Matlab/Simulink Exercise: Digital Filter Design: 2 KHZ 3 KHZ R R F
Matlab/Simulink Exercise: Digital Filter Design: 2 KHZ 3 KHZ R R F
Matlab/Simulink Exercise: Digital Filter Design: 2 KHZ 3 KHZ R R F
3) Insert the filter specifications and complete the filter design by pressing Apply.
4) To access the filter coefficients of the designed filter go to the SPTool window and
select Export from the File Menu. Next highlight the designed filter and use the
Export to Workspace button to make the filter parameters accessible on the
The filter parameters are stored under the variable name filt1 in an object-oriented
manner. You can access the filter coefficients as illustrated below.
2) Export the filter parameters in the workspace as in the previous example. For IIR
filters both the numerator and the denominator are required to compute the frequency and
impulse response of the IIR filter.
Frequency Response
Obtain the filter coefficients and frequency response for the above FIR using the
Blackman window method.
D) Design a digital IIR bandpass filter with Butterworth characteristics meeting the
following specifications:
Obtain the filter coefficients and frequency response for the above FIR using the
Blackman window method.