walking on
and fitting seats, and leaves a space for luggage and the many aircraft systems.
6. Pressure bulkheads are fitted in the nose and close to the tail of most aircraft.
They are flat discs, like a drum skin, or curved, like a breakfast bowl, and their job is
to withstand the loads imposed by pressurisation of the fuselage. Cutouts need to
made in all fuselages to allow for doors and windows. This causes structural problems,
because the fuselage needs to be strengthened around them. It is important to make
sure that loads can be routed around these cutouts, and spread evenly into
surrounding skin and structure.
Fi g 6-2 Stressed-Skin Fuselage
Fig 6-3 Pressure Cabin Doors
Bulkheads - design
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The ideal shape for a cutout in a fuselage is an ellipse, and many aircraft have
windows this shape. This is not very practical for doors, though, and the more usual
shape is a rectangular door with rounded corners (Figure 6-3).
7. In paragraph 4, we saw that combat aircraft fuselages can be quite different
from other aircraft. The pressurised space is usually smaller, containing just the cockpit
and perhaps an electronics bay, and pressures are much lower, because the pilot
also uses an oxygen mask. The fuselage may have a strong beam, called the,
running fore and aft, and many of the major parts, like the engines, cannon and
undercarriage, could be attached to it.
8. Tailplanes on light aircraft may be built in a similar way to a fabric-covered
wing. Stressed-skin tail units are usually similar in construction to stressed-skin wings,
but they are smaller, and usually have a different section, because they are not
required to produce lift in normal flight. On large aircraft, the fin may contain fuel - not
only does this increase the fuel capacity, but it also allows for trimming of the aircraft
by transfer of weight rather than by deflecting aerodynamic control surface, and so
reduces drag.
Foreplanes are of similar construction to tailplanes, but are generally smaller in size.
They are almost always all-flying, that is, the entire foreplane moves to provide control
Rudders and elevators are often made of composite materials, and sometimes even
the whole tailplane is made in this way. Because of their smaller size, foreplanes
lend themselves to this kind of construction (Figure 6-4 see over).
Tai l pl anes
Forepl anes
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Fig 6-4 Harrier Fin Construction
Photo: R Wilkinson
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1. What are the 3 distinct parts of a fuselage?
Self Assessment Questions
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1. The designer must, of course, decide what type of engine or engines will be
needed to get the specified performance from the aircraft, and then he must place
them in the airframe in the best possible position. He can then strengthen the airframe
components which have to carry the known or estimated engine weights and design
the engine mountings , allowing for ease of installation, maintenance and removal.
When placing the engines he must also consider where fuel can be carried, since
the amount and weight of the fuel is considerable and depends largely on the engines
2. If only one piston engine/propeller combination or turboprop engine is fitted
it will normally be in the nose of the fuselage. If a single jet engine is used it would
also normally be in the fuselage, but further back, near the centre of gravity.
3. If there are two or more engines there are a variety of positions to be
considered, as shown in Figure 7-1.
Fig 7-1 Engine Positions
Types of engines
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4. If, in a twin- or four-engine aircraft, the engines are placed far out on the wing,
and an engine fails, the thrust from the remaining engines or engines causes the
aircraft to yaw strongly. This needs a large rudder, capable of large deflections, to
allow the aircraft to be kept in straight flight (Figure 7-2). So it is desirable to place the
engines as near to the aircraft centre line as possible. In the Tornado, the engines
are placed side by side, as close as possible to the centre line (Figure 7-3). Another
arrangement is to put engines in pods on the rear fuselage (Figure 7-4).
Fig 7-4 Engine Pods on
Rear Fuselage
Fi g 7-2 Directional Stability
Twin or Four-engine
ai rcraf t
Fig 7-3 Engines Close to Aircraft Centre-Line
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Another type of installation that is being developed is the prop-fan engine, which is a
hybrid between a turbo-fan engine and a turbo-prop. It has an un-shrouded fan, which
looks a little like a propeller.
5. Twin- or multi-engined propeller-driven aircraft to have their engines spaced
out along the wing because there must be clearance between the propeller tips and
the fuselage. The closer they are, the more noise is generated inside the fuselage,
and the further away they are, the more the aircraft yaws if an engine fails. Once
again, it is up to the designer to find the best compromise.
The disadvantages of having to place engines on the wings are:
Maximum yaw if an engine or engine(s) fail.
The space taken by the engines and their streamlining pods neutralises
some of the lifting area of the wing, and calls for an increased span.
The wing must be insulated against engine heat.
6. Some of these disadvantages are eliminated by using underslung pods,
seen on many transport aircraft. The advantages are:
The airflow over the wing is not disturbed.
A thin section suitable for high speeds can be used.
A shorter span can be used.
More of the space in the wing can be used to hold fuel.
No heat insulation is required in the wing.
Fig 7-5 Engines Mounted on Wings
Prop-fan engine
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Reverse thrust is more easily achieved without damage to the wings.
Engines are easily accessible for servicing.
It is relatively easy to modify the design to use a different engine.
Weight is moved away from the fuselage, reducing bending loads on the
wings in flight. Underslung wing pods also help to offset the aerodynamic
forces which try to twist the wing.
7. It would be unusual if there were no snags associated with any engine
installation, and this case is no exception. Underslung pods have the following
The same yaw problems exist as with other wing installations in engine-out
Heavy loads can be placed on the wing and engine mountings if violent
manoeuvres are necessary during flight, and during landings.
Ground debris is more easily drawn up into the engine intake, where it can
cause extensive damage (this is known in the RAF as FOD (foreign-object
Taller and more complex undercarriages are needed to keep the pods clear
of the ground.
Fig 7-6 Engines in Under- Wing Pods
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1. An undercarriage is needed by all aircraft which operate from land. It is
required to:
Support the aircraft on the ground.
Absorb the shock of landings and provide smooth taxying.
Withstand the side loads of crosswind take-offs and landings.
Give minimum rolling friction on take-off, minimum drag in the air and hold
the aircraft at the correct attitude during the take-off and landing runs.
Withstand large braking loads during landing.
Be as light as possible since an undercarriage is dead weight when airborne.
2. An aircraft is usually supported on the ground by three units - two main wheels
and a nose wheel (Figure 8-1). Some light aircraft have a tail wheel instead of a nose
wheel, but this arrangement is no longer common.
3. The main advantages of the nose-wheel or tricycle layout are:
With a steerable nose wheel, ground manoeuvring is easier.
The pilots view is improved.
What is an
undercarri age
used for?
Fig 8-1 two Main-Wheels and a Nose-Wheel
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The aircraft floor is horizontal when on the ground.
Aerodynamic drag on take-off is reduced, giving much better take-off
Directional stability on the ground is improved, because the C of G is forward
of the main wheels.
Braking is more straightforward, and brake parachutes can be used.
There is less tendency to float and bounce on landing, making landing easier.
4. The main disadvantages are:
Nose wheels need to be stronger and therefore heavier than tail wheels.
More damage is done to the aircraft if the nose wheel collapses.
5. When an aircraft lands, a large force is applied through the undercarriage as
it touches the ground. This may be up to three times the weight of the aircraft for
transport aircraft, and up to eight times for an aircraft landing on the deck of a ship. To
prevent damage to the structure, and to stop the aircraft bouncing, this shock must
be absorbed and dissipated by the undercarriage.
Several methods are used to absorb taxying and landing shocks. On light aircraft,
the undercarriage may be just a piece of spring steel, with perhaps a rubber mounting
in the aircraft fuselage. On heavier aircraft a telescopic shock absorber known as an
oleo leg is almost always used.
6. Most service aircraft, as well as most civil transports, are fitted with
oleopneumatic or oil-compression type undercarriages. The operation of both units
is very similar, the difference being that an oleo-pneumatic unit compresses air or
nitrogen gas, and an oil-compression unit (often known as liquid spring) works by
compressing oil, as the name suggests. If you study Figure 8-2, you can see that
compressing the strut reduces the volume inside and compresses the gas or oil,
like operating a bicycle pump. Any tendency to bounce is prevented by forcing the
damping oil through small holes, so that the strut can only extend quite slowly. The
Types of Shock
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gas or oil will stay slightly compressed when it has the weight of the aircraft on it, so
it is cushioned whilst taxying.
7. The operation of nose-wheel shock absorber units is similar, but their
construction differs slightly in that they are usually designed to allow the nosewheel
to be steered, by rotating the entire unit, or by steering motors on larger aircraft.
Often the nose-wheel steering must be capable of being disconnected for towing.
8. To make sure the aircraft tail does not hit the ground on take-off or landing,
the main wheels must be behind the centre of gravity. If they are too far back, very
high loads will be taken on the nose wheel during landings, which may cause it to
collapse. Main units are often retracted into the wings. All of these factors mean that
the undercarriage positions must be very carefully designed.
9. Each main-wheel unit consists of a single, double, tandem or bogie unit, of
four or more wheels (Figure 8-3). There are even more variations than this, but they
are not common. As aircraft become heavier, the loading on a single wheel increases,
leading to a great increase in the damage done to runways. By having the weight
spread over a number of wheels, the contact pressure of the undercarriage is reduced,
by spreading the load (Figure 8-4). This leads to reduced undercarriage weight and
increased safety if a tyre bursts on landing. The Boeing 747 has 18 wheels - four
main units, each a four-wheel bogie, and a double nose-wheel unit.
10. A variation of the tandem arrangement is the jockey unit, which comprises
two or three levered legs in tandem on each side of the fuselage, sharing a common
horizontal shock absorber. Amongst the advantages of this design are excellent
Fi g 8-2 Undercarriage Oleo-Pneumatic Leg
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rough-field performance and the ability to lower the aircraft down (kneeling) for easier
loading. The units also retract into a small space, without penetrating into the load
space. This makes this arrangement ideal for transport aircraft like the Hercules.
11. An undercarriage causes a lot of drag in flight, so it is retracted into the
wings or fuselage in most aircraft, except when needed. In most cases, a hydraulic
jack is used to pull the undercarriage legs, about a pivot at the top. The doors to the
undercarriage well may be attached to the legs, or may use separate jacks to open
and close them.
Fi g 8-6 Undercarriage
Retraction Mechanism
Undercarri ages i n
Fig 8-3 Main-Wheel Units Fi g 8-4 Load Distribution Areas
Fig 8-5 Jockey Unit
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It is important that the doors open before the undercarriage units extend or retract,
and close afterwards, so a sequencer valve is used to control the supply of hydraulic
In many cases the undercarriage needs to fit into a very small space, and the units
may be turned, twisted or folded to allow this. If the hydraulic system fails, the
undercarriage must be capable of being lowered so that the aircraft can land safely.
Nose wheels are normally retracted forwards, so that aerodynamic drag will help
them to extend under gravity in an emergency. It is common for pressure bottles to
be fitted, which store enough pressure to allow the undercarriage to be extended
once, if the system fails.
12. To prevent an undercarriage collapsing on the ground, and to hold it firmly in
its retracted position in flight, uplocks and downlocks are fitted to hold the units in
place. These are unlocked as part of the extension and retraction sequence. It would
be catastrophic if the undercarriage were retracted accidentally with the aircraft on the
ground, so ground locks are fitted, disabling the retraction mechanism.
13. The high weights and speeds at which many aircraft land mean that the braking
system must be capable of absorbing and dissipating very large amounts of heat, as
the energy of motion is converted into heat. There are two main types of brake -
drum brakes and disc brakes. The drum brake is rarely used, because it suffers from
poor heat dissipation, causing the brakes to overheat and fade - lose their braking
effectiveness as their temperature increases during braking.
14. Disc brakes are much more effective at dispersing the heat produced, and
maintain their effectiveness during long periods of heavy braking. They consist of a
disc or series of discs of aluminium alloy, steel, carbon or other material, gripped
between pads of friction material. These pads are forced against the discs by pistons
under hydraulic pressure. Control is usually achieved by placing a toe pedal for the
brake on each side on its respective rudder pedal. These can then be operated
differentially by the pilot, giving the ability to steer the aircraft by applying different
amounts of braking on each main wheel. Applying the brakes equally on both main
units allows the aircraft to be braked smoothly in a straight line. Large aircraft may
have quite a number of discs in each wheel, to get the required braking forces and
heat dissipation.
Types of brakes
Ground locks on
undercarri ages
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15. An anti-skid unit, called a Maxaret unit, prevents skidding by detecting when
the wheel or wheels on any unit stop turning, and momentarily releases brake
pressure on that unit only. This gives the aircraft the ability to stop in the shortest
possible distance without loss of control. Similar units, known as ABS, are fitted to
many cars, and work in the same way.
16. Another form of braking is air brakes, used in flight, which consist of large
plates fitted to the fuselage which can be lifted into the airflow when required. They
cause a large increase in drag to slow the aircraft. After touch-down, reverse thrust
of jet engines can be deployed, by moving doors into the jet exhaust to deflect the
flow forwards. Turbo-prop engines can achieve a similar effect by changing the
pitch of the propeller to reverse the airflow.
Fig 8-7 Disc Brake Unit
Anti-skid unit
Other types of braking
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1. What is an oleo leg?
2. What controls the supply of hydraulic fluid in an undercarriage?
3. What are the 2 main types of brakes?
Self Assessment Questions
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in any way - write your
answers on a separate
piece of paper.
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1. All aircraft have to be fitted with a system that will enable the pilot to manoeuvre
the aircraft in flight. There are usually three sets of control surfaces positioned near
the extremities of the aircraft, ie the wing tips and tail, to give the longest possible
lever about the centre of gravity (C of G). In your study of Principles of Flight, you
have learnt about aircraft controls, and how they are used to manoeuvre the aircraft.
They are:
Elevators or foreplanes for control in pitch.
Rudder for control in yaw.
Ailerons for control in roll.
The elevators are hinged to the tailplane spars, or all-flying tailplanes or foreplanes
may be used; the rudder is hinged to the fin spar; the ailerons to the wing rear spar.
With fighter aircraft, computer control can be used to control an unstable aircraft,
which would otherwise be unflyable. This makes the aircraft very responsive, and
gives the manoeuvrability needed to gain an advantage over an opponent. A delta
configuration is often used, with foreplanes or canards near the nose of the aircraft,
rather than the conventional rear tail to provide pitch control.
2. With the increasing use of computers in aviation, most control circuits, except
for the smallest of aircraft, use computers in some way, either to assist or to control
the aircraft entirely, by processing demands from the pilot. The autopilots in modern
transport aircraft are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and some are now capable
of flying the aircraft throughout the whole flight, including take-off and landing.
3. The control column (often known simply as the stick) operates the elevators
and ailerons. In large transport aircraft, the stick may be replaced by a device which
looks a little like a car steering wheel, called a yoke, or a side-stick device may be
The Control Column
Types of controls in
ai rcraf t
El evat ors
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used (see paragraph 7). The rudder bar (Figure 9-2) operates the rudder. Movement
of the control column or rudder bar is transmitted to the respective control surface by
cables or push-pull rods in small aircraft. In large or fast aircraft, the forces required to
move the controls are too large for the pilot to operate them, and a system of power
operation or power assistance is required, using actuators.
4. Although the way in which the controls are operated varies from one aircraft
to another, a given movement of the control column will always make the aircraft turn
in the same direction:
Moving the control column forwards makes the aircraft pitch nose down;
backwards lifts the nose;
Moving or turning the controls to the left raises the left aileron and lowers the
right one, making the aircraft roll to the left;
Pushing the right rudder pedal deflects the rudder to starboard (right), and
causes the aircraft to yaw to starboard.
5. As aircraft speeds increase, so air flows faster over the control surfaces and
this greatly increases the air loads the pilot has to overcome to move the control
surfaces. In other words, he must push or pull harder on the controls to move the
elevators, etc. The air loads increase as the square of the speed, as you have seen
in Chapter 1. These air loads on the control surfaces cause the pilot two main problems:
Fig 9-2 Rudder Bar Operation Fi g 9-1 Control Column Operation
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To hold the controls against the air flow could be very tiring, so the designer
fits some method of adjustment to the control surfaces which the pilot can
operate in flight. In this way, he trims out the control loads and so can hold
the aircraft in any attitude for a long time without becoming tired.
As aircraft speeds increase the forces on the control surfaces become so
great that the pilot finds it difficult to move them at all. As you have seen,
hydraulic power can be used to help the pilot to move the surfaces, or to
move them for him. But before this stage is reached there are various
aerodynamic ways of using the airflow itself to help the pilot to move the
surface. Some of the devices which do this are balance tabs, inset hinge
and horn balances.
6. There are several methods of operating controls, and these fall into the
categories of manual, power-assisted and power-operated control systems. These
may be used in combination with, for example, power-assisted controls being used
for the rudder and elevators and manual (unassisted) controls for the ailerons, which
often are easier to move. These various ways of moving control surfaces have
advantages and disadvantages.
For large aircraft and many fast jets, the use of power controls is the only feasible
choice, because the controls would be so difficult for the pilot to move, and because
of the control circuits used. For light aircraft and small commercial aircraft, the simplicity,
lightness and cost of manual controls may be used to best advantage, and no power
assistance is necessary.
For those aircraft between the two extremes, power assistance is often the ideal
solution, with some of the control effort being applied by the pilot and some assistance
by mechanical actuators. This takes advantage of smaller actuators, gives the pilot
more feel, since he is still operating the control surfaces directly, and gives a manual
backup if the power-assistance system fails.
7. Because of the speed of digital computers, it is possible to fly an unstable
aircraft; the speed of the control computers is high enough to make the constant
corrections which can overcome the instability of the aircraft aerodynamics, giving
Fl y-by-wi re ai rcraft
Methods of operating
control s
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the pilot the impression of a stable but highly responsive fighter aircraft. The extreme
responsiveness comes about because any manoeuvres are assisted by the aircrafts
For a fighter aircraft, this can present an enormous advantage in combat. This system
is commonly known as fly-by-wire, because no control cables or linkages are run
inside the aircraft; all control connections are made by electrical cable, and these
connect directly to electric or hydraulic actuators.
Another variant which is just becoming available is fly-by-light, where the control
signals are transmitted by fibre optics rather than electrical cables.
8. For transport aircraft, extreme control responsiveness is obviously not
required, but computers and fly-by-wire systems are still useful, because their rapid
information processing increases safety by preventing pilots asking the aircraft to do
anything it is not capable of doing. Since all control demands are processed by the
computer, rather than fed directly to the controls, any control movements which could
endanger the aircraft, for instance by causing a stall, can be ignored. This creates an
aircraft which is almost impossible to stall, and stalling is a major reason for a high
proportion of aircraft accidents.
9. Computers can break down, and software is notoriously difficult to free of
errors, so all computers which are essential to the control of an aircraft must be
triplicated. They operate on a voting system, where if one computer disagrees with
the other two, it is outvoted, the majority decision carries and a computer failure
warning is given.
Fig 9-3 Fly-by-Wire System
Fly-by-light aircraft
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In many aircraft, especially the older ones, computers are used only for the autopilot,
and the outputs are used to move the aircraft controls; in this way the autopilot
duplicates the actions of the pilot directly, and the control surfaces are deflected
through the normal control route. There is more information on autopilots in the next
10. With powered flying control systems, there is a range of possible actuators
to choose from. The most common actuator for operating control surfaces, as well as
many other moving parts, is the hydraulic actuator. This type of actuator provides
high jack forces from a small unit. Hydraulic circuits operate at around 200 bar (3000
pounds per square inch). Because of its design, a hydraulic jack can create higher
forces in extension (pushing) then retraction (pulling).
The hydraulic jack may be extended or retracted by allowing oil to flow to the relevant
side of the unit until the correct position has been reached - this method is used for
undercarriage jacks for example, where the jack is operated until it reaches the end
of its travel. Where the system is required to move to a specific position, a servo
actuator is normally used. A servo actuator will follow the control linkage automatically.
This type of actuator can be used for power-operated and power-assisted controls,
where the control linkage is also connected to the control surface being moved, the
actuator helping the pilot to move the control surface.
11. Power Failures - Powered and Power-Assisted Systems. All aircraft having
power-operated or power-assisted controls need to have an alternative control system
in case the main system fails. The alternative may be a separate hydraulically-operated
system or a manually-operated system. If the back-up system
Fig 9-4 Hydraulic Jack
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is manually-operated, failure of the hydraulic supply will cause reversion to manual
control, with a sudden increase in stick forces. To avoid this, many aircraft have a
hydraulic reservoir, which gives a supply for a small number of control movements
whilst the pilot is slowing down and trimming the aircraft in preparation for flying on
manual control.
12. Elevons. Some tailless aircraft with swept or delta wings combine the
functions of the elevators and ailerons in control surfaces called elevons. Fore and
aft movement of the control column will lower and raise both surfaces together which
act as elevators. Side to side movement causes the elevons to move in opposite
directions to give the effect of ailerons. Any combination of these movements causes
a mixture of these actions, to give combined pitching and rolling manoeuvres
(Figure 9-6).
Fig 9-6 Elevons
Fig 9-5 Power-Operated Control System
El evons
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13. Canard controls. This type of control surface usually replaces the conventional
tailplane, and is often used together with a delta wing. Deflecting the foreplane upwards
increases the lift, lifting the nose and causing the aircraft to pitch up.
14. The All-Flying Tail. At high Mach numbers the elevator loses much of its
effectiveness. This causes a serious decrease in the accuracy with which the flight
path can be controlled, and in manoeuvrability. To overcome this problem the complete
tailplane can be moved to control the aircraft in pitch. Some form of power assistance
is usually fitted to provide the high forces needed to move the tailplane.
With the all-flying tail, full and accurate control is maintained at all Mach numbers.
Forward movement of the control column increases the incidence of the tailplane to
lift the tail and lower the nose.
15. The Variable-Incidence Tailplane. This is used on some aircraft as an alternative
to trim tabs. By varying the incidence of the tailplane the pilot can balance out control
loads to avoid having to hold a constant load on the controls. This method is more
effective than trim tabs at high speeds.
Fig 9-8 All-Flying Tail
Fig 9-7 Canard Foreplane (EF 2000)
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16. Tailerons. These are similar in operation to elevons, but in this case the two
halves of an all-flying tailplane are moved independently to do the job of ailerons
and together to act as elevators (Figure 9-9). This allows much larger flaps to be
fitted to the trailing edge of the wing, because separate ailerons are no longer needed.
On some aircraft, the tailerons are supplemented by spoilers on the wings, which act
in the same way as the up-going aileron, but still allow large flaps to be fitted
(Figure 9-10).
Fig 9-10 Spoilers and
Full-Span Flaps
Fig 9-9 Tailerons
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1. What do the elevators or foreplanes, rudder and ailerons control in an aircraft?
2. Give 3 categories of operating controls.
Self Assessment Questions
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1. Many flights in modern aircraft last quite a long time, often for several hours.
Even in fighter aircraft, a large number of Combat Air Patrol (CAP) sorties are flown,
where the aircraft stays airborne for a number of hours. To make the job of a pilot as
simple as possible, routine flying on a given heading can easily be performed by a
mechanical or electronic system. This system is called an autopilot. With the use of
computers, a much wider range of flying can be carried out by the autopilot, and it is
possible to make a complete flight with little or no pilot input. This relieves the pilot
of routine tasks, which can cause fatigue, and leave him free to concentrate on other
aspects of the flight.
2. If the autopilot is to be of practical use, it must be able to keep the aircraft in
straight-and-level flight, or in steady climbs and descents, when required. It would
also be very useful if it could carry out simple turns when a change of heading is
needed. This is much more difficult, because it needs a correct mixture of the three
main controls - elevators, ailerons and rudder.
Modern autopilots are often much more sophisticated than this, and can carry out
complex manoeuvres such as landings safely and reliably. When an F-14 fighter
takes off from the deck of an aircraft carrier, by catapult, the autopilot system controls
the first stages of the take-off, with the pilot prevented from taking control until the
aircraft is airborne.
3. This section describes how the simplest forms of autopilot work. To control
an aircraft requires two main operations:
a way of detecting when the aircraft has strayed from the required flight path.
a system for calculating what control movements are needed to correct this
error, and of making those control movements.
Look no hands
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Using this system, if the flight path of the aircraft is disturbed, perhaps by an upgust (a
change in wind direction which makes the aircraft pitch nose-up), a control movement
is needed which brings the nose of the aircraft back down, i.e. moves the elevators
down, so that level flight is restored. This control movement needs to be proportional
to the size of the disturbance, so that a small disturbance leads to a small correction.
Because the aircraft needs to be controlled in three axes, pitch, roll and yaw, three
Channels are needed in the autopilot, one to control in each axis.
4. The device which detects the disturbance is a rate gyroscope. This is usually
a spinning mass which is electrically driven. The gyroscope resists any disturbance
by generating a force to oppose it, and this can be detected electrically by a pickoff.
An electrical signal is given which depends on the or speed of this disturbance. The
signal is then amplified, so that it can be fed to the second part of the system, the
corrector circuit (Figure 10-1).
5. The disturbance correctors are servo-motors which are designed so that the
speed at which they travel is proportional to the size of the signal applied to them.
Because this signal comes from the detector, this means that the larger the disturbance
the faster the servo-motor will turn. As the aircraft returns to its original flight path, this
signal will reduce, and the correcting action will be reduced as well.
6. Apart from the basic spinning-mass type gyroscope, there are many other
types, which use vibration or light to measure the speed of disturbance. In particular,
the ring-laser gyroscope is becoming more common, because it is more accurate
Fig 10-1 Correcting a Disturbance in Pitch
How an auto-pilot
wor ks
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and much more reliable than a mechanical gyroscope. It consists of a triangular or
square ring of glass, which is hollow. A laser beam travels around the ring, reflected
at the corners. If the gyroscope is rotated, the light will take a slightly longer or
shorter time to travel around the ring. This tiny time difference can be detected, and
an electrical signal produced in proportion to the speed of rotation.
7. The simple mechanism of controlling an aircrafts attitude described so far
has some limitations, which need to be overcome. Because of the way in which the
autopilot works, the aircraft will gradually move away from the heading and attitude
set in the autopilot, which is known as drift. This requires another independent system
which the autopilot system can use to check for gradual changes and correct them.
To control an aircraft direction, especially at high speed, it is better to use ailerons in
conjunction with the rudder, or even to use them instead of the rudder. So the autopilot
can be set up to send correction signals from the yaw detector to the aileron corrector.
This is known as cross-feed, and results in smoother corrections of yaw disturbances.
8. For these reasons, the autopilot used in most aircraft is much more complex
than the simple model described here. By using computers, the autopilot can be
used to control the aircraft in a wide range of manoeuvres, from simple turns to
complex series of manoeuvres such as terrain-following. Control signals can be passed
to the computer, which will then command the servo-motors to make the necessary
control movements. The gyroscopes can be monitored to allow the system to keep
track of the aircrafts attitude. This can have many applications:
9. Instrument landing systems (ILS) use a signal from a transmitter close to the
runway to give an indication to the pilot when the aircraft is on the correct approach
path. This is useful when visibility is poor and the runway is not visible. ILS is not part
of the autopilot system, it just gives the information to the pilot on a special instrument.
10. Autoland systems process information about the aircrafts height, position,
heading and speed relative to the runway, using information from the ILS system in
addition to aircraft data. They then generate instructions to the autopilot to fly the
Instrument Landing
Syst em
Dri ft
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aircraft on a suitable heading to achieve a touchdown at the correct point on the
runway. These systems are effectively fully automated versions of the ILS described
in the previous paragraph, and are highly accurate, and a useful safety feature.
Automated take-offs are also possible, using a pre-programmed take-off routine.
11. Terrain-following systems use a special radar, which maps the ground in front
of the aircraft. The system then predicts the control movements needed to fly the
aircraft close to the ground without colliding with it. As with the autoland system, the
autopilot is used to control the movements of the control surfaces. In this way, a
ground-attack aircraft can fly at high speed at very low level, giving the minimum
chance of being detected by enemy radar. The system is so fast that the aircraft flies
at heights and speeds that a pilot would not be capable of controlling unaided
(Figure 10-3).
Fig 10-3 Terrain- Following
radar-Flight Path Indications
Fi g 10-2 Instrument Landing System (ILS)
Terrain - Radar
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12. It is now quite possible to fly the aircraft automatically, by programming
waypoints, arrival times, flight levels, etc into the autopilot system. The aircraft will
set the speed, height and bearing as required, making automatic corrections for
wind speed and direction, and allowing the flight plan to be modified at any time by
the pilot. By combining some or all of these systems, an aircraft could fly an entire
flight without pilot intervention. In the future, it is likely that many civil aircraft will not
have pilots at all, but will be pre-programmed to fly a particular route unaided. System
failure is largely prevented by having several back-up systems, and as a last resort
the aircraft could be flown from the ground to complete a flight safely. The main
problem with this would not be a technical one; it would be passenger resistance to
a pilot-less aircraft. However, once it can be shown that automatic systems are safer
than human pilots, this means of flying will be available.
Look - no pilot
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1. What does ILS mean?
Self Assessment Questions
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1. Hydraulic systems are a convenient way of providing the force required to
retract and extend undercarriages, and to operate flaps and wheel brakes. They are
also widely used to move control surfaces, such as ailerons and elevators, in power-
assisted and power-operated control systems. Although the pumps and pipework
needed to supply pressurised hydraulic fluid around the aircraft might seem to be
quite heavy, the system can be much lighter than an electrical or mechanical system.
This is because of the high pressures used, which lead to small units of high power.
2. Hydraulic systems use a special type of oil to transmit pressure. A pump
pressurises the oil to about 210 kilogrammes force per square centimetre. This means
that a hydraulic jack capable of lifting a one-tonne family car might only be about
25mm diameter. The hydraulic jack that is used to create this movement looks like
Figure 11-1.
3. The flow of oil into the jack is controlled by a valve, and it is designed so that
oil can flow into one side of the jack to make it extend, and into the other to make it
shorten or retract. By controlling the speed that the oil flows into the jack, the speed
of its extension or retraction can also be controlled. When oil is fed into the right side
of the jack, the pressure acting on the face of the piston creates a force which pushes
the piston to the left. This causes the jack to extend. The movement of the piston
pushes oil out of the left chamber. In a similar way, pumping oil into the left chamber
retracts the jack, pulling control surface or undercarriage leg with it.
4. The hydraulic oil needed for this movement is passed around the aircraft in
pipes. Some are pressure lines, taking the oil from the pump to the control valves.
Other pipes connect each control valve to its jack, or actuator. When the jack retracts,
the oil that is expelled to allow the jack to move passes into low-pressure return
pipes, which take the oil back to the reservoir, where it is stored until it is needed
How hydraulic
syst ems work
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5. An aircraft hydraulic system is quite complicated, but is made up of a lot of
very simple circuits. The system is similar in many ways to a set of electrical circuits,
although of course a flow of oil is being used rather than a flow of electricity.
6. With any system which is vital to the safety of the aircraft, the designer needs
to make sure that if a component fails it will not create a danger to the aircraft. This is
usually done by duplicating the control systems - each control surface is moved by
two or more jacks and their associated pipework. In an emergency, it is sometimes
possible for the crew to operate a hand-pump to carry out simple tasks like lowering
the undercarriage. It is more common for the aircraft to carry an emergency supply of
pressurised nitrogen gas, which can be used to push the hydraulic fluid through the
system when needed. Because only a small amount of gas can be carried, this lasts
just long enough to allow the aircraft to land safely if the hydraulic pumps fail.
Safety Systems
Fi g 11-1 Simple Pump-
Powered Hydraulic Jack
Fig 11-2 Typical Hydraulic Circuit
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Hydraulic fluid is a type of oil, so it could be a fire risk, especially when it is at high
pressure, because any small hole will cause a fine mist of oil to be produced.
Hydraulic fluids are usually inhibited, or treated, to reduce the likelihood of them
7. Because hydraulic oil is almost incompressible, the position of the jack can
be controlled very accurately, if necessary. This is very useful for wing flaps, for
example, where different amounts of flap are needed for landing and take-off. This
incompressibility of hydraulic oil is an important feature of hydraulic systems, and it
is important that all traces of air are kept out of the system. The high operating
pressures of hydraulic systems mean that small jacks can produce large forces, so
they can easily be fitted into very small spaces.
8. The use of valves to control hydraulics means that these valves can be
made to operate automatically. Using sequencing valves, a series of operations can
be carried out just by making a single selection. For instance, retracting an
undercarriage requires a series of movements that must be carried out in the correct
order, and at the correct time. Selecting undercarriage up will begin a sequence of
operations, staring with opening the undercarriage doors, then unlocking the
undercarriage downlocks, lifting the legs into their bays, locking the legs in the stowed
position, then closing the undercarriage doors. The hydraulic pressure at various
points in the system, and/or the positions of jacks and locks, can be used to inform
the crew when the undercarriage is locked and unlocked, by means of a set of
Open undercarriage doors
Release down-locks
Retract undercarriage
Up-locks automatically engaged as undercarriage reaches fully-up position
Close undercarriage doors
How an undercarri age
wor ks
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9. Pneumatic systems work in a very similar way to hydraulic systems. The
difference is that in pneumatic systems high-pressure air is used instead of hydraulic
fluid. Because air is much more compressible than fluid, it is much easier to store
pressure, using reservoirs. This can give a reserve of power for short bursts of very
heavy operation, or for emergency use if the system fails.
10. However, the compressibility of air can be a major disadvantage. Pneumatic
systems lack the instant response that hydraulic systems provide, and the rate of
movement of pneumatic actuators is depends strongly on the load, or the force
which resisting the movement. This compressibility also means that the position of
systems needing partial movements, such as control surfaces, cannot be controlled
with any degree of accuracy.
11. Another disadvantage of pneumatic systems is the inefficiency in transmitting
power, because energy is lost in compressing the air. This does not occur with
hydraulic fluid.
12. Because of these major disadvantages, many aircraft are not fitted with a
pneumatic system. However, many aircraft use compressor bleed air to do certain
tasks. Because gas turbine engines generate hot air at relatively high pressure, a
small amount of this air can be used to de-ice the leading edges of wings, tailplanes
and engine intakes. Bleed air is used on many aircraft to supply the power and heat
How aircraft use hot
air from engine
Use of air in pneumatic
syst ems
Fi g 11-3 Simplified
Pneumatic System
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to operate cabin pressurisation and air conditioning systems. This air is not passed
directly into the cabin, but through a heat exchanger, where it heats up cold incoming
air, and through a cold-air unit.
The cold-air unit acts like a turbocharger, with the turbine taking power from the bleed
air to drive a compressor. Because the incoming air is drawn directly from the outside,
it can be at very low pressure, depending on the altitude of the aircraft. The compressor
raises the pressure of the air to a comfortable level for the crew and passengers,
equivalent to about 2500m for passenger aircraft and up to 7500m for combat aircraft,
where the crew also use an oxygen mask.
13. The air temperature is controlled by mixing high-temperature air from the
heat exchanger, with cold air which has by-passed it, in the correct proportions. The
humidity or moisture content is also important, and this is controlled by adding the
required amount of water, as determined by a device called a humidistat.
Fi g 11-4 Air Conditioning Systems
14. Most modern aircraft have airborne systems which require a large amount of
electrical power to operate. These systems include radio, radar, navigation aids,
aircraft instrumentation, weapon aiming and control, and engine starting. With flyby-
wire systems, the demand on electrical supplies is even greater. Electrical power is
also widely used to control hydraulic and pneumatic systems and their associated
Use of electrical power
in aircraft
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15. It would be impossible to store the amount of electrical energy needed to
supply all of these systems for an entire flight, so the electrical supplies needed are
generated during flight. An aircraft electrical system will typically consist of two
generators, driven by the aircraft engine or engines through a suitable gearbox. Most
generators must be driven at a constant speed, regardless of the engine speed, and
this is achieved by using a constant-speed drive unit. Using two generators ensures
that the supply will be maintained even if an engine fails.
16. A small amount of energy is usually stored in batteries, sufficient to start the
engines or for running essential supplies only for a short time in an emergency.
These batteries are recharged during normal operation. Some aircraft have a ramair
turbine (RAT), which takes energy from the outside airstream to turn a generator in an
emergency. Many aircraft are fitted with an auxiliary-power unit (APU). This is a small
gas-turbine engine which drives a generator to supply electrical power when the
aircraft is on the ground, or in an emergency. The APU is usually used to supply
pressurised air to start the main engines, and may also supply the cabin ventilation
on transport aircraft.
17. Except for the smallest of aircraft, the electrical power supplies are standard
on all aircraft. Two supplies are provided, alternating current and direct current:
115 volt AC, 400 Hz, 3-phase. This is quite similar to the mains power supply
in the home. It is used for most systems in the aircraft which require reasonable
amounts of electrical power.
28 volt, DC. This is used for most electronic systems, provided they do not
require large amounts of power. It is also used for cockpit instrumentation,
because its low voltage makes it much safer.
Fig 11-5 Aircraft Electrical System
El ectri cal generators
in aircraft
El ectri cal Power
Suppl i es
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18. Many aircraft systems, particularly radar and navigation equipment, need
electrical supplies at different voltages and frequencies to these. However, from the
basic supplies it is relatively easy to convert them to the needs of particular equipment.
The conversion is usually carried out inside the item of equipment requiring it.
19. An aircraft in flight uses a large amount of fuel, perhaps as much as 10,000
gallons per hour for a very large aircraft at take-off thrust. So a huge volume of fuel
needs to be stored in the airframe if the aircraft is to have a reasonable flying time.
Most is stored in the wings, but many aircraft also store fuel in the fuselage, and
sometimes even in the tail. The fuel is stored in sealed compartments, or flexible fuel
bags may be incorporated where sealing of the structure is not possible. Military
aircraft frequently make use of external drop tanks; these are used to carry large
extra volumes of fuel to give good Endurance (flight time), but can be jettisoned in an
emergency or for combat, so they do not restrict the aircraft performance.
20. As the fuel is used, the centre of gravity of the aircraft will change, so the fuel
will often need to moved between tanks to keep this within acceptable limits, or the
aircraft stability could be affected. To allow this movement of fuel, and of course to
supply the fuel to the engines as required, a system of pumps and valves is fitted. To
avoid boiling off of the fuel at high altitudes where the air pressure is low, the fuel
tanks are pressurised.
21. The aircraft will usually be refuelled through a single refuelling point. From
this point the fuel-management system distributes the fuel as required to the various
tanks in the aircraft. In many cases, the amount of fuel an aircraft can carry is not
enough to provide the endurance or range required. Air-to-air refuelling, from a
specially-adapted tanker aircraft, can be used to supply the extra fuel needed. The
aircraft will rendezvous with the tanker at a pre-determined point, and the tanker will
trail a specially-designed refuelling hose. A probe on the aircraft connects to this
hose, and fuel is transferred. This method needs good navigation to meet the tanker,
and steady flying to achieve fuel transfer.
How an aircraft stores
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22. There is a huge range of weapons fitted to modern aircraft, and the choice
depends what job the aircraft is intended to do. The range of weapons can be split
into three main categories: fighter weapons, such as guns and air-to-air missiles
(AAMs); ground/sea attack weapons, such as bombs and air-to-surface missiles
(ASMs); and electronic weapons, such as electronic countermeasures (ECM) and
flares. These groupings are not absolute, because for instance guns are used widely
for ground attack.
AAMs, Guns and Rockets
23. Air-to-air missiles are the first choice for air defence (fighter) aircraft. They
have a much greater range than guns, and the aircraft does not need to pointing
exactly at the target.
Fig 11-7 Tornado With Air-to-Air Missiles Skyflash and Sidewinder
Fig 11-6 In-
Flight Refuelling
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The selection and launch are controlled by the pilot, using the aircrafts computer
systems. When a target is within range, the details will be relayed to the pilot, usually
through the head-up display, and sometimes by sound in his headset. The pilot then
selects the missile to be fired, using the weapons selector switch, and fires the
missile when he is in the best position to attack his target.
24. When the launch signal is sent to the missile, a complex chain of events is
set in motion. The launch sequence depends on which missile is to be fired, but will
include firing the special batteries used to supply electrical power to the various
parts of the missile, starting gyroscopes in the missile navigation system, telling the
missile guidance system where the target is, and perhaps telling it what frequency is
radar must operate on. The missile will also test all of its electronics to make sure
everything is working properly. If all is well, the rocket motor which powers the missile
will fire, and the missile will be launched. If the missile fails its self-check (a hang-
fire), a signal will be sent to the aircraft computer, and another missile will automatically
be fired.
25. Missile guidance systems detect the position of the target by one of the
following methods:
Active radar. The missile sends out a radar signal, and detects the reflection
of this signal from the target. This gives the missile a lot of information about
which direction it must go to intercept the target, how far away it is, even
which direction the target is travelling in. Advantages are that the pilot of the
launch aircraft can leave the target area and engage another target
immediately, or make his escape, because the after launch the missile is
not dependent on the launch aircraft in any way (fire and forget). Also, because
the radar is carried by the missile, the closer the missile gets to the target,
Fi g 11-8 Skyflash Medium Range, Radar Guided Air-to-Air Missile
How amissile is
launched from aircraft
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the stronger the reflected radar signal will be, so it is less prone to jamming.
If the target tries to fool the missile by sending out a jamming signal, the
missile can home in on this jamming signal (home on jam). Disadvantages
are that the missile cannot carry as powerful a radar transmitter as the launch
aircraft can, because of its small size and the amount of power available, so
it has a smaller range than the next type, the semi-active missile.
Semi-active radar. This type of missile is very similar to the active radar
missile, but the radar signal is sent out by the launch aircraft, rather than the
missile. This means that the missile can detect the target at further distances
(engagement range), but the launch aircraft must keep its radar on the target
until the missile intercepts it. This is a huge disadvantage, because when
the radar is switched on it appears rather like a huge light to an enemy
aircraft, and leaves the launch aircraft very prone to attack. Semi-active
missiles are still extensively used, because of their improved range, but
are becoming less popular.
Infra-red. Unlike either of the previous systems, infra-red is usually passive.
This means that the missile does not send out any kind of signal, but detects
the infra-red emissions that everything sends out. This means that it gives
no warning that it is on its way, and is less likely to give away the position of
the launch aircraft. It is prone to distraction by flares ejected from the target,
but modern missiles contain complex electronic processing systems which
allow the missile to tell the difference between the target and a flare. This
type of missile has a very limited range, because infra-red radiation is
absorbed by the atmosphere, which the means the missile is always flying
in a kind of fog, but they are highly suited to close-range (less than 10
kilometres) combat.
26. Guns (cannon) are used as a back-up to guided missiles in air combat,
because they have a much shorter range. A fighter aircraft will carry one or two
cannon of 20 - 30mm calibre. They can fire at a very high rate (between 20 and 100
rounds per second, depending on the gun), and the ammunition is heavy, so they
carry ammunition for only a few seconds of gun firing. For ground attack aircraft, the
guns are used more often, and would be used against a variety of targets from tanks
to trucks to trenches. Some aircraft cannon use special ammunition which is very
effective against armour.
Aircraft Guns (cannon)
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27. Rockets are unguided (ballistic) weapons, often fired several at a time
(salvos), against ground targets. Because they are unguided, they must be used at
fairly short range, but can be very effective against unarmoured vehicles and ground
ASMs and Bombs
28. Air-to-surface missiles are very specialised weapons, and their design
depends on the target they are intended to engage. Anti-armour weapons have
warheads which are designed to penetrate great thicknesses of armour plating, even
reactive armour (which explodes when attacked to deflect the effects of the warhead).
Anti-radar weapons home in on radar installations and defeat them by destroying the
antenna, using a shower of small fragments of shrapnel. Anti-ship weapons skim
close to the surface of the sea, to delay their detection by the target.
Fig 11-10 Air-
Launched Anti-
Radar Missiles
Ai rcraft rockets
Fig 11-9 Pod for
Unguided Rockets
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They are often able to see the target in great detail, and identify a range of possible
targets by comparing an image with images stored in a computer memory. It can be
programmed to engage certain targets in preference to others, which means it may
even fly past or over some ships to reach more important ones.
29. A special kind of ASM is the cruise missile. This is a very long range missile
(often over 100 km), which is programmed to navigate and fly using ground mapping
terrain following, in a similar way that you or I might follow a map. They are extremely
accurate, to within metres after a long flight. Cruise missiles are not just carried on
aircraft - they may be launched from ships or land vehicles as well.
30. There is a wide range of bombs available, to perform a variety of different
tasks. The simple high-explosive type can be used for many purposes, and comes
in a range of sizes. A variation of this is used to penetrate great depths of concrete.
Cluster bombs have a large number of small bomblets, which are scattered over a
wide area after the bomb is released. Retarded bombs have a small parachute
which slows the bomb down rapidly. This allows the bomb to be dropped very
accurately from low altitude without risk to the aircraft.
Fig 11-11 Sea Eagle Anti-Ship Missile
Cl uster bombs
Crui se Mi ssi l e
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1. What is used in hydraulic systems to transmit pressure?
2. What do pneumatic systems use to create pressure?
3. How do you control the hunidity or moisture content of air in an aircraft?
4. How do you maintain a constant-speed drive in an aircraft electrical generator?
5. What 2 types of electrical power are used in an aircraft?
Self Assessment Questions
Do not mark the paper
in any way - write your
answers on a separate
piece of paper.
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1. The cockpit is the point from which the pilot controls all of the workings of
the aircraft. For a combat aircraft, the crew is confined to this area, so every single
control necessary must be provided. These controls must be easily reached, easily
operated and logically arranged, so that the pilot instinctively knows where to find
them, and mistakes are avoided. All of the information the crew need to carry out
their duties must be presented in a clear and logical way, and no vital indication
must be missed. As far as the pilot is concerned, the cockpit is the most important
part of the aircraft. Since it is the pilots workplace, it must also be as comfortable
and safe as possible.
2. This means that the cockpit is very complicated, with every suitable surface
used for instruments and controls. Although the cockpit of each aircraft type is different
to every other, the general layout is similar, which helps crew adjust quickly when
they fly different aircraft types.
3. The greatest problem facing cockpit designers is to decide what information
to show and in what way. If too much information is shown, the most important could
be difficult to find. If too little is shown, the crew may not have information they need
to fly the mission successfully. The instruments which are in constant use are grouped
together directly in front of the pilot, on the main instrument panel, with other instruments
and controls arranged in groups on the side consoles.
Layout of cockpit
Cockpit - the most
important part of an
ai rcraf t
Fig 12-1 Tornado F3 Cockpit
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4. Whatever the aircraft, the pilot needs to know its attitude (the aircrafts orientation
relative to the horizon), altitude, speed and vertical speed. These instruments are
placed centrally, directly in front of the pilot. Apart from some older aircraft, a standard
T-shaped configuration is used, as shown in Figure **. The instruments are always
placed in the same positions within this shape, although sometimes the functions of
two instruments can be combined. The F-15, for example, has a combined air-speed
indicator and Mach meter (see paragraph 5).
5. The basic instruments needed to give these read-outs are:
Attitude indicator: this indicates to the pilot the position of the horizon relative
to the aircraft, and is also known as the artificial horizon. When visibility is
obscured by cloud or at night, it is not possible to see the real horizon. The
attitude indicator shows the angle of bank of the aircraft, and also the amount
by which the aircraft is flying nose-up or nose-down. It contains a gyroscope,
which is rotating at high speed, and because of this will keep a constant
position in space. By measuring this position, the instrument can indicate
how much the aircrafts attitude has changed. A more modern version is
called an attitude director. It does the same job as the artificial horizon, but
can also receive inputs from other systems, for example ILS (instrument-
landing system), and give directions to the pilot to allow him to fly a particular
flight path.
Horizontal situation indicator: this does a similar job to a compass (in fact, it
has a compass built into it), but displays more information as well. It also
displays the direction to special radio beacons (or VHF omnidirectional radio
range beacons) on the main compass rose scale, and also as a digital readout,
and the distance of the aircraft from the beacon (or distance-measuring
Horizontal situation
i ndi cator
Fig 12-2 Military Aircraft
Attitude Indicator
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equipment). By combining these functions, the aircraft could have a VORDME
ILS receiver, which saves weight.
Air-speed indicator (ASI): taking its input from the pitot-static probe, usually
extending from the nose of the aircraft, this instrument measures the difference
in pressure between two parts of the probe (see Figure 86). The pitot part is
open directly forwards, and receives ram-air, which is at a higher pressure
than the surrounding air because of the forward speed of the aircraft. The
static part of the probe is carefully positioned so that the pressure it receives
is the same as if the aircraft were not moving at all. By comparing these two
pressures inside the ASI, the aircraft speed will be shown. However, it is
important to realise that the ASI shows indicated air-speed (); because air is
compressible, the readout would need to be corrected at speeds above
about half the speed of sound. In fact, IAS is very useful to the pilot, and a
calculation to give true air-speed () can be done quite easily when needed,
using either a hand computer (the Dalton computer) or the aircrafts on-
board computer. Air-speed is always quoted in knots.
Machmeter: at higher speeds, the pilot needs to have speed information
relative to the speed of sound, in other words as a Mach number. So Mach
0.7 is seven tenths of the speed of sound (which is about 760 mph or 1210
km/hr at sea Level), and Mach 2 is twice the speed of sound.
Fi g 12-3 Attitude Director and Horizontal Situation Indicator
Machmet er
Air speed indicator
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Altimeter: by comparing the static pressure provided by the pitot-static probe
with a reference pressure (for example sea-level pressure) the altimeter
indicates the height of the aircraft above the reference height. The scale of
the altimeter is always calibrated in feet. The reference pressure is set on
the instrument in millibars using a small knob, and appears in a small window
on the face of the instrument (Sea level pressure on a standard day is
1013 millibars). In normal cruise, he would use 1013 mb as his reference,
giving instrument reading in height above sea level. When approaching an
airfield, he would set the local pressure at the airfield ground level, so that
his altimeter would read height above ground level. The accuracy of a simple
altimeter is not high enough to allow the pilot to use this alone to show his
height if he needs to carry out landings in poor visibility. The radio altimeter
works by transmitting a radio pulse from the aircraft and measuring the time
before its reflection from the ground is received. Although the time to be
measured is extremely short, the radio altimeter is highly accurate. Because
it works by reflecting radio waves off the ground, it will only give heights
above ground level.
Fig 12-5 Combined Mach-Meter and ASI
Fig 12-4 Principle of the ASI
Al t i met er
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Vertical speed indicator: this instrument shows whether the aircraft is climbing
or descending, and how quickly. It has a zero position, showing level flight,
at the nine oclock position, and is calibrated in feet /minute; if the needle is
below zero, it shows descent, and above the zero shows climb.
6. In both combat and transport aircraft, new aircraft designs are moving towards
the glass cockpit - the use of television-type displays which can be switched to
display a wide range of different information, in colour. For combat aircraft in particular,
this means that a large number of individual instruments can be replaced by one or
two screens. The instruments which are not needed during that part of the flight are
not displayed, but the different display modes or settings will show information which
is relevant to the kind of mission that is being flown. For instance, a display could
show a moving map, so that the aircraft location is kept fixed on the display and the
map moves underneath it. When a weapon is selected, the display could then show
all the information required to use that system. Modern transport aircraft now use TV-
style displays as the main set of instruments, with real instruments used for back-up
only. The screens can also show other information, such as engine, navigation and
servicing data, for use by the ground maintenance engineers. The glass cockpit
system is extremely flexible, and can be set up to give the information in a way which
is most easily read and understood by the crew.
Gl ass cockpi ts
Fig 12-6 Radar Altimeter
Fig 12-7 Vertical Speed Indicator
Vertical Speed Indicator
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7. During flight, especially in combat, a pilot needs to spend as little time as
possible looking down at the instrument panel, so he can concentrate on what is
happening outside, but he still needs the information that the instruments provide. All
combat aircraft have a way around this problem -the head-up display (HUD). The
HUD is made up of a projection system and a glass reflector, built into the cockpit
panel in front of the pilot. The pilot can see through the glass, but it also reflects a
picture showing the most important information from the instruments. The HUD will
also show information from the computer, such as gun sights, target marking and
missile information.
8. Aside from the controls required to steer the aircraft in pitch, roll and yaw,
many of the other systems need instructions from the pilot. Examples of these are
throttles to control engine speed; undercarriage retraction and extension; radio,
navigation and avionics systems; weapon aiming and selection; fuel systems; oxygen
and cabin conditioning systems; laser rangefinder. Each of these systems must have
switches, buttons and indicators to allow their operation. The cockpit is laid out so
that those controls which are least important, or are used least often, are tucked
away, leaving the most accessible areas for the controls to which the pilot needs
quick and easy access. Some controls are combined with others, for instance the
control column may carry switches and buttons to operate the radio, guns and weapon
release. More switches may be added to the throttle levers, since the pilot wishes to
keep his hands on these two controls as much as possible.
Fi g 12-8 Head-up Display
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9. Because of the speed at which jet aircraft fly, it is not possible for a pilot to
jump out of an aircraft in an emergency - the force from the airstream is just too high.
Aircrew rightly wish to be as safe as possible, whatever the situation. Almost all
combat aircraft now have an ejector seat, often known as a bang seat, which ejects
itself and the crew member from the aircraft in an emergency. The seat is operated
by pulling a lever or handle, setting a into action a chain of events which is automatic
from then on. The cockpit canopy is either jettisoned, or shattered by a small
explosive cord embedded in it. Then cartridges or rockets are fired, which propel
the seat up a rail and clear of the aircraft. A small parachute is deployed, which
stabilises the seat, so that it is falling without tumbling. At a safe height, the crew
member is ejected from the seat and his personal parachute deployed.
10. The automatic operation of the ejector seat means that an injured pilot can
be brought safely to earth even if he is very weak or semi-conscious. If a crew
member of a two-seat aircraft is unconscious, and ejection is needed, a commandeject
system means that one crew member can operate his partners ejector seat, saving
his life. The seats fitted to all modern aircraft are of the zero-zero type, meaning they
can be used at zero speed and zero altitude - when the aircraft is standing still on the
runway, for instance if fire breaks out. Ejector seats have saved hundreds of lives
since they were first built into aircraft, and no doubt will save hundreds more.
Fig 12-9 Ejection Seat
Ej ector seats
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11. In the future, much of the progress that is made will be in electronic systems
to improve the capability and performance of the aircraft. In particular, the glass cockpit
concept is likely to become more and more common, with most instruments being
moved onto TV-type screens. Looking further ahead, the main instrument panel may
become one, single display, like a large computer screen, with every instrument
needed being displayed automatically as a colour picture on the screen. The crew
will be able to operate every control in the cockpit just by clicking a few buttons on
his control column, never needing to take his hands off the control column and throttles.
12. Helmet-mounted sights are already being used, especially in helicopters.
The pilot looks through a special visor goggles, which have a weapon sight projected
on them. The weapon can be aimed at the target just by the pilot turning his head so
that the sight points at the target. This system is likely to be used more and more,
because it is fast and easy to operate.
13. The biggest problem in building an aircraft which can turn very tightly in a
dogfight is the ability of the pilot to withstand the g-loads. Tilting the seat back and
raising the pilots legs make him or her much more able to fly in high-g turns without
blacking out, but the seat needs to be brought back upright if the crew need to eject.
This can be done very quickly, in the time that is needed to jettison the canopy. This
illustrates the limiting effects the human body and mind have on future development
of aircraft.
G-l oads
Helmet mounted sight
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1. What is an attitude indicator?
2. What is an altimeter used for?
3. What is a Vertical Speed Indicator used for?
Self Assessment Questions
Do not mark the paper
in any way - write your
answers on a separate
piece of paper.
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1. The change in aircraft design from biplanes to monolane has been brought about
by the ever-increasing need to fly at higher speeds. During the biplane age, only low powered
aeroengines were built, and as the biplane could not fly much beyond w50 mph, a light-
weight structure, braced externally with struts and wires, was suitable. As the action of the
airflow (air loads) on the aircraft was low, doped fabric was satisfactory for covering the
wings, fuselage, etc. The internal strength members (spars) of the biplane wing are
maintained parallel to one another and are of constant thickness throughout their length.
Owing to the external bracing, which takes most of the lift forces, the spars are subject to
reduced bending loads and great depth in this is not necessary.
2. The braced monoplane design is used mainly for small high wing aircraft. The
bracing struts relieve the spars of much of the life forces and a form of wing construction
similar to the biplane is used. To resist the greater bending loads, the spars are deeper than
those of the biplane. In this type of design, frontal area and relative drag are much less than
the biplane of corresponding span.
3. Most modern aircraft are cantilever monoplanes ie the wings are supported at one
end only and decrease in thickness both in plan and elevation towards the wing tip. Air loads
increase with the square of the airspeed and at 615 mph are six times as great as at the 250
mph achieved by the fastest biplane. A fabric wing covering is therefore no longer suitable
and a heavier and more rigid material, such as plywood or thin metal must be used ie high
speed cantilever monoplanes are of stressed skin construction. With the elimination of all
external bracing, the use of stressed skin construction, retractable alighting gear and powerful
aero-engines, aircraft speeds of over 15000 mph have been achieved which is a great
improvement on fabric covered aircraft with a maximum speed of about 250 mph.
4. The fuselage is the body of the aircraft to which the other components such as
mainplanes, tail unit and undercarriage are attached. The fuselage contains the pilot?s
cockpit and may also be fitted with fuel tanks, guns and sometimes the engine, it
accommodates the aircraft and may be provided with a bomb bay or space for freight. An
external fuel tank, termed the ventral fuel tank, may also be fitted.
5. The tailplane reduces pitching movement in flight. It is attached to the rear end of
the fuselage and may consist of a single place or separate port and starboard planes. The
tailplane may be fixed or suitable mechanism may be incorporated to that its angle to the
airflow can be adjusted in flight.
6. The fin, which is the vertical part of the tail, may be built as one with the fuselage or may be
a separate component bolted to the fuselage. Some aircraft are fitted with an upper and
lower fin. The fin provides directional stability.
7. The undercarriage gear may be fixed or retractable. A retractable undercarriage is
divided into two identical units, ie port undercarriage unit and starboard undercarriage unit.
Each unit includes a strut-braced oleo leg which, together with the tyre, absorbs the chock of
landing. The alighting gear also supports the weight of the aircraft when it is on the ground.
Most retraceable undercarriage units are hydraulically operated.
Page 33.4.1-1 Para 1
Page 33.4.1-3 Para 3
Page 33.4.1-4 Para 5
Page 33.4.1-3 Para 4
33.4.1a NOTES
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33.4.2a NOTES
1. Wood. Wooden structures have a high strength/weight ratio, are cheap to produce,
very easy to make and readily absorbed vibration. But wood does not have uniform qualities,
is difficult to obtain in long lengths free from disease and defects, and is difficult to join
without reducing its strength. It is also affected by climatic conditions and is inflammable.
2. Metal. Metal structures are designed to have a high strength/weight ratio, but because
they require special tools and highly skilled labour are more expensive to produce than
wooden structures. Metal has uniform qualities and strength and absorbs vibration, though
it may fail without warning due to fatigue. Although metal will not readily burn, it is subject to
3. Composite. In a composite structure, metal is used for the main structural members
for which suitable wood is difficult to obtain, and wood is used for the less important parts.
Thus the good qualities of each material are used to the best advantage.
Page 33.4.2-1 Para 1
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1. Wings - Fabric Covered. The shape of a wing is governed by the root end, wing tip,
and leading and trailing edge. The space provided for the aileron is termed the aileron gap.
The main strength members of the wing are the spars, which extend from the root end to the
wing tip and consist of upper and lower booms riveted to a spar web. Attached to the spars
and the leading and trailing edges are the ribs, which maintain the correct aerofoil shape,
and to which the fabric covering is secured.
2. As the wing is a cantilever structure ie supported at one end only, it has great depth
at the root end (where the stresses are greater) and decreases in thickness, both in plan
and elevation towards the wing tip. The wing is attached to the fuselage or centre section by
engaging the root end fittings of the spars with the attachment points on the fuselage or
centre section, and securing the root end bolts.
3. Wings - Stressed Skin. The normal type of stressed skin wing consists of a front
spar and a rear spar, together with main ribs, nose ribs, stringers, leading and trailing
edges, wing tip and an alclad covering. Internal bracing is not used as the alclad covering
gives enough rigidity to the wing.
Page 33.4.5-2 Para 3
Page 33.4.5-1 Para 1
33.4.5a NOTES
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1. Fuselage - Stressed Skin. The normal type of stressed skin fuselage consists of
transverse frames or formers, positioned with lengthways members such as longerons or
stringers, and the whole covered with a light alloy covering (alclad). The framework of a
stressed skin structure is of relatively light weight as the alclad covering provides rigidity and
takes the stresses induced by flight. The stressed skin structure also provides a good
streamlined shape and fairing is not usually necessary.
2. Tailplane - Stressed Skin. The stressed skin tailplane is of similar construction to
the stressed skin wing. To enable the pilot to trim the aircraft in flight, some tailplanes have
a tail-adjusting gear. When this device, which can be electrically or mechanically operated, is
fitted, one of the tailplane spars is hinged to the fuselage and the other spar is connected to
the tail-adjusting gear, operation of the device changes the angle of attack of the tailplane.
Page 33.4.6-4 Para 8
Page 33.4.6-2 Para 5
33.4.6a NOTES
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Comparison of Piston and Gas turbine Engines
1. When comparing gas turbine (turbo-jet) engines and piston engines for aircraft
use, you should consider three factors. The mechanical features, the effect of altitude on
each type of engine and the propulsive efficiency. For where the turbo-jet engine produces a
thrust (a straight force in pound), the piston engine produces power (foot pounds per minute).
To obtain a comparison of engine performance, the method of propulsion (propulsive jet
and propeller respectively) should be included in the appraisal.
2. In considering the relative advantages of each power unit it may be said that the
piston engine:
a. Runs efficiently over the full range of engine rpm and can therefore cruise
economically at low power and also develop full power irrespective of forward
b. Has the lower specific fuel consumption.
c. Has quicker acceleration.
d. Is cheaper to make. But?
e. Has the lower power/weight ratio.
3. Conversely, it can be said of the turbo-jet that:
a. There are no intermittent loads on the bearings and it consequently runs smoothly
and without vibration.
b. It has the higher thrust/weight ratio.
c. It is mechanically simpler and has fewer moving parts.
d. Less maintenance is needed.
e. High-octane fuel is not necessary.
f. No ignition system is required during engine running. But ?
g. It is efficient at high engine rpm only.
h. It has relatively slow acceleration.
j. It is of high initial cost.
k. Thrust initially falls with an increase in forward speed although this loss is gradually
regained above 350 mph.
Page 33.4.7-1 Para 1
33.4.7a NOTES
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1. The elevators are hinged surfaces by means of which the aircraft climbs or dives.
They are hinged to the tailplane and moved by operating the control column forwards and
backwards; forward movement of the control column lowers the elevators; backward
movement raises them.
2. The rudder is a hinged surface used in turning the aircraft to port or starboard. The
rudder is hinged to the fin and rear end of the fuselage and moved by operating the rudder
bar or pedals in the cockpit. Left foot forward, the rudder moves to port; right foot forward the
rudder moves to starboard. The tailplane, fin, elevators and rudder are called the ?tail unit?.
3. The flaps are hinged surfaces at the rear of the wings, inboard of the ailerons that,
when lowered, make the aircraft approach more slowly and steeply. The flaps move by
operating a lever or hand-wheel in the cockpit and may be hydraulically, electrically or manually
Page 33.4.9-1 Para 1
33.4.9a NOTES
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Self Assessment Questions - Answer Sheet
Chapter 1 Page 33.4.1-7
1. c
2. c
3. Support the aircraft on the ground and to absorb landing shocks,
allowing the aircraft to land smoothly without bouncing.
4. Using different materials.
Chapter 2 Page 33.4.2-8
1. d
2. Cantilever structure.
3. Stringers and stiffeners to prevent the skin of the aircraft buckling.
Chapter 3 Page 33.4.3-7
1. Wing Loading
2. Using smaller wings
3. Aspect Ratio = Span 2
Chapter 4 Page 33.4.4-8
1. Alloys, steels, titanium and plastics
2. By the use of a fatigue meter and comparing with the manufacturers
Chapter 5 Page 33.4.5-7
1. The internal structure, such as spars and ribs, and the skin, which can
be metal, fabric or composites.
2. They can be machined from a single piece of alloy, called a Billet.
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Self Assessment Questions - Answer Sheet cont...
Chapter 6 Page 33.4.6-6
1. The nose section
The centre section
The aft or rear section
Chapter 8 Page 33.4.8-7
1. A type of shock absorber on the undercarriage
2. A sequencer valve
3. Drum and disc brakes
Chapter 9 Page 33.4.9-9
1. Elevators controls pitch
Rudder control yaw
Ailerons control roll
2. Manual, power assisted and power operated control systems
Chapter 10 Page 33.4.10-6
1. Instrument Landing System
Chapter 11 Page 33.4.11-13
1. Oil
2. High-pressure air
3. By the use of a humidistat
4. By the use of a constant-speed drive
5. 115 volt, 400 Hz, 3-phase and 28 volt, DC
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Self Assessment Questions - Answer Sheet cont...
Chapter 12 Page 33.4.12-9
1. An attitude indicator indicates to a pilot the position of the horizon
relative to the aircraft, also known as the artificial horizon.
2. An altimeter is used in an aircraft to indicate the height above the
reference height.
3. A vertical speed indicator is used in an aircraft to show aircraft climbing
or descending, and how quickly.
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